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Telecoms 1

Telecommunications technology transmits information by electromagnetic means over media

such as telephone wires or radio waves. The informafion may be voice, facsimile, data, radio, or
television signals. 'the electronic signals that are transmitted can be either analogue or digital.
The advantages of digital transmission are high reliability and low cost. Digital switching
systems are much cheaper than analogue systems.
In analogue modulation, the signals are transmitted directly (without converting them to digital
form) by amplitude mndutation or frequency modulation. Por digital transmission the analogue
signals must be converted to a digital form. Then the digitized signal is passed through a source
encoder, which reduces redundant binary informafion. After source encoding, the digitized
signal is processed in a channel encoder, whtch introduces redundant information that allows
errors (degradation by noise or distortion) to be detected and corrected. The encoded signal is
made suitable for transmission by modulation onto a carrier wave. When a signal reaches its
destination, the device on the receiving end converts the electronic signal back into an
understandable message — sound on a telephone, images on a television, or words and pictures
on a computer.

There are three main methods of electromagneöc signal transmission: wirr, radio and optical.
wire transmission

radio transmission


Telecommunications is the fastest growing segment of technology today. Telecommunicafions

technologists are needed to plan, install and maintain state-of-the-art telephone systems, cable
TV and computer networks. Although technologists have knowledge of theoretical topics. they
tend to focus on solving practical design and application problems. Training covers a wide range
of telecoms-related topics. Here is the content from one such course:

Part 1: Operating...Systems

Part, 2: Analogue Corrimunications.


Part.3: Telecommunications Fundamentals

Part .4: Telecommunications Fundamentals Lab
Part 5: Digital Electronics
Part 6: TOlecommunicationi..Networking

Part 7: Fundamentals of Optical. Cominunications

Part 8: Data Cfirnrriunications Netwcirkirig
Match each of fhs foJJowlng mords with ia definilion.

wire a device which maps the binary strings into coded .bits or
waveforms for transmission
wave a device which .mags the source into a set of binary strings
a system in which data is represented as O or 1
.a system in which data is represented as a continuously
digital varying voltage
a thin piece of metat for conducting electrical current
amplitude rnodulätiöri
a wave suitable for modulation by an information-bearing signal
frëqrienry rn.ödulation an electric, electrorrisgnetic, acoustic, mechanical or other
form whose physical activity rises and falls .as it travels
söurce encodæ channel through a medium
the deterioration in quality, level,. or:standard of performance to fail
encoder degradatïon
to. roproôuce accurately the characteristics of the input where audio
distori signale increase and decreasa the amplitude of
the carriër wave
carrier wave where voltage levels change thü frequëney öf a carrier wave

The following wnrds are takeri from three modes of transmission: wire, radio and optical Mnk each
term with the most appropriate mode of transmission.

wire radio

The following extract is taken from a description for a telecommunications techriology course.
Complete the text by choosirig a suitable wnrd or phrase from the box.


Telecomrnuriicàtiö Introducti.öü to thê

ns Fundamentals eff iñförmatiöri
Telecommurïicañon Handmri practital experime.nts tp:
Fundameritale Lab
Anâiogue EÔmrnunitations transmission of
signale Digital Electronics
Fundameritais of Öptical The adva tagüs of iechnolögies
Fundamenials of
Data .Gommunicatic›ns NetwprLirig S oring between networLs
Telecoms 2

/\ w ide variet5• of information can be transferred through a tclecoiniiiiiiiic‹itions sy’stein.

including voice and music, still-frame and ilill-motion pictures. computer files anal
iipplicatitins. and telegraphic data.

The telephone is min instrument used for sending and receiving voire mcssages, and rlata.
Nitist ph‹ane culls involve tuo people. but the phone network can also be used to pay hills mid
retrieve messages frtrr answering machines. Private individuals will usually have their owii
phone line: a large business will usually have its ou›n switching machine, railed u Private
Branch Exchange (t’BX), u ith many lincs, .all o1' whim:h L'an be reached lay dialling one

Radio transmission broadcasts signals that are intended for general public reccption. \\’itli mi
omnidirectionnl antenna, radio signals are transmitted r›ver a wide area. In a point-to-point radiii
channel, ii directional transniitiing antenna fucuses ritu u°•u e into ü I1R£FOW beani, «'liich ís
dRe‹/t4twufiasngtr övc.üoa4ca:/r ayfizudMcon\,siorado,orüsuai^a c‹imbin itit›ii of botlJ, as in

Turn applications of telecoms ure te/epii‹iiiy ance trlei•ision.

.'\ videophone is •• r ••›‹•aa I video camera ar«1 display, ii microphone mad speaker, and a data-
conversion device.
/\ cordless telephone is a device w•1iich plugs ilirectly intti un existing telephone .jack,
allojving liinite‹f mobility within the home. garden or office..
'telephony hits been rev’olutionized by cellular l cell ‹ir mobile) lelcphoncs. which arc personal
facsimile, or fax, refers tu Ihe transmissi‹in tif print: text, fixed images or draw'ings by wire
or radio channels or undersea cable.

aerial. • antenna • broàddast • cable televisïon s üish
reIay.st at”ion te Ievi"si”on." se te Iev” isIon :s '"• v” isi”ble
• t. • tat”lon. ”

Mobile telephony is revolutionizing hoist use use thc phone. Looli at the rariyc tif téutures
o1’fered by t.he MobiPhorie.
Circle th the correct unswers that apply.
1 A telecoinmunícalions system can transier
u vtiiee b pictures c c °•F° f er 1iles d cnergy
2 The telephone is an instrument used for
a sending messagés b sivitching inessages e receiviri messages
d retrievitig messagos
3 Broadcast sígnuls can be
a tactile b uudihle c viiual d a combin ution ‹ïf all lhreê
4 A vidcophone combines
u a video camera b a display c a microphone d a speaker
$ Fax can be used to transmit
a sounds b nir›ving pictures c draufinq=s d irniiges
6 ›\ c‹irdless phone
u plugs into a jack b aIlow•s unlimited mot›ility c can be used u ithin the hr›l11c
d is portable

hutch a svord in the left-hnnd column with a word on ürisw.éring antenna

the right to form ten phraies frum the tield of
radio camëra
video jôck
Now complete the follövving sentences: ustng phrases relay machin.e
from the tuble opposite. messages
1 The telephone can bc uscd to psy hills phone
and from set
2 \Vith an ömnidiroctioilal antenfiii. transmitttng
can be transmitted cordless
over a widê urea. tel:evision
3 A v'ideoplionc inrorporutes u
and display, a microphone und speiilier.
4 \ allnws liinited inobility in and around the home.
S allows access t,o inuny televisioii stations.

Beliiw is an extract from the review t›f the newly released SlobiPhone Worltl. Complete the texl
using the words/phrases in the box below.
.aIe’ft r browsing • call ph’one • .filock’àrid a1arm. • currency. cónverter
•.” argariizer ü .I?DA • Acreen • weight

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