I. The Methodology
The cyber security frameworks in India and the UK have been analysed on a number of
elements keeping in mind the broad nature and the different facets of a holistic cyber
security framework. The methodology for assessment has been briefly outlined below:
The first metric for comparing these jurisdictions is on the historical basis of cyber security.
The impact of the internet as a crucial resource has certainly not been restricted to the
developed world, despite considerable differences in technological development. However,
the internet developed differently in different jurisdictions owing to their unique economic,
social and political environments. This metric assesses the history of the development of
‘cyber security’ as a matter of regulation in order to identify the impetus for and intention
behind cyber security related legislation or policy in the different jurisdictions, which
would shape policy outcomes. This section briefly describes how cyber security policy was
developed in response to specific social, political and economic scenarios, and after a more
sophisticated understanding of cyber space and the changing nature of cyber threats had
been developed. The antecedents of cyber security legislation have also been analysed to
see if, and how, existing laws and policies have been adapted to cover cyber security related
issues, and whether similar frameworks could be usefully adapted by either jurisdiction.
The second metric for comparing these jurisdictions is on the scope of ‘cyber security’ in
both jurisdictions. This metric addresses three concerns –
Firstly, how is cyber security prioritised within each jurisdiction? This can be assessed from
the level of sophistication and focus on the development of cyber security, in terms of
allocation of resource and level of commitment.
Secondly, how are areas of concern identified? Cyber security can have several, potentially
competing perspectives – economic (as in protection of businesses), social (protecting
individual privacy) or sovereign (national security). Cyber security means different things for
different stakeholders, who prioritize certain perspectives over others. The prevailing cyber
security policy usually reflects which of these perspectives dominates political discourse.1
For example, identification of institutions as Critical Infrastructure (“CI”) as areas of specific
concern for cyber security helps understand the perspectives on ‘criticality’ within each
jurisdiction. Critical infrastructure identification is a fundamental component of national
cyber security policy, and helps identify areas of priority when making policy.2 Assessing
criticality provides some perspective on the discursive politics of cyber security. Critical
Information Infrastructure (“CII”), which, as the nomenclature suggests, is CI in information
networks, and to which cyber security is arguably most relevant, can be assessed as
structurally critical i.e., important from the perspective of the interdependence of various
other systems outside of cyber space to information infrastructure. Other aspects of Cyber
Security, such as the protection of national or religious symbols from cyber attacks, can be
seen as symbolically important. Such classifications can provide important insight into the
focus areas of cyber security.
Thirdly, this metric studies the typology of cyber threats identified by these countries.
Identifying the source of threats and the consequences of these threats, as well as the
intentions behind threats is an important factor of cyber security preparedness and can
help evaluate how countries respond differently to different facets of cyber threat – for
example, in making distinctions between cyber-enabled threats (those which use cyber
space or computer resources for committing ‘real-world’ or conventional offences) and
cyber-dependant threats (which specifically target the security of computer systems) and in
adopting different approaches towards different kinds of actors.3
The third metric for comparing these jurisdictions is on cyber security governance structures.
During the initial development of the Internet, the responsibility for cyber security, much
like the management of cyber space, was primarily undertaken by private actors serving
the interests only of their own users or networks. Gradually, it became apparent that cyber
security required collaboration at multiple levels between these actors, and this gave the
impetus for other non-governmental actors, such as industry bodies, to begin coordinating
broader efforts towards collaborative cyber security. The formal intervention of governments
in this sphere began both as a result of increased reliance of public (in the sense of
government-controlled) infrastructure on cyber space, as well as the realisation that the
government architecture may be best placed to maximise collaboration and coordination on
cyber security.4 These three actors – businesses, independent non-governmental bodies and
government institutions, have been assessed within this metric to outline the extent to which
they contribute to the overall structure of cyber security mechanisms in these jurisdictions.
As the focus of this report is primarily on government institutions and policy, this metric, in
particular, analyses how and to what extent existing governmental institutions have been
leveraged as well as how new mechanisms have been created in the development of cyber
security mechanisms. Within the government, various agencies are responsible for different
structures, yet, they must find ways of coordinating efforts at cyber security. These agencies
may be classified in terms of the roles they fulfil. Policy making, co-ordination, operational
agencies and private sector regulators can all play different but complimentary roles in any
cyber security framework.5 This analysis is useful to see how different cyber security concerns
are addressed by the institutional framework, such as those addressed at the civilian internet
and those addressed at the security infrastructure.
Given the complexity of cyber threats today, responses to these require a large degree of
cohesiveness and cooperation between various actors – Harknett and Stever have described
this as cooperation between the ‘cyber security triad’ consisting of governments, the private
sector, and the engaged citizen.6 The priorities and goals of these three actors are often
not aligned, although the ultimate aim is to counter cyber threats. The private sector has
historically been a major actor in cyber security, which has led to parallel institutions and
mechanisms existing outside of government infrastructure. However, these solutions are
usually market-oriented and often miss out critical aspects of cyber security, and therefore
may play an overlapping or a complementary role with the government. The third actor,
namely individuals, as end-users and end-points of the network, are also essential to
6 Richard J. Harknett, James A. Stever, The Cybersecurity Triad: Government, Private Sector Partners, and
the Engaged Cybersecurity Citizen, 6(1) Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, 79
maintaining cyber security, as most individuals are to some degree participants in attacks
on cyber space. Therefore, policy is often framed with a view to coordinate the efforts and
goals of these discrete actors towards comprehensively protecting cyber space. Measures
to regulate these actors are broad, and include cyber threat reporting requirements, legal
sanctions against lax security practices, standard setting by the government and information
campaigns aimed at specific actors. This metric analyses how policy in these jurisdictions
has regulated and engaged the private sector such as businesses and civil society and the
citizenry in cyber security.
The fourth metric on which cyber security policy in these jurisdictions as been compared
is on foreign policy and international commitments. Legal jurisdiction being one of the
most challenging issues in the global cyber space, international cooperation in this
sphere is indispensable – countries cannot solely rely on their own domestic institutions
and frameworks to comprehensively tackle cyber threats. Further, domestic regulation
on cyber security can also have implications in other jurisdictions. For example, data
sharing requirements placed on companies that handle cross-border information in one
jurisdiction could threaten data privacy and sovereignty requirements in another jurisdiction.
It is therefore important to analyse how these different countries approach the task of
international cooperation on cyber security. Foreign policy on cyber security reflects in
membership to international organizations, stances on negotiations and membership
to bilateral and multilateral treaties as well as through bilateral ties and participation
in international programmes. This section analyses cyber security foreign policy in both
The fifth metric is how these jurisdictions place cyber security within the charter of
individual rights and freedoms on the Internet. Cyber security regulation can have far
reaching implications on civil liberties, in particular on the right to privacy and the freedom
of speech and expression and the freedom of organization.7 Countries have different
approaches on how these values are safeguarded in regulation dealing with cyber security,
and what level of legislative or judicial oversight cyber security bodies have. This metric
assesses how policy in both jurisdictions addresses these concerns and the extent to which
policies are cognizant of the need to balance the requirements of cyber security with online
7 Gregory T. Nojeim, Cybersecurity and Freedom on the Internet, 4 Journal Of National Security Law &
Policy, 119, (2010).
8 Saikat Datta, Internet Democracy Project, Cybersecurity, Internet Governance and India's Foreign
Policy: Historical Antecedents, (January 2016) available at
cyber security policy in India has historically been aligned with sovereignty considerations,
in particular, with state-sponsored terrorism as well as internal security. Aligning policy
objectives with sovereignty and security concerns, cyber security has therefore mostly
been approached from a state-centric perspective with the discourse being one of national
security as against a broader multi-stakeholder perspective concerning social or economic
aspects of cyber security.9
2. Legislative History
The rapid proliferation of computer technology and the internet in India only took place in
the last decade, although its roots lie in the liberalisation of the Indian economy in the early
1990s. As a result, the development of regulation for cyberspace was belated. Due to the
lack of widespread use of computers and the internet until the late 1990s, there was little
pressure for development of laws to regulate computers and cyber space. India’s overarching
law for regulating information technology, the Information Technology Act, was enacted
in the year 2000, and even then, did not adequately address issues of cyber security, only
introducing and penalising the incidence of hacking. Thereafter, in 2004, the Indian Computer
Emergency Response Team (CERT-in) was established, and has since played the dominant role
in cyber security in India. The Cert-in annual reports, which provide yearly statistics of cyber
attacks, provide a picture of the exponential growth in cyber threats over the last decade.10
Data released by the government provides some context to the increasing relevance of cyber
security policy making. As per the cyber crime data for the years 2010-2013, maintained by
National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB), a total of 1791, 2876 and 4356 Cyber Crime cases were
registered under Information Technology Act respectively. Further, a total of 422, 601 and 1337
cases were registered under Cyber Crime related Sections of Indian Penal Code (IPC) during
the same years.11 In addition, the number of incidents reported to the CERT-In increased
exponentially, from 22060 in 2010 to 96383 in 2013. These included security incidents
including phishing, scanning, spam, malicious code, website intrusions etc. As per the CERT-
in Annual Report for 2016, 8,311 security breach incidents were reported in the country in
January 2015 alone, an increase from 5,967 recorded the previous year.
An increase in cyber-terrorism incidents, both internationally and domestically towards the
end of the last decade gave an increased impetus to establish cyber security mechanisms.12
Subsequently, the IT Act was amended in 2008 to define the role of CERT-In, and introduced
penal actions against cyber-threats, including cyber-terrorism, identity theft and data
protection. The 2008 amendment also introduced a system of recognizing ‘Critical
Infrastructure’ and mechanisms for their protection. However, the development of effective
cyber security infrastructure under the IT Act has been belated. The National Cyber Security
Policy, which sets out policy objectives for the government was introduced only in 2013,
years after cyber security was putatively recognized as an area of concern, and has not been
updated since. The central agency responsible for CII protection, the NCIIPC, similarly, was
only notified in 2014, after a six-year gap from its conceptualisation under the IT Act.13
There is some tension between cyber security and state surveillance in India. In dealing with
encryption and encrypted communications, essential aspects of secure communication, the
government has preferred to forgo strong encryption for easier surveillance. An example
9 Id.
12 Saikat Datta, Internet Democracy Project, Cybersecurity, Internet Governance and India's Foreign
Policy: Historical Antecedents, (January 2016) available at
of this approach to encryption is the draft National Encryption Policy, precipitated by the
widespread adoption of encryption by widespread instant communication technologies
such as WhatsApp.14 The draft policy regulated algorithms and key sizes that could be used
for encrypted communications, and required communication services operating in India to
deposit encryption keys with the Government. The effect of this policy and its outcome is
analysed later.
3. Legal Antecedents
The closest antecedent to the IT Act, the Indian Telegraphs Act of 1885, has been used as a
legal basis to take control of communications infrastructure (including the internet) by the
Government, including for shutting down networks and intercepting communication. This law
is regularly used to deny internet access to politically volatile areas,15 although its application
to issues of cyber security is not known. Prior to the introduction of the Indian Information
Technology Act, India did not have existing criminal law addressing issues of cyber security,
such as targeted attacks against computer infrastructure. However, existing criminal law
has been used to prosecute instances of ‘data theft’, which includes unauthorized access to
computers.16 There are no incidents of courts interpreting common law duties of care which
are owed under tort law (for example for maintaining confidence), for the protection of data
or computer resources, although there may be some support for such a duty within the
interpretation of the tort of breach of confidence in India.17
1. Social and Political Background and Legislative History
The United Kingdom had widely adopted computers and made available communication
infrastructure, similar to the modern internet, by the late 1980’s.18 Consequently, it was one
of the first countries to adopt an act to deal with cyber security, enacting the Computer
Misuse Act of 1990. The pressure for development of computer law was in direct response
to the growing computer-enabled communications infrastructure and the lack of adequate
legal mechanisms to prosecute domestic cyber offences such as breaches of government
or private systems. In Regina v Gold And Schifreen,19 the Court of Appeal and the House of
Lords, both stated the inapplicability of existing penal provisions on fraud, to deal with an
issue of unauthorized access to a computer. The Computer Misuse Act introduced three new
criminal offences - unauthorized access to computer material, access with intent to facilitate
an offence; and unauthorized modification of computer material. However, prosecutions
under the Act have been surprisingly low – this may be attributed to the high penalties
and the lack of civil measures available for recovering damages by private parties, making
18 Leslie Haddon, The home computer: the making of a consumer electronic, 2 Science as Culture, 7
(1988), available at
19 [1988] 2 WLR 984, available at
individuals reluctant to pursue such claims.20 In 2006, the Act was amended by the Police and
Justice Act, which increased punishments for the three offences, and added a fourth offence
of supplying or obtaining articles for use in computer misuse offences.21 Further, the rise of
terrorism globally, coincident with the rise in computer related offences, prompted the UK to
enact the Terrorism Act of 2000, which proscribes acts ‘designed seriously to interfere with or
seriously to disrupt an electronic system.’22 Under similar pressures for the development of
secure infrastructure against terrorism, the polarising Investigatory Powers Act was passed in
2016, which, among other things, required communication service providers (communication
applications such as WhatsApp or Viber) to ensure that messages transmitted through their
services could be decrypted by security agencies. This law also gave expansive investigatory
powers to UK security agencies, highlighting the tension between cyber security, surveillance
and civil liberties.
Government figures indicate that cyber attackers have become a major source of criminal
activity. The UK reported 2.46 million cyber incidents and 2.11 million victims of cyber crime in
2015.23 The UK’s cyber security infrastructure has also gradually become more sophisticated.
At an organizational level, information security was historically a function of a wing of the
Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), which was responsible for protecting
government information systems. In parallel, organizations like the CERT-UK were established
as part of the government strategy on Cyber Security, and existing bodies like the Centre
for the Protection of National Infrastructure were given additional responsibilities on cyber
security. In 2016, these disparate organizations were consolidated under the National Cyber
Security Centre, which is the primary authority on cyber security in the UK.
2. Legal Antecedents
There are a few antecedents of data protection in the development of the tort of confidence.
Under common law, applicable in the UK, a duty of care is owed to another party where
there is “a sufficient relationship of proximity” that an act of carelessness had harmed the
victim. Hypothetically, this could provide a basis for tortuous liability of a resource owner in
maintaining a standard of cyber security.24 The UK has high level protections for individual
privacy, which is recognized as a human right, and also has comprehensive data protection
laws in line with EU regulations for privacy. The UK’s membership in the European Union has
played a large role in its domestic legislation concerning cyber security. The Data Protection
Act of 1998, enacted in order to comply with the EU Data Protection Directive, included
provisions on the safety of personal data held by data controllers, and also penalised
unauthorized access to such data.25 With the UK set to leave the EU after the June 2016
referendum, the impact of this on its cyber security laws is still an open question. This is
discussed in more detail in the section on international considerations below.
21 Police and Justice Act 2006 (Commencement No. 9), Order 2008 SI 2008/2503.
Interestingly, however, India shared the 5th rank on the ITU’s Global Cyber Security Index
for 2014, which measures and ranks countries based on internal commitment to cyber
• Both countries have struggled to adapt existing law to rapid technological developments,
opting instead to develop new legislation or new institutions to focus specifically on
cyber security.
• A major focus of cyber security in both countries has been on national security in
light of the growing threat of organized actors, including foreign actors and terrorist
organizations. Both nations have therefore attempted to expand the influence of cyber
security through security legislation.
• The UK’s international sphere of influence has also been exercised through its expanded
cyber security capabilities, being part of the ‘five eyes’ surveillance alliance,27 in stark
contrast to India, which is only inching towards being a major player in cyber diplomacy.
investigation and coordinated responses. The objectives of the 2013 Policy highlight the
social and economic significance of protection of personal data and protecting against cyber
crime, as well as the importance of protecting critical infrastructure, which could hamper the
functioning of the national economy. While the policy is helpful inasmuch as it recognizes the
various facets of cyber security, the policy in unhelpful in demarcating different approaches
to national cyber security and spelling out how the government aims to approach these
different facets, for example, how responses to cyber terrorism or attacks against critical
infrastructure would be different from cyber crimes like data theft. It also fails to provide
concrete goals or measures of achieving cyber security. Similar to the National Cyber Security
Policy, but just as vague, is the XII Five Year Plan report on Cyber Security, for 2017 – 2022,
which focuses on possible ways to achieve cyber security in a systemic manner over the
plan period. The Plan Report also identifies some clear steps which can be taken as target
deliverables for cyber security, however, few of these are yet operational.33
Cyber crime is identified as a priority in both the Five Year Plan as well as the Cyber Security
Policy. Further, hacking, theft of data, computer related crimes and cyber terrorism are crimes
which are prosecuted under various sections of the IT Act or the IPC and operationalized
through law enforcement agencies. There is little distinction between cyber-enabled and
cyber-dependant crimes, and no specific policy approach for the latter.
There is no law on data protection applicable to governmental authorities. In fact, there is
little emphasis in laws on securing individual personal data held by private parties as an
aspect of cyber security. Incidences of individual and consumer data protection vis-à-vis
online services, are mostly left to the realm of private law, including contractual remedies.
The primary umbrella tool for data protection remains a sole provision for reasonable
security practices required by ‘body corporates’ under Section 43A of the IT Act, read with
the Reasonable Security Practices Guidelines, which require compliance with reasonable
security standards prescribed under the guidelines, such as ISO 27001 Information Security
Management Standard or any other standard with government approval.
Cyber security is clearly a growing priority for India – both for government policy as well as
for a private sector and a society increasingly reliant on a secure internet. While India’s cyber
security framework indicates a clear need to secure socially and economically important
sectors like banking and finance, energy, cyber security is identified as being particularly
critical to India’s foreign policy and defence objectives.34 Similarly, while cyber security policy
acknowledges the variety of factors which could pose threats to cyber security - including
foreign states, criminals, accidents or natural disasters – policy is largely focussed on tackling
organized cyber threats such as terrorist groups or foreign states, which could pose a threat
to national security, and as such, cyber security is not seen as an objective to achieve
through a multi-lateral approach, with a heavy preference for fulfilling statist and nationalist
objectives through policy. Moreover, policy in India is focussed upon improving its cyber
defensive strategies rather than its cyber offensive capabilities.
2. Assessment of Criticality
The IT Act provides the basis for recognizing areas of focus for cyber security, by establishing
a system for the protection of critical information infrastructure. Critical Information
Infrastructure is defined under Section 70 of the IT Act as “the computer resource, the
incapacitation or destruction of which, shall have debilitating impact on national security,
economy, public health or safety.” The IT Act also contemplates the National Critical
Information Infrastructure Protection Centre, which was established by a Gazette of India
notification on January 16, 2014. The NCIIPC Rules under the IT Act lay down the manner in
which the NCIIPC should perform its functions. As per the NCIIPC charter, its function is to
“take all necessary measures to facilitate protection of Critical Information Infrastructure,
from unauthorized access, modification, use, disclosure, disruption, incapacitation or
destruction, through coherent coordination, synergy and raising information security
awareness among all stakeholders.” However, there is a conspicuous absence of reference to
multi-stakeholder perspective, with the limited reference being towards engaging the private
sector for the purposes of Human Resource development.
The scope of ‘criticality’ in Indian cyber security can be understood with reference to the
NCIIPC Guidelines (Guidelines),35 which provide a methodology to assess and rank the
criticality of sectors. The Guidelines recognise national security, economy, public health and
safety, as the key considerations in assessing whether the object of protection is critical. The
Guidelines use the following factors to determine criticality –
1. Functionality: This is a ‘set of functions, procedure and or capabilities associated with a
system or with its constituent parts. It may be viewed at two levels- Functional Uniqueness
and Functional Dependency’.
2. Criticality Scale: This is the ‘availability access, delivery and consummation of essential
3. Degree of Complementarities: Which recognizes that the ‘Failure of one system has
potential to shut down other Critical Information Infrastructure relatively quickly in a
cascading manner’.
4. Political, Economic, Social and Strategic Values: which includes ‘what is held important for
political stability, economic prosperity, fraternity, unity and integrity of the nation’.
5. Time Duration: which has ‘significance in the identification and categorization of CII. The
same system may or may not be critical for all the time. Systems or their constituent needs
to be identified in their alignment with period’.
This framework, while primarily focussing on the structural importance of CII, also allows for
‘political, economic and social and strategic values’ as considerations for criticality. Currently,
the following sectors have been identified as CII - banking and financial sector; ICT and
telecommunication; transportation; power; energy; the Ministries of Home Affairs, External
Affairs and Heavy Industries; and Niti Ayog.36 Apart from CII, the Act allows the ‘appropriate
government’ to declare any computer which directly or indirectly affects the facility of critical
information infrastructure to be a ‘protected system’.37 Once notified as a protected system,
a CII is protected from unauthorized access or disruption by stricter laws, and comes under
the ambit of ‘cyber terrorism’. A number of CII have been identified as ‘protected systems’,
including the TETRA Secured Communications Network, the UIDAI database and the Long
Range Identification and Tracking System. Finance and banking systems too have been a focus
of regulatory concern.
However, the broad definition of ‘protected system’ leads to a dilution of the objective of
identifying specific focus areas for protection. For example, state governments, such as the
Chhattisgarh Government,38 have liberally interpreted these systems to include any manner of
computer systems and networks.
3. Categories of Threats
The NCIIPC Guidelines provide some clarity to the approach towards the various aspects
of cyberspace which must be protected, and identifies physical and environmental threats
to cyber security, as well as security risks caused by inadvertent software. Further, the
Guidelines identify a ‘Vulnerability/Threat/Risk’ assessment methodology to map potential
weak points in infrastructure security.
Similar to the NCIIPC, the IT Act establishes the Indian Computer Emergency Response Team
(CERT-in), whose primary responsibility is to respond to ‘cyber security incidents’, particularly
in non-critical sectors. The CERT-In rules provide a more comprehensive threat assessment. A
cyber incident, as per the CERT-in Rules,39 is defined as “any real or suspected adverse event
that is likely to cause or causes and offence or contravention, harm to critical functions and
services across the public and private sectors by impairing the confidentiality, integrity or
availability of electronic information, systems, services or networks resulting in unauthorized
access, denial of service or disruption, unauthorized use of a computer resource, changes
to data or information without authorization; or threatens public safety, undermines public
confidence, have a negative effect on the national economy or diminishes the security posture
of the nation.” The Rules provide clear categories of threats and expressly prioritises them as
1. Threats to physical safety of human beings;
2. Incidents of a ‘severe natures’ (including DDOS, spread of cyber contaminants, etc.) on
the public information infrastructure.
3. Frequent incidents, such as identity theft or defacement of websites.
4. Compromise of individual accounts on multiple systems
There also exist state and sectoral CERTs, including for the army, air force, and navy; one
for banking, known as FinCERT; and one for railways, known as RailCERT. However, no rigid
conceptual distinction is sought to be made for different aspects of cyber security, including
classifications of different actors who pose risks to cyberspace and classifications of different
methods and intentions behind cyber threats. Similarly, while sectoral classifications and
focus areas exist within the cyber security framework, there is little emphasis on developing
a typology different cyber threats and actors and developing measures to tackle them
appropriately. The CERT-In Rules, however, disown any responsibility (thus accountability) for
the CERT-In to maintain cyber security or adequately respond to the same.
1. Prioritisation of Cyber Security and Policy Objectives
Cyber security is identified as a major (Tier 1) threat to national security, and one of six areas
of priority in the national security context, since at least 2010,40 where it finds mention in its
Strategic Defence and Security Review, an annual document outlining the key strategies for
the protection of national security to be pursued by the Government.41 There is a specific
cabinet post for cyber security, under the Cyber Security and Information Assurance Office
and the Cabinet Office, which supports the Prime Minister, also focuses on Cyber Security, and
releases the five-year National Cyber Security Strategy (Strategy), which was first introduced
in 2011.42
The Strategy is the primary policy document setting out the UK government’s five-year plan
to counter cyber threats. Among other things, the Strategy identifies areas of core concern,
develops new institutions focussed on cyber security, and specifies a long term budgetary
allocation for cyber security. The UK’s cyber security strategy for the years 2016-2021 defines
cyber security as the protection of information systems (hardware, software and associated
infrastructure), the data on them, and the services they provide, from unauthorised access,
harm or misuse. This includes harm caused intentionally by the operator of the system, or
accidentally, as a result of failing to follow security procedures.43 Similar to the definition
under the Indian IT Act, cyber security is focussed on ‘information systems’ which includes
physical infrastructure and ‘associated infrastructure’, but also includes misdirection of
services provided by these information systems within its scope. From a budgetary allocation
of £860 Million from the previous five-year strategy, the Government now plans on investing a
sum of £1.9 Billion over these five years.44
The Strategy clearly identifies three primary stakeholders in cyber security – individuals,
businesses and organizations, and the Government itself. It stresses the importance of a
secure internet and cyber space to the economy and recognizes that regulation for cyber
security is complementary to the development of cyber security in the private sector, and to
address market failures when it comes to cyber threats.
While terrorism and foreign actors, similar to in India, have been the basis for the
development of stronger cyber security mechanisms with a focus on national security, the
Strategy attempts a balance between national cyber security concerns and economic and
individual concerns. While it identifies cyber security as important to the UK’s defensive
capabilities and identifies that it can pose a threat to national security, the approach
balances these considerations with the concerns posed by private sector insecurity and
individual data protection. The sovereign-focus of the Strategy reflects in its aim to develop
indigenous cryptographic capabilities.45 Further, offensive cyber capabilities are an area of
focus in UK’s defence policy, which is charted in the National Offensive Cyber Programme, to
help attain the UK’s goals of deterrence through developing offensive cyber capacities.46
At the same time, UK policy relies heavily on industry and industry cooperation, both in
the delivery of cyber defence (for example, through communication intermediaries), the
creation of better standards and intelligence sharing. However, the Strategy is mostly reliant
on market forces for the same, and does not contemplate private sector regulation such as
standard setting or reporting requirements, for improving cyber security.
The protection of government data is a priority,47 with specific bodies constituted for and
policies directed towards this aspect of information protection, and a clear classification
scheme for the protection of confidential government data,48 which is markedly different from
the Indian approach, where government data protection lacks a clear policy. However, while
there is a comprehensive data protection legislation as well as laws which recognize privacy
as a human right, there is little mention of individual privacy and data protection as a priority
in national cyber security policy.
2. Assessment of Criticality
This balance is also reflected in the UK’s identification of CI and the protection measures
for the same. The strategy identifies that, apart from government infrastructure, the
systems of media organizations, major businesses, data holders and similarly places private
organizations can also have a major impact on the bearing on the lives of UK citizens, the
stability and strength of the UK economy, or the UK’s international standing and reputation.
There is no statutory definition of CII in the UK. However, Government policy documents
have defined CII as any IT systems which support key assets and services within the national
infrastructure.49 The Centre for the Protection of National Infrastructure (CPNI) was the
primary agency responsible for the critical infrastructure, until the recent creation of the
National Cyber Security Centre, a body tasked with being an interface between industry and
the government, for ‘advise, guidance and support’ on cyber security. In the interests of
national security, the UK does not make its Critical Infrastructure publicly known, however,
the CPNI identifies 13 sectors within UK, including chemicals, civil nuclear communications,
defence, emergency services, energy, finance, food, government, health, space, transport and
water as being critical sectors.50
3. Categories of Threats
There is no clear typology of threats within the UK cyber security strategy. The strategy’s basis
of threat assessment is not entirely clear, however, it does identify specific areas of concern
and frames these threats and actors within a specific typology, unlike its Indian counterpart.
In particular, the strategy identifies cyber-criminals, terrorists, hacktivists, state-sponsored
hackers and ‘script kiddies’ as threats. Further, the strategy identifies areas of concern from a
vulnerability perspective, including lack of training, an expansion of insecure devices and the
ready availability of hacking capabilities. The UK’s approach towards CII recognizes the need
to protect the integrity of CII from both physical threats as well as electronic attacks.
The national strategy recognizes cyber crime as a major aspect of cyber security and
recognizes two distinct aspects of cyber crime, as being either cyber-dependant or cyber-
enabled crimes. The National Cyber Crime Assessment recognizes that the majority of cyber
crime incidents emanate from organized cyber crime groups, a majority of which are located
outside the jurisdiction of the UK. The Computer Misuse Act penalises the unauthorized
access to computers in various situations, while criminal law also recognizes the use of
computers in the commission of traditional offences.
• In terms of military policy, the UK places a strong emphasis on cyber offensive
capabilities, while India concentrates solely on its defensive capabilities.
a single ISAC for the finance sector, set up at the Institute for Development and Research in
Banking Technology, there are no ISAC’s set up by the Government of India.57 The fact that
these plans towards collaborative efforts have received little regard in the Indian cyber
security institutional framework are testament to the fact that cyber security is largely state-
centric and unilateral. One area where the private and public sector do meet is on supply
of cyber-security technology and services capabilities. The Government has empanelled 57
organizations to conduct security auditing of its cyber security practices.58
2. Institutional Framework
Within the Government, there are a number of institutions which are responsible for
sometimes intersecting aspects of cyber security.59 There is no clear primary body responsible
for developing cyber security policy. This responsibility is divided among the newly created
Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (which developed the National Cyber
Security Policy), the Home Ministry (in charge of internal security, including intelligence
agencies), and the National Information Board and National Security Council, responsible
to the Prime Minister’s Office (under the office of the National Security Advisor). The lack of
a formal inter-governmental information sharing mechanism also damages collaboration
on these issues between government bodies. The task of operationalizing cyber security
initiatives falls on a mix of law enforcement agencies and newly created cyber security
organizations, like the CERT-In and NCIIPC. Similarly, there is no single co-ordinating
agency responsible for co-ordinating efforts towards cyber security in India. The National
Information Bureau is, however, in the process of setting up such an agency in the form of
the National Cyber Coordination Centre, which is due to become operational in June, 2017,
and is expected to fulfil the role of a central coordinating agency for law enforcement and
security purposes in cyber space also incorporating the functions of the CERT-In within its
mandate.60 Similarly, a National Cyber Crime Coordination Centre has also been mooted, but
not implemented.61
The CERT-In, besides being the primary incident response agency for non-critical threats, is
also the central agency responsible for information collection on cyber security incidents
and also to monitor non-compliance with cyber security directions under the IT Act, and its
mandate is broad enough for it to investigate and respond to potentially any manner of cyber
security concerns, while the NCIIPC’s function is limited to the identification and protection of
CII. The CERT-In is obligated to convey cyber security incidents relating to critical sectors, to
59 For a snapshot of the various governmental actors involved in cyber security in India, see https://
to report ‘unusual cyber security incidents’,62 and require banks to meet certain baseline
standards for their cyber security mechanisms.63 Similarly reporting requirements for specific
cyber security incidents (as set out in the CERT-in Rules) are within the mandate of the CERT-
In to enforce, which are applicable to every service providers, intermediaries, data centres
or body corporates, which encounter specific kinds of cyber security incidents.64 Besides
this, telecom (UASP)65 and ISP licenses impose network security requirements upon private
operators, however, these are too vague to effectively regulate, for example, the requirement
to ‘not use any hardware/software which are identified as unlawful and/or render network
security vulnerable.’66 Recently, guidelines have also been released for frameworks for cyber
security resilience for insurance companies.67 As discussed previously, the only general
mandate for private information security practices which is applicable to all incorporated
bodies, is as per Section 43A of the IT Act and the Rules made under it.
There are also some initiatives focussed on improving cyber security awareness and
providing tools to businesses and to individuals to proactively deal with cyber threats. The
cyber swachhta kendra set up by CERT-in, a botnet analysis centre set up for the benefit of
end-users, is one such example.68 One major policy goal on which the private sector has been
engaged is the development of indigenous cyber security technical capabilities as well as the
spread of information security awareness, for which purpose projects like the Information
Security Education and Awareness project have been floated. However, cyber security
awareness among individuals and the private sector appears to be lacking, compared to the
pace of growth of cyber threats,69 and a similar lack of cyber security expertise and human
resource capabilities exists in the private sector.70
1. Cyber Security Industry and Public-Private Cooperation
The UK has a diverse cyber security community, with active participation from individuals,
industry, government and civil society. The UK has a maturing cyber security industry, with
a well established market in the UK.71 A number industry bodies exist with a core focus on
cyber security, such as TechUK, an industry body representing around 900 companies in the
high technology industry.72 Apart from this, there are various multi-stakeholder initiatives
which aid in policy development. The Information Assurance Advisory Council is one such
organization which works closely with the UK government in developing and implementing
64 As per Rule
66 Clause 34.25
cyber security policy.73 The UK government also works on developing and funding research in
cyber security with businesses, through schemes like the CyberInvest cooperative investment
There is an emphasis on the development of the indigenous cyber security industry in the UK
policy. Initiatives like the Cyber Essentials Scheme are soft pushes towards standardisation
of cyber security procedures and compliances. Through the Cyber Essentials Scheme, for
example, the UK government aims to encourage cyber resilient frameworks through self-
certification, which is also one of the conditions for businesses being empanelled for certain
government contracts.75 Another examples is the CBEST Vulnerability Testing Framework,
which helps certain institutions at the core of the UK’s financial sector, to identify areas
where the financial sector would be vulnerable to sophisticated cyber-attack.76 There also
exists an institutional framework for information sharing with the private sector through
the Cyber Information Sharing Partnership.77 There is a clear distinction of roles and
responsibilities of various actors, while the need for information sharing and coordination
across various arms of the government is also recognized.
2. Institutional Framework
There is no umbrella legislation which governs information technology or cyber security in
the UK, and its various agencies operate under distinct legislative mandates, such as the
Civil Contingencies Act of 2004, or the Security Services Act of 1989.78 Therefore, executive
agencies tasked with maintaining cyber security have a great degree of flexibility in
developing different approaches towards cyber security. This is in some contrast to India,
where organizations which have been created specifically to counter cyber threats have been
created through legislation. The Office of Cyber Security was formed in 2009 and became
the Office of Cyber Security and Information Assurance (OCSIA) in 2010. The OCSIA is both
responsible for developing and coordinating cyber security policy across various wings of the
UK government, and also works in tandem with the private sector for information exchange
and standard setting. The OCSIA, among other responsibilities, identifies areas of strategic
importance and is responsible for budget allocation across various initiatives undertaken by
the UK.
The National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) is the authoritative agency for implementing cyber
security policy. It is responsible for advising on and coordinating cyber security response
across the government and industry. The NCSC, set up in 2016, incorporates the roles and
functions of the Communications-Electronics Security Group, which was the intelligence
wing of the UK National Security agency, the GCHQ, and is also in charge of the functioning
of the CERT-UK, as well as the Centre for Cyber Assessment and the cyber-related functions
of critical infrastructure protection which were undertaken by the Centre for the Protection
of National Infrastructure. The fact that the NCSC is one of two wings of the GCHQ, an agency
whose primary responsibility is towards national security, is indicative of the national
security emphasis in UK policy.79 Cyber crime investigation and prosecution is operationalized
through the National Cyber Crime Unit of the National Crime Agency, which coordinates
cyber crime response and prevention efforts across law enforcement. While there is no
cyber security command within UK national security forces, the military reserves include
the cyber security reserve forces, which works within the Ministry of Defence and the Joint
Forces Command and is responsible for national security in cyberspace. which is part of the
Ministry of Defence, Cyber defence capabilities for the military are operationalized through
the Ministry of Defence CERT. The creation of the NCSC as a central coordination agency has
also been an important step towards realising the potentials of information sharing and a
macroscopic perspective on cyber security issues.80
D. International Considerations
Cyberspace has emerged as important foreign policy concern in India. As far as major
international commitments are concerned, India has not acceded to the Budapest
Convention, the most comprehensive international commitment on cyber security issues,
primarily due to its absence during negotiations.85 Further, given the strong emphasis on
state sovereignty in India’s foreign policy, including in its cyber security policy, there is no
defence related international collaboration on cyber security issues.86 However, cyber security
has emerged as an important talking point for certain international organizations of which
India is a member, for example, the ITU-IMPACT group and the Council of Security Cooperation
in Asia Pacific (CSCAP). India’s role in the development international cyber security has also
been noted through its acceptance into the UN Group of Governmental Experts on IT, and with
the helm of the Global Conference on Cyber Space (GCCS) being handed over to the Indian
Bilateral coordination on issues of cyber security has emerged as a major international
foreign policy objective. In particular, Indian cyber security policy is highly influenced by its
bilateral ties with the USA.88 Cyber security had emerged as a focus of bilateral concerns in
the face of the ‘war against terror’ and international security concerns. Further, technology
and capability sharing partnerships with US security and intelligence agencies, of which India
was a major beneficiary, has led to cyber security institutions being modelled on their US
counterparts, like the CERT-In.89 Further, there is cooperation among industry bodies in the US
and India to set up private institutions for improving cyber security and information sharing.90
Given India’s tensions with its major neighbouring states, Pakistan and China, regional
cooperation on security issues is a complex issue. However, cyber security has emerged an
important policy agenda in multi-lateral regional associations such as the ASEAN and the
Shanghai Cooperation Organisation. Further, CERT-in is a member of international agencies
coordinating on information sharing and emergency response in cyber security, such as the
Asia Pacific CERT.91 However, cyber security policy is concentrated on cooperation with the US,
rather than regional or multi-national cooperation. Besides this, India has bilateral ties on
improving cyber security within countries including the UK, Malaysia, Singapore and Russia.92
These bilateral efforts are aimed at improving cross-border investigation and prosecution of
cyber security incidents.
With its implicit support for multi-stakeholderism in internet governance through the support
of the IANA transition, India has attempted to chart a different course in its foreign policy.93
However, even here, India’s proposals in this regard have maintained a largely sovereign and
state-centric basis.
The UK’s Cyber Security Strategy recognizes that cyberspace has a necessarily international
character and places special emphasis on ‘international action’ to prevent cyber attacks.
Two distinct facets of foreign policy on cyber security are of note. Firstly, the UK emphasises
international coordination with like-minded international partners. To this end, it has
ratified the Budapest Convention on Cyber Crime, which mandates specific requirements
for preventing cyber threats for each treaty member. Further, the UK has several bilateral
agreements with countries including the United States of America,94 China,95 and India,96
among others. A second major aspect of foreign policy is the development of offensive cyber
capabilities and first-strike capabilities, which may be used for deterrence or ‘operational
purposes’ as identified in the national strategy.97
UK foreign policy formally supports the multi-stakeholder governance model for cyber space,
which is explicitly mentioned in policy, and is apparent from the UK’s lead in organizing
the Global Conference on CyberSpace, which is an annual multi-stakeholder conference on
cyberspace issues held since 2011.98 However, cyber security issues remain a national security
priority and consequently, are largely state-centric.
The UK’s membership in the European Union also determines its domestic strategy in relation
to cyber security, to some extent. The EU directive on data protection is applicable to the UK
and informs UK law, which is soon to be replaced by the General Data Protection Directive.
The GDPR requires, among other things, compliance with comprehensive data security
mechanisms and general breach reporting obligations, which are missing under current UK
law. Similarly, the Directive on security of network and information systems (NIS Directive)
is also required to be implemented by member states by 2018, and is the first pan-European
directive specifically addressing cyber security. The directive mandates, among other things,
emergency response requirements and information sharing and coordination among member
states. However, with the UK set to leave the EU by 2019, the effect of EU directives (which it
will be required to incorporate prior to ‘brexit’), and the negotiation of the UK government
and industry to comply with EU norms relating to cyber security is still unknown.99
E. Civil Liberties Considerations
There has always been considerable tension among security concerns and civil liberties,
and cyber space has provided one more battleground for this. Cyber space has exacerbated
these tensions by allowing security concerns to be deeply integrated within civilian use of
the internet and cyberspace. In India, organizations which are involved in various aspects
of cyber security are also involved in intelligence and national security. Consequently, the
issue of privacy and surveillance has emerged as a major flashpoint in cyber security policy.
Section 69B of the IT Act, for example, allows the government to order the monitoring and
decryption of information on the internet in order to counter the spread of any ‘cyber
contaminant’. Under this Section, CERT-In has carte blanche to monitor and collect traffic data
or information generated, transmitted, received or stored in any computer resource.100 The
proposed National Cyber Coordination Centre is also likely to have widespread surveillance
Indian policy recognizes the importance of cyber security in promoting sovereign or
economic concerns, but makes no explicit reference to the role cyber space plays in the
promotion of civilian liberties and freedom of speech and organization. Consequently, cyber
security policy is rarely framed with a view to benefit civilian privacy or data protection, as
outlined above. This aspect also comes into focus when security concerns clash with civil
liberties. For example, the draft national encryption policy (discussed above) did not heed
privacy and civil liberties concerns, instead favouring national security and surveillance
mechanisms. This disregard is a necessary outcome of the unilateral approach towards
cyber security governance framework where important public stakeholders are not included
in the negotiation of policy. Further, the various legislative and executive mechanisms for
decryption of information, or monitoring of online content, have no direct judicial oversight
or any form of public oversight,102 and are also not amenable to the Right to Information
Act.103 In fact, some, such as the surveillance mechanisms under the ISP license, or the scope
to monitor information under the Intermediaries Guidelines Rules, are also sufficiently far
removed from a direct legislative mandate for mass surveillance.
The National Cyber Security Strategy for the UK notes that it shall apply core values as a
guiding principle in implementing policy. These core values include democracy, the rule of
law, liberty, open and accountable governments and institutions human rights and freedom
of expression. Apart from this, the protection of individual privacy is also a fundamental
principle of the policy. The UK Foreign Secretary’s ‘international norms of conduct’ in cyber
space also include these fundamental freedoms.104 However, regulations or policy initiatives
do not directly address how they incorporate such norms.
UK policy indicates a preference towards choosing values in favour of national security
concerns over civil liberties concerns. The Investigatory Powers Act, 2016, for example,
requires all communications providers to ensure that there are backdoors for encrypted
content, which can be accessed by law enforcement agencies in the UK.105 However, the
interception and monitoring powers of UK law enforcement do need to pass muster of
a quasi-judicial body set up (as a secret court) to issue warrants for interception and
monitoring of communications.106
III. Conclusion
A comparison of cyber security policies across India and the UK reflects several common
threads in some areas and significant divergence in others. The differences in approaches
can largely be attributed to differing circumstances in both countries. However, despite a
significant gap in terms of historical access to technology and resources to deploy towards
protecting cyber space, India has, over the last two decades, increasingly emphasised
cyber security as an important policy concern. The UK has fairly developed processes and
systems, and cyber security has been a policy concern for considerably longer than in India.
Naturally, the UK cyber security framework is more comprehensive and cohesive than in India.
However, using the indicators in the Global Cybersecurity Index, India is not significantly far
off from the UK cyber security commitment and development is concerned.107 This may also
partially be a cause of both countries being unable to apply pre-existing laws to address new
situations in cyberspace.
Policy in both nations is approached from a sovereignty perspective, i.e. from the frame of
national security agendas. Similarly, intelligence and defence institutions remain deeply
involved in cybersecurity in both jurisdictions. However, the identification of actors,
threats and aims and objectives of the cyber security policy differs considerably. The UK
is considerably more open to multi-stakeholder input in moulding its policies, while cyber
security in India remains bifurcated between private initiatives and government initiatives,
which tend to focus on national security concerns. The UK’s embrace of multi-stakeholder
principles should be adopted in Indian policy, which has already recognized the importance
of multi-stakeholderism in the international context. The Indian government can do a lot
more in terms of spreading awareness about cyber security and developing indigenous cyber
security research. India could also usefully employ the soft approaches taken by the UK to
incentivise businesses to comply with security best practices without necessarily mandating
strict regulation, like the implementation of the cyber essentials scheme.
Fundamental aspects of cyber security infrastructure remain common across both
jurisdictions, such as the establishment of emergency response agencies and critical
information protection. Besides these, there are several disparate institutions handling
disparate mandates on cyber security. For this reason, it is critical that the proposed National
Cyber Coordination Centre, on the lines of the UK’s National Cyber Security Centre, as a one
stop shop for cyber security-related concerns. Further, the roles of each organization must be
clearly demarcated to avoid overlap and ensure accountability.
India’s international approach to cyber crime seems to have been held up for diplomatic
reasons. The Budapest Treaty establishing international cooperation on cyber security and
cyber crime, of which the UK is also (albeit belatedly) a member, is an important aspect
of international coordination on cyber security issues, which would be much tougher
to negotiate on a bilateral basis. It is recommended that India revisit the possibility of
entering into international commitments given the large degree of cooperation required for
investigating cyber threats.
Indian cyber security is also un-rooted in fundamental principles on which such legislation
should be based. The fundamental principles UK policy recognizes ensures that the main
strategy for cyber security keeps in mind aspects of civil liberties and individual’s concerns in
the internet as a shared resource. While this may place constraints on the government’s hold
over cyber security, security policy must be adapted towards upholding civil liberties, and not
the other way around. The UK however, in its actions, needs to balance its national security
concerns with civil liberties concerns around privacy and surveillance.