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And there is no god except Allah. And indeed, Allah is the All-Mighty, the AllWise. 63.

And if they turn back, then indeed, Allah is All-Knowing of the corrupters. Say, `O People of 64. the Book! Come to a word that is equitable between us and you that we worship none but Allah nor associate any partners with Him. And not take one another as lords instead of Allah.` Then if they turn away, then say, `Bear witness that we are Muslims.` 65. O People of the Book! Why do you argue about Ibrahim while the Taurat and Injeel were not revealed until after him? Then why don`t you use your intellect? Here you are 66. those who argued about that of which you have (some) knowledge, but why do you argue about that of which you have no knowledge? And Allah knows, while you do not know. 67. Ibrahim was neither a Jew nor a Christian, but he was a true Muslim and he was not from those who associate partners with Allah. Indeed, the most 68. worthy people to claim relationship to Ibrahim are those who follow him and this Prophet (Muhammad SAWS) and those who believe. And Allah is the Guardian



(is) the All-Mighty, surely He



(is) All-Knowing, Allah then indeed,

Allah, And indeed, Allah.

they turn back,

except And if 62 63


And (there is) no god

the All-Wise.

(to) others

a word



of the Book! `O People Say,

of the corrupters.

and not Allah, except we worship that not

and between you -

between us


that we concerning (do) you argue Why after him? except and the Injeel argued those who Here you are (do) you argue Then why while you knows, And Allah

some of us


And not anything. with Him -

`Bear witness then say, they turn away,

of the Book!

the Taurat


(have some) knowledge.

(any) knowledge. of it

a Christian


and not

a Jew



Then if besides Allah.` O People 64 was revealed while not you use your intellect? of it [for] you for you not Not 66 know.

we associate partners

(as) lords

(are) Muslims.`


Then why don`t

about what

about what

(do) not

the polytheists. from

he was and not

follow him (are) those who

(is) a Guardian

And Allah

with Ibrahim


the best people to claim relationship


a true

he was

and but

and those who

[the] Prophet


and this

Surah 3: The family of Imran (v. 63-68)

Part - 3

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of the believers. 69. A group of the People of the Book wish to lead you astray, and not they lead astray except themselves and they do not perceive. 70. O People of the Book! Why do you deny the Signs of Allah to which you yourselves bear witness. O People of the 71. Book! Why do you mix the truth with falsehood and conceal the truth knowingly.




And a group of the 72. People of the Book said, ` Believe in that which was revealed to the believers at the beginning of the day and reject it at its end, perhaps they may return. And do not believe 73. except those who follow your religion.` Say, ` Indeed the true guidance is the Guidance of Allah - lest someone be given the like of that which was given to you or that they may argue with you before your Lord.`Say, ` Indeed, the Bounty is in the Hand of Allah - He gives it to whom He wills, and Allah is AllEncompassing, AllKnowing. 74. He chooses for His Mercy whom He wills. And Allah is the Possessor of Great Bounty.

Why know. in what and reject except

and not

(of) the Book (the) People from


[in] the Signs

of the Book!

while you the truth and conceal

` Believe

(of) the day,



the (true) guidance

was given to you (of) what the like (to) one - is given

the Bounty

(is) All-Encompassing, and Allah He wills, to whom He gives it (is) in the Hand of Allah.

75. And among the People of the Book is he who, if you entrust him with a great amount of wealth, he will return it to you.


And Allah

He wills.

a group Wished 68 except they lead astray and not you deny Why do of the Book! O People 69 O People 70 bear witness. while you with the falsehood the truth (of) the Book, the People of a group And said at (the) beginning believe[d] those who on And (do) not 72 (may) return. perhaps they ` Indeed Say, your religion.` follows lest ` Indeed, Say, your Lord.` near they may argue with you whom for His Mercy He chooses 73 And from



(of) the believers.

they could lead you astray,

they perceive.

(of) Allah

do you mix


was revealed

at its end,

(the) one who

(is) the Guidance of Allah -



of the Book

to you.

the People

he will return it with a great amount of wealth you entrust him


[the] great.

(is) the Possessor of Bounty -


(is he) who,

Surah 3: The family of Imran (v. 69-75)

Part - 3

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And among them is he who, if you entrust him with a single coin, he will not return it to you unless you constantly stand demanding (it). That is because they say, ` There is no blame upon us concerning the unlettered people.` And they speak a lie about Allah while they know. Nay, whoever 76. fulfills his covenant and fears Allah, then indeed Allah loves those who fear Him. 77. Indeed, those who barter away the Covenant of Allah and their oaths for a little price will have no share in the Hereafter, and Allah will not speak to them or look at them on the Day of Resurrection, nor will He purify them; and for them is a painful punishment. 78. And indeed, among them is a group who distort the Book with their tongues so that you may think it is from the Book, but it is not from the Book. And they say, ` This is from Allah,` but it is not from Allah. And they tell a lie about Allah while they know.




will he return it


And they say any [way] (accountability).` concerning the unlettered people

those who fear (Him).


and their oaths


and not

of the Resurrection

And indeed,


in (reciting) the Book

the Book.

And they say

for a human

It is not for any 79. human to whom Allah has given the Book, and wisdom and Prophethood to say to the people, ` my Be worshippers

and the Prophethood,


not with a single coin you entrust him if (is he) who, (is) because they That whoever Nay, 75 know. while they the lie Allah loves Allah then indeed, and fears (Allah) , (of) Allah (the) Covenant exchange those who Indeed, the Hereafter in for them share no those little, on the Day at them look and not 77 painful. (is) a punishment and for them purify them, their tongues they distort surely (is) a group (is) from it and not the Book (is) from (is) from Allah. it But not (is) from Allah.` ` It is Not 78 know. while they the lie Allah and the wisdom, the Book, Allah gives him ` Be to the people, he says



And from them

standing. over him you keep constantly except to you

on us

` Not


his covenant


(for) a price

will Allah speak to them,

and not

among them

so that you may think it

And they say,




Surah 3: The family of Imran (v. 76-79)

Part - 3

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rather than Allah,` but (on the contrary) he would say, ` Be pious scholars of the Lord because you have been teaching the book and you have been studying it.` 80. Nor would he order you to take the Angels and the Prophets as lords. Would he order you to disbelief after you have become Muslims? 81. And when Allah took the covenant of the Prophets (saying),` Certainly, whatever I have given you of the Book and the wisdom, then there comes to you a Messenger confirming that which is with you, you must believe in him and support him.` He said, ` Do you affirm and take on that (condition) My Covenant?`They said, ` We affirm.` Then bear He said, ` witness, and I am with you among the witnesses.` Then whoever 82. turns away after that - then those are the transgressors. Do they seek 83. other than the religion of Allah?


` Be




of me


the Book


but (would say)



And not


and the Prophets


you have been

besides Allah,


studying (it).`

pious scholars of the Lord





the Angels,

you have been

you take

and because

to [the] disbelief

Allah took

And when


Would he order you


he will order you


you (have) become


(as) lords.


I (have) given you

` Certainly, whatever

a Messenger

in him

comes to you

and take

` affirm.` We




you must believe


(is) with you,


of the Prophets,

and wisdom

` you affirm Do

that which



(the) Book

They said,

with you


He said,

My Covenant?`


and you must help him.`


and I am

that (condition)


turns away

` Then bear witness,




He said,

Then whoever

(are) the transgressors.

they seek?

(of) Allah




the witnesses.`

then those


the religion

So is (it) other than

Surah 3: The family of Imran (v. 80-83)

Part - 3

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While to Him have submitted whatever is in the h e a ve n s a n d t h e e a r t h wi l l i n gl y o r u n wi l l i n gl y, and t o H i m t h e y wi l l be returned.

the heavens


S a y, ` We 84. b e l i e ve i n Al l a h and wh a t is r e ve a l e d t o u s a n d wh a t wa s r e ve a l e d to Ab r a h a m, a n d I s h ma e l , and Isaac, and Yaqub, and the descendents and wh a t wa s gi ve n t o Musa, and Isa, and t h e P r o p h e t s fr o m t h e i r Lo r d . We d o not ma ke distinction b e t we e n any of them and to Him we a r e s u b mi s s i ve .


and towards Him

(is) in



or unwillingly,


(have) submitted



in Allah

` believed We


was revealed

and what

on us



While to Him

and the earth,

they will be returned.

(is) revealed

and Yaqub,


to Musa,


and we


An d wh o e ve r 85. s e e ks a r e l i gi o n i t wi l l n e ve r b e accepted fr o m h i m, a n d h e , i n t h e H e r e a ft e r , wi l l b e a mo n g t h e l o s e r s .

be accepted

(will be) from

a people

How shall 86. Al l a h gu i d e a people wh o d i s b e l i e ve d a ft e r t h e y h a d b e l i e ve d a n d h a d wi t n e s s e d t h a t t h e M e s s e n ge r is true, and clear P r o o fs h a d c o me to t h e m? An d Al l a h does not gu i d e

and had witnessed

and came to them

the people

was given and what their Lord. from and the Prophets of them any between And whoever 84 (are) submissive. then never will (as) religion [the] Islam the Hereafter, in and he (shall) Allah guide How 85 their belief after (is) true, the Messenger guide (does) not And Allah


and Ishaq,

and Ismail,


and what


and the descendents

and Isa,

we make distinction

to Him

other than

from him,

the losers.

(who) disbelieved


the clear proofs?

Surah 3: The family of Imran (v. 84-86)

Part - 3

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the wro n gd o ing peo ple.



[the] wrongdoers.


their recompense,

Those -


8 7. recompense will be that o n them is the curse of Allah an d the Angels an d the peo ple, all together.

8 8. They will abide therein forever. The p u n ishment will not be lightened for them, n or will they be reprieved.

Except th o se 8 9. wh o repent after that an d reform themselves. Then in deed, Allah is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

In d eed, th ose 9 0. wh o disbelieved after their belief an d then they increased in disbelief, their repentance will never be accepted an d they are the o nes wh o h ave go n e astray.

In d eed, th o se 9 1. wh o disbelieve an d die while they are all the gold o n earth co u ld ever be their ransom. For them is a painful p u nishment an d they will have n o helpers.

those who Except 88 will be reprieved. and reform[ed] themselves. that, after 89 Most Merciful. (is) All-Forgiving, Allah their belief after disbelieved those who be accepted never will (in) disbelief they increased (are) those who have gone astray. they and those and died disbelieve[d] those who Indeed, from be accepted then never will (are) disbelievers, [and] (even) if (of) gold earth full painful (is) a punishment for them Those91 any helpers. from (will be) for them


and the Angels

of Allah


(will be) curse

on them


in it.

and not

(They will) abide forever


all together.

and the people

the punishment

for them

will be lightened




Then indeed,



their repentance,


while they

any one of them

he offered it as ransom.

and not

Surah 3: The family of Imran (v. 87-91)

Part - 3

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