Form Area 4-A.7.2
Form Area 4-A.7.2
Form Area 4-A.7.2
I. Personal Information
Name: _____________________________________________________________
Role: [ ] Parent Volunteer [ ] Student Intern [ ] Community Volunteer
School (if applicable)
School Supervisor/Coordinator:
Start Date: _____________________________________________________________
End Date: _____________________________________________________________
B. Specific Tasks
Assist in setting up and cleaning learning and play areas.
Help CD Teachers/Workers during storytelling, singing, supervised game and other developmentally appropriate
learning activities.
Monitor children during playtime and guide them in social interactions.
Ensure proper routines are followed.
Observe and report any concerns regarding children’s behavior or well-being.
C. Time Commitment
Hours per week: _____________________________________________________________
Work Schedule: [ ] Fixed [ ] Flexible
Expected Duration of Engagement: __________ [ ] days [ ] months [ ] year/s
By signing this form, all parties agree to the terms outlined above.
______________________________________ _________________________________________
Volunteer/Intern’s signature over printed name Supervisor’s signature over printed name