Xiaomi M365 scooter dashboard with ESP32 and 1
Xiaomi M365 scooter dashboard with ESP32 and 1
Xiaomi M365 scooter dashboard with ESP32 and 1
3 inch TFT
APR screen
I have recently added a nice digital dashboard to my beloved M365 electric scooter.
Thanks to Dani M. and the other contributors to the project I was able to make the
scooter a lot smarter.
The dashboard calculates and displays daily statistics including mileage, avg. speed, time
and energy used, remaining battery mileage and battery level. When you start driving
the screen changes to speedometer, wattmeter and some other realtime metrics. There
are a lot more screens containing battery and ESC temperatures, BMS statistics
containing voltage for each cell, total battery cycles, estimated battery health
percentage, pinpointing defective cells and much more.
– You must join the creators’ English or Spanish chats in Telegram in order for your
ESP32 serial number to be activated(it’s free):
English: https://t.me/LCDM365ESP32English
Spanish: https://t.me/LCDM365ESP32
– Download all required files (firmware, manuals, 3d printing STLs etc.):
Ptodorov’s Mirror
– ESP-WROOM-32 (should be the same form factor in order to fit)
– 1.3″ 240×240 ST7789 SPI TFT
– 1N4148 diode (I had BYV26 on hand)
– 100R and 680R resistors
– 3D printed housing, you can find .stl files in the download (I printed this with my Ender
3 printer, but if you don’t have one you can ask/pay someone to print it for you)
Before connecting anything to the ESP32 you should flash it’s firmware.
Install ESP32 1.0.0 board in your Arduino IDE from Tools > Board > Boards Manager
(Warning: ESP32 1.0.1 version will not work, choose 1.0.0 from the dropdown). Install
ESP32WebServer and ESPmDNS libraries by Ivan Grokhotkov via Sketch > Include
Library > Manage Libraries. Connect your PC/Mac to the ESP32 using a MicroUSB cable.
In Arduino IDE choose ESP32 Dev Module from the Tools > Board menu. Change the
upload speed from Tools > Upload Speed to 460800.
Now open the .ino file from the M365_Loader_v12 folder and fill your home wifi ssid and
password in the //WLAN Station parameters variables. Click the Upload button and wait
for it to finish. Now open Tools > Serial Monitor and take a look at the log, it should
connect to you home WiFi and display it’s assigned IP address. Take note of this IP
address and using a browser open http://[the_assigned_ip]. You should see a blank
page with an upload box in it. Choose the FW_0.23.3-TFT.bin file from the project folder
and click Upload. When it’s ready the web page will be reloaded.
Now you can disconnect the USB cable and warm up your soldering iron. Make all
connections to the TFT and the M365 power button board according to the following
Warning: Do not connect microUSB to the ESP32 when it’s wired to the VCC of the
M365 mainboard. If you need to debug with Serial Monitor or refresh the ESP32 you
should only leave GND and BUS connected to the M365 and disconnect the VCC wire.
In order to activate your license you should open the ESP32 settings from your PC
browser and fill in your Telegram alias, note your ESP32 serial and send it in the
Telegram chat in order to be activated.
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6 Comments 1 Login
Benjamin Hojnik −⚑
4 years ago edited
I have an issue with this; i've uploaded the ino file, flashed the bin but now board keeps rebooting....
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Paweł Makowski −⚑
4 years ago
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Paweł Makowski −⚑
4 years ago
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OndrejBakan −⚑
5 years ago
Wow, this could look even better using ESP8266+OLED shield and "no soldering" solution by Pavel
Poduška on his (discontinued) M365 Dashboard.
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Max −⚑
M 5 years ago
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ptodorov > Max −⚑
5 years ago
Not exactly a "license" because it's free. They made half open half closed source that requires
activation to protect it from being stolen and sold for profit.
You can learn more if you join the Telegram chat on https://t.me/LCDM365ESP32En...
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