NIT+No05+Tender+Notification (1)
NIT+No05+Tender+Notification (1)
NIT+No05+Tender+Notification (1)
6 Integrity Pact 21 to 28
7 Affidavit – I. 29
8 Format of Receipt of Deposition of Original EMD 30
9 Additional Condition & List of Approved Makes of 31 to 32
10 Schedule of Quantities 33 to 34
The Assistant Engineer (E), CESD-2/II, CPWD, MSME Campus, Guindy, Chennai-32 on
behalf of President of India invites online percentage rate tender from the eligible
contractors of CPWD Enlisted in Composite Category in single bid system for
execution of the following works:
1. The intending bidder must read the terms and conditions of CPWD-6 carefully. He
should only submit his bid if he considers himself eligible and he is in possession
of all the documents required as per the list @ Sl.No.11 below”.
2. Information and Instructions for bidders posted on website shall form part of bid
3. The bid document consisting of specifications, the schedule of quantities of
various types of items to be executed and the set of terms and conditions of the
contract to be complied with and other necessary documents can be seen and
downloaded from website or or Free of cost.
4. Those contractors not registered on the website mentioned above, are required to
get registered beforehand. If needed they can be imparted training on online
bidding process as per details available on the website.
5. The intending bidder must have valid class-III digital signature to submit the bid.
6. Contractor can upload documents in the form of JPG format and PDF Format.
7. Contractor must ensure to quote rate of each item. The column meant for quoting
rate is left blank ,and no rate is quoted by the bidder, rate of such item shall be
treated as “0”(ZERO).
8. The eligibility bid shall be opened first on due date and time as mentioned above.
The time and date of opening of the Financial bid of contractors qualifying in the
eligibility bid shall be communicated to them at a later date.
9. When bids are invited in three stage system and if it is desired to submit revised
financial bid then it shall be mandatory to submit revised financial bid.if not
submitted then the bid submitted earlier shall become invalid.
10. The department reserves the right to reject any prospective application without
assigning any reason and to restrict the list of qualified contractors to any number
deemed suitable by it, if too many bids are received satisfying the laid down
11. A. List of documents to be scanned and uploaded within the period of bid
c) GST registration Certificate of the state in which the work is to be taken up,
if already obtained by the bidder. If the bidder has not obtained GST
registration in the state in which the work is to be taken up, or as required
by GST authorities, then in such a case the bidder shall scan and upload
following undertaking along with other bid document “If work is awarded to
me, I/we shall obtain GST registration certificate of the state, in which work
is to be taken up, within one month from the date of receipt of award letter
or before release of any payment by CPWD, whichever is earlier, failing which
I/We shall be responsible for any delay in payments which will be due
towards me/us on a/c of the work executed and / or for any action taken by
CPWD or GST department in this regard. (Undertaking, if any submitted, shall be
work specific and the name of work shall be indicated).
Percentage rate bids are invited on behalf of President of India from the eligible
contractors of CPWD Enlisted in Composite Category in single bid system for
execution of the following works:
1.2.1 Conditions for Non-CPWD contractors only, if bids are also open to non- CPWD
contractors. For works estimated cost up to Rs. 15 Crore ( the figure of Rs. 15 Crore may
be modified as per bidding limit of CPWD class I/ Group A contractors of respective
discipline such as Electrical, Horticulture and Furniture etc. as the case may be). Three
similar works each of value not less than Rs. ..................... or two similar work each of
value not less than Rs. ..................... or one similar work of value not less than Rs.
..................... (all figures rounded to nearest Rs.10 lac) in last 7 years ending last day of
the month previous to the one in which the bids are invited.
Note :-
For works costing above Rs. 3 Crore but up to Rs. 15 Crore, ( the figure of Rs. 3 Crore
and Rs. 15 Crore may be modified as per bidding limit of CPWD class II/ Group B and
CPWD Class I/ Group A contractors respectively of respective discipline such as
Electrical, Horticulture and Furniture etc. as the case may be) when bids are open to
non-CPWD contractors also, then class II contractors of CPWD shall also be eligible if
they satisfy the eligibility criteria specified in 1.2.1 above.
1.2.2 Criteria of eligibility for CPWD as well as non-CPWD contractors.
For works estimated to cost above Rs. 15 Crore. (the figure of Rs. 15 Crore may be
modified as per bidding limit of CPWD class I/ Group A contractors of respective
discipline such as Electrical, Horticulture and Furniture etc. as the case may be)
1.2.3 When bids are invited from non CPWD contractors and CPWD class II contractors
as per provisions of clause 1.2.1 above, it will be mandatory for non CPWD contractors
and CPWD class-II contractors to upload the work experience certificate(s) and the
affidavit as per the provisions of clause 1.2.2. But for such bids, Class-I contractors of
CPWD are eligible to submit the bids without submission of work experience certificate
and affidavit. Therefore, CPWD class-I contractors shall upload two separate letters for
experience certificate and affidavit that these documents are not required to be
submitted by them. Uploading of these two letters is mandatory otherwise system will
not clear mandatory fields.
2. Agreement shall be drawn with the successful bidders on prescribed Form No.
CPWD 7/8 (or other Standard Form as mentioned) which is available as a Govt. of
India Publication and also available on website Bidders shall
quote his rates as per various terms and conditions of the said form which will
form part of the agreement.
3. The time allowed for carrying out the work will be ONE MONTH from the date of
start as defined in schedule ‘F’ or from the first date of handing over of the site,
whichever is later, in accordance with the phasing, if any, indicated in the bid
4. The site for the work is available.
5. The bid document consisting of plans, specifications, the schedule of quantities of
various types of items to be executed and the set of terms and conditions of the
contract to be complied with and other necessary documents except Standard
General Conditions of Contract Form can be seen on website or free of cost.
6. After submission of the bid the contractor can re-submit revised bid any number
of times but before last time and date of submission of bid as notified.
7. White submitting the revised bid, contractor can revise the rate of one or more
item(s) any number of times (he need not re-enter rate of all the items) but before
last time and date of submission of bid as notified.
7.A. No running account bill shall be Paid for the work till the applicable
Labour license, registration with GST EPFO, ESIC and BOCW welfare board,
whatever applicable are submitted by the contractor To the Engineer-in-
8. Earnest Money in the form of Treasury Challan or Demand Draft or Pay order or
Banker`s Cheque or Deposit at Call Receipt or Fixed Deposit Receipt (drawn in
favour of Executive Engineer (E), CCED-III, CPWD, Chennai-40 shall be
scanned and uploaded to the e-tendering website with in the period of bid
submission. The original EMD should be deposited either in the office of
Executive Engineer, CCED-III or division office of any Executive Engineer,
CPWD with in the period of bid submission.
A part of earnest money is acceptable in the form of bank guarantee also. In such case,
50% of earnest money or Rs. 20 lac, whichever is less, shall have to be deposited in
shape prescribed above, and balance may be deposited in shape of Bank Guarantee of
any scheduled bank having validity for 6 months or more from the last date of receipt of
bids which is to be scanned and uploaded by the intending bidders.
The physical EMD of the scanned copy of EMD uploaded shall be deposited by the lowest
tenderer before the due date and time stipulated for opening of eligibility bid,
failing which the tender shall be rejected forthwith.
The following undertaking in this regard shall also be uploaded by the intending bidders.
“ The physical EMD shall be deposited by me/us with the EE calling the tender in case
i/we become the lowest tenderer with in a week of the opening of financial bid otherwise
department may reject the tender and also take action to withdraw my/our enlistment.
The intending bidder has to fill all the details such as Banker's name, Demand
Draft/Fixed Deposit Receipt /Pay Order/ Banker's Cheque/Bank Guarantee number,
amount and date.
The amount of EMD can be paid by multiple Demand Draft / Pay Order / Banker's
Cheque / Deposit at call receipt / Fixed Deposit Receipts along with multiple Bank
Guarantee of any Scheduled Bank if EMD is also acceptable in the form of Bank
Copy of Enlistment Order and other documents as specified in the press notice, shall be
scanned and uploaded to the e-Tendering website within the period of bid submission.
Online bid documents submitted by intending bidders shall be opened only of those
bidders, whose EMD deposited with any division office of CPWD and other documents
submitted in office are found in order.
The bid submitted shall be opened as per page no 02 forming part of bid document and
to be posted on website.
The contractor whose bid is accepted will also be required to furnish either copy of
applicable licenses/registrations or proof of applying for obtaining labour license,
registration with EPFO, ESIC and BOCW welfare board and programme chart (time
and progress) with in the period specified in Schedule-F. The applicable and eligible
amount of EPF & ESI shall be reimbursed on submission of documentary proof of
payment provided same are in order.
11. Intending Bidders are advised to inspect and examine the site and its
surroundings and satisfy themselves before submitting their bids as to the nature
of the ground and sub-soil (so far as is practicable), the form and nature of the
site, the means of access to the site, the accommodation they may require and in
general shall themselves obtain all necessary information as to risks,
contingencies and other circumstances which may influence or affect their bid. A
bidder shall be deemed to have full knowledge of the site whether he inspects it or
not and no extra charge consequent on any misunderstanding or otherwise shall
be allowed. The bidders shall be responsible for arranging and maintaining at his
own cost all materials, tools & plants, water, electricity access, facilities for
workers and all other services required for executing the work unless otherwise
specifically provided for in the contract documents. Submission of a bid by a
bidder implies that he has read this notice and all other contract documents and
has made himself aware of the scope and specifications of the work to be done and
of conditions and rates at which stores, tools and plant, etc. will be issued to him
by the Government and local conditions and other factors having a bearing on the
execution of the work.
12. The competent authority on behalf of the President of India does not bind itself to
accept the lowest or any other bid and reserves to itself the authority to reject any
or all the bids received without the assignment of any reason. All bids in which
any of the prescribed condition is not fulfilled or any condition including that of
conditional rebate is put forth by the bidders shall be summarily rejected.
13. Canvassing whether directly or indirectly, in connection with bidders is strictly
prohibited and the bids submitted by the contractors who resort to canvassing will
be liable for rejection.
14. The competent authority on behalf of President of India reserves to himself the
right of accepting the whole or any part of the bid and the bidders shall be bound
to perform the same at the rate quoted.
15. The contractor shall not be permitted to bid for works in the CPWD Circle
(Division in case of contractors of Horticulture/Nursery category) responsible for
award and execution of contracts, in which his near relative is posted a Divisional
Accountant or as an officer in any capacity between the grades of Superintending
Engineer and Junior Engineer (both inclusive). He shall also intimate the names of
persons who are working with him in any capacity or are subsequently employed
by him and who are near relatives to any gazetted officer in the Central Public
Works Department or in the Ministry of Urban Development. Any breach of this
condition by the contractor would render him liable to be removed from the
approved list of contractors of this Department.
Percentage Rate Tender & Contract for Works
Issued to ………………………………………………………………………..
Signature of officer issuing the documents …………………………………………
Designation: Assistant Engineer (Elect), CESD-2/II, CPWD, Chennai-32.
Date of Issue 25-05-2024.
I/We have read and examined the notice inviting tender, schedule, A, B, C, D, E & F
Specifications applicable, Drawings & Designs, General Rules and Directions, Conditions
of Contract, clauses of contract, Special conditions, Schedule of Rate & other documents
and Rules referred to in the conditions of contract and all other contents in the tender
document for the work.
I/We hereby tender for the execution of the work specified for the President of India
within the time specified in Schedule ‘F’ viz., schedule of quantities and in accordance in
all respect with the specifications, designs, drawing and instructions in writing referred
to in Rule-1 of General Rules and Directions and in Clause 11 of the Conditions of
contract and with such materials as are provided for, by, and in respect of accordance
with, such conditions so far as applicable.
We agree to keep the tender open for (30) Thirty days from the date of opening of
financial bid in case tenders are invited on 3 envelop system and not to make any
modification in its terms and conditions.
performance guarantee absolutely, otherwise the said earnest money shall be retained by
him towards security deposit to execute all the works referred to in the tender documents
upon the terms and conditions contained or referred to those in excess of that limit at
the rates to be determined in accordance with the provision contained in Clause 12.2
and 12.3 of the tender form. Further, I/We agree that in case of forfeiture of Earnest
Money & Performance Guarantee as aforesaid. I/We shall be debarred for participation in
the re-tendering process of the work.
I/We undertake and confirm that eligible similar work(s) has/have not been got executed
through another contractor on back to back basis. Further that, if such a violation
comes to the notice of Department, then I/We shall be debarred for tendering in CPWD
in future forever. Also, if such a violation comes to the notice of Department before date
of start of work, the Engineer-in-Charge shall be free to forfeit the entire amount of
Earnest Money Deposit/Performance Guarantee.
I/We hereby declare that I/We shall treat the tender documents drawings and other
records connected with the work as secret/confidential documents and shall not
communicate information/derived there from to any person other than a person to whom
I/We am/are authorized to communicate the same or use the information in any manner
prejudicial to the safety of the State.
The above tender (as modified by you as provided in the letters mentioned hereunder) is
accepted by me for and on behalf of the President of India for a sum of Rs.
……………………………..…….. (Rupees
The letters referred to below shall form part of this contract agreement:
For & on behalf of President of India
Dated: Designation…………………….
(Separate Performa for Civil, Elect. & Hort. Works in case of Composite Tenders)
(Operative Schedules to be supplied separately to each intending tenderer)
Reference to General Conditions of contract.
GENERAL RULES & DIRECTIONS: Officer inviting tender : The Assistant Engineer
(Elect), CESD-2/II, CPWD, Chennai -32.
Maximum percentage for quantity of items of work to be executed beyond which rates are
to be determined in accordance with Clauses 12.2 & 12.3: See below
Clause 1
(i) Time allowed for submission of Performance Guarantee, Programme chart
(Time and progress) Applicable Labour license, Certificate of Registration EPFO, ESIC,
if Proof of application for the same uploaded: 7 days
(ii) Maximum allowable extension with late fee 0.1% Per day of performance
guarantee amount the Period provided in (i) above : 5 days
Clause 2
Authority for fixing compensation under clause 2 : CE (Chennai Region)
Clause 2A
Whether Clause 2A shall be applicable: No
Clause 5
Number of days from the date of issue of letter of acceptance for reckoning date of start
: 5 days
Authority to decide:
(i) Extension of time : The Assistant Engineer(E), CESD-2/II, CPWD, Chennai-32.
(ii) Rescheduling of mile stones : NA
Clause 6, 6A
Clause applicable – 6A
Gross work to be done together with net payment/adjustment of advances for material
collected, if any, since the last such payment for being eligible to interim payment:
Clause 10A: List of testing equipment to be provided by the contractor at site lab.:
Clause 10B(ii):
Whether Clause 10 B (ii) shall be applicable : No
Clause 10C:
Component of labour expressed as percent of value of work = 100%
* Base price of all the materials covered under clause 10 CA is to be mentioned at the
time of approval of NIT.
Schedule of component of other Materials, Labour, POL etc. for price escalation.
Component of civil (except materials covered under)
Clause 11
Specifications to be followed : for execution of work:
(i) CPWD General Specifications for Electrical works Part I Internal - 2013, as
amended upto date.
(ii) CPWD General Specifications for Electrical works Part II External - 1994, as
amended upto date.
12.2. & 12.3 Deviation Limit beyond which clauses 12.2 & 12.3 shall apply for building
work : 100%
12.5 Deviation Limit beyond which clauses 12.2 & 12.3 shall apply for foundation work :
Not applicable
Clause 16
Competent Authority for deciding reduced rates : CE (Chennai Region)
Clause 18
List of mandatory machinery, tools & plants to be deployed by the contractor at site:
Contractor Shall submit the report by 4th and 19th of every month
1 Number of labourers employed
2 Working Hours
3 Wages Paid
4 Accidents occurred
5 Number of female workers employed
Clause 25(i)
Constitution of Dispute Redressal Committee:
The Chief Engineer, Chennai.
Subject: Notice for appointment of Arbitrator for adjudication of disputes relating to
agreement Number…………...
Dear Sir,
In terms of clause 25 (Arbitration Clause) of the aforesaid agreement, particulars of
which are given below, I/we hereby give you notice to appoint an arbitrator for
adjudication of disputes mentioned below:
1. Name of applicant
2. Whether applicant is Individual/Prop. Firm/Partnership Firm/Ltd. Co.
3. Full address of the applicant
4. Name of the work and contract number in which arbitration sought
5. Name of the Division which entered into contract
6. Contract amount
7. Date of contract
8. Stipulated date of start of work
9. Stipulated date of completion of work
10. Actual date of completion of work (if completed)
11. Total number of claims made
12. Total amount claimed
13. Date of intimation of final bill (if work is completed)
14. Date of payment of final bill (if work is completed)
15. Amount of final bill (if work is completed)
16. Date of reference made to SDG/ADG for conciliation, if applicable:
17. Date of termination of conciliation proceedings:
18. I/We hereby give consent for appointment of Arbitrator of MoHUA Waiver
agreement as per Appendix –XIX is enclosed
I/We do not give consent for appointment of Arbitrator of MoHUA.
I/We certify that the information given above is true to the best of my/our
knowledge. I/We enclose following documents.
1. Statement of claims with amount of claims.
2. * Agreement of Waiver of Section 12(5) of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act.
1996 in Appendix-XIX
(Strikeout if not applicable)
Yours faithfully,
Copy to:
Agreement towards waiver of Section 12(5) of Arbitration & Conciliation
Act 1996
(Only the person/authority who signed the contract should sign here)
Name ……………………………..
Date …………
5. We, ……………………………. (indicate the name of the Bank) further agree with
the Government that the Government shall have the fullest liberty without our
consent and without affecting in any manner our obligation hereunder to vary any of
the terms and conditions of the said agreement or to extend time of performance by
the said Contractor(s) from time to time or to postpone for any time or from time to
time any of the powers exercisable by the Government against the said contractor(s)
and to forbear or enforce any of the terms and conditions relating to the said
agreement and we shall not be relieved from our liability by reason of any such
variation, or extension being granted to the said Contractor(s) or for any forbearance,
act of omission on the part of the Government or any indulgence by the Government
to the said Contractor(s) or by any such matter or thing whatsoever which under the
law relating to sureties would, but for this provision, have effect of so relieving us.
6. This guarantee will not be discharged due to the change in the constitution of the
Bank or the Contractor(s).
7. We, ……………………………. (indicate the name of the Bank) lastly undertake not to
revoke this guarantee except with the previous consent of the Government in
8. This guarantee shall be valid up to …………………………unless extended on demand by
the Government Not withstanding anything mentioned above, our liability against this
guarantee is restricted to Rs. …………………… (Rupees ………………..) and unless a
claim in writing is lodged with us within six months of the date of expiry or the
extended date of expiry of this guarantee all our liabilities under this guarantee shall
stand discharged. Dated the……………… of
……………………for………………….(indicate the name of the Bank)
Some field Units have raised their doubts regarding submission of duly signed
Integrity Pact by the bidder at the time of submission of bid. In this regard it
is clarified that :-
2. In case of manual tendering Executive Engineer should sign the first page
addressed to the intending bidder at the time of issue of tender form and
before submission of the bid, each bidder shall sign IP at respective places
and submit the bid. If duly signed IP is not submitted by the bidder, such
bid shall not be considered.
Integrity Pacts
Dear Sir,
It is here by declared that CPWD is committed to follow the principle of
transparency, equity and competitiveness in public procurement.
The Subject Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) is an invitation to offer made on the
condition that the Bidder will sign the integrity Agreement, which is an integral part of
tender/bid documents, failing which the bidder/bidder will stand disqualified from the
tendering process and the bid of the bidder would be summarily rejected.
The declaration shall form part and parcel of the Integrity Agreement and signing
of the same shall be deemed as acceptance and signing of the Integrity Agreement on
behalf of the CPWD.
Yours faithfully,
Integrity Pacts
The Assistant Engineer (E)
Chennai - 600 032.
Dear Sir,
To be signed by the bidder and same signatory competent/authorized to sign the
relevant contract on behalf of CPWD
This Integrity Agreement is made at …………on this …………day of ………… .20…..
President of India represented through Executive Engineer ,CHENNAI ELECTRICAL
DIVISION , CPWD, CHENNAI-40 (Hereinafter referred as the ‘Principal/Owner’, which
expression shall unless repugnant to the meaning or context hereof include its
successors and permitted assigns)
(Name and Address of the Individual/firm/Company)
through …………………………………………………(Hereinafter referred to as the
(Details of duly authorized signatory)
“Bidder/Contractor” and which expression shall unless repugnant to the meaning or
context hereof include its successors and permitted assigns)
WHEREAS the Principle / Owner has floated the Tender (NIT No ………………..)
(hereinafter referred to as “Tender/Bid” ) and intends to award, under laid down
organizational procedure, contract for
Name of Work:- Up gradation of Infrastructural facilities for Regional Training Institute
Chennai. SH : Providing split AC unit, LED Fittings and refilling of Fire Extinguishers
hereinafter referred to as the “Contract”
AND WHEREAS the Principle/Owner values full compliance with all relevant laws of the
land, rules, regulations, economics use of resources and of fairness/transparency in its
relation with its Bidder(s) and Contractor(s).
AND WHEREAS to meet the purpose aforesaid boat the parties have agreed to enter into
this Integrity Agreement (hereinafter referred to as “Integrity Pact” or “Pact”). The
terms and conditions of which shall also be read as integral part and parcel of the
Tender/Bid documents and Contract between the parties.
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of mutual covenants contained in this Pact, the
parties hereby agree as follows and this Pact witnesses as under :-
Article 1 : Commitment of the Principal/Owner
1) The Principal/Owner commits itself to take all measures necessary to prevent
corruption and to observe the following principles:
(a) No employee of the Principal/Owner, personally or through any of his or
her family members, will in connection with the Tender, or the execution
of the Contract, demand , take a promise for or accept, for self or third
person, any material or immaterial benefit which, the person is not
legally entitled to.
(b) The Principal/Owner will, during the Tender process, treat all Bidder(s)
with equity and reason. The Principal/Owner will, in particular, before
and during the Tender process, provide to all Bidder(s) the same
information and will not provide to any Bidder(s) confidential /additional
information through which the Bidder(s) could obtain an advantage in
relation to the Tender process or the Contract execution.
(c) The Principal/Owner shall endeavor to exclude from the Tender process
any person, whose conduct in the past has been of biased nature.
2) The Principal /Owner obtains information on the conduct of any of its
employees which is a criminal offence under the Indian Penal code
(IPC)/Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 (PC Act) or is in violation of the
principles herein mentioned or if there be a substantive suspicion in this
regard, the Principal/Owner will inform the Chief Vigilance Officer and in
addition can also initiate disciplinary actions as per its internal laid down
policies and procedures.
Article 2 : Commitment of the Bidder(s)/Contractor(s)
1) It is required that each Bidder/Contractor (including their respective officers,
employees and agents ) adhere to the highest ethical standards and report to
the Government /Department all suspected acts of fraud or corruption or
Coercion or Collusion of which it has knowledge or becomes aware, during
the tendering process and throughout the negotiation or award of a contract.
2) The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) commits himself to take all measures necessary to
prevent corruption. He commits himself to observe the following principles
during his participation in the Tender process and during the Contract
execution. :
a) The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) will not, directly or through any other person or
firm, offer, promise or give to any of the Principal/Owner’s employees involved
in the Tender process or execution of the contract or to any third person any
material or other benefit which he/she is not legally entitled to, in order to
obtain in exchange any advantage of any kind whatsoever during the Tender
process or during the execution of the Contract.
b) The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) will not enter with other Bidder(s) into any
undisclosed agreement or understanding, whether formal or informal. This
applies in particular to prices, specifications, certifications, subsidiary
contracts, submission or non-submission of bids or any other actions to
restrict competitiveness or to cartelize in the bidding process.
c) The Bidder(s)/Contractors will not commit any offence under the relevant
IPC/PC Act. Further the Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) will not use improperly, (For
the purpose of competition or personal gain), or pass on to others, any
information or documents provided by the Principal/Owner as part of the
business relationship, regarding plans, technical proposals and business
details, including information contained or transmitted electronically.
d) The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) of foreign origin shall disclose the names and
addresses of agents/representatives in India, if any. Similarly
Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) of Indian Nationality shall disclose names and
addresses of foreign agents/representatives if any. Either the Indian agent on
behalf of the foreign principal or the foreign principal directly could bid in a
tender but not both. Further in cases where an agent participate in a tender
on behalf of one manufacturer, he shall not be allowed to quote on behalf of
5) It is agreed term and condition that any dispute or difference arising between
the parties with regard to the terms of this Integrity Agreement / Pact, any
action taken by the Owner/Principal in accordance with this Integrity
Agreement/ Pact or Interpretation thereof shall not be subject to
All rights and remedies of the parties hereto shall be in addition to all the other legal
rights and remedies belonging to such parties under the Contract and/or law and the
same shall be deemed to be cumulative and not alternative to such legal rights and
remedies aforesaid. For the sake of brevity, both the parties agree that this Integrity Pact
will have precedence over the Tender/Contract documents with regard any of the
provisions covered under this Integrity Pact.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have signed and executed this Integrity Pact at the
place and date first above mentioned in the presence of following witnesses:
(For and on behalf of Principal/Owner)
(For and on behalf of Bidder/Contractor)
1 …………………………………..
(Signature, name and address)
2 …………………………………..
(Signature, name and address)
` Place :
Dated :
We undertake and confirm that our firm has not been blacklisted by any
State/Central Departments/PSUs/ Autonomous bodies during the last 7 years of its
operations. Further that, if such an information comes to the notice of the Department,
then we shall be debarred for bidding in CPWD in future forever. Also, if such an
information comes to the notice of department on any day before date of start of work the
Engineer in charge shall be free to cancel the agreement and to forfeit the entire amount
of Earnest Money Deposit/Performance Guarantee.
1. Name of Contractor#
With email Id :-
2. Form of EMD#
i) The Authority receiving EMD in original form examines the EMD deposited by the bidder and issues
receipt of deposition of earnest money to the agency in a given format uploaded by tender inviting authority.
The receipt can also be issued by any subordinate gazetted authority as authorized by the EE/Engineer in
ii) The authority receiving original EMD also intimates tender inviting authority about deposition of EMD by
the agency by email/fax/telephonically.
iii) The original EMD receiving authority releases the EMD to unsuccessful bidders after the expiry of
stipulated bid validity period or immediately after acceptance of the successful bidder, whichever is earlier,
after verification from the e-tendering portal website (>tender free view> advance
search>awarded tenders) that the particular contractor is not L-1 bidder and work is awarded.
iv) The tender inviting authority calls for original EMD of the L1 bidder from EMD receiving authority
Note:- Earnest Money in the form of Treasury Challan or Demand Draft or Pay order
or Banker`s Cheque or Deposit at Call Receipt or Fixed Deposit Receipt (drawn in
favour of Executive Engineer (E), CCED-III, CPWD, Chennai-40.
1. The work shall be carried out in accordance with the CPWD General Specification for
electrical works (Part I Internal 2013, Part II external 1995 and Part –IV Sub Station) as
amended up to date. The installation shall comply with the requirements of Indian
Electricity Rules 1956 as amended up to date and NEC 2011.
2. All repairs and patch work shall be neatly carried out to match with the original finish and
to the entire satisfaction of Engineer-in-Charge. Any damage done to the building during
the execution of electrical work shall be the responsibility of the electrical contractor and
the same will be made good immediately at his own cost to the satisfaction of the Engineer-
in-Charge. Any expenditure incurred by the department in this connection shall be
recovered from the contractor and decision of the Engineer-in-Charge about recovery shall
be final.
3. The contractor has to make his own arrangement for stores and watch & ward and no extra
claim for this will be entertained.
4. The contractor has to make his own arrangement at his own cost for the entire general and
special T&P required on the work.
5. All the debris due to the Electrical works shall be removed from the site by the contractor
as soon as the work is completed. Similarly rejected materials should be immediately be
cleared from the site by the contractor. Otherwise a recovery @ 50/- per day shall be made.
6. All tendered rates shall be inclusive of all taxes & levies payable under respective statutes,
GST, or any other tax on material in respect of the contract shall be payable by the
Contractor & Government will not entertain any claim whatsoever in respect of the same.
7. Earthing lugs shall be provided for connecting all earth wires to all switch boxes / boards
without any extra cost.
8. Statutory deduction of GST as applicable, CESS 1% and IT 2% shall be recovered from the
bills to payable to the contractor.
9. The copper wire to be used on the work shall be multi-strand and ISI marked.
10. Any accident / injury happened to the worker during the course of duty, the sole
responsibility lies on the contractor for accident / injury. Any risk cover and compensation
if necessary in this regard shall be the responsibility of the contractor and the department
is not liable for payment of any compensation, damages etc. in any way.
11. The Contractor should purchase the materials to be used in the work directly from the
authorized dealer / manufacturer and the Contractor should preserve the proof of the
same. i.e. delivery challan / pro forma invoice / bill etc. till the completion of work and has
to produce the same in case the Engineer-in- Charge demands for, to check the genuinely
of the materials.
12. Care should be taken by the contractor to avoid damage to the building during execution of
his part of the work. The contractor shall be responsible of repairing all damages and
restoring the same to their original finish at his cost.
13. All the LED Bulbs / LED fittings shall be guaranteed for a period of 5 years. Necessary
Guarantee Certificate from the Original Manufacturer / their authorized stockiest / service
partner shall be submitted.
14. 50 % of the performance guarantee shall be refunded to the contractor soon after the
completion of the work and recording of the completion certificate.
16. 50 % of the performance guarantee retained as security deposit plus 2.5 % security deposit
already deducted from running bills (total 2.5 + 2.5 = 5 %) shall be refunded year wise
17. The LED fittings shall give an output of not less than 80 lumen/watt. CRI should be more
than 80.
18. Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) of all LED fittings except 10 W / 20 W batten shall be less
than 10%. For batten fittings THD shall be maximum 15%. Test certificate from
manufacturer / any NABL approved laboratory shall be submitted along with supply of the
19. The materials used in the work shall be one of the approved makes mentioned in
Note: In case make of any equipment or material is not specified in the NIT, the decision of
the Engineer-in-Charge in this regard will be final.