THE Comforter Is Here

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Brethren, the scripture is fulfilled in Brotherhood of
the Cross and Star. It was long foretold by Our
Lord Jesus Christ that when the Comforter, the
Holy Spirit, will come, He will lead and teach you
unto the accurate knowledge of the Truth.
Welcome Bible Class students.
Let us read from the Holy Bible, the book of
yenesis "Judah, thou art he whom thy
brethren shall praise: thy hand shall be in the
neck of thy enemies; thy father's children shall
bow down before thee. Judah is a lion's whelp;
from the prey, my son, thou art gone up: he
stooped down, he couched as a lion, as an old
lion; who shall rouse him up! The scepter shall
not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from
between his feet, until 5hiloh come; and unto
him shall the gathering of the people be.
Binding his foal unto the vine, and his ass's colt
unto the choice vine; he washed his garments in
wine, and his clothes in the blood of grapes:"
To whom does this portion of the Bible refer! Was
the garment of Our Lord Jesus Christ dipped in
This portion proves beyond all reasonable doubts
that the revelation of Leader Olumba Olumba
Obu was foretold before the foundation of the
world. Christ was not clothed in a garment
dipped in blood. the world
you wherelhe name of Leader O. O.Obu
them to

From the foundation of the world, have you ever
seen or heard of any human being clothed in a
gilrment dipped in blood (red garment)! Have you
heard and understood that question ilsked in the
opening verses of Isaiah's Prophesy! Isaiah 63:1
"Who is this that cometh from Edom, with dyed
garments from Bozrah t th is that is glorious in
his apparel, traveling in the greatness of his
In all your visions and dreams, in aU clairvoyant
devices, have you ever come across a man in red
garment or in a vesture dipped in bloodl When
you were in the world, did you ever come across
an angel, spirit in such apparel!
that Red yarment on
Was Jesus Christ omnipresent! He did the work as
a 50n; only to be seen when he moves from place
to place. But in my ease, I am seen lavishly as the
same time, while I am here.
From the time of Adam and till now, have you
ever heard of a man whom people do not see in the
flesh but implicit faith and confidence expressed in
him! I am referring to a man who remains in one
place but seen universally.
who is this man whom the Bible speaks about from
) yenesis to Revelationl One that is "mightyJQ
save and He is clothed in Red garment!"
no other than leader 0.0. OBU. In the whole
world it is the name of leader 0.0. OBU alone
that is mighty to save. It is the only name that all
Ood's creation, including angels, spirits, demons,
mermaids, thunder, air, fishes, animals, trees, etc.
bow to. The Comforter speaks only a word, and
whatever your problems are, they are taken away
The only authority and Teacher for the whole
world is the Holy Spirit, the promised Comforter,
whom the world do not know. He is the only
authority to direct and teach those visible and those
invisible. Look up in the Bible, John 14:26 "But
the Comforter, which is the Holy Ohost, whom
the Father will send in my name, He shall teach
you aU things, and bring all things to your
remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you."
This is exactly what the Comforter, the one with a
vesture dipped in blood, is doing today in your
Brethren, is there any time that I have taught you
anything of myself! AU that you are taught here is
about Our Lord Jesus Christ. What He did is
what we are doing today. Where in the world
have you seen people gathered every
Wednesday 10 celebrate the past events of Our
Lord Jesus Christl In Brotherhood of the Cross
and Star, we celebrate the last supper just as
Christ did with His disciples. We Watch and
Pray till 3 a.m. when Our Lord Jesus Christ was
arrested. We dismiss from the vigil at 3 a.m.;
for it was at this time that the disciples scattered
when their Master was arrested. em you
mention one man on earth who teaches exactly
what Our Lord Jesus Christ taught!
During the sojourn of Our Lord Jesus Christ on
earth, no one received the Holy Spirit.
Remember how he told his disciples to and
wait at Jerusalem until they were clothed with
the Holy Spirit from the Most Qodl
Today, do , tell you to go and wait af Jerus.:ll<'m!
It is only the Holy Spirit that must fe,lch you,
and no one else. Who is this Holy Sp!!1.t.t_.He
,is the Almighty god. Christ is never sepamled
from the Father. In John 10:30 this oneness with
the Father is confirmed: "' and my Father are
one." Who is the Father! Who then is
is the Holy SeiriU John 1:1-4 says: ..
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word
was with Ciod. The same was in the beginning
with Ciod. All things were made by Him, and
without Him was not anything made that was
made. In Him was life, and the life was the
of men."
Who then is the WordJ god is the Word,
is the Word, and the Holy Spirit is tEe
W91<!.: Therefore they are indivisible.
The Father has come. He is the Word; and Ihe
Word became flesh, and dwells among
mankind. The world has not recognized or
accepted Him as the Word. Was Christ not
justified 10 say: "I and my Father are oner W]l.Q
then is in your midst today' Is He noL1Eat
same Word that was in the beginningf All
things came from Him. Now read 1 John 5:7-8:
"For there are three that bear record in heaven,
the Father, the Word, and the Holy Cihost: and
these three are one. And there are three that
bear witness in earth, the spirit the water, and
the blood: and these three agree in one,"
The water, spirit and blood are the make up of a
human being. If any of them is lacking in a person,
that person is dead. Therefore, when Qod, as the
Word, wants to become flesh, He takes wate:,
blood and the spirit, and dwells HIS
creation as a human being. The Holy SPIrIt no,,:
in you consists of water, blood and spirit. That IS
why you have the senses to see HIm as a human
Excerpt taken from: The Bible Class: -The New
Name of Ciod-
By Leader Olumba Olumba Obu, Sole Spiritual
Head, Brotherhood of the Cross and Star.
For more information about Leader 0.0. Obu's
Qospels and Bible Class Lessons, contact us at:
P.O. BOX 44044
WASH'NCiTON, DC 20026-4044
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t is uid that He died and after
three days, He rose again and showed
Hirose If to many people for fifty
dayS'. This means that He died for three
days only. Why do the churches say that
He had died? Does it mean that when
somebody dies and resurrects, he will die
aga in?
When they are told that the Leader
will not die, they are so crossed that
they say since Christ died, he will die.
I am you is Christ dead? I have
told you that He died for only three
days during which time He gained do.
nunion over death and the hades, and
collected all shaky things and' cast them
into the bottomless sea. Thereafter He' .
and now lives for ever.
He is now a soul both in the
flesh and in the spirit. He is now a living
and a qUickening. spirit. He is very much
in the world. He is now everywhere. He
is in your house, He is here with you,
He is with you in the office, He is with
you at the market, He is with you when
you t'ravel in an aeroplane, He is with
you in the darkest night. He is talking
to you, He is discussing with you, He is
.eating with you. He is in the prison
or custody with you. He is carrying out
His work every moment of t.he
He lives forever. If He were dead,
would the world not perish? He is living,
and making intercession for you. If He
is God, are you saying that Cod dies?
. If He is the likeness of God, the SOn
of God, why do you say He died, He is
a living God who does not die.
It is the handiwork of the church
denominations or anti-Christ who spread
. false doctrine, who indoctrinated you,
and who brainwashed you that Christ
died. The Bible has confinncd that he
is living, but the satans are preaching
that He had died.
people say now that Jesus
Christ has corre back again, where did
He go to? He has always been with us.
Our Lord Jesus Christ is very much
with us. If a man is travelling to Port
. Harcourt, he can decide to travel by air,
he will go to Cabbar airport, enters a
plane which rues thousands of kilo me
tress above sea level. The plane lands.
at PortHarcourt and he decide after
transacting his bUSiness, to travel by road
back to Ca:labar.
Does it mean that since he travels
by road he will not get back to Calabar?
Does it mean that he is still in the air?
Will you continue to look at the sky to
see when he will fly back in the plane?
The man has travelled back to Calabar
by road, he has arrived back at Calabar
and is singing and dancing, eating and
doing all sorts of but you are
looking at the sky to see when he will
fly back from Port Harcourt.
Who would voluntarily die onbehali
of the people and then would leave the
people behind on earth and go to stay
in Heaven? What is there for? Why
would He not COlT'X! to stay and care for
the people he redeemed? .
JOHN 14: 18 - 20. "I will not
leave you comfortleiS; I will come
to you; Yet a little while, and the
world seeth me no more; but ye
see me; b.ecailse I live, ye shall live
also; At that day ye, shall know
that I am in my Father, and ye in
me, and I in you.
Go out to the world and bring in
people from all walks of life; Bi!tlops,
Pastors, Civil Servants, Civil Commis
sioners, Company Executives, business
tycoon5, the sick, the lame, the poor
and all sorts of people to hear the word
of God, even though they inadvertently
believe that we in Brotherhood do not
use the same Bible as they use, and that
OU are being deceived.
Yet we all are using the same Bible .
They allege tlut Brotherhood is wi tch
craft, it is ghost or rrennaid, it is beel
Where did Christ go to? Who kille<1
him? Up tlll today, many people in Bro
therhood still pray "Till Christ comes
back again" They are looking at the sky
to see when He will come back. Notice
that passage when He says "I will not
leave you comfortless, I will corre back
to you; A little while the world sees me
no more but ye see me because I live and
you live also; because I am in the Father
and you in me and I in you."
He has never left you an inch; He
before and behind you. He is all around
you. .
Do you believe for 1980 years Slnce
.eMst left you that He is in the. sky?
What is He doing there? Under whose.
care has He left you? Is He not a human
heing? Is God, not a DUman being? How
can He afford to desert you'! He has not
left you like a sheep without a shepherd.
Why should He not take care of YOUf
Why should He not cater for you? Why
should he not protect you?
It is this mistaken belief that has leG '
many a-man to find protection iIi. other
means as they say heaven helps those who
,help themselves, and for that reubnthey
become entrangled in the work of dark
ness. What is called Heaven? It is up the4..
reo It is a Hebrew language, the other diVi...
sion they call the earth.
You pray our Father who is in heaven,
why is He there? Have you not been
told, in. the scriptures that heaven is the
throne and earth is the footstool. This
earth is where you walk on, dance on and
do everything on.
No'fl you have heard what He has said
before ever He was crucified, that He will
not leave you comfortless, He will come
back onto you. He died for only three
days, after that He rose again and has
come back to you as He promised and
. ever since He returned to He has not
jone anywhere ,else. He is here with you
conversing, eating and doing everything
with you. The wordly people do not see
Him but the children of God have always
, seen Him, they have been seeing Him
from time inunemoriaI in both the phy
sical and spiritual forms.
Let IT)! con firm again that our Lord
Jesus (brist is li ving \l,ith us. to make
your assurance doubly sure:
MATTHE" 28: 20. "Teaching
them to obsen,e ail things --.'hat
soever I have commande{j you:
and, 10, I irnl with you al.....-ays,
even unto the end of the world
- Amen."
I shall confirm again that statement:
1: 7 - 12 1,'An" of the
angels he saith, who mak:eth his
angels spirits, and his ministers a
flame of fire; But unto the Son, h,e
saith, thy throne O! God, is
ever ,and ever; a sceptre of righ
is' the sceptre of thy
king. Thou hast loved righteous
ness, and hated iniquity, therefore
God, even thy God, hath. anointed
thee with the oil of gladness above
thy fenows; And, thou Lord, in
the beginning hast laid the foun
dation Qf the earth; and the heavens
are the works of thine hands; They
shall _perish; but thou remainest
and they an wax old as doth
a garment; And as a vesture shalt
thou fold them {up and they shall
be changed; but thou art the same
and thy years shaD not fail."
Have you heard that lesson. I always
tell you that I am not Jesus. There arc
no two J esuses, there is only one.
does not die, He is here doing the work
oflove - interceding for us all '
.My bleSSing remain with you now
and forever more Amen.
Excerpt taken from:
TH,E 3RO JUNE 1987
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