HW 2

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CPS 114: Homework 2


You are encouraged to type in your answers. Homework must be done individually. Due on April 19th, 2010.

1 Understanding TCP retransmission timers

TCPs computes an average round-trip time (RTT) for a connection using an exponentional weighted moving average (EWMA) estimator: srttn = RT Tn + (1 ) srttn1 rttvarn = (|RT Tn srttn1 |) + (1 ) rttvarn1 RT On = srttn + rttvarn (1) (2) (3)

where RT Tn is the nth RTT measurement, srttn is the nth estimate of RTT, rttvarn is the nth estimate of RTT variance, and RT On is the nth retransmission timeout value. In a typical TCP implementation, the parameters are set to: = 1/4, = 1/8, and = 4. Ben Bitdiddle considers this design a bit convoluted, and proposes to use a simple arithmetic average to estimate the RTT over a xed number of past samples. That is, RT T (i) ;k 0 k+1 RT On = srttn srttn =
n i=nk

(4) (5)

where k = 99, and = 2. Suppose that at time before n = 0, a TCPs RTT time is a constant 10ms. Both RTT estimates in EQ (1) and (4) converge to 10ms. At n = 0, the RTT of the TCP connection experiences a sudden change, and goes up to 1 second, and does not change afterwards. Answer the following questions: 1. With TCPs RTO estimate, whats the RTO at time when n = 1? 2. With Bens RTO estimate, whats the RTO at time when n = 1? 3. Will TCP suffer spurious (premature) retransmissions? If no, explain why. If yes, compute when the RTO estimate will be sufciently accurate to prevent spurious retransmssion. (Hint: you may want to write a small script to do this.) 4. Will Bens TCP suffer spurious (premature) retransmssion? If no, explain why. If yes, compute when the RTO estimate will be sufciently accurate to prevent spurious retransmssion.

2 Go deep with Wireshark

Wireshark http://www.wireshark.org/ is a useful tool for network trafc analysis. In this problem, you will use Wireshark to look at packet traces from a TCP connection, and answer a few questions. Log onto a linux machine ssh -X linux.cs.duke.edu, and download the tcp trace from wget http://www.cs.duke.edu/courses/spring10/cps114/labs/tcp-trace Then start Wireshark using the command wireshark tcp-trace. You may also install wireshark on your own machine, and nish the assignment there. (If you are using Ubuntu, you can use sudo apt-get install wireshark to install the package.) Answer the following questions. 1. Click on the rst packet. The window below will show you the packet details. What protocol headers are included in this packet? 2. What TCP ags are set in the rst packet? 3. What TCP options are included in the rst packet? 4. Which host does the active open? c 2010 Xiaowei Yang 1

CPS 114: Homework 2 5. Go to packet 91. Why is a Dup ACK sent? 6. Why does the sender send packet 96? 7. Go to packet 119. What might cause the sender to send this packet? 8. Go to packet 425. Which host does an active close?


9. Go to the Statistics menu, and follow the sub-menu TCP Stream Graph. Click the Time-Sequence Graph (tcptrace). Zoom this graph so that you can see 1-second time ticks. From this graph, can you tell how many times the TCP sender does slow start, and when each slow start phase nishes? 10. What (duplicate acks or timeout) is likely to trigger the retransmission around time 2.5s? 11. What is likely to limit the senders sending window size at time 2 (cwnd, or receiver advertise window)? 12. How many packets are likely to be lost between time 2s and 7s? Circle the correct answer. A. One B. Two C. Three D. > Three

13. Around time 9.5s, another retransmssion occurs. What is likely to trigger the retransmission? 14. When does the sender receive the ACK for the packet retransmitted at around time 9.5? 15. What limits the senders sending window size at time 12s? 16. Which congestion mode is the sender in at time 13s? 17. Can you estimate the senders congestion window size at time 14s? 18. Click the Round Trip Time Graph. Can you explain why the measured RTT values uctuate so much over time from what you learned from the Time-Sequence graph? 19. Similarly, Click the Throughput Graph. Can you explain why the TCP throughput uctuates a lot between 5-10 second, but stabilizes afterwards?

3 Understanding Delay-Bandwidth Product and Router Buffer Size

20ms 1Gbps 20ms 1Mbps 20ms 1Gbps

Figure 1: A three-node network topology. Figure 1 shows a simple network topology. Node A is sending a large le to Node D using TCP. Suppose each data packets size is 1K bytes and the ACK size is 40 bytes. The initial slow start threshold ssthresh is set to a very large value (i.e., innite). To help you answer the question, we have provided you a simulation script tcp-buffer.tcl. You do not need to run the simulation to answer the following questions, but the simulation will help you understand TCP dynamics and provide hints to the answers. You may follow the instructions in the le http://www.cs. duke.edu/courses/spring10/cps114/labs/ns2-instr.txt to add the simulator to your path and run the script. 1. What is the delay-bandwidth product of this TCP connection? 2. Suppose the router B keeps a buffer size of Buf . Let Buf = 100. What is the maximum TCP congestion window size before the TCP sender suffers from a packet loss? 3. What is the TCP senders congestion window size when it detects a packet loss after three duplicate acknowledgment? c 2010 Xiaowei Yang 2

CPS 114: Homework 2 4. What is the connections RTT when router Bs buffer is full? 5. Whats the TCP connections maximum throughput?


6. Can the router buffer size be reduced so that the maximum TCP throughput remains the same? If so, whats the minimal router buffer size to keep the pipe full? 7. Is it advantageous to keep a large or small buffer? What will be the optimal router buffer size in this case?

4 BGP in the wild

The Route Views project (http://www.routeviews.org/) has an archive that stores periodic BGP table dumps from several routers. Each Route Views router peers with a bunch of other routers located all over the world and receives their BGP updates in real time. So we can discover a lot about Internet routing by examining the data Route Views routers collect, or login to the routers. In this problem, we will telnet to a Route Views router and learn a bunch about its internal state. 1. Login to one of the linux cluster machines: ssh linux.cs.duke.edu. In the command line, type telnet route-views.routeviews.org 23. The rst parameter after telnet is the routers DNS name, and the second is the port we telnet into. Enter the username rviews as prompted. 2. Type ? to see the commands supported by the router. You can also type ? to complete a partial command. 3. Now run the command show ip bgp The IP prex is Dukes network prex. This command tells you the route advertisements the router receives from its peers. How many routes are available from this router to Duke? (The answer will be displayed at the 2nd line of the commands output.) 4. Now look at the rst route output by the command. Whats the IP address of the next hop router that advertises the route? Whats the AS path from the next hop router to Duke? Whats the local preference of the route? 5. Open another terminal, and login to linux.cs.duke.edu. Run the command traceroute -A nextHopRouter, where nextHopRouter is the IP address of the router obtained from the previous step. The -A option outputs the AS path information. What is the AS path from Duke to the next hop router? Is the path the reverse AS path from the next hop router to Duke? If not, explain why this may happen. 6. Now go back to the router login window, and scroll down until you nd the line ending with the word best. This is the best route. Whats the next hop router that advertises this best route? Whats the best AS path? Can you explain why this route is chosen as the best path?

5 Digging DNS for fun

Learn how to use dig by typing man dig on a Unix machine. Use dig to gure out the Akamai DNS server hierarchy. You may start with the domain name us.i2.yimg.com that is a customer of Akamai, and use dig to discover its Akamai canonical name, and use the +norecurse option to discover Akamai name server hierarchy. Turn in each dig commands you used and their outputs.

c 2010 Xiaowei Yang

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