● Linking /r/
The /r/ is pronounced because it is followed by a vowel sound. EG: The car is mine /ðə kɑːrɪz maɪn/
● Intrusive /r/
In words ending in /ə/ where the following word starts with a vowel. EG: /ˈtʃaɪnərən ˈɪndɪə/
- less frequently: after final /ɑ:, ɔ:/
/-pl / The vowel sounds that are affected by elision are mainly the weak centralized /ɪ, ʊ, ə/. There
chapel /ˈtʃæpl/ may be elision of a weak vowel sound in present-day English when it is preceded and
people /ˈpi:pl/ followed by consonants in non-prominent syllables. Elision takes place most frequently when
weak vowel sounds are followed by /l, r, n/. There may also be double vowel elision in the
same word. Exceptions: elision of vowel sounds does not normally occur in nouns ending in
–ful. Examples: fistful, mouthful.
The alveolar plosives /t, d/ when medial in a cluster of three consonants are generally
The dental fricative /θ/ is generally elided from: asthma and isthmus.
The dental fricative /θ/ may sometimes be elided in: months, twelfths, fifths.
words The velar plosive /k/ can also be elided in: asked.
Word final alveolars /t,d/ are generally elided when preceded and followed by consonants.
The glottal fricative /h/ is elided in unaccented, non-initial his, her, himself, herself, have,
has, had.
word There is a tendency to retain the alveolar plosives /t,d/ before initial /h/.
There is a tendency to retain the alveolar plosive /t/ in /-lt/, /-nt/ combinations. Exc:
Disyllabic contracted negative forms.
Juxtapositional assimilation
Word-final alveolars /t, d, n, s, z/ tend to assimilate to the place of articulation of the following consonant but retaining
the original voicing. This usually happens at word boundary but it can also occur word-internally.
/s/ /ʃ/ in case you need it. → /ɪŋ keɪʃju niːd ɪt/ → /ɪŋ keɪʃ ʃu niːd ɪt/
/z/ /ʒ/ Hasyour letter come? → /həʒjɔ: ˈletə kʌm/ → /həʒ ʒɔ: ˈletə kʌm/
Coalescent assimilation
Coalesce → combine to form one single segment. Frequently used in word boundaries but also in internal position in
some words. The options without it are considered “a more studied, conservative style of speech”. In other cases, it is
variable and depends on speech style. However, they are becoming more frequent in RP
/t/ /j/ /tʃ/ put yourself /ˈpʊtʃɔːself/, meet you /ˈmiːtʃu/, let you/ˈletʃu/
/d/ /dʒ/ Did you /ˈdɪdʒu/, Could you /ˈkʊdʒu/, Would you /ˈwʊdʒu/
● Is the reduction of a sequence of vowels: a diphthong becomes a monophthong (=pure vowel),
sometimes preceded by a semivowel.
● In RARE cases of syllables containing triphthongs, they’re reduced into diphthongs and even
brilliant /ˈbrɪ.li.ənt/ → /ˈbrɪ.ljɪənt/ romantic /rəʊ.ˈmæn.tɪk/ →/rəˈmæn.tɪk/
3. Discourse Intonation
DI uses the term tone unit for this minimal unit of analysis and defines it as “the stretch of
language that carries the systematically-opposed features of intonation”
● Tonic segment: An obligatory segment in a tone unit delimited by the first and last
prominent syllables.
● Proclitic segment: This is the stretch before the beginning of the tonic segment. It does
not contain prominent syllables. This is an optional element.
● Onset: this is the first prominent syllable in a tone unit.
● Tonic: This is the last prominent syllable in the tone unit.
● Enclitic segment: This is the stretch that extends after the tonic segment. It does not
contain prominent syllables. This is an optional element.
It is there that the speaker makes choices at the level of the four subsystems intonation
consists of, according to this model: prominence, tone, key and termination.
Prominence: when we speak we can highlight syllables of certain words we consider important
in a specific context. Those are called prominent syllables, while the rest, non-prominent.
Prominence involves “variation on the dimension of pitch, loudness and time”. The last
prominent syllable of a tone unit, called the tonic syllable.
tone contributes to meaning transmission through major pitch movements that start on
the tonic syllable.
- proclaiming tones: falling, and rising falling
- referring: rising, and falling rising tones
- and the level tone.
in Standard British English are the falling and the falling-rising tones. These two tones
represent basic distinctions: the status of information, the social meanings of tones and the
roles and status of the speakers in a communicative situation.
key and termination, are linguistically significant pitch level choices (high, mid and low) at
certain points in the tone unit. While the former, key, is realized on the onset (the first
prominent syllable in a tone unit), the latter, on the tonic (the last prominent syllable in the
tone unit.
● After-tax income: is the net income after deducting all federal, state, and withholding
● divvy something ↔ up: to share something between several people
● peanut brittle: is a type of confection consisting of flat broken pieces of hard sugar
candy embedded with nuts such as pecans, almonds, or peanuts,[1] and which are
usually less than 1 cm thick.
● An action figure: is a poseable character model figure made most commonly of plastic,
● beret: a round cap with a tight band around the head and a soft loose top part
● A backorder: is an order for a good or service that cannot be filled at the current time
due to a lack of available supply.
● Epaulette: is a type of ornamental shoulder piece or decoration used as insignia of rank
by armed forces and other organizations.
● blunder: a careless or stupid mistake
5. Perceiving tones
This subsystem consists of five possible options: falling, and rising falling (also called
proclaiming tones); rising, and falling rising tones (also called referring); and the level tone
(also called neutral).
- why:
- how:
- where:
- who:
- when:
- whose:
- here:
- there:
- well:
- now:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
......John .....Kate .....Bryan .....Mark .....Chris .....Paul .....Kim .....then ..... you
● Level tone: (→) the one in which pitch remains relatively neutral. The speaker may not be in
a position to proclaim or refer and, consequently, chooses the level tone. It shows that the
speaker is not engaged with the hearer. Put differently, the speaker disengages from the
interaction to retrieve a word and, once it has been obtained, s/he gets back into the
interaction. It has been described as the ideal tone to “signal information that is routined or
Intonation: Questions
Wh- questions end with a falling movement and Yes-no questions end with a rising pitch
finding-out interested in getting information they falling tone
questions. don’t know (rather than giving, they are
seeking new information.)
The most obvious effect of this is that the storyteller, once established in the dominant role, can
expect to be allowed to proceed uninterrupted to the end of the narrative.
- . The rising tone may be used to capture the audience's attention and enable them to follow
the story.
FINAL 2025:
Alumnos libres
Los/las estudiantes libres rinden un examen final con programa completo. Dicho
examen consiste en una sección escrita (teórico-práctica), y una sección oral. Ambas
secciones serán eliminatorias. La sección oral será la misma para todos los/las
estudiantes, ya sean libres o regulares.
3. Marcado de acentuación.