External Application Form

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EXTERNAL CANDIDATES ONLY Please complete form in BLACK or BLUE ink

To complete in Word, tab from box to box or click on a box to enter data. Each box is limited please continue on a separate sheet of paper if necessary.






SCHOOL EDUCATION - Please provide details of qualifications gained. Exams Taken Results/Grades Exams Taken Results/Grades


FURTHER / HIGHER EDUCATION - Please provide details of qualifications and classifications of degree. Exams Taken Results/Grades Exams Taken Results/Grades


JOB RELATED EDUCATION AND TRAINING - Please include membership of professional bodies, vocational and non-vocational courses. Professional Body or Courses Studied Standard/Level Achieved

You will be required to provide proof of your qualifications if they are deemed to be a necessary requirement of the role for which you are applying.


CURRENT OR MOST RECENT EMPLOYMENT - If you are applying for your first job, please give details of any holiday, weekend or evening jobs, voluntary work or work experience placements. Name of employer: Address: Position held and brief description of duties: Postcode:

Date employed from: Notice period:

Date employed to:


PREVIOUS EMPLOYMENT - Please give details of previous two employers (if applicable). Name of employer: Position held and brief description of duties:

Date employed from: Reason for leaving: Name of employer: Position held and brief description of duties:

Date employed to:

Date employed from: Reason for leaving:

Date employed to:


EXPERIENCE, SKILLS, INTERESTS AND HOBBIES - Please give examples of your experience, skills, hobbies and achievements from any area of your life, which you consider relevant to this application. (Continue on a separate sheet of paper if necessary).


REASONS FOR APPLYING FOR THIS JOB (Continue on a separate sheet if necessary).

10. REFERENCES Please give the names and addresses of two people we can contact for an assessment of your suitability for this job. You should give your current and previous employers where possible. If you have not been previously employed, please provide details of a school or college official. Name: Job Title: Company Name: Address: Postcode: Telephone No:

Name: Job Title: Company Name: Address: Postcode: Telephone No:

References will only be requested once a verbal offer and acceptance of employment has been made.

11. FURTHER INFORMATION - Shortlisted candidates will be asked if they require any special arrangements or
adjustments to enable them to undertake selection testing, attend for interview or to perform the duties of the post. To help us ensure our shortlisting is fair, please indicate below if there is anything you think we should take account of at this initial stage in considering your application (eg. dyslexia, difficulty in writing).

12. CRIMINAL CONVICTIONS Please provide details of any unspent prosecutions for which you have been found guilty (excluding motor traffic offences, unless alcohol related). If none, please state NONE. We will use this to assess whether the conviction(s) presents grounds for not taking your application further. If we consider that the conviction(s) is not relevant to your application, we will disregard it. Date Details of Offence Sentence

Please refer to the accompanying notes within the application pack to see whether, due to the nature of the job, you are required to disclose all previous offences.


Under the Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Act 2006, it is a criminal offence for employers to take on employees whose immigration status prevents them from working in the UK. (a) Are you a British Citizen, or a national of the EEA or Switzerland? Yes / No / No

(b) Do you have the right to work in the UK (supported by appropriate documentation)? Yes

If selected for interview, you will need to provide appropriate documentation showing proof of your right to work in the UK. This requirement applies to all applicants, not just those whose immigration status is a possible cause for concern. 14. DECLARATION I declare that the information I have given is correct to the best of my knowledge. I also understand and agree that Western Power Distribution shall be entitled to terminate without notice any contract of service which may be entered into between us should any of the statements made by me, either verbally or in writing, prove to be incorrect in any material respect.

I consent to the processing by Western Power Distribution of personal data collected during the course of the application process.

Signature: ____________________________________________

Date: _____________________________

DATA PROTECTION The information you provide on this application form will be processed by authorised personnel of Western Power Distribution, for the purpose of the Companys selection process. If selected, the information will be used for administration purposes connected with your employment. If you do not provide the information required we cannot process your application. Information received about you from other sources, such as our Occupational Health Advisers and your nominated referees, will also be processed as above.


EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES POLICY Western Power Distribution is committed to a policy of equal opportunity in its employment practices. The aim of the policy is to ensure that no job applicant or employee receives less favourable treatment on the grounds of sex, marital status, race (including colour, nationality, ethnic or national origins), disability, age or other conditions not justified in law or relevant to the performance to the job. In order to assess how successful this policy is we have set up a system of monitoring all job applications. We would therefore be grateful if you would complete the questions on this form. We have asked for your name to enable us to monitor applications at short-listing and appointment as well as application stage. The information you give will be held in confidence by trained Employee Relations staff and does not form any part of the selection process. Refusal to provide the information will not disqualify you from consideration. Full name: Job applied for: 1. Title:

What is your sex? Male Female


What is your age? 16-25 26-35 36-45 46-55 56-65 66 or over


What is your ethnic group? Choose ONE section from A to E, then tick the appropriate box to best describe your ethnic group or background. A. White English / Welsh / Scottish / Northern Irish / British Irish Any other White background (please specify) B. Mixed / multiple ethnic groups White and Black Caribbean White and Black African White and Asian

Any other Mixed/multiple ethnic background (please specify)

C. Asian / Asian British Indian Pakistani Bangladeshi Chinese

Any other Asian background (please specify) D. Black / Black British African Caribbean

Any other Black background (please specify) E. Other ethnic group Arab Any other ethnic group (please specify) 4. What is your religion? No religion Christian (including Church of England, Catholic, Protestant and all other Christian denominations) Buddhist Hindu Jewish Muslim Sikh

Any other religion (please specify) 5. Sexual orientation Which of these best describes you? Heterosexual Gay or lesbian or homosexual Bisexual Other 6. Disability Do you consider yourself disabled? Yes No

Please put this form in a separate sealed envelope (marked for the attention of Joy Robbins, Employee Relations) and return with your completed application form.

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