May 2023
This research aims the students experienced in bullying and even the other students to be
aware of it. It aims to provide that this research will help to create a more accepting and caring
school community in which bullying is recognized as a serious issue and appropriate prevention
and remedial measures may be implemented. The ultimate goal is to provide students with the
information and resources they require to combat bullying, resulting in a more secure and
supportive learning environment for everyone involved.
Bullying is repeated, deliberate abuse directed at students, causing pain and harming their
physical or mental health. It can lead to negative academic results, low social support, feelings
of insecurity, and increased risk of depression. Bullying can include threats, rumors, physical or
verbal attacks, and exclusion from a group. It varies in frequency, intensity, duration, and
severity, contributing to mental health issues with long-term effects. Almost half of high school
students report being bullied in the previous year.
Evidence from several longitudinal studies on the effects of bullying suggests that
experiencing bullying, especially in students, can severely impair a person's physical,
psychological, and social functioning, leading to risky behaviors [Elgar F.J 2015]. Bullying
victimization has been linked with a number of adverse health and social outcomes, including
mental health issues, weapon-carrying, substance abuse, academic problems, and other
adverse consequences some of which may persist into adulthood. [Tammy Pham et al. 2015]
Individual characteristics of students contribute to bullying involvement when students have
families that promote violence, teachers that ignore or dismiss bullying, schools that have
negative climates and students who socialize with friends who bully. [Dorothy L Espelage et al.
Bullying and peer victimization always have either a direct or indirect impact on the victims, and
they lead to poor academic performance [Holt, Finkelhor, & Kantor, 2007]. A relationship also
exists between student bullying behavior and school issues such as academic achievement,
school bonding, and absenteeism. (Joseph A Dake, James H Price, Susan K Telljohann 2003].
There are well-defined risk factors for bullying that are individual and social. Beyond the
immediate trauma of experiencing bullying, victims are at high risk of later physical and
emotional disorders. [Douglas Vanderbilt, Marilyn Augustyn 2010). Victims suffer from bullying,
but some of those who perpetrate bullying can be socially skilled and get at least short-term
benefits from their behaviour. [Peter K Smith 2016]. Bullying influences both the individual and
the perpetrator and may lead to present and long-term effects [Aleem, 2016]. Academic
achievement is the outcome that shows the level of performance recorded by any individual in
the learning process with goals that were set for the instructional environment in schools
[Steinmayr et al., 2016]. Any form of motivation has a significant effect on academic
achievement [Effie, 2005). For instance, in a case where students are not motivated but find
themselves in environments that scare them away from studying, their academic achievement is, 2007]
Objective of the Study
The aim is to assess the prevelence of bullying and its Impact on mental health and
academic performance. The research examiner the effects of bullying on wood school and We
performance, learning, and Bullying decreases aware them. Bullying aim to inform students and
academic prerformance and affector different competencies evaluate in subject such as English
Language, Mathematics, and Geography and History.
The statement of this problem is to investigate the negative outcomes of bullying in social
well-being of Learners in Benigno S. Aquino National High School.
Research Design
The researchers used the descriptive analytical method ofresearch for this is the most
appropriate means of evaluatingthe effects of bullying among children and its implication
toBehaviorAccording to Calderon(1993) descriptive analytical methodof research as certain to
prevailing conditions affecting agiven group hence, this study calls for this method. It is astudy
components to serve as a direction in reaching a goal. He pointed out that the descriptive
methods tells “what is”, that which leads to a scientific information about education, and
other situation”. He further described it as a fact -finding withadequate interpretation usually
beyond fact-finding.The descriptive method of research involves as a certaindata gathering
process on prevailing conditions and practice ordescriptions of objects, process or persons as
they exist forabout a certain educational phenomenon, predicting for.
In an effort to address the issues raised, the researchers employed a checklist. The
questionnaire consists of a checklist with two components that the researchers read in order to
gather some information from the research connected to the current study. The first step is to
identify the primary bullying issue. Finding the elements influencing their vulnerability to bullying
is the focus of part two.
The goal of the study is to look into how bullying affects students' social well-being in Benigno
S. Aquino National High School. Implementation of a comprehensive school-wide anti-bullying
program can lead to a significant reduction in the prevalence of bullying incidents.
When compared to schools without such programs, schools that have carefully planned,
multifaceted anti-bullying programmes may notice a noticeable decrease in the number of
bullying occurrences that are recorded.
Table 1
The students that were bullied are shown in Table 1. Out of 81 respondents, 75% answered
"yes." This demonstrates that bullying at Benigno S. Aquino National High School is highly
prevalent.79% of the 81 respondents believe that physical appearance is one of the reasons a
person is bullied. In this generation, we have discovered that looks or appearance is one of the
primary factors that count the most in teenagers.
In response to question number 2, 75% of the 81 respondents cast yes votes. According to
this, the majority of individuals think that being bullied can have a detrimental consequence for a
person's academic performance.
In the answer to question number 6, 55% answered no, while 26% answered yes. Here we can
see that many students do not open up or tell their elders and parents that they are being
bullied.This research reveals an unsafe pattern in which numerous students choose to keep
silent or withhold information about their experiences with bullying from trusted adults and
And for question number 5, 52% of the students say that they didn't get threatened or
physically harmed by the bully. Here, it appears that even if there is a case of bullying, physical
harm is still avoided.
In the last question in Table 1, 80% of the respondents out of 81 say that bullying is harmful to
mental well-being. Depression and anxiety, increased feelings of sadness and loneliness,
changes in sleep and eating patterns, and a loss of interest in activities they used to enjoy.
These issues may persist into adulthood. Health complains.
Table 2
72% answered no, and 9% answered yes. It can be seen here that physical bullying has not
yet disappeared. The leading causes of physical bullying are groups of teenagers who also
have enemies with other groups of youth.
Bullying can affect a person’s life in the future and the present. There are many ways to stop
bullying and to help people when they have been bullied, so I hope when readers see and hear
what bullying can do to a person, they will try and stop bullying once and for all. All of this
information could have a small percentage of saving a person from taking their own life because
a person bullied them. So just make sure that you are always aware of what is going on around
you to help prevent bullying. We also want to show and inform everyone that they can speak
and give their opinion if they are experiencing bullying. Do not be afraid to tell your parents or
teachers about what other people have said or done to you.
Maedica (Bucur). 2013 Jun: 8(2) :143-152 Bullying among Highschool Students
"At Issue: Bullying.” SIRS Issue Researcher,
“Bullying.” American Psychological Association, 2016,
Dalton, Rick and Virginia Wilkins. “The Way to Really Stop School Bullying: Student Mentors.”
The Christian Science Monitor, 28 Oct. 2011. SIRS Issue Researcher,
Hopkins, Ellen. Dear Bully: 70 Authors Tell Their Stories, edited by Megan Kelley Hall and
Carrie Jones, Harper Teen, 2011, pp. 1-6.
Simmons, Rachel. Odd Girl Out. Harcourt, 2002. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
july 2022