Case Study: I
Case Study: I
Case Study: I
Namita Dhara Address: Pachim Rameswarpur, P.S- Mahestala , Dist- South 24 Pgs How to contact with CHILDLINE : We got a call from an unknown caller. She informed about a child marriage case at Mahestala area. That caller also visited our office and provided us the childs birth certificate and marriage invitation card. After getting the information our team member went to Budbudge PS and intervened the case. After physical verification of the spot we got to know that a child of 16 years is getting married. We immediately rescued the child with the help of Mahestala PS and made General Diary on 23.02.202. Childs version: According to the child she is studying in class IX. She got involved with a boy for few years and both of them decided to get married. She had a talk with her parents and pressurized them to arrange their marriage. They did not have any knowledge regarding the legal age of marriage. Her present wish is that since a lot of people from both sides have been invited, she wants that she should be allowed to get married, and then she will continue her studies from the in-laws house. Present Status: She was rescued from her home and presently the child staying in the CINIASHA girls short stay home and today she will be produced before CWC South 24 Parganas for her further rehabilitation. Case study: II Name of the child: Rounak Jahar , 15 yrs , Female Fathers name: Asgar Ali Mothers name: Mukhija Begum
Address: 2C H/3 , Chatu Babu Lane Kolkata -14 , P.S- Entally Contact with CHILDLINE: We got a call from one of our beneficiary child from the School Health Project. She informed us that her friend is being forced to get married with a 21 years old man. After getting the information our team member went to Entally PS and intervened the case with the help of respective PS. On 23.02.2012 during home visit we discussed the matter with her parents and we came to know that they were supposed to marry on 26.02.2012. After Nikah the bride groom will stay at Patna for his job purpose and the girl will continue her study from Kolkata. But after interaction with community people we came to know that the bride groom wanted to take the child to Saudi Arabia. Her parents were unwilling to postpone the marriage. Present Status: The child was rescued and brought to SSH. Today the child will be produced before CWC Kolkata for further rehabilitation.