Sifat Al Huroof Notes
Sifat Al Huroof Notes
Sifat Al Huroof Notes
and) A. Definition It is the more of demonstration of letter when articulated from the articulation point B. Benefits 1. Distinguishes letter that share same Makhraj vs : Istilah - Raise the tongue high and Itbaaq- sticking the tongue to the roof is for Lowering of the tongue is for 2. To distinguish strong characteristics from the weak C. Two Types Asliyah - Intrinsic. The characteristics will not change Ardhiyah - Incidental characteristics. Comes in some situation and other times, it may not (Conditional) D. Types of Asliyah 1. Characteristics that have opposites a. Set1: Hams and Jahr b. Set2: Shidhah ar raghawa c. Set3: Alistilah and Istifalah d. Set 4 Itbaaq and Infitah e. Set 5: Idhlaaq and Ismaat 2. Characteristics that do not have opposites a. Safeer b. Qalqalah c. Leen d. Inhiraaf e. Takreer f. Tafashshe 1
Set1: Hams and Jahr Alhams is running of the breath because of the weak Makhraj Aljahr is opposite. It means imprisonment of breath. Reliance on Makhraj.
Three Characterstics Shiddah (Strong Letters) Tawassut (In-between) Ar rakhaawah (Soft Letters) Condition: When they have sukun or stop on it
1. Ash Shiddah It means Strength Imprisonment of the Sound when articulating the letter due to its strong reliance of the Letter Letters:
These letters are pronounced fastly When letters have sukun, timing given is very little 2. Ar Rakhaawah Running of the Sound when articulating the letter due to its Weak reliance of the Letter 15 letters not found in Shidah and Tawassut If the letters have sukun, it will have longer time 3. At Tawassut: To be balanced and in-between two things Part of its sound gets trapped and part of it is running LinUmar Exercise: Write all the letter of Surah Fatiha. Rate for each letter depending upon the category as below Shiddah - 1 Rakhaawah - 3 Tawassut -2
B. Istifalah 1. Linguistic: Lowness 2. Technical: Lowering the back of the tongue to the lower mouth when pronouncing lighter letter making it sound lighter 4
becomes heavy?
When do
becomes lighter?
When it is preceded by letters of Fathha, Dammah Raa is heavy if it has Fataha or Dammah When do
becomes heavy?
becomes lighter?
Set 4: Itbaaq and Infitaah A. Al Itbaaq 1. Linguistic: The Adhesion 2. Technical: Sticking part of the tongue to the roof of the mouth More specific than istilaa 3. Letters:
4. Every letter of Itbaaq is part of Isti'laa' 5. Difference: Istilaa - rising of the tongue Itbaaq - part of the tongue stuck to the top of the mouth B. Infitaah Separation/gap Letters: Rest of Itbaaq
- Medium
Set 5: Idhlaaq and Ismaat - No application in the rules of Tajweed - Explains Arabic phonology A. Idhlaaq These letters constitutes for any 4 letter original Arabic word Letters: Firaminlub Faa raa meem nun laam baa B. Ismaat Prevention Letters: Rest of Idhlaaq
A. Safeer 1. Linguistic: Whistling 2. Technical: Sharpness in the sound of the letter produced from it transverse through a tight passage 3. Letters:
Saad za seen Stronger - Saad Middle - za Lighter - seen B. Al qalqalah 1. Linguistic: Movement/vibration 2. Technical: Vibration of the tongue when articulating the letter of qalqalah when it has sukun on it When you stop on it or it has sukun on it 3. Letters Kuthubjad
All these letters have shiddah and jahr 4. Levels i. Lowest one that is moving ii. Second middle of the word or at the end of the word but you continue on it (eg.: yaqbalu) iii. Third stopping at the end of the letter which have no shaddah (al meehaddu) iv. Highest Shaddah at the end of the word (eg. Alhaqqu) When letters of qalqalah has fathha, damma, kasrah, qalqalah exists but not obvious P.S.: Tha with shaddah almost do not exist 5. Categories 10
a. Saheer One that is moving Letter at middle of the word or at the end of the word but you continue on it (eg.: yaqbalu) b. Kabeera Stopping at the end of the letter which have no shaddah (al meehaddu) c. Alakbar Shaddah at the end of the word (eg. Alhaqqu) Qalqalah always leads towards to Fathha (eg. Yaqtha | Qibalah | Muqthadhir)
C. Leen (Softness)
D. Inhiraaf (Drifting) 1. Linguistic : To stay away from something 2. Technical: As soon as it is articulated it leans towards another makhraj 3. Letters: Laam and Raa
2. Technical: vibration of the tongue when reciting the letters The light trilling of the tongue when pronouncing due to its tight articulation point. The Reciter should be careful not to exaggerate the repetition leading to the occurrence of more than one of the letter 3. Letter: Rolling of Raa
Repetition should be one time If shaddah- two times F. Tafashshe (Spreading around) 1. Linguistic: Spreading around 2. Technical: Spreading of the air inside the mouth when articulating the letter 3. Letter: Sheen
G. Istitaala (Prolonging) 1. Linguistic: Lengthening 2. Technical: It is the pushing of the tongue forward after it collides at its articulation point, and this is due to the influence the compression of sound on it (the tongue), until the tip of the tongue lightly touches the gum line of the two top front incisors. The forward pushing is mechanical: the sound should not travel forward with this involuntary movement. If the sound went forward with it, the sound of would then end up sounding like a daal, which is incorrect. The lengthened sound of is that or its characteristic of Rahawa 3. Letter: Daad
H. Alghunna (Nasalization sound) 1. Linguistic: A nasal sound that is emitted from the nose 2. Technical meaning: Nasalization sound that tongue has nothing to do with 3. Letters: Nun and meem
I. Alkhaffa (Hiding) 1. Linguistic: To hide 2. Technical meaning: Hiding the sound of the letter Do not have specific articulation point Letters: Alif, woow, yaa, haa Nooheehaa