Lic Premium
Lic Premium
Lic Premium
The following premium has been received for life insurance policies of Rishabh Verma
Premium/ Service
Number of Tax / GST
Due From Instalments Additional Received Coll. Br.
Policy Number Date Of Premium Amount
Policy Holder's Name Commence. Due To and Received * Date Serv. Br.
Payment Amount
mode (₹) (₹)
128516439 03/04/2024 1 B033
03/05/2020 3,867.00 87.00 07/04/2024
Rishabh Verma 03/04/2024 Mly 118
Total amount received towards premium for the policies listed above is ₹ 42,537.00 for the financial year
Total amount received towards Service Tax / GST for the policies listed above is ₹ 957 for the financial year
This document is electronically generated. In case of any queries, please send SMS as follows -- type "LICHELP
<policy no>" and send it to 9222492224. Our Customerzone Official will get in touch with you shortly.