Science CRQs Test
Science CRQs Test
Science CRQs Test
4-Find out which Biotechnology products you are using in your daily
c)In which period of the Periodic table Oxygen is located?
c)Halogens: ___________________________________________________________________________
e)Name the element having the same Period no. and Group no.?
d)Hardness: __________________________________________________________________________
e)Luster: ______________________________________________________________________________
9-Keeping in view the def. of acids and bases why water is called a
neutral compound?
10-Suppose your garden soil is acidic and you want to grow vegetables
which do not grow very well in acidic soil.How will you make your soil fit
for growing vegetables?
11-Citric acid,Tartaric acid and acetic acid are used in food items
whereas Hydrochloric acid and Sulphuric acid are very dangerous for
Human health.Give reason?
13-In the figure shown below,indicate the location where the
atmospheric pressure is expected to be the lowest?
14-Sketch the forces acting on a Paratrooper.Are these forces balenced
or un balenced?
15-If the forces acting on the Paratrooper are balenced forces,how does
the Paratrooper than fall down?
a)Open: _______________________________________________________________________________
b)Close: _______________________________________________________________________________
18-How can a dimmer switch make the same light bulb appear dim or
b)Name the form of energy produced at position B and tell where it
comes from?
c)Name the form of energy produced at position C and tell where it
comes from?
21-Which of the following will pick more paper clips when an electric
current passes through wire:-
b)Wire wound around a wooden stick or a wire wound around a wooden