PO BOX 7033
The Model M-111 Probe will fit any existing holes in the exhaust stack in any engine having the diameter of 1/8" to 1/4". If
no hole exists, it will require the drilling of a 1/8" diameter hole and ream to fit. It is important that each probe be mounted
a uniform distance from the exhaust stack flange. A nominal distance of 2 to 4 inches from the exhaust flange is
recommended. (See fig-2). If the recommended distance is impractical because of obstructions, slip joints or bends in
the exhaust system then position the probes a uniform distance from the flange as space permits. Do not mount probes
in slip joints. Be certain to locate all holes BEFORE drilling to ensure that nothing interferes with the probe, clamp, and
clamp screw or wire. Careful matching of probe position will provide best temperature readings.
Insert the probe in the exhaust or previously drilled hole (see fig-3) so that the tip of the probe is in the center of the
exhaust stream. Tighten the stainless steel clamp to a torque of 45 in/Lbs. Cut off the excess strap close to the screw.
NOTE: Required original equipment that has a Red Line may not be replaced by the EDM-760/790 TIT or CHT
installation. This includes but is not limited to all aircraft with adjustable cowl flaps and on aircraft with placards on the
instrument panel showing a climb air speed, for cooling, different from the best rate of climb air speed.
If a previously installed TIT, CHT or EGT is not required for certification (or STC modification), it may be replaced by the
EDM 760/790.
Installation manual for the EDM-760 / 790Twin STC SA00729SE
Report No. 760
Temperature indicating system with Fuel Flow Date 8-1-14 Rev B
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Most factory installed cylinder head temperature gauges utilize a bayonet or screw-in resistive type probe that occupies
one of the bayonet sockets. This probe is not compatible with the thermocouple probes required for the EDM-760/790.
The spark plug gasket probe, P/N M-113, replaces the standard copper spark plug gasket on one spark plug. The plug
chosen, upper or lower, should be the one that provides the best correlation with the other temperature probes.
Due to the spark plug location, the gasket probe may read 25 F higher or lower than the factory probe. The probe is
usually placed under the plug that receives the most direct cooling air. After many removals the probe may be annealed
for re-use. Heat and quench in water. At additional cost an adapter probe (bayonet) is available that permits the factory
CHT probe and a JPI probe to fit the same bayonet location.
NOTE: Unlike most other EGT & CHT installations the probe wire length is not critical and should be trimmed to any
length as required for a clean installation.
The Temperature probes must be wired with the correct polarity. Each wire is marked with the cylinder number. The EGT
and CHT probes connect to the temperature indicator with yellow jacket Teflon Chromel Alumel wire supplied. Strip the
wires according to drawing 5057 and terminate with the crimp-on ring terminals provided. Verify the quality of each crimp
with a sharp pull on the wire. The terminal should be almost impossible to pull off when crimped correctly. With in a few
inches of the instrument terminal strip a connector may be installed.
NOTE: The ring terminals may be crimped with a " service type " tool, however AMP part number 48518 tool is
recommended. Be sure to test each crimp by pulling on the wire to assure it will not come out.
The most common installation problems are poor quality terminations.
Run up the Engines and confirm that the right engine is displayed on the right indicator and the left engine is displayed
on the Left indicator of the EDM-760/790 display.
The probe wires must not be tied in with ignition, alternator or twin engine cabin heater ignition wires because of potential
interference with temperature readings.
The probe wiring harness is made of Chromel-Alumel alloy wire that must not be substituted or extended with normal
copper wire. The power and ground wire are normal copper. Leads may be spliced with additional Chromel-Alumel wire
using copper butt splices.
When the installation is complete all wires should be secured using ties and carefully checked for interference, rubbing or
chaffing with flight control cables or other moving parts.
Installation manual for the EDM-760 / 790Twin STC SA00729SE
Report No. 760
Temperature indicating system with Fuel Flow Date 8-1-14 Rev B
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Locate a 3.125” diameter hole in the instrument panel, where you would like to mount the indicator per drawing
760/790124. Mount the indicator in the panel, using the four 6-32 X.0.15" screws. The screws must not penetrate the
bezel more than .120". Three connectors are protruding from the rear of the instrument. Two 25 pin and one 15 pin
connector. The top 25-pin connector connects the left engine harness. The bottom 25-pin connector, connects the right
engine harness and the center 15-pin connector, connects the power and options like OAT.
Record the installation of the EDM-760/790 on a FAA form 337. Make entry in the aircraft logbook.
The EDM-760/790 temperature indicator displays temperature digitally and in analog format. The analog display is an
electronic bar graph of EGT & TIT temperatures presented as a percentage of 1650oF. Below the vertical columns the
specific value for EGT and CHT are displayed digitally for both engines. EGT top and CHT bottom. The dot over the
column indicates which cylinder's digital information is presently displayed. The missing bar in the graph represents the
CHT trend, showing which cylinder is hotter or cooler and is checked digitally. Depressing the LF and STEP button
simultaneously brings up the Pilot Programmable Mode in which the scan rate, OAT, and EGT resolution can be adjusted.
Exit by Depressing STEP.
If the EDM-760/790 buttons are not depressed for 1 minutes the system will start scanning automatically. Depressing the
STEP button will stop the automatic scan and index through all the functions available. During cruise, if the LF button is
depressed for five seconds (normalize mode) the bar graph will level at mid scale. The leveled bars represent the peaks
of each column. Each bar represents 10 oF and now acts as an EGT & TIT trend monitor, quickly showing an increase or
decrease in temperature. Depress again to return too normal; nothing else is affected.
TIT, OAT, OIL, BAT (voltage), Fuel flow functions and CLD (Rate of change of CHT in degrees per minute) are displayed
digitally with headlines after the temperature, such as "230 OIL". A large value of "CLD" indicates shock cooling which has
a detrimental effect on the engine and is usually associated with rapid descents at low power. Probes not installed will not
be displayed.
An alarm causes the digital function to flash when the particular limit is reached. Factory generic set alarm limits for
example: CHT (450 oF) and OIL (230 oF) are lower than the actual aircraft limits. The values may be adjusted to individual
aircraft limits by pressing the reset button located on the rear of the instrument. Other factory set alarm limits are: "BAT"
Voltage 15.5/12.0 or 31.0/24.0 Hi/Lo as appropriate; "DIF" (differential Hi/Lo EGT) 500 oF; "TIT" 1650 oF Hi; "OIL" Lo 90
F; "CLD" (Rate of change of cylinder head temperature in degrees per minute) -60 degrees/minute. An alert output is
available for the above functions that will sink 250 ma load. The pilot should be aware of the setting of each alarm for his
particular aircraft. All alarms are "Canceled" in two ways: One by tapping the step button which will remove the alarm for
10 minutes. The second way is by holding the step button in for 5 seconds and seeing the word "OFF". Then, only that
particular alarm is canceled . Canceled alarms will not appear again until the power has been removed and reapplied to
the EDM-760/790. The entire display dims automatically depending on the ambient lighting.
Alarm limits set for this
instrument if different from
JPI limits.
EDM-760 14)
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Temperature indicating system with Fuel Flow Date 8-1-14 Rev B
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EDM-790 Display
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Report No. 760
Temperature indicating system with Fuel Flow Date 8-1-14 Rev B
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With the fuel flow option a three-position mode (toggle) switch is installed in the panel per drw. 760124. The mode
positions are: 1) EGT, digital and Bargraph display of temperatures, 2) FF., digital display of GPH, REM, REQ and fuel
USED. Temperature Bargraph remains. 3) Both, cycles through everything installed. The data port output, sends RS232
serial data every 6 sec. A second alert output is available for the above functions that will sink 250-ma load. See drawing
760701 for wiring details.
Airplane flight manual limitations based on primary instrument indication take precedence over those of the EDM-760/790.
Comply with manufacturer's Airplane/Rotor craft
Flight Manual leaning procedure.
Do not exceed applicable engine
or aircraft limitations.
After establishing desired cruise power depress the LF button to activate the Lean Find Mode. The pilot should start
leaning one engine. The EDM-760/790 is waiting to see which engine starts to increase in temperature, using that engine
as the engine being leaned. At this time the hottest cylinder is displayed, as a reference, along with fuel flow per hour. As
the mixture is leaned, a column on the EDM-760/790 will begin blinking, indicating the exhaust gas temperature for that
cylinder has peaked. Continue with the leaning procedure as recommended by the aircraft manufacturer while monitoring
the primary engine instruments and the EDM-760/790 display. Depressing the LF button while the column is flashing will
show the peak digital EGT value. Once the leaning procedure has been completed, depress the Step button briefly to exit
the Lean Find Mode and enter the Monitor Mode. If you have the fuel flow option installed, set the mode switch to FF to
monitor fuel burned per hour, fuel used, fuel remaining, and if the EDM-760/790 is connected to a GPS, fuel required to
next way point is displayed. When the EDM-760/790 is first turned on with the fuel flow option, it will ask if you have filled
the tanks
(Tank size preset) or how much fuel was added. If no response to fuel question in 5 minutes, system will assume no fuel
EGT (Exhaust Gas Temp.,K ,Max. limit 2500 oF) 1650 oF
CHT (Cylinder Head Temp., J/K Max. limit 600 F) 450 oF
TIT (Turbine Inlet Temperature, K, Max. limit 2500 F) 1650 oF
TIT-2 (Turbine Inlet Temperature, K, Max. limit 2500 F) 1650 oF
OIL (Oil temperature if not TIT-2, K, Max. limit 600 F) (Hi/Lo) 230/90 oF
OAT (Outside Air Temp., K, Limit -40 to 300 F)
CLD (Rate of change of CHT) -60 o/minute
DIF (Maximum EGT differential) 500 oF
BAT (Voltage, 0 to 40 volts.) 15.5/12.0 or 31.0/24.0 Hi/Lo
GPH (in Gal, lit, lbs, per hour) Fuel flow does not comply with TSO-C44
USD (Fuel Used) (999.9 gal. 9999 L/Lbs/Kg) Low alert: fuel=10 gal.
REM (Remaining in Hours and minutes) Low alert: Time= 45 min
REQ (Required to dest., GPS format NMEA 183/Binary/Aviation.) No limit
Operate and lean the engine in accordance with the manufacturers' recommendations for different power settings.
Lycoming recommends running peak EGT only at 75% power or less. Continental recommends running peak EGT at 65%
power or less.
Installation manual for the EDM-760 / 790Twin STC SA00729SE
Report No. 760
Temperature indicating system with Fuel Flow Date 8-1-14 Rev B
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19. Components Parts list
19.1 Component Parts List for EGT (PN 1280) ,TIT (PN 1200) Probe in polybag
Thermocouple type K probe
Stainless Steel Clamp Thimble
Stainless Steel Exhaust Seal Washer
Stainless Steel Screw Type Clamp
Ring Terminals
Screws and nuts 6-32 X 1/4
Fiberglass tube 1/2" X 4"
19.8 Component Parts list for Twin Engine, EGT and CHT
"FAC ? N" (N=NO Y=YES) Yes.... Reinstalls the generic alarms and
will also reset the automatic configuration sequence.
It is necessary to say yes if an option was placed in the wrong connector location.
or the instrument is not displaying certain options.
“Type K”
"VER 002" (Software Version)
"ENG F" (All Engine temperatures in oC or oF ) If oC is chosen, then ALL alarm Limits must
yes-no be manually reset to oC values
"15.5H BAT" (High Voltage Limit - or 31.0vdc)
"12.0L BAT" (Low Voltage Limit - or 24.0vdc)
"500 DIF" (Difference between highest and lowest EGT)
"450H CHT" (Cylinder Head Temperature limit)
"- 60 CLD" (Cool Rate Limit, calculated in degrees per minute for cooling only)
Installation manual for the EDM-760 / 790Twin STC SA00729SE
Report No. 760
Temperature indicating system with Fuel Flow Date 8-1-14 Rev B
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"1650 TIT" (Turbine Inlet Temperature Limit)
"230H OIL" (High Oil Temperature Limit)
" 90l OIL" (Low Oil Temperature Limit)
“TIT2 -N (If TIT2 probes are not installed in place of oil probes)
A missing column in the display during flight indicates a reading that is jumping around or incorrect. The probe is
removed from the line up to prevent false alarms.
A negative reading (-) in front of the number indicates reverse polarity on the red/yellow wire to probe.
Using an Ohm meter or continuity checker measure across the probe output leads. A good probe should be around
2- ohms and at the connector to the probe around 20 ohms.
Having problems with one cylinder reading ? Swap the suspected probe with a probe from a good cylinder. If the
problem goes to the good cylinder the probe should be replaced. If the problem remains the same, it is in the
Thermocouple hook-up wiring from the probe to the instrument or it can be in the ring terminals crimped to the wire.
Remember to double back on the wire going into the ring terminal.
Display jumps when transmitting on the radio. Review fig-6, a kit is available to stop transmission noise it connects on
pin 11 connector P-1, (mike key button).
EGT, large span. Normally aspirated (carburetor) engines at normal cruise display a “DIFF” of 125 to 175 oF spread
between cyls. Injected engines at normal cruise display a “DIFF” 50 to 90 oF spread between cylinders. All cylinders are
measured by a common circuitry. It is impossible not to have identical calibration on all channels.
If the temperature is changing more than 500 F in one second it should not be trusted and a lose wire crimp or probe
should be suspected.
All EGT or CHT readings seem to High or Low or Unsteady. Use a DVM (digital voltmeter) to measure the difference
between 760/790 SCANNER ground and the engine block ground. If the difference is greater than 0.5 volts with the
alternator charging. Then remove the EDM-760/790 ground (Black wire) from the instrument panel and connect it directly
OAT readings off by 25 degrees, but oil and CHT readings OK, look for copper wire spliced in line to OAT probe. OAT
reading can be fine tuned +/- 5 degrees, see reset procedure. Engine heat could also be the cause.
Installation manual for the EDM-760 / 790Twin STC SA00729SE
Report No. 760
Temperature indicating system with Fuel Flow Date 8-1-14 Rev B
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Gem conversion, CHT’s read high (100 degrees) EDM-760/790 not calibrated for Gem installation “J” calibration, return
to factory.
Copper Wire can not be substituted for thermocouple wire at any point.
Unreliable Fuel Flow readings high will display as dashes, low will display zero.
Display indicates "OPEN PRB" then the following message on the engine side of the display:
EDM-790 Model: Mounts in a standard 3.1/8” instrument hole. First place the mounting bracket on the instrument and
tighten the clamp hex screw until you can just remove the instrument from the bracket. The Mounting bracket is then
placed behind the instrument panel hole and screwed (6-32 x ½” screws) in place using the existing holes. Three screws
should be used leaving one hole vacant on either side of the hex screw. Locate the hex screw in a location that you can
easily get to from the rear of the panel. The body of the instrument is 3.0 inches and 2.0 inches deep less connectors.
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Installation manual for the EDM-760 / 790Twin STC SA00729SE
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Alt location
Fig 5
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Fig 6
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Installation manual for the EDM-760 / 790Twin STC SA00729SE
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There are no field adjustments and or calibration requirements for the EDM-700 series instrument
after initial installation. ICA is not required. Maintenance of nonfunctioning or malfunctioning
components is limited to removal and replacement of JPI factory supplied new or repaired
components as described in the troubleshooting section of the installation instructions