Simultaneously, have a look at the tomb of the Imams, and all the other Saints of Islam
resting therein. Wander around one of the centers of Islamic Culture, a place replete with
the legacy of Prophet Muhammad (Sallal la ho alayhe wasallam) and the heritage of the
Golden Age.
Baghdad also known as CRADDLE OF CIVILIZATION
Simultaneously, have a look at the tomb of the Imams and all the
other Saints of Islam resting therein. Wander around one of the
centers of Islamic Culture, a place replete with the legacy of Prophet
(Sallal la ho alayhe wasallam) and the heritage of the Golden Age.
"Style, Class, Grace, Elegance and Charm of the Holy Journey through us makes that
sacred experience all that much better"
ZIYARATS | .......................................................................................................................... 6
Other ISLAMIC GROUP TOURS to the BLESSED & FORGOTTEN LANDS. .................. 20
Dear Guest,
May Allah bless us, and shower His blessings upon us, and
join us together in Goodness.
We are one of the most Trusted, Popular & Reliable Umrah tour
operators in India with International Operations in more than 10
Countries, with Cutting Edge Technology and Dynamic services
we have catered to thousands of haj and Umrah pilgrims with
utmost satisfaction.
At Rahat Group we believe our role in your life goes far beyond
being just another Travel Company. It is with this belief that we
introduce new innovations and breakthroughs that are
benchmarks for others in the category.
"Baghdad is the capital of Iraq and the second-largest city in the Arab world after Cairo. It is
located on the Tigris near the ruins of the ancient Akkadian city of Babylon and the Sassanid
Persian capital of Ctesiphon. In 762 CE, Baghdad was chosen as the capital of the Abbasid
Caliphate, and became its most notable major development project. Within a short time,
the city evolved into a significant cultural, commercial, and intellectual center of the Muslim
world. This, in addition to housing several key academic institutions, including the House of
Wisdom, as well as a multiethnic and multi-religious environment, garnered it a worldwide
reputation as the "Center of Learning".
Baghdad was the largest city in the world for much of the Abbasid era during the Islamic
Golden Age, peaking at a population of more than a million. The city was largely destroyed
at the hands of the Mongol Empire in 1258, resulting in a decline that would linger through
many centuries due to frequent plagues and multiple successive empires. With the
recognition of Iraq as an independent state (formerly the British Mandate of Mesopotamia)
in 1932, Baghdad gradually regained some of its former prominence as a significant center
of Arab culture, with a population variously estimated at 6 or over 7 million. Compared to its
large population, it has a small area at just 673 square kilometers."
Karbala is one of the holiest cities in Islam. In the Battle of Karbala, the Prophet
Muhammad's saw grandson Imam Husayn was Martyred. To pay respects to the martyr
Imam Husayn and 72 Other Shohdas, Muslims from all around the world visit Karbala, every
Highlights Of IRAQ Tour |
1. Milaad Shariff & Salaato Salam with Niyaaz in Sehan of Astaana E Gause Azam
2. Bayaan on Seerat e Gaus E Azam in Sehan of Sarkaar Gause E azam in Baghdad
3. Bayaan on Historical Events of Karbala in Karabala From Start to End.
4. Bayaan on Seerat e Ali Damad e Nabi Shere Khuda in Najaf
5. Nyaaz e Hussaini on Doodh ka Sharbat in Karbala
6. Nyaaz on Khichda in Najaf.
7. Fatiha khwaani & Duaas before every meal
8. Expeirenced Sunni Tour Guide and Aalim from India to accompany the Tour.
9. Sunni Indian Cook travels with the Group.
10. Proper Zabiha & Halal Meat provided for all meals.
DAY 2 - Baghdad
After breakfast will for Ziarat of Hazrat Imam Musa Kazim (R. A.) , Hazrat Imam Mohammad
Bin Al Jawad seventh and Ninth Imam of Islam, Hazrat Sayedna Shaikh Mufid (R.A.), Hazrat
Imam Abu Yusuf (R.A.) then back to Hotel. After having Lunch will go for Ziayart of Gaus E
Azam Dastagir (R. A.), Shaikh Abdul Jabbar Jilani, Shaikh Saleh Jilani, aftter praying Isha
namaz will return back to Hotel. Overnight stay in Kazmain hotel.
DAY 3 - Baghdad
After breakfast will go for Local Ziarats in Baghdad :- Shaikh Maroof Karki, Chilla Gause E
Azam in Maroof Karki Mazaar,Shaikh Esa Karki, Well of Maroof Karki,Bibi Zubaida,Shaikh
Masroor Hallaj,Shaikh Sirri Sakhti, Shaikh Junaid Baghdadi, Nabi Alla Yusua Bin Noon,Hazrat
Behlool Daana, Shaikh Ibrahim Khawwas,Junnoon Misri then back to hotelOvernight stay in
DAY 4 - Baghdad
After breakfast will go to Madaaen Ziyarat:- Hazrat Salman Farsi (R.A.) Hazrat Hazaifa bin
Yaman (R.A.),Hazrat Abdullah bin Jabir (R.A.) Hazrat Tahir bin Imam, Qaisar o Kisra ke
Khandarat then back to Baghdad Ziayarats :- Imam E Azam Abu Hanifa, Imam Ahmad Bin
Hambal, Sayyed Abdullah ibn Zainab, Sayyed Abu Ahmed, Shaikh Bishar Al Haafi, Shaikh
Abubakar Shibli, Khwaja Abul Hasan Noori, Imam Mohammad Ghazali,Shaikh Sahabuddin
Umar Suharwadi then back to Hotel Overnight stay in Hotel
DAY 5 - Baghdad
After Breakfast visit to Sayyed Abu Khumra Rifaai Al Hindi, on the way Dajjla Nadi (Tigris
River), Langarkhaana of Gaus E Azam, Also Afternoon Lunch we will have in Langar Of Gaus E
Azam Dastagir followed with Ziarat and stay in Asthana after Isha will go back to Hotel.
Overnight Stay in kazmain Hotel
DAY 6 - Baghdad
After Lunch visit once again to Asthana Gaus E Azam Dastagir spend day in Asthana, After
Isha back to Hotel, Overnight stay in Kazmain hotel
DAY 7 – Musayyab - Karbala
After breakfast will checkout form Kazmain Hotel and Proceed to Karbala on the way will
visit to Musayyab for Ziarat of Aulad E Muslim. On reaching Karbala Hotel Checkin will be
done and after Magrib visit to Hazrat Imam Hussain ( R. A.) , Hazrat Abbas Alamdar then
back to Hotel Overnight stay in Karbala.
DAY 8 – Karbala
After breakfast will move for Karbala Local Ziarats :- Hazrat Imam Hussain (R.A.), Hazrat
Abbas Alamdar ( R.A.), Hazrat Sayedna Ali Akbar ( R. A.), Hazrat Sayedna Ali Asgar (R. A.),
Ganj e Shohda e Karbala , Maqam e Shahadat e Imam Hussain (R.A.), Maqam Kaff al – abbas
1, maqam Kaff al – abbas 2, Hazrat Kasim ibne Hasan ( R.A.), Hazrat Habib Ibn e Mazaheer,
Hazrat Hur ( R.A.), Hazrat Aun ( R.A.), Hazrat Muhammad ( R. A.), Nehar E Furrat then back
to Hotel overnight stay Karbala.
DAY 9 – Karbala-Kufa-Najaf-Hilla-Karbala
After breakfast proceed to Kufa Ziarats :- Jama Masjid of Kufa, HAzrat Muslim Bin Aqeel ( R.
A.), Hazrat Haani Bin Urwaa ( R. A.), Maqaame Toofan e Nooh (A. S.), Bibi Khadija ( R. A.),
House of Moaula Ali (R. A.), Well of Imam Ali (R.A.), Hazrat Misam Tammar, Yazeeds place
once existed, Maqam E Shahadat e Imam Ali (R. A.), Musallah Hazrat Imam Ali (R.A.), Hajar E
Shamsi, Musallah RasoolAllah (S.A.W.),
Then will Proceed to Hilla Ziarats :- Hazrat Nabi Ayyub Allaihe Salam, Hazrat Bibi Rahima,
Well of Nabi Ayyub (Beer E Ayyub), Hosue of Nabi Ayyub ( R.A.), Birth Place of Prophet
Ibrahim (R.A.), Ruins of Palace of Namrood, Shrine of Imran bin Ali (A.S.),
Then will Proceed to Najaf Ziarats :- Nabi Saaleh Allaihe Salaam ,Nabi Hud Allaihe Salaam,
Graveyard (Kabrastan) of Najaf, Holy Shrine of Hazrat Moula Ali (R. A.),
IN Najaf we will visit Mazaar of Damad e Rasool Hazrat Moula Ali (R. A.). Also we have
mazarats of two Prophets Hud and Saleh. Also Worlds Biggest Kabrastaan is in Najaf
We will visit House of Imam Jafar Sadiq in Wadias Salam.
"Karbala is a city in central Iraq, located about 100 km (62 mi) southwest of Baghdad, and a
few miles east of Lake Milh, also known as Razzaza Lake. Karbala is the capital of Karbala
Governorate, and has an estimated population of 700,000 people.
The city, best known as the location of the Battle of Karbala in 680 CE, or the shrines of
Imam Husayn and Abbas, is considered a holy city for Muslims. "
“Najaf” or An-Najaf al-Ashraf, also known as Baniqia, is a city in central Iraq about 160 km
south of Baghdad. It is the capital of Najaf Governorate. Distance between Baghdad to Najaf
is 2 hr 14 min (176.8 km). According to Ibn al-Manzur, the word, "najaf" ()نجف, literally
means a high and rectangular place around which water is accumulated, although the water
does not go above its level. "Najaf" is usually accompanied with the adjective, "al-Ashraf"
َ ُ ْ
“Kufa” (Arabic: الكوفةal-Kūfah), also spelled Kufah, is a city in Iraq, about 170 kilometres
(110 mi) south of Baghdad, and 10 kilometres (6.2 mi) northeast of Najaf. It is located on the
banks of the Euphrates River. The estimated population in 2003 was 110,000. Currently,
List of Ziyarats |
About City :: Najaf or An-Najaf al-Ashraf, also known as Baniqia, is a city in central Iraq
about 160 km south of Baghdad. It is the capital of Najaf Governorate. Distance between
Baghdad to Najaf is 2 hr 14 min (176.8 km). According to Ibn al-Manzur, the word, "najaf"
()نجف, literally means a high and rectangular place around which water is accumulated,
although the water does not go above its level. "Najaf" is usually accompanied with the
adjective, "al-Ashraf" (dignified). According to the author of al-Hawza al-'ilmiyya fi l-Najaf al-
ashraf, this is because Imam 'Ali (a), one of the most dignified persons, is buried in the city.
The area of An-Najaf is located 30 km (19 mi) south of the ancient city of Babylon, and 400
km (248 mi) north of the ancient city of Ur.
About City :: Musayyib (Arabic: )المسيبis a town in the Babil Province, Iraq. As of 2018, its
population was 57,300. Musayyib sits on both the east and west banks of the Euphrates
River, which splits into the Hindiya and Hilla branches just south of the city.
About City :: "Hillah also spelled Hilla, is a city in central Iraq on the Hilla branch of the
Euphrates River, 100 km (62 mi) south of Baghdad. It is the capital of Babylon Province and
is located adjacent to the ancient city of Babylon, and close to the ancient cities of Borsippa
and Kish. It is situated in a predominantly agricultural region which is extensively irrigated
with water provided by the Hilla canal, producing a wide range of crops, fruit and textiles. Its
name may be derived from the word ""beauty"" in Arabic. The river runs exactly in the
middle of the town, and it is surrounded by date palm trees and other forms of arid
vegetation, reducing the harmful effects of dust and desert wind.
The city was once a major center of Islamic scholarship and education
1 Hazrat Nabi Ayyub (Allaihe Salaam)
2 Hazrat Bibi Rahima (Wife of Nabi Ayyub)
3 Well of Nabi Ayyub (Beer E Shifa)
4 Hosue of Nabi Ayyub (Rehmatullah Aleh)
5 Birth Place of Prophet Ibrahim (Rehmatullah Aleh) - (BABIL PROVINCE)
6 Ruins of Palace of Namrood (BABIL PROVINCE)
7 Shrine of Imran bin Ali a.s. (BABIL PROVINCE)
8 Shrine of Bakar bin Ali a.s. (BABIL PROVINCE)
About City :: "Karbala is a city in central Iraq, located about 100 km (62 mi) southwest of
Baghdad, and a few miles east of Lake Milh, also known as Razzaza Lake. Karbala is the
capital of Karbala Governorate, and has an estimated population of 700,000 people.
"Aun and Muhammad were the sons of Bibi Zainab. They had not accompanied Bibi Zainab
when she left Madina with Imam Husayn (A.S.) Just before Imam Husayn started his journey
from Mecca, Hazrat Abdullah ibn Ja’far brought his two sons to Mecca and handing them
over to Imam Husayn said, “Ya Imam, since you have decided to go and will not allow me to
come with you, please take my two sons with you. Aun will represent his maternal
grandfather Hazrat Ali (A.S.) and the other will represent his paternal grandfather Hazrat
Ja’far al-Tayyaar.” Aun and Muhammad were quite young. It is reported that Aun was about
thirteen and Muhammad was a year or two younger. They had learnt the art of fencing from
their uncle, Hazrat Abbas.
On the night before Ashura Bibi Zainab said to them, “My sons, tomorrow there will be a
battle. I can not ask you to fight because you are young. But if anything happens to Imam
Husayn, while you are still alive, I will be filled with shame.” Both the boys stood up and said
“Mother, we have the blood of Ali and Ja’far in our veins. Our grand fathers were warriors
whose fame will always be remembered"
About City :: Al-Mada'in is an ancient metropolis on the Tigris River which lay between the
ancient royal centers of Ctesiphon and Seleucia. It was founded during Sasanian rule, and
was used as a synonym for Ctesiphon by the Arabs, and later by the Muslims.
"Harut and Marut are two angels mentioned in Quran 2:102, who are said to have been
located in Babylon. According to some narratives, those two angels were in the time of Idris.
The Quran indicates that they were a trial for the people and through them the people were
tested with sorcery.
Babylon was the capital city of the ancient Babylonian Empire, which itself is a term
referring to either of two separate empires in the Mesopotamian area in antiquity. These
two empires achieved regional dominance between the 19th and 15th centuries BC, and
again between the 7th and 6th centuries BC. The city, built along both banks of the
Euphrates river, had steep embankments to contain the river's seasonal floods. The earliest
known mention of Babylon as a small town appears on a clay tablet from the reign of Sargon
of Akkad (2334–2279 BC) of the Akkadian Empire. The site of the ancient city lies just south
of present-day Baghdad. The last known record of habitation of the town dates from the
10th century AD, when it was referred to as the small village of Babel.
1. Museum of Babylon
2. Well of Harut and Marut
3. Throne of Alexandar
4. Ruins of Hanging Garden
5. 4500 year Old Civilisation
6. Mahal Of Saddam Hussain
7. Lion of Babylon It is a stone sculpture that was found in the ancient city of Babylon, Iraq.
8. Original tiles of the processional street & Brick structures of Ancient Babylon
9. A Blue-tiled Ishtar Gate, which was the northern entrance to Babylon. It was named for
the goddess of love and war. Bulls and dragons, symbols of the god Marduk, decorated the
Among the traditions in the Midrash was a story of two angels who asked Allah's
permission to come down to earth but succumbed to temptation,and were hung up by their
feet at Babylon for punishment.
8. CITY :: Baghdad
About City :: "Baghdad is the capital of Iraq and the second-largest city in the Arab world
after Cairo. It is located on the Tigris near the ruins of the ancient Akkadian city of Babylon
and the Sassanid Persian capital of Ctesiphon. In 762 CE, Baghdad was chosen as the capital
of the Abbasid Caliphate, and became its most notable major development project. Within a
short time, the city evolved into a significant cultural, commercial, and intellectual center of
the Muslim world. This, in addition to housing several key academic institutions, including
the House of Wisdom, as well as a multiethnic and multi-religious environment, garnered it
a worldwide reputation as the ""Center of Learning"".
Return Air Tickets
All Visa.
Accommodation in Hotels or Astaana
All Ziyarats.
All 3 Meals.
Travel Bags & ID Cards.
Exeprienced Tour Guide
Meet & Assist on Airport.
Round Trip Transportation in AC Busses
Room Service.
Anything not mentioned in Inclusions.
Private Transfers.
Required Documents
Original Passports with Proper Scan Copy.
4 Photos on White Background.
Pan Card.
Vaccination Certificate. (Optional)
Travel Bags
Shoulder Passport Bag: A small pouch to be hung around the neck for keeping
books, passport, vaccination certificate, ticket etc. (Given by Tour Operator)
Cabin D Bag: A strong hand bag for stuff that is used frequently.
(Write your name, contact number and other essential details) (Given by Tour
BackPack : to be carried on Ziyarats with your important papers and eatables (Write
your name, contact number and other essential details) (Given by Tour Operator)
Luggage Bag: A large bag for luggage (Write your name, contact number and other
essential details with a tip marker. Lock the bag but keep its key in the pocket of
ehram’s belt and also in the Handbag.
It will be comfortable for you to Use Wheel Attached bags.
IQD – Iraqi Dinar is the local currency in Iraq but that is not available in INDIA. So you are
adviced to carry US Dollars in denominations of 100 which can be easily exchanged at any
shop or Forex Centers.
1 INR = 17 IQD
1000 INR = 17000 IQD
100 USD = 147000 IQD
Do Not take Indian currency in SMALL DENOMINTAIONS
take only 500 inr notes. Or USD is the best currency in IRAQ.
Accessories & Amenities
Don't compromise with sandals or slippers as you have to travel a lot on your feet?
Take a spare also.
It is Sunnah to carry these things while travelling i.e. Mirror, Oil, Comb, and Miswak.
Sewing needle, thread and scissors.
Nail cutter.
Pair of Sunglasses (if you use).
Toiletries - Paste, Brush, Soap, Shampoo, Conditioners, Miswak.
Soaps & Handwash
A camp stool Or Wheel Chair if Required.
Umbrella (for sun!)
Mobile Charger.
Power Bank.
Travel Adaptor (American Style)
Some medicines for headache, Loose motions. Cold & Flu etc.
Moreover, take the medicines you need with a prescription.
Lip Balm, Sun Crème Band-Aid, Vaseline.
Surgical masks to wear out in crowds.
Clothes as per requirement (According to the weather conditions and number of
Towels, Caps, Goggles
Inner garments
Hand kerchiefs
Biscuits / dry food
Chips / Cakes etc.,
Energy bars
In Heart
The THAQWAA, It is not as much about what you are going to pack into your
It is more about your heart and the inside of your heart: fear of God, obedience and
LET PATIENCE be your Best Friend.
IRAQ TOUR: 9 Nites 10 Days - Tour to Baghdad, Karbala, Kufa, Najaf, Hilla, Samara,
Musayaf, and Babil.
IRAQ + UMRAH TOUR: 26 Nites 25 Days - Tour to Baghdad, Karbala, Kufa, Najaf,
Hilla, Musayaf, and Babil.
JORDAN + BAITULMUQADDAS: 06 Nites 07 Days - Tour to Jordan & Palestine.
JORDAN + BAITULMUQADDAS + EGYPT : 09 Nites 10 Days - Tour to Jordan, Palestine
& Egypt.
3 HARAMS TOUR: 23 Nites 24 Days - Tour to Makkah, Madina, Jordan, and Palestine.
Only Umrah (15 days, 20 days, 25 days and Full Month in Ramzaan)