State Child Abuse Registries

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State Child Abuse Registries

The Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act requires states to “check any child abuse and neglect registry maintained by the State
for information on any prospective foster or adoptive parent and on any other adult living in the home of such a prospective parent, and
request any other State in which any such prospective parent or other adult has resided in the preceding 5 years, to enable the State to
check any child abuse and neglect registry maintained by such other State for such information, before the prospective foster or
adoptive parent may be finally approved for placement of a child” and to ‘‘comply with any request described…(above) that is received from
another State.”

Guidance from the Children’s Bureau concerning this legislation is available in ACF Information Memorandum ACYF-CB-IM-06-04, available
online at:
Information gathered from the states regarding their registries is provided below. This information is for the use of public child welfare
agencies seeking contact information for sister states. For other information about state central registries, see the following:
ƒ State laws mandating the establishment and maintenance of state central registries for child abuse reports are summarized in a
Child Welfare Information Gateway document (current through August 2005) located at:
ƒ State laws concerning confidentiality of child abuse records are summarized in a Child Welfare Information Gateway document
(current through April 2005) located at:
ƒ The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services prepared the National Study of Child Protective Services Systems and
Reform Efforts in 2003. It includes a table on the availability and use of central registries available at that time. Available at:
Availability Contact Information Procedure
Alabama Yes. Sue Ash, Supervisor Central Clearance forms and instructions can be obtained by calling
Office of Child Protective (334) 242-9500. All information is required including the signature of
Services the person being cleared. The signature must also be witnessed.
Department of Human Electronic transmission is not available.
Resources Completed forms should be mailed to: Attention: CAN Central Registry
50 Ripley Street Department of Human Resources
State CPS Registries NRCFCPPP
Last Updated: 09/17/2008

Availability Contact Information Procedure

Montgomery, AL Office of Child Protective Services
36130-4000 50 Ripley Street
Montgomery, AL 36130-4000
Arizona Yes AZ Dept. of Economic Authorized Licensing Agencies and Adoption Agencies may make
Security requests in writing to the address at left. Requests must include the
Central Registry, person’s name, date of birth, Social Security Number, and all other
P.O. Box 44240 names known by or used in the past. The signature of the applicant is
Phoenix, AZ required. Requests should include any available information on
85064-4240 residence address and timeframes of residence within Arizona.
Responses will provide only summary information concerning any
maltreatment findings. Electronic transmission is not available. For
further information, call (602) 364-2732.
Arkansas Voice # (Central Registry) Require a request on state's letterhead and individual's release of
501-682-0405 information.
Fax: 501-682-0407 (Attn:
V. Williams)
California No California Department of See California DSS website at:
Bureau of Criminal
Information and Analysis
California Penal Code Section 11170(e)(1) allows the department to
Child Protection Program
make available to an out-of-state agency, for purposes of approving a
P. O. Box 903387
prospective foster or adoptive parent or relative caregiver for
Sacramento, CA 94203-
placement of a child, information regarding a known or suspected child
abuser maintained pursuant to subdivision (a) concerning the
(916) 227-3285
prospective foster or adoptive parent or relative caregiver, and any
(916) 227-3253 FAX
other adult living in the home of the prospective foster or adoptive
parent or relative caregiver. The department shall make that

State CPS Registries NRCFCPPP
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Availability Contact Information Procedure

information available only when the out-of-state agency makes the
request for information in writing on official letterhead,
transmitted either by mail, fax, or electronic transmission or as
designated by the department. The request shall identify the
prospective foster or adoptive parent or relative caregiver, and any
other adult living in the home, by name and date of birth or
approximate age. The request shall cite the out-of-state statute
or interstate compact provision that requires that the information
received in response to the inquiry shall be disclosed and used for
no purpose other than conducting background checks in foster or
adoptive cases. The request shall also cite the criminal penalties
for unlawful disclosure of any information provided by the
requesting state or the applicable interstate compact provision. In
the absence of an out-of-state statute or interstate compact
provision that requires that the information shall be used for no
purpose other than conducting background checks in foster or
adoptive cases and criminal penalties equivalent to the penalties in
California for unlawful disclosure, access shall be denied.

Colorado Yes. Helen Artz 303 866-7183 Request form and information can be accessed from website
Jan Diaz 303 866-7230
Valerie Fresquez 303 866-
7925 (Mon. & Tues. only) All information is required, including signature of the person, notary,
Rose Estrada, Manager 303 and authorization to release. This form must be accompanied by a
866-7187 check or money order for $10.00 made payable to CDHS, BIU.
Background checks are completed from the State automated system,
BIU, CDHS which rolled out in April, 2001; anything prior to that would need to be
3550 W. Oxford Ave. submitted to the county office.
Denver, CO 80236

State CPS Registries NRCFCPPP
Last Updated: 09/17/2008

Availability Contact Information Procedure

Connecticut Yes. DCF Hotline See Connecticut Children and Families website at:
5th floor
505 Hudson Street
Hartford, CT 06106 Requires an authorization of release of information signed and dated by
Fax: 860-560-7072 the applicant. The release must include the following information:
• Purpose of release- employment, adoption, day care, foster care
• Full name, clearly printed and spelled
• Date of Birth
• Address – Include all addresses for the last FIVE years
• Social Security Number
• Other Names Used – maiden, previous and marriage
• Name of Spouse and date of birth
• Name & DOB of other adults in home (anyone over age 16)
• Name of all children-biological & step and date of birth
Should the release be for the purpose of an in home service, i.e. foster
care, each adult in the home must sign the release.
Mail or fax to contact information at left.
Delaware Yes. Beth Kramer A signed release is necessary. Agencies may fax or mail their release.
Criminal History Supervisor If additional information is needed we will provide the requesting
Department of Services for agency with one of our release forms. Requests should state that the
Children, Youth and Their information is required to comply with The Adam Walsh Child
Families Protection and Safety Act of 2006. Requests for abuse and neglect
1825 Faulkland Road checks in accordance with The Adam Walsh Child Protection and
Wilmington, DE 19805 Safety Act of 2006 should be sent to the contact at left. Download
Phone (302) 892-5800 release form at
Fax (302) 633-5191 * Do
not fax on Wednesday

State CPS Registries NRCFCPPP
Last Updated: 09/17/2008

Availability Contact Information Procedure

Florida Yes Sandy Pillar Fax a request on letterhead; Include names, dates of birth and SSNs
1317 Winewood Blvd. of household members. Written release is not necessary. Florida’s form
Tallahassee, FL 32399 for requesting a records check, APD 1651, can be downloaded at
Phone 850-487-6123
Fax: 850-488-1319
Georgia See District of Columbia Child and Family Services website at:,a,3,q,645144.asp
Hawaii Cynthia Goss See Instructions and consent form for Requesting a CAN Clearance on
Statewide Section the Hawaii Department of Human Services website at:
Administrator, CWI,
420 Waiakamilo Rd. #300B
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 Request must be made on state letterhead with identifying information
Phone: 808-832-0609 including all aliases. If the requester is a private agency contracted
with a state agency, consent by the applicant must be provided. Hawaii
does not accept faxed requests.
Idaho Yes. Tina Griffin Accepts any release of information provided by another state or agency. Not available to the public but with a written release of
information, from the individual who is requesting a search, will provide
information that states the individual does or does not appear on the
registry. With a release of information the results are sent to the
individual’s prospective employer.
Idaho Dept. of Health and Welfare
Children & Family Services
450 W. State Street, 5th Floor
P.O. Box 83720
Boise Idaho 83720-0036
Indiana No registry. If a Case Manager or other agency personnel needs to find out if there
is a substantiated child abuse case they must contact CPS office and a

State CPS Registries NRCFCPPP
Last Updated: 09/17/2008

Availability Contact Information Procedure

staff person can research the database (ICWIS) as far back as 1997
to determine if there was a case on file.
Iowa Yes. Available Monday to Lisa Pinegar See CPS policy manual, Section 16(E)-1, available online at:
Friday, 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Linda Chagoya
CST Phone: 515-515-281-5581 PolicyManualPages/PolManual.htm
Fax: 515-242-6884
Kansas Yes. Janna Gunckle, LBSW
These requests should be made in writing and can be received via mail
SRS/ Children and Family
or fax. A signed release is not required for State Child Welfare
Agencies. In order to process a request for Central Registry, the
915 SW Harrison St, 5th
following information is required for the person being checked: name;
Floor South
alias, other names used and/or maiden name (if applicable); date of
Topeka, KS 66612
birth; and social security number. Results of the Central Registry
request can be mailed or faxed to the State requesting the
Phone: 785-296-5636
information. A fee does not apply for State Child Welfare Agencies.
Fax: 785-296-0470
The public is not granted access without a signed release. Registry
release form can be accessed from public website:
from this site select Child Abuse and Neglect Central Registry
Kentucky Department for Community
Based Services
Records Management
Phone: 502-564-3834
Maine Yes Department of Health and Requests are only accepted from Authorized State Agencies,
Human Services Authorized Licensing Agencies and Authorized Adoption Agencies.
Office of Child and Family Requests must be made in writing and can be received by mail or fax. A
Services signed release is not required. Requests must include person’s name,
Child Protective Intake Unit date of birth, and other names known by or used in the past. Requests

State CPS Registries NRCFCPPP
Last Updated: 09/17/2008

Availability Contact Information Procedure

11 State House Station should also include any available information on Residence Address
221 State Street within Maine and Timeframes of Residence in Maine. Responses will
Augusta, Maine 04333 provide only summary information concerning any maltreatment
Phone: 800-452-1999 findings.
Fax: 207-287-5065
Maryland Information and consent form can be found on the Maryland
Department of Human Resources website at:
Michigan Information is available at the Michigan Department of Human
Services website at:,1607,7-124-
Minnesota Yes MN DHS Licensing Division Requires an authorization for release of information signed and dated
651-296-3971 by the individual.
Missouri Yes Martha Witt Form: MO 821-0353 Request for Child Abuse or Neglect/Criminal
Background & Screening Record
Unit Form Required? No. Print request on letterhead
Missouri Department of Signed release required? Yes
Social Services Methods of transmission: Mail, email or fax
Children’s Division Fee: No
P.O. Box 88
Jefferson City, MO 65103
Phone: 573-751-2330
Fax: 573-751-2607
Montana Does not have a formal Montana Child and Family To request a background check for foster care/adoption licensing a
registry; but founded Services Division state should contact the child abuse hotline, see left.
reports of abuse/neglect Centralized Intake unit

State CPS Registries NRCFCPPP
Last Updated: 09/17/2008

Availability Contact Information Procedure

are recorded and can be P.O. Box 8005
accessed by state Helena, Montana 59604
personnel Phone: 866-820-5437
Fax: 406-444-4156
Nebraska Yes Suzann Johnson Requests from State or County Child Welfare Agencies require an
Nebraska Health and authorization for release of information on Agency letterhead that is
Human Services signed, notarized, and dated by foster/adoptive parent applicant. The
Box 95026 release must include the following information:
Lincoln, NE 68509-5044 1. Purpose of release (adoption or foster care ONLY)
Phone: 402-471-9322 2. Full name, clearly printed/typed
Fax: 402-471-9034 3. Date of birth
4. Address – include all addresses for the last FIVE (5) years
5. Social Security Number
6. Other names used – maiden, previous and married
7. Name of spouse and date of birth
8. Name and DOB of other individuals in the home over age 16
9. Names of all children and the home and DOB
Nevada Yes. Nevada Central Registry
A signed release is required from the individual, in order for a person
Nevada Division of Child &
outside the agency to check the Registry. Information regarding CPS
Family Services
substantiation of abuse or neglect on a family (including whether or not
711 E. Fifth Street
a person is on the Registry) is provided, if requested, to other State's
Carson City, NV 89701-
social service agencies, foster/adoption agencies, or an employer where
children are present.

Attn: Sue Lamon Registry is not available online, and the public is not granted access
775-684-4415 without a signed release. Requires name, any alias', date of birth, and
Social Security Number in order to check Registry. Registry request
form can be accessed from public website:

State CPS Registries NRCFCPPP
Last Updated: 09/17/2008

Availability Contact Information Procedure

New Yes. NHDCYF Central Registry Form 2202, Central Registry Name Search Authorization (copy
Hampshire 129 Pleasant St attached)
Concord, NH 03301
New Jersey Yes. Richard Ferrell Contact Richard Ferrell or Gary Sefchik at Department of Children and
Supervisor, CARI Unit Families, Office of Licensing (left)
Gary Sefchik, Chief
New Mexico Yes
Loretta Perea For checks on prospective foster and adoptive parents ONLY who may
CYFD-PS have resided in NM within the last five years, by mail or fax to the
PO Drawer 5160 contact at left:
PERA Room 254 • Request on official state letterhead with requesters name,
Santa Fe, NM 87502 signature, phone, fax and email address
Fax: 505-476-5490 • must include applicants signatures on your release of
information form (all adults over 18 living in the home)
• must include previous addresses and dates of residence in NM
• must include applicants social security numbers, dates of birth,
previous names and aliases
New York No. State Central Register
Legislative change is needed to allow NYS to release information to
P.O. Box 4480
other States in response to a request for a background check of a
Albany, NY 12204
prospective foster or adoptive parent. Until such legislation is enacted,
contact the State Central Register at the address provided. The State
Central Register will make available to you the proper forms to allow
prospective foster or adoptive parents to authorize your agency to
access their records, should any exist, in the State Central Register.

State CPS Registries NRCFCPPP
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Availability Contact Information Procedure

North Mail completed form to: Complete form DSS-5268, which can be downloaded at
Yes. 2
Carolina1 North Carolina Division of
Social Services Regulatory
and Licensing Services
Attn: RIL
952 Old U.S. 70 Highway
Black Mountain, NC 28711
North Dakota
Ohio Yes Barbara Parker
Information from Ohio's CR can only be provided to other states if
Phone: 614-466-9274
they provide a written request on agency letterhead indicating that
Fax: 614-466-0164
they are in the process of conducting an assessment/investigation
involving the parties. This administrative rule will be changed to comply
with the provisions of the new federal legislation, and Ohio will likely
develop a standardized form for these types of requests at that time.
In the interim, states can fax the request to Ms. Parker and indicate

North Carolina on-line policy manual may be accessed at . Section 1426 addresses
the central registry and Section 1427 details the Expunction Process.
N.C.G.S.§7B-3112 governs North Carolina’s central registry of child abuse, neglect and dependency cases, as well as the Responsible Individuals List
(RIL) of recent cases of substantiated abuse and serious neglect. The central registry contains historical and statistical data on all children who have
been identified as victims of abuse, neglect, dependency or child fatalities. Due process consists of review by the Director of the county Department of
Social Services that listed the matter in the central registry. Information contained in the central registry is accessible to in-and out-of-state social
service agencies during the provision of child protective services only. The RIL identifies individuals who have been determined to be responsible for the
substantiated abuse or serious neglect of a child. Responsible individuals are afforded an opportunity to request expunction from the RIL. The expunction
process is the responsible individual’s due process and can involve district and appellate courts. Legislation for the expunction process can be found at N.C.G.S. §7B-320 through §7B-324. As a result of the extensive due process afforded to those whose names appear in the
RIL, information is accessible to certain authorized persons for the sole purpose of determining current of prospective employment, or fitness of an
individual to provide care for or adopt a child. Authorized persons are administrators of child caring institutions, child placing agencies, group home
facilities and other providers of foster care, child care, adoption services, county Departments of Social Services, as well as the Guardian Ad Litem
program and other private, public or non-profit agencies that care for children.

State CPS Registries NRCFCPPP
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Availability Contact Information Procedure

that the information is being requested pursuant to The Adam Walsh
Child Protection and Safety Act of 2006.
Oklahoma No public registry. By statute: A court order rendered in OK would be required in order
for the agency to conduct a search for the purpose of clearing
potential foster or adoptive parents. In the case of prospective
adoptive parents who are in the process of adopting a specific child,
information may be obtained by directly contacting:
Oklahoma Department of Human Services
Children & Family Services Division Attention: Adoption Services
PO Box 25352
Oklahoma City, OK 73125
Pennsylvania Yes Childline and Abuse Download the Pennsylvania Child Abuse History Clearance Form (CY-
Registry 113) and follow the instructions for completion. The form can be
Department of Public obtained at
Welfare ChildWelfare/003671038.htm.
P.O. Box 8170 Pennsylvania charges a $10 fee for processing of the form.
Harrisburg, PA 17105-8170
ATTN: Kevin Fisher
Phone: 717-772-6574
Rhode Island
RI State Central Registry, The SCR is staffed 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week.
and Child Abuse Hotline:
1-800 RI CHILD
South Carolina Yes. Jocelyn Goodwin Information on the Central Registry is confidential by law and is not
CPS Program Manager available online. Information can be released through written
SC DSS permission from the person being screened. State law permits sharing
803-898-7318 of information with other child protection or law enforcement agencies

State CPS Registries NRCFCPPP
Last Updated: 09/17/2008

Availability Contact Information Procedure conducting an abuse or neglect investigation. No fee is charged for
agencies conducting a child abuse or neglect investigation, however, a
fee is charged for foster home licensing or adoptions studies. Consent
to Release Information, DSS Form 3072, can be accessed at the
SCDSS website, Forms and Brochures section. Print a copy, complete
information, mail signed copy to address given on form.
South Dakota
Texas Yes. All agency records are Cindy Lawrence Form 2970 (download at
kept electronically in the Mail code Y960
DFPS database. Texas Dept. of Family and Results can be sent to agency if the individual indicates agency as the
Protective Services designee. Individual must complete, have notarized, and send the
PO Box 149030 completed and notarized form to Cindy Lawrence (left)
Austin, TX 78714-9030
Utah Yes. Andrea Hess
Visit Select "Reports, Plans & Forms;" scroll down to
Phone: 801-538-4620
the form named "Informed Consent of Liability."
Fax: 801-538-3993 Utah also requires a copy of the person’s picture identification with
this form.
Niki Wolfe
Duane Betournay
Vermont Yes. Attention: Child Abuse
Registry Unit
Department for Children
and Families
Family Services Division

State CPS Registries NRCFCPPP
Last Updated: 09/17/2008

Availability Contact Information Procedure

103 South Main Street
Waterbury, Vermont
Virginia Yes Virginia Department of Request For Search of Central Registry and Release of Information
Social Services Form can be obtained by calling (804) 726-7567. All information is
Child Abuse Central required including the signature of the party being searched. The form
Registry Unit must be notarized. Electronic transmission is not available. Forms can
7 N. Eighth Street also be downloaded from website:
Richmond, VA 23219
804-726-7567 background_investigations/forms/032-02-0151-07-eng.pdf
Betty Whittaker, Central
Registry Supervisor
Washington Yes, available for other Washington has established a website specifically for child abuse and
Children’s Administration
state’s inquiries under the neglect inquiries from other states, including a secure e-mail account to
Constituent Relations Unit
Adam Walsh federal transmit this information electronically. See
West Virginia No. Child placement agencies and other providers of services for children
and families can request CPS/APS checks on potential employees and
foster/adoptive parents. The process is described at:
Centralized checks are completed from the automated system, which
became operational in 1997; anything prior to that would need to be
submitted to the local county office for a paper record check.
Wisconsin No central registry; Department of Children and Signed release required? Yes
alternative process Families Form Required? No; Request should be on agency letterhead and signed
available. Child Protective Services by an individual, with agency's fax and telephone number.
Attn: Julie Bachir Outline reason for request (include whether a child welfare case, or
1 W. Wilson St. non-child welfare case.)

State CPS Registries NRCFCPPP
Last Updated: 09/17/2008

Availability Contact Information Procedure

P.O. Box 8916 Include name and DOB of person being investigated, SS# optional but
Madison, WI 53708-8916 ensures most thorough background check.
Phone: 888-787-0376 Include address or at least city or county where person resided
Fax: 608-266-0260 Methods of transmission: Mail or Fax Fee: Not at state level, county agencies may charge a fee
See page 4 of DCFS memo at:
Wyoming Yes. See Kathy Garcia To request a background check from Wyoming Central Registry we ask 307-777-5894 that our form be completed, signed and dated by the person being
centralregistry.html screened. If the request is coming from a State Department of Family
Services there is no fee. If it is coming from an independent adoption
agency, etc. there is an $8.00 fee per person. The SS-26 central
registry form can be downloaded at
Complete page one (at the top) with the name of the person we would
be reporting back to, the organization name, address, phone number
and fax number. Keep this one for your original copy and make copies
front to back (page 1 and page 2), for future use. This will save you
time and work, because then when you need to send in for a background
check, your client will just need to complete page 2 (backside of
application), sign and date it at the bottom and send it in. We must
always have the original, but suggest that you keep a copy. Only one
person per application. Send a self addressed envelope so we can send
the results back to you. Make sure the envelope also shows the
reporting person, you listed on page one. We also ask that you send,
along with your forms, a typed list of the names and dates of birth.


I hereby request the NH Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) to conduct a
name search to determine if I am listed on the Department's Central Registry of founded
reports of abuse and neglect. I understand if there is any information to that effect, I will
be contacted at the address listed below.

Signature: ______________________________________Date: ______________________

Printed Name: _________________________________________________________

Maiden Name (if applicable):________________________________________

Date of Birth: ___________________________________

Social Security Number: _______ - ____ - ________

Other names I have previously used: ________________________________________________

Contact Information: Address:________________________ Phone:____________________



State of _______________________

County of ____________________

This instrument was acknowledged before me on ______ by _____________________________

Signature of notarial officer:_________________________________________

Mail form and a self addressed stamped envelope to:

Division For Children, Youth and Families

DCYF Central Registry, Brown Building
129 Pleasant Street Concord, NH 03301

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