State Child Abuse Registries
State Child Abuse Registries
State Child Abuse Registries
Guidance from the Children’s Bureau concerning this legislation is available in ACF Information Memorandum ACYF-CB-IM-06-04, available
online at:
Information gathered from the states regarding their registries is provided below. This information is for the use of public child welfare
agencies seeking contact information for sister states. For other information about state central registries, see the following:
State laws mandating the establishment and maintenance of state central registries for child abuse reports are summarized in a
Child Welfare Information Gateway document (current through August 2005) located at:
State laws concerning confidentiality of child abuse records are summarized in a Child Welfare Information Gateway document
(current through April 2005) located at:
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services prepared the National Study of Child Protective Services Systems and
Reform Efforts in 2003. It includes a table on the availability and use of central registries available at that time. Available at:
Availability Contact Information Procedure
Alabama Yes. Sue Ash, Supervisor Central Clearance forms and instructions can be obtained by calling
Office of Child Protective (334) 242-9500. All information is required including the signature of
Services the person being cleared. The signature must also be witnessed.
Department of Human Electronic transmission is not available.
Resources Completed forms should be mailed to: Attention: CAN Central Registry
50 Ripley Street Department of Human Resources
State CPS Registries NRCFCPPP
Last Updated: 09/17/2008
State CPS Registries NRCFCPPP
Last Updated: 09/17/2008
Colorado Yes. Helen Artz 303 866-7183 Request form and information can be accessed from website
Jan Diaz 303 866-7230
Valerie Fresquez 303 866-
7925 (Mon. & Tues. only) All information is required, including signature of the person, notary,
Rose Estrada, Manager 303 and authorization to release. This form must be accompanied by a
866-7187 check or money order for $10.00 made payable to CDHS, BIU.
Background checks are completed from the State automated system,
BIU, CDHS which rolled out in April, 2001; anything prior to that would need to be
3550 W. Oxford Ave. submitted to the county office.
Denver, CO 80236
State CPS Registries NRCFCPPP
Last Updated: 09/17/2008
State CPS Registries NRCFCPPP
Last Updated: 09/17/2008
State CPS Registries NRCFCPPP
Last Updated: 09/17/2008
State CPS Registries NRCFCPPP
Last Updated: 09/17/2008
State CPS Registries NRCFCPPP
Last Updated: 09/17/2008
Attn: Sue Lamon Registry is not available online, and the public is not granted access
775-684-4415 without a signed release. Requires name, any alias', date of birth, and
Social Security Number in order to check Registry. Registry request
form can be accessed from public website:
State CPS Registries NRCFCPPP
Last Updated: 09/17/2008
State CPS Registries NRCFCPPP
Last Updated: 09/17/2008
North Carolina on-line policy manual may be accessed at . Section 1426 addresses
the central registry and Section 1427 details the Expunction Process.
N.C.G.S.§7B-3112 governs North Carolina’s central registry of child abuse, neglect and dependency cases, as well as the Responsible Individuals List
(RIL) of recent cases of substantiated abuse and serious neglect. The central registry contains historical and statistical data on all children who have
been identified as victims of abuse, neglect, dependency or child fatalities. Due process consists of review by the Director of the county Department of
Social Services that listed the matter in the central registry. Information contained in the central registry is accessible to in-and out-of-state social
service agencies during the provision of child protective services only. The RIL identifies individuals who have been determined to be responsible for the
substantiated abuse or serious neglect of a child. Responsible individuals are afforded an opportunity to request expunction from the RIL. The expunction
process is the responsible individual’s due process and can involve district and appellate courts. Legislation for the expunction process can be found at N.C.G.S. §7B-320 through §7B-324. As a result of the extensive due process afforded to those whose names appear in the
RIL, information is accessible to certain authorized persons for the sole purpose of determining current of prospective employment, or fitness of an
individual to provide care for or adopt a child. Authorized persons are administrators of child caring institutions, child placing agencies, group home
facilities and other providers of foster care, child care, adoption services, county Departments of Social Services, as well as the Guardian Ad Litem
program and other private, public or non-profit agencies that care for children.
State CPS Registries NRCFCPPP
Last Updated: 09/17/2008
State CPS Registries NRCFCPPP
Last Updated: 09/17/2008
State CPS Registries NRCFCPPP
Last Updated: 09/17/2008
State CPS Registries NRCFCPPP
Last Updated: 09/17/2008
I hereby request the NH Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) to conduct a
name search to determine if I am listed on the Department's Central Registry of founded
reports of abuse and neglect. I understand if there is any information to that effect, I will
be contacted at the address listed below.
State of _______________________
County of ____________________