Metal Mindset
Metal Mindset
Metal Mindset
livethislife - a lifestyle for you... You livethislife Metal Mindset and all related materials are copyrighted by live thislife. No part of this may be copied, or changed in any format, sold or used in any way other than what is outlined within this livethislife book under any c ircumstances. This program has been purchased by You on Thursday 24th of February 2011 which m eans You will be held legally responsible if this copyrighted document is found outside of his/her possession. In such an event, You will be contacted by our at torney and prosecuted. Do not share or distribute this book in any way. If your friends or family wants to read it direct him/her to rt-todayand buy a copy just like you did. If you are not You but are reading thi s message please contact me immediately at a re ward will be given for any individuals successfully prosecuted. From: Mark Pierc y Mark, You I'd just like to take this opportunity to congratulate you on your d ecision to make a psychological adjustment to your current way of thinking. It i s my sincerest hope thatlivethislife'sMetal Mindset exceeds all of your expectat ions but, before you dig in, I must just add... I DO KNOW that if you apply my t echniques and strategies into your daily routine, your perception and approach t o life will never be the same one hour from now. More than likely, you will ques tion your beliefs and what you have been taught up until this point in your life . I know I did. In fact, it took me years to get my head around the information and strategies I needed to implement in order to create positive direction and r outine in my life. After hours of reading countless books on psychology and moti vation, Metal Mindset was finally born, and, since its induction, has literally transformed and created real direction and purpose in the lives of a world that is faced with higher depression and obesity rates than ever seen before. Metal Mindset separates two types of people in the world: those who want to embr ace it and create meaningful purpose, motivation and success In their d those who want to fight against it. I have been both and I know I will never b e in the latter ever again. Ok, let's get started! Go grab a highlighter and let's give Metal Mindset some l ife. I can honestly say with absolute confidence that there will be at least one thing on every page of this book that you are going to want to highlight and in corporate into your daily routine. I'd just like to allchaptersin sequence asone buildsonto the previous . Here's to your success, Mark Piercy. Mark, Ihave justfinished reading MetalMin dset.Wow,Ican'tbegin to tellyou howspoton this bookis.ForyearsIhave been involve d in personallifestyle developmentasa personal trainer,and overmyfive yearprofes sionalcareerIhave nevercome acrossanything that hashelped me asmuch asthishas.In owhave anotherstring to mybowthatisallowing me to provide greatervalue notonlyto myclientsbutmyown personallife.The wayyou have presented yourconceptsand techni quesin regardsto mindsetand goalsetting have trulygiven me insightinto where the realresponsibilityforsuccesslies. Thiswontbe the lasttime Iread yourbook.Yourconcepts,techniquesand viewson lifest
yle transformation are invaluable and Ican'twaitto implementtheminto mylife as w ellasincorporate theminto myclientsprograms. Foranyone who islooking to turn itaround orjustcreate newmotivation and directio n, MetalMindsetisa mustread.Thanksforspending so much time reading the booksIdid n't wantto,honestlyIwould nothave known where to startand neitherwould so many o thers. Ireallybelieve thisisa greatread foreverybody. Kate Styne N.T MetalMindsetishandsdown the simplestand easyto understand bookIha ve everread in regardsto Mindset.Itisdefinitive and straightto the point.Ihave b een using yourGoals Setting templatesnowfora couple ofweeksand Ican reallysee ho wthissimple daily technique notonlyformsdirection,Ifeellike Iambeing more produc tive and achieving more. PeterBend KA HiMark, Ihave justread you smalle-bookon mindsetand Ihave read justa boutallofthe books outthere. 90%ofthe booksoutthere are fullofpeople'slife stori es.You have leftallthe BSoutand given me whatIwanted,so thanks.Love yourgoalsett ing strategy! Tonita Brenton L.A. It's always been my goal to give motivated people a product t hat's worth 5 times more in value than what they paid for. I know the price of M etal Mindset is too low, but as a new livethislifecustomer, I want to demonstrat e this policy first hand. I have decided to offer you over $200 of FREE VALUE fo r my livethislife10-week Transformation Program just because I can see you are s erious about changing your current lifestyle. Please accept and enjoy this offer as a personal gift from me to you. If, after reading this book, you decide that you truly are one of those people who take ac tion and who want to embrace what you have learnt here...and create meaningful p urpose, motivation and success in your life, then... Visit: and see how you can start applying Me tal Mindset to improve your personal health, whether it be to lose weight, have more confidence, increase your energy levels and transform both your mind and bo dy... see what others are saying about my livethislife10-week interactive lifest yle Transformation Program. This program takes what you'll learn today to an entirely new level and is the m ost comprehensive lifestyle transformation strategy of its kind. Thanks for 'Flick ing the Positive Switch', Mark Piercy. Introduction: Well hi there, My name is M ark Piercy and welcome to my life. What I am about to share with you will absolu tely change your life for ever if you apply it. Your going to learn a lot. I am pretty straight to the point so make sure you read every sentence or you may mis s out on a crucial point that might have a significant impact on your mindset tr ansformation. Now, before we get started, I just want to share a few things with you that I th ink you need to understand. Firstly...understand that we as humans find it extre mely hard to change the process of our thoughts. Trust me, when I was down and o ut five years ago, I really struggled to comprehend that I was ever going to fin d a way out. Fortunately for you, I have been there, trapped in that mental prison, and now a fter reading over fifty books on the subject and attending seminars by great mot ivators such as Anthony Robbins, I am able to confidently say, I have developed a proven and simplistic strategy that will transform your thought processes if y ou apply them with consistency and regularity. When I look back on those times, the only person that could really have helped, was me. I had to flick the positive switchand convince myself that I needed to d
o something. So here's my confession to you so you know I'm no psychologicalmagi cian, but rather just another struggling 20 year old that made a decision and a pact to himself to never accept negative regressive thoughts again. I got started in the lifestyle industry when I was 26 and had very little money. I started out by reading and researching as much as I could about the human tho ught process and how much of an impact it had on the programming of our mindset. I have put an extensive amount of research into Nutrition, Flexibility and Exerc ise but first things first: the biggest hurdle of all, Mindset. I spent all of m y money on knowledge products and mentors and at the time I was making very litt le money. I was on a mission to build my mind and body to a state that reflected nothing of my past five years. I was annoying and persistent, yet that didn't d eter me from where I was headed and finally, after three years, I had reclaimed that positive vibe and bounce that I once had as a kid. I had totally transformed my mind, body and day to day strategies which were wor king wonders. I had formed very high energy, confidence and motivation levels an d I was in great shape. I was at a stage of my life where I started to expect gr eater things of myself. I no longer wanted to work for anybody else but myself s o I adjusted the mindset dial once again. I was sitting down contemplating various business opportunities online one day w hen it dawned on me to start something of my own. I thought to myself, why not d evelop a program using the best strategies and techniques that I have acquired f rom all of the information, books, videos and seminars I had paid for. I started to piece it all together and really questioned myself on what had the most impact on my transformation. I literally picked everything apart. The resul t, livethislife ! a fully interactive 300 page step by step, day by day, digital lifestyle program incorporating Goal Setting, Nutrition, Flexibility and Exerci se like no other. It's been an honour and a privilege to see livethislifegain as much popularity a s it has, and that is why I am in a position to form such high expectations. My m ission atlivethislifeis to transform 100,000 lives and donate $1,000,000 to canc er research by 2020. This should leave you with one distinct question... What in the world happened d uring the two year period of my life when I was down and out that made such a di fference to enable me to turn it all around and form a Metal Mindset? Well that' s a great question and that's exactly what I'm going to teach you in this book. Let's get started shall we? The only prerequisite you need for success is to be alive Chapter > Avoiding the ownward Spiral Only when you've been to the deepest v alley, can you know how magnificent it is to be on the highest mountain The title of this book is livethislife MetalMindset Before we create a Metal Mindset,we nee d to first understand and define what negativity is and how it impacts us. Isn't it strange when a person complains about not having enough time to be happy, ye t, they have ample time to be sad?. Whether or not you have ever been in this st ate of mind, has nothing to do with having sufficient or insufficient time. It h as everything to do with complaining, after all, complaining is the negation of happiness and let's face it, you can't complain and be happy at the same time; i t's just not possible. Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be My advice...keep your distance because this disease in people is insidious and contagious and can bring you down like the flu. Have you ever been around a group of people who ju st flat out complain all day, every day, that nothing ever goes their way, and e verything is always too difficult or too hard?
I have, and this was at the lowest point in my life, and perhaps the main contri butor to my mental demise those many years ago. You see, I was once quite a succ essful basketballer representing my State plus winning a National Championship i n the Australian Basketball Association in my younger days, yet, somewhere along the way, I lost motivation, and allowed myself to get tangled up with this insi dious crowd who managed to bring me down to their level.... They were just like leaches, sucking any success or motivation I had. Now that I look back, I can see that they did this because they felt threatened, insecure, envious and intimidated. They weren't prepared to climb up to my level so inste ad they dragged me down to theirs. Unfortunately, 80% of the world is geared this way so my advice to you, spend as much time as you can around successful people so you live and breath positivity . To minimise the risk of self doubt, don't expose yourself to it in the first p lace; it's that simple. I found out the hard way! Once you start letting in nega tive thoughts and unmotivated people, it has the ability to mutilate, cripple an d corrode your own spirit. Perhaps the most telling signs of a person broken by negativity is obscured vision, which causes you to become confrontational, apath etic and cynical and, let me assure you, my parents could vouch for that at the time! To make it absolutely clear what types of behaviour and people we are trying to avoid here, let's just review the types of negative effects: 1. Domplaining: Don 't do it, it's worse than doing nothing. Everytime you complain, you dig a deepe r hole for yourself and it only makes it harder to climb out. If you start, stop it, and replace it with something positive. Turn your bad habit into a good one . 2. Negative attitude: None of life's problems have ever been fixed looking for s omeone or something to blame. You have no alternative but to make positive think ing work for you. The glass is half full....start appreciating what you have, in stead of scarring yourself with what you lack. 3. Stress less: Do what makes you happy more often and replace this with worryin g less about what you're not doing. Stress not only has the potential to damage the immune system, it delays success and saps energy and motivation. 4. Negative people: Remove yourself from these people. Negative people try and b ring you down to their level instead of rising up to yours. They prevent themsel ves from seeing any good around them. Follow and socialise with positive people. 5. Selfishness: This is a dominant trait of negative thinkers. People who haven' t grown up yet, firmly believe that the world should revolve around their wishes , therefore become unhappy if their childish desires are not fulfilled. This poi sonous attitude stagnates them and prevents them from growing and learning to de al with life's challenges. 6. Negative affirmations: Any negative talk to ourselves or others is a subconsc ious form of programming. The human brain absorbs like a sponge so what we say t o ourselves or others, we believe, so any form of negative affirmation is just s etting us up for failure and disappointment. 7. Negative imagination: We form beliefs through imagination. By allowing negati ve images into our head, we create a world that we are forced to live in. In oth er words, what we see we believe so put a stop to all forms of negative imagery. 8. Impatience+ Impatient people spend their time looking for quick fix solutions that don't exist and become frustrated when they fail to find one. Anything wor thwhile in life requires effort and persistence therefore, if you lack these qua
lities, you achieve nothing. 9. epression+ Those that fail to work on improving their negative attitude will more than likely face depression, self pity and hopelessness. 10. Infection+ Neg ative people are not only harmful to themselves they are harmful to the rest of the world. Negativity is infectious so remove yourself and only promote, live an d encourage positivity. Success is a direct reflection of positivity. Remove, reverse and replace all ten aspects with positivity and you will see som e amazing life changing results. If the people in your life don't accept your ne w positive attitude, separate yourself and move away from them. You are free the moment you do not look outside yourself for someone to solve you r problems Dhapter # Flick the Positive Switch Now that we have addressed the key areas of negativity that impact the Downward Spiral, it's time to Flick the Pos itive Switch and avoid it, or in my case evolve from it... The greatest gift to m ankind, is the knowledge that attitude can change your way of life A positive min dset can be very powerful and very influential in your life. It is something tha t can be acquired by anyone by simply making a decision to think differently. By implementing positive strategies and techniques into your daily routine, you ha ve the power and ability to override and eliminate any negativity, but, the most important thing to remember is that changing your mindset takes time and is a t rue reflection of a diligent process. In order to change what you believe and how you think, you need to start investi gating the ideas and traits of the people you admire or who you deem are success ful. You have already started this journey with Metal Mindset so continue on and remember knowledge is power. Expose yourself to as many motivational and inspir ational books and seminars as you can. Even if you don't learn anything new, cha nces are you will reinforce what you already know and this is more productive th an doing nothing. Unless you expose yourself to the ideas of positive and successful people, habit ual negative thoughts and lifestyle will not produce a person with a positive mi ndset. A positive mindset is a way of life and lifestyle that sets you apart fro m people who are negative and miserable, therefore, if you are going to be succe ssful you need a positive plan for action which is where I am taking you with Me tal Mindset... So think with diversity as it is a key ingredient for change. You must be prepar ed to be mentally flexible by taking on board opposite point of views contrary t o your own opinions and beliefs. Always give people a chance...from there you ca n decipher whether or not this person is of value to you or worthy of your time. Positive people can recognise good opportunities and realise their potential. Ne gative people fail to recognise opportunity when it is presented to them. Positi ve people expect to succeed and negative people expect to fail. Whether you beli eve you can or cannot achieve something, you are right. So why not believe that you can. Having a positive or negative mindset is simply a choice. Choosing to have a pos itive mindset will allow you to attract amazing opportunities and successes in y our life. Choosing to be negative will only attract more negativity and failures in your life. How will you choose to live your life? I know your answer is with a Positive Mindset! Well done, you've have justFlicke dthePositive Switch!, so it's time to get started and address the techniques and strategies you can incorporate into your daily routine. Ok, here we u p thewelder;it's time to piece together your Metal Mindset: B. Positive alk for ra nsition H. riven to ream 8. -oal Setting to Change Mindset A. <ictory Begins wit
h <isualisation I. My Positive Persona F. 7ifestyle 7evitation Be good to yoursel f. Be kind. Be Forgiving. Be patient. After all, you're all you've got Chapter B - Positive alk for ransition How many people have told you that you have done an o utstanding job or praised you and made you feel special today? My guess is not m any. Am I right? You see, with 80% of the world's population made up of negative minded people, the chances of receiving a compliment are very minimal. My point here is, if no one's there to pump your tyres and make you feel special 24/7, w ho is going to do it? I'm glad you answered YOU! Positive self-talk means purpos ely giving yourself positive reinforcement, motivation, and recognition and is u ndoubtably the most neglected and overlooked requirement of our day to day progr ession. Congratulate yourself when you do well, and remind yourself of your abil ities, accomplishments, strengths and skills. You have to learn to make self-talk work for you so commit to it. Positive affir mations have a very profound impact on your self-image, your self-esteem, and yo ur performance as well as eventual success. Your subconscious triggers physiological responses to match the pictures and tho ughts that you have of yourself to make them happen. Make this work for you by k eeping your self-talk positive. ( Build 2uccess With Positivity Eliminate these words completely I Can't If Doubt I don't think I Don't Have The Time Maybe I'm Afraid Of I Don't Believe Make these words a part of you vocabulary I Can I Will Expect the best I Know I Will Make The Time Positively I Am Confident I Do Believe Ok, like I said before, you have to find something that works for you. Here are 2 variations of little self-talk phrases that you can use, so see what works bes t for you. For the purpose of this exercise, the emphasis is on 'I' and You think '. There is no right answer, so put some emotion into each when you say them and see which one works best for you: 1. 'I' am brilliant! 2. 'YOU' think I am brilliant! Now, the reason I have given you both is because, as humans, the majority of us are programmed to reject sel f praise. This is a reflection of our programming as a child. If you were fortun ate enough to be brought into the world and grow up around the positive 20% of p eople, then chances are example number 1. 'I' am brilliant will work better for you. For the remaining 80%, example number 2. 'YOU' think I am brilliant, will work b etter initially. A large majority of us are programmed to reject self praise. By using the words 'YOU think', we are able to bypass this mental barrier by trick ing the brain into believing it has come from someone else. You see people in th is bracket value the praise and opinions of others more than their own. Over the next twenty four hours try both affirmations and see which one generate s the best positive emotion for you. Remember, they were just two examples that you can use so don't dwell on it too much because I will be teaching you the exa ct same strategy I use towards the end of this chapter. Now that you can see how simplistic it is to use positive affirmations, I'll just take this opportunity to explain where to use them: 1. In front of the mirror. 2. Every time you brush your teeth. 3. Every time you wash your hands. 4. Every time you do your hair. The reflection in the mirror will create real honesty in your positive affirmati ons and add more meaning and authenticity . Say them out loud with as much energ y and charisma as you can....the more you put in, the more you get out...just li ke most things in life. Repetition! Repetition! Repetition! - It takes twenty one days to form a habit. Do
n't expect miracles in the first takes time and repetition for your br ain to validate and absorb new information, especially when you are trying to ov erride an existing habit or belief which has been ingrained for years or even a life time. Whenever you catch yourself using negative self-talk, stop and rephrase. Elimina te the negative words and focus on developing a positive affirmation that will o vercome this negativity. Summary Before we look at the exact same strategy I use day in day out, let's just quickly go over the rules for forming positive affir mations: 1. Make the statements personal to yourself. Use the phrases I am" , or , You think I am 2. Keep affirmations short. How can you use affirmations if you c annot remember them? 3. Phrase your affirmations positively. Leave out any negat ive words. For example,I am not nervous about my presentation . Instead say I am e xtremely confident about my presentation" or You think I am extremely confident a bout my presentation 4. Include a positive emotion. A phrase that triggers a positive emotion strengt hens the affirmation. For example I amexcitedby being positive." 5. Say your affi rmations at least 6 times a day. Repetition is life. Repetition enhances selfcon fidence, acts as a reminder, and stimulates your subconscious to help you achiev e your goals in life. Even write some out so you will notice them each day. 6. Use a mirror where you can and verbalise them with volume, energy and charism a. It cannot be overstated the impact that positive self-talk and affirmative st atements have on your confidence and success in life. 2trategy Ok, time to check out my daily strategy and how you can incorporate that into your daily routine and override you negative beliefs: 1. Create your very own positive affirmation palm card that will fit into the photo section of your wallet. a. $I$ Card ;xamp le: b. $1ou$ Card ;xample 1. I am confident. 1. You think I am confident. 2. I a m successful. 2. You think I am successful. 3. I am attractive. 3. You think I a m attractive. 4. I am intelligent. 4. You think I am intelligent. 5. I am motiva ted. 5. You think I am motivated. 6. I am positive. 6. You think I am positive. 2. Which ever card you decide to use, make sure your affirmations are of a perso nal emotional value. If you are unsure where to start, use one of my example car ds. 3. Laminate or cover the card with clear packing tape. 4. Put the card in yo ur wallet or save it as an image and set it as a backdrop on your mobile phone. 5. Rehearse your affirmations as soon as you wake up of a morning, in front of t he mirror, after you have your shower, wash your hands, brush your teeth and bef ore you go to bed. 6. On each card rehearsal, read each affirmation three times. 7. Make sure you a ffirm your card at least three times a day. The more times you enforce your affi rmations, the quicker you will believe them. It's that simple...if you persist and consistently review your affirmation card at least three times a day, you will truly see a difference in you confidence an d self belief. YOU hold the key to unlock the true potential of your mind. Don't procrastinate: be like Nike and JUST DO IT! Dhapter H Driven o Dream If you coul d fulfil your wildest dreams, what would that be? When I was a boy, I can rememb er clearly, my parents encouraging me to follow my dreams, use my imagination an d be creative in my thinking. Now that I look back, I think a majority of kids a re given that very same advice, and what great advice that is. Unfortunately, as we grow older, there are few people in our lives that reinforce the importance of dreaming. What usually happens is we grow old and forget to dream...Yet, we s till manage to pass this advice on to our children. Am I too old to dream? Absolutely not! As long as I have time, I will have dream s. Now, when I say dreaming, I don't necessarily mean the ones you have when you are asleep at night, I'm talking about the ones you have conscious control over . As we move forward in this book, I will teach you the difference between dream
s and goals, but at this stage of your transition, dreams are a great starting p oint to provoke positive emotional inspiration and build a foundation for direct ion. Dreams are aspirations that are unmeasurable and do not require achievement; the y are simply fantasy thoughts and/or visions that give you an escape from realit y to release some of the pressures associated with life. At this early stage, I don't want to confuse you....My goal is for you to evoke as many positive emotions as you can, when you think about what may lay ahead in the future. Dreaming is a great way to spark desire, that is why my strategy wi th this book is to think big and work your way back with precise intricacy. Here are just a few examples of dreams: I will be the greatest basketball player eve r! I will own and drive a red Ferrari! I will own and live in a three story hous e on my favourite beach! I will be the world's greatest Dad! Ok, I could go on f orever, so just remember, dreams are wants that exceed our wildest expectation! Summary 1. You are never too old to dream. 2. Dreams have no limitations. 3. Dre ams build the foundation for desire. Your journey to create motivation, directio n and eventually success is a true reflection of the strategy you employ on a da ily basis, so let's get started by taking a look at the strategy I use to really kick start these desires: Strategy 1. Grab a pen and spend 20 minutes to jot down anything that could exce ed your wildest expectations in life. This could be anything from an accomplishm ent to acquiring a materialistic object. 2. Let your mind run loose, jot everything down, including the words or phrases that trigger these desires. 3. Spend only 20 minutes. Then, over the course of t he next 24 hours, come back to your list at least three times and add as many dr eams as you can. 4. Tomorrow, when you have completed your list, grab a big piec e of blank paper. You are about to create your Dream Poster. 5. In the centre of this piece of paper in BIG BOLD letters, either write or cut out and paste the words MY D:;AMS. 6. Grab your list, scissors, glue stick and all of your old mag azines. The internet is a great place to start for pictures. 7. Locate and cut o ut all of the pictures that best represent and provoke positive emotions when yo u review your dream list. These pics may include houses, clothes, cars, boats, b ikes, people you admire and want to be like.....Anything! 8. Make sure the pics you choose are colourful and packed full of clarity. Your objective is to find pics with extreme emotional value. 9. Go ahead and stick yo ur photos to you Dream Poster. 10. Once you have an image for every dream on your list, and that's not to say y ou can't have multiple images for each dream, find a place in your house where y ou can put your dream poster. I personally have mine on the back of the toilet d oor. 11. You can also create a Dream Wallpaper for your computer. The more you see yo ur dreams the more inspired you will become. A poster is a an effective way of p lanting a subconscious psychological seed for success.
Dreams are forever....Never loose sight of your dreams. Success is getting what y ou want. Happiness is liking what you get Dhapter 8 Goal Setting to Dhange indset
With your new found positivity, it's time to start putting it to good use, by lo oking forward and setting goals that will keep you focussed and moving forward i n a positive direction. People who plan to plan, don't plan to fail I remember the day I stopped setting goals, my life became stagnant, and eventually I was trap ped on the downward spiral where I started to digress. You see, my point here is , in order to maintain positivity you must achieve success regularly. Success is a bi-product of obtaining or achieving something that you want. Everybody needs constant rewards in life, and the best way to reward yourself is by accomplishi ng something you want. The more you reward yourself, the more successful you bec ome, the happier you are. Now, that's not to say that everybody has the same interpretation of success. Fo r me, it might be finishing a novel, and for you it might be winning gold at the Olympics...As long as your achievement has meaningful purpose to you, then, tha t is how you define success. Why do we need success in our life? So we can feel good, and stay positive. So h ow do you succeed on a regular basis? I'm glad you asked! The most productive wa y to consistently succeed, is to set goals. Goal setting involves establishing s pecific, measurable and time-targeted objectives. This method of accomplishment has featured as a major component of personal development for centuries. When planning for success, it's best to categorise your objectives. Goal setting is best broken down into three categories: 1. Short term goals 2. Intermediate goals 3. Ultimate goals You set short term goals to achieve your intermediate go als which work towards accomplishing your ultimate goals. The key is to set clea r definitive goals that you will achieve within a certain time frame, and not to overload yourself with too many at the one time. It is best to set five in each category. Ok, so what constitutes a successful goal and how do I word them? Foc us on the positive in goal statements.. Compare the following phrases, and notic e how the positive words convey confidence, commitment, and enthusiasm. For exam ple instead of I will try" substitute the phrase I will . Instead of saying I shoul d do insert the phrase I will do . I will statements are very powerful positive selfstatements or reminders to help you achieve goals. Before we move to my Short Term, Intermediate and Ultimate Goal Setting Strategy here are a few variations that I find very powerful: 1. I will consume five bal ance nutritious meals tomorrow! - Short Term Goal 2. Within 10 weeks I will lose 10kg of body fat! - Intermediate Goal 3. Within 2 Years I will start my own bus iness! - Ultimate Goal Can you see how I have defined an objective, and time fra me in which I will achieve each goal? The objective forms direction and the time frame creates motivation! Now, there's no use setting goals if you don't review them constantly. The more you re-sight your goals, the more inspired you will b ecome to achieve them. Setting goals to achieve an objective, is the driving for ce behind your motivation. If you can increase your motivation, you will want to achieve more, and achieving more makes your more successful...... Being successful will make you HAPPY! Before we move on to my goal setting strat egy, let me just summarise the key points: Summary Goals form Direction 'I will' . Time frames create Motivation 'Within'. Achieving equals Success 'Happiness'. Ok, time to check out my goal setting strategy and how you can incorporate that into your daily routine and create unlimited motivation: Strategy 1. I Start wit h my Ultimate Goals and work back to my Short Term Goals. 2. I affirm my goals a s soon as I wake up of a morning, at lunch, and before I go to bed. 3. I set my daily goals the night before when I affirm my Intermediate and Ultimate goals as this gives me inspiration. 4. I read each goal three times, every time I visit my goals. When I achieve one of my goals I simply replace it so I am always work ing towards five Ultimate, Intermediate, and Short Term Goals. Ultimate Goals 1.Within3 years I willown my own business! 2.Within3 years I will
own my own my dream car! 3.Within5 years I willhave a holiday house! 4.Within5 y ears I willtravel around France! 5.Within10 years I willtransform 100,000 lives! Intermediate Goals 1.Within10 weeksI willloose 10kg of body fat! 2.Within10 wee ksI willlook great on the beach! 3.Within10 weeksI willfinish my business plan! 4.Within10 weeksI willsave $5000! 5.Within10 weeksI will pass my course! Short T erm Goals 1. TomorrowI willeat five nutritious meals! 2. TomorrowI willgo for a 25min run! 3. TomorrowI willstart my business plan! 4. This weekI willsave $500! 5. This weekI willfinish my assignment! Goals are just like positive affirmatio ns....if you persist and consistently review your goals at least three times a d ay, you will truly increase your motivation and success. It is impossible to adv ance in life without goals. Chapter A Victory Begins with Visualisation Throughou t life, we record each and every experience in our sub-conscious mind. For the m ost part, we are unaware we have stored these experiences away in the filing cab inet of our mind. At some future point, a new event will trigger the memory of an old experience. For example, a beautiful sunset may remind you of a vacation trip to Hawaii. It is important to note, that our brain is capable of both recording and playing ba ck memories. Second, when we do recall a memory, it is the emotions and feelings we re-experience, not the facts and figures from the memory. Which leads me to my next strategy Visualisation for Victory. Visualisation is another powerful to ol that can be used to transform and strengthen the mind's ability to believe an d build success. By visualising positive imagery, you are able to change emotion s to have a positive effect on your mind and body. For me, the true power of vis ualisation was revealed at one of Anthony Robbins seminars where I endured the f ire walk. The ability to visualise and distract my mind from it's programmed bel ief, enabled me to walk barefoot across a fifteen foot track of red hot coal and come out on the other side without a burn or blister. From the thousand people who endured the fire walk, a little over 1% were taken to hospital with third degree burns because they did not willingly accept that a positive visual and verbal belief strategy could override their traditional bel ief of the mind... Quite an amazing statistic don't you think?... 10 people out of 1000!. To give ou a quick example of how we are able to produce and trigger physical changes, lose your eyes for a minute and picture yourself taking a bite out of a lemon. hances are your taste glands will salivate and react as though you have really itten into a lemon. y c C b
Similarly, if you visualise yourself running up a steep hill putting in 110%, yo ur heart rate should increase even though you are sitting down and relaxing. The se are just two examples of how visualisation techniques can produce real physic al changes in the body. Now that you have emulated these two examples, you might be asking yourself , Wel l how does biting a lemon or running up a hill have anything to do with my succe ss? Well, the point I am trying to make here is that if you were able to trigger physical change through visualisation from an activity that you have physically endured in the past, why can't you trigger physical change by using mental image ry to program the mind into simulating positive results in the future? The answer, you can!. Today, athletes all over the world are using visualisation techniques to picture success in their chosen sport, months, even years out fro m a specific event. By the time the event comes around, they have already compet ed and rehearsed their success 100 1000 times before in their mind. The result...extreme confidence and self belief. By building and strengthening t hese two qualities you limit the impact of negative emotion such as nervousness for example. You see, negative emotions consume energy, and in such an important
event, energy is vital. Visualisation prepares you for these emotional fluctuat ions by overriding doubt with what could happen, with what you believe will happ en. How does it work? Visualisation encourages activity in the right side of your br ain, related to creativity and emotions. It leaves you free to focus on overcomi ng a fear, achieving insights about an emotional anxiety or focusing on a partic ular goal you want to pursue. As the imaginary visual experience continues, your blood pressure and heart rate may fall, even breathing brings new energy and vitality into the body. While th e mind is busily delving into unexplored realms, the body is in healing mode. (( Visualisation techniques have been used to cure phobias, lower blood pressure, t urn average athletes into good ones and improve the good ones even more. In fact , research shows that visualising yourself making the perfect golf swing or deli vering the perfect tennis volley actually increases your ability to do just that ! (( The popularity of visualisation is increasing everyday and has become a proven p ersonal development and healing tool for the following: 1. Stress and pain relie f. 2. Motivation and personal development. 3. Allergies and immune system disord ers. 4. Cancer (as a complementary therapy). Before I give you the exact same vi sualisation strategy I use on a daily basis, let me point out the key ingredient s to a successful mental imagery session: Objective: To be successful in anythin g, you must first define a goal. A goal is an objective you would like to accomp lish within a given time frame and may include anything that you want to succeed at. Here are a few examples: Winning the 100m sprint at your athletics carnival. Nailing the perfect public s peaking presentation. Winning the grand final in your chosen sport. Securing a p romotion or your dream job. Getting into optimal physical shape within a certain time frame. Finishing your first novel. ;nvironment: In order to get the most out of a visualisation session, you need t o find a place that is going to relieve you from any external distractions and p romote an environment that works for you. As we are all different, such environm ents may include: Lying on your bed in total silence. Sitting or lying down in total darkness. Out side, at your favourite park or beach. Sitting or lying down with your appropria te background music. Relaxing in the bath. Relaxation: Relaxation is the key to any successful visualisation. You must be a ble to put yourself into a state, where ultimately, you eliminate all external d istractions and thoughts in your mind. This will take time to master so be patie nt. The most effective way to achieve total relaxation is to close your eyes and concentrate on slow deep breathing. This is known as centering. Centering:means not allowing your inner thoughts to be overshadowed by stressful circumstances or negative thoughts and emotions.When cente red for relaxation you must: Close your eyes to eliminate all visual distractions. Block out all surrounding noise. Focus on slow deep breathing. Lower your heart rate. Release any stress o r tension. Centeryour mind. Virtual World: Now that you have centered, it's time to create your Virtual Worl d. Your Virtual World is an imaginary place that you create, where you can go to escape from the real world. This is your world away from the world. The reason why this is so effective is because by creating the perfect escape in your mind, you can visit this place for total inner peace at anytime. It is also a very ef
fective way to put you in the perfect state for visualisation. Think of it this way. If you could design a perfect place for you to relax, where would it be, an d what would it look like? There are no might be a waterfall or a secluded beach or even a forest. Everything at this place is designed for you r total relaxation. The more times you visit yourVirtual World, the clearer it w ill become, to the point where eventually you will be able to escape from the re al world within seconds. YourVirtual Worldshould evoke as many senses as possibl e for example: Smell Sound Touch Sight Taste Dlarity: When, and only when you have mastered relaxation and the ability to cre ate your Virtual World, will you begin to visualise with crystal clear clarity. Visualisation is similar to digital photography, the more photos you take, the h igher quality images you produce. Mental imagery is no different, the more you v isualise, the clearer your imagery becomes. At first you may find your images a little fuzzy or static, however, with practice and persistence, I guarantee you they will start to become sharp and reflect intricate detail. As the clarity of your imagery improves through repetition, you will find the duration of you visu alisation increasing. This will be a true indication that the mental stimulation from your visualisation sessions is increasing, which in turn reflects greater self confidence by becoming more comfortable with seeing yourself succeed. Optim al clarity is achieved through repetition and rehearsal and is a reflection of t he following: Visual resolution and definition. Sound and noise quality. Touch and feel. Smell and scent. Emotion: The more positive emotion you can generate in a visualisation session, the more likely you are to succeed on the day of your chosen event, as it are th ese positive emotions that will override the negative ones. In order to capture the feeling of a positive emotion, think back to a time when you were successful at something, and the feeling you had from that success. Such examples may incl ude: getting an 'A+' in a maths exam, winning the hundred metre sprint, receivin g a complement from someone you admire, getting your first bike or even getting married. This was the warm fuzzy feeling you got when you had achieved something that was special or of significant importance to you. These are the feelings (p ositive emotions) that must transpire from accomplishment in your visualisation. The more positive emotions we can generate from a single imagery session, the m ore productive the outcome! Positive emotions are triggered by achievement and a ccomplishment and reflect the following: Confidence Love Strength Joy Ecstasy Duration: Initially, duration will be a true reflection of clarity. Your ability to visualise with clarity, will have a major impact on the duration of your vis ualisation sessions. Losing clarity is a true reflection of distraction, and in this case, it will most likely be your own thoughts that will distract you. Prac tise makes perfect, so be committed and persistent. As you become more experienc ed, your mental imagery will become more comfortable. Your ultimate goal is to v isualise the whole event that you want success in, from start to finish, and fee l every positive emotion possible. In order to prepare yourself for an event, yo u want to replicate all variables leading up to it, therefore, the more detail a nd events you can visualise leading up to your event, the more prepared you will be. The greater your preparation, the greater your chance for success. Your vis ualisation session should not be governed by time, but instead, intricate detail . Include the following: How you will feel when you wake up in the morning (confident). What you will eat prior to your event (taste). How you will feel prior to your event (strength).
How you will feel during your event (confident). How you will feel after you suc ceed at your event (joy, ecstasy). Repetition: Anybody can acquire knowledge, it's how you use it that sets people apart. Throughout this book, I continually use the word repetition. Repetition i s the key to mastery. Take learning to riding a bike for example: very few of us are able to jump straight on a bike and master it, and so we fall off, we get b ack on, we fall off again, we get back on again, until finally we perfect the ar t of riding a bike. Visualisation is no different, once you master the art, it's a matter of repetition. Once you succeed at your desired event, it's time to cr eate a new vision for success, and replicate your visualisation strategy around your new goal. The main keys to repetition are: Define your visualisation objective. Implement your visualisation strategy. Repe at this strategy daily. Achieve your objective. Repeat this process. You should by now have a solid foundation to build a positive visualisation sess ion, so let's build on that and take a look at the exact same strategy I use: 2t rategy 1. Objective I will be best on court in my basketball grand final. 2. Envi ronment I prefer to lie on my bed on my back in complete darkness and make sure there are no noise distractions. I don't use any form of background music. 3. Relaxation I take 20 really deep breaths and focus on centering my breathing a nd releasing my inner thoughts with my eyes shut. 4. My Virtual World I then ent er my Virtual World where I spend 1-2 minutes in my body sculpted rock pool. I t ry to promote as many positive emotions as I can: from the clarity of the landsc ape to the temperature of the water, form the feel of the water to the sound of the birds and running water. In my Virtual World I can create any mood and promote any emotion that I need to obtain optimal inner focus where I am totally excluded from the real world. I have now put myself in a state of total centered relaxation and am ready to vi sualise my success with Intricate clarity. 5. My Visual Success I start by visualising waking up on the day of my big event . I feel the positive emotions that transpire from my extreme confidence and ene rgy as I start the day. I then visualise sitting down to breakfast where I can taste my favourite foods while I affirm my success in the grand final. I picture myself being extremely confident around my friends and family as they encourage and congratulate me on my achievement. I then move forward to my pre-game shoot around where I visualise making every s hot. I feel the strength and confidence as I shoot around and handle the ball. I visualise sitting down to my pre-game meal, I can taste my favourite pasta and feel the inner confidence as game time nears. I picture myself arriving at the stadium and walking through the doors to greet my team mates. I can smell the stadium and hear the crowd. As I suit up, I can feel the positive energy and excitement in the change rooms a s we go over our game plan. It's time to warm up before the main event and I fee l extremely confident, agile and quick. I visualise the crowd and atmosphere. It's game time, I visualise the first, second, third and forth quarters making m y shots, stealing the ball, grabbing rebounds, giving assists, running the offen
ces and totally dominating my opponent. It's the final quarter we are down by a point with 10 seconds to go, I can feel the sweat running down my forehead, the crowd has gone silent, I have the ball, I make my move, shoot...score, nothing but net, WE WIN BY A POINT! My team mates are ecstatic. They all jump on me, we have done it, we have won th e grand final. I can feel all of the emotions of jubilation from my success. I visualise myself receiving my medal and receiving the MVP of the game award. I p icture the team in the change room as we sing the club song around family and fr iends. I have succeeded...I take a couple of deep breaths and open my eyes slowly . My session is complete! 6. Duration This is a typical visualisation session for me which would last between 20 40 minutes. 7. Repetition For a grand final I wou ld carry out 5-7 visualisation sessions prior to the event. This is because you are never assured a birth In a grand final. Visualisation for basketball is a ga me by game for me, as the venue and opposition are forever changing. The greater the importance of my event the more sessions I will carry out. The mor e variables of an event I can visualise, the greater chance I have for success. T he more repetitive I am, the more confident I feel on the day. The true power of the human mind is unlimited. If you visualise to succeed, you will achieve. Pos itive imagery generates positive results. The more you visualise success in the future, the more confident you will be able to accomplish it. Remember one thing, Victory Begins with Visualisation! Dhapter 7 y Positive Perso na "Now I understand the secret of correcting the attitude of others and that is to correct my own." Before we journey on to your Positive Persona, let's build the foundation with the: Ten Dommandments for living with people 1. Speak to peo ple Nothing is so nice as a cheerful greeting. 2. Smile at people It takes 72 mu scles to frown, only 14 to smile. 3. Dall people by name The sweetest sound is o nes own name. 4. Be friendly and helpful If you want friends, be a friend. 5. Be cordial Speak and act in such a way as to demonstrate that everything you do is a genuine pleasure. 6. Be genuinely interested in people Just try and you can l ike almost everyone. 7. Be generous with praise And be courteous with criticism. 8. Be considerate of others There are often three sides to a controversy; yours , hers, and the right side. 9. Be alert to give help What we do for others lives is immortal. 10.Add to all this A good sense of humour, loads of patience and a dash of humility. Let the refining and improving of your own life keep you so bu sy that you have little time to criticise others. Positivity breeds positivity... If you have made the decision toFlickthePositiveSwitchin your life, then now is the time to infect those around you. You see, by making a concerned effort to be positive around others, chances are you will receive it back, two fold... If yo u have come this far in my book, I am 100% confident that this is the environmen t that you want to create. Am I right? Sure, you will find some people who are i ntimidated by your positive persona, but don't get disillusioned. Seriously, let them make the decision to walk away, just maintain focus and move forward in th e direction of your goals. Eventually, your positive attitude will infect those around you and your positiv ity will be reciprocated. Anybody has the power to be a leader! It's up to you t o change the mood of your environment, so give out what you expect back. It's am azing what a single compliment can do for someone's day! How do you feel when so meone congratulates you, praises you, encourages or compliments you? Chances are , at first, you are shocked and you try to analyse the motives behind it. Then, once you convince yourself that it was indeed true and you were worthy of such p raise, you get that warm fuzzy feeling and straight away think, wow, that was ni ce, how can I repay that person's generosity. So you think for a while, what you could say or do for this person. Maybe you ca
n't think of anything at the time and you forget, but then a couple of days late r that same person compliments you again. Wow, what's going on here? Again you get that warm fuzzy feeling, but this time you can see that this person has sincerely tried to make you feel good, not once ,but twice... Therefore, when the time is right, you return the compliment. Now , can you see how the power of one person with a persistent Positive Persona can have an effect on you? Initially there was one, then he or she lured you in to became two and so on, eventually, your environment is infected with positivity. Compliments are contagious so just try it. However, be persistent as it will tak e time to earn people's trust in order for them to give back. A compliment may b e as simple as: For -irls I admire your dress-sense. Thanks for being a caring a nd a wonderful friend. You are so thoughtful in dealing with others. I love the way you multitask everything. You smell great! Which perfume do you wear? I love the way you cook. Where did you learn such recipes? Your smile lights up your f ace. You seem to have lost weight. Are you working out? Your patience in dealing with others is what I admire most in your personality. I love talking to you. Y ou have an awesome sense of humour. When I'm with you, it really doesn't matter where I'm heading. For Boys I love spending time with you. Have you been working out? You are so fu nny. I love the way you tell jokes. You are so good at fixing things around the house. I appreciate your help in fixing my remote. You have such an interesting personality. I love talking to you. You have a great sense of humour. You are so well read. I am impressed with the way you handled that tough situation. You al ways know the right things to say. I feel so happy whenever I am with you. That was a great game you just played. You are so supportive and understanding. In order for your positivity to wear off on others, people need to see that you are genuine, accomplished and confident in the way you conduct yourself and go a bout life. Posture, akin to body language, is a great indicator of confidence so get your shoulders back and sit up straight! The way you hold yourself, talk an d dress all have an impact on the Positive Persona you portray. Hence, if you wa nt other people to change, or follow your lead, you have to be willing to fulfil their desires and see you as a worthwhile role model... Now, I'm not saying go and tell them how good you are and why they need you, I'm saying be naturally co nfident and positive around them and let them make the decision to follow your l ead. The most influential way to have a positive impact on somebody, is to give up your time to help them achieve what it is they want to achieve, and then comp liment them when they have achieved it. When you start to give, you receive, the more you give the more you receive. Fun ny that! How much are you giving? Start making a conscious effort to give effort . If you get a cup of coffee, get the person next to you a cup of coffee, if you take your bins out, take your neighbours bins out, and so on. Remember, the ret urn on positive gestures is not a competition: there is no scoreboard. If you wa nt people to change, you have to be willing to give them more than you get back! This is what makes a true Leader...People will not follow unless they have the desire to believe in you! Ok, before we take a look at my simplistic strategy to create a Positive Persona, let's quickly recap on this chapter: Summary Positiv ity breeds positivity. Consistently give compliments. Conduct yourself with conf idence. Give more to receive. - There is no 'I' in TEAM 2trategy Daily Compliments 1. I will give my partner a compliment! 2. I will give one work mate a complime nt! 3. I will send one encouraging email! 4. I will send a positive message to a friend! 5. I will compliment somebody's service! Daily Actions 1. I will give m y partner a hug! 2. I will do something for someone else! 3. I will concentrate on good posture! 4. I will give more than I receive! 5. I will be positive when I communicate! 20% of the world's population are positive people. That is the st atistic you have the power to increase whether at home, at work or wherever you are. The road to success is not doing one thing 100 percent better, but doing 100
things one percent better Chapter F 7ifestyle 7evitation Throughout this book, I have given you a total Mind Transformation strategy, to create desire, motivati on, belief, self-confidence, ambition and direction, to ultimately become a posi tive, successful thinker by developing a Metal Mindset. If you employ these simple strategies with consistent regularity, I guarantee ou tstanding psychological results that will exceed your wildest expectations. Now, if you have arrived at this chapter, I commend you on your discipline, commitme nt and willingness to change. You have'Flicked the Positive Switch', the first s tep, and, without doubt, the hardest step in transforming your life into somethi ng special. You see, transforming your mind is just the beginning. I am now goin g to transform your body and give you energy and outstanding health to speed up your journey to success, 100 times faster than you could imagine. By completing this book you have qualified for my livethislifelifestyle transfor mation program.livethislifeis the most powerful tool on the the planet to fuel y our new found direction and positivity.
My formula and criteria for success in life is simple: Healthy Mind P Healthy Bo dy P Healthy Business Q S=CC;SS The order in which you go about your transformat ion is crucial. It has to be achieved in this order. Can you see how it works? G reat, you have just fulfilled my first criteria for a Healthy Mind, soC&NG:*T=7* TI&NS Here is my gift to you: - , or implemented. Sure there are other transformation solutions out there, however , these programs are one dimensional and do not offer a total progressive soluti on from start to finish, mind and body. My goal with livethislifewas to develop and create a complete strategy for lifestyle transformation, based on my own pro ven experience, and I can say, with great confidence, that I have achieved this. Never before has an organisation developed and delivered this many life changing strategies at such great value, which you can use for the rest of your life at no additional expense. Now that you have read this book, I absolutely recommend you continue on your journey for success and happiness in life and take advantag e of my special lifestyle program offer, incorporating-oalSetting,Nutrition,0lex ibilityand *ctivityinto the power of Metal Mindset. This book and my lifestyle program go hand in hand... So take the next step, and I will see you on the other side where.... My 10-week 300 page interactive life style program complete with: members website demonstration videos tutorials dail y charts progress charts etc, etc... The program will guide you step by step, da y by day, for the next 70 days and equip you with the knowledge to unlock your t rue potential, have more energy, lose weight, gain confidence, increase your mot ivation and live longer, . Oh, and did I mention, make money along the way! ay You have: 1. Positive Talk for Transition #. Driven to Dream B. Goal Setting to Dhange Mindset H. <ictory 3egins with <isualisation 8. My Positive Persona Yo u eed: A. Goal Setting to Dhange Mindset - Program Edition I. utrition to Eat Smar t F. 0le%ibility for Agility 4. E%ercise for Energy 10.3uild Your livethislife3u siness 0inal Thoughts..... These strategies and tactics are what transformed my life to where it is today, and I truly hope that you memorise and apply them for yours... In less than a year, I turned my life around from down and out, to hap py and successful, by changing my attitude and direction in life and achieving o ptimal health. This should mean one thing to you: no matter where you are in life or how far do wn the spiral you are, or even how dejected you may have become, you can absolut ely achieve your dreams and goals and do it faster that you can imagine. One thing is for certain, you must be willing to commit and work hard over the 1
0-Week program. If you do, I can guarantee the REWARDS will come. You only get o ne shot at this thing called life....Get what is yours. Sincerely, Mark Piercy. DISCLAIMER AND TERMS OF USE AGREEMENT The author and publisher of this Program a nd the accompanying materials have used their best efforts in preparing this Pro gram. The author and publisher make no representation or warranties with respect to the accuracy, applicability, fitness, or completeness of the contents of thi s Program. The information contained in this Program is strictly for educational purposes. Therefore, if you wish to apply ideas contained in this Program, you are taking full responsibility for your actions. EVERY EFFORT HAS BEEN MADE TO ACCURATELY REPRESENT THIS PRODUCT AND ITS POTENTIAL . EVEN THOUGH THIS INDUSTRY IS ONE OF THE FEW WHERE ONE CAN WRITE THEIR OWN CHEC K IN TERMS OF EARNINGS, THERE IS NO GUARANTEE THAT YOU WILL EARN ANY MONEY USING THE TECHNIQUES AND IDEAS IN THESE MATERIALS. EXAMPLES IN THESE MATERIALS ARE NO T TO BE INTERPRETED AS A PROMISE OR GUARANTEE OF EARNINGS. EARNING POTENTIAL IS ENTIRELYDEPENDENT ON THE PERSON USING OUR PRODUCT, IDEAS AND TECHNIQUES. WE DO N OT PURPORT THIS AS A GET RICH SCHEME. ANY CLAIMS MADE OF ACTUAL EARNINGS OR EXAMPLES OF ACTUAL RESULTS CAN BE VERIFIED UPON REQUEST. YOUR LEVEL OF SUCCESS IN ATTAINING THE RESULTS CLAIMED IN OUR MAT ERIALS DEPENDS ON THE TIME YOU DEVOTE TO THE PROGRAM, IDEAS AND TECHNIQUES MENTI ONED, YOUR FINANCES, KNOWLEDGE AND VARIOUS SKILLS. SINCE THESE FACTORS DIFFER AC CORDING TO INDIVIDUALS, WE CANNOT GUARANTEE YOUR SUCCESS OR INCOME LEVEL. NOR AR E WE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY OF YOUR ACTIONS. MATERIALS IN OUR PRODUCT AND OUR WEBSITE MAY CONTAIN INFORMATION THAT INCLUDES O R IS BASED UPON FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS WITHIN THE MEANING OF THE SECURITIES LITIGATION REFORM ACT OF 1995. FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS GIVE OUR EXPECTATIONS OR FORECASTS OF FUTURE EVENTS. YOU CAN IDENTIFY THESE STATEMENTS BY THE FACT THA T THEY DO NOT RELATE STRICTLY TO HISTORICAL OR CURRENT FACTS. THEY USE WORDS SUC H AS ANTICIPATE, ESTIMATE, EXPECT, PROJECT, INTEND, PLAN, BELIEVE, AND OTHER F SIMILAR MEANING IN CONNECTION WITH A DESCRIPTION OF POTENTIAL EARNINGS OR FINA NCIAL PERFORMANCE. ANY AND ALL FORWARD LOOKING STATEMENTS HERE OR ON ANY OF OUR SALES MATERIAL ARE INTENDED TO EXPRESS OUR OPINION OF EARNINGS POTENTIAL. MANY FACTORS WILL BE IMPO RTANT IN DETERMINING YOUR ACTUAL RESULTS AND NO GUARANTEES ARE MADE THAT YOU WIL L ACHIEVE RESULTS SIMILAR TO OURS OR ANYBODY ELSES, IN FACT NO GUARANTEES ARE MA DE THAT YOU WILL ACHIEVE ANY RESULTS FROM OUR IDEAS AND TECHNIQUES IN OUR MATERI AL. The author and publisher disclaim any warranties (express or implied), merch antability, or fitness for any particular purpose. The author and publisher shal l in no event be held liable to any party for any direct, indirect, punitive, sp ecial, incidental or other consequential damages arising directly or indirectly from any use of this material, which is provided as is, and without warranties. As always, the advice of a competent legal, tax, accounting or other professiona l should be sought. The author and publisher do not warrant the performance, eff ectiveness or applicability of any sites listed or linked to in this Program. Al l links are for information purposes only and are not warranted for content, acc uracy or any other implied or explicit purpose. livethislife etal indset and all r elated materials are copyrighted by livethislife. o part of this may be copied, o r changed in any format, sold or used in any way other than what is outlined wit hin this livethislife book under any circumstances.