2009/2010 Application: Pannasastra University Scholarship For Myanmar Citizens
2009/2010 Application: Pannasastra University Scholarship For Myanmar Citizens
2009/2010 Application: Pannasastra University Scholarship For Myanmar Citizens
In 2009-2010, there will be four funded places for Myanmar citizens to study bachelors' degrees at
Pannasastra University in Phnom Penh. Applicants can choose to study any one of the following subjects:
PUC was set up in 2000, by a group of Cambodian expatriates from the United States of America, whose
objectives are to contribute to the development and enhancement of Cambodia's human resources.
PUC Mission
Pannasastra University of Cambodia (PUC) envisions a world at peace, where conflicts are resolved by
non-violent means, beginning with individuals, and extending to the community of world leaders in the
context of international relations.
"We envision a world where those in government and positions of power exercise their duties responsibly
and seek with compassion to benefit all they serve, especially destitute women and children.
We believe that education is the key to fulfilling this vision; as when people are well educated they are
empowered to participate and contribute more fully in the life of society."
PUC Goals
1. Improving the quality of life and building the capacity of the people of Cambodia, and of the region;
3. Promoting international standards for higher education in business, management, economics, law
and government, humanities, science, communication, medicine, and culture;
4. Facilitating training of professionals who wish to continue their technical and intellectual growth
through advanced education and specialized fields of research and development;
5. Building a strong teaching profession capable of delivering quality education and forming new
scholars, academicians, and scientists in order to enhance the quality of life in our society;
7. Transferring technology from advanced and developed countries; and
8. Becoming a leading institution for research and study in Cambodia and Asia, recognized for the high
quality of faculty, students, and contributions to the peace and development of the region.
You MUST meet the following requirements to be eligible for this program:
2. Applicants must have passed the GED or the High School Matriculation Examination
(10th standard) in Myanmar and have a TOEFL of at least 500 or IELTS of at least 5.5.
3. Perference will be given to applicants with experience working for peace or human
Applicants must complete the attached form and either post or email it with necessary documents to:
PO Box 8,
Mae Ping Post Office,
Chiang Mai, 50301
The application deadline is 15th March 2009. Late applications will not be considered.
Applicants who are short-listed by the scholarship committee will be sent university application
documents in May 2009. The final announcement of awards will be made in June 2009. Sucessful
applicants will start the program in August 2009.
2. The scholarship will cover only one round-trip ticket from Myanmar to Cambodia. No support will be
available for students to return to Myanmar in the middle of their degree programs.
3. The scholarship will also include a basic monthly allowance for food and accommodation.
4. Students supported by this program will be expected to meet Pannasastra University requirements,
which include studying on a full-time basis and maintaining a minimum GPA of 3.
5. Successful applicants will be required to sign a grant letter and to observe the conditions of the
award. If a student fails to observe the conditions, they will be liable to repay the money used to
fund their studies.
For more information about the scholarship program, please e-mail sgpburma@gmail.com.
Pannasastra University Scholarship
for Myanmar Citizens
Supplementary Grants Program Myanmar
2009/2010 Application
*Spouse's Name
Are you Still Living in Myanmar? YES* (please skip this section) NO (please complete the rest of this section)
E-mail #1 E-mail #2
Please provide information for a friend or family member who lives close to you and who can easily contact
you in the event we have a problem or concern.
Name Relationship
Do you have medical insurance? yes* no
Please fill in the blanks in Number 1, Number 2, or Number 3 below. Do not fill in more than one.
I intend to study at Pannasastra University, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Name of Course
(Please choose a course from the attached program announcement)
The Month and Year you Should Expect to Complete Your Course: JUNE, 2013
Please list your four most recent educational institutions:
In this section, please list any funds that you can contribute to cover the costs of you study at
Pannasastra University. Any contributions you can make will improve your chances of getting a
scholarship. However, please do not list any funds unless you are certain you have access to them.
If you are not yet sure of the financial support that will be available to you please attach a cover letter
to explain who you have applied to for funding, how much you have applied for and when you expect
to hear the result.
5. Personal Savings
If you do not have personal savings, leave this blank. US Dollars
6. Family Contribution
If you do not have a family contribution, leave this blank. US Dollars
If you indicated that you will receive a scholarship or a sponsorship in No. 6 above please fill in the following
information. Please include a copy scholarship or sponsorship letter that you have with you application.
Please note that our funds are limited and we do not offer full funding. Please indicate what steps you have
taken to obtain additional funding.
Please include any part time or voluntary work that you have done. Please list the most recent first.
Essays should be maximum 250-300 words each. Please confine your essays to the topics outlined
below. Please attach a separate document for each essay. Applications without required essays will be
considered incomplete.
Tell us about your life in Myanmar, your family, the education you have already received, and the work you
have done. Tell us in some detail how you support yourself now. Also, if you have left Myanmar, tell us how
you came to be where you are.
By filling in the information below, I am indicating that all of the information contained in my application and
supporting documents is true and honestly presented.
PO Box 8,
Mae Ping Post Office,
Chiang Mai, 50301
Copies of your current and all additional academic transcripts (if not available, explain why)
If you have a scholarship from another source, please provide the official letter informing you of the details
of the scholarship or financial aid award
Copy of the identifying pages of your passport or other official I.D. (if no documents are available, please
explain why in a cover letter)
Two reference letters: one from an academic advisor and the other from a responsible adult, other than a
family member, who knows you well.
Essay #1 - Biography
NOTE: If one or more of the documents mentioned above is missing from your application, without
explanation, your application will be disqualified. If you expect a document to become available after you
submit your application, please indicate this in a cover letter and send the missing document as soon as it
becomes available