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Executive Summary: Identification of Issues/problem Areas

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This report highlights on the issues that are faced by UBET in different functions that might affect the careers of many students due to negligence of management staff and teachers. Although UBET has developed its reputation locally and internationally and it is currently ranked among top 10 institutions in respective fields. For this reason UBET needs to develop the proper HR system to sustain is position and for betterment of their institution. HRM improves the efficiency of organization through improving the quality of workforce management. It helps to manage the career plans, compensation plans, hiring & selecting polices, incentives, increase the motivation level, and manage relationships between different levels of employees. In short it transforms the organization and gives it new and better direction. It makes the employees responsible thorough timely feedback, align the employees with their goals, provide them with suitable training so that they can improve their skills according to their job description and conduct developmental programs for their employees.

Identification of issues/problem areas:

The overall major issue (big picture): The major issue of UBET is that there is no Human Resource Department. The administration and HODs are looking after the HR practices. Due to which they are not able to create the proper job description, personnel records of teaching and non teaching staff is handled by different department rather than single. They dont emphasize on the advertisement for the job placement. Moreover they dont maintain the pool of candidates for future placement. Due to which proper record maintenance is not possible as well as the placement channels are restricted, resources are missed out because of lack in proper portal system and database system. As generally administration is looking after the HR practices, the job descriptions of different position have never been prepared before. There are no scales of evaluating the performance of different levels of employees. Furthermore they even do not have the proper hiring system due to which inappropriate candidate are being hired in the university which leads to students complains as those teachers lack in so many skills moreover candidates are unable to know about the offered opportunity in UBET as the offered position are not publicized. The employees are not appraised which is leading toward de-motivation among employees, they believe the appraisal system is biased. Reporting is done to head of department .Absence of scoring

card and performance evaluation make favorites promoted & increments too. At times this is unfair as they are not evaluated on the basis of their individual performance and skills Inappropriate compensations and benefits which are offered to employees create disparity among employees and departments. Lower designated employees are paid with higher salaries than the higher designated employees. There is no proper training and career development programs which leads to many complains by students and also creates academic issues as UBET is unable to manage their department.

RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION The key setback with UBET is that they rely on single source of recruitment that is through advertising once in a year in daily dawn. UBET do not spend much funds on advertisement by placing their ads in an ordinary approach (e.g. Lecturer Business Management College). UBET lack in appropriate database system and they cant handle the records of the candidate who has already applied for job in UBET. The precedent information get erased with the new opening and they have to manage records all over again for every job. Furthermore job description has never been organized before at UBET for particular positions. The dilemma with UBET interviewing system is that they lack in reliability and validity of selection criteria due to the time constraints they be deficient in structured questions which unable them to cross check the characteristic and behavioral traits with the skills and qualification necessary for the specific job. Moreover UBET has no suitable feedback system, a candidate has to wait in the University for their Outcome and unsuccessful candidates receive no response. At times many inappropriate candidates are hired because of lack in proper recruiting tools as their skills do not match with the job description even though the teachers are qualified but they cannot deliver the knowledge required for the course. Because of low motivation level and rumors about UBET the experienced staff is switching their jobs as soon as they find out opportunity in the market.

There is no formal appraisal process. The head of department evaluates the performance of the teaching faculty and dean evaluates the performance of head of the department. There is no evaluation system for visiting faculty members as well as there is no proper pay structure at UBET.

UBET has no proper compensation plans as lower designated employees are paid with higher salary as compare to the higher designated employees. Moreover if a valuable employee gives resignation or shows an intension to do so; UBET increases its salary right away in the middle of the year. At UBET there is no midyear increment system. Although the salary levels at UBET are usually higher than its competitors but the employees feel that they are being under paid, the senior faculty complaints that the junior faculty members are being paid higher salaries. Employees have misrepresentation about compensation plan for engineering and management.


UBET lack in developmental program within the institution however the faculty members are sent on training organized by other institution. Students strongly believe that teachers are not aware of advancement in their relative field moreover they lack in interpersonal communication skills. Additionally, the head of departments have complaints about the management workforce .They believe that some management officers dont match with the skills obligatory for the management job though they are academically very strong. Management officers pursue the bureaucratic style due to which actions get postponed which leads to mismanagement. For this purpose the vice chancellor and deans despite of their busy schedule have to get involve in matters of staff and students. Few matters are even not resolved by head of department because of the fact that resolving issues are not their job area and they are unable to catch the origin reason of the issue which leads to argument. This is raising the issue of disciplinary matter. The administration manager is not flexible enough to spot the cause and resolves the dispute that is arising within the organization. He strictly follows the rules and without looking the cause, he immediately terminates the lawbreaker out of the organization.

RECOMMENDATIONS /SUGGESTIONS FOR IMPROVEMENT: Bring in the proper HR system with all the HR functions. Such policies are created that are equally favorable for organization as well as for the human resources rather than focusing on the solo function (employees or organization). HR system will help the organization to devise plans that provides guiding principle which is followed by all the departments this helps organization to reduce the disputes that is taxing the position of organization. A proper HR system will assist in inspiring the employees by providing them with feedback. This will help them to outshine in those areas which remain intact and unnoticed.

HR system will bring in the proper Scoring; grading and ranking system will help to appraise the performance without biasness as scoring and grading will remain separately by HR department. System will preserve the database of every teaching & non teaching staff and keep an eye on the performance and maintain their records. New appraisal criteria must be introduced. Teaching staff and non teaching staff must be evaluated on the basis of their skills and capabilities. Proper database will be managed for pool of candidates that will be recorded and used whenever required for future placement. The proper website for feedback by students must be created so that teachers performance should be evaluated. Moreover website must contain the portal system so that resumes are uploaded which provide the ease of placement during the mid session when vacancies are created. Hr department must spotlight on the career development of the teaching staff so that they must improve their skill & provide students with the new advancement in their respective field, give them the practical exposure. For Career development HR must start International and Local exchange program in which teachers from one university to another so that they can learn the new practices which other universities are follow. It will serve the students as well as will enhance the teachers knowledge and experience too. It will also give the satisfaction to teachers that they are excelling in their field. Centralized recruitment system must be introduced which comprises of systematic steps so to ensure the skills are matched with the job description. Selection must be done by HR manager along with panel faculty so that right people are hiring. For recruitment other placement sources must be use which will encourage the experienced and fresh candidates.


Recruitment Sources:
The recruitment sources that UBET can use would be that; they place advertisement on any professional blogs, forums, university websites, and also on some social and professional websites. They can also search from the Graduate directories of various institutes. By acquiring all these methods of sources UBET can get bigger collection of competent

candidates and this will increase the chances for hiring a better candidate. UBET should also improve it internal database system so that it can hire former employees from the alumni database of UBET.

Recruitment Procedure:
Identify Vacancy

Place job advertisement/ examine internal database

Creating large pool of Resumes

Analysis of resume by HR manager

Choosing of candidates for interview

Informing the candidates about date, timings and venue for interview

Conduct the interview and ask candidates to wait for the result


Post applied for ___________________________________ Subject/Department ________________________________ Note: Please mark/fill information as applicable


Personal Information


Fathers Name


Date of Birth

Qualification (last Deg/Cert)


Present Address

Permanent Address E-Mail

Personal Contact (ph. no.)

NIC # (II) Academic Background /Professional Training

a) Academic Background (Please start from highest qualification and go in descending order)

Degree held

Year of award



Grade / Div

(b) Professional Training (Please start from most recent training and go in descending order) Course Diploma/Certificate Field of study Institution Grade / Div


Employment History (Please starts from your recent job and go in descending order) Name of Organization Post held with Pay Scale Period From to

Job Profile


Research Publications (Faculty positions only)

(Must include name of journal; year/volume of publication; page numbers; author(s); title)

_________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ (V) Extra/Co-curricular Activities/Hobbies/Interests (if any) __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________


Route of Application Through Proper Channel / Direct to CIIT


Reference:- Provide Two Academic/Professional References

Reference No: 1. Name________________________ Position______________ Address___________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Phone No____________ Reference No: 2. Name________________________ Position______________ Address___________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Phone No____________ By signing below and submitting this application form I, -----------------------------------, confirm that the information I have provided is accurate to the best of my knowledge and that I authorize you to contact the references provided above for further information.


Signature of the Applicant


Application Received by:_______________________________ Date _____________ Checked by:__________________________________________ Date _____________ Short Listed Not Short Listed if not, reason(s)___________________

Signature & Name of Dealing Officer___________________________________

Authorities of selection:
To begin with, the interview of the recommended short listed candidates is carried out by the HR Department manager of UBET to find out the basic information about the candidates. The second interview must be conducted by the chairperson of the department to review the capabilities of the candidates as well as test the candidates by asking him/her for giving a demo lecture to the respective students.

Selection Criteria for different position: The selection criteria for different position for the personnel at UBET must be based on the following: 1. The practiced history of the candidates. 2. The technical aspect professional skills. 3. The balance. 4. Inventor or a adherent. 5. The attitude. 6. The answers. 7. Body language. 8. References. 9. Credentials. 10. The salary. 11. Timeframe and the availability. Interview assessment forms:
An interview assessment form is a pleasant method to know about the person. In some cases this evaluation is used at an initial stage of selection of candidate. Candidates who pass this assessment are subject to meet the head for final interview. By using this assessment you can differentiate between true deserving candidate and time wasting candidates. Here is a sample interview assessment form for your reference.

Interview Assessment Form

Date: ___________________ Time: ___________Assessor Name: _________________________________

Person Name: ___________________________________ Father Name: ________________________________________ Date of Birth_______________ National ID ___________________________ Social Security No _____________________ Temporary address _________________________________________________ State_____________ ZIP ____________ Permanent address _________________________________________________ State_____________ ZIP ____________ Phone (Land Line) ____________________ Phone (mobile)_____________________Email _________________________ QUALIFICATIONS Highest educational qualification_______________________________________________________________________ _ Do you have any distinction in studies? Please write here. _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________ Any Professsional Training or Internship _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________ Extra-curricular activities and team building exercises involved in _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________ Job Related Questions: Please explain briefly why you deserve this job? _________________________________________________________________________________ ________________

_________________________________________________________________________________ ________________ What is the Salary you are expecting? _________________________________________________________________________________ ________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ ________________ Do you think you are an eligible candidate for Selection? _________________________________________________________________________________ ________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ ________________ Assessed by Name _________________________________________ Signature_______________________ Date_________________ Considered________________________ Denied___________________ Recommendations__________________________________________________________________ __________________ No related posts.

To generate competence and to increase effectiveness across the institution standardize performance management process is created .for this purpose standardized assessment tools, ratings, and development plans are develop to increase the effectiveness of staff and employees. Following steps are involved in performance appraisal: 1. IDENTIFICATION: In the first step we will identify the performance of teachers, professors and other staff according to area in which they are working .Dividing the area of their working into dimensions in which their performance has to be calculated. Identifying process requires a measurement system based on job analysis. The appraisal system must focus on performance that affects organization rather than personal characteristics such as age race, gender etc. It must focus on the goals, objective and targets of teachers which they has set. What areas they have to cover and within which time period they are supposed to cover their targets .Targets must be realistic. The personal and behavioral trait that create impacts on the job because few traits and values influences the job performance. For evaluating the job performance and for improving the performance of the professors and teacher Key performance indicators are used. Like for example through daily reporting system, students feedback, observational methods etc.

The most significant part of performance appraisal is to make judgment about teachers, professors and other staff. On the bases of the scales they evaluate the performance. Standards and procedures of evaluation, in terms of performance appraisal must be uniform and must be known to all levels of management and teacher. The standards should be maintained and must remain same for all. The standardize set of conducts must be clear and easily understandable and measurable. Measurement tools are developed and classified in two ways: Relative and absolute judgments Trait competency and outcome data Relative and absolute judgment: The performance of non-teaching and management staff; be it higher or lower level is done by relative judgment because there should be a match between the people performing the same type of job and performance of visiting faculty and teaching staff is done by absolute judgment because we judge performance of teacher on individual basis. Trait, competency and outcome data: HR will judge all the non-teaching (administrative staff) on the basis of their trait Behavior trait for the teaching staff & non-teaching their attitude will impact on the way they teach and handle student and disclinary matters. But it counts more in teaching staff as compare to non teaching.

I. II.

Outcomes data is used for the senior faculty, deans and head of the department so that they might achieve the goals and objectives for the institution as set. So just not to improve the performance of an individual but also it is linked with institutional success. 3. MANAGEMENT : As the main objective of appraisal is to administer the performance of the employee .To manage and improve the performance of the teachers, faculty members and also to discover the troubles that are creating the low performance & to pay notice to those causes that are providing a harm to the organization, develop action plans to overcome those problems and to empower the teachers so that they can help in generating new ideas. HR department will maintain the accounts on a daily basis to keep an eye on the progress of teachers, will provide them with regular feed back, will identify the problems and will lead them with the solutions.

Appraisal forms:

TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL FORM Date: Teachers name : Class handled : Subject specialization: Subject handled: Rating Key: 4 3 2 1 0 ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________

Very good Good Average Below average Unsatisfactory Rating

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Teachers skill/attribute Communicational clarity Listing of clear, realistic objectives attainable by children Chalkboard work Teacher pupil interaction that makes the lesson concept interesting to children Appropriate eliciting strategies (such as brainstorming, group discussion and pupil initiated questioning) based on pupils' experiences Usage of whole class demos with teaching aids Use of group activities (with clear expectations) Explanation of lesson concepts by using contextually relevant and concrete teaching learning materials (If this is not possible, use of multimedia teaching aids) Review of lesson concept using an effective Q A session (teacher initiated, pupil initiated or both) Maintenance of Classroom discipline Effective preparation and implementation of schemes Of Work * Effective preparation and implementation of Lesson plan * Marking of Class work (with teacher explanation) Marking of Home work (with teacher explanation) Remedial work Maintaining wall display of pupils' work Gender equity in all classroom processes Being sensitive to pupils' cognitive and emotional needs Maintenance of mark registers: Promptness, correctness and neatness 40 minute time management (Segmentation)

Total score: ______ [* These can be filled in the light of both classroom processes and the respective documents]. Strong points about the teacher:

Issues that require improvement:

Suggestions for improvement:

Teachers feedback and signature: Date: Signature of Academic Supervisor/Mentor: Signature of Head of Dept. with his comments/suggestions: Signature of Inspecting Officer (from District/Regional Department of Education etc) with his comments/suggestions:

Compensation elements for different positions:
The HR team should consider these following elements in compensation management to shape a formal pay design in order to compensate on position basis, whether on permanent basis as well temporary basis:

POSITIONS Base compensation Fixed pay Pay incentives Indirect compensation/ benefits Health insurance , vacations , provident fund ,car , fuel expense ,life insurance,pension, memberships,medi cal allowances, Subsidized Loans etc Annual Holidays & Casual/Sick Leave, Maternity Leave & Benefits, Old Age Pension, Gratuity, Club Memberships,perq uisites maintained car with fuel allowance, Gratuity, College provided cell Guaranteed allowances Other benefits

Vice chancellor

Profit sharing


Gross Salary = Basic Salary + Allowances


Disablement Benefits

HOD Manager Finance, Administration,

Basic Salary Allowances part of gross salary

Performance bonuses

fixed or guaranteed allowances

Students and Alumni Affairs

phones with allowance, bonus related to handle students complaints Senior professor Annual Base Salary Additional Rewards Bonus, Standard Yearly Bonus as per the terms of employment, Leave Fare Assistance, Gratuity Associate professor Monthly Base Salary Incentive Scheme Pension Fund, Sickness, Sick Leave, fixed or guaranteed vs. variable Assistant professor Hourly wage Other incentives Gratuity ,cell phone, employee Profit Participation Senior lecture Monthly Base Salary Incentives on number of provident fund, Old Age lectures Pension, awarded on different presentations Lecture Salary on no. of lectures Incentives on lectures provident fund, Overtime Pay on each lecture Assistant lecture Salary on lectures Participation base provident fund, reward on handling the students with proper lecture support Visiting faculty Hourly wage Job duration Shift Allowance Janitorial/guards __________ Monthly salary __________ Overtime Pay

addition to gross salary

Compensation structure/plan:

ASSIGNED GRADES Grade 22 Grade 20 Grade 17

JOBS Vice chancellor Deans and registrar HOD Manager Finance, Administration, Students and Alumni Affairs


BASE PAY Rs. 110,000 - 130,000 Rs. 75,000 - 100,000 Rs. 60,000 - 70,000

Senior professor Associate professor Senior lecturer Grade 12 Lecturer Assistant lecture Grade 2 Grade 1 Janitorial staff

Assistant professor

Visiting faculty and Administration staff Security guards

6 10 12 8 15 19 85 15 8

Rs. 20,000 - 50,000

Rs. 20,000 - 25,000 Rs. 5,000 - 10,000

Training and career development Trainig plans/programes: As training is an important part of the organization which has plans to grow and excel in their work in future so UBET should also introduce a training program for their teachers as well as for their nonteaching staff. This would definitely enhance the performance of UBET, as the human resource working in UBET would be aware of the new things and new concepts which currently other universities were adopting and will be able to keep pace with the environment. The major problem in UBET regarding training and development is that the senior professors are not well aware of recent development, so in order to update their recent developments UBET should provide them RETRAINING so that they may enhance their existing knowledge about their relevant fields. Another focused problem in UBET is that junior professor are lacking in their general communication skills so they should provide them skill training for general communication skills . and for improving department heads administrative skill UBET has to facilitate them with off job training program, skills training, provide them slides and videotape and encourage them to attend as many seminars, workshops, conferences as they can. For non management staff, UBET can develop management training programs or web based /elearning courses can be provided to them ion order to get the know how about what is happening in other institution near them; so that they can adopt them and implement them in UBET. For management staff, UBET can organize training sessions i.e., (presentations or lectures). Conferences, seminars or workshops can be planned to provide guidelines to teacher about how to conduct lectures, how to interact with student or to provide teachers with the idea about what innovations other institutions has adopted.


vice chancellor



head of department manager administration

manager finance program director


Job Title: Reporting to:

Professor Chairperson/head of dept.

Wage Category: Exempt Post Reference: Date Analyzed: Date Verified: Not Applicable 01/10/2011 1/10/2012

Position Summary

The instructor is responsible for the coordination, planning, preparation, presentation, and evaluation of classroom instruction and related activities. The instructor is responsible for performing assigned duties during the day, evening, or weekend on any UBET campus as assigned. At a minimum, the related activities include instruction, instructional counseling, academic advising, serving on various committees, participating in local, state, regional, and national professional activities and organizations.

Job Duties & Responsibilities

to coordinate, plan, organize, and instruct courses in the day, evening, or on weekends on any UBET campus as assigned; to keep active at a high level of expertise in the subjects taught and stimulate enthusiasm for those subjects;
To transfer knowledge including practical skills, methods and techniques.

to teach all classes according to an approved course syllabus; to keep students informed and updated concerning course content, requirements, evaluation procedures and attendance requirements; to keep students informed about their progress through the prompt grading of papers and other work; to provide students with a mid-term progress report; to maintain accurate and complete scholastic records, including attendance records;

to submit Failure to Report, Early Warning, Notification of Unofficial Withdrawal, and other documentation when appropriate; to file an appropriate course syllabus for each course taught with the appropriate division chair and the Dean; to refer students to counselors as needed; to attend all faculty meetings, professional development and orientation activities, and other meetings as called by the Head of dept., Dean; to become thoroughly familiar with all universitys policies and procedures and comply with all university policies and procedures;

Other Responsibilities

Assume other work related responsibilities as assigned by the Chairperson, the Dean

Essential Characteristics

communicate orally communicate in writing read and interpret communicate with auditory skills visual ability exhibit emotional control and stability stress management and coping ability mastery of appropriate computer operation skills exhibit keyboarding skill sit or stand for extended periods to time possess basic mathematical skills such as percentages and fractions, etc. operate a calculator, copier, fax machine, etc

Minimum Qualifications

MS/PHD and other relevant certificate course. Must be having atleast 5 years of experience in the relevant field.


Job Title: Reporting to:

Administrative Officer Director of Finance.

Wage Category: Exempt Post Reference: Date Analyzed: Date Verified: Not Applicable 01/10/2011 1/10/2012

Position Summary

The Administration Officer is responsible for maintaining day to day financial, accounting, administrative and personnel services in order to meet legislative requirements and support municipal operations.

The Administration Officer reports to the Director of Finance and is responsible for assisting with preparation of financial statements, maintaining cash controls supervising the payroll and personnel administration, purchasing, maintaining accounts payable and managing office.

Job Duties & Responsibilities

Administer and monitor the financial system in order to ensure that the municipal finances are maintained in an accurate and timely manner Oversee the accounts payable and accounts receivable systems in order to ensure complete and accurate records of all moneys

Administer employee files and records in order to ensure accurate payment of benefits and allowances Supervise administrative services within the municipal office Perform other related duties as required

Essential Characteristics

Exellent Interpersonal and people-management skills must have strong presentation and reporting skills.

Minimum Qualifications

Minimum B.com or other equivalent degree. Must be having at least 1 years of experience in the relevant field.



GRIEVANCE HANDLING Good grievance management can improve employee relationships, improve communication and avoid problems escalating. Without effective grievance procedures, difficult situations may escalate potentially resulting in employment tribunal that could have been avoided. UBET should have the following systematic grievance procedure in order to readdress the grievances effectively: Employee/teachers dissatisfaction or grievance should be identified by the UBET`s management if they are not expressed. If they are ventilated, management has to promptly acknowledge them. The management of UBET has to define the problem properly and accurately after it is identified / acknowledged. Complete information should be collected from all the parties relating to the grievance. Information should be classified as facts, data, opinions, etc. The information should be analyzed, alternative solutions to the problem should be developed and the best solution should be selected.

The grievance should be redressed by implementing the solution. Implementation of the solution must be followed up at every stage in order to ensure effective and speedy implementation.


The following guidelines may help UBET`s management while dealing with grievances: Treat each case as important and get the grievance in writing.
Talk to the employees/teachers directly. Encourage them to speak the truth. Give

them a patient hearing.

Discuss in a private place. Ensure confidentiality, if necessary. Handle each case within a time frame. Examine company provisions in each case. Identify violations, if any. Do not hold

back the remedy if the company is wrong. Inform your superior about all grievances.
Get all relevant facts about the grievance. Examine the personal record of the

aggrieved worker. See whether any witnesses are available. Visit the work area. The idea is to find where things have gone wrong and who is at fault.
Management should control their emotions, remarks and behavior. Maintain proper records and follow up the action taken in each case.

DISCIPLINARY MATTERS Discipline is required for both the organization and the individual. In the organization it is needed to regulate the behavior of people, maintain peace and channel their efforts towards organizational goals. Sad to state, most people do not exercise self-discipline and this fact makes external control necessary for bringing order within an organization. It's important that UBET management tell their employees about university rules on what behavior is unacceptable in the workplace and the consequences if management find they have breached them. The following are rules of conduct of UBET that may result in taking disciplinary action: Falsification of job application, resume, time sheet or any other personnel document.
Violation of the College's substance abuse or drug-free workplace policy. Fighting or threatening violence in the workplace. Threatening, intimidating or coercive behavior, abusive language or any other language or conduct that interferes with the performance of other employees.

Theft or any unauthorized possession, removal or attempted removal of College property or the property of other employees. Disruptive activity in the workplace. Possession of a weapon or any other unauthorized item, such as firecrackers, that could pose a risk to the safety of others. Excessive absenteeism or absence of three days or more without notice. Insubordination (including, for example, any refusal to comply with instructions or to carry out work assignments) or lack of cooperation, whether in language or conduct. Unauthorized use of College materials, time, equipment or other property. Violation of College or departmental policies. The above mentioned rules should make it clear that if an employee fails to meet the minimum standards of conduct, UBET may begin disciplinary action against them. In general, discipline for employees is applied in progressive steps as follows: 1. Oral warning 2. Written warning 3. Final written warning, suspension and/or disciplinary probation 4. Termination of employment

The management of UBET can motivate their teachers through the following ways: teachers must be motivated by creating opportunities to attend voluntary training in areas they find interesting. This gives teachers the chance to further explore their careers and learn about something that they enjoy, and it motivates them to continue learning and teaching more effectively. Open and productive meeting with teachers helps in motivation as well as highlights the areas of weaknesses. Having a voice in some decisions and being able to openly discuss problems and concerns with administrators, also eliminates some common frustrations and encourages teachers to continue doing their best work. Picnic with students and teachers at weekends or vacations designed to bring people together, but more importantly, design to allow teachers to let off some steam and have fun. This allows teachers to relax a bit and help them to avoid burnout.

Principals can organize official monthly, semester-based or yearly awards for teachers' outstanding effort. These awards motivate and focus a number of teachers as making them feel appreciated. Encourage teachers to seek out professional development courses or workshops, and asked teachers to arrange a special professional development day, so teachers can share with their peers the main ideas they learned from each session they attended. Foster and encourage innovative behavior.

Human Resource Management: Human Resources Management (HRM) is the strategic and coherent approach for the management of an organization's most valued assets the people working there who individually and collectively contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the business. Recruitment: Recruitment is the process of finding and attracting capable applicants for employment. Selection: The selection process is a series of specific steps used to decide which recruits should be hired. Performance Appraisal: Performance appraisal is the process by which organizations evaluate employees' performance. Job Description: A job description is a written statement that explains the duties, working conditions, and other aspects of a specified job. Job Specification: A job specification describes the job demands on the employees who do it and the human skills that are required. Job Analysis: Job analysis is systematically collects, evaluates, and organizes information about the job. Human Resource Planning: Human Resource planning systematically forecasts an organization's future demand and supply of employees. Job Evaluation: job evaluation are systematic procedures for determining the relative worth of jobs. Promotion: A promotion occurs when an employee is moved from one job to a job that is higher in pay, responsibility, and/or organizational level. Performance Measures: Performance measures are the ratings used to evaluate employee performance. Motivation: Motivation is a person's drive to take action because that person wants to do so. Training: Training represents activities that teach employees how to perform their current job. Equal Employment Opportunity: Equal Employment Opportunity means giving people a fair chance to succeed without discrimination based on factors unrelated to job performance, such as age, race, or national origin. Development: Development represents activities that prepare an employee for future responsibilities.

Appraisal Interview: An interview in which the supervisor and subordinate review the appraisal and make plans to remedy deficiencies and reinforce strengths. Compensation: Compensation is what employees receive in exchange for their work, including pay and benefits. Benefits: Indirect financial and nonfinancial payments employee receive for continuing their employment with the company. Career Development: Career Development consists of the experiences and personal improvements one undertakes to achieve a career plan. Employment References: Employment References are evaluations of an employee's work performance provided by past employers. Rating Scale: A rating scale requires the rater to provide a subjective evaluation of an individual's performance along a scale from low to high. Employee Referrals: A recommendation from a current employee regarding a job applicant.

Succession Planning: A career development activity that focuses on prepareing employee to fill the executive positions. Job Posting System: A system in which an organization announces job openings to all employees on bulletin board, in a company news letter, or through a phone recording or computer system. Skills Inventory: A company maintained record of employees abilities, skills, knowledge and education. Career Path: A chart showing the possible directions and career opportunities available in an organization; its presents the steps in a possible career and a plausible timeable for accomplishing them. Base Compensation: The fix pay an employee receives on regular basis, either in the form of a salary or as an hourly wage. Pay Incentives: A program designed to reward employees for good performance or better output. Indirect Compensation/Benefits: Benefits generally comprises of non-cash elements of compensation package, it includes a variety of programs (for example, health insurance, vacations, end of service benefits, company car, Leave etc.). Job Hierarchy: A listings of jobs in order of their importance to the organization, from highest to lowest.

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