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CCCApplicationReview-LosAngelesHarborColl (2)

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Enrollment InformationEdit

TermFall 2023

Educational GoalObtain an associate degree and transfer to a 4-year institution

Major/Program area of studyHistory - Associate of Arts Transfer Degree

Profile InformationEdit

OpenCCC Account


Permanent Address42751 E Florida Ave SPC 149

Hemet, CA 92544
United States of America (the)

Previous NameNot Provided

Preferred Namerachel

Main PhoneNot Provided

Phone TypeNot Provided


Preferred Method of Contact:Email

Social Security Number***-**-****

Date of BirthMay 26, 1965

Mailing Address

Same as My AccountNo

42751 Florida Ave Spc 149

Hemet, CA 92544


Enrollment Status as of August 27, 2023First-time student in college (after leaving high school)

High School Education Level as of August 27, 2023Received high school diploma from U.S. school

High School Completion DateJuly 23, 2003

Received a diploma or certificate of completion in CaliforniaYes

Attended high school in California for three or more years Yes

High School or HomeschoolHamilton High, Anza, CA, US

Grade Point Average3.30

Highest English Course Taken12th grade Honors English Composition or Literature

Highest English Course GradeB+

Highest Math Course TakenPre-algebra

Highest Math Taken GradeB+


Citizenship StatusU.S. Citizen

Military Status as of August 27, 2023None apply to me


YesLived in California Continuously since August 27, 2021

NoSince August 27, 2021 declared residency in another state for income tax purposes

NoSince August 27, 2021 voted or registered to vote in another state

NoSince August 27, 2021 declared residency at an out-of-state college or university

NoSince August 27, 2021 petitioned for a lawsuit or a divorce as a resident in another state

NoHave you ever been in court-ordered foster care?

Needs and InterestsEdit

YesComfortable reading and writing English

YesWould like information about money for college

NoReceive TANF/CalWORKs, SSI, or General Assistance

Programs and services in which you are interested

NoAcademic Counseling/Advising

NoAthletics/Intercollegiate Sports

NoBasic Skills (reading, writing, math)


NoCareer Planning

NoChild Care

NoCounseling - Personal

NoDSPS - Disabled Student Programs and Services

NoEOPS - Extended Opportunity Programs and Services

NoESL - English as a Second Language

NoHealth Services

NoHousing Information
NoEmployment Assistance

NoOnline Classes

NoRe-entry Program (after 5 years out)

NoScholarship Information

NoStudent Government

NoTesting, Assessment, Orientation

NoTransfer Services

NoTutoring Services

NoVeterans Services

Demographic InformationEdit


Do you have a child or children under the age of 18 who will receive more than half their support from you? No

1: High school Education Levels
graduate (diploma, GED, or equivalent)
2: High school graduate (diploma, GED, or equivalent)



Supplemental QuestionsEdit

The colleges of the Los Angeles Community College District are: East Los Angeles College, Los Angeles City College, Los Angeles Harbor College, Los Angeles Mission
College, Los Angeles Pierce College, Los Angeles Southwest College, Los Angeles Trade Technical College, Los Angeles Valley College, and West Los Angeles College.

1. Primary Language

Enter your primary language: English

2. Student Military Status

What is your U.S. Military Status as of the first I have never served in the military
day of the term?

3. Student Military Dependent Status

What is your U.S. Military Dependent Status I am not a military dependent

as of the first day of the term?

4. Permission to Release Types of Student Information — DIRECTORY INFORMATION: Name, city of residence, participation in officially recognized activities and sports,
weight and height of athletic teams members, date of attendance, degrees and awards received, and the most recent previous educational institution attended. COLLEGE
FOUNDATION INFORMATION: Name, address, and telephone number. FOUR-YEAR COLLEGE INFORMATION: Name, address, and telephone number. MILITARY RECRUITING
INFORMATION: All information outlined in 'Directory information,' plus, address, telephone number, date of birth, and major field of study. Be sure to read the Full
Statement of Consent before deciding whether or not to grant your consent. You may find the Full Statement of Consent in the Consent tab of the application. To change
your authorization, notify the college admissions office in writing.

Neither I do not permit the college to release directory information.

Neither I do not permit the release of my information to the College Foundation. (Leave blank if you want
information on LACCD Foundation scholarships, grants and networking opportunities).
Neither I do not permit the release of my information to four-year colleges.

Neither I do not permit the release of information to the military.

5. Campus Emergency Alert Notification

Please enter your cell phone number 2403581459


In case of an emergency, who can we contact on your behalf? (Do not list yourself)

Contact Name (First Name Last Name) Michael Johnson

Contact's Phone (xxx-xxx-xxxx) 2403581459

Relationship: In-law

6. Are you interested in participating in a sport?


6a. If yes, please select all that apply below:





Cross country






Sand Volleyball





Track & Field


Water polo



7. The following questions are designed to determine if you qualify for the EOPS Program. If you qualify you will receive further information by email. You may be asked to
provide additional documentation.

No a. Was your High School Grade Point Average (GPA) below 2.5?

No b. Were you previously enrolled in remedial (special education/resource) courses?

c. What is the primary language spoken in English
your home?

8. The following questions are designed to determine if you qualify for the CARE Program. If you qualify you will receive further information by email. You may be asked to
provide additional documentation.

No a. Are you receiving cash aid (TANF, CalWORKS/GAIN) for your child and/or yourself?

No b. Are you a single head of household?

9. Students receiving federal, State or other financial resources (i.e. financial aid, scholarships, stipends, HEERF II, etc.) may authorize the Los Angeles Community College
District (LACCD) to deduct and apply these funds towards their outstanding institutional charges. By clicking YES, you authorize the Los Angeles Community College
District to deduct and apply these funds towards outstanding institutional charges and obligations (i.e. enrollment fees, health fees etc.). Remaining balance after
deduction will be refunded to the student.


10. I would like to be contacted regarding resources including but not limited to; Food, Housing, Bill/Utility payment, Technology (Wifi/laptop), Mental Health, Basic
Needs, etc.


11. Have you earned an Interstate General Education “Passport” at a previous college or university?


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