2. Nutritional-Metabolic Pattern
a. Describe your typical daily food intake? (How many times a day, what kinds of food, etc.)
b. Do you consider yourself a healthy eater?
c. Do you skip meals? (Why)
d. Do you avoid any kind of food? (Why)
e. Do you have any food allergy? (If yes, to what kinds of food)
f. Describe your typical daily fluid intake?
g. Do you drink alcohol? (If yes, what kind and how often)
h. Do you consider yourself over or under weight?
i. Is there any unexplained weight gain or loss?
Indicate any food allergy or intolerance. Record the daily intake of caffeinated
1)How is your appetite?
2)Describe what you eat in a typical day.
3)Do you have food restrictions or special diet due to allergies, food intolerance, religious
practices, or other health problems?
4)What vitamins or supplements do you take?
5)What are your food preferences? Likes and dislikes?
6)How often do you go to fast food restaurants?
7)Do you experience any discomfort in eating or swallowing?
8)Do you have dental problems?
3. Elimination Pattern
4. Activity-Exercise Pattern
5. Sleep-Rest Pattern
a. Do you feel that you are generally well rested and able to perform your daily activities?
b. How well do you fall asleep? Stay asleep?
c. Do you use any aids to help you sleep? (Music, medications, reading a book, etc.)
d. Do you awaken feeling rested and ready to take on the day?
e. Usual sleeping hour.
f. How much sleep do you get in a day? (describe pattern – siestas, night sleep, dozing off whilesitting on a couch,
1)Time of arising? _____ Time of retiring? _____ Do you take naps? _____ If YES, how long?
_____How often? _____
2)In general, do you feel well-rested and ready for daily activities after sleeping? _____
3.Do you have aids to help you sleep? _____ If YES, what? ____
4.Do you have dreams or nightmares? _____ If YES, what kind? _____
5.Do you experience insomnia? _____ If YES, how often? _____
6. Cognitive-Perceptual Pattern
8. Roles-Relationships Pattern
a. Who do you live with? Alone, family, others? What was the family structure in which you grewup? (Nuclear,
Extended, Broken, with Second family)
b. Do you belong to social groups? Do you interact with others outside of work or school?
c. If you were hospitalized, who would perform your responsibilities at home?
d. Who makes the decisions in your family?
e. What about your decisions in family matters?
4)Who do you turn to for help? ______________________________
5)Do family members depend on you? _____ How are they managing while you’re ill?
6)How would you describe your role in the family?
7)How has your health status affected your relationship with others?
8)What feelings have family members and friends expressed about your illness and
9. Sexuality-Reproductive Pattern
a. How would you describe your sexual relationship? Satisfying? Changes? Problems?
b. Are you sexually active?
c. Female: Describe menstruation cycle. Problems? Last menstrual period? Para? Gravida?
d. Male and Female: Do you still plan on finding someone to spend the rest of your life with?
(If without a spouse anymore)
Do you take contraceptives? _____ Have you had any problems with using contraceptives? _____
3)When was your last menstrual period? ____
4)Do you have any of the following problems: amenorrhea _____ dysmenorrhea _____ profuse
bleeding _____irregular menstruation _____
5)When was your last pap smear? _____ how often do you undergo pap smear? _____
6)Do you perform breast self-examination? _____
7)Do you have children? _____ if YES, describe your complaints:
11)Have you ever had infections of the reproductive tract? _____ if YES, what are they? _
A.Faith: Does religious faith or spirituality play an important role in your life? Do you consider
yourself a religious or spiritual person? _____
B. Influence: How does your religious faith or spirituality influence the way you think about your
health orthe way you care for yourself? _____
C. Community: Are you part of any religious or spiritual community or congregation? _____
D. Address: Would you like me to address any religious or spiritual issues or concerns with you?