Lecture Notes On C++ For Java Programmers
Lecture Notes On C++ For Java Programmers
Lecture Notes On C++ For Java Programmers
Jonathan G. Campbell Department of Computing, Letterkenny Institute of Technology, Co. Donegal, Ireland. email: jonathan dot campbell (at) gmail.com, jonathan.campbell@lyit.ie URL:http://www.jgcampbell.com/cpp4jp/cpp4jp.pdf Report No: jc/09/0011/r Revision 3.0, minor edits, new references, new later chapters, 2009-08-12 12th August 2009
1 Introduction 1.1 Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2 Recommended Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2.1 Programming and Object-oriented Programming through C++ 1.2.2 Games Software Engineering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2.3 General Software Engineering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2.4 Design Patterns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2.5 The C Programming Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2.6 Games Programming using C++ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2.7 Cross Platform Windows Programming . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2.8 Specication and Correctness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3 Plan for the course . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tutorial Introduction to C++ 2.1 Get Started . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1.1 Your First C++ Program . . . . . . . . . 2.2 Variables and Arithmetic . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3 Do While . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.4 Exceptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5 For Loop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.6 Symbolic Constants and the Preprocessor . . . . 2.7 Character Input and Output . . . . . . . . . . . 2.7.1 File copying . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.7.2 Character counting . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.7.3 Line Counting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.7.4 Word Counting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.8 Arrays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.9 Functions in more detail . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.9.1 Declaration of functions . . . . . . . . . 2.9.2 Program Split into Modules . . . . . . . 2.10 Creation of Executables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.10.1 Some Basics Compiling and Linking . . 2.10.2 Other Libraries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.10.3 Static versus Shared Libraries . . . . . . 2.10.4 Make and Makele . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.10.5 Interpreted Languages . . . . . . . . . . 2.10.6 Java Compiler AND Interpreter . . . . 2.10.7 Java Dynamic Linking . . . . . . . . . 2.10.8 Java Enterprise Edition (J2EE) and .NET 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 2 6 8 8 10 11 11 12 14 15 16 18 20 22 24 26 26 27 27 28 29 29 30 30
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2.10.9 Ultimately, All Programs are Interpreted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.11 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Variables, Types, etc. in C++ 3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2 Variable names . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3 Elementary Data Types and Sizes . . . . . . . . 3.3.1 Integer types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3.2 Floating-point types . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3.3 Implementation Dependencies . . . . . . 3.4 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.5 Arrays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.6 Pointers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.6.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.6.2 Declaration / Denition of Pointers . . . 3.6.3 Referencing and Dereferencing Operators 3.6.4 Pointers and Arrays . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.7 Strings in C++ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.7.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.7.2 C-strings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.8 Standard String Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.9 Vector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.10 Templates, brief introduction . . . . . . . . . . . 3.10.1 Template Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.11 Polymorphism Parametric . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.12 Constants and their Types . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.13 Declaration versus Denition . . . . . . . . . . . 3.14 Arithmetic Operators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.15 Relational and Logical Operators . . . . . . . . . 3.16 Type Conversions and Casts . . . . . . . . . . . 3.17 Assignment Operators and Expressions . . . . . . 3.18 Increment and Decrement Operators . . . . . . . 3.19 Conditional Expressions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.20 Bitwise Operators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.21 Precedence and Order of Evaluation of Operators Control Flow 4.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2 Statements and Blocks . . . . . . . 4.3 Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3.1 Two-way Selection if else 4.3.2 Multi-way Selection - else if 4.3.3 Multi-way Selection switch 4.4 Repetition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.4.1 while . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.4.2 for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.4.3 do - while . . . . . . . . . . 4.5 break and continue . . . . . . . . . 4.6 goto and Labels . . . . . . . . . . .
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C++ Program Structure 5.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2 Basics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.3 Declarations of Functions Prototypes . . . . . . 5.4 Function parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.4.1 Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.4.2 Pass-by-value parameters . . . . . . . . . . 5.4.3 Pass-by-reference parameters . . . . . . . 5.4.4 Programmed pass-by-reference via pointers 5.4.5 Semantics of parameter passing . . . . . . 5.4.6 Arrays as Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.4.7 Default parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.5 Function return values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.6 Overloaded function names . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.7 Inline functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.8 External variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.9 Scope of variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.10 Namespaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.11 Heap memory management . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.11.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.11.2 Operator new . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.11.3 Operator delete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.11.4 Anonymous variables . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.11.5 Garbage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.12 Lifetime of variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.12.1 Lifetime of variables summary . . . . . . 5.13 Memory layout of a C++ program a model . . . 5.14 Initialisation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.15 Register Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.16 Recursion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.17 The C++ Preprocessor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.17.1 File inclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.17.2 Symbolic constants and text substitution . 5.17.3 Macro substitution . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.17.4 Conditional compilation / inclusion . . . . Struct, class, union 6.1 Introduction . . . . . . 6.2 A Point struct . . . . . 6.3 Operations on Structs . 6.4 Unions . . . . . . . . .
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Introduction to Classes and Objects 7.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.2 A Memory Cell Class . . . . . . . . . . . 7.2.1 Informal Specication of the Class 7.2.2 Class Cell . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.3 Using Separate Files . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.4 Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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3D Ane Transformations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.5.1 Homogeneous 3D Vector Vector4D.h . . 7.5.2 Homogeneous 3D Vector Vector4D.cpp . 7.5.3 Test for Vector4D.cpp . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.5.4 Homogeneous 3D Vector Transformations 7.5.5 Homogeneous 3D Vector Transformations 7.5.6 Test for Transform4D.cpp . . . . . . . . . .
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Inheritance 8.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.2 Example 1: Class Cell extended via inheritance . . . 8.2.1 First Attempt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.2.2 Protected . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.2.3 Virtual Functions and Dynamic Binding . . . 8.3 Overriding (virtual functions) versus Overloading . . 8.4 Strong Typing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.5 Inheritance & Virtual Functions Summary . . . . 8.6 Inheritance versus Inclusion, is-a versus has-a . . . . 8.7 Inheritance & Virtual Functions and Ease of Software 8.8 Example 2: a Person class hierarchy . . . . . . . . . 8.9 A Student Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.10 Use of the Person Hierarchy . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.10.1 PersonT1.cpp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.10.2 PersonT2.cpp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.11 Standard Library Vector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.12 Marks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Classes that manage memory 9.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.2 A Heap-based Dynamic Array Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.2.1 Class Declaration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.2.2 Class implementation code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.2.3 Assertions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.2.4 A simple client program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.3 The this pointer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.4 Copy Constructors and Parameter Passing and Value Return 9.4.1 Na member-wise constructor, shallow copy . . . . ve 9.4.2 Proper deep copy constructor . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.4.3 Copy constructor and parameter passing and return 9.5 Assignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.6 Destructor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.7 The Big-Three . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.8 Reference parameters and reference return . . . . . . . . . . 9.9 Privacy is class-based, not object-based . . . . . . . . . . .
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10 Operator Overloading 10.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.2 Lead-in Add Functions for Array . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.3 Chaining calls to member functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
10.4 Operators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.5 Member versus Non-member Functions, Conversions 10.5.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.5.2 A String Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.5.3 Member versus Non-member functions . . . 10.5.4 Coercion of Arguments . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.5.5 Constructors for conversion explicit . . . 11 Templates 11.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.2 Template Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.2.1 Overloaded Functions recalled . . . . 11.2.2 Template Function . . . . . . . . . . 11.3 Polymorphism Parametric . . . . . . . . . . 11.4 Template Array . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.4.1 Class declaration and implementation 11.4.2 A simple client program . . . . . . . 12 Array Containers 12.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.2 An Array class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.2.1 Major points to note in Array.h . 12.2.2 Iterators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.3 A Simple Client Program for Array . . . . 12.4 The Big-Three . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.4.1 Defence against naive defaults . . 12.5 Overloading the Stream Output Operator 12.6 std::vector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.6.1 Points to note in vectort1.cpp . .
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13 Linked Lists 13.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.2 A Singly Linked List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.2.1 Class Declaration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.2.2 Dissection of List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.2.3 Class Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.3 A simple List client program . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.4 Doubly Linked List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.4.1 Brief Discussion of the Doubly Linked List 13.4.2 Simple Test Program, ListT1.cpp . . . . . 13.4.3 Doubly Linked List Implementation . . . . 13.5 Arrays versus Linked List, Memory Usage . . . . . 13.6 Arrays versus Linked List, Cache issues . . . . . . .
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A Where do procedural programs come from? A.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A.2 Patterns and Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A.3 Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A.4 Repetition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A.4.1 Sequence of Repetitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . A.4.2 Repetitions of Repetitions Nested Loops . . . A.5 Procedures aka Subprograms, Methods, . . . Functions A.5.1 Without Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A.5.2 Procedures with Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . A.6 Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A.7 Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B Analysis of Algorithms B.1 O Notation (Big-oh) . . . . . B.2 Estimating the Growth Rate of B.2.1 Simple Statements . . B.2.2 Decision . . . . . . . . B.2.3 Counting Loop . . . .
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Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Scope
These are course notes for a lecture series on C++ for Java Programmers, given in second year of of the course BSc in Computer Games Programming, School of Computing, Letterkenny Institute of Technology. This course originated in a course on Object-oriented Programming using C++ developed at University of Ulster during 19971999. In revising the course during 20062009, I have done my best to modernise the C++ to include more the standard library (STL) and other additions to C++ that have occurred since 1999. In that respect, the course is strongly inuenced by (Koenig & Moo 2000) and (Stroustrup 2009). We note that the C++ standard library allows one to program at a much higher level. Roughly translated, higher level means that program statements: (a) do a lot more than the equivalent low level statement; (b) are less error prone; (c) are easier for humans to read and understand. Our chief encounter with standard library features will be in the use of collections like vector and with algorithms with which one can operate on those collections. Java programmers who have used List and ListArray and algorithms such as sort will have no diculty becoming familiar with this aspect of C++. The earlier course contained a few chapters on the principles of object-oriented programming (OOP); Im leaving those out, preferring to believe that students of this course will already know that, or know nothing other than OOP, or will get a dose of OOP theory from some other lecturer. If you participated in the Games Programming 1 team project, you have encountered nearly as many principles of OOP as you will ever need.
Recommended Reading
Programming and Object-oriented Programming through C++
If I had to recommend a teach-yourself modern C++ book, Id go for either (Stroustrup 2009) or (Koenig & Moo 2000). (Glassborow 2006) is also useful. (Dawson 2004) is a good introduction to the basics from a games point of view, 11
If you need a reference on C++, see (Stroustrup 1997a), (Lippman 2005), and (Lischner 2003). The C++ FAQ (Cline, Lomow & Girou 1999a) is useful, and there is an online version (use Google to nd it). I have learned a lot of what I know about OOP and C++ from (Budd 1997a). Budd produces very ne books. I can also recommended his book on Java (Budd 1999b) and his book on general object-orientation (Budd 1997b). Budds book on conversion from C++ to Java (Budd 1999a) is useful for this course. You will already be familiar with Horstmanns book Java Concepts (Horstmann 2005) (or Big Java which is the same with four chapters added). Horstmanns (with Budd) Big C++ (Horstmann & Budd 2005) is a ne book. We note Horstmanns handy website (Horstmann accessed 2006-08-28b) provides another good reference for those who need to move between C++ and Java; and Horstmanns C++ Pitfalls website at (Horstmann accessed 5006-08-28a), though some of the items paint C++ is a very bad light. There are very useful guidelines in: (Meyers 2005) and (Meyers 1996); a companion book (Meyers 2001) covers now the C++ standard library. Regarding the standard library and algorithms, I note that we have a third year module on Algorithms and Data Structures for Games Programmers (Campbell 2009); two of the chapters at the end of these notes overlap with the beginning chapters of the notes for that module.
Standard Library (STL) When Im using the C++ Standard Library (STL) I always have (Reese 2007), (Josuttis 1999), and (Lischner 2003) at my right hand.
Other Books Other top class C++ books that I regularly use are (in no particular order): (Sutter & Alexandrescu 2005) (Dewhurst 2005) (Wilson 2004) (Romanik & Muntz 2003) (Sutter 1999) (Sutter 2002) (Sutter 2004) (Dewhurst 2003) (Josuttis 1999) (Eckel 2000) (Eckel 2003). If you want fancy (general programming) ideas for a nal year project and to see the way C++ and OOP is headed, see: (Alexandrescu 2001) and (Czarnecki & Eisenecker 2000).
The following cover software engineering and design principles applied to games: (McShary 2005) (Dickheiser 2007) (OLuanaigh 2006).
Apart from the good advice in the programming books, see (McConnell 2004) and (Maguire 1993).
Design Patterns
Software design patterns are important. Horstmanns (Horstmann 2006) and (Freeman & Freeman 2004) are good, even though the examples are in Java. See also (Budd 1999b, chapter 5), the original gang-of-four book (Gamma, Helm, Johnson & Vlissides 1995) and (Vlissides 1998).
When we come to OpenGL we will sometimes write C programs; C and C++ are dierent. The way we will do it is learn C++ rst and then pint out the major dierences. (Kernighan & Ritchie 1988) is the bible of C; (Harbison & Steele 2005) is a good reference.
The following are as much on principles and software engineering as on construction of specic games and game components: (McShary 2005), (OLuanaigh 2006) and (Dickheiser 2007). (Dawson 2004) would be a good way to learn basic C++ (i.e. just plain text programming) before getting into the diculties of video games. (Penton 2003) is a good way to learn simple video game programming; at the end of this course we will work on a simple 2D sprite game from that book.
wxWindows (Smart & Csomor 2005) and Qt (Blanchette & Summereld 2008); (Blanchette & Summereld 2008) contains a nice chapter on using OpenGL (the API that we use for our graphics modules) in a Qt framework.
For future reference, I note that specication and correctness are important issues. Meyer uses the contract metaphor Design by Contract (Meyer 1996); see also (Mitchell & McKim 2002), (Tennent 2002) and (Fitzgerald & Larsen 1998).
The rst thing to be done is get comfortable with the basics of C++ and with whatever C++ compiler we choose; we will probably be Visual Studio Express, see chapter 2 and we will use the examples in chapter 2. We will have a quick look at designing procedural programs, see Appendix A.
Then we will look at some more details of C++ up to programming simples classes; then more complex classes: a dynamic array and a linked list. Finally we will look at a C++ version of the game software we nished o with last year, for example Sprites and Animations just to see how C++ handles objects, rather than develop real game code.
Get Started
Objectives Get used to editor, compiler, linker etc. In our case the Visual Studio Express IDE (free) or Visual Studio Professional. Get a simple C++ program running. Dissect this simple C++ program. All the programs in these notes and programs mentioned in practicals and assignments, plus other bits & pieces will be available in my public folder. For example, programs from this chapter will be in P:/cpp4jp/progs/ch02.
The program hello.cpp is a C++ program that prints a simple message on the screen. //----- hello.cpp ---------------------------------//Your first C++ Program illustrating stream output. //------------------------------------------------#include iostream /* this is a begin-end comment*/ int main() std::cout Hello from C++.n; std::cout Hello from C++. std::endl; return 0;
Dissection of hello.cpp 1. Every program must have a function called main, execution starts there. main may call other functions. As with Java or any other high-level language, these functions can be taken from one of the following sources: As written by the programmer in the same le as main. As written by the programmer in separate le(s). Called from predened libraries. 2. C++ allows you to create programs without any class; thus the function main above does not need to be enclosed in a class called Hello; 3. C++ takes the view that main is called by the operating system; the operating system may pass arguments to main, as well as receive return values (e.g. return 0;); however, above, we choose to make main take no arguments either main(), or verbmain(void)+ means takes no arguments. Note, in C, the explicit void is essential if that is what you want. 4. /*... */ is a comment that has start and end delimiters. The C++ standard says that comments cannot be nested. Also, comments like these must be terminated explicitly, i.e. newline does not terminate them this is a common source of compiler errors, and, for the unwary, can be very dicult to trace. 5. // comments end at end of line. 6. iostream is the header for the hierarchy of stream classes which handle buered and unbuered I-O for les and devices. cout is an object, corresponding to the standard output stream. 7. Although you #include iostream which contains declarations of cout and endl, these are contained in what is called a namespace; that namespace is std, for standard library. 8. A namespace is a bit like a Java package, but not completely. 22
9. If you want to avoid using the std:: qualier, you can insert a using namespace std; directive at the top of your program. using namespace std; has some similarities to a Java import. 10. #includes like #include iostream occur rather like Java imports, but, deep down, they are quite dierent. 11. Well not go into the full details of #include and namespace here; they full story will eventually become clear. 12. The topic we are touching on here, but avoiding for the meantime, is called scope; well address that in detail in a later chapter (chapter 5); essentially, the scope of a variable or of a function is the parts of a program where the name of the variable can be used (i.e. is meaningful). Because std is a namespace all the variables and functions in it are hidden to the outside world, except if one uses the qualier std::, or gives the overall directive using namespace std. 13. So the following program is equivalent to the previous hello.cpp. //----- hello.cpp ---------------------------------#include iostream using namespace std; // brings whole std namespace into scope int main() cout Hello from C++.n; cout Hello from C++. endl; return 0; 14. C++ allows you to write functions as operators; so, for example, you can write your own + operator instead of a function called plus. 15. The operator is one such operator; note, it is nothing to do with bit shifting; the bit shifting operator has the same name but it does something very dierent; the program context allows the compiler to select between operators of the same name as context allows resolution between functions of the same name. 16. The operator (call it put to) takes the value that follows it (the string) and puts it to the object cout. 17. Recall Javas System.out.print. cout Hello from C++.n; is very similar to System.out.print(Hello from C++.n); where cout is equivalent to System.out and the method (function) print is equivalent to (the operator) . 23
18. Pronounce as put to. 19. The two output lines are equivalent, except that endl ensures that the stream buer is ushed. 20. The default extension for C++ program source les is .cpp; you will also see .cc used. 21. Header les, e.g. iostream contain function declarations and the like. 22. #include filename simply inserts the contents of lename, replacing the include preprocessor statement. 23. filename tells the pre-processor to search for lename in a system directory. 24. filename tells the pre-processor to search in the current directory, where this source le is. 25. The pre-processor acts on the source le before the compiler. 26. Typically, one has a xxx.h le which contains the declarations for the xxx.cpp le, which contains the executable code (implementation). 27. The xxx.h le is included. It is not compiled separately, though, obviously, it is compiled as part of the program into which it is included. 28. The xxx.cpp le is compiled, and its object code linked. 29. For your own sanity the heading comment should include: Name of the program to correspond to the lename, Authors name even if copied! Date. Brief indication of function and purpose of the program, e.g. assignment number, or project, and what it does. 30. (You already know all this.) Program layout is very important; I suggest two spaces indentation for each block; I suggest that you avoid tabs because the width of tabs are dierent according to dierent editors and printers. Certainly avoid having the program pressed up against the right margin, with all the white space on the left hand side, 31. In the denition of a function, () encloses the argument list; in this case main expects no arguments; (void) denotes takes no arguments, or, as mentioned, empty brackets, () signify the same thing.. 32. However, empty parenthesis () is taken to signify the same thing. Beware, not the case in C!. 33. n represents a single new-line character. 34. is an escape character announces a control character. 35. Other control characters are: t tab. 24
a alert beep, bell. double-quote. r carriage-return. backslash itself. 36. return 0; As mentioned above, in C++, programs can return values to the operating system; in UNIX, 0 signies that the program terminated normally; other values indicate error conditions. This is useful if you intend putting your program in a UNIX shell script; likewise DOS, Windows .bat les. Exercise 1. This may look trivial and boring, but you must complete it before you proceed; doing so will advance you signicantly far up the C++ learning-curve. In fact, when you need to do C programming on an unfamiliar system, it is always a good idea to get hello.cpp working rst just to make sure that you and the system are operating on the same wavelength! Type in the program hello.cpp; Compile it; Build (link) it; notice: link, this is something new in C++; well discuss that, and the related dierences between C++ and Java, in a later chapter. Or, compile & build together; I think we will decide to use the Microsoft Visual Studio Express compiler; Microsoft Visual Studio Professional will also be available, but the advantage of Express is that it is free and therefore available to those of you who have your own computers. Ill give more detailed instructions in the handouts for the rst few practicals. I use Linux and so use the GNU C++ compiler. All programs mentioned in this course will be compilable on any system.
Error signies a serious aw in the source code, which the compiler cannot circumvent. In the event of any error, the compiler can produce no usable object code. Warning, as the name suggests, is the compilers way of saying are you sure about this; examples are: variables dened but never used (fairly benign), type conversions that look a bit aky, etc. I maintain that C and C++ compiler warnings must never be ignored, and insist that students heed this principle, e.g. I refuse to help to check faulty code until the code compiles without warnings. The good news is that C++ has much stricter type checking than C, so that many warnings in C, become errors in C++.
Program ptog.cpp shows some simple arithmetic, involving a function, and a while loop. //----- ptog.cpp ---------------------------//Convert pounds to grams //------------------------------------------#include iostream using namespace std; const double pToG = 453.592; // const == Java final double convert(double p) return p*pToG; int main() int pds = 0; //good idea to always initialise variables cout Input pounds: endl; //really, we should handle input more carefully than this //if you type a number with a fractional part, e.g. 2.5 //you will get an error and odd things will happen //well sort out this later cin pds; while(pds 0) double g = convert(pds); int gint = int(g); // could have used simply gint = g; cout nWeight = gint grams. endl; double k = g/1000; cout nWeight = k Kg. endl; cout Input pounds: endl; cin pds; return 0;
Dissection of ptog.cpp 1. All variables must be declared. They may be declared anywhere before they are used. They stay in scope until the end of the function or block ... in which they were declared. 2. In C declaration can be done only at the beginning of a function or block. 3. Some programmers retain the C style (declarations at beginning); however, when large objects are involved, which may use large complex constructors, declaration at the beginning may 26
avoid duplication of eort because, at the beginning, appropriate initialisation may not be available, and the object will be initialised twice. 4. Built-in types in C++: int: integer, can be 16-bits, usually 32-bits. float: oating point, normally IEEE format, 32 bits. char: single text character; really it is a small integer taking on values in [0..255]; also C++ allows arithmetic on chars. short: short integer, possibly 8 bits, maybe 16. long : long integer 32 bits. double: double precision oating point more signicant digits, larger exponent. C++ allows you to qualify integer types a unsigned, meaning that they range from 0 to some large value; for example a 16-bit unsigned int would range 0 to 65536, whereas a 16-bit int (signed) would range 32768 to +32767. 5. const qualier means compiler disallows modication. 6. pToG is declared outside any function; it has global scope; it also has static lifetime; well discuss lifetime in some detail later. 7. Stream I/O can handle a variety of simple values without needing additional formatting information. 8. Pronounce as get-from standard-input stream, cin. 9. Assignment statement uses =; note possible confusion with test for equality which is == in C++; but, unlike Java, something like if(x = y) is in fact syntactically legal, but most likely a logical error; more later about that. 10. while loop: condition is tested; if condition is true body is executed; go back to beginning; if condition is false execution continues at the statement following the loop. 11. Note the textual layout style used: as mentioned earlier, my suggestion is to indent each block by 2 characters some use the next tab, but with that you very quickly get to the right-hand side of the page; on the other hand, we have to be able see what is part of a block and what isnt. 12. For me it is essential that the closing brace lines up with w of while. 13. Some like to move the begin to the next line to line up with the w of while; Okay by me. 14. Mixing of operands is allowed in C++, e.g. gint=g;; most compilers will generate a warning. Normally, it is good practice to make type conversion explicit, this can be done with a type cast, thus: gint=int(g); 15. More about casts later. 27
Do While
ptog.cpp is better written using do ... while; we can cut out repetition of the input and output. //----- ptogdw.cpp ---------------------------//Convert pounds to grams -- do .. while //------------------------------------------#include iostream using namespace std; const double ptog = 453.592; double convert(double p) return p*ptog; int main() int pds; do cout Input pounds: endl; cin pds; double g; g = convert(pds); cout nWeight = g grams. endl; while (pds 0); return 0;
I doubt if you have covered exceptions yet in Java, but it will happen soon. As I mentioned, if in ptogdw or ptog you type something like 2.5, the program will probably give the answer for 2 and then fail in some way; that is because it attempts to decode . as an int and consequently get confused. The least we can do is detect the failure and inform the user. Later we will show how to make programs like this detect the error and request a new input.
//----- ptogdwe.cpp ---------------------------//Convert pounds to grams -- do .. while, exception //------------------------------------------#include iostream using namespace std; const double ptog = 453.592; double convert(double p) return p*ptog; int main() try int pds = 0; do cout Input pounds: endl; cin pds; if(not cin) throw std::exception(); double g = convert(pds); cout nWeight = g grams. endl; while (pds 0); catch(...) cerr An exception was thrown.n; return 0;
Brief Dissection 1. if(not cin) throw std::exception(); As well as getting data from the input stream, decoding it, and assigning the result to pds, cin also returns a boolean value that is true when cin is in an error-free state; false if in an error state like when it attempts to decode a decimal point in an expected int. 2. if(not cin) tests to see if what is returned is false. 3. if(cin==false) is equivalent; 4. if(!cin) is equivalent; not is relatively new to C++; before we always used !. 5. The two possible values of a boolean variable are true, false. bool is the type name. 6. The exception message is not very helpful, but its a lot better than the program acting like a dog whose toe you trod on. 7. Exceptions are relatively new to C++, so some textbooks may not contain them.
For Loop
A variation on the pounds-to-grams program is shown in program ptogf.cpp. //----- ptogf.cpp ---------------------------//Convert pounds to grams - for loop - table //------------------------------------------#include iostream using namespace std; const double ptog = 453.592; double convert(double p) return p*ptog; int main() cout Pounds ttgrams tt kg. endl; for(int pds = 0; pds 10; pds++) double g=convert(pds); int gint = int(g); cout pds tt gint tt g/1000 endl; return 0;
Dissection 1. Note use of tab t to align the table; this is one occasion where tabs are actually useful. 2. Nothing new here for Java programmers; however, Im going to go into detail just in case people need revision. 3. For statement and loop: 4. There are three statements contained within the (.,.,.) in a for statement: 1 int pds=0 initialisation. 2 pds10 loop continuation test; evaluate the condition if true execute the body otherwise nish. 3 pds++ iteration; do this after the rst iteration; for subsequent loops, do it before evaluation of the continuation condition; 5. That is, for(initialisation; continuation test; iteration); 6. The for(...) body may be a single statement or a block / compound-statement ....
Traditional C would have replaced const float ptog = 453.592; with #define ptog 453.592 The general form of a symbolic denition is: #define symbolic-name replacement-text. Note, no = or ; The C++ preprocessor replaces all occurrences of symbolic-name with replacement-text just like an editor global-replace command. The source code is passed through the preprocessor before it reaches the compiler proper. You can do mighty funny things with the preprocessor, but its wide use is not encouraged in C++. In fact, probably the only valid use is in in connection with header les and the #include directive:
(Well see how much of this section we need to cover; we may run through it rather rapidly. Also, for brevity, Im leaving exceptions out of these programs.) As with C, C++ input-output, including les, deals with streams of characters, or text-streams. This is the UNIX model of les which includes keyboard and screen. A text-stream is a sequence of characters divided into lines. A line is zero or more characters followed by a newline character, n. The standard input-output library must make each input-output stream conform to this model no matter what is in the physical le.
Echoed input. When you type a character on the keyboard, the computer input-output system immediately echoes it to the screen; immediately means before it is presented to the reading program, see buered, below. Incidentally, this means that the input-output system, itself, does not display the typed character what is displayed is what is echoed from the host computer). Buered input. While a program is reading from a keyboard or a le, the computer stores all the input characters in a buer (array) and presents the array (line) of characters to the reading program only after Enter has been typed. 211
Buered output. While output is being produced, the computer stores all the characters in a buer (array) and presents the array (line) of characters to the output device only after new li ne or endl has been reached.
Terminal input-output and I-O Redirection C++, C, and UNIX have unied view of text inputoutput. Reading from the keyboard is like reading from a le device stdin in C. So, when we talk about le I/O below, we include terminal I/O. NB. ctrl-d is end-of-le for a Linux / UNIX keyboard; I think it might be ctrl-z on Windows cmd. If you want to test the programs using les, you can use input-output redirection. Then, $$ prog test.dat (assuming the prompt is $$). reads from test.dat; i.e. the redirects the program to read from the le instead of the keyboard. If you want to send the output to a le, say testout.dat, prog test.dat testout.dat
File copying
Program cio1.cpp shows how to copy from an input le (or keyboard) to an output le (or screen). //----- cio1.cpp -----------------------------------// copy input to output, version 1. // j.g.c. 1/2/97, 2006-09-06 //--------------------------------------------------#include iostream using namespace std; int main() char c; while(cin.get(c)) cout c; return 0; You can execute it simply by cio1 and typing characters. Terminate by ctrl-d end-of-le, but make sure the program is executing before you do this otherwise ctrl-d logs you out! Alternatively, create a le test.dat, e.g. simply use copy cio1.cpp test.dat and then use input-output redirection, see 2.7: cio1 test.dat testout.dat 212
Dissection 1. while(cin.get(c)) both reads the next character into c and tests whether cin.get() returns true OK, or false, indicating some problem, e.g. end-of-le. 2. When false is returned, we quit the loop. 3. C programmers please note, its char c;, not int c;, since in C++, there is no need to code end-of-le in the character itself. What is the problem with cin c as in cio2.cpp? If you run cio2.cpp you will nd that cin c loses white-spaces, i.e. newline, tab, and space itself. //----- cio2.cpp -----------------------------------// copy input to output, version 2, wrong! // j.g.c. 1/2/97, 2006-09-06. //--------------------------------------------------#include iostream using namespace std; int main() char c; while(cin c) cout c; return 0;
Character counting
Program ctch1.cpp shows how to count the characters in the input stream, stopping at end-of-le and presenting the count. //----- ctch1.c ------------------------------------//counts input chars; version 1 // j.g.c. 1/2/97, 2006-09-06 //based on K&R p.18. //--------------------------------------------------#include iostream using namespace std; int main() char c; long nc=0; //long to make sure it is 32-bit int. while(cin c) ++nc; cout nc; return 0;
Dissection 1. ++ operator increment by one; -- is decrement by one. On their own, post-increment ++nc and pre-increment nc++ are equivalent, but give dierent values when used in expressions. E.g. int i,n=6; i=++n; /*POST-increment gives i==7, and n==7*/ but int i,n=6; i=n++; /*POST-increment gives i==6, and n==7*/ 2. long (int) is at least 32 bits long.
Line Counting
Program clines.cpp shows how to count the lines in the input stream, stopping at end-of-le and presenting the count. //----- clines.cpp -----------------------------------// count lines in input. // j.g.c. 1/2/97, 2006-09-06. //--------------------------------------------------#include iostream using namespace std; int main() char c; int nl = 0; while(cin.get(c)) if(c==n)++nl; cout nl endl; return 0;
Dissection 1. if statement: Tests the condition in (..). If true executes statement or group .. following. Otherwise (false) skips them. Or, can add else, e.g. else cout char not a newline; 2. == denotes comparison operator is-equal-to. Caution: = in place of == can be syntactically correct and so need not trapped by compiler a nasty hard-to-nd error results! 3. Character constants, e.g. n represents a char value equal to the value of the character in the machines character set; In ASCII, e.g.: n == 10 decimal, A == 65 decimal. You should never use numeric values, they might change, and render your program non-portable.
Word Counting
For the purposes of this program, a word is any sequence of characters that does not contain a white-space character i.e. blank-space, tab, or new-line. Program clwc.cpp shows how to count lines, words, chars in the input stream, stopping at endof-le and presenting the counts. //----- clwc.cpp -----------------------------------// count lines, words, and chars in input. // as in K&R -- a word is simply some chars delimited by // whitespaces // j.g.c. 1/2/97 //--------------------------------------------------#include iostream using namespace std; int main() char c; int nl,nw,nc; bool out = true; //outside a word nl = nw = nc = 0; while(cin.get(c)) ++nc; if(c==n) ++nl; if(c== c==nc==t) out=true; else if(out) out=false; ++nw; cout nl nw nc endl; return 0;
Dissection 1. nl = nw = nc = 0; In C++, an assignment has a value, i.e. nc=0; has the value 0, which is, in turn, assigned to nw etc.. 2. denotes Boolean or 3. && denotes Boolean and 4. Note form of if...then...else you do not write then. 216
if(expression) statement1 else statement2 As usual statement can be a compound statement ...
Program cdig.cpp shows a program to count the occurrences of each numeric digit, of whitespaces and of all other characters together without using 12 named counters! //----- cdig.cpp -----------------------------------// counts digits, white-spaces, others // after K&R chapter 1 // j.g.c. 2/2/97, 2006-09-06. //--------------------------------------------------#include iostream using namespace std; int main() char c; int i, nWhite = 0, nOther = 0; int nDigit[10]; for(i = 0; i 10; i++) nDigit[i] = 0; //variable need to be explicitly initialised while(cin.get(c)) if(c=0 && c=9) //is it a digit? ++nDigit[c-0]; else if(c== c==nc==t) // a white space? ++nWhite; else ++nOther; //otherwise! cout digit counts = ; for(i = 0;i 10; ++i) cout nDigit[i] , ; coutnWhite spaces nWhitenothers nOther endl; return 0;
Dissection 1. int ndigit[10]; denes an array of 10 ints. 2. Unlike in Java, C++ array is not an object; 3. Notice no int[] nDigit = new int[10]; 4. for(...) loops must go 0,1 . . . 9, since, in C++, array subscripts must start at 0; same as Java. 5. The C++ code pattern to loop over the rst n elements of an array is: for(int i=0; in; i+)+. 218
6. && denotes logical and; same as Java. 7. c-0 assumes that 0, 1, ... 9 have successive values. Actually, there is a function isdigit(char c) which is a better way. If you use isdigit(), you must have #include ctype.h. 8. c-0 is an integer expression so its OK for a subscript. 9. The following is the model for a multi-way decision; you can have any number else if. Note the default. 10. Note: there is no elsif, it is just else followed by another statement, which may be if. if(condition1) statement1; else if(cond2) stmt2; ......... else stmtn; //default -- if none of above true 11. There is another switch-case multi-way construct that we will encounter later. But, anything you can do with it, you can do with an if...else ladder. 12. Note indenting style; all the elses are of equal status, hence they should be aligned; and, we dont want to run o the right-hand edge of the paper.
Program Tr5a.cpp shows a program based on Tr5.cpp from Appendix A, with a few modications. Well use it as a case-study to exemplify many aspects of the use of functions. /*----- Tr5a.cpp --------------------------------j.g.c. 2003/11/29, 2006-09-06. based on Tr5.cpp, see that program for proper comments and analysis --------------------------------------------------*/ #include iostream using namespace std; void nl() cout n; int stars(int n) int nc = 0; for(int i= 0; i n; i++) cout *; nc++; n = n + 10; //just to demonstrate pass by value return nc; int spaces(int n) for(int i= 0; i n; i++) cout ; return n; int main() int h = 5; int nSp = 0; int nSt = 0; int nNl = 0; for(int j= 0; j h; j++) nSp += spaces(h - 1 - j); nSt += stars(j + 1); nl(); ++nNl; int nc = nSp + nSt + nNl; cout Number of characters = nc endl; return 0;
Dissection 1. A function denition consists of: return-type function-name(parameter list -- if any) definitions of local variables; statements; 2. If the function has no parameters, you may use either (void) or () 3. The functions may be all in the same le, along with main, or may be spread across many les. 4. The variable nc is local to stars; it is invisible elsewhere. It is quite distinct from the int nc in main. 5. Unless the function returns a value (some dont) return is not essential, but if the function declaration indicates that the function returns a value, then there must be an appropriate return statement. 6. The calling function may ignore the returned value. 7. The default for arguments in C++ is pass-by-value. Notice that n = n + 10; // pass-by-value+ has no effect on the variables in main Of course, this is the same as C++. When we get to objects, we will see that C++ passes by value too (the full object); that will be discussed in detail later.
Declaration of functions
Program Tr5b.cpp shows a version with altered layout; here weve kept main at the beginning, and functions at the end; consequently, weve had to declare functions stars etc. before they are called. C++ demands that functions be declared before they are called. /*----- Tr5b.cpp --------------------------------j.g.c. 2003/11/29, 2006-09-06. based on Tr5a.cpp --------------------------------------------------*/ #include iostream using namespace std; void nl(); int stars(int n); int spaces(int n); int main() int h = 5; int nSp = 0; int nSt = 0; int nNl = 0; for(int j= 0; j h; j++) nSp += spaces(h - 1 - j); nSt += stars(j + 1); nl(); ++nNl; int nc = nSp + nSt + nNl; cout Number of characters = nc endl; return 0; void nl() cout n; int stars(int n) int nc = 0; for(int i= 0; i n; i++) cout *; nc++; n = n + 10; //just to demonstrate pass by value return nc; int spaces(int n) for(int i= 0; i n; i++) 222
cout ; return n;
Dissection 1. int stars(int n) declares the type of stars; this is called the prototype for stars; 2. int stars(int n) is a declaration; declares the type of stars; 3. On the other hand, int stars(int n) int nc = 0; for(int i= 0; i n; i++) cout *; nc++; return nc; is a denition of stars; denes what it does; like assigning a value to a variable; 4. int i declares the type of i; i = 10 gives it a value (denes it). 5. stars has type: int - int; it takes an int and returns an int; 6. nl has type: void - void; takes an empty argument list and returns nothing; 7. Parameter names in prototypes are neither signicant nor necessary. But, they can provide good documentation. 8. e.g. int stars(int n) and int stars(int) are equivalent. 9. Normally, it is a good idea to split a program into modules (dierent les), e.g. the stars and spaces functions weve written may be tested and stable, whilst the main program is subject to change; its nonsensical to have to re-compile the functions each time, and while they are in a le thats subject to change, we have no guarantee that errors or other changes could be introduced to them; so well put them in a separate le funs.cpp.
Program Tr5c.cpp shows the new main program; here, we #include the function declarations in funs.h, but N.B. not their denitions / implementations). Now, the program and functions are compiled and loaded using: Notice that .cpp les are compiled, and not #included. .h les, on the contrary, are #included, but not separately compiled; (a compiler may choose to (pre-)compile .h header les, but thats an optimisation that well ignore here. /*----- Tr5c.cpp --------------------------------j.g.c. 2003/11/29, 2006-09-06. based on Tr5b.cpp, split into modules / files. --------------------------------------------------*/ #include funs.h using namespace std; int main() int h = 5; int nSp = 0; int nSt = 0; int nNl = 0; for(int j= 0; j h; j++) nSp += spaces(h - 1 - j); nSt += stars(j + 1); nl(); ++nNl; int nc = nSp + nSt + nNl; cout Number of characters = nc endl; return 0; Files funs.h and funs.cpp show, respectively, the function declarations and the denitions (implementations). /*------ funs.h --------------------used by Tr5c.cpp j.g.c. 2006-09-06 ------------------------------------*/ #ifndef FUNSH #define FUNSH #include iostream //good idea to have this here, funs.cpp needs it void nl(); int stars(int n); int spaces(int n); #endif 224
/*------ funs.cpp --------------------used by Tr5c.cpp j.g.c. 2006-09-06 ------------------------------------*/ #include funs.h using namespace std; void nl() cout n; int stars(int n) int nc = 0; for(int i= 0; i n; i++) cout *; nc++; n = n + 10; //just to demonstrate pass by value return nc; int spaces(int n) for(int i= 0; i n; i++) cout ; return n;
Dissection 1. When using a library or external module, you must get into the habit of producing a header .h le that contains declarations of the functions. 2. Not unreasonably, C++ demands that you declare functions before you call them. 3. The prototypes of standard library functions and standard classes are contained in header les, e.g. iostream is just an ordinary text le containing the stream classes and functions. 4. .h les get compiled as part of any le in which they are included. Recall, the C++ Preprocessor executes all # commands before the compiler proper sees the source code. When you have separate modules or compilation units, obviously, the compilation & linking procedure must be modied. More of this in section 2.10.4. Im going to use command line here; the same will happen in Visual Studio, but the details will be hidden.
Creation of Executables
Some Basics Compiling and Linking
Source programs like Tr5b.cpp, Tr5c.cpp etc. are not directly executable. There are a number of stages in creation of the executable, and executing it.
The rst stage of creating an executable is to compile Tr5c.cpp into object code.
g++ -c Tr5c.cpp g++ -c funs.cpp This compiles and puts the object code into a les Tr5b.o and funs.o. This object code is essentially machine code. It has most the building blocks, except the system code, which is in libraries.
Linking The second stage is to link the machine code in Tr5c.o with appropriate library code: the put the building blocks together. This produces the executable le Tr5c, or Tr5c.exe in Windows.
Execution Tr5c.
This reads the contents of exe into memory, and starts execution at an appropriate start address.
Compilation & Linking Summary The situation may be made more clear-cut if we look at the two module program Tr5c.cpp, funs.cpp. Recall, g++ -c Tr5c.cpp g++ -c funs.cpp # yields Tr5c.o # - funs.o # yields executable Tr5c
+----------+ library +----------+ compiler +---------+ g++ -c +--------+ Tr5c. +----------------------- Tr5c.o cpp +---------+ +--------+ +---------+ g++ -c +--------+ funs.cpp +--------- funs.o +---------+ +--------+ V V V +--------------------------------+ linker +--------------------------------+ V executable: Tr5c.exe
Other Libraries
Not all system functions are in the default libraries that are searched by g++ and ld. For example, maths functions like sqrt. If you were to call sqrt in Tr5c, you would have to explicitly mention the mathematics library, using -lm: g++ -o Tr5c.exe Tr5c.cpp funs.cpp -lm You must also remember to #include the appropriate header le, e.g. #include math.h. Likewise for libraries to do with OpenGL functions.
In section 2.9.2, the code for stars, spaces, and nl is linked statically, i.e. the object code for each of the functions is copied into the le Tr5c.exe. For common functions like cin.get this can become wasteful; hence shared libraries, in which the linker inserts just a pointer to shared code that is already in the operating system. Windows DLLs are a bit like this. 227
When you get to more complicated systems of multi-module programs, the utility make can become useful. In fact, IDEs like Visual Studio often use make to do a build. make is like Ant that we used with Java projects. make executes the le Makefile; i.e. the same as Ant executing build.xml; but maybe you never noticed that. The following shows a Makefile for Tr5c.cpp. CC = g++ -W -Wall -ansi -pedantic -Wformat-nonliteral -Wcast-align -Wpointer-arith -Winline -Wundef -Wcast-qual -Wshadow -Wconversion -Wwrite-strings -ffloat-store -O2 all: Tr5c funs.o: funs.cpp funs.h Tr5c.o: Tr5c.cpp funs.h Tr5c: Tr5c.o funs.o test: all ./Tr5c clean: rm -f *.o * *.t *.gch *.exe Tr5c
The standard practice is to name this le Makefile, then invoking make causes exe to be built: all programs compiled and linked. Make takes care of dependencies, e.g. if funs.o and funs.o already exist, make will not recompile them. On the other hand, if they exist, but if, say, Tr5c.cpp has changed since the last compilation to Tr5c.o, then make will recompile Tr5c.cpp, but not funs.c. In the example above, make clean will delete the .o les, and other temporaries and executables. Make is very much part of UNIX and Linux; its handy to know that it exists, for if you ever download a program for Linux as source (need to be compiled and built), you will encounter a Makefile. Another point, because of its complex syntax, people rarely create a Makefile from scratch; nd a template Makefile (one that works!) that is close to what you require and change bits to suit. Be careful with the places where the TAB syntax matters. 228
Interpreted Languages
The chief dierence between a compiler and an interpreter is as follows. A compiler translates from one language source to some other object language. At its simplest, an interpreter takes a program and executes it. When you create an interpreted language program (lets call the language Basic, you get a choice: you can compile and create an .exe le much as described above. If you run the Basic program in interpreted mode, then something quite dierent happens. There is an interpreter program (lets call it basinterp) which reads the source and executes it directly. basinterp has its own fetch-decode-execute cycle running. We have something like the following, grossly simplied, assuming that we are dealing only with instructions of the form result = num1 operation num2 . int operand1, operand2, result; String line; f= open(prog1.bas); while(NOT end-of-file(f)) line = readLine(f); /*fetch next line*/ decode line to produce: - operation - operand1, operand 2 /* execute */ if(operation==+)result= operand1 + operand2; else if(operation==-)result= operand1 - operand2; else if(operation==/)result= operand1 / operand2; else if(operation==*)result= operand1 * operand2; else if(operation==F)result= fred(operand1, operand2); else /* etc */ assign res to actual result variable. and go back for more ...
Java is interpreted, but its interpretation is a little dierent from that described for Basic. Java programs go through a compiler and an interpreter. When you compile a Java program (e.g. prog1.java), you produce a le prog1.class which contains Java byte-code. Java byte-code 229
is sort-of like machine code, which is interpreted by a Java interpreter program called Java Virtual Machine(JVM). So, we have a Java compiler, which produces the byte-code; then we have the Java interpreter program, the JVM, which applies its version of the fetch-decode-execute cycle; Of course, the Java Virtual Machine is software. Since the JVM is software, any computer can execute Java byte-code as long as they have the JVM interpreter program. From the point of view of Operating Systems, you could think of the JVM as another layer on top of the operating system, and below the applications. Indeed, the JVM provides operating-system-like facilities, like support for concurrency (multitasking). Another operating-system-like facility provided by the JVM is its treatment of applets. Applets are Java byte-code (executable) programs meant primarily for downloading over the Internet by web-browsers and executed directly by the browser running the JVM. Now, this would normally be a recipe for disaster, and you would fear all sorts of viruses and malicious programs. However, rather like an operating system with its privileged and user modes, the JVM has a special mode for executing applets. For example, applets may not access disk les.
You will notice that a Java .class le may be a lot smaller than the equivalent C++ executable. This is because Java does not build a great big executable that contains everything including local and system library code; Java keeps the class les separate and loads them into memory only as needed dynamic linking.
A JVMs runs on a single machine. In these days of the Internet, people and enterprises often want to do something called distributed computing, i.e. a set of cooperating processes, (see Operating Systems course), executing on separate machines connected via a network (such as the Internet). This is all the easier if the processes are all running on JVMs. Add a bit of Internet glue and you have J2EE. Where are Microsoft in all this? When Java (developed and owned by Sun Microsystems) became successful, Microsoft did not like it. They attempted to create an extended Java of their own; but Sun forbade them. Then came the success of Java distributed computing. So Microsoft designed their own version of J2EE called .NET. C# (pronounced C-sharp) is Microsofts attempt at Java. Like Java, C# is compiled to a sort of byte-code, and executed on a virtual machine. The is a .NET version of VisualBasic.
If you think about it, in computing, interpreters (in general) crop up everywhere. In addition to the examples we have mentioned: 230
The operating system shell (e.g. Windows cmd) fetches and decodes your commands, and then gets the kernel to do the executing; The hardware processor itself is an interpreter; in fact, if you look at the microprogram that runs Mac-1, you will clearly see that the program performs a fetch-decode-execute cycle. And even if the processor is controlled by hardware rather than a microprogram, then the hardware will, in its own way, be performing interpretation.
This chapter has given a quick tour of C++ syntax, certain basic facilities, and compilation and linking and make.
This chapter discusses the elementary types provided by C++ (int, float etc.), together with operators and expressions involving them. We call these built-in types to distinguish them from types formed by classes. We mention also the standard library types (C++ classes) string (very like Javas String) and vector (very like Javas ArrayList). We leave record (aggregate) types, i.e. structs), until a later chapter.
Variable names
A variable name is made up of letters and digits; it must start with a letter; underscore is also allowed. Note C++ keywords, you cannot use them for names, though they can be part of names. The world of programming is sharply divided by peoples preferences in variable naming, especially, multi-word names; some choices: (i) Underscore separators, e.g. multiwordname; (ii) Uppercase for inner names, e.g. multiWordName; (iii) Hungarian notation favoured by Microsoft, which is a special case of (ii), with the rst few letters used to code the type and any special use of the variable. I now prefer (ii), with partial use of (iii) for pointers each pointer name begins in p. Note that style and consistency aect readability and that is as important as syntactic correctness. C++ is case sensitive. Although case has no syntactic signicance, typical uses of case are: As above, lower-case for rst word, upper-case for leading letter of remaining words if any; 31
Upper-case for leading letter of class names. Upper-case for all letters of #define symbolic-constant, e.g. #define BIGNUM 1000. For class data members, I follow the FAQ (Cline, Lomow & Girou 1999b) and use a trailing underscore, e.g. int sec;.
The C++ built-in type system is less rich than some other programming languages. If we ignore pointers, there are just two basic categories: Integer types, which represent whole numbers, both positive and negative. Floating point types, which represent numbers that have fractional parts. Within these two categories, the dierent types dier only by the range of numbers represented which depends on the size of the representation (number of bytes / bits used) and whether the representation is signed or unsigned. In allowing the signed qualier, C++ departs from what you are accustomed to in Java.
Integer types
Integer types can be either signed (default) or unsigned. A signed type has the range [min..max], e.g. signed char [-128..+127]; an unsigned has the range [0..max], signed char [0..+255]. signed is the default, so that char c has the range [-128..127]. char. Typically represented by a byte (8-bits). Suitable for holding single text characters or small integers. Hence, there is nothing to stop you doing arithmetic on them. int. Typically represented by either 16-bits (range [-32,768..+32,767]) or 32-bits. Again, signed is the default, so that signed int i; is equivalent to int i; long int, or simply long. Typically represented by 32-bits. As usual, signed is the default. bool. Also an integer type. Although bool has values false, true, C++ does little to disguise that these are represented by values 0, 1, respectively. If you assign a bool to an int, you get either 0 or 1. If you assign an int to a bool, any value other than 0 will convert to true, while 0 will convert to false. This is demonstrated by program bool.cpp.
//----- bool.cpp ---------------------------------// tests bool type. // j.g.c. 9/2/97, 7/2/99, 2006-09-13 //------------------------------------------------#include iostream using namespace std; int main() bool b; int i; b = true; cout bool b = true: b endl; b = false; cout bool b = false: b endl; b += 22; cout b+=22: b endl; i = false + 22; cout i=false+22: i endl; i = true + 22; cout i=true+22: i endl; return 0; Output. bool b = true: 1 bool b = false: 0 b+=22: 1 i=false+22: 22 In general, in C++ you must be careful about overowing integer types. In the example shown in program char.cpp, the variable unsigned char u increments satisfactorily between 0 and 255. But char c and signed char s go badly wrong at 127; if you are careless of problems like this, they can lead to very confusing errors. //----- char.cpp ---------------------------------// tests overflow of char, unsigned char and signed char. // also shows some limits // j.g.c. 2006-09-13 //------------------------------------------------#include iostream 33
#include climits #include cfloat using namespace std; int main() char c,x; unsigned char u; signed char s; int i; cout CHARMAX = CHARMAX endl; cout CHARMIN = CHARMIN endl; cout SCHARMAX = SCHARMAX endl; cout SCHARMIN = SCHARMIN endl; cout UCHARMAX = UCHARMAX endl; cout SHRTMAX = SHRTMAX endl; cout SHRTMIN = SHRTMIN endl; cout INTMAX = INTMAX endl; cout INTMIN = INTMIN endl; cout INTMAX = UINTMAX endl; cout FLTMAX = FLTMAX endl; cout FLTMIN = FLTMIN endl; cout DBLMAX = DBLMAX endl; cout DBLMIN = DBLMIN endl; for(i=s=c=u=0; i16;i++) for(int j=0;j16;j++,u++,c++,s++) cout u = int(u); cout , c = int(c); cout , s = int(s) endl; cout type any char + enter:; // just to pause the loop cin x; return 0; At the beginning, everything goes ne: u = 0, c = 0, s = 0 u = 1, c = 1, s = 1 u = 2, c = 2, s = 2 ... 34
u = 14, c = 14, s = 14 u = 15, c = 15, s = 15 type any char + enter: But when we get to 127 odd things happen: u = 125, u = 126, u = 127, type any u = 128, u = 129, u = 130, c = 125, s = 125 c = 126, s = 126 c = 127, s = 127 char + enter:c c = -128, s = -128 c = -127, s = -127 c = -126, s = -126
Floating-point types
float. Typically 32-bit IEEE oating point. double. Typically 64-bit IEEE oating point. These are always signed.
Implementation Dependencies
climits, cfloat contain symbolic constants that specify the limits and sizes of the integer and oating point types on the current implementation, see char.cpp above. If you really want to bullet-proof your software against diering representations to make it portable you may need to know about these.
A reference, serves as an alternative name for the object with which it has been initialised. The denition of a reference must specify an initialisation. Example: int x = 10; //plain int int& r = x; //reference x is dened as an ordinary int; subsequently, r is dened as a reference, and initialised with x. Think back to Java.
String s = new String(Hello); // s is a reference to an object // containing Hello; String t = s; // t is a reference to the same object Dening a reference without initialisation results in a compiler error: int& r; //compiler error: reference not initialised All operations applied to the reference act on the variable to which it refers, i.e. the same as with Java objects: r = r+ 2; adds 2 to x, now x == 12. Thus, a reference is a true alias; since most computer science warns of the problems of aliases, why references? The only valid use for references that I have come across is in reference parameter passing in functions. Recall that C++ defaults to pass-by-value / pass-by-copy, so that in the example below, the parameters a, b are copies of the actual arguments: any alteration of a, b will not be reected in the calling program. However, c is dierent, it is a reference which is initialised with the actual parameter. Hence, c is an alias for the actual parameter, and any changes to c, will also be changes to the actual argument in the calling program. void addf(float& c, float a, float b) c = a + b; float x= 1.3, y= 4.5, z= 10.2; addf(z, x, y); // now z== 5.8 Reference parameters have an additional advantage that they remove any performance penalty caused by passing (copying) large objects. In such a case, some safety can be ensured: if a reference parameter is not modied within the function, it can be declared with the const modier.
For any type T, the denition T a[n]; denes an array containing n elements of type T. e.g. float x[10];//10 floats. Array elements are indexed as, e.g x[5] = 5.0 places 5.0 in the fth element of x[]; but fth only if you start counting at zeroth: the indices of float x[10] go 0, 1, . . . , 8, 9. The C++ idiom for traversing such an array is: 36
Multi-dimensional arrays
int j[4][15];
declares an array with 4 elements, and each of these is itself an array of 15 ints. The tenth element of the second (again counting from zero!) is indexed as: j[2][10] N.B. NOT j[2,10]. Unfortunately, the latter is legal, but a dierent thing altogether.
Pointers and arrays As noted in section 3.6.1, in C++ pointers and arrays are very closely related. In fact, the previous fragment can legally be replaced by for(int i=0; i10; i++) *(x+i) = float(i); But try to avoid this style it makes your program hard to read, and it does not make it run faster.
Arrays as function parameters When an array, e.g. int a[10] is passed to a function, e.g. fred(a), it decays to a pointer; this is one way of viewing the fact that arrays are not passed by value.
In any high-level language, pointers are something of a necessary evil. In some languages, their role is quite restricted: they are used only as a method of accessing memory allocated dynamically o the heap, the pointer is used as a reference for the allocated memory which is otherwise anonymous. Java has managed to avoid them altogether because, in Java, all identiers, except those which identify elementary variables (int, float, etc.) are references (rather than values). In C++, a pointer can point to any sort of memory, they are the C++ embodiment of machine language addresses. It is common to use the term address as a synonym for pointer ; nevertheless, taken literally, this is usually unhelpful. 37
For many reasons, including the syntax for declaring them, pointers in C++ and C are known to be dicult and error prone. There are two primary uses for pointers in C++: As references for anonymous memory allocated dynamically o the heap using operator new; in C, the equivalent is malloc. In C++, as in C, pointers are closely related to arrays. For example, as already mentioned in the previous section, when an array is passed to a function the array reference decays to a pointer. There are other cases where arrays and pointers are indistinguishable, but to dwell on this matter would introduce unnecessary detail and possibly recommend bad habits. In C, pointers had to be used to provide a sort of programmed pass-by-reference for functions. Fortunately, C++ has references, see above, which are much more suitable for this purpose.
Pointers are dened as in the example below: int* pi; // pi is of type: pointer-to-int float* pf; // pf is of type: pointer-to-float char* s; // s is of type: pointer-to-char It is most important to realise that there are two parts to a pointer type declaration: The fact that it is a pointer. Its base type, e.g. pi pointer-to-int.
Reference Operator & When applied to a variable, & generates a pointer-to the variable. Some books say address-of Okay so long as you dont take it too literally, e.g. attempt to use the address as a numeric address; this may be more natural, owing to the aampersand sign. Example: int* p; int c; p = &c; // causes p to point-to c.
Dereference operator * * dereferences a pointer, i.e. it obtains the value of variable / object that a pointer points-to it simply reverses the action of &; i.e. d = *(&c); is equivalent to d = c;. Example: int* p; int c, d; p = &c; d = *p; //d now has the same value as c.
Beware of Confusion
Declare pointer-to in a declaration, e.g. int* p;. p is a pointer. Dereference in an expression, e.g. int i = *p;. p is a pointer, but *p is an int! is most confusing to those new to C++ and C.
Uninitialised and dangling pointers Dening a pointer creates the pointer itself, but it does not create the object pointed-to. Moreover, dening a pointer does not initialise it, hence it can point anywhere. Thus, int *p; creates a pointer, which is initialised to some random value, i.e. it could point at a location in free memory, part of your program, or anywhere. Now, *p=10; causes the value 10 to be written to the location p points to. Unless this is free memory, this may cause your world as you know it may come to an abrupt end. Fortunately, the memory management of Linux will usually trap a severe violation, resulting in program halt and the message segmentation error. A dangling pointer is similar in eect. Consider the function fred: int* fred(int a) int* p; int b; /*fred returns a pointer to int */
int*pa; int c,d; ... pa=fred(c); This looks ne, but, whenever control returns from fred to its calling point, b gets destroyed; consequently, pa points to something that doesnt exist.
As mentioned in section 3.6.1, pointers are sometimes used interchangeably with arrays; not the best thing, but it happens and you must be able to read code that does it. Example. int* pi; int x, z[10]; pi x pi x = = = = &z[0]; /*pi points to the first element of z*/ *(pi+2); /*same as x=z[2]*/ pi+4; /*pi now points at z[4]*/ *pi; /* x gets z[4] */
It is crucial to understand that pi=pi+4 doesnt add 4 to whatever address value of pi; if you must think in addresses, it adds 4 x sizeof(int) to pi, where sizeof(int) gives the size of the memory cell used by int. So, if you increment a pointer p that points to a float (say), or. more properly an array of float, then the compiler will increment p appropriately. Note: &z[4] and z+4, have exactly the same pointer values.
Strings in C++
In C, there is no native text-string type; and that was also the case in C++ until ten years ago. The was a convention to use a null-terminated (0) array of char; these we call a C-strings; C-strings present some problems, all of them to do with Cs (and C++s) low level view of arrays, see section 3.6.1. The C++ standard library has improved the situation by including a string class, which provides a much safer and higher-level text-string implementation. I will introduce standard string in the subsection following. I advise that standard string be used where possible, but for the sake of tradition and because there are situations where they may still be heavily used, Id better cover C-strings in some detail. 310
We note again that C-string, e.g. this is a string, is not a native type. There are two sets of support for this convention: The strXXX functions, whose prototypes are in cstring, that use null-terminated character arrays as strings, eg. strlen(s) returns the length of s, i.e. the number of characters up to the null terminator. Strings delimited by double-quotes, e.g. qwerty, are accepted as string constants. char s[] = qwerty; is represented in memory as seven characters: q w e r t y 0; dont forget the 0 a very common error. We have not yet covered pointers, but it is worth pointing out that char *s; has a lot in common with char s[7]; Example: char s[10]; s[0]=a; s[1]=b; cout s endl;
causes ab to be printed on the screen. Note that, string = ab; is not allowed, because whole arrays cannot be assigned, instead, you must use strcpy(string,ab); The following example implementations of strcpy, show, not only how null-terminated char arrays as used as strings, but also how char s[]; and char* s; are used interchangeable. char* == string is such an idiom in C++ and C that char * is synonymous with string. Nevertheless, we will have cause to develop a String class, with more secure properties. Simple char array. /*--- copies f(from) to t(to) ----*/ void strcpy(char t[], char f[]) int i=0; char c; 311
c=f[i]; t[i]=c; while(c!=0) c=f[i]; t[i]=c; i=i+1; Using a common C / C++ idiom. void strcpy(char t[], char f[]) int i=0; while((t[i]=f[i])!=0) i++; Using pointers. void strcpy(char *t, char *f) while((*t=*f)!=0) t++; f++; Fancier still, and more cryptic. void strcpy(char *t, char *f) while((*t++=*f++)!=0) ; Finally making use of the fact that 0 has the value 0 and that 0 is false. void strcpy(char *s, char *t) while(*s++=*t++) ; When using character arrays as strings, you must take the utmost care to ensure that you do not overow the array. Indeed, it is a common error to treat an uninitialised char pointer (see above) as a character array / string the problem is that, whilst it is acceptable as the equivalent to an array, it is of zero length! 312
As mentioned in the previous subsection, standard string is now, with the advent of the Standard Library, becoming a more common way of handling text-strings. Since string is a class, we again touch on classes before we have dealt with them in detail. But dont worry, except for a minor point, string can be treated largely like a native type. In chapter 13, we will mention the development of our own string class. Program hellostd.cpp shows a version of Hello, world! that uses the standard string. //----- hellostd.cpp -----------------------------//Hello, World using Std lib. string //j.g.c. 5/1/98 //------------------------------------------------#include iostream using namespace std; int main() string s1=Hello; string s2=world; string s3; cout s1 endl; cout s2 endl; cout s3 endl; s3= s1 + s2; cout s3 endl; s3+= s1; cout s3 endl; return 0;
Dissection of hellostd.cpp 1. string s1=Hello; denes an object s1 that is an instance of standard class string. It initialises it with Hello. Hello happens to be a C-string, but C++ can handle the conversion just as it can convert int to float. 2. string s3; denes a string s3 and initialises it to an empty string. 3. cout s1 endl; writes s1 to the screen. We will see more details of this later, but suce to say that string provides an overloading of the operator ; similarly .
4. s3= s1+ s2; and s3+= s1; are further examples of operator overloading, in this case + is overloaded as a concatenation operator.
The name vector here has almost nothing to do with the vectors that we use in graphics. In addition to string and a pile of other useful types, the C++ standard library includes an array class called vector. Java programmers should think of ArrayList. In general, vector is a lot safer to use than a built-in array. When you declare a vector container you must declare the type of its contents, for example, vectordouble v1;, i.e. the declaration has a type parameter. The use of the type parameter is an example of something called template in C++ and generic in Java. The next section contains a brief introduction to templates. The program below gives a comparison of built-in arrays with vectors; it show also how to use iterator s and the sort algorithm. //------ VectorTest2.cpp -------------------------// tests of std::vector // j.g.c. 2003/02/20, 2006-09-13 //------------------------------------------------#include iostream // for cout etc. #include algorithm // for sort #include vector #include cstdlib // for rand using namespace std; int main() const int n= 10; unsigned int rnseed= 139; double d[n]; srand(rnseed); // initialise random number generator. //cout Max. random number= RANDMAX endl; for(int i= 0; i n; i++) d[i]= (double)rand()/(double)RANDMAX; // numbers in 0.0 to 1.0 cout nArray of random numbersn endl; for(int i= 0; i n; i++) cout d[i] ; cout endl; vectordouble v1; for(int i= 0; i n; i++) v1.pushback(d[i]); cout nIterating through vector, one way n endl; vectordouble::iterator iter; 314
for(iter = v1.begin(); iter!= v1.end(); iter++) cout *iter ; cout endl; cout nIterating through vector, another way n endl; for(int i = 0; i n; i++) cout v1[i] ; cout endl; sort(v1.begin(), v1.end()); cout nSorted vectorn endl; for(int i = 0; i n; i++) cout v1[i] ; cout endl; reverse(v1.begin(), v1.end()); cout nReverse sorted vectorn endl; for(int i = 0; i n; i++) cout v1[i] ; cout endl; cout nFront, back elements of vector, and size()n endl; cout v1.front() v1.back() v1.size(); cout endl; cout nYou can modify the vector (x 10.0)n endl; for(int i = 0; i n; i++) v1[i] = v1[i]*10.0; for(unsigned int i = 0; i v1.size(); i++) cout v1[i] ; cout endl; cout nYou can have vectors of stringsn endl; vector string v2; v2.pushback(The); v2.pushback(quick); v2.pushback(brown); v2.pushback(fox); v2.pushback(jumped); v2.pushback(over); v2.pushback(the); v2.pushback(lazy); v2.pushback(dogs); v2.pushback(back); for(unsigned int i = 0; i v2.size(); i++) cout v2[i] ; 315
cout endl; sort(v2.begin(), v2.end()); cout nSortedn endl; for(unsigned int i = 0; i v2.size(); i++) cout v2[i] ; cout endl; cout nYou can assign vectors n endl; vectorstring v12 = v2; for(unsigned int i = 0; i v12.size(); i++) cout v2[i] ; cout endl; cout nYou can remove elements from vectors n endl; remove(v12.begin(), v12.end(), lazy); for(unsigned int i = 0; i v12.size(); i++) cout v12[i] ; cout endl; cout nYou can search vectors n endl; vectorstring::iterator it; it= find(v12.begin(), v12.end(), fox); cout*it endl; cout n... and then erase that element n endl; v12.erase(it); for(unsigned int i = 0; i v12.size(); i++) cout v12[i] ; cout endl; vectorstring v22; cout nYou can copy using copy, but use resize first n endl; v22.resize(4); copy(v12.begin(), v12.begin()+3, v22.begin() ); for(unsigned int i = 0; i v22.size(); i++) cout v22[i] ; cout endl; vector vectorstring vv; cout nYou can have vectors of vectors, but use in decl. n endl; vv.pushback(v2); vv.pushback(v12); 316
vv.pushback(v22); for(unsigned int i = 0; i vv.size(); i++) cout vector i: ; for(unsigned int j = 0; j vv[i].size(); j++) cout vv[i][j] ; cout endl; cout endl; return 0;
When you declare a vector container you must declare the type of its contents, for example, vectordouble v1;, i.e. the declaration has a type parameter. The use of the type parameter is an example of something called template in C++ and generic in Java. This section contains a brief introduction to templates. The major use of templates is in collection classes; we are not yet ready to develop our own collection class, so for the meanwhile well have to get by with the template examples here and in the section that introduces vector (section 3.9).
Template Functions
Overloaded Functions The two overloaded swap functions shown below clearly invite use of a type parameter. void swap(int& a, int& b) int temp = a; a = b; b = temp; void swap(float& a, float& b) int temp = a; a = b; b = temp;
Overloading function names Ad Hoc Polymorphism The overloading of function names is yet another example of polymorphism, in this case called ad hoc polymorphism. It is called ad hoc because, even though the name of the function (swap) is the same, there is nothing to ensure that they are similar in other than name; e.g. we could dene int swap(String s) which gives the length of the String!
Template Function A template version of swap is shown below: template class T void swap(T& p, T& q) T temp = p; p = q; q = temp; The program swapt.cpp shows use of this swap. Here, we are able to swap ints, floats, and String objects. In the case of user dened classes, the only requirement is that the assignment operator = is dened. //--- swapt.cpp ---------------------------// j.g.c. 10/4/97, 2/5/98, 14/1/99 //-------------------------------------------#include iostream #include string // using std string template class T void swap(T& p, T& q) T temp = p; p = q; q = temp; int main() int a = 10, b = 12; float x = 1.25, y = 1.30; cout a, b = a b endl; swap(a, b); cout a, b (swapped) = a b endl; cout x, y = x y endl; swap(x, y); cout x, y (swapped) = x y endl; string s1(abcdef), s2(1234); cout s1 = s1 endl; cout s2 = s2 endl; swap(s1, s2); cout swapped: ; cout s1 = s1 endl; cout s2 = s2 endl; return 0;
Polymorphism Parametric
Templates are another form of polymorphism; using templates one can dene, for example a polymorphic List a List of int, or float, or string, etc... Likewise we can dene a polymorphic swap. Unlike the polymorphism encountered in chapter 11 (Person and Cell class hierarchies), the type of each instance of a generic unit is specied at compile time statically. Hence, the polymorphism oered by templates is called parametric polymorphism.
1234 is an int; 123456L (or l) is long. 0x42 is hexadecimal; 037 is octal. x is signed char. x is a string constant, see above. Mixing up x and x is a common error and can be dicult to trace. 123.4 is double, i.e. oating-point constants default to double.
In C++ and C, it is common to make a distinction between declaration and denition. A declaration declares the properties of a variable or function. A denition both declares and allocates space for variables, or declares a function and denes it what does.
const qualier Declaring a variable const means it cannot be the target of an assignment; eg. const int limit = 999;, any later statement of the form limit = ... will generate a compiler error.
Arithmetic Operators
+, -, *, /, %+; % is modulus remainder after division; e.g. 5%3 - 2. / is division; it means something dierent (or sort of dierent) whether we are using it on int or float; in integer, it truncates the result; e.g. 5/3 - 1.
Relational operators
, =, , =, ==, !=
Logical operators
on logical (bool):
C, and to a lesser extent, C++, are quite liberal about mixed-mode expressions, there is automatic promotion from narrower to wider ; the promotion ranking is something like: char, int, long, float, double. In an expression, or a sub-expression delimited by ( ... ), all components are implicitly cast to the widest type that is present in the expression. It is often better, from the point of view of readability and for debugging, to use an explicit type conversion, e.g. float(2).
Casts versus conversion functions Whilst C used cast operators, e.g (float)2, C++ has, in addition, conversion functions, e.g. float(2). C++ has other casts that we will deal with later.
For most binary operators, e.g. +, -, *, /, there is a corresponding assignment operator. Thus, i+=2; is equivalent to i=i+2;. The general form is op=, where op is one of: +, -, *, /, %, , , &, , .
The pre-increment expression ++n is equivalent to n+=1 (see above), which in turn is equivalent to n = n + 1. Recall: any assignment statement is also an expression, e.g. a = b = 0; The post-increment expression n++ is dierent, but only subtly. Compare:
n = 5; n = 5; x = n++; x = ++n; //here x==5 the old value //here x==6 the new value of n //n==6 in both cases There are also -- (decrement) operators.
Conditional Expressions
if(ab) z = a; else z = b; can be replaced with: z = (a b) ? a : b; The general form for a conditional expression is: (logical expression) ? expr1:expr2 If the logical expression is true, the value of the expression is expr1, otherwise the value is expr2.
Bitwise Operators
Bitwise and: &. Bitwise or : . Bitwise exclusive-or : . Bitwise unary ones-complement: . Shift left by n bits: n. Shift right by n bits: n. Bitwise operators can be used only on operands of the integer family. Be careful to distinguish from logical - boolean operators: &&, .
My advice is, if in the slightest doubt, use brackets. If necessary, see (Stroustrup 1997b). Note: when you overload an operator in a class, e.g. + (covered later), the operator retains its original precedence. 322
I think that this chapter has very little that is new for Java programmers. As in Java and other block structured programming languages, we normally have the following ow of control constructs: Sequence The normal stepping through from one statement to the next; Selection To enable selection, for the next statement or block, from amongst a number of possibilities. Repetition Repetition of a single statement or of a block. These may be deterministic, such as for(...)), or non-deterministic, such as while(...), and do...until. C++ also has goto, break, and continue which can be used for unstructured interruptions of control ow.
Block A block, or compound-statement is a group of statements enclosed in .... Syntactically, a block may replace a single statement. Actually, in C++, as in C, a block has an associated activation and scope; in that sense it is like a function, but without parameters. In what follows, we will tend to use the term statement to signify either compound or single statement always understanding that a compound statement can take the place of a single statement. In addition, statement includes selection and repetition statements including the statements or blocks that they govern. It is worth noting too that, syntactically, ; is a statement a null statement, that does nothing.
Two-way Selection if else
if (logical expression) statement1 //performed if expression true else statement2 //performed if false
Remark: recall that C++ doesnt really dier between numeric values and logical values: any non-zero (including negative) value is taken as true, a zero value (including a NULL pointer value) is taken to be false.
Actually, else if is not a separate construct, it is just an else that happens to be governing an if statement, The following is a multi-way selection: if expr1 is true, stmt1 gets executed; then expr2 is evaluated and if true, stmt1 gets executed; ... Finally, if none of the previous is true, stmt4 gets executed.
if(expr1) stmt1 else if (expr2) stmt2 else if (expr3) stmt3 else stmt4 //otherwise -- default
The previous construct a so-called if-else ladder is well worth learning o many programmers prefer it to the more obvious, but more dicult to use switch, see below. Note the indentation style suggested; since each rung of the ladder is essentially equal, even though they are evaluated sequentially, there is no reason to further indent each else, indeed, to my mind, to do so would confuse the reader of the program.
switch (expr) case const-exp1: stmnt(s)1 [break;] case const-exp2: stmnt(s)2 [break;] case const-exp3: stmnt(s)3 [break;] default: stmnt(s)d; [break;]
expr must evaluate to an integer; in addition, the case expressions must be a constant integer. The switch is much the same as the if-else ladder in the previous section; there is, however, one big dierence, and one that can be a big trap to the unwary: upon executing (say) stmnt(s)1, above, control will fall-through into stmnt(s)2 and stmnt(s)3, etc. It will execute these without evaluating any condition: it is not the case expressions that alter the ow of control, but the switch. If you dont want this to happen, you must use the break; statement, which causes control to jump to the end of the switch to just outside the at the end.
while(expr) statement
First, expr is evaluated, if true statement is executed, then expr is evaluated again, and so on . . . . while(true) is do-forever normally with a selection involving some form of exit, e.g. break. This often appears as while(1). The following program sums the rst n integers, #include iostream int main() int i=1;sum=0;n=4; while(i=n) 43
for(expr-init;expr-continue;expr-iter) statement is equivalent to expr-init while(expr-continue) statement expr-iter for(;;)... is allowable and often used for do-forever, i.e. the same as while(true). int a[n],i; for(i = 0; i n; i++)a[i] = 0; is the C++ idiom for traversing n elements of an array since the array indices go 0, 1, 2, ..., n-1.
do - while
break causes the innermost enclosing repetition loop or switch to be exited immediately to just outside the at the end of the block. continue causes the remainder of an iteration block to be bypassed and the next iteration to be started immediately, i.e. avoiding the remainder of the current repetition. 44
goto can cause a jump to any labelled statement, anywhere in the entire function. For example, goto label1; ... label1: i = 0; ... In case you havent heard, goto is frowned upon, and in the vast majority of cases it can be avoided.
As we know already, a C++ program can be constructed entirely of functions, i.e. unlike Java, which requires all functions/methods to be members of classes. Java also requires execution to proceed via object creation and object method calls; in C++ we can call functions on their own. This chapter covers the denition, declaration and calling of functions.
We have covered most of this in Chapter 2, but some of it is worth repeating. The syntax of the denition of a function is: return-type function-name(parameter declarations) declarations of local variables statements Example. int add(int a, int b) // a and b are also local variables int value; //local variable value = a + b; return;
return expression; returns the value of expression to the calling point, with expression being converted to return-type as necessary. The caller can ignore the returned value it is not a compilation error. Hence, int x= 10,y= 20; p = add(x, y); add(x, y); //syntax okay, but not much use! are both legal, i.e. syntactically correct, but the second isnt very sensible semantically. In a denition, you must explicitly state void for return type if no value is returned; in this case, return; is optional. If there are no parameters, the parameter list can be replaced by and empty parameter list () or by explicit (void). In C, the (void) is essential.
In C++, all functions must be declared before they are called analogous to variables. Syntax: return-type function-name(parameter declarations); Example. int add(int a, int b); //note the ; i.e. it has no implementation / body. Function prototypes are a a bit of a nuisance, i.e. having to declare and dene; as we know Java eliminates the separate declaration. But its part of C++ and it wont change. in the declaration
Header Files for Libraries and Classes Its a nuisance to have to declare many functions at the top of a program, so its common practice to include all prototypes for a library or class in a header le, and #include the appropriate header le where any of the functions is used. In Chapter 2, we have already encountered a small library of functions contained in a source le funs.cpp. In that case we put our prototypes in funs.h. Then, we #include funs.h at the declaration part of all source les that use any of the functions in funs. Thus, (a) you are saved a lot of typing, but more importantly, (b) you need maintain only one set of prototypes.
Function parameters
You can pass to functions values of the following types: All elementary types int, char, float, etc. . . . Pointers to any type. References Records structs Objects Arrays There is no limit to the number of parameters that a function can have.
Pass-by-value parameters
In C++, the default parameter passing method is pass-by-value or sometimes called pass-by-copy. The following function adds two oats and returns the result in a oat: float addf(float a, float b) float c=a+b; a = a + 10; // to demonstrate pass-by-value return c; I have deliberately inserted the nonsense instruction a = a + 10; for demonstration purposes; whilst this has an eect on the local variable a it has no eect on the argument in the caller. Thus: float x=10, y=20, z=0; z = addf(x, y); cout x, y, z endl; will result in 10, 20, 30 53
Pass-by-reference parameters
The following function swap uses reference parameters: void swap(int& a,int& b) int temp=a; a=b; b=temp; swap has an eect on the variables x, y in the caller as it must do if it is to be of any use. Thus: int x = 10, y = 20, z = 0; swap(x, y); cout x, y endl; will result in 20, 10 Notice that the caller need not make any special indication of the reference nature of the arguments that is all handled by the denition of the function: int& a, int& b. There is no equivalent in Java; in Java all primitive types are pass-by-value. Just to drive the point home, let us examine a wrong swap which uses pass-by-value. void swapSilly(int a, int b) //wrong, pass by value int temp=a; a=b; b=temp; Now, swapSilly does not have an eect on the arguments x, y in the caller, and the function has no eect. Thus: int x = 10, y = 20, z = 0; swapSilly(x, y); cout x, y endl; will result in 10, 20
Just for completeness, we will include a version of swap which demonstrates how pass-by-reference can be programmed via pointers. This is how it must be done on C, which does not have a reference type qualier. The following function pswap uses pointer parameters: void pswap(int* pa, int* pb) int temp = *pa; *pa = *pb; *pb = temp; Notice that it is what pa, pb point-to that are swapped, not pa, pb themselves, i.e. *pa, *pb dereferenced. pswap has an eect on the variables pointed-to by the caller arguments. Thus: int x = 10, y = 20; pswap(&x, &y); cout x, y endl; will result in 20, 10 Note that in this case the caller must pass pointers to the variables, i.e. &x, &y are passed. In addition to the extra complexity of the function, this programmed pass-by-reference error-prone and generally less satisfactory than proper pass-by-reference. It is worth noting that in the case of pswap the pointer values are still passed-by-value its just that the values are pointers, and so can be dereferenced to access the variables that they reference in the caller!
The distinctions between the previous examples can be clearly dened by considering the detailed semantics of parameter passing by value and by reference.
Pass-by-value Recall the example of pass by value. Here x, y are local variables in the caller; when they are created, they are initialised with the values 10, 20. int x = 10, y = 20; When swapSilly is called, swapSilly(x, y); the following happens: variables local to swapSilly are created (int a, int b) and these are initialised with the values of x, y almost as if we had the denition: int a = x, int b = y. Hence, computations involving a, b are on these entirely separate and local variables. 55
Pass-by-reference Using the same example, x, y are local variables in the caller; when they are created, they are initialised with the values 10, 20. Now we can dene a reference int& rx and initialise it with x not the value of x, rx is an alias for x whatever is assigned to rx is assigned to x: x and rx refer to the same object in memory. int x = 10, y = 20; int& rx = x; Likewise when void swap(int& a, int& b) is called, swap(x, y); the following happens: reference variables are created (int& a, int& b) and these are initialised with variables x, y almost as if we had the denition: int& a = x, int& b = y. Hence, computations involving a, b also involve x, y.
Pass-by-reference via pointer Again using the same example, x, y are local variables in the caller; when they are created, they are initialised with the values 10, 20. Likewise when void pswap(int* pa, int* pb) is called, pswap(&x, &y); the following happens: temporary pointer variables are created, and these are initialised with pointers to variables x, y, i.e. as if (int *px = &x, int* py = &y). Pointer variables local to pswap are created (int* pa, int* pb) and these are initialised with the values of temporaries px, py almost as if we had the denition: int* pa=px, int* pb=py. Computations involving pa, pb are on these entirely separate and local pointer variables, but, being pointer variables, they can be dereferenced to access the actual variables x, y. Hence, computations involving *pa, *pb also involve x, y.
Java pass by value only Well, sort-of. All elementary types, e.g. int, float, double are passed by value only. Thus, a function like swap cannot be done in Java. On the other hand, just like arrays in the next section, in Java all non-elementary objects are always references.
Arrays as Parameters
Arrays are always pass-by-reference though implicitly so. When passing arrays as parameters, you need declare only that it is an array you need not give its length. For example, a function getline which reads a line of characters: int getline(char s[],int lim) ... s[i]=c;// or *(s+i)= c; ... As we have already noted in chapter 6, C++ arrays are closely related to pointers, hence the following is entirely equivalent: 56
int getline(char *s, int lim) ... *(s+i)=c; // or, s[i]=c; ... Function getline can be called either as: int nchars; const int n=100; char s[101]; nchars = getline(s, n); // or nchars = getline(&s[0], n);
Default parameters
In a function denition a parameter can be given a default value. Example. void init(int count=0, int start=1, int end=100) // body ... Call:
init(); //is equivalent to init(0, 1, 100) //or init(22, 23); //is equivalent to init(22, 23, 100); Only trailing parameters can be defaulted: void init(int count=0, int start, int end); //ILLEGAL In normal programming you should use default parameters only if you have a compelling reason to do so. However, they can be very useful in some class member functions, see later chapters.
Functions can return the following values: All elementary types: int, char, oat, etc. . . . . Pointers to anything, but beware of dangling pointers, see Chapter 3. References but beware of dangling references, see Chapter 3. Structs. Objects. They cannot return arrays, but, of course, they can return a pointer to an array. Only one value can be returned.
Consider the following function addf, which adds floats. float addf(float a, float b) return a + b; If we want to provide an integer version of addf, we might dene: int addi(int a, int b) return a + b; However, in C++, through overloading of function names, we can use the more natural name add for both, and the linker will bind the appropriate version according to the types of the arguments: float add(float a, float b) return a + b; int add(int a, int b) return a + b; 58
Caller: int i,j,k; float x,y,z; ... z = add(x, y); // float add(float a, float b) is called k = add(i, j); // float add(int a, int b) is called Function name overloading is made possible by allowing the parameter types to become part of functions identity. Note: the return type is not used in this disambiguation. Function name overloading nds extensive use in classes: A class may have a number of constructors, all with the same name, but each having a dierent parameter list. To enable classes, especially within a class hierarchy, to exhibit uniformity of behaviour; e.g. trivially, many classes can have an overloaded print function.
Inline functions
When function add is called, a certain processing overhead is incurred: local variables a, b must be created and initialised, and, likewise, the return value must be copied to the point of call. In the case of add this overhead may amount to more than the simple a + b. With larger objects, the overhead may be more severe. int add(int a, int b) return a + b;
C++ was developed with one eye on eciency and performance, and allows the specier inline as a recommendation to the compiler. If we have inline int add(int a, int b) return a + b; a call to add(.,.) may cause add to be expanded at the point of call; i.e. a + b is inserted at the point of call, instead of a call. Programmers are always warned about overly liberal use of inline; apparently small functions can involve large amounts of code, which, if inline is used, would be replicated at each call, leading to a large executable program. Notice: inline allows trade-o of space code replicated for eciency lack of call / return overhead. 59
External variables
An external variable is dened once, and once only, outside any function, e.g. int globalx; Then, declared anywhere it must be used, it is brought into scope by declaring it, e.g. extern int globalx; Example. A program in two les prog.cpp, funs.cpp:
file prog.cpp: int globalx; /*defined OUTSIDE any function*/ #include funs.h int main() extern int globalx; /* can declare here but not essential, as globalx is in SCOPE from its DEFINITION -- above, until the end of the file*/ f1(); return 0;
void f1(void) extern int globalx; //bring globalx into SCOPE globalx=1;
External / global variables have static lifetime, see section 5.12, i.e. they are created before the program starts executing, and are not destroyed until the execution is completed.
Scope of variables
The scope of a variable (or function) is those parts of a program where the name can be used to access the variable (or function); simply, scope is the range of instructions over which the name is visible. Lifetime is a related but distinct concept, see section 5.12.
The scope of automatic / local variables dened in a function or block is from the denition beginning until the end of the function or block: they have local scope, they are private to that function; thus, functions have a form of encapsulation. Local names that are reused, in the same or dierent source les, or in dierent functions or blocks, are unrelated. Example.
int add(int, int); int main() int x,y,z,a,b; /* (1)*/ x=1;y=1;a=32;b=33; z=add(x,y); return 0; int add(int a, int b) int value; value=a+b; return value;
scope of x, y ..a, b
Blocks are scope units Like functions, blocks are scope units. Thus, within a block, you can declare a variable and its scope will be from the point of declaration to the end brace () of the block. Thus: int fred(int a) int b; //c is in scope only in this little block int c; c = 22; b= a + 10; return b;
Scope Hiding
int c = 33, d = 16,i; for(i = 0; i = n; i++) float d; // note these d, c are different from outer d = 22.5; int c = 49; // here c==33, d==16. The outer d the one declared rst is hidden in the block governed by the for, by the inner declaration.
Scope of functions All functions, everywhere (at least in libraries that are included in the linking process and which are declared in the program le (e.g. in a .h le) ), are in scope in every part of all functions. This is called external (or global) scope. So, functions have external / global scope by default, whereas variables are local by default. Note: functions have global scope independent of declarations by #include. Java has a much more uniform and safe approach to scope: no externals are in scope, unless they are imported from their package/class; This global scope can cause name clash problems where you are using libraries from multiple vendors; it has been addressed by the recent introduction of namespace, see section 5.10.
Class scope C++ classes oer their own form of encapsulation and scope, see later chapters, that is more or less the same as Java. Class members that are declared private are in scope only in member functions of the class, or in functions or classes which have been declared friends of the class see later sections. On the other hand, classes themselves have the same external scope as functions.
As we have mentioned in the previous section, the global scope of functions and classes may cause problems where you are using library software from multiple sources and in which the name name has been used. For example, we have already used class string which is declared using #include string. In a later chapter, we develop our own class String. Now the fact that one is string and the other is String is sucient to avoid a name clash. But let us assume that our string is also called string and, moreover, that we want to use them together e.g. to test relative performances. In that case, the declarations:
#include string #include string.h will cause the compiler to complain about multiple declarations of string. The way around it is to declare our own string within its own namespace: //---- string.h ------------------------------------// string class. // j.g.c. ... 23/3/97 //---------------------------------------------------#ifndef STRINGH #define STRINGH #include iostream namespace bscgp2 class string public: String(const int len=0); //etc... // end of namespace In addition, all standard library stu will have been declared under namespace std. Now, we can use the two strings together and use the scope resolution operator :: to discriminate between them: #include string #include string.h std::string s1; // standard lib string bscgp2::string s2; // our own string The use of the scope resolution operator :: may appear clumsy, so, in cases where we are not troubled with name conicts, we can use the declaration using namespace in the user program. using namespace bscgp2; // now no need for bscgp2::
Up to now, we have become used to memory management being done automatically. Thus: 513
int fred(int a) int b; //here b created automatically // auto int b; -- is equivalent declaration; auto = automatic b = a*10 + 2; return b; //here the value of b is returned, and b is deleted (destroyed) Sometimes, but only in very special cases, we may need to take direct control of the creation and deletion. In the example, b and a is allocated on the stack. Two signicant and related factors dierentiate so-called heap or free memory, and the more familiar so-called stack memory used by local variables. Here, also, we nd the primary use of pointers in C++ as references for (initially anonymous) memory created on the heap. Unlike stack variables, which are created and destroyed automatically, heap the memory management (creation/deletion) of heap variables must be programmed. Once created, heap memory continues to exist until it is deleted by an explicit delete command. Heap variables are created using operator new, and are destroyed using operator delete.
Operator new
new is similar to Javas new; Javas new returns a reference to the object that was created (on the heap); C++s new returns a pointer. Operator new creates a variable on the heap and returns a pointer to it. Here is a somewhat toy example: int* readAndCreate() int n; cout Give size: endl; cin n; int* p = new int[n]; // prompt read n ints for(int i = 0; in; i++) cout Enter an int:; cin *(p+i); //or p[i] return p; int* pa = readAndCreate();
Function readAndCreate() creates an int array variable of size n, and returns a pointer to the caller. Although p is destroyed upon return from readAndCreate(), what it points to is not, and pa in the caller, can legitimately continue to reference the array. In fact, once created, this array variable continues to exist until explicitly de-allocated, using delete. Consequently, the lifetime of a heap variable is from its explicit creation, until its explicit deletion. If new cannot accomplish the creation, e.g. if a larger block of memory is needed, than is available, then new will return the NULL pointer 0. Or, if #include new.h is present, it will call an error function specied in that typically resulting in an error message followed by termination of the program. Generally, programmers must be careful to consider the consequences of running out of heap memory.
Dangling Pointers At this point you should very carefully note the complete inadequacy of the following version of readAndCreate(): int* readAndCreateDangling() int n; cout Give size: endl; cin n; int ar[1000]; // we assume 1000 is always greater than n // prompt and read n ints ... // this is partially okay; 1. a pointer to the first element of ar // will be returned // but 2. ar[] will be deleted as soon as that happens! return ar; //or return &ar[0]
Operator delete
Operator delete de-allocates heap memory destroys heap variables. Thus: int* readAndCreate() int* p = new ... // etc... return p; int* pa = readAndCreate(); // do something useful with the array delete [] pa;
The [] is necessary to signify to delete that the target is an array. In the case that the variable is not an array, the [] must be avoided. int* p = new float; delete p;
Anonymous variables
int* p = new float; the variable initially created by new is anonymous it has no name however new returns a pointer by which it may be referenced, and, of course, this is assigned to the pointer p, which subsequently may be used to reference the variable.
Garbage refers to the situation of anonymous heap memory, see section refsec:anon, whose reference has been deleted before the heap variable itself. Once this reference is lost, the heap memory may never again be accessed, even to de-allocate it! Java has automatic garbage collection Java can detect when an object can no longer be referenced and it then deletes the object. C++ does not have garbage collection. Thus, garbage is in some ways the opposite to dangling or uninitialised references in which the reference exists, but what it references does not. Again in comparison to dangling references, garbage may be more benign it can cause program failure only by repeated memory leak leading eventually to the supply free memory becoming exhausted. Note: do not be confused by the English connotation of the word, garbage does not refer to uninitialised variables or incorrect data.
Java In Java, all non-elementary variables (all objects and arrays arrays are considered to be objects) are allocated on the heap. A consequence of this is that objects obey reference semantics rather than value semantics; beware, this is more subtle than may appear at rst for the references are passed-by-value to functions! In addition, Java has garbage collection. Thus, whilst you need to create objects with new you do not delete them. When the connection between a Java reference and its object is eventually broken by the reference going out of scope, or by the reference being linked to another object the object is subjected to garbage collection.
Lifetime of variables
The lifetime of a variable is the interval of time for which the variable exists; i.e. the time from when it is created to when it is destroyed; duration, span, or extent are equivalent terms for the same thing. It is common to nd confusion between scope and lifetime though they are in cases related, they are entirely dierent notions: lifetime is to do with a period of time during the execution of a program, scope is to do with which parts of a program text. In C and C++, lifetime is dynamic you must execute the program (or do so in a thought experiment) in order to determine it. Scope is static determinable at compile time, or by reading the program text. In the case of local variables (local to blocks or functions), and where there are no scope-holes, lifetime and scope correspond: scope is the remainder of the block / function after the variable denition; lifetime is the whole time that control is in that part of the program from the denition to the end of the block / function. Example, local / automatic variables.
int fred(int a, int b) int c; /*when control passes into fred: local (AUTOMATIC) variables a,b, c are created at this time -- their LIFETIME starts then*/ c= 22; ...
. Thus, c, and a, b exist only for the duration of the call to function fred. For each call, entirely new variables are created and destroyed. If you wanted to retain the value of c from call to call, you would have to use the static type modier.
Static lifetime
int fred(int a, int b) static int c; /*when control passes into fred: local variables a,b, are created at this time -- their LIFETIME starts then; however, since c is static, it was already created at 517
compile / link time, and it lives on until the program stops*/ c = 22; ... /*when control reaches here, locals are destroyed but statics live on*/
1 Internal static. In a function, a static variable provides permanent storage within the function; i.e. as in the example above. This is by far the most common. 2 External static. Applied to an otherwise global / external variable or a function in a source le, static limit the scope of that variable or function to the remainder of that source. Thus, this use of static signies private. 3 Static class member. In a class denition, a data member (variable) can be declared static, in which case this variable is shared amongst all instances of the class! Normally avoid! Of course, all global /external variables have static lifetime they exist for the full life of the program; they are created before the program starts executing, and destroyed only when it halts.
It is possible to summarise the various lifetime classes by classifying them according to increasing degrees of persistence, from transient very short lifetime to persistent very long lifetime: Temporary variables Used in evaluation of an expression, e.g. y = x * (x + 1.0) + 2.0 * x; will almost certainly involve temporary variables, e.g. a, b and c, which exist only during the evaluation of the expression: a = x + 1.0; b = x * a; c = 2 * x; y = a + b + c; Local variables Their lifetime is from entry to their denition to exit from their block / function. These are called automatic in C / C++. Heap variables Their lifetime is from allocation to de-allocation. Sometimes called dynamic variables. Static variables including global. Their lifetime is from the start of execution of the complete program, until it stops. 518
Variables held in les Their lifetime is over many program executions; they are persistent. Persistence of objects is of signicant interest for database applications object-oriented databases. Some readers may gain a better understanding of lifetime by reading section 5.13 which gives a model of the run-time structure of a C++ program.
See (Sethi 1996), (Louden 1993). This is a model; exact implementation detail may dier depending on compiler, machine architecture and operating system. The diagram below shows the overall structure. Low memory address 0
+-----------------------------+ -- Program +-----------------------------+ static, Global and compile / link-time Static Data, part constants, literals v +-----------------------------+ -- Stack V grows up dynamic, run-time Heap grows down part v +-----------------------------+ --Memory Layout of a C++ Program
Top of memory
Program Executable code. Global data etc. See sections 5.8, 5.12 and 5.9. These variables have static lifetime, that is their lifetime extends from when (or before) the program starts executing, until it stops executing. Hence, their lifetime is the same as that of the program code. Stack Local variables are created on the stack. The stack grows as functions and blocks create local environments, and diminishes when these functions / blocks are exited. An Environment is typically implemented using an activation record, probably via a stack-frame, see the stackframe diagram below. Heap Heap memory is created by allocate command (new in C++), and is not destroyed until an appropriate de-allocate command (delete in C++) is executed. Insucient care to de-allocate heap variables can lead to garbage and memory leak.
Next, we show a typical function environment as implemented using an activation record, probably via a stack-frame. +-----------------------------+ . . . incoming parameter 2 incoming parameter 1 +-----------------------------+ Saved state -- caller: program counter + other registers Frame Pointer-+-----------------------------+ local variables +-----------------------------+ temporary variables +-----------------------------+ return value +-----------------------------+ A Stack Frame -- Activation Record It is a matter of opinion whether a stack-frame model of an environment is helpful, useful discussions of environments that avoid any notion of implementation detail, and given in (Bornat 1987).
Only extern and static are guaranteed to be initialised implicitly to some base value, e.g. for numbers, zero; Automatic or register will contain arbitrary data unless they are explicitly initialised. If extern or static are initialised in the denition statement, the initialiser must be a constant expression, e.g. int x=1; char c=a; For auto or register storage classes there is no restriction to constant.. In array initialisation, the compiler will ll [] (array size) according to size of the list, if no array length specied, e.g. int dayPerMonth[]=31,28, ...,30,31; will dene an array of 12 ints.
Register Variables
It is possible to advise the compiler that a variable, e.g. x will be heavily used and should, if possible, be placed in scratch-pad register storage. Example. register int x; This may be ignored by the compiler; without register declaration the compiler will make up its own mind; in my (JC) opinion its best to leave it that way! On such matters, most compilers are cleverer than most programmers.
C++ functions may be called recursively. File fac.cpp shows set of factorial functions in two styles: Non-recursive. Recursive. /*----- fac.cpp -------------------------------j.g.c. 6/3/95 j.g.c. 14/2/97 comparison of functional and procedural styles and erroneous use of static variable in a recursive function ------------------------------------------------*/ #include iostream int facp(int n) //imperative style int i,f= 1; for(i=1;i=n;i++)f=f*i; return f; int fac1(int n) // functional style if(n=0)return 1; else return n*fac1(n-1); int main() int n,ff;
cin n;
Factorial -- comparison of styles You should note that a function creates a new environment every time it is called; thus, in fac1(), we have a new int n for every call indeed you should consider that there is a completely new copy of fac1() for each call.
Consider fac1(3): 3x2x1 = 6; the execution of it proceeds as: fac1(3) 6-------------------------------------------n=3 calls n*fac1(n-1) 2----------------------------------3 2 n=2 calls n*fac1(n-1) 1----------------------2 1 n=1 calls n*fac1(n-1) 1 ------------+ 1 0 n=0 returns 1 ----+ By a similar tracing, you will nd that fac2 always gives the result 0 because the static i N.B. only one copy gets overwritten by 0 in the last call; it is then 0 when it is multiplied in all of the statements return i*fac2(.).
The C pre-processor (cpp) used to be very much part of C, though reliance on it is greatly diminished in C++. The pre-processor is quite distinct from the compiler; all les are run through the pre-processor before they are submitted to the compiler. There are four main features oered by the preprocessor.
File inclusion
#include stdio.h replaces that line with the contents of stdio.h. .. tells the compiler to look in some standard include directory, #include mylib.h would search the current logged directory.
#define true 1 #define false 0 In fact you can dene any replacement text: #define BEGIN #define END would allow you to partially pretend you were using Modula-2.
Macro substitution
Recall the conditional expression: e = ab ? a:b; // e gets max of a, b A MAX macro can be dened: #define MAX(A,B) ((A) (B) ? (A) : (B)) then e=MAX(a,b); behaves like a inline function call the macro is inserted at the point of call. However, macros may carry certain safety penalties, and inline should normally be used instead. C provides a lot of functions this way, e.g. putchar(c); is actually a macro of putc(stdout,c); where stdout is a le pointer to the user standard output stream.
You can eectively program the preprocessor to skip sections of code. You will become very familiar with this in header les. Example. #ifndef HDR #define HDR //declarations here. #endif
The scheme above could be used to ensure that a header le, if invoked more than once, will have eect only on the rst invocation. Conditional compilation is also very useful for building in portability across a number of compilers or target computers. E.g. #ifdef WINDOWS // WINDOWS code #elif LINUX //Linux code #endif
Long before we had object-oriented programming and classes, we had records or aggregate types; i.e. type which allowed you to group together more than one value; records contained only data values. Object-oriented programming extended records to contain also functions/methods. In C++, records (aggregate types) are called struct or class. Essentially, in C++, class and struct are equivalent except for an insignicant detail: in a struct members default to public, whilst, in a class, members default to private; this will not matter to most programmers, for the normal practice is to explicitly include private / public as required. In this usage, class, struct are entirely equivalent. In this chapter we describe the use of struct as record, i.e. without member functions and encapsulation.
A Point struct
In two-dimensional computer graphics, a point is dened by an x-coordinate (horizontal), and y-coordinate (vertical). We can dene a Point record, and dene instances p1, p2: struct Point int x; int y; ; Point p1, p2; denes two points (pairs of int coordinates). We can then assign values to the members:
p1.x = 150; p1.y = 50; and the result is as follows: p1.x = 150 +--------------------------+------ x . . p1.y = 50 + . . . . . . . . . . . . .+ p1 = (150, 50) y v The Point (150, 50) If pp is a pointer to a Point: Point *pp, p1; int a;
p1.x = 150; p1.y = 50; pp = &p1; then a = pp-x; //access the x member and is equivalent to, a= (*pp).x; the - is provided for shorthand.
Operations on Structs
Assignment A struct can be assigned as a complete unit: Point p1, p2; p1.x = 3; p1.y = 2; p2 = p1; /*copies p1 values into p2*/ is equivalent to: p2.x = p1.x; p2.y = p1.y;
Copy A struct can be copied as a complete unit, i.e. in pass by value to functions and returning values by return. Pointer You can take a pointer-to a struct with the & operator. Access members Access members with ., or -, for a pointer. File points.cpp shows a program which uses Point. //---- points.cpp -------------------------------// j.g.c. 20/3/95, 17/2/97, 14/11/98 // exercises Point struct //-----------------------------------------------struct Point int x; int y; ; #include iostream #include math.h //for sqrt() Point readPoint(); void printPoint(Point p); float distPoint(Point p, Point q); int main() Point p1, p2; float d; p1=readPoint(); cout p1 = ; printPoint(p1); cout endl; p2=readPoint(); cout p2 = ; printPoint(p2); cout endl; cout Point that has largest x-value: ; if(p1.x p2.x)printPoint(p1); else printPoint(p2); cout endl; d= distPoint(p1,p2); cout distance p1 to p2 = d endl; d= distPoint(p2,p1); cout distance p2 to p1 = d endl endl; p1.x = 3; cout After p1.x = 3; p1 = ; printPoint(p1); d= distPoint(p2,p1); cout Now distance p2 to p1 = d endl endl; Point *pp; pp= &p1; //pp points at p1 -- no problems with unitialised ptr*/ cout pp is a pointer to a Point, *pp= ; 63 printPoint(*pp);
d=distPoint(p2, *pp); cout distance p2 to *pp (actually p1) = d endl; pp-y = 5; cout npointer-member is one way of dereferencingn; cout a pointer to a struct & accessing a membern; cout After pp-y = 5; *pp = ; printPoint(*pp); cout n(*pointer).member is another way of dereferencingn; cout a pointer to a struct & accessing a membern; (*pp).x = 6; cout After (*pp).x = 6; *pp = ; printPoint(*pp); cout endl; return 0; Point readPoint() Point p; cout enter point cin p.x p.y; return p; void printPoint(Point p) cout (x = p.x , y = p.y) endl; float distPoint(Point p, Point q) float dx = p.x - q.x; float dy = p.y - q.y; float dsquared = dx*dx + dy*dy; return sqrt(dsquared); x,y (both ints space separating) : ;
A union is declared using the same syntax as struct. Although they may look similar, they are quite dierent in meaning. Whilst a struct contains at all times each and every component declared within it, i.e. it is a record / tuple, a union may contain but one of its components at a time; which component it is 64
depends what was last assigned. Consider the example: union Manytype char c[4]; int i; long int l; float f; double d; ; Manytype u1,u2; Here we have declared two variables of union type, to contain char[4], or int, or long int, or float, or double, but only one of these at any time. Here we have declared a struct, that contains a tuple: char[4], and int, and long int, and oat, and double. struct Manyparts char c[4]; int i; long int l; float f; double d; ; Manyparts s1,s1; From the point of view of memory layout, a typical run-time memory layout for the union could be: u1 byte0 byte1 2 3 +-----+-----+-----+-----+ c[0] c[1] c[2] c[3] +-----+-----+-----+-----+ i -- assuming 4 byte int +-----+-----+-----+-----+ l -- assuming 4 byte long int +-----+-----+-----+-----+ f -- assuming 4 byte float +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ d -- assuming 8 bytes for double +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ So, if you assign something to i, c will change, and all the others too. Now if you assign to f, and examine c[0], c[1] etc, you will get nonsense; i.e. between assignments, what a union stands for must not change. On the other hand, a union can be used to break-into the type system: in the case mentioned above, we can assign a float and examine its contents as (four) chars. In the case of struct, all the components co-exist. Hence, of course the struct uses more memory, and the union can conserve memory where you want to use only one of the components at a time. The example program below (strun.cpp) compares and contrasts struct and union. 65
//---- strun.cpp -------------------------------// j.g.c. 7/1/96, 17/2/97 // experiments with unions & structs //----------------------------------------------#include iostream union Manytypes char c[4]; int i; long int l; float f; double d; ; struct Manyparts char c[4]; int i; long int l; float f; double d; ; int main() int j; Manytypes u1, u2; Manyparts s1, s2; cout nttunion:n; for(j=0;j=3;j++)u1.c[j]=j; cout nu.c[0..3] == t; for(j=0;j=3;j++)cout (int)u1.c[j]; cout endl; u1.i = 0x12345678; cout nu.i == u1.i; cout nNotice, the c array has been overwrittenn; cout nu.c[0..3] == t; for(j=0;j=3;j++)cout (int)u1.c[j]; cout endl endl; cout ttstruct:nn; for(j=0;j=3;j++)s1.c[j]=j+2; cout nu.c[0..3] == t; for(j=0;j=3;j++)cout (int)s1.c[j]; cout endl endl; s1.i = 0x12345678; cout ns.i == Hex s1.i endl; cout nNotice, the c array is unchangedn; cout ns.c[0..3] == t; for(j=0;j=3;j++)cout (int)s1.c[j]; cout endl endl; return 0; The big problem with unions is that they are not discriminated, that is there is no mechanism 66
within the type system to remember what was last assigned. Hence, it may be safer to bolt a discriminant onto a union by enclosing both within a struct. Here we dene a discriminant type for the union Manytypes: enum Utype CHAR4,BYTE,INT,FLOAT,DBL; Next, the union itself: union Manytypes char c[4]; int i; long int l; float f; double d; ; Then the discriminant and union aggregated together in a struct: struct Smany Utype d; Manytypes data; ; Finally, we show how to assign a float, and also an appropriate discriminant. Obviously, to be of real eect, struct Smany would have to be encapsulated in a proper class, with the data private, see the next chapter. Smany s; s.data.f = 1.25; // assign data s.d = FLOAT; // assign discriminant
This chapter introduces the basics of C++ classes and objects. For the moment, we will avoid inheritance, polymorphism and dynamic / run-time binding. We start with a very simple class, Cell, which reduces the class/object concept its bare essentials. At the end of the chapter we give the code for vectors and transformations in 3D. Recall that a data type, such as the native data types int, float, etc., is characterized by: 1. A set of values that can be assumed by objects of the type; for example in the C++ type char, the set of values is 128, 127, . . . , 1, 0, 1, . . . 126, 127. 2. A set of operations (functions) that can be legitimately performed on objects of the type; for example, for int, some of the functions are: +, -, *, /. Users of the type do not concern themselves with the representation of the values, and, certainly, they are not encouraged to ddle with the representation they interact with the variables only through the legitimate operations. Hence private data and public operations (methods). You probably reckon that you already know all this; ne, but it will do no harm to revise it and while we are at it we can point out the signicant dierences between C++ and Java.
This class does nothing more than represent a single int value. As with types we are interested in: (a) values the set of states an object may take on, and (b) operations behaviour, what an object can do.
We would expect a Cell object to be able to store the current state, i.e. its integer value. 71
Constructors. Since Cell is to be used in a computer program we need to be able to declare, dene and create object of the class. We will dene a single constructor, the default constructor, which initializes objects to have a state 0. In addition, we provide an initializing constructor which overload the default constructor name. Inspector method. We should be able to obtain the state but only via an interface function. Mutator method. We should be able to modify the state but again only via an interface function. Input-output methods. We require more for the purposes of demonstration than anything else facilities to convert a Cell object into a humanly readable format; for this we provide a print function.
Class Cell
Class Cell class is shown below, and below that a test program. Note: in these examples, we try to keep white space to a minimum so that it will be possible to get programs on a single OHP slide. Note also that we are (i) stung everything in one le the class and the user program, (ii) we are including the implementation of the methods in the class Cell declaration; normally, for example, the declaration of the class would be in Cell.h and the implementation of the methods would be given in Cell.cpp. //----- Cell0.cpp ------------------------------------// j.g.c. 12/2/98, 8/1/99, 2003/11/29 //---------------------------------------------------#include iostream using namespace std; class Cell public: Cell()val= 0; void set(int val)val= val; int get()return val; void print()coutvalue= val endl; private: int val; ; int main() Cell c; c.set(123); Cell* pc= &c; //c.val= 345; return 0; cout Cell c: endl; cout Cell* pc = &c: endl; c.print(); pc-print();
Dissection 1. Public interface. First, we have the interface-functions or methods which provide the behaviour ; these are declared public. 2. public means that the members can be directly accessed by client programs as: instance.member e.g. c.set(123); where c is an instance of Cell. 3. Constructors must have the same name as the class; often, we will have multiple constructors, all with the same name; the name sharing is allowable due to function name overloading functions may share the same name, as long as they are resolvable by their parameter list (their signature). 4. Private by default. Had we left out the keyword public, the interface functions would have been inaccessible by user programs. 5. After the interface functions, we have the representation of the state; this is private; though the private representation is visible in the text, it is still encapsulated and invisible to client programs. Encapsulation As a consequence of encapsulation we can view objects, e.g. of class as capsules, containing the representation data, in this case a single datum int val, but these data may be accessed only through the interface functions (methods). This is shown diagrammatically: +----------------------------------+ private: (hidden data) Public interface functions (methods) +---------+ int val; ------ set() +---------+ +---------+ ------ get() +---------+ + Cell(), toString() etc... +----------------------------------+ 6. After previously specifying public, it is necessary to revoke this directive using private. 7. private means that the member v cannot be directly accessed by client programs. I.e. c.val = 22;// illegal -- compiler error This is called encapsulation and provides information hiding. 8. Generally, the syntax for calling a method (member function), i.e. sending a message to an object is: object.method(argument), e.g. c.set(123); 73
Message to c: set your state to 123. 9. Notice that member data of the object itself can be accessed without any . operator. 10. In the client program, notice how Cell c denes an object same as dening a variable. Class type, object variable.
Normally, we will want to write classes so that they can be used by a great many programs all without needing to have a copy of the class in each of them. To enable this we need two separate class les: (a) the declaration of the class: Cell.h; this declares how to use the class; (b) the denition of the class: Cell.cpp; this denes the workings of the class. Cell.cpp can be compiled separately and the result stored in a library (as an object le). These les, and the new (separate) test program, are shown below. Notice how the declaration Cell.h must be #included in the .cpp les. As an exercise, remove #include Cell.h from one of the .cpp and see what the compiler has to say. Why is this necessary? Answer. If Cell.h is not #included in a .cpp le, when the compiler sees Cell, it has no idea what you are talking about.
//----- Cell.h ------------------------------------// j.g.c. 12/2/98, 8/1/99, 2003/11/29 // minimal class, encapsulating an int value // .h file contains just declarations //---------------------------------------------------class Cell public: Cell(); void set(int val); int get() const; void print() const; private: int val; ; //----- Cell.cpp ------------------------------------// j.g.c. 12/2/98, 8/1/99, 2003/11/29, 2006-11-01 // minimal class, encapsulating an int value //---------------------------------------------------#include iostream using namespace std; #include Cell.h Cell::Cell() : val(0) /* The above *constructor initialiser* has the same effect as Cell::Cell() val= 0; it is commonly used because it is more efficient; in the above previous constructor, val gets allocated and initialised; in the code above, val get allocated and initialised to some default and then 0 is assigned to it.*/ void Cell::set(int val) val= val; int Cell::get() const return val; void Cell::print() const coutvalue= val endl;
//----- CellT.cpp ------------------------------------// j.g.c. 12/2/98, 8/1/99, 2003/11/29 // tests Cell class //---------------------------------------------------#include iostream using namespace std; #include Cell.h int main() Cell c; c.set(123); cout Cell c: endl; Cell* pc= &c; cout Cell* pc = &c: endl; return 0;
You will nd the programs introduced earlier in the chapter in my public folder cpp4jpprogscell. 1. Write a little program CellT4.cpp which uses Cell (Cell.h, Cell.cpp): (i) Declare two Cells, ca initialised by the default constructor, cb initialised to state (value) of 4094; (ii) Print out the values of ca, cb; (iii) Next, use set to change the value of cas state to 3056; print out its value to conrm. 2. Add a statement to CellT4.cpp as follows: ca.val = 39; See what the compiler says about that. Explain how to legally set the state of ca to 39 and correct the statement above and add a statement to print the result. 3. Add statements to CellT4.cpp as follows: ca = cb; cout after ca = cb; endl; ca.print(); cout endl; Notice how you can assign objects.
1. Based on Cell, implement call key and has type char have the following methods: void set(char k, double have forgotten something
a class Pair which holds two state values one we will and the other value which has type double. Pair should (i) two constructors one default, the other initialising; (ii) v); (iii) double get(char k); (iv) a print method; (v) I may add as necessary.
Give separate Pair.h and Pair.cpp 2. Write a small test program for Pair PairT.cpp. 3. Develop a class Marks which will be capable of holding student marks (coursework and examination) along the following lines: //-------------------------------------------------------// Marks.h - StudentInfo project // j.g.c. 2003/02/20 //-------------------------------------------------------#ifndef MARKSH #define MARKSH #include string #include iostream #include cstdio // for toString/sprintf using namespace std; class Marks public: Marks(int ex, int ca); Marks(); int overall() const; void print() const; private: int ex; int ca; ; #endif Method overall should compute the overall mark as follows: double x = ex*0.7 + ca*0.3; return (int)x; 4. Write a small test program for Marks (MarksT.cpp) which declares two Marks objects and initialises them with (exam 40, ca 60), (exam 80, ca 50); print them, and compute and print the overall marks for each. 5. (i) Add a method to Marks (bool isPass()) which tests whether a Marks object is pass or not (pass is overall mark = 40.0); (ii) Include another Marks object in MarksT.cpp initialised to (exam 25, ca 40); print out all three objects along with pass/fail indication. 77
3D Ane Transformations
This section is added because we may use these classes for some of our graphics course. You will note that minor optimisations are in place (e.g. the data is public, so that we can set or get without a method; this because I know exactly what it will be used for, and that it will not need to be modied or extended. You will note that we have not yet covered (i) operators, e.g. the put-to and get-from operators and and the friend qualier. Operators are like ordinary methods except you call them in inx mode. The friend qualier gives access, by non members, to the private area of a class. For example, below is an ostream operator, not a Vector4D operator, but it needs to acces the private data of Vector4D. When you have a operator you can output an object using the normal cout object style. Likewise for output to les and for cin object. // friends are not members, but have access to private data friend std::ostream& operator(std::ostream& os, const Vector4D& v); friend std::istream& operator(std::istream& os, Vector4D& v);
//-------------------------------------------------------// Vector4D.h // j.g.c. 2005-03-28, 2006-10-31 //-------------------------------------------------------#ifndef Vector4DH #define Vector4DH #include string #include iostream #include cstdio // for toString/sprintf #include cmath #define N 4 class Vector4D // friends are not members, but have access to private data friend std::ostream& operator(std::ostream& os, const Vector4D& v); friend std::istream& operator(std::istream& os, Vector4D& v); public: Vector4D(); Vector4D(double d[]); Vector4D(double x, double y, double z, double w); Vector4D(std::istream& is); void setAll(double val); Vector4D add(Vector4D v); Vector4D sub(Vector4D v); Vector4D scale(double s); double length(); std::string toString() const; //note below public double d[N]; sizet n; ; #undef N #endif
//-------------------------------------------------------// Vector4D.cpp // j.g.c. 2005-03-28, 2006-10-31 //-------------------------------------------------------#include Vector4D.h #define N 4 using namespace std; Vector4D::Vector4D(): n(N) setAll(0.0); Vector4D::Vector4D(double d[]) : n(N) for(sizet i= 0; i n; i++)d[i]= d[i]; Vector4D::Vector4D(double x, double y, double z, double w) : n(N) d[0]= x; d[1]= y; d[2]= z; d[3]= w; Vector4D::Vector4D(istream& is) : n(N) for(sizet i= 0; i n; i++)is d[i]; void Vector4D::setAll(double val) for(sizet i= 0; i n; i++)d[i]= val; Vector4D Vector4D::add(Vector4D v) Vector4D v1= Vector4D(); for(sizet i= 0; i n; i++)v1.d[i]= d[i] + v.d[i]; return v1; Vector4D Vector4D::sub(Vector4D v) Vector4D v1= Vector4D(); for(sizet i= 0; i n; i++)v1.d[i]= d[i] - v.d[i]; return v1; Vector4D Vector4D::scale(double s) Vector4D v1= Vector4D(); for(sizet i= 0; i n; i++)v1.d[i] = s*d[i]; return v1; 710
double Vector4D::length() double len= 0.0; for(sizet i= 0; i n; i++)len+= d[i]*d[i]; return sqrt(len); ostream& operator (ostream& os, const Vector4D& v) os v.toString(); return os; string Vector4D::toString() const //ideally, I should be using stringstream here, but there // appears to be a problem under g++ 2.96 j.c. 2003/02/22 char cc[80]; sprintf(cc, (%8.3f, %8.3f, %8.3f, %8.3f), d[0], d[1], d[2], d[3]); return string(cc);
istream& operator(istream& is, Vector4D& v) // assumes that fields are separated by whitespace for(sizet i= 0; i v.n; i++)isv.d[i]; return is;
/** * Vector4DT1.cpp * tests Vector4D * author j.g.c. * version 1.1; 2005-03-28, 2006-10-31 */ #include iostream // for cout etc. #include string #include fstream // for files - ofstream, ifstream #include Vector4D.h using namespace std; int main() double d[4]= 1., 2., 3., 4.; Vector4D x1= Vector4D(d); coutVector4DT1 endl; cout x1 = x1.toString() endl; Vector4D x2= Vector4D(); x2.setAll(10.0); cout x2 = x2.toString() endl; Vector4D x3 = x2.add(x1); cout x3 = x2.add(x1): x3.toString() endl; Vector4D x4 = x3.scale(0.25); cout x4 = x3.scale(0.25): x4.toString() endl; double len = x1.length(); cout len = x1.length(): len endl;
//-------------------------------------------------------// Transform4D.h // j.g.c. 2005-03-28, 2006-10-31 //-------------------------------------------------------#ifndef Transform4DH #define Transform4DH #include #include #include #include string iostream cstdio // for toString/sprintf Vector4D.h
#define N 4 class Transform4D // friends are not members, but have access to private data friend std::ostream& operator(std::ostream& os, const Transform4D& v); friend std::istream& operator(std::istream& os, Transform4D& v); public: Transform4D(); Transform4D(double d[N][N]); Transform4D(std::istream& is); void void void void void void void setAll(double val); setIdentity(); setTrans(Vector4D t); setRotZ(double theta); setRotX(double theta); setRotY(double theta); setScale(Vector4D s);
Vector4D mpy(Vector4D v); //b = a*this Transform4D mpy(Transform4D s); std::string toString() const; private: double m[N][N]; sizet n; ; #undef N #endif 713
//-------------------------------------------------------// Transform4D.cpp // j.g.c. 2005-03-28, 2006-10-31 //-------------------------------------------------------#include Transform4D.h #define N 4 using namespace std; Transform4D::Transform4D() : n(N) setAll(0.0); Transform4D::Transform4D(double m[N][N]) : n(N) for(sizet r = 0; r n; r++) for(sizet c = 0; c n; c++) m[r][c]= m[r][c]; Transform4D::Transform4D(istream& is) : n(N) for(sizet r= 0; r n; r++) for(sizet c= 0; c n; c++) is m[r][c]; // undoubtedly wrong; test void Transform4D::setAll(double val) for(sizet r = 0; r n; r++) for(sizet c = 0; c n; c++) m[r][c] = val ; void Transform4D::setIdentity() setAll(0.0); for(sizet i = 0; i n; i++)m[i][i] = 1.0; void Transform4D::setTrans(Vector4D t) setIdentity(); sizet n= n-1; for(sizet c = 0; c n; c++)m[c][n] = t.d[c]; //x, y, z 714
void Transform4D::setRotZ(double theta) setIdentity(); double cs = cos(theta); double sn = sin(theta); m[0][0] = cs; m[0][1] = -sn; m[1][0] = sn; m[1][1] = cs; void Transform4D::setRotX(double theta) setIdentity(); double cs = cos(theta); double sn = sin(theta); m[1][1] = cs; m[1][2] = -sn; m[2][1] = sn; m[2][2] = cs; void Transform4D::setRotY(double theta) setIdentity(); double cs = cos(theta); double sn = sin(theta); m[0][0] = cs; m[0][2] = -sn; m[2][0] = sn; m[2][2] = cs; void Transform4D::setScale(Vector4D s) setIdentity(); sizet n= n-1; for(sizet i = 0; i n; i++)m[i][i] = s.d[i]; //x, y, z /** * returns pre-multiplication of this*parameter * @param v a vector to be multiplied by this * @return product b = this*v */ Vector4D Transform4D::mpy(Vector4D a) Vector4D b = Vector4D(); double dot; for (sizet r = 0; r N; r++) dot = 0; for (sizet c = 0; c N; c++) 715
dot += m[r][c]*a.d[c]; b.d[r] = dot; return b; /** * returns pre-multiplication of parameter*this * @param a transform to be multiplied by this * @return product b = a*this */ Transform4D Transform4D::mpy(Transform4D a) Transform4D b = Transform4D(); double dot; for (sizet r = 0; r N; r++) for (sizet c = 0; c N; c++) dot = 0.0; for (sizet i = 0; i N; i++) dot += a.m[r][i]*m[i][c]; b.m[r][c] = dot; return b; ostream& operator (ostream& os, const Transform4D& m) os m.toString(); return os; string Transform4D::toString() const //ideally, I should be using stringstream here, but there // appears to be a problem under g++ 2.96 j.c. 2003/02/22 char cc[80]; string s= string([); for(sizet r= 0; r n; r++) sprintf(cc, (%8.3f, %8.3f, %8.3f, %8.3f)n, m[r][0], m[r][1], m[r][2], m[r][3]); s+= string(cc); s+= ]; return s;
// assumes that fields are separated by whitespace for(sizet r= 0; r m.n; r++) for(sizet c= 0; c m.n; c++) is m.m[r][c]; return is; #undef N
/** * Transform4DT1.cpp * tests Transform4D * @author j.g.c. * version 1.0; 2005-03-28 */ #include iostream // for cout etc. #include string #include fstream // for files - ofstream, ifstream #include Transform4D.h #include Vector4D.h using namespace std; class Transform4DT1 public: Transform4DT1(); ; Transform4DT1::Transform4DT1() cout Transform4DT1 endl; double d[4]= 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0; Vector4D xa= Vector4D(d); cout xa = + xa.toString() endl; Transform4D f = Transform4D(); f.setIdentity(); cout f.setIdentity(): n+ f.toString() endl; Transform4D g = Transform4D(); g.setIdentity(); cout g.setIdentity(): n g.toString() endl; 717
Transform4D fg= f.mpy(g); cout fg = f.mpy(g) (g identity): n fg.toString() endl; Vector4D xb = f.mpy(xa); cout xb = f.mpy(xa): xb.toString() endl; double d1[4]= 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0; Vector4D x0= Vector4D(d1); cout x0 = x0.toString() endl; double dt[4]= 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 0.0; Vector4D t= Vector4D(dt); cout t = + t.toString() endl; Transform4D h = Transform4D(); h.setTrans(t); cout h.setTrans(t): n h.toString() endl; Vector4D x1 = h.mpy(x0); cout x1 = h.mpy(x0): n x1.toString() endl; double pi= 3.1415926; //pi/2 rotation of (1,0,0) should make (0,1,0) h.setRotZ(pi/2.0); cout h.setRotZ(pi/2): n h.toString() endl; Vector4D x1001 = Vector4D(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); cout x1001 = x1001.toString() endl; x1= h.mpy(x1001); cout x1 = h.mpy(x1001): n x1.toString() endl; cout nRotation followed by translation ... endl; h.setRotZ(pi/4.0); cout h.setRotZ(pi/4.0): n h.toString() endl; Vector4D x2101 = Vector4D(2.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0); cout x2101 = x2101.toString() endl; x1= h.mpy(x2101); cout x1 = h.mpy(x2101): n x1.toString() endl; f.setTrans(Vector4D(1.0, 2.0, 0.0, 0.0)); cout f.setTrans(Vector4D(1.0, 2.0, 0.0, 0.0)): f.toString() endl; Vector4D x2 = f.mpy(x1); cout x2 = f.mpy(x1): x2.toString() endl; // incorrect order /* System.out.println(nConcatenating rotation and translation ...); g = f.mpy(h); // this is h.f 718
System.out.println(g = f.mpy(h): n+ g.toString()); x2 = g.mpy(x2101); System.out.println(x2 = g.mpy(x2101): + x2.toString()); */ cout nConcatenating rotation and translation ... endl; g = h.mpy(f); // this is f.h cout g = h.mpy(f): n g.toString() endl; x2 = g.mpy(x2101); cout x2 = g.mpy(x2101): x2.toString() endl; /** The main method constructs the test */ int main() Transform4DT1();
Chapter 8 Inheritance
8.1 Introduction
Using inheritance, a derived class can be dened as an extension of a base class. The inheriting (derived) class inherits all the behaviour and state memory of the base class. In addition, it is free to add its own member data and functions so-called extensions or specialisations. Note. The use of specialisation instead of extension has potential for confusion. The same goes for the use of the terms superclass and subclass for base class, and derived class, respectively. Thus, we will attempt to standardise on the terminology: base class and derived class, where the derived class is the one that inherits (is extended); the derived class inherits from the base class. As well as adding member functions and data, a derived class may overload base functions and operators to make them appropriate for itself. An example that we will see is the overloading of a print function, that is capable of printing any extra elds introduced in the derived class. However, the real power of inheritance comes from polymorphism and dynamic binding or run-time binding via virtual functions. In this chapter we cover nearly everything twice once from the point of view of the Cell class hierarchy, and once from the point of view of Person class hierarchy. The repetition is intentional: the concepts here are important, and crucial to an understanding of the theory and practice of OOP. Later we will cover the same ground again for a third time, this time in terms of computer game objects.
Advanced. Ease of program extension. Run-time binding allows a class (hierarchy) to be extended after the program which uses it has been written leading to the comment that: old code can call new code; this refers to the reversal of the traditional roles, when, generally new calling programs are based on (calling of) old library code. Another view of the same property is expressed in the open-closed principle of object-oriented programming: to be useful to client programmers, a class must be closed to modication; yet, using inheritance together with run-time binding, the class is also open to extension. Make sure that I explain the distinction between compile-time binding (the obvious and mots usual one) and 81
dynamic binding. The point of being closed to modication is that you dont have to modify and retest working software; the point of open to extension is that software can be extended as is always necessary.
Liskov Substitution Principle It is important that inheriting classes respect the Liskov Substitution Principle; this states that it must be possible to substitute a derived object (of an inheriting class) instead of a base object without breaking the software. For example, see below, we want to be able to substitute a Student object (or a Lecturer object) for a Person object and the software should still work. One everyday language way of expressing this is that a Student is a Person. Is a is always a good thought test to run when you are thinking of using inheritance.
We will approach the solution in three stages; rst, we show inheritance, but without virtual functions. (If you want your code to objects as in Java, you need virtual functions.) Next we demonstrate the use of protected as private but with public to deriving classes; Java programmers should be comfortable with the latter. Finally, we introduce virtual functions and the full eect of dynamic binding and polymorphism.
First Attempt
Program CellR1.cpp presents class ReCell, an extension of class Cell. It extends Cell to have a backup state that stores the last state when set() is used. The extension comprises the following: Constructor This initialises the backup value, and, via the base (Cell) constructor, the Cell part, i.e. val; Overloaded set() This rst backs-up the current value. Then is uses the Cell version of set(); Overloaded print() print() is also overloaded; The :: qualier Cell::set(val) insists that set from the base class Cell is to be used; in Java you would write super.set(val); Additional behaviour A function restore is provided; Additional state int backup stores the backup state. That is nearly all. A ReCell object has whatever a Cell has, plus: additional behaviour; revised behaviour; additional state memory (data). But there is a little more, as we see below. 82
//----- CellR1.cpp ------------------------------------// inheritance etc. -- first version; // see CellR2 etc for modifications //---------------------------------------------------#include iostream using namespace std; class Cell public: Cell() : val(0) void set(int val)val= val; int get() const return val; void print() const coutvalue= val endl; private: int val; ; class ReCell: public Cell public: ReCell() : Cell(), backup(0); void set(int val)backup= get(); Cell::set(val); void restore()set(backup); void print() const cout value= get() backup= backup endl; private: int backup; ; int main() Cell c; c.set(123); cout Cell c: endl; Cell* pc= &c;
ReCell rc; rc.set(456); rc.set(789); cout ReCell rc: endl; rc.print(); rc.restore(); cout rc.restore() endl; rc.print(); cout endl; cout slicing: c= rc endl; c= rc; c.print(); cout pc= & rc endl; pc= &rc; pc-print(); cout endl; return 0;
Dissection of CellR1.cpp 1. Firstly, note that class Cell is unchanged. 2. ReCell contains an additional eld backup. This means that a ReCell object has two elds: val and backup. 3. c= rc; is a legal assignment, even though they are dened as dierent types. This is because, owing to the inheritance rc is-a Cell in addition to being a ReCell. 4. Slicing. In the assignment c= rc;, slicing occurs, and only the Cell part of rc is copied. If you like, think of it like this: c would have nowhere to put the additional backup part. 5. pc= &rc; is a also a legal assignment; however, this time, slicing does not occur although we note that, in any case, no member data are copied (pc is a pointer) and pc takes on the dynamic type ReCell* (pointer-to- ReCell). Java programmers will say big deal, Java does this all the time. 6. However, pc-print(); acts as if slicing has taken place; this is because the static type of pc is Cell* and, consequently, it is Cell::print() that is bound at compile-time. In the third version of ReCell below, we will see how virtual functions can rectify the matter. virtual in the declaration of a method means that it is capable of dynamic or run-time binding. Java uses dynamic binding by default. In C++, the default is compile time binding (linking); note: compile-time = static. To get dynamic (run-time) binding, you must use the keyword virtual when declaring a method. 7. Inheritance is announced by class ReCell: public Cell. This is public inheritance; private inheritance is possible, but is so uncommon that we are never going to mention it again. 8. Notice that, in ReCell, we have been able to refrain from referencing the private members of Cell. Later, we will see that protected, which allows a reduced privacy, can be used if derived classes must access private members of base classes.
Program CellR2.cpp is the same as CellR1.cpp with the simple modication that Cells val eld is now protected instead of private. protected gives limited external visibility to inheriting classes only. Hence, protected is half-way privacy: visible to classes related by inheritance, but otherwise hidden. Thus, ReCell functions are at liberty to reference val. Whether protected is good or bad is a moot point. Some people take the view that it dilutes the main point of object-orientation encapsulation and information hiding. As we have seen, in Cell, ReCell it is possible to avoid. In more complex classes, eciency and other concerns may make it unavoidable.
//----- CellR2.cpp ------------------------------------// from CellR1 -- using protected // j.g.c. 12/2/98, 8/1/99, 2003/12/02 //---------------------------------------------------#include iostream using namespace std; class Cell public: Cell() : val(0) void set(int val)val= val; int get() const return val; void print() const coutvalue= val endl; protected: int val; // using protected, derived classes have access ; class ReCell: public Cell public: ReCell() : Cell(), backup(0) void set(int val)backup= val; val= val; void restore()val= backup; void print() const cout value= val backup= backup endl; private: int backup; ; int main() Cell c; c.set(123); cout Cell c: endl; c.print(); ReCell rc; rc.set(456); rc.set(789); cout ReCell rc: endl; rc.print(); return 0;
Finally, in CellR3.cpp we get to the complete ReCell. Already, in the introduction, we have previewed the need to make print() a virtual function. In fact, for the purposes of demonstration, we have made two print() functions, one non-virtual as before, the other named printV() virtual.
//----- CellR3.cpp ------------------------------------// inheritance etc. j.g.c. 2003/12/03 from CellR1.cpp //---------------------------------------------------#include iostream using namespace std; class Cell public: Cell() : val(0) virtual void set(int val)val= val; int get() const return val; void print() const coutvalue= val endl; virtual void printV() const coutV: value= val endl; private: int val; ; class ReCell: public Cell public: ReCell() : Cell(), backup(0) virtual void set(int val)backup= get(); Cell::set(val); void restore()set(backup); void print() const cout value= get() backup= backup endl; virtual void printV() const cout V: value= get() backup= backup endl; private: int backup; ; int main() Cell c; c.set(123); cout Cell c, c.print() endl; c.print(); cout Cell c, c.printV() endl; c.printV(); cout endl; Cell* pc= &c; cout Cell* pc = &c, pc-print() endl; pc-print(); cout Cell* pc = &c, pc-printV() endl; pc-printV(); cout endl; ReCell rc; rc.set(456); rc.set(789); cout ReCell rc:, rc.print() endl; rc.print(); cout ReCell rc:, rc.printV() endl; rc.printV(); cout endl; c= rc; cout c= rc, c.print() endl; c.print(); cout c= rc, c.printV() endl; c.printV(); cout endl; pc= &rc; cout pc = &rc, pc-print() endl; pc-print(); cout endl ...finally, we see the effect of *virtual* ... endl; cout pc = &rc, pc-printV() endl; pc-printV(); cout endl; cout Cell& cc= rc; cc.printV() ... endl; Cell& cc= rc; cc.printV(); return 0; 86
Dissection 1. First, notice the use of the virtual qualier in the declaration of set and print. Note again: virtual means capable of dynamic binding. 2. Now, let us jump to main(). In the following, c= rc; cout c= rc, c.print() endl; c.print(); cout c= rc, c.printV() endl; c.printV(); cout endl; Slicing again takes place and the following is output: c= rc, c.print() value= 789 c= rc, c.printV() V: value= 789 c is of type Cell and nothing can make it otherwise. 3. However, as already indicated in 8.2.1, pc takes on the dynamic type pointer-to-ReCell. Still, in the following, pc= &rc; cout pc = &rc, pc-print() endl; pc-print(); whose static type is
Cell::print() is statically bound (compile-time) to pc, pointer-to-Cell, and the following is output: pc = &rc, pc-print() value= 789 4. But, in the following, we nally see the eect of virtual,
cout endl ...finally, we see the effect of *virtual* ... endl; cout pc = &rc, pc-printV() endl; pc-printV(); The output is: ...finally, we see the effect of *virtual* ... pc = &rc, pc-printV() V: value= 789 backup= 456 Here, the dynamic type of pc (pointer-to-ReCell) is respected and ReCell::printV() is called.
More on Dynamic Binding In function calls like c.print() etc., and even c.printV() conventional static-binding is used. I.e. the appropriate function is chosen & bound at compile-time using the best choice of (overloaded) function the compiler can make: the one indicated by the static (declared) type of the calling object. However, in pc-printV() quite dierent code is generated: extra run-time selection & dispatcher code is generated. At run-time, this code detects the run-time (or dynamic) type of the pointer, and calls (dispatches) the appropriate function. In summary, four points are worth making: Dynamic binding is possible only for pointers or references; We must be dealing with objects related via inheritance; The static type of the pointer must be pointer-to-base or reference-to-base; The method must have been declared virtual. Why does C++ not simply allow dynamic binding by default (like Java) and so get rid of any need for the virtual distinction? The answer is the desire to optimise for run-time eciency by default. The run-time selection & dispatcher code mentioned above takes extra time and extra memory. It used to be that games programmers frowned upon inheritance and virtual functions because their potential performance penalty. But that is no longer the case.
When we specialise a virtual function is provided, we call this overriding. On the other hand, when we specialise a non-virtual function, we call this overloading. The dierence between overriding and overloading is that: The binding (selection) of an overridden function is done at run-time; An overloaded function is bound at compile time.
Strong Typing
Many discussions on strong typing implicitly or explicitly equate strong typing to: Every variable is statically (at compile time) bound to a single type. Calls to operations on variables including operations that combine two or more variables can be statically checked for type compatibility. To these we can add, for languages with dynamic typing: The type of value held in a dynamically typed variable can be determined at run time, i.e. dynamically, thus, it is possible to select at run-time an appropriate polymorphic function / operator. Even where dynamic binding is employed, it is still possible to determine type compatibility at compile time. This is because dynamic binding is restricted to the family of classes related by inheritance, and, since derived / inheriting classes are merely extensions of their base(s), a derived class is type-compatible with a base class. For the above situation to be semantically safe, we must ensure that the type system provided by the class hierarchy respects the Liskov Substitution Principle: if function f() is dened for a parameter of class B, and given a class D derived from B, then calls to f(), with an argument of class D, should work properly.
If we declare a function, say VF(), as virtual in a base class, say B. Then, in a derived class, say D,VF() can be overridden. Of course, D::VF() must have matching signature/prototype. Now, a pointer to an object of class D, pd, can be assigned to a pointer of class B, pb, without explicit type conversion.
Then, when invoked with a pointer to the base class, the selection from the overridden virtual functions VF() is done dynamically, i.e. delayed until run-time, when the dynamic type of the pointer will be known. Thus: B b; B* pb = &b; D d; pb = &d; pb-VF(); //Ds VF selected - dynamically //if VF is *not* virtual - Bs VF would have been //selected --- i.e. statically bound, at compile-time. In the absence of a derived class VF(), of course, the base class virtual function will be used.
Without care it is easy for beginners to abuse inheritance through confusion of the class relationships: is-a, versus has-a. Inheritance is a mechanism by which a base class may be extended to yield a derived class; inclusion (composition) is the normal manner in which we can build a class using objects of other classes (composition, inclusion). Since inheritance provides extension, it is crucial to understand that the relationship between a derived class and a base class is is-a: a derived class object is-a base class object. In the Person class hierarchy, described below, in which Student and Lecturer are derived from (inherit from) Person, it is clear that an Student object certainly does qualify for is-a Person. But please note that the is-a relationship is not transitive; a Person need not necessarily be a Student or Lecturer. Careful design of classes will mean that they will obey normal everyday semantics of relationships between categories, e.g. Persons, and sub-categories, e.g. Students. On the other hand, the relationship between class Person and Address is has-a: a Person object has-a Name and has-an Address. Given our strict interpretation of has-a and is-a, on no account could we say that a Person is-an Address.
Suppose you sell, or give, precompiled versions of the Person class hierarchy, to someone else, together with a main() calling program without giving them the source code. You envisage them extending the program by building other classes based on your hierarchy.
Without virtual functions and overriding, you would have to, in the main() program, predict all the dierent operations that would ever be required (impossible) and provide them in a giant stitch statement. With inheritance and virtual functions, anyone can extend the class hierarchy, so long a they override appropriate virtual functions. Moreover, the main() program can call code that is developed long after it. This leads to the aphorisms mentioned earlier: Old code can call new code which contrasts with the non-object-oriented solution of new code being written to call old code provided in libraries. Upside-down libraries i.e. the calling framework remains xed, while the called functions may be modied. Virtual functions are C++s object-oriented way of avoiding callback functions such as those use in OpenGL. And, we recall the open-closed principle: software modules (here classes) must be open to extension, but must be closed to modication.
It is always dicult to explain the software design process in notes. Normally, the notes contain the nished article without any discussion of the design and implementation steps. We started o requiring classes to represent a course (now module) in the institute. Our rst attempt was the Student class below. First, we thought the a single string for Address was inadequate so we designed an Address class. Then it became clear that we needed a Lecturer and possibly other people classes. Consequently, we designed a Person class into which we could factor all the data and behaviour common to Lecturer and Student, and, presumably, other people classes that may arise. class Student public: Student() : fn(), ln(), id(), ad() Student(string fn, string ln, string id, string ad, int m) : fn(fn), ln(ln), id(id), ad(ad) Student(string); string first() return fn; ; string last() return ln; ; string ident() return id;; string address() return ad;; string toString() const; private: string fn; string ln; string id; string ad; ; 811
File Person.h now shows a Person class. It has been deliberately kept simple, and thus, other than as a demonstration of inheritance, it is rather limited and unremarkable. // ---------------- Person.h --------------------------// j.g.c version 1.0; 2007-08-27 // ----------------------------------------------------#ifndef PERSONH #define PERSONH #include string #include StringTokenizer.h #include Address.h class Person private: std::string firstName; std::string lastName; Address address; public: Person(std::string& firstName, std::string& lastName, Address& address); // see Address.h for comment on = ... Person(std::string str = blank,blank;blank,blank,blank,blank); virtual std::string toString() const; ; #endif // ---------------- Person.cpp --------------------------// j.g.c version 1.0; 2007-08-27 // ----------------------------------------------------#include Person.h #include iostream Person::Person(std::string& firstName, std::string& lastName, Address& address) : firstName(firstName), lastName(lastName), address(address) Person::Person(std::string str) // first split into name ; address StringTokenizer st1 = StringTokenizer(str, ;); std::string sName = st1.token(0); std::string sAddress = st1.token(1); address = Address(sAddress); // now split name StringTokenizer st2 = StringTokenizer(sName, ,); 812
firstName = st2.token(0);
lastName = st2.token(1);
Address // ---------------- Address.h --------------------------// j.g.c version 1.0; 2007-08-26 // ----------------------------------------------------#ifndef ADDRESSH #define ADDRESSH #include string #include StringTokenizer.h class Address private: std::string street; // street = first line of address std::string city; std::string region; // county or state std::string country; public: Address(std::string& street, std::string& city, std::string& region, std::string& country); // = does for default constructor // which C++ wants but will never be used Address(std::string str = blank,blank,blank,blank); std::string toString() const; ; #endif
Dissection of Person.h 1. There are two constructors; the rst is the standard initialising constructor; the second constructs from a string. The latter is nice if we want to read from a le. 2. We avoid needing a default constructor (Person() with the default argument in Person(std::string str = blank,blank;blank,blank,blank,blank); If we ever have Person(), the Person(std::string) constructor will be called with those default arguments. This is ne; in fact we never deliberately use a default constructor but C++ implicitly inserts one in certain situations and the compiler will complain if it doesnt exist. 813
3. Person is composed of two strings and an Address. Why this design? We could have avoided Address altogether and put the Address string straight into Person. But that causes two problems: (a) Person starts to get big and complicated; as it is we can design and test Address and after that we can more or less forget about the complexities of the Address part; (b) What happens if we ever need to design a class, for example Company, that has an an Address but yet does not inherit from Person? The answer is that we would have to duplicate the address part of Person bad, bad, bad. If you ever nd yourself duplicating code, go o and have a cup of tea and rethink your design. 4. We copy Java in giving classes toString methods; this makes life easy when we want to write an object to the screen or to a le. Think of this as the output equivalent of the Person(std::string) constructor that is used for input from keyboard and le. 5. We also copy Java in that we developed a StringTokenizer class for ripping apart strings of data separated by delimiters. 6. In the declaration of toString we have used the keyword virtual; this is highly signicant since it releases the possibility of dynamic binding of toString; We refrain from describing the implementation of Person; we can discuss that in class.
A Student Class
File Student.h shows an Student class which is derived from Person it inherits from Person. // ---------------- Student.h --------------------------// j.g.c version 1.0; 2007-08-27 // ----------------------------------------------------#ifndef STUDENTH #define STUDENTH #include string #include Person.h class Student: public Person private: std::string id; public: Student(std::string& firstName, std::string& lastName, Address& address, std::string& id); // see Address.h for comment on = ... Student(std::string str = blank,blank;blank,blank,blank,blank;blank); virtual std::string toString() const; ; #endif 814
// ---------------- Student.cpp --------------------------// j.g.c version 1.0; 2007-08-27 // ----------------------------------------------------#include Student.h #include iostream Student::Student(std::string& firstName, std::string& lastName, Address& address, std::string& id) : Person(firstName, lastName, address), id(id) Student::Student(std::string str) : Person(str) // first split into name ; address ; id // note that Person(str) will ignore id StringTokenizer st1 = StringTokenizer(str, ;); id = st1.token(2); // (0) is name, (1) is address std::string Student::toString() const return Person::toString() + ; + id;
Dissection of Student 1. class Student : public Person... signies that Student inherits from Person. 2. Student exhibits the same behaviour as Person; well, the only common behaviour is the toString method! 3. As well as id Student, via inheritance, contains all the data members of Person; 4. As a consequence of public inheritance, only the public parts of Person are visible within Student.
First of all we show a simple test program for Person alone; then we show a test that uses al three classes in the hierarchy ( Person, Student, Lecturer and demonstrates polymorphism. File PersonT1.cpp shows a program which exercises Person. You will have access to similar programs for Student and Lecturer; the latter two are extremely similar to PersonT1.cpp and not worth printing here.
PersonT1.cpp demonstrates the use of std::vector, std::list, and std::iterator and the random number generator. These may be worth some discussion in class. A further example of std::vector is given in section 8.11 at the end of this Chapter. 815
// ----------------- PersonT1.cpp -----------------// j.g.c. 2007-08-27 // ------------------------------------------------#include Person.h #include vector #include list #include iostream #include iterator #include cstdlib // for rand using namespace std; class PersonT1 public: PersonT1() vectorstring firstNames = vectorstring(); firstNames.pushback(string(Seamus)); firstNames.pushback(string(Sean)); firstNames.pushback(string(Sharon)); firstNames.pushback(string(Sinead)); firstNames.pushback(string(Sarah)); firstNames.pushback(string(Simon)); vectorstring lastNames = vectorstring(); lastNames.pushback(string(Bloggs)); lastNames.pushback(string(Burke)); lastNames.pushback(string(Blaney)); lastNames.pushback(string(Bradley)); lastNames.pushback(string(Brown)); lastNames.pushback(string(Black)); vectorstring streets = vectorstring(); streets.pushback(string(Port Road)); streets.pushback(string(Pearse Road)); streets.pushback(string(College Terrace)); streets.pushback(string(Kingsbury)); streets.pushback(string(New Street)); vectorstring cities = vectorstring(); cities.pushback(string(Newtown)); cities.pushback(string(Oldtown)); cities.pushback(string(Johnstown)); cities.pushback(string(Hightown)); cities.pushback(string(Lowtown)); vectorstring regions = vectorstring(); regions.pushback(string(Oldshire)); regions.pushback(string(Newshire)); 816
regions.pushback(string(Green County)); regions.pushback(string(Old County)); vectorstring countries = vectorstring(); countries.pushback(string(Ireland)); countries.pushback(string(Wales)); countries.pushback(string(England)); countries.pushback(string(Scotland)); listPerson personList = listPerson(); string street, city, region, country, lastName, firstName; unsigned int rnseed= 139; srand(rnseed); // initialise random number generator. int n = 10, j; for(int i = 0; i n; ++i) cout i = i endl; j = rand()%streets.size(); street = streets.at(j); j = rand()%cities.size(); city = cities.at(j); j = rand()%regions.size(); region = regions.at(j); j = rand()%countries.size(); country = countries.at(j); j = rand()%firstNames.size(); firstName = firstNames.at(j); j = rand()%lastNames.size(); lastName = lastNames.at(j); Address a = Address(street, city, region, country); cout a.toString() endl; Person p = Person(firstName, lastName, a); cout p.toString() endl; personList.pushback(p); string s = string(James,Mulligan;Lough Salt,Kilmacrennan,Donegal,Ireland); Person p(s); personList.pushback(p); p = Person(); personList.pushback(p); coutThe Person list size is: personList.size() endl; cout The Person list is: endl; listPerson::iterator itr; for(itr = personList.begin(); itr!= personList.end(); ++itr) cout itr-toString() endl; ; 817
Now we test the full Person hierarchy, and demonstrate polymorphism. // ----------------- PersonT2.cpp -----------------// j.g.c. 2007-08-27 // demonstrating polymorphism in the Person hierarchy // ------------------------------------------------#include Person.h #include Lecturer.h #include Student.h #include #include #include #include #include #include vector list iostream iterator cstdlib // for rand sstream
using namespace std; class PersonT2 public: PersonT2() // etc., see PersonT1.cpp vectorstring offices = vectorstring(); offices.pushback(string(2220)); offices.pushback(string(3301)); offices.pushback(string(3302)); offices.pushback(string(1401)); listPerson* personList = listPerson*(); string street, city, region, country, lastName, firstName; unsigned int rnseed= 1111353; srand(rnseed); // initialise random number generator. // and spin it a few times for(int i = 0; i 1000; ++i)rand(); int n = 10, j; string id1(L200702); for(int i = 0; i n; ++i) 818
j = rand()%streets.size(); street = streets.at(j); j = rand()%cities.size(); city = cities.at(j); j = rand()%regions.size(); region = regions.at(j); j = rand()%countries.size(); country = countries.at(j); j = rand()%firstNames.size(); firstName = firstNames.at(j); j = rand()%lastNames.size(); lastName = lastNames.at(j); Address a = Address(street, city, region, country); //cout a.toString() endl; int type = rand()%4; //randomly choose type of Person if(type 2) Person *p = new Person(firstName, lastName, a); personList.pushback(p); else if(type == 2) int k = i + 10; ostringstream ossid; ossid id1 k; string id = ossid.str(); Student *st = new Student(firstName, lastName, a, id); personList.pushback(st); else j = rand()%offices.size(); string office = offices.at(j); Lecturer *l = new Lecturer(firstName, lastName, a, office); personList.pushback(l); string s = string(James,Mulligan;Lough Salt,Kilmacrennan,Donegal,Ireland); Person p2(s); personList.pushback(&p2); Person p3 = Person(); personList.pushback(&p3); coutThe Person list size is: personList.size() endl; cout The Person list is: endl; listPerson*::iterator itr; for(itr = personList.begin(); itr!= personList.end(); ++itr) cout (*itr)-toString() endl; ; 819
Dissection of PersonT2.cpp 1. In order to use polymorphism, we now use a listPerson* a list of pointer to the base class. 2. This means that (*itr)-toString() will act polymorphically and bind the appropriate toString (Person, Student, or Lecturer) according to the dynamic type of what itr has extracted from the list; for this to happen, toString must be virtual, see below. 3. If we had used listPerson (plus obvious changes), all objects inserted into the list would have been sliced to produce a Person object and the additional parts in Student and Lecturer would have been discarded. 4. If we had used listPerson* as above, but had left the virtual qualier o toString, then compile time (static) binding would have been used to and in (*itr)-toString() Person::toString() would have been linked and all the objects would have been displayed as if they were (plain) Person. That is, slicing would not have taken place; the extended id and office are there alright, but Person::toString() knows nothing about them. Make sure you understand the dierence between slicing and static binding in the context above.
The program in VectorTest1.cpp demonstrates the usefulness of the standard library vector class and the associated standard library algorithms. //------ VectorTest1.cpp -------------------------// tests for std::vector // j.g.c. 2003/02/20 //------------------------------------------------#include iostream // for cout etc. #include string #include fstream // for files - ofstream, ifstream #include algorithm #include vector #include cstdlib // for rand #include Marks.h using namespace std;
int main() const int n= 10; unsigned int rnseed= 139; double d[n]; srand(rnseed); // initialise random number generator. //cout Max. random number= RANDMAX endl; for(int i= 0; i n; i++) d[i]= (double)rand()/(double)RANDMAX; // numbers in 0.0 to 1.0 cout nArray of random numbersn endl; for(int i= 0; i n; i++) cout d[i] ; cout endl; vectordouble v1; for(int i= 0; i n; i++) v1.pushback(d[i]); cout nIterating through vector, one way n endl; vectordouble::iterator iter; for(iter = v1.begin(); iter!= v1.end(); iter++) cout *iter ; cout endl; cout nIterating through vector, another way n endl; for(int i = 0; i n; i++) cout v1[i] ; cout endl; sort(v1.begin(), v1.end()); cout nSorted vectorn endl; for(int i = 0; i n; i++) cout v1[i] ; cout endl; reverse(v1.begin(), v1.end()); cout nReverse sorted vectorn endl; for(int i = 0; i n; i++) cout v1[i] ; cout endl; cout nFront, back elements of vector, and size()n endl; cout v1.front() v1.back() v1.size(); 821
cout endl; cout nYou can modify the vector (x 10.0)n endl; for(int i = 0; i n; i++) v1[i] = v1[i]*10.0; for(unsigned int i = 0; i v1.size(); i++) cout v1[i] ; cout endl; cout nYou can have vectors of stringsn endl; vector string v2; v2.pushback(The); v2.pushback(quick); v2.pushback(brown); v2.pushback(fox); v2.pushback(jumped); v2.pushback(over); v2.pushback(the); v2.pushback(lazy); v2.pushback(dogs); v2.pushback(back); for(unsigned int i = 0; i v2.size(); i++) cout v2[i] ; cout endl; sort(v2.begin(), v2.end()); cout nSortedn endl; for(unsigned int i = 0; i v2.size(); i++) cout v2[i] ; cout endl; cout nYou can assign vectors n endl; vectorstring v12 = v2; for(unsigned int i = 0; i v12.size(); i++) cout v2[i] ; cout endl; cout nYou can remove elements from vectors n endl; remove(v12.begin(), v12.end(), lazy); for(unsigned int i = 0; i v12.size(); i++) cout v12[i] ; cout endl; cout nYou can search vectors n endl; vectorstring::iterator it; it= find(v12.begin(), v12.end(), fox); cout*it endl; 822
cout n... and then erase that element n endl; v12.erase(it); for(unsigned int i = 0; i v12.size(); i++) cout v12[i] ; cout endl; vectorstring v22; cout nYou can copy using copy, but use resize first n endl; v22.resize(4); copy(v12.begin(), v12.begin()+3, v22.begin() ); for(unsigned int i = 0; i v22.size(); i++) cout v22[i] ; cout endl; vector vectorstring vv; cout nYou can have vectors of vectors, but use in decl. n endl; vv.pushback(v2); vv.pushback(v12); vv.pushback(v22); for(unsigned int i = 0; i vv.size(); i++) cout vector i: ; for(unsigned int j = 0; j vv[i].size(); j++) cout vv[i][j] ; cout endl; cout endl; cout nYou can have vectors of your own objectsn endl; vector Marks v3; int ex, ca; for(unsigned int i = 0; i 8; i++) ex= rand()%100; ca= rand()%100; Marks m= Marks(ex, ca); v3.pushback(m); for(unsigned int i = 0; i v3.size(); i++) cout v3[i] ; cout endl; sort(v3.begin(), v3.end()); cout nSortedn endl; for(unsigned int i = 0; i v3.size(); i++) cout v3[i] ; 823
cout endl; cout nYou can then save that vector to a filen endl; ofstream fileout(xyz.dat); if(!fileout) cerr cannot open file xyz.datn; return -1; for(unsigned int i=0; i v3.size(); i++) fileout v3[i]; fileout endl; fileout.close(); cout n... and read some of them backn endl; vectorMarks v4; ifstream filein(xyz.dat); if(!filein) cerr cannot open file xyz.datn; return -1; Marks tmp; for(unsigned int i=0; i 5; i++) filein tmp; v4.pushback(tmp); filein.close(); for(unsigned int i = 0; i v4.size(); i++) cout v4[i] ; cout endl; return 0;
Notice that if you ever want to apply the sort algorithm to a collection of objects, then the class must have a (ordering) operator: bool operator(const Marks& lhs, const Marks& rhs) return lhs.overall() rhs.overall(); //-------------------------------------------------------// Marks.h - StudentInfo project // j.g.c. 2003/02/20, 2007-01-05 //-------------------------------------------------------#ifndef MARKSH #define MARKSH #include string #include iostream #include sstream class Marks // friends are not members, but have access to private data friend std::ostream& operator(std::ostream& os, const Marks& m); friend std::istream& operator(std::istream& is, Marks& m); friend bool operator(const Marks& lhs, const Marks& rhs); public: Marks() : ex(0.0), ca(0.0) //defining in header is same as inline Marks(double ex, double ca); Marks(std::istream& is); double overall() const; std::string toString() const; static const int examWeight = 70; private: double ex; double ca; ; #endif //-------------------------------------------------------// Marks.cpp - StudentInfo project // j.g.c. 2003/02/20, 2007-01-12 //-------------------------------------------------------#include Marks.h using namespace std;
Marks::Marks(double ex, double ca) ex = ex; ca = ca; Marks::Marks(istream& is) // assumes that fields are separated by whitespace string tmp; is tmp; // throw away decoration (Marks:) is ex; is ca; double Marks::overall() const double exw= double(examWeight)/100.0; return exw*ex + (1.0 - exw)*ca; ostream& operator (ostream& os, const Marks& m) // ideally, this would not output any decoration; in that // case, could be the same as os Marks: m.ex m.ca; return os; string Marks::toString() const stringstream ss; ss Marks: ex ca; return ss.str();;
istream& operator(istream& is, Marks& m) // assumes that fields are separated by whitespace string tmp; is tmp; // throw away decoration (Marks:) is m.ex; is m.ca; return is; bool operator(const Marks& lhs, const Marks& rhs) return lhs.overall() rhs.overall();
The classes that we have used so far Cell, ReCell, Person and the graphics Vector classes have avoided any use of heap memory. In each case, member variables are stack memory based and memory is managed automatically, i.e. object creation and deletion is done automatically by the language. On the other hand, many practical classes/objects require, for one reason or another, to employ heap memory; the sort of objects that require the exibility of heap storage are containers: lists, stacks, queues, trees, and dynamically sizable arrays and strings. Fortunately, the C++ standard library now makes available an extensive range of containers, so that the development of heap based classes is no longer as necessary as it used to be. That is fortunate, because, as we repeat below, development of classes that need to manage memory is dicult and error prone. Make sure you recall heap and stack variables. In summary: normally declared/dened variables are constructed (created) on the stack; they are constructed when control reaches the point of declaration and they are destroyed when control reaches the end of the scope unit in which they were declared. Thus, programmers need only declare them and the language takes care of the rest the lifetime of the variables is handled automatically. Variables that are constructed using new reside on the heap; as well as requiring to be explicitly constructed (using new), they must be destroyed explicitly (using delete). The important distinction between heap-based objects and stack-based objects is the same for objects as for variables. That is, the compiler will automatically and implicitly generate memory management and similar functions for the simpler stack objects, but for heap based objects those objects whose state is stored in heap memory and accessed through pointers, the class developer must explicitly program memory management, see section 5.11, i.e. constructors and destructors, and associated functions such as copy. Memory management is never easy. However, we can develop patterns or templates (taking the general meanings of these terms) that show how to provide the memory management facilities generally needed for heap-based classes. We have briey covered heap memory management in section 5.11; maybe you should review that now.
We will discuss in some detail some critical aspects of heap-based classes: Destructors A destructor is called, automatically, when control reaches the end of the block in which the object was declared, i.e. when the object goes out of scope. The compiler will always provide adequate destruction of stack-based objects, but, for heap-based objects, proper destructor memory management must be provided if garbage and memory-leaks (or worse, dangling pointers) are to be avoided. Copy constructor A copy constructor is called when the object is passed (by value) to and from functions. Again, for classes which use stack memory, the compiler will always provide an adequate copy constructor. For heap-based objects the case is quite analogous to that of the destructor: proper constructor memory management must be provided. Assignment Assignment operator (the = operator) needs treatment similar to the copy constructor. The Big-Three The C++ FAQs (Cline et al. 1999b) uses the term the Big-Three for these three functions: copy constructor, assignment operator, and destructor. This is because, for classes that use heap storage, it is almost certainly necessary to explicitly program all three. If they are not programmed, the compiler will provide default versions which will probably not do what you would wish; moreover the inadequacies of these defaults may be most subtle, and may require quite determined and skilled testing to detect. In the remainder of this chapter we are going to develop heap-based dynamic array class (rather like std::vector). We will spend some time on this, but a much better example is given in in Chapter 12. The details of a linked list class are in Chapter 13. There is some repetition between the remainder of this chapter and Chapter 12.
Dissection of Array1.h Copy constructor A copy constructor always has the signature T(const Type& source);, where Type is the class name. Array(const Array& source); Destructor There is only ever one destructor, and it must have the name of the class preceded by (tilde). Array(); 92
//----- Array1.h ------------------------------------// j.g.c. 6/1/99, 8/1/99, 2007-01-06 // heap memory, and full complement of // copy constructor, destructor, assignment operator. //---------------------------------------------------#ifndef ARRAYH #define ARRAYH #include iostream #include cassert class Array public: Array(unsigned int len= 0); // defaults to zero if no arguments Array(unsigned int len, int val); Array(const Array& source); // copy constructor Array(); // destructor Array& operator=(const Array& source);// assignment operator void set(int val, unsigned int i); int get(unsigned int i) const; unsigned int length() const; void print() const; private: unsigned int len; int* dat; void copy(const Array& source); // used only internally ; #endif Figure 9.1: Array1.h class declaration.
Destructors cannot be invoked explicitly they are implicitly invoked when an object must be destroyed, i.e. when exiting the block or function in which it was dened, i.e. when execution leaves the portion of the program in which it is in scope. Assignment operator Array& operator=(const Array& source);
Private function copy Note that copy is made private because it is used only internally it is not part of the class interface. void copy(const Array& source); // used only internally
The implementation code for the Array class is shown in Figures 9.2 and 9.3.
Dissection of Array1.cpp 1. We have added print statements to some of the signicant functions; this is to enable tracing of calls to them. As we shall see in the next subsection, you may be surprised what is going on during, for example a call to a function which takes an object as a parameter. However, in the interests of clarity, these prints statements have been removed in the following discussions. 2. Default constructor. Array::Array(unsigned int len) : len(len) if(len==0)dat = 0; return; dat = new int[len]; assert(dat!= 0); for(unsigned int i=0; i len; i++)set(0, i); (a) If length is zero, no need to allocate, set dat pointer to null and return. (b) Otherwise allocate an array of len ints on heap. new returns a pointer to this data block, and this is assigned to dat. (c) Use assert to ensure that the allocation was successful; new returns a null pointer if it is unsuccessful, e.g. due to resources of free memory having become exhausted. (d) Then initialise the memory to 0. 3. Initialising constructor. Array::Array(unsigned int len, int val) : len(len) if(len==0)dat = 0; return; dat = new int[len]; assert(dat!= 0); for(unsigned int i=0; i len; i++)set(val, i); 94
//----- Array1.cpp ---------------------------------// j.g.c. 6/1/99, 8/1/99, 2007-01-06 //---------------------------------------------------#include Array1.h using namespace std; Array::Array(unsigned int len) : len(len) cout *1.Array(unsigned int)* endl; if(len==0)dat = 0; return; dat = new int[len]; assert(dat!= 0); for(unsigned int i=0; i len; i++)set(0, i); Array::Array(unsigned int len, int val) : len(len) cout *2.Array(unsigned int, int)* endl; if(len==0)dat = 0; return; dat = new int[len]; assert(dat!= 0); for(unsigned int i=0; i len; i++)set(val, i); Array::Array(const Array& source) cout 3.*Array(const Array&) -- copy constructor* endl; copy(source); Array::Array() cout *Array()* endl; delete [] dat; Array& Array::operator=(const Array& source) cout *operator=* endl; if(this!= &source) // beware a= a; delete [] dat; copy(source); return *this; void Array::copy(const Array& source) len= source.length(); if(len== 0)dat = 0; return; dat = new int[len]; assert(dat!= 0); for(unsigned int i= 0; i len; i++)dat[i] = source.get(i); ... continued ... 95 Figure 9.2: Array1.cpp class implementation, part 1
... Array1.cpp ... void Array::set(int val, unsigned int i) assert(ilen); dat[i]= val; int Array::get(unsigned int i) const assert(ilen); return dat[i]; unsigned int Array::length() const return len; void Array::print() const unsigned int len= length(); coutlength= len : ; for(unsigned int i=0; ilen; i++) cout get(i) ; cout endl; Figure 9.3: Array1.cpp class implementation, part 2.
This is the same as the default constructor except for the initialising value. 4. Function copy. void Array::copy(const Array& source) len= source.length(); if(len== 0)dat = 0; return; dat = new int[len]; assert(dat!= 0); for(unsigned int i= 0; i len; i++)dat[i] = source.get(i); (a) This is very similar to the default constructor except that this time we have passed another object to be copied. (b) Notice that we have passed a reference (Array& source). If we dont well end up constructing many multiple copies, each of which must also be destroyed. And when the object becomes large, as may be the case for an Array the performance drain can be considerable. (c) Of course, we guarantee the safety of the referenced object (in the caller) by making the reference const. 5. Copy constructor. Array::Array(const Array& source) copy(source); Here, all the work is done by copy. Again notice the use of reference and const. 6. Destructor. Array::Array() delete [] dat; (a) Here we use delete to release the allocated memory. (b) Owing to the fact that dat points to an array, we must use delete []. 7. Assignment operator =. Array& Array::operator=(const Array& source) if(this!= &source) // beware a= a; delete [] dat; copy(source); return *this; (a) Let us say we have two Array objects, x, y and x = y. Then this assignment is exactly equivalent to 97
x.operator=(y); (b) Again notice the use of a reference and const. (c) Since we can envisage x = x, however improbable, we have to be careful to check whether this is the case and if it is, do nothing. (d) this is an implicit pointer variable which points at the object itself. Thus if(this!= &source) checks if the calling object and the source object share the same memory location and so are the same object! (e) return *this; returns the object (actually a reference, see next comment). (f) Why does operator= return Array&? (a) In C and C++ is is standard for an assignment to have the value of the object assigned, e.g. int x = y = 10; we want the same for objects. And, as usual, we want the eciency of reference passing. The next chapter has a more extensive discussion of operator overloading.
C++ provides a macro function, assert, which evaluates a Boolean expression and if it evaluates to false generates a run-time error message and halts the program. assert is dened in cassert. The following shows an example use of assert to check the legality of the array index operator; len is the length of the array. void Array::set(int val, unsigned int i) assert(ilen); dat[i]= val; When the following code is executed: c2.set(200, 10); //demonstrates assert the array index 10 will not satisfy the condition len (len- == 3) and an error will be reported and the program halted: Array1T1: Array1.cpp:52: void Array::set(int, unsigned int): Assertion len failed. For performance or other reasons, the assertion can be disabled either by including the compiler switch -DNDEBUG; Im not sure how Visual Studio handles this. Alternatively insert the following pre-processor directive in the source le: 98
#define NDEBUG Note also the assertion which tests whether memory allocation has been successful: dat = new int[len]; assert(dat!= 0); Use of assertions like this is an example of defensive programming and can be very useful in testing and can greatly simplify debugging.
The program in Figure 9.4 demonstrates the use of the Array class.
Dissection The most interesting activities are those involving the constructors, the assignment operator and the destructor. To examine these, it is useful to examine the output generated by Array1T1.cpp. 1. This code Array c1; cout Array c1: ; c1.print(); outputs: *1.Array(unsigned int)* Array c1: length= 0: i.e. the default constructor is called, and, when printed, the array is seen to have length 0. 2. This code Array c2(3); cout Array c2(3): ; c2.print(); outputs: *1.Array(unsigned int)* Array c2(3): length= 3: 0 0 0 i.e. the constructor is called with argument 3, and, when printed, the array is seen to have length 3 and initial values 0.
//----- Array1T1.cpp ---------------------------------// j.g.c. 6/1/99, 8/1/99, 13/1/99, 2007-01-06 //---------------------------------------------------#include Array1.h using namespace std; Array fred(Array a) cout Array a in fred: ; a.print(); cout endl; Array b(a); int len= b.length(); int x; for(int i= 0; i len; i++) x= b.get(i); b.set(x+100, i); return b; int main() cout heap based array ... endl; Array c1; cout Array c1: ; c1.print(); Array c2(3); cout Array c2(3): ; c2.print(); //c2.set(200, 10); demonstrates assert Array c3(5, 7); cout Array c3(5, 7): ; c3.print(); cout endl; cout c3.length() c3.length() endl; int len= c3.length(); for(int i= 0; i len; i++) c3.set(i+20, i); cout c3 updated: ; c3.print(); cout endl endl; cout c3.get: ; for(int i= 0; i len; i++) cout c3.get(i) ; cout endl endl; Array c4= c3; cout Array c4= c3: ; c4.print(); cout endl; Array c5(c3); cout Array c5(c3): ; c5.print(); cout endl; c2= c3; cout c2= c3: ; c2.print(); cout endl; c2= fred(c3); cout c2= fred(c3): ; c2.print(); cout endl; cout finishing ... endl; return 0; 910 Figure 9.4: Array1T1.cpp
Array c3(5, 7); cout Array c3(5, 7): ; c3.print(); cout endl; outputs: 2.Array(unsigned int, int)* Array c3(5, 7): length= 5: 7 7 7 7 7 i.e. the initialising constructor is called with arguments 5, 7, and, when printed, the array is seen to have length 5 and initial values 7.
Array c4= c3; cout Array c4= c3: ; c4.print(); cout endl; outputs: 3.*Array(const Array&) -- copy constructor* Array c4= c3: length= 5: 20 21 22 23 24 i.e. the copy constructor is called with argument c3; this may be a little surprising in this circumstance, the compiler always knows to optimise out an unnecessary assignment. When printed, the array c4 is seen to have been appropriately copied from c3.
Array c5(c3); cout Array 5(c3): ; c5.print(); cout endl; outputs: 3.*Array(const Array&) -- copy constructor* Array c5(c3): length= 5: 20 21 22 23 24 i.e. the copy constructor is called with argument c3; in this case this is more expected.
6. Now we get to an true assignment statement. c2= c3; cout Array c2= c3: ; c2.print(); cout endl; outputs: *operator=* Array c2= c3: length= 5: 20 21 22 23 24 i.e. the assignment operator is called with argument c3. 7. Now we get to a function call with parameter passing; this generates a lot more activity than you would expect. c2= fred(c3); First, a copy of c3 is made to create local object a, and the print statement executed. 911
3.*Array(const Array&) -- copy constructor* Array a in fred: length= 5: 20 21 22 23 24 Next local Array b is created from a. (Actually, this is a little silly, since a is already a local copy; nevertheless, the code as given is a good general demonstration of the activity that surrounds function calls and parameter passing). 3.*Array(const Array&) -- copy constructor* Then, after b is modied (no output), return b causes the copy constructor to make a copy to an anonymous temporary object in the main program: 3.*Array(const Array&) -- copy constructor* Then both local objects, a, b are destroyed: *Array()* *Array()* Then the temporary is assigned to c2: *operator=* and the temporary is destroyed: *Array()* Then c2 is printed, c2= fred(c3): length= 5: 120 121 122 123 124 8. Finally, we get to the end of main, but its not all over yet: finishing ... *Array()* *Array()* *Array()* *Array()* *Array()* Here we see objects c1, c2 ..., c5 being destroyed.
If we have to reference the object itself in a member function, we can do it through an implicit pointer this; e.g. below in operator=: Array& Array::operator=(const Array& source) if(this!= &source) // beware a= a; delete [] dat; copy(source); return *this;
Usually, copy constructors must be provided for classes which use heap memory. As already described, if the developer of the class does not provide one, the compiler will do so.
The problem is that the compiler provided default copy constructor will merely perform a na ve member-wise or shallow copy constructor. In the case of Array this means that only members len and dat will be copied. The deciency of the default copy constructor is seen in the following example: Array a(5,7), b(a); Array c(a); //OK so far, but b and a share the same //data array -- referenced by pdat b.set(125, 2); // 2nd element of b becomes 125 int x= a.get(2); // what value of x? 7? // *no* it is 125! // because a.pdat and b.pdat are aliases for one //another A worse problem is caused if a gets destroyed before b, or vice versa; in this case b.dat will become a dangling reference.
In the case of Array, we provide Array::Array(const Array& source) cout 3.*Array(const Array&) -- copy constructor* endl; copy(source); void Array::copy(const Array& source) len= source.length(); if(len== 0)dat = 0; return; dat = new int[len]; assert(dat!= 0); for(unsigned int i= 0; i len; i++)dat[i] = source.get(i); This provides a so-called deep copy, i.e. copy not just the explicit members, but also what they point to.
Already, we have given a detailed account of constructor activity during the following function call:
c2= fred(c3);
Array fred(Array a) Array b(a); // ... return b; 1. Local object a is created using the copy constructor. 2. Then object b is created again the copy constructor. 3. On return, b must be copied to the caller; this is to a an anonymous temporary object, which, momentarily, replaces fred(c3). 4. Next, the assignment operator = is invoked to copy the temporary object to c2. I suppose the main point to me made here is that a faulty copy constructor is a great liability but, because of the implicitness of most of its use, it can cause problems that are very hard to trace.
Assignment is subject to the same requirements as copy constructors, and the discussion of section 9.4; i.e. a non-trivial assignment operator must usually be provided for classes which use heap memory. If such is not provided, again the compiler will provide a default one, which uses shallow copy. Copy constructors and assignment operators perform very similar tasks, and so their code often closely mirrors that of the other. In the following example, the only dierence is (a) the check against mistaken deletion of an objects memory if it is assigned to itself, and (b) the use of delete [] dat; to free whatever memory the object is currently using. Array& Array::operator=(const Array& source) cout *operator=* endl; if(this!= &source) // beware a= a; delete [] dat; copy(source); return *this; A more detailed account of operators is given in the next chapter. As mentioned earlier, you should note carefully that operator= returns a reference (Array&). This allows constructs of the form a = b = c;, which, if it is to be valid for built-in types like int, had better be valid for objects. Indeed, many container classes, e.g. those in the C++ standard library, depend on and demand this property.
As repeatedly mentioned, destructors are called, automatically, when program control reaches the end of the block in which the object was dened (and hence constructed). The destructor for an object which references heap memory is subject to the same memory management demands as copy constructor and assignment operator. The compiler will always provide adequate destruction of stack-based objects, but, for heap-based objects, proper destructor memory management must be provided if garbage and memory-leaks (or worse, dangling pointers) are to be avoided. Thus, the Array destructor: Array::Array() delete [] dat;
The Big-Three
The C++ FAQs (Cline et al. 1999b) uses the term the Big-Three for the previous three functions: copy constructor, assignment operator, and destructor. This is because, for any class for which you must provide one, it is almost certainly necessary to provide all three.
I hope that the discussion in subsection 9.4.3 will have given the (correct) impression that function fred may be generating an awful lot of unnecessary work. In many cases, a better solution is the following:
Array fred1(const Array& a) Array b(a); // do things to b return b; Here we have dispensed with one call to a copy constructor a. But the others remain creation of b and creation of the temporary in the caller. Actually, as mentioned above, we could equally well use: Array fred11(Array a) // a is a local *copy* // do things to a return a;
Reference return It would now be tempting to continue the trend and return a reference to b (or a if fred11). In this circumstance, we cannot easily do that. Since b, or a are local variables, they are destroyed upon return. Thus,
c2= fred21(c3);
// do things to a return a; is very seriously awed; upon return, a reference (remember a reference is just an alias to a is returned (to a temporary); next, a is destroyed, so that when, in the caller, the assignment has a dangling reference on its right-hand-side!. This is subtle. Just because an object references heap-memory, it itself is not a heap object unless it is created using new. Returning a reference to a local object is a cardinal sin.
Pointer return Obviously, if b is to become a revised version of the argument (c3), we cannot avoid a constructor for b. However, what about the temporary? This can be accomplished by the code in fred2: //Warning: ugly code follows Array* pc2; call: pc2= fred1(c3); // now returns a pointer
Array* fred2(const Array& a) Array* pb = new Array(a); int len= pb-length(); int x; for(int i= 0; i len; i++) x= pb-get(i); pb-set(x+100, i); return *pb; The price to pay is that b, or rather pb, must reference a heap object; to create this, we must use new. The real disadvantage of fred2 is that is creates a heap object that someone else must take responsibility for destroying i.e. potential garbage. However, you may be relieved to hear that this example is quite articial, and that properly designed software will normally use new only within a class, and that a corresponding delete will be provided (by the class designer).
Return value optimisation Actually, the following version, which is by far the prettiest, may turn out to be the most ecient due to return value optimisation. Array fred11(Array a) // a is a local *copy* // do things to a return a; 917
When the compiler notices a local Array a being created, followed by a return a, it knows that considerable optimisation can achieved by creating a in the callers space.
Up to now, we have been careful to use, where possible, accessor functions such as get in member functions, e.g. in copy: void Array::copy(const Array& source) len= source.length(); if(len== 0)dat = 0; return; dat = new int[len]; assert(dat!= 0); for(unsigned int i= 0; i len; i++)dat[i] = source.get(i); for(unsigned int i= 0; i len; i++)dat[i] = source.get(i); Here we use get for access to source, but we go straight to dat for the object itself. However, we could easily rewrite this line as: for(unsigned int i= 0; i len; i++)dat[i] = source.dat[i]; Thus, sources private members are visible to the member functions of other objects of the same class. Privacy is class-based, not object-based. On the other hand, maybe the use of accessor functions is no harm at all; it further limits the eects of change of representation to even member functions. However, use of source.get(i) may oend the performance ultra-fastidious since it may incur some small performance penalty. If we wanted to take use of interface functions to the limit, we could have: for(unsigned int i= 0; i len; i++)set(source.get(i), i); Here, set refers to the object itself the so called implicit argument.
Already, in the previous chapter, we have glanced at the provision of operator= for the Array class. We have also noted that these so-called overloaded operators have exactly the same meaning as an equivalent traditionally named function. Here, we go into a little more detail, and, at the end of the chapter, we discuss some of the consequences of the asymmetry cause by the dierence between implicit and explicit arguments, e.g. implicit: object1 versus explicit: object2 in object1.memberfunction(object2). It should be said that operator overloading is not favoured by everyone. As we have stated, operators calls are no dierent to function calls. Neither, as we show below is there any magic involved, nor any performance advantages. Java does not allow operator overloading; in my opinion that was a wise design decision. However, whether you like operator overloading or not, there are at least three good reasons to know about it: (i) for some classes, you need to be able to create an assignment operator (operator=) if, like the Array classes in the previous chapter and in this chapter, the classes are heap based, then you have no choice, you must provide an assignment operator; (ii) many programs that you will use or modify will employ operator overloading; (iii) if you want use standard library containers and you want to use sort and other algorithms on objects of a class, you will need to supply the comparison operator, operator. In addition, some argue that it is benecial to be able to use + when we want to add, e.g. Arrays, just as adding ints or doubles; the claim is that this makes the language more expressive.
As a lead-in to our discussion on operator overloading, we rst provide add functions for Array; subsequently, we will replace these with overloaded operators +, +=. We present Array2.h, Array2.cpp and ArrayT2T1.cpp almost without comment except for the nonmember function add there should be nothing new. See Figures 10.1, 10.2, 10.3 and 10.4.
//----- Array2.h ------------------------------------// j.g.c. 8/1/99, 2007-01-07 // copied from Array1.h (ch09); // getting ready for operators. //---------------------------------------------------#ifndef ARRAYH #define ARRAYH #include iostream #include cassert class Array public: Array(unsigned int len= 0); Array(unsigned int len, int val); Array(const Array& source); Array(); Array& operator=(const Array& source); void addTo(const Array& other); Array& addTo1(const Array& other); void copy(const Array& source); void set(int val, unsigned int i); int get(unsigned int i) const; int length() const; void print() const; private: unsigned int len; int* dat; ; Array add(const Array& a1, const Array& a2); #endif Figure 10.1: Array2.h
//----- Array2.cpp ---------------------------------// j.g.c. 8/1/99, 2007-01-07 // getting ready for operators //---------------------------------------------------#include Array2.h using namespace std; Array::Array(unsigned int len) : len(len) if(len== 0) dat = 0; return; dat = new int[len]; assert(dat!= 0); for(unsigned int i=0; i len; i++)set(0, i); Array::Array(unsigned int len, int val) : len(len) if(len== 0) dat = 0; return; dat = new int[len]; assert(dat!= 0); for(unsigned int i=0; i len; i++)set(val, i); Array::Array(const Array& source) copy(source); Array::Array() delete [] dat; Array& Array::operator=(const Array& source) if(this!= &source) // beware a= a; delete [] dat; copy(source); return *this; void Array::copy(const Array& source) len= source.length(); if(len 1)dat = 0; return; dat = new int[len]; assert(dat!= 0); for(unsigned int i= 0; i len; i++)dat[i] = source.dat[i]; continued ... Figure 10.2: Array2.cpp, part 1
... Array2.cpp ... void Array::addTo(const Array& other) assert(len== other.len); for(unsigned int i= 0; i len; i++)dat[i] += other.dat[i]; Array& Array::addTo1(const Array& other) assert(len== other.len); for(unsigned int i= 0; i len; i++)dat[i] += other.dat[i]; return *this; void Array::set(int val, unsigned int i) assert(ilen); dat[i]= val; int Array::get(unsigned int i) const assert(ilen); return dat[i]; int Array::length() const return len; void Array::print() const unsigned int len= length(); coutlength= len : ; for(unsigned int i=0; ilen; i++) cout get(i) ; cout endl; // notice no Array:: add is *not* a member Array add(const Array& a1, const Array& a2) Array res(a1); return res.addTo1(a2);
//----- Array2T1.cpp ---------------------------------// j.g.c. 8/1/99, 2007-01-07 //---------------------------------------------------#include Array2.h using namespace std; int main() Array c2(5, 7); cout Array c2(5, 7): ; c2.print(); Array c3(5, 10); cout Array c3(5): ; c3.print(); cout endl; Array c4(5); cout Array c4(5): ; c4.print(); c3.addTo(c2); cout c3.addTo(c2): ; c3.print(); cout endl endl; cout c2: ; c2.print(); cout c3: ; c3.print(); cout endl; c4= add(c2, c3); cout c4= add(c2, c3): ; c4.print(); cout endl; Array c5(5), c6(5); cout Array c5(5): ; c5.print(); cout Array c6(5): ; c6.print(); c6= c5.addTo1(c4); cout c6= c5.addTo1(c4); endl; cout c5: ; c5.print(); cout c6: ; c6.print(); cout endl; return 0; Figure 10.4: Array2T1.cpp
Dissection of Array2.h, .cpp 1. Method AddTo performs addition of the argument object, to the calling object: array1.addTo(array2); 2. Method AddTo1 does the same as addTo, only it returns a value; thus, it can be used in the C/C++ style: result = array1.addTo1(array2); addTo1 will become a model for operator+=. 3. Notice that add is declared outside the class. Array add(const Array& a1, const Array& a2); This is because we want to call this function with its input arguments symmetrically: result = add(array1, array2); If it was a member function, one of the arguments would have to be implicit (the calling object), i.e. it would be declared exactly as like addTo1 and the call would be asymmetric: result = array1.add(array2); 4. Later, we will see that it is normal to dene a two argument function add (and operator+) in terms of AddTo1 (or operator-=-).
As noted, AddTo1 returns a value; not only can it be used as follows: result = array1.addTo1(array2); but also in chained set of calls: result = array10.addTo1(array1.addTo1(array2)); We will see a similar principle in action when we require operator= to return a reference to its object; this allow the familiar C/C++ chaining of assignments such as: object1 = object2 = object3;
In this section, we show how to replace the add functions of the previous section with overloaded operators: addTo replaced by operator+= add replaced by operator+; as with add, operator+ is declared as a non member. In addition, we provide an overloaded operator so that we can output Array objects using cout; this operator also must be declared as a non-member. operator is really handy to have; as you will notice, I include it in many of the classes I write; it makes use of the classes very easy, especially testing. Finally, we include an indexing operator[] which replaces get and set. See Figures 10.5, 10.6, 10.7 and 10.8.
//----- Array3.h ------------------------------------// j.g.c. 14/1/99, 2007-01-07 // copied from Array2.h // introducing operators //---------------------------------------------------#ifndef ARRAYH #define ARRAYH #include iostream #include cassert class Array public: Array(unsigned int len= 0); Array(unsigned int len, int val); Array(const Array& source); Array(); Array& operator=(const Array& source); Array& operator+=(const Array& other); void copy(const Array& source); int& operator[](unsigned int i) const; unsigned int length() const; private: unsigned int len; int* dat; ; Array operator+(const Array& a1, const Array& a2); std::ostream& operator(std::ostream& os, Array& a); #endif Figure 10.5: Array3.h
//----- Array3.cpp ---------------------------------// j.g.c. 14/1/99, 2007-01-07 //---------------------------------------------------#include Array3.h using namespace std; Array::Array(unsigned int len) : len(len) if(len==0)dat = 0; return; dat = new int[len]; assert(dat!= 0); for(unsigned int i=0; i len; i++)dat[i]= 0; Array::Array(unsigned int len, int val) : len(len) if(len==0)dat = 0; return; dat = new int[len]; assert(dat!= 0); for(unsigned int i=0; i len; i++)dat[i]= val; Array::Array(const Array& source) copy(source); Array::Array() delete [] dat; Array& Array::operator=(const Array& source) if(this!= &source) // beware a= a; delete [] dat; copy(source); return *this; void Array::copy(const Array& source) len= source.length(); if(len==0)dat = 0; return; dat = new int[len]; assert(dat!= 0); for(unsigned int i= 0; i len; i++)dat[i] = source.dat[i]; ... continued ... Figure 10.6: Array3.cpp, part 1
... Array3.cpp ... Array& Array::operator+=(const Array& other) assert(len==other.len); for(unsigned int i= 0; i len; i++)dat[i] += other.dat[i]; return *this; int& Array::operator[](unsigned int i) const assert(ilen); return dat[i]; unsigned int Array::length() const return len; // notice no Array:: -- add is *not* a member Array operator+(const Array& a1, const Array& a2) Array res= a1; return res+= a2; // and operator is not a member ostream& operator(ostream& os, Array& a) unsigned int len= a.length(); os [ len ] ; for(unsigned int i=0; i len; i++) os a[i]; if(i!= len-1)os, ; os endl; return os; Figure 10.7: Array3.cpp, part 2
//----- Array3T1.cpp ---------------------------------// j.g.c. 9/1/99, 2007-01-07 //---------------------------------------------------#include Array3.h using namespace std; int main() Array c2(5, 7); cout Array c2(5, 7): c2; Array c3(5, 10); Array c4(5); cout Array c3(5): c3 endl;
c3+= c2; //previously c3.addTo(c2); cout c3+= c2: c3 endl endl; cout c2: c2; cout c3: c3 endl;
c4 = c2 + c3;// previously c4= add(c2, c3); cout c4 = c2 + c3: c4 endl; Array c5(5), c6(5); cout Array c5(5): c5; cout Array c6(5): c6; c6= c5+= c4;// previously c6= c5.addTo1(c4); cout c6= c5+=c4; endl; cout c5: c5; cout Array c6: c6 endl; int len= c6.length(); for(int i= 0; i len; i++) c6[i]= i+50; cout Using cout c6[i] endl; for(int i= 0; i len; i++) cout c6[i] ; cout endl endl; coutNow operators called in function manner endl endl; c3.operator+=(c2); //c3+= c2; cout c3.operator+=(c2);: c3 endl endl; cout c2: c2; cout c3: c3 endl; c4= operator+(c2, c3); // c4 = c2 + c3; cout c4= operator+(c2, c3);: c4 endl; for(int i= 0; cout Using for(int i= 0; cout endl return 0; i len; i++) c6.operator[](i)= i+50; cout c6.operator[](i) endl; i len; i++) cout c6.operator[](i) ; endl;
Dissection of Array3 1. Here we see operator+= compared to addTo c3+= c2; //previously c3.addTo(c2);
2. Here we see that we can call operator+= using normal function-call syntax: c3.operator+=(c2); //c3+= c2;
3. Here we see operator+ compared to add: c4 = c2 + c3;// previously c4= add(c2, c3); 4. Here we show operator+ can also be called as a normal function: c4= operator+(c2, c3); // c4 = c2 + c3;
5. Here we show use of operator[] and how it replaces both put and get: for(int i= 0; i len; i++) c6[i]= i+50; // replaces c6.put(1+50, i); for(int i= 0; i len; i++) cout c6[i] ; // replaces c6.get(i); 6. And here we show it called as a function: cout c6.operator[](i) ; 7. Use of operator[] in put (write) mode is a bit subtle. The operator returns int& a reference to an int. In verb+get+ (read) mode, thats understandable enough when the reference is returned to a temporary (anonymous) variable, as discussed before in the context of returning references, the = operator immediately copies the value to the destination: destination= source1 + source2;, and the temporary is destroyed. In the case of put (write), the reference is returned to a temporary (anonymous) variable, the value on the right-hand-side of the assignment is assigned to the variable that the reference aliases, i.e. the element of the array. Subtle! The stream output operator needs special consideration.
ostream& operator(ostream& os,const Array& a); The operator takes two arguments: an object of the class ostream (usually cout which is dened in iostream, hence #include iostream), and a Array object. This will be invoked as: Array x; cout x; hence, because of the convention for inx operators in C++, the rst argument must be ostream (actually a reference), and the second a Array.
Friend functions and operators If non-member functions (or operators) need to access verb+private+ data (not the case here, but will be the case in later chapters), we have a problem do we have to make the data public? No, we can declare the function/operator as friend in the class, e.g. let us say that operator needed to access the private members of Array, the following declaration, in the class, would give it the appropriate access: friend ostream& operator(ostream& os,const Array& a);
The objective of this section is to discuss circumstances in which it is better to make functions or operators non-member (even if we need to make them friend, and to discuss the related matters of implicit arguments (the object itself) and conversion / coercion. We use a String class as an example for some of these phenomena. I have changed this section very little since 1997; I include it here just to point out some quite subtle aspects of member versus non-member functions and conversions. You will not be examined on any of this, but I would feel uncomfortable if I hadnt pointed out some of these pitfalls.
A String Class
Although the standard library provides a perfectly good string class, we need the following homegrown one to furnish examples for the later discussion.
Class Interface, Methods The interface for the String class is shown in String.h. // ---- String.h ------------------------------------// j.g.c. 1992 -- 2007-08-28 //---------------------------------------------------#ifndef STRINGH #define STRINGH #include iostream #include cstring // for C-String operations #include cctype class String public: String(const int len = 0); String(const char* cstr); String(const String& other); void assign(const String& rhs); String& operator=(const String& other); String(); String& operator+=(const String& other); void insertCharAt(char c, int i); char charAt(int i) const; int length() const; 1014
int compare(const String& other) const; void print() const; void gets(); // reads up to n, includes whitespaces void get(); // uses cin.get(c), reads up to any whitespace String concatM(const String& source2); String operator / (const String& source2); private: char* p; // string data - C form, with 0. int len; // length, incl. 0 ; String concatNM(const String& s1, const String& s2); String operator + (const String& s1, const String& s2); #endif
Brief Dissection of String.h 1. There are three constructors, and, as it must be, they all have the same name the class name. Again, note that each is distinguishable from the other by its signature the types in parameter list. It is instructive to inspect each constructor in turn: String(const int len = 0); This constructor is called when we dene a String object as: String s(22);. It doubles as a default constructor, since String s; is taken as String s(0); String(const char* cstr); This constructor is called when we dene a String object as: String s(abcdef);, i.e. it constructs a String object from a C-string. Copy constructor String(const String& source);. 2. Concatenate. String& operator+=(const String& other); is simply an operator presentation of concatenate. Thus, String s1(abc); String s2(xyz); s1 += s2 yields s1 == abcxyz.
Class implementation code The implementation code for the String class is shown in String.cpp. // ---- String.cpp ------------------------------------// j.g.c. 1992 -- 2007-08-28 //----------------------------------------------------#include String.h #include cstring String::String(const int len) //Note: *dont* specify default len=0 here len=len; 1015
p=new char[len+1]; p[0]=0; String::String(const char* cstr) len=strlen(cstr); //length of C string, excl. 0 p=new char[len+1]; // include 0 strcpy(p, cstr); // copy constructor String::String(const String& other) len = other.length(); p=new char [len+1]; strcpy(p, other.p); //only for pedagogical reasons - see = for comments void String::assign(const String& source) if(this != &source) // beware s = s; delete [] p; len= source.length(); p= new char[len+1]; strcpy(p, source.p); String& String::operator=(const String& other) if(this != &other) // beware s=s - Stroustrup p.238 delete [] p; //old text buffer len = other.length(); p = new char[len+1]; strcpy(p, other.p); return *this; String::String() delete [] p; p=0; String& String::operator+= (const String& other) int oldl = length(); len=oldl + other.length(); //NB character count char* pp= new char[len + 1]; strcpy(pp, p); delete [] p; 1016
strcpy(&(pp[oldl]), other.p); p = pp; return *this; String concatNM(const String& s1, const String& s2) String s = s1; s += s2; return s; String operator + (const String& source1, const String& source2) String s = source1; s += source2; return s; String String::concatM(const String& source2) String s = *this; s += source2; return s; String String::operator / (const String& source2) String s = *this; s += source2; return s;
void String::insertCharAt(char c, int i) if(i = length())return; p[i]=c; char String::charAt(int i) const if(i = length())return 0; else return p[i]; int String::length() const return len; int String::compare(const String & other) const char *s = p; char *t = other.p; return strcmp(s,t); 1017
void String::print() const std::cout p; //reads up to n void String::gets() char c,s[81]; int i = 0; while(std::cin.get(c)) if(c==n)break; s[i] = c; i++; s[i]=0; *this = String(s); // uses std::cin.get(c), reads up to any whitespace void String::get() char c,s[81]; int i = 0; while(std::cin.get(c)) if(isspace(c))break; s[i] = c; i++; s[i]=0; *this = String(s);
A simple test program The program in StringT1.cpp demonstrates the use of the parts of the String class. // ------------ StringT1.cpp ------------------------------// j.g.c. 1997 -- 2007-08-26 // --------------------------------------------------------#include String.h using namespace std; int main() String s1(0), s4; String s2(abcdef); String s3(s2); cout gets(): enter a string -- end with Enter:; 1018
s1.gets(); cout s1: length = s1.length() endl; s1.print(); cout endl; cout get(): enter a string -- end with any white-space:; s4.get(); cout s4: length = s4.length() endl; s4.print(); cout endl; cout s2: length = cout endl; cout s3: length = cout endl; s2 += s1; cout s2 += s1; cout s2: length = cout endl; s2.length() endl; s2.print(); s3.length() endl; s3.print();
s4 = concatNM(s1, s2); cout s4 = concatNM(s1, s2); endl; cout s4: length = s4.length() endl; s4.print(); cout endl; s4 = s1 + s2; cout s4 = s1 + s2; endl; cout s4: length = s4.length() endl; s4.print(); cout endl; s4 = s1.concatM(s2); cout s4 = s1.concatM(s2); endl; cout s4: length = s4.length() endl; s4.print(); cout endl; s4 = s1 / s2; cout s4 = s1 / s2; endl; cout s4: length = s4.length() endl; s4.print(); cout endl; return 0;
Assume that we want to write a function that concatenates two Strings to produce a third, and leaving the two sources intact. There are at least four ways we can do it: 1. Member function. 1019
2. Non-member function possibly friend. 3. Member operator, say +. 4. Non-member operator, say /; we name it / simply to avoid name conict with +.. Whether a function is a member or not has an obvious consequence on the way it is called: if it is a member we must use the object.member(); notation. For operators, the consequences are more subtle, but can be important.
Member function The member function version, concatM, is dened as follows: String String::concatM(const String& source2) String s = *this; s += source2; return s; Notice that it uses operator +=; further, notice that it returns a String by value, it is tempting to return by reference (String&), but this would lead to a dangling reference, since String s is destroyed on return from concatM. We notice too that the rst argument is implicit it is the object itself, as can be seen from the call: String s1, s2, s4; s4 = s1.concatM(s2); The lack of symmetry in the call is not appealing, we would expect s1 and s2 to be treated uniformly. This can be corrected by developing concat as a non-member function.
Non-member function The non-member function version, concatNM, is dened as follows: String concatNM(const String& source1, const String&source2) String s = source1; s += source2; return s; The rst argument is no longer implicit, and the call is symmetric: 1020
String s1, s2, s4; s4 = concatNM(s1, s2); If concatNM had required to access private member data, which is actually not the case, then concatNM would have had to be been given friend privileges by including the following in the declaration of String, string.h: friend String concatNM(const String& source1, const String& source2); Non-member operator The non-member operator version, +, is dened as follows: String operator + (const String& source1, const String& source2) String s = source1; s += source2; return s; The call is now both symmetric and inx: String s1, s2, s4; s4 = s1 + s2; Again we note that if + had required to access private member data, then we would have had to include the following in the declaration of String, string.h: friend String operator +(const String& source1, const String& source2); Member operator For completeness, we give a member operator version, /, which is dened as follows: String String::operator / (const String& source2) String s = *this; s += source2; return s; The call appears to be both symmetric and inx: String s1, s2, s4; s4 = s1 / s2; Nonetheless, it has one slight asymmetry, what is really happening is: s4 = s1.(operator/)(s2); There are consequences, as pointed out in subsection 10.5.4. 1021
Coercion of Arguments
There is a very subtle dierence between the non-member operator+ and the member operator / above. The relevant rule is the following: if an operator function is a member, its rst argument must match the class type. The second argument is not so restricted, since, if one is available, an appropriate constructor will be invoked to perform a coercion (an implicit conversion). In the case of a non-member operator, coercion can be applied to either argument. Example: String a, b, c; c = abcd + xyz ; //OK if non-member +; //constructor String(char *) is used to convert c = a + asdf; //OK in either case, non-member, c = a / asdf; // and member. c = abdcef + b; //OK only if non-member + .
In subsection 10.5.4, we referred to the automatic invocation of the constructor String(char *) when e.g. xyz appears where a String object is expected. C++ allows us to forbid the use of a constructor as a conversion function: in string.h we can declare the constructor explicit, i.e. explicit String(const char* cstr);
Chapter 11 Templates
11.1 Introduction
There are many examples of cases where we develop a class, e.g. Array, or List, which manipulates objects of a particular type, e.g. int, only to nd that we need to adapt it to work for float or other types, or, indeed, for user dened classes. In the Array and List examples in Chapter 12 the element-type is the only part which changes; thus, it seems a pity to have to have to develop additional classes. The same goes for functions, e.g. swap: all swap functions have the same functional requirements and usually they are implemented as three assignments. If you were to adapt an int swap function to float, or even string, you would merely exchange all occurrences of int for float or String, etc..., as the case may be. In such cases, what we require is often termed generic software; we have been using standard library templates in the previous chapter; Java introduced generic (template) collection classes in Java 1.5. This chapter discusses templates. With templates, we can develop a module or function in which the type / class of one or more elements is given as a parameter. The actual value of the type parameters is specied at compile time. Of course, the main objective is reuse. As we have argued before, the least acceptable form of reuse is duplicate-and-modify simply because each duplication creates an new, additional, module to be tested, documented and maintained. First we will give a quick discussion of the implementation of a template Array the int version of which we have become very familiar with. Although the syntax of template classes looks complex at rst, we will see that there is little new to be learned beyond what was learned in the development of the original Array(int) class. In fact, the main advice is: design your data abstraction (array, list, queue, whatever), then add the template bits using an established template class as an example (a template, in fact!). First, we provide an example of a template function.
Template Functions
Overloaded Functions recalled
The two overloaded swap functions shown below clearly invite use of a type parameter. void swap(int& a, int& b) int temp = a; a = b; b = temp; void swap(float& a, float& b) int temp = a; a = b; b = temp;
Overloading function names Ad Hoc Polymorphism The overloading of function names is yet another example of polymorphism, in this case called ad hoc polymorphism. It is called ad hoc because, even though the name of the function (swap) is the same, there is nothing to ensure that they are similar in other than name; e.g. we could dene int swap(String s) which gives the length of the String!
Template Function
template class T void swap(T& p, T& q) T temp = p; p = q; q = temp; The program swapT.cpp shows use of this swap. Here, we are able to swap ints, floats, and string objects. In the case of user dened classes, the only requirement is that the assignment operator = is dened. //--- swapT.cpp ---------------------------// j.g.c. 14/1/99, 2007-02-11 //-------------------------------------------#include iostream #include string using namespace std; // there is a std::swap, so we call this one swap1 template class T void swap1(T& p, T& q) T temp = p; p = q; q = temp; int main() int a = 10, b = 12; float x = 1.25, y = 1.30; cout a, b = a b endl; swap1(a, b); cout a, b (swapped) = a b endl; cout x, y = x y endl; swap1(x, y); cout x, y (swapped) = x y endl; string s1(abcdef), s2(1234); cout s1 = s1 endl; cout s2 = s2 endl; swap1(s1, s2); cout swapped: ; cout s1 = s1 endl; cout s2 = s2 endl;
return 0;
Polymorphism Parametric
Templates are another form of polymorphism; using templates one can dene, for example a polymorphic List a List of int, or float, or string, etc... Likewise we can dene a polymorphic swap. Unlike the polymorphism encountered in chapter 11 (Person and Cell class hierarchies), the type of each instance of a generic unit is specied at compile time statically. Hence, the polymorphism oered by templates is called parametric polymorphism.
Template Array
Class declaration and implementation
The declaration for the template Array class is shown in le arrayt.h. The rst thing to note about templates, at least using the GNU C++ compiler, is that both declaration and implementation (normally .cpp le) must be #included. Hence we include them in the same le, here arrayt.h. //----- ArrayT.h ---------------------------------// j.g.c. 9/1/99, 2007-02-11 // template array //---------------------------------------------------#ifndef ARRAYTH #define ARRAYTH #include iostream #include cassert using std::ostream; using std::endl; template class T class Array public: Array(const unsigned int len= 0); Array(const unsigned int len, const T& val); Array(const ArrayT& source); Array(); Array& operator=(const ArrayT& source); void copy(const ArrayT& source); T& operator[](unsigned int i) const; unsigned int length() const; 114
private: unsigned int len; T* dat; ; template class T ostream& operator(ostream& os, const ArrayT& a); template class T ArrayT::Array(const unsigned int len) : len(len) if(len== 0)dat = 0; return; dat = new T[len]; assert(dat!= 0); T zero(0); for(unsigned int i=0; i len; i++)dat[i]= zero; template class T ArrayT::Array(const unsigned int len, const T& val) : len(len) if(len== 0)dat = 0; return; dat = new T[len]; assert(dat!= 0); for(unsigned int i=0; i len; i++)dat[i]= val; template class T ArrayT::Array(const ArrayT& source) copy(source); template class T ArrayT::Array() delete [] dat; template class T ArrayT& ArrayT::operator=(const Array& source) if(this!= &source) // beware a= a; delete [] dat; copy(source); return *this; template class T void ArrayT::copy(const ArrayT& source) len= source.length(); if(len== 0)dat = 0; return; dat = new T[len]; assert(dat!= 0); for(unsigned int i= 0; i len; i++)dat[i] = source.dat[i]; template class T T& ArrayT::operator[](unsigned int i) const assert(ilen); 115
return dat[i]; template class T unsigned int ArrayT::length() const return len; // notice no ArrayT:: -- *not* a member template class T ostream& operator(ostream& os, const ArrayT& a) unsigned int len= a.length(); os [ len ] ; for(unsigned int i=0; i len; i++) os a[i]; if(i!= len-1)os, ; os endl; return os; #endif
Dissection of ArrayT.h 1. The class-type parameter T. As already mentioned, Array is now a a parameterised class the type/class of its element is given as a class parameter, T. Just as in declaration of a function with parameters (variables formal parameters), we must announce this fact, and give the (as yet unknown) parameter an identier. This is done as follows: template class T class Array Here we are saying: Array uses an as yet unspecied type/class T. 2. Instead of class T, we may use typename T; 3. When we want to dene an actual Array in a program, we do so as, e.g., int: Array int c1(5); Array int c2(5, 127); or double: Array double c3(3, 3.14159); or even an Array of Arrayint (a matrix): Array Arrayint c4(3); Thus, as with (parameterised) functions, we can invoke the abstraction with any number of (dierent) parameters. 116
4. Likewise, if we ever need to declare a Array object as a parameter, we use the form: Array(const ArrayT & other); i.e. other is a reference to a Array object of classT elements. 5. Instantiation. Just as variables and objects are instantiated (created), so are template classes. In the case of template classes and functions, this is done at compile time. 6. In GNU C++, the Arrayint class, for example, is instantiated, at compile time, by a form of macro-expansion. This is the reason that function implementations must also be in the .h le.
As we have seen, there is little to templates. The program ArrayTT1.cpp demonstrates the use of the template Array class; it creates, in the same program, Arrays of both int, double and Arrayint (an array of int arrays); note the the array-of-array contains empty arrays. If you ever needed to create a two-dimensional array, Array Arrayint , would be the way to do it. //----- ArrayTT1.cpp ---------------------------------// j.g.c. 9/1/99, 2007-02-11 //---------------------------------------------------#include ArrayT.h using std::cout; int main() Array int c1(5); cout Array int c1(5): c1; Array int c2(5, 127); cout Array int c2(5, 127): c2; Array double c3(3, 3.14159); cout Array double c3(3, 3.14159): c3; Array Arrayint c4(3); cout Array Arrayint c4(3): c4; cout endl; return 0;
We call this chapter array containers for want of a better term. We describe sequence containers which remedy some of the shortcomings of the basic C++ array (e.g. int a[50];). The two most common sequence containers that we encounter in C++ are std::vector and std::list; we use the general term sequence to signify that the elements are held in strict sequential (linear) order. The main dierence between array-like sequence containers (e.g. std::vector and Array that we develop here) and linked (list-like) sequence containers are the two related characteristics: (i) array-like have random access, e.g. std::cout a[i];, whereas lists must be sequentially accessed; and (ii) array-like use contiguous storage, whereas lists used linked storage (e.g. singly and doubly linked lists). Roughly speaking, you can do anything with an array-like sequence that you can with a linked sequence and vice-versa, but the allocation of storage and random access issues mean that there are major performance drawbacks if you choose the wrong type for your application i.e. the wrong type may work, but work comparatively very slowly. Java programmers are aware of the distinction, they have ArrayList and LinkedList. In this chapter we will comment on the inadequacy of the C++ basic array; we will develop an Array class that performs rather like std::vector; in doing that we will develop some understanding of what goes on inside std::vector, so that when you use std::vector you will have some sympathy for performance issues. Then we will examine use of std::vector itself. In developing Array, we will identify some inadequacies of contiguous storage that lead to the need for linked storage. We will cover (linked) lists in Chapter 13. The Array class here is more or less identical to the vector class in (Budd 1997a).
An Array class
In the lecture, we will discuss the inadequacies of plain-vanilla arrays (int a[25];) for the task of sequence container. For example, just look in Array.h at what needs to be done when we 121
insert (add) an element into the middle of a list, i.e. moving everything else up one. To ask a programmer who is concentrating of doing sequence operations to remember this every time is to ask for increased errors and poor productivity. Figure 12.1 shows the interface of Array. Figures 12.2 to 12.5 give the implementation.
/* ----- Array.h ---------------------------------j.g.c. 9/1/99, 2007-02-11, 2008-01-13, 2008-01-19 template unordered array 2008-01-22, iterator added based on Budd (1998) 2008-02-05 bugs fixed in insert, insert1 ----------------------------------------------------*/ #ifndef ARRAYH #define ARRAYH #include iostream #include cassert using std::ostream; using std::endl; typedef unsigned int uint; template class T class Array public: typedef T* Iterator; Array(uint len= 0); Array(uint len, const T& val); Array(const ArrayT& source); Array(); void reserve(uint cap); void resize(uint sz); Array& operator=(const ArrayT& source); void copy(const ArrayT& source); T& operator[](uint i) const; void pushback(const T& val); void popback(); T back() const; void insert1(uint pos, uint n, const T& val); uint erase(uint pos); Iterator begin() return dat; Iterator end() return dat + sz; void insert(Iterator itr, uint n, const T& e); uint size() const; bool empty() const; uint capacity() const; private: uint sz, cap; T* dat; ; template class T ostream& operator(ostream& os, const ArrayT& a); Figure 12.1: Declaration of Array.
template class T ArrayT::Array(uint sz) : sz(sz), cap(sz) if(cap== 0)dat = 0; return; dat = new T[cap]; assert(dat!= 0); T zero = T(); for(uint i = 0; i sz; ++i)dat[i]= zero; template class T void ArrayT::reserve(uint cap) //std::cout *reserve* cap = cap cap = cap std::endl; if(cap = cap)return; T* newdat = new T[cap]; assert(newdat != 0); for(uint i = 0; i sz; ++i)newdat[i] = dat[i]; delete [] dat; dat = newdat; cap = cap; template class T void ArrayT::resize(uint sz) assert(sz= cap); if(sz = sz)return; else if(sz = cap) T zero = T(); for(uint i = sz; i sz; ++i)dat[i] = zero; sz = sz; else T* newdat = new T[sz]; assert(newdat != 0); for(uint i = 0; i sz; ++i)newdat[i] = dat[i]; T zero = T(); for(uint i = sz; i sz; ++i)newdat[i] = zero; delete [] dat; dat = newdat; cap = sz = sz; Figure 12.2: Array implementation, part 1
template class T ArrayT::Array(uint sz, const T& val) : sz(sz), cap(sz) if(cap == 0)dat = 0; return; dat = new T[cap]; assert(dat!= 0); for(uint i=0; i sz; ++i)dat[i]= val; template class T ArrayT::Array(const ArrayT& source) copy(source); template class T ArrayT::Array() delete [] dat; dat = 0; template class T ArrayT& ArrayT::operator=(const Array& source) //std::cout copy ctor std::endl; if(this!= &source) // beware a= a; delete [] dat; copy(source); return *this; template class T void ArrayT::copy(const ArrayT& source) sz= cap = source.size(); if(cap== 0)dat = 0; return; dat = new T[cap]; assert(dat!= 0); for(uint i= 0; i sz; ++i)dat[i] = source.dat[i]; template class T void ArrayT::insert1(uint pos, uint n, const T& val) uint sz = sz + n; assert(cap= sz); uint id= sz - 1; // dest uint is= sz - 1; // source for(; is pos-1; --is, --id)dat[id] = dat[is]; for(id = pos; id pos+n; id++)dat[id] = val; sz = sz; Figure 12.3: Array 125 implementation, part 2
template class T uint ArrayT::erase(uint pos) for(uint i = pos + 1; i sz; ++i)dat[i - 1] = dat[i]; --sz; return pos; template class T void ArrayT::insert(Iterator pos, uint n, const T& e) uint sz = sz + n; assert(cap= sz); Iterator itrd= dat + sz - 1; // dest Iterator itrs= dat + sz - 1; // source for(; itrs!= pos-1; --itrs, --itrd)*itrd = *itrs; for(itrd = pos; itrd!= pos + n; ++itrd)*itrd = e; sz = sz; template class T void ArrayT::pushback(const T& val) //std::cout *pushback* cap = cap sz = sz std::endl; if(!(cap sz))reserve(2*cap); dat[sz] = val; ++sz; template class T void ArrayT::popback() assert(sz 0); --sz; template class T T ArrayT::back() const assert(sz 0); return dat[sz - 1]; template class T T& ArrayT::operator[](uint i) const assert(i sz); return dat[i]; template class T uint ArrayT::size() const return sz; Figure 12.4: Array implementation, part 3 126
template class T bool ArrayT::empty() const return sz == 0; template class T uint ArrayT::capacity() const return cap;
// notice no ArrayT:: -- *not* a member template class T ostream& operator(ostream& os, const ArrayT& a) uint sz= a.size(); uint cap = a.capacity(); os [ sz, cap ] ; for(uint i=0; i sz; i++) os a[i]; if(i!= sz-1)os, ; os endl; return os; #endif Figure 12.5: Array implementation, part 4
1. Note the dierence between size(), sz and capacity(), cap; size(), sz is the used size of the sequence, while capacity(), cap is what it can grow to before we need to allocate more memory. 2. When using Array (and std::vector) it is always a good idea to use reserve to allocate either the size that you know you will need, or a decent chunk at the beginning. 3. Notice the dierence between reserve and resize. 4. Notice that when pushback detects that we are at full capacity, it reserves double the current capacity; this might work well or badly, depending on the application. Im not sure how std::vector handles this. [Here we repeat some messages from Chapter 9.] 5. Destructors. A destructor is called, automatically, when control reaches the end of the block in which the object was declared, i.e. when the object goes out of scope. The compiler will always provide adequate destruction of stack-based objects, but, for heap-based objects, proper destructor memory management must be provided if garbage and memory-leaks (or worse, dangling pointers) are to be avoided. 6. Copy constructor. A copy constructor is called when the object is passed (by value) to and from functions. Again, for classes which use stack memory, the compiler will always provide an adequate copy constructor. For heap-based objects the case is quite analogous to that of the destructor: proper constructor memory management must be provided. 7. Assignment. Assignment operator (the = operator) needs treatment similar to the copy constructor. 8. The Big-Three. The C++ FAQs (Cline et al. 1999a) uses the term the Big-Three for these three functions: copy constructor, assignment operator, and destructor. More on this in section 12.4. This is because, for classes that use heap storage, it is almost certainly necessary to explicitly program all three. If they are not programmed, the compiler will provide default versions which will probably not do what you would wish; moreover the inadequacies of these defaults may be most subtle, and may require quite determined and skilled testing to detect. 9. We use assert to report errors if allocations were unsuccessful; new returns a null pointer if it is unsuccessful, e.g. due to resources of free memory having become exhausted. This may not be ideal, but the error message that assert issues is a lot more helpful than what will happen if we charge on and ignore the fact that we have run out of memory. 10. Function copy. void ArrayT::copy(const ArrayT& source) sz= cap = source.size(); if(cap== 0)dat = 0; return; dat = new T[cap]; assert(dat!= 0); for(uint i= 0; i sz; ++i)dat[i] = source.dat[i]; 128
(a) This is very similar to the default constructor except that this time we have passed another object to be copied. (b) Notice that we have passed a reference (Array& source). If we dont well end up constructing many multiple copies, each of which must also be destroyed. And when the object becomes large, as may be the case for an Array the performance drain can be considerable. (c) Of course, we guarantee the safety of the referenced object (in the caller) by making the reference const. 11. Copy constructor. Array::Array(const Array& source) copy(source); Here, all the work is done by copy. Again notice the use of reference and const. 12. Destructor. Array::Array() delete [] dat; (a) Here we use delete to release the allocated memory. (b) Owing to the fact that dat points to an array, we must use delete []. 13. Assignment operator =. Array& Array::operator=(const Array& source) if(this!= &source) // beware a= a; delete [] dat; copy(source); return *this; (a) Let us say we have two Array objects, x, y and x = y. Then this assignment is exactly equivalent to x.operator=(y); (b) Again notice the use of a reference and const. (c) Since we can envisage x = x, however improbable, we have to be careful to check whether this is the case and if it is, do nothing. (d) this is an implicit pointer variable which points at the object itself. Thus if(this!= &source) checks if the calling object and the source object share the same memory location and so are the same object! (e) return *this; returns the object (actually a reference, see next comment). 129
(f) Why does operator= return Array&? Answer. In C and C++ it is standard for an assignment to have the value of the object assigned, e.g. int x = y = 10; we want the same for objects. And, as usual, we want the eciency of reference passing. 14. If you are unsure about operator overloading, refer to Chapters 9 and 10 15. Iterators are described in section 12.2.2.
Because of the fact that the internal representation is a C++ built-in array, we can do everything we want to using array subscripting, overloading the array subscript operator [] e.g. a[index] = 10; and integer subscripts. But the STL collections use the more general concept of an iterator. We will see that iterator s are made to behave like pointers, i.e. you can dereference an iterator, and you can do pointer-like arithmetic on them. 1. Normally an iterator is implemented as a class, but in the case of Array it is easy to declare an iterator as typedef T* Iterator; 2. Because Iterator is declared within the scope of Array, when we dene an iterator we use the scope resolution operator :: Arrayint::Iterator itr; 3. We need an iterator that points to the beginning of the array Iterator begin() return dat; It simply returns a pointer to the rst element of data array. 4. We need an iterator that points one element past the end of the array; Iterator end() return dat + sz; 5. One element past the end of the array is the convention; you never dereference this iterator value. The usual pattern for iterating over a collection is as follows:
Arrayint::Iterator itr; for(itr = c5.begin(); itr!= c5.end(); ++itr) cout *itr ; itr!= c5.end() is our way of checking that we are not at the end really one element past the end. This is very like the normal array pattern: int a[n]; for(int i = 0; i n; ++i) cout a[i] ; which could be written: int a[n]; for(int i = 0; i!= n; ++i) cout a[i] ; or even: int a[n]; for(int* pos = &a[0]; pos!= &a[0]+ n; ++pos) cout *pos ; or: int a[n]; for(int* pos = a; pos!= a + n; ++pos) cout *pos ; 6. Here is insert written using subscripts template class T void ArrayT::insert1(uint pos, uint n, const T& val) uint sz = sz + n; assert(cap= sz); uint id= sz - 1; // dest uint is= sz - 1; // source for(; is pos-1; --is, --id)dat[id] = dat[is]; for(id = pos; id pos+n; id++)dat[id] = val; sz = sz; 1211
template class T void ArrayT::insert(Iterator pos, uint n, const T& e) uint sz = sz + n; assert(cap= sz); Iterator itrd= dat + sz - 1; // dest Iterator itrs= dat + sz - 1; // source for(; itrs!= pos-1; --itrs, --itrd)*itrd = *itrs; for(itrd = pos; itrd!= pos + n; ++itrd)*itrd = e; sz = sz; Well have a good deal more to say about iterators when we get to Chapter 13.
Figures 12.6 and 12.7 give a program, ArrayT1.cpp which uses Array.
/* ----- ArrayT1.cpp ---------------------------------j.g.c. 9/1/99, 2007-02-11, 2008-01-13, 2008-01-19, 2008-01-22 ----------------------------------------------------*/ #include Array.h using std::cout; using std::endl; typedef unsigned int uint; int main() Array int c1(5); cout Array int c1(5): c1; Array int c2(5, 127); cout Array int c2(5, 127): c2; Array double c3(3, 3.14159); cout Array double c3(3, 3.14159): c3; Array Arrayint c4(3); cout Array Arrayint c4(3): c4; c4[0] = c1; c4[1] = c2; cout c4[0] = c1, c4[1] = c2: c4; c1.reserve(20); cout c1.reserve(20): c1; c1.resize(10); cout c1.resize(10): c1; c1.pushback(22); cout c1.pushback(22): c1; c1.insert1(2, 5, 33); cout c1.insert1(2, 5, 33): c1; c1.pushback(44); cout c1.pushback(44): c1; c1.popback(); cout c1.popback(): c1; uint j = c1.erase(4); cout j = c1.erase(4): j = j c1 = c1; for(uint i = 0; i 20; ++i) c1.pushback(i); cout c1.pushback(i = i ): c1; cout c1.back(): c1.back(); cout endl; // continued ....
cout endl;
Arrayint c5; c5.reserve(10); for(uint i = 0; i 5; ++i) c5.pushback(i); cout c5.pushback(i = i ): c5; cout using Iterator endl; Arrayint::Iterator itr; for(itr = c5.begin(); itr!= c5.end(); ++itr) cout *itr ; cout endl; cout Arrayint::Iterator itr1 = c5.begin() + 2 endl; cout c5.insert(itr1, 5, 33) endl; c5.insert1(2, 5, 33); cout c5; cout endl; return 0; Figure 12.7: ArrayT1.cpp part 2
And here is the output from ArrayT1. Array Array Array Array , [0, , [0, c4[0] , [5, , [0, int c1(5): [5, 5] 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 int c2(5, 127): [5, 5] 127, 127, 127, 127, 127 double c3(3, 3.14159): [3, 3] 3.14159, 3.14159, 3.14159 Arrayint c4(3): [3, 3] [0, 0] 0] 0] = c1, c4[1] = c2: [3, 3] [5, 5] 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 5] 127, 127, 127, 127, 127 0]
c1.reserve(20): [5, 20] 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 c1.resize(10): [10, 20] 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 c1.pushback(22): [11, 20] 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 22 c1.insert(2, 5, 33): [16, 20] 0, 0, 33, 33, 33, 33, 33, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 22 c1.pushback(44): [17, 20] 0, 0, 33, 33, 33, 33, 33, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 22, 44 c1.popback(): [16, 20] 0, 0, 33, 33, 33, 33, 33, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 22 j = c1.erase(4): j = 4 c1 = [15, 20] 0, 0, 33, 33, 33, 33, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 22 c1.pushback(i = 0): [16, 20] 0, 0, 33, 33, 33, 33, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 22, 0 c1.pushback(i = 1): [17, 20] 0, 0, 33, 33, 33, 33, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 22, 0, 1 ... etc. ... c1.pushback(i = 19): [35, 40] 0, 0, 33, 33, 33, 33, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 22, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 c1.back(): 19 c5.pushback(i = 0): [1, 10] 0 c5.pushback(i = 1): [2, 10] 0, 1 c5.pushback(i = 2): [3, 10] 0, 1, 2 c5.pushback(i = 3): [4, 10] 0, 1, 2, c5.pushback(i = 4): [5, 10] 0, 1, 2, using Iterator 0 1 2 3 4 Arrayint::Iterator itr1 = c5.begin() c5.insert(itr1, 5, 33) [10, 10] 0, 1, 33, 33, 33, 33, 33, 0,
3 3, 4
+ 2 3, 4
The Big-Three
The C++ FAQs (Cline et al. 1999a) introduced the term the Big-Three for the three functions: copy constructor, assignment operator, and destructor. This is because, for classes that use heap storage, it is almost certainly necessary to explicitly program all three. If they are not programmed, the compiler will provide default versions which will probably not meet the requirements of client programs. Nevertheless, the inadequacy of these defaults may be most subtle, and may require very detailed testing to detect. The lack of a proper destructor would be particularly dicult to detect it simply causes garbage, whose eect is to leak memory, which may not be detected until the class is used in some application which runs for a long time, e.g. an operating system, or an embedded control program. Other than the Big-Three care must be exercised with comparison, e.g. equality check ==. If left to its own devices the compiler will provide a shallow compare, which compares just the explicit member(s).
If the developer of a heap-based class is quite sure that assignment, =, will never be required, it still may be quite dangerous to trust that client programmers will never be tempted to use it; and, normally, as we have said above, the compiler will provide a naive default but silently, with no warning of its possible inadequacy. Fortunately, there is a simple and sure defence; this is to declare a stub of the function, and to make it private, i.e. private: Array& operator = (const Array & rhs); This means that any client program which unwittingly invokes an assignment will be stopped by a compiler error; client programs are not allowed to access private members. This would work also for compare, ==. Nevertheless, it is hard to envisage a class which can operate successfully without a proper copy constructor; likewise destructor. These will have to be programmed.
The stream output operator is overloaded as follows: // notice no ArrayT:: -- *not* a member template class T ostream& operator(ostream& os, const ArrayT& a) uint sz= a.size(); uint cap = a.capacity(); os [ sz, cap ] ; for(uint i=0; i sz; i++) os a[i]; if(i!= sz-1)os, ; os endl; return os; ostream is a output-stream, so that the parameter os is an output-stream object; the familiar cout is one such object. It is important, to make it conform to its pattern of operation for the built-in types, that returns a reference to the ostream object. This allows concatenated calls to it, e.g.: cout x y z ; endl; If you are feeling confused about the distinction between member functions and non-member functions such as ostream& operator above, please consult Chapter 10.
As stated previously, the chief reason for developing Array is as an educational experience. std::vector will do everything that Array does only faster and with much less chance of a bug lurking somewhere in its implementation. If you read games programming books of more than ve years ago, you may nd ambivalence to the standard library (STL) for a start, not all compilers included it, and in addition there was suspicion about its eciency. Thats in the past. I cannot imagine any reason why anyone would ever roll their own array class except for educational or some very special reasons. Figures 12.8 and 12.9 show a program which uses std::vector in almost the same way as Figure 12.6 uses Array.
/* ----- vectorT1.cpp ---------------------------------from Arrayt1.cpp, j.g.c. 2008-01-15 ----------------------------------------------------*/ #include vector #include iostream #include ostream #include iterator #include algorithm using namespace std; int main() vector int c1(5); cout vector int c1(5): ; copy(c1.begin(), c1.end(), ostreamiteratorint(cout, )); vector int c2(5, 127); cout vector int c2(5, 127): ; copy(c2.begin(), c2.end(), ostreamiteratorint(cout, ));
cout endl;
cout endl;
vector double c3(3, 3.14159); cout vector double c3(3, 3.14159): ; copy(c3.begin(), c3.end(), ostreamiteratordouble(cout, )); c1.reserve(20); cout c1.reserve(20): ; copy(c1.begin(), c1.end(), ostreamiteratorint(cout, )); c1.resize(10); cout c1.resize(10): ; copy(c1.begin(), c1.end(), ostreamiteratorint(cout, )); c1.pushback(22); cout c1.pushback(22): ; copy(c1.begin(), c1.end(), ostreamiteratorint(cout, )); c1.insert(c1.begin() + 2, 5, 33); cout c1.insert(2, 5, 33): ; copy(c1.begin(), c1.end(), ostreamiteratorint(cout, )); c1.pushback(44); cout c1.pushback(44): ; copy(c1.begin(), c1.end(), ostreamiteratorint(cout, )); c1.popback(); cout c1.popback(): ; copy(c1.begin(), c1.end(), ostreamiteratorint(cout, )); c1.erase(c1.begin()); cout endl; cout c1.erase(c1.begin()): c1 = ; copy(c1.begin(), c1.end(), ostreamiteratorint(cout, ));
cout endl;
cout endl;
cout endl;
cout endl;
cout endl;
cout endl;
cout endl;
cout endl;
for(sizet i = 0; i 20; ++i) c1.pushback(i); cout c1.pushback(i = i ): ; copy(c1.begin(), c1.end(), ostreamiteratorint(cout, )); cout endl; Figure 12.8: Use of std::vector 1218
copy(c1.begin(), c1.end(), ostreamiteratorint(cout, )); cout endl; uint n = c1.size(); for(uint i = 0; i!= n; ++i) cout c1[i] ; cout endl; vectorint::iterator it; for(it = c1.begin(); it!= c1.end(); ++it) cout *it ; cout nsort(c1.begin(), c1.end()) endl; sort(c1.begin(), c1.end()); copy(c1.begin(), c1.end(), ostreamiteratorint(cout, )); cout endl; return 0; Figure 12.9: Use of std::vector
1. #include vector. 2. Unless you want to fully qualify the type as std::vector, using namespace std. you must include
3. You can randomly access elements of vector using [] notation, for example cout c1[2], see Figure 12.9. 4. You can access elements of vector using and iterator, for example vectorint::iterator it; for(it = c1.begin(); it!= c1.end(); ++it) cout *it ; 5. We declare the iterator as vectorint::iterator it; because that iterator is declared within the scope of vector; recall ArrayT::Iterator above; :: is the scope resolution operator. 6. When we come to using std::list, we will have to use an iterator because std::list does not support random access. 7. An iterator is meant to behave rather like a pointer: (a) ++it and --it move the iterator forwards and backwards; (b) *it access the element that it refers to. 8. c1.begin() is an iterator that references the rst element of c1. 9. c1.end() is an iterator that references one element past the last element of c1. Hence it!= c1.end(). 10. Although we show explicit use of iterator and [] indexed random access, the standard library gives us alternatives, for example copy(c1.begin(), c1.end(), ostreamiteratorint(cout, )); 11. The standard library algorithms have been written in such a manner that they can be applied to pointers as well as iterators. 12. Notice how to sort a vector: sort(c1.begin(), c1.end());
The two most common form of sequence data structures are (a) contiguous array-based as covered in Chapter 12 and (b) linked-list-based that we cover in this Chapter. In what follows, when comparing them, well use the term array for the former and linked-list for the latter. Apart from sequence data structures, we will encounter other forms of collection, e.g. trees and graphs; some of these use linked representations, some use arrays, and there are other implementations. std::vector (and likewise Array) that we covered in Chapter 12 do a ne job for many applications. However, they run into performance diculties in two major circumstances: (i) you need to insert one or more elements into the array at other than the back; in fact std::vector has no pushfront function because it is reckoned that to use pushfront on on array would be rather silly; (ii) you get it wrong when you declare the initial size of the array (or when you use reserve). These diculties can be seen by examining Figure 13.1. First, pushback works ne until we run out of space, but then we must reserve more memory (an new array), and, (not shown) copy all data from the old array to the new array; that makes pushback an O(N) operation in the worst case, and if, unlike the example, we reserve only what extra space that is immediately needed, then N pushbacks will grow as O(N 2 ). Next, if we look at insert, we see that the rst thing that has to be done is to copy all data that are above the insert position, n memory positions up the array to make space for the n inserts. This is an O(N) operation, so that if we want to insert all N array elements in this manner, constructing the array will be O(N 2 ). A linked-list operates by treating every element in a collection as a semi-independent entity but linked to other elements in the collection so that the sequence can be maintained. Using this representation, most insert and delete operations take constant time, i.e. O(1). The one downside is that accessing the i -th item in the list (sequence) takes O(N) sequential access, whilst an array allows random access and the same can be done in O(1). As we have noted earlier, the purpose of developing our own list classes, just as for the array class in Chapter 12, is mostly to develop some sympathy with how and why they work. When it comes to application development, we will almost always use STL collections and algorithms.
template class T void ArrayT::insert(Iterator pos, uint n, const T& e) uint sz = sz + n; assert(cap= sz); Iterator itrd= dat + sz - 1; // dstination Iterator itrs= dat + sz - 1; // source for(; itrs!= pos; --itrs, --itrd)*(dat + itrd) = *(dat + itrs); for(itrd = pos; itrd!= pos + n; ++itrd)*(dat + itrd) = e; sz = sz; template class T void ArrayT::pushback(const T& val) if(!(cap sz))reserve(2*cap); dat[sz] = val; ++sz; Figure 13.1: Extracts from Array.h showing drawback of Array and std::vector
Here we develop the simplest form of linked list a singly linked list. This works ne for most list applications, but suers from the disadvantage that inserting and deleting at the back (pushback, popback) take O(N). Later, we will see how a doubly linked list can remedy this particular drawback.
Class Declaration
The declaration of the singly linked SList class is shown in Figure 13.2.
#ifndef LISTTH #define LISTTH #include cassert #include iostream template class T class List; template class T std::ostream& operator(std::ostream& os, const ListT& l); template class T class Link; template class T class List friend std::ostream& operator T(std::ostream& os, const ListT& l); public: List(); List(const ListT & other); List(); List & operator = (const ListT & rhs); T front() const; void pushfront(T e); void popfront(); T back() const; void pushback(T e); void popback(); void clear(); // empty the list and delete all elements in it bool empty() const; int size() const; private: void copy(const ListT & other); // local utility only, users use = LinkT* first; ; template class Tclass Link friend class ListT; friend std::ostream& operator T(std::ostream& os, const ListT& l); private: Link(T e, Link *next=0); T elem; LinkT* next; ; Figure 13.2: Declaration of Singly Linked List.
Dissection of List
[You know all this already, but it may be worth repeating.] 1. The type parameter T. As already mentioned, List is a parameterised class the type / class of its element is given as a template class parameter. Just as in declaration of a function with parameters (variables formal parameters), we must announce this fact, and give the (as yet unknown) parameter an identier. This is done as follows: template class T class List Here we are saying: List uses an as yet unspecied type / class T. 2. When we want to dene an actual List in a program, we do so as, e.g.: Listint s; Listfloat t; Liststring x; Thus, as with (parameterised) functions, we can use the abstraction with any number of (dierent) parameters. 3. Likewise, if we ever need to declare a List object as a parameter, we use the form: List(const ListT & other); i.e. other is a reference to a List object of class or type T elements. 4. Instantiation. Just as variables and objects are instantiated (created), so are template classes. In the case of template classes and functions, this is done at compile time. 5. In GNU C++, the Listint class, for example, is instantiated, at compile time, by a form of macro-expansion. This is the reason that function implementations must also be in the .h le. 6. The only data member for a List is LinkT* first, a pointer to a Link. 7. When rst constructed a List is empty, in which case first == NULL. 8. List has the Big-Three: copy constructor, assignment operator, and destructor. 9. Ordinarily, e.g. in the copy constructor and the assignment operator, we pass Lists by reference, e.g. ListT& ListT::operator = (const ListT& rhs) This is because we dont want to make unnecessary copies. . Figure 13.3 gives a brief indication of the operation of List. 135
Class Implementation
The implementations of selected List class functions are shown in Figures 13.4 to 13.6. Most of these are straightforward, but it will be useful to ensure that we discuss them properly in lectures; diagrams will do a lot to aid your understanding. You should also read appropriate sections pf (Penton 2003) and execute his programs which have interactive graphics representations of singly linked and doubly linked lists.
template class T LinkT::Link(T e, LinkT *next) elem = e; next = next; template class T ListT::List() first = 0; template class T void ListT::copy(const ListT & other) if(other.empty())first = 0; else LinkT *pp = other.first; //cursor to other LinkT *pt = new LinkT(pp-elem, 0); first = pt; while(pp-next != 0) pp = pp-next; pt-next = new LinkT(pp-elem,0); pt = pt-next; template class T ListT::List(const ListT& other) copy(other); template class T ListT & ListT::operator = (const ListT& rhs) if(this != &rhs) //beware of listA=listA; clear(); copy(rhs); return *this; template class T ListT::List() clear();
template class T void ListT::pushfront(T e) LinkT *pt= new LinkT(e, first); assert(pt != 0); first=pt; // continued ... Figure 13.4: Implementation code for Singly Linked List, part 1. 138
template class T T ListT::front() const assert(!empty()); return first-elem; template class T void ListT::popfront() LinkT* pt= first; first= pt-next; delete pt; pt = 0; template class T void ListT::pushback(T e) //std::cout pushback std::endl; if(empty()) first = new LinkT(e, 0); assert(first != 0); else LinkT* pp = first; // walk to the back while(pp-next != 0)pp = pp-next; // and add a new Link with e in it and next = null pp-next = new LinkT(e, 0); assert(pp-next != 0); template class T void ListT::popback() //std::cout popback std::endl; assert(!empty()); if(first-next == 0) /*kludge for one element */ delete first; first = 0; return; LinkT *pp(first), *prev(first); // walk to the back while(pp-next != 0) prev = pp; pp = pp-next; // delete the last Link and set prev-next = null delete pp; pp = 0; prev-next = 0; // continued ... Figure 13.5: Implementation code for Singly Linked List, part 2. 139
template class T T ListT::back() const //std::cout back std::endl; assert(!empty()); LinkT* pp (first); // walk to the back while(pp-next != 0)pp = pp-next; return pp-elem; template class T void ListT::clear() LinkT *next,*pp(first); while(pp != 0) next = pp-next; pp-next = 0; // why did Budd include this? delete pp; pp = next; first = 0; template class T bool ListT::empty() const return (first == 0); template class T int ListT::size() const int i = 0; LinkT *pt = first; while(pt != 0) pt = pt-next; ++i; return i; template class T std::ostream& operator (std::ostream& os, const ListT& lst) osf[ ; LinkT *pp = lst.first; //cursor to lst while(pp != 0) if(pp != lst.first)os, ; os pp-elem; pp = pp-next; os ]bstd::endl; return os; 1310 Figure 13.6: Implementation code for Singly Linked List, part 3.
As we have seen, there is little to templates. The program ListT1.cpp in Figures 13.7 and 13.8 demonstrate the use of the List class. Figure 13.9 shows the output of ListT1.cpp. Please note that if you make minor modications to the beginning of ListT1.cpp and change occurrences of List to list (std::list), the program performs the same. Although std::list is a doubly-linked-list, the interface functions hide that fact. In the next section, we develop a doubly linked list.
/* --- ListT1.cpp --------------------------------------------j.g.c. 31/12/96//j.g.c. 1/1/97, 5/1/97, 2007-12-28, 2008-01-18 changed j.g.c. 2007-12-30 to use new SList.h (std::list compatible) -------------------------------------------------------- */ #include SList.h //#include ListStd1.h #include string //#include list #include iostream using namespace std; typedef Listdouble ListD; typedef Listint ListI; typedef Liststring ListS; int main() ListD x; x.pushfront(4.4);
ListD y(x); ListD z = x; //NB. equiv. to ListD z(x); see prev. line cout x.front = x.front() endl; //note that the following destroys the List cout List x =endl; cout x.size() = x.size() endl; while(!x.empty()) cout x.front() endl; x.popfront(); cout x.size() now = x.size() endl; cout List y =endl; cout y endl; cout List z =endl; cout z endl; // continued ... Figure 13.7: ListT1.cpp, part 1
ListD v; v = y; v.popfront(); cout List v (v = y; v.popfront();) =endl; cout v endl; ListI li; li.pushfront(3); li.pushfront(2); li.pushfront(1); cout List li via operator endl; cout li endl; li.pushback(22); li.pushback(33);
cout li.pushback(22), li.pushback(33) endl; cout li endl; cout back(), pop.back() endl; while(!li.empty()) cout li.back() endl; li.popback(); ListS ls; ls.pushfront(abcd); ls.pushfront(cdefgh); ls.pushback(back); cout ls endl; return 0; Figure 13.8: ListT1.cpp, part 2
x.front = 1.1 List x = x.size() =4 1.1 2.2 3.3 4.4 x.size() now = 0 List y = f[ 1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.4 ]b List z = f[ 1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.4 ]b List v (v = y; v.popfront();) = f[ 2.2, 3.3, 4.4 ]b List li via operator f[ 1, 2, 3 ]b li.pushback(22), li.pushback(33) f[ 1, 2, 3, 22, 33 ]b back(), pop.back() 33 22 3 2 1 f[ cdefgh, abcd, back ]b Figure 13.9: Output of ListT1.cpp.
In this section, we develop a doubly linked list. The declaration is shown in Figures 13.10, 13.11 (Link) and 13.12 (ListIterator).
#ifndef LISTTH #define LISTTH #include cassert #include iostream template class T class List; template class T std::ostream& operator (std::ostream& os, const ListT& l); template class T class Link; template class T class ListIterator; template class T class List friend std::ostream& operator T(std::ostream& os, const ListT& l); public: typedef ListIteratorT Iterator; List() : first(0), last(0) ; List(const ListT & other); List(); List & operator = (const ListT & rhs); T& front() const; void pushfront(const T& e); void popfront(); T& back() const; void pushback(const T& e); void popback(); void clear(); // empty the list and delete all elements in it bool empty() const; int size() const; Iterator begin(); Iterator end(); Iterator insert(Iterator& itr, const T& val); void insert(Iterator& itr, int n, const T& val); void erase(Iterator& itr); void erase(Iterator& start, Iterator& stop); private: void copy(const ListT & other); // private utility only, users use = LinkT* first; LinkT* last; ; Figure 13.10: Doubly linked list declaration, part 1
template class Tclass Link friend class ListT; friend class ListIteratorT; friend std::ostream& operator T(std::ostream& os, const ListT& l); private: Link(const T& e) : elem(e), next(0), prev(0) T elem; LinkT* next; LinkT* prev; ; Figure 13.11: Doubly linked list declaration, part 2, the Link
template class Tclass ListIterator friend class ListT; typedef ListIteratorT Iterator; public: ListIterator(ListT* list = 0, LinkT* cLink = 0) : list(list), cLink(cLink) T& operator *() return cLink-elem; bool operator == (Iterator rhs) return cLink == rhs.cLink; bool operator != (Iterator rhs) return cLink != rhs.cLink; Iterator& operator ++ (int) cLink = cLink-next; return *this; Iterator operator ++ (); Iterator& operator -- (int) cLink = cLink-prev; return *this; Iterator operator -- (); private: ListT* list; LinkT* cLink; ; Figure 13.12: Doubly linked list declaration, part 3, the ListIterator
The doubly linked list in Figures 13.10 to 13.12 is very similar to the singly linked list described earlier in the chapter. The chief dierences are: 1. There are now two List data members (the singly linked list had just a pointer to the front; now we have pointers to front and back: LinkT* first; LinkT* last; This means that when we want to pushback or popback, we can go directly there, via last, rather than having to sequentially walk there as in the singly linked list example. 2. Link now has three data members, rst the element; then, as before, one pointing to the next link, and now a new pointer pointing to the previous link. T elem; LinkT* next; LinkT* prev; In the singly linked list, we could traverse the list (iterate) only in the front towards back direction via next; now we can traverse in both directions, back towards front, using the prev pointer. 3. The other major dierence is that we have equipped the List with an iterator. This iterator has the same eect as the Array iterator in Chapter 12, i.e. it looks the same to client programs, but it is slightly more complicated to implement. 4. ListIterator has two data members: ListT* list; LinkT* cLink; a pointer to the List itself, and a pointer one of the Links.
Figures 13.13 and 13.14 show a simple test program. The only dierence between this program and the one above in Figures 13.7 and 13.8 is that we have added code to exercise the additional functions in the doubly linked list, and the iterator. As pointed out before, we note that this doubly linked list, the singly linked list above, and std:list appear identical in client programs; the only dierences (and there should be none) is that in the lists here, we have chosen to implement only a subset of the functions of std::list and in the singly linked list, the subset is even smaller. As we keep saying, the objectives of the list classes here is not to replace std::list, but to get some feeling how std::list might be implemented. The output of ListT1.cpp is shown in Figure 13.15
/* --- ListT1.cpp --------------------------------------------j.g.c. 31/12/96//j.g.c. 1/1/97, 5/1/97, 2007-12-28, 2008-01-18 changed j.g.c. 2007-12-30 to use new List.h (std::list compatible) -------------------------------------------------------- */ #include List.h //#include ListStd1.h #include string //#include list #include iostream using namespace std; typedef Listdouble ListD; typedef Listint ListI; typedef Liststring ListS; int main() ListD x; x.pushfront(4.4);
ListD y(x); ListD z = x; //NB. equiv. to ListD z(x); see prev. line cout x.front = x.front() endl; //note that the following destroys the list cout List x =endl; cout x.size() = x.size() endl; while(!x.empty()) cout x.front() endl; x.popfront(); cout x.size() now = x.size() endl; cout List y =endl; cout y endl; cout List z =endl; cout z endl; ListD v; v = y; v.popfront(); cout List v (v = y; v.popfront();) =endl; cout v endl; // continued ... Figure 13.13: Simple Test Program for Doubly Linked List, ListT1.cpp, part 1
ListI li; li.pushfront(3); li.pushfront(2); li.pushfront(1); cout List li via operator endl; cout li endl; li.pushback(22); li.pushback(33); cout li.pushback(22), li.pushback(33) endl; cout li endl; cout back(), pop.back() endl; while(!li.empty()) cout li.back() endl; li.popback(); ListS ls; ls.pushfront(abcd); ls.pushfront(cdefgh); ls.pushback(back); cout ls endl; ListI c5; for(uint i = 0; i 5; ++i) c5.pushback(i); cout c5.pushback(i = i ): c5; cout using Iterator endl; ListI::Iterator itr = c5.begin(); ListI::Iterator itrb = c5.begin(); ListI::Iterator itre = c5.end(); if(itr == itrb)cout itr == itrb endl; else cout itr != itrb endl; if(itr != itrb)cout itr != itrb endl; else cout itr == itrb endl; ListI::Iterator it; for(it = c5.begin(); it != c5.end(); ++it) cout *it ; cout ListI::Iterator itr2 = c5.begin(), ++, ++ endl; cout c5.insert(itr2, 5, 33) endl; ListI::Iterator itr2 = c5.begin(); itr2++; itr2++; c5.insert(itr2, 5, 33); cout c5; 1322 Figure 13.14: Simple Test Program for Doubly Linked List, ListT1.cpp, part 2
x.front = 1.1 List x = x.size() =4 1.1 2.2 3.3 4.4 x.size() now = 0 List y = f[ 1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.4 ]b List z = f[ 1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.4 ]b List v (v = y; v.popfront();) = f[ 2.2, 3.3, 4.4 ]b List li via operator f[ 1, 2, 3 ]b li.pushback(22), li.pushback(33) f[ 1, 2, 3, 22, 33 ]b back(), pop.back() 33 22 3 2 1 f[ cdefgh, abcd, back ]b c5.pushback(i = 0): f[ 0 ]b c5.pushback(i = 1): f[ 0, 1 ]b c5.pushback(i = 2): f[ 0, 1, 2 ]b c5.pushback(i = 3): f[ 0, 1, 2, 3 ]b c5.pushback(i = 4): f[ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 ]b using Iterator itr == itrb itr == itrb 0 1 2 3 4 ListI::Iterator itr2 = c5.begin(), ++, ++ c5.insert(itr2, 5, 33) f[ 0, 1, 33, 33, 33, 33, 33, 2, 3, 4 ]b Figure 13.15: Output of ListT1.cpp (double linked version)
Here we give the complete implementation of the doubly linked list. Since the principles involved are the same as for the singly linked list, we provide no discussion. However, it will be worthwhile to spend some time in class on the implementation, especially that of ListIterator. // --------- ListIterator --------------------------------// postfix form of increment template class T ListIteratorT ListIteratorT::operator ++ () // clone, then increment, return clone ListIteratorT clone (list, cLink); cLink = cLink-next; return clone; // postfix form of decrement template class T ListIteratorT ListIteratorT::operator -- () // clone, then increment, return clone ListIteratorT clone (list, cLink); cLink = cLink-prev; return clone; Figure 13.16: Doubly Linked List Implementation, part 1, ListIterator
template class T void ListT::copy(const ListT & other) if(other.empty())first = 0; else LinkT *pp = other.first; //cursor to other LinkT *pt = new LinkT(pp-elem); first = pt; while(pp-next != 0) pp = pp-next; pt-next = new LinkT(pp-elem); pt = pt-next; template class T ListT::List(const ListT & other) copy(other); template class T ListT & ListT::operator = (const ListT & rhs) if(this != &rhs) //beware of listA=listA; clear(); copy(rhs); return *this; template class T ListT::List() clear(); Figure 13.17: Doubly Linked List Implementation, part 2
template class T void ListT::copy(const ListT & other) if(other.empty())first = 0; else LinkT *pp = other.first; //cursor to other LinkT *pt = new LinkT(pp-elem); first = pt; while(pp-next != 0) pp = pp-next; pt-next = new LinkT(pp-elem); pt = pt-next; template class T ListT::List(const ListT & other) copy(other); template class T ListT & ListT::operator = (const ListT & rhs) if(this != &rhs) //beware of listA=listA; clear(); copy(rhs); return *this; template class T ListT::List() clear(); Figure 13.18: Doubly Linked List Implementation, part 3
template class T void ListT::pushfront(const T& e) LinkT *newLink= new LinkT(e); assert(newLink != 0); if(empty())first = last = newLink; else first-prev = newLink; newLink-next = first; first= newLink; template class T T& ListT::front() const assert(!empty()); return first-elem; template class T void ListT::popfront() assert(!empty()); LinkT* tmp = first; first= first-next; if(first!= 0) first-prev = 0; else last = 0; delete tmp; Figure 13.19: Doubly Linked List Implementation, part 4
template class T void ListT::pushback(const T& e) LinkT *newLink= new LinkT(e); assert(newLink != 0); if(empty()) first = last = newLink; else last-next = newLink; newLink-prev = last; last = newLink; template class T void ListT::popback() assert(!empty()); LinkT* tmp = last; last= last-prev; if(last!= 0) last-next = 0; else first = 0; delete tmp; template class T T& ListT::back() const assert(!empty()); return last-elem; template class T void ListT::clear() LinkT *next, *first(first); while(first != 0) next = first-next; delete first; first = 0; template class T bool ListT::empty() const return (first == 0); template class T int ListT::size() const int i = 0; LinkT *pt = first; while(pt != 0) pt = pt-next; ++i; return i; 1328 Figure 13.20: Doubly Linked List Implementation, part 5
first = next;
template class T ListIteratorT ListT::begin() return Iterator(this, first); template class T ListIteratorT ListT::end() return ListIteratorT(this, 0); template class T void ListT::erase(ListIteratorT& itr) erase(itr, itr); // insert a new element into the middle of a linked list template class T ListIteratorT ListT::insert (ListIteratorT & itr, const T& value) LinkT* newLink = new LinkT(value); LinkT* current = itr.cLink; newLink-next = current; newLink-prev = current-prev; current-prev = newLink; current = newLink-prev; if (current != 0)current-next = newLink; return ListIteratorT(this, newLink); // insert n new elements into the middle of a linked list // note: iterator changed, but I think this is okay as // iterators are known to be invalidated by insertion template class T void ListT::insert (ListIteratorT & itr, int n, const T& value) for(int i = 0; i n; i++) itr = insert(itr, value); Figure 13.21: Doubly Linked List Implementation, part 6
// remove values from the range of elements template class T void ListT::erase (ListIteratorT & start, ListIteratorT & stop) LinkT * first = start.cLink; LinkT * prev = first-prev; LinkT * last = stop.cLink; if (prev == 0) // removing initial portion of list first = last; if (last == 0) last = 0; else last-prev = 0; else prev-next = last; if (last == 0)last = prev; else last-prev = prev; // now delete the values while (start != stop) ListIteratorT next = start; ++next; delete start.cLink; start = next; template class T std::ostream& operator (std::ostream& os, const ListT& lst) osf[ ; LinkT *pp = lst.first; //cursor to lst while(pp != 0) if(pp != lst.first)os, ; os pp-elem; pp = pp-next; os ]bstd::endl; return os; #endif Figure 13.22: Doubly Linked List Implementation, part 7
On a 32-bit machine, int and pointer typed variables normally occupy four 8-bit bytes. Ex. 1. If we have an Arrayint such as that in Chapter 12 (and std::vector will be the same) whose size and capacity are 1000, how many memory bytes will be used? Ex. 2. Do the same calculation for a singly linked list which contains 1000 elements. Ex. 3. Do the same calculation for a doubly linked list. Ex. 4. If we dene eciency as actual useful data memory divided by total memory used, what can we say about the eciency obtained in Ex. 1., Ex. 2. and Ex. 3. above. Ex. 5. As N, the number of elements, increases to a very large number, what can we say about the eciency in the three cases: (i) array, (ii) singly linked list, (iii) doubly linked list.
All CPU chips these days have cache memory ; cache memory is extra-fast memory close to the CPU. Cache memory has access times one tenth to one twentieth of main memory. Usually, there are two separate caches, data cache, and instruction cache. In the case of data cache, when you access a memory location, 4560, say, the cache system will bring memory locations 4560 to 4581 (32 bytes it could be more, depends on the CPU) into cache; the rst memory access will be at the speed of main memory; however, if you access memory 4564, it will already be in cache and this memory access will be at the much faster cache speed. Hence on machines that have cache, it makes sense to access memory in a orderly manner: e.g. 4560, 4564, 4568, . . . . If you hop about through memory: e.g. 4560, 200057, 26890, . . . , you will lose the speed of the cache memory. Ex. In connection with cache memory, what performance penalty might a program incur when using a linked list instead of an array?
This is a case study involving a number of classes; it is useful to see how a methodical objectoriented design approach can tame a problem that looks very dicult at rst glance. A secondary goal of the case study is to gain condence in using the standard library. Unfortunately, the software that is presented here is the result of a few iterations of design; thus, like software that you see in some books, it is hard to depict the thought process that resulted in the what you see here. The mini-project started o with the requirement for a set of classes related to Institute sta and students; hence we think immediately of Student and Lecturer. It is relatively obvious that these have a lot in common; the common stu can be factored into a Person class. A Person will have set of names and an address. After a bit of thought, it becomes obvious that a separate Address part (class) is sensible; the latter for two reasons: (i) it cuts down the size and complexity of the Person class; (ii) an Address class will be useful if we ever need to work with companies and other entities that need an address. The remainder of this chapter presents the classes and test programs. The assignment questions at the end of the chapter helps identify some of the key learning objectives of this chapter. The commentary here is kept to a minimum this software will be the subject of many lectures and discussions, plus an assignment.
// ---------------- Address.h --------------------------// j.g.c version 1.1; 2007-08-26, 2007-11-04 // ----------------------------------------------------#ifndef ADDRESSH #define ADDRESSH #include string #include StringTokenizer.h class Address friend bool operator(const Address& lhs, const Address& rhs); friend bool operator==(const Address& lhs, const Address& rhs); private: std::string num; std::string street; // street = first line of address std::string city; std::string region; // county or state std::string country; public: Address(std::string& num, std::string& street, std::string& city, std::string& region, std::string& country); // below = does for default constructor // which C++ wants but will never be used Address(std::string str = blank,blank,blank,blank,blank); std::string toString() const; ; #endif
// ---------------- Address.cpp --------------------------// j.g.c version 1.1; 2007-08-26, 2007-11-04 // ----------------------------------------------------#include Address.h Address::Address(std::string& num, std::string& street, std::string& city, std::string& region, std::string& country) : num(num), street(street), city(city), region(region), country(country) Address::Address(std::string str) StringTokenizer st = StringTokenizer(str, ,); num = st.token(0); street = st.token(1); city = st.token(2); region = st.token(3); country = st.token(4); std::string Address::toString() const return num + , + street + , + + region + , + country;
city + ,
bool operator(const Address& lhs, const Address& rhs) if(lhs.country==rhs.country) if(lhs.region==rhs.region) if(lhs.city==rhs.city) if(lhs.street==rhs.street) return lhs.num rhs.num; else return lhs.street rhs.street; else return lhs.city rhs.city; else return lhs.region rhs.region; else return lhs.country rhs.country; bool operator==(const Address& lhs, return lhs.country==rhs.country lhs.region==rhs.region lhs.city==rhs.city lhs.street==rhs.street lhs.num== rhs.num; const Address& rhs) && && && &&
// ----------------- AddressT1.cpp -----------------// j.g.c. 2007-08-27, 2007-10-04 // ------------------------------------------------#include Address.h #include vector #include list #include iostream #include iterator #include cstdlib // for rand #include sstream // for ostringstream #include algorithm // for sort using namespace std; class AddressT1 public: AddressT1() vectorstring streets = vectorstring(); streets.pushback(string(Port Road)); streets.pushback(string(Pearse Road)); streets.pushback(string(College Terrace)); streets.pushback(string(Kingsbury)); streets.pushback(string(New Street)); vectorstring cities = vectorstring(); cities.pushback(string(Newtown)); cities.pushback(string(Oldtown)); cities.pushback(string(Johnstown)); cities.pushback(string(Hightown)); cities.pushback(string(Lowtown)); vectorstring regions = vectorstring(); regions.pushback(string(Oldshire)); regions.pushback(string(Newshire)); regions.pushback(string(Green County)); regions.pushback(string(Old County)); vectorstring countries = vectorstring(); countries.pushback(string(Ireland)); countries.pushback(string(Wales)); countries.pushback(string(England)); countries.pushback(string(Scotland)); vectorAddress addList = vectorAddress(); string num, street, city, region, country; unsigned int rnseed= 139139; srand(rnseed); // initialise random number generator. int n = 10; for(int i = 0; i n; ++i) 144
int j = rand()%streets.size(); street = streets.at(j); j = rand()%100; ostringstream ossnum; ossnum j; num = ossnum.str(); j = rand()%cities.size(); city = cities.at(j); j = rand()%regions.size(); region = regions.at(j); j = rand()%countries.size(); country = countries.at(j); Address a = Address(num, street, city, region, country); addList.pushback(a); string s= string(Rose Cottage,Lough Salt,Kilmacrennan,Donegal,Ireland); Address a = Address(s ); addList.pushback(a); coutThe address list size is: addList.size() endl; cout The address list is: endl; for(int i = 0; i!= addList.size(); ++i) cout addList.at(i).toString() endl; sort(addList.begin(), addList.end()); coutSorted address list size is: addList.size() endl; cout Sorted address list is: endl; for(int i = 0; i!= addList.size(); ++i) cout addList.at(i).toString() endl; ; /** The main method constructs the test */ int main() AddressT1();
// ---------------- Person.h --------------------------// j.g.c version 1.0; 2007-08-27, 2007-11-04 // ----------------------------------------------------#ifndef PERSONH #define PERSONH #include string #include StringTokenizer.h #include Address.h class Person friend bool operator(const Person& lhs, const Person& rhs); friend bool operator==(const Person& lhs, const Person& rhs); private: std::string firstName; std::string lastName; Address address; public: Person(std::string& firstName, std::string& lastName, Address& address); // see Address.h for comment on = ... Person(std::string str = blankf,blankl;blanknum,blanks,blankc,blankr,blankc); virtual std::string toString() const; std::string getFirstName() const; std::string getLastName() const; ; #endif
// ---------------- Person.cpp --------------------------// j.g.c version 1.0; 2007-08-27, 2007-11-04 // ----------------------------------------------------#include Person.h #include iostream Person::Person(std::string& firstName, std::string& lastName, Address& address) : firstName(firstName), lastName(lastName), address(address) Person::Person(std::string str) // first split into name ; address StringTokenizer st1 = StringTokenizer(str, ;); std::string sName = st1.token(0); std::string sAddress = st1.token(1); address = Address(sAddress); // now split name StringTokenizer st2 = StringTokenizer(sName, ,); firstName = st2.token(0); lastName = st2.token(1); std::string Person::toString() const return firstName + , + lastName + ; + address.toString(); std::string Person::getFirstName() const return firstName; std::string Person::getLastName() const return lastName; bool operator(const Person& lhs, const Person& rhs) if(lhs.lastName==rhs.lastName) if(lhs.firstName==rhs.firstName) return lhs.address rhs.address; else return lhs.firstName rhs.firstName; else return lhs.lastName rhs.lastName; bool operator==(const Person& lhs, const Person& rhs) return lhs.firstName==rhs.firstName && lhs.lastName==rhs.lastName && lhs.address == rhs.address;
// ----------------- PersonT1.cpp -----------------// j.g.c. 2007-08-27, 2007-11-04 // ------------------------------------------------#include Person.h #include vector #include list #include iostream #include iterator #include cstdlib // for rand #include sstream // for ostringstream #include algorithm // for sort using namespace std; class PersonT1 public: PersonT1() vectorstring firstNames = vectorstring(); firstNames.pushback(string(Seamus)); firstNames.pushback(string(Sean)); firstNames.pushback(string(Sharon)); firstNames.pushback(string(Sinead)); firstNames.pushback(string(Sarah)); firstNames.pushback(string(Simon)); vectorstring lastNames = vectorstring(); lastNames.pushback(string(Bloggs)); lastNames.pushback(string(Burke)); lastNames.pushback(string(Blaney)); lastNames.pushback(string(Bradley)); lastNames.pushback(string(Brown)); lastNames.pushback(string(Black)); vectorstring streets = vectorstring(); streets.pushback(string(Port Road)); streets.pushback(string(Pearse Road)); streets.pushback(string(College Terrace)); streets.pushback(string(Kingsbury)); streets.pushback(string(New Street)); vectorstring cities = vectorstring(); cities.pushback(string(Newtown)); cities.pushback(string(Oldtown)); cities.pushback(string(Johnstown)); cities.pushback(string(Hightown)); cities.pushback(string(Lowtown)); vectorstring regions = vectorstring(); 148
regions.pushback(string(Oldshire)); regions.pushback(string(Newshire)); regions.pushback(string(Green County)); regions.pushback(string(Old County)); vectorstring countries = vectorstring(); countries.pushback(string(Ireland)); countries.pushback(string(Wales)); countries.pushback(string(England)); countries.pushback(string(Scotland)); vectorPerson personList = vectorPerson(); string num, street, city, region, country, lastName, firstName; unsigned int rnseed= 139; srand(rnseed); // initialise random number generator. int n = 10, j; for(int i = 0; i n; ++i) j = rand()%100; ostringstream ossnum; ossnum j; num = ossnum.str(); cout i = i endl; j = rand()%streets.size(); street = streets.at(j); j = rand()%cities.size(); city = cities.at(j); j = rand()%regions.size(); region = regions.at(j); j = rand()%countries.size(); country = countries.at(j); j = rand()%firstNames.size(); firstName = firstNames.at(j); j = rand()%lastNames.size(); lastName = lastNames.at(j); Address a = Address(num, street, city, region, country); cout a.toString() endl; Person p = Person(firstName, lastName, a); cout p.toString() endl; personList.pushback(p);
cout testing Person(std::string) endl; string s = string(James,Mulligan;Hillview,Lough Salt,Kilmacrennan,Donegal,Irela Person p(s); personList.pushback(p); p = Person(); personList.pushback(p); 149
coutThe Person list size is: personList.size() endl; cout The Person list is: endl; for(int i = 0; i!= personList.size(); ++i) cout personList.at(i).toString() endl; sort(personList.begin(), personList.end()); coutSorted address list size is: personList.size() endl; cout Sorted address list is: endl; for(int i = 0; i!= personList.size(); ++i) cout personList.at(i).toString() endl; cout Sorted names are: endl; for(int i = 0; i!= personList.size(); ++i) cout personList.at(i).getLastName() , personList.at(i).getFirstName() endl; ; /** The main method constructs the test */ int main() PersonT1();
// ---------------- Student.h --------------------------// j.g.c version 1.1; 2007-08-27, 2007-11-04 // ----------------------------------------------------#ifndef STUDENTH #define STUDENTH #include string #include Person.h class Student: public Person friend bool operator(const Student& lhs, const Student& rhs); friend bool operator==(const Student& lhs, const Student& rhs); private: std::string id; public: Student(std::string& firstName, std::string& lastName, Address& address, std::string& id); // see Address.h for comment on = ... Student(std::string str = blankf,blankl;blanknum,blanks,blankc,blankr,blankc;blankid); std::string toString() const; string getId() const; ; #endif
// ---------------- Student.cpp --------------------------// j.g.c version 1.1; 2007-08-27, 2007-11-04 // ----------------------------------------------------#include Student.h #include iostream Student::Student(std::string& firstName, std::string& lastName, Address& address, std::string& id) : Person(firstName, lastName, address), id(id) Student::Student(std::string str) : Person(str) // first split into name ; address ; id // note that Person(str) will ignore id StringTokenizer st1 = StringTokenizer(str, ;); id = st1.token(2); // (0) is name, (1) is address, (2) is id std::string Student::toString() const return Person::toString() + ; + id; std::string Student::getId() const return id; bool operator(const Student& lhs, const Student& rhs) Person pl = Person(lhs); Person pr = Person(rhs); if(pl == pr) return lhs.id rhs.id; else return pl pr; bool operator==(const Student& lhs, const Student& rhs) Person pl = Person(lhs); Person pr = Person(rhs); return pl == pr && lhs.id == rhs.id;
// ----------------- StudentT1.cpp -----------------// j.g.c. 2007-08-27, 2007-11-04 // ------------------------------------------------#include Student.h #include vector #include list #include iostream #include iterator #include cstdlib // for rand #include sstream // for ostringstream #include algorithm // for sort #include fstream // for files - ofstream, ifstream using namespace std; bool cmp0(const Student& s1, const Student& s2) return s1.getId() s2.getId(); class StudentT1 public: StudentT1() vectorstring firstNames = vectorstring(); firstNames.pushback(string(Seamus)); // etc. same as PersonT1.cpp vectorStudent sList = vectorStudent(); string num, street, city, region, country, lastName, firstName; unsigned int rnseed= 139; srand(rnseed); // initialise random number generator. int n = 10, j; string id1(L200702); for(int i = 0; i n; ++i) j = rand()%100; ostringstream ossnum; ossnum j; num = ossnum.str(); cout i = i endl; j = rand()%streets.size(); street = streets.at(j); j = rand()%cities.size(); city = cities.at(j); j = rand()%regions.size(); region = regions.at(j); j = rand()%countries.size(); country = countries.at(j); j = rand()%firstNames.size(); 1413
firstName = firstNames.at(j); j = rand()%lastNames.size(); lastName = lastNames.at(j); Address a = Address(num, street, city, region, country); cout a.toString() endl; int k = i + 10; ostringstream ossid; ossid id1 k; string id = ossid.str(); Student st = Student(firstName, lastName, a, id); sList.pushback(st);
string s = string(James,Mulligan;Hillview,Lough Salt,Kilmacrennan,Donegal,Ireland;L20079 Student st(s); sList.pushback(st); s = string( James,Mulligan;Hillview,Lough Salt,Kilmacrennan,Donegal,Ireland;L200789); Student st1(s); sList.pushback(st1); st = Student(); sList.pushback(st); coutThe Student list size is: sList.size() endl; cout The Student list is: endl; for(int i = 0; i!= sList.size(); ++i) cout sList.at(i).toString() endl; sort(sList.begin(), sList.end()); coutSorted list size is: sList.size() endl; cout Sorted list is: endl; for(int i = 0; i!= sList.size(); ++i) cout sList.at(i).toString() endl; // now using alternative compare sort(sList.begin(), sList.end(), cmp0); cout Student list sorted by student id. is: endl; for(int i = 0; i!= sList.size(); ++i) cout sList.at(i).toString() endl; vectorPerson* ppList = vectorPerson*(); Person *pp; for(int i = 0; i!= sList.size(); ++i) pp = &sList.at(i); ppList.pushback(pp);
string s1 = string( Jim,Dillon;10,Fourth Avenue,Raphoe,Donegal,Ireland;L200791); Person p(s1); ppList.pushback(&p); coutThe Person pointer list size is: sList.size() endl; cout The Person pointer (contents) list is: endl; for(int i = 0; i!= ppList.size(); ++i) cout ppList.at(i)-toString() endl; cout nSave that vector to a filen endl; ofstream fileout(students.dat); if(!fileout) cerr cannot open file students.dat for writingn; exit(-1); for(unsigned int i=0; i sList.size(); i++) fileout sList[i].toString(); fileout endl; fileout.close(); cout n... and read some of them backn endl; vectorStudent v4; ifstream filein(students.dat); if(!filein) cerr cannot open file students.dat for readingn; exit(-1); string str1; for(unsigned int i=0; i 5; i++) getline(filein, str1); v4.pushback(Student(str1)); filein.close(); for(unsigned int i = 0; i v4.size(); i++) cout v4[i].toString() endl; ; /** The main method constructs the test */ int main() StudentT1();
Assignment 4, Deadline Mon. 19th November 2007, 3.30pm. Demonstrations must be completed by 19th Nov., at 3.00pm. Worth 20% of CA. 1. Compile, link and execute AddressT1.cpp. [10 marks] Demonstration 100% of marks. 2. Compile, link and execute PersonT1.cpp. [10 marks] Demonstration 100% of marks. 3. Compile, link and execute StudentT1.cpp. [10 marks] Demonstration 100% of marks. 4. Virtual functions. (a) Remove the virtual qualier from toString() in Person.h and Student.h. Recompile, link and execute StudentT1.cpp. [10 marks] Demonstration 100% of marks. (b) There should be a discrepancy between the Person pointer (contents) list in (a) and the one in 3. above. Include a printout of the two lists and explain the dierence. [10 marks]
5. Your own test program for Student. (a) Write your own test program StudentT2.cpp for Student. You should avoid my automated test data generation and use instructions like those below
string s = string(James,Mulligan;19, First Road,Kilmacrenan,Donegal,Ireland;L20 Student st(s); sList.pushback(Student st(s)); In addition to using the constructor Student(std::string str = blankf,blankl;blanknum,blanks,blankc,blankr,blankc;blankid); you should asl show examples of use of the constructor Student(std::string& firstName, std::string& lastName, Address& address, std::string& id); There should be at least eight (8) students in your list. Demonstration. [20 marks] (b) Commented printout of StudentT2.cpp in hand-in report. [20 marks] (c) Commented printout of lists before and after sorting in hand-in report. [20 marks] 6. (a) Copy LecturerT1.cpp to LecturerT2.cpp and use vector rather than list. Compile and execute. Demonstration. [20 marks] (b) Add code to LecturerT2.cpp to sort the vector and print out the sorted list. Demonstration. [20 marks] (c) Add code to LecturerT2.cpp to sort the vector according to oce number ; print out the sorted list. See StudentT1 for a closely related example. Demonstration. [20 marks] (d) Commented printout of relevant parts of LecturerT2.cpp in the hand-in report. [20 marks] (e) Commented printout of the unsorted and sorted tables in hand-in report. [20 marks]
7. Now you are going to write an address book program. (a) First we need a class Contact; Contact inherits from Person, just like Student and Lecturer. Contact should have instance variables for email address and for telephone number. It should have == and operators; the operator should take account of email address if the other elds are equal. Include properly commented Contact.h and Contact.cpp in your hand-in report. [50 marks] (b) Write a test program AddressBook.cpp that tests Contact just like StudentT1.cpp or StudentT2.cpp. The test program must demonstrate: (o) Basic test program; (i) Sorting according to the == and operators; (ii) Sorting according to a compare function that compares Contact entries based on their telephone number; see cmp0 in StudentT1.cpp and its use there. (iii) Writing to le; (iv) Reading from le; (v) Reading from a le when the program starts; use command line arguments; i.e. prog addlist.txt reads addlist.txt into a vector. Demonstration [6 10 = 60 marks] (c) Include a properly commented AddressBook.cpp in your hand-in report. [50 marks] (d) Include a UML diagram showing the relationship between AddressBook, Contact, Person, and Address your hand-in report. [20 marks]
Alexandrescu, A. (2001). Modern C++ Design, Addison Wesley. Blanchette, J. & Summereld, M. (2008). C++ GUI Programming with Qt7, 2nd edn, Prentice Hall. ISBN: 0-13-235416-0. Bornat, R. (1987). Programming from First Principles, Prentice-Hall. Budd, T. (1997a). Data Structures in C++ Using the Standard Template Library, Addison Wesley. Budd, T. (1997b). An Introduction to Object-oriented Programming, 2nd edn, Addison Wesley. Budd, T. (1999a). C++ for Java Programmers, Addison Wesley. Budd, T. (1999b). Understanding Object-oriented Programming with Java, (updated for Java 2), Addison-Wesley. Campbell, J. (2009). Algorithms and Data Structures for Games Programmers, Technical report, Letterkenny Institute of Technology. URL. http://www.jgcampbell.com/adsgp/. Cline, M., Lomow, G. & Girou, M. (1999a). C++ FAQs 2nd ed., 2nd edn, Addison Wesley. Cline, M., Lomow, G. & Girou, M. (1999b). C++ FAQs 2nd ed., 2nd edn, Addison Wesley. Czarnecki, K. & Eisenecker, U. (2000). Generative Programming, Addison Wesley. Dawson, M. (2004). Beginning Game Programming, Thompson Course Technology. ISBN: 159200-206-6. Dewhurst, S. C. (2003). C++ Gotchas: Avoiding Common Problems in Coding and Design, Addison Wesley. Dewhurst, S. C. (2005). C++ Common Knowledge : Essential Intermediate Programming, Addison Wesley. ISBN: 0-321-32192-8. Dickheiser, M. J. (2007). C++ for Game Programmers, 2nd edn, Charles River Media. ISBN: 1-58450-452-8. This is the second edition of a rst edition by Llopis. Eckel, B. (2000). Thinking in C++, vol. 1, Prentice Hall. Eckel, B. (2003). Thinking in C++, vol. 2, Prentice Hall. Fitzgerald, J. & Larsen, P. (1998). Modelling Systems: Practical Tools and Techniques in Software Development, Cambridge University Press. Freeman, E. & Freeman, E. (2004). Head First Design Patterns, OReilly. ISBN: 0-596-00712-4. 141
Gamma, E., Helm, R., Johnson, R. & Vlissides, J. (1995). Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-oriented Software, Addison-Wesley. Glassborow, F. (2006). You Can Program in C++, Wiley. ISBN: 0-470-01468-7. Harbison, S. & Steele, G. (2005). C: a Reference Manual, 5th edn, Prentice-Hall. Horstmann, C. (2005). Java Concepts, 4th edn, Wiley. Horstmann, C. (2006). Object Oriented Design and Patterns, 2nd edn, Wiley. Horstmann, C. (accessed 2006-08-28b). http://horstmann.com/ccj2/ccjapp3.html. Horstmann, C. (accessed 5006-08-28a). http://horstmann.com/cpp/pitfalls.html. Horstmann, C. & Budd, T. (2005). Big C++, Wiley. Josuttis, N. (1999). The C++ Standard Library, Addison Wesley. Karlsson, B. (2006). Beyond the C++ Standard Library: An Introduction to Boost, Addison Wesley. Kernighan, B. & Ritchie, D. (1988). The C Programming Language, Prentice-Hall. This is the best book on C. However, it used to be thought that the best way to learn C++ was to learn C rst; it isnt thought any more. Dont do it that way. Koenig, A. & Moo, B. (2000). Accelerated C++, Addison-Wesley. Lippman, S. B. (2005). C++ Primer (4th Edition), 4th edn, Addison Wesley. Lischner, R. (2003). C++ in a Nutshell, OReilly. ISBN: 0-596-00298-X. Louden, K. (1993). Programming Languages: Principles and Practice, PWS-Kent Publishing Company. Maguire, S. (1993). Writing Solid Code, Microsoft Press. McConnell, S. (2004). Code Complete, Second Edition, Microsoft Press. McShary, M. (2005). Game coding complete, 2nd edn, Paraglyph Press. ISBN: 1932111913. Meyer, B. (1996). An introduction to design by contract, Technical report, Interactive Software Engineering, inc. Available from www.eiel.com. Meyers, S. (1996). More Eective C++: 35 New Ways to Improve Your Programs and Designs., Addison-Wesley. Meyers, S. (2001). Eective STL, Addison-Wesley. Meyers, S. (2005). Eective C++: 55 Specic Ways to Improve Your Programs and Designs, 3rd edn, Addison Wesley. Mitchell, R. & McKim, J. (2002). Design by Contract by example, Addison Wesley. OLuanaigh, P. (2006). Game Design Complete, Paraglyph Press. ISBN: 1-93309700-0. 142 Moving from C++ java to c++. online: online:
Penton, R. (2003). Data Structures for Games Programmers, Premier Press / Thompson Course Technology. ISBN: 1-931841-94-2. Reese, G. (2007). C++ Standard Library Practical Tips, Charles River Media. ISBN: 1-58450400-5. Romanik, P. & Muntz, A. (2003). Applied C++: practical techniques for building better software, Addison Wesley. ISBN: 0321108949. Sethi, R. (1996). Programming Languages: Concepts and Constructs, Addison-Wesley. Smart, J. & Csomor, S. (2005). Cross-platform GUI programming with WxWidgets, Prentice Hall. ISBN: 0131473816. Stroustrup, B. (1997a). The C++ Programming Language, 3rd edn, Addison-Wesley. Stroustrup, B. (1997b). The C++ Programming Language, 3rd ed., 3rd edn, Addison-Wesley. Stroustrup, B. (2009). Programming: Principles and Practice using C++, Addison-Wesley. ISBN: 0-321-54372-6. Sutter, H. (1999). Exceptional C++, Addison Wesley. Sutter, H. (2002). More Exceptional C++: 40 More Engineering Puzzles, Programming Problems, and Solutions, Addison Wesley. Sutter, H. (2004). Exceptional C++ style, Addison Wesley. ISBN: 0201760428. Sutter, H. & Alexandrescu, A. (2005). C++ Coding Standards : 101 Rules, Guidelines, and Best Practices, Addison Wesley. ISBN: 0-321-11358-6. Tennent, R. (2002). Specifying Software, Cambridge University Press. Vlissides, J. (1998). Pattern Hatching: Design Patterns Applied, Addison-Wesley. Wilson, M. (2004). Imperfect C++, Addison Wesley. ISBN: 0321228774.
At this stage, some of you may think that designing and writing programs is some sort of God-given talent and that programs spring fully formed from the ngers of a chosen few. This opinion may be conrmed by the fact that, in books and in notes, you see only nished working programs. In another chapter we will take a quick look at object-oriented analysis and design. In this chapter we look at one way of deriving (procedural) programs by appropriate analysis of the requirements leading to a design. For certain types of problem, one way is to make your program follow the same structure as your input or output data. (When the structures of output data diers from that of input data, there is a little more work to be done, but we wont worry about that here.) An example is that if we were writing a program to process student marks, we would expect to see a for loop over all students and inside that a for loop over all assessment items (courseworks and examination results). Here, we look at a problem which has only output data: patterns on a screen. If we look at patterns in data, we may be able to identify: Sequence; Selection; Repetition. Any program can be constructed from these three. In addition, based on groupings of patterns and repetitions of these groupings, we may identify the need for: Procedures, (methods, functions, subprograms); Procedures with parameters.
During the lectures we will discuss the analogies between certain computer program structures and cookery recipes. We will show that cookery recipes are frequently composed of patterns involving: sequence, selection, repetition, subprograms (recipes within a recipe), and subprograms with parameters (for example a sauce recipe which can be changed by supplying dierent colours or dierent avours). See Figure A.1 below.
Figure A.1: Computer programs have much in common with recipes (recipes from B. Nilsson, The Penguin Cookery Book)
Next, make it general enough to take a parameter h (height); the example has h = 5. Were going build up to it which is sometimes a great way to solve a large problem by chipping away at it until it gets smaller and smaller and nally solved. Note, however that by chipping away I do not mean typing some rubbish and then altering random parts until it works which is never. If you ever nd yourself or anyone else taking this approach, shout stop! and go for help. //----- Stars1.cpp --------------------------------// j.g.c. 2003/11/29 // prints single * on screen //-------------------------------------------------#include iostream using namespace std; int main() cout *; cout n; return 0;
Now, print: ***** //----- Line5.cpp --------------------------------// j.g.c. 2003/11/29 // prints 5 * line on screen //-------------------------------------------------#include iostream using namespace std; int main() cout *; cout *; cout *; cout *; cout *; cout n; return 0; Here is Line5.cpp formatted dierently to show that the program replicates the pattern of the data. //----- Line51.cpp --------------------------------// j.g.c. 2003/11/29 // prints 5 * line on screen // now formatted to show similarity between data pattern // and program pattern //-------------------------------------------------#include iostream using namespace std; int main() cout *; cout *; cout *; cout *; cout *; cout n; return 0;
//----- Line5r.cpp --------------------------------// j.g.c. 2003/11/29 // prints 5 * line on screen // now using repetition to replace a sequence //-------------------------------------------------#include iostream using namespace std; int main() int n= 5; for(int i= 0; i n; i++) cout *; cout n; return 0;
Sequence of Repetitions
//----- Tr1.cpp --------------------------------// j.g.c. 2003/11/29 // prints a backwards facing triangle //* //** //*** //**** //***** // Analysis: // Stars // Line 0: 1 // 1: 2 // 2: 3 etc... //-------------------------------------------------#include iostream using namespace std; int main() int n= 1; for(int i= 0; i n; i++) cout *; cout n; A6
We can improve a lot on Tr1.java. //----- Tr1r.cpp --------------------------------// j.g.c. 2003/11/29 // prints a backwards facing triangle //* //** //*** //**** //***** // Analysis: // Stars // Line 0: 1 // 1: 2 // 2: 3 etc... // i.e. generalising // Line j j stars //-------------------------------------------------#include iostream using namespace std; int main() int maxj= 5; for(int j= 1; j= maxj; j++) //----- this loop does the stars for(int i= 0; i j; i++) cout *; //-----cout n; // and newline after every line return 0;
Data Pattern Program Pattern //----- Tr2.cpp --------------------------------// j.g.c. 2003/11/29 // this is Tr1r.cpp written with the repetitions translated // to their sequence meaning; can you see that the program // has the same pattern as the data? //* //** //*** //**** //***** //-------------------------------------------------#include iostream using namespace std; int main() cout *; cout *; cout *; cout *; cout *; return 0;
n; *; cout n; *; cout *; cout n; *; cout *; cout *; cout n; *; cout *; cout *; cout *; cout n;
//----- Tr2p.cpp --------------------------------// j.g.c. 2003/11/29 // this is Tr2 (or Tr1r) now written with procedures //-------------------------------------------------#include iostream using namespace std; void nl() cout n; void p1() cout *; void p2() cout *; cout *; void p3() cout *; cout *; cout *; void p4() cout *; cout *; cout *; cout *; void p5() cout *; cout *; cout *; cout *; cout *; int main() p1(); nl(); p2(); nl(); p3(); nl(); p4(); nl(); p5(); nl(); return 0; Question. When does it make sense to create a procedure?
//----- Tr3r.cpp --------------------------------// j.g.c. 2003/11/29 // this is Tr2p now written with parameterised functions // and repetitions //-------------------------------------------------#include iostream using namespace std; void nl() cout n; void stars(int n) for(int i= 0; i n; i++) cout *; void spaces(int n) for(int i= 0; i n; i++) cout ; int main() int height= 5; for(int j= 1; j= height; j++) stars(j); nl(); return 0; Exercise: change h and see if it generalizes okay.
Equipped with these procedures, we are now in business, and can create nearly any pattern in very quick time. The little bit of investment in designing and implementing procedures will pay back in a major way. The same is true of spending time designing, implementing, and testing OOP classes (objects); once you have a good library of classes, you can produce new programs in no time. In the games context, I suppose the next stage would be game engine once you have a good game engine, creation of a new game is easy ;-). //----- Tr4.cpp --------------------------------// j.g.c. 2003/11/29 // now onto something more complex; see Tr3r.cpp //***** //**** //*** //** //* // Analysis: // Stars // Line 0 5 // 1 4 // 2 3 // etc ... // Generalising: let h be height // Line j no. stars = h -j //-------------------------------------------------#include iostream using namespace std; void nl() cout n;
void stars(int n) for(int i= 0; i n; i++) cout *; void spaces(int n) for(int i= 0; i n; i++) cout ; // notice how little change from Tr3r.java, just //1, //2 int main() int h= 5; for(int j= 0; j h; j++) //1 stars(h - j); //2 nl(); return 0; Exercise: Change h and see if it generalizes okay. A12
Now, getting more dicult . . . //----- Tr5.cpp --------------------------------// j.g.c. 2003/11/29 // getting more difficult still; see Tr4.cpp // * // ** // *** // **** //***** // Analysis: // Spaces Stars // Line 0 4 1 // 1 3 2 // 2 2 3 // etc ... // Generalising: let h be height // Line j h - 1 - j j + 1 //-------------------------------------------------#include iostream using namespace std; void nl() cout n; void stars(int n) for(int i= 0; i n; i++) cout *; void spaces(int n) for(int i= 0; i n; i++) cout ; int main() int h= 5; for(int j= 0; j h; j++) spaces(h - 1 - j); stars(j + 1); nl(); return 0;
Exercise: Based on Tr5.cpp, analyse, design and implement a program to do: ***** **** *** ** *
//----- Tr10.cpp --------------------------------// j.g.c. 2003/11/29 // getting more difficult again; see Tr5.cpp // Spaces Stars //************ 0 12 // ********** 1 10 // ******** 2 8 // ****** 3 6 // **** 4 4 // ** 5 2 // Let h be height and count from 0 // Spaces Stars // Line 0 0 h*2 // 1 1 (h-1)*2 // 2 2 (h-2)*2 // etc... // Generalise: line j: j spaces, (h-j)*2 stars //-------------------------------------------------#include iostream using namespace std; void nl() cout n; void stars(int n) for(int i= 0; i n; i++) cout *; void spaces(int n) for(int i= 0; i n; i++) cout ; int main() int h= 5; for(int j= 0; j h; j++) spaces(j); stars((h-j)*2); nl(); return 0; Exercise: In Tr10.java, change h and see if it works okay. A15
//----- Tr20.cpp --------------------------------// j.g.c. 2003/11/29 // finally, we get to the original problem. // from Tr10.java // Analysis // Sp1 St Sp2 St // //* * 0 1 8 1 // * * 1 1 6 1 // * * 2 1 4 1 // * * 3 1 2 1 // ** 4 1 0 1 // And lets generalise (height= h) & count from 0 // Sp1 Sp2 // Line 0: 0 (h-1)*2 // 1: 1 (h-2)*2 // 2: 2 (h-3)*2 etc. // --------------------// i.e. // Line j: j (h-j-1)*2 //-------------------------------------------------#include iostream using namespace std; void nl() cout n; void stars(int n) for(int i= 0; i n; i++) cout *; void spaces(int n) for(int i= 0; i n; i++) cout ; int main() int h= 5; for(int j= 0; j h; j++) spaces(j); stars(1); stars((h-j-1)*2); stars(1); nl(); return 0; Exercise: In Tr20.java, change h and see if it works okay. A16
//----- Tr10sel.cpp --------------------------------// j.g.c. 2003/11/29 // as Tr10.java, but selecting stars, stripes //************ // ---------// ******** // -----// **** // -//-------------------------------------------------#include iostream using namespace std; void nl() cout n; void stars(int n) for(int i= 0; i n; i++) cout *; void dashes(int n) for(int i= 0; i n; i++) cout -; void spaces(int n) for(int i= 0; i n; i++) cout ; int main() int h= 6; for(int j=0; j h; j++) spaces(j); if(j%2==0)stars((h-j)*2); // even number if remainder of j/2 == 0 else dashes((h-j)*2); nl(); return 0;
1. Write a C++ Program to display an arbitrary lled rectangle of *s specied by h(eight) and w(idth); 2. Write a C++ Program to display a rectangle outline, 5 5. 3.(a) Write a C++ function, printHexDigit(int n) which will print a Hexadecimal digit 0, 1, . . . 9, 10 (A), . . . 15 (F) as follows. Design your own font for 3 onwards. ***** * ** * * * ** * ***** * * * * * ***** * ***** * ***** ***** * ***** * *****
(b) If you were writing programs that needed to generate sequences of these digits, can you think of additional procedures that would be useful, or would you make do with stars, dashes, spaces, and nl that we already have. 4. Having a nice library of procedures saves programming time (designing the program, typing, . . . ) for programmers. Can you think of any other benets? Hint: (i) what do you do after you have written what you think is a correct program? (ii) will a program that has procedures like one, two, etc. be more or less understandable by a human than one constructed from just stars, dashes, spaces, and nl? (iii) will a program that has procedures like one, two, etc. have more or less source lines than on constructed from stars, dashes, spaces, and nl.
O Notation (Big-oh)
Algorithmic growth rates are expressed as formulae which give the computation time in terms of the problem size N. It is usually assumed that system dependent factors, such as the programming language, compiler eciency and computer speed, do not vary with the problem size and so can be factored out. Discussions of growth rate normally use the Big-oh notation (growth rate, order of magnitude). The most common growth rates we will encounter are the following: O(1), or constant; O(log N), or logarithmic (logarithm usually taken to the base 2); O(N), or linear (directly proportional to N); O(N log N), pronounced N log N; O(N 2 ), or quadratic (proportional to the square of N). The table that follows shows the value of each of these functions for a number of dierent values of N. It shows that as N grows, log N remains quite small with respect to N and N log N grows fairly rapidly, but not nearly as large as N 2 . In (Campbell 2009) we will see that simple searching grows as O(N) (linear), but a binary search grows as O(log N). We also see that most good sorting algorithms have a growth rate of O(N log N) and that the slower, more obvious, ones are O(N 2 ). log2(N) N 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024 2048 4096 8192 16384 32768 65536 N log2 N 0 20.000E-1 80.000E-1 24.000E+0 64.000E+0 16.000E+1 38.400E+1 89.600E+1 20.480E+2 46.080E+2 10.240E+3 22.528E+3 49.152E+3 10.650E+4 22.938E+4 49.152E+4 10.486E+5 N2 1 4 16 64 256 1024 40.960E+2 16.384E+3 65.536E+3 26.214E+4 10.486E+5 41.943E+5 16.777E+6 67.109E+6 26.844E+7 10.737E+8 42.950E+8 2N N!
20.000E-1 10.000E-1 40.000E-1 20.000E-1 16.000E+0 24.000E+0 25.600E+1 40.320E+3 65.536E+3 20.923E+12 42.950E+8 26.313E+34 18.447E+18 12.689E+88 34.028E+37 38.562E+214 11.579E+76 * 13.408E+153 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
In estimating performance we can take advantage of the fact that algorithms are developed in a structured way that is, they combine simple statements into complex blocks in four useful ways: sequence, or writing one statement below the other; selection, or the well known if-then or if-then-else; repetition, including counting loops, while loops, etc.; method calls. In the rest of this section, some typical algorithm structures are considered and their O() estimated. The problem size is denoted by N throughout.
Simple Statements
An assignment statement is an example of a simple statement. If we assume that the statement contains no method calls (whose execution time may, of course, vary with problem size), the statement takes a xed a mount of time to execute. This type of performance is denoted by O(1) because when we factor out the constant execution time we are left with one.
Sequence of Simple Statements A sequence of simple statements obviously takes an amount of time equal to the sum of the times it takes each individual statement to execute. If the performances of the individual statements are O(1), then so is that of the sum.
When estimating performance, the then clause and the else clause of a conditional structure are considered to be independent, arbitrary structures in their own right. Then the larger of the two individual big-Ohs is taken to be the big-Oh of the decision. A variation of the decision structure is the switch structure, really just a multi-way if-then-else. Thus in estimating performance of a switch, we just take the largest big-Oh of all of the switch alternatives. Performance estimation can sometimes get a bit tricky. For example, the condition tested in a decision may involve a method call, and the timing of the method call may itself vary with problem size.
Counting Loop
A counting loop is a loop in which the counter is incremented (or decremented) each time the loop is iterated. This is dierent from some loops we shall consider later, where the counter is multiplied or divided by a given value. If the body of a simple counting loop contains only a sequence of simple statements, then the performance of the loop is just the number of times the loop iterates. If the number of times the loop iterates is constant i.e. independent of the problem size then the performance of the whole loop is O(1). An example of such a loop is: for (int i = 0; i 5; i++) statements with O(1) On the other hand if the loop is something like: for (int i = 0; i N; i++) statements with O(1) the number of times the loop iterates depends on N, so the performance is O(N).
int sum=0; //s1 //s2 //s3 //s4 for (int i = 0; i N; i++) sum++; //s5 Here, s1, and s2 are performed only once; s3, s4 and s5 are performed N times. Hence, associating a time tj with instruction j, we have: ttot = t1 + t2 + N(t3 + t4 + t5 ) Normally, it will be the case that s5 will be the most expensive; however, just to be fair, let us assume that all instructions take the same time 1 unit, e.g. 1 microsecond. Let us see how ttot behaves as N get large. N 1 10 100 1000 Ttot 5 32 302 3002 B4
Hence, we see that it is the term N(t3 + t4 + t5 ) which becomes dominant for large N. In other words, we can write: ttot = cN + negligible terms and that the algorithm has a running time of O(n). Consider the double counting loop: for (int i = 0; i N; i++) for (int j = 0; j N; j++) statements with O(1) The outer loop is iterated N times. But the inner loop iterates N times for each time the outer loop iterates, so the body of the inner loop will be iterated N N times, and the performance of the entire structure is O(N 2 ). The next structure: for (int i = 0; i N; i++) for (int j = 0; j i; j++) statements with O(1) looks deceptively similar to that of the previous loop. Again, the outer loop iterates N times. But this time the inner loop depends on the value of i (which depends on N): if i = 1, the inner loop will be iterated once, if i = 2 it will be iterated twice, and so on, so that, in general, if i = N, the inner loop will iterate N times. How many times, in total, will the body of the inner loop be iterated? The number of times is given by the sum: 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + ............... + (N 2) =
N2 i=1
Noting that N i = (N+1)N , the summation above is equivalent to (N2)(N1) = N 3N+2 . The i=1 2 2 2 performance of such a structure is said to be O(N 2 ), since for large N the contributions of the 3N 2 and 2 terms are negligible. 2 As a general rule: a structure with k nested counting loops loops where the counter is just incremented (or decremented) by 1 has performance O(N k ) if the number of times each loop is iterated depends only on the problem size. A growth rate of O(N k ) is called polynomial. In (Campbell 2009) we will show that simple divide-and-conquer algorithms like binary search grow as log N.