დიალოგი, ივნისი 2010

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saukeTeso pirobebi roumingSi

nomerze muSaobdnen CONTRIBUTORS

nino kalandia maia cecaZe qeTo giorgobiani giga nanobaSvili Tamar burjanaZe Teona jafariZe arCil xatiaSvili Tamar dvali Nino Kalandia Maya Tsetsadze Keto Giorgobiani Giga Nanobashvili Tamar Burjanadze Teona Japaridze Archil Khatiashvili Tamar dvali Tornike Lordkipanidze Maiko Kvirkvelia Levan Kherkheulidze Levan Kakabadze Nino Beqishvili

salome kikaleiSvili

redaqtori EDITOR

Salome Kikaleishvili

qarTuli suli - Cven tradiciebs ar vRalatobT Teliasonera evraziis jgufis wevrebi mobifei Secvlis Tqvens cxovrebas litvuri solidaroba niWierebi dauTme erTi saaTi dedamiwas! Black Sea Jazz Festival eqsperimenti _ katapultireba monarqebisa da bibliis aromati xidi qalaqSi kino + moda


Tornike lorTqifaniZe maiko kvirkvelia levan xerxeuliZe levan kakabaZe

dizaini DESIGN foto PHOTO

nino beqiSvili

stilisti STYLIST (TEXT)

Anthony Schierman Nino Saitidze

entoni Sirmani nino saiTiZe miSa kobalaZe


translate.com.ge Misha Kobaladze

jeoselis korporaciuli komunikaciebis ganyofileba Corporate Communication Department Ltd Geocell

gamomcemeli Sps `em fabliSingi~ misamarTi: Tbilisi 0105, faliaSvilis q. 108 tel./faqsi: 23 37 31 el-fosta: mpublishing@caucasus.net ISSN 1512-3030

stamba: Sps `sezani~

4 8 14 18 24 30 34 40 42 48 66

Georgian Spirit We Follow Our Traditions Members of TeliaSonera Eurasia Group MobiPay will Change Your Life Lithuanian Solidarity The Talented Give an Hour to the Earth! Black Sea Jazz Festival Experiment: Ejection The Fragrance of Monarchs and the Bible Bridge in the City Cinema + Fashion

osman Turani
generaluri direqtori CEO

Osman Turan
Let us greet you, dear subscribers! Summer has started very pleasantly together with the company Geocell. The traditional projects of your own network, Businessmen Tennis Tournament and the Black Sea Jazz Festival proved successful this year too. The Geostar 2010 casting was also launched with a single desire to discover talented young singers. I am sure that this year we will again discover a lot of talented performers throughout Georgia. I also want to inform you that a final stage of Ikalto reconstruction works has been launched. We all will be able to see and evaluate the reconstructed Ikalto quite soon. The issue of integration of people with disabilities is especially important for Geocell. We continue active work in this direction. It is very important to ensure that such people feel themselves as full members of the society. Just for this purpose Geocell plans to implement a lot of interesting projects. Out of new services I would like to distinguish a 12 Tetri tariff. Only our subscribers are able to talk to other mobile operators with 12 Tetri tariff from the first minute and simultaneously not to have any restrictions on services. At this hot and leisure summer days your own network continues being at your service. Be sure that Geocell will always stay with you.

mogesalmebiT Zvirfaso abonentebo! zafxuli jeoselTan erTad Zalze sasiamovnod daiwyo. Tqveni qselis tradiciuli proeqtebi, tenisis turniri, Savi zRvis jazfestivali welsac warmatebiT Catarda. aseve niWieri momRerlebis aRmoCenis surviliT starti aiRo jeostari 2010-is SesarCevma turma. darwmunebuli var, welsac bevr niWier Semsrulebels aRmovaCenT mTeli saqarTvelos maStabiT. aseve minda gacnoboT, rom daiwyo iyalTos aRdgeniTi samuSaoebis daskvniTi etapi, sul male yvelani erTad ganaxlebul iyalTos vixilavT da SevafasebT. jeoselisTvis gansakuTrebiT mniSvnelovania SezRuduli SesaZleblobis adamianTa integrirebis sakiTxi. am kuTxiT Cven aqtiurad ganvagrZobT muSaobas. Zalian mniSvnelovania am kategoriis adamianebs saSualeba mivceT Tavi igrZnon sazogadoebis srulfasovan wevrebad. swored am mizniT, jeoseli gegmavs bevri saintereso proeqtis ganxorcielebas. axali servisebidan gansakuTrebiT gamovyofdi 12-TeTrian tarifs. mxolod Cvens abonentebs aqvT saSualeba isaubron 12 TeTrad pirvelive wuTidan, nebismieri mimarTulebiT da amavdroulad ar hqondeT aranairi SezRudva servisebze. dasvenebis periodis am aqtiur fazaSi, Tqveni qseli ganagrZobs intensiur muSaobas. jeoseli mudam Tqven gverdiT iguleT.

GEOCELL . Summer 2010

avtori: Teona jafariZe

jeoseli . zafxuli 2010

qarTuli suli Cven tradiciebs ar vRalatobT

Georgian Spirit We Follow Our Traditions

By Teona Japaridze

rogorc wesi, gazafxuli festivalebis, gamofenebis, koncertebis droa. am mxriv Tbilisis gadatvirTuli kulturuli afiSidan Tavisi originaluri xelweriT erT festivals gamovyofdi _ qarTuli suli. festivalis istoria 2004 wlis gazafxulze iwyeba, rodesac jeoselTan erTad, misma organizatorebma pirveli festivali Caatares. qarTuli sulis koncefcia aerTianebs uZveles damwerlobas, arqiteqturasa da sagaloblebs, folklors, kedlis mxatvrobas _ yovelive imas, ramac dRemde _ 21-e saukunemde moaRwia da sxvadasxva formiT gamovlinda qarTul xelovnebaSi. swored am koncefciis gaTvaliswinebiT festivalis programa sainteresod SerCeuli, daxvewili da moulodneli aRmoCnda. festivali 27 aprils Tibisi galereaSi gaixsna Tamar mefis fondis prezentaciiTa da samecniero konferenciiT Temaze _ Tamars vaqebdeT mefesa. _aqamde, festivali ufro metad folklorze iyo orientirebuli _ hyveba festivalis erT-erTi organizatori ia maqacaria, _ programis Sedgenisas ki mivxvdiT, rom qarTuli sulis warmoCena folkloris garda nebismier JanrSia SesaZlebeli _ poeziaSi, mxatvrobaSi, qoreografiaSi. swored amitom SevexeT unikalur pirovnebas, cnobil mxatvars _ Tengiz mirzaSvils. Cveni azriT, misi mxatvroba zustad esadageba qarTuli sulis konteqsts da misi namuSevrebi kidev erTxel, festivalis farglebSi warvudgineT damTvalierebels. mxatvris gardacvalebis Semdeg, es misi namuSevrebis yvelaze masStaburi gamofena iyo. eqspoziciaze CubCikas 300-mde namuSevari iyo warmodgenili. swored am dRes galerea hobiSi TiTqmis mTelma Tbilisma moiyara Tavi. poezia qarTulma sulma akaki wereTlis 170 wlis iubilisadmi miZRvnili saRamoTi warmoadgina. TBC-is sagamofeno darbazSi im dRes akakis leqsebis kiTxvasTan erTad vasil amaSukelis dokumenturi filmi akakis mogzauroba raWa-leCxumSic uCvenes. SegaxsenebT, rom es filmi evropis erT-erT pirvel dokumentur filmad, vasil amaSukeli ki erT-erT pirvel kinodokumentalistadaa aRiarebuli. ase rom, festivali qarTuli suli qarTuli kinematografiis saTaveebsac gadaswvda. _arsad, arc erT qveyanaSi, arc erT epoqaSi ar gamarTula iseTi grandiozuli manifestacia, rogoric iyo akakis mogzauroba raWa-leCxumSi, anu 200 kilometrze gadaWimuli 12-dRiani dResaswauli da, Sesabamisad, rogorc ukve damtkicebulia, 1912 wlamde arsad SeuqmniaT aseTi filmi romelime sazogado moRvaweze. RvTis wyalobiT, akakis mogzauroba raWa-leCxumSi restavrirebulia. axlaxan kulturis, ZeglTa dacvisa da sportis saministros ZalisxmeviT aRdga misi gamosaxuleba da cifrul matarebelze iqna gadatanili. es, albaT, yvelaze didi miRwevaa, romliTac 15 maiss qarTuli kinos daarsebis 5 wlisTavi aRiniSneba, _ ganacxada kinomcodne gogi doliZem. marTlac qarTuli sulis gacocxleba gaxldaT qarTuli simReris saRamo, romelic q. Tbilisis meriam warmoadgina Tbilisis saxelmwifo sakoncerto darbazSi. Tbilisis big-bendTan erTad koncertSi monawileoba miiRes cnobilma ansamblebma da estradis momRerlebma. rac yvelaze mTavaria, koncertze misulma msmenelma im dRes scenaze legendaruli qarTuli xmebis sami Taoba erTad ixila. _ Cven movediT am darbazSi, rom kidev erTxel gavumxiloT Cveni siyvaruli qarTul xmebs. 25 welia, isini scenaze dganan da mTel msoflios acnoben unikalur qarTul suls. dRes didi zeimia, radgan am scenaze erTad qarTuli xmebis sami Taoba dgas. _ aRniSna festivalis organizatorma, batonma Tamaz tyemalaZem.

Spring is traditionally the time of festivals, exhibitions and concerts in Georgia. Out of many events on the cultural agenda of Tbilisi I would single out one festival called Georgian Spirit. The history of the festival started in the spring of 2004 when it was organized for the first time by Geocell and other organizers. The concept of Georgian Spirit unites the old alphabet, architecture, religious singing, folklore, wall paintings basically everything that has survived and exists some form or another in 21st century Georgian art. It was because of this concept that the festivals program turned out to be interesting, refined and unexpected. The festival opened in the TBC Gallery on April 27 with the presentation of the Queen Tamar Foundation and a scientific conference on the topic Praise to Queen Tamar. Until now the festival has been focused on folklore, Ia Makatsaria, one of the organizers of the festival says, but when we were making the program we understood that it is possible to present the Georgian spirit in just about any genre. That is why we approached the unique and famous artist Tengiz Mirzashvili. We think that his art perfectly matches the context of Georgian Spirit and we presented his works to the viewer once again in the framework of the festival. Actually, it was the biggest exhibition of his works since Mirzashvilis death. There were about 300 works of Chubchik. Almost all Tbilisi gathered at the Hobby Gallery on that day. The poetry of Georgian Spirit was presented by an evening dedicated to the 170th jubilee of the birth of Akaki Tsereteli. Along with the poems of Akaki, Vasil Amashukelis film Akakis Journey in Racha-Lechkhumi was shown. Let me kindly remind you that this film is considered one of Europes first documentary films while Vasil Amashukeli is recognized as one of the first documentary filmmakers. In this way, the festival Georgian Spirit touched on the origins of Georgian cinematography as well. In no other country and in no other epoch was there such a grandiose manifestation as was Akakis trip to Racha-Lechkhumi. He covered 200 kilometers over twelve days. It has already been proven that, until 1912, there had not been such a film made about any public figure. Thank God, Akakis Journey in RachaLechkhumi has been rehabilitated. Under the initiative of the Ministry of Culture, Monument Protection and Sport, it has been restored and digitalized. This is probably the biggest achievement that marks the 5th anniversary of the establishment of the Georgian cinema on May 15, cinema critic Gogi Dolidze said. The real reanimation of the Georgian spirit was the evening of Georgian singing organized by the Tbilisi City Hall at the Tbilisi State Concert Hall. Along with the Tbilisi Big Band, the concert featured famous ensembles and pop singers. And most importantly, the people who went to listen to the concert on that day witnessed three generations of the legendary Georgian Voices all singing together. We came to this hall to once again show our love for Georgian Voices. It has been 25 years since they have been on stage and share the unique Georgian spirit with the world. Today is a big day because all three generations of Georgian Voices stand together on the stage, said Mr. Tamaz Tkemaladze, organizer of the festival. After the concert, the children of the legendary members of the ensemble Gogi Dolidze, Davit Gogiashvili and Guram
GEOCELL . Summer 2010

amis Semdeg, didi siyvarulis niSnad, ansamblis dauviwyari wevrebis _ gogi doliZis, daviT gogiaSvilis da guram TamazaSvilis Svilebs specialuri jildoebi gadasces. amave saRamos dajildovda zaur bolqvaZe _ simReris unikaluri manerisaTvis da, rac mTavaria, Tavad qarTuli xmebi, qarTuli simReris popularizaciisaTvis. _oqros medali festival qarTuli sulisagan didi pativiscemis niSnad gadaveciT patriarqs, uwmindessa da unetaress ilia meores, _ aRniSna ia maqacariam. 25 maiss cnobili qarTveli primabalerinas _ irma nioraZis saRamo gaimarTa. marinis Teatris solisti mSobliur qalaqs amjerad qarTuli sulis farglebSi estumra, Tavis partniorTan _ msoflio sabaleto xelovnebis varskvlav farux ruzimatovTan erTad. pirvel moqmedebaSi qarTvelma mayurebelma msoflio baletis qarTuli premiera Seherazada ixila, meore moqmedeba gala koncerts daeTmo. masSi qarTvel primas partniorobas marinis Teatris axalgazrda varskvlavi evgeni ivanCenko uwevda. SegaxsenebT, rom Seherazada rimski-korsakovis simfoniaze, 1910 wels mixail fokinma dadga (scenografi da kostiumebis avtoria leon baksti), xolo 1993 wels, speqtakli andris liepam aRadgina da mTavar partiaze irma nioraZe miiwvia. _es Cemi sayvareli speqtaklia. SeherazadaSi msoflios TiTqmis yvela did scenaze micekvia. am erTi Tvis win Sanz-

Tamazashvili were handed special awards. Zaur Bolkvadze received an award for his unique manner of singing while Georgian Voices were recognized for their contribution to the popularization of Georgian singing in general. We gave the Georgian Spirit Golden Award to the Patriarch of Georgia Ilia II to show the great respect we have for him, Ia Makatsaria said. On the evening of May 25, the famous Georgian ballet dancer Irma Nioradze performed. The soloist of the Marine Theatre returned to her native town within the framework of Georgian Spirit together with her partner Farukh Ruzimatov who is also a star of world ballet. The first part of the evening presented the Georgian version of Scheherazade to Georgian viewers for the first time, while the second part was a gala concert. The partner of the Georgian ballet dancer in it was the young star of the Marine Theatre Yevgeni Ivanchenko. Let me kindly remind you that Scheherazade was first created on the basis of Rimski-Korsakovs symphony in 1910 by Mikheil Fokin (the author of stage design and costumes was Leon Bakst). In 1993, the ballet was renewed by Andris Liepa who invited Irma Nioradze to dance the principal part. This is my favorite ballet. I have danced Scheherazade on almost all of the worlds big stages. One month ago I performed it in the Champs Elysees Theatre. I have always wanted to dance

jeoseli . zafxuli 2010

elises TeatrSi gastrolebis dros Sevasrule es partia. yovelTvis mindoda Seherazada Cemi sayvareli qarTveli mayureblisTvisac mecekva. festivalma qarTulma sulma es ocneba amixdina. Tavad gansajeT: dekoraciebi da kostiumebi rigidan Camovida, repetitori da speqtaklis teqnikuri direqtori moskovidan, solistebi _ peterburgidan. teqnikurad am ideis ganxorcieleba sakmaod Zneli iyo, magram festivalis organizatorebma da sponsorebma jeoselma, ear-baltikam, cqriala Rvinom galaktioni, kompaniam askaneli Zmebi proeqti realobad aqcies. maris liepas saqvelmoqmedo fondma, romelsac axla andris liepa udgas saTaveSi, gadawyvita dekoraciebi da kostiumebi erTi wliT, Tbilisis operisa da baletis Teatris dass usasyidlod gadasces. ase rom, Seherazada axla Cveni operis repertuarSic iqneba, _ gviTxra speqtaklis Semdeg primabalerinam. swored am keTili nebisaTvis da proeqtis ganxorcielebaSi gaweuli xelSewyobisaTvis andris liepas qarTuli sulis specialuri jildo miekuTvna. festivali ki irma nioraZis legendaruli Seherazadas sapremiero CvenebiT dasrulda. -irmas msoflio klasikuri sabaleto repertuari qarTuli suliTaa gajerebuli, amitomac festivalis oqros simbolos da medals, romelic mas gadaeca, amSvenebs warwera qarTuli suli did xelovnebaSi, _ aRniSna festivalis organizatorma ia maqacariam.

it for my favorite Georgian viewer and the festival Georgian Spirit made my dream come true, Ms. Nioradze said. Decorations and costumes arrived from Riga, the tutor and the technical director of the play came from Moscow, the solo dancers came from Petersburg. Technically it was quite challenging to pull off all these logistics but the organizers and sponsors of the festival Geocell, Air Baltic, Galaktioni Sparkling Wine and Askaneli Brothers turned this project into a reality. The charity foundation of Maris Liepa, currently headed by Andres Liepa, decided to lend all the sets and costumes to the Tbilisi Opera and Ballet Theatre free of charge for one year. Thus, Scheherazade will be in the repertoire of our theatre now, Irma Nioradze told us after the concert. For this goodwill and for the foundations assistance in the projects implementation Andres Liepa was awarded a special Georgian Spirit prize. The festival ended with the showing of the Tbilisi premiere of Irma Nioradzes legendary Scheherazade. Irmas world ballet repertoire is filled with the Georgian spirit. That is why the festivals Gold Medal which reads: Georgian spirit in great art, was given to Irma Nioradze, said Ia Makatsaria, organizer of the festival.

GEOCELL . Summer 2010

Teliasonera evraziis jgufis wevrebi iasamnisferi saxecvlileba

mogexsenebaT, jeoselis brendis saxecvlilebis iniciatori, finurSveduri satelekomunikacio giganti Teliasoneraa, romelmac msoflios sxvadasxva regionSi moqmedi warmatebuli mobiluri operatorebi Tavisi holdingis qveS moaqcia da saerTo niSnis qveS gaaerTiana. jeoselis msgavsad, Teliasoneras evraziis jgufis wevr yvela kompanias identuri saxe aqvs _ saerTo feriTa da simbolikiT. aRniSnuli jgufis wevrebi, jeoselTan erTad, arian kompaniebi: KCELL(yazaxeTi), MOLDCELL (moldova), NCELL (nepali), TCELL (tajikeTi) da AZERCELL (azerbaijani). es kompaniebi qmnian vizualuri gamosaxulebis erTgvar jaWvs: iasamnisferi, logotipi _ bunebrivi qva, erTi standartis momsaxurebis ofisebi da a.S. sul cota xanSi iasamnisfer saxecvlilebas kidev ori kompania UCELL (uzbekeTi) da STARCELL (kamboja) Seemateba. AZERCELL-ma Tavisi 13-wliani arsebobis manZilze bevri saintereso proeqti ganaxorciela. Tumca brendis saxecvlileba, romlis prezentacia mimdinare wlis 15 maiss Sedga, yvelaze mniSvnelovani movlena aRmoCnda kompaniis ganviTarebis istoriaSi. kompaniis warmomadgenlebis gancxadebiT, Teliasoneras jgufis wevroba AZERCELL -is abonentebs saSualebas miscems erT-erTi pir-

Members of TeliaSonera Eurasia Group Purple Refreshment

As far as you know, the initiator of Geocells rebranding is the FinnishSwedish telecommunications giant TeliaSonera, which incorporated the successful mobile operators acting in various regions of the world under its holding and united them under a common brand. Like Geocell, all the companies - members of TeliaSonera Eurasia Group have an identical appearance with a common color and symbol. Along with Geocell, the following companies are united in the above mentioned group: KCELL (Kazakhstan), MOLDCELL (Moldova), NCELL (Nepal), TCELL (Tajikistan) and AZERCELL (Azerbaijan). These companies create a certain chain of visual image: purple color, logotype natural stone, service offices with similar standards, etc. Quiet soon two more companies of TeliaSonera Eurasia group - UCELL (Uzbekistan), and STAR-CELL (Cambodia) will join the purple refreshment. During its 13-year existence AZERCELL has implemented a lot of interesting projects. However, the companys rebranding, which was held on May 15, proved the most important event in the history of the companys development. The representatives of the company say that the membership of TeliaSonera Group will enable the subscribers to be the first users of modern

velebi eziaron uaxles teqnologiebze dafuZnebul servisebs. dRes am operatoris dafarvis zona azerbaijanis dasaxlebuli teritoriis 98.8%-s moicavs da daaxloebiT 4 milion abonents emsaxureba. amieridan AZERCELL adgilobrivi sazogadoebis warmatebuli momavlisTvis TeliasonerasTan erTad izrunebs, rac azerbaijanuli kompaniisTvis didi stimulia. mobiluri kavSirgabmulobis kompania KCELL ukve aT welze metia, rac yazaxeTSi warmatebiT operirebs. kompaniis misiaa mobiluri komunikacia yazaxeTis TiToeuli moqalaqisTvis iyos xelmisawvdomi, umaRlesi xarisxis momsaxurebebis SeTavazebiT ki abonentebma maqsimaluri sargebeli miiRon. KCELL 1998 wels dafuZnda. kompaniam abonentebs mobiluri kavSirgabmulobis momsaxurebebi 1999 wlis Tebervals, KCELL -is savaWro niSniT, SesTavaza. kargad dagegmili marketinguli strategiis Sedegad kompaniis abonentebis raodenobam 2000 wlis dasawyisSi 100 000-ss gadaaWarba, xolo imave wlis miwuruls es cifri gaormagda. dRes KCELL -is momxmarebelTa raodenoba 7 milions aWarbebs. kompaniis warmomadgenlis gancxadebiT, `Teliasoneras~ evraziis jgufis wevrobam kompanias saSualeba misca globaluri satelekomunikacio ojaxis nawili gamxdariyo, rac Tavis mxriv Semdgomi ganviTarebisa da winsvlis sawindari iqneba.

technology-based services. Today the company covers 98.8% of the Azerbaijani territory and serves approximately 4 million subscribers. From now on, AZERCELL will care for successful future of the local society together with TeliaSonera that is a huge incentive for the Azerbaijani company. The mobile communication company KCELL has been successfully operating in Kazakhstan for over ten years. The key mission of the company is to make mobile communication available for each citizen of Kazakhstan as well as to offer high quality services to the subscribers so that they gain maximum profits. GSM Kazakhstan/Kcell was established in 1998. The company started to provide mobile communication services to its consumers from February 1999 under KCELL trademark. As a result of well-planned marketing strategy, number of the companys subscribers exceeded 100 000 in early 2000, while this figure doubled by the end of the same year. Today the number of KCELL subscribers exceeds 7 million. Since the day of its establishment KCELL is associated with the development of mobile communication and introduction of new tendencies in Kazakhstan. As the company representative said, KCELL subscribers appreciated the membership of TeliaSonera Eurasia Group. This membership enabled

jeoseli . zafxuli 2010

kompania MOLDCELL -ma funqcionireba 2000 wels daiwyo, riTac moldovaSi mobiluri komunikaciebis ganviTarebis axal fazas Caeyara safuZveli. kompaniis qseli, moldovis teritoriis 97.15%-s faravs da daaxloebiT erTi milioni abonentiT, mosaxleobis 96.81%-s moicavs. qvelmoqmedeba, socialuri pasuxismgebloba, xelovnebaSi, kulturasa Tu sportSi investireba MOLDCELL -is mniSvnelovani prioritetebia. mimdinare wlis 28 aprils kompaniam brendis saxecvlilebasTan dakavSirebiT prezentacia gamarTa da saerTo feriT, simbolikiTa da faseulobebiT Teliasoneras evraziis jgufis srulyofili wevri gaxda. Tu Tqven mogzauroba gizidavT da survili gaqvT ewvioT msoflios romelime Soreul da egzotikur qveyanas, maSin gaemgzavreT nepalSi. im qveyanaSi, romelic msoflioSi Tavisi mravalferovnebiT erT-erTi yvelaze gamorCeulia, mefur iasamnisfersac waawydebiT. Teliasoneras evraziis Zlier jgufs iq kompania NCELL warmoadgens. NCELL SedarebiT axalgazrda kompaniaa, romlis istoriac 2004 wels daiwyo, rodesac Spice NEPAL PRIVATE nepalSi pirveli GSM operatori gaxda. kompaniam abonentebs pirveli servisebi 2005 wels Mero-s brendiT SesTavaza. 2008 wels SPICE NEPAL-isa da Teliasoneras partniorul urTierTobebs Caeyara safuZveli. 2010 wlis 12 martidan ki SPICE NEPAL Tavis warmatebul saqmianobas ukve saxecvlili brendiT, NCELL -is saxeliT agrZelebs. NCELL -ma Teliasonera jgufis wevrobiT adgilobriv bazarze lideris poziciebi kidev ufro gaimyara, xolo mTlianad qveyana mobiluri kavSirgabmulobis ganviTarebis axal etapze gadavida. Teliasonera jgufs tajikeTSi TCELL warmoadgens, romelic kor-

the company to become a part of the global telecommunication family that, in turn, will be a precondition for further development and progress. The company MOLDCELL started functioning in 2000, paving the way of a new phase in the development of mobile communication sector in the country. With almost one million subscribers, Moldcells network covers 97.15% of the population on 96.81% of the territory of Moldova. On April 28, 2010 the company has unveiled recent changes at the new brand presentation ceremony and thus joined the common brand understanding of TeliaSonera powerful group. If you are fond of travelling and decide to visit one of the most distant and exotic places in the world, then Nepal is a must go country. You will come across a royal purple in Nepal, which is one of the most distinguished countries of the world owing to its diversity. The company NCELL represents TeliaSonera Eurasia Group in Nepal. NCELL is a relatively young company, which was established in 2004, when Spice Nepal Private became the first GSM operator in Nepal. The company offered its first services to the consumers with the brand name MERO MOBILE. In 2008, Spice Nepal and TeliaSonera established partner relations. On March 12, 2010 Spice Nepal was rebranded as NCELL. By being a member of TeliaSonera Group, NCELL strengthened its leading positions on local market, while the country moved to a new stage of mobile communication development. TCELL represents TeliaSonera Group in Tajikistan. The company has been offering its subscribers mobile communication for already ten years. Reliability, meeting of consumer requirements and social responsibility

poraciul da individualur momxmareblebs ukve aTi welia, rac uwyvet mobilur kavSirs sTavazobs. saimedooba, momxmarebelTa moTxovnebis dakmayofileba, socialuri pasuxismgebloba, is ZiriTadi faseulobebia, ramac kompania Tcell tajikeTSi erT-erT yvelaze prestiJul da popularul kompaniad aqcia. brendis saxecvlileba, Teliasonera jgufis wevri danarCeni kompaniebis msgavsad, Tcell-mac warmatebiT ganaxorciela. kompaniis ganaxlebuli brendis prezentacia specialurad saerTo erovnul dResaswaulze, novruzobas Sedga. es dResaswauli tajikeTSi gansakuTrebiT uyvarT _ gazafxulis dadgoma axal ideebTan, perspeqtivebTan da warmatebebTan asocirdeba. kompaniis axali simbolo _ xelis gulze gadaSlili iasamani da slogani _ axlos, ise, rogorc arasdros! mosaxleobam dadebiTad miiRo. kompaniis warmomadgenlebis gancxadebiT, aRniSnuli saxecvlilebis warmateba, unikaluri evropuli stilisa da adgilobrivi faseulobebis sworma Serwymam ganapiroba. mobiluri kavSirgabmulobis aRniSnuli operatorebi, im kompaniaTa ricxvs ganekuTvnebian, romlebic adgilobriv bazrebze yvelaze mkveTrad gamoxatuli safirmo stiliTa da momsaxurebis maRali xarisxiT gamoirCevian. aRsaniSnavia, rom saerTo niSnis qveS gaerTianebulebi, globalurTan erTad amave dros adgilobrivi faseulobebis matareblebic rCebian, rac TiToeul kompanias saSualebas aZlevs sakuTari unikaloba kidev ufro metad warmoaCinos.

are those basic values that have turned TCELL into one of the most prestigious and popular companies in Tajikistan. As all the companies under TeliaSonera, Tcell also joined the common brand. There were some ideas before choosing the proper day or moment for companys rebranding. The concept of brand itself had prompted it to be pioneer (new) and local. People in Tajikistan are very much sensitive to Navruz holiday; they are waiting for it more than any other holiday. When spring comes it opens new ideas, people are waiting for the miracles. And this exactly what our company have presented. During these days citizens of all republic where surprised by attractive advertising, with the new symbol of company Lilac on the open hand, symbolizing the new slogan Closer than ever! felt everywhere. In conjunction with presentations of new brand for Mass Media, public, opening of service centers, showing the concept of new brand, have been accepted very positively. Especially, as it was noticed in the most newspapers, in all the new opened service centers the Unique European style felt everywhere. The mentioned mobile communication operators belong to the category of those companies that are distinguished on the local markets by their brand and high quality services. It should be noted that the companies, united under a common brand, do not give up local values and this enables each company to further demonstrate its uniqueness.
GEOCELL . Summer 2010

avtori: Tamar dvali

socialuri pasuxismgebloba Social Responsibility Cveni prioritetia is Our Priority

By Tamar Dvali
On June 14, the International Day of People with Disability, the Coalition for Independent Life organized the 2nd Exhibition-Forum at Sheraton Metechi Palace Hotel. Over 500 interested persons attended the event, which was held with the participation of 43 organizations. The goal of the exhibition-forum remained unchanged this year too: to raise public awareness about the problems and needs of people with disabilities; to demonstrate the activities and future plans of various organizations and boost the cooperation. Various programs and projects, as well as handicraft products and accessories made by people with disabilities were exhibited in frames of the event. A photo exhibition dedicated to this theme was arranged in the hotel foyer. The visitors could also attend thematic discussions. A ceremony of awarding the winners in various nominations was held in the final part of the exhibition-forum. The jury revealed 11 winners in 10 nominations. It should be noted that last year the company Geocell was awarded in the nomination The Company with Social Responsibility. This year the company is itself awarding the nominees with the status of a partner and supporter of the event. Rati Ionatamishvili (member of the Board of the Coalition for Independent Life): The goal of the coalition is to help people with disabilities reveal their own potential and integrate into the society.

14 ivniss, SezRuduli SesaZleblobis mqone pirTa uflebebis dacvis dRes, `koalicia damoukidebeli cxovrebisTvis~ organizebiT sastumro `Seraton metexi palasSi~ II gamofena-forumi gaimarTa. RonisZiebas, romelSic monawileobas 43 organizacia iRebda, 500-ze meti dainteresebuli piri daeswro. gamofena-forumis mizani welsac ucvleli darCa: SezRuduli SesaZleblobis mqone pirTa problemebsa da saWiroebebze sazogadoebis ukeT informireba, sxvadasxva organizaciis mier ganxorcielebuli saqmianobebisa da samomavlo gegmebis warmoCena da TanamSromlobis gaRrmaveba. RonisZiebis farglebSi warmodgenili iyo sxvadasxva programebi da proeqtebi, SezRuduli SesaZleblobis mqone pirTa mier damzadebuli garkveuli nivTebi da aqsesuarebi. sastumros foieSi Sesabamis Temaze Seqmnili fotogamofenac moewyo. msurvelebs aseve SeeZloT daswrebodnen Tematur diskusiebs. gamofena-forumis daskvniTi nawili sxvadasxva nominaciebSi gamarjvebulebis dajildoebis ceremonias daeTmo. Jiurim aT nominaciaSi TerTmeti gamarjvebuli gamoavlina. aRsaniSnavia, rom gasuli wlis RonisZiebaze nominaciisTvis _ `socialuri pasuxismgeblobis mqone kompania~, jeoseli dajildovda. wels ki, RonisZiebis partniorisa da mxardamWeris statusiT, kompania TviTon ajildoebda nominantebs. rati ionaTamiSvili (`koalicia damoukidebeli cxovrebisTvis~ gamgeobis wevri): `koaliciis misiaa, SezRuduli SesaZleblobis mqone pirebs sakuTari potencialis gamovlenasa da sazogadoebaSi integra-


jeoseli . zafxuli 2010

ciaSi Seuwyos xeli. organizacia cdilobs aamaRlos sazogadoebis cnobiereba da SezRuduli SesaZleblobis mqone adamianebis mimarT damkvidrebuli tradiciuli midgomebi Caanacvlos Tanamedrove midgomebiT. didi madloba jeosels, romelic aRniSnuli sakiTxebis gadawyvetaSi Cveni partniori da mxardamWeria. am organizaciam, Tavisi proeqtebiT, ukve didi xania daamtkica, rom is socialuri pasuxismgeblobis mqone samagaliTo kompaniaa~. SezRuduli SesaZleblobis mqone adamianebis problemebi da sazogadoebaSi maTi integrireba yovelTvis aqtualuri iyo jeoselisTvis. aseTma adamianebma, romlebic wlebis ganmavlobaSi sazogadoebasTan komunikacias sxvadasxva mizezebis gamo ver axerxebdnen, jeoselis daxmarebiT, amave kompaniaSi, stabiluri samsaxuri da komfortuli samuSao garemo moZebnes. adamianebis sazogadoebaSi integrirebis saukeTeso da yvelaze efeqturi gza xom maTi dasaqmebaa. amis saSualeba ki warmatebul da socialuri pasuxismgeblobis mqone biznes-kompaniebs yvelaze metad aqvT. gasul wels gamarTul I gamofena-forumze jeoselis, romlis warmomadgenlebi Jiuris SemadgenlobaSi iyvnen, gansakuTrebuli simpaTia erT-erTma statiam _ `gamoSverili TiTi~, daimsaxura da mis avtors, naTia gogolaSvils kompaniam Tavis gazeTSi TanamSromloba SesTavaza. daaxloebiT ukve erTi welia, gazeTSi _ `dialogi plusi~, naTia Tavis saavtoro svetSi masalebs aqveynebs, romelic mkiTxvelebis did mowonebas imsaxurebs. `jeoselis TanamSromlebis zarma gvarianad damabnia... Semdeg rodesac yvelaferma Tavis adgilas dalageba daiwyo, vifiqre, rom Cemi werilis mowonebas kompania raime samaxsovro suveniriT gamoxatavda. TanamSromlebis Txovnam Seni statiebi gadmogvigzavneo kvlav damabnia. Semdeg yvelaferi erTad iyo _ sixaruli, dabneuloba, mogvianebiT pasuxismgeblobis grZnobac, magram im dRis sixarulma yvela grZnobas gadaaWarba.

The organization tries to raise public awareness and replace the traditional approaches towards people with disabilities by modern ones. I want to express my gratitude to Geocell, who is our partner and supporter in the solution of mentioned issues. This organization has proved long ago through its projects that it is an exemplary company with social responsibility. The problems of people with disabilities and their integration into the society were always urgent for Geocell. Such people, who failed to communicate with the society for various reasons for a long time, found stable jobs and comfortable environment in Geocell. It is widely known that employment is the best and most effective way to integrate into the society. And successful and socially responsible business companies have this opportunity more than others. During the 1st exhibition-forum held last year, Geocell, who had its representatives in the jury, focused its attention on one of the articles Pointing Finger and the company offered its author Natia Gogolashvili to cooperate with the companys newspaper. It is a year already that Natia Gogolashvili publishes her materials in her own column and her readers like them much. The call from Geocell confused me much Some time later, when I calmed down, I supposed that the company liked my letter and would express its approval through handing over some souvenirs. Then, the request of Geocell staff to send my articles to them confused me again Then there was everything gladness, confusion, and sense of responsibility later; I was flushed with joy and this feeling exceeded all other feelings. I want to express my huge gratitude to Geocell, because it enaGEOCELL . Summer 2010


didi madloba jeosels imisTvis, rom saSualebas maZlevs vakeTo is saqme, romelic yvelaze metad miyvars da msiamovnebs. am gazeTis saSualebiT SevZleb sazogadoebasTan kontaqts. me davwer yvelafers, rac CemTvis iqneba saintereso. Sevecdebi sakuTari gamocdileba im adamianebs gavuziaro, romlebic damoukidebeli cxovrebisken misasvlel gzebs eZeben~, _ gviTxra naTiam. 14 ivniss _ SezRuduli SesaZleblobis mqone pirTa uflebebis dacvis dRes, jeoselis organizebiTa da mxardaWeriT kidev erTi saintereso proeqti ganxorcielda. quTaisis lado mesxiSvilis sax. TeatrSi ana goguaZis fotoproeqti _ `me _ ania~ moewyo, romlis mTavari gzavnili iyo _ `pandusi yvela asasvlelTan!~ proeqtis avtors kompania jeoseli daexmara im gzavnilis sworad miwodebaSi, rac mas surda eTqva sxvebisTvis. `me _ ania~ aris yvelaze pozitiuri protesti da gzavnili, rac ki odesme yofila sazogadoebisken mimarTuli. 20-ze met fotoze warmodgenili siuJetebi _ invalidis savarZelSi msxdomi ulamazesi cnobili modelebi, aRniSnul problemas kidev ufro aqtualurs xdida. Teatris scenas, sadac fotoebi iyo gamofenili, organizatorebma pandusi miadges da etlSi msxdom adamianebs saSualeba hqondaT parteridan scenaze martivad gadaadgilebuliyvnen. RonisZieba Teatralizebuli iyo da cocxali musikis TanxlebiT mimdinareobda. aRniSnuli fotogamofena 25 ivniss baTumsac estumra. amjerad proeqtis mxardamWeri jeoselTan erTad, `Tibisi bankic~ iyo. ana goguaZe: `es gamofena aris gzavnili im adamianebis mimarT, visac evaleba gaiTvaliswinos, rom yvela Sesasvlels hqondes etliT misasvleli pandusi, rom etlSi msxdom adamianebs SeeqmnaT srulfasovani arsebobis martivi piroba. es xom Zalian advilia, magram saqarTveloSi TiTqmis arc erT dawesebulebas ara aqvs gaTvaliswinebuli es umartivesi detali. visurvebdi, rom es elementaruli Secdomebi gamosworebuliyos~.

bles me to do the job, which I like most of all. With the help of this newspaper I will be able to establish contacts with the society. I will write everything that will be interesting for me. I will try to share my experience with those people, who are looking for the ways towards independent life, Natia Gogolashvili said. On June 14, the International Day of People with Disability, one more interesting project was organized by Geocell. A photo project by Ana Goguadze Me-Ania was arranged at the Lado Meskhishvili Theatre in Kutaisi. The key message of the event was Wheelchair Ramps at All Entrances! Geocell helped the project author to correctly deliver the message, which she wanted to tell others. Me-Ania is the most positive protest and message that has ever been sent to the society. The stories depicted on over 20 photos where the most beautiful top models were sitting in the wheelchairs made this problem even more urgent. The organizers installed the wheelchair ramps at the stage of the theatre, where the photos were exhibited. So, those sitting in the wheelchairs could easily move from the parterre to the stage. The event was theatrical and was held under the accompaniment of live music. The mentioned photo exhibition was also held in Batumi on June 25. This time, along with Geocell the project was supported by TBC Bank. Ana Goguadze: This exhibition is a message towards those people, who are authorized to ensure that each entrance has a wheelchair ramp so that people sitting in the wheelchairs have all necessary conditions for normal existence. It is so easy; but in Georgia almost none of the institutions have taken this simplest detail into consideration. I would like these elementary mistakes to be corrected.


jeoseli . zafxuli 2010

jeoseli norC mecnierTa da gamomgonebelTa olimpiadis tradiciuli mxardamWeria

15 maiss sastumro Seraton metexi palasSi norC mecnierTa da gamomgonebelTa meoTxe saerTaSoriso olimpiada dasrulda. tradiciisamebr, jeoseli olimpiadis erT-erTi mxardamWeri da sponsori gaxldaT. samdRian olimpiadaSi msoflios 25 qveynis norCi gamomgonebeli monawileobda. mozardebi Camovidnen bangladeSidan, bulgareTidan, somxeTidan, azerbaijanidan, egviptidan, germaniidan, indoneziidan, yazaxeTidan, tajikeTidan, samxreT afrikidan, aSS-dan, ukrainidan da sxva qveynebidan. maT mier warmodgenili maTematikis, fizikis, qimiis, biologiis, informatikis, ekologiis, agreTve samrewvelo da sayofacxovrebo teqnikis sferoebSi momzadebuli proeqtebi kompetenturma Jiurim Seafasa. osman Turani, kompania jeoselis generaluri direqtori: ukve oTxi welia, rac am olimpiadis mxardamWerebi varT da Zalian gvixaria, rom ase warmatebiT grZeldeba. Tavdapirvelad es RonisZieba saqarTvelos masStabiT daiwyo, droTa ganmavlobaSi ki didi moTxovnileba gaCnda. bolo ori weliwadia, olimpiadam saerTaSoriso masStabebi miiRo. moxaruli viqnebiT, Tu olimpiada bevr niWier bavSvs aRmoaCens. ganaTlebisa da mecnierebis ministris, dimitri SaSkinis TqmiT, olimpiadis mizania niWier moswavleTa mxardaWera, raTa maT SeZlon mecnieruli ideebis praqtikulad, TvalsaCino naSromis saxiT axsna da gadmocema. misi ganmartebiT, msgavsi RonisZiebebis wyalobiT axalgazrdebi dainteresdebian kvleviTi da gamomgoneblobiTi saqmianobiT. olimpiada aseve xels Seuwyobs moswavleTa codnis amaRlebas mecnierebis sxvadasxva dargSi.

Geocell Traditionally Supports Olympiad of Young Scientists and Inventors

The Fourth International Olympiad of Young Scientists and Inventors was closed at Sheraton Metechi Palace Hotel on May 15. Traditionally, Geocell was one of the supporters and sponsors of the event. Young inventors from 25 countries of the world participated in the three-day Olympiad. Young people arrived from Bangladesh, Bulgaria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Egypt, Germany, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, South Africa, USA, Ukraine and other countries. The projects prepared by them in the fields of mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, informatics, ecology, as well as industrial and household appliances were assessed by the competent jury. Osman Turan, director general of the company Geocell: We have been supporting this Olympiad for already four years and we are extremely glad that it continues so successfully. Initially, it was a countrywide event, but gradually the demand increased significantly. The Olympiad acquired international scales within past two years. We will be very glad if the Olympiad reveals a lot of talented children. Minister of Education and Science Dimitri Shashkin said that the supreme goal of the Olympiad was to support talented pupils so that they were able to explain and submit their scientific ideas through their visual works. Minister Shashkin explained that owing to similar events, the youth showed interest in research and inventive activities. The Olympiad will also help the children increase their knowledge in various fields of science.

GEOCELL . Summer 2010


mobifei Secvlis Tqvens cxovrebas

ra aris mobifei? es aris gadaxdis inovaciuri meTodi, romelic saSualebas gaZlevT gadaixadoT komunaluri gadasaxadebi, dafaroT nebismieri nivTis Rirebuleba da awarmooT TiTqmis yvela finansuri operacia ufro swrafad, daculad da iolad mobiluri telefonis saSualebiT. rogor visargebloT mobifeis servisiT da raSi mdgomareobs misi upiratesoba? mobifeis servisiT sargeblobisaTvis, saWiroa mobifeis angariSis gaxsna Semdeg bankebSi: banki konstanta, saqarTvelos banki, bazisbanki, banki qarTu, Tibisi banki, korstandart banki an mikrosafinanso organizacia finka. amis Semdeg Tqven aRar dagWirdebaT bankis filialebSi rigSi dogma da bankomatebis Zebna. sakmarisia SeiyvanoT pinkodi da awarmooT gadaxdebis tranzaqciebi pirdapir mobiluri telefonidan. amgvarad, Tu mobifeis momxmarebels daekarga telefoni, pinkodi icavs mis mobifeis angariSis arasanqcirebuli gamoyenebisagan. jeoselis abonentebs, vinc gaxdeba mobifeis servisis momxmarebeli, saSualeba eZlevaT gadaixadon produqciis an servisis safasuri Semdeg savaWro obieqtebSi: visoli, pe-es-pe jgufi, populi, toiota centri Tbilisi. mosalodnelia, rom wlis bolosTvis SenaZenis safasuris gadaxda mobifeis meSveobiT saqarTvelos yvela regionis aTasobiT savaWro Tu momsaxurebis obieqtSi iyos SesaZlebeli. momxmareblebs, romlebic sxvadasxva saxis gadasaxadebis Sesasruleblad mobifeis gamoiyeneben, miecemaT saCuqrebis miRebis, fasdaklebisa da sxva sagangebo SeTavazebebiT sargeblobis saSualeba. osman Turani _ jeoselis generaluri direqtori: momxmarebels warvudgineT is axali produqti, romelic jeosels, rogorc Teliasoneras wevrs da kompanias, romlis erT-erTi yvelaze mniSvnelovani prioriteti momxmarebelze orientirebaa, miscems saSualebas kidev erTi komfortuli servisi SesTavazos Tavis abonentebs. es aris mobifei anu mobiluri bankingi. sadac ar unda iyo, ra droc ar unda iyos, nebismieri safinanso operaciis Sesruleba SesaZlebeli iqneba Zalian martivad, mobiluri telefonis saSualebiT. vfiqrob, 21-e saukuneSi msgavsi komforti Cveni abonentebisTvis Zalian drouli da saWiroa. madlobas vuxdi kompania ofen revoluSenis warmomadgenlebs, TanamSromlobisTvis, ndobisa da Cvens kompaniasTan erTad bolo erTi wlis ganmavlobaSi gaweuli SromisTvis. alen gilstrapi, mobifeis aRmasrulebeli direqtori: am inovaciuri momsaxurebis saqarTveloSi danergva CvenTvis SesaZlebeli gaxada kompania jeoselis mier uzrunvelyofilma sabazo siZlierem da teqnologiurma srulyofilebam. mobifei Tavisi mravali partnioris meSveobiT saSualebas miscems momxmarebels TiTqmis yvela obieqtze angariSsworeba moaxdinos mobiluri telefonis saSualebiT da amis erT-erTi kargi magaliTia toiota centris mier SemoTavazebuli momsaxureba, romelic gulisxmobs taqsiT mgzavrobis safasuris mobiluriT gadaxdas. yvelas mogiwodebT, gawevriandeT mobifeis momsaxurebaSi.

MobiPay will Change Your Life

What is MobiPay? MobiPay is an innovative method of payment for Georgian consumers in which they can use their mobile phone to make purchases at hundreds of merchant locations, pay utility bills, and transfer e-money to other mobile phones. What are the key advantages of MobiPay? Convenience and Speed! You will no more need to stand in line at a bank branch or search an ATM. MobiPay is the most convenient method for Georgian consumers to pay bills, top up mobile airtime and send funds to a friend or relative. To utilize any of the mobile services, the MobiPay user must enter his or her personal identification number (PIN). If the MobiPay user loses his or her phone or it is stolen, the e-money is safe. Georgian consumers will be able to enjoy MobiPay services with Bank Constanta, Bank of Georgia, Basisbank, Cartu Bank, FINCA, Kor Standard Bank and TBC Bank. Some major merchants announced their participation in the MobiPay program including Wissol, PSP, Populi, and Toyota Center Tbilisi. Hundreds of merchant locations in all regions of Georgia are expected to accept MobiPay for purchases by the end of the year. Consumers that use MobiPay for merchant purchases will have the opportunity to receive point of sale bonuses, discounts and special merchant offers. Osman Turan, CEO of Geocell: We have presented the new product to the consumers, which will enable Geocell, as a member of TeliaSonera and the company, whose major priority is consumer-orientation, to offer one more comfortable service to its subscribers. It is MobiPay or financial transfers. Wherever you are at any time, it will be possible to execute any financial transactions very simply via your mobile phone. I think that such comfort for our subscribers in the 21st century is extremely duly and necessary. I want to express my gratitude to the representatives of Open Revolution, and especially its director, Mr. Allen Gilstrap for cooperation, trust as well as for the work done together with our company during last year. Just the participation of various companies makes this project so unique. Allen Gilstrap, Executive Director of Open Revolution: MobiPay is a unique service that will bring great convenience and good value to Georgian consumers at a low cost. This extremely innovative service is possible for us to deliver in Georgia because of the strength and technological excellence provided by Geocell. Through its multiple partners MobiPay will enable its consumers to make payments in almost all facilities through their mobile phones and one of the best examples for it is the service offered by Toyota Center, owing to which a consumer can pay a taxi fare with the help of a mobile phone. I call on everybody to join MobiPay service.


jeoseli . zafxuli 2010

Teliasonera _ SvedeTis samefo qorwilis siyvarulis oficialuri operatori

mimdinare wlis ivnisSi SvedeTis dedaqalaq stokholms, msoflios TiTqmis yvela wertilidan aTiaTasobiT stumari ewvia. saqme is gaxldaT, rom 19 ivniss SvedeTis princesa viqtoriasa da daniel vestlingis samefo qorwili Sedga, romelic SvedeTSi ukanaskneli wlebis yvelaze mniSvnelovan movlenad iTvleba. amasTan dakavSirebiT stokholmSi 6-dan 19 ivnisis CaTvliT sazeimo RonisZiebebi gaimarTa. samefo qorwilTan erTad, aranaklebi daintereseba gamoiwvia finurSveduri satelekomunikacio gigantis Teliasoneras mier SemoTavazebulma momsaxurebebma. aRniSnuli sadResaswaulo dReebi Teliasoneram satelekomunikacio platformiT mTlianad uzrunvelyo da stokholmsa da mis SemogarenSi meoTxe Taobis farTozoliani internetis demonstrirebac ganaxorciela. samefo qorwili Teliasoneras daxmarebiT pirdapir eTerSi mTelma msofliom ixila. meoTxe Taobis qselis daxmarebiT, daaxloebiT 3 000 Jurnalisti msoflios sxvadasxva wertilSi ganTavsebul TavianT saagentoebs RonisZiebis amsaxvel foto, video Tu teqstur informacias mobiluri aparatebis daxmarebiT onlain reJimSi gadascemda. garda amisa, Teliasoneram momxmareblebs saSualeba misca, 6-dan 19 ivnisis CaTvliT, qalaqis centrSi WI-FI internetiT ufasod esargeblaT. Teliasoneras qselis daxmarebiT sxvadasxva qveynis korespondentebma aseve onlain reJimSi gaaSuqes samefo qorwilTan dakavSirebuli siyvarulis preskonferencia _ stokholmi 2010. SvedeTi da Teliasonera novatoria satelekomunikacio sferoSi. Cven vamayobT, rom uzrunvelvyaviT satelekomunikacio platforma, romlis daxmarebiT mTel msoflios hqonda saSualeba sazeimo RonisZieba yovelgvari Seferxebis gareSe onlain reJimSi exila. Cvenma kompaniam momxmareblebs saSualeba misca mobiluriT msoflioSi yvelaze swrafi, meoTxe Taobis internetiT esargeblaT da aRniSnuli RonisZiebis damswre TiToeuli adamiani reportiori gamxdariyo, ganacxada Teliasoneras vice-prezidentma da komunikaciebis xelmZRvanelma _ sesilia edstromma. samefo qorwilma didi warmatebiT Caiara, xolo Teliasonera saerTaSoriso mediis winaSe ukanaskneli teqnologiuri miRwevebiT da maT Soris, meoTxe Taobis SesaZleblobebiT warsdga.

TeliaSonera - Official Love Operator for Swedish Royal Wedding

TeliaSonera collaborated with the City of Stockholm to provide telecommunication services for LOVE Stockholm 2010 a two-week love themed celebration taking place in and around Stockholm, commencing with the inauguration of Swedens annual National Day festivities on June 6, and culminating with the Swedish Royal wedding on June 19. TeliaSonera provided the official media center, as well as Internet communications and mobile broadband services for some 3,000 journalists who travelled to Stockholm to report on the wedding of Crown Princess Victoria and Mr. Daniel Westling. With TeliaSonera's services, the entire world was able to follow the wedding and related festivities in Stockholm. TeliaSonera upgraded and strengthened its mobile network in Stockholm to allow all visitors to call and send text messages, images and video clips. Between June 6 and June 19, TeliaSonera also offered free Internet surfing via Wi-Fi to the general public in the downtown Stockholm area. TeliaSonera International Carriers Media Distribution Service was chosen to provide streaming coverage of the press conference held on May 25, and all the activities and services of the Media Center. "Sweden is a pioneer in IT and TeliaSonera is an innovator in telecommunications, which we now have the opportunity to demonstrate. We offer powerful Internet connections, mobile broadband and, not least, 4G the world's fastest mobile network. With our mobile services and surf zones, all visitors are able to share their experiences from the wedding events and become their own reporter", said Cecilia Edstrm, Senior Vice President and Head of Group Communications at TeliaSonera. The royal wedding was a great success and international media were impressed by the 4G network and what it can do for them.
GEOCELL . Summer 2010


biznesmenTa turniri CogburTSi jeoselis Tasze

tradicia grZeldeba
avtori: arCil xatiaSvili
jeoselma Tavis tradicias arc wels uRalata da CogburTis moyvarulebs namdvili zeimi mouwyo. ukve merve welia, rac leila mesxis CogburTis akademiis kortebi weliwadis am dros jeoselis Tasze `biznesmenTa Ria turnirs~ maspinZlobs. biznesmenebma da sportis am saxeobis moyvarulebma amjerad 2-dan 4 ivlisis CaTvliT iasparezes. wlevandelma RonisZiebam 25 kompaniis 50-ze met moTamaSes umaspinZla. turniri welsac erTeulTa da wyvilTa or asakobriv TanrigSi Catarda: 40 wlamde da 40 wlis zemoT. konkurencia welsac maRali iyo: udavo favoritebmac ki finalamde misaRwevad urTulesi brZolebi gaiares. miuxedavad imisa, rom turnirSi moyvarulebi da CogburTs didi xnis win CamoSorebuli sportsmenebi monawileobdnen, sagulSematkivrod Sekrebil damswre sazogadoebas mravali efeqturi da saintereso matCis xilvis saSualeba hqonda. 40 wlamde erTeulTa TanrigSi pirveloba gela gelaSvilma daisakuTra, romelmac finalSi zaza gelaSvili daamarcxa. 40 wlis zemoT erTeulTa TanrigSi pirveloba aravis dauTmo aleqsandre gegeWkorma, II adgili ki gagik airapetianma daikava. moyvarul wyvilTa Soris mixeil fridmanisa da gia elerdaSvilis tandemma finalSi daviT asaTianisa da gia manjgalaZis wyvils sZlia, xolo Sereul wyvilTa (erTi profesionali da erTic moyvaruli) Soris pirveloba wilad xvdaT daviT asaTianisa da nodar iToniSvilis tandems, romlebmac finalur brZolaSi karlo mezurniSvilisa da zviad cercvaZis wyvili daamarcxes. finalistebi jeoselisgan turniris mTavar prizebTan erTad tradiciulad sxvadasxva sasiamovno saCuqriTac dajildovdnen. asparezobaSi monawileTa gancxadebiT, jeoselis tradiciuli turniri maTTvis saukeTeso stimulia imisTvis, rom CogburTs ufro meti dro dauTmon da yovel momdevno turnirs ufro momzadebulebi Sexvdnen, rac Tavis mxriv qarTuli CogburTis ganviTarebasa da popularizacias uwyobs xels. swored aseTi ganwyoba uCens jeosels im ZiriTad motivacias, ris gamoc `Tqveni qseli~ tradicias ar Ralatobs da yovel wels CogburTis moyvarulebs saSualebas aZlevs sakuTari Zalebi sportis am saxeobaSi mosinjon. kompania jeoseli kidev erTxel ulocavs yvela gamarjvebuls warmatebas da usurvebs, rom momavalSic aseTive SemarTebiT ganagrZon sportuli cxovreba.

Geocell Cup Businessmen Tennis Tournament

Tradition Continues
By Archil Khatiashvili
Geocell followed its traditions and again this year arranged a real celebration for businessmen and tennis-lovers between June 2 and June 4. For already the eighth time in a row, Leila Meskhi Tennis Academy Courts hosted Businessmen Open Tournament for Geocell Cup. More than 50 players from 25 companies took part in the competition. This year too the tournament was held between two age groups under 40 and above 40 among single and double players. As it was expected, the competition was high: even the obvious favorites had to go through difficult struggles before they reached the final. Despite the fact that both amateur players and long-time retired sportsmen participated in the tournament, tennis fans in the audience had an opportunity to observe many effective and interesting matches. Singles in the below 40 group were won by Gela Gelashvili, who defeated Zaza Gelasvhili in the final. The top ranking player of the above 40 single matches became Alexandre Gegechkori, while the second place went to Gagik Airapetiyan. The doubles among amateur players were won by a tandem of Mikhail Friedman and Gia Elerdashvili, which defeated David Asatiani and Gia Manjgaladze duo. In the mixed doubles (one professional and one amateur player), the first place went to Davit Asatiani and Nodar Itonishvili tandem, which managed to defeat Karlo Mezurnishvili and Zviad Tsertsvadze duo in the final match. In addition to main prizes of the tournament, the finalists traditionally received various memorable prizes from Geocell. According to the participants of the competition, the traditional Geocell tournament is the best stimulus for them to devote more time to tennis and be more prepared for every new tournament, which on its part supports the development and popularization of Georgian tennis. Owing to this mood, Geocell preserves its main motivation to stay devoted to its traditions by annually giving tennis-lovers an opportunity to test their skills in this type of sport. The Geocell Company once again wants to congratulate the winners and wishes them to continue living their sporty lives with the same level of dedication.


jeoseli . zafxuli 2010

litvuri solidaroba
avtori: maia cecaZe
omis mZime Sedegebi yvelaze metad bavSvebs azaralebs. amaSi erT-erTi cnobili litveli teleJurnalisti kidev ufro metad maSin darwmunda, rodesac saqarTveloSi vizitisas regionebi Semoiara da devnilebis dasaxleba moinaxula. mZime realobam litvel Jurnalistze imdenad imoqmeda, rom devnili bavSvebis daxmareba ganizraxa. samSobloSi dabrunebisTanave cnobili litveli telewamyvani edita mildi, erT-erT popularul litvur arxze saqvelmoqmedo telemaraTonis organizebas Seudga. ama wlis 1 maiss, telekompania LRS-is pirdapir eTerSi qarTveli devnili bavSvebis dasaxmareblad, sakmaod masStaburi aqcia gaimarTa, romelsac litvis soliduri auditoria stumrobda. saeTero studia or nawilad daiyo: erTgan satelefono zarebi fiqsirdeboda da litvis moqalaqeebs telefoniT cnobili adamianebi esaubrebodnen. meore studiaSi ki koncerti mimdinareobda, romelsac aseve cnobili adamianebi stumrobdnen. telemaraTonis sakoncerto nawilSi monawileobis misaRebad, litvis saelCos organizebiT saqarTvelodan jeostareli nodiko tatiSvili miiwvies. aRmoCnda, rom saqarTveloSi litvis saelCos warmomadgenlebi icnobdnen nodikos Semoqmedebas da jeostarSic mas qomagobdnen. swored am niSniT moxvda nodiko saqvelmoqmedo aqciaSi. marTalia litvas is ukve meored stumrobda, magram es viziti pirvelTan SedarebiT, misTvis gacilebiT mniSvnelovani da sapasuxismgeblo iyo. nodiko tatiSvili: 2005 wels litvaSi festivalze vimyofebodi. maSin vilniusSi da zRvispira kurortebze vimogzaureT. ase Tu ise vicnobdi am qveyanas da pirvelive dRidan dadebiTi emociebi mqonda. es ki ukve oficialuri viziti iyo, seriozuli misia damekisra _

Lithuanian Solidarity
By Maya Tsetsadze
The impact of war is hardest felt by children. One famous Lithuanian TV-journalist received proof of this when seeing our IDPs during a visit to Georgia. The grave reality had such an effect on the Lithuanian journalist that she decided she had to help these IDP children. After returning home Lithuanian TV host Edith Mild decided to organize a charity TV marathon. On May 1, live on TV, a large-scale event was held in Lithuania in support of Georgian IDP children. A large audience gathered in the studio which was divided in two parts: one, where people watching the program could make phone calls which were answered by prominent people; and a second, in which a concert was taking place with plenty of famous people in attendance as well. With the help of the Lithuanian Embassy the Georgian Geostar winner Nodiko Tatishvili was invited to Lithuania to take part in the TV marathon. It turned out that the employees of the Lithuanian Embassy in Georgia were familiar with Nodikos work and supported him in Geostar contest. This is how Nodiko was invited to the charity event. It was his second visit to Lithuania but it was far more important and serious than his first visit. Nodiko Tatishvili: I was at a festival in Lithuania in 2005. Back then I visited Vilnius and some seaside resorts. More or less I knew this country and I had positive feelings about it from the very first day. This time it was an official visit and I had a serious mission. I was the only singer from Georgia. But there was one Georgian girl with me who was displaced during the August 2008 war. I was surprised to see how complete strangers cared about our Geor-


jeoseli . zafxuli 2010

saqarTvelodan momRerali mxolod me viyavi. Tumca, CemTan erTad erTi devnili qarTveli gogonac iyo. gaocebuli viyavi, rodesac vnaxe rogor zrunavdnen qarTveli bavSvebisTvis sruliad ucxo adamianebi. aqciaze, sakmaod avtoritetuli stumrebi Seikribnen, cnobili politikosebic movidnen. ori simRera vimRere: erTi _ litvuri, romelic qarTuli teqstiT Sevasrule; meore ki _ mamuka begaSvilis me qarTveli var!, romlis teqstis avtoric bibi kvaWaZea. Zalian Tbili saRamo gamovida. zogi mekiTxeboda Sen is nodiko ar xar, jeostarSi rom gaimarjveo? Cvens musikalur konkurssac icnobdnen. erTi sityviT, moxiblulebi darCnen. satelevizio maraTonis dros satelefono zarebis garda, litvelebma Tanxa Semowirulobis saxiTac gaiRes. saboloo jamSi ki Semosulma Tanxam 100 000 dolars gadaaWarba. sxvaTa Soris, am aqcias litvis yofili prezidentic eswreboda, romelic omis dros saqarTveloSi imyofeboda. aqciis detalebze da qarTul-litvur urTierTobebze sasaubrod litvis elCs baton ionas paslauskass mivmarTeT. ionas paslauskasi: saqvelmoqmedo aqciaze monawileoba miiRes yvelaze saintereso litvelma Semsruleblebma. maT Soris iciT, rom saqarTvelodanac miiwvies patara qarTveli devnili gogona, romelic litvur enaze asrulebda simReras da axalgazrda momRerali nodiko tatiSvili. maraTonis msvlelobisas, 5 saaTis ganmavlobaSi xalxs SeeZlo daereka. mowveuli iyvnen olimpiuri Cempionebi, ministrebi, parlamentarebi... xalxis zarebs swored es cnobili adamianebi pasuxobdnen. litvis yofili prezidentic studiaSi meuRlesTan erTad imyofeboda. translaciisas saqarTvelos da litvis prezidentebis mimarTvac ki gadaica. moxarulebi varT, rom am maraTonis dros soliduri Tanxa Semovida. Tumca jer kidev ar aris bolomde daTvlili, radgan saboloo Sedegebi cnobili mas mere gaxdeba, rac angariSebi satelefono kompaniebidanac gadmoiricxeba. yvelaze mTavari isaa, rom am ideas SemouerTda 40 aTasi litveli, romlebmac zarebis gareSe Semowirulobis saxiT gaiRes Tanxa qarTveli bavSvebisTvis. es aqcia ara mxolod qarTveli bavSvebisTvis iyo kargi, aramed sruliad litvisTvisac, imitom rom qvelmoqmedeba Cvenzec dadebiTad moqmedebs. roca aseT saqciels Cadixar, gacilebiT keTilSobili da sufTa xdebi Sinaganad. rac mTavaria, es emsaxureboda Cvens ormxriv urTierTobebs. rac aq Camovedi, im dRidan Zalian did siTbos da yuradRebas vgrZnob qarTveli xalxisgan. _ Cven xom axlo mokavSireebi varT... _ ra Tqma unda. Cven gvaqvs erTmaneTis msgavsi istoria, orive qveyanam bevri sirTule gaiara. vfiqrob, rom swored amitom gvesmis ukeT erTmaneTis. _ Tqven sul axlaxan dainiSneT saqarTveloSi elCad, ra gegmebi gaqvT? _ iciT, aq velosipedis borblis Seqmnas namdvilad ar vapireb. Cvens qveynebs erTmaneTTan imdenad kargi urTierToba aqvT, rom Cemi misiaa es urTierTobebi intensiuri gaxdes da gaRrmavdes. es ara mxolod Tbiliss, aramed mTel saqarTvelos exeba. xalxi marto TbilisSi xom ar cxovrobs? Cven gvaqvs garkveuli proeqtebi, vapirebT aqtiur TanamSromlobas. saqarTvelos integrirebaSi evropisa Tu msoflios sxva struqturebTan Cveni wvlilic rom SevitanoT. amis ganxorcielebaSi litva saqarTvelos daxmarebas sakuTari magaliTis safuZvelze Seecdeba, romelmac ukve ganvlo TiTqmis igive gza. Cven SegviZlia giCvenoT ara mxolod is, rac Cven gaviareT, aramed is Secdomebic ki, rac davuSviT. aseTi TanamSromloba ki, vfiqrob, Tqvens qveyanas sasikeTod waadgeba. _ yvelaze metad ra mogwonT saqarTveloSi: kultura, erovnuli tradiciebi, samzareulo...? _ TiTqmis yvelaferi CamoTvaleT, risi Tqmac mindoda. momwons

gian children. They even gathered quite influential people including famous politicians. I performed two songs: one Lithuanian but with Georgia lyrics and the other Georgian: Mamuka Begashvilis I am Georgia! (lyrics by Bibi Kvatchadze). The evening turned out to be very warm. Some people were asking me if I was the Nodiko who was the Geostar. They knew of our music contest. In short, they liked it. During the TV marathon, besides making phone calls, Lithuanians made financial contributions to the charity event. The raised money exceeded 100,000 USD. Even the ex-president of Lithuania who was in Georgia during the war attended the evening. For the details about the charity event and Georgian-Lithuanian relations we contacted the Ambassador of Lithuania to Georgia Mr. Jonas Paslauskas. Jonas Paslauskas: Some of the most interesting Lithuanian performers took part in the charity event. A small girl from the war-affected area in Georgia was also invited to the evening and performed a song in Lithuanian. The young singer Nodiko Tatishvili was also there. For five hours, people could call and make donations to the fundraising campaign. The guests included Olympic champions, ministers, members of the parliament It was these very people who answered the calls of our citizens. The ex-president of Lithuania was in the studio together with his wife. During the evening the address of the Georgian and Lithuanian presidents was broadcast. We are happy that quite a good sum of money was raised during the marathon. And we still dont know exactly how much was raised because the phone companies have yet to transfer the money from all the phone calls. What is the most important is that about 40 thousand Lithuanians united around the idea and made contributions to the event separately from phone calls. This charity event was beneficial not only for Georgian children but for Lithuania as well because charity has a positive effect on us. When you act like this, you become much kinder and clearer internally. What is important is that this event contributed to the bilateral relations between our countries. Ever since I have been here, I have felt great warmth and attention from the Georgian people. - We are close allies, arent we? - Of course we are. We have a similar history and we have gone through a lot of difficulties. I think this is why we understand each other so well. - You were just appointed as the ambassador to Georgia. What are your plans? - You know, I am not going to reinvent the wheel. Our countries have such a good relationship that my mission is to help intensify and deepen the existing links. This is true not just for Tbilisi but for all of Georgia as well. People, of course, live not just in Tbilisi. We have certain projects and we plan to work very actively to implement them. We want to contribute to Georgias integration in the European and other world structures. Lithuania will try to do so by sharing its own experience with Georgia as we have already passed the same way. We can show you not only what we have gone through but we can also point out the mistakes that we have made. I think this kind of cooperation will be useful for your country. - What is tit hat you like most in Georgia? Is it our culture, traditions, cuisine? - I have mentioned almost everything that I wanted to mention. I like the Georgian spirit. You Georgians have such a strong internal optimism and love of life that it is probably here where your beautiGEOCELL . Summer 2010


qarTuli suli. iseTi Sinagani optimizmi, sicocxlis wyurvili gaqvT qarTvelebs, rom swored aqedan modis albaT is lamazi simRerebi, cekvebi Tu mdidari sufra. naxevar kviraSi vigrZeni, rom qarTvelebs mdidari suli rom ar hqondeT, aseTi stumarTmoyvareoba warmoudgeneli iqneboda. Zalian myudrod vgrZnob aq Tavs. _ TbilisSi ojaxTan erTad cxovrobT? _ meuRle ivnisis TveSi apirebs Camosvlas. rac Seexeba Svilebs, gogona darCa niu-iorkSi, vinaidan wels amTavrebs skolas. vaJi ki ukve mesame kursis studentia. Cven vfiqrobT, rom isini gaagrZeleben swavlas SeerTebul StatebSi. ase rom, me da meuRle vicxovrebT saqarTveloSi, Svilebi ki periodulad gvestumrebian xolme. _ ramdenad sainteresoa TqvenTvis diplomatiur samsaxurSi muSaoba? _ vinaidan 20 welze metia diplomatad vmuSaob, TavisTavad sainteresocaa. Cveni qveynis damoukideblobis pirvelive dRidan diplomatad vmuSaob. pirveli xelmZRvaneli viyavi litvis saxelmwifoebrivdiplomatiuri protokolis. Semdeg gaxldiT elCis moadgile SeerTebul StatebSi _ vaSingtonSi. kanadaSi rodesac gavxseniT saelCo, samnaxevari weli iq vimuSave. Semdeg belorusSi viyavi litvis elCi... saqarTveloSi Camosvlamde ki niu-iorkSi litvis generaluri konsulis Tanamdeboba mekava. imdeni welia diplomatiur samsaxurSi var, ukve vxumrob kidec da es araerT interviuSic miTqvams, rom samsaxuri Cemi hobia. saqvelmoqmedo telemaraTonis msvlelobisas bevrma qarTvelma devnilma bavSvma SesaZloa arc ki icoda, rom Cvens mezobel saxelmwifoSi maTi bedi wydeboda. SesaZloa, es erTi Cveulebrivi keTilSobiluri misia gaxldaT, romelic or qveyanas Soris megobrul urTierTobas kidev ufro gaaRmavebs, magram litvelebis mxridan gamoCenilma solidarobam am bavSvebs imedi Causaxa. imedi imisa, rom yvelaferi win aqvT da rom maTi cxovreba sasikeTod Seicvleba.

ful songs, dances and table come from. In just half a week I could feel that if Georgians did not have such a rich soul, they would not be so hospitable. I feel very cozy here. - Do you live with a family in Tbilisi? - My wife will come in June. As for my children, my daughter is in New York as she is graduating from school this year. My son is already in his third year at the university. We think that they will continue their studies in the USA. My wife and I will live in Georgia and our children will visit us from time to time. - How interesting is working in a diplomatic service? - I have worked for over 20 years as a diplomat and I find it very interesting. Ever since the very first day of my countrys independence I have worked as a diplomat. I was the first head of Lithuanias state diplomatic protocol. Then I was a deputy ambassador to the USA. I worked for three and a half years in Canada after we opened our embassy there. Then I was Lithuanias ambassador in Belarus Before coming to Georgia I held the position of consul general in New York. I have been in the diplomatic service for such a long time that I already make jokes about it. I have said in numerous interviews that my job is my hobby. While the charity marathon was going on, many displaced Georgian children had no idea that their fate was being decided in one of our neighboring countries. It may have been an ordinary goodwill mission that further deepened friendly relations between these two countries, but the solidarity shown by the Lithuanian side gave these children hope. Hope that they have good things ahead and their lives will change for the better.


jeoseli . zafxuli 2010

saqarTvelo _ Rvinis samSoblo

qarTuli Rvinis mesame erovnuli konkursi

6-7 maiss sastumro `qorTiard mariotSi~ gaimarTa qarTuli Rvinis III erovnuli konkursi _ `saqarTvelo _ Rvinis samSoblo~, romlis tradiciuli mxardamWeri `Tqveni qseli~ iyo. msgavsi konkursi saukeTeso saSualebaa imisa, rom Rvinis mwarmoebel kompaniebs mieceT stimuli awarmoon xarisxiani Rvino. garda amisa, es xels uwyobs qarTul, tradiciul meTodebze dayenebuli Rvinis popularizacias. konkursi, Rvinis istoriis fondis, saqarTvelos savaWrosamrewvelo palatisa da saqarTvelos erovnuli muzeumis ZalisxmeviT Catarda. RonisZiebis mxardamWeri iyo saqarTvelos turizmisa da kurortebis departamenti. RonisZiebaSi monawileoba, saqarTvelos sxvadasxva regionidan, 34-ma Rvinis mwarmoebelma kompaniam miiRo. maT mier warmodgenili Rvinoebis degustacia da Sefaseba Jiurim e.w. `brma meTodiT~ moaxdina. Jiuris SemadgenlobaSi iyvnen cnobili Rvinis eqspertebi: tom kanavani (Jiuris Tavmjdomare, didi britaneTi), doqtori qerolain gilbi (didi britaneTi), margaret randi (didi britaneTi), katarina alvini (SvedeTi), timo iokineni (fineTi), pol of tenbergi (niderlandebi), loran Jinari (aSS), ana godabreliZe (saqarTvelo). saukeTeso Rvinoebi oqros da vercxlis medlebiT dajildovdnen. oqros medlis mflobelebi gaxdnen qarTuli Rvinis mwarmoeblebi: meRvineoba xareba, TbilRvino, badagoni, viniveria, qarTuli Rvinisa da alkoholuri sasmelebis kompania GWS, Teliani veli, konWo da kompania, korporacia qinZmarauli, Telavis Rvinis marani, eniselis Rvinoebi, vainmeni; xolo vercxlis medlebi gadaecaT kompaniebs: Suxman vains jorjia, qinZmaraulis marani, Telavis Rvinis marani, badagoni, falavani, kaxeTik, korporacia qinZmarauli, kaxuri tradiciuli meRvineoba, Teliani veli, konWo da kompania, tfilisis marani, besini, Sato muxrani, kaxuri tradiciuli meRvineoba, vainmeni, raWuli Rvino. konkursi dasrulda jeostarelebis koncertiT, romelsac tradiciulad cocxali bendi aformebda.

Georgia Cradle of Wine

The 3rd Georgian National Wine Competition
On May 6-7 the Courtyard Marriott Hotel hosted the 3rd Georgian National Wine Competition Georgia Cradle of Wine. The event was traditionally held with the support of your network. Such competitions provide the best means for stimulating local wine companies to produce high quality wine. Besides, they promote the popularization of wine produced by traditional Georgian methods. The competition was held due to the joint efforts of the Wine History Foundation, the Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and the Georgian National Museum. The event was backed by the Department for Tourism and Resorts of Georgia. 34 wine companies from various regions of Georgia participated in the event. Wines presented by them were tasted and evaluated through a blind test method by the special jury consisting of well-known wine experts from Great Britain (Tom Canavan, chairman of the jury; Doctor Caroline Gilb, Margareth Rund), Sweden (Katarina Alvin), Finland (Timo Jokinen), Netherlands (Paul Tenberg), the United States (Lauren Zhinar) and Georgia (Ana Godabrelidze). The best wines were awarded with gold and silver medals. The following Georgian wine producers were awarded with gold medals: Khareba Winery; Tbilgvino; Badagoni; Winiveria; Georgian Wines and Spirits Company GWS, Teliani Valley; Koncho and Co; Corporation Kindzmarauli; Telavi Wine Cellar; Eniseli wines; and Wine Man. While the following were awarded with silver medals: Shukhman Wines Georgia; Kindzmarauli Cellar; Telavi Wine Cellar; Badagoni; Palavani; Kakheti K; Corporation Kindzmarauli; Kakhetian Traditional Wine-Making; Teliani Valley; Koncho and Co; Tiflis Cellar; Besini; Chateau Mukhrani; Wine Man; Rachuli Wine. The competition was closed by a concert of Geostar contestants, traditionally accompanied by a live band performance.
GEOCELL . Summer 2010


giga nanobaSvili


The Talented
By Giga Nanobashvili
Al elderly and stout lady is standing on stage; no longer a teenager and full of self-confidence, she shares her dreams about becoming a pop star. Surprised people in the audience begin to look at each other, while hosts of the show and judges are unable to hide their skepticism. Nevertheless, the 47-yearold lady from one of the province of Scotland doesnt seem to be bothered by this situation at all and she begins to sing... After the first chords, an ovation is heard in the hall, everyone begins to admire womans clear and beautiful voice. After she finishes the song, three thousand strong audience stands up and gives thunderous applause, while the judges fill the singer up with compliments... This is what the debut of Susan Boyle on the television show was like; the performance that not only was covered by all media outlets all over the world but which also led to record contracts and various performances for once a church singer. Moreover, the Scott broke numerous world records, while her performance video on YouTube helped her become an international superstar. All of the above said would have been impossible without a television show called Britain's Got Talent, inspired and powered by a music mogul Simon Cowell; the man, whose company introduced one of the most democratic competitions in history of television shows, which gives mere mortals of all ages, occupations and origins a chance to demonstrate their talent (or the lack of) on stage. The eventual winner not only gets an opportunity to perform at the Royal Variety Performance but will also receive a 100,000 contract. But before making their lifetime dreams come true, competitors first have to make it to and go through numerous auditions, which are held in all the major cities in the country. Not only do

scenaze _ asakovani, sruli qalbatonia, acxadebs, rom saestrado momRerlobaze ocnebobs. gaocebuli mayurebeli erTmaneTs mzeras esvris. Sous wamyvanebi da Jiuris wevrebi ki TavianT skeptikur damokidebulebas ver malaven. Tumca, 47 wlis provinciel Sotlandiel qals yovelive es sruliad ar aRizianebs da simReras iwyebs... pirvelive akordebis Semdeg, darbazSi ovacia ismis, yvela aRfrTovanebulia qalis wminda da lamazi xmiT. simReris dasasruls samiaTasiani auditoria fexze dgeba da aplodismentebs ar iSurebs, Jiuris wevrebi ki _ Seuxedav qals komplimentebiT avseben... aseTi iyo siuzan boilis debiuti satelevizio SouSi; Sesruleba, romlis Sesaxebac ara mxolod mTeli msoflios yvela mediasaSualeba alaparakda, aramed romelmac erT dros eklesiis mgalobels araerT xmisCamwer kompaniasTan kontraqti Tu sakoncerto gamosvla moutana; metic, mis saxels araerTi rekordis moxsna ukavSirdeba, YouTube-ze gavrcelebuli klipis wyalobiT ki, mas Cvens patara planetaze mcxovrebi didic da patarac cnobs. yovelive es satelevizio Sous _ britaneTs hyavs talantebi damsaxurebaa, romlis sulisCamdgmeli britaneli musikaluri prodiuseri saimon kouelia; adamiani, romlis kompaniamac satelevizio Souebis istoriaSi erT-erTi yvelaze demokratiuli konkursi Seqmna da nebismieri asakis, profesiis Tu warmomavlobis rigiT mokvdavs sakuTari niWierebis Tu uniWobis did scenaze gamovlenis saSualeba misca. gamarjvebis SemTxvevaSi ki, am adamianebs ara mxolod samefos dedoflis winaSe gamosvlis pativi ergebaT, aramed 100 000 girvanqa sterlingis Rirebulebis kontraqtsac sTavazoben. Tumca, sanukvari ocnebis axdenamde jer kastingze moxvedra da misi gavlaa saWiro, romelic qveynis TiTqmis yvela did qalaqSi tardeba. Semsruleblebs ara marto mravalaTasiani cocxali auditoriis winaSe gamosvlis gambedaoba unda hqondeT, aramed sakmarisi niWi imisTvis, rom sami Jiuris wevridan oris keTilganwyoba mainc


jeoseli . zafxuli 2010

daimsaxuron. Tavis ukmayofilebas Jiuri wiTel Rilakze daWeriT gamoxatavs, romlis Semdegac scenaze wiTeli X inTeba da mxolod am SousTvis damaxasiaTebeli bzuilis xma gaismis. Jiuris samive wevris ukmayofileba darbazis imwamier datovebas niSnavs, Tumca zogierT SemTxvevaSi, Jiuris saboloo gadawyvetilebaze damswre sazogadoebis ukmayofilo SeZaxilebmac SeiZleba iqonios gavlena. kastingis Sedegad SerCeuli aTobiT monawile, erTmaneTs ukve naxevarfinaluri Souebis 5 seriaSi xvdeba, romlis drosac yoveli sakonkurso dRidan erT saukeTeso monawiles ukve telemayurebeli irCevs, xolo meores isev Jiuri asaxelebs. am gziT SerCeuli 10 konkursanti erTmaneTs ukve grandiozul finalur SouSi ejibreba. satelevizio konkursis finalSi Jiuri mxolod komentatoris roliT Semoifargleba. xmis micemis ufleba mxolod da mxolod telemayurebels aqvs, romelsac qveynis yvelaze niWieri Semsruleblis gamovlenis rTuli gadawyvetilebis miReba, Tanabrad niWieri momRerlebis, mocekvaveebis, komikosebis, akrobatebis, iluzionistebis da sxva Janrebis warmomadgenelTa Semxedvare uwevT. saboloo jamSi, Sous gamarjvebuli is xdeba, vinc telemayurebelTa yvelaze met xmas daagrovebs, xolo finaluri Sous monawileTa niWierebis da siWrelis gaTvaliswinebiT, sxva monawileTa gulSematkivrebis guliswyroma sakmaod Cveulebrivi reaqciaa. miuxedavad amisa, yovelgvari gazviadebis gareSe SeiZleba iTqvas, rom SouSi monawileoba ukve didi gamarjvebaa. Tundac imitom, rom planetis masStabiT saxelganTqmuli siuzan boili, saboloo xmebis raodenobis mixedviT, mxolod meore iyo. 12 wlis Sain jafargulus ki, romelsac Sous mesame sezonze mxolod meSvide adgili xvda wilad, maikl jeqsonTan gamosamSvidobebel saRamoze gamosvlis pativi ergo da mas Tvalyurs msoflioSi asobiT milioni telemayurebeli adevnebda. britanuli teleproeqtis warmatebam maleve sxva qveynebSi gadainacvla da dReisTvis msoflioSi Sous 30-ze meti regionuli versiaa. 2010 wlis 1 Tebervlidan, samauwyeblo kompania rusTavi 2-is da jeoselis partniorobiT, am qveynebis sias saqarTveloc Seemata. CvenSi, am proeqts martivad, amomwuravi sityva _ niWieri daerqva. miuxedavad imisa, rom qarTvelebi momRerali eri varT da Sous pirveli sezonis gamarjvebulTa mowinave sameulic momRerlebiT iyo dakompleqtebuli, sulac ar niSnavs, rom Semdegi adamiani, visac proeqti Tavisi ocnebis axdenaSi daexmareba, aucileblad momRerali unda iyos. amaze ki niWieris ucxouri analogebis finalebSi

the acts have to have strength to perform in front of the judges and the live audience but also enough talent to make at least two of the three judges to vote you through to the next round. The judges show their dissatisfaction by pressing on a red button, which leads to a lighted red X on top of the performer and the shows signature buzz sound. Dissatisfaction of all three judges means that the act has to immediately stop whatever s/he is doing and leave the stage, although a screaming and delirious audience has been known to sway the judges final decision. Tens of participants chosen through auditions then compete with each other in five semi-final shows, during which each day, one of the best participants is chosen now by the viewers, while the second one is determined by the judges once again. Top ten contestants who manage to overcome the semi-finals will then have to show their talents on a grandiose final show. On the final show, the judges turn into commentators only, while the uneasy decision making process is shifted exclusively onto the viewers, who have to reveal the countrys most talented act among equally talented singers, dancers, comedians, contortionists, impressionists, jugglers, magicians and representatives of other genres. Eventually, the winner of the show becomes the act, which gets the most of the viewers votes. Yet, considering the variety of the participants, discontent of other fans is a common reaction. Despite everything, it wont be too much to say that participation in the show is already a big achievement. Its enough to name Susan Boyle, a global superstar who ended the show as runner up, while 12-year-old Shaheen Jafargholi, who had the honor of performing at Michael Jackson's funeral watched by hundred millions of viewers, finished only seventh during the 3rd season of the show. Success of the British television project was soon spread all over the world and today there are more than 30 regional versions of the show around the globe. Since February 1, 2010, thanks to joint partnership of broadcasting company Rustavi 2 and Geocell, Georgia was added to the list of the countries. In our country, the show is known as Nichieri, which means Talented in Georgian.
GEOCELL . Summer 2010


gamarjvebuli adamianebis profesiuli profilis farTo diapazoni miuTiTebs: argentinaSi _ iumoristebi, avstraliaSi _ gitaristebi, braziliaSi _ animaciis ostatebi, xorvatiaSi _ tanmovarjiSeebi, estoneTSi _ saxaliso maTematikis moyvarulebi, fineTSi _ bitboqserebi, safrangeTSi _ breikdenserebi... garda amisa, sxvadasxva dros, sxvadasxva qveyanaSi gamarjvebulebi iyvnen kbilebze damkvrelebi, akrobatebi, smenadaqveiTebuli hip-hop mocekvaveebi, iluzionistebi da operis momRerlebic ki. niWieris da misi ucxouri versiebis gaCenam asobiT milioni telemayurebeli televizorebs miajaWva. maTi monawileebisTvis ki es konkursebi, garTobasa da cxovrebiseul gamocdilebasTan erTad, saxelis moxveWis, bulvaruli Jurnalebis garekanze moxvedris da TavianTi Semoqmedebis farTo masebisTvis demonstrirebis winapiroba gaxda. niWierebis gamovlenis teleproeqtebi msoflios bevr qveyanaSi ukve myar tradiciad iqca, sadac maT monawileebTan erTad, mayurebelic Tvals adevnebs, Tu rogor SeiZleba sul ramdenime kviraSi adamianebis cxovreba radikalurad Seicvalos. sul xuTiode Tvis win levan SavaZe xulos raionis sofel sacixuris kulturis centrs xelmZRvanelobda, gulnaz goleTiani sofel qveda cagerSi sam SvilTan da meuRlesTan erTad saojaxo saqmeebiTa da pirutyvis movliT iyo dakavebuli, xolo seriozuli warmatebis Ziebis procesSi myofi mariam kaxeliSvili 3 wlis asakidan moyolebuli konkursidan kunkursze uSedegod inacvlebda. viwro saojaxo, samegobro Tu profesiuli wreebis garda, Cvens mSobliur polifoniis qveyanaSi Znelad Tu moiZebneboda iseTi adamiani, visac ara maTi saxelebis, aramed SesaZleblobebis Sesaxebac ki raime smenoda. am da aTeulobiT sxva msgavsi adamianis yoveldRiuroba erTma movlenam, samauwyeblo kompania rusTavi 2-is mier axali proeqtisTvis gamocxadebulma kastingma Secvala, romlis wyalobiTac, maTi cxovreba ukve aRarasodes iqneba iseTi, rogoric aqamde iyo... 1960-ian wlebSi endi uorholma TiTqos iwinaswarmetyvela, rom momavalSi yvela adamiani 15 wuTiT popularuli iqneba. SeiZleba igi marTalic iyo, magram WeSmariti niWiereba, albaT, mayureblisTvis miZRvnili am ramdenime wuTis maradiulobad (an odnav nakleb drod mainc) qcevaSi mdgomareobs. rusTavi 2 da jeoseli kvlavac cdiloben, rom saqarTveloSi mcxovreb aTasobiT adamians sakuTari SesaZleblobebis gamovlenis unikaluri saSualeba miscen. Zieba grZeldeba da sul male Sou niWieri ukve axal monawileebTan erTad dabrundeba...

Despite the fact that Georgia is a singing nation and that the top three of the winners of the shows first season were indeed singers, it doesnt mean that the next person making his/her dream come true with the help of this project, should necessarily be a singer. This is easily proved by a wide range of professional profiles of the winners of the shows foreign versions: humorists in Argentina, gymnastic twirlers in Croatia, mental mathematicians in Estonia, beat-boxers in Finland, breakdancers in France... In additions, winners at various times in different counties were teeth players, acrobats, hearing-impaired hip hop dancers, ventriloquists, magicians and even, opera singers. The appearance of Nichieri and its foreign analogues riveted attentions millions of viewers on television, while for the participants these shows they became the guarantee of fame, fortune and constant snapshots by tabloid reporters. In many countries, talent shows already managed to became a longstanding tradition demonstrating how life can change in a few weeks. Just five months ago, Levan Shavadze was leading Satsikhuri village culture center in Khulo region, Gulnaz Goletiani was spending her time with her husband raising three children and taking care of livestock in Qveda Tsageri village, while Mariam Kakhelishvili was continuing her search of serious success attending every single music competition. Besides small family, friend or maybe, professional circles, it was quite hard to find anyone in our polyphony country who had heard anything about how talented these people were, not to mention their names. Lives of these and dozens of other people were changed when Rustavi 2 announced auditions for its new project. Thanks to which, their lives will never be the same again... "In the future, everyone will be famous for 15 minutes," - said the pop artist Andy Warhol in the 1960s. Maybe he was right but perhaps, the true talent means turning these 15 minutes dedicated to the viewers into eternity (or a bit less). Rustavi 2 and Geocell once again try to give thousands of people living Georgia a unique chance of demonstrating their abilities. The search for the talented continues and soon, the show Nichieri will return with new participants...


jeoseli . zafxuli 2010

jeostarobidan solo albomamde

avtori: maia cecaZe
jeostareli suxitaSvilebis xsenebisas ratomRac yovelTvis marina beriZis replika maxsendeba, giorgi suxitaSvilis das _ ninis kastingze rom mimarTa: `ra niWierebi xarT es suxitaSvilebi, Tqveni mamac gamacaniTo!~ maT niWierebaSi marina beriZis msgavsad bevri mayurebelic darwmunda da ori wlis win giorgi suxitaSvils jeostari 2008-is titulic mianiWa. finalSi giorgis gamarjvebas jeostaris Jiuris Tavmjdomare pirad warmatebad miiCnevs, radgan misi da mayureblis arCevani favorit konkursantTan dakavSirebiT daemTxva. Tanac im wels, proeqtis formatidan gamomdinare, Jiuris wevrebs konkursantebis gadarCenis ufleba ukve aRar hqondaT. mas mere ki, rac Seityo, rom jeoseli gamarjvebuls diskiT ajildoebda, siamovnebiT gadawyvita giorgis kompaqt diskis SeqmnaSi mniSvnelovani wvlili Tavadac Seetana. giorgis SemoqmedebiTi gegmebidan pirveli da yvelaze seriozuli proeqti jeoselis wyalobiT dRes ukve saxezea. am musikaluri produqtis meSveobiT ki qarTveli msmeneli sruliad axal musikasa da gansxvavebul giorgi suxitaSvils mousmens. saboloo Sedegis misaRwevad albomze momuSave SemoqmedebiTma jgufma Zalian didi Sroma gaiRo. marina beriZe, amjerad ukve rogorc diskis prodiuseri, miiCnevs, rom mis SemoqmedebiT biografiaSi warmatebul proeqtebs Soris (`gia yanCelis musika kinosa da TeatrisaTvis~ da CubiniSvilis romansebi eka mamalaZis SesrulebiT), giorgis diski mesame didi proeqtia. qalaquri musikisa da eTno jazis sinTezi sarisko gadawyvetileba iyo. saqmes meti sifrTxiliT moekidnen, radgan albomis koncefcia msmenelisTvis gasagebi da, rac mTavaria, misaRebi yofiliyo. qalaquri simReris idea, erT-erT satelevizio proeqtSi `imRere rame~, sadac giorgi cnobil `jan aias~ asrulebda,

From Geostar to a Solo Album

By Maya Tsetsadze
When thinking of the Sukhitashvilis I always remember Marina Beridzes comment to Giorgi Sukhitashvilis sister Nino at a casting: How talented you Sukhitashvilis are! Let me see your father as well! Just like Marina Beridze, nearly everyone who has heard the brother and the sisters music has become convinced of their talent and voted Giorgi Sukhitashvili the winner of Geostar 2008. The jury chair considers it to her merit that Giorgi won the final because her choice coincided with the choice of the public. That year the format of the show had been changed and the jury could not save participants from elimination. After learning that the winner of the contest would have his/her CD underwritten by Geocell, she gladly decided to contribute to the creation of Giorgis CD. Among Giorgis musical plans, the first and, so far, the most serious project has already become a reality. With the help of Geocell, the Georgian public will now listen to some completely new music and a different Giorgi Sukhitashvili. The group who worked on the album put a lot of effort into getting it done. Marina Beridze, as a producer of the album, considers Giorgis CD to be the third big project of the successful projects in her career (the others being Gia Kanchelis Music for Cinema and Theare and Chubinishvilis Romances performed by Eka Mamaladze. Mixing city music and ethno-jazz was a risky decision. The album makers were very careful to make the concept of the album under-


jeoseli . zafxuli 2010

marina beriZes daebada. giorgic brmad miendo, miT umetes, prodiuseris survili mis gemovnebasac daemTxva. maT gadawyvetilebas isic daerTo, rom germaniidan 15-wliani moRvaweobis Semdeg samSobloSi dabrunda kompozitori daviT malazonia, romelmac sagangebod giorgisTvis Seqmna 12 kompozicia. es albomi upirispirdeba im mosazrebasac, rasac sazogadoebis nawili iziarebs, rom TiTqosda qalaquri musika iaffasiania. am stereotipis dasangrevad ki yvelaferi faqizad unda gakeTebuliyo. aRmoCnda gundi, romelmac am sirTules Tavi warmatebiT gaarTva. sworad SerCeul gunds ki prodiuseri sakuTar gamarjvebad miiCnevs. `yvelaferi damTxveva iyo am albomze muSaobisas. isic, rom daTo malazonia, qalaquri versiebis ubadlo ostati Camovida da am albomis aranJirebis avtoria. aviReT yvelaze popularuli Temebi da jeostaris gundma (igive manana morCilaZem, lana quTaTelaZem...) didi xalisiT imuSava. jeoselis damsaxurebac swored es aris, rom iseT gunds qmnis, sadac Tavs SenianebSi, komfortulad grZnob. amas albaT marketinguli gaTvlac hqvia. TiTqmis ar yofila dublebi, rogorc ityvian, yvelaferi erTi amosunTqviT Caiwera. qalaquri musika maRal profesionalur donezea ayvanili. suxitas namReriT igrZnoba misi urTierToba miwasTan. sul vambobdi, miwis suns vgrZnob am disks rom vismen-meTqi. gapranWuli da galaRebuli adamiani aseT musikas ver imRerebs. aq bunebrivi tkivili da sixaruli igrZnoba~, _ siamayiT mesaubreba diskze misi prodiuseri marina beriZe da sargeblobs ra Cveni saqmiani SexvedriT, aqve giorgis am xnis ganmavlobaSi gamovlenili moTminebisTvis madlobasac uxdis. giorgi mimxels, rom Zalian jiuti adamiania, magram arseboben adamianebi, romelTa gamocdilebasac imdenad endoba, rom mzad aris maTi yvela rCeva gaiTvaliswinos. swored am Sinagani muxruWisa da kidev bevri niuansis damsaxurebiT giorgi miiCnevs, rom man Tavisi `lurji frinveli~ ukve daiWira. `meSinoda qarTuli sityviT namReri jazi rogori gamovidoda, rom ar agveWra diski da erTi ferisa da xasiaTis gamosuliyo. magram dRes ukve am disks rom vusmen, mgonia, Cemi ocnebis didi nawili axda. ar SemiZlia ar aRvniSno, rom gundi, romelic yvelasTvis kargad nacnob musikalur proeqtebs akeTebs, Zalian didi gamocdilebis mqonea. udidesi Rvawli miuZRvis bends, romelic ukve wlebia, jeostars udgas saTaveSi. ar maviwydeba gia salaRiSvili rogori enTuziazmiT muSaobda. visac albomi movasmenine, ver davajere, rom dasartyam instrumentze erTi adamiani ukravda. ar vici ramdeni kiduri unda hqondes adamians, rom ase daukras. grandiozuli madloba jeosels imisTvis, rom saqarTveloSi xarisxiani musikis ganviTarebas emsaxureba da kidev imisTvis, rom Cemi ocneba ganaxorciela. marto amas albaT verasodes SevZlebdi, an Tu gavakeTebdi, ise vera, rogorc es jeoselis ZalisxmeviT moxda~. rac mTavaria, yvela kompozicia cocxali bendis TanxlebiT Caiwera. Tanac Zveli da Tanamedrove instrumentebi erT kompoziciaSi gaerTianda. musikis araordinarulma JReradobam ki simReris manerac mravalferovani gaxada. giorgi xumrobda kidec, erT simReraSi dudukTan erTad sayviris gamoyeneba marto daviT malazonias Tu mouvidoda TavSio. bendis cnobil sameuls: nodar eqvTimiSvils, gia salaRiSvilsa da paata andriaZes, merab qavTaraZe, merab sanoZe (perkusiiT) da levan kemularia (sayviriT) daemata. aqve giorgi mimxels, rom merab sanoZes wvlili imaSic miuZRvis, rom mis xmis Camwer studiaSi saaTebs aravin gviTvlida da droSic SezRudulebi ar vyofilvarTo. da kidev, sakmaod STambeWdavad JRers beqebic, romlebic giorgis megobarma kolegebma Tika maxaldianma da salome bakuraZem Seasrules. giorgi suxitaSvilis pirvel solo alboms savaraudod, `mismine me~ erqmeva. am saxelwodebas ki simboluri istoria aqvs da albomSi Sesul erTerT simReraSi arsebul frazasac (`aRar mismen me~) exmaureba. `mismine me~ Tematurad albomis Sinaarssac esadageba da Tan satelefono qselsac. mokled, albomis aseTi saxelwodeba gnebavT mowodebad CaTvaleT, gnebavT Txovnad, anda ubralod sasargeblo rCevad da mousmineT giorgi suxitaSvilis axal kompoziciebs!

standable and acceptable to the casual listener. The idea of recording city songs came to Marina Beridze when Giorgi was singing the famous Jan Aia in the TV project Sing Something. Giorgi agreed to the idea, more so as the producers wish coincided with his own taste. Their decision coincided with the return of the composer Davit Malazonia to Georgia (he had spent 15 years in Germany). Davit created 12 compositions especially for Giorgi. The album snubs the idea shared by one segment of society that city music is somehow cheap. Everything had to be done to carefully break this stereotype. A team was found who successfully coped with this task. The producer thinks it is her victory that such a good team was found. Everything was a coincidence when working on this album, including the arrival of Dato Malazonia who is a master of city music and agreed to arrange the album. We took the most popular topics and the Geostar team (Manana Morchiladze, Lana Kutateladze) worked with great passion. This is exactly what Geocell does: it creates a team where everyone feels at home. This may otherwise be called a marketing calculation. There were almost no second tries. Everything was recorded at one stroke and now, city music has been taken to another level. In Sukhitas singing one can feel his relationship with the earth. I have been saying that I can smell the earth when I listen to this CD. A spoiled person cannot sing such music. You can feel that natural pain and take joy in it, Manana Beridze tells me with pride and thanks Giorgi for his patience throughout the working process. Giorgi tells me that he is very stubborn, but that there are people whose experience he trusts so much that he is ready to take all their advice into consideration. Through this internal stubbornness and many other nuances Giorgi thinks that he has already caught his Bluebird. Giorgi: I was afraid of how jazz sung in Georgian would turn out. But when I listen to this CD today, I can say that a big part of my dream has come true. I must mention that the team who does the music projects (who everyone knows about so well) has great experience. The band that has performed for Geostar for so many years now deserves great credit. I cannot forget Gia Salaghishvili who worked with such great enthusiasm. Whoever has listened to the album cannot believe that there is just one man playing the drums. I dont know how many hands and feet a man must have to play like this. I offer a big thank you to Geocell, for contributing to the development of quality music in Georgia and for making my dream come true. I would not have been able to do this on my own, or at least I could not have done it as well as I did, without the help of Geocell. What is important to note is that all compositions have been recorded together with a live band. Old and new instruments have been united into a single composition. The extraordinary sound of the music has made the manner of singing diverse. Giorgi even joked that only Davit Malazonia could think of using a hooter together with a duduki. The famous trio of Nodar Ekvtimishvili, Gia Salaghishvili and Paata Andriadze were joined by Merab Kavtaradze, Merab Sanodze (percussion) and Levan Kemularia (hooter). Giorgi also says that Merab Sanodze deserves credit for being very generous and giving the album team plenty of time in his recording studio. And one more thing: quite impressive are the backing vocals performed by Giorgis friendly colleagues Tika Makhaldiani and Salome Bakuradze. Giorgi Sukhitashvilis first solo album will probably be called Listen to Me. This name has a symbolic story behind it and reflects a phrase from one of the albums songs (You dont listen to me any more). Listen to Me is thematically close to the idea of the album and to Geocell too. So, you may consider the name of the album a calling, a request, or simply some useful advice to listen to Giorgi Sukhitashvilis new compositions!
GEOCELL . Summer 2010


avtori: maia cecaZe

dauTme erTi saaTi dedamiwas!

mecnierebi dedamiwis warmoSobis istorias, agebulebasa da misi sferos Taviseburebebs swavloben. zogic ciur sxeulebze awarmoebs dakvirvebas da dedamiwisgareT civilizaciebis arsebobis SesaZleblobebze msjelobs. es yvelaferi TavisTavad sainteresoa, magram imisTvis, rom jer dedamiwaze vidgeT myarad, aranakleb yuradsaRebia is problemebi da safrTxeebi, rac globalur winsvlasTan erTad dedamiwas emuqreba. xan globaluri daTbobis bedi gvaRelvebs, xanac islandiaSi mZvinvare vulkani gviferxebs sahaero mimosvlas. imazec gvsmenia, rom dedamiwa RerZidan gadaixarao, resursebi nel-nela ewurebao da rom stiqiur kataklizmebTan uZlurni varT. magram albaT, arasdros gvifiqria imaze Tu ra SeiZleba TiToeulma Cvenganma imisTvis moimoqmedos, rom Tundac erTi saaTiT mainc dedamiwas mZime xvedri Seumsubuqos. amaze pirvelad 2007 wels, sidneiSi izrunes, rodesac or milionze met dawesebulebaSi eleqtroenergia erTi saaTiT gamorTes. male es wamowyeba msoflio mniSvnelobis movlenad aqcies. 2008 wels dedamiwis saaTis kampaniaSi 35 qveynis 370 qalaqi da 50 milioni adamiani CaerTo. visac gasuli saukunis 90-iani wlebis qronikuli uSuqoba mwared gaxsovT, Tavi imiT inugeSeT, rom mZime socialuri fonis dros Cvens qveyanas uneblieT dedamiwis dasvenebazec uzrunia. Tumca, xumroba iqiT iyos da am wamowyebas saqarTveloSi 27 marts sastumro Seraton metexi palasSi Sekrebili sazogadoeba jeoselis, Seratonisa da radio qalaqis organizebis meSveobiT SeuerTda. Caaqre sinaTle erTi saaTiT, gamorTe yvela eleqtromowyobiloba, aCuqe erTi saaTi dedamiwas! _ es mowodeba yovelwliurad, yovel 27 marts 20:30 saaTidan 21:30 saaTamde, msoflioSi milionobiT adamians aerTianebs. saqarTveloSi es dRe sanTlebis Suqze, mwvane lentebiT, koqteilebiTa da jeostarelebis cocxali akustikuri koncertis TanxlebiT aRniSnes. Seraton metexi palasSi misul yvela stumars simbolurad mwvane lentebi Seabes. am simboluri detaliT ki organizatorebma isurves, rom dedamiwa mudmivad mwvane darCes da kidev didxans emsaxuros kacobriobas. gangeb Cabnelebul darbazSi sanTlebis ganaTebam saRamos romantikuli elferi SesZina. damswre sazogadoebam ki imedi gamoTqva, rom samomavlod es aqcia gacilebiT masStaburi gaxdeba. Tuki es dedamiwas waadgeba, SevitanoT yvelam Cveni wvlili mis gadarCenaSi da weliwadSi erTxel, vaCuqoT sul raRac erTi saaTi dedamiwas!

Give an Hour to the Earth!

By Maya Tsetsadze
Some scientists study the history of the Earth; its structure and peculiarities. Some observe cosmic objects and speculate about the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations. This is interesting in itself, but in order for us to secure our future on the Earth, we must be aware of the problems and challenges that are in the process of destroying the very planet which we call home. These threats vary from global warming to unexpectedly erupting volcanoes; from increasing natural disasters to reckless oil and mining companies irreparably poisoning entire ecosystems. We hear that the earths axis has changed; that natural resources are becoming depleted at an alarming rate; and that we are helpless against increasing natural disasters. But very few of us step forward to take responsibility for what can be done to reverse these catastrophic processes. So what can be done? One initiative was first aired in Sydney, Australia in 2007 when over two million offices agreed to take part in a one hour electricity cut. This idea was turned into an event with global significance. In 2008, 50 million people from 370 cities and towns in 35 countries took part in what is now called Earth Hour. Those of us in Georgia who bitterly remember the chronic blackouts of the 1990s (and which are still not unknown today) can find comfort in the fact that during these difficult times our country was, in fact, unintentionally caring about the Earth. But jokes aside, Georgia joined this event on March 27 when some members of the public gathered at the Sheraton Metechi Palace Hotel at the initiative of Geocell, Sheraton and City Radio. Put out all lights for an hour; turn off all electrical appliances, and give an hour to the Earth! This call united millions of people all over the world on March 27 from 20:30 to 21:30 Tbilisi time. In Georgia, this day was celebrated with green ribbons, cocktails, candlelight and a live (acoustic?) concert by the Geostars. Every guest who came to the Sheraton Metechi Palace was given a green ribbon, and it was with this symbolic detail that the organizers expressed their wish to see the Earth always green and in a healthy relationship with mankind. The candlelight in the specially darkened room gave the evening a romantic sentiment. The people gathered expressed hope that this event will involve many more people in future. If this is good for the Earth, let each of us make a contribution to its survival and give just an hour per year!


jeoseli . zafxuli 2010

yvelani jeostarze!
tradiciuli musikaluri konkursisTvis jeoseli yovelwliurad mxolod Tormeti dauviwyari saRamos organizebiT namdvilad ar Semoifargleba. arc marto mxolod axalbeda momRerlebisTvis gzis gakvalvaze zrunavs. jeoselis mTeli gundi, TiTqmis mTeli wlis ganmavlobaSi jeostarelebTan erTad aqtiurad cdilobs, rom mayurebeli rac SeiZleba xSirad asiamovnos. Tuki Tbiliselebi da dedaqalaqis stumrebi jeostaris sakonkurso maraTons did sakoncerto darbazSi eswrebodnen, bevri, magaliTad regionebSi koncertebs mxolod teleekranebidan ucqerda. bevrs, survilis miuxedavad ar hqonia SesaZlebloba, rom sakuTar favorit momRerlebs piradad gacnoboda. Tumca, ukve ramdenime welia, regionaluri turneebis meSveobiT jeoseli jeostarelebs gacilebiT farTo auditorias axlos acnobs. iasamnisferi bumi amjerad regionebs moedo. wels jeostaris scena Ria cis qveS kaxeTsa da imereTSi gaiSala. kompaniis dekoratiulma TvalismomWrelma simboloebma, adgilobriv mkvidrebs mxiaruli aqciis dawyeba amcno. iq ki, sadac jeoselis gundi ikribeba, bevri sasiamovno siurprizi da xalxmravlobaa xolme. morig sakoncerto gasvlebze jeostarelTa repertuarma TiTqmis yvela Taobis mayurebeli gaaxalisa. modiT, isev musikalur konkurss mivubrundeT da jeostaris SesarCev turebs SevexoT. jeostaris SemoqmedebiTi jgufi niWieri momRerlebis aRmosaCenad amjeradac mTel saqarTvelos moivlis da msurvelebs tradiciulad zafxulSi SearCevs. konkursis ucvleli moTxovnebis gaTvaliswinebiT, axal SemoqmedebiT gzas kidev araerTi axalbeda momRerali daadgeba. visac vokaluri monacemebi, smena da asaki xels uwyobs, yvelas uxmoben jeostarze!

Everybody to Geostar!
Geocell simply cannot limit itself to just the 12 unforgettable evenings it organizes annually within the traditional scope of the music contest. Not only does Geocell care about helping young singers to start their music careers, it also does its best to please the public as often as possible together with the Geostars. Although Tbilisians and visitors to Tbilisi were able to attend the contest marathon held in the Grand Philharmonic Concert Hall, many people who live in the regions could see these concerts only on TV. Many had a great wish to see the live concerts but had no opportunity to meet their favorite singers personally. However, Geocell then came up with a solution and for the past few years, through regional tours, a far bigger audience has had the opportunity to see and listen to the Geostars live. Thus, the purple boom has spread into the regions. Openair Geostar stages were assembled in Kakheti and Imereti. The erection of eye-catching decorative corporate symbols informed local residents about these cheerful actions. Wherever the Geocell team is, there are always plenty of pleasant surprises and lots of people. This round of concerts entertained audiences of all ages. Let us get back to the music contest and touch upon the Geostar qualification tours. This summer the Geostar team will travel all across Georgia in search of talented singers. After passing through the traditional stages of the contest, the new singers will start their quest to becoming Geostars. Whoever has a voice, an ear and a young age is welcome to try to become a Geostar!

GEOCELL . Summer 2010


1 ivnisidan lai-lais nebismier abonents SeuZlia isaubros 12 TeTrad yvela mobiluri da qalaqis qselis operatoris abonentTan saqarTveloSi. amisaTvis sakmarisia akrifoT *012# OK. tarifis CarTvis Rirebulebaa 1 lari, moqmedebis vada - 30 dRe. momdevno TveSi Tqvens balansze sakmarisi Tanxis (1 laris) arsebobis SemTxvevaSi, 12-TeTriani tarifi avtomaturad gagigrZeldebaT, xolo arasakmarisi Tanxis SemTxvevaSi gagiuqmdebaT. Tumca mis xelaxla CarTvas SeZlebT kvlav *012# OK akrefiT. Tu ukve sargeblobT romelime SeRavaTiani tarifiT da gsurT 12-TeTriani tarifis CarTva, jer gamorTeT moqmedi tarifi da Semdeg akrifeT *012#

12 TeTri yvela mimarTulebiT pirvelive wuTidan!

12 Tetri to all destinations from the first minute!

From June 1 Lailai subscribers can talk with 12 Tetri tariff to all mobile operators and PSTN numbers throught Georgia. For tariff activation you can dial *012# OK. Tariff activation fee is 1 Lari, validity period 30 days. Tariff will be automatically prolonged in the next month if subscriber will have enough amount (1 GEL) on the account. The tariff will be deactivated in case of insufficient amount, though you can reactivate it by dialing *012# OK again. If these subscribers want to activate 12 Tetri tariff, first deactivate any existing tariffs, if applicable and then activate 12 Tetri by dialing *012# OK.


gTavazobT ganaxlebul tarifebs jeoselis abonentebisaTvis (877): - araviTari saabonento gadasaxadi - 2 TeTri meore wuTidan jeoselis qselSi ganxorcielebul zarebze. akrifeT *122#ok da esaubreT jeoselisa da lailais abonentebs wuTSi mxolod 2 TeTrad meore wuTidan. pirveli wuTi _ 25.9 TeTri. aqtivacia ufasoa. damrgvaleba _ 1 wm. - 39 TeTri saerTaSoriso zarebze akrifeT *165#ok da isaubreT sazRvargareT mxolod 39 TeTrad. aqtivaciis safasuri (2 lari) CamoiWreba Tqveni angariSidan servisis CarTvis dros da Semdeg yoveli Tvis pirvel ricxvSi. damrgvaleba _ 30 wm. saerTaSoriso fasdakleba vrceldeba + da 862 kodebiT ganxorcielebul zarebze. * - fasdakleba ar vrceldeba satelitur telefonebze ganxorcielebul zarebze. axali tarifebi moqmedebs 877 sistemis fizikur pirebze. tel: 7777 www.geocell.ge

axali tarifebi Tqveni qselisgan

New pay rates from your own Geocell

Please, find the renewed rates for Geocell subscribers (877): - No fixed monthly fee - 2 Tetris for every minute from the second minute on the calls made within the Geocell network Dial *123#ok and talk to Geocell and LaiLai subscribers for only 2 Tetris from the second minute of speaking time. For the first minute you will pay 25.9 Tetris. It is free to activate this rate for your number. The pay rate will be counted in seconds. - 39 Tetris for international calls Dial *165#ok and talk internationally for only 39 Tetris. The activation fee of this service (2 GEL) will be deducted from your account while you activate the service and then on the first day of every month. The pay rate will be rounded to 30 seconds. The international discount is valid for the calls made through the codes + and 862. *Discount is not valid for the phone calls made to satellite phones. The new pay rates are available for physical persons who have 877 numbers. Tel: 7777 www.geocell.ge


jeoseli . zafxuli 2010

fasdaklebebi roumingSi
fasdakleba moqmedebs Teliasoneras jgufis Ta qselSi roumingiT sargeblobisas: azerbaijani _ Azercell dania _ Telia Danmark estoneTi _ EMT espaneTi _ Yoigo latvia _ LMT litva _ Omnitel moldova _ Moldcell norvegia _ Netcom tajikeTi _ Tcell uzbekeTi _ Ucell fineTi _ Sonera SvedeTi _ TeliaSonera Mobile Networks yazaxeTi _ KCELL jeoselis _70%-mde _70%-mde _90%-mde abonentTaTvis: fasdakleba gamaval zarebze fasdakleba SMS-ze fasdakleba GPRS-ze

Roaming discount
Semdeg operator1. Roaming discount in TeliaSonera group operators networks The discount is valid for using the roaming service of the following TeliaSonera group operators: Azerbaijan Azercell Denmark Telia Denmark Estonia EMT Spain Yoigo Latvia LMT Lithuania Omnitel Moldova Moldcell Norway Netcom Tajikistan Tcell Uzbekistan Ucell Finland- Sonera Sweden TeliaSonera Mobile Networks Kazakhstan KCELL For Geocell subscribers: _ Up to 70% discount on outgoing calls _ Up to 70% discount on SMS _ Up to 90% discount on GPRS For LaiLai subscribers: _ Up to 30% discount on outgoing calls 2. Discount in Turkcell network in Turkey Geocell (877) subscribers can enjoy a significant discount _ Outgoing calls to any phone 2.11 euros/second _ Outgoing SMS 0.17 euros _ GPRS 2.2 euros/1 MB 3. Discount on incoming calls for 877 subscribers Enjoy significant discount on incoming calls while using the servies of any network in any country _ 0.90 GEL / minute In order to turn on the discount on incoming calls, please, dial *128# The activation of the service costs 10 GEL and is valid for 14 days. We remind you that for LaiLai subscribers it is free to activate roaming. The activation code is *117#OK for Geocell subscribers the deposit for roaming is just 100 GEL Your Geocell wishes you a pleasant trip!

1. fasdakleba Teliasoneras jgufis operatorTa qselSi

lailais abonentTaTvis: _30%-mde fasdakleba gamaval zarebze

2. fasdakleba TurqeTSi Turqselis qselSi

jeoselis (877) abonentebs saSualeba eZlevaT isargeblon mniSvnelovani fasdaklebiT: _ gamavali zari yvela mimarTulebiT _ 2.11evro / wT _ gamavali SMS _ 0.17 evro _ GPRS _ 2.2 evro / 1mb

nebismier qveyanaSi yofnis dros nebismieri operatoris qselSi isargebleT mniSvnelovani fasdaklebiT Semaval zarebze _ 0.90 lari / wT Semaval zarebze fasdaklebis CasarTavad akrifeT *128# servisis CarTva _ 10lari, moqmedebis vada 14 dRe SegaxsenebT, rom: lailais abonentTaTvis roumingis aqtivacia ufasoa. aqtivaciis kodi *117# OK jeoselis abonentTaTvis roumingis depozitis Tanxa _ mxolod 100 lari Tqveni qseli gisurvebT sasiamovno mogzaurobas!

3. fasdakleba Semaval zarebze 877-is abonentTaTvis

GEOCELL . Summer 2010


avtori: maia cecaZe

jeoseli . zafxuli 2010

By Maya Tsetsadze

melomanebi popis Semsruleblebs karg fotografs, jazmenebs ki _ karg mxatvrebs adareben. sayovelTaod cnobili faqtia, rom xSirad popvarskvlavebis cocxlad mosmenisas Znelia ganasxvao maT Canawers ismen diskze Tu es Semsrulebeli mocemul momentSi swored SenTvis ixarjeba. es albaT pop-momRerlisTvis yvelaze kargi qaTinauricaa, magram jazSi saqme sul sxvagvaradaa. is imdenad improvizebuli musikaa, rom winaswar arasdros ici, ras SemogTavazebs misi Semsrulebeli. jazmenebis yoveli koncerti erTmaneTisgan radikalurad gansxvavebuli da mravalferovania. am mravalmxrivi musikisgan miRebuli siamovneba ki qarTvel msmenels isTern fromouSenis wyalobiT namdvilad ar aklia. kompaniam sazafxulo tradicias arc amjerad uRalata da Tbilisis saSemodgomo jazfestivalis garda, msmenels zRvispira baTumSic dauviwyari saRamoebi SesTavaza. welsac Black Sea Jazz Festival -is farglebSi jazis virtuozebma baTumis stumrebs namdvili sazRvao ganwyoba Seuqmnes, isTern fromouSenis SemoqmedebiT orbitaze ki araerTma megavarskvlavma gaielva. 15 ivlisidan 18 ivlisis CaTvliT Savi zRvis jaz-festivalma baTums musikalurad cxeli dReebi aCuqa. meoTxe sezonia Black Sea JAZZ Festival-s jeoseli mxarSi iseve erTgulad udgas, rogorc aTi wlis win, TbilisSi pirveli jazfestivalis dros. isTern fromouSenSi jeosels TanadgomisTvis emadlierebian da aRniSnaven, rom swored sponsorebis Tanadgomam gaxada SesaZlebeli koncertebze moxvedra sakmaod xelmisawvdomi. festivalis generaluri sponsori saqarTvelos bankis _ amerikan eqspresi, partniori ki kompania jeoseli gaxldaT. festivals mxars kulturis, ZeglTa dacvisa da sportis saministro da aWaris xelmZRvanelobac uWerda. ZviradRirebuli musikosebis koncertebze daswreba wels msmenels dReSi 50 lari daujda, Tanac TiTo dRes festivalis programa mayurebels 2 koncerts sTavazobda. gasuli festivalebis msgavsad wlevandeli programis monawileTa Semadgenlobac sakmaod warmomadgenlobiTi gaxldaT. 15 ivliss Black Sea Jazz Festival-i 14 wlis qarTvelma beqa goCiaSvilma gaxsna. ukve warmatebuli karieris mqone pianisti isTern fromouSenis gundisTvis namdvili aRmoCena gaxlavT. gasul Tves man Cik koreasTan erTadac ki daukra. beqa amerikaSi cxovrobs da samSobloSi niu-iorkidan amerikul triosTan erTad Camovida. drameri, romelic masTan erTad festivalze ukravda 2005 wels, herbi henkoks axlda Tbilisis jaz- festivalze. pirveli safestivalo dRis momdevno nawilSi scena jguf The Brand New Heaven-s daeTmo. es gaxlavT jgufi, romelic esid jazis pionerad iTvleba da romelic musikalur asparezze 1985 wels gamoCnda. Tavdapirvelad instumenturi trio gaxldaT, romelic iling iana kinkeidma (klaviSi, dasartyami instrumenti), saimon bartolomium (gitara) da endriu levim (klaviSi, basi) Camoayalibes. isini STagonebuli iyvnen jeims braunis, Meters-isa da The Crusaders-is SemoqmedebiT. Semdeg maleve vokalisti da pianisti SeemataT da pirveli singlic gamouSves. 1992 wels maTi pirveli albomi gamovida saxelwodebiT Heavy Rhyme Experience, Vol.1. amis Semdeg jgufis Semadgenlobam cvlilebebic ganicada. igi datova indie deverportma da jgufs sxva vokalisti Seemata. Tumca mogvianebiT indie deverporti jgufs daubrunda da 2006 wels Caiwera swored maTi grandiozuli albomi ,,Brother Sister. mokled, sityva rom ar gamigrZeldes, martivad getyviT, rom visac Jamiroquai-s musika moswons, The Brand New Heaviesic namdvilad moewona. stilisturi msgavsebis garda Jamiroquai -s solists am jgufTan erTi sensaciuri istoriac akavSirebs. Turme rodesac The Brand New Heaven-ma vokalistis adgilze konkursi gamoacxada, erT-erT mosmenaze dRes legendaruli (Tumca im dros naklebad cnobili) musikosi jei qeic misula, romlis mosmenis Semdeg jgufs mis ayvanaze uari uTqvams. amis Semdeg ki man ukve Tavisi jgufi Jamiroquai Seqmna. 16 ivlisis pirveli koncerti isev qarTvel Semsrulebels daeTmo. giorgi miqaZis trio qarTveli musikosebiT iyo dakompleqtebuli. axalgazrda musikosi Tavad klaviSze ukravs. aRsaniSnavia, rom giorgi seqtembridan amerikis erT-erT prestiJul musikalur skolaSi daiwyebs swavlas. misi niWiT

Music lovers compare pop performers with good photographers and jazzmen with good artists. It is a well-known fact that when many pop stars sing live, it is difficult to tell whether you are listening to their songs on a disc or if the singer is performing live. In fact, this is the best compliment for a pop singer; however, the situation is quite different with respect to jazz. Jazz is so improvisational that you never know in advance what the performer will offer you. Each real jazz concert is diverse and radically unique. Thanks to Eastern Promotion, Georgian listeners have not lacked the pleasure of being able to hear diverse music. This year too, the company has maintained its summer tradition and along with the Tbilisi Autumn Jazz Festival, offered its listeners some unforgettable evenings in the Black Sea town of Batumi. Within the framework of the 2010 Black Sea Jazz Festival, a lot of foreign stars have gemmed the creative orbit of Eastern Promotion. From July 15 to July 18 the Black Sea Jazz Festival held hot music days in Batumi. Geocell was once again a supporter of the Fourth Jazz Festival as it was 10 years ago, when the first jazz festival was held in Tbilisi. Eastern Promotion is very grateful to Geocell for its support and emphasizes that the sponsors contributions have made the concerts possible. The general sponsor of the festival was the Bank of Georgias American Express Card, while the Geocell was its partner. The festival was also supported by the Ministry of Culture, Monument Protection and Sports as well as the Adjarian leadership. A listener had to pay GEL 50 per day to attend concerts by famous musicians. It should also be noted that the festival program featured two concerts per day. Like previous festivals, the list of participants of this years festival was quite impressive too. The Black Sea Jazz Festival was opened by the 14-year-old Beka Gochiashvili on July 15. This successful pianist is a real discovery for Eastern Promotion. Last month he even performed with Chick Corea. Beka, who lives in the United States, arrived in his motherland from New York together with an American trio. The drummer, who played with him this year, accompanied Herbie Hancock to the Tbilisi Jazz Festival in 2005. The Brand New Heavies have performed in the second part of the first festival day. The band, formed in 1985, is considered to be a pioneer of acid jazz. The Brand New Heavies began as an instrumental trio established by Jan Kincaid (drums, keyboards) Simon Bartholomew (guitar) and Andrew Levy (bass, keyboards). They were inspired by the creative work of James Brown, The Meters and The Crusaders. Later, a vocalist and a pianist joined them and they released their first single. Their first album Heavy Rhyme Experience, Vol.1 was released in 1992. Afterwards the groups composition was changed. N'Dea Davenport left and another vocalist joined the group. However, later Davenport returned to the group and their grand album Brother Sister was recorded in 2006. In short, those who like Jamiroquais music certainly enjoyed the performance by The Brand New Heavies. Besides the stylistic similarity, the front man of Jamiroquai is linked with this group by one sensational story as well. It appears that when a competition was announced to fill a vacant position within the Brand New Heavies lineup, the famous musician Jay Kay (who was not so famous then) also decided to participate in the auditions. However, he was not chosen. Afterwards, he formed his own group named Jamiroquai. The first concert on July 16 was performed by Georgian acts. Giorgi Mikadzes trio is composed of Georgian musicians. The young musician himself plays the keyboards. It should be noted that from September Giorgi is going to continue his studies at one of the prestigious American music schools. His talent has fascinated the Americans so much that the American government decided to completely cover his educational
GEOCELL . Summer 2010


iq imdenad moxiblulan, rom swavlis dafinanseba sakuTar Tavze mTlianad amerikis mTavrobam aiRo. isTern fromouSenSi miiCneven, rom amerikaSi gamgzavrebamde Black Sea Jazz Festival-ze did jazmenebTan erTad gamosvla, giorgisTvis seriozuli rekomendaciac iqneba. meore koncerti amave dRes mesayvire roi hargroum gamarTa. misi kvintetis meSveobiT `ubralo melodiebi metad tkbil, harmoniul akordebSi moZraoben, rac Zalian did siamovnebasTanaa dakavSirebuli~. ase daaxasiaTa sakuTari gundis Semoqmedeba musikosma msmenelebisTvis Seqmnil erT-erT CanawerSi, sadac axali, grandiozuli albomis earfudis Sesaxeb saubrobda. jazis moyvarulebisTvis kargad nacnobi 38 wlis mesayvire damsaxurebulad moiazreba jazis varskvlavad. is aqtiurad icavs klasikuri jazis tradiciebs. misi musika gaxlavT mravalferovani baladebisa da cocxali elementebis narevi. hargroum festivalze standartuli jazi da sakmaod energiuli musika Seasrula. 17 ivliss jaz-rokis moyvarulebma samgzis gremis nominanti maik sternis musikiT isiamovnes, romelic baTums sakuTar bendTan erTad ewvia. man ocdaaTwliani karierisa da Tormetze meti progresuli Canaweris wyalobiT daimkvidra Tavisi Taobis mowinave jaz, jaz-fiuJen gitaristisa da kompozitoris saxeli. daibada 1953 wels bostonSi. gaizarda vaSingtonSi. 22 wlis asakSi gitaraze dakvra daiwyo jgufSi Blood, Sweat & Tears. jgufSi xanmokle periodi dahyo da Semdeg gadavida niu-iorkSi, sadac mails devisis jgufis ganuyofeli wevri xdeba. mis garda jgufSi basisti markus mileri, drameri el fosteri da sxva cnobili musikosebic Sediodnen. maik sterns iseTi gansxvavebuli Janris musikosebTan uTanamSromlia, rogorebic arian: erik kleptoni, devid boui, barbra streizandi... erTi sityviT, mravalferovnad daiwyo am musikosma kariera da ase agrZelebs dRemde. meore koncerti ki 17 ivliss sakmaod energiulma jgufma RH Factor -ma gamarTa. TxuTmetkaciani bendi eqskluziurad Savi zRvis jazfestivalisTvis roi hargroum amerikidan Camoiyvana. marTalia es jgufi jazis mimdevaria, magram jazTan erTad maT musikaSi Semavali soulis, fankisa Tu hip-hopis kombinirebuli elementebiT qarTvelma msmenelmac isiamovna. 18 ivliss festivali hiu masekelam daxura. wlevandeli festivalis monawileTa Soris is yvelaze veterani jazmenia, romelsac mravalmxrivi gamocdileba aqvs jazsamyaroSi, magram warmatebas miaRwia, rogorc msoflioSi erT-erTma pirvelma liderma fuJenis mimdinareobaSi. misi energiuli

expenses. Eastern Promotion believes that Giorgis performance at the Black Sea Jazz Festival before his departure to the United States was a serious recommendation for the young musician. The second concert was performed by Roy Hargrove. Owing to his quintet simple melodies move in very sweet, harmonic accords that is connected with a great pleasure, this is how the musician characterizes the creative work of his group in one of the records created for the listeners, where he talks about his grand album EARFOOD. For jazz lovers, the 38-year-old trumpeter deserves to be considered a jazz star. He actively observes the traditions of classical jazz. His music is a mixture of diverse ballades and live elements. Hargrove performed standard jazz and a very energetic music. On July 17 jazz-rock lovers had the pleasure of listening to Mike Stern, a three-time Grammy Award winner, who visited Batumi together with his band. Owing to his thirty-year career and over 12 progressive records, he has gained the status of a leading jazzman, jazz-fusion guitarist and composer. He was born in Boston in 1953. He grew up in Washington. He started playing guitar at the age of 22 in the group Blood, Sweat & Tears. He stayed in the group for a short period and then he moved to New York, where he became a member of Miles Davis group. Besides him, the group was composed of Marcus Miller (bass), El Foster (drums) and other famous musicians. Mike Stern has cooperated with a lot of musicians of various genres, such as: Eric Clapton, David Bowie, Barbra Streisand In one word, this musician has launched a diverse career and keeps this position until now. The second concert on July 17 was performed by an energetic group RH Factor. The15-member group from the United States was brought by Roy Hargrove exclusively for the Black Sea Jazz Festival. Although this is a jazz group, elements of soul, funk and hip hop featured in their music had also entertained Georgian listeners. On July 18 the festival was closed by Hugh Masekela. Among the participants of this years festival he was the most veteran jazzman with huge experience in jazz world, though he achieved success as one of the first leaders of fusion in the world. His energetic trumpet as well as his solos performed on flugelhorn were made in the contexts of pop,


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GEOCELL . Summer 2010


sayviri da Flugelhorn-ze Sesrulebuli soloebi pop, disko, afropopisa da jazis konteqstebSi damuSavda. mis SemoqmedebaSi aRmoaCenT rogorc afrikul, ise saerTaSoriso hitebs. hiu masekelam pianinoze dakvra bavSvobaSi daiwyo. ToTxmeti wlisa ki ukve sayvirzec ukravda. igi muSaobda msoflios mraval bendTan, musikas asrulebda afrikelebTan, afro-amerikelebTan, evropelebTan da sxvadasxva amerikel musikosebTan erTad. vinaidan wels fexburTis msoflio Cempionati samxreT afrikaSi Catarda, finalis wina dRes masekelam monawileoba miiRo did koncertSi rogorc maspinZelma da swored amis Semdeg gamoemarTa saqarTvelosken. safestivalo programis farglebs gareT, festivalis oficialur maspinZel sastumro SeratonSi oTxive safestivalo dRis bolos gaimarTa diskoTekebi da saRamoebi jazis Temaze. sagangebod am dReebisTvis baTumSi Camovida jgufi Nimo, romelic kanadelebisa da litvelebisgan Semdgari jem-bendia. festivalis monawileebisTvis da stumrebisTvis maT koncertebi sastumroSive gamarTes. namdvilad gaumarTlaT sastumro SeratonSi dabinavebul im stumrebs, romlebmac safestivalo dReebSi did jazmenebTan drois sasiamovnod gatareba moaxerxes. wlevandeli festivali `isTern fromouSenis~ marketingis direqtorma kaxa kandelakma amgvarad Seafasa: jazfestivalis done da xarisxi yovelwliurad izrdeba. wlevandel festivalze msmenelTa yvelaze didi raodenoba iyo, rac maRali donis Semsruleblebis stumrobam ganapiroba. festivali yvela Taobisa da gemovnebis adamianze iyo gaTvlili. vTvli, rom msmenelma Zalian isiamovna. mixaria, rom isTern fromouSeni Tavis sponsorebTan erTad, xels uwyobs baTumis ekonomikis ganviTarebas. festivalis mimdinareobisas Cven mier 80 adgilobrivi adamiani dasaqmda. aseve gaizarda turistebis raodenoba baTumSi. imedi gvaqvs aRmasvla ar SeCerdeba da yovel wels ukeTes festivals SevTavazebT jazis moyvarulebs. didi madloba minda vuTxra yvelas, vinc mxarSi gvidgas. aseTi gaxldaT 2010 wlis Black Sea Jazz Festival- is musikaluri meniu _ datvirTuli da sazafxulo ganwyobisTvis Sesaferisi. jazis moyvarulTa ovacia da aplodismentebi, musikosebis garda im kompaniebsac ekuTvnoda, romelTa Zalisxmevamac SesaZlebeli gaxada cocxlad moesminaT is Semsruleblebi, romelTa musikamac maT zRvaze gatarebuli dauviwyari dReebi aCuqa.

disco, Afro-pop and jazz music. In his repertoire, one can find both African and international hits. Masakela started to play piano in his childhood, and by 14 he was already playing the trumpet. He has cooperated with numerous world bands including African, Afro-American, European and various American musicians. Since South Africa has hosted the World Football Championship this year, the day before the finale Masakela had participated in a grand concert as the host and afterwards, he left for Georgia. On the sideline of the festival, the Sheraton Hotel, an official host of the festival, held jazz evenings at the end of all the four festival days. The group Nimo, consisting of Canadian and Lithuanian musicians, arrived in Batumi specifically for these days. They held concerts for the participants and guests of the festival in the hotel. So, those guests, who stayed at the Sheraton Hotel, had a really good time during the festival days. Eastern Promotions Marketing Director Kakha Kandelaki tried to evaluate this years festival and noted: The level and quality of the jazz festival improves each year. This years festival was attended by the biggest number of listeners yet, which was caused by the high level of the performing acts. The festival was intended for people of different ages and musical tastes. I think that the listeners enjoyed it very much. I am glad that Eastern Promotion together with its sponsors supports the development of the economics of Batumi. During the festival, 80 local citizens were employed. The number of tourists in Batumi increased as well. We hope that this progress will not stop as we are trying to deliver the better festival to the listeners each year. I would like to thank everyone who supports us. So, this was the musical menu of the 2010 Black Sea Jazz Festival full and appropriate for a summer flavor. In addition to the performers, ovations and applauses of jazz-lovers undoubtedly belonged to the organizers and partner companies of the festival too. Since their hard efforts made it possible for the listeners to enjoy live music, making the days spent at the sea unforgettable.


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GEOCELL . Summer 2010


eqsperimenti _ katapultireba

adgili _ qalaqi Tbilisi dro _ 2010 wlis zafxuli xangrZlivoba _ erTi dRe koduri saxelwodeba _ mayvali mizani _ davadginoT, ratom bleqberi? eqsperimenti _ dRiuri _ erTi dRe bleqberis gareSe

Place: Tbilisi Time: Summer 2010 Duration: One Day Codename: Blackberry Goal: To Ascertain Why Blackberry? Experiment: Diary One Day without BlackBerry

Experiment: Ejection

komunikaciis samyaro ukideganoa, ai, ise, rogorc kompiuterul TamaSebSia, gaqvs burTi da moZraob umisamarTod, Seni mizania ipovo gza, SeinarCuno wonasworoba an mieyrdno kedels, winaaRmdeg SemTxvevaSi, burTi vardeba arsaiT, ganzomilebaSi sazRvrebs gareSe. rodis gadavvardiT? maSin, roca Tanamedrove adamiani teqnikam moicva, erT did saerTo qselSi Caeba da dagegmva-ganxorcielebis procesi yoveldRiurobad aqcia. dro jer dReebad daiyo, saaTebad, mere wuTebad, 60 wuTis 3600 wamad, Semdeg gagzavnili Setyobinebidan gasagzavn gzavnilamde arsebul Sualedad, martivad _ teqno-paTiad; teqnologia, romelic aZlevs saSualebas adamianebs darCnen iseT mWidro kontaqtSi, rom es ukve telepaTias emsgavseba. korpusi plastmasisaa, saxuravi dafarulia tyavismagvari materiiT, plastikati sxvadasxva tipis da faqturis, winidan lakirebuli da barxatiseburi ukana foniT. cerad ganlagebuli patara Savi wertilebi, rkalSi moqceuli kenkrovani marcvlebi TeTri laqebiT. SeiZleba miamsgavso mxolod mayvals, romlis dagemovnebisas Seityob imas, rac ar ici, arada unda icode, Tanamedrove drois ritmSi xar da veraferi amogagdebs sakuTari nebiT, Tumca... dRe mis gareSe... sociologiurma kompania IFORS-ma Caatara kvleva, romelic miznad isaxavda imis garkvevas, Tu romeli teqnikuri mowyobilobis gareSe ver gaZlebda Tanamedrove adamiani erT dResac? gamokiTxulTa 60%-ma Tqva, rom Tanamedrove adamiani ver SeZlebs icxovros telefonis gareSe. mobilurze damokidebuleba pirdapir dakavSirebulia asakTan, gamokiTxulTa 72% 18-24 wlamde asakis momxmarebelia, saSualo asakis 35-44 _ 65%, 60 wels gadacilebuli _ 39%. me im 72%-is patara, magram ukve ganuyofeli nawili var. informaciuli vakuumis garRvevas vcdilob da araferi gamomdis. ra iyo martivi da ra garTulda? siswrafe, simartived qceuli

The world of communications has no limits. Just like a computer game, you have an icon and you can move without any real direction; you simply have the goal to find the way, to maintain balance or even just lean against the wall; if you dont move, your icon will fall nowhere, into a dimension without any limits. When did we fall down? We fell down just when the modern person got overwhelmed by technology, when we got connected to one big common network and turned the planning and implementation process into a daily routine. First, time was divided into hours, then into minutes, 60 minutes into 3600 seconds, then into a period between the sent and unsent messages, simply speaking into technopathy; technology that enables people to remain in such close contact that it already starts to resemble telepathy. The device is made of plastic, covered with a leather-type material; plastic of various types and texture, patent-leather in the front and velvet on the back. The phone has small black points, small berries with white spots located in a circle. You can catch a likeness to a blackberry and while tasting it you will learn what you do not know, though you should know it; you are in a rhythm of modern time and nothing will push you out of this rhythm, though A day without it The sociological company IFORS recently conducted research designed to ascertain without which technological device a modern person could not live without, even for one day. 60% of respondents said that a modern person would not be able to live without a mobile phone. Dependence on a mobile phone is directly linked to age. 72% of respondents were users aged between 18 and 24 years; 65% - 35-44 years and 39% - over 60 years. I am a small but already integral part of those 72%. I try to break through the information vacuum but I fail to do it. What


jeoseli . zafxuli 2010

simravle, survilisamebr gaxarjuli Tavisufleba, ubralod meti dro cxovrebisaTvis ritmidan amovardnis gareSe. katapultireba. arcerTi safosto yuTi, maSin roca yvelaze metad gWirdeba miiRo gzavnilebi da upasuxo maT! me aseTi 10 safosto yuTi maqvs, TiToeul maTganze miRebul nebismier gzavnils erT cimcima ekranze vxedav, es ki saukeTeso gamosavalia uimedod drois uqonelTaTvis. Cemi telefoni idealuradaa morgebuli internetiT sargeblobaze; gaaCnia ramdenime tipis brauzeri da serfingi internet sivrceSi axla yvelaze metad menatreba. gzad informacias vagroveb da SeuzRudav mexsierebas vandob. informacia ikumSeba da usasrulo sivrceSi wesrigs qmnis. momwons myisieri el. fosta, romelic uzrunvelyofs el. gzavnilebis im wamis measedebSi miRebas, romelsac paraleluad sxva saqmianobasac vandomeb. Tu kompiuteris gareSe iyo warmoudgeneli cxovreba, axla telefonma misi funqciebic SeiTavsa da rac namdvilad aRar mrCeba saxlSi, dRes ukve mobiluria. meilze mibmuli failis CamotvirTvisa da Senaxvis SesaZlebloba, Cveuli klaviatura da maRali xarisxis swrafi muSaobis unari _ mayvlis marcvlebi komunikaciis Sedevria, romelic Tavis TavSi rTul eleqtrul mini sqemebs da vizualur esTetizms aerTianebs. me mas ukve Zalian miveCvie. mis gareSe mowyenilobisgan isic ki maxsendeba, rom korporaciuli istoria venesuelaSi viTardeba. swored aq aris erT-erTi yvelaze didi mayvlis plantacia. oRond es komunikaciis mdeloa da mayvalic erT-erTi yvelaze mZlavri, swrafi da efeqturi komunikatoria. warmatebuli firma Sidakomunikaciis xarisxis amaRlebisa da daculobis mizniT bleqberis yvela serviss iyenebs. warmatebis didi kanaduri istoria Tanamedrove leonardo da vinCma SeTxza. maikl lezeridisi Tanamedroveobis erT-erTi saukeTeso miRwevis bleqberis Semqmnelia. pirveli namdvili mayvlis dabadebidan 10 welze meti gavida. mas Semdeg xelovnuri goneba ganviTarda da mwvervalebi daipyro. manamde ki ar arsebobda infrastruqtura, romelic iyo aucilebeli mayvlis normaluri muSaobisTvis, Tumca, bleqberis mwarmoeblebma bazari manamde daikaves, sanam momxmarebeli saWiroebas igrZnobda. scado axali da eZio ukeTesi _ es is devizia, romliTac maiklma urTierTobaSi myofi msoflio daipyro da martivi komunikaciis planetaSi sicocxle aRmoaCina. axlis ZiebaSi da arsebulis daxvewaSi barkodis samyaroc Seiqmna. mayvlis planetaze yvelas individualuri da ganumeorebeli barkodi aqvs, es dnm-s msgavsia, romlis amocnobis da misi meSveobiT povnis unari mxolod bleqbers aqvs. mTeli es sinqronizebuli samyaro imisTvis Seiqmna, rom racionaluri drois xarjviT sasargeblo SeuTavsoT sasiamovnos. fuWad dakarguli erTi dRis Semdeg mayvali damibrunes. feradi aplikaciebi erTdroulad ainTnen, Windows Live Messenger, Facebook, MySpace _ cxovrebas davubrundi. socialuri qselis mocimcime eleqtrodad viqeci. da me gavuge maikl lezeridiss _ eleqtrooba iqca TiTqmis Cems instinqtad, me vgrZnobdi rogor miedinebodnen CemSi eleqtronebi. katapultirebis Semdeg planetaze inerciiT dabrunebuli vambob: bleqberis, rogorc mxolod mobiluris gamoyeneba SeiZleba im avtomrbolels Seadaro, romelic manqanas saburavebis gareSe flobs. sakomunikacio rbolaSi Cven finiSamde aucileblad mivalT, radgan salaparako dro 6-7 saaTiT, lodinis reJimi ki 15-17 dRiT ganisazRvreba. SeadareT.

was simple and what has become more complicated? Speed and abundance turned into simplicity and freedom spent in compliance with your wishes, allows more time for living without the loss of a usual rhythm. Ejection Not a single mailbox, especially when you really need to receive messages and answer them! I have 10 such mailboxes and I see any message received by any of them on one twinkling screen. This is the best way out for those people who have no time. My mobile phone is well adjusted to Internet consumption; it has several types of browsers and now I miss surfing the Internet most of all. On my way I collect information and trust it to unlimited memory. Information is compressed and it creates order out of endless space. I like push e-mail, which provides the reception of e-mails in a hundredth of a second, during which I simultaneously do something else. If previously it was unimaginable to live without a computer, now the mobile phone has combined in itself the functions of a computer. So, what I never leave at home today is my mobile phone. The possibility of downloading and saving the files attached to the main keyboard and the capability to work quickly and qualitatively the BlackBerry is a masterpiece of communication, which combines both complex electronic mini-schemes and visual aesthetics. I have already become quite accustomed to it When I feel sad, I recollect the fact that a corporate history is developing in Venezuela. This is where the biggest blackberry plantation is located, but it is a field of communication and BlackBerry is one of the most powerful, effective and quickest communicators. A successful firm uses all services offered by BlackBerry to raise the quality of its internal communications and insure its safety. A great Canadian success story was invented by modern Leonardo da Vinci. Mike Lazaridis is the founder and co-CEO of Research In Motion (RIM), which created and manufactures the BlackBerry wireless device. Ten years have passed since the creation of the first real BlackBerry. Since then, an artificial mind has been developed which has conquered many peaks. Before that, certain infrastructure was necessary for BlackBerrys normal functioning; however, the manufacturers of BlackBerry occupied the market before most consumers felt its necessity. Try a new one and look for better this is the slogan with which Mike Lazaridis conquered the world and created life in a simple communications planet. A barcode world was created in search of something new and improving on the already existing one. Everybody has an individual and unique barcode on planet BlackBerry; it is like DNA and only BlackBerry is capable of recognizing it. This entirely synchronized world was created in order to combine the useful with the pleasant through the rational management of time. So, my BlackBerry was returned back to me after one squandered day. Colorful applications lit up simultaneously Windows Live Messenger , Facebook, MySpace- I returned to my usual life. I have become a twinkling electrode of social network. And I understood Mike Lazaridis Electricity has almost become my instinct; I felt how electrons were flowing in my body. Upon returning to the planet after ejection I say: Using BlackBerry simply as a mobile phone can be compared with that auto racer who drives a car without any tires. We will definitely reach the finish in the communications race, as talk-time will be defined as 6-7 hours and standby time as 15-17 days. Just compare!

GEOCELL . Summer 2010


avtori: Tamar burjanaZe

monarqebisa da bibliis aromati

The Fragrance of Monarchs and the Bible

By Tamar Burjanadze
The time of jasmine blossoms has come, I have heard. The phrase almond and plum trees have burst into bloom, I also know. But I have never heard about the lavender blossom until I saw this marvelous phenomenon with my own eyes. This happened in Provence, France. From the road winding among the meadows, the lavender plantation looked like a big lilac stain. But when we approached it, we saw a smooth, even and colorful plain of purple flowers and green leaves consisting of millions of layers that joined the horizon far, far away. I have never before seen such a distinct boundary between the sky and the earth. There was a thin line dividing endless purple and clear blue. One year has passed since I viewed this scene, and right as you browse through this magazine that meadow is now probably blooming just as madly as before. June is the time when the lavender blossoms. Lavender is one of the most purple, beautiful and useful of all curative flowers. This is why I remember lavender at this period of time but we will tell you more about these exotic and, in fact, very Georgian flowers in our future editions as well. But for now remember that the lavender is blooming. If landscape design is not a foreign topic for you, you may know much more than me regarding in which countries and in which conditions lavender is used. As far as I know, lavender is an inalienable part of the English garden and now of the Georgian garden as well. Of course, here I mean private gardens,

iasamnis yvavilobis dro dadgao, gamigia. nuSi ayvavda da tyemlis xe afeTqdao _ esec, TavisTavad. arasdros mqonda gagebuli _ lavanda gaifurCqnao, vidre es ulamazesi sanaxaoba, leqsikaSi gamjdari yovelgvari idiomebis gareSe, pirdapir, ar vnaxe. es safrangeTSi, provansSi iyo. mindvrebs Soris mimavali gzatkecilidan lavandebis plantacia erT did iasamnisfer laqad moCanda, miaxloebis Semdeg ki gluvi, Tanabari da feradi zedapiri iasamnisferi yvavilebisa da mwvane foTlebis milion Sred daiyo da Sors, Zalian Sors, lamis horizonts SeuerTda. aseTi sazRvari cas da miwas Soris mas mere aRar minaxavs. es iyo iasamnisferi Tvaluwvdeneli mindvrisa da lurji, kamkama cis sazRvari. mas mere erTi weli gavida. is mindori ki, zustad axla, roca Tqven am Jurnals aTvalierebT, albaT isev ise giJurad yvavis. ivnisi lavandebis yvavilobis droa _ erT-erTi yvelaze iasamnisferi, yvelaze samkurnalo, mSvenieri da sasargeblo yvavilis. amitomac gamaxsenda lavanda maincdamainc axla, Torem Zalian ucnaur, Zalian iasamnisfer, Zalian egzotikur anda sulac Zalian qarTul iasamnisfer yvavilebze Jurnalis Semdeg nomrebSic giambobT, Tanac iseT ambebs, manamde maT Sesaxeb bevri rom araferi gsmeniaT. axla ki, xom gaxsovT? lavandebi yvavian. Tu landSaftis dizaini TqvenTvis nacnobi Temaa, maSin albaT Cemze metic gecodinebaT imis Sesaxeb, Tu romel qveyanaSi, ra tipis niadagSi, rogori drenaJisa da mzis pirobebSi, ra stilis urbanul garemoSi iyeneben lavandas gare dekoris gasalamazeblad. me ki gamigia, rom lavanda inglisuri baRis ganuyofeli nawilia. iseve, rogorc _ axla ukve qarTuli baRebis. kerZo baRebs vgulisxmob, ra Tqma unda, iseTebs,


jeoseli . zafxuli 2010

GEOCELL . Summer 2010


adamianebi sakuTari saxlebis win, sakuTari siamovnebisTvis rom aSeneben, Torem, Tundac varSavisgan gansxvavebiT, Tbiliss sajaro, municipaluri baRebi erTis garda, mgoni, arc aqvs... asea Tu ise, rogorc floristebma miTxres, lavanda CvenTanac Semodis modaSio, danarCen msoflioSi ki es mindvris yvavili modidan arc arasdros gadasula. is mudam modis nawili iyo, daaxloebiT im droidan moyolebuli, roca egvipteSi piramidebs aSenebdnen, keisrebi keisrobdnen, didgvarovnebi ki lavandis samkurnalo aromatiT ixsnidnen stress, irCendnen Tavis tkivils, anda ubralod _ keTilsurnelebisTvis am mcenariT izeldnen tans. aris aseTi faqtic: roca 1922 wels, tutanxamonis samarxi gaxsnes, mecnierebma, sxva saintereso nivTebTan erTad, dabeWdil urnebSi aRmoaCines kremic, romelic Zalian waagavda lavandas da, rac mTavaria, is 3 aTasi wlis Semdegac ki afrqvevda sakmaod Zlier aromats. am ambis wakiTxvis Semdeg TiTqmis davijere erTi Zveli egvipturi legendac, rom dedofalma kleopatram swored lavandis yvavilebi gamoiyena imisTvis, rom iulius keisari da markus antoniusi ecdunebina... aseTi Zlieri moqmedebis mqone mcenares egvipteSi, samefo ojaxis warmomadgenlebi da qurumebi iyenebdnen, rogorc kosmetikas, zeTs masaJisTvis, anda rogorc wamals. Zvelegvipturi wesis mixedviT, didgvarovnebi lavandis kremis mozrdil porciebs Tavze idebdnen, kremi dneboda, saxesa da tanze iRvenTeboda da ase jdeboda lavandas Tavbrudamxvevi aromati mTel sxeulSi didi xniT. kosmetikisa da aromaTerapiis egviptur tradiciebs Semdeg berZnebic daeuflnen. cxadia, gavrcelda codna lavandis jadosnuri Tvisebebis Sesaxebac. erTi berZeni fizikosi Cv.w.aR.-mde mesame saukuneSi mis Sesaxeb aromatebis wignSic werda. Tumca, berZnebma lavandisa da zogadad aromaTerapiis codnaSi cvlileba mainc Seitanes. Zveli egviptelebisgan gansxvavebiT, romelTac sjerodaT, rom surneli sxeulSi gansakuTrebiT kargad jdeba, Tuki Sezelvas Tavidan daiwyeb, berZnebi sunamos terfebSi izeldnen. filosofosi diogene werda: Tuki sunamos TavSi Seizel, is haerSi gaifanteba da mis surnels Citebi SeigrZnoben mxolod, xolo Tu sunamoTi davizel terfebs, is SemoeWdoba mTel Cems sxeuls da mere Cems nestoebamde amaRldeba. anakreonti ki berZnebs urCevda, sunamo mkerdTan waesvaT, radgan mkerdSi feTqavda guli... Semdeg ukve Zveli romaelebi daeuflnen lavandis codnas. lavandas iyenebdnen recxvisas, rac tansacmelsa da TeTreuls Tavbrudamxvev surnels aniWebda, lavandas iyenebdnen mwerebisgan Tavis dasacavad da Wrilobebis samkurnlodac ki. berZenma samxedro fizikosma dioskoridesma Cv.w.aR.-iT 77 wels, romaeli imperatoris neronis mmarTvelobis dros, xmelTaSua zRvispireTSi samkurnalo mcenareebi Seagrova da 5-tomian naSromSi De Materia Medica saTiTaod aRwera TiToeuli maTganis unikaluri Tviseba. mecnieri lavandis Sesaxeb werda, rom Tuki Sinaganad miiRebdi am mcenares, Tavis tkivilisa da yelis tkivilisgan ganikurnebodi. garegani miRebis dros ki, lavanda mogiSuSebda Wrilobebs da gagisufTavebda kans yvelanairi gaRizianebisgan. amitom iyo, rom romael jariskacebs lavanda sul Tan dahqondaT, brZolaSi miRebuli iarebi rom moerCinaT. amasobaSi qalebi lavandis totebs iatakebze fendnen, saxlSi sasiamovno surneli rom hqonodaT, zogjer mis totebs sawolis TavTan ikidebdnen, radgan sjerodaT, rom lavanda aRvivebda vnebas, sasuliero pirebi ki am mcenares religiur ritualebSi iyenebdnen. TandaTan codna lavandis Sesaxeb ufro daixvewa. lavandac sul ufro meti sayofacxovrebo situaciis ganuyreli nawili gaxda; lavandis surnelebiT iJRinTeboda tansacmeli, logini, omSi wasaRebi didi droSebi, saxlebis kedlebi... berZeni enciklopedisti ki werda, rom lavanda sas-

which people create for their own pleasure and not public gardens, because unlike Warsaw, for example, Tbilisi does not yet have well-maintained public, municipal gardens (except one I think)... Tbilisi florists have recently told me that lavender is finally becoming trendy in Georgia, whereas throughout the rest of the world it has been in fashion since antiquity. Lavender started to become popular approximately from the time when the Egyptians built the Great Pyramids, and the Caesars ruled in Rome. Noblemen used lavender to remove a headache or rubbed their bodies with this flower simply for its favorable smell. The fact is that when the tomb of Tutankhamen was opened in 1922, among the many interesting items discovered, the scientists found a cream that very much resembled lavender. What is noteworthy is that even after three thousand years, it still had quite a strong aroma. After reading this story I nearly believe an old Egyptian legend which says that Queen Cleopatra used lavender flowers to tempt Julius Caesar and Marcus Antonius In Egypt, this plant was used by the royal family and priests as a cosmetic, a massage oil and a medicine. According to an old Egyptian custom, noblemen put big portions of lavender cream on their heads. The cream melted, came down over their bodies and the dizzying aroma of lavender would stay with them for a long time. After the Egyptians it was the Greeks who mastered the traditions of cosmetics and aromatherapy. The word spread about lavenders magic qualities. One Greek physicist wrote about lavender in the 3rd century B.C. in the book of aromas. The Greeks made a contribution to the knowledge of lavender and aromatherapy in general. Unlike the Egyptians who believed that the aroma sits well on the body if you start by putting its cream on the head, the Greeks rubbed the cream on their feet. Diogenes wrote: If you put fragrance on your head, it will spread into the air and only the birds will smell it, but if you rub your feet with it, it will spread up the whole body all the way to the nostrils. Anacreon advised Greeks to put fragrance on the chest because there was a heart beating in it Later it was Romans who continued to deepen the use and knowledge of lavender. It was used in washing as it gave clothes a dizzying aroma. Lavender was used to protect people from insects and to cure wounds. In 77 A.D. during the rule of Emperor Nero, the Greek military physicist Dioscorides collected curative plants in the Mediterranean and described their unique qualities in a 5-volume work titled De Materia Medica. He wrote that eating lavender cured both headache and sore throat. According to the scientist, applying lavender on the skin cured wounds and skin irritations. That is why Roman soldiers carried lavender with them at all times to apply it on the wounds they received in battles. In the meantime, women put lavender branches in their houses to keep a pleasant aroma around. Sometimes lavender was put near the bed because it was thought to ignite passion. Religious people used it in religious rituals. With time, more and more knowledge about lavender accumulated and the plant became an inalienable part of everyday


jeoseli . zafxuli 2010

argebloa menstrualuri problemebisa da RviZlis daavadebebis samkurnalodac. Cv.w.aR.-iT meSvide saukunidan arenaze ukve arabebi gamoCndnen. meaTe saukuneSi ki lavandas ukve arabi mecnieri, avicenac aqebda, swavlobda da mis axal-axal Tvisebebze mianiSnebda. arabebma es mcenare espaneTSic Seitanes, saidanac is Semdeg mTel evropaSi gavrcelda. lavandis zogierTi saxeobis samSoblo ki imave periodidan saerTodac arabeTi gaxda. lavandas arc legendebi aklia. erT-erTi qristianuli legendis mixedviT, lavanda, romelic sul sxva saxelwodebiT bibliaSic xSirad gvxvdeba, edemis baRSic xarobda. da roca adami da eva baRidan gamoagdes, maT Tan lavandis totebi wamoiRes _ sasowarkveTisgan rom gankurnebuliyvnen. meore qristianuli legendis mixedviT ki, RvTismSobelma mariamma yrma iesos perangi lavandis buCqze gadakida gasaSrobad da swored maSin SeiZina am buCqma Tavisi Tavbrudamxvevi surneli. albaT, swored am legendiT aixsneba is, rom zogierT qristianul kulturaSi lavandas boroti Zalebisgan mfarvel mcenaredac aRiqvamen. saxlebis karze ki lavandis totebisgan dawnul jvrebs kideben. lavandis religiuri reputacia kidev ufro amaRlda me-17 saukuneSi, londonis cnobili Savi Wiris dros. londonelebs maSin swamdaT, rom Tuki lavandis yvavils majaze samajuriviT daimagrebdnen, momakvdinebeli senisgan daculebi iqnebodnen. am mcenaris unikaluri Tviseba marodiorebmac gamoscades da roca mkvdrebs Zarcvavdnen, xelebs specialur siTxeSi isvelebdnen, romlis SemadgenlobaSic lavandac Sedioda da cxedrisgan sens ar ikidebdnen. msubuqi, haerovani, grili, cincxali, yvavilovani _ ase axasiaTeben im surnels, romelsac lavanda ukve qimiuri damuSavebis Semdeg gamohyofs da dRes uamrav cnobil sunamoSi gvxvdeba. mas parfiumerebi 180 sxvadasxva kombinaciaSi iyeneben da TiToeul am SemTxvevaSi erTxmad aRiareben, rom lavanda sunamos msubuq sitkbosa da yvavilovan aqcents aniWebs. es codnac adamianebs lamis genetikurad dahyvebaT, radgan jer kidev Sua saukuneebSi safrangeTis mefe Sarl meeqvse sadac ar unda wasuliyo, Tan aucileblad mihqonda lavandis keTilsurnelovani yvavilebiT savse baliSebi. inglisis dedofali elizabet pirveli ki Tavis mzareuls erT ucvlel moTxovnas uyenebda: samefo sufraze yovel mizez gareSe unda yofiliyo lavandis konservi. garda amisa, wlis nebismier dros sasaxleSi aucileblad unda hqonoda lavandis cincxali Taigulebi, rac warmoudgeneli sirTulis misia iyo mebaRisTvis _ Tuki inglisis klimats gaviTvaliswinebT. lavanda iyo lui meToTxmetes axirebac _ ufro sworad ki, lavandis aromatuli da stresis momxsneli abazanebi. dedofali viqtoria lavandis deodorants iyenebda, dedoflebi elizabet pirveli da elizabet meore ki arasdros Ralatobdnen lavandis higienur saSualebebs, romelTac Zveli londonuri firma Yardley and Co. awarmoebda. Yardley and Co. _ esec istoriuli saxelia, radgan am firmam popularuli mcenaris, lavandis kosmetikaSi gamoyeneba TiTqmis pirvelma, 1770 wlidan daiwyo da meTvramete saukunis inglisel didgvarovnebs lavandis surnelovani sapnebi da deodorantebi SesTavaza. inglisi dRemde rCeba lavandis kosmetikuri saSualebebis erT-erT mTavar mwarmoeblad, Tumca, msoflios lideria provansic _ adgili, sadac pirvelad gadaveyare am Tavbrudamxvevi surnelebis mqone yvavilebis uzarmazar iasamnisfer plantacias yvelaze ucnaur sazRvarze casa da miwas Soris _ roca erTmaneTs bunebrivad erwymoda miwieri iasamnisferi da zeciuri lurji...

life. Lavender was used to give a nice smell to clothes, beds, big army flags, home walls The Greek encyclopedia author wrote that lavender was also good for treating menstrual and liver problems. From the 7th century A.D., the Arabs enter the picture. In the 10th century, the Arab scientist Avicenna pointed to new qualities of lavender. The Arabs introduced this plant to Spain from where it spread across the rest of Europe. Arabia became home to some of the varieties of lavender. There are a number of legends about lavender. According to a Christian legend, lavender, which is mentioned in the Bible under a different name, grew in the Garden of Eden. When Adam and Eva were thrown out of Eden, they took branches of lavender with them to help them survive their despair. According to another Christian legend, the Virgin Mary put a shirt of the child Jesus on a lavender bush to dry it and this is when lavender acquired its dizzying aroma. This is perhaps this legend that explains why lavender is considered by many as a protector plant from evil forces. This is why crosses made of lavender are hung on the doors. The religious reputation of lavender was taken to another level in the 17th century during the infamous Black Death in London. Back then Londoners believed that if they put a lavender flower on their wrist, they would be protected from the deadly plague. Even looters used lavender when robbing the dead. They put a special liquid on their hands (with lavender in it) and thus safeguarded themselves from catching the disease from the dead men. Light, airy, cool, fresh, blooming this is how the fragrance is described after lavender is processed. It is found in many famous modern fragrances today. Perfume makers use lavender in 180 different combinations and in each case they admit that lavender gives perfume a light sweetness and blooming scent. In medieval times, the French King Charles VI carried pillows full of lavender flowers wherever he went. The English Queen Elizabeth I had one demand to her chef at all times: no matter what, the royal table had to have a can of lavender. Besides, she had to have fresh lavender bunches in her palace which was a difficult task for gardeners taking into account the English climate. Lavender was a favorite whim of Louis XIV. He loved to have relaxing and aromatic lavender baths. Queen Victoria used lavender deodorant, while queens Elizabeth I and Elizabeth II never used any other hygienic means but the ones produced by the old London firm Yardley and Co. from lavender. Yardley and Co. is an historic name because this firm was the first to start to use lavender in cosmetics in 1770. It offered aromatic lavender soaps and deodorants to 18th century English noblemen. Although England still is one of the major producers of lavender cosmetics, Provence is among the leaders as well. It was here that I came across the huge purple plantation of dizzying flowers that amazingly united the heavenly blue sky and the naturally purple earth

GEOCELL . Summer 2010


xidi qalaqSi
avtori: nino kalandia

Bridge in the City

By Nino Kalandia


jeoseli . zafxuli 2010

GEOCELL . Summer 2010


goga barbaqaZe/maia doborjginiZe


Goga Barbakadze/Maia Doborjginidze


dekoraciebi studiaSi saxeldaxelod igeba, ganaTeba montaJdeba da gadamRebi jgufic saWiro pozicias ikavebs. axla jeri msaxiobebzea. maTTvis es axali da jer kidev ucnobi samyaroa. gmirebi swored TamaSis procesSi Camoyalibdebian, cxovreba patara saxlSi, centralur quCaze, Sua qalaqSi iwyeba. ojaxSi dabadebis dRisTvis mzadebaa... nerviulobas, romelic siaxles Tan sdevs, mxiaruli emociiT faraven, dResaswaulis aRniSvnas axla baTumidan Camosuli kidev erTi axali personaJi SeuerTdeba, is cota xanSi zustad am saxlSi daidebs binas da aqedan didxans ar wava, axla ki yvavilebiT xelSi dekoratiuli sadarbazos SesasvlelSi dgas da Tavis gasvlas elodeba. xids aqeT, ukve realur samyaroSi isev sadarbazoa, isev is ymawvili TaiguliT xelSi, mxolod im gansxvavebiT, rom es axalgazrda Cveul misamarTze wlebis ganmavlobaSi ivlis da yoveldRiurad sadarbazoSi sayvareli adamianisTvis yvavilebs datovebs, yoveldRe _ axals da gansxvavebuls. warmosaxviTi xidi Sua qalaqSi uamravia, is sxvadasxva samyaros erTmaneTTan akavSirebs, aerTianebs realobas da ocnebas, irealurs da saocrebas, siyvaruls da sayvarel saqmes. xidi Cveni gmirebis ori samyaros damakavSirebelia, xids iqiT Tqven maT yovel SabaT-kviras stumrobT, xids aqeT ki is samyaroa, romelSic maTi realuri siyvarulis istoria viTardeba.

Decorations are being constructed in the studio hastily, illumination is being installed and the TV crew is taking the necessary position. Now, the ball is with the artists. It is a new and strange environment for them. The heroes will be formed just in the process of playing; life starts in a small house, in the central street, in the middle of the city. The family is getting ready for a birthday party they try to cover their nervousness that accompanies any novelty with joyful emotion; another new hero, who arrived from Batumi, will join the party; he will settle down in this apartment quite soon and will not leave it for a long time. Now, he is standing at the decorated entrance with flowers in his hands and waiting for his appearance. On the other side of the bridge, in the real world there is an entrance again, and the same guy with the flowers in his hands; but the only difference is that this young guy will be going to the usual address for many years and will be leaving new and different flowers for the beloved person at the entrance everyday. There are a lot of imaginary bridges in the middle of the city; they connect various worlds with each other, they unite reality and dream, unreality and mystery, love and favorite job. The bridge is a link between the two worlds of our heroes; you can visit them every weekend on the other side of the bridge, while on this side of the bridge there is the world, where the story of their real love is developing.


jeoseli . zafxuli 2010

goga bavSvobidan sxvadasxva rols irgebda, anu warmosaxviT xidze xSirad gadadioda, Semdeg es samyaro misTvis Cveul da erTaderT samyofelad iqca, radganac sayvarel saqmesTan erTad xids iqiT siyvaruli ipova. kari iReba da erTi adamiani Senobidan gamodis, am dros meore adamiani amave karis gavliT SenobaSi Sedis, maTi mzera wamiT ikveTeba, orive maTgani quCis mxares xmaurs scildeba da karic maT zurgs ukan iketeba. roca gogam Teatralur institutSi Caabara, maiko ukve did scenaze idga da sadiplomo speqtaklze muSaobas iwyebda. mere ki maiko arsad wavida, kari Signidan moixura da jgufis xelmZRvanelis asistentad dainiSna, Salva gawerelia axali Taobis aRzrdas aRzrdilebis paralelurad iwyebda. pirveli mcdeloba rom ar gamarTleboda, albaT msaxiobic ar gamovidoda: goga yovelTvis erT cdas iyenebs da mis gansaxorcieleblad bolomde ixarjeba. nerviulobis gamo bundovnad axsovs misaRebi gamocdebi, Tumca maxeSi gabmulma gedma reJisor levan wulaZisgan da jgufis xelmZRvanelisgan umaRlesi qula daimsaxura. am wamidan dasrulda yvelaferi, rac Teatraluri universitetis kedlebs gareT iyo, gogam Tavis samyaroSi yovelive sasurveli Seitana da sayvarel saqmes Seudga, mis cxovrebaSi yvelaze mTavari ki am kedlebSi aRmoaCina. es emociiT moxda, TavisTavad da bunebrivad, urTierToba daiwyo, Semdeg garTulda da gamdidrda.

Goga has been trying to play various roles from his childhood, i.e. he was passing across the imaginary bridge quite frequently; later this world became a usual and single residence for him, as along with his favorite job he also found his love on the other side of the bridge. The door opens and one person goes out of the building, while the other person enters the building through the same door. They cast a glance at each other; both of them try to avoid the noise in the street and the door is closed behind them. When Goga entered the State Theatre University, Maia was already standing on the big stage and starting to work on her diploma play. Maiko did not leave anywhere; the door was closed from inside and she was appointed as an assistant to the head of group; Shalva Gatserelia was starting to educate new generation along with his pupils. If the first attempt had been unsuccessful, probably Goga would have never become an artist; he always makes one attempt and spares no efforts to implement it. He can hardly recollect his entry examinations because of nervousness; however, a swan caught in a trap gained highest points from stage director Levan Tsuladze and the head of the group. From this minute everything that was outside the State Theatre University was over; Goga brought everything desirable to his world and started to do his favorite job. He discovered the most important thing in his life just inside these walls.

GEOCELL . Summer 2010



jeoseli . zafxuli 2010

GEOCELL . Summer 2010



jeoseli . zafxuli 2010

pirvel namdvil speqtakls maikoc eswreboda, Teatraluri universitetis mcire darbazSi is mayurebelTa Soris ijda da axalbeda msaxiobebis mier gaTamaSebul Tovlis dedofals uyurebda. cota xnis Semdeg maiko partersa da scenas Soris gamaval xids gaivlis da gogasTan erTobliv speqtaklSi guSindelni iTamaSebs. maikos TamaSis Tavisufali stilisa da gogas individualizmis Serwyma warmatebuli aRmoCnda. erTi wre, erTi sfero, am yvelafris Semdeg ki, saRamos maikos saxlis fanjris qveS Seyvarebuli goga melodias ustvenda qviSis karieris generlebidan. dorival kaimis musika ocnebebis axdenis simbolod filmis ekranebze gamosvlisTanave iqca, fiqrobda Tu ara goga, rom misi ocneba Zalian male axdeboda?! megobris dabadebis dReze pirvelad naTqvami miyvarxar, maleve jvrisweraze erTmaneTisTvis ficis micemiT dasrulda. xidze ki saerTo asasvleli gaCnda... situaciuri komedia megobrebze mogviTxrobs, romlebic Tbilisis erT-erT ubanSi cxovroben. TavianTi problemebiT, sixaruliT da yovedRiurobiT Sua qalaqSi patara myudro samyaro arsebobs, es cocxali garemoa, sadac procesi mimdinareobs da arasodes ici ra iqneba xval. Ramis Sous studiam qarTuli telesivrce sruliad axali ideiT gaarRvia. sitkomi, romelSic gmirebi maTTvis nacnob, saerTo garemoSi (ofisi, bina) sasacilo viTarebaSi xvdebian, saqarTveloSi ucxo iyo, avtorTa mondomebiT amerikuli analogi qarTul realobas moergo da warmatebac maleve moipova. pirveli sezonis premiera 2007 wlis 23 seqtembers gaimarTa. am dRidan moyolebuli CxeiZeebis ojaxi yvelasTvis axloblad iqca. maiko doborjginiZe ideis Canasaxis momswrea. studiis biWebTan erTad maikoc acnobierebda risks, moewoneboda Tu ara seriali qarTvel mayurebels; studiaSi pirveli profesionali msaxiobi, ara marto daTanxmda serialSi gadaRebas, aramed SemoqmedebiT jgufSi CaerTo da megobrebsa da kolegebSi ideis propaganda daiwyo. dRes es maikos da gogas samyaros ganuyofeli nawilia. yoveli nivTi, feri da suni am dekoratiul samyaroSi maTTvis Cveuli da sayvarelia, marika da daTo aq Tavs rogorc sakuTar saxlSi ise grZnoben da SeTxzuls realobad gardaqmnian. gvian RamiT xidis saTaves ubrundebian, sadac maTi namdvilia da cxovrebas Cveuli ritmiT ganagrZoben. siyvarulis am or gzas erTi xidi aerTianebs _ Tavad siyvaruls da imas, riTac wlebis win moiwamlnen _ scena da mayurebeli. axla erTad TamaSoben kavkasiur carcis wreSi, maiko JuJunas rols asrulebs, goga _ azdaks. 6 ivnisidan avTo varsimaSvilis speqtakli scenaze isev ganaxlda, SoTa rusTavelis Teatris msaxiobma goga barbaqaZem mayureblisTvis axali azdaki Seqmna. msaxiobs yvela Janris rolis morgeba da TamaSi unda SeeZlos _ amitomac cisferi ekranebidan nacnobi daTos saxecvlileba SegiZliaT Tavisufali Teatris scenaze ixiloT. kotoraanTkarSi dRes gansxvavebuli dilaa. irgvliv ukidegano simSvidea. ezoSi xexili da yvavilebia, urbanuli yoveldRiurobisgan mowyvetili hamakSi isvenebs, es iSviaTi wuTebia _ maiko, goga da patara gabrieli erTad arian. es samyaro xidis arcerT mxares ar mdebareobs, is mxolod maTia, erTi idealuri dRe Sors qalaqidan.

It occurred emotionally, naturally and unsurprisingly; the relations have started; later they were complicated and enriched. Maiko also attended the first real performance; she was sitting among the viewers in the small hall of the State Theatre University and watching the Snow Queen performed by young artists. Some time later Maiko will pass the bridge between the parterre and the stage and perform in a joint play with Goga. The combination of Maikos free style of performance and Gogas individualism proved successful. Common circle, common sphere, and in the evenings Goga was whistling a melody from The Sandpit Generals under the windows of Maikos house. Music by Dorival Caymmi has become a symbol of dreams coming true just upon its release on the screens. Did Goga think that his dream would come true very soon? The first words I love you uttered during the birthday party of his friend resulted in swearing at the wedding ceremony. And a common step appeared on the bridge A situation comedy tells us about the friends, who live in one of the districts of Tbilisi. A small, quiet place is situated in the middle of the city with its everyday problems and joy. It is a live environment, where the process is going on and you never know what will happen tomorrow. Night Show Studio broke through the Georgian TV space with an absolutely new idea. Sitcom, where the heroes appear in a funny situation in the common environment (office, apartment), was quite new for Georgia; but owing to the joint efforts by the authors the American analogue was adjusted to the Georgian reality and gained success soon. The premiere of the first season was held on September 23, 2007. Since then the Chkheidze family has become familiar and close for everybody. Maiko Doborjginidze has witnessed how the idea was emerging. Along with the guys from the studio, Maiko was also acknowledging the risk, whether the Georgian viewers would like the new project or not. So, the first professional artist in the studio not only agreed to play in the film, but also got involved in the creative group and started to propagandize the idea among her friends and colleagues. Today, it is an integral part of Maikos and Gogas world. Each thing, color and smell in this decorative world is usual and precious for them; Marika and Dato feel here at home and transform the invented story into reality. Late at night they return to the beginning of the bridge, where there is their reality and where they continue their routine life. These two ways of love are united by one bridge love and another thing that poisoned both of them years ago stage and audience. Now they are playing together in The Caucasian Chalk Circle, where Maiko performs as Zhuzhuna and Goga as Azdak. The play by Avto Varsimashvili was renewed on June 6. Goga Barbakadze, an artist of the Shota Rustaveli Theatre, created a new Azdak for the viewers. An artist should be able to play any role therefore, you can see the transformation of Dato on the stage of the Free Theatre. The morning is quite different in Kotoraantkari today. There is an absolute calmness around. There are fruit trees and flowers in the yard; they are having a rest in the hammock far away from urban routine, these are rare minutes Maiko, Goga and little Gabriel are together. This world is not situated on any side of the bridge. It belongs only to them, one perfect day far away from the city.

GEOCELL . Summer 2010


avtori: levan kakabaZe

jer isev mZinavs da mainc vgrZnob, rom me var iq, sadac mTeli cxovreba mindoda vyofiliyavi. adgili, sadac me vcxovrob, aris qalaqi _ patara quCebiT, xeebiT, wvimiT da, rac mTavaria, usasrulo da usazRvro zRviT. baTumi warmoudgenelia Tavisi gauTavebeli wvimebis gareSe. aq wylis gubeebi qalaqs Tavdayira ayenebs da saSualebas gaZlevs, yvelaferi ufro detalurad da ufro Rrmad dainaxo. ufro amayad iaro Tavdaxrilma. ase xom, Sens fexqveS mTeli qalaqi iSleba. swored maSin, gauTaveblad gindeba seirnoba. rodesac zRvas uyureb da usmen, geCveneba, rom mxolod Tqven orni xarT am samyaroSi. aq guli ikavebs mTel sxeuls da Senc aRbeWdav adamianebs ara iseTebad, rogorebic sinamdvileSi arian, aramed ise, rogorc Sen xedav maT. rogorebic Sen ginda rom iyvnen.



By Levan Kakabadze
I am still asleep but I feel that I am in the place where I wanted to be all my life. The place where I live is a town with small streets, trees, rain and, what is important, the endless and borderless sea. Batumi is unimaginable without endless rains, which leave small water ponds. The latter bring a certain chaos into the town and give you a chance to see everything in more detail. You walk proudly watching your step and avoiding ponds. In such moments, you want to walk and walk and walk. When you look at the sea and listen to it, it seems that there are only two of us in this world. The heart occupies the body and you see people not as they are but as you want them to be.


jeoseli . zafxuli 2010

GEOCELL . Summer 2010



jeoseli . zafxuli 2010

GEOCELL . Summer 2010



jeoseli . zafxuli 2010

GEOCELL . Summer 2010



jeoseli . zafxuli 2010

GEOCELL . Summer 2010


kino + moda
avtori: qeTo giorgobiani
jeoseli . zafxuli 2010

Cinema + Fashion
By Keto Giorgobiani

1895 wlis dekemberi kinematografis dabadebis dRea. swored am dRes Sekribes Zmebma lumierebma parizelebi TavianTi ucnauri gamogonebis _ sinematografis saCveneblad. am dRes vinmes rom eTqva, rom gavidoda sul cota dro da lumierebis gamogoneba Semdgomi saukunis ori udidesi diqtatoris erT-erT mTavar propagandul iaraRad iqceoda, yvela sxva xelovnebis gamaerTianeblad dasaxeldeboda, gamoiwvevda davas egzistencialur sakiTxebze, an saerTod xelovnebis rangSi avidoda, movidoda Taoba, romelic wignis kiTxvas filmebis yurebas amjobinebda da sinematekis Wiebad iwodeboda, Seiqmneboda mimdinareobebi, atydeboda dava ama Tu im filmze, gaCndebodnen varskvlavebi, an iseTi geniosebi, rogorc Carli Caplini, sergei eizenSteini, mixeil kalatoziSvili, pier paolo pazolini, Jan-luk godari, bili uailderi da kidev mravali sxva saxels swored kinematografis meSveobiT moipovebdnen, adamianebi seriozulad daiwyebdnen fiqrs axali mxatvruli xerxebis Zebnaze, montaJis gansxvavebul stilze, xmis reJisuraze (!), egzistencialur Temebze... erTi sityviT, 1895 wlis dekembris saRamos vinmes rom eTqva, sinematografi kacobriobis istorias Secvliso, saukeTeso SemTxvevaSi sicils daayridnen. am dRes xom xalxi kinodarbazidan kisris texiT gamovarda, radgan ekranze momavali uzarmazari matarebeli dainaxes; am dRes yvelaze xangrZlivmetraJiani filmi 17 m sigrZis firze iyo aRbeWdili, romelic xeliT trialisas 50 wami grZeldeboda da lumierebis qarxnidan saxlSi mimaval TanamSromlebs gvaCvenebda. yvelaferi yvelaferi, magram Tuki vinme erTi wamiT mainc dauSvebda, rom gavidoda as weliwadze meti da kinematografi zogjer kinoSnikebze ufro modis samyaros, qoreografebisa Tu musikosebis interesis sfero gaxdeboda, aq albaT ukve klinikur SemTxvevad daasaxelebdnen da pirdapir sagiJeTSi ukravdnen Tavs. magram ai, im dRidan ukve as TxuTmeti weliwadi gavida da lumierebis droindeli bavSvobis natvrebi samxedroobasa Tu kargad gaTxovebaze, kinovarskvlavobaze ocnebam Secvala. dRes ukve aRaravis gvikvirs, rom morigi holivuduri filmis gayidvebma Cveni qveynis mTlian biujets, vTqvaT, orjer gadaaWarba. lumierebis matarebliTa Tu samuSao dRis dasasruliT gamowveuli aRfrTovaneba dRes ukve kinematografSi siuJetebis amowurvis Temaze diskusiam Caanacvla. 2010 wlis sami yvelaze komerciuli (jerjerobiT) kinoproeq-

December, 1895 is the birthday of cinematography. This was when the Lumire brothers gathered Parisians for their first private screening of projected moving pictures. If someone had said then, that in the very near future the Lumires invention would become one of the major propaganda tools in the hands of two greatest dictators of the next century; that cinematography would be named as the core of all other arts; that it would trigger a dispute on existential issues; or would be ranked as art; that the new generation would prefer watching films to reading and would be called worms of cinema for this reason; that various trends would be created; debates on various films would be launched; new stars would appear or geniuses like Charles Chaplin, Sergei Eisenstein, Mikheil Kalatozishvili, Pier Paolo Pasolini, Jean-Luc Godard, or Billy Wilder would become famous simply because of the cinema, people would have seriously started looking for various art methods, different styles of film editing, sound direction (!), existential issues In a word, if someone had said on the eve of December, 1895 that cinematography would change the history of the mankind, he would have, at best, been laughed at. It was on that day that people rushed out of the cinema hall when they saw a huge train approaching them. The longest film was recorded on a 17 meter tape, which, when hand cranked through a projector, ran for approximately 50 seconds. It showed workers returning home from the Lumires plant. To say the least, if someone had then acknowledged that barely a hundred years would pass and cinematography would become a major sphere of interest for the fashion world, choreographers or musicians, they would have been described as a clinical case. However, 115 years have already passed since then and commonplace childhood dreams about becoming a soldier or achieving a successful marriage have been replaced by dreams about becoming movie stars. Today, nobody is surprised by the fact that the sale price of yet another Hollywood film has exceeded the entire annual budget of our country. The inspiration caused by the Lumires Train, or the end of the working day has been replaced today by discussions about the exhaustion of cinematic plotlines. In 2010, the three most commercially successful films are,
GEOCELL . Summer 2010


ti TviTon kinematografistebisTvis TiTqmis yvela danarCenze uintereso aRmoCnda. am filmze saubrisas, aucilebelia gamoiyos misi ori nawili _ qoreografia-musika da scenari-reJisura. pirveli maTgani brwyinvaledaa Sesrulebuli, ar Camouvardeba arc erT bolo drois xarisxian miuzikls, msaxiobebi Seudarebelni arian, gansakuTrebiT ki marion kotiari, romelmac mgoni sakuTar SesaZleblobebsac ki gadaaWarba. igive SeiZleba iTqvas reJisor rob marSalzec _ man imaze uaresi filmi gadaiRo, vidre amas vinme moeloda, _ daibeWda erT-erT cnobil amerikul JurnalSi filmis NINE gamosvlis Semdeg. tim bertonis samganzomilebiani filmi `alisa saocrebaTa qveyanaSi~ ki, romelic wesiT kinosamyaroSi wlis mTavar movlenad unda qceuliyo, kinokritikosebze metad modis kritikosebis garCevis sagnad iqca. alaparakdnen momavali sezonis modur tendenciebze, romelsac filmi gvkarnaxobda, gansxvavebul stilze gansxvavebuli tipaJisa da asakis qalbatonebisTvis. magaliTad, alisa Tineijeruli modis etalonad, wiTeli da TeTri dedoflebis kostiumebi da makiaJi ki 2010 wlis modis or mTavar mimarTulebad daasaxeles. Jurnalebi produqcias reklamas swored `alisas~ personaJebze dayrdnobiT ukeTebdnen _ iseTi pomada, rogoric en heteueis gmirs usvia, iseTi Tmis musi, romelic wiTeli dedoflis msgavsi varcxnilobis gasakeTebladaa saWiro... iseTi pudri, rogoriTac alisas makiaJia Sesrulebuli da a.S. alaparakdnen Sifonisa Tu fermkrTali makiaJis aqtualuobaze axalgazrdul modaSi, muqi tonalobis pomadebisa da Crdilebis Sexamebaze, anu gasuli saukunis dasawyisis stilis dabrunebaze, maqmanebis siWarbeze wlevandel koleqciebSi - da es yvelaferi swored tim bertonis `alisaze~ dayrdnobiT. magram yvelaze saintereso mainc joni depis personaJi aRmoCnda (romelmac, faqtobrivad, alisas mTavari gmiris statusi CamoarTva). dartymuli mequdis garegnoba androgenulad Seracxes, boyfriend-stili uwodes da am sezonze siWrelis aqtualobaze daiwyes saubari. misi Cacmuloba vivien vestvudisa Tu jon galianos stils Seadares, gaarCies misi eqscentriuli varcxniloba da Wreli gamomwvevi makiaJi. erTi sityviT, tim bertonis `alisa saocrebaTa qveyanaSi~ yviTeli presisa da wamyvani modis JurnalebisTvis wamyvan Temad did xans rCeboda. rasac ver vityviT kinoJurnalebze... tim bertoni, romelic wels kanis festivalis Jiuris Tavmjdomareobda; romelmac Tavis droze `edvard xelmakratela~ da `koSmari Sobis Ramemde~ gadaiRo; romelsac erT dros Tavisi ulevi fantaziis gamo marad celq bavSvad moixseniebdnen _ dRes films gazrdil alisaze iRebs, romelic wlebis mere brundeba Tavis jadosnur samyaroSi. samwuxaro mxolod isaa, rom zrdasruli alisas saocrebaTa qveyana imdenadve uRimRamo da mosawyeni aRmoCnda, ramdenad momxibvlelic is liuis kerolis nawarmoebidan gvaxsovda. avtorebi imdenad garTulebi arian samganzomilebiani sistemis specefeqtebiT, rom siuJetis dinamiuroba TiTqmis interess miRma rCebaT. kamera isev ise tkbeba joni depiT, rogorc es bertonis yvela danarCen filmSi xdeboda _ ubralod, am SemTxvevaSi, ukve imdenad, rom TviT alisac ki sakuTar samyaroSi TiTqmis meorexarisxovan personaJad iqceva. rTulia imaves Tqma rob marSalis axali miuziklis mTavar gmirze _ gvido kontinize. mTeli filmi egocentruli istoriaa, romelSic deniel dei luisis personaJi mis cxovrebaSi mniSvnelovani

so far, less interesting than others for cinematographers. While speaking about this film, it is necessary to distinguish between its two parts: choreography-music and scenario-direction. The first one is performed brilliantly; it is no less than any recent musicals; the artists are perfect, especially Marion Cotillard, who did her utmost. The same can be said about film director Rob Marshall he shot a film that was worse than anyone had expected, one famous American magazine wrote after the film was released. Tim Burtons 3D film Alice in Wonderland, which should have been a major event in the film world, has become a subject of dispute for fashion critics rather than by film critics. They were talking about the fashion tendencies of the next season as dictated by the film and different styles for women of different types and ages. For example, Alice was named the model of teenage fashion, while the costumes and makeup of the Red and White Queens were described as two major trends of 2010 fashion. Magazines started to advertise their products based solely on the heroes from Alice such lipsticks as Anne Hathaways hero was wearing; such hair mousse, which is necessary to for forming the Red Queens hairstyle... such powder which Alice used in her make-up, and so on. They started speaking about the importance of pale makeup in youth fashion, a combination of loud lipsticks and eye shadow or about returning to a style that was popular at the beginning of the previous century: an abundance of lace in present collections it all happened on the basis of Tim Burtons Alice in Wonderland. But it is Johnny Depps character which has proved to be most the interesting (who actually deprived Alice of her status of the main hero). The appearance of The Mad Hatter was described as an androgynous boyfriend style and they started talking about the actuality of diversity of colors during this season. His clothes were compared with Vivien Westwoods or John Gallianos style; his eccentric hairstyle and colorful make-up also became a matter of discussion. In a word, Tim Burtons Alice in Wonderland has captured the headlines of both the yellow press and leading fashion magazines for a long time... Tim Burton, who was the Jury President for the 63rd Festival de Cannes in 2010, who directed Edward Scissorhands and The Nightmare before Christmas, who, because of his inexhaustible vision of fantasy, was described as an ever-naughty child today shoots a film about an adult Alice, who returns to her wonderland years later. Unfortunately, the adult Alices wonderland appeared uninteresting and boring unlike the world which we remembered from the tale by Lewis Carroll. The authors are so much engaged in 3D special effects that the storys dynamism almost remains beyond their interests. The camera still takes pleasure in Johnny Depp, as it has every other Tim Burton film although, in this particular case, it is so obvious that even Alice becomes a secondary character in her own world. It is difficult to say the same about Guido Contini, the main hero of Rob Marshalls new musical Nine. The whole film is an egocentric history, in which Daniel Day-Lewis character struggles to find harmony in his professional and personal life, as he engages in dramatic relationships with the important


jeoseli . zafxuli 2010

GEOCELL . Summer 2010


qalbatonebis garemocvaSi sakuTari Tavis povnasa da STagonebis dabrunebas cdilobs. ukve filmis saxeli `cxra~ migvaniSnebs mis kavSirze federiko felinis `rvanaxevarTan~. metic, filmis Semqmnelebi pretenzias am ukanasknelis rimeikze acxadeben. gansxvavebiT tim bertonis alisasagan _ romelic kargad nacnobi istoriis gagrZelebas mogviTxrobs, rob marSalis `cxraSi~ misi winamorbedis gmirebis saxelebic ki ar aris Secvlili. miuxedavad imisa, rom filmi udavod dinamiuri, sanaxaobrivi, erTi sityviT, sasiamovno sayurebelia, misi mTavari minusi swored `rvanaxevarTan~ asociaciuri kavSiria: rogorc Cans, bevrSi gaRizianebas italiuri kinos amerikanizaciis mcdeloba iwvevs, an is, rom kinoklasikis Sedevridan Sen Tvalwin komerciul istorias gamoacxoben, romelic xval an zeg aucileblad Taroze Semoideba, anu mokvdeba; da qvecnobierad giCndeba agresia, rom raRac xelSeuxebeli, TiTqos, daaknines, mniSvneloba daukarges. Tumca yvelaze samwuxaro mainc isaa, rom mayureblebis umravlesobam paraleli ara felinis `rvanaxevarTan~, aramed bob fosis ALL THAT JAZZ-Tan, an kidev uaresi _ rob marSalis wina filmTan _ CHICAGO-sTan gaavlo. xalxs ubralod aRar axsovs, ar unaxavs, an arc gaugia felinis `rvanaxevari~ (sxvaTa Soris, yvelaze metad `cxra~ swored am tipis mayurebels moewona). bertonis `alisas~ SemTxvevaSi, mayurebeli Tavis droze disneis mier gadaRebulma animaciurma filmma ixsna; ase rom, Tavdapirveli istoria umravlesobam wignis waukiTxavadac icoda da SesaZloa, swored aman gaaZliera auditoriis molodini filmis mimarT (iseve, rogorc Semdgomi imedgacrueba). gansxvavebiT NINE-s Semqmnelebisagan, romlebmac Riad arc ki Tqves maTi filmis felinis filmTan kavSiris Sesaxeb (iqneb, CaTvales, rom es isedac cxadi iyo), bertonis sareklamo kampaniis mTavari moto swored kerolis alisa iyo. sainteresoa, rogor miaRwia kacobriobam sul raRac 115 weliwadSi iseT inspiraciul SimSils, rom dRes tim bertonic ki alisas gagrZelebas iRebs _ rom aRaraferi vTqvaT robin hudis axlebur variantze, sadac filmis Semqmnelebi Servudis yaCaRTa mefis cxovrebis yvelaze rutinul da arasaintereso nawils mogviTxroben _ ra xdeboda, sanam robin hudis miTi daiwyeboda _ da mravali Taobis bavSvobis sayvareli istoriidan morig uRimRamo holivudur blokbasters qmnian; rob marSali ki felinis filmis amerikul versias imxela biujetiT iRebs, ramdenic felinis yvela Tavis filmze erTad ar dauxarjavs da metic, namuSevars `rvanaxevris~ Semdeg cxras arqmevs, riTac (SemTxveviT Tu specialurad) felinis mier daumTavrebeli istoriis Sekvraze migvaniSnebs. problema isaa, rom naxevari saukunis win gadaRebuli `rvanaxevari~ dResac ufro aqtualuri da sasiamovno sayurebelia, vidre Tveebis win gadaRebuli, erTi SexedviT bevrad sanaxaobrivi da gasarTobi holivuduri miuzikli. iqneb, kinematografi ubralod iseve gaizarda, rogorc bertonis alisa? iqneb, iseve unda gavacocxloT da movklaT, rogorc rob marSalis filmma felinis filmi? an iqneb, kidev erTi axali talRaa saWiro, romelic kinematografs iseve gadaamuSavebs da ara rob marSalis msgavs rimeiks, aramed triufos ukanaskneli metros an mel bruksis frankenSteinis msgavs stilizacias gaakeTebs... an iqneb, saerTod mokvdeba kino da mis adgils axali virtualuri media an rame amdagvari daikavebs... an iqneb, ubralod xalxi isev daiwyebs felinisa da godaris filmebis yurebas da Tu Seyvarebas ara, minimum, maTi rimeikebis amocnobas mainc SeZlebs.

women of his life. The films name draws parallels with Federico Fellinis semi-autobiographical film 81/2 and indeed the filmmakers have the ambition that this is a Fellini remake. Like Tim Burtons Alice which tells us about the continuation of a well-known story Rob Marshalls Nine has not changed the names of the main heroes of its predecessor. Although the film is undoubtedly dynamic, impressive and spectacular, its major setback is, in fact, its associated links with 81/2. It seems that some are irritated by this attempt to Americanize the Italian cinema or to bake a commercial history out of a classical masterpiece, which will definitely be shelved or die tomorrow or the day after. And you feel a subconscious aggression as if something untouchable has suddenly been downplayed or downgraded. However, even more regretful is the fact that the majority of viewers draw parallels not with Fellinis 81/2, but with Bob Fosses All That Jazz or even worst Rob Marshalls previous film, a remake of Fosses Chicago. People simply do not remember, have not seen or even heard about Fellinis 81/2 (by the way, just this type of person liked Nine most of all). In the case of Burtons Alice, the animated cartoon film shot by Disney in its time saved the situation; so many were familiar with the initial history, even without having read the book, and this has probably strengthened the viewers expectations towards the film (but also promoted their further disappointment). Unlike the creators of Nine, who did not even openly acknowledge any links between their film and the work of Fellini (maybe they supposed that it was already clear?), the motto of Burtons advertising campaign was just Carrolls Alice. It is interesting how, over just 115 years, mankind managed to achieve such an inspirational hunger that even Tim Burton is shooting a remake of Alice to say nothing about the new version of Robin Hood, where the filmmakers tell us about the most routine and uninteresting part of the heroic outlaws life: what was happening before the myth of Robin Hood started thus making a boring Hollywood blockbuster out of a story beloved by many generations; Rob Marshall shot the American version of Fellinis film on a budget that turned out to be greater than the budget of all Felinis films put together. Furthermore, Marshall named his film Nine thus (by accident or deliberately) indicating that he was finalizing a history which Fellini had not been able to finish. The problem is that, even today, the film 81/2, which was shot almost half a century ago, is more important and pleasant than the Hollywood musical, which was shot several months ago and which, at a glance, looks more spectacular and entertaining. Maybe, cinematography has grown up like Burtons Alice? Maybe, we should revive and kill like Rob Marshalls film has done with respect to Fellinis film? Or maybe one more new wave is needed which will remake cinematography again and will stylize it like Truffauts The Last Metro or even like Mel Brooks Young Frankenstein Or maybe cinema will finally die and it will be replaced by new virtual media or some such Or maybe people will again start watching Fellinis and Godards films and if they do not like them, maybe they will at least be able to identify their remakes.


jeoseli . zafxuli 2010

GEOCELL . Summer 2010



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