Global Warming (Mindmaps) Ebook
Global Warming (Mindmaps) Ebook
Global Warming (Mindmaps) Ebook
Contact Details
PO Box 32
Bullcreek Post Office
Bullcreek Western Australia 6149
I would like to thank my family for their passion and commitment to do whatever they can to combat
global warming. Without their concern and stand, this book would not have been possible. They have
inspired me to be responsible for my actions and future. Special thanks to my mum for the countless
hours she spent illustrating this book and to my dad and brother for all their help too.
Thanks to my environmental law lecturers as well as Ben Rose and Al Gore for waking me up to the
climate crisis and calling me into action.
Thanks to the team at for all their support and inspiring me with the idea of creating
this ebook. Special thanks also to my wonderful Master Mind Alliance group (Chris, Ned and Bridget).
Thanks to Rob and Brenda at Environment House. Their commitment to helping the community live
greener and cleaner lives is an ongoing source of inspiration.
I would also like to thank my good friends, Zayd Azmi, Dean Lasslet and Gerald Zeng, for their feedback
and help in compiling the book.
Jane Genovese
© 2007 Jane Genovese. All rights reserved. Page 2
I know how easy it is to become overwhelmed and confused when reading about climate change, and I
don’t want this to happen to others. It was never my intention to make fun of this serious topic through
the use of mind maps, just to simply illuminate the subject and make it easier for people from all walks
of life to understand. That’s why I have included mind maps.
As you read this book, start by looking at the mind map at the beginning of each chapter. These will give
you the essence of what the chapter is about and the text will then deepen your understanding. If you
have trouble understanding any content, I recommend you create a mind map yourself. For a step-by-
step guide on how to mind map, visit
What to Change
How to Change
Chapter 7: It’s Time for Change 67
I didn’t care about climate change/global warming up other years and now doesn’t fill up at all. I would hear
until two years ago. Like many people, I didn’t care them talk about these changes and how they were
because I simply didn’t know and understand what caused by climate change/global warming, but I
those terms meant. I was young, caught up in reality didn’t think much of it at the time. I told my parents
TV shows, the idea of making lots of money, the lives ‘Stop worrying! Look on the brighter side of life’ and
of celebrities and gossip. My life was all about me, carried on flipping aimlessly through catalogues of
my friends and family. Beyond those things, nothing discounted clothes and other items I didn’t really
- Indian proverb
People need to experience a 4. Learn about the practical things you can do
dramatic shift in the way they think to make a difference in the world; and
and feel about the environment, 5. Take the actions you can take.
similar to a religious conversion.
We need to undergo a conversion As you go about taking
from putting money first to the earth first. The cycle actions to bring about a better
of cynicism needs to be broken. How can we do this? world, your internal dialogue
The Better World Handbook suggests the following will be saying all kinds of
practical solutions: things to you, trying to stop
you from making a difference.
1. Stop blaming others (i.e. politicians and
‘Internal dialogue? What’s
corporations) for doing
that?’ you may ask. It’s the little voice in your head
that has a comment or thought about everything you
2. Start taking personal
do and see. The thoughts can be positive, neutral or
responsibility for being
negative (mostly they’re negative). If you still have no
the best person you can
idea what I’m going on about, your little voice
be in the world;
probably just said ‘What little voice?’ It’s important to
3. Get a basic understanding of the world’s
understand that what your little voice tells you is just
problems from good, unbiased sources;
If people thought this way in the past then We have to remember that every one of us
women would have never got the right to vote makes a difference everyday. We can’t live
and apartheid would still exist in Africa! through a day without affecting the world
around us. If we would all start thinking
• ‘It’s not my responsibility’
about the consequences of the little choices
we make each day (what we buy to eat, to
If you drive a car, catch planes and/or use
wear and how we get from A-B) and started
electricity then that makes you responsible for
adjusting our behaviour accordingly the
global warming. All of us need to take
world would start to change.
responsibility for our consumption and polluting
activities. Global warming activist, Laurie David, asks
‘What if you knew that if every household in
UNDERSTANDING water) and warms it, whilst the rest is reflected by the
earth back into space. Polar ice reflects 90% of solar
radiation back into space, whereas water absorbs
We have a brief window of opportunity to 90% of the energy it receives. In addition, the warm
deal with climate change…no longer than a surface of the earth emits long wavelength radiation
All of these factors have Due to scientists growing concerns about global
resulted in increased warming and climate change, the Intergovernmental
atmospheric concentrations of Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was created in
greenhouse gases. Scientists 1988 by the United Nations Environmental Program
studying tree rings, corals and ice-cores have been (UNEP) and World Meteorological Organization
able to precisely calculate the exact percentage of (WMO). The role of the IPCC is to write two reports
greenhouse gases in the atmosphere over time. every decade on the issue of climate change and it
© 2007 Jane Genovese. All rights reserved. Page 24
does so in a rigorous, peer-reviewed fashion (this
means the information is reviewed and approved
thoroughly by other experts in the author’s field
before being published). Any controversial research
such as the melting of Greenland’s ice sheet has
been excluded from the reports, which leaves little
room for skeptics. Approximately 2,500 scientists
appointed by 130 countries participated in compiling
the latest IPCC report that concluded the world is
warming fast and humans are the cause of this.
Often when people of the lush and comfortable Earth we now enjoy is
think of catastrophe what about to become a hot and barren desert’.
automatically jumps to mind
Leading scientist at
are events that occur in an
NASA, Dr James
instant such as earthquakes,
Hansen, states the
tsunamis and landslides.
world has warmed by
Many people fail to consider categorising global
approximately 0.8 degrees over the past century,
warming as a catastrophe, since the consequences
which is much larger than any of the climate changes
of it take many years to manifest. When the full
experienced during the past 10,000 years. This may
impact of what has already happened and what is
seem like a small increase in temperature given the
predicted to happen to the earth is properly
huge variations in temperature we experience daily,
considered, the reality hits home that global warming
but the effect of this overall global warming has been
will be the mother of all cataclysmic events in history.
devastating: heat waves, deep oceans warming, the
James Lovelock (creator of the Gaia theory) states
Arctic ice cap melting (three times faster than it had
‘The catastrophe threatened by global heating is far
been predicted), sea levels rising (twice as rapidly as
worse than any war, famine, or plague in living
had been predicted), species extinctions (three
memory; worse even than global nuclear war. Much
species disappear every hour), increased
Why did the population grow The table below shows some of the bad and good
so quickly? Improvements in ways to reduce population.
medicine, sanitation and
agriculture technology have Bad ways Good ways
decreased diseases, produced
more food and allowed many War Contraception
people to live for longer
periods of time. For example, the U.S life expectancy Disease Small Families
in 1900 was 47 years and by the end of the century it
was 77 years. Similarly, the average life expectancy Famine Abstention
sustainable. Educating girls also seems to have about colonising the moon and other planets to
promising results and appears to lead to smaller create more space for us
education may be the single best lever for achieving to us right now and we have
YOU HAVE THE change will force our hand anyway (most likely in
POWER! ways we won't like). The Stern report says that the
cost of global warming could reach up to 20% of
world GDP if we don’t act. The time for action has
It is time for us to stand and cheer for the doer, come. It doesn't mean we have to experience sharp
the achiever, the one who recognizes the cuts in living standards but it does mean that we
challenge and does something about it have to live smarter and grow in a different way.
More of the same is definitely not better.
- Vince Lombardi
We can start by informing
ourselves. Watch Al Gore's movie
Global warming seems like such a huge problem that An Inconvenient Truth. Some
it’s easy to feel helpless, but in fact there are many people aren’t open to watching
things we can do on a personal level to help. A lot of this movie because they feel there is a political
them don't cost much and many will end up saving agenda behind the film. Climate scientists have
you money. Perhaps most importantly, we need to however stated that Al Gore has presented the
change our attitudes and behaviours and that’s not science of climate change exceptionally well.
WHAT ABOUT THE reached a point where it demands much more than
-Charles Darwin
What needs to be done to propel us into action?
Studies have been performed on the Pledge: Making a pledge (an oral
effectiveness of energy audits in or written commitment or
reducing peoples’ consumption. One promise) to change your
study took two groups of households behaviour and reduce your greenhouse gas
in which one group was given energy emissions can be a powerful action. One study found
audits and the other group received no audits. the households that made a commitment to conserve
Researchers found that households who were given energy by 10% and received information on how to
the energy audits reduced their household electricity do it, saved more energy in comparison to those that
use by 21% more than the other group. didn’t commit to conserving energy.
Many local councils are now providing free energy Al Gore created the Live Earth Pledge, which states:
audits to households or you can get one done by a
private organization. These audits pay for
themselves easily. My family had an energy audit
1. To demand that my country join an international
done last year and we saved AUD$96 on our
treaty within the next 2 years that cuts global
electricity bill in just the first month through making
warming pollution by 90% in developed countries
simple changes such as switching off our home
(Insert the last step you need to take to know you It is now __________________________________
have achieved your goal)
I am/ I have _______________________________
CONNECTING WITH longer knows what it’s like to pull a carrot from the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Kluger, J. (2007). What now? Our feverish planet
Climate Change 2001: Synthesis Report (Summary badly needs a cure. TIME, 13, 34-44
for Policymakers) (September 2001)
<> (25
April 2006)
Kluger, J. (2006). The tipping point. Time 14
Seligman, C, & Darley, J.M. (1977). Feedback as a UNFCCC (2003). United Nations Framework
means of decreasing residential energy Convention on Climate Change greenhouse gas
consumption. Journal of Applied Psychology, 62(4), inventory. Globalis-Indicator. Retrieved 5 May, 2007
363-368 from: