Practice Question Paper 2023-24 10th 2

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Time: 3 Hours M.M. : 80
General Instructions:-
(i) The Question Paper contains four sections – Reading Skill, Grammar,
Writing Skill and Literature.
(ii) Attempt questions based on specific instructions for each part.

SECTION - A 20Marks
Q 1. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that
follow: (10)
i. The newspapers have taken the place of the Gita, the Bible and the Quran with
the people. For them, the printed sheet is gospel truth. The fact throws a great
responsibility on the editors and newswriters.
ii. Newspapers are a powerful influence. It is the duty of the editors to see that no
false report or report likely to excite the public is published in their newspapers.
The editors and their assistants have to be extra careful about the news they give
and the manner in which they dress it. In a state of independence, it is practically
impossible for Governments to control the Press. It is the duty of the public to keep
a strict watch on the newspapers and keep them on the right path. An enlightened
public would refuse to patronize inflammatory or indecent newspapers.
iii. Newspapers which indulge in untruth or exaggeration harm the cause they profess
to espouse. I admit that there is enough untruth in enough newspapers to warrant
action. But my experience is that no amount of public criticism will affect the policy
of newspapers which make their livelihood by such policy. But I write this in no way
to condone untruths in newspapers. I am quite clear that if newspapers weighed
every word that is printed therein, we should have a speedier removal of abuses
whether in the states or elsewhere.


1. The newspapers have taken the place of _________ .

A. the Gita

B. the Bible

C. the Quran

D. All of these

2. Who need to be extra careful about the news they give?

A. the editors

B. their assistants

C. the public

D. Both A and B

3. What is practically impossible for governments to control ?

A. the leaders

B. the public

C. the press

D. All of these

4. Who must keep a strict watch on the newspapers to keep them on the right path?

A. the public

B. news writers

C. leaders

D. doctors

5. Which word in paragraph two means the same as 'filthy or improper'?

A. influence
B. assistant

C. patronise

D. indecent

6. Why is the newspaper a powerful experience for the people?

7. What is the duty of the editors?

8. How would an enlightened public react to indecent newspapers?

9. What is the writer's opinion about the effect of public criticism on the wrong policy of

10. What does the word 'condone' mean in paragraph 3 ?

Q2. Read the following passage and answer the questions given below. (10)

i. It is physically impossible for a well-educated intellectual or brave man to make

money the chief object of his thoughts: just as it is for him to make his dinner the
principal object of his life. So all healthy-minded people like making money, ought
to like it. And enjoy the sensation of winning it; but the main object of their life is
not money; it is something better than money.
ii. A good soldier, for instance mainly wishes to do his fighting well. He is glad of his
pay-very properly so, and justly grumbles when you keep him ten years without it-
-still his main notion of life is to win battles, not to be paid for winning them.
iii. So of the doctors. They like fees no doubt, ought to like them, yet if they are brave
and well-educated, the entire object of their lives is not the fees. They, on the
whole, desire to cure the sick, and if they are good doctors, and the choice were
fairly put to them, they would rather cure their patient, and lose the fee than kill him
and get it. And so with all other brave and rightly trained men: their work is first,
their fee second — very important no doubt but still second.
iv. But in every nation, as I said, there are vast numbers of people who are ill-
educated, cowardly and more or less stupid And with these people just as certainly
the fee is first and the work second.


1. Who finds it difficult to make money the chief object of his thoughts?
2. What is the main notion of the life of a good soldier?

3. What happens when a soldier is kept ten years without his salary?

4. What is the objective of a good doctor?

5. For what kind of people the fee is first and the work second?

6. __________ is not the principal object of the life of all healthy people.

A. Dinner

B. Noble thoughts

C. Good Action

D. None of these

7. What does a good soldier wish to do?

A. to earn a lot of money

B. to do his fighting well

C. to win battles

D. Both B and C

8. What is not the entire object of the lives of good doctors?

A. fees

B. patient's recovery

C. patient's health

D. All of these

9. In paragraph number one, _____ means the same as 'goal'?

A. sensation

B. object
C. principal

D. impossible

10. In paragraph number 3, the antonym of healthy is __________.

A. sick

B. sound

C. doctors

D. patient

SECTION – B 10 Marks

Q3. Attempt any ten sentences from the given items. (10 X 1 =10)

a. Choose the correct form of verb from the given choices:

1. There she _______ (hide)!

A. is hiding

B. hide

C. hides

D. has hidden

2. If he had driven fast, he _______ (catch) the thieves.

A. had caught

B. would have caught

C. caught

D. None of these
b. Choose the correct article from the given choices :

3. He is ________ European.

A. the

B. a

C. an

D. No article

4. __________ gift given by you is dear to me.

A. No article

B. The

C. A

D. An

c. Choose the correct punctuated sentence from the given choices :

5. raman and Rohit have not passed there BA yet

A. Raman and Rohit have not passed their ba yet.

B. Raman and Rohit have not passed their B. A. yet.

C. Raman and rohit have not passed their B.A. yet.

D. Raman and Rohit have not passed their b.a. Yet.

6. I bought a book titled Othello written by Shakespeare

A. I bought a book titled Othello written by Shakespeare?

B. I bought a book titled othello written by Shakespeare!

C. I bought a book titled Othello written by shakespeare.

D. I bought a book titled 'Othello' written by Shakespeare.

d. Choose the correct modal from the given choices :

7. You ______ follow the law of your country.

A. could

B. must

C. need

D. will

8. I _______ work hard to win a scholarship.

A. should

B. would

C. can

D. must

e. Choose the sentence showing correct indirect speech from the given choices:

9. Mother said to Pramila, "Avoid meeting bad girls."

A. Mother ordered Pramila that avoid meeting bad girls.

B. Mother advised Pramila to avoid meeting bad girls.

C. Mother told Pramila that avoid meeting bad girls.

D. Mother told Pramila to avoid meeting bad girls.

10. He said to me, "Whom does she want to contact?"

A. He told me whom she wanted to contact.

B. He asked me who she wants to contact.

C. He asked me whom she had wanted to contact.

D. He asked me whom she wanted to contact.

f. Choose the correct non-finite from the given choices :

11. His joke made us ______ (laugh).

A. laughing

B. to laugh

C. laugh

D. having laughed

12. You need not _______ (run) fast.

A. running

B. to run

C. run

D. None of these

SECTION – C 10 Marks
Q4. Attempt any one of the following : (5)
(i)You are Renu/Rohan. You purchased a T.V. set from Capital Electronics. However
after a month, the T.V. set stopped working properly. The volume could not be adjusted
and the screen kept going back. Write a letter of complaint to the Manager of the store
asking them to send a technician and if required replace the T.V. set since it was within
warranty period.

(ii) You are Swati/Sohan, living at Sewa Sadan, Sector 90, Gurugram. Your streets and
roads get waterlogged during the monsoon season every year. Write a letter to the editor
'The Times of India' highlighting the problems and suggesting measures to control the
Q5. Attempt any one of the following: (5)

(i) You are a businessman. You need a personal driver for your Honda City car. Draft a
suitable advertisement.

(ii) You are Taruna, head girl of Geeta Bharti Senior Secondary School, Karnal. Your
school celebrated 'Environment Protection Week' recently. Write a report about the same
giving necessary details.

SECTION - D 40 Marks
Q6. Do any one of the passages given below and answer the questions that
follow. (5)
That day had come about through the unimaginable sacrifices of thousands of my people,
people whose suffering and courage can never be counted or repaid. I felt that day, as I
have on so many other days, that I was simply the sum of all those African patriots who
had gone before me. That long and noble line ended and now began again with me. I was
pained that I was not able to thank them and that they were not able to see what their
sacrifices had wrought.


1. Name the chapter from which the passage has been taken.

2. Which day has been referred to in these lines?

3. Whom does Mandela remember on the day of inauguration?

4. What was it that pained the writer?

5. Which word in the passage means 'done' or 'achieved'?


At last the darkness of the night reigned everywhere. And she considered the fate of men,
that their lives flicker up and are extinguished again. And she thought to herself, "How
selfish am I in my grief! Death is common to all; yet in this valley of desolation there is a
path that leads him to immortality who has surrendered all selfishness."


1. Give the name of the chapter.

2. Who does 'she' refer to in the given passage?

3. Why was Kisa Gotami sad?

4. What realisation came to Kisa Gotami?

5. Which word in the passage means 'stopped burning?

Q7. Answer any two of the following questions : (2 X 3 = 6)

(i) Why did Lencho call the raindrops new coins? (A Letter to God)

(ii) Why did the narrator act like an obedient child? (The Black Aeroplane)

(iii) What was the place of a baker in the childhood of the writer? (A Baker from Goa)

(iv) Which sights moved Siddhartha Gautama to see the path of enlightenment? (The
Sermon at Benares)

Q8. Attempt any one of the following questions : (6)

Write a pen portrait of Anne Frank.


What do you know about Coorg and its people?

Q9. Attempt any one of the following stanzas : (5)

(I am an orphan, roaming the street.

I pattern soft dust with my hushed, bare feet.

The silence is golden,the freedom is sweet.)


1. Name the poem and the poet.

2. Who is 'I' in these lines?

3. What does Amanda want to become here?

4. What kind of a girl is Amanda?

5. How is silence described here?


"But I can get a hair-dye And set such colour there,

Brown, or black, or carrot,

That young men in despair

May love me for myself alone

And not my yellow hair. "


1. Who is the speaker of these lines?

2. What colour can she give to her hair ?

3.Why does she want to change the colour of her hair?

4. Name the poem and the poet.

5. Which word in the stanza means the opposite of 'hope'?

Q10. Attempt any two of the following questions : (2 X 3 = 6)

(i) What changed the mood of the poet? (Dust of Snow)

(ii) How does the poet describe a chameleon? (How to Tell Wild Animals)

(iii) What is the main idea of the poem 'The Trees'?

(iv) Who was Custard and how did he look? ( The Tale of Custard the Dragon)

Q11. Attempt any two of the following questions : (2 X 3 = 6)

(i) Why did Mrs Pumphrey make a frantic call to Mr Herriot? (A Triumph of Surgery)

(ii) What do you think is the meaning of the phrase 'Honour among Thieves'?

(A Question of Trust)
(iii) What curious episode occured in the study room? (Footprints without Feet)

(iv) For what unusual reasons is Bholi sent to school? (Bholi)

Q12. Attempt any one of the following questions : (6)

What idea do you form of Ausable from your study of the story 'The Midnight Visitor’?


'Richard Ebright had all the ingredients required for the making of a scientist'. Elaborate

Answer key

Practice Question paper

Class: 10th

Marking instruction

Question Expected Answers Marks

No. awarded
1 10 Marks
1 D. All of these (1 Mark each)
2 D. Both A and B
3 C. the press
4 A. the public
5 D. indecent
6. Because the newspaper is a source of truth for them.
7. The duty of the editors is to see that no false report or
report likely to excite the public should be published in
their newspapers.
8. An enlightened public would refuse to patronise the
indecent newspapers. It would keep them on the right
9. The writer thinks that no amount of public criticism will
affect the wrong policy of newspapers.
10. to ignore or disregard

2 10 Marks
1. A well-educated intellectual or brave man finds it (1 Mark each)
difficult to make money the chief object of his thoughts.
2. The main notion of the life of a good soldier is to win
3. A soldier complains and grumbles when he is kept ten
years without his salary.
4. A good doctor desires to cure his sick patient.
5. For ill- educated, cowardly and stupid people, the fee is
first and the work second.
6. (A) Dinner
7. (D) Both B and C
8. (A) fees
9. (B) object
10. (A) sick

3 1. (C) hides 10 Marks

2. (B) would have caught
3. (B) a
4. (B) the
5. (B) Raman and Rohit have not passed their B. A. yet.
6. (D) I bought a book titled 'Othello' written by
7.(B) must
8. (D) must
9. (B) Mother advised Pramila to avoid meeting bad girls.
10.(D) He asked me whom she wanted to contact.
11. (C) laugh
12. (C) run

4 Letter 5 marks
Format : 1 mark
Sender’s address, Date, Receiver’s address, Subject and
Salutation, Body of letter & Complimentary Close

Award full marks if all aspects are included.

Award 0.5 mark if more than one aspect is missing.
Award zero mark if more than two aspects are missing.

Content : 2 marks
Accuracy & Expression : 2 marks
Award full marks if
 Tense, tone and vocabulary are appropriate
 Coherent and relevant ideas
 One or two grammatical/ spelling mistake

Model Answer :
6, Raja Road
5th July 2023

The Manager
Capital Electronics

Subject : Complaint about defected T. V. set


I am writing to complain about a television set that I

purchased from your store on 22nd June 2023.The model
number of the TV is Sony X564.
After one month of use, the volume on the TV could not
be adjusted and the screen kept going back. I have tried
all steps that are recommended in the owner's manual,
but the problems persist.I am very disappointed with the
quality of this product and the inconvenience that it has
caused me. I request that you either send a technician to
my home to repair the TV or replace it with a new one.
The TV is still under warranty, so I am confident that you
will resolve this issue in a timely and satisfactory manner.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours sincerely


Sewa Sadan
Sector 90
5th August 2023

The Editor
The Times of India

Subject : Problem of waterlogging in Sector 90


I am writing to express my concern about the recurring

problem of waterlogging in my area during the monsoon
season. Every year, the streets and roads are flooded
with rainwater, making it difficult for residents to go about
their daily lives.

The flooded roads make it difficult for vehicles to pass

leading to traffic jams.The stagnant water provides a
breeding ground for mosquitoes which can lead to the
spread of diseases.

I urge the concerned authorities to take immediate steps

to address the waterlogging problem in our area. The
existing drainage system needs to be upgraded to
increase its capacity to handle heavy rains.All
encroachments on drains must be removed to ensure
that they can function properly.Rainwater harvesting
systems can be used to collect and store rainwater, which
can then be used for irrigation and other purposes. This
will help to reduce the amount of rainwater that flows into
the drainage system.

I hope that the authorities will take my concerns seriously

and take steps to resolve the waterlogging problem in our

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Yours sincerely

5 Advertisement 5 marks
Format : 1 mark
Box, Heading, Content, Contact no, Address/ Email

Award full marks if all aspects are included

Award ½ mark if more than one aspect is missing.
Award zero mark if more than two aspects are missing.

Content : 3 marks

Accuracy of Spelling and Grammar - 1 mark

Required an experienced driver for a business
man's personal car Honda City. The candidate must
have at least 5 years of experience as a car driver
without any record of accidents. Salary 78000 -
10000 per month.Apply within 10 days to Post Box
number 120, the Hindustan Times, New Delhi

Format : 1 mark
Box, Title/ Heading, Place, Date, Name of reporter
 Award full marks if all aspects are included.
 Award 0.5 mark if more than one aspect is
 Award zero mark if more than two aspects are

Content : 2 marks

Accuracy & Expression : 2 marks

Award full marks if :
 Tense, tone and vocabulary are appropriate
 Coherent and relevant ideas
 one or two grammatical/ spelling mistake

Model Answer :
Geeta Bharti Senior Secondary School,Karnal
Environment Protection Week
Report by

24th March 2022

The Eco club of our school celebrated ‘Environment

Protection Week' from 15th March to 21st March 2022.
On the first day of the campaign, 100 members of the
Eco club visited the nearby villages and collected
Polythene bags from the area. On the next day, Mrs
Amrita, the incharge of the Eco club organised a
declamation contest on the topic Save Environment,
Save Future'. On 17th March, a poster making contest
onthe topic Our Environment: The Real Treasure' was
organised. from 18th March to 20th March, tree
plantation programme was launched in the school
campus and nearby areas. On the last day, a cultural
program based on the theme of 'Save Nature' was held
in the school campus and nearby areas. On the last day,
a cultural program based on the theme of 'Save Nature'
was held in the school campus. Sh. Ram Avatar, the
DEO of our district, was the chief guest on the occasion.
He honoured the students and the teachers for this noble
cause. The Environment protection week celebration
proved a great success.
6 Ans. 5 Marks
1. Long Walk to Freedom
2. The day of inauguration when the first non-racial and
democratic government was made in South Africa.
3. Mandela remembers all the African patriots who
sacrificed their lives for the rights of the black people.
4. The African martyrs were not able to witness the day of
inauguration. This thing pained Mandela.
5. wrought
1. The Sermon at Benares
2. Here 'she' refers to Kisa Gotami.
3.because she was unable to find a house where no one
has died.
4. She realised that death is common to all.
5. extinguished

7 (i) Suggested value points : 2X3=6

rain compared to coins, rain symbol of prosperity, bring
him money, enable him to earn his livelihood.
Model Answer :
Lencho compared the big drops of rain to ten cent pieces
and the little ones to five cent pieces. The reason was that
rain was the symbol of prosperity in his life. It would bring
him money and good fortune.It would enable him to earn
his livelihood.

(ii) Suggested value points :

plane caught in the stormy clouds, short of fuel,
equipments stopped working, black aeroplane the only
Model Answer :
The narrator's plane was caught in the stormy clouds. He
was short of fuel.The equipment had stopped working.The
black aeroplane was his only hope of getting out of the
storm. So he acted like an obedient child.

(iii) Suggested value points :

he baker as a companion, friend and guide, very
important place, visited twice a day, bring sweet bread
bangles for children.

Model Answer :
The baker used to be a companion, friend and guide. He
held a very important place in the life of people. He used
to visit the writer's village twice a day. His jingling sound
used to wake up the writer. He would bring sweet bread
bangles for children.

(iv) Suggested value points :

a sick man, an old man, a funeral procession and a
monk, sights moved him, left the royal palace, search of
enlightenment to understand the cause of suffering.

Model Answer :
One day, while going for hunting, Gautama saw a sick
man, an old man, a funeral procession and a monk. These
sights moved him very much. He left the royal palace and
moved to the path of enlightenment to understand the
cause of human suffering and death.

8 Suggested value points : 6 Marks

Anne a popular diarist and victim of the holocaust, the
chapter shows her school life, no close friend to share the
innermost feelings, decides to keep a diary, loves her
grandmother very much, very talkative by nature, found
talking three times and gets punishment by her maths
teacher, punishment is to write essay on different topics
related to talking, impresses the teacher with her wit and

Model Answer :
Anne Frank is a popular diarist and one of the most-
discussed Jewish victims of the holocaust.In her
diary, she documents her life In hiding from 1942 to 1944
during the German occupation of the Netherlands in the
Second World War.
The chapter 'From the Diary of Anne Frank' shows the
school life of Anne Frank. She feels that she has no close
friend with whom she can share her innermost thoughts.
She believes that paper has more patience than people.
So she decides to keep a diary which she names Kitty. She
loves her grandmother very much. She lights an extra
candle on her birthday to show her love for the dead
granny. She is a very talkative girl. Her maths teacher Mr
Keesing asks her to write an essay on the topic 'A
Chatterbox' as a punishment. She shows her wit and
humour in the essay by stating that talking is the natural
quality of a student. She has inherited the quality from her
mother. Again she is given an essay to write on the topic
'An Incorrigible Chatterbox'. Next time, she is asked to
write an essay on the topic 'Quack, Quack, Quack, Said
Mistress Chatterbox'. This time she writes a prosaic poem
and impresses the teacher with her composition. Now the
teachers stops punishing her. Thus we find that Anne is a
talented, emotional and intelligent girl.

Suggested value points :
Coorg a small district of Karnataka, known as Kodagu, lies
between Mangalore and Mysore, famous for coffee
plantation, evergreen rainforest and spices, people of
Coorg are of Greek or Arabic descent, Alexander's army
settled in Coorg, people wear long and black coat like that
of Arabs, tales of bravery are famous.

Model Answer :
Coorg is a small district of Karnataka. It is also known as
Kodagu. It lies between the coastal town of Mangalore and
Mysore. It is famous for its coffee plantations, evergreen
rainforests and spices. The writer says that it must have
come from the kingdom of God.
The people of Coorg are independent and brave. They are
possibly of Greek or Arabic descent. According to a story,
a part of Alexander's army did not return and settled in
Coorg. They married among the locals. Another theory
says that these people are originated from the Arabs. It is
evident from their long and black coat. It is like the kuffia
worn by the Arabs. The coorgie people's tales of bravery
are very famous.

9 Ans. 9 5 Marks
1. Amanda! by Robin Klein
2. 'I' refer to Amanda here.
3.Amanda wants to become an orphan in these lines.
4. She is an imaginative girl.
5. Silence is described as precious as gold.


1. A young woman
2.brown,black or carrot
3. Because she wants someone to love for herself alone
and not for the colour of her hair.
4. For Anne Gregory by W. B. Yeats
5. despair

10 (i) Suggested Value Points : 2 x 3 =6

the poet was sad, snowflakes fell down on him, changed Marks
his mood, small things powerful to uplift man's mood.
Model Answer :
The poet was feeling depressed and hopeless. He was
standing under a hemlock tree. The sudden raining down
of snowflakes on him changed his mood. He was cheered
up. He felt joy to be alive on a beautiful day. It shows that
small things have the power to change and uplift man's

(ii) Suggested Value Points :

a chameleon : neither ears nor wings, garden lizard,
changes its colour, gets protected from the hunters.

Model Answer :
A chameleon does not have any ears or wings. It is a
garden lizard. It changes its colour to match its
surroundings. This ability of the chameleon helps it in
saving from the hunters.

(iii) Suggested Value Points :

conflict between man and nature, poet's concern for trees,
trees moving towards their natural habitat, trees need to
be in the forests.

Model Answer :
The poem explores the theme of conflict between man and
nature. It expresses the poet's concern for trees and
people to be in their natural surroundings. It shows how
trees are breaking the interiors and moving towards their
natural habitat. The main idea of the poem is that trees
need to be in the forests and not inside homes. Likewise
man needs to be closer to nature and not far from it.

(iv) Suggested Value Points :

Custard the pet dragon of Belinda, cried for a nice and safe
cage, sharp teeth and mouth like a fire place, scales
underneath and spikes on the top.

Model Answer :
Custard was the pet dragon of Belinda. He cried for a nice
and safe cage. He looked terrifying. He had big sharp teeth
and claws like daggers. His mouth was like a fire place. His
nose was like a chimney. He had scales underneath and
spikes on top of his body.

11 (i) Suggested Value Points : 2 x 3 =6

provided Tricki a lavish life, overfed him, Tricki got Marks
seriously ill, got worried and made frantic call to Doctor
Model Answer :
Mrs. Pumphrey loved her pet dog Tricki very much. She
was more concerned towards giving him a comfortable
life. She kept over feeding him. As a result, he fell ill and
started vomiting. He spent all his time lying on the rug
and panting. It made her so much worried that she made
a frantic call to Dr. Herriot for his treatment.

(ii) Suggested Value Points :

the phrase means thieves remain honest to each other,
Horace befooled by another thief, put behind bars, gets
angry whenever anybody talks of 'Honour among thieves'.

Model Answer :
The phrase 'Honour among Thieves' means that thieves
do not cheat each other. They remain honest to each other.
But the story shows that Horace is befooled and trapped
by another thief. He is put behind bars for a crime which he
has not committed for himself. So he gets angry when
anyone talks of 'Honor among Thieves'.

(iii) Suggested Value Points :

Griffin broke into a clergyman's house, the clergy man
and his wife heard the chink of money, but found nobody
in the room, money was missing.

Model Answer :
When Griffin needed money to pay his rent, he broke into
a clergyman's house. The clergyman and his wife were
awakened by noise in the study very early in the morning.
They heard the chink of money being taken from the desk.
They did not find anybody in the room. Yet the desk had
been opened and the housekeeping money was missing.

(iv) Suggested Value Points :

Bholi neither intelligent nor beautiful, ignored by family,
sent to school, reason was to follow the order of the
(any other relevant point)

Model Answer :
Bholi is neither intelligent nor beautiful. She is completely
ignored by her family members. But she is chosen to be
sent to school. The reason was that the Tehsildar had
asked Ramlal to send his daughters to school to set an
example for the villagers. So Bholi is sent to school to
follow the order of the Tehsildar.
12 Suggested Value Points : 6 Marks
Ausable different from the conventional notion of a secret
agent, lived in a gloomy French hotel, extremely fat and
received message through phone calls, smart, intelligent
and sharp minded, able to frame a fake police story and
the balcony story, made Max believe that the balcony
existed and got rid of him with smartness, dangerous for
other agents.
Model Answer :
Ausable was different from the conventional notion of a
secret agent. He had a small room in musty corridor of a
gloomy French hotel. It was on the sixth and top floor. It
was hardly the setting for a romantic adventure. He was
extremely fat. In spite of living in Paris for over 20 years,
he spoke French and German with difficulty. Instead of
getting messages passed secretly to him by beautiful girls,
he got only routine telephone call making an appointment.

He was smart, intelligent cool and sharp minded person he

was quick weighted and had a great presence of mind. He
was able to frame a fake story - a Police Story and the
balcony story to befool Max. The story was so convincing
that Max believed that the balcony actually existed and he
jumped out of it.Ausable got rid of Max and saved the
important documents. Thus Ausable showed that he was
quite dangerous for other agents.
Suggested Value Points :
A first rate mind, curiosity and the will to win for right reason
are the ingredients, Richard had all these ingredients, a
bright student with scientific aptitude, started collecting
butterflies and tried experiments on them, explained
purpose of 12 tiny gold spots, necessary for full
development of a butterfly, worked on how cells read their
DNA, theory could answer to many cancer diseases, all
rounder having ingredients in the making of a scientist.

Model Answer :
The writer describes that a first-rate mind, curiosity and the
will to win for right reason are the ingredients in the making
of a scientist. A scientist is not somebody who knows
science but one who is curious to experiment and discover
something new. The chapter shows that Richard had all
these ingredients to make a successful scientist. He was a
bright student with inclination towards research in science.
He collected rocks, fossils and coins. He started collecting
butterflies in kindergarten. He tried experiments on butter-
flies for a science fair. In his project in the second year of
high school, he tried to explain purpose of twelve tiny gold
spots on a Monarch pupa. He found out that those sports
produce hormone necessary for the full development of a
butterfly. This discovery got him many honours. Then he
began working on how cells read their DNA. His theory
could find answer to many cancer diseases. His theory
brought some great changes in the world of science. He
was a good speaker, canoeist, debater, player, astronomer
and photographer also. Thus he had all the ingredients in
the making of a scientist.

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