0.0.1. The Turnpike Reconstruction Problem

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The Turnpike Reconstruction Problem

Suppose we are given n points p 1, p 2, ... , pn located on the x axis. xi is the x coordinate of pi . Let us further assume that x 1=0, and the points are given from left to right. These n points determine n (n 1)/2 (not-necessarily unique) distances d 1, d 2, ... dn between every pair of points of the form | xi x j | (i j ). It is clear that if we are given the set of points, then it is easy to construct the set of distances. The Turnpike reconstruction problem is to reconstruct a point set from the distances. This nds applications in physics and molecular biology (see the references for pointers to more specic information). The name derives from the analogy of points to turnpike exits on east-coast highways. Just as factoring seems harder than multiplication, the reconstruction problem seems harder than the construction problem. Nobody has been able to give an algorithm which is guaranteed to work in polynomial time. The algorithm which we will present seems to run in O (n 2log n ); no counter-example to this conjecture is known, but it is still just that -- a conjecture. Of course given one solution to the problem, an innite number of others can be constructed by adding an offset to all the points. This is why we insist that the rst point is anchored at zero and that the points set which constitutes a solution is output in non-decreasing order. Let D be the set of distances, and assume that | D | =m =n (n 1)/2. As an example, suppose that D = { 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 5, 5, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10 }. Since | D | =15, we know that n =6. We start the algorithm by setting x 1=0. Clearly, x 6=10, since 10 is the largest element in D . We remove 10 from D . The points which we have placed, and the remaining distances are:

x 1=0 D = { 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 5, 5, 5, 6, 7, 8 }.

x 6=10

The largest remaining distance is 8, which means that either x 2=2 or x 5=8. By symmetry, we can conclude that the choice is unimportant since either both choices lead to a solution (which are mirror-images of each other), or neither do, so we can set x 5=8, without affecting the solution. We then remove the distances x 6x 5=2 and x 5x 1=8 from D , obtaining

x 1=0

x 5=8 D = { 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 5, 5, 5, 6, 7 }.

x 6=10

The next step is not obvious. Since 7 is the largest value in D , either x 4=7 or x 2=3. If x 4=7, then the distances x 67=3, x 57=1, must also be present in D . A quick check shows that indeed they are. On the other hand, if we set x 2=3, then 3x 1=3 and x 53=5 must be present in D. These distances are also in D , so we have no guidance on which choice to make. Thus we try one, and see if it leads to a solution. If it turns out that it doesnt, we can come back and try the other. Trying the rst choice, we set x 4=7, which leaves


x 1=0

x 4=7 x 5=8 D = { 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 5, 5, 6 }.

x 6=10

At this point, we have x 1=0, x 4=7, x 5=8, and x 6=10. Now the largest distance is 6, so either x 3=6 or x 2=4. But if x 3=6, then x 4x 3=1, which is impossible since 1 is not in D . On the other hand, if x 2=4, then x 2x 0=4, and x 5x 2=4. This is also impossible, since 4 only appears once in D . Thus, this line of reasoning leaves no solution, so we backtrack. Since x 4=7 failed to produce a solution, we try x 2=3. If this also fails, then we give up and report no solution. We now have

x 1=0

x 2=3

x 5=8

x 6=10

D = { 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 5, 6 }. Once again, we have to choose between x 4=6 and x 3=4. x 3=4 is impossible because D only has one occurrence of 4, and two would be implied by this choice. x 4=6 is possible, so we obtain

x 1=0

x 2=3

x 4=6

x 5=8

x 6=10

D = { 1, 2, 3, 5, 5}. The only remaining choice is to assign x 3=5; this works because it leaves D empty, and so we have a solution.

x 1=0

x 2=3

x 3=5 x 4=6 D = { }.

x 5=8

x 6=10

Fig. 0.1 shows a decision tree representing the actions taken to arrive at the solution. Instead of labelling the branches, weve placed the label in the branches destination node. A node with an asterisk indicates that the points chosen are inconsistent with the given distances; nodes with two asterisks have only impossible nodes as children, and thus represent an incorrect path.


x 1=0, x 5=10

x 5=8 x 4=7** x 3=6* x 2=4* x 3=4* x 2=3 x 4=6

x 3=5

Fig. 0.1. Decision tree for the worked Turnpike Reconstruction example. -3-

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