Spectral Methods For Differential Problems
Spectral Methods For Differential Problems
Spectral Methods For Differential Problems
C. I. GHEORGHIU T. Popoviciu Institute of Numerical Analysis, Cluj-Napoca, R O M A N I A January 20, 2005-May 15, 20071
Introduction ix
3 3 7 7 8 9 10 11 13 15 17 19 23 29 29 31 32 39 45 48 51 55 55 61 67 72
1 Chebyshev polynomials 1.1 General properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2 Fourier and Chebyshev Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2.1 The trigonometric Fourier series . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2.2 The Chebyshev series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2.3 Discrete least square approximation . . . . . . . . . 1.2.4 Chebyshev discrete least square approximation . . . 1.2.5 Orthogonal polynomials least square approximation 1.2.6 Orthogonal polynomials and Gauss-type quadrature mulas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3 Chebyshev projection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.4 Chebyshev interpolation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.4.1 Collocation derivative operator . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5 Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Spectral methods for o. d. e. 2.1 The idea behind the spectral methods . . . . . . . 2.2 General formulation for linear problems . . . . . . . 2.3 Tau-spectral method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.4 Collocation spectral methods (pseudospectral) . . . . 2.4.1 A class of nonlinear boundary value problems 2.5 Spectral-Galerkin methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.6 Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Spectral methods for p. d. e. 3.1 Parabolic problems . . . . . 3.2 Conservative p. d. e. . . . . 3.3 Hyperbolic problems . . . . 3.4 Problems . . . . . . . . . .
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4 Ecient implementation 79 4.1 Second order Dirichlet problems for o. d. e. . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 4.2 Third and fourth order Dirichlet problems for o. d. e. . . . . . . 82 4.3 Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 5 Eigenvalue problems 5.1 Standard eigenvalue problems . . . . . . 5.2 Theoretical analysis of a model problem 5.3 Non-standard eigenvalue problems . . . 5.4 Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 87 94 95 98
Second Part
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
103 105 107 109 109 111 113 117
6 Non-normality of spectral approximation 6.1 A scalar measure of non-normality . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.2 A C G method with dierent trial and test basis functions 6.3 Numerical experiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.3.1 Second order problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.3.2 Fourth order problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.3.3 Complex Schrdinger operators . . . . . . . . . . . o 7 Concluding remarks
8 Appendix 8.1 Lagrangian and Hermite interpolation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.2 Sobolev spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.2.1 The Spaces Cm , m 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.2.2 The Lebesgue Integral and Spaces Lp (a, b) , 1 p . 8.2.3 Innite Dierentiable Functions and Distributions . . . 8.2.4 Sobolev Spaces and Sobolev Norms . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.2.5 The Weighted Spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.3 MATLAB codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . .
List of Figures
1.1 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 3.17 3.18 3.19 Some Chebyshev polynomials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A Chebyshev tau solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Gibbs phenomenon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The solution to a large scale oscillatory problem . . . . . . . . . The solution to a singularly perturbed problem . . . . . . . . . . The solution to Troeschs problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The positive solution to the problem of average temperature in a reaction-diusion process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The solution to Bratus problem N = 128 . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rapidly growing solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The (CC) solution to a linear two-point boundary value problem The solution to heat initial boundary value problem . . . . . . . The solution to Burgers problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Hermite collocation solution to Burgers equation . . . . . . The solution to Fischers equation on a bounded interval . . . . . The solution to Schrdinger equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o The solution to Ginzburg-Landau equation . . . . . . . . . . . . Numerical solution for KdV equation by Fourier pseudospectral method, N=160 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shock like solution to KdV equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The conservation of the Hamiltonian of KdV equation . . . . . . The solution to a rst order hyperbolic problem, o (CS) solution and - exact solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The solution to a particular hyperbolic problem . . . . . . . . . . The solution to the wave equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The breather solution to sine-Gordon equation . . . . . . . . . The variation of numerical sine-Gordon Hamiltonian . . . . . . . The solution to the fourth order heat equation . . . . . . . . . . The solution to wave equation with Neumann boundary conditions The solution to shock data Schrdinger equation . . . . . . . . o Perturbation of plane wave solution to Schrdinger equation . . . o The solution to wave equation on the real line . . . . . . . . . . . v 5 39 43 44 45 47 47 49 53 54 59 60 60 61 62 63 65 65 66 67 68 69 71 72 73 74 74 75 75
LIST OF FIGURES 3.20 The soliton solution for KdV equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.21 Solution to Fischer equation on the real line, L = 10, N = 64 . . 4.1 4.2 4.3 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 8.1 A Chebyshev collocation solution for a third order b. v. p. . . . The (CG) solution to a fourth order problem, N = 32 . . . . . . Another solution for the third order problem . . . . . . . . . . . The sparcity pattern for the (CC) matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . The sparsity pattern for matrices A and B; (CC) method . . . . The set of eigenvalues when N=20 and R=4 . . . . . . . . . . . . The sparsity of (CG) method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The spectrum for Shkalikovs problem. a) the rst 30 largest imaginary parts; b) the rst 20 largest imaginary parts; . . . . . The The The The The The The pseudospectrum, (CT) method, N = 128, = 2564 , = 0 . pseudospectrum for (CG) method N = 128, = 2564 . . . . pseudospectrum, (CGS) method, N = 128, = 2564 , = 0 pseudospectrum for the (CT) method . . . . . . . . . . . . . (1),F pseudospectrum and the norm of the resolvent for D8 . . (1),C pseudospectrum and the norm of the resolvent for D16 . large dots are the eigenvalues. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 77 84 85 86 90 90 91 93 99 112 112 113 115 116 116
If it works once, it is a trick; if it works twice, it is a method; if it works a hundred of times, it is a very good family of algorithms. John P. Boyd, SIAM Rev., 46(2004) The aim of this work is to emphasize the capabilities of spectral and pseudospectral methods in solving boundary value problems for dierential and partial dierential equations as well as in solving initial-boundary value problems for parabolic and hyperbolic equations. Both linear and genuinely nonlinear problems are taken into account. The class of linear boundary value problems include singularly perturbed problems as well as eigenvalue problems. Our intention is to provide techniques that cater for a broad diversity of the problems mentioned above. We believe that hardly any topic in modern mathematics fails to inspire numerical analysts. Consequently, a numerical analyst has to be an open minded scientist ready to borrow from a wide range of mathematical knowledge as well as from computer science. In this respect we also believe that the professional software design is just as challenging as theorem-proving. The book is not oriented to formal reasoning, which means the well known sequence of axioms, theorem, proof, corollary, etc. Instead, it displays rigorously the most important qualities as well as drawbacks of spectral methods in the context of numerical methods devoted to solve boundary value and eigenvalue problems for dierential equations as well as initial-boundary value problems for partial dierential equations.
Because of being extremely accurate, spectral methods have been intensively studied in the past decades. Mainly three types of spectral methods can be identied, namely, collocation, tau and Galerkin. The choice of the type of method depends essentially on the application. Collocation methods are suited to nonlinear problems or having complicated coecients, while Galerkin methods have the advantage of a more convenient analysis and optimal error estimates. The tau method is applicable in the case of complicated (even nonlinear) boundary conditions, where Galerkin approach would be impossible and the collocation extremely tedious. In any of these cases, the standard approach, where the trial (shape) and test functions simply span a certain family of functions (polynomials), has signicant disadvantages. First of all, the matrices resulting in the discretization process have an increased condition number, and thus computational rounding errors deteriorate the expected theoretical exponential accuracy. Moreover, the discretization matrices are generally fully populated, and so ecient algebraic solvers are dicult to apply. These disadvantages are more obvious when solving fourth order problems, where stability and numerical accuracy are lost when applying higher order approximations. Several attempts were made in order to try to circumvent these inconveniences of the standard approach. All these attempts are based on the fairly large exibility in the choice of trial and test functions. In fact, using various weight functions, they are constructed in order to incorporate as much boundary data as possible and, at the same time, to reduce the condition number and the bandwidth of matrices. In this respect we mention the papers of Cabos [27], Dongarra, Straughan and Walker [55], Hiegemann [112] or our contribution in some joint works with S. I. Pop [165], [164] for tau method; the papers of D. Funaro and W. Heinrichs [76], Heinrichs [103] and [104] or Hiegemann and Strauss [111] for the collocation variant; and the papers of Bjoerstad and Tjoestheim [16], Jie Shen [176] and [177] for Galerkin schemes, to quote but a few. All the above mentioned papers are dealing with methods in which the trial and test functions are based on Chebyshev polynomials. The monographs of Gottlieb and Orszag [90], Gottlieb, Hussaini and Orszag [93] and that of Canuto, Hussaini, Quarteroni and Zang [33] contain details about the spectral tau and Galerkin methods as well as about the collocation (pseudospectral) method. They conix
sider the basis of Chebyshev, Hermite and Legendre polynomials and Fourier and sinc functions in order to build up the test and trial functions. The well known monograph of J. P. Boyd [19], beyond very subtle observations about the performance and limitations of spectral methods, contains an exhaustive bibliography for spectral methods at the level of year 2000. A more strange feature of spectral methods is the fact that, in some situations, they transform self-adjoint dierential problems into non symmetric, i.e., non normal, discrete algebraic problems. We pay some attention to this aspect and observe that a proper choice of the trial and test functions can reduce signicantly the non normality of the matrices involved in the approximation. In order to carry out our numerical experiments we used exclusively the software system MATLAB. The textbook of Hunt, Lipsman and Rosenberg [118] is a useful guide to that. Particularly, to implement the pseudospectral derivatives we used the MATLAB codes provided by the paper of Weideman and Reddy, [204]. The writing of this book has beneted enormously from a lot of discussions with Dr. Sorin Iuliu Pop, presently at the T U Eindhoven, during the time he prepared his Ph. D. at the universities Babes-Bolyai Cluj-Napoca, Romania and Heidelberg , Germany. Calin-Ioan Gheorghiu June 20, 2007 Cluj-Napoca
Part I
Chapter 1
Chebyshev polynomials
His courses were not voluminous, and he did not consider the quantity of knowledge delivered; rather, he aspired to elucidate some of the most important aspects of the problems he spoke on. These were lively, absorbing lectures; curious remarks on the signicance and importance of certain problems and scientic methods were always abundant. A. M. Liapunov who attended Chebyshevs courses in late 1870 (see [26]) In their monograph [71] Fox and Parker collected the underlying principles of the Chebyshev theory. The polynomials whose properties and applications will be discussed were introduced more than a century ago by the Russian mathematician P. L. Chebyshev (1821-1894). Chebyshev was the most eminent Russian mathematician of the nineteenth century. He was the author of more than 80 publications, covering approximation theory, probability theory, number theory, theory of mechanisms, as well as many problems of analysis and practical mathematics. His interest in mechanisms (as a boy he was fascinated by mechanical toys!) led him to the theory of the approximation of functions (see [181] P. 210 for a Note on the life of P. L. Chebyshev as well as the comprehensive article [26]). Their importance for numerical analysis was rediscovered around the middle of the last century by C. Lanczos (see [126]).
General properties
Let PN be the space of algebraic polynomials of degree at most N N, N > 0, and the weight function : I = [1, 1] R+ dened by 1 (x) := . 1 x2 3
Let us introduce the fundamental space L2 (I) by n o 2 L (I) := v : I R| v Lebesgue measurable and kvk0, < , kvk := Z1 |v (x)| (x) dx ,
1 2
Denition 1 The polynomials Tn (x) , n N, dened by are called the Chebyshev polynomials of the rst kind.
is induced by the weighted scalar (inner) product 1 Z (u, v) := u (x) v (x) (x) dx .
Tn (x) := cos (n arccos (x)) , x [1.1], Remark 2 [150] To establish a relationship between algebraic and trigonometric polynomials let us resort to the trigonometric identity cos (n) + i sin (n) = (cos + i sin )n = n n n1 2 n = cos + i sin + i cos cosn2 sin2 + . . . . 1 2 The terms on the right hand side involving even powers of sin are real while those with odd powers sin are imaginary. Besides, we know that sin2m = m 1 cos2 , m N. Consequently, for any natural n we can write Tn (cos ) := cos (n) ,
(n) (n)
where Tn (x) := cos (n arccos (x)) = 0 + 1 x + . . . + n xn is the Chebyshevs polynomial of order (degree) n which is an algebraic polynomial of degree n with real coecients. Obviously, T0 (x) = 1, T1 (x) = x, T2 (x) = 2x2 1, T3 (x) = 4x3 3x, T4 (x) = 8x4 8x2 + 1, . . . . It follows that every even trigonometric polynomial Qn () := 0 X k cos (k) , + 2
k=1 n
is transformed, with the aid of substitution = arccos x, into the corresponding algebraic polynomial of degree n Pn (x) := Qn (arccos x) = 0 X k cos (k arccos (x)) . + 2
k=1 n
T3(x) T4(x)
-1 -1 1
0 x
-1 -1 1
0 x
-1 -1
0 x
-1 -1
0 x
Figure 1.1: Some Chebyshev polynomials This substitution species in fact a homeomorphic, continuous and one-to-one mapping of the closed interval [0, ] onto [1, 1] . It is important that, conversely, the substitution, x = cos, transforms an arbitrary algebraic polynomial Pn (x) := a0 + a1 x + a2 x2 + . . . + an xn , of degree n into an even trigonometric polynomial Qn () = Pn (cos ) = 0 X k cos (k) , + 2
k=1 n
where the coecients k depend on Pn . Indeed, we have ix e + eix m i(m2)x 1 m imx imx cos x = = + + ... + e = m e e 2 2 1 1 m = cos mx + cos (m 2) x + . . . + cos (mx) . m 2 1 Here we should take into account that cosm x is a real function and therefore the last term in this chain of equalities is obtained from the preceding term by taking its real part. The imaginary part of cosm x is automatically set to zero. Some Chebyshev polynomials are depicted in Fig. 1.1. Proposition 3 (Orthogonality) The polynomials Tn (x) are orthogonal, i.e., (Tn , Tm )0, = cn n,m , m, n N, 2
where n,m stands for the Kronecker delta symbol and, throughout this work, the coecients cn are dened by 0, n < 0 2, n = 0 (1.2) cn := 1, n 1. This fundamental property of Chebyshev polynomials, the recurrence relation Tk+1 (x) = 2xTk (x) Tk1 (x) , k > 0, as well as the estimations |Tk (x)| 1,
0 |Tk
T0 (x) = 1,
T1 (x) = x,
(x)| k ,
|x| 1,
Tk (1) = (1)k ,
0 Tk
|x| 1,
(1) = (1) k ,
are direct consequences of the denition. Remark 4 As it is well known from the approximation theorem of Weierstrass, the set of orthogonal polynomials {Tn (x)}nN is also complete in the space L2 (I) and, consequently, each and every function u from this space can be expanded in a Chebyshev series as follows u (x) = where the coecients uk are b uk = b
(u, Tk )0,
2 kTk k0,
Some other properties of Chebyshev polynomials are available, for instance, in the well known monographs Atkinson [10] and Raltson and Rabinowitz [171]. In [171], p.301, the following theorem is proved Theorem 5 Of all polynomials of degree r with coecient of xr equal to 1, the Chebyshev polynomial of degree r multiplied by 1/2r1 oscillates with minimum maximum amplitude on the interval [1, 1] . Due to this property the Chebyshev polynomials are sometimes called equalripple polynomials. However, their importance in numerical analysis and in general, in scientic computation, is enormous and it appears in fairly surprising domains. For instance, in the monograph [39] p.162, a procedure currently in use for accelerating the convergence of an iterative method, making use of Chebyshev polynomials is considered.
Remark 6 Best approximation with Chebyshev polynomials V. N. Murty shows in his paper [147] that there exists a unique best approximation of T1 (x) with respect to linear space spanned by polynomials of odd degree 3, which is also a best approximation of T1 (x) with respect to the linear space spanned by n {Tj (x)}j=0,j6=1 . If n = 4k or n = 4k 1, the extreme points of the deviation of T1 (x) from its best approximation are 2k in number, whereas if n = 4k + 1 or n = 4k + 2, this number is 2k + 2. In the next section we try to introduce the Chebyshev polynomials in a more natural way. We advocate that the Fourier series is intimately connected with the Chebyshev series, and that some known convergence properties of the former provide valuable results for the latter.
1 ak =
can be thought of as a least square approximation to f (x) with respect to the unit weight function on [1, 1] (see Problem 6). The Fourier series, obtained by letting n in (1.6), is apparently most valuable for the approximation of functions of period 2. Indeed, for certain classes of such functions the series will converge for most values of x in the complete range x +. However, unless f (x) and all its derivatives have the same values at and , there exists a terminal discontinuity of some order at these points. The rate of convergence of the Fourier series, that is the rate of decrease of its coecients, depends on the degree of smoothness of the function, measured by the order of the derivative which rst becomes discontinuous at any point in the closed interval [, ]. Finally, we might be interested in a function dened
only in the range [0, ], being then at liberty to extend its denition to the remainder of the periodic interval [, 0] in any way we please. It is worth noting that, integrating by parts in the expressions of ak and bk over [0, ] we deduce that cosine series converge ultimately like k 2 , and sine series like k 1 , unless f (x) has some special properties. If f (0) = f () = 0, we can show that sine series converges like k 3 , in general, the fastest possible rate for Fourier series.
The terminal discontinuity of Fourier series of a non-periodic function can be avoided with the Chebyshev form of Fourier series. We consider the range 1 x 1 and make use of the change of variables x = cos , so that f (x) = f (cos ) = g () . (1.7) The new function g () is even and genuinely periodic, since g () = g ( + 2) . Moreover, if f (x) has a large numbers of derivatives in [1, 1] , then g () has similar properties in [0, ] . We should then expect the cosine Fourier series g () = X 1 2 ak cos k, ak = a0 + 2 ck
k=1 N
g () cos kd
to converge fairly rapidly. Interpreting (1.8) in terms of original variable x, we produce the following Chebyshev series Z 1 X 1/2 2 f (x) = a0 + ak Tk (x), ak = (x) f (x) Tk (x) dx, (x) := 1 x2 . ck 1 k=1 (1.9) This series has the same convergence properties as the Fourier series for f (x), with the advantage that the terminal discontinuities are eliminated. Elementary computations show that, for suciently smooth functions, the coecients ak have the order of magnitude 1/2k1 (k!), considerably smaller for large k than the k3 of the best Fourier series. Remark 7 (Continuous least square approximation) The expansion Z 1 n X 2 ak Tk (x), ak = (x) f (x) Tk (x) dx, pn (x) := ck 1
has the property that the error en (x) := f (x) pn (x) satises the continuous least square condition Z 1 S := (x) e2 (x)dx = min . n
1.2. FOURIER AND CHEBYSHEV SERIES The minimum value is given by ! n Z 1 X 1 Smin = (x) f 2 (x)dx ck a2 . k 2 1
As n , we produce the Chebyshev series, which has the same convergence properties as the Fourier series, but generally with a much faster rate of convergence.
We now move on to the discrete case of least square approximation in which the integrated mean square error over I, from the classical least square approximation, is replaced by a sum over a nite number of nodes, say x0 , x1 , ..., xN I. The function f (x) , f : I R is approximated by a polynomial p (x) with the error e (x) := f (x) p (x) and nd the polynomial p(x) such that the sum S :=
(xk ) e2 (xk ) ,
attains its minimum with respect to the position of the nodes xk in [1, 1] and for a specied class of polynomials. We seek an expansion of the form pN (x) :=
N X r=0
ar r (x) ,
where the functions r (x) are, at this stage, arbitrary members of some particular system (should that consist of polynomials, trigonometric functions, etc.). Conditions for a minimum are now expressed with respect to the coecients ar , S = S (a0 , a1 , ..., ar ). They are S/ai = 0, i = 0, 1, 2, .., N and they produce a set of linear algebraic equations for these quantities. The matrix involved is diagonal if the functions are chosen to satisfy the discrete orthogonality conditions
The corresponding coecients ar are then given by PN (xk ) r (xk ) f (xk ) , r = 0, 1, 2, ..., N, ar = k=0N P 2 k=0 (xk ) r (xk ) (xk ) f (xk ) (
2 N X
a2 2 r r
(xk ) .
Lets consider a particular case relevant for the Chebyshev theory. In the trigonometric identity 1 1 1 + cos + cos 2 + ... + cos(N 1) + cos N = sin N cot , 2 2 2 2 the right-hand side vanishes for = k/N, k Z. Since 2 cos r cos s = cos (r + s) + cos (r s) , (1.11) it follows that the set of linearly independent functions r () = cos r satisfy the discrete orthogonality conditions
N X 1 (k ) s (k ) = 0, r 6= s, k = k/N, ck r
where, throughout in this work, the coecients ck are dened by 2, k = 0, N, ck := 1, 1 k N 1. Further, we nd from (1.10) and (1.11) that the normalization factors for these orthogonal functions are N X 1 2 N/2, k = 0, N, r (k ) = (1.13) N, 1 k N 1. ck
Consequently, for the function g () , [0, ], a trigonometric (Fourier) discrete least square approximation, over equally spaced nodes k = k/N, k = 0, 1, 2, ..., N, is given by the interpolation polynomial pN () =
N N X 1 X 2 k ar cos r, ar = g (k ) cos rk , k = . cr N ck N r=0 k=0
The corresponding Chebyshev discrete least square approximation follows immediately using (1.7). It reads N N X 1 X 2 k ar Tr (x), ar = f (xk ) Tr (xk ) , xk = cos pN (x) = . (1.15) cr N ck N r=0
Let us observe that the nodes xk are not equally spaced in [1, 1] . The nodes k = k , k = 1, 2, ..., N 1, N
are the turning points (extrema points) of TN (x) on [1, 1] and they are called the Chebyshev points of the second kind.
Remark 8 For the expansion (1.15), the error eN (x) := f (x)pN (x) satises the discrete least square condition S := and Smin
N X 1 e2 (xk ) = min, ck N
N X 1 = ck k=0
f (xk )
N X r=0
2 a2 Tr r
(xk ) .
We have to notice that, so far, we have not used the orthogonality properties of the Chebyshev polynomials, with respect to scalar product (1.1). Similar particular results can be found using this property. For the general properties of orthogonal polynomials we refer to the monographs [43] or [187]. Each and every set of such polynomials satises a three-term recurrence relation r+1 (x) = (r x + ) r (x) + r1 r1 (x) , (1.16) with the coecients r = Ar+1 Ar+1 Ar1 kr , r1 = , Ar Ar Ar kr1 Z
kr =
Following Lanczos [126], we choose the normalization kr = 1, and write (1.16) in the form pr1 r1 (x) + (x + qr ) r (x) + pr r+1 (x) = 0, with pr = Ar , qr = r pr . Ar+1 (1.17)
If we dene p1 (x) := 0 and choose the N + 1 nodes xi , i = 0, 1, 2, ..., N so that they are the zeros of the orthogonal polynomial N +1 (x) , we see that they are also the eigenvalues of the tridiagonal matrix diag (pk1 qk pk ) . The eigenvector corresponding to the eigenvalue xk has the components 0 (xk ) , 1 (xk ) , ..., N (xk ) and from the theory of symmetric matrices we know that the set of these vectors forms an independent orthonormal system. Each and every vector is normalized to be a unit vector, i.e., N X 2 k r (xk ) = 1,
0 0 (x0 ) 1 0 (x1 ) 1/2 1/2 0 1 (x0 ) 1 1 (x1 ) ... ... 1/2 1/2 0 N (x0 ) 1 N (x1 )
is orthogonal. It means X X 0 = X 0 X = IN+1 , which implies two more discrete conditions in addition to the normalization one. i.e., PN 2 k=0 (x ) = 1, r = 0, 1, 2, ..., N PN k r k k=0 k r (xk ) s (xk ) = 0, r 6= s. (1.18)
It follows that a solution of the least square problem in this case, with weights (xk ) = k , and the nodes taken as the N + 1 zeros of N+1 (x) , is given by pN (x) =
N X r=0
ar r (x) , ar =
1/2 For the Chebyshev case, using weight function (x) = 1 x2 , we nd 0 (x) = 1/2 T0 (x) , r (x) = 1 = k
k f (xk ) r (xk ) .
k =
k = 0, 1, 2, ..., N.
1 r=0 ck
cos2 rk ,
The trigonometric identity (1.10) leads to a very simple form of k , namely k = / (N + 1) , and nally to PN pN (x) = f (xk ) Tr (xk ), PN
1 T r=0 cr br r (x) , xk = cos 2k+1 , N+1 2
br =
2 N+1
k = 0, 1, 2, ..., N.
Remark 9 For the expansion (1.20), the error eN (x) := f (x)pN (x) satises the discrete least square condition S := and Smin =
e2 (xk ) = min, N )
f (xk )
N X r=0
2 a2 Tr r
(xk ) .
Remark 10 The least square approximation polynomial pN (x) from (1.20) must agree with the Lagrangian interpolation polynomial pN (x) =
It can be shown that the error eN (x) satises the following minmax criterion for suciently smooth functions max eN (x) /f (N +1) () = min, (1, 1) .
lk (x) f (xk ) ,
Remark 11 In [71] it is shown that for suciently well-behaved functions f (x) the approximation formula (1.20) is slightly better than (1.15) .
(seeAppendix 1) which uses as nodes the Chebyshev points of the rst kind xk = cos 2k+1 , k = 0, 1, 2, ..., N. These nodes are in fact the zeros of TN+1 (x). N +1 2
There exists an important connection between the weights k of the orthogonal polynomial discrete least square approximation and the corresponding Gauss type quadrature formulas. First, we notice that Lagrangian quadrature formula (see Appendix 1) reads Z where k = The polynomial pN (x) =
N X 1
(x) f (x) dx = Z
1 1
k f (xk ) ,
lk (x)f (xk ) ,
ts f (x) exactly in the N + 1 zeros of (x) and has degree N. The formula (1.21) is exact for polynomials of degree N or less. A Gauss quadrature formula has the form Z
(x) f (x) dx =
k f (xk ) ,
where the weights k and abscissae xk (quadrature nodes) are to be determined such that the formula should be exact for polynomials of as high a degree as
possible. Since there are 2N + 2 parameters in the above formula, we should expect to be able to make (1.23) exact for polynomials of degree 2N + 1. To this end, we consider a system of polynomials k (x) , k = 0, 1, 2, ..., N which satisfy the continuous orthogonality conditions Z 1 (x) r (x) s (x) dx = 0, r 6= s. (1.24)
Suppose that f (x) is a polynomial of degree 2N + 1 and write it in the form f (x) = qN (x) N +1 (x) + rN (x) , (1.25)
where the suces indicate the degrees of the polynomial involved. Since qN (x) can be expressed as a linear combination of orthogonal polynomials k (x) , k = 0, 1, 2, ..., N, the orthogonality relations imply Z 1 Z 1 (x) f (x) dx = (x) rN (x) dx,
1 1
(x) f (x) dx =
k rN (xk ) ,
for specied xk and corresponding k . If we choose xk to be the zeros of N+1 (x) , it follows from (1.25) that we obtained formally the required Gauss quadrature formula (1.23) with k = k . Now rN (x) , as a polynomial of degree N can be represented exactly, due to (1.19) , in the form rN (x) = Consequently, we can write Z
1 N X
ar r (x) .
(x) rN (x) dx =
ar r (x) dx = a0 0
(x) ,
due to (1.24) with r = 0. Moreover, the general solution of the least square problem (1.19) and in particular, the normalization condition, imply a0 0 Z
(x) =
k f (xk )
(x) 2 dx 0
k f (xk ) ,
(x) f (x) dx =
k f (xk ) .
It follows that the weights in Gauss quadrature formula (1.23) , which is exact for polynomials of order 2N + 1, equal the weights k of the discrete least square solution (1.19) , and the nodes xk are the zeros of the relevant orthogonal polynomial N +1 (x) . If, in particular, 0 (x) := ()
T0 (x) , r (x) :=
1 2
Tr (x) , r = 1, 2, ...
we get the Gauss-Chebyshev quadrature formula, i.e., Z X (x) f (x) dx = f (xk ) , xk = cos N +1 1
1 k=0 N
2k + 1 N +1 2
Chebyshev projection
where the coecients uk , k = 1, 2, . . . , N are dened in (1.5). Due to the b orthogonality properties of Chebyshev polynomials, PN u (x) represents the orthogonal projection of function u onto PN with respect to scalar product (1.1). Consequently, we can write (PN u (x) , v (x)) = (u (x) , v (x)) , v PN . (1.28)
More than that, due to the completeness of the set of Chebyshev polynomials, the following limit holds: ku PN uk 0 as N . Remark 12 A lot of results concerning the general theory of approximation by polynomials are available in Chapter 9 of [33]. We extract from this source only the results we strictly use. The quantity u PN u is called truncation error and for it we have the following estimate.
s Lemma 13 For each and every u H (I), s N, one has
for a function u that belongs to L2 (1, 1) along with its distributional deriva 1, 1 < p < , tives of order m and N (p) = 1 + log N, p = 1 and p = . Remark 15 Unfortunately, the approximation using the Chebyshev projection is optimal only with respect to the scalar product (, )0, . This statement is conrmed by the estimation ku PN uk CN 2ls 2 kuks, , s l 1,
in which a supplementary quantity l 1 appears in the power of N. To avoid 2 this inconvenient Canuto et al. [33] [1988, Ch. 9,11] introduced orthogonal projections with respect to other scalar products. Remark 16 If (1.5) is the Chebyshev series for u (x) , the same series for the 1 derivative of u H (I), has the form u0 (x) =
uk Tk (x) , b
2 ck
pbk . u
p=k+1 p + k = odd
but in applications is sometimes used the derivative of the projection, namely 0 (PN u) , which is called the Chebyshev-Galerkin derivative . We end this section with some inverse inequalities concerning summability and dierentiability for algebraic polynomials. Lemma 17 For each and every u PN , we have
1 1 CN 2( p q ) kukLp (1,1) , 1 p q , kukLq (r) (1,1) u p CN 2r kukLp (1,1) , 2 p , r 1. L (1,1)
uk Tk (x) , b
Chebyshev interpolation
We re-write the results from Fourier and Chebyshev Series Section in a more formal way. First, we observe that the quadrature formulas represent a way to connect the space L2 (1, 1) with the space of polynomials of a specied degree. For the sake of precision, the interpolation nodes will be furnished by following Chebyshev-Gauss quadrature formula (rule) Z
f (x) (x) dx :=
N X j=0
f (xj ) j ,
where the choices for the nodes xj and the weights j lead to rules which have dierent orders of precision. The most frequently encountered rules are: 1. the Chebyshev-Gauss formula (CGauss) xj := cos (2j + 1) and j = , j = 0, 1, 2, . . . , N 2N + 1 N +1 (1.32)
The quadrature nodes are the roots of the Chebyshev polynomial TN+1 and the formula is exact for polynomials in P2N +1 . 2. the Chebyshev-Gauss-Radau formula (CGaussR) 2j xj := cos j = 0, 1, 2, . . . , N and j = 2N + 1 In this case, the order of precision is only 2N. 3. the Chebyshev-Gauss-Lobatto formula (CGaussL) j 2N , j = 0 and j = N, j = 0, 1, 2, . . . , N and j = xj := cos N N , j = 1, 2, . . . , N 1. (1.34) In this case, the order of precision diminishes to 2N 1. Corresponding to each and every formula above we introduce a discrete scalar (inner) product and a norm as follows: (u, v)N :=
N X j=0 N +1 ,
2N +2 ,
j = 0, j = 1, 2, . . . , N. (1.33)
j u (xj ) v (xj ) ,
1 2 N X 2 := j u (xj ) .
Lemma 18 For the set of Chebyshev polynomials, there holds kTN k , f or CGauss kTk kN = kTk k , k = 0, 1, 2, ..., N 1, kTN kN = 2 kTN k , f or CGaussL. Proof. The rst two equalities are direct consequences of the order of precision of quadrature formulas. For the third, we can write kTN kN =
Let IN u PN the interpolation polynomial of order (degree) N corresponding to one of the above three sets of nodes xk . It has the form IN u =
uk Tk (x) ,
where the coecients are to be determined and are called the degrees of freedom of u in the transformed space ( called also phase space). For the ( CGaussL) choice of nodes, using the discrete orthogonality and normality conditions (1.12), (1.13) we have N X ck (IN u, Tk )N = up (Tp , Tk )N = (1.38) uk . 2 p=0 But interpolation means IN u (xj ) = u (xj ) , j = 0, 1, 2, ..., N, which implies (IN u, Tn )N = (u, Tn )N =
N X nj u(xj ) cos . cj N N j=0
The identities (1.38) and (1.39) lead to the discrete Chebyshev transform uk =
N 2 X 1 kj u(xj ) cos , k = 0, 1, 2, ..., N. ck N j=0 cj N
Making use of this transformation, we can pass from the set of values of the function u in the nodes (CGaussL) , the so-called physical space, to the transformed space. The inverse transform reads u(xj ) =
N X j=0
uj cos
kj , j = 0, 1, 2, ..., N. N
Due to their trigonometric structure, these two transformations can be carried out using FFT (fast Fourier transform-see [33] Appendix B, or [40] and [41]). A direct consequence of the last lemma is the equivalence of the norms kk P and kkN . Thus, in the (CGaussL) case, for uN = N uk Tk we can write k=0
N N 1 X X N 2 u = (uk )2 kTk k2 = (uk )2 kTk k2 + 2 (uN )2 kTN k2 , N N k=0 k=0 N X N 2 u = (uk )2 kTk k2 . k=0
For the Chebyshev interpolation, in each and every case, (CG) , (CGR) , (CGL) , we have the following result (see [33], Ch. 9 and [169] Ch. 4):
m Lemma 19 If u H (1, 1) , m 1, then the following estimation holds
ku IN uk CN m kukm, , and if 0 l m, then a less sharp one holds, namely ku IN ukl, CN 2lm kukm, . In L (1, 1), we have the estimation ku IN ukL CN 2lm kukm, .
Associated with an interpolator is the concept of a collocation derivative (differentiation) operator called also Chebyshev collocation derivative or even pseudospectral derivative. The idea is summarized in [184]. Suppose we know the value of a function at several points (nodes) and we want to approximate its derivative at those points. One way to do this is to nd the polynomial that passes through all of data points, dierentiate it analytically, and evaluate this derivative at the grid points. In other words, the derivatives are approximated by exact dierentiation of the interpolate. Since interpolation and dierentiation are linear operations, the process of obtaining approximations to the values of the derivative of a function at a set of points can be expressed as a matrix-vector multiplication. The matrices involved are called pseudospectral dierentiation (derivation) matrices or simply dierentiation matrices.
Thus, if u := (u (x0 ) u (x1 ) ...u (xN )) is the vector of function values, and T u := (u0 (x0 ) u0 (x1 ) ...u0 (xN )) is the vector of approximate nodal derivatives, obtained by this idea, then there exists a matrix, say D(1) , such that
u0 = D(1) u.
We will deduce the matrix D(1) and the next dierentiation matrix D(2) dened by u00 = D(2) u. (1.46) To get the idea we proceed in the simplest way following closely the paper of Solomono and Turkel [183]. Thus, if N X u (xk ) lk (x) , (1.47) LN (x) :=
is the Lagrangian interpolation polynomial, we construct the rst dierentiation matrix D(1) by analytically dierentiating that. In particular, we shall explicitly construct D(1) by demanding that for Lagrangian basis {lk (x)}N , lk (x) k=0 PN , 0 D(1) lk (xj ) = lk (xj ) , j, k = 0, 1, 2, ..., N, i.e. 0 0 . . . 0 1 0 . . . 0
(1) D
We have to evaluate explicitly the entries djk in terms of the nodes xk , k = 0, 1, 2, ..., N. To this end, we rewrite the Lagrangian polynomials lk (x) in the form 1 N l=0 (x xl ) , k := N (xk xl ) . lk (x) := l=0 k l6=k l6=k Taking, with a lot of care, the logarithm of lk (x) and dierentiating, we obtain
0 lk (x) = lk (x) N X l=0 l6=k
1/ (x xl ) .
1.4. CHEBYSHEV INTERPOLATION This equality implies the diagonal elements dkk =
(1) N X l=0 l6=k
1/ (xk xl ) , k = 1, 2, ..., N.
In order to evaluate (1.49) at x = xj , j 6= k we have to eliminate the 0/0 indetermination from the right hand side of that. We therefore write (1.49) as
0 lk (x) = lk (x) / (x xj ) + lk (x) N X
l=0 l6=k,j
1/ (x xl ) .
lk (x) . (x xj )
Using the denition of lk (x) , we get the o-diagonal elements, i.e., djk =
It is sometimes preferable to express the entries of D(1) , (1.50) and (1.51) , in a dierent way. Lets denote by N+1 (x) the product N (x xl ) . Then we l=0 have successively 0 +1 (x) = N PN
N (x xl ) , l=0
j 6= k = k.
and consequently
Remark 20 In [206],a simple method for computing n n pseudodierential matrix of order p in O pn2 operations for the case of quasi-polynomial approximation is carried out. The algorithm is based on recursions relations for the generation of nite dierence formulas derived in [68]. The existence of ecient preconditioners for spectral dierentiation matrices is considered in [72]. Simple 1 upper bounds for the maximum norms of the inverse D(2) , corresponding to (CGaussL) points, are provided in [182]. In [189] it is shown that dierentiating analytic functions using the pseudospectral Fourier or Chebyshev methods, the error committed decays to zero at an exponential rate. Remark 21 The entries of the Chebyshev rst derivative matrix can be found also in [93]. The gridpoints used by this matrix are xj from (1.34) , i.e., Cheby(1) shev Gauss Lobato nodes. The entries djk are djk = djj =
(1) (1) cj (1)j+k ck (xj xk ) , xj , 2(1x2 ) j
j 6= k, (1.54)
j 6= 0, N,
2N 2 +1 . 6
d00 = dN N =
which is also suggested by (1.53) . The existence of this relation is a consequence of the barycentric form of the interpolator (see P. Henrici [110], P. 252). On the other hand, we have to observe that throughout this work we use standard notations, which means that interpolating polynomials are considered to have order N and sums to have lower limit j = 0 and upper limit N. Since MATLAB environment does not have a zero index the authors of these codes begin sums with j = 1 and consequently their notations involve polynomials of degree N 1. Thus, in formulas (1.54) instead of N they introduce N 1. However, it is fairly important that, in these codes, the authors use extensively the vectorization capabilities as well as the built-in (compiled) functions of MATLAB avoiding at the same time nested loops and conditionals. Another important source for pseudospectral derivative matrices is the book of L. N. Trefethen [197].
Remark 22 The software suite provided in the paper of Weideman and Reddy [204] contains, among others, some codes (MATLAB .m functions) for carrying out the transformations (1.40) and (1.41), as well as for computing derivatives of arbitrary order corresponding to Chebyshev, Hermite, Laguerre, Fourier and sinc interpolators. It is observed that for the matrix D(l) , which stands for the l th order derivative, is valid the recurrence relation l D(l) = D(1) , l = 1, 2, 3, ...,
Remark 23 For Chebyshev and for Lagrangian polynomials as well, projection (truncation) and interpolation do not commute, i.e., (PN u)0 6= PN (u0 ) 0 0 and (IN u) 6= IN (u0 ) . The Chebyshev-Galerkin derivative (PN u) and the pseu0 dospectral derivative (IN u) are asymptotically worse approximations of u0 than
PN1 (u0 ) and IN1 (u0 ) , respectively, for functions with nite regularity (see Canuto et al. [33] Sect. 9.5.2. and [93]). Remark 24 (Computational cost) First, we consider the cost associated with the matrix D(l) . Thus, N 2 operations are requested to compute j . Given j , another 2N 2 is required to nd the o-diagonal elements. N 2 operations are required to nd all the diagonal elements from (1.52). Hence, it requires 4N 2 operations to construct the matrix D(1) . Second, a matrix-vector multiplication takes N 2 operations and consequently the evaluation of u0 in (1.45) would require 5N 2 operations, which means asymptotically something of order O(N 2 ). This operation seems to be a somewhat expensive one because this would take up most of CPU time if it were used in a numerical scheme to solve a typical PDE or ODE boundary value problem (the other computations take only O(N ) operations). Fortunately, the matrices of spectral dierentiations have various regularities in them. It is reasonable to hope that they can be exploited. It is well known that certain methods using Fourier, Chebyshev or sinc basis functions can also be implemented using FFT. By applying this technique the matrix-vector multiplication (1.45) can be performed in O (N log N ) operations rather than the O N 2 operations. However, our own experience, conrmed by [204], shows that there are situations where one might prefer the matrix approach of dierentiation in spite of its inferior asymptotic operation count. Thus, for small values of N the matrix approach is in fact faster than the FFT approach. The eciency of FFT algorithm depends on the fact that the integer N has to be a power of 2. More than that, the FFT algorithm places a limitation on the type of algorithm that can be used to solve linear systems of equations or eigenvalue problems that arise after discretization of the dierential equations.
(See Fox and Parker [71], Ch. 3, Practical Properties of Chebyshev Polynomials and Series) 1. Prove the recurrence relation (1.3) for Chebyshev polynomials, using the trigonometric identity cos ((k + 1) ) + cos ((k 1) ) = 2 cos cos (k) and the decomposition Tk (x) = cos (k) , N 2. In certain applications we need expressions for products like Tr (x) Ts (x) and xr Ts (x) . Show for the rst that the following identity holds Tr (x) Ts (x) = 1 [Tr+s (x) + Tsr (x)] . 2 = arccos (x) .
CHAPTER 1. CHEBYSHEV POLYNOMIALS For the second, we have to show rst that r r 1 r x = r1 Tr (x) + Tr2 (x) + Tr4 (x) + . . . , 1 2 2 and than we get x Ts (x) =
Show also that Tr (Ts (x)) = Ts (Tr (x)) = Trs (x) .N 3. Show that for the indenite integral we have Z 1 1 1 Tr (x) dx = Tr+1 (x) Tr1 (x) , r 2,(1.55) 2 r+1 r1 Z Z 1 T0 (x) dx = T1 (x) , T1 (x) dx = {T0 (x) + T2 (x)} .N 4 4. The range 0 x 1. Any nite range, a y b, can be transformed to the basic range 1 x 1 with the change of variables y := 1 [(b a) x + (b + a)] . 2
5. Show that the set of Chebyshev polynomials T0 (x) , T1 (x) , ..., TN (x) is a basis in PN .N 6. For the continuous least square approximation, using trigonometric polynomial (1.6), to a function f (x) , x [, ], show that min Z
[f (x) pN (x)] dx =
f (x) dx
) N 1 2 X 2 2 ak + bk .N a + 2 0
7. Find in [, ] the Fourier series for f (x) = |x| , and observe that it converges like k 2 . Find the similar series in the range [1, 1] .N
1.5. PROBLEMS 8. Justify the equality (u PN u, v) = 0, v PN , where PN is the projection operator dened in (1.27) .N
9. Prove that the set of functions cos r, r = 0, 1, ..., N, are orthogonal under summation over the points k = 2k + 1 , k = 0, 1, ..., N, N +1 2
i.e., they satisfy (1.12) and hence nd a discrete least square Fourier series dierent from (1.14).N 10. Justify the formula for the derivative of a Chebyshev series (1.30) . Hint Lets dierentiate rst, term-by-term, the nite Chebyshev sum p (x) = Pn1 1 Pn 1 0 r=0 cr ar Tr (x) , to obtain p (x) = r=0 cr br Tr (x) . We seek to compute the coecients br in terms of ar . To this end, we integrate p0 (x), using (1.55), to give Pn 1 r=0 cr ar Tr (x) = n io Pn1 h 1 1 a0 T0 (x) + b0 T1 (x) + 2 b1 T2 (x) + r=2 br Tr+1 (x) Tr1 (x) . 2 r+1 r1 By equating coecients of Tr (x) on each side we nd
1 ar = 2r (br1 br+1 ) , r = 1, 2, ..., n 2 1 1 an1 = 2(n1) bn2 , an = 2n bn1 .
We then can calculate the coecient br successively, for decreasing r, from the general recurrence relation br1 = br+1 + 2rar . Consequently, we can write bn1 = 2nan , bn2 = 2(n 1)an1 , bn3 = 2(n 2)an2 + 2nan , ... b1 = 4a2 + 8a4 + 12a6 + ..., b0 = 2a1 + 6a3 + 10a5 + ... .
Each sum above is nite and nishes at an or an1 . Whenever we dierentiate term-by-term an innite Chebyshev series, these sums are in fact innite series which have the general expressions P b2r = s=r 2 (2s + 1) a2s+1 , P N (1.56) b2r+1 = s=r 2 (2s + 2) a2s+2 , r = 0, 1, 2, ... .
1 11. For any v H0 (a, b) , (a, b) R, prove the Poincare inequality Z b Z b 2 2 2 2 u dx (b a) (u0 ) dx. a a
Hint Expand u (x) as well as u0 (x) in their respective Fourier series.N 12. Express the function f : [1, 1] R, f (x) = 1/ 1 + x + x2 as a series P 1 of Chebyshev polynomials r=0 cr ar Tr (x) . Try to estimate the error. Observe that the absolute values of the degrees of freedom ar of f (x) are decreasing with the increase of r. Find out the range L such that aL 6= 0 and ar = 0, r > L, i.e., the order of the smallest non vanishing coecient. Using successively the transform (1.41) and the matrices of dierentiation D(l) , compute T f () (x0 ) f () (x1 ) ...f () (xL ) , = 0, 1, 2.
It is strongly recommended to set up a computing code, for instance a MATLAB m function (see also http://dip.sun.ac.za/weideman/research/dier.html). Hint Equating each side of the identity
X 1 1 = 1 + x + x2 ar Tr (x) , c r=0 r 3 1 1 4 a0 + 2 a1 + 4 a2 = 1, 1 7 1 1 2 a0 + 4 a1 + 2 a2 + 4 a3 = 0, 1 3 1 1 2 ar1 + 2 ar + 2 ar+1 + 4 ar+2 = 0,
we nd
1 4 ar2
r = 2, 3, ... .
To solve this innite set of linear algebraic equations we solve in fact successive subsets of equations, involving successive leading submatrices (square matrices) of the innite matrix. We assume, without proof, that this process will converge whenever a convergent Chebyshev series exists.N 13. Show that the matrix D(2) with the entries dened in (1.53) is singular. Hint D(2) v0 = D(2) v1 = 0, where v0 = (1 1 ...1)T , v1 := (x0 x1 ...xN )T , v0 , v1 RN+1 , see the denition of Lagrangian interpolation polynomial, (1.47) .N 14. [155], P. 702 Give a rule for computing the Chebyshev coecients of the product v (y) w (y) given that v (y) :=
an Tn (y) , w (y) :=
bn Tn (y) .
1.5. PROBLEMS Hint. Let us dene e Tn (x) := exp i n cos1 x , |x| 1, < n < , i = 1.
e e e e e It follows that 2Tn (x) = Tn (x) + Tn (x) and Tn (x) Tm (x) = Tn+m (x) . With these we can rewrite the above expansions as 2v (y) :=
b where en = c|n| a|n| and en = c|n| b|n| for < n < . Therefore, a 4v (y) w (y) =
n= X
en Tn (y) , b e
en Tn (y) ,
where en =
Consequently, the nth Chebyshev coecient of v (y) w (y) is 1 en for n 2 0.N 15. Observe the Gibbs phenomenon for the map 0, 2 x 0, f (x) = cos (x) , 0 x 2. Hint Use the Fourier expansion SN (x) : =
N X 1 1 sin (2) + 22 4 4 n n=1 nx nx o n n+1 n 2 sin (2) cos + n [1 (1) cos (2)] sin .N (1) 2 2
16. Provide the reason for the absence of a Gibbs phenomenon (eect) for the Chebyshev series of f (x), f : [1, 1] R, and its derivatives at x = 1. Hint The map F () := f (cos ) satises F (2p+1) (0) = F (2p+1) () = 0 provided only that all derivatives of f (x) of order at most 2p + 1 exist at x = 1.N
Chapter 2
The spectral methods (approximations) try to approximate functions (solutions of dierential equations, partial dierential equations, etc.) by means of truncated series of orthogonal functions (polynomials) say, ek , k N. The well known Fourier series (for periodic problems), as well as series made up by Chebyshev or Legendre polynomials (for non-periodic problems), are examples of such series of orthogonal functions. Hermite polynomials and sinc functions are used to approximate on the real line and Laguerre polynomials to approximate on the half line. Roughly speaking, a certain function u (x) will be approximated by the nite sum N X uN (x) := uk ek (x) , N N, b
where the real (sometimes complex !) coecients uk are unknown. b A spectral method is characterized by a specic way to determine these coecients. We will shortly introduce the tree most important spectral methods by making use of a simple example. 29
CHAPTER 2. SPECTRAL METHODS FOR O. D. E. Let us consider the two-point boundary value problem N (u (x)) = f, x (a, b) @ R, u (a) = u (b) = 0,
where N () stands, generally, for a certain non-linear dierential operator of a specied order, dened on an innite dimensional space of functions. The Galerkin method, (SG) for short, consists in the vanishing of the residue RN := N uN f, in a weak sense, i.e., (SG) Zb
w RN ek dx = 0,
k = 0, 1, 2, . . . , N,
Thus we obtain the so called tau method, (ST ) for short. The spectral collocation method, (SC) for short, requires that the given equation is satised in the nodes of a certain grid, {xk }k=1,2,...,N 1 , x0 = a, xN = b, and the boundary conditions are enforced explicitly, i.e., N uN (xk ) f (xk ) = 0, xk (a, b) , k = 1, 2, . . . , N 1, (SC) uN (a) = uN (b) = 0.
where w (x) is a weight function associated with the orthogonality of the functions ek . The applicability of this method strongly depends on the apriority fulllment of the homogeneous boundary conditions by the functions ek . Whenever this is not the case (SG) , method is modied as follows. The N + 1 unknown coecients uk will be searched as the solution to the b algebraic system b Z w RN ek dx = 0, k = 0, 1, 2, . . . , N 1, a (ST ) N N X X uk ek (a) = b uk ek (b) = 0. b
k=0 k=0
It is extremely important to underline the fact that the method does not use equidistant nodes, because as it is well known such nodes lead to ill-conditioning and Runges phenomenon. Remark 25 Each and every formulation, (SG) , (ST ) and (SC) , represents an algebraic system of equations- the rst two for the unknowns u0 , u1 , . . . , uN , b b b the third for u (x0 ) , u (x1 ) , ..., u (xN ) . Thus, the rst two methods belong to a more general class of methods, the so called weighted residual methods. The spectral collocation method, which does not belong to that, is also called the pseudospectral method. This method, unlike the nite dierence and nite element methods, does not use local interpolants but use a single global interpolant instead.
Remark 26 Whenever the basis functions ek are the Chebyshev polynomials, the methods (SG), (ST ) and (SC) will be denoted respectively by (CG), (CT ) and (CC). The same convention holds for the Fourier, Legendre and other classes of special polynomials. Remark 27 Approximation properties. The spectral methods are particularly attractive due to the following approximation properties. The distance between the solution u (x) of the above problem and its spectral approximation uN (x) is of order 1/N s , i.e., u uN C , Ns
where the exponent s depends only on the regularity (smoothness) of the solution u (x) . Moreover, if u (x) is innitely derivable, the above distance vanishes faster than any power of 1/N, and this means spectral accuracy. This sharply contrasts with nite dierence methods and nite element methods where a similar distance is of order 1/N p with exponent p independent of the regularity of u (x) but depending on the approximation scheme. In other words, while spectral methods use trial (shape) and test functions, dened globally and very smooth, in nite elements methods these functions are dened only locally and are less smooth. Remark 28 [33], [161] Computational aspects. The (SC) method solves the dierential problems in the so called physical space which is a subset of RN +1 containing the nodal values u (x0 ) , u (x1 ) , ..., u (xN ) of the solution. The (SG) and (ST ) methods solve the same problems in the so called transformed space which is again a subset of RN+1 containing the coecients {bk }k=0,1,2,...,N . Each and every coecient uk depends on all the values of u b u (x) in the physical space. However, only a nite number of such coecients can be calculated, with an accuracy depending on the smoothness of u, from a nite number of values of u. From the computational point of view this can be achieved by means of the Chebyshev discrete transform (1.40) .The inverse of this transform (1.41) is a map from transformed space onto physical space.
Let us consider the following linear two-point boundary value problem Lu = f, in (1, 1) , (LP ) Bu = 0, where L is a linear dierential operator acting in a Hilbert space X and B stands for a set of linear dierential operators dened on 1 and 1. If we introduce the domain of denition of the operator L as DB (L) := {u X| Lu X and Bu = 0} ,
and suppose that DB (L) is dense in X, such that L : DB (L) X X, the problem (LP ) takes the functional form u DB (L) , (LP ) Lu = f. There exist criteria, such as Lax-Milgram lemma or inf-sup condition (criterion), which assure the fact that this problem is well dened. In order to obtain a numerical solution of (LP ) we will approximate the operator L by a family of discrete operators LN , N N. Every discrete operator will be dened on a nite dimensional subspace XN of X, in which the solution will be searched, and its codomain is a subspace Z of X. The spectral approximation uN XN of the solution u X is obtained by imposing the vanishing of the projection of the residual (LN u f ) on a nite dimensional subspace YN of Z. Consequently, if we denote by QN the operator of orthogonal projection, QN : Z YN , the nth order spectral approximation uN of u is dened by N u XN , (SA) QN LN uN f = 0. The projection operator QN will be dened with respect to a scalar product (., .)N from YN as follows QN : Z YN , (z QN z, v)N = 0, v YN . Thus, the spectral approximation (SA) is equivalent with the variational formulation uN XN , (V A) N LN u f, v N = 0, v YN .
This equivalence justies the name of weighted residuals used alternatively for the spectral methods. Schematically, the spectral methods look like this:
A particular choice of subspaces Z, XN , YN , as well as of the scalar product (., .)N (or projection operator QN ), denes a specic spectral method. The space XN is the space of trial or shape functions and the space YN is that of test functions.
Tau-spectral method
This method, discovered by C. Lanczos, [126] pp.464-469, is suitable for nonperiodic problems with complicated boundary conditions. The Chebyshev tau method (CT for short) is characterized by the following choice:
X := L2 (1, 1) ;
XN := {v PN | Bv = 0} ;
YN := PN ;
where stands for the number of boundary conditions. The projection operator QN is the projection operator of X with respect to the scalar product (1.1), the discrete operators LN coincide with L and the scalar product (., .)N from YN remains as well the scalar product (1.1). Practically, if we accept the family {Tk , k = 0, 1, 2, . . . , N } as a basis for the nite dimensional space XN and a subset of this {Tk , k = 0, 1, 2, . . . , N } as the set of test functions in YN , the variational formulation (V A) corresponding to (LP ) reads as follows: f ind the coef f icients uk of uN (x) PN , b N X uN (x) := uk Tk (x) , such that b k=0 1 Z N Lu (x) f (x) Tk (x) (x) dx = 0, k = 0, 1, 2, . . . N , 1 N X uk B (Tk ) = 0. b and
(CT )
(2.3) The equation (2.3) represents the projection of the equation (LP ) onto the space PN and the boundary conditions are explicitly imposed by the last equations. The stability and convergence of tau approximation is usually proved with the discrete form of inf-sup condition (see [11]), this tool being more suitable when the nite dimensional spaces XN and YN are dierent one from the other. For linear dierential operators the convergence results are fairly general. Thus, let L be the linear dierential operator Lu := u(m) +
m1 X i=0
ai u(i) ,
where ai L2 (1, 1) and let B be the bounded linear operator on the boundary which furnishes m supplementary conditions. The next result is proved in [172]:
Lemma 29 If the coecients (functions) ai are polynomials and the homogeneous problem Lu = 0, in (1, 1) , Bu = 0, has only the null solution, then for large N the (CT) method leads to a unique solution, which converges to the unique solution of the non-homogeneous problem, with respect to the norm kkm, . The convergence error and the best approximation error of the solution in PN with respect to the same norm have the same order of magnitude. This result was extended to the case of more general coecients, namely ai L2 (1, 1) , by Cabos in his paper [27]. However, these results can not be extended for partial dierential equations and consequently we consider an example where we alternatively use the infsup criterion (see [148] or [33] Ch. 10). Lemma 30 (Existence and uniqueness) Let (W, kkW ) and (V, kkV ) be two Hilbert spaces such that W v X and V v X the second inclusion being continuous i.e., there exists a constant C such that kvkV C kvk , v V, and let DB (L) be dense in W. If there exists the real positive constants and such that the following three conditions with respect to the operator L hold 0 < sup n {(Lu, v) | u DB (L)} , v V, o kukW sup (Lu,v) | v V, v 6= 0 , u DB (L) , (2.5) kvkV |(Lu, v)| kukW kvkV , u DB (L) , v V,
then the non-homogeneous problem (2.4) has a unique solution (in a weak sense) which depends continuously on the right hand member f , i.e., there exists a positive constant C such that kukW C kf k . Remark 31 Just in case of elliptic (coercive) operators i.e., > 0 such that kuk (Lu, u) , u DB (L) , the rst two conditions above are fullled taking V = W = X. Similarly, the blondeness of bilinear form (Lu, v) implies automatically the third condition. Consequently, the Lax-Milgram lemma is a particular case of the above criterion (see our contribution [83] or the original reference [127]). In order to prove the numerical stability of the method a discrete form of the inf-sup criterion is useful. The following lemma is proved in [11]. Lemma 32 (Numerical stability) Let XN and YN be two nite dimensional spaces of dimension N such that XN v W, YN v V and L satisfying the
conditions from the above lemma. If there exists > 0, independent of N, such that the discrete form of the inf-sup criterion holds, i.e., (Lu, v) kukW sup | v YN , v 6= 0 , u XN , kvkV then there exists C > 0, C independent of N , for which N u C kf k . W (2.6)
The inequality (2.6) means exactly numerical stability of the numerical method. In this case, the convergence of the numerical method can be established looking for a linear operator RN : DB (L) XN
(see for example [33], Ch. 10). The limit (2.7) expresses precisely the convergence of the method. Example 33 Let us consider the fourth order boundary value problem (iv) u + 2 u = f, x (1, 1) , u (1) = u0 (1) = 0, where R, f L2 (1, 1) and Lu := u(iv) + 2 u, 2 4 L : DB (L) L (1, 1) , DB (L) := v H (1, 1) |v (1) = v 0 (1) = 0 . uN (x) :=
u uN W
1+ ku RN ukW
According to (2.3) the Chebyshev-tau solution of the problem has the form uk Tk (x) , b
where the coecients {bk }k=0,1,2,...,N solve the algebraic system u i ( R 1 h (iv) (x) + 2 uN (x) f (x) Tk (x) (x) dx = 0, k = 0, 1, 2, . . . , N 4, uN 1 0 uN (1) = uN (1) = 0. (2.9)
In this case XN := {v PN | v (1) = v 0 (1) = 0} and YN = PN 4 . The estimations (1.4) transform the boundary conditions into uN (1) =
The fourth order derivative can be written with respect to the system Tk (x) as
N4 X (4) N (iv) (x) = uk Tk (x) , b u k=0
(1)k uk ; b
where uk = b
1 ck
p=k+4 p+k=even
h 2 2 i p p2 p2 4 3k2 p4 + 3k4 p2 k 2 k 2 4 up , k = 0, 1, 2, . . . , N 4. b
Consequently, the nal form of the system (2.9) reads as follows PN PN k k 2 b u h k=0 (1) uk = k=0 (1) k bk = 0, i 2 2 PN 1 2 2 2 4 4 2 2 b b up + 2 uk = fk , b p 4 3k p + 3k p k k2 4 p=k+4 p p ck p+k=even k = 0, 1, 2, . . . , N 4, where 2 b fk = ck Z
k = 0, 1, 2, . . . , N.
In order to establish the numerical stability of the method we have to mention rst that the coercivity and the boundeness of the operator L were proved by Maday [133]. This implies the validity of the three inequalities (2.5). It remains to verify the discrete form of inf-sup condition. To do this we dene W := 4 H (1, 1) and V := L2 (1, 1) along with the spaces XN and YN dened above. (iv) PN4 , and integrating two times by parts we get As uN PN , uN Z 1 Z 1h N (iv) i2 N (iv) N N (iv) 2 N Lu , u u u = dx + u dx (2.11)
The inequalities 2.11 and 2.12 lead to the inequality (iv) LuN , uN 2 (iv) uN +
From [133], Lemma 5.1, we use the inequality Z 1 Z 1 00 2 00 00 2 () dx dx, H0, (1, 1) . 301
1 1
2 (iv) = uN
+ 2
N 00 N 00 u u dx.
2 N 00 2 . u 301 0,
4 where kk4, stands for the norm in H (1, 1) . The inequalities (2.13) and (2.14) prove the discrete form of the inf-sup condition and consequently the numerical stability of the method. The convergence of this method is based on the inequality (2.8). To this end let us consider the algebraic polynomial PN,4 u PN , attached to the exact solution u of the problem. In [33] Ch. 9, the 4 existence of this polynomial is proved for all u H (1, 1) and the following two inequalities are established
4 2 Due to the fact that uN H (1, 1)H0, (1, 1) the successive use of Poincares inequality implies the existence of C > 0, independent of u such that N (iv) (2.14) u C uN 4, , 0,
ku PN,4 ukk,
CN km kukm, , 0 k 4, m 4,
4 Due to the fact that u PN,4 u H (1, 1) the Sobolev inequality (see again [33], Appendix) implies
1 1 2 2 ku PN,4 uk C ku PN,4 uk0 ku PN,4 uk1 ,
the norm kkp being that of the unweighted space H p (1, 1) . As the weight (x) 1, x (1, 1) we can write successively ku PN,4 ukp ku PN,4 ukp, , p 0,
1 1 2 2 |PN,4 u (1)| C ku PN,4 uk0, ku PN,4 uk1, .
The inequality (2.15) for k = 0, 1 implies |PN,4 u (1)| CN 2 m kukm, , and similarly we can obtain |PN,4 u (1)| CN 2 m kukm, .
3 1
the constant C being independent of p and u. We can now dene the operator RN u XN as RN u := PN,4 u p. With (2.15) for k = 4 and (2.18) we can write successively ku RN uk4, ku RN uk4, = ku PN,4 u + pk4, C1 N 4m kukm, + C2 N 2 m kukm, , CN 4m kukm, .
As the polynomial PN,4 u does not satisfy necessarily the homogeneous boundary conditions, we introduce a polynomial p P3 which interpolates the values of PN,4 u and its derivative on 1. The coecients of this polynomial depend linearly on the values PN,4 u (1) and PN,4 u (1) , and consequently the quantity kpk2 will be a quadratic form of these values. In this context the inequalities 4, imply 3 2 kpk2 C N 2 m kukm, , (2.18) 4,
The last inequality and (2.8) lead to the optimal error estimation, namely u uN CN 4m kuk m, . 4, u00 + 2 u = f, x (1, 1) u (1) = 0.
Expressing the rst and second order derivatives of uN with the formulas (1.30) and (2.37) , after boundary conditions are imposed, we get algebraic system for uk b 1 PN c p=k+2 k PN k b k=0 uk (1) = 0, PN u = 0, b 2 k=0 k2 2 b p p k up + uk = fk , k = 0, 1, 2, ..., N 2. b b u00 + u = x2 + x, x (1, 1) u (1) = 0, (2.20)
uk Tk . b
is depicted in Fig. 2.1. It is obtained using the MATLAB code Chebyshev tau.m from the Appendix MATLAB codes. When the order N was N = 128, the precision attained the value 3.8858e 016 ! At the end of this section we have to observe that the tau method was exposed in its classical form. There exists also an operator technique (see [158], [61], [111] and [27]) as well as a recursive technique (see [157] ). All these techniques are equivalent but sometimes there exists the possibility of a more ecient implementation from the point of view of numerical stability (see also [27]). The applicability of this method for singularly perturbed problem was studied, for example, in [33] and in our previous paper [81]. The manoeuvrability of boundary conditions in the framework of tau method is a real advantage of this method. The possibility to obtain sparse matrices is another one. Anyway, its applicability in case of nonlinear problems and partial dierential equations is quite tedious.
-0.2 -1
0 x
It seems that this category of spectral methods is the most frequently used in practical applications. The numerical approximation uN (x) of the solution u (x) to the problem (LP ) is searched again in a space of algebraic polynomials of degree N, but this space will be constructed such that the equation is satised in a specied number of points, called collocation points, of the interval (1, 1) . When we make use of the Chebyshev-Gauss-Lobatto interpolation nodes (1.34), the method is called Chebyshev collocation (CC for short). We observe that for this method, in spite of the fact that the discrete operators {LN , N N } act in PN , they can be dierent from the operator L. The strong form of this method reads as follows: f ind uN PN such that LN u (xi ) = f (xi ) , xi (1, 1) , i = 1, 2, . . . , N 1, BN uN (xi ) = 0, xi {1, 1}
The abscissas xi are just the collocation points (1.34), and the discrete boundary operator BN can be identical with B or constructed like LN . Hereafter we use the following two spaces: XN := {v PN | Bv (xk ) = 0, YN := {v PN | v (xk ) = 0, xk {1}} , xk {1}} .
If we use the Lagrangian basis {lk (x)}k=0 , lk (x) PN , associated with the (CGaussL) nodes, then we have lk (xj ) = kj , k, j = 0, 1, 2, . . . , N
where kj stands for Kronecker symbol. The space YN is generated by a subset of this basis made up by those polynomials which vanish in 1. For (CGaussL) formula this set is {lk , k = 1, 2, . . . , N 1} . The projection operator QN is in fact the Lagrangian interpolation polynomial corresponding to nodes inside (1, 1) (just in case of (CGaussL): xk , k = 1, 2, . . . , N 1) and which vanish for the others, 1. Consequently, we search a solution uN (x) of the form uN (x) :=
uj lj (x) ,
uk BN (lk (xj )) = 0,
xj = 1.
or equivalently
We have now to solve this system of algebraic equations for unknowns uk , k = 0, 1, . . . , N. Its matrix will be obtained by means of pseudospectral derivative. The strong collocation method is quite dicult to be analyzed from the theoretical point of view. The weak form of Chebyshev collocation was introduced by Canuto and Quarteroni in their work [31]. For the linear problem (LP ) it reads uN XN , (2.24) N LN u , lk N = (f, lk )N , k = 0, 1, 2, ..., N, LN uN , v
N u XN , = (f, v)N , v YN , N
where (, )N is the discrete scalar product dened by (1.35) . Remark 36 The analysis of spectral collocation methods is based on a infsup type condition. The strong form of Chebyshev collocation was analyzed by Heinrichs in [106]. The weak form was considered by Canuto and Quarteroni in the above quoted paper and in [33]. In the special case where all boundary conditions are of Dirichlet type, i.e., Bv := v, the method is a particular case of Galerkin method (XN = YN ) and the Lax-Milgram lemma is the essential ingredient.
Example 37 Let us consider again the problem 1D Helmholtz problem (2.19). The strong form of (CC) method replaces the derivatives with the pseudodierential matrices, i.e., the equations (2.21) or (2.23) are 2 (1),C DN + 2 IN u = f,
is the dierentiation matrix of order N + 1, dened by (1.52) and where DN corresponding to (CGaussL) nodes (1.34), IN is the identity matrix of the same order, T u := uN (x0 ) uN (x1 ) ...uN (xN ) and f := (f (x0 ) f (x1 ) ...f (xN ))T .
Due to the Dirichlet boundary conditions, the values of solution are known at the end points 1 and we can eliminate these from the system (2.26). We carry out this operation by extracting the submatrices corresponding to rows and columns 1, 2, ..., N 1. Consequently, to solve the problem (2.19) by (CC) method we have to solve the system of equations 1, 2, ..., N 1 from (2.26). Two short observations are in order at this moment. First, the discrete operators LN are in fact dened by 2 (1),C 2 + IN , N N, LN := DN and, second, an ecient technique, designed to introduce Robin (mixed) boundary conditions and based on Hermite interpolation, is available in [204], Sect. 4. In order to obtain the computational form of the weak (CC) method we start up with the familiar variational problem associated with (2.19), namely f ind u V such that a (u, v) = (f, v) , v W, (2.27)
D2 uN + 2 uN , v N = (f, v)N , v XN .
For uN XN v PN one has D2 uN PN 2 and for any v XN , D2 uN v P2N 2 . Consequently, the quadrature formula (CGL) , the integration by parts and boundary conditions imply R1 P D2 uN , v N = N D2 uN v (xj ) j = 1 D2 uN (x) v (x) (x) dx = j=0 R1 = 1 DuN (x) D (v) (x) dx. But, we can write Z 1 N N 1 Du (x) D (v) (x) dx = Du , D (v) , 1 and v XN , so in fact v (x) = 1 x2 p (x) , p (x) PN2 . In this situation we have successively 1 D x 3 D (v) = Dv + v = Dv + v = Dv + xp PN 1 . More than that, one has N 1 N 1 = Du , D (v) , Du , D (v) N
1 due to the fact that DuN D (v) P2N2 and due to the order of accuracy of the (CGL) quadrature formula. All in all, the weak form of (CC) method reads f ind uN XN such that (2.28) aN (uN , v) = (f, v)N , v XN ,
where aN (uN , v) :=
1 Dv N , D (v) + 2 uN , v N . N (2.29)
of the interval [1, 1] such that the nodes are symmetrically located around x = 0. Thus xj = xN j , 1 j N/2, and there is a node at x = 0 if e and only if N is even. Let also denote by D(2) RN1 RN1 the second order dierentiation matrix which is obtained by deleting the rst and last rows and columns from D(2) . This matrix corresponds to Dirichlet boundary conditions e for second order dierential operator. The matrix D(2) is nonsingular and centrosymmetric (see the paper [4] for the denition of such matrices). It means e e that D(2) = RD(2) R, where R is the permutation matrix with ones on the cross 1 e diagonal (bottom left to top right) and zero elsewhere. Its inverse D(2) has
the same property of centrosymmetry and its norms, for three specic distributions of the collocation points, (2.29) are studied in [182]. Some properties of centrosymmetric matrices are displayed in [4].
Remark 39 The aliasing, sometimes called Gibbs eect, is the penalty that we endure for attempting to approximate a non-periodic solution with trigonometric polynomials (see [119], P. 141 or for a very intuitive explanation [154] P. 1122 and [156] in the context of spectral methods). It is well known that the spectral methods yield exponential convergence in the approximation of globally smooth functions. If a function has a local discontinuity, spectral accuracy is no longer manifested as the convergence is at most O (1) in the L norm. We will not pay more attention to this phenomenon, but remark that several methods have been developed to deal with Gibbs eect. These methods roughly fall into two dierent categories; projection theories and direct-inverse theory. These methods which recover spectral accuracy from the Fourier data up to the discontinuity, i.e., the resolution of the Gibbs phenomenon, are examined, for instance, in the paper of Jung and Shizgal, [122]. However, for the discontinuous map sign (x) and its Fourier approximation
N 4 X sin[(2n 1) x] , n=1 2n 1
SN (x) =
this eect is visualized in Fig. 2.2. The Fourier representation shows spurious oscillations near the discontinuity at x = 0 and the domain boundaries x = 1. Example 40 Here, we solve a problem of the type which arises when dealing
CCsol Exsol
Figure 2.3: The solution to a large scale oscillatory problem with a frequency domain equation for the vibrating string, namely 00 u (x) + k 2 + 5 u (x) = 5 sin (k x) , 0 < x < 1, u (c) = sin (k c) , u (d) = sin(k d). For c = 1 and d = 1 the problem is considered in the paper of Greengard and Rokhlin [98], P. 443. In order to demonstrate the performance of (CC) method on large-scale oscillatory cases, we solved the problem for k ranging from 50 to 630 and N between 100 and 1200. It was observed that reliable results can only be expected under the assumption that scale resolution is small, i.e., that k/N < 1. In this situation the error in approximating the exact solution u = sin (k x) is of order O 1013 . The case k = 200 and N = 256 is illustrated in Fig. 2.3. Example 41 We solve the singular perturbation problem u00 u0 = 0, 1 < x < 1, 0 < << 1, u(1) = 1, u (1) = 2. The solution of this problem has an extremely sharp boundary layer near the right end of the interval [1 1], causing severe numerical diculties when standard algorithms are used (see for standard Galerkin the monograph of C. Johnson [121], P. 180). The strong (CC) method succeeded in solving this problem fairly accurate, i.e., the error with respect to the exact solution x1 u (x, ) = a + 3/2 b exp , b = 1/ (exp (2/) 1) , a = b + .5,
u(x, )
0.8 -1
0 x
Figure 2.4: The solution to a singularly perturbed problem is of order O 1012 for .1 104 but unfortunately drops to O 103 for = 105 . The solutions are depicted in Fig. 2.4.
In this section we consider boundary value problems of the form u00 = F (u) , 0 < x < 1, > 0, u(0) = A, u (1) = B,
where the nonlinear function F (u) is assumed to have a power series representation. The Greens function is well known and is given by s (1 x) , 0 s x, g (x, s) = x (1 s) , x s 1. Consequently, the nonlinear problem (2.30) can be represented in an integral form as Z1 u (x) = g (x, s) F (u(s))ds + (1 x) A + xB.
This nonlinear integral equation was solved by a decomposition method in [45]. We shall show the capabilities of pseudospectral methods by solving some problems of the form (2.30).
Example 42 (Troeschs problem [45] and [142]) In this example we consider the nonlinear boundary value problem, 00 u = sinh(u), 0 x 1, u (0) = 0, u (1) = 1. This problem can be reformulated as follows 0 u = v, v 0 = sinh(u), 0 x 1, u (0) = 0, u (1) = 1. Its Jacobian matrix J= 0 k2 cosh (kx) 1 0 ,
is characterized by the following eigenvalues p 1,2 = k cosh (kx), which, at the endpoints, become (0) = k, (1) = k p cosh (k).
It means that the matrix is highly non normal! However, for relatively low values of k, the eigenvalues are small, and the problem can be solved by conventional methods (nite dierences or nite elements). On the other hand, for relatively large values of k, the eigenvalues are large, becoming (1) = 1049 for k = 10. Thus, the use of some special techniques becomes desirable. We solved this problem by Chebyshev collocation technique and for the solution to nonlinear algebraic system DN
we employed the MATLAB code fsolve. We observe that the problem was rst translated into a homogenous one and consequently the rst and the last component of U equal zero. For N = 128, and k = 10 the result is depicted in Fig. 2.5.The residual provided by fsolve equals 6.260285523111991e 020. Example 43 Let us solve a nonlinear two-point boundary value problem. The boundary value problem 00 u + u3 = 0, 0 < x < L, u (0) = u (L) = 0, has a unique positive solution, u (x) > 0, 0 < x < L, which represents from the physical point of view the average temperature in a reaction-diusion process. In our previous paper [86] we solved this problem by a classical Galerkin method. A Chebyshev collocation solution isshown in Fig. 2.6 and it agrees fairly well with that quoted above (up to O 108 ). It is worth noting that the nonlinear system of algebraic equations obtained by Chebyshev collocation discretization was solved
solution u(t)
The positive solution to average temperature in a r-d process 0.8 0.7 0.6
Figure 2.6: The positive solution to the problem of average temperature in a reaction-diusion process
using the MATLAB code fsolve and the initial guess (data) was u0 (x) := 2 1 x2 . The iterative process was convergent. This fact was conrmed by the output argument exit ag which took the value 1. More than that, the residual of this process lowered to the value 5.1091e 025. Remark 44 It is known that, in general, the global methods are more sensitive to the boundary treatment than local methods. Solomono and Turkel examined in their paper [183] the inuence of boundary conditions on the accuracy and stability of pseudospectral methods. They also consider the eect of the location of the collocation points on both the accuracy and the stability of the scheme and its eect on the allowable time step for an explicit time integration algorithm. Eventually they show that when Chebyshev points (nodes) are used to solve dierential equations the error will be essentially uniform through the domain. Example 45 (Bratus problem [8], p.89) Consider the problem u00 = eu , 0 < x < 1, u (0) = u (1) = 0, where > 0 is a parameter. Substituting a function of the form u (x) = 2 log cosh((x .5) )/ cosh , 2 4 which satises the boundary conditions, into dierential equation, we nd that u is a solution if = 2 sinh . 4 This nonlinear algebraic equation for has two, one or no solutions when < c , = c , or > c , respectively. The critical value c satises 1p 2c sinh 1= . 4 4
A diagram of bifurcation for this problem is also available in the monograph of Asher, Mattheij and Russell, [8], P. 491. If, for instance, = 1, then we have two locally unique solutions whose initial slopes are s = 0.549 and s = 10.909. The numerical solution corresponding to the rst slope is depicted in the Figure 2.7. The maximal error with respect to the exact solution equals 1.718136466433151e 010.
Spectral-Galerkin methods
They are in fact genuine Galerkin methods which use Chebyshev polynomials in order to construct the bases of nite dimensional spaces and consequently their theoretical analysis is well established. The diculties appear whenever quite
Figure 2.7: The solution to Bratus problem N = 128 complicated boundary conditions have to be enforced into the basis functions. Thus with the exception of periodic boundary conditions the most studies conne to theoretical aspects. In our paper [164], we succeeded in overcoming some of these diculties. For the classical Chebyshev-Galerkin method (CG for short) we choose: X := L2 (1, 1) , XN = YN := {v PN | Bv = 0} , LN = L, and the projection operator QN represents the orthogonal projection with respect to scalar product (1.1). The discrete variational problem (formulation) reads as follows: N f ind u XN such that (CG) (2.32) N Lu , v = (f, v) v XN .
The applicability of (CG) method depends essentially on the existence of the basis functions which satisfy boundary conditions. Consequently, for a linear second order dierential operator and homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions we will review the most known choices. In the monographs [90] and [33] for such problems is used the basis Tk T0 , k = even, k := (2.33) Tk T1 , k = odd. and consequently XN = span {2 , 3 , ..., N } . A solution to 1D Helmholtz problem (2.19) has the form uN (x) :=
uk k (x)
CHAPTER 2. SPECTRAL METHODS FOR O. D. E. and then the variational equation (2.32) becomes N ! ! N X X 2 00 uk k , i uk k , i = (f, i ) , i = 2, 3, ..., N,
k=2 k=2
with the entries Aki = 2 (k , i ) (00 , i ) , k, i = 2, 3, ..., N, of the k matrix A, fi = (f, i ) , f = (f2 ...fN )T , u := (u2 ...uN )T . J. Shen introduced in [175] and [176] dierent basis functions using Legendre and respectively Chebyshev polynomials. In the later case he dened k (x) := Tk (x) Tk+2 (x) , k = 0, 1, 2, ..., N. The following result is due to Shen [176]. Lemma 46 For k, j = 0, 1, 2, ..., N the subsequent equalities hold 4 (k + 1) (k + 2) , j = k, 8 (k + 1) , j = k + 2, k + 4, ..., a) k , 00 = akj , akj = j 2 0, otherwise, ck + 1, j = k, 1, j = k 2, b) (k , j ) = bkj , bkj = 2 0, otherwise. A solution to 1D Helmholtz problem (2.19) has again the form uN (x) :=
uk k (x) ,
but uN (x) XN dened with the Shens basis functions (2.35), namely XN = YN := {0 (x) , ..., N (x)} . The variational equation (2.32) turns into the algebraic system A + 2 B u = f , A = (akj ) , B = (bkj ) , and fi = (f, i ) , f = (f0 ...fN )T , u := (u0 ...uN )T , k, j = 0, 1, 2, ..., N. We will resort to our previous book [83] and to the monograph [33] in order to carry out the analysis of this problem. (2.36)
where uk = b
p=k+2 p+k=even
p (p 2) up , k = 0, 1, 2, ..., N 2.N b
2. Justify the formula (2.10).N 3. [103] Let us consider the rst order problem 0 u = f, x (1, 1) u (1) = 0, and search for that a solution in the form u (x) = (1 + x) PN Show that u0 (x) = p=0 rp Tp (x) where rp = (p + 1) ap +
N 1 X (2k) ak .N cp k=p+1
ap Tp (x) .
4. [103] Show that for arbitrary constants ap we have the equality !00 N N X X 2 ap (1 x )Tp (x) = bp Tp (x) ,
p=0 p=0
N X p=0
ap (1 x2 )Tp (x) =
N+2 X p=0
dp Tp (x) ,
bp = (p + 1) (p + 2) ap + and
1 cp
k=p+2 k+p=even
(6k) ak ,
cp2 4 cp1 cp 1 ap2 + ap ap+2 .N 4 4 4 In the last equalities, if the index p does not belong to the set {0, 1, 2, ..., N } , the coecient ap is considered zero. dp =
X N 0 N +1 2 p Tp (x) , v (x) = 1x
1 cp
k=p+2 k+p=even
(2k) ak ,
6. [187] Solve by various spectral methods the problem 00 u (x) + 400 u (x) = 400 cos2 (x) 22 cos (2x) , 0 < x < 1, u (0) = u (1) = 0. Hint The problem is a dicult one due to the presence of rapidly growing solutions of the corresponding homogeneous equation. First, rewrite the problem on [1 1] using the change of variables x [1 1] y [a b], y = 1 [(b a) x + (a + b)] . The solution is depicted in Fig. 2.8.N 2 7. [98] Solve by spectral collocation methods the following problem corresponding to Bessel equation, namely 2 1 2 u00 (x) + x u0 (x) + x x2 u (x) = 0, 0 < x < 1, u (0) = 0, u (600) = 1 for = 100. Hint The diculty of this problem is due to the fact that the two linearly independent solutions of the above equation are J (x) and Y (x), i.e., Bessel functions of the rst and second kinds, respectively. It is well known that J (x) behaves like x as x 0 and Y (x) behaves like x . Most numerical algorithms have serious trouble in nding the decaying solution. In addition, this is a very large-scale computation, since the interval [0 600] contains almost 100 wavelengths of the solution of the problem. More than that, the coecients of the equation are singular at the ends of its interval of denition. In spite of all these inconveniences the spectral methods perform fairly well.N 8. Solve by Chebyshev tau, Chebyshev Galerkin and Chebyshev collocation methods the boundary value problem ( [39], P. 74-105) u00 + tu = t2 + 2t + 1 et + t2 t, 0 < t < 1, u (0) = u (1) = 0.
Rapidly growing solution (N=128) 2 1.5 1 0.5
Figure 2.8: Rapidly growing solution Hint The (CC) solution is depicted in Fig. 2.9 and agrees with the exact solution with an error equal to 3.3307e 015. It is advisable to solve this problem by classical nite element method with linear elements and compare the errors. N 9. Observe the Runges phenomenon for the Runges function f (x) := 1/ 1 + x2 ,
by comparing the errors in the Lagrangian polynomial of interpolation and Chebyshev interpolation of this function. Hint (see for instance Quarteroni and Saleri, [170], P. 80).N
10. Solve comparatively, by pseudospectral and Chebyshev Galerkin methods, the following boundary value problems ([62]): u(iv) = 2ex + 3u, 0 < x < 1, u (0) = 1, u (1) = e, u0 (0) = 1, u0 (1) = e, with the exact solution u (x) = ex , and the nonlinear problem (iv) 12 = 6e4u (1+x)4 , 0 < x < 1, u u (0) = 0, u (1) = ln 2, u0 (0) = 1, u0 (1) = 0.5,
0 x
Figure 2.9: The (CC) solution to a linear two-point boundary value problem which has the exact solution given by u (x) = ln (1 + x) . Hint First, rewrite the problems on the interval [1 1] and then reformulate the problems into standard form, i.e., homogenize the boundary conditions. These conversion techniques are quite elementary, and many of them are mentioned, for instance, in the paper of Ascher and Russell [7].N 11. Solve the following homogeneous Dirichlet problem (see [209]): u00 u = 1, 0 < x < 1, 0 < << 1, u (0) = u (1) = 0, whose solution has a boundary layer in the neighborhoods of the points x = 0 and x = 1. Hint The exact solution is given by u (x) = N 2 sinh (x/2) sinh ((1 x) /2) . cosh (1/2)
Chapter 3
Roughly speaking, any numerical method for the general linear parabolic problem ut = Lu, where u (x, ) H, L : H H, is a linear spatial operator, i.e., Lu := (p (x) ux )x (x) u (x, t) + h (x) , p (x) > 0, (x) 0, 1 < x < 1, and H is a Hilbert space, consists of three steps. The rst one is to choose a nite dimensional subspace of H, say XN , and the second is to choose a projection operator QN : H XN . Consequently, the spatial discretization to our problem reads uN /t = QN LuN , uN XN . (3.1)
There are three ways which have been used previously in order to choose the operator PN , namely Galerkin, tau and collocation. The last step is to solve the nite dimensional (N dimensional) system of dierential equations (3.1). To be more specic let us consider the 1D initial-boundary value problem (i. b. v. p.) ut = S (x) uxx , x (1, 1) u (1, t) = 0, t > 0, (2P ) (3.2) u (x, 0) = u0 (x) , where S (x) > > 0. In (CG) method we can choose n n = Tn T0 , = Tn T1 , 55 n even; n odd, (3.3)
the boundary conditions for any t > 0. The system (3.1) becomes N u N = 0, n = 2, 3, . . . , N, Lu , n t 0, and has the explicit form Z 1 uN 2 uN [ ] n dx = 0, S (x) t x2 1 x2 1
n = 2, 3, . . . , N.
It is readily seen that for non-constant S (x) it is dicult, or at least time consuming, to solve this system for coecients {aN } . In (CT ) method, we set uN (x, t) := and require Z uN LuN , Tn t = 0, n = 0, 1, 2, 3, . . . , N.
N +2 X j=0
aj (t) Tj (x) ,
uN Tn 2 uN ] dx = 0, S (x) 2 t x 1 x2
n = 2, 3, . . . , N,
aj Tj (1) =
N+2 X j=0
N +2 X j=0 N +2 X j=0
aj = 0,
aj Tj (1) =
(1) aj = 0.
Unfortunately, we face at least the same complications for getting the coecients as we had for the Galerkin method. A word of caution: in both forms of uN above, the dependence on t (of aj ) is not explicit in each and every line! In (CC) method, we set uN (x, t) :=
N X j=0
aj (t) j (x) ,
for some nodes xj . If these nodes xj are chosen to be Chebyshev-Gauss-Lobatto nodes, (1.34), i.e., cos (j/N ) , j = 0, 1, 2, . . . , N 1, N, so that the boundary values are included, there is an ecient way to solve (3.4), by taking into account the orthogonality of trigonometric functions. Explicitly, if we set (we hide again the dependence on t) uN (x) := then an =
N 2 X 1 N nk u (xk ) cos , c0 = cN = 2, ck = 1, 1 k N 1. N cn ck N k=0 N X
an n (x) ,
We know that
We then go back to the physical space and solve the system of N 1 ordinary dierential equations: 2 uN uN (xj ) = 0, j = 1, 2, . . . , N 1, (xj ) S (xj ) t x2 uN (x0 ) = uN (xN ) = 0. (3.5)
This procedure is very ecient and may be generalized without any diculty to nonlinear problems. We will make use exclusively of this procedure. However, in practice we would use the Chebyshev polynomials to interpolate u spatially and then to evaluate the spatial derivatives at the desired points xj . Finally, the solution of the system of ordinary dierential equations (3.5) would be advanced in time, starting with initial data u (x, 0) = u0 (x) , u0 (1) = 0. We use some nite dierence scheme for the original dierential equation to nd the time derivatives at points xj in physical space. Remark 47 J. Butcher in his monograph [24], and more recently in the survey paper [25], provides a detailed perspective of Runge-Kutta methods as well as
multistep methods used to solve dierent types of systems of dierential equations including the sti case. L. Shampine in [173] and [174] discusses the design of software for such systems that is easy to use for simple problems but still capable of solving complicated problems. Remark 48 For a more general problem, i.e., the nonlinear i. b. v. p. ut = (a (x) ux )x + f (x, u) , 0 < x < L, 0 < t < s, u (x, 0) = u0 (x) , 0 x L, 0 u (0, t) (1 0 ) ux (0, t) = 0 , 0 < t < s, 1 u (L, t) (1 1 ) ux (L, t) = 1 , 0 < t < s,
where a (x) > 0 is suciently smooth on [0, L] and also f : [0, L] R R is a smooth function with 0 i 1, i = 1, 2 H. Matano shows in [137] that any solution that neither blows up in a nite time nor grows up as t should converge to some equilibrium solution as t . We try to approximate numerically exclusively this type of solutions. Example 49 Let us consider the i. b. v. p. for heat equation ut = 3uxx , 0 < x < L, t > 0, u(0, t) = u (L, t) = t > 0, 0, u (x, 0) = L 1 cos 2x , 0 x L, L with the close solution u (x, t) =
X 2
First, we use the linear map y = L (x + 1) to re-write the problem in the range 2 [1, 1] and then the MATLAB code Heat2 in order to solve the attached (3.5) using Runge-Kutta scheme (ode45 MATLAB code). The output of this code is presented in Fig. 3.1. Remark 50 We observe in the second sub-picture some wiggles (oscillations of order O 107 ) of the solution at nal moment of time, near the endpoints. They illustrate the aliasing or Gibbs-phenomenon. If we had used a genuine spectral method (tau or Galerkin) and the boundary conditions had been periodic, the error would have decayed at an exponential rate. Example 51 Let us consider a nonlinear i. b. v. p. which contains Burgers equation with articial viscosity 6= 0. It reads 2 u + u u = u , |x| < 1, t > 0, t x x2 (3.7) u (1, t) = 0, u(x, 0) = sin x,
1 0 -1 x 10
0.5 t
-0.5 x
Figure 3.1: The solution to heat initial boundary value problem and is also carefully analyzed in the paper of [12]. Its stationary counterpart is considered in [132]. The form of boundary conditions, i.e., Dirichlet homogenous, suggest to solve the problem by Chebyshev collocation method. In order to advance in time we used Runge-Kutta method (ode45 MATLAB code). The output of this MATLAB code is depicted in Fig. 3.2. The solution curves become steeper and steeper as the time proceeds. They conrm the results from the paper [12]. Remark 52 If we consider the Burgers equation on the entire real line and require that the solution goes to zero as x , the Hermite collocation method becomes suitable. The solution which starts with the initial data u0 (x) := 0.5 sec h (x) is available in Fig. 3.3. In spite of the large N used it is aected by the numerical noise of the method. The last example in this section refers to a reaction-convection-diusion equation. Example 53 (Fischers problem [113], [168]) Consider the reaction-convectiondiusion problem ut + aux = buxx + u (1 u) , 0 < x < 1, 0 < t < , u (0, t) = u (1, t) = 1, 0 < t < , (3.8) u (x, 0) = (x) , 0 < x < 1. Higham and Owren show in [113] that if the initial data (x) belongs to C 1 and satises either 0 (x) 1 for 0 x 1, or (x) 1 for all 0 x 1, then the solution u (x, t) is bounded for all t > 0 and converges pointwise to the
Solutions of Burgers equation at times t=0, 1/pi,...,3/pi; N=200 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2
u(x,0.15) u(x,0)
0 -1
0 x
u(x,0.45) u(x,0.3)
0.5 -1
1 0.5 -1
1 0.5 -1
0 x
0 x
Figure 3.4: The solution to Fischers equation on a bounded interval steady state u (x, t) = 1 as t . Using a Chebyshev pseudospectral method in order to discretize the spatial operator and the Runge-Kutta method (MATLAB ode45) in order to advance in time, we verify extremely easy this theoretical result. The Fig. 3.4 contains the proof and shows the rapidity of convergence.
Conservative p. d. e.
In this section we shall consider three very important types of parabolic nonlinear equations, namely the Schrdinger equation, the Ginzburg-Landau equation o and the Krteveg- de Vries equations. They all can be seen as Hamiltonian syso tems. The numerical techniques for Hamiltonian ordinary dierential equations can be found in a large number of articles as well as in some monographs, but the partial dierential equations case has not been completely developed. The nonlinear Schrdinger equation (NLS for short) has important applio cations in nonlinear optics, deep water waves and also plasma physics (see for instance [56] p. 285). It reads i ut + uxx + |u| u = 0,
and is supplemented with various boundary conditions. When the boundary conditions mean a bounded solution for large x, i.e., |u (x, t)| as |x| and the initial data decay with respect to x (see [202]) u (x, 0) = sec h (x/2) exp(ix), the solution we obtain is shown in the Fig. 3.5. The above boundary conditions
2 1.5
Figure 3.5: The solution to Schrdinger equation o imposed the use of Hermite dierentiation matrices in the collocation method. The equation (3.9) along with periodic boundary conditions u (x + D) = u (x) , D > 0, is an innite dimensional integrable Hamiltonian system with the Hamiltonian ZD 1 H (u, u ) = |ux |2 |u|4 dx. 2
The equation bears its name because it corresponds to the quantum Schrdinger o equation with |u|2 as the potential. The complex Ginzburg-Landau equation (GL for short) reads ut = u (1 + iR) |u|2 u + (1 + ib) uxx , 0 < x < l, (3.10)
where the parameters R, b and l are real and the eld u (x, t) has complex values. Several types of boundary conditions are attached to this equation. There is a huge literature gathered around this equation. We refer only to the papers [23], [123], [200] and the monograph of Drazin [56], P. 286. This is an amplitude equation governing the time evolution of the most unstable mode of perturbation around an equilibrium state. We also nd the 3.10 equation as a model of superconductivity. In both cases the unknown variable
Figure 3.6: The solution to Ginzburg-Landau equation of the equation denotes a complex-valued order parameter and it characterizes a macroscopic physical state. In this work we consider the following GL equation with periodic boundary conditions ([123]): ( 2 t = xx + 1 || , > 0, (3.11) (x, t) = (x + 2, t) , x R. It is easily seen that this equation gives a gradient ow of the energy functional 2 Z 2 1 2 2 dx. (3.12) E () := | | + 1 || 2 x 4
Thus any solution to 3.11 converges to a set of equilibrium solutions, which are given by solving the problem ( 2 xx + 1 || = 0, > 0, (3.13) (x, t) = (x + 2, t) , x R. The periodicity of boundary conditions lets us solve the problem 3.11 by a Fourier pseudospectral method. The solution corresponding to initial data (x, 0) := sin (x) and N = 64 is depicted in Fig. 3.6, a), b). The variation of the functional (3.12) can be observed in the same gure at the point c). It is
important to notice that at = 4 the solution oscillates around the null solution t with a precision of order O 103 . The third important example is the so called Korteweg-de Vries equation, (KdV for short) which reads ut + u ux + uxxx = 0. (3.14)
It is a nonlinear partial dierential equation arising in the study of a number of dierent physical systems, e.g., water waves, plasma physics, anharmonic lattices, and elastic rods. MathSciNet already lists more than 1000 articles on this subject. R. Miura in his paper [144] gives very interesting historical remarks on this equation. Thus, Korteweg and de Vries in 1857 obtained the model equation r 3 g 1 2 2 1 2 (3.15) = + + 2 , t 2 l x 2 3 3 x in one space dimension and time, where is the surface elevation above the equilibrium level l, is a small arbitrary constant related to the uniform motion of liquid, g is the gravitational constant, and = l3 /3 T l/g with surface capillary tension T and density . From the original equation (3.15), the transformations r 1 g x 1 1 t0 := t, x0 := , u := , 2 l 2 3 give us ut 6u ux + uxxx = 0, where we have dropped the primes. Moreover, this equation is Galilean invariant, i.e., is unchanged by the transformation t0 := t, x0 := x ct, where c is some constant. This corresponds to going to a steady moving reference frame with a velocity c. We solve numerically this equation in the form ut = V 0 (u)x + uxxx , V (u) := u3 + u2 , (3.16) 3 2 on the spatial domain [1, 1], with periodic boundary conditions and initial condition u (x, 0) = cos (x) . We used 3 1 2 = , = and = 103 . 8 10 3 These values were used in [119], Ch. 14 and [9]. Their important feature is that || << 1. We solved the equation (3.16) using the Fourier pseudospectral method in order to discretize the spatial operators and the Runge-Kutta method of order 4 to progress in time. Our results are depicted in Fig. 3.7. The initial data breaks up into a train of solitons which repeatedly interact. For the same values of and but = 106 a shock develops well before t reaches the value 0.5. This behavior is shown in Fig. 3.8. This behavior is analogue with that of Burgers equation (see Fig. 3.2).
=cos(x- )
1 0 -1 0 2 1 0 -1 0 2 1 0 -1 0 2 1 0 -1 0 2 1 0 -1 0 1 2 3 x 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6
Figure 3.7: Numerical solution for KdV equation by Fourier pseudospectral method, N=160
1 0 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
2 1 0 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 2 1 0 -1 0 1 2 3 x 4 5 6
Figure 3.9: The conservation of the Hamiltonian of KdV equation Remark 54 The KdV equation in its Hamiltonian form reads Z H , with H := V (u) (ux )2 dx, ut = x u 2
where () /u represents the Frechet derivative. It is also fairly important to know to what extent a numerical scheme, in this case RK for time evolution and Fourier pseudospectral, conserve the Hamiltonian. In Fig. 3.9 the evolution of numerical Hamiltonian corresponding to (3.16) is shown (log10(relative error in H) vs. time). It is not surprising that the Hamiltonian is not constant but this means that the dynamics of the dierential system and that of the attached discrete system are no longer equivalent as time proceeds. Remark 55 It was shown (see for instance P D Lax [129] and [128]) that the KdV equation (3.14) possesses an innite sequence of conservation laws of the form Z Fn = Pn dx, where Pn is a polynomial in u and its derivatives up to order n 1. Three of them are classical: Z 3udx, F0 (u) = Z 1 2 F1 (u) = u dx, 2 Z 1 3 1 2 F2 (u) = u ux dx. 6 2
Figure 3.10: The solution to a rst order hyperbolic problem, o (CS) solution and - exact solution
Hyperbolic problems
ut + a (x) ux = 0, t > 0, 0 x 2, (3.17)
where a (x) > 0 is assumed periodic on (0, 2) and u (x, t) satises periodic boundary conditions. Gottlieb and Turkel in [91] solve this problem by a Fourier collocation (pseudospectral) method coupled with leap-frog or second order RK method and show the stability of this algorithm. We solved this problem for a (x) := 1/ (2 + cos(x)) when the exact solution is u (x, t) = sin (2x + sin (x) t) . For the time interval [0, 2.5] the absolute value of the error at the half time is 1.3565e 006 and it increases at the value 7.7932e 004 at the nal moment. The solution carried out is shown in Fig. 3.10 Second, D. Gottlieb solves in [92] a quite similar problem, namely ut + x ux = 0, t > 0, |x| 1, u (x, 0) = f (x) , |x| 1, (3.18) u (1, t) = 0, t > 0,
and shows that the Chebyshev collocation (pseudospectral) method is stable. We 3 solved this problem with initial data f (x) := x2 1 , as did Tal-Ezer in [191] and the numeric result are reported in Fig. 3.11.
Our numerical results seem to be superior to those reported in [191]. Let us consider the second order wave equation together with Dirichlet boundary conditions, i.e., utt = uxx , (x, t) (1, 1) (0, .T ] u (1, t) = 0, t (0, .T ] u (x, 0) = u0 (x) , 1 x 1, ut (x, 0) = v0 (x) , 1 x 1.
Introducing a new variable v := ut the problem reduces to a system of dierential equations in the variable t for the unknown vector w := [u; v]. The spatial derivative is discretized by Chebyshev pseudospectral derivative and the homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions are introduced, as usual, deleting the rst and the last rows and columns. The solution corresponding to the initial data u (x, 0) = sin (x) and ut (x, 0) = cos (x) is drawn in Fig. 3.12. Remark 56 The examples above illustrate the fact that the type of boundary conditions implies the choice of interpolation polynomials in spectral collocation method. Let us consider, at the end of this section, a nonlinear hyperbolic equation dened on the entire real axis, i.e., the so called sine-Gordon equation. It reads
(see for nonlinear Klein-Gordon equations [44]) utt = uxx sin(u), (x, t) R (0, .T ] |u (x, t)| 0, |x| , u (x, 0) = u0 (x) , ut (x, 0) = v0 (x) , x R,
and is related to the KdV and cubic NLS equations in the sense that all these equations admit soliton solutions. The equation describes nonlinear waves in elastic media, and it also has applications in relativistic eld theory. Being completely integrable, this equation is solvable, at least in principle by the method of inverse scattering. In practice, however, this method of solution is curbersome to execute when arbitrary initial data u (x, 0) and ut (x, 0) are prescribed. However, the solitons were discovered by Zabuski and Kruskal in 1965. They found that solitary wave solutions had behavior similar to the superposition principle, despite the fact that waves themselves were highly nonlinear! They dubbed such waves solitons. As the dierential equation is dened on the entire real axis, we discretized the term uxx by second order Hermite pseudo dierential operator (matrix) of (2),H dimension N , i.e., DN . This way, the initial value problem for a partial dierential equation (3.20) becomes an initial value problem for a system of
ordinary dierential equations, namely (2),H N Utt (t) = DN U N (t) , t (0, T ], N U (0) = u0 , UtN (0) = v0 , where U N (t) is a vector valued map dened as U N (t) := (u (x1 , t) u (x2 , t) ...u (xN , t)) ,
corresponding to a prescribed mesh {xi }i=1,...,N applied to the spatial interval of integration. In fact, the equation in (3.20) is a nonlinear wave equation (NLW for short) which has also a Hamiltonian structure, in the sense that we can rewrite it as (see for instance [79]) ut = v, vt = uxx V 0 (u) , V (u) = cos(u). The Hamiltonian has the expression Z 1 1 2 2 H= (ut ) + (ux ) + V (u) dx. 2 2
The numerical integration of a large class of Hamiltonian partial dierential equations by standard symplectic integrators is discussed in the paper of McLachlan [139] as well as in a series of papers of Omelyan, Mryglod and Folk [151], [152] and [153]. A brief survey of the theory and performance of symplectic integrators is also available in the paper of D. Markiewicz, [136]. Symplectic integrators, or geometric numerical integrators, have a remarkable capacity for capturing the long-time dynamics of Hamiltonian systems correctly and easily. Consequently, we used the following symplectic and symmetric integrators to advance in time in (3.20), or in other words, to solve the system (3.21): 1. implicit Runge-Kutta methods; the so called Gauss methods (Hairer & Hairer, [101], p.15); 2. partitioned multistep methods ([101], p.16); 3. composed Strmer/Verlet method (leap-frog method, [101], p.35); o In order to check the accuracy of the numerical integrator, we consider the problem (3.20) with the known solution (the so-called breather solution) ! sin t/ 2 1 , u (x, t) = 4 tan cosh x/ 2
Figure 3.13: The breather solution to sine-Gordon equation The Hermite pseudospectral-Strmer/Verlet solution of the problem is shown in o Fig. 3.13. The error with respect to the above exact solution was 3.4265e09 for N = 128 irrespective of the used symplectic method. When the classical RungeKutta method of order 4 (ode45 code in MATLAB) was used the situation was worse, i.e., the error attained only 1.7178e 05! For larger N in the spectral approximation, i.e., N = 200 and using a fourth order compose Strmer/Verlet o the error was much better, i.e., it attained the value 2.0305e 011. We have to mention that in all the above computations the scaling factor was b = 0.545. Remark 57 In order to discretize the spatial operator uxx in (3.20) as well as in wave equation we used alternatively the the Fourier pseudodierential operator (2),F (2),s DN and the sinc pseudodierential operator DN but the numerical results were inferior. For instance, in case of Fourier method the error increased to the value 0.0084 irrespective of time integration scheme.
Remark 58 The conservation of the Hamiltonian (3.22), when a fourth order Strmer/Verlet method was used to advance in time, is depicted in Fig. 3.14. o This behavior is specic to symplectic methods and is better when compared with the non symplectic methods (see comparatively Fig. 3.9). Remark 59 Gottlieb and Hesthaven, in a recent paper [95], review the current state of Fourier and Chebyshev collocation methods for the solution of hyperbolic problems with the emphasis on basic questions of accuracy and stability of numerical approximations.
log10(| H(u)/H|)
-8 0 20 40 time 60 80 100
1. Solve the nonlinear parabolic problem [46] ut u2 x = f (x, t) , (x, t) (0, 1) (0, .24] x u (x, 0) = sin (x) , x (0, 1) , with f (x, t) and natural Neumann boundary conditions chosen so that the solution is u (x, t) = et sin (x) . N 2. Solve the initial-boundary value problem for heat equation of order four (clamped boundary conditions) ut = uxxxx , 1 < x < 1, t > 0, u(1, t) = u (1, t) = 0, t > 0, u0 (1, t) = u0 (1, t) = 0, t > 0, u (x, 0) = 1 cos (x + 1) , 1 x 1,
using a pseudospectral method in order to discretize the spatial dierential operator and Runge-Kutta of order 4 (ode45, MATLAB code) in order to progress in time. Answer The solution is depicted in Fig. 3.15.N
3. Solve numerically by Fourier pseudospectral method the (3.17) problem with a (x) := 1. Hint The analytic solution is u (x, t) = sin (x t) .N 4. Solve numerically by Chebyshev pseudospectral method the (3.18) problem with f (x) := exp(1/(x2 1)). N 5. Solve numerically by Chebyshev pseudospectral method the (3.19) problem with Neumann boundary conditions instead of Dirichlet boundary conditions, i.e., ux (1, t) = 0, t (0, .T ],
Initial data 2
0 -1 x 10 4
2 0 -1
1 0 6 4 t 0.5 1
-0.5 x
Figure 3.15: The solution to the fourth order heat equation and the initial data u (x, 0) = cos (x) and ut (x, 0) = sin (x) . Answer The solution is drawn in Fig. 3.16. N 6. Solve the Schrdinger equation (3.9) with the |u (x, t)| as |x| o boundary conditions and shock data initial conditions, i.e., u(x, 0) := A exp (i |x|) , A R, > 0. Hint For A = = 1, the solution is represented in Fig. 3.17.N 7. Solve the Schrdinger equation (3.9) with the initial data o !! 1 2 u (x, 0) := 1 + cos x , = 0.1, 2 4 which means a perturbation of plane wave solution (see [13], P. 3). The solution is depicted in Fig 3.18. N 8. Solve the wave equation, i.e., utt = uxx , (x, t) R (0, .T ] by a Hermite pseudospectral-Strmer/Verlet method starting with the initial data o u (x, 0) = 0, ut (x, 0) = 2 2 sec h(x/ 2). Hint The solution is depicted in Fig. 3.19.N 9. Solve by Fourier pseudospectral method the KdV equation (3.16) with periodic boundary conditions u (L) = u (L), L > 0. Use the following values of the parameters: = 6, = 0, and = 1. For the initial data take u0 (x) := 6 sec h2 x. Hint The soliton solution is shown in Fig. 3.20.N
Figure 3.16: The solution to wave equation with Neumann boundary conditions
20 15
10 5 0 20 10 t 0 -20 -40 x 20 0 40
2 0 40 40 20 t -40 0 -20 x 20 0
0 x
Figure 3.20: The soliton solution for KdV equation 10. Solve the Fischers initial-boundary value problem on the real line(see for instance [143]) ut = uxx + u (1 u) , t > 0 u(x, 0) = sin x, u (x, t) 0, x , t > 0.
Hint For a large positive L transform the interval [L L] into [0 2] and apply the Fourier pseudospectral method in order to discretize the spatial operator and Runge Kutta method to advance in time. The corresponding solution is displayed in Fig. 3.21. This solution blows up for t > 1, i.e., becomes unbounded. Compare this result with the numerical solution to Fischers problem on a bounded interval, i.e., problem (3.8).N
5 0
Chapter 4
Ecient implementation
The aim of this part is to consider some results concerning the ecient implementation of some spectral methods. The chapter refers mainly to Chebyshevtau and Chebyshev-Galerkin methods, i.e., to those methods which search the solutions in the transformed space or spectral space. In other words, we obtain the coecients of the truncated series which represents the numerical solution, instead of the values of that in some points, as it is the case for collocation methods.
Let us consider the second order linear and homogeneous Dirichlet problem Lu (x) = f (x) , x (1, 1) , (4.1) u (1) = 0, where the dierential operator L is dened as L () := d2 () e + L () , dx2
e and L () is a rst order linear dierential operator. First of all, we have to remark that a second order non-homogeneous Dirichlet problem Lu (x) = f (x) , x (1, 1) , u (1) = a, u (1) = b, can be transformed in a homogenous one with the substitution v (x) := u (x) p (x) , where p (x) := ba b+a x+ . 2 2 79
Consequently, we take into account exclusively the problem (4.1) and we focus our attention on the choice of the bases of our nite dimensional spaces such that the linear algebraic system obtained through discretization exhibit good properties such as well conditioning, spartness, low non-normality, etc. Spectral methods involve representing the solution to a problem in terms of a truncated series of smooth global functions. In other methods such as nite elements and nite dierences, the underlying expansion involves local representations (interpolator) such as piecewise polynomials. In practice, this means that the accuracy of spectral methods is superior. For instance, the rates of convergence associated with problems with smooth solutions are O (exp (cN )) or O exp c N , where N is the number of degrees of freedom in the expansion. In contrast, nite dierences and nite elements yield rates of convergence that are only algebraic in N, typically O N 2 or at most O N 4 . However, there is a price to be paid for using spectral methods instead of nite dierences or nite elements, because: sparse matrices are replaced by full matrices; symmetric (normal) matrices are replaced by non-symmetric (non-normal) matrices; matrices with condition number O(N 2 )are replaced by worse conditioned matrices with condition number O N 4 .
More than that, stability restrictions may become more severe and computer implementation, particularly for problems formulated on irregular domains, may not be fairly straightforward. Nevertheless, provided the solution is smooth enough, the rapid convergence of the spectral methods often compensates these shortcomings. The issue of non-normality of matrices associated with the spectral approximations will be addressed in the second part of the work. Now we consider the conditioning of these matrices. In his paper [103] Heinrichs derived an improved type of spectral methods with an O N 2 condition number. The main idea was to employ as trial functions polynomials fullling the homogeneous boundary conditions. Thus, he introduced the basis XN := 1 x2 Tk (x) , k = 0, 1, 2, ..., N , (4.2)
ak 1 x2 Tk (x) .
From the formulas (2.38) and (2.39) it becomes obvious that the matrices B R(N+1)(N +1) and D R(N +1)(N +1) with b = B a, (4.3)
where a = (a0 a1 ...aN )T , b = (b0 b1 ...bN )T , d = (d0 d1 ...dN )T have special structures (remember that bk .and dk are respectively the coecients of N 00 u (x) and uN (x) with respect to system TK ). Thus, B is a positive upper triangular matrix with eigenvalues (p + 1) (p + 2) , p = 0, 1, ..., N and hence an O N 2 condition number is expected. The system (4.3) can be solved in about O (N ) arithmetic operations. The matrix D is a band one with semibandwidth equals 3. Unfortunately, it is not symmetric but very close to, the rst three rows being responsible for this inconvenient. The (CT ) method for 1D Helmholtz equation (2.19) with XN using Heinrichs basis (4.2) and Chebyshev polynomials as test functions reads (4.5) B + 2 D a = f, where as usual f contains Chebyshev coecients of function f (x) . The strong form of (CC) method for the same problem reads ! N X bk Tk (xj ) = f (xj ) , j = 0, 1, 2, ..., N,
d = D a,
where the xj are (CGaussL) nodes xj = cos (j/N ) . Another attempt was made to improve the properties of the matrix of the system (2.20) in the classical (unmodied) (CT ) method. Thus, if the solution has the form N X uk Tk , b uN =
the next general result can be proved by simple algebraic manipulations. Lemma 60 For the coecients uk , uk , uk b b b (ii) 4k (k 1)
(2) (1) ck2 uk2 b (1) (2)
N N () X () = uk Tk , b u k=0
uk b + 2 (k2 1) 4k (k + 1)
(2) (2) (2)
b b (i) ck uk uk+2
(1) uk+2 b
b b (iii) ck uk uk+2
To obtain a quasi-triangular form for the matrix of the (2.20) system, Dennis and Quartapelle [47] suggest to successively substrate the fourth row from the second, the fth from the third and so on, and then each and every equation to be respectively divided by 2(k + 1) k = 0, 1, 2, ..., N 2. Only the rst two rows, corresponding to the boundary conditions, remain fully populated and consequently the matrix is improved. For the problem (2.19) the system can be solved directly. However, the condition number of the matrices generated by this procedure remains O(N 4 ). A variant of (CG) method, the so-called Petrov-Galerkin method, leads to banded matrices with condition number of order O(N 2 ). The trial and test spaces are respectively XN := span k | k (x) = 1 x2 Tk (x) , k = 0, 1, 2, ..., N (4.7) YN := span {k | k (x) = Tk (x) Tk+2 (x) , k = 0, 1, 2, ..., N } . They both satisfy Dirichlet boundary conditions. To apply this method to problem (4.1) the following lemma is very handy. Lemma 61 ck (k + 1) (k + 2) , j = k, k (k + 1) , j = k + 2, akj = 0, otherwise ck1 k+1 , j = k 1, 2 +3 ck2 , j = k + 1, b) k , 0 = bkj , bkj = j k+1 2 2 , j = k + 3, 0, otherwise ck2 4 , j = k 2, ck1 +2ck +2 , j = k, 4 b) (k , j ) = ckj , ckj = 3 , j = k + 2, 4 2 1 4 , j = k + 4, 0, otherwise.
a) k , 00 = akj , j 2
Let us consider rst the third order boundary value problem, namely 000 u = f (x) , 1 < x < 1, u (1) = u0 (1) = 0.
For the spectral approximation we modied the strong Chebyshev collocation scheme following an idea of W. Heinrichs from [107]. More exactly, we solved the discrete problem f ind uN PN such that 000 N (4.12) u (xi ) = f (xi ) , xi (1, 1) , i = 1, 2, . . . , N 2, uN (1) = uN (1) = 0,
4.2. THIRD AND FOURTH ORDER DIRICHLET PROBLEMS FOR O. D. E.83 where the abscissas xi are the Chebyshev Gauss-Lobatto nodes dened by (1.34), i.e., i xi := cos , i = 0, 1, 2, ..., N 1. N 1 The interpolator uN (x) is dened by uN (x) :=
N2 X j=1
u (xj )
1+x lj (x) , 1 + xj
where lj (x) PN1 , j = 0, 1, 2, ..., N 1 is the Lagrangian basis relative to the above nodes xj , j = 0, 1, 2, ..., N 1. Since lj (1) = 0, j = 1, 2, ..., N 2 the Dirichlet boundary conditions u (1) = 0, are automatically satised. The factor (1 + x) in front of lj (x) yields the Neumann boundary condition in x = 1. Hence uN (x) implicitly contains the boundary conditions. This is the major dierence between the approximation (4.13) and the classical Chebyshev collocation representation (2.22) which does not contain the boundary conditions. Now, the third derivative is given by
N 2 X u (xj ) N 000 00 000 u (x) := 3lj (x) + (1 + xj ) lj (x) , i = 1, 2, ..., N 2. 1 + xj j=1
The implementation of this derivative was carried out using the MATLAB code poldif.m from [204]. Eventually, we solved the linear algebraic system of N 2 equations N 000 u (xi ) = f (xi ) , xi (1, 1) , i = 1, 2, . . . , N 2, for the N 2 unknowns u (xj ), j = 1, 2, ..., N 2. Whenthe right hand side term was such that the exact solution is u (x) := x2 (1 x) exp (10x), 1 the solution was found within an error of order O 1010 . Corresponding to N = 64 it is depicted in Fig. 4.1 along with the exact solution. Remark 62 As the solution u (x) of the above problem is an analytic function and the error committed by the spectral method decays to zero at an exponential rate, we state that the method works with an exponential accuracy (see the paper of E. Tadmor [189] about the exponential accuracy of Fourier and Chebyshev dierencing methods). This should be compared with the polynomial decay rate obtained by nite dierence or nite elements methods. Let us consider the fourth order boundary value problem, namely (iv) u + u = f (x) , 1 < x < 1, (4.14) u (1) = u0 (1) = 0, 2 with f (x) such that the solution is u (x) = 1 x2 exp (x) . In the (CG) method we have considered the solution was approximated by uN :=
N X k=0
2 ak 1 x2 Tk (x) ,
Figure 4.1: A Chebyshev collocation solution for a third order b. v. p. 2 and the trial functions have been 1 x2 Tk (x) . All these functions satisfy the boundary conditions. The algebra of this method is much more tedious than the algebra of the (CS) method. The only positive computational aspect is the fact that the matrix of the left hand side of the algebraic system for unknown coecients ak , is quasi symmetric, i.e., the Henrici number equals 5.159131440655628e001 (see for the denition of this measure of non-normality 6.3). Remark 63 It is worth noting at the end of this chapter that Legendre-Galerkin method for linear elliptic problems leads to symmetric and simpler linear systems than Chebyshev counterpart. Unfortunately, its eciency is limited by the lack of fast transformation between physical space and transformed space. Furthermore the Legendre-Gauss-Lobatto nodes (LGL) are not available in an explicit form and their evaluation for large N may introduce signicant rounding errors. (cf. J Shen, [177]).
1. Solve the second order dierential linear eigenvalue problem which is a regular one that looks singular ( 1/2 (w (x) u0 )0 = w (x) u, (1, 1) , w (x) := 1 x2 , (4.15) u (1) = 0, by (CT ) , (CC) and (CG) methods. Estimate in each and every case the condition number of stiness matrix A associated with the numerical scheme. Hint A weak formulation reads as follows: 1 f ind u H,0 (1, 1) such that 0 0 1 (u , v ) = (u, v) , v H,0 (1, 1).
Solution u(x)=((1-x ) )*exp(x) of a fourth order b v p 1.4 CCsol Exsol 1.2 1
2 2
0 x
Figure 4.2: The (CG) solution to a fourth order problem, N = 32 Eventually, we get 0 = 3.559279966, 9 = 258, 8005854 , 24 = 1572.635284 results conrmed by J. D. Pryce in [167]. 2. Solve by the same numerical methods the second order dierential linear eigenvalue problem which is a regular one with oscillatory coecients (see [167] and also [166]) u00 + q (x) u = u, x (1, 1) , u = 0, 2 (4.16)
where the potential q (x) is the so -called Coey-Evans potential dened by q (x) = 2 cos 2x + 2 sin2 2x, = 20.; 30.; 50. Observe the dependence of eigenvalues on the parameter . 3. Solve the singular eigenvalue problem u00 + q (x) u = u, x (1, 1) , u (L) = 0,
where the potential q (x) is the so-called Morse potential dened by q (x) = exp(2x) 2 exp(x), = 9, and observe the dependence of the spectrum on L when L . 4. Use a Chebyshev type method in combination with the change of variables t := x2 , x
0 -1
Figure 4.3: Another solution for the third order problem in order to solve the non-standard eigenvalue problem u00 + q (x) u = u, x [1, ), u (1) + u0 (1) = 0, u (x) 0, as x ,
1 where q (x) = 4x2 . Hint This problem has a continuous spectrum (0, ) with a single eigenvalue 0 = 0.0222989949.
5. Solve the problem (4.11) when the exact solution is given by u (x) := 1 + cos (x) . In order to observe the spectral accuracy use the above modied (CC) method. Hint The rounding error accuracy is already reached for N = 32, i.e., norm((CCsol Exsol), inf ) = 3.743672039036028e 013. The solution is represented in Fig. 4.3.N
Chapter 5
Eigenvalue problems
In solving linear eigenvalue problems by a spectral method using (N+1) terms in the truncated spectral series, the lowest N/2 eigenvalues are usually accurate to within a few percent while the larger N/2 numerical eigenvalues dier from those of dierential equation by such large amounts as to be useless. J P Boyds eigenvalue rule-of-thumb, [19], P. 132 As it is well known, the main trouble with numerical methods for dierential eigenvalue problems consists in the appearance of spurious eigenvalues. This chapter is devoted to such problems. Standard as well as non-standard problems, i.e., eigenvalue problems with boundary conditions depending on spectral parameter, are in turn examined using spectral methods. In a series of works, Golub and Wilkinson [87], Golub and Ortega [90] and more recently Golub and van der Vorst [89], it is observed that the computing of eigenvalues and vectors is essentially more complicated than solving linear systems. Research in this area of numerical linear algebra is very active, since there is a heavy demand for solving complicated problems associated with stability and perturbation analysis for practical applications. For standard problems, powerful tools are available, but there still remain many open problems. J. P. Boyd in [18] makes several observations about the traps and snares in eigenvalue computations, but concludes that with a bit of care the pseudospectral method is a very robust and ecient method for solving dierential eigenproblems, even with singular eigenmodes.
The advantages of spectral methods in solving dierential eigenvalue problems were underlined for the rst time by S. Orszag in his seminal paper [155]. There exist situations, for example in hydrodynamic stability, when the accuracy of 87
the numerical method is essential. In the paper quoted above the following standard Orr-Sommerfeld problem is analyzed: (iv) 22 00 + 4 = iR (U ) 00 2 U 00 , x (1, 1) , (OS) (1) = 0 (1) = 0, (5.1) where (, (x)) is the unknown eigenpair and the parameters , R and function U (x) have physical signication, are arbitrary but xed. The eciency of the Chebyshev-tau method was overwhelming even for small order N of approximation. The superiority of spectral approximation in approximating the spectrum of a dierential operator was underlined also by Weideman and Trefethen in their paper [203]. They were concerned with the classical second order eigenvalue problem 00 u (x) = u (x) , x (1, 1) , (5.2) u (1) = 0,
which has the eigenvalues in the closed form k = k 4 , k = 0, 1, 2, . . . . In order to emphasize the capabilities of spectral methods in solving dierential eigenvalue problems we consider other four special problems: a) the clamped road problem, i.e., the fourth order eigenvalue problem (see Funaro and Heinrichs [76]) (iv) (x) = (x) , x (1, 1) , (1) = 0 (1) = 0,
2 2
b) a fourth-order eigenvalue problem with a third derivative term (iv) (x) + R 000 (x) = 00 (x) , x (1, 1) , (1) = 0 (1) = 0,
where R is a real parameter and the eigencondition reads 1/2 1/2 cosh R2 + 4 2 sinh R2 + 4 1/2 2 1 + R + 4 = 0; cosh (R) cosh (R) c) a third order problem, namely 000 u (x) = u (x) , x (1, 1) , u (1) = 0, u0 (1) = 0, e3
d) and the Orr-Sommerfeld problem (5.1) with U (x) := 1 x2 , i.e., corresponding to Poiseuille ow. The rst three problems were solved using modied Chebyshev collocation methods. The dierence with respect to the classical (CC) method consists in the fact that each and every trial function satises the boundary conditions. Consequently, for the rst two problems we use as trial functions the product 2 of the weight 1 x2 and the cardinal functions, i.e., 2 1 x2 lj (x) , j = 0, 1, 2, ..., N. They satisfy all boundary conditions. The pseudospectral derivative matrices are, as usual, obtained from the paper of Weideman and Reddy, [204], p.479. It is worth noting at this moment that the cardinal functions are rewritten in the form (see [71], P. 15) lj (x) =
j 0 (1) 1 x2 TN 1 (x) , 2 xx cj (N 1) j
where c1 = cN = 2 and c2 = ... = cN1 = 1 and (j 1) xj = cos , j = 1, 2, ..., N, N 1 are the (1.34) nodes, i.e., the Chebyshev points of the second kind or, equivalently, the extreme points on [1, 1] of TN1 (x) . The rst 14th eigenvalues of the problem a), for N = 16, are displayed in the Table 1. N = 16 1.71337968904269 1.0e + 007 1.62401642422808 0.03856105241227 0.03597677558196 0.00711035649235 0.00603075735206 0.00305369477203 l 0.00193928004466 0.00108631975968 0.00055710074688 0.00024964874758 0.00009136018866 0.00002377210675 0.00000312852439 1.0e + 007 Table 1 The rst eigenvalues for problem a) The matrix associated with this problem is quasi fully populated as can be seen in the Fig. 5.1 where the locations of nonzero elements are plotted. The rst two exact eigenvalues for the second problem with R = 0, are 9.8696044 and 20.1907286. They are exactly reproduced by our computations. For such R the problem is self-adjoint and all the eigenvalues are real
15 0 5 10 nz = 196 15
15 0 5 10 nz = 196 15
15 0 5 10 nz = 196 15
Figure 5.2: The sparsity pattern for matrices A and B; (CC) method and less than zero. The eigenvalue problem is a generalized one this time, i.e., of the form A x = B x, and the sparsity patterns of A and B are depicted in Fig. 5.2. The matrices remain fully populated.When the R is non-zero the problem is not self-adjoint and the eigenvalues are no longer real, though the real part is negative. For R = 4, the exact eigenvalues are 17.9129218 9.45840144 and they are reproduced accurately by our computations. All eigenvalues of this problem are depicted in Fig. 5.3. It may also be shown that = R2 /4 is not an eigenvalue. Remark 64 This problem was solved by Gardner, Trogdon and Douglas using a laborious modied Chebyshev-tau method in their paper [80]. They used the EISPACK driver RG on a Cray-2 supercomputer with single precision (64 bit)
30 20 10
Imag( )
-1.5 -1 Real( )
-0.5 x 10
arithmetic. No spurious eigenvalues are reported in their paper and the convergence is clearly indicated by magnitudes of the tau coecients. Our numerical experiments were carried out on more modest computing equipment but in spite of this no spurious eigenvalues were observed. We used the EIG and EIGS codes from MATLAB. For R = 0 the problem is also solved in the paper of McFadden, Murray and Boisvert, [138], P. 229.
The problem c) is the eigenvalue problem attached to problem (4.11). The (CC) approach for that reads
f ind uN PN such that 000 N u (xi ) = uN (xi ) , xi (1, 1) , i = 1, 2, . . . , N 2, uN (1) = uN (1) = 0. Hence we have N 2 inner collocation and 3 boundary conditions. These are N + 1 conditions which uniquely determine the spectral approximation uN dened again by (4.13).
N = 64 2.524068539853232e + 004 2.081344964224966e + 004 1.696640042472849e + 004 1.362044995037454e + 004 1.362044995037454e + 004 8.308798671337761e + 003 6.270519503199299e + 003 4.596233100588465e + 003 3.250141182185935e + 003 2.196440035490058e + 003 1.399326817084188e + 003 8.229985429508488e + 002 4.316522518291442e + 002 1.894849798380508e + 002 6.069365841193836e + 001 9.482406935491648e + 000 Table 2 The rst 16th eigenvalues of the problem c) We have to notice that only the rst 16th eigenvalues of this problem were computed with a reasonable accuracy. They are represented in Table 2 and suggest that the Boyds rule-of-thumb is too optimistic. The fourth problem, (5.1), was solved in [164] by a modied Chebyshev Galerkin approach. More specically, as trial basis was used the following Heinrichs basis ([105]) 2 k (x) := 1 x2 Tk (x) , k = 0, 1, 2, ..., N and as a test basis, the Shens basis ([176]) k (x) := Tk (x) 2 (k + 2) k+1 Tk+2 (x) + Tk+4 (x) , k = 0, 1, 2, ..., N. k+3 k+3
This approach leads to banded matrices, as results from the lemma below. (k) Lemma 65 [163] For k (x) and k (x) dened as above we have i , j :=
2 k aij , 2
j = i, ci (i + 1) (i + 2) (i + 3) (i + 4) , 2i (i + 1) (i + 2) (i + 4) , j = i + 2, a4 = ij i (i + 1)2 (i + 2) , j = i + 4, 0, otherwise, ci2 (i+1)(i+2) , j = i 2, 2i(i+3)+4ci 4 i1 di1 ) 3(c , j = i, 2 3(i+2)(i+1) i0 + 2 , j = i + 4, 2 2 aij = (i + 1) (i + 2) , j = i + 4, (i+1)(i+2) , j = i + 6, 4 0, otherwise,
0 5 10 15 0 5 10 nz = 40 15
aij =
j = i, j = i + 2, j = i + 4, j = i + 6, j = i + 8, otherwise,
j = i 4, j = i 2,
where m,n is the Kronecker symbol, ci are dened as in (1.2) and di := 0, if i < 0, . 1, if i 0.
With these bases the condition number of the fourth order dierentiation is reduced to O N 4 . No spurious eigenvalues were obtained and we achieved an accuracy up to eight digits. In fact, for = 1.00, R = 10000, N = 48 we obtained for the rst eigenvalue the value = 0.23752651907 + 0.00373967171i and the paper of Orszag [155] furnishes = 0.23752648882 + 0.003739677062i.
Remark 66 The problem b) was also solved by a Chebyshev-Galerkin method with the Heinrichs basis and the Shens basis. The matrices A and B are simpler this time. The matrix A is upper triangular and the matrix B is banded. For R = 0 and N = 16 their sparsity patterns can be seen in Fig. 5.4. To get these patterns we used the MATLAB command spy.
The aim of this section is to carry out some estimations concerning the numerical results obtained when the problem (iv) (x) = u (x) , x (1, 1) , u (5.8) u (1) = u0 (1) = 0. is solved by Chebyshev-Galerkin method. We shall use some ideas from the paper of Weideman and Trefethen [203]. The method means to solve the problem ( N f ind u XN , (iv) (5.9) such that uN ,v = uN , v 0, , v XN
0, 4 2 where XN := PN +4 H (1, 1) H (1, 1) . For the space XN we consider two distinct bases, namely the Heinrichs basis n o 2 k |k (x) := 1 x2 Tk (x) , k = 0, 1, 2, ..., N (5.10)
and the Shens basis 2 (k + 2) k+1 k |k (x) := Tk (x) Tk+2 (x) + Tk+4 (x) , k = 0, 1, ..., N . k+3 k+3 (5.11) Let us take k from (5.10) as shape (test) functions and k from (5.11) as trial functions. It means that uN (x) :=
N X j=0
ak k (x) ,
Mathematically, this means an algebraic N + 1 dimensional generalized eigenvalue problem f e D4 x = IN +1 x, e where IN +1 is the matrix of order N + 1, e IN +1 := [(k , j )0, ]k,j=0,1,...,N ,
and the weak formulation (5.9) reads ( f ind uN XN , (iv) such that uN uN , k = 0,
k = 0, 1, 2, ..., N.
An upper bound for the numerical eigenvalues of the problem (5.9) is given by the following estimation (cf. I. S. Pop, P. 46)
Remark 67 The last estimation is very rough but the main computational diculty related to this eigenvalue problem lies in the rapid growth in the dierence between the orders of magnitude of the computed eigenvalues. Thus, for N around 150 results become too large to represent as conventional oating-point values (overow).
Let us consider the following dierential eigenvalue problem where the eigenvalue parameter enters into boundary conditions: (iv) 22 00 + 4 = iR (U ) 00 2 U 00 , x (0, 1) , 0 00 (i) , (ii) (1) = (1) = 0, 2 (iii) (0) + (0) ( U (0)) + (0) U 00 (0) = 0 00 0 (iv) U 00 (0) 000 (0) + i [R ( U (0)) + 3i] U (0) (0) 2 0 00 2 i 2 cot () + Ca + ( U (0)) RU (0) (0) + (0) = 0. (5.12) The problem comes from physicochemical hydrodynamics, with parameters , , , Ca and R ranging in specied intervals of real axis and the basic ow is U (x) := 1 x2 + (1 x) .
We call this a non-standard Orr-Sommerfeld eigenvalue problem and observe that the dierential operators are identical in (5.1) and (5.12). The dierence appears at the last two boundary conditions, where the spectral parameter enters linearly. It is not easy to implement these boundary conditions in a collocating or a Galerkin method. In our paper [82] we introduced a modied Chebyshev-tau method in order to circumvent these diculties. For the classical Chebyshev-tau formulation of the problem (5.12) we transform it rst (linearly) on the interval (1 1) and then make use of the following spaces and the corresponding bases XN YN : = PN+4 = span {Tk , k = 0, 1, 2, ..., N + 4} , : = PN = span {Tk , k = 0, 1, 2, ..., N } . (5.13)
YN ,
where Lt denotes the dierential operator and by B. C. we mean an explicit impose of boundary conditions. Replacing by Tk , k = 0, 1, 2, ..., N succesN+4 X aj Tj we get N + 1 equations for the coecients sively and taking N :=
aj , j = 0, 1, 2, ..., N + 4 and the spectral parameter . The remaining four equations are given by the boundary conditions in 1. Hence we have obtained a generalized eigenvalue problem of the form Aa = Ba. The discretization matrices generated by this method are badly conditioned and not sparse. This can be illustrated, for example, for the fourth order dierentiation matrix corresponding to N , namely N
N+4 X j=0
Tj ,
(iv) aj
1 = cj
N +4 X
h 2 2 i p p2 p2 4 3j 2 p4 + 3j 4 p2 j 2 j 2 4 ap .
Thus, even though this method has theoretically a spectral accuracy, it is strongly aected by round o errors. Moreover, for our eigenvalue problem it generates two spurious eigenvalues. The dierence between this classical method and the modied version consists in the spaces involved in the discretization process. We dene the functions i (x) := 1 x2 Ti (x) , i 0, and approximate the solution by N :=
N +2 X j=0
aj i . Clearly,
e and therefore each and every N XN satises the boundary conditions in 1. For the denition of test functions we use the functions below 2i + 3 2 2i + 1 1 (x) := dN Ti (x) Ti+1 (x) + Ti+2 (x) , i 0, i i 4 (i + 1) 4 (i + 1) where dN = 1 if 0 i N and dN = 0 otherwise. Now let i i k+1 (x) := i k 1 i (x) + k (x) , i 0, k 1. i+1 2i + k + 2
The choice of the test function spaces is justied by the following lemma.
Proof. The case k = 1 is obvious. For k > 1 the mathematical induction can be applied easily. With the two spaces dened above we can proceed with the discretization of the problem (5.12). The new formulation reads e f ind N XN , (Lt N , )0, = 0, B.C.0 s, e YN ,
such that
but now B. C. stands only for the two boundary conditions in 1, which still have to be imposed explicitly. For this discretization we take 5 , i = 0, 1, 2, ..., N i as test functions and construct the corresponding discretization matrices. The choice of these test functions is justied by the following lemma. Lemma [163] i (x) and 5 as above. For i = 0, 1, 2, ..., N and j 0 69 Let i (iv) 5 = dN +2 aij , where we have i , i j
aij =
j = i + 2, j = i + 3, j = i + 4, otherwise.
Proof. These relations can be obtained from orthonormal relations for Chebyshev polynomials. The algebra is quite tedious but not dicult, so we do not reproduce it here. Remark 70 In this approach, the discretization matrix for the fourth order derivative is banded. Compared with the one in the classical approach, which, as revealed in (5.15), is only upper triangular and more dicult to compute, it is better conditioned and therefore the method features much more stability. Similar discretization matrices are obtained for lower order derivatives or other dierential operators. Remark 71 The bases adopted here are suited only for boundary conditions in (5.12). Analogous ideas can be exploited for other types of (homogeneous) boundary conditions. Remark 72 The numerical results reported in our paper [82], which refers to the most unstable mode, for various values of the physical parameters were conrmed in the papers of Greenberg and Marleta [97], P. 1842, [96], P. 380, Malik, [135], P. 32, and Hill and Straughan, [114], P. 2124.
1. Solve by suitable spectral methods the Rossby waves problems, namely ( n o 00 u00 + U 2 u = 0, y1 < y < y2 , Uc u (y1 ) = u (y2 ) = 0, where , will be taken as constants and the complex (phase velocity) c = cr + ici is to be found as an eigenvalue so that a mode is unstable if y 2 and only if ci > 0. a) U (y) = , y , 2 = .5, = 1.; b) y U (y) = sin y, y , 2 = 1., = 1.; c) U (y) = , y 2 2 , = 1., = 1.; d) U (y) = exp (y) , 0 y , = 1., = 1.; N 2. [179] [180] A A Shkalikov considers the following eigenvalue problem i2 z 00 + q (x) z = z, |x| 1, z (1) = z (1) = 0, in order to understand the behavior of the spectrum of the standard OrrSommerfeld eigenvalue problem (5.1) as the Reynolds number tends to innity. From the physical point of view it means that the viscous uid 1 tends to be ideal. Assume that 2 := (R) , q (x) is the same as in (5.1) and is an analytic monotonous function. In these conditions, Shkalikov shows that the spectrum of this simplied problem lies in the closure of the semi-strip = {| Im < 0, 1 < Re < 1} . Verify numerically this result for q (x) := sin (x/2) , q (x) := (x + 1)2 . For q (x) := x, our numerical results are depicted in Fig. 5.5.N. 3. Prove that the boundary conditions in the problem (5.4) are chosen such that the eigenvalues are real and positive. Hint This can easily be shown Z1 2 by setting up the energy norm, i.e., kuk := u2 (x) dx, and proving that
kuk 0. In fact, we can start with the equality Z1 u2 (x) dx and then integrate by parts. N
4. Show that all eigenvalues of the clamped road problem are real and positive. N
-2 -3
Imag( )
Imag( )
-4 -5 -6
-7 -8 -9
-30 -1
0 Real( ); a)
-10 -1
0 Real( ); b)
Figure 5.5: The spectrum for Shkalikovs problem. a) the rst 30 largest imaginary parts; b) the rst 20 largest imaginary parts;
Part II
Second Part
Chapter 6
104 CHAPTER 6. NON-NORMALITY OF SPECTRAL APPROXIMATION Unfortunately, this regime is of overwhelming importance, for example, in the behavior of dynamic systems with non-normal linear part. Such systems could undertake a catastrophic behavior or become chaotic. In spite of this, the estimation of non-normality is not yet a routine matter among scientists and engineers who deal with such matrices. However, a realistic approach of some important numerical methods (such as spectral type methods) and problems (mainly those non-self-adjoint) imposes the quantication of the non-normality of the matrices involved. In this respect, we try to rewrite some of the results of P. Henrici [108, p.27] on scalar measures of non-normality and introduce a new one. Consequently, in the second section, after some preliminary remarks, we introduce an euclidean relative departure from normality of an arbitrary matrix and derive an upper universal bound for that. The bound implies two factors. The rst one depends solely on the dimension of the matrix, 3 and is of order O n 4 , and the second depends mainly on the structure of the matrix. Two remarks are in order at this point. First, the structure of the matrix is intimately related to the numerical method, or shortly, the structure means the numerical method. Second, the latter factor called the non-normality ratio is itself a measure of non-normality. For this one we provide an upper bound which is sharp and at the same time practical. It is crucial to observe that, for an arbitrary measure of non-normality, the problem of the existence of an upper bound over the set of non-normal matrices of a specic dimension remains an open one. However, the non-normality ratio furnishes a scale on which each and every matrix can be measured and, eventually, several numerical methods applied to a specic problem can be compared to one another. With the measure of non-normality established above, we introduce also a relative distance of a matrix A to the set of normal matrices and provide an upper bound for that. In the third section, we write down the matrices corresponding to a ChebyshevGalerkin method with dierent trial and test basis functions considered in some of our previous papers [163] and [164]. In the fourth section, we analyze some particular matrices which come from numerical analysis of second order and fourth order one-dimensional (1D for short) dierential operator. More exactly, we take into account the above quoted (CG) method, a (CG) method introduced by J. Shen in [176] (CGS for short), and two variants of the classical Chebyshev-tau method. For typical choices of parameters in these problems the ratios of non-normality are worked out. They show the eciency of this measure of non-normality in detecting this anomaly even when the pseudospectrum fails. For the particular case of complex Schroedinger operator, which is considered as highly non-normal, we make use also of Chebyshev collocation method to discretize it and compare the non-normality of matrices involved with the nonnormality of the three methods above.
In his seminal paper [108], P. Henrici introduced the following departure from normality of an arbitrary n n matrix A with complex entries (A C nn ) : (A) := inf (M ) , A = U ( + M ) U | {z } (6.1)
(Schur decomposition)
where U is unitary and is diagonal and is made up of the eigenvalues of A. The symbol denotes as usual the conjugate transpose of a vector or a matrix, while stands for a norm of A (see for example [188, p.116] for the equivalence of various norms). The main result from the above quoted paper reads as follows: (A) n3 n 12 1/4 ((A A AA )1/2 , (6.2)
where stands for the Frobenius (euclidian) norm of A. In order to quantify more rigorously the non-normality we introduce a new scalar measure with the next denition. Denition 73 For any A C nn , A 6= O- the null matrix, we dene an euclidean relative departure from normality of a matrix A with the equality (A) dep (A) := , (A) (A) and the map H:C
R+ ,
p (A A AA ) H (A) := (A)
called the non-normality ratio. Remark 74 This map is itself a scalar measure of non-normality in the sense of denition from [63, p.108], i.e., H (A) = 0 i A is normal (A A AA = 0) . The main result is contained in the following theorem. It extends our previous result reported in [83]. Theorem 75 For any A Cnn the non-normality ratio satises the inequality 0 H (A) 2 4 , and the euclidean relative departure is bounded by dep (A) (A) n3 n 12 1/4 H (A) . (6.5)
106 CHAPTER 6. NON-NORMALITY OF SPECTRAL APPROXIMATION Moreover, for the eigenvalues i of a non-normal matrix A we have the inequality X 2 ! |i | 3 1 1 2 n n 2 1 2 4 i 1 (H (A)) . (6.6) 2 1 (H (A)) 12 (A) 2 Proof. The double inequality (6.4) is due to P. J. Eberlein [59, p.996]. In fact, she showed that (A A AA ) 22 (A) . (6.7) This inequality is sharp, i.e., the right hand side equality holds i the matrix A has the special form A = (vw ) (6.8) where v and w are orthonormal (column) vectors and C is arbitrary and 6= 0. The left hand side equality holds, of course, i the matrix is normal. The bound in (6.5) is a simple consequence of (6.2) and the denition of the map H. The left hand side and the right hand side inequalities in (6.6) are respectively direct consequences of inequalities from [108, p.28], see also [124, p.110] and [124, p.109]. Corollary 76 Incidentally, the inequality (6.6) shows that any matrix A 6= O which satises (6.8) has the property that every eigenvalue equals zero. It is a very suggestive description of the most non-normal matrices. Remark 77 For an arbitrary matrix, the previous bound (6.5) furnishes a fairly direct and practical estimation of its departure from normality. This bound holds together with that from [130, p.466]. Moreover, we have for the relative distance to the set N of normal matrices the estimation dist (A, N ) dep (A) (A) (A) n3 n 12 1/4 H (A) .
Remark 78 The Bauer-Fike theorem (see for instance the monograph of P. G. Ciarlet [39] P. 59 or that of Stoer and Burlirsch [187] P. 388) bounds the pseudospectra in terms of the condition number of a matrix of eigenvectors (a scalar measure of non-normality in some sense!). In fact, in [39] the following theorem is proved: Theorem 79 (Bauer-Fike) Let A be a diagonalizable matrix, P a matrix such that P 1 AP = diag (i ) := D, and kk a matrix norm satisfying kdiag (di )k = max |di |,
6.2. A C G METHOD WITH DIFFERENT TRIAL AND TEST BASIS FUNCTIONS107 for every diagonal matrix. Then, for every matrix A and for each and every eigenvalue of the matrix A + A there exists at least one index i such that | i | cond (P ) kAk , 1 where cond(P ) = kP k P , and the matrix norms kk1 , kk2 , and kk all satisfy the hypothesis in the statement of the theorem.
Due to the fact that normal matrices are diagonalizable by a unitary matrix in the above estimation we get cond (P ) = 1 for such matrices. However, the condition number introduced above is called condition number for the matrix A relative to the eigenvalue problem.
and the fourth order 1D two-point boundary value problem u(iv) u00 + u = f (x) , u (1) = u0 (1) = 0. (6.10)
The classical Galerkin method solves such problems using the same basis in the trial (shape functions space or projection space) and test spaces. In this respect we refer to the papers of J. Shen [175] and [176], where spectral Galerkin methods are analyzed in detail for the 1D-3D second and the fourth elliptic operators by using Legendre and respectively Chebyshev polynomials. Anyway, it was observed that such Galerkin methods have important inconveniences. The most serious drawback seems to be the fact that due to the increased condition number of the matrices resulting in the discretization process, the computational round o errors deteriorate the expected theoretical (spectral) accuracy. Several attempts were made in order to circumvent these disadvantages. In some of our previous papers [82], [164] and [163], we considered methods involving dierent trial and test bases. We obtained better conditioned banded matrices and the elimination of spurious eigenvalues in non-standard Orr-Sommerfeld eigenvalue problems. Thus, following the idea of W. Heinrichs ([105]) we search solutions to problem (6.9) in the form of the expansion uN (x) =
where wk (x) = 1 x2 Tk (x) and Tk (x) is the k th order Chebyshev polynomial. This basis satises apriori the above homogeneous boundary conditions. As test functions we make use of those from the paper of Shen ([176, p.3]), i.e.,
ak wk (x) ,
vk (x) = dk (Tk (x) Tk+2 (x)) , The Galerkin formulation for products 00 = wp , vk 2 0, 0 wp , vk = 4 0, = (wp , vk )0, 8 p, k = 0, 1, 2, . . . , N, where
k = 0, 1, . . . , N.
the problem (6.9) requires the following scalar cp (p + 1) (p + 2) , p = k dk (p 1) (p 2) , p=k+2 , 0, otherwise ck1 (k + 1) , (3dk ck ) (k + 1) , dk (k + 1) , 0, p=k1 p=k+1 , p=k+3 otherwise
ck2 , p=k1 2ck + 2dk ck1 , p = k (ck + 2dk ) , p=k+2 , dk , p=k+4 0, otherwise
1 (x) = 1 x2 2 is the Chebyshev weight, (, )0, Z1 stands for the scalar product (w, v)0, = w v dx in the weighted space
As far as we know, they were for the rst time reported in the work of I. S. Pop [165, p.29]. Consequently, the (CG) method for (6.9) reads as follows 00 wp , vk tion uN = 0 + wp , vk (wp , vk )0, = (f, vk )0, , p, k = 0, 1, 2, . . . , N.
L2 (1, 1) and the coecients ck and dk are dened as usual by 0, k < 0 0, k < 0 2, k = 0 , dk = . ck = 1, k 0 1, k > 0
(6.12) For the fourth order problem (6.10) we use the following expansion of the soluN X
ak k ,
2 where the trial (shape) functions k (x) = 1 x2 Tk (x) satisfy the boundary conditions in (6.10). As test functions we make use of the same test functions as those used by Shen [176, p.7], namely k (x) = Tk (x) 2 (k + 2) k+1 Tk+2 (x) + Tk+4 (x) . k+3 k+3
In this situation, the (CG) method requires the next three scalar products (iv) i , j , i , 00 0, , and i , j 0, , for i, j = 0, 1, 2, . . . , N . They are j
available in the relations (5.5), (5.6) and (5.7) respectively. They generate matrices which are analyzed with respect to their condition number in [165, p.32]. With these scalar products, the (CG) method for (6.10) reads (iv) i , j i , 00 0, + i , j 0, = (f, vj )0, , j i, j = 0, 1, 2, . . . , N.
(6.13) This means an algebraic system for the unknowns ak , k = 0, 1, 2, ..., N. It is well known that whenever 0, > 0 the problem (6.10) has a 2 unique solution in H s (1, 1) H0, (1, 1) for s 2. The spectral methods approximate this solution much more exactly than classical nite dierences and nite elements methods.
Numerical experiments
If you nd yourself computing eigenvalues of non-normal matrices, try perturbing the entries by a few percent and see what happens! If the eect on the eigenvalues is negligible, it is probably safe to forget about non-normality. If the eect is considerable, the time has come to be more careful. L. N Trefethen, Pseudospectra of matrices, 1992
We take into account the discretization matrices (the so-called stiness matrices) provided by the use of two spectral methods, namely Chebyshev-tau and Chebyshev-Galerkin. The non-normality ratios of the stiness matrices involved are displayed in Table 3. Thus, the rst two rows in this Table contain the non-normality ratios corresponding to the standard (unmodied) Chebyshevtau method analyzed by Gottlieb and Orszag [90, p.119] and respectively to the improved (more numerically stable) quasi-tridiagonal method from the same monograph [90, p.120]. We refer also to the well known monograph of Canuto, Hussaini, Quarteroni and Zang [33, p.129], for the mathematics of the spectral methods as well as for the technique of improving the algebraic system furnished by Chebyshev-tau method. The third row displays the non-normality ratios of the matrices involved in the Chebyshev-Galerkin method proposed by J. Shen [176, p.4], for short CGS
110 CHAPTER 6. NON-NORMALITY OF SPECTRAL APPROXIMATION method, and the fourth row displays the non-normality ratios of the matrices furnished by the left hand side of (6.12), (see also [82], [163] and [164]). The superiority of the second method is evident. N=8 N=64 N=128 N=256 N=512 CT-standard 1.0040 0.9851 0.9847 0.9846 0.9845 CT-improved 0.8071 0.8201 0.8202 0.8202 0.8202 CGS 0.1779 0.0618 0.0432 0.0303 0.0214 CG 0.4345 0.1641 0.1170 0.0831 0.0589 CT-Laplace 1.0584 1.0579 1.0583 1.0585 1.0586 Table 3 The non-normality ratios for stiness matrix associated to Helmholtz problem The second order operator r d du (r ) u, dr dr = N 2,
with homogeneous boundary conditions is discretized using only the Chebyshevtau method. It has obvious applications to the Laplaces equation on the unit disk. A detailed description of the entries of the corresponding matrices is available in [33, p.132]. The corresponding non-normality ratios are displayed in the fth row of the rst Table. They conrm the superiority of the ChebyshevGalerkin method. This superiority comes from the fact that the boundary conditions are incorporated into the test and trial functions and do not perturb the structure of the matrix of the method. At the same time, we have to observe that, for both equations considered, Chebyshev-tau method leads to extremely 1 non-normal matrices 2 4 = 1.1892 . The two variants of CG methods are again compared in the following two Tables. The problem (6.9) is solved with a typical choice of the parameters and , namely = N 2 and = N. N=8 N=64 N=128 N=256 N=512 CGS 0.2449 0.0803 0.0558 0.0391 0.0275 CG 0.4448 0.1562 0.1109 0.0786 0.0556 Table 4 The non-normality ratios corresponding to mu=N N=8 N=64 N=128 N=256 CGS 0.4011 0.1303 0.0906 0.0634 CG 0.3638 0.1647 0.1187 0.0847 Table 5 Non-normality ratios corresponding to N=512 0.0446 0.0602 mu=-N
Remark 80 For the above mentioned choices of parameters and , the terms in Galerkin formulation (6.12) are all of them of the same order, namely O N 2 . In our report [85] we have considered the situations = 0.0, = 0.1, and = O (N ), = 0.1 for the same values of the cut-o parameter N. The qualitative behavior of the non-normality ratios of the associated matrices does not change.
In the next three tables are reported the results obtained for these problems. For (CT) method , details on entries of associated matrices could be found, for example, in [165, p.30]. The matrices associated with (CG) method are furnished by the left hand side of (6.13) and those associated with CGS method are available in [176, p.7]. N=64 N=128 N=512 CT 1.0032 0.9995 0.9988 CG 0.4014 0.2964 0.1536 CGS 0.1665 0.1212 0.0620 Table 6 The non-normality ratios for = 0.1, = 0.1 N=64 N=128 N=512 CT 1.0032 0.9999 0.9988 CG 0.1728 0.1190 0.1411 CGS 3.4282e-04 4.5645e-04 8.7946e-04 Table 7 The non-normality ratios for = 0.1, = 2564 ; N=64 N=128 N=512 N=1024 CG 0.2597 0.2097 0.1450 0.1077 CGS 0.0404 0.0384 0.0534 0.0423 Table 8 The non-normality ratios for = 2562 , = 0.1 As a direct relation between scalar measures of non-normality and pseudospectra is still an open problem, the pseudospectra of matrices corresponding to second column (N = 128) of Table 7 are depicted and compared in the next three gures. However, it is apparent from Figures 6.1 and 6.2 that the amplitude of variations (contours) of pseudospectra of the associated matrices decreases at the same time with the non-normal ratio. This amplitude even vanishes for quasi normal matrices, i.e., those corresponding to the non-normality ratio H(CGS) = 4.5645e 04. The pseudospectrum of such matrices, depicted in Figure 6.3, reduces to a set of points very close to the real axis. Remark 81 In all the three gures 6.1, 6.2 and 6.3 the large dots are the eigenvalues. The matrices are non-normal, and their pseudospectra are accordingly much bigger than the neighborhoods about their spectra. Remark 82 It is quite surprising that for both Chebyshev-Galerkin methods considered, the non-normality ratio of the stiness matrices decreases, as dimension N increases, thus improving their normality (see Tables 1-6). Small uctuations are observed in Tables 5 and 6 for (CGS) method but they do not aect the above conclusions.
Pseudospectrum-matrix CT method 4 3 2 1
Im z
0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -4
0 Re z
Pseudospectrum-matrix CG method 1
Im z
-1 -1
0.5 Re z
Figure 6.3: The pseudospectrum, (CGS) method, N = 128, = 2564 , = 0 In the case of tau method the non-normality is mainly caused by the perturbations introduced with direct enforcing of the boundary conditions. For this method the non-normality of the matrices involved is high and quite constant. However, with respect to normality, the (CG) methods are far better than (CT) methods. We also have to remark the superiority of the (CGS) method considered by Shen as compared to our (CG) method. It is worth noting that this method produces quite normal matrices (see Table 7). As a nal remark, it is important to underline that whenever the pseudospectrum fails to observe the non-normality, as it is clear from Figure 6.3, our scalar measure remains an indicator for that.
In his paper [194] L. N. Trefethen considers the following Schrdinger operator o c = 3 + i3, d= (6.14)
It is discretized by a Chebyshev collocation method on a nite interval [L, L] with boundary conditions u (1) = 0. First, the interval [L, L] is approximated by the set of (CGaussL) points j xj := L cos , j = 0, 1, 2, . . . , N + 1, N +1
114 CHAPTER 6. NON-NORMALITY OF SPECTRAL APPROXIMATION and the operator A is then approximated on this grid by an N N matrix AN dened by the following prescription. For any N vector v, AN v is the N vector obtained by two steps: let p (x) the unique polynomial of degree N + 1 with p (L) = 0 and p (xj ) = vj for j = 1, 2, . . . , N ; for j = 1, 2, . . . , N, (AN v)j = p00 (xj ) + cx2 dx4 p (xj ) . j j
At the same time with matrix A we consider a conditioned (equivalent) form of that, namely B := W AW 1 , where the weight matrix W has the structure W := diag (w1 , w2 , . . . , wN ) , and the weights are wj := q L2 x2 j
2 (N + 1)
The fact that the matrix B is more normal than A is apparent from the Table 9. N H(AN ) H(BN ) 64 0.3745 0.1262 140 0.3946 0.1329 160 0.3949 0.1330 200 0.3949 0.1330 Table 9 The non-normality ratios The non-normality of these matrices is compared with that of discretization matrices corresponding to (CT), (CG) and (CGS) methods in the Table 10. N=64 N=256 N=512 N=1024 CT 0.9912 0.9916 0.9844 0.9844 CG 0.2236 0.1161 0.0826 0.0586 CGS 0.1247 0.0637 0.0452 0.0320 Table 10 The non-normality ratios for (CT), (CG) and (CGS) methods. Again, the (CGS) method is the best. The pseudospectrum of the (CT) discretization matrix for N = 16 is displayed in Fig. 6.4. Another aspect of non-normality is the fact that almost all eigenvalues gather around the origin. Remark 83 The normality of collocations methods In their paper [196], Trefethen and Trummer, analyzed the spectra of the Fourier, Chebyshev and Legendre pseudodierential matrices with respect to the fact that they determine the allowable time step in an explicit time integration of parabolic and hyperbolic partial dierential equations. They observe that these eigenvalues are extraordinarily sensitive to rounding errors and other perturbations. Our numerical experiments thoroughly conrm this assertion. More than that, we observe that the Fourier pseudodierential matrix is a circulant matrix and consequently is a normal one. Our numerical experiments conrmed that their Henrici number
0 -0.05 -0.1 -0.15 -0.2 -0.25 -0.2 -0.1 0 Re z 0.1 0.2 0.3
Figure 6.4: The pseudospectrum for the (CT) method equals zero. The eigenvalues of such a matrix (denoted DN ) are all complex. The pseudospectrum and the log of the norm of its resolvent are displayed in Fig. 6.5. On the other hand, the Henrici number of Chebyshev pseudodieren(1),C tial matrices is much larger, i.e., HA(DN ) = 0.8928 and is quite independent of N. The pseudospectrum and the log of the norm of its resolvent for N = 16 are displayed in Fig. 6.6. Unfortunately, these results do not conrm those of Trefethen and Trummer, [196], p.1011, but the norm of the resolvent underlines the sensitivity of eigenvalues to the rounding o errors. For Hermite pseudodierential matrices we obtained Henrici numbers of order 0.2589.
0 -2 -4 -4
5 0 -5 5 5 0 y -5 -5 0 x
0 Re
Figure 6.5: The pseudospectrum and the norm of the resolvent for D8
18 16 14 12 10 8 2 2 0 y -2 -2 0 x
0 -1 -2 -2
0 Re
Figure 6.6: The pseudospectrum and the norm of the resolvent for D16 large dots are the eigenvalues.
. The
Chapter 7
Concluding remarks
Spectral methods are like Swiss watch. They work beautifully, but a little dust in the gear stops them entirely. Philip L. Roe, quoted by J P Boyd, SIAM Rev., 46(2004)
Two main conclusions were drawn after all the numerical experiments were carried out. The rst one refers to the fact that the Chebyshev collocation method (pseudospectral), in spite of its non-normality, remains the most feasible and the most implementable spectral method. It succeeded in the linear and, most important, nonlinear problems of elliptic, parabolic and hyperbolic types. The second one underlines the fact that the symplectic methods, implicit as well as explicit, in conjunction with Chebyshev collocation methods, perform much better than the conventional methods in long time integration of Hamiltonian partial dierential equations. They reproduce accurately the structure of the phase space and produce Hamiltonians with narrow oscillations. This way, they do not alter the nature of Hamiltonian systems.
Chapter 8
8.1 Lagrangian and Hermite interpolation
Let f : [a, b] R be a suciently smooth function and a x0 x1 x2 ... xN b a partition of the interval [a, b] . The well known Lagrangian interpolation formula is f (x) =
lk (x)f (xk ) +
where lk (x) are Lagrangian basis polynomials, called also cardinal functions, dened by x xj N lk (x) = j=0 , k = 0, 1, 2, ..., N. xk xj k6=j We observe that the set of interpolating polynomials {lk (x)}N satises k=0 lk (xj ) = kj . The Hermite interpolation formula matches not only f (x) but also f 0 (x) at the same points. It reads f (x) = where
0 2 2 hk (x) = {1 2lk (xk ) (x xk )} lk (x) , h (x) = (x xk )lk (x) , k N X
hk (x)f (xk )+
h (x)f 0 (xk )+ k
and in both formulas, Lagrangian and Hermite, is in the range bounded by extreme values of x and xk . They produce, respectively, Lagrangian quadrature formulas and Gauss quadrature formulas, whose errors are well established in classical monographs of numerical analysis (see for instance [43]). 119
40 600 400 20 200
H (x) H (x)
0 -200
Figure 8.1: The 4th and the 5th order Hermite polynomials However, we employed a more direct approach of Hermite polynomials. The Hermite polynomials Hn (x) , its rst and second derivatives at x R satisfy the following recurrence relations (see for a detailed introduction D. Funaro [73]) H0 (x) = 1, H1 (x) = 2x, Hn (x) = 2xHn1 (x) + 2 (n 1) Hn2 (x) , n 2,
0 00 Hn (x) = 2nHn1 (x) , n 1, and Hn (x) = 4n (n 1) Hn2 (x) , n 2.
The roots of the Hermite polynomial of degree N, indexed in ascending order, N as N . x1 , ..., xN satisfy the asymptotic estimation x1 = xN = O This is visible in Fig. (8.1). Each and every spectral collocation method for solving dierential equations is based on weighted interpolants of the form f (x) pN1 (x) = =
N X (x) (x) fj , (xj ) j j=1
where {xj }j=1,2,...,N is a set of distinct interpolation nodes, (x) is a weight function, fi := f (xi ) and the set of interpolating functions j (x) j=1,2,...,N satises j (xk ) = jk . It is clear that this formula includes, as some particular cases, the formulas (8.1) and (8.2). A list of commonly used nodes, weights, and interpolating functions are tabulated in the paper of Weideman and Reddy [204]. These include the Chebyshev, Hermite, and Laguerre expansions as well as two well known nonpolynomial cases, namely trigonometric (Fourier) and sinc interpolants. Associated with an interpolant such as (8.3) is the concept of a collocation derivative operator or pseudospectral derivative. This operator is generated by
taking l derivatives of (8.3) and evaluating the result at the nodes {xj }j=1,2,...,N : f (l) (xk ) = N X dl (x) fj , k = 1, 2, ..., N. j (x) dxl (xj ) x=xk j=1
The derivative operator may be represented by a matrix D(l) (to be more explicit, sometimes we add an upper index for the type of expansion, i.e., C, H, L, F, s and a lower index for the order N of the approximation), the dierentiation matrix, with entries dl (x) (l) Dk,j := l . (8.4) j (x) dx (xj ) x=xk The numerical dierential process may be carried out as the matrix-vector product f (l) = D(l) f ,
where f (respective f (l) ) is the vector of function values (respective approximate derivative values) at the nodes {xj }j=1,2,...,N . With respect to Hermite case, we notice that pN 1 (x) =
N X ex2 /2 j=1
x2 /2 j
HN (x) fj , 0 HN (xj ) (x xj )
i.e., a Gaussian type function. (l),H For a dierentiation formula DN we refer to Funaro [73] and for its implementation in MATLAB environment to Weideman and Reddy [204]. We also remark that l (l),H (1),H DN 6= DN , and that the accuracy (error analysis) of Hermite interpolation formulas in general, is not analyzed.
Remark 84 When a physical problem is posed on an innite domain, i.e., the real line, a variety of spectral methods have been developed using the Hermite polynomials as a natural choice of basis functions because of their close connection to the physics. With respect to the implementation of Hermite collocation method we observe that the real line (, ) can be mapped to itself by change of variables x := b x, e where b is any positive real number called scaling factor. Consequently, due to the chain rule, the rst-derivative matrix corresponding to b = 1 should be
multiplied by b, the second-derivative matrix by b2 , etc. At the same time, the nodes are rescaled to xk /b. It means that the Hermite dierentiation process is exact for functions of the form eb
2 2
x /2
p (x) ,
where p (x) is any polynomial of degree N 1 or less. The freedom oered by the parameter b can be exploited to optimize the Hermite dierentiation process; see Tang [192] and also P. Anhaouy [162], P. 87. Remark 85 F. Stenger in [185] and [186] provides a fairly complete summary of numerical methods based on sinc functions or Whittaker Cardinal functions. Sinc approximation excels for problems whose solutions have singularities, or innite domains, or boundary layers. The sinc function is dened by sin c (x) := and a sinc expansion of f reads C (f, h) (x) = X f (kh) sin c x h k , x R. sin (x) , x
The function C (f, h) (x) provides an incredible accurate approximation on R to functions that are analytic and uniformly bounded, i.e., sup |f (x) C (f, h) (x)| = O e/h , h 0.
Sobolev spaces
The Spaces Cm , m 0
Let := (a, b)d , d = 1, 2, 3 and lets denote by the closure of ,i.e., the closed poly-interval [a, b]d . For every multi-index = (1 , ..., d ) of non-negative integers, set || := 1 + ...+ d and Da v = || v/x1 ...xd . 1 d We denote by Cm the vector space of the functions v : R such that for each multi-index with 0 || m, Da v exists and is continuous in . Since a continuous function on a closed bounded poly-interval is bounded there, one can set kuk := sup sup |Da v (x)| .
0||m x
It means a norm for which Cm is a Banach space. A function belongs to C i it belongs to Cm for all m > 0.
A complete introduction to the Lebesgue integral can be found in many text books (see, for instance, Adams, R.A.,[3]). We assume known the notions of Lebesgue measure, measurable sets, measurable functions, and Lebesgue integral. Since two integrable functions which dier on a set of zero measure have the same integral, they can be identied from the point of view of the Lebesgue integration theory, i.e., they belong to the same equivalence class. This identication is always presumed here an in the sequel. Let (a, b) be a bounded interval of R and let 1 p < +. We denote by Lp (a, b) the space Lp (a, b) := {u : (a, b) R; u measurable, o Rb p |u (x)| dx < + a kukLp (a,b) := Z
|u (x)| dx
it is a Banach space. If p = , L (a, b) is the space of measurable functions u : (a, b) R such that |u (x)| is bounded outside a set of measure zero. If M denotes the smallest real number such that |u (x)| M outside the set of measure zero we dene the norm of this space by kukL (a,b) := ess sup |u (x)| = M.
L (a, b) is again a Banach space. The index p = 2 is of special interest because L2 (a, b) is not only a Banach space but a Hilbert space with the scalar product Z b u (x) v (x) dx. (u, v)L2 (a,b) :=
The previous denitions can be extended in a straightforward way to more than one space dimension and we get the spaces Lp () 1 p .
We denote by D (), bounded in Rd , d = 1, 2, 3, the vector space of all innitely dierentiable functions : R, for which there exists a closed set K such that 0 outside K. In other words, the function has compact support in . We say that a sequence of functions n D () converges in D () to a function D () as n if there exists a common set K such that all the n vanish outside K and D n Da uniformly on K as n , for all non-negative multi-indices .
124 a) Distributions
Let T : D () R be a linear mapping (form). We shall denote the value of T on the element D () by hT, i . T is said to be continuous if, for each sequence n D () which converges in D () to a function D () as n , one has hT, n i hT, i . A distribution is a linear continuous form on D () . The set of all the distributions on is a vector space denoted by D0 () . Example 86 (i) Each integrable function f Lp (a, b) can be identied with a distribution Tf dened by hTf , i := Z
(ii) Let x0 (a, b) . The linear form on D () h x0 , i := (x0 ) , f or all D () , is a distribution, which is commonly (but improperly!) called the Dirac function. We notice that if T1 and T2 are two distributions, then they are called equal in the sense of distributions if hT1 , i = hT2 , i , f or all D () . b) The Derivative of Distributions Let be a non-negative multi-index and T D0 () an arbitrary distribution. The distribution D T dened by hD T, i := (1)
hT, D i , f or all D () ,
is called the distributional derivative of T. Remark 87 It is extremely important to observe that each function u (x) from Lp () , 1 p < is innitely dierentiable in the sense of distributions, and the following Greens (or integration by parts) formula holds Z || hD u, i := (1) u (x) D (x) dx, D () .
At the same time, if a function is continuously dierentiable (in the classical sense), it is of course dierentiable in the sense of distributions. The converse statement, generally speaking, is not true!
In general, the distributional derivative of an integrable function can be an integrable function or merely a distribution. We say that the -distributional derivative of an integrable function u L1 () is an integrable function if there exists g L1 () such that Z g (x) (x) dx, f or all D () . hD u, i =
1 |x| , x (1, 1) . 2 Note that u is not classically dierentiable at the origin. The rst derivative in the distributional sense is represented by the step function 1/2, x > 0, v (x) = 1/2, x < 0, which is an integrable function. Please verify these statements! Hint: Z 1 u0 dx = hDu, i = (1) Z 0 Z 1 1 = dx + x|1 dx = x|0 + 1 0 2 1 0 Z 0 Z 1 1 = () dx + dx 2 1 0 Z 1 = v (x) (x) dx.
1 1
Example 89 Consider the function v (x) now dened. Note that classical derivative is zero at all points x 6= 0. The rst derivative of v in the sense of distributions is the Dirac distribution 0 at the origin. This distribution can not be represented as a function. More exactly, we have Z 0 Z 1 1 hDv, i = (1) 0 dx + 0 dx = 2 1 0 = (0) = h 0 , i . Functions having a certain number of distributional derivatives which can be represented by integrable functions play a fundamental role in the modern theory of partial dierential equations. The spaces of these functions are named Sobolev spaces.
We introduce hereafter some relevant Hilbert spaces, which occur in the numerical analysis of boundary value problems (see also [38] and [33]). They are spaces of square integrable functions, which possess a certain number of derivatives in the sense of distributions, representable as square integrable functions.
Let (a, b) be a bounded interval of the real line, and let m 0 be an integer. We dene H m (a, b) to be the vector space of the following functions H m (a, b) := v L2 (a, b) ; oor 0 k m, f dk v L2 (a, b) . dxk
m XZ b a
kvkH m (a,b) =
The Sobolev spaces H m (a, b) form a hierarchy of Hilbert spaces in the sense that ...H m+1 (a, b) H m (a, b) ...H 0 (a, b) = L2 (a, b) , each inclusion being continuous. Clearly, if a function u has m classical continuous derivatives in [a, b] , then u belongs to H m (a, b) ; in other words, C m [a, b] H m (a, b) with continuous inclusion. Conversely, if u belongs to H m (a, b) for m 1, then u has m1 classical continuous derivatives in [a, b] , i.e., H m (a, b) C m1 [a, b] with continuous inclusion. This is an example of so-called Sobolev Imbedding theorems. As a matter of fact, H m (a, b) can be equivalently dened as H m (a, b) := d (m1) v C m1 [a, b] ; L2 [a, b] , v dx
!1 k 2 2 d v . dxk 2 L (a,b)
where the last derivative is considered in the sense of distributions. Functions in H m (a, b) can be approximated arbitrarily well by innitely differentiable functions in [a, b] , in the distance induced by the norm of H m (a, b) . In other words, C [a, b] is dense in H m (a, b) . Set now := (a, b) , d = 2, 3, which means (a, b) (a, b) . Given a multi-index {z } |
d times d
The previous denition of Sobolev spaces can be extended to higher space dimensions as follows. We dene H m () : = v L2 () ; f or each non negative multi index || m, distributional derivative D v L2 () , (u, v)m := and the induced norm kvkH m () := X kD v (x)k2 2 () L 1/2 . X Z D u (x) D v (x) dx,
In this case, we have a weaker Sobolev inclusion, namely H m () C m2 , m 2. On the other hand, as in the 1D case, C is dense in H m () .
This is a Hilbert space with respect to the same scalar product of H 1 (a, b) . 1 It is often preferable to endow H0 (a, b) with a dierent, although equivalent, scalar product. This is dened as Z b du dv [u, v] := dx. a dx dx
1 By Poincar inequality, (1.57) this is indeed a scalar product on H0 (a, b) and e the associated norm reads Z !1/2 2 b du dx kvkH 1 (a,b) = . 0 a dx
Dirichlet conditions are among the simplest and most common boundary conditions to be associated with a dierential operator. Therefore, the subspaces of Sobolev spaces H m spanned by the functions satisfying homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions play a fundamental role. Since the functions of H 1 (a, b) are continuous up to the boundary, by the Sobolev Imbedding Theorems, it is meaningful to introduce the following subspace of H 1 (a, b) , namely 1 H0 (a, b) := v H 1 (a, b) ; v (a) = v (b) = 0 .
This norm is equivalent to the H 1 (a, b) norm, in the sense that there exists a constant C > 0 such that C kvkH 1 (a,b) kvkH 1 (a,b) kvkH 1 (a,b) .
Again, this follows from the Poincar inequality. e 1 The functions of H0 (a, b) can be approximated arbitrarily well in this norm not only by innitely dierentiable functions on [a, b] but also by innitely differentiable functions which vanish identically in a neighborhood of x = a and x = b. In other words,
1 D (a, b) is dense in H0 (a, b) .
This is a Hilbert space for the scalar product of H 1 () , or for the scalar product Z [u, v] := u vdx.
We now turn to more space dimensions. If again := (a, b)d , d = 2, 3, the functions of H 1 () need not be continuous on the closure of . Thus, their pointwise values on the boundary of need not be dened. However, it is possibleto extend the trace operator v v| (classically dened for functions from C so as to be a linear continuous mapping between H 1 () and L2 () (see [3], for the rigorous denition of the trace of functions from H 1 ()). With 1 that in mind, it is meaningful to dene H0 () as the space 1 H0 () := v H 1 () ; v| = 0 .
and is equivalent to the H 1 () norm, by the Poincar inequality. e 1 Concerning the approximation of functions of H0 () by innitely dierentiable functions, the following result holds
1 D () is dense in H0 () .
Let (x) be a weight function on the interval [1, 1], i.e., a continuous, strictly positive and integrable function on (1, 1) . For 1 p < we denote by Lp (1, 1) the Banach space of measurable functions u : (a, b) R such that R1 |u (x)|p (x) dx < . Consequently, this space can be endowed with the 1 norm Z 1 1/p p kukLp (1,1) := |u (x)| (x) dx .
For p = we set L (1, 1) = L (1, 1) and for p = 2 the space becomes a Hilbert one with the scalar product (u, v)L2 (1,1) := Z
In the denition of a Sobolev space, one can require that the function as well as its distributional derivative be square integrable with respect to a weight function. This is the most natural background in dealing with spectral methods. Thus, in a perfect analogous way with the above analysis we can construct the m m 1 1 spaces L2 () , H (1, 1) , H () , H,0 (1, 1) and H,0 () . Remark 90 In order to simplify the writing, corresponding to the most important case p = 2, we adopt the following short notations for the norms and scalar products in the respective spaces kk , (, ) , kk , (, ) , L2 , L2 ; m kkm , (, )m , kkm, , (, )m, , H m , H ; 1 1 kk1,0 , (, )1,0 , kk1,,0 , , (, )1,,0 , H0 , H,0 . The domains on which these norms and scalar products are considered result from context.
MATLAB codes
In the Appendix B of their monograph [33], Canuto, Hussaini, Quarteroni and Zang present a listing of self-contained FORTRAN routines for computing Fourier and Chebyshev collocation derivatives. They are geared towards applications in multidimensional problems. D. Funaro in [73], using the same environment, oers a series of basic algorithms in order to allow a smooth start in the development of more extensive codes. L. N. Trefethen introduces in his monograph [197] some fairly useful MATLAB codes which implement spectral methods. Weideman and Reddy present in their paper [204] a software suite which consists of 17 MATLAB functions for solving dierential problems by the spectral collocation methods. These functions enable the user to generate spectral dierential matrices based on Chebyshev, Fourier, Hermite, Laguerre and sinc interpolants. We used these functions in the implementation of our collocation methods. However, in this Appendix we introduce also some MATLAB codes which implement Chebyshev tau and Chebyshev Galerkin methods. Here are the codes. 1) The MATLAB code Chebyshev tau.m % Chebyshev-tau method u+u=f, u(-1)=u(1)=0, f(x)=x^2+x; clear all, close all N=129; % The order of approximation
k=-1.; % the parameter lambda A=zeros(N+1,N+1); % the entries of matrix A A(N+1,:)=1; i=1:(N+1);A(N,:)=(-1).^(i+1);A(1,1)=-k; for p=3:2:N+1 A(1,p)=(1/2)*(p-1)^3; end for i=2:N-1 A(i,i)=-k; for p=(i+2):2:N+1 A(i,p)=(p-1)*(((p-1)^2)-((i-1)^2)); end end\vspace{0.3cm} % The matrix CI transforms from Chebyshev space to physical space \vspace{0.3cm} for j=1:N+1 for k=1:N+1 CI(j,k)=cos(pi*(j-1)*(k-1)/N); end end F=zeros(N+1,1); F(1)=F(1)+1./2.; F(2)=F(2)+1.; F(3)=F(3)+1./2.; X=A\F; % Solve the algebraic system AX=F % Transform the Chebyshev tau solution from SPECTRAL SPACE to PHYSICAL SPACE U=CI*X; m=1:N+1;XG=cos(pi*(m-1)./N); %(CGaussL) nodes (\QTSN{ref}{CGL}) % THE closed SOLUTION Sol=XG.^2+XG-2+(1/cos(1.)).*cos(XG)-(1/sin(1.)).*sin(XG); Diff=U-Sol; Maxerror=max(abs(Diff)) fsize=10; plot(XG,U,XG,Sol), xlabel(x,Fontsize,fsize) ylabel(u(x),Fontsize,fsize) title(u"+u=x^2+x, u(-1)=u(1)=0, N=128,Fontsize,fsize) legend(Chebyshev-tau Sol,Exact Sol) % Obtain Fig. 2.1
2) The MATLAB code LargeScale.m % Solve the t p b v p u+(k^2+3)u=5sin(kx), u(-1)=-sink; u(+1)=sink % The second order operator u is discretized by Chebyshev-collocation % L. Greengard, V. Rokhlin, On the Numerical Solution of Two-Point B V P,
% Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol XLIV, 419-452(1991) % The differentiation matrices from Weideman and Reddy clear all, close all pi=4.*atan(1.); N = input( Dimension of the differentiation matrix: N = ? ); g=[1 0 0;1 0 0]; % B. C. for CC method [x,D2t]=cheb2bc(N,g); % Differentiation matrices kapa=200; A=D2t+(kapa^2+5)*eye(size(D2t)); F=5*sin(x.*kapa)-x.*(kapa^2+5)*sin(kapa); v=A\F; % Solve the linear algebraic system x=flipud(x);v=flipud(v); x=[-1;x;1];v=[0;v;0]; CCsol=v+x.*sin(kapa); Exsol=sin(x.*kapa); MaxDifference=max(abs(CCsol-Exsol)) % The accuracy of computation plot(x,CCsol,x,Exsol), legend(CCsol,Exsol)% Plot and compare solutions axis([-1 1 -1 1]) xlabel(x,FontSize,10) ylabel(CCsol / EXsol,FontSize,10) % Obtain the Figure 2.3 3) The MATLAB code SingPerturb.m % Solve the t p b v p eps*u-u=.5, u(-1)=0; u(+1)=0 % The second order operator u is discretized by Chebyshev-collocation method % L. Greengard, V. Rokhlin, On the Numerical Solution of Two-Point B V P, % Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol XLIV, 419-452(1991) % The differentiation matrices from Weideman and Reddy clear all, close all N = input( Dimension of the differentiation matrix: N = ? ); g=[1 0 0;1 0 0]; % B. C. for CC method % Differentiation matrices (first and second orders) with enforced % boundary conditions [x,D2t,D1t]=cheb2bc(N,g); x=flipud(x);y=[-1;x;1]; eps=[.1 .01 .001 .0001 1.e-05]; for i=1:5 A=eps(i)*D2t-D1t; F=.5*ones(size(x)); v=A\F; v=[0;v;0];v=flipud(v); CCsol(:,i)=v+y.*.5+1.5; ac=.5+1/(exp(-2/eps(i))-1);bc=ac-.5; EXsol=ac+1.5-bc*exp((y-1)/eps(i)); format long eps(i)
MaxDifference=max(abs(CCsol(:,i)-EXsol)) clear v ac bc EXsol MaxDifference end fsize=10; plot(y,CCsol(:,1),-r,y,CCsol(:,2),.g,y,CCsol(:,3),+b,y,CCsol(:,4),-c... ,y,CCsol(:,5),-m) title( A singularly perturbed problem (N=1024),FontSize,fsize) legend([repmat(\epsilon=,5,1), num2str(eps)],2) xlabel(x,FontSize,10) ylabel(u(x,\epsilon),FontSize,10) hold off % Obtain the Figure 2.4 4) The MATLAB code Therm.m % Solve the t p b v p u+u^3=0, u(-1)=u(+1)=0 % The second order operator u discretized by Chebyshev-collocation method % clear all, close all N=64; pi=4.*atan(1.); % Order of approximation g=[1 0 0;1 0 0]; % B. C. for CC method [x,D2t,D1t]=cheb2bc(N,g); % Differentiation matrices u0=(1-x.^2).^2; % Make a starting guess at the solution lambda=5; % Solve the nonlinear algebraic system options=optimset(Display,off,LevenbergMarquardt,on) [u,Fval,exitflag]=fsolve(@therm,u0,options,D2t,lambda) % Call optimizer sol=[0;u;0]; x=[1;x;-1];fsize=10; sum(sum(Fval.*Fval)) plot(x,sol) xlabel(x,FontSize,fsize) ylabel(u(x),FontSize,fsize) title(The solution to average temperature in a r-d process,FontSize,fsize) % Obtain the Figure 2.5 The function therm is available in the next routine: function [F,J]=therm(x,D2t,lambda) % x1=ones(size(x)); F=D2t*x+lambda.*diag(x1)*(x.^3) ; % objective function 5) The MATLAB code Heat2.m % MATLAB code Heat2 % Solve ibvp for heat equation du/dt=S(x)u(x,t)
% Initial data u(x,0)=u0, boundary conditions u(-1)=u(1)=0; clear, clf N=32; pi=4.*atan(1.); % Order of approximation g=[1 0 0;1 0 0]; % B. C. for CC method tfinal=1.; % Final time of integration [x,D2t]=cheb2bc(N,g); % Differentiation matrix (second order) with enforced b. c. % Use the routine cheb2bc from Weideman & Reddy u=zeros(size(x)); u0=1-cos(pi.*(x+1)); subplot(3,1,1); plot(x,u0),ylabel(u0(x,0)), title(Initial data) tspan=[0:tfinal/100:tfinal]; % Step size options=odeset(RelTol,1e-04,AbsTol,1e-6); [t,u]=ode45(parab,tspan,u0,options,D2t); % Runge-Kutta solver x=[1;x;-1]; % The spatial grid % [m,n]=size(u) ufinal=[0,u(m,:),0]; subplot(3,1,2); plot(x,ufinal),ylabel(u(x,tfinal)), title(Solution at final time) u1=zeros(m,1); u=[u1,u,u1]; subplot(3,1,3); mesh(x,t,u), xlabel(x), ylabel(t), zlabel(u(x,t)), title(Solution of heat initial-boundary value problem) function dudt=parab(t,w,flag,D2t) % Function to compute the RHS of heat 1D eq. dudt=zeros(size(w)); % Preallocate column vector dudt dudt=D2t*w; dudt=12.*dudt; % Obtain Figure 3.1 6) The MATLAB code Burgersibvp.m % A MATLAB code for Burgers equation using Hermite collocation % Solving initial boundary value problem for Burgers equation % du/dt=-(theta/2)*(u^2)-(1-theta)*uu)+eps*u % Initial data u(x,0)=u0, boundary conditions u=0 at the end of real line % !! clear all; close all; N=200; pi=4.*atan(1.); % Order of approximation b=.545; % B. C. for HermiteC method eps=1/(100*pi); % Difusion coefficient [x,D]=herdif(N,2,b); % Differentiation matrices D2t=D(:,:,2); D1t=D(:,:,1); fsize=10; u0=0.5*sech(x); subplot(2,2,1),plot(x,u0) xlabel(x,FontSize,fsize) ylabel([u(x,,num2str(0),)],FontSize,fsize)
title(Solution to Burgers eq., N=200,\epsilon=1/(300*\pi),FontSize,fsize) % Shampine, L. F. and M. W. Reichelt, "The MATLAB ODE Suite," % SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, Vol. 18, 1997, pp 1-22. options=odeset(RelTol,1e-04,AbsTol,1e-6); for i=1:3 t0=(i-1)*5; tf=i*5; tspan=[t0:tf/200:tf]; % Step size [t,u]=ode113(Burgers,tspan,u0,options,eps,D2t,D1t); [m,n]=size(u); ufinal=u(m,:);i1=i+1; subplot(2,2,i1),plot(x,ufinal) xlabel(x,FontSize,fsize) ylabel([u(x,,num2str(tf),)],FontSize,fsize) u0=u(m,:); clear u ufinal end xlabel(x,FontSize,fsize) ylabel([u(x,,num2str(tf),)],FontSize,fsize) % Obtain Figure 3.3
function du=Burgers(t,w,flag,eps,D2t,D1t) % Function to compute the RHS of Burgers eq. % the convective term has the conservative form (uu/2) theta=2/3; du=zeros(size(w)); % Preallocate column vector du convterm=zeros(size(w)); convterm=(theta*D1t*(w.*w)/2+(1-theta)*w.*(D1t*w)); du=-convterm+eps*(D2t*w);
7) The MATLAB code FourthEq.m % Solve a standard fourth order b. v. problem by a % Chebyshev Galerkin (CG) method clear all; close all N = input( Dimension of the differentiation matrix: N = ? ); c=ones(N,1);c(1)=2;pi=4*atan(1); m=1:N;a40=c.*m.*(m+1).*(m+2).*(m+3); size(a40) % Get the matrix A4 m=1:N-2;a42=-2*(m-1).*m.*(m+1).*(m+3); m=1:N-4;a44=(m-1).*(m.^2).*(m+1); A4=diag(a40)+diag(a42,2)+diag(a44,4); A4=pi*A4/2; for k=5:N % Get the matrix A0 a0_4(k-4)=c(k-4)/16; end for k=3:N
a0_2(k-2)=-c(k-2)*(3*(k-1)+8)/(8*(k+2)); end a0_2(2)=a0_2(2)+1/16; m=1:N;a00=(15*(m-1)+35*c)./(16.*(m+2)); a00(2)=a00(2)-22/(16*(2+2));a00(3)=a00(3)+5/(16*(3+2)); for m=1:N-2 a02(m)=-(5*(m-1)+6+4*c(m))/(4*(m+2)); end a02(2)=a02(2)-1/(4*(2+2)); for m=1:N-4 a04(m)=(15*(m-1)+22+3*c(m))/(16*(m+2)); end m=1:N-6;a06=-(3*(m-1)+4)./(8*(m+2)); m=1:N-8;a08=m./(16*(m+2)); A0=diag(a0_4,-4)+diag(a0_2,-2)+diag(a00)+diag(a02,2)+diag(a04,4)+... diag(a06,6)+diag(a08,8); A0=pi*A0/2; % Get the matrix A in the linear algebraic system A*U=F A=A4+A0; % Get the right hand side F in the linear system A*U=F for n=1:N Rhsf=@(x)2*(exp(x)).*(1+40*x+34*(x.^2)+8*(x.^3)+(x.^4)).*((1-(x.^2)).^(-1/2)).*... (cos((n-1)*acos(x))-(2*(n+1)/(n+2))*cos((n+1)*acos(x))+... (n/(n+2))*cos((n+3)*acos(x))); Q(n)=quadl(Rhsf,-1,1); end tol=1e-09;format long e maxit=105;y=-1:.01:1; CGcoef=A\(Q) format long e Exsol=((1-y.^2).^2).*exp(y); % The close solution CGsol=zeros(size(y)); for n=1:N CGsol=CGsol+((1-y.^2).^2).*cos((n-1)*acos(y))*CGcoef(n); end MaxDifference=max(abs(CGsol-Exsol)) % The accuracy of computation plot(y,CGsol,y,Exsol), legend(CCsol,Exsol) % Plot and compare solutions xlabel(x,FontSize,10) ylabel(u(x),FontSize,10) title(Solution u(x)=((1-x^2)^2)*exp(x) of a fourth order b v p) condeig(A) B=A*A-A*A;s=norm(A,1); Henrici=sqrt(norm(B,fro))/norm(A,fro) % the non-normality ratio % Obtain Figure 4.2 Remark 91 We can now compare the implementation of spectral collocation methods and spectral Galerkin methods. It is clear that whenever reliable codes
for the dierentiation matrices are well established, the collocation methods lead to more compact, more simple and more exible codes than Galerkin methods. 8) The MATLAB code Sine Gordon.m % This script file solves the sine-Gordon equation % u_tt=u_xx-sin u on the real line using one of the following % differentiation matrices: (1) Hermite, (2) sinc, or (3) Fourier. % The solution is displayed as a mesh plot. clear all; close all method = input( Which method: (1) Hermite, (2) sinc, (3) Fourier? ) N = input( Order of differentiation matrix: N = ? ) tfinal = input( Final time: t = ? ) if method == 1 b = input( Scaling parameter for Hermite method: b = ? ); [x,D] = herdif(N,2,b); % Compute Hermite differentiation matrices D = D(:,:,2); % Extract second derivative D1 = D(:,:,1); size(x) elseif method == 2 h = input( Step-size for sinc method: h = ? ); [x,D] = sincdif(N,2,h); % Compute sinc differentiation matrices D = D(:,:,2); % Extract second derivative D1 = D(:,:,1); elseif method == 3 L = input( Half-period for Fourier method: L = ? ); [x,D] = fourdif(N,2); % Compute Fourier second derivative x = L*(x-pi)/pi; % Rescale [0, 2pi] to [-L,L] D = (pi/L)^2*D; [x,D1] = fourdif(N,1); end Nsteps=1.e+04; % Integrate in time by a symplectic method %[T,P,Q]=gni_irk2(SinG1,[],[],[],x,D,tfinal); %[T,P,Q]=gni_lmm2(SinG1,[],[],[],x,D,tfinal); [T,P,Q]=gni_comp(SinG1,[],[],[],x,D,tfinal,Nsteps); % Obtain Figure 3.13 subplot(1,2,1),mesh(x,T,P); view(30,30); % Generate a mesh plot of u M=length(T); for k=1:M for j=1:N ExSol(k,j)=4*atan(sin(T(k)/sqrt(2))/cosh(x(j)/sqrt(2))); end end Error=max(max(abs(ExSol-P))) [m,n]=size(P) fsize=10; xlabel(x,FontSize,fsize)
ylabel(t,FontSize,fsize) zlabel(u(x,t),FontSize,fsize) title([The "breather solution" N=,num2str(N)],FontSize,fsize) for k=1:m qd=D1*(Q(k,:)); pqd=fourint(qd,x); Tu=(pqd.^2)/2+((P(k,:)).^2)/2; Vu=-cos(Q(k,:)); H(k)=trapz(x,Vu)+trapz(x,Tu); end H=(H-H(1))/H(1); subplot(1,2,2),plot(T,log10(abs(H))) % Obtain Figure 3.14 plot(T,log10(abs(H))) xlabel(time,FontSize,fsize) ylabel(log10(|\deltaH(u)/H|),FontSize,fsize) title(The conservation of energy functional,FontSize,fsize) 9) The MATLAB code KdVivpFourier.m % Solve KdV eq by Fourier spectral method with % periodic boundary conditions clear all; close all N=160; tfinal=4*pi; pi=4*atan(1.);t0=0; [x,D3]=fourdif(N,3);[x,D1]=fourdif(N,1); u0=zeros(size(x)); u0=cos(x-pi);a=-3/8;ro=-.1; niu=(-2/3)*1.e-03; fsize=10; figure(1) subplot(5,1,1); plot(x,u0);ylabel([u(x,,num2str(t0),)],FontSize,fsize); axis([0 2*pi -1 1.5]) title(Solutions of KdV i. v. p. for initial data u_0(x)=cos(x-\pi),FontSize,fsize) options=odeset(RelTol,1e-03,AbsTol,1e-4); for i=1:4 tf=t0+.10; [t,u]=ode45(@KdVFourier,[t0 tf],u0,options,a,ro,niu,D3,D1); [m,n]=size(u);i1=i+1; subplot(5,1,i1); plot(x,u(m,:));ylabel([u(x,,num2str(tf),)],FontSize,fsize); axis([0 2*pi -1 2.5]) u0=u(m,:); t0=tf; end xlabel(x,FontSize,fsize); % Obtain Figure 3.7 for k=1:m ud=D1*(u(k,:));
pu=fourint(u(k,:),x); pud=fourint(ud,x); Tu=-niu*(pud.^2)/2; Vu=a*(pu.^3)/3+ro*(pu.^2)/2; H(k)=trapz(x,Vu)+trapz(x,Tu); end H=(H-H(1))/H(1); figure(2) plot(t,log10(abs(H))) xlabel(time,FontSize,fsize) ylabel(log10(|\deltaH(u)/H|),FontSize,fsize) title(The conservation of energy functional,FontSize,fsize) % Obtain Figure 3.9 function du=KdVFourier(t,w,a,ro,niu,D3t,D1t) % Function to compute the RHS of KdV eq. % by Fourier spectral methods pi=4*atan(1.); theta=0.; du=zeros(size(w)); % Preallocate column vector du convterm=zeros(size(w)); convterm=D1t*(pi*ro*w)+a*pi*theta*D1t*(w.*w)+2*a*pi*(1-theta)*w.*(D1t*w); du=convterm+niu*(pi^3)*(D3t*w); 10) The MATLAB code Fischer Ibvp.m % This script file solves the Fischer equation % u_t=u_xx+u(1-u) on the real line using one of the following % differentiation matrices: (1) Hermite, (2) sinc, or (3) Fourier. clear all; close all method = input( Which method: (1) Hermite, (2) sinc, (3) Fourier? ) N = input( Order of differentiation matrix: N = ? ) tfinal = input( Final time: tf = ? ) if method == 1 b = input( Scaling parameter for Hermite method: b = ? ); [x,D] = herdif(N,2,b); % Hermite differentiation matrices D = D(:,:,2); % Extract second derivativ elseif method == 2 h = input( Step-size for sinc method: h = ? ); [x,D] = sincdif(N,2,h); % Compute sinc differentiation matrices D = D(:,:,2); % Extract second derivative elseif method == 3 L = input( Half-period for Fourier method: L = ? ); [x,D] = fourdif(N,2); % Compute Fourier second derivative x = L*(x-pi)/pi; % Rescale [0, 2pi] to [-L,L] D = (pi/L)^2*D;
end u0=sin(x);Nsteps=1.e+02;t0=0; options=odeset(RelTol,1e-03,AbsTol,1e-3); tspan=[t0 tfinal]; [t,u]=ode45(@Fischer,tspan,u0,options,D); mesh(x,t,u); % Generate a mesh plot of solution u xlabel(x,FontSize,10);ylabel(t,FontSize,10); zlabel(u(x,t),FontSize,10); title(Solution to Fischer equation,FontSize,10); % Obtain Figure 3.21 function dw = Fischer(t,u,D) % The function dw = Fischer(t,w,D) computes the right-hand side % of the Fischer equation with the aid of an NxN differentiation matrix % D. N=length(u); dw=zeros(N,1); dw = D*u+u.*(1-u);
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aliasing (Gibbs eect), 27, 42, 58 boundary layer, 44, 54 Boyds eigenvalue rule-of-thumb, 87, 92 Burgers equation articial viscosity, 58 centrosymmetric matrices, 42 Chebyshev polynomials, 4, 23, 29 series, 8, 25 Chebyshev methods tau, 32, 81, 109, 111 Galerkin, 49, 82, 92, 94, 107, 109, 111, 129 Chebyshev points second kind, 10, 89 rst kind, 13 clamped road problem, 88, 98 complex Schroedinger operator, 104 condition number, 107 convergence, 35 derivative Chebyshev-Galerkin, 16, 22 dierential eigenvalue problems second order, 84, 85, 88 fourth order, 88 Dirichlet problems second order homogeneous, 79 second order non-homogeneous, 79 discrete transforms Chebyshev, 18, 26, 31 FFT-fast Fourier, 19, 23 elliptic (coercive) operators, 34 156 energy functional, 63 nite dierence/elements methods, 83 fourth-order eigenvalue problem, 88 generalized eigenvalue problem, 90, 94, 96 Ginzburg-Landau equation, 62 heat equation, 58 fourth order, 72 Helmholtz problem one-dimensional (1D), 38, 40, 49, 50, 81 inf-sup criterion, 32, 34 discrete form, 34 initial-boundary value problem, 55 interpolation nodes, 17 polynomials, 18, 29 inverse inequalities, 16 Lagrangian interpolation polynomial, 20, 40 basis polynomials, 39 basis polynomials (cardinal functions), 119 Lax-Milgram lemma, 32, 34 leap-frog method, 67, 70 least square approximation continuous, 7, 8, 24 discrete, 1012, 25 Legendre Galerkin method, 84 points, 84
INDEX non-normality ratio, 105 normal matrix, 46, 107, 114 normality conditions discrete, 10, 11 continuous, 11 numerical stability, 34 Orr-Sommerfeld eigenvalue problem, 88 non-standard, 95 orthogonal projection, 15 orthogonality conditions discrete, 9, 10, 12, 25 continuous, 14 physical space, 18, 31, 57 Poincare inequality, 26, 127 projection operator, 32 pseudospectra, 111 pseudospectral derivative, 19, 22, 40, 41, 69, 120, 129 pseudospectral methods Fourier collocation, 63, 76, 114 Hermite collocation, 59, 62, 115, 121 strong Chebyshev collocation, 39, 81, 82, 89, 113, 115 weak Chebyshev collocation, 40, 42 quadrature formulas Lagrange Gauss, 13 quadrature formulas-Chebyshev-Gauss, 17 Radau, 17 Lobatto, 17 reaction-diusion process, 47 Runge phenomenon, 30, 54 Runge-Kutta method, 67, 70 ode45, 61, 64 Runge-Kutta scheme, 58 ode45, 59 scalar product weighted, 4 discrete, 17 scale resolution, 43 scaling factor, 71, 121 Schroedinger equation, 61 shock like behaviour, 64 sinc function, 122 sine-Gordon equation, 68 solitons, 64, 69, 73 spectral accuracy, 31, 86 approximation, 32 symplectic integrators, 70
test functions, 31, 32, 81, 107, 108 transformed space, 18, 31, 79 trial functions, 31, 32, 80, 108 trigonometric polynomial, 7 Troesch problem, 45 Bratu, 48 Fischer, 59, 76 truncation error, 15 variational formulation, 32 variational problem discrete, 49 wave equation, 68 weight function, 3, 30, 128 weighted interpolants, 120 weighted residual methods Galerkin, 30 tau, 30