Planetary Empires Strategy Cards 2

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Minor Stratagem
Requirements: You must control a manufactorum. Effect: Pick one of the Troops units in your army list. An identical unit starts in reserve, but will not be available to enter play until Turn 3 (i.e. dont roll to see if it arrives before Turn 3, and ignore any special rules that say it may be deployed earlier than this).
Hur, hur, hur look at Lubdogs lads gettin all killed off. Stupid tin eds should save some ammo. Roktoofs gitz will be arrivin any second now
Buzzgob da Burna Boy, Ork Warlord

Minor Stratagem
Requirements: You must control a command bastion. Effect: You may bring up to half of your reserves (rounding up) into play on the first game turn. If special rules allow you to bring in reserves on Turn 1 then these are in addition to those allowed by this card.
Attack swiftly, and without warning. This is the mantra of the Striking Scorpions it is the way of all our kind.
Aulirel Doomhand, Striking Scorpion Exarch

Minor Stratagem
Requirements: You must control a shield generator. Effect: All your units receive a 5+ cover save during the enemys first Shooting phase.
Shields are holding, power at 44%. Let them spend their impotent wrath.
Captain Dactyr, Salamanders 4th Company


Minor Stratagem
Requirements: You must control a command bastion. Effect: All the units in your army have the Stubborn universal special rule.
This is the Emperors planet, the Emperors Throne damn you. You want it, you traitor pigs? Come take it from us!
Inquisitor Caspiel Rex, Venta Secundus

Minor Stratagem
Requirements: You must control a power station. Effect: All the units in your army have the Move Through Cover universal special rule.
Stupid dumb Orks, dont they know theyre on our territory now? Kyraxian Death-jungle? Feels just like home to me!
Captain Jarn Bullneck Colda, Catachan IX

Minor Stratagem
Requirements: You must control a shield generator. Effect: Roll a D6 whenever enemy reserves arrive. On a roll of 1-3 the enemy player deploys them as normal, but on a roll of 4 or more you deploy them instead.
Where the hell are those throne damned reinforcements? Get Kendrick on the vox. What do you mean theres no signal? What in hells going on here?
Captain Macros, Mordian IV

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