Global Patient Safety Challenge - WHO
Global Patient Safety Challenge - WHO
Global Patient Safety Challenge - WHO
WHO Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data World Alliance for Patient Safety. Global Patient Safety Challenge : 2005-2006 / World Alliance for Patient Safety. 1.Patient care - standards 2.Cross infection - prevention and control 3.Infection control - methods 4.Health facilities - standards I.Title. ISBN 92 4 159373 3 World Health Organization 2005 All rights reserved. Publications of the World Health Organization can be obtained from WHO Press, World Health Organization, 20 Avenue Appia, 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland (tel.: +41 22 791 2476; fax: +41 22 791 4857; email: Requests for permission to reproduce or translate WHO publications whether for sale or for noncommercial distribution should be addressed to WHO Press, at the above address (fax: +41 22 791 4806; email: The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the World Health Organization concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Dotted lines on maps represent approximate border lines for which there may not yet be full agreement. The mention of specific companies or of certain manufacturers products does not imply that they are endorsed or recommended by the World Health Organization in preference to others of a similar nature that are not mentioned. Errors and omissions excepted, the names of proprietary products are distinguished by initial capital letters. All reasonable precautions have been taken by WHO to verify the information contained in this publication. However, the published material is being distributed without warranty of any kind, either express or implied. The responsibility for the interpretation and use of the material lies with the reader. In no event shall the World Health Organization be liable for damages arising from its use. Printed by the WHO Document Production Services, Geneva, Switzerland (NLM classification: WX 167)
Simple measures save lives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Preventing infection associated with health care: a patient safety priority . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 The Global Patient Safety Challenge. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 How the Global Patient Safety Challenge works Elements of the Global Patient Safety Challenge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Blood safety Injection practices and immunization Water, basic sanitation and waste management Clinical procedures safety Hand hygiene Implementing the Global Patient Safety Challenge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 Links to other action areas of the World Alliance for Patient Safety The potential to make a difference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25
Today, perhaps for the rst time in the history of public health, it is possible to launch a powerful global response to tackle the infections that spread in health care settings worldwide.
Figure 1
The most common sites of health care-associated infection (urinary tract, lung, surgical site, blood) and some specific risk factors underlying the occurrence of these infections.
Health care-associated infection cannot be entirely eliminated. Nevertheless, several low-cost, simple and effective strategies have proven to be effective in reducing the burden of disease. Data can be assembled to assess the size and nature of the problem and to create a basis for monitoring the effectiveness of prevention efforts. Many health-care facilities have succeeded in controlling the problem and decreasing the risks to Health care-associated patients. Unfortunately for a number infection: areas of care of reasons others have not. There is a Health care-associated infection is one of the leading gap between the patient safety improvecauses of premature mortality in some countries. ments that are currently possible and In intensive care, health care-associated infection the improvements that are actually affects about 30% of patients and the attributable being made. This gap arises because mortality may reach 44%. existing tools and interventions are not In Brazil and Indonesia, more than half of the babies being widely implemented. housed in neonatal units are affected by health careRisks of infection are particularly high in some parts of the world. Many projects, in both developed and developing countries, have shown that use of available interventions and strategies can dramatically reduce the disease burden of health care-associated infections. Well-established WHO strategies already address some of these risks in areas such as: blood products and their use; injection practices and immunization; safe water, basic sanitation and waste management;
associated infection, with a fatality rate between 12% and 52%. The infection rate associated with vascular devices among neonates is 3 to 20 times higher in developing than in developed countries. During the SARS pandemic, the proportion of infected health-care workers ranged from approximately 20% to 60% of cases worldwide. Unsafe blood transfusion causes 16 million hepatitis B infections, 5 million hepatitis C infections, and 160 000 cases of HIV worldwide every year. Invasive procedures and unsafe blood transfusion were responsible for the largest documented outbreak of HIV nosocomial transmission in 400 children in the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya. The greatest risk of nosocomial transmission of hepatitis B virus takes place from patients to personnel. Nevertheless, hepatitis B vaccine is not available to immunize health-care workers in the majority of developing countries.
clinical procedures, particularly in first-level emergency care. The Global Patient Safety Challenge embraces these strategies and promotes specific actions and interventions which have a direct bearing on health careassociated infection and patient safety. These actions are combined with efforts to implement the WHO Guidelines on Hand Hygiene in Health Care (Advanced Draft), in response to the message Clean Care is Safer Care.
Countries pledging
Member States are invited to make a formal statement pledging their support to implement actions to reduce health care-associated infection within their countries and to share results and learning internationally. The statement will be a pledge by the minister of health of a country interested in addressing health care-associated infection. The statement, drafted by the country, is likely to cover some of the following areas: Acknowledging the importance of health care-associated infection; Developing or enhancing ongoing campaigns at national or subnational levels to promote and improve hand hygiene among health care providers; Making reliable information available on health care-associated infection at community and district levels to foster appropriate actions; Sharing experiences and, where appropriate, available surveillance data, with the WHO World Alliance for Patient Safety; Considering the use of WHO strategies and guidelines to tackle health care-associated infection, in particular in the areas of hand hygiene, blood safety, injection and immunization safety, clinical procedures safety and water, sanitation and waste management safety. The statement may also urge health professional bodies and associations to ask their members to promote the highest standards of practice and behaviour to reduce the risks of health care-associated infection.
Figure 2
Testing implementation
The World Alliance for Patient Safety is providing support to monitor and evaluate the implementation of the WHO Guidelines on Hand Hygiene in Health Care (Advanced Draft) and the other actions included in the Global Patient Safety Challenge, in several selected health-care districts worldwide, for the period of the Challenge. One of the main objectives is to better understand how to support effective implementation of such actions in a range of health-care environments. Reducing health care-associated infection can be achieved by using a multifaceted approach focusing on: high-level leadership and commitment; safe practices; clean environments; and well-designed processes and systems. The measurement of processes, structures and outcomes before and after implementation will help to monitor and assess the acceptability, feasibility and impact of the integrated package of strategies and guidelines. Lessons will also be learned about how to scale up actions in the future.
Blood safety
Millions of lives are saved each year through blood transfusion. However, blood transfusion carries a potential risk of acute or delayed complications and transfusion-transmitted infections. No country in the world can ignore the problem of blood safety, with the potential transmission of viruses such as HIV, hepatitis B virus and hepatitis C virus. In recent years, efforts to tackle the HIV/AIDS pandemic have focused attention on the importance of preventing transfusion-transmitted infections. The WHO Strategy on Blood Transfusion supports the establishment, in all countries, of sustainable national blood programmes that can ensure the provision of safe, high-quality blood and blood products, accessible to all patients, and their safe and appropriate use. Key areas of focus include the development of effective national programmes, policies for recruitment, selection and retention of voluntary blood donors, blood screening, and appropriate clinical use of blood in patient care. The following actions to improve blood safety are integrated within the Global Patient Safety Challenge through the: promotion of optimal hand hygiene associated with procedures for collection, processing and use of blood products; promotion of donor skin antisepsis to prevent blood contamination; in-service education and training on safe transfusion practices at the bedside.
The following actions to improve injection safety are integrated within the Global Patient Safety Challenge: promotion of optimal hand hygiene practices at time of injection and immunization; strengthening of high-level commitment within countries to use auto-disable syringes for immunization services; actions to ensure the safe disposal of sharps as part of integrated management of waste within health-care facilities.
The following actions to improve water quality and availability, and waste management, are integrated within the Global Patient Safety Challenge: ensuring access and water quality to support hygiene, and hand hygiene in particular, at the level of health-care facilities; ensuring sound management of waste, particularly of highly infectious health-care waste.
Without essential surgical care, up to 10% of the population dies from injury and 5% of pregnancies result in maternal death. Every day, 16 000 people die from injuries and several thousand more are injured, many of them with permanent sequelae. Surgical site infection accounts for about 14% of possible adverse events threatening patient safety in hospitals in developed countries. Surgical site infection occurs in at least 2% to 5% of the 27 million patients undergoing surgical procedures every year. In the United States, 15 523 patients out of 593 344 undergoing surgery (3%) developed post-surgical infections over a 10 year-period. Higher surgical site infection rates are reported in some hospitals in developing countries: from 12% in Bolivia to 19% in the United Republic of Tanzania. Surgical site infection accounts for about 25% of health care-associated infections. In countries with a low prevalence of health careassociated infection, surgical site infection is the most frequent infectious complication. In the United States, surgical site infection prolongs hospital stay by an average of 7.4 days at an average cost of US$ 400 to US$ 2600 per wound infection.
priate use of essential emergency procedures and equipment for patient safety at primary health care facilities. Major strategies include supporting the development of national policies to provide basic requirements for emergency surgical services, education and training of health-care providers in life-saving clinical procedures, and development of needs assessment and planning tools. More recently, the work is also targeting the reduction of infections associated with surgical procedures. Education and training of health-care workers to adopt the best prevention interventions, starting with surgical hand preparation and optimal training and supervision, are among the most promising and important approaches. The following actions to improve the safety of clinical procedures are integrated within the Global Patient Safety Challenge: specific education programmes promoting safety in surgical procedures, tailored to the needs of health-care facilities; surgical hand preparation using either antimicrobial soap and water or alcohol-based hand rub to reduce infections associated with surgical procedures; access to safe emergency and essential surgical care, including the availability and use of best practice protocols on clinical procedures and equipment.
Hand hygiene
Hand hygiene, a very simple action, remains the primary measure for reducing health care-associated infection and the spread of antimicrobial resistance. Health-care workers adherSuccessful examples of multimodal campaigns ence to good practice is, to promote hand hygiene however, extremely low. Nurses and physicians usu* ally clean their hands less than half of the number of times they should. In critical care situations where there are severe time constraints and the workload is higher, adherence to good practices might be as low as 10%. Poor adherence is related to parameters associated with system constraints as well as individual, group and community behaviour. Recent progress in understanding the epidemiology of hand hygiene compliance suggests new approaches to improve matters. Recommendations for hand hygiene have been revisited; their application in some health-care facilities has been associated with significant changes in standards
*costs equal to less than 1% of the costs associated with hospital infections.
and practices, to the benefit of patient safety. All means to ensure hand hygiene should be promoted.
Risk factors associated with poor adherence to hand hygiene among health-care workers
Individual level: lack of education or experience lack of knowledge of guidelines being a refractory noncomplier skin irritation by hand hygiene agents. Group level: lack of education or lack of performance feedback working in critical care or in high workload conditions downsizing or understaffing lack of encouragement or role modelling from key staff. Institutional level: lack of written guidelines lack of suitable hand hygiene agents lack of skin-care promotion or agents lack of culture or tradition of compliance lack of administrative leadership, sanctions, rewards or support. Governmental level: lack of awareness and commitment regarding the importance of health care-associated infection lack of specific regulations and policies on prevention of health care-associated infection lack of guidelines on hand hygiene in health care lack of promotion of national or regional campaigns to improve hand hygiene in health care insufficient allocation of financial resources for this purpose.
Clean hands reduce the burden of disease. In several centres, strategies to improve hand hygiene have led to a substantial decrease in health care-associated infection rates, both in critical care and hospital-wide. Major interventions have targeted system and behavioural changes, through the adoption of antiseptic hand rubs and the implementation of educational programmes. Hand hygiene improvement combined with other infection-control measures has been effective in reducing the transmission of harmful nosocomial pathogens, both in outbreak and endemic situations. Multimodal strategies are the most effective approach to promote hand hygiene practices. Key elements include staff education and motivation, adoption of an alcohol-based hand rub as the gold standard, use of performance indicators, and strong commitment by all stakeholders, such as frontline staff, managers and health-care leaders. Hand hygiene is the primary action to prevent health care-associated infection and reduce the spread of multi-resistant organisms. Health-care worker adherence to hand hygiene standards is less than optimal. Leadership and role modelling are key elements for the successful promotion of best practice. Managers and political leaders, as well as senior staff, need to pave the way to improved practice. Now is the time for action! Tools for change are known. Successful promotion of appropriate practice requires education and motivation of caregivers, leadership and clinical governance, administrative support, patient participation, and systemic change to ensure that hand-hygiene agents are available at the point of care. Professor Didier Pittet Leader of the Global Patient Safety Challenge The WHO Guidelines on Hand Hygiene in Health Care (Advanced Draft) have been developed by renowned experts around the world as a major part of the GLOBAL PATIENT SAFETY CHALLENGE
Global Patient Safety Challenge. The guidelines are being tested in a pilot phase to obtain the most reliable and adaptable strategies to be applied worldwide. This work in progress is being accompanied by ongoing discussions within specific task forces and dedicated working groups addressing critical topics relating to implementation, such as: patient involvement; global implementation of a WHO hand hygiene formulation; glove use and reuse; water quality for hand washing; national guidelines on hand hygiene; education, communication and campaigning; and religious, cultural and behavioural aspects of hand hygiene. The following actions to improve hand hygiene are integrated within the Global Patient Safety Challenge: strengthening high-level commitment within countries to implement national strategies to promote hand hygiene; testing implementation of the WHO Guidelines on Hand Hygiene in Health Care (Advanced Draft) in specific districts worldwide.
Figure 4
Links to other action areas of the World Alliance for Patient Safety
Country-level activities to achieve the Global Patient Safety Challenge
The challenge at country level is to: Catalyse and sustain strong and visible leadership and stewardship by government, health authorities and professionals, and minimize complacency; Promote hand hygiene based on the new guidelines, blood safety strategies, injection safety programmes, safety of clinical procedures, and efforts that ensure access to safe water and sanitation in health care; Assist countries to identify and reduce national barriers and implement these strategies and programmes; Invest in the development of monitoring tools and support the establishment of independent systems to track progress and impact; Help develop or strengthen mechanisms within countries to ensure the availability of goods and commodities relating to cleaner and safer care, and access to them; Identify elements of success and lessons learned from the district test implementation, and disseminate them widely; Work through partnerships with civil society and patient groups to maximize the impact of efforts.
Reducing health care-associated infection requires multifaceted interventions. To this end, the Global Patient Safety Challenge Clean Care is Safer Care has created strong links with other action areas of the World Alliance for Patient Safety. In particular, through links with the action area Patients for Patient Safety, opportunities for greater involvement of consumers, patients and their families in reducing the risks of health care-associated infection have been explored and will continue to be promoted, for example through the education of patients and their families on hand hygiene. Links are in place with Solutions for Patient Safety, in particular regarding the implementation strategies for the WHO Guidelines on Hand Hygiene in Health Care (Advanced Draft). Links are also in place with the research action area to ensure that hand hygiene and health care-associated infection form an important part of the global agenda for patient safety research. Strong links have been established with the new WHO Collaborating Centre on Patient Safety Solutions to assist in promoting the dissemination and spread of successful outcomes from the various test districts.
Commitment Leadership Evidence-based practice Awareness Numbers to assess impact Consumer involvement Action plans Regular reviews of progress Exemplar studies and learning IS SAFER CARE
Health care-associated infections affect hundreds of millions of people each year worldwide. No health-care system is spared. The WHO World Alliance for Patient Safety has chosen the prevention of health care-associated infection as the first Global Patient Safety Challenge. This challenge is enormous because it: touches many aspects of health care and health-care systems at different levels; tackles problems which have been recognized for years if not decades; requires commitment at all levels in the patient safety chain. Tools for change and improvement are being made available. Most health careassociated infections are preventable. Some health-care centres around the world succeed much better than others in preventing such unintended, undesirable, intolerable events. It is time for action. Success relies more on the willingness of human nature to change and accept changes than on systems and economic constraints. Both developed and developing countries provide models to be followed for the improvement of patient safety.
Promoting Clean Care is Safer Care is not a choice. It is our duty to patients, their families, and health-care workers. Let us move forward together. Each of us can make a small difference; significant improvement requires an effort from all of us. Professor Didier Pittet Leader of the Global Patient Safety Challenge
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Concept and Writing: WHO World Alliance for Patient Safety In collaboration with: Genevas University Hospitals, Switzerland Supported by the following WHO departments: WHO Lyon Ofce for National Epidemic Preparedness and Response, Communicable Disease Surveillance and Response, Communicable Diseases; Blood Transfusion Safety, Essential Health Technologies, Health Technology and Pharmaceuticals; Clinical Procedures, Essential Health Technologies, Health Technology and Pharmaceuticals; Policy, Access and Rational Use, Essential Drugs and Medicines Policy, Health Technology and Pharmaceuticals; Vaccine Assessment and Monitoring, Immunization, Vaccines and Biologicals, Family and Community Health; Water, Sanitation and Health, Protection of the Human Environment, Sustainable Development and Healthy Environments. Special acknowledgment for technical contribution and project management: Benedetta Allegranzi, University of Verona, Italy Overall support and advice: Sir Liam Donaldson, Department of Health, United Kingdom and Didier Pittet, Genevas University Hospitals, Switzerland Production support : Rosemary Sudan, Genevas University Hospitals, Switzerland Design: Mondofragilis Network Photographs: Benedetta Allegranzi; Genevas University Hospitals; Garry Hampton; Kilimanjaro Medical Center, United Republic of Tanzania; Ziad Memish; Brigitte Pittet; Didier Pittet; Florian Pittet. TDR/WHO Photolibrary; WHO Photolibrary World Health Organization Health Systems Policies and Operations (SPO) Evidence and Information for Policy 20 Avenue Appia CH-1211 Geneva 27 Switzerland Web site: