Precision Modelling in Blender
Precision Modelling in Blender
Precision Modelling in Blender
This guide was created to assist Artists and Engineers, to learn the basics of
mesh modelling of non deformable objects with 'Blender'. It uses a structured
approach to introducing Blenders tools and work-methods. Following the
guide should enable you to become familiar with blender and create models
from the simplest of parts to complex accurate engineering assemblies and
The guide was originally made as a series of web pages that documented the
design ideas and Blender methods used do design a few of the components I
will be making for a rebuild of my CNC router. It has been ported to this .pdf
book from the web pages, so some references in the guide will still only relate
to the on-line version.
This guide is provided as a free reference to new and existing Blender users. The contents of
the guide are copyright Robert Burke © 2007, but permission is granted for you to store a
copy on your computer or print a hard copy for personal use only. You may not use this guide
for any commercial purposes without written permission. (I have donated my time and knowledge
free to produce the guide, I don't expect people to make money from it)
Introduction 2
Contents 3
Getting Started 4
Overview of Controls 5
Modelling in Blender 11
Designing a Casting
The Open Source and freely available creative package Blender can be
downloaded from Once on the site, click the download link
to open the download page. Choose the file to suit your operating system and
follow the simple installation instructions at the bottom of the download page
to install the program.
What you see when the program starts
When you run blender for the first time you are presented with the default
screen. It contains the user preference’s window at the top of the screen. The
main 3D work area in the centre of the screen and the buttons window at the
bottom of the screen.
When you first start modelling, the main two screens are already open, the 3D
workspace and the Buttons window. A cube object (1) is in the centre of the
3D view and the window is orientated so you are looking down onto the top of
the cube. There is also a Lamp (2) to illuminate the cube and a Camera (3) to
output a 2D bitmap of the cube.
At the bottom of the 3D view is blenders View Header Bar. The purpose of
each section within the view header is detailed below.
1) Window Type
3D View:
Buttons Window:
This contains Blenders control
A structured view of objects within the
3D scene and there relationships to
each other.
Script Window:
To run useful add on scripts.
2) Pull up menu
A context sensitive menu showing the operations that can be carried out and
the keyboard shortcut for the operation.
4) Draw type
5) Pivot Point
6) Widget control
7) Layers
Context Buttons:
These change the control button options in context with the operation you are
9) Editing Button
Brings up the modelling tools.
When you first run blender you are presented with a view of the workspace
looking directly down from above. The screen in this position represents the X
and Y-axis. The Z-axis is coming away from the screen directly towards you.
You can change the view direction by either clicking and holding the middle
mouse button whilst dragging the mouse to rotate the view around a point in
3D space, or using one of the pre-set views accessed via the number buttons
on the right of the keyboard. (Num Pad Buttons)
When modelling in blender you draw parallel to the surface of the view at the
depth of the 3D Cursor (small cross hair positioned by clicking the Left Mouse
Button), so the view rotation and position of the cursor is important to the
desired outcome.
The 3D world within Blender isn’t an unlimited space and there are restrictions
as to how big a model can be. Size is limited by the available power and fall-
off distance of the lights, the maximum clipping distance of the view camera
and the maximum clipping distance of the render (output) camera. Complexity
of a model is limited by the amount of vertices your system can handle. The
more powerful a machine you have the more vertices you will be able to
handle before the computer starts to lag behind the speed you can model at.
Other scales could be chosen for precision work such as 1 blender unit =
10mm giving a work area of 100 cubic metres, however this confuses the
process and you constantly need to be aware of where the decimal point goes
when you are entering extrude lengths etc.
When blender first opens the view has a cube object in the centre. This is one
of several primitive shapes available to you that can be altered to form your
component. In Object Mode the shape appears as a solid cube and you are
limited to being able to move its position within the global space, rotate it
about a chosen point or scale the whole model. By pressing the Tab key you
enter Edit Mode and the corners of the cube now have a yellow dot on them,
connected by yellow edges. The yellow denotes the vertices are selected. In
edit mode you can move the position of any selected vertices, add, join or
delete vertices, fill the area between any three or four vertices with a face and
much more to construct your model.
With the experience of modelling the Bearing its time to put the Bearings to
use. The next tutorial constructs a V-roller and Axle that will be used to run on
the Guides of my CNC machine.
If you have completed in sequence all the tutorials above you should now be
comfortable with Blenders way of modelling. This next part looks at
positioning the V-roller's alongside other components and designing a casting
around them. The casting will form the X-axis of my CNC router.
I will use this tutorial to introduce some of the basic modelling techniques that
can be used to build components accurately. Two bearings will be covered in
the tutorial, a detailed model with a large number of vertices and a low
detailed one with substantially fewer vertices for use on slower computers or
for use in large assemblies. The low detailed model will still be dimensionally
We will work to a scale of one blender unit equals one millimetre. Nothing has
to be set in blender to achieve this, just always remember for this tutorial
every dimension you input is in millimetres.
Open blender, you will be presented with the default top view
looking down onto the top of a cube object. In the bottom left
corner the co-ordinates arrows show the directions of the axis.
Press and hold the MMB (middle mouse button) and drag the mouse around
to rotate the viewing direction, the other sides of the cube will then be seen.
You can pan the view by holding down the Shift key whilst pressing the MMB
and moving the mouse The top view can be reset at any time by pressing
NumPad-7 (Top View). If you loose your cube from the view you can retrieve
it by pressing the Home key.
When we draw our bearing we need to orientate the model so the front face of
the bearing is shown when we press the front view. The first part of the
With the RMB click on the remaining vertex to select it, it will
now turn yellow. We need to snap this vertex to the cursor
An edge has now appeared coming from the object centre to the mid point of
the inner race.
We have now created the reference geometry to construct the detailed cross
section of the inner and outer race relative to the centre axis. Blender has the
ability to show the length of any selected edge. To activate it go to the buttons
window at the bottom of the screen.
Click the Editing Context button (1) to bring up the edit buttons.
In Edit mode the buttons panels below will become available spread
horizontally along the bottom of the screen. It may be necessary to drag the
button panels to the left to see all the options. Pressing the MMB and
dragging can do this.
In the Mesh Tools 1 panel (2) select Edge Length and the view will display the
length of any selected edge.
Press the Spin button and the first fillet will be created.
When you first use blender it may seem this is a slow and cumbersome way
of drawing, but as you get used to the concept and the keyboard short-cuts
become instinctive it is extremely fast. I have timed myself and from clicking
the Blender icon on my desktop to load blender, to reaching this stage takes
less than two minute’s. This is about the same amount of time it takes just to
load the CAD package on my works CAD machine.
With the corner fillets in place it's now time to define the inner and outer race.
To align the end vertices of the bearing grooves we need to rotate individual
vertices around the centre of the ball bearing.
Once the edges are in place you can refine the cross section by adding a
0.02mm chamfer on each of the corners. This can be achieved by deleting
one edge, extruding the end vertices 0.02 in the direction of the deleted edge,
reinserting the edge and then moving the corner vertices 0.02 in the
perpendicular axis.
You will notice however that all the faces are flat
with faceted edges to correct this in the view we
will smooth the surfaces we need to appear
round and retain edges we need to be sharp.
Tab back into edit mode and select all A. In the Link and Materials panel click
"Set Smooth".
If areas of black appear on the surface of the bearing press Ctrl-N and accept
"Recalculate Normals Outside". This will allow Blender to know which side of
the faces are pointing to the outside of the object and which are on the inside.
With the four loops selected press Ctrl-E to bring up the Edge
Specials menu.
Select "Mark Sharp". This will tell the Edge Split modifier that
these edges should be viewed as a sharp edge and it won't apply
any smoothing to them.
Before we insert a Sphere to use as the ball bearing we need to position the
cursor central to the bearing groves of the inner and outer race. To do this we
will hide all the vertices of the bearing race other than the perpendicular
section directly above the cursor.
You will now have one row of vertices directly above the bearing
Its still good to understand how to calculate a scale factor, as it will be needed in
many other modelling situations.
With one ball in place we now need to create the other six. As the cursor is on
the bearing centre we can duplicate the first bearing 7 times around the race.
If you haven't already done so press Ctrl-W and save your work.
Part 4 modelling the cage becomes a little trickier but as you get used to
panning, rotating and zooming the view, selection of vertices and constructing
models becomes a little easier to achieve.
Tab back into Object Mode and select the Cage and Tab back into Edit mode.
Make sure the Pivot Point is set to 3D Cursor and scale S the cage 1.02 This
will give you a clearance of 0.0395 between the ball and the cage. ((Diameter
* 1.02) - Diameter) / 2
With all the vertices selected extrude E select “Region” from the sub menu
and then press Esc so the new vertices don't change position. Press Alt-S to
scale along normals and -0.3 for the thickness then press Enter. The cage is
now 0.3mm thick
Repeat the cut on the other end of the cage, then delete X the
reference vertex.
The cage profile should now have a row of faces missing on either
end. When extruded and joined to the next cage profile, this will
allow us to have a continuous shell without any faces or edges
inside the model.
In the Mesh Tools panel set Degr: 360 and Step:7 and
Spin Dup the vertices. Select all vertices A and remove
doubles W
Blender - Precision Modelling Guide
By: Robert Burke - 38 -
Click back into vertex select mode.
To reposition the vertices we will use Edge Slide to slide the loops
of vertices towards the cage sphere profiles. Alt-RMB select one
loop and turn on "Edge Length" in the Mesh Tools 1 panel.
In Object Mode go to the side view NumPad-3 and copy the cage Shift-D
then press Esc so the position of the copy does not move.
We now need to Mirror this copy on the Y-axis. Ensure the cursor is on the
Object Centre (centre of the bearing) and press Ctrl-M (Mirror)
This will bring up the Mirror Axis sub menu choose "Y
The view will now show a list of all the objects that are in
our scene (assembly and 3D space). Together with the
default Lamp and Camera.
In Edit Mode zoom in on one of the cage spheres and set the
selection to Edge Select.
In part 5 we will add the clasp that joins the two half
cages to OB:608-CageB.
Select the two new vertices and delete X (Edges). The edge
joining the two vertices and both faces either side will be
The dust shield will be formed in the same way as we made the
bearing inner and outer race. We will create a section through the
dust shield and spin this around the bearing centre to form the 3D
In the Outliner set the 608-Race to visible and hide all the other
parts. In Object Mode snap the cursor to the 608-Race object to set
the cursor in the centre of the bearing.
We will start this object with a plane, so press the Space Bar to
open the Tools menu and Add>Mesh>Plane. The plane opens in
Edit Mode.
Drag the four vertices of the plane and position them in the
retaining grove of the outer race.
Select all vertices A and open the knife menu K, select Knife
Click LMB below the lower right reference vertex, press Ctrl
and move the knife towards the bottom left vertex the cut line
will snap to the vertex click LMB to set the line then move to
the vertex above Ctrl-LMB this vertex to snap the cut line,
then press Enter to accept the cut.
Repeat this on the outer edge but start the cut line on the top
left vertex and cut to the vertex below.
We now have two new vertices setting the offset width of the
dust shield.
Tab back into Object Mode, select the Plane object (dust
shield) and Tab back into Edit Mode for this object.
With the pivot point still set to 3D cursor press S for scale Z to
constrain the movement to the Z-axis and 0 to scale the lines level
to the cursor.
The vertices are now touching the inner race so we need to back
them off a little to provide some clearance.
We now have the basic cross section of the dust shield positioned
accurately against the bearing race. As we no longer need to reference
the bearing race press Num-/ to go into local view for the dust shield.
The last thing to do to the cross section is add some fillet radii to the
offset corners.
I will show two methods of accurately positioning the fillets, one using
trigonometry and one using reference geometry that has no need for a
calculator. For both methods you will need to know the angle between the
edges, the fillet radius and have one edge aligned to a known axis.
First we need to know the angle between the edges we are going
to fillet. If you haven't been planning the construction of your model
and placing lines arbitrarily you can find the angle by forming a
face from the three vertices and using the edge angle button in the
Mesh Tools 1 panel.
Once you have determined the hypotenuse simply extrude E this from the
intersect along the known axis and rotate R it 1/2 angle A
Where these two lines cross is the centre point for the fillet.
Using the knife tool K snap a cut line Ctrl-LMB between the
two reference vertices parallel to the known axis line and cut
a new vertex on the centre point of the fillet.
Set the cursor on the centre point and spin the vertex on the
end of the radius edge through an angle of
180° - Angle A
From the fillet centre extrude a vertex 0.1 on the Y axis for the front
fillet then extrude this 0.25 on the Y axis for the back fillet.
In the Mesh Tools panel set Degr:60 and Step:7 and spin the two
We are now left with a completed cross section through the dust
shield ready to spin into the 3D object, however as before the cursor
is in the wrong position.
In the Mesh Tools panel set Degr:360 and Step:64 press spin to
form the 3D object.
In edge select mode loop select the four edge loops indicated
Press Ctrl-M to open the Mirror sub menu and select "X Local".
Both Dust shields have now been created so it is time to give them a
meaningful name. Select Plane in the outliner and then in the Links and
Materials panel change its name to OB:608-ShieldA. Repeat this for
Plane.001 naming it OB:608-ShieldB.
The final components for the bearing assembly are the circlips that retain the
dust shields in place. These are covered in the next section.
The circlip is possibly the easiest of the parts to model. We will start by
inserting a Plane object to form the circlip.
Whilst in Object Mode go to the side view NumPad-3 and with the
cursor on the bearing centre insert a Plane (Space to open the
Toolbox then Add>Mesh>Plane).
Rotate your view and select the 4 vertices on one of the open
To finish off we will mirror this circlip onto the other side of the
Copy the circlip Shift-D then Esc to leave it in the same position.
With the cursor still on the object centre Ctrl-M for mirror and
select "X Local". The copied circlip will be mirrored onto the other
side of the bearing.
To recap: the commands and tools you have covered in this tutorial include.
Short Cut
7 Top E Extrude
1 Front G Move (grab)
3 Right Side S Scale
SW Zoom In/Out (mouse Scroll Wheel) Shift-S Snap
MMB Rotate View (Middle Mouse Button) X - Y - Z Constrain to Axes
Shift MMB Pan View Tab Object/Edit Mode
Home Centre View Space Toolbox
Z Wire/Solid View Ctrl-Z Undo
LMB Set Point (Left Mouse Button) Edge Split Surface (Modifier)
RMB Select Spin Spin vertices around axis
Shift-RMB Select Multiple Vertices Spin Dup Copy Vertices around axis
B Box Select Edge Split Modifier
R Rotate W Remove doubles (Specials menu)
K Knife Ctrl-N Recalculate Normals Outside
Ctrl-E Mark Sharp (Edge Specials menu) Alt-RMB Loop Select
B-B Paint Selection Shift-Alt-RMB Multiple Loop Select
Ctrl-M Mirror Ctrl-D Duplicate (copy)
Alt-S Scale along normals
The completed bearing is ideal for producing visualizations or detailed
drawings but with over 26,000 vertices it will require a lot of you computers
resources if you have many of these in an assembly.
My CNC machines assembly model will require 60 bearings and at this level
of detail that gives over 1.5 million vertices far more than my old PC can
handle, so Part 8 will show how to retain the precision of the design but with
substantially fewer vertices.
With the detailed model now complete its time to concentrate on the low
vertices model that will have far less overhead on the computers resources
when modelling large assemblies. We could start modelling from scratch
repeating Part 1 but with fewer vertices on the fillets, however its a simple
process to import (Append) the already created components into a new file
and modify them. Open a new file and delete X the default cube.
Click File in the top left hand corner and select "Append or Link"
Select the lowest vertex on the top left corner fillet and extrude it 0.6mm
on the Y-axis. This will give us the fillet centre point.
Cut two new vertices through the left circlip snapping the line
to the edge of the circlip groove's chamfer.
Repeat this and cut a new vertex on the dust shield with the
snap line cut from the lower right chamfer of the circlip
The offset fillet's of the dust shield still have more vertices than are
From the top vertex of the top fillet extrude an edge -0.1 in the Y
Snap the cursor to this new vertex which is on the fillet centre.
Select the top vertex from the original fillet and spin this to form
the new fillet.
In the Mesh Tools panel set Degr:60 Step:4 and press Spin.
Cut a new vertex on the inner race from the dust shield
bottom fillet. K Knife Exact, Ctrl-LMB to snap the cut to
the chamfer, MMB to constrain to the vertical
With the pivot point set to "3D Cursor" Tab into Edit
Mode and select all vertices A.
At the introduction to this tutorial I said I would not cover materials, textures or
many of the other vast array of features available within Blender. However to
use your model for visualisation or design drawing purposes you do need to
know a little about the process of applying materials and rendering images to
2D bitmaps.
We will use the detailed model for this section so open the
608-Bearing.blend file. When Blender opens it automatically
inserts a Camera and Lamp object into your scene (3D
workspace), in the Outliner select the Camera object
Copy the Lamp Shift-D and move the copy to the right
of the camera.
Lamp Buttons
Select 608-CageA .
With the two images created press Ctrl-W and save your .blend file.
In the next section we will create a page template for a scaled line drawing of
the bearing.
Perspective Projection
Orthographic Projection
The next thing we need to consider is the printer. For engineering purposes
we are most likely working to a scale of 1 Blender unit equals 1 millimetre and
the output from the camera is likely to be in 96 DPI (dots per inch) The usual
output from a printer will be 300 DPI. So how do we get a drawing to scale out
accurately onto a printed page?
The way I find easiest is to set the camera scale at a multiple of 25.4 and set
the size X and Size Y in the Format panel of the Render Buttons to an
equivalent multiple but this time of 300. So if you wanted to have a 1:1 scaled
image fit onto an A4 page of 11” by 8” you would need to set the camera
scale to 25.4 x 11 = 279.4, the Format panel Size X: to 8 x 300 = 2400 and
Size Y: to 11 x 300 = 3300. There is one further requirement as the image is
set to print at 96 DPI not 300 DPI. This requires the use of an image-editing
program such as the Gimp or Photo Shop, to change the output size of the
image to 300DPI.
Blender - Precision Modelling Guide
By: Robert Burke - 73 -
If you want to set your page up to print at an exact size and at a scale other
than 1:1 the correct Camera scale factor and output resolution become a little
more difficult to set up. The easy solution is to scale your model once you
have set the camera to suit the page template.
Page Template
Save anything you currently have open Ctrl W and open a new Blender file
Ctrl X. We will start by making a page template to suit an 8 x 11inch page, in
front view add a Plane SpaceBar Add>Mesh>Plane, select and grab the top
two vertices moving them 277.4mm (25.4 X 11 inches - 2 the original Plane
size) in the Z axis. This sets the height of the page. Grab the two right-hand
vertices and move them 201.2mm (25.4 X 8 inches - 2 the original Plane size)
in the X axis, to set the width of the page. Select all vertices and delete X Only
Faces to remove the face. This rectangle becomes the page boundary we
need to work within. In the Links and Materials panel, rename OB:Plane to
OB:A4pBoundary. (A4p being page size A4 Portrait)
Tab into Edit Mode and in edge select mode select each edge
individually and move it G 12mm towards the centre of the
rectangle, constrained to the X or Y axis.
This rectangle will form our page border, it could now be rendered
as a wire object but the output will only be one pixel wide, so we
need to thicken the line.
Select the Left hand edge and extrude it -0.5mm on the X axis.
Extrude the Right hand edge 0.5mm on the X axis. Box select the
three edges making up the top of the border and extrude these
0.5mm on the Z axis and repeat this on the bottom edge but -0.5
on the Z axis.
Rename this object A4pBorder
Select all vertices A and copy Shift-D the vertices on the Z axis
This will form the marks for a ruler that runs along the outer edge
of the border.
Grab G the two Left vertices and move them on the X axis 2mm.
then select all the vertices A.
Tab into Object Mode and select A4pBorder object. Tab into Edit
Mode for this object and select one of the long bottom edges. Snap
the cursor to the edge Shift-S Cursor>Selection. The cursor will be
repositioned in the middle of the edge. Tab back into Object Mode.
Select the Plane object and copy it Shift-D then press Esc so it
does not move position. Set the Pivot Point to Cursor select.
The Border rules will now be mirrored onto the right hand edge.
Select both border rulers and copy them Shift-D then rotate them 90 degrees
R-90. These will form the top and bottom rulers.
In the links and Pipeline panel press the small button with
the car on it. This will give the Material an automatic name
representative of the colour chosen. In this case Black.
Up to now everything has been produced on layer one of the twenty available
layers within Blender. By organising your work onto different layers, Blender
allows you to set different lighting and rendering parameters for objects on
different layers. As we need to combine some of the objects rendered with the
edge render facility of blender, together with others that do not use the edge
setting we will need to organise our layers and render output.
Firstly we will set our scene. If you still have a .blend file open, save your work
Ctrl-W and then open a new file Ctrl-X.
Save the new file Ctrl-W as "608-Layout.blend".
Now append all the parts of the 608 Bearing into the file.
In front view NumPad 1 select all the components of the
bearing and move them G to the top left corner of the
page template. As the bearing is only 22mm across we
will scale it 2:1. With all the components still selected
press S for scale then 2 for the scale factor. The bearing
will double in size.
With the side view still selected copy the components and move
them below the original. This will be used to create a part
section through the bearing.
Box select the three bearings and press M which will open the Layer Move
panel click on layer 2 and press OK. The two bearings will disappear from
view until layer 2 is activated. To bring the bearings
back into view, Shift-LMB on layer 2 in the view
header’s layers panel.
Click on the Camera and in the Edit buttons Camera panel click on
Orthographic to use the orthographic camera mode.
With the mouse over the 3D view press N to open the Transform Properties
window and set the camera view parallel to the Page Template. RotX:90, Y:0,
De select All then in wire view Box select the components of the
bearing we are going to use for a section view.
Go into local view NumPad /. Then Shift-RMB the outer race and
join all the components Ctrl-J.
In top view Box select the single row of vertices on the bearing
centre line.
We will use this slice through the bearing to add the hatch
pattern to the section view.
Link select L each closed area of the slice and fill the area Shift-F with faces.
Beautify the fill Alt-F to give a cleaner mesh.
Blender - Precision Modelling Guide
By: Robert Burke - 82 -
Press A to de-select the vertices then repeat the process
on the next closed area.
Repeat this for the other areas of the section making sure no two components
touch each other on the same plane.
This is necessary so the Edge Render filter can detect the edge of each
In the Image panel load "LineAngle1.png". To make the hatch render smaller,
repeat the texture on the section by changing Xrepeat: and Yrepeat: to 2 in
the Map Image panel.
We are now ready to render the line drawing. In the Render Buttons, Render
panel , press "Render". Or use the keyboard shortcut F12.
When complete close the Render window and save the image F3 as 608-
Tab into Edit Mode for the Dim object and select
all the vertices on the left hand dimension lines.
To thicken these lines for rendering extrude
them -0.2mm on the X axis.
In Object Mode copy one of the dimensions text objects and Tab into Edit
Mode. Change the text to Z, Tab back into Object Mode. Move Z to the
section marker. Copy this and move it to the other marker.
The final result gives a good layout drawing, easily capable of communicating
the essential elements of a product design. With sufficient planning and
forethought any component could be created, rendered and dimensioned in
Linear Guides
V-Roller Guide
Though Industrial 'V' rollers are still quite expensive it is a simple process to
machine an alternative that will run on the existing 18mm BDMS slides. The
following tutorial shows how the 608 bearing model was used as a base to
construct the ‘V’ roller and axle.
Blender - Precision Modelling Guide
By: Robert Burke - 89 -
If you are currently using Blender save your work Ctrl-W and start a new
project Ctrl-X. Delete the default cube X.
This section assumes you have completed and understood the 608-Bearing
Split the 3D view and open an Outliner window. (If you cant
remember how this is done it is described in 608-Part 4.)
Some of the design constraints I have are based on the material available to
me. I currently have slides at 18mm diameter so I will reuse these. The ‘V’
Roller will be made the same width as the slide to maintain as small a
footprint as possible. I have some 45mm diameter BDMS that I will use for the
rollers, so I need to make sure the outside diameter is less than this.
RMB select a vertex on the far left side of the bearing and snap
the cursor to it Shift-S Cursor>Selection.
Press A to deselect all vertices then with the cursor over the inner
portion of a bearing press L to select all linked vertices.
The bore of the V-Roller could be called finished at this stage, but its not really
good engineering practice to have the inner fillet radius of a bore the same
size as the object that is going to fit into it.
Blender - Precision Modelling Guide
By: Robert Burke - 92 -
To facilitate a better fit for the bearing it is better to
have a bore fillet with a smaller radius than that of the
bearings outer edge. To achieve this we need to delete
the loops making up the fillet and re model them.
Select the inner loop of the right hand bearing location and move
this -0.3 on the Y-axis.
elect the two vertices shown opposite and add an edge between
them F.
Repeat this for the Right hand side, selecting vertex B, but in the
Mesh Tools panel deselect "Clockwise" so the fillet is spun in
the opposite direction.
This will split the bottom edge into three equal divisions of
6mm each.
Select All the press K for the Knife tool, select Knife (Exact)
from the sub menu and holding down Ctrl snap the cut line
to the reference edge crossing the bottom edge. A new
vertex will be created. Delete X the reference vertices.
In the Modifiers Tab ass an Edge Split modifier and keep the
default settings. (A more detailed description of adding the
Edge Split modifier is contained in 608-Part 4)
We have now got the V-Roller with two bearings inside it, so the next thing is
to design the axle. I intend to make aluminium castings to hold four rollers and
the lead screw nut and at this stage a casting thickness of 10mm seems
appropriate. One end of the axle needs to fit into the casting the other end
needs to hold the bearings. These are the governing factors for the length and
profile of the axle.
RMB Select the right hand bearing and Tab into Edit Mode. Alt-
RMB select a loop of vertices on the outer right hand edge of the
bearing and snap the cursor to the centre of this loop of vertices
Shift-S Cursor>Selection. Tab back into Object Mode.
Press the Space Bar and from the Toolbox menu select
Add>Mesh>Plane. In the Link and Materials panel change the
name to OB:V-RollerAxle.
Shift-RMB the top right hand vertex to deselect it, then press X to
delete the remaining three vertices.
RMB the remaining vertex to select it, then Tab into Object Mode.
(The vertex will be easier to locate when we Tab back into Edit
Mode for the V-RollerAxle).
In the Outliner select V-RollerAxle and Tab into Edit Mode. The single
vertex is selected so snap it to the cursor Shift-S Selection>Cursor. Tab
back into Object Mode.
Select the Right Hand Bearing and Tab into Edit Mode. Select any
vertex on the outer right hand edge and snap the cursor to it. Tab
back into Object Mode.
With the single vertex still selected Scale the vertex along the Y-axis to
the cursor position 0.
In the Outliner close the eye icon for the two bearings
to remove them from view.
You are left with two edges that when spun around the
Object Centre will form the bearing location area of the
Select the corner vertex and the fillet centre vertex (B) and
delete them.
Before connecting the fillet to the rest of the axle we can add a
chamfer to the top edge.
Tab into Object Mode and add a Plane. Select the two
right hand vertices and move them G on the X-axis
Tab back into Edit Mode and cut new vertices to form the
two spanner flats Knife (Exact) snapping the cut to the
vertices of the plane Ctrl-LMB.
De-select All, then Box select the vertices that are outside
the spanner flats.
Add faces to the opening Shift-F, then beautify the fill Alt-F and
then convert the created triangles to quads Alt-J.
At this stage I have deliberately left the axle with plane ends rather than
generating a threaded profile. In large assemblies the axle will use
substantially less computer overheads than one with a detailed thread profile.
In part 3, I will detail how to set up and use the screw function to create a
detailed thread suitable for producing a realistic render.
Blender - Precision Modelling Guide
By: Robert Burke - 102 -
Continuing with the V-Roller assembly, in the Outliner
open the eye icon for the two bearings and V-Roller. The
assembly is starting to take shape but still missing a
retaining nut and washer.
To locate the washer and nut we only need the bearings in view, so in the
Outliner close the eye icon for the V-Roller and V-RollerAxle to remove them
from view.
Select the left hand bearing and Tab into Edit Mode.
Alt-RMB select a ring of vertices on the far left side of
the bearing and snap the cursor to the centre of them.
Tab back into Object Mode.
Using the Bevel Centre script and following the details given in
608 Part-4 add a 0.1mm chamfer. Back in vertex select mode
select All and Set Smooth W, in the Modifiers tab add an Edge
Split modifier with the default settings. If Black areas are
present on the surface of the washer press Ctrl-N to
recalculate the normals to the outside.
Tab into Object Mode and in the Link and Materials panel
rename the washer OB:6mmWasher.
Six vertices should be enough to form the curved detail on the top of the nut
so with six sides this equates to an inner circle of 36 vertices.
To improve the fill pattern and remove the long thin triangles press Alt-F
(Beautify Fill). Repeat the beautify fill command several times until the internal
edges no longer change.
To make the side faces of the nut Shift-RMB select the seven
vertices of the top edge and Extrude them Y -4.
To form the radius on the top of the side face we need to spin
a vertex from the faces bottom centre vertex. Select the vertex
indicated and snap the cursor to it.
To determine the angle of the spin, with the centre vertex still
selected Shift-RMB select the two vertices on the corner of the
opposite edge and temporarily form a triangular face. With the
face selected click on the Edge Angle button of the Mesh Tools
1 panel. The corner angles of the triangle will be displayed in
the view. The spin angle is 71.635 degrees. Press Ctrl-Z to
remove (undo) the triangle
Blender - Precision Modelling Guide
By: Robert Burke - 105 -
In top view NumPad 7 select the bottom right hand vertex
indicated and in the Mesh Tools panel set Degr: 71.635 and
Press Spin and the ark at the top edge of the face will be
Merge the rest of the vertices on the top edge of the nut face
to the ark using this method.
Shift-RMB select all the vertices on the side face of the nut,
then Tab into Object Mode.
In the Mesh Tools panel set Degr:360 and Steps:6, press Spin
Dup and the other sides of the nut will be generated.
Check the Pivot Point is still set to 3D Cursor and Scale the
vertex on the Y-axis to the cursor position 0.
The above scale has set the vertex level to the top edge
of the nut, but this edge needs a 0.5mm fillet radius. Grab
the vertex and move it Y 0.5, then extrude it on the Z-axis
-0.5 to set the centre of the fillet. Snap the cursor to this
vertex, then select the previous vertex.
I hope you have found this a worthwhile exercise. The intention was to
demonstrate how components can be modelled together in assemblies using
one component to help set the location and surface geometry of the next,
using Blenders Snap tools to accurately locate the new Object.
Part 3 will detail how to use Blenders Screw tool to generate a thread profile
Before we can model the thread we need to understand the thread form. ISO
Metric threads come with a Standard profile and as the V-Roller axle will use
an M6 thread, I will describe the set-up of this size.
D Major Diameter
P Pitch
H Thread Height
The ISO Metric thread profile is a fairly simple shape to construct in Blender
and with the screw tool only one instance of the thread profile is required. As
a model engineer I am not going to discuss thread tolerances or fits in any
detail. You should however be aware that the finished male thread profile
(bolt) should be kept below the bold blue line of the diagram above and the
finished female thread profile should be kept above the bold blue line,
otherwise the two won't fit together. If you need them tolerance classes are
defined in ISO 965-1.
For this exercise we will make the thread to the nominal profile above. To
construct the thread only two pieces of information are required the Major
Diameter and the Pitch. A few of the more common sizes are detailed in the
table below.
Major Diameter 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 16
Pitch 0.5 0.7 0.8 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 2
Tab into edit mode and Shift-RMB select the 7 vertices making
up the left-hand profile of the threaded section.
Tab into Object Mode and select the profile. Tab back into
Edit Mode.
De-select All vertices then to the left of the axle Ctrl-LMB click
to add a new vertex. Extrude this vertex on the X-axis 1mm.
The thread form is an equilateral triangle so the sides of the
thread triangle will be the same length as the pitch.
Link select both vertices of the edge and copy them Shift-D
on the Z-axis 1mm (the thread pitch).
Select the top left vertex of the two edges and snap the cursor
to it Shift-s Cursor>selection.
Then select the vertex on the other end of the edge and with
the Pivot set to 3D Cursor Rotate it 30 degrees.
Snap the cursor to the bottom left vertex and Rotate this -30
Select the centre vertex and Extrude it on the X-axis then scale
it to the cursor Scale X 0.
If you haven't already got one open split the 3D view and
open the Outliner. Click the eye icon for the axle to remove it
from view.
We can now use the snap tool to position the thread V profile.
Repeat the cut snapping the knife to the vertices of the minor
Select the vertex at the top of the minor diameter and snap the
cursor to it Shift-S Cursor>Selection.
Where the two edges cross is the centre point for the bottom
fillet. Cut a vertex on the intersect Knife (Exact) and using Ctrl-
LMB to snap the cut to the rotated edge.
We need the thread to continue past the chamfer so we can later combine the
chamfer detail to the thread. Counting the grid squares we will need 10 turns.
In the Mesh Tools panel set Degr: 360 Steps:32 and Turns:10
Make Sure Clockwise is not selected.
Tab into Object Mode and in the Outliner open the eye icon
for the axle, bringing it back into view. If necessary move the
thread in the Z-axis to align with the axle. Close the eye for
the thread.
Go back into front view and select the axle. Tab into
Edit Mode and select the top right vertex of the
chamfer and copy it Shift-D moving it to the right of the
axle on the X-axis. Extrude this vertex on the X-axis to
the left of the axle. Repeat this on the bottom vertex
loop of the thread section.
Tab into Edit Mode and De-select All then Link select
the thread. With the Knife tool, cut two rows of vertices
across the thread, Knife (Exact) and snapped Ctrl-LMB
to the reference edges.
The thread is now the correct length for the axle but
there is still more to do. We must join the base of the
thread to the under-cut and the top of the thread to the
If you zoom in on the base of the thread you will see the
flange that was originally on the axle sticking out past
the edge of the thread (highlighted in green).
The intersect between the top chamfer and the thread is a much more
complicated detail. Because the intersect doesn't occur on a set plane there
are no vertices on the line of intersection. Therefore we cannot simply merge
vertices to obtain the correct profile. The first part of combining the thread and
chamfer will be to create a line of vertices on the intersect between the two
sets of faces.
The Geom Tool script isn't bundled with Blender but can be
downloaded from the Blender Website.
A description for loading the script is also available from this
With the new edge created on the intersect its now simply a
matter of deleting the vertices, edges or faces that are not
required. It sounds simple but this will test your patience and
call on many of the editing techniques you have learned.
That completes the top thread. Rather than repeating all that work on
the bottom thread we can simply copy the top one and reposition the
copy to complete the axle.
In front view Box select the thread vertices, then loop select
Shift-Alt-RMB the inner loop of vertices on the undercut
next to the main body of the axle.
Separate the copied thread from the axle P. Tab into Object
Mode, Select the copied thread and then Tab back into Edit
Select the top row of vertices and snap the cursor to them
Shift-S Cursor>Selection.
Select the axle and delete the vertices of the bottom thread.
Alt-RMB select the inner loop of vertices where the under cut
With the thread still selected Shift-RMB select the axle and
joine the two objects into one Ctrl-J.
To de-select the vertices of the title box press B for box select, but this time
drag a selection box over the vertices you need to de-select using the RMB.
The vertices will no longer be selected. On the 3D View Header press
select>>Inverse, this will invert the selection so the title box is now selected
and the Border isn't. (You could have just de-selected all then box selected
the Title Box, but I wanted to show the Box Deselect feature!)
Tab into Object Mode and RMB select the A4LBorder Object and Shift-RMB
select the A4LBoundary Object. In the 3D View Header set the Pivot point to
3D Cursor, then Rotate the Border and Boundary 90 degrees.
You now have an A4 Landscape page template that can be appended back
into the PageTemplate.blend file.
Blender - Precision Modelling Guide
By: Robert Burke - 121 -
Append the V-Roller Object from V-Roller.blend
onto the scene and position it within the Border.
(If it doesn't appear on the view after appending
check the Eye icon in the Outliner is open or it's
layer is active) Copy this Shift-D and move it
on the X-axis to the right of the original. Rotate
the copied V-Roller on the Z-axis 90 degrees.
Copy the rotated V-Roller and position this to
the right of the original. We will use the second
copy to form a sectioned view.
Append the V-RollerAxle from the same file and position this within the
border. Copy this on the Z-axis and position it above the original. (3rd Angle
projection Top view sits above Front View)
With the material set on the first V-Roller Shift-RMB select all the other
components, then Shift-RMB select the 1st V-Roller to make it the active
object. Press Ctrl-L (Make Links) and select Materials from the popup menu.
This will copy the material from the active object onto all the other selected
In the Format tab change size X to 3300 and Sixe Y to 2400. Select the
camera, go into camera view NumPad 0 and align the camera with the
Boundary Object. Set the Camera to Orthographic in the scene buttons
Camera tab
If you need more detail of how to do this go back to the 608-Bearing tutorial,
Part 11 describes the process in detail.
Because Image textures are stretched to fit the object's bounding box
size the hatch will have been skewed vertically so increase Y repeat
to 2 or 3 in the Map Image tab of the texture buttons. This will repeat
the texture 2 or 3 times in the Y-axis.
If you do a test render you should end up with something like the
image opposite.
Select both vertices and Extrude them Z 0.1. Select the bottom two vertices
and Extrude these Z -0.1 This adds thickness to the dimension line.
Select the six new vertices that have been cut and
Scale them along the horizontal edges X until they
are around 4mm from the ends of the dimension
line. Select the two vertices A & B and Extrude them in the Z axis 1mm
Repeat this on the other three edges. You should end up with a dimension
line that has a box on either end.
Select the five left hand vertices and with the Pivot
Point set to Median Point Scale the vertices to 0
then Remove Doubles W. You will end up with an
arrow shaped end.
Add the Black shadeless material from the border to the dimension line.
Tab into Object Mode and in side view NumPad 3 move the dimension line in
front of the V-Roller. With the dimension line selected snap the cursor Shift-S
to its object centre Cursor>Selection.
Blender - Precision Modelling Guide
By: Robert Burke - 124 -
Insert a Text object and in the Editing buttons
Font tab, increase its size to suit the page scale
(4 on my layout)
With the cursor snapped to the Object centre copy the the dimension line and
text, then rotate the copy from the horizontal.
The original dimension line can now be modified by moving the arrows on the
X-axis to a new diameter.
Copy the vertices and move them away from the model
(constrained to an axis). This gives a break between the
extension line and the model. Extrude these vertices to the
point where you want the dimension line, then extrude
again past this point.
In the same way connect the output of the image node to the top input of the
Alpha Over node. Then connect the Output socket of the Alpha Over node to
theinput socket of the Composite node. The connections are now complete.
If all has gone well you will get a composite layout with a dimensioned line
drawing of the components. In the Scene buttons Format tab Click RGB as
we no longer need alpha in the image and Save the Layout drawing F3. Save
your file Ctrl-W.
The final thing necessary to print the drawing to scale, is to adjust the pixels
per inch to 300 in an image-editing program such as Gimp or PhotoShop.
By now you should be fairly familiar with Blenders modelling capabilities. The
608 Bearing and V-roller tutorials have covered most of the commonly used
tools and techniques, so this won’t be so much of a tutorial as a discussion on
the steps needed to use Blender as a tool to help you design a casting. As the
next stage of my CNC router upgrade is to redesign the X-axis slides I will use
this as the motive for designing the casting. We will again reuse the bearing
and V-roller as the building blocks for the casting layout.
There are many casting techniques that could be used for this component
such as sand casting, die-casting and centrifugal casting, but because of my
limited workshop facilities and the availability of a pottery kiln, I have chosen
to use the investment casting technique. This is where a wax model of the
part is fabricated then dipped into a refractory slurry which is dried, the wax is
melted out leaving the refractory casing which when fired becomes the mould
for the molten aluminium. The mould is then broken away from the aluminium
when it has cooled.
The benefit of this method is you can produce an accurate wax model without
worrying too much about withdrawal tapers or undercuts, If you can make the
component in wax you should be able to produce an investment mould from it.
I will go into a little more detail about the mould making and casting process in
the foundry section. Here I will concentrate on using Blenders modelling
capabilities to design the casting.
When all the four corners have been spun Select All
and remove doubles W.
Use the Knife tool (Midpoints) and cut the loop indicated.
In front view add a circle, Vertices: 16, Radius: 2.2 (clearance for
a 4mm bolt).
Copy the vertices from the circles centreline and above and
move the copy 4mm on the Z-axis. Then copy the vertices of the
circle from the centreline and below moving them -4mm on the Z-
Delete the original circle and the flange vertices closest to it.
This leaves you with the outline of the slot positioned centrally on
the flange.
Copy the new faces and move them 3mm on the Y-axis.
Shift-D X -150
WE have now got the locations for the fixed rollers and the adjuster blocks. A
few other components are needed on the casting because it will also hold the
lead screw roller-nut.
At this stage of the design, things are very flexible, none of the component
positions are fixed and it's easy to move things around to optimise their
We have now accounted for all the parts of the X-axis, so in part-2, I will start
constructing the main casting around them.
In side view its clear that some of the components will penetrate
the front mounting face of the casting. It will be necessary to
provide a recess behind the roller nut and top right hand bearing.
The size and location of the recesses will determine how close
the other components can be to the centre of the casting.
Extrude the four edges Y 8mm. This will add depth to the
In side view Grab the top back vertices and move them, Z
-8 mm to give a 45 degree angle. Move the bottom vertices
up 8mm.
With the copied blocks still selected go into local view NumPad /.
In side view select the front face of the adjusters. Snap the cursor
to the selection so it's on the same plane as the front face, then
delete the vertices.
If it were left like this there wouldn't be any room for the
adjuster to slide on the Z-axis. So we need to mover the top
and bottom flange to allow the adjuster to move.
Select the four vertices from the straight edges of the slot and
snap the cursor to their centre. Add a circle with 16 vertices and a
radius of 1.65mm.
Using Blenders snap tools, copy and paste the hole and
surrounding faces to the other locations.
To position the fixed axle holes, RMB select a fixed axle and go into Local
View NumPad /. Select Shift-Alt-RMB the loop of vertices at the back of the
fillet and snap the cursor to the centre of them, Shift-S Cursor>Selection. This
gives us the location point for the adjuster. Go into Object Mode and in front
view Insert a mesh circle, SpaceBar Add>Mesh>Circle, in the pop-up menu
set Vertices: 32 and Radius: 3. Repeat this for the other axle.
Tab into Edit Mode for the casting and snap the cursor to the front face. I have
selected the two vertices of the recess, so the cursor is on the edge of the
recess and aligned with the mounting face of the axle.
Tab into Edit Mode for the axle and snap the cursor to the
vertices on the flange fillet as detailed in Part 1. Tab back
into the adjuster Bracket.
Delete some of the vertices from the outer circle and add
edges back to the mounting flange. With careful choice you
can get a tangential alignment.
The right hand adjuster will be set back into the pocket
provided in the casting.
As with the V-roller adjuster, the lead screw adjusters will be secured with
4mm bolts, so the casting needs 4mm-tapped holes centrally to the slot.
To add vertices and edges for this penetration use the Geom
tool. Select the intersecting faces and in a script window
choose Scripts>Mesh>Geom Tool
The Geom Tool will cut a new series of edges around the
intersection. It will also triangulate all the selected faces.
Extend the top of the slot 5mm to allow the adjuster bracket
room to slide.
Cut a vertical row of vertices down the slot and bearing recess,
using the knife with a mid point cut.
A vertical mid point cut will allow the ends to have a radius
spun to match the slot width.
With the location of the bolt holes, Key way slots, adjuster housings and
recesses now positioned all that remains is to build the face of the casting
between the edges already modelled.
The top section of the X-axis needs an area that the Y-axis
can be bolted on to. To save having a left and right-hand X-
axis casting I will incorporate the mounting on both sides of
the casting.
Once all the elements of the back face are on the correct
alignment build faces between them in a similar manner to the
front face.
This is the final part of the Engineers Guide to Blender. Hopefully you have
been able to understand the processes introduced in the Guide and will be
able to build on your experience by producing designs of your own.
If you were new to Blender when you started the guide and have worked
through to this final page, you should now be comfortable with Blenders way
of modelling. Theirs still a lot to learn and many more tools and techniques
available to improve your modelling skill. How you progress from here is up to
you, but the Internet community offers numerous tutorials and guidance, so
you have no excuses for not progressing and becoming a Blender pro.