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Chanderjeet, International Journal of Research in Management, Economics and Commerce,

ISSN 2250-057X, Impact Factor: 6.384, Volume 07 Issue 12, December 2017, Page 54-60

Human Resource Management Impact on

Dr. Chanderjeet
(Assistant Professor, Faculty of Management, NIILM University Kaithal, Haryana, India)
Abstract: The aim of this research paper is to examine human resource management impact on organization.
At an age where total quality is of primary importance, efficiency can only be achieved by the successful
utilization of human resources. Human resource management is one of the necessary needs of today’s business.
Human resource management department has a very important role for supply of the human being to main
resources of organization. Human resource management department has fundamental role for personnel
recruiting, orientation and performance appraisal and so on. Human resource management issues to be
addressed at the highest level in the organization and management of strategic decisions are required.
Keywords: Human Resources Management, Impact, Management practices, HRM Effectiveness

Human resource management literature has generally focused on the constructs of commitment, job
satisfaction, and organizational effectiveness. The fit between persons and organizations, and persons and jobs is
a neglected area. However, when one considers the intended goals of HRM practices, a sense of fit may be
suggested as an expected target. Thus, it seems worth studying whether the positive views of employees about
HRM practices makes a difference in terms of their fit with the organization and the jobs that they undertake.
These efforts have mostly focused on human resource management practices in the last two decades especially
with the emergence of strategic human resource management approach. There is a considerable difference
between the prospects or prescriptions in favor of the “investment in man”, and the practices of the companies.
Human resources function is well developed and completely recognized, its importance is increasing, but
nothing makes it possible to think that the most traditional constraints and priorities were confused: the control
of market, requirements of finance and short-term profitability, surveillance of competitors, the possibility of
recruiting a well-educated labor under advantageous conditions: many factors invite to found the idea of
“strategy of human resources”. The relationship between perceived sufficiency of Human Resource
Management practices, person-organization fit, and person-job fit has not been examined before. In the present
study, it is hypothesized that perceived sufficiency of HRM practices contributes to actual and perceived person-
organization fit and perceived person-job fit. That is, if HRM practices are perceived as sufficient, the employee
will have a better sense of fit with the organization and the job. In addition, the other hypothesis asserts that
anxiety will influence the positive relationship between perceived sufficiency of HRM practices and person-
organization fit and person-job fit. That is, although HRM practices are perceived as sufficient, persons with
high anxiety may not have a better sense of fit with the organization and the job.
That is, if HRM practices are perceived as sufficient, the employee will have a better sense of fit with
the organization and the job. In addition, the other hypothesis asserts that anxiety will influence the positive
relationship between perceived sufficiency of HRM practices and person-organization fit and person-job fit.
That is, although HRM practices are perceived as sufficient, persons with high anxiety may not have a better
sense of fit with the organization and the job.
It is a necessity that the strategic approach to human resources issues to be addressed in modern
organizations. Changing internal and external environmental conditions and new problems emerging and
complex understanding of management-organization is the most important source of competitive advantage
must not forget to give strategic importance to man. Into almost every part of the world as a result of
globalization, operations, growth, downsizing, mergers, restructuring and corporate responsibility as the lives in
the process, introduced concepts such as active and working every day to try a new technique in the
management of human resources in organizations, management is becoming a very big importance and priority.
Therefore, human resource management issues to be addressed at the highest level in the organization and
management of strategic decisions are required. People in all matters related to the organization as a whole is
brought together and integrate in a way compatible with its surroundings. Managers with strategic decisions and
practices focus on results and it should reflect the thoughts and actions. As the technology presents new
solutions to the organizations, HRM departments start using cutting-edge technology solutions in the market.
Purchasing the best-of-breed tool in the market seems the best solution. However, using tools directly
commercial-off-the shelf brought new problems rather than informing the business processes.
Previous studies have revealed that person-organization fit has significant effects on organizational
commitment, performance, positive work attitudes, turnover intention, and the like. But the antecedents of Page 54

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Dr. Chanderjeet, International Journal of Research in Management, Economics and Commerce,
ISSN 2250-057X, Impact Factor: 6.384, Volume 07 Issue 12, December 2017, Page 54-60

person-organization fit have not been studied as frequent as the outcomes of person organization fit. Among the
few antecedents that have been studied, organizational entry and socialization can be mentioned. The present
study aims to make a contribution to the literature by examining the perceived sufficiency of HRM practices as
an antecedent of person-organization fit.


In general, human resources management aims to increase contributions of employees in organizations.
Those contributions are new ideas, productively working and success. Human resources management should be
responsible for social aims. This means human resources managers should behave fairly to social ethical norms
and at the same time they should minimize the negative forces on organizations because of their demands from
organizations. Human resources management is also responsible for organizations this it can be guessable from
the concept. Their aims firstly establish fairly and higher standards of working places for every worker.
Most of the early reviews of the literature were published by notable industrial psychologists as cited in
Ferris (et al., 1999). As a consequence, these reviews tended to emphasize applied individual-level issues, such
as employee testing, training and motivation.
Gilmer’s (1960) discussion of situational variables explicated the importance of matching personnel
strategies with organizational strategies. Further, Gilmer invited researchers to design measures to assess the
relationship between “individual personalities” and “company personalities” (1960 as cited in Ferris et al.,
Robinson defined HRM role is the provision of assistance in HRM issues to line employees, or those
directly involved in producing the organization’s goods and services. Acquiring people’s services, developing
their skills, motivating them to high levels of performance, and ensuring their continuing maintenance and
commitment to the organization are essential to achieving organizational goals. The authors proposed an HRM
specific approach as consisting of four functions- staffing, training and development, motivation, and
maintenance (1997).
Bratton and Gold (2003) define HRM as the strategic approach to managing employment relations
which emphasizes that leveraging people’s capabilities is critical to achieving sustainable competitive
advantage. This is achieved through a distinctive set of integrated employment policies, programs and practices.
The authors presented HRM functions as planning, recruitment and selection, appraisal and performance
management, reward management, development, employee relations, health and safety, and union-management
Dessler and his friends define function of HRM include assisting the organization in attracting the
quality and quantity of candidates required with respect to the organization’s strategy and operational goals,
staffing needs, and desired culture. Helping to maintain performance standards and increase productivity
through orientation, training, development, job design, effective communication, and performance appraisal.
Helping to create a climate in which employees are encouraged to develop and utilize their skills to the fullest.
Helping to establish and maintain cordial working relationship with employees. Helping to create and maintain
safe and healthy work environment.
Development of programs to meet economic, psychological, and social needs of the employees.
Helping the organization to retain productive employees and ensuring that the organization complies with
provincial/territorial and federal laws affecting the work place such as human rights, employment equity,
occupational health and safety (Dessler et.all. 1999).
Human resource management that is should be evaluated on the basis of business as a whole and the
human resource management functions cannot be considered independent from each other. It is mentioned
before, Human Resource Management in accordance with the organization's culture, accurate and up-to-earth as
part of a specific strategy of the organization to continue its activities is an inevitable necessity. Doubtlessly, the
basic functions of Human Resource Management should be processed in the context of the strategies because
both at the point of corporate sustainability and corporate activities they undertake an active role in the
successful sustainability are accepted.
In human resource management, to provide the sufficient number of employees timely a plan should be
made considering the organization’s present potential, development trend and strategic targets. It is called as
human resource management which aims using the present human resources wisely, supplies the future human
resource needs in terms of quality and quantity.
Barutcugil (2004): when there is a need in the organization, human resource management is an
operation which provides the proper employees for the organization. Human resource planning is a process in
which the employees are evaluated from the entrance to the exit of the work. Human resource planning should
be determined according to organization’s vision, mission and strategies. The required number of the employees
their quality how and to what extent they should work are connected to the human resource management. With
the planning, human resources are prevented from being less or more than the necessary (Barutçugil, 2004). Page 55

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Dr. Chanderjeet, International Journal of Research in Management, Economics and Commerce,
ISSN 2250-057X, Impact Factor: 6.384, Volume 07 Issue 12, December 2017, Page 54-60

The quality of human resources in an organization depends on the success in recruiting process largely.
In the employee selection process, cannot finding sufficient number of candidates, who have competence with
the job, may lead not to fill some empty jobs and recruitment of noncompeting employees in the context of the
job. It will result with some negative events such as increase in efficiency as well as increase in wage costs,
laborforce transfer, job accidents, decrease in motivation and thus in job satisfaction, increase in supervision
costs of the business that the employee recruited does not bear the qualities of the job in full. If the qualities of
the employee. If the candidate's features is not meeting with the qualifications that employees is looking for,
then in this situation, it is said to be made wrong employee choice.
Directly related to Human Resources planning is selection and recruitment of right people from internal
or external sources. This obviously is another critical issue for HRM as it is directly related to cost and overall
performance of the organization.
Chawdhury (2002) emphasizes the importance of a talented workforce as “in an era of competition the
growth of any organization is proportional to the growth of its talent’’. As important as selection and
recruitment is to retain good employees and to encourage them to give of their best. Therefore consistent reward
systems are interrelated to objective, defined and consistent performance appraisal systems.
Taylor (2009) states that four points are important to make the employee “fall in love” with the
organization: Reward fairly in line with market place treats well focus in recognition of every employee’s
contribution, train and improve skills and develop talented people.
Human Resource Management
Although it was commonly accepted that HRM practices had formally started with industrial
revolution, the fact is that the roots of HRM lie deep in the past. Just as the employees who shared the tasks that
have to be done in modern organizations, humans in ancient societies also, divided work among themselves. So
it can be said that division of labor has been practiced since prehistoric times. The terms of human resource
management and human resources have largely replaced instead of personnel management in the processes of
managing people in the organizations. While human resource management is defined as a strategic and coherent
approach for the organization’s most valued assets behind on the workers, there is no upon description of it.
Personnel department is mostly to manage the paperwork around hiring and paying people. More recently,
organizations consider the HR department as playing a major role in staffing, training and helping to manage
people so that people and the organization are performing at maximum capability in a highly fulfilling manner.
In the global business, HRM is increasingly considered a contemporary development to reshape employment
relationships as a tool that may have effectively replaced other management traditions like Personnel
Management and Industrial Relations. Since the 1980s, human resource management (HRM) strategy has
become an important topic for the management area human resource management strategy has achieved its
prominence because it provides competitiveness and promote managerial efficiency in the business area. The
rise of human resource management in the 1980s brought managerial scholars to the link between the
management of people and performance. A number of attempts were made to put empirical facts with the
theoretical bones of the knowledge based firms and the specific HRM views concerning how the systems on HR
practice, which can make an increment on the organizational performance. HRM is used in a global context
which contains; “ specific human resource practices such as recruitment, selection, and appraisal, formal human
resource policies, which direct and partially constrain the development of specific practices and overarching
human resource philosophies, which specify the values that inform an organization's policies and practices.
Objective of the Study
The objectives of the study are clearly discussed below:
1. To identified the affecting factor of HRM in Organization.
2. To examine the function of Human Resource Management.
3. To examine the impact of Human Resource Management on Organization.
Factor of HRM
Traditionally, the personnel function centered on control and direction of employees for achievement
of predetermined goals. The Human Resources Approach, in direct contrast to this, recognizes the worth of
human being in the realization of corporate goals. It takes a supportive and developmental route to achieve
results through the cooperative efforts of employees. When opportunities for growth and enhancement of skills
are available, people will be stimulated to give their best, leading to greater job satisfaction and organizational
effectiveness. The manager’s role, too, has undergone a dramatic change over the years. From control and
direction of employees, he is expected to move toward clarifying goals and paths and creating a supportive and
growth oriented environment, where people are willing to take up assigned roles willingly and enthusiastically
(Kumar, 2009). The effective use of people is the most critical factor in the successful accomplishment of
corporate goals. To be effective, therefore, Human Resource managers need to understand the needs,
aspirations, and concerns of employees proactively, face the challenges head-on and resolve issues amicably.
They are expected to successfully evolve an appropriate corporate culture, take a strategic approach to the
acquisition, motivation and development of human resources and introduce programs that reflect and support the Page 56

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Dr. Chanderjeet, International Journal of Research in Management, Economics and Commerce,
ISSN 2250-057X, Impact Factor: 6.384, Volume 07 Issue 12, December 2017, Page 54-60

core values of the organization and its people. This is easier said than done in view of constant changes in

 Size of Workforce: Corporate have grown in size considerably in recent years, thanks to global
environment characterized by the following things.

competition in almost all fields. The size of the work force, consequently, has increased, throwing up
additional challenges before HR managers in the form of additional demands for better pay, benefits

 Composition of Workforce: The workforce composition is also changing over the years. The rising
and working conditions from various sections of the workforce constantly.

percentage of women and minorities in the work force is going to alter workplace equations
dramatically. Demands for equal pay for equal work, putting an end to gender inequality and bias in

 Employee Expectations: “Instead of attempting to force employees to conform to ‘corporate mould’

certain occupations, the breaking down of grass ceiling have already been met.

future managers may well have to make more allowances for individual differences in people.”
Scope of the Study
As HRM has tools of a system which attracts, develops, motivates, and retains the effective functioning
related with the people managing, the scope of HRM is very wide. Researches in behavioral sciences show that
new trends in managing workers and advances in the field of training have expanded the scope of HR function
in recent years. The Indian Institute of Personnel Management has specified the scope of HRM thus Personnel
aspect: This is concerned with manpower planning, recruitment, selection, placement, transfer, promotion,
training and development, lay off and retrenchment, remuneration, incentives, productivity, etc. Welfare aspect:
It deals with working conditions and amenities such as canteens, crèches, rest and lunch rooms, housing,
transport, medical assistance, education, health and safety, recreation facilities, etc. Industrial relations aspect:
This covers union-management relations, joint consultation, collective bargaining, grievance and disciplinary
procedures, settlement of disputes, etc.
The main aim of the human resources management is using the salaried staff in an organization
effectively and salutary for the organization’s benefits. Thanks to this productive work environment,
organization can reach its goals and continue its functions. Today, operating organizations continue their
existence for different goals according to organization’s type and aims. These organizations can be classified as
private, non-governmental and public establishment. While the preferential aim of the public establishments is
fulfilling the public’s needs, private establishments’ aim is earning profit.


As a consequence, these reviews tended to emphasize applied individual-level issues, such as employee
testing, training and motivation.
Gilmer’s discussion of situational variables explicated the importance of matching personnel strategies
with organizational strategies. Further, Gilmer invited researchers to design measures to assess the relationship
between “individual personalities” and “company personalities”. Some researchers have proposed that
evaluations of effectiveness should be based on financial measures and for years, human resources issues have
been secondary to such measures. Today, many CEOs agree that profit alone is not enough to hold the
enthusiasm and loyalties of employees or to call attention to the vital elements of a business that must receive
attention if it is to perform effectively. Under the threat of exit (Hill & Jones, 1992), organizations now
recognize that they must fulfill responsibilities to many constituencies including employees.
Another study state that an organization is created in which the human resource management practices
of the past no longer fit. Organizations are faced with a situation that cries out for new solutions to the thorny
challenges of integrating business and people needs.
Acquaah (2004) states that human resource management practices enhance organizational effectiveness
and performance by attracting, identifying, and retaining employees with knowledge, skills, and abilities, and
getting them to behave in a manner that will support the mission and objectives of the organization. Thus, the
effectiveness of HRM practices depends on how it engenders the appropriate attitudes and behaviors in
employees, in addition to its implementation.
Today, HR departments are expected to contribute to organizational performance, and many
organizations now believe that the success of the strategic management process largely depends on the extent to
which the HR function is involved.
Studies at the last decade have reported rather large effects on such outcomes as employee turnover,
productivity, quality, profits, and even stock prices. Trouble is, for a variety of methodological reasons -
including unreliable measures of HRM and OE, common method variance, poorly specified models, and cross-
sectional rather than longitudinal research designs - these estimates strain credibility to the point of incredulity.
Over time, employees who feel neglected will seek alternatives and may withdraw either through increased
absenteeism and turnover or decreased commitment. This may threaten the firm’s survival or at least hinder its
success as other sources of competitive advantage such as scale economies and protected markets wane “what
remain as a crucial, differentiating factor is the organization, its employees, and how they work”. Page 57

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Dr. Chanderjeet, International Journal of Research in Management, Economics and Commerce,
ISSN 2250-057X, Impact Factor: 6.384, Volume 07 Issue 12, December 2017, Page 54-60

It is important that a organization adopt HRM practices that make best use of its employees. This trend
has led to increased interest in the impact of HRM on organizational performance, and a number of studies have
found a positive relationship between so-called “high-performance work practices” and different measures of
company performance. Furthermore, there is some empirical support for the hypothesis that firms, which align
their HRM practices with their business strategy, will achieve superior outcomes measured employee attitudes
in 34 publicly held firms and correlated aggregated employee attitudes with organizational financial
performance for 5 successive years after the attitude data were collected. He found that organizations in which
employees reported that an emphasis was placed on human resources tended to have superior short-term
financial performance.
Recent years have witnessed burgeoning interest in the degree to which human resource systems
contribute to organizational effectiveness. For example, It is argued that success in today’s hypercompetitive
markets depends less on advantages associated with economies of scale, technology, patents, and access to
capital and more on innovation, speed, and adaptability. Pfeffer further argued that these latter sources of
competitive advantage are largely derived from firms’ human resources. An organization needs to adopt specific
HR policies and practices for different strategies. Thus, to be effective, an organization’s HR policies must be
consistent with other aspects of the organization. By having appropriate HR policies and practices in place,
organizations can elicit employee behaviors that are consistent with an organization’s strategy (Rose & Kumar,
It is obvious that HR management practices should be an important part of the strategy of any large
corporation. Yet researchers basing their views on a behavioral psychology perspective have argued that human
resource management practices could contribute to competitive advantage as long as they reinforce the skills,
attitudes and behaviors that result in lowering costs and enhancing product differentiation. Therefore, the
important role of human resources practices in contributing to a firm’s competitive advantage overlaps with the
concept of efficiency as a human resources strategy for effective performance.
Suggestions and Recommendations
Some researchers have proposed that evaluations of effectiveness should be based on financial
measures and for years, human resources issues have been secondary to such measures. Today, many CEOs
agree that profit alone is not enough to hold the enthusiasm and loyalties of employees or to call attention to the
vital elements of a business that must receive attention if it is to perform effective. Under the threat of exit,
organizations now recognize that they must fulfill responsibilities to many constituencies, including employees.
An organization is created in which the human resource management practices of the past no longer fit.
Organizations are faced with a situation that cries out for new solutions to the thorny challenges of integrating
business and people needs. Human Resource Management practices enhance organizational effectiveness and
performance by attracting, identifying, and retaining employees with knowledge, skills, and abilities, and getting
them to behave in a manner that will support the mission and objectives of the organization. Thus, the
effectiveness of HRM practices depends on how it engenders the appropriate attitudes and behaviors in
employees, in addition to its implementation.
Today, HR departments are expected to contribute to organizational performance and many
organizations now believe that the success of the strategic management process largely depends on the extent to
which the HR function is involved. Studies at the last decade have reported rather large effects on such
outcomes as employee turnover, productivity, quality, profits, and even stock prices. Trouble is, for a variety of
methodological reasons - including unreliable measures of HRM and OE, common method variance, poorly
specified models, and cross-sectional rather than longitudinal research designs - these estimates strain credibility
to the point of incredulity. Over time, employees who feel neglected will seek alternatives and may withdraw
either through increased absenteeism and turnover or decreased commitment. This may threaten the firm’s
survival or at least hinder its success as other sources of competitive advantage such as scale economies and
protected markets wane “what remains as a crucial, differentiating factor is the organization, its employees, and
how they work”. It is important that a firm adopt HRM practices that make best use of its employees. This trend
has led to increased interest in the impact of HRM on organizational performance, and a number of studies have
found a positive relationship between so-called “high-performance work practices and different measures of
company performance. Furthermore, there is some empirical support for the hypothesis that firms, which align
their HRM practices with their business strategy, will achieve superior outcomes .Recent years have witnessed
burgeoning interest in the degree to which human resource systems contribute to organizational effectiveness.
Pfeffer argued that success in today’s hypercompetitive markets depends less on advantages associated with
economies of scale, technology, patents, and access to capital and more on innovation, speed, and adaptability.
Pfeffer further argued that these latter sources of competitive advantage are largely derived from firms’ human
An organization needs to adopt specific HR policies and practices for different strategies. Thus, to be
effective, an organization’s HR policies must be consistent with other aspects of the organization. By having
appropriate HR policies and practices in place, organizations can elicit employee behaviors that are consistent Page 58

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Dr. Chanderjeet, International Journal of Research in Management, Economics and Commerce,
ISSN 2250-057X, Impact Factor: 6.384, Volume 07 Issue 12, December 2017, Page 54-60

with an organization’s strategy. It is obvious that HR management practices should be an important part of the
strategy of any large corporation. Yet researchers basing their views on a behavioral psychology perspective
have argued that human resource management practices could contribute to competitive advantage as long as
they reinforce the skills, attitudes and behaviors that result in lowering costs and enhancing product
differentiation. Therefore, the important role of human resources practices in contributing to a firm’s
competitive advantage overlaps with the concept of efficiency as a human resources strategy for effective

An effective Human Resources Management gives chance employees to contribute effectively and
productively to the overall organization direction and the accomplishment of the organization’s goals and
objectives. In working life, the most important value is employees. That is Human Resources Management is the
key factor for success of a business. Being a global world and being a part of global competitive markets
processes force businesses to manage human factor more truly for every level. A growing number of sources in
HRM literature support the change and development of Human Resources perspectives from personnel
management to HRM and then to Strategic HRM. They claim that, the human resources are the most important
assets of organization, and effective management of these resources will contribute to the sustainable
competitive advantage of firms. With the increasing value of employees as individuals, management of human
resources with a classical approach is no longer satisfactory. This has led to the necessity of adopting a different
administrative approach. As a result, the significance of human resources management has increased among
other functions of administration. Nowadays; management of human resources is a rising star and a focus of
attention in contemporary managing platform. The main reason for such an attention is the comprehension of the
human factor by many institutions. It has been realized that employment of individuals efficiently by force and
intimidation is not possible and more emphasis has been placed on methods and opportunities that enable people
to work willingly.
At an age where total quality is of primary importance, efficiency can only be achieved by the
successful utilization of human resources. Because, information that has given its name to this period is the
product of human beings. There is a consensus in the HRM field that, in order to stay competitive and reach
business goals, high level managers must incorporate Human Resource Management strategies into their overall
planning. A company’s competitive success depends on having well informed and capable HR managers at the
highest levels of decision making processes. Human capital theory aims using HRM to increase the value of the
organization's human capital and the value of the anticipated returns, such as productivity gains in the context
literature where transaction cost theory has the perspective of economics. While the organizations are
developing day by day agency theory appears to be particularly useful for understanding executive and
managerial compensation practices and to predict occupation-based differences in job pricing methods.
Human resources with developed talents and creativity who are able to reach and utilize information
constitute the main power of competition in the world market. Those companies and institutions that make
investments on human resources and attempt to create working conditions that are compatible with their
requirements and wishes are the ones who reach success. The employees are the biggest support that institutions
need during renovation periods. Institutions that were able to please their employees in the past and were able to
implement loyalty and trust, can endure difficulties more easily. The merit given to humans not only increases
personal productivity but it also uplifts the quality of the company and the team. The main purpose of human
resources management is the employment of human resources in the most efficient and productive way.
Nowadays; the success of institutions is evaluated by their communication. Communication is the power of
competition in production and service. Sharing information with the all the employees and managers, production
of information, its distribution and reflection to daily life and service constitute the main structure of
communication inside the institution.
Human resource management is one of the necessary needs of today’s business. Human resource
management department has a very important role for supply of the human being to main resources of
companies. Human resource management department has fundamental role for personnel recruiting, orientation
and performance appraisal and so on. The performance evaluation within this process, it’s not only for evaluate
of employees performance therewithal it’s important to get strengthening of the bond between employee and
employer. Performance evaluation is one of the important matters for companies getting successful. If the
companies can use to performance evaluation correctly, it’s bring to successful performance management and
then bring success of the company. The aim of this study to give some information about human resource
management and underline important of human resource department is then make prelude to performance
evaluation and give some information about performance appraisal process. Page 59

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Dr. Chanderjeet, International Journal of Research in Management, Economics and Commerce,
ISSN 2250-057X, Impact Factor: 6.384, Volume 07 Issue 12, December 2017, Page 54-60

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