Mar - Sss Final Low Res

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March 2012

UpcOMiNG caLeNDar
March 3/1 3/15 3/24 3/29 april 4/2 4/11 4/12 4/19 4/20 May 5/3 5/7 5/9 5/17 5/24 5/31 SSS Meeting @ 5:30pm Library Family Fitness and Nutrition Night Pancake Breakfast Extreme Couponing Spring Break Begins McDonald's Dinner Night Out SSS Meeting @ 5:30pm Library Family Arts and Crafts Night Clean Up Day (e-waste/metal) The Willow Lunch or Dinner Staff Appreciation Week School Wide Jog-a-Thon Open House / Ice Cream Social Jog-a-thon Awards Announced SSS Final Meeting & Elections @ 5:30 Library

faMiLY fiTNess aND NUTriTiON NiGHT 3/15

Free fun for the entire family! Join us on March 15, 2012 from 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm. The Bobcat will be there for some fitness fun! Stop by the registration booth for your Fitness Passport; six punches will earn you a Im a fit bobcat participation ribbon. Bob the Health Van, Brain Teasers & Puzzles, Hip Hop Aerobics, On Stage Dance Studio, Yoga, Family Fitness Course sponsored by Sonora Sports and Fitness, Gehl Chiropractic About the Bones and Body, Smoothie & Healthy Snack Station, Cross Fit Sonora Mini Boot Camp, Smile Keepers Dental Check-ups and a chance to win a Family Fitness Gift Basket. We are taking donations of cases of bottled water and packages of baby wipes for this event. Additionally, if you would like to contribute a NEW fitness item for the gift basket, you can do so. Please deliver all donations to the School Office no later than March 10, 2012. For More information, please contact, Carla at 985-6036.

eXTreMe cOUpONiNG 3/29

How would you like to purchase 100s in groceries and pay only pennies? Come find out how you can save money on groceries you buy every day. Join us March 29th from 5:30 to 7:30 pm in the school Library.

paNcake BreakfasT 3/24

Our annual Library Fundraiser at Applebees is back! Join us on Saturday, March 24th, for our Pancake and Bacon breakfast. All profits go to the library and in turn back to our kids. Tickets are on sale for $6 each or 4 for $20. Come see all our SES Celebrities work for a good cause. Featuring: Sharon Gustafson, Shelly Helm, Blake Hornberger, Mary Johnson, Lacey Kitchen, Ginny Milnik, Kendra Munoz, Kelli O'Brien, John Reesman, and Louise Steuben.

DiNNer NiGHT OUT 4/11

Eat at McDonald's on April 11th and support the school from 5:00 to 7:00 pm. Your favorite teachers will be working for tips. Your generous tips will go to support the Read Across America Program at our school! McDonald's will donate 20% of your purchase.

Are you participating in our eScrip Recycling program? Be sure to bring; ink cartridges, digital cameras, mp3 players, and laptops, to your' teacher, so we can recycle them for you. All funds raised will be put to great use in our school.

cLeaNUp DaY 4/20

eWaste Disposal Day, April 20th in the Sonora Elementary parking lot. Bring your, computers, monitors, electric cords, small appliances, TVs, large appliances, washing machines, dryers, dishwashers, fridges, Anything with metal (including vehicles) or anything recyclable, including bottles & cans will be accepted. This event is open to the community, call Tammy McVey with your questions 7537142.

faMiLY arTs & crafTs NiGHT 4/19

Come out and enjoy all the Free Fun & Activities as well as all the beautiful art walls in the Gym. Pick up a concession item as you walk through.

JOG-a-THON 5/9
sonora elementary school

TriMesTer awarDs


Come support your child as he/she jogs for the 2nd Annual Jog-a-thon. This is our biggest event of the year! Students will be jogging as many laps as they can complete during their PE time. This event is fun and healthy. There will be music, water station, popsicles, and prizes! Every child who raises $20 will get a commemorative T-Shirt. Last year this event brought in over $16,000 for our school!! Yeah!! Congratulations Mrs. Chaffee (teacher), Kendra Prosser (maintenance).and Annette Hampton (parent, not pictured). Thank you for your outstanding contributions to our school.

BOXTOps, LaBeLs fOr eDUcaTiON & Mcr

Labels for Education we have surpassed our goal of 7500 labels and are at 12636. Keep sending those, in so we can redeem them for awesome prizes! My Coke Rewards we are at 10000 points our goal is 12000 keep sending those in. We can make our goal if we work hard!! Lots of cool prizes to pick from! Congratulations, to our November, December, January and February Winners: Most Box Tops: Lucas Doerzapf 260, Callahan Hanson 185, Jackson Litttleton 238, John Shaw 152. Random Winners: Allison Edwards, Eden ConsoleTaylor, Renee Trimpush, Jordan Matney. Most Labels for Education: John Shaw 3635, Dylan Ablin 68, Hannah Salyers 118, John Shaw 403. Random Winners: Aspyn Lopez, Logan Hughes, Kyler O'Conner, Lyndsie Carkins

sss MeeTiNG
we would like to ask all ses parents to join us april 12, 2012. 5:30 PM SES Library The sss Board Needs YOU! Dont forget to join us for our monthly General Meeting we have just 3 left for the year. Its not too late to come out and make some new friends or contribute some ideas. Youre always welcome! Studies show our kids do better when we get involved with their school.

Come in and try out the best Steaks and Seafood in the County. Now offering a Petite 18275 Main Street Menu for those of us with smaller appetites. Jamestown (209) 984-3998
Bring in this add for a 10% discount on your next meal at The Willow Steakhouse & Seafood Grille.

Thanks to everyone who came out and supported us and EL Jardin we raised over $385 dollars! Our SES Families and Staff Rocks!!

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