Here are some encounters I used during my campaign. Most are not mine originally. I borrowed stuff from all
over the place.
In the trees above the body, is a Jaculi snake that attacks any creature that comes within 10 ft of the body.
Bite attack: +4 2d6 +2 (or 4d6 + 2 when spring attack)
Path of Glass
Sparkling semi-transparent sharp stones make up large areas of the ground
Carved Boulders
Every few hundred feet the party spots shaped boulders, carved with ancient faces and covered with moss and
vines. Clearing away the coverings reveals the faces have eyes made of gold. Strength check (bonus for
mining tools) DC 15 to extract. Failure results in the chunk of gold falling inside.
Flail Snail
Characters spot the slimy trail of a flail snail. The slime dries into a thin layer of nearly transparent substance
(almost like glass).
If they wish to follow it, a successful DC 10 Wisdom (Survival) check correctly deduces which direction the
snail was traveling.
If attacked and near death, the snail wail attracts 2 girallons.
Combat Notes:
● Tremorsense 60ft - triggers Shell Defense before the party spots it
● Moves away - attacking anyone in range
● Uses Scintillating Shell
● Attacks and moves away
Flail snail barbed flail - Each of the flail snail's tentacles end in a barbed ball of hard bone. Most of these
bones are fractured and cracked, from years of use. However, it may be possible to find one intact. The bone is
valued by weaponsmiths.
Encounter: Ruins
An old stone building in ruins provides a little shelter from the rain. Three adventurers camped here a few
weeks ago and fell prey to a Yellow Musk Creeper. Their gear is lying in one corner of the ruins.
A Yellow musk creeper and a few zombies attack during the night.
Zombie Treasure
Pouch 12 GP, Gray bag of tricks https://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/gray-bag-of-tricks
1. Step in a hole - fully submerged STR Save DC 14 to swim. CON Save DC 12 or Throat Leeches
2. Attacked by Giant Constrictor Snake
3. Log coming toward - DEX Save DC 13
4. Foot stuck - STR Save DC 12
5. Hit by a log - STR Save DC 14 or be knocked into the water and float down stream
6. No issues while crossing
As an action, allies can pull a restrained creature out with rope and a DC 12 Strength (Athletics) check
(modified as above); on a failure the creature sinks 1d4 feet.
To complicate matters, 4 zombies lurk beneath the surface of the quicksand, grabbing anyone sunken within
who fails to escape.
Nessa (Yuan-ti pureblood) - Dark hair, green tunic, hands, arms and legs wrapped in cloth, long curved
dagger, strange green eyes
She has been following the PCs for some time. She lost track of them and climbed a tree to try and find them.
The branch broke, she fell and was pinned by the branch.
Her mission is to kill an explorer and return to Omu with their head to prove her worth to the Yuan-ti priests.
Successful history check reveals some of the following information about Hisari
● Ruined yuan-ti city
● Near the Sky Lizard Mountain volcano
● The volcano is known as the Crown
● Earth swallowed half of the city around the time Ubtao left Chult
● A powerful ward was placed over the city to prevent yuan-ti from returning