DSP Firmware Update of TX SR 605, 705, 805, 875 and TX NR 905 Bugfix: Pop-noise with some HD-DTS material
To carry out the update you will need the software supplied by ONKYO, a PC with the possibility to burn a an Audio-CD, a CD player with optical output, an optical cable and your Receiver!
Note: Warning! During the writing process, DO NOT turn off the power or disconnect the optical cable. If the writing process is only partially completed, the Receivers Flash IC may need to be replaced. Some CD/DVD players are not suitable for this update. ONKYO advise that if the writing process does not work, please try a different player.
1. Unzip the file, burn it as Audio-CD and finalize it. File CD_SR6050_08214A.wav is used for TX SR 605 only! File CD_SR805 123_08214A_07518A_07820B.wav is used for all other models of x05 series. Please put the CD into the CD player and connect the player to Optical Input 1 of the receiver. 2. Switch on the receiver. Wait for 10 seconds. Then press and hold the DISPLAY button and while holding it press the STANDBY/ON button. This will show in the display the main firmware versions within the unit. TX SR 605: Within 3 seconds, press the Tone + button twice. Now display is showing the DSP firmware version, press the CD button on the Receiver, then press Play on the CD Player. The Receivers display will now say S/PDIF Update for about 15 seconds then Writing for about 30 seconds. When the writing process has finished the display will say Complete!, then Clear, then the Receiver will go to Standby mode. It is possible, that the unit will not switch OFF automatically, in this case wait for another 10 minutes before switching OFF manually. TX SR 705 SR 875 and TX NR 905: Within 3 seconds, press the Tone + button. Now the display showing the DSP 1 st firmware version, press the Return button on the Receiver, then press Play on the CD Player. The Receivers display will now say S/PDIF Update for about 15 seconds then Writing 1 st DSP for about 15 seconds, than again S/DIF Update. Now you see Writing 2 st DSP than again S/DIF Update before it changes to Writing 3 st DSP When the writing process has finished the display will say Complete!, then Clear, then the Receiver will go to Standby mode. It is possible, that the unit will not switch OFF automatically, in this case wait for another 10 minutes before switching OFF manually. 3. Now the update is complete! You can check that it has been successful if you read out the FW version: Switch on the receiver. Wait for 10 seconds. Then press and hold the DISPLAY button and while holding it press the STANDBY/ON button. The display will show now the Firmware version's. This will disappear from the display after a few seconds and the Receiver will return to its normal mode. If you experience any difficulties carrying out this update please contact ONYKO or your local authorised Service station. Please note that ONKYO does not accept any responsibility for any damage or problems caused by attempting or doing this update. Overview of new DSP Firmware version:
TX SR 605
DSP 08214A
TX SR 705
1. SR8051/08214A 2. SR8052/07518A 3. SR8053/07820B
TX SR 805
1. SR8051/08214A 2. SR8052/07518A 3. SR8053/07820B
TX SR 875
1. SR8051/08214A 2. SR8052/07518A 3. SR8053/07820B
TX NR 905
1. SR8051/08214A 2. SR8052/07518A 3. SR8053/07820B