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Republic of the Philippines



G.R. No. 108763 February 13, 1997




The Family Code of the Philippines provides an entirely new ground (in addition to those
enumerated in the Civil Code) to assail the validity of a marriage, namely, "psychological
incapacity." Since the Code's effectivity, our courts have been swamped with various
petitions to declare marriages void based on this ground. Although this Court had interpreted
the meaning of psychological incapacity in the recent case of Santos vs. Court of Appeals,
still many judges and lawyers find difficulty in applying said novel provision in specific
cases. In the present case and in the context of the herein assailed Decision of the Court of
Appeals, the Solicitor General has labelled — exaggerated to be sure but nonetheless
expressive of his frustration — Article 36 as the "most liberal divorce procedure in the
world." Hence, this Court in addition to resolving the present case, finds the need to lay down
specific guidelines in the interpretation and application of Article 36 of the Family Code.

Before us is a petition for review on certiorari under Rule 45 challenging the January 25, 1993
Decision of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CV No. 34858 affirming in toto the May 14, 1991
1 2

decision of the Regional Trial Court of La Trinidad, Benguet, which declared the marriage of

respondent Roridel Olaviano Molina to Reynaldo Molina void ab initio, on the ground of
"psychological incapacity" under Article 36 of the Family Code.

The Facts

This case was commenced on August 16, 1990 with the filing by respondent Roridel O. Molina of a
verified petition for declaration of nullity of her marriage to Reynaldo Molina. Essentially, the petition
alleged that Roridel and Reynaldo were married on April 14, 1985 at the San Agustin Church in 4

Manila; that a son, Andre O. Molina was born; that after a year of marriage, Reynaldo showed signs
of "immaturity and irresponsibility" as a husband and a father since he preferred to spend more time
with his peers and friends on whom he squandered his money; that he depended on his parents for
aid and assistance, and was never honest with his wife in regard to their finances, resulting in
frequent quarrels between them; that sometime in February 1986, Reynaldo was relieved of his job
in Manila, and since then Roridel had been the sole breadwinner of the family; that in October 1986
the couple had a very intense quarrel, as a result of which their relationship was estranged; that in
March 1987, Roridel resigned from her job in Manila and went to live with her parents in Baguio City;
that a few weeks later, Reynaldo left Roridel and their child, and had since then abandoned them;
that Reynaldo had thus shown that he was psychologically incapable of complying with essential
marital obligations and was a highly immature and habitually quarrel some individual who thought of
himself as a king to be served; and that it would be to the couple's best interest to have their
marriage declared null and void in order to free them from what appeared to be an incompatible
marriage from the start.

In his Answer filed on August 28, 1989, Reynaldo admitted that he and Roridel could no longer live
together as husband and wife, but contended that their misunderstandings and frequent quarrels
were due to (1) Roridel's strange behavior of insisting on maintaining her group of friends even after
their marriage; (2) Roridel's refusal to perform some of her marital duties such as cooking meals;
and (3) Roridel's failure to run the household and handle their finances.

During the pre-trial on October 17, 1990, the following were stipulated:

1. That the parties herein were legally married on April 14, 1985 at the Church of St.
Augustine, Manila;

2. That out of their marriage, a child named Albert Andre Olaviano Molina was born
on July 29, 1986;
3. That the parties are separated-in-fact for more than three years;

4. That petitioner is not asking support for her and her child;

5. That the respondent is not asking for damages;

6. That the common child of the parties is in the custody of the petitioner wife.

Evidence for herein respondent wife consisted of her own testimony and that of her friends
Rosemarie Ventura and Maria Leonora Padilla as well as of Ruth G. Lalas, a social worker, and of
Dr. Teresita Hidalgo-Sison, a psychiatrist of the Baguio General Hospital and Medical Center. She
also submitted documents marked as Exhibits "A" to "E-1." Reynaldo did not present any evidence
as he appeared only during the pre-trial conference.

On May 14, 1991, the trial court rendered judgment declaring the marriage void. The appeal of
petitioner was denied by the Court of Appeals which affirmed in toto the RTC's decision. Hence, the
present recourse.

The Issue

In his petition, the Solicitor General insists that "the Court of Appeals made an erroneous and
incorrect interpretation of the phrase 'psychological incapacity' (as provided under Art. 36 of the
Family Code) and made an incorrect application thereof to the facts of the case," adding that the
appealed Decision tended "to establish in effect the most liberal divorce procedure in the world
which is anathema to our culture."

In denying the Solicitor General's appeal, the respondent Court relied heavily on the trial court's

findings "that the marriage between the parties broke up because of their opposing and conflicting
personalities." Then, it added it sown opinion that "the Civil Code Revision Committee (hereinafter
referred to as Committee) intended to liberalize the application of our civil laws on personal and
family rights. . . ." It concluded that:

As ground for annulment of marriage, We view psychologically incapacity as a broad

range of mental and behavioral conduct on the part of one spouse indicative of how
he or she regards the marital union, his or her personal relationship with the other
spouse, as well as his or her conduct in the long haul for the attainment of the
principal objectives of marriage. If said conduct, observed and considered as a
whole, tends to cause the union to self-destruct because it defeats the very
objectives of marriage, then there is enough reason to leave the spouses to their
individual fates.

In the case at bar, We find that the trial judge committed no indiscretion in analyzing
and deciding the instant case, as it did, hence, We find no cogent reason to disturb
the findings and conclusions thus made.

Respondent, in her Memorandum, adopts these discussions of the Court of Appeals.

The petitioner, on the other hand, argues that "opposing and conflicting personalities" is not
equivalent to psychological incapacity, explaining that such ground "is not simply the neglect by the
parties to the marriage of their responsibilities and duties, but a defect in their psychological nature
which renders them incapable of performing such marital responsibilities and duties."

The Court's Ruling

The petition is meritorious.

In Leouel Santos vs. Court of Appeals this Court, speaking thru Mr. Justice Jose C. Vitug, ruled that

"psychological incapacity should refer to no less than a mental (nor physical) incapacity . . . and that
(t)here is hardly any doubt that the intendment of the law has been to confine the meaning of
'psychological incapacity' to the most serious cases of personality disorders clearly demonstrative of
an utter insensitivity or inability to give meaning and significance to the marriage. This psychologic
condition must exist at the time the marriage is celebrated." Citing Dr. Gerardo Veloso, a former
presiding judge of the Metropolitan Marriage Tribunal of the Catholic Archdiocese of Manila, Justice

Vitug wrote that "the psychological incapacity must be characterized by (a) gravity, (b) juridical
antecedence, and (c) incurability."

On the other hand, in the present case, there is no clear showing to us that the psychological defect
spoken of is an incapacity. It appears to us to be more of a "difficulty," if not outright "refusal" or
"neglect" in the performance of some marital obligations. Mere showing of "irreconciliable
differences" and "conflicting personalities" in no wise constitutes psychological incapacity. It is not
enough to prove that the parties failed to meet their responsibilities and duties as married persons; it
is essential that they must be shown to be incapable of doing so, due to some psychological (nor
physical) illness.

The evidence adduced by respondent merely showed that she and her husband could nor get along
with each other. There had been no showing of the gravity of the problem; neither its juridical
antecedence nor its incurability. The expert testimony of Dr. Sison showed no incurable psychiatric
disorder but only incompatibility, not psychological incapacity. Dr. Sison testified:8


Q It is therefore the recommendation of the psychiatrist based on

your findings that it is better for the Court to annul (sic) the marriage?

A Yes, Your Honor.

Q There is no hope for the marriage?

A There is no hope, the man is also living with another woman.

Q Is it also the stand of the psychiatrist that the parties are

psychologically unfit for each other but they are psychologically fit
with other parties?

A Yes, Your Honor.

Q Neither are they psychologically unfit for their professions?

A Yes, Your Honor.

The Court has no more questions.

In the case of Reynaldo, there is no showing that his alleged personality traits were constitutive of
psychological incapacity existing at the time of marriage celebration. While some effort was made to
prove that there was a failure to fulfill pre-nuptial impressions of "thoughtfulness and gentleness" on
Reynaldo's part of being "conservative, homely and intelligent" on the part of Roridel, such failure of
expectation is nor indicative of antecedent psychological incapacity. If at all, it merely shows love's
temporary blindness to the faults and blemishes of the beloved.

During its deliberations, the Court decided to go beyond merely ruling on the facts of this case vis-a-
vis existing law and jurisprudence. In view of the novelty of Art. 36 of the Family Code and the
difficulty experienced by many trial courts interpreting and applying it, the Court decided to invite
two amici curiae, namely, the Most Reverend Oscar V. Cruz, Vicar Judicial (Presiding Judge) of the

National Appellate Matrimonial Tribunal of the Catholic Church in the Philippines, and Justice
Ricardo C. Puno, a member of the Family Code Revision Committee. The Court takes this

occasion to thank these friends of the Court for their informative and interesting discussions during
the oral argument on December 3, 1996, which they followed up with written memoranda.

From their submissions and the Court's own deliberations, the following guidelines in the
interpretation and application of Art. 36 of the Family Code are hereby handed down for the
guidance of the bench and the bar:

(1) The burden of proof to show the nullity of the marriage belongs to the plaintiff. Any doubt should
be resolved in favor of the existence and continuation of the marriage and against its dissolution and
nullity. This is rooted in the fact that both our Constitution and our laws cherish the validity of
marriage and unity of the family. Thus, our Constitution devotes an entire Article on the
Family, recognizing it "as the foundation of the nation." It decrees marriage as legally "inviolable,"

thereby protecting it from dissolution at the whim of the parties. Both the family and marriage are to
be "protected" by the state.

The Family Code echoes this constitutional edict on marriage and the family and emphasizes

the permanence, inviolability and solidarity

(2) The root cause of the psychological incapacity must be (a) medically or clinically identified, (b)
alleged in the complaint, (c) sufficiently proven by experts and (d) clearly explained in the decision.
Article 36 of the Family Code requires that the incapacity must be psychological — not physical.
although its manifestations and/or symptoms may be physical. The evidence must convince the
court that the parties, or one of them, was mentally or physically ill to such an extent that the person
could not have known the obligations he was assuming, or knowing them, could not have given valid
assumption thereof. Although no example of such incapacity need be given here so as not to limit
the application of the provision under the principle of ejusdem generis, nevertheless such root

cause must be identified as a psychological illness and its incapacitating nature explained. Expert
evidence may be given qualified psychiatrist and clinical psychologists.

(3) The incapacity must be proven to be existing at "the time of the celebration" of the marriage. The
evidence must show that the illness was existing when the parties exchanged their "I do's." The
manifestation of the illness need not be perceivable at such time, but the illness itself must have
attached at such moment, or prior thereto.

(4) Such incapacity must also be shown to be medically or clinically permanent or incurable. Such
incurability may be absolute or even relative only in regard to the other spouse, not necessarily
absolutely against everyone of the same sex. Furthermore, such incapacity must be relevant to the
assumption of marriage obligations, not necessarily to those not related to marriage, like the
exercise of a profession or employment in a job. Hence, a pediatrician may be effective in
diagnosing illnesses of children and prescribing medicine to cure them but may not be
psychologically capacitated to procreate, bear and raise his/her own children as an essential
obligation of marriage.

(5) Such illness must be grave enough to bring about the disability of the party to assume the
essential obligations of marriage. Thus, "mild characteriological peculiarities, mood changes,
occasional emotional outbursts" cannot be accepted as root causes. The illness must be shown as
downright incapacity or inability, nor a refusal, neglect or difficulty, much less ill will. In other words,
there is a natal or supervening disabling factor in the person, an adverse integral element in the
personality structure that effectively incapacitates the person from really accepting and thereby
complying with the obligations essential to marriage.

(6) The essential marital obligations must be those embraced by Articles 68 up to 71 of the Family
Code as regards the husband and wife as well as Articles 220, 221 and 225 of the same Code in
regard to parents and their children. Such non-complied marital obligation(s) must also be stated in
the petition, proven by evidence and included in the text of the decision.

(7) Interpretations given by the National Appellate Matrimonial Tribunal of the Catholic Church in the
Philippines, while not controlling or decisive, should be given great respect by our courts. It is clear
that Article 36 was taken by the Family Code Revision Committee from Canon 1095 of the New
Code of Canon Law, which became effective in 1983 and which provides:

The following are incapable of contracting marriage: Those who are unable to
assume the essential obligations of marriage due to causes of psychological
nature. 14

Since the purpose of including such provision in our Family Code is to harmonize our civil laws with
the religious faith of our people, it stands to reason that to achieve such harmonization, great
persuasive weight should be given to decision of such appellate tribunal. Ideally — subject to our law
on evidence — what is decreed as canonically invalid should also be decreed civilly void.

This is one instance where, in view of the evident source and purpose of the Family Code provision,
contemporaneous religious interpretation is to be given persuasive effect. Here, the State and the
Church — while remaining independent, separate and apart from each other — shall walk together
in synodal cadence towards the same goal of protecting and cherishing marriage and the family as
the inviolable base of the nation.

(8) The trial court must order the prosecuting attorney or fiscal and the Solicitor General to appear as
counsel for the state. No decision shall he handed down unless the Solicitor General issues a
certification, which will be quoted in the decision, briefly staring therein his reasons for his agreement
or opposition, as the case may be, to the petition. The Solicitor General, along with the prosecuting
attorney, shall submit to the court such certification within fifteen (15) days from the date the case is
deemed submitted for resolution of the court. The Solicitor General shall discharge the equivalent
function of the defensor vinculi contemplated under Canon 1095.

In the instant case and applying Leouel Santos, we have already ruled to grant the petition. Such
ruling becomes even more cogent with the use of the foregoing guidelines.

WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED. The assailed Decision is REVERSED and SET ASIDE.
The marriage of Roridel Olaviano to Reynaldo Molina subsists and remains valid.

Narvasa, C.J., Davide, Jr., Bellosillo, Melo, Puno Francisco, Hermosisima, Jr., and Torres, Jr., JJ.,

Regalado, Kapunan and Mendoza, JJ., concurs in the result.

Separate Opinions

PADILLA, J., concuring opinion:

I concur in the result of the decision penned by Mr. Justice Panganiban but only because of the
peculiar facts of the case. As to whether or not the psychological incapacity exists in a given case
calling for annulment of a marriage, depends crucially, more than in any field of the law, on the facts
of the case. In Leouel Santos v. Court of Appeals and Julia Rosario-Bedia Santos, G.R. No. 112019,
4 January 1995, 240 SCRA 20-36, I maintained, and I still maintain, that there was psychological
incapacity on the part of the wife to discharge the duties of a wife in a valid marriage. The facts of
the present case, after an indepth study, do not support a similar conclusion. Obviously, each case
must be judged, not on the basis of a priori assumptions, predilections or generalizations but
according to its own facts. In the field of psychological incapacity as a ground for annulment of
marriage, it is trite to say that no case is on "all fours" with another case. The trial judge must take
pains in examining the actual millieu and the appellate court must, as much as possible, avoid
substituting its own judgment for that of the trial court.

ROMERO, J., separate opinion:

The majority opinion, overturning that of the Court of Appeals which affirmed the Regional Trial
Court ruling. upheld petitioner Solicitor General's position that "opposing and conflicting
personalities" is not equivalent to psychological incapacity, for the latter "is not simply the neglect by
the parties to the marriage of their responsibilities and duties, but a defect in their Psychological
nature which renders them incapable of performing such marital responsibilities and duties.

In the present case, the alleged personality traits of Reynaldo, the husband, did not constitute so
much "psychological incapacity" as a "difficulty," if not outright "refusal" or "neglect" in the
performance of some marital obligations. "It is not enough to prove that the parties failed to meet
their responsibilities and duties as married persons; it is essential that they must be shown to
be incapable of doing so, due to some psychological (not physical) illness."

I would add that neither should the incapacity be the result of mental illness. For if it were due to
insanity or defects in the mental faculties short of insanity, there is a resultant defect of vice of
consent, thus rendering the marriage annulable under Art. 45 of the Family Code.

That the intent of the members of the U.P. Law Center's Civil Code Revision Committee was to
exclude mental inability to understand the essential nature of marriage and focus strictly on
psychological incapacity is demonstrated in the way the provision in question underwent revisions.

At the Committee meeting of July 26, 1986, the draft provision read:

(7) Those marriages contracted by any party who, at the time of the celebration, was
wanting in the sufficient use of reason or judgment to understand the essential nature
of marriage or was psychologically or mentally incapacitated to discharge the
essential marital obligations, even if such lack of incapacity is made manifest after
the celebration.

The twists and turns which the ensuing discussion took finally produced the following revised
provision even before the session was over:

(7) That contracted by any party who, at the time of the celebration, was
psychologically incapacitated to discharge the essential marital obligations, even if
such lack or incapacity becomes manifest after the celebration.

Noticeably, the immediately preceding formulation above has dropped any reference to "wanting in
the sufficient use of reason or judgment to understand the essential nature or marriage" and to
"mentally incapacitated." It was explained that these phrases refer to "defects in the mental faculties
vitiating consent, which is not the idea . . . but lack of appreciation of one's marital obligation." There
being a defect in consent, "it is clear that it should be a ground for voidable marriage because there
is the appearance of consent and it is capable of convalidation for the simple reason that there are
lucid intervals and there are sanity is curable. . . . Psychological incapacity does not refer to mental
faculties and has nothing to do with consent; it refers to obligations attendant to
marriage." 1

My own position as a member of the Committee then was that psychological incapacity is, in a
sense, insanity of a lesser degree.

As to the proposal of Justice Caguioa to use the term "psychological or mental impotence,"
Archbishop Oscar Cruz opined in he earlier February 9, 1984 session that this term "is an invention
of some churchmen who are moralists but not canonists, that is why it is considered a weak phrase."
He said that the Code of Canon Law would rather express it as "psychological or mental incapacity
to discharge. . . ." Justice Ricardo C. Puno opined that sometimes a person may be psychologically
impotent with one but not with another.

One of the guidelines enumerated in the majority opinion for the interpretation and application of Art.
36 is: "Such incapacity must also be shown to be medically or clinically permanent or incurable.
Such incurability may be absolute or even relative only in regard to the other spouse, not necessarily
absolutely against everyone of the same sex."

The Committee, through Prof. Araceli T. Barrera, considered the inclusion of the phrase" and is
incurable" but Prof. Esteban B. Bautista commented that this would give rise to the question of how
they will determine curability and Justice Caguioa agreed that it would be more problematic. Yet the
possibility that one may be cured after the psychological incapacity becomes manifest after the
marriage was not ruled out by Justice Puno and Justice Alice Sempio-Diy. Justice Caguioa
suggested that the remedy was to allow the afflicted spouse to remarry.

For clarity, the Committee classified the bases for determining void marriages, viz:

1. lack of one or more of the essential requisites of marriage as


2. reasons of public policy;

3. special cases and special situations.

The ground of psychological incapacity was subsumed under "special cases and special
situations," hence its special treatment in Art. 36 in the Family Code as finally enacted.

Nowhere in the Civil Code provisions on Marriage is there a ground for avoiding or annulling
marriages that even comes close to being psychological in nature.

Where consent is vitiated due to circumstances existing at the time of the marriage, such marriage
which stands valid until annulled is capable of ratification or convalidation.

On the other hand, for reasons of public policy or lack of essential requisites, some marriages are
void from the beginning.

With the revision of Book I of the Civil Code, particularly the provisions on Marriage, the drafters,
now open to fresh winds of change in keeping with the more permissive mores and practices of the
time, took a leaf from the relatively liberal provisions of Canon Law.

Canon 1095 which states, inter alia, that the following persons are incapable of contracting marriage:
"3. (those) who, because of causes of a psychological nature, are unable to assume the essential
obligations of marriage" provided the model for what is now Art. 36 of the Family Code: "A marriage
contracted by any party who, at the time of the celebration, was psychologically incapacitated to
comply with the essential marital obligations of marriage, shall likewise be void even if such
incapacity becomes manifest only after its solemnization.

It bears stressing that unlike in Civil Law, Canon Law recognizes only two types of marriages with
respect to their validity: valid and void. Civil Law, however, recognizes an intermediate state, the
voidable or annullable marriages. When the Ecclesiastical Tribunal "annuls" a marriage, it actually
declares the marriage null and void, i.e., it never really existed in the first place, for a valid
sacramental marriage can never be dissolved. Hence, a properly performed and consummated
marriage between two living Roman Catholics can only be nullified by the formal annulment process
which entails a full tribunal procedure with a Court selection and a formal hearing.
Such so-called church "annulments" are not recognized by Civil Law as severing the marriage ties
as to capacitate the parties to enter lawfully into another marriage. The grounds for nullifying civil
marriage, not being congruent with those laid down by Canon Law, the former being more strict,
quite a number of married couples have found themselves in limbo — freed from the marriage bonds
in the eyes of the Catholic Church but yet unable to contract a valid civil marriage under state laws.
Heedless of civil law sanctions, some persons contract new marriages or enter into live-in

It was precisely to provide a satisfactory solution to such anomalous situations that the Civil Law
Revision Committee decided to engraft the Canon Law concept of psychological incapacity into the
Family Code — and classified the same as a ground for declaring marriages void ab initio or totally
in existent from the beginning.

A brief historical note on the Old Canon Law (1917). This Old Code, while it did not provide directly
for psychological incapacity, in effect recognized the same indirectly from a combination of three old
canons: "Canon #1081 required persons to 'be capable according to law' in order to give valid
consent; Canon #1082 required that persons 'be at least not ignorant' of the major elements required
in marriage; and Canon #1087 (the force and fear category) required that internal and external
freedom be present in order for consent to be valid. This line of interpretation produced two distinct
but related grounds for annulment, called 'lack of due discretion' and 'lack of due competence.' Lack
of due discretion means that the person did not have the ability to give valid consent at the time of
the wedding and therefore the union is invalid. Lack of due competence means that the person
was incapable of carrying out the obligations of the promise he or she made during the wedding

"Favorable annulment decisions by the Roman Rota in the 1950s and 1960s involving sexual
disorders such as homosexuality and nymphomania laid the foundation for a broader approach to
the kind of proof necessary for psychological grounds for annulment. The Rota had reasoned for the
first time in several cases that the capacity to give valid consent at the time of marriage was
probably not present in persons who had displayed such problems shortly after the marriage. The
nature of this change was nothing short of revolutionary. Once the Rota itself had demonstrated a
cautious willingness to use this kind of hindsight, the way was paved for what came after
1970. Diocesan Tribunals began to accept proof of serious psychological problems that manifested
themselves shortly after the ceremony as proof of an inability to give valid consent at the time of the

Furthermore, and equally significant, the professional opinion of a psychological expert became
increasingly important in such cases. Data about the person's entire life, both before and after the
ceremony, were presented to these experts and they were asked to give professional opinions about
a party's mental at the time of the wedding. These opinions were rarely challenged and tended to be
accepted as decisive evidence of lack of valid consent.

The Church took pains to point out that its new openness in this area did not amount to the addition
of new grounds for annulment, but rather was an accommodation by the Church to the advances
made in psychology during the past decades. There was now the expertise to provide the all-
important connecting link between a marriage breakdown and premarital causes.

During the 1970s, the Church broadened its whole idea of marriage from that of a legal contract to
that of a covenant. The result of this was that it could no longer be assumed in annulment cases that
a person who could intellectually understand the concept of marriage could necessarily give valid
consent to marry. The ability to both grasp and assume the real obligations of a mature, lifelong
commitment are now considered a necessary prerequisite to valid matrimonial consent. 2

Rotal decisions continued applying the concept of incipient psychological incapacity, "not only to
sexual anomalies but to all kinds of personality disorders that incapacitate a spouse or both spouses
from assuming or carrying out the essential obligations of marriage. For marriage . . . is not merely
cohabitation or the right of the spouses to each others' body for heterosexual acts, but is, in its
totality, the right to the community of the whole of life, i.e., the right to a developing. lifelong
relationship. Rotal decisions since 1973 have refined the meaning of psychological or psychic
capacity for marriage as presupposing the development of an adult personality; as meaning the
capacity of the spouses to give themselves to each other and to accept the other as a distinct
person; that the spouses must be 'other oriented' since the obligations of marriage are rooted in a
self-giving love; and that the spouses must have the capacity for interpersonal relationship because
marriage is more than just a physical reality but involves a true intertwining of personalities. The
fulfillment of the obligations of marriage depends. according to Church decisions, on the strength of
this interpersonal relationship. A serious incapacity for interpersonal sharing and support is held to
impair the relationship and consequently, the ability to fulfill the essential marital obligations. The
marital capacity of one spouse is not considered in isolation but in reference to the fundamental
relationship to the other spouse.3
Fr. Green, in an article in Catholic Mind, lists six elements necessary to the mature marital

The courts consider the following elements crucial to the marital commitment: (1) a
permanent and faithful commitment to the marriage partner; (2) openness to children
and partner; (3) stability; (4) emotional maturity; (5) financial responsibility; (6) an
ability to cope with the ordinary stresses and strains of marriage, etc.

Fr. Green goes on to speak about some of the psychological conditions that might
lead to the failure of a marriage:

At stake is a type of constitutional impairment precluding conjugal communion even

with the best intentions of the parties. Among the psychic factors possibly giving rise
to his or her inability to fulfill marital obligations are the following: (1) antisocial
personality with its fundamental lack of loyalty to persons or sense of moral values;
(2) hyperesthesia, where the individual has no real freedom of sexual choice; (3) the
inadequate personality where personal responses consistently fallshort of reasonable

xxx xxx xxx

The psychological grounds are the best approach for anyone who doubts whether he
or she has a case for an annulment on any other terms. A situation that does not fit
into any of the more traditional categories often fits very easily into the psychological

As new as the psychological grounds are, experts are already detecting a shift in
their use. Whereas originally the emphasis was on the parties' inability to exercise
proper judgment at the time of the marriage (lack of due discretion), recent cases
seem to be concentrating on the parties' to assume or carry out their responsibilities
an obligations as promised (lack of due competence). An advantage to using the
ground of lack of due competence is that the at the time the marriage was entered
into civil divorce and breakup of the family almost is of someone's failure out marital
responsibilities as promised at the time the marriage was entered into. 4

In the instant case, "opposing and conflicting personalities" of the spouses were not considered
equivalent to psychological incapacity. As well in Santos v. Court of Appeals cited in the ponencia,
the Court held that the failure of the wife to return home from the U.S. or to communicate with her
husband for more then five years is not proof of her psychological incapacity as to render the
marriage a nullity. Therefore, Art. 36 is inapplicable and the marriages remain valid and subsisting.

However in the recent case of Chi Ming Tsoi v. Court of Appeals, this Court upheld both the

Regional Trial Court and the Court of Appeals in declaring the presence of psychological incapacity
on the part of the husband. Said petitioner husband, after ten (10) months' sleeping with his wife
never had coitus with her, a fact he did not deny but he alleged that it was due to the physical
disorder of his wife which, however, he failed to prove. Goaded by the indifference and stubborn
refusal of her husband to fulfill a basic marital obligation described as "to procreate children based
on the universal principle that procreation of children through sexual cooperation is the basic end of
marriage," the wife brought the action in the lower court to declare the marriage null.

The Court, quoting Dr. Gerardo Veloso, a former Presiding Judge of the Metropolitan Marriage
Tribunal of the Catholic Archdiocese of Manila (Branch I) on Psychological incapacity concluded:

If a spouse, although physically capable but simply refuses to perform his or her
essential marriage obligations, and the refusal is senseless and constant, Catholic
marriage tribunals attribute the causes to psychological incapacity than to stubborn
refusal. Senseless and protracted refusal is equivalent to psychological incapacity.
Thus, the prolonged refusal of a spouse to have sexual intercourse with his or her
spouse is considered a sign of psychological incapacity.

We declared:

This Court, finding the gravity of the failed relationship in which the parties found themselves trapped
in its mire of unfulfilled vows and unconsummated marital obligations, can do no less but sustain the
studied judgment of respondent appellate court.

1 concur with the majority opinion that the herein marriage remains valid and subsisting absent
psychological incapacity (under Art. 36 of the Family Code) on the part of either or both of the
VITUG, J., concurring:

I fully concur with my esteemed 'colleague Mr. Justice Artemio V. Panganiban in his ponencia, and I
find to be most helpful the guidelines that he prepared for the bench and the bar in the proper
appreciation of Article 36 of Executive Order No. 209 ("The Family Code of the Philippines"). The
term "psychological incapacity" was neither defined nor exemplified by the Family Code. Thus —

Art. 36. A marriage contracted by any party who, at the time of the celebration, was
psychologically incapacitated to comply with the essential marital obligations of
marriage, shall likewise be void even if such incapacity becomes manifest only after
its solemnization.

The Revision Committee, constituted under the auspices of the U.P. Law Center, which
drafted the Code explained:

(T)he Committee would like the judge to interpret the provision on a case-to-case
basis, guided by experience, the findings of experts and researchers in psychological
disciplines, and by decisions of church tribunals which, although not binding on the
civil courts, may be given persuasive effect since the provision was taken from
Canon Law. 1

Article 36 of the Family Code was concededly taken from Canon 1095 of the New Code of Canon
Law —

Canon 1095. (The following persons) are incapable of contracting marriage; (those)

1. who lack sufficient use of reason;

2. who suffer from a grave defect of discretion of judgment concerning essential

matrimonial rights and duties, to be given and accepted mutually;

3. who for causes of psychological nature are unable to assume the essential
obligations of marriage —

that should give that much value to Canon Law jurisprudence as an aid to the interpretation
and construction of the statutory enactment. 2

The principles in the proper application of the law teach us that the several provisions of a Code
must be read like a congruent whole. Thus, in determining the import of "psychological incapacity"
under Article 36, one must also read it along with, albeit to be taken as distinct from, the other
grounds enumerated in the Code, like Articles 35, 37, 38 and 41 that would likewise, but for distinct
reasons, render the marriage merely voidable, or Article 55 that could justify a petition for legal
separation. Care must be observed so that these various circumstances are not applied so
indiscriminately as if the law were indifferent on the matter.

I would wish to reiterate the Court's' statement in Santos vs. Court of Appeals; viz:

(T)he use of the phrase "psychological incapacity" under Article 36 of the Code has
not been meant to comprehend all such possible cases of psychoses as, likewise
mentioned by some ecclesiastical authorities, extremely low intelligence, immaturity,
and like circumstances. . . Article 36 of the Family Code cannot be taken and
construed independently of, but must stand in conjunction with, existing precepts in
our law on marriage. Thus correlated, "psychological incapacity" should refer to no
less than a mental (not physical) incapacity that causes a party to be truly incognitive
of the basic marital covenants that concomitantly must be assumed and discharged
by the parties to the marriage which, as so expressed by Article 68 of the Family
Code, include their mutual obligations to live together, observe love, respect and
fidelity and render help and support. There is hardly any doubt that the intendment of
the law has been to confine the meaning of "psychological incapacity" to the most
serious cases of personality disorders clearly demonstrative of an utter insensitivity
or inability of the spouse to have sexual relations with the other. This conclusion is
implicit under Article 54 of the Family Code which considers children conceived prior
to the judicial declaration of nullity of the void marriage to be "legitimate."

The other forms of psychoses, if existing at the inception of marriage, like the state of
a party being of unsound mind or concealment of drug addiction, habitual alcoholism,
homosexuality or lesbianism, merely renders the marriage contract voidable pursuant
to Article 46, Family Code. If drug addiction, habitual alcoholism, lesbianism or
homosexuality should occur only during the marriage, they become mere grounds for
legal separation under Article 55 of the Family Code. These provisions of the Code,
however, do not necessarily preclude the possibility of these various circumstances
being themselves, depending on the degree and severity of the disorder, indicia of

In fine, the term "psychological incapacity," to be a ground for then nullity of marriage under Article
36 of the Family Code, must be able to pass the following tests; viz:

First, the incapacity must be psychological or mental, not physical, in nature;

Second, the psychological incapacity must relate to the inability, not mere refusal, to understand,
assume end discharge the basic marital obligations of living together, observing love, respect and
fidelity and rendering mutual help and support;

Third, the psychologic condition must exist at the time the marriage is contracted although its overt
manifestations and the marriage may occur only thereafter; and

Fourth, the mental disorder must be grave or serious and incurable.

It may well be that the Family Code Revision Committee has envisioned Article 36, as not a few
observers would suspect, as another form of absolute divorce or, as still others would also put it, to
be a alternative to divorce; however, the fact still remains that the language of the law has failed to
carry out, even if true, any such intendment. It might have indeed turned out for the better, if it were
otherwise, there could be good reasons to doubt the constitutionality of the measure. The
fundamental law itself, no less, has laid down in terse language its unequivocal command on how
the State should regard marriage and the family, thus —

Section 2, Article XV:

Sec. 2. Marriage, as an inviolable social institution, is the foundation of the family and
shall be protected by the State.

Section 12, Article II:

Sec. 12. The State recognizes the sanctity of family life and shall protect and
strengthen the family as a basic autonomous social institution . . . .

Section 1, Article XV:

Sec. 1. The State recognizes the Filipino family as the foundation of the nation.
Accordingly, it shall strengthen its solidarity and actively promote its total
development. (The 1987 Constitution)

The case of Marcelino vs. Cruz, 121 SCRA 51, might here be significant not so much for the specific
issue there resolved but for the tone it has set. The Court there has held that constitutional
provisions are to be considered mandatory unless by necessary implication, a different intention is
manifest such that to have them enforced strictly would cause more harm than by disregarding them.
It is quite clear to me that the constitutional mandate on marriage and the family has not been meant
to be simply directory in character, nor for mere expediency or convenience, but one that demands a
meaningful, not half-hearted, respect.

Separate Opinions

PADILLA, J., concuring opinion:

I concur in the result of the decision penned by Mr. Justice Panganiban but only because of the
peculiar facts of the case. As to whether or not the psychological incapacity exists in a given case
calling for annulment of a marriage, depends crucially, more than in any field of the law, on the facts
of the case. In Leouel Santos v. Court of Appeals and Julia Rosario-Bedia Santos, G.R. No. 112019,
4 January 1995, 240 SCRA 20-36, I maintained, and I still maintain, that there was psychological
incapacity on the part of the wife to discharge the duties of a wife in a valid marriage. The facts of
the present case, after an indepth study, do not support a similar conclusion. Obviously, each case
must be judged, not on the basis of a priori assumptions, predilections or generalizations but
according to its own facts. In the field of psychological incapacity as a ground for annulment of
marriage, it is trite to say that no case is on "all fours" with another case. The trial judge must take
pains in examining the actual millieu and the appellate court must, as much as possible, avoid
substituting its own judgment for that of the trial court.

ROMERO, J., separate opinion:

The majority opinion, overturning that of the Court of Appeals which affirmed the Regional Trial
Court ruling. upheld petitioner Solicitor General's position that "opposing and conflicting
personalities" is not equivalent to psychological incapacity, for the latter "is not simply the neglect by
the parties to the marriage of their responsibilities and duties, but a defect in their Psychological
nature which renders them incapable of performing such marital responsibilities and duties.

In the present case, the alleged personality traits of Reynaldo, the husband, did not constitute so
much "psychological incapacity" as a "difficulty," if not outright "refusal" or "neglect" in the
performance of some marital obligations. "It is not enough to prove that the parties failed to meet
their responsibilities and duties as married persons; it is essential that they must be shown to
be incapable of doing so, due to some psychological (not physical) illness."

I would add that neither should the incapacity be the result of mental illness. For if it were due to
insanity or defects in the mental faculties short of insanity, there is a resultant defect of vice of
consent, thus rendering the marriage annulable under Art. 45 of the Family Code.

That the intent of the members of the U.P. Law Center's Civil Code Revision Committee was to
exclude mental inability to understand the essential nature of marriage and focus strictly on
psychological incapacity is demonstrated in the way the provision in question underwent revisions.

At the Committee meeting of July 26, 1986, the draft provision read:

(7) Those marriages contracted by any party who, at the time of the celebration, was
wanting in the sufficient use of reason or judgment to understand the essential nature
of marriage or was psychologically or mentally incapacitated to discharge the
essential marital obligations, even if such lack of incapacity is made manifest after
the celebration.

The twists and turns which the ensuing discussion took finally produced the following revised
provision even before the session was over:

(7) That contracted by any party who, at the time of the celebration, was
psychologically incapacitated to discharge the essential marital obligations, even if
such lack or incapacity becomes manifest after the celebration.

Noticeably, the immediately preceding formulation above has dropped any reference to "wanting in
the sufficient use of reason or judgment to understand the essential nature or marriage" and to
"mentally incapacitated." It was explained that these phrases refer to "defects in the mental faculties
vitiating consent, which is not the idea . . . but lack of appreciation of one's marital obligation." There
being a defect in consent, "it is clear that it should be a ground for voidable marriage because there
is the appearance of consent and it is capable of convalidation for the simple reason that there are
lucid intervals and there are sanity is curable. . . . Psychological incapacity does not refer to mental
faculties and has nothing to do with consent; it refers to obligations attendant to
marriage." 1

My own position as a member of the Committee then was that psychological incapacity is, in a
sense, insanity of a lesser degree.

As to the proposal of Justice Caguioa to use the term "psychological or mental impotence,"
Archbishop Oscar Cruz opined in he earlier February 9, 1984 session that this term "is an invention
of some churchmen who are moralists but not canonists, that is why it is considered a weak phrase."
He said that the Code of Canon Law would rather express it as "psychological or mental incapacity
to discharge. . . ." Justice Ricardo C. Puno opined that sometimes a person may be psychologically
impotent with one but not with another.

One of the guidelines enumerated in the majority opinion for the interpretation and application of Art.
36 is: "Such incapacity must also be shown to be medically or clinically permanent or incurable.
Such incurability may be absolute or even relative only in regard to the other spouse, not necessarily
absolutely against everyone of the same sex."
The Committee, through Prof. Araceli T. Barrera, considered the inclusion of the phrase" and is
incurable" but Prof. Esteban B. Bautista commented that this would give rise to the question of how
they will determine curability and Justice Caguioa agreed that it would be more problematic. Yet the
possibility that one may be cured after the psychological incapacity becomes manifest after the
marriage was not ruled out by Justice Puno and Justice Alice Sempio-Diy. Justice Caguioa
suggested that the remedy was to allow the afflicted spouse to remarry.

For clarity, the Committee classified the bases for determining void marriages, viz:

1. lack of one or more of the essential requisites of marriage as


2. reasons of public policy;

3. special cases and special situations.

The ground of psychological incapacity was subsumed under "special cases and special
situations," hence its special treatment in Art. 36 in the Family Code as finally enacted.

Nowhere in the Civil Code provisions on Marriage is there a ground for avoiding or annulling
marriages that even comes close to being psychological in nature.

Where consent is vitiated due to circumstances existing at the time of the marriage, such marriage
which stands valid until annulled is capable of ratification or convalidation.

On the other hand, for reasons of public policy or lack of essential requisites, some marriages are
void from the beginning.

With the revision of Book I of the Civil Code, particularly the provisions on Marriage, the drafters,
now open to fresh winds of change in keeping with the more permissive mores and practices of the
time, took a leaf from the relatively liberal provisions of Canon Law.

Canon 1095 which states, inter alia, that the following persons are incapable of contracting marriage:
"3. (those) who, because of causes of a psychological nature, are unable to assume the essential
obligations of marriage" provided the model for what is now Art. 36 of the Family Code: "A marriage
contracted by any party who, at the time of the celebration, was psychologically incapacitated to
comply with the essential marital obligations of marriage, shall likewise be void even if such
incapacity becomes manifest only after its solemnization.

It bears stressing that unlike in Civil Law, Canon Law recognizes only two types of marriages with
respect to their validity: valid and void. Civil Law, however, recognizes an intermediate state, the
voidable or annullable marriages. When the Ecclesiastical Tribunal "annuls" a marriage, it actually
declares the marriage null and void, i.e., it never really existed in the first place, for a valid
sacramental marriage can never be dissolved. Hence, a properly performed and consummated
marriage between two living Roman Catholics can only be nullified by the formal annulment process
which entails a full tribunal procedure with a Court selection and a formal hearing.

Such so-called church "annulments" are not recognized by Civil Law as severing the marriage ties
as to capacitate the parties to enter lawfully into another marriage. The grounds for nullifying civil
marriage, not being congruent with those laid down by Canon Law, the former being more strict,
quite a number of married couples have found themselves in limbo — freed from the marriage bonds
in the eyes of the Catholic Church but yet unable to contract a valid civil marriage under state laws.
Heedless of civil law sanctions, some persons contract new marriages or enter into live-in

It was precisely to provide a satisfactory solution to such anomalous situations that the Civil Law
Revision Committee decided to engraft the Canon Law concept of psychological incapacity into the
Family Code — and classified the same as a ground for declaring marriages void ab initio or totally
in existent from the beginning.

A brief historical note on the Old Canon Law (1917). This Old Code, while it did not provide directly
for psychological incapacity, in effect recognized the same indirectly from a combination of three old
canons: "Canon #1081 required persons to 'be capable according to law' in order to give valid
consent; Canon #1082 required that persons 'be at least not ignorant' of the major elements required
in marriage; and Canon #1087 (the force and fear category) required that internal and external
freedom be present in order for consent to be valid. This line of interpretation produced two distinct
but related grounds for annulment, called 'lack of due discretion' and 'lack of due competence.' Lack
of due discretion means that the person did not have the ability to give valid consent at the time of
the wedding and therefore the union is invalid. Lack of due competence means that the person
was incapable of carrying out the obligations of the promise he or she made during the wedding

"Favorable annulment decisions by the Roman Rota in the 1950s and 1960s involving sexual
disorders such as homosexuality and nymphomania laid the foundation for a broader approach to
the kind of proof necessary for psychological grounds for annulment. The Rota had reasoned for the
first time in several cases that the capacity to give valid consent at the time of marriage was
probably not present in persons who had displayed such problems shortly after the marriage. The
nature of this change was nothing short of revolutionary. Once the Rota itself had demonstrated a
cautious willingness to use this kind of hindsight, the way was paved for what came after
1970. Diocesan Tribunals began to accept proof of serious psychological problems that manifested
themselves shortly after the ceremony as proof of an inability to give valid consent at the time of the

Furthermore, and equally significant, the professional opinion of a psychological expert became
increasingly important in such cases. Data about the person's entire life, both before and after the
ceremony, were presented to these experts and they were asked to give professional opinions about
a party's mental at the time of the wedding. These opinions were rarely challenged and tended to be
accepted as decisive evidence of lack of valid consent.

The Church took pains to point out that its new openness in this area did not amount to the addition
of new grounds for annulment, but rather was an accommodation by the Church to the advances
made in psychology during the past decades. There was now the expertise to provide the all-
important connecting link between a marriage breakdown and premarital causes.

During the 1970s, the Church broadened its whole idea of marriage from that of a legal contract to
that of a covenant. The result of this was that it could no longer be assumed in annulment cases that
a person who could intellectually understand the concept of marriage could necessarily give valid
consent to marry. The ability to both grasp and assume the real obligations of a mature, lifelong
commitment are now considered a necessary prerequisite to valid matrimonial consent. 2

Rotal decisions continued applying the concept of incipient psychological incapacity, "not only to
sexual anomalies but to all kinds of personality disorders that incapacitate a spouse or both spouses
from assuming or carrying out the essential obligations of marriage. For marriage . . . is not merely
cohabitation or the right of the spouses to each others' body for heterosexual acts, but is, in its
totality, the right to the community of the whole of life, i.e., the right to a developing. lifelong
relationship. Rotal decisions since 1973 have refined the meaning of psychological or psychic
capacity for marriage as presupposing the development of an adult personality; as meaning the
capacity of the spouses to give themselves to each other and to accept the other as a distinct
person; that the spouses must be 'other oriented' since the obligations of marriage are rooted in a
self-giving love; and that the spouses must have the capacity for interpersonal relationship because
marriage is more than just a physical reality but involves a true intertwining of personalities. The
fulfillment of the obligations of marriage depends. according to Church decisions, on the strength of
this interpersonal relationship. A serious incapacity for interpersonal sharing and support is held to
impair the relationship and consequently, the ability to fulfill the essential marital obligations. The
marital capacity of one spouse is not considered in isolation but in reference to the fundamental
relationship to the other spouse.3

Fr. Green, in an article in Catholic Mind, lists six elements necessary to the mature marital

The courts consider the following elements crucial to the marital commitment: (1) a
permanent and faithful commitment to the marriage partner; (2) openness to children
and partner; (3) stability; (4) emotional maturity; (5) financial responsibility; (6) an
ability to cope with the ordinary stresses and strains of marriage, etc.

Fr. Green goes on to speak about some of the psychological conditions that might
lead to the failure of a marriage:

At stake is a type of constitutional impairment precluding conjugal communion even

with the best intentions of the parties. Among the psychic factors possibly giving rise
to his or her inability to fulfill marital obligations are the following: (1) antisocial
personality with its fundamental lack of loyalty to persons or sense of moral values;
(2) hyperesthesia, where the individual has no real freedom of sexual choice; (3) the
inadequate personality where personal responses consistently fallshort of reasonable

xxx xxx xxx

The psychological grounds are the best approach for anyone who doubts whether he
or she has a case for an annulment on any other terms. A situation that does not fit
into any of the more traditional categories often fits very easily into the psychological

As new as the psychological grounds are, experts are already detecting a shift in
their use. Whereas originally the emphasis was on the parties' inability to exercise
proper judgment at the time of the marriage (lack of due discretion), recent cases
seem to be concentrating on the parties' to assume or carry out their responsibilities
an obligations as promised (lack of due competence). An advantage to using the
ground of lack of due competence is that the at the time the marriage was entered
into civil divorce and breakup of the family almost is of someone's failure out marital
responsibilities as promised at the time the marriage was entered into. 4

In the instant case, "opposing and conflicting personalities" of the spouses were not considered
equivalent to psychological incapacity. As well in Santos v. Court of Appeals cited in the ponencia,
the Court held that the failure of the wife to return home from the U.S. or to communicate with her
husband for more then five years is not proof of her psychological incapacity as to render the
marriage a nullity. Therefore, Art. 36 is inapplicable and the marriages remain valid and subsisting.

However in the recent case of Chi Ming Tsoi v. Court of Appeals, this Court upheld both the

Regional Trial Court and the Court of Appeals in declaring the presence of psychological incapacity
on the part of the husband. Said petitioner husband, after ten (10) months' sleeping with his wife
never had coitus with her, a fact he did not deny but he alleged that it was due to the physical
disorder of his wife which, however, he failed to prove. Goaded by the indifference and stubborn
refusal of her husband to fulfill a basic marital obligation described as "to procreate children based
on the universal principle that procreation of children through sexual cooperation is the basic end of
marriage," the wife brought the action in the lower court to declare the marriage null.

The Court, quoting Dr. Gerardo Veloso, a former Presiding Judge of the Metropolitan Marriage
Tribunal of the Catholic Archdiocese of Manila (Branch I) on Psychological incapacity concluded:

If a spouse, although physically capable but simply refuses to perform his or her
essential marriage obligations, and the refusal is senseless and constant, Catholic
marriage tribunals attribute the causes to psychological incapacity than to stubborn
refusal. Senseless and protracted refusal is equivalent to psychological incapacity.
Thus, the prolonged refusal of a spouse to have sexual intercourse with his or her
spouse is considered a sign of psychological incapacity.

We declared:

This Court, finding the gravity of the failed relationship in which the parties found themselves trapped
in its mire of unfulfilled vows and unconsummated marital obligations, can do no less but sustain the
studied judgment of respondent appellate court.

1 concur with the majority opinion that the herein marriage remains valid and subsisting absent
psychological incapacity (under Art. 36 of the Family Code) on the part of either or both of the

VITUG, J., concurring:

I fully concur with my esteemed 'colleague Mr. Justice Artemio V. Panganiban in his ponencia, and I
find to be most helpful the guidelines that he prepared for the bench and the bar in the proper
appreciation of Article 36 of Executive Order No. 209 ("The Family Code of the Philippines"). The
term "psychological incapacity" was neither defined nor exemplified by the Family Code. Thus —

Art. 36. A marriage contracted by any party who, at the time of the celebration, was
psychologically incapacitated to comply with the essential marital obligations of
marriage, shall likewise be void even if such incapacity becomes manifest only after
its solemnization.

The Revision Committee, constituted under the auspices of the U.P. Law Center, which
drafted the Code explained:

(T)he Committee would like the judge to interpret the provision on a case-to-case
basis, guided by experience, the findings of experts and researchers in psychological
disciplines, and by decisions of church tribunals which, although not binding on the
civil courts, may be given persuasive effect since the provision was taken from
Canon Law. 1

Article 36 of the Family Code was concededly taken from Canon 1095 of the New Code of Canon
Law —

Canon 1095. (The following persons) are incapable of contracting marriage; (those)

1. who lack sufficient use of reason;

2. who suffer from a grave defect of discretion of judgment concerning essential

matrimonial rights and duties, to be given and accepted mutually;

3. who for causes of psychological nature are unable to assume the essential
obligations of marriage —

that should give that much value to Canon Law jurisprudence as an aid to the interpretation
and construction of the statutory enactment. 2

The principles in the proper application of the law teach us that the several provisions of a Code
must be read like a congruent whole. Thus, in determining the import of "psychological incapacity"
under Article 36, one must also read it along with, albeit to be taken as distinct from, the other
grounds enumerated in the Code, like Articles 35, 37, 38 and 41 that would likewise, but for distinct
reasons, render the marriage merely voidable, or Article 55 that could justify a petition for legal
separation. Care must be observed so that these various circumstances are not applied so
indiscriminately as if the law were indifferent on the matter.

I would wish to reiterate the Court's' statement in Santos vs. Court of Appeals; viz:

(T)he use of the phrase "psychological incapacity" under Article 36 of the Code has
not been meant to comprehend all such possible cases of psychoses as, likewise
mentioned by some ecclesiastical authorities, extremely low intelligence, immaturity,
and like circumstances. . . Article 36 of the Family Code cannot be taken and
construed independently of, but must stand in conjunction with, existing precepts in
our law on marriage. Thus correlated, "psychological incapacity" should refer to no
less than a mental (not physical) incapacity that causes a party to be truly incognitive
of the basic marital covenants that concomitantly must be assumed and discharged
by the parties to the marriage which, as so expressed by Article 68 of the Family
Code, include their mutual obligations to live together, observe love, respect and
fidelity and render help and support. There is hardly any doubt that the intendment of
the law has been to confine the meaning of "psychological incapacity" to the most
serious cases of personality disorders clearly demonstrative of an utter insensitivity
or inability of the spouse to have sexual relations with the other. This conclusion is
implicit under Article 54 of the Family Code which considers children conceived prior
to the judicial declaration of nullity of the void marriage to be "legitimate."

The other forms of psychoses, if existing at the inception of marriage, like the state of
a party being of unsound mind or concealment of drug addiction, habitual alcoholism,
homosexuality or lesbianism, merely renders the marriage contract voidable pursuant
to Article 46, Family Code. If drug addiction, habitual alcoholism, lesbianism or
homosexuality should occur only during the marriage, they become mere grounds for
legal separation under Article 55 of the Family Code. These provisions of the Code,
however, do not necessarily preclude the possibility of these various circumstances
being themselves, depending on the degree and severity of the disorder, indicia of

In fine, the term "psychological incapacity," to be a ground for then nullity of marriage under Article
36 of the Family Code, must be able to pass the following tests; viz:

First, the incapacity must be psychological or mental, not physical, in nature;

Second, the psychological incapacity must relate to the inability, not mere refusal, to understand,
assume end discharge the basic marital obligations of living together, observing love, respect and
fidelity and rendering mutual help and support;

Third, the psychologic condition must exist at the time the marriage is contracted although its overt
manifestations and the marriage may occur only thereafter; and
Fourth, the mental disorder must be grave or serious and incurable.

It may well be that the Family Code Revision Committee has envisioned Article 36, as not a few
observers would suspect, as another form of absolute divorce or, as still others would also put it, to
be a alternative to divorce; however, the fact still remains that the language of the law has failed to
carry out, even if true, any such intendment. It might have indeed turned out for the better, if it were
otherwise, there could be good reasons to doubt the constitutionality of the measure. The
fundamental law itself, no less, has laid down in terse language its unequivocal command on how
the State should regard marriage and the family, thus —

Section 2, Article XV:

Sec. 2. Marriage, as an inviolable social institution, is the foundation of the family and
shall be protected by the State.

Section 12, Article II:

Sec. 12. The State recognizes the sanctity of family life and shall protect and
strengthen the family as a basic autonomous social institution . . . .

Section 1, Article XV:

Sec. 1. The State recognizes the Filipino family as the foundation of the nation.
Accordingly, it shall strengthen its solidarity and actively promote its total
development. (The 1987 Constitution)

The case of Marcelino vs. Cruz, 121 SCRA 51, might here be significant not so much for the specific
issue there resolved but for the tone it has set. The Court there has held that constitutional
provisions are to be considered mandatory unless by necessary implication, a different intention is
manifest such that to have them enforced strictly would cause more harm than by disregarding them.
It is quite clear to me that the constitutional mandate on marriage and the family has not been meant
to be simply directory in character, nor for mere expediency or convenience, but one that demands a
meaningful, not half-hearted, respect.


1 Rollo pp. 25-33.

2 Sixteenth Division composed of J., Segundino G. Chua, ponente and chairman JJ.,
Serafin V.C. Guingona and Ricardo P. Galvez, concurring.

3 Presided by Judge Heilia S. Mallare-Phillipps.

4 Solemnized by Fr. Jesus C. Encinas.

5 The Court of Appeals reproduced in its Decision a substantial portion of the RTC
Decision is follows:

"To sustain her claim that respondent is psychologically incapacitated to comply with
his marital obligations, petitioner testified that he is immature, irresponsible,
dependent, disrespectful, arrogant, a chronic liar, and an infidel. These
characteristics of respondent are based on petitioner's testimony that the former
failed to be gainfully employed after he was relieved from the office of the
Government Corporate Counsel sometime in February, 1986. leaving petitioner as
the sole breadwinner of the family. Also when they were separated in fact,
respondent practically abandoned both petitioner-mother and son except during the
first few months of separation when respondent regularly visited his son and gave
him a monthly allowance of P1,000.00 for about two to four months. Respondent is
likewise dependent on his parents for financial aid and support as he has no savings,
preferring to spend his money with his friends and peers. A year after their marriage,
respondent informed petitioner that he bought a house and lot at BF Homes,
Parañaque for about a million pesos. They then transferred there only for the
petitioner to discover a few months later that they were actually renting the house
with the respondent's parents responsible for the payment of the rentals. Aside from
this. respondent would also lie about his salary and ability. And that at present,
respondent is living with his mistress and their child. which fact he does not deny.
It is unfortunate that the marriage between petitioner and respondent turned sour if
we look at the background of their relationship. During their college days, when they
were still going steady, respondent observed petitioner to be conservative, homely,
and intelligent causing him to believe then that she would make an ideal wife and
mother. Likewise, petitioner fell in love with respondent because of his
thoughtfulness and gentleness. After a year, however, they decided to break their
relationship because of some differences in their personalities. Almost five (5) years
later, while they were working in Manila, petitioner and respondent rekindled their
love affair. They became very close and petitioner was glad to observe a more
mature respondent. Believing that they know each other much better after two years
of going steady, they decided to settle down and get married. It would seem.
therefore, that petitioner and respondent knew each other well and were then
prepared for married life.

During their marriage, however, the true personalities of the parties cropped-up and
dominated their life together. Unexpectedly on both their parts, petitioner and
respondent failed to respond properly to the situation. This failure resulted in their
frequent arguments and fighting's. In fact, even with the intervention and help of their
parents who arranged for their possible reconciliation, the parties could not come to

It seems clear at this stage that the marriage between the parties broke-up because
of their opposing and conflicting personalities (sic). Neither of them can accept and
understand the weakness of the other. No one gives in and instead, blame each
other for whatever problem or misunderstanding/s they encounter. In fine,
respondent cannot be solely responsible for the failure of other (sic) marriage.
Rather, this resulted because both parties cannot relate to each other as husband
and wife which is unique and requisite in marriage.

Marriage is a special contract of permanent union between a man and a woman with
the basic objective of establishing a conjugal and family life. (Article 1, Family Code).
The unique element of permanency of union signifies a continuing, developing, and
lifelong relationship between the parties. Towards this end, the parties must fully
understand and accept the (implications and consequences of being permanently)
united in marriage. And the maintenance of this relationship demands from the
parties, among others, determination to succeed in their marriage as well as heartfelt
understanding, acceptance, cooperation, and support for each other. Thus, the
Family Code requires them to live together, to observe mutual (love, respect and
fidelity, and render mutual help and support. Failure to observe) and perform these
fundamental roles of a husband and a wife will most likely lead to the break-up of the
marriage. Such is the unfortunate situation in this case. (Decision, pp. 5-8; Original
Records, pp. 70-73).

6 240 SCRA 20, 34, January 4, 1995.

7 Quoted from Justice Alicia Sempio-Diy, Handbook on the Family Code, First
Edition, 1988.

8 TSN, April 6, 1991, p. 5.

9 The National Appellate Matrimonial Tribunal reviews all decisions of the marriage
tribunals of each archdiocese in the country. Aside from heading the Appellate
Tribunal, Most. Rev. Cruz is also incumbent president of the Catholic Bishops'
Conference of the Philippines, Archbishop of Dagupan-Lingayen, and holds the
degrees of Doctor of Canon Law and Doctor of Divinity. Archbishop Cruz was also
Secretary-General of the Second Plenary Council of the Philippines — PCP II — held
from January 20, 1991 to February 17, 1991, which is the rough equivalent of a
parliament or a constitutional convention in the Philippine Church, and where
the ponente, who was a Council member, had the privilege of being overwhelmed by
his keen mind and prayerful discernments.

10 Justice Puno was a former member of the Court of Appeals, retired Minister of
Justice, author, noted civil law professor and the law practitioner.

Article XV

Sec. 1. The State recognizes the Filipino Family as the foundation of the nation.
Accordingly, it shall strengthen its solidarity and actively promote its total

Sec. 2. Marriage, as an inviolable social institution, is the foundation of the family and
shall be protected by the state.

Sec. 3. The State shall defend:

(1) The right of spouses to found a family in accordance with their religious
connections and the demands of responsible parenthood;

(2) The right of children to assistance, including proper care and nutrition, and
special protection from all forms of neglect, abuse, cruelty. exploitation, and other
conditions prejudicial to their development;

(3) The right of the family to a family living wage and income;

(4) The right of families or family associations to participate in the planning and
implementation of policies and programs that affect them.

Sec. 4. The family has the duty to care for its elderly members but the state may also
do so through just programs of social security.

Art. 1 Marriage is a special contract of permanent union between a man and a

woman entered into in accordance with law for the establishment of conjugal and
family life. It is the foundation of the family and an inviolable social institution whose
nature, consequences, and incidents are governed by law and not subject to
stipulation, except that marriage settlements may fix the property relations during the
marriage within the limits provided by this Code.

13 Salita vs. Magtolis, 233 SCRA 100, June 13, 1994.

14 This text is taken from the Memorandum of Archbishop Cruz. On the other hand,
the text used in Santos v. CA reads:

"Canon 1095. They are incapable of contracting marriage:

xxx xxx xxx

3. Who for causes of psychological nature are unable to assume the essential
obligations of marriage.

The difference in wording between this and that in Arch. Cruz's Memorandum is due
to the fact that the original Canon is written in Latin and both versions are differently-
worded English translations.

[ G.R. No. 209278, September 15, 2021 ]




Psychological incapacity, a ground to void marriage under Article 36 of the Family Code, is a legal,
not a medical, concept. As such, it is enough that parties prove that an enduring part of their
personality renders them incapable of performing their essential marital obligations. That the
psychological incapacity be rooted in a particular psychological illness is no longer necessary.

This Court resolves a Petition for Review on Certiorari1 assailing the Decision2 and Resolution3 of
the Court of Appeals, which affirmed the Regional Trial Court Decision4 that voided the marriage
between Irene Constantino Datu (Irene) and Alfredo Fabian Datu (Alfredo) due to the latter's
psychological incapacity.

Irene and Alfredo were married on December 15, 1980 in Subic, Zambales.5 Together, they had two

On January 3, 2005, Alfredo filed before the Regional Trial Court of Olongapo City a Complaint7 for
declaration of nullity of marriage due to psychological incapacity. On September 6, 2005, the City
Prosecutor of Olongapo City, after having been deputized to appear on behalf of the Republic,
manifested that "no evidence of collusion exists between the parties."8 Irene filed her Answer on
April 25, 2006, which was later amended on July 5, 2006.9

During trial, Alfredo testified that he was formerly employed by the United States Navy in 1978.
However, after only 14 months in service, he was discharged for medical and psychiatric reasons.
Specifically, after undergoing psychiatric and medical evaluations, he was found to have been
suffering from schizophrenia.10

Alfredo had already been discharged when he was introduced to Irene by some of her friends at
church, the Assembly of God.11 They had already been acquainted when Alfredo fetched Irene at
Shakey's Pizza, Olongapo City where Irene worked. They then went to Irene's boarding house and
ended up sleeping together.12

The next morning, Irene was washing some clothes when her older sister dropped by and saw that
Alfredo was sleeping on her bed. Irene's sister then demanded that the two get married, which led to
their civil marriage. They then lived together at the boarding house and eventually had a church

Alfredo also recalled an incident that happened before their church wedding, where Irene suddenly
got angry at him for mixing what she was cooking. Her "disgusting attitude"14 made Alfredo leave,
but when Irene apologized, he accepted her apology "for the sake of religion."15

Alfredo said that he likewise thought that Irene violated her marital covenant because she did not
submit to him as was written in the Book of Ephesians. Irene allegedly became materialistic, forcing
him to loan money to build their conjugal home. Irene was allegedly a nagger, because of which, he
did not find peace and contentment in his marital life.16

Alfredo believed that his utterances come from God. According to him, he had himself discharged
from the United States Navy because of a premonition that he would suffer a severe tragedy. He
also refused to work or to engage in business to fulfill God's prophecy. To answer to this higher
calling, he left Irene. Alfredo said that he has been living with his maid and has no plans of marrying

Alfredo's aunt, Policornia Dela Cruz Fabian (Policornia), likewise testified for Alfredo. She
corroborated his testimony that he was discharged from the United States Navy for medical and
psychiatric reasons.18 She described her niece-in-law Irene as "inggitera,"19 "mukhang
pera,"20 and "tsismosa."21 She recounted incidents when Irene would allegedly ask Alfredo to
borrow money from her. She added that Irene allegedly spread rumors about her husband's
laziness. There were times when Policornia advised Irene to be more patient with Alfredo. Policornia
also testified that Alfredo recited spiritual messages that God allegedly directs his actions.22

Alfredo also offered in evidence, among others, the expert opinion of clinical psychologist Martha
Johanna D. Dela Cruz (Dela Cruz). The psychologist testified that Alfredo had gone to her office in
Olongapo City for a psychological evaluation. She also contacted Irene for an evaluation, but Irene,
in writing, declined her invitation.23

Dela Cruz's assessment of Alfredo's mental status revealed that he "[did] not have any psychomotor
agitation but his judgment [was] impaired."24 She found that Alfredo's psychosis was due to
schizophrenia, paranoid type. She likewise said that there was no cure for Alfredo's psychosis,
although Alfredo was already under medication for his schizophrenia. She maintained that at the
time she testified in court, Alfredo was still suffering from schizophrenia.25

Dela Cruz likewise analyzed the letter Irene sent declining her invitation for psychological evaluation.
Based on the letter, she determined that Irene was suffering from shared psychotic disorder,
concluding that the spouses cannot live together or both will become suicidal.26

For her part, Irene testified that she was a junior supervisor at Shakey's Pizza in Olongapo City
before marrying Alfredo, but she resigned to become a full-time wife and mother. When she testified
in court, Irene admitted that she separated herself from Alfredo because he has already found
another woman in his life.27

According to Irene, she and Alfredo executed an agreement where Alfredo would give her 60% of
his salary as monthly support. However, Alfredo eventually failed to comply with the agreement,
refusing to give support despite Irene's requests. This led Irene to do her best to support herself and
her children, including securing scholarships for their children when they were in college. Also, with
the help of an investigator from the United States Veterans Affairs Office, she was able to claim
$400.00 as a benefit for being Alfredo's legal wife. Irene said that she used the money for daily
expenses, no longer insisting on asking for support from Alfredo, who had allegedly insulted her.28

Irene admitted that she and Alfredo have different religious beliefs, and that Alfredo believed himself
to be the son of God who can have as many wives as he pleases. Irene also said that Alfredo indeed
believed that wives should be submissive to their husbands. As for their children, Irene admitted that
her children are on speaking terms with their father and that he gives them money personally.29

On re-direct examination, Irene admitted that she did not want her marriage voided because the
financial support she has been receiving might be cut off. Finally, on re-cross examination, Irene
admitted that the benefit she receives from the United States Veterans Affairs Office was due to her
husband's schizophrenia.30

The Regional Trial Court ruled in favor Alfredo, finding that he was psychologically incapacitated to
comply with his essential marital obligations to Irene. In so ruling, the trial court emphasized that the
multiple expert opinions Alfredo offered in evidence sufficiently proved that he had schizophrenia
even before he married Irene, and that the mental disorder was a manifestation of his psychological

These pieces of evidence included a medical certificate from Dr. Jose Rommel T. Soriano (Dr.
Soriano), a psychiatrist who stated that Alfredo was suffering from schizophrenia; written findings by
the United States Veteran Affairs Office confirming the psychosis; and the report from Dela Cruz, the
psychologist who testified that Alfredo has exhibited symptoms of schizophrenia.32 The trial court

Plaintiff has sufficiently proven that he is suffering from schizophrenia (paranoid type) even before
they got married. No less than three expert opinions were offered in evidence to prove the same.

Convincing documentary and testimonial pieces of evidence were presented to show that the plaintiff
was discharged from the U.S. Navy because of such mental disorder. There is admission on re-
cross examination from the defendant (wife) that they are receiving monthly apportionment from the
U.S. Veterans Affairs due to her husband's mental illness of schizophrenia.


The question now is whether or not the plaintiff's mental disorder can be considered as a
psychological incapacity within the context of Article 36 of the Family Code.

It was unanimously proven by different expert opinions that the plaintiff's schizophrenic behavior
includes his delusion of being an emissary of God, who may have several wives and when he
decided to leave the defendant, he believes that it was God's order. . . .


The pieces of evidence presented by both parties indicate that the plaintiff indeed failed to comply
with his essential marital obligations, such as his failure to live with his wife due to his belief that God
ordered him to leave his wife and that he can have many women to live with him, like King Solomon.
He also failed to observe mutual love, respect and fidelity to his wife because of his hallucinations
that God has been speaking to him. He also failed to support his children because he believes that
God ordered him not to work. These facts are bolstered by the testimony of his wife and the
evaluations of the expert witnesses.

. . . The fact that his condition has never improved for almost thirty years, which includes the period
of the subsistence of his marriage to the defendant bespeaks of the gravity of his illness.

. . . Staying together as a couple no longer served the core purpose of their union. Having each
other proved to be of no help anymore to the condition of the plaintiff. In fact, the defendant admitted
on re-direct examination that she only wanted the marriage to subsist because of the monthly
apportionment that she gets from the plaintiff's disability benefits. Both of them admitted that life was
better off without each other because of the mental disposition of both parties. These things indicate
that the plaintiff’s incapacity is beyond medical help if he would be with the defendant.

In view of all these, the Court finds that the plaintiff is indeed psychologically incapacitated to
assume his essential marital obligations to the defendant.33

The trial court, however, found no evidence of juridical antecedence and incurability of Irene's
psychological incapacity. Since the psychologist, Dela Cruz, found that Irene acquired shared
psychotic disorder after she had married Alfredo, it held that the mental disorder had no juridical
antecedence and only existed after Irene had married Alfredo.34

Finally, the trial court held that despite the marriage being void, Alfredo's obligation to support his
two children subsists and must still be fulfilled.35

The dispositive portion of the Regional Trial Court's September 25, 2007 Decision reads:

WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered declaring the marriage of herein parties null and void
due to the psychological incapacity of the plaintiff to assume his essential marital obligations to the

The plaintiff is, however, obliged to continuously provide support to his two (2) children with the
defendant and the latter is entitled to his visitation rights.

Upon finality of this Decision, let copies thereof be furnished [to] the Municipal Civil Registrar of
Subic, Zambales, and the National Statistic Office, Quezon City, for proper annotation in its Book of
Marriages, after payment of the necessary legal fees.

SO ORDERED.36 (Emphasis in the original)

On October 23, 2007, Irene filed a Motion for New Trial on the ground of collusion, conflict of interest
on the part of Alfredo's counsel, and fraud which allegedly caused the grant of Alfredo's

The trial court, however, denied the Motion for New Trial in its December 27, 2007 Order,38 finding
that none of the grounds under Rule 37 of the Rules of Court were present in this case. The trial
court noted how Irene actively participated in the proceedings, with the trial court even admitting her
late amended Answer. As such, "[t]o raise howl about the proceedings only after the case was
decided against her interest makes her claim look like an afterthought."39

Furthermore, the trial court refused to believe that Alfredo's psychological incapacity was merely
"feigned" given the "tightly corroborated testimonies of the psychologist and [Alfredo], as well as
[Irene], convincingly proving [Alfredo's] personality aberration."40

This caused Irene to file an appeal, which was nevertheless denied by the Court of Appeals in its
September 28, 2012 Decision.41
The Court of Appeals echoed the trial court's findings, upholding that Alfredo suffered from
schizophrenia. It highlighted that even Irene herself admitted that the pension she receives from the
United States Veterans Affairs Office was due to Alfredo's schizophrenia.42 It also gave credence to
the evidence offered by Alfredo to confirm his schizophrenia.43 The Court of Appeals then held that
Alfredo's schizophrenia, from which he had been suffering even before his marriage to Irene,
justified the marriage's dissolution.44

On Irene's claims that the trial proceedings were tainted by fraud, collusion between the parties, and
conflict of interest on the part of Alfredo's counsel, the Court of Appeals said that these were
baseless and self-serving.45 As to the prosecutor's perceived lackadaisical performance of duty, the
Court of Appeals found this observation subjective and could not be considered an error so as to
grant the appeal.46

The dispositive portion of the September 28, 2012 Decision reads:

WHEREFORE, the Appeal is DENIED. The Decision of the lower court is AFFIRMED.

SO ORDERED.47 (Emphasis in the original)

Irene moved for reconsideration,48 but the Court of Appeals denied it in the September 18, 2013

Irene filed her Petition for Review on Certiorari on October 16, 2013.50 Upon the directive of this
Court,51 Alfredo filed his Comment,52 to which Irene filed a Reply.53

Irene takes exception from the Court of Appeals' declaration that it had made independent findings
of fact, stating that it "contented itself in merely lifting portions of the trial court's decision as well as
those stated in Alfredo's Petition without duly considering the basis and veracity thereof."54 She also
disputes the competence of Alfredo's documentary evidence, specifically, the written findings of the
United States Veterans Affairs Office and the medical certificate issued by Dr. Soriano. According to
Irene, nothing in the written findings of the United States Veterans Affairs Office provided that
Alfredo was discharged due to schizophrenia, and worse, these written findings were not even
authenticated in court, just like Dr. Soriano's medical certificate. Thus, Irene insists that the trial court
and the Court of Appeals should not have relied on these pieces of evidence.55

Irene likewise impugns Dela Cruz's evaluation of Alfredo, saying that the psychologist allegedly only
paraphrased the descriptions stated in Dr. Soriano's medical certificate.56 Irene says her findings,
along with those of the United States Veterans Affairs office and Dr. Soriano, did not even conform
with the symptoms of schizophrenia as described in People v. Madarang.57 As such, she insists that
the lower courts had no basis to rule that Alfredo suffered from schizophrenia.58

Because Alfredo allegedly did not have schizophrenia, Irene argues that the characteristics of
psychological incapacity—gravity, juridical antecedence, and incurability59—are not present. With
no competent evidence of Alfredo's schizophrenia, she contends that gravity and incurability were
not proven. Furthermore, with no evidence that, prior to his marriage, Alfredo was discharged from
the United States Navy due to schizophrenia, Irene says juridical antecedence was likewise

Lastly, Irene insists that the trial proceedings were tainted by fraud, collusion, and conflict of interest
on the part of Alfredo's counsel. According to her, the prosecutor halfheartedly performed his duty
when he submitted a one-page manifestation on the lack of collusion between the parties. She also
emphasizes that she had to write the court for the prosecutor to file an Answer on her behalf. As for
respondent's counsel, she alleges that she was the first to engage the services of Atty. Alreuela M.
Bundang-Ortiz (Atty. Bundang-Ortiz), consulting the latter about her marital problems. It was even
Atty. Bundang-Ortiz who allegedly drafted the agreement of support that the spouses executed.
Thus, the lawyer allegedly had a conflict of interest when she acted as counsel for Alfredo.61

Countering Irene, Alfredo mainly argues that the issues raised in the Petition were substantially
factual, which are not cognizable by this Court. As such, he says the findings that he was discharged
from the United States Navy due to schizophrenia and that he has been suffering from the disorder
even before he married Irene may no longer be disturbed.62

Alfredo maintains that his psychological condition rendered him psychologically incapacitated to
comply with his essential marital obligations. He argues that he has clearly shown that his inability
was attended by gravity, juridical antecedence, and incurability.63

Lastly, Alfredo argues that the trial proceedings were not tainted by fraud and collusion. For one,
Irene failed to substantiate her claims. As for the alleged conflict of interest, he says all that Atty.
Bundang-Ortiz did was notarize the agreement of support between the parties, which did not make
her a counsel for either party at that time.64

The issues for this Court's resolution are:

First, whether or not respondent Alfredo Fabian Datu indeed suffered from schizophrenia;

Second, whether or not all the elements of psychological incapacity have been proven by
respondent Alfredo Fabian Datu; and

Finally, whether or not the proceedings before the trial court were tainted by fraud, warranting a
reversal of the assailed Decision.

The Petition for Review on Certiorari is denied.

Rule 45, Section 165 of the Rules of Court is clear that only questions of law, or those pertaining to
the law applicable to a given set of facts, may be raised in a petition for review on certiorari. This
Court is not a trier of facts and, therefore, is generally bound by the findings of fact of the Court of

Of course, there are exceptions to this rule. In some instances, this Court may take cognizance of
questions of fact, or those requiring a "review [of] the truthfulness or falsity of the allegations of the
parties"67 or an "assessment of the 'probative value of the evidence presented."'68 A question of
fact is also involved when this Court is asked to determine "the correctness of the lower courts'
appreciation of the evidence presented by the parties."69 These exceptions are:

(1) When the conclusion is a finding grounded entirely on speculation, surmises or conjectures; (2)
When the inference made is manifestly mistaken, absurd or impossible; (3) Where there is a grave
abuse of discretion; (4) When the judgment is based on a misapprehension of facts; (5) When the
findings of fact are conflicting; (6) When the Court of Appeals, in making its findings, went beyond
the issues of the case and the same is contrary to the admissions of both appellant and appellee; (7)
The findings of the Court of Appeals are contrary to those of the trial court; (8) When the findings of
fact are conclusions without citation of specific evidence on which they are based; (9) When the
facts set forth in the petition as well as in the petitioner 's main and reply briefs are not disputed by
the respondents; and (10) The finding of fact of the Court of Appeals is premised on the supposed
absence of evidence and is contradicted by the evidence on record.70 (Citation omitted)

Here, Irene asks this Court to review the truthfulness of Alfredo's allegation that he was discharged
from the United States Navy because of schizophrenia, and that he already had the disorder even
before he married her. Irene also assails the assessment, both of the trial court and the Court of
Appeals, of the evidence presented by Alfredo, specifically, the written findings of the United States
Veterans Affairs Office, the medical certificate issued by Dr. Soriano, and the psychiatric evaluation
and testimony of Dela Cruz. Obviously, Irene raises factual issues, which this Court finds no reason
to review.

For one, the lower courts' factual findings are the same. It is true that the Court of Appeals heavily
lifted portions of the Regional Trial Court Decision in making its findings, but this only means that it
agreed with the trial court's findings.

Also, the finding that Alfredo suffered from schizophrenia is sufficiently supported by evidence. Even
if we disregard the purportedly unauthenticated documents issued by the United States Veteran
Affairs Office and Dr. Soriano, we find that Dela Cruz's expert testimony sufficiently proved that
Alfredo suffered from schizophrenia. Irene herself, on re-cross examination during trial, admitted that
she receives pension from the Veterans Affairs Office because of Alfredo's schizophrenia.

Given that Alfredo's disorder was sufficiently established, this Court has no reason to review, much
less overturn, this factual finding.


Irene nevertheless claims that Alfredo's schizophrenia does not make him automatically
psychologically incapacitated under Article 36 of the Family Code, which provides:

ARTICLE 36. A marriage contracted by any party who, at the time of the celebration, was
psychologically incapacitated to comply with the essential marital obligations of marriage, shall
likewise be void even if such incapacity becomes manifest only after its solemnization.
Irene is correct in the sense that psychological incapacity is not a medical illness. That a person is
suffering from a certain psychosis, such as schizophrenia, will not make them automatically
psychologically incapacitated to comply with the essential marital obligations under Articles 68 to 71
of the Family Code.71 This was clear in Tan-Andal v. Andal,72 where this Court emphatically
declared that psychological incapacity is a legal concept, not a medical one.

The erroneous medical orientation toward defining psychological incapacity originated from Republic
v. Court of Appeals and Molina,73 which explicitly required in its second guideline that the root
cause of the psychological incapacity "be identified as a psychological illness[.]"74

Tan-Andal, however, clarified that psychological incapacity, as envisioned by the Family Code
Revision Committee, is, again, a legal concept.75 Instead of being a medical illness, psychological
incapacity is "[a] durable or enduring [aspect] of a person's personality, called 'personality structure,'
which manifests itself through clear acts of dysfunctionality that undermines the family. The spouse's
personality structure must make it impossible for him or her to understand and, more important, to
comply with his or her essential marital obligations."76

As a legal concept, psychological incapacity cannot be characterized as incurable.77 Instead, it is

permanent relative to a specific partner. However, psychological incapacity can be grave, not in the
sense that it is a serious or dangerous mental illness, but that it excludes "mild characterological
peculiarities, mood changes, occasional emotional outbursts[.]"78 The incapacity must be shown to
be due to a genuinely serious psychic cause.79 And, as explicitly required by the law, the incapacity
must have existed before or during the celebration of the marriage.

Here, this Court finds that Alfredo is psychologically incapacitated to comply with his essential
marital obligations, not because he suffers from schizophrenia per se, but because his psychosis
has been found to be an enduring part of his personality structure. This psychosis, in turn, led him to
do clear acts of dysfunctionality that undermined Irene and their family. As the lower courts found,
Alfredo believes himself to be the son of God. In his mind, his refusal to live with Irene and to provide
for the family was God's will. He also believes that he can have as many wives as he wants, which is
not only illegal but is in utter disrespect and disregard of his marital vow to Irene. His incapacity is
grave, not a "mild characteriological peculiarity," a ''mood change," or an "occasional emotional
outburst"; his psychosis was grave enough for him to be discharged from military service.

Irene insinuates that Alfredo might just be faking his illness and, relatedly, his psychological
incapacity, saying that "it is easy to feign and manipulate insanity on the basis of what one says his
beliefs and ideals are."80 She also argues that the documentary and testimonial evidence Alfredo
offered did not show that he exhibited the symptoms of schizophrenia as this Court described
in People v. Madarang.81 In Madarang:

Medical books describe schizophrenia as a chronic mental disorder characterized by inability to

distinguish between fantasy and reality and often accompanied by hallucinations and delusions.
Formerly called dementia pracecox, it is the most common form of psychosis. Symptomatically,
schizophrenic reactions are recognizable through odd and bizarre behavior apparent in aloofness or
periods of impulsive destructiveness and immature and exaggerated emotionality, often ambivalently
directed. The interpersonal perceptions are distorted in the more serious states by delusions and
hallucinations. In the most disorganized form of schizophrenic living, withdrawal into a fantasy life
takes place and is associated with serious thought disorder and profound habit deterioration in which
the usual social customs are disregarded. During the initial stage, the common early symptom is
aloofness, a withdrawal behind barriers of loneliness, hopelessness, hatred and fear. Frequently, the
patient would seem preoccupied and dreamy and may appear "faraway." He does not empathize
with the feelings of others and manifests little concern about the realities of life situations. The
schizophrenic suffers from a feeling of rejection and an intolerable lack of self-respect. He withdraws
from emotional involvement with other people to protect himself from painful relationships. There is
shallowness of affect, a paucity of emotional responsiveness and a loss of spontaneity. Frequently,
he becomes neglectful of personal care and cleanliness. A variety of subjective experiences,
associated with or influenced by mounting anxiety and fears precede the earliest behavioral changes
and oddities. He becomes aware of increasing tension and confusion and becomes distracted in
conversation manifested by his inability to maintain a train of thought in his conversations.
Outwardly, this will be noticed as blocks or breaks in conversations. The schizophrenic may not
speak or respond appropriately to his companions. He may look fixedly away, or he may appear to
stare, as he does not regularly blink his eyes in his attempt to hold his attention.82 (Emphasis in the
original, citations omitted)

Madarang, however, is a criminal case where the accused had to prove beyond reasonable doubt
that he indeed suffered from schizophrenia to justify his exoneration of parricide. Such strict level of
scrutiny is not required here, where only clear and convincing evidence is the required quantum of
proof.83 We need not even focus on whether the evidence presented proved that Alfredo indeed
suffered from schizophrenia because, to reiterate, psychological incapacity need not be identified as
a psychological illness. What is clear, however, is that Alfredo, due to a genuine psychic cause,
failed to comply with his essential marital obligations. As the trial court said:

The pieces of evidence presented by both parties indicate that the plaintiff indeed failed to comply
with his essential marital obligations, such as, his failure to live with his wife due to his belief that
God ordered him to leave his wife and that he can have many women to live with him, like King
Solomon. He also failed to observe mutual love, respect, and fidelity to his wife because of his
hallucinations that God has been speaking to him. He also failed to support his children because he
believes that God ordered him not to work. These facts are bolstered by the testimony of his wife
and the evaluations of the expert witnesses.84

Consequently, Alfredo and Irene's marriage is void due to Alfredo's psychological incapacity.


Finally, we find no evidence of extrinsic fraud to warrant Irene a new trial85 of the case. Fraud, as a
ground for filing a motion for new trial:

. . . refers to a fraud committed to the unsuccessful party by [their] opponent preventing [their] from
fully exhibiting [their] case by keeping him away from court, a false promise of a compromise; or
where the defendant never had knowledge of the suit, being kept in ignorance by the acts of the
plaintiff; or when an attorney fraudulently or without authority connives at his defeat.86 (Citation

Here, there is no evidence that Alfredo committed fraud to prevent Irene from fully exhibiting her
case in court. Neither was there any evidence of a false promise or compromise. On the contrary,
Irene was fully informed of the trial proceedings, including the filing of the Complaint for declaration
of nullity of marriage. When Irene initially had no means to avail herself of legal services, the trial
court allowed her to file a belated Answer with the assistance of the Public Attorney's Office.

As to the claim that Atty. Bundang-Ortiz had a conflict of interest when she represented Alfredo in
court, we find that Irene failed to substantiate this. Conflict of interest "exists when a lawyer

represents inconsistent interests of two or more opposing parties. The test is whether or not in behalf
of one client, it is the lawyer's duty to fight for an issue or claim, but it is his duty to oppose it for the
other client."87

Here, there is no evidence that Atty. Bundang-Ortiz had ever represented Irene before she
represented Alfredo. As to the lawyer's admission that she notarized the agreement of support
between the parties, we see no conflict of interest, for she did not represent either of the parties in
her capacity as a notary public.

With no evidence of the fraud she alleges, Irene's Motion for New Trial was correctly denied.

WHEREFORE, the Petition for Review on Certiorari is DENIED. The September 28, 2012 Decision
and September 18, 2013 Resolution of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CV No. 93166


Carandang, Zalameda, Rosario, and J. Lopez,* JJ., concur.

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