Skills Review 11
Skills Review 11
Skills Review 11
Skills Review
1. Create a complex formula.
a. Open the file EX B-2.xlsx from the drive and folder where you store your Data Files, then
save it as EX B-Baking Supply Company Inventory.
b. In cell B11, create a complex formula that calculates a 30% decrease in the total number
of cases of cake pans.
c. Use the fill handle to copy this formula into cell C11 through cell E11.
d. Save your work.
2. Insert a function.
a. Use the Sum list arrow to create a formula in cell B13 that averages the number of cases
of cake pans in each storage area.
b. Use the Insert Function button to create a formula in cell B14 that calculates the
maximum number of cases of cake pans in a storage area.
c. Use the Sum list arrow to create a formula in cell B15 that calculates the minimum
number of cases of cake pans in a storage area.
d. Save your work.
3. Type a function.
a. In cell C13, type a formula that includes a function to average the number of cases of pie
pans in each storage area. (Hint: Use Formula AutoComplete to enter the function.)
b. In cell C14, type a formula that includes a function to calculate the maximum number of
cases of pie pans in a storage area.
c. In cell C15, type a formula that includes a function to calculate the minimum number of
cases of pie pans in a storage area.
d. Save your work.
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Mr. Joel M. Bawica| Computer Applications 2012
Independent Challenge 1
You are
of starting a small express oil change service center. Before you begin, you need to evaluate
what you think your monthly expenses will be. You’ve started a workbook, but need to
complete the entries and add formulas.
a. Open the file EX B-3.xlsx from the drive and folder where you store your Data Files, then
save it as EX B-Express Oil Change Expenses.
b. Make up your own expense data, and enter it in cells B4:B10. (Monthly sales are already
included in the worksheet.)
c. Create a formula in cell C4 that calculates the annual rent.
d. Copy the formula in cell C4 to the range C5:C10.
e. Move the label in cell A15 to cell A14.
f. Create formulas in cells B11 and C11 that total the monthly and annual expenses.
g. Create a formula in cell C13 that calculates annual sales.
h. Create a formula in cell B14 that determines whether you will make a profit or loss, then
copy the formula
into cell C14.
i. Copy the labels in cells B3:C3 to cells E3:F3.
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Mr. Joel M. Bawica| Computer Applications 2012
Independent Challenge 2
The Dog Days Daycare Center is a small, growing pet care center that has hired you to
organize its accounting records using Excel. The owners want you to track the company’s
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Mr. Joel M. Bawica| Computer Applications 2012
expenses. Before you were hired, one of the bookkeepers began entering last year’s
expenses in a workbook, but the analysis was never completed.
a. Start Excel, open the file EX B-4.xlsx from the drive and folder where you store your Data
Files, then save it as EX B-Dog Days Daycare Center Finances. The worksheet includes
labels for functions such as the average, maximum, and minimum amounts of each of the
expenses in the worksheet.
b. Think about what information would be important for the bookkeeping staff to know.
c. Using the SUM function, create formulas for each expense in the Total column and each
quarter in the Total row.
d. Create formulas for each expense and each quarter in the Average, Maximum, and
Minimum columns and rows using the method of your choice.
e. Save your work, then compare your worksheet to the sample shown in Figure B-25.
Independent Challenge 3
As the accounting manager of a locally owned business, it is your responsibility to calculate
accrued sales tax payments on a monthly basis and then submit the payments to the state
government. You’ve decided to use an Excel workbook to make these
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Mr. Joel M. Bawica| Computer Applications 2012
a. Start Excel, then save a new, blank workbook to the drive and folder where you store
your Data Files as EX B-Sales Tax Calculations.
b. Decide on the layout for all columns and rows. The worksheet will contain data for six
stores, which you can name by store number, neighborhood, or another method of your
choice. For each store, you will calculate total sales tax based on the local sales tax rate.
You’ll also calculate total tax owed for all six stores.
c. Make up sales data for all six stores.
d. Enter the rate to be used to calculate the sales tax, using your own local rate.
e. Create formulas to calculate the sales tax owed for each store. If you don’t know the local
tax rate, use 6.5%.
f. Create a formula to total all the owed sales tax, then compare your work to the sample
shown in Figure B-26.
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Mr. Joel M. Bawica| Computer Applications 2012
■Use the ROUND function to eliminate any decimal places in the sales tax figures for each
store and the total due.
■Save the workbook.
g. Add your name to the header.
h. Save your work, preview the worksheet, and submit your work to your instructor as
i. Close the workbook and exit Excel.
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Mr. Joel M. Bawica| Computer Applications 2012
Visual Workshop
Create the worksheet shown in Figure B-28 using the skills you learned in this unit. Save the
workbook as EX B-Expense Analysis to the drive and folder where you store your Data
Files. Enter your name in the header as shown, hide the gridlines, preview the worksheet,
and then submit your work to your instructor as directed.
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