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NSA Transmissions-Mind Control, Death Rays for Planes, Cancer, Synthetic ills- T opplings ELF & Seismic Waves

+ Behind Scenes Focused on Wrong Weapon Mass Destru ction TERRORISTS WITHIN, 1973 2nd Level CIA, Cryptocracy's Plan to Psycho-civili ze You, Emulating Scriptures! ---How & Why 911, Economy. ALL from your minds! MA CROCOSM. Millions including America's Corp Leaders & Officials! "The Process." I srael Framed-engineered to go down. Have you figured it out yet! NSA Tice-Hero under God US Supreme Court Case Israel-CIA Agenda- Press Releases Synthetic Telepathy-ills-TAXES Cancer 911 CIA Resources to Expose Interviews-Exhibits-Documents Lawsuit-Synthetic ills in America Is the NSA Conducting Electronic Warfare On Americans? Jonas Holmes May 19, 2006 CHRONICLE ARTICLE Russ Tice, former NSA intelligence officer and current Whistleblower, was to tes tify before the Senate Armed Services Committee this week. Apparently the testim ony, Mr. Tice wanted to give, makes General Haydens phone surveillance program l ook like very small potatoes. Mr. Tices testimony is expected to reveal further illegal activity overseen by General Michael Hayden which even loyal and patriot ic NSA employees view as unlawful. I think the people I talk to next week are going to be shocked when I tell them what I have to tell them. ITS PRETTY HARD TO BELIEVE, Tice said. I hope that the yll clean up the abuses and have some oversight into these programs, which doesn t exist right now. According to Mr. Tice, what has been disclosed so far is only the tip of the iceberg. What in the world could Russ Tice be talking about! To figure it out let us take a look at Russ Tices work at the NSA. According to the Washington Times and numerous other sources, Mr. Tice worked on special access programs related to electronic intelligence gathering while work ing for the NSA and DIA, where he took part in space systems communications, non -communications signals, electronic warfare, satellite control, telemetry, senso rs, and special capability systems. Special Access Programs or SAPs refer to Bla ck Budgets or Black Operations. Black means that they are covert and hidden from everyone except the participants. Feasibly there would be no arena with a great er potential for abuse and misuse than Special Access Programs. Even now Congres s and the Justice Department are being denied the ability to investigate these p rograms because they dont have clearance. To put it in CNNs Jack Caffertys words a top secret government agency, the NSA, the largest of its kind in the world, is denying oversight or investigation by the American people because investigato rs lack clearance. To add a layer of irony to the Black Ops cake this travesty i s occurring in America, the supposed bastion of Freedom and Democracy, which we are currently trying to export to Iraq. It just gets scarier. The Black Ops that Mr. Tice was involved in related to ele ctronic intelligence gathering via space systems communications, non-communicati ons signals, electronic warfare, satellite control, telemetry, sensors, and spec ial capability systems. For greater insight as to the impact of these programs r eaders should review decades old FOIA authenticated programs such as MKULTRA, BL UEBIRD, COINTELPRO and ARTICHOKE. Radar based Telemetry involves the ability to see through walls without thermal imaging. Electronic Warfare is even scarier if we take a look at the science. NSA Signals Intelligence Use of EMF Brain Stimulation. NSA Signals Intelligence uses EMF Br ain Stimulation for Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM) and Electronic Brain Link (EB L). EMF Brain Stimulation has been in development since the MKUltra program of t

he early 1950's, which included neurological research into "radiation" (non-ioni zing EMF) and bioelectric research and development. The resulting secret technol ogy is categorized at the National Security Archives as "Radiation Intelligence, " defined as "information from unintentionally emanated electromagnetic waves in the environment, not including radioactivity or nuclear detonation." Signals In telligence implemented and kept this technology secret in the same manner as oth er electronic warfare programs of the U.S. government. The NSA monitors availabl e information about this technology and withholds scientific research from the p ublic. There are also international intelligence agency agreements to keep this technology secret. The NSA has proprietary electronic equipment that analyzes electrical activity i n humans from a distance. NSA computer-generated brain mapping can continuously monitor all the electrical activity in the brain continuously. The NSA records a nd decodes individual brain maps (of hundreds of thousands of persons) for natio nal security purposes. EMF Brain Stimulation is also secretly used by the milita ry for Brain-to-computer link. (In military fighter aircraft, for example.) For electronic surveillance purposes electrical activity in the speech center of the brain can be translated into the subject's verbal thoughts. RNM can send encode d signals to the brain's auditory cortex thus allowing audio communication direc t to the brain (bypassing the ears). NSA operatives can use this to covertly deb ilitate subjects by simulating auditory hallucinations characteristic of paranoi d schizophrenia. Without any contact with the subject, Remote Neural Monitoring can map out electrical activity from the visual cortex of a subject's brain and show images from the subject's brain on a video monitor. NSA operatives see what the surveillance subject's eyes are seeing. Visual memory can also be seen. RNM can send images direct to the visual cortex. bypassing the eyes and optic nerve s. NSA operatives can use this to surreptitiously put images in a surveillance s ubject's brain while they are in R.E.M. sleep for brain-programming purposes. In dividual citizens occasionally targeted for surveillance by independently operat ing NSA personnel. NSA personnel can control the lives of hundreds of thousands of individuals in t he U.S. by using the NSA's domestic intelligence network and cover businesses. T he operations independently run by them can sometimes go beyond the bounds of la w. Long-term control and sabotage of tens of thousands of unwitting citizens by NSA operatives is likely to happen. NSA Domint has the ability to covertly assas sinate U.S. citizens or run covert psychological control operations to cause sub jects to be diagnosed with ill mental health. National Security Agency Signals I ntelligence Electronic Brain Link Technology NSA SigInt can remotely detect, ide ntify and monitor a person's bioelectric fields. The NSA's Signals Intelligence has the proprietary ability to remotely and non-invasively monitor information i n the human brain by digitally decoding the evoked potentials in the 30-50 hz,.5 milliwatt electro-magnetic emissions from the brain. Neuronal activity in the b rain creates a shifting electrical pattern that has a shifting magnetic flux. Th is magnetic flux puts out a constant 30-50 hz, .5 milliwatt electromagnetic (EMF ) wave. Contained in the electromagnetic emission from the brain are spikes and patterns called "evoked potentials." Every thought, reaction, motor command, auditory event, and visual image in the brain has a corresponding "evoked potential" or set of "evoked potentials." The EMF emission from the brain can be decoded into the current thoughts, images and sounds in the subject's brain. NSA SigInt uses EMF-transmitted Brain Stimulation as a communications system to transmit information (as well as nervous system messages) to intelligence agents and also to transmit to the brains of covert operations subjects (on a non-perceptible level). EMF Brain Stimulation works by sending a complexly coded and pulsed electromagne

tic signal to trigger evoked potentials (events) in the brain, thereby forming s ound and visual images in the brain's neural circuits. EMF Brain Stimulation can also change a person's brain-states and affect motor control. Two-way Electronic Brain-Link is done by remotely monitoring neural audio-visual information while transmitting sound to the auditory cortex (bypassing the ears ) and transmitting faint images to the visual cortex (bypassing the optic nerves and eyes, the images appear as floating 2-D screens in the brain). Two-Way Electronic Brain Link has become the ultimate communications system for CIA/NSA personnel. Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM, remotely monitoring bioelectri c information in the human brain) has become the ultimate surveillance system. I t is used by a limited number of agents in the U.S. Intelligence Community. RNM requires decoding the resonance frequency of each specific brain area. That freq uency is then modulated in order to impose information in That specific brain ar ea. The frequency to which the various brain areas respond varies from 3 Hz to 5 0 Hz. Only NSA Signals Intelligence modulates signals in this frequency band. An example of EMF Brain Stimulation: Brain Area Bioelectric ResonanceFrequency Information Induced Through Modulation Motor Control Cortex 10 HZ Motor Impulse Co-ordination Auditory Cortex 15 HZ Sound which bypasses the ears Visual Cortex 25 HZ Images in the brain, bypassing the eyes Somatosensory Cortex 09 HZPhantom Touch Sense Thought Center 20 HZImposed Subconscious Thoughts This modulated information can be put into the brain at varying intensities from subliminal to perceptible. Each person's brain has a unique set of bioelectric resonance/entrainment freque ncies. Sending audio information to a person's brain at the frequency of another person's auditory cortex would result in that audio information not being perce ived. Additionally, A 1994 congressional hearing reported that nearly half a million A mericans were subjected to some kind of cold war era tests, often without being informed and without their consent. In addition, experimentation law is well gro unded in constitutional and international law. It is an under-reported fact that two major reports on human rights and torture in the U.S. recently listed illeg al radiation experiments. Many more facts are documented below. Therefore, human research subject protections should be a high priority and are just as signific ant as current issues of torture and illegal wiretapping. It is time for America to wake up. It is time for America to protect its Whistle blowers who are our last line of defense against dictatorship and despotism. It is time for America to take responsibility for oversight of its tax dollars and elect leaders who will assume such responsibility now. Yes, the war on terrorism is important. It is even more important and fearful if the terrorism is from wi thin and unknowingly funded by hard working American citizens. There is no Speci al Access Program beyond the oversight of political leaders elected by the peopl e and for the people. If these political leaders jeopardize national security th en that shall be handled in a court of law. But to tell America, to tell the Ame rican people, to tell the political leaders elected by the American people that America does not deserve to know what happening in the NSAs dark, black rooms, w ith billions of dollars, behind closed doors, when we know that privilege has al ready been abused; that is the true definition of terrorism. That is the true de finition of Communism and a Police State, no oversight. So fellow Americans, you may hem and haw in the face of truth but know that one day you will realize tha t your country has been usurped from the very principles upon which it was found ed. Godspeed, Russ Tice, the Patriots are with you. ____________________________________________________

Followed by Democracy Now interview if and cant tell! ......Former NSA intelligence agent Russell Tice condemns reports that the Agenc y has been engaged in eavesdropping on U.S. citizens without court warrants. Tic e has volunteered to testify before Congress about illegal black ops programs at the NSA. Tice said, The freedom of the American people cannot be protected when our constitutional liberties are ignored and our nation has decayed into a poli ce state. [includes rush transcript]....Congress has been briefed. A program tha t is in my judgment necessary to win this war and to protect the American people . Meanwhile, the Washington Post is reporting that the NSA passed on records of intercepted email and phone calls to other government agencies including the FBI , the Defense Intelligence Agency, the CIA and the Department of Homeland Securi ty. This news come on the heels of several other reports that the FBIs Joint Ter rorism Task Force, military intelligence and local police departments have all b een engaged in monitoring peaceful groups including Greenpeace, PETAthe People f or the Ethical Treatment of Animals, Catholic Worker, anti-war groups and even b icyclists in New York City. During the 1960s and 1970s, the military used NSA in tercepts to maintain files on U.S. peace activists. It was this domestic surveil lance that led Congress to intervene and pass Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 in order to prevent future such abuses. The statute permits domestic intelligence surveillance with the approval of a court order from the FISA cour t. In 1975, Senator Frank Church, a Democrat from Idaho, said, We have a particu lar obligation to examine the NSA, in light of its tremendous potential for abus e. . . . The interception of international communications signals sent through t he air is the job of NSA; and, thanks to modern technological developments, it d oes its job very well. The danger lies in the ability of the NSA to turn its awe some technology against domestic communications. .... Congress is now considerin g holding a new round of hearings on Bushs domestic spying program. A bipartisan group of senators have already issued their public support, including several t op Republicans, including Senator Dick Lugar of Indiana, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, and Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania. This is Democratic Senator Patrick Leahy of Vermont. SEN. PATRICK LEAHY: This warrant-less eavesdropping program is not authorized by the PATRIOT Act, its not authorized by any act of Congress, and its not oversee n by any court. According to the reports its being conducted under a secret pres idential order, based on secret legal opinions by the same Justice Department, l awyers, the same ones who argued secretly that the President could order the use of torture. Mr. President, it is time to have some checks and balances in this country. We are a democracy. We are a democracy. Lets have checks and balances, not secret orders and secret courts and secret torture, and on and on. AMY GOODMAN: That was Vermont Senator Patrick Leahy. Two weeks ago, a former N.S .A. intelligence officer publicly announced he wants to testify before Congress. His name is D.I.A. has a few elements of it, and everybody gets together and does a little m ind meld to try to figure out whats going on. So its not unusual for the intelli gence community to share information. But when were talking about information on the American public, which is a violation of the FISA law, then I think its eve n something more to be concerned about. AMY GOODMAN: Were you ever asked to enga ge in this? RUSSELL TICE: No, no, and if I did so, I did so unwittingly, which I have a feeling would be the case for many of the people involved in this. RUSSELL TICE: If that was done and, you know, I use a big if here, and, remember , I cant tell you what I know of how N.S.A. does its business, but I can use the wiggle words like if and scenarios that dont incorporate specifics, but nonethe less, if U.S. gateways and junction points in the United States were used to sip hon off information, I would think that the corporate executives of these compan ies need to be held accountable, as well, because they would certainly also know that what theyre doing is wrong and illegal. AMY GOODMAN: Do you expect you are being monitored, surveilled, wiretapped right now? RUSSELL TICE: Yes, I do. As a matter of fact, And Im certainly hoping that the President has been misled in whats going on her e and that the true crux of this problem is in the leadership of the intelligenc

e community. AMY GOODMAN: Youre saying in the leadership of your own agency, the National Security Agency? RUSSELL TICE: Thats correct, yeah, because certainly General Alexander and General Hayden and Bill Black knew that this was illegal. because of terrorism, you know, its the same argument that we used with communis m years ago: take away your civil liberties, but use some threat thats, you know , been out there for a long time. Terrorism has been there forcertainly before 9 /11 we had terrorism problems, and I have a feeling its going to be around for q uite some time after whatever we deem is a victory in what were doing now in the Middle East. But, you know, its just something that has to be addressed. We jus t cant continue to see our civil liberties degraded. Ultimately, as Ben Franklin , I think, had said, you know, those who would give up their essential liberties for a little freedom deserve neither liberty or freedom, and I tend to agree wi th Ben Franklin. AMY GOODMAN: And your colleagues at the N.S.A. right now, their feelings, the National Security Agency? RUSSELL TICE: Boy, I think most folks a t N.S.A. right now are just running scared. They have the security office hangin g over their head, which has always been a bunch of vicious folks, and now theyv e got, you know, this potential witch hunt going on with the Attorney General. P eople in the intelligence community are afraid. They know that you cant come for ward. You have no protections as a whistleblower. These things need to be addres sed. AMY GOODMAN: What do you mean you have no protection? RUSSELL TICE: Well, l ike I said before, as a whistleblower, youre not protected by the whistleblower laws that are out there. The intelligence community is exempt from the whistlebl ower protection laws. RUSSELL TICE: Thank you. A PRESIDENT (Obama) WHO ONCE TOOK AN OATH TO CIVIL RIGHTS AND ACCUSED THE GOVERN MENT OF CREATING AIDS! They did! "He that would make his own liberty secure, must guard even his enemy from oppre ssion; for if he violates this duty, he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself." - Thomas Paine Why Palestinians want to be Israeli citizens (PostPartisan - The Washington Post ) -------------------------------------------________________________________________ ________________________________________ Quantam Physics! Mind Control-Directed Energy Weapons (microwaves)not limited to newcomers since 1970. LIST of ILLNESSES, NLP---NEURO-Synthetic illnesses programmed BY SUGGESTION THOUGHTS and electric h ypnosis. Prescriptions Taxed for Revenue.... since ALIEN HALLUCINATIONS: NEURO, Obesity, Immune, Central Nervous System. See Wired & Tice Article, 5 SENS ES) KINESTHETIC wikipedia) Elec. Magnetic Fields. Asthma, MEMORY Mind/Body BLOCKS-ALZHEIMER-DIMENTIA as back to the future), Agent ORANGE, ADDHD, Equilibrium, Bladder, Colon, Leukemia, Numbness/ MS, Anesthesiology, AIDS, FIBROMALGIA, PULMONARY, Bi-Polar, CONFUSION extra thought transmissions, MEMORY, DYSLEXIA, opposites suggestions to confuse, SKIN/BLOOD, B LOCKAGES/Flow/DISEASES, EPSTEINS BAR, Vision Sight, HOLOGRAMS, HALLUCINATIONS, Parkinsons, MIGRAINES, CANCER, Anthrax, Valley Fever, Flu like symptoms, Insomnia is sleep deprivation, Thyroid, Short Term Memory, (intercepted thoughts)COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENTS, UN-Necessary procedure s, Bi-polar/ADD (most misdiagnosed in America), Accidents, slip & falls, STROKES, W illiams Syndrome Motor Coordination, Autism. & disorientation. False ALARMS all from the MIND; UNREALIZED forced speech emotions & mistakes, Electronic Epilepsy! (Dr Bearden) MORGELLANS! LIVER dialysis, kidney failures rampid in U.S. Hemorrhage energy hea

t pressure, Vaccine synthetic, ELF ills hiding behind PHARMACEUTICAL side effect s..., RLS jolts of ELF light/elec, DIABETES II, and worse. HIDING BEHIND MSG or ASPERTAME including RETARDATION, Tourette, MUSCLE Controls, ELF reproduction and sweats on both male/female, STD, ARTHRITIS... much worse. I NFLAMATION, Swelling, Burning feet (Lasers usually seniors), BLISTERS, SPLIT PER SONALITIES is a shift technique of NLP using remote electronic hypnosis, mood transmitted urges to act amplified thoughts, suggestions, thoughts back and forth, mind jabs-interrupt thoughts, with triggers of memory blocks, INDUCED ER ASURES & DELAYS IN YOUR LIFE, and much more, all diseases potentials, etc. Misplacing items or trashed unconsciously mind games. Programmed MISFITS Diaboli c, playing mind games since milk carton missing children recruited by coercion c alled Handlers. They cant see from your eyes but tell you to LOOK first and take the credit, as with memory and tricking you to facilitate mind reading for them of your intentions. ALL surreptitiously unconsciously. YOUR PERCEPTION of positive or negative and like or dislike etc is thoughts pass ing through as synthetic depression etc... Seniors mostly, HEARING DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS and PANACEAS. Responsible for much w orse, would never sit on this kind of power with Weapons nicely tucked away, kno wing no threats by Russias or Chinas and never was by ELF.__Jerry Smith Programmed MISFITS Diabolic, playing mind games since milk carton missing childr en recruited by coercion called Handlers. Have you been mind controlled not to believe? Diabolical did not stop with what you already know today, that, I assure you, was the part ordered burned. Helms ordered FIOA MKultra both shredded and burned __________________________________ DARK HISTORY-PAST EVENTS THAT HAVE SHAPED THE WORLD ________________________________________ History is an account, mostly false, of events unimportant, which are brought ab out by rulers mostly knaves, and soldiers mostly fools. Ambrose Bierce ________________________________________ Bush-Bones Doctrine: Deny Everything Theres three things to remember: claim ever ything, explain nothing, deny everything. Senator Prescott Bush (Skull & Bones 1 917) The Bush family patriarch made the above statement in a 1966 interview for Columbia Universitys oral history project on the Eisenhower administration. Pres cott Bush said that political dictum had been explained to him by Claire Boothe Luce, congresswoman, ambassador and wife of Time-Life media magnate Henry Luce ( Skull & Bones 1920)-Diagram of the Bush Dynasty Source: http://www.threetwoone.o rg PDF Streaming Video Hear how Prescott Bush, Dubyas grandfather, tried to overthr ow the government and install a fascist nazi regime. The Hitler Project Astonishing Revelations! 01/02/05 By Ted Lang 2004 It is T&Cs position that the Bush family knew exactly what they were doing, and deliberate ly brought Hitler and his murderous Nazis to power knowing full well in advance what the consequences of their actions would be. Nazi Sympathizer Prescott Bush. He personally financed the building of over 40 c oncentration camps including Auschwitz. Bush and the Nazis: New Documents Herbert Parmet, November 26, 2003 THE NEW GENGHIS KAHN The year 1999 and its seventh month, From the sky comes a great King of Terror: Reviving the great King of the Mongols, Before and after Mars (war) to reign hap pily. After there is great trouble among mankind, a greater one is prepared. The great mover of the universe will renew time, rain, blood, thirst, famine, steel weapo ns and disease. In the heavens, a fire seen. Nostradamus in year 1555. "Those who give up their liberty for more security neither deserve liberty nor s ecurity." Ben Franklin "None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe History repeating itself eyes wide shut in front of the world. Yale Club, Emulat ing the Torah Scriptures, toppling. Bush was to be assassinated in the 80s by Du ncan OFinioan; didnt know why, but was intercepted, overridden by CIA & (trigger ed) to cancel mission (shoot) as ALL ELSE. DoD The Sorcerer, Manipulator, Cybern eticist, behind the electronic curtain Mind Control-SECRET SOCIETIES! & ID theft , stalkers, viruses, hackers, and 2nd level CIA STUXNET, cover ups and whitewash ing before Operation wiki Brainwash! Anchors & triggers transmitted. 1957 Allen Dulles Berle wrote in his diary. "If the scientists do what they have laid out for themselves, men will become manageable ants." below; What's next! ________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ "News is what people want to keep hidden; everything else is publicity." - Bill Moyers: - Speech, May 15, 2005 ________________________________________ ________________________________________ (1975) "To defend against things like anthrax attacks on ourcivilian population centers, we also have recommended to the U.S. Government the crash development o f small, portable treatment machinesusing similar "antiengine-forming" and cellu lar reversing "porthole technology". [See Figure 13 on previous page]. Such port able machines could be developed cheaply and quickly, and present government fac ilities could be used to massively attack the correlate database production prob lem."The portable treatment units could be cranked out by the hundreds of thousa nds and flooded down through emergency response agencies such as the police forc es, the National Guard, emergency hospitals, emergency response teams, etc." Bea rden articles/mind control3/p04.htm The Scalar Healing Blanket would fit into large suitcase. It has three basic par ts, the longitudinal wave generator, a laptop computer, and the antenna-blanket. The plan was a stroke of Bearden's genius, but unfortunately it fell on befuddl ed government ears. "Unfortunately, so far the DOD [Dept. of Defense] doesn't ev en understand what the heck we're talking about!" Article "Healing with Energy": l "We tried very hard in 1998 to call attention to the extreme national need for t he most urgent possible development of a portable computer-controlled treatment device based on the experimentally proven Prior methodology, but extended to a m uch simpler and far more rapid method of treatment. "Quick development of this technology could lead to a suitcase size device, capa ble of treating a patient in less than one minute, and stopping the symptoms and disease progress cold, then reversing it. Three "less than a minute" treatments one week apart would be required for complete cure. As an added advantage, part ial reversal of aging in older patients would also be accomplished as a bonus, i n addition to time-reversing the damaged and diseased cells... "The method proposed to the DoD in 1998 used normal EM in a peculiar way to forc e the body itself to make its own time-polarized EM waves, and pump every part o f its cells -- including the genetics -- in the time domain. "Quite simply, we are going to be struck this way (QP spreading the immune syste ms of the populace plus professional smallpox, anthrax, etc. BW attacks on our p opulation centers) and by other means we've spoken of in other papers and briefi ngs." Bearden The Dark Side of the Force: Creating and broadcasting disease Speaking of the scalar wave induction of disease by longitudinal wave patterns B earden refers to work by French scientist Kervran Russian scientist Kaznacheyev,

who proved that any disease could be transmitted electromagnetically. Inserted Comment:(and has been) SICKO and Health in American-Michael Moore! "It works this way: the Kaznacheyev experiments (and others) demonstrated that a ny cellular disease or disorder can be initiated into cells at a distance, by el ectromagnetic means (albeit unusual EM in nature). The decades of microwave radi ation of the U.S. Embassy in Moscow, was an ongoing set of "stimuli" to ping the U.S. system and, by its response, ascertain how far along (or if it was "along" ) in its knowledge of such weapons. The radiation was responsible for many healt h changes in personnel and for the eventual deaths of three U.S. Ambassadors." Bearden In a letter he writes, "Yes, the Kaznacheyev experiments were quite real; 15,000 or so in military rese arch institutes in Siberia. As with so many other novel areas investigated and d eveloped by the Soviets, most U.S. investigators just assumed normal EM, which i s not what the Kaznacheyev experiments involved, and not what was carrying disea se induction patterns from one cell culture to another in rigorous lab tests." How to "Broadcast" Diseases Longitudinal EM Biowars Bearden explains how the new quantum potential weapons can be used to induce dis ease-at-a-distance in a population, or to "spread" the immune system so thin tha t a conventional bio-attack would be greatly potentiated. By "broadcasting" virt ual disease patterns over a population, the immune system is so overloaded by th e presence of the "shadow" diseases that its effectiveness is thinned out. "In short, alter the internal wavestructure, and one creates a curved spacetime 'engine' that acts on mass in any fashion one chooses to design -- including ini tiate diseases . . . Now visualize one of these 'vacuum engines' or 'spacetime c urvature engines' that acts on mass to generate the exact effects produced by an thrax. (Or any other disease one wishes) . . . Call the virtual state of a disea se engine the disease pattern in the "shadow" state, just prior to becoming obse rvable. . . Inserted Comments: As all else synthetic and blaming doctors etc. false positives and manipulations unwittingly! TIME TRAVEL IN THE MIND IN YOUR SLEEP etc... Mind Control-Directed Energy Weapons are responsible for MOST ILLNESSES, NEURO, LIST by suggestion and electric Hypnosis: below with press release. ________________________________________ Death Ray for planes was Teslas invention in 1940 and a $2,000,000.00 device to zap and melt an airplane motor 250 miles away and an Invisible Chinese Wall of d efense was built around the Country, no matter how large an attack, (Teleforce, manifests FREE energy and creates rays; zapping beams, the new invisible war). ( Dr. Becker, Naomi Wolf, and Sharon Weinberger Imaginary Weapons)., this Warden c liff Tower is in full action in Long Island NY, along with 36 other stations or sites as GWEN, Globally that beam massive volume of Free Energy. (The New York T imes, Sunday September 22, 1940-Science and Patents, Education News) One COSTLY energy zap causes by NLP suggestion transmitted to individuals; confusion, mista kes, trip, fall, body temp-freeze, heat, miscommunication, fatigue, focus/ conce ntration, radio-sleep (Kucinich-US patented under MKDELTA), and stalling any eng ine. HAARP, Body Electric, and Mass Control Human Engineering. JIM KEITH APPENDI CE on my homepage with Russell Tice and Thomas Drake. WARNINGS to We the People FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 5/28/2010 rev CONTACT: Mireille Torjman Federal Whistleblower Mobile 954.529.8684 for Supreme Court Lawsuit and Open Letter to Congress. ________________________________________ Have you figured it out yet! Astonishing Revelations and Press to Israel pg 6-13-May 2010 pg 14. Sibel Edmonds gagged, Ariel Sharon comatosed, as I, DC swept covertly as NY pre-

911 TYRANNY pretex to SURRENDER CIVIL LIBERTIES decoys (illnesses in Directed en ergy) zaps, and NSA Russell Tice threatened and discredited, as I. Why hasn't th e press--aside from MSNBC--covered NSA Tice's revelations! CANCER, NEURO NLP; Sc ience and humanity under SIEGE! Behavioral Science Modifications & Technology-So und and Seismic Waves infiltrations. For the Suspension of the Constitution to C ommunism and the LAUNCH of a NEW Holocaust in manifest on U.S. Soil Mission afte r surveillance implementation. [Prescott Bush, slides] --IF you knew ALL this, y ou would NOT be making these CHOICES! SSP, Patriot Act, Mass Control Human Engin eering: Beam Warfare, Electronic Mind Control, Psi War, One World Brain, Dreamsc ape, Hardwiring Humans, and Information Warfare. The Persinger Plan, The U.N.s A GENDA 21 and What is Communitarianism? with Govt land, R.E. and Control. ICLEL, By-passed Congress. Links on pg. 16. U.S. Physicist Bill Nelson 2 assassination attempts in Budapest. Illegal WARRANTLESS mind taps intercepted thoughts, Senates mind manipulations a nd USA ills, Engineering Consent. Paranormal Activities: Thomas Drake NSA Whistl eblower Espionage Case Exposes Psychic Spy Connection. Projects... Spacestar DAR PA (Trailing 50 yrs behind science/tech)-Project Voice of God, playing GOD, Pick ing up on all everything/one The Cult of Intelligence & CULT OF DEAD COWS UNITpg. 11 book but is AMERICAN REMOTE CULT, and laws of attraction, breeding Power & greed! All linked (Bear Stearns, Israel...) PsycheLeaks looks at the relations hip between UK psychic Chris Robinson and indicted NSA whistleblower and former Senior Intelligence Official Thomas Drake. Other sources claim US National Secur ity Agency inherited America's STAR GATE psychic spy program from CIA. Futurist, STARstream Research Share, SpaceStar Spies, Lies, & Polygraph Tape- Gary S. Bek kum May 25, 2011- UN-conscious Mind to Mind Communication. And, why has NSA whis tle-blower Thomas Drake been charged with espionage?) I watched CBS 60 Minutes s tory with great interest Focused on wrong WMD taking Israel down-toppling ALL 2nd Level CIA covert Weapon of Mass Destruction Psychoenergetics, Synthetic Telepathy miscommunications! Neurology under Siege, COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT, shadow ing computer use entrainment THOUGHTS! Gifford Shooting assassinations surreptit iously, Black Cancer, etc. CIA is Sued Decades Later: BAY OF PIGS!!!!!!!!! Operation MHCHAOS, ominous psych ological warfare arsenal Plans to Psychocivilize You, Macrocosm Process; America s Leaders & worse. The National Security State and the Assassination of JFK The CIA, the Pentagon, and the "Peace President" by Andrew Gavin Marshall -Allen Dulles 1957" Berle wrote in his diary. "If the scientists do what they have lai d out for themselves, men will become manageable ants." Pepe Escobar: A shadow war doubled by civil wars coming out of Pentagon not DC. CIA Control Jihadists and Brotherhood/Al Qaeda, as Libya, will only get worse, e tc Link at Pg. 16. Anonymous is also CIA Cult. Robin Cook Remote Control Heart Attack Anyone! (Former House of Commons) in Syri an Girl interview Keeping Score, US clueless, whereas CIA invented Phantom Al Qu aeda or Al CIA-da as False Memory Syndrome, MHchaos Dysfunction, ills and APA il ls and Drugs. pg. 4 and 10. Like Cancer etc Premeditate-Making A Killing: The Untold Story of Psychotropic Drugging-It's the story of big money-drugs that fuel a $330 billion psychiatric industry, without a single cure. THE ANSWERS to ALL today! Mind Control in disguises. Also, no cu re because there is no chemical imbalance at birth or otherwise. Massive whitewash, covering it up, and scapegoating w inducements! Strategic changes. The tangible even vely. YOUR thoughts are not your own. They can make tingly and Globally including illusions, justified, and/or unrealized. the tangible for their shado part is to brainwash effecti ANYTHING happen and Do unwit consciously or unconsciously

(1959)Among the recommended provocations and pretexts to justify a war, the Join t Chiefs suggested that, a series of well coordinated incidents will be planned to take place in and around [the US military base at] Guantanamo to give genuine appearance of being done by hostile Cuban forces, including starting rumours, l anding friendly Cubans in uniform outside of the base to stage attack on base in Cuban uniform, capturing friendly saboteurs inside the base, and have friendly Cubans start riots near the base main gate.[30] Further recommendations were to blow up ammunition inside the base; start fires, as well as burning aircraft on the base, or sabotage a ship in the harbor, or to even, sink [a] ship near harbo r entrance. Conduct funerals for mock-victims.[31] One startling recommendation was that, We could blow up a US ship in Guantanamo Bay and blame Cuba, or that, we could blow up a drone (unmanned) vessel anywhere in the Cuban waters, and bla me Cuba, and that, casualty lists in US newspapers would cause a helpful wave of national indignation.[32] However, the most disturbing aspect of Operation Nort hwoods was the recommendation that: "We could develop a Communist Cuban terror campaign in the Miami area, in other Florida cities and even in Washington. Honolulu fake documents! (Like all else: shark in Egypt waters blamed on Israel, 911, Rumors, etc) An excuse in advance s et up for everything and a Synthetic America! With no danger to American Society, the entrapment from Bush /Obama "MANIPULATOR S".... "The object is to terrify the American Public, so that they will surrende r their civil liberties--Possibly the greatest extortion scheme in U.S. history. " --It's only the BEGINNING! See below creating subservient civilians, assassina tions and torture goes on illegally anyway. Legalizing it is only for us civilia ns N.W.O. All 2nd LEVEL CIA-Sorcerer-NSA transmissions-current Assassinations: NSA, DOD Di rected Energy Weapon frying life & earth; Taking us & Israel down duplicitous de coys as all else. Mind Controlled Humanity The New (1975) weapon of war (mass destruction duped diversions) is out and was in the hands of Cult of Intelligence! HOW & WHY 911 mastermind/CONTROL ELF WEAPO N! The root of all problems must be exposed and stopped before too late! See his tory collectively repeating by design! Cryptocracy's Plan to Psycho-civilize you . Emulating, inducing the Scriptures. Duping ALL- Thomas Drake case Psychic Spy Programs hiding behind Dragnet and SSP since 1947! Macrocosm OFFICIALS and Corp. LEADERS CIA JOHN LOFTUS on 2 videos of ISRAEL, CIA BUSH/HITLER DoD Yale Secret Society, CIA John LOFTUS DEPT of JUSTICE belong in JAIL------ funded Pre scott Bush and RECRUITED NAZIS and FUNDING TERRORIST GROUPS with BRITISH- To cru sh ISRAEL- BEFORE DULLES ARAB NAZIS in CIA-911 to AGENDA next & since 1920. THE SECRET WAR AGAINST JEWS and more. THE WITNESS TREE.Part I and II http://www.bras http://www.bra h-banksters-terrorists-and-other-enemies-of-the-nation.html ALL HIDING BEHIND SSP, Patriot Act since 1947 conspiracy take over slowly being introduced as New World Order MASS Brainwash-chunked to accept! The launch of a New Holocaust in manifest after trickery and the people's CONSENT of balancing L ESS FREEDOM, Civil Rights and a suspension of the Constitution, after MISSION of COMMUNISM and Middle East. Tyranny infiltrations in the auspices of 911. [Pg 9, 213] DARPA (trailing 50 yrs behind/suppressed) on BUDGET old CIA SCIENCE. CYBERSYN; "The COUP for the Communist World: It is said Henry Kissinger was the one who intervened to put an end to the GRAND experiment. Salvador Allende was a ssassinated by Chileans who are reported to have been in the PAY of CIA, and Cyb ersyn went by the wayside. They thought! Today FCC coup to regulate the INTERNET ; COMMUNISM infiltrations and attempts, KGB/Gestapo style Domestic Surveillance mind manipulations after the fact & covertly hijacked www & humans. One World Br ain Pg 241. N.S.A. has a five-thousand-acre campus at Fort Meade protected by ir is scanners and facial-recognition devices. The electric bill there is said to s

urpass $$$ seventy million dollars a year." For civility and remote DNA cloning and data-mining since 1973, it does not protect. (False sense of security.) CYBERNETICS; Helms; can be used in molding of a childs character Subdue & Rippin g senses while there. odd series of events ARTICLES for decades on Ordinary folk s Nationwide-leading to ... Attached. Strange cases and deaths on my website wit h other documents from this weapon of MIND Control events & tricks on whistleblo wers & Civility especially CIVIL rights agenda. Major crimes induced since the 7 0s. Pg 7. Secretary Geithner also highlighted Bear Stearns former Chief Operating Officer of Fixed Income, Paul Friedman, stated "Rumors were untrue until the telling of rumors made them true. This is how they do it (Project Stargate/Spacestar resear ch DUPED by 2nd LEVEL as all else, and playing psychics). Then, GAO report (faci litated as all elseINVOKED TO SELL by FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD) PLANS selectively R EDISTRIBUTING/TRANSFER OF WEALTH from Jews, and agenda unwittingly. (odd/strange series of events on individuals across Country/Globe) and CONGRESSMAN KUCINICH AGAIN how the TRANSFER OF MONIES with WARS--------- after presenting a bill for SPACE PRESERVATION ACT to ban this mind control WEAPON. Including Mark Zuckerbur g Facebook. Donation of millions for Science & Tech while setting him up for yea rs. The CIA succeeded in developing a whole range of psycho-weapons to expand its al ready ominous psychological warfare arsenal. With these capabilities, it was now possible to wage a new kind of war: a war which would take place invisibly, upo n the battlefield of the human mind... [p. 19] 1997 DoD Briefing: 'Others' can set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely using el ectromagnetic waves By Lori Price 28 Feb 2010 Secretary of Defense William S. Co hen, 28 April 1997: 'There are some reports, for example, that some countries ha ve been trying to construct something like an Ebola Virus [OMG! Who would do suc h a thing?], and that would be a very dangerous phenomenon, to say the least. Al vin Toeffler has written about this in terms of some scientists in their laborat ories trying to devise certain types of pathogens that would be ethnic specific so that they could just eliminate certain ethnic groups and races; and others [L OL] are designing some sort of engineering, some sort of insects that can destro y specific crops. Others are engaging even in an eco- type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves.' --Just switch 'yours,' 'others' and 'they' with ' U.S.,' 'U.S.' and 'U.S.'. Imagine, after eight years of George W. Bush turbo-fun ding these lunatics, what they can do now. Tectonic- pg 9. (WAVES, Seismic, radio frying us ) BP mind control transmitted human error! Trie d to warn CONGRESS in 2008 and dismissed by disbelief. ELF CANCER directed energ y at INDIVIDUALS being covered up as if from lame excuses and now Natural Disast ers Corruptions infiltrated as all else. WATERFRONT Properties FL to NYunder att ack! Induced Climate ELF & Waves to De-populate and redistribute wealth/---again . 2nd LEVEL CIA (Terrorists) Mind CONTROLLING GLOBALIST to do THEIR MISSION for them. HUMANS are all PAWNS used in their Matrix since Alien Hallucinations went Global! I am ashamed of what climate science has become today. Sister Bertrelli, Scientist. Invisible Empire is bad enough; imagine the covert ops of ELF warfare arsenal an d NSA transmissions Invisible WEAPON of Mass Destruction! See Military Complex S pending and horrific CRIMES & ills for Decades- Allen Dulles 1957" Berle wrote i n his diary. "If the scientists do what they have laid out for themselves, men w ill become manageable ants." "Only the small secrets need to be protected. The big ones are kept secret by pu blic incredulity." Marshall McCluhan "If both the past and the external world exist only in the mind, and if the mind itself is controllablewhat then?" George Orwell Published 1985- MACROCOSM: NEW WORLD ORDER MILLIONS Will go THROUGH "The PROCESS

" (brainwash programming) INCLUDING MOST OF AMERICA'S CORPORATE LEADERS and OFFI CIALS from Navy/ EDUCATION-"It was estimated that Millions of persons were (1985 ) put through this type of PROCESSING Breaking down of personalities and recondi tion..." Many already manipulated into their office long ago. College manipulati ons no one knows about. "Weird things happen when you join the bureau". Their sh adow-Collectively-What do you think theyve been doing and how we got here! Makin g sense of 50 years in the manifest-Wake up America! Wake up Washington! Coupled with NSA transmissions, Leading psychiatrist, Dr. Walter BOWART pg 4 and more. -Charlotte Iserbyt, Bush Family/Society on Conspiracy to our education and schoo ls before 1960s. Even Bullying in schools "It was either invisible warfare or PEACE, and everyone seemed to agree the econ omy would "suffer" from peace. Without war, it was believed, the economy would f alter and depression would be the dividend of peace. Thus the advisors to the pr esident began to think about what might motivate the U.S. economy as well as war did. They came up with several possibilities, the most fantastic of which was t o fake an invasion from outer space... Resource Tab 1973-90% JFK believed CIA co nspiracy today BUT was unrealized now UNWITTINGLY mind controlled!!! Dr. Walter Bowart Pg 6 #21, 39. The Weapon of Mass Destruction: DoD, Psychotronics, Synthetic Telepathy, DOE and a CIAs-2nd Level--Spinning our wheels and putting out fires/band aids for yrs w ont solve humanitys mind control at the root. THE FORCE BEHIND THE FORCES! Unvei l them. Their own shadow is within (1973). Tesla's Chinese wall of defense... In formation warfare psyops transmitted thoughts, Article on MIND manipulating our SENATE STILL decades later2nd level CIA FOIA 1972, "His God lurks Behind the ele ctronic curtain, we find: The SORCERER, MANIPULATOR, CYBERNETICIST, the weaver o f the DREAMscape" Jim Keith pg 245 Brilliant video below. They all said Abolish CIA and NSAct 1947. See Russia slide. Its ALL about you, it AFFECTS YOU daily an d un-wit. OPERATION MIND CONTROL: CRYPTOCRACY'S PLAN TO PSYCHOCIVILIZE YOUWITNESS in COURT NO Plane hit PENTAGON, TANGIBLE coupled with fear TRANSMISSIONS to manipulate and BRAINWASH you to VOTE for PATRIOT ACT is one example-----------------------------BEWARE!------ Facts below and on line with Appendices! Ther e is a 18 U.S.C. 241 Conspiracy against rights since MLK, JFK unwitting false bl ame--Puppets/Ants/Robots Everybodys doing the LOCOMOTION as ObamaMaxwells Silver Hammer Chapter The Body Electric Operation Northwoods repeated under new psyops and HOOVER warned too Horrible to imagine. Jerry E. Smith was an author, lecture r, poet, & editor. ... dies March 08, 2010... "Haarp: The Ultimate Weapon of the Conspiracy "(The Mind-Control Conspiracy Series) Lt Col Tom Bearden, Russia WAR NED worse! ELF SICKO American accelerated ills and newcomers. French scientist K ervran Russian scientist Kaznacheyev, who proved that any disease could be TRANS MITTED electromagnetically. (1975) Immune. Page 4. =Uoi5u3zx0HA -INTERVIEW Dr W.BOWART/Death Threats NAZIS in the CIA (secret societies) but duping their own agents; are the shadow CIA unwit: Magnus Olsson; Below CIA Vet Milt Beardon states; "That you know of 9 11 etc, They play a lot with Memory and make you invest to lose or win $$$ -inve nting ills, Aliens, and enemies. Magnus Olsson Sweden also stated CIA has NAZIS. A plan to fascism for another Holocaust in MANIFEST if the CONSTITUTION IS NOT restored. 90 Billion Hadassah Jerusalem Hosp. Swede, they tell you where to inve st to lose p8. ALL RELATED TO PATRIOT ACT, disarming etc. DUPLICITOUS plans to take down Israel and WWIII still being manipulated behind the scenes duping everyone. This 2nd l evel CIA is behind the electronic CURTAIN on Long Island Tower inception and JP Morgan funding Bush was to be assassinated in the 1980s by Duncan OFinioan; didnt know why, but was intercepted, overridden by CIA & (triggered) to cancel mission (shoot) as A LL ELSE. CIA were the Aliens among us We are not alone since big Brothers watchi ng Toggling between families homes. French civilians were transmitted Bush was c

ontrolled by Aliens for psyops. Starting buzz anywhere. Bowart, Walter, Leading Psychiatrist Blows Whistle on Profession: Proves 50 + ye ars of Mind Control Were we Controlled? JFK Adventures and False Memory Syndrome Foundation, Schizophrenic offshoot since HITLER Weapon of Mass pg 9 Synthetic i lls and Crimes & AZ. APPEASED everyone in the 70s after Patti Hearst and PARANOI A to not being born ill but developing it as you get older lame induced infiltra tion while psychocivilizing us. Cancer Jim Keith-Mass Control Human Engineering. (Pushed/fell??? to his death) Cults in sheep skin! Duplicitous sabotaging behin d the scenes APA and AMA (while in bed with DoD; Amy Goodman Standing up to the Madness) enemies close to take them down, to Medical books also for 50 years. FA LSE RECORDS & Character/Perception ETC! And JFK no official of my Administration Psychotronics-Psychotechnologies, Psychoenergetics WARFARE also on APA & AMA in your doctor's office/Lawyer... skewed medicine, list of ills below. (1975) Plan ted false memories in psychologists patients and blamed them as with medical man ipulations in Hospitals & offices. VIDEO Mossad Microbiologist Joseph Moshes Baxter Ukraine Plague Warning. Posted by labvirus on November 7, 2009 Bioweapon disguised as a vaccine. He claimed tha t the vaccine contained an adjuvant (additive) designed to weaken the immune sys tem, and replicated RNA from the virus responsible for the 1918 pandemic Spanish flu, causing global sickness and mass death. The next day, this happend (see video) THE STRANGE CASE OF JOSEPH MOSHE: This Joseph Moshe arrested in L.A. is likely a MOSSAD agent with a CONSCIENCE an d has apparently been extradited immediately to Israel. Now his testimony, whate ver it would have been, is still secure. Notice, the federal agents used an elec tro-magnetic pulse which knocked out his car, as well as any cell phone so he co uldnt contact the U.S. Attorney he was obviously going to meet with. (As I)ELF i mmune scapegoats to hide as all else with propaganda mind controlled. The immune system is so overloaded by the presence of the "shadow" diseases that its effectiveness is thinned out."In short, alter the internal wavestructure, a nd one creates a curved spacetime 'engine' that acts on mass in any fashion one chooses to design -- including initiate diseases . . . Now visualize one of thes e 'vacuum engines' or 'spacetime curvature engines' that acts on mass to generat e the exact effects produced by anthrax. (Or any other disease one wishes) . . . Call the virtual state of a disease engine the disease pattern in the "shadow" state, just prior to becoming observable. . Tom Bearden Army Lt. Col. (www.mirei for all articles with notations) Has America become a nation of psychotics? You would certainly think so, based o n the explosion in the use of antipsychotic medications. In 2008,while old peopl e with dementia are dosed, in large numbers, with drugs once reserved largely fo r schizophrenics. Americans and bipolar Mass psychosis in the US - Opinion - Al Jazeera English Pfizer -(Drugs (Rx tax)-ITS ALL FOR TAX REVENUE & POWER) as USA 1970s deployed VETS non-traced, GULF war & Ground 0 still 0. Research Links Rise in Falluja Birth Defects and Cancers to US Assault Defects i n newborns 11 times higher than normal 'War contaminants' from 2004 attack could be cause by Martin Chulov enclosed Published on Friday, December 31, 2010 by Th e Guardian/UK The Dark Side of the Force:Creating and broadcasting disease Speaking of the scalar wave induction of disease by longitudinal wave patterns B earden refers to work by French scientist Kervran Russian scientist Kaznacheyev, who proved that any disease could be transmitted electromagnetically. How to "B roadcast" Diseases Longitudinal EM Biowars Bearden explains how the new quantum potential weapons can be used to induce dis ease-at-a-distance in a population, or to "spread" the immune system so thin tha t a conventional bio-attack would be greatly potentiated. By "broadcasting" virt ual disease patterns over a population, the immune system is so overloaded by th e presence of the "shadow" diseases that its effectiveness is thinned out. "In s hort, alter the internal wavestructure, and one creates a curved spacetime 'engi ne' that acts on mass in any fashion one chooses to design -- including initiate diseases . . . Now visualize one of these 'vacuum engines' or 'spacetime curvat ure engines' that acts on mass to generate the exact effects produced by anthrax

. (Or any other disease one wishes) . . . Call the virtual state of a disease en gine the disease pattern in the "shadow" state, just prior to becoming observabl e. . . (see June 13, 1975) 7. In 1967, after Ramparts magazine exposed secret CIA funding of the National S tudent Association and numerous nonprofit organizations, President Johnson forba de CIA support of foundations or educational institutions. Inside the Agency the re was no notion that this order meant ending relationships, such as the one wit h Geschickter. In his case, the agile CIA men simply transferred the funding fro m the foundation to a private company, of which his son was the secretary-treasu rer. 8. Lying to Congress followed the pattern of lying to the press that some MKULTR A veterans adopted after the first revelations came out. For example, former Hum an Ecology Society director James Monroe told The New York Times on August 2, 19 77 that "only about 25 to 30 percent" of the Society's budget came from the CIAa statement he knew to be false since the actual figure was well over 90 percent. Pentagons source selection Board repeatedly recommended a bid by Boeing as both better and cheaper... DoD awarded to Gen. Dynamics" 2nd level manipulated. DoD: McNamara, wrote in March 1969, issue of Washington Monthly Mag.; Few Americ ans are aware that about 90 % of the Major weapons systems that the defense Dept . procures ends up costing the Country at least twice as much as was originally estimated. The American Tax Payer is not getting their moneys worth???????? SAIC =CIASpacestar FBI lawsuit & Pursuant with Lawsuit by BOEING. 2 different thoughts etc; transmitted at the same time to create mis-understandi ngs, communication, arguments, chaos, dis-information, forced speech bypassing c ortex/ears/recall/memory short term/long channeled unrealized! Thoughts interfer ing on your speech, hearing, decisions for decades. First they build TRUST while set up. Your destinies are being led or misled, mostly no coincidences and YOUR THOUGHTS are NOT your own. Dumbed down, Obese, busy, De-sensitized & Dehumanized robots by mind control individuals. Immigration mind controlled Americans as dumbed dow n and lazy to justify immigration; part of agenda. SOA: Mind Manipulated in law impeding truth, creating doubts, infiltrations, & w orse-GEORGE GREEN, ROBERT BAER CIA bomb makers for starters. COVERT FEMA camps a nd Thousands built caskets under guise of HR 645 UNWIT. Massive ops wiki and bra inwash underway! American homes and jobs, with our children since Apollo13 but w ith shadow Apollo 11 documented-7 witnesses never returned (Satellite) REMOTE VI EWING 24/7 spying is manipulating. Armies trained by our School of AMERICAS and set up mind controlling their people; South America now Working on ASIA. All Inv aded Countries... Breaking The SOUND Barrier; Democracy NOW! pg 214+. BEAM WARFA RE. SOA...It's everywhere including CIA VALERIE PLAME technology weapons, Bay of Pigs invasion, and Juan Cole Scandals. RIK and Air Force waste as SAIC etc. AGN As Contract guards behaviors, linguistics and security in Embassies, F-22 waste DC, Bldgs & Govt lock down, & impeded, information warfare, in (bubble) kept in dark for yrs. during process and false beliefs! Why is Palestines economy growin g 10% a yr. with new Malls and we cant Revolution in mass accordingly! ________________________________________ Death Ray for planes was Teslas invention in 1940 and a $2,000,000.00 device to zap and melt an airplane motor 250 miles away and an Invisible Chinese Wall of d efense was built around the Country, no matter how large an attack, (Teleforce, manifests FREE energy and creates rays; zapping beams, the new invisible war). ( Dr. Becker, Naomi Wolf, and Sharon Weinberger Imaginary Weapons)., this Warden c liff Tower is in full action in Long Island NY, along with 36 other stations or sites as GWEN, Globally that beam massive volume of Free Energy. (The New York T imes, Sunday September 22, 1940-Science and Patents, Education News) One COSTLY energy zap causes by NLP suggestion transmitted to individuals; confusion, mista kes, trip/fall, body temp-freeze, heat, miscommunication, fatigue, focus/ concen tration, radio-sleep (Kucinich-US patented under MKDELTA), and stalling any engi ne. HAARP, Body Electric, and Mass Control Human Engineering. Artificial intelli

gence.. Dr. MILTON FRIEDMAN- Freedoms ARE THE moral of HUMAN---Abolish most Agencies and WHY. FB. ECONOMIST (5 segments post-humously-2006) Israel-framed while dividing all people to conquer! CIA predicts, (no creating) to carry out-water (WAR) and pricing shortage, 2015-mind control transmissions z aps dry heat in body and energy-taking us down, Israel, Africa. De-population Pe ntagon video staging us for next invasion. ASSASSINATED Allison Des Forges in Hu dson River mind control plane Crash-Staged and Senator Ed Ted Kennedy zapped. Bo th Civil Rights Africa, Water and Dry Land zapped already planning to invade the m and brainwash one world govt. Emulating the Torah scriptures! Manchurians, and IRS, CIA bldgs/files in WT7! Surreptitiously! Major cities experiment to increase crime in the 70s by mind control EVOLVED nev er ceased GENERATING BIGGER GOVT, INDUCINGMISHAPS-MISFORTUNES, entrapment and no w TERRORISM? Infiltrations of BRAINWASHING SCHOOLS-WEAKEN their ARMYtake down IS RAEL and America going Global Agenda. Infiltrated Palestinians-Wars provoked sti ll in manifest; Under the Auspices/Scapegoating Drugs they brought in Conspiracy . NOT from drugs or your TV- SEE TIME photo/Article (Oct 1971) below Infiltratio ns and excuses on all aspects of ELF attacks. Egypt largest Military, Turkey Sibel gagged SSP created doubts and to hide consp iracy agenda of NWO) CIA masterminds. A public brainwashed to allow it unwitting ly, in the White House, to next calamity and Global Domination Conspiracy of the minds! Connecting 50 yrs of dots! ie; General Anthony Zinni (wikepidia)Changed minds! (Brainwash on the job as many others, see how its done) CIA Predicts The Future 2015 - Water Resources. 2007 video/comments. (Unwitting agents channeled to Infiltrate) Waging War since the Church Committee 1974! Charges were made 2 a dministrations concerned and NEVER ABOLISHED. May be drawn into the fight trying to stop it John McWethy. Taking over the Globe under the disguise of helping ot hers tactics. An unwitting population targeted in advance! DARPA (trailing Scien ce 50 yrs as new MKULTRA) Psyops deployed 50 yrs on civilians. ELECTRONIC WARFAR E! Mc Wethy video Larry Silverstein OWNER of 911 TOWER 7, set upin advance to get insurance and tr ansmitted forced speech/DECISIONto "pull" to firefighters as ifinvolved-NSA tran smissions-SABOTAGED as Russell Tice Article Is the NSA conducting war on America ns (YES, tip of iceberg) 2006 and Media asked, why press didnt pick it up other than NBC? Operation Mockingbird propaganda unwittingly, updated remote viewing a nd impairment mind control as misunderstandings. A PRESIDENT WHO ONCE TOOK AN OA TH TO CIVIL RIGHTS AND ACCUSED THE GOVERNMENT OF CREATING AIDS! They did! 911 Th ey did! Sunstein's Report-Cognitive impairment infiltration is unwitting NOT hired Gangs , creating illusion-Un-realized Kinesthetic! Creating false perception for decad es on civilians. Reagan erased with Alzheimer mind control (NLP) CIA programming . OPERATION MIND CONTROL (1973) Plans to Psycho civilize you and MACROCOSM Ameri cas Corporate Leaders and Official, AND civilians. Preempted. Un-Covered documentary CONGRESS MARIONETTES not READING infozapped, to invade Ir aq. Mind controlled Out-Foxed video for years-media mockingbird unwittingly, UNR EALIZED, updated! The joke culture, misfits in the pentagon cult of intelligence and a dysfunctional country! Allen Dulles 1957" Berle wrote in his diary. "If t he scientists do what they have laid out for themselves, men will become managea ble ants." Below FULL disclosures. USAs ILLITERACY. Hadassah 90 Billions in Ponzi sabotage away from Jersusalem HOSP (Laser/vision) funding. Re-Distributing the WEALTH from Jews manipulating our economy further t han Corporations. Always keeping their enemy close, destroying files & buildings . They took down the economy behind the scenes! Ariel Sharon zapped into coma (as I),Directed Energy Weaponsas planes; because h e knew the CIA was corrupt Sabotaging Israel. Kay Griggs Military whistleblower with MIND JABBING (control) attacks (Secret Societies) 1910 Yale Prescott Bush F UNDED NAZIs soldiers, KKK. DoD. USA Education system. 1967 USS liberty-Project Philadelphia (Hallucinations) blaming ISRAEL- mistake i

n identity set up-framed, cutting off investigations & news coverage (as usual u ntil exposed 2008 as the shuttle satellite cover up, Aliens, public corruption a dmissions, etc) Start of Anti-Semitism fanned unwittingly since 1947 Act. Alien UFO Hallucinations Scapegoating with LSD (that CIA brought in and sold to kids). Making Million off the Pharmaceutical (Rx) TAXES (as ALCOHOL INDUCED URGE S), now being sued from synthetic side effects and transmitted Synthetic illness es. After they mind controlled you and your teacher, professor to push prescript ions and the greed transmitted to make commercial on your drug inducement on Ame ricans- VETS Agent Orange non-traceable! Military CANCER and Leukemia, lumps, to all under the disguise of microwaves cells infiltrating crimes & wars! GROUND 0 still 0. Playing GOD (Project Voice of GOD) & devil-The CIA Cult of Intelligence born wit h National Security Act in 1947, Weapons Stations need to be dismantled ASAP. Bu zz in Pentagon Synthetic Telepathy and Psychotronics predicted in 1967 video ins tant communication in the news un-wit, after Public Speeches"Repeatedly staying the course" to brainwashinvadedCountries with (excuses), GULF war, "TheENERGY will be just fine", (Not at all)"we will help o ne soulat a time". Hillary "I will not channel my husband" (as in ghost-like tra nsmissions sabotaged Clinton Rumsfeld: There is what you know, you don't know... .. Didnt mean to say that or thats not what I meant Obama dividing the people to conquer with They like to do that, one against the other Called JACKETING in ps yops. (Side effects of brainwash, and Mind Control conflictions). America; The R emote Cult of Intelligence! SEARCH for MANCHURIAN ego statesuch as an imaginary childhood playmateand build it into a separate personality, unknown to the first. The hypnotist would commun icate directly with this schizophrenic offshoot and command it to carry out spec ific deeds kamikaze pilot. Manchurian crimes creating a subservient society was not out of sight- by mind control waves." And worse. UNWIT BAD LUCK.... GUANTANAMO scapegoats displays and focused on the wrong Weapons of mass destruct ion, brainwash and intelligence masterminded. (Nano thermal debris removed quick ly). Cathy OBrien, Book TRANCE-formation AMERICA, SSP impeding truth. Never gett ing to full truth---INNOCENT and display for false blame. TIME/DELAYS for false confession Brainwash out memory & PLANT new before public contacts. How the CIA Missed Stalin's Bomb, 1946-50-printed 2007 but updated 2008. ---Remo te Viewing and surveillance CANNOT prevent anything as London Subway Bombing-(St aged)!!! Water and Odd/even days Petrol, CIA sabotage since 70s as drugs and cri me all un-natural-inducing more plans for Florida. Judge Napolitano, Lies the Government told you unwittingly until 2008 cover up p re-empted allegations with political and media transparency... DELUSIONS, RE-REA D, and CONDONED corruptions! ILLUSIONS OF CRIMES statistics for 5 decades and mi s perceptions mind controlled. Market inflations and real estate pricing and gouging was also accepted inducing from the mind on each individual and as a mass, and part of conspiracy agenda. Corrupting American Minds. And, the suicide??? of a Jewish CFO after 3 months as interim accountant at FANNIE MAE fraud. Jewish Aaron Russo died of Cancer recently after going public that Rockefeller t old him the only reason the WOMENS liberation was allowed to occur successfully was to COLLECT TAXES from them. They also manipulate couples lives as The Firm J ohn Marks also wrote only the participant knows of this and is not only army. In vading Countries Under pretex of oil etc. for take over of humanity. Did you know CIA operates on the ground wearing Yamacas & M.C. soldiers to frame Jews, destroying fruit trees and crops against the Torah scriptures +, as with our organic natural farms in the U.S. Why? Did you know that the ISRAELI ART STUDENTS were framed and mind controlled where to live and accepted only in the areas to live as guided to set up and look inv olved? CONTRARY OF CIA GUILT CREATING DOUBT and so much more BEARING FALSE WITNE SS from a neighbor, false memory, fake Govt help spinning their wheels. INTERNET & Google lawsuit, libraries, false accusations & false detainments? Capable and do manipulate all Internet remotely with passwords and minds from spying survei

llance. As with False imprisoned masses. Sabotaged 911 Commission never to see t he light, as 9 DOJ Attorneys asking questions-Fired at once when they could not be brainwashed to go along, and Generation GAPS again. (see Bay of Pigs framing College Students in air recommendations in 1959 etc) Did you know Mind Controlled People and Media was is set up with tricks of false thoughts transmitted during conversation and output of written documents to put a SPIN on JOURNALISTS & civilians thus unknowingly creating PROPAGANDA, until n ow covering their tracks with blatant lies from our government? Decades of news from misunderstanding mind games, disputes, & slanders. No one high enough Q cle arance! The behavioral sciences (Modification). Nevertheless, the final result i s not the whole story of the CIA's attack on the mind. No one knows except the P ARTICIPANT. He called it Pain-Drug-Hypnosis and said it is a vicious war weapon ... The exte nsiveness of the use of this form of hypnotism in espionage work is now so wides pread that it is long past the time when people should have become alarmed about it. [p. 75] Report Duplicitous-Framing ISRAEL & piggybacked shadowing to scapegoat and set up! See how CIA tab +. INJECTED IDEOLOGY covertly INFILTRATING WORSE OVER TIME TO CHUNK & ACCEPT. BRAINWASH society and worse yet if not stopped and reversed. AND every thing is being mis-applied! Israel: Seismic Energy to part sea & leave crevice, Israel small land & surround ed by 50 yrs of vast constant attacks, Israel has Palestinians who were EVICTED by their own people, Israel can't have chicken or cow suffer with Kosher scriptu res and suffering---2nd level shadow CIA proven Diabolical! STOP Shadow CIA atta cks-50 yrs PRESS FANNING Anti-Semitism and spinning all 2nd level CIA, Goldstone Report and 911, SS liberty ... dis-info, hallucinations, cognitive infiltration s, illusions, wearing Yamacas on the Ground in disguise, psyops on Israel and co ver-ups. Catherine Fitts Whistleblower Cracks are everywhere now. Leave Israel a lone and we will have world peace! (Tice Article on SABOTAGE on all aspects of l ife.) Inducing mind control on rioters coupled with funding them in Egypt to take them down WW3 as planned every time we invade a Country- see also George Green link video. 9/2010 Press release in SUPREME COURT below this one of ISRAEL whistleblo wing CIA to take them down (1947 to current activities fanning opposites) as all our NEWS for decades by design. Information Warfare [1973]. DATA-MINING, why and SINCE 1973 FOIA includes genetics & 2nd Level CIA See Lt. C ol Bearden slides and more of NEW frightening weapon the World has ever seen! RU SSIAN SCIENTIST SLIDE. ________________________________________ Mind Control-Directed Energy Weapons are responsible for MOST ILLNESSES, NEURO, Obesity, Immune, Central Nervous System. See Wired & Tice Article, 5 SENS ES) KINESTHETIC wikipedia) Elec. Magnetic Fields. (MEMORY Mind/Body BLOCKAGES, A LZHEIMER-DIMENTIA as back to the future), Agent ORANGE, ADDHD, Equilibrium, Blad der, Colon, Leukemia, Numbness/ MS, Anesthesiology, AIDS, FIBROMALGIA, pains, PU LMONARY, Bi-Polar, CONFUSION extra thought transmissions, MEMORY, DYSLEXIA, oppo sites suggestions to confuse, SKIN/BLOOD Flow/blocks/DISEASES, EPSTEINS BAR, Vis ion Sight, HOLOGRAMS, HALLUCINATIONS, Parkinsons, MIGRAINES, CANCER, Anthrax, Va lley Fever, Flu like symptoms, Insomnia is sleep deprivation, Thyroid, Short Ter m Memory, (intercepted thoughts/speech)COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENTS, UN-Necessary proce dures, Bi-polar/ADD (most misdiagnosed in America, Accidents, slip & falls, STRO KES, Williams Syndrome Motor Coordination, Autism. & disorientation. False ALARM S all from the MIND; UNREALIZED forced speech emotions & mistakes, Epilepsy! (Dr Bearden) MORGELLANS! LIVER dialysis, kidney failures rampid in U.S. Hemorrhage energy heat pressure, Vaccine synthetic, ELF ills hiding behind PHARMACEUTICAL s ide effects..., RLS jolts of ELF light/elec, DIABETES II, and worse. HIDING BEHI ND MSG or ASPERTAME including retardation Tourette, MUSCLE Controls, ELF reprodu ction and sweats on both male/female, STD, ARTHRITIS... much worse. INFLAMATION, Burning feet (Lasers usually seniors), BLISTERS, veins, SPLIT PERSONALITIES is

a shift technique of NLP using remote electronic hypnosis, mood transmitted urge s to eat act amplified thoughts, suggestions, thoughts back and forth, mind jabs -interrupt thoughts, with triggers of memory blocks, INDUCED ERASURES & DELAYS I N YOUR LIFE etc. Misplacing items/pills doubling up in trash mind games. Program med MISFITS Diabolic, playing mind games since milk carton missing children recr uited by coercion called Handlers. They cant see from your eyes but tell you to LOOK first and take the credit. Seniors mostly, HEARING DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS and PANACEAS. Responsible for much worse, would never sit on this kind of power with Weapons nicely tucked away, knowing no threats by Russias or Chinas and never w as by ELF.__Jerry Smith, & more! ________________________________________ Have you been mind controlled not to believe? Diabolical did not stop with what you already know today, that, I assure you, was the part ordered burned. Targete d for 5 years, tortured, and attempts to recruit for the CIA, now trained in NLP and the software from NASA with Woodpecker Scalar Waves that reach Russia but S HIELDED. It is intercepted in our air space as all else. I am a witness in dange r and need to be heard to WARN the grave dangers, cover ups and every excuse pos sible for doubt including medicinal, that are in manifest. UNREALIZED NOW making it REAL and wit! "Is the PENTAGON Science CRAZY ENOUGH?" Mind manipulations-Not just on SenatorsSee Articles/ Speeches Bottom Left. Remote Control Heart Attack Anyone! Explosio ns Decades ago. WITHOUT A TRACE -Millions emails missing from WHITE HOUSE servers. Failed backup s $2.5 mil in taxes to recover and NOTHING-2005 unwitPentagon's Unit: The Cult o f Dead Cows! Also see CIA Stuxnet. CIA cyber crimes, ID theft, stalking, viruses , HACKERS.....! covering up, pawns since 2009. CIA cyber crimes, THEFT & Vandali sm selectively, ON ALL CIVILITY, stalking, specific MS viruses creation, HACKERS , tampered communications, muting, redirected, manipulations, intercepted though ts day or night.....! LOS ALAMOS LABS; STUXNET creation. AGAIN in the AUSPICES o f losing your FREEDOMS infiltrations... Dr. Warloff and Moret. Mysteries solved! Remote Viewing is upon you 24/7 since 1973-Science and Humanit y under Siege with DoD Secret Society Psychotronics, Synthetic Telepathy DIRECTE D ENERGY- (2nd Level CIA); THE WEAPON of MASS DESTRUCTION-ELF miscommunications Duping everyone today! "It may have been the biggest story since the atom bomb. The headline, however, was small and ignored the larger issue. Drug Tests by CIA Held More Extensive Th en Reported in 75, said the New York Times on July 16, 1977. .""Zombie is a quai nt, old-fashioned folklore word but its meaning becomes obscene when our childre ns minds are being controlled ... [p.17][Note:1] Pentagon Misfits- programming civility since 50% of milk carton children kidnapp ed ARRESTED EMOTIONS AGGRANDIZEMENT (NARCISSISM)! To RAMPID crimes, corruption, to AGGRANDIZEMENT OF GOVERNMENT justifications FOR TAX REVENUES and Fascism teen ...suicides, Diabetes, ECO. & ills-Bombers-erupted, CANCER, ALZHEIMER, Fibromyal gia, Immune See List (Project Montauk below L) The cult of Intelligence, documen ts. DRUGS do not make you commit crimes; the WILL does! How America was/is Mind Controlled behind scenes to Police crimes infiltrations and drugs, Politicians M ilitary, Media, Channeled Hollywood minds, UN-REALIZED! Breach, Bourne etc Ron Paul says: CIA runs Everything but this website content is HOW: SHADOW/2nd l evel took off (1973) one year prior Church Commission Report with psyop MHchaosFOIA- NO WONDER BIG BROTHER has been into every ASPECT and PROFESSION of AMERICA NS. Keeping enemies close. Picking up on everyone and their genetics and events or cults or investigation, TAMPERING with MINDS NOT JUST OUR CULTURE. Mistakes, Accidents, coincidences, your soul/ karma. ELF directed energy weapon of mass.... Spread the word. We need a Revolution Abo lish CIA 2nd level and NSAct. BP framed to cover up Gov't Lab Venice FL RED TIDE -ELF infects since 1947 below Democracy NOW Air Force paralysis with a decision made one way or other. TRIED TO WARN CONGRESS in 2008 with dismissed manipulatio ns, sabotage, and disbelief. 911 Kamikaze Pilots Mind Controlled robots on US So

il (Manchurians) suicide bombers as are Globalists. Bohemian Grove culture burni ng babies etc... our Joke culture to the Globe pre 2008. Our ENGINEERED CULTURE of INFILTRATIONS, COVER UPS and WHITEWASH (2008) The ROOT of ALL Problems, still in manifest! The Matrix began long ago and the spying is after the fact of CIA 2nd level-took off in 1973 one year prior. How you are le tting mind control happen with brainwashing of disbelief... trickery of your wil l! Beliefs of their thoughts planted/transmitted as your own-daily manipulations . The rest of the world didn't ask until 1976 the type of questions we were facing in 1965.... Everybody was afraid of building the supersoldier who would take or ders without questioning, like the kamikaze pilot. 70's Manchurian crimes Creati ng a subservient society was not out of sight- by mind control. FBI HOOVER "clandestine warfare avowed objective had been WORLD DOMINATION by wh atever means and COST!" FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, who ordered FBI agents to "expose, disrupt, misdirect, discredit, or otherwise neutralize" the activities of these movements and their leaders. INVENTING/INDUCING and APPLIED (NLP) Paranoid Schizophrenia, Moods, Mental BLOCK S, Grandeur Aggrandizement, etc. is only a thought from a trigger and anchors NS A CIA shadow transmissions, amplifications. Tavistock: Best kept secret in Ameri ca and Govt RAND Corp primary function Brainwash -CIA NLP not Freudian mind cont rol ills! AMA-Synthetic telepathy, false memory syndrome/ confession/ bearing fa lse witness. Montauk Project (1943) A group which has as it's prime goal the fur ther acquisition of ever-greater raw, oppressive power over the actual lives of it's own continued aggrandizement and enrichment at the expense not only of Eart h's people but most certainly of the planet itself and all its many life formsSt art of a LOCKED DOOR SOCIETY transmitted fears Pretex for Tyranny Gifford Shooting always a new law to infiltrate the whitewash ing of The Constitution & Human Rights. FREEDOM! Gifford decoy/ EXPLOIT of Manch urian Synthetic ills and CRIMES- Surreptitious ASSASSINATION of a FEDERAL JUDGE by Manchurians crimes. Civil rights African crops and surreptitious cover up-CIA MASTERMINDS/CONTROL. Surveillance under the AUSPICES of and in disguise of exis ting remote viewing from Satellite Engineered a Human Matrix! Suggested Moods, p re-and post Manipulations, perceptions, positive vs negative, your dis/likes, yo ur outlook thus decisions, etc Invented Bullying, Bring it on, song and a dance to direct questions skirting av oiding answers, ANGER management escalations, stonewalling, murphys law, time le ngth illusions-line in the mind, time flies, twists, making it real stages, out of context, distortions, inconsistencies, much more by transmitted thoughts mind games, manipulated conversations, opposites, backwards, ying and yang, PHONE TA G, etc... Civil rights Africa... CIA MASTERMINDS of AGENDA too busy, to dismiss this, & sensory deprivation unrealized stress induced and another year goes by o f 50 with unwitting cognitive infiltration un-wit in disconnects in White House to next calamity. ITS not the PRESIDENTS, its the handlers!---------------Mind C ontrol-answer to all mis-information DC, GAZA disconnects 2009, RHETORIC, lies, dis-information GAPS, illusions, non-sense. GOLDSTONE REPORT, USS Liberty SET UP S... Mind Control Root of ALL problems. Talk about it FAN it! Looking beyond the messengers! CASES NEVER PROVEN in CRIMES AND SCIENCE settled-----------! Mind C ontrolled suicides and redistribution of wealth. M. Monroe Is there a needle mar k under her arm as well? God Bless America, God Bless Humanity! Assange Secrets are for a reason and secret abuses are impossible to correct unless you know they are going on. Knowing their plans before they are implemented to oppos e before they occur. If they are exposed by the people already suffering by the abuse, then the abuse has already occurred and it is too late.

When even one American -who has done wrong- is forced by fear to shut his mind a nd close his mouth, then all Americans are in peril. Harry S.Truman JFK speech The very word "secrecy" is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive an d unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which ar e cited to justify it. Even today, there is little value in opposing the threat of a closed society by imitating its arbitrary restrictions. Even today, there i s little value in insuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not s urvive with it. And there is very grave danger that an announced need for increa sed security will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the v ery limits of official censorship and concealment. That I do not intend to permi t to the extent that it is in my control. And no official of my Administration, whether his rank is high or low, civilian or military, should interpret my words here tonight as an excuse to censor the news, to stifle dissent, to cover up ou r mistakes or to withhold from the press and the public the facts they deserve t o know. PLANNED WARS TO INFILTRATE COMMUNISM! Dividing all to conquer! Brainwashing & WH ITEWASHING HISTORY is underway! THE MOTHER OF ALL EVIL-CIA Technology Changing m inds and hearts, including Presidents! And vice versa CONTROLLING MENTAL BLOCKS. Disarming you-Gun Control, for a manipulated REVOLUTION hijacked passwords, www in the 90's, 911, now Exec. Order 11005 take over waterways martial law Katrina Massacres, Plans, to HR 1955 reversed freedom of thought! Unwittingly infiltrati ng NLP tactics Psyops. OPPOSITES! Dr. Robert Becker was the major researcher and writer on health dangers from electromagnetic fields; he died a few months ago, in summer 2008 warned INDUCED ELF/EMF-disconnects in White House to next calami ty. JUDICIAL SYSTEM, AND SCHOOL BOOKS WITH FALSE MEDICINE and FALSE TESTS RESULTS an d Engineered lives all from the mind! Voting, www. and all tests can and are tam pered. Have you read "Lies the Government told you"? READ twice- Perceptions in AMERICA-LONDON Subway CIA- INSIDE JOB- Remote Viewing, Surveillance and Searches -STAGED! Changed perception, depression. John Marks-CIA BUILDING/Search MANCHURIANS since Hitler (who had electronic epil epsy himself) and MKULTRA on German Soldiers--- You are not losing your minds TH EY TAKE IT!- Our Soldier admits guilt to representat ion of TERRORISM. Press release below June 2008 was impeded from going out in Boston. The sender r eported Disappeared; A growing number of Americans have reported symptoms that i nclude but are not limited to severephysical trauma such asshocks, stings, burni ng, nausea, and sleep deprivation. Targeted individuals of domestic terrorism or iginate from many different backgrounds and are affected in a physical, psycholo gical, social, and financial manner as a result of directed energy weapons assau lts. The average American would be astonished to learn the extent to which secre t surveillance technology has advanced from remote viewing and manipulation; tor ture of the human mind and body horrendous abuses. Measures must be taken to fre e "The mind control examined in this book is the control of ONE individuals mind by ANOTHER!" Guided, misled, by the public UNWITTINGLY used as pawns (jacketed) one against the other with everything the OPPOSITE, manipulated, and dysfunctio nal! (1973) First. Then they came for the communists. I didnt object bc I wasnt a communist. Then they came for the trade-unionists. I didnt object bc I wasnt a trade-union ist. Then they came for the Jews. I didnt object bc I wasnt a Jew. Then they cam e for me and there was no one left to help me. "We must hang together or we will surely hang separately" ...Ben Franklin This website information is awakening debunking/educating raising awareness, on humanity, a FULL DISCLOSURE Correction of 5 DECADES of 2nd level CIA mind contro lled DIS-information, MIS-COMMUNICATION, non-sense, blinders/blocks, unconscious ly, manipulating YOUR conversations, not on same wavelength) or/ sabotage create

d by Mind Control ELF waves & Energy, (1974) CIA Neuro-linguistic Programming. D irected ENERGY Weapon used nefariously deployed on ALL people as pawns UNWITTING LY,or undetectable, illusions, robots, every body's doing the locomotion, CANCER . "Information Warfare tactics" and the new ways to ASSASSINATE civilians curren tly. Not the Patriot ACT after THE FACT as ALL else. SURREPTITIOUSLY! SLOW KILLS Legal! 130 Facts and Examples, see induced ills; LIST on bottom left and (Pharma (Rx) T axes; Tab)- Collectively by a Mind Control victim Expert Witness (NLP) Federal W histleblower 1st hand, Warning "We the People" "Impeded, Gagged, tortured, squas hed, disrupted, threatened, for 5 years, now being set up +. Never believe anyth ing until it is officially denied". Illusions scapegoating our Media after 50 yr s victims of created spin, dis-information WARFARE etc... by mind control UNREAL IZED & cognitive impairment infiltrations on all people. "Why hasn't the press-aside from MSNBC--covered NSA Tice's revelations! Or mine. Let the people decide ; Millions would come forward. BREACHED contracts OVERSEAS SPYING to manipulate. Massive brainwash also in manifest! Another layer! Wikileaks staged lessor evil etc Dr. Robert O Becker was the major researcher and writer on health dangers from e lectromagnetic fields, he died a few months ago, in summer 2008 warned INDUCED E LF/EMF-"John Wayne and Susan Hayward died CANCER decades after movie and unexpec ded wind shift and MONSANTO sabotage. FARMING cases!" ANY ADDICTION, and FRAMING Tobacco Co. Page 307/347 THE BODY ELECTRIC DoD! Summary information: CIA brainwashing We the People for decades engineering our lives and culture unwittingly with mind and body control, corruptions to destroy humanity (jacketing) one against the other divide and conquer world Domination selecting who will live. Wake up America. Wake up Washington! The secret holocau st & WWIII in MANIFEST. Un-realized and programmed. Now forging ahead Pg 16 THIS video i s about the PROCESS. WASHINGTON will be shot after the CRISIS step 4 of mind con trol Brainwash over decades- slow kills... Do you believe a RUSSIAN or are you t argeted? They always kill you when you are done serving. See below creating subs ervient civilians and torture goes on illegally anyway. Legalizing it is only fo r us civilians and what is coming (N.W.O. a silent holocaust) with no recourse o r redress available on civil rights. Illusions, transmitted false thoughts, crim es infiltrated now Making it REAL. After 50 yrs of spy devices being installed a nd attached today overtly as all else shadowed. CIA bomb makers to start, AND Mind Controlled Crimes Magnus Olsson Swede; CIA ha s Nazis but COVERT in Pentagonetc ture=share Memory Mind control to $ invest & lose ALL, and they play with the ME MORY A LOT. Former Hitler Youth Whistleblower Warns Of America's Nazi Future on line videos This is how they will KILL us! ISRAEL first! watch?v=VNJTiUhZxaY&NR=1 V For 911 Vendetta Past Present and Future com --- brilliant!!!! George Green and Israel first Plans for WW3 EXPLOSIONS of: Alien hallucinations, ill list pg. 9, crimes, corruption culture, CANCER, obesity, dumb down bureaucracy, zombies, surreptitiously and unrealized infiltrations until 2008 explosions made overtly! Number of American civilians who died worldwide in terrorist attacks last year: 8 - Minimum number who died after being struck by lightning: 29." Spinning their wheels freeing 6,000 terrorists falsely accused, while assassinating who they r eally want, and BILLIONS a YEAR just to surveil us nefariously and worse agendas still, un-wit. Mind control planted ideas in advance as Hollywood and RUMORS of Bear Stearns, a nd Bay of Pigs starting them in advance including musicians. Playing psychics an d mind games AND 911 prediction in 1999 by Coulter. Charlotte Iserbyt Navy/Educa tion Skull/Bones DoD Technology and Bush/Hoover.

te-iserbyt-skull-bones-the-order-at-yale-revealed/ Pg 16 photos to follow: "I don't know whose idea it was, but we decided to kill ourselves because it was so horrendous what was happening," Ruth Madoff told the CBS program "60 Minutes ," Michael Moore said OWS was already surfacing and ready to explode when he cam e in. He was the pawn. Stated cant stop it and 59% like never before on Democrac y Now! OWS M Moore connect it to money pentagon mil complex and to corp being sc apegoated and taken over and ONLY reason came home from IRAQ is because we got k icked out or would be there decades more. But the 10 yr contract PATRIOT ACT; "N umber of American civilians who died worldwide in terrorist attacks last year: 8 - Minimum number who died after being struck by lightning: 29." In last 10 yrs and $75 Billion later on us & Surveillance equip EVERY EFFORT HAS BEEN MADE TO S ET ME UP, PRE-EMPT, DISCREDIT ME and cover up. The White Rose, was formed by students at the University of Munich in 1941 after serving the GERMAN ARMY, and executed by guillotine shouting Long Live Freedomdropping leaflets in Revolution for SOCIAL JUSTICE http://www.spartacus.schoolne First hand experience and trained and certified in hypnosis and Neuroliguistic p rogramming. INTERVIEW Dr W. BOWART after Death Th reats. ### BP spill below Home Bizarro Air Force Plan: Hack Your Nervous System Air Force Plan: Hack Your Nervous System This is the first of a two-part series on plasma and electromagnetic weapons by David Hambling, author of Weapons Grade: How Modern Warfare Gave Birth to Our Hi gh-Tech World. The brain has always been a battlefield. New weapons might be able to hack direc tly into your nervous system. Controlled Effects (see image, right) is one of the Air Forces ambitious long-te rm challenges. It starts with better and more accurate bombs, but moves on to di scuss devices that make selected adversaries think or act according to our needs By studying and modeling the human brain and nervous system, the ability to men tally influence or confuse personnel is also possible. The first stage is technology to remotely create physical sensations. They give the example of the Active Denial System people zapper which uses a high-frequenc y radiation similar to microwaves as a non-lethal means of crowd control. Other weapons can affect the nervous system directly. The Pulsed Energy Projecti le fires a short intense pulse of laser energy. This vaporizes the outer layer o f the target, creating a rapidly-expanding expanding ball of plasma. At differen t power levels, those expanding plasmas could deliver a harmless warning, stun t he target, or disable them all with pinpoint laser precision from a mile away. Early reports on the effects of PEPs mentioned temporary paralysis, then thought to be related to ultrasonic shockwaves. It later became apparent that the elect romagnetic pulse caused by the expanding plasma was triggering nerve cells. Deta ils of this emerged in a heavily-censored document released to Ed Hammond of the Sunshine Project under the Freedom if Information Act. Called Sensory consequen ce of electromagnetic pulsed emitted by laser induced plasmas, it described rese arch on activating the nerve cells responsible for sensing unpleasant stimuli: h eat, damage, pressure, cold. By selectively stimulating a particular nociceptor, a finely tuned PEP might sensations of say, being burned, frozen or dipped in a cid all without doing the slightest actual harm. The skin is the easiest target for such stimulation. But, in principle, any sens ory nerves could be triggered. The Controlled Effects document suggests it may b e possible to create synthetic images to confuse an individual s visual sense or , in a similar manner, confuse his senses of sound, taste, touch, or smell.

In other words, it may be possible to use electromagnetic means to create overwh elming sound or light, or indeed intolerable smell which would exist only in the brain of the person perceiving them. There is another side as well. The sensory consequences document also notes that the nervous system which controls muscles could be influenced to cause what they call Taser-like motor effects. The stun guns ability to shock the muscles into malfunction is relatively crude; we might now be looking at are much more targeted effects. Tomorrow: Moscow moves in. Remote-controlled heart attacks, anyone? David Hambling February 13th, 2006 | Bizarro, Lasers and Ray Guns | Comments (21 1) ________________________________________ Democracy Now! Interview: BP oil spill. And it didnt fail because people wereyou know, wanted something bad to happen or were not trying to do the best that they could, but what we discovered was that there was a kind of paralysis that gripped this vast rig in critical places at critical times. And what it resulted in is it resulted in people not taking the steps, not deploying some of these safety systems, or trying to deploy them but deploying them too late, when the damage had already been done. And the net effe ct of this paralysis is that for nine minutes, from when the blowout first hit t he rig until these crippling explosions that basically left this a dead ship, th ose nine minutes, there was no alarm, general alarm, issued to the 126 people wh o were on this rig. So, for most of the people on the rig, the first time they r eally understood that there was a major crisis going on was when the explosions ripped through this oil rig, in many cases injuring people, in some cases quite, quite devastating injuriesburns, broken bones, that kind of thing. JUAN GONZALEZ: Well, David, it is a fascinating account. And as I told you befor e the show started, its not every day that I read a full New York Times multi-pa ge story. But this one really read like a novel, in terms of what actually happe ned. And especially, as you say, it wasnt just a failure of the equipment, but t here were several moments when key decisions were made by these experienced peop le that, had they made a decision one way-Barstow-YES ________________________________________

Home Bizarro Pentagon Science: Crazy Enough? Pentagon Science: Crazy Enough? Is fringe science good for military technology? Sharon Weinberger is, to put it mildly, skeptical. Her book, Imaginary Weapons [ being discussed tonight in New York ed.], tells the tangled story of the struggl e between the isomer believers who think a Hafnium bomb it can be made to work, and the doubters who think is based on impossible science. Im not so sure. Fring e science is a label that history applies after the event to failures; successes are immediately transferred to the mainstream. What looks like ridiculous like fringe tinkering at the time may later be seen as pioneering genius. It struck m e while writing my book, Weapons Grade, that revolutionary advances tend to come from outside the mainstream. This is pretty much true by definition: if a conce pt is already in the mainstream then it will not be revolutionary. Lets look at three cases of kooks who came good after years in the wilderness: the Spaceman, the Flyboy, and Mr. Death Ray. Case one is the Spaceman, who spent his career dreaming of travel to other plane ts. He was suspicious other others and tended to work on his own, refusing to pu blish many of the details of his work. His report on how he spent a $5,000 grant from the Smithsonian was roundly mocked in the press especially the New York Ti mes, which said he should go back and learn some high school physics. His bigges t success was to send a craft a distance of 184 feet into a cabbage patch. The Spaceman took his plans for giant weapons based on his space drive to the mi

litary, but nobody was convinced they were feasible. Twenty years earlier his id ea for an infantry weapon using a music stand had also been shelved. The Spaceman was in fact Robert Goddard, pioneer of the liquid-fuelled rocket. N ASAs Goddard Space Center is named in his honor. Three years after the military turned him down, German V-2 rockets started raining down on London. The V-2 dire ctly drew on Goddards work from the 1920s; the Nazis had rounded up amateur rock et enthusiasts, who called themselves Societies For Space Travel and set them to building a weapon based on his liquid-fuelled design. Goddards portable rocket was also resurrected the shoulder-mounted rocket launcher, or Bazooka, became an important infantry weapon. On July 17th 1969, the day after Armstrong and Aldrin set foot on the moon, the New York Times published a correction to its 1920 story, accepting that Goddard was right: it is now definitely established that a rocket can function in a vacu um as well as in an atmosphere. The Times regrets the error. Case two is the Flyboy, a 22-year-old airman who was convinced he could build be tter aircraft engines than anything that existed at the time. When he took his d esigns to his superiors, he was told they were nothing new, and that better men with more experience had failed to get similar plans to work. The working temper atures were too high for any known material, the efficiencies required were too great, and the fuel consumption would be far too high. Very interesting my boy, one distinguished aeronautics professor remarked, but it will never work. The of ficial rejection was scarcely less patronizing: It must be remembered that a tre mendous amount of work is being done, and you may rest assured the criticisms ma de of your scheme were made with the full knowledge of the results achieved by a ctual experiment. The design was going nowhere. Five years later the patent laps ed; the military did not think it was worth renewing, and Flyboy could not affor d the fee. He kept working at it though, building prototypes in a tiny workshop on a shoestring budget scraped together from family and friends. The Flyboy was Frank Whittle, the jet engine pioneer, whose designs form the basis for almost a ll modern jet engines. He only started to get taken seriously when it became cle ar in 1939 that the Germans had flown a jet aircraft and were storming ahead in development. The RAF had thrown away a lead of several years: if Whittle had bee n taken seriously in 1929, the Battle of Britain might have been fought with jet aircraft instead of Spitfires. Hans Von Ohain, who developed jets in Germany, e ven suggested that WWII might not have happened if Britain possessed jets, as Hi tler would have doubted the Luftwaffes ability to win. Case 3 is the radio Death Ray. Rockets and jet engines may have attracted some ridicule, but death rays w ere even more absurd. When Marconi developed a directional radio transmitter in 1924, it seemed every crackpot in the word was building one. One of the most not able self-publicists was Harry Matthews known to the media as Death Ray Matthews who claimed his apparatus could kill mice and shrivel plants at a distance, and that a weapon based on it would have a range of up to eight miles. Although rad io waves could do serious damage at close range, anything beyond a few feet was less plausible. In the US, the Armys Aberdeen Proving Ground offered a standing reward to anyone who could produce a death ray capable of killing a tethered goa t. Britains Air Ministry put up a similar prize to the inventor whose ray could kill a sheep at a range of a hundred yards. Neither animal was ever seriously endangered. So great was the public clamor for death rays in Britain that the Air Ministry appointed a committee to look into them. After considerable research, Dr. Robert Watson-Watt reported on February 4 th, 1935 that although in theory it was possible to bring down an aircraft with a radio beam, the power required was far in excess of what was possible in pract ice. Having done the work, the Ministry then asked Watson-Watt whether, in the a bsence of death rays, anything useful could be done with these radio beams. Wats on-Watt had found that aircraft reflected radio waves, and he drew up a paper en titled The Detection and Location of Aircraft by Radio Means.Three weeks after t he Death Ray paper, the first test was carried out, showing conclusively that an aircraft could be located from the radio waves it reflected. Radio direction fi nding, later known as Radar, became one of the RAFs most important tools and was

kept strictly secret. In each of these cases the breakthrough has come from out side the mainstream, and each of them has had a lasting impact. Goddards rockets paved the way for satellite technology, global communications, GPS, and space i maging (can you imagine weather forecasts without satellite maps?). Whittles jet engine revolutionized air travel, and we now take for granted out ability to fl y the world quickly and cheaply. An although the death-ray enthusiasts were on t he wrong track entirely, they were responsible for radar and the related rise in radio-frequency technology, including everything from microwave ovens to lasers . Revolutionary progress is always going to involve going beyond the mainstream, because if something is in the mainstream already it is part of the slow proces s of incremental change. It is only the outsiders often working alone and withou t sufficient funding who can bring in those radical innovations. Its easy to laugh at new ideas, whether they are space rockets, giant electronic brains or manned flight. Supposed experts in the relevant field often reject su ch ideas out of hand, not bothering to look closely at the data, and dismiss the m as impossible. But its surprising how quickly these impossible things become c ommonplace. We live in an age where robotic terminators taking out terrorists by remote control from thousands of miles away with laser-guided weapons are a rou tine news story. Look at the cutting edge of military technology and you see ple nty of ideas which are derided by the established authorities. Ive covered lots of stories where this has been the case: The supercavitating penetrator is said to be impossible, as is plasma stealth, not to mention the Slingatron space laun cher and radio-frequency devices which hack the human nervous system. Small incr emental improvements based on existing ideas are never going to produce the weap ons which give decisive advantages like ballistic missiles, jet engines and rada r. To paraphrase the great physicist Niels Bohr: We all know the Pentagon has so me crazy ideas. The question is, are they crazy enough? David Hambling ________________________________________ Village Psy-ops by digby SALON and ROLLING STONE MAGAZINE Wow. If you want to see some Village circling of the wagons, take a look at this "report" on the Army Psy-ops program against congressional leaders by Norah O'D onnell: Tamron Hall: Norah, I saw you on Morning Joe talking about this This is a real b uzz story, for many reasons, but now you have General David Petraeus calling for an investigation regarding the seriousness of what was going on. O'Donnell: That's right Tamron, it was a very serious allegation because of cour se it's against the law for the United States military to use propaganda with Am erican citizens and that's why we saw this very quick response from the top Gene ral in Afghanistan, general David Petraeus who is now preparing to order and inv estigation into these charges that there was an Army unit that was trained in ps y-ops that was ordered to manipulate American senators even members of the joint Chiefs of Staff. Now that said, I have been talking to a number of sources today who have said on e, that any report coming from The Rolling Stone and this author Michael Hasting s, who also "went after" another general, Stanley McCrystal, should be met with a healthy dose of skepticism. The title of this Tamron, is "Another Runaway Gene ral" remember that Michael Hastings already brought down another General, Stanle y McCrystal. Two, this general isn question in question, General Michael Caldwell, he is the head of training the Afghan security forces. This is the lynchpin, Tamron! The l ynchpin of the war in Iraq [sic]. This is how we get out of Iraq [sic] and make sure Afghan security forces are trained. Just this last week, the Chairman of th e Joint Chiefs was praising Caldwell, saying he'd done such a great job training many of these Afghan forces. And the finally, this Rolling Stone article has Michael holmes as its source, he led this allegedly this five man psy-ops team. He said that he was ordered to p lant information in these people's heads. I think that he was there was a number

of people who will be looking into his allegations, they are taking it very ser iously but I can tell you that a number of people in the military and the defens e department who are not happy with The Rolling Stone because of what happened e arlier with general Stanley McCrystal. Hall: They can't be happy with it, but if it's what happened, the person is repo rting it and it's factual, then that's what they have to deal with. You're not a lways happy with the truth. O'Donnell: That's true, but remember that they, they still question a lot of the previous article even though that brought down General Stanley McCrystal. Norah O'Donnell seemed very agitated. Think about this. You have a big story that claims the military was using propag anda and psychological training on US Senators. If it's true, it's a big deal. A nd the military is logically very upset that the story has been reported and the y are busily spinning reporters that the reporter and the publication are unreli able and they shouldn't be believed. Ok fine. But what's truly amazing about this is that they are apparently selling this as a "national security" necessity since the General who is implicated in this is a llegedly the "lynchpin" of the Afghan training program, which I guess we're supp osed to take on faith --- and overlook any little unpleasantness like illegally trying to brainwash US Senators. Unbelievable. I realize that everyone hates the fact that Michael Hastings breaks the Village rules and reports what he's heard and seen rather than keeping the government's secrets. Nothing upsets most journalists more than that. After all, if you fail to keep everything important off the record how ever will you get the little irr elevant tidbits you need for those sycophantic beat sweeteners? As far as I know nothing Hastings reported about what McCrystal said wasn't true . What the military -- and most of the press corps are mad about is that he was apparently supposed to let that "sort of thing" go because it's a breach of prot ocol to reveal what your sources are telling you when they are just "blowing off steam." Moreover, it's got a sanctimonious air about it in that reporting accur ately on what these General really do could 'endanger the troops" or American na tional security, which is just cheap. In fact, now that I think about it, it might be worth considering whether the mi litary tried out this "psy-ops" program on the American press corps before then unleashed it on the US Senate. It explains a lot. Update: Oh, I forgot. That last is literally true. ________________________________________ OPERATION MIND CONTROL MANUAL see RESOURCE TAB False Memory Syndrome Foundation (FMSF) which sprang suddenly up from nowhere... See symptoms of THE PROCESS on some cases at Resources More mind control on America's Leaders Quote from John Marks of many more clues in his book. CIA has been picking up on groups since the 70's and DATA MINING since then (FOIA) inclusive of SCIENTOLOG Y, GAY/LESBIAN and INDUCING BEHAVIORS ON AMERICANS and SCIENCE. "Hofmann recalls he felt "horrific... I was afraid. I feared I was becoming craz y. I had the idea I was out of my body. I thought I had died. " ________________________________________ "Out of these feelings and out of that overriding American faith in advancing te chnology came the CIA's attempts to tame hostile minds and make spy fantasies re al. Experiments went forward and the CIA's scientistsbitten, sometimes obsessedk ept going back to their laboratories for one last adjustment." ________________________________________ Dr. Bowart 39. FALSE MEMORY SPINDROME Memory is illusive in some cases, vivid in others. A Roper poll conducted in 199 3 suggested that up to 20 million people in North America may have memories of " alien" abductions. In 1994 Dr. Colin Ross said that he heard someone on a CBC ra

dio broadcast say that they had evidence that 750,000 babies had been ritually s acrificed. FBI ritual abuse "debunker" Kenneth Lanning in 1992 said that there w ere 50,000 missing children in the U.S., which law enforcement reports said peop le believed were "being murdered in human sacrifices..." Incest and child sexual abuse reached epidemic proportions. The generally accepted statistics in 1993 w ere as follows: * One out of three girls and one of five boys would be sexually molested before the age of eighteen. * A child was sexually abused every 2 minut es with over 95% of the abusers being someone the child knows and trusts. * For every case reported, there were twenty-five cases that went unreported. * Only 5 % of all sexual abuse cases ever went to court. In 50% of those cases the child was returned to the abuser. * Approximately 97% of child prostitutes were incest victims. * Child sexual abuse was a major cause of teenage suicide. * One in te n homes were involved in child sexual abuse. * A high percentage of abused child ren develop dissociative identity disorders. Then, just as the legions of abused children (now grown to adulthood) were beginning to remember satanic abuse, (th e ranks of diagnosed cases of Multiple Personality Disorder had reached 25,000 i n the U.S.) and Harvard University's Dr. John Mack was enjoying celebrity as the author of a book on alien abductions, and about twenty percent of those diagnos ed as suffering from Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) were being discovered t o have military or intelligence backgrounds, a "robust and adroit" public relati ons effort was mounted against those who were beginning to remember all sorts of details which related to their abuse as children. Groups were quickly formed to debunk such "nonsense." One was spearheaded by a woman who was herself named by her daughter as a child abuser. Her name was Pamela Freyd and her organization was the ________________________________________ 1. New waves discovered Longitudinal EM energy fills vacuum of space, the time domain of spacetime, time as compressed energy, E=tc2, waves of time, phase conjugate wave pairs. "Electric power is everywhere present in unlimited quantities and can drive the world's machinery without the need of coal, oil, gas, or any other of the common fuels." Nikola Tesla "At any point and at any time, one can freely and inexpensively extract enormous EM energy flows directly from the active vacuum itself." Tom Bearden was a Lt C ol Physicist (1960) His discussions are side effects of THE PROCESS of mind cont rol and brainwash and includes CONFLICTING EMOTION and/or LOGIC or beliefs with change and loss of balance, non sense, etc. ________________________________________ ________________________________________

Mireille Torjman PO Box 57282 Tel 954.529.8684 Washington, DC 20037 Fax 301.762.2304 ____________________________________ March revised August 2, 2011 Dear Members of Congress: I am writing to request a formal meeting to testify against the nefarious abuses of this Weapon of Mass Destruction, (NSA Transmissions) conspiring against huma nity. This Directed Energy Weapon that has been kept secret for many decades. It is used Remotely by a 2nd LEVEL CIA on all civilians, not just a few Senators a dmitted to avert full disclosures, and not just until 1973 when the records were

ordered both shredded and burned. This mind control weapon is engineering the c rimes, corruption, and wars of this Country we let get to a Global point because we disbelieved in 1973. History repeating itself is being engineered at the 2nd level, behind the scenes, and by agenda with everyone pointing fingers at each other, CHAOS, and mysteries unsolved since milk carton kids (50%) kidnapped to p rogram civility. ALL contents of this letter have supporting documents also on m y website. I purchased this NASA software with Woodpecker Scalar Waves that reach Russia, b ut cannot work. They are intercepted in our air space as all else. I am a witnes s that needs to come forward and be heard to the grave dangers that are in manif est with cover ups, endless excuses, whitewashing history. I am quashed, impeded and preempted, and staged daily with others. I spent 5 years recently being gui ded with synthetic telepathy by these handlers who address me 24/7 as to what th ey are going to do next to everyone around me and more. This controls a person f ully remotely and sabotages occur daily. I have provided documents, patents, wit nesses are available. THIS COUNTRY was once able to press this, believe this, an d be alarmed. Senses are suspended/dehumanizing. I have 1st hand experience in everything I describe in this letter and is not li mited to 2 press releases and cases. It is difficult to understand until one has been addressed to communicate wirelessly with this SOUND WAVE technology, as I did not know myself for 45 years that I was a target unwittingly, until I was he avily experimented with, and attempts to be recruited via REMOTE VIEWING Psychot ronics well known now. I can attest to much worse evil and diabolic Matrix of the Country that does not yet go on elsewhere to this extent. This attempt went on by the CIA on US Soil and during my travels to Israel, UK, EU, AU, breaching spying contracts. I have asked to read my website information and LAWSUIT as this is a major COMMUNICATIO N WEAPON used in PSYOP strategies. JACKETING (one against the other) is also use d on civilians and President Obama once hinted to in Politics. CONGRESS should k now this when they were duped in signing a war to IRAQ with fatigue and other ta ctics planned in advance behind the scenes. Un-covered documentary discussed the tactic but inducing thoughts with pressure are not detectable. This is not a Fa is de Complit or the first time this weapon is being used on civilians. George G reen This is how they will KILL us! ISRAEL framed. v=VNJTiUhZxaY&NR=1 The warning signs were subdued after JFK and 2 administration s with on going concern of this. Cognitive IMPAIRMENT infiltrations unwittingly, creates ILLUSIONS, mis-communications transmitted on media, police, medical, re cords, and everyday lives; part of the SABOTAGE. My story is one the World shoul d know about at the very least. It is long overdue, as others have attempted it on CSPAN since Cathy OBrien (1977) TRANCE-Formation of America, Yale/DoD Secret Societies. You may have read this in my pleadings. Had they been believed and no t so dismissed, our Country and humanity would not have escalated to this point of tragedies. Unfortunately, there is an agenda (the FORCE behind the SCENES) fo r destructions in manifest, and the wrong people are blamed. THIS INCLUDES ILLUS IONS. I have updated my press releases for your review. Dr. Bowart wrote Operati on Mind Control and Cryptocracys Plan to Psycho-civilize you, 1978 MACROCOSM New World Order; MILLIONS will go THROUGH " The PROCESS" (brainwash programming) IN CLUDING MOST OF AMERICA'S CORPORATE LEADERS and OFFICIALS from Navy/ EDUCATION. Much more has been induced. His God lurks behind an electronic curtain when it i s pulled away we find the 2nd CIA sorcerer, MANIPULATOR, CYBERNETICIST, the weav er of the DREAMscape. Manchurians in your sleep molding, manipulating you 24/7. Unveil the 2nd LEVEL CIA Sorcerer. V For 911 Vendetta Past Present and Future. Please be aware that Attorneys are also unwitting victims to defend free will, c ivil rights, and my destiny is not the only one they are manipulating. The Presi dent is not the only one but all in between. I ask that I can prove this and hav e a day in court but that was impeded. EVERY EFFORT has been made through the me

dia to cover up these ills by ELF transmissions and NOT anything else tangible s ince 2008 Operation to discredit me further. Please make no mistake between a targeted individual who has been PROGRAMMED to think his environment is conspiring. It is an entire UNWITTING PUBLIC unconsciou sly participating and have their own lives sabotaged they cannot detect and thin k is ORGANICALLY grown or occurring. One does not REALIZE and the cortex is bypa ssed affecting memory as well as by suggestion and pre-post hypnotic suggestion realized yet channeling the being; Everybodys doing the locomotion without recol lection or mind jabbing thoughts-NSA transmissions, (Army Lt. Col. Griggs wife b lew the whistle on their Yale Secret Societies framing all). I am blocked and sabotaged in many ways for 5 years with torture and torment. I deserve to be heard and respected for what I am doing, including US Supreme cour t case. Since 2008, people are unwittingly impeded to READ my website or informa tion and thousands in postal deliveries, delays and lost, redirected calls, dele tes world wide, and much worse to stop me from travelling. With no freedom of in formation act/FLOW deliveries of documents/information and communications made m ore difficult than censoring. I risked my life and family with close calls, to s uppress me in 2007, followed by their political shift of overt corruptions/crime s, eyes wide shut. This weapon is used to change minds and beliefs, as well as behavior modificatio n and physical damages and ills, synthetic and otherwise. My website has some ex hibits of HUMAN engineering and mass control to dumb down Americans and worse, c oupled with a tangible or an event. This weapon is NOT gang related but used on ALL beings in one way or another, they cannot DETECT, making us all pawns in a M ATRIX; Now BOTH tangible and non-tangible using ones environment, as other peopl e are NECESSARY to be brainwashed and mind controlled. The event is needed while the suggestion is planted. Animals are also affected and controlled including s harks, snakes, polar bears, oceans, as well as our environment. Induced natural disasters, to REMOTE control heart attacks, Cancer, Dementia, Diabetes II, Govt employees, and Hollywood were the first targeted and molded. I urge you to look beyond credibility of whistleblowers that thwart investigatio ns and truth, and to look at the facts and information presented beyond normal l imits in this invisible weapon and soft kill worse than nuclear fears. Before th is generation is gone, we have a responsibility not to let the past get lost in the generation GAP of Operation Mind Control and MKultra era. There is no reason to disbelieve a victim coming forward. I assure you; this did not cease and des ist but in fact EVOLVED to great powers and World domination unwit, beginning wi th crimes, false imprisonment and a closed doors society, creating BUZZ from the minds, in our homes, Americas on drugs for Tax REVENUE, SCIENCE under SIEGE, an d worse, since Aliens, Apollo, and USS LIBERTY Hallucinations. I warned Congress about FL Red Tide ELF attacks and DOJ in 1996. It was dismissed. A REVOLUTION is needed as this TESTIMONY is long overdue. I have been destroyed by this as Millions and no one is doing anything about it. Quite the contrary an d by design! I have offered the answers and opportunity to make a difference bef ore it is too late. Anyone with uncompromised senses would be able to do that. Y ou should honor and urge my testimonies and knowledge. I was not supposed to fig ure this out. I was informed and mis-informed for dis-information reproduction, UNTIL I became certified in hypnosis and trained in NLP NEURO LINGUISTIC PROGRAM MING (CIA 1974), to deprogram. I have found documents that support every single one of my accusations as evil as they are. This video is already in motion by th e U.S. surreptitiously under the auspices of security. atch?v=zeMZGGQ0ERk&feature=player_embedded PROCESS; WASHINGTON will be shot afte r the CRISIS step 4 of Brainwash over decades- slow kills... Do you believe a RU SSIAN or are you targeted? They always kill you when you are done serving them. N.W.O. to reduce 90% of us. FULL DISCLOSURES are found at my website. WAKE UP AM

ERICA, WAKE UP WASHINGTON, we are manipulated for decades, under attack by our o wn. It all affects you daily. Sincerely, Mireille Torjman 2nd LEVEL CIA Sorcerer. Brilliant video! Here HWg0cmQ8 1985 MACRO-COSM-NEW WORLD ORDER MILLIONS will go THROUGH "The PROCESS" (brainwas h programming) INCLUDING MOST OF AMERICA'S CORPORATE LEADERS & OFFICIALS from Na vy/ EDUCATION-1978 Cryptocracy's Plan to Psycho-civilize you. Jim Keith, Dr R O Becker. Ops Mind Control psyops on Civilians. V For 911 Vendetta Past Present and Future 1997 DoD Briefing: 'Others' can set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely-Plans to destroy Wars. WATERFRONT Properties FL to NYunder attack! Induced Climate ELF & Seismic Waves to De-populate and redistribute wealth/Economy---again. 2nd LEVEL CIA (Terrorists) Mind CONTROLLING GLOBALIST to do THEIR MISSION for them. HUMAN S are all PAWNS used in their U.S. Matrix since Alien Hallucinations to going Gl obal! This is how they will KILL us! George Green- Bankers, Energy, THE FED, CIA- This is how they will KILL us but f ull disclosures, updates and strategic agenda could change as you minds! WW3 PLA NS taking down ISRAEL-infiltrations. See full DISCLOSURES at www.mireilletorjman .com every time you want the facts, PRESS RELEASES and Dire Warnings! Similarity speeches by Assange and JFK! ________________________________________ BONDS, ECONOMY, JAPAN, HAARP, act of WARS! Since Project GreenStar! Les USA aura ient ils utilis HAARP pour punir le Japon de ne plus vouloir soutenir le cadavre qu'est l'economie US en cessant d'acheter des bonds du tresor de la FED??... "H AARP"Est-il responsable du tremblement de terre JA...PONAIS ? Le tremblement de terre au Japon est il si naturel que a ? FED - Economie et crise aux USA - Blog 1997 DoD Briefing: 'Others' can set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely using el ectromagnetic waves By Lori Price 28 Feb 2010 Secretary of Defense William S. Co hen, 28 April 1997: 'There are some reports, for example, that some countries ha ve been trying to construct something like an Ebola Virus [OMG! Who would do suc h a thing?], and that would be a very dangerous phenomenon, to say the least. Al vin Toeffler has written about this in terms of some scientists in their laborat ories trying to devise certain types of pathogens that would be ethnic specific so that they could just eliminate certain ethnic groups and races; and others [L OL] are designing some sort of engineering, some sort of insects that can destro y specific crops. Others are engaging even in an eco- type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves.' --Just switch 'yours,' 'others' and 'they' with ' U.S.,' 'U.S.' and 'U.S.' This was in 1997. Imagine, after eight years of George W. Bush turbo-funding these lunatics, what they can do now. John Marks-CIA BUILDING/Search MANCHURIANS since Hitler and MKULTRA on German So ldiers... This video is already in motion b y the U.S. surreptitiously under the guise of security. watch?v=LJ73eOmdsv0&NR=1 N.W.O. to reduce 90% of us. ________________________________________

"BACKFIRE ON CRIMES October 18, 1971"- No drugs to change the will. Mind Control experiments were pre-suggested and still induced to alter and trick the belief thus will to commit crime as ok. 50% crime increase in one year not from Drugs a s ALIENS epidemic. NIXON called it a wave sweeping the COUNTRY and proclaimed to restore ORDER. " New man in DOJ needed and REPUBLICANS blamed nothing but permi ssiveness of Democratic Admin. 1969 Nixon RHETORIC and crimes continued 3 years later.... It's not the ALIENS of 1968...Media refused to cover... Operation MOCK INGBIRD mind control NOT subliminal from MEDIA...and EVOLVED Fort Hood Shooting a Psy-Op? Three people are involved. That, by definition, mea ns it is a conspiracy. Fort Hood (and over 100 other .gov and .mils) is reading CLG news forupdates. Ukranian Plague Update: officially now over ONE MILLION infected, 135 deaths, 39 ,603 hospitalized Cases of infection are increasing at about 200,000 per day; th is is NOTA/H1N1 ___________________________________________________ VIDEO Mossad Microbiologist Joseph Moshes Baxter Ukraine Plague Warning Posted by labvirus on November 7, 2009 Professor Moshe had called into the studio after a live radio show guested by Dr . A. True Ott entitled Born on the Fourth of July on RBN broadcast in mid-August , claiming to be a microbiologist who wanted to supply evidence to a States Atto rney regarding tainted H1N1 Swine flu vaccines being produced by Baxter BioPharm a Solutions. He said that Baxters Ukrainian lab was in fact producing a bioweapon disguised a s a vaccine. He claimed that the vaccine contained an adjuvant (additive) design ed to weaken the immune system, and replicated RNA from the virus responsible fo r the 1918 pandemic Spanish flu, causing global sickness and mass death. The next day, this happened (see video) THE STRANGE CASE OF JOSEPH MOSHE: This Joseph Moshe arrested in L.A. is likely a MOSSAD agent with a CONSCIENCE an d has apparently been extradited immediately to Israel. Now his testimony, whate ver it would have been, is still secure. Notice, the federal agents used an elec tro-magnetic pulse which knocked out his car, as well as any cell phone so he co uldnt contact the U.S. Attorney he was obviously going to meet with. Did he make threats against Obama?? Apparently just announcing he was going publ ic about his knowledge of Baxter Pharma, and that the pandemic flu vaccine isnt a vaccine at all, but is indeed a biological weapon designed to kill millions wa s all it took for him to be detained. AS I, (2007-2009) and still under threat! FRAMED, set up, STAGED, pre and post S UGGESTIONS on we the people! etc... ________________________________________ Decrypting the Shadow behind Hamid Karzai Wednesday, 22. September 2010 The Long Intended Chaos Thursday, June 9, 2011 Steve Quayle : The E. Coli Breakout in Germany is a biowarfare agent Steve Quayle : " This is definitely a biowarfare agent it has multi point releas e it has multi drugs resistance ....This is a specific biowarfare agent that has been designed to thing well, and that's kill people," " this is one of

the most dire presentations of bio warfare and even with this what they got in store is even more lethal" Spain agriculture is decimated because Spain resisted the introduction of GMO crops into its agricultural system , Germany is targete d by the E. Coli because it has the best food safety and control in the world , the food is the ultimate weapon says Steve Quayle...Steve Quayle is the author o f five books. For over thirty years, he has been investigating ancient civilizat ions, giants, UFOs and biological warfare as they relate to the future of mankin d. Stephen discusses the coming worst-case scenarios approaching this world and how they interrelate to each other. Earthquakes, volcanoes, nuclear and biologic al terrorism, coupled with the planned financial meltdown of the U.S. dollar wil l thrust us into unimagined tribulations. Stephen Quayle is on record as stating that we have moved from the realm of natural threats into the arena of supernat urally guided events of the unseen hand of evil orchestrating world events of un fathomable proportions. Appearing for the full 4 hours, author and researcher St eve Quayle discussed the precarious world economic situation, escalating tension s, and covert warfare, as well as how supernatural events & prophecies from the Bible are being played out. According to one of his sources, we're seeing "the s ystematic execution and implementation of seismic warfare" that is technology th at can be used to generate earthquakes, accelerate volcanic eruptions, and manip ulate the weather. "All the volcanoes seem to be becoming active at once," he co mmented. 14 Labels:gerald celente trends research journal Steve Quayle Why Germany he asks in the video? Well, for a start they are making biological warfare on Germany because they are turning their back on Nuclear energy and not participating in bombing Libya. Th ose are just two more suggestions to add to the E. coli sabotage. Bankrupt these nations one by one and then they get IMF loan and succumb to slavery. June 11, 2011 3:32 AM ent.html According to news reports, the Obama administration is once again reevaluating h ow to deal with Afghanistans Hamid Karzai out of fear that it may now be holding him to unrealistic standards of U.S. law enforcement. This comes after a summer of news that Karzai continues to find new ways of resisting Washingtons efforts to rein in rampant corruption in his government. Now we hear from legendary Was hington Post reporter Bob Woodward that the U.S. has intelligence showing Hamid Karzai is under medication for manic depression and that Obamas national securit y team doubts that his strategy in Afghanistan (whatever that may be at the mome nt) can work. The tug of war between Kabul and Washington has become so desperat e, former CIA Near East, South Asia Chief Dr. Charles Cogan recently opined that the situation was fast approaching a Diem Moment. Cogan even suggested that whi le Diems removal had been horribly botched, a removal of Mr. Karzai might turn o ut to be more straightforward. Given the similarities to Americas quagmire in Vi etnam, invoking Diem raises more than a few dark memories. Yet despite vast diff erences in the two wars another even more deeply unsettling similarity is emergi ng. Hamid Karzai is in a political fight for his life like South Vietnams Ngo Di nh Diem. But (strange as it might seem) his contradictory behavior and the chaos and corruption surrounding it may be no accident. In fact it could be exactly t he consequence that his main neoconservative backer, former RAND director, U.S. Ambassador and Special Presidential Envoy to Afghanistan Zalmay Khalilzad, had l ong intended.... By forcing Karzai into office, Khalilzad snatched defeat out of the jaws of victory because the Taliban were beaten at that point. To both Ruttig and Rohrabacher, Khalilzads ultimate crime like the U.S. manipula tion of the Ngo Dinh Diem regime in Vietnam was that his corruption of the Karza i regime had created so much internal chaos that no amount of outside effort cou ld undo it. Yet the idea that chaos, as a form of extreme social engineering, ma y have actually been the plan cannot be ignored. If anyone embodies the Cold War neoconservative philosophy that came to dominate

American foreign and military policy from Jimmy Carter to George W. Bush, it is Zalmay Khalilzad. Khalilzad first came to the United States as a high school ex change student. He received his bachelors and masters degrees from American University in Beirut and his doctorate degree from the University of Chicago where he met and studie d along with Paul Wolfowitz under the RAND nuclear warfare theorist, former Trot skyite and father of neoconservatism, Albert J. Wohlstetter. It was Wohlstetters early 1970s series of articles in the Wall Street Journal and Strategic Review that prompted the politicized CIA analysis known as the Team B experiment. It wa s the Team Bs adherents both inside and outside the Carter administration who se t the stage for undermining dtente and luring the Soviets into the Afghan trap a nd holding them there while Afghanistan disintegrated. And it was the same Team B brain-trust of Wohlstetter acolytes including Khalilzad that went on to provid e the philosophical template for the politicized intelligence process that led t o the strategic military disasters of Iraq and Afghanistan. In her 1972 book about Vietnam, Fire in the Lake, author Frances FitzGerald wrot e of the perverse illogic of another of Wohlstetters onetime RAND protgs, Herman Kahn. Just before his departure for a two-week tour of Vietnam in 1967, the defense an alyst, Herman Kahn, listened to an American businessman give a detailed account of the economic situation in South Vietnam. At the end of the talk an argument f or reducing the war Kahn said, I see what you mean. We have corrupted the cities . Now, perhaps we can corrupt the countryside as well. It was not a joke. Kahn w as thinking in terms of a counterinsurgency program: the United States would win the war by making all Vietnamese economically dependent upon it. In 1967 his pr ogram was already becoming a reality, for the corruption reached even to the low est levels of Vietnamese society. In a country as poor as Afghanistan after three decades of war it took little ti me and less effort to corrupt every level of Afghan society, but in Afghanistan, official corruption, both American and Afghan was built in. Overseen by Khalilz ad, a bizarre marriage of Americas pro-business, neoconservative Washington and Afghanistans pro-business and often pro-Taliban right wing took root to direct a nd guide Afghanistans reconstruction. A 2007 report by Canadian journalist Arthur Kent desc... ________________________________________ JOHN MARKS: Pg 8 Resource tab or wordpress WHY/HOW WARS TODAY ACCUMULATIONS ENGI NEERED! Unlike most weapons, "Who? Me?" was not designed to kill or maim. It was a "hara ssment substance" designed to lower the morale of individual Japanese. The inspi ration came from academicians who tried to make a science of human behavior. Dur ing World War II, the behavioral sciences were still very much in their infancy, but OSS well before most of the outside worldrecognized their potential in warf are. Psychology and psychiatry, sociology, and anthropology all seemed to offer insights that could be exploited to manipulate the enemy. The drugs were to be tested on involuntary subjects. Thompson readily admits tha t this procedure was "unethical," but he says, "We felt we had to do it for the good of country." HYPNOSIS on the 5 SENSES NOT LOGIC like a TRANSMISSION JAB. This is applied in all areas of humanity techniques! AS I, and many others unwittingly. Still under threat! FRAMED pre and post SUGGE STIONS on the public! Q552-

________________________________________ Former Hitler Youth Whistleblower Warns Of America's Nazi Future (Full Length HD) ending of brainwashed and kept quiet Former Hitler Youth Whistleblower Warns Of America's Nazi Future (Full Length HD ) Contributing factors. Dr. Horowitz and Sherri Kane journalist. 127 JOURNALIST killed in Middle East _____________________________________________________ WARNINGS to We the People FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 5/28/2010 rev 11/6/11 CONTACT: Mireille Torjman Federal Whistleblower Mobile 954.529.8684 for Supreme Court Lawsuit and Open Letter to Congress. ________________________________________ Have you figured it out yet! ### Media ignore news of Bush administration spying on media January 30, 2009 5:11 pm ET by Jamison Foser In their column for the Center for American Progress, Eric Alterman and George Z ornick note that the media has paid shockingly little attention to new revelatio ns that the Bush administration spied on journalists: NSA retaliated by having Tice declared crazy, revoking his security clearance, r elegating him to the motor pool, and eventually terminating his employment in Ma y 2005. That disclosure is protected by the First Amendment. Indeed, it rightly belongs in the rank of the whistleblowing by "Deep Throat," recently revealed to be Mark Felt, and by Daniel Ellsberg, who famously disclosed the Pentagon Papers. Make No Mistake: Any Criminal Investigation of the NSA "Leak" Is Pure Retaliatio n No wonder, then, that the Administration is playing hardball with Tice, just as it did with Wilson. Indeed, it reportedly may be criminally investigating the Ti mes' sources, which include Tice - even though, as I explained above, the ICWPA and the First Amendment together provide a complete and unassailable defense to his disclosures. Any such investigation lacks any legal basis. It is purely retaliatory - just as the revelation of Plame's identity was retaliatory, meant to punish Wilson for undercutting the President's motive for going to war with Iraq. All those who believe in the First Amendment, or simply in the necessity of prot ecting those who bring Presidential lawbreaking to light, ought not only to supp ort Tice, but also insist that any investigation of him and the other Times sour ces be brought to an immediate end. Jesselyn Radack is an adjunct professor at American University's Washington Coll ege of Law where she teaches professional responsibility. She also serves on the D.C. Bar's Legal Ethics Committee and works with the ABA Task Force on Treatmen t of Enemy Combatants. NOT AVAIL see Interview tab for letter. With this week's revelation of Representative Pete Hoekstra's (R-Michigan) sharp ly worded letter (pdf) sent to George W. Bush on May 18, 2006, blasting the admi nistration for secretly implementing an entire intelligence operation and keepin g its existence hidden from Congress, we are left wondering what further egregio us violations of our privacy have already occurred. Marla Brose/The Albuquerque Journal, via Associated Press Representative Heather A. Wilson, whom President Bush praised in June, has said she has "deep concerns" about intelligence reforms. Linda

In retaliation, I was fired from my subsequent private sector job at the governm ent's behest; branded a "turncoat" in the New York Times by anonymous government officials; placed under criminal investigation; referred for possible disciplin e to the state bars in which I am licensed as an attorney; and put on the "no-fl y" list. Jesselyn Radack Despite Secretary OLearys pledge to compensate the victims, a ruling from the Su preme Court stated that even when someones constitutional rights are violated by Federal agencies, these agencies cannot be liable for providing any compensatio n. We would be creating a potentially enormous financial burden for the federal government, Justice Clarence Thomas wrote for the court. P. 49 In July 1995 the CIA went public and declared its interest in Remote Viewing. As a result, much new information became available. At that time, the CIA and US D epartment of Defense had a 22-year operational track record in RV. The CIA was i nvolved from 1973 to 1977, and the DOD from 1977 to 1995. In 1995, the CIA decla ssified and released Remote Viewing documents. P. 127 CIA Mind Control: Bin Ladens Driver Driven Insane at Gitmo 25th July 2008 Amy Goodman of Democracy Now! and others have reported on CIA min d control techniques at Gitmo. Hamdan, bin Ladens driver, currently on trial, he ars voices inside his head, according to Time magazine. This development occurre d under detention. The average prole will jump to the conclusion that this is a symptom of induced scizophrenia, and this may be but voices are also computer-ge nerated and transmitted to the brains auditory pathways of the CIAs subjects in highly illicit electromagnetic (EM) brain experimentation and operations, as I d ocumented in Psychic Dictatorship in the USA (Feral House, 1995), and elsewhere. Its quite possible given the harshness of his detention by the CIA that Hamdan w as driven crazy by advanced mind control tech Hamdans six years at Gitmo have left him a shell of a man. He has deteriorated m entally to the point where he can no longer meaningfully assist in his own crimi nal defense. He is suicidal, hears voices inside his head and talks to himself. The same can be said of many subjects of EM bio-electronic assault. - AC Excerpt Hamdan: Guantnamos Mystery Man By Jonathan Mahler Jul. 21, 2008 Time,8599,1825334,00.html In May 2002, Hamdan was flown to Guantnamo Bay, where he became detainee No. 149 . Soon after, he met Soufan, the FBIs foremost expert on al-Qaeda, who interroga ted Hamdan repeatedly until December 2003, when President Bush chose him from am ong thousands of detainees in U.S. custody to be the first Arab defendant in the military tribunals. In 1991, Janet Morris issued a number of papers [55] and the US Army published a detailed draft report on Operations Concept for Disabling Measures. Laboratorie s were developing a high power, very low frequency acoustic beam weapon projecti ng non-penetrating, high frequency acoustic bullets. According to one Morris pap er, US Special Operations Command already had a portable microwave weapon. [56] US Special Forces can cook internal organs. [57] Infrasound used acoustic beams. Very low frequency (VLF) sound, or low frequency RF modulations can cause nause a, vomiting and abdominal pains. Some very low frequency sound generators, in ce rtain frequency ranges, can cause the disruption of human organs and, at high po wer levels, can crumble masonry. [58] P. 176, 178, 179 Dr. Lilly once reminded the director of the National Institute for Mental Health of an important dilemma: Dr. Remond has demonstrated that this method of stimul ation of the brain can be applied to the human without the help of a neurosurgeo n. This means that anyone with the proper apparatus can carry this out on a pers on covertly, with no external signs that electrodes have been used on that perso n. If this technique got into the hands of a security agency, they would have co

ntrol over a human being and be able to change his beliefs extremely quickly, le aving little evidence of what they had done. [40] P. 151 DECEIVING THE PUBLIC for 50 yrs. ________________________________________ Pentagon Pundit Scandal Broke the Law Submitted by Diane Farsetta and Sheldon Rampton on Mon, 04/28/2008 - 19:04. Topics: democracy | ethics | media | propaganda | pundits | secrecy | third part y technique | U.S. government | war/peace The Pentagon military analyst program unveiled in last week's expos by David Bar stow in the New York Times was not just unethical but illegal. It violates, for starters, specific restrictions that Congress has been placing in its annual app ropriation bills every year since 1951. According to those restrictions, "No par t of any appropriation contained in this or any other Act shall be used for publ icity or propaganda purposes within the United States not heretofore authorized by the Congress." As explained in a March 21, 2005 report by the Congressional Research Service, " publicity or propaganda" is defined by the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) to mean either (1) self-aggrandizement by public officials, (2) purely pa rtisan activity, or (3) "covert propaganda." By covert propaganda, GAO means inf ormation which originates from the government but is unattributed and made to ap pear as though it came from a third party. These concerns about "covert propaganda" were also the basis for the GAO's stron g standard for determining when government-funded video news releases are illega l:... The target is you A tantalizing window into Donald Rumsfeld's motives for creating the military an alysts program can be find in a transcript that the Times obtained of one of his meetings with them. In it, he complains that he has been warned that his "infor mation operations" are "illegal or immoral": What is to be done? Of course, the mere fact that a practice is illegal does not mean that anyone is going to be punished for breaking the law. For that to happen, someone with the power to act needs to enforce the law, which is why Congress needs to hold hear ings and create enforcement mechanisms that will ensure compliance in the future . Currently, no such mechanisms exist. As the Congressional Research Service not ed in its 2005 report, "No federal entity is required to monitor agency complian ce with the publicity and propaganda statutes. At present, the federal governmen t has what has been termed 'fire alarm oversight' of agency expenditures on comm unications. Scrutiny typically occurs when a Member of Congress is alerted by th e media or some other source that an agencys spending on communications may be c ause for concern. A Member then sends a written request to the Government Accoun tability Office asking for a legal opinion on the activities in question." Congress should certainly seek such a legal opinion from the GAO and the White H ouse Office of Legal Council regarding the Pentagon's military analyst program, but this time it shouldn't stop at simply seeking an opinion. When the GAO has r endered such legal opinions previously, the government agencies caught violating the law have announced that they would comply in the future. No one was punishe d, however, and in practice they knew that they could continue doing what they w ant. That is what happened after the Reagan administration was caught using thir d-party surrogates to promote the Contra war in Nicaragua in the 1980s (which is how Charles Cooper ended up writing the memo I quoted above). It's what happene d after the Armstrong Williams scandal broke in 2004. And without something more than mere publication of a GAO opinion, it's probably all that will happen as a result of this latest Pentagon pundits scandal. It doesn't have to be this way. If the U.S. Congress had the will to take action , it could create real mechanisms for enforcing the law and ensuring compliance. This is important for reasons that go beyond the issue of whether anyone suppor ts or opposes the current war in Iraq. So long as government agencies are allowe d to continue getting away with covert domestic propaganda, the public is left u

nable to know whether the opinions of "independent" analysts are truly independe nt. During the Vietnam War, official Pentagon statements became so mistrusted th at the term "credibility gap" was coined to describe the distance between offici al statements and public perceptions. The government's use of "surrogates" posin g as independent experts extends the credibility gap not just to public official s but also to seemingly independent, private citizens and the news media. Until accountability exists to prevent abuses like Pentagon analyst program from conti nuing with impunity, the public will have to assume that anyone who appears on c amera espousing views sympathetic to the White House (or, for that matter, to ot her government agencies) has been secretly trained, recruited and given financia l incentives to do so.... ________________________________________ Scalar Wars The Brave New World of Scalar Electromagnetics by Bill Morgan For the past six months I have been undergoing the greatest paradigm shift I hav e ever had to go through. It has rattled my nerves and shaken my bones. This int ense adjustment of my "world" has come about by studying the information given b y Col. Tom Bearden at his website Cheniere. The new knowledge there has necessit ated a total revision of my ideas about physical reality, the world we live in, and the future of humanity. This paradigm shifting even actually made me dizzy o n certain days as I tried to absorb and digest Bearden's vast amount of informat ion. I am not a scientist at all, just a layman, and I have little comprehension of the math and high physics of this new science called "Scalar Electromagnetic s." But there is a great deal of information at Cheniere which needs to become c ommon knowledge as fast as possible, for the sake of the survival of life on ear th. To that end I have put together this small primer of Bearden's ideas, as a k ind of "beginner's guide" to his website. (I have tried to underline certain wor ds and phrases which are part of the new "jargon" of talking about these "new" p henomena. Also I have taken the liberty of bolding certain words and phrases to help them stick in the mind). (Note: Throughout "EM" means "electromagnetic," and "LW" means "longitudinal wav e") This article has six sections: New Waves 2. Tapping the Waves 3. Weaponization 4. Healing 5. Psychoenergetics 6 . As It Stands According to a US Department of Defense directive (S-3600.1, December 9, 1996), "information warfare" is defined as "an information operation conducted during t ime of crisis or conflict to achieve or promote specific objectives over a speci fic adversary or adversaries". An "information operation" is defined in the same directive as "actions taken to affect adversary information and information sys tems". These "information systems" lie at the heart of the modernisation effort of the US armed forces and manifest themselves as hardware, software, communicat ions capabilities and highly trained individuals. Information warfare has tended to ignore the role of the human body as an information or data processor in thi s quest for dominance, except in those cases where an individual's logic or rati onal thought may be upset via Dis-information or deception... Yet, the body is c apable not only of being deceived, manipulated or mis-informed but also shut dow n or destroyedjust as any other dataThe CIA succeeded in developing a whole range of psycho-weapons to expand its al ready ominous psychological warfare arsenal. With these capabilities, it was now possible to wage a new kind of war: a war which would take place invisibly, upo n the battlefield of the human mind... [p. 19] Dr. Walter Bowart Operation mind control. by 1969 and didn't have need for shuttles for decades when mission was accomplis hed. See Shadow Apollo 11 whistleblower. Mafioso went quiet after missions accomplished, until now to discredit 2nd level CIA and lawsuit as this website content accusations. WHITEWASHING with twists a

nd brainwashing the public with your tax dollar and worse. _____________________________________________

Everyone spinning their wheels for decades!

CIA JOHN LOFTUS on 2 videos of ISRAEL, CIA BUSH/HITLER, CIA Joh n LOFTUS DEPT of JUSTICE belong in JAIL------ funded Prescott Bush and RECRUITED NAZIS and FUNDING TERRORIST GROUPS with BRITISH- To crush ISRAEL- BEFORE DULLES ARAB NAZIS in CIA-911 to AGENDA next & since 1920. THE SECRET WAR AGAINST JEWS and more. THE WITNESS TREE.Part I and II y-madness/how-america-lost-its-way-.html- ernment-corruption/why-the-justice-department-doesntcatch-banksters-terrorists-a nd-other-enemies-of-the-nation.html MK ULTRA known experiments were reported at about $10 MILLION tax dollars. Wherever their extreme experiments went, the CIA sponsors picked for subjects th eir own equivalents of the Nazis' Jews and gypsies: mental patients, prostitutes , foreigners, drug addicts, and prisoners, often from minority ethnic groups. American prosecutors charged the Dachau doctors with "crimes against humanity" a t a second Nuremberg trial. None of the German scientists expressed remorse. Mos t claimed that someone else had carried out the vilest experiments. All said tha t issues of moral and personal responsibility are moot in state-sponsored resear ch. What is critical, testified Dr. Karl Brandt, Hitler's personal physician, is "whether the experiment is important or unimportant." [pg 215] Tampering with the mind is much too dangerous to be left to the spies. Nor shoul d it be the exclusive province of the behavioral scientists, who have given us c ause for suspicion. Take this statement by their most famous member, B. F. Skinn er: "My image in some places is of a monster of some kind who wants to pull a st ring and manipulate people. Nothing could be further from the truth. People are manipulated; I just want them to be manipulated more effectively." Such notions are much more acceptable in prestigious circles than people tend to think: D. Ew en Cameron read papers about "depatterning" with electroshock before meetings of his fellow psychiatrists, and they elected him their president. Human behavior is so important that it must concern us all. The more vigilant we and our repres entatives are, the less chance we will be unwitting victims. AND BEHIND THE SCENES Sorcerer, Manipulatior, Diabolic! 2009 to 2011.... Letters from Hoekstra Intelligence Committ ee, FBI Mueller, Gaddafi, and my Open letter to Congress below. MY WORD IS MY WE APON. WHY/HOW SICKO: Michael Moore, Do something! Tax Revenue/Fees on your Presc riptions... Fight the source at the root not the fires. TIME is of ESSENCE. Fan it! Expose it, Stop them! Doc Tab. CONNECTING the dots and SABOTAGE from mind ma nipulations- Wake Up! Check back daily; Cover ups...I don't know which psyop warfare is more Dire than the next! 40 Years +++ Mysteries Solved! SPYING is: your ills and examples subsequently-EL F Remote Viewing is upon you 24/7 since 1973-Science and Humanity under Siege/ s upressed-Neurology hiding behing computers entrainnent, with DoD Yale Secret Soc ieties Psychotronics, Psychoenergetics, Synthetic Telepathy DIRECTED ENERGY- (2n

d Level CIA) THE WEAPON of MASS DESTRUCTION- miscommunications Duping everyone t oday and all CIA TRICKERY! See Prescott Bush (1910) & CIA masterminds with this Mind Control Weapon illegal crimes of humanity and WARRANTLESS MIND TAPS if you don't stop them. Intercepted thoughts/body, info warfare communications.. "Is the PENTAGON Science CRAZY ENOUGH?" Remote Control Heart Attack Anyone! Virtual Govt, Virtual Disease. Alex Constantine's death and his books, the war o n rock & roll. (since 70's Culture...). Sharon Weinberger on John Stewart 2006. HOOVER said: "It's Too Horrible to Imagine! NeuroLinguistic Programming (CIA 1976) Mind manipulations- Not just on our Senat ors Village Psy-ops. Article/ Speeches and "YOUR thoughts are NOT your own." Joi nt Chief Staff etc... Bottom/ Left & interviews Tab Allen Dulles 1957" Berle wrote in his diary. "If the scientists do what they hav e laid out for themselves, men will become manageable ants." below AMERICA, THEIR REMOTE CULT! Turning everyone against target as "Neighbors" pawns . "Considering that Admiral Turner and other CIA officials had tried to leave the impression with Congress and the public that behavioral research had almost all ended in 1963 with the phase-out of MKULTRA, this was an amazing admission." (Be cause it was to appease them.) "Similar tactics overseas", " As with the Agency's secrets, it was too late to p ut behavioral technology back in the box." [pg 214] Waste/FRAUD THIN THREAD and TRAILBLAZER $Trillions more... DARPA trailing 50 yrs behind Science/Tech & tax $. FULL ARTICLES here WOW! nd.html The U.N.s AGENDA 21 and What is Communitarianism? with Govt land, R.E. and Contr ol. ICLEL, By-passed Congress. Links on pg. 16. U.S. Physicist Bill Nelson 2 ass assination attempts in Budapest. See press below. -story-of-psychotropic-drugging.html Below pg 16 of press release: Robin Cook Remote heart attacks and CIA Al Quaeda Justice Sandra Day OConnor-Frank Olson case-Opinion No rule crafted shall insula te from liability unknowing subjects. INTERVIEW Dr W. BOWART after Death Threats. DOE Secretary Hazel O'Leary admissions, mind control... "Only the small secrets need to be protected. The big ones are kept secret by pu blic incredulity." Marshall McCluhan "If both the past and the external world exist only in the mind, and if the mind itself is controllable what then?" George Orwell . THE PROCES S; WASHINGTON will be shot after the CRISIS step 4 of Brainwash over decades- sl ow kills... Do you believe a RUSSIAN or are you targeted? They always kill you w hen you are done serving them. Robin Copeland, 46, Energy Dept Official suddenly dies 11/4/11... Independent Investigative Journalism Since 1995 A Decade of Patriot Act Abuses November 1, 2011 ALL HIDING BEHIND SSP LAW, Patriot Act since 1947 Born with the CIA, conspiracy take over slowly being introduced as New World Order MASS Brainwash-chunked to a

ccept! The launch of a new Holocaust in manifest after chaos, trickery and the p eople's CONSENT of balancing LESS FREEDOM, Civil Rights and a suspension of the Constitution, after MISSION of COMMUNISM and Middle East. [Pg 213] CIA Sued Decades Later: BAY OF PIGS!!!!!!!!!!!! Operation MHCHAOS, ominous psych ological warfare arsenal! The National Security State and the Assassination of JFK The CIA, the Pentagon, and the "Peace President" by Andrew Gavin Marshall (1959)....Among the recommended provocations and pretexts to justify a war, the Joint Chiefs suggested that, a series of well coordinated incidents will be plan ned to take place in and around [the US military base at] Guantanamo to give gen uine appearance of being done by hostile Cuban forces, including starting rumour s, landing friendly Cubans in uniform outside of the base to stage attack on bas e in Cuban uniform, capturing friendly saboteurs inside the base, and have frien dly Cubans start riots near the base main gate.[30] Further recommendations were to blow up ammunition inside the base; start fires, as well as burning aircraft on the base, or sabotage a ship in the harbor, or to even, sink [a] ship near h arbor entrance. Conduct funerals for mock-victims.[31] REMOTELY: MASS brainwash and mind/Body Control transmissions currently ongoing g lobally during riots simulations and whitewash mixing all going through process and locomotion... see below. One startling recommendation was that, We could blow up a US ship in Guantanamo Bay and blame Cuba, or that, we could blow up a drone (unmanned) vessel anywhere in the Cuban waters, and blame Cuba, and that, casualty lists in US newspapers would cause a helpful wave of national indignation.[32] However, the most distur bing aspect of Operation Northwoods was the recommendation that: "We could develop a Communist Cuban terror campaign in the Miami area, in other Florida cities and even in Washington. and, Pg 11 (Honolulu FAKE Duplicate documents) (The Military coup-Cuban Crisis included blowing up people in Miami, carefully c hosen spots as London Subway, convincing air passengers they SAW a Cuban aircraf t, like USS Liberty, blaming COLLEGE STUDENTS, like Israeli Art Students, ODD se ries of events, guns (Exhibits tab) etc and from an exercise to intervention as all else, and sink boats of refugees (real or simulated) from exercise mode to i ntervention...) With no danger to American Society, the entrapment from Bush /Obama "MANIPULATOR S".... "The object is to terrify the American Public, so that they will surrende r their civil liberties--Possibly the greatest extortion scheme in U.S. history. " --It's only the BEGINNING! See below creating subservient civilians, assassinations and torture goes on ill egally anyway. Legalizing it is only for us civilians and what is coming (N.W.O. a silent infiltrations of another Holocaust attempt) with no recourse or redres s available on civil rights. Illusions, transmitted false thoughts (coupled with the events), crimes infiltrated now Making it REAL. After 50 yrs of spy devices being installed and attached today overtly as all else shadowed. Paranormal Activities: The list of parapsychology goals was taken from an excell ent article by John Wilhelm in the August 2, 1977 Washington Post: "Psychic Spyi ng?" "I should apologize to the American people. Its violated everyone's rights. It c an be used to eavesdrop on the whole world." Click here for full articles quashe d/cover up nd.html Thomas Drake NSA 2011 Whistleblower Espionage Case Exposes Psychic Spy Connectio n. Projects...SAIC=CIA Stargate, Spacestar, Starstream (Future research trailing ), all linked (1973) PICKING UP ON ALL GROUPS/cults/individuals, thoughts during

wake or sleep, and directing CONVERSATIONS dialogue and vice versa. Your though ts are not your own. Dr. Bearden (Govt) ... WARRANTLESS MIND TAPS..., below: Bear Stearns rumors transmitted in advance, Israel set Air For ce hack nervous system, ELF Red Tide FL. Govt Lab, Aliens/UFO's, BP framed; mind controlled paralysis & decisions as civility, where to invest and lose..., and much worse mind taps on you. Articles bottom left Remote Control Heart Attack Anyone! induced years ago as R. control the human brain, CANCER... (1960's) Their own shadow is within. "The SORCERER, Manipulator Cyberneticist behind the electronic curtain and Tesla's wall of defense... 1940 Information warfare psyop s transmitted thoughts daily... video links below 1973 Cryptocracy's Plan to Psycho-civilize you! thoughts/hallucinations to bypas sed forced speech, mis-hear, mis-communicate/gaps/mis-read.... "Your thoughts ar e not your own", since Alien Hallucination. Cognitive impairments infiltrations are/were unconsciously. 1985 MACROCOSM NEW WORLD ORDER MILLIONS Will go THROUGH "The PROCESS (brainwash programming) INCLUDING MOST OF AMERICA'S CORPORATE LEADERS and OFFICI ALS from Navy/ EDUCATION-Charlotte Iserby, Bush Family/Society "It was estimated that Millions of persons were (1972) put through this type of PROCESSING Breaking down of personalities and recondition."Breach ..AFTER CORRUP TING HOLLYWOOD minds/pawns"Project PANDORA and Oregon State people experiencing headaches, anxiety, lack of body coordination and other symptoms went on to wors e in Millions of Process un-wit. SINCE I TRIED TO GO PUBLIC launching OPERATION WHITEWASH pre-empting my court al legations in 2008, the following occurred with the public as pawns using media u nwit and blaming pharmas/tax rev... The Mother of all Evil! Mass psychosis in the US - Opinion - Al Jazeera English Click here and below ml (2008) EXPLOSION again U.S. MASS psychosis and worse NEURO weapon NLP by 2nd L C IA ...happen and/or channeled un-wit! Profits from your ills. THEY create, induc e, infiltrate, accelerate, corrupt, everything NATURAL... CANCER explosions and Birth Defects-NEURO .html Research Links Rise in Falluja Birth Defects and Cancers to US Assault Defects i n newborns 11 times higher than normal 'War contaminants' from 2004 attack could be cause by Martin Chulov enclosed Published on Friday, December 31, 2010 by Th e Guardian/UK CANCER ELF WEAPON in Iraq while funding them as all other duplicity brainwash--Film Documentary FOOD INCORPORATED partially censored out! DOA 1978 Operation Mind Control ALREADY in N.W.O. Matrix implemented MKULTRA evolved kept secret as SCIENCE cognitive behavior sciences and panaceas because they ar e the creator. "The final result is not the whole story of the CIA's attack on the mind" "I have been blocked for 20 YEARS!" and EMF/ELF MUST be Directed Energy to affec t the body or Crop... D.E.W. WMD. Bin Ladin CIA ties... Armies trained by our School of the AMERICAS SOA and set up mind controlling Sou th America now Working on ASIA. Invaded Countries... Breaking The SOUND Barrier; Democracy NOW! pg 214+. wtih Notes. Jim Keith Mass Control Human Engineering, S TRANGE DEATH after his book censored below...Wake up AMERICA! We are being contr

olled from up above 2nd level shadow! SOA Brainwash...It's everywhere including CIA VALERIE PLAME... technology weapon s, Bay of Pigs invasion, and Juan Cole Scandals. RIK and Air Force waste as SAIC etc. AGNAs Contract guards behaviors, linguistics, and security in Bldgs, ... E mbassies, F-22 waste Sorcerer "Beam Warfare, THE Persinger PLAN, (50 yrs)+ NSA, and DreamScape, One W orld BRAIN,+ pages 200+ of INJECTING IDEOLOGY not just MEDIA mind taps,injecting your thoughts Electronic Mind Control, Psi War, and Beam WARFARE CANCER... Edwa rd Bernays wrote public opinion H.G. Wells friend of N.W.O. MASTERMIND engineeri ng CONSENT with mind control in 1928 propaganda and Invisible Govt. Information Warfare... BRAINWASHING the GLOBE while there from up above transmissions as all else in US A done coupled with a TANGIBLE event and excuses. DISPLAY OF GITMO for someone t o BLAME and the PUBLIC to BUY IT. Using the ACLU as the pawn and the MEDIA what to fan. wikileaks; disguised, intercepted by 2nd CIA chats & - ISRAEL- in SUPREM E Court 5/2010 and GADDAFI SPEECH in 2008 of USA not democracy and HITLER/CIA. CIA Robert Baer 20 years BOMB MAKERS to blow up trains. Interviews; Why no expos ure and Middle East wars, Washington financial Corruptions, no threats, and MISCOMMUNICATION by CIA to WHITE HOUSE to investigate him, etc WOW! John Loftus THE WITNESS TREE, Arab Nazis recruited by CIA since Dulles and antisemitism mind co ntrol from 2nd level. Madsen/ Schreuder etc... Funding Terrorist Groups & Palestine economy growing 10% a yr with new Malls and we can't REVOLUTION in MASS accordingly! Bottom Left & [2008]"Has America become a nation of psychotics? You would certainly think so, based on the explosion in the use of antipsychotic medications. In 2008, with ov er $14 billion in sales, antipsychotics became the single top-selling therapeuti c class of prescription drugs in the United States, surpassing drugs used to tre at high cholesterol and acid reflux. (Also synthetic ills) see Al Jazeera articl e unwit. Once upon a time, antipsychotics were reserved for a relatively small number of patients with hard-core psychiatric diagnoses - primarily schizophrenia and bipo lar disorder - to treat such symptoms as delusions, hallucinations, or formal th ought disorder."... (Among the most misdiagnosed ills in US) (Tax revenues on Rx drugs) Many already manipulated into their office long ago. College manipulations no on e knows about. "Breach" "Weird things happen when you join the bureau" Their sha dow making anything happen. CYBERSYN; The COUP for the Communist World: It is said Henry Kissinger was the o ne who intervened to put an end to the GRAND experiment. Salvador Allende was as sassinated by Chileans who are reported to have been in the PAY of the CIA, and Cybersyn went by the wayside. (They thought) Today FCC coup to regulate the INTE RNET; part of COMMUNISM infiltrations and attempts, KGB/Gestapo style Domestic S urveillance mind manipulations after the fact & covertly hijacked www & humans. Operation wiki- Brainwash and re-creations of events 2008- WHITEWASH overtly lay ers in progressevents (staged, wittingly now pre suggested) twists and DIFFERENT OUTCOME manipulations. "The cryptocracy has used mind control for the past thirty years. It has used it on its own agents and employees, on enemies and friends alike. It has used it o n thousands of Americans without their knowledge or consent. The CIA has program med assassins and couriers by it. The CIA has even openly confessed to its consp iracy of mind control." ERUPTED CRIMES by 50% 1971 in ONE YEAR. Corruptions ADMISSIONS and MEDIA overtly

with tangible lies, devices,& excuses- STRATEGIC. DIVIDE& CONQUER people... INF ORMATION Warfare, operation MHCHAOS ...what was unwitting, unrealized, illusions for decades in the making cover ups. PATRIOT ACT is one example BEWARE! Facts below and on line with Appendices! Ther e is a 18 U.S.C. 241 Conspiracy against rights since MLK, JFK unwitting false bl ame... (2009) BIOWEAPON disguised as vaccine-Strange case MOSSAD WHISTLEBLOWERELF immune set ups and 2nd level CIA Stuxnet at Los Alamos! as Pentagon's Unit: The CULT of DEAD COWS and Intelligence. below: American Lt. Col "The Dark Side of the Force: Creating & broadcasting any/all di sease by ELF" is included in Bio weapons. 1950's Speaking of the scalar wave induction of disease by longitudinal wave patterns B earden refers to work by French scientist Kervran Russian scientist Kaznacheyev, who proved that any disease could be transmitted electromagnetically. Inserted Comment:(and has been)Health in American-Michael Moore! False results a nd blaming doctors unwittingly being set up. SAIC CIA S --- pace/Star, StarStrea m Los Alamos pg 10 lawsuit.... TRANSMITTED (immune.... Below...Now visualize one of these 'vacuum engines' or ' spacetime curvature engines' that acts on mass to generate the exact effects pro duced by Anthrax Shadow . (Or any other disease one wishes) . . .DC & Gov lock d own & blocked information in (bubble) kept in dark for yrs during process of fal se beliefs! Ex-Nasa scientist admits offering secrets to Israel after FBI discover plot duri ng tax probe FBI believe they thwarted plan before any secrets were revealed Stewart Nozette had been a leading scientist with high security clearance for de cades Thwarted crimes are selective. FBI was sent there unwit as I, to blow whistle on (2nd CIA NAZI ARABS) by mind Control against Jews I am ashamed of what climate science has become today. Sister Bertrell, Scientis t. This website information is awakening debunking/educating raising awareness, on humanity, a FULL DISCLOSURE Correction of 5 DECADES of 2nd level CIA Mind Contro l sabotaged by design TRANSMITTING people with DIS-information, MIS-COMMUNICATIO N, gaps non-sense, disoriented, blinders/blocks, unconsciously, manipulating YOUR conversations,not on same wavelength) or/ drift , sabotage created by Mind Control ELF waves & Energy, (1974) CIA Neuro-linguist ic Programming. Directed ENERGY Weapon used nefariously deployed on ALL people a s pawns UNWITTINGLY, illusions, robots, "every body's doing the locomotion" sinc e (1973) CANCER- Most of your ills NOT organically grown nor our engineered cult ure & lives! FOIA: Helms ordered this MKultra both shredded and burned. This ELF info is the part that was burned and no one can talk about. 1978-"Zombie is a quaint, old-fashioned folklore word but its meaning becomes ob scene when our childrens minds are being controlled . Helms; CYBERNETICS can be used in molding of a childs character .. [p.17][Note:1] ODD series of events lea ding to... Mind Control Process,daily mind taps. Locked door Society induced fears. The hope was to take an existing ego statesuch as an imaginary childhood playmat eand build it into a separate personality, unknown to the first. The hypnotist w ould communicate directly with this schizophrenic offshoot and command it to car ry out specific deeds about which the main personality would know nothing...and HOW it is all EVOLVING. Pentagon's "Imaginary WEAPONS" by Sharon Weinberger - CI A were/are the Aliens among us We are not alone since big Brothers watching was the buzz. Toggling between families homes. French civilians were transmitted Bus h was controlled by Aliens for psyops.

Also quotes from John Marks... "Book" A search for Manchurian; 1950s & ELF ARSENAL weapons at bottom/linked. KE VIN TRUDEAU FDA/cases never proven to sicken you. Cover ups now overtly. Lasers, HAARP framing other Countries. Sweeps etc... airspace. "It may have been the biggest story since the atom bomb. The headline, however, was small and ignored the larger issue. Drug Tests by CIA Held More Extensive Th an Reported in 75, said the New York Times on July 16, 1977. ." mind taps SELECT IVELY not paid off. Crimes & corruption all Manchurian daily in America to wars infiltrations. 9 DOJ Fired at once when they could not be brainwashed to go along, and Generati on GAPS again. 130 Facts and Examples, see induced ills; LIST on bottom left and (Pharma Taxes; Tab)- Collectively by a Mind Control victim Expert Witness (NASA software CIA N LP training) Federal Whistleblower 1st hand, Warning "We the People" "Impeded, G agged, tortured, quashed, disrupted, threatened, for 5 years, now being set up+. Never believe anything until it is officially denied". Illusions scapegoating o ur Media after 50 yrs victims of mind control to create spin, dis-information WA RFARE, making anything happen and appear as the opposite, etc... by mind control UNREALIZED & cognitive impairment infiltrations on all people."Why hasn't the p ress--aside from MSNBC--covered Russell Tice's revelations! or mine. Let the peo ple decide; Millions would come forward. BREACHED CONTRACTS OVERSEAS SPYING to m anipulate. Massive brainwash also in manifest! Another layer! MURDOCH FRAMED + a s ALL ELSE by CIA. Ron Paul says: CIA runs Everything but this website content is HOW: SHADOW/2nd l evel took off (1973) one year prior Church Commission Report with psyop MHchaosFOIA- NO WONDER BIG BROTHER has been into every ASPECT and PROFESSION of AMERICA NS. INFILTRATIONS on EVERYTHING IN AMERICA and going GLOBAL...Keep enemies close . TAMPERING with MINDS NOT JUST OUR CULTURE. Mistakes, Accidents, coincidences, your soul/ karma.Bottom 2nd level CIA FOIA 1972. His God lurks "Behind the electronic curtain, we find: The SORCERER, MANIPULATOR , CYBERNETICIST, the weaver of the DREAMscape" Jim Keith pg 245 Dr. Bowart and B rilliant video. They all said Abolish CIA and NSAct (1947) but 2nd level. See Ru ssia slide & CIA milt Beardon andMagnus Olsson; playing with memory. below click here for CIA/Bush/911 The CIA and 9/11 Explosive Connections | Gerald Celente Trends Blog Pentagon Misfits- programming civility since 50% of milk carton children kidnapp ed returned- ARRESTED EMOTIONS AGGRANDIZEMENT (NARCISSISM)! To RAMPID crimes, co rruption, teen...suicides, Diabetes, ECO. & ills-Bombers-& worse than, erupted, CANCER, PARKINSON, ALZHEIMER, Pres. Reagan and his memory, as the Frank Olson ca se and Hong Kong professor suffered an Alzheimer's disease-like memory loss that hampered his teaching. His lawsuit included Univ. of Science & Tech in continui ng the mind control metals just NLP as CIA. "My Parents were introduce d to me....I did not know them. My 5 children came back....I had no idea who the y were." "Canadian quote 1960's) Fibromyalgia, Immune Diseases in USA by ELF! STOP inducing DRUGS on our Seniors and Americans! See List (Project Montauk/Knockout, "THE GOAL of involuntary sleep unconscious s tates and audio tapes played negative messages to the patient 16 hours a day for weeks..." like MANY AMERICANS and like our MEDIA mind controlled to do the OPPO SITE as WASHINGTON (DYSFUNCTION) washing out good and planting bad cults and mix ing it with triggers to control persons... below Left/tabs) The cult of Intellig ence, documents. DRUGS do not make you commit crimes; the WILL does! The AGGRANDIZEMENT of GOVT nefariously and JFK In the aftermath of the Bay of Pi gs, President Kennedy reportedly vowed to splinter the CIA into a thousand piece s. In the end,...below Crimes experiments induced in major Cities 70's to Wars provoked; Under the Ausp ices/Scapegoating Drugs they brought in Conspiracy. NOT from drugs or your TV..

SEE TIME photo/Article below: "The behavioral sciences. Nevertheless, the final result is not the whole story of the CIA's attack on the mind. No one knows except the PARTICIPANT." How you are letting mind control happen with brainwashing of disbelief... tricke ry of your will! Beliefs of their thoughts planted/ transmitted as your own- dai ly manipulations-duped! $2 Mil. Tesla's Chinese Invisible Wall of Defense around the Country, (1940) mel t an engine miles away. J P Morgan! BelowL Kamikaze manchurians Pilots, DREAMS. GITMO holdings and daily DELAYS/Bureaucracy time to Brainwash/ plant false memor y/ syndrome sabotage- CIA tenant/files in WT7. Keeping your enemies close. Rise & fall of ... Tempting and framing persons/Countries. "It was either invisible warfare or peace, and everyone seemed to agree the econ omy would "suffer" from peace. Without war, it was believed, the economy would f alter and depression would be the dividend of peace. Thus the advisors to the pr esident began to think about what might motivate the U.S. economy as well as war did. They came up with several possibilities, the most fantastic of which was t o fake an invasion from outer space" Resource Tab CIA Vet Milt Beardon; "That you know of".............inventing ills, zchizo, Ali ens, and enemies. Magnus Olsson Swede also says NAZIS in CIA. Psychotronics-Psychotechnologies, Psycho- energetics INFORMATION WARFARE also on manipulating APA & AMA in your Hosp/doctor office/Lawyer... skewed medicine als o press release below list of ills. (1975) Not gone in vein: The leading Psychiatrist Dr. Bowart, Jim Keith, Mass Control H uman Engineering, Jerry Smith, HAARP; The ultimate Weapon of the conspiracy- Sta r Wars Future is Now.-1997 Dr. Robert O. Becker all below with exhibits/ Appendices. Resource Tab with the ir work impeded in Absentia. Intelligence Committee Hoekstra warns and Bowart am ong many to ABOLISH useless CIA but alsoduped within and on LEFT videos of NAZI' s in the CIA brainwashing and funding soldiers, Hitler and KKK. Electronic Epile psy! Research shows Golda Meir lobbied US to strike Auschwitz To NO avail. AND funded by Bush FAMILY. Bin LADEN DoD/CIA ties... By GIL SHEFLER 09/04/2011 15:19 "The mind control examined in this book is the control of ONE individuals mind b y ANOTHER!" Guided, misled, by the public UNWITTINGLY used as pawns (jacketed) o ne against the other with everything the OPPOSITE! (1973) He called it Pain-Drug-Hypnosis and said it is a vicious war weapon ... The exte nsiveness of the use of this form of hypnotism in espionage work is now so wides pread that it is long past the time when people should have become alarmed about it. [p. 75] Report "Un-Covered" censored documentary CONGRESS marionettes not reading documents & z apped to sign & invade Iraq. Mind controlled & warned them in 2008 of BP oil spi ll/ELF RED TIDE annually eco. JUDGE NAP. misperception delusion, suggests Re-Read quotes London Subway Please check back daily for facts behind the scenes 2nd level no one is talking about or can believe. MIND Control Directed Energy Weapon is transmitted on YOU 24/7. Changing minds, Mis-applied perception, dysfunction and this information t o dumb down Americans. Must READ Censored Books: Mind Control ENCYCLOPEDIA"Mass Control: Engineering Hu man Consciousness" and "The Body Electric" (1973)

Everybody's doing the LOCOMOTION Hack your Nervous System on left and your daily anger or subdue, all manipulations of mind controls.Full book on blog Secretary Geithner also highlighted Bear Stearns former Chief Operating Officer of Fixed Income, Paul Friedman, stated "Rumors were untrue until the telling of rumors made them true. This is how they do it (Project Stargate research DUPED b y 2nd LEVEL as all else, and playing psychics). Psy-ops framing & manipulating ALL people years in advance, as 911 no threat yet but THE BIG FEAR to believe and provoke until SUSPENDING THE CONSTITUTION CONSP IRACY. First they transmit/plant some buzz about it, on individuals and falsely accuse, then they engineer it. PROGRAM started (1961) ECONOMIC SABOTAGE infiltra tions from mind control to create EPIDEMICS. Voice of people not Power. Synthetic Telepathy "Your thoughts are not your own" Manipulations is not just on our Senate or few.COMMUNICATION CHAOS provoked indi viduals and wars techniques in manifest. Dis-information in SCIENCE as in COURTS to add doubt and chaos on ALL aspects of LIFE. False beliefs..Public speeches b elow unwit-Stay the course to manipulate... UNBELIEVALBLE! Lt Col. Bearden. JUNE 13, 1975 Russia called to BAN the weapon of MIND CONTROL " MORE TERRIBLE THAN ANYTHING THE WORLD HAS KNOWN--THE FRIGHFUL NEW WEAPON OF MAS S DESTRUCTION." (1960) Lt.. Col. Tom Bearden & Operation Mind Control (1978)-Resources Tab. Mind and Scalar Wars of Today-Behind the Scenes on you surreptitiously, inclusive of "Information Warfare tactics" and the new ways to ASSASSINATE civilians current ly is also below. Not the Patriot ACT after THE FACT as ALL else here including 50 yrs technology in full operation and making it legal eyes wide open. Yale Club, U.S. Military DoD SECRET SOCIETIES, since Yale 1910 Mr. Prescott BUSH , Global DOMINATION! DIABOLICAL....left The mind control examined is this book is the control of one individuals mind by another. As with your computer and any other communication to entrain you with words and ideas and anchors transmitted in to you. Planting and erasing as memor y and looking/visual tricks. Then they tell you stages over yrs. DIRECTED ENERGY PROFESSIONAL SOCIETY Calendar of Events IAEA UNWIT GETTING CLOSE TO IRAN FOR SABOTAGE AND MANIPULATIONS JFK-... whether his rank is high or low, civilian or military, should interpret my words here tonight as an excuse to censor the news, to stifle dissent, to cov er up our mistakes or to withhold from the press and the public the facts they d eserve to know. Dr Luukanen "We must know"Zoom in photo/doc at bottom of column, STRAIGHT FROM JOHN MARKS BOOK below quotes pg 6, and more clues COLLECTIVELY .C IA's attempts to tame hostile minds and make spy fantasies real...Cancer Tab Boo k in color/highlights at: Press release 2 bottom Left. All at Resource Tab or here highlighted: for you including Article of Joint Chie f Staff and Senators mind control by DoD... e.html 1973-Psy-ops was deployed on CIVILIANS (not trash TV or anything else...)-Cognit ive impairment infiltrations UNWIT, mis-communications, mind jabbing transmissio ns, false thoughts/speech, mis perceptions, non sense, instinct, dysfunction, di srespect, culture, information warfare"Dis-information, OPPOSITE NEWS... Operati on MHCHAOS UNREALIZED unconscious reporters& now overtly! WITHOUT A TRACE-Millions emails missing from WHITE HOUSE servers. Failed backups $2.5 mil in taxes to recover and NOTHING-2005, AS WITH CORP ee's manipulated ph ones, minds, servers, unwit. Pentagon's Unit: The Cult of Dead Cows!

CIA cyber crimes, bullying, ID theft, THEFT & Vandalism selectively, ON ALL CIVI LITY, stalking, specific MS viruses creation, HACKERS, tampered communications, muting, redirected, manipulations, intercepted thoughts day or night.....! cover ing up, pawns since 2009. Pg 17 Los ALAMOS LAB- NM. UFO's John B. Alexander Stux net below & Forces behind Psitech (RVS remote viewing & Power to Capitol City, B lind...resource tab Dr. Warloff, Leuren Moret: Fukushima HAARP nuclear attack by CIA, DOE, BP for Lo ndon banks. Subway bombing below and Hudson river crash Federal Judges assassina tions. Fukushima HAARP tectonic nuclear attack was done by an international racketeerin g war crimes network within the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Departme nt of Energy (DOE), and BP (British Petroleum) on behalf of City of London banke rs. WEAPONS ELF exist for the FINANCIERS DoD mind controlling Corp LEADERS Macro cosm and CIA-developed Stuxnet virus, FRAMING Mossad! E CIA virus STUXNET creation..AGAIN in the AUSPICES of losing your FREEDOMS infilt rations...and $10 Million for MKULTRA, then! Zoom in bottom & on left! Pentagon Articles & Assange Speech as JFK's! You won't believe framed AMERICA! " Public/press the facts they deserve to know." Not Free from the mind. Talk about it, FAN IT! Don't squash it for another 50 yrs or day. REMOTE VIEWING mind control in homes, school, work, FDA, & Corporates, big broth er 24/7 manipulating you, engineering YOUR CHILDREN, yo-yo, ying yang, mind game s, non sense, rhetoric & ills and much more. Resources Tab #32 +... IT GETS WORSE, SCARIER Articles on LEFT ALSO IGNORED. WAKE UP AMERICA. 2 different thoughts transmitted at the same time to create fights, arguments, s teering, manipulating conversations, chaos, dis-information! thoughts interferen ce on your speech and decisions for decades... First they build TRUST..then behi nd your back M.C.set ups... Your destinies are being led or misled, mostly no coincidences and YOUR THOUGHTS are NOT your own. Dumbed down, Obese, busy, De-sensitized & Dehumanized robots by mind control unwittingly. Our ENGINEERED CULTURE of INFILTRATIONS, COVER UPS, manufacturing DOUBTS with di s-information, and WHITEWASH (since 2008) The ROOT of ALL Problems, still in man ifest! The Matrix began long ago and the spying is after the fact of CIA 2nd lev el-took off in 1973 one year before. (FOIA) Jerry E. Smith was an author, lecturer, poet, and editor. ... dies March 08, 201 0... "Haarp: The Ultimate Weapon of the Conspiracy "(The Mind-Control Conspiracy Series BOOKS) ELF directed energy weapon of mass.... Spread the word. We need a Revolution Abo lish CIA 2nd level and NSAct. BP framed to cover up Gov't Lab Venice FL RED TIDE ELF infects since 1947 below Democracy NOW Air Force paralysis. 911 Kamikaze Pilots Mind Controlled robots on US Soil (Manchurians) suicide bomb ers as are Globalists. below: FORCES Behind the Forces (SORCERER) needs to be STOPPED NOW! Matched with photo of book AFTERWARD (1985) at RESOURCE TAB: J Keith Electronic Connection. "His Go d lurks behind an electronic curtain when it is pulled away we find the "2nd lev el CIA" SORCERER, MANIPULATOR, CYBERNETICIST, the weaver of the DREAMscape." Man churians in your sleep molding you. Unveil the 2nd LEVEL CIA Sorcerer. Brilliant video! Maxwells Silver Hammer Chapter "The Body Electric HOW SCIENCE was SUPPRESSED fro

m AMERICANS decades ago! Mind Controlled SCIENTIST from the START and so forth. Photo pages-See Tabs. BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION in your sleep at your work! Press release TAB (2010), Tax Revenue on your Rx drugs (since Aliens hallucinations then alcohol/tax urges ind uced as all else. AFTER THEY MAKE YOU SYNTHETICALLY SICK and after they mind con trolled you and your teacher, professor to push prescriptions and the greed tran smitted to make commercial on your drug inducements on Americans and SENIORS & O peration Voice of God) ELF/EMF mind control transmissions, tricking you. What EV ERYONE should know (about you) BEFORE it's TOO LATE! Changing your mind, Blockin g your common sense... De-Population, De-sensitize! ELF Cancer SELECTIVELY and B LACK CANCER dropping like flies 911 tab, SICKO! Millions with Alien eruptions as Diabetes, Mood/Mental disorders, Leukemia/blood... BELOW on LEFT AMERICA-HOW and WHY it's done! 24/7 Remote Viewing and MURDERS/CRIMES ALL SURREP TITIOUSLY-CIA's QUEST! SLIDES/Documents at RESOURCE TAB "I believe the ultimate weapon is manipulation of our electromagnetic environmen t because its imperceptibly subtle and strikes at the core of life itself. Dr Be cker Al Gore was right. It's all about ELF waves and mind controlled beings! Govt CIA Censored Gulf news: UN scientists turn on UN-Al Gore's mind control (video) her e I am ashamed of what climate science has become today. Sister Bertrelli Scientis t. -gore My press release WARNS 9/2010 TO ISRAEL. In Supreme Court Case. Egypt largest Military, Turkey Sibel gagged SSP created doubts and hide conspira cy agenda of NWO) CIA masterminds. A public brainwashed to allow it unwittingly, in the White House, to next calamity and Global Domination Conspiracy of the mi nds! General Anthony Zinni (wikepidia) and changed minds! (Brainwash on the job as many others, see how its done) Applicable on all people doubts chaos for thei r transmission of WRONG CHOICE/ DECISION in their CONTROL and manipulation. psyo ps! CIA Predicts The Future 2015 - Water Resources. 2007 video comment; No CREATING Unwitting agents channeled to Infiltrate Waging WAR...Changed strategies. here Below are the different cells or color coded groups of people and their mind con trolled functions in the new invisible Holocaust. Loosing your freedom/Mind manipulations while SPYING, duping ALL and hiding behi nd SSP law, born with CIA since 1947, ALL BELOW SABOTAGED 911 Commission report, as Bear Stearns & ALL events with RUMORS first set up then applied by mind cont rol infiltrations. Judicial War plans to escalate to WW3 Japan HAARP induced; bonds/economic & Projects... G reenStar....! #39 Taxes Tab. Full reports! It's not the Sun, it's not God, just mind controlle d corruptions, illusions of crimes and including accepting bribes to killing! 1973-90% JFK believed CIA conspiracy today!!! Dr. Walter Bowart Report Pg 6 #21 and 39 imp. The rest of the world didn't ask until 1976 the type of questions we were facing in 1965.... Everybody was afraid of building the supersoldier who would take or ders without questioning, like the kamikaze pilot. 70's Manchurian crimes "Creat ing a subservient society was not out of sight"- by mind control waves." FBI HOOVER "clandestine warfare avowed objective had been WORLD DOMINATION by wh atever means and COST!" FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, who ordered FBI agents to

"expose, disrupt, misdirect, discredit, or otherwise neutralize" the activities of these movements and their leaders or individuals. Hoover disclosed how horrif ic these weapons were thus, hard to believe ..." Larry Silverstein OWNER of 911 TOWER 7, set upin advance to get insurance and tr ansmitted forced speech/DECISION to "pull" THE BUILDING to firefighters as ifinv olved -NSA transmissions-SABOTAGED as Russell Tice Article forced speech ofIs th e NSA conducting war on Americans (YES, tip of iceberg) 2006 and Media asked, wh y press didnt pick it up other than NBC? Operation Mockingbird propaganda Unwitt ingly, updated remote viewing. CIA OFFICES/ FILES were among WTC 7. Gifford shooting to decoy/ EXPLOIT-ASSASSINATING a FEDERAL JUDGE by Manchurians of crimes. Civil rights African crops and surreptitious cover up... CIA MASTERMI NDS of AGENDA. (Pretex for Tyranny always a new law to infiltrate the whitewashi ng of The Constitution & Human Rights.) FREEDOM! Human Rights ASSASSINATION Allison Des Forges Hudson River mind control plane Cr ash- AND Senator Ed Ted KENNEDY zapped-both on issues... First. Then they came for the communists. I didnt object bc I wasnt a communist. Then they came for the trade-unionists. I didnt object bc I wasnt a trade-union ist. Then they came for the Jews. I didnt object bc I wasnt a Jew. Then they cam e for me and there was no one left to help me. < famous statement attributed to Pastor Martin Niemller (18921984) about the inactivity of German intellectuals f ollowing the Nazi rise to power and the purging of their chosen targets, group a fter group. peasantrock2, it's not about loving or hating the ACLU, its about th e govt arbitrarily stiffling free speech of America citizens. "We must hang toge ther or we will surely hang separately" ...Ben Franklin JFK and Assange similar Speeches below:Beautiful ending! Human Engineering: YOU are not Dumb Down, sickened, and obese because you're bor n on US Soil- It's in your mind. Subliminal Stress...Dr. Becker U S Matrix of Robots-Songs Everybody's doing the Locomotion (1974), as are, Poli ticians-BP employees mind controlled thoughts channeled to we the peoplebottom o f this page! Directed Energy Weapon-Water Front Properties FL to NY under attack! Induced Cli mate Waves WIND, to De-populate and re-distribute wealth/Economy again. See how unwit Agents! click here: s/ In Absentia, Dr. R. Becker Begich, & WALTER BOWART Leading Psychiatrist Blows th e Whistle! 50+ years proven mind control BUT ON APA -AMA at DOD INVENTING SYNTHE TIC ILLS ON AMERICAN STUDIES! Forced speech transmissions by-passing cortex, cha nneled opposite thoughts to argue/sabotage! by Walter Bowart, New York: Dell Publishing Co., 1978 continuing to haunt Americ ans! UPDATED 1995 LEADING Psychiatrist Dies BEFORE FULL DISCLOSURES, his Son Sil enced! Jim Keith...!!! "Please keep fearfully in mind that the astonishing information published in thi s seminal work of investigative reporting, concerning avenues taken to decision and execution by our secret police to fracture or dissolve human minds, then to operate those minds a... JFK, current assassinations CIA's quest Surreptitious killing us- softkills. Kil ling us softly, It's just an illusion songs, channeled Below INVENTING and APPLIED (NLP) Paranoid Schizo, Moods, Grandeur Aggrandizement, etc . is only a thought from a trigger and anchors NSA CIA shadow transmissions, amp lifications/ sensitivities induced. Tavistock: Best kept secret in America and G ovt RAND Corp primary function Brainwash -CIA NLP not Freudian mind control ills

! AMA-Synthetic telepathy, false memory syndrome/ confession/ bearing false witn ess. Montauk Project (1943) A group which has as it's prime goal the further acquisition of ever-greater raw, oppressive power over the actu al lives of it's own continued aggrandizement and enrichment at the expense not only of Earth's people but most certainly of the planet itself and a ll its many life forms as well. Death Ray for planes was Tesla invention in 1940-Invisible Chinese Wall of defen se was built around the Country, no matter how large an attack, Teleforce, manif ests FREE energy and creates rays; zapping beams, and a $2,000,000.00 device to zap and melt an airplane motor 250 miles away and an the new invisible war. JP M organ, Wardencliff Tower was in full action in Long Island NY GITMO innocent wit h FALSE MEMORY SYNDROME, time to brainwash staying the course, no due process be aring false witness/ confessions. Secret WARS Japan HAARP! induced Seismic/ ELF... WavesSee below COVER UPS and WHITEWASHED... France article Le Monde here According to a US Department of Defense directive (S-3600.1, December 9, 1996), "Information warfare has tended to ignore the role of the human body as an infor mation or data processor in this quest for dominance, except in those cases wher e an individual's logic or rational thought may be upset via Dis-information or deception... Yet, the body is capable not only of being deceived, manipulated or mis-informed but also shut down or destroyed." Dr. Begich. Blackouts of time no t alchohol. Full reports at Wordpress here and TAXES Tab: Surveillance under the AUSPICES of and in disguise of existing remote viewing fr om Satellite Engineered a Human Matrix! Suggested Moods, pre-and post Manipulati ons & Worse. too busy, to dismiss this, & sensory deprav. unrealized stress indu ced and another year goes by of 50 with unwitting cognitive infiltration Unwit i n disconnects in White House to next calamity. Mind Control guiding our lives and soul! Wake up America! Time is of the Essence Operation wiki- BRAINWASH + sabotaging y our daily life strategically psyops on individuals & subdued Americans Please call if you can help, or need further information. Destroying careers, Qu ashed, Pre-empted me 2008 and again 2010 behind scenes. We The People with TANGIBLE EXCUSES STAGED GLOBALLY & destroy my case of facts w ith Massive cover ups. Assange my FALL GUY. A story that needs to be told to the Public NOW. . The lessor of 2 evils Middle East AGENDA strategy... ASSANGE and JFK speeches SIMILAR below Ben Franklin and current Assassinations. Why...& as if any of this is ok. How America was/is Mind Controlled behind scenes to Police crimes infiltrations and drugs, Politicians Military, Media, Channeled Hollywood minds, UN-REALIZED a nd Robots! How they took down the economy, 911-not the last coup, de-population by design under the auspices of security losing freedom & hiding behind SSP law born with CIA 1947. 9 DOJ Fired at once when they could not be brainwashed to go along, and Generati on GAPS again. COURAGE IS CONTAGIOUS; Wikileaks! An example to discourage whistleblowers. Truth s they won't get from wiki. classified and no clearance, un-wit another layer of whitewash and DIVERSION. Again Pre-empted staged leak & EVERY EFFORT to build d iscredits and EXCUSES/scapegoats publicly since 2008 censorships. PAWNS, Cogniti ve NLP infiltrations cultural, delays to sabotage, BEHAVIOR Science/ MODIFICATIO NS, change minds, chaos to confuse argue mis-communications "jacketing" one agai nst the other! YOUR ARGUMENTS, steering, manipulating conversations, etc... Intercepted by 2nd level shadow CIA when uploading attempt this info. to Assange & Mossad.

Pentagon Science-Crazy & Democracy Now! BP employees, Red Tide cover up Mind Con trolled Paralysis, WAR on Oil prices...on left highlighted or Below Pentagon plan to hack your nervous system and DARPA trailing! Articles on left UNWITTINGLY, ALL UNTRACEABLE-Pawns self-Destruct the World! Tom Woods 10th amendment Lt. Col. Timothy L Thomas USA Tampered Impeded threatened and worse, for 4 years. MKultra now DARPA trailing 5 0 yrs behind, Psyops mind control CHAOS, Mockingbird.. unrealized, illusions of wrong doing, DIVERSIONS and DECOYS daily, & deployed on US soil decades ago crea ting criminals to terrorists. The root of all problems-robots in a matrix blamin g & framing CORP. GOOGLE etc. CIA is behind scenes manipulating your minds. 1997 DoD Briefing: 'Others' can set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely using el ect worse than Katrina. full report below duped by their own 2nd level CIA I am ashamed of what climate science has become today. Sister Bertrell, Scientis t. REMOTE VIEWING ELF/EMF sound waves also in our homes-work,-labs-FOR 50 YRS 24/7 Big Brother- Spy Satelites were TO MIND CONTROL YOU, by a shadow CIA UNWITTINGLY TAKING US DOWN one mind , one ill, one crime, CANCER, one suicide at a time. (A s up 50% in one year...) Cognitive, Nefarious, Infiltrations, DARPA Projects UNw it. IMMUNE & NERVOUS system, it infects body, African crops, in disguise, as fry ing earth. Seismic waves induced climate energy induced as thoughts. Mass Contro l Human & CULTURE Engineering manipulating you with every tangible excuse with E VERY PROFESSION under siege producing wrong information. MORGELLAN'S, Fibromalgia, Diabetes II, RLS, jolts signals Alzheimer, Epilepsy, C ancer, Immune, see #7 ills and endnotes lawsuit Tab or press release. Operation wiki-brainwash! Now excuses for all as if natural. Another layer of FANNED brainwash COVER UP since 2008 to pre-empt me again in at tempts to WARN "we the people". War NSA transmissions USED for war on Americans as pawns to infiltrate raising prices, EVEN induce WALL STREET crimes toppling & 911. Manipulations and wealth sabotage infiltrated! PRESS is NOT FREE because their minds are not free to believe or print mind cont rol and let public decide to with 50 years Operation Mockingbird is Cognitive in filtrations created DIS-information behind scenes-taking us down now FALSE docum ents cover ups! Kay Griggs mind jabbers! DoD wife and whistleblower victim. Dr. MILTON FRIEDMAN- Freedoms ARE THE moral of HUMAN---Abolish most Agencies and WHY. FB. ECONOMIST (5 segments post-humously-2006) Rolling Stone and Glenn Greenwald/Salon on Senates mind control "plant inside pe ople's Heads" to manipulate them is a down play. 50 yrs too little too late belo w sy-ops-on-u-s-senators-20110223 Dr. Monteith, George Green, Ross Mandell, VETS, Gulf syndrome, Asthma, side effe cts, mobiles, microwaves, MSG, Gov't DENIED all because SHADOW CIA transmits by

ELF Directed Energy WEAPON to subdue as in disguise the nontraceable Neuro progr amming Agent ORANGE by ELF. See lawsuit-tab for your relations, environment, ills, your kids They have pick up continued on all your thoughts, habits, groups, organizations ... since Churc h Committee Report went black never ceased & evolved! Since holocaust, CIA Scientists and Doctors framed, unwittingly, "Nazi Hydra 192 0" FEMA Camps Condos 20 miles underground and million BUILT caskets under the guise of HR 645 unwit. FINLAND website Dr. Rauni senses it as millions do. GERMANY CONFERENCE - U.N. by our own Army Co l. NO chips HOOVER SAID IT'S too HORRIBLE to imagine! EVOLVED perfected CHURCH C OMMISSION reported-admitted+ Click here German Dr. Rauni Dr Luukanen "We must know" George Green "This is how they will kill us" ...and decoys! here CIA, George Green Israel WW3 set ups Bankers, Energy...! ABOLISH SHADOW CIA Dism antle Satellites It's all directed energy environmental! Drs. Monteith/Mate/Bowart/Becker/ STEVEN JONES BYU 911 Phycisist 73042 After watching and reading this, God Bless! Be proactive Revolution Mind Control /body to destroy humanity, WHAT WILL THEY DO 2012? Stop them! THE SORCERCER V For 911 Vendetta Past Present and Future BRILLIANT! Public Speeches Robots Repeated "stay the course" to brainwash invade Countries, GULF war transmitted t o SURRENDER/subdue, "TheENERGY will be just fine", "We will HELP one SOULat a TI ME". HILLARY "I will not CHANNEL MY HUSBAND" as in Ghost Technology Transmission s SABOTAGED. Pres. CLINTON as well! RUMSFELD: There is what you know, you don't know........... SIDE EFFECTS OF BRAINWASH. JFK Secret Society Speech Gives Future Generations Dire Warning, NOT UNDER MY AD MINISTRATION" THE weapon of...... Mind Control to: MisCOMMUNICATIONS, both tangible and non tangible on we the people as pawns, dis-information now CIA intent and cover up mind to wars, mind to your decisions -emotions, BODY ills hallucinated ills, dementia, APA/AMA at DOD mind to dupe al l, mind to induce stress, blood,anxieties, synthetics ills, mind control dumbing you down, not your water, cognitive mental blocks, subdue sensory deprivations, mind to induce urges to eat, mind to crimes (not drugs, not movies), mind to AC CIDENTS, Hosp mistakes, mind to media, mind to fears and paranoia and worse, Ali ens/UFO cover ups, Mind Control to: Govt employees, Hollywood, drugs, sex, rock n roll culture pop, trends, bubbles, mind to corrupt, mind to doctors/lawyers/agents politicians, a ll controls, invented psychosis delusions, dysfunctions, false perceptions, phon e mind wars/games, etc... surreptitiously! Now, the only embarrassment is Washington DUPED & didn't know about their shadow CIA , 911, and this website content! FRAMED AND STAGED! Coward murderers behind the scenes, DC tangible crimes now the cover up massive brainwash layer and SAV ING FACE........!

Wire-tapping is Surveillance- 1970 Spying was/is to manipulate you. EXPLOSIONS o f Alien and Hallucinations, suicides, bombs, gays, crimes, corruptions, ills, im migrations, etc... Framing, SPINS & FANNED Israel for yrs. WT7, APA, Ground O ??? ELF CANCER non tr aced as Agent Orange and Denied for DECADES ... Cover ups... unwit CIA Keeping their enemies close TO TAKE THEM DOWN, infiltrations, illusion s, manifests. Mind control transmissions on civilians Breeding EVOLVED for 50 yrs, de-populati on, economic trend-manipulations, Framed entrapment... The rise and fall of people, CORPORATIONS, & Countries... ODD series of events l eading to... manipulating people to bribe/blackmail/ or take them down- and futu re outcome agendas. Across the Country. Story at docum. Tab. UNBELIEVABLE! Duplicitous-Framing ISRAEL & piggybacked shadowing! See how CIA tab +. INJECTED IDEOLOGY covertly INFILTRATING WORSE OVER TIME TO CHUNK & ACCEPT. ALL this HIDING behind SSP Secret laws impeding truth and worse-Jesselyn Radack, Thomas DRAKE, Tom Tamm, GEORGE GREEN, ROBERT BAER, Frank OLSON, Swede Stieg LAR SSON, B.P. set up-Covered up FLA RED TIDE Venice, FL Labs, 1947 ELF/EMF infects life, cells, DNA, crops & chemtrails cover up! Mind Control-answer to all mis-information DC, GAZA disconnects 2009, RHETORIC, lies, dis-information GAPS, illusions, non-sense. GOLDSTONE REPORT, SS Liberty S ET UPS... Mind Control Root of ALL problems. Talk about it FAN it! Looking beyon d the messengers. God Bless America, God Bless Humanity! Assange Secrets are for a reason and secret abuses are impossible to correct unless you know they are going on. Knowing their plans before they are implemented to oppos e before they occur. If they are exposed by the people already suffering by the abuse, then the abuse has already occurred and it is too late. M. Monroe mind control suicides! Mind Control redistribution of wealth. When even one American -who has done nothing wrong- is forced by fear to shut hi s mind and close his mouth, then all Americans are in peril. Harry S.Truman JFK speech The very word "secrecy" is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive an d unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which ar e cited to justify it. Even today, there is little value in opposing the threat of a closed society by imitating its arbitrary restrictions. Even today, there i s little value in insuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not s urvive with it. And there is very grave danger that an announced need for increa sed security will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the v ery limits of official censorship and concealment. That I do not intend to permi t to the extent that it is in my control. And no official of my Administration, whether his rank is high or low, civilian or military, should interpret my words here tonight as an excuse to censor the news, to stifle dissent, to cover up ou r mistakes or to withhold from the press and the public the facts they deserve t o know. Last line of defense-Whistleblowers and Sheriff Dept OATH to protect against FED S! Structural Liberties! PLANNED WARS TO INFILTRATE COMMUNISM! Dividing all to conquer! Disarming you-Gun Control, for a manipulated REVOLUTION hijacked passwords, www in the 90's, 911, now Exec. order 11005 take over waterways martial law Katrina Massacres, Plans, to HR 1955 reversed freedom of thought! Brainwashing & WHITEWASHING HISTORY is underway! Dr. Robert Becker was the major researcher and writer on health dangers from ele ctromagnetic fields, he died a few months ago, in summer 2008 warned INDUCED ELF

/EMF "John Wayne and Susan Hayward died CANCER decades after movie and unexpecded win d shift and MONSANTO sabotage. FARMING cases!" Page 307 to 347 THE BODY ELECTRIC DoD! Channeled Song writers and Many more victims since 70's unwittingly, Rock and Lo comotion, It's just an illusion... Farrah, M. Jackson, Elvis, Susan Lucci awards ... B. Spears "stop them from turning everyone against me" all mind control vict ims worse than the rest of population! INFILTRATING AN INDUCED SEISMIC waves/ATTACKS ON WATER FRONT PROPERTIES EAST COA ST & WATER WARS WITH TURKEY, EGYPT largest Military TAKING ISRAEL DOWN IN SHADOW S! and US one Politician, one Civilian at a time INFILTRATIONS Remote Viewing London Subway Bombing-Staged-CIA predicts, NO Planning to carry o ut-water (WAR) 2015-mind control transmissions zaps DRY heat in body and energytaking us down, Israel, Middle East, Africa. ASSASSINATED Allison Des Forges Hud son River mind control plane Crash- AND Senator Ed Ted KENNEDY zapped Civil rights Africa... CIA MASTERMINDS of AGENDA too busy, to dismiss this, & se nsory deprav. unrealized stress induced and another year goes by of 50 with unwi tting cognitive infiltration Unwit in disconnects in White House to next calamit y. Mind Control guiding our lives and soul! DARPA-Project Voice of God, & Psychic Project Stargate, playing paranormal, play ing laws of attraction, breeding Power & greed! SUNSTEIN's Report-Cognitive impairment infiltration is unwitting not hired creat ing illusion-Un-realized Kinesthetics! Creating false perceptions for DECADES on everyone. Cults in sheep skin! THE MOTHER OF ALL EVIL-CIA Technology crimes Changing minds and hearts, includin g Presidents! Millionsare coming forward--EXPOSE IT, A REVOLUTION IS NECESSARY- Power in Numbe rs. This tells all why some utter What is this world coming to? Pre-911. JUDICIAL SYSTEM, AND SCHOOL BOOKS WITH FALSE MEDICINE and FALSE TESTS RESULTS an d Engineered lives all from the mind! Voting, www. and all tests can and are tam pered. Have you read "Lies the Government told you"? READ twice- Perceptions in AMERICA LONDON Subway CIA- INSIDE JOB- Remote Viewing, Surveillance and Searches-STAGED! Other Countries Un-preventable VETS-MANCHURIAN Candidates-Agent Orange non-Traceable and dream suggestions- Pos t traumatic false illness induced as all others. John Marks-CIA BUILDING/Search MANCHURIANS since MKULTRA and Hitler on Soldiers as LATIN AMERICA and so on.....Click here or resource tab for highlighted versio n! 30. MAY THE FORCE BE WITH US! The first evidence of the use of hypnosis as a reliable operational tool of the cryptocracy, according to John Marks, can be found in the work of Morse Allen in 1954. Of course hypnosis itself had been used by shamans and fakirs to manipula te and control people for centuries. Marks explains that Allen's work came at th e height of the Project ARTICHOKE explorations in which the spooks attempted to use hypnosis to "programme" an assassin. CIA documents also reveal that in 1959 John Gittinger recommended the use of hypnosis in operational experiments. (Of c ourse our latest evidence shows that Navy Intelligence had been using mind contr ol in the 1940's, at least.) Charlotte Iserbyt is another familial Whistleblower on 100 year Secret Society p lan on dumbing down U.S. education system. Corrupting the minds books, and teach ers to implement this, and CIA bomb makers, just for starters. The CIA files contain a translation of a Soviet research project entitled Unperc eived Manifestations of Mental Processes in Deep Hypnosis which described the su

ccess of their psychoscientists: "We succeeded in programming not only the subje ct of dreams ( I would like to visit Africa in my dream...), but to program colo r perception (let my dream be blue...), as well as inducing a specific mood afte r sleepin..." 31. THE WARRIOR'S TONGUE John Alexander is a busy man these days, not only is he one of the moving forces behind PSITECH, a company that sells military developed remote viewing skills ( RVS) to private enterprise, he is the program manager for nonlethal defense at t he Los Alamos (N.M.) National Laboratory, an author (The Warrior's Edge), and a practitioner of the gem of mind control arts --Neuro-linguistics Programming. To day, after 32 years of military service this retired Colonel has the responsibil ity of drawing together and nurturing many nonlethal weapons devices which could disable key electronic equipment, blind weapons sensors or shut off the power t o a capital city. He has drawn upon a variety of disciplines involving polymer c hemistry, microbics, kinetics, acoustics, electrical engineering, materials scie nce and information science, just to demonstrate their feasibility," in the burg eoning science called Nonlethal defense, at least so said Aviation Week & Space Technology. "As the concept has evolved," Alexander is reported as saying," we h ave come to focus our efforts on anti-material systems. If you can stop the mach ines of war, you can inhibit the prosecution of conflict." 32. CULT CONTROL In 1990 spychiatrist Dr. Louis Jolyon West, M.D., Professor of Psychiatry, Unive rsity of California, pet shrink of the cryptocracy gave a speech on cults. As us ual it was soft on fact and hard on the cryptocracy line: It is estimated that t here are more than 2500 cults in the United States... Now there must be a lot mo re "cults" than that since, the Oxford English Dictionary said the word cult mea nt: Core Values Accountability Integrity Efficiency To support the Department's mission and serve the public interest. DOE Secretary HAZEL O'LEARY admissions... DoD Secret Societies- your tax $ and Trillions U S Pentagon Black Budgets and So urce Selection Board decisions, in the Trillions.--- N.S.A. has a five-thousandacre campus at Fort Meade protected by iris scanners and facial-recognition dev ices. The electric bill there is said to surpass $$ seventy million dollars a ye ar." For civility and DNA cloning and/or data-mining, etc. It does not protect. at bottom Pentagons source selection Board repeatedly recommended a bid by Boeing as both better and cheaper... DoD awarded to Gen. Dynamics" 2nd level manipulated. DoD McNamara, wrote in March 1969 issue of Washington Monthly Mag.; Few American s are aware that about 90 % of the Major weapons systems that the defense Dept. procures ends up costing the Country at least twice as much as was originally es timated. The American Tax Payer is not getting their moneys worth???????? SAIC F BI lawsuit & Pursuant with Lawsuit by BOEING . 7. In 1967, after Ramparts magazine exposed secret CIA funding of the National S tudent Association and numerous nonprofit organizations, President Johnson forba de CIA support of foundations or educational institutions. Inside the Agency the re was no notion that this order meant ending relationships, such as the one wit h Geschickter. In his case, the agile CIA men simply transferred the funding fro m the foundation to a private company, of which his son was the secretary-treasu rer. 8. Lying to Congress followed the pattern of lying to the press that some MKULTR A veterans adopted after the first revelations came out. For example, former Hum an Ecology Society director James Monroe told The New York Times on August 2, 19 77 that "only about 25 to 30 percent" of the Society's budget came from the CIAa statement he knew to be false since the actual figure was well over 90 percent. His untruth allowed some other grantees to claim that their particular project was funded out of the non-Agency part of the Society. "The last could have incredibly destructive applications, if it worked. For inst ance, switches setting off nuclear bombs would have to be moved only a few inche

s to launch a holocaust. Or, enemy psychics, with minds honed to laser-beam shar pness, could launch attacks to burn out the brains of American nuclear scientist s. Any or all of these techniques have numerous applications to the spy trade." In the aftermath of the Bay of Pigs, President Kennedy reportedly vowed to splin ter the CIA into a thousand pieces. In the end, he settled for firing Allen Dull es and his top deputies. To head the Agency, which lost none of its power, Kenne dy brought in John McCone, a defense contractor and former head of the Atomic En ergy Commission. With no operational background, McCone had a different notion t han Dulles of how to manage the CIA, particularly in the scientific area. "McCon e never felt akin to the covert way of doing things," recalls Ray Cline, whom th e new Director made his Deputy for Intelligence. McCone apparently believed that science should be in the hands of the scientists, not the clandestine operators , and he brought in a fellow Californian, an aerospace "whiz kid" named Albert " Bud" Wheelon to head a new Agency Directorate for Science and Technology. ---Search for Manchurian Allen Dulles, COMMON CAUSE JUDICIAL and much more. Copyright 2010 NSA Transmissions. All rights reserved. Web Hosting by Yahoo! An expert witness, Certified Hypnotist trained in CIA Neur o Linguistic Programming techniques with NASA software and Military Patents.

NSA Transmissions-Mind Control, Death Rays for Planes, Cancer, Synthetic ills- T opplings ELF & Seismic Waves + Behind Scenes Focused on Wrong Weapon Mass Destru ction TERRORISTS WITHIN, 1973 2nd Level CIA, Cryptocracy's Plan to Psycho-civili ze You, Emulating Scriptures! ---How & Why 911, Economy. ALL from your minds! MA CROCOSM. Millions including America's Corp Leaders & Officials! "The Process." I srael Framed-engineered to go down. Have you figured it out yet! NSA Tice-Hero under God US Supreme Court Case Israel-CIA Agenda- Press Releases Synthetic Telepathy-ills-TAXES Cancer 911 CIA Resources to Expose Interviews-Exhibits-Documents Lawsuit-Synthetic ills in America FAN IT, TALK ABOUT IT, STOP THEM before too lateIt's not courts that are Supreme but the Constitution! It is to Govern the Gov't not the People! Beware of Article V- "If we forgot anything, you can't do that!

" John Birch Foundation, AMERICA got this way Synthetically -Min d Control Matrix! Lawsuit TAB for full allegations and all hiding crimes behind SSP since 1947 unwittingly. "Let's all understand that attempts to assassinate my character will continue an d in all probability will become worse. Rather then let that get in the way, I w ant you to believe everything bad that you ever hear about me. See if that chang es anything that I have been trying to tell you." William Cooper was Eliminated by the Order in 2001 he was gunned down by governm ent agents outside his home in Eager Arizona.William Cooper was the one who unco vered the 9/11 plot a few months before he was killed . "WIKIPEDIA BIO; It's NOT Aliens, just CIA Psychotronics; Unbeliebable! The Government s duty of honesty to the Court can never be excused, no matter what t he circumstance. The Court is charged with the HUMBLING task of defending the CO NSTITUTION and ensuring that the Government does not falsely accuse people, need lessly invade their privacy or wrongfully deprive them of liberty. The Court sim ply cannot perform this important task if the Government lies to it. Deception p erverts justice. Truth always promotes it. LIST OF PARTIES New lawsuits filed in Federal Courts MIREILLE TORJMAN Plaintiff V. FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION et al. 935 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest Washington, DC 20535-0001; CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 1000 Colonial Farm Rd-Legal Counsel Gate 5 Washington, D.C. 20505; NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY 9800 Savage Road, Suite 6711 Fort Meade, MD 20755-6711; DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 950 Pennsylvania Ave, N.W. Rm 5614 Washington, D.C. 20530; DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE 1000 Defense Pentagon Rm 3E880 Washington, DC 20301-1000; DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY 1000 Independence Ave Washington, DC 20585; UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Defendants ________________________________________ REASONS FOR GRANTING THE PETITION 1. This Case Presents an Important Question of our Amendment Laws That the District Court Has Decided in a Way That Conflicts with Petitioners proof and Pu blic Admissions from United States Officials which warrant for National Importan ce, and grave risks for the American Judicial System and Public WELFARE AND SAFE TY. 2. An American citizen has a Constitutional right to petition. ________________________________________ INDEX TO APPENDICES AND EXHIBITS 1. Jim Keith Photo-CIA Mass control Dumbing down America, Death-Pushed/Fell ? (2) 2. Judge Napolitano The Lies the Govt told you photos-(6) 3. Article Judicial System example of ordinary citizens perception and conc erns of Truth-(7)

4. ed)-(5) 5. 6. 7. 9-(5) 8. 9. 10.

Letter from Attorney (Petitioner warned class action suit non-gang relat Articles Media and public concern Unwitting Media and sample-(17) Article of Bush Family Patriarch statement in 1966 (Congress-Media)-(3) Letter Judiciary Committee Patrick Leahy July 2010 and email January 200 Press Release September 17, 2010-(14) Memorandum Opinion Dismiss Jul 20-(3) Order denied Venue with Appeal Sept 9-(3)

________________________________________ CONSTITUTIONAL AND STATUTORY PROVISIONS INVOLVED U.S. Const. Amendments: As in Complaint and; I. Freedom of religion, speech, the press, assembly, and petition. IV. Interdiction of unreasonable searches and seizures; VIII. Bans cruel and unusual punishment, and excessive fines or bail IX. Unenumerated rights XIII. Abolishes slavery and involuntary servitude, (ELECTRONIC WARFARE) ________________________________________ IN THE UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA MIREILLE TORJMAN CASE NO.: 10-cv-01211 - AP 10-5302 Plaintiff V. FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATIONS, et al. Defendant ____________________________________/ INFORMAL PETITION, MOTION FOR REHEARING EN BANC Comes now, Appellant, hereby moves this court for rehearing and of the Appeal fo r remand. The proceedings involve one or more questions of exceptional importanc e regarding Appellants presentation to proceed, and the conflict in the citation of neitzke v. williams. A record and presentation should not prevent a victim f rom justice. Appellant provided explanation why she could not get representation and does not know law. The Appellant also requested a motion of leave for vario us reasons. Appellant is sabotaged in all ways and told what is being done to to rment further. These are techniques or tactics admitted in the Church Commission report and other sources as NSA sabotage to Americans, in Complaint. Mind Contr ol in America is prevalent, (non mainstream news) and admitted, thus should not be thought of as frivolous or implausible any longer. (Even worse, is George Gre en video subsequently, of the conspiracy end result.) Just 4 years ago, Appellan t also thought this was plausible. Appellant can prove a Shadow Govt, Secret Soc iety is engineering our society; from seismic wave inductions, to daily crime in filtrations, and Bear Stearns rumors making things real/happen after infiltratin g mind control transmissions on every profession including Wall Street. No one s hould underestimate the power of this weapon and how far they are going to cover it up as we speak, (January 2, 2011). Attorneys are influenced with coerced fea r, work load, deleting Appellants emails unread, and numerous other excuses, unr ealized. This occurred with Appellants Attorneys, the former Class Action Attorn ey, and other Attorneys, not solely Richard I. Fine and civil rights attorneys w ho are targeted. This form of coerced sabotage is also illegal (pg 5). This agai n started with the FBI and the Church Commission reports of admissions targeting Civil Rights, Human Rights, Attorneys, dissent, activists, and millions more. T here has been an infiltrated obey Orwellian culture as with dysfunctional Americ ans. Million not thousands as quoted by NSA who are in or out of Hospitals, comp

lain of decades of mind control from our DOD. This case represents much more. Ho wever, Appellant showed the motive exists, the weapon exists, and the witnesses exist. Everything rests on this Weapon of Mass Destruction; the minds of the peo ple, which control the daily events tricking one is choosing. No progress can be made if the courts cant recognize this as a significant factor. Most unrepresen ted Americans (pro se), in the Judicial System fail by design for decades. This ongoing impeded and sabotaged record and presentation was included in the Appell ants Complaint. Many other Attorneys have left the Country. As in the Richard I. Fine Attorneys case in California who was jailed when tryin g to expose some corruption, was too late after 18 months impeded from finding o ut what was really happening in that court. He is suing the bar for his mistreat ments, but no one would come to his aid, including the ACLU for reasons of contr adiction, no resources, excess workload and other excuses, because we the people are being manipulated unwittingly in a Matrix created decades ago. Appellant ha s spent 4 years with this and hundreds of dollars in postage, travel and expense s, and wasted legal fees just to keep from exposing full disclosure truths until it is too late. Attorneys were influenced, some overnight, some ingrained. Appe llant was influenced and transmitted to omit names and make numerous errors, amo ng some of the other impediments from the public described throughout complaint and brief, tangibly, and non-tangibly. Because of this circumstance and the natu re of the case, Appellant should be granted opportunity to proceed and seek just ice, redress, and due process, or rule of law, with corrections. Appellant was u nsure of summary judgment, prima facie law or trial on May 28, 2010 when threate ned before delays began. Additionally, false scientific theories from this weapon have everyone duped and it is ingrained in the people for decades as disbelief and much worse. Yet, the weapons existed, admissions existed, millions agree and are suppressed, with th e proof in the pudding all the way to American health and economy. Those days we re gone when MKultra and cutting edge technology got in the hands of Shadow CIA covertly deployed. What did NOT exist before MKultra technology and Secret Socie ties, now widely known, were urges to eat, do drugs, crime, cold and stupid, chi ldish, juvenile targets, and media joke culture, corrupt, Cancer is ELF virus, H eart Attacks, Alzheimer, paranoid schizophrenia, Immune, neuro diseases of NLP, suicide, inventing sociopaths and synthetic Fibromyalgia, Morgellons, and the li st goes on as in (endnotes of Complaint), always blamed on something else. More layers of brainwashing dis-information have been launched since Operation wiki b rainwash as the tool to twist/spin another layer of history. All these issues ar e out in the open now and must start to enter the court rooms and media for acco untability and to cease or dismantle. Appellant is pre-empted. Had this case or weapon and mind control been fanned in 2008 or decades ago, America would not be bankrupt and worse today. Crimes have unwittingly fallen under aiding and abett ing, framed, falsely accused with these weapons behind the scenes since Patty He arst or any type of Manchurian for behaviors and beliefs. That set precedence fo r crimes to hide behind drugs, broken homes or movies, as alien hallucinations a nd bearing false witness. However, the law did not recognize that or the brave w histleblowers that try to report any corruption to this day and age. The law mus t defend transmitted influence and coercion to discover to ALL the conspiracies. Dr. Rauni-Leena, Dr. Robert Becker on dangers of ELF induced from Govt before his death, and numerous other prominent Doctors Globally as Dr. Byron T. Weeks, MD, July 31, 2001 find this case not implausible any longer, bu t Americas best kept secrets. Coercion (pronounced /k-o-r-r-n/) is the practice of forcing another party to be have in an involuntary manner (whether through action or inaction) by use of thr eats, intimidation or some other form of pressure or force. This force was also described by outsiders in various Countries as in the energy but not just by mass. An exception or acceptance to this case should be allowed at least to amend or remand. This weapon is so evil and influences and coerces unwittingly any form of LIFE. This must not be condoned but recognized, and dism antled. Appellants defense should be granted with leave, or there is no injuncti on or justice for any of us. This case represents importance coming from a voice

of we the people who are what matters and who our Government services. Had othe rs prevailed for decades in regards to mind-body motor control, weapon, lives wo uld have been saved, accountability and injunctions would have been in place and 911 would have been prevented etc. There are 54 prominent whistleblowers ignore d on 911 commission and thousands more over the years with twisted versions of t ruth in news brainwashing Americans. Opposite news for decade conspiracy in all topics to add false sense of needed security when people do not want this tyrann y in disguise. Creating more Govt tax dollar DHS agencies one after the other, m ost unnecessary ineffective for decades by design and Corporations taking away j obs by outsourcing overseas trends. Enough is enough; this cannot continue or be swept under the rug for more deaths, calamities, with humanity and science unde r siege. Selective urges, pre-post suggestions, pain killer, prisons, rehabs, fo od, any addictions, behaviors modifications, inventing the ying and yang, COGNIT IVE IMPAIRMENTS and rhetoric, opposites wave length conversations, all under NLP to engineer CHAOS, corruption and oppression. An APA and AMA framed at DOD and in books of false sciences, always staying close to their enemies to take them d own. According to the Revolution Grass Roots of America going on today, millions of c itizens and victims in the system, there has been no justice for decades. Appell ant will provide evidence and proof. The flow of FOIA was written about 1966-197 4 with intended delays and only partial disclosures or loop holes. Millions of d ollars and hours are spent by tax dollars, employees, attorneys and their fees, and court cases, just in fighting for months for documents from our Govt and dis covery. This tactic was snuck in the system as well according to the Church Comm ission Report. This weapon is not new technology but can no longer be ignored or dumb us down f urther. People complain of the Judicial system not working for its people and be ing corrupt, the Constitution being disrespected when it is Supreme, not the Cou rts. Non-profits battle it for decades through political organizations and no ch ange was effective. This case represents how and why we the people are duped. Re dress and the rule of law has been a problem on its own people by its own people . Why would anyone want to prevent such importance because of presentation with good valid reason, especially when lives are being saved, but no one to care of Appellants efforts and risks? It is non-sense that a Judge would not want to hea r this case as soon as possible, when making decisions every day about American lives for their justice. Voice of people not power. Where is the caring justice that the oath motivated our Judges to practice law and rule on human beings? Is Washington still in a bubble (suspension from realizing what is really going on in Americas ordinary people? Where is a media of thousands of reporters at their desks that wont take a story and allow the public to make their own minds? Appe llant is hung up before saying her name and cut off from discussion. Whistleblow ers are blocked, quashed, impeded, discredited, detained, discouraged, threatene d, and the Medias DUTY to report Government actions to we the people to help sup press the conspiracy from mind control leading corruptions, crimes and terrorist s. There is a revolution on exposing the CONSPIRACY before its too late. Every e ffort is being made to cover up mind control with tangible excuses and to discre dit and set up Appellant since 2008. Appellant can identify a matrix of brainwas hing media and of mind controlled 5 senses on Americans not living in REALITY or real world events. Brainwash cannot occur without a tangible and environment. B oth are required, however Transmissions trick one to believe their thoughts and senses are organically grown unwittingly, including any behavior. Appellant witn essed much worse with crimes and illusions of crimes (infiltrating paranoia in A mericans-1970s) from mind controlled others in high rankings and unwit. Appellan t is under threat and tortured by her own Government. The Appellant has been a h ealthy law abiding citizen doing charity work and has the right to due process. Defined as: Due process is the principle that the government must respect all of the legal r ights that are owed to a person according to the law. Due process holds the gove rnment subservient to the law of the land protecting individual persons from the state. When a government harms a person, without following the exact course of

the law, then that is a due process violation which offends the rule of law. Due process has also been frequently interpreted as limiting laws and legal proceed ings (see substantive due process), so judges - instead of legislators - may def ine and guarantee fundamental fairness, justice, & liberty. Appellant stated having numerous overwhelming records, evidence, proof, witnesse s, and confident she can prevail. Other counts with FOIA have also been made tha t should not be denied because of their importance. A victim of her Government h as the civil right to justice and the criminal right to an immediate injunction. This was also presented in the Complaint. There was ruling against the record a nd presentation and this should not supersede or get in the way of justice and r edress. There was however, reason and accusations of attacks psychologically by transmissions and induced pressure, coercion tactics, and threats to file immedi ately and to err constantly to impede and self destruct and to change Appellants mind to her detriment and that of the humanity. The Appellant had to move 3 tim es in October 2010, while preparing the brief and its presentation. Appellant wa s unable to receive Verizon internet for weeks and hours on the phone for weeks again, with constant unwitting delays from everyone. Appellant is constantly imp eded with printing, transportation, and postal capabilities and these repugnant attacks, threats, and tactics to sabotage, were part of the allegation in compla int inclusive of the accusations of 2008 and should not be discounted. This sabo tage was also admitted by NSA Russell Tice in the complaint and (Appendix N). Th ese are transmitted attacks to targeted victims and are escalated at time of imp ortance to unbearable suffering. This is the sabotage of Cointelpro NSA Electron ic Warfare on Americans that should not be ignored as it is exploding for massiv e whitewashing. This is an extraordinary cause, to grant rehearing and/or trial and be able to proceed. The tangible aspect of the case also includes FOIA, bloc ked selective emails including resumes, and communications, sabotage and isolati on. Appellant was harassed out of her house by these various tactics and is inju red by her Government with this weapon. Victims are disbelieved nationwide, and victims unable to obtain representation or assistance including class action suits and the ACLU has been a problem to br ing this weapon to light misused on its own civilians and allowed this Country t o self destruct over 50 yrs unwittingly. It allowed crime experiments in the 70s on major cities evolve to 911 false terrors, provocations, playing voice of God and ET, Aliens/UFO hologram projects, tax dollars to build spaceships and cover ups. This Weapon of mass Destruction includes Quantum Physics MATTER that effec t autos, appliances, objects, Directed Energy body mass, functions, and gravity, according to targeted individuals class action, however Appellant has also witn essed its use for plumbing and water/sewer clogging and tampered manipulations. A massive propaganda and dis-information operation was launched in this Country, since subliminal marketing discoveries. It started with Cointelpro and DARPA, b y a Shadow CIA covert ops and proven infiltrated wars, with cult-like diabolic, sadistic programmed misfits(MAD scientists) targeting Americans they dis-like be hind the scenes. These were alluded to as scientists in the Pentagon claiming wa ys to figure out how to (program) humans by investigative journalist televised i nterviews and literature (Space and technology, Pentagon Science: CRAZY ENOUGH a nd DEATH RAYS by Sharon Weinberger, Journey to Pentagons Scientific Underworld, and Imaginary Weapons), successfully quashed or suppressed. (Exhibit A, B) Senso ry manipulations and much worse infiltrations have been reported as examples dis cussed in 2006 Articles (Air Force Plan: Hack Your Nervous System) Weapons Grade : How Modern Warfare Gave Birth to Our High-Tech World.) This is inclusive of me ntal confusion, heart/muscle attacks, and entire body surreptitiously activated remotely from the mind. CIA tactics have always been, first do then tell. By May 9, 1973 a second level of CIA went discreet with program MHCHAOS, shadowing CHA OS. Program CHAOS included the possible manipulation of American citizens by any one found negative. Today POLICE are being blamed and killing many people across Countrywith the GUN VERSION of taser-like motor control, but patented as NON LE THAL. (App. N of Brief) NSA stated the same EMF/ELF warfare that can cause subje ct to be diagnosed with mental ill health was also overlooked. Today there is so much talk with a Nuremberg code and Trials from prominent folk

s and agents themselves. It is already proven that our CIA has been most corrupt and inhumane in their torture and crimes, and STAGED CRIMES to lose freedom, ye t a Judicial system cannot realize what else is going on, even with admissions a nd whistleblowers from within who claim worse from this Secret Society. (Exhibit A, B new evidence) Former CIA, Bankers, Remote Viewers, George Green also stati ng a plan for WWIII is Fais de Complit in Israel, as Appellant alleged in August . Reducing Middle East population plans, while focused on wrong weapon of mass d estruction infiltrating de-population occurring without Nuclear needs. This is c alled soft kill or slow kill. Jesse Ventura censored out documentary on FEMA lab eled Enemy camps with children behind barb wires, covert caskets built in thousa nds, under the guise of HR 645 and other Exec. Orders to self-destruct, under th e guise of terrorism, also being infiltrated, as claimed in brief, a take over o f WATERWAYS with HR 11005 and Katrina highway blockades for massacres. The CONSP IRACY is bigger than 911 yet to come. WASHINGTON was DUPED! One former elites vi deo ( of numerous types of warnin gs from we the people if we dont do something now.) Charlotte Iserby is another familial Whistleblower on 100 year Secret Society plan on dumbing down U.S. educ ation system. Corrupting the minds books, and teachers to implement this, and CI A bomb makers, just for starters. The actual selection of individuals for povert y, as Appellant had discovered with choosing destinies and ills with mind contro l individually. The judicial system cannot ignore this weapon in the law, due to disbelief and transmitted manipulations of misapplied decisions to this point i n history. A Country usurped is by its own mind controlled pawns. Developing psy chological warfare, Project Montauk since 1942, again on Long Island, has subter ranean installations, and perhaps Ground 0. Appellant has been and is being tortured, and cut off from society and communica tions, whereas cannot get an attorney to assist or to ask questions. Appellant i s sabotaged in her career and livelihood. Appellant finds others complain of the same blocks in place not only for attorneys and work, but journalists who compl ain of computer internet and phone attacks. Appellant makes no mistake; these ar e calculated, selective, directed and timely while guided for years and told as with the well known Harland Girard target. In Complaint and Article App. N, wher eas the NSA can and does control persons lives by guiding and using the public t o control their choices as well as the target. This is not new or few but suppre ssed for decades. Appellant was experimented with twice and brings facts and acc usations from personal experience, family and others under attack still unwit. A ppellant has additional hard evidence and medical records to provide for all acc usations duping a Country nefariously more than a Global economic topple. (Appen dix N) i.e.: Appellant made written accusations of winds blowing seeds on farmer to cause lawsuit by Monsanto by Shadow CIA. Today wiki leaks seem to have Monsa nto tied to CIA via Blackwater funding, as Nazis were. Appellant alleged Monsant o was not aware of induced winds to grow seeds on farmer and have him sued. Thes e infiltrated tactics are far more evil and sick than the bio-warfare Government corruption, labs, and cannot be seen/detected BP blamed cover up of labs in Ven ice FL with Red Tide killing fish since 1947 by ELF/EMF further cover ups and wh itewashing infiltrations must be stopped. New evidence obtained today with paral ysis on more employees and beyond imagination of the ills caused by this weapon. Appellant gave recorded testimony to BP in Alaska (drilling/oil prices) on Augu st 26, 2010 and to Secret Service. (See Exhibit B, Air Force pg.1, BP employees pg. 2) Physical sensations in Article are hallucinations of NSA transmissions on civilians. Recent Repugnant Discoveries of this are beginning but kept behind t he eight ball in technology discovery, and too late. Also, according to the AHRP , the CIA has not only been preventing VETS in the thousands from treatment of m ind control (not Agent Orange) but also DESTROYED their atomic records, denying all targeted individuals and guinea pigs of same. These victims and worse tortur e in history rarely get news coverage as the Gitmo few hundred have for years on display by design to thwart off guilt, as in Complaint. Our own Americans are t ortured much worse by the thousands and millions of mind-body control, quashed u nwit by design. It was stated long ago by FBI Hoover and many Government physici sts so horrific you cant imagine. This makes it more difficult to believe until

one is addressed personally with this DOD terminology, synthetic telepathy psych o-tronics transmissions, also causing one trauma when used in conjunction with t he public. The technique is of cults, NLP Remotely picking up on groups of civil ians spread over the decades since Tesla discoveries. Appellant called the polic e few times when the power is cut off with loss of internet connection, laptop ( 3) is cut off and the next morning an intruder or virus had been attempted. This also occurs often including intercepted by agents on Google and on instant mess aging in the wiki leak server attempting to send case information on August 29, 2010. Years of cyber crimes alleged in Complaint findings under psytek ops and i nvestigations under The CULT of the DEAD COWs Pentagon Unit, should be an indica tion of even worse. Appellant gave information to Secret Service in September be fore leaving Florida and others while under threat. This goes beyond a few (misg uided) incidents, coincidence, or just few victims. Appellant was also sheltered and unwit of this matrix for 45 years and can prove every accusation made since 2008. (pg 17) JFK warns Generation of Secret Societies with de-population belie fs and superiority. Appellant was denied a trial to prove case based on delusion al belief after corrections to make a claim. Appellant was denied base on frivol ous citations. Appellants case is to the contrary, whereas it is NOT the public conspiring, but the public mind controlled unwittingly, with the illusion of con spiring. The public is un-consciously aiding to attack based on innocent synthet ic different thought transmissions, thus sabotaging lives using their environmen t. These tactics to impede and sabotage EXIST admittedly and downplayed from ful l disclosure unwittingly. To rephrase Thucydides, I blame those who are resolved to misrule, but I place m ore blame on those who show an even greater readiness to submit. In war, too, the discretionary power of the Executive is extended; its influence in dealing out offices, honors, and emoluments is multiplied; and all the means of seducing the minds are added to those of subduing the force, of the people. The same malignant aspect in republicanism may be traced in the inequality of fo rtunes, and the opportunities of fraud, growing out of a state of war, and in th e degeneracy of manners and of morals, engendered by both. No nation could prese rve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare." - JAMES MADISON "Political Observations" April 20, 1795 Rule According to Higher Law A conundrum is presented when the government acts in strict accordance with well -established and clearly defined legal rules and still produces a result that ma ny observers consider unfair or unjust. Before the Civil War, for example, Afric an Americans were systematically deprived of their freedom by carefully written codes that prescribed the rules and regulations between master and slave. Even t hough these slave codes were often detailed, unambiguous, and made known to the public, Govt enforcement of them produced negative results. Do such repugnant la ws comport with the rule of law? The answer to this question depends on when and where it is asked. In some countries the political leaders assert that the rule of law has no substantive content. These leaders argue that a government may de prive its citizens of fundamental liberties so long as it does so pursuant to a duly enacted law. At the Nuremberg Trials, some of the political, military, and industrial leaders of Nazi Germany unsuccessfully advanced this argument as a de fense to Allied charges that they had committed abominable crimes against Europe an Jews and other minorities during World War II. In other countries the politic al leaders assert that all written laws must conform to universal principles of morality, fairness, and justice. These leaders argue that as a necessary corolla ry to the axiom that "no one is above the law," the rule of law requires that th e government treat all persons equally under the law. Yet the right to equal tre atment is eviscerated when the government categorically denies a minimal level o f respect, dignity, and autonomy to a single class of individuals. These unwritt en principles of equality, autonomy, dignity, and respect are said to transcend ordinary written laws that are enacted by government. Sometimes known as Natural Law or higher law theory, such unwritten and universal principles were invoked by the Allied powers during the Nuremberg trials to overcome the defense asserte d by the Nazi leaders.

Since the timely fanning of wiki leaks, the ACLU and the Country is focusing mor e on SSP law, civil rights, rule of law, and redress, which is due to come up in the Supreme Court this year. These individual rights have been increasingly tak en away, not after 911 but after the Church Commission and Cointelpro. We must o bey the Constitution and restore function for all of us. It is time to allow our people, ordinary civilians, and victims of human rights torture to obtain redre ss when under psychological attacks and mind wars for all of us. The biggest thr eat and concern is time and delay to change minds and influence decision unwitti ngly. The remark of one Attorney is true for cases with the opinions or bias of Judges in other rulings: Nothing has been more emblematic of the cancer they have been in this regard tha n the posture they have relentlessly fought for on unfettered and unilateral abi lity of the Executive Branch to impose the state secrets doctrine to shield the government from litigation, even when it is concealing blatant and wholesale gov ernment criminality. Another American of many wrote: First. Then they came for the communists. I didnt object bc I wasnt a communist. Then they came for the trade-unionists. I didnt object bc I wasnt a trade-union ist. Then they came for the Jews. I didnt object bc I wasnt a Jew. Then they cam e for me and there was no one left to help me.< famous statement attributed to P astor Martin Niemller (18921984) about the inactivity of German intellectuals fo llowing the Nazi rise to power and the purging of their chosen targets, group af ter group. peasantrock2, it's not about loving or hating the ACLU, its about the Govt arbit rarily stifling free speech of America citizens. "We must hang together or we will surely hang separately"..Ben Franklin Secrets are for a reason and secret abuses are impossible to correct unless you know they are going on. Knowing their plans before they are implemented to oppos e before they occur. If they are exposed by the people already suffering by the abuse, then the abuse has already occurred and it is too late. (Assange 2009) JFK SPEECH: Secret Society Speech Gives Future Generations Dire Warning" The very word "secrecy" is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive an d unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which ar e cited to justify it. Even today, there is little value in opposing the threat of a closed society by imitating its arbitrary restrictions. Even today, there i s little value in insuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not s urvive with it. And there is very grave danger that an announced need for increa sed security will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the v ery limits of official censorship and concealment. That I do not intend to permi t to the extent that it is in my control. And no official of my Administration, whether his rank is high or low, civilian or military, should interpret my words here tonight as an excuse to censor the news, to stifle dissent, to cover upour mistakes or to withhold from the press and the public the facts they deserve to know. A victim should never be further victimized by the system, especially when it ha s not been working for decades, again, according to millions and Judges themselv es. Appellant is being tortured by her own Government, is reporting the demise o f humanity, and no ruling should prevent redress and justice when record and rep resentation are not faulty, but psychological sabotage and coercion of the very weapon abuses, in the accusations themselves. Every effort is being made to preempt and discredit the Appellant with cover ups publicly since late 2008, after reporting it in writing to the authorities. Appellant also noted this Operation launched in complaints (endnote #129) working on covering up each and every fact since then engineering events and false news behind scenes unwittingly using me dia reporters and we the people. This is a real weapon and valid defense which h as been noted publicly whereas victims of electronic warfare mind controls are k ept on the move to sabotage and impede their attempts to defend themselves. Thes e psyops tactics attacking dissent to impede and stifle was also noted since the

Church Commission Report and should be recognized. There has been disconnects o f information/ communication, duplicity, unsolved mysteries for decades, new and unknown ills, that FULL DISCLOSURES would be factual with this case if redress was honored or allowed. Investigators have been spinning their wheels for decade s. Appellant has her own records and experience while in manifest not just what she was informed of, or figured out and investigated. Even if Appellant was delu sional of this weapon of power in the hands of evil men behind the scenes, Appel lant still has a case of injunction and injury, to bring to fact and should be g ranted to proceed and redress. Whether one person, one class action, or all huma nity, without accountability and punishment, neglecting this case will allow Def endants to get away with horrific crimes of covert ops encouraging the abuse to continue and every American is in peril, when one is quashed or gagged. (Harry S Truman) America declined with induced infiltrations, engineering society from t he minds, with this weapon since JFK era. Appellant is a victim and only the mes senger of these repugnancies and modern technology kept secret, inexcusably; a w eapon and panacea. The neitzke v. williams case is outdated, inapplicable, and d oes not take into account this secret weapon. This case is on point explaining h ow delusion is created and a conspiracy. Appellant was never jailed or forma pau peris and far from frivolous. Appellant has 4 years of blocked communication, me dical, police, and judicial records as a target before showing how widespread it became to this point in America. Now, John P. Wheeler in technology, Boeing, Ae ro, DOD, VETS supporter, is also gone, as Dr. Robert Becker and others in CIA wa rned of Govt ELF/EMF, and hundreds more of surreptitious murder and programmed c rimes selectively by the millions. Former Govt Physicists now harassed severely, are claiming Americans are dropping like flies for 50 years not by microwaves a nd mobiles, etc. There is crimes, abuse and torture daily for decades that are a ccepted desensitized robots: WHY would anyone not believe the abuse can occur in this fashion ESPECIALLY when by Govt who think they cant be seen or caught and can get away with it? America is synthetic by design and food is not where synth etic uses stop. Appellants public storage unit with evidence has been threatened and damaged by laser to roof as with private parts of her clothing, and wants t o prove more, not fanciful, but exactly what Russell Tice article called it, Ele ctronic Warfare. Appellant knows it as psyops (mind control, mind wars, mind gam es) beyond experiments, deployed on US soil and Americans and demands justice. FINALLY, Appellant is harmed by a DOD weapon, NSA transmissions, and demands EME RGENCY preliminary injunction (pending appeal), to enjoin their ABUSE AND UNLAWF UL activities, and the right to Petition for redress and grievance from her Gove rnment under Constitutional Civil Rights laws. The court has the right to direct and take control of the proceeding. Under the circumstances in this case, a jud ge can aid a disadvantaged pro se litigant to allow, rehearing, or restore, to p roceed and achieve true justice. CONCLUSION Wherefore, Appellant respectfully requests for REVIEW including Complaint endnot es #7, rehearing, amend, redress, remand, due process, and rule of law to procee d under these extraordinary circumstances, at the direction of the court. ________________________________________ CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I certify that a true copy of the foregoing brief has been furnished in person a t 333 Constitution Ave NW, Washington DC 20001Court of Appeals Clerk, and via re gular Mail to US Attorney Civil Division, Craig Lawrence at 555 4th Street NW, W ashington DC 20530, on January 10, 2011. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct on Jan uary 10, 2011. Respectfully submitted, Mireille Torjman PRELIMINARY STATEMENT This case was also presented to the U S Supreme Court under Federal rule 11. Wri

t of Certiorari was denied November 1, 2010 before judgment with new occurring e vents. (10-419) This case was ruled frivolous and fantastic when noble with factual dangers. Appellant has the right to an immediate Injunction Relief from Government tortur e protection, and for redress and grievance. The opinion made no mention of NUME RUOUS Political Officials and Agencies admissions of these allegations (subseque ntly below), with weapons patented and proven to be in use nefariously and cover tly against We the People, inclusive of our own Government falling victim. Appel lant requested a leave of court, FOIA request, investigations, right of review, proper media warning, emergency hearing, protection, and an injunction to cease immediately. Appellant was denied justice and the right to defend herself and pr ove her case, and/or opportunity for accountability and discoveries with Critica l Agency Admissions and information provided seemingly Un-read or Un-realized, a nd to cause subject to be diagnosed with ill mental health. (Compl 15 p 10- Appx N exhibited) STATEMENT OF THE FACTS On July 7, 2010, Appellant had her Complaint above said case taken from the counter before mailing, and upon arrival at court house, Complaint was unwit tingly switched on Chief Judges desk regardless of calls and written instruction s. Prior Complaint unwittingly switched was missing names of current high profil e individuals and current assassinations. Days later, Appellant also caught Case Complaint which was unwittingly switched with Pharmaceutical case when loaded b y Pacer electronically, as with numerous other obstacles for 4 years in attempt to expose and warn what she has figured out. On or about August 12, 2010, Appellant went on the air and provided a recorded 4 5 minute interview but no one in DC or across North America and Canada stations had heard the interviews and had been redirected, all week to another phone line to impede communication and full disclosures while building discredits and wars , (as incorrect websites and phone calls misdirected). Appellant notified radio host, a Former Police Officer (working on crimes and the paranormal) and found i t was a technical difficulty and/or human error. Appellant has also been heavily blocked by an unwitting public, daily in this fashion tangibly and non-tangibly , from electronic transmitted communications, with heavy mind and body control e xperimentations, and recruitment attempts for CIA using Remote Viewing (satellit e apparatus) today called NSA transmissions, which include transmitted synthetic illnesses to millions. RUSSELL TICE case, an NSA agent blew the whistle on all accusations and torture of Electronic Warfare on Americans. (See Subsequent Publ ic Statements quoted to the Press) Appellant had to amend Complaint and had not made monetary claims originally. (Motion for Relief 1 through 8) Appellant was then denied claims for damages in 2nd(Compl 255), Injunction, surveillance and spying, privacy, tortur e, along with the civil rights violations, witness protective plan, media reques t, Intl tortures, and 27 Counts of violations. Appellant is further retaliated a gainst for attempting to WARN the public or file suit. Appellant is under threat , without delusion or doubt and has proof of all allegations, being pre-empted, impeded from the minds from others to block her, and is threatened as many other prominent radio hosts and activists by our Govt in attempts to expose conspirac ies carefully masterminded behind the scenes (un-wit-unrealized). One mind, one life, one threat, one CANCER has been too many for another decade or another day , at the hands of mind control disbeliefs programmed for years eyes wide shut. T his case should be heard and investigated by all. Appellant has proof, trying to save lives, and is under threats to relocate to DC. Neuro-Directed Energy Weapo ns of Mass Destruction admittedly for decades in Covert Govt hands. Citations ar e uncontested law and one can no longer ignore these patented facts by our Govt, DARPA projects and others, nor slander anyone as delusional fanciful, with the subsequent USA information below including Russell Tice article stating such and attesting to Appellants experience and knowledge with what has been discovered since 2008. (EMF Insulin, Blood, NLP, and Liver disease) The covert Intelligence is with Malice and should be stopped immediately. Media is now publishing a Gov ernment has gone amuck to whitewash, and much worse with opposite news fanned fo

r years. Lies the Govt told you by Judge Napolitano, a system that has not worke d, for these reasons failing millions of our own people, suggesting to re-read a nd deceptions. Ie: Whistleblower Griggs calling it mind jabbing and Dr. Bowart F alse Memory Syndrome, unwitting APA. (Appx B and Democracy Now (Standing up to t he madness) Stop the Madness) It has been our own programmed disbelief for years and hidden advanced Technology that has enabled this Country to arrive at this point unwittingly from behind the scenes, and must be stopped and dismantled. Pe ople are starting to wake up. Architects and Engineers Movement and Congressman Ron Paul Supporters want to know, former Govt Officials, Unsolved Mysteries, Phe nomenon, Alex Jones and massive events across the Nation under Brian Glick repor ts want the truth, know that MKULTRA mind control is in full operation, and so s hould every one with sound minds and realization of this sense. Pledges and admi ssion statements made by U. S. Officials since 1976 and over the years recent, t o dismantle these powerful mind control Neurological Directed Energy Weapons hav e been proven thus, continue for decades to todays 911 false terrorism in the gu ise of Muslims to manifest war worse than before on US Soil, and INDUCED seismic waves as other energy waves to cause contaminations, economic manipulations, tr ends, and population control induced behind the scenes. (Appx H) Appellant also has witnessed redirected phone calls, websites, and email communications tangibl y and as done to Attorneys leaving Country just to work on Iraq matters here, wi thout further impediments. (Compl Counts III and IV) Appellant has been impeded and blocked with emails, specific selective viruses, faxes, deliveries, voicemai ls and phone lines/calls while with various Communication Companies across the C ountry including DSL lines and can provide records showing activities for years behind the scenes un-wit from remote viewing, and password access to www. privat e CORPORATION servers with tips to VERIZON and other lawsuits. FALSE accusations as one case example, untraceable. (Compl 32 and 201 and (NSA, Verizon joined wi th AT&T M06-1791 VRW) individuals, google, and EFF). have been around Appellant has statements of Federal Employees and Government Officials, Presiden ts with ADMISSIONS of Non-Fanciful Weapons of Electronic WARFARE over the years as to MILLIONS of Americans targeted unwittingly. A class action suit with its a ttorney (married to the DA in CO, and funded by a Silicon Valley University on M ind Control NSA transmissions impeded and no longer available for the very reaso ns of this Lawuit (non-gang related conspiracy, but an unwitting public used in all professions that We the People have a responsibility to stop before too late , by power in numbers to dismantling this Mother of all Evil Weapon, or suffer f uture catastrophic consequences more than Seismic WAVES, Cancer, or free will). (Compl 50, Appx E). Appellant is being denied her rights, and the Judicial System has not connected the dots yet, on prior crimes from these technology weapons that blighted the Co urts 40 years ago to bring us to this point and a corrupted Country and infiltra ted Culture. Appellant will show mind manipulations in this Country are created with transmitted hallucinations on the public to cover up an agenda against huma nity collectively, since Big Brother Technology spying. This began in HOLLYWOOD and GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS and which some outsiders already realized the mastermin ds in the U.S. by DIA. Appellant has records of unwitting transmitted victims wi thin DOJ, Congress (Un-covered documentary) unread to invade Iraq to set up and brainwash their people as other Countries for mass control infiltrations, and mi nd controlled (Out-foxed media video) jacketing one against the other, psyops te chniques for years with the use of all waves and resonance of frequencies. TruTV and media experiencing various pressures not to air any Govt Conspiracies and q uash all related topics. Appellant reviewed her Quantum Physics Governmental stu dies from 2007 with information to support the new findings found at (Appx N hig hlighted with O) and her prior allegations, since under attack by this Directed Energy Weapon. Appellant attempted to receive assistance from Congress and the Intelligence Com mittee Senator Bill Nelsons Office and Congresswoman Ginny Brown-Waite and was t old that they had only been able to cease some not all victims seeking help, as it is selective Directed Energy Weapons. Appellants case was closed after a visi t with other officials in DC. (Dennis Kucinich bill, Space Preservation Act 2005

in part-was quashed with citations of Remote viewing manipulations on millions of Americans so far. (Compl 21 and PARTIES). Today, according to former NSA empl oyees and NY congressional committee volunteers, the burden of proof on victims should be on the defendants. Appellant is with proof, witnesses, interviews and reports, from Leading Psychia trist Dr. Walter Bowart (before his death and his son silenced), who blew the wh istle on 50 years of mind control and FALSE MEMORY SYNDROME FOUNDATION, (and wor se-by CIA remote viewing), and in our courts and streets, Russ Tice statements o f NSA transmissions in use to sabotage lives, other CIA whistleblowers, of mind control including Operation Mockingbird (updated remotely) but publicly admitted brainwash mis-information (with a divided CONGRESS) permeating our Media unwitt ingly from these transmissions for decades creating our propaganda mass COMMUNIC ATION CHAOS, (2 opposite thoughts at once), DISPUTES, and A SYNTHETIC engineered culture. (Covert Propaganda infiltrated as psyops on US Soil). Appellant is with the device (intercepted) and military patents, science, docume nts of CIA MKULTRA and statement of Manchurians to assassinate G. Bush in the 80 s, and these very Technology Weapons of Mass Destruction (diverted focus created ) in use for 911, as well as 9 DOJ attorneys fired for asking too many questions of what would have been to be uncovered. On August 5, 2009 Associated Press pri nted that the CIA denies faking Al Qaida Iraq letter, which agents are un-wit of within their own and of their missions with erased memory etc. (Press release S ept 13, Appx H) Everyone spinning their wheels too busy to REALIZE and dumbed do wn. (Jim Keith and Operation Mind Control, an engineered culture) On March 31, 2 008 at 10:30 am, a letter in strong opposition written to JUDGE JOHN ROCKEFELLER IV intelligence Committee, regarding S. 2035 free flow of information act from ROBERT GATES at DOD is condoning unwittingly DUPLICITOUS, MASSIVE CRIMES generat ed against AMERICAN CIVILIANS and conspiracy hiding behind SSP as QUITE the CONT RARY on all counts that is headed into GRAVE DANGERS. Mind Control has been infi ltrated psyops on civilian culture and population since 1947 and the 70s deploye d Remote Viewing. BREACHED contracts of spying in EU, AU, UK, Israel, and other invaded Countries with spying and manipulating mind wars. Appellant is heavily tortured, pre-empted, framed, staged and sabotaged, with co ver ups in the media and building discredit with tangible events whitewashing hi story with each accusation, to discredit, since 2008 in efforts to go public, to the FBI, and to file suit. Appellant has made further discoveries of corruption s with these weapons of psyops against humanity, as Government Physicist Lieuten ant Tom Bearden warned the dangers many decades ago for your thoughts may not be your own creating a matrix covertly for Power and Control, ULTIMATELY. (Compl 2 0) Appellant does not know how to present this case with so much information to pro vide and obtain EMERGENCY injunction relief or a hearing, as DEMANDED in Complai nt and Motion for relief to verify documents, with continued DANGERS to travel o r come to DC again or ever take the witness chair. Appellant is praying for lega l and procedural assistance of this court to be heard, prove her case and warn W e the people. Appellant does not know if Complaint has been read or realized in full by JUDGE JOHN D BATES with NO mention of SABOTAGE HALLUCINATIONS MKULTRA DE PLOYED for 50 YEARS to MILLIONS OF AMERICANS at 15, 16, 17 and much worse by oth ers throughout. (Compl 23 through 50 victimized, and below page 14 quoted by Mr. Tice), whereas Appellant was comatose for 72 hours (as Ariel Sharon) in her hom e to start THE PROCESS for CIA espionage, sexual slavery in the White House and Behavior modifications, recruitment and brainwash programming via Remote Viewing . As with the Obama Sunsteins report of cognitive infiltration, Appellant will p rove this has been infiltrated in our society causing all accusations since Chur ch Committee never ceased as promised by Officials. Appellant attempted to tell DOJ in 1996 when targeted for 5 years as Imaginary Friend/Enemy to obey, experim enting for Combat, robots, on the ground communications, and has years of copiou s notes for feedback and intent, with numerous others complaining of mind contro l at the same time emerged, and at a time when BUDGETS were of great concern at DOD in SAN DIEGO and Pres. Clintons public (partial) apology. DIA has done a ter rific job at keeping it to a minimum if complete disbelief brainwash since the 7

0s. The 911 Pilot training in connection with HAARP stations The Ultimate Weapon of Conspiracy by Jerry Smith also died of CANCER March, 2010 and Appellant has been threatened with zaps to her body, organs, hair, etc, as other credible vict ims and politicians claim is going on, with experiments in full action and Scien ce under Siege. Physicist Dr. Bill Nelson and Dr. Nick Begich ALASKAN Political family Angels dont play this HAARP also asking questions and was impeded. Anothe r impeded resolution was from John Herschel Glenn Jr., 1974-1999, former astrona ut on CANCER and radiation, and U.S. politician who Introduced a Bill (Compl 14 and 25) As with AIPAC related framed (cases), Kevin Trudeau and FDA mass corrupt ions via NSA transmissions with scapegoats for all their shadowing conspiracies, and OJ Simpson to murder his wife and get away with it in advance, sabotaged ca ses tampering with minds not just evidence, from many minor criminal cases to hi ghest dollar cases and victims. The most sabotaged cases were the ones TELEVISED with sensory deprivations, and in front of the world (infiltrating humans into cold robots and locked doors culture is not organically grown but agenda). Milli ons are victims and are concerned! Whats going on? Wake up America! Wake up Wash ington! The answers are N.O.W. nefariously, toppling the ECONOMY and 911, the cr eations of 50 years of ignoring, neglecting MIND CONTROL WAVES and ELF, Ultimate Weapon behind the scenes and hiding behind SSP (1947). The Sibel Edmonds case a nd linguistic accusation of impaired translations were NSA transmissions communi cation chaos; another case never came to light and its true findings of 911. Bot h Muslim and Jew framed. Larry Silverstein of WTC 7 framed well in advance with insurance and transmissions to PULL topple building, and government offices. App ellant will demonstrate and tie major historic events as Allison Des Forges stag ed plane crash in Hudson River with Death Rays for planes (Warden Cliff Towers) and Senator Kennedy zapped Cancer. (CIA Predicts The Future 2015 - Water Resourc es.) General Zinni changed minds, Water Wars in manifesting with Turkey and Egyp t, false natural resource shortage, as with Seismic induced East Coast INFILTRAT IONS as predictions for WATERFRONT properties, and warnings to Congress ignored of Piracy and Florida EMF Red Tide to cover up with BP transmissions of human er rors. Teslas invention in 1940 and a $2,000,000,00 device to zap and melt an air plane motor 250 miles away and an Invisible Chinese Wall of defense was built ar ound the Country, no matter how large an attack, (Teleforce, manifests FREE ener gy and creates rays; zapping beams, the new invisible war Imaginary Weapons). Wa rden cliff Tower is in full action in Long Island NY, as 36 other stations, glob ally that beam massive volume of Free Energy. (The New York Times, Sunday Septem ber 22, 1940-Science and Patents, Education News). One energy zap is COSTLY, cau ses confusion, trip, fall, body temp-freeze, heat, mis-communication, fatigue, f ocus, concentration, sleep, mistakes, (Kucinich-US patent under MKDELTA), and st alling any engine. All hiding behind the scenes and SSP, a letter to Judicial Committee was sent in July prior to this writ of information. The attached email from 2009 was never responded to and was unverifiable as numerous other communications for years. (S ee App. G3) Press release was impeded and forwarded to Al Gore on September 17, before revisions, Bear Stearns manipulations, and Famous Public Speeches. The En ergy will by just fine. (App. H) Appellant was traumatized and is suffering and would like to provide medical rec ords, police, Judicial court records (staged to appeals with delays to change mi nds with TIME, and other credible witness information and testimonies to prove, manifest how, what this world is coming to (prior to 2008). Appellant requested a leave of court to amend as Appellant is under immediate threat (as family and car accidents) and cannot obtain counsel. Appellant has become increasingly realized of the severity and magnitude of thes e weapons in use nefariously and globally on civilians and is growing. On Septem ber 3, 2010, Appellant woke up with loud ringing in the ears to find further att acks are attempted currently to penetrate her auditory cortex if continued effor ts are made to expose and cease. From CLASS ACTION suit members, this type of at tack can be deadly in various ways, and is TORTUROUS. It included sleep depravat ion until 4AM and loud alarms and outside extreme motor noises, for days prior a s well as by phone, voice mail, electronic intrusions and transfers and 5 hours

to obtain a flight ticket by phone to DC and blocked internet account set up wit h providers, (WITH AMPLIFIED SUGGESTIONS or modulations) and sensitivities to en train and channel further connectivity sound waves during tired sleep not to awa ke programming. In the Jawad case No. 05-cv-2385 (RMU) GUANTANAMO prisoners are kept tired to be programmed during sleep and not wake up with interruptions tech niques. This sleep disorder goes on in AMERICAN homes with sleep disorders that began 40 years ago or so. Appellant was able to record and video these awful eve nts and suspects is being entrained mentally to accept such intrusions. Appellan t is harassed and sabotaged daily, to impede her expert witness testimonies and WARN the people how and where this Country is being taken down behind the scenes and by an unwitting public timed in advance to sabotage lives. More than what T ice stated in full article and more than each of my accusations are already bein g investigated by analysts since my efforts have been taken to several authoriti es; the NSA began searching for an Attorney upon my threats and lawsuit on May 2 8th. Historically, numerous citizens, have not been amongst just Officials but a nyone who dares to expose and prevent the corruption, abuse of power, and conspi racy underway, unsuccessfully because they are under the influence of mind contr ols UNREALIZED, always missing the mark and as Sunsteins Report with Cognitive I nfiltrations is not not gone in vein. This Country is not only being usurped leg ally or Constitutionally, but psychologically one mind and soul at a time allowi ng it to evolve from 50 years of transmitted Americans and criminal. Currently e xperiencing additional unpleasant attacks as follows, with full article at (Appx N) that should not be discounted: gang related but psyops on the American Ordin ary People. (Quoting what Appellants accusations are from years of her documente d Government torture, sabotaged life in front of a Sheriff Department, and frame d with the exact events below which are that of cults and Church Committee tacti cs going on today. Russell Tice, a Hero Under GOD, Jim Keith and Dr. Walter Bowa rt Is the NSA Conducting Electronic Warfare On Americans? Russ Tice, former NSA intelligence officer and current Whistleblower, was to tes tify Godspeed, Russ Tice, the Patriots are with you . RUSSELL TICE: If that was done and, you know, I use a big if here, and, remember , I cant tell you what I know of how N.S.A. does its business, but I can use the wiggle words like if and scenarios that dont incorporate specifics, but nonethe less, if U.S. gateways and junction points in the United States were used to sip hon off information--- AMY GOODMAN: Do you expect you are being monitored, surve illed, wiretapped right now? RUSSELL TICE: Yes, I do As a matter of fact April 1, 1976, Attorney General Levi announced the establishment of a special re view committee within the Department of Justice to notify COINTELPRO victims tha t they were the subjects of FBI activities directed against them. Notification w ill be made "in those instances where the specific COINTELPRO activity was impro per, actual harm may have occurred, and the subjects are not already aware that they were the targets of COINTELPRO activities." 315 Further, the Department will have acknowledged -- finally -- that COINTELPRO was wrong. Official repudiation of the programs is long overdue. (Wiretapping began with Hoover in 1940) The American people need to be assured that never again will an agency of the go vernment be permitted to conduct a secret war against those citizens it consider s threats to the established order. Only a combination of legislative prohibitio n and Departmental control can guarantee that COINTELPRO will not happen again. The notification program is an auspicious beginning. This rough, tough, dirty bu siness included infiltration of political groups, psychological warfare, legal h arassment, and extralegal force and violence. The FBI and police threatened, ins tigated and conducted break-ins, vandalism, assaults, and beatings. The object w as to frighten dissidents and disrupt their movements, write Mike Cassidy and Wi ll Miller. They used secret and systematic methods of fraud and force, far beyon d mere surveillance, to sabotage constitutionally protected political activity. The purpose of the program was, in FBI Director J. Edgar Hoovers own words, to e xpose, disrupt, misdirect, discredit and otherwise neutralize specific groups an

d individuals. Secretary Geithner also highlighted Bear Stearns former Chief Operating Officer of Fixed Income, Paul Friedman, stated rumors were untrue until the telling of r umors made them true. Fannie Mae interim Jewish Accountant suicide after 3 months on fraud Framed as Larry Silverstein to redistribute wealth away from Jews to topple the economy agendas and framing Israel Conspiracies uncovered! March 31, 2010 in the Islamic Foundation v Obama case, Judge Walker ruled the TS P as unlawful and violated FISA. NEW CASE Dr. Orly Taitz V. Obama with Judges courage, NON-SENSE and responsibili ty necessary to dismantle this covert CIA ops and weapons of mass destruction wi th many deaths like Prosecutor Ted Stevens articles Obama staffer wants cognitive infiltration of 9/11 conspiracy groups Posted by sakerfa April 14th, 2010-Journal of Political Philosphy in 2008 Why hasn't the press--aside from MSNBC--covered Russell Tice's revelations on th e government's massive spy apparatus that according to Tice illegally survey's e very US citizens' purchasing records, emails, phone calls, bank transactions, et c. and maintains the information in massive databases for nefarious uses? DNA an d why After the Church Committee exposed COINTELPRO, the government report claimed it had dismantled the program. However, in the 1980s, the Reagan administration leg alized the tactics (after the fact) by signing Executive Order 12333. FOLLOWED b y FALSE and LOSS Memory! Posted: March 4, 2010 12:42 PM A Terrible Mistake: H.P. Albarelli's Investigation into CIA Scientist's Murder, at the Crossroads of Mind Control and Assassination What's Your Reaction: Read More: A Terrible Mistake, CIA Geneva Conventions , CIA Missions , CIA Untie d States ConstitutionBooks News , "Where else could a red-blooded American boy lie, kill, cheat, steal, rape and p illage with the sanction and blessing of the All-Highest." -- George Hunter Whit e, U.S. Federal Bureau of Narcotics For well over half a century, the CIA (and its predecessor, OSS) has been violat ing the Geneva Conventions and the United States Constitution, subjecting the gu ilty and innocent alike to "cruel and unusual" treatment. H.P. Albarelli's A Ter rible Mistake -- The Murder of Frank Olson and CIA's Cold War Experiments, a fas cinating and important new work of unprecedented depth (10 years in the making a nd involving numerous first hand interviews), pulls back the curtain on the AGEN CYS DIABOLICAL MIND CONTROL Experiments and EXTENSIVE EFFORTSto assemble and ana lyze every known substance that could kill a person relatively easily, quickly a nd SURREPTITIOUSLY. A Terrible Mistake is the true story of how the CIA drugged one of its own scien tists and, when "the little bird" flew through a closed window on the 13th floor of the Statler Hotel in Manhattan, proceeded to publicly insist, for decades to come, that Dr. Frank Olson was mentally unstable and had committed suicide. Alb arelli takes us with him as he investigates the question: did Frank Olson jump, or was he pitched? This compelling tale not only reveals the wherefore and how of Frank Olson's mur der, but looks behind the scenes at CIA and the Federal Bureau of Narcotics, del iciously acquainting us with some of the Agency's darkest characters, including: Dr. Sidney Gottlieb, head of the notorious MKULTRA program, whose mind control techniques included extensive use of LSD; the evil psychiatrist Dr. Harold Abram son; various Corsican mafia kingpins; and the ultimate spy, Pierre Lafitte. Lafi tte was not only glamorously descended from the famous pirate captain, Jean Lafi tte, he was also a CIA assassin, who just happened to be working as a bellman at the Statler Hotel the night Frank Olson crashed through a closed windowand drop

ped to his death. A Terrible Mistake reads like the most gripping of spy novels, as it lays out th e roadmap to the drug culture of the 1960s and beyond. Since the 1940s, CIA had been hell-bent on perfecting mind control techniques, including the creation of a "truth drug," for use in interrogation of captured enemy operatives and to roo t out the enemies within. These pursuits began with Project BLUEBIRD's creation of synthetic THC (the active ingredient in marijuana), evolving into Project MKU LTRA, in which Agency scientists conducted human experiments with LSD and hypnos is (frequently on American citizens held captive in mental hospitals); and ultim ately led the Agency into a close association with international heroin traffick ers. Dr. Frank Olson was a research scientist in the Chemical Branch of the CIA's Spe cial Operations Division ("SOD") at Fort Detrick, Maryland, where he was involve d in a wide variety of chemical warfare experiments. Some of these experiments t ook him to exotic destinations in the Caribbean, where the U.S. Army's Chemical Corps conducted tests resulting in the deaths of thousands of animals, not to me ntion the supposedly unintended consequences to the health of the residents of a n island near the watery test site. In the summer of 1951, Dr. Olson and other members of the SOD research team trav eled to France, in particular, to the village of Pont St. Esprit, for an operati on code named Project SPAN. On August 16th of that year, the entire town of Pont St. Esprit was stricken with a mysterious malady. One Parisian reporter describ ed. ADDED 12/15/10 with OPERATION PIQUE ADMISSIONS On November 28, 1953, U.S. Army biochemist Dr. Frank Olson crashed through a hot el window in New York City and fell over 150 feet to the sidewalk below where he died. The New York City Police Department, U.S. Army, and CIA, for whom he also secretly worked, reported Olsons death as a suicide. In 1975, a Presidential-ap pointed commission inadvertently released information publicly that revealed tha t, days before his death, the CIA had surreptitiously dosed Olson with LSD. The CIA admitted that it had given the drug to Olson, but refused to reveal any deta ils of the so-called experiment, or about what Olsons work for the CIA involved. The American media briefly examined the perplexing mysteries surrounding Olsons suicide, but soon lost interest. Twenty-years later, further investigation into Olsons death revealed that there was ample reason to believe that he had been m urdered. The Olson case grew even more mysterious and strange after the Manhatta n District Attorneys Office convened a grand jury inquiry into the odd death.Cri tical witnesses died strangely only days and weeks before they were to be questi oned by prosecutors; government officials refused to speak and those that did su ddenly developed severe memory problems; crucial documents were destroyed and lo st; and investigators were intimidated and threatened. ACLU Says Government Used False Confessions 02 Jul 2009 The American Civil Liber ties Union yesterday accused the Obama administration of using statements elicit ed through torture to justify the confinement of a detainee it represents at the U.S. military prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. The ACLU is asking a federal judg e to throw out those statements and others made by Mohammed Jawad, an Afghan who may have been as young as 12 when he was captured. His attorney argued that Jaw ad was abused in U.S. custody, threatened and subjected to intense sleep depriva tion. "The government's continued reliance on evidence gained by torture and oth er abuse violates centuries of U.S. law and suggests the current administration is not really serious about breaking with the past," said ACLU lawyer Jonathan H afetz, who is representing Jawad in a lawsuit challenging his detention. Military prosecutor abruptly quit his post, saying that the case was riddled wit h problems and that the prisoner had suffered physical and psychological mistrea tment while in custody. U.S. again [third time] delays releasing CIA torture report 02 Jul 2009 The U.S.

government on Wednesday once again delayed the release of a full report on CIA' s controversial interrogation program. The government had intended to complete i ts review of the 2004 report and release it two weeks ago. But continued interag ency debate about how much of the secret report could be made public pushed back the deadline. [See: US wants to [again] delay release of CIA report 26 Jun 2009 and Delay in Releasing CIA Report Is Sought 20 Jun 2009.] U.S. spy says just followed orders in Italy kidnap 30 Jun 2009 A former U.S. spy at the center of a kidnapping trial in Italy appeared to acknowledge a role in the abduction of a Muslim cleric but said he was only following orders, accordin g to a rare interview published on Tuesday. Robert Seldon Lady is one of 26 Amer icans, almost all believed to have been working for the CIA, who are accused alo ng with Italian spies of grabbing a terrorism suspect off the streets of Milan i n 2003 and flying him to Egypt. There, Hassan Mustafa Osama Nasr says he was tor tured and held for years without charge. Army faces 20 more torture and abuse cl aims from Iraqi civilians Numerous cases have BLIGHTED THE COURTS for decades since 1947 Securities Act an d these weapons to be researched and experimented about the time Aliens and Apol lo hit the Media, and crimes filled the jails with hallucinations, entrapment, a nd bearing FALSE WITNESS behind the scenes, MILLIONS made by PHARMACEUTICAL with the start of a communication chaos dis-information Operation Mockingbird, FBI G randeur delusions, in our books, synthetic illness with the AMA, song writing, D YSFUNCTIONAL non-sense corrupt culture, EVOLVED. Now duped and the EMERGING, exp laining so many airport cases and others falsely paranoid using an unwitting pub lic. Appellant will show that the above article from Sunsteins Report is not hired help or gang-related conspiracies, but what has been impeding A&E 911 trut h investigation for 9 years with CIA Jacketing to divide and fighting (crimes) o n the streets, on line www, turning anyone against the other manifestations unwi tting, as Countries creating wars as pawns behind the scenes, Stalking, ID theft , theft and vandalism. Generating false news; OBAMA speech (they like to do that , against each other (dividing culture). Stay the course to Brainwash, repeatedl y Bush speeches (for oil?) and many more duped, (Appx H)), Generating Buzz, FEAR S over the years, FLORIDA, and ECONOMIES, Generating Propaganda, Generating Illn esses since missing children on milk cartons, (misfits) in the Pentagon. Journal ist, Sharon Weinberger, after PENTAGON interview wrote (Imaginary Weapons) and W ired Magazine, and a Globe who saw our Media and Judicial System as a Joke cultu re, and injustice from within, all with COSTLY zaps as they call it. Appellant p urchased from NASA Physicist, the device for $21,000. 00 with Woodpecker scalar waves to Russia and China being used when paranoid Russia had launched theirs br eaching airways spying contracts. Appellant had to learn CIA techniques of NLP t aught to FBI early 70s and became certified in Hypnosis in 2008. (Neuro-linguist ic Programming which some details were provided of Ft Hood victim, in the (Compl pages 19 and 78)) NLP (1974) is the absolute mind control creations of cognitiv e impairments, Alzheimer and Dementia, Memory back in timelines, targeting forme r President Reagan after signing executive order 12333, ADD Scientology and emot ional disorders, highest mis-diagnosed ills in America among many new synthetic creations infiltrating Science nefariously for the next generation. New side eff ects and illnesses plague Americans with no names or traces are endless and docu mented, as many illusions, delusions, and/or deceptions. Appellant has knowledge the JUDICIAL SYSTEM has been preventing to save these CR IMES OF HUMANITY, from the MINDS, unwittingly. These activities and other covert programs are being abused with a pattern of experiments and crime corruption on the street since the 1970s using weapons of technology and Neurological that ha s investigators spinning their wheels and folks exclaiming, What is this world c oming to, pre 911? (Tesla Invention and energy 1940) Furthermore, testimonies ma de in 1977 to U.S. Courts and Congress by whistleblowers Cathy Obrien and CIA Ma rk Phillips were blocked for reasons of National Security. This 1947 SSP LAW and disbelief and/or forgotten event had unwittingly allowed the crimes and evil co rruption to continue in AMERICA at the hands of the most powerful TECHNOLOGY WEA PON of the mind. Too many years of death and torture include every one in this C

ountry somehow. Today some are finally seeing the same has continued to bigger G overnment crimes and corruption with technology to take over humanity for mass c ontrol, Step #9 of 10 (Naomi Wolf, Yale) closer to legalizing Fascism, eyes wide shut: LOSING OUR FREEDOM under the DISGUISE of 911 (nano-thermite findings as E LF-EMF warfare and its speedy debris removal and silenced, etc). Part of a gradu al process in REVERSING an entire AMERICAN CIVIL WAR and JUDICIAL SYSTEM. Appell ant assures the Court that as Access Denied, Trance-formation of America, among many neglected slandered and discredited Whistle- blowers instead of Courageous Heroes; Naomi Wolf, CIA retirees, and NSA employees, reported being hypnotized o n the job, are part of GUANTANAMO innocent scapegoats used as Public display tri cks to decoy. ACLU reports of false statements of confessions after sending them my information of psyops infiltrations brainwash over time, again reason for de lays, and covert sweeping of DC and NY pre 911, whitewashed AFTER 2008 infiltrat ed to Mosques as Shuttle and much more. Numerous investigations with missed fact -findings at the hands of mind control behind the scenes. Covert condos built u nderground reports by Jesse Ventura currently in the MIDWEST and false threat of war on US Soil created in the process of being manifested with 911. Mind contro lled Pawns, Manchurians and staged London Bombings, as domestically. (App.E3) Appellant does not consent to the espionage information being transmitted agains t her will to her discoveries today and should not have been targeted with this experiment and beyond torture and information. Remote View Projects that REQUIRE D HUMAN EXPERIMENTING and The Cult of Intelligence-occults covertly. Numerous DA RPA and Military projects, Pandoras Box, Voice of GOD. Former United States Gove rnment Physicist! 1981-Lt Col. US Army Retired, Pentagon analyst McRae, Ronald, Mind Wars, St. Martin's Press, 1984, p 127, Psychic Weapons) and synthetic telep athy, (creating wars and crimes on our streets) and the new buzz words in the Pe ntagon, Operation Northwoods, Project Stargate, Spacestar, (CIA Psychic Remote V iewing and FBI Virtual Project, 1996 respectively), Project Paperclip (Space Med icine), Remote Accupuncture (ELF) electrosis, Project Hybrid Insects & Polar Bea rs and hallucinations), for abusive powers. Appellant will also provide evidence to the connection of numerous sabotaged cou rt cases, our economy manipulations, and 911 with this WEAPON of technology mind wars used on most Americans for decades. We the People had, and have a powerful sturdy foundation to disbelieve MKULTRA and the Church Committee is still activ e and/or part of the brainwash with massive investigations and CASES diverted fo r years. Appellants quashed and impeded warnings ignored by Congress leading to many deaths, BP oil, ELF EMF Red Tide, Labs-1947, VETERANS un-traceable Agent Or ange etc, and many calamities including non-sense, mis applied dysfunctions, del ays, sabotaged people and cases from the mind. Henderson v. Veterans Affairs 091036, VVA v, CIA cv 09 0037 CW, which has pleadings with mischaracterized discov eries, delays, denials, and refusals, with mind control throughout. On Oct 13, 2 010, declarations made by CIA and DOD agents who do not have top secret clearanc e of covert ops today and who are themselves unwitting victims as other agents a nd Govt Officials as Whistleblower Russell Tice himself. The basis of Appellants case and point. Their Affidavit states in 1973 the programs went under severe t ight guard secret, which is about when they deployed psyops on the Public for po wer upon this discovery, which is evolving outside the U S now as a result of no TRANSPARENCY and SSP with a new DHS and revamped FBI, WHITEWASH and lost in gen erational GAP. Furthermore, Plaintiff has obtained 20,000 pages of documents and videos, and more from Canada before CIA destructions, and went public Aug, 2010 . There is no documentation of current NLP, Remote mind control or viewing made available and EXPERIMENTS are REQUIRED especially since patented and Ops admitte d by former and current agents, as well as other prominent folks. In addition, t here is talk from outsiders of DOD and across the Nation, of CointelPro MIND CON TROL as admitted in the 70s and with crimes under Operation CHAOS with skepticis ms in the White House for 2 Administrations, charges for electronic spying were made back then with data minding since then. (CIA Church Committee Report Page 6 82, 687 and 1947 Act, and Compl page 5, 7paragraph 7)They did not cease or aboli

sh this Act, but went black according to Tice and Millions of People so far incl uding those victimized which Appellant interviewed and those with Cancer. Appell ant provided the VA with the non-traceable ills of Americans at the hands of thi s Directed Energy Weapon also used in the Gulf War (Compl Footnote 7 and 36, App x H, N, P-) San Francisco Firm Press Release Media Advisory. Julianne McKinney, Director of these Military Ops is still battling Oversight. (Compl 36) Appellant prayed for an immediate injunction relief and has been under urgencies, demanding JUSTICE, to prove this case. SUMMARY OF ARGUMENT I. This Case Presents an Important Violation of our Amendment Laws and the futur e ROLE of the Judicial system. (Compl 28) II. There is an immediate and serious impact on the Appellant and publics safety with severe and alarming corruption and crimes to cease. III. Analogously, in history of these crimes and violations cases involving Coin telpro, Church Committee and MKULTRA, knowledge of the illicit nature is imputed to the defendant, further victimized and traumatized by the publics disbeliefs, even though technical and credible testimony have been made unrealized, as in U nited States v. Lindauer Case No. 03 Cr. 807, falsely accused, slandered, delaye d, detained, for 2 years as most whistleblowers to impede truth until too late t o matter. (Church Committee full report-went black, Compl page 5). IV. Additionally, because the majority has not been appropriately made aware of the extent of surveillance for the uses of spying, data-mining, breached contrac ts, treason, and nefarious misuses to humanity, millions more victimized, that w ould indeed come forward for immediate dismantling of Covert Remote Viewing,maki ng liars of Public Govt Officials, unwittingly. (USSID 18, Compl Page 12) V. The Appellant made demands for FOIA, damages physical and psychological (with irreparable harm, monetary losses, witness protection, proper media coverage, a nd an injunction,Part of Appellants harmful damages is too vexing and mind contr olled transmits to err. Appellant was traumatized and is writing pro se with pri vacy concern. Medical records will be provided for physical and psychological ev idence. (Compl page 16, 17, 30, 35, 61, 65, 68, and 23, 33 63) Symptoms are that of VETS-D.E.W. Neurologic torture, picking up behaviors, illnesses hiding as if organically grown, as cults and synthetic addictions on civilians. Affecting em otions and 5 senses, and this case to prove all, from being targeted to wars.and has not been free to exercise her rights to speech against the government crime s and to leave her house for the past 4 years and has been retaliated upon in va rious ways including experimentation of mental GAG orders and House Arrest as wi th other (ORDINARY UNWITTING PUBLIC, non-gang). These blocks coupled with detain ments by law enforcements in all efforts to WARN while DELAYING and covering up accusations. VI. This Case depicts important Violations of our Amendments that has caused mas s chaos, Population Control, and a Society to be disillusioned, misled, along wi th disbeliefs at the hands of mind control TRANSMISSIONS behind the scenes pawns to create dis-information, mis-understandings and cognitive impairments, to div ide and conquer people and to procure and produce exact OPPOSITES (FANNED) of ev ents and harassment. Appellant was extremely Pro-Government 4 years ago, as is t he Honorable JUDGE John D Bates, thus has the right to an impartial trial and th e public at large needs to know and has the right to know including and especial ly JUDGES. One should not let a rule prevent truth and crimes if justice and tru th is our goal to begin with. JUDGES cannot make correct informed decisions WITH OUT this KNOWLEDGE. VII. VARIOUS ADMISSIONS from Military OFFICIALS, Secretary on US Soil is taking place toward Millions of innocent UNWITTING Civilians included continued operati on of COINTELPRO MKULTRA as opinions confirms the allegations dating years back to Church Committee CIA diabolical tactics and NSA transmissions for Electronic Warfare on Americans and humanity. For nothing in the history of humanity and our judicial system can ever be resol ved or accountable UNTIL this case and its WEAPON at hand is heard, considered, and ruled, thus bringing CONSPIRACY THEORISTS TO FACT. The American Judicial sys

tem needs to recognize these issues and hold this covert shadow Government accou ntable to successfully CEASE ITS OWN DEMISE as part of the humanities and We the People duped and brainwashed within our own CIA terrorists. We are ALL in DANGE R, and notice DC that is kept in a Bubble. VIII. No act of Congress can authorize a violation of the Constitution. The Cons titution cannot be interpreted safely except by reference to common law and to B ritish institutions as they were when the instrument was framed and adopted. In the 2nd case, Plaintiff provided additional names of Assassinations and did have claims for damages, with an added claims made and documentation that this does exist by our own DIA shadow Govt. The District court dismissed case as fanciful instead of grounds for repugnancies that can be proven, urgently, and is warrant ed with merit as victim, target and injured party. (Compl 23) IX. As in the ACLU v. NSA Nos. 06-2095/2140-07a0253, this pattern of Constitutio nal Violations and torture is victimizing civilians for decades and Appellant is a target of this technology weapon kept covert for nefarious uses and conspirac ies. THERE WAS AN ABUSE OF DISCRETION with ALARMING, overwhelming historical fac ts and admissions of these weapons in use nefariously. Appellant is under attack s and is seeking assistance, and leave of court again to amend, risking her life and family, trying to warn the people, and offered to testify before Congress, after years of torture and courage with enough resources to help her to survive and also demanding discoveries and investigations as to where HUMANITY is headin g un-wit, if JUDGES dont stop them NOW. ________________________________________ CONCLUSION When even one American -who has done nothing wrong- is forced by fear to shut hi s mind and close his mouth, then all Americans are in peril. Harry S. Truman God Bless America, God Bless Humanity! In light of the foregoing, the court should reverse the District court's Order t o dismiss and remand this matter for expedited further proceedings. Respectfully submitted, MIREILLE TORJMAN Appellant is Pro se Endnotes 1 United States v. Lindauer Case No. 03 Cr. 807 Whistleblower agent remote viewing falsely accused and detained delays until too late to use her information and the 911 brainwash. 2 In Katz v. United States, 389 U.S. 347 (1967) Supreme Court ruled that a search occurs only when 1) a person expects privacy in the thing searched and 2) society believes that expectation is reasonable. In Katz, the Supreme Court r uled that a search had occurred when the government wiretapped a telephone booth .[21] The Court's reasoning was that 1) the defendant expected that his phone bo oth conversation would not be broadcast to the wider world and 2) society believ es that expectation is reasonable. 3 Skilling V. United States, No. 081394 Opinion of Sotomayor, J. In sum, I canno t accept the majoritys conclusion that voir dire gave the District Court a sturd y foundation to assess fitness for jury service. Cf. ante, at 29. Taken together , the District Courts failure to cover certain vital subjects, its superficial c overage of other topics, and its uncritical acceptance of assurances of impartia lity leave me doubtful that Skillings jury was indeed free from the deep-seated animosity that pervaded the community at large. [R]egardless of the heinousness of the crime charged, the apparent guilt of the offender[,] or the station in li fe which he occupies, our system of justice demands trials that are fair in both appearance and fact. Irvin, 366. Because I do not believe Skillings trial met t his standard, I would grant him relief. 4 Constitutional Provisions, Statutes And Policies At Issue First Amendment to The United States Constitution Congress shall make no law respecting an estab lishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of people peaceably to assembl

e, and to petition the government for redress. 5 Justice Sandra Day OConnor-Frank Olson case-Opinion No rule crafted shall insu late from liability unknowing subjects. OLSON also pushed or fell 9 (by mind control neuro) in strange death as quoted f amily case and Jim Keith death without LSD cover up IMPORTED by our CIA and sold to kids, and censored book out as Cult of Intelligence sold in Nice. The CIA CO OPER report was a complete WHITEWASH and history repeating itself by Agenda. ________________________________________ CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE As required by this Court of Appeals F.R.A.P.P. 25, 28 and 32 (a)(7)(b)(iii), 32 (a)(5), and (6) typeface requirements. I certify that this brief contains 8304 words at in 14 pt Times New Roman. ________________________________________ CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I certify that a true copy of the foregoing brief has been furnished in person a t 333 Constitution Ave NW, Washington DC 20001Court of Appeals Clerk, and via re gular Mail to US Attorney Civil Division, Craig Lawrence at 555 4th Street NW, W ashington DC 20530, on November 12, 2010. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct on Nov ember 12, 2010. Respectfully submitted, Mireille Torjman QUESTION PRESENTED 1. Whether this case is frivolous and fantastic or noble and factual danger s? 2. Whether Petitioner has the right to an immediate Injunction Relief from Government torture and protection? 3. Whether the Judicial System can afford to ignore this case, denying a Ci tizen the right to petition redress of grievance? ________________________________________ ________________________________________ TABLE OF AUTHORITIES CITED SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES PETITION FOR WRIT OF CERTIORARI BEFORE JUDGMENT Petitioner respectfully prays that a writ of certiorari issue for the case to be heard in the United States Supreme Court District of Columbia. U.S.C. 28 2101 Supreme Court; filing under this Courts Rule 11, as a matter of i mmediate Public Safety and Welfare. One example of many case and perception: Welcome to Judges Above the Law? WHY THIS CASE MATTERS SO MUCH TO SO MANY Imagine one day you or someone you love, find yourself wrapped up in some unexpe cted litigation, whether civil or criminal. (Statistically speaking, everyone in America will, at some time in their life, be a party in a lawsuit.) A little background. Until three years ago, Michael R Kathrein truly believed courtrooms were places where judges listened to the facts carefully and decided cases honestly. Then he got the lesson of his life. A judge in his case could, and did, cheat. Opposing counsels could, and did, che at. And once they coordinated their cheating, no fact, law or procedure could sa ve him. He was set up to lose. When you think of a corrupt judge, you may think of one who trades rulings for cash. A

s far as we know, that obvious sort of corruption is rare. You must appreciate h owever, that corruption may take subtle but equally destructive forms. Among other things, a dishonest judge can ignore evidence, twist rules and proce dure, obstruct the record, retaliate, manufacture facts or ignore others, allow infirm claims or dismiss valid ones, deny admission of evidence prejudicial to t he favored party, suborn perjury, mischaracterize pleadings, engage in ex parte communication and misapply the law. When he or she does these things intentionally, (motivation is a separate issue) he commits a crime. Petty or grand, the acts are still crimes. It takes surpris ingly little to steer a case. After the American Revolution, our Constitution was conceived and adopted as the mechanical foundation of our government. For ordinary citizens, the independent grand jury was the only tool of salvation from judicial corruption. Without thi s critical tool of redress, American civil rights exist only at the will of a ju dge. That tool (unfettered access to a grand jury) has been taken away. Judges simply snatched it from us. They did it by enacting judicial legislation, i.e., by ruling that private citizens had no right of access to the grand jury. They took t he grand jury from us and they gave it to themselves, and they use their "gateke eping" power to protect themselves (from accountability) all the time. Who decided, What will be the law? Judges did. Who is supposed to decide, What will be the law? Congress is. Right under Congress's nose, the entire judicial branch of our government placed itself out of reach. They eliminated all means to be held accountable to the pu blic for their actions. Judges are now, above the law. Federal judges and federal prosecutors routinely block the access common citizen s are supposed to have to the federal grand jury. There is a logical but not legal, reason for this. If you have ever seen someone hustled through the courthouse cattle chute, you w ill understand that equity and justice have little to do with the process. Judges ermined to make things turn out the way they want them to and naturally, prosecu tors are always determined to get convictions. In many ways, equity, justice, fa cts and law, interfere with the process. Have you ever stopped to consider that public defenders (the poor man s lawyer) don t in vestigate anything? Public defenders do not have police or detective resources a t their disposal only prosecutors do. Your defense will rely almost entirely upon th e evidence the prosecutor decides to share with your lawyer. If the prosecutor forge idence that would help your case, or decides to ignore an important lead, he wil l win and you will lose. That is not merely misbehavior, that is criminal behavior. The very last thing a prosecutor (or judge) wants is a properly operating, independent grand jury. The ONLY recourse that remains now, against a corrupt judge, is to respectfully "request" that the judge evaluate himself for honesty. What criminal wouldn t desire the power to block an investigation of their own crime ? It is hard to imagine a more fundamental or structural conflict of interest t han that. Human nature takes over. To protect the sanctity of the judiciary, otherwise honest judges are driven to shield the misdeeds of their crooked brothers at the bar. Perfectly understandab le human nature, yes... but when this behavior is at the expense of the public t rust, it is utterly unpardonable. The courtroom is no place for situational ethi cs. A judge who is honest 99% of the time is useless to the people. If this judge is your judge, his 1% of corruption equals your 100% of conviction. Your right to a fair trial does not go away just because nine out of ten people did get one. A nd your right to challenge a man for criminal behavior should not go away just b ecause that man wears a black robe. Justice cannot tolerate exceptions. Just like a cop, a priest, or a bank teller, if they cross the line once, they have to go. Dishonesty is extremely difficult to detect and prove. External, independent, unbiased inquiry is the only soluti

on. It wasn t always like this. Judges have taken control of the right to assert your guaranteed rights, i.e., they ar e no longer inalienable as guaranteed in the Constitution. You have them only wh en a judge feels like letting you have them. If he doesn t, you don t. There is nothing you can do. Effectively, judges dispense our rights at their whim and pleasure with total impunity . Unfortunately, ordinary citizens have no other means to enjoy or enforce their c ivil rights except through that same court system. What this means is that witho ut a mechanism for remedy, (the court) you have no rights. If a judge refuses to order relief, then you don t get any. Therefore, citizens have no choice but to (li terally) pray to a judge for leave to assert their rights. Where their prayers a re denied, their rights are denied. This type of abuse is exactly why our forefathers granted ordinary citizens the right to access the Grand Jury directly. It is a centuries old system of checks and balances imported from England, installed in America to protect ordinary cit izens against judicial tyranny. Direct access to a grand jury is the victim s path (us) around the victimizer s (bad jud ges) roadblock. In this Petition you will see a perfect example of justice thwarted by the very people (judges and the U.S. Attorney) who are supposed to ensure that justice is done. Kathrein seeks to expose and eliminate this unfair Conflict of Interest. Why did the Seventh Circuit try so hard to bury his case? Because to allow a com mon citizen direct access to the federal grand jury is to expose the judiciary's Achilles heel... accountability to the people. Title 18 U. S. C. 242 provides that judges are liable for criminal acts committed under color of law meaning that judges may be immune from prosecution for civil misbe havior, but they are NOT immune from prosecution for criminal behavior. The only way to make a judge answer for criminal behavior is to bring criminal c harges against him. The ultimate irony here is that the only way to bring crimin al charges against a bad judge is to ask another judge for permission to pursue the bad judge. As noted above, that will never happen. As long as the subjects of the investigation (judges) are the gatekeepers of the investigation, there will be no investigation. Therefore, judges have rendered Title 18 U. S. C. 242 unenforceable. Kathrein cannot win this fight to bring evidence of judicial misbehavior directl y to a grand jury, then all Americans who are victims of 242 crimes are denied th eir civil rights. It will become forever impossible to get a complaint against a judge, past a judge. This is why his complaint matters so much to so many... because you never know i f the judge on your case is going to do his job. If he decides to steer the proceedings against you, you will wrongly lose your p roperty, your liberty and perhaps your life. You MUST have a way to protect your self. ---- Read R Kathrein's Booklet to understand how this barricade affects a ll of ways you would never suspect. Call your Congressman, TODAY. Tell him, to tell the Supreme Court, to answer this question

Decades of American Judicial PUBLIC PERCEPTIONS from Mind Control Transmitted Unwittingly!

________________________________________ ________________________________________ DARK HISTORY-PAST EVENTS THAT HAVE SHAPED THE WORLD ________________________________________ History is an account, mostly false, of events unimportant, which are brought ab out by rulers mostly knaves, and soldiers mostly fools. Ambrose Bierce ________________________________________

Bush-Bones Doctrine: Deny Everything There s three things to remember: claim every ain nothing, deny everything. Senator Prescott Bush (Skull & Bones 1917) The Bush fam ily patriarch made the above statement in a 1966 interview for Columbia Universi ty s oral history project on the Eisenhower administration. Prescott Bush said that political dictum had been explained to him by Claire Boothe Luce, congresswoman, ambassador and wife of Time-Life media magnate Henry Luce (Skull & Bones 1920) Diagram of the Bush Dynasty Source: PDF Streaming Video Hear how Prescott Bush, Dubya s grandfather, tried to overthrow th e government an install a fascist nazi regime. The Hitler Project Astonishing Revelations!Nazi Sympathizer Prescott Bush. He pers onally financed the building of over 40 concentration camps including Auschwitz. 01/02/05 By Ted Lang 2004 It is T&C s position that the Bush family knew exactly wh they were doing, and deliberately brought Hitler and his murderous Nazis to powe r knowing full well in advance what the consequences of their actions would be. Bush and the Nazis: New Documents Herbert Parmet, November 26, 2003 THE NEW GENGHIS KAHN The year 1999 and its seventh month, From the sky comes a great King of Terror: Reviving the great King of the Mongols, Before and after Mars (war) to reign hap pily. Nostradamus in year 1555. History repeating itself eyes wide shut in front of the world. Yale Club, Emulat ing the Torah Scriptures toppling. What will they do in 2012? YALE BUSH secret societies. Copyright 2010 NSA Transmissions. All rights reserved. Web Hosting by Yahoo! An expert witness, Certified Hypnotist trained in CIA Neur o Linguistic Programming techniques with NASA software and Military Patents.

NSA Transmissions-Mind Control, Death Rays for Planes, Cancer, Synthetic ills- T opplings ELF & Seismic Waves + Behind Scenes Focused on Wrong Weapon Mass Destru ction TERRORISTS WITHIN, 1973 2nd Level CIA, Cryptocracy's Plan to Psycho-civili ze You, Emulating Scriptures! ---How & Why 911, Economy. ALL from your minds! MA CROCOSM. Millions including America's Corp Leaders & Officials! "The Process." I srael Framed-engineered to go down. Have you figured it out yet! NSA Tice-Hero under God US Supreme Court Case Israel-CIA Agenda- Press Releases Synthetic Telepathy-ills-TAXES Cancer 911 CIA Resources to Expose Interviews-Exhibits-Documents Lawsuit-Synthetic ills in America Israel, Seismic Energy to part sea & leave crevice, Israel small land & surrounded by 50 yrs of vast constant attacks, Israel has Palestinians who were EVICTED by their own people, Israel can't have chicken or cow suffer with Kosher scriptures and suffering---2nd level shadow CIA proven Diabolical! STOP Shadow CIA attacks-50 yrs PRESS FANNING Anti-Semitism and spinning all 2nd level CIA, Goldstone Report and 911, USS liberty ... dis-info, hallucinations, cogniti ve infiltrations, illusions, wearing Yamacas on the Ground in disguise, psyops on Israel and cover-ups. Catherine Fitts Whistleblower. Below Leave Israel alone and we will have world peace! See Tice Article on SABOTAGE on all aspects of life. Inducing mind control on rioters coupled with funding them in Egypt to take them down WW3 as planned every time we invade a Countrysee also George Green link video. 9/2010 Press release in SUPREME COURT below this one of ISRAEL whistleblowing CIA to take them down (1947 to current activities fanning opposi tes) as all our NEWS for decades by design. Info. warfare 1973. DATA-MINING, why and SINCE 1973 FOIA includes genetics See Lt. Col. Bearden slides and more of NEW frightening weapon the World has ever seen! (1975) RUSSIAN SCIENTIST SLIDE. CSPAN video: Texas Congressman Ted Poe; It's None Of Our Business What Israel Does! Bombs, rockets, ravines, rocks, attacks, assaults on Jewish children, etc... on small land if not secure borders, (1967) & who are we to give bad advice to Isra el, mind our own business!...and worse psyops and US blocked freedom of informat ion flow entering buildings, embassies etc with no explanations given in the U.S ...Access Denied Opposites and REALIZED PROPAGANDA sabotaged by AMERICA to white wash DISCREDITS... MANIPULATIONS, human pawns, and on. Sick, Diabolic psyops went Global long ago! Sig-intel; NSA, the largest of its kind in the world, is denying oversight." George Green & WW3 plans...The LAUNCH of a NEW HOLOCAUST in manifest on US soil.

Lyndon LaRouche statement "it's the BUSH FAMILY" in a prior video with Alex Jone s summer 2011... and see my STATEMENTS to the COURTS . DoD Yale Secret Societies and Weapon of mind control framing the Globe. Top Dutch MP slams Turkey's 'belligerence' against Israel Middle East expert Kortenoeven accuses Turkey of "sliding into an abyss of Islam ic extremism," criticizes foreign policies at OSCE meeting Aug 2010, AMERICAN Jews, Israelis ZOA, International Fellowship of Christians an d Jews, and Press release below! Research shows Golda Meir lobbied US to strike Auschwitz. AND TO NO AVAIL... AND FUNDED By Bush FAMILY. By GIL SHEFLER 09/04/2 011 15:19

7/2/11 CATHERINE AUSTIN FITTS WHISTLEBLOWER: In America today, if the mainstream media does not cover something it is almost as if it never happened. Right now, the worst nuclear disaster in human history continues to unfold in Japan , U.S. nuclear facilities are being threatened by flood waters, the U.S. military is b ombing Yemen, gigantic cracks in the earth are appearing all over the globe and the largest wildfire in Arizona history is causing immense devastation. From aut hentic CREVICE to evil HAARP DESTRUCTION SYNTHETIC CRACKS WHITEWASHING more HIST ORY AND THE SCIENCE/TORAH etc.... The ultimate conspiracy! Research Links Rise in Falluja Birth Defects and Cancers to US Assault Defects in newborns 11 times higher than normal 'War contaminants' from 2004 attack could be cause by Martin Chulov enclosed Published on Friday, December 31, 2010 by The Guard ian/UK CIA (2)- Directed ENERGY WEAPON of mass Destruction as Ground Zero and untra ceable Agent ORANGE etc... : CANCER ELF WEAPON in Iraq while funding them as all el se DUPLICITOUS brainwashing opposites daily! The National Security State and the Assassination of JFK The CIA, the Pentagon, and the "Peace President" (1959) by Andrew Gavin Marshall The Military coup-Cuban Crisis included blowing up people in Miami, carefully ch osen spots as London Subway, convincing air passengers they SAW a Cuban aircraft , like USS Liberty, Egypt shark waters, etc, blaming COLLEGE STUDENTS, like Isra eli Art Students, etc and from an exercise to intervention as all else, and sink boats of refugees (real or simulated)... Exhibited in Supreme Court Case prepared May, 2010 PRESS RELEASE DIRE WARNS Death Ray for planes was Teslas invention in 1940 and a $2,000,000.00 device to zap and melt an airplane motor 250 miles away (as your organs) and an Invisible Chinese Wall of defense was built around the Country, no matter how large an attack, (Teleforce, manifests FREE energy and creates rays; zapping beams, the new invisible war). (Dr. Becker, Naomi Wolf, and Sharon Weinberger Imaginary Weapons)., this Warden cliff Tower is in full action in Long Island NY, along with 36 other stations or sites as GWEN, Globally that beam massive volume of Free Energy.

(The New York Times, Sunday September 22, 1940-Science and Patents,Education News) One COSTLY energy zap causes by NLP suggestion transmitted to individuals; confusion, mistakes, trip, fall, body temp-freeze, heat, miscommunication, fatigue, focus/ concentration, radio-sleep (Kucinich-US patented under MKDELTA), and stalling any engine. HAARP, Body Electric, and Mass Control Human Engineering. JIM KEITH APPENDICE on my homepage with Russell Tice and Thomas Drake... Israel-framed while dividing all people to conquer! CIA predicts, (no creating) to carry out-water (WAR) and pricing shortage, 2015-mind control transmissions zaps dry heat in body and energy-taking us down, Israel, Middle East, Africa. Overpopulation video from Pentagon staging us for the next invasion-ASSASSINATED Allison Des Forges in Hudson River mind control plane Crash-Staged and Senator Ed Ted Kennedy zapped. Both Civil rights Africa, Water and Dry Land zapped already planning to invade them and brainwash one world govt. Emulating the Torah scriptures! Manchurians, and IRS, CIA bldgs/files in WT7! Major cities experiment to increase crime in the 70s by mind control EVOLVED never ceased GENERATING BIGGER GOVT, INDUCING MISHAPSMISFORTUNES, entrapment and now TERRORISM? Infiltrations of BRAINWASHING SCHOOLS-WEAKEN their ARMY take down ISRAEL and America going Global Agenda. Infiltrated Palestinians-Wars provoked still in manifest; Under the Auspices/Scapegoating Drugs they brought in Conspiracy. NOT from drugs or your TV- SEE TIME photo/Article (Oct 1971) below Infiltrations and excuses on all aspects of ELF attacks. Egypt largest Military, Turkey Sibel gagged SSP LAW created doubts and to hide conspiracy agenda of NWO) CIA masterminds. A public brainwashed to allow it unwittingly, in the White House, to next calamity and Global Domination Conspiracy of the minds! Connecting 50 yrs of dots! ie; General Anthony Zinni (wikepidia) and changed minds! (Brainwash on the job as many others, see how its done) CIA Predicts The Future 2015 (no infiltrating)- Water Resources. 2007 video comments. (Unwitting agents channeled to Infiltrate) Waging War since the Church Committee 1974! Charges were made 2 administrations concerned and NEVER ABOLISHED. May be drawn into the fight trying to stop it John McWethy. Taking over the Globe under the disguise of helping others tactics. An unwitting population targeted in advance! DARPA (trailing Science 50 yrs as new MKULTRA) Psyops deployed 50 yrs on civilians. ELECTRONIC WARFARE! Larry Silverstein OWNER of 911 TOWER 7, set upin advance to get insurance and transmitted forced speech/DECISION to "pull" to firefighters as ifinvolved-NSA transmissions-SABOTAGED as Russell Tice Article Is the NSA conducting war on Americans (YES, tip of iceberg) 2006 and Media asked, why press didnt pick it up other than NBC? Operation Mockingbird propaganda unwittingly, updated remote viewing and impairment mind control as misunderstandings. Sunstein's Report-Cognitive impairment infiltration is unwitting NOT hired Gangs, creating illusion-Un-realized Kinesthetic! Creating false perceptio n for decades on civilians. Reagan erased with Alzheimer mind control (NLP) CIA programming. OPERATION MIND CONTROL (1973) Plans to Psycho civilize you and MACROCOSM Americas Corporate Leaders and Official, AND civilians.

Un-Covered documentary CONGRESS MARIONETTES not READING infozapped, to invade Iraq. Mind controlled Out-Foxed video for yearsmedia mockingbird unwittingly, UNREALIZED, updated! The joke culture, misfits in thepentagon cult of intelligence and a dysfunctional country! Allen Dulles 1957" Berle wrote in his diary. "If the scientists do what they have laid out for themselves, men will become manageable ants." Below FULL disclosures. Hadassah 90 Billions in Ponzi sabotage away from Jersusalem HOSP (Laser/vision) funding. Re-Distributing the WEALTH from Jews manipulating our economy further than Corporations. Always keeping their enemy close, destroying files & buildings. They took down the economy behind the scenes! See video on home page of misdirected investments mind controlled. as many others unwittingly. Ariel Sharon zapped into coma (as I),Directed Energy Weaponsas planes; because he knew the CIA was corrupt Sabotaging Israel. Kay Griggs Military whistleblower with MIND JABBING attacks (Secret Societies) 1910 Yale Prescott Bush FUNDED NAZIs soldiers, kkk etcDoD. 1967 USS liberty-Project Philadelphia (Hallucinations) blaming ISRAELmistake in identity set up-framed, cutting off investigations & news coverage (as usual until exposed 2008 as the shuttle satellite cover up) Start of Anti-Se mitism fanned unwittingly since 1947 Act. Alien UFO Hallucinations Scapegoating with LSD (that CIA brought in and sold to kids). Making Million off the Pharmaceutical TAXES (as ALCOHOL INDUCED URGES), now being sued from synthetic side effects and transmitted Synthetic illnesses. After they mind controlled you and your teacher, professor to push prescriptions and the greed transmitted to make commercial on your drug inducement on Americans- VETS Agent Orange non-traceable! Military CANCER and Leukemia, lumps, to all under the disguise of microwaves infiltrating crimes & wars! Playing GOD (Project Voice of GOD) & devil-The CIA Cult of Intelligence born with National Security Act in 1947, Weapons Stations need to be dismantled ASAP. Buzz in Pentagon Synthetic Telepathy and Psychotronics predicted in 1967 video instant communication, after Public Speeches"Repeatedly staying the course" tobrainwashinvadedCountries with (excuses), GULF war, "TheENERGY will be just fine", (Not at all)"we will help one soul at a time". Hillary "I will not channel my husband" (as in ghost-like transmissions sabotaged Clinton Rumsfeld: There is what you know, you don't know..... " I Didn't mean to say that or that's not what I meant," Obama dividing the people to conquer with "They like to do that, one against the other," Called JACKETING in psyops. (Side effects of brainwash & MC). SEARCH for MANCHURIAN ego statesuch as an imaginary childhood playmateand build it into a separate personality, unknown to the first. The hypnotist would communicate directly with this schizophrenic offshoot and command it to carry out specific deeds kamikaze pilot. Manchurian crimes creating a subservient society was not out of sight- by mind control waves."And worse. GUANTANAMO scapegoats displays and focused on the wrong Weapons of mass destruction, brainwash and intelligence masterminded. (Nano thermal debris removed quickly) and Cathy OBrien, SSP impeding truth. Never getting to the truth---MINDS! INNOCENT and display for false blame. TIME/DELAYS

for false confession Brainwash out memory & PLANT new before public contacts. How the CIA Missed Stalin's Bomb, 1946-50-printed 2007 but updated 2008. ---Remote Viewing and surveillance London Subway Bombing-Staged!!! Water and Odd/even days Petrol, CIA sabotage since 70s as drugs and crime all un-natural-inducing more plans for Florida. Judge Napolitano, Lies the Government told you unwittingly until 2008 cover up pre-empted allegations with political and media transparency... DELUSIONS, RE-READ, and CONDONED corruptions! ILLUSIONS OF CRIMES statistics for 5 decades and mis perceptions mind controlled. Market inflations and real estate pricing and gouging was all induced from the mind on each individual and as a mass, and part of conspiracy agenda. Corrupting American Minds. And, the suicide ??? of a Jewish CFO after 3 months as interim accountant auditing the books at FANNIE MAE fraud. Oversight today to Brokers & appraisers. -government-landlord/?playlist_id=158146 Jewish Aaron Russo died of Cancer recently after going public that Rockefeller told him the only reason the WOMENS liberation was allowed to occur successfully was to COLLECT TAXES from them. They also manipulate couples lives as The Firm John Marks also wrote only the participant knows of this and is not only army. Invading Countries Under pretex of oil etc. for take over of humanity. Did you know CIA operates on the ground wearing Yamacas to frame Jews, destroying fruit trees and crops against the Torah scriptures +, as with our organic natural farms in the U.S. Why? Did you know that the ISRAELI ART STUDENTS were framed and mind controlled where to live and accepted only in the areas to live as guided to set up and look involved? CONTRARY OF CIA GUILT CREATING DOUBT and so much more BEARING FALSE WITNESS from a neighbor, false memory, fake Govt help spinning their wheels. INTERNET & Google lawsuit, libraries, false accusations & false detainments? Capable and do manipulate all Internet remotely with passwords and minds from spying surveillance. As with False imprisoned masses. Sabotaged 911 Commission never to see the light, as 9 Attorneys asking questions-Fired at once and Generation GAPS again. Sabotaged 911 Commission never to see the light, as 9 DOJ Attorneys asking quest ions-Fired at once when they could not be brainwashed to go along, and Generatio n GAPS again.

Did you know Mind Controlled People and Media is set up with tricks of false thoughts transmitted during conversation and output of written documents to put a SPIN on JOURNALISTS & civilians thus unknowingly creating PROPAGANDA, until now covering their tracks with blatant lies from our government? Decades of news from misunderstanding mind games, disputes, & slanders. No one high enough Q clearance! The behavioral sciences. Nevertheless, the final result is not the whole story of the CIA's attack on the mind. No one knows except the PARTICIPANT. He called it Pain-Drug-Hypnosis and said it is a vicious war weapon ... The extensiveness of the use of this form of hypnotism in espionage work is

now so widespread that it is long past the time when people should have become alarmed about it. [p. 75] Report Duplicitous-Framing ISRAEL & piggybacked shadowing to scapegoat and set up! See how CIA tab +. INJECTED IDEOLOGY covertly INFILTRATING WORSE OVER TIME TO CHUNK & ACCEPT. BRAINWASH society and worse yet if not stopped and reversed. CIA JOHN LOFTUS 2 videos of ISRAEL, CIA BUSH/HITLER, 911 to AGE NDA. ent-doesntcatch-banksters-terrorists-and-other-enemies-of-the-nation.html ________________________________________________________________ VIDEO Mossad Microbiologist Joseph Moshes Baxter Ukraine Plague Warning-Posted b y labvirus on November 7, 2009 Professor Moshe had called into the studio after a live radio show guested by Dr. A. True Ott entitled Born on the Fourth of July on RBN broadcast in mid-August claiming to be a micro biologist who wanted to supply evidence to a States Attorney regarding tainted H1N1 Swine flu vaccines being produced by Baxter BioPharma Solutions.He said that Baxters Ukrainian lab was in fact producing a bioweapon disguised as a vaccine. He claimed that the vaccine contained an adjuvant (additive) designed to weaken the immune system, and replicated RNA from the virus responsible for the 1918 pandemic Spanish flu, causing global sickness and mass death. The next day, this happened (see video)THE STRANGE CASE OF JOSEPH MOSHE: This Joseph Moshe arrested in L.A. is likely a MOSSAD agent with a CONSCIENCE and has apparently been extradited immediately to Israel. Now his testimony, whatever it would have been, is still secure. Notice, the federal agents used an electro-magnetic pulse which knocked out his car, as well as any cell phone so he couldnt contact the U.S. Attorney he was obviously going to meet with. Did he make threats against Obama?? Apparently just announcing he was going public about his knowledge of Baxter Pharma, and that the pandemic flu vaccine isnt a vaccine at all, but is indeed a biological weapon designed to kill millions was all it took for him to be detained. AS I and still under threat! FRAMED discredit, set up, pre and post SUGGESTIONS and the PUBLIC... ________________________________________ and [Update December 9, 2010] Gilbert states in the new report: Al Gore article I am ashamed of what climate science has become today." ELF ills COVER UPS with TANGIBLE; done for 50 yrs UNWIT. Sister Bertell: doctorate in biometry below. Letter to Congress on home page. and INFORMATION WARFARE (1972) PRESS RELEASE below of a few. 50 yrs-ISRAEL-FRAMED while Dividing ALL PEOPLE TO CONQUER! Have you figured it o ut yetCONNECT the DOTS! 50 YRS of CIA dirty tricks PINNED ON ISRAEL to go down agenda. FLOTILLAS WERE MIND CONTROLLED pawns to go there and create anti-semitism and war as past 40 yrs unwittingly agenda. Muslim against Jew and JEW against Jew putting them on boats etc. and PUT PRESSURE ON ISRAEL, LIKE CONGRESS with IRAQ war. See lawsuit last YEAR (jack eting).. Using others and media as 50 yrs of TRICKS by mind control USA.

Subdue & Ripping senses while there. FIRE IN HAIFA on CROPS was also CIA mind controlled manchurian crimes & HAARP as GAS PIPE crimes set up in EGYPT to block/force.. Rivlin, deputies reject Tibi bill to commemorate 'Nakba' By LAHAV HARKOV instant news 07/04/2011 16:45 Global Domination and Matrix by satellite-Israel, Seismic Energy to part sea & leave crevice, Israel small land & surrounded by 50 yrs of vast constant attacks, and psyops INFILTRATIONS since HITLER MIND CONTROL and his armies! Israel has Palestinians who were EVICTED by their own people, Israel can't have chicken or cow suffer with Kosher scriptures and suffering--2nd level shadow CIA proven Diabolical! STOP Shadow CIA attacks-50 yrs PRESS FANNING Anti-Semitism and spinning all 2nd level CIA, Goldstone Report and SS liberty ... dis-info, hallucinations, cogniti ve infiltrations, illusions, wearing Yamacas on the Ground in disguise, psyops on I srael! Leave Israel alone and we will have world peace! Inducing mind control on rioters coupled with funding them in Egypt to take them down WW3 as planned every time we invade a Country- Brainwash Process & Subdue & Ripping senses while there. Also George Green link video. 9/2010 Press release i n SUPREME COURT below this one of ISRAEL whistle blowing CIA to take them down (1947 to current activities fanning opposites) ____________________________ Prof. Mkhaimar Abusada of the Al-Azhar University in Gaza said that "The prisone r swap has boosted Hamas' popularity for now, but it won't last more than a few months. Hamas' popularity has declined every year it has been in power. "Hamas control of Gaza brought an Israeli blockade and siege. Even though it was Israeli-imposed, a lot of people blame Hamas. The Palestinians voted Hamas for reform and change. They didn't vote for siege and blockade and unemployment. The y voted to end the corruption. None of that happened," he told the UK paper. 'Hamas as corrupt as Fatah' The people of Gaza, the report ventured, are disappointed to find that Hamas who se upset victory in the 2006 election was based largely "on despair with the cor ruption and the misgovernance of the ruling Fatah" was essentially cut from the exact same cloth. "They're back to the same old corruption," Mohammed Mansour, a human rights acti vist told the Guardian. "Hamas is a party that only benefits its own supporters. If you want a job, if you want to do business, you must be a supporter of Hamas ." Gazans, most of whom are struggling to simply get by, are growing more and more resentful of the ruling party, he said. The real despair, however, is focused on the widespread lack of hope for change: Hamas is focusing its efforts on two main avenues: The armed conflict with Isra el and the fierce political feud with arch-rival Fatah. Majority Jewish Survey 10/6/11 PEACE THROUGH STRENGTH

After the columns of fire and dust of the 1967 Six Day War dissipated, the final outlines of a territorial solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict emerged. At that time, the Israelis reunited Jerusalem, but failed to annex Judea and Samaria (the so-called West Bank) as an integral part of the Jewish state. As a result, the internationally recognized right of Jewish settlement of these lands has remained in limbo. After more than 40 years of wandering in the desert of failed peace processes, isn't it time for Israel to assert its just and rightful claims to Judea and Samaria, the very heart of the Jewish homeland? Of course, there will be those who will continue to insist that there is a need to create a Palestinian Arab state within the heartland of the Jewish state. What these individuals stubbornly refuse to admit is that a Palestinian state already exists within the post-1967 borders of Jordan. If the "Arab Spring" means anything at all, it means that there is a need to give the Palestinian Arab majority in Jordan more of a democratic say in how the y are governed. When that happens, a democratic Palestinian Arab state will take its place among the nations. Our collective frustration over a countless series of failed peace processes will end when we get on the right side of history, and allow truth and justice to prevail. "Peace through strength" should be our motto - with a strength based on moral clarity and determination. SPEECH http://www.t "You shall possess the land and you shall dwell in it, for to you have I given t he land to possess it." (BAMIDBAR 33:53) PALESTINE economy growing 10% a year! While attacking reachable small land of IS RAEL and no PEACE blaming each other..... CIA manipulations and mind controlled AGENTS antisemitism un-wit... Dulles and anti-semiitism mind control from 2nd level. Madsen/Schreuder etc... F unding Terrorist Groups & Palestine growing 10% a yr with new Malls and we can't REVOLUTION in MA SS accordingly... Risks in war zones... as enemy combatants if shadowed by others to sneak in or i nfiltrations of people for decades Letter 2/2009 from Obama gone when he was going to bring 1 00,000.00 Palestinians to AMERICA. No one wants them in their own land. 1947...! Genuine a id through Egypt!!! Using pawns to PROVOKE, whitewash, cover up, spin etc... _______________________________________________________________________________ JEWS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF FIREARMS OWNERSHIP America's Most Aggressive Defender of Firearms Ownership According to a US Department of Defense directive (S-3600.1, December 9, 1996), "information warfare" is defined as "an information operation .... Information w arfare has

tended to ignore the role of the human body as an information or data processor in this quest for dominance, except in those cases where an individual's logic or rational thought may be upset via Dis-information or deception... just as any other data-"Yet, the body is cap able not only of being deceived, manipulated or mis-informed but also shut down or destroyed." Dr . Begich. Blackouts of time... The CIA succeeded in developing a whole range of psycho-weapons to expand its al ready ominous psychological warfare arsenal. With these capabilities, it was now possible to wage a new kind of war: a war which would take place invisibly, upo n the battlefield of the human mind... [p. 19] According to the public and Dr. Walter Bowart Operation mind control in absentia . by 1969 and didn't have need for shuttles for decades when mission was accomplis hed. See Shadow Apollo 11 whistleblower. Mafioso went quiet after missions accomplished, until n ow to discredit 2nd level CIA and lawsuit as this website content accusations. WHITEWASHING with twi sts and brainwashing the public with your tax dollar and worse. _____________________ ____________________________________________ For a year, Obama prohibited any new US sanctions to stop Iran developing nuclear weapons a looming existential threat to both Israel and the US. Refusing to identify the PA as responsible, Obama has not penalized it. INDEED, FAR from holding Palestinians accountable, Obama has consistently reward ed them, increasing aid to almost $1 billion per year. A Palestinian Media Watch report just presented to the US Congress documents that, in May 2011 alone, the PA paid $5,207,000 in salaries to Palestinians in Israeli jails, including bloo d-soaked terrorists. Last year the US provided $225 million to the general Pales tinian budget from which these salaries are paid. If Obama was genuine about holding the PA accountable, he would be demanding the disbanding of Fatahs own Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades a US- recognized terrorist gr oup. He would demand the abrogation of the PAs unity agreement with Hamas (which calls for a genocide of Jews) as a precondition of any future talks. He has don e neither. Rabbi's Commentary Israel in Crisis and Conflict August 25, 2011 Dear Friend of Israel, Last weeks terror attacks in Israel were tragic and telling. In the week since, I have watched the funerals of the eight innocent victims with grief and prayer. And I have also been paying attention to the Palestinian Authoritys response to this brutal violence. The attacks last Thursday originated along Israels border with Egypt, and are be lieved to have been carried out by members of the Palestinian Popular Resistance Committee. When the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) rightfully responded to the att acks with military strikes on Palestinian terrorist targets in Gaza, Hamas joine d in the violence, raining down more than 100 rockets on Israel over that weeken d and rockets continue to fall today.

That Hamas joined in the violence against Israel when they were already vulnerab le is no surprise nor is the fact that they violated the ceasefire they agreed t o after days of fighting between Hamas terrorists and the IDF. If history has ta ught Israel anything, its that theres no such thing as a ceasefire with Hamas. When we look to the more reasonable and moderate of the two main Palestinian fac tions the Palestinian Authority (P.A.) we likewise find nothing encouraging. Ins tead of condemning the terrorist attacks coming from Gaza, P.A. president Mahmou d Abbas went to the U.N. Security Council, calling for an emergency session to h alt Israeli airstrikes on the Gaza Strip. Abbas offered the U.N. no acknowledgement of Palestinian incitement and culpabil ity. Nor was there any attempt at direct communication and negotiation with Isra el. The bid for a Palestinian state follows a similar formula: deny any fault, e schew any real attempts at peace, and go to the U.N. for an end-around to your d esired goal. Abbas even accused Israel of trying to use this situation to undermine the Pales tinian attempts at statehood, and to drum up international sympathy by portrayin g the Palestinians as the victims of Israeli violence. "We are determined to tur n to the U.N. in September and receive recognition because of Israeli government policies, he said. What Israel is doing now will not deter us from continuing t o claim our rights." True character is often revealed in times of crisis and conflict. In this confli ct, Palestinian leadership has yet again shown that it has little regard for the truth and little interest in peacemaking. In the week that has passed since the attacks, the Israeli people have shown their character as well. We have gathere d in unity to grieve our lost sons and daughters, brothers, and sisters. The cit y of Eilat, where the attacks took place, pushed forward with its annual interna tional jazz festival earlier this week. As Eilat mayor Meir Yizhak-Halevi told T he Jerusalem Post, The right way to answer hostile fundamentalist forces is to c arry on as normal. Thankfully, for Israel, even in times of attack, normal means a desire for justi ce and peace, participation in a strong community, and faith in God. May we all be blessed with these gifts and may they, along with our support and prayers, se e Israel through the difficult times that lie ahead. With prayers for shalom, peace, Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein President Top of Form Bottom of Form

Raise Your Voice PRAY for Israel TELL US your story TALK to your friends More ways you can help Rabbi's Commentary Israel in Crisis and Conflict Last week's terror attacks in Israel were tragic and telling. Rabbi Eckstein say s the Palestinian Authority's response to the attacks says a lot about the true character of Palestinian leadership their regard for the truth, and their intere st in peacemaking. And Israel's response reveals a lot about hers.

Readmore Learn About Israel Find out the story of this amazing land. August 22, 2011--Contact Morton A. Klein at: 212-481-1500 Attn: NEWS EDITOR ZOA Criticizes Quartet Statement, Calls for Quartet to be Disbanded The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has criticized the statement issued th is week by the Middle East Quartet (the U.S., the European Union, Russia and the United Nations) which failed to condemn actual, on-going recent violations by t he Palestinian Authority (PA) of its signed obligations under the Oslo agreement s to end terrorism and the incitement to hatred and murder that feeds it, but wh ich instead declared the Quartet to be greatly concerned by Israels recent annou ncements to advance planning for new housing units in Ariel and East Jerusalem. (Middle East Quartet Statement, August 16, 2011). In view of the Quartets long-s tanding bias against Israel, as evidenced in its 2003 Roadmap peace plan, which virtually discarded the Oslo requirement of Palestinian compliance and which aim s to create a Palestinian state led by an unreformed, extremist, terror-supporti ng PA, the ZOA has called for its disbanding. (The ZOA was the first organizatio n to do this when its Director of Middle East Policy, Daniel Mandel, wrote an ar ticle in January calling for this step). Following the Quartets latest statement, former Deputy National Security Advisor , Elliott Abrams, called for the disbanding of the Quartet saying, The last time the Middle East Quartet met, on July 11, it was unable even to issue a statemen t about the key issue before itthe Palestinian effort to get the UN General Asse mbly and Security Council to declare Palestine a state and admit it to membershi p. Nor has the Quartet been able to issue a statement about the attacks the Assa d regime has been carrying out this week against Palestinian refugee camps in Sy ria, which have led thousands of Palestinians to flee their homes. But it did on August 16 get itself organized to address what it apparently saw as a graver is sue and a greater threat to peace, Israels announcement of plans to construct ad ditional housing units in Jerusalem and Ariel. Nowadays the Quartet seems able to reach agreement on only one thing: criticism of Israel.This is the lowest common denominator among the United States, EU, Uni ted Nations, and Russia, and it is pretty low indeed.If this is the only functio n of the Quartet, the better path would be to disband it nowfor the statements i t is making and the statements it seems unable to make combine to bring discredi t on all participants (Elliott Abrams, Quartet Statements and Quartet Silences, Council on Foreign Relations, August 16, 2011). ZOA National President Morton A. Klein said, The ZOA has watched for years, hopi ng an elementary sense of responsibility and decency would lead the Quartet to h old the Palestinians to their never-fulfilled obligations to arrest terrorists, outlaw terrorist groups and end the incitement to hatred and murder in the PA-co ntrolled media, mosques, schools and youth camps that feed terrorism. Instead, a s in its latest statement, it fixates on Jews seeking to build homes in Judea, S amaria and eastern Jerusalem and finds this a threat to peace. The Quartet subverted President George W. Bushs June 2002 vision of a new Palest inian leadership, untainted by terrorism and corruption, replacing the old PA le adership and creating a new, transparent, democratic and civil Palestinian socie ty. The Bush plan had its own faults, but it at least recognized what needed to be done on the Palestinian side. In contrast, the 2003 Roadmap peace plan called for swift Israeli concessions ahead of any Palestinian reforms. This was a form ula for releasing the PA from all need for compliance on terrorism and incitemen t and indeed there has been no progress since that date.

In recent days, PA-controlled TV has approvingly interviewed a Palestinian mothe r proud of the fact that her son became a terrorist bomb-maker who wanted to mar ry the seventy virgins promised for a Muslim martyr in paradise. It also broadca st a program stating that the Western Wall plaza, dedicated to Jewish prayer at the Western Wall, will one day be replaced by a new Arab neighborhood. Also, the official PA daily newspaper has again denied Jewish history by referring to the Jerusalem Temple as an alleged Temple. It is clear that a PA that can do these things is not a peace partner but one wi ll look in vain for a word of criticism or censure from the Quartet. The Quartet has been, and remains, a failure and disgrace. It should be disbanded. Growing threat in Gaza Egypt unrest means weapons bonanza for Gaza 7/23/2011 Op-ed: Fall of Mubarak regime allowed terror groups to smuggle in huge quantitie s of arms Seven months passed since the outbreak of Arab world uprisings. The wa ve is not over yet and it is still difficult to estimate its implications and ho w it will affect, in the long run, Israels strategic, political and security sit uation. However, at this time already we can see several developments that have a direct bearing on the security-military balance between Israel and elements th at threaten it in neighboring theaters. The main, immediate beneficiaries of what is known as the Arab spring are Hamas and Islamic Jihad in the Gaza Strip. The riots in Egypt and the removal of Mubar ak and his associates from power prompted two developments: First, the Muslim Br otherhood is no longer an underground movement and has become an important, infl uential political element. The groups influence prompted Egypts government to co mpletely halt construction of the underground metal obstacle built with American assistance in a bid to block smuggling tunnels. The Egyptian regime is making n o effort to curb new tunnels and has virtually suspended its battle against smug gling from Rafah to the Strip. Simultaneously, Egyptian security forces preoccupied with domestic developments completely lost their hold on the Sinai Peninsula. Some 300,000 Bedouins belongi ng to four or five large tribes are now the Sinais true rulers. These tribes mai n income is based on smuggling in general, and on smuggling to Gaza in particula r, and they quickly exploited the security vacuum in the peninsula in the wake o f the revolution. As result of these developments, arms shipments to the Strip have been surging i n recent months: Everything that has been sent by the Iranians and their emissar ies in recent years and was hidden by the Bedouins - who waited for an opportuni ty to pass it over to Hamas under Egypts nose - has flowed freely into Gaza in t he past five months. Meanwhile, new shipments arrived and were transferred to Ha mas and Islamic Jihad without delay or a need to hide them. 10,000 rockets in Gaza Consequently, terror groups in the Gaza Strip doubled their rocket arsenals. Tod ay, according to highly credible sources, these organizations possess some 10,00 0 rockets of all types, a similar number to the Hezbollah arsenal in the Second Lebanon War. While this is a disturbing figure, the overwhelming majority of rockets held by Hamas and its allies are short-range projectiles with relatively small warheads. However, Gaza terror groups, and mostly Hamas and Islamic Jihad, hold thousands of mid-range Grad rockets, and a few heavy Fajr rockets that have a range of so me 65 kilometers (roughly 40 miles) and can reach the outskirts of Bat Yam, just south of Tel Aviv. This means that in the next major clash in the Strip, Hamas and Islamic Jihad wi ll be able to disrupt life not only in south-central Israel more than before, bu t also disrupt the orderly operations of IDF and Air Force basis in the area. Moreover, from the beginning of the year, the Bedouins transferred into Gaza thr ee times (!) the quantity of industrial explosives compared to the quantity handed over throughout 2010. T

he shipments included advanced explosives that would enable Gaza groups to produ ce more dangerous, destructive bombs than in the past. In addition to rockets an d explosives, large quantities of anti-aircraft weapons and mostly shoulder-held missiles and light artillery were also smuggled into the Strip. Such arms were available in Gaza before but in small quantities. Now, the quantities are higher , creating a greater threat for Air Force choppers and jets. Follow Ynetnews on ____________________ 8/16/11 Dear members, Below you will find the ZOA's latest position statement on cutting ties to the P A. The sooner the better in my opinion. After all, trying to talk peace with an obstinate, duplicitous, belligerent, and anti-Semitic entity should not be an option for the U.S. or Israel! Subject: ZOA Supports Israel's F.M. Lieberman's Call For Israel To Cut Ties With PA Unless PA Ends Incitement, Arrests Terrorists, Ends Hamas Alliance PA Tries to Prosecute IDF, Plans Violence ZOA Supports Israels F.M. Liebermans Call for Israel to Cut Ties with PA Unless PA Ends Incitement, Arrests Terrorists, Ends Hamas Alliance The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has declared support and understanding for Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Liebermans call for Israel to sever ties w ith the Mahmoud Abbas Palestinian Authority (PA), saying that unless and until t he PA fulfills its signed obligations under the Oslo agreements to arrests terro rists, outlaw terrorist groups and end the incitement to hatred and murder withi n the PA-controlled, media, mosques, schools and youth camps, such action is nec essary. In light of the recent Fatah-controlled PA unity government agreement wi th Hamas, a terrorist organization that calls it is Charter for the destruction of Israel and the murder of Jews, PA rescission of this agreement is also a prer equisite for maintaining ties with the PA. Mr. Lieberman told reporters this week that he would ask the forum of eight a su bgroup of ministers within the Cabinet to end Israels relations with the PA, fol lowing the PAs attempt to prosecute IDF officers at the International Criminal C ourt at The Hague. He said, No Finance Ministry officials, not the Water Authori ty and no Foreign Ministry officials [will maintain ties] You cannot have securi ty coordination [with Israel] while you are also trying IDF soldiers at The Hagu e. Mr. Lieberman also said that PA officials, despite claims of intending merely non-violent action, are instead preparing to flood checkpoints with tens of tho usands of PA Arabs who might then force their way past IDF soldiers and into Isr aels major cities.The Palestinian Authority is getting ready for bloodshed on a scale we havent seen The more they speak about non-violent action, the more they are preparing for bloodshed. ____________________________________ Rockets continue to fall on southern Israel Rockets continue to rain down on southern Israel as the IDF remains steadfast in its policy of responding to each rocket attack. IDF Chief of Staff Benny Gantz told reporters that Hamas is allowing other terrorist organizationsthat operate in the Gaza strip to fire rockets into Israel. According to Gantz, Hamas is test ing Israel to see how they will respond to each attack, andare turning a blind e ye to the individuals responsible for firing the rockets. The IDFs policy is to retaliate for each attack, given that the response is limi ted in scope. The IDF does not want to escalate the situation to the point where it is dragged into a full confrontation with Hamas and prefers to minimize its response so long as the rockets that land in Israel do not cause severe damage. Israeli forces continue to be on high alert, while the defense establishment is anticipating an increase of violence in the lead up to the UN General Assembly v ote for a Palestinian state this September.

________________________________________ Author: Amichai Farkas | July 18, 2011 Posted in: Hamas, IDF, Rocket attacks, Terrorism Turkey discovers weapons in Iranian cargo plane An Iranian cargo plane suspected of containing nuclear material was ordered by t landin a Turkish military airfield on its way to Syria. The plane was f ound to contain rocket launchers, mortars, rifles, and other explosive materials . This, and similar recent incidents, proves again that Iran is a chief sponsor of terrorism. The extentto which Iran is successful atarming terrorist groups and regimes such as Syria is still difficult to assess, butits certainthat Iran aims to be the leading power in the rapidly changing Middle East. For Iranto be stopped,the Westneeds toenforcecrippling sanctions against them, a ndfree countries everywhere not just Israel must convince the Iranian regime tha ttheyre willing to use military force to ensureIrans compliance. Otherwise, our inaction will help usher in a nuclear Iran and that would be a disaster not just for Israel, but for the entire world. ________________________________________ Author: Amichai Farkas | March 22, 2011 Posted in: Iran, Nuclear weapons, Syria ________________________________________________________________________________ IDF intercepts Gaza-bound ship A Frenchship named Dignity carrying 17anti-Israel activists the only ship in the so-called Freedom Flotilla to set sail for Gaza was intercepted peacefully by t he Israeli Navy.According to the ships captain, whenhe first departed from Greec epassengersclaimed they wereheaded to Alexandria, Egypt.Only after leaving the p ort did theyinform him of therintention to sail towards Gaza. Israeli marines boarded the French vessel and transferred the passengers to an I sraeli ship where they received food and water and were visited by a doctor to d etermine their physical conditions.The passengers were then taken to Israels Ash dod port and were given the optionto eitherleave Israel immediately andreturnto their home countries, orwaitat a detention center for a judge to meet with them. ________________________________________ Author: Amichai Farkas | July 19, 2011 ________________________________________________________________________________ Dear ZOA members, The following insightful OpEd is a must read because of its bold declaration tha t there can never be a Palestinian state in Judea and Samaria; that declaration coming from ZOA's national vice chairman, Steven Goldberg. It is also worth noti ng that his words are consistent with my letter to the editor, entitled "Deja vu ", which appeared in the Oct. 14, 2010 print edition of Washington Jewish Week. Marc Caroff ...... Israels epic chess game By STEVEN M. GOLDBERG 07/24/2011 22:44 The Palestinians are about to make a fatal error. Israel must not hesitate to de clare "checkmate." Israel is engaged in a war for survival that started even before its declaration of independence and continues to this very day. Its enemies have prosecuted thi s war militarily, economically, politically, diplomatically, legally and psychol ogically. Because of the length and complexity of this struggle, an appropriate metaphor is a game of chess one in which the stakes for Israel are life and deat h. Winning a game of chess is no simple matter. It requires strategy, patience, ste ady nerves, the proper balance between aggression and caution, and the ruthlessn ess to checkmate ones opponent when the opportunity presents itself. Impulsivene ss and emotionalism usually lead to defeat. When a grandmaster makes a mistake, he must not panic; instead, he must extract himself from danger with care and de

termination. Israels leaders have not played like grandmasters. Instead, they have mixed brilliant moves with blunders. Among the former, the preemptive strike on Egypt of June 5, 1967, that led to Is raels victory in the Six Day War and Menachem Begins decision to destroy Iraqs n uclear reactor in Osirak in June 1981 stand out. Both moves required boldness and careful preparation, and both were highly succe ssful. Unfortunately Israel has subsequently made serious strategic errors. It allowed Egypt to strike the first blow in October 1973, and almost lost the Yom Kippur W ar. The Oslo Accords of 1993 allowed Yasser Arafat and the PLO to return from exile, and have resulted in the murder or maiming of thousands of Israelis. Israels pr ecipitous withdrawal from southern Lebanon in 2000 and its forcible eviction of Jews from Gaza in 2005 compounded the error of Oslo. THE CAUSE of these errors was emotional exhaustion, best summed up by former pri me minister Ehud Olmerts tragic admission that we are tired of fighting. We are tired of being courageous. We are tired of winning. We are tired of defeating our enemies. Such a mentality is frankly catastrophic. Fortunately for Israel, its enemies have made even worse mistakes. Most importan t have been their serial refusals to accept overly generous offers by prime mini sters Ehud Barak and Olmert to sacrifice strategically vital territory in Judea and Samaria for a Palestinian state. More recently, the Palestinians have also s hortsightedly insisted on a complete settlement freeze as a condition for negoti ating with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, despite his misguided eagerness to make a bargain similar to those offered by his predecessors. The Palestinians are about to make their worst blunder yet one that is potential ly fatal to their cause. Specifically, the Palestinian Authority, knowing that its leadership status is f ailing and that the clock is about to run out, has announced its intention to se ek recognition as a state from the United Nations. This desperate gambit flatly abrogates both the Oslo Accords and UN Resolution 242, providing Israel with the legal justification to cancel both agreements and simply annex portions of Jude a and Samaria. TO WIN this chess game, Israel must correct the life-threatening mistake it made by agreeing to a Palestinian state. The land west of the Jordan River can hold a Jewish state or another Arab state; it cant hold both. Israels leaders, including Yitzhak Rabin, recognized this truth before weakening in the face of international pressure. Its time to declare categorically that t here will never be a Palestinian state in Judea and Samaria. The Arabs who live there may continue to be residents of Israel with full civil and religious rights and local autonomy, but any national or political rights mu st be exercised in affiliation with Jordan the already existing Palestinian stat e.

Taking advantage of the Palestinian blunder by terminating all discussions of Pa lestinian statehood wont be easy. There will be powerful international pressure against Israel for making such a bold move. Many will implore Israel to just sur render, or to make a reckless, needless sacrifice that will lead to its defeat. But Israel cant afford to be checkmated. Now it must play like a grandmaster. The writer is the national vice chairman of the Zionist Organization of America, and sits on the Executive Board of the World Likud. He is a graduate of Harvard University and New York University Law School, and a tournament chess player. ________________________________________________________________________________ THE LATEST Abbas Adviser: "Blessings to the souls of our Shahids (Martyrs), whom we will not forget - not for the sake of a grant, not for the sake of a deal... " August 1, 2011 The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has renewed its call for President Barack Obama to terminate U.S. funding of Mahmoud Abbas Palestinia n Authority (PA) which recently signed a unity government agreement with the kil l the Jews Hamas terrorist organization following statements from Abbas adviser, Sabri Saidam, defending the long-standing PA practice of honoring shahids marty rs [martyrs, i.e., terrorists who were killed in the course of murdering, or att empting to murder, Jews]. Saidam repudiated the idea that the PA should cease do ing so because of the displeasure of the PAs international donors. Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Saidam wrote, We have named streets after leaders not of our people, and have marked the birthdays of other heroes who are not from our soci ety, as a sign of honor... More Proof - U.S. Aid To Abbas' PA Is Funding Terrori sts July 29, 2011 The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has renewed its long -standing call for an end to U.S. taxpayer-funded aid to Mahmoud Abbas Palestini an Authority (PA) following detailed revelations U.S. funds are reaching the han ds of blood-soaked Jew-killing terrorists. A report, utilizing among other sourc es Palestinian statutes and official PA media reports, presented to the U.S. Con gress by Palestinian Media Watch, demonstrates that Abbas PA pays monthly salari es to 5,500 jailed Palestinians in Israeli prisons, including terrorists and tha t it funds these salaries from its general budget, a good deal of which is provi ded by U.S. financial aid. Shocker: Overwhelming 73% of Palestinians Support Islamic Teaching to Murder Jew s July 18, 2011 _______________________________________________________ Home This day marks the 40th anniversary of the release of the Pentagon Papers in the New York Times, and today, the Times ran an op-ed by NWC Executive Director Stephen M. Kohn that tells the story of the first-ever wh istleblowers in the United States. In 1777, a group of American sailors and marines blew the whistle on the first Commodore of the US Navy, accusing him of misconduct that included the torture of British soldiers. The Continental Congress did not throw the whistleblowers in solitary confinement, prosecute them, or execute them. Even in a time of war, the government did not use the "state se crets" privilege to hide these abuses. Instead, they passed a law that all whistleblowers should be protected, released all the records related to the whistleblowers' concerns, and used funds from Congress' meager treasury to protect the whistleblowers from retaliation. TAKE ACTION! Stop Prosecuting National Security Whistleblowers As a country we have moved so far away from what the Founding Fathers recognized at the foundation of democracy - freedom of speech. The federal government should immediately drop the criminal investigations and prosecutions of national security whistleblowers, and President Obama should pardon NSA whistleblower Thomas Drake. On July 30, 1778, the Continental Congress enacted America's first whistleblower protection law. We ask that Congress declare July 30th National Whistleblower D

ay, honoring whistleblowers for their contributions throughout history. Please send a letter to Congress demanding that they honor what the Founding Fat hers did on July 30, 1778, in the midst of the American Revolution. Then pass th is alert on to your friends and family. National Whistleblowers Center U.S. Whistleblower Laws Take Action Submit Confid ential Report 1997-2008 National Whistleblowers Center & NWLDEF P.O. Box 3768, Washington, DC 20027 CFC 10222 ENACT A NATIONAL WHISTLEBLOWER PROTECTION LAW! WHEREAS, recent financial scandals and multi-billion dollar bail out legislation highlight the urgent need to protect those honest Americans who report wrongdoi ng in the government and in the private sector; WHEREAS, courageous whistleblowers are responsible for recovering billions of do llars stolen by government contractors engaged in fraud; WHEREAS, whistleblowers have played a critical role in protecting the public by exposing health and safety violations and holding governments and corporations a ccountable; WHEREAS, retaliation against whistleblowers targets the very people who we need to tell the truth about fraud and misconduct; WHEREAS, Congress has not yet passed into law a national whistleblower protectio n act covering all Americans; BE IT RESOLVED: That Congress enact into law a National Whistleblower Protection Act which protects all Americans who lawfully disclose waste and fraud in gover nment spending, violations of law or threats to the public health and safety. Th e law must provide all whistleblowers with the right to federal court proceeding s, a trial by jury and reasonable damages. It must also reward employees who ris k their careers to serve the public interest. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------June 12, 2011 The Whistle-Blowers of 1777 By STEPHEN M. KOHN- Washington FORTY years ago today, The New York Times began publishing the Pentagon Papers, a seminal moment not only for freedom of the press but also for the role of whistle-blowers like Daniel Ellsberg, who leaked the papers to expose the mishandling of the war in Vietnam in defending our democracy. Today, the Obama administration is aggressively pursuing leakers. Bradley E. Manning, an Army private, has been imprisoned since May 2010 on suspicion of hav ing passed classified data to the antisecrecy group WikiLeaks. Thomas A. Drake, a former official at the National Security Agency, pleaded guilty Friday to a misdemeanor of misusing the agencys computer system by providing information to a newspaper reporter. The tension between protecting true national security secrets and ensuring the publics right to know about abuses of authority is not new. Indeed, the nations founders faced this very issue. In the winter of 1777, months after the signing of the Declaration of Independen ce, the American warship Warren was anchored outside of Providence, R.I. On board, 10 revolutionary sailors and marines met in secret not to plot against the kings armies, but to discuss their concerns about the commander of the Continental

Navy, Commodore Esek Hopkins. They knew the risks: Hopkins came from a powerful family; his brother was a former governor of Rhode Island and a signer of the declaration. Hopkins had participated in the torture of captured British sailors; he treated prisoners in the most inhuman and barbarous manner, his subordinates wrote in a petition. One whistle-blower, a Marine captain named John Grannis, was selected to present the petition to the Continental Congress, which voted on March 26, 1777, to suspend Hopkins from his post. The case did not end there. Hopkins, infuriated, immediately retaliated. He file d a criminal libel suit in Rhode Island against the whistle-blowers. Two of them who happened to be in Rhode Island Samuel Shaw, a midshipman, and Richard Marven, a third lieutenant were jailed. In a petition read to Congress on July 23, 1778, they pleaded that they had been arrested for doing what they then believed and still believe was nothing but the ir duty. Later that month, without any recorded dissent, Congress enacted Americas first whistleblowerprotection law: That it is the duty of all persons in the service of the United States, as well as all other inhabitants thereof, to give the earliest information to Co ngress or any other proper authority of any misconduct, frauds or misdemeanors committed by an y officers or persons in the service of these states, which may come to their know ledge. Congress did not stop there. It wanted to ensure that the whistle-blowers would have excellent legal counsel to fight against the libel charges, and despite the fina ncial hardships of the new republic, it authorized payment for the legal fees of Marven and Shaw . Congress did not hide behind government secrecy edicts, even though the nation w as at war. Instead, it authorized the full release of all records related to the removal of Hopkins. No state secret privilege was invoked. The whistle-blowers did not need to use a Fr eedom of Information Act to obtain documents to vindicate themselves. There was no attemp t to hide the fact that whistle-blowers had accused a Navy commander of mistreating prison ers. Armed with Congresss support, the whistle-blowers put on a strong defense, and w on their case in court. And true to its word, Congress on May 22, 1779, provided $1,418 t o cover costs associated with the whistle-blowers defense. One Sam. Adams was directed to ensu re that their Rhode Island lawyer, William Channing, was paid. Nearly two centuries later, the Supreme Court justice William O. Douglas, praisi ng the founders commitment to freedom of speech, wrote: The dominant purpose of the Fir st Amendment was to prohibit the widespread practice of government suppression of embarrassing information. A 1989 law was supposed to protect federal employees who expose fraud and miscon

duct from retaliation. But over the years, these protections have been completely und ermined. One loophole gives the government the absolute right to strip employees of their security clearances and fire them, without judicial review. Another bars employees of the National Security Agency and the Central Intelligence Agency from any coverage under the law. And Congress has barred national security whistle-blowers who are fired for exposing wrongdoing from obtaining protection in federal court. It is no surprise that honest citizens who witness waste, fraud and abuse in nat ional security programs but lack legal protections are silenced or forced to turn to unauthoriz ed methods to expose malfeasance, incompetence or negligence. Instead of ignoring and intimidating whistle-blowers, Congress and the executive branch would do well to follow the example of the Continental Congress, by supporting a nd shielding them. Stephen M. Kohn is the executive director of the National Whistleblowers Center and the author of The Whistleblowers Handbook: A Step-by-Step Guide to Doing Whats Right and Pr otecting Yourself. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------[Update December 9, 2010] Gilbert states in the new report: Al Gore article I am ashamed of what climate science has become today." The science community is relying on an inadequate model to blame CO2 and innocent citizens for global warming in order to generate funding and to gain attention. If this is what 'science' has become today, I, as a scientist, am ashamed. "It is morally reprehensible and an offense against humanity and the Earth to interfere with the normal function of the planetary system to cause or enhance storms, hurricanes, tsunamis, monsoons, mud slides, draught, flooding, earth quakes or volcano eruptions." Sister Rosalie Bertell knew early in her life that she would become a nun. She is a Grey Nun of the Sacred Heart, GNSH with a doctorate in biometry. "Planet Earth: The Latest Weapon of War - A Critical Study into the Military and the Environment" 1986... -gore ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Leuren Moret: Fukushima HAARP nuclear attack by CIA, DOE, BP for London banks Fukushima HAARP tectonic nuclear attack was done by an international racketeering war crimes network within the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Department of Energy (DOE), and BP (British Petroleum) on behalf of City of London bankers. WEAPONS ELF exist for the FINANCIERS DoD mind controlling Corp LEADERS Macrocosm and CIA-developed Stuxnet virus, FRAMING Mossad! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Wrong Recipe for Peace June 23, 2011 Dear Friend of Israel, The fall is shaping up to be a crucial time for Israel. In September, Palestinia n leadership plans to present a resolution for Palestinian statehood to the Unit

ed Nations Security Council. If the Security Council approves the resolution, it would then go before the U.N. General Assembly for a vote. Though passage of such a resolution is unlikelythe U.S. holds veto power because of its permanent seat on the Security Council and has promised to exercise itif it did pass it could have grave consequences. It would allow the Palestinians t o avoid negotiating with Israel, effectively killing the likelihood that they wo uld compromise on key issues. It would confer legitimacy on the new Palestinian unity government, which now includes the terrorist group Hamas. In short, it wou ld make the possibility of peace between Israel and the Palestinians even more r emote than it already is. What are the conditions that might make real peace possible? In his landmark spe ech to the U.S. Congress last month, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu c ut to the heart of the matter. "You see, our conflict has never been about the e stablishment of a Palestinian state," he said. "It's always been about the exist ence of the Jewish state. This is what this conflict is about . [Palestinian Aut hority] President Abbas must do what I have done . I told you it wasn't easy for me. I stood before my people, and I said, 'I will accept a Palestinian state.' It's time for President Abbas to stand before his people and say, 'I will accept a Jewish state.' Those six words will change history." The prime minister is exactly right. If the Palestinians truly want a state, let them take the path of compromise and honest negotiation. By going to the U.N. t o validate their aspirations to nationhood, Palestinian leadership has shown tha t it has no respect for the rights, sovereignty, and security of Israel. As long as the Palestinians refuse to embrace these fundamental principles, any bid for Israel-Palestinian peace is doomed to failure. Years ago, former Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir said something just as relev ant today as it was then: "There will be peace in the Middle East only when the Arabs love their children more than they hate Israel." My friends, as we wait vi gilantly through this summer to see what September will bring, let us pray for t he day the former prime minister spoke ofa day of true peace between Israel and her neighbors. And let us continue to work to ensure that the true story of Isra el's ongoing struggle for peace and security is told to the world. With prayers for shalom, peace, Why Isn't There Peace in Israel? Palestinian leadership has plans to go to the U.N. this September and unilateral ly seek recognition of a Palestinian state, which will eliminate the need for th em to negotiate a real peace with Israel. In fact, the Palestinians have had num erous opportunities to create an independent state, but have repeatedly rejected Israel's offers. Learn more about Israel's continuous efforts to make peace wit h her hostile neighbors. International Community Discourages June Flotilla participating in the upcoming "Freedom Flotilla". UN Secretary General Ban Ki-mo on sent letters toGovernments of countries around the Mediterranean Sea, urging them to "discourage such flotillas, which carry the potential to escalate into v iolent conflict." Canadian Foreign Minister John Baird stated that "unauthorized efforts to delive r aid are provocative and, ultimately, unhelpful to the people of Gaza." While r ecognizing "Israel's legitimate security concerns and its right to protect itsel f and its residents from attacks by Hamas," Foreign Minister Baird went further and demanded for the "immediate return of Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit." Britain issued similar callings, advising"anyone wishing to send humanitarian as sistance or other goods to Gaza to do so only through official crossings and established channels. "

See Also: ________________________________________ Dear ZOA members, The following letter to the editor, submitted by our chapter president, was published last week in the Washington Jewish Week (June 16th Edition). The letter speaks for itself: SOUR NOTE Amidst the nearly unanimous praise of Prime Minister Netanyahu for speaking truth to power, Doug Bloomfield struck a singularly sour note ("Paging Dale Carnegie", WJW, May 26). Even the Washington Post, not known for advancing pro-Israel views, opined that "Once again, President Obama undermines his own diplomacy" by endorsing one of the preconditions Palestinians have tried to set for talks: that peace negotiations be based on pre-1967 armistice lines, with swaps of land ("The blowup with Israel", Washington Post editorial, May 21). Obama and Bloomfield are just plain wrong when they insinuate that such preconditions correspond to longstanding U.S. policy. The truth is that, since 1967, the cornerstone of all Arab-Israeli diplomacy has been U.N. Security Council Resolution 242. That resolution did not suggest, either explicitly or implicitly, that peace negotiations be based on pre-1967 lines. It did not call for "land swaps", whatever Obama might have intended by using such a territorially ambiguous phrase. It does make clear that Israel must have secure, recognized, and defensible borders which means, by implication, that any negotiation of Israel's final borders should not use the pre-1967 armistice lines even as a reference point. There can be little doubt that President Obama continues to be extremely ill-advised and ill-informed on matters relating to Israel. By correcting Obama's distortions and misperceptions, Netanyahu upheld the longstanding U.S.-Israel strategic partnership while simultaneously serving the cause of peace. I believe all Americans and Israelis owe the prime minister of Israel a great debt of gratitude for speaking the truth. Marc Caroff President, Louis D. Brandeis Chapter Zionist Organization of America Attn: NEWS EDITOR Fmr. U.N. Ambassador Bolton: Obama is the Most Anti-Israel President in the Hist ory of the State, Without Any Question Former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, American Enterprise Institute Fell ow and possible Republican presidential aspirant, John Bolton, has said during a visit to Israel that Barack Obama is the most anti-Israel president in the hist ory of the State, without any question. In an interview with the Jerusalem Post, Mr. Bolton emphasized that the tensions that have beset the U.S./Israel relatio nship are not the result of misunderstanding, saying, If you think that this is just a misunderstanding of where the green crayon went in 1949, then think again . Mr. Bolton said that President Obama bought in to what he said was the Europea n line, namely, that if you make progress between Israel and the Palestinians sw eetness and light will break out in the region, and every other problem from Ira n to terrorism will be easier to solve. I think that is like looking through the wrong end of the telescope. Mr. Bolton also criticized President Obamas policy towards Iran, saying that he

believed the Obama administrations real Plan B for the Iranian nuclear weapons p rogram is that it can be contained and deterred, much as we contained and deterr ed the Soviet Union in the Cold War. I think that is fundamentally wrong. Mr. Bo lton stated that in his view, the only way to stop Iran from getting nuclear wea pons was through military action and that Diplomacy and sanctions are not going to work. The Obama administration certainly isnt going to use force against the Iranian program, and Israel is obviously very reluctant to do it as well If Isra el is not prepared to strike, then get ready for an Iran with nuclear weapons, a nd you can draw your own conclusions. If you think Irans behavior is bad now, im agine what it will be if it gets nuclear capability. I think we are all sleepwal king past this If I had been in charge of the Israeli government, I would have a ttacked in 2008 for several reasons. First, it was three years ago, so you are m uch more likely to have eliminated the key elements of Irans nuclear weapons pro gram [Secondly] in 2008 you had a president sympathetic to Israel so you calcula te the next time that is going to occur. Mr. Bolton also argued that the Palestinian Authoritys bid for recognition of Pa lestinian statehood at the U.N. should not as it is in Israel and elsewhere be g etting more attention and energy than the Iranian nuclear threat. Israels proper response to the move, he said, is not to pay any attention to it, and to care n o more about it than the grass you tread beneath your feet if you make the Gener al Assembly into something more than what it is, than you are giving it authorit y and legitimacy it doesnt have. Mr. Bolton said that the only way to get this m ove stopped in the UN was for the U.S. Congress to pass legislation saying that if the move did go through, Washington would cut off funding to the internationa l body, as the U.S. successfully threatened in 1989 when the UN was moving towar ds accepting the PLO as a full U.N. member (Herb Keinon, Bolton: Obama worst pre sident for Israel ever, Jerusalem Post, July 13, 2011). [Note: The full text of Mr. Bolton's interview will appear in the Friday edition of the Jerusalem Post]. ZOA National President Morton A. Klein said, Mr. Boltons assessment of President Obama and his policy towards Israel is one with which we agree and which, indee d, we have long suspected to be true. In fact, immediately following President O bamas June 2009 Cairo speech, we predicted in a press release that President Oba ma may become most hostile president to Israel ever. We also published an opinio n piece in the Jerusalem Post in January 2009 and other publications regarding H illary Clinton's troubling transformation on Israel, detailing several of the sw ings towards pro-Palestinian positions and ignoring of Palestinian incitement to hatred and murder under President Obama. Clearly, there is a range of issues re lating to Israel in which President Obamas policy is of deep concern to the proIsrael community. ___________________________________________ Mireille Torjman Letter for Mr. Drake. The above letter is to inform you that Thomas Drake is a hero under God, and is saving civilians lives and souls. I had brought a case to the US Supreme Court w ith Russell Tice as my savior and these employees are saving humanity above all. Mr. Drake did not disclose more than Mr. Tice and others regarding mind control hidden in spying and behind a SSP. It is only protecting criminality and terrori sm within our own shadow. I have already disclosed the strategy and agenda of th is weapon of mass destruction as others have to infiltrate against Israel ultima tely and provided it to other Countries Intelligence as well as our own. I have exposed everything about this weapon including science under siege to the National Science Academy and Cass Sunstein among many Federal Authorities with strategy plans using spying and torture psyops and cognitive infiltrations unwit tingly.

I can serve as an expert witness as I trained in the CIA Neurolinguistic Program ming and certified in Hypnosis with the purchase of the software from NASA physi cist. Mr. Drake did nothing to disclose or preempt security. He is doing the contrary before it is too late. I am a victim and offered testimony to Congress. My alleg ations were much worse then that of Mr. Drake and very threatening to NSAs Corru ption on We the People I never had the opportunity to a trial. Mr. Tice did not disclose or know how far the abuse goes on this mind control we apon since Alien and USS Liberty Hallucinations and Cryptocrocys Plans to Psycho civilize you, to Macrocosm Process of brainwash. Please know what is at stake here on ALL humanity in Peril and know that he need s to be THANKED publicly as whistleblowers once were; regarded Under God with no mind manipulations and NSA transmissions. Millions are as our Senate recently. ___________________________________State of Maryland, ___County of Montgomery___ ____ The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me on _________________by Mirei lle Torjman appeared before me and presented Drivers License ____________________________Not ary Public. ________________________________

______________________________________________ Decrypting the Shadow behind Hamid Karzai Wednesday, 22. September 2010 The Long Intended Chaos Thursday, June 9, 2011 Steve Quayle : The E. Coli Breakout in Germany is a biowarfare agent Steve Quayle : " This is definitely a biowarfare agent it has multi point releas e it has multi drugs resistance ....This is a specific biowarfare agent that has been designed to thing well, and that's kill people," " this is one of the most dire presentations of bio warfare and even with this what they got in store is even more lethal" Spain agriculture is decimated because Spain resisted the introduction of GMO crops into its agricultural system , Germany is targete d by the E. Coli because it has the best food safety and control in the world , the food is the ultimate weapon says Steve Quayle...Steve Quayle is the author o f five books. For over thirty years, he has been investigating ancient civilizat ions, giants, UFOs and biological warfare as they relate to the future of mankin d. Stephen discusses the coming worst-case scenarios approaching this world and how they interrelate to each other. Earthquakes, volcanoes, nuclear and biologic al terrorism, coupled with the planned financial meltdown of the U.S. dollar wil l thrust us into unimagined tribulations. Stephen Quayle is on record as stating that we have moved from the realm of natural threats into the arena of supernat urally guided events of the unseen hand of evil orchestrating world events of un fathomable proportions. Appearing for the full 4 hours, author and researcher St eve Quayle discussed the precarious world economic situation, escalating tension s, and covert warfare, as well as how supernatural events & prophecies from the Bible are being played out. According to one of his sources, we're seeing "the s ystematic execution and implementation of seismic warfare" that is technology th at can be used to generate earthquakes, accelerate volcanic eruptions, and manip ulate the weather. "All the volcanoes seem to be becoming active at once," he co mmented. 14 Labels:gerald celente trends research journal Steve Quayle

Why Germany he asks in the video? Well, for a start they are making biological warfare on Germany because they are turning their back on Nuclear energy and not participating in bombing Libya. Th ose are just two more suggestions to add to the E. coli sabotage. Bankrupt these nations one by one and then they get IMF loan and succumb to slavery. June 11, 2011 3:32 AM ent.html According to news reports, the Obama administration is once again reevaluating h ow to deal with Afghanistans Hamid Karzai out of fear that it may now be holding him to unrealistic standards of U.S. law enforcement. This comes after a summer of news that Karzai continues to find new ways of resisting Washingtons efforts to rein in rampant corruption in his government. Now we hear from legendary Was hington Post reporter Bob Woodward that the U.S. has intelligence showing Hamid Karzai is under medication for manic depression and that Obamas national securit y team doubts that his strategy in Afghanistan (whatever that may be at the mome nt) can work. The tug of war between Kabul and Washington has become so desperat e, former CIA Near East, South Asia Chief Dr. Charles Cogan recently opined that the situation was fast approaching a Diem Moment. Cogan even suggested that whi le Diems removal had been horribly botched, a removal of Mr. Karzai might turn o ut to be more straightforward. Given the similarities to Americas quagmire in Vi etnam, invoking Diem raises more than a few dark memories. Yet despite vast diff erences in the two wars another even more deeply unsettling similarity is emergi ng. Hamid Karzai is in a political fight for his life like South Vietnams Ngo Di nh Diem. But (strange as it might seem) his contradictory behavior and the chaos and corruption surrounding it may be no accident. In fact it could be exactly t he consequence that his main neoconservative backer, former RAND director, U.S. Ambassador and Special Presidential Envoy to Afghanistan Zalmay Khalilzad, had l ong intended.... By forcing Karzai into office, Khalilzad snatched defeat out of the jaws of victory because the Taliban were beaten at that point. To both Ruttig and Rohrabacher, Khalilzads ultimate crime like the U.S. manipula tion of the Ngo Dinh Diem regime in Vietnam was that his corruption of the Karza i regime had created so much internal chaos that no amount of outside effort cou ld undo it. Yet the idea that chaos, as a form of extreme social engineering, ma y have actually been the plan cannot be ignored. If anyone embodies the Cold War neoconservative philosophy that came to dominate American foreign and military policy from Jimmy Carter to George W. Bush, it is Zalmay Khalilzad. Khalilzad first came to the United States as a high school ex change student. He received his bachelors and masters degrees from American University in Beirut and his doctorate degree from the University of Chicago where he met and studie d along with Paul Wolfowitz under the RAND nuclear warfare theorist, former Trot skyite and father of neoconservatism, Albert J. Wohlstetter. It was Wohlstetters early 1970s series of articles in the Wall Street Journal and Strategic Review that prompted the politicized CIA analysis known as the Team B experiment. It wa s the Team Bs adherents both inside and outside the Carter administration who se t the stage for undermining dtente and luring the Soviets into the Afghan trap a nd holding them there while Afghanistan disintegrated. And it was the same Team B brain-trust of Wohlstetter acolytes including Khalilzad that went on to provid e the philosophical template for the politicized intelligence process that led t o the strategic military disasters of Iraq and Afghanistan. In her 1972 book about Vietnam, Fire in the Lake, author Frances FitzGerald wrot e of the perverse illogic of another of Wohlstetters onetime RAND protgs, Herman Kahn.

Just before his departure for a two-week tour of Vietnam in 1967, the defense an alyst, Herman Kahn, listened to an American businessman give a detailed account of the economic situation in South Vietnam. At the end of the talk an argument f or reducing the war Kahn said, I see what you mean. We have corrupted the cities . Now, perhaps we can corrupt the countryside as well. It was not a joke. Kahn w as thinking in terms of a counterinsurgency program: the United States would win the war by making all Vietnamese economically dependent upon it. In 1967 his pr ogram was already becoming a reality, for the corruption reached even to the low est levels of Vietnamese society. In a country as poor as Afghanistan after three decades of war it took little ti me and less effort to corrupt every level of Afghan society, but in Afghanistan, official corruption, both American and Afghan was built in. Overseen by Khalilz ad, a bizarre marriage of Americas pro-business, neoconservative Washington and Afghanistans pro-business and often pro-Taliban right wing took root to direct a nd guide Afghanistans reconstruction. A 2007 report by Canadian journalist Arthur Kent desc...

See #7and #40-Complaint footnotes- REFERENCES for some of the highest rates of illness and mistakes, red tape in this Country. Un-Covered video documentary CONGRESS as MARIONETTES NOT READING info TO INVADE IRAQ with sleep-MIND CONTROLLED WEAPONS USED on CONGRESS. And a Public used as P AWNS in Chess game for CRIMES. WE CAN'T STOP SHADOW GOV'T UNTIL WE BELIEVE DEPLOYED MIND CONTROL Psyops as so ldiers DRONES experiments on U.S. Soil EVOLVED 50+ Years. OUT-FOXED MIND CONTROL LED (video). 2008 a mad world emerging to cover their tracks, now with tangible, excuses, fal se memory, TRANSMISSIONS DAILY/nightly unconsciously with your money, since 1910 secret meeting on Jeckyl Island-Fed Reserve check creation! ALL HIDING BEHIND S SP-State Secret Privilege. Impede, Misguide, Frame, Stage, and discredit! FOOTNOTES and REFERENCES DEATHS, CANCER, THREATS/BLACKMAIL, QUASHED MEDIA DOCUMENTARY DR. WALTER BOWART, False Memory Syndrome Foundation radio interviews (CD Canada) JIM KEITHbanned books MASS CONTROL-ENGINEERING HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS, Strange deat h and Body Electric (Dumbed down) AARON RUSSO of Rockefeller and Discredited ALEX CONSTANTINE and the CIA and MEDIA, Operation Mockingbird and Major Universi ties The New Dark Ages Conspiracies1980-1995 Carol White and Too Secret Too Long EIR, Volume 14, No 23. DR. NICK BEGICH, Alaskan Politics and family targeted- TERRORIST HUNTER, anonymo usly KAY GRIGGS, Military wife and current MIND CONTROL whistleblower (Secret Societi es) DR. BILL NELSON, Tom Beardon Govt Physicists and the INVISIBLE GOV/WAR Naval Officer L. Ron Hubbard (1964) Wikepidia Mockingbird Operation Mind Control DR. ROBERT DUNCAN, Partial knowledge-JAY KIMBALL torture in MS DR. DOUG ROKKE, DR IGOR LEDOCHOWSKI-Street Hypnosis and NLP Richard Bantler and John Grinder for mer CIA Sharon Weinberger, Targeting 'Imaginary Weapons' MIND GAMES Pentagon investigati ve reporter. Julianne McKinney, Military Intelligenceand WHISTLEBLOWER Senator Eric Adams, NY delayed then prevented from Senate hearing for victims in 2009 with home fire KATHLEEN SULLIVAN (Shackled) Cathy O Brien and Daughter Kelly BRICE TAYLOR, Thanks for the MEMORIES

Lynn Surgella Letter from President of Psychotronics Association and former Gove rnment Scientist John Glenn, Former NASA astronaut, Military, and Senator letter 1997 Michael Scheuer, CIA 117 slides on 911 and most still don t have clearance of these weapons on civilians, Ted Gunderson, Bob Levin, Former agent, and OUTFOXED documentary, Dixie Chics INDUCED BUZZ changing minds and emotion Sibel Edmonds, See her story, public articles and court pleadings John Marks, Mark Phillips, Everyone attempting the truth with MASS CHOAS creatio ns from the top Jesse Ventura-Former Seal, Covert CIA on US Soil against Mission, and changed we b site since. The former CIA site linking it to Hollywood and Scientology involv ements revamped when I wrote about it Thomas Tamm, DOJ and 9 attorney terminations Tom Beardon, Larry Klayman, Leuren Moret, CHARLES VIAR CIA Pandora s Box-American hy sterias Duncan O Finioan, CD interviews Abducted Manchurian assassin for former President Bu sh in 1980 s Police Barry Cooper, TX-doesn t know why he did it Corrupt framing victims on the jo b CIA Ray Mc Govern Whistleblower Partial 911 John Perkins book on his story as one of the Federal Elite murderer. OPEC Pastor LINDSEY WILLIAMS-Energy Non Crisis S/Be $1.50 a gal. World Bank Proi t to collapse 1910 secret meeting on Jeckyl Island Fed Reserve! NOW whitewashing History with more overt crimes Naomi wolf, (Yale) Give me liberty, and FREEDOM to FASCISM 10 steps NSA employee s all claim being hypnotized on the job (Mind Control) SAME as other whistleblow er claims Jim Guest Letter on Mind Control to Senate, Senator Patrick Leahy (A divided and less civil Country) Ron Paul Wake Up Americans, Kevin Trudeau FDA lawsuits-Britney Spears, Dixie Chi cs sabotaged audiences Amy Goodman Stop the Madness, APA & AMA, Nat l whistleblowers Judicial Watch, Freedom Watch, Institute for Accuracy, Citizens for legitimate g ov. George Bush-Yale Member SKULL and BONES and New World Order, Proof of Conspiracy-A new American View Matrix III, Val Valerian, ed., 1992 Constantine, Bowart: Acid Dreams-Human Rights Law Journal, Freedom of the Mind Vol. 3, No. 1-4 Ross MD; Dr Colin The CIA, Military Mind Control Building the Manchurian Candidate. Ap ril 18, 1996 Bowart, Walter, Leading Psychiatrist Blows Whistle on Profession: Proves 50 + years of Mind Control MindNet Journal, Vol. 1, No. 94 and Were we Controlled? JFK Adventure s Unlimited Press, IL, 1997 December January 1993 Mind Control Techniques and Tactic Market inflations and real estate pricing and gouging was all induced from the m ind on each individual and as a mass, and part of conspiracy agenda. Corrupting American Minds. Manipulating the economy. Attorneys encouraged to contact Plaintiff for assistance or representation. Mobi le Copyright 2010 NSA Transmissions. All rights reserved. Web Hosting by Yahoo! An expert witness, Certified Hypnotist trained in CIA Neur o Linguistic Programming techniques with NASA software and Military Patents.

NSA Transmissions-Mind Control, Death Rays for Planes, Cancer, Synthetic ills- T opplings ELF & Seismic Waves + Behind Scenes Focused on Wrong Weapon Mass Destru ction TERRORISTS WITHIN, 1973 2nd Level CIA, Cryptocracy's Plan to Psycho-civili ze You, Emulating Scriptures! ---How & Why 911, Economy. ALL from your minds! MA CROCOSM. Millions including America's Corp Leaders & Officials! "The Process." I srael Framed-engineered to go down. Have you figured it out yet! NSA Tice-Hero under God US Supreme Court Case Israel-CIA Agenda- Press Releases Synthetic Telepathy-ills-TAXES Cancer 911 CIA Resources to Expose Interviews-Exhibits-Documents Lawsuit-Synthetic ills in America "SCIENCE and HUMANITY UNDER SIEGE"JUDICIAL SYSTEM, AND SCHOOL BOOKS WITH FALSE MEDICINE and FALSE TESTS RESULTS and Engineered lives all from the mind! Voting , www. and all tests can and are tampered with electronic interference, power ou tages.

Bowart, Walter, Leading Psychiatrist Blows Whistle on Profession: Proves 50 + years of Mind Control; dies 2008 son silenced. TAXES COLLECTED ON YOUR DRUGS framing Pharmaceucitals infiltrations over time TACTICS. Moreover, (framed) APA and AMA falling VICTIMS from DOD and blamed for 50 yrs. S ee #7 your HEALTH.Out of body, dizzyness, conflicting emotion, side effects of mind control not medicines, Skewed Science and Medicine, etc Remote Controlled beings, unwittingly! Before 1978! See full reports with Dr Bec ker, Begich, FREY, CIA John MARKS with similar claims as mine, going back to Hit ler & German soldiers on MKUltra (name), and all others dead or quashed and disinformation fanned. AMERICAN FACTS WORSE THAN 911 YET! God Bless! (Synthetic illnesses created) DELAYS-Engineered lives! 2 different thoughts tran smitted at the same time to create fights, chaos, war or within yourself to CONF USE! UNREALIZED! Wake up America! THE FACTS and Lawsuit THEY DON'T WANT YOU TO KNOW! First opposite news for decad es then with every tangible excuse to cover up and WHITEWASH Re-writing History! EXCUSES for ALL! Pre-empted since 2008 and Mockingbird pawns to produce more PR

OPAGANDA unwittingly Cognitive infiltration and mis-communication to PRODUCE DIS -information for years. OUT-FOXED documentary mind controlled as MEDIA OPERATION Mockingbird unwittingly until 2009. Censored out at Blockbuster last year.... For did you KNOW: Psychiatry skewed with mind control CointelPro born in the 50s and DOD keeping t heir enemies close (Democracy Now interview with Amy Goodman. Below is his SYNOP SIS before his death of HORRORS among all AMERICANS TODAY! ________________________________________ INVENTING and framing the entire profession with synthetic ills, paranoia, schiz ophrenia, trances for split personalities, cognitive impairments all born around the 70s, into our childrens books/journals, with worse SCIENCE under SIEGE. The creation of suspended senses, NLP, and terrorism Manchurians, sociopaths, stalk ers, etc. PSYCHIATRISTS, APA, AMA have all been duped in their own practice fram ed by NSA TRANSMISSIONS during their WORK. Dr. is alive and practicing. Dr. Bowa rt died of CANCER while discovering the full conspiracy. Editor's Note: The following article originally appeared in the newsletter of Th e Freedom of Thought Foundation: Free Thinking, Vol 2. No. 6 & No. 18, 1996. EVERYBODY has been DOING THE LOCOMOTION by Walter Bowart, New York: Dell Publishing Co., 1978 ________________________________________ The following Natl Healthcare was infiltrated from the minds of we the people us ing psyops on media and all Govt employees, laws, and systems to engineer our cu lture. ________________________________________ See also RESOURCES TAB for OPERATION MIND CONTROL AND PLAN TO Psycho-civilize yo u and worse! ________________________________________ ________________________________________ By W.H. Bowart December 1996 Is the profession of psychiatry beginning to rival the legal profession as havin g the most useless information, the most know-nothing, corrupt and mercenary pra ctitioners of any profession? The proof of the psychiatric pudding might be that doctors who once easily earne d $300,000 or more a year are having a hard time pulling in $100,000 a year thes e days. This could be due to the cuts in national health care payments, to the c ompetition that has been created by the lower prices of the HMO's, and/or it cou ld be partly caused by the accumulative effects of the CIA's fifty years of cove rtmanipulation of that profession. Almost every psychiatrist of the aged generation (especially those who also hold diplomas in psychology) worked for the CIA or another branch of the cryptocracy in one or another dirty project which tested drugs, hypnosis, brain stimulation and a variety of other t hings on unwitting humans --often employees of the government who'd already sign ed their lives away. These psychiatrists were hell-bent on seeing that this gove rnment chattel would, since they hadn't given their lives for their country, giv e their minds and souls and too often their children's minds and souls for it. In any of the professions it's hard to find a whistle blower. Seldom will one la wyer speak ill of a peer. Even harder is it to find justice in the self-regulate d profession of health -especially mental health. Doctor's seldom bear witness a gainst other doctors. A good example of the insular attitude which sees regulato ry board members looking the other way was the case of Dr. William Jennings Brya n III (WJB3). Great grandson of the great orator William Jennings Bryan, WJB3 wa s the director of the American Institute of Hypnosis in Los Angeles from the fif ties to his death in the seventies. Bryan was an innovator in the application of the uses of hypnosis. He designed a switchboard of electronic instruments which made it possible for him to hypnoti ze and monitor the feedback from three different clients at the same time. He ha d a taste for beautiful women, so, after he found beauties who were also highly suggestible, he encouraged them to pay him a "professional" visit.

"Psychiatry in the second half of the twentieth century has undoubtedly been str ongly skewed --not by an agenda that has to do with academic research, not by th e best interest of clients, not by ethical psychiatry --but by an intelligence a genda..." --Colin A. Ross, M.D. During such sessions, after the women were in a "deep, deep sleep," WJB3 would s lip into the room where they were lying on the couch and make suggestions which would eventually open them to accepting his sexual advances --maybe while they w ere imagining they were having sex with their husbands, or some Hollywood icon o f their dreams. While WJB3 might have thought of this as just a little creative visualization, some of the women eventually remembered episodes of this hypno-ra pe, and four of them pressed charges of sexual assault against him. According to the April 22, 1969 Los Angeles Times, the California State Board of Medical Examiners found William Jennings Bryan III guilty of "unprofessional co nduct in four cases involving sexual molesting of female patients." The penalty for this offense was five years probation --a typical slap on the wrist for shri nks who are working for the cryptocracy. The Canadian psychiatrist, Dr. Ewen Cam eron was the former head of the Quebec Psychiatric Association, the Canadian Psy chiatric Association, the American Psychiatric Association, the World Psychiatri c Association (the founder of the WPA, in fact), and the one-time President of t he Association for Biological Psychiatry has been described as the most "politic ally connected a guy as ever existed in the entire field of psychiatry in the 20 th Century." This Canadian shrink was funded through MKULTRA and Human Ecology F oundation, did LSD and other hallucinogen research funded by both the Canadian m ilitary and the CIA. Cameron is one of the central figures in Gordon Thomas' book Journey Into Madnes s. Cameron developed an insidious technique of torture called "psychic driving" which produced Differential Amnesia and Schizophrenic appearing conditions. He gave his secret test subjects hundreds of ECT (electroshock) treatments using the Paige-Russell technique, in which the shock switch is thrown six times during a treatment instead of once. Then the "patients" would be given barbiturates and a deep, deep, neuroleptic sl eep would be induced for three months or so. When the subjects finally came out of their comas they were usually depressed, disoriented, incontinent, and unable to state their names, read, drive an automobile, have sexual relations, cook, u se the toilet, or recognize their spouses or children. This must have been of gr eat use to the cryptocracy which supported such research for around fifty years since it appears that the cryptocracy is still supporting more advanced research in which possession and control of the human mind and soul is the targeted outc ome. Dr. Cameron escaped prosecution because no one knew about (or could remember) hi s criminal research until after his death. When news of his "experiments" was ma de public, the CIA was sued and quickly paid the mentally damaged subjects of Dr . Cameron's cryptocratic curiosity millions of dollars in out-of-court settlemen ts. That figure might have been much greater had the majority of the subjects no t died prematurely. The history of the CIA's search for tools to create and mana ged the perfect slave state are chronicled in a variety of books. But the profes sion has largely ignored this information, often giving the authors the armchair diagnosis as "cranks" and "paranoids." But there are heroes even among psychiatrists. At least one, a Canadian Psychiat rist, Dr. Colin Ross, has begun to put a lot of time into trying to identify and correct the wrongs done by his countryman Cameron and his peers in the professi on. Ross said: "Virtually every leading psychiatrist in North America between the 19 40's and the 1970's was involved in some aspect of the CIA's mind control resear ch." At a workshop he held at the 9th Annual Western Clinical Conference on Trauma an d Dissociation in Costa Mesa, California, last April, Ross offered a preview of the research he's uncovered for a new book. He said, "When I systematically star ted looking into CIA military mind control, the more I looked, the more solid re

ality there was there. And as you will see as we go through these slides, and th rough this talk, it's a completely different deal from SRA. Somewhere out there in the justice system, there may actually be objective evidence where somebody h as actually busted a SRA cult. If there is, that information is not generally pu blicly available to us. It is a fact that we have not nailed down human ritual s acrifice cults in North America if they exist. So it's all conjecture ... I will prove to you, completely locked down, documented, proven, beyond dispute or dis cussion that intelligence agencies have been creating Manchurian candidates and MPD for operational use since the Second World War." "This is not a conspiracy theory," he said, "This is a fact." Now that's very am azing," Ross said, "because if you took an opinion poll of all the psychiatrists in the American Psychiatric Association today --or you took the same poll five years ago, over 99% of the psychiatrists would say 'It's fiction. We know the mo vie is fiction, Frank Sinatra (in the Manchurian Candidate) did a good job, but there's just no way, it's absolutely impossible.' There might be two outlaw psyc hiatrists in the whole group who would say that it's possible that Manchurian ca ndidates are real. This is a very, very strange phenomena that actually, in 1996 , this is a completely documented fact -it's a very strange sociological develop ment in the field of psychiatry." "How could that be possible? Well, I'm going to try and explain how it's possibl e. So that's what I am going to talk about. Also I am going to talk about not ju st creating Manchurian Candidates, but the whole network of mind control doctors that is involved in this and supports this --this kind of old boys' network tha t maintains all of this. And you will see a whole bunch of slides with godzillia n interconnections that I will go into in detail. And every one of those steps -unless I otherwise specify --is completely documented. Absolutely objective in full. "There is something real peculiar about the whole story. It's a very strange sto ry. It tells us that there is something going on in our culture and in the menta l health field that is hidden and secret. This is another kind of incest secret in the field of psychiatry that all of these people who have been running psychiatry in the latter half of the 20th century are either directly or loosely connected to a whole huge universe of covert, hidden, secretly funded mind cont rol research, and as emphasized, that's a fact... If, in fact, experimental MPD has been created and has been tight and hard and real enough for operational use by intelligence agencies for the last 50 years, then it is something of interes t to the dissociative disorders field. This is profound evidence in favor of the iatrogenic (doctor induced) pathway to DID that I talked about this morning. "When I combine the expert witness experience that I have had at clinically crea ted iatrogenic DID using the techniques of destructive psychotherapy cults in th e course of persuasion, as I described this morning --when I take that expert wi tness evidence and see those cases created out of a base of no preexisting DID a nd then I go to this CIA military mind-control literature, my only possible conc lusion is, yes, you can create full tilt DID artificially from ground zero. Also , I have to conclude that you can create any degree of complexity, permutations of false memory that you want. There is absolutely no limit on the quantity, com plexity, reality, congruence, plausibility of false memories that you can insert in somebody's mind --wittingly or unwittingly. "They didn't tell me that in medical school? "This is a little sub-paradigm revo lution in the DID field. "There is a huge wealth of information, experimental in formation, clinical anecdotal information, and operational street smarts knowled ge of DID that's been up and running and full tilt in the mental health field fo r 50 years now. This did not spring out of nowhere in 1980, and we are missing a ton of experimental research data that's still classified that bears directly o n this false memory debate that is going on in our society now. And you will see some of the players in this whole scenario of interesting people..." Ross point ed out that it was not just psychiatrists and psychologists involved in the sear ch for the way to create a "psycho-civilized society" but also sociologists, lin guists, cyberneticists and other professionals (even a magician or two --men who were expert in micro-muscle movement reading), people from the World War Two an

d Cold War generations. Today mind control research has bled into many other specialized areas and comes up under the general heading of "cognitive sciences," which includes biomedicin e, anesthesiology, neurology, cybernetics, linguistics, neural networking in the computer science departments and so forth. All of these projects are scattered and compartmentalized so that one researcher usually doesn't know what another i s doing, but the funders (the black budget spenders of the U.S. and other govern ments) collect all the data and put it together for the final devastating applic ations. In his workshop Ross offered the names of some of the more insidious doctors and the institutions which supported them. At the top of the list was Dr. George Es tabrooks who, in 1950 wrote: "I can hypnotize a man --without his knowledge or consent -into committing treas on against the United States." Ross described Estabrooks as a pivotal figure in the cryptocracy's mind-control research. He drew an elaborate map connecting Est abrooks to the CIA's MKULTRA research, the FBI and other agencies. Then, he name d the following professionals as part of the mind control conspiracy: William C. Hollinger, L. Wilson Green, Richard Ofshe (Sociologist), James Hamilton, Harold Abramson, Carl Pfeiffer, Louis Jolyon West (Psychiatrist UCLA), Carl Rogers, Ma rtin T. Orne, George White (Army Col, CIA, BNDD), Maitland Baldwin, Harold Wolff , Raymond Prince (Mass. General Hospital), R. Gordon Wasson (stock broker and my cologist mushroom expert), John Mulholland (magician), B.F. Skinner (Harvard Beh aviorist), Garner Murphy (Harvard), E.R. Hilgard (member of DSM IV Dissociative Disorders Committee), Ron Shore (collaborator wit h Martin Orne) Milton Erickson (Psychiatrist and inspiration for Neurolinguistic s Programming), Daniel X. Friedman (Editor of Archives of the Journal of Psychiatry 1970-1993), Allen Dull es (Director CIA 1953-1961), Loretta Bender, Paul Hawk (psychiatrist who killed Harold Blauer in 1953 with an inject of supposed mescaline), Robert White (Harva rd), J. Edgar Hoover (Director of the FBI), John Gittinger (CIA psychologist), R obert Lifton (psychiatrist and well-known author), Margaret Singer (psychologist , author of "Cults in Our Midst"), Paul McHugh (Chairman of Psychiatry at Johns Hopkins), James Whitehorn (former Chairman of Psychiatry at Johns Hopkins and ad visor of the Human Ecology Foundation with Top Secret Clearance), Harold Lief (a dvisor of the False Memory Syndrome Foundation), Colston Westbrook (CIA Psy-War expert who worked at Vacaville Prison with prisoners such as Donald Defreeze and Timothy Leary), Robert Heath (doing brain electrode implant research at Tulane) , Francisco Silva (Cuban psychiatrist who allegedly put Lee Harvey Oswald up in his home and got him a job at the hospital where Silva worked prior to the assas sination), Mark Sweet (collaborator with L.J. West for the UCLA Violence Project ), Wagner Joreg (son of Wagner Joreg who won the Nobel Prize for treating syphil is with malaria), Amadeo Morazzi (LSD researcher at the University of Minnesota) , Gregory Bateson, Allen Ginsburg, Ken Kesey, Sydney Mallett, and the list goes on. Ross linked dozens of institutions to the research which, he said he suspects, i s still going on in one form or another. Among the institutions he reeled off th e top of his head were: Butler Hospital Health Center (part of Harvard), Childre n's International Summer Village, Columbia University, Cornell University, Denve r University, Emory College, Florida University, George Washington University, Harvard University, Houston University, Illinois University, Indiana University, Johns Hopkins University, Eli Lilly Pharmaceuticals, University of Minnesota, New Jersey Reformatory, Bordentown in Tennessee, Ohio University, Uni versity of Pennsylvania, Penn State University, Princeton University, Stanford U niversity, Wisconsin University, University of Texas, University of Oklahoma, Mc Gill, the National Institute of Health, the National Institute of Mental Health, the New Jersey Psychiatric Research Institute, National Philosophical Society, Office of Naval Research, Worcester Foundation for Experimental Biology, Vacavil le State Prison, Public Health Service, Cornell, Bureau of Narcotics, Bureau of Prisons, and many others. "You get the idea," Ross said. Then, the well-prepared researcher gave a litany

of declassified code names under which many of these atrocities occurred: MKULTR A, MKSEARCH, MKNAOMI, ARTICHOKE, BLUEBIRD, STARGATE, CHATTER, OFTEN, CHICKWIT, DERBYHAT, THIRD CHANCE, MKDELTA, QK HILLTOP and others. "It just shows you," Ross said, "the theme here is not that there is a military intelligence conspiracy to cover up Manchurian Candidate creation with the myth of borderline personality disorder. The point now is more of a global general me ta point which is: this whole network of old boys in psychiatry and psychology, who were covertly funded for part of the military and CIA intelligence mind-cont rol network, are very influential in the history of psychiatry in a kind of nebu lous fashion that just permeates the whole field. It isn't part of the sort of o ne-to-one correspondences that I have been showing before. It's a matter of the whole mind set of psychiatry --how we think about borderlines (Borderline Person ality Disorder), how we think about temporal lobe epilepsy, how we are going to react to MPD? "The point is that the history of psychiatry in the second half of the twentieth century has undoubtedly been strongly skewed -not by an agenda that has to do w ith academic research, not by the best interest of clients, not by ethical psych iatry --but by an Intelligence agenda." Ross said that the full story of the CIA 's involvement with his profession is still unknown. "We are missing a ton of ex perimental research data that's still classified that bears directly on this fal se memory debate that is going on in our society now." In an attempt to uncover more information Ross visited the CIA Reading Room in W ashington, D.C. He said it was "a very unusual experience," and dealt with it wi th humor, as a skilled psychiatrist would deal with a client suffering from Diss ociated Identity Disorder. "This is the way it goes in trying to document this stuff and trying to make it public and identify the specific individuals. It's a big slow job. And when you make Freedom of Information requests, it's like interacting with any Federal Bur eaucracy." Ross said that, in fact, the CIA had been extremely helpful to him. T he CIA, he said, was "extremely polite, extremely courteous when I went to the C IA Reading Room..." "Let me just tell you the story.," Ross said, "Here I am, a Canadian psychiatris t, going down to the Eastern Regional Conference, and a day early I pop over to the CIA Reading Room to look at the MKULTRA documents to figure out which ones I want to order at 10 cents a page which they then shipped to me. It arrives at m y office via UPS with CIA stamped in the corner. I'm wondering who thinks that's weird?" Ross said he found the CIA Reading Room "just this building in Virginia on a str eet. It is completely unrecognizable as anything. I get dropped off there ... wh oa ... there's all these guys in uniforms and here I am, this civilian." "I go walking along accompanied by this CIA person, and I go into the first room which has a steel vault door and says 'Secured Area: Treasury Department.' I go into that room and they close the door. I am now in a 'Secured Area.' I sit dow n and they bring in all the documents on a little cart and (an elderly woman) gi ves me 15-20 pencils beautifully sharpened, and a notepad and everything. You or der which documents you want at the end of the day. "I am sitting there working away on this huge amount of documents all day," Ross said. "Work, work, work, work ... "Some time in the middle of the day this old woman comes at me. Now I am thinkin g, is this old woman trying to pump me for information? What's here? (Is she) go ing to report back at the end of the day? She says, 'Well, what's that stuff you are reading?' I am trying to act casually, I just say, 'Well, it's just a bunch of mind control documents from the 50's and 60's.' And she says, 'Is that stuff classified?' And I say, ' No, no. It was declassified a long time ago,' And she says, 'Well what do they need me h ere for?' And I said, 'I don't know.' And then I stopped talking to her and I st arted focusing down on the paper."

Ross said his "beef" was not with the intelligence community or the CIA, but wit h the psychiatrists and psychologist "who created a little loophole where they c an step out of normal ethical oversight, violate the Hippocratic Oath, get away with it, not talk about it. It 's just like the conspiracy to keep incest under the carpet. This is all conspir ed and kept under the carpet -not by twelve guys in a room at Langley who are do ing the planning, but just by this pervasive old boys network. That's what keeps the mind control secret down just like it kept the incest secret down. So that' s another reason why this is important, and needs to be uncovered..." "...The idea that there could be a deliberate disinformation campaign element to the False Memory movement is perfectly plausible, consistent with history, and could be expected. There is bound to be some sort of disinformation strategy if, in fact, Manchurian Candidates have been leaking out into civilian psychotherap y. So here we have, with all of this documentation, all of this proof --we know that it is perfectly possible that people we are seeing in therapy who are claim ing to be victims of systematic military mind-control experimentation are telling us about what actua lly happened to them... "We have a major disinformation campaign which has basic ally fooled mental health professionals and the general public concerning brainwashing, concerning LSD. "Fortunately those are the only two examples in human history," Ross said with s arcasm. "This analysis does not apply to the False Memory movement. There is no way it could conceivably be possible, you will all agree, that there could not be any nervousness in the Int elligence Community about Manchurian Candidates spilling out into civilian psych otherapies and that a disinformation program based on False Memories would be re quired. It is obviously absurd." Ross continued his sarcasm, saying: "Nobody but a CIA conspiracy nut would ever suggest that. I guarantee you that that thought has never even crossed my mind u ntil it just spontaneously appeared at this moment." Then, after the laughter subsided, Ross resumed, in total seriousness, speaking of the declassified documents from the Atomic Energy Commission, alluding to the testimony before the President's Commission on Radiation at which victims of mi nd control testified they had been experimented upon with radioactive materials as children. "This is no longer vague," he said. "We know the specific names of people, when they died, whether it was plutonium or whatever was injected, the names of the d octors, the names of the medical schools where it was done, it's all keyed up for compensation, the government ha s set up a whole compensation mechanism..." Dr. Ross' book, Dissociative Identity Disorder, Diagnosis, Clinical Features, an d Treatment of Multiple Personality is scheduled for release by the publishers J ohn Wiley and Sons, N.Y., in December, 1996. Journey Into Madness, by Gordon Thomas, was published in 1989 by Bantam Books, N YC. MindNet Journal FTP Archive Filename: [mn194.txt] ________________________________________ Letters to editor, Mike Coyle: Submission of articles for publication within the MindNet Journal on the subject s of mind control, directed-energy weapons, non-lethal weapons, ritual abuse, UF O abductions, bioelectromagnetics, hypnosis and other related topics will be acc epted with the author's statement of permission to publish. The editor reserves the right to accept or reject for publication. The publisher disclaims all respo nsibility to return unsolicited matter. Send articles for publication to: or VERICOMM, POB 32314, Oakland, CA 94604-2314 USA. The MindNet Journal is published by VERICOMM (sm) in cooperation with the Freedo m Of Thought Foundation, POB 35072, Tucson, AZ 85740-5072 USA. According to a US Department of Defense directive (S-3600.1, December 9, 1996), "information warfare" is defined as "an information operation conducted during t

ime of crisis or conflict to achieve or promote specific objectives over a speci fic adversary or adversaries". An "information operation" is defined in the same directive as "actions taken to affect adversary information and information sys tems". These "information systems" lie at the heart of the modernisation effort of the US armed forces and manifest themselves as hardware, software, communicat ions capabilities and highly trained individuals. Information warfare has tended to ignore the role of the human body as an information or data processor in thi s quest for dominance, except in those cases where an individual's logic or rati onal thought may be upset via Dis-information or deception... Yet, the body is c apable not only of being deceived, manipulated or mis-informed but also shut dow n or destroyedjust as any other data-processing system. The "data" the body rece ives from external sources, such as electromagnetic, vortex or acoustic energy w aves, or creates through its own electrical or chemical stimuli, can be manipula ted or changed, just as the data (information) in any hardware system can be alt ered. If the ultimate target of information warfare is the information-dependent process, "whether human or automated", then the definition implies that human d ata-processing of internal and external signals can clearly be considered an asp ect of information warfare. On a much grander scale, the use of mind control was contemplated as far back as 1969 by a former science adviser to President Johnson. "Gordon J. F. Macdonald, a geo physicist ________________________________________ Such Things are Known Dorothy Burdick, New York: Vantage Press Inc., 1982 Foreword How do you explain an invasion of privacy that is cleverly designed to sound lik e a common psychological disturbance? How do you explain to people without an un derstanding of human physiology that body movement can only occur when energy is converted to an electrical charge? When you turn on a light, electrons cross a gap. When you start your car, an ele ctric spark crosses a gap. While doing this you are totally unaware that in your own body the common dollar exchange of the human energy system, ATP (adenosine triphosphate), is releasing electrons and thus being converted into physical ene rgy for all bodily processes and movement throughout the electron transport system. Every time you move or think, electrons stream across a gap be tween neurons called a synapse. This stream is like an electrical current and ca n be measured in the laboratory. The electrical field that you generate is very weak and is measured in millivolts and gauss. The recent interest in Oriental acupuncture to prevent pain has helped lead to t he use of electronic devices to aid the healing of bone with electrical current and to interrupt electrical signals that would cause pain if transmitted. The co urts have defined death as the absence of electrical activity in the brain. Elec tronics, which has made this kind of monitoring possible, is the science of the development and application of devices and systems involving the flow of electro ns in gaseous media and in semiconductors. It is very hard to imagine life, any kind of life, as simply an electrical system. Kirlian photography shows the electrical aura around a leaf. Children ar c being trained by physicists and psychologists to see electrical fields around people. When we speak of people as magnetic we may be speaking a scientific trut h. The magnetoencephalogram (MEG) is used in the laboratory to measure the magne tic field in gauss given off by the cortex of the brain. No motion is made by the human body without raising the so-called resting potent ial of nerve cells to an action potential voltage causing work. Stored in the do uble phosphate high energy bond of ATP, electrons are released to travel through the nervous system to activate muscles and are measured in millivolts, 1/1000 o f a volt. ATP is what makes fireflies light up at night and accounts for the wel l-known shocking behavior of the electric eel. The electroencephalogram (EEG) and the electrocardiogram (EKG) are graphic repre sentations of the brain and heart making waves. Recently in sports medicine, ath

letes have had their body patterns recorded photographically to show their muscu lar strengths or weaknesses and predict their probable degree of success. This m ethod has also been used to predict the performance of race horses. Laser, a gas medium, is a natural extension of electronics. It is used i n industry, acoustical recording, message transmission, and to read fingerprints even years after they have been left on a page. It is also used to identify hor ses from their chestnuts, the callosities on their legs. As an example of a tech nology that has been under development for some time we have to give credit for laser to Uncle Sam and you, the taxpayer. The National Standards Laboratory is b usy making accurate new measurements because modern laser techniques are so prec ise that they have made the old ones obsolete. Laser is so fine-tuned that it is used for eye surgery. The brain has been under investigation since the 1800s and earlier, and its acti vity recorded since the 1900s. It should not be too surprising that all brain ti ssue is simply a transmitter of electrical activity and a resonator that receive s vibrations. With the computer, different areas of the brain can be displayed o n a TV screen and the various activities under study displayed in an assortment of colors. The nerve impulses themselves can be converted into digital code so that the computer can identify their source, and from the source determine which par t of the human nervous system is involved. You cannot see human brain waves by looking at a human head. If that head, howev er, is attached in some way to a computer, you can look at the visual display an d see the waves. Large, fast computers like the Cray outrace the mind of man whe n it comes to making concise, accurate, instantaneous measurements. Remote-sensi ng and over-the-horizon radars are commonplace. Remote sensing of animals without hurting the animal has been done. A powerful l aser scanning can measure acoustics, density and the sound of electrical activit y including the broadcast coming from the human ear. The human ear not only rece ives, but also sends out its own signals which can be picked up by a sensitive l istening device like the laser. Once sounds enter the ear they interfere with each other and set up harmonic tones. The range of human behavior is almost unquantifiable but attempts have been made . The basic areas, according to Maslow, that must be taken care of first are sle ep, food and sex and I would add to this the need for emotional security. You ar e most likely to be stressed when these areas are attacked. The effects of radio or microwaves of various kinds have been reported in scient ific and lay literature. It is known that they can affect blood pressure, body t emperature and mental states by reaching the hypothalamus through the eardrum wh ich is in the closest contact to this master gland. We also know that astronauts can be monitored in space. We have already invented lenses that see in the dark and penetrate foliage and walls. Suppose that from a distance you could be infl uenced by electromagnetic or microwaves and be stressed by electrical shock, une xpected muscle spasms or contractions which could be made to occur in both volun tary and the involuntary muscles of your viscera. Suppose also that the intensit y could be orchestrated to produce sensations from pleasure through pain. Suppos e additionally that the stress is augmented by the surprise element and through subliminal, that is unconsciously heard, vocal suggestion. You, the subject, are in your own home, very possibly totally unaware of any kind of outside interfer ence, until you are spoken to via laser.[Note:1] You might suddenly realize that you, a human being, had become an instrument. This type of operation, under development for some time by American intelligence , is called mind control. It is more ghastly than George Orwell could possibly h ave conceived because he never experienced it. Only a few people understand the interrelationships between our magnificent technological and medical accomplishm ents and the military-industrial complex. These few are hampered in their attemp ts at communication by involvement in their own fields and by security requireme nts. Knowledge proliferates at a doubling rate greater than every two years. Wha t is currently known is quickly dated. If you are working you are running to cat

ch up. If you are not working you may be bogged down in family and community aff airs. We exist in our complexity, psyching ourselves with pseudoscientific games, psyc hological hype and a couple-of-hundred-years-old love affair with snake oil and cures from the fountain of youth. It is both the best of times and the worst of times. Our so-called freedom is mired down in bureaucracy, ruled by dated old me n, and clutched by inertia, boredom and fatigue. When I started building by case, I only wanted to prove that what was happening to me was technologically possible. Although my proof is mainly circumstantial e vidence, it is known that anything which appears in the marketplace has usually been under government development for quite a long time before it filters into p ublic consciousness. Suppose you were motivated by a combination mind/body attack and suppose also th at you were lucky enough or unlucky enough to have the intelligence and kind of background to sort the whole thing out. What would you do? This book is an attempt to explain what I believe has happened to me. Others wil l attribute my account to many other things. From my point of view this is a tru e story no matter how ridiculous or neurotically distorted it may seem. I know t hat it can be used against me. I believe that the story line was designed by the intelligence community to fit their disinformation program. The purpose of the book is simply to present the possibilities. Perhaps the computer-age youngsters who will have to cope with these futuristic developments will not be as upset a s I was. D. B. June 5, 1981 Prologue Reading minds at a distance by deciphering the brains magnetic waves has been a project of the Advanced Research Projects Agency [DARPA] of the Defense Departme nt for some time. Many educational and research institutions have contributed to its success with government funding. Published information indicates that DARPA scientists have learned to identify s pecific thought patterns through the interpretation of brain waves. These patter ns reveal with up to ninety percent accuracy whether a person is: (1) puzzled or uncertain, (2) has made a decision, (3) is paying attention, (4) is observing c olors or patterns, or (5) has lost concentration due to fatigue or boredom. Thought processes have been linked to the computer through Artificial Intelligen ce [AI]. The autocorrelated Cray, which does one hundred million calculations a second, is specifically designed for problem solving and can carry out biomedica l experiments with the computer simulating the human effects. It takes only fift y billionths of a second for an element of data to enter and leave its memory. Using psychological interviewing techniques. AI has come up with program s which lead the intelligent human to believe that he is talking to another pers on, when he is actually carrying on a dialogue with a computer. Properly program med, computers have the capacity to make judgments based on previous performance or experience, predict observed behavior, speech patterns and idiosyncrasies of thought. Computers also convert many types of signals to signs, codes, sound, m usic and video. Twenty years were spent by Russell Kirsch at the National Bureau of Standards Artificial Intelligence Laboratory teaching machines to make judgm ents called image pattern recognition. A well-instructed machine can look at var iegated images like brain waves and make decisions concerning them. The marriage of computer programming and brain mappin g has been published. To accomplish the wiring and plotting of the functions of the human brain was an incredibly complex task that could only have been accompl ished by the invention of the computer itself. It is known that enough work has been done with large computers and wave averagi ng on the transmission of neural messages in the brain so that neural activity a ssociated with the word no and the word yes can be identified whether it is said aloud or not. Near the speech center in the brain is an area that prepares neur al messages that drive the muscles associated with speech. Actions of the tongue and mouth and other muscles involved in speech are quite d ifferent for these two words. The patterns of nerve signals that go out to make

these two words are also unalike. The patterns are formed long before words reac h the vocalizing level, and can be read and interpreted in advance of speech by a computer. Pattern recognition computers will read an answer even in a completely uncooperative subject, or specifically read his mind if the thought i s mentally put into unspoken words. Speech is a motor activity which creates ele ctrical signals traveling along neurons. With a computer, these weak signals can be read at a distance by a superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID), which almost completely eliminates environmental noise while magnifying the sig nal one thousand times over that read by previous technology. To read the mind, wave analyzers must deal with the complex oscillations of the brain in somewhat the same way that a prism separates the colors of a beam of li ght. The components of this complex wave are isolated by electronic circuits tun ed to several frequencies. Statistical averages can be determined from many read ings of the mind under investigation. From this information its versatility and repertoire of adaptive stratagems can be assessed and plotted. This frequency an alysis of tactics can now be instantly known and evaluated by computer faster th an men can think. Optical and electronic subsystems for spacecraft and artificia l intelligence have been under development since 1955. Sophisticated biomedical sensors have been developed to use on animals at a distance without physical con tact. The same equipment has been used to test environmental factors on human se nsory organs. Laser is used in biomedical displays to pick up brain signals and convert them to sound and color or even music. With current laser techniques ver bal and aural communication is possible between any two points on earth with vid eo and via satellite. The human head is a target which gives off a magnetic field. Suppose that it is capable of being picked up and locked onto at a distance by a supersensitive sen sor many times amplified by optics. Depending upon the kind of ray directed at t he head the symptoms and sensations of the subject will vary. The carotid artery and the hypothalamus are easily reached through the thin wall of the ear drum b y sonic and ultrasonic radio waves. Stimuli to this area can raise and lower blo od pressure and body temperature. Sensations in other parts of the anatomy are s imilar to those caused by diathermy depending upon which brain signals are playe d upon. The subject is literally an instrument who may experience numbness, pain , pleasure, muscle jerks, spasm and stimulation of the sympathetic and parasympa thetic nervous system. It is known that thoughts can be pulsed into the mind through the nervous system by microwaves. This has nothing to do with the auditory nerves. Scientists who have submitted themselves to this process report temporary loss of memory and di sorganization of thinking processes. A subtle method of communication, laser, is used to deliver messages unheard by those close to the receiver. Depending upon the verbal messages received concurr ently with physical stimulation, these technological developments become powerfu l tools combined with psychological techniques to shape, modify, direct, prevent and control human thought and behavior through interference with all known diur nal physiological patterns. Additionally, verbal messages may be delivered at th e subliminal level during consciousness and during sleep, so that the subject is unaware that he is receiving them or that his dream sleep is being influenced. Words are emotional triggers. When the subjects emotional triggers are analyzed he is put in the position of having his thoughts and actions controlled by other individuals. This is mind control. For at least the last four years every minute of my conscious and unconscious li fe had been invaded by investigators using state of the art technology. Recently on the Today Show, William Colby said that the CIA investigated a device which could read Brezhnevs mind on his way to work. It is my contention that they not only investigated it but that they made it work. People have asked me, What do these voices say? They say, We want to be your fri ends. As in brainwashing they confuse the issue, and truth becomes obscure. Fals ehoods seem reasonable. Indoctrination techniques resemble some techniques used in hypnosis. Like hypnosis they have a soporific effect, reiterating and repeati ng the same monotonous phrases.

What you do is up to you. Youve got to believe in yourself. This remark is made until you are not really certain whether you know what you want or can rely upon your own opinion. Pavlov said that a conditioned reflex can be worked out for every stimulus. In b rainwashing, brain-changing results. Damage is done to the mind through drugs, h ypnotism and other means, so that a memory of what actually happened can be wipe d out and a new memory of what never happened inserted. The Voices, by interfering with sleep in a subliminal mode are able to stir up old memories and influence REM Sleep by vocal suggestion. They interfer e with normal sleep patterns by inducing physical symptoms which result in jerks , cramps, irritation of the intestinal tract and skin, and in sexual arousal or sudden and unwanted awakening when rest is needed. All the subject is aware of i s pain, discomfort, nightmares, unaccountable physical symptoms, fatigue and dep ression. At other times, he is euphoric with relief. As in brainwashing, the Voices try to install a feeling of personal satisfaction by making the individual feel that he is needed in some way. The message is com bined with physical reinforcement. We want you to feel good about yourself. They specialize in uncertainty. You are always on an up staircase that is going down . Dorothy, we dont know what we are going to do with you. This comes after occas ions of rebuttal, rebellion and general recalcitrance. It may be accompanied by good humor or very unpleasant remarks and physical symptoms. In the beginning, although one is not incarcerated except mentally and environme ntally, the subject feels dreadfully tired and worn out. Returning POWs describe it as being like an automaton or going about in a daze. The Voices use suggestive interrogation with desired answers implied in the word ing. They alternate this with a barrage of denunciation and accusation to make y ou cringe. The more tired you are, the more it upsets you. They excavate the psy che for areas of sensitivity involving social attitudes, sex, marital and family relationships and feelings about self. Any vulnerability will do, and all the t ime, fatigue both physical and mental, is working for them. The more sensitive a nd reasonable the individual, the more vulnerable they are. Pushovers for indoct rinators are very intelligent but uneducated, especially the indecisive minds th at always see some valid point in the other side's argument. The victims feeling is that his thinking is being directed. The brainwasher has been called a corticovisceral psychiatrist, able to interfere with the normal pa th that every human follows in life. Such a Voice directs or suggests to the sub ject a new route leading off in an entirely new direction. Conflicts arise in an yone between known emotional responses and those of which he is unaware and which are suppressed. No one actually knows or realizes what is going on in his own subconscious mind. The Brainwasher Voice is trained to increase such con flict and to manipulate these responses. A great effort is made to arouse guilt feelings. Failures to meet a standard of achievement or conduct are used frequently as guilt stimuli. A decided effort is made to uncover normal failings and to take advantage of them in order to hamme r them into a guilt complex. No matter how guilt arises, it is necessary to the Voice Indoctrinator for projection purposes. The Brainwasher Voice continually attempts to sow doubt in the mind of the subje ct. Regardless of the strength of conviction of the individual so attacked, the moment doubt clouds the mind, it leads to tension. Tension is related to fear, a nd guilt also produces fear. They asked me, "What do you want lo do?" My answer was that I wanted to survive. Fear itself is an expression of unsatisfied need for survival and security. Fir st reactions are nervousness, tension, apprehension and depression. They make th e need for security and self-protection even more acutely felt. Fortunately for me none of this was done in a really controlled environment, yet my privacy in a ll things was gone and I was isolated from human intercourse because nobody coul d believe that the Voices I heard were anything but inventions of my subconsciou s. As a result of these artificially induced pressures including chronic fatigue, I was deprived of strength to combat repetitious suggestions and started to doubt

my own thoughts and convictions. Suppose in this condition that ideas are suggested at a subconscious level, not positive suggestions used in department store tapes to prevent stealing, but des tructive behavioral ideas that will result in a poorer self-image, lowered confi dence, both physical and mental, and atypical behavior. The suggestions assume a symbolic significance to the individual. Suppose the assaul t on the mind, body and nervous system is continual over a twenty-four hour peri od seven days a week. In this state one begins to live in a realm of fantasies a nd false beliefs. In the hands of Brainwasher Voices and technologists with Spac e Age Tools, anyone is malleable. An illusory, surreal, invisible environment is created, real only to the victim. In a prison camp one can make u p ones mind not to listen. There are other prisoners. As a laser receiving stati on in your own home and environment one has to listen involuntarily and still try to act normally, perform tasks, dr ive a car and do routine things as much as possible. The incarceration is real, but unseen. The tools of mind attack include suggestion, mockery, fear, fatigue, deception a nd manipulation. As in brainwashing, the Voice sometimes begins with ideas and i deals with which the recipient can agree. The only relief from tension in this i nsidious process is laughter or drugs like sleeping pills and alcohol. The recei ver forgets that he is the one who is suffering from fear, uncertainty, browbeat ing and the invasion of privacy in sex, toilet and social relationships. When he most fears for public performance and they let up, he feels grateful for no rea son at all. All these things are known to government psychiatrists and psychologists. The go vernment in question is the government of the United States of America. The even ts I recount began on a May weekend in 1978. ... Chapter 10 Recently, through TV and the news media, there has been an effort toward making parapsychology respectable. A university in Great Britain gives a Ph.D. in the s ubject. The CIA has a program of disinformation which may be a convenient cover for scientists working on programs which seem to the uninformed to border on the occult, such as bioplasma research and Kirlian photography. Children are being trained to see auras when exposed to a box containing electrodes. As the voltage increases they see auras not generally visible to less sensitive adults. The au ras can be photographed using Kirlian photography. Kirlian photography reveals e lectrochemiluminescence which surrounds all living matter. It is named for the R ussian electrical engineer, Semyon Kirlian, who passed his hand through a high e nergy, high frequency electromagnetic field and saw an aura around it. Kirlian p roduced the first high-energy cameras that could photograph these auras. British biologist, Harvey Oldfield, has produced a radio device that displays the phenomena on a screen. B ritish researchers are reported to be using high energy, high frequency beam of radio signals to monitor organic diseases. Hearts respond with radio signals in harmonic resonance which are picked up by the Kirlian gun and displayed on an os cilloscope screen. This instrumentation transposed to space could read vital sig ns at a distance. The U.S. government had information on this process in 1950 an d released it to the CIA, Rand, the Air Force and other government agencies. The CIA has advertised for people in psychological services and they are known t o do other things besides prepare statistics. The combination of psychology, the basis for brainwashing, and human behavior modification, known as conditioning, and electric shock has long been a treatment for experimental animals and the m entally ill humans. Various branches of the U.S. government are spending millions of dollars to fina nce Mankind Research Unlimited, Inc. (MRU). The goal of this corporation is mind control. MRU has done investigations of high frequency Kirlian effect photograp hy, thought-controlled devices and psychokinetic switches. This is the device wh ich permits a pilot to fire a missile by simply thinking fire. Computers can be linked to the brain to recognize electrical patterns in the cortex word for

word. MRU has a brochure describing its interests in the fields of biophysics in cluding Geopathic Efforts on Living Organisms, which are attempts to induce illn ess by changing the magnetic nature of animal magnetic field geography. Another MRU field of interest is behavioral science which includes the analysis and meas urement of human subjective states by computer analyzed EEGs and biofeedback. MRUs pioneering use of computer analyzed EEG probably led to CIA-sp onsored Brain Research Labs at San Diego Hospital, Columbia, Stanford and New Yo rk Universities. MRU has investigated the computer analysis of psychophysical recordings includin g data obtained from EKG, EEG, GSR (galvanic skin response) and the plethysmogra phy used to measure blood volume changes in the capillaries of fingers. These me asurements would be supplemented with a recently developed apparatus for measuring electric field radiations from living bodies (System Research Laboratories of Dayton, Ohio, patent No. 3,555,529; 12 January 71). MRU facilities are located in seven states. In Mountain View of Los Altos, Calif ornia, MRU scientists have tested psychoacoustical transmitters that produce sou nd patterns termed infra and ultra-sonic that interact with brain cells and eras e information. Studies have been done to develop software systems to record and evaluate biological effects of special environmental factors on plants, animals and humans. Extensive studies have been conducted in sleep research of human unconscious beh avior patterns with sensors to determine the effects of external phenomena on dr eams. Interesting features of this research are the use of electromagnetic recor dings of EEGs, ultraviolet and infrared sensors, precise weight analysis, and the correlation of these technical factors with electromagn etic fields, moon and planetary positions, and barometric changes. C.G. Jung con nected depth psychology with theoretical physics and the natural sciences. An ex amination of what he and others have had to say about synchronicity leads the sc ientifically trained mind to the conclusion that synchronicity is a trickster. T he clown theme appears in the folklore of many cultures and is generally connect ed to a belief in the occult or supernatural forces. UFO activity, analyzed by computer, seems to be some kind of scheduled reinforce ment. If it is scheduled reinforcement who is causing it? Such reinforcement may have been the purpose of the odd aircraft activity which I observed, or it may have been to make me sure that humans only were involved. Most likely they were relay stations which have to get close enough to read the electromagnetic field given off by the human brain and body. When the CIA says t hat they cannot read Russian minds, it may be because they cant get near enough to do so. UFOs may act as relay stations by getting close enough to a position o f the subject, then read signals and transmit them. Left to himself, an individu al may truly be said to be free except for his early childhood conditioning, and the values of his own which he has developed through trial and error which eith er negatively or positively reinforce his beliefs and behavior. Panic or emotion ally upsetting conflicts can be evoked by stimulating conflicting drives. Under ordinary conditions, when two drives are unequal, the stronger suppresses the weaker. The manipulation of living creature s becomes possible when the means exists to activate and combine two different d rives or cause confusion. Ordinary stimuli might be music and alcohol, and the a dded artificially-induced drive might be sexual stimulation with high frequency microwave energy. The automobile and the home can be invaded with essages from p hone or satellite. Traffic control by aircraft is common. Why not mind control o r directed thinking? Laser-projected Voices tell me, You are doing what you want to do, but I am neve r free of their broadcast stimuli which I can feel, and microwave or ultrasonic frequencies of which I may be totally unaware. I cannot be sure that I am not re ally in pain due to natural causes. I only feel unaccountable changes in mood su ch a depression, euphoria or relief. As long as I was unaware of what was going on, I could delude myself that my spo ntaneous activity was the result of the continual shifting and interplay of forc

es and ideas in my central nervous system. When I became aware that my environme nt was partially controlled, there were a whole new set of variables with which to cope. For me the price has been a complete turn-off of sexual fantasy affecting my sex life, and heightened, unpleasant nervous tension. I can not pray, dream or aspire privately. There is no escape from the mundane, contin uously present flat line of controlled or directed thinking. It gives me present and an unpleasant, nightmarish, repellent, at times falsely seductive, intimate , existentialist quality. One is traveling mentally from no-where to nowhere. You exist in a funny house world with distorting mirrors. The reflections are pa rtly real, partly exaggerated and partly transitional. My greatest strength has been a sense of humor and proportion. To fall below the flat line of directed th inking results in depression. The physical pain which can be inflicted, and the depression evoked are the grea test strengths of the operators at the other end of the beam. I cannot quite ima gine how they measure the distortion they cause except from a reading of verbal thought, spoken words and unusual physical actions. At the very least they can i mmobilize or neutralize to the point of death through the inhibition of natural physical processes, the use of pain, and disruption of mental activity. The amount of mental activity blocked by depression is hard to gage. Since the p rocess began I have not often had a free choice about what I wanted to think, an d even when I did, I was aware that someone was reading my thoughts either direc tly through computer printout or indirectly at a later time and doing programmed bugging. In any case, the human urge to think, dream, love and create have been frustrated. One of the beauties of the situation for the perpetrators is that the victim has no records, tapes or pictures except those subjectively stored, written or spok en. The subject is in a classical neurotic, no-win situation. There are few date s, people or facts to report. Only a limited number of people in electronics, an d our Federal government, can fit the fragments of circumstantial evidence together. Those who monitor equipment, simply monitor equipment. The blips, numb ers, tapes and film clips that might result, are too removed from the flesh and blood, and transmitted over too great a distance to have any emotional meaning f or the operators. They may not even know what they are transmitting. The only in dividuals to whom the object might be at all human would be a psychological behavioral result. If my premises are true, the United States government is involved in a program t o control behavior through biophysics and electrochemical control. In July 1977, The New York Times reported a fourteen-year program by the CIA intelligence ser vices to control human behavior with drugs, electric shock, radiation, ultrasoni cs, psychology and psychosurgery. As reported in Time, August 17, 1977, Admiral Stansfield Turner, testifying on CIA activity said that there had been no drug t esting since 1973. He did not say that the use of ultrasonics, microwave and ele ctrochemical energy had been discontinued. It never will be, because it is the t echnology of both now and the future. It is encouraging that there were difficulties finding psychiatrists to conduct experiments for the CIA. One memorandum reported that a particular psychiatrist might not care to cooperate in certain more revolutionary phases of the project. Another psychiatrist was described as having no ethical compunctions about being completely cooperative in the program regardless of how bizarre it might be. The CIA investigated bioplasma fields or weak electromagne tic fields surrounding both human and inanimate objects and monitored the biopla sma fields of agents, according to The New York Times. I am inclined to think th at they were training agents in receiving laser messages and trying out the read ing of unspoken thoughts formulated into words mentally. They also worked with t rained seals and otters in the well-researched field of ultrasonics. Humans hear in a range of 15 -20,000 cycles per second or hertz. Any frequency higher than this is ultrasonic, and cannot be consciously perceived. Newspaper accounts based on actual occurrences of unethical experiments show a p rocession of unpalatable events, exposed due to the persistence of individuals i n freedom-loving organizations. Attempts have been made to present human experim

ents in a favorable light. Our scientific journals are replete with limited, but existing tales of experiments in which the individ ual was too incompetent due to mental incapacity or age to protest being used as a human guinea pig. The fact is that there are people in this country who have been subjected to experimentation both willingly and inadvertently. In 1950, Army reports show that a cloud of bacteria was sprayed over the San Fra ncisco Bay area resulting in cases of pneumonia. In 1956, the CIA and the Army s prayed an unknown substance in New York City streets and the Holland and Lincoln Tunnels as part of their MK-Ultra program. Between 1949 and 1969, a period of t wenty years, tests were carried out with simulated bacteriological substances in the United States, Alaska and Hawaii. These are fa cts, not fiction involving Dr. Strangelove. Under the Freedom of Information Act, a Church of Scientology group uncovered do cuments released by the CIA which showed that someone in this agency signed out a specimen of whooping-cough bacteria, Hemophilus pertussis, from the Armys biol ogical warfare center in Fort Deterick, Maryland, on January 26, 1955 for testin g. Florida state medical records show that the whooping cough outbreak killed tw elve persons in the mid-1950s. The whooping cough bacteria was used in tests in Tampa Bay and near Sebring, Florida. Records show that whooping cough cases jump ed in 1954 from 339 with one death, to 1,080 with twelve deaths in 1955, an incr ease of over two hundred percent. Tampa Bay was one of the three places that sho wed a sharp increase. The CIA now says that most of its chemical and biological files were destroyed in 1973 by order of Director Richard Helms. In December 1980, the wife of a member of the Canadian Parliament and four other Canadians sued the U.S. government for five million dollars in U.S. District Co urt, charging that a Montreal psychiatrist conducted CIA-financed brainwashing e xperiments on them between 1957 and 1963. During this time they were given LSD a nd massive electroshock treatments to wipe out past behavior patterns. (The government track record on LSD is well-known through the publicized suicide of a U.S. government scientist, and the ensuing successful s uit of his family twenty years later.) The Canadians were subjected to continuou sly played tape messages to induce new brain patterns. The plaintiffs contended that their mental health remains impaired as a result. During Project Dork, the Army released a powerful hallucinogenic drug, BZ, ten t o one hundred times more potent than LSD, in clouds during tests in Utah in 1964 . Between 1960 and 1969, 362 people were involved. The tests were supposed to pr ove that enemy soldiers could be incapacitated by inducing delirium. The effects were measured at a distance of a thousand yards. The volunteer subjects experie nced an increase in heart rate and blood pressure, increased blood flow or flush ing, dry mouth and loss of appetite, hyperactive peristaltic sounds, weakness or tightness in legs, persistent blurred vision and urinary frequency. Except for the visual difficulties, the other symptoms were at least found to be reversible with adequate physostigmine treatment. Three-dozen individuals who underwent the tests still complain of aftereffects including the birth of abnormal children who are mentally deficient. The volunteers themselve s suffer memory lapses, hallucinations and, not surprisingly, emotional problems . Federal snoops have used one-way mirrors to investigate and record sexual activi ty in San Francisco. Both the FBI and the CIA have been used in covering up and disseminating false information. Functions of the FBI or the local police who are responsible for protecting all Federal installations have been performed by the CIA, a violation of their CIA c harter and resulting in actions against American citizens. CIA directors have al ways worn two hats as heads of the intelligence community and as heads of their own agency. The supra-directorship of the American Intelligence Community was en hanced by President Ford on paper when he made the CIA Director overall head of the intelligence community. At that time the Director would tell the Secretary o f Defense what to do with his intelligence agencies. Military intelligence, incl uding the Defense Intelligence Agency, the National Security Agency and the inte lligence arms of the three services have more than five times as many people, an

d more than ten times the budget of the CIA and State Department intelligence se rvice combined. You should not delude yourself that Cabinet Officers appointed by the President have any real power. Commenting on his official title as Assistant Secretary for Defense for Public Affairs, Thomas B. Ross said, Im in charge of 300-plus peopl e inside the building (Pentagon) and 3,000 public information people worldwide a nd a budget of $50 million, yet I can fire exactly two people, my civilian deputy and my secretary. What we get for $50 million is debatable. The CIAs Science and Technology Directorates annual budget was one hundred milli on dollars per year. The Directorate of Science and Technology of the CIA includ es the Office of Electronics, the Office of Special Projects, and the Office of Computer Services. Overruns are funded largely by the Air Force which underwrite s the national overhead reconnaissance effort for the entire U.S. intelligence community. The projected FY 81 budget included a research and devel opment figure for the Department of Defense of $16.565 billion, forty-six percen t of the total national Research and Development budget. Obviously with this kin d of funding, many universities and industrial scientists work for the Departmen t of Defense. Many of our officer cadre have Ph.D.s. They represent a technologi cal-military elite and work with the university, industry, and think tank personnel; many of them who have security clearance are not allowed to talk to y ou or me. Our armed services have sufficient money and instrumentation for natio nal defense, and unlimited snooping, at home and abroad. Several hundred satellites in space give us most of our early-warning detection of an enemy attack. Much of our communications intercept capabilities, our abili ty to intercept exotic new radars in space are also relayed by satellite. A hund red percent of our ability to predict the weather is now in space. Most of our a bility to navigate submarines and ships and aircraft will soon be based there. Theoretically the satellites make it almost impossible for secret war preparatio ns and thus keep the peace. This lack of privacy between nations extends to indi viduals. The U.S. has more than a dozen satellites watching the Soviet activities, taking high resolution pictures, collecting communications signals and penetrating dar kness and camouflage sensing heat and color variations. A worldwide network of a ntennae eavesdrops on Russian communications ranging from telephone calls to sen sitive military radio messages. Giant radars follow test flights of missiles and photograph reentry vehicles as they land in the Pacific or on the Kamchatka Pen insula. It has become difficult to know whether national defense is a defense or an offe nse. The National Reconnaissance Office, one of our countrys most expensive and sensitive intelligence organizations, is likely to be reviewed by the Reagan adm inistration. NRO is known as a black organization; that is, none of its work is subject to public scrutiny. Despite a program lasting many years, U.S. intelligence complains that the Sovie t Union might be ahead technologically and that the Soviets already have land-ba sed laser capable of shooting down low-orbiting U.S. spy satellites. They fear t hat if the Soviets get their projected 11-ton space station aloft that they coul d put such a weapon in space. As a result of this the Defense Department awarded a $58.7 million contract for its own ASAT program to Vought Corporation of Dallas. The U.S. plan was not to u se anything so crude as radar or infrared, but to put into space hunter-killer s atellites by the mid-1980s armed with lasers that could vaporize metal in twenty billionths of a second. Navstar Global Positioning Systems (GPS) will tell anyone who tunes in exactly w here he is anywhere in the world. It has been speculated that GPS can eventually be used on anything that floats, flies, runs, walks, crawls, or slithers. This is a method which could be used now by any intelligence agency to bug an individ ual. Another method of person-to-person communications through space without any inte rvening wires became possible when Elliot Gruenberg at IBM came up with a retrodirective oscillating loop for communications instead of a conventional transmit

ter-receiver. Called Synapz and manufactured by Broad-Com, Inc. of Cos Cob, Conn ecticut, its electronic mirrors in the form of antennas send a microwave signal back where it came from and leads to two-way TV without cable. Retro-directive a rrays across the country would use atmospheric electronic noise to maintain a ra dio link with each other and to send messages from any point in the system to an y other. Such a system, fixed on a human MEG could account for automatic feedbac k, plus visualization of any kind. Engineers reviewing Synapz for NASA say that it appears promising, and claim that even the experts are not entirely sure how it works. It was demonstrated to the Departme nt of Defense and is to be used as a space link and alternative to the technolog y proposed by the Bell System to expand use of mobile telephone service nationwi de. Somebody evidently understands very well how it works. At one time radio telescopes and optical telescopes were not the same thing. Now we have optical interferometers using laser which combine listening and optical ability, plus lenses that see any wave length of the electromagnetic spectrum i ncluding infrared for night vision and smog, gamma rays, ultraviolet, etc. Honeywell advertises their manufacture of everything form thermographic (meaning heat sensitive) body scanners to optical interferometers. The use of halogen co mpounds which have broad transmission capabilities for all types of things, from satellite weather monitoring to infrared night-vision systems through laser-ass isted nuclear fusion for the conversion of energy. Honeywells research is partia lly funded by the Department of Energy and the Department of Defense. Honeywell advertises that their scientists worked with both university and comme rcial instrumentation experts to develop a holographic and shearing interferomet er system. They say that combined with their previously developed video digitiza tion/fringe analysis system this new interferometer provides a unique system for non-contact optical evaluation. Using an electronically powered radio telescope you have a machine optimized to detect extremely weak signals. Recently GEODSS (ground based electro-optical dee p space surveillance) was completed two years ahead of schedule. GEODSS uses thr ee powerful, miniaturized telescopes to scan the skies. The images they convey a re focused onto sensitive photoimaging tubes rather than film. Using an outgrowt h of military night-vision devices, these tubes convert the faintest flickers of light into electronic impulses fed into computers. GEODSS photographs rapidly s everal electronic snapshots. Moving objects between exposures are recorded by co mputer. Images that remain the same are erased. The information can be relayed b y microwave and satellite to NORADs master computers. GEODSS is an optical digit al computer using laser, not integrated circuits, to carry and process signals. It performs in microseconds tasks that occupied photogrammetricians for hours, a nd can spot a soccer ball 25,000 miles up. Magnetic observations by the Stanford Solar Observatory can detect magnetic inte nsities to a few hundredths of a gauss. The MEG (magnetoencephalogram) which rec ords the magnetic field surrounding the human head is measured in gauss. It is n ot too hard to imagine that somewhere there exists a holographic interferometer specially developed to read the magnetic waves of the human brain at a distance. Since 1973, the Advanced Research Projects Agency of the Defense Department has utilized the combined efforts of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, New York University, the University of California at Los Angeles, and the National A eronautics and Space Administrations Ames Research Center at Moffett Field in Ca lifornia to read minds at a distance by deciphering the brains magnetic waves. The Pentagon denied the project was secret although a rep orter was ousted from a meeting on the subject by someone identified as a member of the CIA. The MEG (magnetoencephalogram) is many times more sensitive than EEG electroence phalogram). MEG was originally reported in 1968. A computer search of the curren t literature reveals little published on MEG because it is undoubtedly classifie d in ARPAs (Advanced Research Projects Agency) computer network. ARPA controls a nd funds a computer network, ARPANET, which connects various educational and res earch institutions across the country. In 1972, twenty-seven institutions were j oined by leased lines capable of handling data at a rate of fifty kilobits a sec

ond. Searching for help and information, I approached an acquaintance who unknown to me had been a former member of RAND and a designer of ARPANET. He represented to me that ARPANET was a benign activity. He even has a computer terminal in his h ouse connected to it. ARPA research information is stored in this locked compute r and unavailable. Access to Host computers is controlled by an IMP (interface m essage processor). ARPANET is also linked to NORSAR (Norwegian Seismic Array) an d SDAC (Seismic Data Analysis Center) in Alexandria, Virginia. A satellite link transmits NORSTAR real-time data to SDAC. There it is combined and correlated wi th data from other non-secret global arrays to achieve a composite picture and m ade available to selected ARPANET users, including the NSA (National Security Ag ency) with whom it maintains a direct link. Somehow benign is not a word I would use to describe the activity of this computer network. All graduations of feelings and actions of which we are capable are provided by variations in the frequencies of nerve impulses and by the number of nerve cells stimulated. The brain signal is even simpler than Morse code because it uses on ly dots. All information can be translated by the number of dots, and the manner in which they are grouped. Communications engineers call this system pulse freq uency modulation. The cerebral cortex is a resonator that encodes frequencies. T o convert measurable brain signals or nerve signals to digital code for computer is extremely easy. The computer can recognize approximately sixty-four phonemes into which the English language has been divided. It is reasonable to deduce th at the computer is capable of recognizing the patterns these phonemes produce in any human brain. Unlike the EEG, the MEG records signals primarily from a small area of the corte x free of the smearing effects of bone. This helps scientists pinpoint the sourc e of electrical signals from the brain and to study the activities of the cortex . The MEG reads only the magnetic fields produced by nerve fibers close to the s kull which are in the cortex. Any difference between EEG and MEG signals means t hat the source is deep in the brain and not cortical in nature. Both are necessa ry for the interpretation of thought and action of the human being. The MEG prov ides a map of the sensory homunculus or Brodmanns cortical areas through which t he human anatomy can be targeted. All parts of the face, hands, legs, foot, trun k, shoulder, mouth and intra-abdominal area can be stimulated by electrical cont act with the cortex. Under ordinary conditions nobody around you is able to hear or understand your t houghts, but unbeknownst to you, every action, thought, and emotion, can result in the driving of the muscles involved in vocalization. The nerve impulses that activate them produce paths of electric potentials in the brain and muscles. The nerve impulse or electric potential is a miniature electrochemical explosion th at travels along outside the nerve fiber as a vortex ring of negative ions. The Departments of Neurometrics at Stanford and New York University have brought the EEG to a new degree of sophistication by using computers to remove artifact s, such as sixty cycle hum and eye and body movements, to compute the wave shape of the AER (average evoked response) to a particular stimulus. Brain waves of volunteers have been analyzed as they look at photographs and are presented with true or false questions. The computer attempts to determine if t he volunteer recognizes a specific photograph or is thinking true or false. Rese archers claim they can determine when a volunteer recognizes another face by analyzing that volunteers brain waves. At Stanford, s cientists are attempting to reverse this process and are attempting to transmit thoughts and instructions by playing previously recorded brain waves; thus, You are programming yourself. The human brain and eye are also being studied with co mputers so that photographic process can be understood. We are seeing through yo ur eyes. The difficulties involved in reading these microwaves became surmountable with the deployment of SQUID (super conducting quantum interference device) which uses niobium coils in liquid helium. It is a circuit capable of m easuring minute quantities of magnetic field or flux, quantum by quantum. It mak es possible the measurement of the smallest magnetic fields. With modern electro nic techniques, environmental magnetic noise is almost

completely eliminated. By using a holographic interferometer (acoustic telescope ) optimized to detect weak signals it would be possible to read the microvolt pr int of any human brain, since brain prints are as distinctive as fingerprints. E ach individual has his own characteristic pattern of shifts in frequency and siz e. Thus brain waves of one individual can be distinguished from those of another . Electronic devices use ultrasonic waves to store and recognize electronic signal s for use at a later time, perform operations that usually require a computer, a nd separate one signal from another. They also amplify weak electrical signals u sing ultrasonic waves. It is possible to do things with acoustic surface waves t hat are difficult to do with simple electronic components, i.e., recognize a sig nal of known form. Laser is so sensitive that it can actually hear and record th e electrical potentials of nerves as they are transmitted. The interdigital tran sducer converts the electrical signal into an acoustic surface wave and reconver ts the acoustic wave back into an electrical signal. Acoustic surface wave devices can be made precisely and uniformly by photolithog raphic reproduction techniques and are programmable. Such a device recognizes an y desired code or signal from among other digital codes even in the presence of considerable noise, responding strongly to the programmed signal and weakly to a ll others. This kind of device is used in radar technology enabling air-traffic controllers to accurately pick out the unique identification signal of each aircraft as it comes within range. Another silicon chip, IOSA (integrated optic spectrum analyzer) uses surface aco ustic waves to convert processed radar signals into sound waves. The sound waves interact with light from a tiny solid-state laser and cause the beam to bend to ward a detector array made of charged coupled devices. This amount of deflection indicates the frequency of the radar signal. This device is part of a telemetry or remote measuring system which involves picking up signals, transmitting them to a distant location for conversion into displays, recordings or comparisons w ith other data. Automated reactions to information received directly or indirect ly may be programmed. Wave analyzers deal with the complex oscillations of the brain in somewhat the s ame way that a prism separates the colors of a beam of light. The components of this complex wave are isolated by electronic circuits tuned to several frequenci es. A statistical average can be determined from many readings. From this information, the versatility of the brain under investigatio n can be assessed, as well as its repertoire of adaptive stratagems. If mind reading is to take place, this technique must be applied to all parts of the brain at once involving many analyzers. Problems for researchers used to be found in the fact that frequency analysis of tactics might come too late to be of immediate value. In the past, frequency analysis did not give information on how rapidly changing signals from different parts of the brain related, or which of suggested meanings would be the correct choice. Now, via computer, all this can be instantly known. Suppose it is true, as some officials insist, that the MEG cannot really be read at a distance. What would make one believe that ones mind was read? Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been developing over a period of at least twenty years. Ma ny scientists have been engaged in making it seem that the computer can think. A t a 1980 meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Robert Wilensky of the University of California at Berkeley was asked i f his program, PAM, had intelligence. PAM incorporates a sense of how people ana lyze and reason. Does the computer augment human intelligence instead of interpreting and repeati ng it? To do this the computer must deal with a massive volume of data and requi res selectivity or the ability to decide what is or is not relevant. To the grou p of programmers at the meeting, the human brain is theoretically existent proof against computers. Perhaps they do not talk to bioengineers. The Cray, a large computer, has twenty to one hundred times the capacity of the smaller ones. It is different from machines that simply keep track of facts. It is specially designed for problem solving and can carry out biomedical experimen

ts with the computer simulating the human effects. The Cray does one hundred mil lion calculations a second. The human brain can only process five thousand bits of information per second. What kind of match for the Cray would y ou be? The computer works by using an acoustic processor to sample the wave patterns of the speakers voice at least 20,000 times a second. The information in the sampl e is digitized. A thousand samples are collected at a time and put through the p rocedure called discrete Fourier transform, which involves adding, subtracting a nd integrating waveforms to produce a useful synthesis of the information over time. This yields characteristic patterns known as spectral tim e samples, one hundred of them every second. The computer compares these with pr ototypes stored in the processors memory. The processor classifies the time samp les according to the sounds of the original word. As the acoustic processor puts them out, a linguistic decoder matches the sound patterns to the most probable sentence pattern they seem to fit. Current injection logic circuits, (Josephson junctions) operate at temperatures so low that metal loses resistance to electric current. The less resistance, the faster the current flows and the faster the computer works. Invented by Tushar Gheewals at IBM, the circuits operate in as little as 13 picoseconds, or trillionth of a second. Roughly, a picosecond is to a second wha t a second is to thirty years. This is about the same as the speed of light. Sup pose you are observed over a long enough period of time for analysis of your tho ughts, speech, prejudices, view-points, sexual peculiarities, and likes or disli kes of both people and things. What kinds of words would make you happy or unhappy if they were programmed by an artificial intelligence expert wi th the help of a psychologist or psychiatrist? Bizarre, you say. Possible, I say , psychological analysis has been a hobby for a long time. Lets take it a little further, and lets assume the computer program is out to make you as uncomfortable as possible in the privacy of your own home or anyp lace else. Really, impossible, you say. Stop and think a while. It takes a littl e getting used to. There will be many things in your life that upset you or make you unhappy. You may have expressed yourself aloud to close friends in person o r on the phone. You may have blown your stack at work or been talked about. In o ur society the walls literally have ears. Anything that vibrates can be read at a distance, even your vocal cords. Assume that for some reason you come to the att ention of someone in security, either national or international. You could do th is very easily by making an overseas phone call or a trip, or you could have a r elative who is involved with someone in whom the U.S. government is interested. Originally, when the harassment began, I wondered if the repetition of my though ts were bounced back by a tape recorder. Later I realized that only a fast compu ter could transmit them back, and that no human could read it back so quickly ov er space. Human comment, however, might be inserted by an observer reading some kind of visual display if he was close enough. Properly programmed, the Cray can project to you in any voice selection on the b asis of the structure of your sentenced thought, which will reach it before you have really formulated it, and select either a suitable programmed answer or rea d back to you what you have been thinking. Thus, you may really be programming y ourself. It may even seem to anticipate your answers. What I am saying is that you have to transform the thoughts in your mind verball y but silently. Although they are unspoken, the muscles that drive speech formul ate the words in advance, and can form an electric potential track in your brain that can be read at a distance by telemetry. Each nerve impulse causes a sound imperceptible to the human ear which can be picked up by laser. A trained observer or observers can insert speech if they read what you are abou t to think or say. There is a lag time between the formation of the words in you r brain and the formed thought, which gives the computer time to read part or al l, or guess to a fair degree of accuracy what you think, and return an appropria te or inappropriate answer depending upon how you feel about it. At times they m ay even seem funny. Your electric potentials will always anticipate you a little

. The feeling that your mind is being read can be produced by a thought being verb ally introduced at a subliminal level. At that threshold you are not aware that it is presented, but because your brain resonates, the thought is received and y ou become conscious of it. It is designed to be intense enough to influence the mental processes or behavior of the individual. It literally crosses your mind. Next, at a higher sound level a Voice repeats the thought you just received with out knowing it, thus consciously producing the sensation of mind reading in the receiver. You think, they must be reading my mind! What they are really doing is presenting an acceptable idea in your hraseology that you are most likely to be thinking while you are involved in a particular kind of activity. Subliminal aural suggestion presented in a manner typical of your habits of thou ght and speech is hard for the receiver to distinguish from the original thought , original in that it really started in the mind of the receiver and wasnt sugge sted to him. Just how hard is it to differentiate between the two, the original idea and the suggested idea, is hard to estimate. You really have to be paying strict attention to yourself and what you are doing. You still might not be cert ain, because the presented idea might be typical of your mind set so that you co uld accept or go along with it. Should the idea just pop into your head and not be part of a train of thought you might be suspicious. Unfortunately, with this kind of thing, an idea can be slipped in. If it seems logical or fits your mood or mode of thought, you would not question it. Often it would not matter, but wh ile using machinery, driving a car, or piloting a plane it could become fatal. Suppose you forget something and suddenly were reminded at a subliminal level. Y ou could not be sure that you yourself remembered or whether it was called to yo ur attention by an outside mind keeping track of your activity. You could be wri ting something and thinking as you write and suddenly write the wrong word. On r e-reading it, you would realize that as you wrote it, it was introduced. You might misdial a phone number and not be sure whether you made a natural mistake or one that was inflicted at a subliminal level. When you finall y realize what is really going on you are certainly going to be upset, at the ve ry least. High "verbals" are natural prey for this kind of situation, especially if they can be observed. They express themselves well, often aloud in writing. Their thought patterns and methods of arriving at conclusions or solutions, thei r modi operandi, can be predicted if they are observed over time. It is an extremely debilitating, nightmarish situation to be in. For instance, d uring REM (rapid eye movement) sleep when you are dreaming, ideas are verbally s uggested to you at a subliminal level thus controlling or influencing your dream content. With a combination of subliminal, aural presentation of ideas plus the introduction or infliction of bizarre physical effects, real hallucinatory imag es and effects could be produced. The more emotionally upset you are, the more e ffective this kind of psychological technique is likely to be. We used to worry about just being observed in our homes. In George Orwells 1984, every home had a watching monitor. It is now only 1981. The monitor has been ar ound since the fifties in one form or another. The ultimate in mind control has become possible. We have the technology, the psychological techniques and the pe ople willing to use them. It is not preventable at present. Fortunately, we still have time to protect ourselves from government experimenta tion if we are aware of it, because only the U.S. government has the technology, manpower and material to mount such an effort. Once you are a victim you become aware of the possibility of suggestions to peop le; who you meet casually, or your friends, or relatives, or your immediate fami ly. There is no one who cannot be reached in this way. You are never absolutely positive that what they say or do is suggested, but you may have strong suspicio ns when something they do seems atypical, or out of context, or something is sai d you have been forced to listen to before involuntarily. In the future we may a ll have to go around wearing some protective device on our heads to prevent our resonating cortexes from receiving unwanted messages. My brothers suggestion of putting a bucket over my head was not too far off. The only problem with his sug gestion was that a bucket is not sophisticated enough.

You know your cortical signals are read, because you receive obnoxious stimuli t o various parts of your anatomy through the electrical stimulation of the cortic al layer or your brain. The cortex has been mapped, and stimulation of the prope r section of cortex will make you salivate, sneeze or jump with muscle spasms, t witch or jerk. This sounds like a grade B movie, but the script is programmed by the U.S. intelligence service with your tax money. Cray II was in the works in early 1979, and the prediction was that it would do 500 million calculations a second, not just 100 million. A third, even faster co mputer, was taking shape in Seymour Crays mind beyond this. At Livermores fusion computer center a scientist said, Theres no machine that Seymour Cray can conce ive that would be too fast for us. When it comes through his bedroom door some n ight he may change his mind. Perhaps with his security clearance he wont have to worry, and will be able to ask it to leave, with the people who are operating i t. Now, I know from talking to others that you are going to say, But, it would take an awful lot of money and manpower to mount such an effort. Who would be intere sted in you, or me, or anyone? The other, very human reaction is, Who would be s o mean that they would do such a thing to you? Both of these arguments ignore the facts. We have unlimited material and manpowe r on duty twenty-four hours a day. The second response about mean people, is the most naive. Read the newspapers about what we still do to our Black People; the reactions of Blacks and Chicanos to unresponsive government; or the treatment o f women by the military when they have the temerity to enlist. You can still rea d about WW II concentration camp victims and operators. Current European court c ases are testimony forty years later to just how mean mankind can be. You should not be optimistic about civil liberties in an age when you are carefu lly examined by the Department of Education, the Social Security Administration, the Internal Revenue Service, the Department of Motor Vehicles, labor unions, m edical insurance companies, credit companies, banks, employers, and all these fa cts are carefully stored in some computer to be regurgitated either by accident, or on purpose, when you least expect it and for the flimsiest of ex cuses. Add to this, money from the LEAA (Law Enforcement Assistance Administrati on) for police enforcement, intelligence, and so-called crime fighting; and you will find that it is only a short step from your police department to your bedro om, if some nosy Nellie of either sex decides to make life hot for you! Our soci ety isnt open, it is wide open. If anything else is to be done about harassment and the preservation of privacy, then people must be made aware of what is possi ble now, incredible though as the facts may seem. Among acknowledged gadgets are a police crowd control device consisting of a hig h frequency sound generator which produces about twenty-five to thirty-five kilo hertz, coupled to a high efficiency tweeter and some concentrating baffles. This machine is something like a bullhorn. The beam produces severe nausea, pain, th e desire to urinate and defecate, but more especially to get out of range. There is no reason why these symptoms cannot be produced from space. In the home, sonic cushions that contain transducers which emit low frequency mu sical vibrations directly into the body of the person sitting against them are b ecoming familiar. The cushion has a separate power amplifier that hooks to any m usic system. Recently a popular magazine suggested that sitting upon such a cush ion produced pleasurable sexual sensations. Teddy bears similarly equipped are u sed to lull babies to sleep. Hearing aids are available which fit eyeglass frame s to send vibrating waves through the bone structure at the back of the ear so t hat the deaf may hear. This hearing aid is the result of miniaturization involvi ng an ultra-small microphone and amplifier. It contains transducers that transmi t vibrations directly into the body of the person in contact with it. The whole device fits into the stem of the eyeglass frame. Such microminiaturization in which a microscope has to be used to etch or photog raph a circuit on a silicon chip is relatively easy for the layperson to grasp. Not so easy is micromeasurement and sensing. One type of light sensor or photose nsitive matrix is a composite of 10,000 minute silicon light sensors on a chip a bout a quarter of an inch square. Reflected light is focused onto the matrix. Th

e resultant pattern of lighted and unlighted sensors is fed into circuitry for c onversion into measurements of area, height, width, etc., which in turn are conv erted into a seven digit code. Field effect transistors calibrate to infinitesim al accuracy. Small built-in computers convert data into an audio signal or print . Recorded data can then be transmitted over ordinary telephone lines to a computer bank. Some TVs are equipped with a decoder to convert sound to print fo r the deaf. Much of the technology that we are now using has been under development over a l ong period of time. The prototype of the modern mind-reader was developed in 194 7 and called the Toposcope. It was similar to twenty-two small television or rad ar sets. Research on the human brain has been made possible by some of the newer machines . The Sono Chromoscope is currently being evaluated at the National Institutes o f Health to identify tumors and abnormalities. Cheaper than x-ray, it is absolut ely safe and permits continuous recording of tissue at work. Computer technology converts one kind of signal into another to produce an accurate diagnostic colo r picture of the human interior. High frequency sonar is transmitted in blue, wh ile low frequency may be a red dot. NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance) tomography can map the progress of chemicals in jected into the brain. The Gamma Ray camera, consisting of 254 scintillation det ectors, each collimated to scan approximately one square centimeter of brain cor tex is connected to a small digital computer. This, in turn, is connected to a T V where the blood flow level is shown in specific colors indicating what areas o f the brain are active. The whole body can be placed in a magnetic field of 450 gauss exciting body atoms with radio waves. Subsequent measurement of the intens ity of the waves emitted over time gives information about the chemical composit ion of the subjects tissues. The time it takes for the atoms to relax after radi o wave bombardment gives some indication of the cells general nature. NMR employ s no ionizing radiation and therefore seems safer than conventional techniques l ike x-ray. The PETT (position electron tracking tomogram) tracks radioactive chemicals and forms a computerized image, providing the first direct glimpse of the brain at w ork, plus a more superior estimate of its condition than CAT (computer assisted tomography). The computer reconstructs abstract measurements into images played out in color on a TV screen. PETT scan can be photographed or videotaped while a n individual is walking, talking, reading or thinking. FOCUS (flexible optical control unit simulator) projects hallucinatory images di rectly on the retina of the eye. When the images are projected the subjects show the same bodily responses that they would by taking a drug. The subjects cannot tell the machine images from reality. FOCUS was developed at UCLAs Neuropsychia tric Institute by Ron Siegel, an experimental psychologist, who eventually hopes to control retrieval of imagery information at will, including that of daydream s, sleep, and hallucinations. There is a common wiring and a correspondence of chemical and electrical propert ies in the human brain. Fever, delirium, epilepsy, syphilis, photostimulation, s ensory deprivation, extreme hunger, cold, thirst, crystal gazing, swinging in th e witchs cradle, hypoglycemia, and a variety of drug intoxications make the brai n respond in patterns that are definable, predictable and explainable in terms o f where they come from and how they were produced. This universal experience is probably what Jung meant by the collective unconscious and typified by symbols l ike the mandala. Body functions tend to synchronize around stimuli that match them in frequency. Baselines from normal individuals have been established through measurements wit h the EEG electroencephalogram). The EEG shows brain waves in both periodic and pulse mode. At normal frequencies, eight to twelve alpha waves occur per second. Breathing, heart rate, and the rhythm of alpha waves can be controlled to some extent both by the individual himself and the external stimuli such as lights an d microwaves. Radio-scientist Anthony Fraser-Smith has shown that the third rail of San Franciscos Bay Area Rapid Transit and Washington D.C.s Metro expose peop le up to 160 kilometers away to broadcasts of ultra-low frequency radiation from

ten hertz to .001 hertz. Studies have shown that human reaction time increases at 0.2 hertz. These frequencies make people feel drowsy and produce changes in t heir blood. With this in mind it is easier to comprehend that brain control by electronic st imulation is possible in much the same way that a heart pacer is used to regulat e the heart beat. Both seen and unseen, heard and unheard wave frequencies can a ffect the brain and nervous system. Some researchers show that theta waves predominate when an individual is involve d in memory storage and learning. They also seem to occur in times of reverie, a nnoyance or anxiety. Animals which retain training best, show the highest levels of theta waves during training. Ross Adey, however, has shown that he can incre ase the rate of learning and memory retention in primates and cats by using a fr equency range similar to the alpha and beta waves of the brain. During hypnotism, synchronization of breathing, heartbeat and alpha waves takes about ten minutes in a willing subject, and is associated with feelings of well being. A simple gadget like a hypnotism wheel with a special strobe pattern prod uces a falling illusion and produces a so-called trance state. These can also be produced by sound waves. Frequency rates of these biological s ignals are reduced during a trance-inducing procedure. As the mind becomes fixed it becomes more susceptible to suggestion. Relaxation, resting and sleep are al so helpful in inducing a hypnotic trance. While hypnosis can be a helpful techni que, it is also part of mind control. Other brain waves have individual, identifiable frequencies. Beta, delta, and th eta brain waves can be separated in any brain reading because they all have diff erent frequencies. Recently an N400 wave has been identified, so named because i t occurs 400 milliseconds after a sentence had been heard in which there is a hi gh level of expectancy about its completion, and this expectancy is violated. Th e P300 wave occurs in response to a sudden alarm or flashing light, and occurs 3 00 milliseconds after the stimulus. A P300 wave comes not from the cortex, but f rom the limbic system where feelings originate and occurs only as an emotional r esponse. It is my belief that all these brain waves or electrical signals can be read at a distance, and that the human brain can be both a resonating transmitter and re ceiver. Further, I am saying that I am being harassed by unknown parties with wh om I have been in constant contact for about three years consciously, and I am n ot sure how long before that, while base lines of various kinds were being established. I have chosen a time in our national history to protest that the National Securi ty Agency is undoubtedly experimenting with some of its more exotic toys on an u nsuspecting civilian population, when we are in the process of giving back to th e CIA and similar agencies some of the powers that had temporarily been taken aw ay from them due to Watergate. Our Congress is in disarray, revealed by the FBI to be both gullible and venal. Our countrys petrochemical supply is being threatened by communist, and in the mist of all this, I come up with the i dea that civil liberties and individual privacy are at stake in ways that seem i nconceivable. Even in the best of times I would have difficulty getting a hearin g for this kind of story. Our present electronic laws are constructed to prosecute after the fact. There s eems to be no successful method of proving harassment with this type of technolo gy because there is no hard evidence. One of the reasons that it is impossible a t present to prove, is that no one will admit publicly that the possibility exis ts. Despite the fact that William Colby mentions it on a TV show, and that a newspaper reporter was thrown out of a meeting in which well known Ph .D.s from UCLA, MIT, NYU, NASA, and ARPA were specifically discussing a machine to read minds from a distance by deciphering the brains magnetic waves; and the specific goal of which is to exercise control over the brain. Nobody will admit that it can be done. The so-called experts have their jobs and families to prote ct. Security agency employees are bound by secrecy oaths, as are many academicia ns. The professors say, Thats an area outside my expertise. Paul said, I am not into lasers. Very few people have the kind of education necessary to understand

the innate possibilities and dangers of current technology. Anonymous phone calls are something for which we are beginning to find a cure. A nonymous broadcasts are something else, especially if only one person hears it. This is possible via laser. It is so precise that a whole new body of measuremen ts is mandatory and possible. Your most private and intimate bodily routines become forced performances and ar e commented on as they unfold. Your mentally verbalized fantasies become public property. You can be questioned at the subliminal level and started on a whole n ew train of thought. Thus the inserter of the question would have a very good clue as to what you were thinking about. You could also b e made to change or modify your course of action, in other words your mind. The worst element in all of this is subliminal suggestion, with its inherent capabil ity of conditioning and directing thinking; and through this, control or directi on of individual behavior both now and in the future. Young and unformed minds a re going to be most susceptible. The emotionally upset and unstable will be next . Americans need education and information to defend against this kind of techno cracy. Most of all they need to be told the truth. I can keep silent and avoid e mbarrassment, ridicule and disbelief. A policeman told me to ignore it. A security man told me that my life could be mad e hell on earth. The main inventor, a physicist, told me it was impossible. The whole thing may be simply a combination of laser communication and AI, which I d oubt. Regardless of what it is, all Americans can be reached, anywhere at anytim e doing anything, without attachments and wires. Communications have come at lea st that far. Currently on planet Earth stone-age man and spaceman coexist. We have been comin g out of an ancient jungle and have stumbled into a technological battle zone. W hat man imagines, he will develop and continue to develop. Although you cannot see them, only sense them, the largest unseen monsters are u nchanged. They are ignorance, fear and superstition. The biggest question for ou r time is: How do we best adapt to this recent step in communications, and at th e same time preserve the values we cherish? [Note:1] There were probably additional electromagnetic methods, acoustics, and instruments. Sources familiar with the situation indicated that the author was i mplanted with devices and was unaware of it. Mind Control: (Please be aware mind control is all thoughts to the 5 senses in s uggestions 24/7 and not all physical effect of ELF/EMF, but have been nefariousl y abused secretly before patents. The Ultimate Brave New World Technologies for stimulating the brain and controlling the mind can have benefit s, but they have a dark side that military and intelligence planners have been e xploiting for decades. Extracted from Nexus Magazine, Volume 13, Number 2 (February - March 2006 & April-May 2006) PO Box 30, Mapleton Qld 4560 Australia. by Nick Begich, MD 2006 Extracted from: "Controlling the Human Mind 2006 It would also appear possible to create high fidelity speech in the human body, raising the possibility of covert suggestion and psychological direction... Thus , it may be possible to "talk" to selected adversaries in a fashion that would b e most disturbing to them. US Air Force, New World Vistas: Air and Space Power for the 21st Century The idea that the brain can be made to function at a more efficient and directed level has been the subject of research by scientists, mystics, health practitio ners and others for as long as mankind has contemplated such matters. In the las t decade, advances in the science of the brain have begun to yield significant r esults. The results of the research are startling, challenging and, if misused, will be frightening. The certainty to be expected from the research is that it w ill continue to proceed. The idea that people can be impacted by external signal generators which create, for example, pulsed electromagnetic fields, pulsed lig ht and pulsed sound signals is not new. The following information demonstrates s

ome of the possibilities and gives hints of the potentials of the technology. On the positive side, researchers in the field of light and sound are making huge progress in a number of areas, including working with learning disabilities, att ention deficit disorders, stroke recovery, accelerated learning, drug/alcohol ad diction and enhanced human performance. The research has shown that certain brain states can be influenced in a way which causes changes within the brain itself. These chan ges allow individuals the possibility of influencing specific conditions in the mind and body otherwise thought beyond our direct control. The military and othe rs interested in such things have also focused a large amount of research into t his area for the purpose of enhancing the performance of soldiers while degradin g the performance of adversaries. What is known is that great strides in the are a of behaviour control are now possible with systems developed and under develop ment by most sophisticated countries on the planet. These new technologies repre sent a much different approach to warfare which our government is describing as part of the "Revolution in Military affairs". While these new technologies offer much for military planners, they offer even more to citizens generally. Their p otential use in military applications and "peacekeeping" creates the need for op en debate of this new realm of intelligence-gathering, manipulation and warfare. The most basic ethical questions regarding use of these technologies have not b een adequately addressed. At the same time that defence and intelligence-gatheri ng capabilities are being sought, independent researchers are fully engaged in s eeking positive uses for the technology. The potentials of the technology, like all technology, are great as both a destructive or constructive force for change . The idea of enhancing physical and mental performance while bypassing what her etofore was a long and arduous road to achieve the same results is exciting. Mai ntaining the research in the open literature and ensuring that constructive uses are encouraged is critical. I began looking into technologies for stimulating b rain performance about fifteen years ago. At the time, there were limited tools available compared to what is now possible. Now it is possible to obtain light a nd sound, electrocranial and biofeedback tools for use in this exploration. more over, there are audio materials also available for use with most of these tools. These audio materials can be used for learning languages, behaviour modificatio n or enhanced performance. The biofeedback side of the new technology is being u sed to train people to reach specific desired brain states for optimum performan ce. The use of light and sound devices for stimulating brain activity which is c onducive to accelerated learning and relaxation is a growing area of interest to many people. Moreover, the use of these tools in conjunction with biofeedback h as been the subject of quickly evolving research. The combined technologies of b rain state inducement and biofeedback offer exciting possibilities. It has been found with the combination that a person, in a matter of several weeks, can lear n to modify purposefully his/her brain activity in a way which would have taken a Zen master twenty years to accomplish. It has been shown that some children wi th attention deficit disorders can be taught to regulate their brain activities so that they can learn efficiently without chemicals. It has been demonstrated t hat recovering stroke victims can more rapidly recover when working with brain-b iofeedback practitioners and these new tools. The research is also teaching us a good deal about our suggestibility in terms of influences which have an impact on our behaviour. The underlying message that comes with the new technology is t he necessity of providing safeguards against misuse. Additionally, recognition o f the everyday stimulation we all get and the effect of these information inputs on our learning processes becomes more clear. The suggestibility of humans, par ticularly when in a fatigued condition, has been exploited by terrorists, cults and others in pursuit of their own aims. The passive suggestibility of radio and television as we weave in and out of the semi-sleep states is for the most part not even recognised. The passive learning situations become even more relevant when we consider how we "receive the news" in our daily lives. The ability to in fluence thinking, behaviour and performance is indeed a two-edged sword. The 198 0s and 1990s were focused on building up the physical body. The 21st century wil l see a focus on building the mind and optimising mental performance. The idea o

f merging the new technologies into education is interesting and also calls into question who will decide what is to be learned. In the interim, the possibiliti es are incredible for those interested in such pursuits. The control of our ment al function is no different than the control of the muscles in our bodies. Learn ing to control or coordinate the activity of our minds will propel our bodies th rough a much more productive and fuller life. The new tools may offer just such opportunities. On the other side of the issue is the potential for misuse and ex ploitation of the science. Military planners, law enforcement officials and othe rs are now seeking the covert use of these technologies for controlling the ulti mate "information processor"the Human Being. MK-ULTRA "Dr Gottlieb, born August 3, 1918, was the CIA's real-life 'Dr Strangelove'a bri lliant bio-chemist who designed and headed MKULTRA, the agency's most far-reaching drug and mind-control program at the height of the Cold War. Though the super-secret MKULTRA was ended in 1964, a streamlined version called MK-SEARCH was continued with Gottlieb in chargeuntil 1972." During this period, substantial interest in mind control was stimulated by Soviet use of microwaves. In 1988, "thirty-five y ears after security officers first noticed that the Soviets were bombarding the US embassy in Moscow with microwave radiation, the US Government still has not d etermined conclusivelyor is unwilling to revealthe purpose behind the beams". Th e US government did know what was happening. The Soviets had developed methods f or disrupting the purposeful thought of humans and were using their knowledge to impact diplomats in the United States embassy in Moscow. In 1994, a report conc erning the MKULTRA program was issued, containing the following information: "In the 1950s and '60s, the CIA engaged in an extensive program of human experim entation, using drugs, psychological, and other means, in search of techniques t o control human behavior for counterintelligence and covert action purposes. "In 1973, the CIA purposefully destroyed most of the MKULTRA files concerning its r esearch and testing on human behaviour. In 1977, the agency uncovered additional MKULTRA files in the budget and fiscal records that were not indexed under the name MKULTRA. These documents detailed over 150 subprojects that the CIA funded in this area, but no evidence was uncovered at that time concerning the use of r adiation. "The CIA did investigate the use and effect of microwaves on human bei ngs in response to a Soviet practice of beaming microwaves on the US embassy. Th e agency determined that this was outside the scope of the Advisory Committee's purview. "...The Church Committee found some records, but also noted that the pr actice of MKULTRA at that time was 'to maintain no records of the planning and a pproval of test programs'. ...MKULTRA itself was technically closed out in 1964, but some of its work was transferred to the Office of Research and Development (ORD) within the DS&T under the name MKSEARCH and continued into the 1970s. "The CIA worked closely with the Army in conducting the LSD experiments. This connec tion with the Army is significant because MKULTRA began at the same time that Se cretary of Defense Wilson issued his 1953 directive to the military services on ethical guidelines for human experiments. "Throughout the course of MKULTRA, the CIA sponsored numerous experiments on unwitting humans. After the death of one such individual (Frank Olson, an army scientist, was given LSD in 1953 and commi tted suicide a week later), an internal CIA investigation warned about the dange rs of such experimentation. The CIA persisted in this practice for at least the next ten years. After the 1963 IG [Inspector-General] report recommended termina tion of unwitting testing, Deputy Director for Plans Richard Helms (who later be came Director of Central Intelligence) continued to advocate covert testing on t he ground that 'positive operational capability to use drugs is diminishing, owi ng to a lack of realistic testing. With increasing knowledge of state of the art , we are less capable of staying up with the Soviet advances in this field'. ... Helms attributed the cessation of the unwitting testing to the high risk of emba rrassment to the Agency as well as the 'moral problem'. He noted that no better covert situation had been devised than that which had been used, and that 'we ha ve no answer to the moral issue'." They did have the answers to the moral questi ons on human experimentation but chose to ignore them, destroy the records, hide

the truth and still continue in their efforts. Nothing has changed as each part icipating organisation, using national security laws, avoids disclosure and acco untability. The records which were destroyed contained the evidence necessary pe rhaps to send some participants to jail for society's version of behaviour modif ication. Once again, there was no accountability and no recognition of the right s of the individuals damaged by these experiments. Mind Wars "For the first time in some 500 years, a scientific revolution has begun that wi ll fundamentally change the world as much as the Renaissance and Enlightenment d id. A handful of extraordinary new advances in science are taking humans quickly and deeply into areas that will have profound implications for the future." One of these areas is control of the human mind. The issues surrounding behaviour m odification, mind control and information warfare become crystal clear as the fa cts unfold. The following is taken from a current military document, "The Inform ation Revolution and the Future Air Force" by Colonel John A. Warden III, USAF, which clarifies their position in the emerging area of research, taking a much d ifferent direction than the one described above: "We're currently experiencing, on an unprecedented global basis, three simultaneous revolutions, any one of whi ch would be more than enough to shock and confound us. The first revolution, a g eopolitical revolution, sees a single dominant power in the world for the first time since the fall of Rome. The opportunities that are inherent in this situati on are extraordinary, as are the pitfalls. Unfortunately, there is no one around that has first hand experience in how to deal with that kind of single power do minant world. "The second revolution, and there's a lot of discussion about this so far, is the information revolution. As other people have mentioned, it is fo llowing inexorably in tandem behind Moore's law of computing power. Attendant to it, though, is not the creation of new ideas and technologies, but also an expo nential growth in the velocity of information dissemination, and for us that is of extraordinary importance. A key part of this information revolution has an aw esome impact on competition. The business that introduced a new product ten year s ago could count on probably five years before it had to look seriously at pote ntial competitors based overseas. Today, you're lucky if you can count on five m onths or even five weeks before you are facing the overseas competitor. In today 's world, success simply demands rapid introduction of successively new products or military systems. Success now goes to the organization which exploits inform ation almost instantly, while failure is the near certain fate of the organizati on which tries to husband or hide ideas. Real simpleuse it or you're going to lo se it. "The third revolution, which is a little bit more complex, is the militar y/technological revolution, or in some places called the revolution in military affairs. I'm convinced that this is the first military technological revolution ever because we now have, for the first time, a conceptually different way to wa ge war. We can wage war in parallel now. In the past, communications and weapons technology, especially weapons accuracy, have constrained us to waging serial w ar. This changes almost everything. "Biological Process Control: As we look forw ard to the future, it seems likely that this nation will be involved in multiple conflicts where our military forces increasingly will be placed in situations w here the application of full force capabilities of our military might cannot be applied. We will be involved intimately with hostile populations in situations w here the application of non-lethal force will be the tactical or political prefe rence. It appears likely that there are a number of physical agents that might a ctively, but largely benignly, interact or interfere with biological processes i n an adversary in a manner that will provide our armed forces the tools to contr ol these adversaries without extensive loss of life or property. These physical agents could include acoustic fields, optical fields, electromagnetic fields, an d combinations thereof. This paper will address only the prospect of physical re gulation of biological processes using electromagnetic fields. "Prior to the mid -21st century, there will be a virtual explosion of knowledge in the field of ne uroscience. We will have achieved a clear understanding of how the human brain w orks, how it really controls the various functions of the body, and how it can b e manipulated (both positively and negatively). One can envision the

development of electromagnetic energy sources, the output of which can be pulsed , shaped, and focused, that can couple with the human body in a fashion that wil l allow one to prevent voluntary muscular movements, control emotions (and thus actions), produce sleep, transmit suggestions, interfere with both short-term an d long-term memory, produce an experience set, and delete an experience set. Thi s will open the door for the development of some novel capabilities that can be used in armed conflict, in terrorist/hostage situations, and in training. New we apons that offer the opportunity of control of an adversary without resorting to a lethal situation or to collateral casualties can be developed around this con cept. This would offer significant improvements in the capabilities of our special operation forces. "I nitial experimentation should be focused on the interaction of electromagnetic e nergy and the neuromuscular junctions involved in voluntary muscle control. Theo ries need to be developed, modeled, and tested in experimental preparations. Ear ly testing using in vitro cell cultures of neural networks could provide the foc us for more definitive intact animal testing. If successful, one could envision a weapon that would render an opponent incapable of taking any meaningful action involving any higher motor skills (e.g., using weapons, operating tracking syst ems). The prospect of a weapon to accomplish this when targeted against an indiv idual target is reasonable; the prospect of a weapon effective against a massed force would seem to be more remote. Use of such a device in an enclosed area aga inst multiple targets (hostage situation) may be more difficult than an individual target system, but probably feasible. " It would also appear to be possible to create high fidelity speech in the human body, raising the possibility of covert suggestion and psychological direction. When a high power microwave pulse in the gigahertz range strikes the human body, a very small temperature perturbation oc curs. This is associated with a sudden expansion of the slightly heated tissue. This expansion is fast enough to produce an acoustic wave. If a pulse stream is used, it should be possible to create an internal acoustic field in the 515 kilohertz range, which is audible. Thus, it may be pos sible to 'talk' to selected adversaries in a fashion that would be most disturbi ng to them. "In comparison to the discussion in the paragraphs above, the concept of imprint ing an experience set is highly speculative, but nonetheless highly exciting. Mo dern electromagnetic scattering theory raises the prospect that ultra-short puls e scattering through the human brain can result in reflected signals that can be used to construct a reliable estimate of the degree of central nervous system a rousal. The concept behind this 'remote EEG' is to scatter off of action potenti als or ensembles of action potentials in major central nervous system tracts. As suming we will understand how our skills are imprinted and recalled, it might be possible to take this concept one step further and duplicate the experience set in another individual. The prospect of providing a 'been theredone that' knowle dge base could provide a revolutionary change in our approach to specialized tra ining. How this can be done or even if it can be done are significant unknowns [sic]. The impact of success would boggle the mind!" The above report w as a forecast for the year 2020. However, the reality is that these technologies already exist and there are a number of patents in the open literature which cl early show the possibilities. This research is not new but goes back to the 1950 s. "A new class of weapons, based on electromagnetic fields, has been added to t he muscles of the military organism. The C3I [Command, Control, Communications a nd Intelligence] doctrine is still growing and expanding. It would appear that t he military may yet be able to completely control the minds of the civilian popu lation." The targeting of civilian populations by the military is a significant departure from its history. In the past, the military has used persuasion throug h real information rather than using deliberate deception and mind manipulation to win populations over. "A decoy and deception concept presently being considered is to remotely create the perception of noise in the heads of personnel by exposing them to low power, pulsed microwaves. When people are illuminated with properly modulated low powe

r microwaves the sensation is reported as a buzzing, clicking, or hissing which seems to originate (regardless of the person's position in the field) within or just behind the head. The phenomena occurs [sic] at average power densities as l ow as microwatts per square centimeter with carrier frequencies from 0.4 to 3.0 GHz. By proper choice of pulse characteristics, intelligible speech may be creat ed. Before this technique may be extended and used for military applications, an understanding of the basic principles must be developed. Such an understanding is not only required to optimize the use of the concept for camouflage, decoy an d deception operations but is required to properly assess safety factors of such microwave exposure. Ac tual testing of certain systems has proven "that movements, sensations, emotions , desires, ideas, and a variety of psychological phenomena may be induced, inhib ited, or modified by electrical stimulation of specific areas of the brain. Thes e facts have changed the classical philosophical concept that the mind was beyon d experimental reach." The first widespread interest in the subject of mind cont rol hit the mainstream of military think-tanks after the Korean War when returni ng prisoners of war exhibited significant behavioural changes. In 1956, the foll owing was written into the United States Congressional Record: "Reports of the treatment of American prisoners of war in Korea have given rise to several popular misconceptions, of which the most widely publicized is 'brain washing'. The term itself has caught the public imagination and is used, very lo osely, to describe any act committed against an individual by the Communists. Ac tual 'brainwashing' is a prolonged psychological process, designed to erase an individual's past beliefs and concepts and to subs titute new ones. It is a highly coercive practice which is irreconcilable with u niversally accepted medical ethics. In the process of 'brainwashing', the effort s of many are directed against an individual. To be successful, it requires, amo ng other things, that the individual be completely isolated from normal associat ions and environment." The ethical considerations have not changed, but the mili tary's position on the ethics has changed as it has gained significant capabilit ies in these areas. "Psychological warfare is becoming increasingly important fo r US forces as they engage in peacekeeping operations. 'In the psychological ope rations area, we're always looking to build on our existing technologies, so muc h of this is evolutionary,' [military planner] Holmes said. 'It is critically im portant that we stay ahead of the technology curve." The temptation to dabble in this area has now overcome the ethical considerations. A Russian military artic le offered a slightly different slant to the problem, declaring that "humanity s tands on the brink of a psychotronic war" with the mind and body as the focus. T hese "psychotronic" weapons aim to control or alter the psyche, or to attack the various sensory and data processing systems of the human organism. In both case s, the goal is to confuse or destroy the signals that normally keep the body in equilibrium. According to a US Department of Defense directive (S-3600.1, December 9, 1996), "information warfare" is defined as "an information operation conducted during t ime of crisis or conflict to achieve or promote specific objectives over a speci fic adversary or adversaries". An "information operation" is defined in the same directive as "actions taken to affect adversary information and information sys tems". These "information systems" lie at the heart of the modernisation effort of the US armed forces and manifest themselves as hardware, software, communicat ions capabilities and highly trained individuals. Information warfare has tended to ignore the role of the human body as an information or data processor in thi s quest for dominance, except in those cases where an individual's logic or rati onal thought may be upset via Dis-information or deception... Yet, the body is c apable not only of being deceived, manipulated or mis-informed but also shut dow n or destroyedjust as any other data-processing system. The "data" the body rece ives from external sources, such as electromagnetic, vortex or acoustic energy w aves, or creates through its own electrical or chemical stimuli, can be manipula ted or changed, just as the data (information) in any hardware system can be alt ered. If the ultimate target of information warfare is the information-dependent

process, "whether human or automated", then the definition implies that human d ata-processing of internal and external signals can clearly be considered an asp ect of information warfare. On a much grander scale, the use of mind control was contemplated as far back as 1969 by a former science adviser to President Johnson. "Gordon J. F. Macdonald, a geo physicist specializing in problems of warfare, has written that accurately timed , artificially excited strokes 'could lead to a pattern of oscillations that pro duce relatively high power levels over certain regions of the earth... In this w ay, one could develop a system that would seriously impair the brain performance of very large populations in selected regions over an extended period.." This c apability exists today through the use of systems which can stimulate the ionosp here to return a pulsed (modulated) signal which, at the right frequency, can ov erride normal brain functions. By overriding the natural pulsations of the brain , chemical reactions are triggered which alter the emotional state of targeted p opulations. Subliminal Messages and commercial Uses One of the areas where this new technology is being used is in systems to dissuade shoplifters, using sound below the range of hearing. "Japanese shopkeepers are playing CDs with subliminal messages to curb the impulses of the growing band of shoplif ters. The Mind Control CDs have sound-tracks of popular music or ocean waves, wi th encoded voices in seven languages...warning that anyone caught stealing will be reported to the police." A number of devices have been developed to influence behaviour in this way, and patents have been awarded. The following summations are taken from some of these patents dealing with both audio and video programmi ngonly this time, we are the program: "An auditory subliminal programming system includes a subliminal message encoder that generates fixed frequency security t ones and combines them with a subliminal message signal to produce an encoded su bliminal message signal which is recorded on audio tape or the like. A correspon ding subliminal decoder/mixer is connected as part of a user's conventional ster eo system and receives as inputs an audio program selected by the user and the e ncoded subliminal message." "Ambient audio signals from the customer shopping ar ea within a store are sensed and fed to a signal processing circuit that produce s a control signal which varies with variations in the amplitude of the sensed a udio signals. A control circuit adjusts the amplitude of an auditory subliminal antishoplifting message to increase with increasing amplitudes of sensed audio s ignals and decrease with decreasing amplitudes of sensed audio signals. This amp litude controlled subliminal message may be mixed with background music and tran smitted to the shopping area." "Data to be displayed is combined with a composit e video signal. The data is stored in memory in digital form. Each byte of data is read out in sequential fashion to determine: the recurrence display rate of t he data according to the frame sync pulses of the video signal; the location of the data within the video image according to the line sync pulses of the video s ignal; and the location of the data display within the video image according to the position information." "This invention is a combination of a subliminal mess age generator that is 100% user programmable for use with a television receiver. The subliminal message generator periodically displays user specified messages for the normal television signal for [a] specific period of time. This permits a n individual to employ a combination of subliminal and supraliminal therapy whil e watching television." The above points may seem a bit complicated; however, they can be summarised. Th ese patents are designed to provide a way to hide messages in video or audio for mats, masking any suggestions that the programmer wishes to convey. These kinds of messages bypass the conscious mind and are acted upon by the person hearing t hem; they are not sorted out by the active mind. Although these technologies are being developed for personal use and as security measures, consider the possibi lities for abuse by commercial interests where the messages might be "buy, buy, buy", "drink more, don't worry", or some other self-serving script. Should these systems be regulated? By whom and under what conditions? New Standards for What is a Memory "Nevada is currently the only state to allow witness testimony of a person who has undergone hypnosis. As of October 1, 1997, courts hearing both c

ivil and criminal cases can take a hypnotically refreshed testimony, as long as the witness, if a minor, has had the informed consent of parent or guardian, and the person performing the hypnosis is any of the following: a health care provi der, a clinical social worker licenced in accordance with 641B of Nevada Revised Statute, or a disinterested investigator." This issue will surely become more c omplex as technology advances in terms of evidence. When the day arrives that it is possible to change or alter memory completely, as suggested earlier by milit ary officers, what then? How will we separate the real from the unreal? What wil l be the impact on the burden of proof in courts as it relates to "reasonable do ubt"? Again, the emergence of the technology has first to be recognised as real before laws can be constructed and systems established for controlling misuse. T hink how long it has taken the courts even to recognise hypnotherapy as valid sc ience. We are hopeful that we will not have to wait so long for legislative bodi es to take the initiative to address these issues. Auditory Effects The question s which this section raises are profound. Is it possible to transmit a signal to the brain of a person, from a distance, which deposits specific sounds, voice o r other information which can be understood? Is it possible to transfer sound in a way where only the targeted person can hear the "voice in the head" and no on e else hears a thing? Is it possible to shift a person's emotions using remote e lectromagnetic tools? The answer to each of these questions is a resounding "Yes !" The state of the science has passed even the most optimistic predictions, and the capabilities are here now. Military literature suggests that this is possib le. A series of experiments, patents and independent research confirm that this technology exists today. While giving testimony to the European Parliament in 19 98, I demonstrated one such device to the astonishment of those in attendance. T his particular device required physical contact in order to work and was nearly forty years old. This area of research is one of the most important because it p oints to the ultimate weapon of political control: the ability to place informat ion directly into the human brain, bypassing all normal filtering mechanisms. In 1995, the US Department of Defense put forward the contract, "Communicating via the Microwave Auditory Effect; Awarding Agency: Department of Defense; SBIR Contract Number: F41624-95-C-9007". The description of this technology, which would be used for direct communications with military personnel, is written as follows: "Title: Communicating via the Microwave Auditory Effect "Description: An innovative and revolutionary technology is described that offer s a means of low-probability-ofintercept Radio Frequency (RF) communications. Th e feasibility of the concept has been established using both a low intensity lab oratory system and a high power RF transmitter. Numerous military applications e xist in areas of search and rescue, security and special operations." The feasib ility was not only demonstrated in the laboratory but also in the field using a radio-frequency carrier. In the case of the Gulf War, we had always suspected th at the reason the Iraqis gave up in mass was not because of the heavy bombardmen ts but because they were being hit with new "nonlethal" systems which created fe ar and perhaps even worse. Our research uncovered reports which now confirm our suspicions as fact. "What the 'Voice of the Gulf' began broadcasting, along with prayers from the Koran and testimonials from well-treated Iraqi prisoners, was precise information on the units to be bombed each day, along with a new, silent psychological technique which induced thoughts of great fear in each soldier's mind..."This makes a great deal of sense today, given what has become increasing ly known about mind-control weapons. "According to statements made by captured a nd deserting Iraqi soldiers, however, the most devastating and demoralizing prog ramming was the first known military use of the new, high tech, type of sublimin al messages referred to as ultra-high-frequency 'Silent Sounds' or 'Silent Subli minals'. "The use of these new techniques, we believe, went well beyond the injection of fear and may have involved more powerful signa l generators which caused the other symptoms which the world observed, including head pain, bleeding from the nose, disorientation and nauseaall possible with s o-called nonlethal weapons. The questions which now remain: Are they still using the techniques like an electronic concentration camp in order to control the po

pulation? Is this part of the way in which modern governments will suppress rogue nations? The development of the technology followed a very t raceable history which began in the early 1960s at the height of the Cold War. In 1961, Dr Allen Frey wrote: "Our data to date indicate that the human auditory system can respond to electromagnetic energy in at least a portion of the radio frequency (RF) spectrum. Further, this response is instantaneous and occurs at low power densities, densities which are well below that necessary for biologica l damage. For example, the effect has been induced with power densities 1/60 of the standard maximum safe level for continuous exposure. " This observation had incredible ramifications because it meant that within cer tain ranges RF could create a sound within the brain of a person at energy conce ntration levels considered too small to be significant. Later that year, a paten t was issued to Henry K. Puharich and Joseph L. Lawrence which stated in part: " The present invention is directed to a means for auxiliary hearing communication , useful for improving hearing, for example, and relates more specifically to no vel and improved arrangements for auxiliary hearing communications by effecting the transmission of sound signals through the dental structure and facial nervou s system of the user."24 This crude device produced a signal which could be hear d in the brain by inducing a vibration which was transferred through the bone in to the inner ear, where it was then carried to the brain via the nervous system. Puharich continued researching along this line, gaining an additional patent in 1965.25 Both of these inventions required physical contact with the head of the subject. By 1962, Dr Allan Frey had advanced his work and was able to create so und at a distance from the subject, using a pulsed (modulated) radio transmitter . "Using extremely low average power densities of electromagnetic energy, the pe rception of sounds was induced in normal and deaf humans. The effect was induced several hundred feet from the antenna the instant the transmitter was turned on , and is a function of carrier frequency and modulation." What was occurring in this research were the first attempts to "tune" into the brain of a human in the same manner as "tuning" into a radio station. The same energy was being used; i t was just at a different frequency with a slight vibration (modulation) on the carrier wave which delivered the signal. In 1968, G. Patrick Flanagan was issued a patent for a device which also required physical contact with the skin of the subject. "This invention relates to electromagnetic excitation of the nervous s ystem of a mammal and pertains more particularly to a method and apparatus for e xciting the nervous system of a person with electromagnetic waves that are capab le of causing that person to become conscious of information conveyed by the ele ctromagnetic waves." This invention was much different than what others had crea ted by that time, because this device actually sent a clear, audible signal thro ugh the nervous system to the brain. The device could be placed anywhere on the body, and a clear voice or music would appear in the head of the subject. This w as a most unbelievable device which had actually been invented in the late 1950s . It had taken years to convince patent examiners that it worked. The initial pa tent was only granted after the dramatic demonstration of the device on a deaf e mployee of the US Patent Office. In 1972, a second patent was issued to G. Patri ck Flanagan after being suppressed by the military since 1968. This device was m uch more efficient in that it converted a speech waveform into "a constant ampli tude square wave in which the transitions between the amplitude extremes are spa ced so as to carry the speech information". What this did is establish the code of modulation or timing sequences necessary for efficient transfers into the ner vous system where the signals could be sent to the brain and decoded as sound in the same way that normal sound is decoded. The result was a clear and understan dable sound. The military interest in auditory effects was present since the fir st inventions were patented, but in 1971 came a system which would allow troops to communicate through a radio transmitter which would render the enemy deaf and disoriented while allowing "friendly" combatants to communicate at the same tim e. The device is described as follows: "Broadly, this disclosure is directed to a system for producing aural and psychological disturbances and partial deafness of the enemy during combat situations. Essentially, a high directional beam is radiated from a plurality of distinct transducers and is modulated by a noise, c

ode, or speech beat signal. The invention may utilize various forms and may incl ude movable radiators mounted on a vehicle and oriented to converge at a desired point, independently positioned vehicles with a common frequency modulator, or means employed to modulate the acoustical beam with respect to a fixed frequency . During combat, friendly forces would be equipped with a reference generator to provide aural demodulation of the projected signal, thereby yielding an intelli gible beat signal while enemy personnel would be rendered partially deaf by the projected signal as well as being unable to perceive any intelligence transmitte d in the form of a modulated beat signal." What this says simply is that ata-dis tance personal communication could be achieved by one's own forces while denying it to others and disabling adversaries at the same time. In 1974, it was noted that using a microwave a signal was changed (transduced) by the receiver into an acoustic signal. This signal was "heard" inside or just behind the head. The re port stated: " was noticed that the apparent locus of the 'sound' moved fro m the observer's head to the absorber. That is, the absorber acted as a transduc er from microwave energy to an acoustic signal. This observation, to the best of our knowledge, has not been described in the literature and may serve as a mech anism mediating the 'hearing' of pulsed microwave signals." By 1989, the science took another leap forward with the combination of the modulated signal on a mic rowave carrier. This provided a much more efficient delivery of the sound. It wa s reported: "Sound is induced in the head of a person by radiating the head with microwaves in the range of 100 megahertz to 10,000 megahertz that are modulated with a particular waveform. The waveform consists of frequency modulated bursts . Each burst is made up of ten to twenty uniformly spaced pulses grouped tightly together. The burst width is between 500 nanoseconds and 100 microseconds. The pulse width is in the range of 10 nanoseconds to 1 microsecond. The bursts are f requency modulated by the audio input to create the sensation of hearing in the person whose head is irradiated." Two other patents awarded that year addressed this breakthrough. The first invention related to devices for aiding hearing in mammals: "The invention is based upon perception of sounds which is experienced in the brain when the brain is subjected to certain microwave radiation signals. "32 The second invention confirmed the earlier observations: "Sound is induced i n the head of a person by radiating the head with microwaves in the range of 100 megahertz to 10,000 megahertz that are modulated with a particular waveform. Th e waveform consists of frequency modulated bursts. Each burst is made up of ten to twenty uniformly spaced pulses grouped tightly together." In 1992, another pa tent was issued with the following description: "A silent communications system in which nonaural carriers, in the very low or very high audio frequency range o r in the adjacent ultrasonic frequency spectrum, are amplitude or frequency modu lated with the desired intelligence and propagated acoustically or vibrationally , for inducement into the brain, typically through the use of loudspeakers, earp hones or piezoelectric transducers." This device had limited practicality in tha t it required the person to be in contact with or in close proximity to the send ing device. When examined together, each of these patents is seen to be a discre te step toward a new weapon system. In 1995, it was reported that in the early r esearch, clear sound signals had been sent and received. It is difficult now to determine what level of military or other research was being advanced in these a reas. The history is clear from congressional reports that this entire area was of great interest to the intelligence communities. According to Scientists for G lobal Responsibility: "Drs Alan Frey and Joseph Sharp conducted related research . Sharp himself took part in these experiments and reported that he heard and un derstood words transmitted in pulse-microwave analogs of the speaker's sound vib rations. Commenting on these studies, Dr Robert Becker, twice nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, observed that such a device has obvious applications in cover t operations designed to drive a target crazy with voices, or deliver undetectab le instructions to a potential assassin." Then, in 1996 came another development , a "wireless communication system undetectable by radio frequency methods for c onverting audio signals, including human voice, to electronic signals in the ult rasonic frequency range, transmitting the ultrasonic signal by means of acoustic pressure waves across a carrier medium, including gases, liquids, or solids, an

d reconverting the ultrasonic acoustical pressure waves back to the original aud io signal". Although this was meant to be used with both receiving and sending h ardware, what was determined were the modulation methods for transferring the si gnal. The real work was yet to be made public in the form of patents. However, t he military claims in the area were starting to surface. What was known from exp erience was that patents were being held back by the government and confiscated by the military. When this intellectual property was seized, the inventors were given a choice: work for the government, or you cannot continue research or even talk about your invention under a national security order. Those who did not co operate could have their work effectively shut down. Brain-to-Computer Connections Major steps are being made to connect biology to information technology. In 1990 came the news that "[s]cientists have succeeded for the first time in establish ing a colony of human brain cells that divide and grow in laboratory dishes, an achievement with profound implications for understanding and treating a wide range of neurological disorders from epile psy to Alzheimer's disease". According to a report in the Wall Street Journal in February 1994: "Researchers said they took a key first step toward creating ele ctronic microchips that use living brain cells. The researchers said they had le arned how to place embryonic brain cells in desired spots on silicon or glass ch ips and then induce the brain cells to grow along desired paths." The other possibility is that both brain cells and computer hardware could be bu ilt in the laboratories, creating, perhaps, the first biologically augmented com puters. What's on Your Mind? A significant initiative was started for use in creating counter-drug measures: the Brain Imaging Technology Initiative. "This initiative establishes NIDA [Nati onal Institute on Drug Abuse] regional neuroimaging centers and represents an in teragency cooperative endeavor funded by CTAC [Counterdrug Technology Assessment Center], Department of Energy (DOE), and NIDA to develop new scientific tools (new radiotracers and technologies) for un derstanding the mechanisms of addiction and for the evaluation of new pharmacolo gical treatments." Through neuroimaging, not only could the stated objective be achieved, but through imagi ng a person's emotional states could be mapped, chemical influences determined a nd perhaps even specific thoughts read. Back in 1975, Physics Today reported: "D evelopments in ways to measure the extremely weak magnetic fields emanating from organs such as the heart, brain an d lungs are leading to important new methods for diagnosing abnormal conditions. " In 1995, a system for capturing and decoding brain signals was patented which includes a transducer for stimulating a person and EEG transducers for recording brainwave signals from the person. It also includes a computer for controlling and synchronising stimuli presented to the person and at the same time recording brainwave signals, and either interpreting these signals using a model for conceptual, perceptual and emotional thought to correspond to the EEG signa ls of the person's thoughts or comparing the signals to normal brain signals fro m a normal population to diagnose and locate the origin of brain-dysfunctional u nderlying perception, conception and emotion. In other words, the device reads y our mind by comparing your brain activity to other people's. In 1996 came this O rwellian development: "...a method for remotely determining information relating to a person's emotional state, as waveform energy having a predetermined freque ncy and a predetermined intensity is generated and wirelessly transmitted toward s a remotely located subject. Waveform energy emitted from the subject is detect ed and automatically analyzed to derive information relating to the individual's emotional state. Physiological or physical parameters of blood pressure, pulse rate, pupil size, respiration rate and perspiration level are measured and compa red with reference values to provide information utilizable in evaluating [an] i nterviewee's responses or possibly criminal intent in security sensitive areas." This technology could be used for determining what a person might do, given his totally discernible interior emotions. This technology walks through any behavi

our wall a person can erect and goes straight to the brain to see what may be on a person's mind. Inducing behaviour rather than just reading a person's emotion al state is the subject of one scientist's work in Canada. "Scientists are tryin g to recreate alien abductions in the laboratory... The experiment, to be run by Professor Michael Persinger, a neuroscientist at Laurentian University, of Sudb ury, Ontario, consists of a converted motorcycle helmet with solenoids on its si des that set up magnetic fields across a subject's head." This experiment was ca rried out and was the subject of a Canadian Broadcasting System expos on mind co ntrol. The segment ran on a program called undercurrents in February 1999. This author also appeared in that program, along with several others interested in th is field. A 1993 report said that for over 20 years Dr Persinger "...has been wo rking on a theory that connects not only UFOs and earthquakes, but also powerful electromagnetic fields and an explanation of paranormal beliefs in terms of unu sual brain activity. He has also found that stimulating another area, the tempor al lobes, can produce all sorts of mystical experiences, out-of-body sensations and other apparently paranormal phenomena." This doctor's work suggests that the se experiences may be the result of activity in the brain and not the actual exp eriences of the individuals. He has had some measure of success in re-creating m any of these experiences in his subjects. Dr Persinger is also known for his wor k in studying the effects of ELF [extra-lowfrequency waves] on memory and brain function. In 1991, a method for changing brain waves to a desired frequency was patented. A 1975 patent discussed a similar technology: a device and method for "...sensing brain waves at a position remote from a subject whereby electromagne tic signals of different frequencies are simultaneously transmitted to the brain of the subject in which the signals interfere with one another to yield a wavef orm which is modulated by the subject's brain waves. The interference waveform w hich is representative of the brain wave activity is retransmitted by the brain to a receiver where it is demodulated and amplified. The demodulated waveform is then displayed for visual viewing and then routed to a computer for further pro cessing and analysis. The demodulated waveform also can be used to produce a com pensating signal which is transmitted back to the brain to effect a desired chan ge in electrical activity therein."47 In simple terms, the brain's activity is m apped in order to read a person's emotional state, conceptual abilities or intel lectual patterns. A second signal can be generated and sent back into the brain which overrides the natural signal, causing the brain's energy patterns to shift . This is the "brain entrainment" which causes the shift in consciousness. There are many uses of a positive nature for this kind of technology, as was mentione d at the front of this section, the important factor being who controls the tech nology and for what purpose. In January 1998, the following encapsulating statement appeared in the leading s cientific journal Nature, quoting Pasteur Institute neuroscientist Jean-Pierre C hangeux, chairman of the French national bioethics committee: "But neuroscience also poses potential risks, he said, arguing that advances in cerebral imaging make the scope for invasion of privacy will become commonplace and capable of being used at a distance, he predicted. That will open the way for abuses such as invasion of personal liberty, control of behaviour and brainwashing." Dancing to the Tune of an Unknown Drummer In ".. .a dramatic demonstration of mind reading, neuroscientists have created videos o f what a cat sees by using electrodes implanted in the animal's brain. 'Trying t o understand how the brain codes information leads to the possibility of replaci ng parts of the nervous system with an artificial device,' he said." The scienti st commenting on this technologyGattett Stanley, assistant professor of biomedic al engineering at Harvardsaw the future possibility of brain activity mapping be ing used in creating electronic components to replace damaged parts of the syste m. The use of mind-mapping had other possibilities as well. Similar research in controlling the behaviour of humans and animals was pursued by Dr Jos Delgado at Yale University, one of the leading research institutions in the United States. Actual testing of certain systems proved that "movements, sensations, emotions, desires, ideas, and a variety of psychological phenomena may be induced, inhibi ted, or modified by electrical stimulation of specific areas of the brain".50 By

1985, Dr Delgado was able to create these effects using only a radio signal sen t to the brain remotely, using energy concentrations of less than 1/50th of what the Earth naturally produces. This discovery implied that frequency, waveform a nd pulse rate (modulation) were the important factors rather than the amount of energy being used. In considering this, it makes sense because the human body does not require high electromagnetic power concentration to regu late its normal functioning. The key was in finding the "tuning" mechanisms for locating the right "receiving station" in the brain. By 1993, publicly released information was being discussed as a result of information openly flowing out of Russia. Meetings were held to assess the threat: the "main purpose of the March meetings was described in the Psychotechnologies memo as to 'determine whether psycho-correction technologies represent a present or future threat to US national security in situations where inaudible commands might be used to alter behavior'". The threat assessment was likely to begin to condition Americans for the public acknowledgement of one of the government's long-held secrets: that t he human mind and body can be controlled remotely, without a trace of evidence b eing left behind. In another quote, one of the leading researchers in this area, Dr Igor Smirnov, began to announce his findings. "But psychological warfare exp erts on all sides still dream that they will one day control the enemy's mind. A nd in a tiny, dungeon-like lab in the basement of Moscow's ominously named Insti tute of Psycho-Correction, Smirnov and other Russian psychiatrists are already w orking on schizophrenics, drug addicts and cancer patients." The results of this research have been investigated and demonstrated to members of the intelligence community in the United States, and have even been demonstrated by Dr Smirnov i n an interview for the Canadian television documentary Undercurrents. This issue is also an interesting one, as can be seen in this 1999 article excerpt. "Fantasies are thought processes involving internal monologues and imaginative s equences which can motivate healthy people to constructive behaviour; likewise, they can inspire unbalanced individuals to destructive or dangerous behaviour. O ne conclusion from that research was that fantasy played a major role among viol ent criminals. Researchers learned that criminals often daydreamed their fantasi es, and then practiced elements of those fantasies before committing their crime . FBI agents determined that violent criminals often exhibit telltale signs as c hildren and as adults. Hence, disturbed employees or students may demonstrate si gns of violent fantasies to close observers. Troubled individuals may be obsessi vely interested in music with violent lyrics, or may have a drug or alcohol prob lem. When these signs reveal themselves, they should be reported to a threat man agement team, which can then neutralize the threat, either by therapy, if rehabi litation is possible, or by firing the employee. Workplace and school Violence i s usually preceded by warning signs." The ability to determine a "predisposition " for a behaviour does not mean that a person will make the "choice" to act on t he feelings and internal thoughts. Every person on the planet can remember times when his thoughts were dangerous, immoral or otherwise unacceptable, falling be low the standards set by societal and cultural "norms". Yet, we can have these t houghts in the privacy of our own mind. The trend in the application of mind con trol technology now would make our most private internal thoughts, as we wrestle with the temptations and choices of everyday life, subject to scrutiny by Gover nment and employers. Who will define the rules for psycho-correction? Who will d ecide what is ethical and right in this area as it develops over the next decade ? Control of the Mind and Body The predominant brain wave frequencies indicate the kind of activity taking plac e in the brain. There are four basic groups of brain wave frequencies which are associated with most mental activity. The first group, beta waves (1335 Hertz or pulses per second), is associated with normal activity. The high end of this ra nge is associated with stress or agitated states which can impair thinking and reasoning skills. The second group, alpha waves (812 Hertz), can indicate relaxation. Alpha frequencies are ideal for learning and focused m ental functioning. The third group, theta waves (4-7 Hertz), indicates mental im agery, access to memories and internal mental focus. This state is often associa

ted with young children, behavioural modification and sleep/dream states. The last group, ultra-slow delta waves (0.53 Hertz), is foun d when a person is in deep sleep. The general rule is that the brain's predomina nt wave frequency will be lowest in terms of pulses per second when a person is relaxed, and highest when a person is most alert or agitated.54 External stimula tion of the brain by electromagnetic means can cause the brain to be entrained o r locked into phase with an external signal generator. Predominant brain waves c an be driven or pushed into new frequency patterns by external stimulation. In o ther words, the external signal driver or impulse generator entrains the brain, overriding the normal frequencies and causing changes in the brain waves, which then cause changes in brain chemistry, which then cause changes in brain outputs in the form of thoughts, emotions or physical condition. As you are driven, so you arrive. Brain manipulation can be either beneficial or detrimental to the in dividual being impacted, depending on the level of knowledge or the intentions o f the person controlling the technology. In combination with specific wave-forms , the various frequencies trigger precise chemical responses in the brain. The r elease of these neurochemicals causes specific reactions in the brain which resu lt in feelings of fear, lust, depression, love, etc. All of these, and the full range of emotional/intellectual responses, are caused by very specific combinati ons of these brain chemicals which are released by frequency-specific electrical impulses. "Precise mixtures of these brain juices can produce extraordinarily s pecific mental states, such as fear of the dark, or intense concentration." The work in this area is advancing at a very rapid rate, with new discoveries being made regularly. Unlocking the knowledge of these specific frequencies will yield significant breakthroughs in understanding human health. Radiofrequency radiati on, acting as a carrier for extremely low frequencies (ELF), can be used to entr ain brain waves wirelessly. The control of mind and body by using various forms of electromagnetic energy in cluding radio signals, light pulsations, sound and other methods has resulted in several inventions and innovations. The positive health effects and uses have b een pursued by private researchers round the world. In 1973, an "...apparatus fo r the treatment of neuropsychic and somatic disorders herein light, sound, VHF e lectromagnetic field and heat sources, respectively, are simultaneously applied by means of a control unit to the patient's central nervous system with a predet ermined repetition rate. The light radiation and sound radiation sources are mad e so as to exert an adequate and monotonous influence of the light and sound rad iation on the patient's visual analyzers and auditory analyzers, respectively." This results in the brain following the external stimulating source in triggerin g brain pattern changes which affect the brain immediately and directly. A simpl e invention patented in 1977 "...provides a device for improving upon the afores aid application [see patent for full text] in assisting the induction of natural sleep. As stated above, this invention is concerned specifically with an improv ement that will permit the creation of several waveforms such that an analgesic noise device can approximate soothing sounds of nature, i.e., waves, rain, wind." Thes e kinds of devices are available everywhere and are noted for their calming effe cts in helping people relax and sleep. In 1980, another patent was issued which disclosed "...a method and apparatus fo r producing a noise-like signal for inducing a hypnotic or anesthetic effect in a human being. The invention also has application in crowd control and conscious ness level training (biofeedback). The invention may also be used in creating sp ecial musical effects." This device would have a profound effect in controlling individuals to a point otherwise only achievable through the application of hypn otherapy or drugs. A couple of years later, another device was engineered to cre ate these types of effects, again using very subtle energy: "Brain wave patterns associated with relaxed and meditative states in a subject are gradually induce d without deleterious chemical or neurological side effects." Various systems were perfected and patents issued for controlling brain activity . These inventions generated a whole array of breakthroughs for controlling a pe rson's emotional state, concentration and pain levels and creating other effects

as well. In 1990, the results of a study strongly indicated that "...specific t ypes of subjective experiences can be enhanced when extremely low frequency magn etic fields of less than 1 milligauss are generated through the brain at the lev el of the temporal lobes. Vestibular feelings (vibrations, floating), depersonal ization (feeling detached, sense of a presence) and imaginings (vivid images fro m childhood) were more frequent within the field exposed groups than the sham fi eld exposed group." In a 1996 "new age" invention, quartz crystals are used to c reate stress relief by slowing brain activity. "Physiological stress in a human subject is treated by generating a weak electromagnetic field about a quartz cry stal. The crystal is stimulated by applying electrical pulses of pulse widths be tween 0.1 and 50 microseconds each at a pulse repetition rate of between 0.5k an d 10k [500 and 10,000] pulses per second to a conductor positioned adjacent to t he quartz crystal thereby generating a weak magnetic field. A subject is positio ned within the weak magnetic field for a period of time sufficient to reduce str ess." It is interesting that "New Age" thinkers have played on "crystal magic" a s a way to get "in tune" with oneself and relax, and here is a quartz crystal be ing included as a component of this invention. Again, the crossovers between fic tion and science continue to appear. Consciousness training is also a big theme in cults, religious organisations and others pursuing the "New Age". Science has now gained a greater understanding o f how the mind and brain work, so that what used to take years or even decades t o achieve can now be mastered in weeks, days or even minutes. For instance, in 1 996 a method and apparatus for the use in achieving alpha and theta brainwave st ates and effecting positive emotional states in humans was developed. Three year s before, a patent was issued for a device which could create desired consciousn ess states: " the training of an individual to replicate such states of con sciousness without further audio stimulation; and in the transferring of such st ates from one human being to another through the imposition of one person's EEG, superimposed on desired stereo signals, on another individual, by inducement of a binaural beat phenomenon." Thought transference? This is interesting in that it speaks to the ideas alluded to earlier by the mil itary in changing the memory of a person by imposing computer-manipulated signal s which would integrate with the normal memory of a person. The possibility for abuse is obvious, and the opportunity for personal advancement is great. Imagine gaining education by the transfer of data directly into the human brain by thes e new methods rather than by the standard methods of learning. A serious conside ration in developing these types of memory transfer systems is that they bypass normal intellectual filters: information is deposited into the brain as fact, wi thout question or careful consideration. What happens when the new information c onflicts with existing information? Would it be possible to include hidden infor mation meant to unduly influence things like religious beliefs, politics or cons umption of goods and services? The possibilities are immense and the ethical and moral questions surrounding these matters are equally large. We can no longer a void the debate. In fact, the debate is lagging far behind the scientific advanc es. In the interim, there are some simple things we could all do to enhance our own, or our children's, learning capacity by applying simple and available knowl edge. For instance, "researchers at the Center for the Neurobiology of Learning and Memory at University of California, Irvine, have determined that 10 minutes of listening to a Mozart piano sonata raised the measurable IQ of college studen ts by up to nine points". This is a simple thing of great use to anyone seeking self-improvement. Weapons of the Mind A 1984 paper titled "The Electromagnetic Spectrum in Low-Intensity Conflict" sai d much about the military's interest in EMR: "The results of many studies that h ave been published in the last few years indicate that specific biological effec ts can be achieved by controlling the various parameters of the electromagnetic (EM) field. A few of the more important EM fac tors that can be manipulated are frequency, wave shape, rate of pulse onset, pul se duration, pulse amplitude, repetition rate, secondary modulation, and symmetr y and asymmetry of the pulse. Many of the clinical effects of electromagnetic ra

diation were first noticed using direct current applied directly to the skin. Later the same effects were obtained by applying external fields. Electromagnetic radiation has been reported in the literature to induce or enhance the following effects. 1. Stimulation of bone regeneration [in fractures] 2. Healing of normal fractures 3. Treatment of congenital pseudarthrosis 4. Healing of wounds 5. Electroanesthesia 6. Electroconvulsive therapy 7. Behavior modification in animals 8. Altered electroencephalograms in animals and humans 9. Altered brain morphology in animals 10. Effects of acupuncture 11. Treatment of drug addiction 12. Electrostimulation for relief of pain 13. Altered firing of neuronal cells "These are but a few of the many biological effects and uses that have been repo rted over the past decade. They are not exhaustive and do not include many of th e effects reported in the Soviet and East European literature. "As with most hum an endeavors, these applications of electromagnetic radiation have the potential for being a double-edged sword. They can produce significant benefits, yet at t he same time can be exploited and used in a controlled manner for military or co vert applications. This paper focuses on the potential uses of electromagnetic r adiation in future low-intensity conflicts. "'Potential Military Applications of EMR "The exploitation of this technology for military uses is still in its infancy a nd only recently has been recognized by the United States as a feasible option. A 1982 Air Force review of biotechnology had this to say. 'Currently available d ata allow the projection that specially generated radio frequency radiation (RFR ) fields may pose powerful and revolutionary military threats. Electroshock ther apy indicates the ability of induced electric current to completely interrupt mental functioning for short periods of time, to obtain cognition for longer periods and to restructure emotional response over prolonged intervals. ' Experience with electroshock therapy, RFR experiments and the increasing underst anding of the brain as an electrically mediated organ suggested the serious prob ability that impressed electromagnetic fields can be disruptive to purposeful behavior and may be capable of directing and or interro gating such behavior. Further, the passage of approximately 100 milliamperes thr ough the myocardium can lead to cardiac standstill and death, again pointing to a speed-oflight weapons effect. 'A rapidly scanning RFR system could provide an effective stun or kill capabilit y over a large area. System effectiveness will be a function of wave form, field intensity, pulse widths, repetition frequency, and carrier frequency. The syste m can be developed using tissue and whole animal experimental studies, coupled w ith mechanisms and waveform effects research. 'Using relatively low-level RFR it may be possible to sensitize large military groups to extremely dispersed amoun ts of biological or chemical agents to which the unirradiated population would b e immune. 'The potential applications of artificial electromagnetic fields are w ide ranging and can be used in many military or quasi-military situations. Some of these potential uses include dealing with terrorist groups, crowd control, co ntrolling breeches [sic] of security at military installations, and antipersonne l techniques in tactical warfare... One last area where electromagnetic radiatio n may prove to be of some value is in enhancing abilities of individuals for ano malous phenomena.'" Quite the papers for the 1980s. Stimulating anomalous phenom ena was another interesting point revealed in the Air Force review. What could t his mean? In one press report in November 1995, the interest of the CIA was disc losed when it was announced that for "...20 years, the United States has secretl y used psychics in attempts to help drug enforcement agencies track down Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi and find plutonium in North Korea, the CIA and others con

firm. The ESP spying operationscode named 'Stargate' were unreliable, but three psychics continued to work out of Ft Meade, at least into July, researchers who evaluated the program for the CIA said..." It is also worth pointing out that this report coincided with the public disclosure by mil itary personnel of this project. The story was revealed in David Morehouse's boo k Psychic Warrior. Col. John Alexander, working out of Los Alamos and a major proponent of this are a of research, was quoted as saying: "...there are weapons systems that operate on the power of the mind and whose lethal capacity has already been demonstrated ... The psychotronic weapon would be silent, difficult to detect, and would requ ire only a human operator as a power source." According to a paper on non-lethal weapons: "An RF weapon currently under development is the high powered, very low frequenc y (VLF) modulator. Working in the 2035 kHz spectrum, the frequency emits from a 12 meter antenna dish to form into a type of acoustic bullet. The weapon is especially c onvenient because the power level is easily adjustable. At its low setting, the acoustic bullet causes physical discomfortenough to deter most approaching threa ts. Incrementally increasing the power nets an effect of nausea, vomiting and ab dominal pains. The highest settings can cause a person's bones to literally expl ode internally. Aimed at the head, the resonating skull bones have caused people to hear 'voices'." The weapon was researched by the Russian military more exten sively than by the US. Indeed, "...the Russians actually offered the use of such a weapon to the FBI in the Branch Davidian standoff to make them think that 'God' was talking to the m. Concerned with the unpredictability of what the voices might actually say to the followers, the FBI declined the offer. Another RF weapon that was ready for use back in 1978 was developed under the guise of Operation PIQUE. Developed by the CIA, the plan was to bounce high powered radio signals off the ionosphere to affect the mental functions of people in selected areas, including Eastern Euro pean nuclear installations."The use of the ionosphere in the CIA's experiments r eminds one of the possibilities now available with systems such as HAARP, which was developed 15 years later. What is clear in all of this is that these systems have been developed and hidden from public view. The practice continues to this day. "The next area of non-lethal weapons is primarily used against machinery.. .these devices can either cause the machinery to stop functioning or to render i t vulnerable to further, more lethal attacks. In addition to this effect, man ha s become very dependent upon the use of machines and is often rendered helpless in a situation when they become dysfunctional. Therefore, it is only appropriate that they are covered here. The primary anti-machinery arsenal includes the mic rowave weapon, the non-nuclear electromagnetic pulse, and the laser weapon. "US Special Operations Command has in its arsenal the portable microwave weapon. The capability of such a weapon is varied in that it can not only disrupt enemy com munications, but can also superheat internal organs. Of course, directing this t ype of weapon towards personnel eliminates it from the non-lethal classification . Developed in the Los Alamos National Laboratory, the weapon forms its signal s imilar to the RF weapons discussed above in that it directs the energy into a hi gh-powered pulse and destroys transistors and other electrical equipment... On a n even smaller scale, a portable EMP weapon could be carried by ground forces to destroy the electrical components in an armored vehicle or tank. This capabilit y is being developed with police forces to emit a pulse that would stop a car al most immediately." These systems offer both promises and risks as we move into t he new century. What will be the public reaction to these systems? We suggest th at the reaction will cause a significant change in the uses and further developm ents of these technologies. Additionally, we suspect that monitoring systems wou ld be developed which would allow for the detection of these technologies in ord er to control abuse. Mind Control Victims Sometimes referred to as "wavies" or " beamers", these individuals are usually dismissed when asserting that they are t he victims of mind control weapons testing. In fact: "University of South Florid a researchers have published a study showing that fears of the Internet are repl

acing the CIA and radio waves as a frequent delusion in psychiatric patients. In every case of Internet delusion documented by the researchers, the patient actu ally had little experience with computers." The problem is that it is difficult if not impossible to sort out which people might be victims and which are delusi onal. Attempts to determine the reality of the complaints are often the butt of jokes and fear. For example, the University of Albany has "...shut down the rese arch of a psychology professor probing the 'X-Files' world of government surveil lance and mind control. At conferences, in papers and research over two semester s, Professor Kathryn Kelley explored the claims of those who say they were surgi cally implanted with communications devices to read their thoughts." Since the r elease of our first book, Angels Don't Play This HAARP: Advances in Tesla Techno logy, we have heard from hundreds of people making such claims. We cannot sort o ut what might be real experimentation from that which resides only in the minds of these people. We believe that the claims should be taken seriously and that p eople should have some place to go in order to find the truth or gain the medica l treatments they otherwise deserve. The history of the United States is littere d with examples of people being exploited by scientists working under the cover of darkness provided by "black budgets". Could these reports have a factual basi s? We believe that some do. Government control of the mind in order to impose it s will on people is best summarised on the wall of the Franklin D. Roosevelt Mem orial with an inscription that reads: "They [who] seek to establish systems of g overnment based on the regimentation of all human beings by a handful of individ ual this a new order. It is not new and it is not order." Endnotes 1. US Air Force, New World Vistas: Air and Space Power for the 21st Century Ancillary Volume, Scientific Advisory Board (USAF), Washington, DC, Document #1 9960618040, 1996, pp. 89-90. EPI402 2. Foster, Sarah, "Cold War legend dies at 8 0: Famed as CIA's real-life 'Dr Strangelove'", Worldnetdaily, March 9, 1999. EPI 279 3. Reppert, Barton, "The Zapping of an Embassy: 35 Years Later, The Mystery Lingers", AP, May 22, 1988. EPI1112 4. Advisory Committee Staff, Committee on Hu man Radiation Experiments, Methodological Review of Agency Data Collection Effor ts: Initial Report on the Central Intelligence Agency Document Search, June 27, 1994. EPI579 5. Petersen, John L., The Road to 2015: Profiles of the Future, Wai te Group Press, 1994, ISBN 1-878739-85-9. EPI849 6. USAF, New World Vistas, ibid . 7. US EPA, Summary and Results of the April 26-27, 1993 Radiofrequency Radiati on Conference, Volume 2: Papers, 402-R-95-011, March 1995. EPI728 8. Oscar, K.J. , "Effects of low power microwaves on the local cerebral blood flow of conscious rats", Army Mobility Equipment Command, June 1, 1980. EPI1195 9. Delgado, Jos M .R., Physical Control of the Mind: Toward a Psychocivilized Society, Harper & Ro w Publishers, New York, 1969. EPI850 10. US Senate, Communist Interrogation, Ind octrination and Exploitation of American Military and Civilian Prisoners, Commit tee on Government Operations, Subcommittee on Investigations, 84th Congress, 2nd Session, December 31, 1956. EPI1131 11. Cooper, Pat, "US Enhances Mind Games", Defense News, April 17-23, 1995. EPI1154 11a. Chernishev, I., "Can Rulers Make ' Zombies' and Control the World?", Orienteer, February 1997, pp. 58-62. 12. Thoma s, Timothy L., "The Mind Has No Firewall", Parameters, vol. XXVIII, no. 1, Sprin g 1998. EPI525 13. Brzezinski, Zbigniew, Between Two Ages: America's Role in the Technetronic Era, Viking Press, New York, 1970. EPI787 14. McGill, Peter, "'Min d Control Music' Stops Shoplifters", The Sydney Morning Herald, February 4, 1995 . EPI95 15. US Patent #4,777,529, October 11, 1988, "Auditory Subliminal Program ming System"; Inventors: Schultz et al.; Assignee: Richard M. Schultz and Associ ates, Inc. EPI265 16. US Patent #4,395,600, July 26, 1983, "Auditory Subliminal Message System and Method"; Inventors: Lundy et al. EPI26417. US Patent #5,134,4 84, July 28, 1992, "Superimposing Method and Apparatus Useful for Subliminal Mes sages"; Inventor: Willson, Joseph; Assignee: MindsEye Educational Systems, Inc. EPI290 18. US Patent #5,270,800, December 14, 1993, "Subliminal Message Generato r"; Inventor: Sweet, Robert L. EPI288 19. Hall, E. Gene, "Watch Carefully Now: S olving Crime in the 21st Century", Police, June 1999, vol. 23, no. 6. Source: NL ECTC Law Enforcement & Technology News Summary, June 17, 1999. EPI944 20. US Dep artment of Defense (awarding agency), "Communicating via the Microwave Auditory

Effect", SBIR Contract Number F41624-95-C-9007. EPI277 21. ITV News Bureau, "A P sy-Ops Bonanza On The Desert", 1991, h tm. EPI568 22. ITV News Bureau, "High Tech Psychological Warfare Arrives in th e Middle East", 1991, m. EPI567 23. Frey, Allan H., "Auditory System Response to Radio Frequency Energy", Aerospace Medicine, December 1961, vol. 32, pp. 1140-1142. EPI370 24. US Patent #2,995,63 3, August 8, 1961, "Means for Aiding Hearing"; Inventors: Puharich et al. EPI256 25. US Patent #3,170,993, February 23, 1965, "Means for Aiding Hearing by Elect rical Stimulation of the Facial Nerve System"; Inventors: Henry K. Puharich and Joseph L. Lawrence. EPI1119 26. Frey, Allan H., "Human Auditory System Response to Modulated Electromagnetic Energy", Journal of Applied Physiology 17(4):689-69 2, 1962. EPI544 27. US Patent #3,393,279, July 16, 1968, "Nervous System Excitat ion Device"; Inventor: Flanagan, Gillis Patrick; Assignee: Listening Incorporate d. EPI261 28. US Patent #3,647,970, March 7, 1972, "Method and System of Simplif ying Speech Waveforms"; Inventor: Flanagan, Gillis P. 29. US Patent #3,566,347, Feb. 23, 1971, "Psycho-Acoustic Projector"; Inventor: Flanders, Andrew E.; Assig nee: General Dynamics Corporation. EPI260 30. Sharp et al., "Generation of Acous tic Signals by Pulsed Microwave Energy", IEEE Transactions On Microwave Theory A nd Techniques, May 1974. EPI817 31. US Patent #4,877,027, Oct. 31, 1989, "Hearin g System"; Inventor: Brunkan, Wayne. EPI1124 32. US Patent #4,858,612, Aug. 22, 1989, "Hearing Device"; Inventor: Stocklin, William L. EPI270 33. US Patent #4,8 77,027, Oct. 31, 1989, "Hearing System"; Inventor: Brunkan, Wayne B. EPI262 34. US Patent #5,159,703, Oct. 27, 1992, "Silent Subliminal Presentation System", In ventor: Lowry, Oliver M. EPI285 35. Scientists for Global Responsibility, "Non-L ethal Defence: The New Age Mental War Zone", issue 10, 1995. EPI810 36. US Paten t #5,539,705, July 23, 1996, "Ultrasonic Speech Translator and Communication Sys tem"; Inventor: Akerman, M. Alfred et al.; Assignee: Martin Marietta Energy Syst ems. EPI293 37. Specter, Michael, "Scientists make brain cells grow", Anchorage Daily News, May 4, 1990. EPI527 38. Bishop, Jerry, "Nervy Scientists Move Toward Union Of Living Brain Cells With Microchips", Wall Street Journal, February 1, 1994, p. B3. EPI49 39. ONDCP, CTAC, "Counterdrug Research and Development Bluepr int Update", 40. Cohen, David, "Magnetic Fields of the Human Body", Physics Today, August 19 75. EPI1179 41. US Patent #5,392,788, Feb. 28, 1995, "Method And Device For Inte rpreting concepts And Conceptual Thought From Brainwave Data And For Assisting F or Diagnosis Of Brainwave Dysfunction"; Inventor: Hudspeth, William J. EPI1129 4 2. US Patent #5,507,291, April 16, 1996, "Method And An Associated Apparatus For Remotely Determining Information As To Person's Emotional State"; Inventors: St irbl et al. EPI1130 43. Watts, Susan, "Alien kidnaps may just be mind zaps", The Sydney Morning Herald, November 19, 1994. EPI816 44. Opall, Barbara, "US Explor es Russian Mind-Control Technology", Defense News, January 11-17, 1993. EPI818 4 5. Persinger, M. et al., "Partial Amnesia for a Narrative Following Application of Theta Frequency EM Fields", Journal of Bioelectricity 4(2):481-494 (1985). EP I372 46. US Patent #5,036,858, Aug. 6, 1991, "Method And Apparatus For Changing Brain Wave Frequency"; Inventors: Carter et al. EPI1127 47. US Patent #3,951,134 , April 20, 1976, "Apparatus And Method For Remotely Monitoring And Altering Bra inwaves"; Inventor: Malech, Robert G.; Assignee: Dorne & Margolin Inc. EPI1122 4 8. "Advances in Neuroscience 'May Threaten Human Rights'", Nature, vol. 391, Jan uary 22, 1998. EPI116 49. Kahney, Leander, "A Cat's Eye Marvel", News, October 7, 1999, at story/22116.html. EPI 832 50. Delgado, Jos M.R., Physical Control of the Mind: Toward a Psychocivilize d Society, Harper & Row, New York, 1969. EPI850 51. "DoD, Intel Agencies Look at Russian Mind Control Technology, Claims", Defense Electronics, July 1993. EPI53 8 52. Elliot, Dorinda and Barry, John, "A Subliminal Dr Strangelove", Newsweek, August 21, 1994. EPI542 53. Depue, Roger L. and Depue, Joanne M., To Dream, Perc hance to Kill", Security Management, vol. 43, no. 6, July 1999. Source: NLECTC L aw Enforcement & Technology News, Summary, July 8, 1999. EPI932 54. Hutchison, M ichael, MegaBrain: New Tools and Techniques for Brain Growth and Mind Expansion, 1986. EPI1235 55. US Patent #5,356,368, Oct. 18, 1994, "Method and Apparatus fo r Inducing Desired States of Consciousness", Inventor: Monroe, Robert; Assignee:

Interstate Industries, Inc. EPI286 56. Hutchison, MegaBrain, op. cit., p. 114. EPI1235 57. US Patent #3,773,049, Nov. 20, 1973, "Apparatus for the Treatment of Neuropsychic and Somatic Diseases with Heat, Light, Sound and VHF Electromagnet ic Radiation"; Inventors: Rabichev et al. EPI257 58. US Patent #4,034,741, July 12, 1977, "Noise Transmitter and Generator"; Inventors: Adams et al.; Assignee: Solitron Devices Inc. EPI267 59. US Patent #4,191,175, March 4, 1980, "Method an d Apparatus for Repetitively Producing a Noise-Like Audible Signal", Inventor: N agle, William L. EPI269 60. US Patent # 4,335,710, June 22, 1982, "Device for th e Induction of Specific Brain Wave Patterns"; Inventor: Williamson, John D.; Ass ignee: Omnitronics Research Corporation. EPI292 61. US Patent #4,717,343, Jan. 5 , 1988, "Method of Changing a Person's Behavior"; Inventor: Densky, Alan. EPI284 62. US Patent #4,834,701, May 30, 1989, "Apparatus for Inducing Frequency Reduc tion in Brainwave", Inventor: Masaki, Kazumi; Assignee: Hayashibara, Ken. EPI266 63. US Patent 4,889,526, Dec. 26, 1989, "Non-Invasive Method and Apparatus for Modulating Brain Signals Through an External Magnetic Or Electric Field To Reduc e Pain"; Inventors: Rauscher, Elizabeth A. and Van Bise, William L.; Assignee: M egatech Laboratories, Inc. EPI268 64. US Patent #4,227,516, Oct. 14, 1990, "Appa ratus for Electrophysiological Stimulation"; Inventors: Meland et al. EPI283 65. US Patent #4,883,067, Nov. 28, 1989, "Method and Apparatus for Translating the EEG into Music to Induce and Control Various Psychological and Physiological Sta tes and to Control a Musical Instrument"; Inventors: Knispel et al.; Assignee: N eurosonics, Inc. EPI282 66. US Patent # 5,123,899, June 23, 1992, "Method and Sy stem for Altering Consciousness"; Inventor: Gall, James. EPI289. 67. Patent # 5, 352,181, Oct. 4, 1994, "Method and Recording For Producing Sounds and Messages t o Achieve Alpha and Theta Brainwave States and Positive Emotional States in Huma ns"; Inventor: Davis, Mark E. EPI291 68. US Patent #5,289,438, Feb. 22, 1994, "M ethod and System For Altering Consciousness", Inventor: Gall, James. EPI333 69. Ruttan, Leslie A. et al., "Enhancement of Temporal Lobe-Related Experiences Duri ng Brief Exposures To Milligauss Intensity Extremely Low Frequency Magnetic Fiel ds", Journal of Bioelectricity 9(1):33-54 (1990). EPI311 70. US Patent #5,562,59 7, Oct. 8, 1996, "Method and Apparatus for Reducing Physiological Stress"; Inven tor: Van Dick, Robert C. EPI294 71. US Patent # 5,586,967, Dec. 24, 1996, "Metho d and Recording or Producing Sounds and Messages To Achieve Alpha and Theta Brai nwave States in Humans", Inventor: Davis, Mark E. EPI296 72. US Patent #5,213,56 2, May 25, 1993, "Method of Inducing Mental, Emotional and Physical States of Co nsciousness, Including Specific Mental Activity in Human Beings"; Inventor: Monr oe, Robert; Assignee: Interstate Industries, Inc. EPI287 73. Hotz, Robert Lee, " Listening to Mozart a real but temporary IQ builder, study says", Anchorage Dail y News, October 15, 1993. EPI529 74. Tyler, Capt. Paul E., MC, USN, "The Electro magnetic Spectrum in Low-Intensity Conflict" in Lt. Col. David Dean (ed.), Low-I ntensity Conflict and Modern Technology, Air University Press, June 1986. EPI709 75. Cole, Richard, "ESP spies, 'Stargate' are psychic reality", Saint Paul Pion eer Press, November 30, 1995. EPI491 76. Morehouse, David, Psychic Warrior, Mich ael Joseph Ltd, UK, St Martin's Press, USA, 1996. 77. Aftergood, Steven, "The '' Soft Kill' Fallacy", Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, September/October 1994. EPI281 78. Suhajda, Joseph M., "Non-Lethal Weapons for Military Operations Other Than War", at EPI348 79 . ibid. 80. "Internet Feeds Delusions", Associated Press, July 5, 1999. EPI123 8 1. Brownstein, Andrew. "U. Albany Suspends implants research", Times Union, Augu st 25, 1999. EPI833 82. Begich, Dr Nick and Jeane Manning, Angels Don't Play Thi s HAARP: Advances in Tesla Technology, EarthPulse Press, Anchorage, 1995. 84. La lli, Anthony N., "Human Research Subject Protection", at http://www.pw2.netcom.c om~allalli/ BillSite_analysis/paper_web.html. EPI619 EPI259 Filename: Mind Contr ol.doc Directory: D:\epulse\test\epulseuploads\articles Template: E:\Documents a nd Settings\raja\Application Data\Microsoft\Templates\ Title: Subject: Author: Keywords: Comments: Creation Date: Change Number: Last Saved On: Last S aved By: Total Editing Time: Last Printed On: Mind Control Dr. Nich Begich 1/7/2 007 1:48 PM 31/15/2007 10:34 AM Daphine 8 Minutes 1/15/2007 11:18 AM As of Last Complete Printing Number of Pages: 66 Number of Words: 12,883 (approx.) Number o f Characters: 73,434 (approx.)

________________________________________ 1. AMERICANS cant wake up after 50 years because they have been transmitted not to, & to Strongly disbelieve this could ever be ALL shockingly true. A know n hypnosis suggestion called Mind Control! Eyes Wide Shut & always missing the m ark because it is not tangibles controlling THE PEOPLE but also coupled with dir ected sound waves to your mind in a DYSFUNCTIONAL AMERICA! SELF DENIALS & mind c ontrolled ECONOMY-individuals! 2. Sound waves Mind Control is how they got by CONGRESS NOT READING full do cuments. See Video Uncovered! Hypnosis is the tool for Mind Control psyops used on govt & red tape. Always claiming to discontinue wrong doing is the CointelPro lies and CIA culture! WHO RUNS THE GLOBE, THE BOHEMIAN GROVE trickling down in culture behind the scenes with the book IMAGINARY WEAPONS The New Silent War wit h our money gone and the world banks. See Bin Ladens CIA set ups video to CREATE WARS. 3. Mind Controlled Media is set up with tricks of false thoughts transmitte d during conversation, false memory of events, and output of written documents t o CREATE SPIN on JOURNALISTS & civilians thus unknowingly creating PROPAGANDA, u ntil now covering their tracks with blatant lies from our government. But decade s of news from misunderstanding mind games, disputes, & slanders.Synthetic impai rments. 4. Mind Controlled Media is NOW being engineered overtly to WHITEWASH with tangible excuses & discredit these truths since the Obama transition late 2008. Transmitted NOT TO READ OR BELIEVE THIS, engineered too busy and pre-empt! 5. Facts showed since the 70s mind control was experimented with COINTELPRO in major cities to increase crime for tax revenues. This never stopped and we w ere lied to as MKULTRA when AMERICA started to change and we could not live with out locking our doors anymore, etc. Changed realities from propaganda standpoint s lifestyle! 1968 crime just JUMPED not LSD scapegoat again! Now terrorism and g oing Global! 6. In 1910 the Rockerfellers and JP Morgan Chase met secretly in Jeckyl Isl and to create the Federal Reserve with a blank check in Millions to start this. 7. Mind Control and Directed Energy Weapons cause and are responsible for M OST ILLNESSES, and KINESTHETIC (SENSES wikipedia) and Elec. Magnetic Fields, whi ch cant be traced or cured. (MEMORY BLOCKS AND HOLDS-ALZHEIMER-DIMENTIA as back to the future), ADDHD, Equilibrium, Vision, Bladder, Colon, Leukemia, Numbness/ Anaesthesiology, FIBROMALGIA, PULMONARY, Bi-Polar, CONFUSION extra thought trans missions, MEMORY, DYSLEXIA, opposites suggestions to confuse, SKIN/BLOOD DISEASE S, EPSTEINS BAR, VISUAL, HALLUCINATIONS, MIGRAINES, HOLOGRAMS, and CANCER, Anthr ax, Valley Fever, Flu like symptoms, Insomnia is sleep deprivation, Short Term M emory erasures, COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENTS, UN-Necessary procedures, Bi-polar/ADD (mo st misdiagnosed in America!) Accidental falls, Williams Syndrome Motor Coordinat ion & disorientation. False ALARMS all from the MIND; UNREALIZED forced speech e motions & mistakes, Epilepsy! (Dr Beardon) MORGELLANS! RLS IMMUNE and guiney pig s in Hospital data mining your results! SLEEP APNEA and DIABETES II 8. SPLIT PERSONALITIES/DEMENTIA is a brainwashing technique of NLP using re mote electronic hypnosis, suggesting thoughts back and forth & shifts, once call ed BACK TO THE FUTURE with triggers of memory losses, INDUCED ERASURES & DELAYS IN YOUR LIFE! Misplacing your own items in trash, etc. Programmed MISFITS playin g mind games since milk carton missing children recruited by coersion called Han dlers. (Dr. Bowart and Ross) 9. Secret Govt CointelPro has been responsible for much worse crimes and to rture covertly and would never sit on this kind of power with weapons nicely tuc ked away, even knowing that we are not threatened by Russia and Chinas Mind Cont rol Weapons. (not launched) 10. Growing exponentially! Brian Glick calls it Guiding your Life without yo ur knowledge (Spying & Disruption by Brian Glick-War at Home! Leading the witnes s, & PLAYING GOD (Project The Voice of God under MKULTRA) DEVIL in PEOPLEs minds , directing souls & destinies.(Duncan/Bowart) 11. Your life is engineered and sabotaged, your family, illnesses, CANCER, w

ith directed energy weapons! POPULATION CONTROL, CHEMTRAILS with Barium, as bein g good in our childrens books, FDA conspiracy-murders, mind control, and attacks to most CIVILIANS. 12. Like CIA, radio hosts and media news, etc are transmitted with false inf ormation to leak as they do to combatants in case they are captured and tortured and they think it is the truth. 13. Pre-suggesting media radio hosts to appear psychic at times when Mind Co ntrol games are being used to emulate ancient predictions in the bible as natura l. ie 2012 emulations and more. 14. Most CRIMES are mind controlled and innocent people are induced or trans mitted to act and/or produce false witness. As with OJ using Mind Control in cou rt cases, Judges, and prisons, tampering with minds not just evidence. 15. Our shadow Govt created the fake illness paranoia fear that the FBI is d oing this mind control, as a scapegoat, giving it a name and a place in psycholo gy, when it has been SYNTHETIC transmissions all along, with no mental illness o r psychosis now in our books. 16. Millions of people were transmitted with Mind Control thoughts and hallu cinations of Alien/UFO Shams making Millions on the drug and then projecting it onto the next generation. 17. THE MATRIX, BOURNE, 24 series, THE ISLAND, EAGLE EYE, BREACH, THE INTERN ATIONAL, and ENEMY of the STATE, ANGER management, have much truths to them from SHADOW CIA transmissions to Hollywood minds, and who really controls this Count ry in DISGUISE. 18. Being dumbed down, bureaucracy, decreased MORALS in this country is indi vidual MIND CONTROLS for years to seem as more GOVT CONTROL is necessary. 19. Gulf Coast of Floridas Red Tide is not natural but Govt corruption and m anipulations killing people and animals, set ups, coverups, excuses-creating cri mes unaware. Not telling the public of the Earths Natural cleansing capabilities . (tried to warn Congress since 2008 before the spill) 20. These weapons were used on the GULF WAR and unaware they surrendered und er Mind Control without firing any shots. Today we are still in the Middle East because we need time to work on them and brainswash them. The new SILENT WARS. 21. that GUANTANAMO is big news and also a smokescreen/diversion to brainwas h the public to pin responsibility on others in front of the World AGAIN, instea d of themselves, OUR GOV/CIA, and why they want Patiot Act, Martial Law, and Fas cism legal on US Soil with FEMA CAMPS. Mind Controlled Prisoners to be triggered from anchors of amplified fears to enhance them over time, trigger them for the ir intentions, mind read for answers & implant FALSE MEMORIES of guilt and publi cally provoking the world to wars. 22. Your instinct and thoughts of your poor judgment on others & your feelin gs are not your own true self, their miscommunication are synthetically transmit ted for sabotage & WARS. 23. ANTHRAX & contaminated FERTILIZERS Cross-Country is in our SOIL. First c reated sex, drugs, rock-n-roll corruptions to AIDS! Obama said it as many others and should, as all else! 24. DC was swept covertly for radiation and reporters wondered why it was qu ashed from media now overtly sweeping mosques! 25. The 13 AGENTS to testify for 911 Commission were cut off and MIS-communi cation electronic and verbal from SYNTHETIC COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT chaos not to co mplete/SABOTAGED investigation. 2 separate thoughts transmitted in same conversa tion to cause misunderstandings, false hearing, reading, and never receiving inf o! 26. In 1996, MOST politician speeches Mind Controlled by these Weapons, befo re I knew about these weapons or Congressman Kucinich Space Preservation Act. Th e French believe Aliens control G. Bush, but just another scapegoat to blame and CointelPro project to raise pharmaceuticals as Prozac the Happy Pill epidemic, for example & VIAGRA from weapons. 27. CIA and Al Queda have a contract to the pipeline. The real conspiracy wh y we are there and the videos of setting up Bin Ladin and tampered evidence to t he contrary!

28. The CIA claims mistakes and no agendas from DOD/Pentagon, while Rumsfeld board status with Bilderberger Group is being sued by Germany where they protes ted Freedom of thought is all part of CIA disguise and corruptions. Scapegoating elite groups instead of their weapons controlling them unconsciouly. CIA took o ver completely with their weapons for power. 29. Wiretapping includes visuals in your home, work & streets, most dont kno w yet. 30. The CIA operates on the ground wearing yamakas to frame Jews, and destro yed fruit and crops against the Torah scriptures, as with our organic natural fa rms in the U S. Why? 31. That if, WE THE PEOPLE (CONSTITUENTS) compared notes, collectively from the beginning, and got together undivided, we would easily identify this has bee n going on as set ups behind the scenes of transmitted Mind Control individuals, that is already in the Millions. WE ARE RESPONSIBLE for our next generation and our HUMANITIES! 32. 911 was engineered to lose our freedoms, introduce population controls, Police State, Martial Law, suppressions, and cover ups on U S Soil with Fema cam ps nefarious agendas. They didnt STOP or PREVENT 911 because they CREATED to pro voke WARS on the streets as crimes in the U S in the 70s. THE REAL AND CLEVER RE ASONS FOR ALL THE SURVEILLANCE is to justify change to the CONSTITUTION. Connect ing the dots to Conspiracy to World Bank Fed Reserve-Economy, for FASCIM AND GOV ERNMENT GLOBAL MIND and MASS CONTROL or SLAVERY. As with Technology, just now an d always disclosing to the public years later how they have already launched Mar tial Law on citizens and are now trying to make it legal to get away with it. Th ey never tell you until its too late techniques. 33. WHISTLEBLOWERS and Activists who report the same hypnotic Mind Control a ctivities of COINTELPRO/NSA are targeted with no work/livelyhood manipulations, difficulties in their lives, Cancer, Car accidents, discrediting/smearing campai gns, & misfortunes they call BAD LUCK. To suppress EXPOSURE for years! BUILD DIS CREDIT SLANDER & Isolate! 34. Mind Control transmission are used to harass civilians and oppress the p ublic against each other or take wrong paths since creating a synthetic Culture from PATTI HEARST, ALIENS, EXORCIST, JAWS, MOVIES and POPCORN, COVERT PROJECTS C AME OUT IN THE LATE 60S AND WAS SUPPRESSED , as John Lennon, and now many others claimed, and were all true. Kennedy and Monroe found out. Since Watergate and D eep Throat! 35. CIA in disguise are the computer hackers, virus, spam creators, and ALWA YS CREATING ENEMIES THEY NEED, AS IN OIL PIPELINE CONTRACTS WITH AL QAEDA and so many other wars and fights and crimes they create and induce or continue. (tact ics) 36. ISRAELI ART STUDENTS were mind controlled where to live and accepted onl y in the areas to live as guided to set up and look involved as the CONTRARY OF CIA GUILT and to CREATE DOUBT and so much more BEARING FALSE WITNESS, false memo ry syndrome, fake gov help, INTERNET & google lawsuit, libraries, false accusati ons & detainment. Owning the www back door access & with your passwords & spy/su rveillance. 37. VETERANS MIND CONTROL AND DREAMS AS FALSE POST TRAUMATIC STRESS (Manchur ian called Lucid Dreams as virtual reality)with Agent Orange VIETNAM LAW SUIT em ulated by mind control NSA attacking the Nervous System! 38. 911 was created and engineered with Mind Controlled Pilots during traini ng on US Soil, and Dynamite at the bottom by CIA covered up even with witnesses suppressed. 39. 911 FRAUDULANT WAR was investigated in Europe for scientific proof on th e toppling buildings of the Financial District in the Bible/Torah and now the Ba nkruptcies. 40. Mind Controlled MEDIA flashed spooky Halloween like letters of TERROR , across our TVs to reinforce Mind Control & false brainwashing fears/paranoia on U S Soil. 41. Outsiders comment about the media in the U S not serious & synthetically created Culture with genuine disgust and REALIZATIONS of this manipulated cultu

re and corruptions because of Mind Control. This has been transmitted to Corp/in dividuals and down the line! 42. CLASSIFIED BUDGET of Mind Controlling Humans and the use of DEW Electrom agnetic Waves for Climate and Natural Disasters Manipulations take us down. 43. Ariel Sharon was zapped with Directed Energy Weapons (as others) because he knew the CIA was corrupt Sabotaging Israel and not happy to shake hands with G. Bush and more. 44. Neurological Psychotronics can make one catatonia, seem in shock induce stroke and heart attacks & comatose anyone as long as wanted, in your homes or s treets. 45. The initial 24 series, keeps going in his role, with no emotion as Seals conditioned & Mind Controlled unknowingly, Military cutting off sensory (deprev ation/disorientation)also unable to react, among other weapon symptoms, now addi ng robotic hardware as other cover ups. 46. SECRET Govt is swaying public opinion and Mind Controlled triggers to be good with rescues because they created in the first place and are hiding the fa ct that they are the Mother of Evil & extremely sadistic beyond imagination. 47. Our life is being manipulated & engineered with Mind Games, illnesses, & costing Millions in secret COINTELPRO budgets. EXPERIMENTS turned into MASS CON TROL! (Jim Keith) 48. Our Parents and Grandparents are targeted with these weapons of Mass Des truction on US Soil, in being the Country with the most Doctors visits from SENI ORS as a result of these Neurological Weapons, Mind Control Hallucinating false issues, lasers & D.E.W. 49. If you see or find yourself in weird communication misunderstanding and or audacity of people today, it is because of misfits in the Pentagon playing mi nd games on their laptop with the use Remote control Quantum Physics from NASA. Communication CHAOS! (Dr. B. Nelson) 50. Many years ago, the APA was in bed with the Military Intelligence to Min d Control them closely against belief of these weapons and torture. See Standing up to the Madness by Amy Goodman (The same as with AMA and FDA) Neuro Weapons & fake diseases! 51. Mind Control has been used for decades on MEDIA folks, coupled with inte ntional False thoughts causing misunderstandings and wrong PERCEPTIONS to create propagandized non-reality people live called COVERT Psyops. Also used on MILITA RY personnel to think Jews are the EVILS at Silent/War GAMES and the NEW Silent Holocaust! 52. Most targeted ON THE JOB with Mind Controlled CIVILIANS who are Doctors, Lawyers, Judges, Pilots, Engineers, Activists, Media, Govt Employees, Drivers, Elders, Hollywood, SCIENTOLOGY, Polititians with sabotage from errors to intenti onal corruption. 53. Hoover was also quite eager to use his new authority to bring Hollywood into line with what he thought was their proper role in society (propaganda orga n for the government) and while Senator McArthy grabbed the headlines, Hoover wa s busy behind the scenes recruiting various people to inform on each other and f actionalizing the Hollywood community so that it could not resist him. Where eve r there is MONEY thus POWER and IMMORALS, there is Mind Control first experiment al then Population Controls for N. W. O. 54. WE THE PEOPLE need to expose Mind Control (CIA directed sound waves NLP hypnosis in your sleep & anytime) since MK ULTRA COINTELPRO & before NSA and NAS A Astronauts. (See Bandler & Grinder former CIA tought to FBI & mass control) 55. You cannot be brainwashed with TV alone and Transmitted thoughts, belief s, and feelings have to be planted first and triggered in your environment. This also explains 50 Years in the making New World Order coming for EVIL CONTROL an d ROGUE FASCISM! 56. HAARP/HIPPA (The ultimate WEAPON and Conspiracy should be dismantled as should the secret CIA. Cutting off as OUT-FOXED video of media culture developme nts. 57. Most of the times if it doesnt make sense, or someone turns mean or agai nst you, it is due to Mind Games manipulated with false thoughts transmitted aro

und you. 58. (A New Breed by DR. John Hall & The Herrific Mind Control in America! Sa tellite Terrorism in America. & Dr Walter Bowart radio interview, & I have seen no one yet with high enough CLEARANCE to know how its being done behind the scenes. 59. The plane going down in Buffalo, NY was a cover up of 911 mind controlle d pilots creating false terrorism on US Soil again, Congress shock cover up, the recent 2009 madness to cover up wireless Mind Control WEAPONS, Spying Satelite installations & mission, accomplished. Knowing Arabs not are sophisticated or sm art enough for these master minds! 60. Triggers and anchors transmitted to people is creating a laundry list of false illnesses and illusions. TV can only trigger you after being transmitted for effective brainwashed people who are anchored and UNREALIZED. 61. Morgellons disease (u-tube/CNN) for mind controlled doctors against the truth as the APA; So when doctors tell the People, ITS ALL IN THEIR HEAD, it is in a way true because THE SECRET GOVT has been putting it there synthetically fo r decades. 62. Millions are Mind Controlled into un-necessary medical procedures from d irect Mind Games and mistakes by transmitting false thoughts to doctors and hall ucinating pains to patients with a simple hypnotic radio wave to think and feel anything. 63. These transmitted Mind Control thoughts give you false perceptions about anyone you know or anything, changing your realities since MKULTRA in the 60s. 64. Most people are set up with MISCOMMUNICATIONS, rudeness, fingerpointing, & non sense, engineered TO DIVIDE your relationships, & created ANTI-SEMITISM c overtly. Inducing a paranoid Country, SUPPRESSING HISTERIA! 65. Millions of Christians were Mind Controlled with Devil fears & Exorcism as a scapegoat, like Aliens because THEY ARE THE DEVILS. Billions made in Pharma ceutical &Healthcare . 66. Mind Control and LASERS of DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPONS in your home are kill ing you slowly and TRANSMITTING FEARS, ANXIETY, and PARANOIA of CRIMES on AMERIC ANS. This is easily done by transmitting ANCHORS & TRIGGERS on the public! 67. Others Countries are not paranoid of terrorism because their Govt didnt spend BILLIONS on transmitting their people with PARANOID thoughts of crimes and hallucinating thoughts. And made Millions along with FDA, and Healthcare! 68. In the 1960s First AMERICA was MIND CONTROLLED with intense CRIME increa ses on our streets & prisons with Paranoias they blamed on drugs, which the CIA brought in covertly and now, Today the same with Mind Control transmitted people to induce fighting CIA WAR they created AGAIN, and GLOBAL FASCISM mentality and conditioning, while changing laws to get away with it. 69. Govt has been creating, and releasing intentional lies to the media with hardware tangibles electronics to cover up Mind Controlled false thoughts and u naware of swayed facts as well. An intentional blend of lies, false perceptions & threats, since 2009. 70. Part of the Coup Detat was to take Jews out of powerful financial positi ons and topple Banking as in the Bible/Torah and Secret Govt is creating Messiah simulations. 71. Sharon Weinberger was another witness to these evil misfits behind power ful computer technologies using Quantum Physics and energy scalar waves for Mind Control. 72. We are just hearing about Mind Control from NSA Russell Tice and others because he accidently found out and the Govt Censored all Books, Videos & Media successfully for 50 years with even more Mind Control DUMBING US DOWN one at a t ime & in mass. 73. Millions of PEOPLE thinking their bad luck or accidents are naturally oc curing when they did not have to happen at all and someone is behind the scenes engineering their life events and accountable for it daily from simple mistakes to catastrophy, crimes & much worse. 74. These Weapons of Mass Destruction are wireless, undetectable, and are nu mbing and freezing body parts, throat, private parts, limbs, used with REMOTE VI

EWING in homes or streets to immobolize humans for hours or days at a time, more intense than anesthesiology, or morphine, or hypnosis used on the public unwitt ingly. 75. CIA/Elites have been Anti-Semitic since funding Hitler & Cointelpro fund ing the KKK etc. 76. The OUTRAGEOUS Truths collectively & connecting the dots! Why the Media CANT wake up, focus or expose the TIPS of the ICEBERG diversions! Manipulated ev ents, news, just like the economy and health in AMERICA. THE MYSTERIES OF UNSOLV ED CRIMES & MEDICINE by Secret Govt! HOW sick do they want you in AMERICA! Those calling the ACLU from Hospitals saying our government is using DIRECT ENERGY WE APONS to electrocute them, & add organ pain during KEMO! Puppets in our daily li ves and events with mind transmissions! AS EVIL AS UNBELIEVABLE and WHY didnt th e ACLU or anyone ever hear of RUSSELL TICE in DC who was in the legal field duri ng my visit in 09? 77. CIA is spreading anti-semitism covertly behing the scenes with Mind Cont rol as their marionettes. We are almost all robots being led & misled. 78. PALESTINES were rejected from their own surrounding Arab Countries that america will use for more martial law war excuses for WARS THEY GENERATE and CRE ATE TO JUSTIFY FASCISM COMING AND TYRANNY, while looking like the humanitarian s aviors due to the new signed executive order to bring them here, and denying it afterwards. 79. Most non-sense and Un-solved Mysteries are due to Mind Control Manipulat ions, as created COPY-CATS who are also programmed or induced to commit Crimes. 80. Mind controlled lies toward genocide of Jews and new world order! Debra Small says conspiracy of forces is Mind Control trickling down since the 70s whe n Americans use to say its in the water. Most feel it & never knew! Add ANTHRAX AIDS & SWINE. 81. Scott McCullen and G. Bush used propaganda and brainwash (utube demo) to sell the war and most still dont know 911 was also an inside job for fears and fascism, & bringing it home on US SOIL to start changing the Constitution of fre edoms for EVIL TAKE OVER. 82. The use of Mind Control Psychotronic, Acoustics, Neurological Weapons, a nd Synthetic Telepathy uses on the Public, also the major cause of Global warmin g Manipulations. 83. CHEMTRAILS are in children SCHOOL books as good chemicals helping. 84. There should have been a revolution to overthrow this Secret Govt since the Bombing of our own buildings agenda, the installed satellites & spreading jo ke of Need Another Seven Astronauts, and the agenda of our economy, & oil crisis since 1973, etc when Big Brother started watching and Manipulating with Mind Co ntrol and brainwashing the Country with the opposite, and how good and successfu l it was and now covering their tracks with false fears yet again using Russia f irst and today Terrorism they created and provoked for U S Soil laws. 85. The public was deceived since 2007 when we struck Oil in North Shore of Alaska enough for 200 years that never made every front-page newspaper. Now come s excuses to scapegoat. 86. You have been directly transmitted not to believe this wicked Shadow Gov t has been corrupting to rape human rights, dignity, privacy, & Gods will with t his Mind Control. 87. The 1967 USS liberty-Project Philadelphia HALLUCINATIONS, blaming ISRAEL - mistake in identity set up, cutting off investigations (as usual) and the Star t of ANTI-SEMITISM INDUCEMENTS born with the 1947 Act and CIA! Israel always def ending itselfagainst Shadow Gov't mind control induced anti-semitic propaganda t hey create and fan covertly. 88. CIA has been getting away with INTENTIONAL WAR CRIMES & ATTACKS on CIVIL IANS since they were created with the 1947 ACT, ten fold of ISRAELs DEFENSES. 89. Theres NO cure for skin CANCER (Blocked cures,because they create it all ), no known cause of blood/skin diseases because peoples organs are being irradi ated with ELF and EMF. Not just lame cell phones & microwaves! 90. The CIA brought the drugs in from South America, selling to kids, creati ng need for DEA generating crimes-tax dollar, and scapegoats to many other Secre

t Govt Crimes. Now broadening Homeland Security and BIGGER government Control. 91. Katrina did not cause the walls to come down without a little help/push & sabotage from our friends/heros (FBI/CIA Secret Govt. Fema not responding appr opriately to later justify Blackwater/Martial Law, rebuilding with golf courses, & infrastructure Govt Work, etc. 92. Mind Control and D.E.W. contribute largely to false test results, tamper ed electronics in homes, public buildings and automobiles. If you are targeted a s an innocent civilian, these could appear as natural causes or malfunctions. 93. Victims report these are like demented children who play mind games behi nd a computer like playing in traffic all day with peoples lives and electronic communications which ARE THE KIDNAPPED CHILDREN we see on MILK CARTONS for decad es like programmed DUNCAN OFINIAIN & quashed from exposures, now HANDLERS. 94. Mind Control experiments are being conducted with your life, for Behavio r Modifications, dumbing down individuals, bad customer service and tyranny cond itioning. 95. Mind Control is responsible for many tempers, suppression, fears, anxiet ies and suicides with transmitted suggestions alone, and blame drugs or economy, etc. The Agenda! 96. Mind Control is also used for population control and genocides deciding who lives and how they live covertly. Angels dont play this HAARP. THE ULTIMATE CONSPIRACY! 97. Mind controlled kids to commit shootings in schools is no different than those in the military, CIA creating sex, drugs, & rock n roll through Hollywood minds (then AIDS), other covert projects. 98. Even with terrorism in other countries, they feel safer on their streets & homes than AMERICANS because paranoia is added to TV with Mind Control since Crime was induced. 99. PYRAMID diet was created but not promoted on purpose while transmitting AMERICANS TO EAT & BE OBESE with Mind Control Urges, while encouraging Doctors & others to create unhealthy diets & eat synthetic foods, diet pills, INSTEAD OF GOD CREATED NATURAL FOOD FROM THE GROUND for ULTIMATE HEALTHY AMERICANS. ALL AGE NDA OF FDA as well! YOUR mental addictions are induced by the transmissions! 100. Govt Mind Control is for ULTIMATE Global POWER and will be ACCOMPLISHED WITH PHYCHOTRONICS if we THE PEOPLE dont stop them. 101. The average American would be astonished to learn the extent to which se cret surveillance technology has advanced today with 100% remote manipulations, attacks, changed minds, bodies, of the human and animal, good or bad. They haras s, manipulate, and kill and they dont approve the panacea to energy medicine, as we already know lasers are, & used Globally! 102. Military, Julianne McKinneys, Director, Electronic Surveillance Project1994 letter-response. After Clintons partial admission and apology as past tense is the NSA caught red handed with Mass Remote Mind Control for evil New World O rder brainwashing as a good thing. 103. Threats from CIA in July of 2007 where Muslim and Christians will try to bring down a new Holocaust of Jews and minorities. A sadistic Trouble-Making Cu lt & Culture! 104. All tangible hardware surveillance, corruptions, propaganda, and lies to the Media are diversions, aiding to brainwash and make humans ROBOTS and PUPPET S. One religion, One Cult, THE CIA-Book only found in France! 105. Mind Controlled Americans as more dumb and lazy and also conveniently ju stified the public to outsource overseas to save money. 106. Since the trades for cheap plastic products and cars, many were mind con trolled as well as brainwashed with propaganda to buy. I wont tell you about min d controlled women and plastic surgery rampid, chivalry, and women differences b ecause this would never end. 107. These weapons experimented on Civilians and war can be used for good or bad, illness or panacea, but are used for New World Control instead of potential Defense. 108. When weird things happen like ID theft, Cyberspace, & stalking, phone & internet issues, electronic, etc, it is mostly Mind Games and Mind Controlled op

eratives called handlers. 109. Our Govt that start epidemics and sets trends, culture, and shapes us wi th the use of Mind Control weapons on a mass level including Population Control. 110. Most Americans are not dumb or obese, etc. just because they are born on US Soil. Just programmed and induced nefariously! 111. Mind Control Psychotronics and MKULTRA experiments have been growing int o Mind Control since The Manchurian Candidate original Movie 1962, suppressed, a nd programmed not to be believed, as all else of mind control when discovered te chnologies. 112. You are being attacked with the use of these weapons that turn anyone or any animal against you by targeting the Central Nervous System with false negat ive thoughts. 113. Mind Control is also used to induce the public with obstacles to have an abundance of good books, documentary videos, & education, with immoral corrupti ons transmits. 114. Mass population who turned against Dixies Chics, (video), Britney Spears and others would not have happened if not induced with NSA transmissions and sa botaged events, memories, thought/feelings, and miscommunications. Using us as p awns against each other. 115. Some are suing Corporations and Airlines when they should be suing the C IA. 116. White House Sexual Slavery goes on with women under Mind Control as CATH Y OBRIEN, (Brice Anne Collins, The Sleep Room and satan child prostitution. HOW SICK & EVIL DO YOU REALLY BELIEVE YOUR GOVT IS. CointelPro is known to pick up on cults, fund them, and continue, and inducing them to appear natural and organically grown over time when exiting. Dr. Ross Institute and why its so prevalent & yet suppressed. Allegations to tempt individuals to crimes a nd corruptions as with tempting Clinton- scandall to be used against him for Bla ckmail! General Michael AQUINO/CIA/DIA. 117. If you drive a safe, well made car as BMW (as if we should not have the esteem to deserve the best) WHEN poor Countries had Mercedes for TAXIs and could expect a well made car until OUR Government STEPPED IN and promoted not condone d, lessor manufacturers of American made cars in America, promoting illegal spee ds to pass law when illegal, thus creating more tax collections, health care, an d deaths on the roads! MATERIALISTIC & PLASTIC SURGERIES also induced as CHANGED MINDS AND EMOTIONS! 118. We labor more hours per person per year than any other country with less vacation and pension benefits and THEY CALL US SPOILED. The Mind Game Manipulat ions of CIA! 119. We are in danger of our secret govt from these weapons and oppressions, losing civil rights mentality or on paper, and not so much Terrorism threats at all, on US Soil. 120. Your money is being spent in Millions on these experiments turned to Mas s Mind Control CREATING JEWISH DIVISIONS as well as other targeted individuals o r groups. 121. Hollywood has been the most Mind Controlled to corrupt television, thus the American morals and have been puppets individually controlled one way or ano ther. 122. You everyone is directly induced with Mind Controlled thoughts and sugge stions transmitted one at a time not to be healthy with food urges & no exercise , to commit immoral behaviors, and crimes, alcohol, depending on your weaknesses or genetics. 123. Everything about your genetics is being collected in a massive database and used nefariously without your knowledge including your entire profile. DATA MINING-your destiny! 124. These Mind Games include GUIDING YOUR LIFE and also manipulating and pla ying with psychics readings, which are also in their target used to help solving crimes. 125. Individuals are transmitted with this Mind Control thoughts to produce f alse controversial opposite lies on line and otherwise, to create doubt and disc

redit the truth tellers. 126. G. Bush said that our energy will be just fine and that he will help one soul at a time. WOW! Not even oceans! Why was his assassination attempt in the 80s called off. 127. That if you find yourself in a war with your neighbors or at work with h arassment, it is because of Mind Control Games to create and engineer wars. 128. The joke that went around in the 70s GO PLAY in TRAFFIC came not only fr om Mind Control but from traffic lights being purposely tampered with as Power o utages. 129. That since I started writing this, Mind Control has been more rampid cre ating more false news to discredit these facts with doubt and endless excuses & covering their tracks. 130. We are isolated and suppressed from bringing this to light and know EXAC TLY HOW AMERICA GOT THIS WAY! Dysfunctional, dumbed down, controlled, sickened, set up, framed, raped in many ways, destined for oppressions, bad luck and much worse! AMERICAN FEARS & PHOBIAS & RETIREES addicted to SLOT MACHINES & PILLS-Exp eriments to induced Gay and Lesbian desires for experiments, revolting pleasures , and overseas sales of remote views, induced women for breast augmentations and side effects of hormones in agriculture for premature growth have been underway as with experimented with bees to attack man as with animals or to sedate remot ely! A synthetic America where our own Government does not want us healthy becau se they are engineering it and creating it as war on our streets! Kay Griggs Mil itary Wife and Whistleblower and Jim Keith-Mass Control Human Engineering (soldi ers, robots, and drones) HOWARD HUGHES! WARNINGS to We the People FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 5/28/2010 rev 11/2/11 CONTACT: Mireille Torjman Federal Whistleblower Mobile 954.529.8684 for Supreme Court Lawsuit and Open Letter to Congress. ________________________________________ Have you figured it out yet! Astonishing Revelations and Press to Israel pg 613-May 2010 pg 14. Sibel Edmonds gagged, Ariel Sharon comatosed, as I, DC swept covertly as NY pre911 TYRANNY pretex to SURRENDER CIVIL LIBERTIES decoys (illnesses in Directed en ergy) zaps, and NSA Russell Tice threatened and discredited, as I. Why hasn't th e press--aside from MSNBC--covered NSA Tice's revelations! CANCER NEURO NLP; Sci ence and humanity under SIEGE! Behavioral Science and Technology-Sound and Seism ic Waves infiltrations. For the Suspension of the Constitution to Communism and the LAUNCH of a NEW Holocaust in manifest on U.S. Soil Mission after surveillanc e implementation. [Prescott Bush, slides] --IF you knew ALL this, you would NOT be making these CHOICES! SSP, Patriot Act, Mass Control Human Engineering: Beam Warfare, Electronic Mind Control, Psi War, One World Brain, Dreamscape, Hardwiri ng Humans, and Information Warfare. The Persinger Plan, illegal WARRANTLESS mind taps intercepted thoughts, Engineering Consent. Paranormal Activities: Thomas D rake NSA Whistleblower Espionage Case Exposes Psychic Spy Connection. Projects.. . Spacestar DARPA (Trailing 50 yrs behind science/tech)-Project Voice of God, pl aying GOD, Cult of Intelligence, and laws of attraction, breeding Power & greed! All linked (Bear Stearns, Israel...) PsycheLeaks looks at the relationship betw een UK psychic Chris Robinson and indicted NSA whistleblower and former Senior I ntelligence Official Thomas Drake. Other sources claim US National Security Agen cy inherited America's STAR GATE psychic spy program from CIA. Futurist, STARstr eam Research Share, SpaceStar Spies, Lies, & Polygraph Tape- Gary S. Bekkum May 25, 2011- Mind to Mind Communication. And, why has NSA whistle-blower Thomas Dra ke been charged with espionage?) I watched CBS 60 Minutes story with great inter est Focused on wrong WMD! ALL 2nd Level CIA covert Weapon of Mass Destruction Psychoenergetics, Synthetic Telepathy miscommunications! Neurology under Siege, shadowing computer use entra inment! Gifford Shooting assassinations surreptitiously and Black Cancer. CIA is Sued Decades Later: BAY OF PIGS!!!!!!!!! Operation MHCHAOS, ominous psych ological warfare arsenalPlans to Psychocivilize You, Macrocosm Process; Americas

Leaders & worse. The National Security State and the AssassinationofJFK The CIA, the Pentagon, and the "Peace President" by Andrew Gavin Marshall (1959)Among the recommended provocations and pretexts to justify a war, the Join t Chiefs suggested that, a series of well coordinated incidents will be planned to take place in and around [the US military base at] Guantanamo to give genuine appearance of being done by hostile Cuban forces, including starting rumours, l anding friendly Cubans in uniform outside of the base to stage attack on base in Cuban uniform, capturing friendly saboteurs inside the base, and have friendly Cubans start riots near the base main gate.[30] Further recommendations were to blow up ammunition inside the base; start fires, as well as burning aircraft on the base, or sabotage a ship in the harbor, or to even, sink [a] ship near harbo r entrance. Conduct funerals for mock-victims.[31] One startling recommendation was that, We could blow up a US ship in Guantanamo Bay and blame Cuba, or that, we could blow up a drone (unmanned) vessel anywhere in the Cuban waters, and bla me Cuba, and that, casualty lists in US newspapers would cause a helpful wave of national indignation.[32] However, the most disturbing aspect of Operation Nort hwoods was the recommendation that: "We could develop a Communist Cuban terror campaign in the Miami area, in other Florida cities and even in Washington. Honolulu fake documents! (Like all else: shark in Egypt waters blamed on Israel, 911, Rumors, etc) An excuse in advance s et up for everything and a Synthetic America! With no danger to American Society, the entrapment from Bush /Obama "MANIPULATOR S".... "The object is to terrify the American Public, so that they will surrende r their civil liberties--Possibly the greatest extortion scheme in U.S. history. " --It's only the BEGINNING! See below creating subservient civilians, assassina tions and torture goes on illegally anyway. Legalizing it is only for us civilia ns N.W.O. All 2nd LEVEL CIA-Sorcerer-NSA transmissions-current Assassinations: NSA, DOD Di rected Energy Weapon frying life & earth; Taking us and Israel down duplicitous decoy. The New (1975) weapon of war (mass destruction duped diversions) is out and was in the hands of Cult of Intelligence! HOW & WHY 911 mastermind/CONTROL ELF WEAPO N! The root of all problems must be exposed and stopped before too late! See his tory collectively repeating by design! Cryptocracy's Plan to Psycho-civilize you . Emulating, inducing the Scriptures. Duping ALL- Thomas Drake case Psychic Spy Programs hiding behind Dragnet and SSP since 1947! Macrocosm OFFICIALS and Corp. LEADERS CIA JOHN LOFTUS on 2 videos of ISRAEL, CIA BUSH/HITLER DoD Yale Secret Society, CIA John LOFTUS DEPT of JUSTICE belong in JAIL------ funded Pre scott Bush and RECRUITED NAZIS and FUNDING TERRORIST GROUPS with BRITISH- To cru sh ISRAEL- BEFORE DULLES ARAB NAZIS in CIA-911 to AGENDA next & since 1920. THE SECRET WAR AGAINST JEWS and more. THE WITNESS TREE.Part I and II http://www.bras http://www.bra h-banksters-terrorists-and-other-enemies-of-the-nation.html ALL HIDING BEHIND SSP, Patriot Act since 1947 conspiracy take over slowly being introduced as New World Order MASS Brainwash-chunked to accept! The launch of a New Holocaust in manifest after trickery and the people's CONSENT of balancing L ESS FREEDOM, Civil Rights and a suspension of the Constitution, after MISSION of COMMUNISM and Middle East. Tyranny infiltrations in the guise of 911. [Pg 9, 21 3] DARPA (trailing 50 yrs behind/suppressed) on BUDGET old CIA SCIENCE. CYBERSYN; "The COUP for the Communist World: It is said Henry Kissinger was the one who intervened to put an end to the GRAND experiment. Salvador Allende was a ssassinated by Chileans who are reported to have been in the PAY of CIA, and Cyb ersyn went by the wayside. They thought! Today FCC coup to regulate the INTERNET ; COMMUNISM infiltrations and attempts, KGB/Gestapo style Domestic Surveillance mind manipulations after the fact & covertly hijacked www & humans. One World Br ain Pg 241. N.S.A. has a five-thousand-acre campus at Fort Meade protected by ir is scanners and facial-recognition devices. The electric bill there is said to s

urpass $$$ seventy million dollars a year." For civility and DNA cloning and/or data-mining, It does not protect. False sense of security. CYBERNETICS; Helms; can be used in molding of a childs character Subdue & Rippin g senses while there. odd series of events ARTICLES for decades on Ordinary folk s Nationwide-leading to ... Attached. -Strange cases and deaths on my website wi th other documents from this weapon of MIND Control events & tricks on whistlebl owers & Civility especially CIVIL rights agenda. Secretary Geithner also highlighted Bear Stearns former Chief Operating Officer of Fixed Income, Paul Friedman, stated "Rumors were untrue until the telling of rumors made them true. This is how they do it (Project Stargate/Spacestar resear ch DUPED by 2nd LEVEL as all else, and playing psychics). Then, GAO report (INVO KED TO SELL by FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD), PLANS selectively REDISTRIBUTING/TRANSFER OF WEALTH from Jews, and agenda unwittingly. (odd/strange series of events on i ndividuals across Country/Globe) and CONGRESSMAN KUCINICH AGAIN how the TRANSFER OF MONIES with WARS--------- after presenting a bill for SPACE PRESERVATION ACT to ban this mind control WEAPON. Including Mark Zuckerburg Facebook. Donation o f millions for Science & Tech while setting him up for years. The CIA succeeded in developing a whole range of psycho-weapons to expand its al ready ominous psychological warfare arsenal. With these capabilities, it was now possible to wage a new kind of war: a war which would take place invisibly, upo n the battlefield of the human mind... [p. 19] 1997 DoD Briefing: 'Others' can set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely using el ectromagnetic waves By Lori Price 28 Feb 2010 Secretary of Defense William S. Co hen, 28 April 1997: 'There are some reports, for example, that some countries ha ve been trying to construct something like an Ebola Virus [OMG! Who would do suc h a thing?], and that would be a very dangerous phenomenon, to say the least. Al vin Toeffler has written about this in terms of some scientists in their laborat ories trying to devise certain types of pathogens that would be ethnic specific so that they could just eliminate certain ethnic groups and races; and others [L OL] are designing some sort of engineering, some sort of insects that can destro y specific crops. Others are engaging even in an eco- type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves.' --Just switch 'yours,' 'others' and 'they' with ' U.S.,' 'U.S.' and 'U.S.'. Imagine, after eight years of George W. Bush turbo-fun ding these lunatics, what they can do now. (WAVES, Seismic, radio frying us ) BP mind control transmitted human error! Trie d to warn CONGRESS in 2008 and dismissed by disbelief. ELF CANCER directed energ y at INDIVIDUALS being covered up as if from lame excuses and now Natural Disast ers Corruptions infiltrated as all else. WATERFRONT Properties FL to NYunder att ack! Induced Climate ELF & Seismic Waves to De-populate and redistribute wealth/ ---again. 2nd LEVEL CIA (Terrorists) Mind CONTROLLING GLOBALIST to do THEIR MISS ION for them. HUMANS are all PAWNS used in their U.S. Matrix since Alien Halluci nations to going Global! Invisible Empire is bad enough; imagine the covert ops of ELF warfare arsenal an d NSA transmissions Invisible WEAPON of Mass Destruction! See Military Complex S pending and horrific CRIMES & ills for Decades-Press Release and www.mireilletor "Only the small secrets need to be protected. The big ones are kept secret by pu blic incredulity." Marshall McCluhan "If both the past and the external world exist only in the mind, and if the mind itself is controllablewhat then?" George Orwell Published 1985 MACROCOSM: NEW WORLD ORDER MILLIONS Will go THROUGH "The PROCESS" (brainwash programming) INCLUDING MOST OF AMERICA'S CORPORATE LEADERS and OFFIC IALS from Navy/ EDUCATION-"It was estimated that Millions of persons were (1985) put through this type of PROCESSING Breaking down of personalities and recondit ion..." Many already manipulated into their office long ago. College manipulatio ns no one knows about. "Weird things happen when you join the bureau". Their sha dow. Collectively-What do you think theyve been doing and how we got here! Makin g sense of 50 years in the manifest-Wake up America! Wake up Washington! NSA tra nsmissions Article, Leading psychiatrist, Dr. Walter BOWART pg 4 and more. -Char

lotte Iserby, Bush Family/Society on Conspiracy to our education and schools bef ore 1960s. (Whistleblower) "It was either invisible warfare or PEACE, and everyone seemed to agree the econ omy would "suffer" from peace. Without war, it was believed, the economy would f alter and depression would be the dividend of peace. Thus the advisors to the pr esident began to think about what might motivate the U.S. economy as well as war did. They came up with several possibilities, the most fantastic of which was t o fake an invasion from outer space... Resource Tab 1973-90% JFK believed CIA co nspiracy today BUT IT IS UNWITTINGLY mind controlled!!! Dr. Walter Bowart Pg 6 # 21, 39. The Weapon of Mass Destruction: DoD, Psychotronics, Synthetic Telepathy, DOE and a CIAs-2nd Level--Spinning our wheels and putting out fires/band aids for yrs w ont solve humanitys mind control at the root. THE FORCE BEHIND THE FORCES! Unvei l them. Their own shadow is within (1973). Tesla's Chinese wall of defense... In formation warfare psyops transmitted thoughts, Article on MIND manipulating our SENATE STILL decades later2nd level CIA FOIA 1972, "His God lurks Behind the ele ctronic curtain, we find: The SORCERER, MANIPULATOR, CYBERNETICIST, the weaver o f the DREAMscape" Jim Keith pg 245 Brilliant video below. They all said Abolish CIA and NSAct 1947. See Russia slide. Its ALL about you, it AFFECTS YOU daily an d un-wit. OPERATION MIND CONTROL: CRYPTOCRACY'S PLAN TO PSYCHOCIVILIZE YOUWITNESS in COURT NO Plane hit PENTAGON, TANGIBLE coupled with fear TRANSMISSIONS to manipulate and BRAINWASH you to VOTE for PATRIOT ACT is one example-----------------------------BEWARE!------ Facts below and on line with Appendices! Ther e is a 18 U.S.C. 241 Conspiracy against rights since MLK, JFK unwitting false bl ame--Puppets/Ants/Robots Everybodys doing the LOCOMOTION as ObamaMaxwells Silver Hammer Chapter The Body Electric Operation Northwoods repeated under new psyops and HOOVER warned too Horrible to imagine. Jerry E. Smith was an author, lecture r, poet, & editor. ... dies March 08, 2010... "Haarp: The Ultimate Weapon of the Conspiracy "(The Mind-Control Conspiracy Series) Lt Col Tom Bearden, Russia WAR NED worse! ELF SICKO American accelerated ills and newcomers. French scientist K ervran Russian scientist Kaznacheyev, who proved that any disease could be TRANS MITTED electromagnetically. (1975) Immune. Page 4. NAZIS in the CIA (secret societies) but duping their own agents; are the shadow CIA unwit: Magnus Olsson; Below CIA Vet Milt Beardon states; "That you know of 9 11 etc, They play a lot with Memory and make you invest to lose or win $$$ -inve nting ills, Aliens, and enemies. Magnus Olsson Sweden also stated CIA has NAZIS. A plan to fascism for another Holocaust in MANIFEST if the CONSTITUTION IS NOT restored. 90 Billion Hadassah Jerusalem HospPg 8. ALL RELATED TO PATRIOT ACT, disarming etc. DUPLICITOUS plans to take down Israel and WWIII still being manipulated behind the scenes duping everyone. This 2nd l evel CIA is behind the electronic CURTAIN on Long Island Tower inception and JP Morgan funding Bush was to be assassinated in the 1980s by Duncan OFinioan; didnt know why, but was intercepted, overridden by CIA & (triggered) to cancel mission (shoot) as A LL ELSE. CIA were the Aliens among us We are not alone since big Brothers watchi ng was the buzz. Toggling between families homes. French civilians were transmit ted Bush was controlled by Aliens for psyops. Bowart, Walter, Leading Psychiatrist Blows Whistle on Profession: Proves 50 + ye ars of Mind Control Were we Controlled? JFK Adventures and False Memory Syndrome Foundation, Schizophrenic offshoot since HITLER Weapon of Mass pg 9 Synthetic i lls and Crimes & AZ. APPEASED everyone in the 70s after Patti Hearst and PARANOI A to not being born ill but developing it as you get older lame induced infiltra tion while psychocivilizing us. Cancer Jim Keith-Mass Control Human Engineering. (Pushed/fell??? to his death) Cults in sheep skin! Duplicitous sabotaging behin d the scenes APA and AMA (while in bed with DoD; Amy Goodman Standing up to the Madness) enemies close to take them down, to Medical books also for 50 years. FA LSE RECORDS & Character/Perception ETC! And JFK no official of my Administration Psychotronics-Psychotechnologies, Psychoenergetics WARFARE also on APA & AMA in

your doctor's office/Lawyer... skewed medicine, list of ills below. (1975) Plan ted false memories in psychologists patients and blamed them as with medical man ipulations in Hospitals & offices. VIDEO Mossad Microbiologist Joseph Moshes Baxter Ukraine Plague Warning. Posted by labvirus on November 7, 2009 Bioweapon disguised as a vaccine. He claimed tha t the vaccine contained an adjuvant (additive) designed to weaken the immune sys tem, and replicated RNA from the virus responsible for the 1918 pandemic Spanish flu, causing global sickness and mass death. The next day, this happend (see video)THE STRANGE CASE OF JOSEPH MOSHE: This Joseph Moshe arrested in L.A. is likely a MOSSAD agent with a CONSCIENCE an d has apparently been extradited immediately to Israel. Now his testimony, whate ver it would have been, is still secure. Notice, the federal agents used an elec tro-magnetic pulse which knocked out his car, as well as any cell phone so he co uldnt contact the U.S. Attorney he was obviously going to meet with. (As I)ELF i mmune scapegoats to hide as all else with propaganda mind controlled. The immune system is so overloaded by the presence of the "shadow" diseases that its effectiveness is thinned out."In short, alter the internal wavestructure, a nd one creates a curved spacetime 'engine' that acts on mass in any fashion one chooses to design -- including initiate diseases . . . Now visualize one of thes e 'vacuum engines' or 'spacetime curvature engines' that acts on mass to generat e the exact effects produced by anthrax. (Or any other disease one wishes) . . . Call the virtual state of a disease engine the disease pattern in the "shadow" state, just prior to becoming observable. . Tom Bearden Army Lt. Col. (www.mirei for all articles with notations) Has America become a nation of psychotics? You would certainly think so, based o n the explosion in the use of antipsychotic medications. In 2008,while old peopl e with dementia are dosed, in large numbers, with drugs once reserved largely fo r schizophrenics. Americans and bipolar Mass psychosis in the US - Opinion - Al Jazeera English Pfizer -(Drugs (Rx tax)-ITS ALL FOR TAX REVENUE & POWER) as USA 1970s deployed VETS non-traced, GULF war & Ground 0. Research Links Rise in Falluja Birth Defects and Cancers to US Assault Defects i n newborns 11 times higher than normal 'War contaminants' from 2004 attack could be cause by Martin Chulov enclosed Published on Friday, December 31, 2010 by Th e Guardian/UK The Dark Side of the Force:Creating and broadcasting disease Speaking of the scalar wave induction of disease by longitudinal wave patterns B earden refers to work by French scientist Kervran Russian scientist Kaznacheyev, who proved that any disease could be transmitted electromagnetically. How to "B roadcast" Diseases Longitudinal EM Biowars Bearden explains how the new quantum potential weapons can be used to induce dis ease-at-a-distance in a population, or to "spread" the immune system so thin tha t a conventional bio-attack would be greatly potentiated. By "broadcasting" virt ual disease patterns over a population, the immune system is so overloaded by th e presence of the "shadow" diseases that its effectiveness is thinned out. "In s hort, alter the internal wavestructure, and one creates a curved spacetime 'engi ne' that acts on mass in any fashion one chooses to design -- including initiate diseases . . . Now visualize one of these 'vacuum engines' or 'spacetime curvat ure engines' that acts on mass to generate the exact effects produced by anthrax . (Or any other disease one wishes) . . . Call the virtual state of a disease en gine the disease pattern in the "shadow" state, just prior to becoming observabl e. . . (see June 13, 1975) 7. In 1967, after Ramparts magazine exposed secret CIA funding of the National S tudent Association and numerous nonprofit organizations, President Johnson forba de CIA support of foundations or educational institutions. Inside the Agency the re was no notion that this order meant ending relationships, such as the one wit h Geschickter. In his case, the agile CIA men simply transferred the funding fro m the foundation to a private company, of which his son was the secretary-treasu rer. 8. Lying to Congress followed the pattern of lying to the press that some MKULTR A veterans adopted after the first revelations came out. For example, former Hum

an Ecology Society director James Monroe told The New York Times on August 2, 19 77 that "only about 25 to 30 percent" of the Society's budget came from the CIAa statement he knew to be false since the actual figure was well over 90 percent. His untruth allowed some other grantees to claim that their particular project was funded out of the non-Agency part of the Society. Pentagons source selection Board repeatedly recommended a bid by Boeing as both better and cheaper... DoD awarded to Gen. Dynamics" 2nd level manipulated. DoD: McNamara, wrote in March 1969, issue of Washington Monthly Mag.; Few Americ ans are aware that about 90 % of the Major weapons systems that the defense Dept . procures ends up costing the Country at least twice as much as was originally estimated. The American Tax Payer is not getting their moneys worth???????? SAIC =CIASpacestar FBI lawsuit & Pursuant with Lawsuit by BOEING. 2 different thoughts etc; transmitted at the same time to create arguments, chao s, dis-information! Thoughts interfering on your speech, hearing, decisions for decades. First they build TRUST while set up. Your destinies are being led or misled, mostly no coincidences and YOUR THOUGHTS are NOT your own. Dumbed down, Obese, busy, De-sensitized & Dehumanized robots by mind control individuals. Immigration mind controlled Americans as dumbed dow n and lazy to justify immigration; part of agenda. SOA: Mind Manipulated in law impeding truth, creating doubts, infiltrations, and worse-GEORGE GREEN, ROBERT BAER CIA bomb makers. COVERT FEMA camps and Thousand s built caskets under guise of HR 645 UNWIT. Massive ops wiki and brainwash unde rway! American homes and jobs, with our children since Apollo13 but with shadow Apollo 11 documented-7 witnesses never returned (Satellite) REMOTE VIEWING 24/7 spying is manipulating. Armies trained by our School of AMERICAS and set up mind controlling their people; South America now Working on ASIA. All Invaded Countr ies... Breaking The SOUND Barrier; Democracy NOW! pg 214+. BEAM WARFARE. SOA...I t's everywhere including CIA VALERIE PLAME technology weapons, Bay of Pigs invas ion, and Juan Cole Scandals. RIK and Air Force waste as SAIC etc. AGNAs Contract guards behaviors, linguistics and security in Embassies, F-22 waste DC, Govt lo ck down, & impeded, information warfare, in (bubble) kept in dark for yrs. durin g process and false beliefs! Why is Palestines economy growing 10% a yr. with ne w Malls and we cant Revolution in mass accordingly! ________________________________________ Death Ray for planes was Teslas invention in 1940 and a $2,000,000.00 device to zap and melt an airplane motor 250 miles away and an Invisible Chinese Wall of d efense was built around the Country, no matter how large an attack, (Teleforce, manifests FREE energy and creates rays; zapping beams, the new invisible war). ( Dr. Becker, Naomi Wolf, and Sharon Weinberger Imaginary Weapons)., this Warden c liff Tower is in full action in Long Island NY, along with 36 other stations or sites as GWEN, Globally that beam massive volume of Free Energy. (The New York T imes, Sunday September 22, 1940-Science and Patents, Education News) One COSTLY energy zap causes by NLP suggestion transmitted to individuals; confusion, mista kes, trip/fall, body temp-freeze, heat, miscommunication, fatigue, focus/ concen tration, radio-sleep (Kucinich-US patented under MKDELTA), and stalling any engi ne. HAARP, Body Electric, and Mass Control Human Engineering. Artificial intelli gence.. Dr. MILTON FRIEDMAN- Freedoms ARE THE moral of HUMAN---Abolish most Agencies and WHY. FB. ECONOMIST (5 segments post-humously-2006) Israel-framed while dividing all people to conquer! CIA predicts, (no creating) to carry out-water (WAR) and pricing shortage, 2015-mind control transmissions z aps dry heat in body and energy-taking us down, Israel, Africa. De-population Pe ntagon video staging us for next invasion ASSASSINATED Allison Des Forges in Hud son River mind control plane Crash-Staged and Senator Ed Ted Kennedy zapped. Bot h Civil Rights Africa, Water and Dry Land zapped already planning to invade them and brainwash one world govt. Emulating the Torah scriptures! Manchurians, and IRS, CIA bldgs/files in WT7! Surreptitious! Major cities experiment to increase crime in the 70s by mind control EVOLVED nev er ceased GENERATING BIGGER GOVT, INDUCINGMISHAPS-MISFORTUNES, entrapment and no

w TERRORISM? Infiltrations of BRAINWASHING SCHOOLS-WEAKEN their ARMYtake down IS RAEL and America going Global Agenda. Infiltrated Palestinians-Wars provoked sti ll in manifest; Under the Auspices/Scapegoating Drugs they brought in Conspiracy . NOT from drugs or your TV- SEE TIME photo/Article (Oct 1971) below Infiltratio ns and excuses on all aspects of ELF attacks. Egypt largest Military, Turkey Sibel gagged SSP created doubts and to hide consp iracy agenda of NWO) CIA masterminds. A public brainwashed to allow it unwitting ly, in the White House, to next calamity and Global Domination Conspiracy of the minds! Connecting 50 yrs of dots! ie; General Anthony Zinni (wikepidia)Changed minds! (Brainwash on the job as many others, see how its done) CIA Predicts The Future 2015 - Water Resources. 2007 video/comments. (Unwitting agents channeled to Infiltrate) Waging War since the Church Committee 1974! Charges were made 2 a dministrations concerned and NEVER ABOLISHED. May be drawn into the fight trying to stop it John McWethy. Taking over the Globe under the disguise of helping ot hers tactics. An unwitting population targeted in advance! DARPA (trailing Scien ce 50 yrs as new MKULTRA) Psyops deployed 50 yrs on civilians. ELECTRONIC WARFAR E! Mc Wethy video Larry SilversteinOWNER of 911 TOWER 7, set upin advance to get insurance and tra nsmitted forced speech/DECISIONto "pull" to firefighters as ifinvolved-NSA trans missions-SABOTAGED as Russell Tice Article Is the NSA conducting war on American s (YES, tip of iceberg) 2006 and Media asked, why press didnt pick it up other t han NBC? Operation Mockingbird propaganda unwittingly, updated remote viewing an d impairment mind control as misunderstandings. A PRESIDENT WHO ONCE TOOK AN OAT H TO CIVIL RIGHTS AND ACCUSED THE GOVERNMENT OF CREATING AIDS! They did! 911 The y did! Sunstein's Report-Cognitive impairment infiltration is unwitting NOT hired Gangs , creating illusion-Un-realized Kinesthetic! Creating false perception for decad es on civilians. Reagan erased with Alzheimer mind control (NLP) CIA programming . OPERATION MIND CONTROL (1973) Plans to Psycho civilize you and MACROCOSM Ameri cas Corporate Leaders and Official, AND civilians. Un-Covered documentary CONGRESS MARIONETTES not READING infozapped, to invade Ir aq. Mind controlled Out-Foxed video for years-media mockingbird unwittingly, UNR EALIZED, updated! The joke culture, misfits in the pentagon cult of intelligence and a dysfunctional country! Allen Dulles 1957" Berle wrote in his diary. "If t he scientists do what they have laid out for themselves, men will become managea ble ants." Below FULL disclosures. Hadassah 90 Billions in Ponzi sabotage away from Jersusalem HOSP (Laser/vision) funding. Re-Distributing the WEALTH from Jews manipulating our economy further t han Corporations. Always keeping their enemy close, destroying files & buildings . They took down the economy behind the scenes! Ariel Sharon zapped into coma (as I),Directed Energy Weaponsas planes; because h e knew the CIA was corrupt Sabotaging Israel. Kay Griggs Military whistleblower with MIND JABBING attacks (Secret Societies) 1910 Yale Prescott Bush FUNDED NAZI s soldiers, KKK etcDoD. 1967 USS liberty-Project Philadelphia (Hallucinations) blaming ISRAEL- mistake i n identity set up-framed, cutting off investigations & news coverage (as usual u ntil exposed 2008 as the shuttle satellite cover up, Aliens, public corruption a dmissions, etc) Start of Anti-Semitism fanned unwittingly since 1947 Act. Alien UFO Hallucinations Scapegoating with LSD (that CIA brought in and sold to kids). Making Million off the Pharmaceutical (Rx) TAXES (as ALCOHOL INDUCED URGE S), now being sued from synthetic side effects and transmitted Synthetic illness es. After they mind controlled you and your teacher, professor to push prescript ions and the greed transmitted to make commercial on your drug inducement on Ame ricans- VETS Agent Orange non-traceable! Military CANCER and Leukemia, lumps, to all under the disguise of microwaves cells infiltrating crimes & wars! GROUND 0 . Playing GOD (Project Voice of GOD) & devil-The CIA Cult of Intelligence born wit h National Security Act in 1947, Weapons Stations need to be dismantled ASAP. Bu zz in Pentagon Synthetic Telepathy and Psychotronics predicted in 1967 video ins tant communication in the news un-wit, after

Public Speeches"Repeatedly staying the course" tobrainwashinvadedCountries with (excuses), GULF war, "TheENERGY will be just fine", (Not at all)"we will help on e soulat a time". Hillary "I will not channel my husband" (as in ghost-like tran smissions sabotaged Clinton Rumsfeld: There is what you know, you don't know.... . Didnt mean to say that or thats not what I meant Obama dividing the people to conquer with They like to do that, one against the other Called JACKETING in psy ops. (Side effects of brainwash, and Mind Control conflictions). America; The Re mote Cult of Intelligence! SEARCH for MANCHURIAN ego statesuch as an imaginary childhood playmateand build it into a separate personality, unknown to the first. The hypnotist would commun icate directly with this schizophrenic offshoot and command it to carry out spec ific deeds kamikaze pilot. Manchurian crimes creating a subservient society was not out of sight- by mind control waves." And worse. GUANTANAMO scapegoats displays and focused on the wrong Weapons of mass destruct ion, brainwash and intelligence masterminded. (Nano thermal debris removed quick ly). Cathy OBrien, Book TRANCE-formation SSP impeding truth. Never getting to fu ll truth---INNOCENT and display for false blame. TIME/DELAYS for false confessio n Brainwash out memory & PLANT new before public contacts. How the CIA Missed Stalin's Bomb, 1946-50-printed 2007 but updated 2008. ---Remo te Viewing and surveillance CANNOT prevent anything as London Subway Bombing-(St aged)!!! Water and Odd/even days Petrol, CIA sabotage since 70s as drugs and cri me all un-natural-inducing more plans for Florida. Judge Napolitano, Lies the Government told you unwittingly until 2008 cover up p re-empted allegations with political and media transparency... DELUSIONS, RE-REA D, and CONDONED corruptions! ILLUSIONS OF CRIMES statistics for 5 decades and mi s perceptions mind controlled. Market inflations and real estate pricing and gouging was all induced from the m ind on each individual and as a mass, and part of conspiracy agenda. Corrupting American Minds. And, the suicide??? of a Jewish CFO after 3 months as interim ac countant at FANNIE MAE fraud. Jewish Aaron Russo died of Cancer recently after going public that Rockefeller t old him the only reason the WOMENS liberation was allowed to occur successfully was to COLLECT TAXES from them. They also manipulate couples lives as The Firm J ohn Marks also wrote only the participant knows of this and is not only army. In vading Countries Under pretex of oil etc. for take over of humanity. Did you know CIA operates on the ground wearing Yamacas & M.C. soldiers to frame Jews, destroying fruit trees and crops against the Torah scriptures +, as with our organic natural farms in the U.S. Why? Did you know that the ISRAELI ART STUDENTS were framed and mind controlled where to live and accepted only in the areas to live as guided to set up and look inv olved? CONTRARY OF CIA GUILT CREATING DOUBT and so much more BEARING FALSE WITNE SS from a neighbor, false memory, fake Govt help spinning their wheels. INTERNET & Google lawsuit, libraries, false accusations & false detainments? Capable and do manipulate all Internet remotely with passwords and minds from spying survei llance. As with False imprisoned masses. Sabotaged 911 Commission never to see t he light, as 9 DOJ Attorneys asking questions-Fired at once when they could not be brainwashed to go along, and Generation GAPS again. (see Bay of Pigs framing College Students in air recommendations in 1959 etc) Did you know Mind Controlled People and Media is set up with tricks of false tho ughts transmitted during conversation and output of written documents to put a S PIN on JOURNALISTS & civilians thus unknowingly creating PROPAGANDA, until now c overing their tracks with blatant lies from our government? Decades of news from misunderstanding mind games, disputes, & slanders. No one high enough Q clearan ce! The behavioral sciences (Modification). Nevertheless, the final result is no t the whole story of the CIA's attack on the mind. No one knows except the PARTI CIPANT. He called it Pain-Drug-Hypnosis and said it is a vicious war weapon ... The exte nsiveness of the use of this form of hypnotism in espionage work is now so wides pread that it is long past the time when people should have become alarmed about it. [p. 75] Report

Duplicitous-Framing ISRAEL & piggybacked shadowing to scapegoat and set up! See how CIA tab +. INJECTED IDEOLOGY covertly INFILTRATING WORSE OVER TIME TO CHUNK & ACCEPT. BRAINWASH society and worse yet if not stopped and reversed. AND every thing is being mis-applied! Israel, Seismic Energy to part sea & leave crevice, Israel small land & surround ed by 50 yrs of vast constant attacks, Israel has Palestinians who were EVICTED by their own people, Israel can't have chicken or cow suffer with Kosher scriptu res and suffering---2nd level shadow CIA proven Diabolical! STOP Shadow CIA atta cks-50 yrs PRESS FANNING Anti-Semitism and spinning all 2nd level CIA, Goldstone Report and 911, SS liberty ... dis-info, hallucinations, cognitive infiltration s, illusions, wearing Yamacas on the Ground in disguise, psyops on Israel and co ver-ups. Catherine Fitts Whistleblower Cracks everywhere now. Leave Israel alone and we will have world peace! (Tice Article on SABOTAGE on all aspects of life. ) Inducing mind control on rioters coupled with funding them in Egypt to take them down WW3 as planned every time we invade a Country- see also George Green link video. 9/2010 Press release in SUPREME COURT below this one of ISRAEL whistleblo wing CIA to take them down (1947 to current activities fanning opposites) as all our NEWS for decades by design. Information Warfare [1973]. DATA-MINING, why and SINCE 1973 FOIA includes genetics & 2nd Level CIA See Lt. C ol Bearden slides and more of NEW frightening weapon the World has ever seen! RU SSIAN SCIENTIST SLIDE. ________________________________________ Mind Control-Directed Energy Weapons are responsible for MOST ILLNESSES, NEURO, Obesety, Immune, Central Nervous System. See Wired & Tice Article, 5 SENS ES) KINESTHETIC wikipedia) Elec. Magnetic Fields. (MEMORY Mind/Body BLOCKS-ALZHE IMER-DIMENTIA as back to the future), Agent ORANGE, ADDHD, Equilibrium, Bladder, Colon, Leukemia, Numbness/ MS, Anesthesiology, AIDS, FIBROMALGIA, PULMONARY, Bi -Polar, CONFUSION extra thought transmissions, MEMORY, DYSLEXIA, opposites sugge stions to confuse, SKIN/BLOOD Flow/DISEASES, EPSTEINS BAR, Vision Sight, HOLOGRA MS, HALLUCINATIONS, Parkinsons, MIGRAINES, CANCER, Anthrax, Valley Fever, Flu li ke symptoms, Insomnia is sleep deprivation, Thyroid, Short Term Memory, (interce pted thoughts)COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENTS, UN-Necessary procedures, Bi-polar/ADD (most misdiagnosed in America, Accidents, slip & falls, STROKES, Williams Syndrome Mo tor Coordination, Autism. & disorientation. False ALARMS all from the MIND; UNRE ALIZED forced speech emotions & mistakes, Epilepsy! (Dr Bearden) MORGELLANS! LIV ER dialysis, kidney failures rampid in U.S. Hemorrhage energy heat pressure, Vac cine synthetic, ELF ills hiding behind PHARMACEUTICAL side effects..., RLS jolts of ELF light/elec, DIABETES II, and worse. HIDING BEHIND MSG or ASPERTAME inclu ding RETARDATION, Tourette, MUSCLE Controls, ELF reproduction and sweats on both male/female, STD, ARTHRITIS... much worse. INFLAMATION, Burning feet (Lasers us ually seniors), BLISTERS, SPLIT PERSONALITIES is a shift technique of NLP using remote electronic hypnosis, mood transmitted urges to act amplified thoughts, su ggestions, thoughts back and forth, mind jabs-interrupt thoughts, with triggers of memory blocks, INDUCED ERASURES & DELAYS IN YOUR LIFE etc. Misplacing items i n trash mind games. Programmed MISFITS Diabolic, playing mind games since milk c arton missing children recruited by coercion called Handlers. They cant see from your eyes but tell you to LOOK first and take the credit. Seniors mostly, HEARI NG DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS and PANACEAS. Responsible for much worse, would never sit on this kind of power with Weapons nicely tucked away, knowing no threats by Ru ssias or Chinas and never was by ELF.__Jerry Smith. There is more!!! ________________________________________ Have you been mind controlled not to believe? Diabolical did not stop with what you already know today, that, I assure you, was the burned part. Targeted for 5 years, tortured, and attempts to recruit for the CIA, now trained in NLP and the software from NASA with Woodpecker Scalar Waves that reach Russia but SHIELDED. It is intercepted in our air space as all else. I am a witness in danger and ne ed to come forward and be heard to WARN the grave dangers, cover ups and every e xcuse possible for doubt including medicinal, that are in manifest. UNREALIZED N OW making it REAL and wit!

"Is the PENTAGON Science CRAZY ENOUGH?" Mind manipulations-Not just on SenatorsSee Articles/ Speeches Bottom Left. Remote Control Heart Attack Anyone! Explosio ns Decades ago. WITHOUT A TRACE -Millions emails missing from WHITE HOUSE servers. Failed backup s $2.5 mil in taxes to recover and NOTHING-2005 unwitPentagon's Unit: The Cult o f Dead Cows! Also see CIA Stuxnet. CIA cyber crimes, ID theft, stalking, viruses , HACKERS.....! covering up, pawns since 2009. CIA cyber crimes, THEFT & Vandali sm selectively, ON ALL CIVILITY, stalking, specific MS viruses creation, HACKERS , tampered communications, muting, redirected, manipulations, intercepted though ts day or night.....! LOS ALAMOS LABS; STUXNET creation. AGAIN in the AUSPICES o f losing your FREEDOMS infiltrations... Dr. Warloff and Moret. Mysteries solved! Remote Viewing is upon you 24/7 since 1973-Science and Humanit y under Siege with DoD Secret Society Psychotronics, Synthetic Telepathy DIRECTE D ENERGY- (2nd Level CIA); THE WEAPON of MASS DESTRUCTION-ELF miscommunications Duping everyone today! "It may have been the biggest story since the atom bomb. The headline, however, was small and ignored the larger issue. Drug Tests by CIA Held More Extensive Th en Reported in 75, said the New York Times on July 16, 1977. .""Zombie is a quai nt, old-fashioned folklore word but its meaning becomes obscene when our childre ns minds are being controlled ... [p.17][Note:1] Pentagon Misfits- programming civility since 50% of milk carton children kidnapp ed ARRESTED EMOTIONS AGGRANDIZEMENT (NARCISSISM)! To RAMPID crimes, corruption, to AGGRANDIZEMENT OF GOVERNMENT justifications FOR TAX REVENUES and Fascism teen ...suicides, Diabetes, ECO. & ills-Bombers-erupted, CANCER, ALZHEIMER, Fibromyal gia, Immune See List (Project Montauk below L) The cult of Intelligence, documen ts. DRUGS do not make you commit crimes; the WILL does! How America was/is Mind Controlled behind scenes to Police crimes infiltrations and drugs, Politicians M ilitary, Media, Channeled Hollywood minds, UN-REALIZED! Ron Paul says: CIA runs Everything but this website content is HOW: SHADOW/2nd l evel took off (1973) one year prior Church Commission Report with psyop MHchaosFOIA- NO WONDER BIG BROTHER has been into every ASPECT and PROFESSION of AMERICA NS. Keeping enemies close. Picking up on everyone and their genetics and events or cults or investigation, TAMPERING with MINDS NOT JUST OUR CULTURE. Mistakes, Accidents, coincidences, your soul/ karma. ELF directed energy weapon of mass.... Spread the word. We need a Revolution Abo lish CIA 2nd level and NSAct. BP framed to cover up Gov't Lab Venice FL RED TIDE -ELF infects since 1947 below Democracy NOW Air Force paralysis with a decision made one way or other. TRIED TO WARN CONGRESS in 2008 with dismissed manipulatio ns, sabotage, and disbelief. 911 Kamikaze Pilots Mind Controlled robots on US So il (Manchurians) suicide bombers as are Globalists. Bohemian Grove culture burni ng babies etc... our Joke culture to the Globe pre 2008. Our ENGINEERED CULTURE of INFILTRATIONS, COVER UPS and WHITEWASH (2008) The ROOT of ALL Problems, still in manifest! The Matrix began long ago and the spying is after the fact of CIA 2nd level-took off in 1973 one year prior. How you are le tting mind control happen with brainwashing of disbelief... trickery of your wil l! Beliefs of their thoughts planted/transmitted as your own-daily manipulations . The rest of the world didn't ask until 1976 the type of questions we were facing in 1965.... Everybody was afraid of building the supersoldier who would take or ders without questioning, like the kamikaze pilot. 70's Manchurian crimes Creati ng a subservient society was not out of sight- by mind control. FBI HOOVER "clandestine warfare avowed objective had been WORLD DOMINATION by wh atever means and COST!" FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, who ordered FBI agents to "expose, disrupt, misdirect, discredit, or otherwise neutralize" the activities of these movements and their leaders. Hoover disclosed how horrific these weapon s were thus, hard to believe ..." INVENTING/INDUCING and APPLIED (NLP) Paranoid Schizophrenia, Moods, Mental BLOCK S, Grandeur Aggrandizement, etc. is only a thought from a trigger and anchors NS A CIA shadow transmissions, amplifications. Tavistock: Best kept secret in Ameri

ca and Govt RAND Corp primary function Brainwash -CIA NLP not Freudian mind cont rol ills! AMA-Synthetic telepathy, false memory syndrome/ confession/ bearing fa lse witness. Montauk Project (1943) A group which has as it's prime goal the fur ther acquisition of ever-greater raw, oppressive power over the actual lives of it's own continued aggrandizement and enrichment at the expense not only of Eart h's people but most certainly of the planet itself and all its many life formsSt art of a LOCKED DOOR SOCIETY transmitted fears Pretex for Tyranny Gifford Shooting always a new law to infiltrate the whitewash ing of The Constitution & Human Rights. FREEDOM! Gifford decoy/ EXPLOIT of Manch urian Synthetic ills and CRIMES- Surreptitious ASSASSINATION of a FEDERAL JUDGE by Manchurians crimes. Civil rights African crops and surreptitious cover up-CIA MASTERMINDS/CONTROL. Surveillance under the AUSPICES of and in disguise of exis ting remote viewing from Satellite Engineered a Human Matrix! Suggested Moods, p re-and post Manipulations. Civil rights Africa... CIA MASTERMINDS of AGENDA too busy, to dismiss this, & se nsory deprivation unrealized stress induced and another year goes by of 50 with unwitting cognitive infiltration un-wit in disconnects in White House to next ca lamity. ITS not the PRESIDENT, its MIND CONTROL! Mind Control-answer to all mis-information DC, GAZA disconnects 2009, RHETORIC, lies, dis-information GAPS, illusions, non-sense. GOLDSTONE REPORT, USS Liberty SET UPS... Mind Control Root of ALL problems. Talk about it FAN it! Looking beyo nd the messengers! CASES NEVER PROVEN in CRIMES AND SCIENCE settled-------------------------! God Bless America, God Bless Humanity! Assange Secrets are for a reason and secret abuses are impossible to correct unless you know they are going on. Knowing their plans before they are implemented to oppos e before they occur. If they are exposed by the people already suffering by the abuse, then the abuse has already occurred and it is too late. Mind Controlled suicides and redistribution of wealth. Is there a needle mark un der her arm as well? When even one American -who has done wrong- is forced by fear to shut his mind a nd close his mouth, then all Americans are in peril. Harry S.Truman JFK speech The very word "secrecy" is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive an d unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which ar e cited to justify it. Even today, there is little value in opposing the threat of a closed society by imitating its arbitrary restrictions. Even today, there i s little value in insuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not s urvive with it. And there is very grave danger that an announced need for increa sed security will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the v ery limits of official censorship and concealment. That I do not intend to permi t to the extent that it is in my control. And no official of my Administration, whether his rank is high or low, civilian or military, should interpret my words here tonight as an excuse to censor the news, to stifle dissent, to cover up ou r mistakes or to withhold from the press and the public the facts they deserve t o know. PLANNED WARS TO INFILTRATE COMMUNISM! Dividing all to conquer! Brainwashing & WH ITEWASHING HISTORY is underway! THE MOTHER OF ALL EVIL-CIA Technology Changing m inds and hearts, including Presidents! And vice versa CONTROLLING MENTAL BLOCKS. Disarming you-Gun Control, for a manipulated REVOLUTION hijacked passwords, www in the 90's, 911, now Exec. Order 11005 take over waterways martial law Katrina Massacres, Plans, to HR 1955 reversed freedom of thought! Unwittingly infiltrati ng NLP tactics Psyops. OPPOSITES! Dr. Robert Becker was the major researcher and writer on health dangers from electromagnetic fields; he died a few months ago, in summer 2008 warned INDUCED ELF/EMF-disconnects in White House to next calami ty.

JUDICIAL SYSTEM, AND SCHOOL BOOKS WITH FALSE MEDICINE and FALSE TESTS RESULTS an d Engineered lives all from the mind! Voting, www. and all tests can and are tam pered. Have you read "Lies the Government told you"? READ twice- Perceptions in AMERICA-LONDON Subway CIA- INSIDE JOB- Remote Viewing, Surveillance and Searches -STAGED! John Marks-CIA BUILDING/Search MANCHURIANS since Hitler (who had electronic epil epsy himself) and MKULTRA on German Soldiers--- You are not losing your minds TH EY TAKE IT!- Our Soldier admits guilt to representat ion of TERRORISM. Press release below June 2008 was impeded from going out in Boston. The sender r eported Disappeared; A growing number of Americans have reported symptoms that i nclude but are not limited to severephysical trauma such asshocks, stings, burni ng, nausea, and sleep deprivation. Targeted individuals of domestic terrorism or iginate from many different backgrounds and are affected in a physical, psycholo gical, social, and financial manner as a result of directed energy weapons assau lts. The average American would be astonished to learn the extent to which secre t surveillance technology has advanced from remote viewing and manipulation; tor ture of the human mind and body horrendous abuses. Measures must be taken to fre e"The mind control examined in this book is the control of ONE individuals mind by ANOTHER!" Guided, misled, by the public UNWITTINGLY used as pawns (jacketed) one against the other with everything the OPPOSITE, manipulated, and dysfunction al! (1973) First. Then they came for the communists. I didnt object bc I wasnt a communist. Then they came for the trade-unionists. I didnt object bc I wasnt a trade-union ist. Then they came for the Jews. I didnt object bc I wasnt a Jew. Then they cam e for me and there was no one left to help me. "We must hang together or we will surely hang separately" ...Ben Franklin This website information is awakening debunking/educating raising awareness, on humanity, a FULL DISCLOSURE Correction of 5 DECADES of 2nd level CIA mind contro lled DIS-information, MIS-COMMUNICATION, non-sense, blinders/blocks, unconscious ly, manipulating YOUR conversations, not on same wavelength) or/ sabotage create d by Mind Control ELF waves & Energy, (1974) CIA Neuro-linguistic Programming. D irected ENERGY Weapon used nefariously deployed on ALL people as pawns UNWITTING LY, illusions, robots, every body's doing the locomotion, CANCER. "Information W arfare tactics" and the new ways to ASSASSINATE civilians currently. Not the Pat riot ACT after THE FACT as ALL else. SURREPTITIOUSLY! SLOW KILLSLegal! 130 Facts and Examples, see induced ills; LIST on bottom left and (Pharma (Rx) T axes; Tab)- Collectively by a Mind Control victim Expert Witness (NLP) Federal W histleblower 1st hand, Warning "We the People" "Impeded, Gagged, tortured, squas hed, disrupted, threatened, for 5 years, now being set up +. Never believe anyth ing until it is officially denied". Illusions scapegoating our Media after 50 yr s victims of created spin, dis-information WARFARE etc... by mind control UNREAL IZED & cognitive impairment infiltrations on all people. "Why hasn't the press-aside from MSNBC--covered NSA Tice's revelations! Or mine. Let the people decide ; Millions would come forward. BREACHED contracts OVERSEAS SPYING to manipulate. Massive brainwash also in manifest! Another layer! Dr. Robert O Becker was the major researcher and writer on health dangers from e lectromagnetic fields, he died a few months ago, in summer 2008 warned INDUCED E LF/EMF-"John Wayne and Susan Hayward died CANCER decades after movie and unexpec ded wind shift and MONSETTO wind? FARMING cases!" ANY ADDICTION, and FRAMING Tob acco Co. Page 307/347 THE BODY ELECTRIC DoD! Summary information: CIA brainwashing We the People for decades engineering our lives and culture unwittingly with mind and body control, corruptions to destroy humanity (jacketing) one against the other divide and conquer world Domination selecting who will live. Wake up America. Wake up Washington! The secret holocau st & WWIII in MANIFEST. Un-realized and programmed. THIS video i s about the PROCESS. WASHINGTON will be shot after the CRISIS step 4 of mind con trol Brainwash over decades- slow kills... Do you believe a RUSSIAN or are you t argeted? They always kill you when you are done serving. See below creating subs

ervient civilians and torture goes on illegally anyway. Legalizing it is only fo r us civilians and what is coming (N.W.O. a silent holocaust) with no recourse o r redress available on civil rights. Illusions, transmitted false thoughts, crim es infiltrated now Making it REAL. After 50 yrs of spy devices being installed a nd attached today overtly as all else shadowed. The White Rose, was formed by students at the University of Munich in 1941 after serving the GERMAN ARMY, and executed by guillotine shouting Long Live Freedomdropping leaflets in Revolution for SOCIAL JUSTICE http://www.spartacus.schoolne CIA bomb makers AND Mind Controlled Crimes Magnus Olsson Swede; CIA has Nazis bu t COVERT in Pentagonetc Memory Mind control to $ invest & lose ALL, and they play with the MEMORY A LOT . Former Hitler Youth Whistleblower Warns Of America's Nazi Future on line video s This is how they will KILL us! ISRAEL first! JTiUhZxaY&NR=1 V For 911 Vendetta Past Present and Future --- br illiant!!!! George Green and Israel first Plans for WW3 EXPLOSIONS of: Alien hallucinations, ill list pg. 9, crimes, corruption culture, CANCER, obesity, dumb down bureaucracy, zombies, surreptitiously and unrealized infiltrations until 2008 explosions made overtly! Number of American civilians who died worldwide in terrorist attacks last year: 8 - Minimum number who died after being struck by lightning: 29." Spinning their wheels freeing 6,000 terrorists falsely accused, while assassinating who they r eally want, and BILLIONS a YEAR just to surveil us nefariously and worse agendas still, un-wit. Mind control planted ideas in advance as Hollywood and RUMORS of Bear Stearns, a nd Bay of Pigs starting them in advance including musicians. Playing psychics an d mind games AND 911 prediction in 1999 by Coulter. "I don't know whose idea it was, but we decided to kill ourselves because it was so horrendous what was happening," Ruth Madoff told the CBS program "60 Minutes ," Michael Moore said OWS was already surfacing and ready to explode when he cam e in. He was the pawn. Stated cant stop it and 59% like never before on Democrac y Now! OWS M Moore connect it to money pentagon mil complex and to corp being sc apegoated and taken over ONLY reason came home from IRAQ is because we got kicke d out or would be there decades more. But the 10 yr contract PATRIOT ACT;"Number of American civilians who died worldwide in terrorist attacks last year: 8 - Mi nimum number who died after being struck by lightning: 29." In last 10 yrs and $ 75 Billion later on us & Surveillance equip... EVERY EFFORT HAS BEEN MADE TO SET ME UP, PRE-EMPT, DISCREDIT ME and cover up. ### Directed Energy Weapons and the latest cover ups #19 The latest oil spill cover up of EMF/ELF SINCE 1947 Venice FL Labs Mind Control ERROR See #36 and #25 with allegations #23 to #50- Church Committee reported how our Politicians "too lax" then and now. 1997 DoD Briefing: 'Others' can set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely using el ectromagnetic waves By Lori Price 28 Feb 2010 Secretary of Defense William S. Co hen, 28 April 1997: 'There are some reports, for example, that some countries ha ve been trying to construct something like an Ebola Virus [OMG! Who would do suc h a thing?], and that would be a very dangerous phenomenon, to say the least. Al vin Toeffler has written about this in terms of some scientists in their laborat ories trying to devise certain types of pathogens that would be ethnic specific so that they could just eliminate certain ethnic groups and races; and others [L OL] are designing some sort of engineering, some sort of insects that can destro y specific crops. Others are engaging even in an eco- type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves.' --Just switch 'yours,' 'others' and 'they' with ' U.S.,' 'U.S.' and 'U.S.' This was in 1997. Imagine, after eight years of George W. Bush turbo-funding these lunatics, what they can do now.CIA COVERT OPS Kay Griggs Military Wife and Whistleblower SECRET SOCIETY, and Jim Keith-Mass Co ntrol Human Engineering (soldiers, robots, and drones) Copyright 2010 NSA Transmissions. All rights reserved.

Web Hosting by Yahoo! An expert witness, Certified Hypnotist trained in CIA Neur o Linguistic Programming techniques with NASA software and Military Patents.

NSA Transmissions-Mind Control, Death Rays for Planes, Cancer, Synthetic ills- T opplings ELF & Seismic Waves + Behind Scenes Focused on Wrong Weapon Mass Destru ction TERRORISTS WITHIN, 1973 2nd Level CIA, Cryptocracy's Plan to Psycho-civili ze You, Emulating Scriptures! ---How & Why 911, Economy. ALL from your minds! MA CROCOSM. Millions including America's Corp Leaders & Officials! "The Process." I srael Framed-engineered to go down. Have you figured it out yet! NSA Tice-Hero under God US Supreme Court Case Israel-CIA Agenda- Press Releases Synthetic Telepathy-ills-TAXES Cancer 911 CIA Resources to Expose Interviews-Exhibits-Documents Lawsuit-Synthetic ills in America CANCER Collectively! Connecting the dots! Wake up America! 50 yrs of no n sense, dysfunction, pointing fingers, disrespect, perception, corruption/crime .... A PRESIDENT WHO ONCE TOOK AN OATH TO CIVIL RIGHTS AND ACCUSED THE GOVERNMENT OF CREATING AIDS! They did! 911 They did! BP oil NSA transmissions contaminates & infects...IMMUNE SYSTEM & FERTILITY ELF/EMF... MIND CONTROL ERROR-Latest oil spill cover up Govt LABS- ELF contamination SINCE 1947 Venice Florida's RED TIDE. SCIENCE UNDER SIEGE FALSE MEMORY SYNDROME FOUNDATION APA/AMA Framed-- BEHIND THE SCENES & MUCH MORE! They won't let me speak! CIRCLES NON SENSE Rhetoric.... DEATH RAYS FOR PLANES-ONE ENERGY zap causes confusion, mistakes, trip, fall, bod y temp-freeze, heat, miscommunication, fatigue, focus/concentration, radio-sleep and stalling any engine Warden Cliff Towers in full action 1940 & airways wall protected and HUDSON assassination, must read lawsuit #25 b and c. Cult of Intel ligence and Psychotronics! (Synthetic illnesses) SICKENING-KILLING AMERICANS surreptitiously for 50 YEARS-T wice recommended for a Nobel Prize Dr. Robert Becker was the major researcher an d writer on health dangers from electromagnetic fields, died a few months ago, i n summer 2008 DIRECTED ELF CIA OPS BLACK CANCER-women in politics discredited-collected this-CANCER below:

SENIORS doctor visits an American hobby-pills and ills! Air Force Article at Hom e TAB "Remote Control Heart Attack anyone" Are you or someone you know sabotaged unwittingly? Do you have auto accidents, w ork or neighbor disputes, NON-SENSE, UNREALIZED, bad luck, obstacles, desensitiz ed (sensory deprevation, false memory, mis-communication (CHAOS) MEMORY ERASURES , MIS-UNDERSTANDINGS, mis-informed, dis-information, spinning your wheels, addic tions, mental blocks. Deaths, Cancer, Changes. CONTRARY OPPOSITE NEWS-DUPLICITOU S Taking back our courage and what this Country fought for and recognizing where t he corruption and crimes are coming from. CIA must be dismantled as HAARP. A Rev olution is necessary. POWER in NUMBERS! UN-Covered DOCUMENTARY-CONGRESS as MARIONETTES not readingdocuments to invade IR AQ streets and psyops CHAOS and Martial law on US soil for nefarious agenda. ALL mind controlled Weapons use behind scenes building WEBBED Lives setting up peop le like Manchurians. A Public used as Pawns in Chess game of wars on our STREETS ! DR IGOR LEDOCHOWSKI-Street Hypnosis This tells all why some utter What is this world coming to? PLEASE HELP HUMANITY: I t affects you, Talk about it, Expose it, Stop them! MILLION victims would come f orward! Contact Congress. Guided, engineered, recruited, and sabotaged synthetic telepathy, since 2007-I am hoping to make a difference and help as much as I can. It is too late for me but this has to be reported and dismantled. Minds are being blocked from thought process and belief with manipulations. I hope to finish my book of this horrifi c calamity of what I discovered and was informed of over 4 years and more. Bring ing awareness to the people and accountability to this INTELLIGENCE EVOLVED into MASS CONTROL, massive corruption and CRIMES of HUMANITY, Economic manipulations . EXPOSE IT! GOD BLESS! DON'T BE PROGRAMMED NOT TO BELIEVE or not to READ like an ADDICTION to Self Dest ruct -They build discredit like a Manchurian! It was either invisible warfare or peace, and everyone seemed to agree the economy would "suffer" from peace. Without war, it was believed, the economy would falte r and depression would be the dividend of peace. Thus the advisors to the presid ent began to think about what might motivate the U.S. economy as well as war did . They came up with several possibilities, the most fantastic of which was to fa ke an invasion from outer space... Dr. Bowart 1978 Below is Book Cover Mass Control Engineering Human Consciousness and One side e ffect! ________________________________________ ____________________________________

CANCER, LEUKEMIA, NERVOUS SYSTEM EXPLAINED AND STARTED WITH NSA TRANSMISSION WHE N DEPLOYED ON AMERICANS 1973 ELF/EMF. Heat lasers on your organs and skin/blood/ LEUKEMIA.. Protect Whistleblowers Like They Did in 1777 This day marks the 40th anniversary of the release of the Pentagon Papers in the New York Times, and today, the Times ran an op-ed by NWC Executive Director Ste phen M. Kohn that tells the story of the first-ever whistleblowers in the United States. In 1777, a group of American sailors and marines blew the whistle on the first C ommodore of the US Navy, accusing him of misconduct that included the torture of British soldiers. The Continental Congress did not throw the whistleblowers in

solitary confinement, prosecute them, or execute them. Even in a time of war, th e government did not use the "state secrets" privilege to hide these abuses. Ins tead, they passed a law that all whistleblowers should be protected, released al l the records related to the whistleblowers' concerns, and used funds from Congr ess' meager treasury to protect the whistleblowers from retaliation. TAKE ACTION! Stop Prosecuting National Security Whistleblowers As a country we have moved so far away from what the Founding Fathers recognized at the foundation of democracy - freedom of speech. The federal government shou ld immediately drop the criminal investigations and prosecutions of national sec urity whistleblowers, and President Obama should pardon NSA whistleblower Thomas Drake. On July 30, 1778, the Continental Congress enacted America's first whistleblower protection law. We ask that Congress declare July 30th National Whistleblower Day, honoring whistleblowers for their contributions throughout history. Please send a letter to Congress demanding that they honor what the Founding Fat hers did on July 30, 1778, in the midst of the American Revolution. Then pass th is alert on to your friends and family.

BLack women in politics discredited-collected this: BLACK CANCER DEATHS AND ILLNESSES PAUL BATHER Profession: Kentucky Alderman, Race: Black Complaint: Lawsuit against Louisville Metro Police Department Died of: Pancreatic Cancer JUDGE MCANULTY Profession: 1st (First) Black Judge on the Kentucky Supreme Court, Race: Black l ung Cancer that spread to his brain. Was forced to resign from the bench. Died o f: Cancer - 2007- Age 59 CHUCK OLMSTEAD Profession: WAS News Reporter, Race: Black Died of: Brain Aneurysm -2009 REVEREND COLEMAN Profession: Civil Rights Worker, The Justice Resource Center, Louisville, Kentuc ky, Race: Black Complaint: Paticipated in filing Class Action Lawsuit against Federal Judges in Louisville, Kentucky (inclusive of Heyburn, Simpson, et al) Died of: Seizures - 2008, Age - 64 WILLIE BRIGHT Profession: Metro Council Member, Race: Black Died of: Cancer - 2005 DAUGHTER OF LADY Profession: Unknown, Worked on her Mother's Case against MSD in Louisville, Ky, Race: Black Died of: Brain Aneurysm VICKI PAGE Profession: Previously worked for MSD in Louisville, Kentucky, Race: Black Complaint: Participated in filing Class Action Lawsuit against Judges in Federal Court in Louisville, Kentucky (inclusive of Heyburn, Simpson, et al) llness: (n ot sure of the names of all her illnesses) NAME (MALE) Profession: Previous Professor, Kentucky Rep. for Rainbow Push Coalition, Race:B lack Brain Cancer

ELIZABETH ELLIOTT Profession: Former Social Worker and Civil Rights Worker, Race: Black Complaint: Participated in filing Class Action Lawsuit against Judges in Federal Court in Louisville, Kentucky (inclusive of Heyburn, Simpson, et al) Illness: Diabetic, Kidney Dialysis, Weak Heart Valve ROSE PERRY Profession: Unknown, Race: White Complaint: Participated in filing Class Action Lawsuit against Judges in Federal Court in Louisville, Kentucky (inclusive of Heyburn, Simpson, et al) Illness: (not sure of the names of her illnesses) Threats: She started receiving hate Mail Mind Control: (Please be aware mind control is all thoughts to the 5 senses in s uggestions 24/7 and not all physical effect of ELF/EMF, but have been nefariousl y abused secretly before patents. The Ultimate Brave New World Technologies for stimulating the brain and controlling the mind can have benefit s, but they have a dark side that military and intelligence planners have been e xploiting for decades. Extracted from Nexus Magazine, Volume 13, Number 2 (February - March 2006 & April-May 2006) PO Box 30, Mapleton Qld 4560 Australia. by Nick Begich, MD 2006 Extracted from: "Controlling the Human Mind 2006 It would also appear possible to create high fidelity speech in the human body, raising the possibility of covert suggestion and psychological direction... Thus , it may be possible to "talk" to selected adversaries in a fashion that would b e most disturbing to them. US Air Force, New World Vistas: Air and Space Power for the 21st Century The idea that the brain can be made to function at a more efficient and directed level has been the subject of research by scientists, mystics, health practitio ners and others for as long as mankind has contemplated such matters. In the las t decade, advances in the science of the brain have begun to yield significant r esults. The results of the research are startling, challenging and, if misused, will be frightening. The certainty to be expected from the research is that it w ill continue to proceed. The idea that people can be impacted by external signal generators which create, for example, pulsed electromagnetic fields, pulsed lig ht and pulsed sound signals is not new. The following information demonstrates s ome of the possibilities and gives hints of the potentials of the technology. On the positive side, researchers in the field of light and sound are making huge progress in a number of areas, including working with learning disabilities, att ention deficit disorders, stroke recovery, accelerated learning, drug/alcohol ad diction and enhanced human performance. The research has shown that certain brain states can be influenced in a way which causes changes within the brain itself. These chan ges allow individuals the possibility of influencing specific conditions in the mind and body otherwise thought beyond our direct control. The military and othe rs interested in such things have also focused a large amount of research into t his area for the purpose of enhancing the performance of soldiers while degradin g the performance of adversaries. What is known is that great strides in the are a of behaviour control are now possible with systems developed and under develop ment by most sophisticated countries on the planet. These new technologies repre sent a much different approach to warfare which our government is describing as part of the "Revolution in Military affairs". While these new technologies offer much for military planners, they offer even more to citizens generally. Their p otential use in military applications and "peacekeeping" creates the need for op en debate of this new realm of intelligence-gathering, manipulation and warfare. The most basic ethical questions regarding use of these technologies have not b een adequately addressed. At the same time that defence and intelligence-gatheri ng capabilities are being sought, independent researchers are fully engaged in s

eeking positive uses for the technology. The potentials of the technology, like all technology, are great as both a destructive or constructive force for change . The idea of enhancing physical and mental performance while bypassing what her etofore was a long and arduous road to achieve the same results is exciting. Mai ntaining the research in the open literature and ensuring that constructive uses are encouraged is critical. I began looking into technologies for stimulating b rain performance about fifteen years ago. At the time, there were limited tools available compared to what is now possible. Now it is possible to obtain light a nd sound, electrocranial and biofeedback tools for use in this exploration. more over, there are audio materials also available for use with most of these tools. These audio materials can be used for learning languages, behaviour modificatio n or enhanced performance. The biofeedback side of the new technology is being u sed to train people to reach specific desired brain states for optimum performan ce. The use of light and sound devices for stimulating brain activity which is c onducive to accelerated learning and relaxation is a growing area of interest to many people. Moreover, the use of these tools in conjunction with biofeedback h as been the subject of quickly evolving research. The combined technologies of b rain state inducement and biofeedback offer exciting possibilities. It has been found with the combination that a person, in a matter of several weeks, can lear n to modify purposefully his/her brain activity in a way which would have taken a Zen master twenty years to accomplish. It has been shown that some children wi th attention deficit disorders can be taught to regulate their brain activities so that they can learn efficiently without chemicals. It has been demonstrated t hat recovering stroke victims can more rapidly recover when working with brain-b iofeedback practitioners and these new tools. The research is also teaching us a good deal about our suggestibility in terms of influences which have an impact on our behaviour. The underlying message that comes with the new technology is t he necessity of providing safeguards against misuse. Additionally, recognition o f the everyday stimulation we all get and the effect of these information inputs on our learning processes becomes more clear. The suggestibility of humans, par ticularly when in a fatigued condition, has been exploited by terrorists, cults and others in pursuit of their own aims. The passive suggestibility of radio and television as we weave in and out of the semi-sleep states is for the most part not even recognised. The passive learning situations become even more relevant when we consider how we "receive the news" in our daily lives. The ability to in fluence thinking, behaviour and performance is indeed a two-edged sword. The 198 0s and 1990s were focused on building up the physical body. The 21st century wil l see a focus on building the mind and optimising mental performance. The idea o f merging the new technologies into education is interesting and also calls into question who will decide what is to be learned. In the interim, the possibiliti es are incredible for those interested in such pursuits. The control of our ment al function is no different than the control of the muscles in our bodies. Learn ing to control or coordinate the activity of our minds will propel our bodies th rough a much more productive and fuller life. The new tools may offer just such opportunities. On the other side of the issue is the potential for misuse and ex ploitation of the science. Military planners, law enforcement officials and othe rs are now seeking the covert use of these technologies for controlling the ulti mate "information processor"the Human Being. MK-ULTRA "Dr Gottlieb, born August 3, 1918, was the CIA's real-life 'Dr Strangelove'a bri lliant bio-chemist who designed and headed MKULTRA, the agency's most far-reaching drug and mind-control program at the height of the Cold War. Though the super-secret MKULTRA was ended in 1964, a streamlined version called MK-SEARCH was continued with Gottlieb in chargeuntil 1972." During this period, substantial interest in mind control was stimulated by Soviet use of microwaves. In 1988, "thirty-five y ears after security officers first noticed that the Soviets were bombarding the US embassy in Moscow with microwave radiation, the US Government still has not d etermined conclusivelyor is unwilling to revealthe purpose behind the beams". Th e US government did know what was happening. The Soviets had developed methods f

or disrupting the purposeful thought of humans and were using their knowledge to impact diplomats in the United States embassy in Moscow. In 1994, a report conc erning the MKULTRA program was issued, containing the following information: "In the 1950s and '60s, the CIA engaged in an extensive program of human experim entation, using drugs, psychological, and other means, in search of techniques t o control human behavior for counterintelligence and covert action purposes. "In 1973, the CIA purposefully destroyed most of the MKULTRA files concerning its r esearch and testing on human behaviour. In 1977, the agency uncovered additional MKULTRA files in the budget and fiscal records that were not indexed under the name MKULTRA. These documents detailed over 150 subprojects that the CIA funded in this area, but no evidence was uncovered at that time concerning the use of r adiation. "The CIA did investigate the use and effect of microwaves on human bei ngs in response to a Soviet practice of beaming microwaves on the US embassy. Th e agency determined that this was outside the scope of the Advisory Committee's purview. "...The Church Committee found some records, but also noted that the pr actice of MKULTRA at that time was 'to maintain no records of the planning and a pproval of test programs'. ...MKULTRA itself was technically closed out in 1964, but some of its work was transferred to the Office of Research and Development (ORD) within the DS&T under the name MKSEARCH and continued into the 1970s. "The CIA worked closely with the Army in conducting the LSD experiments. This connec tion with the Army is significant because MKULTRA began at the same time that Se cretary of Defense Wilson issued his 1953 directive to the military services on ethical guidelines for human experiments. "Throughout the course of MKULTRA, the CIA sponsored numerous experiments on unwitting humans. After the death of one such individual (Frank Olson, an army scientist, was given LSD in 1953 and commi tted suicide a week later), an internal CIA investigation warned about the dange rs of such experimentation. The CIA persisted in this practice for at least the next ten years. After the 1963 IG [Inspector-General] report recommended termina tion of unwitting testing, Deputy Director for Plans Richard Helms (who later be came Director of Central Intelligence) continued to advocate covert testing on t he ground that 'positive operational capability to use drugs is diminishing, owi ng to a lack of realistic testing. With increasing knowledge of state of the art , we are less capable of staying up with the Soviet advances in this field'. ... Helms attributed the cessation of the unwitting testing to the high risk of emba rrassment to the Agency as well as the 'moral problem'. He noted that no better covert situation had been devised than that which had been used, and that 'we ha ve no answer to the moral issue'." They did have the answers to the moral questi ons on human experimentation but chose to ignore them, destroy the records, hide the truth and still continue in their efforts. Nothing has changed as each part icipating organisation, using national security laws, avoids disclosure and acco untability. The records which were destroyed contained the evidence necessary pe rhaps to send some participants to jail for society's version of behaviour modif ication. Once again, there was no accountability and no recognition of the right s of the individuals damaged by these experiments. Mind Wars "For the first time in some 500 years, a scientific revolution has begun that wi ll fundamentally change the world as much as the Renaissance and Enlightenment d id. A handful of extraordinary new advances in science are taking humans quickly and deeply into areas that will have profound implications for the future." One of these areas is control of the human mind. The issues surrounding behaviour m odification, mind control and information warfare become crystal clear as the fa cts unfold. The following is taken from a current military document, "The Inform ation Revolution and the Future Air Force" by Colonel John A. Warden III, USAF, which clarifies their position in the emerging area of research, taking a much d ifferent direction than the one described above: "We're currently experiencing, on an unprecedented global basis, three simultaneous revolutions, any one of whi ch would be more than enough to shock and confound us. The first revolution, a g eopolitical revolution, sees a single dominant power in the world for the first time since the fall of Rome. The opportunities that are inherent in this situati on are extraordinary, as are the pitfalls. Unfortunately, there is no one around

that has first hand experience in how to deal with that kind of single power do minant world. "The second revolution, and there's a lot of discussion about this so far, is the information revolution. As other people have mentioned, it is fo llowing inexorably in tandem behind Moore's law of computing power. Attendant to it, though, is not the creation of new ideas and technologies, but also an expo nential growth in the velocity of information dissemination, and for us that is of extraordinary importance. A key part of this information revolution has an aw esome impact on competition. The business that introduced a new product ten year s ago could count on probably five years before it had to look seriously at pote ntial competitors based overseas. Today, you're lucky if you can count on five m onths or even five weeks before you are facing the overseas competitor. In today 's world, success simply demands rapid introduction of successively new products or military systems. Success now goes to the organization which exploits inform ation almost instantly, while failure is the near certain fate of the organizati on which tries to husband or hide ideas. Real simpleuse it or you're going to lo se it. "The third revolution, which is a little bit more complex, is the militar y/technological revolution, or in some places called the revolution in military affairs. I'm convinced that this is the first military technological revolution ever because we now have, for the first time, a conceptually different way to wa ge war. We can wage war in parallel now. In the past, communications and weapons technology, especially weapons accuracy, have constrained us to waging serial w ar. This changes almost everything. "Biological Process Control: As we look forw ard to the future, it seems likely that this nation will be involved in multiple conflicts where our military forces increasingly will be placed in situations w here the application of full force capabilities of our military might cannot be applied. We will be involved intimately with hostile populations in situations w here the application of non-lethal force will be the tactical or political prefe rence. It appears likely that there are a number of physical agents that might a ctively, but largely benignly, interact or interfere with biological processes i n an adversary in a manner that will provide our armed forces the tools to contr ol these adversaries without extensive loss of life or property. These physical agents could include acoustic fields, optical fields, electromagnetic fields, an d combinations thereof. This paper will address only the prospect of physical re gulation of biological processes using electromagnetic fields. "Prior to the mid -21st century, there will be a virtual explosion of knowledge in the field of ne uroscience. We will have achieved a clear understanding of how the human brain w orks, how it really controls the various functions of the body, and how it can b e manipulated (both positively and negatively). One can envision the development of electromagnetic energy sources, the output of which can be pulsed , shaped, and focused, that can couple with the human body in a fashion that wil l allow one to prevent voluntary muscular movements, control emotions (and thus actions), produce sleep, transmit suggestions, interfere with both short-term an d long-term memory, produce an experience set, and delete an experience set. Thi s will open the door for the development of some novel capabilities that can be used in armed conflict, in terrorist/hostage situations, and in training. New we apons that offer the opportunity of control of an adversary without resorting to a lethal situation or to collateral casualties can be developed around this con cept. This would offer significant improvements in the capabilities of our special operation forces. "I nitial experimentation should be focused on the interaction of electromagnetic e nergy and the neuromuscular junctions involved in voluntary muscle control. Theo ries need to be developed, modeled, and tested in experimental preparations. Ear ly testing using in vitro cell cultures of neural networks could provide the foc us for more definitive intact animal testing. If successful, one could envision a weapon that would render an opponent incapable of taking any meaningful action involving any higher motor skills (e.g., using weapons, operating tracking syst ems). The prospect of a weapon to accomplish this when targeted against an indiv idual target is reasonable; the prospect of a weapon effective against a massed force would seem to be more remote. Use of such a device in an enclosed area aga inst multiple targets (hostage situation)

may be more difficult than an individual target system, but probably feasible. " It would also appear to be possible to create high fidelity speech in the human body, raising the possibility of covert suggestion and psychological direction. When a high power microwave pulse in the gigahertz range strikes the human body, a very small temperature perturbation oc curs. This is associated with a sudden expansion of the slightly heated tissue. This expansion is fast enough to produce an acoustic wave. If a pulse stream is used, it should be possible to create an internal acoustic field in the 515 kilohertz range, which is audible. Thus, it may be pos sible to 'talk' to selected adversaries in a fashion that would be most disturbi ng to them. "In comparison to the discussion in the paragraphs above, the concept of imprint ing an experience set is highly speculative, but nonetheless highly exciting. Mo dern electromagnetic scattering theory raises the prospect that ultra-short puls e scattering through the human brain can result in reflected signals that can be used to construct a reliable estimate of the degree of central nervous system a rousal. The concept behind this 'remote EEG' is to scatter off of action potenti als or ensembles of action potentials in major central nervous system tracts. As suming we will understand how our skills are imprinted and recalled, it might be possible to take this concept one step further and duplicate the experience set in another individual. The prospect of providing a 'been theredone that' knowle dge base could provide a revolutionary change in our approach to specialized tra ining. How this can be done or even if it can be done are significant unknowns [sic]. The impact of success would boggle the mind!" The above report w as a forecast for the year 2020. However, the reality is that these technologies already exist and there are a number of patents in the open literature which cl early show the possibilities. This research is not new but goes back to the 1950 s. "A new class of weapons, based on electromagnetic fields, has been added to t he muscles of the military organism. The C3I [Command, Control, Communications a nd Intelligence] doctrine is still growing and expanding. It would appear that t he military may yet be able to completely control the minds of the civilian popu lation." The targeting of civilian populations by the military is a significant departure from its history. In the past, the military has used persuasion throug h real information rather than using deliberate deception and mind manipulation to win populations over. "A decoy and deception concept presently being considered is to remotely create the perception of noise in the heads of personnel by exposing them to low power, pulsed microwaves. When people are illuminated with properly modulated low powe r microwaves the sensation is reported as a buzzing, clicking, or hissing which seems to originate (regardless of the person's position in the field) within or just behind the head. The phenomena occurs [sic] at average power densities as l ow as microwatts per square centimeter with carrier frequencies from 0.4 to 3.0 GHz. By proper choice of pulse characteristics, intelligible speech may be creat ed. Before this technique may be extended and used for military applications, an understanding of the basic principles must be developed. Such an understanding is not only required to optimize the use of the concept for camouflage, decoy an d deception operations but is required to properly assess safety factors of such microwave exposure. Ac tual testing of certain systems has proven "that movements, sensations, emotions , desires, ideas, and a variety of psychological phenomena may be induced, inhib ited, or modified by electrical stimulation of specific areas of the brain. Thes e facts have changed the classical philosophical concept that the mind was beyon d experimental reach." The first widespread interest in the subject of mind cont rol hit the mainstream of military think-tanks after the Korean War when returni ng prisoners of war exhibited significant behavioural changes. In 1956, the foll owing was written into the United States Congressional Record: "Reports of the treatment of American prisoners of war in Korea have given rise to several popular misconceptions, of which the most widely publicized is 'brain washing'. The term itself has caught the public imagination and is used, very lo osely, to describe any act committed against an individual by the Communists. Ac

tual 'brainwashing' is a prolonged psychological process, designed to erase an individual's past beliefs and concepts and to subs titute new ones. It is a highly coercive practice which is irreconcilable with u niversally accepted medical ethics. In the process of 'brainwashing', the effort s of many are directed against an individual. To be successful, it requires, amo ng other things, that the individual be completely isolated from normal associat ions and environment." The ethical considerations have not changed, but the mili tary's position on the ethics has changed as it has gained significant capabilit ies in these areas. "Psychological warfare is becoming increasingly important fo r US forces as they engage in peacekeeping operations. 'In the psychological ope rations area, we're always looking to build on our existing technologies, so muc h of this is evolutionary,' [military planner] Holmes said. 'It is critically im portant that we stay ahead of the technology curve." The temptation to dabble in this area has now overcome the ethical considerations. A Russian military artic le offered a slightly different slant to the problem, declaring that "humanity s tands on the brink of a psychotronic war" with the mind and body as the focus. T hese "psychotronic" weapons aim to control or alter the psyche, or to attack the various sensory and data processing systems of the human organism. In both case s, the goal is to confuse or destroy the signals that normally keep the body in equilibrium. According to a US Department of Defense directive (S-3600.1, December 9, 1996), "information warfare" is defined as "an information operation conducted during t ime of crisis or conflict to achieve or promote specific objectives over a speci fic adversary or adversaries". An "information operation" is defined in the same directive as "actions taken to affect adversary information and information sys tems". These "information systems" lie at the heart of the modernisation effort of the US armed forces and manifest themselves as hardware, software, communicat ions capabilities and highly trained individuals. Information warfare has tended to ignore the role of the human body as an information or data processor in thi s quest for dominance, except in those cases where an individual's logic or rati onal thought may be upset via Dis-information or deception... Yet, the body is c apable not only of being deceived, manipulated or mis-informed but also shut dow n or destroyedjust as any other data-processing system. The "data" the body rece ives from external sources, such as electromagnetic, vortex or acoustic energy w aves, or creates through its own electrical or chemical stimuli, can be manipula ted or changed, just as the data (information) in any hardware system can be alt ered. If the ultimate target of information warfare is the information-dependent process, "whether human or automated", then the definition implies that human d ata-processing of internal and external signals can clearly be considered an asp ect of information warfare. On a much grander scale, the use of mind control was contemplated as far back as 1969 by a former science adviser to President Johnson. "Gordon J. F. Macdonald, a geo physicist specializing in problems of warfare, has written that accurately timed , artificially excited strokes 'could lead to a pattern of oscillations that pro duce relatively high power levels over certain regions of the earth... In this w ay, one could develop a system that would seriously impair the brain performance of very large populations in selected regions over an extended period.." This c apability exists today through the use of systems which can stimulate the ionosp here to return a pulsed (modulated) signal which, at the right frequency, can ov erride normal brain functions. By overriding the natural pulsations of the brain , chemical reactions are triggered which alter the emotional state of targeted p opulations. Subliminal Messages and commercial Uses One of the areas where this new technology is being used is in systems to dissuade shoplifters, using sound below the range of hearing. "Japanese shopkeepers are playing CDs with subliminal messages to curb the impulses of the growing band of shoplif ters. The Mind Control CDs have sound-tracks of popular music or ocean waves, wi th encoded voices in seven languages...warning that anyone caught stealing will be reported to the police." A number of devices have been developed to influence behaviour in this way, and patents have been awarded. The following summations

are taken from some of these patents dealing with both audio and video programmi ngonly this time, we are the program: "An auditory subliminal programming system includes a subliminal message encoder that generates fixed frequency security t ones and combines them with a subliminal message signal to produce an encoded su bliminal message signal which is recorded on audio tape or the like. A correspon ding subliminal decoder/mixer is connected as part of a user's conventional ster eo system and receives as inputs an audio program selected by the user and the e ncoded subliminal message." "Ambient audio signals from the customer shopping ar ea within a store are sensed and fed to a signal processing circuit that produce s a control signal which varies with variations in the amplitude of the sensed a udio signals. A control circuit adjusts the amplitude of an auditory subliminal antishoplifting message to increase with increasing amplitudes of sensed audio s ignals and decrease with decreasing amplitudes of sensed audio signals. This amp litude controlled subliminal message may be mixed with background music and tran smitted to the shopping area." "Data to be displayed is combined with a composit e video signal. The data is stored in memory in digital form. Each byte of data is read out in sequential fashion to determine: the recurrence display rate of t he data according to the frame sync pulses of the video signal; the location of the data within the video image according to the line sync pulses of the video s ignal; and the location of the data display within the video image according to the position information." "This invention is a combination of a subliminal mess age generator that is 100% user programmable for use with a television receiver. The subliminal message generator periodically displays user specified messages for the normal television signal for [a] specific period of time. This permits a n individual to employ a combination of subliminal and supraliminal therapy whil e watching television." The above points may seem a bit complicated; however, they can be summarised. Th ese patents are designed to provide a way to hide messages in video or audio for mats, masking any suggestions that the programmer wishes to convey. These kinds of messages bypass the conscious mind and are acted upon by the person hearing t hem; they are not sorted out by the active mind. Although these technologies are being developed for personal use and as security measures, consider the possibi lities for abuse by commercial interests where the messages might be "buy, buy, buy", "drink more, don't worry", or some other self-serving script. Should these systems be regulated? By whom and under what conditions? New Standards for What is a Memory "Nevada is currently the only state to allow witness testimony of a person who has undergone hypnosis. As of October 1, 1997, courts hearing both c ivil and criminal cases can take a hypnotically refreshed testimony, as long as the witness, if a minor, has had the informed consent of parent or guardian, and the person performing the hypnosis is any of the following: a health care provi der, a clinical social worker licenced in accordance with 641B of Nevada Revised Statute, or a disinterested investigator." This issue will surely become more c omplex as technology advances in terms of evidence. When the day arrives that it is possible to change or alter memory completely, as suggested earlier by milit ary officers, what then? How will we separate the real from the unreal? What wil l be the impact on the burden of proof in courts as it relates to "reasonable do ubt"? Again, the emergence of the technology has first to be recognised as real before laws can be constructed and systems established for controlling misuse. T hink how long it has taken the courts even to recognise hypnotherapy as valid sc ience. We are hopeful that we will not have to wait so long for legislative bodi es to take the initiative to address these issues. Auditory Effects The question s which this section raises are profound. Is it possible to transmit a signal to the brain of a person, from a distance, which deposits specific sounds, voice o r other information which can be understood? Is it possible to transfer sound in a way where only the targeted person can hear the "voice in the head" and no on e else hears a thing? Is it possible to shift a person's emotions using remote e lectromagnetic tools? The answer to each of these questions is a resounding "Yes !" The state of the science has passed even the most optimistic predictions, and the capabilities are here now. Military literature suggests that this is possib le. A series of experiments, patents and independent research confirm that this

technology exists today. While giving testimony to the European Parliament in 19 98, I demonstrated one such device to the astonishment of those in attendance. T his particular device required physical contact in order to work and was nearly forty years old. This area of research is one of the most important because it p oints to the ultimate weapon of political control: the ability to place informat ion directly into the human brain, bypassing all normal filtering mechanisms. In 1995, the US Department of Defense put forward the contract, "Communicating via the Microwave Auditory Effect; Awarding Agency: Department of Defense; SBIR Contract Number: F41624-95-C-9007". The description of this technology, which would be used for direct communications with military personnel, is written as follows: "Title: Communicating via the Microwave Auditory Effect "Description: An innovative and revolutionary technology is described that offer s a means of low-probability-ofintercept Radio Frequency (RF) communications. Th e feasibility of the concept has been established using both a low intensity lab oratory system and a high power RF transmitter. Numerous military applications e xist in areas of search and rescue, security and special operations." The feasib ility was not only demonstrated in the laboratory but also in the field using a radio-frequency carrier. In the case of the Gulf War, we had always suspected th at the reason the Iraqis gave up in mass was not because of the heavy bombardmen ts but because they were being hit with new "nonlethal" systems which created fe ar and perhaps even worse. Our research uncovered reports which now confirm our suspicions as fact. "What the 'Voice of the Gulf' began broadcasting, along with prayers from the Koran and testimonials from well-treated Iraqi prisoners, was precise information on the units to be bombed each day, along with a new, silent psychological technique which induced thoughts of great fear in each soldier's mind..."This makes a great deal of sense today, given what has become increasing ly known about mind-control weapons. "According to statements made by captured a nd deserting Iraqi soldiers, however, the most devastating and demoralizing prog ramming was the first known military use of the new, high tech, type of sublimin al messages referred to as ultra-high-frequency 'Silent Sounds' or 'Silent Subli minals'. "The use of these new techniques, we believe, went well beyond the injection of fear and may have involved more powerful signa l generators which caused the other symptoms which the world observed, including head pain, bleeding from the nose, disorientation and nauseaall possible with s o-called nonlethal weapons. The questions which now remain: Are they still using the techniques like an electronic concentration camp in order to control the po pulation? Is this part of the way in which modern governments will suppress rogue nations? The development of the technology followed a very t raceable history which began in the early 1960s at the height of the Cold War. In 1961, Dr Allen Frey wrote: "Our data to date indicate that the human auditory system can respond to electromagnetic energy in at least a portion of the radio frequency (RF) spectrum. Further, this response is instantaneous and occurs at low power densities, densities which are well below that necessary for biologica l damage. For example, the effect has been induced with power densities 1/60 of the standard maximum safe level for continuous exposure. " This observation had incredible ramifications because it meant that within cer tain ranges RF could create a sound within the brain of a person at energy conce ntration levels considered too small to be significant. Later that year, a paten t was issued to Henry K. Puharich and Joseph L. Lawrence which stated in part: " The present invention is directed to a means for auxiliary hearing communication , useful for improving hearing, for example, and relates more specifically to no vel and improved arrangements for auxiliary hearing communications by effecting the transmission of sound signals through the dental structure and facial nervou s system of the user."24 This crude device produced a signal which could be hear d in the brain by inducing a vibration which was transferred through the bone in to the inner ear, where it was then carried to the brain via the nervous system. Puharich continued researching along this line, gaining an additional patent in 1965.25 Both of these inventions required physical contact with the head of the subject. By 1962, Dr Allan Frey had advanced his work and was able to create so

und at a distance from the subject, using a pulsed (modulated) radio transmitter . "Using extremely low average power densities of electromagnetic energy, the pe rception of sounds was induced in normal and deaf humans. The effect was induced several hundred feet from the antenna the instant the transmitter was turned on , and is a function of carrier frequency and modulation." What was occurring in this research were the first attempts to "tune" into the brain of a human in the same manner as "tuning" into a radio station. The same energy was being used; i t was just at a different frequency with a slight vibration (modulation) on the carrier wave which delivered the signal. In 1968, G. Patrick Flanagan was issued a patent for a device which also required physical contact with the skin of the subject. "This invention relates to electromagnetic excitation of the nervous s ystem of a mammal and pertains more particularly to a method and apparatus for e xciting the nervous system of a person with electromagnetic waves that are capab le of causing that person to become conscious of information conveyed by the ele ctromagnetic waves." This invention was much different than what others had crea ted by that time, because this device actually sent a clear, audible signal thro ugh the nervous system to the brain. The device could be placed anywhere on the body, and a clear voice or music would appear in the head of the subject. This w as a most unbelievable device which had actually been invented in the late 1950s . It had taken years to convince patent examiners that it worked. The initial pa tent was only granted after the dramatic demonstration of the device on a deaf e mployee of the US Patent Office. In 1972, a second patent was issued to G. Patri ck Flanagan after being suppressed by the military since 1968. This device was m uch more efficient in that it converted a speech waveform into "a constant ampli tude square wave in which the transitions between the amplitude extremes are spa ced so as to carry the speech information". What this did is establish the code of modulation or timing sequences necessary for efficient transfers into the ner vous system where the signals could be sent to the brain and decoded as sound in the same way that normal sound is decoded. The result was a clear and understan dable sound. The military interest in auditory effects was present since the fir st inventions were patented, but in 1971 came a system which would allow troops to communicate through a radio transmitter which would render the enemy deaf and disoriented while allowing "friendly" combatants to communicate at the same tim e. The device is described as follows: "Broadly, this disclosure is directed to a system for producing aural and psychological disturbances and partial deafness of the enemy during combat situations. Essentially, a high directional beam is radiated from a plurality of distinct transducers and is modulated by a noise, c ode, or speech beat signal. The invention may utilize various forms and may incl ude movable radiators mounted on a vehicle and oriented to converge at a desired point, independently positioned vehicles with a common frequency modulator, or means employed to modulate the acoustical beam with respect to a fixed frequency . During combat, friendly forces would be equipped with a reference generator to provide aural demodulation of the projected signal, thereby yielding an intelli gible beat signal while enemy personnel would be rendered partially deaf by the projected signal as well as being unable to perceive any intelligence transmitte d in the form of a modulated beat signal." What this says simply is that ata-dis tance personal communication could be achieved by one's own forces while denying it to others and disabling adversaries at the same time. In 1974, it was noted that using a microwave a signal was changed (transduced) by the receiver into an acoustic signal. This signal was "heard" inside or just behind the head. The re port stated: " was noticed that the apparent locus of the 'sound' moved fro m the observer's head to the absorber. That is, the absorber acted as a transduc er from microwave energy to an acoustic signal. This observation, to the best of our knowledge, has not been described in the literature and may serve as a mech anism mediating the 'hearing' of pulsed microwave signals." By 1989, the science took another leap forward with the combination of the modulated signal on a mic rowave carrier. This provided a much more efficient delivery of the sound. It wa s reported: "Sound is induced in the head of a person by radiating the head with microwaves in the range of 100 megahertz to 10,000 megahertz that are modulated with a particular waveform. The waveform consists of frequency modulated bursts

. Each burst is made up of ten to twenty uniformly spaced pulses grouped tightly together. The burst width is between 500 nanoseconds and 100 microseconds. The pulse width is in the range of 10 nanoseconds to 1 microsecond. The bursts are f requency modulated by the audio input to create the sensation of hearing in the person whose head is irradiated." Two other patents awarded that year addressed this breakthrough. The first invention related to devices for aiding hearing in mammals: "The invention is based upon perception of sounds which is experienced in the brain when the brain is subjected to certain microwave radiation signals. "32 The second invention confirmed the earlier observations: "Sound is induced i n the head of a person by radiating the head with microwaves in the range of 100 megahertz to 10,000 megahertz that are modulated with a particular waveform. Th e waveform consists of frequency modulated bursts. Each burst is made up of ten to twenty uniformly spaced pulses grouped tightly together." In 1992, another pa tent was issued with the following description: "A silent communications system in which nonaural carriers, in the very low or very high audio frequency range o r in the adjacent ultrasonic frequency spectrum, are amplitude or frequency modu lated with the desired intelligence and propagated acoustically or vibrationally , for inducement into the brain, typically through the use of loudspeakers, earp hones or piezoelectric transducers." This device had limited practicality in tha t it required the person to be in contact with or in close proximity to the send ing device. When examined together, each of these patents is seen to be a discre te step toward a new weapon system. In 1995, it was reported that in the early r esearch, clear sound signals had been sent and received. It is difficult now to determine what level of military or other research was being advanced in these a reas. The history is clear from congressional reports that this entire area was of great interest to the intelligence communities. According to Scientists for G lobal Responsibility: "Drs Alan Frey and Joseph Sharp conducted related research . Sharp himself took part in these experiments and reported that he heard and un derstood words transmitted in pulse-microwave analogs of the speaker's sound vib rations. Commenting on these studies, Dr Robert Becker, twice nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, observed that such a device has obvious applications in cover t operationsdesigned to drive a target crazy with voices, or deliver undetectabl e instructions to a potential assassin." Then, in 1996 came another development, a "wireless communication system undetectable by radio frequency methods for co nverting audio signals, including human voice, to electronic signals in the ultr asonic frequency range, transmitting the ultrasonic signal by means of acoustic pressure waves across a carrier medium, including gases, liquids, or solids, and reconverting the ultrasonic acoustical pressure waves back to the original audi o signal". Although this was meant to be used with both receiving and sending ha rdware, what was determined were the modulation methods for transferring the sig nal. The real work was yet to be made public in the form of patents. However, th e military claims in the area were starting to surface. What was known from expe rience was that patents were being held back by the government and confiscated b y the military. When this intellectual property was seized, the inventors were g iven a choice: work for the government, or you cannot continue research or even talk about your invention under a national security order. Those who did not coo perate could have their work effectively shut down. Brain-to-Computer Connections Major steps are being made to connect biology to information technology. In 1990 came the news that "[s]cientists have succeeded for the first time in establish ing a colony of human brain cells that divide and grow in laboratory dishes, an achievement with profound implications for understanding and treating a wide range of neurological disorders from epile psy to Alzheimer's disease". According to a report in the Wall Street Journal in February 1994: "Researchers said they took a key first step toward creating ele ctronic microchips that use living brain cells. The researchers said they had le arned how to place embryonic brain cells in desired spots on silicon or glass ch ips and then induce the brain cells to grow along desired paths." The other possibility is that both brain cells and computer hardware could be bu ilt in the laboratories, creating, perhaps, the first biologically augmented com

puters. What's on Your Mind? A significant initiative was started for use in creating counter-drug measures: the Brain Imaging Technology Initiative. "This initiative establishes NIDA [Nati onal Institute on Drug Abuse] regional neuroimaging centers and represents an in teragency cooperative endeavor funded by CTAC [Counterdrug Technology Assessment Center], Department of Energy (DOE), and NIDA to develop new scientific tools (new radiotracers and technologies) for un derstanding the mechanisms of addiction and for the evaluation of new pharmacolo gical treatments." Through neuroimaging, not only could the stated objective be achieved, but through imagi ng a person's emotional states could be mapped, chemical influences determined a nd perhaps even specific thoughts read. Back in 1975, Physics Today reported: "D evelopments in ways to measure the extremely weak magnetic fields emanating from organs such as the heart, brain an d lungs are leading to important new methods for diagnosing abnormal conditions. " In 1995, a system for capturing and decoding brain signals was patented which includes a transducer for stimulating a person and EEG transducers for recording brainwave signals from the person. It also includes a computer for controlling and synchronising stimuli presented to the person and at the same time recording brainwave signals, and either interpreting these signals using a model for conceptual, perceptual and emotional thought to correspond to the EEG signa ls of the person's thoughts or comparing the signals to normal brain signals fro m a normal population to diagnose and locate the origin of brain-dysfunctional u nderlying perception, conception and emotion. In other words, the device reads y our mind by comparing your brain activity to other people's. In 1996 came this O rwellian development: "...a method for remotely determining information relating to a person's emotional state, as waveform energy having a predetermined freque ncy and a predetermined intensity is generated and wirelessly transmitted toward s a remotely located subject. Waveform energy emitted from the subject is detect ed and automatically analyzed to derive information relating to the individual's emotional state. Physiological or physical parameters of blood pressure, pulse rate, pupil size, respiration rate and perspiration level are measured and compa red with reference values to provide information utilizable in evaluating [an] i nterviewee's responses or possibly criminal intent in security sensitive areas." This technology could be used for determining what a person might do, given his totally discernible interior emotions. This technology walks through any behavi our wall a person can erect and goes straight to the brain to see what may be on a person's mind. Inducing behaviour rather than just reading a person's emotion al state is the subject of one scientist's work in Canada. "Scientists are tryin g to recreate alien abductions in the laboratory... The experiment, to be run by Professor Michael Persinger, a neuroscientist at Laurentian University, of Sudb ury, Ontario, consists of a converted motorcycle helmet with solenoids on its si des that set up magnetic fields across a subject's head." This experiment was ca rried out and was the subject of a Canadian Broadcasting System expos on mind co ntrol. The segment ran on a program called undercurrents in February 1999. This author also appeared in that program, along with several others interested in th is field. A 1993 report said that for over 20 years Dr Persinger "...has been wo rking on a theory that connects not only UFOs and earthquakes, but also powerful electromagnetic fields and an explanation of paranormal beliefs in terms of unu sual brain activity. He has also found that stimulating another area, the tempor al lobes, can produce all sorts of mystical experiences, out-of-body sensations and other apparently paranormal phenomena." This doctor's work suggests that the se experiences may be the result of activity in the brain and not the actual exp eriences of the individuals. He has had some measure of success in re-creating m any of these experiences in his subjects. Dr Persinger is also known for his wor k in studying the effects of ELF [extra-lowfrequency waves] on memory and brain function. In 1991, a method for changing brain waves to a desired frequency was patented. A 1975 patent discussed a similar technology: a device and method for "...sensing brain waves at a position remote from a subject whereby electromagne

tic signals of different frequencies are simultaneously transmitted to the brain of the subject in which the signals interfere with one another to yield a wavef orm which is modulated by the subject's brain waves. The interference waveform w hich is representative of the brain wave activity is retransmitted by the brain to a receiver where it is demodulated and amplified. The demodulated waveform is then displayed for visual viewing and then routed to a computer for further pro cessing and analysis. The demodulated waveform also can be used to produce a com pensating signal which is transmitted back to the brain to effect a desired chan ge in electrical activity therein."47 In simple terms, the brain's activity is m apped in order to read a person's emotional state, conceptual abilities or intel lectual patterns. A second signal can be generated and sent back into the brain which overrides the natural signal, causing the brain's energy patterns to shift . This is the "brain entrainment" which causes the shift in consciousness. There are many uses of a positive nature for this kind of technology, as was mentione d at the front of this section, the important factor being who controls the tech nology and for what purpose. In January 1998, the following encapsulating statement appeared in the leading s cientific journal Nature, quoting Pasteur Institute neuroscientist Jean-Pierre C hangeux, chairman of the French national bioethics committee: "But neuroscience also poses potential risks, he said, arguing that advances in cerebral imaging make the scope for invasion of privacy will become commonplace and capable of being used at a distance, he predicted. That will open the way for abuses such as invasion of personal liberty, control of behaviour and brainwashing." Dancing to the Tune of an Unknown Drummer In ".. .a dramatic demonstration of mind reading, neuroscientists have created videos o f what a cat sees by using electrodes implanted in the animal's brain. 'Trying t o understand how the brain codes information leads to the possibility of replaci ng parts of the nervous system with an artificial device,' he said." The scienti st commenting on this technologyGattett Stanley, assistant professor of biomedic al engineering at Harvardsaw the future possibility of brain activity mapping be ing used in creating electronic components to replace damaged parts of the syste m. The use of mind-mapping had other possibilities as well. Similar research in controlling the behaviour of humans and animals was pursued by Dr Jos Delgado at Yale University, one of the leading research institutions in the United States. Actual testing of certain systems proved that "movements, sensations, emotions, desires, ideas, and a variety of psychological phenomena may be induced, inhibi ted, or modified by electrical stimulation of specific areas of the brain".50 By 1985, Dr Delgado was able to create these effects using only a radio signal sen t to the brain remotely, using energy concentrations of less than 1/50th of what the Earth naturally produces. This discovery implied that frequency, waveform a nd pulse rate (modulation) were the important factors rather than the amount of energy being used. In considering this, it makes sense because the human body does not require high electromagnetic power concentration to regu late its normal functioning. The key was in finding the "tuning" mechanisms for locating the right "receiving station" in the brain. By 1993, publicly released information was being discussed as a result of information openly flowing out of Russia. Meetings were held to assess the threat: the "main purpose of the March meetings was described in the Psychotechnologies memo as to 'determine whether psycho-correction technologies represent a present or future threat to US national security in situations where inaudible commands might be used to alter behavior'". The threat assessment was likely to begin to condition Americans for the public acknowledgement of one of the government's long-held secrets: that t he human mind and body can be controlled remotely, without a trace of evidence b eing left behind. In another quote, one of the leading researchers in this area, Dr Igor Smirnov, began to announce his findings. "But psychological warfare exp erts on all sides still dream that they will one day control the enemy's mind. A nd in a tiny, dungeon-like lab in the basement of Moscow's ominously named Insti tute of Psycho-Correction, Smirnov and other Russian psychiatrists are already w orking on schizophrenics, drug addicts and cancer patients." The results of this research have been investigated and demonstrated to members of the intelligence

community in the United States, and have even been demonstrated by Dr Smirnov i n an interview for the Canadian television documentary Undercurrents. This issue is also an interesting one, as can be seen in this 1999 article excerpt. "Fantasies are thought processes involving internal monologues and imaginative s equences which can motivate healthy people to constructive behaviour; likewise, they can inspire unbalanced individuals to destructive or dangerous behaviour. O ne conclusion from that research was that fantasy played a major role among viol ent criminals. Researchers learned that criminals often daydreamed their fantasi es, and then practiced elements of those fantasies before committing their crime . FBI agents determined that violent criminals often exhibit telltale signs as c hildren and as adults. Hence, disturbed employees or students may demonstrate si gns of violent fantasies to close observers. Troubled individuals may be obsessi vely interested in music with violent lyrics, or may have a drug or alcohol prob lem. When these signs reveal themselves, they should be reported to a threat man agement team, which can then neutralize the threat, either by therapy, if rehabi litation is possible, or by firing the employee. Workplace and school Violence i s usually preceded by warning signs." The ability to determine a "predisposition " for a behaviour does not mean that a person will make the "choice" to act on t he feelings and internal thoughts. Every person on the planet can remember times when his thoughts were dangerous, immoral or otherwise unacceptable, falling be low the standards set by societal and cultural "norms". Yet, we can have these t houghts in the privacy of our own mind. The trend in the application of mind con trol technology now would make our most private internal thoughts, as we wrestle with the temptations and choices of everyday life, subject to scrutiny by Gover nment and employers. Who will define the rules for psycho-correction? Who will d ecide what is ethical and right in this area as it develops over the next decade ? Control of the Mind and Body The predominant brain wave frequencies indicate the kind of activity taking plac e in the brain. There are four basic groups of brain wave frequencies which are associated with most mental activity. The first group, beta waves (1335 Hertz or pulses per second), is associated with normal activity. The high end of this ra nge is associated with stress or agitated states which can impair thinking and reasoning skills. The second group, alpha waves (812 Hertz), can indicate relaxation. Alpha frequencies are ideal for learning and focused m ental functioning. The third group, theta waves (4-7 Hertz), indicates mental im agery, access to memories and internal mental focus. This state is often associa ted with young children, behavioural modification and sleep/dream states. The last group, ultra-slow delta waves (0.53 Hertz), is foun d when a person is in deep sleep. The general rule is that the brain's predomina nt wave frequency will be lowest in terms of pulses per second when a person is relaxed, and highest when a person is most alert or agitated.54 External stimula tion of the brain by electromagnetic means can cause the brain to be entrained o r locked into phase with an external signal generator. Predominant brain waves c an be driven or pushed into new frequency patterns by external stimulation. In o ther words, the external signal driver or impulse generator entrains the brain, overriding the normal frequencies and causing changes in the brain waves, which then cause changes in brain chemistry, which then cause changes in brain outputs in the form of thoughts, emotions or physical condition. As you are driven, so you arrive. Brain manipulation can be either beneficial or detrimental to the in dividual being impacted, depending on the level of knowledge or the intentions o f the person controlling the technology. In combination with specific wave-forms , the various frequencies trigger precise chemical responses in the brain. The r elease of these neurochemicals causes specific reactions in the brain which resu lt in feelings of fear, lust, depression, love, etc. All of these, and the full range of emotional/intellectual responses, are caused by very specific combinati ons of these brain chemicals which are released by frequency-specific electrical impulses. "Precise mixtures of these brain juices can produce extraordinarily s pecific mental states, such as fear of the dark, or intense concentration." The work in this area is advancing at a very rapid rate, with new discoveries being

made regularly. Unlocking the knowledge of these specific frequencies will yield significant breakthroughs in understanding human health. Radiofrequency radiati on, acting as a carrier for extremely low frequencies (ELF), can be used to entr ain brain waves wirelessly. The control of mind and body by using various forms of electromagnetic energy in cluding radio signals, light pulsations, sound and other methods has resulted in several inventions and innovations. The positive health effects and uses have b een pursued by private researchers round the world. In 1973, an "...apparatus fo r the treatment of neuropsychic and somatic disorders herein light, sound, VHF e lectromagnetic field and heat sources, respectively, are simultaneously applied by means of a control unit to the patient's central nervous system with a predet ermined repetition rate. The light radiation and sound radiation sources are mad e so as to exert an adequate and monotonous influence of the light and sound rad iation on the patient's visual analyzers and auditory analyzers, respectively." This results in the brain following the external stimulating source in triggerin g brain pattern changes which affect the brain immediately and directly. A simpl e invention patented in 1977induction of natural sleep. As stated above, this in vention is concerned specifically with an improvement "...provides a device for improving upon the aforesaid application [see patent for full text] in assisting the that will permit the creation of several waveforms such that an analgesic noise device can approximate soothing sounds of nature, i.e., waves, rain, wind." Thes e kinds of devices are available everywhere and are noted for their calming effe cts in helping people relax and sleep. In 1980, another patent was issued which disclosed "...a method and apparatus fo r producing a noise-like signal for inducing a hypnotic or anesthetic effect in a human being. The invention also has application in crowd control and conscious ness level training (biofeedback). The invention may also be used in creating sp ecial musical effects." This device would have a profound effect in controlling individuals to a point otherwise only achievable through the application of hypn otherapy or drugs. A couple of years later, another device was engineered to cre ate these types of effects, again using very subtle energy: "Brain wave patterns associated with relaxed and meditative states in a subject are gradually induce d without deleterious chemical or neurological side effects." Various systems were perfected and patents issued for controlling brain activity . These inventions generated a whole array of breakthroughs for controlling a pe rson's emotional state, concentration and pain levels and creating other effects as well. In 1990, the results of a study strongly indicated that "...specific t ypes of subjective experiences can be enhanced when extremely low frequency magn etic fields of less than 1 milligauss are generated through the brain at the lev el of the temporal lobes. Vestibular feelings (vibrations, floating), depersonal ization (feeling detached, sense of a presence) and imaginings (vivid images fro m childhood) were more frequent within the field exposed groups than the sham fi eld exposed group." In a 1996 "new age" invention, quartz crystals are used to c reate stress relief by slowing brain activity. "Physiological stress in a human subject is treated by generating a weak electromagnetic field about a quartz cry stal. The crystal is stimulated by applying electrical pulses of pulse widths be tween 0.1 and 50 microseconds each at a pulse repetition rate of between 0.5k an d 10k [500 and 10,000] pulses per second to a conductor positioned adjacent to t he quartz crystal thereby generating a weak magnetic field. A subject is positio ned within the weak magnetic field for a period of time sufficient to reduce str ess." It is interesting that "New Age" thinkers have played on "crystal magic" a s a way to get "in tune" with oneself and relax, and here is a quartz crystal be ing included as a component of this invention. Again, the crossovers between fic tion and science continue to appear. Consciousness training is also a big theme in cults, religious organisations and others pursuing the "New Age". Science has now gained a greater understanding o f how the mind and brain work, so that what used to take years or even decades t o achieve can now be mastered in weeks, days or even minutes. For instance, in 1 996 a method and apparatus for the use in achieving alpha and theta brainwave st

ates and effecting positive emotional states in humans was developed. Three year s before, a patent was issued for a device which could create desired consciousn ess states: " the training of an individual to replicate such states of con sciousness without further audio stimulation; and in the transferring of such st ates from one human being to another through the imposition of one person's EEG, superimposed on desired stereo signals, on another individual, by inducement of a binaural beat phenomenon." Thought transference? This is interesting in that it speaks to the ideas alluded to earlier by the mil itary in changing the memory of a person by imposing computer-manipulated signal s which would integrate with the normal memory of a person. The possibility for abuse is obvious, and the opportunity for personal advancement is great. Imagine gaining education by the transfer of data directly into the human brain by thes e new methods rather than by the standard methods of learning. A serious conside ration in developing these types of memory transfer systems is that they bypass normal intellectual filters: information is deposited into the brain as fact, wi thout question or careful consideration. What happens when the new information c onflicts with existing information? Would it be possible to include hidden infor mation meant to unduly influence things like religious beliefs, politics or cons umption of goods and services? The possibilities are immense and the ethical and moral questions surrounding these matters are equally large. We can no longer a void the debate. In fact, the debate is lagging far behind the scientific advanc es. In the interim, there are some simple things we could all do to enhance our own, or our children's, learning capacity by applying simple and available knowl edge. For instance, "researchers at the Center for the Neurobiology of Learning and Memory at University of California, Irvine, have determined that 10 minutes of listening to a Mozart piano sonata raised the measurable IQ of college studen ts by up to nine points". This is a simple thing of great use to anyone seeking self-improvement. Weapons of the Mind A 1984 paper titled "The Electromagnetic Spectrum in Low-Intensity Conflict" sai d much about the military's interest in EMR: "The results of many studies that h ave been published in the last few years indicate that specific biological effec ts can be achieved by controlling the various parameters of the electromagnetic (EM) field. A few of the more important EM fac tors that can be manipulated are frequency, wave shape, rate of pulse onset, pul se duration, pulse amplitude, repetition rate, secondary modulation, and symmetr y and asymmetry of the pulse. Many of the clinical effects of electromagnetic ra diation were first noticed using direct current applied directly to the skin. Later the same effects were obtained by applying external fields. Electromagnetic radiation has been reported in the literature to induce or enhance the following effects. 1. Stimulation of bone regeneration [in fractures] 2. Healing of normal fractures 3. Treatment of congenital pseudarthrosis 4. Healing of wounds 5. Electroanesthesia 6. Electroconvulsive therapy 7. Behavior modification in animals 8. Altered electroencephalograms in animals and humans 9. Altered brain morphology in animals 10. Effects of acupuncture 11. Treatment of drug addiction 12. Electrostimulation for relief of pain 13. Altered firing of neuronal cells "These are but a few of the many biological effects and uses that have been repo rted over the past decade. They are not exhaustive and do not include many of th e effects reported in the Soviet and East European literature. "As with most hum an endeavors, these applications of electromagnetic radiation have the potential for being a double-edged sword. They can produce significant benefits, yet at t he same time can be exploited and used in a controlled manner for military or co

vert applications. This paper focuses on the potential uses of electromagnetic r adiation in future low-intensity conflicts. "'Potential Military Applications of EMR "The exploitation of this technology for military uses is still in its infancy a nd only recently has been recognized by the United States as a feasible option. A 1982 Air Force review of biotechnology had this to say. 'Currently available d ata allow the projection that specially generated radio frequency radiation (RFR ) fields may pose powerful and revolutionary military threats. Electroshock ther apy indicates the ability of induced electric current to completely interrupt mental functioning for short periods of time, to obtain cognition for longer periods and to restructure emotional response over prolonged intervals. ' Experience with electroshock therapy, RFR experiments and the increasing underst anding of the brain as an electrically mediated organ suggested the serious prob ability that impressed electromagnetic fields can be disruptive to purposeful behavior and may be capable of directing and or interro gating such behavior. Further, the passage of approximately 100 milliamperes thr ough the myocardium can lead to cardiac standstill and death, again pointing to a speed-oflight weapons effect. 'A rapidly scanning RFR system could provide an effective stun or kill capabilit y over a large area. System effectiveness will be a function of wave form, field intensity, pulse widths, repetition frequency, and carrier frequency. The syste m can be developed using tissue and whole animal experimental studies, coupled w ith mechanisms and waveform effects research. 'Using relatively low-level RFR it may be possible to sensitize large military groups to extremely dispersed amoun ts of biological or chemical agents to which the unirradiated population would b e immune. 'The potential applications of artificial electromagnetic fields are w ide ranging and can be used in many military or quasi-military situations. Some of these potential uses include dealing with terrorist groups, crowd control, co ntrolling breeches [sic] of security at military installations, and antipersonne l techniques in tactical warfare... One last area where electromagnetic radiatio n may prove to be of some value is in enhancing abilities of individuals for ano malous phenomena.'" Quite the papers for the 1980s. Stimulating anomalous phenom ena was another interesting point revealed in the Air Force review. What could t his mean? In one press report in November 1995, the interest of the CIA was disc losed when it was announced that for "...20 years, the United States has secretl y used psychics in attempts to help drug enforcement agencies track down Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi and find plutonium in North Korea, the CIA and others con firm. The ESP spying operationscode named 'Stargate' were unreliable, but three psychics continued to work out of Ft Meade, at least into July, researchers who evaluated the program for the CIA said..." It is also worth pointing out that this report coincided with the public disclosure by mil itary personnel of this project. The story was revealed in David Morehouse's boo k Psychic Warrior. Col. John Alexander, working out of Los Alamos and a major proponent of this are a of research, was quoted as saying: "...there are weapons systems that operate on the power of the mind and whose lethal capacity has already been demonstrated ... The psychotronic weapon would be silent, difficult to detect, and would requ ire only a human operator as a power source." According to a paper on non-lethal weapons: "An RF weapon currently under development is the high powered, very low frequenc y (VLF) modulator. Working in the 2035 kHz spectrum, the frequency emits from a 12 meter antenna dish to form into a type of acoustic bullet. The weapon is especially c onvenient because the power level is easily adjustable. At its low setting, the acoustic bullet causes physical discomfortenough to deter most approaching threa ts. Incrementally increasing the power nets an effect of nausea, vomiting and ab dominal pains. The highest settings can cause a person's bones to literally expl ode internally. Aimed at the head, the resonating skull bones have caused people to hear 'voices'." The weapon was researched by the Russian military more exten sively than by the US. Indeed, "...the Russians actually offered the use of such

a weapon to the FBI in the Branch Davidian standoff to make them think that 'God' was talking to the m. Concerned with the unpredictability of what the voices might actually say to the followers, the FBI declined the offer. Another RF weapon that was ready for use back in 1978 was developed under the guise of Operation PIQUE. Developed by the CIA, the plan was to bounce high powered radio signals off the ionosphere to affect the mental functions of people in selected areas, including Eastern Euro pean nuclear installations."The use of the ionosphere in the CIA's experiments r eminds one of the possibilities now available with systems such as HAARP, which was developed 15 years later. What is clear in all of this is that these systems have been developed and hidden from public view. The practice continues to this day. "The next area of non-lethal weapons is primarily used against machinery.. .these devices can either cause the machinery to stop functioning or to render i t vulnerable to further, more lethal attacks. In addition to this effect, man ha s become very dependent upon the use of machines and is often rendered helpless in a situation when they become dysfunctional. Therefore, it is only appropriate that they are covered here. The primary anti-machinery arsenal includes the mic rowave weapon, the non-nuclear electromagnetic pulse, and the laser weapon. "US Special Operations Command has in its arsenal the portable microwave weapon. The capability of such a weapon is varied in that it can not only disrupt enemy com munications, but can also superheat internal organs. Of course, directing this t ype of weapon towards personnel eliminates it from the non-lethal classification . Developed in the Los Alamos National Laboratory, the weapon forms its signal s imilar to the RF weapons discussed above in that it directs the energy into a hi gh-powered pulse and destroys transistors and other electrical equipment... On a n even smaller scale, a portable EMP weapon could be carried by ground forces to destroy the electrical components in an armored vehicle or tank. This capabilit y is being developed with police forces to emit a pulse that would stop a car al most immediately." These systems offer both promises and risks as we move into t he new century. What will be the public reaction to these systems? We suggest th at the reaction will cause a significant change in the uses and further developm ents of these technologies. Additionally, we suspect that monitoring systems wou ld be developed which would allow for the detection of these technologies in ord er to control abuse. Mind Control Victims Sometimes referred to as "wavies" or " beamers", these individuals are usually dismissed when asserting that they are t he victims of mind control weapons testing. In fact: "University of South Florid a researchers have published a study showing that fears of the Internet are repl acing the CIA and radio waves as a frequent delusion in psychiatric patients. In every case of Internet delusion documented by the researchers, the patient actu ally had little experience with computers." The problem is that it is difficult if not impossible to sort out which people might be victims and which are delusi onal. Attempts to determine the reality of the complaints are often the butt of jokes and fear. For example, the University of Albany has "...shut down the rese arch of a psychology professor probing the 'X-Files' world of government surveil lance and mind control. At conferences, in papers and research over two semester s, Professor Kathryn Kelley explored the claims of those who say they were surgi cally implanted with communications devices to read their thoughts." Since the r elease of our first book, Angels Don't Play This HAARP: Advances in Tesla Techno logy, we have heard from hundreds of people making such claims. We cannot sort o ut what might be real experimentation from that which resides only in the minds of these people. We believe that the claims should be taken seriously and that p eople should have some place to go in order to find the truth or gain the medica l treatments they otherwise deserve. The history of the United States is littere d with examples of people being exploited by scientists working under the cover of darkness provided by "black budgets". Could these reports have a factual basi s? We believe that some do. Government control of the mind in order to impose it s will on people is best summarised on the wall of the Franklin D. Roosevelt Mem orial with an inscription that reads: "They [who] seek to establish systems of g overnment based on the regimentation of all human beings by a handful of individ ual this a new order. It is not new and it is not order."

Endnotes 1. US Air Force, New World Vistas: Air and Space Power for the 21st Century Ancillary Volume, Scientific Advisory Board (USAF), Washington, DC, Document #1 9960618040, 1996, pp. 89-90. EPI402 2. Foster, Sarah, "Cold War legend dies at 8 0: Famed as CIA's real-life 'Dr Strangelove'", Worldnetdaily, March 9, 1999. EPI 279 3. Reppert, Barton, "The Zapping of an Embassy: 35 Years Later, The Mystery Lingers", AP, May 22, 1988. EPI1112 4. Advisory Committee Staff, Committee on Hu man Radiation Experiments, Methodological Review of Agency Data Collection Effor ts: Initial Report on the Central Intelligence Agency Document Search, June 27, 1994. EPI579 5. Petersen, John L., The Road to 2015: Profiles of the Future, Wai te Group Press, 1994, ISBN 1-878739-85-9. EPI849 6. USAF, New World Vistas, ibid . 7. US EPA, Summary and Results of the April 26-27, 1993 Radiofrequency Radiati on Conference, Volume 2: Papers, 402-R-95-011, March 1995. EPI728 8. Oscar, K.J. , "Effects of low power microwaves on the local cerebral blood flow of conscious rats", Army Mobility Equipment Command, June 1, 1980. EPI1195 9. Delgado, Jos M .R., Physical Control of the Mind: Toward a Psychocivilized Society, Harper & Ro w Publishers, New York, 1969. EPI850 10. US Senate, Communist Interrogation, Ind octrination and Exploitation of American Military and Civilian Prisoners, Commit tee on Government Operations, Subcommittee on Investigations, 84th Congress, 2nd Session, December 31, 1956. EPI1131 11. Cooper, Pat, "US Enhances Mind Games", Defense News, April 17-23, 1995. EPI1154 11a. Chernishev, I., "Can Rulers Make ' Zombies' and Control the World?", Orienteer, February 1997, pp. 58-62. 12. Thoma s, Timothy L., "The Mind Has No Firewall", Parameters, vol. XXVIII, no. 1, Sprin g 1998. EPI525 13. Brzezinski, Zbigniew, Between Two Ages: America's Role in the Technetronic Era, Viking Press, New York, 1970. EPI787 14. McGill, Peter, "'Min d Control Music' Stops Shoplifters", The Sydney Morning Herald, February 4, 1995 . EPI95 15. US Patent #4,777,529, October 11, 1988, "Auditory Subliminal Program ming System"; Inventors: Schultz et al.; Assignee: Richard M. Schultz and Associ ates, Inc. EPI265 16. US Patent #4,395,600, July 26, 1983, "Auditory Subliminal Message System and Method"; Inventors: Lundy et al. EPI26417. US Patent #5,134,4 84, July 28, 1992, "Superimposing Method and Apparatus Useful for Subliminal Mes sages"; Inventor: Willson, Joseph; Assignee: MindsEye Educational Systems, Inc. EPI290 18. US Patent #5,270,800, December 14, 1993, "Subliminal Message Generato r"; Inventor: Sweet, Robert L. EPI288 19. Hall, E. Gene, "Watch Carefully Now: S olving Crime in the 21st Century", Police, June 1999, vol. 23, no. 6. Source: NL ECTC Law Enforcement & Technology News Summary, June 17, 1999. EPI944 20. US Dep artment of Defense (awarding agency), "Communicating via the Microwave Auditory Effect", SBIR Contract Number F41624-95-C-9007. EPI277 21. ITV News Bureau, "A P sy-Ops Bonanza On The Desert", 1991, h tm. EPI568 22. ITV News Bureau, "High Tech Psychological Warfare Arrives in th e Middle East", 1991, m. EPI567 23. Frey, Allan H., "Auditory System Response to Radio Frequency Energy", Aerospace Medicine, December 1961, vol. 32, pp. 1140-1142. EPI370 24. US Patent #2,995,63 3, August 8, 1961, "Means for Aiding Hearing"; Inventors: Puharich et al. EPI256 25. US Patent #3,170,993, February 23, 1965, "Means for Aiding Hearing by Elect rical Stimulation of the Facial Nerve System"; Inventors: Henry K. Puharich and Joseph L. Lawrence. EPI1119 26. Frey, Allan H., "Human Auditory System Response to Modulated Electromagnetic Energy", Journal of Applied Physiology 17(4):689-69 2, 1962. EPI544 27. US Patent #3,393,279, July 16, 1968, "Nervous System Excitat ion Device"; Inventor: Flanagan, Gillis Patrick; Assignee: Listening Incorporate d. EPI261 28. US Patent #3,647,970, March 7, 1972, "Method and System of Simplif ying Speech Waveforms"; Inventor: Flanagan, Gillis P. 29. US Patent #3,566,347, Feb. 23, 1971, "Psycho-Acoustic Projector"; Inventor: Flanders, Andrew E.; Assig nee: General Dynamics Corporation. EPI260 30. Sharp et al., "Generation of Acous tic Signals by Pulsed Microwave Energy", IEEE Transactions On Microwave Theory A nd Techniques, May 1974. EPI817 31. US Patent #4,877,027, Oct. 31, 1989, "Hearin g System"; Inventor: Brunkan, Wayne. EPI1124 32. US Patent #4,858,612, Aug. 22, 1989, "Hearing Device"; Inventor: Stocklin, William L. EPI270 33. US Patent #4,8 77,027, Oct. 31, 1989, "Hearing System"; Inventor: Brunkan, Wayne B. EPI262 34. US Patent #5,159,703, Oct. 27, 1992, "Silent Subliminal Presentation System", In

ventor: Lowry, Oliver M. EPI285 35. Scientists for Global Responsibility, "Non-L ethal Defence: The New Age Mental War Zone", issue 10, 1995. EPI810 36. US Paten t #5,539,705, July 23, 1996, "Ultrasonic Speech Translator and Communication Sys tem"; Inventor: Akerman, M. Alfred et al.; Assignee: Martin Marietta Energy Syst ems. EPI293 37. Specter, Michael, "Scientists make brain cells grow", Anchorage Daily News, May 4, 1990. EPI527 38. Bishop, Jerry, "Nervy Scientists Move Toward Union Of Living Brain Cells With Microchips", Wall Street Journal, February 1, 1994, p. B3. EPI49 39. ONDCP, CTAC, "Counterdrug Research and Development Bluepr int Update", 40. Cohen, David, "Magnetic Fields of the Human Body", Physics Today, August 19 75. EPI1179 41. US Patent #5,392,788, Feb. 28, 1995, "Method And Device For Inte rpreting concepts And Conceptual Thought From Brainwave Data And For Assisting F or Diagnosis Of Brainwave Dysfunction"; Inventor: Hudspeth, William J. EPI1129 4 2. US Patent #5,507,291, April 16, 1996, "Method And An Associated Apparatus For Remotely Determining Information As To Person's Emotional State"; Inventors: St irbl et al. EPI1130 43. Watts, Susan, "Alien kidnaps may just be mind zaps", The Sydney Morning Herald, November 19, 1994. EPI816 44. Opall, Barbara, "US Explor es Russian Mind-Control Technology", Defense News, January 11-17, 1993. EPI818 4 5. Persinger, M. et al., "Partial Amnesia for a Narrative Following Application of Theta Frequency EM Fields", Journal of Bioelectricity 4(2):481-494 (1985). EP I372 46. US Patent #5,036,858, Aug. 6, 1991, "Method And Apparatus For Changing Brain Wave Frequency"; Inventors: Carter et al. EPI1127 47. US Patent #3,951,134 , April 20, 1976, "Apparatus And Method For Remotely Monitoring And Altering Bra inwaves"; Inventor: Malech, Robert G.; Assignee: Dorne & Margolin Inc. EPI1122 4 8. "Advances in Neuroscience 'May Threaten Human Rights'", Nature, vol. 391, Jan uary 22, 1998. EPI116 49. Kahney, Leander, "A Cat's Eye Marvel", News, October 7, 1999, at story/22116.html. EPI 832 50. Delgado, Jos M.R., Physical Control of the Mind: Toward a Psychocivilize d Society, Harper & Row, New York, 1969. EPI850 51. "DoD, Intel Agencies Look at Russian Mind Control Technology, Claims", Defense Electronics, July 1993. EPI53 8 52. Elliot, Dorinda and Barry, John, "A Subliminal Dr Strangelove", Newsweek, August 21, 1994. EPI542 53. Depue, Roger L. and Depue, Joanne M., To Dream, Perc hance to Kill", Security Management, vol. 43, no. 6, July 1999. Source: NLECTC L aw Enforcement & Technology News, Summary, July 8, 1999. EPI932 54. Hutchison, M ichael, MegaBrain: New Tools and Techniques for Brain Growth and Mind Expansion, 1986. EPI1235 55. US Patent #5,356,368, Oct. 18, 1994, "Method and Apparatus fo r Inducing Desired States of Consciousness", Inventor: Monroe, Robert; Assignee: Interstate Industries, Inc. EPI286 56. Hutchison, MegaBrain, op. cit., p. 114. EPI1235 57. US Patent #3,773,049, Nov. 20, 1973, "Apparatus for the Treatment of Neuropsychic and Somatic Diseases with Heat, Light, Sound and VHF Electromagnet ic Radiation"; Inventors: Rabichev et al. EPI257 58. US Patent #4,034,741, July 12, 1977, "Noise Transmitter and Generator"; Inventors: Adams et al.; Assignee: Solitron Devices Inc. EPI267 59. US Patent #4,191,175, March 4, 1980, "Method an d Apparatus for Repetitively Producing a Noise-Like Audible Signal", Inventor: N agle, William L. EPI269 60. US Patent # 4,335,710, June 22, 1982, "Device for th e Induction of Specific Brain Wave Patterns"; Inventor: Williamson, John D.; Ass ignee: Omnitronics Research Corporation. EPI292 61. US Patent #4,717,343, Jan. 5 , 1988, "Method of Changing a Person's Behavior"; Inventor: Densky, Alan. EPI284 62. US Patent #4,834,701, May 30, 1989, "Apparatus for Inducing Frequency Reduc tion in Brainwave", Inventor: Masaki, Kazumi; Assignee: Hayashibara, Ken. EPI266 63. US Patent 4,889,526, Dec. 26, 1989, "Non-Invasive Method and Apparatus for Modulating Brain Signals Through an External Magnetic Or Electric Field To Reduc e Pain"; Inventors: Rauscher, Elizabeth A. and Van Bise, William L.; Assignee: M egatech Laboratories, Inc. EPI268 64. US Patent #4,227,516, Oct. 14, 1990, "Appa ratus for Electrophysiological Stimulation"; Inventors: Meland et al. EPI283 65. US Patent #4,883,067, Nov. 28, 1989, "Method and Apparatus for Translating the EEG into Music to Induce and Control Various Psychological and Physiological Sta tes and to Control a Musical Instrument"; Inventors: Knispel et al.; Assignee: N eurosonics, Inc. EPI282 66. US Patent # 5,123,899, June 23, 1992, "Method and Sy stem for Altering Consciousness"; Inventor: Gall, James. EPI289. 67. Patent # 5,

352,181, Oct. 4, 1994, "Method and Recording For Producing Sounds and Messages t o Achieve Alpha and Theta Brainwave States and Positive Emotional States in Huma ns"; Inventor: Davis, Mark E. EPI291 68. US Patent #5,289,438, Feb. 22, 1994, "M ethod and System For Altering Consciousness", Inventor: Gall, James. EPI333 69. Ruttan, Leslie A. et al., "Enhancement of Temporal Lobe-Related Experiences Duri ng Brief Exposures To Milligauss Intensity Extremely Low Frequency Magnetic Fiel ds", Journal of Bioelectricity 9(1):33-54 (1990). EPI311 70. US Patent #5,562,59 7, Oct. 8, 1996, "Method and Apparatus for Reducing Physiological Stress"; Inven tor: Van Dick, Robert C. EPI294 71. US Patent # 5,586,967, Dec. 24, 1996, "Metho d and Recording or Producing Sounds and Messages To Achieve Alpha and Theta Brai nwave States in Humans", Inventor: Davis, Mark E. EPI296 72. US Patent #5,213,56 2, May 25, 1993, "Method of Inducing Mental, Emotional and Physical States of Co nsciousness, Including Specific Mental Activity in Human Beings"; Inventor: Monr oe, Robert; Assignee: Interstate Industries, Inc. EPI287 73. Hotz, Robert Lee, " Listening to Mozart a real but temporary IQ builder, study says", Anchorage Dail y News, October 15, 1993. EPI529 74. Tyler, Capt. Paul E., MC, USN, "The Electro magnetic Spectrum in Low-Intensity Conflict" in Lt. Col. David Dean (ed.), Low-I ntensity Conflict and Modern Technology, Air University Press, June 1986. EPI709 75. Cole, Richard, "ESP spies, 'Stargate' are psychic reality", Saint Paul Pion eer Press, November 30, 1995. EPI491 76. Morehouse, David, Psychic Warrior, Mich ael Joseph Ltd, UK, St Martin's Press, USA, 1996. 77. Aftergood, Steven, "The '' Soft Kill' Fallacy", Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, September/October 1994. EPI281 78. Suhajda, Joseph M., "Non-Lethal Weapons for Military Operations Other Than War", at EPI348 79 . ibid. 80. "Internet Feeds Delusions", Associated Press, July 5, 1999. EPI123 8 1. Brownstein, Andrew. "U. Albany Suspends implants research", Times Union, Augu st 25, 1999. EPI833 82. Begich, Dr Nick and Jeane Manning, Angels Don't Play Thi s HAARP: Advances in Tesla Technology, EarthPulse Press, Anchorage, 1995. 84. La lli, Anthony N., "Human Research Subject Protection", at http://www.pw2.netcom.c om~allalli/ BillSite_analysis/paper_web.html. EPI619 EPI259 Filename: Mind Contr ol.doc Directory: D:\epulse\test\epulseuploads\articles Template: E:\Documents a nd Settings\raja\Application Data\Microsoft\Templates\ Title: Subject: Author: Keywords: Comments: Creation Date: Change Number: Last Saved On: Last S aved By: Total Editing Time: Last Printed On: Mind Control Dr. Nich Begich 1/7/2 007 1:48 PM 31/15/2007 10:34 AM Daphine 8 Minutes 1/15/2007 11:18 AM As of Last Complete Printing Number of Pages: 66 Number of Words: 12,883 (approx.) Number o f Characters: 73,434 (approx.) ________________________________________ Your mind, body, money, and future! PLEASE HELP HUMANITY: It affects you-Talk about it Expose it! Revolution it! How we got here perfecting 50 years of MIND CONTROLLED AMERICANS. SUSAN LINDAUER NY CASE with false accusations also to impede the TRUTH! FOR 50 Y EARS in all MATTERS FOOTNOTES and REFERENCES DEATHS, CANCER, THREATS/BLACKMAIL, QUASHED MEDIA DOCUMENTARY DR. WALTER BOWART, False Memory Syndrome Foundation-radio interview (CD Canada) and below info: JIM KEITH banned books MASS CONTROL-ENGINEERING HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS, Strange dea th and Body Electric (Dumbed down Americans) AARON RUSSO of Rockefeller and Discredited ALEX CONSTANTINE and the CIA and MEDIA, Operation Mockingbird and Major Universi ties The New Dark Ages Conspiracies1980-1995 Carol White and Too Secret Too Long EIR, Volume 14, No 23. DR. NICK BEGICH, Alaskan Politics and family targetedTERRORIST HUNTER, anonymously KAY GRIGGS, Military wife-current MIND CONTROL whistleblower (Secret Societies) DR. BILL NELSON, Tom Beardon Govt Physicists and the INVISIBLE GOV/WAR Naval Officer L. Ron Hubbard (1964) Wikepidia Mockingbird Operation Mind Control DR. ROBERT DUNCAN, Partial knowledge-JAY KIMBALL torture in MS DR. DOUG ROKKE,

DR IGOR LEDOCHOWSKI-Street Hypnosis and NLP Richard Bantler and John Grinder for mer CIA Sharon Weinberger, Targeting 'Imaginary Weapons' MIND GAMES Pentagon investigati ve reporter. Julianne McKinney, Military Intelligence and WHISTLEBLOWER Senator Eric Adams, NY delayed then prevented from Senate hearing for victims in 2009 with home fire KATHLEEN SULLIVAN (Shackled) Cathy OBrien and Daughter Kelly BRICE TAYLOR, Thanks for the MEMORIES Lynn Surgella Letter from President of Psychotronics Association and former Gove rnment Scientist John Glenn, Former NASA astronaut, Military, and Senator letter 1997 Michael Scheuer, CIA 117 slides on 911 and most still dont have clearance of the se weapons on civilians, Ted Gunderson, Bob Levin, Former agent, and OUTFOXED documentary videos CUTTING OFF, Dixie Chics INDUCED BUZZ with synthetic thoughts and emotion. Sibel Edmonds, See her story, public articles and court pleadings John Marks, Mark Phillips, Everyone attempting the truth with MASS CHOAS creatio ns from the top Jesse Ventura-Former Seal, Covert CIA on US Soil against Mission, and changed we b site since. The former CIA site linking it to Hollywood and Scientology involv ements revamped when I wrote about it Thomas Tamm, DOJ and 9 attorney terminations Tom Beardon, Larry Klayman, Leuren Moret, CHARLES VIAR CIA Pandoras Box American hysterias Duncan OFinioan, CD interviews Abducted Manchurian assassin for former President Bush in 1980s as milk cartons now misfits and handlers of CIA covert Q clearanc e Police Barry Cooper, TX-doesnt know why he did it CIA Ray Mc Govern Whistleblower Partial 911 John Perkins book on his story as one of the Federal Elite murderer. OPEC Pastor LINDSEY WILLIAMS-Energy Non Crisis S/Be $1.50 a gal. World Bank Proi t to collapse 1910 secret meeting on Jeckyl Island Fed Reserve! NOW whitewashing History with more overt crimes Naomi wolf, (Yale) Give me liberty, and FREEDOM to FASCISM 10 steps NSA employee s all claim being hypnotized on the job SAME as other whistleblower claims Jim Guest Letter on Mind Control to Senate, Senator Patrick Leahy (A divided and less civil Country) Ron Paul Wake Up Americans, Kevin Trudeau FDA lawsuits-Britney Spears, Dixie Chi cs sabotaged audiences creating and cutting off buzz. Amy Goodman Stop the Madness, APA & AMA, Natl whistleblowers Judicial Watch, Freedom Watch, Institute for Accuracy, Citizens for legitimate g ov. George Bush-Yale Member SKULL and BONES and New World Order, Proof of Conspiracy-A new American View Matrix III, Val Valerian, ed., 1992 Constantine, Bowart: Acid Dreams-Human Rights Law Journal, Freedom of the Mind V ol. 3, No. 1-4 Ross MD; Dr Colin The CIA, Military Mind Control Building the Manchurian Candida te. April 18, 1996 Bowart, Walter, Leading Psychiatrist Blows Whistle on Profession: Proves 50 + ye ars of Mind Control MindNet Journal, Vol. 1, No. 94 and Were we Controlled? JFK Adventures Unlimited Press, IL, 1997 December January 1993 Mind Control Techniques and Tactic Market inflations and real estate pricing and gouging was all induced from the m ind on each individual and as a mass, and part of conspiracy agenda. Corrupting American Minds. (Text Box comment Released by RareReactor) Office of Research and development Author's Note This book has grown out of the 16,000 pages of documents that the CIA released t o me under the Freedom of Information Act. Without these documents, the best inv

estigative reporting in the world could not have produced a book, and the secret s of CIA mind-control work would have remained buried forever, as the men who kn ew them had always intended. From the documentary base, I was able to expand my knowledge through interviews and readings in the behavioral sciences. Neverthele ss, the final result is not the whole story of the CIA's attack on the mind. Onl y a few insiders could have written that, and they choose to remain silent. I ha ve done the best I can to make the book as accurate as possible, but I have been hampered by the refusal of most of the principal characters to be interviewed a nd by the CIA's destruction in 1973 of many of the key documents. I want to extend special thanks to the congressional sponsors of the Freedom of Information Act. I would like to think that they had my kind of research in mind when they passed into law the idea that information about the government belong s to the people, not to the bureaucrats. I am also grateful to the CIA officials who made what must have been a rather unpleasant decision to release the docume nts and to those in the Agency who worked on the actual mechanics of release. Fr om my point of view, the system has worked extremely well. I must acknowledge that the system worked almost not at all during the first six months of my three-year Freedom of Information struggle. Then in late 1975, Joseph Petrillo and Timothy Sullivan, two skilled and energetic lawyers with the firm of Fried, Frank, Shriv er, Harris and Kampelman, entered the case. I had the distinct impression that t he government attorneys took me much more seriously when my requests for documen ts started arriving on stationery with all those prominent partners at the top. An author should not need lawyers to write a book, but I would have had great di fficulty without mine. I greatly appreciate their assistance. What an author does need is editors, a publisher, researchers, consultants, and friends, and I have been particularly blessed with good ones. My very dear friend Taylor Branch edited th e book, and I continue to be impressed with his great skill in making my ideas a nd language coherent. Taylor has also served as my agent, and in this capacity, too, he has done me great service. I had a wonderful research team, without which I never could have sifted through the masses of material and run down leads in so many places. I thank them all, and I want to acknowledg e their contributions. Diane St. Clair was the mainstay of the group. She put to gether a system for filing and cross-indexing that worked beyond all expectation s. (Special thanks to Newsday's Bob Greene, whose suggestions for organizing a l arge investigation came to us through the auspices of Investigative Reporters an d Editors, Inc.) Not until a week before the book was finally finished did I fai l to find a document which I needed; X naturally, it was something I had misfile d myself. Diane also contributed greatly to the Cold War chapter. Richard Sokolo w made similar contributions to the Mushroom and Safehouse chapters. His work wa s solid, and his energy boundless. Jay Peterzell delved deeply into Dr. Cameron' s "depatterning" work in Montreal and stayed with it when others might have quit . Jay also did first-rate studies of brainwashing and sensory deprivation. Jim M intz and Ken Cummins provided excellent assistance in the early research stage. The Center for National Security Studies, under my good friend Robert Borosage, provided physical support and research aid, and I would like to express my appre ciation. My thanks also to Morton Halperin who continued the support when he bec ame director of the Center. I also appreciated the help of Penny Bevis, Hannah D elaney, Florence Oliver, Aldora Whitman, Nick Fiore, and Monica Andres. My sister, Dr. Patricia Greenfield, did excellent work on the CIA's interface wi th academia and on the Personality Assessment System. I want to acknowledge her contribution to the boo k and express my thanks and love. There has been a whole galaxy of people who ha ve provided specialized help, and I would like to thank them all: Jeff Kohan, Ed die Becker, Sam Zuckerman, Matthew Messelson, Julian Robinson, Milton Kline, Mar ty Lee, M. J. Conklin, Alan Scheflin, Bonnie Goldstein, Paul Avery, Bill Mills, John Lilly, Humphrey Osmond, Julie Haggerty, Patrick Oster, Norman K empster, Bill Richards, Paul Magnusson, Andy Sommer, Mark Cheshire, Sidney Cohen

, Paul Altmeyer, Fred and Elsa Kleiner, Dr. John Cavanagh, and Senator James Abo urezk and his staff. I sent drafts of the first ten chapters to many of the people I interviewed (and several who refused to be interviewed). My aim was to have them correct any inaccuracies or point out mate rial taken out of context. The comments of those who responded aided me consider ably in preparing the final book. My thanks for their assistance to Albert Hofma nn, Telford Taylor, Leo Alexander, Walter Langer, John Stockwell, William Hood, Samuel Thompson, Sidney Cohen, Milton Greenblatt, Gordon Wasson, James Moore, La urence Hinkle, Charles Osgood, John Gittinger (for Chapter 10 only), and all the others who asked not to be identified. Finally, I would like to express my appreciation to my publisher, Times Books, a nd especially to my editor John J. Simon. John, Tom Lipscomb, Roger Jellinek, Gy orgyi Voros, and John Gallagher all believed in this book from the beginning and provided outstanding support. Thanks also go to Judith H. McQuown, who copyedit ed the manuscript, and Rosalyn T. Badalamenti, Times Books' Production Editor, w ho oversaw the whole production process. John Marks Washington, D.C. October 26, 1978 PART I ORIGINS OF MIND-CONTROL RESEARCH World War II On the outskirts of Basel, Switzerland, overlooking the Rhine, lies the worldwid e headquarters of the Sandoz drug and chemical empire. There, on the afternoon o f April 16, 1943, Dr. Albert Hofmann made an extraordinary discoveryby accident. At 37, with close-cropped hair and rimless glasses, Hofmann headed the company's research program to develop marketable drugs out of natural products. He was ha rd at work in his laboratory that warm April day when a wave of dizziness sudden ly overcame him. The strange sensation was not unpleasant, and Hofmann felt almo st as though he were drunk. But he became quite restless. His nerves seemed to run off in different directio ns. The inebriation was unlike anything he had ever known before. Leaving work early, Hofmann managed a wobbly bicycle-ride home. He lay down and closed his eyes, still unable to shake the dizziness. Now the light of day was disagreeably bright. With the external world shut out, his mind raced along. He experienced what he w ould later describe as "an uninterrupted stream of fantastic images of extraordi nary plasticity and vividness.... accompanied by an intense, kaleidoscope-like p lay of colors." These visions subsided after a few hours, and Hofmann, ever the inquiring scient ist, set out to find what caused them. He presumed he had somehow ingested one of the drugs with whic h he had been working that day, and his prime suspect was d-lysergic acid diethy lamide, or LSD, a substance that he himself had first produced in the same lab f ive years earlier. As part of his search for a circulation stimulant, Hofmann ha d been examining derivatives of ergot, a fungus that attacks rye. Ergot had a mysterious, contradictory reputation. In China and some Arab countri es, it was thought to have medicinal powers, but in Europe it was associated wit h the horrible malady from the Middle Ages called St. Anthony's Fire, which stru ck periodically like the plague. The disease turned fingers and toes into blacke ned stumps and led to madness and death. Hofmann guessed that he had absorbed some ergot derivative through his skin, per haps while changing the filter paper in a suction bottle. To test his theory, he spent three days making up a fresh batch of LSD. Cautiously he swallowed 250 micrograms (less than 1/100,000 of an ounce). Hofman n planned to take more gradually through the day to obtain a result, since no kn own drug had any effect on the human body in such infinitesimal amounts. He had no way of knowing that because of LSD's potency, he had already taken several ti mes what would later be termed an ordinary dose. Unexpectedly, this first speck of LSD took hold after about 40 minutes, and Hofm

ann was off on the first self-induced "trip" of modern times.[1] Hofmann recalls he felt "horrific... I was afraid. I feared I was becoming crazy . I had the idea I was out of my body. I thought I had died. I did not know how it would finish. If you know you will come back from this very strange world, on ly then can you enjoy it." Of course, Hofmann had no way of knowing that he woul d return. While he had quickly recovered from his accidental trip three days ear lier, he did not know how much LSD had caused it or whether the present dose was more than his body could detoxify. His mind kept veering off into an unknown di mension, but he was unable to appreciate much beyond his own terror. Less than 200 miles from Hofmann's laboratory, doctors connected to the S.S. and Gestapo were doing experiments that led to the testing of mescaline (a drug which has many of the m ind-changing qualities of LSD) on prisoners at Dachau. Germany's secret policeme n had the notion, completely alien to Hofmann, that they could use drugs like me scaline to bring unwilling people under their control. According to research tea m member Walter Neff, the goal of the Dachau experiments was "to eliminate the w ill of the person examined." At Dachau, Nazis took the search for scientific kno wledge of military value to its most awful extreme. There, in a closely guarded, fenced-off part of the camp, S.S. doctors studied such questions as the amount of time a downed airman could survive in the North Atlantic in February. Informa tion of this sort was considered important to German security, since skilled pil ots were in relatively short supply. So, at Heinrich Himmler's personal order, the doctor s at Dachau simply sat by huge tubs of ice water with stopwatches and timed how long it took immersed prisoners to die. In other experiments, under the cover of "aviation medicine," inmates were crushed to death in high-altitude pressure ch ambers (to learn how high pilots could safely fly), and prisoners were shot, so that special blood coagulants could be tested on their wounds. The mescaline tes ts at Dachau run by Dr. Kurt Plotner were not nearly so lethal as the others in the "aviation" series, but the drug c ould still cause grave damage, particularly to anyone who already had some degree of mental instability. The da nger was increased by the fact that the mescaline was administered covertly by S .S. men who spiked the prisoners' drinks. Unlike Dr. Hofmann, the subjects had n o idea that a drug was causing their extreme disorientation. Many must have fear ed they had gone stark mad all on their own. Always, the subjects of these exper iments were Jews, gypsies, Russians, and other groups on whose lives the Nazis p laced little or no value. In no way were any of them true volunteers, although s ome may have come forward under the delusion that they would receive better trea tment. After the war, Neff told American investigators that the subjects showed a wide variety of reactions. Some became furious; others were melancholy or gay, as if they were drunk. Not surprisingly, "sentiments of hatred and revenge were expose d in every case." Neff' noted that the drug caused certain people to reveal thei r "most intimate secrets." Still, the Germans were not ready to accept mescaline as a substitute for their more physical methods of interrogation. They went on to try hypnosis in combination with the drug, but they apparently never felt con fident that they had found a way to assume command of their victim's mind. Even as the S.S. doctors were carrying on their experiments at Dachau, the Offic e of Strategic Services (OSS), America's wartime intelligence agency, set up a "truth drug" committee un der Dr. Winfred Overholser, head of St. Elizabeth's Hospital in Washington. The committee quickly tried and rejected mescaline, several barbiturates, and scopol amine. Then, during the spring of 1943, the committee decided that Cannabis indi caor marijuanashowed the most promise, and it started a testing program in coope ration with the Manhattan Project, the TOP SECRET effort to build an atomic bomb . It is not clear why OSS turned to the bomb makers for help, except that, as one former Project official puts it, "Our secret was so great, I guess we were safer than anyone else." Apparently, top Project leaders, who went to incredible leng

ths to preserve security, saw no danger in trying out drugs on their personnel. The Manhattan Project supplied the first dozen test subjects, who were asked to swallow a concentrated, liquid form of marijuana that an American pharmaceutical company furnished in sm all glass vials. A Project man who was present recalls: "It didn't work the way we wanted. Apparently the human system would not take it all at once orally. The subjects w ould lean over and vomit." What is more, they disclosed no secrets, and one subj ect wound up in the hospital. Back to the drawing board went the OSS experts. They decided that the best way t o administer the marijuana was inhalation of its fumes. Attempts were made to po ur the solution on burning charcoal, and an OSS officer named George White (who had already succeeded in knocking himself out with an overdose of the relatively potent substance) tried out the vapor, without sufficient effect, at St. Elizab eth's. Finally, the OSS group discovered a delivery system which had been known for years to jazz musicians and other users: the cigarette. OSS documents report ed that smoking a mix of tobacco and the marijuana essence brought on a "state o f irresponsibility, causing the subject to be loquacious and free in his imparta tion of information." The first field test of these marijuana-laced cigarettes t ook place on May 27, 1943. The subject was one August Del Gracio, who was descri bed in OSS documents as a "notorious New York gangster."[2] George White, an Arm y captain who had come to OSS from the Federal Bureau of Narcotics, administered the drug by inviting Del Gracio up to his apartment for a smoke and a chat. Whi te had been talking to Del Gracio earlier about securing the Mafia's cooperation to keep Axis agents out of the New York waterfront and to prepare the way for the invasion of Sicily.[3] Del Gracio had already made it clear to White that he personally had taken part in killing informers who had squealed to the Feds. The gangster was as tough as they came, and if he could be induced to talk under the influence of a truth dru g, certainly German prisoners couldor so the reasoning went. White plied him wit h cigarettes until "subject became high and extremely garrulous." Over the next two hours, Del Gracio told the Federal agent about the ins and outs of the drug trade (revealing information so sensitive that the CIA deleted it from the OSS d ocuments it released 34 years later). At one point in the conversation, after De l Gracio had begun to talk, the gangster told White, "Whatever you do, don't eve r use any of the stuff I'm telling you." In a subsequent session, White packed t he cigarettes with so much marijuana that Del Gracio became unconscious for abou t an hour. Yet, on the whole the experiment was considered a success in "loosening the subject's tongue." While members of the truth-drug committee never believed that the concentrated m arijuana could compel a person to confess his deepest secrets, they authorized W hite to push ahead with the testing. On the next stage, he and a Manhattan Proje ct counterintelligence man borrowed 15 to 18 thick dossiers from the FBI and wen t off to try the marijuana on suspected Communist soldiers stationed in military camps outside Atlanta, Memphis, and New Orleans. According to White's Manhattan Project sidekick, a Harvard Law graduate and future judge, they worked out a st andard interrogation technique: Before we went in, George and I would buy cigare ttes, remove them from the bottom of the pack, use a hypodermic needle to put in the fluid, and leave the cigarettes in a shot glass to dry. Then, we resealed t he pack.... We sat down with a particular soldier and tried to win his confidenc e. We would say something like "This is better than being overseas and getting s hot at," and we would try to break them. We started asking questions from their [FBI] folder, and we would let them see that we had the folder on them... We had a pitcher of ice water on the table, and we knew the drug had taken effect when they reached for a glass. The stuff actually worked.... Everyone but oneand he didn't smokegave us more information than we had before. The Manhattan Project lawyer remembers this swing through the South with George White as a "good time." The two men ate in the best restaurants and took in all the sights. "George was quite a guy," he says. "At the Roosevelt Hotel in New Or

leans after we had interviewed our men, we were lying on the beds when George to ok out his pistol and shot his initials into the molding that ran along the ceil ing. He used his.22 automatic, equipped with a silencer, and he emptied several clips." Asked if he tried out the truth drug himself, the lawyer says, "Yes. The cigarettes gave you a feeling of walking a couple of feet off the floor. I had a pleasant sensation of well-being. ... The fellows from my office wouldn't take a cigarette from me for the rest of the war." Since World War II, the United States government, led by the Central Intelligenc e Agency, has searched secretly for ways to control human behavior. This book is about that search, which had its origins in World War II. The CIA programs were not only an extension of the OSS quest for a truth drug, but they also echoed s uch events as the Nazi experiments at Dachau and Albert Hofmann's discovery of L SD. By probing the inner reaches of consciousness, Hofmann's research took him to th e very frontiers of knowledge. As never before in history, the warring powers sought ideas from scie ntists capable of reaching those frontiersideas that could make the difference b etween victory and defeat. While Hofmann himself remained aloof, in the Swiss tr adition, other scientists, like Albert Einstein, helped turned the abstractions of the laboratory into incredibly destructive weapons. Jules Verne's notions of spaceships touching the moon stopped being absurd when Wernher von Braun's rocke ts started pounding London. With their creations, the scientists reached beyond the speculations of science fiction. Never before had their discoveries been so breathtaking and so frightening. Albert Hof mann's work touched upon the fantasies of the mindaccessible, in ancient legends , to witches and wizards who used spells and potions to bring people under their sway. In the early scientific age, the dream of controlling the brain took on a modern form in Mary Shelley's creation, Dr. Frankenstein's monster. The dream w ould be updated again during the Cold War era to become the Manchurian Candidate , the assassin whose mind was controlled by a hostile government.[4] Who could say for certain that such a fantasy would not be turned into a reality like Verne's rocket stories or Einst ein's calculations? And who should be surprised to learn that government agencie sspecifically the CIAwould swoop down on Albert Hofmann's lab in an effort to ha rness the power over the mind that LSD seemed to hold? From the Dachau experiments came the cruelty that man was capable of heaping upo n his fellows in the name of advancing science and helping his country gain adva ntage in war. To say that the Dachau experiments are object lessons of how far p eople can stretch ends to justify means is to belittle by clich what occurred in the concentration camps. Nothing the CIA ever did in its postwar search for min d-control technology came close to the callous killing of the Nazi "aviation res earch." Nevertheless, in their attempts to find ways to manipulate people, Agency offici als and their agents crossed many of the same ethical barriers. They experimented with dangerous and unknown techniques on people who had no idea what was happening. They systematically violated the f ree will and mental dignity of their subjects, and, like the Germans, they chose to victimize special groups of people whose existence they considered, out of p rejudice and convenience, less worthy than their own. Wherever their extreme exp eriments went, the CIA sponsors picked for subjects their own equivalents of the Nazis' Jews and gypsies: mental patients, prostitutes, foreigners, drug addicts , and prisoners, often from minority ethnic groups. In the postwar era, American officials straddled the ethical and the cutthroat a pproaches to scientific research. After an Allied tribunal had convicted the first echelon of surviving Nazi war criminalsthe Grings and SpeersAmerican prosecutors charged the Dachau d octors with "crimes against humanity" at a second Nuremberg trial. None of the G erman scientists expressed remorse. Most claimed that someone else had carried o ut the vilest experiments. All said that issues of moral and personal responsibi

lity are moot in state-sponsored research. What is critical, testified Dr. Karl Brandt, Hitler's personal physician, is "whether the experiment is important or unimportant." Asked his attitude toward killing human beings in the course of me dical research, Brandt replied, "Do you think that one can obtain any worthwhile fundamental results without a definite toll of lives?" The judges at Nuremberg rejected such defenses and put forth what came to be known as the Nuremberg Code on scientific research.[5] Its main points were simple: Researchers must obtain full voluntary consent from all subjects; experiments should yield fruitful results for the good of society that can be obtained in no other way; researchers should not conduct tests where dea th or serious injury might occur, "except, perhaps" when the supervising doctors also serve as subjects. The judges all Americans sentenced seven of the Germans , including Dr. Brandt, to death by hanging. Nine others received long prison se ntences. Thus, the U.S. government put its full moral force behind the idea that there were limits on what scientists could do to human subjects, even when a co untry's security was thought to hang in the balance. The Nuremberg Code has remained official American policy ever since 1946, but, e ven before the verdicts were in, special U.S. investigating teams were sifting t hrough the experimental records at Dachau for information of military value. The report of one such team found that while part of the data was "inaccurate," som e of the conclusions, if confirmed, would be "an important complement to existin g knowledge." Military authorities sent the records, including a description of the mescaline and hypnosis experiments, back to the United States. None of the G erman mind-control research was ever made public. Immediately after the war, large political currents began to shift in the world, as they always do. Allies became enemies and enemies became allies. Other changes were fresh and yet old. In the United States, the new Cold War against communism carried with it a pierc ing sense of fear and a sweeping sense of missionat least as far as American lea ders were concerned. Out of these feelings and out of that overriding American f aith in advancing technology came the CIA's attempts to tame hostile minds and m ake spy fantasies real. Experiments went forward and the CIA's scientistsbitten, sometimes obsessedkept going back to their laboratories for one last adjustment . Some theories were crushed, while others emerged in unexpected ways that would have a greater impact outside the CIA than in the world of covert operations. O nly one aspect remained constant during the quarter-century of active research: The CIA's interest in controlling the human mind had to remain absolutely secret . World War II provided more than the grand themes of the CIA's behavioral program s. It also became the formative life experience of the principal CIA officials and, indeed, of the CIA itself as an institution. The secret derring-do of the OSS was new to the United States, and the ways of the O SS would grow into the ways of the CIA. OSS leaders would have their counterpart s later in the Agency. CIA officials tended to have known the OSS men, to think like them, to copy their methods, and even, in some cases, to be the same people . When Agency officials wanted to launch their massive effort for mind control, for instance, they got out the old OSS documents and went about their goal in ma ny of the same ways the OSS had. OSS leaders enlisted outside scientists; Agency officials also went to the most prestigious ones in academia and industry, soli citing aid for the good of the country. They even approached the same George Whi te who had shot his initials in the hotel ceiling while on OSS assignment. Years later, White's escapades with OSS and CIA would carry with them a humor cl early unintended at the time. To those directly involved, influencing human beha vior was a deadly serious business, but qualities like bumbling and pure crazine ss shine through in hindsight. In the CIA's campaign, some of America's most dis tinguished behavioral scientists would stick all kinds of drugs and wires into t heir experimental subjectsoften dismissing the obviously harmful effects with th eories reminiscent of the learned nineteenth-century physicians who bled their p atients with leeches and belittled the ignorance of anyone who questioned the te

chnique. If the schemes of these scientists to control the mind had met with more success, they would be much less amusing. But so far, at least, the hu man spirit has apparently kept winning. Thatif anythingis the saving grace of th e mind-control campaign. World War II signaled the end of American isolation and innocence, and the Unite d States found it had a huge gap to close, with its enemies and allies alike, in applying underhanded tactics to war. Unlike Britain, which for hundreds of year s had used covert operations to hold her empire together, the United States had no tradition of using subversion as a secret instrument of government policy. Th e Germans, the French, the Russians, and nearly everyone else had long been invo lved in this game, although no one seemed as good at it as the British. Clandestine lobbying by British agents in the United States led directly to Pres ident Franklin Roosevelt's creation of the organization that became OSS in 1942. This was the first America n agency set up to wage secret, unlimited war. Roosevelt placed it under the com mand of a Wall Street lawyer and World War I military hero, General William "Wil d Bill" Donovan. A burly, vigorous Republican millionaire with great intellectua l curiosity, Donovan started as White House intelligence adviser even before Pea rl Harbor, and he had direct access to the President. Learning at the feet of the British who made available their expertise, if not a ll their secrets, Donovan put together an organization where nothing had existed before. A Columbia College and Columbia Law graduate himself, he tended to turn to the gentlemanly preserves of the Eastern establishment for recruits. (The initials OSS were said to stand for "Oh So Soci al.") Friendsor friends of friendscould be trusted. "Old boys" were the stalwart s of the British secret service, and, as with most other aspects of OSS, the Ame ricans followed suit. One of Donovan's new recruits was Richard Helms, a young newspaper executive the n best known for having gained an interview with Adolf Hitler in 1936 while work ing for United Press. Having gone to Le Rosey, the same Swiss prep school as the Shah of Iran, and then on to clubby Williams College Helms moved easily among t he young OSS men. He was already more taciturn than the jovial Donovan, but he w as equally ambitious and skilled as a judge of character. For Helms, OSS spywork began a lifelong career. He would become the most important sponsor of mind-con trol research within the CIA, nurturing and promoting it throughout his steady c limb to the top position in the Agency. Like every major wartime official from President Roosevelt down, General Donovan believed that World War II was in large measure a battle of science and organiz ation. The idea was to mobilize science for defense, and the Roosevelt administration set up a costly, intertwining network of research programs to deal with everything from splitting the atom to preventi ng mental breakdowns in combat. Donovan named Boston industrialist Stanley Lovel l to head OSS Research and Development and to be the secret agency's liaison wit h the government scientific community. A Cornell graduate and a self-described "saucepan chemist," Lovell was a confide nt energetic man with a particular knack for coming up with offbeat ideas and selling them to others Lik e most of his generation, he was an outspoken patriot. He wrote in his diary sho rtly after Pearl Harbor: "As James Hilton said, 'Once at war, to reason is treas on.' My job is clearto do all that is in me to help America." General Donovan minced no words in laying out what he expected of Lovell: "I nee d every subtle device and every underhanded trick to use against the Germans and Japaneseby our own peoplebut especially by the underground resistance programs in all the occupied countries. You'll have to invent them all, Lovell, because y ou're going to be my man." Thus Lovell recalled his marching orders from Donovan , which he instantly received on being introduced to the blustery, hyperactive O SS chief. Lovell had never met anyone with Donovan's personal magnetism. Lovell quickly turned to some of the leading lights in the academic and private sectors. A special group called Division 19within James Conant's National Defens e Research Committee was set up to produce "miscellaneous weapons" for OSS and B

ritish intelligence. Lovell's strategy, he later wrote, was "to stimulate the Pe ck's Bad Boy beneath the surface of every American scientist and to say to him, 'Throw all your normal law-abiding concepts out the window. Here's a chance to r aise merry hell.'" Dr. George Kistiakowsky, the Harvard chemist who worked on explosives research d uring the war (and who became science adviser to Presidents Eisenhower and Kenne dy) remembers Stanley Lovell well: "Stan came to us and asked us to develop ways for camouflaging explosives which could be smuggled into enemy countries." Kist iakowsky and an associate came up with a substance which was dubbed "Aunt Jemima " because it looked and tasted like pancake mix. Says Kistiakowsky: "You could b ake bread or other things out of it. I personally took it to a high-level meetin g at the War Department and ate cookies in front of all those characters to show them what a wonderful invention it was. All you had to do was attach a powerful detonator, and it exploded with the force of dynamite." Thus disguised, "Aunt J emima" could be slipped into occupied lands. It was credited with blowing up at least one maj or bridge in China. Lovell encouraged OSS behavioral scientists to find something that would offend Japanese cultural sensibilities. His staff anthropologists reported back that nothing was so shame ful to the Japanese soldier as his bowel movements. Lovell then had the chemists work up a skatole compound which duplicated the odor of diarrhea. It was loaded into collapsible tubes, flown to China, and distributed to children in enemy-oc cupied cities. When a Japanese officer appeared on a crowded street, the kids we re encouraged to slip up behind him and squirt the liquid on the seat of his pan ts. Lovell named the product "Who? Me?" and he credited it with costing the Japa nese "face." Unlike most weapons, "Who? Me?" was not designed to kill or maim. It was a "hara ssment substance" designed to lower the morale of individual Japanese. The inspi ration came from academicians who tried to make a science of human behavior. Dur ing World War II, the behavioral sciences were still very much in their infancy, but OSS well before most of the outside worldrecognized their potential in warfare. Psychology and psychiatry, s ociology, and anthropology all seemed to offer insights that could be exploited to manipulate the enemy. General Donovan himself believed that the techniques of psychoanalysis might be turned on Adolf Hitler to get a better idea of "the things that made him tick," as Donovan put it. Donovan gave the job of being the Fuhrer's analyst to Walter Langer, a Cambridge, Massachusetts psychoanalyst whose older brother William had taken leave from a chair of history at Harvard to head OSS Research and Analysi s.[6] Langer protested that a study of Hitler based on available data would be h ighly uncertain and that conventional psychiatric and psychoanalytic methods cou ld not be used without direct access to the patient. Donovan was not the sort to be deterred by such details. He told Langer to go ahead anyway. With the help of a small research staff, Langer looked through everything he cou ld find on Hitler and interviewed a number of people who had know the German leader. Aware of the seve re limitations on his information, but left no choice by General Donovan, Langer plowed ahead and wrot e up a final study. It pegged Hitler as a "neurotic psychopath" and proceeded to pick apart the Fhrer's psyche. Langer, since retired to Florida, believes he ca me "pretty close" to describing the real Adolf Hitler. He is particularly proud of his predictions that the Nazi leader would become increasingly disturbed as G ermany suffered more and more defeats and that he would commit suicide rather th an face capture. One reason for psychoanalyzing Hitler was to uncover vulnerabilities that could be covertly exploited. Stanley Lovell seized upon one of Langer's ideasthat Hitl er might have feminine tendenciesand got permission from the OSS hierarchy to se e if he could push the Fhrer over the gender line.[7] "The hope was that his mou stache would fall off and his voice become soprano," Lovell wrote. Lovell used O

SS's agent network to try to slip female sex hormones into Hitler's food, but no thing apparently came of it. Nor was there ever any payoff to other Lovell schem es to blind Hitler permanently with mustard gas or to use a drug to exacerbate h is suspected epilepsy. The main problem in these operationsall of which were tri edwas to get Hitler to take the medicine. Failure of the delivery schemes also k ept Hitler alive OSS was simultaneously trying to poison him.[8] Without question, murdering a man was a decisive way to influence his behavior, and OSS scientists developed an arsenal of chemical and biological poisons that included the incredibly potent botulinus toxin, whose delivery system was a gela tin capsule smaller than the head of a pin. Lovell and his associates also reali zed there were less drastic ways to manipulate an enemy's behavior, and they cam e up with a line of products to cause sickness, itching, baldness, diarrhea, and /or the odor thereof. They had less success finding a drug to compel truth telli ng, but it was not for lack of trying. Chemical and biological substances had been used in wartime long before OSS came on the scene. Both sides had used poison gas in World War I; during the early p art of World War II, the Japanese had dropped deadly germs on China and caused e pidemics; and throughout the war, the Allies and Axis powers alike had built up chemical and biological warfare (CBW) stockpiles, whose main function turned out, in the end, to be deterring the other side. Military men tended to l ook on CBW as a way of destroying whole armies and even populations. Like the wo rld's other secret services, OSS individualized CBW and made it into a way of se lectively but secretly embarrassing, disorienting, incapacitating, injuring, or killing an enemy. As diversified as were Lovell's scientific duties for OSS, they were narrow in c omparison with those of his main counterpart in the CIA's postwar mind-control p rogram, Dr. Sidney Gottlieb. Gottlieb would preside over investigations that ran ged from advanced research in amnesia by electroshock to dragnet searches throug h the jungles of Latin America for toxic leaves and barks. Fully in the traditio n of making Hitler moustacheless, Gottlieb's office would devise a scheme to mak e Fidel Castro's beard fall out; like Lovell, Gottlieb would personally provide operators with deadly poisons to assassinate foreign leaders like the Congo's Pa trice Lumumba, and he would be equally at ease discussing possible applications of new research in neurology. On a much greater scale than Lovell's, Gottlieb wo uld track down every conceivable gimmick that might give one person leverage ove r another's mind. Gottlieb would preside over arcane fields from handwriting ana lysis to stress creation, and he would rise through the Agency along with his bu reaucratic patron, Richard Helms. Early in the war, General Donovan got another idea from the British, whose psych ologists and psychiatrists had devised a testing program to predict the performa nce of military officers. Donovan thought such a program might help OSS sort thr ough the masses of recruits who were being rushed through training. To create an assessment system for Americans, Donovan called in Harvard psychology professor Henry "Harry" Murray. In 1938 Murray had written Explorations of Personality, a notable book which laid out a whole battery of tests that could be used to size up the personalities of individuals. "Spying is attractive to loonies," states Murray. "Psychopaths, who are people who spend their lives making up stories, re vel in the field." The program's prime objective, according to Murray, was keepi ng out the crazies, as well as the "sloths, irritants, bad actors, and free talk ers." Always in a hurry, Donovan gave Murray and a distinguished group of colleagues o nly 15 days until the first candidates arrived to be assessed. In the interim, they took over a spacio us estate outside Washington as their headquarters. In a series of hurried meeti ngs, they put together an assessment system that combined German and British met hods with Murray's earlier research. It tested a recruit's ability to stand up u nder pressure, to be a leader, to hold liquor, to lie skillfully, and to read a person's character by the nature of his clothing. More than 30 years after the war, Murray remains modest in his claims for the as

sessment system, saying that it was only an aid in weeding out the "horrors" among OSS candidates. Never theless, the secret agency's leaders believed in its results, and Murray's syste m became a fixture in OSS, testing Americans and foreign agents alike. Some of M urray's young behavioral scientists, like John Gardner,[9] would go on to become prominent in public affairs, and, more importantly, the OSS assessment program would be recognized as a milestone in American psychology. It was the first syst ematic effort to evaluate an individual's personality in order to predict his fu ture behavior. After the war, personality assessment would become a new field in itself, and some of Murray's assistants would go on to establish OSS-like syste ms at large corporations, starting with AT&T. They also would set up study progr ams at universities, beginning with the University of California at Berkeley.[10 ] As would happen repeatedly with the CIA's mind-control research, OSS was years ahead of public developments in behavioral theory and application. In the postwar years, Murray would be superseded by a young Oklahoma psychologis t John Gittinger, who would rise in the CIA on the strength of his ideas about h ow to make a hard science out of personality assessment and how to use it to man ipulate people. Gittinger would build an office within CIA that refined both Mur ray's assessment function and Walter Langer's indirect analysis of foreign leade rs. Gittinger's methods would become an integral part of everyday Agency operati ons, and he would become Sid Gottlieb's protg. Stanley Lovell reasoned that a good way to kill Hitlerand the OSS man was always looking for ideaswould be to hypnotically control a German prisoner to hate the Gestapo and the Nazi regime and then to give the subject a hypnotic suggestion to assassinate the Fhrer. The OSS candidate would be let loose in Germany where he would take the desired action, "being under a compulsion that might not be de nied," as Lovell wrote. Lovell sought advice on whether this scheme would work from New York psychiatris t Lawrence Kubie and from the famed Menninger brothers, Karl and William. The Me nningers reported that the weight of the evidence showed hypnotism to be incapab le of making people do anything that they would not otherwise do. Equally negati ve, Dr. Kubie added that if a German prisoner had a logical reason to kill Hitle r or anyone else, he would not need hypnotism to motivate him. Lovell and his coworkers apparently accepted this skeptical view of hypnosis, as did the overwhelming majority of psychologists and psychiatrists in the country. At the time, hypnosi s was considered a fringe activity, and there was little recognition of either i ts validity or its usefulness for any purposelet alone covert operations. Yet th ere were a handful of serious experimenters in the field who believed in its mil itary potential. The most vocal partisan of this view was the head of the Psycho logy Department at Colgate University, George "Esty" Estabrooks. Since the early 1930s, Estabrooks had periodically ventured out from his sleepy upstate campus to advise the military on applications of hypnotism. Estabrooks acknowledged that hypnosis did not work on everyone and that only one person in five made a good enough subject to be placed in a deep trance, or sta te of somnambulism. He believed that only these subjects could be induced to suc h things against their apparent will as reveal secrets or commit crimes. He had watched respected members of the community make fools of themselves in the hands of stage hypnotists, and he had compelled his own students to reveal fraternity secrets and the details of private love affairsall of which the subjects presum ably did not want to do. Still his experience was limited. Estabrooks realized that the only certain way to know whether a person would commit a crime like murder under hypnosis was to have the person kill someone. Unwilling to settle the issue on his own by trying the experiment, he felt that government sanction of the process would relieve t he hypnotist of personal responsibility. "Any 'accidents' that might occur durin g the experiments will simply be charged to profit and loss," he wrote, "a very trifling portion of that enormous wastage in human life which is part and parcel of war." After Pearl Harbor, Estabrooks offered his ideas to OSS, but they were not accep

ted by anyone in government willing to carry them to their logical conclusion. H e was reduced to writing books about the potential use of hypnotism in warfare. Cassandra-like, he tried to warn America of the perils posed by hypnotic control . His 1945 novel, Death in the Mind, concerned a series of seemingly treasonable acts committed by Allied personnel: an American submarine captain torpedoes one of our own battleships, and the beautiful heroine starts acting in an irrationa l way which serves the enemy. After a perilous investigation, secret agent Johnn y Evans learns that the Germans have been hypnotizing Allied personnel and condi tioning them to obey Nazi commands. Evans and his cohorts, shaken by the many wa ys hypnotism can be used against them, set up elaborate countermeasures and then cannot resist going on the offensive. Objections are heard from the heroine, wh o by this time has been brutally and rather graphically tortured. She complains that "doing things to people's minds" is "a loathsome way to fight." Her qualms are brushed aside by Johnny Evans, her lover and boss. He sets off after the Ger mans"to tamper with their minds; Make them traitors; Make them work for us." In the aftermath of the war, as the U.S. national security apparatus was being c onstructed, the leaders of the Central Intelligence Agency would adopt Johnny Evans' missionalmost in those very words. Richard Helms, Sid Gottlieb, John Gittinger, George White, and many others would undertake a far-flung and complicated assault on the human mind. I n hypnosis and many other fields, scientists even more eager than George Estabro oks would seek CIA approval for the kinds of experiments they would not dare per form on their own. Sometimes the Agency men concurred; on other occasions, they reserved such experiments for themselves. They would tamper with many minds and inevitably cause some to be damaged. In the end, they would minimize and hide th eir deeds, and they would live to see doubts raised about the health of their ow n minds. Notes The information on Albert Hofmann's first LSD trip and background on LSD came fr om an interview by the author with Hofmann, a paper by Hofmann called "The Disco very of LSD and Subsequent investigations on Naturally Occurring Hallucinogens," another interview with Hofmann by Michael Horowitz printed in the June 1976 Hig h Times magazine, and from a CIA document on LSD produced by the Office of Scien tific Intelligence, August 30, 1955, titled "The Strategic Medical Significance of LSD-25." Information on the German mescaline and hypnosis experiments at Dach au came from "Technical Report no. 331-45, German Aviation Research at the Dacha u Concentration Camp," October, 1945, US Naval Technical Mission in Europe, foun d in the papers of Dr. Henry Beecher. Additional information came from Trials of War Criminals Before the Nuremberg Tribunal, the book Doctors of Infamy by Alex ander Mitscherlich and Fred Mielke (New York: H. Schuman, 1949), interviews with prosecution team members Telford Taylor, Leo Alexander, and James McHaney, and an article by Dr. Leo Alexander, "Sociopsychologic Structure of the SS," Archive s of Neurology and Psychiatry, May, 1948, Vol. 59, pp. 622-34. The OSS experience in testing marijuana was described in interviews with several former Manhattan Project counterintelligence men, an OSS document dated June 21 , 1943, Subject: Development of "truth drug," given the CIA identification numbe r A/B, I, 12/1; from document A/B, I, 64/34, undated, Subject: Memorandum Relati ve to the use of truth drug in interrogation; document dated June 2, 1943, Subje ct: Memorandum on T. D. A "confidential memorandum," dated April 4, 1954, found in the papers of George White, also was helpful. The quote on US prisoners passi ng through Manchuria came from document 19, 18 June 1953, Subject: ARTICHOKE Con ference. The information on Stanley Lovell came from his book, Of Spies and Strategems (E nglewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1963), from interviews with his son Richard, a perusal of his rem aining papers, interviews with George Kistiakowsky and several OSS veterans, and from "Science in World Wa r II, the Office of Scientific Research and Development" in Chemistry: A History of the Chemistry Components of the National Defense Research Committee, edited

by W. A. Noyes, Jr. (Boston: Little, Brown & Company, 1948). Dr. Walter Langer provided information about his psychoanalytic portrait of Hitl er, as did his book, The Mind of Adolf Hitler (New York: Basic Books, 1972). Dr. Henry Murray also gave a n interview, as did several OSS men who had been through his assessment course. Murray's work is described at length in a book published after the war by the OS S Assessment staff, Assessment of Men (New York: Rinehart & Company, 1948). Material on George Estabrooks came from his books, Hypnotism (New York: E. P. Du tton and Co., 1945) and Death in the Mind, co-authored with Richard Lockridge (N ew York: E. P. Dutton, 1945), and interviews with his daughter, Doreen Estabrook s Michl, former colleagues, and Dr. Milton Kline. Footnotes 1. While Hofmann specifically used the word "trip" in a 1977 interview to descri be his consciousness-altering experience, the word obviously had no such meaning in 1943 and is used here anachronistically. 2. Del Gracio's name was deleted by the CIA from the OSS document that described the incident, but his identity was learned from the papers of George White, who se widow donated them to Foothills College in Los Altos, California. CIA officia ls cut virtually all the names from the roughly 16,000 pages of its own papers a nd the few score pages from OSS that it released to me under the Freedom of Info rmation Act. However, as in this case, many of the names could be found through collateral sources. 3. Naval intelligence officers eventually made a deal in which mob leaders promi sed to cooperate, and as a direct result, New York Governor Thomas Dewey ordered Del Gracio's chief, boss of bosses, Charles "Lucky" Luciano freed from jail in 1946. 4. The term "Manchurian Candidate" came into the language in 1959 when author Ri chard Condon made it the title of his best-selling novel that later became a pop ular movie starring Laurence Harvey and Frank Sinatra. The story was about a joi nt Soviet-Chinese plot to take an American soldier captured in Korea, condition him at a special brainwashing center located in Manchuria, and create a remote-c ontrolled assassin who was supposed to kill the President of the United States. Condon consulted with a wide variety of experts while researching the book, and some inside sources may well have filled him in on the gist of a discussion that took place at a 1953 meeting at the CIA on behavior control. Said one participa nt, "... individuals who had come out of North Korea across the Soviet Union to freedom recently apparently had a blank period of disorientation while passing t hrough a special zone in Manchuria." The CIA and military men at this session pr omised to seek more information, but the matter never came up again in either th e documents released by the Agency or in the interviews done for this book. 5. The Code was suggested in essentially its final form by prosecution team cons ultant, Dr. Leo Alexander, a Boston psychiatrist. 6. Four months before Pearl Harbor, Donovan had enlisted Walter Langer to put to gether a nationwide network of analysts to study the morale of the country's young men, who, it was widely feared, were not enthusiastic about fighting a foreign war. Pearl Harbor seemed to solve this mor ale problem, but Langer stayed with Donovan as a part-time psychoanalytic consul tant. 7. Langer wrote that Hitler was "masochistic in the extreme inasmuch as he deriv es sexual pleasure from punishment inflicted on his own body. There is every reason to suppose that duri ng his early years, instead of identifying himself with his father as most boys do, he identified with his mother. This was perhaps easier for him than for most boys since, as we have seen, there is a large feminine component in his physica l makeup.... His extreme sentimentality, his emotionality, his occasional softne ss, and his weeping, even after he became Chancellor, may be regarded as manifes tations of a fundamental pattern that undoubtedly had its origin in his relation ship to his mother." 8. Although historians have long known that OSS men had been in touch with the G

erman officers who tried to assassinate Hitler in 1944, the fact that OSS indepe ndently was trying to murder him has eluded scholars of the period. Stanley Lovell gave away the secret in his 1963 book, Of Spies and Strategems, but he used such casual and obscure words that the resear chers apparently did not notice. Lovell wrote: "I supplied now and then a carbam ate or other quietus medication, all to be injected into der Fhrer's carrots, be ets, or whatever." A "quietus medicine" is a generic term for a lethal poison, o f which carbamates are one type. 9. Gardner, a psychologist teaching at Mount Holyoke College, helped Murray set up the original program and went on to open the West Coast OSS assessment site a t a converted beach club in San Juan Capistrano. After the war, he would become Secretary of HEW in the Johnson administration and founder of Common Cause. 10. Murray is not at all enthusiastic with the spinoffs. "Some of the things don e with it turn your stomach," he declares. CIA officials started preliminary work on drugs and hypnosis shortly after the A gency's creation in 1947, but the behavior-control program did not really get go ing until the Hungarian government put Josef Cardinal Mindszenty on trial in 194 9. With a glazed look in his eyes, Mindszenty confessed to crimes of treason he apparently did not commit. His performance recalled the Moscow purge trials of 1 937 and 1938 at which tough and dedicated party apparatchiks had meekly pleaded guilty to long series of improbable offenses. These and a string of postwar tria ls in other Eastern European countries seemed staged, eerie, and unreal. CIA men felt they had to know how the Communists had rendered the defendants zombielike . In the Mindszenty case, a CIA Security Memorandum declared that "some unknown force" had controlled the Cardinal, and the memo speculated that the communist a uthorities had used hypnosis on him. In the summer of 1949, the Agency's head of Scientific Intelligence made a special trip to Western Europe to find out more about what the Soviets were doing and "to apply special methods of interrogation for the purpose of evaluation of Russian practices." In other words, fearful th at the communists might have used drugs and hypnosis on prisoners, a senior CIA official used exactly the same techniques on refugees and returned prisoners fro m Eastern Europe. On returning to the United States, this official recommended t wo courses of action: first, that the Agency consider setting up an escape operation to free Mindszenty; and second, that the CIA train and send to Europe a team skilled in special" interrogation methods of the type he had tried out in Europe. By the spring of 1950, several other CIA branches were contemplating the operati onal use of hypnosis. The Office of Security, whose main job was to protect Agen cy personnel and facilities from enemy penetration, moved to centralize all acti vity in this and other behavioral fields. The Security chief, Sheffield Edwards, a former army colonel who a decade later would personally handle joint CIA-Mafi a operations, took the initiative by calling a meeting of all interested Agency parties and proposing that interrogation teams be formed under Security's comman d. Security would use the teams to check out agents and defectors for the whole CIA. Each team would consist of a psychiatrist, a polygraph (lie detector) exper t trained in hypnosis, and a technician. Edwards agreed not to use the teams ope rationally without the permission of a high-level committee. He called the proje ct BLUEBIRD, a code name which, like all Agency names, had no significance excep t perhaps to the person who chose it. Edwards classified the program TOP SECRET and stressed the extraordinary need for secrecy. On April 20, 1950, CIA director Roscoe Hillenkoetter approved BLUEBIRD and authorized the use of unvouchered fu nds to pay for its most sensitive areas. The CIA's behavior-control program now had a bureaucratic structure. The chief of Scientific Intelligence attended the original BLUEBIRD meeting in S heffield Edwards' office and assured those present that his office would keep trying to gather all possib le data on foreign particularly Russianefforts in the behavioral field. Not long afterward, his rep resentative arranged to inspect the Nuremberg Tribunal records to see if they co

ntained anything useful to BLUEBIRD. According to a CIA psychologist who looked over the German research, the Agency did not find much of specific help. "It was a real horror story, but we learned what human beings were capable of," he reca lls. "There were some experiments on pain, but they were so mixed up with sadism as not to be useful.... How the victim coped was very interesting." At the beginning, at least, there was cooperation between the scientists and the interrogators in the CIA. Researchers from Security (who had no special expertise but who were experienced in police work) and researchers from Scientific Intelligence (who lacked operat ional background but who had academic training) pored jointly over all the open literature and secret reports. They quickly realized that the only way to build an effective defense against mind control was to understand its offensive possib ilities. The line between offense and defenseif it ever existedsoon became so bl urred as to be meaningless. Nearly every Agency document stressed goals like "co ntrolling an individual to the point where he will do our bidding against his wi ll and even against such fundamental laws of nature as self-preservation." On re ading one such memo, an Agency officer wrote to his boss: "If this is supposed t o be covered up as a defensive feasibility study, it's pretty damn transparent." Three months after the Director approved BLUEBIRD, the first team traveled to Ja pan to try out behavioral techniques on human subjectsprobably suspected double agents. The three men arrived in Tokyo in July 1950, about a month after the sta rt of the Korean War. No one needed to impress upon them the importance of their mission. The Security Office ordered them to conceal their true purpose from ev en the U.S. military authorities with whom they worked in Japan, using the cover that they would be performing "intensive polygraph" work. In stifling, debilita ting heat and humidity, they tried out combinations of the depressant sodium amy tal with the stimulant benzedrine on each of four subjects, the last two of whom also received a second stimulant, picrotoxin. They also tri ed to induce amnesia. The team considered the tests successful, but the CIA docu ments available on the trip give only the sketchiest outline of what happened.[1 ] Then around October 1950, the BLUEBIRD team used "advanced" techniques on 25 s ubjects, apparently North Korean prisoners of war. By the end of that year, a Security operator, Morse Allen, had become the head o f the BLUEBIRD program. Forty years old at the time, Allen had spent most of his earlier career rooting out the domestic communist threat, starting in the late 1930s when he had joined the Civil Service Commision and set up its first securi ty files on communists. ("He knows their methods," wrote a CIA colleague.) Durin g World War II, Allen had served with Naval intelligence, first pursuing leftist s in New York and then landing with the Marines on Okinawa. After the war, he we nt to the State Department, only to leave in the late 1940s because he felt the Department was whitewashing certain communist cases. He soon joined the CIA's Office of Security. A suspicious man by inclination and training, Allen to ok nothing at face value. Like all counterintelligence or security operators, hi s job was to show why things are not what they seem to be. He was always thinkin g ahead and behind, punching holes in surface realities. Allen had no academic t raining for behavioral research (although he did take a short course in hypnotis m, a subject that fascinated him). He saw the BLUEBIRD job as one that called fo r studying every last method the communists might use against the United States and figuring out ways to counter them. The CIA had schooled Morse Allen in one field which in the CIA's early days beca me an important part of covert operations: the use of the polygraph. Probably mo re than any intelligence service in the world, the Agency developed the habit of strapping its foreign agentsand eventually, its own employees into the "box." T he polygraph measures physiological changes that might show lyingheartbeat, bloo d pressure, perspiration, and the like. It has never been foolproof. In 1949 the Office of Security estimated that it worked successfully on seven out of eight cases, a very high fraction but not one high enough for those in search of certa inty. A psychopathic liar, a hypnotized person, or a specially trained professio nal can "beat" the machine. Moreover, the skill of the person running the polygr

aph and asking the questions determines how well the device will work. "A good o perator can make brilliant use of the polygraph without plugging it in," claims one veteran CIA case officer. Others maintain on ly somewhat less extravagantly that its chief value is to deter agents tempted t o switch loyalties or reveal secrets. The power of the machine real and imagined to detect infidelity and dishonesty can be an intimidating factor.[2] Neverthele ss, the polygraph cannot compel truth. Like Pinocchio's nose, it only indicates lying. In addition, the machine requires enough physical control over the subjec t to strap him in. For years, the CIA tried to overcome this limitation by devel oping a "super" polygraph that could be aimed from afar or concealed in a chair. In this field, as in many others, no behavior control scheme was too farfetched to investigate, and Agency scientists did make some progress. In December 1950, Morse Allen told his boss, Paul Gaynor, a retired brigadier ge neral with a long background in counterintelligence and interrogation that he had heard of experim ents with an "electro-sleep" machine in a Richmond, Virginia hospital. Such an i nvention appealed to Allen because it supposedly put people to sleep without sho ck or convulsions. The BLUEBIRD team had been using drugs to bring on a state si milar to a hypnotic trance, and Allen hoped this machine would allow an operator to put people into deep sleep without having to resort to chemicals. In theory, all an operator had to do was to attach the electrode-tipped wires to the subje ct's head and let the machine do the rest. It cost about $250 and was about twic e the size of a table-model dictating machine. "Although it would not be feasibl e to use it on any of our own people because there is at least a theoretical dan ger of temporary brain damage," Morse Allen wrote, "it would possibly be of valu e in certain areas in connection with POW interrogation or on individuals of int erest to this Agency." The machine never worked well enough to get into the test ing stage for the CIA. At the end of 1951, Allen talked to a famed psychiatrist (whose name, like most of the others, the CIA has deleted from the documents released) about a gruesome but more practical technique. This psychiatrist, a cleared Agency consultant, r eported that electroshock treatments could produce amnesia for varying lengths o f time and that he had been able to obtain information from patients as they cam e out of the stupor that followed shock treatments. He also reported that a lowe r setting of the Reiter electroshock machine produced an "excruciating pain" tha t, while nontherapeutic, could be effective as "a third degree method" to make s omeone talk. Morse Allen asked if the psychiatrist had ever taken advantage of t he "groggy" period that followed normal electroshock to gain hypnotic control of his patients. No, replied the psychiatrist, but he would try it in the near fut ure and report back to the Agency. The psychiatrist also mentioned that continue d electroshock treatments could gradually reduce a subject to the "vegetable lev el," and that these treatments could not be detected unless the subject was give n EEG tests within two weeks. At the end of a memo laying out this information, Allen noted that portable, battery-driven electroshock machines had come on the market. Shortly after this Morse Allen report, the Office of Scientific Intelligence rec ommended that this same psychiatrist be given $100,000 in research funds "to develop electric shock and hypnotic techniques." While Allen thought this subject worth pursuing, he had so me qualms about the ultimate application of the shock treatments: "The objection s would, of course, apply to the use of electroshock if the end result was creat ion of a 'vegetable.' [I] believe that these techniques should not be considered except in gravest emergencies, and neutralization by confinement and/or removal from the area would be far more appropriate and certainly safer." In 1952 the Office of Scientific Intelligence proposed giving another private do ctor $100,000 to develop BLUEBIRD-related "neurosurgical techniques" presumably lobotomy-connecte d.[3] Similarly, the Security office planned to use outside consultants to find out about such techniques as ultrasonics, vibrations, concussions, high and low pressure, the uses of various gases in airtight chambers, diet variations, caffe

ine, fatigue, radiation, heat and cold, and changing light. Agency officials loo ked into all these areas and many others. Some they studied intensively; others they merely discussed with consultants. The BLUEBIRD mind-control program began when Stalin was still alive, when the me mory of Hitler was fresh, and the terrifying prospect of global nuclear war was just sinking into popular consciousness. The Soviet Union had subjugated most of Eastern Europe, and a Communist party had taken control over the world's most p opulous nation, China. War had broken out in Korea, and Senator Joseph McCarthy' s anti-Communist crusade was on the rise in the United States. In both foreign a nd domestic politics, the prevailing mood was one of fear even paranoia. American officials have pointed to the Cold War atmosphere ever since as an excu se for crimes and excesses committed then and afterward. One recurring litany in national security investigations has been the testimony of the exposed official citing Cold War h ysteria to justify an act that he or she would not otherwise defend. The apprehe nsions of the Cold War do not provide a moral or legal shield for such acts, but they do help explain them. Even when the apprehensions were not well founded, t hey were no less real to the people involved. It was also a time when the United States had achieved a new preeminence in the world. After World War II, American officials wielded the kind of power that diplomats frequently dream of. They established new alliances, new rulers, and even new nations to suit th eir purposes. They dispensed guns, favors, and aid to scores of nations. Consequ ently, American officials were noticed, respected, and pampered wherever they we ntas never before. Their new sense of importance and their Cold War fears often made a dangerous combinationit is a fact of human nature that anyone who is both puffed up and afraid is someone to watch out for. In 1947 the National Security Act created not only the CIA but also the National Security Councilin sum, the command structure for the Cold War. Wartime OSS lea ders like William Donovan and Allen Dulles lobbied feverishly for the Act. Offic ials within the new command structure soon put their fear and their grandiose no tions to work. Reacting to the perceived threat, they adopted a ruthless and war like posture toward anyone they considered an enemymost especially the Soviet Un ion. They took it upon themselves to fight communism and things that might lead to communism everywhere in the world. Few citizens disagreed with them; they app eared to express the sentiments of most Americans in that era, but national secu rity officials still preferred to act in secrecy. A secret study commission unde r former President Hoover captured the spirit of their call to clandestine warfa re: It is now clear we are facing an implacable enemy whose avowed objective is worl d domination by whatever means and at whatever cost. There are no rules in such a game. Hitherto acceptable long-standing American concepts of "fair play" must be reconsidered. We must develop effective espionage and counterespionage servic es and must learn to subvert, sabotage, and destroy our enemies by more clever, more sophisticated, and more effective methods than those used against us. The men in the new CIA took this job quite seriously. "We felt we were the first line of defense in the anti-Communist crusade," recalls Harry Rositzke, an earl y head of the Agency's Soviet Division. "There was a clear and heady sense of mi ssiona sense of what a huge job this was." Michael Burke, who was chief of CIA c overt operations in Germany before going on to head the New York Yankees and Mad ison Square Garden, agrees: "It was riveting.... One was totally absorbed in som ething that has become misunderstood now, but the Cold War in those days was a v ery real thing with hundreds of thousands of Soviet troops, tanks, and planes poised on the East German border, capable of mo ving to the English Channel in forty-eight hours." Hugh Cunningham, an Agency of ficial who stayed on for many years, remembers that survival itself was at stake , "What you were made to feel was that the country was in desperate peril and we had to do whatever it took to save it." BLUEBIRD and the CIA's later mind-control programs sprang from such alarm. As a matter of course, the CIA was also required to learn the methods and intentions

of all possible foes. "If the CIA had not tried to find out what the Russians we re doing with mind-altering drugs in the early 1950s, I think the then-Director should have been fired," says Ray Cline, a former Deputy Director of the Agency. High Agency officials felt they had to know what the Russians were up to. Nevert heless, a careful reading of the contemporaneous CIA documents almost three deca des later indicates that if the Russians were scoring breakthroughs in the behav ior-control fieldwhose author they almost certainly were notthe CIA lacked intel ligence to prove that. For example, a 1952 Security document, which admittedly h ad an ax to grind with the Office of Scientific Intelligence, called the data ga thered on the Soviet programs "extremely poor." The author noted that the Agency 's information was based on "second- or third-hand rumors, unsupported statement s and non-factual data."[4] Apparently, the fears and fantasies aroused by the M indszenty trial and the subsequent Korean War "brainwashing" furor outstripped t he facts on hand. The prevalent CIA notion of a "mind-control gap" was as much of a myth as the la ter bomber and missile "gaps." In any case, beyond the defensive curiosity, mind control took on a momentum of its own. As unique and frightening as the Cold War was, it did not cause people working f or the government to react much differently to each other or power than at other times in American history. Bureaucratic squabbling went on right through the mo st chilling years of the behavior-control program. No matter how alarmed CIA off icials became over the Russian peril, they still managed to quarrel with their i nternal rivals over control of Agency funds and manpower. Between 1950 and 1952, responsibility for mind control went from the Office of Security to the Scientific Intelligence unit bac k to Security again. In the process, BLUEBIRD was rechristened ARTICHOKE. The bureaucratic wars were dra wn-out affairs, baffling to outsiders; yet many of the crucial turns in behavior al research came out of essentially bureaucratic considerations on the part of t he contending officials. In general, the Office of Security was full of pragmati sts who were anxious to weed out communists (and homosexuals) everywhere. They b elieved the intellectuals from Scientific Intelligence had failed to produce "on e new, usable paper, suggestion, drug, instrument, name of an individual, etc., etc.," as one document puts it. The learned gentlemen from Scientific Intelligen ce felt that the former cops, military men, and investigators in Security lacked the technical background to handle so awesome a task as controlling the human m ind. "Jurisdictional conflict was constant in this area," a Senate committee would st ate in 1976. A 1952 report to the chief of the CIA's Medical Staff (itself a par ticipant in the infighting) drew a harsher conclusion: "There exists a glaring lack of cooperation among the various intra-Agency group s fostered by petty jealousies and personality differences that result in the re tardation of the enhancing and advancing of the Agency as a body." When Security took ARTICHOKE back from Scientific Intelligence in 1952, the victory lasted on ly two and one-half years before most of the behavioral work went to yet another CIA outfit, full of Ph.D.s with operational experiencethe Technical Services St aff (TSS).[5] There was bureaucratic warfare outside the CIA as well, although there were earl y gestures toward interagency cooperation. In April 1951 the CIA Director approved liaison with Ar my, Navy, and Air Force intelligence to avoid duplication of effort. The Army an d Navy were both looking for truth drugs, while the prime concern of the Air For ce was interrogation techniques used on downed pilots. Representatives of each s ervice attended regular meetings to discuss ARTICHOKE matters. The Agency also i nvited the FBI, but J. Edgar Hoover's men stayed away. During their brief period of cooperation, the military and the CIA also exchange d information with the British and Canadian governments. At the first session in June 1951, the British representative announced at the outset that there had been nothing new in the i nterrogation business since the days of the Inquisition

and that there was little hope of achieving valuable results through research. H e wanted to concentrate on propaganda and political warfare as they applied to such threats as communist pe netration of trade unions. The CIA's minutes of the session record that this ske ptical Englishman finally agreed to the importance of behavioral research, but o ne doubts the sincerity of this conversion. The minutes also record a consensus of "no conclusive evidence" that either Western countries or the Soviets had mad e any "revolutionary progress" in the field, and describe Soviet methods as "rem arkably similar . . . to the age-old methods." Nonetheless, the representatives of the three countries agreed to continue investigating behavior-control methods because of their importance to "cold war operations." To what extent the Britis h and Canadians continued cannot be told. The CIA did not stop until the 1970s. Bureaucratic conflict was not the only aspect of ordinary government life that p ersisted through the Cold War. Officials also maintained their normal awareness of the ethical and legal c onsequences of their decisions. Often they went through contorted rationalizatio ns and took steps to protect themselves, but at least they recognized and paused over the various ethical lines before crossing them. It would be unfair to say that all moral awareness evaporated. Officials agonized over the consequences of their acts, and much of the bureaucratic record of behavior control is the hist ory of officials dealing with moral conflicts as they arose. The Security office barely managed to recruit the team psychiatrist in time for the first mission t o Japan, and for years, Agency officials had trouble attracting qualified medica l men to the project. Speculating why, one Agency memo listed such reasons as th e CIA's comparatively low salaries for doctors and ARTICHOKE's narrow profession al scope, adding that a candidate's "ethics might be such that he might not care to cooperate in certain more revolutionary phases of our project." This conside ration became explicit in Agency recruiting. During the talent search, another C IA memo stated hy another doctor seemed suitable: "His ethics are such that he would be completely cooperative in any phase of our program, regardless of how revolutionary it may be." The matter was even more troublesome in the task of obtaining guinea pigs for mi nd-control experiments. "Our biggest current problem," noted one CIA memo, "is t o find suitable subjects." The men from ARTICHOKE found their most convenient so urce among the flotsam and jetsam of the international spy trade: "individuals o f dubious loyalty, suspected agents or plants, subjects having known reason for deception, etc." as one Agency document described them. ARTICHOKE officials look ed on these people as "unique research material," from whom meaningful secrets m ight be extracted while the experiments went on. see MACROCOSM mind controlled O FFICIALS themselves It is fair to say that the CIA operators tended to put less value on the lives o f these subjects than they did on those of American college students, upon whom preliminary, more benign te sting was done. They tailored the subjects to suit the ethical sensitivity of th e experiment. A psychiatrist who worked on an ARTICHOKE team stresses that no on e from the Agency wanted subjects to be hurt. Yet he and his colleagues were wil ling to treat dubious defectors and agents in a way which not only would be prof essionally unethical in the United States but also an indictable crime. In short , these subjects were, if not expendable, at least not particularly prized as hu man beings. As a CIA psychologist who worked for a decade in the behavior-contro l program, puts it, "One did not put a high premium on the civil rights of a per son who was treasonable to his own country or who was operating effectively to d estroy us." Another ex-Agency psychologist observes that CIA operators did not h ave "a universal concept of mankind" and thus were willing to do things to forei gners that they would have been reluctant to try on Americans. "It was strictly a patriotic vision," he says. ARTICHOKE officials never seemed to be able to find enough subjects. The profess ional operatorsparticularly the traditionalistswere reluctant to turn over agent s to the Security men with their unproved methods. The field men did not particu

larly want outsiders, such as the ARTICHOKE crew, getting mixed up in their oper ations. In the spy business, agents are very valuable property indeed, and opera tors tend to be very protective of them. Thus the ARTICHOKE teams were given mos tly the dregs of the clandestine underworld to work on. Inexorably, the ARTICHOKE men crossed the clear ethical lines. Morse Allen belie ved it proved little or nothing to experiment on volunteers who gave their informed consent. For all the ir efforts to act naturally, volunteers still knew they were playing in a make-believe game. Consciously or i ntuitively, they understood that no one would allow them to be harmed. Allen fel t that only by testing subjects "for whom much is at stake (perhaps life and dea th)," as he wrote, could he get reliable results relevant to operations. In docu ments and conversation, Allen and his coworkers called such realistic tests "ter minal experiments"terminal in the sense that the experiment would be carried thr ough to completion. It would not end when the subject felt like going home or wh en he or his best interest was about to be harmed. Indeed, the subject usually h ad no idea that he had ever been part of an experiment. In every field of behavior control, academic researchers took the work only so f ar. From Morse Allen's perspective, somebody then had to do the terminal experiment to find out how wel l the technique worked in the real world: how drugs affected unwitting subjects, how massive electroshock influenced memory, how prolonged sensory deprivation d isturbed the mind. By definition, terminal experiments went beyond conventional ethical and legal limits. The ultimate terminal experiments caused death, but AR TICHOKE sources state that those were forbidden. For career CIA officials, exceeding these limits in the name of national securit y became part of the job, although individual operators usually had personal lines they would not cross. M ost academics wanted no part of the game at this stagenor did Agency men always like having these outsiders around. If academic and medical consultants were bro ught along for the terminal phase, they usually did the work overseas, in secret . As Cornell Medical School's famed neurologist Harold Wolff explained in a rese arch proposal he made to the CIA, when any of the tests involved doing harm to t he subjects, "We expect the Agency to make available suitable subjects and a pro per place for the performance of the necessary experiments." Any professional ca ught trying the kinds of things the Agency came to sponsorholding subjects priso ner, shooting them full of unwanted drugsprobably would have been arrested for k idnapping or aggravated assault. Certainly such a researcher would have been dis graced among his peers. Yet, by performing the same experiment under the CIA's b anner, he had no worry from the law. His colleagues could not censure him becaus e they had no idea what he was doing. And he could take pride in helping his cou ntry. Without having been there in person, no one can know exactly what it felt like t o take part in a terminal experiment. In any case, the subjects probably do not have fond memories of the experience. While the researchers sometimes resembled Alphonse and Gastone, they took themselves and t heir work very seriously. Now they are either dead, or, for their own reasons, t hey do not want to talk about the tests. Only in the following case have I been able to piece together anything approaching a firsthand account of a terminal ex periment, and this one is quite mild compared to the others the ARTICHOKE men pl anned. Notes The origins of the CIA's ARTICHOKE program and accounts of the early testing cam e from the following agency Documents # 192, 15 January 1953; #3,17 May 1949; A/ B, I,8/1,24 February 1949; February 10, 1951 memo on Special Interrogations (no document #); A/B, II, 30/2, 28 September 1949; #5, 15 August 1949; #8, 27 Septem ber 1949; #6, 23 August 1949; #13, 5 April 1950; #18, 9 May 1950; #142 (transmit tal slip), 19 May 1952; #124, 25 January 1952; A/B, IV, 23/32, 3 March 1952; #23 , 21 June 1950; #10, 27 February 1950; #37, 27 October 1950; A/B, I, 39/1, 12 De

cember 1950; A/B, II, 2/2, 5 March 1952; A/B, II, 2/1, 15 February 1952; A/B, V, 134/3, 3 December 1951; A/B, I, 38/5, 1 June 1951; and #400, undated, "Specific Cases of Overseas Testing and Applications of Behavioral Drugs." The documents were supplemented by interviews with Ray Cline, Harry Rositzke, Mi chael Burke, Hugh Cunningham, and several other ex-CIA men who asked to remain anonymous. The Fina l Report of the Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect t o Intelligence (henceforth called the Church Committee Report) provided useful b ackground. Documents giving background on terminal experiments include #A/B, II, 10/57; #A/ B, II, 10/58, 31 August, 1954; #A/B, II, 10/ 17, 27 September 1954; and #A/B, I, 76/4, 21 March 1955. Footnotes 1. For a better-documented case of narcotherapy and narcohypnosis, see Chapter 3 . 2.While the regular polygraphing of CIA career employees apparently never has tu rned up a penetration agent in the ranks, it almost certainly has a deterrent effect on those consider ing coming out of the homosexual closet or on those considering dipping into the large sums of cash dispensed from proverbial black bags. 3. Whether the Agency ultimately funded this or the electric-shock proposal cite d above cannot be determined from the documents. 4. The CIA refused to supply either a briefing or additional material when I ask ed for more background on Soviet behavior-control programs. 5. This Agency component, responsible for providing the supporting gadgets disgu ises, forgeries, secret writing, and weapons, has been called during its history the Technical Services Division and the Office of Technical Services as well as TSS, the name which will be used throughout this b ook. The Professor and the "A" Treatment The three men were all part of the same Navy team, traveling together to Germany. Their trip was so sensitive that they had been ordered to ignore each other, even as they waited in the terminal at Andrew s Air Force Base outside Washington on a sweltering August morning in 1952. Just the month before, Gary Cooper had opened in High Noon, and the notion of showdo wnwhether with outlaws or communistswas in the air. With war still raging in Kor ea, security consciousness was high. Even so, the secrecy surrounding this Navy mission went well beyond ordinary TOP SECRET restrictions, for the team was slat ed to link up in Frankfurt with a contingent from the most hush-hush agency of a ll, the CIA. Then the combined group was going to perform dangerous experiments on human subjects. Both Navy and CIA officials believed that any disclosure abou t these tests would cause grave harm to the American national interest. The Navy team sweated out a two-hour delay at Andrews before the four-engine mil itary transport finally took off. Not until the plane touched down at the Americ an field in the Azores did one of the group, a representative of Naval intelligence, flash a prearranged signal indicating that they were not being watched and they could talk. "It was all this cloak-and-dag ger crap," recalls another participant, Dr. Samuel Thompson, a psychiatrist, phy siologist, and pharmacologist who was also a Navy commander. The third man in the party was G. Richard Wendt, chairman of the Psychology Depa rtment at the University of Rochester and a part-time Navy contractor. A small 4 6yearold man with graying blond hair and a fair-sized paunch, Wendt had been the only one with companionship during the hours of decreed silence. He had brought along his attractive young assistant, ostensibly to help him with the experimen ts. She was not well received by the Navy men, nor would she be appreciated by t he CIA operators in Frankfurt. The behavior-control field was very much a man's world, except when women subjects were used. The professor's relationship with this particular lady was destined to bec ome a source of friction with his fellow experimenters, and, eventually, a topic of official CIA reporting.

In theory, Professor Wendt worked under Dr. Thompson's supervision in a highly c lassified Navy program called Project CHATTER, but the strong-minded psychologist did not take anyone's orders easily. Very much an independent spirit, Wendt ironically, had a ccepted CHATTER's goal of weakening, if not eliminating, free will in others. Th e Navy program, which had started in 1947, was aimed at developing a truth drug that would force people to reveal their innermost secrets. Thompson, who inherited Wendt and CHATTER in 1951 when he became head of psychia tric research at the Naval Medical Research Institute, remembers Naval intellige nce telling him of the need for a truth drug in case "someone planted an A-bomb in one of our cities and we had twelve hours to find out from a person where it was. What could we do to make him talk?" Thompson concedes he was always "negati ve" about the possibility that such a drug could ever exist, but he cites the fe ar that the Russians might develop their own miracle potion as reason enough to justify the program. Also, Thompson and the other U.S. officials could not resis t looking for a pill or panacea that would somehow make their side all-knowing o r all-powerful. Professor Wendt had experimented with drugs for the Navy before he became involv ed in the search for a truth serum. His earlier work had been on the use of Dram amine and other methods to prevent motion sickness, and now that he was doing mo re sensitive research, the Navy hid it under the cover of continuing his "motion sickness" study. At the end of 1950, the Navy gave Wendt a $300,000 contract to study such substances as barbiturates, amphetamines, alcohol, and heroin. To pr eserve secrecy, which often reached fetish proportions in mind-control research, the money flowed to him not through Navy channels but out of the Secretary of Defense's contingency fund. For those drugs that were not available from pharmaceutical companies, Navy officials went to the Federal Bureau of Narc otics. The commissioner of Narcotics personally signed the papers, and special c ouriers carried pouches of illegal drugs through Washington streets and then up to the professor at Rochester. Receipts show that the Bureau sent the Navy 30 gr ams of pure heroin and 11 pounds of "Mexican grown" marijuana, among other drugs . Like most serious drug researchers, Wendt sampled everything first before testin g on assistants and students. The drug that took up the most space in his first progress report was heroin. He had became his own prime subject. At weekly intervals, he told the Na vy, the psychologist gave himself heroin injections and then wrote down his reac tions as he moved through the "full range" of his life: driving, shopping, recre ation, manual work, family relations, and sexual activity. He noted in himself " slight euphoria . . . heightened aesthetic appreciation . . . absentminded behav ior . . . lack of desire to operate at full speed . . . lack of desire for alcoh ol . . . possibly reduced sex interest . . . feeling of physical well-being." He concluded in his report that heroin could have "some, but slight value for inte rrogation" if used on someone "worked on for a long period of time."[1] Wendt never had any trouble getting student volunteers. He simply posted a notic e on a campus bulletin board, and he wound up with a long waiting list. He chose only men subj ects over 21, and he paid everyone accepted after a long interview $1.00 an hour . With so much government money to spend, he hired over 20 staff assistants, and he built a whole new testing facility in the attic of the school library. Wendt was cautious with his students, and he apparently did not share the hard drugs with them. He usually tested subjects in small groupsfour to eight at a time. He and his associates watched through a two-way mirror and wrote down the subjects ' reactions. He always used both placebos (inert substances) and drugs; the stud ents never knew whatif anythingthey were taking. According to Dr. Thompson, to h ave alerted them in advance and thus given themselves a chance to steel themselv es up "would have spoiled the experiment." Nonetheless, Wendt's procedure was a far cry from true unwitting testing. Any dr ug that was powerful enough to break through an enemy's resistance could have a

traumatic effect on the person taking itparticularly if the subject was totally unaware of what was happening. The Navy research plan was to do preliminary stud ies on subjects like Wendt's students, and then, as soon as the drug showed prom ise, to try it under field conditions. Under normal scientific research, the ope rational tests would not have been run before the basic work was finished. But t he Navy could not wait. The drugs were to be tested on involuntary subjects. Tho mpson readily admits that this procedure was "unethical," but he says, "We felt we had to do it for the good of country." During the summer of 1952, Professor Wendt announced that he had found a concoct ion "so special" that it would be "the answer" to the truth-drug problem, as Tho mpson recalls it. "I thought it would be a good idea to call the Agency," says T hompson. "I thought they might have someone with something to spill." Wendt was adamant on one point: He would not tell anyone in the Navy or the CIA what his p otion contained. He would only demonstrate. Neither the CHATTER nor ARTICHOKE te ams could resist the bait. The Navy had no source of subjects for terminal experiments, but the CIA m en agreed to furnish the human beingsin Germanyeven though they had no idea what Wendt had in store for his guinea pigs. The CIA named the operation CASTIGATE. After settling into a Frankfurt hotel, Wendt, Thompson, and the Naval Intelligen ce man set out to meet the ARTICHOKE crew at the local CIA headquarters. It was located in the huge, el ongated building that had housed the I. G. Farben industrial complex until the e nd of the war. The frantic bustle of a U.S. military installation provided ideal cover for this CIA base, and the arrival of a few new Americans attracted no sp ecial attention. The Navy group passed quickly through the lobby and rode up the elevator. At the CIA outer office, the team members had to show identification, and Thompson says they were frisked. The Naval Intelligence man had to check hi s revolver. A secretary ushered the Navy group in to meet the ARTICHOKE contingent, which ha d arrived earlier from Washington. The party included team leader Morse Allen, h is boss in the Office of Security, Paul Gaynor, and a prominent Washington psych iatrist who regularly left his private practice to fly off on special missions f or the Agency. Also present were case officers from the CIA's Frankfurt base who had taken care of the support arrangementsthe most important of which was suppl ying the subjects. Everyone at the meeting wanted to know what drugs Wendt was going to use on the five selected subjects, who included one known double agent, one suspected doubl e, and the three defectors. The professor still was not talking. Dr. Thompson as ked what would happen if something went wrong and the subject died. He recalls o ne of the Frankfurt CIA men replying, "Disposal of the body would be no problem. " After the session ended, Thompson took Wendt aside and pointed out that since th e professor, unlike Thompson, was neither a psychiatrist nor a pharmacologist, he was acting irrespo nsibly in not having a qualified physician standing by with antidotes in case of trouble. Wendt final ly relented and confided in Thompson that he was going to slip the subjects a combination of the depressant Seconal, the stimulant Dexedrine, and tetrahydrocannabinol, the active ingredient in marijuana. Thompso n was dumbfounded. He remembers wanting to shoot Wendt on the spot. These were a ll well-known drugs that had been thoroughly tested. Indeed, even the idea of mi xing Seconal and Dexedrine was not original: The combined drug already had its o wn brand nameDexamyl (and it would eventually have a street name, "the goofball"). Thompson quickly passed on to the CIA men what Wendt had in min d.[2] They, too, were more than a little disappointed. Nevertheless, there was n ever any thought of stopping the experiments. The ARTICHOKE team had its own met hods to try, even if Wendt's proved a failure, and the whole affair had develope d its own momentum. Since this was one of the early ARTICHOKE trips into the fie ld, the team was still working to perfect the logistics of testing. It had reser

ved two CIA "safehouses" in the countryside not far from Frankfurt, and American s had been assigned to guard the experimental sites. Agency managers had already completed the paperwork for the installation of hidden microphones and two-way mirrors, so all the team memb ers could monitor the interrogations. The first safehouse proved to be a solid old farmhouse set picturesquely in the middle of green fields, far from the nearest dwelling. The ARTICHOKE and CHATTER groups drove up just as the CIA's carpenters were cleaning up the mess they had made in ripping a hole through the building's thick walls. The house had existed for several hu ndred years without an observation glass peering in on the sitting room, and it had put up some structural resistance to the workmen. Subject #1 arrived in the early afternoon, delivered in a CIA sedan by armed ope rators, who had and cuffed him, shackled his feet, and made him lie down on the floor of the back seat. Agency officials described him as a suspected Russian ag ent, about 40 years old, who had a "Don Juan complex." One can only imagine how the subject must have reacted to these rather inconsistent Americans who only a few hours earlier had literally grabbed him out of confinement, harshly bound hi m, and sat more or less on top of him as they wandered through idyllic German fa rm country, and who now were telling him to relax as they engaged him in friendly conversation and offered him a beer. He ha d no way of knowing that it would be the last unspiked drink he would have for q uite some time. On the following morning, the testing started in earnest. Wendt put 20 mg. of Se conal in the subject's breakfast and then followed up with 50 mg. of Dexedrine in each of his two morni ng cups of coffee. Wendt gave him a second dose of Seconal in his luncheon beer. The subject was obviously not his normal selfwhatever that was. What was clear was that Wendt was in way over his head, and even the little professor seemed to realize it. "I don't know how to deal with these people," he told the CIA psych iatric consultant. Wendt flatly refused to examine the subject, leaving the inte rrogation to the consultant. For his part, the consultant had little success in extracting information not already known to the CIA. The third day was more of the same: Seconal with breakfast, Dexedrine and mariju ana in a glass of water afterwards. The only break from the previous day's routine came at 10:10 A.M. wh en the subject was allowed to play a short poker game. Then he was given more of Wendt's drugs in two red capsules that were, he was told, "a prescription for h is nerves." By 2:40 P.M., Wendt declared that this subject was not the right per sonality type for his treatment. He explained to his disgusted colleagues that i f someone is determined to lie, these drugs will only make him a better liar. He said that the marijuana extract produced a feeling of not wanting to hold anyth ing back and that it worked best on people who wanted to tell the truth but were afraid to. OSS had discovered the same thing almost a decade earlier. Wendt retired temporarily from the scene, and the others concluded it would be a shame to waste a good subject. They decided to give him the "A" (for ARTICHOKE) treatment. This, too, was not very original. It had been used during the war to interrogate prisoners and treat shell-shocked soldiers. As practiced on the suspected Russian agent, i t consisted of injecting enough sodium pentothal into the vein of his arm to kno ck him out and then, twenty minutes later, stimulating him back to semiconscious ness with a shot of Benzedrine. In this case, the benzedrine did not revive the subject enough to suit the psychiatric consultant and he told Dr. Thompson to gi ve the subject another 10 mg. ten minutes later. This put the subject into a sta te somewhere between waking and sleepingalmost comatose and yet bug-eyed. In hyp notic tones that had to be translated into Russian by an interpreter, the consul tant used the technique of "regression" to convince the subject he was talking t o his wife Eva at some earlier time in his life. This was no easy trick, since a male interpreter was playing Eva. Nevertheless, the consultant states he could "create any fantasy" with 60 to 70 percent of his patients, using narcotherapy (

as in this case) or hypnosis. For roughly an hour, the subject seemed to have no idea he was not speaking with his wife but with CIA operatives trying to find o ut about his relationship with Soviet intelligence. When the subject started to doze, the consultant had Thompson give him a doubled jolt of Benzedrine. A half hour later, the subject began to weep violently. The consultant decided to end t he session, and in his most soothing voice, he urged the subject to fall asleep. As the subject calmed down, the consultant suggested, with friendly and soothing words, that the subject would remember nothing of the expe rience when he woke up. Inducing amnesia was an important Agency goal. "From the ARTICHOKE point of view ," states a 1952 document, "the greater the amnesia produced, the more effective the results." Obviously if a victim remembered the "A" treatment, it would stop being a closely guarded ARTICHOKE secret. Presumably, some subject who really d id work for the Russians would tell them how the Americans had worked him over. This reality made "disposal" of ARTICHOKE subjects a particular problem. Killing them seems to have been ruled out, but Agency officials made sure that some sta yed in foreign prisons for long periods of time. While in numerous specific case s, ARTICHOKE team members claimed success in making their subjects forget, their outside consultants had told them "that short of cutting a subject's throat, a true amnesia cannot be guaranteed." As early as 1950, the Agency had put out a c ontract to a private researcher to find a memory-destroying drug, but to no appa rent avail.[3] In any case, it would be unreasonable to assume that over the yea rs at least one ARTICHOKE subject did not shake off the amnesic commands and tel l the Russians what happened to him. As was so often the case with CIA operation s, the enemy probably had a much better idea of the Agency's activities than the folks back home. Back at the safehouse, Wendt was far from through. Four more subjects would be b rought to him. The next one was an alleged double agent whom the CIA had code-na med EXPLOSIVE. Agency documents describe him as a Russian "professional agent ty pe" and "a hard-boiled individual who apparently has the ability to lie consiste ntly but not very effectively." He was no stranger to ARTICHOKE team members who , a few months before, had plied him with a mixture of drugs and hypnosis under the cover of a "psychiatric-medical" exam. At that time, a professional hypnotis t had accompanied the team, and he had given his commands through an elaborate i ntercom system to an interpreter who, in turn, was apparently able to put EXPLOS IVE under.[4] Afterward, the team reported to the CIA's Director that EXPLOSIVE had revealed "extremely valuable" information and that he had been made to forge t his interrogation through a hypnotically induced amnesia. Since that time EXPL OSIVE had been kept in custody. Now he was being brought out to give Professor Wendt a crack at him with the Seconal -Dexedrine-marijuana combination. This time, Wendt gave the subject all three drugs together in one beer, delivere d at the cocktail hour. Next came Seconal in a dinner beer and then all three once more in a postprandia l beer. There were little, if any, positive results. Wendt ended the session aft er midnight and commented, "At least we learned one thing from this experiment. The people you have to deal with here are different from American college studen ts." During the next week, the CIA men brought Wendt three more subjects, with little success. The general attitude toward Wendt became, in Thompson's words, "hostil e as all hell." Both the Agency and the Navy groups questioned his competence. W ith one subject, the professor declared he had given too strong a dose; with the next, too weak. While he had advertised his drugs as tasteless, the subjects re alized they had swallowed something. As one subject in the next room was being i nterrogated in Russian that no one was bothering to translate, Wendt took to pla ying the same pattern on the piano over and over for a half hour. While the fina l subject was being questioned, Wendt and his female assistant got a little tips y on beer. Wendt became so distracted during this experiment that he finally adm itted, "My thoughts are elsewhere." His assistant began to giggle. Her presence had become like an open

sorewhich was made more painful when Mrs. Wendt showed up in Frankfurt and the p rofessor threatened to jump off a church tower, Thompson recalls. Wendt is not alive to give his version of what happened, but both CIA and Navy s ources are consistent in their description of him. ARTICHOKE team leader Morse Allen felt he had been the victim of "a fraud or at least a gross misinterpretation," and he described the trip as "a waste of time and money." A man who usually hid his feelings, Allen became livid when Wendt's assistant measured drugs out with a penknife. He recom mended in his final report that those who develop drugs not be allowed to partic ipate in future field testing. "This, of course, does not mean that experimental work is condemned by the ARTICHOKE team," he wrote, "but a common sense approac h in this direction will preclude arguments, alibis, and complaints as in the recent situation." In keeping with this "common sense appro ach," he also recommended that as "an absolute rule," no women be allowed on ART ICHOKE missionsbecause of the possible danger and because "personal convenience, toilet facilities, etc., are complicated by the presence of women." Morse Allen and his ARTICHOKE mates returned to the States still convinced that they could find ways to control human behavior, but the Navy men were shaken. Th eir primary contractor had turned out to be a tremendous embarrassment. Dr. Thom pson stated he could never work with Wendt again. Navy officials soon summoned W endt to Bethesda and told him they were canceling their support for his research . Adding insult to injury, they told him they expected refund of all unspent mon ey. While the Navy managers made some effort to continue CHATTER at other instit utions, the program never recovered from the Wendt fiasco. By the end of the nex t year, 1953, the Korean War had ended and the Navy abandoned CHATTER altogether . Over the next two decades, the Navy would still sponsor large amounts of special ized behavioral research, and the Army would invest huge sums in schemes to inca pacitate whole armies with powerful drugs. But the CIA clearly pulled far into t he lead in mind control. In those areas in which military research continued, th e Agency stayed way ahead. The CIA consistently was out on what was called the " cutting edge" of the research, sponsoring the lion's share of the most harrowing experiments. ARTICHOKE and its successor CIA programs became an enormous effort that harnessed the energies of hundreds of scientists. The experience of the CIA psychiatric consultant provides a small personal glimp se of how it felt to be a soldier in the mind-control campaign. This psychiatrist, who insists on anonymit y, estimates that he made between 125 and 150 trips overseas on Agency operation s from 1952 through his retirement in 1966. "To be a psychiatrist chasing off to Europe instead of just seeing the same patients year after year, that was extra ordinary," he reminisces. "I wish I was back in those days. I never got tired of it." He says his assignments called for "practicing psychiatry in an ideal way, which meant you didn't become involved with your patients. You weren't supposed to." Asked how he felt about using drugs on unwitting foreigners, he snaps, "De pends which side you were on. I never hurt anyone. . . . We were at war." For the most part, the psychiatrist stopped giving the "A" treatment after the m id-1950s but he continued to use his professional skills to assess and manipulat e agents and defectors. His job was to help find out if a subject was under anot her country's control and to recommend how the person could be switched to the C IA's. In this work, he was contributing to the mainstream of CIA activity that p ermeates its institutional existence from its operations to its internal politic s to its social life: the notion of controlling people. Finding reliable ways to do that is a primary CIA goal, and the business is often a brutal one. As forme r CIA Director Richard Helms stated in Senate testimony, "The clandestine operat or . . . is trained to believe you can't count on the honesty of your agent to d o exactly what you want or to report accurately unless you own him body and soul ." Like all the world's secret services, the CIA sought to find the best methods of owning people and making sure they stayed owned. How could an operator be sure of an agent's loyalties? Refugees and defectors were flooding Western Europe, an

d the CIA wanted to exploit them. Which ones were telling the truth? Who was a d eception agent or a provocateur. The Anglo-American secret invasion of Albania h ad failed miserably. Had they been betrayed?[5] Whom could the CIA trust? One way to try to answer these questions is to use physical duressor torture. As ide from its ethical drawbacks, however, physical brutality simply does not work very well. As a seni or counterintelligence official explains, "If you have a blowtorch up someone's ass, he'll give you tactical information." Yet he will not be willing or able to play the modern espionage game on the level desired by the CIA. One Agency docu ment excludes the use of torture "because such inhuman treatment is not only out of keeping with the traditions of this country, but of dubious effectiveness as compared with various supplemental psychoanalytical techniques." The second and most popular method to get answers is traditional spy tradecraft. Given enough time, a good interrogator can very often find out a person's secre ts. He applies persuasion and mental seduction, mixed with psychological pressur es of every descriptionemotional carrots and sticks. A successful covert operato r uses the same sorts of techniques in recruiting agents and making sure they st ay in line. While the rest of the population may dabble in this sort of manipula tion, the professional operator does it for a living, and he operates mostly out side the system of restraints that normally govern personal relationships. "I ne ver gave a thought to legality or morality," states a retired and quite cynical Agency case officer with over 20 years' experience. "Frankly, I did what worked. " The operator pursues people he can turn into "controlled sources"agents willing to do his bidding either in supplying intelligence or taking covert action. He seeks people in a p osition to do something useful for the Agencyor who someday might be in such a p osition, perhaps with CIA aid. Once he picks his target, he usually looks for a weakness or vulnerability he can play on. Like a good fisherman, the clever oper ator knows that the way to hook his prey is to choose an appropriate bait, which the target will think he is seizing because he wants to. The hook has to be fir mly implanted; the agent sometimes tries to escape once he understands the impli cations of betraying his country. While the case officer might try to convince h im he is acting for the good of his homeland, the agent must still face up to be ing branded a traitor. Does every man have his price? Not exactly, states the senior counterintelligenc e man, but he believes a shrewd operator can usually find a way to reach anyone, particularly through his family. In developing countries, the Agency has caused family members to be arr ested and mistreated by the local police, given or withheld medical care for a s ick child, and, more prosaically, provided scholarships for a relative to study abroad. This kind of tactic does not work as well on a Russian or Western Europe an, who does not live in a society where the CIA can exert pressure so easily. Like a doctor's bedside manner or a lawyer's courtroom style, spy tradecraft is highly personalized. Different case officers swear by different approaches, and successful methods ar e carefully observed and copied. Most CIA operators seem to prefer using an ideo logical lure if they can. John Stockwell, who left the Agency in 1977 to write a book about CIA operations in Angola, believes his best agents were "people conv inced they were doing the right thing . . . who disliked communists and felt the CIA was the right organization." Stockwell recalls his Agency instructors "hamm ering away at the positive aspect of recruitment. This was where they establishe d the myth of CIA case officers being good guys. They said we didn't use negativ e control, and we always made the relationship so that both parties were better off for having worked together." More cynical operators, like the one quoted abo ve, take a different view: "You can't create real motivation in a person by wavi ng the flag or by saying this is for the future good of democracy. You've got to have a firmer hold than that.... His opinions can change." This ex-operator fav ors approaches based either on revenge or helping the gent advance his career: Those are good motives because they can be created with the individual.... Maybe

you start with a Communist party cell member and you help him become a district committee member by eliminating his competition, or you help him get a position where he can get even with someone. At the same time, he's giving you more and more information as he moves forward, and if you ever surface his reports, he's out of business. You've really got him wrapped up. You don't even have to tell h im. He realizes it himself. No matter what the approach to the prospective agent , the case officer tries to make money a factor in the relationship. Sometimes the whole recruiting pitch revolves around enrichment. I n other instances, the case officer allows the target the illusion that he has s old out for higher motives. Always, however, the operator tries to use money to make the agent dependent. The situation can become sticky with money-minded agen ts when the case officer insists that part or all of the payments be placed in e scrow, to prevent attracting undue attention. But even cash does not create cont rol in the spy business. As the cynical case officer puts it, "Money s tenuous b ecause somebody can always offer more." Surprisingly, each of the CIA operators sampled agrees that overt blackmail is a highly overrated form of control. The senior counterintelligence man notes that while the Russians freque ntly use some variety of entrapmentsexual or otherwisethe CIA rarely did. "Very few [Agency] case officer s were tough enough" to pull it off and sustain it, he says. "Anytime an agent h as been forced to cooperate, you can take it for granted that he has two things on his mind: he is looking for a way out and for revenge. Given the slightest op portunity, he will hit you right between the eyes." Blackmail could backfire in unexpected ways. John Stockwell remembers an agent in Southeast Asia who wanted to quit: "The case officer leaned on the guy and said, 'Look, friend, we still need your intelligence, and we have receipts you signed which we can turn over to the local police.' The age nt blew his brains out, leaving a suicide note regretting his cooperation with t he CIA and telling how the Agency had tried to blackmail him. It caused some pro blems with the local government." The case officer always tries to weave an ever-tightening web of control around his agent. His methods of doing so are so personal and so basic that they often reveal more about the case officer himself than the agent, reflecting his outloo k and his personal philosophy. The cynical operator describes his usual techniqu e, which turns out to be a form of false idealism: "You've got to treat a man as an equal and convince him you're partners in this thing. Even if he's a communi st party member, you can't deal with him like a crumb. You sit down with him and ask how are the kids, and you remember that he told you last time that his son was having trouble in school. You build personal rapport. If you treat him like dirt or an object of use, eventually he'll turn on you or drop off the bandwagon ." John Stockwell's approach relies on the power of imagination in a humdrum world: "I always felt the real key was that you were offering something speciala real secret lifesomething that he and you only knew made him different from all the pedestrian paper shufflers in a government office or a boring party cell meeting. Everybody has a little o f Walter Mitty in himwhat a relief to know you really do work for the CIA in you r spare time." Sometimes a case officer wants to get the agent to do something he does not thin k he wants to do. One former CIA operator uses a highly charged metaphor to desc ribe how he did it: "Sometimes one partner in a relationship wants to get into d eviations from standard sex. If you have some control, you might be able to forc e your partner to try different things, but it's much better to lead her down th e road a step at a time, to discuss it and fantasize until eventually she's sayi ng, 'Let's try this thing.' If her inhibitions and moral reservations are eroded and she is turned on, it's much more fun and there's less chance of blowback [e xposure, in spy talk].... It's the same with an agent." All case officersand par ticularly counterintelligence menharbor recurring fears that their agents will b etray them. The suspicious professional looks for telltale signs like lateness,

nervousness, or inconsistency. He relies on his intuition. "The more you've been around agents, the more likely you are to sense that something isn't what it sh ould be," comments the senior counterintelligence man. "It's like with children. " No matter how skillfully practiced, traditional spycraft provides only incomplet e answers to the nagging question of how much the Agency can really trust an agent. All the sixth sense, digging, and deductive reasoning in the world do not produce certainty in a field that is based on dece ption and lies. Whereas the British, who invented the game, have historically un derstood the need for patience and a stiff upper lip, Americans tend to look for quick answers, often by using the latest technology. "We were very gimmick-pron e," says the senior counterintelligence official. Gimmicks machines, drugs, tech nical trickscomprise the third method of behavior control, after torture and tra decraft. Like safecrackers who swear by the skill in their fingertips, most of the Agency 's mainstream operators disparage newfangled gadgets. Many now claim that drugs, hypnosis, and other exo tic methods actually detract from good tradecraft because they make operators ca reless and lazy. Nevertheless, the operators and their high-level sponsors, like Allen Dulles and Richard Helms, consistently pushed for the magic techniquethe deus ex machinathat would solve t heir problems. Caught in the muck and frustration of ordinary spywork, operators hoped for a miracle tool. Faced with liars and deceivers, they longed for a tru th drug. Surrounded by people who knew too much, they sought a way to create amn esia. They dreamed of finding means to make unwilling people carry out specific tasks, such as stealing documents, provoking a fight, killing someone, or otherw ise committing an antisocial act. Secret agents recruited by more traditional ap peals to idealism, greed, ambition, or fear had always done such deeds, but they usually gave their spymasters headaches in the process Sometimes they balked. M oreover, first they had to agree to serve the CIA. The best tradecraft in the wo rld seldom works against a well-motivated target. (The cynical operator recalls offering the head of Cuban intelligence $1,000,00~in 1966 at a Madrid hotelonly to receive a flat rejection.) Plagued by the unsureness, Agency officials hoped to take the andomness indeed, the free willout of agent handling. As one psychol ogist who worked on behavior control describes it, "The problem of every intelli gence operation is how do you remove the human element? The operators would come to us and ask for the human element to be removed." Thus the impetus toward min d-control research came not only from the lure of science and the fantasies of s cience fiction, it also came from the heart of the spy business. Notes The primary sources for the material on Professor Wendt's trip to Frankfurt were Dr. Samuel V. Thompson then of the Navy, the CIA psychiatric consultant, severa l of Wendt's former associates, as well as three CIA documents that described th e testing: Document # 168, 19 September 1952, Subject: "Project LGQ"; Document # 168, 18 September 1952, Subject: Field Trip of ARTICHOKE team,20 August-Septemb er 1952; and #A/B, II, 33/21, undated, Subject: Special Comments. Information on the Navy's Project CHATTER came from the Church Committee Report, Book I, pp. 337-38. Declassified Navy Documents N-23, February 13, 1951, Subjec t: Procurement of Certain Drugs; N-27, undated, Subject: Project CHATTER; N-29, undated, Subject: Status Report: Studies of Motion Sickness, Vestibular Function , and Effects of Drugs; N-35, October 27, 1951, Interim Report; N-38, 30 Septemb er, 1952, Memorandum for File; and N-39, 28 October, 1952, Memorandum for File. The information on the heroin found in Wendt's safe comes from the Rochester Dem ocrat and Chronicle, October 2, 1977 and considerable background on Wendt's Roch ester testing program was found in the Rochester Times-Union, January 28, 1955. The CIA quote on heroin came from May 15,1952 OSI Memorandum to the Deputy Direc tor, CIA, Subject: Special Interrogation. Information on the Agency's interest in amnesia came from 14 January 1952 memo,

Subject: BLUEBIRD/ARTICHOKE, Proposed Research; 7 March 1951, Subject: Informal Discussion with Chief [deleted] Regarding "Disposal"; 1 May 1951, Subject: Recom mendation for Disposal of Maximum Custody Defectors; and #A/B, I, 75/13, undated, Subject: Amnesia. The quote from Homer on nepenthe was found in Sidney Cohen's The Beyond Within: The LSD Story (New York: Atheneum, 1972). The section on control came from interviews with John Stockwell and several othe r former CIA men. Footnotes 1. What Wendt appears to have been getting atnamely, that repeated shots of hero in might have an effect on interrogationwas stated explicitly in a 1952 CIA docu ment which declared the drug "can be useful in reverse because of the stresses p roduced when . . . withdrawn from those addicted." Wendt's interest in heroin se ems to have lasted to his death in 1977, long after his experiments had stopped. The woman who cleaned out his safe at that time told the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle she found a quantity of the white powder, along with syringes and a g ood many other drugs. 2. Being good undercover operators, the CIA men never let on to Wendt that they knew his secret, and Wendt was not about to give it away. Toward the end of the trip, he told the consultant he would feel "unpatriotic" if he were to share his secret because the ARTICHOKE team was "not competent" to use the drugs. 3. Homer reported the ancient Greeks had such a substancenepenthe"a drug to lull all pain and anger, and bring forgetfulness of every sorrow." 4. Neither Morse Allen nor anyone else on the ARTICHOKE teams spoke any foreign languages. Allen believed that the difficulty in communicating with the guinea pigs hampered ARTI CHOKE research. 5. The answer was yes, in the sense that Soviet agent Harold "Kim" Philby, worki ng as British intelligence's liaison with the CIA apparently informed his spymas ters of specific plans to set up anticommunist resistance movements in Albania a nd all over Eastern Europe. The Russians almost certainly learned about CIA plan s to overthrow communist rule in Eastern Europe and in the Soviet Union itself. Knowing of such operations presumably increased Soviet hostility. PART II INTELLIGENCE OR "WITCHES POTIONS" LSD Albert Hofmann's discovery of LSD in 1943 may have begun a new age in the explor ation of the human mind, but it took six years for word to reach America. Even a fter Hofmann and his coworkers in Switzerland published their work in a 1947 art icle, no one in the United States seemed to notice. Then in 1949, a famous Vienn ese doctor named Otto Kauders traveled to the United States in search of researc h funds. He gave a conference at Boston Psychopathic Hospital,[1] a pioneering m ental-health institution affiliated with Harvard Medical School, and he spoke ab out a new experimental drug called d-lysergic acid diethylamide. Milton Greenblatt, the hospital's research director, vividly recalls Kauders' description of how an infinitesimally small dose had rendered D r. Hofmann temporarily "crazy." "We were very interested in anything that could make someone schizophrenic," says Greenblatt. If the drug really did induce psyc hosis for a short time, the Boston doctors reasoned, an antidote which they hoped to findmight cure schizophrenia. It would take many years of re search to show that LSD did not, in fact, produce a "model psychosis," but to th e Boston doctors in 1949, the drug showed incredible promise. Max Rinkel, a neur opsychiatrist and refugee from Hitler's Germany, was so intrigued by Kauders' pr esentation that he quickly contacted Sandoz, the huge Swiss pharmaceutical firm where Albert Hofmann worked. Sandoz officials arranged to ship some LSD across t he Atlantic. The first American trip followed. The subject was Robert Hyde, a Vermont-born ps ychiatrist who was Boston Psychopathic's number-two man. A bold, innovative sort , Hyde took it for granted that there would be no testing program until he tried

the drug. With Rinkel and the hospital's senior physician, H. Jackson DeShon lo oking on, Hyde drank a glass of water with 100 micrograms of LSD in itless than half Hofmann's dose, but still a hefty jolt. DeShon describes Hyde's reaction as "nothing very startling." The perpetually active Hyde insisted on making his no rmal hospital rounds while his colleagues tagged along. Rinkel later told a scie ntific conference that Hyde became "quite paranoiac, saying that we had not give n him anything. He also berated us and said the company had cheated us, given us plain water. That was not Dr. Hyde's normal behavior; he is a very pleasant man ." Hyde's first experience was hardly as dramatic as Albert Hofmann's, but then the Boston psychiatrist had not, like Hofmann, set off on a voyage into the comp lete unknown. For better or worse, LSD had come to America in 1949 and had embar ked on a strange trip of its own. Academic researchers would study it in search of knowledge that would benefit all mankind. Intelligence agencies, particularly the CIA, would subsidize and shape the form of much of this work to learn how t he drug could be used to break the will of enemy agents, unlock secrets in the m inds of trained spies, and otherwise manipulate human behavior. These two strain sof helping people and of controlling themwould coexist rather comfortably throu gh the 1950s. Then, in the 1960s, LSD would escape from the closed world of scho lar and spy, and it would play a major role in causing a cultural upheaval that would have an impact both on global politics and on intimate personal beliefs. T he trip would wind upto borrow some hyperbole from the musical Hair with "the yo uth of America on LSD." The counterculture generation was not yet out of the nursery, however, when Bob Hyde went tripping: Hyde himself would not become a secret CIA consultant for se veral years. The CIA and the military intelligence agencies were just setting ou t on their quest for drugs and other exotic methods to take possession of people 's minds. The ancient desire to control enemies through magical spells and potio ns had come alive again, and several offices within the CIA competed to become t he head controllers. Men from the Office of Security's ARTICHOKE program were st rugglingas had OSS before them to find a truth drug or hypnotic method that would aid in interrogation. Concurr ently, the Technical Services Staff (TSS) was investigating in much greater dept h the whole area of applying chemical and biological warfare (CBW) to covert ope rations. TSS was the lineal descendent of Stanley Lovell's Research and Developm ent unit in OSS, and its officials kept alive much of the excitement and urgency of the World War II days when Lovell had tried to bring out the Peck's Bad Boy in American scientists. Specialists from TSS furnished backup equipment for secret operations: false pap ers, bugs, taps, suicide pills, explosive seashells, transmitters hidden in false teeth, cameras in tobac co pouches, invisible inks, and the like. In later years, these gadget wizards f rom TSS would become known for supplying some of history's more ludicrous landma rks, such as Howard Hunt's ill-fitting red wig; but in the early days of the CIA , they gave promise of transforming the spy world. Within TSS, there existed a Chemical Division with functions that few otherseven in TSSknew about. These had to do with using chemicals (and germs) against spec ific people. From 1951 to 1956, the years when the CIA's interest in LSD peaked, Sidney Gottlieb, a native of the Bronx with a Ph.D. in chemistry from Cal Tech, headed this division. (And for most of the years until 1973, he would oversee T SS's behavioral programs from one job or another.) Only 33 years old when he too k over the Chemical Division, Gottlieb had managed to overcome a pronounced stammer and a c lubfoot to rise through Agency ranks. Described by several acquaintances as a "c ompensator," Gottlieb prided himself on his ability, despite his obvious handica ps, to pursue his cherished hobby, folk dancing. On returning from secret missio ns overseas, he invariably brought back a new step that he would dance with surp rising grace. He could call out instructions for the most complicated dances wit hout a break in his voice, infecting others with enthusiasm. A man of unorthodox tastes, Gottlieb lived in a former slave cabin that he had remodeled himselfwit h his wife, the daughter of Presbyterian missionaries in India, and his four chi

ldren. Each morning, he rose at 5:30 to milk the goats he kept on his 15 acres o utside Washington. The Gottliebs drank only goat's milk, and they made their own cheese. They also rais ed Christmas trees which they sold to the outside world. Greatly respected by hi s former colleagues, Gottlieb, who refused to be interviewed for this book, is d escribed as a humanist, a man of intellectual humility and strength, willing to carry out, as one ex-associate puts it, "the tough things that had to be done." This associate fondly recalls, "When you watched him, you gained more and more r espect because he was willing to work so hard to get an idea across. He left him self totally exposed. It was more important for us to get the idea than for him not to stutter." One idea he got across was that the Agency should investigate t he potential use of the obscure new drug, LSD, as a spy weapon. At the top ranks of the Clandestine Services (officially called the Directorate of Operations but popularly known as the "dirty tricks department"), Sid Gottlie b had a champion who appreciated his qualities, Richard Helms. For two decades, Gottlieb would move into progressively higher po sitions in the wake of Helms' climb to the highest position in the Agency. Helms , the tall, smooth "preppie," apparently liked the way the Jewish chemist, who h ad started out at Manhattan's City College, could thread his way through complic ated technical problems and make them understandable to nonscientists. Gottlieb was loyal and he followed orders. Although many people lay in the chain of comma nd between the two men, Helms preferred to avoid bureaucratic niceties by dealin g directly with Gottlieb. On April 3, 1953, Helms proposed to Director Allen Dulles that the CIA set up a program under Gottlieb for "covert use of biological and chemical materials." He lms made clear that the Agency could use these methods in "present and future cl andestine operations" and then added, "Aside from the offensive potential, the d evelopment of a comprehensive capability in this field . . gives us a thorough k nowledge of the enemy's theoretical potential, thus enabling us to defend oursel ves against a foe who might not be as restrained in the use of these techniques as we are." Once again, as it would throughout the history of the behavioral pro grams, defense justified offense. Ray Cline, often a bureaucratic rival of Helms , notes the spirit in which the future Director pushed this program: "Helms fanc ied himself a pretty tough cookie. It was fashionable among that group to fancy they were rather impersonal about dangers, risks, and human life. Helms would th ink it sentimental and foolish to be against something like this." On April 13, 1953the same day that the Pentagon announced that any U.S. prisoner refusing repatriation in Korea would be listed as a deserter and shot if caught Allen Dulles approved the program, essentially as put forth by Helms. Dulles to ok note of the "ultra-sensitive work" involved and agreed that the project would be called MKULTRA.[2] He approved an initial budget of $300,000, exempted the p rogram from normal CIA financial controls, and allowed TSS to start up research projects "without the signing of the usual contracts or other written agreements." Dulles ordered the Agency's bookkeepers to pay the costs blindly on the signatures of Sid Gottlieb and Willi s Gibbons, a former U.S. Rubber executive who headed TSS. As is so often the case in government, the activity that Allen Dulles approved w ith MKULTRA was already under way, even before he gave it a bureaucratic structu re. Under the code name MKDELTA, the Clandestine Services had set up procedures the year before to govern the use of CBW products. (MKDELTA now became the operation al side of MKULTRA.) Also in 1952, TSS had made an agreement with the Special Op erations Division (SOD) of the Army's biological research center at Fort Detrick , Maryland whereby SOD would produce germ weapons for the CIA's use (with the program called MKNAOMI). Sid Gottlieb later testified that the purpose of these programs was "to investigate whether and how it was possible to modify an individual's behavior by covert means. The context in which this investigati on was started was that of the height of the Cold War with the Korean War just w inding down; with the CIA organizing its resources to liberate Eastern Europe by

paramilitary means; and with the threat of Soviet aggression very real and tang ible, as exemplified by the recent Berlin airlift" (which occurred in 1948). In the early days of MKULTRA, the roughly six TSS professionals who worked on th e program spent a good deal of their time considering the possibilities of LSD.[ 3] "The most fascinating thing about it," says one of them, "was that such minut e quantities had such a terrific effect." Albert Hofmann had gone off into anoth er world after swallowing less than 1/100,000 of an ounce. Scientists had known about the mind-altering qualities of drugs like mescaline since the late ninetee nth century, but LSD was several thousand times more potent. Hashish had been ar ound for millennia, but LSD was roughly a million times stronger (by weight). A two-suiter suitcase could hold enough LSD to turn on every man, woman, and child in the United States. "We thought about the possibility of putting some in a city water supply and having the citizens wander around in a more or less happy state, not terribly in terested in defending themselves," recalls the TSS man. But incapacitating such large numbers of people fell to the Army Chemical Corps, which also tested LSD and even stronger hallucinogens. The CIA was concentrating on individuals. TSS officials understood that LSD distort ed a person's sense of reality, and they felt compelled to learn whether it coul d alter someone's basic loyalties. Could the CIA make spies out of tripping Russ iansor vice versa? In the early 1950s, when the Agency developed an almost despe rate need to know more about LSD, almost no outside information existed on the s ubject. Sandoz had done some clinical studies, as had a few other places, includ ing Boston Psychopathic, but the work generally had not moved much beyond the ho rse-and-buggy stage. The MKULTRA team had literally hundreds of questions about LSD's physiological, psychological, chemical, and social effects. Did it have any anti dotes? What happened if it were combined with other drugs? Did it affect everyone the same way? What was th e effect of doubling the dose? And so on. TSS first sought answers from academic researchers, who, on the whole, gladly co operated and let the Agency pick their brains. But CIA officials realized that n o one would undertake a quick and systematic study of the drug unless the Agency itself paid the bill. Almost no government or private money was then available for what had been dubbed "experimental psychiatry." Sandoz wanted the drug teste d, for its own commercial reasons, but beyond supplying it free to researchers, it would not assume the costs. The National Institutes of Mental Health had an i nterest in LSD's relationship to mental illness, but CIA officials wanted to kno w how the drug affected normal people, not sick ones. Only the military services , essentially for the same reasons as the CIA, were willing to sink much money i nto LSD, and the Agency men were not about to defer to them. They chose instead to take the leadin effec t to create a whole new field of research. Suddenly there was a huge new market for grants in academia, as Sid Gottlieb and his aides began to fund LSD projects at prestigious institutions. The Agency's LSD pathfinders can be identified: Bob Hyde's group at Boston Psychopathic, Haro ld Abramson at Mt. Sinai Hospital and Columbia University in New York, Carl Pfei ffer at the University of Illinois Medical School, Harris Isbell of the NIMH-spo nsored Addiction Research Center in Lexington, Kentucky, Louis Jolyon West at th e University of Oklahoma, and Harold Hodge's group at the University of Rocheste r. The Agency disguised its involvement by passing the money through two conduits: the Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation, a rich establishment institution which served as a cutout (intermediary) only for a yea r or two, and the Geschickter Fund for Medical Research, a Washington, D.C. fami ly foundation, whose head, Dr. Charles Geschickter, provided the Agency with a v ariety of services for more than a decade. Reflexively, TSS officials felt they had to keep the CIA connection secret. They could only "assume," according to a 1955 study, that Soviet scientists understood the drug's "strategic importance" and were capable of making it themselves. They did not want to spur the Russians into starting their own LSD program or into devising countermeasures.

The CIA's secrecy was also clearly aimed at the folks back home. As a 1963 Inspe ctor General's report stated, "Research in the manipulation of human behavior is considered by many authorities in medicine and related fields to be professiona lly unethical"; therefore, openness would put "in jeopardy" the reputations of t he outside researchers. Moreover, the CIA Inspector General declared that disclo sure of certain MKULTRA activities could result in "serious adverse reaction" am ong the American public. At Boston Psychopathic, there were various levels of concealment. Only Bob Hyde and his boss, the hospital superintendent, knew officially that the CIA was fund ing the hospital's LSD program from 1952 on, to the tune of about $40,000 a year . Yet, according to another member of the Hyde group, Dr. DeShon, all senior sta ff understood where the money really came from. "We agreed not to discuss it," s ays DeShon. "I don't see any objection to this. We never gave it to anyone witho ut his consent and without explaining it in detail." Hospital officials told the volunteer subjects something about the nature of the experiments but nothing ab out their origins or purpose. Noneof the subjects had any idea that the CIA was paying for the probing of their minds and would use the results for its own purp oses; most of the staff was similarly ignorant. Like Hyde, almost all the researchers tried LSD on themselves. Indeed, many beli eved they gained real insight into what it felt like to be mentally ill, useful knowledge for health p rofessionals who spent their lives treating people supposedly sick in the head. Hyde set up a multidisciplinary programvirtually unheard of at the timethat brou ght together psychiatrists, psychologists, and physiologists. As subjects, they used each other, hospital patients, and volunteersmostly studentsfrom the Boston area. They worked through a long sequence of experiments that served to isolate variable after variable. Palming themselves off as foundation officials, the me n from MKULTRA frequently visited to observe and suggest areas of future researc h. One Agency man, who himself tripped several times under Hyde's general superv ision, remembers that he and his colleagues would pass on a nugget that another contractor like Harold Abramson had gleaned and ask Hyde to perform a follow-up test that might answer a question of interest to the Agency. Despite these tange nts, the main body of research proceeded in a planned and orderly fashion. The r esearchers learned that while some subjects seemed to become schizophrenic, many others did not. Surprisingly, true schizophrenics showed little reaction at all to LSD, unless given massive doses. The Hyde group found out that the quality o f a person's reaction was determined mainly by the person's basic personality st ructure (set) and the environment (setting) in which he or she took the drug. Th e subject's expectation of what would happen also played a major part. More than anything else, LSD tended to intensify the subject's existing characteristicsof ten to extremes. A little suspicion could grow into major paranoia, particularly in the company of people perceived as threatening. Unbeknownst to his fellow researchers, the energetic Dr. Hyde also advised the C IA on using LSD in covert operations. A CIA officer who worked with him recalls: "The idea would be to give him the details of what had happened [with a case], and he would speculate. As a sharp M.D. in the old-school sense, he would look a t things in ways that a lot of recent bright lights couldn't get.... He had a go od sense of make-do." The Agency paid Hyde for his time as a consultant, and TSS officials eventually set aside a special MKULTRA subproject as Hyde's private f unding mechanism. Hyde received funds from yet another MKULTRA subproject that T SS men created for him in 1954, so he could serve as a cutout for Agency purchas es of rare chemicals. His first buy was to be $32,000 worth of corynanthine, a p ossible antidote to LSD, that would not be traced to the CIA. Bob Hyde died in 1976 at the age of 66, widely hailed as a pacesetter in mental health. His medical and intelligence colleagues speak highly of him both personally and professionally. Like most of his generation, he apparently considered helping the CIA a patrioti c duty. An Agency officer states that Hyde never raised doubts about his covert work. "He wouldn't moralize. He had a lot of trust in the people he was dealing with [from the CIA]. He had pretty well reached the conclusion that if they deci

ded to do something [operationally], they had tried whatever else there was and were willi ng to risk it." Most of the CIA's academic researchers published articles on their work in profe ssional journals, but those long, scholarly reports often gave an incomplete picture of the research. In effect, the scientists would write openly about how LSD affects a patient's p ulse rate, but they would tell only the CIA how the drug could be used to ruin t hat patient's marriage or memory. Those researchers who were aware of the Agency 's sponsorship seldom published anything remotely connected to the instrumental and rather unpleasant questions the MKULTRA men posed for investigation. That wa s true of Hyde and of Harold Abramson, the New York allergist who became one of the first Johnny Apple seeds of LSD by giving it to a number of his distinguished colleagues. Abramson documented all sorts of experiments on topics like the effects of LSD on Siamese fighting fish and snails,[4] but he never wrote a word about one of his early L SD assignments from the Agency. In a 1953 document, Sid Gottlieb listed subjects he expected Abramson to investigate with the $85,000 the Agency was furnishing him. Gottlieb wanted "operationally pertinent materials along the following line s: a. Disturbance of Memory; b. Discrediting by Aberrant Behavior; c. Alteration of Sex Patterns; d. Eliciting of Information; e. Suggestibility; f. Creation of Dependence." Dr. Harris Isbell, whose work the CIA funded through Navy cover with the approval of the Director of the National Institutes of Heal th, published his principal findings, but he did not mention how he obtained his subjects. As Director of the Addiction Research Center at the huge Federal drug hospital in Lexington, Kentucky, he had access to a literally captive populatio n. Inmates heard on the grapevine that if they volunteered for Isbell's program, they would be rewarded either in the drug of their choice or in time off from their sentences. Most of the addicts ch ose drugsusually heroin or morphine of a purity seldom seen on the street. The s ubjects signed an approval form, but they were not told the names of the experim ental drugs or the probable effects. This mattered little, since the "volunteers " probably would have granted their informed consent to virtually anything to ge t hard drugs. Given Isbell's almost unlimited supply of subjects, TSS officials used the Lexin gton facility as a place to make quick tests of promising but untried drugs and to perform specialized exper iments they could not easily duplicate elsewhere. For instance, Isbell did one s tudy for which it would have been impossible to attract student volunteers. He k ept seven men on LSD for 77 straight days.[5] Such an experiment is as chilling as it is astonishingboth to lovers and haters of LSD. Nearly 20 years after Dr. Isbell's early work, counterculture journalist Hunter S. Thompson delighted and frightened his readers with accounts of drug binges lasting a few days, during w hich Thompson felt his brain boiling away in the sun, his nerves wrapping around enormous barbed wire forts, and his remai ning faculties reduced to their reptilian antecedents. Even Thompson would shudd er at the thought of 77 days straight on LSD, and it is doubtful he would joke a bout the idea. To Dr. Isbell, it was just another experiment. "I have had seven patients who have now been taking the drug for more than 42 days," he wrote in t he middle of the test, which he called "the most amazing demonstration of drug t olerance I have ever seen." Isbell tried to "break through this tolerance" by gi ving triple and quadruple doses of LSD to the inmates. Filled with intense curiosity, Isbell tried out a wide variety of unproven drugs on his subjects. Just as soon as a new batch of scopolamine, rivea seeds, or bufotenine arrived from the CIA or NIMH, he would start testing. His relish for the task occasionally shone through the dull scientific reports. "I will write you a letter as soon as I can get the stuff into a man or two," he informed his Agency contact. No corresponding feeling shone through for the inmates, however. In his few reco

rded personal comments, he complained that his subjects tended to be afraid of t he doctors and were not as open in describing their experiences as the experimen ters would have wished. Although Isbell made an effort to "break through the bar riers" with the subjects, who were nearly all black drug addicts, Isbell finally decided "in all probability, this type of behavior is to be expected with patie nts of this type." The subjects have long since scattered, and no one apparently has measured the aftereffects of the more extreme experiments on them. One subject who could be found spent only a brief time with Dr. Isbell. Eddie Fl owers was 19 years old and had been in Lexington for about a year when he signed up for Isbell's program. He lied about his age to get in, claiming he was 21. A ll he cared about was getting some drugs. He moved into the experimental wing of the hospital where the food was better and he could listen to music. He loved h is heroin but knew nothing about drugs like LSD. One day he took something in a graham cracker. No one ever told him the name, but his description sounds like i t made him tripbadly, to be sure. "It was the worst shit I ever had," he says. H e hallucinated and suffered for 16 or 17 hours. "I was frightened. I wouldn't ta ke it again." Still, Flowers earned enough "points" in the experiment to qualify for his "payoff in heroin. All he had to do was knock on a little window down t he hall. This was the drug bank. The man in charge kept a list of the amount of the hard drug each inmate had in his account. Flowers just had to say how much h e wanted to withdraw and note the method of payment. "If you wanted it in the vein , you got it there," recalls Flowers who now works in a Washington, D.C. drug re habilitation center. Dr. Isbell refuses all request for interviews. He did tell a Senate subcommittee in 1975 that he inherited the drug payoff system when he came to Lexington and that "it was the custom in those days.... The ethical codes were not so highly d eveloped, and there was a great need to know in order to protect the public in a ssessing the potential use of narcotics.... I personally think we did a very exc ellent job." For every Isbell, Hyde, or Abramson who did TSS contract work, there were dozens of others who simply served as casual CIA informants, some witting and some not. Each TSS project off icer had a skull session with dozens of recognized experts several times a year. "That was the only way a tiny staff like Sid Gottlieb's could possibly keep on top of the burgeoning behavioral sciences," says an ex-CIA official. "There woul d be no way you could do it by library research or the Ph.D. dissertation approa ch." The TSS men always asked their contacts for the names of others they could talk to, and the contacts would pass them on to other interesting scientists. In LSD research, TSS officers benefited from the energetic intelligence gatherin g of their contractors, particularly Harold Abramson. Abramson talked regularly to virtually everyone interested in the drug, including the few early researcher s not funded by the Agency or the military, and he reported his findings to TSS. In addition, he served as reporting secretary of two conference series sponsore d by the Agency's sometime conduit, the Macy Foundation. These series each laste d over five year periods in the 1950s; one dealt with "Problems of Consciousness " and the other with "Neuropharmacology." Held once a year in the genteel surrou ndings of the Princeton Inn, the Macy Foundation conferences brought together TS S's (and the military's) leading contractors, as part of a group of roughly 25 w ith the multidisciplinary background that TSS officials so loved. The participan ts came from all over the social sciences and included such luminaries as Margaret Mead and Jean Piaget. The topi cs discussed usually mirrored TSS's interests at the time, and the conferences s erved as a spawning ground for ideas that allowed researchers to engage in some healthy cross-fertilization. Beyond the academic world, TSS looked to the pharmaceutical companies as another source on drugsand for a continuing supply of new products to test. TSS's Ray Treichler handled the liaison function, and this secretive little man built up close relationships with

many of the industry's key executives. He had a particular knack for convincing them he would not reveal their trade secrets. Sometimes claiming to be from the Army Chemical Corps and sometimes admitting his CIA connection, Treichler would ask for samples of drugs that were either highly poisonous, or, in the words of the onetime director of research of a large company, "caused hypertension, increased blood pressure, or led to other odd physiological activity." Dealing with American drug companies posed no particular problems for TSS. Most cooperated in any way they could. But relations with Sandoz were more complicated. The giant Swiss firm had a monopoly on the Western world's production of LSD until 1953. Agency officials feared that Sandoz would somehow allow large quantities to reach the Russians. Since information on LSD's chemical structure and effects was publicly available from 1947 on, the Russians could have produced it any time they felt it worthwhile. Thus, the Agency's phobia about Sandoz seems rather irrational, but it unquestionably did exist. On two occasions early in the Cold War, the entire CIA hierarchy went into a dither over reports that Sandoz might allow large amounts of LSD to reach Communist countries. In 1951 reports came in through military channels that the Russians had obtained some 50 million doses from Sandoz. Horrendous visions of what the Russians might do with such a stockpile circulated in the CIA, where officials did not find out the intelligence was false for several years. There was an even greater uproar in 1953 when more reports came in, again through military intelligence, that Sandoz wanted to sell the astounding quantity of 10 kilos (22 pounds) of LSD enough for about 100 million doseson the open market. A top-level coordinating committee which included CIA and Pentagon representatives unanimously recommended that the Agency put up $240,000 to buy it all. Allen Dulles gave his approval, and off went two CIA representatives to Switzerland, presumably with a black bag full of cash. They met with the president of Sandoz and other top executives. The Sandoz men stated that the company had never made anything approaching 10 kilos of LSD and that, in fact, since the discovery of the drug 10 years before, its total production had been only 40 grams (about 11/2 ounces).[6] The manufacturing process moved quite slowly at that time because Sandoz used real ergot, which could not be grown in large quantities. Nevertheless, Sandoz executives, being good Sw iss businessmen, offered to supply the U.S. Government with 100 grams weekly for an indefinite period, if the Americans would pay a fair price. Twice the Sandoz president thanked the CIA men for being willing to take the nonexistent 10 kilos off the market. While he said the company now regretted it had ever discovered LSD in the first place, he promised that Sandoz would not let the drug fall into communist hands. The Sandoz president mentioned that various Americans had in the past made "covert and sideways" approaches to Sandoz to find out about LSD, and he agreed to keep the U.S. Government informed of all future production and shipping of the drug. He also agreed to pass on an y intelligence about Eastern European interest in LSD. The Sandoz executives ask

ed only that their arrangement with the CIA be kept "in the very strictest confidence." All around the world, the CIA tried to stay on top of the LSD supply. Back home in Indianapolis, Eli Lilly & Company was even then working on a process to synthesize LSD. Agency officials felt uncomfortable having to rely on a foreign company for their supply, and in 1953 they asked Lilly executives to make them up a batch, which the company subsequently donated to the government. Then, in 1954, Lilly scored a major breakthrough when its researchers worked out a complicated 12- to 15-step process to manufacture first lysergic acid (the basic building block) and then LSD itself from chemicals available on the open market. Given a relatively sophisticated lab, a competent chemist could now make LSD without a supply of the hard-to-grow ergot fungus. Lilly officers confidentially informed the government of their triumph. They also held an unprecedented press conference to trumpet their synthesis of lysergic acid, but they did not publish for another five years their success with the closely related LSD. TSS officials soon sent a memo to Allen Dulles, explaining that the Lilly discovery was important because the government henceforth could buy LSD in "tonnage quantities," which made it a potential chemical-warfare agent. The memo writer pointed out, however, that from the MKULTRA point of view, the discovery made no difference since TSS was working on ways to use the drug only in small-scale covert operations, and the Agency had no trouble getting the limited amounts it needed. But now the Army Chemical Corps and the Air Force could get their collective hands on enough LSD to turn on the world. Sharing the drug with the Army here, setting up research programs there, keeping track of it everywhere, the CIA generally presided over the LSD scene during the 1950s. To be sure, the military services played a part and funded their own research programs.[7] So did the National Institutes of Health, to a lesser extent. Yet both the military services and the NIH allowed themselves to be co-opted by the CIAas funding conduits and intelligence sources. The Food and Drug Administration also supplied the Agency with confidential information on drug testing. Of the Western world's two LSD manufacturers, oneEli Lillygave its entire (small) supply to the CIA and the military. The otherSandoz informed Agency representatives every time it shipped the drug. If somehow the CIA missed anything with all these sources, the Agency still had its own network of scholarspies, the most active of whom was Harold Abramson who kept it informed of all new developments in the LSD field. While the CIA may not have totally cornered the LSD market in the 1950s, it certainly had a good measure of controlthe very power it sought over human behavior. Sid Gottlieb and his colleagues at MKULTRA soaked up pools of information about LSD and other drugs from all outside sources, but they saved for themselves the research they really cared about: operational testing. Trained in both science and espionage, they believed they could bridge the huge gap between experimenting in the laboratory and using drugs to outsmart the enemy.

Therefore the leaders of MKULTRA initiated their own series of drug experiments that paralleled and drew information from the external research. As practical men of action, unlimited by restrictive academic standards, they did not feel the need to keep their tests in strict scientific sequence. They wanted results nownot next year. If a drug showed promise, they felt no qualms about trying it out operationally before all the test results came in. As early as 1953, for instance, Sid Gottlieb went overseas with a supply of a hallucinogenic drug almost certainly LSD. With unknown results, he arranged for it to be slipped to a speaker at a political rally, presumably to see if it would make a fool of him. These were freewheeling days within the CIAthen a young agency whose bureaucratic arteries had not started to harden. The leaders of MKULTRA had high hopes for LSD. It appeared to be an awesome substance, whose advent, like the ancient discovery of fire, would bring out primitive responses of fear and worship in people. Only a speck of LSD could take a strongwilled man and turn his most basic perceptions into willowy shadows. Time, space, right, wrong, order, and the notion of what was possible all took on new faces. LSD was a frightening weapon, and it took a swashbuckling boldness for the leaders of MKULTRA to prepare for operational testing the way they first did: by taking it themselves. They tripped at the office. They tripped at safehouses, and sometimes they traveled to Boston to tri p under Bob Hyde's penetrating gaze. Always they observed, questioned, and analy zed each other. LSD seemed to remove inhibitions, and they thought they could us e it to find out what went on in the mind underneath all the outside acts and pr etensions. If they could get at the inner self, they reasoned, they could better manipulate a personor keep him from being manipulated. The men from MKULTRA were trying LSD in the early 1950swhen Stalin lived and Joe McCarthy raged. It was a foreboding time, even for those not professionally responsible for doomsday poisons. Not surprisingly, Sid Gottlieb and colleagues who tried LSD did not think of the drug as something that might enhance creativity or cause transcendental experiences. Those notions would not come along for years. By and large, there was thought to be only one prevailing and hardheaded version of reality, which was "normal," and everything else was "crazy." An LSD trip made people temporarily crazy, which meant potentially vulnerable to the CIA men (and mentally ill, to the doctors). The CIA experimenters did not trip for the experience itself, or to get high, or to sample new realities. They were testing a weapon; for their purposes, they might as well have been in a ballistics lab. Despite this prevailing attitude in the Agency, at least one MKULTRA pioneer recalls that his first trip expanded his conception of reality: "I was shaky at first, but then I just experienced it and had a high. I felt that everything was working right. I was like a locomotive going at top efficiency. Sure there was stress, but not in a debilitating way. It was like the stress of an engine pulling the longest train it's ever pulled." This CIA veteran describes seeing all the colors of the rainbow growing out of cracks in the sidewalk. He had always disliked cracks as signs of imperfection, but

suddenly the cracks became natural stress lines that measured the vibrations of the universe. He saw people with blemished faces, which he had previously found slightly repulsive. "I had a change of values about faces," he says. "Hooked noses or crooked teeth would become beautiful for that person. Something had turned loose in me, and all I had done was shift my attitude. Reality hadn't changed, but I had. That was all the difference in the world between seeing something ugly and seeing truth and beauty." At the end of this day of his first trip, the CIA man and his colleagues had an alcohol party to help come down. "I had a lump in my throat," he recalls wistfully. Although he had never done such a thing before, he wept in front of his coworkers. "I didn't want to leave it. I felt I would be going back to a place where I wouldn't be able to hold on to this kind of beauty. I felt very unhappy. The people who wrote the report on me said I had experienced depression, but they didn't understand why I felt so bad. They thought I had had a bad trip." This CIA man says that others with his general personality tended to enjoy themselves on LSD, but that the stereotypical CIA operator (particularly the extreme counterintelligence type who mistrusts everyone and everything) usually had negative reactions. The drug simply exaggerated his paranoia. For these operators, the official notes, "dark evil things would begin to lurk around," and they would decide the experimenters were plotting against them. The TSS team understood it would be next to impossible to allay the fears of this ever-vigilant, suspicious sort, although they might use LSD to disorient or generally confuse such a person. However, they toyed with the idea that LSD could be applied to better advantage on more trusting types. Could a clever foe "re educate" such a person with a skillful application of LSD? Speculating on this question, the CIA official states that while under the influence of the drug, "you tend to have a more global view of things. I found it awfully hard when stoned to maintain the notion: I am a U.S. citizenmy country right or wrong.... You tend to have these good higher feelings. You are more open to the brotherhood-of-man idea and more susceptible to the seamy sides of your own society.... I think this is exactly what happened during the 1960s, but it didn't make people more communist. It just made them less inclined to identify with the U.S. They took a plague-on-both-yourhouses position." As to whether his former colleagues in TSS had the same perception of the LSD experience, the man replies, "I think everybody understood that if you had a good trip, you had a kind of above-it-all look into reality. What we subsequently found was that when you came down, you remembered the experience, but you didn't switch identities. You really didn't have that kind of feeling. You weren't as suspicious of people. You listened to them, but you also saw through them more easily and clearly. We decided that this wasn't the kind of thing that was going to make a guy into a turncoat to his own country. The more we worked with it, the less we became

convinced this was what the communists were using for brainwashing." The early LSD testsboth outside and inside the Agencyhad gone well enough that the MKULTRA scientists moved forward to the next stage on the road to "field" use: They tried the drug out on people by surprise. This, after all, would be the way an operator would giveor getthe drug. First they decided to spring it on each other without warning. They agreed among themselves that a coworker might slip it to them at any time. (In what may be an apocryphal story, a TSS staff man says that one of his former colleagues always brought his own bottle of wine to office parties and carried it with him at all times.) Unwitting doses became an occupational hazard. MKULTRA men usually took these unplanned trips in stride, but occasionally they turned nasty. Two TSS veterans tell the story of a coworker who drank some LSDlaced coffee during his morning break. Within an hour, states one veteran, "he sort of knew he had it, but he couldn't pull himself together. Sometimes you take it, and you start the process of maintaining your composure. But this grabbed him before he was aware, and it got away from him." Filled with fear, the CIA man fled the building that then housed TSS, located on the edge of the Mall near Washington's great monuments. Having lost sight of him, his colleagues searched frantically, but he managed to escape. The hallucinating Agency man worked his way across one of the Potomac bridges and apparently cut his last links with rationality. "He reported afterwards that every automobile that came by was a terrible monster with fantastic eyes, out to get him personally," says the veteran. "Each time a car passed, he would huddle down against the parapet, terribly frightened. It was a real horror trip for him. I mean, it was hours of agony. It was like a dream that never stops with someone chasing you." After about an hour and a half, the victim's coworkers found him on the Virginia side of the Potomac, crouched under a fountain, trembling. "It was awfully hard to persuade him that his friends were his friends at that point," recalls the colleague. "He was alone in the world, and everyone was hostile. He'd become a full-blown paranoid. If it had lasted for two weeks, we'd have plunked him in a mental hospital." Fortunately for him, the CIA man came down by the end of the day. This was not the first, last, or most tragic bad trip in the Agency's testing program.[8] By late 1953, only six months after Allen Dulles had formally created MKULTRA, TSS officials were already well into the last stage of their research: systematic use of LSD on "outsiders" who had no idea they had received the drug. These victims simply felt their moorings slip away in the midst of an ordinary day, for no apparent reason, and no one really knew how they would react. Sid Gottlieb was ready for the operational experiments. He considered LSD to be such a secret substance that he gave it a private code name ("serunim") by which he and his colleagues often referred to the drug, even behind the CIA's heavily guarded doors. In retrospect, it seems more than bizarre that CIA

officialsmen responsible for the nation's intelligence and alertness when the hot and cold wars against the communists were at their peakwould be sneaking LSD into each other's coffee cups and thereby subjecting themselves to the unknown frontiers of experimental drugs. But these side trips did not seem to change the sense of reality of Gottlieb or of high CIA officials, who took LSD on several occasions. The drug did not transform Gottlieb out of the mind set of a master scientist-spy, a protg of Richard Helms in the CIA's inner circle. He never stopped milking his goats at 5:30 every morning. The CIA leaders' early achievements with LSD were impressive. They had not invented the drug, but they had gotten in on the American ground floor and done nearly everything else. They were years ahead of the scientific literaturelet alone the publicand spies win by being ahead. They had monopolized the supply of LSD and dominated the research by creating much of it themselves. They had used money and other blandishments to build a network of scientists and doctors whose work they could direct and turn to their own use. All that remained between them and major espionage successes was the performance of the drug in the field. That, however, turned out to be a considerable stumbling block. LSD had an incredibly powerful effect on people, but not in ways the CIA could predict or control. Notes The description of Robert Hyde's first trip came from interviews with Dr. Milton Greenblatt, Dr. J. Herbert DeShon, and a talk by Max Rinkel at the 2nd Macy Conference on Neuropharmacology, pp. 235-36, edited by Harold A. Abramson, 1955: Madison Printing Company. The descriptions of TSS and Sidney Gottlieb came from interviews with Ray Cline, John Stockwell, about 10 other ex-CIA officers, and other friends of Gottlieb. Memos quoted on the early MKULTRA program include Memorandum from ADDP Helms to DCI Dulles, 4/3/53, Tab A, pp. 1-2 (quoted in Church Committee Report, Book I); APF A-1, April 13, 1953, Memorandum for Deputy Director (Administration, Subject: Project MKULTRAExtremely Sensitive Research and Development Program; #A/B,I,64/6, 6 February 1952, Memorandum for the Record, Subject: Contract with [deleted] #A/B,I,64/29, undated, Memorandum for Technical Services Staff, Subject: Alcohol Antagonists and Accelerators, Research and Development Project. The Gottlieb quote is from Hearing before the Subcommittee on Health and Scientific Research of the Senate Committee on Human Resources, September 21, 1977, p. 206. The background data on LSD came particularly from The Beyond Within: The LSD Story by Sidney Cohen (New York: Atheneum,1972). Other sources included Origins of Psychopharmacology: From CPZ to LSD by Anne E. Caldwell (Springfield, III.: Charles C. Thomas, 1970) and Document 352, "An OSI Study of the Strategic Medical Importance of LSD-25," 30 August 1955. TSS's use of outside researchers came from interviews with four former TSSers. MKULTRA Subprojects 8, 10, 63, and 66 described Robert Hyde's work. Subprojects 7, 27,

and 40 concerned Harold Abramson. Hodge's work was in subprojects 17 and 46. Carl Pfeiffer's Agency connection, along with Hyde's, Abramson's, and Isbell's, was laid out by Lyman B. Kirkpatrick, Memorandum for the Record, 1 December 1953, Subject: Conversation with Dr. Willis Gibbons of TSS re Olson Case (found at p. 1030, Kennedy Subcommittee 1975 Biomedical and Behavioral Research Hearings). Isbell's testing program was also described at those hearings, as it was in Document # 14, 24 July, 1953, Memo For: Liaison & Security Officer/TSS, Subject #71 An Account of the Chemical Division's Contacts in the National Institute of Health; Document #37, 14 July 1954, subject [deleted]; and Document # 41,31 August,1956, subject; trip to Lexington, Ky.,21-23 August 1956. Isbell's program was further described in a "Report on ADAMHA Involvement in LSD Research," found at p. 993 of 1975 Kennedy subcommittee hearings. The firsthand account of the actual testing came from an interview with Edward M. Flowers, Washington, D.C. The section on TSS's noncontract informants came fr om interviews with TSS sources, reading the proceedings of the Macy Conferences on "Problems of Consciousness" and "Neuropharmacology," and interviews with several participants including Sidney C ohen, Humphrey Osmond, and Hudson Hoagland. The material on CIA's relations with Sandoz and Eli Lilly came from Document #24 , 16 November, 1953, Subject: ARTICHOKE Conference; Document #268, 23 October, 1 953, Subject: Meeting in Director's Office at 1100 hours on 23 October with Mr. Wisner and [deleted]; Document # 316,6 January,1954, Subject: Lysergic Acid Diet hylamide (LSD25); and Document #338, 26 October 1954, Subject: Potential Large Scale Availability of LSD through newly discovered synthesis by [deleted]; interviews with Sandoz and Lilly former executives; interviews with T SS sources; and Sidney Gottlieb's testimony before Kennedy subcommittee, 1977, p . 203. Henry Beecher's US government connections were detailed in his private papers, i n a report on the SwissLSD death to the CIA at p. 396, Church Committee Report, Book I, and in intervie ws with two of his former associates. The description of TSS's internal testing progression comes from interviews with former staff members. The short reference to Sid Gottlieb's arranging for LSD t o be given a speaker at a political rally comes from Document #A/B, II, 26/8, 9 June 1954, Subject: MKULTRA. Henry Beecher's report to the CIA on the Swiss suic ide is found at p. 396, Church Committee Report, Book I. Footnotes 1. During the 1950s, Boston Psychopathic changed its name to Massachusetts Menta l Health Center, the name it bears today. 2. Pronounced M-K-ULTRA. The MK digraph simply identified it as a TSS project. A s for the ULTRA part, it may have had its etymological roots in the most closely guarded Anglo-American World War II intelligence secret, the ULTRA program, whi ch handled the cracking of German military codes. While good espionage tradecraf t called for cryptonyms to have no special meaning, wartime experiences were sti ll very much on the minds of men like Allen Dulles. 3. By no means did TSS neglect other drugs. It looked at hundreds of others from cocaine to nicotine, with special emphasis on special-purpose substances. One 1 952 memo talked about the urgent operational need for a chemical "producing gene ral listlessness and lethargy." Another mentioned findingas TSS later dida potio n to accelerate the effects of liquor, called an "alcohol extender." 4. As happened to Albert Hofmann the first time, Abramson once unknowingly inges ted some LSD, probably by swallowing water from his spiked snail tank. He starte d to feel bad, but with his wife's help, he finally pinpointed the cause. Accord ing to brain and dolphin expert John Lilly, who heard the story from Mrs. Abrams on, Harold was greatly relieved that his discomfort was not grave. "Oh, it's not

hing serious," he said. "It's just an LSD psychosis. I'll just go to bed and sle ep it off." 5. Army researchers, as usual running about five years behind the CIA, became in terested in the sustained use of LSD as an interrogation device during 1961 field tests (called Operation THIRD CHANCE). The Army men tested the drug in Europe on nine foreigners and one American, a black soldier named James Thornwell, accused of stealing classified documents. While Thornwell was reacting to the drug under extremely stressful c onditions, his captors threatened "to extend the state indefinitely, even to a p ermanent condition of insanity," according to an Army document. Thornwell is now suing the U.S. government for $30 million. In one of those twists that Washingt on insiders take for granted and outsiders do not quite believe, Terry Lenzner, a partner of the same law firm seeking this huge sum for Thornwell, is the lawye r for Sid Gottlieb, the man who oversaw the 77-day trips at Lexington and even m ore dangerous LSD testing. 6. A 1975 CIA document clears up the mystery of how the Agency's military source s could have made such a huge error in estimating Sandoz's LSD supply (and proba bly also explains the earlier inaccurate report that the Russians had bought 50, 000,000 doses). What happened, according to the document, was that the U.S. mili tary attach in Switzerland did not know the difference between a milligram (1/1, 000 of a gram) and a kilogram (1,000 grams). This mix-up threw all his calculati ons off by a factor of 1,000,000. 7. Military security agencies supported the LSD work of such well-known research ers as Amedeo Marrazzi of the University of Minnesota and Missouri Institute of Psychiatry, Henry Beecher of Harvard and Massachusetts General Hospital, Charles Savage while he was at the Naval Medical Research Institute, James Dille of the University of Washington, Gerald Klee of the University of Maryland Medical Sch ool, Neil Burch of Baylor University (who performed later experiments for the CI A), and Paul Hoch and James Cattell of the New York State Psychiatric Institute, whose forced injections of a mescaline derivative led to the 1953 death of New York tennis professional Harold Blauer. (Dr. Cattell later told Army investigato rs, "We didn't know whether it was dog piss or what it was we were giving him.") 8. TSS officials had long known that LSD could be quite dangerous. In 1952, Harv ard Medical School's Henry Beecher who regularly gave the Agency information on his talks with European colleagues, reported that a Swiss doctor had suffered se vere depression after taking the drug and had killed herself three weeks later. Concerning the Case of Dr. Frank Olsen In November 1953, Sid Gottlieb decided to test LSD on a group of scientists from the Army Chemical Corps' Special Operations Division (SOD) at Fort Detrick in F rederick, Maryland. Although the Clandestine Services hierarchy had twice put TS S under strict notice not to use LSD without permission from above, Gottlieb mus t have felt that trying the drug on SOD men was not so different from giving it to his colleagues at the office. After all, officials at TSS and SOD worked inti mately together, and they shared one of the darkest secrets of the Cold War: tha t the U.S. government maintained the capability which it would use at timesto ki ll or incapacitate selected people with biological weapons. Only a handful of th e highest CIA officials knew that TSS was paying SOD about $200,000 a year in re turn for operational systems to infect foes with disease. Gottlieb planned to drop the LSD on the SOD men in the splendid isolation of a t hree-day working retreat. Twice a year, the SOD and TSS men who collaborated on MKNAOMI, their joint program, held a planning session at a remote site where the y could brainstorm without interruption. On November 18, 1953, they gathered at Deep Creek Lodge, a log building in the woods of Western Maryland. It had been built as a Boy Scout camp 25 years earlier. Surrounded by the water of a mountain lake on three sides, with the peaks of the Appalachian c hain looking down over the thick forest, the lodge was isolated enough for even the most security conscious spy. Only an occasional hunter was likely to wander through after the summer months. Dr. John Schwab, who had founded SOD in 1950, Lt. Colonel Vincent Ruwet, its cur rent chief, and Dr. Frank Olson, its temporary head earlier that year, led the D

etrick group. These germ warriors came under the cover of being wildlife writers and lecturers off on a busman's holiday. They carefully removed the Fort Detric k parking stickers from their cars before setting out. Sid Gottlieb brought thre e co-workers from the Agency, including his deputy Robert Lashbrook. They met in the living room of the lodge, in front of a roaring blaze in the hug e walk-in fireplace. Then they split off into smaller groups for specialized meetings. The survivors among those who attended these sessions remain as tight-lipped as ever, willing to share a few details of the general atmosphere but none of the substance. However, from other sources at Fort Detrick and from government documents, the MKNAOMI research can be pieced together. It was this program that was discussed during the fateful retreat. Under MKNAOMI, the SOD men developed a whole arsenal of toxic substances for CIA use. If Agency operators needed to kill someone in a few seconds with, say, a suicide pill, SOD provided super-deadly shellfish toxin.[1] On his ill-fated U-2 flight over the Soviet Union in 1960, Francis Gary Powers carriedand chose not to usea drill bit coated with this poison concealed in a silver dollar. While perfect for someone anxious to die or killinstantly, shellfish toxin offered no time to escape and could be traced easily. More useful for assassination, CIA and SOD men decided, was botulinum. With an incubation period of 8 to 12 hours, it allowed the killer time to separate himself from the deed. Agency operators would later supply pills laced with this lethal food poison to its Mafia allies for inclusion in Fidel Castro's milkshake. If CIA officials wanted an assassination to look like a death from natural causes, they could choose from a long list of deadly diseases that normally occurred in particular countries. Thus in 1960, Clandestine Services chief Richard Bissell asked Sid Gottlieb to pick out an appropriate malady to kill the Congo's Patrice Lumumba. Gottlieb told the Senate investigators that he selected one that "was supposed to produce a disease that was . . . indigenous to that area [of West Africa] and that could be fatal." Gottlieb personally carried the bacteria to the Congo, but this murderous operation was scrubbed before Lumumba could be infected. (The Congolese leader was killed shortly thereafter under circumstances that still are not clear.) When CIA operators merely wanted to be rid of somebody temporarily, SOD stockpiled for them about a dozen diseases and toxins of varying strengths. At the relatively benign end of the SOD list stood Staph. enterotoxin, a mild form of food poisoningmild compared to botulinum. This Staph. infection almost never killed and simply incapacitated its victim for 3 to 6 hours. Under the skilled guidance of Sid Gottlieb's wartime predecessor, Stanley Lovell, OSS had used this very substance to prevent Nazi official Hjalmar Schacht from attending an economic conference during the war. More virulent in the SOD arsenal was Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis virus. It usually immobilized a person for 2 to 5 days and kept him in a weakened state for several more weeks. If the Agency wanted to incapacitate someone for a period of months, SOD had two different kinds of brucellosis.[2]

A former senior official at Fort Detrick was kind enough to run me through all the germs and toxins SOD kept for the CIA, listing their advantages and disadvantages. Before doing so, he emphasized that SOD was also trying to work out ways to protect U.S. citizens and installations from attack with similar substances. "You can't have a serious defense," he says, "unless someone has thought about offense." He stated that Japan made repeated biological attacks against China during World War IIwhich was one reason for starting the American program.[3] He knows of no use since by the Soviet Union or any other power. According to the Detrick official, anyone contemplating use of a biological product had to consider many other factors besides toxicity and incubation period. Can the germ be detected easily and countered with a vaccine? He notes that anthrax, a fatal disease (when inhaled) that SOD stored for CIA, has the advantage of symptoms that resemble pneumonia; similarly, Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis can be mistaken for the grippe. While vaccines do exist for many of the stockpiled diseases, SOD was forever developing more virulent strains. "I don't know of any organism susceptible to a drug that can't be made more resistant," states the Detrick man. Did the disease have a high degree of secondary spread? SOD preferred it not to, because these germ warfare men did not want to start epidemicsthat was the job of others at Fort Detrick. Was the organism stable? How did humidity affect it? SOD considered these and many other factors. To the CIA, perhaps the most important question was whether it could covertly deliver the germ to infect the right person. One branch of SOD specialized in building delivery systems, the most famous of which now is the dart gun fashioned out of a .45 pistol that ex-CIA Director William Colby displayed to the world at a 1975 Senate hearing. The Agency had long been after SOD to develop a "non-discernible microbioinoculator" which could give people deadly shots that, according to a CIA document, could not be "easily detected upon a detailed autopsy." SOD also rigged up aerosol sprays that could be fired by remote control, including a fluorescent starter that was activated by turning on the light, a cigarette lighter that sprayed when lit, and an engine head bolt that shot off as the engine heated. "If you're going to infect people, the most likely way is respiratory," notes the high Detrick official. "Everybody breathes, but you might not get them to eat." Frank Olson specialized in the airborne delivery of disease. He had been working in the field ever since 1943, when he came to Fort Detrick as one of the original military officers in the U. S. biological warfare program. Before the end of the war, he developed a painful ulcer condition that led him to seek a medical discharge from the uniformed military, but he had stayed on as a civilian. He joined SOD when it started in 1950. Obviously good at what he did, Olson served for several months as acting chief of SOD in 1952-53 but asked to be

relieved when the added stress caused his ulcer to flare up. He happily returned to his lesser post as a branch chief, where he had fewer administrative duties and could spend more time in the laboratory. A lover of practical jokes, Olson was very popular among his many friends. He was an outgoing man, but, like most of his generation, he kept his inner feelings to himself. His great passion was his family, and he spent most of his spare time playing with his three kids and helping around the house. He had met his wife while they both studied at the University of Wisconsin. Olson attended all the sessions and apparently did everything expected of him during the first two days at the lodge. After dinner on Thursday, November 19, 1953 the same day that a Washington Post editorial decried the use of dogs in chemical experimentsOlson shared a drink of Cointreau with all but two of the men present. (One had a heart condition; the other, a reformed alcoholic, did not drink.) Unbeknownst to the SOD men, Sid Gottlieb had decided to spike the liqueur with LSD.[4] "To me, everyone was pretty normal," says SOD's Benjamin Wilson. "No one was aware anything had happened until Gottlieb mentioned it. [20 minutes after the drink] Gottlieb asked if we had noticed anything wrong. Everyone was aware, once it was brought to their attention." They tried to continue their discussion, but once the drug took hold, the meeting deteriorated into laughter and boisterous conversation. Two of the SOD men apparently got into an all-night philosophical conversation that had nothing to do with biological warfare. Ruwet remembers it as "the most frightening experience I ever had or hope to have." Ben Wilson recalls that "Olson was psychotic. He couldn't understand what happened. He thought someone was playing tricks on him.... One of his favorite expressions was 'You guys are a bunch of thespians.'" Olson and most of the others became increasingly uncomfortable and could not sleep.[5] When the group gathered in the morning, Olson was still agitated, obviously disturbed, as were several of his colleagues. The meeting had turned sour, and no one really wanted to do more business. They all straggled home during the day. Alice Olson remembers her husband coming in before dinner that evening: "He said nothing. He just sat there. Ordinarily when he came back from a trip, he'd tell me about the things he couldwhat they had to eat, that sort of thing. During dinner, I said, 'It's a damned shame the adults in this family don't communicate anymore.' He said, 'Wait until the kids get to bed and I'll talk to you.' " Later that night, Frank Olson told his wife he had made "a terrible mistake," that his colleagues had laughed at him and humiliated him. Mrs. Olson assured him that the others were his friends, that they would not make fun of him. Still, Olson would not tell her any more. He kept his fears bottled up inside, and he shared nothing of his growing feeling that someone was out to get him. Alice Olson was accustomed to his keeping secrets. Although she realized he worked on biological warfare, they never talked about it. She had had only little glimpses of his profession. He complained about the painful shots he was always taking.[6] He almost

never took a bath at home because he showered upon entering and leaving his office every day. When a Detrick employee died of anthrax (one of three fatalities in the base's 27-year history), Frank Olson told his wife the man had died of pneumonia. Alice Olson had never even seen the building where her husband worked. Fort Detrick was built on the principle of concentric circles, with secrets concealed inside secrets. To enter the inner regions where SOD operated, one needed not only the highest security clearance but a "need to know" authorization. Her husband was not about to break out of a career of government imposed secrecy to tell her about the TOP SECRET experiment that Sid Gottlieb had performed on him. The Olsons spent an uncommunicative weekend together. On Sunday they sat on the davenport in their living room, holding handssomething they had not done for a long time. "It was a rotten November day," recalls Mrs. Olson. "The fog outside was so thick you could hardly see out the front door. Frank's depression was dreadful." Finally, she recalls, they packed up the three young children, and went off to the local theater. The film turned out to be Luther. "It was a very serious movie," remembers Mrs. Olson, "not a good one to see when you're depressed." The following day, Olson appeared at 7:30 A.M. in the office of his boss, Lieutenant Colonel Ruwet, To Ruwet, Olson seemed "agitated." He told Ruwet he wanted either to quit or be fired. Taken aback, Ruwet reassured Olson that his conduct at the lodge had been "beyond reproach." Seemingly satisfied and relieved, Olson agreed to stay on and spent the rest of the day on routine SOD business. That evening, the Olsons spent their most lighthearted evening since before the retreat to Deep Creek Lodge, and they planned a farewell party for a colleague the following Saturday night. Tuesday morning, Ruwet again arrived at his office to find a disturbed Frank Olson waiting for him. Olson said he felt "all mixed up" and questioned his own competence. He said that he should not have left the Army during the war because of his ulcer and that he lacked the ability to do his present work. After an hour, Ruwet decided Olson needed "psychiatric attention." Ruwet apparently felt that the CIA had caused Olson's problem in the first place, and instead of sending him to the base hospital, he called Gottlieb's deputy Robert Lashbrook to arrange for Olson to see a psychiatrist. After a hurried conference, Lashbrook and Gottlieb decided to send Olson to Dr. Harold Abramson in New York. Abramson had no formal training in psychiatry and did not hold himself out to be a psychiatrist. He was an allergist and immunologist interested in treating the problems of the mind. Gottlieb chose him because he had a TOP SECRET CIA security clearance and because he had been working with LSDunder Agency contractfor several years. Gottlieb was obviously protecting his own bureaucratic position by not letting anyone outside TSS know what he had done. Having failed to observe the order to seek higher approval for LSD use, Gottlieb proceeded to violate another CIA regulation. It states, in effect,

that whenever a potential flap arises that might embarrass the CIA or lead to a break in secrecy, those involved should immediately call the Office of Security. For health problems like Olson's, Security and the CIA medical office keep a long list of doctors (and psychiatrists) with TOP SECRET clearance who can provide treatment. Gottlieb had other plans for Frank Olson, and off to New York went the disturbed SOD biochemist in the company of Ruwet and Lashbrook. Olson alternately improved and sank deeper and deeper into his feelings of depression, inadequacy, guilt, and paranoia. He began to think that the CIA was putting a stimulant like Benzedrine in his coffee to keep him awake and that it was the Agency that was out to get him. That first day in New York, Abramson saw Olson at his office. Then at 10:30 in the evening, the allergist visited Olson in his hotel room, armed with a bottle of bourbon and a bottle of the sedative Nembutalan unusual combination for a doctor to give to someone with symptoms like Olson's. Before Olson's appointment with Dr. Abramson the following day, he and Ruwet accompanied Lashbrook on a visit to a famous New York magician named John Mulholland, whom TSS had put under contract to prepare a manual that would apply "the magician's art to covert activities." An expert at pulling rabbits out of hats could easily find new and better ways to slip drugs into drinks, and Gottlieb signed up Mulholland to work on, among other things, "the delivery of various materials to unwitting subjects." Lashbrook thought that the magician might amuse Olson, but Olson became "highly suspicious." The group tactfully cut their visit short, and Lashbrook dropped Olson off at Abramson's office. After an hour's consultation with Abramson that afternoon the allergist gave Olson permission to return to Frederick the following day, Thanksgiving, to be with his family. Olson, Ruwet, and Lashbrook had plane reservations for Thursday morning, so that night, in a preholiday attempt to lift spirits, they all went to see the Rodgers and Hammerstein hit musical, Me and Juliet. Olson became upset during the first act and told Ruwet that he knew people were waiting outside the theater to arrest him. Olson and Ruwet left the show at intermission, and the two old friends walked back to the Statler Hotel, near Penn Station. Later, while Ruwet slept in the next bed, Olson crept out of the hotel and wandered the streets. Gripped by the delusion that he was following Ruwet's orders, he tore up all his paper money and threw his wallet down a chute. At 5:30 A.M., Ruwet and Lashbrook found him sitting in the Statler lobby with his hat and coat on. They checked out of the hotel and caught the plane back to Washington. An SOD driver picked Olson and Ruwet up at National Airport and started to drive them back to Frederick. As they drove up Wisconsin Avenue, Olson had the driver pull into a Howard Johnson's parking lot. He told Ruwet that he was "ashamed" to see his family in his present state and that he feared he might become violent with his children. Ruwet suggested he go back to see Abramson in New York, and Olson agreed. Ruwet and Olson

drove back to Lashbrook's apartment on New Hampshire Avenue off Dupont Circle, and Lashbrook summoned Sid Gottlieb from Thanksgiving dinner in Virginia. All agreed that Lashbrook would take Olson back to New York while Ruwet would go back to Frederick to explain the situation to Mrs. Olson and to see his own family. (Ruwet was Olson's friend, whereas Lashbrook was no more than a professional acquaintance. Olson's son Eric believes that his father's mental state suffered when Ruwet left him in the hands of the CIA's Lashbrook, especially since Olson felt the CIA was "out to get him.") Olson and Lashbrook flew to LaGuardia airport and went to see Abramson at his Long Island office. Then the two men ate a joyless Thanksgiving dinner at a local restaurant. Friday morning Abramson drove them into Manhattan. Abramson, an allergist, finally realized that he had more on his hands with Olson than he could handle, and he recommended hospitalization. He wrote afterward that Olson "was in a psychotic state . . . with delusions of persecution." Olson agreed to enter Chestnut Lodge, a Rockville, Maryland sanitarium that had CIA-cleared psychiatrists on the staff. They could not get plane reservations until the next morning, so Olson and Lashbrook decided to spend one last night at the Statler. They took a room on the tenth floor. With his spirits revived, Olson dared to call his wife for the first time since he had left originally for New York. They had a pleasant talk, which left her feeling better. In the early hours of the morning, Lashbrook woke up just in time to see Frank Olson crash through the drawn blinds and closed window on a dead run. Within seconds, as a crowd gathered around Olson's shattered body on the street below, the cover-up started. Lashbrook called Gottlieb to tell him what had happened before he notified the police. Next, Lashbrook called Abramson, who, according to Lashbrook, "wanted to be kept out of the thing completely." Abramson soon called back and offered to assist. When the police arrived, Lashbrook told them he worked for the Defense Department. He said he had no idea why Olson killed himself, but he did know that the dead man had "suffered from ulcers." The detectives assigned to the case later reported that getting information out of Lashbrook was "like pulling teeth." They speculated to each other that the case could be a homicide with homosexual overtones, but they soon dropped their inquiries when Ruwet and Abramson verified Lashbrook's sketchy account and invoked high government connections. Back in Washington, Sid Gottlieb finally felt compelled to tell the Office of Security about the Olson case. Director Allen Dulles personally ordered Inspector General Lyman Kirkpatrick to make a full investigation, but first, Agency officials tried to make sure that no outsider would tie Olson's death either to the CIA or LSD. Teams of Security officers were soon scurrying around New York and Washington, making sure the Agency had covered its tracks. One interviewed Lashbrook and then accompanied him to a meeting with Abramson. When Lashbrook and Abramson asked the security officer to leave them alone, he complied and then, in the best

traditions of his office, listened in on the conversation covertly. From his report on their talk, it can safely be said that Lashbrook and Abramson conspired to make sure they told identical stories. Lashbrook dictated to Abramson, who made a recording of the symptoms that Olson was supposed to be suffering from and the problems that were bothering him. Lashbrook even stated that Mrs. Olson had suggested her husband see a psychiatrist months before the LSD incident.[7] Lashbrook's comments appeared in three reports Abramson submitted to the CIA, but these reports were internally inconsistent. In one memo, Abramson wrote that Olson's "psychotic state . . . seemed to have been crystallized by [the LSD] experiment." In a later report, Abramson called the LSD dose "therapeutic" and said he believed "this dosage could hardly have had any significant role in the course of events that followed.[8] The CIA officiallybut secretlytook the position that the LSD had "triggered" Olson's suicide. Agency officials worked industriously behind the scenes to make sure that Mrs. Olson received an adequate government pensiontwo-thirds of her husband's base pay. Ruwet, who had threatened to expose the whole affair if Mrs. Olson did not get the pension, submitted a form saying Olson had died of a "classified illness." Gottlieb and Lashbrook kept trying to have it both ways in regard to giving Olson LSD, according to the CIA's General Counsel. They acknowledged LSD's triggering function in his death, but they also claimed it was "practically impossible" for the drug to have harmful aftereffects. The General Counsel called these two positions "completely inconsistent," and he wrote he was "not happy with what seems to me a very casual attitude on the part of TSS representatives to the way this experiment was conducted and to their remarks that this is just one of the risks running with scientific investigation." As part of his investigation, Inspector General Kirkpatrick sequestered Gottlieb's LSD files, which Kirkpatrick remembers did not make Gottlieb at all happy. "I brought out his stutter," says Kirkpatrick with a wry smile. "He was quite concerned about his future." Kirkpatrick eventually recommended that some form of reprimand be given to Gottlieb, TSS chief Willis Gibbons, and TSS deputy chief James "Trapper" Drum, who had waited 20 days after Olson's death to admit that Gottlieb had cleared the experiment with him. Others opposed Kirkpatrick's recommendation. Admiral Luis deFlorez, the Agency's Research Chairman, sent a personal memo to Allen Dulles saying reprimands would be an "injustice" and would hinder "the spirit of initiative and enthusiasm so necessary in our work." The Director's office went along, and Kirkpatrick began the tortuous process of preparing letters for Dulles' signature that would say Gottlieb, Gibbons, and Drum had done something wrong, but nothing too wrong. Kirkpatrick went through six drafts of the Gottlieb letter alone before he came up with acceptable wording. He started out by saying TSS officials had exercised "exceedingly bad judgment." That was too harsh for high Agency officials, so Kirkpatrick tried "very poor judgment." Still too hard. He settled for "poor

judgment." The TSS officials were told that they should not consider the letters to be reprimands and that no record of the letters would be put in their personnel files where they could conceivably harm future careers. The Olson family up in Frederick did not get off so easily. Ruwet told them Olson had jumped or fallen out of the window in New York, but he mentioned not a word about the LSD, whose effects Ruwet himself believed had led to Olson's death. Ever the good soldier, Ruwet could not bring himself to talk about the classified experiment even to ease Alice Olson's sorrow. Mrs. Olson did not want to accept the idea that her husband had willfully committed suicide. "It was very important to mealmost the core of my lifethat my children not feel their father had walked out on them," recalls Mrs. Olson. For the next 22 years, Alice Olson had no harder evidence than her own belief that her husband did not desert her and the family. Then in June 1975, the Rockefeller Commission studying illegal CIA domestic operations reported that a man fitting Frank Olson's description had leaped from a New York hotel window after the CIA had given him LSD without his knowledge. The Olson family read about the incident in the Washington Post. Daughter Lisa Olson Hayward and her husband went to see Ruwet, who had retired from the Army and settled in Frederick. In an emotional meeting, Ruwet confirmed that Olson was the man and said he could not tell the family earlier because he did not have permission. Ruwet tried to discourage them from going public or seeking compensation from the government, but the Olson family did both. [9] On national television, Alice Olson and each of her grown children took turns reading from a prepared family statement: We feel our family has been violated by the CIA in two ways," it said. "First, Frank Olson was experimented upon illegally and negligently. Second, the true nature of his death was concealed for twenty-two years.... In telling our story, we are concerned that neither the personal pain this family has experienced nor the moral and political outrage we feel be slighted. Only in this way can Frank Olson's death become part of American memory and serve the purpose of political and ethical reform so urgently needed in our society. The statement went on to compare the Olsons with families in the Third World "whose hopes for a better life were destroyed by CIA intervention." Although Eric Olson read those words in behalf of the whole family, they reflected more the politics of the children than the feelings of their mother, Alice Olson. An incredibly strong woman who seems to have made her peace with the world, Mrs. Olson went back to college after her husband's death, got a degree, and held the family together while she taught school. She has no malice in her heart toward Vin Ruwet, her friend who withheld that vital piece of information from her all those years. He comforted her and gave support during the most difficult of times, and she deeply appreciates that. Mrs. Olson defends Ruwet by saying he was in "a bad position," but then she stops in mid-sentence and says, "If I had only been given some indication that it was the pressure of

work.... If only I had had something I could have told the kids. I don't know how [Ruwet] could have done it either. It was a terrible thing for a man who loved him." "I'm not vindicative toward Vin [Ruwet]," reflects Mrs. Olson. "Gottlieb is a different question. He was despicable." She tells how Gottlieb and Lashbrook both attended Olson's funeral in Frederick and contributed to a memorial fund. A week or two later, the two men asked to visit her. She knew they did not work at Detrick, but she did not really understood where they came from or their role. "I didn't want to see them," she notes. "Vin told me it would make them feel better. I didn't want an ounce of flesh from them. I didn't think it was necessary, but, okay, I agreed. In retrospect, it was so bizarre, it makes me sick . . . I was a sucker for them." Gottlieb and Lashbrook apparently never returned to the biological warfare offices at SOD. Little else changed, however. Ray Treichler and Henry Bortner took over CIA's liaison with SOD. SOD continued to manufacture and stockpile bacteriological agents for the CIA until 1969, when President Richard Nixon renounced the use of biological warfare tactics. And presumably, someone replaced Frank Olson. Notes The description of the CIA's relationship with SOD at Fort Detrick comes from interviews with several ex-Fort Detrick employees; Church Committee hearings on "Unauthorized Storage of Toxic Agents, Volume 1; Church Committee "Summary Report on CIA Investigation of MKNAOMI" found in Report, Book I, pp. 360-63; and/ Kennedy subcommittee hearings on Biological Testing Involving Human Subjects by the Department of Defense, 1977. The details of Sid Gottlieb's involvement in the plot to kill Patrice Lumumba are found in the Church Committee's Interim Report on "Alleged Assassination Plots Involving Foreign Leaders," pp. 20-21. The Church committee allowed Gottlieb to be listed under the pseudonym Victor Scheider, but several sources confirm Gottlieb's true identity, as does the biographic data on him submitted to the Kennedy subcommittee by the CIA, which puts him in the same job attributed to "Scheider" at the same time. The plot to give botulinum to Fidel Castro is outlined in the Assassination report, pp. 79 83. The incident with the Iraqi colonel is on p. 181 of the same report. The several inches of CIA documents on the Olson case were released by the Olson family in 1976 and can be found in the printed volume of the 1975 Kennedy subcommittee hearings on Biomedical and Behavioral Resarch, pp.1005-1132. They form the base of much of the narrative, along with interviews with Alice Olson, Eric Olson, Benjamin Wilson, and several other ex-SOD men (who added next to nothing). Information also was gleaned from Vincent Ruwet's testimony before the Kennedy subcommittee in 1975, pp. 138-45 and the Church committee's summary of the affair, Book I, pp. 394-403. The quote on Harold Abramson's intention to give his patients unwitting doses of LSD is found in MKULTRA subproject 7, June 8, 1953, letter to Dr. [deleted]. Magician John Mulholland's work for the Agency is

described in MKULTRA subprojects 19 and 34. Footnotes 1. Toxins are chemical substances, not living organisms, derived from biological agents. While they can make people sick or dead, they cannot reproduce themselves like bacteria. Because of their biological origin, toxins came under the responsibility of Fort Detrick rather than Edgewood Arsenal, the facility which handled the chemical side of America's chemical and biological warfare (CBW) programs. 2. Brucellosis may well have been the disease that Gottlieb selected in the spring of 1960 when the Clandestine Services' Health Alteration Committee approved an operation to disable an Iraqi colonel, said to be "promoting Soviet-bloc political interests" for at least three months. Gottlieb told the Church committee that he had a monogrammed handkerchief treated with the incapacitating agency, and then mailed it to the colonel. CIA officials told the committee that the colonel was shot by a firing squadwhich the Agency had nothing to do withbefore the handkerchief arrived. 3. For some reason, the U.S. government has made it a point not to release information about Japanese use of biological warfare. The senior Detrick source says, "We knew they sprayed Manchuria. We had the results of how they produced and disseminated [the biological agents, including anthrax].... I read the autopsy reports myself. We had people who went over to Japan after the war." 4. Gottlieb stated just after Olson's death, at a time when he was trying to minimize his own culpability, that he had talked to the SOD men about LSD and that they had agreed in general terms to the desirability of unwitting testing. Two of the SOD group in interviews and a third in congressional testimony flatly deny the Gottlieb version. Gottlieb and the SOD men all agree Gottlieb gave no advance warning that he was giving them a drug in their liqueur. 5. For the very reason that most trips last about eight hours no matter what time a subject takes the drug, virtually all experimenters, including TSS's own contractors, give LSD in the morning to avoid the discomfort of sleepless nights. 6. To enter the SOD building, in addition to needing an incredibly hard-to-get security clearance, one had to have an up-to-date shot card with anywhere from 10 to 20 immunizations listed. The process was so painful and time consuming that at one point in the 1960s the general who headed the whole Army Chemical Corps decided against inspecting SOD and getting an on-the-spot briefing. When asked about this incident, an SOD veteran who had earlier resigned said, "That's the way we kept them out. Those [military] types didn't need to know. Most of the security violations came from the top level.... He could have gone in without shots if he had insisted. The safety director would have protested, but he could have." 7. Mrs. Olson says that this is an outright lie. 8. Nonpsychiatrist Abramson who allowed chemist Lashbrook to tell him about his patient's complexes clearly had a strange idea what was "therapeutic"or psychotherapeutic, for that matter. In Abramson's 1953

proposal to the CIA for $85,000 to study LSD, he wrote that over the next year he "hoped" to give hospital patients "who are essentially normal from a psychiatric point of view . . . unwitting doses of the drug for psychotherapeutic purposes." His treatment brings to mind the William Burroughs character in Naked Lunch who states; "Now, boys, you won't see this operation performed very often, and there's a reason for that . . . you see, it has absolutely no medical value." 9. President Gerald Ford later personally apologized to the Olson family, and Congress passed a bill in 1976 to pay $750,000 in compensation to Mrs. Olson and her three children. The family voluntarily abandoned the suit. Them Unwitting: The Safehouses Frank Olson's death could have been a major setback for the Agency's LSD testing, but the program, like Sid Gottlieb's career, emerged essentially unscathed. High CIA officials did call a temporary halt to all experiments while they investigated the Olson case and re-examined the general policy. They cabled the two field stations that had supplies of the drug (Manila and Atsugi, Japan) not to use it for the time being, and they even took away Sid Gottlieb's own private supply and had it locked up in his boss' safe, to which no one else had the combination. In the end, however, Allen Dulles accepted the view Richard Helms put forth that the only "operationally realistic" way to test drugs was to try them on unwitting people. Helms noted that experiments which gave advance warning would be "pro forma at best and result in a false sense of accomplishment and readiness." For Allen Dulles and his top aides, the possible importance of LSD clearly outweighed the risks and ethical problem of slipping the drug to involuntary subjects. They gave Gottlieb back his LSD. Once the CIA's top echelon had made its decision to continue unwitting testing, there remained, in Richard Helms' words, "only then the question of how best to do it." The Agency's role in the Olson affair had come too perilously close to leaking out for the comfort of the security-minded, so TSS officials simply had to work out a testing system with better cover. That meant finding subjects who could not be so easily traced back to the Agency. Well before Olson's death, Gottlieb and the MKULTRA crew had started pondering how best to do unwitting testing. They considered using an American police force to test drugs on prisoners, informants, and suspects, but they knew that some local politicians would inevitably find out. In the Agency view, such people could not be trusted to keep sensitive secrets. TSS officials thought about trying Federal prisons or hospitals, but, when sounded out, the Bureau of Prisons refused to go along with true unwitting testing (as opposed to the voluntary, if coercive, form practiced on drug addicts in Kentucky). They contemplated moving the program overseas, where they and the ARTICHOKE teams were already performing operational experiments, but they decided if they tested on the scale they thought was necessary, so many foreigners would have to know that it would pose an

unacceptable security risk. Sid Gottlieb is remembered as the brainstorming genius of the MKULTRA groupand the one with a real talent for showing others, without hurting their feelings, why their schemes would not work. States an excolleague who admires him greatly, "In the final analysis, Sid was like a good soldierif the job had to be done, he did it. Once the decision was made, he found the most effective way." In this case, Gottlieb came up with the solution after reading through old OSS files on Stanley Lovell's search for a truth drug. Gottlieb noted that Lovell had used George White, a prewar employee of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics, to test concentrated marijuana. Besides trying the drug out on Manhattan Project volunteers and unknowing suspected Communists, White had slipped some to August Del Gracio, the Lucky Luciano lieutenant. White had called the experiment a great success. If it had not beenif Del Gracio had somehow caught on to the druggingGottlieb realized that the gangster would never have gone to the police or the press. His survival as a criminal required he remain quiet about even the worst indignities heaped upon him by government agents. To Gottlieb, underworld types looked like ideal test subjects. Nevertheless, according to one TSS source, "We were not about to fool around with the Mafia." Instead, this source says they chose "the borderline underworld" prostitutes, drug addicts, and other small-timers who would be powerless to seek any sort of revenge if they ever found out what the CIA had done to them. In addition to their being unlikely whistle-blowers, such people lived in a world where an unwitting dose of some drug usually knockout dropswas an occupational hazard anyway. They would therefore be better equipped to deal withand recover froma surprise LSD trip than the population as a whole. Or so TSS officials rationalized. "They could at least say to themselves, 'Here I go again. I've been slipped a mickey,"' says a TSS veteran. Furthermore, this veteran remembers, his former colleagues reasoned that if they had to violate the civil rights of anyone, they might as well choose a group of marginal people. George White himself had left OSS after the war and returned to the Narcotics Bureau. In 1952 he was working in the New York office. As a high-ranking narcotics agent, White had a perfect excuse to be around drugs and people who used them. He had proved during the war that he had a talent for clandestine work, and he certainly had no qualms when it came to unwitting testing. With his job, he had access to all the possible subjects the Agency would need, and if he could use LSD or any other drug to find out more about drug trafficking, so much the better. From a security viewpoint, CIA officials could easily deny any connection to anything White did, and he clearly was not the crybaby type. For Sid Gottlieb, George White was clearly the one. The MKULTRA chief decided to contact White directly to see if he might be interested in picking up with the CIA where he had left off with OSS. Always careful to observe bureaucratic protocol,

Gottlieb first approached Harry Anslinger, the longtime head of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics, and got permission to use White on a part-time basis. Then Gottlieb traveled to New York and made his pitch to the narcotics agent, who stood 5'7", weighed over 200 pounds, shaved his head, and looked something like an extremely menacing bowling ball. After an early-morning meeting, White scrawled in his sweat-stained, leather-bound diary for that day, June 9, 1952: "Gottlieb proposed I be a CIA consultantI agree." By writing down such a thing and using Gottlieb's true name,[1] White had broken CIA security regulations even before he started work. But then, White was never known as a man who followed rules. Despite the high priority that TSS put on drug testing, White's security approval did not come through until almost a year later. "It was only last month that I got cleared," the outspoken narcotics agent wrote to a friend in 1953. "I then learned that a couple of crewcut, pipe-smoking punks had either known meor heard of meduring OSS days and had decided I was 'too rough' for their league and promptly blackballed me. It was only when my sponsors discovered the root of the trouble they were able to bypass the blockade. After all, fellas, I didn't go to Princeton." People either loved or hated George White, and he had made some powerful enemies, including New York Governor Thomas Dewey and J. Edgar Hoover. Dewey would later help block White from becoming the head of the Narcotics Bureau in New York City, a job White sorely wanted. For some forgotten reason, Hoover had managed to stop White from being hired by the CIA in the Agency's early days, at a time when he would have preferred to leave narcotics work altogether. These were two of the biggest disappointments of his life. White's previous exclusion from the CIA may explain why he jumped so eagerly at Gottlieb's offer and why at the same time he privately heaped contempt on those who worked for the Agency. A remarkably heavy drinker, who would sometimes finish off a bottle of gin in one sitting, White often mocked the CIA crowd over cocktails. "He thought they were a joke," recalls one longtime crony. "They were too complicated, and they had other people do their heavy stuff." Unlike his CIA counterparts, White loved the glare of publicity. A man who gloried in talking about himself and cultivating a hard-nosed image, White knew how to milk a drug bust for all it was wortha skill that grew out of early years spent as a newspaper reporter in San Francisco and Los Angeles. In search of a more financially secure profession, he had joined the Narcotics Bureau in 1934, but he continued to pal around with journalists, particularly those who wrote favorably about him. Not only did he come across in the press as a cop hero, but he helped to shape the picture of future Kojaks by serving as a consultant to one of the earlytelevision detective series. To start a raid, he would dramatically tip his hat to signal his agentsand to let the photographers know that the time had come to snap his picture. "He was sort of vainglorious," says another good friend, "the kind of guy who if he did something, didn't mind having the world know about it."[2]

The scientists from TSS, with their Ph.D.s and lack of street experience, could not help admiring White for his swashbuckling image. Unlike the men from MKULTRA, who, for all their pretensions, had never worked as reallive spies, White had put his life on the line for OSS overseas and had supposedly killed a Japanese agent with his bare hands. The face of one ex-TSS man lit up, like a little boy's on Christmas morning, as he told of racing around New York in George White's car and parking illegally with no fear of the law. "We were Ivy League, white, middle-class," notes another former TSSer. "We were naive, totally naive about this, and he felt pretty expert. He knew the whores, the pimps, the people who brought in the drugs. He'd purportedly been in a number of shootouts where he'd captured millions of dollars worth of heroin.... He was a pretty wild man. I know I was afraid of him. You couldn't control this guy . . . I had a little trouble telling who was controlling who in those days." White lived with extreme personal contradictions. As could be expected of a narcotics agent, he violently opposed drugs. Yet he died largely because his beloved alcohol had destroyed his liver. He had tried everything else, from marijuana to LSD, and wrote an acquaintance, "I did feel at times I was having a 'mind-expanding' experience but this vanished like a dream immediately after the session." He was a law-enforcement official who regularly violated the law. Indeed, the CIA turned to him because of his willingness to use the power of his office to ride roughshod over the rights of othersin the name of "national security," when he tested LSD for the Agency, in the name of stamping out drug abuse, for the Narcotics Bureau. As yet another close associate summed up White's attitude toward his job, "He really believed the ends justified the means." George White's "pragmatic" approach meshed perfectly with Sid Gottlieb's needs for drug testing. In May 1953 the two men, who wound up going folk dancing together several times, formally joined forces. In CIA jargon, White became MKULTRA subproject #3. Under this arrangement, White rented two adjacent Greenwich Village apartments, posing as the sometime artist and seaman "Morgan Hall." White agreed to lure guinea pigs to the "safehouse"as the Agency men called the apartmentsslip them drugs, and report the results to Gottlieb and the others in TSS. For its part, the CIA let the Narcotics Bureau use the place for undercover activities (and often for personal pleasure) whenever no Agency work was scheduled, and the CIA paid all the bills, including the cost of keeping a well-stocked liquor cabineta substantial bonus for White. Gottlieb personally handed over the first $4,000 in cash, to cover the initial costs of furnishing the safehouse in the lavish style that White felt befitted him. Gottlieb did not limit his interest to drugs. He and other TSS officials wanted to try out surveillance equipment. CIA technicians quickly installed see-through mirrors and microphones through which eavesdroppers could film, photograph, and record the action. "Things go wrong with listening devices and two-way mirrors, so you build

these things to find out what works and what doesn't," says a TSS source. "If you are going to entrap, you've got to give the guy pictures [flagrante delicto] and voice recordings. Once you learn how to do it so that the whole thing looks comfortable, cozy, and safe, then you can transport the technology overseas and use it." This TSS man notes that the Agency put to work in the bedrooms of Europe some of the techniques developed in the George White safehouse operation. In the safehouse's first months, White tested LSD, several kinds of knockout drops, and that old OSS standby, essence of marijuana. He served up the drugs in food, drink, and cigarettes and then tried to worm informationusually on narcotics mattersfrom his "guests." Sometimes MKULTRA men came up from Washington to watch the action. A September 1953 entry in White's diary noted: "Lashbrook at 81 Bedford StreetOwen Winkle and LSD surprisecan wash." Sid Gottlieb's deputy, Robert Lashbrook, served as "project monitor" for the New York safehouse.[3] White had only been running the safehouse six months when Olson died (in Lashbrook's company), and Agency officials suspended the operation for re-evaluation. They soon allowed him to restart it, and then Gottlieb had to order White to slow down again. A New York State commissioner had summoned the narcotics agent to explain his role in the deal that wound up with Governor Dewey pardoning Lucky Luciano after the war. The commissioner was asking questions that touched on White's use of marijuana on Del Gracio, and Gottlieb feared that word of the CIA's current testing might somehow leak out. This storm also soon passed, but then, in early 1955, the Narcotics Bureau transferred White to San Francisco to become chief agent there. Happy with White's performance, Gottlieb decided to let him take the entire safehouse operation with him to the Coast. White closed up the Greenwich Village apartments, leaving behind unreceipted "tips" for the landlord "to clear up any difficulties about the alterations and damages," as a CIA document put it.[4] White soon rented a suitable "pad" (as he always called it) on Telegraph Hill, with a stunning view of San Francisco Bay, the Golden Gate Bridge, and Alcatraz. To supplement the furniture he brought from the New York safehouse, he went out and bought items that gave the place the air of the brothel it was to become: ToulouseLautrec posters, a picture of a French cancan dancer, and photos of manacled women in black stockings. "It was supposed to look rich," recalls a narcotics agent who regularly visited, "but it was furnished like crap." White hired a friend's company to install bugging equipment, and William Hawkins, a 25-year-old electronics whiz then studying at Berkley put in four DD-4 microphones disguised as electrical wall outlets and hooked them up to two F-301 tape recorders, which agents monitored in an adjacent "listening post." Hawkins remembers that White "kept a pitcher of martinis in the refrigerator, and he'd watch me for a while as I installed a microphone and then slip off." For his own personal "observation post," White had a portable toilet

set up behind a two-way mirror, where he could watch the proceedings, usually with drink in hand. The San Francisco safehouse specialized in prostitutes. "But this was before The Hite Report and before any hooker had written a book," recalls a TSS man, "so first we had to go out and learn about their world. In the beginning, we didn't know what a john was or what a pimp did." Sid Gottlieb decided to send his top staff psychologist, John Gittinger, to San Francisco to probe the demimonde. George White supplied the prostitutes for the study, although White, in turn, delegated much of the pimping function to one of his assistants, Ira "Ike" Feldman. A muscular but very short man, whom even the 5'7" White towered over, Feldman tried even harder than his boss to act tough. Dressed in suede shoes, a suit with flared trousers, a hat with a turned-up brim, and a huge zircon ring that was supposed to look like a diamond, Feldman first came to San Francisco on an undercover assignment posing as an East Coast mobster looking to make a big heroin buy. Using a drug-addicted prostitute name Janet Jones, whose common-law husband states that Feldman paid her off with heroin, the undercover man lured a number of suspected drug dealers to the "pad" and helped White make arrests. As the chief Federal narcotics agent in San Francisco, White was in a position to reward or punish a prostitute. He set up a system whereby he and Feldman provided Gittinger with all the hookers the psychologist wanted. White paid off the women with a fixed number of "chits." For each chit, White owed one favor. "So the next time the girl was arrested with a john," says an MKULTRA veteran, "she would give the cop George White's phone number. The police all knew White and cooperated with him without asking questions. They would release the girl if he said so. White would keep good records of how many chits each person had and how many she used. No money was exchanged, but five chits were worth $500 to $1,000." Prostitutes were not the only beneficiaries of White's largess. The narcotics agent worked out a similar system to forgive the transgressions of small time drug pushers when the MKULTRA men wanted to talk to them about "the rules of their game," according to the source. TSS officials wanted to find out everything they could about how to apply sex to spying, and the prostitute project became a general learning and then training ground for CIA carnal operations. After all, states one TSS official, "We did quite a study of prostitutes and their behavior.... At first nobody really knew how to use them. How do you train them? How do you work them? How do you take a woman who is willing to use her body to get money out of a guy to get things which are much more important, like state secrets. I don't care how beautiful she iseducating the ordinary prostitute up to that level is not a simple task." The TSS men continually tried to refine their knowledge. They realized that prostitutes often wheedled extra money out of a customer by suggesting some additional service as male orgasm neared. They wondered if this might not also be a good time to seek sensitive

information. "But no," says the source, "we found the guy was focused solely on hormonal needs. He was not thinking of his career or anything else at that point." The TSS experts discovered that the postsexual, light-up-acigarette period was much better suited to their ulterior motives. Says the source: Most men who go to prostitutes are prepared for the fact that [after the act] she's beginning to work to get herself out of there, so she can get back on the street to make some more money. . . . To find a prostitute who is willing to stay is a hell of a shock to anyone used to prostitutes. It has a tremendous effect on the guy. It's a boost to his ego if she's telling him he was really neat, and she wants to stay for a few more hours.... Most of the time, he gets pretty vulnerable. What the hell's he going to talk about? Not the sex, so he starts talking about his business. It's at this time she can lead him gently. But you have to train prostitutes to do that. Their natural inclination is to do exactly the opposite. The men from MKULTRA learned a great deal about varying sexual preferences. One of them says: We didn't know in those days about hidden sadism and all that sort of stuff. We learned a lot about human nature in the bedroom. We began to understand that when people wanted sex, it wasn't just what we had thought ofyou know, the missionary position.... We started to pick up knowledge that could be used in operations, but with a lot of it we never figured out any way to use it operationally. We just learned.... All these ideas did not come to us at once. But evolving over three or four years in which these studies were going on, things emerged which we tried. Our knowledge of prostitutes' behavior became pretty damn good. . . . This comes across now that somehow we were just playing around and we just found all these exotic ways to waste the taxpayers' money on satisfying our hidden urges. I'm not saying that watching prostitutes was not exciting or something like that. But what I am saying was there was a purpose to the whole business.[5] In the best tradition of Mata Hari, the CIA did use sex as a clandestine weapon, although apparently not so frequently as the Russians. While many in the Agency believed that it simply did not work very well, others like CIA operators in Berlin during the mid-1960s felt prostitutes could be a prime source of intelligence. Agency men in that city used a network of hookers to good advantageor so they told visitors from headquarters. Yet, with its high proportion of Catholics and Mormons not to mention the Protestant ethic of many of its top leadersthe Agency definitely had limits beyond which prudery took over. For instance, a TSS veteran says that a good number of case officers wanted no part of homosexual entrapment operations. And to go a step further, he recalls one senior KGB man who told too many sexual jokes about young boys. "It didn't take too long to recognize that he was more than a little fascinated by youths," says the source. "I took the trouble to point out he was probably too good, too well-trained, to be either entrapped or to give away secrets. But he would have been tempted toward a compromising position by a

preteen. I mentioned this, and they said, 'As a psychological observer, you're probably quite right. But what the hell are we going to do about it? Where are we going to get a twelve-year-old boy?' " The source believes that if the Russian had had a taste for older men, U.S. intelligence might have mounted an operation, "but the idea of a twelve-year-old boy was just more than anybody could stomach." As the TSS men learned more about the San Francisco hustlers, they ventured outside the safehouse to try out various clandestine-delivery gimmicks in public places like restaurants, bars, and beaches. They practiced ways to slip LSD to citizens of the demimonde while buying them a drink or lighting up a cigarette, and they then tried to observe the effects when the drug took hold. Because the MKULTRA scientists did not move smoothly among the very kinds of people they were testing, they occasionally lost an unwitting victim in a crowdthereby sending a stranger off alone with a head full of LSD. In a larger sense, all the test victims would become lost. As a matter of policy, Sid Gottlieb ordered that virtually no records be kept of the testing. In 1973, when Gottlieb retired from the Agency, he and Richard Helms agreed to destroy what they thought were the few existing documents on the program. Neither Gottlieb nor any other MKULTRA man has owned up to having given LSD to an unknowing subject, or even to observing such an experimentexcept of course in the case of Frank Olson. Olson's death left behind a paper trail outside of Gottlieb's control and that hence could not be denied. Otherwise, Gottlieb and his colleagues have put all the blame for actual testing on George White, who is not alive to defend himself. One reason the MKULTRA veterans have gone to such lengths to conceal their role is obvious: fear of lawsuits from victims claiming damaged health. At the time of the experiments, the subjects' health did not cause undue concern. At the safehouse, where most of the testing took place, doctors were seldom present. Dr. James Hamilton, a Stanford Medical School psychiatrist and White's OSS colleague, visited the place from time to time, apparently for studies connected to unwitting drug experiments and deviant sexual practices. Yet neither Hamilton nor any other doctor provided much medical supervision. From his perch atop the toilet seat, George White could do no more than make surface observations of his drugged victims. Even an experienced doctor would have had difficulty handling White's role. In addition to LSD, which they knew could cause serious, if not fatal problems, TSS officials gave White even more exotic experimental drugs to test, drugs that other Agency contractors may or may not have already used on human subjects. "If we were scared enough of a drug not to try it out on ourselves, we sent it to San Francisco," recalls a TSS source. According to a 1963 report by CIA Inspector General John Earman, "In a number of instances, however, the test subject has become ill for hours or days, including hospitalization in at least one case, and [White] could only follow up by guarded inquiry after the test subject's return to normal life. Possible sickness

and attendant economic loss are inherent contingent effects of the testing." The Inspector General noted that the whole program could be compromised if an outside doctor made a "correct diagnosis of an illness." Thus, the MKULTRA team not only made some people sick but had a vested interest in keeping doctors from finding out what was really wrong. If that bothered the Inspector General, he did not report his qualms, but he did say he feared "serious damage to the Agency" in the event of public exposure. The Inspector General was only somewhat reassured by the fact that George White "maintain[ed] close working relations with local police authorities which could be utilized to protect the activity in critical situations." If TSS officials had been willing to stick with their original target group of marginal underworld types, they would have had little to fear from the police. After all, George White was the police. But increasingly they used the safehouse to test drugs, in the Inspector General's words, "on individuals of all social levels, high and low, native American and foreign." After all, they were looking for an operational payoff, and they knew people reacted differently to LSD according to everything from health and mood to personality structure. If TSS officials wanted to slip LSD to foreign leaders, as they contemplated doing to Fidel Castro, they would try to spring an unwitting dose on somebody as similar as possible. They used the safehouse for "dry runs" in the intermediate stage between the laboratory and actual operations. For these dress rehearsals, George White and his staff procurer, Ike Feldman, enticed men to the apartment with prostitutes. An unsuspecting john would think he had bought a night of pleasure, go back to a strange apartment, and wind up zonked. A CIA document that survived Sid Gottlieb's shredding recorded this process. Its author, Gottlieb himself, could not break a lifelong habit of using nondescriptive language. For the MKULTRA chief, the whores were "certain individuals who covertly administer this material to other people in accordance with [White's] instructions." White normally paid the women $100 in Agency funds for their night's work, and Gottlieb's prose reached new bureaucratic heights as he explained why the prostitutes did not sign for the money: "Due to the highly unorthodox nature of these activities and the considerable risk incurred by these individuals, it is impossible to require that they provide a receipt for these payments or that they indicate the precise manner in which the funds were spent." The CIA's auditors had to settle for canceled checks which White cashed himself and marked either "Stormy" or, just as appropriately, "Undercover Agent." The program was also referred to as "Operation Midnight Climax." TSS officials found the San Francisco safehouse so successful that they opened a branch office, also under George White's auspices, across the Golden Gate on the beach in Marin County.[6] Unlike the downtown apartment, where an MKULTRA man says "you could bring people in for quickies after lunch," the suburban Marin County outlet proved useful for experiments that required relative

isolation. There, TSS scientists tested such MKULTRA specialties as stink bombs, itching and sneezing powders, and diarrhea inducers. TSS's Ray Treichler, the Stanford chemist, sent these "harassment substances" out to California for testing by White, along with such delivery systems as a mechanical launcher that could throw a foulsmelling object 100 yards, glass ampules that could be stepped on in a crowd to release any of Treichler's powders, a fine hypodermic needle to inject drugs through the cork in a wine bottle, and a drug-coated swizzle stick. TSS men also planned to use the Marin County safehouse for an ill-fated experiment that began when staff psychologists David Rhodes and Walter Pasternak spent a week circulating in bars, inviting strangers to a party. They wanted to spray LSD from an aerosol can on their guests, but according to Rhodes' Senate testimony, "the weather defeated us." In the heat of the summer, they could not close the doors and windows long enough for the LSD to hang in the air and be inhaled. Sensing a botched operation, their MKULTRA colleague, John Gittinger (who brought the drug out from Washington) shut himself in the bathroom and let go with the spray. Still, Rhodes testified, Gittinger did not get high, and the CIA men apparently scrubbed the party.[7] The MKULTRA crew continued unwitting testing until the summer of 1963 when the Agency's Inspector General stumbled across the safehouses during a regular inspection of TSS activities. This happened not long after Director John McCone had appointed John Earman to the Inspector General position.[8] Much to the displeasure of Sid Gottlieb and Richard Helms, Earman questioned the propriety of the safehouses, and he insisted that Director McCone be given a full briefing. Although President Kennedy had put McCone in charge of the Agency the year before, Helmsthe professional's professionalhad not bothered to tell his outsider boss about some of the CIA's most sensitive activities, including the safehouses and the CIA-Mafia assassination plots.[9] Faced with Earman's demands, Helmssurely one of history's most clever bureaucratsvolunteered to tell McCone himself about the safehouses (rather than have Earman present a negative view of the program). Sure enough, Helms told Earman afterward, McCone raised no objections to unwitting testing (as Helms described it). A determined man and a rather brave one, Earman countered with a full written report to McCone recommending that the safehouses be closed. The Inspector General cited the risks of exposure and pointed out that many people both inside and outside the Agency found "the concepts involved in manipulating human behavior . . . to be distasteful and unethical." McCone reacted by putting off a final decision but suspending unwitting testing in the meantime. Over the next year, Helms, who then headed the Clandestine Services, wrote at least three memos urging resumption. He cited "indications . . . of an apparent Soviet aggressiveness in the field of covertly administered chemicals which are, to say the least, inexplicable and disturbing," and he claimed the CIA's "positive operational capacity to use drugs is

diminishing owing to a lack of realistic testing."[10] To Richard Helms, the importance of the program exceeded the risks and the ethical questions, although he did admit, "We have no answer to the moral issue." McCone simply did nothing for two years. The director's indecision had the effect of killing the program, nevertheless. TSS officials closed the San Francisco safehouse in 1965 and the New York one in 1966. Years later in a personal letter to Sid Gottlieb, George White wrote an epitaph for his role with the CIA: "I was a very minor missionary, actually a heretic, but I toiled wholeheartedly in the vineyards because it was fun, fun, fun. Where else could a red-blooded American boy lie, kill, cheat, steak rape, and pillage with the sanction and blessing of the All-Highest?" After 10 years of unwitting testing, the men from MKULTRA apparently scored no major breakthroughs with LSD or other drugs. They found no effective truth drug, recruitment pill, or aphrodisiac. LSD had not opened up the mind to CIA control. "We had thought at first that this was the secret that was going to unlock the universe," says a TSS veteran. "We found that human beings had resources far greater than imagined." Yet despite the lack of precision and uncertainty, the CIA still made field use of LSD and other drugs that had worked their way through the MKULTRA testing progression. A 1957 report showed that TSS had already moved 6 drugs out of the experimental stage and into active use. Up to that time, CIA operators had utilized LSD and other psychochemicals against 33 targets in 6 different operations. Agency officials hoped in these cases either to discredit the subject by making him seem insane or to "create within the individual a mental and emotional situation which will release him from the restraint of self-control and induce him to reveal information willingly under adroit manipulation." The Agency has consistently refused to release details of these operations, and TSS sources who talk rather freely about other matters seem to develop amnesia when the subject of field use comes up. Nevertheless, it can be said that the CIA did establish a relationship with an unnamed foreign secret service to interrogate prisoners with LSD-like drugs. CIA operators participated directly in these interrogations, which continued at least until 1966. Often the Agency showed more concern for the safety of its operational targets abroad than it did for its unwitting victims in San Francisco, since some of the foreign subjects were given medical examinations before being slipped the drug.[11] In these operations, CIA men sometimes brought in local doctors for reasons that had nothing to do with the welfare of the patient. Instead, the doctor's role was to certify the apparent insanity of a victim who had been unwittingly dosed with LSD or an even more durable psychochemical like BZ (which causes trips lasting a week or more and which tends to induce violent behavior). If a doctor were to prescribe hospitalization or other severe treatment, the effect on the subject could be devastating. He would suffer not only the experience itself, including possible confinement in a mental

institution, but also social stigma. In most countries, even the suggestion of mental problems severely damages an individual's professional and personal standing (as Thomas Eagleton, the recipient of some shock therapy, can testify). "It's an old technique," says an MKULTRA veteran. "You neutralize someone by having their constituency doubt them." The Church committee confirms that the Agency used this technique at least several times to assassinate a target's character.[12] Still, the Clandestine Services did not frequently call on TSS for LSD or other drugs. Many operators had practical and ethical objections. In part to overcome such objections and also to find better ways to use chemical and biological substances in covert operations, Sid Gottlieb moved up in 1959 to become Assistant for Scientific Matters to the Clandestine Services chief. Gottlieb found that TSS had kept the MKULTRA programs so secret that many field people did not even know what techniques were available. He wrote that tight controls over field use in MKDELTA operations "may have generated a general defeatism among case officers," who feared they would not receive permission or that the procedure was not worth the effort. Gottlieb tried to correct these shortcomings by providing more information on the drug arsenal to senior operators and by streamlining the approval process. He had less luck in overcoming views that drugs do not work or are not reliable, and that their operational use leads to laziness and poor tradecraft. If the MKULTRA program had ever found that LSD or any other drug really did turn a man into a puppet, Sid Gottlieb would have had no trouble surmounting all those biases. Instead, Gottlieb and his fellow searchers came frustratingly close but always fell short of finding a reliable control mechanism. LSD certainly penetrated to the innermost regions of the mind. It could spring loose a whole gamut of feelings, from terror to insight. But in the end, the human psyche proved so complex that even the most skilled manipulator could not anticipate all the variables. He could use LSD and other drugs to chip away at free will. He could score temporary victories, and he could alter moods, perceptionsometimes even beliefs. He had the power to cause great harm, but ultimately he could not conquer the human spirit. Notes The CIA's reaction to Frank Olson's death is described in numerous memos released by the Agency to the Olson family, which can be found at pp.1005-1132 of the Kennedy Subcommittee 1975 hearings on Biomedical and Behavioral Research. See particularly at p. 1077, 18 December 1953, Subject: The Suicide of Frank Olson and at p. 1027, 1 December 1953, Subject: Use of LSD. Richard Helms' views on unwitting testing are found in Document #448, 17 December 1963, Subject: Testing of Psychochemicals and Related Materials and in a memorandum to the CIA Director, June 9, 1964, quoted from on page 402 of the Church Committee Report, Book I. George White's diary and letters were donated by his widow to Foothills Junior College, Los Altos, California and are the source of a treasure chest of material on

him, including his letter to a friend explaining his almost being "blackballed" from the CIA, the various diary entries cited, including references to folk-dancing with Gottlieb, the interview with Hal Lipset where he explains his philosophy on chasing criminals, and his letter to Sid Gottlieb dated November 21, (probably) 1972. The New York and San Francisco safehouses run by George White are the subjects of MKULTRA subprojects 3,14,16,42, and 149. White's tips to the landlord are described in 42-156, his liquor bills in 42-157, "dryruns" in 42-91. The New York safehouse run by Charles Siragusa is subproject 132. The "intermediate" tests are described in document 132-59. Paul Avery, a San Francisco freelance writer associated with the Center for Investigative Reporting in Oakland, California interviewed William Hawkins and provided assistance on the details of the San Francisco safehouse and George White's background. Additional information on White came from interviews with his widow, several former colleagues in the Narcotics Bureau, and other knowledgeable sources in various San Francisco law-enforcement agencies. An ex-Narcotics Bureau official told of Dr. James Hamilton's study of unusual sexual practices and the description of his unwitting drug testing comes from MKULTRA subproject 2, which is his subproject. Ray Treichler discussed some of his work with harassment substances in testimony before the Kennedy subcommittee on September 20, 1977, pp. 105-8. He delivered his testimony under the pseudonym "Philip Goldman." "The Gang that Couldn't Spray Straight" article appeared in the September 20, 1977 Washington Post. Richard Helms' decision not to tell John McCone about the CIA's connection to the Mafia in assassination attempts against Castro is described in the Church Committee's Assassination report, pp. 102-3. The 1957 Inspector General's Report on TSS, Document #417 and the 1963 inspection of MKULTRA, 14 August 1963, Document #59 provided considerable detail throughout the entire chapter. The Church Committee Report on MKULTRA in Book I, pp. 385-422 also provided considerable information. Sid Gottlieb's job as Assistant to the Clandestine Services chief for Scientific Matters is described in Document #74 (operational series) 20 October 1959, Subject: Application of Imaginative Research on the Behavioral and Physical Sciences to [deleted] Problems" and in the 1963 Inspector General's report. Interviews with ex-CIA Inspector General Lyman Kirkpatrick, another former Inspector General's staff employee, and several ex-TSS staffers contributed significantly to this chapter. Helms' letter to the Warren Commission on "Soviet Brainwashing Techniques," dated 19 June 1964, was obtained from the National Archives. The material on the CIA's operational use of LSD came from the Church Committee Report, Book I, pp. 399-403 and from an affidavit filed in the Federal Court case of John

D. Marks v. Central Intelligence Agency, et. al., Civil Action No. 76-2073 by Eloise R. Page, Chief, Policy and Coordination Staff of the CIA's Directorate of Operations. In listing all the reasons why the Agency should not provide the operational documents, Ms. Page gave some information on what was in the documents. The passages on TSS's and the Medical Office's positions on the use of LSD came from a memo written by James Angleton, Chief, Counterintelligence Staff on December 12, 1957 quoted in part at p. 401 of the Church Committee Report, Book I. Footnotes 1. CIA operators and agents all had cover names by which they were supposed to be calledeven in classified documents. Gottlieb was "Sherman R. Grifford." George White became "Morgan Hall." 2. One case which put White in every newspaper in the country was his 1949 arrest of blues singer Billie Holliday on an opium charge. To prove she had been set up and was not then using drugs, the singer checked into a California sanitarium that had been recommended by a friend of a friend, Dr. James Hamilton. The jury then acquitted her. Hamilton's involvement is bizarre because he had worked with George White testing truth drugs for OSS, and the two men were good friends. White may have put his own role in perspective when he told a 1970 interviewer he "enjoyed" chasing criminals. "It was a game for me," he said. "I felt quite a bit of compassion for a number of the people that I found it necessary to put in jail, particularly when you'd see the things that would happen to their families. I'd give them a chance to stay out of jail and take care of their families by giving me information, perhaps, and they would stubbornly refuse to do so. They wouldn't be a rat, as they would put it." 3. Despite this indication from White's diary that Lashbrook came to the New York safehouse for an "LSD surprise" and despite his signature on papers authorizing the subproject, Lashbrook flatly denied all firsthand knowledge of George White's testing in 1977 Senate testimony. Subcommittee chairman Edward Kennedy did not press Lashbrook, nor did he refer the matter to the Justice Department for possible perjury charges. 4. This was just one of many expenditures that would drive CIA auditors wild while going over George White's accounts. Others included $44.04 for a telescope, liquor bills over $1,000 "with no record as to the necessity of its use," and $31.75 to make an on-the-spot payment to a neighborhood lady whose car he hit. The reason stated for using government funds for the last expense: "It was important to maintain security and forestall an insurance investigation." 5. In 1984, George Orwell wrote about governmentencouraged prostitution: "Mere debauchery did not matter very much, so long as it was furtive and joyless, and only involved the women of a submerged and despised class." 6. In 1961 MKULTRA officials started a third safehouse in New York, also under the Narcotics Bureau's supervision. This one was handled by Charles Siragusa

who, like White, was a senior agent and OSS veteran. 7. Rhodes' testimony about this incident, which had been set up in advance with Senator Edward Kennedy's staff, brought on the inevitable "Gang That Couldn't Spray Straight" headline in the Washington Post. This approach turned the public perception of a deadly serious program into a kind of practical joke carried out badly by a bunch of bumblers. 8. Lyman Kirkpatrick, the longtime Inspector General who had then recently left the job to take a higher Agency post, had personally known of the safehouse operation since right after Olson's death and had never raised any noticeable objection. He now states he was "shocked" by the unwitting testing, but that he "didn't have the authority to follow up . . . I was trying to determine what the tolerable limits were of what I could do and still keep my job." 9. Trying to explain why he had specifically decided not to inform the CIA Director about the Agency's relationship with the mob, Helms stated to the Church committee, "Mr. McCone was relatively new to this organization, and I guess I must have thought to myself, well this is going to look peculiar to him . . . This was, you know not a very savory effort." Presumably, Helms had similar reasons for not telling McCone about the unwitting drug-testing in the safehouses. 10. Helms was a master of telling different people different stories to suit his purposes. At the precise time he was raising the Soviet menace to push McCone into letting the unwitting testing continue, he wrote the Warren Commission that not only did Soviet behavioral research lag five years behind the West's but that "there is no present evidence that the Soviets have any singular, new potent, drugs . . . to force a course of action on an individual." 11. TSS officials led by Sid Gottlieb, who were responsible for the operational use of LSD abroad, took the position that there was "no danger medically" in unwitting doses and that neither giving a medical exam or having a doctor present was necessary. The Agency's Medical Office disagreed, saying the drug was "medically dangerous." In 1957 Inspector General Lyman Kirkpatrick noted it would be "unrealistic" to give the Medical Office what amounted to veto power over covert operations by letting Agency doctors rule on the health hazard to subjects in the field. 12. While I was doing the research for this book, many people approached me claiming to be victims of CIA drugging plots. Although I listened carefully to all and realized that some might be authentic victims, I had no way of distinguishing between someone acting strangely and someone made to act strangely. Perhaps the most insidious aspect of this whole technique is that anyone blaming his aberrant behavior on a drug or on the CIA gets labeled a hopeless paranoid and his case is thrown into the crank file. There is no better cover than operating on the edge of madness. One leftist professor in a Latin American university who had opposed the CIA says that he was working alone in his office one day in 1974 when a strange woman entered

and jabbed his wrist with a pin stuck in a small round object. Almost immediately, he become irrational, broke glasses, and threw water in colleagues' faces. He says his students spotted an ambulance waiting for him out front. They spirited him out the back door and took him home, where he tripped (or had psychotic episodes) for more than a week. He calls the experience a mix of "heaven and hell," and he shudders at the thought that he might have spent the time in a hospital "with nurses and straitjackets." Although he eventually returned to his post at the university, he states that it took him several years to recover the credibility he lost the day he "went crazy at the office." If the CIA was involved, it had neutralized a foe. 93 Mushrooms to Counterculture The MKULTRA scientists reaped little but disaster, mischief, and disappointment from their efforts to use LSD as a miracle weapon against the minds of their opponents. Nevertheless, their insatiable need to try every possibility led them to test hundreds of other substances, including all the drugs that would later be called psychedelic. These drugs were known to have great potency. They were derived from natural botanical products, and the men from MKULTRA believed from the beginning that rare organic materials might somehow have the greatest effect on the human mind. The most amazing of the psychedelics came from odd corners of the natural world. A1bert Hofmann created LSD largely out of ergot, a fungus that grows on rye; mescaline is nothing more than the synthetic essence of peyote cactus. Psilocybin, the drug that Timothy Leary preferred to LSD for his Harvard experiments, was synthesized from exotic Mexican mushrooms that occupy a special place in CIA history. When the MKULTRA team first embarked on its mindcontrol explorations, the "magic mushroom" was only a rumor or fable in the linear history of the Western world. On nothing more than the possibility that the legend was based on fact, the Agency's scientists tracked the mushroom to the most remote parts of Mexico and then spent lavishly to test and develop its mind-altering properties. The results, like the LSD legacy, were as startling as they were unintended. Among the botanicals that mankind has always turned to for intoxicants and poisons, mushrooms stand out. There is something enchantingly odd about the damp little buttons that can thrill a gourmet or kill one, depending on the subtle differences among the countless varieties. These fungi have a long record in unorthodox warfare. Two thousand years before the CIA looked to unleash powerful mushrooms in covert operations, the Roman Empress Agrippina eliminated her husband Claudius with a dish of poisonous mushrooms. According to Roman history, Agrippina wanted the emperor dead so that her son Nero could take the throne. She planned to take advantage of Claudius' love for the delicious Amanita caesarea mushroom, but she had to choose carefully among its deadly look-alikes. The poison could not be "sudden and instantaneous in its operation, lest the desperate achievement should be discovered," wrote Gordon and

Valentina Wasson in their monumental and definitive work, Mushrooms, Russia and History. The Empress settled on the lethal Amanita phalloides, a fungus the Wassons considered well suited to the crime: "The victim would not give away the game by abnormal indispositions at the meal, but when the seizure came he would be so severely stricken that thereafter he would no longer be in command of his own affairs." Agrippina knew her mushrooms, and Nero became Emperor. CIA mind-control specialists sought to emulate and surpass that kind of sophistication, as it might apply to any conceivable drug. Their fixation on the "magic mushroom" grew indirectly out of a meeting between drug experts and Morse Allen, head of the Agency's ARTICHOKE program, in October 1952. One expert told Allen about a shrub called piule, whose seeds had long been used as an intoxicant by Mexican Indians at religious ceremonies. Allen, who wanted to know about anything that distorted reality, immediately arranged for a young CIA scientist to take a Mexican field trip and gather samples of piule as well as other plants of "high narcotic and toxic value of interest to ARTICHOKE." That young scientist arrived in Mexico City early in 1953. He could not advertise the true purpose of his trip because of ARTICHOKE's extreme secrecy, so he assumed cover as a researcher interested in finding native plants which were anesthetics. Fluent in Spanish and familiar with Mexico, he had no trouble moving around the country, meeting with leading experts on botanicals. Then he was off into the mountains south of the capital with his own field-testing equipment, gathering specimens and testing them crudely on the spot. By February, he had collected sacks full of material, including 10 pounds of piule. Before leaving Mexico to look for more samples around the Caribbean, the young scientist heard amazing tales about special mushrooms that grew only in the hot and rainy summer months. Such stories had circulated among Europeans in Mexico since Cortez had conquered the country early in the sixteenth century. Spanish friars had reported that the Aztecs used strange mushrooms in their religious ceremonies, which these converters of the heathens described as "demonic holy communions." Aztec priests called the special mushrooms teonanactl, "God's flesh." But Cortez's plunderers soon lost track of the rite, as did the traders and anthropologists who followed in their wake. Only the legend survived. Back in Washington, the young scientist's samples went straight to the labs, and Agency officials scoured the historical record for accounts of the strange mushrooms. Morse Allen himself, though responsible in ARTICHOKE research for everything from the polygraph to hypnosis, took the trouble to go through the Indian lore. "Very early accounts of the ceremonies of some tribes of Mexican Indians show that mushrooms are used to produce hallucinations and to create intoxication in connection with religious festivals," he wrote. "In addition, this literature shows that witch doctors or 'divinators' used some types of mushrooms to produce confessions or to locate stolen objects or to predict the future." Here was a possible truth drug, Morse Allen reasoned. "Since it

had been determined that no area of human knowledge is to be left unexplored in connection with the ARTICHOKE program, it was therefore regarded as essential that the peculiar qualities of the mushroom be explored...." Allen declared. "Full consideration," he concluded, should be given to sending an Agency man back to Mexico during the summer. The CIA had begun its quest for "God's flesh." Characteristically, Morse Allen was planning ahead in case the CIA's searchers came up with a mushroom worth having in large quantities. He knew that the supply from the tropics varied by season, and, anyway, it would be impractical to go to Mexico for fungi each time an operational need popped up. So Allen decided to see if it were possible to grow the mushrooms at home, either outdoors or in hothouses. On June 24, 1953, he and an associate drove from Washington to Toughkenamon, Pennsylvania, in the heart of "the largest mushroomgrowing area in the world." At a three-hour session with the captains of the mushroom industry, Allen explained the government's interest in poisonous and narcotic fungi. Allen reported that the meeting "was primarily designed to obtain a 'foothold' in the center of the mushroom-growing industry where, if requirements for mushroom growing were demanded, it would be done by professionals in the trade." The mushroom executives were quite reluctant to grow toxic products because they knew that any accidental publicity would scare their customers. In the end, however, their patriotism won out, and they agreed to grow any kind of fungus the government desired. Allen considered the trip a great success. As useful as this commitment might be, an element of chance remained as long as the CIA had to depend on the natural process. But if the Agency could find synthetic equivalents for the active ingredients, it could manufacture rather than grow its own supply. Toward this goal of bypassing nature, Morse Allen had little choice but to turn for help to the man who the following year would wrest most of the ARTICHOKE functions from his grasp: Sid Gottlieb. Gottlieb, himself a Ph.D. in chemistry, had scientists working for him who knew what to do on the level of test tubes and beakers. Allen ran ARTICHOKE out of the Office of Security, which was not equipped for work on the frontiers of science. Gottlieb and his colleagues moved quickly into the mysteries of the Mexican hallucinogens. They went to work on the chemical structures of the piule and other plants that Morse Allen's emissary brought back from his field trip, but they neglected to report their findings to the bureaucratically outflanked Allen. Gottlieb and the MKULTRA crew soon got caught up in the search for the magic mushroom. While TSS had its own limited laboratory facilities, it depended on secret contractors for most research and development. Working with an associate, a cadaverously thin chemistry Ph.D. named Henry Bortner, Gottlieb passed the tropical plants to a string of corporate and academic researchers. One of them, Dr. James Moore, a 29-yearold chemist at Parke, Davis & Company in Detroit, was destined to be the first man in the CIA camp to taste the magic mushroom. Moore's career was typical of the specialists in the CIA's vast network

of private contractors. His path to the mushroom led through several jobs and offbeat assignments, always with Agency funds and direction behind him. A precise, meticulous man of scientific habits, Moore was hardly the sort one would expect to find chasing psychedelic drugs. Such pursuits began for him in March 1953, when he had returned to his lab at Parke, Davis after a year of postdoctoral research at the University of Basel. His supervisor had called him in with an intriguing proposal: How would he like to work inside the company on a CIA contract? "Those were not particularly prosperous times, and the company was glad to get someone else to pay my salary [$8,000 a year]," notes Moore 25 years later. "If I had thought I was participating in a scheme run by a small band of mad individuals, I would have demurred." He accepted the job. The Agency contracted with Parke, Davis, as it did with numerous other drug companies, universities, and government agencies to develop behavioral products and poisons from botanicals. CIA-funded chemists extracted deadly substances like the arrow-poison curare from natural products, while others worked on ways to deliver these poisons most effectively, like the "nondiscernible microbioinoculator" (or dart gun) that the Army Chemical Corps invented. CIA-connected botanists collectedand then chemists analyzedbotanicals from all over the tropics: a leaf that killed cattle, several plants deadly to fish, another leaf that caused hair to fall out, sap that caused temporary blindness, and a host of other natural products that could alter moods, dull or stimulate nerves, or generally disorient people. Among the plants Moore investigated was Jamaica dogwood, a plant used by Caribbean natives to stun fish so they could be easily captured for food. This work resulted in the isolation of several new substances, one of which Moore named "lisetin," in honor of his daughter. Moore had no trouble adjusting to the secrecy demanded by his CIA sponsors, having worked on the Manhattan Project as a graduate student. He dealt only with his own case officer, Henry Bortner, and two or three other CIA men in TSS. Once Moore completed his chemical work on a particular substance, he turned the results over to Bortner and apparently never learned of the follow-up. Moore worked in his own little isolated compartment, and he soon recognized that the Agency preferred contractors who did not ask questions about what was going on in the next box. In 1955 Moore left private industry for academia, moving from Detroit to the relatively placid setting of the University of Delaware in Newark. The school made him an assistant professor, and he moved into a lab in the Georgian red-brick building that housed the chemistry department. Along with his family, Moore brought his CIA contractthen worth $16,000 a year, of which he received $650 per month, with the rest going to pay research assistants and overhead. Although the Agency allowed a few top university officials to be briefed on his secret connection, Moore appeared to his colleagues and students to be a normal professor who had a healthy research grant from the Geschickter Fund for Medical Research in

Washington. In the world of natural productsparticularly mushroomsthe CIA soon made Moore a full-service agent. With some help from his CIA friends, he made contact with the leading lights in mycology (the study of mushrooms), attended professional meetings, and arranged for others to send him samples. From the CIA's point of view, he could not have had better cover. As Sid Gottlieb wrote, Moore "maintains the fiction that the botanical specimens he collects are for his own use since his field interest is natural-product chemistry." Under this pretext, Moore had a perfect excuse to make and purchase for the CIA chemicals that the Agency did not want traced. Over the years, Moore billed the Agency for hundreds of purchases, including 50 cents for an unidentified pamphlet, $433.13 for a particular shipment of mescaline, $1147.60 for a large quantity of mushrooms, and $12,000 for a quarterton of fluothane, an inhalation anesthetic. He shipped his purchases on as Bortner directed. Moore eventually became a kind of short-order cook for what CIA documents call "offensive CW, BW" weapons at "very low cost and in a few days' time . . ." If there were an operational need, Bortner had only to call in the order, and Moore would whip up a batch of a "reputed depilatory" or hallucinogens like DMT or the incredibly potent BZ. On one occasion in 1963, Moore prepared a small dose of a very lethal carbamate poisonthe same substance that OSS used two decades earlier to try to kill Adolf Hitler. Moore charged the Agency his regular consulting fee, $100, for this service. "Did I ever consider what would have happened if this stuff were given to unwitting people?" Moore asks, reflecting on his CIA days. "No. Particularly no. Had I been given that information, I think I would have been prepared to accept that. If I had been knee-jerk about testing on unwitting subjects, I wouldn't have been the type of person they would have used. There was nothing that I did that struck me as being so sinister and deadly.... It was all investigative." James Moore was only one of many CIA specialists on the lookout for the magic mushroom. For three years after Morse Allen's man returned from Mexico with his tales of wonder, Moore and the others in the Agency's network pushed their lines of inquiry among contacts and travelers into Mexican villages so remote that Spanish had barely penetrated. Yet they found no magic mushrooms. Given their efforts, it was ironic that the man who beat them to "God's flesh" was neither a spy nor a scientist, but a banker. It was R. Gordon Wasson, vice-president of J. P. Morgan & Company, amateur mycologist, and co-author with his wife Valentina of Mushrooms, Russia and History. Nearly 30 years earlier, Wasson and his Russian-born wife had become fascinated by the different ways that societies deal with the mushroom, and they followed their lifelong obsession with these fungi, in all their glory, all over the globe.[1] They found whole nationalities, such as the Russians and the Catalans, were mycophiles, while others like the Spaniards and the Anglo-Saxons were not. They learned that in ancient Greece and Rome there was a belief that certain kinds of mushrooms were brought

into being by lightning bolts. They discovered that widely scattered peoples, including desert Arabs, Siberians, Chinese, and Maoris of New Zealand, have shared the idea that mushrooms have supernatural connections. Their book appeared in limited edition, selling new in 1957 for $125. It contains facts and legends, lovingly told, as well as beautiful photographs of nearly every known species of mushroom. Inevitably, the Wassons heard tell of "God's flesh," and in 1953 they started spending their vacations pursuing it. They took their first unsuccessful trek to Mexico about the time James Moore got connected to the CIA and Morse Allen met with the Pennsylvania mushroom executives. They had no luck until their third expedition, when Gordon Wasson and his traveling companion, Allan Richardson, found their holy grail high in the mountains above Oaxaca. On June 29, 1955, they entered the town hall in a village called Huautla de Jimenez. There, they found a young Indian about 35, sitting by a large table in an upstairs room. Unlike most people in the village, he spoke Spanish. "He had a friendly manner," Wasson later wrote, "and I took a chance. Leaning over the table, I asked him earnestly and in a low voice if I could speak to him in confidence. Instantly curious, he encouraged me. 'Will you,' I went on, 'help me learn the secrets of the divine mushroom?' and I used the Indian name nti sheeto, correctly pronouncing it with glottal stop and tonal differentiation of the syllables. When [he] recovered from his surprise he said warmly that nothing could be easier." Shortly thereafter, the Indian led Wasson and Richardson down into a deep ravine where mushrooms were growing in abundance. The white men snapped picture after picture of the fungi and picked a cardboard box-full. Then, in the heavy humid heat of the afternoon, the Indian led them up the mountain to a woman who performed the ancient mushroom rite. Her name was Maria Sabina. She was not only a curandera, or shaman, of "the highest quality," wrote Wasson, but a "seora sin mancha, a woman without stain." Wasson described her as middle-aged and short, "with a spirituality in her expression that struck us at once. She had a presence. We showed our mushrooms to the woman and her daughter. They cried out in rapture over the firmness, the fresh beauty and abundance of our young specimens. Through the interpreter we asked if they would serve us that night. They said yes." That night, Wasson, Richardson, and about 20 Indians gathered in one of the village's adobe houses. The natives wore their best clothes and were friendly to the white strangers. The host provided chocolate drinks, which evoked for Wasson accounts of similar beverages being served early Spanish writers. Maria Sabina sat on a mat before a simple altar table that was adorned with the images of the Child Jesus and the Baptism in Jordan. After cleaning the mushrooms, she handed them out to all the adults present, keeping 26 for herself and giving Wasson and Richardson 12 each. Maria Sabina put out the last candle about midnight, and she chanted haunting, tightly measured melodies. The

Indian celebrants responded with deep feeling. Both Wasson and Richardson began to experience intense hallucinations that did not diminish until about 4:00 A.M. "We were never more wide awake, and the visions came whether our eyes were open or closed," Wasson wrote: They emerged from the center of the field of our vision, opening up as they came, now rushing, now slowly at the pace that our will chose. They were vivid in color, always harmonious. They began with art motifs, such as might decorate carpets or textiles or wallpaper or the drawing board of an architect. Then they evolved into palaces with courts, arcades, gardensresplendent palaces with semiprecious stones.... Could the miraculous mobility that I was now enjoying be the explanation for the flying witches that played some important part in the folklore and fairy tales of northern Europe? These reflections passed through my mind at the very time that I was seeing the vision, for the effect of the mushrooms is to bring about a fission of the spirit, a split in the person, a kind of schizophrenia, with the rational side continuing to reason and to observe the sensations that the other side is enjoying. The mind is attached by an elastic cord to the vagrant senses. Thus Gordon Wasson described the first known mushroom trip by "outsiders" in recorded history. The CIA's men missed the event, but they quickly learned of it, even though Wasson's visit was a private noninstitutional one to a place where material civilization had not reached. Such swiftness was assured by the breadth of the Agency's informant network, which included formal liaison arrangements with agencies like the Agriculture Department and the FDA and informal contacts all over the world. A botanist in Mexico City sent the report that reached both CIA headquarters and then James Moore. In the best bureaucratic form, the CIA description of Wasson's visions stated sparsely that the New York banker thought he saw "a multitude of architectural forms." Still, "God's flesh" had been located, and the MKULTRA leaders snatched up information that Wasson planned to return the following summer and bring back some mushrooms. During the intervening winter, James Moore wrote Wasson"out of the blue," as Wasson recallsand expressed a desire to look into the chemical properties of Mexican fungi. Moore eventually suggested that he would like to accompany Wasson's party, and, to sweeten the proposition, he mentioned that he knew a foundation that might be willing to help underwrite the expedition. Sure enough, the CIA's conduit, the Geschickter Fund, made a $2,000 grant. Inside the MKULTRA program, the quest for the divine mushroom became Subproject 58. Joining Moore and Wasson on the 1956 trip were the world-renowned French mycologist Roger Heim and a colleague from the Sorbonne. The party made the final leg of the trip, one at a time, in a tiny Cessna, but when it was Moore's turn, the load proved too much for the plane. The pilot suddenly took a dramatic right angle turn through a narrow canyon and made an unscheduled stop on the side of a hill. Immediately on landing, an Indian girl ran out and slid blocks under the wheels, so the

plane would not roll back into a ravine. The pilot decided to lighten the load by leaving Moore among the local Indians, who spoke neither English nor Spanish. Later in the day, the plane returned and picked up the shaken Moore. Finally in Huautla, sleeping on a dirt floor and eating local food, everyone reveled in the primitiveness of the adventure except Moore, who suffered. In addition to diarrhea, he recalls, "I had a terribly bad cold, we damned near starved to death, and I itched all over." Beyond his physical woes, Moore became more and more alienated from the others, who got on famously. Moore was a "complainer," according to Wasson. "He had no empathy for what was going on," recalls Wasson. "He was like a landlubber at sea. He got sick to his stomach and hated it all." Moore states, "Our relationship deteriorated during the course of the trip." Wasson returned to the same Maria Sabina who had led him to the high ground the year before. Again the ritual started well after dark and, for everyone but Moore, it was an enchanted evening. Sings Wasson: "I had the most superb feelinga feeling of ecstasy. You're raised to a height where you have not been in everyday lifenot ever." Moore, on the other hand, never left the lowlands. His description: "There was all this chanting in the dialect. Then they passed the mushrooms around, and we chewed them up. I did feel the hallucinogenic effect, although 'disoriented' would be a better word to describe my reaction." Soon thereafter, Moore returned to Delaware with a bag of mushroomsjust in time to take his pregnant wife to the hospital for delivery. After dropping her off with the obstetrician, he continued down the hall to another doctor about his digestion. Already a thin man, Moore had lost 15 pounds. Over the next week, he slowly nursed himself back to health. He reported in to Bortner and started preliminary work in his lab to isolate the active ingredient in the mushrooms. Bortner urged him on; the men from MKULTRA were excited at the prospect that they might be able to create "a completely new chemical agent." They wanted their own private supply of "God's flesh." Sid Gottlieb wrote that if Moore succeeded, it was "quite possible" that the new drugs could "remain an Agency secret." Gottlieb's dream of a CIA monopoly on the divine mushroom vanished quickly under the influence of unwanted competitors, and indeed, the Agency soon faced a control problem of burgeoning proportions. While Moore toiled in his lab, Roger Heim in Paris unexpectedly pulled off the remarkable feat of growing the mushrooms in artificial culture from spore prints he had made in Mexico. Heim then sent samples to none other than Albert Hofmann, the discoverer of LSD, who quickly isolated and chemically reproduced the active chemical ingredient. He named it psilocybin. The dignified Swiss chemist had beaten out the CIA,[2] and the men from MKULTRA found themselves trying to obtain formulas and supplies from overseas. Instead of locking up the world's supply of the drug in a safe somewhere, they had to keep track of disbursements from

Sandoz, as they were doing with LSD. Defeated by the old master, Moore laid his own work aside and sent away to Sandoz for a supply of psilocybin. This lapse in control still did not quash the hopes of Agency officials that the mushroom might become a powerful weapon in covert operations. Agency scientists rushed it into the experimental stage. Within three summers of the first trip with James Moore, the CIA's queasy professor from America, the mushroom had journeyed through laboratories on two continents, and its chemical essence had worked its way back to Agency conduits and a contractor who would test it. In Kentucky, Dr. Harris Isbell ordered psilocybin injected into nine black inmates at the narcotics prison. His staff laid the subjects out on beds as the drug took hold and measured physical symptoms every hour: blood pressure, knee-jerk reflexes, rectal temperature, precise diameter of eye pupils, and so on. In addition, they recorded the inmates' various subjective feelings: After 30 minutes, anxiety became quite definite and was expressed as consisting of fear that something evil was going to happen, fear of insanity, or of death.... At times patients had the sensation that they could see the blood and bones in their own body or in that of another person. They reported many fantasies or dreamlike states in which they seemed to be elsewhere. Fantastic experiences, such as trips to the moon or living in gorgeous castles were occasionally reported.... Two of the 9 patients . . . felt their experiences were caused by the experimenters controlling their minds.... Experimental data piled up, with operational testing to follow. But the magic mushroom never became a good spy weapon. It made people behave strangely but no one could predict where their trips would take them. Agency officials craved certainty. On the other hand, Gordon Wasson found revelation. After a lifetime of exploring and adoring mushrooms, he had discovered the greatest wonder of all in that remote Indian village. His experience inspired him to write an account of his journey for the "Great Adventures" series in Life magazine. The story, spread across 17 pages of text and color photographs, was called "Seeking the Magic Mushroom: A New York banker goes to Mexico's mountains to participate in the age-old rituals of Indians who chew strange growths that produce visions." In 1957, before the Russian sputnik shook America later that year, Life introduced its millions of readers to the mysteries of hallucinogens, with a tone of glowing but dignified respect. Wasson wrote movingly of his long search for mushroom lore, and he became positively rhapsodic in reflecting on his Mexican "trip": In man's evolutionary past, as he groped his way out from his lowly past, there must have come a moment in time when he discovered the secret of the hallucinatory mushrooms. Their effect on him, as I see it, could only have been profound, a detonator to new ideas. For the mushrooms revealed to him worlds beyond the horizons known to him, in space and time, even worlds on a different plane of being, a heaven and perhaps a hell.

For the credulous, primitive mind, the mushrooms must have reinforced mightily the idea of the miraculous. Many emotions are shared by men with the animal kingdom, but awe and reverence and the fear of God are peculiar to men. When we bear in mind the beatific sense of awe and ecstasy and caritas engendered by the divine mushrooms, one is emboldened to the point of asking whether they may not have planted in primitive man the very idea of God. The article caused a sensation in the United States, where people had already been awakened to ideas like these by Aldous Huxley's The Doors of Perception. It lured waves of respectable adultsprecursors of later hippie travelersto Mexico in search of their own curanderas. (Wasson came to have mixed feelings about the response to his story, after several tiny Mexican villages were all but trampled by American tourists on the prowl for divinity.) One person whose curiosity was stimulated by the article was a young psychology professor named Timothy Leary. In 1959, in Mexico on vacation, he ate his first mushrooms. He recalls he "had no idea it was going to change my life." Leary had just been promised tenure at Harvard, but his life of conventional prestige lost appeal for him within five hours of swallowing the mushroom: "The revelation had come. The veil had been pulled back.... The prophetic call. The works. God had spoken." Having responded to a Life article about an expedition that was partially funded by the CIA, Leary returned to a Harvard campus where students and professors had for years served as subjects for CIA- and military-funded LSD experiments. His career as a drug prophet lay before him. Soon he would be quoting in his own Kamasutra from the CIA's contractor Harold Abramson and others, brought together for scholarly drug conferences by the sometime Agency conduit, the Macy Foundation. With LSD, as with mushrooms, the men from MKULTRA remained oblivious, for the most part, to the rebellious effect of the drug culture in the United States. "I don't think we were paying any attention to it," recalls a TSS official. The CIA's scientists looked at drugs from a different perspective and went on trying to fashion their spy arsenal. Through the entire 1960s and into the 1970s, the Agency would scour Latin America for poisonous and narcotic plants.[3] Earlier, TSS officials and contractors actually kept spreading the magic touch of drugs by forever pressing new university researchers into the field. Boston Psychopathic's Max Rinkel stirred up the interest of Rochester's Harold Hodge and told him how to get a grant from the Agency conduit, the Geschickter Fund. Hodge's group found a way to put a radioactive marker into LSD, and the MKULTRA crew made sure that the specially treated substance found its way to still more scientists. When a contractor like Harold Abramson spoke highly of the drug at a new conference or seminar, tens or hundreds of scientists, health professionals, and subjectsusually studentswould wind up trying LSD. One day in 1954, Ralph Blum, a senior at Harvard on his way to a career as a successful author, heard from a friend that doctors at Boston Psychopathic would pay $25

to anyone willing to spend a day as a happy schizophrenic. Blum could not resist. He applied, passed the screening process, took a whole battery of Wechsler psychological tests, and was told to report back on a given morning. That day, he was shown into a room with five other Harvard students. Project director Bob Hyde joined them and struck Blum as a reassuring father figure. Someone brought in a tray with six little glasses full of water and LSD. The students drank up. For Blum, the drug did not take hold for about an hour and a half somewhat longer than the average. While Hyde was in the process of interviewing him, Blum felt his mind shift gears. "I looked at the clock on the wall and thought how well behaved it was. It didn't pay attention to itself. It just stayed on the wall and told time." Blum felt that he was looking at everything around him from a new perspective. "It was a very subtle thing," he says. "My ego filter had been pretty much removed. I turned into a very accessible state accessible to myself. I knew when someone was lying to me, and the richness of the experience was such that I didn't want to suffer fools gladly." Twenty-four years later, Blum concludes: "It was undeniably a very important experience for me. It made a difference in my life. It began to move the log jam of my old consciousness. You can't do it with just one blast. It was the beginning of realizing it was safe to love again. Although I wouldn't use them until much later, it gave me a new set of optics. It let me know there was something downstream."[4] Many student subjects like Blum thought LSD transformed the quality of their lives. Others had no positive feelings, and some would later use the negative memories of their trips to invalidate the whole drug culture and stoned thinking process of the 1960s. In a university city like Boston where both the CIA and the Army were carrying on large testing programs at hospitals connected to Harvard, volunteering for an LSD trip became quite popular in academic circles. Similar reactions, although probably not as pronounced, occurred in other intellectual centers. The intelligence agencies turned to America's finest universities and hospitals to try LSD, which meant that the cream of the country's students and graduate assistants became the test subjects. In 1969 the Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs published a fascinating little study designed to curb illegal LSD use. The authors wrote that the drug's "early use was among small groups of intellectuals at large Eastern and West Coast universities. It spread to undergraduate students, then to other campuses. Most often, users have been introduced to the drug by persons of higher status. Teachers have influenced students; upperclassmen have influenced lower-classmen." Calling this a "trickle-down phenomenon," the authors seem to have correctly analyzed how LSD got around the country. They left out only one vital element, which they had no way of knowing: That somebody had to influence the teachers and that up there at the top of the LSD distribution system could be found the men of MKULTRA. Harold Abramson apparently got a great kick out of getting his learned friends high on LSD. He first turned

on Frank Fremont-Smith, head of the Macy Foundation which passed CIA money to Abramson. In this cozy little world where everyone knew everybody, Fremont-Smith organized the conferences that spread the word about LSD to the academic hinterlands. Abramson also gave Gregory Bateson, Margaret Mead's former husband, his first LSD. In 1959 Bateson, in turn, helped arrange for a beat poet friend of his named Allen Ginsberg to take the drug at a research program located of f the Stanford campus. No stranger to the hallucinogenic effects of peyote, Ginsberg reacted badly to what he describes as "the closed little doctor's room full of instruments," where he took the drug. Although he was allowed to listen to records of his choice (he chose a Gertrude Stein reading, a Tibetan mandala, and Wagner), Ginsberg felt he "was being connected to Big Brother's brain." He says that the experience resulted in "a slight paranoia that hung on all my acid experiences through the mid-1960s until I learned from meditation how to disperse that." Anthropologist and philosopher Gregory Bateson then worked at the Veterans Administration Hospital in Palo Alto. From 1959 on, Dr. Leo Hollister was testing LSD at that same hospital. Hollister says he entered the hallucinogenic field reluctantly because of the "unscientific" work of the early LSD researchers. He refers specifically to most of the people who attended Macy conferences. Thus, hoping to improve on CIA and military-funded work, Hollister tried drugs out on student volunteers, including a certain Ken Kesey, in 1960. Kesey said he was a jock who had only been drunk once before, but on three successive Tuesdays, he tried different psychedelics. "Six weeks later I'd bought my first ounce of grass," Kesey later wrote, adding, "Six months later I had a job at that hospital as a psychiatric aide." Out of that experience, using drugs while he wrote, Kesey turned out One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. He went on to become the counterculture's second most famous LSD visionary, spreading the creed throughout the land, as Tom Wolfe would chronicle in The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test. CIA officials never meant that the likes of Leary, Kesey, and Ginsberg should be turned on. Yet these men were, and they, along with many of the lesser-known experimental subjects, like Harvard's Ralph Blum, created the climate whereby LSD escaped the government's control and became available by the early sixties on the black market. No one at the Agency apparently foresaw that young Americans would voluntarily take the drugwhether for consciousness expansion or recreational purposes. The MKULTRA experts were mainly on a control trip, and they proved incapable of gaining insight from their own LSD experiences of how others less fixated on making people do their bidding would react to the drug. It would be an exaggeration to put all the blame on or give all the credit tothe CIA for the spread of LSD. One cannot forget the nature of the times, the Vietnam War, the breakdown in authority, and the wide availability of other drugs, especially marijuana. But the fact remains that LSD was one of the catalysts of the traumatic upheavals of the 1960s. No one could enter the

world of psychedelics without first passing, unawares, through doors opened by the Agency. It would become a supreme irony that the CIA's enormous search for weapons among drugsfueled by the hope that spies could, like Dr. Frankenstein, control life with genius and machineswould wind up helping to create the wandering, uncontrollable minds of the counterculture. Notes R. Gordon and Valentina Wasson's mammoth work, Mushrooms, Russia and History, (New York: Pantheon, 1957), was the source for the account of the Empress Agrippina's murderous use of mushrooms. Wasson told the story of his various journeys to Mexico in a series of interviews and in a May 27, 1957 Life magazine article, "Seeking the Magic Mushroom." Morse Allen learned of piule in a sequence described in document #A/B,I,33/7, 14 November 1952, Subject: Piule. The sending of the young CIA scientist to Mexico was outlined in #A/B, I,33/3,5 December 1952. Morse Allen commented on mushroom history and covert possibilities in #A/B, I, 34/4, 26 June 1953, Subject: MushroomsNarcotic and Poisonous Varieties. His trip to the American mushroom-growing capital was described in Document Number illegible], 25 June 1953, Subject: Trip to Toughkenamon, Pennsylvania. The failure of TSS to tell Morse Allen about the results of the botanical lab work is outlined in #A/B, I, 39/5, 10 August 1954 Subject: Reports; Request for from TSS [deleted]. James Moore told much about himself in a long interview and in an exchange of correspondence. MKULTRA Subproject 51 dealt with Moore's consulting relationship with the Agency and Subproject 52 with his ties as a procurer of chemicals. See especially Document 51-46, 8 April 1963, Subject: MKULTRA Subproject 51; 51-24, 27 August 1956, Subject: MKULTRA Subproject 51-B; 52-94, 20 February 1963, Subject: (BB) Chemical and Physical Manipulants; 52-19, 20 December 1962; 52-17, 1 March 1963; 52-23, 6 December 1962; 52-64, 24 August 1959. The CIA's arrangements with the Department of Agriculture are detailed in #A/B, I, 34/4, 26 June, 1953, Subject: MushroomsNarcotic and Poisonous varieties and Document [number illegible], 13 April 1953, Subject: Interview with Cleared Contacts. Dr. Harris Isbell's work with psilocybin is detailed in Isbell document # 155, "Comparison of the Reaction Induced by Psilocybin and LSD-25 in Man." Information on the counterculture and its interface with CIA drug-testing came from interviews with Timothy Leary, Allen Ginsburg, Humphrey Osmond, John Lilly, Sidney Cohen, Ralph Blum, Herbert Kelman, Leo Hollister, Herbert DeShon, and numerous others. Ken Kesey described his first trip in Garage Sale (New York: Viking Press, 1973). Timothy Leary's Kamasutra was actually a book hand-produced in four copies and called Psychedelic Theory: Working Papers from the Harvard IFlF Psychedelic Research Project, 1960-1963. Susan Berns Wolf Rothchild kindly made her copy available. The material about Harold Abramson's turning on Frank Fremont-Smith and Gregory Bateson came from the proceedings of a conference on LSD sponsored by the Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation on April 22,

23, and 24, 1959, pp. 8-22. Footnotes 1. On their honeymoon, in the summer of 1927, the Wassons were strolling along a mountain path when suddenly Valentina abandoned Gordon's side. "She had spied wild mushrooms in the forest," wrote Wasson, "and racing over the carpet of dried leaves in the woods, she knelt in poses of adoration before one cluster and then another of these growths. In ecstasy she called each kind by an endearing Russian name. Like all good Anglo-Saxons, I knew nothing about the fungal world and felt the less I knew about these putrid, treacherous excrescences the better. For her they were things of grace infinitely inviting to the perceptive mind." In spite of his protests, Valentina gathered up the mushrooms and brought them back to the lodge were she cooked them for dinner. She ate them allalone. Wasson wanted no part of the fungi. While she mocked his horror, he predicted in the face of her laughter he would wake up a widower the next morning. When Valentina survived, the couple decided to find an explanation for "the strange cultural cleavage" that had caused them to react so differently to mushrooms. From then on, they were hooked, and the world became the richer. 2. Within two years, Albert Hofmann would scoop the CIA once again, with some help from Gordon Wasson. In 1960 Hofmann broke down and chemically recreated the active ingredient in hallucinatory ololiuqui seeds sent him by Wasson before the Agency's contractor, William Boyd Cook of Montana State University, could do the job. Hofmann's and Wasson's professional relationship soon grew into friendship, and in 1962 they traveled together on horseback to Huautla de Jimenez to visit Maria Sabina. Hofmann presented the curandera with some genuine Sandoz psilocybin. Wasson recalls: "Of course, Albert Hofmann is so conservative he always gives too little a dose, and it didn't have any effect." The crestfallen Hofmann believed he had duplicated "God's flesh," and he doubled the dose. Then Maria Sabina had her customary visions, and she reported, according to Wasson, the drug was the "same" as the mushroom. States Wasson, whose prejudice for real mushrooms over chemicals is unmistakable, "I don't think she said it with very much enthusiasm." 3. See Chapter 12. 4. Lincoln Clark, a psychiatrist who tested LSD for the Army at Massachusetts General Hospital, reflects a fairly common view among LSD researchers when he belittles drug-induced thinking of the sort described by Blum. "Everybody who takes LSD has an incredible experience that you can look at as having positive characteristics. I view it as pseudo-insight. This is part of the usual response of intellectually pretentious people." On the other hand, psychiatrist Sidney Cohen, who has written an important book on LSD, noted that to experience a visionary trip, "the devotee must have faith in, or at least be open to the possibility of the 'other state.' . . . He must 'let go,' not offer too much resistance to losing his personal identity. The ability to surrender oneself is probably the most important operation of all."

PART III SPELLSELECTRODES AND HYPNOSIS Brainwashing In September 1950, the Miami News published an article by Edward Hunter titled " 'Brain-Washing' Tactics Force Chinese into Ranks of Communist Party." It was the first printed use in any language of the term "brainwashing," which quickly became a stock phrase in Cold War headlines. Hunter, a CIA propaganda operator who worked under cover as a journalist, turned out a steady stream of books and articles on the subject. He made up his coined word from the Chinese hsi-nao"to cleanse the mind"which had no political meaning in Chinese. American public opinion reacted strongly to Hunter's ideas, no doubt because of the hostility that prevailed toward communist foes, whose ways were perceived as mysterious and alien. Most Americans knew something about the famous trial of the Hungarian Josef Cardinal Mindszenty, at which the Cardinal appeared zombie-like, as though drugged or hypnotized. Other defendants at Soviet "show trials" had displayed similar symptoms as they recited unbelievable confessions in dull, clichridden monotones. Americans were familiar with the idea that the communists had ways to control hapless people, and Hunter's new word helped pull together the unsettling evidence into one sharp fear. The brainwashing controversy intensified during the heavy 1952 fighting in Korea, when the Chinese government launched a propaganda offensive that featured recorded statements by captured U.S. pilots, who "confessed" to a variety of war crimes including the use of germ warfare. The official American position on prisoner confessions was that they were false and forced. As expressed in an Air Force Headquarters document, "Confessions can be of truthful details.... For purposes of this section, 'confessions' are considered as being the forced admission to a lie." But if the military had understandable reasons to gloss over the truth or falsity of the confessions, this still did not address the fact that confessions had been made at all. Nor did it lay to rest the fears of those like Edward Hunter who saw the confessions as proof that the communists now had techniques "to put a man's mind into a fog so that he will mistake what is true for what is untrue, what is right for what is wrong, and come to believe what did not happen actually had happened, until he ultimately becomes a robot for the Communist manipulator." By the end of the Korean War, 70 percent of the 7,190 U.S. prisoners held in China had either made confessions or signed petitions calling for an end to the American war effort in Asia. Fifteen percent collaborated fully with the Chinese, and only 5 percent steadfastly resisted. The American performance contrasted poorly with that of the British, Australian, Turkish, and other United Nations prisonersamong whom collaboration was rare, even though studies showed they were treated about as badly as the Americans. Worse, an alarming number of the prisoners stuck by their confessions after returning to the United States. They did not, as expected, recant as soon as they stepped on U.S. soil. Puzzled and

dismayed by this wholesale collapse of morale among the POWs, American opinion leaders settled in on Edward Hunter's explanation: The Chinese had somehow brainwashed our boys. But how? At the height of the brainwashing furor, conservative spokesmen often seized upon the very mystery of it all to give a religious cast to the political debate. All communists have been, by definition, brainwashed through satanic forces, they arguedthereby making the enemy seem like robots completely devoid of ordinary human feelings and motivation. Liberals favored a more scientific view of the problem. Given the incontrovertible evidence that the Russians and the Chinese could, in a very short time and often under difficult circumstances, alter the basic belief and behavior patterns of both domestic and foreign captives, liberals argued that there must be a technique involved that would yield its secrets under objective investigation. CIA Director Allen Dulles favored the scientific approach, although he naturally encouraged his propaganda experts to exploit the more emotional interpretations of brainwashing. Dulles and the heads of the other American security agencies became almost frantic in their efforts to find out more about the Soviet and Chinese successes in mind control. Under pressure for answers, Dulles turned to Dr. Harold Wolff, a world-famous neurologist with whom he had developed an intensely personal relationship. Wolff was then treating Dulles' own son for brain damage suffered from a Korean War head wound. Together they shared the trauma of the younger Dulles' fits and mental lapses. Wolff, a skinny little doctor with an overpowering personality, became fast friends with the tall, patrician CIA Director. Dulles may have seen brainwashing as an induced form of brain damage or mental illness. In any case, in late 1953, he asked Wolff to conduct an official study of communist brainwashing techniques for the CIA. Wolff, who had become fascinated by the Director's tales of the clandestine world, eagerly accepted. Harold Wolff was known primarily as an expert on migraine headaches and pain, but he had served on enough military and intelligence advisory panels that he knew how to pick up Dulles' mandate and expand on it. He formed a working partnership with Lawrence Hinkle, his colleague at Cornell University Medical College in New York City. Hinkle handled the administrative part of the study and shared in the substance. Before going ahead, the two doctors made sure they had the approval of Cornell's president, Deane W. Malott and other high university officials who checked with their contacts in Washington to make sure the project did indeed have the great importance that Allen Dulles stated. Hinkle recalls a key White House aide urging Cornell to cooperate. The university administration agreed, and soon Wolff and Hinkle were poring over the Agency's classified files on brainwashing. CIA officials also helped arrange interviews with former communist interrogators and prisoners alike. "It was done with great secrecy," recalls Hinkle. "We went through a great deal of hoop-dedo

and signed secrecy agreements, which everyone took very seriously." The team of Wolff and Hinkle became the chief brainwashing studiers for the U.S. government, although the Air Force and Army ran parallel programs.[1] Their secret report to Allen Dulles, later published in a declassified version, was considered the definitive U.S. Government work on the subject. In fact, if allowances are made for the Cold War rhetoric of the fifties, the Wolff-Hinkle report still remains one of the better accounts of the massive political re-education programs in China and the Soviet Union. It stated flatly that neither the Soviets nor the Chinese had any magical weaponsno drugs, exotic mental ray-guns, or other fanciful machines. Instead, the report pictured communist interrogation methods resting on skillful, if brutal, application of police methods. Its portrait of the Soviet system anticipates, in dry and scholarly form, the work of novelist Alexander Solzhenitzyn in The Gulag Archipelago. Hinkle and Wolff showed that the Soviet technique rested on the cumulative weight of intense psychological pressure and human weakness, and this thesis alone earned the two Cornell doctors the enmity of the more right-wing CIA officials such as Edward Hunter. Several of his former acquaintances remember that Hunter was fond of saying that the Soviets brainwashed people the way Pavlov had conditioned dogs. In spite of some dissenters like Hunter, the WolffHinkle model became, with later refinements, the best available description of extreme forms of political indoctrination. According to the general consensus, the Soviets started a new prisoner off by putting him in solitary confinement. A rotating corps of guards watched him constantly, humiliating and demeaning him at every opportunity and making it clear he was totally cut off from all outside support. The guards ordered him to stand for long periods, let him sit, told him exactly the position he could take to lie down, and woke him if he moved in the slightest while sleeping. They banned all outside stimulibooks, conversation, or news of the world. After four to six weeks of this mind-deadening routine, the prisoner usually found the stress unbearable and broke down. "He weeps, he mutters, and prays aloud in his cell," wrote Hinkle and Wolff. When the prisoner reached this stage, the interrogation began. Night after night, the guards brought him into a special room to face the interrogator. Far from confronting his captive with specific misdeeds, the interrogator told him that he knew his own crimesall too well. In the most harrowing Kafkaesque way, the prisoner tried to prove his innocence to he knew not what. Together the interrogator and prisoner reviewed the prisoner's life in detail. The interrogator seized on any inconsistencyno matter how minuteas further evidence of guilt, and he laughed at the prisoner's efforts to justify himself. But at least the prisoner was getting a response of some sort. The long weeks of isolation and uncertainty had made him grateful for human contact even grateful that his case was moving toward resolution. True, it moved only as fast

as he was willing to incriminate himself, but . . . Gradually, he came to see that he and his interrogator were working toward the same goal of wrapping up his case. In tandem, they ransacked his soul. The interrogator would periodically let up the pressure. He offered a cigarette, had a friendly chat, explained he had a job to domaking it all the more disappointing the next time he had to tell the prisoner that his confession was unsatisfactory . As the charges against him began to take shape, the prisoner realized that he could end his ordeal only with a full confession. Otherwise the grueling sessions would go on forever. "The regimen of pressure has created an overall discomfort which is well nigh intolerable," wrote Hinkle and Wolff. "The prisoner invariably feels that 'something must be done to end this.' He must find a way out." A former KGB officer, one of many former interrogators and prisoners interviewed for the CIA study, said that more than 99 percent of all prisoners signed a confession at this stage. In the Soviet system under Stalin, these confessions were the final step of the interrogation process, and the prisoners usually were shot or sent to a labor camp after sentencing. Today, Russian leaders seem much less insistent on exacting confessions before jailing their foes, but they still use the penal (and mental health) system to remove from the population classes of people hostile to their rule. The Chinese took on the more ambitious task of reeducating their prisoners. For them, confession was only the beginning. Next, the Chinese authorities moved the prisoner into a group cell where his indoctrination began. From morning to night, he and his fellow prisoners studied Marx and Mao, listened to lectures, and engaged in self-criticism. Since the progress of each member depended on that of his cellmates, the group pounced on the slightest misconduct as an indication of backsliding. Prisoners demonstrated the zeal of their commitment by ferociously attacking deviations. Constant intimacy with people who reviled him pushed the resistant prisoner to the limits of his emotional endurance. Hinkle and Wolff found that "The prisoner must conform to the demands of the group sooner or later." As the prisoner developed genuine changes of attitude, pressure on him relaxed. His cellmates rewarded him with increasing acceptance and esteem. Their acceptance, in turn, reinforced his commitment to the Party, for he learned that only this commitment allowed him to live successfully in the cell. In many cases, this process produced an exultant sense of mission in the prisonera feeling of having finally straightened out his life and come to the truth. To be sure, this experience, which was not so different from religious conversion, did not occur in all cases or always last after the prisoner returned to a social group that did not reinforce it. From the first preliminary studies of Wolff and Hinkle, the U.S. intelligence community moved toward the conclusion that neither the Chinese nor the Russians made appreciable use of drugs or hypnosis, and they certainly did not possess the brainwashing equivalent of the atomic

bomb (as many feared). Most of their techniques were rooted in age-old methods, and CIA brainwashing researchers like psychologist John Gittinger found themselves poring over ancient documents on the Spanish Inquisition. Furthermore, the communists used no psychiatrists or other behavioral scientists to devise their interrogation system. The differences between the Soviet and Chinese systems seemed to grow out of their respective national cultures. The Soviet brainwashing system resembled a heavy-handed cop whose job was to isolate, break, and then subdue all the troublemakers in the neighborhood. The Chinese system was more like thousands of skilled acupuncturists, working on each other and relying on group pressure, ideology, and repetition. To understand further the Soviet or Chinese control systems, one had to plunge into the subtle mysteries of national and individual character. While CIA researchers looked into those questions, the main thrust of the Agency's brainwashing studies veered off in a different direction. The logic behind the switch was familiar in the intelligence business. Just because the Soviets and the Chinese had not invented a brainwashing machine, officials reasoned, there was no reason to assume that the task was impossible. If such a machine were even remotely feasible, one had to assume the communists might discover it. And in that case, national security required that the United States invent the machine first. Therefore, the CIA built up its own elaborate brainwashing program, which, like the Soviet and Chinese versions, took its own special twist from our national character. It was a tiny replica of the Manhattan Project, grounded in the conviction that the keys to brainwashing lay in technology. Agency officials hoped to use old-fashioned American know-how to produce shortcuts and scientific breakthroughs. Instead of turning to tough cops, whose methods repelled American sensibilities, or the gurus of mass motivation, whose ideology Americans lacked, the Agency's brainwashing experts gravitated to people more in the mold of the brilliantand sometimes madscientist, obsessed by the wonders of the brain. In 1953 CIA Director Allen Dulles made a rare public statement on communist brainwashing: "We in the West are somewhat handicapped in getting all the details," Dulles declared. "There are few survivors, and we have no human guinea pigs to try these extraordinary techniques." Even as Dulles spoke, however, CIA officials acting under his orders had begun to find the scientists and the guinea pigs. Some of their experiments would wander so far across the ethical borders of experimental psychiatry (which are hazy in their own right) that Agency officials thought it prudent to have much of the work done outside the United States. Call her Lauren G. For 19 years, her mind has been blank about her experience. She remembers her husband's driving her up to the old gray stone mansion that housed the hospital, Allan Memorial Institute, and putting her in the care of its director, Dr. D. Ewen Cameron. The next thing she recalls happened three weeks later: They gave me a dressing gown. It was way too big, and I

was tripping all over it. I was mad. I asked why did I have to go round in this sloppy thing. I could hardly move because I was pretty weak. I remember trying to walk along the hall, and the walls were all slanted. It was then that I said, "Holy Smokes, what a ghastly thing." I remember running out the door and going up the mountain in my long dressing gown. The mountain, named Mont Royal, loomed high above Montreal. She stumbled and staggered as she tried to climb higher and higher. Hospital staff members had no trouble catching her and dragging her back to the Institute. In short order, they shot her full of sedatives, attached electrodes to her temples, and gave her a dose of electroshock. Soon she slept like a baby. Gradually, over the next few weeks, Lauren G. began to function like a normal person again. She took basketweaving therapy and played bridge with her fellow patients. The hospital released her, and she returned to her husband in another Canadian city. Before her mental collapse in 1959, Lauren G. seemed to have everything going for her. A refined, glamorous horsewoman of 30, whom people often said looked like Elizabeth Taylor, she had auditioned for the lead in National Velvet at 13 and married the rich boy next door at 20. But she had never loved her husband and had let her domineering mother push her into his arms. He drank heavily. "I was really unhappy," she recalls. "I had a horrible marriage, and finally I had a nervous breakdown. It was a combination of my trying to lose weight, sleep loss, and my nerves." The family doctor recommended that her husband send her to Dr. Cameron, which seemed like a logical thing to do, considering his wide fame as a psychiatrist. He had headed Allan Memorial since 1943, when the Rockefeller Foundation had donated funds to set up a psychiatric facility at McGill University. With continuing help from the Rockefellers, McGill had built a hospital known far beyond Canada's borders as innovative and exciting. Cameron was elected president of the American Psychiatric Association in 1953, and he became the first president of the World Psychiatric Association. His friends joked that they had run out of honors to give him. Cameron's passion lay in the more "objective" forms of therapy, with which he could more easily and swiftly bring about improvements in patients than with the notoriously slow Freudian methods. An impatient man, he dreamed of finding a cure for schizophrenia. No one could tell him he was not on the right track. Cameron's supporter at the Rockefeller Foundation, Robert Morrison, recorded in his private papers that he found the psychiatrist tense and ill-at-ease, and Morrison ventured that this may account for "his lack of interest and effectiveness in psychotherapy and failure to establish warm personal relations with faculty members, both of which were mentioned repeatedly when I visited Montreal." Another Rockefeller observer noted that Cameron "appears to suffer from deep insecurity and has a need for power which he nourishes by maintaining an extraordinary aloofness from his associates." When Lauren G.'s husband delivered her to Cameron,

the psychiatrist told him she would receive some electroshock, a standard treatment at the time. Besides that, states her husband, "Cameron was not very communicative, but I didn't think she was getting anything out of the ordinary." The husband had no way of knowing that Cameron would use an unproved experimental technique on his wifemuch less that the psychiatrist intended to "depattern" her. Nor did he realize that the CIA was supporting this work with about $19,000 a year in secret funds.[2] Cameron defined "depatterning" as breaking up existing patterns of behavior, both the normal and the schizophrenic, by means of particularly intensive electroshocks, usually combined with prolonged, druginduced sleep. Here was a psychiatrist willingindeed, eagerto wipe the human mind totally clean. Back in 1951, ARTICHOKE's Morse Allen had likened the process to "creation of a vegetable." Cameron justified this tabula rasa approach because he had a theory of "differential amnesia," for which he provided no statistical evidence when he published it. He postulated that after he produced "complete amnesia" in a subject, the person would eventually recover memory of his normal but not his schizophrenic behavior. Thus, Cameron claimed he could generate "differential amnesia." Creating such a state in which a man who knew too much could be made to forget had long been a prime objective of the ARTICHOKE and MKULTRA programs. Needless to say, Lauren G. does not recall a thing today about those weeks when Cameron depatterned her. Afterward, unlike over half of the psychiatrist's depatterning patients, Lauren G. gradually recovered full recall of her life before the treatment, but then, she remembered her mental problems, too.[3] Her husband says she came out of the hospital much improved. She declares the treatment had no effect one way or another on her mental condition, which she believes resulted directly from her miserable marriage. She stopped seeing Cameron after about a month of outpatient electroshock treatments, which she despised. Her relationship with her husband further deteriorated, and two years later she walked out on him. "I just got up on my own hind legs," she states. "I said the hell with it. I'm going to do what I want and take charge of my own life. I left and started over." Now divorced and remarried, she feels she has been happy ever since. Cameron's depatterning, of which Lauren G. had a comparatively mild version, normally started with 15 to 30 days of "sleep therapy." As the name implies, the patient slept almost the whole day and night. According to a doctor at the hospital who used to administer what he calls the "sleep cocktail," a staff member woke up the patient three times a day for medication that consisted of a combination of 100 mg. Thorazine, 100 mg. Nembutal, 100 mg. Seconal, 150 mg. Veronal, and 10 mg. Phenergan. Another staff doctor would also awaken the patient two or sometimes three times daily for electroshock treatments.[4] This doctor and his assistant wheeled a portable machine into the "sleep room" and gave the subject a local anesthetic and muscle relaxant, so as not

to cause damage with the convulsions that were to come. After attaching electrodes soaked in saline solution, the attendant held the patient down and the doctor turned on the current. In standard, professional electroshock, doctors gave the subject a single dose of 110 volts, lasting a fraction of a second, once a day or every other day. By contrast, Cameron used a form 20 to 40 times more intense, two or three times daily, with the power turned up to 150 volts. Named the "Page-Russell" method after its British originators, this technique featured an initial one-second shock, which caused a major convulsion, and then five to nine additional shocks in the middle of the primary and follow-on convulsions. Even Drs. Page and Russell limited their treatment to once a day, and they always stopped as soon as their patient showed "pronounced confusion" and became "faulty in habits." Cameron, however, welcomed this kind of impairment as a sign the treatment was taking effect and plowed ahead through his routine. The frequent screams of patients that echoed through the hospital did not deter Cameron or most of his associates in their attempts to "depattern" their subjects completely. Other hospital patients report being petrified by the "sleep rooms," where the treatment took place, and they would usually creep down the opposite side of the hall. Cameron described this combined sleep-electroshock treatment as lasting between 15 to 30 days, with some subjects staying in up to 65 days (in which case, he reported, he awakened them for three days in the middle). Sometimes, as in the case of Lauren G., patients would try to escape when the sedatives wore thin, and the staff would have to chase after them. "It was a tremendous nursing job just to keep these people going during the treatment," recalls a doctor intimately familiar with Cameron's operation. This doctor paints a picture of dazed patients, incapable of taking care of themselves, often groping their way around the hospital and urinating on the floor. Cameron wrote that his typical depatterning patient usually a womanmoved through three distinct stages. In the first, the subject lost much of her memory. Yet she still knew where she was, why she was there, and who the people were who treated her. In the second phase, she lost her "space-time image," but still wanted to remember. In fact, not being able to answer questions like, "Where am I?" and "How did I get here?" caused her considerable anxiety. In the third stage, all that anxiety disappeared. Cameron described the state as "an extremely interesting constriction of the range of recollections which one ordinarily brings in to modify and enrich one's statements. Hence, what the patient talks about are only his sensations of the moment, and he talks about them almost exclusively in highly concrete terms. His remarks are entirely uninfluenced by previous recollectionsnor are they governed in any way by his forward anticipations. He lives in the immediate present. All schizophrenic symptoms have disappeared. There is complete amnesia for all events in his life." Lauren G. and 52 other subjects at Allan Memorial

received this level of depatterning in 1958 and 1959. Cameron had already developed the technique when the CIA funding started. The Agency sent the psychiatrist research money to take the treatment beyond this point. Agency officials wanted to know if, once Cameron had produced the blank mind, he could then program in new patterns of behavior, as he claimed he could. As early as 1953the year he headed the American Psychiatric AssociationCameron conceived a technique he called "psychic driving," by which he would bombard the subject with repeated verbal messages. From tape recordings based on interviews with the patient, he selected emotionally loaded "cue statements"first negative ones to get rid of unwanted behavior and then positive to condition in desired personality traits. On the negative side, for example, the patient would hear this message as she lay in a stupor: Madeleine, you let your mother and father treat you as a child all through your single life. You let your mother check you up sexually after every date you had with a boy. You hadn't enough determination to tell her to stop it. You never stood up for yourself against your mother or father but would run away from trouble.... They used to call you "crying Madeleine." Now that you have two children, you don't seem to be able to manage them and keep a good relationship with your husband. You are drifting apart. You don't go out together. You have not been able to keep him interested sexually. Leonard Rubenstein, Cameron's principal assistant, whose entire salary was paid from CIA-front funds, put the message on a continuous tape loop and played it for 16 hours every day for several weeks. An electronics technician, with no medical or psychological background, Rubenstein, an electrical whiz, designed a giant tape recorder that could play 8 loops for 8 patients at the same time. Cameron had the speakers installed literally under the pillows in the "sleep rooms." "We made sure they heard it," says a doctor who worked with Cameron. With some patients, Cameron intensified the negative effect by running wires to their legs and shocking them at the end of the message. When Cameron thought the negative "psychic driving" had gone far enough, he switched the patient over to 2 to 5 weeks of positive tapes: You mean to get well. To do this you must let your feelings come out. It is all right to express your anger.... You want to stop your mother bossing you around. Begin to assert yourself first in little things and soon you will be able to meet her on an equal basis. You will then be free to be a wife and mother just like other women. Cameron wrote that psychic driving provided a way to make "direct, controlled changes in personality," without having to resolve the subject's conflicts or make her relive past experiences. As far as is known, no presentday psychologist or psychiatrist accepts this view. Dr. Donald Hebb, who headed McGill's psychology department at the time Cameron was in charge of psychiatry, minces no words when asked specifically about psychic driving: "That was an awful set of ideas Cameron was working with.

It called for no intellectual respect. If you actually look at what he was doing and what he wrote, it would make you laugh. If I had a graduate student who talked like that, I'd throw him out." Warming to his subject, Hebb continues: "Look, Cameron was no good as a researcher.... He was eminent because of politics." Nobody said such things at the time, however. Cameron was a very powerful man. The Scottish-born psychiatrist, who never lost the burr in his voice, kept searching for ways to perfect depatterning and psychic driving. He held out to the CIA frontthe Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology that he could find more rapid and less damaging ways to break down behavior. He sent the Society a proposal that combined his two techniques with sensory deprivation and strong drugs. His smorgasbord approach brought together virtually all possible techniques of mind control, which he tested individually and together. When his Agency grant came through in 1957, Cameron began work on sensory deprivation. For several years, Agency officials had been interested in the interrogation possibilities of this technique that Hebb himself had pioneered at McGill with Canadian defense and Rockefeller money. It consisted of putting a subject in a sealed environmenta small room or even a large boxand depriving him of all sensory input: eyes covered with goggles, ears either covered with muffs or exposed to a constant, monotonous sound, padding to prevent touching, no smellswith this empty regime interrupted only by meal and bathroom breaks. In 1955 Morse Allen of ARTICHOKE made contact at the National Institutes of Health with Dr. Maitland Baldwin who had done a rather gruesome experiment in which an Army volunteer had stayed in the "box" for 40 hours until he kicked his way out after, in Baldwin's words, "an hour of crying loudly and sobbing in a most heartrending fashion." The experiment convinced Baldwin that the isolation technique could break any man, no matter how intelligent or strong-willed. Hebb, who unlike Baldwin released his subjects when they wanted, had never left anyone in "the box" for more than six days. Baldwin told Morse Allen that beyond that sensory deprivation would almost certainly cause irreparable damage. Nevertheless, Baldwin agreed that if the Agency could provide the cover and the subjects, he would do, according to Allen's report, "terminal type" experiments. After numerous meetings inside the CIA on how and where to fund Baldwin, an Agency medical officer finally shot down the project as being "immoral and inhuman," suggesting that those pushing the experiments might want to "volunteer their heads for use in Dr. Baldwin's 'noble' project." With Cameron, Agency officials not only had a doctor willing to perform terminal experiments in sensory deprivation, but one with his own source of subjects. As part of his CIA-funded research, he had a "box" built in the converted stables behind the hospital that housed Leonard Rubenstein and his behavioral laboratory. Undaunted by the limits set in Hebb's work, Cameron left one woman in for 35 days, although he had so scrambled her mind with his other techniques that one cannot say,

as Baldwin predicted to the Agency, if the prolonged deprivation did specific damage. This subject's name was Mary C., and, try as he might, Cameron could not get through to her. As the aloof psychiatrist wrote in his notes: "Although the patient was prepared by both prolonged sensory isolation (35 days) and by repeated depatterning, and although she received 101 days of positive driving, no favorable results were obtained."[5] Before prescribing this treatment, Cameron had diagnosed the 52-year-old Mary C.: "Conversion reaction in a woman of the involutional age with mental anxiety; hypochondriatic." In other words, Mary C. was going through menopause. In his proposal to the CIA front, Cameron also said he would test curare, the South American arrow poison which, when liberally applied, kills by paralyzing internal body functions. In nonlethal doses, curare causes a limited paralysis which blocks but does not stop these functions. According to his papers, some of which wound up in the archives of the American Psychiatric Association, Cameron injected subjects with curare in conjunction with sensory deprivation, presumably to immobilize them further. Cameron also tested LSD in combination with psychic driving and other techniques. In late 1956 and early 1957, one of his subjects was Val Orlikow, whose husband David has become a member of the Canadian parliament. Suffering from what she calls a "character neurosis that started with postpartum depression," she entered Allan Memorial as one of Cameron's personal patients. He soon put her under his version of LSD therapy. One to four times a week, he or another doctor would come into her room and give her a shot of LSD, mixed with either a stimulant or a depressant and then leave her alone with a tape recorder that played excerpts from her last session with him. As far as is known, no other LSD researcher ever subjected his patients to unsupervised trips certainly not over the course of two months when her hospital records show she was given LSD 14 times. "It was terrifying," Mrs. Orlikow recalls. "You're afraid you've gone off somewhere and can't come back." She was supposed to write down on a pad whatever came into her head while listening to the tapes, but often she became so frightened that she could not write at all. "You become very small," she says, as her voice quickens and starts to reflect some of her horror. "You're going to fall off the step, and God, you're going down into hell because it's so far, and you are so little. Like Alice, where is the pill that makes you big, and you're a squirrel, and you can't get out of the cage, and somebody's going to kill you." Then, suddenly, Mrs. Orlikow pulls out of it and lucidly states, "Some very weird things happened." Mrs. Orlikow hated the LSD treatment. Several times she told Cameron she would take no more, and the psychiatrist would put his arm around her and ask, "Lassie," which he called all his women patients, "don't you want to get well, so you can go home and see your husband?" She remembers feeling guilty about not following the doctor's orders, and the thought of disappointing Cameron, whom she idolized, crushed her.

Finally, after Cameron talked her out of quitting the treatment several times, she had to end it. She left the hospital but stayed under his private care. In 1963 he put her back in the hospital for more intensive psychic driving. "I thought he was God," she states. "I don't know how I could have been so stupid.... A lot of us were naive. We thought psychiatrists had the answers. Here was the greatest in the world, with all these titles." In defense of Cameron, a former associate says the man truly cared about the welfare of his patients. He wanted to make them well. As his former staff psychologist wrote: He abhorred the waste of human potential, seen most dramatically in the young people whose minds were distorted by what was then considered to be schizophrenia. He felt equally strongly about the loss of wisdom in the aged through memory malfunction. For him, the end justified the means, and when one is dealing with the waste of human potential, it is easy to adopt this stance. Cameron retired abruptly in 1964, for unexplained reasons. His successor, Dr. Robert Cleghorn, made a virtually unprecedented move in the academic world of mutual back-scratching and praise. He commissioned a psychiatrist and a psychologist, unconnected to Cameron, to study his electroshock work. They found that 60 percent of Cameron's depatterned patients complained they still had amnesia for the period 6 months to 10 years before the therapy.[6] They could find no clinical proof that showed the treatment to be any more or less effective than other approaches. They concluded that "the incidence of physical complications and the anxiety generated in the patient because of real or imagined memory difficulty argue against" future use of the technique. The study-team members couched their report in densely academic jargon, but one of them speaks more clearly now. He talks bitterly of one of Cameron's former patients who needs to keep a list of her simplest household chores to remember how to do them. Then he repeats several times how powerful a man Cameron was, how he was "the godfather of Canadian psychiatry." He continues, "I probably shouldn't talk about this, but Cameronfor him to do what he didhe was a very schizophrenic guy, who totally detached himself from the human implications of his work . . . God, we talk about concentration camps. I don't want to make this comparison, but God, you talk about 'we didn't know it was happening,' and it wasright in our back yard." Cameron died in 1967, at age 66, while climbing a mountain. The American Journal of Psychiatry published a long and glowing obituary with a full-page picture of his not-unpleasant face. D. Ewen Cameron did not need the CIA to corrupt him. He clearly had his mind set on doing unorthodox research long before the Agency front started to fund him. With his own hospital and source of subjects, he could have found elsewhere encouragement and money to replace the CIA's contribution which never exceeded $20,000 a year. However, Agency officials knew exactly what they were

paying for. They traveled periodically to Montreal to observe his work, and his proposal was chillingly explicit. In Cameron, they had a doctor, conveniently outside the United States, willing to do terminal experiments in electroshock, sensory deprivation, drug testing, and all of the above combined. By literally wiping the minds of his subjects clean by depatterning and then trying to program in new behavior, Cameron carried the process known as "brainwashing" to its logical extreme. It cannot be said how manyif anyother Agency brainwashing projects reached the extremes of Cameron's work. Details are scarce, since many of the principal witnesses have died, will not talk about what went on, or lie about it. In what ways the CIA applied work like Cameron's is not known. What is known, however, is that the intelligence community, including the CIA, changed the face of the scientific community during the 1950s and early 1960s by its interest in such experiments. Nearly every scientist on the frontiers of brain research found men from the secret agencies looking over his shoulders, impinging on the research. The experience of Dr. John Lilly illustrates how this intrusion came about. In 1953 Lilly worked at the National Institutes of Health, outside Washington, doing experimental studies in an effort to "map" the body functions controlled from various locations in the brain. He devised a method of pounding up to 600 tiny sections of hypodermic tubing into the skulls of monkeys, through which he could insert electrodes "into the brain to any desired distance and at any desired location from the cortex down to the bottom of the skull," he later wrote. Using electric stimulation, Lilly discovered precise centers of the monkeys' brains that caused pain, fear, anxiety, and anger. He also discovered precise, separate parts of the brain that controlled erection, ejaculation, and orgasm in male monkeys. Lilly found that a monkey, given access to a switch operating a correctly planted electrode, would reward himself with nearly continuous orgasmsat least once every 3 minutesfor up to 16 hours a day. As Lilly refined his brain "maps," officials of the CIA and other agencies descended upon him with a request for a briefing. Having a phobia against secrecy, Lilly agreed to the briefing only under the condition that it and his work remain unclassified, completely open to outsiders. The intelligence officials submitted to the conditions most reluctantly, since they knew that Lilly's openness would not only ruin the spy value of anything they learned but could also reveal the identities and the interests of the intelligence officials to enemy agents. They considered Lilly annoying, uncooperativepossibly even suspicious. Soon Lilly began to have trouble going to meetings and conferences with his colleagues. As part of the cooperation with the intelligence agencies, most of them had agreed to have their projects officially classified as SECRET, which meant that access to the information required a security clearance.[7] Lilly's security clearance was withdrawn for review, then tangled up and misplacedall of which he took as pressure to cooperate

with the CIA. Lilly, whose imagination needed no stimulation to conjure up pictures of CIA agents on deadly missions with remote-controlled electrodes strategically implanted in their brains, decided to withdraw from that field of research. He says he had decided that the physical intrusion of the electrodes did too much brain damage for him to tolerate. In 1954 Lilly began trying to isolate the operations of the brain, free of outside stimulation, through sensory deprivation. He worked in an office next to Dr. Maitland Baldwin, who the following year agreed to perform terminal sensory deprivation experiments for ARTICHOKE's Morse Allen but who never told Lilly he was working in the field. While Baldwin experimented with his sensory-deprivation "box," Lilly invented a special "tank." Subjects floated in a tank of body-temperature water wearing a face mask that provided air but cut off sight and sound. Inevitably, intelligence officials swooped down on Lilly again, interested in the use of his tank as an interrogation tool. Could involuntary subjects be placed in the tank and broken down to the point where their belief systems or personalities could be altered? It was central to Lilly's ethic that he himself be the first subject of any experiment, and, in the case of the consciousness-exploring tank work, he and one colleague were the only ones. Lilly realized that the intelligence agencies were not interested in sensory deprivation because of its positive benefits, and he finally concluded that it was impossible for him to work at the National Institutes of Health without compromising his principles. He quit in 1958. Contrary to most people's intuitive expectations, Lilly found sensory deprivation to be a profoundly integrating experience for himself personally. He considered himself to be a scientist who subjectively explored the far wanderings of the brain. In a series of private experiments, he pushed himself into the complete unknown by injecting pure Sandoz LSD into his thigh before climbing into the sensory-deprivation tank.[8] When the counterculture sprang up, Lilly became something of a cult figure, with his unique approach to scientific inquirythough he was considered more of an outcast by many in the professional research community. For most of the outside world, Lilly became famous with the release of the popular film, The Day of the Dolphin, which the filmmakers acknowledged was based on Lilly's work with dolphins after he left NIH. Actor George C. Scott portrayed a scientist, who, like Lilly, loved dolphins, did pioneering experiments on their intelligence, and tried to find ways to communicate with them. In the movie, Scott became dismayed when the government pounced on his breakthrough in talking to dolphins and turned it immediately to the service of war. In real life, Lilly was similarly dismayed when Navy and CIA scientists trained dolphins for special warfare in the waters off Vietnam.[9] A few scientists like Lilly made up their minds not to cross certain ethical lines in their experimental work, while others were prepared to go further even than their sponsors from ARTICHOKE and MKULTRA. Within the

Agency itself, there was only one final question: Will a technique work? CIA officials zealously tracked every lead, sparing no expense to check each angle many times over. By the time the MKULTRA program ended in 1963, Agency researchers had found no foolproof way to brainwash another person.[10] "All experiments beyond a certain point always failed," says the MKULTRA veteran, "because the subject jerked himself back for some reason or the subject got amnesiac or catatonic." Agency officials found through work like Cameron's that they could create "vegetables," but such people served no operational use. People could be tortured into saying anything, but no science could guarantee that they would tell the truth. The impotency of brainwashing techniques left the Agency in a difficult spot when Yuri Nosenko defected to the United States in February 1964. A ranking official of the Soviet KGB, Nosenko brought with him stunning information. He said the Russians had bugged the American embassy in Moscow, which turned out to be true. He named some Russian agents in the West. And he said that he had personally inspected the KGB file of Lee Harvey Oswald, who only a few months earlier had been murdered before he could be brought to trial for the assassination of President Kennedy. Nosenko said he learned that the KGB had had no interest in Oswald. Was Nosenko telling the truth, or was he a KGB "plant" sent to throw the United States off track about Oswald? Was his information about penetration correct, or was Nosenko himself the penetration? Was he acting in good faith? Were the men within the CIA who believed he was acting in good faith themselves acting in good faith? These and a thousand other questions made up the classical trick deck for spieseach card having "true" on one side and "false" on the other. Top CIA officials felt a desperate need to resolve the issue of Nosenko's legitimacy. With numerous Agency counterintelligence operations hanging in the balance, Richard Helms, first as Deputy Director and then as Director, allowed CIA operators to work Nosenko over with the interrogation method in which Helms apparently had the most faith. It turned out to be not any truth serum or electroshock depatterning program or anything else from the Agency's brainwashing search. Helms had Nosenko put through the tried-and-true Soviet method: isolate the prisoner, deaden his senses, break him. For more than three years1,277 days, to be exactAgency officers kept Nosenko in solitary confinement. As if they were using the Hinkle-Wolff study as their instruction manual and the Cardinal Mindszenty case as their success story, the CIA men had guards watch over Nosenko day and night, giving him not a moment of privacy. A light bulb burned continuously in his cell. He was allowed nothing to read not even the labels on toothpaste boxes. When he tried to distract himself by making a chess set from pieces of lint in his cell, the guards discovered his game and swept the area clean. Nosenko had no window, and he was eventually put in a specially built 12' X 12' steel bank vault. Nosenko broke down. He hallucinated. He talked his

head off to his interrogators, who questioned him for 292 days, often while they had him strapped into a lie detector. If he told the truth, they did not believe him. While the Soviets and Chinese had shown that they could make a man admit anything, the CIA interrogators apparently lacked a clear idea of exactly what they wanted Nosenko to confess. When it was all over and Richard Helms ordered Nosenko freed after three and a half years of illegal detention, some key Agency officers still believed he was a KGB plant. Others thought he was on the level. Thus the big questions remained unresolved, and to this day, CIA menpast and presentare bitterly split over who Nosenko really is. With the Nosenko case, the CIA's brainwashing programs had come full circle. Spurred by the widespread alarm over communist tactics, Agency officials had investigated the field, started their own projects, and looked to the latest technology to make improvements. After 10 years of research, with some rather gruesome results, CIA officials had come up with no techniques on which they felt they could rely. Thus, when the operational crunch came, they fell back on the basic brutality of the Soviet system. Notes Edward Hunter's article " 'Brain-Washing' Tactics Force Chinese into Ranks of Communist Party" appeared in the Miami News on September 24, 1950. His book was Brainwashing in Red China (New York: Vanguard Press, 1951). Other material came from several interviews with Hunter just before he died in June 1978. The Air Force document cited on brainwashing was called "Air Force Headquarters Panel Convened to Record Air Force Position Regarding Conduct of Personnel in Event of Capture," December 14, 1953. Researcher Sam Zuckerman found it and showed it to me. The figures on American prisoners in Korea and the quote from Edward Hunter came from hearings before the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations,84th Congress, June 19,20,26, and 27, 1956. The material on the setting up of the Cornell-HinkleWolff study came from interviews with Hinkle, Helen Goodell, and several CIA sources. Hinkle's and Wolff's study on brainwashing appeared in classified form on 2 April 1956 as a Technical Services Division publication called Communist Control Techniques and in substantially the same form but unclassified as "Communist Interrogation and Indoctrination of 'Enemies of the State'An Analysis of Methods Used by the Communist State Police." AMA Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry, August, 1956, Vol. 76. Allen Dulles spoke on "Brain Warfare" before the Alumni Conference of Princeton University, Hot Springs, Virginia on April 10, 1953, and the quote on guinea pigs came from that speech. The comments of Rockefeller Foundation officials about D. Ewen Cameron and the record of Rockefeller funding were found in Robert S. Morrison's diary, located in the Rockefeller Foundation Archives, Pocantico Hills, New York. The key articles on Cameron's work on depatterning

and psychic driving were "Production of Differential Amnesia as a Factor in the Treatment of Schizophrenia," Comprehensive Psychiatry, 1960, 1, p. 26 and "Effects of Repetition of Verbal Signals upon the Behavior of Chronic Psychoneurotic Patients" by Cameron, Leonard Levy, and Leonard Rubenstein, Journal of Mental Science, 1960, 106, 742. The background on Page-Russell electroshocks came from "Intensified Electrical Convulsive Therapy in the Treatment of Mental Disorders" by L. G. M. Page and R. J. Russell, Lancet, Volume 254, Jan.June, 1948. Dr. John Cavanagh of Washington, D.C. provided background on the use of electroshock and sedatives in psychiatry. Cameron's MKULTRA subproject was #68. See especially document 68-37, "Application for Grant to Study the Effects upon Human Behavior of the Repetition of Verbal Signals," January 21, 1957. Part of Cameron's papers are in the archives of the American Psychiatric Association in Washington, and they provided considerable information on the treatment of Mary C., as well as a general look at his work. Interviews with at least a dozen of his former colleagues also provided considerable information. Interviews Yvith John Lilly and Donald Hebb provided background on sensory deprivation. Maitland Baldwin's work in the field was discussed in a whole series of ARTICHOKE documents including #A/B, I,76/4, 21 March 1955, Subject: Total Isolation; #A/B,1, 76/12, 19 May 1955, Subject: Total IsolationAdditional Comments; and #A/B, I, 76/17,27 April 1955, Subject: Total Isolation, Supplemental Report #2. The quote from Aldous Huxley on sensory deprivation is taken from the book of his writings, Moksha: Writings on Psychedelics and the Visionary Experience (1931-1963), edited by Michael Horowitz and Cynthia Palmer (New York: Stonehill, 1978). The material on Val Orlikow's experiences with Dr. Cameron came from interviews with her and her husband David and from portions of her hospital records, which she furnished. Cameron's staff psychologist Barbara Winrib's comments on him were found in a letter to the Montreal Star, August 11, 1977. The study of Cameron's electroshock work ordered by Dr. Cleghorn was published as "Intensive Electroconvulsive Therapy: A Follow-up Study," by A. E. Schwartzman and P. E. Termansen, Canadian Psychiatric Association, Volume 12, 1967. In addition to several interviews, much material on John Lilly came from his autobiography, The Scientist (Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Company, 1978). The CIA's handling of Yuri Nosenko was discussed at length in hearings before th e House Assassinations Committee on September 15, 1978. The best press account of this testimony was wr itten by Jeremiah O'Leary of the Washington Star on September 16, 1978: "How CIA Tried to Break Defector in Oswald Case." Footnotes 1. Among the Air Force and Army project leaders were Dr. Fred Williams of the Ai r Force Psychological Warfare Division, Robert Jay Lifton, Edgar Schein, Albert Biderman, and Lieutenant Colonel James Monroe (an Air Force officer who would la ter go to work full time in CIA behavioral programs). 2. Cameron himself may not have known that the Agency was the ultimate source of

these funds which came through a conduit, the Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology. A CIA document stated he was unwitting when the grants started in 1957, and it cannot be said whether he ever found out. 3. Cameron wrote that when a patient remembered his schizophrenic symptoms, the schizophrenic behavior usually returned. If the amnesia held for these symptoms, as Cameron claimed it often did, the subject usually did not have a relapse. Ev en in his "cured" patients, Cameron found that Rorschach tests continued to show schizophrenic thinking despite the improvement in overt behavior. To a layman, this would seem to indicate that Cameron's approach got only at the symptoms, no t the causes of mental problems. Not deterred, however, Cameron dismissed this i nconsistency as a "persistent enigma." 4. Cameron wrote in a professional journal that he gave only two electroshocks a day, but a doctor who actually administered the treatment for him says that three were common at the b eginning of the therapy. 5. In his proposal to the Human Ecology group, Cameron wrote that his subjects w ould be spending only 16 hours a day in sensory deprivation, while they listened to psychic driving tapes (thus providing some outside stimuli). Nevertheless, o ne of Cameron's colleagues states that some patients, including Mary C. were in continuously. Always looking for a better way, Cameron almost certainly tried bo th variations. 6. Cleghorn's team found little loss of memory on objective tests, like the Wech sler Memory Scale but speculated that these tests measured a different memory functionshort-term recal lthan that the subjects claimed to be missing. 7. Lilly and other veterans of government-supported research note that there is a practical advantage for the scientist who allows his work to be classified: it gives him an added claim on government funds. He is then in a position to argue that if his work is important enough to be SECRET, it deserves money. 8. As was the case with LSD work, sensory deprivation research had both a mind c ontrol and a transcendental side. Aldous Huxley wrote thusly about the two pione ers in the field: "What men like Hebb and Lilly are doing in the laboratory was done by the Christian hermits in the Thebaid and elsewhere, and by Hindu and Tib etan hermits in the remote fastness of the Himalayas. My own belief is that thes e experiences really tell us something about the nature of the universe, that th ey are valuable in themselves and, above all, valuable when incorporated into ou r world-picture and acted upon [in] normal life." 9. In a program called "swimmer nullification," government scientists trained do lphins to attack enemy frogmen with huge needles attached to their snouts. The dolphins carried tanks o f compressed air, which when jabbed into a deepdiver caused him to pop dead to t he surface. A scientist who worked in this CIA-Navy program states that some of the dolphins sent to Vietnam during the late 1960s got out of their pens and dis appeared unheard of behavior for trained dolphins. John Lilly confirms that a gr oup of the marine mammals stationed at Cam Ranh Bay did go AWOL, and he adds tha t he heard that some eventually returned with their bodies and fins covered with attack marks made by other dolphins. 10. After 1963 the Agency's Science and Technology Directorate continued brain r esearch with unknown results. See Chapter 12. Human Ecology Well before Harold Wolff and Lawrence Hinkle finished their brainwashing study f or Allen Dulles in 1956, Wolff was trying to expand his role in CIA research and operations. He offered Agency officials the cooperation of his colleagues at Co rnell University, where he taught neurology and psychiatry in the Medical Colleg e. In proposal after proposal, Wolff pressed upon the CIA his idea that to under stand human behaviorand how governments might manipulate itone had to study man in relationship to his total environment. Calling this field "human ecology," Wo lff drew into it the disciplines of psychology, medicine, sociology, and anthrop ology. In the academic world of the early 1950s, this cross-disciplinary approac

h was somewhat new, as was the word "ecology," but it made sense to CIA official s. Like Wolff, they were far in advance of the trends in the behavioral sciences . Wolff carved out vast tracts of human knowledge, some only freshly discovered, a nd proposed a partnership with the Agency for the task of mastering that knowled ge for operational use. It was a time when knowledge itself seemed bountiful and promising, and Wolff was expansive about how the CIA could harness it. Once he figured out how the human mind really worked, he wrote, he would tell the Agency "how a man can be made to think, 'feel,' and behave according to the wishes of other men, and, conversely, how a man can avoid being influenced in this manner." Such notions, which may now appear naive or perverse, did not seem so unlikely a t the height of the Cold War. And Wolff's professional stature added weight to h is ideas. Like D. Ewen Cameron, he was no obscure academic. He had been President of the New York Neurological Association and would become, in 1960, President of the American Neurological Association. He served for seve ral years as editor-in-chief of the American Medical Association's Archives of N eurology and Psychiatry. Both by credentials and force of personality, Wolff was an impressive figure. CIA officials listened respectfully to his grand vision o f how spies and doctors could work symbiotically to helpif not savethe world. Al so, the Agency men never forgot that Wolff had become close to Director Allen Du lles while treating Dulles' son for brain damage. Wolff's specialized neurological practice led him to believe that brain maladies , like migraine headaches, occurred because of disharmony between man and his environment. In this case, he wrote to the Agency, "The problem faced by the physician is quite similar to th at faced by the Communist interrogator." Both would be trying to put their subje ct back in harmony with his environment whether the problem was headache or ideo logical dissent. Wolff believed that the beneficial effects of any new interroga tion technique would naturally spill over into the treatment of his patients, an d vice versa. Following the Soviet model, he felt he could help his patients by putting them into an isolated, disoriented statefrom which it would be easier to create new behavior patterns. Although Russian-style isolation cells were impra ctical at Cornell, Wolff hoped to get the same effect more quickly through senso ry deprivation. He told the Agency that sensory-deprivation chambers had "valid medical reason" as part of a treatment that relieved migraine symptoms and made the patient "more receptive to the suggestio ns of the psychotherapist." He proposed keeping his patients in sensory deprivat ion until they "show an increased desire to talk and to escape from the procedur e." Then, he said, doctors could "utilize material from their own past experienc e in order to create psychological reactions within them." This procedure drew h eavily on the Stalinist method. It cannot be said what success, if any, Wolff ha d with it to the benefit of his patients at Cornell. Wolff offered to devise ways to use the broadest cultural and social processes i n human ecology for covert operations. He understood that every country had uniq ue customs for child rearing, military training, and nearly every other form of human intercourse. From the CIA's point of view, he noted, this kind of sociolog ical information could be applied mainly to indoctrinating and motivating people . He distinguished these motivating techniques from the "special methods" that h e felt were 'more relevant to subversion, seduction, and interrogation." He offe red to study those methods, too, and asked the Agency to give him access to ever ything in its files on "threats, coercion, imprisonment, isolation, deprivation, humiliation, torture, 'brainwashing, "black psychiatry,' hypnosis, and combinat ions of these with or without chemical agents." Beyond mere study, Wolff volunte ered the unwitting use of Cornell patients for brainwashing experiments, so long as no one got hurt. He added, however, that he would advise the CIA on experiments that harmed their subjects if they were per formed elsewhere. He obviously felt that only the grandest sweep of knowledge, f lowing freely between scholar and spy, could bring the best available

techniques to bear on their respective subjects. In 1955 Wolff incorporated his CIA-funded study group as the Society for the Inv estigation of Human Ecology, with himself as president.[1] Through the Society, Wolff extended his efforts for the Agency, and his organization turned into a CI A-controlled funding mechanism for studies and experiments in the behavioral sci ences. In the early days of the Society, Agency officials trusted Wolff and his untried ideas with a sensitive espionage assignment. In effect, the new specialt y of human ecology was going to telescope the stages of research and application into one continuing process. Speeding up the traditional academic method was required because the CIA men fac ed an urgent problem. "What was bothering them," Lawrence Hinkle explains, "was that the Chinese had cleaned up their agents in China.... What they really wante d to do was come up with some Chinese [in America], steer them to us, and make t hem into agents." Wolff accepted the challenge and suggested that the Cornell gr oup hide its real purpose behind the cover of investigating "the ecological aspe cts of disease" among Chinese refugees. The Agency gave the project a budget of $84,175 (about 30 percent of the money it put into Cornell in 1955) and supplied the study group with 100 Chinese refugees to work with. Nearly all these subjects had been studying in the United States when the communists took over th e mainland in 1949, so they tended to be dislocated people in their thirties. On the Agency side, the main concern, as expressed by one ARTICHOKE man, was the "security hazard" of bringing together so many potential agents in one place. N evertheless, CIA officials decided to go ahead. Wolff promised to tell them abou t the inner reaches of the Chinese character, and they recognized the operationa l advantage that insight into Chinese behavior patterns could provide. Moreover, Wolff said he would pick out the most useful possible agents. The Human Ecology Society would then offer these candidates "fellowships" and subject them to mor e intensive interviews and "stress producing" situations. The idea was to find o ut about their personalities, past conditioning, and present motivations, in ord er to figure out how they might perform in future predicamentssuch as finding th emselves back in Mainland China as American agents. In the process, Wolff hoped to mold these Chinese into people willing to work for the CIA. Mindful of leavin g some cover for Cornell, he was adamant that Agency operators not connected wit h the project make the actual recruitment pitch to those Chinese whom the Agency men wanted as agents. As a final twist, Wolff planned to provide each agent with techniques to withsta nd the precise forms of hostile interrogation they could expect upon returning t o China. CIA officials wanted to "precondition" the agents in order to create lo ng lasting motivation "impervious to lapse of time and direct psychological atta cks by the enemy." In other words, Agency men planned to brainwash their agents in order to protect them against Chinese brainwashing. Everything was coveredin theory, at least. Wolff was going to take a crew of 100 refugees and turn as many of them as possible into detection-proof, live agents inside China, and he planned to do the job quickly through human ecology. It wa s a heady chore for the Cornell professor to take on after classes. Wolff hired a full complement of psychologists, psychiatrists, and anthropologis ts to work on the project. He bulldozed his way through his colleagues' qualms and government red tape alike. Having hired an anthropologist before learning that the CIA security office would not give her a clearance, Wolff simply lied to her about where the money came from. "It was a function of Wolff's imperious nature," says his part ner Hinkle. "If a dog came in and threw up on the rug during a lecture, he would continue." Even the CIA men soon found that Harold Wolff was not to be trifled with. "From the Agency side, I don't know anyone who wasn't scared of him," reca lls a longtime CIA associate. "He was an autocratic man. I never knew him to che w anyone out. He didn't have to. We were damned respectful. He moved in high places. He was just a skinny little man but talk about mind control! He was one of the controllers." In the name of the Human Ecology Society, the CIA paid $1,200 a month to rent a

fancy town house on Manhattan's East 78th Street to house the Cornell group and its research project s Agency technicians traveled to New York in December 1954 to install eavesdropp ing microphones around the building. These and other more obvious security devic essafes, guards, and the likemade the town house look different from the academi c center it was supposed to be. CIA liaison personnel held meetings with Wolff a nd the staff in the secure confines of the town house, and they all carefully wa tched the 100 Chinese a few blocks away at the Cornell hospital. The Society pai d each subject $25 a day so the researchers could test them, probe them, and gen erally learn all they could about Chinese peopleor at least about middleclass, displaced, anti-Communist ones. It is doubtful that any of Wolff's Chinese ever returned to their homeland as CI A agents, or that all of Wolff's proposals were put into effect. In any case, the project was interrupted in midstream by a major shake-up in the CIA's entire mind-control effort. Early in 1955, Sid Gottlieb and his Ph.D. crew from TSS took over most of the ARTICHO KE functions, including the Society, from Morse Allen and the Pinkerton types in the Office of Security. The MKULTRA men moved quickly to turn the Society into an entity that looked and acted like a legitimate foundation. First they smoothe d over the ragged covert edges. Out came the bugs and safes so dear to Morse All en and company. The new crew even made some effort (largely unsuccessful) to att ract non-CIA funds. The biggest change, however, was the Cornell professors now had to deal with Agency representatives who were scientists and who had strong i deas of their own on research questions. Up to this point, the Cornellians had b een able to keep the CIA's involvement within bounds acceptable to them. While H arold Wolff never ceased wanting to explore the furthest reaches of behavior con trol, his colleagues were wary of going on to the outer limitsat least under Cor nell cover. No one would ever confuse MKULTRA projects with ivory-tower research, but Gottli eb's people did take a more academicand sophisticatedapproach to behavioral rese arch than their predecessors. The MKULTRA men understood that not every project would have an immediate operational benefit, and they believed less and less in the existence of that one just-over-the-horizon technique that would turn men in to puppets. They favored increasing their knowledge of human behavior in relativ ely small steps, and they concentrated on the reduced goal of influencing and ma nipulating their subjects. "You're ahead of the game if you can get people to do something ten percent more often than they would otherwise," says an MKULTRA ve teran. Accordingly, in 1956, Sid Gottlieb approved a $74,000 project to have the Human Ecology Society study the factors that caused men to defect from their countries and cooperate with foreign governments. MKULTRA officials reasoned that if they could understand what made old turncoats tick, it might help them entice new on es. While good case officers instinctively seemed to know how to handle a potent ial agentor thought they didthe MKULTRA men hoped to come up with systematic, ev en scientific improvements. Overtly, Harold Wolff designed the program to look like a follow-u p study to the Society's earlier programs, noting to the Agency that it was "fea sible to study foreign nationals under the cover of a medical-sociological study ." (He told his CIA funders that "while some information of general value to sci ence should be produced, this in itself will not be a sufficient justification f or carrying out a study of this nature.") Covertly, he declared the purpose of t he research was to assess defectors' social and cultural background, their life experience, and their personality structure, in order to understand their motiva tions, value systems, and probable future reactions. The 1956 Hungarian revolt occurred as the defector study was getting underway, a nd the Human Ecology group, with CIA headquarters approval, decided to turn the defector work into an investigation of 70 Hungarian refugees from that upheaval. By then, most of Harold Wolff's team had been together through the brainwashing and Chinese studies. While not all of them knew of the CIA's specific interests , they had streamlined their procedures for answering the questions that Agency

officials found interesting. They ran the Hungarians through the battery of test s and observations in six months, compared to a year and a half for the Chinese project. The Human Ecology Society reported that most of their Hungarian subjects had fou ght against the Russians during the Revolution and that they had lived through e xtraordinarily difficult circumstances, including arrest, mistreatment, and indo ctrination. The psychologists and psychiatrists found that, often, those who had survived with the fewest problems had been those with markedly aberrant persona lities. "This observation has added to the evidence that healthy people are not necessarily 'normal,' but are people particularly adapted to their special life situations," the group declared. While CIA officials liked the idea that their Hungarian subjects had not knuckle d under communist influence, they recognized that they were working with a skewed sample. American visa restrictions kept most of the refugee left-wingers and former communist of ficials out of the United States; so, as a later MKULTRA document would state, t he Society wound up studying "western-tied rightist elements who had never been accepted completely" in postwar Hungary. Agency researchers realized that these people would "contribute little" toward increasing the CIA's knowledge of the pr ocesses that made a communist official change his loyalties. In order to broaden their data base, MKULTRA officials decided in March 1957 to bring in some unwitting help. They gave a contract to Rutgers University sociolo gists Richard Stephenson and Jay Schulman "to throw as much light as possible on the sociology of the communist s ystem in the throes of revolution." The Rutgers professors started out by interviewing the 70 Hungarian s at Cornell in New York, and Schulman went on to Europe to talk to disillusione d Communists who had also fled their country. From an operational point of view, these were the people the Agency really cared about; but, as socialists, most o f them probably would have resisted sharing their experiences with the CIAif the y had known.[2] Jay Schulman would have resisted, too. After discovering almost 20 years later t hat the Agency had paid his way and seen his confidential interviews, he feels misused. "In 1957 I was myself a quasi-Marxist and if I had known that this study was sponsored by t he CIA, there is really, obviously, no way that I would have been associated wit h it," says Schulman. "My view is that social scientists have a deep personal re sponsibility for questioning the sources of funding; and the fact that I didn't do it at the time was simply, in my judgment, indication of my own naivet and po litical innocence, in spite of my ideological bent." Deceiving Schulman and his Hungarian subjects did not bother the men from MKULTR A in the slightest. According to a Gottlieb aide, one of the strong arguments in side the CIA for the whole Human Ecology program was that it gave the Agency a m eans of approaching and using political mavericks who could not otherwise get se curity clearances. "Sometimes," he chuckles, "these left-wing social scientists were damned good." This MKULTRA veteran scoffs at the displeasure Schulman expre sses: "If we'd gone to a guy and said, 'We're CIA,' he never would have done it. They were glad to get the money in a world where damned few people were willing to support them.... They can't complain about how they were treated or that the y were asked to do something they wouldn't have normally done." The Human Ecology Society soon became a conduit for CIA money flowing to project s, like the Rutgers one, outside Cornell. For these grants, the Society provided only cover and administrative support behind the gold-plated names of Cornell a nd Harold Wolff. From 1955 to 1958, Agency officials passed funds through the So ciety for work on criminal sexual psychopaths at Ionia State Hospital, [3] a men tal institution located on the banks of the Grand River in the rolling farm coun try 120 miles northwest of Detroit. This project had an interesting hypothesis: That child molesters and rapists had ugly secrets buried deep within them and th at their stake in not admitting their perversions approached that of spies not wanting to confess. The MKULTRA men reasoned that any technique that would w

ork on a sexual psychopath would surely have a similar effect on a foreign agent . Using psychologists and psychiatrists connected to the Michigan mental health and the Detroit court systems, they set up a program to test LSD and marijuana, wittingly and unwittingly, alone and in combination with hypnosis. Because of administrative delays, the Michigan doctors managed to experiment onl y on 26 inmates in three years all sexual offenders committed by judges without a trial under a Michigan law, since declared unconstitutional. The search for a truth drug went on, under the auspices of the Human Ecology Society, as well as in other MKULTRA channels. The Ionia project was the kind of expansionist activity that made Cornell admini strators, if not Harold Wolff, uneasy. By 1957, the Cornellians had had enough. At the same time, the Ag ency sponsors decided that the Society had outgrown its dependence on Cornell fo r academic credentialsthat in fact the close ties to Cornell might inhibit the S ociety's future growth among academics notoriously sensitive to institutional co nflicts. One CIA official wrote that the Society "must be given more established stature in the research community to be effective as a cover organization." Onc e the Society was cut loose in the foundation world, Agency men felt they would be freer to go anywhere in academia to buy research that might assist covert ope rations. So the CIA severed the Society's formal connection to Cornell. The Human Ecology group moved out of its East 78th Street town house, which had always seem a little too plush for a university program, and opened up a new hea dquarters in Forest Hills, Queens, which was an inappropriate neighborhood for a well-connected foundation. [4] Agency officials hired a staff of four led by Lieutenant Colonel James Monroe, who had worked closely with the CIA as h ead of the Air Force's study of Korean War prisoners. Sid Gottlieb and the TSS h ierarchy in Washington still made the major decisions, but Monroe and the Societ y staff, whose salaries the Agency paid, took over the Society's dealings with t he outside world and the monitoring of several hundred thousand dollars a year i n research projects. Monroe personally supervised dozens of grants, including Dr . Ewen Cameron's brainwashing work in Montreal. Soon the Society was flourishing as an innovative foundation, attracting research proposals from a wide variety of behavioral scientists, at a time when these peopleparticularly the unorthodox oneswere still the step-children of the fund-granting world. After the Society's exit from Cornell, Wolff and Hinkle stayed on as president a nd vice-president, respectively, of the Society's board of directors. Dr. Joseph Hinsey, head of th e New York Hospital-Cornell Medical Center also remained on the board. Allen Dul les continued his personal interest in the Society's work and came to one of the first meetings of the new board, which, as was customary with CIA fronts, inclu ded some big outside names. These luminaries added worthiness to the enterprise while playing essentially figurehead roles. In 1957 the other board members were John Whitehorn, chairman of the psychiatry department at Johns Hopkins Universi ty, Carl Rogers, professor of psychology and psychiatry at the University of Wis consin, and Adolf A. Berle, onetime Assistant Secretary of State and chairman of the New York Liberal Party. [5] Berle had originally put his close f riend Harold Wolff in touch with the CIA, and at Wolff's request, he came on the Society board despite some reservations. "I am frightened about this one," Berl e wrote in his diary. "If the scientists do what they have laid out for themselv es, men will become manageable ants. But I don't think it will happen." There was a lot of old-fashioned back-scratching among the CIA people and the ac ademics as they settled into the work of accommodating each other. Even Harold W olff, the first and the most enthusiastic of the scholar-spies, had made it clea r from the beginning that he expected some practical rewards for his service. Ac cording to colleague Hinkle, who appreciated Wolff as one the great grantsman of his time, Wolff expected that the Agency "would support our research and we wou ld be their consultants." Wolff bluntly informed the CIA that some of his work w ould have no direct use "except that it vastly enhances our value . . . as consultants and advisers." In other words, Wolff felt that hi

s worth to the CIA increased in proportion to his professional accomplishments a nd importancewhich in turn depended partly on the resources he commanded. The Ag ency men understood, and over the last half of the 1950s, they were happy to con tribute almost $300,000 to Wolff's own research on the brain and central nervous system. In turn, Wolff and his reputation helped them gain access to other lead ing lights in the academic world. Another person who benefited from Human Ecology funds was Carl Rogers, whom Wolf f had also asked to serve on the board. Rogers, who later would become famous fo r his nondirective, nonauthoritarian approach to psychotherapy, respected Wolff' s work, and he had no objection to helping the CIA. Although he says he would ha ve nothing to do with secret Agency activities today, he asks for understanding in light of the climate of the 1950s. "We really did regard Russia as the enemy, " declares Rogers, "and we were trying to do various things to make sure the Rus sians did not get the upper hand." Rogers received an important professional rew ard for joining the Society board. Executive Director James Monroe had let him k now that, once he agreed to serve, he could expect to receive a Society grant. " That appealed to me because I was having trouble getting funded," says Rogers. " Having gotten that grant [about $30,000 over three years], it made it possible t o get other grants from Rockefeller and NIMH." Rogers still feels grateful to th e Society for helping him establish a funding "track record," but he emphasizes that the Agency never had any effect on his research. Although MKULTRA psychologist John Gittinger suspected that Rogers' work on psyc hotherapy might provide insight into interrogation methods, the Society did not give Rogers mone y because of the content of his work. The grant ensured his services as a consul tant, if desired, and, according to a CIA document, "free access" to his project . But above all, the grant allowed the Agency to use Rogers' name. His standing in the academic community contributed to the layer of cover around the Society t hat Agency officials felt was crucial to mask their involvement. Professor Charles Osgood's status in psychology also improved the Society's cove r, but his research was more directly useful to the Agency, and the MKULTRA men paid much more to get it. In 1959 Osgood, who four years later became president of the American Psychological Association, wanted to push forward his work on ho w people in different societies express the same feelings, even when using diffe rent words and concepts. Osgood wrote in "an abstract conceptual framework," but Agency officials saw his research as "directly relevant" to covert activities. They bel ieved they could transfer Osgood's knowledge of "hidden values and cues" in the way people communicate int o more effective overseas propaganda. Osgood's work gave them a toolcalled the " semantic differential"to choose the right words in a foreign language to convey a particular meaning. Like Carl Rogers, Osgood got his first outside funding for what became the most important work of his career from the Human Ecology Society. Osgood had written directly to the CIA for support, and the Society soon contacted him and furnished $192,975 for research over five years. The money allowed him to travel widely and to expand his work into 30 different cultures. Also like Rogers, Osgood eventually received NIMH money to finish his research, but he acknowledges that the Human Ecology grants played an important part in the progress of his work. He stresses that "there was none of the feeling then about the CIA that there is now, in terms of subversive activities," and he states that the Society had no influence on anything he produced. Yet Society men could and did talk to him about his findings. They asked questions that reflected their own covert interests, not his academic pursuits, and they drew him out, according to one of them, "at great length." Osgood had started

studying cross-cultural meaning well before he received the Human Ecology money, but the Society's support ensured that he would continue his work on a scale that suited the Agency's purposes, as well as his own. A whole category of Society funding, called "cover grants," served no other purpose than to build the Society's false front. These included a sociological study of Levittown, Long Island (about $4,500), an analysis of the Central Mongoloid skull ($700), and a look at the foreign-policy attitudes of people who owned fallout shelters, as opposed to people who did not ($2,500). A $500 Human Ecology grant went to Istanbul University for a study of the effects of circumcision on Turkish boys. The researcher found that young Turks, usually circumcised between the ages of five and seven, felt "severe emotional impact with attending symptoms of withdrawal." The children saw the painful operations as "an act of aggression" that brought out previously hidden fearsor so the Human Ecology Society reported. In other instances, the Society put money into projects whose covert application was so unlikely that only an expert could see the possibilities. Nonetheless, in 1958 the Society gave $5,570 to social psychologists Muzafer and Carolyn Wood Sherif of the University of Oklahoma for work on the behavior of teen-age boys in gangs. The Sherifs, both ignorant of the CIA connection,[6] studied the group structures and attitudes in the gangs and tried to devise ways to channel antisocial behavior into more constructive paths. Their results were filtered through clandestine minds at the Agency. "With gang warfare," says an MKULTRA source, "you tried to get some defectors-in-place who would like to modify some of the group behavior and cool it. Now, getting a juvenile delinquent defector was motivationally not all that much different from getting a Soviet one." MKULTRA officials were clearly interested in using their grants to build contacts and associations with prestigious academics. The Society put $1,500 a year into the Research in Mental Health Newsletter published jointly at McGill University by the sociology and psychiatric departments. Anthropologist Margaret Mead, an international culture heroine, sat on the newsletter's advisory board (with, among others, D. Ewen Cameron), and the Society used her name in its biennial report. Similarly, the Society gave grants of $26,000 to the well-known University of London psychologist, H. J. Eysenck, for his work on motivation. An MKULTRA document acknowledged that this research would have "no immediate relevance for Agency needs," but that it would "lend prestige" to the Society. The grants to Eysenck also allowed the Society to take funding credit for no less than nine of his publications in its 1963 report. The following year, the Society managed to purchase a piece of the work of the most famous behaviorist of all, Harvard's B. F. Skinner. Skinner, who had tried to train pigeons to guide bombs for the military during World War II, received a $5,000 Human Ecology grant to pay the costs of a secretary and supplies for the research that led to his book, Freedom and Dignity. Skinner has no memory of the grant or its origins but says, "I don't

like secret involvement of any kind. I can't see why it couldn't have been open and aboveboard." A TSS source explains that grants like these "bought legitimacy" for the Society and made the recipients "grateful." He says that the money gave Agency employees at Human Ecology a reason to phone Skinneror any of the other recipientsto pick his brain about a particular problem. In a similar vein, another MKULTRA man, psychologist John Gittinger mentions the Society's relationship with Erwin Goffman of the University of Pennsylvania, whom many consider today's leading sociological theorist. The Society gave him a small grant to help finish a book that would have been published anyway. As a result, Gittinger was able to spend hours talking with him about, among other things, an article he had written earlier on confidence men. These hucksters were experts at manipulating behavior, according to Gittinger, and Goffman unwittingly "gave us a better understanding of the techniques people use to establish phony relationships"a subject of interest to the CIA. To keep track of new developments in the behavioral sciences, Society representatives regularly visited grant recipients and found out what they and their colleagues were doing. Some of the knowing professors became conscious spies. Most simply relayed the latest professional gossip to their visitors and sent along unpublished papers. The prestige of the Human Ecology grantees also helped give the Agency access to behavioral scientists who had no connection to the Society. "You could walk into someone's office and say you were just talking to Skinner," says an MKULTRA veteran. "We didn't hesitate to do this. It was a way to name-drop." The Society did not limit its intelligence gathering to the United States. As one Agency source puts it, "The Society gave us a legitimate basis to approach anyone in the academic community anywhere in the world." CIA officials regularly used it as cover when they traveled abroad to study the behavior of foreigners of interest to the Agency, including such leaders as Nikita Khrushchev. The Society funded foreign researchers and also gave money to American professors to collect information abroad. In 1960, for instance, the Society sponsored a survey of Soviet psychology through the simple device of putting up $15,000 through the official auspices of the American Psychological Association to send ten prominent psychologists on a tour of the Soviet Union. Nine of the ten had no idea of the Agency involvement, but CIA officials were apparently able to debrief everyone when the group returned. Then the Society sponsored a conference and book for which each psychologist contributed a chapter. The book added another $5,000 to the CIA's cost, but $20,000 all told seemed like a small price to pay for the information gathered. The psychologistsexcept perhaps the knowledgeable onedid nothing they would not ordinarily have done during their trip, and the scholarly community benefited from increased knowledge on an important subject. The only thing violated was the openness and trust normally associated with academic pursuits. By turning scholars into spieseven unknowing onesCIA officials risked the

reputation of American research work and contributed potential ammunition toward the belief in many countries that the U.S. notion of academic freedom and independence from the state is self-serving and hypocritical. Secrecy allowed the Agency a measure of freedom from normal academic restrictions and red tape, and the men from MKULTRA used that freedom to make their projects more attractive. The Society demanded "no stupid progress reports," recalls psychologist and psychiatrist Martin Orne, who received a grant to support his Harvard research on hypnotism. As a further sign of generosity and trust, the Society gave Orne a follow-on $30,000 grant with no specified purpose.[7] Orne could use it as he wished. He believes the money was "a contingency investment" in his work, and MKULTRA officials agree. "We could go to Orne anytime," says one of them, "and say, 'Okay, here is a situation and here is a kind of guy. What would you expect we might be able to achieve if we could hypnotize him?' Through his massive knowledge, he could speculate and advise." A handful of other Society grantees also served in similar roles as covert Agency consultants in the field of their expertise. In general, the Human Ecology Society served as the CIA's window on the world of behavioral research. No phenomenon was too arcane to escape a careful look from the Society, whether extrasensory perception or African witch doctors. "There were some unbelievable schemes," recalls an MKULTRA veteran, "but you also knew Einstein was considered crazy. You couldn't be so biased that you wouldn't leave open the possibility that some crazy idea might work." MKULTRA men realized, according to the veteran, that "ninety percent of what we were doing would fail" to be of any use to the Agency. Yet, with a spirit of inquiry much freer than that usually found in the academic world, the Society took early stabs at cracking the genetic code with computers and finding out whether animals could be controlled through electrodes placed in their brains. The Society's unrestrained, scattershot approach to behavioral research went against the prevailing wisdom in American universitiesboth as to methods and to subjects of interest. During the 1950s one school of thoughtsocalled "behaviorism,"was accepted on campus, virtually to the exclusion of all others. The "behaviorists," led by Harvard's B. F. Skinner, looked at psychology as the study of learned observable responses to outside stimulation. To oversimplify, they championed the approach in which psychologists gave rewards to rats scurrying through mazes, and they tended to dismiss matters of great interest to the Agency: e.g., the effect of drugs on the psyche, subjective phenomena like hypnosis, the inner workings of the mind, and personality theories that took genetic differences into account. By investing up to $400,000 a year into the early, innovative work of men like Carl Rogers, Charles Osgood, and Martin Orne, the CIA's Human Ecology Society helped liberate the behavioral sciences from the world of rats and cheese. With a push from the Agency as well as other forces, the field opened up. Former iconoclasts became eminent, and, for better or worse, the Skinnerian near-

monopoly gave way to a multiplication of contending schools. Eventually, a reputable behavioral scientist could be doing almost anything: holding hands with his students in sensitivity sessions, collecting survey data on spanking habits, or subjectively exploring new modes of consciousness. The CIA's money undoubtedly changed the academic world to some degree, though no one can say how much. As usual, the CIA men were ahead of their time and had started to move on before the new approaches became established. In 1963, having sampled everything from palm reading to subliminal perception, Sid Gottlieb and his colleagues satisfied themselves that they had overlooked no area of knowledgehowever esotericthat might be promising for CIA operations. The Society had served its purpose; now the money could be better spent elsewhere. Agency officials transferred the still-useful projects to other covert channels and allowed the rest to die quietly. By the end of 1965, when the remaining research was completed, the Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology was gone. Notes MKULTRA subprojects 48 and 60 provided the basic documents on the Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology. These were supplemented by the three biennial reports of the Society that could be found: 1957, 1961, and 1961-1963. Wolff's own research work is MKULTRA subproject 61. Wolfs proposals to the Agency are in #A/B, II, 10/68, undated "Proposed Plan for Implementing [deleted]" in two documents included in 48-29, March 5, 1956, "General Principles Upon Which these Proposals Are Based." The Agency's plans for the Chinese Project are described in #A/B, II, 10/48, undated, Subject: Cryptonym [deleted] A/B, II 10/72,9 December,1954, Subject: Letter of Instructions, and #A/B, II, 10/110, undated, untitled. Details of the logistics of renting the Human Ecology headquarters and bugging it are in #A/B, II, 10/23, 30 August, 1954, Subject: Meeting of Working Committee of [deleted], No. 5 and #A/B, II, 10/92, 8 December, 1954, Subject: Technical Installation. The Hungarian project, as well as being described in the 1957 biennial report, was dealt with in MKULTRA subprojects 65 and 82, especially 65-12, 28 June 1956, Subject: MKULTRA subproject 65; 65-11, undated, Subject: Dr. [deleted]'s ProjectPlans for the Coming Year, July,1957-June,1958; and 82-15,11 April 1958, Subject: Project MKULTRA, Subproject 82. The Ionia State sexual psychopath research was MKULTRA Subproject 39, especially 39-4, 9 April 1958, Subject: Trip Report, Visit to [deleted], 7 April 1958. Paul Magnusson of the Detroit Free Press and David Pearl of the Detroit ACLU office both furnished information. Carl Rogers' MKULTRA subproject was # 97. He also received funds under Subproject 74. See especially 74256, 7 October 1958, Supplement to Individual Grant under MKULTRA, Subproject No. 74 and 97-21, 6 August 1959, Subject: MKULTRA Subproject 97. H. J. Eysenck's MKULTRA subproject was #111. See especially 111-3, 3 April 1961, Subject: Continuation of MKULTRA Subproject 111. The American Psychological

Association-sponsored trip to the Soviet Union was described in Subproject 107. The book that came out of the trip was called Some Views on Soviet Psychology, Raymond Bauer (editor), (Washington: American Psychological Association; 1962). The Sherifs' research on teenage gangs was described in Subproject # 102 and the 1961 Human Ecology biennial report. Dr. Carolyn Sherif also wrote a letter to the American Psychological Association Monitor, February 1978. Dr. Sherif talked about her work when she and I appeared on an August 1978 panel at the American Psychological Association's convention in Toronto. Martin Orne's work for the Agency was described in Subproject 84. He contributed a chapter to the Societyfunded book, The Manipulation of Human Behavior, edited by Albert Biderman and Herbert Zimmer-(New York: John Wiley & Sons; 1961), pp. 169-215. Financial data on Orne's Institute for Experimental Psychiatry came from a filing with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Attachment to Form 1023. The quote from John Gittinger came from an interview with him conducted by Dr. Patricia Greenfield. Dr. Greenfield also interviewed Jay Schulman, Carl Rogers, and Charles Osgood for an article in the December 1977 issue of the American Psychological Association Monitor, from which my quotes of Schulman's comments are taken. She discussed Erving Goffman's role in a presentation to a panel of the American Psychological Association convention in Toronto in August 1978. The talk was titled "CIA Support of Basic Research in Psychology: Policy Implications." Footnotes 1. In 1961 the Society changed its name to the Human Ecology Fund, but for convenience sake it will be called the Society throughout the book. 2. Also to gain access to this same group of leftist Hungarian refugees in Europe, the Human Ecology Society put $15,000 in 1958 into an unwitting study by Dr. A. H. M. Struik of the University of Nijmegen in the Netherlands. An Agency document extolled this arrangement not only as a useful way of studying Hungarians but because it provided "entree" into a leading European university and psychological research center, adding "such a connection has manifold cover and testing possibilities as well as providing a base from which to take advantage of developments in that area of the world." 3. Professor Laurence Hinkle states that it was never his or Cornell's intention that the Society would be used as a CIA funding conduit. When told that he himself had written letters on the Ionia project, he replied that the Society's CIA-supplied bookkeeper was always putting papers in front of him and that he must have signed without realizing the implications. 4. By 1961 the CIA staff had tired of Queens and moved the Society back into Manhattan to 201 East 57th Street. In 1965 as the Agency was closing down the front, it switched its headquarters to 183i Connecticut Avenue N.W. in Washington, the same building owned by Dr. Charles Geschickter that housed another MKULTRA conduit,

the Geschickter Fund for Medical Research. 5. Other establishment figures who would grace the Human Ecology board over the years included Leonard Carmichael, head of the Smithsonian Institution, Barnaby Keeney, president of Brown University, and George A. Kelly, psychology professor and Society fund recipient at Ohio State University. 6. According to Dr. Carolyn Sherif, who says she and her husband did not share the Cold War consensus and would never have knowingly taken CIA funds Human Ecology executive director James Monroe lied directly about the source of the Society's money, claiming it came from rich New York doctors and Texas millionaires who gave it for tax purposes. Monroe used this standard cover story with other grantees. 7. A 1962 report of Orne's laboratory, the Institute for Experimental Psychiatry, showed that it received two sizable grants before the end of that year: $30,000 from Human Ecology and $30,000 from Scientific Engineering Institute, another CIA front organization. Orne says he was not aware of the latter group's Agency connection at the time, but learned of it later. He used its grant to study new ways of using the polygraph. The Gittinger Assessment System With one exception, the CIA's behavioral research whether on LSD or on electrosh ockseems to have had more impact on the outside world than on Agency operations. That exception grew out of the work of the MKULTRA program's resident genius, p sychologist John Gittinger. While on the CIA payroll, toiling to find ways to ma nipulate people, Gittinger created a unique system for assessing personality and predicting future behavior. He called his methodappropriatelythe Personality As sessment System (PAS). Top Agency officials have been so impressed that they hav e given the Gittinger system a place in most agent-connected activities. To be s ure, most CIA operators would not go nearly so far as a former Gittinger aide who says, "The PAS was the key to the whole clandestine business. " Still, after most of the touted mind controllers had given up or been sent back home, it was Gittinger, t he staff psychologist, who sold his PAS system to cynical, anti-gimmick case off icers in the Agency's Clandestine Services. And during the Cuban missile crisis, it was Gittinger who was summoned to the White House to give his advice on how Khrushchev would react to American pressure. A heavy-set, goateed native of Oklahoma who in his later years came to resemble actor Walter Slezak, Gittinger looked much more like someone's kindly grandfather than a calculating theoretician. He had an almost insatiable curiosity about personality, and he spent most of his waking h ours tinkering with and trying to perfect his system. So obsessed did he become that he always had the feeling even after other researchers had verified large c hunks of the PAS and after the CIA had put it into operational usethat the whole thing was "a kind of paranoid delusion." Gittinger started working on his system even before he joined the CIA in 1950. P rior to that, he had been director of psychological services at the state hospital in Norman, Oklahoma. Hi s high-sounding title did not reflect the fact that he was the only psychologist on the staff. A former high school guidance counselor and Naval lieutenant comm ander during World War II, he was starting out at age 30 with a master's degree. Every day he saw several hundred patients whose mental problems included virtua lly everything in the clinical textbooks. Numerous tramps and other itinerants, heading West in search of the good life in California, got stuck in Oklahoma during the cold winter months and managed to get themselves admitted to

Gittinger's hospital. In warmer seasons of the year, quite a few of them worked , when they had to, as cooks or dishwashers in the short-order hamburger stands that dotted the highways in the days before fast food. They functioned perfectly well in these jobs until freezing nights drove them from their outdoor beds. Th e hospital staff usually called them "seasonal schizophrenics" and gave them she lter until spring. Gittinger included them in the psychological tests he was so fond of running on his patients. As he measured the itinerants on the Wechsler intelligence scale, a standard IQ test with 11 parts,[1] Gittinger made a chance observation that became, he says, the "bedrock" of his w hole system. He noticed that the short-order cooks tended to do well on the digi t-span subtest which rated their ability to remember numbers. The dishwashers, i n contrast, had a poor memory for digits. Since the cooks had to keep track of m any complex orderswith countless variations of medium rare, onions, and hold-the -mayotheir retentive quality served them well. Gittinger also noticed that the cooks had different personality traits than the dishwashers. The cooks seemed able to maintain a high degree of efficiency in a distracting environment while customers were constantly barking new orders at th em. They kept their composure by falling back on their internal resources and ge nerally shutting themselves off from the commotion around them. Gittinger dubbed this personality type, which was basically inner-directed, an " Internalizer" (abbreviated "I"). The dishwashers, on the other hand, did not have the ability to separate t hemselves from the external world. In order to perform their jobs, they had to be placed off in some far cor ner of the kitchen with their dirty pots and pans, or else all the tumult of the place diverted them from thei r duty. Gittinger called the dishwasher type an "Externalizer" (E). He found that if he measured a high digit span in any personnot just a short-order cookhe could make a basic judgment abo ut personality. From observation, Gittinger concluded that babies were born with distinct person alities which then were modified by environmental factors. The Internalizedor I baby was caught up in hi mself and tended to be seen as a passive child; hence, the world usually called him a "good baby." The E tot was more interested in outside stimuli and attentio n, and thus was more likely to cause his parents problems by making demands. Git tinger believed that the way parents and other authority figures reacted to the child helped to shape his personality. Adults often pressured or directed the I child to become more outgoing and the E one to become more self-sufficient. Gitt inger found he could measure the compensations, or adjustments, the child made o n another Wechsler subtest, the one that rated arithmetic ability. He noticed that in later life, when the person was subject to stress, these comp ensations tended to disappear, and the person reverted to his original personality type. Gittinger w rote that his system "makes possible the assessment of fundamental discrepancies between the surface persona lity and the underlying personality structurediscrepancies that produce tension, conflict, and anxiety." Besides the E-I dimensions, Gittinger identified two other fundamental sets of p ersonality characteristics that he could measure with still other Wechsler subtests. Depending on how a sub ject did on the block design subtest, Gittinger could tell if he were Regulated (R) or Flexible (F). The Regulated person had no trouble learning by rote but us ually did not understand what he learned. The Flexible individual, on the other hand, had to understand something before he learned it. Gittinger noted that R c hildren could learn to play the piano moderately well with comparatively little effort. The F child most often hated the drudgery of piano lessons, but Gittinge r observed that the great concert pianists tended to be Fs who had persevered an

d mastered the instrument. Other psychologists had thought up personality dimensions similar to Gittinger's E and I, R and F. even if they defined them somewhat differently. Gittinger's most original contributio n came in a third personality dimension, which revealed how well people were abl e to adapt their social behavior to the demands of the culture they lived in. Gi ttinger found he could measure this dimension with the picture arrangement Wechs ler subtest, and he called it the Role Adaptive (A) or Role Uniform (U). It corresponded to "charisma," since other people were naturally attracted to the A person while they tended to ignore the U. All this became immensely more complicated as Gittinger measured compensations and modifications with other Wechsler subtests. This comp lexity alone worked against the acceptance of his system by the outside world, a s did the fact that he based much of it on ideas that ran contrary to accepted p sychological doctrinesuch as his heretical notion that genetic differences exist ed. It did not help, either, that Gittinger was a non-Ph.D. whose theory sprang from the kitchen habits of vagrants in Oklahoma. Any one of these drawbacks might have stifled Gittinger in the academic world, b ut to the pragmatists in the CIA, they were irrelevant. Gittinger's strange ideas seemed to work. With uncanny accuracy, he could look at nothing more than a subject's Wechsler numbe rs, pinpoint his weaknesses, and show how to turn him into an Agency spy. Once G ittinger's boss, Sid Gottlieb, and other high CIA officials realized how Gitting er's PAS could be used to help case officers handle agents, they gave the psycho logist both the time and money to improve his system under the auspices of the H uman Ecology Society. Although he was a full-time CIA employee, Gittinger worked under Human Ecology c over through the 1950s. Agency officials considered the PAS to be one of the Soc iety's greatest triumphs, definitely worth continuing after the Society was phas ed out. In 1962 Gittinger and his co-workers moved their base of operations from the Human Ecology headquarters in New York to a CIA proprietary company, set up especially for them in Washington and called Psychological Assessment Associate s. Gittinger served as president of the company, whose cover was to provide psyc hological services to American firms overseas. He personally opened a branch off ice in Tokyo (later moved to Hong Kong) to service CIA stations in the Far East. The Washington staff, which grew to about 15 professionals during the 1960s, ha ndled the rest of the world by sending assessment specialists off for temporary visits. Hundreds of thousands of dollars in Human Ecology grants and then even more mone y in Psychological Assessment contractsall CIA fundsflowed out to verify and expand the PAS. For ex ample, the Society gave about $140,000 to David Saunders of the Educational Test ing Service, the company that prepares the College Board exams. Saunders, who kn ew about the Agency's involvement, found a correlation between brain (EEG) patte rns and results on the digit-span test, and he helped Gittinger apply the system to other countries. In this regard, Gittinger and his colleagues understood tha t the Wechsler battery of subtests had a cultural bias and that a Japanese E had a very differe nt personality from, say, a Russian E. To compensate, they worked out localized versions of the PAS for various nations around the world. While at the Human Ecology group, Gittinger supervised much of the Society's oth er research in the behavioral sciences, and he always tried to interest Society grantees in his sys tem. He looked for ways to mesh their research with his theoriesand vice versa. Some, like Carl Rogers and Charles Osgood, listened politely and did not follow up. Yet Gittinger would alw ays learn something from their work that he could apply to the PAS. A charming m an and a skillful raconteur, Gittinger convinced quite a few of the other grante es of the validity of his theories and the importance of his ideas. Careful not

to threaten the egos of his fellow professionals, he never projected an air of s uperiority. Often he would leave people even the skepticalopenmouthed in awe as he painted unnervingly accurate personality portraits of people he had never met . Indeed, people frequently accused him of somehow having cheated by knowing the subject in advance or peeking at his file. Gittinger patiently and carefully taught his system to his colleagues, who all s eem to have views of him that range from great respect to pure idolatry. For all his willingness to share the PAS, Gittinger was never able to show anyone how t o use the system as skillfully as he did. Not that he did not try; he simply was a more talented natural assessor than any of the others. Moreover, his system w as full of interrelations and variables that he instinctively understood but had not bothered to articulate. As a result, he could look at Wechsler scores and p ick out behavior patterns which would be valid and which no one else had seen. E ven after Agency officials spent a small fortune trying to computerize the PAS, they found, as one psychologist puts it, the machine "couldn't tie down all the variables" that Gittinger was carrying around in his head. Some Human Ecology grantees, like psychiatrist Robert Hyde, were so impressed wi th Gittinger's system that they made the PAS a major part of their own research. Hyde routinely gave Wechslers to his subjects before plying them with liquor, a s part of the Agency's efforts to find out how people react to alcohol. In 1957 Hyde moved his research team from Boston Psychopathic Hospital, where he had been America's first LSD tripper, to Butler Health Center in Providence. The re, with Agency funds, Hyde built an experimental party room in the hospital, co mplete with pinball machine, dartboard, and bamboo bar stools. From behind a two -way mirror, psychologists watched the subjects get tipsy and made careful notes on their reaction to alcohol. Not surprisingly, the observers found that pure I nternalizers became more withdrawn after several drinks, and that uncompensated Es were more likely to become garrulousin essence, sloppy drunks. Thus Gittinger was able to make generalizations about the different ways an I or an E responde d to alcohol.[2] Simply by knowing how people scored on the Wechsler digit-span test, he could predict how they would react to liquor. Hyde and Harold Abramson at Mount Sinai Hospital made the same kind of observations for LSD finding, amon g other things, that an E was more likely than an I to have a bad trip. (Apparen tly, an I is more accustomed than an E to "being into his own head" and losing t ouch with external reality.) At Gittinger's urging, other Human Ecology grantees gave the Wechsler battery to their experimental subjects and sent him the scores. He was building a unique d ata base on all phases of human behavior, and he needed samples of as many disti nct groups as possible. By getting the scores of actors, he could make generaliz ations about what sort of people made good role-players. Martin Orne at Harvard sent in scores of hypnosis subjects, so Gittinger could separate the personality patterns of those who easily went into a trance from those who could not be hyp notized. Gittinger collected Wechslers of businessmen, students, high-priced fas hion models, doctors, and just about any other discrete group he could find a wa y to have tested. In huge numbers, the Wechslers came flowing in29,000 sets in a ll by the early 1970seach one accompanied by biographic data. With the 10 subtes ts he used and at least 10 possible scores on each of those, no two Wechsler res ults in the whole sample ever looked exactly the same. Gittinger kept a computer printout of all 29,000 on his desk, and he would fiddle with them almost every daylooking constantly for new truths that could be drawn out of them. John Gittinger was interested in all facets of personality, but because he worke d for the CIA, he emphasized deviant forms. He particularly sought out Wechslers of people who had rejected the values of their society or who had some vicehidden or otherwisetha t caused others to reject them. By studying the scores of the defectors who had come over to the West, Gittinger hoped to identify common characteristics of men who had become traitors to their governments. If there were identifiable traits , Agency operators could look for them in prospective spies. Harris Isbell, who ran the MKULTRA drug-testing program at the Lexington, Kentucky detention Hospit al, sent in the scores of heroin addicts. Gittinger wanted to know what to look

for in people susceptible to drugs. The Human Ecology project at Ionia State Hos pital in Michigan furnished Wechslers of sexual psychopaths. These scores showed that people with uncontrollable urges have different personality patterns than so-called normals. Gittinger himself journeyed to the West Coast to test homosex uals, lesbians, and the prostitutes he interviewed under George White's auspices in the San Francisco safehouse. With each group, he separated out the telltale signs that might be a future indicator of their sexual preference in others. Git tinger understood that simply by looking at the Wechsler scores of someone newly tested, he could pick out patterns that corresponded to behavior of people in t he data base. The Gittinger system worked best when the TSS staff had a subject's Wechsler sco res to analyze, but Agency officials could not very well ask a Russian diplomat or any other foreign target to sit down and take the tests. During World War II, OSS chief William Donovan had faced a similar problem in trying to find out abo ut Adolf Hitler's personality, and Donovan had commissioned psychoanalyst Walter Langer to make a long-distance psychiatric profile of the German leader. Langer had sifted through all the available data on the Fhrer, and that was exactly wh at Gittinger's TSS assessments staff did when they lacked direct contact (and wh en they had it, too). They pored over all the intelligence gathered by operators , agents, bugs, and taps and looked at samples of a man's handwriting.[3] The CI A men took the process of "indirect assessment" one step further than Langer had, however. They observed the target's behavior and looked for revealing patterns that correspon ded with traits already recorded among the subjects of the 29,000 Wechsler sampl es. Along this line, Gittinger and his staff had a good idea how various personality types acted after consuming a few drinks. Thus, they reasoned, if they watched a guest at a cocktail party and he started to behave in a recognizable wayby wit hdrawing, for instancethey could make an educated guess about his personality ty pein this case, that he was an I. In contrast, the drunken Russian diplomat who became louder and began pinching every woman who passed by probably was an E. In stead of using the test scores to predict how a person would behave, the assessments staff was, in effect, looking at behavior and working backward to predict how the person would have scored if he had taken the test. The Gittinger staff developed a whole che cklist of 30 to 40 patterns that the skilled observer could look for. Each of th ese traits reflected one of the Wechsler subtests, and it corresponded to some i nsight picked up from the 29,000 scores in the data base. Was the target sloppy or neat? Did he relate to women stiffly or easily? How did he hold a cigarette and put it into his mouth? When he went through a receiving line, did he immediately repeat the name of each person introduced to him? Take n as a whole, all these observations allowed Gittinger to make a reasoned estimate about a subject's personality, with emphasis on his vulnerabilities. As Gittinger describes the system, "If you could get a sample of several kinds of situations, you could begin to get some pretty good information." Nevertheless, Gittinger had his doubts about indirect assessment. "I never thought we were good at this," he says. The TSS assessment staff, along with the Agency's medical office use the PAS ind irectly to keep up the OSS tradition of making psychological portraits of world leaders like Hitler. Combining analytical techniques with gossipy intelligence, the assessors tried to give high-level U.S. officials a better idea of what move d the principal international political figures.[4] One such study of an America n citizen spilled over into the legally forbidden domestic area when in 1971 the medical office prepared a profile of Daniel Ellsberg at the request of the Whit e House. To get raw data for the Agency assessors, John Ehrlichman authorized a break-in at Ellsberg's psychiatrist's office in California. John Gittinger vehem ently denies that his staff played any role in preparing this profile, which the White House plumbers intended to use as a kind of psychological road map to com promise Ellsbergjust as CIA operators regularly worked from such assessments to exploit the weaknesses of foreigners.

Whether used directly or indirectly, the PAS gave Agency case officers a tool to get a better reading of the people with whom they dealt. CIA field stations overseas routinely sent all their findings on a target, along with indirect assessment checklists, back to Washington, so headquarters p ersonnel could decide whether or not to try recruitment. The TSS assessment staf f contributed to this process by attempting to predict what ploys would work best on the man in the case officers' sights. "Our job was to recommend what strategy to try," says a onetime Gittinger colleague. This source states he had direct knowledge of cases where TSS recommendations l ed to sexual entrapment operations, both hetero- and homosexual. "We had women r eadycalled them a stable," he says, and they found willing men when they had to. One CIA psychologist stresses that the PAS only provided "clues" on how to compr omise people. "If somebody's assessment came in like the sexual psychopaths', it would raise red f lags," he notes. But TSS staff assessors could only conclude that the target had a potentially seriou s sex problem. They could by no means guarantee that the target's defenses could be broken. Nevertheless, the PAS helped dictate the best weapons for the attack . "I've heard John [Gittinger] say there's always something that someone wants," says another former Agency psychologist. "And with the PAS you can find out wha t it is. It's not necessarily sex or booze. Sometimes it's status or recognition or security." Yet another Gittinger colleague describes this process as "looking for soft spot s." He states that after years of working with the system, he still bridled at a few of the more fiendish ways "to get at people" that his colleagues dreamed up . He stayed on until retirement, however, and he adds, "None of this was persona l. It was for national security reasons." A few years ago, ex-CIA psychologist James Keehner told reporter Maureen Orth th at he personally went to New York in 1969 to give Wechsler tests to an American nurse who had volunteered her body for her country. "We wanted her to sleep with this Russian," explained Keehner. "Either the Russian would fall in love with h er and defect, or we'd blackmail him. I had to see if she could sleep with him o ver a period of time and not get involved emotionally. Boy, was she tough!" Keeh ner noted that he became disgusted with entrapment techniques, especially after watching a film of an agent in bed with a "recruitment target." He pointed out t hat Agency case officers, many of whom "got their jollies" from such work, used a hidden camera to get their shots. The sexual technology developed in the MKULT RA safehouses in New York and San Francisco had been put to work. The operation worked no better in the 1960s, however, than TSS officials predicted such activi ties would a decade earlier. "You don't really recruit agents with sexual blackm ail," Keehner concluded. "That's why I couldn't even take reading the files afte r a while. I was sickened at seeing people take pleasure in other people's inade quacies. First of all, I thought it was just dumb. For all the money going out, nothing ever came back." Keehner became disgusted by the picking-at-scabs aspect of TSS assessment work. Once the PAS had identified a target as having potential mental instabilities, staff members some times suggested ways to break him down, reasoning that by using a ratchet-like approach to put him under increased pressure, they might be able to break the lines that tied him to his country, if not to his sanity. Keehner stated, "I was sent to deal with the most negative aspects of the human condition. It was planned destructiveness. First, you'd check to see if you could destroy a man's marriage. If you could, then th at would be enough to put a lot of stress on the individual, to break him down. Then you might start a minor rumor campaign against him. Harass him constantly. Bump his car in traffic. A lot of it is ridiculous, but it may have a cumulative effect." Agency case officers might also use this same sort of stress-producing campaign against a particularly effective enemy intelligence officer whom they knew they could never recruit but whom they hoped to neutralize.

Most operationsincluding most recruitmentsdid not rely on such nasty methods. Th e case officer still benefited from the TSS staffs assessment, but he usually wanted to minimize stre ss rather than accentuate it. CIA operators tended to agree that the best way to recruit an agent was to make the relationship as productive and satisfying as p ossible for him, operating from the old adage about catching more flies with hon ey than vinegar. "You pick the thing most fearful to himthe things which would c ause him the most doubt," says the source. "If his greatest fear is that he can' t trust you to protect him and his family, you overload your pitch with your abi lity to do it. Other people need structure, so you tell them exactly what they w ill need to do. If you leave it open-ended, they'll be scared you'll ask them to do things they're incapable of."[5] Soon after the successful recruitment of a foreigner to spy for the CIA, either a CIA staff member or a specially trained case officer normally sat down with the new agent and gave him the full battery of Wechsler subtestsa process that took several hours. The tes ter never mentioned that the exercise had anything to do with personality but ca lled it an "aptitude" testwhich it also is. The assessments office in Washington then analyzed the results. As with the polygraph, the PAS helped tell if the ag ent were lying. It could often delve deeper than surface concepts of true and fa lse. The PAS might show that the agent's motivations were not in line with his b ehavior. In that case, if the gap were too great, the case officer could expect to run up against considerable deceptionresulting either from espionage motives or psychotic tendencies. The TSS staff assessors sent a report back to the field on the best way to deal with the new agent and the most effective means to exploit him. They would recommend whether his case offic er should treat him sternly or permissively. If the agent were an Externalizer w ho needed considerable companionship, the assessors might suggest that the case officer try to spend as much time with him as possible.[6] They would probably r ecommend against sending this E agent on a long mission into a hostile country, where he could not have the friendly company he craved. Without any help from John Gittinger or his system, covert operators had long be en deciding matters like these, which were, after all, rooted in common sense. Most case officers prided themselves on their ability to play their agents like a musical instrument, at j ust the right tempo, and the Gittinger system did not shake their belief that no thing could beat their own intuition. Former CIA Deputy Director Ray Cline expre sses a common view when he says the PAS "was part of the systemkind of a check-a nd-balancea supposedly scientific tool that was not weighed very heavily. I neve r put as much weight on the psychological assessment reports as on a case office r's view.... In the end, people went with their own opinion." Former Director Wi lliam Colby found the assessment reports particularly useful in smoothing over t hat "traumatic" period when a case officer had to pass on his agent to a replace ment. Understandably, the agent often saw the switch as a danger or a hardship. "The new guy has to show some understanding and sympathy," says Colby, who had 3 0 years of operational experience himself, "but it doesn't work if these feeling s are not real." For those Agency officers who yearned to remove as much of the human element as possible from agent operations, Gittinger's system was a natural. It reduced behavior to a workable formula of shorthand letters that, while not insightful in all respects, gave a reasonably accurate description of a person. Like Social Security numbers, such formulas fitted well with a computerized approach. While not wanting to overemph asize the Agency's reliance on the PAS, former Director Colby states that the sy stem made dealing with agents "more systematized, more professional." In 1963 the CIA's Inspector General gave the TSS assessment staff high marks and described how it fit into operations: The [Clandestine Services] case officer is first and foremost, perhaps, a practi tioner of the art of assessing

and exploiting human personality and motivations for ulterior purposes. The ingr edients of advanced skill in this art are highly individualistic in nature, incl uding such qualities as perceptiveness and imagination. [The PAS] seeks to enhan ce the case officer's skill by bringing the methods and disciplines of psycholog y to bear.... The prime objectives are control, exploitation, or neutralization. These objectives are innately anti-ethical rather than therapeutic in their int ent. In other words, the PAS is directed toward the relationship between the American case officer and his foreign agent, that lies at the heart of espionage. In that sense, it amounts to its own academic disciplinethe psychology of spyingcomplete with axioms and rea ms of empirical data. The business of the PAS, like that of the CIA, is control. One former CIA psychologist, who still feels guilty about his participation in certain Agency operations, believes that the CIA's fixation on control and manip ulation mirrors, in a more virulent form, the way Americans deal with each other generally. "I don't think the CIA is too far removed from the culture," he says . "It's just a matter of degree. If you put a lot of money out there, there are many people who are lacking the ethics even of the CIA. At least the Agency had an ideological basis." This psychologist believes that the United States has bec ome an extremely control-oriented societyfrom the classroom to politics to telev ision advertising. Spying and the PAS techniques are unique only in that they ar e more systematic and secret. Another TSS scientist believes that the Agency's behavioral research was a logic al extension of the efforts of American psychologists, psychiatrists, and sociologists to change beh aviorwhich he calls their "sole motivation." Such people manipulate their subjec ts in trying to make mentally disturbed people well, in turning criminals into l aw-abiding citizens, in improving the work of students, and in pushing poor peop le to get off welfare. The source cites all of these as examples of "behavior mo dification" for socially acceptable reasons, which, like public attitudes toward spying, change from time to time. "Don't get the idea that all these behavioral scientists were nice and pure, that they didn't want to change anything, and th at they were detached in their science," he warns. "They were up to their necks in changing people. It just happened that the things they were interested in wer e not always the same as what we were." Perhaps the saving grace of the behavior al scientists is summed up by longtime MKULTRA consultant Martin Orne: "We are s ufficiently ineffective so that our findings can be published." With the PAS, CI A officials had a handy tool for social engineering. The Gittinger staff found o ne use for it in the sensitive area of selecting members of foreign police and i ntelligence agencies. All over the globe, Agency operators have frequently maint ained intimate working relations with security services that have consistently m istreated their own citizens. The assessments staff played a key role in choosin g members of the secret police in at least two countries whose human-rights reco rds are among the world's worst. In 1961, according to TSS psychologist John Winne, the CIA and the Korean govern ment worked together to establish the newly created Korean Central Intelligence Agency (KCIA). The American CIA station in Seoul asked headquarters to send out an assessor to "select the initial cadre" of the KCIA. Off went Winne on tempora ry duty. "I set up an office with two translators," he recalls, "and used a Kore an version of the Wechsler." The Agency psychologist gave the tests to 25 to 30 police and military officers and wrote up a half-page report on each, listing th eir strengths and weaknesses. Winne wanted to know about each candidate's "abili ty to follow orders, creativity, lack of personality disorders, motivationwhy he wanted out of his current job. It was mostly for the money, especially with the civilians." The test results went to the Korean authorities, whom Winne believe s made the personnel decisions "in conjunction with our operational people." "We would do a job like this and never get feedback, so we were never sure we'd done a good job," Winne complains. Sixteen years after the end of his mission to Seoul and after news of KCIA repression at home and bribes to American congress men abroad, Winne feels that his best efforts had "boomeranged." He states that

Tongsun Park was not one of the KCIA men he tested. In 1966 CIA staffers, including Gittinger himself, took part in selecting member s of an equally controversial police unit in Uruguaythe anti-terrorist section that fought the T upamaro urban guerrillas. According to John Cassidy, the CIA's deputy station chief there at the time, Age ncy operators worked to set up this special force together with the Agency for I nternational Development's Public Safety Mission (whose members included Dan Mit rione, later kidnapped and killed by the Tupamaros). The CIA-assisted police cla imed they were in a life-and-death struggle against the guerrillas, and they use d incredibly brutal methods, including torture, to stamp out most of the Uruguay an left along with the guerrillas. While the special police were being organized, "John [Gittinger] came down for t hree days to get the program underway," recalls Cassidy. Then Hans Greiner, a Gi ttinger associate, ran Wechslers on 20 Uruguayan candidates. One question on the information subtest was "How many weeks in the year?" Eighteen of the 20 said i t was 48, and only one man got the answer right. (Later he was asked about his a nswer, and he said he had made a mistake; he meant 48.) But when Greiner asked t his same group of police candidates, "Who wrote Faust?" 18 of the 20 knew it was Goethe. "This tells you something about the culture," notes Cassidy, who served the Agency all over Latin America. It also points up the difficulty Gittinger had in making the PAS work across cultural lines. In any case, CIA man Cassidy found the assessment process most useful for showin g how to train the antiterrorist section. "According to the results, these men w ere shown to have very dependent psychologies and they needs d strong direction, " recalls the now-retired operator. Cassidy was quite pleased with the contribut ion Gittinger and Greiner made. "For years I had been dealing with Latin America ns," says Cassidy, "and here, largely by psychological tests, one of [Gittinger' s] men was able to analyze people he had no experience with and give me some ins ight into them.... Ordinarily, we would have just selected the men and gone to w ork on them." In helping countries like South Korea and Uruguay pick their secret police, TSS staff members often inserted a devilish twist with the PAS. They could not only choose candidates wh o would make good investigators, interrogators, or whatever, but they could also spot those who were most likely to succumb to future CIA blandishments. "Certai n types were more recruitable," states a former assessor. "I looked for them whe n I wrote my reports.... Anytime the Company [the CIA] spent money for training a foreigner, the object was that he would ultimately serve our control purposes. " Thus, CIA officials were not content simply to work closely with these foreign intelligence agencies; they insisted on penetrating them, and the PAS provided a useful aid. In 1973 John Gittinger and his longtime associate John Winne, who picked KCIA me n, published a basic description of the PAS in a professional journal. Although others had written pu blicly about the system, this article apparently disturbed some of the Agency's powers, who were then cutting back on the number of CIA employees at the order o f short-time Director James Schlesinger. Shortly thereafter, Gittinger, then 56, stopped being president of Psychological Assessment Associates but stayed on as a consultant. In 1974 I wrote about Gittinger's work, albeit incomp letely, in Rolling Stone magazine. Gittinger was disturbed that disclosure of hi s CIA connection would hurt his professional reputation. "Are we tarred by a bru sh because we worked for the CIA?" he asked during one of several rather emotion al exchanges. "I'm proud of it." He saw no ethical problems in "looking for peop le's weaknesses" if it helped the CIA obtain information, and he declared that f or many years most Americans thought this was a useful process. At first, he off ered to give me the Wechsler tests and prepare a personality assessment to expla in the system, but Agency officials prohibited his doing so. "I was given no exp lanation," said the obviously disappointed Gittinger. "I'm very proud of my prof

essional work, and I had looked forward to being able to explain it." In August 1977 Gittinger publicly testified in Senate hearings. While he obvious ly would have preferred talking about his psychological research, his most persi stent questioner, Senator Edward Kennedy, was much more interested in bringing o ut sensational details about prostitutes and drug testing. A proud man, Gittinge r felt "humiliated" by the experience, which ended with him looking foolish on n ational television. The next month, the testimony of his former associate, David Rhodes, further bruised Gittinger. Rhodes told the Kennedy subcommittee about G ittinger's role in leading the "Gang that Couldn't Spray Straight" in an abortiv e attempt to test LSD in aerosol cans on unwitting subjects. ittinger does not want his place in history to be determined by this kind of activity. He would like to see his Personality Assessment System accepted as an important co ntribution to science. Tired of the controversy and worn down by trying to explain the PAS, Gittinger h as moved back to his native Oklahoma. He took a copy of the 29,000 Wechsler resu lts with him, but he has lost his ardor for working with them. A handful of psyc hologists around the country still swear by the system and try to pass it on to others. One, who uses it in private practice, says that in therapy it saves six months in understanding the patient. This psychologist takes a full reading of h is patient's personality with the PAS, and then he varies his treatment to fit t he person's problems. He believes that most American psychologists and psychiatr ists treat their patients the same whereas the PAS is designed to identify the d ifferences between people. Gittinger very much hopes that others will accept thi s view and move his system into the mainstream. "It means nothing unless I can g et someone else to work on it," he declares. Given the preconceptions of the psy chological community, the inevitable taint arising from the CIA's role in develo ping the system, and Gittinger's lack of academic credentials and energy, his wi sh will probably not be fulfilled. Notes The material on the Gittinger Personality Assessment System (PAS) comes from "An Introduction to the Personality Assessment System" by John Winne and John Gittinger, Monograph Suppl ement No. 38, Clinical Psychology Publishing Co., Inc. 1973; an interview with J ohn Winne; interviews with three other former CIA psychologists; 1974 interviews with John Gittinger by the author; and an extended interview with Gittinger by Dr. Patricia Greenfield, Associate Professor of Psychology at UCLA. Some of the material was used first in a Rolling Stone article, July 18, 1974, "The CIA Won' t Quite Go Public." Robert Hyde's alcohol research at Butler Health Center was M KULTRA Subproject 66. See especially 66-17, 27 August, 1958. Subject: Proposed A lcohol Study19581959 and 66-5. undated, Subject: EquipmentEcology Laboratory. The 1963 Inspector General's report on TSS, as first released under the Freedom of Information Act, did not include the section on personality assessment quoted from in the chapter. An undated, untitled document, which was obviously this se ction, was made available in one of the CIA's last releases. MKULTRA subproject 83 dealt with graphology research, as did part of Subproject 60, which covered the whole Human Ecology Society. See especially 83-7, December 11, 1959, Subject: [deleted] Graphological Review and 60-28, undated, Subject [ deleted] Activities Report, May, 1959April, 1960. Information on the psychological profile of Ferdinand Marcos came from a U.S. Go vernment source who had read it. Information on the profile of the Shah of Iran came from a column by Jack Anderson and Les Whitten "CIA Study Finds Shah Insecu re," Washington Post, July 11, 1975. The quotes from James Keehner came from an article in New Times by Maureen Orth, "Memoirs of a CIA Psychologist," June 25, 1975. For related reports on the CIA's role in training foreign police and its activit ies in Uruguay, see an article by Taylor Branch and John Marks, "Tracking the CIA," Harper's Weekly, Ja nuary 25, 1975 and Philip Agee's book, Inside the Company: CIA Diary (London: Pe nguin; 1975). The quote from Martin Orne was taken from Patricia Greenfield's APA Monitor arti

cle cited in the last chapter's notes. Gittinger's testimony before the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence and the Kennedy subcommittee on August 3, 1977 appeared on pages 50-63. David Rhodes' t estimony on Gittinger's role in the abortive San Francisco LSD spraying appeared in hearings before the Kennedy subcommittee, September 20, 1977, pp. 100-110. Footnotes 1. Developed by psychologist David Wechsler, this testing system is called, in d ifferent versions, the Wechsler-Bellevue and the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale. As Gittinger worked with it over the years, he made modifications that he incorporated in what he n amed the Wechsler-Bellevue-G. For simplicity's sake, it is simply referred to as the Wechsler system throughout the book. 2. As with most of the descriptions of the PAS made in the book, this is an over simplification of a more complicated process. The system, as Gittinger used it, yielded millions of disti nct personality types. His observations on alcohol were based on much more than a straight I and E comparis on. For the most complete description of the PAS in the open literature, see the article by Gittinger and Winne cited in the chapter notes. 3. Graphology (handwriting analysis) appealed to CIA officials as a way of suppl ementing PAS assessments or making judgments when only a written letter was avai lable. Graphology was one of the seemingly arcane fields which the Human Ecology Society had investigated and found operational uses for. The Society wound up f unding handwriting research and a publication in West Germany where the subject was taken much more seriously than in the United States, and it sponsored a stud y to compare handwriting analyses with Wechsler scores of actors (including some homosexuals), patients in psychotherapy, criminal psychopaths, and fashion models. Gittinger went on to hi re a resident graphologist who could do the same sort of amazing things with han dwriting as the Oklahoma psychologist could do with Wechsler scores. One former colleague recalls her spotting accuratelya stomach ailment in a foreign leader s imply by reading one letter. Asked in an interview about how the Agency used her work, she replied, "If they think they can manipulate a person, that's none of my business. I don't know what they do with it. My analysis was not done with th at intention.... Something I learned very early in government was not to ask que stions." 4. A profile of Ferdinand Marcos found the Filipino president's massive personal enrichment while in office to be a natural outgrowth of his country's tradition of putting loyalty to one's family and friends ahead of all other consideration s. Agency assessors found the Shah of Iran to be a brilliant but dangerous megal omaniac whose problems resulted from an overbearing father, the humiliation of h aving served as a puppet ruler, and his inability for many years to produce a ma le heir. 5. This source reports that case officers usually used this sort of nonthreateni ng approach and switched to the rougher stuff if the target decided he did not w ant to spy for the CIA. In that case, says the ex-CIA man, "you don't want the p erson to say no and run off and tattle. You lose an asset that waynot in the sen se of the case officer being shot, but by being nullified." The spurned operator might then offer not to reveal that the target was cheating on his wife or had had a homosexual affair, in return for the target not disclosing the recruitment attempt to his own intelligence service. 6. While Agency officials might also have used the PAS to select the right case officer to deal with the E agentone who would be able to sustain the agent's need for a close relationship over a long period of timethey almost never used the system with this degree of precision. An Agency office outside TSS did keep Wechslers and other test scores on file for most case officers, but the Clandestine Services management was not willing to turn over the selection of American personnel to the psychologists. Hypnosis

No mind-control technique has more captured popular imaginationand kindled fears than hypnosis. Men have long dreamed they could use overwhelming hypnotic powers to compel others to do their bidding. And when CIA officials institutionalized that dream in the early Cold War Days, they tried, like modern-day Svengalis, to use hypnosis to force their favors on unwitting victims. One group of professio nal experts, as well as popular novelists, argued that hypnosis would lead to ma jor breakthroughs in spying. Another body of experts believed the opposite. The Agency men, who did not fully trust the academics anyway, listened to both point s of view and kept looking for applications which fit their own special needs. T o them, hypnosis offered too much promise not to be pursued, but finding the ans wers was such an elusive and dangerous process that 10 years after the program s tarted CIA officials were still searching for practical uses. The CIA's first behavioral research czar, Morse Allen of ARTICHOKE, was intrigue d by hypnosis. He read everything he could get his hands on, and in 1951 he went to New York for a four-day course from a well-known stage hypnotist. This hypno tist had taken the Svengali legend to heart, and he bombarded Allen with tales o f how he used hypnosis to seduce young women. He told the ARTICHOKE chief that h e had convinced one mesmerized lady that he was her husband and that she despera tely wanted him. That kind of deception has a place in covert operations, and Mo rse Allen was sufficiently impressed to report back to his bosses the hypnotist' s claim that "he spent approximately five nights a week away from home engaging in sexual intercourse." Apart from the bragging, the stage hypnotist did give Morse Allen a short educat ion in how to capture a subject's attention and induce a trance. Allen returned to Washington more convi nced than ever of the benefits of working hypnosis into the ARTICHOKE repertory and of the need to build a defense against it. With permission from above, he de cided to take his hypnosis studies further, right in his own office. He asked yo ung CIA secretaries to stay after work and ran them through the hypnotic pacespr oving to his own satisfaction that he could make them do whatever he wanted. He had secretaries steal SECRET files and pass them on to total strangers, thus vio lating the most basic CIA security rules. He got them to steal from each other a nd to start fires. He made one of them report to the bedroom of a strange man an d then go into a deep sleep. "This activity clearly indicates that individuals under hy pnosis might be compromised and blackmailed," Allen wrote. On February 19, 1954, Morse Allen simulated the ultimate experiment in hypnosis: the creation of a "Manchurian Candidate," or programmed assassin. Allen's "victim" was a secretary whom he put into a deep trance and told to keep sleeping until he ordered other wise. He then hypnotized a second secretary and told her that if she could not w ake up her friend, "her rage would be so great that she would not hesitate to 'k ill.' " Allen left a pistol nearby, which the secretary had no way of knowing wa s unloaded. Even though she had earlier expressed a fear of firearms of any kind , she picked up the gun and "shot" her sleeping friend. After Allen brought the "killer" out of her trance, she had apparent amnesia for the event, denying she would ever shoot anyone. With this experiment, Morse Allen took the testing as far as he could on a makebelieve basis, but he was neither satisfied nor convinced that hypnosis would produce such spectacular res ults in an operational setting. All he felt he had proved was that an impressionable young volunteer wo uld accept a command from a legitimate authority figure to take an action she may have sensed would n ot end in tragedy. She presumably trusted the CIA enough as an institution and M orse Allen as an individual to believe he would not let her do anything wrong. T he experimental setting, in effect, legitimated her behavior and prevented it fr om being truly antisocial. Early in 1954, Allen almost got his chance to try the crucial test. According to a CIA document, the subject was to be a 35-year-old, well-educated foreigner wh

o had once worked for a friendly secret service, probably the CIA itself. He had now shifted his loyalty to another government, and the CIA was quite upset with him. The Agency plan was to hypnotize him and program him into making an assass ination attempt. He would then be arrested at the least for attempted murder and "thereby disposed of." The scenario had several holes in it, as the operators p resented it to the ARTICHOKE team. First, the subject was to be involuntary and unwitting, and as yet no one had come up with a consistently effective way of hy pnotizing such people. Second, the ARTICHOKE team would have only limited custod y of the subject, who was to be snatched from a social event. Allen understood t hat it would probably take months of painstaking work to prepare the man for a s ophisticated covert operation. The subject was highly unlikely to perform after just one command. Yet, so anxious were the ARTICHOKE men to try the experiment t hat they were willing to go ahead even under these unfavorable conditions: "The final answer was that in view of the fact that successful completion of this pro posed act of attempted assassination was insignificant to the overall project; to wit, whether it was even carried out or not, that under 'crash conditions' and appropriate authority from Headquarters, the ARTICHOKE team would undertake the problem in spite of the operational limi tations." This operation never took place. Eager to be unleashed, Morse Allen kept request ing prolonged access to operational subjects, such as the double agents and defectors on whom he was allowed to work a day or two. Not every double agent would do. The candidate had to be among the one person in five who made a good hypnotic subject, and he nee ded to have a dissociative tendency to separate part of his personality from the main body of his consciousness. The hope was to take an existing ego statesuch as an imaginary childhood playmateand build it into a separate personality, unkn own to the first. The hypnotist would communicate directly with this schizophren ic offshoot and command it to carry out specific deeds about which the main pers onality would know nothing. There would be inevitable leakage between the two pe rsonalities, particularly in dreams; but if the hypnotists were clever enough, h e could build in cover stories and safety valves which would prevent the subject from acting inconsistently. All during the spring and summer of 1954, Morse Allen lobbied for permission to try what he called "terminal experiments" in hypnosis, including one along the f ollowing scenario: CIA officials would recruit an agent in a friendly foreign country where the Age ncy could count on the cooperation of the local police force. CIA case officers would train the agent t o pose as a leftist and report on the local communist party. During training, a skilled hypnotist would hypnotize him under the guise of giving him medical trea tment (the favorite ARTICHOKE cover for hypnosis). The hypnotist would then prov ide the agent with information and tell him to forget it all when he snapped out of the trance. Once the agent had been properly conditioned and prepared, he wo uld be sent into action as a CIA spy. Then Agency officials would tip off the lo cal police that the man was a dangerous communist agent, and he would be arreste d. Through their liaison arrangement with the police, Agency case officers would be able to watch and even guide the course of the interrogation. In this way, th ey could answer many of their questions about hypnosis on a live guinea pig who believed his life was in danger. Specifically, the men from ARTICHOKE wanted to know how well hypnotic a mnesia held up against torture. Could the amnesia be broken with drugs? One docu ment noted that the Agency could even send in a new hypnotist to try his hand at cracking through the commands of the first one. Perhaps the most cynical part o f the whole scheme came at the end of the proposal: "In the event that the agent should break down and admit his connection with US intelligence, we a) deny thi s absolutely and advise the agent's disposal, or b) indicate that the agent may have been dispatched by some other organ of US intel ligence and that we should thereafter run the agent jointly with [the local inte lligence service]."

An ARTICHOKE team was scheduled to carry out field tests along these lines in th e summer of 1954. The planning got to an advanced stage, with the ARTICHOKE comm and center in Washington cabling overseas for the "time, place, and bodies avail able for terminal experiments." Then another cable complained of the "diminishin g numbers" of subjects available for these tests. At this point, the available r ecord becomes very fuzzy. The minutes of an ARTICHOKE working group meeting indi cate that a key Agency officialprobably the station chief in the country where t he experiments were going to take placehad second thoughts. One participant at t he meeting, obviously rankled by the obstructionism, said if this nay-sayer did not change his attitude, ARTICHOKE officials would have the Director himself ord er the official to go along. Although short-term interrogations of unwitting subjects with drugs and hypnosis (the "A" treatment) continued, the more complicated tests apparently never did get going under the A RTICHOKE banner. By the end of the year, 1954, Allen Dulles took the behavioralresearch function away from Morse Allen and gave it to Sid Gottlieb and the men from MKULTRA. Allen had directly pursued the goal of creating a Manchurian Candi date, which he clearly believed was possible. MKULTRA officials were just as int erested in finding ways to assert control over people, but they had much less fa ith in the frontal-assault approach pushed by Allen. For them, finding the Manch urian Candidate became a figurative exercise. They did not give up the dream. Th ey simply pursued it in smaller steps, always hoping to increase the percentages in their favor. John Gittinger, the MKULTRA case officer on hypnosis, states, " Predictable absolute control is not possible on a particular individual. Any psy chologist, psychiatrist, or preacher can get control over certain kinds of indiv iduals, but that's not a predictable, definite thing." Gittinger adds that despi te his belief to this effect, he felt he had to give "a fair shake" to people wh o wanted to try out ideas to the contrary. Gottlieb and his colleagues had already been doing hypnosis research for two yea rs. They did a few basic experiments in the office, as Morse Allen did, but they farmed out most of the w ork to a young Ph.D. candidate at the University of Minnesota, Alden Sears. Sear s, who later moved his CIA study project to the University of Denver, worked wit h student subjects to define the nature of hypnosis. Among many other things, he looked into several of the areas that would be building blocks in the creation of a Manchurian Candidate. Could a hypnotist induce a totally separate personali ty? Could a subject be sent on missions he would not remember unless cued by the hypnotist? Sears, who has since become a Methodist minister, refused to talk about methods he experime nted with to build second identities.[1] By 1957, he wrote that the experiments that needed to be done "could not be handled in the University situation." Unlik e Morse Allen, he did not want to perform the terminal experiments. Milton Kline, a New York psychologist who says he also did not want to cross the ethical line but is sure the intelligence agencies have, served as an unpaid consultant to Sears and othe r CIA hypnosis research. Nothing Sears or others found disabused him of the idea that the Manchurian Candidate is possible. "It cannot be done by everyone," say s Kline, "It cannot be done consistently, but it can be done." A onetime president of the American Society for Clinical and Experimental Hypnos is, Kline was one of many outside experts to whom Gittinger and his colleagues t alked. Other consultants, with equally impressive credentials, rejected Kline's views. In no other area of the behavioral sciences was there so little accord on basic questions. "You could find an expert who would agree with everything," sa ys Gittinger. "Therefore, we tried to get everybody." The MKULTRA men state that they got too many unsolicited suggestions on how to u se hypnosis in covert operations. "The operators would ask us for easy solutions ," recalls a veteran. "We therefore kept a laundry list of why they couldn't have what they wanted. We spent a lot of time telling some young kid whose idea we had heard a hundred times why it wouldn't w ork. We would wind up explaining why you couldn't have a free lunch." This veter

an mentions an example: CIA operators put a great deal of time and money into se rvicing "dead drops" (covert mail pickup points, such as a hollow tree) in the S oviet Union. If a collector was captured, he was likely to give away the locatio ns. Therefore Agency men suggested that TSS find a way to hypnotize these secret mailmen, so they could withstand interrogation and even torture if arrested. Morse Allen had wanted to perform the "terminal experiment" to see if a hypnotic ally induced amnesia would stand up to torture. Gittinger says that as far as he knows, this experime nt was never carried out. "I still like to think we were human beings enough tha t this was not something we played with," says Gittinger. Such an experiment cou ld have been performed, as Allen suggested, by friendly police in a country like Taiwan or Paraguay. CIA men did at least discuss joint work in hypnosis with a foreign secret service in 1962.[2] Whether they went further simply cannot be sa id. Assuming the amnesia would hold, the MKULTRA veteran says the problem was how to trigger it. Perhaps the Russian phrase meaning "You're under arrest" could be u sed as a preprogrammed cue, but what if the police did not use these words as th ey captured the collector? Perhaps the physical sensation of handcuffs being sna pped on could do it, but a metal watchband could have the same effect. According to the veteran, in the abstract, the scheme sounded fine, but in practicality, a foolproof way of triggering the amnesia could not be found. "You had to accept that when someone is caught, they're going to tell some things," he says. MKULTRA officials, including Gittinger, did recommend the use of hypnosis in ope rational experiments on at least one occasion. In 1959 an important double agent , operating outside his homeland, told his Agency case officer that he was afrai d to go home again because he did not think he could withstand the tough interro gation that his government used on returning overseas agents. In Washington, the operators approached the TSS men about using hypnosis, backed up with drugs, to change the agent's attitude. They hoped they could instill in him the "ability or the necessary will" to hold up under questioning. An MKULTRA officialalmost certainly Gittingerheld a series of meetings over a tw o-week period with the operators and wrote that the agent was "a better than ave rage" hypnotic subject, but that his goal was to get out of intelligence work: T he agent "probably can be motivated to make at least one return visit to his hom eland by application of any one of a number of techniques, including hypnosis, b ut he may redefect in the process." The MKULTRA official continued that hypnosis probably could not produce an "operationally useful" degree of amnesia for the events of the recent past or for the hypnotic treatment itself that the agent "p robably has the native ability to withstand ordinary interrogation . . . provide d it is to his advantage to do so." The MKULTRA office recommended that despite the relatively negative outlook for the hypnosis, the Agency should proceed anyway. The operation had the advantage of having a "fail-safe" mechanism because the level of hypnosis could be tested out before the agent actually had to return. Moreover, the MKULTRA men felt "tha t a considerable amount of useful experience can be gained from this operation w hich could be used to improve Agency capability in future applications." In effe ct, they would be using hypnosis not as the linchpin of the operation, but as an adjunct to help motivate the agent. Since the proposed operation involved the u se of hypnosis and drugs, final approval could only be given by the high-level C landestine Services committee set up for this purpose and chaired by Richard Hel ms. Permission was not forthcoming. In June 1960 TSS officials launched an expan ded program of operational experiments in hypnosis in cooperation with the Agenc y's Counterintelligence Staff. The legendary James Angletonthe prototype for the title character Saxonton in Aaron Latham's Orchids for Mother and for Wellingto n in Victor Marchetti's The Rope Dancer headed Counterintelligence, which took o n some of the CIA's most sensitive missions (including the illegal Agency spying against domestic dissidents). Counterintelligence officials wrote that the hypnosis program could provide a "p otential breakthrough in clandestine technology." Their arrangement with TSS was that the MKULTRA men wou

ld develop the technique in the laboratory, while they took care of "field exper imentation." The Counterintelligence program had three goals: (1) to induce hypnosis very rap idly in unwitting subjects; (2) to create durable amnesia; and (3) to implant durable and operationally usef ul posthypnotic suggestion. The Agency released no information on any "field experimentation" of the latter two goals, which of course are the building blocks of the Manchurian Candidate. Agency officials provided only one heavily censored document on the first goal, rapid induction. In October 1960 the MKULTRA program invested $9,000 in an outsi de consultant to develop a way of quickly hypnotizing an unwitting subject. John Gittinger says the process consisted of surprising "somebody sitting in a chair , putting your hands on his forehead, and telling the guy to go to sleep." The m ethod worked "fantastically" on certain people, including some on whom no other technique was effective, and not on others. "It wasn't that predictable," notes Gittinger, who states he knows nothing about the field testing. The test, noted in that one released document, did not take place until July 196 3a full three years after the Counterintelligence experimental program began, during which interval the Ag ency is claiming that no other field experiments took place. According to a CIA man who participated in this test, the Counterintelligence Staff in Washington asked the CIA station in Mexico City to find a suitable candidate or a rapid induction experiment. The station proposed a low-level agent, whom the Soviets had apparently doubled. A Counterintelligenc e man flew in from Washington and a hypnotic consultant arrived from California. Our source and a fellow case officer brought the agent to a motel room on a pre text. "I puffed him up with his importance," says the Agency man. "I said the bo sses wanted to see him and of course give him more money." Waiting in an adjoini ng room was the hypnotic consultant. At a prearranged time, the two case officer s gently grabbed hold of the agent and tipped his chair over until the back was touching the floor. The consultant was supposed to rush in at that precise momen t and apply the technique. Nothing happened. The consultant froze, unable to do the deed. "You can imagine what we had to do to cover-up," says the official, wh o was literally left holding the agent. "We explained we had heard a noise, got excited, and tipped him down to protect him. He was so grubby for money he would have believed any excuse." There certainly is a huge difference between the limited aim of this bungled ope ration and one aimed at building a Manchurian Candidate. The MKULTRA veteran maintains that he and his c olleagues were not interested in a programmed assassin because they knew in gene ral it would not work and, specifically, that they could not exert total control . "If you have one hundred percent control, you have one hundred percent depende ncy," he says. "If something happens and you haven't programmed it in, you've go t a problem. If you try to put flexibility in, you lose control. To the extent y ou let the agent choose, you don't have control." He admits that he and his coll eagues spent hours running the arguments on the Manchurian Candidate back and fo rth. "Castro was naturally our discussion point," he declares. "Could you get so mebody gung-ho enough that they would go in and get him?" In the end, he states, they decided there were more reliable ways to kill people. "You can get exactly the same thing from people who are hypnotizable by many other ways, and you can 't get anything out of people who are not hypnotizable, so it has no use," says Gittinger. The only real gain in employing a hypnotized killer would be, in theory, that he would not remember who ordered him to pull the trigger. Yet, at least in the Ca stro case, the Cuban leader already knew who was after him. Moreover, there were plenty of people around willing to take on the Castro contract. "A well-trained person could do it without all this mumbo-jumbo," says the MKULTRA veteran. By going to the Mafia for hitmen, CIA officials in any case found killers who had a built-in amnesia mechanism that had nothing to do with hypnosis.[3] The MKULTRA veteran gives many reasons why he believes the CIA never actually tr

ied a Manchurian Candidate operation, but he acknowledges that he does not know.[4] If the ultima te experiments were performed, they would have been handled with incredible secr ecy. It would seem, however, that the same kind of reasoning that impelled Sid G ottlieb to recommend testing powerful drugs on unwitting subjects would have led to experimentation along such lines, if not to create the Manchurian Candidate itself, on some of the building blocks, or lesser antisocial acts. Even if the M KULTRA men did not think hypnosis would work operationally, they had not let tha t consideration prevent them from trying out numerous other techniques. The MKUL TRA chief could even have used a defensive rationale: He had to find out if the Russians could plant a "sleeper" killer in our midst, just as Richard Condon's n ovel discussed. If the assassin scenario seemed exaggerated, Gottlieb still would have wanted to know what other uses the Russians might try. Certainly, he could have found relatively "expendable" subje cts, as he and Morse Allen had for other behavior control experiments. And even if the MKULTRA men really did restrain themselves, it is unlikely that James Ang leton and his counterintelligence crew would have acted in such a limited fashio n when they felt they were on the verge of a "breakthrough in clandestine techno logy." Notes Morse Allen's training in hypnosis was described in Document #A/B, V,28/1, 9 Jul y 1951, Subject [Deleted]. His hypnosis experiments in the office are described in a long series of memos. See especially #A/B, III, 2/18, 10 February 1954, Hyp notic Experimentation and Research and #A/B, II, 10/71, 19 August 1954, Subject: Operational/Security [deleted] and unnumbered document, 5 May 1955, Subject: Hy pnotism and Covert Operations. The quote on U.S. prisoners passing through Manchuria came from document #19, 18 June 1953, ARTICHOKE Conference. Alden Sears' hypnosis work was the subject of MKULTRA subprojects 5, 25, 29, and 49. See especially 49-28, undated, Proposal for Research in Hypnosis at the [de leted], June 1, 1956 to May 31, 1957, 49-34, undated, Proposals for Research in Hypnosis at the [deleted], June 1, 1956 to May 31, 1957; 5-11, 28 May 1953, Proj ect MKULTRA, Subproject 5 and 5-13,20 April 1954, Subject: [deleted]. See also P atrick Oster's article in the Chicago Sun-Times, September 4, 1977, "How CIA 'Hi d' Hypnosis Research." General background on hypnosis came from interviews with Alden Sears, Martin Orn e, Milton Kline, Ernest Hilgard, Herbert Spiegel, William Kroger, Jack Tracktir, John Watkins, and Harold Crasilneck. See Orne's chapter on hypnosis in The Mani pulation of Human Behavior, edited by Albert Biderman and Herbert Zimmer (New Yo rk: John Wiley & Sons; 1961), pp. 169-215. The contemplated use of hypnosis in an operation involving a foreign intelligenc e service is referred to in the Affidavit by Eloise R. Page, in the case John D. Marks v. Central Intelli gence Agency et al., Civil Action no. 76-2073. The 1959 proposed use of hypnosis that was approved by TSS is described in docum ents #433, 21 August 1959, Possible Use of Drugs and Hypnosis in [deleted] Opera tional Case; #434, 27 August 1959, Comments on [deleted]; and #435, 15 September 1959, Possible Use of Drugs and Hypnosis in [deleted] Operational Case. MKULTRA Subproject 128 dealt with the rapid induction technique. See especially 128-1, undated, Subject: To test a method of rapid hypnotic induction in simulat ed and real operational settings (MKULTRA 128). A long interview with John Gittinger added considerably to this chapter. Mr. Git tinger had refused earlier to be interviewed directly by me for this book. Our conversation was lim ited solely to hypnosis. Footnotes 1. Sears still maintains the fiction that he thought he was dealing only with a private foundation, the Geschickter Fund, and that he knew nothing of the CIA involvement in funding his

work. Yet a CIA document in his MKULTRA subproject says he was "aware of the re al purpose" of the project." Moreover, Sid Gottlieb brought him to Washington in 1954 to demonstrate hypnosis to a select group of Agency officials. 2. Under my Freedom of Information suit, the CIA specifically denied access to t he documents concerning the testing of hypnosis and psychedelic drugs in coopera tion with foreign intelligence agencies. The justification given was that releas ing such documents would reveal intelligence sources and methods, which are exem pted by law. The hypnosis experiment was never carried out, according to the gen eric description of the document which the Agency had to provide in explaining w hy it had to be withheld. 3. Referring to this CIA-mob relationship, author Robert Sam Anson has written, "It was inevitable: Gentlemen wishing to be killers gravitated to killers wishing to be gentlemen." 4. The veteran admits that none of the arguments he uses against a conditioned a ssassin would apply to a programmed "patsy" whom a hypnotist could walk through a series of seemingly unr elated eventsa visit to a store, a conversation with a mailman, picking a fight at a political rally. The subject would remember everything that happened to him and be amnesic only for the fact the hypnotist ordered him to do these things. There would be no gaping inconsistency in his life of the sort that can ruin an attempt by a hypnotist to create a second personality. The purpose of this exerc ise is to leave a circumstantial trail that will make the authorities think the patsy committed a particular crime. The weakness might well be that the amnesia would not hold up under police interrogation, but that would not matter if the p olice did not believe his preposterous story about being hypnotized or if he wer e shot resisting arrest. Hypnosis expert Milton Kline says he could create a pat sy in three months- an assassin would take him six. 170 PART IV CONCLUSIONS The Search for the Truth I'm a professional and I just don't talk about these things. Lots of things are not fit for the public. This has nothing to do with democracy. It has to do with common sense. GRATION H. YASETEVITCH, 1978 (explaining why he did not want to be interviewed f or this book) To hope that the power that is being made available by the behavioral sciences w ill be exercised by the scientists, or by a benevolent group, seems to me to be a hope little supported by either recent or distant history. It seems far more likely that behavioral scientists, holding their pres ent attitudes, will be in the position of the German rocket scientists specializ ing in guided missiles. First they worked devotedly for Hitler to destroy the USSR and the United States. Now, depending on who captured them they work devotedly for the USSR in the interest of destroying the United States, or devotedly for the United States in the interest of destroying the USS R. If behavioral scientists are concerned solely with advancing their science it seems most probable that they will serve the purpose of whatever group has the power. CARL ROGERS, 1961 Sid Gottlieb was one of many CIA officials who tried to find a way to assassinat e Fidel Castro. Castro survived, of course, and his victory over the Agency in April 1961 at the Bay of Pigs put the Agency in the headlines for the first time, in a very unfavorable light. Among the fiasco's many consequences was Gottlieb's loss of the research part of the CIA's behavior-control programs. Sti ll, he and the others kept trying to kill Castro. In the aftermath of the Bay of Pigs, President Kennedy reportedly vowed to splin ter the CIA into a thousand pieces. In the end, he settled for firing Allen Dull es and his top deputies. To head the Agency, which lost none of its power, Kenne dy brought in John McCone, a defense contractor and former head of the Atomic En ergy Commission. With no operational background, McCone had a different notion t

han Dulles of how to manage the CIA, particularly in the scientific area. "McCon e never felt akin to the covert way of doing things," recalls Ray Cline, whom th e new Director made his Deputy for Intelligence. McCone apparently believed that science should be in the hands of the scientists, not the clandestine operators , and he brought in a fellow Californian, an aerospace "whiz kid" named Albert " Bud" Wheelon to head a new Agency Directorate for Science and Technology. Before then, the Technical Services Staff (TSS), although located in the Clandes tine Services, had been the Agency's largest scientific component. McCone decided to strip TSS of its ma in research functionsincluding the behavioral oneand let it concentrate solely o n providing operational support. In 1962 he approved a reorganization of TSS tha t brought in Seymour Russell, a tough covert operator, as the new chief. "The id ea was to get a close interface with operations," recalls an ex-CIA man. Experie nced TSS technicians remained as deputies to the incoming field men, and the hig hest deputyship in all TSS went to Sid Gottlieb, who became number-two man under Russell. For Gottlieb, this was another significant promotion helped along by h is old friend Richard Helms, whom McCone had elevated to be head of the Clandest ine Services. In his new job, Gottlieb kept control of MKULTRA. Yet, in order to comply with M cCone's command on research programs, Gottlieb had to preside over the partial d ismantling of his own program. The loss was not as difficult as it might have be en, because, after 10 years of exploring the frontiers of the mind, Gottlieb had a clear idea of what worked and what did not in the behavioral field. Those are as that still were in the research stage tended to be extremely esoteric and tec hnical, and Gottlieb must have known that if the Science Directorate scored any breakthroughs, he would be brought back into the picture immediately to apply th e advances to covert operations. "Sid was not the kind of bureaucrat who wanted to hold on to everything at all c osts," recalls an admiring colleague. Gottlieb carefully pruned the MKULTRA lists, turning over to the Scie nce Directorate the exotic subjects that showed no short-term operational promis e and keeping for himself those psychological, chemical, and biological programs that had already passed the research stage. As previously stated, he moved John Gittinger and the personality-assessment staff out of the Human Ecology Society and kept them under TSS control in their own proprietary company. While Gottlie b was effecting these changes, his programs were coming under attack from anothe r quarter. In 1963 the CIA Inspector General did the study that led to the suspension of un witting drug testing in the San Francisco and New York safehouses. This was a bl ow to Gottlieb, who clearly intended to hold on to this kind of research. At the same time, the Inspector General also recommended that Agency officials draft a new charter for the whole MKULTRA program, which still was exempt from most int ernal CIA controls. He found that many of the MKULTRA subprojects were of "insuf ficient sensitivity" to justify bypassing the Agency's normal procedures for app roving and storing records of highly classified programs. Richard Helms, still the protector of unfettered behavioral research, responded by agreeing that there should be a new charteron the condition that it be almost the same as the old one. "The basic reasons for requesting waiver of standardized administr ative controls over these sensitive activities are as valid today as they were i n April, 1953," Helms wrote. Helms agreed to such changes as having the CIA Dire ctor briefed on the programs twice a year, but he kept the approval process with in his control and made sure that all the files would be retained inside TSS. An d as government officials so often do when they do not wish to alter anything of substance, he proposed a new name for the activity. In June 1964 MKULTRA became MKSEARCH. [1] Gottlieb acknowledged that security did not require transferring all the survivi ng MKULTRA subprojects over to MKSEARCH. He moved 18 subprojects back into regul ar Agency funding channels, including ones dealing with the sneezing powders, st ink bombs, and other "harassment substances." TSS officials had encouraged the d

evelopment of these as a way to make a target physically uncomfortable and hence to cause short-range changes in his behavior. Other MKULTRA subprojects dealt with ways to maximize stress on whole societies. Just as Gittinger's Personality Assessment System provided a psychological road map for exploiting a n individual's weaknesses, CIA "destabilization" plans provided guidelines for d estroying the internal integrity of target countries like Castro's Cuba or Allen de's Chile. Control whether of individuals or nationshas been the Agency's main business, and TSS officials supplied tools for the "macro" as well as the "micro " attacks. For example, under MKULTRA Subproject #143, the Agency gave Dr. Edward Bennett o f the University of Houston about $20,000 a year to develop bacteria to sabotage petroleum products. Bennett found a substance that, when added to oil, fouled o r destroyed any engine into which it was poured. CIA operators used exactly this kind of product in 1967 when they sent a sabotage team made up of Cuban exiles into France to pollute a shipment of lubricants bound for Cuba. The idea was tha t the tainted oil would "grind out motors and cause breakdowns," says an Agency man directly involved. This operation, which succeeded, was part of a worldwide CIA effort that lasted through the 1960s into the 1970s to destroy the Cuban eco nomy. [2] Agency officials reasoned, at least in the first years, that it would be easier to overthrow Castro if Cubans could be made unhappy with their standar d of living. "We wanted to keep bread out of the stores so people were hungry," says the CIA man who was assigned to anti-Castro operations. "We wanted to keep rationing in effect and keep leather out, so people got only one pair of shoes e very 18 months." Leaving this broader sort of program out of the new structure, Gottlieb regroupe d the most sensitive behavioral activities under the MKSEARCH umbrella. He chose to continue seven pr ojects, and the ones he picked give a good indication of those parts of MKULTRA that Gottlieb considered important enough to save. These included none of the so ciological studies, nor the search for a truth drug. Gottlieb put the emphasis o n chemical and biological substancesnot because he thought these could be used t o turn men into robots, but because he valued them for their predictable ability to disorient, discredit, injure, or kill people. He kept active two private lab s to produce such substances, funded consultants who had secure ways to test the m and ready access to subjects, and maintained a funding conduit to pass money o n to these other contractors. Here are the seven surviving MKSEARCH subprojects: First on the TSS list was the safehouse program for drug testing run by George W hite and others in the Federal Bureau of Narcotics. Even in 1964, Gottlieb and Helms had not given up h ope that unwitting experiments could be resumed, and the Agency paid out $30,000 that year to keep the safehouses open. In the meantime, something was going on at the "pad"or at least George White kept on sending the CIA vouchers for unorth odox expenses$1,100 worth in February 1965 alone under the old euphemism for pro stitutes, "undercover agents for operations." What White was doing with or to th ese agents cannot be said, but he kept the San Francisco operation active right up until the time it finally closed in June. Gottlieb did not give up on the New York safehouse until the following year.[3] MKSEARCH Subproject #2 involved continuing a $150,000a-year contract with a Balt imore biological laboratory This lab, run by at least one former CIA germ expert , gave TSS "a quick-delivery capability to meet anticipated future operational n eeds," according to an Agency document. Among other things, it provided a privat e place for "large-scale production of microorganisms." The Agency was paying th e Army Biological Laboratory at Fort Detrick about $100,000 a year for the same services. With its more complete facilities, Fort Detrick could be used to creat e and package more esoteric bacteria, but Gottlieb seems to have kept the Baltim ore facility going in order to have a way of producing biological weapons withou t the Army's germ warriors knowing about it. This secrecy-within secrecy was not unusual when TSS men were dealing with subjects as sensitive as infecting targe ts with diseases. Except on the most general level, no written records were kept

on the subject. Whenever an operational unit in the Agency asked TSS about obta ining a biological weapon, Gottlieb or his aides automatically turned down the r equest unless the head of the Clandestine Services had given his prior approval. Gottlieb handled these operational needs personally, and during the early 1960s (when CIA assassination attempts probably were at their peak) even Gottlieb's boss, the TSS chief, was not told what was happening. With his biological arsenal assured, Gottlieb also secured his chemical flank in MKSEARCH. Another subproject continued a relationship set up in 1959 with a prominent industrialis t who headed a complex of companies, including one that custom-manufactured rare chemicals for pharmaceuti cal producers. This man, whom on several occasions CIA officials gave $100 bills to pay for his products, was able to perform specific lab jobs for the Agency w ithout consulting with his board of directors. In 1960 he supplied the Agency wi th 3 kilos (6.6 pounds) of a deadly carbamatethe same poison OSS's Stanley Lovel l tried to use against Hitler. [4] This company president also was useful to the Agency because he was a ready source of information on what was going on in the chemical world. The chemical services he offered, coupled with his biological counterpart, gave the CIA the means to wage "instant" chemical and biological attacksa capability that was frequently used, judging by the large numbers of receipts and invoices that the CIA released under the Freedom of Information Act. With new chemicals and drugs constantly coming to their attention through their continuing relation s with the major pharmaceutical companies, TSS officials needed places to test t hem, particularly after the safehouses closed. Dr. James Hamilton, the San Franc isco psychiatrist who worked with George White in the original OSS marijuana day s, provided a way. He became MKSEARCH Subproject #3. Hamilton had joined MKULTRA in its earliest days and had been used as a West Coa st supervisor for Gottlieb and company. Hamilton was one of the renaissance men of the program, working on everything from psychochemicals to kinky sex to carbo n-dioxide inhalation. By the early 1960s, he had arranged to get access to priso ners at the California Medical Facility at Vacaville. [5] Hamilton worked throug h a nonprofit research institute connected to the Facility to carry out, as a do cument puts it, "clinical testing of behavioral control materials" on inmates. H amilton's job was to provide "answers to specific questions and solutions to spe cific problems of direct interest to the Agency." In a six-month span in 1967 an d 1968, the psychiatrist spent over $10,000 in CIA funds simply to pay volunteer s which a normal rates meant he experimented on between 400 to 1,000 inmates in that time period alone. Another MKSEARCH subproject provided $20,000 to $25,000 a year to Dr. Carl Pfeif fer. Pfeiflfer's Agency connection went back to 1951, when he headed the Pharmac ology Department at the University of Illinois Medical School. He then moved to Emory University and tested LSD and other drugs on inmates of the Federal penite ntiary in Atlanta. From there, he moved to New Jersey, where he continued drug e xperiments on the prisoners at the Bordentown reformatory. An internationally kn own pharmacologist, Pfeiffer provided the MKSEARCH program with data on the prep aration, use, and effect of drugs. He was readily available if Gottlieb or a col league wanted a study made of the properties of a particular substance, and like most of TSS's contractors, he also was an intelli gence source. Pfeiffer was useful in this last capacity during the latter part o f the 1960s because he sat on the Food and Drug Administration committee that al located LSD for scientific research in the United States. By this time, LSD was so widely available on the black market that the Federal Government had replaced the CIA's informal controls of the 1950s with laws and procedures forbidding al l but the most strictly regulated research. With Pfeiffer on the governing commi ttee, the CIA could keep up its traditional role of monitoring above-ground LSD experimentation around the United States. To cover some of the more exotic behavioral fields, another MKSEARCH program con tinued TSS's relationship with Dr. Maitland Baldwin, the brain surgeon at the Na

tional Institutes of Health who had been so willing in 1955 to perform "terminal experiments" in sensory deprivation for Morse Allen and the ARTICHOKE program. After Allen was pushed aside by the men from MKULTRA, the new TSS team hired Bal dwin as a consultant According to one of them, he was full of bright ideas on ho w to control behavior, but they were wary of him because he was such an "eager beaver " with an obvious streak of "craziness." Under TSS auspices, Baldwin performed l obotomies on apes and then put these simian subjects into sensory deprivationpre sumably in the same "box" he had built himself at NIH and then had to repair aft er a desperate soldier kicked his way out. There is no information available on whether Baldwin extended this work to humans, although he did discuss with an ou tside consultant how lobotomized patients reacted to prolonged isolation. Like H amilton, Baldwin was a jack-of-all trades who in one experiment beamed radio fre quency energy directly at the brain of a chimpanzee and in another cut off one monkey's head and tried to transplant it to the decapitated body of another monkey. Baldwin used $250 in Agency money to buy his own electro shock machine, and he did some kind of unspecified work at a TSS safehouse that caused the CIA to shell out $1450 to renovate and repair the place. The last MKSEARCH subproject covered the work of Dr. Charles Geschickter, who se rved TSS both as researcher and funding conduit. CIA documents show that Geschic kter tested powerful drugs on mental defectives and terminal cancer patients, ap parently at the Georgetown University Hospital in Washington. In all, the Agency put $655,000 into Geschickter's research on knockout drugs, stressproducing chemicals, and mind-altering substances. Nevertheless, the doctor's pr incipal service to TSS officials seems to have been putting his family foundation at the disposal of th e CIAboth to channel funds and to serve as a source of cover to Agency operators. About $2.1 million flowed through this tightly controlled foundation to other researchers.[6] Under MKSEARCH, Geschickter continued to provide TSS with a means to assess drugs rap idly, and he branched out into trying to knock out monkeys with radar waves to t he head (a technique which worked but risked frying vital parts of the brain). T he Geschickter Fund for Medical Research remained available as a conduit until 1 967. [7] As part of the effort to keep finding new substances to test within MKSEARCH, Ag ency officials continued their search for magic mushrooms, leaves, roots, and ba rks. In 1966, with considerable CIA backing, J. C. King, the former head of the Agency's Western Hemisphere Division who was eased out after the Bay of Pigs, fo rmed an ostensibly private firm called Amazon Natural Drug Company. King, who lo ved to float down jungle rivers on the deck of his houseboat with a glass of sco tch in hand, searched the backwaters of South America for plants of interest to the Agency and/or medical science. To do the work, he hired Amazon men and women , plus at least two CIA paramilitary operators who worked out of Amazon offices in Iquitos, Peru. They shipped back to the United States finds that included Cho ndodendron toxicoferum, a paralytic agent which is "absolutely lethal in high do ses," according to Dr. Timothy Plowman, a Harvard botanist who like most of the staff was unwitting of the CIA involvement. Another plant that was collected and grown by Amazon employees was the hallucinogen known as yage, which author Will iam Burroughs has described as "the final fix." MKSEARCH went on through the 1960s and into the early 1970s, but with a steadily decreasing budget. In 1964 it cost the Agency about $250,000. In 1972 it was do wn to four subprojects and $110,000. Gottlieb was a very busy man by then, havin g taken over all TSS in 1967 when his patron, Richard Helms finally made it to t he top of the Agency. In June 1972 Gottlieb decided to end MKSEARCH, thus bringi ng down the curtain on the quest he himself had started two decades before. He w rote this epitaph for the program: As a final commentary, I would like to point out that, by means of Project MKSEARCH, the Clandestine Service has been able to maintain contact with the leading edge of developments in the field of biologic al and chemical control of human behavior. It has become increasingly obvious ov er the last several years that this general area had less and less relevance to

current clandestine operations. The reasons for this are many and complex, but t wo of them are perhaps worth mentioning briefly. On the scientific side, it has become very clear that these materials and techniques are too unpredictable in t heir effect on individual human beings, under specific circumstances, to be operation ally useful. Our operations officers, particularly the emerging group of new sen ior operations officers, have shown a discerning and perhaps commendable distast e for utilizing these materials and techniques. They seem to realize that, in ad dition to moral and ethical considerations, the extreme sensitivity and security constraints of such operations effectively rule them out. About the time Gottli eb wrote these words, the Watergate break-in occurred, setting in train forces t hat would alter his life and that of Richard Helms. A few months later, Richard Nixon was reselected. Soon after the election, Nixon, for reasons that have neve r been explained, decided to purge Helms. Before leaving to become Ambassador to Iran, Helms presided over a wholesale destruction of documents and tapespresuma bly to minimize information that might later be used against him. Sid Gottlieb d ecided to follow Helms into retirement, and the two men mutually agreed to get r id of all the documentary traces of MKULTRA. They had never kept files on the sa fehouse testing or similarly sensitive operations in the first place, but they w ere determined to erase the existing records of their search to control human be havior. Gottlieb later told a Senate committee that he wanted to get rid of the material because of a "burgeoning paper problem" within the Agency, because the files were of "no constructive use" and might be "misunderstood," and because he wanted to protect the reputations of the researchers with whom he had collabora ted on the assurance of secrecy. Gottlieb got in touch with the men who had phys ical custody of the records, the Agency's archivists, who proceeded to destroy w hat he and Helms thought were the only traces of the program. They made a mistak e, howeveror the archivists did. Seven boxes of substantive records and reports were incinerated, but seven more containing invoices and financial records survi vedapparently due to misfiling. Nixon named James Schlesinger to be the new head of the Agency, a post in which he stayed only a few months before the increasingly beleaguered President moved him over to be Secretary of Defense at the height of Watergate. During his short stop at CIA, Schlesinger sent an order to all Agency employees asking them to l et his office know about any instances where Agency officials might have carried out any improper or illegal actions. Somebody mentioned Frank Olson's suicide, and it was duly included in the many hundreds of pages of misdeeds reported whic h became known within the CIA as the "family jewels." Schlesinger, an outsider to the career CIA operators, had opened a Pandora's box that the professionals never managed to shut again. Samples of the "family jewe ls" were slipped out to New York Times reporter Seymour Hersh, who created a nat ional furor in December 1974 when he wrote about the CIA's illegal spying on dom estic dissidents during the Johnson and Nixon years. President Gerald Ford appoi nted a commission headed by Vice-President Nelson Rockefeller to investigate the past CIA abusesand to limit the damage. Included in the final Rockefeller repor t was a section on how an unnamed Department of the Army employee had jumped out of a New York hotel window after Agency men had slipped him LSD. That revelatio n made headlines around the country. The press seized upon the sensational detai ls and virtually ignored two even more revealing sentences buried in the Rockefe ller text: "The drug program was part of a much larger CIA program to study poss ible means for controlling human behavior. Other studies explored the effects of radiation, electric-shock, psychology, psychiatry, sociology, and harassment su bstances." At this point, I entered the story. I was intrigued by those two sentences, and I filed a Freedom of Information request with the CIA to obtain all the documents the Agency had furn ished the Rockefeller Commission on behavior control. Although the law requires a government agency to respond within 10 days, it took the Agency more than a year to send me the firs t 50 documents on the subject, which turned out to be heavily censored.

In the meantime, the committee headed by Senator Frank Church was looking into t he CIA, and it called in Sid Gottlieb, who was then spending his retirement work ing as a volunteer in a hospital in India. Gottlieb secretly testified about CIA assassination programs. (In describing his role in its final report, the Church Committee used a false name, "Victor Scheider.") Asked about the behavioral-con trol programs, Gottlieb apparently could notor would notremember most of the det ails. The committee had almost no documents to work with, since the main records had been destroyed in 1973 and the financial files had not yet been found. The issue lay dormant until 1977, when, about June 1, CIA officials notified my lawyers that they had found the 7 boxes of MKULTRA financial records and that th ey would send me the releasable portions over the following months. As I waited, CIA Director Stansfield Turner notified President Carter and then the Senate Se lect Committee on Intelligence that an Agency official had located the 7 boxes. Admiral Turner publicly described MKULTRA as only a program of drug experimentat ion and not one aimed at behavior control. On July 20 I held a press conference at which I criticized Admiral Turner for his several distortions in describing t he MKULTRA program. To prove my various points, I released to the reporters a sc ore of the CIA documents that had already come to me and that gave the flavor of the behavioral efforts. Perhaps it was a slow news day, or perhaps people simpl y were interested in government attempts to tamper with the mind. In any event, the documents set off a media bandwagon that had the story reported on all three network television news shows and practically everywhere else. The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence and Senator Edward Kennedy's Subcomm ittee on Health and Scientific Research soon announced they would hold public he arings on the subject. Both panels had looked into the secret research in 1975 b ut had been hampered by the lack of documents and forthcoming witnesses. At firs t the two committees agreed to work together, and they held one joint hearing. T hen, Senator Barry Goldwater brought behind-the-scenes pressure to get the Intel ligence panel, of which he was vice-chairman, to drop out of the proceedings. He claimed, among other things, that the committee was just rehashing old programs and that the time had come to stop dumping on the CIA. Senator Kennedy plowed a head anyway. He was limited, however, by the small size of the staff he assigned to the investigation, and his people were literally buried in paper by CIA offi cials, who released 8,000 pages of documents in the weeks before the hearings. A s the hearings started, the staff still not had read very thinglet alone put it all in context. As Kennedy's staff prepared for the public sessions, the former men from MKULTRA also got ready. According to one of them, they agreed among themselves to "keep the inquiry within bounds that would satisfy the committee." Specifically, he s ays that meant volunteering no more information than the Kennedy panel already h ad. Charles Siragusa, the narcotics agent who ran the New York safehouse, report s he got a telephone call during this period from Ray Treichler, the Stanford Ph .D. who specialized in chemical warfare for the MKULTRA program. "He wanted me t o deny knowing about the safehouse," says Siragusa. "He didn't want me to admit that he was the guy.... I said there was no way I could do that." Whether any ot her ex-TSS men also suborned perjury cannot be said, but several of them appear to have committed perjury at the hearings. [8] As previously noted, Robert Lashb rook denied firsthand knowledge of the safehouse operation when, in fact, he had supervised one of the "pads" and been present, according to George White's diar y, at the time of an "LSD surprise" experiment. Dr. Charles Geschickter testifie d he had not tested stress-producing drugs on human subjects while both his own 1960 proposal to the Agency and the CIA's documents indicate the opposite. Despi te the presence of a key aide who constantly cued him during the hearings, Senat or Kennedy was not prepared to deal with these and other inconsistencies. He too k no action to follow up obviously perjured testimony, and he seemed content to win headlines with reports of "The Gang That Couldn't Spray Straight." Although that particular testimony had been set up in advance by a Kennedy staffer, the S enator still managed to act surprised when ex-MKULTRA official David Rhodes told of the ill-fated LSD experiment at the Marin County safehouse. The Kennedy hearings added little to the general state of knowledge on the CIA's

behavior-control programs. CIA officials, both past and present, took the position that basically nothing of substance was learned during the 25-odd years of research, the bulk of which had ended in 1963, and they were not challenged. That proposition is, o n its face, ridiculous, but neither Senator Kennedy nor any other investigator h as yet put any real pressure on the Agency to reveal the content of the research what was actually learnedas opposed to the experimental means of carrying it out . In this book, I have tried to get at some of the substantive questions, but I have had access to neither the scientific records, which Gottlieb and Helms dest royed, nor the principal people involved. Gottlieb, for instance, who moved from India to Santa Cruz, California and then to parts unknown, turned down repeated requests to be interviewed. "I am interested in very different matters than the subject of your book these days," he wrote, "and do not have either the time or the inclination to reprocess matters that happened a long time ago." Faced with these obstacles, I have tried to weave together a representative samp le of what went on, but having dealt with a group of people who regularly incorporated lying into their daily work, I cannot be sure. I cannot be positive that they never found a technique to control people, despite my definite bias in favor of the idea that the human spirit defeated the manipulators. Only a congre ssional committee could compel truthful testimony from people who have so far re fused to be forthcoming, and even Congress' record has not been good so far. A d etermined investigative committee at least could make sure that the people being probed do not determine the "bounds" of the inquiry. A new investigation would probably not be worth the effort just to take another stab at MKULTRA and ARTICHOKE. Despite my belief that there are some skeletons hiddenliterally the p ublic probably now knows the basic parameters of these programs. Thefact is, how ever, that CIA officials actively experimented with behavior-control methods for another decade after Sid Gottlieb and company lost the research action. The Dir ectorate of Science and Technologyspecifically its Office of Research and Develo pment (ORDf did not remain idle after Director McCone transferred the behavioral research function in 1962. In ORD, Dr. Stephen Aldrich, a graduate of Amherst and Northwestern Medical Scho ol, took over the role that Morse Allen and then Sid Gottlieb had played before him. Aldrich had been the medical director of the Office of Scientific Intellige nce back in the days when that office was jockeying with Morse Allen for control of ARTICHOKE, so he was no stranger to the programs. Under his leadership, ORD officials kept probing for ways to control human behavior, and they were doing s o with space-age technology that made the days of MKULTRA look like the horse-an d-buggy era. If man could get to the moon by the end of the 1960s, certainly the well-financed scientists of ORD could make a good shot at conquering inner spac e. They brought their technology to bear on subjects like the electric stimulation of the brain. John Lilly had done extensive work in this field a decade earlier, before concluding that t o maintain his integrity he must find another field. CIA men had no such qualms, however. They actively experimented with placing electrodes in the brain of ani mals andprobably men. Then they used electric and radio signals to move their su bjects around. The field went far beyond giving monkeys orgasms, as Lilly had do ne. In the CIA itself, Sid Gottlieb and the MKULTRA crew had made some prelimina ry studies of it. They started in 1960 by having a contractor search all the ava ilable literature, and then they had mapped out the parts of animals' brains tha t produced reactions when stimulated. By April 1961 the head of TSS was able to report "we now have a 'production capa bility' " in brain stimulation and "we are close to having debugged a prototype system whereby dogs can be guided along specific courses." Six months later, a CIA document noted, "The feasibility of r

emote control of activities in several species of animals has been demonstrated.... Special investigations a nd evaluations will be conducted toward the application of selected elements of these techniques to man." Another six months later, TSS officials had found a us e for electric stimulation: this time putting electrodes in the brains of cold-b looded animalspresumably reptiles. While much of the experimentation with dogs a nd cats was to find a way of wiring the animal and then directing it by remote c ontrol into, say, the office of the Soviet ambassador, this cold-blooded project was designed instead for the delivery of chemical and biological agents or for "executive action-type operations," according to a document. "Executive action" was the CIA's euphemism for assassination. With the brain electrode technology at this level, Steve Aldrich and ORD took ov er the research function from TSS. What the ORD men found cannot be said, but the open literature would i ndicate that the field progressed considerably during the 1960s. Can the human b rain be wired and controlled by a big enough computer? Aldrich certainly tried t o find out. Creating amnesia remained a "big goal" for the ORD researcher, states an ex-CIA man. Advances in brain surgery, such as the development of three-dimensional, "s tereotaxic" techniques, made psychosurgery a much simpler matter and created the possibility that a precisely placed electrode probe could be used to cut the li nk between past memory and present recall. As for subjects to be used in behavio ral experiments of this sort, the ex-CIA man states that ORD had access to priso ners in at least one American penal institution. A former Army doctor stationed at the Edgewood chemical laboratory states that the lab worked with CIA men to d evelop a drug that could be used to help program in new memories into the mind o f an amnesic subject. How far did the Agency take this research? I don't know. The men from ORD tried to create their own latter-day version of the Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology. Located outside Boston, it was called the S cientific Engineering Institute, and Agency officials had set it up originally i n 1956 as a proprietary company to do research on radar and other technical matt ers that had nothing to do with human behavior. Its president, who says he was a "figurehead," was Dr. Edwin Land, the founder of Polaroid. In the early 1960s, ORD officials decided to bring it into the behavioral field and built a new wing to the Institute's modernistic building for the "life sciences." They hired a g roup of behavioral and medical scientists who were allowed to carry on their own independent research as long as it met Institute standards. These scientists we re available to consult with frequent visitors from Washington, and they were encouraged to take long lu nches in the Institute's dining room where they mixed with the physical scientis ts and brainstormed about virtually everything. One veteran recalls a colleague joking, "If you could find the natural radio frequency of a person's sphincter, you could make him run out of the room real fast." Turning serious, the veteran states the technique was "plausible," and he notes that many of the crazy ideas bandied about at lunch developed into concrete projects. Some of these projects may have been worked on at the Institute's own several hu ndred-acre farm located in the Massachusetts countryside. But of the several doz en people contacted in an effort to find out what the Institute did, the most an yone would say about experiments at the farm was that one involved stimulating t he pleasure centers of crows' brains in order to control their behavior. Presuma bly, ORD men did other things at their isolated rural lab. Just as the MKULTRA program had been years ahead of the scientific community, OR D activities were similarly advanced. "We looked at the manipulation of genes," states one of the researchers. "We were interested in gene splintering. The rest of the world didn't ask until 1976 the type of questions we were facing in 1965 .... Everybody was afraid of building the supersoldier who would take orders wit hout questioning, like the kamikaze pilot. Creating a subservient society was no t out of sight." Another Institute man describes the work of a colleague who bom barded bacteria with ultraviolet radiation in order to create deviant strains. O RD also sponsored work in parapsychology. Along with the military services, Agen

cy officials wanted to know whether psychics could read minds or control them fr om afar (telepathy), if they could gain information about distant places or peop le (clairvoyance or remote viewing), if they could predict the future (precognit ion), or influence the movement of physical objects or even the human mind (phot okinesis). The last could have incredibly destructive applications, if it worked . For instance, switches setting off nuclear bombs would have to be moved only a few inches to launch a holocaust. Or, enemy psychics, with minds honed to laser -beam sharpness, could launch attacks to burn out the brains of American nuclear scientists. Any or all of these techniques have numerous applications to the sp y trade. While ORD officials apparently left much of the drug work to Gottlieb, they coul d not keep their hands totally out of this field. In 1968 they set up a joint pr ogram, called Project OFTEN, with the Army Chemical Corps at Edgewood, Maryland to study the effects of various drugs on animals and humans. The Army helped the Agency put together a computerized data base for drug testing and supplied mili tary volunteers for some of the experiments. In one case, with a particularly ef fective incapacitiating agent, the Army arranged for inmate volunteers at the Ho lmesburg State Prison in Philadelphia. Project OFTEN had both offensive and defe nsive sides, according to an ORD man who described it in a memorandum. He cited as an example of what he and his coworkers hoped to find "a compound that could simulate a heart attack or a stroke in the targeted individual." In January 1973 , just as Richard Helms was leaving the Agency and James Schlesinger was coming in, Project OFTEN was abruptly canceled. Whatif anysuccess the ORD men had in creating heart attacks or in any of their o ther behavioral experiments simply cannot be said. Like Sid Gottlieb, Steve Aldr ich is not saying, and his colleagues seem even more closemouthed than Gottlieb' s. In December 1977, having gotten wind of the ORD programs, I filed a Freedom o f Information request for access to ORD files "on behavioral research, including but not limited to any research or operational activities related to bioelectri cs, electric or radio stimulation of the brain, electronic destruction of memory , stereotaxic surgery, psychosurgery, hypnotism, parapsychology, radiation, micr owaves, and ultrasonics." I also asked for documentation on behavioral testing i n U.S. penal institutions, and I later added a request for all available files o n amnesia. The Agency wrote back six months later that ORD had "identified 130 b oxes (approximately 130 cubic feet) of material that are reasonably expected to contain behavioral research documents." Considering that Admiral Turner and other CIA officials had tried to leave the i mpression with Congress and the public that behavioral research had almost all e nded in 1963 with the phase-out of MKULTRA, this was an amazing admission. The s heer volume of material was staggering. This book is based on the 7 boxes of hea vily censored MKULTRA financial records plus another 3 or so of ARTICHOKE docume nts, supplemented by interviews. It has taken me over a year, with significant r esearch help, to digest this much smaller bulk. Clearly, greater resources than an individual writer can bring to bear will be needed to get to the bottom of th e ORD programs. A free society's best defense against unethical behavior modification is public disclosure and awareness. The more people understand consciousness-altering technology, the more likely th ey are to recognize its application, and the less likely it will be used. When behavioral research is ca rried out in secret, it can be turned against the government's enemies, both foreign and domestic. No matter ho w pure or defense-oriented the motives of the researchers, once the technology e xists, the decision to use it is out of their hands. Who can doubt that if the N ixon administration or J. Edgar Hoover had had some foolproof way to control peo ple, they would not have used the technique against their political foes, just a s the CIA for years tried to use similar tactics overseas? As with the Agency's secrets, it is now too late to put behavioral technology ba ck in the box. Researchers are bound to keep making advances. The technology has already spread to our schools, prisons, and mental hospitals, not to mention th

e advertising community, and it has also been picked up by police forces around the world. Placing hoods over the heads of political prisonersa modified form of sensory deprivationhas become a standard tactic around the world, from Northern Ireland to Chile. The Soviet Union has consistently used psychiatric treatment as an instrument of repression. Such methods violate basic human rights just as much as physical abuse, even if they leave no marks on the body. Totalitarian regimes will probably continue, as they have in the past, to search secretly for ways to manipulate the mind, no matter what the United States does. The prospect of bein g able to control people seems too enticing for most tyrants to give up. Yet, we as a country can defend ourselves without sending our own scientistsmad or othe rwiseinto a hidden war that violates our basic ethical and constitutional princi ples. After all, we created the Nuremberg Code to show there were limits on scie ntific research and its application. Admittedly, American intelligence officials have violated our own standard, but the U.S. Government has now officially decl ared violations will no longer be permitted. The time has come for the United St ates to lead by example in voluntarily renouncing secret government behavioral r esearch. Other countries might even follow suit, particularly if we were to prop ose an international agreement which provides them with a framework to do so. Tampering with the mind is much too dangerous to be left to the spies. Nor shoul d it be the exclusive province of the behavioral scientists, who have given us c ause for suspicion. Take this statement by their most famous member, B. F. Skinn er: "My image in some places is of a monster of some kind who wants to pull a st ring and manipulate people. Nothing could be further from the truth. People are manipulated; I just want them to be manipulated more effectively." Such notions are much more acceptable in prestigious circles than people tend to think: D. Ew en Cameron read papers about "depatterning" with electroshock before meetings of his fellow psychiatrists, and they elected him their president. Human behavior is so important that it must concern us all. The more vigilant we and our repres entatives are, the less chance we will be unwitting victims. Notes The reorganization of TSS was described in document #59, 26 July 1963, Report of the Inspection of MKULTRA and in interviews with Ray Cline, Herbert Scoville, a nd several other former CIA officials. Richard Helms' recommendations for a new MKULTRA charter were described in docum ent #450, 9 June, 1964, Sensitive Research Programs (MKULTRA). Admiral Stansfield Turner's statement on the MKULTRA program was made before a j oint session of the Kennedy subcommittee and the Senate Select Committee on Inte lligence, August 3, 1977, pp. 4-8. MKSEARCH programs and their origins in MKULTRA are described in documents #449, 8 April 1964, Revision of Project MKULTRA and #S-1-7, untitled, undated. Dr. Edward Bennett's work is the subject of MKULTRA subprojects 104 and 143. See especially 143-23, 11 December 1962, Subject: MKULTRA Subproject 143. Other information on the CIA's e conomic sabotage program against Cuba came from interviews with Major General Ed ward Lansdale, Ray Cline, William Colby, Lincoln Gordon, Covey Oliver, Charles M eyer, Richard Goodwin, Roger Morris, several former CIA and State Department off icials, and Cuban government officials. The continued safehouse operation is MKSEARCH subproject 4. See especially S-121, bank statements and receipts of safehouse. The CIA's dealings with the Treasu ry Department over the Long committee's investigations of wiretaps are detailed in documents #451, 30 January 1967, A Re port on a Series of Meetings with Department of the Treasury officials and #452, undated, Meeting with Department of Treasury Official. The biological laboratory is the subject of MKULTRA subprojects 78 and 110 and M KSEARCH 2. See especially Documents 78-28, September 28, 1962, Subject: PM Suppo rt and Biological [deleted] and S-5-6, 8 September 1965, Subject: Hiring by Chie f TSD/BB of [deleted], Former Staff Employee in a Consultant Capacity on an Agen cy Contract. The costs of the Fort Detrick operations came from p. 18 and p. 204 of the Church committee hearings on Unauthorized Storage of Toxic Agents Septem

ber 16,17, and 18,1975. The description of TSS's procedures for dealing with biological weapons came from Document 78-28 (cited above) and document #509, undated (but clearly June 1975), Subject: Discussions of MKNAOMI with [deleted] The chemical company subproiect is MKULTRA subproject 116 and MKSEARCH 5. See especially 116-57,30 Ja nuary 1961, Subject: MKULTRA, Subproject 116; 116-62, October 28, 1960, shipping invoice- and 116-61,4 November 1960, Subject: MKULTRA Subproject 116. Also see James Moore's subproject, MKULTRA 52; especially 52-53, invoice # 3, 1125-009-19 02, April 27, 1960. James Hamilton's work is the subject of MKULTRA subprojects 124 and 140 and MKSE ARCH Subproject 3. See especially 140-57, 6 May 1965, Subject: Behavioral Contro l and 140-83, 29 May 1963, Subject: MKULTRA Subproject 140. Carl Pfeiffer's subprojects are MKULTRA 9, 26, 28, and 47 and MKSEARCH 7. See es pecially S-7-4, undated, Subject: Approval of Project [deleted]. Maitland Baldwin's Subprojects are MKULTRA 62 and MKSEARCH 1. See especially 622, undated [deleted] Special Budget and 62-3, undated, 1956, Subject: Re: Trip t o [deleted], October 10-14, 1956. Charles Geschickter's subprojects are MKULTRA 23, 35, and 45 and MKSEARCH 6. See especially 35-10, May 16, 1955, Subject- To provide for Agency-Sponsored Resear ch Involving Covert Biological and Chemical Warfare; 45-78, undated, Research Pr oposal: 1960, 45-104 undated, Subject: Research Proposal: 1958-1959; 45-95, 26 J anuary 1959, Continuation of MKULTRA, Subproject No.45; 45104,21 January 1958, Continuation of MKULTRA, Subproject No.45; 45-52,8 February 1962, Continuation of MKULTRA, Subproject No. 45; S-13-7,13 August Subject, Approval o f [deleted]; and S-13-9, 13 September 1967, Subject: Approval of [deleted]. See also Geschickter's testimony before the Kennedy subcommittee, September 20, 1977 , pp. 44-49. The lack of congressional or executive branch knowledge of CIA behavioral activi ties was mentioned on p. 386, Church Committee Report, Book I. Amazon Natural Drug's CIA connection wa s described by an ex-ClA official and confirmed by the mother of another former Agency man. Sev eral former employees described its activities in interviews. Gottlieb's termination of MKSEARCH came from Document S-14-3 10 July 1972, Termi nation of MKSEARCH. The destruction of MKULTRA documents was described in Document #419, 3 October, 1975, Subject: Destruction of Drug and Toxin Related Files and 460, 31 January, 1973, Subject: Project Files: (19511967). The MKULTRA subprojects on electric stimulation of the brain are 106 and 142. Se e especially 106-1, undated, Subject: Proposal; 142-14, 22 May 1962, Subject: Pr oject MKULTRA, Subproject No. 142; and document #76 (MKDELTA release), 21 April 1961, Subject: "Guided Animal" Studies. The list of parapsychology goals was taken from an excellent article by John Wil helm in the August 2, 1977 Washington Post: "Psychic Spying?" Project OFTEN information was taken from document #455,6 May 1974, Subject: Proj ect OFTEN and Memorandum for the Secretary of Defense from Deanne P. Siemer, Sep tember 20, 1977, Subject: Experimentation Programs Conducted by the Department o f Defense That Had CIA Sponsorship or Participation and That Involved the Admini stration to Human Subjects of Drugs Intended for Mind-control or Behavior-modifi cation Purposes. The quote from B. F. Skinner was taken from Peter Schrag's book, Mind Control (N ew York: Pantheon, 1978) p. 10. Footnotes 1. At 1977 Senate hearings, CIA Director Stansfield Turner summed up some of MKU LTRA's accomplishments over its 11-year existence: The program contracted out wo rk to 80 institutions, which included 44 colleges or universities, 15 research f acilities or private companies, 12 hospitals or clinics, and 3 penal institution s. I estimate that MKULTRA cost the taxpayers somewhere in the neighborhood of $ 10 million. 2. This economic sabotage program started in 1961, and the chain of command "ran

up to the President," according to Kennedy adviser Richard Goodwin. On the CIA side, Agency Director J ohn McCone "was very strong on it," says his former deputy Ray Cline. Cline note s that McCone had the standing orders to all CIA stations abroad rewritten to in clude "a sentence or two" authorizing a continuing program to disrupt the Cuban economy. Cuba's trade thus became a standing target for Agency operators, and wi th the authority on the books, CIA officials apparently never went back to the W hite House for renewed approval after Kennedy died, in Cline's opinion. Three fo rmer Assistant Secretaries of State in the Johnson and Nixon administrations say the sabotage, which included everything from driving down the price of Cuban su gar to tampering with cane-cutting equipment, was not brought to their attention . Former CIA Director William Colby states that the Agency finally stopped the e conomic sabotage program in the early 1970s. Cuban government officials counter that CIA agents were still working to create epidemics among Cuban cattle in 197 3 and that as of spring 1978, Agency men were committing acts of sabotage agains t cargo destined for Cuba. 3. In 1967 a Senate committee chaired by Senator Edward Long was inquiring into wiretapping by government agencies, including the Narcotics Bureau. The Commissi oner of Narcotics, then Harry Giordano told a senior TSS man almost certainly Go ttliebthat if CIA officials were "concerned" about its dealings with the Bureau involving the safehouses coming out during the hearings, the most "helpful thing " they could do would be to "turn the Long committee off." How the CIA men react ed to this not very subtle blackmail attempt is unclear from the documents, but wha t does come out is that the TSS man and another top-level CIA officer misled and lied to the top echelon of the Treasury Department (the Narcotics Bureau's pare nt organization) about the safehouses and how they were used. 4. James Moore of the University of Delaware, who also produced carbamates when he was not seeking the magic mushroom, served at times as an intermediary betwee n the industrialist and the CIA. 5. During the late 1960s and early 1970s, it seemed that every radical on the We st Coast was saying that the CIA was up to strange things in behavior modificati on at Vacaville. Like many of yesterday's conspiracy theories, this one turned o ut to be true. 6. Geschickter was an extremely important TSS asset with connections in high pla ces. In 1955 he convinced Agency officials to contribute $375,000 in secret fund s toward the construction of a new research building at Georgetown University Ho spital. (Since this money seemed to be coming from private sources, unwitting Fe deral bureaucrats doubled it under the matching grant program for hospital const ruction.) The Agency men had a clear understanding with Geschickter that in retu rn for their contribution, he would make sure they received use of one-sixth of the beds and total space in the facility for their own "hospital safehouse." The y then would have a ready source of "human patients and volunteers for experimen tal use," according to a CIA document, and the research program in the building would provide cover for up to three TSS staff members. Allen Dulles personally a pproved the contribution and then, to make sure, he took it to President Eisenho wer's special committee to review covert operations. The committee also gave its assent, with the understanding th at Geschickter could provide "a reasonable expectation" that the Agency would in deed have use of the space he promised. He obviously did, because the CIA money was forthcoming. (This, incidentally, was the only time in a whole quarter-centu ry of Agency behavior-control activities when the documents show that CIA offici als went to the White House for approval of anything. The Church committee found no evidence that either the executive branch or Congress was informed of the pr ograms.) 7. In 1967, after Ramparts magazine exposed secret CIA funding of the National S tudent Association and numerous nonprofit organizations, President Johnson forba de CIA support of foundations or educational institutions. Inside the Agency the re was no notion that this order meant ending relationships, such as the one wit h Geschickter. In his case, the agile CIA men simply transferred the funding fro

m the foundation to a private company, of which his son was the secretary-treasu rer. 8. Lying to Congress followed the pattern of lying to the press that some MKULTR A veterans adopted after the first revelations came out. For example, former Hum an Ecology Society director James Monroe told The New York Times on August 2, 19 77 that "only about 25 to 30 percent" of the Society's budget came from the CIAa statement he knew to be false since the actual figure was well over 90 percent. His untruth allowed some other grantees to claim that their particular project was funded out of the non-Agency part of the Society. Copyright 2010 NSA Transmissions. All rights reserved. Web Hosting by Yahoo! An expert witness, Certified Hypnotist trained in CIA Neur o Linguistic Programming techniques with NASA software and Military Patents. NSA Transmissions-Mind Control, Death Rays for Planes, Cancer, Synthetic ills- T opplings ELF & Seismic Waves + Behind Scenes Focused on Wrong Weapon Mass Destru ction TERRORISTS WITHIN, 1973 2nd Level CIA, Cryptocracy's Plan to Psycho-civili ze You, Emulating Scriptures! ---How & Why 911, Economy. ALL from your minds! MA CROCOSM. Millions including America's Corp Leaders & Officials! "The Process." I srael Framed-engineered to go down. Have you figured it out yet! NSA Tice-Hero under God US Supreme Court Case Israel-CIA Agenda- Press Releases Synthetic Telepathy-ills-TAXES Cancer 911 CIA Resources to Expose Interviews-Exhibits-Documents Lawsuit-Synthetic ills in America Resources-WHAT'S NOT in the FOIA Documents after experiments Staged, framed, weeks in ADVANCE to discredit ME, cover ups- 2008 Rewriting Hist ory-in the making and since lawsuit 2010. BUILDING DISCREDIT and Character Assas sination. IMPEDING TO GET TO THE TRUTH and TECHNOLOGY WEAPON HIDING BEHIND SSP- FOCUSED ON THE WRONG WEAPONS! AGENTS LEFT UNAWARE AND MISINFORMED! See the Facts below: Pl ease Listen to the interviews to ending statements Operation 2008. GUIDED, MISGUIDED, BLOCKED, emails, packages, mail, papers, appointments, unfrie ndly, as SCIENCE SUPPRESSED AND MEDIA FOR DECADES, etc NO freedom of information FLOW and communication FLOW to BLOCK, redirect calls a nd mail, selectively and INFILTRATED in the AUSPICES of 911. It's only getting W ORSE by DESIGN! Do something! AMERICAN HEALTH-Michael Moore. Dr. NICK BEGICH below: Cryptocracy's Plans to Phycho-civilize you-1973 CIA 2nd LEVEL Operation Mind Control by Dr. Walter Bowart, New York: Dell Publishing Co., 1978 m 3/2011 Please keep fearfully in mind that the astonishing information published in this seminal work of investigative reporting, concerning avenues taken to decision a nd execution by our secret police to fracture or dissolve human minds, then to o perate those minds as a small boy, might operate a Yo-Yo, for purposes of counte r-intelligence military efficiency, and the destruction of democratic institutio ns, was drawn directly from federal records and from official laboratory archive s of the highest educational purposeas well as from the reviving memories of tho se who had already undergone the dehumanizing process. ... [p. 14] Zombie is a quaint, old-fashioned folklore word but its meaning becomes obscene

when our childrens minds are being controlled ... [p. 17][Note:1] It may have been the biggest story since the atom bomb. The headline, however, w as small and ignored the larger issue. Drug Tests by CIA Held More Extensive Tha n Reported in 75, said the New York Times on July 16, 1977. ... The testing of drugs by the CIA was just a part of the United States governments top-secret mind-control project, a project which had spanned thirty-five years and had involved tens of thousands of individuals. It involved techniques of hyp nosis, narcohypnosis, electronic brain stimulation, behavioral effects of ultras onic, microwave, and low-frequency sound, aversive and other behavior modificati on therapies. In fact, there was virtually no aspect of human behavioral control that was not explored in their search for the means to control the memory and w ill of both individuals and whole masses of people. The CIA succeeded in developing a whole range of psycho-weapons to expand its al ready ominous psychological warfare arsenal. With these capabilities, it was now possible to wage a new kind of war: a war which would take place invisibly, upo n the battlefield of the human mind... [p. 19] The psychological techniques described in The Manchurian Candidate were to becom e a reality less than a decade after Condon saw his story set in type. As if Con dons fiction had been used as the blueprint, a group of hypno-programmed zombies were created. Some were assassins prepared to kill on cue. Others were informer s, made to remember minute details under hypnosis. Couriers carried illegal mess ages outside the chain of command, their secrets secured behind posthypnotic blo cks. Knowledge of secret information was removed from the minds of those who no longer had the need to knowthey were given posthypnotic amnesia. ... [p. 21] The objective of Operation Mind Control during this period has been to take huma n beings, both citizens of the United States and citizens of friendly and unfrie ndly nations, and transform them into unthinking, subconsciously programmed zomb ies, motivated without their knowledge and against their wills to perform in a v ariety of ways in which they would not otherwise willingly perform. This is acco mplished through the use of various techniques called by various names, includin g brainwashing, thought reform, behavior modification, hypnosis, and conditioned reflex therapy. For the purpose of this book the term mind control will be used to describe these techniques generically. REF Mind control is the most terrible imaginable crime because it is committed not a gainst the body, but against the mind and the soul. Dr. Joost A. M. Meerloo expr esses the attitude of the majority of psychologists in calling it mind rape, and warns that it poses a great danger of destruction of the spirit which can be co mpared to the threat of total physical destruction . . . ... [p. 23] I can hypnotize a manwithout his knowledge or consentinto committing treason aga inst the United States, boasted Dr. George Estabrooks in the early 1940s. Estabr ooks, chairman of the Department of Psychology at Colgate University, ... [p. 58 ] From one such think tank, the Rand Corporation, came a report [1949] ... [p. 67] ... a hypnotized subject will often accept and confess to an implanted memory as a real event in his own past life. ... A number of experienced hypnotists had b een able to train their subjects to perform in such a way that observers could n ot tell that the subject was in a trance or that he was acting under hypnotic su ggestions. ... [p. 69] To induce hypnosis in an unwilling subject, the report suggested any of three po ssibilities which were then well supported by research findings: 1. As part of a medical examination, talk relaxation to the subject, thus disgui

sing the hypnotic induction. For example, the person could be given a blood pres sure test, told that he must relax completely in order to give an adequate test record, and then be given suggestions to go to sleep which would result in a hyp notic trance. 2. Induce hypnosis while the person is actually asleep from normal fatigue. This could be done by simply talking softly into the sleepers ear. 3. Use injections of drugs to induce hypnosis. The hypnotic drugs would relax th e subject and put him in a twilight state where the subconscious mind is very su sceptible to suggestion. Subjects who refuse or resist the simple talking method s of hypnotic induction could be given a few grams of paraldehyde or an intraven ous injection of sodium pentothal or sodium amytal. ... Subsequently the subject could be allowed to practice carrying out posthypnotic suggestions. He could th en be re-hypnotized, still without his conscious cooperation, but this time with out the use of drugs. ... Another important use of hypnosis ... the report said, would be the induction of amnesia: Once a deep hypnotic trance is achieved, it is possible to introduce p osthypnotic amnesia so that [a subject] . . . would not know . . . that he had b een subjected to hypnosis, to drugs, or to any other treatment. The report then said, Conceivably, electroshock convulsions might be used as an adjunctive device to achieve somnambulism in a very high percentage of the cases . ... It is conceivable, therefore, that electroshock treatments might be used t o weaken difficult cases in order to produce a hypnotic trance of great depth. I n 1958 the Bureau of Social Science Research (BSSR), a subcontractor to the Rand Corporation, issued a technical report on hypnosis to the air force ... it is conceivable . . . that these techniques could have been used and covered u p so successfully that they might be impossible to recognize . . . All of these techniques, involving drug-induced hypnosis and electroshock convul sions, were eventually developed and used to reduce some of our own citizens to a zombie state in which they would blindly serve the government. Regardless of t he Constitution and the laws which supposedly protect the individual against gov ernment coercion, zombies were covertly created to do the governments more unsav ory bidding. Such zombies asked no questions about the legality of their assignm ents. Often their assignments were never consciously known. And if they were ever ques tioned about their own actions, amnesia protected them from self-incrimination. ... [p. 70-73] In 1951, a former naval officer described a secret of certain military and intel ligence organizations. He called it Pain-Drug-Hypnosis and said it is a vicious war weapon ... The extensiveness of the use of this form of hypnotism in espiona ge work is now so widespread that it is long past the time when people should ha ve become alarmed about it.... [p. 75] Mind control arranges that slaves of the intelligence communitywitnesses, courie rs, and assassinsare protected from their own memories and guilt by amnesia. These slaves may be left alive, but the knowledge they possess is buried deep wi thin the tombs of their own minds by techniques which can keep the truth hidden even from those who have witnessed it. It is the ultimate debriefing, the final security measure short of assassination...[p. 148] Jos Delgado was a neurophysiologist at the Yale University School of Medicine. B y 1964, ... he had already been experimenting with electronic stimulation of the brain (ESB) for nearly two decades. His work, supported by the Office of Naval Research,... [p. 250]

A number of government agencies were actually at work on projects similar to Del gados, and through these projects the cryptocracy had gained the technology for direct access to the control of the brain and through it, the mind. ... [p. 251] ESB, however, used in conjunction with psycho-surgery and behavior modification, offered unlimited possibilities. After experiments on laboratory animals met wi th success, human experimentation was enthusiastically undertaken in quest of th e most reliable and absolute method of remote control of the mind. ... [p. 253] ESB has, meanwhile, been strikingly successful in other areas. It has been used to modify mental mechanisms, to produce changes in mood and feelings, to reinfor ce behavior both positively and negatively. It has been used to activate sensory and motor regions of the brain in order to produce elementary or complex experi ences or movements, to summon memories, and to induce hallucinations. It also ha s been used to suppress or inhibit behavior and experience and memoryoutside of the conscious control of the owner of the brain.... [p. 256] And, in 1974, the first victim of Parkinsons disease treated by ESB walked grace fully out of a San Francisco hospital under his own power, thanks to portable ES B. He had a stimoceiver implanted in his brain ... The stimoceiver which weighed only a few grams and was small enough to implant under his scalp, permitted bot h remote stimulation of his brain and the instantaneous telemetric recording of his brain waves. ... [p. 256-257] And by the late 1960s, the remote control of the human brainaccomplished without the implantation of electrodeswas well on its way to being realized. A research and development team at the Space and Biology Laboratory of the Unive rsity of California at the Los Angeles Brain Research Institute found a way to s timulate the brain by creating and electrical field completely outside the head. Dr. W. Ross Adey stimulated the brain with electric pulse levels which were far below those thought to be effectual in the old implanting technique. ... [p. 25 7] In 1975 a primitive mind reading machine was tested at the Stanford Research Ins titute. The machine is a computer which can recognize a limited amount of words by monitoring a persons silent thoughts. This technique relies upon the discover y that brain wave tracings taken with an electroencephalograph (EEG) show distin ctive patterns that correlate with individual wordswhether the words are spoken aloud or merely subvocalized (thought of). The computer initially used audio equipment to listen to the words the subject s poke. (At first the vocabulary was limited to up, down, left, and right.) At the same time the computer heard the words, it monitored the EEG impulses coming fr om electrodes pasted to the subjects head and responded by turning a camera in t he direction indicated. After a few repetitions of the procedure, the computers hearing was turned off and it responded solely to the EEG thoughts. It moved a t elevision camera in the directions ordered by the subjects thoughts alone! ... [ p. 258] While Dr. Reed conceded that it was conceivable that thoughts could be injected into a persons mind by the government, he indicated that he did not believe it h ad already been done. ... [p. 259] Typically, the scientists have not been vigilant enough, for the cryptocracy alr eady has developed remote-controlled men who can be used for political assassina tion and other dangerous work, [p. 260] In 1967 a writer named Lincoln Lawrence published a book ... [Were We Controlled ? presented] a sophisticated technique known as RHICEDOM ... Radio Hypnotic Intr

a-Cerebral ControlElectronic Dissolution of Memory. ... Under RHIC, a sleeper can be used years later with no realization that the sleep er is even being controlled! He can be made to perform acts that he will have no memory of ever having carried out. In a manipulated kind of kamikaze operation where the life of the sleeper is dispensable, RHIC processing makes him particul arly valuable because if he is detected and caught before he performs the act sp ecified . . . nothing he says will implicate the group or government which proce ssed and controlled him. ... ... according to Lawrence, ... during the operation a small electrode was implan ted inside ... [the persons] mastoid sinus. The electrode responded to a radio s ignal which would make audible, inside ... [the persons] head, certain electroni c commands to which he had already been posthypnotically conditioned to respond. ... In 1975 the RHIC-EDOM story surfaced again. ... The journalist, James L. Moore, said that the papers in his possession described the details of a military techn ique of mind-control called Radio-Hypnotic Intra-Cerebral ControlElectronic Diss olution of Memory. ... According to Moore, in the initial (RHIC) stage of programming the ... [person] is put into a deep hypnotic trance, and conditioned to go intro trance at the so und of a specific tone. A person may be placed under this control with or withou t his knowledge, programmed to perform certain actions and maintain certain atti tudes whenever he hears the tone. ... The second part of the process, electronic dissolution of memory (EDOM), Moore s aid, ... By electronically jamming the brain, acetylcholine creates static which blocks out sights and sounds. You would then have no memory of what you saw or heard; your mind would be a blank. ... The claims of James L. Moore would sound fantastic were it not for the abundance of information to support the possibility of their validity. ... [p. 261-264] The cryptocracy has gone to absurd lengths to develop remote-controlled beings. Victor Marchetti revealed that the CIA had once tried to create a cyborg cat. He said that the Agency wired a live feline for sound in an attempt to use the pet for eavesdropping purposes. The cat was first altered electronically so that it would function as a listening device in areas where potential enemy agents woul d be discussing covert plots.[Note:2] ... After the electronic feline was at last ready for its assignment, it was turned loose on the street and was followed by a CIA support van loaded with electronic monitoring gear. ... [p. 273] The cryptocracy has used mind control for the past thirty years. It has used it on its own agents and employees, on enemies and friends alike. It has used it on thousands of Americans without their knowledge or consent. The CIA has programm ed assassins and couriers by it. The CIA has even openly confessed to its conspi racy of mind control. Many people will believe that since the CIA has publicly disclosed its interest in mind control, it has now ceased its activities. The earlier CIA records, howe ver, contain a number of termination dates for aspects of Operation Mind Control , yet evidence clearly suggests that it continued past those dates. In 1975, following the release of the Rockefeller Commission Report and the subs equent investigations by Senator Churchs and Congressman Pikes committees, a pub lic accounting was given and apologies were made. The intelligence community was

reprimanded and small changes made. ... [p. 275] Recent history documents the fact that the CIA, as the whipping boy of the crypt ocracy, covers up and routinely lies about its activities, heaping one lie on an other, in a labyrinthine network of falsehood. It stretches credibility to belie ve, therefore, that the CIA and especially lower-profile members of the cryptocr acy have terminated the mind-control research and development that has been goin g on for thirty years. ... If it has ceased, it has ceased only because it is ob solete and the new technology of radiation and electronic brain stimulation has given the cryptocracy a more powerful form of control. ... [p. 276] With advance ments in electronic technologyincreasingly sophisticated microphones, transmitte rs, and surveillance devicesthe erosion of privacy becomes a mudslide. ... [p. 2 80] Mind control remains above United States law, making it a most attractive tool f or clandestine operators. [p. 281] [Note:1] Richard Condon, author of The Manchurian Candidate (1958), the forward to Operation Mind Control (1978). REF ... The mind control examined is this book is the control of one individuals mind by another. [Note:2] Jos Delgado, M.D., conducted electrode to the eardrum (middle ear) ispered conversations and transmitted attached their tiny radio implant to experiments (circa 1961) that attached an of a cat. The device picked-up people's wh them to a receiver for monitoring. The CIA the cat's cochlea (inner ear).

________________________________________ OPERATION MIND CONTROL: "a synopsis" By W.H. BOWART Notes on this synopsis: Bowart's 1st release of Operation Mind Control was back in 1978. In an interview, in 1995 [ Richardson, TX] Walter said, "It went into p rint and made it to the where houses (we think) few made it to the book stores I got paid <chuckle> nice of them, to pay me for what they took." --Then Mr. Bow art went on to other books and a life of a pretty hip journalist -one of the few people that Frank Zappa gave an interview to! Many say Bowart forgot more than most now know! About the Format --These are e-mail down loads, that I later clea ned up for this format. Amicus humani generis, Eric Heimstadt ________________________________________ Date: Thu, 24 Aug 1995 00:52:21 +0000 From: Freedom of Thought Foundation Subjec t: (Fwd) OPERATION MIND CONTROL-2 OPERATION MIND CONTROL: THE CRYPTOCRACY'S PLAN TO PSYCHOCIVILIZE YOU By W.H. BOWART In response to demand here is a synopsis of W.H. Bowart's seminal work without n otes, illustrations and additional material. This synopsis is composed of the fi rst few paragraphs ( some abridged) of each of the 42 chapters of Operation Mind Control, the "Limited Researcher's Edition" which has been published in a numbe red edition of 500 copies signed by the author. 1. THE CRYPTORIAN CANDIDATE

It may have been the biggest story since the atom bomb. The headline, however, w as small and ignored the larger issue. "Drug Tests by CIA Held More Extensive Than Reported in '75,"----- said the New York Times on July 16, 1977. What it should have said is "U.S. Develops Invisible Weapons to Enslave Mankind." The testing of drugs by the CIA was just a part of the United States government' s top-secret mind-control project, a project which had spanned thirty-five years and had involved tens of thousands of individuals. It involved techniques of hy pnosis, narcohypnosis, electronic brain stimulation, behavioral effects of ultra sonic, microwave, and low-frequency sound, aversive and other behavior modificat ion therapies. In fact, there was virtually no aspect of human behavioral contro l that was not explored in their search for the means to control the memory and will of both individuals and whole masses of people... 2. ONLY ONE MIND FOR MY COUNTRY Through the gray waters of amnesia he drifted, coming back from blind coma. Firs t the echoes, like electronically amplified voices speaking from a deep, deep we ll... then, far off, the dim pink molecules of light... David's body lay still i n the military hospital bed. Only his eyes rolled beneath the lids. For several hours he lay that way, perfectly still -just eyes fluttering. The fluttering bec ame more intense. Then his eyes opened. "When I woke up," David said, "I couldn' t remember anything. I couldn't remember how I'd gotten there or why I was in th e hospital." He asked nurses and aides why he was there. They told him he'd have to ask his doctor. When David finally saw him, the doctor said, "You tried to c ommit suicide..." 3. THE MIND LAUNDRY MYTH David's own assessment of his mental confusion after his air force experience wa s that he had not been "brainwashed." By the time David had his mind controlled, "brainwashing" had become a catchall phrase, but what David had suffered was a much more subtle and hideous form of tyranny. George E. Smith was a POW during t he early days of the Vietnam War. Unlike David, George did not have a good educa tion. It can even be said that he was a little naive, and therefore a good candi date for brainwashing of both the American and the NLF (Viet Cong) varieties. He was one of the first of the Green Berets captured in the Vietnam conflict in 19 63... 4. WITHOUT KNOWLEDGE OR CONSENT "I can hypnotize a man --without his knowledge or consent --into committing trea son against the United States," boasted Dr. George Estabrooks in the early 1940s . Estabrooks, chairman of the Department of Psychology at Colgate University, wa s called to Washington by the War Department shortly after Pearl Harbor. Since h e was the ranking authority on hypnosis at the time, they wanted his opinion on how the enemy might be planning to use hypnotism. "Two hundred trained foreign o perators, working in the United States," Estabrooks told the military leaders, " could develop a uniquely dangerous army of hypnotically controlled Sixth Columni sts... 5. HOLY ACID WARS In 1951, a former naval officer described "a secret" of certain military and int elligence organizations. He called it "Pain-Drug-Hypnosis" and said it "is a vic ious war weapon and may be of considerably more use in conquering a society than the atom bomb. This is no exaggeration. The extensiveness of the use of this fo rm of hypnotism in espionage work is now so widespread that it is long past the

time when people should have become alarmed about it... Pain-Drug-Hypnosis is a wicked extension of narcosynthesis, the drug hypnosis used in America only durin g and since the last war..." That naval officer was none other than L. Ron Hubba rd. Before the war an explorer and prolific science fiction writer he went on to found one of America's fastest growing if controversial religions, Scientology. (In an exchange of letters, Hubbard told me that he had written a book called E xcaliber which had been stolen. The information in the book, he said, had all be en subsequently published in his many other books. Excaliber, was, he intimated, the guts of what would be published as Dianetics, a work which takes all the mi nd control insights Hubbard was exposed to both in his travels in the east and i n Naval Intelligence, and applies them to empower the human spirit --the exact o pposite of mind control as it came to be. He was subsequently kidnapped, and of course we know that he, and The Church of Scientology were hounded by the govern ment much as others like Will helm Reich had been hounded, for spreading the tru th about technologies which may have the potential to liberate, rather than ensl ave. Several years after Hubbard's death, The Church of Scientology was granted, in 1993, official recognition by the Internal Revenue Service. It finally grant ed them the tax-deductible status which run-of-the-mill religious groups have li ttle trouble obtaining.) 6. THE GUINEA PIG ARMY In June, 1975, it was revealed publicly for the first time what many had suspect ed --that the CIA and a number of government agencies under its direction had ac tually been giving behavior-influencing drugs to citizens within the United Stat es for more than twenty years. I was in Washington at the time, searching the ca talogue card files at the National Technical Information Service. A previous sea rch by friends in military intelligence of the M.I. Classified Index had reveale d nothing but peripheral references to the object of my study: government resear ch in drugs, hypnosis, behavior modification, and related subjects. The NTIS fil e is supposed to contain a complete numerical listing of all government contract s, by contract number, whether or not they are classified. The contract cards we re indeed numbered in consecutive order, but the ones I was looking for were mis sing; the index simply skipped over them and continued on in numerical sequence. Other cards in the index were marked "classified," and I would not have been ab le to obtain the papers to which they referred. But the reports I was looking fo r were not even cited in the index, although references to them in scientific jo urnals indicated that they had once existed. Classified or not, these documents had been removed from the record... 7. THE MKULTRANS Following the release of the Rockefeller Report, John D. Marks, author and forme r staff assistant to the State Department Intelligence Director, filed a Freedom of Information Act appeal on behalf of the Center for National Security Studies requesting documentation from the CIA. I filed an identical request at about th e same time. Marks and I both requested documentation for the evidence cited in the Rockefeller Report on the CIA's mind-control activities conducted within the United States. Seven months later, Marks was given more than 2,000 pages of top -secret and "eyes only" documents by the CIA's Information Review Committee. A s hort time later I began to receive what Marks had gotten. These pages were said to be the bulk of the information upon which the Rockefeller Commission had base d its report. Exempted from release were portions of or entire documents which c ontained information said by CIA officials to pertain to "intelligence sources a nd methods which the Director of the Central Intelligence has the responsibility to protect from unauthorized disclosure pursuant to section 102 (d) (3) of the National Security Act of 1947." But in the photo-copied pages obtained was a sta tement to the effect that within a few hours of his resignation (forced by the d isclosures of the Watergate and Church Committees), Director Richard Helms order ed the records shredded and burned...

8. THE MATA HARI OF MIND CONTROL Candy Jones was a sex symbol during World War II. Born Jessica Wilcox, with her catchy stage name and shapely legs she rose to a standing second only to Betty G rable as America's most popular pinup girl. She was a favorite of the troops at the front, and she felt it a duty to entertain them near the battlefields. After her advertised beauty faded and she could no longer serve to raise the morale o f the troops with her appearance, she served her country in another way. She ser ved under MKULTRA as a hypnoprogrammed CIA courier for twelve years. While on a USO tour in the Pacific in 1945 Candy contracted a case of undulant fever and, shortly thereafter, malaria. On t op of that, she caught the contagious fungus known as "jungle Rot." Within a wee k, her hair had begun to fall out, and her complexion had turned a sickly yellow . The combination of these diseases sent her to a military hospital in Manila, w here she met a young medical officer whom she identifies only by the seudonym "G ilbert Jensen." Later, he would offer her the opportunity to become a CIA courie r...

9. THE STORY OF O Due to the volatile nature of the information contained in her story, I am withh olding this victim's identity. The evidence is still being uncovered. Others are coming forward with corroborating information. While details of her testimony i s still being checked, we do know, that what she describes in her story is entir ely possible, so, from the perspective of students of mind control this story ha s great value as it is here presented. Future editions may contain more. We'll c all her O. She was born in 1957. Her first memories are of being suffocated by h er father's penis in what was to be a childhood of continual sexual abuse. After six years of deprogramming" with Mark Phillips, O has come to reintegrate her f ragmented personality and has gained access to most of the shocking memories of her abuse by, among others, high government officials... 10. MINDWAR In 1981, Major Michael A. Aquino collaborated with Colonel Paul E. Vallely to pr oduce a paper entitled From PSYOP to MindWar: The Psychology of Victory. The pap er was submitted to Military Review and Parameter, the publication of the U.S. A rmy War College. It was widely circulated among the psyop community and among mi nd control researchers without a copyright notice. Finally it appeared in its en tirety in Milton WIlliam Cooper's Behold A Pale Horse, a 1991 work that deals la rgely with the question of Unidentified Flying Objects. LTC John Alexander's Mil itary Review article in supportof "psychotronics" --intelligence and operational employment of ESP--was decidedly provocative. Criticism of research in this are a, based as it is on 'existing frontiers of scientific law, brings to mind the laughter that greeted the Italian scientist S pallanzani in 1794 when he suggested that bats navigate in the dark by means of what we now call sonar. "If they see with their ears, then do they hear with the ir eyes?" went the joke, but I suspect that the U.S. Navy is glad someone took t he idea seriously enough to pursue it... 11. PROJECT MONARCH? Project Monarch, according to Mark Phillips, is a U.S. Defense Department projec t begun in the 1960's. He says its code name was assigned to a subsection of the CIA's Operation Artichoke which later became Project MKULTRA... So-called "Pres idential Models", the most highly prized products of the Project Monarch mind co ntrol factories have a distinct (conditioned) habit of sitting very erect with t

heir legs daintily perched. They serve kings and presidents and high ranking gov ernment officials as sex slaves. They are controlled by invisible reins. The Pre sidential Models have "fluttered about the White House" and European hideaways w hich, in another day, would have been the "courts." While they appear to be "lig hthearted" and "inconstant" sex slaves, they are trained at the art of pillow ta lk and do, in fact, have memories like human tape-recorders... 12. THANKS FOR THE MEMORIES I met Lois first in Palm Springs, when I was the editor of Palm Springs Life. Sh e was sitting, looking pretty, at one of the many events that bear Bob Hope's na me, the Bob Hope Classic golf tournament or the Hope Center which houses the Pal m Desert opera. Her real name was not Lois and I was not introduced to her, but when I saw her again, several years later, she had come along with a Project Mon arch survivor just to watch the interview I was doing with their deprogrammer. I knew I'd seen her before, but at first, couldn't remember where or when.. 13. MONARCH CORROBORATION A number of friends and fellow researchers can't bring themselves to believe the story of "O" nor Lois. Neither in the beginning could I. Both dropped too many famous names. Both had witnessed too many important events in history. Both told hideous stories of abuse. How could our high government officials fall to such low perversions? Would they violate the human spirit just for lust? Greed? After a little thought, once one has processed the horror, one realizes that in each case, celebrities and high government official's vices were fed by the cryptocra cy using one of Project Monarch's programmed "presidential models." In this case Ms. O's remarkable gifts, which were the invisible reins of control the cryptoc racy held over Senators, Presidents, and Kings. In fact, it looked as if our exe cutive branch of government is now controlled by new innovations in the usual Ma chiavellian options: bribery, blackmail, threat of death, and/or ultimately assa ssination. Then, again come the doubts. Here we are taking the word of a "reinte grated" person who's suffered a lifetime of Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) which is a relatively new idea in itself. One doesn't want to believe this... 14. HIMMLER'S GUINEA KIDS Heinrich Himmler's Lebensborn program may have been the grandparent of Project M onarch. Monarch sought to create junior Manchurian Candidates with multiple pers onalities, each trained to perform a specific specialty. The kids were programme d to respond to codes, mnemonic cues, and audio-reversed triggers and tones. The y were trained in killing techniques and the rapid assembly and de-assembly of e xotic weapons. They were educated about poisons, explosives, languages and compu ters, then programmed to forget it all or remember only selected areas upon comm and. Monarch produced a cadre of child spies who were directed to prey upon high placed military, government and high society paedophiles, sometimes hauling the m into blackmail situations. As in the Nazi Lebensborn program there is evidence of selected breeding, adoption of the children, and a peculiarly large number o f twins among them. There is mounting evidence that the directors of Project Mon arch were former Nazis, and that, like Nazism, the Monarch program was interlace d with Satanism... 15. FINDERS, KIDNAPPERS, NAZIS According to a Customs Service memorandum, the CIA and FCIA (Foreign Counter Int elligence Agency a distinct and autonomous organization within the FBI ) were bo th involved in a mysterious group with behaviors similar to the one in Nebraska. Known as the Finders, CIA ownership of this organization was kept secret for se ven years after local law enforcement uncovered its practice of child abduction, kiddie-porn, ritual abuse, and slavery. In early February 1987, an anonymous ti

p to the Tallahassee, Florida police brought cops out like bloodhounds. The call er said two "well dressed men" seemed to be "supervising" six disheveled and hun gry children in a local park. The two men were identified as members of the Find ers. They were charged with child abuse in Florida. In Washington, D.C., police and U.S. Customs Service agents raided a duplex apartment building and a warehou se connected to the group. Among the evidence seized were detailed instructions on obtaining children for unknown purposes. Several photos of nude children were found, one of which appeared "to accent the child's genitals..." 16. TUNED IN TO A MENTAL RADIO? Had I not heard this story, in essence, from a half dozen other survivors of thi s kind of mind control, I would not have included it here. But we video taped a number of credible people talking about these "voices" in their heads. People wh o experience this are what Martin Cannon referred to in his book The Controllers as "wavies." Cannon wrote: Every Senator and Congressional representative has a "wavie" file. So do many state representatives. Wavies have even pled their cas e to private institutions such as The Christic Institute. And who are the wavies ? They claim to be the victims of clandestine bombardment with non-ionizing radi ation --or microwaves. They report sudden changes in psychological states, alter ation of sleep patterns, intracerebral voices and other sounds, and physiologica l effects. Most people never realize how many wavies there are in this country. I've spoken to a number of wavies myself. I don't like the term "Wavie." It's a hard-hearte d term which does not show any sympathy for the people who are suffering this wa y. They're suffering just as much as the people who have survived the so-called Project Monarch. Giving them the benefit of the doubt, I'll term them E-M Target s, E-M for electromagnetic spectrum, since the technical possibilities exist tha t they are experiencing bombardment by ELF, VLF, SHF microwaves, magnetic waves and other radiation of the electromagnetic spectrum which can be modulated so th at voices can be heard inside the head, without implants, without speakers. Most of them have been diagnosed as being "Paranoid Schizophrenic..." 17. THE SLAVES WHO BURIED THE PHARAOH The CIA uses thought reform, programming, and indoctrination on its own employee s. Patrick J. McGarvey, a veteran of fourteen years in U.S. intelligence service , described the cryptocracy's more ordinary indoctrination procedures in his boo k CIA: The Myth and the Madness. McGarvey said that his indoctrination was carri ed out in a classroom which was "right out of The Manchurian Candidate. It was a cavernous room not unlike a nineteenth century surgical exhibition pit." That t raining, he said, consisted of "an admixture of common sense, insanity, old-time religion, and some of the weirdest lectures you can imagine." The most importan t result of this early training, as far as the CIA was concerned, McGarvey said, "was the attitudes they managed to inculcate" among the recruits... 18. BRAVE NEW WORLD IN A SKINNER BOX The cryptocracy's search for reliable mind control methods was one of the most f ar-reaching secret projects ever undertaken. In addition to research and develop ment in drugs and hypnosis, CIA funds and cryptocracy guidance gave impetus to a number of behavior modification projects carried out in federal prisons and men tal institutions. Most of the projects were arranged secretly so recipients of t he funds would have no way of knowing that the CIA was backing the research. Eve n if they had known of the CIA's involvement, their interest in behavior modific ation probably would not have been dampened. Previously called conditioned refle x therapy, behavior modification, in the sixties and seventies, was becoming the most popular tool of psycho science since Sigmund Freud asked his first patient to lie down on the couch. Behavior modification is based on conditioning, but c

onditioning is a big word for a simple form of learning in which a reaction is e voked by an outside action. The reaction is called a response; the outside actio n is called a stimulus. In 1927 Pavlov won the Nobel Prize for his discovery of a method of making dogs salivate at the ringing of a bell. Salivating dogs were not much good to anyone, and it was not for making dogs drool that Pavlov was so honored. He was honored with the world's most prestigious award for making dogs drool on cue. He called his process "conditioning". The dogs' involuntary response, he ca lled a "reflex." Pavlov's discoveries provided the breakthrough which behavioral science needed to begin to control the human mind... 19. A SCHOOL FOR ASSASSINS The cryptocracy recruited their assassins from among people who had already demo nstrated a violent nature, people who had few reservations about taking human li fe. No homicidal maniacs were recruited because they could not be controlled. Th e cryptocracy needed killers who would not murder on impulse, but only upon comm and. Once selected, the assassin candidates were turned over to the military, wh ere, under the guise of "combat readiness" training, they underwent a complete p rogram of conditioning. Graduates of the program would forever after act with ru thless efficiency. They would eliminate local political leaders in a foreign cou ntry, or undertake "search and destroy" missions in violation of national and in ternational laws. They would be given a cover allowing them to enter the Foreign Service; or they would pose as embassy marine guards. In July, 1975, the Sunday Times in London quoted a U.S. Navy psychologist who admitted that U.S. Naval In telligence had taken convicted murderers from military prisons, conditioned them as political assassins, and then placed them in American embassies around the w orld. This admission came shortly after the Senate Intelligence Committee had sc olded the CIA for plotting a number of political assassinations around the world . From the congressional reports, however, one got the feeling the cryptocracy w as being chastised not for the assassinations it had successfully accomplished, but for those which it had attempted, but failed. The attempts on the life of Fi del Castro drew the greatest notice from the congressional committees and the pr ess... 20. THE FOUR FACES OF A ZOMBIE On March 2, 1967, Luis Angel Castillo, age twenty-four, was arrested by the Phil ippine National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) on suspicion of conspiring to assa ssinate President Ferdinand Marcos in Manilla. In a series of interrogation sess ions, the NBI and Philippine Army investigators gave him truth serum (at his req uest) and put him under hypnosis. During one of these sessions, Castillo reveale d he had been involved in an assassination four years earlier. Castillo told the NBI, both under hypnosis and truth serum and also in a normal state, that he ha d been hypnoprogrammed to kill a man riding in an open car. Although Castillo di d not know the identity of his target, the scene of hissupposed "hit" was Dallas , Texas. The date was November 22, 1963... 21. THE LONE NUTS MKULTRA was fully operational when Luis Castillo was programmed. It was active t hat same decade when events blamed on three "lone assassins" changed the course of history. In a well executed, mass indoctrination campaign employing all the h onor, prestige, and power of the U.S. government, Americans were told over and o ver again the lives of John Kennedy, Martin Luther King, and Robert Kennedy were all taken by lone assassins -men operating without political motivation. These three assassins --Lee Harvey Oswald, James Earl Ray, and Sirhan Sirhan--convenie ntly left diaries, underlinings in various books, and other self-incriminating c lues to establish their guilt. The evidence gathered on the assassinations remai ns fragmented and incomplete. Any event of such magnitude as political assassina

tion is bound to invite a large number of interpretations. While in 1978 when th e first edition of this book appeared there was not any conclusive proof of a co nspiracy, more than eighty percent of the American public then believed there wa s a conspiracy. Today, after Oliver Stone's masterful film JFK, more than ninety percent of the public believe that John F. Kennedy was murdered by conspirators working with the U.S. intelligence agencies. While Congress did cite Richard He lms for contempt, and declared that the FBI and the CIA did not cooperate with t he Warren Commission, the murders of Kennedy, Kennedy and King remain unsolved m ysteries in the public's opinion. A string of circumstantial evidence, and a kno wledge of the fundamentals of mind control invites further speculation. In each case the method was the same --death by the bullet. In each case the circumstanc es were the same --murder in a public place in view of many witnesses. All three assassins were men whose personal histories can be interpreted to indicate they were mentally unstable. Evidence suggests all three had been hypnotized at one time or another... 22. THE IGNORED CONFESSIONS Only an understanding of the techniques and applications of mind control could b egin to bring meaning to the fragmented ramblings of Jack Ruby. On June 7, 1964, Jack Ruby was questioned in jail in Dallas, Texas, by Earl Warren and Gerald Fo rd. In that session Ruby continually pleaded for a lie-detector test or for sodi um pentothal. He desperately wanted to prove his honesty so Warren and the commi ssion would know he was telling the truth. Said Ruby: "I would like to be able t o get a lie-detector test or truth serum of what motivated me to do what I did a t that particular time, and it seems as you get further into something, even tho ugh you know what you did, it operates against you somehow, brainwashes you, tha t you are weak in what you want to tell the truth about, and what you want to sa y which is the truth..." 23. ANOTHER HYPNO-PATSY? On April 4, 1968, Nobel laureate Dr. Martin Luther King was murdered on a second floor balcony of the Lorraine Motel in Memphis Tennessee. Half of the six thous and man FBI force was assigned to the task of bringing the killer to justice. Th e FBI should have had an easy job. There was an abundance of evidence left behin d on the second floor of a rooming house a block from the Lorraine Motel. There were fingerprints on the window ledge of a bathroom next to a room which had bee n rented to an "Eric S. Galt." On the sidewalk in front of the house was a weapo n, a high powered assault rifle with telescopic sight. Neighbors said they had s een a white Mustang roar away moments after the shooting... 24. CONFESSION BY AUTOMATIC WRITING The circumstances of Robert Kennedy's death are well known. On June 5, 1968, at 12:15 a.m., Sen. Robert Kennedy was shot in the pantry of the Ambassador Hotel i n Los Angeles. Karl Uecker grabbed the gun, a .22 caliber Iver-Johnson revolver. It was smoking in the hand of Sirhan Beshara Sirhan, a Palestinian refugee. The Los Angeles police immediately took Sirhan into custody. At first they appeared to be taking every precaution so they wouldn't make the same mistakes the Dalla s police had made. They taped every interrogation session with the suspect and k epthim under surveillance through a closed-circuit TV camera in his cell. They t ook every measure to protect the life of this man, the second "lone nut" to gun down a Kennedy. Trying to avoid anything which would be an infringement on the r ights of the alleged assassin, the police carefully informed Sirhan of his legal rights before trying to interrogate him. They did not inform his alter personal ities of their rights, however. Through the first hours of questioning, Sirhan c hose to remain silent. For some time, no one knew who the curly-haired, swarthy man in custody was... ...Police immediately went to his house and searched his b edroom. On the floor next to Sirhan's bed was a large spiral notebook. On the de

sk was another notebook. There was a third small notebook, a good deal of occult literature, a brochure advertising a book on mental projection, and a large bro wn envelope from the Internal Revenue Service on which someone had written, "RFK must be disposed of like his brother was." At the bottom of the envelope was sc rawled "Reactionary." In one of the notebooks there was a page which was used la ter in the trial to prove premeditation: "May 18, 9:45 a.m. --68. My determinati on to eliminate RFK is becoming more the more of an unshakable obsession... RFK must die --RFK must be killed Robert F. Kennedy must be assassinated... Robert F . Kennedy must be assassinated before 5 June 68 Robert F. Kennedy must be assass inated I have never heard please pay to the order of this or that pleas pay to t he order of..." Also drawn on the page were spirals, diamonds, and doodles. Whil e Los Angeles mayor Sam Yorty ignorantly told the press Sirhan was a "member of numerous Communist organizations, including the Rosicrucians," Sirhan's neighbor s told a different story. One said he was "very religious." Another reported tha t he was "just a normal kid." He took cars and bikes apart and put them back tog ether again." Neighborhood kids said he was "nice." When asked if Sirhan was the angry type, a black girl in his Neighborhood said, "He didn't show it." Arthur Bean, another neighbor said, "Someone talked that kid into gunning down Kennedy. " When Irwin Garfinkel, a deputy attorney in the public defender's office, asked Sirhan about the shooting, he said, "I don't remember much about the shooting, Sir. Did I do it? Well, yes, I am told I did it. I remember being at the Ambassador. I was drinking tom collinses. I got dizzy. I went back to my car so I could go home. But I was too drunk to drive. I thought I'd better find some coffee. The next thing I remember I was being choked and a guy was twisting my knee." George Plimpton, editor of the Paris Review, was in the hotel pantry when Kennedy was shot. He was one of the men who wrestled Sirha n down. According to Newsweek, Plimpton "offered some eloquent testimony that ap peared to some to support the defense's contention that Sirhan Beshara Sirhan ha d, in fact, been in a 'trance' during the shooting. 'He was enormously composed, ' recalled Plimpton. 'Right in the midst of this hurricane of sound and feeling, he seemed to be almost the eye of the hurricane. He seemed purged...'" 25. THE PATRIOTIC ASSASSIN All the assassins in the cryptocracy's army of hit men are not, by any means, pr ogrammed. There are other ways besides mind control to motivate the commission o f murder. In 1298 Marco Polo returned from his Asiatic travels with a tale of as sassins who were motivated by an unusually clever technique. Polo described a fo rtress he had visited in the valley of Alamut in Persia. He said the valley was the headquarters of a notorious group known as the Ashishin, from which the word "assassin" evolved. Polo's story echoed numerous legends about an "Old Man of t he Mountain," named Allahudin, who used subtle and elaborate psychological trick s to motivate simple country boys to undertake fearless acts of murder. The Old Man had created an inescapable valley between two mountains by building up high walls at both ends. He turned the valley into a beautiful garden, the largest an d most beautiful that had ever been seen. In this valley he planted every kind o f fruit tree and built several elaborate, ornamented pavilions and palaces which were said to be of such elegance they could not be described in words. Everythi ng that could be, was covered with gold. The buildings housed the most exquisite collection of paintings and sculpture in the known world. Man-made streams flow ed wine, milk, honey, and water... 26. SLEEPER AGENT Joe called me one day from Australia. I was still working on Grub Street as edit or of Palm Springs Life. He told me what most of the victims of mind control hav e told me: "I read your book. You saved my sanity. I know now that I'm not crazy . Thanks so much for writing it." That was reward enough for doing it, I suppose

, but I didn't want to do it again. I wanted nothing more to do with mind contro l. I was burned out on the subject, so Joe got a polite but disinterested recept ion from me. He kept up a correspondence with me anyway from the outback. At fir st his letters were fragmented, disjointed, mine were polite, encouraging, brief . I couldn't tell where he was coming from, but, what do you expect from a victi m whose mind has been scrambled? He began by talking about some missing British Scientists... 27. DEEP PROBE Jose Delgado stood sweating in the center of a bull ring in Madrid. He was sweat ing from the heat of the sun reflected on the sand. He felt a twinge of natural fear as the door at one end of the walled ring swung open, and a huge black bull lunged forth from the darkness into the plaza de toros. This was a very good bu ll, one the best matador would have desired. It charged as if on rails, straight at Delgado. In front of a ton of black beef, two sharp horns aimed to gore the vital parts of his body. Delgado stood face to face with the charging Andalusian toro. But Delgado was no matador. He stood in the ring alone in his shirtsleeve s. He wore no "suit of lights" and he carried no cape. Instead of a sword, he he ld only a little black box. He wanted to wait until the last possible moment, bu t he could not contain his fear. When the bull was thirty feet away, he pressed the button on the box. The bull immediately quit his attack and skidded to a hal t. Toro looked right, then left. Then, as if bewildered, he turned his broad sid e toward Delgado and trotted away... 28. FROM BIONIC WOMAN TO STIMULATED CAT In 1967 a writer named Lincoln Lawrence published a book which asked the questio n: Was Lee Harvey Oswald a robot-assassin programmed by a sophisticated techniqu e known as RHIC-EDOM? The letters stood for Radio Hypnotic Intra-Cerebral Contro l-Electronic Dissolution of Memory. Lawrence speculated that Oswald had been beh avior-controlled and prepared during his "defection" to the Soviet Union as a "s leeper" agent programmed to return to the United States and murder on cue. It wa s the Manchurian Candidate theme, with one exception. Lawrence insisted that the Russians had not masterminded the RHIC-EDOM plan. It had been masterminded, he thought, by an international cartel of commodities merchants who sought to make millions by driving the market with the assassination of a president --any presi dent. Lawrence wrote, "Lee Harvey Oswald was to be utilized as... (and now you m ust clear your brain and put aside your preconceived notions of what espionage a nd sabotage are today)... an RHIC controlled person... somewhat like a mechanica l toy. An RHIC controlled person can be processed (as Oswald was in Minsk, allow ed to travel to any country... and be put to use even years later by the applica tion of RHIC controls. In short, like the toy, he can in a sense be 'wound up' a nd made to perform acts without any possibility of the controller being detected ... 29. INVISIBLE WARFARE Since this book first appeared in 1978 there has been a rapid acceleration in pu blic awareness about mind control. It has largely replaced the term "brainwashin g" in the press, appearing with some regularity on the front pages of your local daily newspaper. If you are laboring under the impression that the Church Commi ttee hearings stopped Operation Mind Control, in these pages you have learned of evidence to the contrary. Instead of halting mind control, a whole new kind of warfare as developed around it. The new technology makes the old "Project Monarc h" style classical conditioning obsolete. It is the reason so many survivors are remembering and are allowed to talk. They are no longer needed, and there's a b etter way to control minds. Public awareness has been outrun by the progress in mind control technology. It has gone from drugs and hypnosis to the effects of m icrowaves, ELF waves, gravity waves, and modulated signals of all kinds. The bas

ics are the same in all techniques --the government programmers sneak into the s ubconscious mind of individuals and the masses and influence them without their knowledge or consent...

30. MAY THE FORCE BE WITH US! The first evidence of the use of hypnosis as a reliable operational tool of the cryptocracy, according to John Marks, can be found in the work of Morse Allen in 1954. Of course hypnosis itself had been used by shamans and fakirs to manipula te and control people for centuries. Marks explains that Allen's work came at th e height of the Project ARTICHOKE explorations in which the spooks attempted to use hypnosis to "programme" an assassin. CIA documents also reveal that in 1959 John Gittinger recommended the use of hypnosis in operational experiments. (Of c ourse our latest evidence shows that Navy Intelligence had been using mind contr ol in the 1940's, at least.) The CIA files contain a translation of a Soviet res earch project entitled Unperceived Manifestations of Mental Processes in Deep Hy pnosis which described the success of their psychoscientists: "We succeeded in p rogramming not only the subject of dreams ( I would like to visit Africa in my d ream...), but to program color perception (let my dream be blue...), as well as inducing a specific mood after sleepin..." 31. THE WARRIOR'S TONGUE John Alexander is a busy man these days, not only is he one of the moving forces behind PSITECH, a company that sells military developed remote viewing skills ( RVS) to private enterprise, he is the program manager for nonlethal defense at t he Los Alamos (N.M.) National Laboratory, an author (The Warrior's Edge), and a practitioner of the gem of mind control arts --Neuro-linguistics Programming. To day, after 32 years of military service this retired Colonel has the responsibil ity of drawing together and nurturing many nonlethal weapons devices which could disable key electronic equipment, blind weapons sensors or shut off the power t o a capital city. He has drawn upon a variety of disciplines involving polymer c hemistry, microbics, kinetics, acoustics, electrical engineering, materials scie nce and information science, just to demonstrate their feasibility," in the burg eoning science called Nonlethal defense, at least so said Aviation Week & Space Technology. "As the concept has evolved," Alexander is reported as saying," we h ave come to focus our efforts on anti-material systems. If you can stop the mach ines of war, you can inhibit the prosecution of conflict." 32. CULT CONTROL In 1990 spychiatrist Dr. Louis Jolyon West, M.D., Professor of Psychiatry, Unive rsity of California, pet shrink of the cryptocracy gave a speech on cults. As us ual it was soft on fact and hard on the cryptocracy line: It is estimated that t here are more than 2500 cults in the United States... Now there must be a lot mo re "cults" than that since, the Oxford English Dictionary said the word cult mea nt: "1. worship --2. a particular form of religious worship; esp. in reference t o its external rites and ceremonies --3. devotion to a particular person or thin g..." Some would say that includes the Moose, Elks, Shriners, Optimists, Boy Sco uts, certain football teams, religions of all denominations, hang gliding clubs, sky diving clubs, James Joyce reading groups and on and on. But without further argument, West's comments on "CULTS-PSYCHIATRIC ASPECTS" 33. THE FIRE IN WACO Perhaps not since the Reichstag fire in Nazi Germany have flames leaped so visib ly onto the pages of history. The flames in both Waco and the Reichstag fires we

re fueled by mind control. At least that's the impression you get when you read attorney Paul D. Wilcher's letter to Attorney General Janet Reno... Dated May 21 st, 1993 the letter begins with no salutation, the phone numbers of Ms. Reno, Ju stice Department Communications Director Carl Stern, Appointments Secretary Meli ssa Muller, Assistant Attorney General Richard Scruggs, and James Kramarsic, Spe cial Ops--CIA. With a typical lawyerly lack of style the letter begins: RE: (1) Vital NEW information concerning the conflagration at David Koresh's Branch Davi dian compound, "Ranch Apocalypse," outside Waco, Texas, on Monday, April 19th, 1 993, which is now being kept from you and covered up _ i.e., that what happened was NOT a "mass suicide," but rather a MASS MURDER... the letter then reads:" DEAR ATTORNEY GENERAL RENO" in caps. The purpose of this letter... is for me to deliver to you extremely sensitive in formation about the deaths of the 86 men, women, and children who perished at th e Branch Davidian compound on Monday, April 19th, 1993, and the truth about how it all happened... But even more important, my purpose here is to demonstrate ho w the Waco tragedy fits into a much bigger (and far uglier) The subject of mind control is introduced on page four when Wilcher writes: "David Koresh had an ext ensive CIA background...he was known in CIA circles as a "sleeper" _ someone who had been subjected to extensive CIA "mind control" training and programming..." Wilcher said that it was not a coincidence that all these events were occurring in or near Waco, Texas _"since Waco is a major center for such CIA "mind contro l" experimentation and programming _ with much of this activity occurring at the CIA's Leadership Management Institute in Waco." Wilcher pointed out that "simil ar CIA-sponsored "cults" are located across the country including in such places as Salt Lake City, Utah; Provo, Utah; Logan, Utah; Boise, Idaho; and San Franci sco, California," and that one or all of these other "cults can likewise `explod e' onto the front pages of the press at any time the CIA deems appropriate, in o rder to accomplish its pre-determined, hidden, right-wing political agenda."... Mind Control and Memory Blocks to Ease the Consciences of the CIA's PROFESSIONAL killers: Thus far, we have been discussing mind control and memory blocks in th e context of the CIA's `Manchurian-Candidate-type' robot assassins _ those low-l evel individuals _ like Sirhan Sirhan, David Hinckley, Mark David Chapman (who a ssassinated the Beatles' lead singer/songwriter John Lennon), and the six (6) Bl ack men murdered in Pershing Park _ persons who are programmed by the Agency to be used only once then `thrown away' and discarded _ i.e., persons who are desti ned either to be killed or imprisoned for the rest of their lives, once they hav e performed their pre-ordained secret mission. In other words, these low-level i ndividuals are highly expendable _ particularly when getting rid of them will pr eserve the `plausible deniability' that the Agency had anything to do with their training, conduct, or activities. In the context of these low-level individuals , the mind control programming we have been discussing is used not only to condi tion the desired robotic response to a pre-ordained secret signal, but also to p revent the subject from remembering anything to do with their training, conduct, or activities. In the context of these low-level individuals, the mind control programming we have been discussing is used not only to condition the desired ro botic response to a pre-ordained secret signal, but also to prevent the subject from remembering anything... 34. HAVE BUCK ROGERS' RAY GUN -WILL TRAVEL Not far from the melted sand and globs of green Trinitite at the Trinity site -beneath the tower that exploded the first atomic bomb, just across the desert sa nds from the Los Alamos National Laboratories where Invisible Weaponry is being developed at an alarming rate, is a private company, Consumertronics, which spec ializes in all things electronic. Headed by a "weapons engineer", John J. Willia ms, the company offers for sale all sorts of VLF, SHF, VHF, ELF devices and desi gns for devices to produce a variety of waves. It sells both offensive generator s and defensive countermeasures "for research purposes only." It is the only com

pany in the world which advertises this kind of expertise. His ads might as well say: "Have Buck Rogers Ray Gun, Will Travel," because Williams will travel to y our home with a van full of scanners, meters, measurers and monitors and tell yo u what your electromagnetic environment looks like 24 hours a day. All it takes is money... 35. HUMAN EM TARGETS Harlan E. Girard, one of the most level-headed researchers into the lore of mind control has, himself, been an E.M. target for years. He doesn't like to talk ab out his personal experiences because he'd rather let others tell their stories, but he admits he still has "handlers" and hears disembodied voices. Like so may of the other so-called "Wavies" Girard is no wild-eyed maniac. He is distinguish ed, affluent and quietly articulate. The brief abstract printed below sets the o verview for this chapter and offers a look at the high quality of the human bein gs reporting this E.M. Target phenomenon. I'll introduce Girard to you, the way I met him, through his paper: OFFENSIVE MICROWAVE WEAPONS: Developments in the T echnology of Political Control: The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has develo ped a technology which can make the blind see, the deaf hear, and the lame walk. It will never be used this way because the technology is central to the domesti c policy and foreign ambitions of the United States Government, whether that gov ernment is nominally headed by George Herbert Walker Bush, William Jefferson Cli nton, or any possible successor. The effects of these microwave weapons are many and varied, but the most insidious couple with the central nervous system to pr oduce effects which might be described as Satanic possession. remote motor contr ol of human locomotion and movement (including speech) has become possible. Remo te motor control can be used to murder by suicide, "accident", suffocation, asph yxiation and heart attack, or to simply neutralize the victim by making words co me out of his/her mouth which he/she had no intention of speaking... Consequentl y, a situation is created in which the victim appears to be free to uninformed t hird parties, but at the same time is incarcerated as securely as if he/she had been confined to a maximum security prison. In this manner, human beings can be and are being sadistically tortured in the privacy of their own homes. The bizar re objective of this treatment is to mentally and physically torture the victim until his/her own personality collapses, and he/she becomes something lower than a slave. In science fiction, this computer driven human being is called a cybor g... 36. A SATANIC-UFO REICH? Operation Mind Control has brought the mental health profession to the verge of a nervous breakdown. Attacked by cryptocratic peers in such organizations as the Cult Awareness Network and False Memory Syndrome Foundation on the one hand, an d grappling with the techniques of psychiatry and psychology which the cryptocra cy has leapfrogged with new technology on the other, the profession can only mak e the mentally tortured comfortable while it looks desperately for a way to heal them. The healing techniques are in the hands of a few. Some of them are "depro grammer"s who once worked for the cryptocracy, learned the codes, cues, and trig gers, and know practically how the classical conditioning technology of the cryp tocracy comes to work like hypnosis. The mental health professionals, as we know them, are learning to completely rethink their approaches to healing the victim s of the crytpocracy's mind control projects. While insights into what is stateof-the-art mind control today begins with a study of physics, it is still built upon well-tested patterns of brain functions. But, the traditional "let's get in touch with our feelings" kinds of therapy are not especially helpful... 37. THE COM-12 BRIEFING Almost simultaneous with the founding of the modern cryptocracy and the passing of the National Security Act in 1947, if the rumors are to be believed, there ca

me to be a faction working within the secret agencies of government to restore t he Constitution. It is claimed that this group has been fighting a resistance fr om within the cryptocracy against the Nazi group known as the Aquarius Group (AG ) which came to cluster around the Gehlen/Nazis taken to the breast of the Ameri can intelligence community at the end of World War II. While our sources beg for anonymity, they tell us they have been known as the Guardians of the Eternal Fl ame or The Rowboat Magicians. To my knowledge, only twice has this group communi cated with the general public, then not "officially" but through documents "leak ed" or "planted" in the samisdat. Then they called themselves Com-12... 38. PROJECT GREENSTAR? As early as 1961, advisors to the late President Kennedy recommended that with t he threat of nuclear war hanging over the future, civilized nations could no lon ger risk overt confrontations that would lead to war, since even conventional wa r could escalate to Armageddon. If war was necessary it would have to be invisib le. It was either invisible warfare or peace, and everyone seemed to agree the e conomy would "suffer" from peace. Without war, it was believed, the economy woul d falter and depression would be the dividend of peace. Thus the advisors to the president began to think about what might motivate the U.S. economy as well as war did. They came up with several possibilities, the most fantastic of which wa s to fake an invasion from outer space... 39. FALSE MEMORY SPINDROME Memory is illusive in some cases, vivid in others. A Roper poll conducted in 199 3 suggested that up to 20 million people in North America may have memories of " alien" abductions. In 1994 Dr. Colin Ross said that he heard someone on a CBC ra dio broadcast say that they had evidence that 750,000 babies had been ritually s acrificed. FBI ritual abuse "debunker" Kenneth Lanning in 1992 said that there w ere 50,000 missing children in the U.S., which law enforcement reports said peop le believed were "being murdered in human sacrifices..." Incest and child sexual abuse reached epidemic proportions. The generally accepted statistics in 1993 w ere as follows: * One out of three girls and one of five boys would be sexually molested before the age of eighteen. * A child was sexually abused every 2 minut es with over 95% of the abusers being someone the child knows and trusts. * For every case reported, there were twenty-five cases that went unreported. * Only 5 % of all sexual abuse cases ever went to court. In 50% of those cases the child was returned to the abuser. * Approximately 97% of child prostitutes were incest victims. * Child sexual abuse was a major cause of teenage suicide. * One in te n homes were involved in child sexual abuse. * A high percentage of abused child ren develop dissociative identity disorders. Then, just as the legions of abused children (now grown to adulthood) were beginning to remember satanic abuse, (th e ranks of diagnosed cases of Multiple Personality Disorder had reached 25,000 i n the U.S.) and Harvard University's Dr. John Mack was enjoying celebrity as the author of a book on alien abductions, and about twenty percent of those diagnos ed as suffering from Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) were being discovered t o have military or intelligence backgrounds, a "robust and adroit" public relati ons effort was mounted against those who were beginning to remember all sorts of details which related to their abuse as children. Groups were quickly formed to debunk such "nonsense." One was spearheaded by a woman who was herself named by her daughter as a child abuser. Her name was Pamela Freyd and her organization was the False Memory Syndrome Foundation (FMSF) which sprang suddenly up from no where... 40. DANGEROUS FREE THINKING In an undisclosed location, at a secret conference, an emergency panel of five p sychiatrists and clinical psychologists met to discuss the alarming data they we

re gathering about mind control, satanic ritual abuse, and alien programming fro m patients diagnosed as suffering from Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) also called Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). Due to what is, by the standards of a conservative profession, the controversial content of this conference, and du e to the fact that many of the doctors have already received the strongest criti cism from their peers and threats on their lives, their identities must remain u ndisclosed --you'll understand why as you read more. Although delivered in a con versational tone without footnotes and scientific documentation, there is a lot of technical information in this round-table conference which should be of great use to therapists. For the lay reader a study of the works of Milton Erickson o r at least NLP would be helpful in explaining what the doctors are talking about . The term "bloodline" refers to the practice of satanic ritual abuse which carr ies on generation after generation under the belief that after several generatio ns of "conditioning" a "genetic memory" or a "blood memory" carries on the infor mation which has been programmed. This belief in "blood memory" can be found in a variety of secret societies and not just in satanic cults. A person who is of the "bloodline" is the offspring of parents who are in the cult, and often the g reat, great, great, great grandchildren of cult members. Some survivors have rep orted that the sophisticated form of programming described in this conversation goes back more than 100 years and has been co-opted by the intelligence agencies only within the past fifty-odd years. Suffice it to know that the assembled doc tors, men and women, are among the most qualified in their profession. They are recipients of the top honors, awards and degrees, members of all the most presti gious societies, editors of the most influential journals. Researchers who are a ware of the literature may think they are able to identify some of the doctors b y the content of their speeches, but it's important that they just ignore any fa iling on my part as an editor, overlooking any speech patterns which may reveal their identities. For the sake of their safety, and at their request, I have don e my best to re-write this transcript --not for content, but for style --so that these doctors can never be identified. After some preliminary remarks the host of the conference, Dr. A, began: Dr A: I have been looking forward to this exchange for quite some time and I hop e we can cut right to the chase and talk specifically about ritual abuse and abo ut mind-control programming and brainwashing --how it's done, how to get on the inside of it. Dr. B: Until only recently I didn't believe it. I wasn't willing to discuss it w ith colleagues such as you before, and I'm still not willing to speak about it p ublicly. Dr. C: I have done that in small groups and in consultations, but recently I dec ided that it's time that somebody started doing something about it. Dr. D: So we're going to talk about specifics today? Dr. E: At the international congress I heard about these details for the first t ime. I thought, "how weird." "Interesting but weird." 41. A REPEALING THOUGHT I watched C-SPAN once again to celebrate the birth of our country. It was the fi rst time I'd watched C-SPAN since the Clinton campaign. I watched just for a cou ple of synchronistic hours. They were showing programs they'd taped on June 28 a nd 29. First there was a program called "Project for the Republican Future". On that program the famous "political consultant and pollster, Dr. Frank Luntz told us that his polls showed that the people in the U.S. today believe the quality of life has gone down since the previous generation and, the majority believe th at the next generation will have even a lower standard of living. He said that t he polls showed that the average American believed that there was a moral declin e in this country. He said, "For the first time in American history, Americans a re pessimistic about their future..." ________________________________________

By W.H. Bowart December 1996 Is the profession of psychiatry beginning to rival the legal profession as havin g the most useless information, the most know-nothing, corrupt and mercenary pra ctitioners of any profession? The proof of the psychiatric pudding might be that doctors who once easily earne d $300,000 or more a year are having a hard time pulling in $100,000 a year thes e days. This could be due to the cuts in national health care payments, to the c ompetition that has been created by the lower prices of the HMO's, and/or it cou ld be partly caused by the accumulative effects of the CIA's fifty years of cove rt manipulation of that profession. Almost every psychiatrist of the aged generation (especially those who also hold diplomas in psychology) worked for the CIA or another branch of the cryptocracy in one or another dirty project which tested drugs, hypnosis, brain stimulation and a variety of other things on unwitting humans --often employees of the gove rnment who'd already signed their lives away. These psychiatrists were hell-bent on seeing that this government chattel would, since they hadn't given their liv es for their country, give their minds and souls and too often their children's minds and souls for it. In any of the professions it's hard to find a whistle blower. Seldom will one la wyer speak ill of a peer. Even harder is it to find justice in the self-regulate d profession of health -especially mental health. Doctor's seldom bear witness a gainst other doctors. A good example of the insular attitude which sees regulato ry board members looking the other way was the case of Dr. William Jennings Brya n III (WJB3). Great grandson of the great orator William Jennings Bryan, WJB3 wa s the director of the American Institute of Hypnosis in Los Angeles from the fif ties to his death in the seventie.P 1of 9 ________________________________________ Mind Control: (Please be aware mind control is all thoughts to the 5 senses in s uggestions 24/7 and not all physical effect of ELF/EMF, but have been nefariousl y abused secretly before patents. The Ultimate Brave New World Technologies for stimulating the brain and controlling the mind can have benefit s, but they have a dark side that military and intelligence planners have been e xploiting for decades. Extracted from Nexus Magazine, Volume 13, Number 2 (February - March 2006 & April-May 2006) PO Box 30, Mapleton Qld 4560 Australia. by Nick Begich, MD 2006 Extracted from: "Controlling the Human Mind 2006 It would also appear possible to create high fidelity speech in the human body, raising the possibility of covert suggestion and psychological direction... Thus , it may be possible to "talk" to selected adversaries in a fashion that would b e most disturbing to them. US Air Force, New World Vistas: Air and Space Power for the 21st Century The idea that the brain can be made to function at a more efficient and directed level has been the subject of research by scientists, mystics, health practitio ners and others for as long as mankind has contemplated such matters. In the las t decade, advances in the science of the brain have begun to yield significant r esults. The results of the research are startling, challenging and, if misused, will be frightening. The certainty to be expected from the research is that it w ill continue to proceed. The idea that people can be impacted by external signal

generators which create, for example, pulsed electromagnetic fields, pulsed lig ht and pulsed sound signals is not new. The following information demonstrates s ome of the possibilities and gives hints of the potentials of the technology. On the positive side, researchers in the field of light and sound are making huge progress in a number of areas, including working with learning disabilities, att ention deficit disorders, stroke recovery, accelerated learning, drug/alcohol ad diction and enhanced human performance. The research has shown that certain brai n states can be influenced in a way which causes changes within the brain itself . These changes allow individuals the possibility of influencing specific condit ions in the mind and body otherwise thought beyond our direct control. The milit ary and others interested in such things have also focused a large amount of res earch into this area for the purpose of enhancing the performance of soldiers wh ile degrading the performance of adversaries. What is known is that great stride s in the area of behaviour control are now possible with systems developed and u nder development by most sophisticated countries on the planet. These new techno logies represent a much different approach to warfare which our government is de scribing as part of the "Revolution in Military affairs". While these new techno logies offer much for military planners, they offer even more to citizens genera lly. Their potential use in military applications and "peacekeeping" creates the need for open debate of this new realm of intelligence-gathering, manipulation and warfare. The most basic ethical questions regarding use of these technologie s have not been adequately addressed. At the same time that defence and intellig ence-gathering capabilities are being sought, independent researchers are fully engaged in seeking positive uses for the technology. The potentials of the techn ology, like all technology, are great as both a destructive or constructive forc e for change. ________________________________________ John Marks-CIA BUILDING/Search MANCHURIANS since Hitler and MKULTRA on German So ldiers.....Click here! www.mireilletorjman. com 1997 DoD Briefing: 'Others' can set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely using el ectromagnetic waves By Lori Price 28 Feb 2010 Secretary of Defense William S. Co hen, 28 April 1997: 'There are some reports, for example, that some countries ha ve been trying to construct something like an Ebola Virus [OMG! Who would do suc h a thing?], and that would be a very dangerous phenomenon, to say the least. Al vin Toeffler has written about this in terms of some scientists in their laborat ories trying to devise certain types of pathogens that would be ethnic specific so that they could just eliminate certain ethnic groups and races; and others [L OL] are designing some sort of engineering, some sort of insects that can destro y specific crops. Others are engaging even in an eco- type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves.' --Just switch 'yours,' 'others' and 'they' with ' U.S.,' 'U.S.' and 'U.S.' This was in 1997. Imagine, after eight years of George W. Bush turbo-funding these lunatics, what they can do now. CIA COVERT OPS and B io Warfare now Electronic war Mind Control: (Please be aware mind control is all thoughts to the 5 senses in s uggestions 24/7 and not all physical effect of ELF/EMF, but have been nefariousl y abused secretly before patents. The Ultimate Brave New World Technologies for stimulating the brain and controlling the mind can have benefit s, but they have a dark side that military and intelligence planners have been e xploiting for decades. Extracted from Nexus Magazine, Volume 13, Number 2 (February - March 2006 & April-May 2006) PO Box 30, Mapleton Qld 4560 Australia. by Nick Begich, MD 2006 Extracted from: "Controlling the Human Mind 2006

It would also appear possible to create high fidelity speech in the human body, raising the possibility of covert suggestion and psychological direction... Thus , it may be possible to "talk" to selected adversaries in a fashion that would b e most disturbing to them. US Air Force, New World Vistas: Air and Space Power for the 21st Century The idea that the brain can be made to function at a more efficient and directed level has been the subject of research by scientists, mystics, health practitio ners and others for as long as mankind has contemplated such matters. In the las t decade, advances in the science of the brain have begun to yield significant r esults. The results of the research are startling, challenging and, if misused, will be frightening. The certainty to be expected from the research is that it w ill continue to proceed. The idea that people can be impacted by external signal generators which create, for example, pulsed electromagnetic fields, pulsed lig ht and pulsed sound signals is not new. The following information demonstrates s ome of the possibilities and gives hints of the potentials of the technology. On the positive side, researchers in the field of light and sound are making huge progress in a number of areas, including working with learning disabilities, att ention deficit disorders, stroke recovery, accelerated learning, drug/alcohol ad diction and enhanced human performance. The research has shown that certain brain states can be influenced in a way which causes changes within the brain itself. These chan ges allow individuals the possibility of influencing specific conditions in the mind and body otherwise thought beyond our direct control. The military and othe rs interested in such things have also focused a large amount of research into t his area for the purpose of enhancing the performance of soldiers while degradin g the performance of adversaries. What is known is that great strides in the are a of behaviour control are now possible with systems developed and under develop ment by most sophisticated countries on the planet. These new technologies repre sent a much different approach to warfare which our government is describing as part of the "Revolution in Military affairs". While these new technologies offer much for military planners, they offer even more to citizens generally. Their p otential use in military applications and "peacekeeping" creates the need for op en debate of this new realm of intelligence-gathering, manipulation and warfare. The most basic ethical questions regarding use of these technologies have not b een adequately addressed. At the same time that defence and intelligence-gatheri ng capabilities are being sought, independent researchers are fully engaged in s eeking positive uses for the technology. The potentials of the technology, like all technology, are great as both a destructive or constructive force for change . The idea of enhancing physical and mental performance while bypassing what her etofore was a long and arduous road to achieve the same results is exciting. Mai ntaining the research in the open literature and ensuring that constructive uses are encouraged is critical. I began looking into technologies for stimulating b rain performance about fifteen years ago. At the time, there were limited tools available compared to what is now possible. Now it is possible to obtain light a nd sound, electrocranial and biofeedback tools for use in this exploration. more over, there are audio materials also available for use with most of these tools. These audio materials can be used for learning languages, behaviour modificatio n or enhanced performance. The biofeedback side of the new technology is being u sed to train people to reach specific desired brain states for optimum performan ce. The use of light and sound devices for stimulating brain activity which is c onducive to accelerated learning and relaxation is a growing area of interest to many people. Moreover, the use of these tools in conjunction with biofeedback h as been the subject of quickly evolving research. The combined technologies of b rain state inducement and biofeedback offer exciting possibilities. It has been found with the combination that a person, in a matter of several weeks, can lear n to modify purposefully his/her brain activity in a way which would have taken a Zen master twenty years to accomplish. It has been shown that some children wi th attention deficit disorders can be taught to regulate their brain activities so that they can learn efficiently without chemicals. It has been demonstrated t hat recovering stroke victims can more rapidly recover when working with brain-b

iofeedback practitioners and these new tools. The research is also teaching us a good deal about our suggestibility in terms of influences which have an impact on our behaviour. The underlying message that comes with the new technology is t he necessity of providing safeguards against misuse. Additionally, recognition o f the everyday stimulation we all get and the effect of these information inputs on our learning processes becomes more clear. The suggestibility of humans, par ticularly when in a fatigued condition, has been exploited by terrorists, cults and others in pursuit of their own aims. The passive suggestibility of radio and television as we weave in and out of the semi-sleep states is for the most part not even recognised. The passive learning situations become even more relevant when we consider how we "receive the news" in our daily lives. The ability to in fluence thinking, behaviour and performance is indeed a two-edged sword. The 198 0s and 1990s were focused on building up the physical body. The 21st century wil l see a focus on building the mind and optimising mental performance. The idea o f merging the new technologies into education is interesting and also calls into question who will decide what is to be learned. In the interim, the possibiliti es are incredible for those interested in such pursuits. The control of our ment al function is no different than the control of the muscles in our bodies. Learn ing to control or coordinate the activity of our minds will propel our bodies th rough a much more productive and fuller life. The new tools may offer just such opportunities. On the other side of the issue is the potential for misuse and ex ploitation of the science. Military planners, law enforcement officials and othe rs are now seeking the covert use of these technologies for controlling the ulti mate "information processor"the Human Being. MK-ULTRA "Dr Gottlieb, born August 3, 1918, was the CIA's real-life 'Dr Strangelove'a bri lliant bio-chemist who designed and headed MKULTRA, the agency's most far-reaching drug and mind-control program at the height of the Cold War. Though the super-secret MKULTRA was ended in 1964, a streamlined version called MK-SEARCH was continued with Gottlieb in chargeuntil 1972." During this period, substantial interest in mind control was stimulated by Soviet use of microwaves. In 1988, "thirty-five y ears after security officers first noticed that the Soviets were bombarding the US embassy in Moscow with microwave radiation, the US Government still has not d etermined conclusivelyor is unwilling to revealthe purpose behind the beams". Th e US government did know what was happening. The Soviets had developed methods f or disrupting the purposeful thought of humans and were using their knowledge to impact diplomats in the United States embassy in Moscow. In 1994, a report conc erning the MKULTRA program was issued, containing the following information: "In the 1950s and '60s, the CIA engaged in an extensive program of human experim entation, using drugs, psychological, and other means, in search of techniques t o control human behavior for counterintelligence and covert action purposes. "In 1973, the CIA purposefully destroyed most of the MKULTRA files concerning its r esearch and testing on human behaviour. In 1977, the agency uncovered additional MKULTRA files in the budget and fiscal records that were not indexed under the name MKULTRA. These documents detailed over 150 subprojects that the CIA funded in this area, but no evidence was uncovered at that time concerning the use of r adiation. "The CIA did investigate the use and effect of microwaves on human bei ngs in response to a Soviet practice of beaming microwaves on the US embassy. Th e agency determined that this was outside the scope of the Advisory Committee's purview. "...The Church Committee found some records, but also noted that the pr actice of MKULTRA at that time was 'to maintain no records of the planning and a pproval of test programs'. ...MKULTRA itself was technically closed out in 1964, but some of its work was transferred to the Office of Research and Development (ORD) within the DS&T under the name MKSEARCH and continued into the 1970s. "The CIA worked closely with the Army in conducting the LSD experiments. This connec tion with the Army is significant because MKULTRA began at the same time that Se cretary of Defense Wilson issued his 1953 directive to the military services on ethical guidelines for human experiments. "Throughout the course of MKULTRA, the

CIA sponsored numerous experiments on unwitting humans. After the death of one such individual (Frank Olson, an army scientist, was given LSD in 1953 and commi tted suicide a week later), an internal CIA investigation warned about the dange rs of such experimentation. The CIA persisted in this practice for at least the next ten years. After the 1963 IG [Inspector-General] report recommended termina tion of unwitting testing, Deputy Director for Plans Richard Helms (who later be came Director of Central Intelligence) continued to advocate covert testing on t he ground that 'positive operational capability to use drugs is diminishing, owi ng to a lack of realistic testing. With increasing knowledge of state of the art , we are less capable of staying up with the Soviet advances in this field'. ... Helms attributed the cessation of the unwitting testing to the high risk of emba rrassment to the Agency as well as the 'moral problem'. He noted that no better covert situation had been devised than that which had been used, and that 'we ha ve no answer to the moral issue'." They did have the answers to the moral questi ons on human experimentation but chose to ignore them, destroy the records, hide the truth and still continue in their efforts. Nothing has changed as each part icipating organisation, using national security laws, avoids disclosure and acco untability. The records which were destroyed contained the evidence necessary pe rhaps to send some participants to jail for society's version of behaviour modif ication. Once again, there was no accountability and no recognition of the right s of the individuals damaged by these experiments. Mind Wars "For the first time in some 500 years, a scientific revolution has begun that wi ll fundamentally change the world as much as the Renaissance and Enlightenment d id. A handful of extraordinary new advances in science are taking humans quickly and deeply into areas that will have profound implications for the future." One of these areas is control of the human mind. The issues surrounding behaviour m odification, mind control and information warfare become crystal clear as the fa cts unfold. The following is taken from a current military document, "The Inform ation Revolution and the Future Air Force" by Colonel John A. Warden III, USAF, which clarifies their position in the emerging area of research, taking a much d ifferent direction than the one described above: "We're currently experiencing, on an unprecedented global basis, three simultaneous revolutions, any one of whi ch would be more than enough to shock and confound us. The first revolution, a g eopolitical revolution, sees a single dominant power in the world for the first time since the fall of Rome. The opportunities that are inherent in this situati on are extraordinary, as are the pitfalls. Unfortunately, there is no one around that has first hand experience in how to deal with that kind of single power do minant world. "The second revolution, and there's a lot of discussion about this so far, is the information revolution. As other people have mentioned, it is fo llowing inexorably in tandem behind Moore's law of computing power. Attendant to it, though, is not the creation of new ideas and technologies, but also an expo nential growth in the velocity of information dissemination, and for us that is of extraordinary importance. A key part of this information revolution has an aw esome impact on competition. The business that introduced a new product ten year s ago could count on probably five years before it had to look seriously at pote ntial competitors based overseas. Today, you're lucky if you can count on five m onths or even five weeks before you are facing the overseas competitor. In today 's world, success simply demands rapid introduction of successively new products or military systems. Success now goes to the organization which exploits inform ation almost instantly, while failure is the near certain fate of the organizati on which tries to husband or hide ideas. Real simpleuse it or you're going to lo se it. "The third revolution, which is a little bit more complex, is the militar y/technological revolution, or in some places called the revolution in military affairs. I'm convinced that this is the first military technological revolution ever because we now have, for the first time, a conceptually different way to wa ge war. We can wage war in parallel now. In the past, communications and weapons technology, especially weapons accuracy, have constrained us to waging serial w ar. This changes almost everything. "Biological Process Control: As we look forw ard to the future, it seems likely that this nation will be involved in multiple

conflicts where our military forces increasingly will be placed in situations w here the application of full force capabilities of our military might cannot be applied. We will be involved intimately with hostile populations in situations w here the application of non-lethal force will be the tactical or political prefe rence. It appears likely that there are a number of physical agents that might a ctively, but largely benignly, interact or interfere with biological processes i n an adversary in a manner that will provide our armed forces the tools to contr ol these adversaries without extensive loss of life or property. These physical agents could include acoustic fields, optical fields, electromagnetic fields, an d combinations thereof. This paper will address only the prospect of physical re gulation of biological processes using electromagnetic fields. "Prior to the mid -21st century, there will be a virtual explosion of knowledge in the field of ne uroscience. We will have achieved a clear understanding of how the human brain w orks, how it really controls the various functions of the body, and how it can b e manipulated (both positively and negatively). One can envision the development of electromagnetic energy sources, the output of which can be pulsed , shaped, and focused, that can couple with the human body in a fashion that wil l allow one to prevent voluntary muscular movements, control emotions (and thus actions), produce sleep, transmit suggestions, interfere with both short-term an d long-term memory, produce an experience set, and delete an experience set. Thi s will open the door for the development of some novel capabilities that can be used in armed conflict, in terrorist/hostage situations, and in training. New we apons that offer the opportunity of control of an adversary without resorting to a lethal situation or to collateral casualties can be developed around this con cept. This would offer significant improvements in the capabilities of our special operation forces. "I nitial experimentation should be focused on the interaction of electromagnetic e nergy and the neuromuscular junctions involved in voluntary muscle control. Theo ries need to be developed, modeled, and tested in experimental preparations. Ear ly testing using in vitro cell cultures of neural networks could provide the foc us for more definitive intact animal testing. If successful, one could envision a weapon that would render an opponent incapable of taking any meaningful action involving any higher motor skills (e.g., using weapons, operating tracking syst ems). The prospect of a weapon to accomplish this when targeted against an indiv idual target is reasonable; the prospect of a weapon effective against a massed force would seem to be more remote. Use of such a device in an enclosed area aga inst multiple targets (hostage situation) may be more difficult than an individual target system, but probably feasible. " It would also appear to be possible to create high fidelity speech in the human body, raising the possibility of covert suggestion and psychological direction. When a high power microwave pulse in the gigahertz range strikes the human body, a very small temperature perturbation oc curs. This is associated with a sudden expansion of the slightly heated tissue. This expansion is fast enough to produce an acoustic wave. If a pulse stream is used, it should be possible to create an internal acoustic field in the 515 kilohertz range, which is audible. Thus, it may be pos sible to 'talk' to selected adversaries in a fashion that would be most disturbi ng to them. "In comparison to the discussion in the paragraphs above, the concept of imprint ing an experience set is highly speculative, but nonetheless highly exciting. Mo dern electromagnetic scattering theory raises the prospect that ultra-short puls e scattering through the human brain can result in reflected signals that can be used to construct a reliable estimate of the degree of central nervous system a rousal. The concept behind this 'remote EEG' is to scatter off of action potenti als or ensembles of action potentials in major central nervous system tracts. As suming we will understand how our skills are imprinted and recalled, it might be possible to take this concept one step further and duplicate the experience set in another individual. The prospect of providing a 'been theredone that' knowle dge base could provide a revolutionary change in our approach to specialized tra ining. How this can be done or even if it can be done are significant

unknowns [sic]. The impact of success would boggle the mind!" The above report w as a forecast for the year 2020. However, the reality is that these technologies already exist and there are a number of patents in the open literature which cl early show the possibilities. This research is not new but goes back to the 1950 s. "A new class of weapons, based on electromagnetic fields, has been added to t he muscles of the military organism. The C3I [Command, Control, Communications a nd Intelligence] doctrine is still growing and expanding. It would appear that t he military may yet be able to completely control the minds of the civilian popu lation." The targeting of civilian populations by the military is a significant departure from its history. In the past, the military has used persuasion throug h real information rather than using deliberate deception and mind manipulation to win populations over. "A decoy and deception concept presently being considered is to remotely create the perception of noise in the heads of personnel by exposing them to low power, pulsed microwaves. When people are illuminated with properly modulated low powe r microwaves the sensation is reported as a buzzing, clicking, or hissing which seems to originate (regardless of the person's position in the field) within or just behind the head. The phenomena occurs [sic] at average power densities as l ow as microwatts per square centimeter with carrier frequencies from 0.4 to 3.0 GHz. By proper choice of pulse characteristics, intelligible speech may be creat ed. Before this technique may be extended and used for military applications, an understanding of the basic principles must be developed. Such an understanding is not only required to optimize the use of the concept for camouflage, decoy an d deception operations but is required to properly assess safety factors of such microwave exposure. Ac tual testing of certain systems has proven "that movements, sensations, emotions , desires, ideas, and a variety of psychological phenomena may be induced, inhib ited, or modified by electrical stimulation of specific areas of the brain. Thes e facts have changed the classical philosophical concept that the mind was beyon d experimental reach." The first widespread interest in the subject of mind cont rol hit the mainstream of military think-tanks after the Korean War when returni ng prisoners of war exhibited significant behavioural changes. In 1956, the foll owing was written into the United States Congressional Record: "Reports of the treatment of American prisoners of war in Korea have given rise to several popular misconceptions, of which the most widely publicized is 'brain washing'. The term itself has caught the public imagination and is used, very lo osely, to describe any act committed against an individual by the Communists. Ac tual 'brainwashing' is a prolonged psychological process, designed to erase an individual's past beliefs and concepts and to subs titute new ones. It is a highly coercive practice which is irreconcilable with u niversally accepted medical ethics. In the process of 'brainwashing', the effort s of many are directed against an individual. To be successful, it requires, amo ng other things, that the individual be completely isolated from normal associat ions and environment." The ethical considerations have not changed, but the mili tary's position on the ethics has changed as it has gained significant capabilit ies in these areas. "Psychological warfare is becoming increasingly important fo r US forces as they engage in peacekeeping operations. 'In the psychological ope rations area, we're always looking to build on our existing technologies, so muc h of this is evolutionary,' [military planner] Holmes said. 'It is critically im portant that we stay ahead of the technology curve." The temptation to dabble in this area has now overcome the ethical considerations. A Russian military artic le offered a slightly different slant to the problem, declaring that "humanity s tands on the brink of a psychotronic war" with the mind and body as the focus. T hese "psychotronic" weapons aim to control or alter the psyche, or to attack the various sensory and data processing systems of the human organism. In both case s, the goal is to confuse or destroy the signals that normally keep the body in equilibrium. According to a US Department of Defense directive (S-3600.1, December 9, 1996), "information warfare" is defined as "an information operation conducted during t

ime of crisis or conflict to achieve or promote specific objectives over a speci fic adversary or adversaries". An "information operation" is defined in the same directive as "actions taken to affect adversary information and information sys tems". These "information systems" lie at the heart of the modernisation effort of the US armed forces and manifest themselves as hardware, software, communicat ions capabilities and highly trained individuals. Information warfare has tended to ignore the role of the human body as an information or data processor in thi s quest for dominance, except in those cases where an individual's logic or rati onal thought may be upset via Dis-information or deception... Yet, the body is c apable not only of being deceived, manipulated or mis-informed but also shut dow n or destroyedjust as any other data-processing system. The "data" the body rece ives from external sources, such as electromagnetic, vortex or acoustic energy w aves, or creates through its own electrical or chemical stimuli, can be manipula ted or changed, just as the data (information) in any hardware system can be alt ered. If the ultimate target of information warfare is the information-dependent process, "whether human or automated", then the definition implies that human d ata-processing of internal and external signals can clearly be considered an asp ect of information warfare. On a much grander scale, the use of mind control was contemplated as far back as 1969 by a former science adviser to President Johnson. "Gordon J. F. Macdonald, a geo physicist specializing in problems of warfare, has written that accurately timed , artificially excited strokes 'could lead to a pattern of oscillations that pro duce relatively high power levels over certain regions of the earth... In this w ay, one could develop a system that would seriously impair the brain performance of very large populations in selected regions over an extended period.." This c apability exists today through the use of systems which can stimulate the ionosp here to return a pulsed (modulated) signal which, at the right frequency, can ov erride normal brain functions. By overriding the natural pulsations of the brain , chemical reactions are triggered which alter the emotional state of targeted p opulations. Subliminal Messages and commercial Uses One of the areas where this new technology is being used is in systems to dissuade shoplifters, using sound below the range of hearing. "Japanese shopkeepers are playing CDs with subliminal messages to curb the impulses of the growing band of shoplif ters. The Mind Control CDs have sound-tracks of popular music or ocean waves, wi th encoded voices in seven languages...warning that anyone caught stealing will be reported to the police." A number of devices have been developed to influence behaviour in this way, and patents have been awarded. The following summations are taken from some of these patents dealing with both audio and video programmi ngonly this time, we are the program: "An auditory subliminal programming system includes a subliminal message encoder that generates fixed frequency security t ones and combines them with a subliminal message signal to produce an encoded su bliminal message signal which is recorded on audio tape or the like. A correspon ding subliminal decoder/mixer is connected as part of a user's conventional ster eo system and receives as inputs an audio program selected by the user and the e ncoded subliminal message." "Ambient audio signals from the customer shopping ar ea within a store are sensed and fed to a signal processing circuit that produce s a control signal which varies with variations in the amplitude of the sensed a udio signals. A control circuit adjusts the amplitude of an auditory subliminal antishoplifting message to increase with increasing amplitudes of sensed audio s ignals and decrease with decreasing amplitudes of sensed audio signals. This amp litude controlled subliminal message may be mixed with background music and tran smitted to the shopping area." "Data to be displayed is combined with a composit e video signal. The data is stored in memory in digital form. Each byte of data is read out in sequential fashion to determine: the recurrence display rate of t he data according to the frame sync pulses of the video signal; the location of the data within the video image according to the line sync pulses of the video s ignal; and the location of the data display within the video image according to the position information." "This invention is a combination of a subliminal mess age generator that is 100% user programmable for use with a television receiver.

The subliminal message generator periodically displays user specified messages for the normal television signal for [a] specific period of time. This permits a n individual to employ a combination of subliminal and supraliminal therapy whil e watching television." The above points may seem a bit complicated; however, they can be summarised. Th ese patents are designed to provide a way to hide messages in video or audio for mats, masking any suggestions that the programmer wishes to convey. These kinds of messages bypass the conscious mind and are acted upon by the person hearing t hem; they are not sorted out by the active mind. Although these technologies are being developed for personal use and as security measures, consider the possibi lities for abuse by commercial interests where the messages might be "buy, buy, buy", "drink more, don't worry", or some other self-serving script. Should these systems be regulated? By whom and under what conditions? New Standards for What is a Memory "Nevada is currently the only state to allow witness testimony of a person who has undergone hypnosis. As of October 1, 1997, courts hearing both c ivil and criminal cases can take a hypnotically refreshed testimony, as long as the witness, if a minor, has had the informed consent of parent or guardian, and the person performing the hypnosis is any of the following: a health care provi der, a clinical social worker licenced in accordance with 641B of Nevada Revised Statute, or a disinterested investigator." This issue will surely become more c omplex as technology advances in terms of evidence. When the day arrives that it is possible to change or alter memory completely, as suggested earlier by milit ary officers, what then? How will we separate the real from the unreal? What wil l be the impact on the burden of proof in courts as it relates to "reasonable do ubt"? Again, the emergence of the technology has first to be recognised as real before laws can be constructed and systems established for controlling misuse. T hink how long it has taken the courts even to recognise hypnotherapy as valid sc ience. We are hopeful that we will not have to wait so long for legislative bodi es to take the initiative to address these issues. Auditory Effects The question s which this section raises are profound. Is it possible to transmit a signal to the brain of a person, from a distance, which deposits specific sounds, voice o r other information which can be understood? Is it possible to transfer sound in a way where only the targeted person can hear the "voice in the head" and no on e else hears a thing? Is it possible to shift a person's emotions using remote e lectromagnetic tools? The answer to each of these questions is a resounding "Yes !" The state of the science has passed even the most optimistic predictions, and the capabilities are here now. Military literature suggests that this is possib le. A series of experiments, patents and independent research confirm that this technology exists today. While giving testimony to the European Parliament in 19 98, I demonstrated one such device to the astonishment of those in attendance. T his particular device required physical contact in order to work and was nearly forty years old. This area of research is one of the most important because it p oints to the ultimate weapon of political control: the ability to place informat ion directly into the human brain, bypassing all normal filtering mechanisms. In 1995, the US Department of Defense put forward the contract, "Communicating via the Microwave Auditory Effect; Awarding Agency: Department of Defense; SBIR Contract Number: F41624-95-C-9007". The description of this technology, which would be used for direct communications with military personnel, is written as follows: "Title: Communicating via the Microwave Auditory Effect "Description: An innovative and revolutionary technology is described that offer s a means of low-probability-ofintercept Radio Frequency (RF) communications. Th e feasibility of the concept has been established using both a low intensity lab oratory system and a high power RF transmitter. Numerous military applications e xist in areas of search and rescue, security and special operations." The feasib ility was not only demonstrated in the laboratory but also in the field using a radio-frequency carrier. In the case of the Gulf War, we had always suspected th at the reason the Iraqis gave up in mass was not because of the heavy bombardmen ts but because they were being hit with new "nonlethal" systems which created fe

ar and perhaps even worse. Our research uncovered reports which now confirm our suspicions as fact. "What the 'Voice of the Gulf' began broadcasting, along with prayers from the Koran and testimonials from well-treated Iraqi prisoners, was precise information on the units to be bombed each day, along with a new, silent psychological technique which induced thoughts of great fear in each soldier's mind..."This makes a great deal of sense today, given what has become increasing ly known about mind-control weapons. "According to statements made by captured a nd deserting Iraqi soldiers, however, the most devastating and demoralizing prog ramming was the first known military use of the new, high tech, type of sublimin al messages referred to as ultra-high-frequency 'Silent Sounds' or 'Silent Subli minals'. "The use of these new techniques, we believe, went well beyond the injection of fear and may have involved more powerful signa l generators which caused the other symptoms which the world observed, including head pain, bleeding from the nose, disorientation and nauseaall possible with s o-called nonlethal weapons. The questions which now remain: Are they still using the techniques like an electronic concentration camp in order to control the po pulation? Is this part of the way in which modern governments will suppress rogue nations? The development of the technology followed a very t raceable history which began in the early 1960s at the height of the Cold War. In 1961, Dr Allen Frey wrote: "Our data to date indicate that the human auditory system can respond to electromagnetic energy in at least a portion of the radio frequency (RF) spectrum. Further, this response is instantaneous and occurs at low power densities, densities which are well below that necessary for biologica l damage. For example, the effect has been induced with power densities 1/60 of the standard maximum safe level for continuous exposure. " This observation had incredible ramifications because it meant that within cer tain ranges RF could create a sound within the brain of a person at energy conce ntration levels considered too small to be significant. Later that year, a paten t was issued to Henry K. Puharich and Joseph L. Lawrence which stated in part: " The present invention is directed to a means for auxiliary hearing communication , useful for improving hearing, for example, and relates more specifically to no vel and improved arrangements for auxiliary hearing communications by effecting the transmission of sound signals through the dental structure and facial nervou s system of the user."24 This crude device produced a signal which could be hear d in the brain by inducing a vibration which was transferred through the bone in to the inner ear, where it was then carried to the brain via the nervous system. Puharich continued researching along this line, gaining an additional patent in 1965.25 Both of these inventions required physical contact with the head of the subject. By 1962, Dr Allan Frey had advanced his work and was able to create so und at a distance from the subject, using a pulsed (modulated) radio transmitter . "Using extremely low average power densities of electromagnetic energy, the pe rception of sounds was induced in normal and deaf humans. The effect was induced several hundred feet from the antenna the instant the transmitter was turned on , and is a function of carrier frequency and modulation." What was occurring in this research were the first attempts to "tune" into the brain of a human in the same manner as "tuning" into a radio station. The same energy was being used; i t was just at a different frequency with a slight vibration (modulation) on the carrier wave which delivered the signal. In 1968, G. Patrick Flanagan was issued a patent for a device which also required physical contact with the skin of the subject. "This invention relates to electromagnetic excitation of the nervous s ystem of a mammal and pertains more particularly to a method and apparatus for e xciting the nervous system of a person with electromagnetic waves that are capab le of causing that person to become conscious of information conveyed by the ele ctromagnetic waves." This invention was much different than what others had crea ted by that time, because this device actually sent a clear, audible signal thro ugh the nervous system to the brain. The device could be placed anywhere on the body, and a clear voice or music would appear in the head of the subject. This w as a most unbelievable device which had actually been invented in the late 1950s . It had taken years to convince patent examiners that it worked. The initial pa tent was only granted after the dramatic demonstration of the device on a deaf e

mployee of the US Patent Office. In 1972, a second patent was issued to G. Patri ck Flanagan after being suppressed by the military since 1968. This device was m uch more efficient in that it converted a speech waveform into "a constant ampli tude square wave in which the transitions between the amplitude extremes are spa ced so as to carry the speech information". What this did is establish the code of modulation or timing sequences necessary for efficient transfers into the ner vous system where the signals could be sent to the brain and decoded as sound in the same way that normal sound is decoded. The result was a clear and understan dable sound. The military interest in auditory effects was present since the fir st inventions were patented, but in 1971 came a system which would allow troops to communicate through a radio transmitter which would render the enemy deaf and disoriented while allowing "friendly" combatants to communicate at the same tim e. The device is described as follows: "Broadly, this disclosure is directed to a system for producing aural and psychological disturbances and partial deafness of the enemy during combat situations. Essentially, a high directional beam is radiated from a plurality of distinct transducers and is modulated by a noise, c ode, or speech beat signal. The invention may utilize various forms and may incl ude movable radiators mounted on a vehicle and oriented to converge at a desired point, independently positioned vehicles with a common frequency modulator, or means employed to modulate the acoustical beam with respect to a fixed frequency . During combat, friendly forces would be equipped with a reference generator to provide aural demodulation of the projected signal, thereby yielding an intelli gible beat signal while enemy personnel would be rendered partially deaf by the projected signal as well as being unable to perceive any intelligence transmitte d in the form of a modulated beat signal." What this says simply is that data-di stance personal communication could be achieved by one's own forces while denyin g it to others and disabling adversaries at the same time. In 1974, it was noted that using a microwave a signal was changed (transduced) by the receiver into a n acoustic signal. This signal was "heard" inside or just behind the head. The r eport stated: " was noticed that the apparent locus of the 'sound' moved fr om the observer's head to the absorber. That is, the absorber acted as a transdu cer from microwave energy to an acoustic signal. This observation, to the best o f our knowledge, has not been described in the literature and may serve as a mec hanism mediating the 'hearing' of pulsed microwave signals." By 1989, the scienc e took another leap forward with the combination of the modulated signal on a mi crowave carrier. This provided a much more efficient delivery of the sound. It w as reported: "Sound is induced in the head of a person by radiating the head wit h microwaves in the range of 100 megahertz to 10,000 megahertz that are modulate d with a particular waveform. The waveform consists of frequency modulated burst s. Each burst is made up of ten to twenty uniformly spaced pulses grouped tightl y together. The burst width is between 500 nanoseconds and 100 microseconds. The pulse width is in the range of 10 nanoseconds to 1 microsecond. The bursts are frequency modulated by the audio input to create the sensation of hearing in the person whose head is irradiated." Two other patents awarded that year addressed this breakthrough. The first invention related to devices for aiding hearing in mammals: "The invention is based upon perception of sounds which is experienced in the brain when the brain is subjected to certain microwave radiation signals ."32 The second invention confirmed the earlier observations: "Sound is induced in the head of a person by radiating the head with microwaves in the range of 10 0 megahertz to 10,000 megahertz that are modulated with a particular waveform. T he waveform consists of frequency modulated bursts. Each burst is made up of ten to twenty uniformly spaced pulses grouped tightly together." In 1992, another p atent was issued with the following description: "A silent communications system in which nonaural carriers, in the very low or very high audio frequency range or in the adjacent ultrasonic frequency spectrum, are amplitude or frequency mod ulated with the desired intelligence and propagated acoustically or vibrationall y, for inducement into the brain, typically through the use of loudspeakers, ear phones or piezoelectric transducers." This device had limited practicality in th at it required the person to be in contact with or in close proximity to the sen ding device. When examined together, each of these patents is seen to be a discr

ete step toward a new weapon system. In 1995, it was reported that in the early research, clear sound signals had been sent and received. It is difficult now to determine what level of military or other research was being advanced in these areas. The history is clear from congressional reports that this entire area was of great interest to the intelligence communities. According to Scientists for Global Responsibility: "Drs Alan Frey and Joseph Sharp conducted related researc h. Sharp himself took part in these experiments and reported that he heard and u nderstood words transmitted in pulse-microwave analogs of the speaker's sound vi brations. Commenting on these studies, Dr Robert Becker, twice nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, observed that such a device has obvious applications in cove rt operations designed to drive a target crazy with voices, or deliver undetecta ble instructions to a potential assassin." Then, in 1996 came another developmen t, a "wireless communication system undetectable by radio frequency methods for converting audio signals, including human voice, to electronic signals in the ul trasonic frequency range, transmitting the ultrasonic signal by means of acousti c pressure waves across a carrier medium, including gases, liquids, or solids, a nd reconverting the ultrasonic acoustical pressure waves back to the original au dio signal". Although this was meant to be used with both receiving and sending hardware, what was determined were the modulation methods for transferring the s ignal. The real work was yet to be made public in the form of patents. However, the military claims in the area were starting to surface. What was known from ex perience was that patents were being held back by the government and confiscated by the military. When this intellectual property was seized, the inventors were given a choice: work for the government, or you cannot continue research or eve n talk about your invention under a national security order. Those who did not c ooperate could have their work effectively shut down. Brain-to-Computer Connections Major steps are being made to connect biology to information technology. In 1990 came the news that "[s]cientists have succeeded for the first time in establish ing a colony of human brain cells that divide and grow in laboratory dishes, an achievement with profound implications for understanding and treating a wide range of neurological disorders from epile psy to Alzheimer's disease". According to a report in the Wall Street Journal in February 1994: "Researchers said they took a key first step toward creating ele ctronic microchips that use living brain cells. The researchers said they had le arned how to place embryonic brain cells in desired spots on silicon or glass ch ips and then induce the brain cells to grow along desired paths." The other possibility is that both brain cells and computer hardware could be bu ilt in the laboratories, creating, perhaps, the first biologically augmented com puters. What's on Your Mind? A significant initiative was started for use in creating counter-drug measures: the Brain Imaging Technology Initiative. "This initiative establishes NIDA [Nati onal Institute on Drug Abuse] regional neuroimaging centers and represents an in teragency cooperative endeavor funded by CTAC [Counterdrug Technology Assessment Center], Department of Energy (DOE), and NIDA to develop new scientific tools (new radiotracers and technologies) for un derstanding the mechanisms of addiction and for the evaluation of new pharmacolo gical treatments." Through neuroimaging, not only could the stated objective be achieved, but through imagi ng a person's emotional states could be mapped, chemical influences determined a nd perhaps even specific thoughts read. Back in 1975, Physics Today reported: "D evelopments in ways to measure the extremely weak magnetic fields emanating from organs such as the heart, brain an d lungs are leading to important new methods for diagnosing abnormal conditions. " In 1995, a system for capturing and decoding brain signals was patented which includes a transducer for stimulating a person and EEG transducers for recording brainwave signals from the person. It also includes a computer for controlling

and synchronising stimuli presented to the person and at the same time recording brainwave signals, and either interpreting these signals using a model for conceptual, perceptual and emotional thought to correspond to the EEG signa ls of the person's thoughts or comparing the signals to normal brain signals fro m a normal population to diagnose and locate the origin of brain-dysfunctional u nderlying perception, conception and emotion. In other words, the device reads y our mind by comparing your brain activity to other people's. In 1996 came this O rwellian development: "...a method for remotely determining information relating to a person's emotional state, as waveform energy having a predetermined freque ncy and a predetermined intensity is generated and wirelessly transmitted toward s a remotely located subject. Waveform energy emitted from the subject is detect ed and automatically analyzed to derive information relating to the individual's emotional state. Physiological or physical parameters of blood pressure, pulse rate, pupil size, respiration rate and perspiration level are measured and compa red with reference values to provide information utilizable in evaluating [an] i nterviewee's responses or possibly criminal intent in security sensitive areas." This technology could be used for determining what a person might do, given his totally discernible interior emotions. This technology walks through any behavi our wall a person can erect and goes straight to the brain to see what may be on a person's mind. Inducing behaviour rather than just reading a person's emotion al state is the subject of one scientist's work in Canada. "Scientists are tryin g to recreate alien abductions in the laboratory... The experiment, to be run by Professor Michael Persinger, a neuroscientist at Laurentian University, of Sudb ury, Ontario, consists of a converted motorcycle helmet with solenoids on its si des that set up magnetic fields across a subject's head." This experiment was ca rried out and was the subject of a Canadian Broadcasting System expos on mind co ntrol. The segment ran on a program called undercurrents in February 1999. This author also appeared in that program, along with several others interested in th is field. A 1993 report said that for over 20 years Dr Persinger "...has been wo rking on a theory that connects not only UFOs and earthquakes, but also powerful electromagnetic fields and an explanation of paranormal beliefs in terms of unu sual brain activity. He has also found that stimulating another area, the tempor al lobes, can produce all sorts of mystical experiences, out-of-body sensations and other apparently paranormal phenomena." This doctor's work suggests that the se experiences may be the result of activity in the brain and not the actual exp eriences of the individuals. He has had some measure of success in re-creating m any of these experiences in his subjects. Dr Persinger is also known for his wor k in studying the effects of ELF [extra-lowfrequency waves] on memory and brain function. In 1991, a method for changing brain waves to a desired frequency was patented. A 1975 patent discussed a similar technology: a device and method for "...sensing brain waves at a position remote from a subject whereby electromagne tic signals of different frequencies are simultaneously transmitted to the brain of the subject in which the signals interfere with one another to yield a wavef orm which is modulated by the subject's brain waves. The interference waveform w hich is representative of the brain wave activity is retransmitted by the brain to a receiver where it is demodulated and amplified. The demodulated waveform is then displayed for visual viewing and then routed to a computer for further pro cessing and analysis. The demodulated waveform also can be used to produce a com pensating signal which is transmitted back to the brain to effect a desired chan ge in electrical activity therein."47 In simple terms, the brain's activity is m apped in order to read a person's emotional state, conceptual abilities or intel lectual patterns. A second signal can be generated and sent back into the brain which overrides the natural signal, causing the brain's energy patterns to shift . This is the "brain entrainment" which causes the shift in consciousness. There are many uses of a positive nature for this kind of technology, as was mentione d at the front of this section, the important factor being who controls the tech nology and for what purpose. In January 1998, the following encapsulating statement appeared in the leading s cientific journal Nature, quoting Pasteur Institute neuroscientist Jean-Pierre C hangeux, chairman of the French national bioethics committee: "But neuroscience

also poses potential risks, he said, arguing that advances in cerebral imaging make the scope for invasion of privacy will become commonplace and capable of being used at a distance, he predicted. That will open the way for abuses such as invasion of personal liberty, control of behaviour and brainwashing." Dancing to the Tune of an Unknown Drummer In ".. .a dramatic demonstration of mind reading, neuroscientists have created videos o f what a cat sees by using electrodes implanted in the animal's brain. 'Trying t o understand how the brain codes information leads to the possibility of replaci ng parts of the nervous system with an artificial device,' he said." The scienti st commenting on this technologyGattett Stanley, assistant professor of biomedic al engineering at Harvardsaw the future possibility of brain activity mapping be ing used in creating electronic components to replace damaged parts of the syste m. The use of mind-mapping had other possibilities as well. Similar research in controlling the behaviour of humans and animals was pursued by Dr Jos Delgado at Yale University, one of the leading research institutions in the United States. Actual testing of certain systems proved that "movements, sensations, emotions, desires, ideas, and a variety of psychological phenomena may be induced, inhibi ted, or modified by electrical stimulation of specific areas of the brain".50 By 1985, Dr Delgado was able to create these effects using only a radio signal sen t to the brain remotely, using energy concentrations of less than 1/50th of what the Earth naturally produces. This discovery implied that frequency, waveform a nd pulse rate (modulation) were the important factors rather than the amount of energy being used. In considering this, it makes sense because the human body does not require high electromagnetic power concentration to regu late its normal functioning. The key was in finding the "tuning" mechanisms for locating the right "receiving station" in the brain. By 1993, publicly released information was being discussed as a result of information openly flowing out of Russia. Meetings were held to assess the threat: the "main purpose of the March meetings was described in the Psychotechnologies memo as to 'determine whether psycho-correction technologies represent a present or future threat to US national security in situations where inaudible commands might be used to alter behavior'". The threat assessment was likely to begin to condition Americans for the public acknowledgement of one of the government's long-held secrets: that t he human mind and body can be controlled remotely, without a trace of evidence b eing left behind. In another quote, one of the leading researchers in this area, Dr Igor Smirnov, began to announce his findings. "But psychological warfare exp erts on all sides still dream that they will one day control the enemy's mind. A nd in a tiny, dungeon-like lab in the basement of Moscow's ominously named Insti tute of Psycho-Correction, Smirnov and other Russian psychiatrists are already w orking on schizophrenics, drug addicts and cancer patients." The results of this research have been investigated and demonstrated to members of the intelligence community in the United States, and have even been demonstrated by Dr Smirnov i n an interview for the Canadian television documentary Undercurrents. This issue is also an interesting one, as can be seen in this 1999 article excerpt. "Fantasies are thought processes involving internal monologues and imaginative s equences which can motivate healthy people to constructive behaviour; likewise, they can inspire unbalanced individuals to destructive or dangerous behaviour. O ne conclusion from that research was that fantasy played a major role among viol ent criminals. Researchers learned that criminals often daydreamed their fantasi es, and then practiced elements of those fantasies before committing their crime . FBI agents determined that violent criminals often exhibit telltale signs as c hildren and as adults. Hence, disturbed employees or students may demonstrate si gns of violent fantasies to close observers. Troubled individuals may be obsessi vely interested in music with violent lyrics, or may have a drug or alcohol prob lem. When these signs reveal themselves, they should be reported to a threat man agement team, which can then neutralize the threat, either by therapy, if rehabi litation is possible, or by firing the employee. Workplace and school Violence i s usually preceded by warning signs." The ability to determine a "predisposition " for a behaviour does not mean that a person will make the "choice" to act on t he feelings and internal thoughts. Every person on the planet can remember times

when his thoughts were dangerous, immoral or otherwise unacceptable, falling be low the standards set by societal and cultural "norms". Yet, we can have these t houghts in the privacy of our own mind. The trend in the application of mind con trol technology now would make our most private internal thoughts, as we wrestle with the temptations and choices of everyday life, subject to scrutiny by Gover nment and employers. Who will define the rules for psycho-correction? Who will d ecide what is ethical and right in this area as it develops over the next decade ? Control of the Mind and Body The predominant brain wave frequencies indicate the kind of activity taking plac e in the brain. There are four basic groups of brain wave frequencies which are associated with most mental activity. The first group, beta waves (1335 Hertz or pulses per second), is associated with normal activity. The high end of this ra nge is associated with stress or agitated states which can impair thinking and reasoning skills. The second group, alpha waves (812 Hertz), can indicate relaxation. Alpha frequencies are ideal for learning and focused m ental functioning. The third group, theta waves (4-7 Hertz), indicates mental im agery, access to memories and internal mental focus. This state is often associa ted with young children, behavioural modification and sleep/dream states. The last group, ultra-slow delta waves (0.53 Hertz), is foun d when a person is in deep sleep. The general rule is that the brain's predomina nt wave frequency will be lowest in terms of pulses per second when a person is relaxed, and highest when a person is most alert or agitated.54 External stimula tion of the brain by electromagnetic means can cause the brain to be entrained o r locked into phase with an external signal generator. Predominant brain waves c an be driven or pushed into new frequency patterns by external stimulation. In o ther words, the external signal driver or impulse generator entrains the brain, overriding the normal frequencies and causing changes in the brain waves, which then cause changes in brain chemistry, which then cause changes in brain outputs in the form of thoughts, emotions or physical condition. As you are driven, so you arrive. Brain manipulation can be either beneficial or detrimental to the in dividual being impacted, depending on the level of knowledge or the intentions o f the person controlling the technology. In combination with specific wave-forms , the various frequencies trigger precise chemical responses in the brain. The r elease of these neurochemicals causes specific reactions in the brain which resu lt in feelings of fear, lust, depression, love, etc. All of these, and the full range of emotional/intellectual responses, are caused by very specific combinati ons of these brain chemicals which are released by frequency-specific electrical impulses. "Precise mixtures of these brain juices can produce extraordinarily s pecific mental states, such as fear of the dark, or intense concentration." The work in this area is advancing at a very rapid rate, with new discoveries being made regularly. Unlocking the knowledge of these specific frequencies will yield significant breakthroughs in understanding human health. Radiofrequency radiati on, acting as a carrier for extremely low frequencies (ELF), can be used to entr ain brain waves wirelessly. The control of mind and body by using various forms of electromagnetic energy in cluding radio signals, light pulsations, sound and other methods has resulted in several inventions and innovations. The positive health effects and uses have b een pursued by private researchers round the world. In 1973, an "...apparatus fo r the treatment of neuropsychic and somatic disorders herein light, sound, VHF e lectromagnetic field and heat sources, respectively, are simultaneously applied by means of a control unit to the patient's central nervous system with a predet ermined repetition rate. The light radiation and sound radiation sources are mad e so as to exert an adequate and monotonous influence of the light and sound rad iation on the patient's visual analyzers and auditory analyzers, respectively." This results in the brain following the external stimulating source in triggerin g brain pattern changes which affect the brain immediately and directly. A simpl e invention patented in 1977 "...provides a device for improving upon the afores

aid application [see patent for full text] in assisting the induction of natural sleep. As stated above, this invention is concerned specifically with an improv ement that will permit the creation of several waveforms such that an analgesic noise device can approximate soothing sounds of nature, i.e., waves, rain, wind." Thes e kinds of devices are available everywhere and are noted for their calming effe cts in helping people relax and sleep. In 1980, another patent was issued which disclosed "...a method and apparatus fo r producing a noise-like signal for inducing a hypnotic or anesthetic effect in a human being. The invention also has application in crowd control and conscious ness level training (biofeedback). The invention may also be used in creating sp ecial musical effects." This device would have a profound effect in controlling individuals to a point otherwise only achievable through the application of hypn otherapy or drugs. A couple of years later, another device was engineered to cre ate these types of effects, again using very subtle energy: "Brain wave patterns associated with relaxed and meditative states in a subject are gradually induce d without deleterious chemical or neurological side effects." Various systems were perfected and patents issued for controlling brain activity . These inventions generated a whole array of breakthroughs for controlling a pe rson's emotional state, concentration and pain levels and creating other effects as well. In 1990, the results of a study strongly indicated that "...specific t ypes of subjective experiences can be enhanced when extremely low frequency magn etic fields of less than 1 milligauss are generated through the brain at the lev el of the temporal lobes. Vestibular feelings (vibrations, floating), depersonal ization (feeling detached, sense of a presence) and imaginings (vivid images fro m childhood) were more frequent within the field exposed groups than the sham fi eld exposed group." In a 1996 "new age" invention, quartz crystals are used to c reate stress relief by slowing brain activity. "Physiological stress in a human subject is treated by generating a weak electromagnetic field about a quartz cry stal. The crystal is stimulated by applying electrical pulses of pulse widths be tween 0.1 and 50 microseconds each at a pulse repetition rate of between 0.5k an d 10k [500 and 10,000] pulses per second to a conductor positioned adjacent to t he quartz crystal thereby generating a weak magnetic field. A subject is positio ned within the weak magnetic field for a period of time sufficient to reduce str ess." It is interesting that "New Age" thinkers have played on "crystal magic" a s a way to get "in tune" with oneself and relax, and here is a quartz crystal be ing included as a component of this invention. Again, the crossovers between fic tion and science continue to appear. Consciousness training is also a big theme in cults, religious organisations and others pursuing the "New Age". Science has now gained a greater understanding o f how the mind and brain work, so that what used to take years or even decades t o achieve can now be mastered in weeks, days or even minutes. For instance, in 1 996 a method and apparatus for the use in achieving alpha and theta brainwave st ates and effecting positive emotional states in humans was developed. Three year s before, a patent was issued for a device which could create desired consciousn ess states: " the training of an individual to replicate such states of con sciousness without further audio stimulation; and in the transferring of such st ates from one human being to another through the imposition of one person's EEG, superimposed on desired stereo signals, on another individual, by inducement of a binaural beat phenomenon." Thought transference? This is interesting in that it speaks to the ideas alluded to earlier by the mil itary in changing the memory of a person by imposing computer-manipulated signal s which would integrate with the normal memory of a person. The possibility for abuse is obvious, and the opportunity for personal advancement is great. Imagine gaining education by the transfer of data directly into the human brain by thes e new methods rather than by the standard methods of learning. A serious conside ration in developing these types of memory transfer systems is that they bypass normal intellectual filters: information is deposited into the brain as fact, wi

thout question or careful consideration. What happens when the new information c onflicts with existing information? Would it be possible to include hidden infor mation meant to unduly influence things like religious beliefs, politics or cons umption of goods and services? The possibilities are immense and the ethical and moral questions surrounding these matters are equally large. We can no longer a void the debate. In fact, the debate is lagging far behind the scientific advanc es. In the interim, there are some simple things we could all do to enhance our own, or our children's, learning capacity by applying simple and available knowl edge. For instance, "researchers at the Center for the Neurobiology of Learning and Memory at University of California, Irvine, have determined that 10 minutes of listening to a Mozart piano sonata raised the measurable IQ of college studen ts by up to nine points". This is a simple thing of great use to anyone seeking self-improvement. Weapons of the Mind A 1984 paper titled "The Electromagnetic Spectrum in Low-Intensity Conflict" sai d much about the military's interest in EMR: "The results of many studies that h ave been published in the last few years indicate that specific biological effec ts can be achieved by controlling the various parameters of the electromagnetic (EM) field. A few of the more important EM fac tors that can be manipulated are frequency, wave shape, rate of pulse onset, pul se duration, pulse amplitude, repetition rate, secondary modulation, and symmetr y and asymmetry of the pulse. Many of the clinical effects of electromagnetic ra diation were first noticed using direct current applied directly to the skin. Later the same effects were obtained by applying external fields. Electromagnetic radiation has been reported in the literature to induce or enhance the following effects. 1. Stimulation of bone regeneration [in fractures] 2. Healing of normal fractures 3. Treatment of congenital pseudarthrosis 4. Healing of wounds 5. Electroanesthesia 6. Electroconvulsive therapy 7. Behavior modification in animals 8. Altered electroencephalograms in animals and humans 9. Altered brain morphology in animals 10. Effects of acupuncture 11. Treatment of drug addiction 12. Electrostimulation for relief of pain 13. Altered firing of neuronal cells "These are but a few of the many biological effects and uses that have been repo rted over the past decade. They are not exhaustive and do not include many of th e effects reported in the Soviet and East European literature. "As with most hum an endeavors, these applications of electromagnetic radiation have the potential for being a double-edged sword. They can produce significant benefits, yet at t he same time can be exploited and used in a controlled manner for military or co vert applications. This paper focuses on the potential uses of electromagnetic r adiation in future low-intensity conflicts. "'Potential Military Applications of EMR "The exploitation of this technology for military uses is still in its infancy a nd only recently has been recognized by the United States as a feasible option. A 1982 Air Force review of biotechnology had this to say. 'Currently available d ata allow the projection that specially generated radio frequency radiation (RFR ) fields may pose powerful and revolutionary military threats. Electroshock ther apy indicates the ability of induced electric current to completely interrupt mental functioning for short periods of time, to obtain cognition for longer periods and to restructure emotional response over prolonged intervals. ' Experience with electroshock therapy, RFR experiments and the increasing underst anding of the brain as an electrically mediated organ suggested the serious prob

ability that impressed electromagnetic fields can be disruptive to purposeful behavior and may be capable of directing and or interro gating such behavior. Further, the passage of approximately 100 milliamperes thr ough the myocardium can lead to cardiac standstill and death, again pointing to a speed-oflight weapons effect. 'A rapidly scanning RFR system could provide an effective stun or kill capabilit y over a large area. System effectiveness will be a function of wave form, field intensity, pulse widths, repetition frequency, and carrier frequency. The syste m can be developed using tissue and whole animal experimental studies, coupled w ith mechanisms and waveform effects research. 'Using relatively low-level RFR it may be possible to sensitize large military groups to extremely dispersed amoun ts of biological or chemical agents to which the unirradiated population would b e immune. 'The potential applications of artificial electromagnetic fields are w ide ranging and can be used in many military or quasi-military situations. Some of these potential uses include dealing with terrorist groups, crowd control, co ntrolling breeches [sic] of security at military installations, and antipersonne l techniques in tactical warfare... One last area where electromagnetic radiatio n may prove to be of some value is in enhancing abilities of individuals for ano malous phenomena.'" Quite the papers for the 1980s. Stimulating anomalous phenom ena was another interesting point revealed in the Air Force review. What could t his mean? In one press report in November 1995, the interest of the CIA was disc losed when it was announced that for "...20 years, the United States has secretl y used psychics in attempts to help drug enforcement agencies track down Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi and find plutonium in North Korea, the CIA and others con firm. The ESP spying operationscode named 'Stargate' were unreliable, but three psychics continued to work out of Ft Meade, at least into July, researchers who evaluated the program for the CIA said..." It is also worth pointing out that this report coincided with the public disclosure by mil itary personnel of this project. The story was revealed in David Morehouse's boo k Psychic Warrior. Col. John Alexander, working out of Los Alamos and a major proponent of this are a of research, was quoted as saying: "...there are weapons systems that operate on the power of the mind and whose lethal capacity has already been demonstrated ... The psychotronic weapon would be silent, difficult to detect, and would requ ire only a human operator as a power source." According to a paper on non-lethal weapons: "An RF weapon currently under development is the high powered, very low frequenc y (VLF) modulator. Working in the 2035 kHz spectrum, the frequency emits from a 12 meter antenna dish to form into a type of acoustic bullet. The weapon is especially c onvenient because the power level is easily adjustable. At its low setting, the acoustic bullet causes physical discomfortenough to deter most approaching threa ts. Incrementally increasing the power nets an effect of nausea, vomiting and ab dominal pains. The highest settings can cause a person's bones to literally expl ode internally. Aimed at the head, the resonating skull bones have caused people to hear 'voices'." The weapon was researched by the Russian military more exten sively than by the US. Indeed, "...the Russians actually offered the use of such a weapon to the FBI in the Branch Davidian standoff to make them think that 'God' was talking to the m. Concerned with the unpredictability of what the voices might actually say to the followers, the FBI declined the offer. Another RF weapon that was ready for use back in 1978 was developed under the guise of Operation PIQUE. Developed by the CIA, the plan was to bounce high powered radio signals off the ionosphere to affect the mental functions of people in selected areas, including Eastern Euro pean nuclear installations."The use of the ionosphere in the CIA's experiments r eminds one of the possibilities now available with systems such as HAARP, which was developed 15 years later. What is clear in all of this is that these systems have been developed and hidden from public view. The practice continues to this day. "The next area of non-lethal weapons is primarily used against machinery.. .these devices can either cause the machinery to stop functioning or to render i

t vulnerable to further, more lethal attacks. In addition to this effect, man ha s become very dependent upon the use of machines and is often rendered helpless in a situation when they become dysfunctional. Therefore, it is only appropriate that they are covered here. The primary anti-machinery arsenal includes the mic rowave weapon, the non-nuclear electromagnetic pulse, and the laser weapon. "US Special Operations Command has in its arsenal the portable microwave weapon. The capability of such a weapon is varied in that it can not only disrupt enemy com munications, but can also superheat internal organs. Of course, directing this t ype of weapon towards personnel eliminates it from the non-lethal classification . Developed in the Los Alamos National Laboratory, the weapon forms its signal s imilar to the RF weapons discussed above in that it directs the energy into a hi gh-powered pulse and destroys transistors and other electrical equipment... On a n even smaller scale, a portable EMP weapon could be carried by ground forces to destroy the electrical components in an armored vehicle or tank. This capabilit y is being developed with police forces to emit a pulse that would stop a car al most immediately." These systems offer both promises and risks as we move into t he new century. What will be the public reaction to these systems? We suggest th at the reaction will cause a significant change in the uses and further developm ents of these technologies. Additionally, we suspect that monitoring systems wou ld be developed which would allow for the detection of these technologies in ord er to control abuse. Mind Control Victims Sometimes referred to as "wavies" or " beamers", these individuals are usually dismissed when asserting that they are t he victims of mind control weapons testing. In fact: "University of South Florid a researchers have published a study showing that fears of the Internet are repl acing the CIA and radio waves as a frequent delusion in psychiatric patients. In every case of Internet delusion documented by the researchers, the patient actu ally had little experience with computers." The problem is that it is difficult if not impossible to sort out which people might be victims and which are delusi onal. Attempts to determine the reality of the complaints are often the butt of jokes and fear. For example, the University of Albany has "...shut down the rese arch of a psychology professor probing the 'X-Files' world of government surveil lance and mind control. At conferences, in papers and research over two semester s, Professor Kathryn Kelley explored the claims of those who say they were surgi cally implanted with communications devices to read their thoughts." Since the r elease of our first book, Angels Don't Play This HAARP: Advances in Tesla Techno logy, we have heard from hundreds of people making such claims. We cannot sort o ut what might be real experimentation from that which resides only in the minds of these people. We believe that the claims should be taken seriously and that p eople should have some place to go in order to find the truth or gain the medica l treatments they otherwise deserve. The history of the United States is littere d with examples of people being exploited by scientists working under the cover of darkness provided by "black budgets". Could these reports have a factual basi s? We believe that some do. Government control of the mind in order to impose it s will on people is best summarised on the wall of the Franklin D. Roosevelt Mem orial with an inscription that reads: "They [who] seek to establish systems of g overnment based on the regimentation of all human beings by a handful of individ ual this a new order. It is not new and it is not order." Endnotes 1. US Air Force, New World Vistas: Air and Space Power for the 21st Century Ancillary Volume, Scientific Advisory Board (USAF), Washington, DC, Document #1 9960618040, 1996, pp. 89-90. EPI402 2. Foster, Sarah, "Cold War legend dies at 8 0: Famed as CIA's real-life 'Dr Strangelove'", Worldnetdaily, March 9, 1999. EPI 279 3. Reppert, Barton, "The Zapping of an Embassy: 35 Years Later, The Mystery Lingers", AP, May 22, 1988. EPI1112 4. Advisory Committee Staff, Committee on Hu man Radiation Experiments, Methodological Review of Agency Data Collection Effor ts: Initial Report on the Central Intelligence Agency Document Search, June 27, 1994. EPI579 5. Petersen, John L., The Road to 2015: Profiles of the Future, Wai te Group Press, 1994, ISBN 1-878739-85-9. EPI849 6. USAF, New World Vistas, ibid . 7. US EPA, Summary and Results of the April 26-27, 1993 Radiofrequency Radiati

on Conference, Volume 2: Papers, 402-R-95-011, March 1995. EPI728 8. Oscar, K.J. , "Effects of low power microwaves on the local cerebral blood flow of conscious rats", Army Mobility Equipment Command, June 1, 1980. EPI1195 9. Delgado, Jos M .R., Physical Control of the Mind: Toward a Psychocivilized Society, Harper & Ro w Publishers, New York, 1969. EPI850 10. US Senate, Communist Interrogation, Ind octrination and Exploitation of American Military and Civilian Prisoners, Commit tee on Government Operations, Subcommittee on Investigations, 84th Congress, 2nd Session, December 31, 1956. EPI1131 11. Cooper, Pat, "US Enhances Mind Games", Defense News, April 17-23, 1995. EPI1154 11a. Chernishev, I., "Can Rulers Make ' Zombies' and Control the World?", Orienteer, February 1997, pp. 58-62. 12. Thoma s, Timothy L., "The Mind Has No Firewall", Parameters, vol. XXVIII, no. 1, Sprin g 1998. EPI525 13. Brzezinski, Zbigniew, Between Two Ages: America's Role in the Technetronic Era, Viking Press, New York, 1970. EPI787 14. McGill, Peter, "'Min d Control Music' Stops Shoplifters", The Sydney Morning Herald, February 4, 1995 . EPI95 15. US Patent #4,777,529, October 11, 1988, "Auditory Subliminal Program ming System"; Inventors: Schultz et al.; Assignee: Richard M. Schultz and Associ ates, Inc. EPI265 16. US Patent #4,395,600, July 26, 1983, "Auditory Subliminal Message System and Method"; Inventors: Lundy et al. EPI26417. US Patent #5,134,4 84, July 28, 1992, "Superimposing Method and Apparatus Useful for Subliminal Mes sages"; Inventor: Willson, Joseph; Assignee: MindsEye Educational Systems, Inc. EPI290 18. US Patent #5,270,800, December 14, 1993, "Subliminal Message Generato r"; Inventor: Sweet, Robert L. EPI288 19. Hall, E. Gene, "Watch Carefully Now: S olving Crime in the 21st Century", Police, June 1999, vol. 23, no. 6. Source: NL ECTC Law Enforcement & Technology News Summary, June 17, 1999. EPI944 20. US Dep artment of Defense (awarding agency), "Communicating via the Microwave Auditory Effect", SBIR Contract Number F41624-95-C-9007. EPI277 21. ITV News Bureau, "A P sy-Ops Bonanza On The Desert", 1991, h tm. EPI568 22. ITV News Bureau, "High Tech Psychological Warfare Arrives in th e Middle East", 1991, m. EPI567 23. Frey, Allan H., "Auditory System Response to Radio Frequency Energy", Aerospace Medicine, December 1961, vol. 32, pp. 1140-1142. EPI370 24. US Patent #2,995,63 3, August 8, 1961, "Means for Aiding Hearing"; Inventors: Puharich et al. EPI256 25. US Patent #3,170,993, February 23, 1965, "Means for Aiding Hearing by Elect rical Stimulation of the Facial Nerve System"; Inventors: Henry K. Puharich and Joseph L. Lawrence. EPI1119 26. Frey, Allan H., "Human Auditory System Response to Modulated Electromagnetic Energy", Journal of Applied Physiology 17(4):689-69 2, 1962. EPI544 27. US Patent #3,393,279, July 16, 1968, "Nervous System Excitat ion Device"; Inventor: Flanagan, Gillis Patrick; Assignee: Listening Incorporate d. EPI261 28. US Patent #3,647,970, March 7, 1972, "Method and System of Simplif ying Speech Waveforms"; Inventor: Flanagan, Gillis P. 29. US Patent #3,566,347, Feb. 23, 1971, "Psycho-Acoustic Projector"; Inventor: Flanders, Andrew E.; Assig nee: General Dynamics Corporation. EPI260 30. Sharp et al., "Generation of Acous tic Signals by Pulsed Microwave Energy", IEEE Transactions On Microwave Theory A nd Techniques, May 1974. EPI817 31. US Patent #4,877,027, Oct. 31, 1989, "Hearin g System"; Inventor: Brunkan, Wayne. EPI1124 32. US Patent #4,858,612, Aug. 22, 1989, "Hearing Device"; Inventor: Stocklin, William L. EPI270 33. US Patent #4,8 77,027, Oct. 31, 1989, "Hearing System"; Inventor: Brunkan, Wayne B. EPI262 34. US Patent #5,159,703, Oct. 27, 1992, "Silent Subliminal Presentation System", In ventor: Lowry, Oliver M. EPI285 35. Scientists for Global Responsibility, "Non-L ethal Defence: The New Age Mental War Zone", issue 10, 1995. EPI810 36. US Paten t #5,539,705, July 23, 1996, "Ultrasonic Speech Translator and Communication Sys tem"; Inventor: Akerman, M. Alfred et al.; Assignee: Martin Marietta Energy Syst ems. EPI293 37. Specter, Michael, "Scientists make brain cells grow", Anchorage Daily News, May 4, 1990. EPI527 38. Bishop, Jerry, "Nervy Scientists Move Toward Union Of Living Brain Cells With Microchips", Wall Street Journal, February 1, 1994, p. B3. EPI49 39. ONDCP, CTAC, "Counterdrug Research and Development Bluepr int Update", 40. Cohen, David, "Magnetic Fields of the Human Body", Physics Today, August 19 75. EPI1179 41. US Patent #5,392,788, Feb. 28, 1995, "Method And Device For Inte rpreting concepts And Conceptual Thought From Brainwave Data And For Assisting F

or Diagnosis Of Brainwave Dysfunction"; Inventor: Hudspeth, William J. EPI1129 4 2. US Patent #5,507,291, April 16, 1996, "Method And An Associated Apparatus For Remotely Determining Information As To Person's Emotional State"; Inventors: St irbl et al. EPI1130 43. Watts, Susan, "Alien kidnaps may just be mind zaps", The Sydney Morning Herald, November 19, 1994. EPI816 44. Opall, Barbara, "US Explor es Russian Mind-Control Technology", Defense News, January 11-17, 1993. EPI818 4 5. Persinger, M. et al., "Partial Amnesia for a Narrative Following Application of Theta Frequency EM Fields", Journal of Bioelectricity 4(2):481-494 (1985). EP I372 46. US Patent #5,036,858, Aug. 6, 1991, "Method And Apparatus For Changing Brain Wave Frequency"; Inventors: Carter et al. EPI1127 47. US Patent #3,951,134 , April 20, 1976, "Apparatus And Method For Remotely Monitoring And Altering Bra inwaves"; Inventor: Malech, Robert G.; Assignee: Dorne & Margolin Inc. EPI1122 4 8. "Advances in Neuroscience 'May Threaten Human Rights'", Nature, vol. 391, Jan uary 22, 1998. EPI116 49. Kahney, Leander, "A Cat's Eye Marvel", News, October 7, 1999, at story/22116.html. EPI 832 50. Delgado, Jos M.R., Physical Control of the Mind: Toward a Psychocivilize d Society, Harper & Row, New York, 1969. EPI850 51. "DoD, Intel Agencies Look at Russian Mind Control Technology, Claims", Defense Electronics, July 1993. EPI53 8 52. Elliot, Dorinda and Barry, John, "A Subliminal Dr Strangelove", Newsweek, August 21, 1994. EPI542 53. Depue, Roger L. and Depue, Joanne M., To Dream, Perc hance to Kill", Security Management, vol. 43, no. 6, July 1999. Source: NLECTC L aw Enforcement & Technology News, Summary, July 8, 1999. EPI932 54. Hutchison, M ichael, MegaBrain: New Tools and Techniques for Brain Growth and Mind Expansion, 1986. EPI1235 55. US Patent #5,356,368, Oct. 18, 1994, "Method and Apparatus fo r Inducing Desired States of Consciousness", Inventor: Monroe, Robert; Assignee: Interstate Industries, Inc. EPI286 56. Hutchison, MegaBrain, op. cit., p. 114. EPI1235 57. US Patent #3,773,049, Nov. 20, 1973, "Apparatus for the Treatment of Neuropsychic and Somatic Diseases with Heat, Light, Sound and VHF Electromagnet ic Radiation"; Inventors: Rabichev et al. EPI257 58. US Patent #4,034,741, July 12, 1977, "Noise Transmitter and Generator"; Inventors: Adams et al.; Assignee: Solitron Devices Inc. EPI267 59. US Patent #4,191,175, March 4, 1980, "Method an d Apparatus for Repetitively Producing a Noise-Like Audible Signal", Inventor: N agle, William L. EPI269 60. US Patent # 4,335,710, June 22, 1982, "Device for th e Induction of Specific Brain Wave Patterns"; Inventor: Williamson, John D.; Ass ignee: Omnitronics Research Corporation. EPI292 61. US Patent #4,717,343, Jan. 5 , 1988, "Method of Changing a Person's Behavior"; Inventor: Densky, Alan. EPI284 62. US Patent #4,834,701, May 30, 1989, "Apparatus for Inducing Frequency Reduc tion in Brainwave", Inventor: Masaki, Kazumi; Assignee: Hayashibara, Ken. EPI266 63. US Patent 4,889,526, Dec. 26, 1989, "Non-Invasive Method and Apparatus for Modulating Brain Signals Through an External Magnetic Or Electric Field To Reduc e Pain"; Inventors: Rauscher, Elizabeth A. and Van Bise, William L.; Assignee: M egatech Laboratories, Inc. EPI268 64. US Patent #4,227,516, Oct. 14, 1990, "Appa ratus for Electrophysiological Stimulation"; Inventors: Meland et al. EPI283 65. US Patent #4,883,067, Nov. 28, 1989, "Method and Apparatus for Translating the EEG into Music to Induce and Control Various Psychological and Physiological Sta tes and to Control a Musical Instrument"; Inventors: Knispel et al.; Assignee: N eurosonics, Inc. EPI282 66. US Patent # 5,123,899, June 23, 1992, "Method and Sy stem for Altering Consciousness"; Inventor: Gall, James. EPI289. 67. Patent # 5, 352,181, Oct. 4, 1994, "Method and Recording For Producing Sounds and Messages t o Achieve Alpha and Theta Brainwave States and Positive Emotional States in Huma ns"; Inventor: Davis, Mark E. EPI291 68. US Patent #5,289,438, Feb. 22, 1994, "M ethod and System For Altering Consciousness", Inventor: Gall, James. EPI333 69. Ruttan, Leslie A. et al., "Enhancement of Temporal Lobe-Related Experiences Duri ng Brief Exposures To Milligauss Intensity Extremely Low Frequency Magnetic Fiel ds", Journal of Bioelectricity 9(1):33-54 (1990). EPI311 70. US Patent #5,562,59 7, Oct. 8, 1996, "Method and Apparatus for Reducing Physiological Stress"; Inven tor: Van Dick, Robert C. EPI294 71. US Patent # 5,586,967, Dec. 24, 1996, "Metho d and Recording or Producing Sounds and Messages To Achieve Alpha and Theta Brai nwave States in Humans", Inventor: Davis, Mark E. EPI296 72. US Patent #5,213,56 2, May 25, 1993, "Method of Inducing Mental, Emotional and Physical States of Co

nsciousness, Including Specific Mental Activity in Human Beings"; Inventor: Monr oe, Robert; Assignee: Interstate Industries, Inc. EPI287 73. Hotz, Robert Lee, " Listening to Mozart a real but temporary IQ builder, study says", Anchorage Dail y News, October 15, 1993. EPI529 74. Tyler, Capt. Paul E., MC, USN, "The Electro magnetic Spectrum in Low-Intensity Conflict" in Lt. Col. David Dean (ed.), Low-I ntensity Conflict and Modern Technology, Air University Press, June 1986. EPI709 75. Cole, Richard, "ESP spies, 'Stargate' are psychic reality", Saint Paul Pion eer Press, November 30, 1995. EPI491 76. Morehouse, David, Psychic Warrior, Mich ael Joseph Ltd, UK, St Martin's Press, USA, 1996. 77. Aftergood, Steven, "The '' Soft Kill' Fallacy", Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, September/October 1994. EPI281 78. Suhajda, Joseph M., "Non-Lethal Weapons for Military Operations Other Than War", at EPI348 79 . ibid. 80. "Internet Feeds Delusions", Associated Press, July 5, 1999. EPI123 8 1. Brownstein, Andrew. "U. Albany Suspends implants research", Times Union, Augu st 25, 1999. EPI833 82. Begich, Dr Nick and Jeane Manning, Angels Don't Play Thi s HAARP: Advances in Tesla Technology, EarthPulse Press, Anchorage, 1995. 84. La lli, Anthony N., "Human Research Subject Protection", at http://www.pw2.netcom.c om~allalli/ BillSite_analysis/paper_web.html. EPI619 EPI259 Filename: Mind Contr ol.doc Directory: D:\epulse\test\epulseuploads\articles Template: E:\Documents a nd Settings\raja\Application Data\Microsoft\Templates\ Title: Subject: Author: Keywords: Comments: Creation Date: Change Number: Last Saved On: Last S aved By: Total Editing Time: Last Printed On: Mind Control Dr. Nich Begich 1/7/2 007 1:48 PM 31/15/2007 10:34 AM Daphine 8 Minutes 1/15/2007 11:18 AM As of Last Complete Printing Number of Pages: 66 Number of Words: 12,883 (approx.) Number o f Characters: 73,434 (approx.) ________________________________________ 23 of 56Page Bearden was a target and lived a long life programmed with dis-info rmation as agents of CIA. Scalar Wars The Brave New World of Scalar Electromagnetics by Bill Morgan Page 1 of 24 Bearden was a target and lived a long life programmed with dis-info rmation as agents of CIA. For the past six months I have been undergoing the greatest paradigm shift I hav e ever had to go through. It has rattled my nerves and shaken my bones. This int ense adjustment of my "world" has come about by studying the information given b y Col. Tom Bearden at his website Cheniere. The new knowledge there has necessit ated a total revision of my ideas about physical reality, the world we live in, and the future of humanity. This paradigm shifting even actually made me dizzy o n certain days as I tried to absorb and digest Bearden's vast amount of informat ion. I am not a scientist at all, just a layman, and I have little comprehension of the math and high physics of this new science called "Scalar Electromagnetic s." But there is a great deal of information at Cheniere which needs to become c ommon knowledge as fast as possible, for the sake of the survival of life on ear th. To that end I have put together this small primer of Bearden's ideas, as a k ind of "beginner's guide" to his website. (I have tried to underline certain wor ds and phrases which are part of the new "jargon" of talking about these "new" p henomena. Also I have taken the liberty of bolding certain words and phrases to help them stick in the mind). (Note: Throughout "EM" means "electromagnetic," and "LW" means "longitudinal wav e") This article has six sections:

New Waves 2. Tapping the Waves 3. Weaponization 4. Healing 5. Psychoenergetics 6 . As It Stands 1. New waves discovered Longitudinal EM energy fills vacuum of space, the time domain of spacetime, time as compressed energy, E=tc2, waves of time, phase conjugate wave pairs. "Electric power is everywhere present in unlimited quantities and can drive the world's machinery without the need of coal, oil, gas, or any other of the common fuels." Nikola Tesla "At any point and at any time, one can freely and inexpensively extract enormous EM energy flows directly from the active vacuum itself." Tom Beardenwas a Lt Co l Physicist (1960) I guess the first thing to try to comprehend is that a "new" kind of electromagn etic (EM) wave has been discovered in the empty vacuum of space called longitudi nal waves, which, when engineered, can be an inexhaustible supply of energy in g reat magnitude at any place in the universe. The word "new" is in quotes because the discovery really goes back to Nikola Tesla and his discovery of what he cal led "radiant energy." It is also not "new" because the Russians (KGB) have been working on this technology for over 30 years and have weaponized these "new" lon gitudinal scalar waves to a great degree. These are the very weapons Nikita Khrushchev spoke of in January, 1960.

"By 1957-8 the Soviets had progressed to the point of a giant scalar EM accident in the Urals which exploded nearby atomic wastes, devastating the area. They ha d also progressed to development of great new superweapons using their new energ etics - weapons to which Khrushchev referred in 1960 when he informed the Soviet Presidium of a new, fantastic weapon in development, a weapon so powerful that it could wipe out all life on earth if unrestrainedly employed.'" Tom Bearden After over 30 years of development, and extensive testing around the globe, thes e new scalar electromagnetic weapons are up and running and ready to go. Tom Bea rden, at his website Cheniere, discusses the history of these new scalar electro magnetic weapons in his paper "Historical Background of Scalar EM Weapons." Some Immediate Implications The implications of successful engineering of the longitudinal waves are enormou s, and will change the world as we know it, one way or another. Among other thin gs, these discoveries mean that: 1. The solutions to the energy crisis and the "oil problem" are in hand. These o il wars are unnecessary. There is endless energy available freely from the domai n of time. 2. Unbelievably powerful weapons are not only possible, but are already operatin g in several nations. The many powers of these weapons are unprecedented and min d-boggling. 3. The cure of diseases such as cancer and AIDS, in fact nearly any disease, has become possible within a few years of sufficient funding. Everyone can be made healthy and stay healthy. 4. Mind control on a mass scale has now become possible, and the machines to do it are already in place in certain nations. It has become possible to mentally e nslave whole populations with the twist of a few dials.

So the layman will need to understand that there is a new kind of electromagneti c energy that is altogether different from what he knows, e.g. radio, TV, cell p hones, etc. The ordinary EM waves that we have known about are called transverse EM waves, to distinguish them from the new longitudinal EM waves.These scalar w aves do not actually exist in our "material" world, but exist only in the vacuum of empty space, or the time domain. And we must keep in mind that this vacuum o f space we speak of exists all through everything. Even our bodies are mostly em pty space between atoms and molecules. So the gateway to this seething ocean of energy can be there at every point in the universe. This seething ocean of energ y is all around us and all through us. Emptiness is Full This amazing discovery announces that the "emptiness" of empty space is in fact not empty, but a great ocean of seething energy! Col. Bearden refers to this ocean of energy as being of the "time domain."It see ms like something from Star Trek but this is where scalar electromagnetics has c ome to. And where it is going may be beyond anything Star Trek could have dreame d of. We live in a 3-dimensional world, which physics calls "3-space." But there is al so spacetime, or 4-space, or the "4th dimension." Then suddenly comes this amazi ng new knowledge that time itself is actually compressed energy. And it is energ y which is compressed by exactly the same factor by which matter is considered c ompressed energy: the speed-of-light-squared! So we have a new companion to the famous E=mc2. It is now paired with E=tc2 (whe re t is actually "delta-t," or change in time). Or (amaze your family and friend s and) say: "E equals em-cee-squared" and "E equals delta-tee-cee-squared" It has a nice ring to it, like some freedom bell announcing a new era. And as the atomic bomb released the compressed energy in matter, so can we now u nleash the tremendous energy that is compressed into time itself. It gives a com pletely new meaning to the term "time bomb." Some New Terminology of Scalar Electromagnetics A new science, several new names "Those [Russian] weapon scientists resurrected an old term from the history of e lectrodynamics, called "energetics". That is their approach to a unified field t heory, where everything is based on "energetics". This model as its foundations uses a very similar approach to that "single fundamental unit" model, where ener gy is the unit. If one makes the energy EM in nature, then one has the Russian e nergetics approach. This unified approach gathers everything in, including all e nergy actions and relations in inert matter (the first branch of energetics, cal led by the same name), all field and matter interactions in living matter (the s econd branch of energetics, called "bioenergetics"), and all mind operations and mind-matter interactions (the third branch of energetics, called "psychoenerget ics"). [ed: sometimes also called "psychotronics" by the Russians]

Rick Andersen in an article called "What is Scalar Electromagnetics?" describes the new science this way: "Scalar EM is the brainchild of analyst and wargames specialist cs which is based on the notion (as opposed to vector energies) Lt. Col. (retired) Thomas E. Bearden, a systems who has been advocating a view of electromagneti of a vast, unseen background of scalar energies which underlie all physical reality.

"If Bearden is correct in his Scalar EM theory, then we can build devices which would enable us to alter gravity, time, inertia, and the apparent mass of an obj ect. This of course has ENORMOUS implications for military applications, space-v ehicle drives, time-travel, teleportation, paranormal phenomena, and just about every other area one can think of."

"Time-energy, time-currents, and time-structuring play the dominant role in elec tromagnetics. Time-as-energy eventually becomes engineerable, as easily as is sp atial energy now. We are always dealing with spacetime and with spacetime curvat ure." Bearden: 2000 paper.doc The scalar energy discovered in the vacuum of space is sometimes called "zero-po int" energy. Thomas Valone explains how this term came about.

2. Tapping the waves Endless free energy, Tesla's radiant energy, the dipole as the gateway to the en ergy of the void, MEG in one year, Bedini, Yakuza, etc. End of Oil, geopolitical chaos, rogue groups Move Over G.E. & Big Oil, Energy is Everywhere! Third-world nations set to rise "Certain powerful interests did not wish the extended electromagnetics to be dis covered or taught. That, after all, would lead to free energy and loss of econom ic control of the citizens. That was precisely why Nikola Tesla had already been suppressed ... Today it is still being suppressed by the orthodox establishment ." The vast seething ocean of energy of the vacuum, the longitudinal scalar EM wave s of the time domain, can now be tapped and "transduced" into ordinary (transver se) EM energy in our 3-Space world. The process can be compared to putting a pad dlewheel into a river. The energy acquired is free, since the river is there flo wing whether we tap it or not. And it is a mighty river, and is not diminished b y our paddlewheel. This means that a permanent solution to the "energy crisis" is at hand, if only those who hold it so secret would give it up to humankind. It means our species' insane use of oil is no longer necessary. We can make auto mobiles that need no fuel at all. We can build motors that power themselves. It means that unlimited electrical power can be available for free anywhere in the world. Every house and even shack can have its own power supply. Of course there is the cost of the equipment at first, but the energy flow is fr ee for the presumably very long life (no moving parts) of the generator. It will

probably take decades to shift over to scalar power. But the ability to tap the scalar (longitudinal) EM waves of the vacuum (which e xists everywhere) also means that unbelievably powerful weapons can be, and alre ady have been developed. In fact these weapons are so dangerous that the fear en gendered becomes a psychological obstacle to the grasping of the facts. I struggled with this myself for months, and even though Tom Bearden had complet ely convinced me already, it is hard to accept the fact that for everyone on ear th the "worst that might happen" has suddenly gotten much worse. It takes time t o deal with that, to realize it and get over it. Indeed, the possibilities of these new weapons, which are tapping the huge energ ies of time, are so terrifying it is natural for the mind to simply say: "I don' t want to hear about that." And the government, likewise, pretends these weapons do not exist and tries to k eep it secret from the people. Because most people would indeed be truly alarmed to know the actual situation. Col. Tom Bearden has decided that the people need to know the truth anyway. As a People on a Planet we must face this now, and ba n the use of scalar weapons in war or in mass mind control. The current deployme nt of these weapons is a world emergency which we must all face. The physics and mathematics of the longitudinal waves and the time domain are cl early beyond the layman, but I recommend scanning through them anyway just to ge t a sense of the wonder and the elegance of it all and some of the exotic terms which are used. Two of the most important papers by Col. Bearden are: Giant Negentropy from the Common Dipole The Final Secret of Free Energy. Despite the complexity of the science involved, Bearden sums up the essential se cret of it all in a few words. "There is no problem at all in extracting all the energy one wishes from the act ive vacuum, anywhere in the universe, at any time. Just make a dipole. The problem is in (1) catching some of that freely gushing EM energy in a circui t containing a load, and (2) dissipating the caught and collected EM energy in t hat load to power it, without using half the caught energy to destroy the source dipole's). That is the ONLY real energy problem on the planet, and always has been." A dipole could be a battery, which is polarized into negative and positive. Or t he terminals of a generator. Or any magnet with its two poles. Or an atom with i ts positive and negative charges. Or the earth's magnetic field, the sun, and al l heavenly bodies. Even a galaxy must be some kind of mega-dipole. Wherever ther e is a dipole there is already immense scalar EM energy ushering out of and back into the vacuum. And there have already been demonstrated a number of diverse m ethods for tapping that energy as it flows. (John Bedini, Edwin Gray, Bruce de P alma, and others). Bearden provides what he calls a "partial list" on his websit e. "In other words, nature then gladly gives us as much EM energy flow as we need, indefinitely just for paying a tiny little bit initially to "make the little dip ole." After that, we never have to pay anything again, and nature will happily k

eep on pouring out that 3-flow of EM energy for us. This is the giant negentropy mechanism I uncovered, performed in the simplest way imaginable: just make an o rdinary little dipole." Bearden Energy Crisis.doc Free Energy has been Suppressed Secret Government Aware of Free Energy "In this world of contemporary times, all the agencies, CIA, FBI, KGB, NSA, Elec tric Power Research Institute, DARPA, Brookings Institution, Henry Kissinger, Ed ward Teller, et al., all are aware of [free-energy researcher Bruce] De Palma an d his ideas. "Because these individuals and institutions are employed by the ruling elite to forecast the future and satisfy present needs and demands, it is clear that free energy is a threat to the world order constructed by business and the mindset o f those who want to own the world. "Free energy represents Man's aspirations and dreams of freedom and equality, un iform division of resources and the ability to choose one's own future. "The fact that free energy is suppressed speaks to the greed and self-interest o f a ruling elite which, even in the face of an emergency of global starvation, r esource depletion and environmental pollution, will not give one inch if it mean s loss of control. This is an attitude of paranoid delusion and fantasy which ca n only arise from the alienation of a class of elitists who, through their money , are completely insulated from the reality of the day to day fight for existenc e of the common man." Bearden describes one case of suppression when the Yakuza killed the Kawai engin e in his very presence in Huntsville, Alabama. "That night a jet arrived from Los Angeles, with a Yakuza on board. The next mor ning Kawai no longer controlled his company, his invention, or his own fate. The Kawai party was in fear and trembling. The Yakuza coldly dissolved the agreemen t, they packed up the two Kawai engines we had, and left. And that was that." So it is not only governments who are keeping this revolutionary technology from seeing the light of day. The Yakuza? KGB? The Aum Shinrikyo cult? Our "leaders" need to be honest about what is going on, otherwise they look foolish, acting o ut a kind of "Alice In Wonderland" script before the public, a script that has b ecome completely unbelievable. Concerning the criminal withholding of this scalar technology by the military bl ack-budget people, and the cover-up of the actual situation regarding scalar wea pons throughout the world, Tom has this to say: "The high government officials of the United States of America grossly violated our constitution and their sworn oaths of office. Our constitution specifically charges the government of the United States to defend the people of the United S tates. That means our officials are specifically charged with defending our peop le. Yet they deliberately agreed not to do so, and they deliberately sacrificed us in advance. "They committed treason of the highest kind, by deliberately surrendering us to total destruction anytime the big balloon goes up."

Bearden Energy Crisis Solved One of the "must read" documents at Cheniere is The Unnecessary Energy Crisis: H ow to Solve It Quickly, especially since the "oil wars," which Bearden has fores een for decades, have now already begun. U.S. Defense Secretary William Cohen Warns about eco-terrorism using scalar electromagnetic weapons "Others [terrorists] are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use o f electromagnetic waves... So there are plenty of ingenious minds out there that are at work finding ways in which they can wreak terror upon other nations...It 's real, and that's the reason why we have to intensify our [counter terrorism] efforts." - Defense Secretary William Cohen, 1997 In a letter to a writer named "Russell" Bearden says, "In short, Russell, the Secretary of Defense of the United States confirmed that there are indeed novel kinds of EM weapons, right now and have been for some ti me, which have been and are being used to (1) initiate earthquakes, (2) engineer the weather and climate, and (3) initiate the eruption of volcanoes. We wrote a bout those exact uses of the weaponry decades ago. Several nations now have such weapons. Three of them (two on one side and the other on a hostile side) are ev en firing practice shots into Western Australia, as a convenient test range." Tesla Howitzers in Weather mode How to Make Weather "Engineering the weather is duck soup; they tested that over the U.S. in 1967, a nd entered upon continuing operations over North America on July 4, 1976 as a gr im kind of KGB "Bicentennial Gift" to the United States. Here's how it is done w ith several interferometers. In another section at Cheniere are many photos of cloud anomalies which reveal t he underlying grid along which the clouds are forming or un-forming. Bearden rel ates a startling incident in these clandestine ongoing "weather wars." "During the spring of 1986, abnormally strong Soviet weather engineering occurre d over the U. S., causing a drastic drought in the southeastern U.S. This drough t was broken by a colleague who used an extremely powerful scalar EM device to r edirect jetstreams. A most unusual and unique signature of the "blocking" agains t the Soviet scalar EM actions resulted: Two huge circulations developed in the atmosphere, clearly showed as two adjacent giant "holes" in the swirling cloud c over over the middle and eastern U.S. "Between these two giant holes, the cloud circulations formed a stream of clouds , moving to the south, looking very: much like a giant vertical "bar" of a huge "Y-shaped" cloud flow.* Several national weathermen commented on this unusual pa ttern, which had not been observed before. The pattern continued, day after day, as the blocking continued." * On the weather maps.

Tesla Howitzers in Earthquake mode How to Make an Earthquake "Here's how you initiate a very large earthquake with such weapons. Take a conve nient fault zone of set of them. Focus the interferometry on the fault zone, in the "diverging" mode, and deposit EM energy there in the rocks on both sides, in creasing (slowly) the stress in the rocks by the reverse piezoelectric effect (d eposit excess energy, get crystal mechanical movements). "Do it slowly, and the stress will build up to large pressures well-above a plat e slip minimum energy required. At some point, the rocks yield and one or both s ides "slip" and move rather sharply, giving a very large earthquake in that zone . "Do the same thing down in the earth (remember, LWs easily penetrate right throu gh the earth and ocean at will, and so the "interference zone" focus can be insi de the earth or beneath the ocean, at will. "Anyway, focus this thing down to where the active part of the volcano is still slumbering, down where the hole in the plate has been made. Keep increasing the deposition of energy in the magma itself, and eventually the increasing pressure from deep within that volcano, underground, will cause an eruption. Build the e nergy slow, and the eruption will likely be much larger." Yugoslav Earthquake, Followed by Cold Explosion Strange Characteristics of Iran Quake, Sep. 1978 Tesla Howitzers in Tesla's "Big Eye" mode How to make a Big Eye in the Sky Tesla Howitzers can destroy all life on earth How to Make a Storm on the Sun!! (Just make a big mistake with your Tesla howitzers) The deepest dangers of the use of scalar weapons are frighteningly pointed out b y Bearden here where he considers that the sun, earth and moon (actually the who le solar system) is a delicately balanced arrangement of scalar (longitudinal) E M radiation.There is a scalar connection between the earth and the sun, which ar e both giant dipoles gushing energy in the time domain. Big scalar events on the earth could alter this balance causing true catastrophe. "Indeed, a solar response could be stimulated so that the Sun would violently be lch and destroy our biosphere, among other effects." Unrestrained scalar warfare could cause huge solar storms? To realize that human activity could actually affect the sun itself is truly mind boggling. Bearden goes on to say: "Accordingly, use of huge scalar EM weapons is a double-edged sword. Unless care fully employed, use of the weapons could cause a terrible backlash to the user a s well as the victim, and even accidentally cause the destruction of the earth i tself. It is not accidental that in 1960 Khrushchev stated that his new fantasti c weapon could -- if unrestrainedly used -- destroy all life on earth.

"This appalling backlash potential is apparently what prompted Brezhnev in 1975 to make so strong an effort to get agreement to outlaw the development of "new w eapons of mass destruction" more frightful than the mind of man had even dreamed of. Gromyko even introduced such a draft agreement into the proceedings of the United Nations. The first article of the draft agreement indicated that the natu re of the weapons referred to would be negotiated. Sadly, the entire Western wor ld did not even know what the Russians were talking about." 3b. Tesla domes provide near-perfect defense shield.

The Tesla howitzers can be used in a nearly impregnable defensive mode whereby t hey throw up a dome (Tesla Dome) or a sphere (Tesla Globe) of highly powerful el ectromagnetic energy, enough to "dud" or destroy missiles which try to penetrate them. Once again, this energy is not going through space from the howitzer, but being made to emerge from the local vacuum at the location of the shell. KGB te sts of these domes have been witnessed by airline pilots around the world. Beard en gives many examples of the Tesla domes being sighted around the world in his briefing paper "Fer-de-Lance." (Russian dome test, another globe incident, yet a nother globe test). These giant electromagnetic domes can be hundreds of miles a cross, or narrowed down more to total impermeability. 3c. Rogue Groups in the government Bearden fears that these scalar electromagnetic secrets may have fallen into the hands of what he called secret "rogue groups" within the labyrinthine depths of the black-ops special-access domain of the secret government. "In the extreme, such a deep black program can even become a "captured" program," he says, "which is totally in the hands of rogues and no longer reports to or is bound by the d ictates of the parent government." "They have their own agendas. And being rogue groups, they may well bring in une thical, immoral tricks: assassination, bribery, entrapment, disinformation, plau sible deniability, etc. A certain percentage of a highly secret rogue group will wind up using all these things and more. It's a human characteristic, the old p rimate dominance game. Only now disguised and hidden under deep classification. ... "In highly classified groups, these groups are greatly enabled to joust more wid ely, unethically, and immorally because it is so deeply hidden. So very deep cla ssification evokes the growth and intensity of rogue groups. It's the old 'Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely' routine. ... Due to loose for mation of rogue groups inside such programs, they may have dual or triple purpos es, may not operate under very much legitimate government control at all, and ma y operate specifically for the purposes of the rogue group or groups that have g ained control." "The involvement of at least some rogue groups, some being "cowboys" who operate well outside all laws and ethics, could also result in such things as assassina tions, clandestine testing on individuals without their consent, etc. In short, it could account for what seems to be actually occurring. " articles/mind control3/p05.htm

3d. World War III has already begun

Because it is now possible to cripple the power grids and electronics of any nat ion, that nation could be reduced to economic ruin without ever firing an actual "shot." Without electricity Wall Street cannot operate. Without electricity you quickly need martial law. One no longer needs to wage a conventional war anymor e at all. There are now lots of new ways to bring any nation to its knees. "We are at war, whether we like it or not. And we are going to have strategic st rikes on an unparalleled scale for us. Pearl Harbor was nothing compared to what is coming down, once we consider the "augmentation" and such. "When that factor the power system. e destroyed or so we have not seen nder martial law, n keep the cities robbing, killing, is considered, then it's a totally new ball game on replacing There isn't going to be much choice; the old one is going to b badly crippled that it will collapse the U.S. economy in a way since 1929. Of course, in such a case hitting us, we will be u the works, everywhere. For one thing, it's the only way you ca from imploding from within, by the criminal element, looting, etc. Simply wait and see; it's on the way."

Although Bearden has for years decried the "scalar-gap," and chided the military for falling so far behind the Russian KGB in the field of scalar electromagneti cs, recent statements indicate that things may at last have changed somewhat. "In the new war, the first phase of WW III has already been completed. Hence Pre sident Bush's recognition that this is a total war, and has to be taken to the e nemy no matter where he may be hiding or in what sanctuary or in what foreign na tion. This is an entirely different war than anything the U.S. has ever fought i n its history. And before it is over, it is going to kill more Americans than ha ve died in all the previous wars in our history. The news media and the public h ave not yet recognized that awful situation and predicament. Most are already th inking that, well, we won in Afghanistan so it's just about over. Instead, it ha s only just begun. "Anyway, that's a brief uptake on some of the weapon situation today. Some 10 na tions or more now have LWIs, and five have the QPs. I'm still working on how man y have the appalling negative EMP weapons, but would estimate 6 or 7 nations hav e them in one stage or the other, either deployed or in at least advanced develo pment. And in my estimation, the Yakuza will have them within three to five year s if they have to build them themselves, and quicker if they can buy them from t he Russians, Chinese, or???" Bearden

When he was asked the question "Does the government listen to Tom Bearden?" Bear den said: "Let me speak carefully. I am very satisfied with how I've been listened to in t he quarters where the rubber meets the road. The West is no longer defenseless, not by any means. Cannot amplify it further than that." Bearden has briefed the government a number of times and the Cheniere website co ntains a great number of his graphic military briefing slides. 3e. Are the Russians making "UFOs?" Scalar electromagnetics engineering opens the possibility of antigravity vehicle s and "hyperspace travel." In other words we can now make our own UFO's! Of such

scalar-powered antigravity vehicles, which have now become possible, Bearden ha s this to say: Also see: Interview with Tom Bearden (Slide from

4. Healing powers of longitudinal waves Healing via longitudinal waves, time reversal of cells (de-differentiation), Pri ore's machine, Beardens proposed "blanket" version, using the electric power gri d for healing waves or for broadcasting disease patterns. Scalar Biowar. The good news! "Any sort of disease whatsoever - physical or mental - will be rapidly curable, simply and cheaply. It will be possible to reverse aging and rejuvenate the pers on. It will be possible to regrow limbs and straighten misshapen spines - and di rectly remove the causes of mental diseases and cure them as well. Lifespan will be staggeringly increased, without 'old age's debilitation.' AIDS, cancer, leuk emia, and genetic diseases will be completely conquered. The potential for a tru e golden era is upon us, for all humanity." Bearden-

Proof of the healing powers of longitudinal waves from the vacuum is seen in the work of Antoine Priore who produced longitudinal scalar waves using a gigantic glass tube filled with plasma.He himself did not understand why it worked or how it cured cancer in animals. "The Priore team cured terminal tumors, trypanosomias, and other dread diseases in laboratory animals in France, in the 1960s and 1970s, under rigorous scientif ic protocols by eminent scientists. The Priore project was funded by the French Government to the tune of several millions of dollars (equivalent). http://www.e ". . . Prior's machines concretely demonstrated a nearly 100% cure of all kinds of terminal cancers and leukemias, in thousands of rigorous laboratory tests wit h animals. These results were shown to medical scientists as early as 1960." htt p:// Bearden has stated that the longitudinal EM waves can have a healing effect beca use they always come in pairs called "phase conjugate pairs" and one of the pair is time-reversed. This enables engineering of the waves to "pump" the cells of the body (with waves from the time domain) and actually time-reverse the cells b ack to a previous healthy condition. The scalar cure of cancer does not involve killing the cancer cells but rather pumping them with time energy into a previou s condition.I know, this seems miraculous, and is it not? Priore and his giant plasma tube This healing power in the longitudinal waves of the time domain is a mind-boggli ng thing to face. It took me months to get through it, and to suffer the fact th at the cure for cancer and AIDS was right there, in this new scalar electromagne tics technology, and that it has been kept back from the people for so many deca

des now. Bearden has a great deal to say about the work of Priore, who himself did not un derstand why his machine worked. Priore did not know about the longitudinal scal ar waves of the time domain. In fact, Tom Bearden has supplied, at last, the mis sing explanation as to how that big giant two-story glass tube consistently cure d cancer in animals. "The medical implications are enormous. By just reversing the damaged cells back to a previous physical state, this gives a physics mechanism for controlled cel lular dedifferentiation, in biology terms. Physicians will time-reverse diseased , damaged or aged cells back to an earlier healthy condition, including all the cellular genetics. Normal cells are just reversed to a slightly younger conditio n." "We believe this mechanism explains the revolutionary but baffling electromagnet ic cures achieved by a team of outstanding French scientists in the 1960s and ea rly 70s, working with inventor Antoine Prior. In lab animals, cures were achieve d for terminal tumors, infectious diseases such as trypanosomiasis, and atherios clerosis. In addition, deliberately suppressed immune systems were dramatically restored. "We hypothesize that this is the long-sought mechanism of how the living body he als itself. In short, the body's cellular control system induces cellular revers al by weak time-domain pumping of the damaged cells and the affected area. The c ellular regeneration system performs all healing of cellular damage in the body; the immune system heals nothing, not even its own damaged cells) . "For the first time medical science can develop as a science of healing rather t han a science of intervention. And it will develop as a science of unlimited hea ling, since no pathogen can resist action by curved spacetime engines." Bearden 2000 paper.doc Bearden has extended the Priore work, with the previously missing knowledge now in place, and designed a revised system (for irradiating the body with longitudi nal waves) which gets rid of Priore's giant glass plasma tube and uses instead a n antenna unit which surrounds the body. He has also provided the missing explan ation of how it works. There is an article from "Explore" magazine, Part I and P art II. In fact, Bearden has presented to the U.S. government a plan to use a portable v ersion of a Scalar Healing Blanket where wire channels in the blanket act as a s calar antenna, which can both send and receive scalar electromagnetic waves. A t wo minute treatment of the waves is sufficient to restore the body to its earlie r healthy condition. Thus even thousands could be treated easily and quickly in a biowar mass attack situation. "To defend against things like anthrax attacks on our civilian population center s, we also have recommended to the U.S. Government the crash development of smal l, portable treatment machinesusing similar "antiengine-forming" and cellular re versing "porthole technology". [See Figure 13 on previous page]. Such portable m achines could be developed cheaply and quickly, and present government facilitie s could be used to massively attack the correlate database production problem."T he portable treatment units could be cranked out by the hundreds of thousands an d flooded down through emergency response agencies such as the police forces, th e National Guard, emergency hospitals, emergency response teams, etc." Bearden articles/mind control3/p04.htm

The Scalar Healing Blanket would fit into large suitcase. It has three basic par ts, the longitudinal wave generator, a laptop computer, and the antenna-blanket. The plan was a stroke of Bearden's genius, but unfortunately it fell on befuddl ed government ears. "Unfortunately, so far the DOD [Dept. of Defense] doesn't ev en understand what the heck we're talking about!" Article "Healing with Energy": l "We tried very hard in 1998 to call attention to the extreme national need for t he most urgent possible development of a portable computer-controlled treatment device based on the experimentally proven Prior methodology, but extended to a m uch simpler and far more rapid method of treatment. "Quick development of this technology could lead to a suitcase size device, capa ble of treating a patient in less than one minute, and stopping the symptoms and disease progress cold, then reversing it. Three "less than a minute" treatments one week apart would be required for complete cure. As an added advantage, part ial reversal of aging in older patients would also be accomplished as a bonus, i n addition to time-reversing the damaged and diseased cells... "The method proposed to the DoD in 1998 used normal EM in a peculiar way to forc e the body itself to make its own time-polarized EM waves, and pump every part o f its cells -- including the genetics -- in the time domain. "Quite simply, we are going to be struck this way (QP spreading the immune syste ms of the populace plus professional smallpox, anthrax, etc. BW attacks on our p opulation centers) and by other means we've spoken of in other papers and briefi ngs." Bearden The Dark Side of the Force: Creating and broadcasting disease Speaking of the scalar wave induction of disease by longitudinal wave patterns B earden refers to work by French scientist Kervran Russian scientist Kaznacheyev, who proved that any disease could be transmitted electromagnetically. "It works this way: the Kaznacheyev experiments (and others) demonstrated that a ny cellular disease or disorder can be initiated into cells at a distance, by el ectromagnetic means (albeit unusual EM in nature). The decades of microwave radi ation of the U.S. Embassy in Moscow, was an ongoing set of "stimuli" to ping the U.S. system and, by its response, ascertain how far along (or if it was "along" ) in its knowledge of such weapons. The radiation was responsible for many healt h changes in personnel and for the eventual deaths of three U.S. Ambassadors." Bearden In a letter he writes, "Yes, the Kaznacheyev experiments were quite real; 15,000 or so in military rese arch institutes in Siberia. As with so many other novel areas investigated and d eveloped by the Soviets, most U.S. investigators just assumed normal EM, which i s not what the Kaznacheyev experiments involved, and not what was carrying disea se induction patterns from one cell culture to another in rigorous lab tests." How to "Broadcast" Diseases Longitudinal EM Biowars

Bearden explains how the new quantum potential weapons can be used to induce dis ease-at-a-distance in a population, or to "spread" the immune system so thin tha t a conventional bio-attack would be greatly potentiated. By "broadcasting" virt ual disease patterns over a population, the immune system is so overloaded by th e presence of the "shadow" diseases that its effectiveness is thinned out. "In short, alter the internal wavestructure, and one creates a curved spacetime 'engine' that acts on mass in any fashion one chooses to design -- including ini tiate diseases . . . Now visualize one of these 'vacuum engines' or 'spacetime c urvature engines' that acts on mass to generate the exact effects produced by an thrax. (Or any other disease one wishes) . . . Call the virtual state of a disea se engine the disease pattern in the "shadow" state, just prior to becoming obse rvable. . . . "And the master cellular control system responds to "coming events that cast the ir shadows before". In short, it responds to the upper level of the "shadow stat e" of a disease, still in the virtual state! (Hey, virtual particles are real, v irtual photons are real, virtual ST curvatures are real --- just very fleeting, only for another to immediately arise). The exchange of virtual particles is kno wn to generate all forces in physics anyway! . . . "So the cellular control system responds to "shadow state" disease patterns. Ent er a QP weapon application. Place a quantum potential weapon "area" on the Unite d States, so that the entire populace is in it. The slowly introduce and bring u p in the shadow state, the necrotizing fasciitis disease engine. At some point, the cellular control systems will react, and order the immune system into action . In other words, immune system resources will be committed against this "immedi ately coming" enemy. Bring it on up a little, but still just in the shadow state . Voila! Humans form a bell-shaped distribution curve. And even if the structure of the QP fluctuates a little, fluctuating a bit stronger and a bit weaker, etc . A few of those targeted bodies will now actually develop necrotizing fasciitis . So far, just like the U.S. Embassy targeting, except a different "carrier". "But now there is an exact signature that this is what is doing it, and not norm al vector carriers of disease and contact or exposure infection. The few cases o f necrotizing fasciitis that break out will be most puzzling. They will be rando mly scattered across the entire nation, and so few that the vector carrier and c ontact or exposure explanation completely fails." "And that one happened, right here in the U.S., not so long ago. Check it out. "So carefully adjust the patterns for, say, 12 major terrible diseases, to that "adjusted and desired shadow state level". Now add all 12 patterns into the inte rnal structure of the quantum potential. Now it has 12 shadow state disease engi nes in it. "Place that one on a populace. The cellular control systems order the immune sys tems into action, and they now have to commit their finite resources to 12 diffe rent areas. This greatly thins the response an immune system can make to any one of those 12 disease patterns! In short, it "spreads" the capabilities of the im mune system, which can be galvanized to great effort, but only can perform a sma ll bit against each area. "Suppose one of those "galvanized" areas in the targeted populace's immune syste ms is anthrax. And suppose the bad guys now hit one or more of those cities with a professional anthrax attack. A former OTA study showed that a professional an thrax aerial spray attack against Washington D.C., dispensing 100 kilograms of a nthrax spores in the spray, will account for 1 to 3 million casualties. And that 's in an "unthinned" set of immune systems. In the "thinned" set, one can at lea st double or triple, and even up to five times, that estimate. So conservatively

, now there would be from 2 to 6 million casualties. And even mild anthrax spray attacks in other "thinned" cities would also be amplified. "That one is being set up, or already set up, right now. There are other such "a ugmentation" setups also under way. "So the weapons alluded to by the SecDef in 1997 are already being employed. WW III has already begun, and our populace (and our scientific community) is blissf ully unaware of it." Most of us can remember the strange outbreaks of the so-called "flesh eating dis ease." It seemed to break out here and there randomly with no known cause. Beard en believes this was a test of the newer quantum potential weapons which go even beyond the capabilities of the Tesla howitzers. "The Kaznacheyev "disease induction by novel electrodynamics" work is also the b asis for the spacetime curvature engines (not EM signals!) carried by quantum po tential EM biological weapons for distant induction of diseases etc. into the po pulation of an entire nation or area, such as the U.S. "This quantum potential disease induction weapon -- capable of attacking an enti re population of a nation or area -- has been tested several times in the U.S. a t very low levels, in the shadow state only (we explain shortly) and it has a mo st peculiar signature. E.g., one test used necrotizing fasciitis (flesh-rotting disease) engines. "The disease 'engine' was deliberately kept down in the 'shadow state' (virtual state, just below the observable state) so that only a tiny bit of the populace with depressed thresholds would "breach the observable threshold' due to the pop ulation forming a bell-shaped curve as to the threshold level. The major signatu re of the test was that the cases of the disease broke out totally statistically and randomly, spread all over, without any 'disease vector' in between. "In short, it was not spread in any manner required by normal deterministic dise ase vectoring, but was a totally random set of occurrences. Several other diseas es were also tested this way in the American populace, with precisely the same s ignature." Bearden "Apparently one planned use of such an augmented clandestine BW weapon will be s mallpox, e.g. As you know, the Russians did develop smallpox for biological warf are, and even developed a new strain against which previous vaccination is ineff ective. "The vast numbers of expected casualties, coupled with immune system spreading, are absolutely irresistible to the Russian mind. You can count on it that they h ave seen that the smallpox is already on site here, in the U.S. and in the hands of professional terrorist teams. Of course, the Russians/KGB will protest they have nothing to do with that! Yet likely the KGB will have flatly arranged it or at least assisted it. The capability for mass destruction of the nation is so l ucrative and easy to achieve in advance, that they would never be able to resist doing it." Bearden Bearden believes the Gulf War Syndrome involved the use of scalar technology to induce a disease state, as he stated in a 1997 interview:

"I'll say this flatly, and I won't answer any further questions about it; the Gu lf War Syndrome was induced... It was induced with this stuff. All the rest... w as contributing factors that everybody's talking about... There are some deeper signatures, if you look into it very deeply, that show you exactly how it was do ne and the fact that it was induced. It was a test. It was a test of a very spec ial kind of weapon I have not talked about yet. Anyway you can use it to create diseases." Bearden Besides using the woodpecker grid to target a population, the entire electrical grids of nations can be used as "channels" for disease patterns to be broadcast to all people near that grid. Your own house wiring can become an antenna, broad casting these "shadow" patterns of disease, weakening your immune system. And here one faces the frustrating fact that the same power grids could be set t o channel patterns which would keep the entire population healthy, rejuvenated, continuously bathing in the time-reversing old-age-defying energy of the spaceti me vacuum. We have no idea yet of how long the human life span could be increase d with this new technology. People might be able to live two centuries given ful l humane development of this technology.

5. Psychoenergetics Mental entrainment, inducing hypnogogic trance, mind control, broadcasting thoug hts and feelings, the Ant World, education via EM [LW] mental download, the "Fee lies," revolution in spirituality, "enlightenment machine?" Scalar churches? Psychoenergetics is simply using the scalar interferometers to manipulate and en gineer the human psyche. To me it is the most mind-boggling and frightening aspe ct of longitudinal wave engineering. The mind is electromagnetic in nature, and itself of the time-domain. It is not observable in 3-space. There is no thing you can point to that is the mind. As B earden says, "The mind is time-like." The longitudinal scalar EM waves are also of the time-domain. By overlaying cert ain infolded patterns (oscillations in time) on the longitudinal waves, a though t or feeling may be made to arise in a person or persons who are in the interfer ence zone (where the wave beams cross). The person will not notice anything, feeling that this thought or idea is his or her own idea. The longitudinal wave pattern might be a wave of panic or fear th at spontaneously sweeps over you, perhaps inexplicably. It could even be in the form of a sudden intense patriotism. It could be explicit words and phrases, whi ch everyone would think they had thought of by themselves. Or it could be rage a nd hatred, angry and violent. On the other hand It could also be a continuous se nse of docility and placidity. This is the brave new world of psychoenergetics a nd the coming "Mind Wars." Scalar Psychoenergetics in its most primitive form simply "entrains" all minds i n the target area into a deep hypnogogic trance. In this state of mind people wo uld be suddenly extremely suggestible, and would likely believe anything they ar e told, and would obey any orders given. Talk about winning the hearts and minds of the American People!

Tom Bearden makes me think of Paul Revere, who heroically conveyed important war nings for the sake of the new nation. But the words of the famous phrase have no w strangely and curiously mutated into the once-inconceivable: "One if by land, Two if by mind." Indeed one strategy in a Mind War would be to simply take over the minds of the "leaders" of the enemy nation. The targeted leader would not be aware that anyth ing was amiss, although he might begin to make unexpected changes in policy. And are, in fact, any of our "leaders" already having secret thoughts that are n ot their own? Who knows? Frighteningly, we can no longer be sure. The new scienc es of scalar electromagnetics and psychoenergetics are even now plunging humanit y into a sudden science-fiction-like world beyond anything in humanity's previou s imaginings. "The Russians reached the point in the mid 1990s that they could take over contr ol of a person's mind, with modified longitudinal EM waves including some time-p olarized EM waves, and with a team of specialists (estimate 25-30 per transmitte r, and one transmitter and team per controlled person)." Bearden http://www.chen In a slide Bearden illustrates how a Scalar War would involve a psychoenergetics attack on the operators of the enemy scalar installation, entraining their mind s into hypnogogic trance and getting them to shut down their systems. And ultimately psychoenergetic warfare goes to the very heart of human identity itself. For if my thoughts might no longer be "mine," then who and what am I? Ca n my very sense of being "me" be hijacked by some nefarious psychoenergetic sche me? Will the "secret government" eventually dictate directly into your mind how you feel about yourself? Or what you think you are?Or what you should do? How Does Longitudinal EM Mind Control Work? The physics of scalar psychoenergetics as expounded by Col. Bearden seems even m ore arcane and over-my-head than that of extracting energy from the vacuum. I ca n't understand it, but I look through it anyway. Each time another tiny understa nding might occur, or a term might fall into place. I know the mathematics is fo rever beyond me. One paper to begin with is Mind Control and EM Wave Polarization Transductions T his is such serious stuff that Bearden includes a strong warning about misuse of this knowledge. Psychoenergetics weapons can mentally maim and physically kill. Warning! (From "Mind Control and EM Wave Polarization Transductions") "This article refers to experimental research techniques which can be detrimenta l or lethal in the hands of any but highly skilled, qualified experimental scien tists proceeding under proper laboratory safety procedures. The purpose of this article is strictly for information to properly qualified and authorized scienti sts in certified laboratories. We do not propose or condone any use of these pro cedures for nonapproved practice of medicine without a license. Neither the publ isher nor the author are responsible for accidents or outcomes in the use of the se experimental procedures and techniques. Any researcher who performs these pro cedures and experiments is acting on his or her own volition, and is solely resp onsible for insuring safety, qualifications, and legality of the acts and their results. We neither suggest nor condone unauthorized experimentation on human su bjects. Such is a criminal violation of the constitutional rights of the subject under Federal and State laws, and is both illegal and immoral."

Bearden articles/mind control1/p01.htm After the serious warning comes the description of the paper. This is heady stuf f for the layman. "Calling full attention to the special note above, in this paper we present a hi gh-level overview of the novel electromagnetic nature of mind operations, mind a nd body coupling, and intent - the induction of physical 3-space EM energy chang es into the brain and nervous system, and into every cell of the body, from the mind's time-like coherent operations. We summarize the time-polarized electrodyn amics used to engineer and affect mind operations and the mind-body coupling loo p. Transaction mechanisms whereby differing EM wave polarizations can be transfo rmed one-into-the-other are presented." Bearden articles/mind control1/p01.htm I will leave it to the technically astute to try to understand the mechanisms of operation which are described in scientific language. But there are tidbits for the layman. Here he speaks of the difficulty Western scientists have in opening up to the "immaterial" (longitudinal wave) nature of the human mind. Western Science Remains Largely Materialistic "Ironically, most Western scientists are materialists and consider "mind" as a m ystical and nonscientific concept. They tend to consider mind operations and fun ctions either to be simply "meat computer" operations and functions, or at best to be very weak ordinary transverse-wave EM operations and functions in the brai n and nervous system. This serious self-limitation exists because in the body we measure only weak TW [transverse wave] EM operations and functions correlated t o biological behavior and brain operations. We simply do not know how to measure "mind operations" directly. "With no mind measurements possible and no instruments, it is understandable tha t Western science considers only the physical side of the mind-matter interface. "Presently our scientists do not measure the longitudinally-polarized EM wave op erations and functions in the body and around it in nature. Few of them are awar e that a maelstrom of such LW [longitudinal wave] functions exist in the body an d in all of nature in general." Bearden articles/mind control1/p05.htm Western methods of influencing the mind with EM waves have only used transverse waves, not the longitudinal waves of the vacuum. If only transverse waves are us ed one pretty well has to hit the target mind with a sledgehammer of waves. Western Science knows only transverse EM waves Brute Forcing Time Functions versusFine Control Methods "Ironically, Western mind control researchers using transverse EM waves for mind control research, are using a brute force method of evoking and using vacuum en gines (spacetime curvature engines) and a special form of general relativity, al though they do not appear to realize it. The Ant World The Final Race for Direct Mind Control of the Entire Human Species

(Perhaps after so many frightening topics a slight break is in order here to con

sider the lighter side of psychoenergetics. For example, what will be the ultima te impact on the entertainment industry?) The Feelies at Last! Psychoenergetics will be able to bring about at last, for better or for worse, A ldous Huxley's fanciful idea in his novel "Brave New World," an entertainment fo rmat which he called "The Feelies." Those were something you went to, like going to the movies, but you would experience all the actual feelings themselves, as if the depicted events were actually happening to you. Although our "leaders" se em too dim to grasp what is going on in the world of scalar electromagnetics, it should not take some young Hollywood genius too long to understand that The Fee lies are now possible, and that the immense megabucks of potential profit more t han justify heavy investment in bringing it to market. 6. As it Stands - 2002 "Anyway, it's presently a "Mexican stand-off" with the various parties maneuveri ng with check and countercheck. That is the real "balance of terror" that is hel d by such a fragile balance." "You can see the implications if such weapons fall into the hands of the radical terrorists. Ordinary positive energy EMP shooters can be made fairly readily an d cheaply from nearly just Radio Shack parts or surplus parts. It just takes som e know-how... When and if the Yakuza [Japanese mafia] gets those (and they will, it's just a question of time), you can begin to appreciate some of the turns th is present terrorism and our war on it will take." Bearden The very thought of the building of one of these howitzers by "some lone-nut gun man" from Radio Shack parts makes one realize how serious it is for humanity to face the crisis it has come to. The Disclosure Project One person working tirelessly to bring to bring these technologies into the open is Dr. Stephen Greer of the Disclosure Project, which is calling for congressio nal hearings into the issues of UFOs and the free energy technology that was, pe rhaps in part, reverse-engineered from them. "Once abundant and nearly free energy is available in impoverished areas for agr iculture, transportation, construction, manufacturing and electrification, there is no limit to what humanity can achieve. It is ridiculous obscene even that mi nd-boggling poverty and famine exists in the world while we sit on classified te chnologies that could completely reverse this situation."So why not release thes e technologies? Because the social, economic and geo-political order of the worl d would be greatly altered. Every deep insider with whom I have met has emphasiz ed that this would be the greatest change in known human history. The matter is so highly classified not because it is so silly, but because its implications ar e so profound and far reaching. By nature, those who control such projects do no t like change. And here we are talking about the biggest economic, technological , social and geo-political change in known human history. Hence, the status quo is maintained, even as our civilization hurtles towards oblivion... "With the types of weapons currently in the covert arsenal weapons more fearsome even than thermonuclear devices there is no possibility of a survivable conflic t. Yet in the darkness of secrecy, actions have been taken on behalf of every hu man that may endanger our future. Only a full, honest disclosure will correct th is situation. It is not possible for me to convey in words the urgency of this."

Dr. Stephen Greer tm Greer and his team have assembled hundreds of witnesses, many of whom are milita ry or ex-military, who are ready to testify to congressional hearings what they know about the covert black projects which have kept free-energy and antigravity propulsion technology secret from the people. Greer points out the need to regulate these technologies so they are limited to peaceful uses, but this is of course difficult when the government simply choose s to pretend they do not exist. In the meantime, as the President and the Defens e Department continue the charade of war-as-usual, those scalar (longitudinal wa ve) installations which DO exist continue to fall into ever more sinister hands. And there is no reporter in the press brave enough to ask, "Mr. Secretary of De fense, what steps are you taking to defend our MINDS from attack by the big Russ ian longitudinal interferometers?"

Beyond the Howitzers: Quantum Potential Weapons Do not use EM propagation through space Latest Update from Tom Bearden - March 2002 The whole situation is changing so fast that when I asked Tom to look over this article he mentioned the seeming contradiction when some of the above statements are taken together. At different times the information he has is updated so one has to keep a kind of running track. He was kind enough to clear up the confusi on here with the situation as it stands as of March, 2002. "We knew of three nations having the QP weapons for some time. Then we found out last year that five nations had it. So that explains my using the figure "three " first (which represented what I knew at the time). Later I found out about the other two nations. China, e.g., only deployed its QP weapon this past year. So that explains the apparent contradiction between me using "five" in later papers and "three" in earlier ones. It was the best information I had at that time. Mi ght mention that so the reader will understand the apparent discrepancy." Tom Be arden Emptiness is Full of Energy "The Tao is an empty vessel; it is used, but never filled. Oh, unfathomable sour ceof ten thousand things! "Oh, hidden deep but ever present! I do not know from whence it comes. It is the forefather of the gods." Lao Tzu -Tao te Ching Afterward Because of the extreme seriousness of the topics brought forward in this article , I asked Tom Bearden to look it over to make sure I had not gotten anything too terribly wrong or mixed up. I did not want to pass on any misunderstanding of m y own. I felt a little nervous writing to an eminent scientist, and hoped I had not presumed upon his time. But Tom was so kind as to answer immediately, and to my relief I had not gotten anything too terribly wrong. Here is his letter, in which he clears up a misunde rstanding, and reports on his current health treatment, and gives a call to the young grad students to turn themselves loose in the whole new field of scalar el

ectromagnetics and free energy. Subject: RE: Article on Tom Bearden and "Scalar Wars" Date: Fri, 22 Mar 2002 22:54:01 -0600 Bill, Well, I must say I'm astounded at your persistence and hard work in congealing a ll that together. My compliments on a hard job quite well done. Couple tiny things: In the area mentioning Kervran and Kaznacheyev: Kervran was French; Kaznacheyev was and is Russian. Little typo of "spredding" the immune sy stem. Should be "spreading". We knew of three nations having the QP weapons for some time. Then we found out last year that five nations had it. So that explains my using the figure "three" first (which represented what I knew at the time). Later I found out about the other two nations. China, e.g., only deployed its QP weapon this past year. So t hat explains the apparent contradiction between me using "five" in later papers and "three" in earlier ones. It was the best information I had at that time. Mig ht mention that so the reader will understand the apparent discrepancy. Otherwise, it's pretty accurate. Just now I'm letting the weapons take care of themselves; have to, as I will be recovering now for nearly a year from now after the heart attack last year and d iscovering that I had contracted mycoplasia (the BW modified kind) in Canada in 1968. Finally got a test which confirmed the chronic mycoplasia (which I had for 33 years!). The stuff burrows inside one's red corpuscles, then draws nutrients from the hemoglobin, hardening it and reducing its ability to take on oxygen (b y as much as 50% or more). The resulting symptom is loss of endurance (which I h ad for that 33 years) -- the so-called "chronic fatigue syndrome". Many of the Gulf War Veterans who are sick also have it, though they apparently have other complicating factors as well. A very high percentage of persons with chronic fatigue syndrome also have mycoplasia. The treatment for the long-standi ng mycoplasma infection of that nature is to stay on antibiotics for a year. The only time the mycoplasma is vulnerable is when one wears out a red cell in norm al usage, and the body makes a new red cell to replace it. The mycoplasma comes out of the dying cell to infect the new replacement cell, so it is exposed and v ulnerable at that specific time and that time only. The antibiotics kills it at that time. Hence the necessity to stay on antibiotics for such a long time so it is continuously in your bloodstream (I've already been on antibiotics for over two months, and have at least 10 more months to go). We also take a little medic al oxygen every day. Another symptom of the mycoplasma infection is the association of runaway fibril lation of the heart. To stop that, there are pills one takes, and they stop it. But they also further reduce the volume of blood pumped by the heart, so that th is projects one right back into the hypoxia, dizzy, loss of balance, etc. Catch 22 situation; the fibrillation will build and cause heart attack, stroke, etc. i f not stopped, and if stopped it puts you back in the hypoxia which can cause ma ny things! With the conventional treatment, you're damned if you do and damned i f you don't. Hence the need for a little extra medical oxygen, so you can take t he "heart clamp" pill and stop the fibrillation, but also augment the oxygen eno ugh to continue to survive without a stroke or some such. Interestingly, it's ve ry difficult to even obtain a mycoplasma test, and Medicare fights you tooth and nail over paying for the oxygen. Either they will pay for it or I'll pay for it myself; it is absolutely necessary.

After a heart attack, one is treated in the heart clinic by specialists who are very caring and excellent practitioners, but know nothing of mycoplasma infectio n, so not consider it even a part of "heart disease", and who are rather puzzled when one has no clogging of the arteries, has the right count of red corpuscles (largely nonfunctional, of course, but there), pumps the right amount of blood, etc. So they identify and treat only the runaway fibrillation, do not prescribe the oxygen -- and essentially place you on a regime as best they know, but one that is guaranteed to kill or maim you or turn you into a totally disabled perso n or human vegetable via stroke, paralysis, etc. Fortunately my family doctor wi ll prescribe the oxygen anyway, though I may have to pay for it myself. Whatever works! However, I'm slowly improving little by little, working as much as I'm able to a nd trying to finish my book: Energy from the Vacuum: Concepts and Principles, an d get it to the publisher for publication later this year. Hopefully the book wi ll turn all the interested young grad students and post-docs loose in the free-e nergy area. They will not have to spend 30 agonizing years to get to where I am, and where a few others are, but can simply start here and go forward. Since spe ed to develop energy from the vacuum is of the essence because of the world situ ation, I'm moving on it as fast as I am physically able to. Meanwhile, working with the AIAS (Alpha Foundation's Institute for Advanced Stud y), the AIAS (15 authors) has now gotten about 20 scientific papers published in leading journals (Foundations of Physics, Foundations of Physics Letters, Physi cal Scripta, Optik, etc.) dealing with electromagnetic energy from the vacuum. S everal more are either approved for publication or in the review process also. S o slowly we are getting it into the mainstream scientific literature. Hopefully it will be in time, but it's cutting it close. Very best wishes, Tom Bearden

3rd Paragraph Plans to mind control Corporates and Navy/National Education Assoc . It was estimated that Millions of persons were (1985) put through this type of PROCESSING including most of AMERICAS Corp LEADERS and OFFICIALS. Breaking down of personalities and recondition...

CONNECTION. HIS GOD LURKS BEHIND AN ELECTRONIC CURTAIN; THE MEDIA MANIPULATOR, T HE CYBERNETICIST, THE WEAVER OF THE DREAMSCAPE. Manchurian in your sleep molding you and Behavior Modification manipulating your children! INVISIBLE WARFARE (1976) FOIA Electromagnetic RADIATION WAVES Lt. Col Tom Bearden Govt Physicist-Bearden was a target and lived a long life pr ogrammed with dis-information as are agents of CIA. CIA knew since 1940-47 Act. "The method proposed to the DoD in 1998 used normal EM in a peculiar way to forc e the body itself to make its own time-polarized EM waves, and pump every part o f its cells -- including the genetics -- in the time domain. "Quite simply, we are going to be struck this way (QP spreading the immune syste ms of the populace plus professional smallpox, anthrax, etc. BW attacks on our p opulation centers) and by other means we've spoken of in other papers and briefi ngs."

Bearden The Dark Side of the Force: Creating and broadcasting disease Speaking of the scalar wave induction of disease by longitudinal wave patterns B earden refers to work by French scientist Kervran Russian scientist Kaznacheyev, who proved that any disease could be transmitted electromagnetically.

"Your thoughts are not your own" Since 1975 Russia... was for banning these new Frightful Weapons sas Space Preservation Act 2005 Kucinich introduced and did no t pass. Russia and China scapegoated as Ruthless. Now Israel, Always with excuse s... and not new (1940) Hitler era development and testing was 1950's FOIA. Page 1 of 24 Bearden was a target and lives a long life programmed with dis-informat ion as agents of CIA. Below! Science skewed and Scientists duped during research 50 yrs ago. 1 of 3 Chapter. Accelerating maladies for 50+ yrs since Directed Energy Weapon with newcomers st ill induced today. Stimulating DNA Remotely and Central Nervous System/Cancer cells/Immune/Skin and ABNORMALITIES!

Scalar Wars The Brave New World of Scalar Electromagnetics by Bill Morgan For the past six months I have been undergoing the greatest paradigm shift I hav e ever had to go through. It has rattled my nerves and shaken my bones. This int ense adjustment of my "world" has come about by studying the information given b y Col. Tom Bearden at his website Cheniere. The new knowledge there has necessit ated a total revision of my ideas about physical reality, the world we live in, and the future of humanity. This paradigm shifting even actually made me dizzy o n certain days as I tried to absorb and digest Bearden's vast amount of informat ion. I am not a scientist at all, just a layman, and I have little comprehension of the math and high physics of this new science called "Scalar Electromagnetic s." But there is a great deal of information at Cheniere which needs to become c ommon knowledge as fast as possible, for the sake of the survival of life on ear th. To that end I have put together this small primer of Bearden's ideas, as a k ind of "beginner's guide" to his website. (I have tried to underline certain wor ds and phrases which are part of the new "jargon" of talking about these "new" p henomena. Also I have taken the liberty of bolding certain words and phrases to help them stick in the mind). (Note: Throughout "EM" means "electromagnetic," and "LW" means "longitudinal wav e") This article has six sections:

New Waves 2. Tapping the Waves 3. Weaponization 4. Healing 5. Psychoenergetics 6 . As It Stands 1. New waves discovered Longitudinal EM energy fills vacuum of space, the time domain of spacetime, time as compressed energy, E=tc2, waves of time, phase conjugate wave pairs. "Electric power is everywhere present in unlimited quantities and can drive the world's machinery without the need of coal, oil, gas, or any other of the common fuels." Nikola Tesla "At any point and at any time, one can freely and inexpensively extract enormous EM energy flows directly from the active vacuum itself." Tom Beardenwas a Lt Co l Physicist (1960) I guess the first thing to try to comprehend is that a "new" kind of electromagn etic (EM) wave has been discovered in the empty vacuum of space called longitudi nal waves, which, when engineered, can be an inexhaustible supply of energy in g reat magnitude at any place in the universe. The word "new" is in quotes because the discovery really goes back to Nikola Tesla and his discovery of what he cal led "radiant energy." It is also not "new" because the Russians (KGB) have been working on this technology for over 30 years and have weaponized these "new" lon gitudinal scalar waves to a great degree. These are the very weapons Nikita Khrushchev spoke of in January, 1960. "By 1957-8 the Soviets had progressed to the point of a giant scalar EM accident in the Urals which exploded nearby atomic wastes, devastating the area. They ha d also progressed to development of great new superweapons using their new energ etics - weapons to which Khrushchev referred in 1960 when he informed the Soviet Presidium of a new, fantastic weapon in development, a weapon so powerful that it could wipe out all life on earth if unrestrainedly employed.'" Tom Bearden After over 30 years of development, and extensive testing around the globe, thes e new scalar electromagnetic weapons are up and running and ready to go. Tom Bea rden, at his website Cheniere, discusses the history of these new scalar electro magnetic weapons in his paper "Historical Background of Scalar EM Weapons." Deborah Dupre Censored Gulf news: UN scientists turn on UN-Al Gore's mind control (video) December 19th, 2010 10:04 pm ET /un-scientists-turn-on-un-and-al-gore Hundreds of billion dollars have been wasted with the attempt of imposing a Anth ropogenic Global Warming (AGW) theory that is not supported by physical world ev idences...AGW has been forcefully imposed by means of a barrage of scare stories and indoctrination that begins in the elementary school textbooks. -- Brazilian Geologist Geraldo Lus Lino, who authored the 2009 book The Global Warming Fraud : How a Natural Phenomenon Was Converted into a False World Emergency. _________________________________________ UN scientists are among others who have turned on the UN and Al Gore. Over 1000 international scientists from around the globe have written and recently release d a new report challengingUnited Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Chan ge (IPCC) and former Vice President Al Goreclaims about man-made global warming, blacking-out military manipulation of the environment with secret weapons syste ms while instilling panic and fear through mind control. Mind controlled on climate change "Mind control, the ultimate human rights violation, refers to a broad range of p sychological tactics, most often fear-based, that subvert an individual's contro l of his or her own thinking, behavior, emotions, and/or decision making." (A go ry truth about climate change mind control, Dupre, D.,Examiner, Dec. 6, 2009) The new climate report was presented at the recent United Nations Climate Change Conference in Cancun, Mexico on December 9. It includes choice statements such as that highlighted below by Mark Morano ofClimate Depot: In essence, the jig is up. The whole thing is a fraud. And even the fraudsters t hat fudged data are admitting to temperature history that they used to say didn' t happen...Perhaps what has doomed the Climategate fraudsters the most was their

brazenness in fudging the data -- Dr. Christopher J. Kobus, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Oakland University, specializes in alternative ene rgy, thermal transport phenomena, two-phase flow and fluid and thermal energy sy stems." (SPECIAL REPORT: More Than 1000 International Scientists Dissent Over Ma n-Made Global Warming Claims - Challenge UN IPCC & Gore) The dissenting scientists now number more than 20 times the number of UN scienti sts promoting the UN's "media-hyped" climate change promoted in"Summary for Poli cymakers" according to the new report. How did the world fall for the UN-Al Gore climate change program? The answer is provided in a recent Rense Radio Program,Rense & Jacobson - Mind Control in Amer icadeveloped into edutainment on Youtube. The presentation documents "the myriad of sophisticated ways a nation's population is socially engineered, primarily t hrough media" writes Mr. Rense.(Youtube: Eo) "All media is propaganda," stated Dr. Steven Jacobson, introducing the radio pro gram on the subject of mind control as a weapon of war. Dr. Jacobson believes th at "All the problems in America are the result of people being led to believe th ings that are not true." "Television is by far the most powerful weapon in psychological warfare in histo ry." "It tells us what's right and wrong, what's acceptable and not acceptable - just as ancient ways of sitting around a fire story telling." The difference between the power of ancient circle learning and television is TV 's refined high-technology for the purpose of manipulating. On his website, Dr. Jacobson states, "Modern technology allows the implementation of these age-old p rinciples on a massive scale to influence the thinking and behavior of large num bers of people. The ultimate control is to control people without their consciou s awareness." Television induces the state of mind most favorable to losing all sense of time and space, plugging into our nervous system, thus losing capacity for critical t hinking according to the Rense-Jacobson interview. Jacobson stated: "We were born into a system of lies and deception, right from he get go... that many people except as being the way things are... considering it natural and nor mal...If we do not have all the facts on any given issue, our judgement can only be as good as the quality of our information.If we've only been fed half-truths or partial truths, we are disadvantaged." Likewise, despite popularity of some top "alternative" media sources providing i nformation mainstream media does not, although consistently feeding the public w ith many full truths but omitting other important truths is an equally dangerous weapon. Tuning into these controlled sources makes the listener and viewer also controlled, disadvantaged - without even realizing it. Control of media for propaganda campaigns, with "information going right into th e subconscious... going past all filters waiting there to be called up" is the p rimary way people are mind controlled stated Mr. Rense in the interview. Mr. Rense also states that with television mind control, the trick is to change the state of mind, to disarm it, to take its defenses down, or otherwise modify it so the material can go right into the subconscious,to be called up when the p roper stimulation is encountered. It makesthe viewer "amenable to all kinds of i nput which 'they' design all so carefully." The television is thus a primary weapon to keep people in a state of fear. "Keeping people afraid for long periods of time is a sign of psychological warfa re," Jacobson said. The carefully designed fear-based man-made global warming PSYOP has been particu larly injurious to children, poor people in developing countries and environment ally conscious citizens' who used valuable resources to address what they have b een told. This PYSOP has been yet another grand-scale mind control maneuver that directed attention away from U.S. military technnological advances that have ca pacity for profound environmental changes. Still today, most environmentalists d o not prioritize in their programs debating and halting this technology in the h

ands of military. The new Climate Depot report might help. The new report is an updated version of the 2009 Senate Report that had over 400 scientists who voiced skepticism about the so-called global warming consensus f eatures skeptical voices of over 1,000 international scientists. Many of these a re present and former UN IPCC scientists - now turned against the UN IPCC. (The link to the Complete 321-Page PDF Special Report is here.) Climategate has seen scientists such as noted Princeton Physicist Dr. Robert Aus tin publicly statingshortly after the scandal broke, "I view Climategate as scie nce fraud, pure and simple," . (See: The Gory truth about climate change mind co ntrol, Dupr, D., Examiner, Dec. 6, 2009) The updated 2010 report includes a dramatic increase of over 300 additional (and growing) scientists and climate researchers since its the last update in March 2009. Military climate manipulation: Geo-warmaking International authority on environmental modification military weapon technology , Sister Rosalie Bertell who authored the book, "Planet Earth: The Latest Weapon of War - A Critical Study into the Military and the Environment" (see video bel ow) and was the 1986 recipient of the Right Livelihood award has recently led a related Petition Signed by RightLivelihood Laureates at their 30th Anniversary C onference in Bonn, Germany, 14-20 September 2010. A frail child from birth, Sister Rosalie Bertell knew early in her life that she would become a nun. She is a Grey Nun of the Sacred Heart, GNSH with a doctorat e in biometry. Also known as "The Anti-nuclear Nun," Sr. Bertell, an Environment al Epidemologist, recently circulated an email for additional Petition signature s. In her email, she simply and directly stated: "It is morally reprehensible and an offense against humanity and the Earth to in terfere with the normal function of the planetary system to cause or enhance sto rms, hurricanes, tsunamis, monsoons, mud slides, draught, flooding, earth quakes or volcano eruptions." Geophysical weapons manipulate processes in the earths crust, and its liquid and gaseous mantle, for military purposes. In the article, Censored Gulf News: Scientists call on Obama to stop chem-sprayi ng, this reporter wrote: "The military-BP Gulf of Mexico catastrophe is the result of ENMOD, "Environment al Modification Techniques". ENMOD refers to any technique for changing - throug h deliberate manipulation of natural processes - the dynamics, composition or st ructure of the Earth, including its biota, lithosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphe re, or of outer space." (Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques, United Nations, Geneva: 18 May 1977 cited inWhat are environmental modification techniques? Human Rights i nfo 101, Dupre, Examiner, Dec. 6. 2009) Chemical aerial spraying, also called "chemtrailing," is technically called Stra tospheric Aerosol Geoengineering (SAG). Geoengineering, the artificial modificat ion of the earth's climate systems, is an environment modification (ENMOD) scien ce for "deliberate manipulation of natural processes - the dynamics, composition or structure of the Earth, including its biota, lithosphere, hydrosphere and at mosphere, or of outer space that can be applied as a weapon of mass destruction. " This is being applied in the Gulf of Mexico region by both drilling into the e arth floor, pouring chemicals into the hole, and ongoing chemical aerial sprayin g. In this writer's July 25 article, Censored Gulf News: Toxic Rain for Core Exit, it was stated, "The closer people are to the Gulf, the less chance they have for surviving chemicals aerial sprayed by the PMIC based on science of geoengineeri ng that researches and develops geophysical WMDs." It was also predicted that northern Europeans would suffer and many wouldnot sur vive the Gulf operation'skilling of the Gulf and Atlantic currents. (See: Gulf c

riminals freeze to death N Europeans, Dupr, D., Examiner, Dec. 3, 2010) Sr. Bertelli states in her presentation videoed and is embedded below that the m ilitary has been working to change direction of the newly discovered Vapour Rive rs that keep Earth's waters circulating, and to change jet streams, such as thos e above the Atlantic Ocean. But this is another example of information not provi ded on mainstream press or by controlled "alternative" media sources, therefore not prioritized by most alternative groups, environmentalists and other "progres sives." Research Chemist William C. Gilbert published a study in August 2010 in the jour nal Energy & Environment titled The thermodynamic relationship between surface t emperature and water vapor concentration in the troposphere and a paper in Augus t 2009 titled Atmospheric Temperature Distribution in a Gravitational Field. [Up date December 9, 2010] Gilbert states in the new report: I am ashamed of what climate science has become today. The science community is relying on an inadequate model to blame CO2 and innocent citizens for global war ming in order to generate funding and to gain attention. If this is what 'scienc e' has become today, I, as a scientist, am ashamed. Rather than instilling fear, shame, or misdirection, Sr. Bertell has empowered m any scientists, environmentalists, and others to advance that which is best for humanity and the planet with her unique depth ofknowledge, wisdom and compassion . Sr. Bertell reminds us: "We have to be part of something larger than ourselves, because our dreams are o ften bigger than our lifetimes." (Photo: Sister Rosalie Bertell/My Hero Project) Copyright 2010 Deborah Dupr. All rights reserved. This article cannot be copied, posted, emailed, or republished without author permission. The author grants pe rmission to copy this article title and first paragraph only - linked to this Ex aminer page. Deborah Dupr, B.Sci, MA. Sci, DipContEd, QMHP from U.S. and Australian universit ies, human and environmental rights advocate over 25 years in U.S., Vanuatu and Australia. Support her work by subscribing to her articles and forwarding the li nk of this article to friends and colleagues or reposting only title and first p aragraph linked to this Examiner page. Email Send targeti ng and Gulf illness news tips to her with name or anonymously. See her Vaccine L iberty or Death book plus Compassion Film Project DVDs at GULF AID URGENTLY NEEDED Obtain a Toxic Survival Kit or have one delivered to a Gulf Coast resident in ne ed: See Gulf Coast Barefoot Doctors online or email Lea rn to become a Gulf Coast Barefoot Doctor here. Supplies are not meeting demand. Please help. Send aid to Gulf victims by visiting Coastal Heritage Society of Louisiana, spea rheaded by humanitarians Joannie Hughes and Kindra Arnesen. (See: ) Sign Louisiana's Petition to stop BP/NOAA PR campaign in Louisiana Schools tea ching that oil and Corexit are safe. Make Gulf incident reports and view the ong oing, rapidly increasing incidents at Text or call in reports to (504) 27 27 OILSome Immediate Implications The implications of successful engineering of the longitudinal waves are enormou s, and will change the world as we know it, one way or another. Among other thin gs, these discoveries mean that: 1. The solutions to the energy crisis and the "oil problem" are in hand. These o il wars are unnecessary. There is endless energy available freely from the domai n of time. 2. Unbelievably powerful weapons are not only possible, but are already operatin g in several nations. The many powers of these weapons are unprecedented and min d-boggling. 3. The cure of diseases such as cancer and AIDS, in fact nearly any disease, has become possible within a few years of sufficient funding. Everyone can be made healthy and stay healthy.

4. Mind control on a mass scale has now become possible, and the machines to do it are already in place in certain nations. It has become possible to mentally e nslave whole populations with the twist of a few dials. So the layman will need to understand that there is a new kind of electromagneti c energy that is altogether different from what he knows, e.g. radio, TV, cell p hones, etc. The ordinary EM waves that we have known about are called transverse EM waves, to distinguish them from the new longitudinal EM waves.These scalar w aves do not actually exist in our "material" world, but exist only in the vacuum of empty space, or the time domain. And we must keep in mind that this vacuum o f space we speak of exists all through everything. Even our bodies are mostly em pty space between atoms and molecules. So the gateway to this seething ocean of energy can be there at every point in the universe. This seething ocean of energ y is all around us and all through us. Emptiness is Full This amazing discovery announces that the "emptiness" of empty space is in fact not empty, but a great ocean of seething energy! Col. Bearden refers to this ocean of energy as being of the "time domain."It see ms like something from Star Trek but this is where scalar electromagnetics has c ome to. And where it is going may be beyond anything Star Trek could have dreame d of. We live in a 3-dimensional world, which physics calls "3-space." But there is al so spacetime, or 4-space, or the "4th dimension." Then suddenly comes this amazi ng new knowledge that time itself is actually compressed energy. And it is energ y which is compressed by exactly the same factor by which matter is considered c ompressed energy: the speed-of-light-squared! So we have a new companion to the famous E=mc2. It is now paired with E=tc2 (whe re t is actually "delta-t," or change in time). Or (amaze your family and friend s and) say: "E equals em-cee-squared" and "E equals delta-tee-cee-squared" It has a nice ring to it, like some freedom bell announcing a new era. And as the atomic bomb released the compressed energy in matter, so can we now u nleash the tremendous energy that is compressed into time itself. It gives a com pletely new meaning to the term "time bomb." Some New Terminology of Scalar Electromagnetics A new science, several new names "Those [Russian] weapon scientists resurrected an old term from the history of e lectrodynamics, called "energetics". That is their approach to a unified field t heory, where everything is based on "energetics". This model as its foundations uses a very similar approach to that "single fundamental unit" model, where ener gy is the unit. If one makes the energy EM in nature, then one has the Russian e nergetics approach. This unified approach gathers everything in, including all e nergy actions and relations in inert matter (the first branch of energetics, cal led by the same name), all field and matter interactions in living matter (the s econd branch of energetics, called "bioenergetics"), and all mind operations and mind-matter interactions (the third branch of energetics, called "psychoenerget ics"). [ed: sometimes also called "psychotronics" by the Russians] Rick Andersen in an article called "What is Scalar Electromagnetics?" describes the new science this way: "Scalar EM is the brainchild of Lt. Col. (retired) Thomas E. Bearden, a systems analyst and wargames specialist who has been advocating a view of electromagneti cs which is based on the notion of a vast, unseen background of scalar energies (as opposed to vector energies) which underlie all physical reality. "If Bearden is correct in his Scalar EM theory, then we can build devices which would enable us to alter gravity, time, inertia, and the apparent mass of an obj ect. This of course has ENORMOUS implications for military applications, space-v ehicle drives, time-travel, teleportation, paranormal phenomena, and just about every other area one can think of." "Time-energy, time-currents, and time-structuring play the dominant role in elec

tromagnetics. Time-as-energy eventually becomes engineerable, as easily as is sp atial energy now. We are always dealing with spacetime and with spacetime curvat ure." Bearden: 2000 paper.doc The scalar energy discovered in the vacuum of space is sometimes called "zero-po int" energy. Thomas Valone explains how this term came about. 2. Tapping the waves Endless free energy, Tesla's radiant energy, the dipole as the gateway to the en ergy of the void, MEG in one year, Bedini, Yakuza, etc. End of Oil, geopolitical chaos, rogue groups Move Over G.E. & Big Oil, Energy is Everywhere! Third-world nations set to rise "Certain powerful interests did not wish the extended electromagnetics to be dis covered or taught. That, after all, would lead to free energy and loss of econom ic control of the citizens. That was precisely why Nikola Tesla had already been suppressed ... Today it is still being suppressed by the orthodox establishment ." The vast seething ocean of energy of the vacuum, the longitudinal scalar EM wave s of the time domain, can now be tapped and "transduced" into ordinary (transver se) EM energy in our 3-Space world. The process can be compared to putting a pad dlewheel into a river. The energy acquired is free, since the river is there flo wing whether we tap it or not. And it is a mighty river, and is not diminished b y our paddlewheel. This means that a permanent solution to the "energy crisis" is at hand, if only those who hold it so secret would give it up to humankind. It means our species' insane use of oil is no longer necessary. We can make auto mobiles that need no fuel at all. We can build motors that power themselves. It means that unlimited electrical power can be available for free anywhere in the world. Every house and even shack can have its own power supply. Of course there is the cost of the equipment at first, but the energy flow is fr ee for the presumably very long life (no moving parts) of the generator. It will probably take decades to shift over to scalar power. But the ability to tap the scalar (longitudinal) EM waves of the vacuum (which e xists everywhere) also means that unbelievably powerful weapons can be, and alre ady have been developed. In fact these weapons are so dangerous that the fear en gendered becomes a psychological obstacle to the grasping of the facts. I struggled with this myself for months, and even though Tom Bearden had complet ely convinced me already, it is hard to accept the fact that for everyone on ear th the "worst that might happen" has suddenly gotten much worse. It takes time t o deal with that, to realize it and get over it. Indeed, the possibilities of these new weapons, which are tapping the huge energ ies of time, are so terrifying it is natural for the mind to simply say: "I don' t want to hear about that." And the government, likewise, pretends these weapons do not exist and tries to k eep it secret from the people. Because most people would indeed be truly alarmed to know the actual situation. Col. Tom Bearden has decided that the people need to know the truth anyway. As a People on a Planet we must face this now, and ba n the use of scalar weapons in war or in mass mind control. The current deployme nt of these weapons is a world emergency which we must all face. The physics and mathematics of the longitudinal waves and the time domain are cl early beyond the layman, but I recommend scanning through them anyway just to ge t a sense of the wonder and the elegance of it all and some of the exotic terms which are used. Two of the most important papers by Col. Bearden are: Giant Negentropy from the Common Dipole The Final Secret of Free Energy. Despite the complexity of the science involved, Bearden sums up the essential se cret of it all in a few words.

"There is no problem at all in extracting all the energy one wishes from the act ive vacuum, anywhere in the universe, at any time. Just make a dipole. The problem is in (1) catching some of that freely gushing EM energy in a circui t containing a load, and (2) dissipating the caught and collected EM energy in t hat load to power it, without using half the caught energy to destroy the source dipole's). That is the ONLY real energy problem on the planet, and always has been." A dipole could be a battery, which is polarized into negative and positive. Or t he terminals of a generator. Or any magnet with its two poles. Or an atom with i ts positive and negative charges. Or the earth's magnetic field, the sun, and al l heavenly bodies. Even a galaxy must be some kind of mega-dipole. Wherever ther e is a dipole there is already immense scalar EM energy ushering out of and back into the vacuum. And there have already been demonstrated a number of diverse m ethods for tapping that energy as it flows. (John Bedini, Edwin Gray, Bruce de P alma, and others). Bearden provides what he calls a "partial list" on his websit e. "In other words, nature then gladly gives us as much EM energy flow as we need, indefinitely just for paying a tiny little bit initially to "make the little dip ole." After that, we never have to pay anything again, and nature will happily k eep on pouring out that 3-flow of EM energy for us. This is the giant negentropy mechanism I uncovered, performed in the simplest way imaginable: just make an o rdinary little dipole." Bearden Energy Crisis.doc Free Energy has been Suppressed Secret Government Aware of Free Energy "In this world of contemporary times, all the agencies, CIA, FBI, KGB, NSA, Elec tric Power Research Institute, DARPA, Brookings Institution, Henry Kissinger, Ed ward Teller, et al., all are aware of [free-energy researcher Bruce] De Palma an d his ideas. "Because these individuals and institutions are employed by the ruling elite to forecast the future and satisfy present needs and demands, it is clear that free energy is a threat to the world order constructed by business and the mindset o f those who want to own the world. "Free energy represents Man's aspirations and dreams of freedom and equality, un iform division of resources and the ability to choose one's own future. "The fact that free energy is suppressed speaks to the greed and self-interest o f a ruling elite which, even in the face of an emergency of global starvation, r esource depletion and environmental pollution, will not give one inch if it mean s loss of control. This is an attitude of paranoid delusion and fantasy which ca n only arise from the alienation of a class of elitists who, through their money , are completely insulated from the reality of the day to day fight for existenc e of the common man." Bearden describes one case of suppression when the Yakuza killed the Kawai engin e in his very presence in Huntsville, Alabama. "That night a jet arrived from Los Angeles, with a Yakuza on board. The next mor ning Kawai no longer controlled his company, his invention, or his own fate. The Kawai party was in fear and trembling. The Yakuza coldly dissolved the agreemen t, they packed up the two Kawai engines we had, and left. And that was that." So it is not only governments who are keeping this revolutionary technology from seeing the light of day. The Yakuza? KGB? The Aum Shinrikyo cult? Our "leaders" need to be honest about what is going on, otherwise they look foolish, acting o ut a kind of "Alice In Wonderland" script before the public, a script that has b ecome completely unbelievable. Concerning the criminal withholding of this scalar technology by the military bl ack-budget people, and the cover-up of the actual situation regarding scalar wea pons throughout the world, Tom has this to say: "The high government officials of the United States of America grossly violated

our constitution and their sworn oaths of office. Our constitution specifically charges the government of the United States to defend the people of the United S tates. That means our officials are specifically charged with defending our peop le. Yet they deliberately agreed not to do so, and they deliberately sacrificed us in advance. "They committed treason of the highest kind, by deliberately surrendering us to total destruction anytime the big balloon goes up." Bearden Energy Crisis Solved One of the "must read" documents at Cheniere is The Unnecessary Energy Crisis: H ow to Solve It Quickly, especially since the "oil wars," which Bearden has fores een for decades, have now already begun. U.S. Defense Secretary William Cohen Warns about eco-terrorism using scalar electromagnetic weapons "Others [terrorists] are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use o f electromagnetic waves... So there are plenty of ingenious minds out there that are at work finding ways in which they can wreak terror upon other nations...It 's real, and that's the reason why we have to intensify our [counter terrorism] efforts." - Defense Secretary William Cohen, 1997 In a letter to a writer named "Russell" Bearden says, "In short, Russell, the Secretary of Defense of the United States confirmed that there are indeed novel kinds of EM weapons, right now and have been for some ti me, which have been and are being used to (1) initiate earthquakes, (2) engineer the weather and climate, and (3) initiate the eruption of volcanoes. We wrote a bout those exact uses of the weaponry decades ago. Several nations now have such weapons. Three of them (two on one side and the other on a hostile side) are ev en firing practice shots into Western Australia, as a convenient test range." Tesla Howitzers in Weather mode How to Make Weather "Engineering the weather is duck soup; they tested that over the U.S. in 1967, a nd entered upon continuing operations over North America on July 4, 1976 as a gr im kind of KGB "Bicentennial Gift" to the United States. Here's how it is done w ith several interferometers. In another section at Cheniere are many photos of cloud anomalies which reveal t he underlying grid along which the clouds are forming or un-forming. Bearden rel ates a startling incident in these clandestine ongoing "weather wars." "During the spring of 1986, abnormally strong Soviet weather engineering occurre d over the U. S., causing a drastic drought in the southeastern U.S. This drough t was broken by a colleague who used an extremely powerful scalar EM device to r edirect jetstreams. A most unusual and unique signature of the "blocking" agains t the Soviet scalar EM actions resulted: Two huge circulations developed in the atmosphere, clearly showed as two adjacent giant "holes" in the swirling cloud c over over the middle and eastern U.S. "Between these two giant holes, the cloud circulations formed a stream of clouds , moving to the south, looking very: much like a giant vertical "bar" of a huge "Y-shaped" cloud flow.* Several national weathermen commented on this unusual pa ttern, which had not been observed before. The pattern continued, day after day, as the blocking continued." * On the weather maps. Tesla Howitzers in Earthquake mode How to Make an Earthquake "Here's how you initiate a very large earthquake with such weapons. Take a conve nient fault zone of set of them. Focus the interferometry on the fault zone, in the "diverging" mode, and deposit EM energy there in the rocks on both sides, in creasing (slowly) the stress in the rocks by the reverse piezoelectric effect (d eposit excess energy, get crystal mechanical movements). "Do it slowly, and the stress will build up to large pressures well-above a plat

e slip minimum energy required. At some point, the rocks yield and one or both s ides "slip" and move rather sharply, giving a very large earthquake in that zone . "Do the same thing down in the earth (remember, LWs easily penetrate right throu gh the earth and ocean at will, and so the "interference zone" focus can be insi de the earth or beneath the ocean, at will. "Anyway, focus this thing down to where the active part of the volcano is still slumbering, down where the hole in the plate has been made. Keep increasing the deposition of energy in the magma itself, and eventually the increasing pressure from deep within that volcano, underground, will cause an eruption. Build the e nergy slow, and the eruption will likely be much larger." Yugoslav Earthquake, Followed by Cold Explosion Strange Characteristics of Iran Quake, Sep. 1978 Tesla Howitzers in Tesla's "Big Eye" mode How to make a Big Eye in the Sky Tesla Howitzers can destroy all life on earth How to Make a Storm on the Sun!! (Just make a big mistake with your Tesla howitzers) The deepest dangers of the use of scalar weapons are frighteningly pointed out b y Bearden here where he considers that the sun, earth and moon (actually the who le solar system) is a delicately balanced arrangement of scalar (longitudinal) E M radiation.There is a scalar connection between the earth and the sun, which ar e both giant dipoles gushing energy in the time domain. Big scalar events on the earth could alter this balance causing true catastrophe. "Indeed, a solar response could be stimulated so that the Sun would violently be lch and destroy our biosphere, among other effects." Unrestrained scalar warfare could cause huge solar storms? To realize that human activity could actually affect the sun itself is truly mind boggling. Bearden goes on to say: "Accordingly, use of huge scalar EM weapons is a double-edged sword. Unless care fully employed, use of the weapons could cause a terrible backlash to the user a s well as the victim, and even accidentally cause the destruction of the earth i tself. It is not accidental that in 1960 Khrushchev stated that his new fantasti c weapon could -- if unrestrainedly used -- destroy all life on earth. "This appalling backlash potential is apparently what prompted Brezhnev in 1975 to make so strong an effort to get agreement to outlaw the development of "new w eapons of mass destruction" more frightful than the mind of man had even dreamed of. Gromyko even introduced such a draft agreement into the proceedings of the United Nations. The first article of the draft agreement indicated that the natu re of the weapons referred to would be negotiated. Sadly, the entire Western wor ld did not even know what the Russians were talking about." 3b. Tesla domes provide near-perfect defense shield. The Tesla howitzers can be used in a nearly impregnable defensive mode whereby t hey throw up a dome (Tesla Dome) or a sphere (Tesla Globe) of highly powerful el ectromagnetic energy, enough to "dud" or destroy missiles which try to penetrate them. Once again, this energy is not going through space from the howitzer, but being made to emerge from the local vacuum at the location of the shell. KGB te sts of these domes have been witnessed by airline pilots around the world. Beard en gives many examples of the Tesla domes being sighted around the world in his briefing paper "Fer-de-Lance." (Russian dome test, another globe incident, yet a nother globe test). These giant electromagnetic domes can be hundreds of miles a cross, or narrowed down more to total impermeability. 3c. Rogue Groups in the government Bearden fears that these scalar electromagnetic secrets may have fallen into the hands of what he called secret "rogue groups" within the labyrinthine depths of the black-ops special-access domain of the secret government. "In the extreme, such a deep black program can even become a "captured" program," he says, "which is totally in the hands of rogues and no longer reports to or is bound by the d

ictates of the parent government." "They have their own agendas. And being rogue groups, they may well bring in une thical, immoral tricks: assassination, bribery, entrapment, disinformation, plau sible deniability, etc. A certain percentage of a highly secret rogue group will wind up using all these things and more. It's a human characteristic, the old p rimate dominance game. Only now disguised and hidden under deep classification. ... "In highly classified groups, these groups are greatly enabled to joust more wid ely, unethically, and immorally because it is so deeply hidden. So very deep cla ssification evokes the growth and intensity of rogue groups. It's the old 'Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely' routine. ... Due to loose for mation of rogue groups inside such programs, they may have dual or triple purpos es, may not operate under very much legitimate government control at all, and ma y operate specifically for the purposes of the rogue group or groups that have g ained control." "The involvement of at least some rogue groups, some being "cowboys" who operate well outside all laws and ethics, could also result in such things as assassina tions, clandestine testing on individuals without their consent, etc. In short, it could account for what seems to be actually occurring. " articles/mind control3/p05.htm 3d. World War III has already begun Because it is now possible to cripple the power grids and electronics of any nat ion, that nation could be reduced to economic ruin without ever firing an actual "shot." Without electricity Wall Street cannot operate. Without electricity you quickly need martial law. One no longer needs to wage a conventional war anymor e at all. There are now lots of new ways to bring any nation to its knees. "We are at war, whether we like it or not. And we are going to have strategic st rikes on an unparalleled scale for us. Pearl Harbor was nothing compared to what is coming down, once we consider the "augmentation" and such. "When that factor is considered, then it's a totally new ball game on replacing the power system. There isn't going to be much choice; the old one is going to b e destroyed or so badly crippled that it will collapse the U.S. economy in a way we have not seen since 1929. Of course, in such a case hitting us, we will be u nder martial law, the works, everywhere. For one thing, it's the only way you ca n keep the cities from imploding from within, by the criminal element, looting, robbing, killing, etc. Simply wait and see; it's on the way." Although Bearden has for years decried the "scalar-gap," and chided the military for falling so far behind the Russian KGB in the field of scalar electromagneti cs, recent statements indicate that things may at last have changed somewhat. "In the new war, the first phase of WW III has already been completed. Hence Pre sident Bush's recognition that this is a total war, and has to be taken to the e nemy no matter where he may be hiding or in what sanctuary or in what foreign na tion. This is an entirely different war than anything the U.S. has ever fought i n its history. And before it is over, it is going to kill more Americans than ha ve died in all the previous wars in our history. The news media and the public h ave not yet recognized that awful situation and predicament. Most are already th inking that, well, we won in Afghanistan so it's just about over. Instead, it ha s only just begun. "Anyway, that's a brief uptake on some of the weapon situation today. Some 10 na tions or more now have LWIs, and five have the QPs. I'm still working on how man y have the appalling negative EMP weapons, but would estimate 6 or 7 nations hav e them in one stage or the other, either deployed or in at least advanced develo pment. And in my estimation, the Yakuza will have them within three to five year s if they have to build them themselves, and quicker if they can buy them from t he Russians, Chinese, or???" Bearden When he was asked the question "Does the government listen to Tom Bearden?" Bear den said: "Let me speak carefully. I am very satisfied with how I've been listened to in t he quarters where the rubber meets the road. The West is no longer defenseless,

not by any means. Cannot amplify it further than that." Bearden has briefed the government a number of times and the Cheniere website co ntains a great number of his graphic military briefing slides. 3e. Are the Russians making "UFOs?" Scalar electromagnetics engineering opens the possibility of antigravity vehicle s and "hyperspace travel." In other words we can now make our own UFO's! Of such scalar-powered antigravity vehicles, which have now become possible, Bearden ha s this to say: Also see: Interview with Tom Bearden (Slide from 4. Healing powers of longitudinal waves Healing via longitudinal waves, time reversal of cells (de-differentiation), Pri ore's machine, Beardens proposed "blanket" version, using the electric power gri d for healing waves or for broadcasting disease patterns. Scalar Biowar. The good news! "Any sort of disease whatsoever - physical or mental - will be rapidly curable, simply and cheaply. It will be possible to reverse aging and rejuvenate the pers on. It will be possible to regrow limbs and straighten misshapen spines - and di rectly remove the causes of mental diseases and cure them as well. Lifespan will be staggeringly increased, without 'old age's debilitation.' AIDS, cancer, leuk emia, and genetic diseases will be completely conquered. The potential for a tru e golden era is upon us, for all humanity." Bearden- Proof of the healing powers of longitudinal waves from the vacuum is seen in the work of Antoine Priore who produced longitudinal scalar waves using a gigantic glass tube filled with plasma.He himself did not understand why it worked or how it cured cancer in animals. "The Priore team cured terminal tumors, trypanosomias, and other dread diseases in laboratory animals in France, in the 1960s and 1970s, under rigorous scientif ic protocols by eminent scientists. The Priore project was funded by the French Government to the tune of several millions of dollars (equivalent). http://www.e ". . . Prior's machines concretely demonstrated a nearly 100% cure of all kinds of terminal cancers and leukemias, in thousands of rigorous laboratory tests wit h animals. These results were shown to medical scientists as early as 1960." htt p:// Bearden has stated that the longitudinal EM waves can have a healing effect beca use they always come in pairs called "phase conjugate pairs" and one of the pair is time-reversed. This enables engineering of the waves to "pump" the cells of the body (with waves from the time domain) and actually time-reverse the cells b ack to a previous healthy condition. The scalar cure of cancer does not involve killing the cancer cells but rather pumping them with time energy into a previou s condition.I know, this seems miraculous, and is it not? Priore and his giant plasma tube This healing power in the longitudinal waves of the time domain is a mind-boggli ng thing to face. It took me months to get through it, and to suffer the fact th at the cure for cancer and AIDS was right there, in this new scalar electromagne tics technology, and that it has been kept back from the people for so many deca des now. Bearden has a great deal to say about the work of Priore, who himself did not un derstand why his machine worked. Priore did not know about the longitudinal scal ar waves of the time domain. In fact, Tom Bearden has supplied, at last, the mis sing explanation as to how that big giant two-story glass tube consistently cure d cancer in animals. "The medical implications are enormous. By just reversing the damaged cells back to a previous physical state, this gives a physics mechanism for controlled cel lular dedifferentiation, in biology terms. Physicians will time-reverse diseased , damaged or aged cells back to an earlier healthy condition, including all the

cellular genetics. Normal cells are just reversed to a slightly younger conditio n." "We believe this mechanism explains the revolutionary but baffling electromagnet ic cures achieved by a team of outstanding French scientists in the 1960s and ea rly 70s, working with inventor Antoine Prior. In lab animals, cures were achieve d for terminal tumors, infectious diseases such as trypanosomiasis, and atherios clerosis. In addition, deliberately suppressed immune systems were dramatically restored. "We hypothesize that this is the long-sought mechanism of how the living body he als itself. In short, the body's cellular control system induces cellular revers al by weak time-domain pumping of the damaged cells and the affected area. The c ellular regeneration system performs all healing of cellular damage in the body; the immune system heals nothing, not even its own damaged cells) . "For the first time medical science can develop as a science of healing rather t han a science of intervention. And it will develop as a science of unlimited hea ling, since no pathogen can resist action by curved spacetime engines." Bearden 2000 paper.doc See Priore's machine See Slides of how it works. Bearden has extended the Priore work, with the previously missing knowledge now in place, and designed a revised system (for irradiating the body with longitudi nal waves) which gets rid of Priore's giant glass plasma tube and uses instead a n antenna unit which surrounds the body. He has also provided the missing explan ation of how it works. There is an article from "Explore" magazine, Part I and P art II. In fact, Bearden has presented to the U.S. government a plan to use a portable v ersion of a Scalar Healing Blanket where wire channels in the blanket act as a s calar antenna, which can both send and receive scalar electromagnetic waves. A t wo minute treatment of the waves is sufficient to restore the body to its earlie r healthy condition. Thus even thousands could be treated easily and quickly in a biowar mass attack situation. "To defend against things like anthrax attacks on our civilian population center s, we also have recommended to the U.S. Government the crash development of smal l, portable treatment machinesusing similar "antiengine-forming" and cellular re versing "porthole technology". [See Figure 13 on previous page]. Such portable m achines could be developed cheaply and quickly, and present government facilitie s could be used to massively attack the correlate database production problem."T he portable treatment units could be cranked out by the hundreds of thousands an d flooded down through emergency response agencies such as the police forces, th e National Guard, emergency hospitals, emergency response teams, etc." Bearden articles/mind control3/p04.htm The Scalar Healing Blanket would fit into large suitcase. It has three basic par ts, the longitudinal wave generator, a laptop computer, and the antenna-blanket. The plan was a stroke of Bearden's genius, but unfortunately it fell on befuddl ed government ears. "Unfortunately, so far the DOD [Dept. of Defense] doesn't ev en understand what the heck we're talking about!" Article "Healing with Energy": l "We tried very hard in 1998 to call attention to the extreme national need for t he most urgent possible development of a portable computer-controlled treatment device based on the experimentally proven Prior methodology, but extended to a m uch simpler and far more rapid method of treatment. "Quick development of this technology could lead to a suitcase size device, capa ble of treating a patient in less than one minute, and stopping the symptoms and disease progress cold, then reversing it. Three "less than a minute" treatments one week apart would be required for complete cure. As an added advantage, part ial reversal of aging in older patients would also be accomplished as a bonus, i n addition to time-reversing the damaged and diseased cells... "The method proposed to the DoD in 1998 used normal EM in a peculiar way to forc e the body itself to make its own time-polarized EM waves, and pump every part o f its cells -- including the genetics -- in the time domain.

"Quite simply, we are going to be struck this way (QP spreading the immune syste ms of the populace plus professional smallpox, anthrax, etc. BW attacks on our p opulation centers) and by other means we've spoken of in other papers and briefi ngs." Bearden The Dark Side of the Force: Creating and broadcasting disease Speaking of the scalar wave induction of disease by longitudinal wave patterns B earden refers to work by French scientist Kervran Russian scientist Kaznacheyev, who proved that any disease could be transmitted electromagnetically. "It works this way: the Kaznacheyev experiments (and others) demonstrated that a ny cellular disease or disorder can be initiated into cells at a distance, by el ectromagnetic means (albeit unusual EM in nature). The decades of microwave radi ation of the U.S. Embassy in Moscow, was an ongoing set of "stimuli" to ping the U.S. system and, by its response, ascertain how far along (or if it was "along" ) in its knowledge of such weapons. The radiation was responsible for many healt h changes in personnel and for the eventual deaths of three U.S. Ambassadors." Bearden In a letter he writes, "Yes, the Kaznacheyev experiments were quite real; 15,000 or so in military rese arch institutes in Siberia. As with so many other novel areas investigated and d eveloped by the Soviets, most U.S. investigators just assumed normal EM, which i s not what the Kaznacheyev experiments involved, and not what was carrying disea se induction patterns from one cell culture to another in rigorous lab tests." How to "Broadcast" Diseases Longitudinal EM Biowars Bearden explains how the new quantum potential weapons can be used to induce dis ease-at-a-distance in a population, or to "spread" the immune system so thin tha t a conventional bio-attack would be greatly potentiated. By "broadcasting" virt ual disease patterns over a population, the immune system is so overloaded by th e presence of the "shadow" diseases that its effectiveness is thinned out. "In short, alter the internal wavestructure, and one creates a curved spacetime 'engine' that acts on mass in any fashion one chooses to design -- including ini tiate diseases . . . Now visualize one of these 'vacuum engines' or 'spacetime c urvature engines' that acts on mass to generate the exact effects produced by an thrax. (Or any other disease one wishes) . . . Call the virtual state of a disea se engine the disease pattern in the "shadow" state, just prior to becoming obse rvable. . . . "And the master cellular control system responds to "coming events that cast the ir shadows before". In short, it responds to the upper level of the "shadow stat e" of a disease, still in the virtual state! (Hey, virtual particles are real, v irtual photons are real, virtual ST curvatures are real --- just very fleeting, only for another to immediately arise). The exchange of virtual particles is kno wn to generate all forces in physics anyway! . . . "So the cellular control system responds to "shadow state" disease patterns. Ent er a QP weapon application. Place a quantum potential weapon "area" on the Unite d States, so that the entire populace is in it. The slowly introduce and bring u p in the shadow state, the necrotizing fasciitis disease engine. At some point, the cellular control systems will react, and order the immune system into action . In other words, immune system resources will be committed against this "immedi ately coming" enemy. Bring it on up a little, but still just in the shadow state . Voila! Humans form a bell-shaped distribution curve. And even if the structure of the QP fluctuates a little, fluctuating a bit stronger and a bit weaker, etc . A few of those targeted bodies will now actually develop necrotizing fasciitis . So far, just like the U.S. Embassy targeting, except a different "carrier". "But now there is an exact signature that this is what is doing it, and not norm al vector carriers of disease and contact or exposure infection. The few cases o f necrotizing fasciitis that break out will be most puzzling. They will be rando mly scattered across the entire nation, and so few that the vector carrier and c ontact or exposure explanation completely fails."

"And that one happened, right here in the U.S., not so long ago. Check it out. "So carefully adjust the patterns for, say, 12 major terrible diseases, to that "adjusted and desired shadow state level". Now add all 12 patterns into the inte rnal structure of the quantum potential. Now it has 12 shadow state disease engi nes in it. "Place that one on a populace. The cellular control systems order the immune sys tems into action, and they now have to commit their finite resources to 12 diffe rent areas. This greatly thins the response an immune system can make to any one of those 12 disease patterns! In short, it "spreads" the capabilities of the im mune system, which can be galvanized to great effort, but only can perform a sma ll bit against each area. "Suppose one of those "galvanized" areas in the targeted populace's immune syste ms is anthrax. And suppose the bad guys now hit one or more of those cities with a professional anthrax attack. A former OTA study showed that a professional an thrax aerial spray attack against Washington D.C., dispensing 100 kilograms of a nthrax spores in the spray, will account for 1 to 3 million casualties. And that 's in an "unthinned" set of immune systems. In the "thinned" set, one can at lea st double or triple, and even up to five times, that estimate. So conservatively , now there would be from 2 to 6 million casualties. And even mild anthrax spray attacks in other "thinned" cities would also be amplified. "That one is being set up, or already set up, right now. There are other such "a ugmentation" setups also under way. "So the weapons alluded to by the SecDef in 1997 are already being employed. WW III has already begun, and our populace (and our scientific community) is blissf ully unaware of it." Most of us can remember the strange outbreaks of the so-called "flesh eating dis ease." It seemed to break out here and there randomly with no known cause. Beard en believes this was a test of the newer quantum potential weapons which go even beyond the capabilities of the Tesla howitzers. "The Kaznacheyev "disease induction by novel electrodynamics" work is also the b asis for the spacetime curvature engines (not EM signals!) carried by quantum po tential EM biological weapons for distant induction of diseases etc. into the po pulation of an entire nation or area, such as the U.S. "This quantum potential disease induction weapon -- capable of attacking an enti re population of a nation or area -- has been tested several times in the U.S. a t very low levels, in the shadow state only (we explain shortly) and it has a mo st peculiar signature. E.g., one test used necrotizing fasciitis (flesh-rotting disease) engines. "The disease 'engine' was deliberately kept down in the 'shadow state' (virtual state, just below the observable state) so that only a tiny bit of the populace with depressed thresholds would "breach the observable threshold' due to the pop ulation forming a bell-shaped curve as to the threshold level. The major signatu re of the test was that the cases of the disease broke out totally statistically and randomly, spread all over, without any 'disease vector' in between. "In short, it was not spread in any manner required by normal deterministic dise ase vectoring, but was a totally random set of occurrences. Several other diseas es were also tested this way in the American populace, with precisely the same s ignature." Bearden "Apparently one planned use of such an augmented clandestine BW weapon will be s mallpox, e.g. As you know, the Russians did develop smallpox for biological warf are, and even developed a new strain against which previous vaccination is ineff ective. "The vast numbers of expected casualties, coupled with immune system spreading, are absolutely irresistible to the Russian mind. You can count on it that they h ave seen that the smallpox is already on site here, in the U.S. and in the hands of professional terrorist teams. Of course, the Russians/KGB will protest they have nothing to do with that! Yet likely the KGB will have flatly arranged it or at least assisted it. The capability for mass destruction of the nation is so l

ucrative and easy to achieve in advance, that they would never be able to resist doing it." Bearden Bearden believes the Gulf War Syndrome involved the use of scalar technology to induce a disease state, as he stated in a 1997 interview: "I'll say this flatly, and I won't answer any further questions about it; the Gu lf War Syndrome was induced... It was induced with this stuff. All the rest... w as contributing factors that everybody's talking about... There are some deeper signatures, if you look into it very deeply, that show you exactly how it was do ne and the fact that it was induced. It was a test. It was a test of a very spec ial kind of weapon I have not talked about yet. Anyway you can use it to create diseases." Bearden Besides using the woodpecker grid to target a population, the entire electrical grids of nations can be used as "channels" for disease patterns to be broadcast to all people near that grid. Your own house wiring can become an antenna, broad casting these "shadow" patterns of disease, weakening your immune system. And here one faces the frustrating fact that the same power grids could be set t o channel patterns which would keep the entire population healthy, rejuvenated, continuously bathing in the time-reversing old-age-defying energy of the spaceti me vacuum. We have no idea yet of how long the human life span could be increase d with this new technology. People might be able to live two centuries given ful l humane development of this technology. 5. Psychoenergetics Mental entrainment, inducing hypnogogic trance, mind control, broadcasting thoug hts and feelings, the Ant World, education via EM [LW] mental download, the "Fee lies," revolution in spirituality, "enlightenment machine?" Scalar churches? Psychoenergetics is simply using the scalar interferometers to manipulate and en gineer the human psyche. To me it is the most mind-boggling and frightening aspe ct of longitudinal wave engineering. The mind is electromagnetic in nature, and itself of the time-domain. It is not observable in 3-space. There is no thing you can point to that is the mind. As B earden says, "The mind is time-like." The longitudinal scalar EM waves are also of the time-domain. By overlaying cert ain infolded patterns (oscillations in time) on the longitudinal waves, a though t or feeling may be made to arise in a person or persons who are in the interfer ence zone (where the wave beams cross). The person will not notice anything, feeling that this thought or idea is his or her own idea. The longitudinal wave pattern might be a wave of panic or fear th at spontaneously sweeps over you, perhaps inexplicably. It could even be in the form of a sudden intense patriotism. It could be explicit words and phrases, whi ch everyone would think they had thought of by themselves. Or it could be rage a nd hatred, angry and violent. On the other hand It could also be a continuous se nse of docility and placidity. This is the brave new world of psychoenergetics a nd the coming "Mind Wars." Scalar Psychoenergetics in its most primitive form simply "entrains" all minds i n the target area into a deep hypnogogic trance. In this state of mind people wo uld be suddenly extremely suggestible, and would likely believe anything they ar e told, and would obey any orders given. Talk about winning the hearts and minds of the American People! Tom Bearden makes me think of Paul Revere, who heroically conveyed important war nings for the sake of the new nation. But the words of the famous phrase have no w strangely and curiously mutated into the once-inconceivable: "One if by land, Two if by mind." Indeed one strategy in a Mind War would be to simply take over the minds of the "leaders" of the enemy nation. The targeted leader would not be aware that anyth ing was amiss, although he might begin to make unexpected changes in policy. And are, in fact, any of our "leaders" already having secret thoughts that are n ot their own? Who knows? Frighteningly, we can no longer be sure. The new scienc

es of scalar electromagnetics and psychoenergetics are even now plunging humanit y into a sudden science-fiction-like world beyond anything in humanity's previou s imaginings. "The Russians reached the point in the mid 1990s that they could take over contr ol of a person's mind, with modified longitudinal EM waves including some time-p olarized EM waves, and with a team of specialists (estimate 25-30 per transmitte r, and one transmitter and team per controlled person)." Bearden http://www.chen In a slide Bearden illustrates how a Scalar War would involve a psychoenergetics attack on the operators of the enemy scalar installation, entraining their mind s into hypnogogic trance and getting them to shut down their systems. And ultimately psychoenergetic warfare goes to the very heart of human identity itself. For if my thoughts might no longer be "mine," then who and what am I? Ca n my very sense of being "me" be hijacked by some nefarious psychoenergetic sche me? Will the "secret government" eventually dictate directly into your mind how you feel about yourself? Or what you think you are?Or what you should do? How Does Longitudinal EM Mind Control Work? The physics of scalar psychoenergetics as expounded by Col. Bearden seems even m ore arcane and over-my-head than that of extracting energy from the vacuum. I ca n't understand it, but I look through it anyway. Each time another tiny understa nding might occur, or a term might fall into place. I know the mathematics is fo rever beyond me. One paper to begin with is Mind Control and EM Wave Polarization Transductions T his is such serious stuff that Bearden includes a strong warning about misuse of this knowledge. Psychoenergetics weapons can mentally maim and physically kill. Warning! (From "Mind Control and EM Wave Polarization Transductions") "This article refers to experimental research techniques which can be detrimenta l or lethal in the hands of any but highly skilled, qualified experimental scien tists proceeding under proper laboratory safety procedures. The purpose of this article is strictly for information to properly qualified and authorized scienti sts in certified laboratories. We do not propose or condone any use of these pro cedures for nonapproved practice of medicine without a license. Neither the publ isher nor the author are responsible for accidents or outcomes in the use of the se experimental procedures and techniques. Any researcher who performs these pro cedures and experiments is acting on his or her own volition, and is solely resp onsible for insuring safety, qualifications, and legality of the acts and their results. We neither suggest nor condone unauthorized experimentation on human su bjects. Such is a criminal violation of the constitutional rights of the subject under Federal and State laws, and is both illegal and immoral." Bearden articles/mind control1/p01.htm After the serious warning comes the description of the paper. This is heady stuf f for the layman. "Calling full attention to the special note above, in this paper we present a hi gh-level overview of the novel electromagnetic nature of mind operations, mind a nd body coupling, and intent - the induction of physical 3-space EM energy chang es into the brain and nervous system, and into every cell of the body, from the mind's time-like coherent operations. We summarize the time-polarized electrodyn amics used to engineer and affect mind operations and the mind-body coupling loo p. Transaction mechanisms whereby differing EM wave polarizations can be transfo rmed one-into-the-other are presented." Bearden articles/mind control1/p01.htm I will leave it to the technically astute to try to understand the mechanisms of operation which are described in scientific language. But there are tidbits for the layman. Here he speaks of the difficulty Western scientists have in opening up to the "immaterial" (longitudinal wave) nature of the human mind. Western Science Remains Largely Materialistic "Ironically, most Western scientists are materialists and consider "mind" as a m ystical and nonscientific concept. They tend to consider mind operations and fun ctions either to be simply "meat computer" operations and functions, or at best

to be very weak ordinary transverse-wave EM operations and functions in the brai n and nervous system. This serious self-limitation exists because in the body we measure only weak TW [transverse wave] EM operations and functions correlated t o biological behavior and brain operations. We simply do not know how to measure "mind operations" directly. "With no mind measurements possible and no instruments, it is understandable tha t Western science considers only the physical side of the mind-matter interface. "Presently our scientists do not measure the longitudinally-polarized EM wave op erations and functions in the body and around it in nature. Few of them are awar e that a maelstrom of such LW [longitudinal wave] functions exist in the body an d in all of nature in general." Bearden articles/mind control1/p05.htm Western methods of influencing the mind with EM waves have only used transverse waves, not the longitudinal waves of the vacuum. If only transverse waves are us ed one pretty well has to hit the target mind with a sledgehammer of waves. Western Science knows only transverse EM waves Brute Forcing Time Functions versusFine Control Methods "Ironically, Western mind control researchers using transverse EM waves for mind control research, are using a brute force method of evoking and using vacuum en gines (spacetime curvature engines) and a special form of general relativity, al though they do not appear to realize it. The Ant World The Final Race for Direct Mind Control of the Entire Human Species (Perhaps after so many frightening topics a slight break is in order here to con sider the lighter side of psychoenergetics. For example, what will be the ultima te impact on the entertainment industry?) The Feelies at Last! Psychoenergetics will be able to bring about at last, for better or for worse, A ldous Huxley's fanciful idea in his novel "Brave New World," an entertainment fo rmat which he called "The Feelies." Those were something you went to, like going to the movies, but you would experience all the actual feelings themselves, as if the depicted events were actually happening to you. Although our "leaders" se em too dim to grasp what is going on in the world of scalar electromagnetics, it should not take some young Hollywood genius too long to understand that The Fee lies are now possible, and that the immense megabucks of potential profit more t han justify heavy investment in bringing it to market. 6. As it Stands - 2002 "Anyway, it's presently a "Mexican stand-off" with the various parties maneuveri ng with check and countercheck. That is the real "balance of terror" that is hel d by such a fragile balance." "You can see the implications if such weapons fall into the hands of the radical terrorists. Ordinary positive energy EMP shooters can be made fairly readily an d cheaply from nearly just Radio Shack parts or surplus parts. It just takes som e know-how... When and if the Yakuza [Japanese mafia] gets those (and they will, it's just a question of time), you can begin to appreciate some of the turns th is present terrorism and our war on it will take." Bearden The very thought of the building of one of these howitzers by "some lone-nut gun man" from Radio Shack parts makes one realize how serious it is for humanity to face the crisis it has come to. The Disclosure Project One person working tirelessly to bring to bring these technologies into the open is Dr. Stephen Greer of the Disclosure Project, which is calling for congressio nal hearings into the issues of UFOs and the free energy technology that was, pe rhaps in part, reverse-engineered from them. "Once abundant and nearly free energy is available in impoverished areas for agr iculture, transportation, construction, manufacturing and electrification, there is no limit to what humanity can achieve. It is ridiculous obscene even that mi nd-boggling poverty and famine exists in the world while we sit on classified te chnologies that could completely reverse this situation."So why not release thes

e technologies? Because the social, economic and geo-political order of the worl d would be greatly altered. Every deep insider with whom I have met has emphasiz ed that this would be the greatest change in known human history. The matter is so highly classified not because it is so silly, but because its implications ar e so profound and far reaching. By nature, those who control such projects do no t like change. And here we are talking about the biggest economic, technological , social and geo-political change in known human history. Hence, the status quo is maintained, even as our civilization hurtles towards oblivion... "With the types of weapons currently in the covert arsenal weapons more fearsome even than thermonuclear devices there is no possibility of a survivable conflic t. Yet in the darkness of secrecy, actions have been taken on behalf of every hu man that may endanger our future. Only a full, honest disclosure will correct th is situation. It is not possible for me to convey in words the urgency of this." Dr. Stephen Greer tm Greer and his team have assembled hundreds of witnesses, many of whom are milita ry or ex-military, who are ready to testify to congressional hearings what they know about the covert black projects which have kept free-energy and antigravity propulsion technology secret from the people. Greer points out the need to regulate these technologies so they are limited to peaceful uses, but this is of course difficult when the government simply choose s to pretend they do not exist. In the meantime, as the President and the Defens e Department continue the charade of war-as-usual, those scalar (longitudinal wa ve) installations which DO exist continue to fall into ever more sinister hands. And there is no reporter in the press brave enough to ask, "Mr. Secretary of De fense, what steps are you taking to defend our MINDS from attack by the big Russ ian longitudinal interferometers?" Beyond the Howitzers: Quantum Potential Weapons Do not use EM propagation through space Latest Update from Tom Bearden - March 2002 The whole situation is changing so fast that when I asked Tom to look over this article he mentioned the seeming contradiction when some of the above statements are taken together. At different times the information he has is updated so one has to keep a kind of running track. He was kind enough to clear up the confusi on here with the situation as it stands as of March, 2002. "We knew of three nations having the QP weapons for some time. Then we found out last year that five nations had it. So that explains my using the figure "three " first (which represented what I knew at the time). Later I found out about the other two nations. China, e.g., only deployed its QP weapon this past year. So that explains the apparent contradiction between me using "five" in later papers and "three" in earlier ones. It was the best information I had at that time. Mi ght mention that so the reader will understand the apparent discrepancy." Tom Be arden Emptiness is Full of Energy "The Tao is an empty vessel; it is used, but never filled.Oh, unfathomable sourc eof ten thousand things! "Oh, hidden deep but ever present! I do not know from whence it comes. It is the forefather of the gods." Lao Tzu -Tao te Ching Afterward Because of the extreme seriousness of the topics brought forward in this article , I asked Tom Bearden to look it over to make sure I had not gotten anything too terribly wrong or mixed up. I did not want to pass on any misunderstanding of m y own. I felt a little nervous writing to an eminent scientist, and hoped I had not presumed upon his time. But Tom was so kind as to answer immediately, and to my relief I had not gotten anything too terribly wrong. Here is his letter, in which he clears up a misunde rstanding, and reports on his current health treatment, and gives a call to the young grad students to turn themselves loose in the whole new field of scalar el ectromagnetics and free energy. Subject: RE: Article on Tom Bearden and "Scalar Wars"

Date: Fri, 22 Mar 2002 22:54:01 -0600 Bill, Well, I must say I'm astounded at your persistence and hard work in congealing a ll that together. My compliments on a hard job quite well done. Couple tiny things: In the area mentioning Kervran and Kaznacheyev: Kervran was French; Kaznacheyev was and is Russian. Little typo of "spredding" the immune sy stem. Should be "spreading". We knew of three nations having the QP weapons for some time. Then we found out last year that five nations had it. So that explains my using the figure "three" first (which represented what I knew at the time). Later I found out about the other two nations. China, e.g., only deployed its QP weapon this past year. So t hat explains the apparent contradiction between me using "five" in later papers and "three" in earlier ones. It was the best information I had at that time. Mig ht mention that so the reader will understand the apparent discrepancy. Otherwise, it's pretty accurate. Just now I'm letting the weapons take care of themselves; have to, as I will be recovering now for nearly a year from now after the heart attack last year and d iscovering that I had contracted mycoplasia (the BW modified kind) in Canada in 1968. Finally got a test which confirmed the chronic mycoplasia (which I had for 33 years!). The stuff burrows inside one's red corpuscles, then draws nutrients from the hemoglobin, hardening it and reducing its ability to take on oxygen (b y as much as 50% or more). The resulting symptom is loss of endurance (which I h ad for that 33 years) -- the so-called "chronic fatigue syndrome". Many of the Gulf War Veterans who are sick also have it, though they apparently have other complicating factors as well. A very high percentage of persons with chronic fatigue syndrome also have mycoplasia. The treatment for the long-standi ng mycoplasma infection of that nature is to stay on antibiotics for a year. The only time the mycoplasma is vulnerable is when one wears out a red cell in norm al usage, and the body makes a new red cell to replace it. The mycoplasma comes out of the dying cell to infect the new replacement cell, so it is exposed and v ulnerable at that specific time and that time only. The antibiotics kills it at that time. Hence the necessity to stay on antibiotics for such a long time so it is continuously in your bloodstream (I've already been on antibiotics for over two months, and have at least 10 more months to go). We also take a little medic al oxygen every day. Another symptom of the mycoplasma infection is the association of runaway fibril lation of the heart. To stop that, there are pills one takes, and they stop it. But they also further reduce the volume of blood pumped by the heart, so that th is projects one right back into the hypoxia, dizzy, loss of balance, etc. Catch 22 situation; the fibrillation will build and cause heart attack, stroke, etc. i f not stopped, and if stopped it puts you back in the hypoxia which can cause ma ny things! With the conventional treatment, you're damned if you do and damned i f you don't. Hence the need for a little extra medical oxygen, so you can take t he "heart clamp" pill and stop the fibrillation, but also augment the oxygen eno ugh to continue to survive without a stroke or some such. Interestingly, it's ve ry difficult to even obtain a mycoplasma test, and Medicare fights you tooth and nail over paying for the oxygen. Either they will pay for it or I'll pay for it myself; it is absolutely necessary. After a heart attack, one is treated in the heart clinic by specialists who are very caring and excellent practitioners, but know nothing of mycoplasma infectio n, so not consider it even a part of "heart disease", and who are rather puzzled when one has no clogging of the arteries, has the right count of red corpuscles (largely nonfunctional, of course, but there), pumps the right amount of blood, etc. So they identify and treat only the runaway fibrillation, do not prescribe the oxygen -- and essentially place you on a regime as best they know, but one that is guaranteed to kill or maim you or turn you into a totally disabled perso n or human vegetable via stroke, paralysis, etc. Fortunately my family doctor wi ll prescribe the oxygen anyway, though I may have to pay for it myself. Whatever works! However, I'm slowly improving little by little, working as much as I'm able to a

nd trying to finish my book: Energy from the Vacuum: Concepts and Principles, an d get it to the publisher for publication later this year. Hopefully the book wi ll turn all the interested young grad students and post-docs loose in the free-e nergy area. They will not have to spend 30 agonizing years to get to where I am, and where a few others are, but can simply start here and go forward. Since spe ed to develop energy from the vacuum is of the essence because of the world situ ation, I'm moving on it as fast as I am physically able to. Meanwhile, working with the AIAS (Alpha Foundation's Institute for Advanced Stud y), the AIAS (15 authors) has now gotten about 20 scientific papers published in leading journals (Foundations of Physics, Foundations of Physics Letters, Physi cal Scripta, Optik, etc.) dealing with electromagnetic energy from the vacuum. S everal more are either approved for publication or in the review process also. S o slowly we are getting it into the mainstream scientific literature. Hopefully it will be in time, but it's cutting it close. Very best wishes, Tom Bearden Copyright 2010 NSA Transmissions. All rights reserved. Web Hosting by Yahoo! An expert witness, Certified Hypnotist trained in CIA Neur o Linguistic Programming techniques with NASA software and Military Patents.

NSA Transmissions-Mind Control, Death Rays for Planes, Cancer, Synthetic ills- T opplings ELF & Seismic Waves + Behind Scenes Focused on Wrong Weapon Mass Destru ction TERRORISTS WITHIN, 1973 2nd Level CIA, Cryptocracy's Plan to Psycho-civili ze You, Emulating Scriptures! ---How & Why 911, Economy. ALL from your minds! MA CROCOSM. Millions including America's Corp Leaders & Officials! "The Process." I srael Framed-engineered to go down. Have you figured it out yet! NSA Tice-Hero under God US Supreme Court Case Israel-CIA Agenda- Press Releases Synthetic Telepathy-ills-TAXES Cancer 911 CIA Resources to Expose Interviews-Exhibits-Documents Lawsuit-Synthetic ills in America Radio Interviews- OPERATION Mockingbird unwitting MEDIA as Pawns 50 yrs. Are the

y free to press this? Covering it up realized since 2008/9! Dou g Clifford Paul Gallo #1 Rob McConnell #2 #3 #4 The ending statement! Susan Lindauer detainments THE REAL THREAT TO AMERICA and GLOBE Attny Richard I Fine case, how much is illusion crimes vs. real crimes both mind controlled (1971) Coming soon! MaryJane Popp August 2010 Interview and more at KSRR Utah radio Mark Stevens and allxcast radio Adonis King. Photos and book pages Appendix and Exhibits below. Peter HOEKSTRA LETTER Intelli gence Committee to G. H. BUSH, FBI Mueller, and Qaddafi. SEGMENT 4:01am - 02 am Eastern / 10 pm - 11 pm Pacific AUGUST 11, 2010 MIREILLE - CIA Transmissions Are Brainwashing 'We the People' - Mireille is a wh istleblower who called herself "The White Rose II," due to SLANDER, fears for he r safety. She claims to have proof that the CIA has been brainwashing Americans for 50 years. She is attempting to sue the DOD, and other Government Agencies, c laiming that Weapons of Mass Destruction had launched with NSA Transmissions, to engineer our culture and lives. Americans, mind controlled with bad luck, is kn own today as the new remote viewing transmissions technology, to manipulate mind and body on ordinary people for money and power. She has been impeded in all he r attempts to legally fight and expose this psychological warfare on our streets . Her life has been sabotaged for the past 4 years using unwitting innocent "peo ple" in dissuading her to take her down. 8:05 Mireille Torjman, aka The White Rose II. States that she has proof the CIA has been brainwashing Americans for 50 years. According to Torjman, the NSA reco rds and decodes individual brain maps (of hundreds of thousands of persons) for national security purposes. Then the NSA operatives can use this to covertly de bilitate subjects by simulating auditory hallucinations characteristic of parano id schizophrenia. Wow! And you thought you were just going crazy..naturally! More coming soon!

SEGMENT 4: 01 This tells all why some utter What is this world coming to? PRE 911 WAKE UP AMERICA ! On November 28, 1953, U.S. Army biochemist Dr. Frank Olson crashed through a hot el window in New York City and fell over 150 feet to the sidewalk below where he died. The New York City Police Department, U.S. Army, and CIA, for whom he also secretly worked, reported Olson s death as a suicide. In 1975, a Presidential-appoi nted commission inadvertently released information publicly that revealed that, days before his death, the CIA had surreptitiously dosed Olson with LSD. The CIA admitted that it had given the drug to Olson, but refused to reveal any details of the so-called experiment , or about what Olson s work for the CIA involved. The Am n media briefly examined the perplexing mysteries surrounding Olson s suicide , but so st interest. Twenty-years later, further investigation into Olson s death revealed t hat there was ample reason to believe that he had been murdered. The Olson case grew even more mysterious and strange after the Manhattan District Attorney s Office convened a grand jury inquiry into the odd death. Critical witnesses died stran gely only days and weeks before they were to be questioned by prosecutors; gover nment officials refused to speak and those that did suddenly developed severe me

mory problems; crucial documents were destroyed and lost; and investigators were intimidated and threatened. New evidence of Pentagon Nazi sins targeting innocent Americans and organization s ins-targeting-innocent-americans-and-organizations All rights reserved ELF/EMF below zoom in for reading from books censored year ago.

Everybody's doing the LOCOMOTION (1974) Photos below THE BIG SCARE! coming to AMERICA from the SKY...see Nostradamus 1555/Bush docume nt EDUCATION, RELIGION, GAY/LESBIAN, CULTS, They (BIG BROTHER) Got into everything when they got their hands on POWER all they needed was MONEY to put it to use... .MACROCOSM! Pg 32 First it was the big scare of aliens, UFO trend and pharma then, Drugs, sex, and rock and roll, with Hollywood focus, trend and Vietnam and VETS with Manchurian dream suggestions & psychological effects, to crimes induced in major cities experiments and jails overloaded on hallucination s and framed blacks and masking behind LSD with fears and locking your doors, and t he corrupt greed and unkindness, paranoia to Jaws and the exorcist, the big scare, to Building sociopaths and copycats as Manchurians, to Psychologists focus, to ADDHD Scientology, to Prozac happy pills trend, to Mafioso era, the big scare to To AIDS another political ill/drug, the big scare to Pharmaceutical focus, to Dot coms www. buzz and toppling era and 1999 Y2K, the big scare, trend to Scientology, ADD etc targets, to Staged bombing & defense BUDGETS mid 90 s-victims coming out everywhere, to 911 TERROR Halloween letters the big scare on OUR STREETS of crimes AGAIN and cu mmulative, to FOCUS on WEAPONS of mass not only destruction but mass control- Th e wrong focus and the wrong TERRORISTS! The other bubble of housing, Real estate with a little help from our friends-(ma n) accepts high prices and loans and sale higher pay higher from loan employees to (induced like Katrina levy losen sabotages everywhere they infiltrate... Gun control in case a revolution is needed they want you disarmed and Judges, to LONDON subway taking down BOMBING INSIDE JOB like 911 with massive surveillance Oceans and climate, the big scare to Oil and green jobs .., the big scare to Lets not forget the Clarence Thomas case era, and the I forgot the ANTHRAX the big scare and MADD DUI s and FLORIDA FLORIDA FLORIDA law VOTERS behind the scenes and miscounts, no mis-votes GULF (both of them), to pl ane crashes (the big scare) and accidents and church committee cia files gone Separation of church and school modification for behavior and religion, to TICE REVALATIONS QUASHED AGAIN on mind control NSA transmissions decades later A pop culture ALL, ALL, ALL, engineered behind the scenes with massive agenda in filtrated for a new world order already robots in a matrix Oh, the ID theft and stalking with technology calling you around the world. Didn t t

hey scapegoat that on the internet too as with who and where is cyberspace email s and voicemails! For the final Torah scripture toppling What has changed, besides insurance INDUSTRY, MAL PRACTICE, Legal FIELD, BANKING , BIGGER GOVT, FREEDOM, CENSORSHIP, TYRANNY, a dysfunctional ill obese poor AMER ICA hated and going down to a world domination-slow deaths of COVERT population Control. Katrina, climate, side effects, false heart ATTACKS, FALSE ALARMS, etc the big scare I forgot CANCER and the dropping like flys SELECTIVELY since 7 witness ASTRAUNAU TS were murder by sabotage and big brother has been watching, no manipulating. ALL eyes wide SHUT with the WORSE TORTURE in history by our OWN CIA getting away with IT in front of the world FROM the MOST HUMANITARIAN civilized COUNTRY ever . WAKE UP AMERICA before it s too LATE! The White Rose, was formed by students at the University of Munich in 1941. It i s believed that the group was formed after August von Galen, the Archbishop of M unster, spoke out in a sermon against the Nazi practice of euthanasia (the killi ng of those considered by the Nazis as genetically unsuitable). Members of this anti-Nazi group included Hans Scholl, Sophie Scholl, Inge Scholl , Christoph Probst, Alexander Schmorell, Willi Graf and Jugen Wittenstein. Kurt Huber, a philosophy teacher at the university, was also a member of the group. The group decided to adopt the strategy of passive resistance that was being use d by students fighting against racial discrimination in the United States. This included publishing leaflets calling for the restoration of democracy and social justice. These were distributed throughout central Germany and the Gestapo soon became aware of the group's activities. Several members had served in the German Army before resuming their studies. Thi s provided them with information about the atrocities being committed by the Sch utz Staffeinel (SS). Willi Graf had served as a medical orderly in France and Yu goslavia in 1941 whereas Hans Scholl and Alexander Schmorell had seen Jews being murdered in Poland and the Soviet Union. When Scholl and Schmorell returned to Munich in November, 1942, they joined up with Graff and began publishing leaflet s about what they had seen while in the army. The leaflets were at first sent anonymously to people all over Germany. Taking t he addresses from telephone directories, they tended to concentrate on mailing u niversity lecturers and the owners of bars. In Passive Resistance to National Socialism, published in 1943 the group explain ed the reasons why they had formed the White Rose group: "We want to try and sho w them that everyone is in a position to contribute to the overthrow of the syst em. It can be done only by the cooperation of many convinced, energetic people people who are agreed as to the means they must use. We have no great number of choices as to the means. The meaning and goal of passive resistance is to toppl e National Socialism, and in this struggle we must not recoil from our course, a ny action, whatever its nature. A victory of fascist Germany in this war would h ave immeasurable, frightful consequences." The White Rose group believed that the young people of Germany had the potential to overthrow Adolf Hitler and the Nazi government. In one leaflet, Fellow Fight ers in the Resistance, they wrote: "The name of Germany is dishonoured for all t ime if German youth does not finally rise, take revenge, smash its tormentors. S tudents! The German people look to us."

Odd Series of events!

GENETICS & NEUROSCIENCE-HUMAN SUBJECTS PROTECTION SUPPRESSIONS More to follow coming soon. Macrocosm Newcomers ills! 1970's Jim Keith-Mass Control Human Engineering. (Pushed/fell??? to his death and Censo red books off shelves!

(Synthetic illnesses) SICKENING-KILLING AMERICANS Twice recommended for a Nobel Prize Dr. Robert Becker was the major researcher a nd writer on health dangers from electromagnetic fields, he died a few months ag o, in summer 2008 INDUCED ELF

Copyright 2010 NSA Transmissions. All rights reserved. Web Hosting by Yahoo! An expert witness, Certified Hypnotist trained in CIA Neur o Linguistic Programming techniques with NASA software and Military Patents.

NSA Transmissions-Mind Control, Death Rays for Planes, Cancer, Synthetic ills- T opplings ELF & Seismic Waves + Behind Scenes Focused on Wrong Weapon Mass Destru ction TERRORISTS WITHIN, 1973 2nd Level CIA, Cryptocracy's Plan to Psycho-civili ze You, Emulating Scriptures! ---How & Why 911, Economy. ALL from your minds! MA CROCOSM. Millions including America's Corp Leaders & Officials! "The Process." I srael Framed-engineered to go down. Have you figured it out yet! NSA Tice-Hero under God US Supreme Court Case Israel-CIA Agenda- Press Releases Synthetic Telepathy-ills-TAXES Cancer 911 CIA Resources to Expose Interviews-Exhibits-Documents Lawsuit-Synthetic ills in America The Lawsuit they didn't want you to read and the truth they don't want you to kn ow to continue your brainwashing! ARE YOU A TARGET!....Matrix unwittingly in you r daily communication or body? OPERATION Mockingbird mind controlled Media REPORTERS UNWITTINGLY, Cognitive imp airment infiltrations since 70's MKULTRA 2nd Suit below and 5/28/2010 in VA & DC court US Supreme case spying/surveillan ce and torture. IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURTS

FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA MIREILLE TORJMAN CASE NO.: TBD 1143 Wrightswynde Ct Wesley Chapel, FL 33543 Plaintiff V. Amy Gutmann, Chair Bioethics Committee Office of President Univ of Penn 1 College Hall Room 100 Phila, PA 19104 and in HER OFFICIAL CAPACITY, Carol Corillon, Committee on Human Rights 500 Fifth Street Suite K529 Washington, DC 20418 and in HER OFFICIAL CAPACITY, President Harvey Fineberg, Institute of Medicine 500 Fifth Street 8th Floor Washington, DC 20418 and IN HIS OFFICIAL CAPACITY, Diane E. Griffin Chair, National Academy of Science Committee Science Technology Intelligence Professionals 500 Fifth Street DEPS 11-02 AFSB Room 905 Washington, DC 20418 and in HER OFFICIAL CAPACITY, Cass Sunstein Room 10201 Office of Management and Budget Remote Naval Station, Bldg 40 Door 123 250 Murray Lane SW Washington, DC 20509 and in HIS OFFICIAL CAPACITY; Defendants ___________________________________/ COMPLAINT 1. Plaintiff, Mireille Torjman hereby brings this action for the submissions o f public comments pertaining to a current investigation requested by President O bama regarding Electronic Warfare and torture on civilians. Plaintiff is unable to verify or submit full evidence and proof including Science, climate, and nefa rious abuse with torture, corruption, and mind manipulation during DELAYS, excee ding recent Senate and Chief Joint Staff targets, and NSA revelations worse then that of the CHURCH COMMISSION REPORTS. Related suits have been filed for injun ction relief and other allegations with attempts to save lives and was also prov ided for reference since last year. There are 4,500 victims so far coming forwar d out of Millions, of wit on their mind control, thus body and systematic psyops tactics. The remaining are unwitting ALL Americans and not limited to technique s, ills, or sabotage, subsequently.

PRELIMINARY STATEMENT 2. This case is about the electronic harassment, torture behind the spying sur veillance, civil rights violations, privacy, communications technology, and crim es of humanity, in use by the U.S. Intelligence Community, which has been refuse d in completion by the defendants. This information is critical to investigation s, and cooperation has been impeded in numerous ways. Plaintiff has made exhaust ing efforts to provide assistance and save lives. New evidence with VALOR is be ing impeded and is time sensitive. This includes ADDITIONAL hand written notatio ns on Doctor s work previously published to assist fact findings of Plaintiff and di scoveries since then which cannot be overlooked. Plaintiff has been impeded for 5 years in numerous ways consciously and 3 unconsciously, by the public and the uses of Synthetic Telepathy Remote Viewing Psychotronics Weapon of Mass Destruct ion. (Exhibits A-1-23 and A-1-16) Operation CHAOS and PIQUE admitted and covert mind controlled crimes, illnesses population control -Directed Energy weapons Conspiracy in shadow taking us down! Mind Control and Directed Energy Weapons cause and are responsible for MOST ILLN ESSES, INDUCED ERASURES & DELAYS IN YOUR LIFE! Misplacing your own items in tra sh, etc. Programmed MISFITS playing mind games since milk carton missing childre n recruited by coercion called Handlers. Secret Gov t CointelPro has been responsible for much worse crimes and torture cover tly and would never sit on this kind of power with weapons nicely tucked away, e ven knowing that we are not threatened by Russia and China s Mind Control Weapons. ( not launched) Sweepings with no radiation from enemies! IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURTS FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA MIREILLE TORJMAN CASE NO.: 10-1211 Plaintiff V. FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATIONS, et al. 935 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest Washington, DC 20535-0001; CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Office of Public Affairs Washington, D.C. 20505; NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY 9800 Savage Road, Suite 6711 Fort Meade, MD 20755-6711; DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 600 E Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20530; DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE 1400 Defense Pentagon Washington, DC 20301-1400; DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY 1000 Independence Ave Washington, DC 20585; UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Defendants COMPLAINT 1. Plaintiff, Mireille Torjman hereby brings this action for injunction relief, damages, and tort damages, FOIA, and the right of review, based on personal know ledge and belief, as a victim and expert witness, to the serious information pro vided, as to all other matters, as to which allegations Plaintiff, without doubt or delusion, will provide proof, un-refuted evidence, overwhelming evidentiary support, witnesses, substantial facts, documents, videos, records, research, and investigation that exists and disclosed to the press by NSA on item 15, and as follows: (See also #25, 36, and services tab) PRELIMINARY STATEMENT

2. This case is about the wiretapping, surveillance, civil rights violations, pr ivacy, communications technology, and crimes of humanity, in use by the Intellig ence Community. With the advanced technology unknown to most, of shadow network of surveillance and spying, including, defendants are, transmitting, storing, ta mpering, and blocking or intercepting the content of a significant portion of th e Plaintiffs phone calls, emails, instant messaging, text messaging, Internet, S kype, electronic and wireless communications, and other communications harassmen t, both internationally and domestic, including Plaintiffs family and practicall y every American, for the past 4 years, beginning on or about January 2007. 3. Plaintiffs records will show communications are intercepted, manipulated, tam pered with, stored, (data mining), harassed, and impeded. Plaintiff will provide numerous and countless, emails hijacked, fabricated, UNREAD, manipulated, delet ed, including mail UPS, facsimile, and internet manipulations, since 2007. Plain tiffs numerous impeded electronic communications with all her service providers were debilitating to her work and she had no resolve available from providers wh o were unable to detect or correct the situations. This includes manufactured em ails, phone calls, and government employees unwitting involvement. In 2008, Plai ntiff was also accused legally of false communications during her service with Q west, by using wiretapped calls and disconnects to create false records with her utilities company, including defamation to her character. On information and belief, Whistle Blower Kay Griggs, Military wife of former Ch ief of Staff Lt. Col, Black-Ops and underground she called Secret Societies, was also harassed, impeded with and isolated, by COMMUNICATION CHAOS tactics that s he called mind jabbing ,cut and paste, with automobile sabotages, upon testifyin g, as same with Plaintiffs various attempts and events. 4. Plaintiff is not delusional and has provided her records to DOJ in early 2009 , with documents from many other credible sources and whistle blowers. Plaintiff requests that the Russell Tice case and Articles below underlined are read with disclosures being made as to her allegations, injunction relief, various separa te counts, and tort damages throughout. Plaintiff has demonstrated courage, risk ed her reputation, risked her life, and familys, and has been threatened, prior to receiving an anonymous email of the NSA article (below) in February 2009 and retaliated against. Plaintiff tried to blow the whistle to the DA late 2007, and was not aware what NSA was or government corruption, but knew she had to report what was going on; as quoted by Mr. Tice and others; Statement by NSA, is THE T IP OF THE ICEBERG and WIRETAPPING SURVEILLANCE LOOK LIKE SMALL POTATOES. Most re cently, Plaintiff was able to meet with the FBI in early 2010, and provided some information for investigation by various FBI analysts. Plaintiff was impeded to testify at a NY senate hearing in February 2009. 5. Plaintiff is suing defendants to enjoin their unlawful activities of all elec tronic communications, tangible and intangible and all allegations below and to require the inventory and destruction of those that have already been seized., a nd to obtain appropriate statutory, actual, and punitive damages, to deter futur e illegal activities. Plaintiff is also suing for injunctive relief, personal in jury tort and damages, the right of review, and FOIA records. JURISDICTION AND VENUE 6. This court has subject matter jurisdiction over the federal claims pursuant t o 28 U.S.C. 1331, 18 U.S.C. 2712, and 5 U.S.C. 702. 7. Plaintiffs are informed, believe and thereon allege that Defendants have suff icient contacts with this district generally and, in particular, with the events herein alleged, that Defe ndants are subject to the exercise of jurisdiction of this court over the person of such Defendants and that venue is proper in this judicial district pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1391. 8. Plaintiff is informed, believe and thereon allege that a substantial part of the events giving rise to the claims herein alleged occurred in this district ju risdiction, and Defendants and/or agents of Defendants may be found in this dist rict, nationally, and internationally. PARTIES 9. Plaintiff, Mireille Torjman is an intelligent native French speaking refugee

from Marrakesh, Morocco. Plaintiff is a divorced woman of 48 years of age and wa s an accountant for 25 years. Plaintiff comes from a religious background, disci plined and educated, has spent 25 years in the Philadelphia area, currently stay ing in South Florida. 10. Defendant Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) is an agency under the dire ction and control of the Department of Justice and the Pentagon that investigate s and protects the Nation with Programs of CointelPro joined by CIA operating on U.S. Soil. 11. Defendant Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is an agency that protects the C ountry in first line of Defense and collects information that reveals the plans, intentions and capabilities of our adversaries and provides the basis for decis ion and action. 12. Defendant NSA Defendant National Security Agency (NSA) is an agency under th e direction and control of the Department of Defense that collects, processes, a nd disseminates foreign signals intelligence. It is responsible for carrying out the Programs challenged herein. 13. Defendant United States is the United States of America, its departments, ag encies, and entities. Including DOJ, and Congresswoman Ginny Browne-Waite as the current Florida Congress Representative of the United States, who Plaintiff att empted to warn on numerous occasions since early 2008 and Senator Bill Nelson, c urrently on Floridas Intelligence Committee. (Background #14-22 below) ALLEGATIONS AND FACTUAL ALLEGATIONS RELATED TO ALL COUNTS 23. Plaintiff, in her Florida home, on or about January 2007, naive and without knowledge of corruptions, wars, military weapons, or MKULTRA projects, was comat osed for 72 hours in her room and recruited for experimental remote mind control ESPIONAGE, SEXUAL SLAVERY, AND BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION, (Operation MHCHAOS-brainw ash). Plaintiffs memory began to be wiped out daily and corrupted with new trans missions. Plaintiff ran away TERRORIZED after being transmitted to start THE PRO CESS, over time using the public to trigger her anchors/transmissions. Plaintiff s electronic communications began to be tampered with and impeded as she began t o her research and attempts to report this corruption and abuse of powers under the programs. During Plaintiffs travels around the world, Plaintiff was transmit ted to keep daily copious notes of her torture for her feedback. Plaintiff was a ttacked daily in International Airways and for no reason by UNREALIZED, innocent , unwitting public of children, doctors, lawyers, animals, insects, untilher rec ent visit at the local FBI to whistle blow these activities again. Plaintiff was held hostage in a food establishment in Nice when on her way to whistle blow th e information to other embassies. Plaintiff had crimes committed against her to keep her homeless and hijacked her house contents numerous times to sabotage her life and impede her work and falsely detained upon each attempt to report this. After already having been to the local FBI offices with this surveillance infor mation, in 1996, Plaintiff was told they were already on it Plaintiff was termin ated from her job the next morning and chased down the turnpike to deter her unt il 2007. Plaintiff was transmitted to send a letter to FBI Director Mueller, dem anding to cease and invert her family in May of 2008 and was informed that it wa s too late as they had already gotten to him and she would never be believed. Pl aintiff, upon warnings and threats, and family attacks, and brainwash, to stop h er, was informed of, and demonstrated a doomed life called obstacles, mishaps, o r bad luck in their cult or process. One year later in February 2009, someone un known sent Plaintiff an email of the Russell Tice article and Plaintiff IMMEDIAT ELY drove to DC in April 2009 to talk with DOJ Officials and their Attorneys. Pl aintiffs various computers and car batteries, zapped en route to DC, constant po wer outages and car damages. Plaintiffs communication chaos using NSA transmissi ons to the unwitting public were used to sabotage her life, against her, and inc luding her own Family isolating her into a remote cult of intelligence with phys ical events called brainwash. In January 2010 Plaintiff was told her surveillanc e/spying recordings could be sold overseas and that the FBI had joined forces wi th the Shadow Government to suppress her further and blaming the FBI. Plaintiffs process resembled what she found on u-tube in the 911 brainwashing process to t he public of Weapons of Mass Destruction (the opposite of most news reports). Me

dia showing Halloween letters of TERROR across our screens on 9/11/01, to induce fear unwittingly, on the public, and remarks of disgust from foreigners on our media and culture were made. Plaintiff was to obey their commands as robots, and was jacketed (one against the other with people) and kept isolated during the 4 year process coupled with threats, family, accidents, psychological and physica l harm, numerous illnesses, sabotage, bribes, and blackmail. Plaintiff was infor med how and when she and America were mind controlled since her arrival in 1971 and was able to confirm these discoveries during the process. Plaintiff was, and is transmitted that they will stop if she does, and realizes today that was not true. Plaintiff will show and established pattern of these surveillance project s and corruptions subsequently and in relation to the Plaintiffs claim. Plaintiff called Lt. Col. Tom Beardon in 2007, and spoke to his wife as he was o n a respirator, Kathleen Sullivan (Mind Controlled CIA child whistleblower) who was frantic about nursing her husband with CANCER. Plaintiff researched other re tired government employees, victims, spies, using remote viewing and countless v ictims with the same complaints and tactics used. With surveillance technology, spying, and the already disclosed NSA Transmissions used for MKULTRA, projects a re still operational and conducted by top secret, Q clearance on the public. Pla intiff hereby makes these serious accusations against the United States Secret G overnment for the past 40 years on U.S. Soil. When even one American -who has done nothing wrong- is forced by fear to shut hi s mind and close his mouth, then all Americans are in peril.Harry S. Truman In early 2008, after 25 years of being an accountant, and raised in the Mediterr anean, Plaintiff purchased the Non FDA device from a NASA physicist at $21,000.0 0 with Scalar waves, (Russian Woodpecker frequencies), and Military Patents. Pla intiff became a certified practitioner to protect herself and attempt to de-prog ram. Plaintiff was intercepted by this HAARP and NSAs SIG-INT Satellites, thus b ecame a certified hypnotist trained in NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming; CIA ta ught techniques, to deprogram. (Bandler and Grinder 1976) and (Project Paperclip ; Dr. Strughold Space Medicine 1963) 24. In her travels, Plaintiff witnessed these transmissions used in Israel, Aust ralia, England, and most European Countries, and was further impeded when attemp ting to whistle blow the nefarious uses and crimes of humanity by our CIA, to th e embassies. Plaintiff will show documents and/or connections to MAFIOSO, KGB, a nd AL Qaeda, within the CIA, as with DONALD RUMSFELD and his banking ties. World Banks-(1910) J.P. Morgan Chase, Black Budgets, and Nikola Tesla 1940). Plaintif f will reveal how scary the power of these people and these invisible weapons of technology are, and our utmost threat, involving every life. Plaintiff will rev eal that media coverage or focus on Nuclear weapons and torture of Guantanamo ar e shifted by manipulation and dumbing us down. Plaintiff motions the court to co mpel, the safety of WE THE PEOPLE by dismantling these Weapon Stations and the C IA, born with the National Securitys Act in 1947, when our troubles began. 25. Plaintiff was informed that 911 Pilots were mind controlled in advance in Sa n Diego and the U.S., and that 911 was created to lose our FREEDOMS with the 911 commission sabotaged. (Naomi Wolf (Yale Journalist)-10 Steps-Freedom to Fascism , 2007- also harassed by and on no fly zone list in her attempts) (Give me Liber ty) Plaintiff flew to Atlanta in the height of the new steel door installation and h igh security climate, wondering why she was invited to sit in a co-pilots chair on the runway, while waiting to take off from snow on the ground, unrealized but with no real fears or threats from Bin Laden (yet) until provoked. Death Ray for planeswas Teslas invention in 1940 and a $2,000,000,00 device to z ap and melt an airplane motor 250 miles away and an Invisible Chinese Wall of de fense was built around the Country, no matter how large an attack, (Teleforce, m anifests FREE energy and creates rays; zapping beams, the new invisible war). To day, this Wardencliff Tower is in full action in Long Island NY, along with 36 o ther stations or sites as GWEN, Globally that beam massive volume of Free Energy . (The New York Times, Sunday September 22, 1940-Science and Patents, Education News) One energy zapping causes confusion, mistakes, trip, fall, body temp-freez e, heat, miscommunication, fatigue, focus/concentration, radio-sleep (Kucinich-U

S patented under MKDELTA), and stalling any engine. On or about January 3, 2009, upon contacting the United Nations African Human Ri ghts; provided her information of these weapons in use for mind control overseas and found Alison Des Forges, senior Africa adviser for Human Rights Watch was d eceased in the Hudson NY crash in February 2009. On or about May 2008, the same occurred after contacting Senator Ted Kennedy for assistance, he became unavaila ble with Cancer. Today FBI reports he had been threatened. When Plaintiff agreed to testify anonymously, at a NY senate hearing scheduled out for February 2009 with Senator Eric Adams, he was delayed with a busy nation in transition, until his second home caught fire and the hearing never occurred. Plaintiff interviewe d many individuals complaining of hearing the tuning in of these satellites in s mall towns and CIA agents abandoned on the job in Italy and other Countries upon retirement, leaving them unaware and misinformed. Plaintiff had numerous impedi ments of busy delays from everyone she contacted daily to block her and has more disclosures and deaths not included in this complaint involving prominent and f amous Hollywood victims over the years along with her own daily events. 26. Under the disguise of SURVEILLANCE, some aspects of the Programs of MKULTRA were publicly acknowledged by President Clinton with partial apologies on Octobe r 3, 1995 as past tense and not being done currently to down play their uses. Th e Pentagon has new buzz words SYNTHETIC TELEPATHY-Psychotronics. However, Plaint iff spoke with many other victims, and the latest FT Hood Mind Control soldier i n November 2009 is not an isolated incident that is commonly known as Building M anchurians experimenting on many civilians today. Psychotronics also has a non-p rofit organization of former scientists and whistleblowers of same. (Lynn Surgel la-Cancer; Central Nervous System diseases and Immune System-Ariel Sharon and co matose, Massive FDA drug corruptions and synthetic illnesses) Twice recommended for a Nobel Prize Dr Robert Becker was the major researcher an d writer on health dangers from electromagnetic fields, he died a few months ago , in summer 2008, but his works and warnings live on. I have no doubt in my mind , that at the present time, the greatest polluting element in the Earths environ ment is the proliferation of electromagnetic fields. I consider that to be far g reater on a global scale than warming and the increase in chemical elements in t he environment. 27. The President and other executive officials have described some activities o f surveillance and spying which are conducted outside the procedures of the Fore ign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) and without authorization by the Foreig n Intelligence Court, Communities, Committees, Senate, or Congress. 28. As with The Attorney General and the Director of National Intelligence havin g since publicly admitting that the TSP was only one particular aspect of the su rveillance activities authorized by the Programs. On March 31, 2010 in the Islam ic Foundation v Obama case, Judge Walker ruled the TSP as unlawful and violated FISA. These activities and other covert programs are being abused with a pattern of experiments and corruption on the public since the 1970s using DOD weapons o f technology. (Tesla Invention and energy) (Jewel v United States, United States v Yahoo) On or about January 2007, Plaintiff witnessed people and companies pointing the finger at each other, and creating a doubt to sabotage lives and the LEGAL SYSTE M further with the use of Communication Chaos techniques. What the courts should also know. Today, Societys Chief complaints are demanding AUDITING FEDERAL FUND S, OVERSIGHT, and TRANSPANCY. Plaintiff has knowledge that it is the CORRUPTION and the bigger Agenda to change the Constitution that has been HIDING behind SSP and high profile cases and others, never coming to light. (OJ Simpson, Attorney selections, Sibel Edmonds) SSP has been preventing Remote Viewing Mind Control Transmissions and corruptions from coming to light, not Intelligence as a weapon and U. S. tactics. Furthermore, testimonies made in 1977 to U.S. Courts and Congress by whistleblow ers Cathy Obrien and Mark Phillips were blocked for reasons of National Security . This SSP RULING and disbelief had unwittingly allowed the crimes and evil corr uption to continue in AMERICA with these TECHNOLOGY WEAPONS of the mind Too many years of death and torture include every one in this Country somehow. Today we

are finally seeing the same has continued to bigger Government crimes and corrup tion with technology to take over humanity for mass control. Step #9 closer to l egalizing Fascism, eyes wide shut: (Access Denied, Trance-formation of America 2 003). The Judicial System has not connected the dots yet, on prior crimes from t hese technology weapons that blighted the Courts 40 years ago to bring us to thi s point and a corrupted a Country and Culture. Plaintiff will show that smokescr eens are created through propaganda to cover up what is going on in this Country from We the People, collectively, since Big Brother Technology that outsiders a lready noticed or realize. Plaintiff does not consent to the espionage informati on being transmitted against her will to her discoveries today and should not ha ve been targeted with this experiment, torture and information. 29. In addition to eavesdropping on or reading specific communications, Defendan ts have intercepted the communications contents across the United States and ove rseas, and targeted the Plaintiff with intense continuous sabotage and impedimen ts, Electronic Stalking, Slander, including Internet Communications, censored an d continuously intercepted from blogging, blocked her searches for attorneys, bl ocked her web site from google others cannot view except her, with Googles Acces s Portals and/or passwords. Plaintiff wrote to Google to let them know what was going on behind the scenes with remote viewing Americans INCLUDING most CORPORAT IONS, password access, and covert data-mining for purposes, in SG3 dating back p rior to 911 (EFF v Google Street-view). DODs ELF transmitters were already in fu ll scale by 1981 in Australia and Africa, followed by additional superior covert Projects in the U.S. (Combat Zones under DARPA formerly ARPA). 30. With suspicious FBI allegations and $122 Million Virtual Case File Project g one wrong in 2001, prior Board Members and Government Officials, the new Parent Company SAICs (C I A Spacestar) servers and the (Occult Connections). Chief of S taff Jack E Thomas Air Force Intelligence, 1997 ties with DOD, NSA, CIA, and for mer Executives, Directors, Secretaries, Army Generals, all had knowledge of REMO TE VIEWING experiments spy biz, SPAWAR at the Naval Electronics System Command i n San Diego and Los Alamos National Labs for Medical Oversight to American Intel ligence Agencies (1996). A surge of Federal Spending raised Multi-Billion dollar Defense concerns with SAIC and Titan (moon) (2004) in the mid 1990s on technolo gy projects that REQUIRE HUMAN EXPERIMENTING. 31. Joseph McMoneagle, eventually revealed as such, but for the purposes of the Armys psychic intelligence unit, he was simply Remote Viewer No. 1." In his Memo irs of a Psychic Spy is a look at the most remarkable exploits in a most astonis hing career of military service. Remote Viewer 001 in Armys Stargate Project rep orts this as still classified. The top secret intelligence gathering initiative launched at height of Cold War- David Morehouse 1998. This project was first use d to retrieve intentions in a criminal or terrorists mind. (The Lucid View, Inve stigations in Occultism, 2004-MK ULTRA includes Project VOICE of GOD and Church Committee) This is used for unexplained phenomenon and to manipulate religion an d/or to compel a crime, command or order. It is undeniable that government agenc ies have tested citizens without permission as The Manchurian Candidates in the United States. Cognitive Sciences Laboratories CIA research 24 years ago when To m Beardonwarned about these weapons and activities as serious dangers. These wea pons in use by police have already started to kill and maim overtly. 32. As history repeats itself, duping the legal system condoning Government horr ific corruptions and crimes in a free country, the core component of these Progr ams is Defendants nationwide network of sophisticated communications surveillanc e and spy devices being installed and attached today overtly and nefariously in front of the world. NSA transmissions and NASA Remote Viewing have been in place and are being connected to the key facilities of telecommunications with advanc ed technologies like that of HAARP stations and Satellites for many years prior and covertly. As Quantum Physics (sound and/or radio WAVES) and subliminal are b eing used for Spying predominantly on CIVILIAN POPULATION, as well as breaching contracts with other Countries and Embassies, HAARP is used for Earth and human manipulations. (Jerry Smith, Jim Keith; Politician and Dr. Nick Begich, Alaska; HAARP; THE ULTIMATE CONSPIRACY 1998) The Method of Inducing Mental Emotional and Physical States in Human Beings was patented for the CIA in Virginia in 1993. E

ach zapped transmission or hallucination is extremely harmful and polluting as i t is costly. Plaintiff has knowledge why black budgets are not held to higher ac countability, the public slowly sickened and killed selectively with social secu rity funds, and the missing $125 Billion on Iraqi Reconstruction fraud and the U.S. Army in February 2009. 33. These projects of CointelPro, Psyops experiments for drones, and Surveillanc e/spying have continued covertly to develop weapons that were first patented by Russia and China. Since the 1950s, first revealed to the public were the Alien U FO Projects, and the subliminal cravings of coca cola, movies and pop corn. Shor tly thereafter as technology advanced, mass control continued to this day nefari ously against all Americans, called NSA transmissions today. This created and in duced IMMORAL dysfunctional corrupt and synthetic unhealthy culture. Since 1974 under the Pentagon, DOD funded the ELF radio broadcasting in conjunction with hy pnotic control and prior to that Doctors Bill Nelson and Tom Beardon had their o wn patents at NASA on Medicinal Energy and Biofeedback, already in use in other Countries with the same remote scalar waves and frequencies. (Apollo and Whistle blowers second craft 11, shadowing Apollo 13 and no witnesses returned after the Shuttle) Furthermore, under DOD, Combat Zones That See, or CTS, project of the United Sta tes Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA-1957) whose goal was to "tr ack everything that moves" in a city by linking up a massive network of surveill ance cameras to a centralized computer system. (Russell Tice called Spy Apparatu s.) Artificial intelligence software will then identify and track all movement t hroughout the city. In 1958, immediately after Sputnick, DARPA began to secure o ur space and airways with these Directed Energy Weapons. (Project AGILE-1966 Pen tagon meeting). In an undisclosed report dated March 9, 2005, eight more projects with strategic thrusts included Bio-Revolution, DIRECTED ENERGY, and Urban Operation of sensor s on the existing Airborne Video Surveillance, all under the Iraq theory, also d ata mining all information from the Human. CTS is described by DARPA as intended for use in combat zones, to deter enemy attacks on American troops and to ident ify and track enemy combatants who launch attacks against American soldiers, und er Martial Law for a Police State and to legalize Fascism. DARPAs current Projec ts, XG, Robotic assured Military communication, CALO; Cognitive Impairment force d, speech, ADDHD, and Optical), and Silent Talk; A planned program attempting to identify EEG patterns for words and transmit these for covert communications. T elepathy were part of the tests the Plaintiff was sent for, including warming he r blood without the Doctors consent and was checked for Immune Systems without c ause (ELF disease),and her eyes physically taken over by an MRI, unexplained by Director (optic pattern, DNA, and more). This computer-mediated telepathy allows user-to-user communication through analysis of neural signals. The research aim s to detect and analyze the word-specific neural signals, using EEG, which occur before speech is vocalized, and to see if the patterns are generalizable. As of 2009 the research is focused on military uses. Plaintiff, an unwitting guinea p ig of these programs went for UN-Necessary tests. Plaintiffs hair has not grown since 1996, with induced rapid loss, a skin condition from the blood unknown to the doctors. (Leukemia) In addition, since 1962, ARPA initiated the Office of In formation Processing Technique and Behavior Sciences for Artificial Intelligence , Command and Control, known today as Behavior Modification or BRAINWASH for arm y combat purposes. 34. Plaintiff has knowledge that after this project was field-tested with experi ments on Vietnam VETERANS disguised as Agent Orange. Plaintiff spoke with many s uffering from ELF induced nervous central system attacks and complaints of mind control in the VA, all reporting the same as civilian victims. One of many victi ms is suing the Bar due to the VA computer systems uses with no counsel availabl e. 35. Julianne McKinney, 1994 former Military Intelligence Officer and Director of these very PROJECTS is still battling with it today, demanding oversight and ce ase and desist for all Microwave Harassment. (The Classic Mind Control Operation Revealed June 2003, surveillance and 'neurocybernetics' systems, which DOD refe

rs to as 'psychotechnologies'. (Former Pentagon Reporter, Sharon Weinberger (mis fits scientists, remote viewing; internal emails, 1996) Also known as HANDLERS. 36. John Herschel Glenn Jr., 1974-1999, former astronaut and U.S. politician who Introduced a Bill and Joint Resolutions (Page S645) Human Research Subject Prot ection Act, stated In fact, our own Constitution says, 'The right of the people to be secure in their persons . . . shall not be violated.', and compared it to the Nuremberg Code. His own experience and knowledge of unwitting civilians with Radiation experiments has already been proven that Directed Energy Weapons incr eased CANCER rates DRAMATICALLY in this COUNTRY thus far. Furthermore, patients have discovered leaving the Country for natural cures worked without further Che motherapy. During Plaintiffs brief volunteer work at the ACLU, Plaintiff learned that calls were made from patients complaining of being electrocuted while in H ospitals and transmitted innocent staff not to believe them. The reason knowledg eable professionals warn against this Technology as the terrorists within, and k eeping their enemies close, unfortunately. Plaintiff met with FBI and Congress o n two occasions and warned them of her discoveries, and the Gulfs Red Tide in Fl orida before the spill as corruptions at the hands of our Shadow Government, and did same with Documentary Un-Covered as Marionettes. ELF Waves used in getting a war by Congress not reading full documents to invade Iraq. (Judicial Watch var ious lawsuits, FBI 2008 also spinning their wheels) 37. Plaintiff also has knowledge that the manipulations to the media and miscomm unications for the use of quashing, fanning, suppressions, and propaganda includ ing block exposing the governments advertising and news corruptions are the reas on for spying with these mind control technology weapons. Spying on media was re vealed last year as NSA transmissions which includes communication chaos or not to care unwittingly and omit important news, unrealized. (Operation Mockingbird Media, also began in the 1950s, and creating a synthetic culture). HAARP station s were set up reaching Woodpecker waves with Russia about the time space activit ies began 1970 when Big Brother was watching today known as Big Brother gets a B rain. Whereas Russia was in fact only deployed with these Weapons on the U.S. or on its own people. Paranoid, our Intelligence, DIA launched against its own peo ple in 1983. Astronomical Defense budgets developed as black budgets, and SPYING nefariously went covert from media and publics knowledge. (Jerry Smith, CARABAS Coherent All Radio Band Sensing, HAARP printed in Canada 1998) (Operation Mocki ngbird) 38. Plaintiff and Plaintiffs family members are ordinary Americans who were init ially picked up in the Big Brother radar unwittingly in 1971, whereas Plaintiff was informed others who have ties with Military, Minorities, Government employee s and buildings, all being picked up in radar with data mining human information for world domination powers. Dumbed Down and red tape bureaucratic culture indu ced unrealized 39. Plaintiff is also suing Defendants for treason, crimes, violations, and thre ats attempted on her and her family, when disseminating the information and ARTI CLE, and reporting it to the Authorities. Plaintiff has knowledge other Countrie s are being scapegoated and blamed for CIA crimes in disguise. 40. Plaintiff was and is being discredited, sabotaged, pre-empted since on or ab out Sept. 2008 and the Inauguration, with these Serious Accusations to whitewash history and each one of her accusations, brainwash the public, and keep Washing ton in their bubble, as being too late. (CIA techniques; Jacketing- against each other or one against the other, and changing minds, of Presidents-Dr. Walter Bo wart, False Memory Syndrome Foundation 1992, Hallucinations, and Reagan-Alzheime rs disease-like memory loss. 41. These are unconstitutional programs under Cointelpro divisions (Operation Mi nd Control and DIA Remote Viewing experiments and NSA transmissions under electr onics communications) as described to include Monarch-The New Phoenix Program, M KULTRA (Constantine-Virtual Government, CIA Mind Control Operations in America, 1997), Project Philadelphia, Echelon, Clear eyes, Mockingbird media), and Milita ry Pandoras Box, Voice of GOD, Operation Northwoods (creating wars), Project Sta rgate and Spacestar, (CIA Psychic Remote Viewing and FBI Virtual Project, 1996 r espectively), Project Paperclip (Space Medicine), Project Hybrid Insects HI-MEMS

, Polar Bears, along with many others), and include corruption crimes of abusive powers. 42. Plaintiff is suffering from the violations of her constitutional rights, and privacy acts, (US code 5, and 18) at the hands of, the direction of, or with th e knowledge of, Defendants. Defendants in concert with other Intelligence agenci es and/or service providers, and means are set forth in paragraphs below). 43. January 2003, the NSA designed and implemented a program THE DRAGNET in coll aboration with AT&T to build a surveillance operation at AT&Ts Folsom Street Fac ility, inside a secret room known as the SG3 Secure Room. In February 2003, the Splitter Cabinet split diverting to and from Qwest, XO, PAIX, Allegiance, and ma ny more Service Providers at the SG3 Location. (EFF v VERIZON) 44. As some X or zero files kept covertly in Silicon Valley and NSA and Data Min ing with SIG-INT Satellites used as the scapegoat of illegal covert spying of 50 years, making it legal. Plaintiff received communication through Qwest and T-Mo bile, and many other carriers that were tampered with, Plaintiff found her compu ter files wiped out for over one year (2007-2008 of all her Government research and email communications to the public, since she began attempts for help, and n otified Qwest of the activities behind the scenes as they had found them undetec table. Plaintiffs communications verbally and electronically, including facsimil es, muting one party in conversation to sabotage meaning, emails were intercepte d and manipulated, as destroyed documents, videos, and photographs, preventing t he reporting her story and the torture and abuse to non-conspiring authorities a nd individuals. 45. Defendants daily tortures are being done without judicial, statutory, or oth er lawful authorization, in violate on of statutory and constitutional limitatio ns, and in excess of statutory and constitutional authority. 46. Defendants daily tortures are being done without probable cause or reasonabl e suspicion to believe that Plaintiff has committed or are about to commit any c rime or engage in any terrorist activity, or is of foreign powers or agents ther eof and these activities are crimes of humanity. 47. Defendants daily tortures are with intent and malice, are being done without any reason to believe that the information is relevant to an authorized crimina l investigation or to an authorized investigation to protect against internation al terrorism or clandestine intelligence activities. 48. On information and belief, Defendants daily tortures against her will and re ligion is directly performed, and/or aided, abetted, counseled, commanded, induc ed or procured, by Defendants. 49. On information and belief, Defendants will continue to directly target the P laintiff and the Public and/or will continue to aid, abet, counsel, command, ind uce or procure that conduct. (Mind Control and the American Government; Prevaili ng Winds 1994) Since Teslas Directed Energy Weapons were invented and launched o r picked up by The Pentagons covert ops, The United States unlike the rest of th e Globe, rapidly began down a culture of Cancer, CIA drugs, corruptions, crimes (another experiment in 1968 on crimes in major cities hidden behind LSD, as alie ns) paranoia, immoral behaviors, AIDS, ANTHRAX, obesity, sicker Americans, divis ion, Trash TV and education, paranormal phenomenon, and a greater necessity of g uinea pigs for technology experimentation, followed by power, corruptions, terro rizing and harassing anyone they chose covertly on the streets without accountab ility and justice and without knowledge of a dictatorship or executive order. 50. Plaintiff seeks costs, legal fees, and damages applicable by law with protec tive measures for all COUNTS. Plaintiff was represented under a class suit, befo re transmissions sabotaged the attorney and his contact information has been dis connected and tampered with. On information and belief, the former attorney may have had brain surgery from Migraines while preparing the Complaint granted by a nd San Francisco University, after my visit, to Denver in July of 2008. Counsel may be abroad at this time. BACKGROUND 14. Counter Intelligence Program was a series of covert, and often illegal, proj ects conducted by the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) aimed at investigating and disrupting dissident political organizations within the Uni

ted States. The FBI used covert operations from its inception; however formal CO INTELPRO operations took place between 1956 and 1971. The FBI's stated motivatio n at the time was "protecting national security, preventing violence, and mainta ining the existing social and political order." According to FBI records, 85% of Cointelpro resources were expended on infiltrating, disrupting, marginalizing, and/or subverting groups suspected of being subversive, such as communist and so cialist organizations; the women's rights movement; militant black nationalist g roups, and the non-violent civil rights movement, including individuals such as Martin Luther King, Jr. and others associated with the Southern Christian Leader ship Conference, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, the Congress of Racial Equality, the American Indian Movement, and other civil rights groups; a broad range of organizations labeled "New Left", including Stud ents for a Democratic Society, the National Lawyers Guild, the Weathermen, almos t all groups protesting the Vietnam War, and even individual student demonstrato rs with no group affiliation; and nationalist groups such as those "seeking inde pendence for Puerto Rico." The other 15% of Cointelpro resources were expended t o marginalize and subvert "white hate groups," including the Ku Klux Klan and Na tional States' Rights Party. The directives governing Cointelpro were issued by FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, who ordered FBI agents to "expose, disrupt, misdir ect, discredit, or otherwise neutralize" the activities of these movements and t heir leaders. Hoover disclosed how horrific these weapons were thus, hard to bel ieve. MKULTRA mind control experiments began at the end of WWII and then became public in the 1970s, however imperfectly, and went black again because of Senate hearings, but these experiments have continued to this day. The only reason tha t MKULTRA was ever brought into the light of day was that a dissident group stol e government documents and released them to the press, which initially refused t o publish them. The MKULTRA archive was destroyed because of the seriousness of the crimes perpetrated by the intelligence communities. If it became public know ledge that the intelligence agencies had allowed Nazi war criminals to experimen t upon American citizens, including children, and then replicated these techniqu es themselves, the damage to their reputation could never be undone. The only as pects of CIA criminal activity in general, or MKULTRA in particular, that the in telligence community ever admitted to were the ones that were already public, or details that had very little to do with the current capabilities of mind contro l weapons and techniques. Microwave weapons and remote influence of the Human Ce ntral Nervous System are the crown jewels of the intelligence community. The DEF ENDER and AGILE Programs formed the foundation of DARPA sensor, surveillance, sp ying, and directed energy R&D, particularly in the study of radar, infrared sens ing, and x-ray/gamma ray detection. During the late 1960s, with the transfer of these mature programs to the Services, ARPA redefined its role and concentrated on a diverse set of relatively small, essentially exploratory research programs. The Agency was renamed the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) in 1972, and during the early 1970s, it emphasized direct energy programs, informa tion processing, and tactical technologies. Today we know we have had the Technology as warfare and/or medicine, coupled wit h the Conspiracy theories of HAARP, (Dr. Hubertus Strughold, space medicine-proj ect paperclip-The Jewish Telegraphic Agency 1995; Dark Moon; Apollo and Whistleb lowers Second craft 11, shadowing Apollo 13 and technical difficulties with no w itnesses returned. Issues of Mind Control reported by Dr. Rauni-Leena Luukanen K ilde - with 50 year old technology from our government being di sclosed as new, have consistently been deceiving the public, intentionally and w ith malice, while mapping out a grid across the Country. DUPLICITOUS and INDUCED manipulations of grave mass control escalations have been documented and quashe d over the decades. MKULTRA Experiments for Behavior Modification using the publ ic as pawns for war, also became corrupted for tax gains and global domination, with massive funding to LEAA Law Enforcements while Crimes were induced in major cities in 1968 alone by 50% (FBI, Newsweek reports). Unwitting citizens blighte d the courts with lawsuits, prisons and Hospitals in this Country with complaint s of mind control that the Media refused to cover. This erupted suddenly and mas sively over one year and remote viewing was used for entrapment and hallucinatio

ns for bearing false witness. Today this continues is still uncovered by media w ith false statistics and disinformation fanned unwittingly by the media (Project Mockingbird and Spying). A dysfunctional America engineered at the hands of its own secret government. Forty years later the COURTS are blighted with cases of civil/privacy rights, War, torture, and Technology combined if we dont stop them with so many warning for AMERICANS TO WAKE UP. An agenda for larger government, and world domination, with CONGRESS spinning their wheels; instead of meeting o nce a year as intended in the Constitution, and invisible weapons to help hijack ed this country since a 1910 secret meeting on Jekyll Island to create a blank c heck for The Federal Reserve. (Church Committee 1970 called NSA transmissions to day) Most people are not ready to handle this kind of information. CHURCH COMMITTEE Reports: By the early years of the 1970s, the unpopularity of the Vietnam War and the unf olding Watergate scandal brought the era of minimal oversight to an abrupt halt. Congress was determined to rein in the Nixon administration and to ascertain th e extent to which the nation's intelligence agencies had been involved in questi onable, if not outright illegal, activities. A series of troubling revelations started to appear in the press concerning inte lligence activities. First came the revelations of Christopher Pyle in January 1 970 of the U.S. Army's spying on the civilian population[1][2] and Sam Ervin's S enate investigations that resulted.[3] The dam broke on 22 December 1974, when T he New York Times published a lengthy article by Seymour Hersh detailing operati ons engaged in by the CIA over the years that had been dubbed the "family jewels ". Covert action programs involving assassination attempts against foreign leade rs and covert attempts to subvert foreign governments were reported for the firs t time. In addition, the article discussed efforts by intelligence agencies to c ollect information on the political activities of US citizens.[4] These revelations convinced many Senators and Representatives that the Congress itself had been too lax, trusting, and naive in carrying out its oversight respo nsibilities. The Church Committee learned that beginning in the 1950s; the CIA and FBI interc epted, opened and photographed more than 215,000 pieces of mail by the time the program called "HT Lingual" was shut down in 1973. This program was all done und er the "mail covers" program. A mail cover is when the government records withou t a warrant or notification all information on the outside of an envelope or pac kage, including the name of the sender and the recipient. The Church report foun d that the CIA was zealous about keeping the Postal Service from learning that m ail was being opened by government agents. CIA agents moved mail to a private ro om to open the mail or in some cases opened envelopes at night after stuffing th em in briefcases or coat pockets to deceive postal officials.[5] On April 1, 1976, Attorney General Levi announced the establishment of a special review committee within the Department of Justice to notify COINTELPRO victims that they were the subjects of FBI activities directed against them. Notificatio n will be made "in those instances where the specific COINTELPRO activity was im proper, actual harm may have occurred, and the subjects are not already aware th at they were the targets of COINTELPRO activities." 315 Further, the Department will have acknowledged -- finally -- that COINTELPRO was wrong. Official repudiation of the programs is long overdue. (Wiretapping began with Hoover in 1940) The American people need to be assured that never again will an agency of the go vernment be permitted to conduct a secret war against those citizens it consider s threats to the established order. Only a combination of legislative prohibitio n and Departmental control can guarantee that COINTELPRO will not happen again. The notification program is an auspicious beginning. This rough, tough, dirty bu siness included infiltration of political groups, psychological warfare, legal h arassment, and extralegal force and violence. The FBI and police threatened, ins tigated and conducted break-ins, vandalism, assaults, and beatings. The object w as to frighten dissidents and disrupt their movements, write Mike Cassidy and Wi ll Miller. They used secret and systematic methods of fraud and force, far beyon d mere surveillance, to sabotage constitutionally protected political activity.

The purpose of the program was, in FBI Director J. Edgar Hoovers own words, to e xpose, disrupt, misdirect, discredit and otherwise neutralize specific groups an d individuals. After the Church Committee exposed COINTELPRO, the government claimed it had dis mantled the program. However, in the 1980s, the Reagan administration legalized the tactics by signing Executive Order 12333. There is every reason to believe that even what was not legalized is still going on as well. Lest we forget, Lt. Col. Oliver North funded and orchestrated from the White House basement break-ins and other dirty tricks to defeat congressiona l critics of U.S. policy in Central America and to neutralize grassroots protest . Special Prosecutor Walsh found evidence that North and Richard Secord (archite ct of the 1960s covert actions in Cambodia) used Iran-Contra funds to harass the Christic Institute, a church-funded public interest group specializing in expos ing government misconduct, Cassidy and Miller continue. In addition, North worked with FEMA to develop contingency plans for suspending the Constitution, establishing martial law, and holding political dissidents in concentration camps. Since the false flag attacks of September 11, 2001, the gov ernment has worked incessantly to fine tune plans to impose martial law. It has also worked to federalize and militarized law enforcement around the country. Br ian Glick (War at Home) argues that COINTELPRO is a permanent feature of the gov ernment. The record of the past 50 years reveals a pattern of continuous domesti c covert action, Glick wrote in the 1990s. Its use has been documented in each o f the last nine administrations, Democratic as well as Republican. FBI testimony shows COINTELPRO tactics already in full swing during the presidencies of Democ rats Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Harry Truman. COINTELPRO itself, while initia ted under Eisenhower, grew from one program to six under the Democratic administ rations of Kennedy and Johnson After COINTELPRO was exposed [by the Church Commi ttee], similar programs continued under other names during the Carter years as w ell as under Nixon, Ford, and Reagan. They have outlived J. Edgar Hoover and rem ained in place under all of his successors. U.S. Army's spying on the civilian population[1][2]and Sam Ervin's Senate invest igations that resulted.[3]The dam broke on 22 December 1974, when The New York T imespublished a lengthy article by Seymour Hershdetailing operations engaged in by the CIA over the years that had been dubbed the "family jewels". Covert actio n programs involving assassination attempts against foreign leaders and covert a ttempts to subvert foreign governments were reported for the first time.In addit ion, the article discussed efforts by intelligence agencies to collect informati onon the political activities of US citizens.[4]on. I have no doubt in my mind, that at the present time, the greatest polluting element in the Earths environme nt is the proliferation of electromagnetic fields. I consider that to be far gre ater on a global scale than warming and the increase in chemical elements in the environment. 15. Is the NSA Conducting Electronic Warfare On Americans? Jonas Holmes May 19, 2006 CHRONICLE ARTICLE 18. The CIA and the cult of intelligence (1974) Reviewed by James R MacLean on 2 007-04-09. Incompetence leads to Monstrosity Marchetti's expose of the CIA was p ublished on the EVE OF THE CHURCH COMMISSION, at a moment when domestic outrage at the culture of duplicity and domestic interference had reached its peak. Sinc e that time, successful public relations have greatly enhanced the image of inte lligence services. Marchetti's thesis is that, contrary to widespread public bel ief, the USA was not locked in an existential struggle with Soviet or Chinese su bversion, and never really was. Soviet intelligence utterly surpassed the CIA in effectiveness, initiative, and recruitment of allied agents abroad. In fact, th e CIA was effective only against 3rd world intelligence organizations, and there , spectacularly so. This extreme Soviet edge in espionage was more than offset b y the superior resources of the conventional Western militaries and the impossib ility of waging a direct confrontation owing to the nuclear stalemate. Worse, th is advantage was not seriously mitigated by the abundance of high-tech gadgets, such as satellites; such tools merely facilitated the collection of large amount

s of raw data, with virtually no practical usefulness. Far from rendering the US intelligence community harmless, however, it made the agency focus on a campaign against 3rd world allies, and ultimately, against the US population. The CIA tried its hand at WAGING SECRET WARS in Latin America, S outheast Asia, and Africa; it developed a vast group of businesses to serve as c over for illicit shipping and arms supplies; and it became utterly habituated to corrupting legislators in the Free World. The CIA became an eager tool for an u naccountable executive branch, provided that the executive had a flair for cover t action; and it tended to create an echo chamber of self-deception that threate ned the entire national security establishment. At the very top of its list of p riorities was the urgent need to defend its mission publicly, and validate its i mmense budget. Marchetti spends a modest amount of time discussing the inability of the CIA to confront the Soviet KGB. When he mentions it, he avers the KGB an d its allied bureaux are indeed odious, but also defensive--by necessity. He dwe lls in somewhat greater detail on the CIA's structure and specialized fields of performance. He includes a broad-brush description of the overall US intelligenc e community, before turning to an analysis of the separate divisions and their r espective behavior. This included covert operations (such as the Bay of Pigs inv asion), proprietaries (such as Interarmco and Air America), propaganda and disin formation, and espionage/counterespionage. In all of these enterprises, the same motivation prevails: the CIA seeks self-perpetuation and influence WITHIN the W estern world, but lacks will or ability to seriously combat the Soviets. Towards the end, he discusses the increasing tendency of the CIA to interfere in regula r US politics, chiefly to ingratiate itself with the president. Marchetti's criticisms of the intelligence community were surprisingly mild. I s hould mention in passing that his book had about 170 or so passages deleted by c ourt order; the CIA had earlier demanded well in excess of 300, and the court aw arded it half of what it demanded. Some of the deletions are downright silly (as where it refers to a base in [DELETED] granted by Haile Selassie!), and elsewhe re I was amused to observe the most numerous deletions in the part dealing with funding appropriations. The extreme secrecy of the intelligence community with r espect to funding has greatly intensified since this book was published, and usu ally the motivation is quite obviously to conceal how much money these agencies actually waste. However, Marchetti concludes that the CIA is essentially past re form, useless, and so incompetent at its mission as to have become narrowly focu sed on extorting billions from the nation. 19. Former United States Government Physicist! 1981-Lt Col. US Army Retired, Pen tagon analys (McRae, Ronald, Mind Wars, St. Martin's Press, 1984, p 127, Psychic Weapons) 20. In a slide Bearden illustrates how a Scalar War would involve a psychoenerge tics attack on the operators of the enemy scalar installation, entraining their minds into hypnogogic trance and getting them to shut down their systems. And ul timately psychoenergetic warfare goes to the very heart of human identity itself . For if my thoughts might no longer be "mine," then who and what am I? Can my v ery sense of being "me" be hijacked by some nefarious psychoenergetic scheme? On e paper to begin with is Mind Control and EM Wave Polarization Transductions Thi s is such serious stuff that Bearden includes a strong warning about misuse of t his knowledge. Psychoenergetics weapons can MENTALLY MAIM AND PHYSICALLY KILL. 21. PSYCHOTRONIC WEAPONS-SPACE PRESERVATION ACT-House Resolution bill 2977-Brain manipulation from a distance-2001-2002 Last year, in October, the Congressman Dennis J. Kucinich introduced in the Amer ican Congress a bill, obliging the American president to get engaged in the nego tiations aimed at the ban of space based weapons. In this bill the definition of a weapon system includes: any other unacknowledged or as yet undeveloped means inflicting death or injury on, or damaging or destroying, a person (or the biolo gical life, bodily health, mental health, or physical and economic well-being of a person) through the use of land-based, sea-based, or space-based systems usin g radiation, electromagnetic, psychotronic, sonic, laser, or other energies dire cted at individual persons or targeted populations or the purpose of information war, mood management, or mind control of such persons or populations" (12). As

in all legislative acts quoted in this article the bill counts with sound, light or electromagnetic stimulation of human brain. Psychotronic weapons remain, at least for a layman uninformed of secret military research, in the sphere of scie nce fiction, since so far none of the published scientific experiments was prese nted in the way which would allow for its replication. That it is feasible to ma nipulate human behavior with the use of subliminal, either sound or visual, mess ages is now generally known. This is why in most of the countries the use of suc h technologies, without consent of the user, is banned. Devices using light for the stimulation of the brain show another way how the light flashing in certain frequencies could be used for the manipulation of human psychic life. As for the sound, a report on the device transmitting a beam of sound waves, which can hea r only persons at whom the beam of sound waves is targeted, appeared last year i n the world newspapers. The beam is formed by a combination of sound and ultraso und waves which causes that a person targeted by this beam hears the sound insid e of his head. Such a perception could easily convince the human being that it i s mentally ill. The acts presented in this article suggest that with the develop ment of technology and knowledge of the functioning of human brain new ways of m anipulation of human mind keep emerging. One of them seems to be the electromagn etic energy. Though in the open scientific literature only some 30 experiments w ere published, supporting this assumption (1),(2), already in 1974, in the USSR, after successful testing with military unit in Novosibirsk, the installation Ra dioson (Radiosleep) was registered with the Government Committee on the Matters of Inventions and Discoveries of the USSR, described as a method of induction of sleep by means of radio waves (3), (4), (5) 22. Dear Senator-Attorney Letter included: We seek your offices assistance in initiating hearings and a fact-finding congre ssional inquiry into the government agencies and/or private companies that are t argeting citizens. Many citizens are desperate to be freed from the disturbing, intrusive and oppressive targeting. Evidence supports the conclusion that weapons exist that could be used against i ndividuals, based on U.S. Patent and Trademark Office filings, public releases b y agencies, and other technologies that indicate the level of technological soph istication. The weapons are believed to be based on electromagnetism, microwaves , sonic waves, lasers and other types of directed energy, and were characterized as psychotronic in Rep. Dennis Kucinichs draft of House Resolution 2977, the Sp ace Preservation Act of 2001. Furthermore, it is undeniable that government agen cies have tested citizens without permission in the past; for example, the CIAs human experimentation discussed in Orlikow v. U.S., 682 F.Supp. 77 (D.D.C. 1988) , secretly administered lysergic acid diethylamide discussed in United States v. Stanley, 483 U.S. 669 (1987), and military chemical experimentation as discusse d in Congressional Committee Report 103-97, 103d Congress, 2d Session, S. Prt. 1 03-97 (Dec. 8, 1994). Lastly, the sheer numbers of people complaining of being t argeted, including people with post-graduate degrees and a lifetime of achieveme nts, and the similarities in symptoms tend to outweigh a dismissive response bas ed on charges of anecdotal evidence or group paranoia. there is a certain risk of sounding too conspiratorial, however, common denomina tors such as physical symptoms and medical reports, surveillance scenarios, hara ssment techniques, and more can be readily established. ALLEGATIONS and VIOLATIONS 51. Pursuant to Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Title 5, 22, 42, 142, 18, 18a, and 50, Plaintiff Mireille Torjman brings this action on behalf of herself, and to attest to her family and the publics victimization, unwittingly and/or unrea lized at the hands of, the direction of, or the knowledge of the Defendants: (a) TITLE 18 PART I CHAPTER 37 793. Gathering, transmitting or losing defense in formation, (b) 18 U.S.C. 241. Conspiracy against rights, (c) 18 U.S.C. 373. Solicitation to commit a crime of violence, (d) 18 U.S.C. 1091. Genocide, (e) 18 U.S.C.1341. Mail fraud, (f) 18 U.S.C. 1512. Tampering with a witness, victim, or an informant,

(g) 18 U.S.C. 1513. Retaliating against a witness, victim, or an informant, (h) 18 U.S.C. 1583 (2). Enticement into slavery, (i) 18 U.S.C. 1692. Foreign mail as United States mail, (j) 18 U.S.C. 1801. Video voyeurism, (k) 18 U.S.C. 1812. Statement of exclusive means by which electronic surveillanc e and interception of certain communications may be conducted, (l) 18 U.S.C. 2242. Sexual abuse, (m) 18 U.S.C. 2332 (a) Terrorism, and (h). Use of weapons of mass destruction, (n) 18 U.S.C. 2339. Harboring or concealing terrorists, (o) 18 U.S.C. 2422. Coercion and enticement, or are currently doing so; (p) Defendants have subjected the public to electronic surveillance, in violatio n of 50 U.S.C. 1809 and 1810, or are currently doing so; (q) Defendants are intercepting communications in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2510 an d 18 U.S.C. 2511; (r) Defendants have transmitted Plaintiff and the public in violation of 18 U.S. C. 2703, Required Disclosure of communications records, or are currently doing s o; (s) Defendants have transmitted civilians, and non civilians, in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2381. Treason, or are currently doing so; (t) Defendants have harassed and transmitted the public to stalk and harass the Plaintiff inclusive of electronically and tangibly, in violation of 18 U.S.C. 22 61: US Code - 2261A: Stalking (u) Plaintiff was violated with her civil rights with the use of electronic comm unications under 18a U.S.C. Rule 41. Search and Seizure (v) Defendants have violated the Administrative Procedures Act, 5 U.S.C. 701 et seq., or are currently doing so; (w) Defendants have violated the constitutional principle of separation of power s, or are currently doing so; (x) Defendants have Tortured Plaintiff, her family, and the public electronicall y in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2340A, or currently doing so: (y) Plaintiff is entitled to injunctive, declaratory, and other equitable relief against defendants and freedom from spying activities; (z) Defendants have Tortured Plaintiff, her family and the public electronically in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2422, or currently doing so: (aa) Plaintiff is entitled to Civil Damages 18 U.S.C. Rule 2520 in violations of her First, Third, Fifth, and Thirteenth Amendments; 18 U.S.C. 2510, 18 U.S.C. 2 511, and 18 U.S.C. 2512. (ab) Plaintiff is entitled to Grants and Health Care Assistance as a victim in a ccordance to 22 U.S.C. 2152: US Code - Section 2152: Assistance for victims of t orture. (ac) United Nations Convention against Torture and Other Crel, Inhuman or Degrad ing Treatment or Punishment, G.A. res. 39/46, annex, 39 U.N. GAOR Supp. (No. 51) at 197, U.N. Doc. A/39/51 (1984), entered into force June 26, 1987; Universal D eclaration of Human Rights, G.A. res. 217A (III), U.N. Doc. A/810 at 71 (1948); International Convention on Civil and Political Rights, G.A. res. 2200A (XXI), 2 1 U.N. GAOR Supp. (No. 16) at 52, U.N. Doc. A/6316 (1966), 9.99 U.N.T.S. 171, en tered into force Mar. 23, 1976. (ad) Defendants have Tortured Plaintiff, her family and the public and the prohi bitions against torture and other cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment and the conspiracy to oppress, torture, rape, suppress, is a violation under 142 U.S.C. 1985. Conspiracy to interfere with United States Civil Rights. (ae) Defendants have Tortured Plaintiff, her family and the public and the prohi bitions against malicious intent to torture, rape privacy rights, brainwash, and enslave with severe psychological in-humane damages to ones spirit, and libel i s actionable under Tort Claims of damages found under civil and criminal trials. (af) Plaintiff has made at least 2 requests to the FOIA and both dossiers were d enied under the violation of 5 U.S.C. 552; claims under and 18 U.S.C. 2707 and 5 U.S.C. 702 52. Adequacy: Plaintiff and family members are suffering great harm arising from Defendants violations of law, as alleged herein. Plaintiff intends to prosecute

this action vigorously. Plaintiff hereby demands injunctive relief and damages. s and as a victim of the Intelligence Communities of the United States of Americ a as found below. Plaintiff seeks relief as permitted by law for each count below separately: (a) 18 U.S.C. 793. Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information, (b) 18 U.S.C. 241. Conspiracy against rights, (c) 18 U.S.C. 373. Solicitation to commit a crime of violence, (d) 18 U.S.C. 1091. Genocide, (e) 18 U.S.C.1341. Mail fraud, (f) 18 U.S.C. 1512. Tampering with a witness, victim, or an informant, (g) 18 U.S.C. 1513. Retaliating against a witness, victim, or an informant, (h) 18 U.S.C. 1583 (2). Enticement into slavery, (i) 18 U.S.C. 1692. Foreign mail as United States mail, (j) 18 U.S.C. 1801. Video voyeurism, (k) 18 U.S.C. 1812. Statement of exclusive means by which electronic surveillanc e and interception of certain communications may be conducted, (l) 18 U.S.C. 2242. Sexual abuse, (m) 18 U.S.C. 2332 (a) Terrorism, and (h). Use of weapons of mass destruction, (n) 18 U.S.C. 2339. Harboring or concealing terrorists, (o) 18 U.S.C. 2422. Coercion and enticement, or are currently doing so; (p) Defendants have subjected the public to electronic surveillance, spying, and mind and body transmissions, in violation of 50 U.S.C. 1809 and 1810, or are cu rrently doing so; (q) Defendants are intercepting communications in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2511; (r) Defendants have transmitted Plaintiff and the public in violation of 18 U.S. C. 2703, Required Disclosure of communications records, or are currently doing s o; (s) Defendants have transmitted the Plaintiff and public domestically and intern ationally, in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2381. Treason, or are currently doing so; (t) Defendants are violation of 18 U.S.C. 2261: US Code - 2261A: Stalking (u) Plaintiff was subjected to electronic surveillance, spying and harassment, v iolating 18a U.S.C. Rule 41. Search and Seizure (v) Defendants have violated the Administrative Procedures Act, 5 U.S.C. 701 et seq., or are currently doing so; (w) Defendants have violated the constitutional principle of separation of power s, or are currently doing so; (x) Defendants have tortured, and violated, Plaintiff, and the public electronic ally in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2340A, or are currently doing so: (y) Plaintiff are entitled to injunctive, declaratory, and other equitable relie f against defendants and freedom from further harm, in violation of tort laws do mestically and internationally. (z) Defendants have tortured Plaintiff and the public electronically in violatio n of 18 U.S.C. 2421, or currently doing so: (aa) Plaintiff is entitled to Civil Damages 18 U.S.C. Rule 2520 in violations of her First, Third, Fifth, Thirteenth, and Fourteenth Amendments; (ab) Plaintiff is entitled to Grants and Health Care Assistance as a victim in a ccordance to 22 U.S.C. 2152: US Code - Section 2152: Assistance for victims of t orture. (ac) United Nations Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degra ding Treatment or Punishment, G.A. res. 39/46, annex, 39 U.N. GAOR Supp. (No. 51 ) at 197, U.N. Doc. A/39/51 (1984), entered into force June 26, 1987; Universal Declaration of Human Rights, G.A. res. 217A (III), U.N. Doc. A/810 at 71 (1948); International Convention on Civil and Political Rights, G.A. res. 2200A (XXI), 21 U.N. GAOR Supp. (No. 16) at 52, U.N. Doc. A/6316 (1966), 9.99 U.N.T.S. 171, e ntered into force Mar. 23, 1976. (ad) Defendants have intentionally and with malice premeditated the Tortured of the Plaintiff and is a violation under 142 U.S.C. 1985. Conspiracy to interfere with civil rights. (ae) Defendants have Tortured Plaintiff, is actionable under tort claims of dama ges found under civil procedures and criminal trials.

QUESTION PRESENTED 1. Whether this case is frivolous and fantastic or noble and factual? 2. Whether this case can be heard with sufficient public concern or interes t? 3. Whether Petitioner has the right to an immediate Injunction Relief from Government torture and protection? 4. Whether the Judicial System can afford to ignore decades of Admissions a nd Apologies from PUBLIC Government OFFICIALS, to sabotage Millions of Civilian lives and events at the hands of mind controlled CIA-NSA Transmissions Electroni c Warfare on US Soil, hiding behind SSP law and black budgets, and deny a Citize n the right to petition? ________________________________________ ________________________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS OPINIONS BELOW JURISDICTION CONSTITUTIONAL AND STATUTORY PROVISIONS INVOLVED STATEMENT OF THE CASE I. Facts REASONS FOR GRANTING THE PETITION 5. This Case Presents an Important Question of our Amendment Laws That the District Court Has Decided in a Way That Conflicts with Petitioners proof and Pu blic Admissions from United States Officials which warrant for National Importan ce, and grave risks for the American Judicial System and Public SAFETY. 6. An American citizen has a Constitutional right to petition. CONCLUSION ________________________________________ INDEX TO APPENDICES AND EXHIBITS 7. Jim Keith Photo-CIA Mass control Dumbing down America, Death-Pushed 8. Judge Napolitano The Lies the Govt told you photo-3 9. Media Articles and public concern sample pages-11 10. Letter from Attorney (Petitioner warned class action suit non-gang relat ed)-3 11. Article of Bush Family Patriarch statement in 1966 (Congress-Media)-2 12. Article Judicial System example of ordinary citizens perception and conc erns-3 13. Memorandum of Opinion 14. Order to Dismiss 15. Order to Deny 16. Motion for Relief of Judgment 17. Motion for change in venue 18. Notice of appeal ________________________________________ TABLE OF AUTHORITIES CITED CASES United State v. Lindauer Case No. 03 Cr. 807 Whistleblower agent remote viewing Katz v. United States, 389 U.S. 347 (1967) Skilling V. United States, No. 081394 Kathrein l v. l McNamara, Kinsella, et. al., 05-1431 and related cases cited Case No. 07-037 Dept Public Works cases CANNOT be won against Government with of REMOTE SABOTAGE victim of multitudes of sabotage and tampered tests proven sane after funds exhausted as numerous prominent and non over decades. STATUTES U.S.C. 18 U.S.C. 28 and Chapter 81 U.S.C. 28 2101 Constitutional Amendments below and First and Fifth ARTICLES AND BOOKS Listed above exhibits A through E and N, O. /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso

-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-sty le-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0in; mso-para -margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:10.0pt; font-fami ly:"Times New Roman"; mso-ansi-language:#0400; mso-fareast-language:#0400; mso-b idi-language:#0400;} IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES PETITION FOR WRIT OF CERTIORARI Petitioner respectfully prays that a writ of certiorari issue for the case to be heard in the United States Supreme Court of Washington District of Columbia. U.S.C. 28 2101. Supreme Court; time for appeal or certiorari; docketing; stay OPINIONS BELOW The opinion of the highest state court to review the merits appears at Appendix G to the petition and is published. ________________________________________ JURISDICTION The date on which the highest state court decided this case was by Orders on Jul y 20, 2010 and August 16, 2010. Copies of those, Motions, and Appeal are at Appe ndices G to L. FK The jurisdiction of this Court is invoked under 28 U.S.C. has public interests. ________________________________________ CONSTITUTIONAL AND STATUTORY PROVISIONS INVOLVED U.S. Const. Amendments: As listed in Complaint and; I. Freedom of religion, speech, the press, assembly, and petition. IV. Interdiction of unreasonable searches and seizures; VIII. Bans cruel and unusual punishment, and excessive fines or bail IX. Unenumerated rights XIII. Abolishes slavery and involuntary servitude, ELECTRONIC WARFARE ________________________________________ STATEMENT OF THE CASE I. Facts On July 7, 2010, Petitioner had her Complaint above said case taken from the cou nter before mailing, and upon arrival at court house, Complaint was unwittingly switched on Chief Judges desk regardless of calls and written instructions. Prio r Complaint unwittingly switched was missing names of current high profile indiv iduals and current assassinations. Days later, Petitioner also caught Case Compl aint which was unwittingly switched with Pharmaceutical case when loaded by Pace r electronically. On or about August 12, 2010, Petitioner went on the air and provided a recorded 45 minute interview but no one in DC or across North America and Canada stations had heard the interviews and had been redirected, all week to another phone lin e to impede communication and full disclosures (as websites for 4 years). Petiti oner notified radio host, a Former Police Officer (working on crimes and the par anormal) and found it was a technical difficulty and/or human error. Petitioner has also been heavily blocked by an unwitting public, daily in this fashion tang ibly and non-tangibly, from electronic transmitted communications, with heavy mi nd and body control experimentations, and recruitment attempts for CIA using Rem ote Viewing (satellite apparatus) today called NSA transmissions, which include transmitted synthetic illnesses to millions. RUSSELL TICE case, an NSA agent ble w the whistle on all accusations and torture. (Subsequent Statements quoted) Petitioner had to amend Complaint and had not made monetary claims originally. P etitioner was then denied claims for damages, Injunction, surveillance, privacy, torture, along with the civil rights violations, witness protective plan, media request, FOIA, International Tortures and 27 Counts of violations. Petitioner i s retaliated against for attempting to WARN the public or file suit. Petitioner is without delusion or doubt and has proof of all allegations being pre-empted, impeded from the minds to others to block her, and is threatened. One mind, one life, one CANCER is too many for another decade or another day, or another MILLI ON. This case should be heard and investigated by all. Architects and Engineers Movement and Ron Paul Supporters want to know, and so should every one with soun

d minds. (Complaint Counts III and IV) Petitioner has statements of Federal Employees and Government Officials, Preside nts with ADMISSIONS of Non-Fanciful Weapons of Electronic WARFARE over the years as to MILLIONS of Americans targeted unwittingly. A class action suit with its attorney (married to the DA in CO, and funded by a Silicon Valley University on Mind Control NSA transmissions impeded and no longer available for the very reas ons of this Petition (unwitting public conspiracy used in all professions that W e the People have a responsibility to stop before too late, by power in numbers to dismantling this Mother of all Evil Weapon, or suffer future catastrophic con sequences more than Seismic WAVES, Cancer, or free will). (Complaint item 50). Petitioner is being denied her rights, whereas the Judicial System has not conne cted the dots yet, on prior crimes from these technology weapons that blighted t he Courts 40 years ago to bring us to this point and a corrupted a Country and C ulture. Plaintiff will show manipulations in this Country are created with trans mitted hallucinations on the public to cover up an agenda against humanity colle ctively, since Big Brother Technology spying that began first in GOVERNMENT BUIL DINGS and that some outsiders already realized in the U.S. Petitioner has record s of unwitting transmitted victims within DOJ, Congress (Un-covered documentary) unread to invade Iraq, and mind controlled (Out-foxed media video) jacketing fo r years. Petitioner attempted to receive assistance from Congress and the Intelligence Co mmittee Senator Bill Nelsons Office and was told that they had only been able to cease some not all victims seeking help, as it is selective Directed Energy Wea pons. Petitioners case was closed after a visit with other officials in DC. (Den nis Kucinich bill, Space Preservation Act in part-was quashed with citations of Remote viewing manipulations on millions of Americans. (Complaint item 21 and PA RTIES) Petitioner is with proof, witnesses, interviews from Leading Psychiatrist who bl ew the whistle on 50 years of mind control and FALSE MEMORY SYNDROME and worse b y CIA remote viewing, in our courts and streets, Tice statements of NSA transmis sions in use to sabotage lives, other CIA whistleblowers, of mind control includ ing Operation Mockingbird permeating our Media unwittingly from these transmissi ons for decades creating our propaganda mass COMMUNICATION CHAOS, (2 opposite th oughts at once), DISPUTES, and A SYNTHETIC engineered culture. (Covert Propagand a and psyops on US Soil) Petitioner is with military patents, science, documents of CIA MKULTRA and state ment of Manchurians to assassinate G. Bush in the 80s, and these very technology weapons of mass destruction (diverted focus) in use for 911, as well as 9 DOJ a ttorneys fired for asking too many questions of what was about to be uncovered. Petitioner is heavily tortured, pre-empted, framed, staged and sabotaged, with c over ups in the media and building discredit with tangible events whitewashing h istory with each of my accusations, since 2008 in efforts to go public, to the F BI, and to file suit. Petitioner has made further discoveries of corruptions wit h these weapons of psyops against humanity, as Government Physicist Lieutenant T om Bearden warned the dangers many decades ago for your thoughts may not be your own creating a matrix covertly. Petitioner does not know how to present this case with so much information to pr ovide and obtain EMERGENCY injunction relief or a hearing, as DEMANDED in Compla int and Motion for relief, with continued DANGERS. Petitioner is praying for leg al and procedural assistance of this court to be heard, prove her case and warn We the people. Petitioner does not know if Complaint has been read or realized i n full. (Complaint item 23 through 50), whereas Petitioner was comatose for 72 h ours in her home to start THE PROCESS for CIA espionage recruitment and brainwas h via Remote Viewing. Petitioner attempted to tell DOJ in 1996 when targeted for 5 years as Imaginary Friend/Enemy to obey, experimenting for Combat, robots, on the ground communications, and has years of copious notes for feedback and inte nt, with numerous others complaining of mind control at the same time and at a t ime when BUDGETS were of great concern at DOD in SAN DIEGO and Pres. Clintons pu blic (partial) apology. The 911 Pilot training in connection with HAARP stations The Ultimate Weapon of Conspiracy by Jerry Smith also died of CANCER March, 201

0 and Petitioner has been threatened with zaps to her organs as other credible v ictims and politicians claim is going on, with experiments in full action and Sc ience under Siege. Dr. Nick Begich ALASKAN Political family Angels dont play thi s HAARP also asking questions and was impeded. Another impeded resolution was fr om John Herschel Glenn Jr., 1974-1999, former astronaut and U.S. politician who Introduced a Bill (Complaint item 14 and 25) As with AIPAC related framed (cases ), Kevin Trudeau and FDA mass corruptions via NSA transmissions with scapegoats for all their conspiracies, and OJ Simpson to murder his wife and get away with it in advance, sabotaged cases tampering with minds not just evidence, from many minor criminal cases to highest dollar cases and victims. The most sabotaged ca ses were the ones TELEVISED with sensory deprivation, and in front of the world. Millions are victims and are concerned! Whats going on? Wake up America! Wake u p Washington! The answers are N.O.W. nefariously, toppling the ECONOMY and 911, the creations of 50 years of ignoring, neglecting MIND CONTROL WAVES and ELF, Ul timate Weapon behind the scenes and hiding behind SSP (1947). The Sibel Edmonds case and linguistic accusation of impaired translations were NSA transmissions c ommunication chaos; another case never came to light and its true findings of 91 1. Larry Silverstein of WTC 7 framed well in advance with insurance and transmis sion by phone to topple building, banking, and government offices. Petitioner was traumatized and is suffering and would like to provide medical re cords, police, Judicial court records (staged to appeals with delays to change m inds, and other credible witness information and testimonies to prove, manifest how, what this world is coming to (prior 2008). Petitioner requested a leave of court to amend as Petitioner is under immediate threat (as family and car accide nts) and cannot obtain counsel. (Complaint-PRAYER FOR RELIEF item H and Motion i tem 8). Petitioner has become increasingly realized of the severity and magnitude of the se weapons in use nefariously and globally on civilians. On September 3, 2010, P etitioner woke up with loud ringing in the ears to find further attacks are atte mpted currently to penetrate her auditory cortex if continued efforts are made t o expose and cease. From CLASS ACTION suit members, this type of attack can be d eadly in various ways, and is TORTUROUS. It included sleep depravation until 4AM and loud alarms and outside extreme motor noises, for days prior as well as by phone, voice mail, electronic intrusions and transfers and 5 hours to obtain a f light ticket by phone to DC next week, to entrain and channel further connectivi ty waves during tired sleep not to awake programming. Petitioner was able to rec ord and video these awful events and suspects is being entrained mentally to acc ept such intrusions. Petitioner is harassed and sabotaged daily to impede her te stimonies and WARN the people how and where this Country is being taken behind t he scenes and by an unwitting public timed in advance to sabotage lives. More th an what Tice stated in full article and more than each of my accusations are alr eady being investigated by analysts since my efforts have been taken to several authorities; the NSA began searching for an Attorney upon my threats and lawsuit on May 28th. Historically, numerous citizens, have not been amongst just Offici als but anyone who dares to expose and prevent the corruption, abuse of power, a nd conspiracy underway, unsuccessfully because they are under the influence of m ind controls UNREALIZED. (Quoting what Petitoners accusations are from years of her documented Government torture and sabotaged life in front of Sheriff Departm ent and framed with the exact events below going on in the world with current ex perience unpleasant things as follows: RUSSELL TICE: If that was done and, you know, I use a big if here, and, remember , I cant tell you what I know of how N.S.A. does its business, but I can use the wiggle words like if and scenarios that dont incorporate specifics, but nonethe less, if U.S. gateways and junction points in the United States were used to sip hon off information--- AMY GOODMAN: Do you expect you are being monitored, surve illed, wiretapped right now? RUSSELL TICE: Yes, I do. As a matter of fact, On April 1, 1976, Attorney General Levi announced the establishment of a special review committee within the Department of Justice to notify COINTELPRO victims that they were the subjects of FBI activities directed against them. Notificatio

n will be made "in those instances where the specific COINTELPRO activity was im proper, actual harm may have occurred, and the subjects are not already aware th at they were the targets of COINTELPRO activities." 315 Further, the Department will have acknowledged -- finally -- that COINTELPRO was wrong. Official repudiation of the programs is long overdue. (Wiretapping began with Hoover in 1940) The American people need to be assured that never again will an agency of the go vernment be permitted to conduct a secret war against those citizens it consider s threats to the established order. Only a combination of legislative prohibitio n and Departmental control can guarantee that COINTELPRO will not happen again. The notification program is an auspicious beginning. This rough, tough, dirty bu siness included infiltration of political groups, psychological warfare, legal h arassment, and extralegal force and violence. The FBI and police threatened, ins tigated and conducted break-ins, vandalism, assaults, and beatings. The object w as to frighten dissidents and disrupt their movements, write Mike Cassidy and Wi ll Miller. They used secret and systematic methods of fraud and force, far beyon d mere surveillance, to sabotage constitutionally protected political activity. The purpose of the program was, in FBI Director J. Edgar Hoovers own words, to e xpose, disrupt, misdirect, discredit and otherwise neutralize specific groups an d individuals. Secretary Geithner also highlighted Bear Stearns former Chief Operating Officer of Fixed Income, Paul Friedman, stated rumors were untrue until the telling of r umors made them true. Framed as Larry Silverstein to redistribute wealth away from the Jews and topple the economy agenda including framing Israel Conspiracy uncovered! On March 31, 2010 in the Islamic Foundation v Obama case, Judge Walker ruled the TSP as unlawful and violated FISA. Obama staffer wants cognitive infiltration of 9/11 conspiracy groups Posted by sakerfa on April 14th, 2010-Journal of Political Philosphy in 2008 Petitioner will show that the above article from Sunsteins Report is not hired h elp or gangs related but what has been impeding A&E 911 truth investigation for 9 years with CIA Jacketing (as crimes on the streets one against the other manif estations, as Countries creating wars as pawns behind the scenes, Stalking, ID t heft), Generating false news; OBAMA speech (they like to do that, against each o ther culture. Stay the course to Brainwash, repeatedly Bush speeches (for oil?) and many more duped), Generating ECONOMIES, Generating Propaganda, Generating Il lnesses since missing children on milk cartons, misfits in the Pentagon, Sharon Weinberger Journalist, after PENTAGON interview (Imaginary Weapons) and Wired Ma gazine, and a Globe who saw our Media and Judicial System as a Joke culture, and COSTLY zaps as they call it. Cognitive Infiltration is mind control transmitted , thus Petitioner had to learn CIA techniques of NLP taught to FBI in the 70s an d became certified in Hypnosis in 2008. (Neurolinguistic Programming) The absolu te mind control creations of cognitive impairments and Dementia, back in timelin es. The new side effects and physical illnesses plaguing Americans with no names or traces are endless. Petitioner purchased from NASA Physicist, the device for $21,000. 00 with Woodpecker scalar waves to Russia and China. Petitioner has knowledge the JUDICIAL SYSTEM has been preventing to save these C RIMES OF HUMANITY, from the MINDS, unwittingly. These activities and other cover t programs are being abused with a pattern of experiments and crime corruption o n the street since the 1970s using weapons of technology that has investigators spinning their wheels and folks exclaiming, What is this world coming to, pre 91 1? (Tesla Invention and energy 1940) Furthermore, testimonies made in 1977 to U. S. Courts and Congress by whistleblowers Cathy Obrien and Mark Phillips were blo cked for reasons of National Security. This SSP RULING and disbelief and/or forg otten event had unwittingly allowed the crimes and evil corruption to continue i n AMERICA at the hands of the most powerful TECHNOLOGY WEAPON of the mind. Too m any years of death and torture include every one in this Country somehow. Today some are finally seeing the same has continued to bigger Government crimes and c orruption with technology to take over humanity for mass control, Step #9 of 10 closer to legalizing Fascism, eyes wide shut: LOSING OUR FREEDOM under the DISGU

ISE of 911 (nanothermite findings as ELF warfare and its speedy debris removal a nd silenced). Part of a gradual process in REVERSING an entire AMERICAN CIVIL WA R and JUDICIAL SYSTEM. (Access Denied, Trance-formation of America, among many n eglected slandered and discredited Whistleblowers instead of Courageous Heroes; Naomi Wolf and NSA employees, reported being hypnotized on the job, as GUANTANAM O innocent scapegoats. App.E3) Petitioner does not consent to the espionage information being transmitted again st her will to her discoveries today and should not have been targeted with this experiment, torture and information. Projects that REQUIRED HUMAN EXPERIMENTING and The Cult of Intelligence-occults covertly. Numerous DARPA and Military proj ects, Pandoras Box, Voice of GOD. Former United States Government Physicist! 198 1-Lt Col. US Army Retired, Pentagon analyst McRae, Ronald, Mind Wars, St. Martin 's Press, 1984, p 127, Psychic Weapons) and synthetic telepathy, (creating wars and crimes on our streets) Operation Northwoods, Project Stargate, Spacestar, (C IA Psychic Remote Viewing and FBI Virtual Project, 1996 respectively), Project P aperclip (Space Medicine), Project Hybrid Insects & Polar Bears and hallucinatio ns), for abusive powers. Petitioner will also provide evidence to the connection of numerous sabotaged co urt cases, our economy manipulations, and 911 with this WEAPON of technology min d wars used on most Americans for decades. We the People have had a sturdy found ation to disbelieve MKULTRA and the CHURCH Committee is still active and/or part of the brainwash with massive investigations and CASES diverted for years. Peti tioners quashed and impeded warnings ignored by Congress leading to many deaths, BP oil, Red Tide (1947), VETS, and many calamities for FL. (Complaint item 36) Petitioner prays for an immediate injunction relief and has been under urgencies , demanding JUSTICE, to prove this case, and freedom, under the law of our Const itution of the United States of America. ________________________________________ REASONS FOR GRANTING THE PETITION 19. This Case Presents an Important Violation of our Amendment Laws and the ROLE the Judicial system. (Complaint item 28). 20. There is an immediate and serious impact on the Petitioner and publics s afety with severe and alarming corruption and crimes. 21. Analogously, in history of these crimes and violations cases involving C ointelpro, Church Committee and MKULTRA, knowledge of the illicit nature is impu ted to the defendant, further victimized and traumatized by the publics disbelie fs, even though technical and credible testimony have been made unrealized, as i n United State v. Lindauer Case No. 03 Cr. 807, falsely accused, slandered, dela yed, and detained for 2 years as most whistleblowers to impede truth. 22. Additionally, because the majority has not been appropriately made aware of the extent of surveillance for the uses of spying, breached contracts, treas on, and nefarious misuses to humanity, millions more, would indeed come forward for a dismantling of DIA and Remote Viewing ASAP (Footnote Govt pledge) 23. The Petitioner made demands for an injunction and has not been free to e xercise her rights to speech against the government crimes and to leave her hous e for the past 4 years and has been retaliated upon in various ways including ex perimentation of mental GAG orders and House Arrest. These blocks coupled with d etainments by law enforcements in all efforts to WARN and DELAY. 24. This Case Presents important Violations of our Amendments that has cause d mass chaos, Population Control, and a Society to be misled, disillusioned, alo ng with disbeliefs at the hands of mind control TRANSMISSIONS to create exact op posites of events and harassment. Petitioner was extremely Pro-Government 4 year s ago, as is the Honorable JUDGE John D Bates, thus has the right to an impartia l trial and the public at large has the right to know. 25. VARIOUS ADMISSIONS from Military OFFICIALS, Secretary Hazel OLeary of th e DOE and a President that Electronic Warfare on US Soil is taking place toward Millions of innocent UNWITTING Civilians included continued operation of COINTEL PRO MKULTRA as opinions confirms the allegations dating years back to Church Com mittee tactics and NSA transmissions for Electronic Warfare on Americans and hum

anity. For nothing in the history of humanity and our judicial system can ever b e resolved or accountable for UNTIL this case and its WEAPON at hand is heard, c onsidered, and ruled, thus bringing CONSPIRACY THEORISTS TO FACT. The American J udicial system needs to recognize these issues and hold this covert shadow Gover nment accountable to successfully CEASE ITS OWN DEMISE as part of the humanities and We the People duped and brainwashed within our own CIA terrorists. We are A LL in DANGER. The reason We the People exclaim DC is in a Bubble. 26. An American citizen has a Constitutional right to petition. The First Am endment guarantees the right to petition the government for redress of grievance s. Protecting peoples rights to make their wishes and interests known to governm ent representatives in the legislature, judiciary, and executive branches. Citiz ens have the right to communicate their will through direct petitions to the leg islature and government officials. No act of Congress can authorize a violation of the Constitution. The Constitution cannot be interpreted safely except by ref erence to common law and to British institutions as they were when the instrumen t was framed and adopted. 27. District court dismissed case as fanciful instead of grounds for repugna ncies. ________________________________________ CONCLUSION When even one American -who has done nothing wrong- is forced by fear to shut hi s mind and close his mouth, then all Americans are in peril.Harry S. Truman The petition for a writ of certiorari should be granted, reviewed, and heard in the United States Supreme Court of Washington DC. Respectfully submitted, MIREILLE NINA TORMAN Petitioner is Pro se Date: September 7, 2010 ________________________________________ Footnotes Complaint in BACKGROUND: After the Church Committee exposed COINTELPRO, the gove rnment claimed it had dismantled the program. However, in the 1980s, the Reagan administration legalized the tactics (after the fact) by signing Executive Order 12333. FOLLOWED by FALSE and LOSS Memory! In Katz v. United States, 389 U.S. 347 (1967), the Supreme Court ruled that a se arch occurs only when 1) a person expects privacy in the thing searched and 2) s ociety believes that expectation is reasonable. In Katz, the Supreme Court ruled that a search had occurred when the government wiretapped a telephone booth.[21 ] The Court's reasoning was that 1) the defendant expected that his phone booth conversation would not be broadcast to the wider world and 2) society believes t hat expectation is reasonable. Skilling V. United States, No. 081394 Opinion of Sotomayor, J. In sum, I cannot accept the majoritys conclusion that voir dire gave the District Court a sturdy foundation to assess fitness for jury service. Cf. ante, at 29. Taken together, the District Courts failure to cover certain vital subjects, its superficial cov erage of other topics, and its uncritical acceptance of assurances of impartiali ty leave me doubtful that Skillings jury was indeed free from the deep-seated an imosity that pervaded the community at large. [R]egardless of the heinousness of the crime charged, the apparent guilt of the offender[,] or the station in life which he occupies, our system of justice demands trials that are fair in both a ppearance and fact. Irvin, 366 U. S., at 722. Because I do not believe Skillings trial met this standard, I would grant him relief. Numerous cases have blighted the courts for decades since 1947 Securities Act an d these weapons to be researched and experimented about the time Aliens hit the Media, and crimes filled the jails with hallucinations, entrapment, and bearing FALSE WITNESS behind the scenes, MILLION $$$ were made by PHARMACEUTICAL with th e start of a DYSFUNCTIONAL non-sense corrupt culture EVOLVED. Now EMERGING and d uped by explaining so many airport cases and others falsely paranoid. Constitutional Provisions, Statutes And Policies At Issue First Amendment ToThe United States Constitution Congress shall make no law respecting an establishmen

t of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedo m of speech, or of the press; or the right of people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. FOOTNOTES and REFERENCES DEATHS, CANCER, THREATS/BLACKMAIL, QUASHED MEDIA DOCUMENTARY DR. WALTER BOWART, False Memory Syndrome Foundation-radio interview (CD Canada) JIM KEITH banned books MASS CONTROL-ENGINEERING HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS, Strange dea th and Body Electric AARON RUSSO of Rockefeller and Discredited ALEX CONSTANTINE and the CIA and MEDIA, Operation Mockingbird and Major Universi ties The New Dark Ages Conspiracies1980-1995 Carol White and Too Secret Too Long EIR, Volume 14, No 23. DR. NICK BEGICH, Alaskan Politics and family targeted- TERRORIST HUNTER, anonymo usly KAY GRIGGS, Military wife and current MIND CONTROL whistleblower (Secret Societi es) DR. BILL NELSON, Tom Beardon Govt Physicists and the INVISIBLE GOV/WAR Naval Officer L. Ron Hubbard (1964) Wikepidia Mockingbird Operation Mind Control DR. ROBERT DUNCAN, Partial knowledge-JAY KIMBALL torture in MS DR. DOUG ROKKE, DR IGOR LEDOCHOWSKI-Street Hypnosis and NLP Richard Bantler and John Grinder for mer CIA Sharon Weinberger, Targeting 'Imaginary Weapons' MIND GAMES Pentagon investigati ve reporter and Yale Journalist Naomi Wolf; Give me Liberty! Un-Covered video documentary for MARIONETTES-Public is used as PAWN in Chess gam e WARS Julianne McKinney, Military Intelligence and WHISTLEBLOWER Senator Eric Adams, NY delayed then prevented from Senate hearing for victims in 2009 with home fire KATHLEEN SULLIVAN (Shackled) Cathy OBrien and Daughter Kelly BRICE TAYLOR, Thanks for the MEMORIES Lynn Surgella Letter from President of Psychotronics Association and former Gove rnment Scientist John Glenn, Former NASA astronaut, Military, and Senator letter 1997 Michael Scheuer, CIA 117 slides on 911 and most still dont have clearance of the se weapons on civilians, Ted Gunderson, Bob Levin, Former agent, and OUTFOXED documentary, Dixie Chics IN DUCED BUZZ Sibel Edmonds, See her story, public articles and court pleadings John Marks, Mark Phillips, Everyone attempting the truth with MASS CHOAS creatio ns from the top Jesse Ventura-Former Seal, Covert CIA on US Soil against Mission, and changed we b site since. The former CIA site linking it to Hollywood and Scientology involv ements revamped when I wrote about it Thomas Tamm, DOJ and 9 attorney terminations Tom Beardon, Larry Klayman, Leuren Moret, CHARLES VIAR CIA Pandoras Box-American hysterias Duncan OFinioan, CD interviews Abducted Manchurian assassin for former President Bush in 1980s Police Barry Cooper, TX-doesnt know why he did it CIA Ray Mc Govern Whistleblower Partial 911 John Perkins book on his story as one of the Federal Elite murderer. OPEC Pastor LINDSEY WILLIAMS-Energy Non Crisis S/Be $1.50 a gal. World Bank Prof it to collapse 1910 secret meeting on Jeckyl Island Fed Reserve! NOW whitewashin g History with more overt crimes Naomi wolf, Give me liberty, and FREEDOM to FASCISM 10 steps NSA employees all c laim being hypnotized on the job (Mind Control) SAME as others Naomi Wolf Jim Guest Letter on Mind Control to Senate, Senator Patrick Leahy (A divided and less civil Country) Ron Paul Wake Up Americans, Kevin Trudeau FDA lawsuits-Britney Spears, Dixie Chi cs

Amy Goodman Stop the Madness, APA & AMA, Natl whistleblowers Judicial Watch, Freedom Watch, Institute for Accuracy, Citizens for legitimate g ov. George Bush-Yale Member SKULL and BONES and New World Order, Proof of Conspiracy-A new American View Matrix III, Val Valerian, ed., 1992 Constantine, Bowart: Acid Dreams-Human Rights Law Journal, Freedom of the Mind V ol. 3, No. 1-4 Ross MD; Dr Colin The CIA, Military Mind Control Building the Manchurian Candida te. April 18, 1996 Bowart, Walter, Leading Psychiatrist Blows Whistle on Profession: Proves 50 + ye ars of Mind Control MindNet Journal, Vol. 1, No. 94 and Were we Controlled? JFK Adventures Unlimited Press, IL, 1997 December January 1993 Mind Control Techniques and Tactics of New World Order Nex us Connecting the dots! How we got here perfecting 50 years of MIND CONTROLLED AMER ICANS WE CAN'TSTOP SHADOW GOV'TUNTIL WE BELIEVE DEPLOYED MIND CONTROLLED-40 Years unti l now 2008 a mad world emerging to cover up their chaos and non sense, now with tangible excuses! FALSE MEMORY TRANSMISSIONS DAILY unconsciously with our money since 1910 secret meeting on Jekyll Island Fed Reserve! NOW whitewashing History with more overt crimes. Market inflations and real estate pricing and gouging was all induced from the m ind on each individual and as a mass, and part of conspiracy agenda. Corrupting American Minds. How America was Mind Controlled to corrupt minds of Criminals, Police, Politicia ns, Military, Media, Hollywood, UNREALIZED, for 40 years! How AMERICA got here t aking us down and the next generation wont know. CIA Whistleblower Slides on Fraudulent war as Conspiracy to re-open 911 Commissi on Fraudulent War.pdf Bearden articles/mind control1/p01.htm Former Go vt Physicist. Monarch-The new Phoenix Program taking us down with secret street hypnosis as mi nd control-Igor Ledochowski! John St. Clair Akwei vs. NSA, Ft. Meade, MD, USA John Mecca & Don Friedman, John Finch, Google cases How The NSA Harasses Thousands Of Law Abiding Americans Daily By Usage Of Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM)-SEE ARTICLE BELOW-Since WATERGATE & Russian/China Energ y Weapons-MIND MANIPULATIONS ON CIVILIANS UNAWARE OF SABOTAGED LIVES & FAMILY! Promoted to Headline (H2) on 1/30/09: Tice Revelations Ignored: Spying on Journa lists? Why the Silence? CORRUPTION RAMPID TO COVER UP Mind Control used in the P AST & NOW! WHY SPY at ALL if not to mind control innocent civilians? Submitted b y Amanda Lang ALL WHO TRY TO EXPOSE TRUTHS-Destroyed 911 truths u-tube Europes knowledge of dynamite and quashed witnesses, MARCH IN BRUSSELS and so much more. ALL to CONTROL the PLANET one mind at a time guiding your life, words, feelings, actions, illness, thoughts, death, destiny and all t hose around you. They want you sick and poor with disinformation. Sibel Edmonds & the State Secrets Privilege (creating wars and disinformation tr ickling down) The New Thought Police: The NSA Wants to Know How You Think Maybe Even What You Think. by James Bamford (See public hallucinations for miscommunications and motive or intentions) A new silent war/HOLOCAUST! Domestic surveillance! Nuremberg & Michael Scheuer F ormer CIA. Filegate developed when President Clinton and Hillary Clinton were accused of vi olating the privacy rights of their perceived political enemies by wrongly acces sing and misusing the FBI files of Reagan and first Bush Admin. In an effort to discredit the women who charged President Clinton with sexual mi sconduct, personal files and papers were illegally obtained and released. The co urts found, under the Privacy Act-Jesselyn Radack Was the Justice Department Off

icial Who Knew Too Much -A BuzzFlash Interview ...Whistleblowers have been blacklisted at best, and completely terrorized at wo rst. War on Citizens! Jesselyn Radack/Sibel Edmonds former Justice Department et hics specialist feeling watched! Tom Tamm) Mistranslated, part of mind control s abotage and more! Plus Data Mining your health info; and starting trends in our schools! In fact, it's not apparent that the Attorney General is even clued into the prog ram. And Tice even has doubts as to whether your Ostensible President has any id ea what was going on. It's no wonder that they all find themselves tripping the linguistic fantastic. The following was sent to me by Will Filer on July 27, 1999. It off ers a new explanation for government mind control. Will has stated to me that he is a former consultant to the U.S. National Security Agency, asked me to post t his information immediately. He also believes hes in immediate danger because of this information. Subliminal Implanted Posthypnotic Suggestions and Scripts Using Acoustically Del ivered and Phonetically Accelerated Posthypnotic Commands without Somnambulistic Preparation in the Subject for Intelligence and Counterintelligence Application s by the United States National Security Agency. A University of California at B erkley student that went into a bar on or around November 27, 1990 took hostages and insisted to the police that the CIA Director talk with him so that he could get relief from the suffering. The young man had sent letters to the president and the CIA but the requests had fallen on deaf ears. After the young man panick ed and shot a customer in the bar, a SWAT team fatally shot him, the San Jose po lice found copies of the letters written to the President referring to people th at could "read minds" and that he had learned how they do it. The NSA had been u nsuccessfully brainwashing him and had no alternative but to terminate him to as sure their security. It is interesting that what was originally broadcast on the news "The gunman was demanding to talk with the Director of the CIA" etc. disap peared quickly (suppressed?) from later news accounts. NSA Initiated Execution to Cover-up in Music: Curt Cobain of the musical group " Nirvana" was another victim of NSA brainwashing and was terminated by NSA. Cobai n had started writing clues to the NSA activities into his music to communicate it to his music followers. He referred in music to the NSA as the "Friends insid e his head". Once the NSA puts on the highest level of brainwashing pain, the su bject expires quickly. Cobain used heroin to numb and otherwise slow the effect of the brainwashing. CULT-FORT HOOD MASSACRE MIND CONTROL Among these experiments conducted on US Soldiers by their government, and accord ing to FSB files was a research specialty of Major Hasans. One was one called Ra dio Hypnotic Intracerebral Control Electronic Dissolution of Memory (RHIC-EDOM). Pioneered for the US Military in the 1960s, New York University Professor J. An thony Deutsch: Indicated that the mind is a transmitter and if too much informat ion is received, like too many vehicles on a crowded freeway, the brain ceases t o transmit. The Professor indicated that an excess of acetyl choline in the brai n can interfere with the memory process and control. He indicated excess amounts of acetyl choline can be artificially produced, through both the administration of drugs or through the use of radio waves. The process is called Electronic Di ssolution of Memory (EDOM). The memory transmission can be stopped for as long a s the radio signal continues.. The NSA combines hypnosis and thought labels to i nterrogate people without the subject being aware of it. "How can hypnosis be us ed?" you might ask. The subconscious mind operates at a speed of about 1200 to 1 400 words per minute. This is many times faster than the conscious mind that ope rates at 250 to 450 WPM (words per minute). The posthypnotic script can be spoke n at fast conversational speed approximately 250 WPM and a recorder or a compute r speeds up the message up to approximately 1200 to 1400 WPM. Remember what happ ens when you play a 33 rpm record at 78 rpm? The resulting voice sound like the old American cartoon characters the Chipmunks. This is only slightly past doubli

ng (2X) the delivery speed. At speeds as high as 1400 WPM, the voices would soun d like a high pitched chattering whine. Remember when the words "Drink Coca Cola " were written on one frame of a movie in a theatre back in the 1960s? The frame rate in movies is played at 30 frames/second. At 1/30th of a second the conscio us mind could not recognize the message but the subconscious mind could read it clearly. The audience increased their Coca-Cola consumption by 65% that night re sulting in the Federal Government prohibiting subliminal advertising. The follow ing probable reasons for not achieving a higher percentage of subliminal deliver y effectiveness (> 65%) are described as follows. In that 1/30th of a second som e people were blinking, some people were looking around the theatre, looking at spouses, children, candy, popcorn, etc. or they had sufficiently poor eyesight t hat they could watch the movie but could not distinguish the small writing clear ly. In the early years of this technology, the NSA originally recorded a spoken posthypnotic suggestion message into a tape deck and sped it up by speeding up t he tape. This process was labor intensive, required each officer to have excelle nt diction and mastery of the language and dialect required, and was of poor qua lity due to background noise and the delay in timing during recording and proces sing. It also required extensive training to assure that each officer spoke at t he same rate of speed so that the resulting "sped-up" script was delivered at th e correct speed. Now computers are used to append digitized samples of optimized , ideal phonemes together to form words and the words are sped-up to the correct delivery speed. Where dialects are present, a different set of base phonemes is used. Currently, to optimize efficiency and accommodate the variety of language s on the planet, phonetic elements from each language and distinct dialect are s ampled, digitally edited to optimize them, and appended during delivery to form words and words arranged to make sentences in the from of scripts that resemble hypnotic suggestions. The empty space between words is minimized and pitch rise is compressed and filtered. Repetitive sine waves are also removed from the phon etic element's acoustic wave train thus reducing the actual number of sine waves making up a word by 50% or more. This reduces the actual length of the time it takes the phoneme to be delivered prior to accelerating (speeding-up) the delive ry (like fast forward). This helps the message to be played at higher speeds and reduces the subject's ability to recognize it as accelerated speech. The techni que of using optimized digitally sampled and edited phonemes appended together t o for words and then sentences structured as hypnotic suggestions can be termed "computer simulated subconscious speech language". (Forced Speech) APPLICATIONS: 3.1. Intelligence: 3.1.1. Used on foreign and domestic diplomats, spies, and citizens to gather int elligence, steal advanced technology for US Defense applications. Surveys of cit izen's opinions to government events and propaganda. Heavy survey use during tim es of war, economic strife and political elections. War against drugs. Used to i dentify investments that have high yield to support clandestine operations. Used to direct field agents without the agents having to carry communications hardwa re and encryption devices. 3.2. Counterintelligence: 3.2.1. Used on foreign and domestic diplomats, spies, and citizens to identify i ntelligence operations; scope, participants, communication methods, and weakness es in individuals, systems, equipment, or signals that can be exploited. Additio nal applications include misinformation dissemination, confusing and confounding leaders during critical decision moments, distorting significance of various fa cts to sway decisions and actions in US favor, behavioral modification of foreig n spies to betray their loyalties, self initiated executions (suicides). 3.3. Behavior Modification and Accelerated Resocialization: 3.3.1. This technology is used to develop and control spies, political candidate s, and other public figures through psychological intimidation, fear and extorti on. Being attacked for his knowledge-not to talk about the nefarious massive uses be yond experiments but for chosen POPULATION CONTROL/Genocide & Producing OPPOSITE NEWS of how EVIL SHADOW GOV really is hiding as wolves in sheeps skin! Your tho

ughts are not your own! UNAWARE FORCED SPEECH by- passing memory, Channeled DREA MS, Split personalities etc. "computer simulated subconscious speech language". Dr. Colin Ross, a globally recognized expert on trauma related disorders and aut hor of The CIA Doctors: Human Rights Violations by American Psychiatrists. Dr. R oss provides proof, based on 15,000 pages of documents obtained from the CIA thr ough the Freedom of Information Act, that there have been pervasive, systematic violations of human rights by American psychiatrists over the last 65 years. In August 1951 a small French village near Marseilles became a part of CIA funde d experiment with drugs. As a result 500 people were affected, there were at lea st three suicides and 40 people were taken to a nearby psychiatric institute. Th ats according to Hank Albarelli, an American writer who spent over ten years loo king into who was behind the secret tests. RTs Marina Portnaya met the author in New York. They were never stopped because we never believed-NEVER CEASED BUT PERFECTED min d control, kept to a minimum and pardoned! WHITEWASHING and ERASING with tangibl es! This tells all why some utter What is this world coming to? WAKE UP AMERICA!JURY DEMAND Plaintiff hereby requests a Jury Trial for all issues triable by jury including, but not limited to those, issues and claims set forth in any amended complaint or consolidated action. I certify that a true copy of the foregoing has been furnished via Certified mai l on July 1, 2010 to the Court Clerk for Summons Service. Respectfully submitted, Mireille Torjman MOTION FOR RELIEF FROM JUDGMENT PLAINTIFF, Mireille Torjman, hereby requests that this Court relieve the Order a nd reconsider its Dismissal regarding the Complaint of above said case 10-cv-01211, on July 20, 2010 as per Federal Rule 60. Plaintiff requested right of review, and needs to correct, and to prevent manifest injustice, and much worse being blocked from exposing long overdue corruptions a ffecting everyone. 1. PLAINTIFF with the nature of this case, a monumental noble task, and being pr o se, did make claims to be determined by the jury on each count, punitive damages with ph ysical and psychological harm too great to tolerate, and a claim for $3,500,00.00 (pg 74), and a cause of action. 2. PLAINTIFF did not focus complaint on monetary award, but on preventing Govern ment crimes and harassment against humanity. Plaintiff offered to testify, proof, wit nesses, and is risking her life. (pg 18-22) Assassinations, Sharon, Rumsfeld, Kennedy, Des Forges, Adam s, 911, warnings of Gulfs Red Tide, and much more, UNWITTING CIVILIANS targeted and Russell Tice, Bu sh wiretapping case (pg 8 and attached) hiding behind SSP that the Judicial System (pg 20) is being duped with to condone technological war with weapons of mass destruction for mas sive corruption and Fascism agendas, and no accountability that We the People are starting to re cognize. 3. PLAINTIFF requested a leave of court (pg 75) until can obtain a lawyer as a r esult of these horrific circumstances. Plaintiff is also aware of (NY case 03 Cr. 807) Susan Li ndauer with false diagnosis under Intelligence Remote Viewing not fantastic but nefarious technolo

gy abuses (pg 17). 4. PLAINTIFF is without delusion with only sabotage and whitewashing, as per Tic e testimonies and many others with credibility, whereas, said complaint was taken from Fedex Counter with signature and wrong Complaint given to Chief Judge Lambert after instructio ns were given in writing and by telephone, and another case was loaded in pacer by mistake etc. ( 2 Articles attached) 5. PLAINTIFF has been and is also a victim of wiretapping and has information fo r other cases and corporation going at the present in the court systems. (pg 26) Includi ng Congress not reading Iraqi documents and signed to the invasion of wars (Un-covered documenta ry). (pg 20 and 26) 6. PLAINTIFF filed counts under wiretapping, manipulated communications (as othe r Federal whistle blowers), privacy and civil rights, FOIA requests, continued pro per investigations, and proper news press releases and full disclosures, and is entitled to be heard . 7. As case law is uncontested, cited Neitzke v Williams a case from a prisoner i n 1989 before weapons of technology were exposed in this complaint, far from frivolous or othe rwise whereas the public is innocent and unwittingly targeted and not conspiring against the victi m as most other victims claim as with transmissions of hallucinated aliens etc. Whereas, Russell Tice an d other whistle blowers are providing the means of these weapons of technology with massive misu se and nefarious agendas of mass control including treason, as I have. (See Fort Hood shooting an d IRS plane crash) 8. PLAINTIFF is requesting an emergency hearing to verify the content of Complai nt 10-1211. WHEREFORE, Plaintiff hereby respectfully requests relief from judgment for the p urpose of litigants rights to be heard and opportunity to prove and discover fac ts of corruption and crimes against humanity, Americans, and our next generation . Plaintiff demands injunctions and respect for her knowledge, courage, torture, and risks, and demands for REALIZATION by the Court of the severity and meaning of this case and the unwitting condoning of these crimes. Plaintiff has been ce nsored and tampered with since 2007 and is being sabotaged. PLAINTIFF demands JU STICE. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I certify that a true copy of the foregoing has been furnished via US Mail and C ERTIFIED MAIL to Chief Judge Lamberth on July 27, 2010 and Federal Bureau of Inv estigations, et al. Respectfully submitted, Mireille Torjman IN THE UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA MIREILLE TORJMAN CASE NO.: 10-cv-01211 - AP 10-5302 Plaintiff V. FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATIONS, et al. Defendant ____________________________________/ MOTION TO REOPEN/RECONSIDER NEW EVIDENCE Appellant hereby moves this court to reopen this case for new evidence to suppor t allegations in Petitioning for redress and grievance. The courts erred in its

decision to dismiss and deny a critical case on all counts affecting Millions, S ociety, Environment, and Humanity, including torturing an American civilian. The re is an abuse of discretion. Appellant has new available evidence in absentia t o further support The Technology Neuro Silent Weapon of Mass Destruction. This r eport was updated (1978) in 1996 before FULL DISCLOSURES could be made by the Le ading Psychiatrist. Other Top Doctors reported the Profession as Strongly Skewed by INTELLIGENCE AGENDA. The exhibit A-#30 discusses Mind Control used since at LEAST since1940 as Teslas Invisible Chinese wall around the Country from NY Towe r. Also, recently admitted in part is the use of this weapon on Congress by the Army that has been condoned and widespread for decades. Every American should know what is going on, in full operation since the 70s by 2nd level CIA, before it is too late. The last few pages discuss mind control manipulations to Natl He alth Care, Childrens Statistics, and much worse to generate TAX revenue for deca des. Furthermore, the Appellant has found that the DEFENDANTS have not been aware of any lawsuit against them in Appeals since the U.S. Attorney on file has been ass igned last year. Appellant made 2 calls leaving voice mails to Attorney Craig La wrence and received no returned calls since January. For these reasons, Appellant respectfully requests that this court reopen the ca se on Constitutional Rights. Appellant has received the Opinion of frivolous del usional characteristics. Appellant has other overwhelming evidence to introduce and prove in a court of Law. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I certify that a true copy of the foregoing brief has been furnished in person a t 333 Constitution Ave NW, Washington DC 20001Court of Appeals Clerk, and via re gular Mail to U.S. Attorney Civil Division, Craig Lawrence at 555 4th Street NW, Washington DC 20530, on March 16, 2011. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct on Mar ch 16, 2010. Respectfully submitted, Mireille Torjman PO Box 57282 Washington, DC 20037 (954) 529.8684 IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURTS EASTERN DISTRICT OF VIRGINIA MIREILLE TORJMAN CASE NO.: TBD PO Box 57282 Washington, DC 20037 Plaintiff V. THE STATE OF VIRGINIA Attorney General 900 East Main Street Richmond, VA 23219; Defendant AMENDED COMPLAINT 1. Plaintiff, Mireille Torjman hereby brings this action for injunction relief, protection, damages, FOIA, and the right of review, based on personal knowledge and belief, as a victim and expert witness, to the serious information provided, as to all other matters, as to which allegations Plaintiff, without doubt or de lusion, will provide proof, un-refuted evidence, overwhelming evidentiary suppor t, witnesses, substantial facts, documents, videos, records, research, and inves tigation that exists and disclosed to the press by NSA on item 10, and as follow s: PRELIMINARY STATEMENT 2. This case is about the electronic harassment, torture behind the spying surve illance, civil rights violations, privacy, communications technology, and crimes

of humanity, in use by the U.S. Intelligence Community. With the advanced techn ology unknown to most, of shadow network of surveillance and spying, including, defendants are, transmitting, storing, tampering, blocking and intercepting the content of a significant and selective content of the Plaintiffs phone calls, em ails, instant messaging, text messaging, Internet, Skype, electronics, home and vehicle, wireless communications and thoughts called NSA transmissions, mind tap s, or mind jabs, and other communications harassment, both internationally and d omestic, including Plaintiffs family and practically every American, for the pas t 5 years, beginning on or about January 2007 and prior without wiretapping, now being implemented tangibly. 3. Plaintiffs records will show communications intangibly from the minds and tan gibly, are intercepted, manipulated, tampered with, stored, (data mining since 1 973 FOIA), harassed, tortured, tormented, expose, disrupt, misdirect, discredit, and impeded. Plaintiff will provide numerous and countless, emails hijacked, fa bricated, UNREAD, manipulated, tampered, deleted, redirected, including facsimil es, mail UPS, facsimile, and internet manipulations, since about 2007. Plaintiff s numerous impeded electronic communications with all her service providers are debilitating to her work and she had no resolve available from providers who wer e unable to detect or correct the situations. This includes manufactured emails, phone calls, and government employees unwitting involvement, and the public, un consciously, consciously, and brainwashing the Plaintiff. Plaintiff has been und er increased attacks, manipulations and threats, since filing this original comp laint. Plaintiff is overwhelmed and could not obtain counsel seeking Sua Sponte assistance. Plaintiff made numerous attempts to warn DOJ in 1996. In 2008, Plain tiff was also accused legally of false communications during her service with Qw est, by using redirected calls and disconnects to create false records with her utilities company, defamation to her character and since 2007 in all other servi ces. Plaintiff is blocked in numerous ways and with psychological operations on civilians, manipulating persons and animals, witting and unwittingly, realized a nd unconsciously including delays techniques and website and internet sabotage. Plaintiff endures MKULTRA like daily torture, torment, psychological harm, isola tion, physical harm, and damages, sabotaged events, conversations, RECORDS, lega l and financial harm with manifest sabotage using REMOTE VIEWING. 24/7, Syntheti c Telepathy guiding and misguiding, imaginary friend experiments, unwitting Doct ors experiments and attacks, testing tampering unwitting, slavery, Behavior Modi fication, CIA recruitment, blackmail, threats, and set ups, not limited to brain washing individually and with mass. Psychotronics DoD term; Psychoenergetics. A massive cover up operation is in the process publicly, impeding the Plaintiff fr om reporting to the Authorities, Counsel, Media, and Radio. Abusive corruption, is all HIDING behind the imposed FISA, SSP, National Securitys ACT, and Patriot ACT in the AUSPICES of security. Subsequently, REX 84 Suspension of Constitution , INFORMATION WARFARE, and Without a Trace:Pentagon's Psytek Unit: The Cult of D ead Cows; Los Alamos Lab and Stuxnet, cyber. In an undisclosed report dated March 9, 2005, eight more projects with strategic thrusts included Bio-Revolution, DIRECTED ENERGY, and Urban Operation of sensor s on the existing Airborne Video Surveillance, all under the Iraq theory, also d ata mining all information from the Human. CTS is described by DARPA as intended for use in combat zones, to deter enemy attacks on American troops and to ident ify and track enemy combatants who launch attacks against American soldiers, und er Martial Law for a Police State and to legalize Fascism. DARPAs current Projec ts, (trailing CIA) XG, Robotic assured Military communication, CALO; Cognitive I mpairment forced, speech, ADDHD, and Optical), and Silent Talk; A planned progra m attempting to identify EEG patterns for words and transmit these for covert co mmunications. Telepathy were part of the tests the Plaintiff was sent for, inclu ding warming her blood without the Doctors request/consent and was checked for I mmune Systems without cause (ELF disease), In December 2007 for example, Plainti ffs eyes were physically taken over remote controlled blinking unstoppable befor e an MRI scan, unexplainable by the Director (optic pattern, DNA, ELF disease NE URO vision manipulations since), as in ARTICLES Pentagons Remote Control Heart A ttack Anyone, and Plans: Hack your Nervous Central System and Pentagon SCIENCE:

Crazy enough, and worse. This computer-mediated telepathy allows user-to-user co mmunication through analysis of neural signals. The research aims to detect and analyze the word-specific neural signals, using EEG, which occur before speech i s vocalized, and to see if the patterns are generalizable. As of 2009 the resear ch is focused on military uses. Plaintiff, an unwitting guinea pig of these prog rams went for UN-Necessary tests. Plaintiffs hair has not grown since 1996, with induced rapid loss, a skin condition from the blood unknown to the doctors. (Le ukemia) In addition, since 1962, ARPA initiated the Office of Information Proces sing Technique and Behavior Sciences for Artificial Intelligence, Command and Co ntrol, known today as Behavior Modification or BRAINWASH for army combat purpose s. Plaintiff is transmitted to err and sabotaged to fail and take her down. Plainti ff was an accountant and not dissent. Plaintiff suffers daily, with enormous vio lations to privacy and personal human rights freedoms, grave damages, medical ha rm, slander, financial sabotage, career sabotage, memory, isolation, psychologic al and physical irreparable harm, legal sabotage, torture, threats, manipulation s, and harassment and will provide those records as a matter of fact including l aser and acoustic Weapon evidence and retaliation for whistleblowing to the Auth orities. Plaintiff is traumatized and sealed. Plaintiff did not volunteer for ex periment or torture which goes on in VA and with its residents unwittingly and b reaching air space contracts of this State to commit crimes and mind control its citizens of crimes and torture and breached HR 46 State Sovereignty Resolution. (See Press Release-Endnotes) JURISDICTION AND VENUE 4. This court has subject matter jurisdiction over the federal claims pursuant t o 28 U.S.C. 1331, 18 U.S.C. 2712, and 5 U.S.C. 702. 5. Plaintiffs are informed, believe and thereon allege that Defendants have suff icient contacts with this district generally and, in particular, with the events herein alleged, that Defendants are subject to the exercise of jurisdiction of this court over the person of such Defendants and that venue is proper in this judicial district pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1391, and MASS LAWSUIT provided and/or Class Action with other residents as victims of the State or Electronic assaults by the residents of the State of VA and were/are unwitting or unconsciously doing so. This is a w eapon of ALL people jacketed as pawns and CREATING opposites, MESSES, and dysfun ctions. 6. Plaintiff is informed, believe and thereon allege that a substantial part of the events giving rise to the claims herein alleged occurred in this district ju risdiction, and Defendants and/or agents of Defendants may be found in this dist rict, nationally, and internationally. PARTIES 7. Plaintiff, Mireille Torjman is an intelligent native French speaking refugee from Marrakesh, Morocco. Plaintiff is a 49 year old divorced woman and was an ac countant for 25 years. Plaintiff comes from a religious background, disciplined and educated, currently staying in the area. 8. Defendant is the State of Virginia. Its mission statement is found on Virgini, includes serving and protecting The Constitution, its people, and future. 9. Department of Justice. The most sacred of the duties of government [is] to do equal and impartial justice to all its citizens. This sacred duty to fulfill th e promise of justice for all remains the guiding ideal for the men and women of the Department in carrying out their mission: BACKGROUND 10. Plaintiff filed a lawsuit in the U. S. Supreme Court to Warn We the People w hat has been going on in AMERICA and overseas with the use of this Weapon of Mas s Destruction deployed nefariously and evolved massively. Plaintiff Mireille Tor jman brings this action on behalf of herself, and to attest to her family and th e publics victimization, unwittingly and/or unrealized and with OPEN letter to C ONGRESS and testimony letter to the Judge for the NSA Tom Drake Federal Case. Pl aintiff is aware under the auspices of experiments and RESEARCH Dreams are plant ed as memories to crimes to masterminded 911 and NSA Project STARSTREAM Future m

ind taps. Plaintiffs case was dismissed and retaliations escalated as described: Is the NSA Conducting Electronic Warfare On Americans? Jonas Holmes May 19, 2006 CHRONICLE ARTICLE Russ Tice, former NSA intelligence officer and current Whistleblower, was to tes tify before the Senate Armed Services Committee this week. Apparently the testim ony, Mr. Tice wanted to give, makes General Haydens phone surveillance program l ook like very small potatoes. Mr. Tices testimony is expected to reveal further illegal activity overseen by General Michael Hayden which even loyal and patriot ic NSA employees view as unlawful. I think the people I talk to next week are go ing to be shocked when I tell them what I have to tell them. ITS PRETTY HARD TO BELIEVE, Tice said. I hope that theyll clean up the abuses and have some oversig ht into these programs, which doesnt exist right now. According to Mr. Tice, wha t has been disclosed so far is only the tip of the iceberg. What in the world co uld Russ Tice be talking about! To figure it out let us take a look at Russ Tice s work at the NSA. According to the Washington Times and numerous other sources, Mr. Tice worked on special access programs related to electronic intelligence gathering while work ing for the NSA and DIA, where he took part in space systems communications, non -communications signals, electronic warfare, satellite control, telemetry, senso rs, and special capability systems. Special Access Programs or SAPs refer to Bla ck Budgets or Black Operations. Black means that they are covert and hidden from everyone except the participants. Feasibly there would be no arena with a great er potential for abuse and misuse than Special Access Programs. Even now Congres s and the Justice Department are being denied the ability to investigate these p rograms because they dont have clearance. To put it in CNNs Jack Caffertys words a top secret government agency, the NSA, the largest of its kind in the world, is denying oversight or investigation by the American people because investigato rs lack clearance. To add a layer of irony to the Black Ops cake this travesty i s occurring in America, the supposed bastion of Freedom and Democracy, which we are currently trying to export to Iraq. It just gets scarier. The Black Ops that Mr. Tice was involved in related to ele ctronic intelligence gathering via space systems communications, non-communicati ons signals, electronic warfare, satellite control, telemetry, sensors, and spec ial capability systems. For greater insight as to the impact of these programs r eaders should review decades old FOIA authenticated programs such as MKULTRA, BL UEBIRD, COINTELPRO and ARTICHOKE. Radar based Telemetry involves the ability to see through walls without thermal imaging. Electronic Warfare is even scarier if we take a look at the science. NSA Signals Intelligence Use of EMF Brain Stimul ation. NSA Signals Intelligence uses EMF Brain Stimulation for Remote Neural Mon itoring (RNM) and Electronic Brain Link (EBL). EMF Brain Stimulation has been in development since the MKUltra program of the early 1950's, which included neuro logical research into "radiation" (non-ionizing EMF) and bioelectric research an d development. The resulting secret technology is categorized at the National Se curity Archives as "Radiation Intelligence," defined as "information from uninte ntionally emanated electromagnetic waves in the environment, not including radio activity or nuclear detonation." Signals Intelligence implemented and kept this technology secret in the same manner as other electronic warfare programs of the U.S. government. The NSA monitors available information about this technology a nd withholds scientific research from the public. There are also international i ntelligence agency agreements to keep this technology secret. The NSA has proprietary electronic equipment that analyzes electrical activity i n humans from a distance. NSA computer-generated brain mapping can continuously monitor all the electrical activity in the brain continuously. The NSA records a nd decodes individual brain maps (of hundreds of thousands of persons) for natio nal security purposes. EMF Brain Stimulation is also secretly used by the milita ry for Brain-to-computer link. (In military fighter aircraft, for example.) For electronic surveillance purposes electrical activity in the speech center of the brain can be translated into the subject's verbal thoughts. RNM can send encode d signals to the brain's auditory cortex thus allowing audio communication direc t to the brain (bypassing the ears). NSA operatives can use this to covertly deb

ilitate subjects by simulating auditory hallucinations characteristic of paranoi d schizophrenia. Without any contact with the subject, Remote Neural Monitoring can map out electrical activity from the visual cortex of a subject's brain and show images from the subject's brain on a video monitor. NSA operatives see what the surveillance subject's eyes are seeing. Visual memory can also be seen. RNM can send images direct to the visual cortex. bypassing the eyes and optic nerve s. NSA operatives can use this to surreptitiously put images in a surveillance s ubject's brain while they are in R.E.M. sleep for brain-programming purposes. In dividual citizens occasionally targeted for surveillance by independently operat ing NSA personnel NSA personnel can control the lives of hundreds of thousands of individuals in t he U.S. by using the NSA's domestic intelligence network and cover businesses. T he operations independently run by them can sometimes go beyond the bounds of la w. Long-term control and SABOTAGE OF TENS OF THOUSANDS OF UNWITTING CITIZENS by NSA operatives is likely to happen. NSA Domint has the ability to covertly assas sinate U.S. citizens or run covert psychological control operations to cause sub jects to be diagnosed with ill mental health. National Security Agency Signals I ntelligence Electronic Brain Link Technology NSA SigInt can remotely detect, ide ntify and monitor a person's bioelectric fields. The NSA's Signals Intelligence has the proprietary ability to remotely and non-invasively monitor information i n the human brain by digitally decoding the evoked potentials in the 30-50 hz,.5 milliwatt electro-magnetic emissions from the brain. Neuronal activity in the b rain creates a shifting electrical pattern that has a shifting magnetic flux. Th is magnetic flux puts out a constant 30-50 hz, .5 milliwatt electromagnetic (EMF ) wave. Contained in the electromagnetic emission from the brain are spikes and patterns called "evoked potentials." Every thought, reaction, motor command, aud itory event, and visual image in the brain has a corresponding "evoked potential " or set of "evoked potentials." The EMF emission from the brain can be decoded into the current thoughts, images and sounds in the subject's brain. NSA SigInt uses EMF-transmitted Brain Stimulation as a communications system to transmit in formation (as well as nervous system messages) to intelligence agents and also t o transmit to the brains of covert operations subjects (on a non-perceptible lev el). EMF Brain Stimulation works by sending a complexly coded and pulsed electro magnetic signal to trigger evoked potentials (events) in the brain, thereby form ing sound and visual images in the brain's neural circuits. EMF Brain Stimulatio n can also change a person's brain-states and affect motor control. Two-way Elec tronic Brain-Link is done by remotely monitoring neural audio-visual information while transmitting sound to the auditory cortex (bypassing the ears) and transm itting faint images to the visual cortex (bypassing the optic nerves and eyes, t he images appear as floating 2-D screens in the brain). Two-Way Electronic Brain Link has become the ultimate communications system for CIA/NSA personnel. Remot e Neural Monitoring (RNM, remotely monitoring bioelectric information in the hum an brain) has become the ultimate surveillance system. It is used by a limited n umber of agents in the U.S. Intelligence Community. RNM requires decoding the re sonance frequency of each specific brain area. That frequency is then modulated in order to impose information in that specific brain area. The frequency to whi ch the various brain areas respond varies from 3 Hz to 50 Hz. Only NSA Signals I ntelligence modulates signals in this frequency band. An example of EMF Brain Stimulation: Brain Area Bioelectric Resonance Frequency Information Induced Through Modulation Motor Control Cortex 10 HZ Motor Impulse Co-ordination Auditory Cortex 15 HZ Sound which bypasses the ears Visual Cortex 25 HZ Images in the brain, bypassing the eyes Somatosensory Cortex 09 HZ Phantom Touch Sense Thought Center 20 HZ Imposed Subconscious Thoughts This modulated information can be put into the brain at varying intensities from subliminal to perceptible. Each person's brain has a unique set of bioelectric resonance/entrainment frequencies. Sending audio information to a person's brain at the frequency of another person's auditory cortex would result in that audio information not being perceived. Additionally, A 1994 congressional hearing rep

orted that nearly half a million Americans were subjected to some kind of cold w ar era tests, often without being informed and without their consent. In additio n, experimentation law is well grounded in constitutional and international law. It is an under-reported fact that two major reports on human rights and torture in the U.S. recently listed illegal radiation experiments. Many more facts are documented below. Therefore, human research subject protections should be a high priority and are just as significant as current issues of torture and illegal w iretapping. IT IS TIME FOR AMERICA TO WAKE UP. It is time for America to protect its Whistleblowers who are our last line of defense against dictatorship and de spotism. It is time for America to take responsibility for oversight of its tax dollars and elect leaders who will assume such responsibility now. Yes, the war on terrorism is important. It is even more important and fearful if the terroris m is from within and unknowingly funded by hard working American citizens. There is no Special Access Program beyond the oversight of political leaders elected by the people and for the people. If these political leaders jeopardize national security then that shall be handled in a court of law. But to tell America, to tell the American people, to tell the political leaders elected by the American people that America does not deserve to know what happening in the NSAs dark, bl ack rooms, with billions of dollars, behind closed doors, when we know that priv ilege has already been abused; that is the true definition of TERRORISM. That is the true definition of Communism and a Police State, no oversight. So fellow Am ericans, you may hem and haw in the face of truth but know that one day you will realize that your country has been USURPED from the very principles upon which it was founded. Godspeed, Russ Tice, the Patriots are with you. 11. Why hasn't the press--aside from MSNBC--covered Russell Tice's revelations o n the government's massive spy apparatus that according to Tice illegally survey 's every US citizens' purchasing records, emails, phone calls, bank transactions , etc. and maintains the information in massive databases for nefarious uses? 12. Former United States Government Physicist! 1981-Lt Col. US Army Retired, Pen tagon analyst (McRae, Ronald, Mind Wars, St. Martin's Press, 1984, p 127, Psychi c Weapons) 13. In a slide Bearden illustrates how a Scalar War would involve a psychoenerge tics attack on the operators of the enemy scalar installation, entraining their minds into hypnogogic trance and getting them to shut down their systems. And ul timately psychoenergetic warfare goes to the very heart of human identity itself . For if my thoughts might no longer be "mine," then who and what am I? Can my v ery sense of being "me" be hijacked by some nefarious psychoenergetic scheme? On e paper to begin with is Mind Control and EM Wave Polarization Transductions Thi s is such serious stuff that Bearden includes a strong warning about misuse of t his knowledge. Psychoenergetics weapons can MENTALLY MAIM AND PHYSICALLY KILL. G ovt DoD Physicist. 14. PSYCHOTRONIC WEAPONS-SPACE PRESERVATION ACT-House Resolution bill 2977-Brain manipulation from a distance-2001-2002-described as a method of induction of sl eep by means of radio waves (3), (4), (5) 15. Dear Senator-Attorney Letter included: We seek your offices assistance in initiating hearings and a fact-finding congre ssional inquiry into the government agencies and/or private companies that are t argeting citizens. Many citizens are desperate to be freed from the disturbing, intrusive and oppressive targeting. Evidence supports the conclusion that weapon s exist that could be used against individuals, based on U.S. Patent and Tradema rk Office filings, public releases by agencies, and other technologies that indi cate the level of technological sophistication. The weapons are believed to be b ased on electromagnetism, microwaves, sonic waves, lasers and other types of dir ected energy, and were characterized as psychotronic in Rep. Dennis Kucinichs dr aft of House Resolution 2977, the Space Preservation Act of 2001 Furthermore, it is undeniable that government agencies have tested citizens without permission in the past; for example, the CIAs human experimentation discussed in Orlikow v. U.S., 682 F.Supp. 77 (D.D.C. 1988), secretly administered lysergic acid diethyl amide discussed in United States v. Stanley, 483 U.S. 669 (1987), and military c

hemical experimentation as discussed in Congressional Committee Report 103-97, 1 03d Congress, 2d Session, S. Prt. 103-97 (Dec. 8, 1994). Lastly, the sheer numbe rs of people complaining of being targeted, including people with post-graduate degrees and a lifetime of achievements, and the similarities in symptoms tend to outweigh a dismissive response based on charges of anecdotal evidence or group paranoia There is a certain risk of sounding too conspiratorial, however, common denominators such as physical symptoms and medical reports, surveillance scenar ios, harassment techniques, and more can be readily established ALLEGATIONS AND FACTUAL ALLEGATIONS RELATED TO ALL COUNTS 16. Plaintiff, in her Florida home, was comatosed for 72 hours in her room and r ecruited with heavy experimental remote mind control ESPIONAGE, SEXUAL SLAVERY, AND BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION, (Operation MHCHAOS-brainwash). Plaintiffs memory bega n to be wiped out daily and corrupted with new transmissions. Plaintiff ran away TERRORIZED after being transmitted to start THE PROCESS, to cooperate over time using the public to trigger her anchors/transmissions. Plaintiffs electronic co mmunications began to be tampered with and impeded as she began to her research and attempts to report this corruption and abuse of powers under the programs. I n 2008, Plaintiff purchased the Non FDA device from a NASA physicist at $21,000. 00 with Scalar waves, (Russian Woodpecker frequencies), and Military Patents. Pl aintiff became a certified practitioner to protect Plaintiff and attempt to de-p rogram. Plaintiff was intercepted by this HAARP and NSAs SIG-INT Satellites, thu s became a certified hypnotist trained in NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming; CIA taught techniques, to deprogram. (Bandler and Grinder 1976) and (Project Paperc lip; Dr. Strughold Space Medicine 1963). 17. In her travels, Plaintiff ran away and witnessed these transmissions used in Israel, Australia, England, and most European Countries and their CIVILIANS, an d was further impeded when attempting to whistle blow the nefarious uses and cri mes of humanity by our CIA, to the embassies. Plaintiff has been held hostage an d major delays/detaining her attempts. Plaintiff motions the court to compel, th e safety of WE THE PEOPLE by dismantling and BAN on frightful NEW Weapon of Mass Destruction. This was urged by Russia on June 13, 1975, MORE terrible than anyt hing the WORLD has ever known. The CIA was born with the National Securitys Act in 1947 did NOT BAN but EVOLVED these experiments, and our troubles began as sam pled in Manual Operation Mind Control among other exhibited on Plaintiffs websit e. HOOVER SAID IT'S too HORRIBLE to imagine! The rest of the world didn't ask un til 1976 the type of questions we were facing in 1965.... Everybody was afraid o f building the supersoldier who would take orders without questioning, like the kamikaze pilot (suicides...) 70's Manchurian crimes creating a subservient socie ty was not out of sight- by mind control waves." Allen Dulles 1957" Berle wrote in his diary. "If the scientists do what they have laid out for themselves, men will become manageable ants." BP paralysis to oil spill errors/ELF... FBI HOOVER "clandestine warfare avowed objective had been WORLD DOMINATION by wh atever means and COST!" FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, who ordered FBI agents to "expose, disrupt, misdirect, discredit, or otherwise neutralize" the activities of these movements and their leaders. Hoover disclosed how horrific these weapon s were thus, hard to believe ..." These documents will be made available to the courts from the Leading Psychiatrist who proved 50 years of mind control in abse ntia (2008) along with Dr. R.O. Becker, Jerry Smith, and Jim Keith and others te stimonies BEFORE FULL DISCLOSURES were made. A LIST of ills of the past 50 years , new and/or INDUCED are found subsequently and on last page. This is in additio n to Operation mind controlled corruptions and Macrocosm. NEW WORLD ORDER MILLIO NS Will go THROUGH "The PROCESS" (brainwash programming) INCLUDING MOST OF AMERI CA'S CORPORATE LEADERS and OFFICIALS from Navy/ EDUCATION- "It was estimated tha t Millions of persons were (1972) Breaking down of personalities and recondition ..." Many already manipulated into their office long ago. "Behind the electronic curtain, we find: The SORCERER, MANIPULATOR, CYBERNETICIST, the weaver of the D REAMscape" Manchurians (Journalist documents in absentia). CYBERSYN; "The COUP f or the Communist World: It is said Henry Kissinger was the one who intervened to put an end to the GRAND experiment. Salvador Allende was assassinated by Chilea ns who are reported to have been in the PAY of the CIA, and Cybersyn went by the

wayside. (They thought) Today FCC coup to regulate the INTERNET; COMMUNISM infi ltrations and attempts, KGB/Gestapo style Domestic Surveillance mind manipulatio ns after the fact & covertly hijacked www & humans. [One World Brain Pg 241 SEE ISRAEL TAB, pg 6 Press Release] The weapon, motive, and witnesses exist, with a Launch of new Holocaust in manifest after conquering Asia surreptitiously. 18. Plaintiff was informed that 911 Pilots were mind controlled in advance in Sa n Diego and the U.S., whereas 911 was created to lose our FREEDOMS with the 911 commission sabotaged. THIS IS HOW NO ONE KNEW OF 911 in ADVANCE by ILLUSION and unwitting people in action AS BEAR STEARNS RUMORS [Pg 49]. (Naomi Wolf (Yale Jou rnalist)-10 Steps-Freedom to Fascism, 2007- also harassed by and on no fly zone list in her attempts) as many complain of feeling hypnotized on the job, NSA emp loyees and celebrities. Plaintiff flew to Atlanta in the height of the new steel door installation and high security climate, wondering why she was invited to s it in a co-pilots chair on the runway, while waiting to take off from snow on th e ground, unrealized but with no real fears or threats unwit, (yet) until provok ed. 19. Plaintiff with intense continuous sabotage and impediments, Electronic Stalk ing, Slander, including Internet Communications, censored and continuously inter cepted from blogging, blocked her searches for attorneys, blocked, mirrored her web site and activity from Google, with Googles Access Portals and/or passwords as telephone companies, being scapegoated, INCLUDING most CORPORATIONS, password access, and covert data-mining for purposes, in SG3 dating back prior to 911 (E FF v Google Street-view). DODs ELF transmitters were already in full scale by 19 81 in Australia and Africa, followed by additional superior covert Projects in t he U.S. (Combat Zones under DARPA formerly ARPA) and trailing behind decades too late. 20. With suspicious FBI allegations and $122 Million Virtual Case File Project g one wrong in 2001, prior Board Members and Government Officials, the new Parent Company SAICs (C I A Spacestar) servers and the (Occult Connections). Chief of S taff Jack E Thomas Air Force Intelligence, 1997 ties with DOD, NSA, CIA, and for mer Executives, Directors, Secretaries, Army Generals, all had knowledge of REMO TE VIEWING experiments spy biz, SPAWAR at the Naval Electronics System Command i n San Diego and Los Alamos National Labs for Medical Oversight to American Intel ligence Agencies (1996). A surge of Federal Spending raised Multi-Billion dollar Defense concerns with SAIC and Titan (moon) (2004) in the mid 1990s on technolo gy projects that REQUIRED HUMAN EXPERIMENTING went beyond. Results included Majo r Lawsuits. 21. Joseph McMoneagle, eventually revealed as such, but for the purposes of the Armys psychic intelligence unit, he was simply Remote Viewer No. 1." In his Memo irs of a Psychic Spy is a look at the most remarkable exploits in a most astonis hing career of military service. Remote Viewer 001 in Armys Stargate Project rep orts this as still classified. (Allowing this invisible WEAPON of Mass Destructi on to dupe Humanity.) The top secret intelligence gathering initiative launched at height of Cold War- David Morehouse 1998. This project was first used to retr ieve intentions in a criminal or terrorists mind. (The Lucid View, Investigation s in Occultism, 2004-MK ULTRA includes Project VOICE of GOD and Church Committee Report) This is used for unexplained phenomenon and to manipulate religion and/ or to compel a crime, suicide, command or order. It is undeniable that governmen t agencies have tested citizens without permission as The Manchurian Candidates in the United States. Cognitive Sciences Laboratories CIA research 24 years ago when Tom Beardon warned about these weapons and activities as serious dangers. T hese weapons in use FRAME people and police have already started to kill and mai m overtly and are intercepted and induced to frame police by 2nd LEVEL CIA (Sorc erer) behind ELECTRONIC CURTAIN and Cryptocracys Plan to Psychocivilize you (197 3). Death Ray for planes was Teslas invention in 1940 and a $2,000,000.00 device to zap and melt an airplane motor 250 miles away and an Invisible Chinese Wall of defense was built around the Country, no matter how large an attack, (Telefor ce, manifests FREE energy and creates rays; zapping beams, the new invisible war ). Today, this Wardencliff Tower is in full action in Long Island NY, with 36 ot her stations as GWEN, Globally that beam massive volume of Free Energy. (The New

York Times, Sunday September 22, 1940-Science and Patents, Education News) One energy zapping causes confusion, mistakes, trip, fall, body temp-freeze, heat, m iscommunication, fatigue, focus/ concentration, radio-sleep (Kucinich-US patente d under MKDELTA), and stalling any engine. NSA, Thomas Drake, Espionage, and War rantless Mind Taps by Gary S. Bekkum on May 25, 2011: Is the American Intelligen ce Community still in the psychic espionage business? And why has NSA whistle-bl ower Thomas Drake been charged with espionage? -- I watched the CBS 60 Minutes story about NSA whistleblowers and the espionage case against former NSA official Thomas Drake with great interest Paranormal Activities: The list o f parapsychology goals was taken from an excellent article by John Wilhelm in th e August 2, 1977 Washington Post: "Psychic Spying?" This along with a new Holoca ust written by CIA John Marks are all in manifest TODAY, once the consent and su rrenders of the CONSTITUTION, in full, with the Asia invasions as Bay of Pigs an d other Countries that we set up and usurped, is accomplished. It is well docume nted that the conditioning of the people had to occur first as the PEOPLE were n ot ready yet. Techniques to brainwash and conspire beyond INFORMATION WARFARE, t o chunk and accept with memory erasures in layers over time and different than a mind jab ELF transmissions and jolts/lasers acoustics. Executive Orders being s igned on U S Soil in preparation of one world Brain with bigger Government infil trations unwit are part of the mastermind control agenda. The Sorcerer "Beam War fare, The Persinger PLAN, (50 yrs)+ NSA, and Dreamscape, One World BRAIN,+ pages 200+ of INJECTING IDEOLOGY not just MEDIA mind taps, Electronic Mind Control, P si War, and Beam WARFARE CANCER... Edward Bernays wrote public opinion H.G. Well s friend of N.W.O. MASTERMIND engineering CONSENT with mind control in 1928 prop aganda and Invisible Govt. Information Warfare etc are all part of the mind cont rol victims in various ways. Both Muslim and Jew framed strategically, in the pr ocess. 22. As history repeats itself, duping the legal system condoning Government horr ific corruptions and crimes in a free country, the core component of these Progr ams is Defendants nationwide network of sophisticated communications surveillanc e and spy devices being installed and attached today overtly and nefariously. Al ien hallucinations, Drugs, Corruptions, ills, all increased and reported by the FBI. The 1971 statistics and 50% missing milk carton children, are now 2nd level CIA misfits programming civility. NSA transmissions and NASA Remote Viewing hav e been in place and are being connected to the key facilities of telecommunicati ons with advanced technologies like that of HAARP stations and Satellites kept s ecret during mission. 23. John Herschel Glenn Jr., 1974-1999, former astronaut and U.S. politician who Introduced a Bill and Joint Resolutions (Page S645) Human Research Subject Prot ection Act, stated In fact, our own Constitution says, 'The right of the people to be secure in their persons . . . shall not be violated.', and compared it to the Nuremberg Code. His own experience and knowledge of unwitting civilians with Radiation experiments has already been proven that Directed Energy Weapons incr eased CANCER rates DRAMATICALLY in this COUNTRY thus far. Furthermore, patients have discovered leaving the Country for natural cures worked without further Che motherapy. During Plaintiffs brief volunteer work at the ACLU, Plaintiff learned that calls were made from patients complaining of being electrocuted while in H ospitals and transmitted innocent staff not to believe them. The reason knowledg eable professionals warn against this Technology as the terrorists within, and k eeping their enemies close, unfortunately. Documents and a FEW examples of mind control psyops, to raise awareness and warn are posted on Plaintiffs website and below have been impeded psychologically and electronically. 24. Plaintiff also has knowledge that the manipulations to the media and miscomm unications for the use of creating spin, quashing, fanning, suppressions, and pr opaganda including block exposing the governments advertising and news corruptio ns are the reason for spying with these mind control technology weapons. Spying on media was revealed last year as NSA transmissions which includes communicatio n chaos or not to care unwittingly and omit important news, unrealized. (Operati on Mockingbird Media, also began in the 1950s, and creating a synthetic culture) . Astronomical Defense budgets developed as black budgets, and SPYING nefariousl

y went covert from media and publics knowledge. (Jerry Smith, Coherent All Radio Band Sensing, HAARP printed in Canada 1998) and The Ultimate Conspiracy also di ed in 2008. 25. Plaintiff and Plaintiffs family members are ordinary Americans who were init ially picked up in the Big Brother radar unwittingly for 30 years, in 1971, wher eas Plaintiff was informed others who have ties with Military, Minorities, Gover nment employees and buildings, all being picked up in radar with data-mining hum an information, BEHAVIORS OF FAMILIES, Eugenics, and DNA transmitted, collected, and DNA brain waves from any Data Mining and remote transmissions, and/or store d, spying, torture, and world domination powers. Dumbed Down, Obesity, and red t ape bureaucratic culture induced unrealized 26. Plaintiff is also suing Defendants for treason, crimes, violations, and thre ats attempted on her and her family, when disseminating the information and ARTI CLE, and reporting it to the Authorities. Plaintiff has knowledge other Countrie s are being scapegoated and blamed for CIA crimes in disguise. 27. Plaintiff was and is being discredited, sabotaged, pre-empted, delayed, sinc e on or about Sept. 2008 and the Inauguration, with these Serious Accusations to whitewash history and each one of her accusations, brainwash the public, and ke ep Washington in their bubble to accomplish their conspiracy, and being too late . Recreating events with twists for different outcome to victims or targets and the public psyops tactics of NLP to ONE World Brain and New World Order. (CIA te chniques; Jacketing- against each other or one against the other, 2 transmission s on the mind or minds to create mis-communication, chaos, fights, wars, and cha nging minds, like that of Presidents. Exhibited on Plaintiffs website are Dr. Wa lter Bowart, False Memory Syndrome Foundation, Operation Mind Control, NSA trans missions, Hallucinations of the 5 senses, and Reagan-Alzheimers disease-like mem ory loss, Lt. Col Tom Bearden slide of The most frightful WEAPON, more terrible than anything the World has ever known June 13, 1975 urged by Russia to BAN, and Jim Keith, MASS CONTROL Human Engineering. Plaintiff tried to go public in 2010 with radio, and EVERY EFFORT is being made to whitewash, set up, stage, frame, to discredit and quash the Plaintiff further. This is done using the environment of the victim including their families techniques. NLP is an extremely dangerou s tool of mind control coupled with electronic transmissions witting and unwitti ng. 28. Plaintiff is suffering from the violations of her constitutional rights, and privacy acts, (US code 5, and 18) at the hands of, the direction of, or with th e knowledge of, Defendants. Defendants in concert with other Intelligence agenci es and/or service providers, and means are set forth in paragraphs below). 29. Plaintiffs daily tortures are being done without judicial, statutory, or oth er lawful authorization, in violate on of statutory and constitutional limitatio ns, and in excess of statutory and constitutional authority. 30. Plaintiffs daily tortures are being done without probable cause or reasonabl e suspicion to believe that Plaintiff has committed or are about to commit any c rime or engage in any terrorist activity, or is of foreign powers or agents ther eof and these activities are crimes of humanity. 31. Plaintiffs daily tortures are with intent and malice, are being done without any reason to believe that the information is relevant to an authorized crimina l investigation or to an authorized investigation to protect against internation al terrorism or clandestine intelligence activities. 32. On information and belief, Plaintiffs daily tortures against her will and re ligion is directly performed, and/or aided, abetted, counseled, commanded, induc ed or procured and HIDDEN behind SSP laws to HARM HUMANITY. 33. On information and belief, Plaintiff will continue to be directly targeted a nd the Public and/or will continue to aid, abet, counsel, command, induce or pro cure that conduct wittingly and unwittingly. (Mind Control and the American Gove rnment; Prevailing Winds 1994) Since Teslas Directed Energy Weapons were invente d and launched or picked up by The Pentagons covert ops, The United States unlik e the rest of the Globe, rapidly began down a culture of INDUCED psyops of ELF C ancer, CIA drugs, corruptions, crimes (another experiment in 1968 on crimes in m ajor cities hidden behind LSD, as aliens) paranoia, immoral behaviors, AIDS, ANT

HRAX, obesity, sicker Americans, division of people, Trash TV and education, par anormal phenomenon, and a greater necessity of guinea pigs for technology experi mentation, followed by power, corruptions, terrorizing and harassing anyone they chose covertly on the streets without accountability and justice and without kn owledge of a dictatorship. 34. Plaintiff seeks costs, legal fees, and damages applicable by law with protec tive measures for all COUNTS. Plaintiff was represented under a class suit, befo re transmissions sabotaged the attorney and his contact information has been dis connected and tampered with. On information and belief, the former attorney marr ied to the DA in Colorado, had brain surgery from Migraines while preparing the Case granted by and Silicon Valley University. I had attempted to warn him durin g my visit, to Denver in July of 2008. He is no longer available for the very re asons of this Lawsuit (There was no gang-related conspiracy, but an unwitting pu blic used as pawns with hallucinated thoughts, unconscious, and cognitive impair ment infiltrations), that We the People have a responsibility to stop before too late. False thoughts, False hearing, False speech, bypassing the cortex and mem ory and other mind games on US Soil to mis-communicate and disrupt the targets. Currently and investigation is underway for victims requested by President Obama to the Human Rights Committee and Bioethics Committee, AND SENATORS mind manipu lations planted as Chief Joint Staff with Armed Forces. ALLEGATIONS and VIOLATIONS 35. Pursuant to Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Title 5, 22, 42, 142, 18, 18a, and 50, Plaintiff Mireille Torjman brings this action on behalf of herself, and to attest to her family and the publics victimization, unwittingly and/or unrea lized and with OPEN letter to CONGRESS for testimony. (a) TITLE 18 PART I CH 37 793. Gathering, transmitting or losing defense informa tion, (b) 18 U.S.C. 241. Conspiracy against rights, (c) 18 U.S.C. 373. Solicitation to commit a crime of violence, (d) 18 U.S.C. 1091. Genocide, (e) 18 U.S.C.1341. Mail fraud, (f) 18 U.S.C. 1512. Tampering with a witness, victim, or an informant, (g) 18 U.S.C. 1513. Retaliating against a witness, victim, or an informant, (h) 18 U.S.C. 1583 (2). Enticement into slavery, (i) 18 U.S.C. 1692. Foreign mail as United States mail, (j) 18 U.S.C. 1801. Video voyeurism, (k) 18 U.S.C. 1812. Statement of exclusive means by which electronic surveillanc e and interception of certain communications may be conducted, (l) 18 U.S.C. 2242. Sexual abuse, (m) 18 U.S.C. 2332 (a) Terrorism, and (h). Use of weapons of mass destruction, (n) 18 U.S.C. 2339. Harboring or concealing terrorists, (o) 18 U.S.C. 2422. Coercion and enticement, or are currently doing so; (p) 50 U.S.C. 1809 and 1810, or are currently doing so; (q) 18 U.S.C. 2510 and 18 U.S.C. 2511; (r) 18 U.S.C. 2703, Required Disclosure of communications records, or are curren tly doing so; (s) Transmitted civilians, and non civilians, in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2381. Tr eason, or are currently doing so; (t) Transmitted the public to stalk and harass the Plaintiff inclusive of electr onically and tangibly, in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2261: US Code - 2261A: Stalking (u) Plaintiff is violated with her civil rights with the use of electronic commu nications under 18a U.S.C. Rule 41. Search and Seizure (v) Administrative Procedures Act, 5 U.S.C. 701 et seq., or are currently doing so; (w) Defendants have violated the constitutional principle of separation of power s, or are currently doing so; (x) The Torture of Plaintiff, her family, and the public electronically in viola tion of 18 U.S.C. 2340A, or currently doing so: (y) Plaintiff is entitled to injunctive relief, declaratory, and other equitable relief and freedom from spying activities;

(z) The Torture of Plaintiff, her family and the public electronically in violat ion of 18 U.S.C. 2422, or currently doing so: (aa) Plaintiff is entitled to Civil Damages 18 U.S.C. Rule 2520 in violations of her First, Third, Fifth, and Thirteenth Amendments; 18 U.S.C. 2510, 18 U.S.C. 2 511, and 18 U.S.C. 2512. (ab) Plaintiff is entitled to Grants and Health Care Assistance as a victim in a ccordance to 22 U.S.C. 2152: US Code - Section 2152: Assistance for victims of t orture. (ac) United Nations Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degra ding Treatment or Punishment, G.A. res. 39/46, annex, 39 U.N. GAOR Supp. (No. 51 ) at 197, U.N. Doc. A/39/51 (1984), entered into force June 26, 1987; Universal Declaration of Human Rights, G.A. res. 217A (III), U.N. Doc. A/810 at 71 (1948); International Convention on Civil and Political Rights, G.A. res. 2200A (XXI), 21 U.N. GAOR Supp. (No. 16) at 52, U.N. Doc. A/6316 (1966), 9.99 U.N.T.S. 171, e ntered into force Mar. 23, 1976. (ad) The Torture of Plaintiff, her family and the public and the prohibitions ag ainst torture and other cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment and the conspirac y to oppress, torture, rape, suppress, is a violation under 142 U.S.C.1985. Cons piracy to interfere with United States Civil Rights. (ae) The Torture of Plaintiff, her family and the public, and the prohibitions a gainst malicious intent to torture, rape privacy rights, brainwash, and enslave with severe psychological in-humane damages to ones spirit, body, mind, and live lihood, and libel is actionable and/or under Tort Claims of damages found under civil and criminal trials. Plaintiff was guided to file twice with DOJ in 2009 a nd was found out of jurisdiction as well as to thwart off reporting to FBI for 2 years due to their guilt not by shadow. (af) Plaintiff has made at least 2 requests to the FOIA and both & were denied u nder the violation of 5 U.S.C. 552; claims under and 18 U.S.C. 2707 and 5 U.S.C. 702 36. Adequacy: Plaintiff and family members are suffering great harm arising from Defendants violations of law, as alleged herein. Plaintiff intends to prosecute this action vigorously. Plaintiff hereby demands injunctive relief, FOIA record s, and damages. COUNT I Violation of 18 U.S.C. and 50 U.S.C. Crimes and Criminal Procedures AND War and National Defense Including Titles 5, 22, 42, 142, 18, 18a, and 50 U.S.C. and Int ernational Conventional, Violation of First and Fourth AmendmentDeclaratory, Inj unctive, and Other Equitable Relief 37. Plaintiff repeats and incorporates herein by reference the allegations in th e preceding paragraphs of this complaint, as if set forth fully herein; By the a ctions described above. 38. Plaintiff and have a reasonable expectation of privacy in their communicatio ns and/or records, mail communications, as forementioned above, DNA, brain waves , brain activities, brain manipulations, brain recordings, data mining, collecte d, and/or stored by these activities. 39. Plaintiff have expectations of complete privacy to the intrusions of their m inds and bodies, threats and fears, blackmail and choice, thus freedom of though t, emotion, will, and destiny. 40. Defendants have directly performed, or aided, abetted, counseled, commanded, induced, procured, encouraged, promoted, instigated, advised, willfully caused, participated in, enabled, contributed to, facilitated, directed, controlled, as sisted in, LIABLE, NEGLIGENT, AWARE of, or conspired in the commission of the ab ove-described acts of spying, torture, interception, and/or use of Plaintiff and her activities, by Intelligence, covertly without judicial or other lawful auth orization, probable cause, and/or individualized suspicion, in violation of stat utory and constitutional limitations, and in excess of statutory and constitutio nal authority. 41. At all relevant times, Defendants committed, knew of, should have KNOWN of, and/or acquiesced in all of the above-described acts, and failed to respect the Constitutional rights of the Plaintiff by obtaining judicial or other lawful aut

horization and by conforming their conduct to the requirements of the respective Amendments, under the Law of the United States Constitution. 42. By the acts alleged herein, Plaintiffs reasonable expectations of privacy ha s been violated, and denied Plaintiff her right to be free from unreasonable sea rches and seizures as guaranteed by the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. By the acts alleged herein, as a victim of the Programs, Defe ndants violated Plaintiffs rights of the Fourth Amendment to be free from unreas onable searches and seizures, as guaranteed by the Fourth Amendment of the Unite d States Constitution. 43. By the acts alleged herein, Mis-conduct has caused harm to Plaintiff and her family. The conduct is done intentionally, with malice and deliberate indifference, agai nst her will and religion, and/or with reckless disregard of, negligent, forcefu l, trickery, pleasure, premediated conspiracy, in gross violations of Plaintiff constitutional rights. 44. On information and belief, all other pertaining Counts Defendants are now en gaging in and will continue to engage in the above-described violations of Plain tiffs constitutional rights, and are thereby irreparably harming Plaintiff. Plai ntiff has no adequate remedy at law for all other pertaining Counts to Defendant s continuing unlawful conduct, and the Count V and all other pertaining Counts D efendants will continue to violate Plaintiffs legal rights unless enjoined and r estrained by this Court. 45. Plaintiff seeks that this Court declare that Defendants have violated their rights and the rights of the public; enjoin the pertaining Counts Defendants, th eir agents, successors, and assigns, and all those in active concert and partici pation with them from violating the Plaintiffs rights under the Fourth Amendment and respective Amendments, to the United States Constitution; and award such ot her and further equitable relief as is proper. 46. Plaintiff is seeking a BAN of this Weapon of mass destruction on We the Peop le as proposed in 2001 Space Preservation Act Bill, and protection and injunctio n relief for her and for all family members under the law TITLE 18 U.S.C. 3521. Witness relocation and protection. COUNT II Violation of First and Fourth Amendments, 42 U.S.C and 18 U.S.C. and 50 U.S.C. C rimes and Criminal Procedures AND War and National Defense Including Titles 22, 42, 142, 18, 18a, and 50 U.S.C. and International Conventional 47. Plaintiff incorporates herein by reference the allegations in the preceding paragraphs of this complaint, as if set forth fully herein; 48. Plaintiff motions the COURTS and Defendant to cease and desist and/or injunc tion for relief, immediately from grave dangerous damaging electronic harassment s and that of a religious and personal nature, all other allegations of surveill ance, spying, manipulations, torture, censorships, daily sabotage, and blocks el ectronically and otherwise, retaliations, death threats, thereby violating the c onstitution and privacy acts, (US code 22, 42, 142, 18, 18a, and 50) at the hand s of, the direction of, or with the knowledge of, any and all government and aff iliations. Plaintiff seeks declaratory relief against all allegations and all co unts. Defendants actions described herein violated Plaintiffs rights under the F ree Exercise and Free Speech Clauses of the United States Constitution, the Reli gious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993, 42 U.S.C. 2000bb et seq., the Privacy Act , 5 U.S.C. 552a, and Air Force Instruction 37-132; and all other freedoms and ri ghts under the Law. COUNT III Violation of 18 U.S.C., 50 U.S.C. Crimes and Criminal Procedures AND War and Nat ional Defense Including Titles 5, 22, 42, 142, 18, 18a, and 50 U.S.C. and Intern ational Conventional Violation of First and Fourth AmendmentDeclaratory, Injunct ive, and Other Equitable Relief 49. Plaintiff incorporates herein by reference the allegations in the preceding paragraphs of this complaint, as if set forth fully herein; 50. Plaintiff numerous attempts sabotaged, hereby requests to compel the court f or Defendants to conduct proper and thorough investigations (not failing to incl

ude fundamental steps of interviews and psyops techniques on U.S. Soil) even whe n seemingly undetectable and/or prior to 2008, with all accusations and agencies with full cooperation, including Sports, Cloning, Family Characteristics, ENGIN EERED Poverty-selectively, Bankruptcies with individuals, ills, and Cancer, also sabotaged economies, with the use of ILLEGAL mind manipulations WEAPON, under t he Law. COUNT IV Violation of First AmendmentDeclaratory, Injunctive, and Other Equitable Relief Violation of 18 U.S.C. and 50 U.S.C. Crimes and Criminal Procedures, War and Nat ional Defense Including Titles 22, 42, 142, 18, 18a, and 50 U.S.C. and International Conventional 51. Plaintiff incorporates herein by reference the allegations in the preceding paragraphs of this complaint, as if set forth fully herein; 52. Plaintiff has been sabotaged with coverage and exposure to warn the public. Plaintiff moves to compel the court for Defendants to provide the Constituents W E THE PEOPLE with un-tampered accurate news, appropriate warnings with Main Stre am Media to heed caution, be AWARE with knowledge, and choice of action or recou rse, under the law of Constituents rights and United States Constitution FREE OF ELECTRONIC MIND MANIPULATIONS and HARASSMENTS. Free speech and the RIGHT TO KNO W! COUNT V Violation of Fourth AmendmentDeclaratory, Injunctive, and Equitable Relief 108. 53. Plaintiff incorporates herein by reference the allegations in the preceding paragraphs of this complaint, as if set forth fully herein; and all allegations under the law and aforementioned Amendments of the Constitution, as stated above . 54. Plaintiff is seeking protection for her and for all family members under the law. 55. Plaintiff and have a reasonable expectation of privacy in their communicatio ns and/or records, mail communications, as forementioned above, DNA, brain waves , brain activities, brain manipulations, brain recordings, data mining, collecte d, and/or stored by these activities. 56. Plaintiff have expectations of complete privacy to the intrusions of their m inds and bodies, threats and fears, blackmail and choice, thus freedom of though t, emotion, will, and destiny. 57. Defendants have directly performed, or aided, abetted, counseled, commanded, induced, procured, encouraged, promoted, instigated, advised, willfully caused, participated in, enabled, contributed to, facilitated, directed, controlled, as sisted in, LIABLE, NEGLIGENT, AWARE of, or conspired in the commission of the ab ove-described acts of spying, torture, interception, and/or use of Plaintiff and her activities, by Intelligence, covertly without judicial or other lawful auth orization, probable cause, and/or individualized suspicion, in violation of stat utory and constitutional limitations, and in excess of statutory and constitutio nal authority. 58. At all relevant times, Defendants committed, knew of, should have KNOWN of, and/or acquiesced in all of the above-described acts, and failed to respect the Constitutional rights of the Plaintiff by obtaining judicial or other lawful aut horization and by conforming their conduct to the requirements of the respective Amendments, under the Law of the United States Constitution. 59. By the acts alleged herein, Plaintiffs reasonable expectations of privacy ha s been violated, and denied Plaintiff her right to be free from unreasonable sea rches and seizures as guaranteed by the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. By the acts alleged herein, as a victim of the Programs, Defe ndants violated Plaintiffs rights of the Fourth Amendment to be free from unreas onable searches and seizures, as guaranteed by the Fourth Amendment of the Unite d States Constitution. 60. By the acts alleged herein, Mis-conduct has caused harm to Plaintiff and her family. 61. The conduct is done intentionally, with malice and deliberate indifference, against her will and religion, and/or with reckless disregard of, negligent, for

ceful, trickery, pleasure, premediated conspiracy, in gross violations of Plaint iff constitutional rights. 62. On information and belief, all other pertaining Counts Defendants are now en gaging in and will continue to engage in the above-described violations of Plain tiffs constitutional rights, and are thereby irreparably harming Plaintiff. Plai ntiff has no adequate remedy at law for all other pertaining Counts to Defendant s continuing unlawful conduct, and the Count V and all other pertaining Counts D efendants will continue to violate Plaintiffs legal rights unless enjoined and r estrained by this Court. 63. Plaintiff seeks that this Court declare that Defendants have violated their rights and the rights of the public; enjoin the pertaining Counts Defendants, th eir agents, successors, and assigns, and all those in active concert and partici pation with them from violating the Plaintiffs rights under the Fourth Amendment and respective Amendments, to the United States Constitution; and award such ot her and further equitable relief as is proper. COUNT VI Violation of all COUNTS and AmendmentsDamages 64. Plaintiff incorporates herein by reference the allegations in the preceding paragraphs of this complaint, as if set forth fully herein; 65. Plaintiff have a reasonable expectation of privacy in their communications a nd/or records, mail, communications, transmissions, intrusions, spying, torment, torture, harassment, by all means including electronics and waves as forementio ned by Plaintiff. 66. Plaintiff have expectations of privacy to the atrocious intrusions and gross negligence. 67. Defendants have directly performed, or aided, abetted, counseled, commanded, induced, procured, encouraged, promoted, instigated, advised, willfully caused, participated in, enabled, contributed to, facilitated, directed, controlled, as sisted in, LIABLE, NEGLIGENT, AWARE of, or conspired in the commission of the ab ove-described acts of acquisition, interception, disclosure, divulgence and/or u se of communications, contents of communications, and records pertaining to thei r communications transmitted, collected, DNA and brain waves from Data Mining an d remote transmissions, and/or stored, spying, torture, by Defendants without ju dicial or other lawful judicial or other lawful authorization, probable cause, a nd/or individualized suspicion, in violation of statutory and constitutional lim itations, and in excess of statutory and constitutional authority. At all releva nt times, Defendants committed, knew of, should have KNOWN of, and/or acquiesced in all of the above-described acts, and failed to respect the Constitutional ri ghts of the Plaintiff by obtaining judicial or other lawful authorization and by conforming their conduct to the requirements of the respective Amendments, unde r the Law of the United States Constitution. 68. Defendants, and/or the use of electronic communication services acted as the agent in performing, participating in, enabling, contributing to, negligently c ontributing to, facilitating, at the hands of, direction of, or knowledge of, or assisting in the commission of the above-described acts of interceptions, discl osure and/or use of Plaintiff mind and body, DNA and brain waves from Data Minin g and remote transmissions, communications, contents of communications, and reco rds pertaining to their transmissions, collected, and/or stored without judicial or other lawful authorization, probable cause, and/or individualized suspicion of Plaintiffs records or other information. 69. By the acts alleged herein, Defendants conduct has caused irreparable harm t o Plaintiff. 70. Plaintiff seeks an award of her actual damages and punitive damages against the Counts, and such other or further relief as is proper and/or to be determine d by a Jury. COUNT VII Violation of the Administrative Procedure Act, 5 U.S.C. 701 et seq. Declaratory, Injunctive, and Other Equitable Relief (Plaintiffs vs. Defendants) and parties, inclusive of all affiliations on all CO UNTS

71. Plaintiff incorporates herein by reference the allegations in the preceding paragraphs of this complaint, as if set forth fully herein; 72. The OPERATION and all various programs violates the Administrative Procedure s Act, 5 U.S.C. 701 et seq., because Defendants actions under the Covert OPS Pro grams exceed statutory authority and limitations, Abusive corruption, all HIDING behind the imposed FISA, SSP, National Securitys ACT, and Patriot ACT, and thro ugh Chapters 119, 121 and 206 of Title 18 of the U.S. Code (the Wiretap Act, the Stored Communications Act, and the Pen Register Statute, respectively) and in v iolation of Privacy and statutory rights under those laws ; are not otherwise in accordance with law; are contrary to constitutional rights, including the Fourt h Amendment, First Amendment, and separation of powers principles; and are taken without observance of procedures required by law, AND VIA sig-intel Satellite e lectronic COMMUNICATIONS NOT LIMITED TO NSA various reports. 73. Plaintiff is aggrieved by these violations because, as described previously in this Complaint, Defendants actions under The OPERATIONS and various other Pro grams WITH the Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress-DAMAGES, AND HAS RES ULTED IN IRREPARABLE HARM VIA ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATION WAVES, interception, acqu isition, disclosure, divulgence and/or use of the contents of their wire and ele ctronic communications, communications records, and other information in violati on of their constitutional and statutory rights. 74. Plaintiffs seek nonmonetary relief against Defendants, including a declarati on that Defendants have violated Plaintiffs rights; an injunction enjoining the Counts Defendants, their agents, successors, and assigns, and all those in activ e concert and participation with them from violating the Plaintiffs rights; and such other and further nonmonetary relief as is proper. COUNT VIII Violation of Separation of Powers - Declaratory, Injunctive, and Other Equitable Relief (Plaintiffs vs. Defendants) and parties, inclusive of all affiliations on all CO UNTS 75. Plaintiff incorporates herein by reference the allegations in the preceding paragraphs of this complaint, as if set forth fully herein; as aforementioned. 76 The OPERATION and all various programs violates the Administrative Procedures Act, 5 U.S.C. 701 et seq., because Defendants actions under the Covert OPS Prog rams exceed statutory authority and limitations, Abusive corruption, all HIDING behind the imposed FISA, SSP, National Securitys ACT, and Patriot ACT, and throu gh Chapters 119, 121 and 206 of Title 18 of the U.S. Code (the Wiretap Act, the Stored Communications Act, and the Pen Register Statute, respectively) and in vi olation of Privacy and statutory rights under those laws ; are not otherwise in accordance with law; are contrary to constitutional rights, including the Fourth Amendment, First Amendment, and separation of powers principles; and are taken without observance of procedures required by law, AND VIA sig-intel Satellite el ectronic COMMUNICATIONS NOT LIMITED TO NSA various reports. 77. Plaintiff is aggrieved by these violations because, as described previously in this Complaint, Defendants actions under The OPERATIONS and various other Pro grams WITH the Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress-DAMAGES, AND HAS RES ULTED IN IRREPARABLE HARM VIA ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATION WAVES, interception, acqu isition, disclosure, divulgence and/or use of the contents of their wire and ele ctronic communications, communications records, and other information in violati on of their constitutional and statutory rights. 78. Plaintiffs seek nonmonetary relief against Defendants, including a declarati on that Defendants have violated Plaintiffs rights; an injunction enjoining the Counts Defendants, their agents, successors, and assigns, and all those in activ e concert and participation with them from violating the Plaintiffs rights; and such other and further nonmonetary relief as is proper. COUNT IX Violation of the fifth and eighth amendment prohibitions Other Equitable Relief 79. Plaintiff repeats and incorporates herein by reference the allegations in th e preceding paragraphs of this complaint, as if set forth fully herein; 80. Plaintiff advances five causes of actions on premised on tort liability for

violations of (1) the Fifth and eighth Amendment prohibitions against cruel and unusual punishment, (2) the law of nations prohibition against torture (3) the l aw of nations prohibition against cruel, inhumane or degrading treatment, and (4 ) the Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilians Persons in time of War, Aug. 12, 1949, 6 U.S.T. 3516, T.I.A.S. No. 3365 (Geneva Convention IV. T he Plaintiffs fifth cause of action seeks declaratory relief for Violations of t he law of Nations Geneva Convention IV and the United States Constitution. With regards to the Constitutional violations, the Plaintiff argues that the Courts s hould infer cause of action for tort liability pursuant to Bivens vs. six unknow n named agents of the Fed. Bureau of Narcatics, 403 U.S. 388 (1971). The Plainti ff asserts that the Defendants are liable for the treatment of a non-enemy comba tant and retaliation of an ordinary civilian. COUNT X Violation of 5 U.S.C. 552. FOIA records request (Plaintiff vs. Defendants) and parties, inclusive of all affiliations 81. Plaintiff made several requests to the FOIA over the years, and was denied e xistence of any dossier or documentation. Plaintiff was also provided with prote cted rights under terrorism to deny access if any to her records in violation of 5 U.S.C. 552. 82. Plaintiff hereby makes demands to grant such reliefs as the court may deem j ust and proper under the law 5 U.S.C. 552. Pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552(a)(6)(C) and 5 U.S.C. 552(a)(6)(E)(ii)(I), Plaintiff shall be deemed to have exhausted its a dministrative remedies with respect to its request to Defendant. 83. Pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552(a)(3), Plaintiff has a right of access to the infor mation and documents requested in its FOIA request, and Defendants have no legal basis for refusing to disclose this information and these documents to Plaintif f. COUNT XI Violation 5 U.S.C. 702 Right of Review-Unlawful Agency Action 84. Plaintiff incorporates herein by reference the allegations in the preceding paragraphs of this complaint, as if set forth fully herein; 85. Plaintiff has been violated with unlawful agency action AND negligence, and is suffering legal wrong and is entitled to reviews by ALL FEDERAL AGENCIES as n umerous ATTEMPTS. Plaintiff is seeking Injunction Relief and Banning a Weapon of MASS Destruction. COUNT XII Violation of 18 U.S.C. and 50 U.S.C. Crimes and Criminal Procedures, AND War and National Defense Including Titles 22, 42, 142, 18, 18a, and 5, 50 U.S.C. and In ternational Conventional, DAMAGES AND TORT LAW claims on all Counts, Titles, and Allegtions Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress-DAMAGES (Plaintiff vs. Defendants) and parties, inclusive of all affiliations 86. Plaintiff incorporates herein by reference the allegations in the preceding paragraphs of this complaint, as if set forth fully herein AND as aforementioned inclusive; 87. In a relevant part, of ALL COUNTS listed, Plaintiff hereby under the law and CONSTITUTION of the UNITED STATES seeks from the Counts and allegations Defenda nts statutory damages or actual damages; punitive damages as appropriate; and su ch other and further relief as is proper, and as aforementioned ALL inclusive. 88. Defendants intentionally acquired, or aided, abetted, counseled, commanded, induced, procured, encouraged, promoted, instigated, advised, willfully caused, participated in, enabled, contributed to, (negligent) to, facilitated, directed, controlled, assisted in, or conspired in the commission of such acquisition, by means of a surveillance and spying devices, the contents of one or more wire an d wireless communications to or from Plaintiffs or other information in which Pl aintiff has a reasonable expectation of privacy, without the consent of any part y thereto, and such acquisition occurred in the United States. 89. Defendants, and/or other electronic communication services acted as the agen t in performing, participating in, enabling, contributing to, negligently contri buting to, facilitating, at the hands of, direction of, or knowledge of, or assi sting in the commission of the above-described acts of acquisition of Plaintiffs

communications, interceptions, disclosure and/or use of Plaintiff mind and body , DNA and brain waves from Data Mining and remote transmissions, communications, its contents, and records pertaining to their transmissions, collected, and/or stored without judicial or other lawful authorization, probable cause, and/or in dividualized suspicion of Plaintiffs records, and other information. 90. By the acts alleged herein, Defendants conduct has caused harm to Plaintiff and her family. 91. Defendants conduct was done intentionally, with malice and deliberate indiff erence, against her will and religion, and/or with reckless disregard of, neglig ent, forceful, trickery, malice, premeditated conspiracy, in gross violations of Plaintiff and family constitutional rights. 92. By the acts alleged herein, Defendants have intentionally engaged in, or aid ed, abetted, counseled, commanded, induced, procured, encouraged, promoted, inst igated, advised, willfully caused, participated in, enabled, contributed to, neg ligently contributed to, facilitated, directed, controlled, assisted in, or cons pired in the commission of, electronic surveillance (as defined by 50 U.S.C. 180 1(f)) under color of law, not authorized by any statute, to which Plaintiffs wer e subjected in violation of 50 U.S.C. 1809. 93. Additionally or in the alternative, by the acts alleged herein, Defendants h ave intentionally disclosed or used information obtained under color of law by e lectronic surveillance, knowing or having reason to know that the information wa s obtained through electronic surveillance not authorized by statute, including information pertaining to Plaintiffs, or aided, abetted, counseled, commanded, i nduced, procured, spied, encouraged, promoted, instigated, advised, willfully ca used, participated in, enabled, contributed to, facilitated, directed, controlle d, assisted in, or conspired in the commission of such acts. 94. Defendants did not notify Plaintiff of the above-described electronic survei llance and spying, torture, disclosure, and/or use, nor did Plaintiffs consent t o such. At all relevant times, Defendants committed, knew of, should have KNOWN of, and/or acquiesced in all of the above-described acts, and failed to respect the Constitutional rights of the Plaintiff by obtaining judicial or other lawful authorization and by conforming their conduct to the requirements of the respec tive Amendments, under the Law of the United States Constitution. 95. Plaintiff has been and is aggrieved by Defendants electronic surveillance, s pying, torture, disclosure, and/or use of their wire communications. 96. Pursuant to the United Constitution and its Amendments, which provides a civ il and criminal for any person who has been subjected to the aforementioned crim es and torts, Plaintiff seeks from the Counts above Defendants their statutory d amages or actual damages; punitive damages as appropriate; and such other and fu rther relief as is proper. COUNT XIII Violation of 18 U.S.C. and 50 U.S.C. Crimes and Criminal Procedures, AND War and National Defense Including Titles 22, 42, 142, 18, 18a, and 5, 50 U.S.C. and In ternational Conventional, DAMAGES AND TORT LAW claims on all counts, Titles, and Allegtions Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress-DAMAGES 97. Plaintiff repeats Count XII and incorporates herein by reference the allegat ions in the preceding paragraphs of this complaint, as if set forth fully herein AND as aforementioned inclusive and each COUNT separately as below; 98. Pursuant to Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Title 5, 22, 42, 142, 18, 18a, and 50, (a) TITLE 18 PART I CH 37 793. Gathering, transmitting or losing defens e information, (b) 18 U.S.C. 241. Conspiracy against rights, (c) 18 U.S.C. 373. Solicitation to commit a crime of violence, (d) 18 U.S.C. 1091. Genocide, (e) 18 U.S.C.1341. Mail fraud, (f) 18 U.S.C. 1512. Tampering with a witness, victim, or an informant, (g) 18 U.S.C. 1513. Retaliating against a witness, victim, or an informant, (h) 18 U.S.C. 1583 (2). Enticement into slavery, (i) 18 U.S.C. 1692. Foreign mail as United States mail, (j) 18 U.S.C. 1801. Video voyeurism,

(k) 18 U.S.C. 1812. Statement of exclusive means by which electronic surveillanc e and interception of certain communications may be conducted, (l) 18 U.S.C. 2242. Sexual abuse, (m) 18 U.S.C. 2332 (a) Terrorism, and (h). Use of weapons of mass destruction, (n) 18 U.S.C. 2339. Harboring or concealing terrorists, (o) 18 U.S.C. 2422. Coercion and enticement, or are currently doing so; (p) 50 U.S.C. 1809 and 1810, or are currently doing so; (q) 18 U.S.C. 2510 and 18 U.S.C. 2511; (r) 18 U.S.C. 2703, Required Disclosure of communications records, or are curren tly doing so; (s) Transmitted civilians, and non civilians, in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2381. Tr eason, or are currently doing so; (t) Transmitted the public to stalk and harass the Plaintiff inclusive of electr onically and tangibly, in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2261: US Code - 2261A: Stalking (u) Plaintiff is violated with her civil rights with the use of electronic commu nications under 18a U.S.C. Rule 41. Search and Seizure (v) Administrative Procedures Act, 5 U.S.C. 701 et seq., or are currently doing so; (w) Defendants have violated the constitutional principle of separation of power s, or are currently doing so; (x) The Torture of Plaintiff, her family, and the public electronically in viola tion of 18 U.S.C. 2340A, or currently doing so: (y) Plaintiff is entitled to injunctive relief, declaratory, and other equitable relief and freedom from spying activities; (z) The Torture of Plaintiff, her family and the public electronically in violat ion of 18 U.S.C. 2422, or currently doing so: (aa) Plaintiff is entitled to Civil Damages 18 U.S.C. Rule 2520 in violations of her First, Third, Fifth, and Thirteenth Amendments; 18 U.S.C. 2510, 18 U.S.C. 2 511, and 18 U.S.C. 2512. (ab) Plaintiff is entitled to Grants and Health Care Assistance as a victim in a ccordance to 22 U.S.C. 2152: US Code - Section 2152: Assistance for victims of t orture. (ac) United Nations Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degra ding Treatment or Punishment, G.A. res. 39/46, annex, 39 U.N. GAOR Supp. (No. 51 ) at 197, U.N. Doc. A/39/51 (1984), entered into force June 26, 1987; Universal Declaration of Human Rights, G.A. res. 217A (III), U.N. Doc. A/810 at 71 (1948); International Convention on Civil and Political Rights, G.A. res. 2200A (XXI), 21 U.N. GAOR Supp. (No. 16) at 52, U.N. Doc. A/6316 (1966), 9.99 U.N.T.S. 171, e ntered into force Mar. 23, 1976. (ad) The Torture of Plaintiff, her family and the public and the prohibitions ag ainst torture and other cruel, inhumane, or degrading treatment and the conspira cy to oppress, enslave, torture, rape, suppress, is a violation under 142 U.S.C. 1985. Conspiracy to interfere with United States Civil Rights. (ae) The Torture of Plaintiff, her family and the public, and the prohibitions a gainst malicious intent to torture, rape privacy rights, brainwash, and enslave with severe psychological in-humane damages to ones spirit, body, mind, characte r, and livelihood, and libel is actionable and/or under Tort Claims of damages f ound under civil and criminal trials. Plaintiff was guided to file twice with DO J in 2009 and was found out of jurisdiction as well as to thwart off reporting t o FBI for 2 years due to their guilt not by shadow. (af) Plaintiff has made at least 2 requests to the FOIA and both & were denied u nder the violation of 5 U.S.C. 552; claims under and 18 U.S.C. 2707 and 5 U.S.C. 702. 99. In a relevant part, of ALL COUNTS listed, Plaintiff hereby under the law and CONSTITUTION of the UNITED STATES seeks from the Counts and allegations Defenda nts statutory damages or actual damages; punitive damages as appropriate; and su ch other and further relief as is proper, and as aforementioned ALL inclusive. 100. Defendants intentionally acquired, or aided, abetted, counseled, commanded, induced, procured, encouraged, promoted, instigated, advised, willfully caused, participated in, enabled, contributed to, (negligent) to, facilitated, directed

, controlled, assisted in, or conspired in the commission of such acquisition, b y means of a surveillance and spying devices, the contents of one or more wire a nd wireless communications to or from Plaintiffs or other information in which P laintiff has a reasonable expectation of privacy, without the consent of any par ty thereto, and such acquisition occurred in the United States. 101. Defendants, and/or other electronic communication services acted as the age nt in performing, participating in, enabling, contributing to, negligently contr ibuting to, facilitating, at the hands of, direction of, or knowledge of, or ass isting in the commission of the above-described acts of acquisition of Plaintiff s communications, interceptions, disclosure and/or use of Plaintiff mind and bod y, DNA and brain waves from Data Mining and remote transmissions, communications , its contents, and records pertaining to their transmissions, collected, and/or stored without judicial or other lawful authorization, probable cause, and/or i ndividualized suspicion of Plaintiffs records, and other information. 102. By the acts alleged herein, Defendants conduct has caused harm to Plaintiff and her family. 103. Defendants conduct was done intentionally, with malice and deliberate indif ference, against her will and religion, and/or with reckless disregard of, negli gent, forceful, trickery, malice, premeditated conspiracy, in gross violations o f Plaintiff and family constitutional rights. 104. By the acts alleged herein, Defendants have intentionally engaged in, or ai ded, abetted, counseled, commanded, induced, procured, encouraged, promoted, ins tigated, advised, willfully caused, participated in, enabled, contributed to, ne gligently contributed to, facilitated, directed, controlled, assisted in, or con spired in the commission of, electronic surveillance (as defined by 50 U.S.C. 18 01(f)) under color of law, not authorized by any statute, to which Plaintiffs we re subjected in violation of 50 U.S.C. 1809. 105. Additionally or in the alternative, by the acts alleged herein, Defendants have intentionally disclosed or used information obtained under color of law by electronic surveillance, knowing or having reason to know that the information w as obtained through electronic surveillance not authorized by statute, including information pertaining to Plaintiffs, or aided, abetted, counseled, commanded, induced, procured, spied, encouraged, promoted, instigated, advised, willfully c aused, participated in, enabled, contributed to, facilitated, directed, controll ed, assisted in, or conspired in the commission of such acts. 106. Defendants did not notify Plaintiff of the above-described electronic surve illance and spying, torture, disclosure, and/or use, nor did Plaintiffs consent to such. At all relevant times, Defendants committed, knew of, should have KNOWN of, and/or acquiesced in all of the above-described acts, and failed to respect the Constitutional rights of the Plaintiff by obtaining judicial or other lawfu l authorization and by conforming their conduct to the requirements of the respe ctive Amendments, under the Law of the United States Constitution. 107. Plaintiff has been and is aggrieved by Defendants electronic surveillance, spying, torture, disclosure, and/or use of their wire communications. 108. Pursuant to the United Constitution and its Amendments, which provides a ci vil and criminal for any person who has been subjected to the aforementioned cri mes and torts, Plaintiff seeks from the Counts above Defendants their statutory damages or actual damages; punitive damages as appropriate; and such other and f urther relief as is proper. CAUSE OF ACTION (Plaintiff vs. Defendants) and parties, inclusive of all affiliations 109. Plaintiff incorporates herein by reference the allegations in the preceding paragraphs of this complaint, as if set forth fully herein, and inclusive as af orementioned; 110. In a relevant part, of ALL COUNTS listed in Count, Plaintiff hereby under t he law and CONSTITUTION of the UNITED STATES seeks from the Counts and allegatio ns Defendants statutory damages or actual damages; punitive damages as appropria te; and such other and further relief as is proper. 111. Beginning on or about January 2007 and continuing through the present, Defe ndants intentionally intercepted Plaintiffs electronic communications under nume

rous OPERATION and projects with malice and violated numerous laws aforementione d in this lawsuit. 112. Pursuant to 18 U.S.C.2521. Injunction against illegal communications in all counts. Plaintiff is tortured daily and demands interception of communication t ransmissions, ELF mind taps and body, to cease and desist immediately with REDRE SS and GRIEVANCE. Whenever it shall appear that any person is engaged or is about to engage in any act which constitutes or will constitute a felony violation of this chapter, th e Attorney General may initiate a civil action in a district court of the United States to enjoin such violation. The court shall proceed as soon as practicable to the hearing and determination of such an action, and may, at any time before final determination, enter such a restraining order or prohibition, or take suc h other action, as is warranted to prevent a continuing and substantial injury t o the United States or to any person or class of persons for whose protection th e action is brought. A proceeding under this section is governed by the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, except that, if an indictment has been returned agains t the respondent, discovery is governed by the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedu re 113. Pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 2520, Plaintiff is entitled to the following: (a) Statutory damages of which ever is the greater of $100.00 a day for each day of violation or $10,000.00; (b) Punitive damages in the amount to be determined by the jury; (c) Equitable or declaratory relief as is deemed appropriate; and (d) Reasonable attorney fees and other litigation costs reasonably incurred; 114. Pursuant to tort damages Plaintiff hereby makes monitory demand for damages , punitive damages, and pain and suffering allowable under the tort law and pers onal injury of $3,500.000.00 million dollars. PRAYER FOR RELIEF WHEREFORE, Plaintiffs respectfully request that the Court: A. Declare that the Programs and crimes as alleged herein violates without limit ation Plaintiffs rights under the First, Fourth, Fifth, and Thirteenth Amendment s to the Constitution; their statutory rights, including their rights under 5 U. S.C. 552, 18 U.S.C. 2511, 18 U.S.C. 2703, 50 US.C. 1809, and the Administrative Procedures Act, 18 U.S.C. as stated above allegations, all inclusive; their righ ts under the constitutional principle of Separation of Powers. B. Award Plaintiffs and relief, including without limitation, a preliminary and permanent injunction pursuant to the applicable Amendments to the United States Constitution prohibiting Defendants continued use of the Operation and Projects, and a preliminary and permanent injunction pursuant to the Fourth Amendment req uiring Defendants to provide to Plaintiff an inventory of their communications, records, or other information that was seized in violation of the Fourth Amendme nt, and further requiring the destruction of all copies of those records, commun ications, or other information within the possession, custody, or control of Def endants. C. Award Plaintiff their statutory, actual, and punitive damages to the extent p ermitted by law and according to proof. D. Award to Plaintiffs reasonable attorneys fees and other costs of suit to the extent permitted by law. E. Award Plaintiff equitable relief, including without limitation, a preliminary and permanent injunction pursuant to the Fifth and Thirteenth Amendments to the United States Constitution prohibiting Defendants continued use of the Programs , and a preliminary and permanent injunction pursuant to the Fourth Amendment re quiring Defendants to provide to Plaintiff an inventory of their communications, records, or other information that was seized in violation of the Fourth Amendm ent, and further requiring the destruction of all copies of those communications , records, or other information within the possession, custody, or control of De fendants. F. WHEREFORE, Plaintiff prays that this Court: (1) declare that Defendants refus al to disclose the information and documents requested by Plaintiff is unlawful; (2) order Defendants to make the requested information and documents available

to Plaintiff; (3) grant Plaintiffs request for a fee waiver; (4) award Plaintiff its costs and reasonable attorneys fees in this action; and (5) grant such othe r and further relief as the Court may deem just and proper. G. Grant such other and further relief as the Court deems just and proper. End notes: have been documented on or about May 28, 2010. All inclusive of examp les found on Plaintiffs website to WARN We the People. CULT-FORT HOOD MASSACRE MIND CONTROL Among these experiments conducted on US Soldiers by their government, and accord ing to FSB files was a research specialty of Major Hasans. One was one called Ra dio Hypnotic Intracerebral Control Electronic Dissolution of Memory (RHIC-EDOM). Pioneered for the US Military in the 1960s, New York University Professor J. An thony Deutsch: Indicated that the mind is a transmitter and if too much informat ion is received, like too many vehicles on a crowded freeway, the brain ceases t o transmit. The Professor indicated that an excess of acetyl choline in the brai n can interfere with the memory process and control. He indicated excess amounts of acetyl choline can be artificially produced, through both the administration of drugs or through the use of radio waves. The process is called Electronic Di ssolution of Memory (EDOM). The memory transmission can be stopped for as long a s the radio signal continues.. The NSA combines hypnosis and thought labels to i nterrogate people without the subject being aware of it. "How can hypnosis be us ed?" you might ask. The subconscious mind operates at a speed of about 1200 to 1 400 words per minute. This is many times faster than the conscious mind that ope rates at 250 to 450 WPM (words per minute). The posthypnotic script can be spoke n at fast conversational speed approximately 250 WPM and a recorder or a compute r speeds up the message up to approximately 1200 to 1400 WPM. Remember what happ ens when you play a 33 rpm record at 78 rpm? The resulting voice sound like the old American cartoon characters the Chipmunks. This is only slightly past doubli ng (2X) the delivery speed. At speeds as high as 1400 WPM, the voices would soun d like a high pitched chattering whine. Remember when the words "Drink Coca Cola " were written on one frame of a movie in a theatre back in the 1960s? The frame rate in movies is played at 30 frames/second. At 1/30th of a second the conscio us mind could not recognize the message but the subconscious mind could read it clearly. The audience increased their Coca-Cola consumption by 65% that night re sulting in the Federal Government prohibiting subliminal advertising. The follow ing probable reasons for not achieving a higher percentage of subliminal deliver y effectiveness (> 65%) are described as follows. In that 1/30th of a second som e people were blinking, some people were looking around the theatre, looking at spouses, children, candy, popcorn, etc. or they had sufficiently poor eyesight t hat they could watch the movie but could not distinguish the small writing clear ly. In the early years of this technology, the NSA originally recorded a spoken posthypnotic suggestion message into a tape deck and sped it up by speeding up t he tape. This process was labor intensive, required each officer to have excelle nt diction and mastery of the language and dialect required, and was of poor qua lity due to background noise and the delay in timing during recording and proces sing. It also required extensive training to assure that each officer spoke at t he same rate of speed so that the resulting "sped-up" script was delivered at th e correct speed. Now computers are used to append digitized samples of optimized , ideal phonemes together to form words and the words are sped-up to the correct delivery speed. Where dialects are present, a different set of base phonemes is used. Currently, to optimize efficiency and accommodate the variety of language s on the planet, phonetic elements from each language and distinct dialect are s ampled, digitally edited to optimize them, and appended during delivery to form words and words arranged to make sentences in the from of scripts that resemble hypnotic suggestions. The empty space between words is minimized and pitch rise is compressed and filtered. Repetitive sine waves are also removed from the phon etic element's acoustic wave train thus reducing the actual number of sine waves making up a word by 50% or more. This reduces the actual length of the time it takes the phoneme to be delivered prior to accelerating (speeding-up) the delive ry (like fast forward). This helps the message to be played at higher speeds and reduces the subject's ability to recognize it as accelerated speech. The techni

que of using optimized digitally sampled and edited phonemes appended together t o for words and then sentences structured as hypnotic suggestions can be termed "computer simulated subconscious speech language". (Forced Speech) APPLICATIONS: 3.1. Intelligence: 3.1.1. Used on foreign and domestic diplomats, spies, and citizens to gather int elligence, steal advanced technology for US Defense applications. Surveys of cit izen's opinions to government events and propaganda. Heavy survey use during tim es of war, economic strife and political elections. War against drugs. Used to i dentify investments that have high yield to support clandestine operations. Used to direct field agents without the agents having to carry communications hardwa re and encryption devices. NSA Transmissions-Mind Control, Death Rays for Planes, Cancer, Synthetic ills- T opplings ELF & Seismic Waves + Behind Scenes Focused on Wrong Weapon Mass Destru ction TERRORISTS WITHIN, 1973 2nd Level CIA, Cryptocracy's Plan to Psycho-civili ze You, Emulating Scriptures! ---How & Why 911, Economy. ALL from your minds! MA CROCOSM. Millions including America's Corp Leaders & Officials! The Process +... Israel Framed-engineered to go down. Have you figured it out yet! Letters from Hoekstra Intelligence Committee, FBI Mueller, Gaddafi, and my Open letter to Congress.. MY WORD IS MY WEAPON. Sicko: Michael M oore, Do something! Pharma for Tax Revenue... Fight the source at the root not t he fires. TIME is of ESSENCE. Fan it! Expose it, Stop them! Doc Tab. Check back daily; I don't know which psyop warfare is more Dire than the next! Mysteries solved! SPYING is: your ills and examples subsequently. Remote Viewing is upon you 24/7 since 1973-Science and Humanity under Siege/ supressed with Do D Yale Secret Societies Psychotronics, Synthetic Telepathy DIRECTED ENERGY- (2nd Level CIA) THE WEAPON of MASS DESTRUCTION-ELF miscommunications Duping everyone today and all CIA TRICKERY! See Prescott Bush (1910) & CIA masterminds with thi s Mind Control Weapon illegal crimes of humanity and WARRANTLESS MIND TAPS if yo u don't stop them. Intercepted thoughts/body, communications... "Is the PENTAGON Science CRAZY ENOUGH?" Remote Control Heart Attack Anyone! HOOV ER: "It's Too Horrible to Imagine! NeuroLinguistic Programming (CIA 1976) Mind m anipulations-Not just on Senators Village ops Article/Speeches and YOUR thoughts are NOT your own. Bottom/Left & interviews Tab Allen Dulles 1957" Berle wrote in his diary. "If the scientists do what they hav e laid out for themselves, men will become manageable ants." belowCore Values Ac countability Integrity Efficiency To support the Department's mission and serve the public interest. 7. In 1967, after Ramparts magazine exposed secret CIA funding of the National S tudent Association and numerous nonprofit organizations, President Johnson forba de CIA support of foundations or educational institutions. Inside the Agency the re was no notion that this order meant ending relationships, such as the one wit h Geschickter. In his case, the agile CIA men simply transferred the funding fro m the foundation to a private company, of which his son was the secretary-treasu rer. 8. Lying to Congress followed the pattern of lying to the press that some MKULTR A veterans adopted after the first revelations came out. For example, former Hum an Ecology Society director James Monroe told The New York Times on August 2, 19 77 that "only about 25 to 30 percent" of the Society's budget came from the CIAa statement he knew to be false since the actual figure was well over 90 percent. His untruth allowed some other grantees to claim that their particular project was funded out of the non-Agency part of the Society. DoD Secret Societies- your tax $ and Trillions U S Pentagon Black Budgets and Source Selection Board decis ions, at bottom "Considering that Admiral Turner and other CIA officials had tried to leave the impression with Congress and the public that behavioral research had almost all

ended in 1963 with the phase-out of MKULTRA, this was an amazing admission." Bec ause it was to appease them. "Similar tactics overseas", "As with the Agency's secrets, it was too late to pu t behavioral technology back in the box." [pg 214] Justice Sandra Day OConnor-Frank Olson case-Opinion No rule crafted shall insula te from liability unknowing subjects. "Only the small secrets need to be protected. The big ones are kept secret by pu blic incredulity." Marshall McCluhan "If both the past and the external world exist only in the mind, and if the mind itself is controllablewhat then?" George Orwell CYBERSYN; The COUP for the Communist World: It is said Henry Kissinger was the o ne who intervened to put an end to the GRAND experiment. Salvador Allende was as sassinated by Chileans who are reported to have been in the PAY of the CIA, and Cybersyn went by the wayside. (They thought) Today FCC coup to regulate the INTE RNET; part of COMMUNISM infiltrations and attempts, KGB/Gestapo style Domestic S urveillancemind manipulations after the fact & covertly hijacked www & humans. THE PROCESS; WASHINGTON will be shot after the CRISIS step 4 of Brainwash over decades- slow kills... Do you believe a RUSSIAN or are you targeted? They always kill you whe n you are done serving them. ALL HIDING BEHIND SSP, Patriot Act since 1947 conspiracy take over slowly being introduced as New World Order MASS Brainwash-chunked to accept! The launch of a new Holocaust in manifest after chaos, trickery and the people's CONSENT of bala ncing LESS FREEDOM, Civil Rights and a suspension of the Constitution, after MIS SION of COMMUNISM and Middle East. [Pg 213] With no danger to American Society, the entrapment from Bush /Obama "MANIPULATOR S".... "The object is to terrify the American Public, so that they will surrende r their civil liberties--Possibly the greatest extortion scheme in U.S. history. " --It's only the BEGINNING! See below creating subservient civilians, assassinations and torture goes on ill egally anyway. Legalizing it is only for us civilians and what is coming (N.W.O. a silent infiltrations of another Holocaust attempt) with no recourse or redres s available on civil rights. Illusions, transmitted false thoughts (coupled with the events), crimes infiltrated now Making it REAL. After 50 yrs of spy devices being installed and attached today overtly as all else shadowed. Paranormal Activities: The list of parapsychology goals was taken from an excell ent article by John Wilhelm in the August 2, 1977 Washington Post: "Psychic Spyi ng?" Thomas Drake NSA 2011 Whistleblower Espionage Case Exposes Psychic Spy Connectio n. Projects... Stargate below all linked (1973) PICKING UP ON ALL GROUPS/cults/i ndividuals, thoughts during sleep, and directing CONVERSATIONS dialogue and vice versa. Your thoughts are not your own. Dr. Bearden (Govt) ... WARRANTLESS MIND TAPS..., Bear Stearns rumors transmitted in advance, Israel set Air F orce hack nervous system, ELF Red Tide FL. Govt Lab, Aliens/UFO's, BP framed; mi nd controlled paralysis & decisions as civility, and much worse mind taps on you . Armies trained by our School of the AMERICAS SOA and set up mind controlling Sou th America now Working on ASIA. Invaded Countries... Breaking The SOUND Barrier; Democracy NOW! pg 214+. wtih Notes. Jim Keith Mass Control Human Engineering, S TRANGE DEATH after his book censored below...Wake up AMERICA! We are being contr olled from up above! SOA Brainwash...It's everywhere including CIA VALERIE PLAME technology weapons, Bay of Pigs invasion, and Juan Cole Scandals. RIK and Air Force waste as SAIC et c. AGNAs Contract guards behaviors, linguistics, and security in Embassies, F-22 waste Sorcerer "Beam Warfare, THE Persinger PLAN, (50 yrs)+ NSA, and Dreamscape, One W orld BRAIN,+ pages 200+ of INJECTING IDEOLOGY not just MEDIA mind taps, Electron ic Mind Control, Psi War, and Beam WARFARE CANCER... Edward Bernays wrote public opinion H.G. Wells friend of N.W.O. MASTERMIND engineering CONSENT with mind co

ntrol in 1928 propaganda and Invisible Govt. Information Warfare... BRAINWASHING the GLOBE while there from up above transmissions as all else in US A done coupled with a TANGIBLE event and excuses. DISPLAY OF GITMO for someone t o BLAME and the PUBLIC to BUY IT. Using the ACLU as the pawn and the MEDIA what to fan. wikileaks; disguised, intercepted by 2nd CIA chats & - ISRAEL- in SUPREM E Court 5/2010 and GADDAFI SPEECH in 2008 of USA not democracy and HITLER/CIA. CIA Robert Baer 20 years BOMB MAKERS to blow up trains. Interviews; Why no expos ure and Middle East wars, Washington financial Corruptions, no threats, and MISCOMMUNICATION by CIA to WHITE HOUSE to investigate him, etc WOW! meJxc Articles bottom left Remote Control Heart Attack Anyone! induced years ago as R. control the human brain, CANCER... (1960's) Their own shadow is within. "The SORCERER, Manipulator Cyberneticist behind the electronic curtainandTesla's wall of defense... 1940 Information warfare psyops transmitted thoughts daily... video links below 1985 MACROCOSM NEW WORLD ORDER MILLIONS Will go THROUGH "The PROCESS (brainwash programming) INCLUDING MOST OF AMERICA'S CORPORATE LEADERS and OFFICI ALS from Navy/ EDUCATION"It was estimated that Millions of persons were (1972) put throught this type of PROCESSING Breaking down of personalities and recondition."Breach ..AFTER CORRU PTING HOLLYWOOD minds/pawns" Many already manipulated into their office long ago. College manipulations no on e knows about. "Breach" "Weird things happen when you join the bureau" Their sha dow making anything happen and/or channeled unwit! 1973 Cryptocracy's Plan to Psycho-civilize you! thoughts/hallucinations to mis-c ommunicate/gaps/mis-read.... "Your thoughts are not your own", since Alien Hallu cination. Cognitive impairments infiltrations are/were unconsciously. (1978) Operation Mind Control ALREADY in N.W.O. Matrix implemented MKULTRA evolv ed kept secret as SCIENCE cognitive behavior sciences and panaceas because they are the creator. Operationwiki Brainwash and re-creations of events 2008- WHITEWASHovertly layers in progressevents (staged, wittingly now pre suggested) twists and DIFFERENT OU TCOME manipulations. The cryptocracy has used mind control for the past thirty years. It has used it on its own agents and employees, on enemies and friends alike. It has used it on thousands of Americans without their knowledge or consent. The CIA has programm ed assassins and couriers by it. The CIA has even openly confessed to its conspi racy of mind control. ERUPTED CRIMES by 50% 1971 in ONE YEAR. Corruptions ADMISSIONS and MEDIA overtly with tangible lies, devices,& excuses- STRATEGIC. DIVIDE& CONQUER people... INF ORMATION Warfare, operation MHCHAOS ...what was unwitting, unrealized, illusions for decades in the making cover ups. PATRIOT ACT is one example BEWARE! Facts below and on line with Appendices! Ther e is a 18 U.S.C. 241 Conspiracy against rights since MLK, JFK unwitting false bl ame... (2009) BIOWEAPON disguised as vaccine-Strange case MOSSAD WHISTLEBLOWERELF immune set ups and 2nd level CIAStuxnet at Los Alamos! as Pentagon's Unit: T he CULT of DEAD COWS and Intelligence. below. American Lt. Col "The Dark Side of the Force: Creating & broadcasting any/all di sease by ELF" is included in Bio weapons. 1950's Speaking of the scalar wave induction of disease by longitudinal wave patterns B earden refers to work by French scientist Kervran Russian scientist Kaznacheyev, who proved that any disease could be transmitted electromagnetically. Inserted Comment:(and has been)Health in American-Michael Moore! False results a nd blaming doctors unwittingly being set up. SAIC CIA S -pace/Star Los Alamos pg 10 lawsuit.. TRANSMITTED (immune.... Below...Now visualize one of these 'vacuum engines' or ' spacetime curvature engines' that acts on mass to generate the exact effects pro duced by Anthrax Shadow . (Or any other disease one wishes) . . .DC & Gov lock d

own & blocked information in (bubble) kept in dark for yrs during process of fal se beliefs! This website information isawakening debunking/educating raising awareness, on h umanity, a FULL DISCLOSURE Correction of 5 DECADES of 2nd level CIA Mind Control sabotagedby designTRANSMITTING people with DIS-information, MIS-COMMUNICATION, gaps non-sense, disoriented, blinders/blocks, unconsciously, manipulating YOUR conversations,not on same wavelength) or/ drift , sabotage created by Mind Control ELF waves & Energy, (1974) CIA Neuro-linguist ic Programming. Directed ENERGY Weapon used nefariously deployed on ALL people a s pawns UNWITTINGLY, illusions, robots, "every body's doing the locomotion" sinc e (1973) CANCER- Most of your ills NOT organically grown nor our engineered cult ure & lives! FOIA: Helms ordered this MKultra bothshreddedand burned. This ELFinfo is the par tthat was burned and no one can talk about.1978-"Zombie is a quaint, old-fashion ed folklore word but its meaning becomes obscene when our childrens minds are be ing controlled . [ Helms; CYBERNETICS can be used in molding of a childs charact er .. p.17][Note:1] ODD series of events leading to... Mind Control Process,daily mind taps. Locked door Society induced fears. The hope was to take an existing ego statesuch as an imaginary childhood playmat eand build it into a separate personality, unknown to the first. The hypnotist w ould communicate directly with this schizophrenic offshoot and command it to car ry out specific deeds about which the main personality would know nothing...and HOW it is all EVOLVING. Imaginary WEAPONS by Sharon Weinberger (Pentagon)... Also quotes from John Marks... "Book" A search for Manchurian; 1950s & ELF ARSENAL weapons at bottom/linked. KE VIN TRUDEAU FDA/cases never proven to sicken you. Cover ups now overtly. Lasers, HAARP framing other Countries. Sweeps etc... airspace. "It may have been the biggest story since the atom bomb. The headline, however, was small and ignored the larger issue. Drug Tests by CIA Held More Extensive Th an Reported in 75, said the New York Times on July 16, 1977. ." mind taps SELECT IVELY not paid off. Crimes & corruption all Manchurian daily in America to wars infiltrations. 130 Facts and Examples, seeinduced ills; LIST on bottom left and(Pharma Taxes; T ab)- Collectively by a Mind Control victim Expert Witness (NASA software CIA NLP training) Federal Whistleblower 1st hand, Warning "We the People" "Impeded, Gag ged, tortured, quashed, disrupted, threatened, for 5 years, now being set up+. N ever believe anything until it is officially denied". Illusions scapegoating our Media after 50 yrs victims of mind control to create spin, dis-information WARF ARE etc... by mind control UNREALIZED & cognitive impairment infiltrations on al l people."Why hasn't the press--aside from MSNBC--covered Russell Tice's revelat ions! or mine. Let the people decide; Millions would come forward. BREACHED CONT RACTS OVERSEAS SPYING to manipulate. Massive brainwash also in manifest! Another layer! Ron Paul says: CIA runs Everything but this website contentis HOW: SHADOW/2nd le vel took off (1973) one year prior Church Commission Report with psyop MHchaos-F OIA- NO WONDER BIG BROTHER has been into every ASPECT and PROFESSION of AMERICAN S. INFILTRATIONS on EVERYTHING IN AMERICA and going GLOBAL...Keep enemies close. TAMPERING with MINDS NOT JUST OUR CULTURE. Mistakes, Accidents, coincidences, y our soul/ karma.Bottom 2nd level CIA FOIA 1972, "Behind the electronic curtain, we find: The SORCERER, MANIPULATOR, CYBERNETICIST, the weaver of the DREAMscape" Jim Keith pg 245 Dr. B owart and Brilliant video. They all said Abolish CIA and NSAct (1947) but 2nd le vel. See Russia slide & CIA milt Beardon andMagnus Olsson; playing with memory. below Pentagon Misfits- programming civility since 50% of milk carton children kidnapp ed ARRESTED EMOTIONS AGGRANDIZEMENT (NARCISSISM)! To RAMPID crimes, corruption, teen...suicides, Diabetes,ECO. & ills-Bombers-& worse than, erupted, CANCER, PAR KINSON, ALZHEIMER, Pres. Reagan and his memory NLP as CIA. "My Parents were intr oduced to me....I did not know them. My 5 children came back....I had no idea wh o they were." "Canadian quote 1960's) Fibromyalgia, Immune See List (Project Mon

tauk/Knockout, below L, tabs) The cult of Intelligence, documents. DRUGS do not make you commit crimes; the WILL does! Crimes experiments induced in major Cities 70's to Wars provoked; Under the Ausp ices/Scapegoating Drugs they brought in Conspiracy. NOT from drugs or your TV.. SEE TIME photo/Article below: "The behavioral sciences. Nevertheless, the final result is not the whole story of the CIA's attack on the mind. No one knows except the PARTICIPANT." How you are lettingmind controlhappen with brainwashing of disbelief... trickery of your will! Beliefs of their thoughts planted/ transmitted as your own- daily manipulations-duped! $2 Mil. Tesla's Chinese Invisible Wall of Defense around the Country, (1940) mel t an engine miles away. J P Morgan! BelowL Kamikaze manchurians Pilots, DREAMS. GITMO holdings and daily DELAYS/Bureaucracy time to Brainwash/ plant false memor y/ syndrome sabotage- CIA tenant/files in WT7. Keeping your enemies close. Rise & fall of ... Tempting and framing persons/Countries. "It was either invisible warfare or peace, and everyone seemed to agree the econ omy would "suffer" from peace. Without war, it was believed, the economy would f alter and depression would be the dividend of peace. Thus the advisors to the pr esident began to think about what might motivate the U.S. economy as well as war did. They came up with several possibilities, the most fantastic of which was t o fake an invasion from outer space" Resource Tab CIA Vet Milt Beardon; "That you know of"...inventing ills, Aliens, and enemies. Magnus Olsson Swede also says NAZIS in CIA. Psychotronics-Psychotechnologies, Psychoenergetics INFORMATION WARFARE also on m anipulating APA & AMA in your Hosp/doctor office/Lawyer... skewed medicine also press release below list of ills. (1975) Not gone in vein: The leading Psychiatrist Dr. Bowart, Jim Keith, Mass Control H uman Engineering, Jerry Smith, HAARP; The ultimate conspiracy, Dr. Robert O. Bec ker all below with exhibits/ Appendices. Resource Tab with their work impeded in Absentia. Intelligence Committee Hoekstra warnsand Bowart among many toABOLISH useless CIA but alsoduped within and on LEFT videos of NAZI's in CIA brainwashin g andfunding soldiers, Hitler/KKK. "The mind control examined in this book is the control of ONE individuals mind b y ANOTHER!" Guided, misled, by the public UNWITTINGLY used as pawns (jacketed) o ne against the other with everything the OPPOSITE! (1973) He called it Pain-Drug-Hypnosis and said it is a vicious war weapon ... The exte nsiveness of the use of this form of hypnotism in espionage work is now so wides pread that it is long past the time when people should have become alarmed about it. [p. 75] Report "Un-Covered" censored documentary CONGRESS marionettes not reading documents & z apped to sign & invade Iraq. Mind controlled & warned them in 2008 of BP oil spi ll/ELF RED TIDE annually eco. JUDGE NAP. Misperception-delusion, suggests-Re-Read quotes London Subway Please check back daily for facts behind the scenes 2nd level no one is talking about or can believe. MIND Control Directed Energy Weapon is transmitted on YOU 24/7. Changing minds, Mis-applied perception, dysfunction and this information t o dumb down Americans. Must READ Censored Books: Mind Control ENCYCLOPEDIA"Mass Control: Engineering Hu man Consciousness" and "The Body Electric" (1973)Everybody's doing the LOCOMOTIO N Hack your Nervous System on left and your daily anger or subdue, all manipulat ions of mind controls.Full book on blog Secretary Geithner also highlighted Bear Stearns former Chief Operating Officer of Fixed Income, Paul Friedman, stated "Rumors were untrue until the telling of rumors made them true. This is how they do it (Project Stargate, Spacestar resea rch DUPED by 2nd LEVEL as all else, and playing psychics). Then, GAO report (INV OKED TO SELL by FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD), PLANS selectively REDISTRIBUTING/TRANSFE R OF WEALTH from Jews, and agenda unwittingly. (odd/strange series of events on individual persons) Psy-ops framing & manipulating ALL people years in advance, as 911 no threat yet but THE BIG FEAR to believe and provoke until SUSPENDING THE CONSTITUTION CONSP

IRACY. First they transmit/plant some buzz about it, on individuals and falsely accuse, then they engineer it. PROGRAM started (1961) ECONOMIC SABOTAGE infiltra tions from mind control to create EPIDEMICS. Voice of people not Power. Synthetic Telepathy "Your thoughts are not your own" Manipulations is not just on our Senate or few.COMMUNICATION CHAOS provoked indi viduals and wars techniques in manifest. Dis-information in SCIENCE as in COURTS to add doubt and chaos on ALL aspects of LIFE. False beliefs..Public speeches b elow unwit-Stay the course to manipulate... UNBELIEVALBLE! Lt Col. Bearden. JUNE 13, 1975 Russia called to BAN the weapon of MIND CONTROL " MORE TERRIBLE THAN ANYTHING THE WORLD HAS KNOWN--THE FRIGHFUL NEW WEAPON OF MAS S DESTRUCTION." (1960) Lt.. Col. Tom Bearden & Operation Mind Control (1978)-Resources Tab. Mind and Scalar Wars of Today-Behind the Scenes on you surreptitiously, inclusive of "Information Warfare tactics" and the new ways to ASSASSINATE civilians current ly is also below. Not the Patriot ACT after THE FACT as ALL else here including 50 yrs technology in full operation and making it legal eyes wide open. Yale Club, U.S. Military DoD SECRET SOCIETIES, since Yale 1910 Mr. Prescott BUSH , Global DOMINATION! DIABOLICAL....left The mind control examined is this book is the control of one individuals mind by another. As with your computer and any other communication to entrain you with words and ideas and anchors transmitted in to you. Planting and erasing as memor y and looking/visual tricks. Then they tell you stages over yrs. DIRECTED ENERGY PROFESSIONAL SOCIETY Calendar of Events - JFK-... whether his rank is high or low, civilian or military, should interpret my words here tonight as an excuse to censor the news, to stifle dissent, to cov er up our mistakes or to withhold from the press and the public the facts they d eserve to know. Dr Luukanen "We must know"Zoom in photo/doc at bottom of column, STRAIGHT FROM JOHN MARKS BOOK below quotes pg 6, and more clues COLLECTIVELY .C IA's attempts to tame hostile minds and make spy fantasies real...Cancer Tab Boo k in color/highlights at: Press release 2 bottom Left. All at Resource Tab or here highlighted: for you including Article of Joint Chie f Staff and Senators mind control by DoD... e.html 1973-Psy-ops was deployed on CIVILIANS (not trash TV or anything else...)-Cognit ive impairment infiltrations UNWIT, mis-communications, mind jabbing transmissio ns, false thoughts/speech, mis-perceptions, non sense, instinct, dysfunction, di srespect, culture, information warfare "Dis-information, OPPOSITE NEWS... Operat ion MHCHAOS UNREALIZED unconscious reporters& now overtly! WITHOUT A TRACE-Millions emails missing from WHITE HOUSE servers. Failed backups $2.5 mil in taxes to recover and NOTHING-2005, AS WITH CORP ee's manipulated ph ones, minds, servers, unwit. Pentagon's Unit: The Cult of Dead Cows! Appellant made written accusations of winds blowing seeds on farmer to cause law suit by Monsanto by Shadow CIA. Today wiki leaks seem to have Monsanto tied to C IA via Blackwater funding, as Nazis were. Appellant alleged Monsanto was not awa re of induced winds to grow seeds on farmer and have him sued. CIA cyber crimes, ID theft, THEFT & Vandalism selectively, ON ALL CIVILITY, stal king, specific MS viruses creation, HACKERS, tampered communications, muting, re directed, manipulations, intercepted thoughts day or night.....! covering up, pa wns since 2009. Pg 17 Los ALAMOS LAB- NM. UFO's John B. Alexander Stuxnet below & Forces behind Psitech (RVS remote viewing & Power to Capitol City, Blind...res ource tab (Subsequently pg 58) Dr. Warloff, Leuren Moret: Fukushima HAARP nuclear attack by CIA, DOE, BP for Lo ndon banks. Subway bombing below and Hudson river crash Federal Judges assassina tions. Fukushima HAARP tectonic nuclear attack was done by an international racketeerin

g war crimes network within the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Departme nt of Energy (DOE), and BP (British Petroleum) on behalf of City of London banke rs. WEAPONS ELF exist for the FINANCIERS DoD mind controlling Corp LEADERS Macro cosm and CIA-developed Stuxnet virus, FRAMING Mossad! E CIA virus STUXNET creation..AGAIN in the AUSPICES of losing your FREEDOMS infilt rations...and $10 Million for MKULTRA, then! Zoom in bottom & on left! Pentagon Articles & Assange Speech as JFK's! You won't believe framed AMERICA! " Public/press the facts they deserve to know." Not Free from the mind. Talk about it, FAN IT! Don't squash it for another 50 yrs or day. REMOTE VIEWING mind control in homes, school, work, FDA, & Corporates, big broth er 24/7 manipulating you, engineering YOUR CHILDREN, yo-yo, ying yang, mind game s, non sense, rhetoric & ills and much more. Resources Tab #32 +... IT GETS WORSE, SCARIER Articles on LEFT ALSO IGNORED. WAKE UP AMERICA. 2 different thoughts transmitted at the same time to create fights, chaos, dis-i nformation! thoughts interference on your speech and decisions for decades... Fi rst they build TRUST..then behind your back M.C.set ups... Your destinies are being led or misled, mostly no coincidences and YOUR THOUGHTS are NOT your own. Dumbed down, Obese, busy, De-sensitized & Dehumanized robots by mind control unwittingly. Our ENGINEERED CULTURE of INFILTRATIONS, COVER UPS, manufacturing DOUBTS with di s-information, and WHITEWASH (since 2008) The ROOT of ALL Problems, still in man ifest! The Matrix began long ago and the spying is after the fact of CIA 2nd lev el-took off in 1973 one year before. (FOIA) Jerry E. Smith was an author, lecturer, poet, and editor. ... dies March 08, 201 0... "Haarp: The Ultimate Weapon of the Conspiracy "(The Mind-Control Conspiracy Series BOOKS) ELF directed energy weapon of mass.... Spread the word. We need a Revolution Abo lish CIA 2nd level and NSAct. BP framed to cover up Gov't Lab Venice FL RED TIDE ELF infects since 1947 below Democracy NOW Air Force paralysis. 911 Kamikaze Pilots Mind Controlled robots on US Soil (Manchurians) suicide bomb ers as are Globalists. below: FORCES Behind the Forces (SORCERER) needs to be STOPPED NOW! Matched with photo of book AFTERWARD (1985) at RESOURCE TAB: J Keith Electronic Connection. "His Go d lurks behind an electronic curtain when it is pulled away we find the "2nd lev el CIA" SORCERER, MANIPULATOR, CYBERNETICIST, the weaver of the DREAMscape." Man churians in your sleep molding you. Unveil the 2nd LEVEL CIA Sorcerer. Brilliant video! Maxwells Silver Hammer Chapter "The Body Electric HOW SCIENCE was SUPPRESSED fro m AMERICANS decades ago! Mind Controlled SCIENTIST from the START and so forth. Photo pages-See Tabs. BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION in your sleep at your work! Press release TAB (2010), Tax Revenue on your drugs (since Aliens hallucinations then alcohol/tax urges induce d as all else. AFTER THEY MAKE YOU SYNTHETICALLY SICK & Operation Voice of God) ELF/EMF mind control transmissions, tricking you. What EVERYONE should know (abo ut you) BEFORE it's TOO LATE! Changing your mind, Blocking your common sense... De-Population, De-sensitize! ELF Cancer SELECTIVELY and BLACK CANCER dropping li ke flies 911 tab, SICKO! Millions with Alien eruptions as Diabetes, Mood/Mental disorders, Leukemia/blood... BELOWon LEFT AMERICA-HOW and WHY it's done! 24/7 Remote Viewing and MURDERS/CRIMES ALL SURREP TITIOUSLY-CIA's QUEST! SLIDES/Documents at RESOURCE TAB "I believe the ultimate weapon is manipulation of our electromagnetic environmen t because its imperceptibly subtle and strikes at the core of life itself. Dr Be cker Al Gore was right. It's all about waves and mind controlled beings! Censored Gul f news: UN scientists turn on UN-Al Gore's mind control (video) here -gore

My press release WARNS 9/2010 TO ISRAEL. In Supreme Court Case. Egypt largest Military, Turkey Sibel gagged SSP created doubts and hide conspira cy agenda of NWO) CIA masterminds. A public brainwashed to allow it unwittingly, in the White House, to next calamity and Global Domination Conspiracy of the mi nds! General Anthony Zinni (wikepidia) and changed minds! (Brainwash on the job as many others, see how its done) Applicable on all people doubts chaos for thei r transmission of WRONG CHOICE/DECISION in their CONTROL and manipulation. psyop s! CIA Predicts The Future 2015 - Water Resources. 2007 video comments.Unwitting ag ents channeled to Infiltrate Waging WAR.Changed strategies. http://www.liveleak. com/view?i=bb0_1180923539 New World Order Plans to Kill 90% of the Worlds Population! com/watch?v=LJ73eOmdsv0&NR=1 Below are the different cells or color coded groups of people and their mind controlled functions in the new invisible Holocaust. Loosing your freedom/Mind manipulations while SPYING, duping ALL and hiding behi nd SSP law, born with CIA since 1947, ALL BELOW SABOTAGED 911 Commission report, IRON MAN blamed, its the BUSH FAMILY/Hitler Lyndon LaRouche, CIA John LOFTUS DE PT JUSTICE belong in JAIL funded Prescott Bush and RECRUITED NAZIS, as Bear Stea rns & ALL events with RUMORS first set up then applied by mind control infiltrat ions. War plans to escalate to WW3 Japan HAARP induced; bonds/economic & Projects... G reenStar....! Judicial #39 Taxes Tab. Full reports! It's not the Sun, it's not God, just ELF mind contr olled corruptions, illusions of crimes and including accepting bribes to killing ! 1973-90% JFK believed CIA conspiracy today!!! Dr. Walter Bowart Report Pg 6 #21 and 39. The rest of the world didn't ask until 1976 the type of questions we were facing in 1965.... Everybody was afraid of building the supersoldier who would take or ders without questioning, like the kamikaze pilot. 70's Manchurian crimes "Creat ing a subservient society was not out of sight"- by mind control waves." FBI HOOVER "clandestine warfare avowed objective had been WORLD DOMINATION by wh atever means and COST!" FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, who ordered FBI agents to "expose, disrupt, misdirect, discredit, or otherwise neutralize" the activities of these movements and their leaders or individuals. Hoover disclosed how horrif ic these weapons were thus, hard to believe ..." Larry SilversteinOWNER of 911 TOWER 7, set upin advance to get insurance and tra nsmitted forced speech/DECISION to "pull" THE BUILDING to firefighters as ifinvo lved -NSA transmissions-SABOTAGED as Russell Tice Article forced speech ofIs the NSA conducting war on Americans (YES, tip of iceberg) 2006 and Media asked, why press didnt pick it up other than NBC? Operation Mockingbird propaganda Unwitti ngly, updated remote viewing. CIA OFFICES/ FILES were among WTC 7. Gifford shooting to decoy/ EXPLOIT-ASSASSINATING a FEDERAL JUDGE by Manchurians of crimes. Civil rights African crops and surreptitious cover up... CIA MASTERMI NDS of AGENDA. (Pretex for Tyranny always a new law to infiltrate the whitewashi ng of The Constitution & Human Rights.) FREEDOM! Human Rights ASSASSINATION Allison Des Forges Hudson River mind control plane Cr ash- AND Senator Ed Ted KENNEDY zapped-both on issues... First. Then they came for the communists. I didnt object bc I wasnt a communist. Then they came for the trade-unionists. I didnt object bc I wasnt a trade-union ist. Then they came for the Jews. I didnt object bc I wasnt a Jew. Then they cam e for me and there was no one left to help me. < famous statement attributed to Pastor Martin Niemller (18921984) about the inactivity of German intellectuals f ollowing the Nazi rise to power and the purging of their chosen targets, group a fter group. peasantrock2, it's not about loving or hating the ACLU, its about th e govt arbitrarily stiffling free speech of America citizens. "We must hang toge ther or we will surely hang separately"---------------------------------------.. .Ben Franklin JFK and Assange similar Speeches below: Beautiful ending! Human Engineering: YOU are not Dumb Down, sickened, and obese because you're bor

n on US Soil- It's in your mind. Subliminal Stress...Dr. Becker U S Matrix of Robots-Songs Everybody's doing the Locomotion (1974), as are, Poli ticians-BP employees mind controlled thoughts channeled to we the peoplebottom o f this page! Directed Energy Weapon-Water Front Properties FL to NY under attack! Induced Cli mate Waves WIND, to De-populate and re-distribute wealth/Economy again. See how unwit Agents! click here: s/ In Absentia, Dr. R. Becker Begich, & WALTER BOWART Leading Psychiatrist Blows th e Whistle! 50+ years proven mind control BUT ON APA -AMA at DOD INVENTING SYNTHE TIC ILLS ON AMERICAN STUDIES! Forced speech transmissions by-passing cortex, cha nneled opposite thoughts to argue/sabotage! by Walter Bowart, New York: Dell Publishing Co., 1978 continuing to haunt Americ ans! UPDATED 1995 LEADING Psychiatrist Dies BEFORE FULL DISCLOSURES, his Son Sil enced! Jim Keith...!!! "Please keep fearfully in mind that the astonishing information published in thi s seminal work of investigative reporting, concerning avenues taken to decision and execution by our secret police to fracture or dissolve human minds, then to operate those minds a... JFK, current assassinations CIA's quest Surreptitious killing us- softkills. Kil ling us softly, It's just an illusion songs, channeled Below INVENTING and APPLIED (NLP) Paranoid Schizo, Moods, Grandeur Aggrandizement, etc . is only a thought from a trigger and anchors NSA CIA shadow transmissions, amp lifications/ sensitivities induced. Tavistock: Best kept secret in America and G ovt RAND Corp primary function Brainwash -CIA NLP not Freudian mind control ills ! AMA-Synthetic telepathy, false memory syndrome/ confession/ bearing false witn ess. Montauk Project (1943) A group which has as it's prime goal the further acquisition of ever-greater raw, oppressive power over the actu al lives of it's own continued aggrandizement and enrichment at the expense not only of Earth's people but most certainly of the planet itself and a ll its many life forms as well. Death Ray for planes was Tesla invention in 1940-Invisible Chinese Wall of defen se was built around the Country, no matter how large an attack, Teleforce, manif ests FREE energy and creates rays; zapping beams, and a $2,000,000.00 device to zap and melt an airplane motor 250 miles away and an the new invisible war. JP M organ, Wardencliff Tower was in full action in Long Island NY GITMO innocent wit h FALSE MEMORY SYNDROME, time to brainwash staying the course, no due process be aring false witness/ confessions. Secret WARS Japan HAARP! induced Seismic/ ELF... WavesSee below COVER UPS and WHITEWASHED... France article Le Monde here According to a US Department of Defense directive (S-3600.1, December 9, 1996), "Information warfare has tended to ignore the role of the human body as an infor mation or data processor in this quest for dominance, except in those cases wher e an individual's logic or rational thought may be upset via Dis-information or deception... Yet, the body is capable not only of being deceived, manipulated or mis-informed but also shut down or destroyed." Dr. Begich. Blackouts of time no t alchohol. The CIA succeeded in developing a whole range of psycho-weapons to expand its al ready ominous psychological warfare arsenal. With these capabilities, it was now possible to wage a new kind of war: a war which would take place invisibly, upo n the battlefield of the human mind... [p. 19] ACCORDING TO Dr. Walter Bowart Op eration mind control. by 1969 and didn't have need for shuttles for decades when mission was accomplis hed. See Shadow Apollo 11 whistleblower. Mission accomplished with Satellite Sur veillance until now when Plaintiff started preparing to go Public and was being threatened.

Mafioso went quiet after missions accomplished, until now to discredit 2nd level CIA and lawsuit as this website content accusations. WHITEWASHING with twists a nd brainwashing the public with your tax dollar and worse. Full reports at Wordpress here and TAXES Tab: Surveillance under the AUSPICES of and in disguise of existing remote viewing fr om Satellite Engineered a Human Matrix! Suggested Moods, pre-and post Manipulati ons & Worse. too busy, to dismiss this, & sensory deprav. unrealized stress indu ced and another year goes by of 50 with unwitting cognitive infiltration Unwit i n disconnects in White House to next calamity. Mind Control guiding our lives and soul! Wake up America! Time is of the Essence Operation wiki- BRAINWASH + sabotaging y our daily life strategically psyops on individuals & subdued Americans Please call if you can help, or need further information. Destroyingcareers and lives, Quashed, Pre-empted me 2008 and again 2010 behind scenes. We The People with TANGIBLE EXCUSES STAGED GLOBALLY & destroy my case of facts w ith Massive cover ups. Assange my FALL GUY. A story that needs to be told to the Public NOW. The lessor of 2 evils Middle East AGENDA strategy... ASSANGE and JFK speeches SIMILAR below Ben Franklin and current Assassinations. Why...& as if any of this is ok. How America was/is Mind Controlled behind scenes to Police crimes infiltrations and drugs, Politicians Military, Media, Channeled Hollywood minds, UN-REALIZED a nd Robots! How they took down the economy, 911-not the last coup, de-population by design under the auspices of security losing freedom & hiding behind SSP law born with CIA 1947. COURAGE IS CONTAGIOUS; Wikileaks! An example to discourage whistleblowers. Truth s they won't get from wiki. classified and no clearance, un-wit another layer of whitewash and DIVERSION. Again Pre-empted staged leak & EVERY EFFORT to build d iscredits and EXCUSES/scapegoats publicly since 2008 censorships. PAWNS, Cogniti ve NLP infiltrations cultural, delays to sabotage, BEHAVIOR Science/ MODIFICATIO NS, change minds, chaos to confuse argue mis-communications "jacketing" one agai nst the other! YOUR ARGUMENTS etc... Intercepted by 2nd level shadow CIA when uploading attempt this info. to Assange & Mossad. Pentagon Science-Crazy & Democracy Now! BP employees, Red Tide cover up Mind Con trolled Paralysis, WAR on Oil prices...on left highlighted or Below Pentagon plan to hack your nervous system and DARPA trailing! Articles on left- UNWITTINGLY, ALL UNTRACEABLE-Pawns self-Destruct the World! Tom Woods 10th amend ment Lt. Col. Timothy L Thomas USA Tampered Impeded threatened and worse, for 4 years. MKultra now DARPA trailing, Psyops mind control CHAOS,vMockingbird.. unrealized, illusions of wrong doing, D IVERSIONS and DECOYS daily, & deployed on US soil decades ago creating criminals to terrorists. The root of all problems-robots in a matrix blaming & framing CO RP. GOOGLE etc. CIA is behind scenes manipulating your minds. 1997 DoD Briefing: 'Others' can set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely using el ect worse than Katrina. full report below duped by their own 2nd level CIA REMOTE VIEWING ELF/EMF sound waves also in our homes-work,-labs-FOR 50 YRS 24/7 Big Brother- Spy Satelites were TO MIND CONTROL YOU, by a shadow CIA UNWITTINGLY TAKING US DOWN one mind , one ill, one crime, CANCER, one suicideat a time. (As up 50% in one year...) Cognitive, Nefarious, Infiltrations, DARPA Projects UNwi t. IMMUNE & NERVOUS system, it infects body, African crops, in disguise, as fryi ng earth. Seismic waves induced climate energy induced as thoughts. Mass Control Human & CULTURE Engineering manipulating you with every tangible excuse with EV ERY PROFESSION under siege producing wrong information. MORGELLAN'S, Fibromalgya, Diabetes II, RLS, Alzheimer, Epilepsy, Cancer, Immune, see #7 ills and endnotes lawsuit Tab or press release.

Operation wiki-brainwash! Now excuses for all as if natural. Another layer of FANNED brainwash COVER UP since 2008 to pre-empt me again in at tempts to WARN "we the people". War NSA transmissions USED for war on Americans as pawns to infiltrate raising prices, EVEN induce WALL STREET crimes toppling & 911. Manipulations and wealth sabotage infiltrated! PRESS is NOT FREE because their minds are not free to believe or print mind cont rol and let public decide to with 50 years Operation Mockingbird is Cognitive in filtrations created DIS-information behind scenes-taking us down now FALSE docum ents cover ups! Kay Griggs mind jabbers! DoD wife and whistleblower victim. Rolling Stone and Glenn Greenwald/Salon on Senates mind control "plant inside pe ople's Heads" to manipulate them is a down play. 50 yrs too little too late belo w sy-ops-on-u-s-senators-20110223--- -psy-ops.html Dr. Monteith, George Green, Ross Mandell, VETS, Gulf syndrome, Asthma, side effe cts, mobiles, microwaves, MSG, Gov't DENIED all because SHADOW CIA transmits by ELF Directed Energy WEAPON to subdue as in disguise the nontraceable Neuro progr amming Agent ORANGE by ELF. See lawsuit-tab for your relations, environment, ills, your kids They have pick up continued on all your thoughts, habits, groups, organizations ... since Churc h Committee Report went black never ceased & evolved! Since holocaust, CIA Scientists and Doctors framed, unwittingly, "Nazi Hydra 192 0" FEMA Camps Condos 20 miles underground and million BUILT caskets under the guise of HR 645 unwit. FINLAND website--Dr. Rauni senses it as millions do. GERMANY CONFERENCE - U.N. b y our own Army Col. NO chips HOOVER SAID IT'S too HORRIBLE to imagine! EVOLVED p erfected CHURCH COMMISSION reported-admitted+ Click here German Dr. Rauni--- auni-leena-luukanen-kilde/ Dr Luukanen "We must know" George Green "This is how they will kill us" ...and decoys! Here ?v=VNJTiUhZxaY&NR=1 CIA, George Green Israel WW3 set ups Bankers, Energy...! ABOLISH SHADOW CIA Dism antle Satellites--It's all directed energy environmental! Drs. Monteith/Mate/Bowart/Becker/ STEVEN JONES BYU 911 Phycisist 73042 After watching and reading this, God Bless! Be proactive Revolution Mind Control /body to destroy humanity, WHAT WILL THEY DO 2012? Stop them! THE SORCERCER V For 911 Vendetta Past Present and Future ------BRILLIANT! Public Speeches-Robots Repeated "stay the course" to brainwash invade Countries, GULF war transmitted t o SURRENDER/subdue, "TheENERGY will be just fine", "We will HELP one SOULat a TI ME". HILLARY "I will not CHANNEL MY HUSBAND" as in Ghost Technology Transmission s SABOTAGED. Pres. CLINTON as well! RUMSFELD: There is what you know, you don't know........... SIDE EFFECTS OF BRAINWASH. JFK Secret Society Speech Gives Future Generations Dire Warning, NOT UNDER MY AD MINISTRATION" THE weapon of...... Mind Control to: MisCOMMUNICATIONS, both tangible and non tangible on we the people as pawns, dis-information now CIA intent and cover up mind to wars, mind to your decisions -emotions, BODY ills hallucinated ills, dementia, APA/AMA at DOD mind to dupe al l, mind to induce stress, blood,anxieties, synthetics ills, mind control dumbing you down, not your water, cognitive mental blocks, subdue sensory deprivations, mind to induce urges to eat, mind to crimes (not drugs, not movies), mind to AC

CIDENTS, Hosp mistakes, mind to media, mind to fears and paranoia and worse, Ali ens/UFO cover ups, Mind Control to: Govt employees, Hollywood, drugs, sex, rock n roll culture pop, trends, bubbles, mind to corrupt, mind to doctors/lawyers/agents politicians, a ll controls, invented psychosis delusions, dysfunctions, false perceptions, phon e mind wars/games, etc... surreptitiously! Now, the only embarrassment is Washington DUPED & didn't know about their shadow CIA , 911, and this website content! FRAMED AND STAGED! Coward murderers behind the scenes, DC tangible crimes now the cover up massive brainwash layer and SAV ING FACE.....! Wire-tapping is Surveillance- 1970 Spying was/is to manipulate you. Framing, SPINS & FANNED Israel for yrs. WT7, APA, Ground O ??? unwit CIA Keeping their enemies close TO TAKE THEM DOWN, infiltrations, illusions, manifests. Mind control transmissions on civilians Breeding EVOLVED for 50 yrs, de-populati on, economic trend-manipulations, Framed entrapment... The rise and fall of people, CORPORATIONS, & Countries... ODD series of events l eading to... manipulating people to bribe/blackmail/ or take them down- and futu re outcome agendas. Across the Country. Story at docum. Tab. UNBELIEVABLE! Duplicitous-Framing ISRAEL & piggybacked shadowing! See how CIA tab +. INJECTED IDEOLOGY covertly INFILTRATING WORSE OVER TIME TO CHUNK & ACCEPT. ALL this HIDING behind SSP Secret laws impeding truth and worse-Jesselyn Radack, Thomas DRAKE, Tom Tamm, GEORGE GREEN, ROBERT BAER, Frank OLSON, Swede Stieg LAR SSON, B.P. set up-Covered up FLA RED TIDE Venice, FL Labs, 1947 ELF/EMF infects life, cells, DNA, crops & chemtrails cover up! Mind Control-answer to all mis-information DC, GAZA disconnects 2009, RHETORIC, lies, dis-information GAPS, illusions, non-sense. GOLDSTONE REPORT, SS Liberty S ET UPS... Mind Control Root of ALL problems. Talk about it FAN it! Looking beyon d the messengers.------------------------------ God Bless America, God Bless Hum anity! Assange Secrets are for a reason and secret abuses are impossible to correct unless you know they are going on. Knowing their plans before they are implemented to oppos e before they occur. If they are exposed by the people already suffering by the abuse, then the abuse has already occurred and it is too late. M. Monroe mind control suicides! Mind Control redistribution of wealth. When even one American -who has done nothing wrong- is forced by fear to shut hi s mind and close his mouth, then all Americans are in peril. Harry S.Truman JFK speech The very word "secrecy" is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive an d unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which ar e cited to justify it. Even today, there is little value in opposing the threat of a closed society by imitating its arbitrary restrictions. Even today, there i s little value in insuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not s urvive with it. And there is very grave danger that an announced need for increa sed security will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the v ery limits of official censorship and concealment. That I do not intend to permi t to the extent that it is in my control. And no official of my Administration, whether his rank is high or low, civilian or military, should interpret my words here tonight as an excuse to censor the news, to stifle dissent, to cover up ou r mistakes or to withhold from the press and the public the facts they deserve t o know. Last line of defense-Whistleblowers and Sheriff Dept OATH to protect against FED S! Structural Liberties! PLANNED WARS TO INFILTRATE COMMUNISM! Dividing all to conquer! Disarming you-Gun Control, for a manipulated REVOLUTION hijacked passwords, www in the 90's, 911, now Exec. order 11005 take over waterways martial law Katrina Massacres, Plans, to HR 1955 reversed freedom of thought!

Brainwashing & WHITEWASHING HISTORY is underway! Dr. Robert Becker was the major researcher and writer on health dangers from ele ctromagnetic fields, he died a few months ago, in summer 2008 warned INDUCED ELF /EMF "John Wayne and Susan Hayward died CANCER decades after movie and unexpecded win d shift and MONSETTO wind? FARMING cases!" Page 307 to 347 THE BODY ELECTRIC DoD ! Channeled Song writers and Many more victims since 70's unwittingly, Rock and Lo comotion, It's just an illusion... Farrah, M. Jackson, Elvis, Susan Lucci awards ... B. Spears "stop them from turning everyone against me" all mind control vict ims worse than the rest of population! INFILTRATING AN INDUCED SEISMIC waves/ATTACKS ON WATER FRONT PROPERTIES EAST COA ST & WATER WARS WITH TURKEY, EGYPT largest Military TAKING ISRAEL DOWN IN SHADOW S! and US one Politician, one Civilian at a time INFILTRATIONS Remote Viewing London Subway Bombing-Staged-CIA predicts, NO Planning to carry o ut-water (WAR) 2015-mind control transmissions zaps DRY heat in body and energytaking us down, Israel, Middle East, Africa. ASSASSINATED Allison Des Forges Hud son River mind control plane Crash- AND Senator Ed Ted KENNEDY zapped Civil rights Africa... CIA MASTERMINDS of AGENDA too busy, to dismiss this, & se nsory deprav. unrealized stress induced and another year goes by of 50 with unwi tting cognitive infiltration Unwit in disconnects in White House to next calamit y. Mind Control guiding our lives and soul! DARPA-Project Voice of God, & Psychic Project Stargate, playing paranormal, play ing laws of attraction, breeding Power & greed! SUNSTEIN's Report-Cognitive impairment infiltration is unwitting not hired creat ing illusion-Un-realized Kinesthetics! Creating false perceptions for DECADES on everyone. Cults in sheep skin! THE MOTHER OF ALL EVIL-CIA Technology crimes Changing minds and hearts, includin g Presidents! Millionsare coming forward--EXPOSE IT, A REVOLUTION IS NECESSARY- Power in Numbe rs. This tells all why some utter What is this world coming to? Pre-911. JUDICIAL SYSTEM, AND SCHOOL BOOKS WITH FALSE MEDICINE and FALSE TESTS RESULTS an d Engineered lives all from the mind! Voting, www. and all tests can and are tam pered. Have you read "Lies the Government told you"? READ twice- Perceptions in AMERICA LONDON Subway CIA- INSIDE JOB- Remote Viewing, Surveillance and Searches-STAGED! Other Countries Un-preventable VETS-MANCHURIAN Candidates-Agent Orange non-Traceable and dream suggestions- Pos t traumatic false illness induced as all others. John Marks-CIA BUILDING/Search MANCHURIANS since MKULTRA and Hitler on Soldiers as LATIN AMERICA and so on.....Click here or resource tab for highlighted versio n! http://thewhiterosei 30. MAY THE FORCE BE WITH US! The first evidence of the use of hypnosis as a reliable operational tool of the cryptocracy, according to John Marks, can be found in the work of Morse Allen in 1954. Of course hypnosis itself had been used by shamans and fakirs to manipula te and control people for centuries. Marks explains that Allen's work came at th e height of the Project ARTICHOKE explorations in which the spooks attempted to use hypnosis to "programme" an assassin. CIA documents also reveal that in 1959 John Gittinger recommended the use of hypnosis in operational experiments. (Of c ourse our latest evidence shows that Navy Intelligence had been using mind contr ol in the 1940's, at least.) The CIA files contain a translation of a Soviet res earch project entitled Unperceived Manifestations of Mental Processes in Deep Hy pnosis which described the success of their psychoscientists: "We succeeded in p rogramming not only the subject of dreams ( I would like to visit Africa in my d ream...), but to program color perception (let my dream be blue...), as well as inducing a specific mood after sleepin..."

31. THE WARRIOR'S TONGUE John Alexander is a busy man these days, not only is he one of the moving forces behind PSITECH, a company that sells military developed remote viewing skills ( RVS) to private enterprise, he is the program manager for nonlethal defense at t he Los Alamos (N.M.) National Laboratory, an author (The Warrior's Edge), and a practitioner of the gem of mind control arts --Neuro-linguistics Programming. To day, after 32 years of military service this retired Colonel has the responsibil ity of drawing together and nurturing many nonlethal weapons devices which could disable key electronic equipment, blind weapons sensors or shut off the power t o a capital city. He has drawn upon a variety of disciplines involving polymer c hemistry, microbics, kinetics, acoustics, electrical engineering, materials scie nce and information science, just to demonstrate their feasibility," in the burg eoning science called Nonlethal defense, at least so said Aviation Week & Space Technology. "As the concept has evolved," Alexander is reported as saying," we h ave come to focus our efforts on anti-material systems. If you can stop the mach ines of war, you can inhibit the prosecution of conflict." 32. CULT CONTROL In 1990 spychiatrist Dr. Louis Jolyon West, M.D., Professor of Psychiatry, Unive rsity of California, pet shrink of the cryptocracy gave a speech on cults. As us ual it was soft on fact and hard on the cryptocracy line: It is estimated that t here are more than 2500 cults in the United States... Now there must be a lot mo re "cults" than that since, the Oxford English Dictionary said the word cult mea nt: Pentagons source selection Board repeatedly recommended a bid by Boeing as both better and cheaper... DoD awarded to Gen. Dynamics" 2nd level manipulated. DoD McNamara, wrote in March 1969 issue of Washington Monthly Mag.; Few American s are aware that about 90 % of the Major weapons systems that the defense Dept. procures ends up costing the Country at least twice as much as was originally es timated. The American Tax Payer is not getting their moneys worth???????? SAIC F BI lawsuit & Pursuant with Lawsuit by BOEING . "The last could have incredibly destructive applications, if it worked. For inst ance, switches setting off nuclear bombs would have to be moved only a few inche s to launch a holocaust. Or, enemy psychics, with minds honed to laser-beam shar pness, could launch attacks to burn out the brains of American nuclear scientist s. Any or all of these techniques have numerous applications to the spy trade." MK ULTRA known experiments were reported at about $10 MILLION tax dollars. Wherever their extreme experiments went, the CIA sponsors picked for subjects th eir own equivalents of the Nazis' Jews and gypsies: mental patients, prostitutes , foreigners, drug addicts, and prisoners, often from minority ethnic groups. American prosecutors charged the Dachau doctors with "crimes against humanity" a t a second Nuremberg trial. None of the German scientists expressed remorse. Mos t claimed that someone else had carried out the vilest experiments. All said tha t issues of moral and personal responsibility are moot in state-sponsored resear ch. What is critical, testified Dr. Karl Brandt, Hitler's personal physician, is "whether the experiment is important or unimportant." [pg 215] Tampering with the mind is much too dangerous to be left to the spies. Nor shoul d it be the exclusive province of the behavioral scientists, who have given us c ause for suspicion. Take this statement by their most famous member, B. F. Skinn er: "My image in some places is of a monster of some kind who wants to pull a st ring and manipulate people. Nothing could be further from the truth. People are manipulated; I just want them to be manipulated more effectively." Such notions are much more acceptable in prestigious circles than people tend to think: D. Ew en Cameron read papers about "depatterning" with electroshock before meetings of his fellow psychiatrists, and they elected him their president. Human behavior is so important that it must concern us all. The more vigilant we and our repres entatives are, the less chance we will be unwitting victims. In July 1995 the CIA went public and declared its interest in Remote Viewing. As a result, much new information became available. At that time, the CIA and US D epartment of Defense had a 22-year operational track record in RV. The CIA was i nvolved from 1973 to 1977, and the DOD from 1977 to 1995. In 1995, the CIA decla

ssified and released Remote Viewing documents. P. 127 CIA Mind Control: Bin Ladens Driver Driven Insane at Gitmo 25th July 2008 Amy Goodman of Democracy Now! and others have reported on CIA min d control techniques at Gitmo. Hamdan, bin Ladens driver, currently on trial, he ars voices inside his head, according to Time magazine. This development occurre d under detention. The average prole will jump to the conclusion that this is a symptom of induced scizophrenia, and this may be but voices are also computer-ge nerated and transmitted to the brains auditory pathways of the CIAs subjects in highly illicit electromagnetic (EM) brain experimentation and operations, as I d ocumented in Psychic Dictatorship in the USA (Feral House, 1995), and elsewhere. Its quite possible given the harshness of his detention by the CIA that Hamdan w as driven crazy by advanced mind control tech Hamdans six years at Gitmo have left him a shell of a man. He has deteriorated m entally to the point where he can no longer meaningfully assist in his own crimi nal defense. He is suicidal, hears voices inside his head and talks to himself. The same can be said of many subjects of EM bio-electronic assault. - AC Excerpt Hamdan: Guantnamos Mystery Man By Jonathan Mahler Jul. 21, 2008 Time,8599,1825334,00.html In May 2002, Hamdan was flown to Guantnamo Bay, where he became detainee No. 149 . Soon after, he met Soufan, the FBIs foremost expert on al-Qaeda, who interroga ted Hamdan repeatedly until December 2003, when President Bush chose him from am ong thousands of detainees in U.S. custody to be the first Arab defendant in the military tribunals. In 1991, Janet Morris issued a number of papers [55] and the US Army published a detailed draft report on Operations Concept for Disabling Measures. Laboratorie s were developing a high power, very low frequency acoustic beam weapon projecti ng non-penetrating, high frequency acoustic bullets. According to one Morris pap er, US Special Operations Command already had a portable microwave weapon. [56] US Special Forces can cook internal organs. [57] Infrasound used acoustic beams. Very low frequency (VLF) sound, or low frequency RF modulations can cause nause a, vomiting and abdominal pains. Some very low frequency sound generators, in ce rtain frequency ranges, can cause the disruption of human organs and, at high po wer levels, can crumble masonry. [58] P. 176, 178, 179 AND BEHIND THE SCENES Sorcerer, Manipulator, Diabolic! Jewish Aaron Russo died of Cancer recently after going public that Rockefeller t old him the only reason the WOMENS liberation was allowed to occur successfully was to COLLECT TAXES from them. They also manipulate couples lives as The Firm J ohn Marks also wrote only the participant knows of this and is not only army. In vading Countries Under pretex of oil etc. for take over of humanity. (See Israel as I) JOHN LOFTUS on 2 videos of ISRAEL, CIA BUSH/HITLER, CIA John LOFTUS DEPT of JUSTICE belong in JAIL--- funded Prescott Bush and RECRUITED NAZIS- Rockerfellers and Bush DoD CIA 911 to AGENDA. -----------------THE SECRET WAR AGAINST JEWS, and more in his boo k. rtment-doesntcatch-banksters-terrorists-and-other-enemies-of-the-na DARK HISTORY-PAST EVENTS THAT HAVE SHAPED THE WORLD ________________________________________ History is an account, mostly false, of events unimportant, which are brought ab out by rulers mostly knaves, and soldiers mostly fools. Ambrose Bierce ________________________________________ Bush-Bones Doctrine: Deny Everything Theres three things to remember: claim ever ything, explain nothing, deny everything. Senator Prescott Bush (Skull & Bones 1 917) The Bush family patriarch made the above statement in a 1966 interview for Columbia Universitys oral history project on the Eisenhower administration. Pres cott Bush said that political dictum had been explained to him by Claire Boothe Luce, congresswoman, ambassador and wife of Time-Life media magnate Henry Luce ( Skull & Bones 1920)-Diagram of the Bush Dynasty Source: http://www.threetwoone.o

rg PDF Streaming Video Hear how Prescott Bush, Dubyas grandfather, tried to overthr ow the government and install a fascist nazi regime. The Hitler Project Astonishing Revelations! 01/02/05 By Ted Lang 2004 It is T&Cs position that the Bush family knew exactly what they were doing, and deliberate ly brought Hitler and his murderous Nazis to power knowing full well in advance what the consequences of their actions would be. Nazi Sympathizer Prescott Bush. He personally financed the building of over 40 c oncentration camps including Auschwitz. Bush and the Nazis: New Documents Herbert Parmet, November 26, 2003 THE NEW GENGHIS KAHN The year 1999 and its seventh month, From the sky comes a great King of Terror: Reviving the great King of the Mongols, Before and after Mars (war) to reign hap pily. After there is great trouble among mankind, a greater one is prepared. The great mover of the universe will renew time, rain, blood, thirst, famine, steel weapo ns and disease. In the heavens, a fire seen. Nostradamus in year 1555. "Those who give up their liberty for more security neither deserve liberty nor s ecurity." Ben Franklin "None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe History repeating itself eyes wide shut in front of the world. Yale Club, Emulat ing the Torah Scriptures, toppling. Bush was to be assassinated in the 80s by Du ncan OFinioan; didnt know why, but was intercepted, overridden by CIA & (trigger ed) to cancel mission (shoot) as ALL ELSE. DoD The Sorcerer, Manipulator, Cybern eticist, behind the electronic curtain Mind Control-SECRET SOCIETIES! & ID theft , stalkers, viruses, hackers, and 2nd level CIA STUXNET, cover ups and whitewash ing before Operation wiki Brainwash! Anchors & triggers transmitted. Under prete x of oil for take over of minds/humanity. 1957 Allen Dulles Berle wrote in his diary. "If the scientists do what they have laid out for themselves, men will become manageable ants." Below. Whats next! ent-doesntcatch-banksters-terrorists-and-other-enemies-of-the-nation.html Part I and II on the Prescott Bush on the Holocaust and NAZI infiltrations TODAY with new attempts in manifest. WARNINGS to We the People FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 5/28/2010 rev 7/15/11 CONTACT: Mireille Torjman Federal Whistleblower Mobile 954.529.8684 for FULL DISCLOSURES and Open Letter to Congress. ________________________________________ Have you figured it out yet! Sibel Edmonds gagged, Ariel Sharon comatosed, DC swept covertly as NY pre-911 TY RANNY pretex to SURRENDER CIVIL LIBERTIES decoys (illnesses in energy) zaps, and Russell Tice threatened and discredited, as I. Science and humanity under SIEGE ! Behavioral Science and Technology-Sound and Seismic Waves infiltrations. For t he Suspension of the Constitution to Communism and the LAUNCH of a NEW Holocaust in manifest on U.S. Soil Mission. [Prescott Bush, slides Home Tab-50 yrs in man ifest.] IF you knew ALL this, you would NOT be making these CHOICES! SSP, Patriot Act, B eam Warfare, Electronic Mind Control, Psi War, One World Brain, Dreamscape, Hard wiring Humans, and Information Warfare. The Persinger Plan, illegal warrantless mind taps intercepted thoughts, Engineering Consent. With no danger to American Society, the entrapment from Bush /Obama "MANIPULATOR S".... "The object is to terrify the American Public, so that they will surrende r their civil liberties--Possibly the greatest extortion scheme in U.S. history. " --It's only the BEGINNING! See below creating subservient civilians, assassinations and torture goes on ill egally anyway. Legalizing it is only for us civilians and what is coming (N.W.O.

silent infiltrations) 2nd LEVEL CIA-Sorcerer-NSA transmissions-current Assassinations: NSA, DOD Direct ed Energy Weapon frying life & earth; Taking us and Israel down duplicitous deco y. The New (1975) weapon of war (mass destruction duped diversions) is out and w as in the hands of Cult of Intelligence! HOW & WHY 911 mastermind/CONTROL ELF WE APON! The root of all problems must be exposed and stopped before too late! See history collectively repeating by design! Cryptocracy's Plan to Psycho-civilize you. Emulating, inducing the Scriptures. Project StarGate and SpacestarDuping AL L. ALL HIDING BEHIND SSP, Patriot Act since 1947 conspiracy take over slowly being introduced as New World Order MASS Brainwash-chunked to accept! The launch of a New Holocaust in manifest after trickery and the people's CONSENT of balancing L ESS FREEDOM, Civil Rights and a suspension of the Constitution, after MISSION of COMMUNISM and Middle East. Tyranny infiltrations in the guise of 911. [Pg 9, 21 3] CYBERSYN; "The COUP for the Communist World: It is said Henry Kissinger was the one who intervened to put an end to the GRAND experiment. Salvador Allende was a ssassinated by Chileans who are reported to have been in the PAY of the CIA, and Cybersyn went by the wayside. (They thought) Today FCC coup to regulate the INT ERNET; COMMUNISM infiltrations and attempts, KGB/Gestapo style Domestic Surveill ance mind manipulations after the fact & covertly hijacked www & humans. One Wor ld Brain Pg 241. [SEE ISRAEL TAB and pg 6 for press release] CYBERNETICS; Helms; can be used in molding of a childs character Subdue & Rippin g senses while there. odd series of events ARTICLES for decades on Ordinary folk s Nationwide-leading to ... Attached. -Strange cases and deaths on my website wi th other documents from this weapon of MIND Control events & tricks on whistlebl owers & Civility especially CIVIL rights agenda. The CIA succeeded in developing a whole range of psycho-weapons to expand its al ready ominous psychological warfare arsenal. With these capabilities, it was now possible to wage a new kind of war: a war which would take place invisibly, upo n the battlefield of the human mind... [p. 19] "Only the small secrets need to be protected. The big ones are kept secret by public incredulity." Marshall McCluhan "If both the past and the external world exist only in the mind, and if the mind itself is controllablewhat then?" George Orwell 7. In 1967, after Ramparts magazine exposed secret CIA funding of the National S tudent Association and numerous nonprofit organizations, President Johnson forba de CIA support of foundations or educational institutions. Inside the Agency the re was no notion that this order meant ending relationships, such as the one wit h Geschickter. In his case, the agile CIA men simply transferred the funding fro m the foundation to a private company, of which his son was the secretary-treasu rer. 8. Lying to Congress followed the pattern of lying to the press that some MKULTR A veterans adopted after the first revelations came out. For example, former Hum an Ecology Society director James Monroe told The New York Times on August 2, 19 77 that "only about 25 to 30 percent" of the Society's budget came from the CIAa statement he knew to be false since the actual figure was well over 90 percent. His untruth allowed some other grantees to claim that their particular project was funded out of the non-Agency part of the Society. Pentagons source selection Board repeatedly recommended a bid by Boeing as both better and cheaper... DoD awarded to Gen. Dynamics" 2nd level manipulated. DoD: McNamara, wrote in March 1969, issue of Washington Monthly Mag.; Few Americ ans are aware that about 90 % of the Major weapons systems that the defense Dept . procures ends up costing the Country at least twice as much as was originally estimated. The American Tax Payer is not getting their moneys worth???????? SAIC FBI lawsuit & Pursuant with Lawsuit by BOEING. SOA: Mind Manipulated in law impeding truth, creating doubts, infiltrations, and worse-GEORGE GREEN, ROBERT BAER CIA bomb makers. COVERT FEMA camps and Thousand s built caskets under guise of HR 645 UNWIT. Massive ops wiki and brainwash unde rway! American homes and jobs, with our children since Apollo 7 witnesses never

returned (Satellite) REMOTE VIEWING 24/7 spying is manipulating. Armies trained by our School of AMERICAS and set up mind controlling their people; South Americ a now Working on ASIA. All Invaded Countries... Breaking The SOUND Barrier; Demo cracy NOW! pg 214+. One World BRAIN,+ pages 200+ of INJECTING IDEOLOGY not just MEDIA mind taps ELECTRONIC MIND CONTROL, PSI WAR, Persinger Plan, & BEAM WARFARE . SOA...It's everywhere including CIA VALERIE PLAME technology weapons, Bay of P igs invasion, and Juan Cole Scandals. RIK and Air Force waste as SAIC etc. AGNAs Contract guards behaviors, linguistics and security in Embassies, F-22 waste DC , Govt lock down, & blocked information warfare, in (bubble) kept in dark for yr s during process and false beliefs! The Weapon of Mass Destruction: DoD, Psychotronics, Synthetic Telepathy, DOE and a CIAs-2nd Level--Spinning our wheels and putting out fires/band aids for yrs w ont solve humanitys mind control at the root. THE FORCE BEHIND THE FORCES! Unvei l them. Their own shadow is within (1973). Tesla's Chinese wall of defense... In formation warfare psyops transmitted thoughts, Article on MIND manipulating our SENATE STILL decades later2nd level CIA FOIA 1972, "His God lurks Behind the ele ctronic curtain, we find: The SORCERER, MANIPULATOR, CYBERNETICIST, the weaver o f the DREAMscape" Jim Keith pg 245 Brilliant video below. They all said Abolish CIA and NSAct 1947. See Russia slide. Its ALL about you, it AFFECTS YOU. Published 1985 MACROCOSM: NEW WORLD ORDER MILLIONS Will go THROUGH "The PROCESS" (brainwash programming) INCLUDING MOST OF AMERICA'S CORPORATE LEADERS and OFFIC IALS from Navy/ EDUCATION-"It was estimated that Millions of persons were (1985) put through this type of PROCESSING Breaking down of personalities and recondit ion..." Many already manipulated into their office long ago. College manipulatio ns no one knows about. "Weird things happen when you join the bureau". Their sha dow. Collectively-What do you think theyve been doing and how we got here! Makin g sense of 50 years in the manifest-Wake up America! Wake up Washington! NSA tra nsmissions Article, Dr. Walter BOWART pg 6 and more. "It was either invisible warfare or PEACE, and everyone seemed to agree the econ omy would "suffer" from peace. Without war, it was believed, the economy would f alter and depression would be the dividend of peace. Thus the advisors to the pr esident began to think about what might motivate the U.S. economy as well as war did. They came up with several possibilities, the most fantastic of which was t o fake an invasion from outer space... Resource Tab 1973-90% JFK believed CIA co nspiracy today!!! Dr. Walter Bowart Report Pg 6 #21 and 39. OPERATION MIND CONTROL: CRYPTOCRACY'S PLAN TO PSYCHOCIVILIZE YOUWITNESS in COURT NO Plane hit PENTAGON, TANGIBLE coupled with fear TRANSMISSIONS to manipulate and BRAINWASH you to VOTE for PATRIOT ACT is one example-----------------------------BEWARE!------ Facts below and on line with Appendices! Ther e is a 18 U.S.C. 241 Conspiracy against rights since MLK, JFK unwitting false bl ame--Puppets/Ants/Robots Everybodys doing the LOCOMOTION as ObamaMaxwells Silver Hammer Chapter The Body Electric Operation Northwoods repeated under new psyops and HOOVER warned too Horrible to imagine. Jerry E. Smith was an author, lecture r, poet, & editor. ... dies March 08, 2010... "Haarp: The Ultimate Weapon of the Conspiracy "(The Mind-Control Conspiracy Series) Tom Bearden, Russia WARNED wor se! ELF SICKO all ills. French scientist Kervran Russian scientist Kaznacheyev, who proved that any disease could be TRANSMITTED electromagnetically. (1975) Imm une. CIA are NAZIS: Magnus Olsson; playing with memory. Below CIA Vet Milt Beardon st ates; "That you know of -911"...inventing ills, Aliens, and enemies. Magnus Olss on Sweden also stated CIA has NAZIS. A plan to fascism for another Holocaust in MANIFEST if the CONSTITUTION IS NOT restored. ALL RELATED TO PATRIOT ACT, disarming etc. DUPLICITOUS plans to take down Israel and WWIII still being manipulated behind the scenes duping everyone. This 2nd l evel CIA is behind the electronic CURTAIN on Long Island Tower inception and JP Morgan funding Bowart, Walter, Leading Psychiatrist Blows Whistle on Profession: Proves 50 + ye ars of Mind Control Were we Controlled? JFK Adventures and False Memory Syndrome Foundation, Cancer Jim Keith-Mass Control Human Engineering. (Pushed/fell??? to

his death) Cults in sheep skin! Duplicitous sabotaging behind the scenes APA an d AMA (while in bed with DoD; Amy Goodman Standing up to the Madness) enemies cl ose to take them down, to Medical books also for 50 years. FALSE RECORDS & Chara cter/Perception ETC! And no official of my Administration VIDEO Mossad Microbiologist Joseph Moshes Baxter Ukraine Plague Warning. Posted by labvirus on November 7, 2009 Bioweapon disguised as a vaccine. He claimed tha t the vaccine contained an adjuvant (additive) designed to weaken the immune sys tem, and replicated RNA from the virus responsible for the 1918 pandemic Spanish flu, causing global sickness and mass death. The next day, this happend (see video)THE STRANGE CASE OF JOSEPH MOSHE: This Joseph Moshe arrested in L.A. is likely a MOSSAD agent with a CONSCIENCE an d has apparently been extradited immediately to Israel. Now his testimony, whate ver it would have been, is still secure. Notice, the federal agents used an elec tro-magnetic pulse which knocked out his car, as well as any cell phone so he co uldnt contact the U.S. Attorney he was obviously going to meet with. ELF immune scapegoats to hide as all else with propaganda mind controlled. (As I) The immune system is so overloaded by the presence of the "shadow" diseases that its effectiveness is thinned out."In short, alter the internal wavestructure, a nd one creates a curved spacetime 'engine' that acts on mass in any fashion one chooses to design -- including initiate diseases . . . Now visualize one of thes e 'vacuum engines' or 'spacetime curvature engines' that acts on mass to generat e the exact effects produced by anthrax. (Or any other disease one wishes) . . . Call the virtual state of a disease engine the disease pattern in the "shadow" state, just prior to becoming observable. . Tom Bearden Lt. Col. At www.mireille ________________________________________ Death Ray for planes was Teslas invention in 1940 and a $2,000,000.00 device to zap and melt an airplane motor 250 miles away and an Invisible Chinese Wall of d efense was built around the Country, no matter how large an attack, (Teleforce, manifests FREE energy and creates rays; zapping beams, the new invisible war). ( Dr. Becker, Naomi Wolf, and Sharon Weinberger Imaginary Weapons)., this Warden c liff Tower is in full action in Long Island NY, along with 36 other stations or sites as GWEN, Globally that beam massive volume of Free Energy. (The New York T imes, Sunday September 22, 1940-Science and Patents, Education News) One COSTLY energy zap causes by NLP suggestion transmitted to individuals; confusion, mista kes, trip, fall, body temp-freeze, heat, miscommunication, fatigue, focus/ conce ntration, radio-sleep (Kucinich-US patented under MKDELTA), and stalling any eng ine. HAARP, Body Electric, and Mass Control Human Engineering. JIM KEITH APPENDI CE on my homepage with Russell Tice and Thomas Drake 7/2/11 CATHERINE AUSTIN FITTS WHISTLEBLOWER: In America today, if the mainstream media does not cover something it is almost as if it never happened. Right now, the worst nuclear disaster in human history continues to unfold in Japan, U.S. nuclear facilities are being threatened by flood waters, the U.S. military is bo mbing Yemen, gigantic cracks in the earth are appearing all over the globe and t he largest wildfire in Arizona history is causing immense devastation. From auth entic CREVICE of the parted SEA, to evil HAARP DESTRUCTION SYNTHETIC CRACKS WHIT EWASHING more HISTORY AND THE SCIENCE/TORAH etc.... The ultimate conspiracy! Israel-framed while dividing all people to conquer! CIA predicts, (no creating) to carry out-water (WAR) and pricing shortage, 2015-mind control transmissions z aps dry heat in body and energy-taking us down, Israel, Middle East, Africa. Ove rpopulation video from Pentagon staging us for the next invasion-ASSASSINATED Al lison Des Forges in Hudson River mind control plane Crash-Staged and Senator Ed Ted Kennedy zapped. Both Civil rights Africa, Water and Dry Land zapped already planning to invade them and brainwash one world govt. Emulating the Torah script ures! Manchurians, and IRS, CIA bldgs/files in WT7! Major cities experiment to increase crime in the 70s by mind control EVOLVED nev er ceased GENERATING BIGGER GOVT, INDUCINGMISHAPS-MISFORTUNES, entrapment and no w TERRORISM? Infiltrations of BRAINWASHING SCHOOLS-WEAKEN their ARMYtake down IS RAEL and America going Global Agenda. Infiltrated Palestinians-Wars provoked sti ll in manifest; Under the Auspices/Scapegoating Drugs they brought in Conspiracy

. NOT from drugs or your TV- SEE TIME photo/Article (Oct 1971) below Infiltratio ns and excuses on all aspects of ELF attacks. Egypt largest Military, Turkey Sibel gagged SSP created doubts and to hide consp iracy agenda of NWO) CIA masterminds. A public brainwashed to allow it unwitting ly, in the White House, to next calamity and Global Domination Conspiracy of the minds! Connecting 50 yrs of dots! ie; General Anthony Zinni (wikepidia) and cha nged minds! (Brainwash on the job as many others, see how its done) CIA Predicts The Future 2015 - Water Resources. 2007 video comments. (Unwitting agents chann eled to Infiltrate) Waging War since the Church Committee 1974! Charges were mad e 2 administrations concerned and NEVER ABOLISHED. May be drawn into the fight t rying to stop it John McWethy. Taking over the Globe under the disguise of helpi ng others tactics. An unwitting population targeted in advance! DARPA the new MK ULTRA (trailing) Psyops deployed for 50 yrs on civilians. ELECTRONIC WARFARE! Larry SilversteinOWNER of 911 TOWER 7, set upin advance to get insurance and tra nsmitted forced speech/DECISIONto "pull" to firefighters as ifinvolved-NSA trans missions-SABOTAGED as Russell Tice Article Is the NSA conducting war on American s (YES, tip of iceberg) 2006 and Media asked, why press didnt pick it up other t han NBC? Operation Mockingbird propaganda unwittingly, updated remote viewing an d impairment mind control as misunderstandings. Sunstein's Report-Cognitive impairment infiltration is unwitting NOT hired Gangs , creating illusion-Un-realized Kinesthetic! Creating false perception for decad es on civilians. Reagan erased with Alzheimer mind control (NLP) CIA programming . OPERATION MIND CONTROL (1973) Plans to Psycho civilize you and MACROCOSM Ameri cas Corporate Leaders and Official, AND civilians. Un-Covered documentary CONGRESS MARIONETTES not READING infozapped, to invade Ir aq. Mind controlled Out-Foxed video for years-media mockingbird unwittingly, UNR EALIZED, updated! The joke culture, misfits in the pentagon cult of intelligence and a dysfunctional country! Allen Dulles 1957" Berle wrote in his diary. "If t he scientists do what they have laid out for themselves, men will become managea ble ants." Below FULL disclosures. Hadassah 90 Billions in Ponzi sabotage away from Jersusalem HOSP (Laser/vision) funding. Re-Distributing the WEALTH from Jews manipulating our economy further t han Corporations. Always keeping their enemy close, destroying files & buildings . They took down the economy behind the scenes! Ariel Sharon zapped into coma (as I),Directed Energy Weaponsas planes; because h e knew the CIA was corrupt Sabotaging Israel. Kay Griggs Military whistleblower with MIND JABBING attacks (Secret Societies) 1910 Yale Prescott Bush FUNDED NAZI s soldiers, kkk etcDoD. 1967 USS liberty-Project Philadelphia (Hallucinations) blaming ISRAEL- mistake i n identity set up-framed, cutting off investigations & news coverage (as usual u ntil exposed 2008 as the shuttle satellite cover up) Start of Anti-Semitism fann ed unwittingly since 1947 Act. Alien UFO Hallucinations Scapegoating with LSD (that CIA brought in and sold to kids). Making Million off the Pharmaceutical TAXES (as ALCOHOL INDUCED URGES), n ow being sued from synthetic side effects and transmitted Synthetic illnesses. V ETS Agent Orange non-traceable! Military CANCER and Leukemia, lumps, to all unde r the disguise of microwaves infiltrating crimes & wars! Playing GOD (Project Voice of GOD) & devil-The CIA Cult of Intelligence born wit h National Security Act in 1947, Weapons Stations need to be dismantled ASAP. Bu zz in Pentagon Synthetic Telepathy and Psychotronics predicted in 1967 video ins tant communication, after Public Speeches"Repeatedly staying the course" tobrainwashinvadedCountries with (excuses), GULF war, "TheENERGY will be just fine", (Not at all)"we will help on e soulat a time". Hillary "I will not channel my husband" (as in ghost-like tran smissions sabotaged Clinton Rumsfeld: There is what you know, you don't know.... . Didnt mean to say that or thats not what I meant Obama dividing the people to conquer with They like to do that, one against the other Called JACKETING in psy ops. (Side effects of brainwash & MC). SEARCH for MANCHURIAN ego statesuch as an imaginary childhood playmateand build it into a separate personality, unknown to the first. The hypnotist would commun

icate directly with this schizophrenic offshoot and command it to carry out spec ific deeds kamikaze pilot. Manchurian crimes creating a subservient society was not out of sight- by mind control waves." And worse. Secretary Geithner also highlighted Bear Stearns former Chief Operating Officer of Fixed Income, Paul Friedman, stated rumors were untrue until the telling of r umors made them true. This is how they do it (Project Stargate research and play ing psychic). 1997 DoD Briefing: 'Others' can set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely using el ectromagnetic waves By Lori Price 28 Feb 2010 Secretary of Defense William S. Co hen, 28 April 1997: (WAVES, Seismic, radio frying us) BP mind control transmitte d human error! Tried to warn CONGRESS in 2008 and dismissed by disbelief. GUANTANAMO scapegoats displays and focused on the wrong Weapons of mass destruct ion, brainwash and intelligence masterminded. (Nano thermal debris removed quick ly) and Cathy OBrien, SSP impeding truth. Never getting to the truth---MINDS! IN NOCENT and display for false blame. TIME/DELAYS for false confession Brainwash o ut memory & PLANT new before public contacts. How the CIA Missed Stalin's Bomb, 1946-50-printed 2007 but updated 2008. ---Remo te Viewing and surveillance London Subway Bombing-Staged!!! Water and Odd/even d ays Petrol, CIA sabotage since 70s as drugs and crime all un-natural-inducing mo re plans for Florida. Judge Napolitano, Lies the Government told you unwittingly until 2008 cover up p re-empted allegations with political and media transparency... DELUSIONS, RE-REA D, and CONDONED corruptions! ILLUSIONS OF CRIMES statistics for 5 decades and mi s perceptions mind controlled. Market inflations and real estate pricing and gouging was all induced from the m ind on each individual and as a mass, and part of conspiracy agenda. Corrupting American Minds. And, the suicide??? of a Jewish CFO after 3 months as interim ac countant at FANNIE MAE fraud. Jewish Aaron Russo died of Cancer recently after going public that Rockefeller t old him the only reason the WOMENS liberation was allowed to occur successfully was to COLLECT TAXES from them. They also manipulate couples lives as The Firm J ohn Marks also wrote only the participant knows of this and is not only army. In vading Countries Under pretex of oil etc. for take over of humanity. See Israel Tab for more CIA JOHN LOFTUS on 2 videos of ISRAEL, CIA BUSH/HITLER, 911 to AGENDA. -----------------------------------THE SECRET WAR AGAINST JEWS. ent-doesntcatch-banksters-terrorists-and-other-enemies-of-the-nation.html Did you know CIA operates on the ground wearing Yamacas to frame Jews, destroyin g fruit trees and crops against the Torah scriptures +, as with our organic natu ral farms in the U.S. Why? Did you know that the ISRAELI ART STUDENTS were framed and mind controlled where to live and accepted only in the areas to live as guided to set up and look inv olved? CONTRARY OF CIA GUILT CREATING DOUBT and so much more BEARING FALSE WITNE SS from a neighbor, false memory, fake Govt help spinning their wheels. INTERNET & Google lawsuit, libraries, false accusations & false detainments? Capable and do manipulate all Internet remotely with passwords and minds from spying survei llance. As with False imprisoned masses. Sabotaged 911 Commission never to see t he light, as 9 Attorneys asking questions-Fired at once and Generation GAPS agai n. Did you know Mind Controlled People and Media is set up with tricks of false tho ughts transmitted during conversation and output of written documents to put a S PIN on JOURNALISTS & civilians thus unknowingly creating PROPAGANDA, until now c overing their tracks with blatant lies from our government? Decades of news from misunderstanding mind games, disputes, & slanders. No one high enough Q clearan ce! The behavioral sciences. Nevertheless, the final result is not the whole sto ry of the CIA's attack on the mind. No one knows except the PARTICIPANT. He called it Pain-Drug-Hypnosis and said it is a vicious war weapon ... The exte nsiveness of the use of this form of hypnotism in espionage work is now so wides pread that it is long past the time when people should have become alarmed about

it. [p. 75] Report Duplicitous-Framing ISRAEL & piggybacked shadowing to scapegoat and set up! See how CIA tab +. INJECTED IDEOLOGY covertly INFILTRATING WORSE OVER TIME TO CHUNK & ACCEPT. BRAINWASH society and worse yet if not stopped and reversed. Israel, Seismic Energy to part sea & leave crevice, Israel small land & surround ed by 50 yrs of vast constant attacks, Israel has Palestinians who were EVICTED by their own people, Israel can't have chicken or cow suffer with Kosher scriptu res and suffering---2nd level shadow CIA proven Diabolical! STOP Shadow CIA atta cks-50 yrs PRESS FANNING Anti-Semitism and spinning all 2nd level CIA, Goldstone Report and 911, SS liberty ... dis-info, hallucinations, cognitive infiltration s, illusions, wearing Yamacas on the Ground in disguise, psyops on Israel and co verups. Catherine Fitts Whistleblower. Leave Israel alone and we will have world peace! See Tice Article on SABOTAGE on all aspects of life. Inducing mind control on rioters coupled with funding them in Egypt to take them down WW3 as planned every time we invade a Country- see also George Green link video. 9/2010 Press release in SUPREME COURT below this one of ISRAEL whistleblo wing CIA to take them down (1947 to current activities fanning opposites) as all our NEWS for decades by design. Info. warfare 1973. DATA-MINING, why and SINCE 1973 FOIA includes genetics See Lt. Col Bearden slide s and more of NEW frightening weapon the World has ever seen! (1975) RUSSIAN SCI ENTIST SLIDE. ________________________________________ Mind Control-Directed Energy Weapons are responsible for MOST ILLNESSES, NEURO, Obesety, Immune, Central Nervous System. See Wired & Tice Article, 5 SENS ES) KINESTHETIC wikipedia) Elec. Magnetic Fields. (MEMORY/Body BLOCKS-ALZHEIMERDIMENTIA as back to the future SHIFTS suggestibilities), Agent ORANGE, ADDHD, Eq uilibrium, Bladder, Colon, Leukemia, Numbness/ MS, Anesthesiology, AIDS, FIBROMA LGIA, PULMONARY, Bi-Polar, CONFUSION extra thought transmissions, MEMORY, DYSLEX IA, opposites suggestions to confuse, SKIN/BLOOD Flow/DISEASES, EPSTEINS BAR, Vi sion Sight, HOLOGRAMS, HALLUCINATIONS, Parkinsons, STROKES, MIGRAINES, CANCER, A nthrax, Valley Fever, Flu like symptoms, Insomnia is sleep deprivation, Short Te rm Memory, COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENTS, UN-Necessary procedures, Bi-polar/ADD (most mi sdiagnosed in America, Accidents, slip & falls, Williams Syndrome Motor Coordina tion, Autism. & disorientation. False ALARMS all from the MIND; UNREALIZED force d speech emotions & mistakes, Epilepsy! (Dr Bearden), ARTHRITIS, MORGELLANS! LIV ER dialysis, kidney failures RAMPID in U.S. Hemorrhage energy heat pressure, Vac cine synthetic hiding behind PHARMACEUTICAL side effects..., RLS jolts of ELF, D IABETES II, and worse. HIDING BEHIND MSG or ASPERTAME including RETARDATION, Tou rette, MUSCLE Controls, ELF reproduction and sweats on both male/female, STD... much worse. INFLAMATION, Burning feet (usually seniors), BLISTERS, SPLIT PERSONA LITIES is a shift technique of NLP using remote electronic hypnosis, mood transm itted urges to act amplified thoughts, suggestions, thoughts back and forth, min d jab transmissions interrupt thoughts, with triggers of memory blocks, repeats INDUCED ERASURES & DELAYS IN YOUR LIFE etc! Misplacing items in trash mind games . Programmed MISFITS Diabolic, playing mind games since milk carton missing chil dren recruited by coercion called Handlers. Responsible for much worse, would ne ver sit on this kind of power with Weapons nicely tucked away, knowing no threat s by Russias or Chinas.--------Jerry Smith ________________________________________ Have you been mind controlled not to believe? Diabolical did not stop with what you already know today, that, I assure you, was the burned part. Targeted for 5 years, tortured, and attempts to recruit for the CIA, now trained in NLP and the software from NASA with Woodpecker Scalar Waves that reach Russia but SHIELDED. It is intercepted in our air space as all else. I am a witness in danger and ne ed to come forward and be heard to WARN the grave dangers, cover ups and every e xcuse possible for doubt including medicinal, that are in manifest. WITHOUT A TRACE -Millions emails missing from WHITE HOUSE servers. Failed backup s $2.5 mil in taxes to recover and NOTHING-2005 unwit Pentagon's Unit: The Cult of Dead Cows! Also see CIA Stuxnet. CIA cyber crimes, ID theft, stalking, viruse s, HACKERS.....! covering up, pawns since 2009. CIA cyber crimes, ID theft, THEF

T & Vandalism selectively, ON ALL CIVILITY, stalking, specific MS viruses creati on, HACKERS, tampered communications, muting, redirected, manipulations, interce pted thoughts day or night.....! LOS ALAMOS LABS; STUXNET creation. AGAIN in the AUSPICES of losing your FREEDOMS infiltrations... Dr. Warloff and Moret. Mysteries solved! Remote Viewing is upon you 24/7 since 1973-Science and Humanit y under Siege with DoD Secret Society Psychotronics, Synthetic Telepathy DIRECTE D ENERGY- (2nd Level CIA); THE WEAPON of MASS DESTRUCTION-ELF miscommunications Duping everyone today! "Is the PENTAGON Science CRAZY ENOUGH?" Mind manipulations-Not just on Senators Articles/Speeches Bottom Left. Remote Control Heart Attack Anyone! induced years ago-Pentagon Paranormal Activities: Thomas Drake NSA Whistleblower Espionage Case Exposes Psy chic Spy Connection. Projects... Spacestar DARPA (Trailing 50 yrs)-Project Voice of God, & Psychic Stargate, playing GOD, paranormal, and laws of attraction, br eeding Power & greed! all linked (Bear Stearns, Israel...) "Zombie is a quaint, old-fashioned folklore word but its meaning becomes obscene when our childrens minds are being controlled ... [p.17][Note:1] 1978 (reports human as manageable ants below) "It may have been the biggest story since the atom bomb. The headline, however, was small and ignored the larger issue. Drug Tests by CIA Held More Extensive Th an Reported in 75, said the New York Times on July 16, 1977. ." Pentagon Misfits- programming civility since 50% of milk carton children kidnapp ed ARRESTED EMOTIONS AGGRANDIZEMENT (NARCISSISM)! To RAMPID crimes, corruption, teen...suicides, Diabetes, ECO. & ills-Bombers-erupted, CANCER, ALZHEIMER, Fibro myalgia, Immune See List (Project Montauk below L) The cult of Intelligence, doc uments. DRUGS do not make you commit crimes; the WILL does! How America was/is M ind Controlled behind scenes to Police crimes infiltrations and drugs, Politicia ns Military, Media, Channeled Hollywood minds, UN-REALIZED! Ron Paul says: CIA runs Everything but this website content is HOW: SHADOW/2nd l evel took off (1973) one year prior Church Commission Report with psyop MHchaosFOIA- NO WONDER BIG BROTHER has been into every ASPECT and PROFESSION of AMERICA NS. Keeping enemies close. Picking up on everyone and their genetics and events or cults or investigation, TAMPERING with MINDS NOT JUST OUR CULTURE. Mistakes, Accidents, coincidences, your soul/ karma. How you are letting mind control happen with brainwashing of disbelief... tricke ry of your will! Beliefs of their thoughts planted/transmitted as your own- dail y manipulations. ELF directed energy weapon of mass.... Spread the word. We need a Revolution Abo lish CIA 2nd level and NSAct. BP framed to cover up Gov't Lab Venice FL RED TIDE -ELF infects since 1947 below Democracy NOW Air Force paralysis. TRIED TO WARN C ONGRESS in 2008 with dismissed manipulations and disbelief. 911 Kamikaze Pilots Mind Controlled robots on US Soil (Manchurians) suicide bomb ers as are Globalists. Bohemian Grove culture burning babies etc. 2 different thoughts etc transmitted at the same time to create fights, chaos, d is-information! thoughts interference on your speech and decisions. for decades. .. First they build TRUST while set up. Your destinies are being led or misled, mostly no coincidences and YOUR THOUGHTS are NOT your own. Dumbed down, Obese, b usy, De-sensitized & Dehumanized robots by mind control. Our ENGINEERED CULTURE of INFILTRATIONS, COVER UPS and WHITEWASH (2008) The ROOT of ALL Problems, still in manifest! The Matrix began long ago and the spying is after the fact of CIA 2nd level-took off in 1973 one year The rest of the world didn't ask until 1976 the type of questions we were facing in 1965.... Everybody was afraid of building the supersoldier who would take or ders without questioning, like the kamikaze pilot. 70's Manchurian crimes Creati ng a subservient society was not out of sight- by mind control. FBI HOOVER "clandestine warfare avowed objective had been WORLD DOMINATION by wh atever means and COST!" FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, who ordered FBI agents to "expose, disrupt, misdirect, discredit, or otherwise neutralize" the activities of these movements and their leaders. Hoover disclosed how horrific these weapon

s were thus, hard to believe ..." INVENTING/INDUCING and APPLIED (NLP) Paranoid Schizo, Moods, Mental BLOCKS, Gran deur Aggrandizement, etc. is only a thought from a trigger and anchors NSA CIA s hadow transmissions, amplifications. Tavistock: Best kept secret in America and Govt RAND Corp primary function Brainwash -CIA NLP not Freudian mind control ill s! AMA-Synthetic telepathy, false memory syndrome/ confession/ bearing false wit ness. Montauk Project (1943) A group which has as it's prime goal the further ac quisition of ever-greater raw, oppressive power over the actual lives of it's ow n continued aggrandizement and enrichment at the expense not only of Earth's peo ple but most certainly of the planet itself and all its many life formsStart of a LOCKED DOOR SOCIETY transmitted fears Surveillance under the AUSPICES of and in disguise of existing remote viewing fr om Satellite Engineered a Human Matrix! Suggested Moods, pre-and post Manipulati ons. Gifford shooting to decoy/ EXPLOIT-ASSASSINATING a FEDERAL JUDGE by Manchur ians of crimes. Civil rights Africa... CIA MASTERMINDS of AGENDA too busy, to dismiss this, & se nsory deprav. unrealized stress induced and another year goes by of 50 with unwi tting cognitive infiltration Unwit in disconnects in White House to next calamit y. Mind Control-answer to all mis-information DC, GAZA disconnects 2009, RHETORIC, lies, dis-information GAPS, illusions, non-sense. GOLDSTONE REPORT, SS Liberty S ET UPS... Mind Control Root of ALL problems. Talk about it FAN it! Looking beyon d the messengers! CASES NEVER PROVEN in CRIMES AND SCIENCE settled-------------------------! God Bless America, God Bless Humanity! Assange Secrets are for a reason and secret abuses are impossible to correct unless you know they are going on. Knowing their plans before they are implemented to oppos e before they occur. If they are exposed by the people already suffering by the abuse, then the abuse has already occurred and it is too late. M. Monroe mind control suicides! Mind Control redistribution of wealth. When even one American -who has done nothing wrong- is forced by fear to shut hi s mind and close his mouth, then all Americans are in peril. Harry S.Truman JFK speech The very word "secrecy" is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive an d unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which ar e cited to justify it. Even today, there is little value in opposing the threat of a closed society by imitating its arbitrary restrictions. Even today, there i s little value in insuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not s urvive with it. And there is very grave danger that an announced need for increa sed security will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the v ery limits of official censorship and concealment. That I do not intend to permi t to the extent that it is in my control. And no official of my Administration, whether his rank is high or low, civilian or military, should interpret my words here tonight as an excuse to censor the news, to stifle dissent, to cover up ou r mistakes or to withhold from the press and the public the facts they deserve t o know. PLANNED WARS TO INFILTRATE COMMUNISM! Dividing all to conquer! Disarming you-Gun Control, for a manipulated REVOLUTION hyjacked passwords, www in the 90's, 911, now Exec. order 11005 take over waterways martial law Katrina Massacres, Plans, to HR 1955 reversed freedom of thought! Unwittingly infiltrati ng NLP tactics Psyops. OPPOSITES! Brainwashing & WHITEWASHING HISTORY is underway! Dr. Robert Becker was the major researcher and writer on health dangers from ele ctromagnetic fields, he died a few months ago, in summer 2008 warned INDUCED ELF /EMF-disconnects in White House to next calamity. THE MOTHER OF ALL EVIL-CIA Technology Changing minds and hearts, including Presi

dents! JUDICIAL SYSTEM, AND SCHOOL BOOKS WITH FALSE MEDICINE and FALSE TESTS RESULTS an d Engineered lives all from the mind! Voting, www. and all tests can and are tam pered. Have you read "Lies the Government told you"? READ twice- Perceptions in AMERICA -LONDON Subway CIA- INSIDE JOB- Remote Viewing, Surveillance and Searches-STAGED ! John Marks-CIA BUILDING/Search MANCHURIANS since Hitler and MKULTRA on German So ldiers.....Click here! Press release below June 2008 was impeded from going out in Boston. The sender r eported-disappeared; A growing number of Americans have reported symptoms that include but are not li mited to severephysical trauma such asshocks, stings, burning, nausea, and sleep deprivation. Targeted individuals of domestic terrorism originate from many dif ferent backgrounds and are affected in a physical, psychological, social, and fi nancial manner as a result of directed energy weapons assaults. The average Amer ican would be astonished to learn the extent to which secret surveillance techno logy has advanced from remote viewing and manipulation; torture of the human min d and body horrendous abuses. Measures must be taken to free First. Then they came for the communists. I didnt object bc I wasnt a communist. Then they came for the trade-unionists. I didnt object bc I wasnt a trade-union ist. Then they came for the Jews. I didnt object bc I wasnt a Jew. Then they cam e for me and there was no one left to help me. "We must hang together or we will surely hang separately" ...Ben Franklin Psychotronics-Psychotechnologies, Psychoenergetics WARFARE also on APA & AMA in your doctor's office/Lawyer... skewed medicine, list of ills below. (1975) "The mind control examined in this book is the control of ONE individuals mind b y ANOTHER!" Guided, misled, by the public UNWITTINGLY used as pawns (jacketed) o ne against the other with everything the OPPOSITE, manipulated, and dysfunctiona l! (1973) This website information is awakening debunking/educating raising awareness, on humanity, a FULL DISCLOSURE Correction of 5 DECADES of 2nd level CIA mind contro lled DIS-information, MIS-COMMUNICATION, non-sense, blinders/blocks, unconscious ly, manipulating YOUR conversations, not on same wavelength) or/ sabotage create d by Mind Control ELF waves & Energy, (1974) CIA Neuro-linguistic Programming. D irected ENERGY Weapon used nefariously deployed on ALL people as pawns UNWITTING LY, illusions, robots, every body's doing the locomotion, CANCER. "Information W arfare tactics" and the new ways to ASSASSINATE civilians currently. Not the Pat riot ACT after THE FACT as ALL else . SURREPTITIOUSLY! SLOW KILLSLegal! 130 Facts and Examples, see induced ills; LIST on bottom left and (Pharma Taxes; Tab)- Collectively by a Mind Control victim Expert Witness (NLP) Federal Whistl eblower 1st hand, Warning "We the People" "Impeded, Gagged, tortured, squashed, disrupted, threatened, for 5 years, now being set up +. Never believe anything u ntil it is officially denied". Illusions scapegoating our Media after 50 yrs vic tims of created spin, dis-information WARFARE etc... by mind control UNREALIZED & cognitive impairment infiltrations on all people. "Why hasn't the press--aside from MSNBC--covered NSA Tice's revelations! Or mine. Let the people decide; Mil lions would come forward. BREACHED contracts OVERSEAS SPYING to manipulate. Mass ive brainwash also in manifest! Another layer! Summary information: CIA brainwashing We the People for decades engineering our lives and culture unwittingly with mind and body control, corruptions to destroy humanity (jacketing) one against the other divide and conquer world Domination selecting who will live. Wake up America. Wake up Washington! The secret holocau st & WWIII in MANIFEST. Un-realized and programmed. THIS video i s about the PROCESS. WASHINGTON will be shot after the CRISIS step 4 of mind con trol Brainwash over decades- slow kills... Do you believe a RUSSIAN or are you t argeted? They always kill you when you are done serving. See below creating subs ervient civilians and torture goes on illegally anyway. Legalizing it is only fo r us civilians and what is coming (N.W.O. a silent holocaust) with no recourse o

r redress available on civil rights. Illusions, transmitted false thoughts, crim es infiltrated now Making it REAL. After 50 yrs of spy devices being installed a nd attached today overtly as all else shadowed. The White Rose, was formed by students at the University of Munich in 1941 after serving the GERMAN ARMY, and executed by guillotine shouting Long Live Freedomdropping leaflets in Revolution for SOCIAL JUSTICE http://www.spartacus.schoolne ### ________________________________________ JURY DEMAND Plaintiff hereby requests a Jury Trial for all issues triable by jury including, but not limited to those, issues and claims set forth in any amended complaint or consolidated action. ________________________________________ I certify that a true copy of the foregoing has been furnished in person on this 28 day of July, 2011 to the Court Clerk Albert V. Bryan U.S. Courthouse, 401 Co urthouse Square, Alexandria, VA 22314, for Summons Service to THE Department of Justice, and US REGULAR mail to STATE OF VIRGINIA, Attorney General 900 East Mai n Street Richmond, VA 23219. Respectfully submitted, Mireille Torjman PO Box 57282 Washington, DC 20037 954.529.8684 (Text Box comment Released by RareReactor) Office of Research and development JOHN MARKS Author's Note This book has grown out of the 16,000 pages of documents that the CIA released t o me under the Freedom of Information Act. Without these documents, the best inv estigative reporting in the world could not have produced a book, and the secret s of CIA mind-control work would have remained buried forever, as the men who kn ew them had always intended. From the documentary base, I was able to expand my knowledge through interviews and readings in the behavioral sciences. Neverthele ss, the final result is not the whole story of the CIA's attack on the mind. Onl y a few insiders could have written that, and they choose to remain silent. I ha ve done the best I can to make the book as accurate as possible, but I have been hampered by the refusal of most of the principal characters to be interviewed a nd by the CIA's destruction in 1973 of many of the key documents. I want to extend special thanks to the congressional sponsors of the Freedom of Information Act. I would like to think that they had my kind of research in mind when they passed into law the idea that information about the government belong s to the people, not to the bureaucrats. I am also grateful to the CIA officials who made what must have been a rather unpleasant decision to release the docume nts and to those in the Agency who worked on the actual mechanics of release. Fr om my point of view, the system has worked extremely well. I must acknowledge that the system worked almost not at all during the first six months of my three-year Freedom of Information struggle. Then in late 1975, Joseph Petrillo and Timothy Sullivan, two skilled and energetic lawyers with the firm of Fried, Frank, Shriv er, Harris and Kampelman, entered the case. I had the distinct impression that t he government attorneys took me much more seriously when my requests for documen ts started arriving on stationery with all those prominent partners at the top. An author should not need lawyers to write a book, but I would have had great di fficulty without mine. I greatly appreciate their assistance. What an author does need is editors, a publisher, researchers, consultants, and friends, and I have been particularly blessed with good ones. My very dear friend Taylor Branch edited th e book, and I continue to be impressed with his great skill in making my ideas a nd language coherent. Taylor has also served as my agent, and in this capacity, too, he has done me great service.

I had a wonderful research team, without which I never could have sifted through the masses of material and run down leads in so many places. I thank them all, and I want to acknowledg e their contributions. Diane St. Clair was the mainstay of the group. She put to gether a system for filing and cross-indexing that worked beyond all expectation s. (Special thanks to Newsday's Bob Greene, whose suggestions for organizing a l arge investigation came to us through the auspices of Investigative Reporters an d Editors, Inc.) Not until a week before the book was finally finished did I fai l to find a document which I needed; naturally, it was something I had misfiled myself. Diane also contributed greatly to the Cold War chapter. Richard Sokolow made similar contributions to the Mushroom and Safehouse chapters. His work was solid, and his energy boundless. Jay Peterzell delved deeply into Dr. Cameron's "depatterning" work in Montreal and stayed with it when others might have quit. Jay also did first-rate studies of brainwashing and sensory deprivation. Jim Min tz and Ken Cummins provided excellent assistance in the early research stage. Th e Center for National Security Studies, under my good friend Robert Borosage, pr ovided physical support and research aid, and I would like to express my appreci ation. My thanks also to Morton Halperin who continued the support when he becam e director of the Center. I also appreciated the help of Penny Bevis, Hannah Del aney, Florence Oliver, Aldora Whitman, Nick Fiore, and Monica Andres. My sister, Dr. Patricia Greenfield, did excellent work on the CIA's interface wi th academia and on the Personality Assessment System. I want to acknowledge her contribution to the boo k and express my thanks and love. There has been a whole galaxy of people who ha ve provided specialized help, and I would like to thank them all: Jeff Kohan, Ed die Becker, Sam Zuckerman, Matthew Messelson, Julian Robinson, Milton Kline, Mar ty Lee, M. J. Conklin, Alan Scheflin, Bonnie Goldstein, Paul Avery, Bill Mills, John Lilly, Humphrey Osmond, Julie Haggerty, Patrick Oster, Norman K empster, Bill Richards, Paul Magnusson, Andy Sommer, Mark Cheshire, Sidney Cohen , Paul Altmeyer, Fred and Elsa Kleiner, Dr. John Cavanagh, and Senator James Abo urezk and his staff. I sent drafts of the first ten chapters to many of the people I interviewed (and several who refused to be interviewed). My aim was to have them correct any inaccuracies or point out mate rial taken out of context. The comments of those who responded aided me consider ably in preparing the final book. My thanks for their assistance to Albert Hofma nn, Telford Taylor, Leo Alexander, Walter Langer, John Stockwell, William Hood, Samuel Thompson, Sidney Cohen, Milton Greenblatt, Gordon Wasson, James Moore, La urence Hinkle, Charles Osgood, John Gittinger (for Chapter 10 only), and all the others who asked not to be identified. Finally, I would like to express my appreciation to my publisher, Times Books, a nd especially to my editor John J. Simon. John, Tom Lipscomb, Roger Jellinek, Gy orgyi Voros, and John Gallagher all believed in this book from the beginning and provided outstanding support. Thanks also go to Judith H. McQuown, who copyedit ed the manuscript, and Rosalyn T. Badalamenti, Times Books' Production Editor, w ho oversaw the whole production process. John Marks Washington, D.C. October 26, 1978 PART I ORIGINS OF MIND-CONTROL RESEARCH World War II On the outskirts of Basel, Switzerland, overlooking the Rhine, lies the worldwid e headquarters of the Sandoz drug and chemical empire. There, on the afternoon o f April 16, 1943, Dr. Albert Hofmann made an extraordinary discoveryby accident. At 37, with close-cropped hair and rimless glasses, Hofmann headed the company's research program to develop marketable drugs out of natural products. He was ha rd at work in his laboratory that warm April day when a wave of dizziness sudden ly overcame him. The strange sensation was not unpleasant, and Hofmann felt almo st as though he were drunk. But he became quite restless. His nerves seemed to run off in different directio

ns. The inebriation was unlike anything he had ever known before. Leaving work early, Hofmann managed a wobbly bicycle-ride home. He lay down and closed his eyes, still unable to shake the dizziness. Now the light of day was disagreeably bright. With the external world shut out, his mind raced along. He experienced what he w ould later describe as "an uninterrupted stream of fantastic images of extraordi nary plasticity and vividness.... accompanied by an intense, kaleidoscope-like p lay of colors." These visions subsided after a few hours, and Hofmann, ever the inquiring scient ist, set out to find what caused them. He presumed he had somehow ingested one of the drugs with whic h he had been working that day, and his prime suspect was d-lysergic acid diethy lamide, or LSD, a substance that he himself had first produced in the same lab f ive years earlier. As part of his search for a circulation stimulant, Hofmann ha d been examining derivatives of ergot, a fungus that attacks rye. Ergot had a mysterious, contradictory reputation. In China and some Arab countri es, it was thought to have medicinal powers, but in Europe it was associated wit h the horrible malady from the Middle Ages called St. Anthony's Fire, which stru ck periodically like the plague. The disease turned fingers and toes into blacke ned stumps and led to madness and death. Hofmann guessed that he had absorbed some ergot derivative through his skin, per haps while changing the filter paper in a suction bottle. To test his theory, he spent three days making up a fresh batch of LSD. Cautiously he swallowed 250 micrograms (less than 1/100,000 of an ounce). Hofman n planned to take more gradually through the day to obtain a result, since no kn own drug had any effect on the human body in such infinitesimal amounts. He had no way of knowing that because of LSD's potency, he had already taken several ti mes what would later be termed an ordinary dose. Unexpectedly, this first speck of LSD took hold after about 40 minutes, and Hofm ann was off on the first self-induced "trip" of modern times.[1] Hofmann recalls he felt "horrific... I was afraid. I feared I was becoming crazy . I had the idea I was out of my body. I thought I had died. I did not know how it would finish. If you know you will come back from this very strange world, on ly then can you enjoy it." Of course, Hofmann had no way of knowing that he woul d return. While he had quickly recovered from his accidental trip three days ear lier, he did not know how much LSD had caused it or whether the present dose was more than his body could detoxify. His mind kept veering off into an unknown di mension, but he was unable to appreciate much beyond his own terror. Less than 200 miles from Hofmann's laboratory, doctors connected to the S.S. and Gestapo were doing experiments that led to the testing of mescaline (a drug which has many of the m ind-changing qualities of LSD) on prisoners at Dachau. Germany's secret policeme n had the notion, completely alien to Hofmann, that they could use drugs like me scaline to bring unwilling people under their control. According to research tea m member Walter Neff, the goal of the Dachau experiments was "to eliminate the w ill of the person examined." At Dachau, Nazis took the search for scientific kno wledge of military value to its most awful extreme. There, in a closely guarded, fenced-off part of the camp, S.S. doctors studied such questions as the amount of time a downed airman could survive in the North Atlantic in February. Informa tion of this sort was considered important to German security, since skilled pil ots were in relatively short supply. So, at Heinrich Himmler's personal order, the doctor s at Dachau simply sat by huge tubs of ice water with stopwatches and timed how long it took immersed prisoners to die. In other experiments, under the cover of "aviation medicine," inmates were crushed to death in high-altitude pressure ch ambers (to learn how high pilots could safely fly), and prisoners were shot, so that special blood coagulants could be tested on their wounds. The mescaline tes ts at Dachau run by Dr. Kurt Plotner were not nearly so lethal as the others in the "aviation" series, but the drug c ould still cause grave damage,

particularly to anyone who already had some degree of mental instability. The da nger was increased by the fact that the mescaline was administered covertly by S .S. men who spiked the prisoners' drinks. Unlike Dr. Hofmann, the subjects had n o idea that a drug was causing their extreme disorientation. Many must have fear ed they had gone stark mad all on their own. Always, the subjects of these exper iments were Jews, gypsies, Russians, and other groups on whose lives the Nazis p laced little or no value. In no way were any of them true volunteers, although s ome may have come forward under the delusion that they would receive better trea tment. After the war, Neff told American investigators that the subjects showed a wide variety of reactions. Some became furious; others were melancholy or gay, as if they were drunk. Not surprisingly, "sentiments of hatred and revenge were expose d in every case." Neff' noted that the drug caused certain people to reveal thei r "most intimate secrets." Still, the Germans were not ready to accept mescaline as a substitute for their more physical methods of interrogation. They went on to try hypnosis in combination with the drug, but they apparently never felt con fident that they had found a way to assume command of their victim's mind. Even as the S.S. doctors were carrying on their experiments at Dachau, the Offic e of Strategic Services (OSS), America's wartime intelligence agency, set up a "truth drug" committee un der Dr. Winfred Overholser, head of St. Elizabeth's Hospital in Washington. The committee quickly tried and rejected mescaline, several barbiturates, and scopol amine. Then, during the spring of 1943, the committee decided that Cannabis indi caor marijuanashowed the most promise, and it started a testing program in coope ration with the Manhattan Project, the TOP SECRET effort to build an atomic bomb . It is not clear why OSS turned to the bomb makers for help, except that, as one former Project official puts it, "Our secret was so great, I guess we were safer than anyone else." Apparently, top Project leaders, who went to incredible leng ths to preserve security, saw no danger in trying out drugs on their personnel. The Manhattan Project supplied the first dozen test subjects, who were asked to swallow a concentrated, liquid form of marijuana that an American pharmaceutical company furnished in sm all glass vials. A Project man who was present recalls: "It didn't work the way we wanted. Apparently the human system would not take it all at once orally. The subjects w ould lean over and vomit." What is more, they disclosed no secrets, and one subj ect wound up in the hospital. Back to the drawing board went the OSS experts. They decided that the best way t o administer the marijuana was inhalation of its fumes. Attempts were made to po ur the solution on burning charcoal, and an OSS officer named George White (who had already succeeded in knocking himself out with an overdose of the relatively potent substance) tried out the vapor, without sufficient effect, at St. Elizab eth's. Finally, the OSS group discovered a delivery system which had been known for years to jazz musicians and other users: the cigarette. OSS documents report ed that smoking a mix of tobacco and the marijuana essence brought on a "state o f irresponsibility, causing the subject to be loquacious and free in his imparta tion of information." The first field test of these marijuana-laced cigarettes t ook place on May 27, 1943. The subject was one August Del Gracio, who was descri bed in OSS documents as a "notorious New York gangster."[2] George White, an Arm y captain who had come to OSS from the Federal Bureau of Narcotics, administered the drug by inviting Del Gracio up to his apartment for a smoke and a chat. Whi te had been talking to Del Gracio earlier about securing the Mafia's cooperation to keep Axis agents out of the New York waterfront and to prepare the way for the invasion of Sicily.[3] Del Gracio had already made it clear to White that he personally had taken part in killing informers who had squealed to the Feds. The gangster was as tough as they came, and if he could be induced to talk under the influence of a truth dru g, certainly German prisoners couldor so the reasoning went. White plied him wit

h cigarettes until "subject became high and extremely garrulous." Over the next two hours, Del Gracio told the Federal agent about the ins and outs of the drug trade (revealing information so sensitive that the CIA deleted it from the OSS d ocuments it released 34 years later). At one point in the conversation, after De l Gracio had begun to talk, the gangster told White, "Whatever you do, don't eve r use any of the stuff I'm telling you." In a subsequent session, White packed t he cigarettes with so much marijuana that Del Gracio became unconscious for abou t an hour. Yet, on the whole the experiment was considered a success in "loosening the subject's tongue." While members of the truth-drug committee never believed that the concentrated m arijuana could compel a person to confess his deepest secrets, they authorized W hite to push ahead with the testing. On the next stage, he and a Manhattan Proje ct counterintelligence man borrowed 15 to 18 thick dossiers from the FBI and wen t off to try the marijuana on suspected Communist soldiers stationed in military camps outside Atlanta, Memphis, and New Orleans. According to White's Manhattan Project sidekick, a Harvard Law graduate and future judge, they worked out a st andard interrogation technique: Before we went in, George and I would buy cigare ttes, remove them from the bottom of the pack, use a hypodermic needle to put in the fluid, and leave the cigarettes in a shot glass to dry. Then, we resealed t he pack.... We sat down with a particular soldier and tried to win his confidenc e. We would say something like "This is better than being overseas and getting s hot at," and we would try to break them. We started asking questions from their [FBI] folder, and we would let them see that we had the folder on them... We had a pitcher of ice water on the table, and we knew the drug had taken effect when they reached for a glass. The stuff actually worked.... Everyone but oneand he didn't smokegave us more information than we had before. The Manhattan Project lawyer remembers this swing through the South with George White as a "good time." The two men ate in the best restaurants and took in all the sights. "George was quite a guy," he says. "At the Roosevelt Hotel in New Or leans after we had interviewed our men, we were lying on the beds when George to ok out his pistol and shot his initials into the molding that ran along the ceil ing. He used his.22 automatic, equipped with a silencer, and he emptied several clips." Asked if he tried out the truth drug himself, the lawyer says, "Yes. The cigarettes gave you a feeling of walking a couple of feet off the floor. I had a pleasant sensation of well-being. ... The fellows from my office wouldn't take a cigarette from me for the rest of the war." Since World War II, the United States government, led by the Central Intelligenc e Agency, has searched secretly for ways to control human behavior. This book is about that search, which had its origins in World War II. The CIA programs were not only an extension of the OSS quest for a truth drug, but they also echoed s uch events as the Nazi experiments at Dachau and Albert Hofmann's discovery of L SD. By probing the inner reaches of consciousness, Hofmann's research took him to th e very frontiers of knowledge. As never before in history, the warring powers sought ideas from scie ntists capable of reaching those frontiersideas that could make the difference b etween victory and defeat. While Hofmann himself remained aloof, in the Swiss tr adition, other scientists, like Albert Einstein, helped turned the abstractions of the laboratory into incredibly destructive weapons. Jules Verne's notions of spaceships touching the moon stopped being absurd when Wernher von Braun's rocke ts started pounding London. With their creations, the scientists reached beyond the speculations of science fiction. Never before had their discoveries been so breathtaking and so frightening. Albert Hof mann's work touched upon the fantasies of the mindaccessible, in ancient legends , to witches and wizards who used spells and potions to bring people under their sway. In the early scientific age, the dream of controlling the brain took on a modern form in Mary Shelley's creation, Dr. Frankenstein's monster. The dream w ould be updated again during the Cold War era to become the Manchurian Candidate , the assassin whose mind was controlled by a hostile government.[4] Who could say for certain that such a

fantasy would not be turned into a reality like Verne's rocket stories or Einst ein's calculations? And who should be surprised to learn that government agencie sspecifically the CIAwould swoop down on Albert Hofmann's lab in an effort to ha rness the power over the mind that LSD seemed to hold? From the Dachau experiments came the cruelty that man was capable of heaping upo n his fellows in the name of advancing science and helping his country gain adva ntage in war. To say that the Dachau experiments are object lessons of how far p eople can stretch ends to justify means is to belittle by clich what occurred in the concentration camps. Nothing the CIA ever did in its postwar search for min d-control technology came close to the callous killing of the Nazi "aviation res earch." Nevertheless, in their attempts to find ways to manipulate people, Agency offici als and their agents crossed many of the same ethical barriers. They experimented with dangerous and unknown techniques on people who had no idea what was happening. They systematically violated the f ree will and mental dignity of their subjects, and, like the Germans, they chose to victimize special groups of people whose existence they considered, out of p rejudice and convenience, less worthy than their own. Wherever their extreme exp eriments went, the CIA sponsors picked for subjects their own equivalents of the Nazis' Jews and gypsies: mental patients, prostitutes, foreigners, drug addicts , and prisoners, often from minority ethnic groups. In the postwar era, American officials straddled the ethical and the cutthroat a pproaches to scientific research. After an Allied tribunal had convicted the first echelon of surviving Nazi war criminalsthe Grings and SpeersAmerican prosecutors charged the Dachau d octors with "crimes against humanity" at a second Nuremberg trial. None of the G erman scientists expressed remorse. Most claimed that someone else had carried o ut the vilest experiments. All said that issues of moral and personal responsibi lity are moot in state-sponsored research. What is critical, testified Dr. Karl Brandt, Hitler's personal physician, is "whether the experiment is important or unimportant." Asked his attitude toward killing human beings in the course of me dical research, Brandt replied, "Do you think that one can obtain any worthwhile fundamental results without a definite toll of lives?" The judges at Nuremberg rejected such defenses and put forth what came to be known as the Nuremberg Code on scientific research.[5] Its main points were simple: Researchers must obtain full voluntary consent from all subjects; experiments should yield fruitful results for the good of society that can be obtained in no other way; researchers should not conduct tests where dea th or serious injury might occur, "except, perhaps" when the supervising doctors also serve as subjects. The judges all Americans sentenced seven of the Germans , including Dr. Brandt, to death by hanging. Nine others received long prison se ntences. Thus, the U.S. government put its full moral force behind the idea that there were limits on what scientists could do to human subjects, even when a co untry's security was thought to hang in the balance. The Nuremberg Code has remained official American policy ever since 1946, but, e ven before the verdicts were in, special U.S. investigating teams were sifting t hrough the experimental records at Dachau for information of military value. The report of one such team found that while part of the data was "inaccurate," som e of the conclusions, if confirmed, would be "an important complement to existin g knowledge." Military authorities sent the records, including a description of the mescaline and hypnosis experiments, back to the United States. None of the G erman mind-control research was ever made public. Immediately after the war, large political currents began to shift in the world, as they always do. Allies became enemies and enemies became allies. Other changes were fresh and yet old. In the United States, the new Cold War against communism carried with it a pierc ing sense of fear and a sweeping sense of missionat least as far as American lea ders were concerned. Out of these feelings and out of that overriding American f aith in advancing technology came the CIA's attempts to tame hostile minds and m

ake spy fantasies real. Experiments went forward and the CIA's scientistsbitten, sometimes obsessedkept going back to their laboratories for one last adjustment . Some theories were crushed, while others emerged in unexpected ways that would have a greater impact outside the CIA than in the world of covert operations. O nly one aspect remained constant during the quarter-century of active research: The CIA's interest in controlling the human mind had to remain absolutely secret . World War II provided more than the grand themes of the CIA's behavioral program s. It also became the formative life experience of the principal CIA officials and, indeed, of the CIA itself as an institution. The secret derring-do of the OSS was new to the United States, and the ways of the O SS would grow into the ways of the CIA. OSS leaders would have their counterpart s later in the Agency. CIA officials tended to have known the OSS men, to think like them, to copy their methods, and even, in some cases, to be the same people . When Agency officials wanted to launch their massive effort for mind control, for instance, they got out the old OSS documents and went about their goal in ma ny of the same ways the OSS had. OSS leaders enlisted outside scientists; Agency officials also went to the most prestigious ones in academia and industry, soli citing aid for the good of the country. They even approached the same George Whi te who had shot his initials in the hotel ceiling while on OSS assignment. Years later, White's escapades with OSS and CIA would carry with them a humor cl early unintended at the time. To those directly involved, influencing human beha vior was a deadly serious business, but qualities like bumbling and pure crazine ss shine through in hindsight. In the CIA's campaign, some of America's most dis tinguished behavioral scientists would stick all kinds of drugs and wires into t heir experimental subjectsoften dismissing the obviously harmful effects with th eories reminiscent of the learned nineteenth-century physicians who bled their p atients with leeches and belittled the ignorance of anyone who questioned the te chnique. If the schemes of these scientists to control the mind had met with more success, they would be much less amusing. But so far, at least, the hu man spirit has apparently kept winning. Thatif anythingis the saving grace of th e mind-control campaign. World War II signaled the end of American isolation and innocence, and the Unite d States found it had a huge gap to close, with its enemies and allies alike, in applying underhanded tactics to war. Unlike Britain, which for hundreds of year s had used covert operations to hold her empire together, the United States had no tradition of using subversion as a secret instrument of government policy. Th e Germans, the French, the Russians, and nearly everyone else had long been invo lved in this game, although no one seemed as good at it as the British. Clandestine lobbying by British agents in the United States led directly to Pres ident Franklin Roosevelt's creation of the organization that became OSS in 1942. This was the first America n agency set up to wage secret, unlimited war. Roosevelt placed it under the com mand of a Wall Street lawyer and World War I military hero, General William "Wil d Bill" Donovan. A burly, vigorous Republican millionaire with great intellectua l curiosity, Donovan started as White House intelligence adviser even before Pea rl Harbor, and he had direct access to the President. Learning at the feet of the British who made available their expertise, if not a ll their secrets, Donovan put together an organization where nothing had existed before. A Columbia College and Columbia Law graduate himself, he tended to turn to the gentlemanly preserves of the Eastern establishment for recruits. (The initials OSS were said to stand for "Oh So Soci al.") Friendsor friends of friendscould be trusted. "Old boys" were the stalwart s of the British secret service, and, as with most other aspects of OSS, the Ame ricans followed suit. One of Donovan's new recruits was Richard Helms, a young newspaper executive the n best known for having gained an interview with Adolf Hitler in 1936 while work ing for United Press. Having gone to Le Rosey, the same Swiss prep school as the Shah of Iran, and then on to clubby Williams College Helms moved easily among t

he young OSS men. He was already more taciturn than the jovial Donovan, but he w as equally ambitious and skilled as a judge of character. For Helms, OSS spywork began a lifelong career. He would become the most important sponsor of mind-con trol research within the CIA, nurturing and promoting it throughout his steady c limb to the top position in the Agency. Like every major wartime official from President Roosevelt down, General Donovan believed that World War II was in large measure a battle of science and organiz ation. The idea was to mobilize science for defense, and the Roosevelt administration set up a costly, intertwining network of research programs to deal with everything from splitting the atom to preventi ng mental breakdowns in combat. Donovan named Boston industrialist Stanley Lovel l to head OSS Research and Development and to be the secret agency's liaison wit h the government scientific community. A Cornell graduate and a self-described "saucepan chemist," Lovell was a confide nt energetic man with a particular knack for coming up with offbeat ideas and selling them to others Lik e most of his generation, he was an outspoken patriot. He wrote in his diary sho rtly after Pearl Harbor: "As James Hilton said, 'Once at war, to reason is treas on.' My job is clearto do all that is in me to help America." General Donovan minced no words in laying out what he expected of Lovell: "I nee d every subtle device and every underhanded trick to use against the Germans and Japaneseby our own peoplebut especially by the underground resistance programs in all the occupied countries. You'll have to invent them all, Lovell, because y ou're going to be my man." Thus Lovell recalled his marching orders from Donovan , which he instantly received on being introduced to the blustery, hyperactive O SS chief. Lovell had never met anyone with Donovan's personal magnetism. Lovell quickly turned to some of the leading lights in the academic and private sectors. A special group called Division 19within James Conant's National Defens e Research Committee was set up to produce "miscellaneous weapons" for OSS and B ritish intelligence. Lovell's strategy, he later wrote, was "to stimulate the Pe ck's Bad Boy beneath the surface of every American scientist and to say to him, 'Throw all your normal law-abiding concepts out the window. Here's a chance to r aise merry hell.'" Dr. George Kistiakowsky, the Harvard chemist who worked on explosives research d uring the war (and who became science adviser to Presidents Eisenhower and Kenne dy) remembers Stanley Lovell well: "Stan came to us and asked us to develop ways for camouflaging explosives which could be smuggled into enemy countries." Kist iakowsky and an associate came up with a substance which was dubbed "Aunt Jemima " because it looked and tasted like pancake mix. Says Kistiakowsky: "You could b ake bread or other things out of it. I personally took it to a high-level meetin g at the War Department and ate cookies in front of all those characters to show them what a wonderful invention it was. All you had to do was attach a powerful detonator, and it exploded with the force of dynamite." Thus disguised, "Aunt J emima" could be slipped into occupied lands. It was credited with blowing up at least one maj or bridge in China. Lovell encouraged OSS behavioral scientists to find something that would offend Japanese cultural sensibilities. His staff anthropologists reported back that nothing was so shame ful to the Japanese soldier as his bowel movements. Lovell then had the chemists work up a skatole compound which duplicated the odor of diarrhea. It was loaded into collapsible tubes, flown to China, and distributed to children in enemy-oc cupied cities. When a Japanese officer appeared on a crowded street, the kids we re encouraged to slip up behind him and squirt the liquid on the seat of his pan ts. Lovell named the product "Who? Me?" and he credited it with costing the Japa nese "face." Unlike most weapons, "Who? Me?" was not designed to kill or maim. It was a "hara ssment substance" designed to lower the morale of individual Japanese. The inspi ration came from academicians who tried to make a science of human behavior. Dur ing World War II, the behavioral

sciences were still very much in their infancy, but OSS well before most of the outside worldrecognized their potential in warfare. Psychology and psychiatry, s ociology, and anthropology all seemed to offer insights that could be exploited to manipulate the enemy. General Donovan himself believed that the techniques of psychoanalysis might be turned on Adolf Hitler to get a better idea of "the things that made him tick," as Donovan put it. Donovan gave the job of being the Fuhrer's analyst to Walter Langer, a Cambridge, Massachusetts psychoanalyst whose older brother William had taken leave from a chair of history at Harvard to head OSS Research and Analysi s.[6] Langer protested that a study of Hitler based on available data would be h ighly uncertain and that conventional psychiatric and psychoanalytic methods cou ld not be used without direct access to the patient. Donovan was not the sort to be deterred by such details. He told Langer to go ahead anyway. With the help of a small research staff, Langer looked through everything he cou ld find on Hitler and interviewed a number of people who had know the German leader. Aware of the seve re limitations on his information, but left no choice by General Donovan, Langer plowed ahead and wrot e up a final study. It pegged Hitler as a "neurotic psychopath" and proceeded to pick apart the Fhrer's psyche. Langer, since retired to Florida, believes he ca me "pretty close" to describing the real Adolf Hitler. He is particularly proud of his predictions that the Nazi leader would become increasingly disturbed as G ermany suffered more and more defeats and that he would commit suicide rather th an face capture. One reason for psychoanalyzing Hitler was to uncover vulnerabilities that could be covertly exploited. Stanley Lovell seized upon one of Langer's ideasthat Hitl er might have feminine tendenciesand got permission from the OSS hierarchy to se e if he could push the Fhrer over the gender line.[7] "The hope was that his mou stache would fall off and his voice become soprano," Lovell wrote. Lovell used O SS's agent network to try to slip female sex hormones into Hitler's food, but no thing apparently came of it. Nor was there ever any payoff to other Lovell schem es to blind Hitler permanently with mustard gas or to use a drug to exacerbate h is suspected epilepsy. The main problem in these operationsall of which were tri edwas to get Hitler to take the medicine. Failure of the delivery schemes also k ept Hitler alive OSS was simultaneously trying to poison him.[8] Without question, murdering a man was a decisive way to influence his behavior, and OSS scientists developed an arsenal of chemical and biological poisons that included the incredibly potent botulinus toxin, whose delivery system was a gela tin capsule smaller than the head of a pin. Lovell and his associates also reali zed there were less drastic ways to manipulate an enemy's behavior, and they cam e up with a line of products to cause sickness, itching, baldness, diarrhea, and /or the odor thereof. They had less success finding a drug to compel truth telli ng, but it was not for lack of trying. Chemical and biological substances had been used in wartime long before OSS came on the scene. Both sides had used poison gas in World War I; during the early p art of World War II, the Japanese had dropped deadly germs on China and caused e pidemics; and throughout the war, the Allies and Axis powers alike had built up chemical and biological warfare (CBW) stockpiles, whose main function turned out, in the end, to be deterring the other side. Military men tended to l ook on CBW as a way of destroying whole armies and even populations. Like the wo rld's other secret services, OSS individualized CBW and made it into a way of se lectively but secretly embarrassing, disorienting, incapacitating, injuring, or killing an enemy. As diversified as were Lovell's scientific duties for OSS, they were narrow in c omparison with those of his main counterpart in the CIA's postwar mind-control p rogram, Dr. Sidney Gottlieb. Gottlieb would preside over investigations that ran ged from advanced research in amnesia by electroshock to dragnet searches throug h the jungles of Latin America for toxic leaves and barks. Fully in the traditio n of making Hitler moustacheless, Gottlieb's office would devise a scheme to mak

e Fidel Castro's beard fall out; like Lovell, Gottlieb would personally provide operators with deadly poisons to assassinate foreign leaders like the Congo's Pa trice Lumumba, and he would be equally at ease discussing possible applications of new research in neurology. On a much greater scale than Lovell's, Gottlieb wo uld track down every conceivable gimmick that might give one person leverage ove r another's mind. Gottlieb would preside over arcane fields from handwriting ana lysis to stress creation, and he would rise through the Agency along with his bu reaucratic patron, Richard Helms. Early in the war, General Donovan got another idea from the British, whose psych ologists and psychiatrists had devised a testing program to predict the performa nce of military officers. Donovan thought such a program might help OSS sort thr ough the masses of recruits who were being rushed through training. To create an assessment system for Americans, Donovan called in Harvard psychology professor Henry "Harry" Murray. In 1938 Murray had written Explorations of Personality, a notable book which laid out a whole battery of tests that could be used to size up the personalities of individuals. "Spying is attractive to loonies," states Murray. "Psychopaths, who are people who spend their lives making up stories, re vel in the field." The program's prime objective, according to Murray, was keepi ng out the crazies, as well as the "sloths, irritants, bad actors, and free talk ers." Always in a hurry, Donovan gave Murray and a distinguished group of colleagues o nly 15 days until the first candidates arrived to be assessed. In the interim, they took over a spacio us estate outside Washington as their headquarters. In a series of hurried meeti ngs, they put together an assessment system that combined German and British met hods with Murray's earlier research. It tested a recruit's ability to stand up u nder pressure, to be a leader, to hold liquor, to lie skillfully, and to read a person's character by the nature of his clothing. More than 30 years after the war, Murray remains modest in his claims for the as sessment system, saying that it was only an aid in weeding out the "horrors" among OSS candidates. Never theless, the secret agency's leaders believed in its results, and Murray's syste m became a fixture in OSS, testing Americans and foreign agents alike. Some of M urray's young behavioral scientists, like John Gardner,[9] would go on to become prominent in public affairs, and, more importantly, the OSS assessment program would be recognized as a milestone in American psychology. It was the first syst ematic effort to evaluate an individual's personality in order to predict his fu ture behavior. After the war, personality assessment would become a new field in itself, and some of Murray's assistants would go on to establish OSS-like syste ms at large corporations, starting with AT&T. They also would set up study progr ams at universities, beginning with the University of California at Berkeley.[10 ] As would happen repeatedly with the CIA's mind-control research, OSS was years ahead of public developments in behavioral theory and application. In the postwar years, Murray would be superseded by a young Oklahoma psychologis t John Gittinger, who would rise in the CIA on the strength of his ideas about h ow to make a hard science out of personality assessment and how to use it to man ipulate people. Gittinger would build an office within CIA that refined both Mur ray's assessment function and Walter Langer's indirect analysis of foreign leade rs. Gittinger's methods would become an integral part of everyday Agency operati ons, and he would become Sid Gottlieb's protg. Stanley Lovell reasoned that a good way to kill Hitlerand the OSS man was always looking for ideaswould be to hypnotically control a German prisoner to hate the Gestapo and the Nazi regime and then to give the subject a hypnotic suggestion to assassinate the Fhrer. The OSS candidate would be let loose in Germany where he would take the desired action, "being under a compulsion that might not be de nied," as Lovell wrote. Lovell sought advice on whether this scheme would work from New York psychiatris t Lawrence Kubie and from the famed Menninger brothers, Karl and William. The Me nningers reported that the weight of the evidence showed hypnotism to be incapab le of making people do anything that they would not otherwise do. Equally negati

ve, Dr. Kubie added that if a German prisoner had a logical reason to kill Hitle r or anyone else, he would not need hypnotism to motivate him. Lovell and his coworkers apparently accepted this skeptical view of hypnosis, as did the overwhelming majority of psychologists and psychiatrists in the country. At the time, hypnosi s was considered a fringe activity, and there was little recognition of either i ts validity or its usefulness for any purposelet alone covert operations. Yet th ere were a handful of serious experimenters in the field who believed in its mil itary potential. The most vocal partisan of this view was the head of the Psycho logy Department at Colgate University, George "Esty" Estabrooks. Since the early 1930s, Estabrooks had periodically ventured out from his sleepy upstate campus to advise the military on applications of hypnotism. Estabrooks acknowledged that hypnosis did not work on everyone and that only one person in five made a good enough subject to be placed in a deep trance, or sta te of somnambulism. He believed that only these subjects could be induced to suc h things against their apparent will as reveal secrets or commit crimes. He had watched respected members of the community make fools of themselves in the hands of stage hypnotists, and he had compelled his own students to reveal fraternity secrets and the details of private love affairsall of which the subjects presum ably did not want to do. Still his experience was limited. Estabrooks realized that the only certain way to know whether a person would commit a crime like murder under hypnosis was to have the person kill someone. Unwilling to settle the issue on his own by trying the experiment, he felt that government sanction of the process would relieve t he hypnotist of personal responsibility. "Any 'accidents' that might occur durin g the experiments will simply be charged to profit and loss," he wrote, "a very trifling portion of that enormous wastage in human life which is part and parcel of war." After Pearl Harbor, Estabrooks offered his ideas to OSS, but they were not accep ted by anyone in government willing to carry them to their logical conclusion. H e was reduced to writing books about the potential use of hypnotism in warfare. Cassandra-like, he tried to warn America of the perils posed by hypnotic control . His 1945 novel, Death in the Mind, concerned a series of seemingly treasonable acts committed by Allied personnel: an American submarine captain torpedoes one of our own battleships, and the beautiful heroine starts acting in an irrationa l way which serves the enemy. After a perilous investigation, secret agent Johnn y Evans learns that the Germans have been hypnotizing Allied personnel and condi tioning them to obey Nazi commands. Evans and his cohorts, shaken by the many wa ys hypnotism can be used against them, set up elaborate countermeasures and then cannot resist going on the offensive. Objections are heard from the heroine, wh o by this time has been brutally and rather graphically tortured. She complains that "doing things to people's minds" is "a loathsome way to fight." Her qualms are brushed aside by Johnny Evans, her lover and boss. He sets off after the Ger mans"to tamper with their minds; Make them traitors; Make them work for us." In the aftermath of the war, as the U.S. national security apparatus was being c onstructed, the leaders of the Central Intelligence Agency would adopt Johnny Evans' missionalmost in those very words. Richard Helms, Sid Gottlieb, John Gittinger, George White, and many others would undertake a far-flung and complicated assault on the human mind. I n hypnosis and many other fields, scientists even more eager than George Estabro oks would seek CIA approval for the kinds of experiments they would not dare per form on their own. Sometimes the Agency men concurred; on other occasions, they reserved such experiments for themselves. They would tamper with many minds and inevitably cause some to be damaged. In the end, they would minimize and hide th eir deeds, and they would live to see doubts raised about the health of their ow n minds. Notes The information on Albert Hofmann's first LSD trip and background on LSD came fr om an interview by the author with Hofmann, a paper by Hofmann called "The Disco

very of LSD and Subsequent investigations on Naturally Occurring Hallucinogens," another interview with Hofmann by Michael Horowitz printed in the June 1976 Hig h Times magazine, and from a CIA document on LSD produced by the Office of Scien tific Intelligence, August 30, 1955, titled "The Strategic Medical Significance of LSD-25." Information on the German mescaline and hypnosis experiments at Dach au came from "Technical Report no. 331-45, German Aviation Research at the Dacha u Concentration Camp," October, 1945, US Naval Technical Mission in Europe, foun d in the papers of Dr. Henry Beecher. Additional information came from Trials of War Criminals Before the Nuremberg Tribunal, the book Doctors of Infamy by Alex ander Mitscherlich and Fred Mielke (New York: H. Schuman, 1949), interviews with prosecution team members Telford Taylor, Leo Alexander, and James McHaney, and an article by Dr. Leo Alexander, "Sociopsychologic Structure of the SS," Archive s of Neurology and Psychiatry, May, 1948, Vol. 59, pp. 622-34. The OSS experience in testing marijuana was described in interviews with several former Manhattan Project counterintelligence men, an OSS document dated June 21 , 1943, Subject: Development of "truth drug," given the CIA identification numbe r A/B, I, 12/1; from document A/B, I, 64/34, undated, Subject: Memorandum Relati ve to the use of truth drug in interrogation; document dated June 2, 1943, Subje ct: Memorandum on T. D. A "confidential memorandum," dated April 4, 1954, found in the papers of George White, also was helpful. The quote on US prisoners passi ng through Manchuria came from document 19, 18 June 1953, Subject: ARTICHOKE Con ference. The information on Stanley Lovell came from his book, Of Spies and Strategems (E nglewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1963), from interviews with his son Richard, a perusal of his rem aining papers, interviews with George Kistiakowsky and several OSS veterans, and from "Science in World Wa r II, the Office of Scientific Research and Development" in Chemistry: A History of the Chemistry Components of the National Defense Research Committee, edited by W. A. Noyes, Jr. (Boston: Little, Brown & Company, 1948). Dr. Walter Langer provided information about his psychoanalytic portrait of Hitl er, as did his book, The Mind of Adolf Hitler (New York: Basic Books, 1972). Dr. Henry Murray also gave a n interview, as did several OSS men who had been through his assessment course. Murray's work is described at length in a book published after the war by the OS S Assessment staff, Assessment of Men (New York: Rinehart & Company, 1948). Material on George Estabrooks came from his books, Hypnotism (New York: E. P. Du tton and Co., 1945) and Death in the Mind, co-authored with Richard Lockridge (N ew York: E. P. Dutton, 1945), and interviews with his daughter, Doreen Estabrook s Michl, former colleagues, and Dr. Milton Kline. Footnotes 1. While Hofmann specifically used the word "trip" in a 1977 interview to descri be his consciousness-altering experience, the word obviously had no such meaning in 1943 and is used here anachronistically. 2. Del Gracio's name was deleted by the CIA from the OSS document that described the incident, but his identity was learned from the papers of George White, who se widow donated them to Foothills College in Los Altos, California. CIA officia ls cut virtually all the names from the roughly 16,000 pages of its own papers a nd the few score pages from OSS that it released to me under the Freedom of Info rmation Act. However, as in this case, many of the names could be found through collateral sources. 3. Naval intelligence officers eventually made a deal in which mob leaders promi sed to cooperate, and as a direct result, New York Governor Thomas Dewey ordered Del Gracio's chief, boss of bosses, Charles "Lucky" Luciano freed from jail in 1946. 4. The term "Manchurian Candidate" came into the language in 1959 when author Ri chard Condon made it the title of his best-selling novel that later became a pop ular movie starring Laurence Harvey and Frank Sinatra. The story was about a joi nt Soviet-Chinese plot to take an American soldier captured in Korea, condition him at a special brainwashing center located in Manchuria, and create a remote-c

ontrolled assassin who was supposed to kill the President of the United States. Condon consulted with a wide variety of experts while researching the book, and some inside sources may well have filled him in on the gist of a discussion that took place at a 1953 meeting at the CIA on behavior control. Said one participa nt, "... individuals who had come out of North Korea across the Soviet Union to freedom recently apparently had a blank period of disorientation while passing t hrough a special zone in Manchuria." The CIA and military men at this session pr omised to seek more information, but the matter never came up again in either th e documents released by the Agency or in the interviews done for this book. 5. The Code was suggested in essentially its final form by prosecution team cons ultant, Dr. Leo Alexander, a Boston psychiatrist. 6. Four months before Pearl Harbor, Donovan had enlisted Walter Langer to put to gether a nationwide network of analysts to study the morale of the country's young men, who, it was widely feared, were not enthusiastic about fighting a foreign war. Pearl Harbor seemed to solve this mor ale problem, but Langer stayed with Donovan as a part-time psychoanalytic consul tant. 7. Langer wrote that Hitler was "masochistic in the extreme inasmuch as he deriv es sexual pleasure from punishment inflicted on his own body. There is every reason to suppose that duri ng his early years, instead of identifying himself with his father as most boys do, he identified with his mother. This was perhaps easier for him than for most boys since, as we have seen, there is a large feminine component in his physica l makeup.... His extreme sentimentality, his emotionality, his occasional softne ss, and his weeping, even after he became Chancellor, may be regarded as manifes tations of a fundamental pattern that undoubtedly had its origin in his relation ship to his mother." 8. Although historians have long known that OSS men had been in touch with the G erman officers who tried to assassinate Hitler in 1944, the fact that OSS indepe ndently was trying to murder him has eluded scholars of the period. Stanley Lovell gave away the secret in his 1963 book, Of Spies and Strategems, but he used such casual and obscure words that the resear chers apparently did not notice. Lovell wrote: "I supplied now and then a carbam ate or other quietus medication, all to be injected into der Fhrer's carrots, be ets, or whatever." A "quietus medicine" is a generic term for a lethal poison, o f which carbamates are one type. 9. Gardner, a psychologist teaching at Mount Holyoke College, helped Murray set up the original program and went on to open the West Coast OSS assessment site a t a converted beach club in San Juan Capistrano. After the war, he would become Secretary of HEW in the Johnson administration and founder of Common Cause. 10. Murray is not at all enthusiastic with the spinoffs. "Some of the things don e with it turn your stomach," he declares. CIA officials started preliminary work on drugs and hypnosis shortly after the A gency's creation in 1947, but the behavior-control program did not really get go ing until the Hungarian government put Josef Cardinal Mindszenty on trial in 194 9. With a glazed look in his eyes, Mindszenty confessed to crimes of treason he apparently did not commit. His performance recalled the Moscow purge trials of 1 937 and 1938 at which tough and dedicated party apparatchiks had meekly pleaded guilty to long series of improbable offenses. These and a string of postwar tria ls in other Eastern European countries seemed staged, eerie, and unreal. CIA men felt they had to know how the Communists had rendered the defendants zombielike . In the Mindszenty case, a CIA Security Memorandum declared that "some unknown force" had controlled the Cardinal, and the memo speculated that the communist a uthorities had used hypnosis on him. In the summer of 1949, the Agency's head of Scientific Intelligence made a special trip to Western Europe to find out more about what the Soviets were doing and "to apply special methods of interrogation for the purpose of evaluation of Russian practices." In other words, fearful th at the communists might have used drugs and hypnosis on prisoners, a senior CIA

official used exactly the same techniques on refugees and returned prisoners fro m Eastern Europe. On returning to the United States, this official recommended t wo courses of action: first, that the Agency consider setting up an escape operation to free Mindszenty; and second, that the CIA train and send to Europe a team skilled in special" interrogation methods of the type he had tried out in Europe. By the spring of 1950, several other CIA branches were contemplating the operati onal use of hypnosis. The Office of Security, whose main job was to protect Agen cy personnel and facilities from enemy penetration, moved to centralize all acti vity in this and other behavioral fields. The Security chief, Sheffield Edwards, a former army colonel who a decade later would personally handle joint CIA-Mafi a operations, took the initiative by calling a meeting of all interested Agency parties and proposing that interrogation teams be formed under Security's comman d. Security would use the teams to check out agents and defectors for the whole CIA. Each team would consist of a psychiatrist, a polygraph (lie detector) exper t trained in hypnosis, and a technician. Edwards agreed not to use the teams ope rationally without the permission of a high-level committee. He called the proje ct BLUEBIRD, a code name which, like all Agency names, had no significance excep t perhaps to the person who chose it. Edwards classified the program TOP SECRET and stressed the extraordinary need for secrecy. On April 20, 1950, CIA director Roscoe Hillenkoetter approved BLUEBIRD and authorized the use of unvouchered fu nds to pay for its most sensitive areas. The CIA's behavior-control program now had a bureaucratic structure. The chief of Scientific Intelligence attended the original BLUEBIRD meeting in S heffield Edwards' office and assured those present that his office would keep trying to gather all possib le data on foreign particularly Russianefforts in the behavioral field. Not long afterward, his rep resentative arranged to inspect the Nuremberg Tribunal records to see if they co ntained anything useful to BLUEBIRD. According to a CIA psychologist who looked over the German research, the Agency did not find much of specific help. "It was a real horror story, but we learned what human beings were capable of," he reca lls. "There were some experiments on pain, but they were so mixed up with sadism as not to be useful.... How the victim coped was very interesting." At the beginning, at least, there was cooperation between the scientists and the interrogators in the CIA. Researchers from Security (who had no special expertise but who were experienced in police work) and researchers from Scientific Intelligence (who lacked operat ional background but who had academic training) pored jointly over all the open literature and secret reports. They quickly realized that the only way to build an effective defense against mind control was to understand its offensive possib ilities. The line between offense and defenseif it ever existedsoon became so bl urred as to be meaningless. Nearly every Agency document stressed goals like "co ntrolling an individual to the point where he will do our bidding against his wi ll and even against such fundamental laws of nature as self-preservation." On re ading one such memo, an Agency officer wrote to his boss: "If this is supposed t o be covered up as a defensive feasibility study, it's pretty damn transparent." Three months after the Director approved BLUEBIRD, the first team traveled to Ja pan to try out behavioral techniques on human subjectsprobably suspected double agents. The three men arrived in Tokyo in July 1950, about a month after the sta rt of the Korean War. No one needed to impress upon them the importance of their mission. The Security Office ordered them to conceal their true purpose from ev en the U.S. military authorities with whom they worked in Japan, using the cover that they would be performing "intensive polygraph" work. In stifling, debilita ting heat and humidity, they tried out combinations of the depressant sodium amy tal with the stimulant benzedrine on each of four subjects, the last two of whom also received a second stimulant, picrotoxin. They also tri ed to induce amnesia. The team considered the tests successful, but the CIA docu ments available on the trip give only the sketchiest outline of what happened.[1

] Then around October 1950, the BLUEBIRD team used "advanced" techniques on 25 s ubjects, apparently North Korean prisoners of war. By the end of that year, a Security operator, Morse Allen, had become the head o f the BLUEBIRD program. Forty years old at the time, Allen had spent most of his earlier career rooting out the domestic communist threat, starting in the late 1930s when he had joined the Civil Service Commision and set up its first securi ty files on communists. ("He knows their methods," wrote a CIA colleague.) Durin g World War II, Allen had served with Naval intelligence, first pursuing leftist s in New York and then landing with the Marines on Okinawa. After the war, he we nt to the State Department, only to leave in the late 1940s because he felt the Department was whitewashing certain communist cases. He soon joined the CIA's Office of Security. A suspicious man by inclination and training, Allen to ok nothing at face value. Like all counterintelligence or security operators, hi s job was to show why things are not what they seem to be. He was always thinkin g ahead and behind, punching holes in surface realities. Allen had no academic t raining for behavioral research (although he did take a short course in hypnotis m, a subject that fascinated him). He saw the BLUEBIRD job as one that called fo r studying every last method the communists might use against the United States and figuring out ways to counter them. The CIA had schooled Morse Allen in one field which in the CIA's early days beca me an important part of covert operations: the use of the polygraph. Probably mo re than any intelligence service in the world, the Agency developed the habit of strapping its foreign agentsand eventually, its own employees into the "box." T he polygraph measures physiological changes that might show lyingheartbeat, bloo d pressure, perspiration, and the like. It has never been foolproof. In 1949 the Office of Security estimated that it worked successfully on seven out of eight cases, a very high fraction but not one high enough for those in search of certa inty. A psychopathic liar, a hypnotized person, or a specially trained professio nal can "beat" the machine. Moreover, the skill of the person running the polygr aph and asking the questions determines how well the device will work. "A good o perator can make brilliant use of the polygraph without plugging it in," claims one veteran CIA case officer. Others maintain on ly somewhat less extravagantly that its chief value is to deter agents tempted t o switch loyalties or reveal secrets. The power of the machine real and imagined to detect infidelity and dishonesty can be an intimidating factor.[2] Neverthele ss, the polygraph cannot compel truth. Like Pinocchio's nose, it only indicates lying. In addition, the machine requires enough physical control over the subjec t to strap him in. For years, the CIA tried to overcome this limitation by devel oping a "super" polygraph that could be aimed from afar or concealed in a chair. In this field, as in many others, no behavior control scheme was too farfetched to investigate, and Agency scientists did make some progress. In December 1950, Morse Allen told his boss, Paul Gaynor, a retired brigadier ge neral with a long background in counterintelligence and interrogation that he had heard of experim ents with an "electro-sleep" machine in a Richmond, Virginia hospital. Such an i nvention appealed to Allen because it supposedly put people to sleep without sho ck or convulsions. The BLUEBIRD team had been using drugs to bring on a state si milar to a hypnotic trance, and Allen hoped this machine would allow an operator to put people into deep sleep without having to resort to chemicals. In theory, all an operator had to do was to attach the electrode-tipped wires to the subje ct's head and let the machine do the rest. It cost about $250 and was about twic e the size of a table-model dictating machine. "Although it would not be feasibl e to use it on any of our own people because there is at least a theoretical dan ger of temporary brain damage," Morse Allen wrote, "it would possibly be of valu e in certain areas in connection with POW interrogation or on individuals of int erest to this Agency." The machine never worked well enough to get into the test ing stage for the CIA. At the end of 1951, Allen talked to a famed psychiatrist (whose name, like most of the others, the CIA has deleted from the documents released) about a gruesome but more practical technique. This psychiatrist, a cleared Agency consultant, r

eported that electroshock treatments could produce amnesia for varying lengths o f time and that he had been able to obtain information from patients as they cam e out of the stupor that followed shock treatments. He also reported that a lowe r setting of the Reiter electroshock machine produced an "excruciating pain" tha t, while nontherapeutic, could be effective as "a third degree method" to make s omeone talk. Morse Allen asked if the psychiatrist had ever taken advantage of t he "groggy" period that followed normal electroshock to gain hypnotic control of his patients. No, replied the psychiatrist, but he would try it in the near fut ure and report back to the Agency. The psychiatrist also mentioned that continue d electroshock treatments could gradually reduce a subject to the "vegetable lev el," and that these treatments could not be detected unless the subject was give n EEG tests within two weeks. At the end of a memo laying out this information, Allen noted that portable, battery-driven electroshock machines had come on the market. Shortly after this Morse Allen report, the Office of Scientific Intelligence rec ommended that this same psychiatrist be given $100,000 in research funds "to develop electric shock and hypnotic techniques." While Allen thought this subject worth pursuing, he had so me qualms about the ultimate application of the shock treatments: "The objection s would, of course, apply to the use of electroshock if the end result was creat ion of a 'vegetable.' [I] believe that these techniques should not be considered except in gravest emergencies, and neutralization by confinement and/or removal from the area would be far more appropriate and certainly safer." In 1952 the Office of Scientific Intelligence proposed giving another private do ctor $100,000 to develop BLUEBIRD-related "neurosurgical techniques" presumably lobotomy-connecte d.[3] Similarly, the Security office planned to use outside consultants to find out about such techniques as ultrasonics, vibrations, concussions, high and low pressure, the uses of various gases in airtight chambers, diet variations, caffe ine, fatigue, radiation, heat and cold, and changing light. Agency officials loo ked into all these areas and many others. Some they studied intensively; others they merely discussed with consultants. The BLUEBIRD mind-control program began when Stalin was still alive, when the me mory of Hitler was fresh, and the terrifying prospect of global nuclear war was just sinking into popular consciousness. The Soviet Union had subjugated most of Eastern Europe, and a Communist party had taken control over the world's most p opulous nation, China. War had broken out in Korea, and Senator Joseph McCarthy' s anti-Communist crusade was on the rise in the United States. In both foreign a nd domestic politics, the prevailing mood was one of fear even paranoia. American officials have pointed to the Cold War atmosphere ever since as an excu se for crimes and excesses committed then and afterward. One recurring litany in national security investigations has been the testimony of the exposed official citing Cold War h ysteria to justify an act that he or she would not otherwise defend. The apprehe nsions of the Cold War do not provide a moral or legal shield for such acts, but they do help explain them. Even when the apprehensions were not well founded, t hey were no less real to the people involved. It was also a time when the United States had achieved a new preeminence in the world. After World War II, American officials wielded the kind of power that diplomats frequently dream of. They established new alliances, new rulers, and even new nations to suit th eir purposes. They dispensed guns, favors, and aid to scores of nations. Consequ ently, American officials were noticed, respected, and pampered wherever they we ntas never before. Their new sense of importance and their Cold War fears often made a dangerous combinationit is a fact of human nature that anyone who is both puffed up and afraid is someone to watch out for. In 1947 the National Security Act created not only the CIA but also the National Security Councilin sum, the command structure for the Cold War. Wartime OSS lea ders like William Donovan and Allen Dulles lobbied feverishly for the Act. Offic ials within the new command structure soon put their fear and their grandiose no

tions to work. Reacting to the perceived threat, they adopted a ruthless and war like posture toward anyone they considered an enemymost especially the Soviet Un ion. They took it upon themselves to fight communism and things that might lead to communism everywhere in the world. Few citizens disagreed with them; they app eared to express the sentiments of most Americans in that era, but national secu rity officials still preferred to act in secrecy. A secret study commission unde r former President Hoover captured the spirit of their call to clandestine warfa re: It is now clear we are facing an implacable enemy whose avowed objective is worl d domination by whatever means and at whatever cost. There are no rules in such a game. Hitherto acceptable long-standing American concepts of "fair play" must be reconsidered. We must develop effective espionage and counterespionage servic es and must learn to subvert, sabotage, and destroy our enemies by more clever, more sophisticated, and more effective methods than those used against us. The men in the new CIA took this job quite seriously. "We felt we were the first line of defense in the anti-Communist crusade," recalls Harry Rositzke, an earl y head of the Agency's Soviet Division. "There was a clear and heady sense of mi ssiona sense of what a huge job this was." Michael Burke, who was chief of CIA c overt operations in Germany before going on to head the New York Yankees and Mad ison Square Garden, agrees: "It was riveting.... One was totally absorbed in som ething that has become misunderstood now, but the Cold War in those days was a v ery real thing with hundreds of thousands of Soviet troops, tanks, and planes poised on the East German border, capable of mo ving to the English Channel in forty-eight hours." Hugh Cunningham, an Agency of ficial who stayed on for many years, remembers that survival itself was at stake , "What you were made to feel was that the country was in desperate peril and we had to do whatever it took to save it." BLUEBIRD and the CIA's later mind-control programs sprang from such alarm. As a matter of course, the CIA was also required to learn the methods and intentions of all possible foes. "If the CIA had not tried to find out what the Russians we re doing with mind-altering drugs in the early 1950s, I think the then-Director should have been fired," says Ray Cline, a former Deputy Director of the Agency. High Agency officials felt they had to know what the Russians were up to. Nevert heless, a careful reading of the contemporaneous CIA documents almost three deca des later indicates that if the Russians were scoring breakthroughs in the behav ior-control fieldwhose author they almost certainly were notthe CIA lacked intel ligence to prove that. For example, a 1952 Security document, which admittedly h ad an ax to grind with the Office of Scientific Intelligence, called the data ga thered on the Soviet programs "extremely poor." The author noted that the Agency 's information was based on "second- or third-hand rumors, unsupported statement s and non-factual data."[4] Apparently, the fears and fantasies aroused by the M indszenty trial and the subsequent Korean War "brainwashing" furor outstripped t he facts on hand. The prevalent CIA notion of a "mind-control gap" was as much of a myth as the la ter bomber and missile "gaps." In any case, beyond the defensive curiosity, mind control took on a momentum of its own. As unique and frightening as the Cold War was, it did not cause people working f or the government to react much differently to each other or power than at other times in American history. Bureaucratic squabbling went on right through the mo st chilling years of the behavior-control program. No matter how alarmed CIA off icials became over the Russian peril, they still managed to quarrel with their i nternal rivals over control of Agency funds and manpower. Between 1950 and 1952, responsibility for mind control went from the Office of Security to the Scientific Intelligence unit bac k to Security again. In the process, BLUEBIRD was rechristened ARTICHOKE. The bureaucratic wars were dra wn-out affairs, baffling to outsiders; yet many of the crucial turns in behavior al research came out of essentially bureaucratic considerations on the part of t he contending officials. In general, the Office of Security was full of pragmati sts who were anxious to weed out communists (and homosexuals) everywhere. They b

elieved the intellectuals from Scientific Intelligence had failed to produce "on e new, usable paper, suggestion, drug, instrument, name of an individual, etc., etc.," as one document puts it. The learned gentlemen from Scientific Intelligen ce felt that the former cops, military men, and investigators in Security lacked the technical background to handle so awesome a task as controlling the human m ind. "Jurisdictional conflict was constant in this area," a Senate committee would st ate in 1976. A 1952 report to the chief of the CIA's Medical Staff (itself a par ticipant in the infighting) drew a harsher conclusion: "There exists a glaring lack of cooperation among the various intra-Agency group s fostered by petty jealousies and personality differences that result in the re tardation of the enhancing and advancing of the Agency as a body." When Security took ARTICHOKE back from Scientific Intelligence in 1952, the victory lasted on ly two and one-half years before most of the behavioral work went to yet another CIA outfit, full of Ph.D.s with operational experiencethe Technical Services St aff (TSS).[5] There was bureaucratic warfare outside the CIA as well, although there were earl y gestures toward interagency cooperation. In April 1951 the CIA Director approved liaison with Ar my, Navy, and Air Force intelligence to avoid duplication of effort. The Army an d Navy were both looking for truth drugs, while the prime concern of the Air For ce was interrogation techniques used on downed pilots. Representatives of each s ervice attended regular meetings to discuss ARTICHOKE matters. The Agency also i nvited the FBI, but J. Edgar Hoover's men stayed away. During their brief period of cooperation, the military and the CIA also exchange d information with the British and Canadian governments. At the first session in June 1951, the British representative announced at the outset that there had been nothing new in the i nterrogation business since the days of the Inquisition and that there was little hope of achieving valuable results through research. H e wanted to concentrate on propaganda and political warfare as they applied to such threats as communist pe netration of trade unions. The CIA's minutes of the session record that this ske ptical Englishman finally agreed to the importance of behavioral research, but o ne doubts the sincerity of this conversion. The minutes also record a consensus of "no conclusive evidence" that either Western countries or the Soviets had mad e any "revolutionary progress" in the field, and describe Soviet methods as "rem arkably similar . . . to the age-old methods." Nonetheless, the representatives of the three countries agreed to continue investigating behavior-control methods because of their importance to "cold war operations." To what extent the Britis h and Canadians continued cannot be told. The CIA did not stop until the 1970s. Bureaucratic conflict was not the only aspect of ordinary government life that p ersisted through the Cold War. Officials also maintained their normal awareness of the ethical and legal c onsequences of their decisions. Often they went through contorted rationalizatio ns and took steps to protect themselves, but at least they recognized and paused over the various ethical lines before crossing them. It would be unfair to say that all moral awareness evaporated. Officials agonized over the consequences of their acts, and much of the bureaucratic record of behavior control is the hist ory of officials dealing with moral conflicts as they arose. The Security office barely managed to recruit the team psychiatrist in time for the first mission t o Japan, and for years, Agency officials had trouble attracting qualified medica l men to the project. Speculating why, one Agency memo listed such reasons as th e CIA's comparatively low salaries for doctors and ARTICHOKE's narrow profession al scope, adding that a candidate's "ethics might be such that he might not care to cooperate in certain more revolutionary phases of our project." This conside ration became explicit in Agency recruiting. During the talent search, another C IA memo stated hy another doctor seemed suitable: "His ethics are such that he would be completely cooperative in any phase of our program, regardless of how revolutionary it may

be." The matter was even more troublesome in the task of obtaining guinea pigs for mi nd-control experiments. "Our biggest current problem," noted one CIA memo, "is t o find suitable subjects." The men from ARTICHOKE found their most convenient so urce among the flotsam and jetsam of the international spy trade: "individuals o f dubious loyalty, suspected agents or plants, subjects having known reason for deception, etc." as one Agency document described them. ARTICHOKE officials look ed on these people as "unique research material," from whom meaningful secrets might be extr acted while the experiments went on. It is fair to say that the CIA operators tended to put less value on the lives o f these subjects than they did on those of American college students, upon whom preliminary, more benign te sting was done. They tailored the subjects to suit the ethical sensitivity of th e experiment. A psychiatrist who worked on an ARTICHOKE team stresses that no on e from the Agency wanted subjects to be hurt. Yet he and his colleagues were wil ling to treat dubious defectors and agents in a way which not only would be prof essionally unethical in the United States but also an indictable crime. In short , these subjects were, if not expendable, at least not particularly prized as hu man beings. As a CIA psychologist who worked for a decade in the behavior-contro l program, puts it, "One did not put a high premium on the civil rights of a per son who was treasonable to his own country or who was operating effectively to d estroy us." Another ex-Agency psychologist observes that CIA operators did not h ave "a universal concept of mankind" and thus were willing to do things to forei gners that they would have been reluctant to try on Americans. "It was strictly a patriotic vision," he says. ARTICHOKE officials never seemed to be able to find enough subjects. The profess ional operatorsparticularly the traditionalistswere reluctant to turn over agent s to the Security men with their unproved methods. The field men did not particu larly want outsiders, such as the ARTICHOKE crew, getting mixed up in their oper ations. In the spy business, agents are very valuable property indeed, and opera tors tend to be very protective of them. Thus the ARTICHOKE teams were given mos tly the dregs of the clandestine underworld to work on. Inexorably, the ARTICHOKE men crossed the clear ethical lines. Morse Allen belie ved it proved little or nothing to experiment on volunteers who gave their informed consent. For all the ir efforts to act naturally, volunteers still knew they were playing in a make-believe game. Consciously or i ntuitively, they understood that no one would allow them to be harmed. Allen fel t that only by testing subjects "for whom much is at stake (perhaps life and dea th)," as he wrote, could he get reliable results relevant to operations. In docu ments and conversation, Allen and his coworkers called such realistic tests "ter minal experiments"terminal in the sense that the experiment would be carried thr ough to completion. It would not end when the subject felt like going home or wh en he or his best interest was about to be harmed. Indeed, the subject usually h ad no idea that he had ever been part of an experiment. In every field of behavior control, academic researchers took the work only so f ar. From Morse Allen's perspective, somebody then had to do the terminal experiment to find out how wel l the technique worked in the real world: how drugs affected unwitting subjects, how massive electroshock influenced memory, how prolonged sensory deprivation d isturbed the mind. By definition, terminal experiments went beyond conventional ethical and legal limits. The ultimate terminal experiments caused death, but AR TICHOKE sources state that those were forbidden. For career CIA officials, exceeding these limits in the name of national securit y became part of the job, although individual operators usually had personal lines they would not cross. M ost academics wanted no part of the game at this stagenor did Agency men always like having these outsiders around. If academic and medical consultants were bro

ught along for the terminal phase, they usually did the work overseas, in secret . As Cornell Medical School's famed neurologist Harold Wolff explained in a rese arch proposal he made to the CIA, when any of the tests involved doing harm to t he subjects, "We expect the Agency to make available suitable subjects and a pro per place for the performance of the necessary experiments." Any professional ca ught trying the kinds of things the Agency came to sponsorholding subjects priso ner, shooting them full of unwanted drugsprobably would have been arrested for k idnapping or aggravated assault. Certainly such a researcher would have been dis graced among his peers. Yet, by performing the same experiment under the CIA's b anner, he had no worry from the law. His colleagues could not censure him becaus e they had no idea what he was doing. And he could take pride in helping his cou ntry. Without having been there in person, no one can know exactly what it felt like t o take part in a terminal experiment. In any case, the subjects probably do not have fond memories of the experience. While the researchers sometimes resembled Alphonse and Gastone, they took themselves and t heir work very seriously. Now they are either dead, or, for their own reasons, t hey do not want to talk about the tests. Only in the following case have I been able to piece together anything approaching a firsthand account of a terminal ex periment, and this one is quite mild compared to the others the ARTICHOKE men pl anned. Notes The origins of the CIA's ARTICHOKE program and accounts of the early testing cam e from the following agency Documents # 192, 15 January 1953; #3,17 May 1949; A/ B, I,8/1,24 February 1949; February 10, 1951 memo on Special Interrogations (no document #); A/B, II, 30/2, 28 September 1949; #5, 15 August 1949; #8, 27 Septem ber 1949; #6, 23 August 1949; #13, 5 April 1950; #18, 9 May 1950; #142 (transmit tal slip), 19 May 1952; #124, 25 January 1952; A/B, IV, 23/32, 3 March 1952; #23 , 21 June 1950; #10, 27 February 1950; #37, 27 October 1950; A/B, I, 39/1, 12 De cember 1950; A/B, II, 2/2, 5 March 1952; A/B, II, 2/1, 15 February 1952; A/B, V, 134/3, 3 December 1951; A/B, I, 38/5, 1 June 1951; and #400, undated, "Specific Cases of Overseas Testing and Applications of Behavioral Drugs." The documents were supplemented by interviews with Ray Cline, Harry Rositzke, Mi chael Burke, Hugh Cunningham, and several other ex-CIA men who asked to remain anonymous. The Fina l Report of the Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect t o Intelligence (henceforth called the Church Committee Report) provided useful b ackground. Documents giving background on terminal experiments include #A/B, II, 10/57; #A/ B, II, 10/58, 31 August, 1954; #A/B, II, 10/ 17, 27 September 1954; and #A/B, I, 76/4, 21 March 1955. Footnotes 1. For a better-documented case of narcotherapy and narcohypnosis, see Chapter 3 . 2.While the regular polygraphing of CIA career employees apparently never has tu rned up a penetration agent in the ranks, it almost certainly has a deterrent effect on those consider ing coming out of the homosexual closet or on those considering dipping into the large sums of cash dispensed from proverbial black bags. 3. Whether the Agency ultimately funded this or the electric-shock proposal cite d above cannot be determined from the documents. 4. The CIA refused to supply either a briefing or additional material when I ask ed for more background on Soviet behavior-control programs. 5. This Agency component, responsible for providing the supporting gadgets disgu ises, forgeries, secret writing, and weapons, has been called during its history the Technical Services Division and the Office of Technical Services as well as TSS, the name which will be used throughout this b ook.

The Professor and the "A" Treatment The three men were all part of the same Navy team, traveling together to Germany. Their trip was so sensitive that they had been ordered to ignore each other, even as they waited in the terminal at Andrew s Air Force Base outside Washington on a sweltering August morning in 1952. Just the month before, Gary Cooper had opened in High Noon, and the notion of showdo wnwhether with outlaws or communistswas in the air. With war still raging in Kor ea, security consciousness was high. Even so, the secrecy surrounding this Navy mission went well beyond ordinary TOP SECRET restrictions, for the team was slat ed to link up in Frankfurt with a contingent from the most hush-hush agency of a ll, the CIA. Then the combined group was going to perform dangerous experiments on human subjects. Both Navy and CIA officials believed that any disclosure abou t these tests would cause grave harm to the American national interest. The Navy team sweated out a two-hour delay at Andrews before the four-engine mil itary transport finally took off. Not until the plane touched down at the Americ an field in the Azores did one of the group, a representative of Naval intelligence, flash a prearranged signal indicating that they were not being watched and they could talk. "It was all this cloak-and-dag ger crap," recalls another participant, Dr. Samuel Thompson, a psychiatrist, phy siologist, and pharmacologist who was also a Navy commander. The third man in the party was G. Richard Wendt, chairman of the Psychology Depa rtment at the University of Rochester and a part-time Navy contractor. A small 4 6yearold man with graying blond hair and a fair-sized paunch, Wendt had been the only one with companionship during the hours of decreed silence. He had brought along his attractive young assistant, ostensibly to help him with the experimen ts. She was not well received by the Navy men, nor would she be appreciated by t he CIA operators in Frankfurt. The behavior-control field was very much a man's world, except when women subjects were used. The professor's relationship with this particular lady was destined to bec ome a source of friction with his fellow experimenters, and, eventually, a topic of official CIA reporting. In theory, Professor Wendt worked under Dr. Thompson's supervision in a highly c lassified Navy program called Project CHATTER, but the strong-minded psychologist did not take anyone's orders easily. Very much an independent spirit, Wendt ironically, had a ccepted CHATTER's goal of weakening, if not eliminating, free will in others. Th e Navy program, which had started in 1947, was aimed at developing a truth drug that would force people to reveal their innermost secrets. Thompson, who inherited Wendt and CHATTER in 1951 when he became head of psychia tric research at the Naval Medical Research Institute, remembers Naval intellige nce telling him of the need for a truth drug in case "someone planted an A-bomb in one of our cities and we had twelve hours to find out from a person where it was. What could we do to make him talk?" Thompson concedes he was always "negati ve" about the possibility that such a drug could ever exist, but he cites the fe ar that the Russians might develop their own miracle potion as reason enough to justify the program. Also, Thompson and the other U.S. officials could not resis t looking for a pill or panacea that would somehow make their side all-knowing o r all-powerful. Professor Wendt had experimented with drugs for the Navy before he became involv ed in the search for a truth serum. His earlier work had been on the use of Dram amine and other methods to prevent motion sickness, and now that he was doing mo re sensitive research, the Navy hid it under the cover of continuing his "motion sickness" study. At the end of 1950, the Navy gave Wendt a $300,000 contract to study such substances as barbiturates, amphetamines, alcohol, and heroin. To pr eserve secrecy, which often reached fetish proportions in mind-control research, the money flowed to him not through Navy channels but out of the Secretary of Defense's contingency fund. For those drugs that were not available from pharmaceutical companies, Navy officials went to the Federal Bureau of Narc otics. The commissioner of Narcotics personally signed the papers, and special c ouriers carried pouches of illegal drugs through Washington streets and then up

to the professor at Rochester. Receipts show that the Bureau sent the Navy 30 gr ams of pure heroin and 11 pounds of "Mexican grown" marijuana, among other drugs . Like most serious drug researchers, Wendt sampled everything first before testin g on assistants and students. The drug that took up the most space in his first progress report was heroin. He had became his own prime subject. At weekly intervals, he told the Na vy, the psychologist gave himself heroin injections and then wrote down his reac tions as he moved through the "full range" of his life: driving, shopping, recre ation, manual work, family relations, and sexual activity. He noted in himself " slight euphoria . . . heightened aesthetic appreciation . . . absentminded behav ior . . . lack of desire to operate at full speed . . . lack of desire for alcoh ol . . . possibly reduced sex interest . . . feeling of physical well-being." He concluded in his report that heroin could have "some, but slight value for inte rrogation" if used on someone "worked on for a long period of time."[1] Wendt never had any trouble getting student volunteers. He simply posted a notic e on a campus bulletin board, and he wound up with a long waiting list. He chose only men subj ects over 21, and he paid everyone accepted after a long interview $1.00 an hour . With so much government money to spend, he hired over 20 staff assistants, and he built a whole new testing facility in the attic of the school library. Wendt was cautious with his students, and he apparently did not share the hard drugs with them. He usually tested subjects in small groupsfour to eight at a time. He and his associates watched through a two-way mirror and wrote down the subjects ' reactions. He always used both placebos (inert substances) and drugs; the stud ents never knew whatif anythingthey were taking. According to Dr. Thompson, to h ave alerted them in advance and thus given themselves a chance to steel themselv es up "would have spoiled the experiment." Nonetheless, Wendt's procedure was a far cry from true unwitting testing. Any dr ug that was powerful enough to break through an enemy's resistance could have a traumatic effect on the person taking itparticularly if the subject was totally unaware of what was happening. The Navy research plan was to do preliminary stud ies on subjects like Wendt's students, and then, as soon as the drug showed prom ise, to try it under field conditions. Under normal scientific research, the ope rational tests would not have been run before the basic work was finished. But t he Navy could not wait. The drugs were to be tested on involuntary subjects. Tho mpson readily admits that this procedure was "unethical," but he says, "We felt we had to do it for the good of country." During the summer of 1952, Professor Wendt announced that he had found a concoct ion "so special" that it would be "the answer" to the truth-drug problem, as Tho mpson recalls it. "I thought it would be a good idea to call the Agency," says T hompson. "I thought they might have someone with something to spill." Wendt was adamant on one point: He would not tell anyone in the Navy or the CIA what his p otion contained. He would only demonstrate. Neither the CHATTER nor ARTICHOKE te ams could resist the bait. The Navy had no source of subjects for terminal experiments, but the CIA m en agreed to furnish the human beingsin Germanyeven though they had no idea what Wendt had in store for his guinea pigs. The CIA named the operation CASTIGATE. After settling into a Frankfurt hotel, Wendt, Thompson, and the Naval Intelligen ce man set out to meet the ARTICHOKE crew at the local CIA headquarters. It was located in the huge, el ongated building that had housed the I. G. Farben industrial complex until the e nd of the war. The frantic bustle of a U.S. military installation provided ideal cover for this CIA base, and the arrival of a few new Americans attracted no sp ecial attention. The Navy group passed quickly through the lobby and rode up the elevator. At the CIA outer office, the team members had to show identification, and Thompson says they were frisked. The Naval Intelligence man had to check hi s revolver. A secretary ushered the Navy group in to meet the ARTICHOKE contingent, which ha d arrived earlier from Washington. The party included team leader Morse Allen, h

is boss in the Office of Security, Paul Gaynor, and a prominent Washington psych iatrist who regularly left his private practice to fly off on special missions f or the Agency. Also present were case officers from the CIA's Frankfurt base who had taken care of the support arrangementsthe most important of which was suppl ying the subjects. Everyone at the meeting wanted to know what drugs Wendt was going to use on the five selected subjects, who included one known double agent, one suspected doubl e, and the three defectors. The professor still was not talking. Dr. Thompson as ked what would happen if something went wrong and the subject died. He recalls o ne of the Frankfurt CIA men replying, "Disposal of the body would be no problem. " After the session ended, Thompson took Wendt aside and pointed out that since th e professor, unlike Thompson, was neither a psychiatrist nor a pharmacologist, he was acting irrespo nsibly in not having a qualified physician standing by with antidotes in case of trouble. Wendt final ly relented and confided in Thompson that he was going to slip the subjects a combination of the depressant Seconal, the stimulant Dexedrine, and tetrahydrocannabinol, the active ingredient in marijuana. Thompso n was dumbfounded. He remembers wanting to shoot Wendt on the spot. These were a ll well-known drugs that had been thoroughly tested. Indeed, even the idea of mi xing Seconal and Dexedrine was not original: The combined drug already had its o wn brand nameDexamyl (and it would eventually have a street name, "the goofball"). Thompson quickly passed on to the CIA men what Wendt had in min d.[2] They, too, were more than a little disappointed. Nevertheless, there was n ever any thought of stopping the experiments. The ARTICHOKE team had its own met hods to try, even if Wendt's proved a failure, and the whole affair had develope d its own momentum. Since this was one of the early ARTICHOKE trips into the fie ld, the team was still working to perfect the logistics of testing. It had reser ved two CIA "safehouses" in the countryside not far from Frankfurt, and American s had been assigned to guard the experimental sites. Agency managers had already completed the paperwork for the installation of hidden microphones and two-way mirrors, so all the team memb ers could monitor the interrogations. The first safehouse proved to be a solid old farmhouse set picturesquely in the middle of green fields, far from the nearest dwelling. The ARTICHOKE and CHATTER groups drove up just as the CIA's carpenters were cleaning up the mess they had made in ripping a hole through the building's thick walls. The house had existed for several hu ndred years without an observation glass peering in on the sitting room, and it had put up some structural resistance to the workmen. Subject #1 arrived in the early afternoon, delivered in a CIA sedan by armed ope rators, who had and cuffed him, shackled his feet, and made him lie down on the floor of the back seat. Agency officials described him as a suspected Russian ag ent, about 40 years old, who had a "Don Juan complex." One can only imagine how the subject must have reacted to these rather inconsistent Americans who only a few hours earlier had literally grabbed him out of confinement, harshly bound hi m, and sat more or less on top of him as they wandered through idyllic German fa rm country, and who now were telling him to relax as they engaged him in friendly conversation and offered him a beer. He ha d no way of knowing that it would be the last unspiked drink he would have for q uite some time. On the following morning, the testing started in earnest. Wendt put 20 mg. of Se conal in the subject's breakfast and then followed up with 50 mg. of Dexedrine in each of his two morni ng cups of coffee. Wendt gave him a second dose of Seconal in his luncheon beer. The subject was obviously not his normal selfwhatever that was. What was clear was that Wendt was in way over his head, and even the little professor seemed to realize it. "I don't know how to deal with these people," he told the CIA psych

iatric consultant. Wendt flatly refused to examine the subject, leaving the inte rrogation to the consultant. For his part, the consultant had little success in extracting information not already known to the CIA. The third day was more of the same: Seconal with breakfast, Dexedrine and mariju ana in a glass of water afterwards. The only break from the previous day's routine came at 10:10 A.M. wh en the subject was allowed to play a short poker game. Then he was given more of Wendt's drugs in two red capsules that were, he was told, "a prescription for h is nerves." By 2:40 P.M., Wendt declared that this subject was not the right per sonality type for his treatment. He explained to his disgusted colleagues that i f someone is determined to lie, these drugs will only make him a better liar. He said that the marijuana extract produced a feeling of not wanting to hold anyth ing back and that it worked best on people who wanted to tell the truth but were afraid to. OSS had discovered the same thing almost a decade earlier. Wendt retired temporarily from the scene, and the others concluded it would be a shame to waste a good subject. They decided to give him the "A" (for ARTICHOKE) treatment. This, too, was not very original. It had been used during the war to interrogate prisoners and treat shell-shocked soldiers. As practiced on the suspected Russian agent, i t consisted of injecting enough sodium pentothal into the vein of his arm to kno ck him out and then, twenty minutes later, stimulating him back to semiconscious ness with a shot of Benzedrine. In this case, the benzedrine did not revive the subject enough to suit the psychiatric consultant and he told Dr. Thompson to gi ve the subject another 10 mg. ten minutes later. This put the subject into a sta te somewhere between waking and sleepingalmost comatose and yet bug-eyed. In hyp notic tones that had to be translated into Russian by an interpreter, the consul tant used the technique of "regression" to convince the subject he was talking t o his wife Eva at some earlier time in his life. This was no easy trick, since a male interpreter was playing Eva. Nevertheless, the consultant states he could "create any fantasy" with 60 to 70 percent of his patients, using narcotherapy ( as in this case) or hypnosis. For roughly an hour, the subject seemed to have no idea he was not speaking with his wife but with CIA operatives trying to find o ut about his relationship with Soviet intelligence. When the subject started to doze, the consultant had Thompson give him a doubled jolt of Benzedrine. A half hour later, the subject began to weep violently. The consultant decided to end t he session, and in his most soothing voice, he urged the subject to fall asleep. As the subject calmed down, the consultant suggested, with friendly and soothing words, that the subject would remember nothing of the expe rience when he woke up. Inducing amnesia was an important Agency goal. "From the ARTICHOKE point of view ," states a 1952 document, "the greater the amnesia produced, the more effective the results." Obviously if a victim remembered the "A" treatment, it would stop being a closely guarded ARTICHOKE secret. Presumably, some subject who really d id work for the Russians would tell them how the Americans had worked him over. This reality made "disposal" of ARTICHOKE subjects a particular problem. Killing them seems to have been ruled out, but Agency officials made sure that some sta yed in foreign prisons for long periods of time. While in numerous specific case s, ARTICHOKE team members claimed success in making their subjects forget, their outside consultants had told them "that short of cutting a subject's throat, a true amnesia cannot be guaranteed." As early as 1950, the Agency had put out a c ontract to a private researcher to find a memory-destroying drug, but to no appa rent avail.[3] In any case, it would be unreasonable to assume that over the yea rs at least one ARTICHOKE subject did not shake off the amnesic commands and tel l the Russians what happened to him. As was so often the case with CIA operation s, the enemy probably had a much better idea of the Agency's activities than the folks back home. Back at the safehouse, Wendt was far from through. Four more subjects would be b rought to him. The next one was an alleged double agent whom the CIA had code-na med EXPLOSIVE. Agency documents describe him as a Russian "professional agent ty pe" and "a hard-boiled individual who apparently has the ability to lie consiste

ntly but not very effectively." He was no stranger to ARTICHOKE team members who , a few months before, had plied him with a mixture of drugs and hypnosis under the cover of a "psychiatric-medical" exam. At that time, a professional hypnotis t had accompanied the team, and he had given his commands through an elaborate i ntercom system to an interpreter who, in turn, was apparently able to put EXPLOS IVE under.[4] Afterward, the team reported to the CIA's Director that EXPLOSIVE had revealed "extremely valuable" information and that he had been made to forge t his interrogation through a hypnotically induced amnesia. Since that time EXPL OSIVE had been kept in custody. Now he was being brought out to give Professor Wendt a crack at him with the Seconal -Dexedrine-marijuana combination. This time, Wendt gave the subject all three drugs together in one beer, delivere d at the cocktail hour. Next came Seconal in a dinner beer and then all three once more in a postprandia l beer. There were little, if any, positive results. Wendt ended the session aft er midnight and commented, "At least we learned one thing from this experiment. The people you have to deal with here are different from American college studen ts." During the next week, the CIA men brought Wendt three more subjects, with little success. The general attitude toward Wendt became, in Thompson's words, "hostil e as all hell." Both the Agency and the Navy groups questioned his competence. W ith one subject, the professor declared he had given too strong a dose; with the next, too weak. While he had advertised his drugs as tasteless, the subjects re alized they had swallowed something. As one subject in the next room was being i nterrogated in Russian that no one was bothering to translate, Wendt took to pla ying the same pattern on the piano over and over for a half hour. While the fina l subject was being questioned, Wendt and his female assistant got a little tips y on beer. Wendt became so distracted during this experiment that he finally adm itted, "My thoughts are elsewhere." His assistant began to giggle. Her presence had become like an open sorewhich was made more painful when Mrs. Wendt showed up in Frankfurt and the p rofessor threatened to jump off a church tower, Thompson recalls. Wendt is not alive to give his version of what happened, but both CIA and Navy s ources are consistent in their description of him. ARTICHOKE team leader Morse Allen felt he had been the victim of "a fraud or at least a gross misinterpretation," and he described the trip as "a waste of time and money." A man who usually hid his feelings, Allen became livid when Wendt's assistant measured drugs out with a penknife. He recom mended in his final report that those who develop drugs not be allowed to partic ipate in future field testing. "This, of course, does not mean that experimental work is condemned by the ARTICHOKE team," he wrote, "but a common sense approac h in this direction will preclude arguments, alibis, and complaints as in the recent situation." In keeping with this "common sense appro ach," he also recommended that as "an absolute rule," no women be allowed on ART ICHOKE missionsbecause of the possible danger and because "personal convenience, toilet facilities, etc., are complicated by the presence of women." Morse Allen and his ARTICHOKE mates returned to the States still convinced that they could find ways to control human behavior, but the Navy men were shaken. Th eir primary contractor had turned out to be a tremendous embarrassment. Dr. Thom pson stated he could never work with Wendt again. Navy officials soon summoned W endt to Bethesda and told him they were canceling their support for his research . Adding insult to injury, they told him they expected refund of all unspent mon ey. While the Navy managers made some effort to continue CHATTER at other instit utions, the program never recovered from the Wendt fiasco. By the end of the nex t year, 1953, the Korean War had ended and the Navy abandoned CHATTER altogether . Over the next two decades, the Navy would still sponsor large amounts of special ized behavioral research, and the Army would invest huge sums in schemes to inca pacitate whole armies with powerful drugs. But the CIA clearly pulled far into t he lead in mind control. In those areas in which military research continued, th

e Agency stayed way ahead. The CIA consistently was out on what was called the " cutting edge" of the research, sponsoring the lion's share of the most harrowing experiments. ARTICHOKE and its successor CIA programs became an enormous effort that harnessed the energies of hundreds of scientists. The experience of the CIA psychiatric consultant provides a small personal glimp se of how it felt to be a soldier in the mind-control campaign. This psychiatrist, who insists on anonymit y, estimates that he made between 125 and 150 trips overseas on Agency operation s from 1952 through his retirement in 1966. "To be a psychiatrist chasing off to Europe instead of just seeing the same patients year after year, that was extra ordinary," he reminisces. "I wish I was back in those days. I never got tired of it." He says his assignments called for "practicing psychiatry in an ideal way, which meant you didn't become involved with your patients. You weren't supposed to." Asked how he felt about using drugs on unwitting foreigners, he snaps, "De pends which side you were on. I never hurt anyone. . . . We were at war." For the most part, the psychiatrist stopped giving the "A" treatment after the m id-1950s but he continued to use his professional skills to assess and manipulat e agents and defectors. His job was to help find out if a subject was under anot her country's control and to recommend how the person could be switched to the C IA's. In this work, he was contributing to the mainstream of CIA activity that p ermeates its institutional existence from its operations to its internal politic s to its social life: the notion of controlling people. Finding reliable ways to do that is a primary CIA goal, and the business is often a brutal one. As forme r CIA Director Richard Helms stated in Senate testimony, "The clandestine operat or . . . is trained to believe you can't count on the honesty of your agent to d o exactly what you want or to report accurately unless you own him body and soul ." Like all the world's secret services, the CIA sought to find the best methods of owning people and making sure they stayed owned. How could an operator be sure of an agent's loyalties? Refugees and defectors were flooding Western Europe, an d the CIA wanted to exploit them. Which ones were telling the truth? Who was a d eception agent or a provocateur. The Anglo-American secret invasion of Albania h ad failed miserably. Had they been betrayed?[5] Whom could the CIA trust? One way to try to answer these questions is to use physical duressor torture. As ide from its ethical drawbacks, however, physical brutality simply does not work very well. As a seni or counterintelligence official explains, "If you have a blowtorch up someone's ass, he'll give you tactical information." Yet he will not be willing or able to play the modern espionage game on the level desired by the CIA. One Agency docu ment excludes the use of torture "because such inhuman treatment is not only out of keeping with the traditions of this country, but of dubious effectiveness as compared with various supplemental psychoanalytical techniques." The second and most popular method to get answers is traditional spy tradecraft. Given enough time, a good interrogator can very often find out a person's secre ts. He applies persuasion and mental seduction, mixed with psychological pressur es of every descriptionemotional carrots and sticks. A successful covert operato r uses the same sorts of techniques in recruiting agents and making sure they st ay in line. While the rest of the population may dabble in this sort of manipula tion, the professional operator does it for a living, and he operates mostly out side the system of restraints that normally govern personal relationships. "I ne ver gave a thought to legality or morality," states a retired and quite cynical Agency case officer with over 20 years' experience. "Frankly, I did what worked. " The operator pursues people he can turn into "controlled sources"agents willing to do his bidding either in supplying intelligence or taking covert action. He seeks people in a p osition to do something useful for the Agencyor who someday might be in such a p osition, perhaps with CIA aid. Once he picks his target, he usually looks for a weakness or vulnerability he can play on. Like a good fisherman, the clever oper ator knows that the way to hook his prey is to choose an appropriate bait, which

the target will think he is seizing because he wants to. The hook has to be fir mly implanted; the agent sometimes tries to escape once he understands the impli cations of betraying his country. While the case officer might try to convince h im he is acting for the good of his homeland, the agent must still face up to be ing branded a traitor. Does every man have his price? Not exactly, states the senior counterintelligenc e man, but he believes a shrewd operator can usually find a way to reach anyone, particularly through his family. In developing countries, the Agency has caused family members to be arr ested and mistreated by the local police, given or withheld medical care for a s ick child, and, more prosaically, provided scholarships for a relative to study abroad. This kind of tactic does not work as well on a Russian or Western Europe an, who does not live in a society where the CIA can exert pressure so easily. Like a doctor's bedside manner or a lawyer's courtroom style, spy tradecraft is highly personalized. Different case officers swear by different approaches, and successful methods ar e carefully observed and copied. Most CIA operators seem to prefer using an ideo logical lure if they can. John Stockwell, who left the Agency in 1977 to write a book about CIA operations in Angola, believes his best agents were "people conv inced they were doing the right thing . . . who disliked communists and felt the CIA was the right organization." Stockwell recalls his Agency instructors "hamm ering away at the positive aspect of recruitment. This was where they establishe d the myth of CIA case officers being good guys. They said we didn't use negativ e control, and we always made the relationship so that both parties were better off for having worked together." More cynical operators, like the one quoted abo ve, take a different view: "You can't create real motivation in a person by wavi ng the flag or by saying this is for the future good of democracy. You've got to have a firmer hold than that.... His opinions can change." This ex-operator fav ors approaches based either on revenge or helping the gent advance his career: Those are good motives because they can be created with the individual.... Maybe you start with a Communist party cell member and you help him become a district committee member by eliminating his competition, or you help him get a position where he can get even with someone. At the same time, he's giving you more and more information as he moves forward, and if you ever surface his reports, he's out of business. You've really got him wrapped up. You don't even have to tell h im. He realizes it himself. No matter what the approach to the prospective agent , the case officer tries to make money a factor in the relationship. Sometimes the whole recruiting pitch revolves around enrichment. I n other instances, the case officer allows the target the illusion that he has s old out for higher motives. Always, however, the operator tries to use money to make the agent dependent. The situation can become sticky with money-minded agen ts when the case officer insists that part or all of the payments be placed in e scrow, to prevent attracting undue attention. But even cash does not create cont rol in the spy business. As the cynical case officer puts it, "Money s tenuous b ecause somebody can always offer more." Surprisingly, each of the CIA operators sampled agrees that overt blackmail is a highly overrated form of control. The senior counterintelligence man notes that while the Russians freque ntly use some variety of entrapmentsexual or otherwisethe CIA rarely did. "Very few [Agency] case officer s were tough enough" to pull it off and sustain it, he says. "Anytime an agent h as been forced to cooperate, you can take it for granted that he has two things on his mind: he is looking for a way out and for revenge. Given the slightest op portunity, he will hit you right between the eyes." Blackmail could backfire in unexpected ways. John Stockwell remembers an agent in Southeast Asia who wanted to quit: "The case officer leaned on the guy and said, 'Look, friend, we still need your intelligence, and we have receipts you signed which we can turn over to the local police.' The age nt blew his brains out, leaving a suicide note regretting his cooperation with t he CIA and telling how the Agency had tried to blackmail him. It caused some pro

blems with the local government." The case officer always tries to weave an ever-tightening web of control around his agent. His methods of doing so are so personal and so basic that they often reveal more about the case officer himself than the agent, reflecting his outloo k and his personal philosophy. The cynical operator describes his usual techniqu e, which turns out to be a form of false idealism: "You've got to treat a man as an equal and convince him you're partners in this thing. Even if he's a communi st party member, you can't deal with him like a crumb. You sit down with him and ask how are the kids, and you remember that he told you last time that his son was having trouble in school. You build personal rapport. If you treat him like dirt or an object of use, eventually he'll turn on you or drop off the bandwagon ." John Stockwell's approach relies on the power of imagination in a humdrum world: "I always felt the real key was that you were offering something speciala real secret lifesomething that he and you only knew made him different from all the pedestrian paper shufflers in a government office or a boring party cell meeting. Everybody has a little o f Walter Mitty in himwhat a relief to know you really do work for the CIA in you r spare time." Sometimes a case officer wants to get the agent to do something he does not thin k he wants to do. One former CIA operator uses a highly charged metaphor to desc ribe how he did it: "Sometimes one partner in a relationship wants to get into d eviations from standard sex. If you have some control, you might be able to forc e your partner to try different things, but it's much better to lead her down th e road a step at a time, to discuss it and fantasize until eventually she's sayi ng, 'Let's try this thing.' If her inhibitions and moral reservations are eroded and she is turned on, it's much more fun and there's less chance of blowback [e xposure, in spy talk].... It's the same with an agent." All case officersand par ticularly counterintelligence menharbor recurring fears that their agents will b etray them. The suspicious professional looks for telltale signs like lateness, nervousness, or inconsistency. He relies on his intuition. "The more you've been around agents, the more likely you are to sense that something isn't what it sh ould be," comments the senior counterintelligence man. "It's like with children. " No matter how skillfully practiced, traditional spycraft provides only incomplet e answers to the nagging question of how much the Agency can really trust an agent. All the sixth sense, digging, and deductive reasoning in the world do not produce certainty in a field that is based on dece ption and lies. Whereas the British, who invented the game, have historically un derstood the need for patience and a stiff upper lip, Americans tend to look for quick answers, often by using the latest technology. "We were very gimmick-pron e," says the senior counterintelligence official. Gimmicks machines, drugs, tech nical trickscomprise the third method of behavior control, after torture and tra decraft. Like safecrackers who swear by the skill in their fingertips, most of the Agency 's mainstream operators disparage newfangled gadgets. Many now claim that drugs, hypnosis, and other exo tic methods actually detract from good tradecraft because they make operators ca reless and lazy. Nevertheless, the operators and their high-level sponsors, like Allen Dulles and Richard Helms, consistently pushed for the magic techniquethe deus ex machinathat would solve t heir problems. Caught in the muck and frustration of ordinary spywork, operators hoped for a miracle tool. Faced with liars and deceivers, they longed for a tru th drug. Surrounded by people who knew too much, they sought a way to create amn esia. They dreamed of finding means to make unwilling people carry out specific tasks, such as stealing documents, provoking a fight, killing someone, or otherw ise committing an antisocial act. Secret agents recruited by more traditional ap peals to idealism, greed, ambition, or fear had always done such deeds, but they

usually gave their spymasters headaches in the process Sometimes they balked. M oreover, first they had to agree to serve the CIA. The best tradecraft in the wo rld seldom works against a well-motivated target. (The cynical operator recalls offering the head of Cuban intelligence $1,000,00~in 1966 at a Madrid hotelonly to receive a flat rejection.) Plagued by the unsureness, Agency officials hoped to take the andomness indeed, the free willout of agent handling. As one psychol ogist who worked on behavior control describes it, "The problem of every intelli gence operation is how do you remove the human element? The operators would come to us and ask for the human element to be removed." Thus the impetus toward min d-control research came not only from the lure of science and the fantasies of s cience fiction, it also came from the heart of the spy business. Notes The primary sources for the material on Professor Wendt's trip to Frankfurt were Dr. Samuel V. Thompson then of the Navy, the CIA psychiatric consultant, severa l of Wendt's former associates, as well as three CIA documents that described th e testing: Document # 168, 19 September 1952, Subject: "Project LGQ"; Document # 168, 18 September 1952, Subject: Field Trip of ARTICHOKE team,20 August-Septemb er 1952; and #A/B, II, 33/21, undated, Subject: Special Comments. Information on the Navy's Project CHATTER came from the Church Committee Report, Book I, pp. 337-38. Declassified Navy Documents N-23, February 13, 1951, Subjec t: Procurement of Certain Drugs; N-27, undated, Subject: Project CHATTER; N-29, undated, Subject: Status Report: Studies of Motion Sickness, Vestibular Function , and Effects of Drugs; N-35, October 27, 1951, Interim Report; N-38, 30 Septemb er, 1952, Memorandum for File; and N-39, 28 October, 1952, Memorandum for File. The information on the heroin found in Wendt's safe comes from the Rochester Dem ocrat and Chronicle, October 2, 1977 and considerable background on Wendt's Roch ester testing program was found in the Rochester Times-Union, January 28, 1955. The CIA quote on heroin came from May 15,1952 OSI Memorandum to the Deputy Direc tor, CIA, Subject: Special Interrogation. Information on the Agency's interest in amnesia came from 14 January 1952 memo, Subject: BLUEBIRD/ARTICHOKE, Proposed Research; 7 March 1951, Subject: Informal Discussion with Chief [deleted] Regarding "Disposal"; 1 May 1951, Subject: Recom mendation for Disposal of Maximum Custody Defectors; and #A/B, I, 75/13, undated, Subject: Amnesia. The quote from Homer on nepenthe was found in Sidney Cohen's The Beyond Within: The LSD Story (New York: Atheneum, 1972). The section on control came from interviews with John Stockwell and several other former CIA men. Footnotes 1. What Wendt appears to have been getting atnamely, that repeated shots of heroin might have an effect on interrogationwas stated explicitly in a 1952 CIA document which declared the drug "can be useful in reverse because of the stresses produced when . . . withdrawn from those addicted." Wendt's interest in heroin seems to have lasted to his death in 1977, long after his experiments had stopped. The woman who cleaned out his safe at that time told the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle she found a quantity of the white powder, along with syringes and a good many other drugs. 2. Being good undercover operators, the CIA men never let on to Wendt that they knew his secret, and Wendt was not about to give it away. Toward the end of the trip, he told the consultant he would feel "unpatriotic" if he were to share his secret because the ARTICHOKE team was "not competent" to use the drugs. 3. Homer reported the ancient Greeks had such a substancenepenthe"a drug to lull all pain and anger, and bring forgetfulness of every sorrow."

4. Neither Morse Allen nor anyone else on the ARTICHOKE teams spoke any foreign languages. Allen believed that the difficulty in communicating with the guinea pigs hampered ARTICHOKE research. 5. The answer was yes, in the sense that Soviet agent Harold "Kim" Philby, working as British intelligence's liaison with the CIA apparently informed his spymasters of specific plans to set up anticommunist resistance movements in Albania and all over Eastern Europe. The Russians almost certainly learned about CIA plans to overthrow communist rule in Eastern Europe and in the Soviet Union itself. Knowing of such operations presumably increased Soviet hostility. PART II INTELLIGENCE OR "WITCHES POTIONS" LSD Albert Hofmann's discovery of LSD in 1943 may have begun a new age in the exploration of the human mind, but it took six years for word to reach America. Even after Hofmann and his coworkers in Switzerland published their work in a 1947 article, no one in the United States seemed to notice. Then in 1949, a famous Viennese doctor named Otto Kauders traveled to the United States in search of research funds. He gave a conference at Boston Psychopathic Hospital,[1] a pioneering mental-health institution affiliated with Harvard Medical School, and he spoke about a new experimental drug called d-lysergic acid diethylamide. Milton Greenblatt, the hospital's research director, vividly recalls Kauders' description of how an infinitesimally small dose had rendered Dr. Hofmann temporarily "crazy." "We were very interested in anything that could make someone schizophrenic," says Greenblatt. If the drug really did induce psychosis for a short time, the Boston doctors reasoned, an antidote which they hoped to findmight cure schizophrenia. It would take many years of research to show that LSD did not, in fact, produce a "model psychosis," but to the Boston doctors in 1949, the drug showed incredible promise. Max Rinkel, a neuropsychiatrist and refugee from Hitler's Germany, was so intrigued by Kauders' presentation that he quickly contacted Sandoz, the huge Swiss pharmaceutical firm where Albert Hofmann worked. Sandoz officials arranged to ship some LSD across the Atlantic. The first American trip followed. The subject was Robert Hyde, a Vermont-born psychiatrist who was Boston Psychopathic's number-two man. A bold, innovative sort, Hyde took it for granted that there would be no testing program until he tried the drug. With Rinkel and the hospital's senior physician, H. Jackson DeShon looking on, Hyde drank a glass of water with 100 micrograms of LSD in itless than half Hofmann's dose, but still a hefty jolt. DeShon describes Hyde's reaction as "nothing very startling." The perpetually active Hyde insisted on making his normal hospital rounds while his colleagues tagged along. Rinkel later told a scientific conference that Hyde became "quite paranoiac, saying that we had not given him anything. He also berated us and said the company had cheated us, given us plain water. That was not Dr. Hyde's normal behavior; he is a very pleasant

man." Hyde's first experience was hardly as dramatic as Albert Hofmann's, but then the Boston psychiatrist had not, like Hofmann, set off on a voyage into the complete unknown. For better or worse, LSD had come to America in 1949 and had embarked on a strange trip of its own. Academic researchers would study it in search of knowledge that would benefit all mankind. Intelligence agencies, particularly the CIA, would subsidize and shape the form of much of this work to learn how the drug could be used to break the will of enemy agents, unlock secrets in the minds of trained spies, and otherwise manipulate human behavior. These two strainsof helping people and of controlling themwould coexist rather comfortably through the 1950s. Then, in the 1960s, LSD would escape from the closed world of scholar and spy, and it would play a major role in causing a cultural upheaval that would have an impact both on global politics and on intimate personal beliefs. The trip would wind upto borrow some hyperbole from the musical Hair with "the youth of America on LSD." The counterculture generation was not yet out of the nursery, however, when Bob Hyde went tripping: Hyde himself would not become a secret CIA consultant for several years. The CIA and the military intelligence agencies were just setting out on their quest for drugs and other exotic methods to take possession of people's minds. The ancient desire to control enemies through magical spells and potions had come alive again, and several offices within the CIA competed to become the head controllers. Men from the Office of Security's ARTICHOKE program were strugglingas had OSS before them to find a truth drug or hypnotic method that would aid in interrogation. Concurrently, the Technical Services Staff (TSS) was investigating in much greater depth the whole area of applying chemical and biological warfare (CBW) to covert operations. TSS was the lineal descendent of Stanley Lovell's Research and Development unit in OSS, and its officials kept alive much of the excitement and urgency of the World War II days when Lovell had tried to bring out the Peck's Bad Boy in American scientists. Specialists from TSS furnished backup equipment for secret operations: false papers, bugs, taps, suicide pills, explosive seashells, transmitters hidden in false teeth, cameras in tobacco pouches, invisible inks, and the like. In later years, these gadget wizards from TSS would become known for supplying some of history's more ludicrous landmarks, such as Howard Hunt's ill-fitting red wig; but in the early days of the CIA, they gave promise of transforming the spy world. Within TSS, there existed a Chemical Division with functions that few otherseven in TSSknew about. These had to do with using chemicals (and germs) against specific people. From 1951 to 1956, the years when the CIA's interest in LSD peaked, Sidney Gottlieb, a native of the Bronx with a Ph.D. in chemistry from Cal Tech, headed this division. (And for most of the years until 1973, he would oversee TSS's behavioral programs from one job or another.) Only 33 years old when he took over the Chemical Division, Gottlieb had managed to overcome a pronounced stammer and a clubfoot to rise through Agency

ranks. Described by several acquaintances as a "compensator," Gottlieb prided himself on his ability, despite his obvious handicaps, to pursue his cherished hobby, folk dancing. On returning from secret missions overseas, he invariably brought back a new step that he would dance with surprising grace. He could call out instructions for the most complicated dances without a break in his voice, infecting others with enthusiasm. A man of unorthodox tastes, Gottlieb lived in a former slave cabin that he had remodeled himselfwith his wife, the daughter of Presbyterian missionaries in India, and his four children. Each morning, he rose at 5:30 to milk the goats he kept on his 15 acres outside Washington. The Gottliebs drank only goat's milk, and they made their own cheese. They also raised Christmas trees which they sold to the outside world. Greatly respected by his former colleagues, Gottlieb, who refused to be interviewed for this book, is described as a humanist, a man of intellectual humility and strength, willing to carry out, as one ex-associate puts it, "the tough things that had to be done." This associate fondly recalls, "When you watched him, you gained more and more respect because he was willing to work so hard to get an idea across. He left himself totally exposed. It was more important for us to get the idea than for him not to stutter." One idea he got across was that the Agency should investigate the potential use of the obscure new drug, LSD, as a spy weapon. At the top ranks of the Clandestine Services (officially called the Directorate of Operations but popularly known as the "dirty tricks department"), Sid Gottlieb had a champion who appreciated his qualities, Richard Helms. For two decades, Gottlieb would move into progressively higher positions in the wake of Helms' climb to the highest position in the Agency. Helms, the tall, smooth "preppie," apparently liked the way the Jewish chemist, who had started out at Manhattan's City College, could thread his way through complicated technical problems and make them understandable to nonscientists. Gottlieb was loyal and he followed orders. Although many people lay in the chain of command between the two men, Helms preferred to avoid bureaucratic niceties by dealing directly with Gottlieb. On April 3, 1953, Helms proposed to Director Allen Dulles that the CIA set up a program under Gottlieb for "covert use of biological and chemical materials." Helms made clear that the Agency could use these methods in "present and future clandestine operations" and then added, "Aside from the offensive potential, the development of a comprehensive capability in this field . . . gives us a thorough knowledge of the enemy's theoretical potential, thus enabling us to defend ourselves against a foe who might not be as restrained in the use of these techniques as we are." Once again, as it would throughout the history of the behavioral programs, defense justified offense. Ray Cline, often a bureaucratic rival of Helms, notes the spirit in which the future Director pushed this program: "Helms fancied himself a pretty tough cookie. It was fashionable among that group to fancy they were rather impersonal about

dangers, risks, and human life. Helms would think it sentimental and foolish to be against something like this." On April 13, 1953the same day that the Pentagon announced that any U.S. prisoner refusing repatriation in Korea would be listed as a deserter and shot if caught Allen Dulles approved the program, essentially as put forth by Helms. Dulles took note of the "ultra-sensitive work" involved and agreed that the project would be called MKULTRA.[2] He approved an initial budget of $300,000, exempted the program from normal CIA financial controls, and allowed TSS to start up research projects "without the signing of the usual contracts or other written agreements." Dulles ordered the Agency's bookkeepers to pay the costs blindly on the signatures of Sid Gottlieb and Willis Gibbons, a former U.S. Rubber executive who headed TSS. As is so often the case in government, the activity that Allen Dulles approved with MKULTRA was already under way, even before he gave it a bureaucratic structure. Under the code name MKDELTA, the Clandestine Services had set up procedures the year before to govern the use of CBW products. (MKDELTA now became the operational side of MKULTRA.) Also in 1952, TSS had made an agreement with the Special Operations Division (SOD) of the Army's biological research center at Fort Detrick, Maryland whereby SOD would produce germ weapons for the CIA's use (with the program called MKNAOMI). Sid Gottlieb later testified that the purpose of these programs was "to investigate whether and how it was possible to modify an individual's behavior by covert means. The context in which this investigation was started was that of the height of the Cold War with the Korean War just winding down; with the CIA organizing its resources to liberate Eastern Europe by paramilitary means; and with the threat of Soviet aggression very real and tangible, as exemplified by the recent Berlin airlift" (which occurred in 1948). In the early days of MKULTRA, the roughly six TSS professionals who worked on the program spent a good deal of their time considering the possibilities of LSD.[3] "The most fascinating thing about it," says one of them, "was that such minute quantities had such a terrific effect." Albert Hofmann had gone off into another world after swallowing less than 1/100,000 of an ounce. Scientists had known about the mind-altering qualities of drugs like mescaline since the late nineteenth century, but LSD was several thousand times more potent. Hashish had been around for millennia, but LSD was roughly a million times stronger (by weight). A two-suiter suitcase could hold enough LSD to turn on every man, woman, and child in the United States. "We thought about the possibility of putting some in a city water supply and having the citizens wander around in a more or less happy state, not terribly interested in defending themselves," recalls the TSS man. But incapacitating such large numbers of people fell to the Army Chemical Corps, which also tested LSD and even stronger hallucinogens. The CIA was concentrating on individuals. TSS officials understood that LSD distorted a person's sense of

reality, and they felt compelled to learn whether it could alter someone's basic loyalties. Could the CIA make spies out of tripping Russiansor vice versa? In the early 1950s, when the Agency developed an almost desperate need to know more about LSD, almost no outside information existed on the subject. Sandoz had done some clinical studies, as had a few other places, including Boston Psychopathic, but the work generally had not moved much beyond the horse-and-buggy stage. The MKULTRA team had literally hundreds of questions about LSD's physiological, psychological, chemical, and social effects. Did it have any antidotes? What happened if it were combined with other drugs? Did it affect everyone the same way? What was the effect of doubling the dose? And so on. TSS first sought answers from academic researchers, who, on the whole, gladly cooperated and let the Agency pick their brains. But CIA officials realized that no one would undertake a quick and systematic study of the drug unless the Agency itself paid the bill. Almost no government or private money was then available for what had been dubbed "experimental psychiatry." Sandoz wanted the drug tested, for its own commercial reasons, but beyond supplying it free to researchers, it would not assume the costs. The National Institutes of Mental Health had an interest in LSD's relationship to mental illness, but CIA officials wanted to know how the drug affected normal people, not sick ones. Only the military services, essentially for the same reasons as the CIA, were willing to sink much money into LSD, and the Agency men were not about to defer to them. They chose instead to take the leadin effect to create a whole new field of research. Suddenly there was a huge new market for grants in academia, as Sid Gottlieb and his aides began to fund LSD projects at prestigious institutions. The Agency's LSD pathfinders can be identified: Bob Hyde's group at Boston Psychopathic, Harold Abramson at Mt. Sinai Hospital and Columbia University in New York, Carl Pfeiffer at the University of Illinois Medical School, Harris Isbell of the NIMH-sponsored Addiction Research Center in Lexington, Kentucky, Louis Jolyon West at the University of Oklahoma, and Harold Hodge's group at the University of Rochester. The Agency disguised its involvement by passing the money through two conduits: the Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation, a rich establishment institution which served as a cutout (intermediary) only for a year or two, and the Geschickter Fund for Medical Research, a Washington, D.C. family foundation, whose head, Dr. Charles Geschickter, provided the Agency with a variety of services for more than a decade. Reflexively, TSS officials felt they had to keep the CIA connection secret. They could only "assume," according to a 1955 study, that Soviet scientists understood the drug's "strategic importance" and were capable of making it themselves. They did not want to spur the Russians into starting their own LSD program or into devising countermeasures. The CIA's secrecy was also clearly aimed at the folks back home. As a 1963 Inspector General's report stated,

"Research in the manipulation of human behavior is considered by many authorities in medicine and related fields to be professionally unethical"; therefore, openness would put "in jeopardy" the reputations of the outside researchers. Moreover, the CIA Inspector General declared that disclosure of certain MKULTRA activities could result in "serious adverse reaction" among the American public. At Boston Psychopathic, there were various levels of concealment. Only Bob Hyde and his boss, the hospital superintendent, knew officially that the CIA was funding the hospital's LSD program from 1952 on, to the tune of about $40,000 a year. Yet, according to another member of the Hyde group, Dr. DeShon, all senior staff understood where the money really came from. "We agreed not to discuss it," says DeShon. "I don't see any objection to this. We never gave it to anyone without his consent and without explaining it in detail." Hospital officials told the volunteer subjects something about the nature of the experiments but nothing about their origins or purpose. None of the subjects had any idea that the CIA was paying for the probing of their minds and would use the results for its own purposes; most of the staff was similarly ignorant. Like Hyde, almost all the researchers tried LSD on themselves. Indeed, many believed they gained real insight into what it felt like to be mentally ill, useful knowledge for health professionals who spent their lives treating people supposedly sick in the head. Hyde set up a multidisciplinary programvirtually unheard of at the timethat brought together psychiatrists, psychologists, and physiologists. As subjects, they used each other, hospital patients, and volunteersmostly studentsfrom the Boston area. They worked through a long sequence of experiments that served to isolate variable after variable. Palming themselves off as foundation officials, the men from MKULTRA frequently visited to observe and suggest areas of future research. One Agency man, who himself tripped several times under Hyde's general supervision, remembers that he and his colleagues would pass on a nugget that another contractor like Harold Abramson had gleaned and ask Hyde to perform a follow-up test that might answer a question of interest to the Agency. Despite these tangents, the main body of research proceeded in a planned and orderly fashion. The researchers learned that while some subjects seemed to become schizophrenic, many others did not. Surprisingly, true schizophrenics showed little reaction at all to LSD, unless given massive doses. The Hyde group found out that the quality of a person's reaction was determined mainly by the person's basic personality structure (set) and the environment (setting) in which he or she took the drug. The subject's expectation of what would happen also played a major part. More than anything else, LSD tended to intensify the subject's existing characteristicsoften to extremes. A little suspicion could grow into major paranoia, particularly in the company of people perceived as threatening. Unbeknownst to his fellow researchers, the energetic Dr. Hyde also advised the CIA on using LSD in covert

operations. A CIA officer who worked with him recalls: "The idea would be to give him the details of what had happened [with a case], and he would speculate. As a sharp M.D. in the old-school sense, he would look at things in ways that a lot of recent bright lights couldn't get.... He had a good sense of make-do." The Agency paid Hyde for his time as a consultant, and TSS officials eventually set aside a special MKULTRA subproject as Hyde's private funding mechanism. Hyde received funds from yet another MKULTRA subproject that TSS men created for him in 1954, so he could serve as a cutout for Agency purchases of rare chemicals. His first buy was to be $32,000 worth of corynanthine, a possible antidote to LSD, that would not be traced to the CIA. Bob Hyde died in 1976 at the age of 66, widely hailed as a pacesetter in mental health. His medical and intelligence colleagues speak highly of him both personally and professionally. Like most of his generation, he apparently considered helping the CIA a patriotic duty. An Agency officer states that Hyde never raised doubts about his covert work. "He wouldn't moralize. He had a lot of trust in the people he was dealing with [from the CIA]. He had pretty well reached the conclusion that if they decided to do something [operationally], they had tried whatever else there was and were willing to risk it." Most of the CIA's academic researchers published articles on their work in professional journals, but those long, scholarly reports often gave an incomplete picture of the research. In effect, the scientists would write openly about how LSD affects a patient's pulse rate, but they would tell only the CIA how the drug could be used to ruin that patient's marriage or memory. Those researchers who were aware of the Agency's sponsorship seldom published anything remotely connected to the instrumental and rather unpleasant questions the MKULTRA men posed for investigation. That was true of Hyde and of Harold Abramson, the New York allergist who became one of the first Johnny Appleseeds of LSD by giving it to a number of his distinguished colleagues. Abramson documented all sorts of experiments on topics like the effects of LSD on Siamese fighting fish and snails,[4] but he never wrote a word about one of his early LSD assignments from the Agency. In a 1953 document, Sid Gottlieb listed subjects he expected Abramson to investigate with the $85,000 the Agency was furnishing him. Gottlieb wanted "operationally pertinent materials along the following lines: a. Disturbance of Memory; b. Discrediting by Aberrant Behavior; c. Alteration of Sex Patterns; d. Eliciting of Information; e. Suggestibility; f. Creation of Dependence." Dr. Harris Isbell, whose work the CIA funded through Navy cover with the approval of the Director of the National Institutes of Health, published his principal findings, but he did not mention how he obtained his subjects. As Director of the Addiction Research Center at the huge Federal drug hospital in Lexington, Kentucky, he had access to a literally captive population. Inmates heard on the grapevine that if they volunteered for Isbell's program, they would be rewarded either in the

drug of their choice or in time off from their sentences. Most of the addicts chose drugsusually heroin or morphine of a purity seldom seen on the street. The subjects signed an approval form, but they were not told the names of the experimental drugs or the probable effects. This mattered little, since the "volunteers" probably would have granted their informed consent to virtually anything to get hard drugs. Given Isbell's almost unlimited supply of subjects, TSS officials used the Lexington facility as a place to make quick tests of promising but untried drugs and to perform specialized experiments they could not easily duplicate elsewhere. For instance, Isbell did one study for which it would have been impossible to attract student volunteers. He kept seven men on LSD for 77 straight days.[5] Such an experiment is as chilling as it is astonishingboth to lovers and haters of LSD. Nearly 20 years after Dr. Isbell's early work, counterculture journalist Hunter S. Thompson delighted and frightened his readers with accounts of drug binges lasting a few days, during which Thompson felt his brain boiling away in the sun, his nerves wrapping around enormous barbed wire forts, and his remaining faculties reduced to their reptilian antecedents. Even Thompson would shudder at the thought of 77 days straight on LSD, and it is doubtful he would joke about the idea. To Dr. Isbell, it was just another experiment. "I have had seven patients who have now been taking the drug for more than 42 days," he wrote in the middle of the test, which he called "the most amazing demonstration of drug tolerance I have ever seen." Isbell tried to "break through this tolerance" by giving triple and quadruple doses of LSD to the inmates. Filled with intense curiosity, Isbell tried out a wide variety of unproven drugs on his subjects. Just as soon as a new batch of scopolamine, rivea seeds, or bufotenine arrived from the CIA or NIMH, he would start testing. His relish for the task occasionally shone through the dull scientific reports. "I will write you a letter as soon as I can get the stuff into a man or two," he informed his Agency contact. No corresponding feeling shone through for the inmates, however. In his few recorded personal comments, he complained that his subjects tended to be afraid of the doctors and were not as open in describing their experiences as the experimenters would have wished. Although Isbell made an effort to "break through the barriers" with the subjects, who were nearly all black drug addicts, Isbell finally decided "in all probability, this type of behavior is to be expected with patients of this type." The subjects have long since scattered, and no one apparently has measured the aftereffects of the more extreme experiments on them. One subject who could be found spent only a brief time with Dr. Isbell. Eddie Flowers was 19 years old and had been in Lexington for about a year when he signed up for Isbell's program. He lied about his age to get in, claiming he was 21. All he cared about was getting some drugs. He moved into the experimental wing of the hospital where the food was better and he could listen to music. He loved his heroin but knew nothing about drugs

like LSD. One day he took something in a graham cracker. No one ever told him the name, but his description sounds like it made him tripbadly, to be sure. "It was the worst shit I ever had," he says. He hallucinated and suffered for 16 or 17 hours. "I was frightened. I wouldn't take it again." Still, Flowers earned enough "points" in the experiment to qualify for his "payoff in heroin. All he had to do was knock on a little window down the hall. This was the drug bank. The man in charge kept a list of the amount of the hard drug each inmate had in his account. Flowers just had to say how much he wanted to withdraw and note the method of payment. "If you wanted it in the vein, you got it there," recalls Flowers who now works in a Washington, D.C. drug rehabilitation center. Dr. Isbell refuses all request for interviews. He did tell a Senate subcommittee in 1975 that he inherited the drug payoff system when he came to Lexington and that "it was the custom in those days.... The ethical codes were not so highly developed, and there was a great need to know in order to protect the public in assessing the potential use of narcotics.... I personally think we did a very excellent job." For every Isbell, Hyde, or Abramson who did TSS contract work, there were dozens of others who simply served as casual CIA informants, some witting and some not. Each TSS project officer had a skull session with dozens of recognized experts several times a year. "That was the only way a tiny staff like Sid Gottlieb's could possibly keep on top of the burgeoning behavioral sciences," says an ex-CIA official. "There would be no way you could do it by library research or the Ph.D. dissertation approach." The TSS men always asked their contacts for the names of others they could talk to, and the contacts would pass them on to other interesting scientists. In LSD research, TSS officers benefited from the energetic intelligence gathering of their contractors, particularly Harold Abramson. Abramson talked regularly to virtually everyone interested in the drug, including the few early researchers not funded by the Agency or the military, and he reported his findings to TSS. In addition, he served as reporting secretary of two conference series sponsored by the Agency's sometime conduit, the Macy Foundation. These series each lasted over five year periods in the 1950s; one dealt with "Problems of Consciousness" and the other with "Neuropharmacology." Held once a year in the genteel surroundings of the Princeton Inn, the Macy Foundation conferences brought together TSS's (and the military's) leading contractors, as part of a group of roughly 25 with the multidisciplinary background that TSS officials so loved. The participants came from all over the social sciences and included such luminaries as Margaret Mead and Jean Piaget. The topics discussed usually mirrored TSS's interests at the time, and the conferences served as a spawning ground for ideas that allowed researchers to engage in some healthy cross-fertilization. Beyond the academic world, TSS looked to the pharmaceutical companies as another source on drugsand

for a continuing supply of new products to test. TSS's Ray Treichler handled the liaison function, and this secretive little man built up close relationships with many of the industry's key executives. He had a particular knack for convincing them he would not reveal their trade secrets. Sometimes claiming to be from the Army Chemical Corps and sometimes admitting his CIA connection, Treichler would ask for samples of drugs that were either highly poisonous, or, in the words of the onetime director of research of a large company, "caused hypertension, increased blood pressure, or led to other odd physiological activity." Dealing with American drug companies posed no particular problems for TSS. Most cooperated in any way they could. But relations with Sandoz were more complicated. The giant Swiss firm had a monopoly on the Western world's production of LSD until 1953. Agency officials feared that Sandoz would somehow allow large quantities to reach the Russians. Since information on LSD's chemical structure and effects was publicly available from 1947 on, the Russians could have produced it any time they felt it worthwhile. Thus, the Agency's phobia about Sandoz seems rather irrational, but it unquestionably did exist. On two occasions early in the Cold War, the entire CIA hierarchy went into a dither over reports that Sandoz might allow large amounts of LSD to reach Communist countries. In 1951 reports came in through military channels that the Russians had obtained some 50 million doses from Sandoz. Horrendous visions of what the Russians might do with such a stockpile circulated in the CIA, where officials did not find out the intelligence was false for several years. There was an even greater uproar in 1953 when more reports came in, again through military intelligence, that Sandoz wanted to sell the astounding quantity of 10 kilos (22 pounds) of LSD enough for about 100 million doseson the open market. A top-level coordinating committee which included CIA and Pentagon representatives unanimously recommended that the Agency put up $240,000 to buy it all. Allen Dulles gave his approval, and off went two CIA representatives to Switzerland, presumably with a black bag full of cash. They met with the president of Sandoz and other top executives. The Sandoz men stated that the company had never made anything approaching 10 kilos of LSD and that, in fact, since the discovery of the drug 10 years before, its total production had been only 40 grams (about 11/2 ounces).[6] The manufacturing process moved quite slowly at that time because Sandoz used real ergot, which could not be grown in large quantities. Nevertheless, Sandoz executives, being good Swiss businessmen, offered to supply the U.S. Government with 100 grams weekly for an indefinite period, if the Americans would pay a fair price. Twice the Sandoz president thanked the CIA men for being willing to take the nonexistent 10 kilos off the market. While he said the company now regretted it had ever discovered LSD in the first place, he promised that Sandoz would not let the drug fall into communist hands. The Sandoz president mentioned that various Americans had in the past made "covert and sideways" approaches to

Sandoz to find out about LSD, and he agreed to keep the U.S. Government informed of all future production and shipping of the drug. He also agreed to pass on any intelligence about Eastern European interest in LSD. The Sandoz executives asked only that their arrangement with the CIA be kept "in the very strictest confidence." All around the world, the CIA tried to stay on top of the LSD supply. Back home in Indianapolis, Eli Lilly & Company was even then working on a process to synthesize LSD. Agency officials felt uncomfortable having to rely on a foreign company for their supply, and in 1953 they asked Lilly executives to make them up a batch, which the company subsequently donated to the government. Then, in 1954, Lilly scored a major breakthrough when its researchers worked out a complicated 12- to 15-step process to manufacture first lysergic acid (the basic building block) and then LSD itself from chemicals available on the open market. Given a relatively sophisticated lab, a competent chemist could now make LSD without a supply of the hard-to-grow ergot fungus. Lilly officers confidentially informed the government of their triumph. They also held an unprecedented press conference to trumpet their synthesis of lysergic acid, but they did not publish for another five years their success with the closely related LSD. TSS officials soon sent a memo to Allen Dulles, explaining that the Lilly discovery was important because the government henceforth could buy LSD in "tonnage quantities," which made it a potential chemical-warfare agent. The memo writer pointed out, however, that from the MKULTRA point of view, the discovery made no difference since TSS was working on ways to use the drug only in small-scale covert operations, and the Agency had no trouble getting the limited amounts it needed. But now the Army Chemical Corps and the Air Force could get their collective hands on enough LSD to turn on the world. Sharing the drug with the Army here, setting up research programs there, keeping track of it everywhere, the CIA generally presided over the LSD scene during the 1950s. To be sure, the military services played a part and funded their own research programs.[7] So did the National Institutes of Health, to a lesser extent. Yet both the military services and the NIH allowed themselves to be co-opted by the CIAas funding conduits and intelligence sources. The Food and Drug Administration also supplied the Agency with confidential information on drug testing. Of the Western world's two LSD manufacturers, oneEli Lillygave its entire (small) supply to the CIA and the military. The otherSandoz informed Agency representatives every time it shipped the drug. If somehow the CIA missed anything with all these sources, the Agency still had its own network of scholarspies, the most active of whom was Harold Abramson who kept it informed of all new developments in the LSD field. While the CIA may not have totally cornered the LSD market in the 1950s, it certainly had a good measure of controlthe very power it sought over human behavior. Sid Gottlieb and his colleagues at MKULTRA soaked up pools of information about LSD and other drugs from all outside sources, but they saved for themselves the

research they really cared about: operational testing. Trained in both science and espionage, they believed they could bridge the huge gap between experimenting in the laboratory and using drugs to outsmart the enemy. Therefore the leaders of MKULTRA initiated their own series of drug experiments that paralleled and drew information from the external research. As practical men of action, unlimited by restrictive academic standards, they did not feel the need to keep their tests in strict scientific sequence. They wanted results nownot next year. If a drug showed promise, they felt no qualms about trying it out operationally before all the test results came in. As early as 1953, for instance, Sid Gottlieb went overseas with a supply of a hallucinogenic drug almost certainly LSD. With unknown results, he arranged for it to be slipped to a speaker at a political rally, presumably to see if it would make a fool of him. These were freewheeling days within the CIAthen a young agency whose bureaucratic arteries had not started to harden. The leaders of MKULTRA had high hopes for LSD. It appeared to be an awesome substance, whose advent, like the ancient discovery of fire, would bring out primitive responses of fear and worship in people. Only a speck of LSD could take a strongwilled man and turn his most basic perceptions into willowy shadows. Time, space, right, wrong, order, and the notion of what was possible all took on new faces. LSD was a frightening weapon, and it took a swashbuckling boldness for the leaders of MKULTRA to prepare for operational testing the way they first did: by taking it themselves. They tripped at the office. They tripped at safehouses, and sometimes they traveled to Boston to trip under Bob Hyde's penetrating gaze. Always they observed, questioned, and analyzed each other. LSD seemed to remove inhibitions, and they thought they could use it to find out what went on in the mind underneath all the outside acts and pretensions. If they could get at the inner self, they reasoned, they could better manipulate a personor keep him from being manipulated. The men from MKULTRA were trying LSD in the early 1950swhen Stalin lived and Joe McCarthy raged. It was a foreboding time, even for those not professionally responsible for doomsday poisons. Not surprisingly, Sid Gottlieb and colleagues who tried LSD did not think of the drug as something that might enhance creativity or cause transcendental experiences. Those notions would not come along for years. By and large, there was thought to be only one prevailing and hardheaded version of reality, which was "normal," and everything else was "crazy." An LSD trip made people temporarily crazy, which meant potentially vulnerable to the CIA men (and mentally ill, to the doctors). The CIA experimenters did not trip for the experience itself, or to get high, or to sample new realities. They were testing a weapon; for their purposes, they might as well have been in a ballistics lab. Despite this prevailing attitude in the Agency, at least one MKULTRA pioneer recalls that his first trip expanded his conception of reality: "I was shaky at first, but then I just experienced it and had a high. I

felt that everything was working right. I was like a locomotive going at top efficiency. Sure there was stress, but not in a debilitating way. It was like the stress of an engine pulling the longest train it's ever pulled." This CIA veteran describes seeing all the colors of the rainbow growing out of cracks in the sidewalk. He had always disliked cracks as signs of imperfection, but suddenly the cracks became natural stress lines that measured the vibrations of the universe. He saw people with blemished faces, which he had previously found slightly repulsive. "I had a change of values about faces," he says. "Hooked noses or crooked teeth would become beautiful for that person. Something had turned loose in me, and all I had done was shift my attitude. Reality hadn't changed, but I had. That was all the difference in the world between seeing something ugly and seeing truth and beauty." At the end of this day of his first trip, the CIA man and his colleagues had an alcohol party to help come down. "I had a lump in my throat," he recalls wistfully. Although he had never done such a thing before, he wept in front of his coworkers. "I didn't want to leave it. I felt I would be going back to a place where I wouldn't be able to hold on to this kind of beauty. I felt very unhappy. The people who wrote the report on me said I had experienced depression, but they didn't understand why I felt so bad. They thought I had had a bad trip." This CIA man says that others with his general personality tended to enjoy themselves on LSD, but that the stereotypical CIA operator (particularly the extreme counterintelligence type who mistrusts everyone and everything) usually had negative reactions. The drug simply exaggerated his paranoia. For these operators, the official notes, "dark evil things would begin to lurk around," and they would decide the experimenters were plotting against them. The TSS team understood it would be next to impossible to allay the fears of this ever-vigilant, suspicious sort, although they might use LSD to disorient or generally confuse such a person. However, they toyed with the idea that LSD could be applied to better advantage on more trusting types. Could a clever foe "re educate" such a person with a skillful application of LSD? Speculating on this question, the CIA official states that while under the influence of the drug, "you tend to have a more global view of things. I found it awfully hard when stoned to maintain the notion: I am a U.S. citizenmy country right or wrong.... You tend to have these good higher feelings. You are more open to the brotherhood-of-man idea and more susceptible to the seamy sides of your own society.... I think this is exactly what happened during the 1960s, but it didn't make people more communist. It just made them less inclined to identify with the U.S. They took a plague-on-both-yourhouses position." As to whether his former colleagues in TSS had the same perception of the LSD experience, the man replies, "I think everybody understood that if you had a good trip, you had a kind of above-it-all look into reality. What we subsequently found was that when you came down,

you remembered the experience, but you didn't switch identities. You really didn't have that kind of feeling. You weren't as suspicious of people. You listened to them, but you also saw through them more easily and clearly. We decided that this wasn't the kind of thing that was going to make a guy into a turncoat to his own country. The more we worked with it, the less we became convinced this was what the communists were using for brainwashing." The early LSD testsboth outside and inside the Agencyhad gone well enough that the MKULTRA scientists moved forward to the next stage on the road to "field" use: They tried the drug out on people by surprise. This, after all, would be the way an operator would giveor getthe drug. First they decided to spring it on each other without warning. They agreed among themselves that a coworker might slip it to them at any time. (In what may be an apocryphal story, a TSS staff man says that one of his former colleagues always brought his own bottle of wine to office parties and carried it with him at all times.) Unwitting doses became an occupational hazard. MKULTRA men usually took these unplanned trips in stride, but occasionally they turned nasty. Two TSS veterans tell the story of a coworker who drank some LSDlaced coffee during his morning break. Within an hour, states one veteran, "he sort of knew he had it, but he couldn't pull himself together. Sometimes you take it, and you start the process of maintaining your composure. But this grabbed him before he was aware, and it got away from him." Filled with fear, the CIA man fled the building that then housed TSS, located on the edge of the Mall near Washington's great monuments. Having lost sight of him, his colleagues searched frantically, but he managed to escape. The hallucinating Agency man worked his way across one of the Potomac bridges and apparently cut his last links with rationality. "He reported afterwards that every automobile that came by was a terrible monster with fantastic eyes, out to get him personally," says the veteran. "Each time a car passed, he would huddle down against the parapet, terribly frightened. It was a real horror trip for him. I mean, it was hours of agony. It was like a dream that never stops with someone chasing you." After about an hour and a half, the victim's coworkers found him on the Virginia side of the Potomac, crouched under a fountain, trembling. "It was awfully hard to persuade him that his friends were his friends at that point," recalls the colleague. "He was alone in the world, and everyone was hostile. He'd become a full-blown paranoid. If it had lasted for two weeks, we'd have plunked him in a mental hospital." Fortunately for him, the CIA man came down by the end of the day. This was not the first, last, or most tragic bad trip in the Agency's testing program.[8] By late 1953, only six months after Allen Dulles had formally created MKULTRA, TSS officials were already well into the last stage of their research: systematic use of LSD on "outsiders" who had no idea they had received the drug. These victims simply felt their moorings slip away in the midst of an ordinary day, for no apparent reason,

and no one really knew how they would react. Sid Gottlieb was ready for the operational experiments. He considered LSD to be such a secret substance that he gave it a private code name ("serunim") by which he and his colleagues often referred to the drug, even behind the CIA's heavily guarded doors. In retrospect, it seems more than bizarre that CIA officialsmen responsible for the nation's intelligence and alertness when the hot and cold wars against the communists were at their peakwould be sneaking LSD into each other's coffee cups and thereby subjecting themselves to the unknown frontiers of experimental drugs. But these side trips did not seem to change the sense of reality of Gottlieb or of high CIA officials, who took LSD on several occasions. The drug did not transform Gottlieb out of the mind set of a master scientist-spy, a protg of Richard Helms in the CIA's inner circle. He never stopped milking his goats at 5:30 every morning. The CIA leaders' early achievements with LSD were impressive. They had not invented the drug, but they had gotten in on the American ground floor and done nearly everything else. They were years ahead of the scientific literaturelet alone the publicand spies win by being ahead. They had monopolized the supply of LSD and dominated the research by creating much of it themselves. They had used money and other blandishments to build a network of scientists and doctors whose work they could direct and turn to their own use. All that remained between them and major espionage successes was the performance of the drug in the field. That, however, turned out to be a considerable stumbling block. LSD had an incredibly powerful effect on people, but not in ways the CIA could predict or control. Notes The description of Robert Hyde's first trip came from interviews with Dr. Milton Greenblatt, Dr. J. Herbert DeShon, and a talk by Max Rinkel at the 2nd Macy Conference on Neuropharmacology, pp. 235-36, edited by Harold A. Abramson, 1955: Madison Printing Company. The descriptions of TSS and Sidney Gottlieb came from interviews with Ray Cline, John Stockwell, about 10 other ex-CIA officers, and other friends of Gottlieb. Memos quoted on the early MKULTRA program include Memorandum from ADDP Helms to DCI Dulles, 4/3/53, Tab A, pp. 1-2 (quoted in Church Committee Report, Book I); APF A-1, April 13, 1953, Memorandum for Deputy Director (Administration, Subject: Project MKULTRAExtremely Sensitive Research and Development Program; #A/B,I,64/6, 6 February 1952, Memorandum for the Record, Subject: Contract with [deleted] #A/B,I,64/29, undated, Memorandum for Technical Services Staff, Subject: Alcohol Antagonists and Accelerators, Research and Development Project. The Gottlieb quote is from Hearing before the Subcommittee on Health and Scientific Research of the Senate Committee on Human Resources, September 21, 1977, p. 206. The background data on LSD came particularly from The Beyond Within: The LSD Story by Sidney Cohen (New York: Atheneum,1972). Other sources included Origins of

Psychopharmacology: From CPZ to LSD by Anne E. Caldwell (Springfield, III.: Charles C. Thomas, 1970) and Document 352, "An OSI Study of the Strategic Medical Importance of LSD-25," 30 August 1955. TSS's use of outside researchers came from interviews with four former TSSers. MKULTRA Subprojects 8, 10, 63, and 66 described Robert Hyde's work. Subprojects 7, 27, and 40 concerned Harold Abramson. Hodge's work was in subprojects 17 and 46. Carl Pfeiffer's Agency connection, along with Hyde's, Abramson's, and Isbell's, was laid out by Lyman B. Kirkpatrick, Memorandum for the Record, 1 December 1953, Subject: Conversation with Dr. Willis Gibbons of TSS re Olson Case (found at p. 1030, Kennedy Subcommittee 1975 Biomedical and Behavioral Research Hearings). Isbell's testing program was also described at those hearings, as it was in Document # 14, 24 July, 1953, Memo For: Liaison & Security Officer/TSS, Subject #71 An Account of the Chemical Division's Contacts in the National Institute of Health; Document #37, 14 July 1954, subject [deleted]; and Document # 41,31 August,1956, subject; trip to Lexington, Ky.,21-23 August 1956. Isbell's program was further described in a "Report on ADAMHA Involvement in LSD Research," found at p. 993 of 1975 Kennedy subcommittee hearings. The firsthand account of the actual testing came from an interview with Edward M. Flowers, Washington, D.C. The section on TSS's noncontract informants came from interviews with TSS sources, reading the proceedings of the Macy Conferences on "Problems of Consciousness" and "Neuropharmacology," and interviews with several participants including Sidney Cohen, Humphrey Osmond, and Hudson Hoagland. The material on CIA's relations with Sandoz and Eli Lilly came from Document #24, 16 November, 1953, Subject: ARTICHOKE Conference; Document #268, 23 October, 1953, Subject: Meeting in Director's Office at 1100 hours on 23 October with Mr. Wisner and [deleted]; Document # 316,6 January,1954, Subject: Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD25); and Document #338, 26 October 1954, Subject: Potential Large Scale Availability of LSD through newly discovered synthesis by [deleted]; interviews with Sandoz and Lilly former executives; interviews with TSS sources; and Sidney Gottlieb's testimony before Kennedy subcommittee, 1977, p. 203. Henry Beecher's US government connections were detailed in his private papers, in a report on the SwissLSD death to the CIA at p. 396, Church Committee Report, Book I, and in interviews with two of his former associates. The description of TSS's internal testing progression comes from interviews with former staff members. The short reference to Sid Gottlieb's arranging for LSD to be given a speaker at a political rally comes from Document #A/B, II, 26/8, 9 June 1954, Subject: MKULTRA. Henry Beecher's report to the CIA on the Swiss suicide is found at p. 396, Church Committee Report, Book I. Footnotes 1. During the 1950s, Boston Psychopathic changed its name to Massachusetts Mental Health Center, the name it bears today.

2. Pronounced M-K-ULTRA. The MK digraph simply identified it as a TSS project. As for the ULTRA part, it may have had its etymological roots in the most closely guarded Anglo-American World War II intelligence secret, the ULTRA program, which handled the cracking of German military codes. While good espionage tradecraft called for cryptonyms to have no special meaning, wartime experiences were still very much on the minds of men like Allen Dulles. 3. By no means did TSS neglect other drugs. It looked at hundreds of others from cocaine to nicotine, with special emphasis on special-purpose substances. One 1952 memo talked about the urgent operational need for a chemical "producing general listlessness and lethargy." Another mentioned findingas TSS later dida potion to accelerate the effects of liquor, called an "alcohol extender." 4. As happened to Albert Hofmann the first time, Abramson once unknowingly ingested some LSD, probably by swallowing water from his spiked snail tank. He started to feel bad, but with his wife's help, he finally pinpointed the cause. According to brain and dolphin expert John Lilly, who heard the story from Mrs. Abramson, Harold was greatly relieved that his discomfort was not grave. "Oh, it's nothing serious," he said. "It's just an LSD psychosis. I'll just go to bed and sleep it off." 5. Army researchers, as usual running about five years behind the CIA, became interested in the sustained use of LSD as an interrogation device during 1961 field tests (called Operation THIRD CHANCE). The Army men tested the drug in Europe on nine foreigners and one American, a black soldier named James Thornwell, accused of stealing classified documents. While Thornwell was reacting to the drug under extremely stressful conditions, his captors threatened "to extend the state indefinitely, even to a permanent condition of insanity," according to an Army document. Thornwell is now suing the U.S. government for $30 million. In one of those twists that Washington insiders take for granted and outsiders do not quite believe, Terry Lenzner, a partner of the same law firm seeking this huge sum for Thornwell, is the lawyer for Sid Gottlieb, the man who oversaw the 77-day trips at Lexington and even more dangerous LSD testing. 6. A 1975 CIA document clears up the mystery of how the Agency's military sources could have made such a huge error in estimating Sandoz's LSD supply (and probably also explains the earlier inaccurate report that the Russians had bought 50,000,000 doses). What happened, according to the document, was that the U.S. military attach in Switzerland did not know the difference between a milligram (1/1,000 of a gram) and a kilogram (1,000 grams). This mix-up threw all his calculations off by a factor of 1,000,000. 7. Military security agencies supported the LSD work of such well-known researchers as Amedeo Marrazzi of the University of Minnesota and Missouri Institute of Psychiatry, Henry Beecher of Harvard and Massachusetts General Hospital, Charles Savage while he was at the

Naval Medical Research Institute, James Dille of the University of Washington, Gerald Klee of the University of Maryland Medical School, Neil Burch of Baylor University (who performed later experiments for the CIA), and Paul Hoch and James Cattell of the New York State Psychiatric Institute, whose forced injections of a mescaline derivative led to the 1953 death of New York tennis professional Harold Blauer. (Dr. Cattell later told Army investigators, "We didn't know whether it was dog piss or what it was we were giving him.") 8. TSS officials had long known that LSD could be quite dangerous. In 1952, Harvard Medical School's Henry Beecher who regularly gave the Agency information on his talks with European colleagues, reported that a Swiss doctor had suffered severe depression after taking the drug and had killed herself three weeks later. Concerning the Case of Dr. Frank Olsen In November 1953, Sid Gottlieb decided to test LSD on a group of scientists from the Army Chemical Corps' Special Operations Division (SOD) at Fort Detrick in Frederick, Maryland. Although the Clandestine Services hierarchy had twice put TSS under strict notice not to use LSD without permission from above, Gottlieb must have felt that trying the drug on SOD men was not so different from giving it to his colleagues at the office. After all, officials at TSS and SOD worked intimately together, and they shared one of the darkest secrets of the Cold War: that the U.S. government maintained the capability which it would use at timesto kill or incapacitate selected people with biological weapons. Only a handful of the highest CIA officials knew that TSS was paying SOD about $200,000 a year in return for operational systems to infect foes with disease. Gottlieb planned to drop the LSD on the SOD men in the splendid isolation of a three-day working retreat. Twice a year, the SOD and TSS men who collaborated on MKNAOMI, their joint program, held a planning session at a remote site where they could brainstorm without interruption. On November 18, 1953, they gathered at Deep Creek Lodge, a log building in the woods of Western Maryland. It had been built as a Boy Scout camp 25 years earlier. Surrounded by the water of a mountain lake on three sides, with the peaks of the Appalachian chain looking down over the thick forest, the lodge was isolated enough for even the most security conscious spy. Only an occasional hunter was likely to wander through after the summer months. Dr. John Schwab, who had founded SOD in 1950, Lt. Colonel Vincent Ruwet, its current chief, and Dr. Frank Olson, its temporary head earlier that year, led the Detrick group. These germ warriors came under the cover of being wildlife writers and lecturers off on a busman's holiday. They carefully removed the Fort Detrick parking stickers from their cars before setting out. Sid Gottlieb brought three co-workers from the Agency, including his deputy Robert Lashbrook. They met in the living room of the lodge, in front of a roaring blaze in the huge walk-in fireplace. Then they split off into smaller groups for specialized meetings. The survivors among those who attended these sessions

remain as tight-lipped as ever, willing to share a few details of the general atmosphere but none of the substance. However, from other sources at Fort Detrick and from government documents, the MKNAOMI research can be pieced together. It was this program that was discussed during the fateful retreat. Under MKNAOMI, the SOD men developed a whole arsenal of toxic substances for CIA use. If Agency operators needed to kill someone in a few seconds with, say, a suicide pill, SOD provided super-deadly shellfish toxin.[1] On his ill-fated U-2 flight over the Soviet Union in 1960, Francis Gary Powers carriedand chose not to usea drill bit coated with this poison concealed in a silver dollar. While perfect for someone anxious to die or killinstantly, shellfish toxin offered no time to escape and could be traced easily. More useful for assassination, CIA and SOD men decided, was botulinum. With an incubation period of 8 to 12 hours, it allowed the killer time to separate himself from the deed. Agency operators would later supply pills laced with this lethal food poison to its Mafia allies for inclusion in Fidel Castro's milkshake. If CIA officials wanted an assassination to look like a death from natural causes, they could choose from a long list of deadly diseases that normally occurred in particular countries. Thus in 1960, Clandestine Services chief Richard Bissell asked Sid Gottlieb to pick out an appropriate malady to kill the Congo's Patrice Lumumba. Gottlieb told the Senate investigators that he selected one that "was supposed to produce a disease that was . . . indigenous to that area [of West Africa] and that could be fatal." Gottlieb personally carried the bacteria to the Congo, but this murderous operation was scrubbed before Lumumba could be infected. (The Congolese leader was killed shortly thereafter under circumstances that still are not clear.) When CIA operators merely wanted to be rid of somebody temporarily, SOD stockpiled for them about a dozen diseases and toxins of varying strengths. At the relatively benign end of the SOD list stood Staph. enterotoxin, a mild form of food poisoningmild compared to botulinum. This Staph. infection almost never killed and simply incapacitated its victim for 3 to 6 hours. Under the skilled guidance of Sid Gottlieb's wartime predecessor, Stanley Lovell, OSS had used this very substance to prevent Nazi official Hjalmar Schacht from attending an economic conference during the war. More virulent in the SOD arsenal was Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis virus. It usually immobilized a person for 2 to 5 days and kept him in a weakened state for several more weeks. If the Agency wanted to incapacitate someone for a period of months, SOD had two different kinds of brucellosis.[2] A former senior official at Fort Detrick was kind enough to run me through all the germs and toxins SOD kept for the CIA, listing their advantages and disadvantages. Before doing so, he emphasized that SOD was also trying to work out ways to protect U.S. citizens and installations from attack with similar substances. "You can't have a serious defense," he says, "unless someone has thought about offense." He stated that Japan

made repeated biological attacks against China during World War IIwhich was one reason for starting the American program.[3] He knows of no use since by the Soviet Union or any other power. According to the Detrick official, anyone contemplating use of a biological product had to consider many other factors besides toxicity and incubation period. Can the germ be detected easily and countered with a vaccine? He notes that anthrax, a fatal disease (when inhaled) that SOD stored for CIA, has the advantage of symptoms that resemble pneumonia; similarly, Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis can be mistaken for the grippe. While vaccines do exist for many of the stockpiled diseases, SOD was forever developing more virulent strains. "I don't know of any organism susceptible to a drug that can't be made more resistant," states the Detrick man. Did the disease have a high degree of secondary spread? SOD preferred it not to, because these germ warfare men did not want to start epidemicsthat was the job of others at Fort Detrick. Was the organism stable? How did humidity affect it? SOD considered these and many other factors. To the CIA, perhaps the most important question was whether it could covertly deliver the germ to infect the right person. One branch of SOD specialized in building delivery systems, the most famous of which now is the dart gun fashioned out of a .45 pistol that ex-CIA Director William Colby displayed to the world at a 1975 Senate hearing. The Agency had long been after SOD to develop a "non-discernible microbioinoculator" which could give people deadly shots that, according to a CIA document, could not be "easily detected upon a detailed autopsy." SOD also rigged up aerosol sprays that could be fired by remote control, including a fluorescent starter that was activated by turning on the light, a cigarette lighter that sprayed when lit, and an engine head bolt that shot off as the engine heated. "If you're going to infect people, the most likely way is respiratory," notes the high Detrick official. "Everybody breathes, but you might not get them to eat." Frank Olson specialized in the airborne delivery of disease. He had been working in the field ever since 1943, when he came to Fort Detrick as one of the original military officers in the U. S. biological warfare program. Before the end of the war, he developed a painful ulcer condition that led him to seek a medical discharge from the uniformed military, but he had stayed on as a civilian. He joined SOD when it started in 1950. Obviously good at what he did, Olson served for several months as acting chief of SOD in 1952-53 but asked to be relieved when the added stress caused his ulcer to flare up. He happily returned to his lesser post as a branch chief, where he had fewer administrative duties and could spend more time in the laboratory. A lover of practical jokes, Olson was very popular among his many friends. He was an outgoing man, but, like most of his generation, he kept his inner feelings to himself. His great passion was his family, and he spent most of his spare time playing

with his three kids and helping around the house. He had met his wife while they both studied at the University of Wisconsin. Olson attended all the sessions and apparently did everything expected of him during the first two days at the lodge. After dinner on Thursday, November 19, 1953 the same day that a Washington Post editorial decried the use of dogs in chemical experimentsOlson shared a drink of Cointreau with all but two of the men present. (One had a heart condition; the other, a reformed alcoholic, did not drink.) Unbeknownst to the SOD men, Sid Gottlieb had decided to spike the liqueur with LSD.[4] "To me, everyone was pretty normal," says SOD's Benjamin Wilson. "No one was aware anything had happened until Gottlieb mentioned it. [20 minutes after the drink] Gottlieb asked if we had noticed anything wrong. Everyone was aware, once it was brought to their attention." They tried to continue their discussion, but once the drug took hold, the meeting deteriorated into laughter and boisterous conversation. Two of the SOD men apparently got into an all-night philosophical conversation that had nothing to do with biological warfare. Ruwet remembers it as "the most frightening experience I ever had or hope to have." Ben Wilson recalls that "Olson was psychotic. He couldn't understand what happened. He thought someone was playing tricks on him.... One of his favorite expressions was 'You guys are a bunch of thespians.'" Olson and most of the others became increasingly uncomfortable and could not sleep.[5] When the group gathered in the morning, Olson was still agitated, obviously disturbed, as were several of his colleagues. The meeting had turned sour, and no one really wanted to do more business. They all straggled home during the day. Alice Olson remembers her husband coming in before dinner that evening: "He said nothing. He just sat there. Ordinarily when he came back from a trip, he'd tell me about the things he couldwhat they had to eat, that sort of thing. During dinner, I said, 'It's a damned shame the adults in this family don't communicate anymore.' He said, 'Wait until the kids get to bed and I'll talk to you.' " Later that night, Frank Olson told his wife he had made "a terrible mistake," that his colleagues had laughed at him and humiliated him. Mrs. Olson assured him that the others were his friends, that they would not make fun of him. Still, Olson would not tell her any more. He kept his fears bottled up inside, and he shared nothing of his growing feeling that someone was out to get him. Alice Olson was accustomed to his keeping secrets. Although she realized he worked on biological warfare, they never talked about it. She had had only little glimpses of his profession. He complained about the painful shots he was always taking.[6] He almost never took a bath at home because he showered upon entering and leaving his office every day. When a Detrick employee died of anthrax (one of three fatalities in the base's 27-year history), Frank Olson told his wife the man had died of pneumonia. Alice Olson had never even seen the building where her husband worked. Fort Detrick was built on the principle of concentric circles, with secrets concealed

inside secrets. To enter the inner regions where SOD operated, one needed not only the highest security clearance but a "need to know" authorization. Her husband was not about to break out of a career of government imposed secrecy to tell her about the TOP SECRET experiment that Sid Gottlieb had performed on him. The Olsons spent an uncommunicative weekend together. On Sunday they sat on the davenport in their living room, holding handssomething they had not done for a long time. "It was a rotten November day," recalls Mrs. Olson. "The fog outside was so thick you could hardly see out the front door. Frank's depression was dreadful." Finally, she recalls, they packed up the three young children, and went off to the local theater. The film turned out to be Luther. "It was a very serious movie," remembers Mrs. Olson, "not a good one to see when you're depressed." The following day, Olson appeared at 7:30 A.M. in the office of his boss, Lieutenant Colonel Ruwet, To Ruwet, Olson seemed "agitated." He told Ruwet he wanted either to quit or be fired. Taken aback, Ruwet reassured Olson that his conduct at the lodge had been "beyond reproach." Seemingly satisfied and relieved, Olson agreed to stay on and spent the rest of the day on routine SOD business. That evening, the Olsons spent their most lighthearted evening since before the retreat to Deep Creek Lodge, and they planned a farewell party for a colleague the following Saturday night. Tuesday morning, Ruwet again arrived at his office to find a disturbed Frank Olson waiting for him. Olson said he felt "all mixed up" and questioned his own competence. He said that he should not have left the Army during the war because of his ulcer and that he lacked the ability to do his present work. After an hour, Ruwet decided Olson needed "psychiatric attention." Ruwet apparently felt that the CIA had caused Olson's problem in the first place, and instead of sending him to the base hospital, he called Gottlieb's deputy Robert Lashbrook to arrange for Olson to see a psychiatrist. After a hurried conference, Lashbrook and Gottlieb decided to send Olson to Dr. Harold Abramson in New York. Abramson had no formal training in psychiatry and did not hold himself out to be a psychiatrist. He was an allergist and immunologist interested in treating the problems of the mind. Gottlieb chose him because he had a TOP SECRET CIA security clearance and because he had been working with LSDunder Agency contractfor several years. Gottlieb was obviously protecting his own bureaucratic position by not letting anyone outside TSS know what he had done. Having failed to observe the order to seek higher approval for LSD use, Gottlieb proceeded to violate another CIA regulation. It states, in effect, that whenever a potential flap arises that might embarrass the CIA or lead to a break in secrecy, those involved should immediately call the Office of Security. For health problems like Olson's, Security and the CIA medical office keep a long list of doctors (and psychiatrists) with TOP SECRET clearance who can provide treatment. Gottlieb had other plans for Frank Olson, and off to

New York went the disturbed SOD biochemist in the company of Ruwet and Lashbrook. Olson alternately improved and sank deeper and deeper into his feelings of depression, inadequacy, guilt, and paranoia. He began to think that the CIA was putting a stimulant like Benzedrine in his coffee to keep him awake and that it was the Agency that was out to get him. That first day in New York, Abramson saw Olson at his office. Then at 10:30 in the evening, the allergist visited Olson in his hotel room, armed with a bottle of bourbon and a bottle of the sedative Nembutalan unusual combination for a doctor to give to someone with symptoms like Olson's. Before Olson's appointment with Dr. Abramson the following day, he and Ruwet accompanied Lashbrook on a visit to a famous New York magician named John Mulholland, whom TSS had put under contract to prepare a manual that would apply "the magician's art to covert activities." An expert at pulling rabbits out of hats could easily find new and better ways to slip drugs into drinks, and Gottlieb signed up Mulholland to work on, among other things, "the delivery of various materials to unwitting subjects." Lashbrook thought that the magician might amuse Olson, but Olson became "highly suspicious." The group tactfully cut their visit short, and Lashbrook dropped Olson off at Abramson's office. After an hour's consultation with Abramson that afternoon the allergist gave Olson permission to return to Frederick the following day, Thanksgiving, to be with his family. Olson, Ruwet, and Lashbrook had plane reservations for Thursday morning, so that night, in a preholiday attempt to lift spirits, they all went to see the Rodgers and Hammerstein hit musical, Me and Juliet. Olson became upset during the first act and told Ruwet that he knew people were waiting outside the theater to arrest him. Olson and Ruwet left the show at intermission, and the two old friends walked back to the Statler Hotel, near Penn Station. Later, while Ruwet slept in the next bed, Olson crept out of the hotel and wandered the streets. Gripped by the delusion that he was following Ruwet's orders, he tore up all his paper money and threw his wallet down a chute. At 5:30 A.M., Ruwet and Lashbrook found him sitting in the Statler lobby with his hat and coat on. They checked out of the hotel and caught the plane back to Washington. An SOD driver picked Olson and Ruwet up at National Airport and started to drive them back to Frederick. As they drove up Wisconsin Avenue, Olson had the driver pull into a Howard Johnson's parking lot. He told Ruwet that he was "ashamed" to see his family in his present state and that he feared he might become violent with his children. Ruwet suggested he go back to see Abramson in New York, and Olson agreed. Ruwet and Olson drove back to Lashbrook's apartment on New Hampshire Avenue off Dupont Circle, and Lashbrook summoned Sid Gottlieb from Thanksgiving dinner in Virginia. All agreed that Lashbrook would take Olson back to New York while Ruwet would go back to Frederick to explain the situation to Mrs. Olson and to see his own family. (Ruwet was Olson's friend, whereas Lashbrook was no more than a professional acquaintance. Olson's son Eric believes that

his father's mental state suffered when Ruwet left him in the hands of the CIA's Lashbrook, especially since Olson felt the CIA was "out to get him.") Olson and Lashbrook flew to LaGuardia airport and went to see Abramson at his Long Island office. Then the two men ate a joyless Thanksgiving dinner at a local restaurant. Friday morning Abramson drove them into Manhattan. Abramson, an allergist, finally realized that he had more on his hands with Olson than he could handle, and he recommended hospitalization. He wrote afterward that Olson "was in a psychotic state . . . with delusions of persecution." Olson agreed to enter Chestnut Lodge, a Rockville, Maryland sanitarium that had CIA-cleared psychiatrists on the staff. They could not get plane reservations until the next morning, so Olson and Lashbrook decided to spend one last night at the Statler. They took a room on the tenth floor. With his spirits revived, Olson dared to call his wife for the first time since he had left originally for New York. They had a pleasant talk, which left her feeling better. In the early hours of the morning, Lashbrook woke up just in time to see Frank Olson crash through the drawn blinds and closed window on a dead run. Within seconds, as a crowd gathered around Olson's shattered body on the street below, the cover-up started. Lashbrook called Gottlieb to tell him what had happened before he notified the police. Next, Lashbrook called Abramson, who, according to Lashbrook, "wanted to be kept out of the thing completely." Abramson soon called back and offered to assist. When the police arrived, Lashbrook told them he worked for the Defense Department. He said he had no idea why Olson killed himself, but he did know that the dead man had "suffered from ulcers." The detectives assigned to the case later reported that getting information out of Lashbrook was "like pulling teeth." They speculated to each other that the case could be a homicide with homosexual overtones, but they soon dropped their inquiries when Ruwet and Abramson verified Lashbrook's sketchy account and invoked high government connections. Back in Washington, Sid Gottlieb finally felt compelled to tell the Office of Security about the Olson case. Director Allen Dulles personally ordered Inspector General Lyman Kirkpatrick to make a full investigation, but first, Agency officials tried to make sure that no outsider would tie Olson's death either to the CIA or LSD. Teams of Security officers were soon scurrying around New York and Washington, making sure the Agency had covered its tracks. One interviewed Lashbrook and then accompanied him to a meeting with Abramson. When Lashbrook and Abramson asked the security officer to leave them alone, he complied and then, in the best traditions of his office, listened in on the conversation covertly. From his report on their talk, it can safely be said that Lashbrook and Abramson conspired to make sure they told identical stories. Lashbrook dictated to Abramson, who made a recording of the symptoms that Olson was supposed to be suffering from and the problems that were bothering him. Lashbrook even stated that Mrs. Olson had suggested her husband see a psychiatrist months

before the LSD incident.[7] Lashbrook's comments appeared in three reports Abramson submitted to the CIA, but these reports were internally inconsistent. In one memo, Abramson wrote that Olson's "psychotic state . . . seemed to have been crystallized by [the LSD] experiment." In a later report, Abramson called the LSD dose "therapeutic" and said he believed "this dosage could hardly have had any significant role in the course of events that followed.[8] The CIA officiallybut secretlytook the position that the LSD had "triggered" Olson's suicide. Agency officials worked industriously behind the scenes to make sure that Mrs. Olson received an adequate government pensiontwo-thirds of her husband's base pay. Ruwet, who had threatened to expose the whole affair if Mrs. Olson did not get the pension, submitted a form saying Olson had died of a "classified illness." Gottlieb and Lashbrook kept trying to have it both ways in regard to giving Olson LSD, according to the CIA's General Counsel. They acknowledged LSD's triggering function in his death, but they also claimed it was "practically impossible" for the drug to have harmful aftereffects. The General Counsel called these two positions "completely inconsistent," and he wrote he was "not happy with what seems to me a very casual attitude on the part of TSS representatives to the way this experiment was conducted and to their remarks that this is just one of the risks running with scientific investigation." As part of his investigation, Inspector General Kirkpatrick sequestered Gottlieb's LSD files, which Kirkpatrick remembers did not make Gottlieb at all happy. "I brought out his stutter," says Kirkpatrick with a wry smile. "He was quite concerned about his future." Kirkpatrick eventually recommended that some form of reprimand be given to Gottlieb, TSS chief Willis Gibbons, and TSS deputy chief James "Trapper" Drum, who had waited 20 days after Olson's death to admit that Gottlieb had cleared the experiment with him. Others opposed Kirkpatrick's recommendation. Admiral Luis deFlorez, the Agency's Research Chairman, sent a personal memo to Allen Dulles saying reprimands would be an "injustice" and would hinder "the spirit of initiative and enthusiasm so necessary in our work." The Director's office went along, and Kirkpatrick began the tortuous process of preparing letters for Dulles' signature that would say Gottlieb, Gibbons, and Drum had done something wrong, but nothing too wrong. Kirkpatrick went through six drafts of the Gottlieb letter alone before he came up with acceptable wording. He started out by saying TSS officials had exercised "exceedingly bad judgment." That was too harsh for high Agency officials, so Kirkpatrick tried "very poor judgment." Still too hard. He settled for "poor judgment." The TSS officials were told that they should not consider the letters to be reprimands and that no record of the letters would be put in their personnel files where they could conceivably harm future careers. The Olson family up in Frederick did not get off so easily. Ruwet told them Olson had jumped or fallen out of the window in New York, but he mentioned not a word about the LSD, whose effects Ruwet himself believed had led to

Olson's death. Ever the good soldier, Ruwet could not bring himself to talk about the classified experiment even to ease Alice Olson's sorrow. Mrs. Olson did not want to accept the idea that her husband had willfully committed suicide. "It was very important to mealmost the core of my lifethat my children not feel their father had walked out on them," recalls Mrs. Olson. For the next 22 years, Alice Olson had no harder evidence than her own belief that her husband did not desert her and the family. Then in June 1975, the Rockefeller Commission studying illegal CIA domestic operations reported that a man fitting Frank Olson's description had leaped from a New York hotel window after the CIA had given him LSD without his knowledge. The Olson family read about the incident in the Washington Post. Daughter Lisa Olson Hayward and her husband went to see Ruwet, who had retired from the Army and settled in Frederick. In an emotional meeting, Ruwet confirmed that Olson was the man and said he could not tell the family earlier because he did not have permission. Ruwet tried to discourage them from going public or seeking compensation from the government, but the Olson family did both. [9] On national television, Alice Olson and each of her grown children took turns reading from a prepared family statement: We feel our family has been violated by the CIA in two ways," it said. "First, Frank Olson was experimented upon illegally and negligently. Second, the true nature of his death was concealed for twenty-two years.... In telling our story, we are concerned that neither the personal pain this family has experienced nor the moral and political outrage we feel be slighted. Only in this way can Frank Olson's death become part of American memory and serve the purpose of political and ethical reform so urgently needed in our society. The statement went on to compare the Olsons with families in the Third World "whose hopes for a better life were destroyed by CIA intervention." Although Eric Olson read those words in behalf of the whole family, they reflected more the politics of the children than the feelings of their mother, Alice Olson. An incredibly strong woman who seems to have made her peace with the world, Mrs. Olson went back to college after her husband's death, got a degree, and held the family together while she taught school. She has no malice in her heart toward Vin Ruwet, her friend who withheld that vital piece of information from her all those years. He comforted her and gave support during the most difficult of times, and she deeply appreciates that. Mrs. Olson defends Ruwet by saying he was in "a bad position," but then she stops in mid-sentence and says, "If I had only been given some indication that it was the pressure of work.... If only I had had something I could have told the kids. I don't know how [Ruwet] could have done it either. It was a terrible thing for a man who loved him." "I'm not vindicative toward Vin [Ruwet]," reflects Mrs. Olson. "Gottlieb is a different question. He was despicable." She tells how Gottlieb and Lashbrook both attended Olson's funeral in Frederick and contributed to a memorial fund. A week or two later, the two men asked

to visit her. She knew they did not work at Detrick, but she did not really understood where they came from or their role. "I didn't want to see them," she notes. "Vin told me it would make them feel better. I didn't want an ounce of flesh from them. I didn't think it was necessary, but, okay, I agreed. In retrospect, it was so bizarre, it makes me sick . . . I was a sucker for them." Gottlieb and Lashbrook apparently never returned to the biological warfare offices at SOD. Little else changed, however. Ray Treichler and Henry Bortner took over CIA's liaison with SOD. SOD continued to manufacture and stockpile bacteriological agents for the CIA until 1969, when President Richard Nixon renounced the use of biological warfare tactics. And presumably, someone replaced Frank Olson. Notes The description of the CIA's relationship with SOD at Fort Detrick comes from interviews with several ex-Fort Detrick employees; Church Committee hearings on "Unauthorized Storage of Toxic Agents, Volume 1; Church Committee "Summary Report on CIA Investigation of MKNAOMI" found in Report, Book I, pp. 360-63; and/ Kennedy subcommittee hearings on Biological Testing Involving Human Subjects by the Department of Defense, 1977. The details of Sid Gottlieb's involvement in the plot to kill Patrice Lumumba are found in the Church Committee's Interim Report on "Alleged Assassination Plots Involving Foreign Leaders," pp. 20-21. The Church committee allowed Gottlieb to be listed under the pseudonym Victor Scheider, but several sources confirm Gottlieb's true identity, as does the biographic data on him submitted to the Kennedy subcommittee by the CIA, which puts him in the same job attributed to "Scheider" at the same time. The plot to give botulinum to Fidel Castro is outlined in the Assassination report, pp. 79 83. The incident with the Iraqi colonel is on p. 181 of the same report. The several inches of CIA documents on the Olson case were released by the Olson family in 1976 and can be found in the printed volume of the 1975 Kennedy subcommittee hearings on Biomedical and Behavioral Resarch, pp.1005-1132. They form the base of much of the narrative, along with interviews with Alice Olson, Eric Olson, Benjamin Wilson, and several other ex-SOD men (who added next to nothing). Information also was gleaned from Vincent Ruwet's testimony before the Kennedy subcommittee in 1975, pp. 138-45 and the Church committee's summary of the affair, Book I, pp. 394-403. The quote on Harold Abramson's intention to give his patients unwitting doses of LSD is found in MKULTRA subproject 7, June 8, 1953, letter to Dr. [deleted]. Magician John Mulholland's work for the Agency is described in MKULTRA subprojects 19 and 34. Footnotes 1. Toxins are chemical substances, not living organisms, derived from biological agents. While they can make people sick or dead, they cannot reproduce themselves like bacteria. Because of their biological origin, toxins came under the responsibility of Fort Detrick rather than Edgewood Arsenal, the facility which

handled the chemical side of America's chemical and biological warfare (CBW) programs. 2. Brucellosis may well have been the disease that Gottlieb selected in the spring of 1960 when the Clandestine Services' Health Alteration Committee approved an operation to disable an Iraqi colonel, said to be "promoting Soviet-bloc political interests" for at least three months. Gottlieb told the Church committee that he had a monogrammed handkerchief treated with the incapacitating agency, and then mailed it to the colonel. CIA officials told the committee that the colonel was shot by a firing squadwhich the Agency had nothing to do withbefore the handkerchief arrived. 3. For some reason, the U.S. government has made it a point not to release information about Japanese use of biological warfare. The senior Detrick source says, "We knew they sprayed Manchuria. We had the results of how they produced and disseminated [the biological agents, including anthrax].... I read the autopsy reports myself. We had people who went over to Japan after the war." 4. Gottlieb stated just after Olson's death, at a time when he was trying to minimize his own culpability, that he had talked to the SOD men about LSD and that they had agreed in general terms to the desirability of unwitting testing. Two of the SOD group in interviews and a third in congressional testimony flatly deny the Gottlieb version. Gottlieb and the SOD men all agree Gottlieb gave no advance warning that he was giving them a drug in their liqueur. 5. For the very reason that most trips last about eight hours no matter what time a subject takes the drug, virtually all experimenters, including TSS's own contractors, give LSD in the morning to avoid the discomfort of sleepless nights. 6. To enter the SOD building, in addition to needing an incredibly hard-to-get security clearance, one had to have an up-to-date shot card with anywhere from 10 to 20 immunizations listed. The process was so painful and time consuming that at one point in the 1960s the general who headed the whole Army Chemical Corps decided against inspecting SOD and getting an on-the-spot briefing. When asked about this incident, an SOD veteran who had earlier resigned said, "That's the way we kept them out. Those [military] types didn't need to know. Most of the security violations came from the top level.... He could have gone in without shots if he had insisted. The safety director would have protested, but he could have." 7. Mrs. Olson says that this is an outright lie. 8. Nonpsychiatrist Abramson who allowed chemist Lashbrook to tell him about his patient's complexes clearly had a strange idea what was "therapeutic"or psychotherapeutic, for that matter. In Abramson's 1953 proposal to the CIA for $85,000 to study LSD, he wrote that over the next year he "hoped" to give hospital patients "who are essentially normal from a psychiatric point of view . . . unwitting doses of the drug for psychotherapeutic purposes." His treatment brings to mind the William Burroughs character in Naked Lunch who states; "Now, boys, you won't see this operation performed very often, and there's a reason for that . . .

you see, it has absolutely no medical value." 9. President Gerald Ford later personally apologized to the Olson family, and Congress passed a bill in 1976 to pay $750,000 in compensation to Mrs. Olson and her three children. The family voluntarily abandoned the suit. Them Unwitting: The Safehouses Frank Olson's death could have been a major setback for the Agency's LSD testing, but the program, like Sid Gottlieb's career, emerged essentially unscathed. High CIA officials did call a temporary halt to all experiments while they investigated the Olson case and re-examined the general policy. They cabled the two field stations that had supplies of the drug (Manila and Atsugi, Japan) not to use it for the time being, and they even took away Sid Gottlieb's own private supply and had it locked up in his boss' safe, to which no one else had the combination. In the end, however, Allen Dulles accepted the view Richard Helms put forth that the only "operationally realistic" way to test drugs was to try them on unwitting people. Helms noted that experiments which gave advance warning would be "pro forma at best and result in a false sense of accomplishment and readiness." For Allen Dulles and his top aides, the possible importance of LSD clearly outweighed the risks and ethical problem of slipping the drug to involuntary subjects. They gave Gottlieb back his LSD. Once the CIA's top echelon had made its decision to continue unwitting testing, there remained, in Richard Helms' words, "only then the question of how best to do it." The Agency's role in the Olson affair had come too perilously close to leaking out for the comfort of the security-minded, so TSS officials simply had to work out a testing system with better cover. That meant finding subjects who could not be so easily traced back to the Agency. Well before Olson's death, Gottlieb and the MKULTRA crew had started pondering how best to do unwitting testing. They considered using an American police force to test drugs on prisoners, informants, and suspects, but they knew that some local politicians would inevitably find out. In the Agency view, such people could not be trusted to keep sensitive secrets. TSS officials thought about trying Federal prisons or hospitals, but, when sounded out, the Bureau of Prisons refused to go along with true unwitting testing (as opposed to the voluntary, if coercive, form practiced on drug addicts in Kentucky). They contemplated moving the program overseas, where they and the ARTICHOKE teams were already performing operational experiments, but they decided if they tested on the scale they thought was necessary, so many foreigners would have to know that it would pose an unacceptable security risk. Sid Gottlieb is remembered as the brainstorming genius of the MKULTRA groupand the one with a real talent for showing others, without hurting their feelings, why their schemes would not work. States an excolleague who admires him greatly, "In the final analysis, Sid was like a good soldierif the job had to be done, he did it. Once the decision was made, he found

the most effective way." In this case, Gottlieb came up with the solution after reading through old OSS files on Stanley Lovell's search for a truth drug. Gottlieb noted that Lovell had used George White, a prewar employee of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics, to test concentrated marijuana. Besides trying the drug out on Manhattan Project volunteers and unknowing suspected Communists, White had slipped some to August Del Gracio, the Lucky Luciano lieutenant. White had called the experiment a great success. If it had not beenif Del Gracio had somehow caught on to the druggingGottlieb realized that the gangster would never have gone to the police or the press. His survival as a criminal required he remain quiet about even the worst indignities heaped upon him by government agents. To Gottlieb, underworld types looked like ideal test subjects. Nevertheless, according to one TSS source, "We were not about to fool around with the Mafia." Instead, this source says they chose "the borderline underworld" prostitutes, drug addicts, and other small-timers who would be powerless to seek any sort of revenge if they ever found out what the CIA had done to them. In addition to their being unlikely whistle-blowers, such people lived in a world where an unwitting dose of some drug usually knockout dropswas an occupational hazard anyway. They would therefore be better equipped to deal withand recover froma surprise LSD trip than the population as a whole. Or so TSS officials rationalized. "They could at least say to themselves, 'Here I go again. I've been slipped a mickey,"' says a TSS veteran. Furthermore, this veteran remembers, his former colleagues reasoned that if they had to violate the civil rights of anyone, they might as well choose a group of marginal people. George White himself had left OSS after the war and returned to the Narcotics Bureau. In 1952 he was working in the New York office. As a high-ranking narcotics agent, White had a perfect excuse to be around drugs and people who used them. He had proved during the war that he had a talent for clandestine work, and he certainly had no qualms when it came to unwitting testing. With his job, he had access to all the possible subjects the Agency would need, and if he could use LSD or any other drug to find out more about drug trafficking, so much the better. From a security viewpoint, CIA officials could easily deny any connection to anything White did, and he clearly was not the crybaby type. For Sid Gottlieb, George White was clearly the one. The MKULTRA chief decided to contact White directly to see if he might be interested in picking up with the CIA where he had left off with OSS. Always careful to observe bureaucratic protocol, Gottlieb first approached Harry Anslinger, the longtime head of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics, and got permission to use White on a part-time basis. Then Gottlieb traveled to New York and made his pitch to the narcotics agent, who stood 5'7", weighed over 200 pounds, shaved his head, and looked something like an extremely menacing bowling ball. After an early-morning meeting, White scrawled in his sweat-stained, leather-bound diary

for that day, June 9, 1952: "Gottlieb proposed I be a CIA consultantI agree." By writing down such a thing and using Gottlieb's true name,[1] White had broken CIA security regulations even before he started work. But then, White was never known as a man who followed rules. Despite the high priority that TSS put on drug testing, White's security approval did not come through until almost a year later. "It was only last month that I got cleared," the outspoken narcotics agent wrote to a friend in 1953. "I then learned that a couple of crewcut, pipe-smoking punks had either known meor heard of meduring OSS days and had decided I was 'too rough' for their league and promptly blackballed me. It was only when my sponsors discovered the root of the trouble they were able to bypass the blockade. After all, fellas, I didn't go to Princeton." People either loved or hated George White, and he had made some powerful enemies, including New York Governor Thomas Dewey and J. Edgar Hoover. Dewey would later help block White from becoming the head of the Narcotics Bureau in New York City, a job White sorely wanted. For some forgotten reason, Hoover had managed to stop White from being hired by the CIA in the Agency's early days, at a time when he would have preferred to leave narcotics work altogether. These were two of the biggest disappointments of his life. White's previous exclusion from the CIA may explain why he jumped so eagerly at Gottlieb's offer and why at the same time he privately heaped contempt on those who worked for the Agency. A remarkably heavy drinker, who would sometimes finish off a bottle of gin in one sitting, White often mocked the CIA crowd over cocktails. "He thought they were a joke," recalls one longtime crony. "They were too complicated, and they had other people do their heavy stuff." Unlike his CIA counterparts, White loved the glare of publicity. A man who gloried in talking about himself and cultivating a hard-nosed image, White knew how to milk a drug bust for all it was wortha skill that grew out of early years spent as a newspaper reporter in San Francisco and Los Angeles. In search of a more financially secure profession, he had joined the Narcotics Bureau in 1934, but he continued to pal around with journalists, particularly those who wrote favorably about him. Not only did he come across in the press as a cop hero, but he helped to shape the picture of future Kojaks by serving as a consultant to one of the earlytelevision detective series. To start a raid, he would dramatically tip his hat to signal his agentsand to let the photographers know that the time had come to snap his picture. "He was sort of vainglorious," says another good friend, "the kind of guy who if he did something, didn't mind having the world know about it."[2] The scientists from TSS, with their Ph.D.s and lack of street experience, could not help admiring White for his swashbuckling image. Unlike the men from MKULTRA, who, for all their pretensions, had never worked as reallive spies, White had put his life on the line for OSS overseas and had supposedly killed a Japanese agent with his bare hands. The face of one ex-TSS man lit up, like a little boy's on Christmas morning, as he told of racing

around New York in George White's car and parking illegally with no fear of the law. "We were Ivy League, white, middle-class," notes another former TSSer. "We were naive, totally naive about this, and he felt pretty expert. He knew the whores, the pimps, the people who brought in the drugs. He'd purportedly been in a number of shootouts where he'd captured millions of dollars worth of heroin.... He was a pretty wild man. I know I was afraid of him. You couldn't control this guy . . . I had a little trouble telling who was controlling who in those days." White lived with extreme personal contradictions. As could be expected of a narcotics agent, he violently opposed drugs. Yet he died largely because his beloved alcohol had destroyed his liver. He had tried everything else, from marijuana to LSD, and wrote an acquaintance, "I did feel at times I was having a 'mind-expanding' experience but this vanished like a dream immediately after the session." He was a law-enforcement official who regularly violated the law. Indeed, the CIA turned to him because of his willingness to use the power of his office to ride roughshod over the rights of othersin the name of "national security," when he tested LSD for the Agency, in the name of stamping out drug abuse, for the Narcotics Bureau. As yet another close associate summed up White's attitude toward his job, "He really believed the ends justified the means." George White's "pragmatic" approach meshed perfectly with Sid Gottlieb's needs for drug testing. In May 1953 the two men, who wound up going folk dancing together several times, formally joined forces. In CIA jargon, White became MKULTRA subproject #3. Under this arrangement, White rented two adjacent Greenwich Village apartments, posing as the sometime artist and seaman "Morgan Hall." White agreed to lure guinea pigs to the "safehouse"as the Agency men called the apartmentsslip them drugs, and report the results to Gottlieb and the others in TSS. For its part, the CIA let the Narcotics Bureau use the place for undercover activities (and often for personal pleasure) whenever no Agency work was scheduled, and the CIA paid all the bills, including the cost of keeping a well-stocked liquor cabineta substantial bonus for White. Gottlieb personally handed over the first $4,000 in cash, to cover the initial costs of furnishing the safehouse in the lavish style that White felt befitted him. Gottlieb did not limit his interest to drugs. He and other TSS officials wanted to try out surveillance equipment. CIA technicians quickly installed see-through mirrors and microphones through which eavesdroppers could film, photograph, and record the action. "Things go wrong with listening devices and two-way mirrors, so you build these things to find out what works and what doesn't," says a TSS source. "If you are going to entrap, you've got to give the guy pictures [flagrante delicto] and voice recordings. Once you learn how to do it so that the whole thing looks comfortable, cozy, and safe, then you can transport the technology overseas and use it." This TSS man notes that the Agency put to work in the bedrooms of Europe some of the techniques developed in the George

White safehouse operation. In the safehouse's first months, White tested LSD, several kinds of knockout drops, and that old OSS standby, essence of marijuana. He served up the drugs in food, drink, and cigarettes and then tried to worm informationusually on narcotics mattersfrom his "guests." Sometimes MKULTRA men came up from Washington to watch the action. A September 1953 entry in White's diary noted: "Lashbrook at 81 Bedford StreetOwen Winkle and LSD surprisecan wash." Sid Gottlieb's deputy, Robert Lashbrook, served as "project monitor" for the New York safehouse.[3] White had only been running the safehouse six months when Olson died (in Lashbrook's company), and Agency officials suspended the operation for re-evaluation. They soon allowed him to restart it, and then Gottlieb had to order White to slow down again. A New York State commissioner had summoned the narcotics agent to explain his role in the deal that wound up with Governor Dewey pardoning Lucky Luciano after the war. The commissioner was asking questions that touched on White's use of marijuana on Del Gracio, and Gottlieb feared that word of the CIA's current testing might somehow leak out. This storm also soon passed, but then, in early 1955, the Narcotics Bureau transferred White to San Francisco to become chief agent there. Happy with White's performance, Gottlieb decided to let him take the entire safehouse operation with him to the Coast. White closed up the Greenwich Village apartments, leaving behind unreceipted "tips" for the landlord "to clear up any difficulties about the alterations and damages," as a CIA document put it.[4] White soon rented a suitable "pad" (as he always called it) on Telegraph Hill, with a stunning view of San Francisco Bay, the Golden Gate Bridge, and Alcatraz. To supplement the furniture he brought from the New York safehouse, he went out and bought items that gave the place the air of the brothel it was to become: ToulouseLautrec posters, a picture of a French cancan dancer, and photos of manacled women in black stockings. "It was supposed to look rich," recalls a narcotics agent who regularly visited, "but it was furnished like crap." White hired a friend's company to install bugging equipment, and William Hawkins, a 25-year-old electronics whiz then studying at Berkley put in four DD-4 microphones disguised as electrical wall outlets and hooked them up to two F-301 tape recorders, which agents monitored in an adjacent "listening post." Hawkins remembers that White "kept a pitcher of martinis in the refrigerator, and he'd watch me for a while as I installed a microphone and then slip off." For his own personal "observation post," White had a portable toilet set up behind a two-way mirror, where he could watch the proceedings, usually with drink in hand. The San Francisco safehouse specialized in prostitutes. "But this was before The Hite Report and before any hooker had written a book," recalls a TSS man, "so first we had to go out and learn about their world. In the beginning, we didn't know what a john was or what a pimp did." Sid Gottlieb decided to send his top staff

psychologist, John Gittinger, to San Francisco to probe the demimonde. George White supplied the prostitutes for the study, although White, in turn, delegated much of the pimping function to one of his assistants, Ira "Ike" Feldman. A muscular but very short man, whom even the 5'7" White towered over, Feldman tried even harder than his boss to act tough. Dressed in suede shoes, a suit with flared trousers, a hat with a turned-up brim, and a huge zircon ring that was supposed to look like a diamond, Feldman first came to San Francisco on an undercover assignment posing as an East Coast mobster looking to make a big heroin buy. Using a drug-addicted prostitute name Janet Jones, whose common-law husband states that Feldman paid her off with heroin, the undercover man lured a number of suspected drug dealers to the "pad" and helped White make arrests. As the chief Federal narcotics agent in San Francisco, White was in a position to reward or punish a prostitute. He set up a system whereby he and Feldman provided Gittinger with all the hookers the psychologist wanted. White paid off the women with a fixed number of "chits." For each chit, White owed one favor. "So the next time the girl was arrested with a john," says an MKULTRA veteran, "she would give the cop George White's phone number. The police all knew White and cooperated with him without asking questions. They would release the girl if he said so. White would keep good records of how many chits each person had and how many she used. No money was exchanged, but five chits were worth $500 to $1,000." Prostitutes were not the only beneficiaries of White's largess. The narcotics agent worked out a similar system to forgive the transgressions of small time drug pushers when the MKULTRA men wanted to talk to them about "the rules of their game," according to the source. TSS officials wanted to find out everything they could about how to apply sex to spying, and the prostitute project became a general learning and then training ground for CIA carnal operations. After all, states one TSS official, "We did quite a study of prostitutes and their behavior.... At first nobody really knew how to use them. How do you train them? How do you work them? How do you take a woman who is willing to use her body to get money out of a guy to get things which are much more important, like state secrets. I don't care how beautiful she iseducating the ordinary prostitute up to that level is not a simple task." The TSS men continually tried to refine their knowledge. They realized that prostitutes often wheedled extra money out of a customer by suggesting some additional service as male orgasm neared. They wondered if this might not also be a good time to seek sensitive information. "But no," says the source, "we found the guy was focused solely on hormonal needs. He was not thinking of his career or anything else at that point." The TSS experts discovered that the postsexual, light-up-acigarette period was much better suited to their ulterior motives. Says the source: Most men who go to prostitutes are prepared for the fact that [after the act] she's beginning to work to get

herself out of there, so she can get back on the street to make some more money. . . . To find a prostitute who is willing to stay is a hell of a shock to anyone used to prostitutes. It has a tremendous effect on the guy. It's a boost to his ego if she's telling him he was really neat, and she wants to stay for a few more hours.... Most of the time, he gets pretty vulnerable. What the hell's he going to talk about? Not the sex, so he starts talking about his business. It's at this time she can lead him gently. But you have to train prostitutes to do that. Their natural inclination is to do exactly the opposite. The men from MKULTRA learned a great deal about varying sexual preferences. One of them says: We didn't know in those days about hidden sadism and all that sort of stuff. We learned a lot about human nature in the bedroom. We began to understand that when people wanted sex, it wasn't just what we had thought ofyou know, the missionary position.... We started to pick up knowledge that could be used in operations, but with a lot of it we never figured out any way to use it operationally. We just learned.... All these ideas did not come to us at once. But evolving over three or four years in which these studies were going on, things emerged which we tried. Our knowledge of prostitutes' behavior became pretty damn good. . . . This comes across now that somehow we were just playing around and we just found all these exotic ways to waste the taxpayers' money on satisfying our hidden urges. I'm not saying that watching prostitutes was not exciting or something like that. But what I am saying was there was a purpose to the whole business.[5] In the best tradition of Mata Hari, the CIA did use sex as a clandestine weapon, although apparently not so frequently as the Russians. While many in the Agency believed that it simply did not work very well, others like CIA operators in Berlin during the mid-1960s felt prostitutes could be a prime source of intelligence. Agency men in that city used a network of hookers to good advantageor so they told visitors from headquarters. Yet, with its high proportion of Catholics and Mormons not to mention the Protestant ethic of many of its top leadersthe Agency definitely had limits beyond which prudery took over. For instance, a TSS veteran says that a good number of case officers wanted no part of homosexual entrapment operations. And to go a step further, he recalls one senior KGB man who told too many sexual jokes about young boys. "It didn't take too long to recognize that he was more than a little fascinated by youths," says the source. "I took the trouble to point out he was probably too good, too well-trained, to be either entrapped or to give away secrets. But he would have been tempted toward a compromising position by a preteen. I mentioned this, and they said, 'As a psychological observer, you're probably quite right. But what the hell are we going to do about it? Where are we going to get a twelve-year-old boy?' " The source believes that if the Russian had had a taste for older men, U.S. intelligence might have mounted an operation, "but the idea of a twelve-year-old boy was just more than anybody could stomach."

As the TSS men learned more about the San Francisco hustlers, they ventured outside the safehouse to try out various clandestine-delivery gimmicks in public places like restaurants, bars, and beaches. They practiced ways to slip LSD to citizens of the demimonde while buying them a drink or lighting up a cigarette, and they then tried to observe the effects when the drug took hold. Because the MKULTRA scientists did not move smoothly among the very kinds of people they were testing, they occasionally lost an unwitting victim in a crowdthereby sending a stranger off alone with a head full of LSD. In a larger sense, all the test victims would become lost. As a matter of policy, Sid Gottlieb ordered that virtually no records be kept of the testing. In 1973, when Gottlieb retired from the Agency, he and Richard Helms agreed to destroy what they thought were the few existing documents on the program. Neither Gottlieb nor any other MKULTRA man has owned up to having given LSD to an unknowing subject, or even to observing such an experimentexcept of course in the case of Frank Olson. Olson's death left behind a paper trail outside of Gottlieb's control and that hence could not be denied. Otherwise, Gottlieb and his colleagues have put all the blame for actual testing on George White, who is not alive to defend himself. One reason the MKULTRA veterans have gone to such lengths to conceal their role is obvious: fear of lawsuits from victims claiming damaged health. At the time of the experiments, the subjects' health did not cause undue concern. At the safehouse, where most of the testing took place, doctors were seldom present. Dr. James Hamilton, a Stanford Medical School psychiatrist and White's OSS colleague, visited the place from time to time, apparently for studies connected to unwitting drug experiments and deviant sexual practices. Yet neither Hamilton nor any other doctor provided much medical supervision. From his perch atop the toilet seat, George White could do no more than make surface observations of his drugged victims. Even an experienced doctor would have had difficulty handling White's role. In addition to LSD, which they knew could cause serious, if not fatal problems, TSS officials gave White even more exotic experimental drugs to test, drugs that other Agency contractors may or may not have already used on human subjects. "If we were scared enough of a drug not to try it out on ourselves, we sent it to San Francisco," recalls a TSS source. According to a 1963 report by CIA Inspector General John Earman, "In a number of instances, however, the test subject has become ill for hours or days, including hospitalization in at least one case, and [White] could only follow up by guarded inquiry after the test subject's return to normal life. Possible sickness and attendant economic loss are inherent contingent effects of the testing." The Inspector General noted that the whole program could be compromised if an outside doctor made a "correct diagnosis of an illness." Thus, the MKULTRA team not only made some people sick but had a vested interest in keeping doctors from finding out what was really wrong. If that bothered the Inspector General, he did not report

his qualms, but he did say he feared "serious damage to the Agency" in the event of public exposure. The Inspector General was only somewhat reassured by the fact that George White "maintain[ed] close working relations with local police authorities which could be utilized to protect the activity in critical situations." If TSS officials had been willing to stick with their original target group of marginal underworld types, they would have had little to fear from the police. After all, George White was the police. But increasingly they used the safehouse to test drugs, in the Inspector General's words, "on individuals of all social levels, high and low, native American and foreign." After all, they were looking for an operational payoff, and they knew people reacted differently to LSD according to everything from health and mood to personality structure. If TSS officials wanted to slip LSD to foreign leaders, as they contemplated doing to Fidel Castro, they would try to spring an unwitting dose on somebody as similar as possible. They used the safehouse for "dry runs" in the intermediate stage between the laboratory and actual operations. For these dress rehearsals, George White and his staff procurer, Ike Feldman, enticed men to the apartment with prostitutes. An unsuspecting john would think he had bought a night of pleasure, go back to a strange apartment, and wind up zonked. A CIA document that survived Sid Gottlieb's shredding recorded this process. Its author, Gottlieb himself, could not break a lifelong habit of using nondescriptive language. For the MKULTRA chief, the whores were "certain individuals who covertly administer this material to other people in accordance with [White's] instructions." White normally paid the women $100 in Agency funds for their night's work, and Gottlieb's prose reached new bureaucratic heights as he explained why the prostitutes did not sign for the money: "Due to the highly unorthodox nature of these activities and the considerable risk incurred by these individuals, it is impossible to require that they provide a receipt for these payments or that they indicate the precise manner in which the funds were spent." The CIA's auditors had to settle for canceled checks which White cashed himself and marked either "Stormy" or, just as appropriately, "Undercover Agent." The program was also referred to as "Operation Midnight Climax." TSS officials found the San Francisco safehouse so successful that they opened a branch office, also under George White's auspices, across the Golden Gate on the beach in Marin County.[6] Unlike the downtown apartment, where an MKULTRA man says "you could bring people in for quickies after lunch," the suburban Marin County outlet proved useful for experiments that required relative isolation. There, TSS scientists tested such MKULTRA specialties as stink bombs, itching and sneezing powders, and diarrhea inducers. TSS's Ray Treichler, the Stanford chemist, sent these "harassment substances" out to California for testing by White, along with such delivery systems as a mechanical launcher that could throw a foulsmelling object 100 yards, glass ampules that could be stepped on in a crowd to release any of Treichler's

powders, a fine hypodermic needle to inject drugs through the cork in a wine bottle, and a drug-coated swizzle stick. TSS men also planned to use the Marin County safehouse for an ill-fated experiment that began when staff psychologists David Rhodes and Walter Pasternak spent a week circulating in bars, inviting strangers to a party. They wanted to spray LSD from an aerosol can on their guests, but according to Rhodes' Senate testimony, "the weather defeated us." In the heat of the summer, they could not close the doors and windows long enough for the LSD to hang in the air and be inhaled. Sensing a botched operation, their MKULTRA colleague, John Gittinger (who brought the drug out from Washington) shut himself in the bathroom and let go with the spray. Still, Rhodes testified, Gittinger did not get high, and the CIA men apparently scrubbed the party.[7] The MKULTRA crew continued unwitting testing until the summer of 1963 when the Agency's Inspector General stumbled across the safehouses during a regular inspection of TSS activities. This happened not long after Director John McCone had appointed John Earman to the Inspector General position.[8] Much to the displeasure of Sid Gottlieb and Richard Helms, Earman questioned the propriety of the safehouses, and he insisted that Director McCone be given a full briefing. Although President Kennedy had put McCone in charge of the Agency the year before, Helmsthe professional's professionalhad not bothered to tell his outsider boss about some of the CIA's most sensitive activities, including the safehouses and the CIA-Mafia assassination plots.[9] Faced with Earman's demands, Helmssurely one of history's most clever bureaucratsvolunteered to tell McCone himself about the safehouses (rather than have Earman present a negative view of the program). Sure enough, Helms told Earman afterward, McCone raised no objections to unwitting testing (as Helms described it). A determined man and a rather brave one, Earman countered with a full written report to McCone recommending that the safehouses be closed. The Inspector General cited the risks of exposure and pointed out that many people both inside and outside the Agency found "the concepts involved in manipulating human behavior . . . to be distasteful and unethical." McCone reacted by putting off a final decision but suspending unwitting testing in the meantime. Over the next year, Helms, who then headed the Clandestine Services, wrote at least three memos urging resumption. He cited "indications . . . of an apparent Soviet aggressiveness in the field of covertly administered chemicals which are, to say the least, inexplicable and disturbing," and he claimed the CIA's "positive operational capacity to use drugs is diminishing owing to a lack of realistic testing."[10] To Richard Helms, the importance of the program exceeded the risks and the ethical questions, although he did admit, "We have no answer to the moral issue." McCone simply did nothing for two years. The director's indecision had the effect of killing the program, nevertheless. TSS officials closed the San Francisco safehouse in 1965 and the New York one in 1966.

Years later in a personal letter to Sid Gottlieb, George White wrote an epitaph for his role with the CIA: "I was a very minor missionary, actually a heretic, but I toiled wholeheartedly in the vineyards because it was fun, fun, fun. Where else could a red-blooded American boy lie, kill, cheat, steak rape, and pillage with the sanction and blessing of the All-Highest?" After 10 years of unwitting testing, the men from MKULTRA apparently scored no major breakthroughs with LSD or other drugs. They found no effective truth drug, recruitment pill, or aphrodisiac. LSD had not opened up the mind to CIA control. "We had thought at first that this was the secret that was going to unlock the universe," says a TSS veteran. "We found that human beings had resources far greater than imagined." Yet despite the lack of precision and uncertainty, the CIA still made field use of LSD and other drugs that had worked their way through the MKULTRA testing progression. A 1957 report showed that TSS had already moved 6 drugs out of the experimental stage and into active use. Up to that time, CIA operators had utilized LSD and other psychochemicals against 33 targets in 6 different operations. Agency officials hoped in these cases either to discredit the subject by making him seem insane or to "create within the individual a mental and emotional situation which will release him from the restraint of self-control and induce him to reveal information willingly under adroit manipulation." The Agency has consistently refused to release details of these operations, and TSS sources who talk rather freely about other matters seem to develop amnesia when the subject of field use comes up. Nevertheless, it can be said that the CIA did establish a relationship with an unnamed foreign secret service to interrogate prisoners with LSD-like drugs. CIA operators participated directly in these interrogations, which continued at least until 1966. Often the Agency showed more concern for the safety of its operational targets abroad than it did for its unwitting victims in San Francisco, since some of the foreign subjects were given medical examinations before being slipped the drug.[11] In these operations, CIA men sometimes brought in local doctors for reasons that had nothing to do with the welfare of the patient. Instead, the doctor's role was to certify the apparent insanity of a victim who had been unwittingly dosed with LSD or an even more durable psychochemical like BZ (which causes trips lasting a week or more and which tends to induce violent behavior). If a doctor were to prescribe hospitalization or other severe treatment, the effect on the subject could be devastating. He would suffer not only the experience itself, including possible confinement in a mental institution, but also social stigma. In most countries, even the suggestion of mental problems severely damages an individual's professional and personal standing (as Thomas Eagleton, the recipient of some shock therapy, can testify). "It's an old technique," says an MKULTRA veteran. "You neutralize someone by having their constituency doubt them." The Church committee confirms that the Agency used this technique at least several

times to assassinate a target's character.[12] Still, the Clandestine Services did not frequently call on TSS for LSD or other drugs. Many operators had practical and ethical objections. In part to overcome such objections and also to find better ways to use chemical and biological substances in covert operations, Sid Gottlieb moved up in 1959 to become Assistant for Scientific Matters to the Clandestine Services chief. Gottlieb found that TSS had kept the MKULTRA programs so secret that many field people did not even know what techniques were available. He wrote that tight controls over field use in MKDELTA operations "may have generated a general defeatism among case officers," who feared they would not receive permission or that the procedure was not worth the effort. Gottlieb tried to correct these shortcomings by providing more information on the drug arsenal to senior operators and by streamlining the approval process. He had less luck in overcoming views that drugs do not work or are not reliable, and that their operational use leads to laziness and poor tradecraft. If the MKULTRA program had ever found that LSD or any other drug really did turn a man into a puppet, Sid Gottlieb would have had no trouble surmounting all those biases. Instead, Gottlieb and his fellow searchers came frustratingly close but always fell short of finding a reliable control mechanism. LSD certainly penetrated to the innermost regions of the mind. It could spring loose a whole gamut of feelings, from terror to insight. But in the end, the human psyche proved so complex that even the most skilled manipulator could not anticipate all the variables. He could use LSD and other drugs to chip away at free will. He could score temporary victories, and he could alter moods, perceptionsometimes even beliefs. He had the power to cause great harm, but ultimately he could not conquer the human spirit. Notes The CIA's reaction to Frank Olson's death is described in numerous memos released by the Agency to the Olson family, which can be found at pp.1005-1132 of the Kennedy Subcommittee 1975 hearings on Biomedical and Behavioral Research. See particularly at p. 1077, 18 December 1953, Subject: The Suicide of Frank Olson and at p. 1027, 1 December 1953, Subject: Use of LSD. Richard Helms' views on unwitting testing are found in Document #448, 17 December 1963, Subject: Testing of Psychochemicals and Related Materials and in a memorandum to the CIA Director, June 9, 1964, quoted from on page 402 of the Church Committee Report, Book I. George White's diary and letters were donated by his widow to Foothills Junior College, Los Altos, California and are the source of a treasure chest of material on him, including his letter to a friend explaining his almost being "blackballed" from the CIA, the various diary entries cited, including references to folk-dancing with Gottlieb, the interview with Hal Lipset where he explains his philosophy on chasing criminals, and his letter to Sid Gottlieb dated November 21, (probably) 1972. The New York and San Francisco safehouses run by

George White are the subjects of MKULTRA subprojects 3,14,16,42, and 149. White's tips to the landlord are described in 42-156, his liquor bills in 42-157, "dryruns" in 42-91. The New York safehouse run by Charles Siragusa is subproject 132. The "intermediate" tests are described in document 132-59. Paul Avery, a San Francisco freelance writer associated with the Center for Investigative Reporting in Oakland, California interviewed William Hawkins and provided assistance on the details of the San Francisco safehouse and George White's background. Additional information on White came from interviews with his widow, several former colleagues in the Narcotics Bureau, and other knowledgeable sources in various San Francisco law-enforcement agencies. An ex-Narcotics Bureau official told of Dr. James Hamilton's study of unusual sexual practices and the description of his unwitting drug testing comes from MKULTRA subproject 2, which is his subproject. Ray Treichler discussed some of his work with harassment substances in testimony before the Kennedy subcommittee on September 20, 1977, pp. 105-8. He delivered his testimony under the pseudonym "Philip Goldman." "The Gang that Couldn't Spray Straight" article appeared in the September 20, 1977 Washington Post. Richard Helms' decision not to tell John McCone about the CIA's connection to the Mafia in assassination attempts against Castro is described in the Church Committee's Assassination report, pp. 102-3. The 1957 Inspector General's Report on TSS, Document #417 and the 1963 inspection of MKULTRA, 14 August 1963, Document #59 provided considerable detail throughout the entire chapter. The Church Committee Report on MKULTRA in Book I, pp. 385-422 also provided considerable information. Sid Gottlieb's job as Assistant to the Clandestine Services chief for Scientific Matters is described in Document #74 (operational series) 20 October 1959, Subject: Application of Imaginative Research on the Behavioral and Physical Sciences to [deleted] Problems" and in the 1963 Inspector General's report. Interviews with ex-CIA Inspector General Lyman Kirkpatrick, another former Inspector General's staff employee, and several ex-TSS staffers contributed significantly to this chapter. Helms' letter to the Warren Commission on "Soviet Brainwashing Techniques," dated 19 June 1964, was obtained from the National Archives. The material on the CIA's operational use of LSD came from the Church Committee Report, Book I, pp. 399-403 and from an affidavit filed in the Federal Court case of John D. Marks v. Central Intelligence Agency, et. al., Civil Action No. 76-2073 by Eloise R. Page, Chief, Policy and Coordination Staff of the CIA's Directorate of Operations. In listing all the reasons why the Agency should not provide the operational documents, Ms. Page gave some information on what was in the documents. The passages on TSS's and the Medical Office's positions on the use of LSD came from a memo written by James

Angleton, Chief, Counterintelligence Staff on December 12, 1957 quoted in part at p. 401 of the Church Committee Report, Book I. Footnotes 1. CIA operators and agents all had cover names by which they were supposed to be calledeven in classified documents. Gottlieb was "Sherman R. Grifford." George White became "Morgan Hall." 2. One case which put White in every newspaper in the country was his 1949 arrest of blues singer Billie Holliday on an opium charge. To prove she had been set up and was not then using drugs, the singer checked into a California sanitarium that had been recommended by a friend of a friend, Dr. James Hamilton. The jury then acquitted her. Hamilton's involvement is bizarre because he had worked with George White testing truth drugs for OSS, and the two men were good friends. White may have put his own role in perspective when he told a 1970 interviewer he "enjoyed" chasing criminals. "It was a game for me," he said. "I felt quite a bit of compassion for a number of the people that I found it necessary to put in jail, particularly when you'd see the things that would happen to their families. I'd give them a chance to stay out of jail and take care of their families by giving me information, perhaps, and they would stubbornly refuse to do so. They wouldn't be a rat, as they would put it." 3. Despite this indication from White's diary that Lashbrook came to the New York safehouse for an "LSD surprise" and despite his signature on papers authorizing the subproject, Lashbrook flatly denied all firsthand knowledge of George White's testing in 1977 Senate testimony. Subcommittee chairman Edward Kennedy did not press Lashbrook, nor did he refer the matter to the Justice Department for possible perjury charges. 4. This was just one of many expenditures that would drive CIA auditors wild while going over George White's accounts. Others included $44.04 for a telescope, liquor bills over $1,000 "with no record as to the necessity of its use," and $31.75 to make an on-the-spot payment to a neighborhood lady whose car he hit. The reason stated for using government funds for the last expense: "It was important to maintain security and forestall an insurance investigation." 5. In 1984, George Orwell wrote about governmentencouraged prostitution: "Mere debauchery did not matter very much, so long as it was furtive and joyless, and only involved the women of a submerged and despised class." 6. In 1961 MKULTRA officials started a third safehouse in New York, also under the Narcotics Bureau's supervision. This one was handled by Charles Siragusa who, like White, was a senior agent and OSS veteran. 7. Rhodes' testimony about this incident, which had been set up in advance with Senator Edward Kennedy's staff, brought on the inevitable "Gang That Couldn't Spray Straight" headline in the Washington Post. This approach turned the public perception of a deadly serious program into a kind of practical joke carried out badly by a bunch of bumblers.

8. Lyman Kirkpatrick, the longtime Inspector General who had then recently left the job to take a higher Agency post, had personally known of the safehouse operation since right after Olson's death and had never raised any noticeable objection. He now states he was "shocked" by the unwitting testing, but that he "didn't have the authority to follow up . . . I was trying to determine what the tolerable limits were of what I could do and still keep my job." 9. Trying to explain why he had specifically decided not to inform the CIA Director about the Agency's relationship with the mob, Helms stated to the Church committee, "Mr. McCone was relatively new to this organization, and I guess I must have thought to myself, well this is going to look peculiar to him . . . This was, you know not a very savory effort." Presumably, Helms had similar reasons for not telling McCone about the unwitting drug-testing in the safehouses. 10. Helms was a master of telling different people different stories to suit his purposes. At the precise time he was raising the Soviet menace to push McCone into letting the unwitting testing continue, he wrote the Warren Commission that not only did Soviet behavioral research lag five years behind the West's but that "there is no present evidence that the Soviets have any singular, new potent, drugs . . . to force a course of action on an individual." 11. TSS officials led by Sid Gottlieb, who were responsible for the operational use of LSD abroad, took the position that there was "no danger medically" in unwitting doses and that neither giving a medical exam or having a doctor present was necessary. The Agency's Medical Office disagreed, saying the drug was "medically dangerous." In 1957 Inspector General Lyman Kirkpatrick noted it would be "unrealistic" to give the Medical Office what amounted to veto power over covert operations by letting Agency doctors rule on the health hazard to subjects in the field. 12. While I was doing the research for this book, many people approached me claiming to be victims of CIA drugging plots. Although I listened carefully to all and realized that some might be authentic victims, I had no way of distinguishing between someone acting strangely and someone made to act strangely. Perhaps the most insidious aspect of this whole technique is that anyone blaming his aberrant behavior on a drug or on the CIA gets labeled a hopeless paranoid and his case is thrown into the crank file. There is no better cover than operating on the edge of madness. One leftist professor in a Latin American university who had opposed the CIA says that he was working alone in his office one day in 1974 when a strange woman entered and jabbed his wrist with a pin stuck in a small round object. Almost immediately, he become irrational, broke glasses, and threw water in colleagues' faces. He says his students spotted an ambulance waiting for him out front. They spirited him out the back door and took him home, where he tripped (or had psychotic episodes) for more than a week. He calls the experience a mix of "heaven and hell," and he shudders at the thought that he

might have spent the time in a hospital "with nurses and straitjackets." Although he eventually returned to his post at the university, he states that it took him several years to recover the credibility he lost the day he "went crazy at the office." If the CIA was involved, it had neutralized a foe. 93 Mushrooms to Counterculture The MKULTRA scientists reaped little but disaster, mischief, and disappointment from their efforts to use LSD as a miracle weapon against the minds of their opponents. Nevertheless, their insatiable need to try every possibility led them to test hundreds of other substances, including all the drugs that would later be called psychedelic. These drugs were known to have great potency. They were derived from natural botanical products, and the men from MKULTRA believed from the beginning that rare organic materials might somehow have the greatest effect on the human mind. The most amazing of the psychedelics came from odd corners of the natural world. A1bert Hofmann created LSD largely out of ergot, a fungus that grows on rye; mescaline is nothing more than the synthetic essence of peyote cactus. Psilocybin, the drug that Timothy Leary preferred to LSD for his Harvard experiments, was synthesized from exotic Mexican mushrooms that occupy a special place in CIA history. When the MKULTRA team first embarked on its mindcontrol explorations, the "magic mushroom" was only a rumor or fable in the linear history of the Western world. On nothing more than the possibility that the legend was based on fact, the Agency's scientists tracked the mushroom to the most remote parts of Mexico and then spent lavishly to test and develop its mind-altering properties. The results, like the LSD legacy, were as startling as they were unintended. Among the botanicals that mankind has always turned to for intoxicants and poisons, mushrooms stand out. There is something enchantingly odd about the damp little buttons that can thrill a gourmet or kill one, depending on the subtle differences among the countless varieties. These fungi have a long record in unorthodox warfare. Two thousand years before the CIA looked to unleash powerful mushrooms in covert operations, the Roman Empress Agrippina eliminated her husband Claudius with a dish of poisonous mushrooms. According to Roman history, Agrippina wanted the emperor dead so that her son Nero could take the throne. She planned to take advantage of Claudius' love for the delicious Amanita caesarea mushroom, but she had to choose carefully among its deadly look-alikes. The poison could not be "sudden and instantaneous in its operation, lest the desperate achievement should be discovered," wrote Gordon and Valentina Wasson in their monumental and definitive work, Mushrooms, Russia and History. The Empress settled on the lethal Amanita phalloides, a fungus the Wassons considered well suited to the crime: "The victim would not give away the game by abnormal indispositions at the meal, but when the seizure came he would be so severely stricken that thereafter he would no longer be in command of his own affairs." Agrippina knew her mushrooms, and

Nero became Emperor. CIA mind-control specialists sought to emulate and surpass that kind of sophistication, as it might apply to any conceivable drug. Their fixation on the "magic mushroom" grew indirectly out of a meeting between drug experts and Morse Allen, head of the Agency's ARTICHOKE program, in October 1952. One expert told Allen about a shrub called piule, whose seeds had long been used as an intoxicant by Mexican Indians at religious ceremonies. Allen, who wanted to know about anything that distorted reality, immediately arranged for a young CIA scientist to take a Mexican field trip and gather samples of piule as well as other plants of "high narcotic and toxic value of interest to ARTICHOKE." That young scientist arrived in Mexico City early in 1953. He could not advertise the true purpose of his trip because of ARTICHOKE's extreme secrecy, so he assumed cover as a researcher interested in finding native plants which were anesthetics. Fluent in Spanish and familiar with Mexico, he had no trouble moving around the country, meeting with leading experts on botanicals. Then he was off into the mountains south of the capital with his own field-testing equipment, gathering specimens and testing them crudely on the spot. By February, he had collected sacks full of material, including 10 pounds of piule. Before leaving Mexico to look for more samples around the Caribbean, the young scientist heard amazing tales about special mushrooms that grew only in the hot and rainy summer months. Such stories had circulated among Europeans in Mexico since Cortez had conquered the country early in the sixteenth century. Spanish friars had reported that the Aztecs used strange mushrooms in their religious ceremonies, which these converters of the heathens described as "demonic holy communions." Aztec priests called the special mushrooms teonanactl, "God's flesh." But Cortez's plunderers soon lost track of the rite, as did the traders and anthropologists who followed in their wake. Only the legend survived. Back in Washington, the young scientist's samples went straight to the labs, and Agency officials scoured the historical record for accounts of the strange mushrooms. Morse Allen himself, though responsible in ARTICHOKE research for everything from the polygraph to hypnosis, took the trouble to go through the Indian lore. "Very early accounts of the ceremonies of some tribes of Mexican Indians show that mushrooms are used to produce hallucinations and to create intoxication in connection with religious festivals," he wrote. "In addition, this literature shows that witch doctors or 'divinators' used some types of mushrooms to produce confessions or to locate stolen objects or to predict the future." Here was a possible truth drug, Morse Allen reasoned. "Since it had been determined that no area of human knowledge is to be left unexplored in connection with the ARTICHOKE program, it was therefore regarded as essential that the peculiar qualities of the mushroom be explored...." Allen declared. "Full consideration," he concluded, should be given to sending an Agency man back to Mexico during the summer. The CIA had begun its quest for "God's flesh." Characteristically, Morse Allen was planning ahead in

case the CIA's searchers came up with a mushroom worth having in large quantities. He knew that the supply from the tropics varied by season, and, anyway, it would be impractical to go to Mexico for fungi each time an operational need popped up. So Allen decided to see if it were possible to grow the mushrooms at home, either outdoors or in hothouses. On June 24, 1953, he and an associate drove from Washington to Toughkenamon, Pennsylvania, in the heart of "the largest mushroomgrowing area in the world." At a three-hour session with the captains of the mushroom industry, Allen explained the government's interest in poisonous and narcotic fungi. Allen reported that the meeting "was primarily designed to obtain a 'foothold' in the center of the mushroom-growing industry where, if requirements for mushroom growing were demanded, it would be done by professionals in the trade." The mushroom executives were quite reluctant to grow toxic products because they knew that any accidental publicity would scare their customers. In the end, however, their patriotism won out, and they agreed to grow any kind of fungus the government desired. Allen considered the trip a great success. As useful as this commitment might be, an element of chance remained as long as the CIA had to depend on the natural process. But if the Agency could find synthetic equivalents for the active ingredients, it could manufacture rather than grow its own supply. Toward this goal of bypassing nature, Morse Allen had little choice but to turn for help to the man who the following year would wrest most of the ARTICHOKE functions from his grasp: Sid Gottlieb. Gottlieb, himself a Ph.D. in chemistry, had scientists working for him who knew what to do on the level of test tubes and beakers. Allen ran ARTICHOKE out of the Office of Security, which was not equipped for work on the frontiers of science. Gottlieb and his colleagues moved quickly into the mysteries of the Mexican hallucinogens. They went to work on the chemical structures of the piule and other plants that Morse Allen's emissary brought back from his field trip, but they neglected to report their findings to the bureaucratically outflanked Allen. Gottlieb and the MKULTRA crew soon got caught up in the search for the magic mushroom. While TSS had its own limited laboratory facilities, it depended on secret contractors for most research and development. Working with an associate, a cadaverously thin chemistry Ph.D. named Henry Bortner, Gottlieb passed the tropical plants to a string of corporate and academic researchers. One of them, Dr. James Moore, a 29-yearold chemist at Parke, Davis & Company in Detroit, was destined to be the first man in the CIA camp to taste the magic mushroom. Moore's career was typical of the specialists in the CIA's vast network of private contractors. His path to the mushroom led through several jobs and offbeat assignments, always with Agency funds and direction behind him. A precise, meticulous man of scientific habits, Moore was hardly the sort one would expect to find chasing psychedelic drugs. Such pursuits began for him in March 1953, when he had returned to his lab at Parke, Davis after a year of postdoctoral research at the University of Basel. His

supervisor had called him in with an intriguing proposal: How would he like to work inside the company on a CIA contract? "Those were not particularly prosperous times, and the company was glad to get someone else to pay my salary [$8,000 a year]," notes Moore 25 years later. "If I had thought I was participating in a scheme run by a small band of mad individuals, I would have demurred." He accepted the job. The Agency contracted with Parke, Davis, as it did with numerous other drug companies, universities, and government agencies to develop behavioral products and poisons from botanicals. CIA-funded chemists extracted deadly substances like the arrow-poison curare from natural products, while others worked on ways to deliver these poisons most effectively, like the "nondiscernible microbioinoculator" (or dart gun) that the Army Chemical Corps invented. CIA-connected botanists collectedand then chemists analyzedbotanicals from all over the tropics: a leaf that killed cattle, several plants deadly to fish, another leaf that caused hair to fall out, sap that caused temporary blindness, and a host of other natural products that could alter moods, dull or stimulate nerves, or generally disorient people. Among the plants Moore investigated was Jamaica dogwood, a plant used by Caribbean natives to stun fish so they could be easily captured for food. This work resulted in the isolation of several new substances, one of which Moore named "lisetin," in honor of his daughter. Moore had no trouble adjusting to the secrecy demanded by his CIA sponsors, having worked on the Manhattan Project as a graduate student. He dealt only with his own case officer, Henry Bortner, and two or three other CIA men in TSS. Once Moore completed his chemical work on a particular substance, he turned the results over to Bortner and apparently never learned of the follow-up. Moore worked in his own little isolated compartment, and he soon recognized that the Agency preferred contractors who did not ask questions about what was going on in the next box. In 1955 Moore left private industry for academia, moving from Detroit to the relatively placid setting of the University of Delaware in Newark. The school made him an assistant professor, and he moved into a lab in the Georgian red-brick building that housed the chemistry department. Along with his family, Moore brought his CIA contractthen worth $16,000 a year, of which he received $650 per month, with the rest going to pay research assistants and overhead. Although the Agency allowed a few top university officials to be briefed on his secret connection, Moore appeared to his colleagues and students to be a normal professor who had a healthy research grant from the Geschickter Fund for Medical Research in Washington. In the world of natural productsparticularly mushroomsthe CIA soon made Moore a full-service agent. With some help from his CIA friends, he made contact with the leading lights in mycology (the study of mushrooms), attended professional meetings, and arranged for others to send him samples. From the CIA's point of view, he could not have had better cover. As Sid Gottlieb wrote,

Moore "maintains the fiction that the botanical specimens he collects are for his own use since his field interest is natural-product chemistry." Under this pretext, Moore had a perfect excuse to make and purchase for the CIA chemicals that the Agency did not want traced. Over the years, Moore billed the Agency for hundreds of purchases, including 50 cents for an unidentified pamphlet, $433.13 for a particular shipment of mescaline, $1147.60 for a large quantity of mushrooms, and $12,000 for a quarterton of fluothane, an inhalation anesthetic. He shipped his purchases on as Bortner directed. Moore eventually became a kind of short-order cook for what CIA documents call "offensive CW, BW" weapons at "very low cost and in a few days' time . . ." If there were an operational need, Bortner had only to call in the order, and Moore would whip up a batch of a "reputed depilatory" or hallucinogens like DMT or the incredibly potent BZ. On one occasion in 1963, Moore prepared a small dose of a very lethal carbamate poisonthe same substance that OSS used two decades earlier to try to kill Adolf Hitler. Moore charged the Agency his regular consulting fee, $100, for this service. "Did I ever consider what would have happened if this stuff were given to unwitting people?" Moore asks, reflecting on his CIA days. "No. Particularly no. Had I been given that information, I think I would have been prepared to accept that. If I had been knee-jerk about testing on unwitting subjects, I wouldn't have been the type of person they would have used. There was nothing that I did that struck me as being so sinister and deadly.... It was all investigative." James Moore was only one of many CIA specialists on the lookout for the magic mushroom. For three years after Morse Allen's man returned from Mexico with his tales of wonder, Moore and the others in the Agency's network pushed their lines of inquiry among contacts and travelers into Mexican villages so remote that Spanish had barely penetrated. Yet they found no magic mushrooms. Given their efforts, it was ironic that the man who beat them to "God's flesh" was neither a spy nor a scientist, but a banker. It was R. Gordon Wasson, vice-president of J. P. Morgan & Company, amateur mycologist, and co-author with his wife Valentina of Mushrooms, Russia and History. Nearly 30 years earlier, Wasson and his Russian-born wife had become fascinated by the different ways that societies deal with the mushroom, and they followed their lifelong obsession with these fungi, in all their glory, all over the globe.[1] They found whole nationalities, such as the Russians and the Catalans, were mycophiles, while others like the Spaniards and the Anglo-Saxons were not. They learned that in ancient Greece and Rome there was a belief that certain kinds of mushrooms were brought into being by lightning bolts. They discovered that widely scattered peoples, including desert Arabs, Siberians, Chinese, and Maoris of New Zealand, have shared the idea that mushrooms have supernatural connections. Their book appeared in limited edition, selling new in 1957 for $125. It contains facts and legends, lovingly told, as well as beautiful photographs of nearly every known species of mushroom.

Inevitably, the Wassons heard tell of "God's flesh," and in 1953 they started spending their vacations pursuing it. They took their first unsuccessful trek to Mexico about the time James Moore got connected to the CIA and Morse Allen met with the Pennsylvania mushroom executives. They had no luck until their third expedition, when Gordon Wasson and his traveling companion, Allan Richardson, found their holy grail high in the mountains above Oaxaca. On June 29, 1955, they entered the town hall in a village called Huautla de Jimenez. There, they found a young Indian about 35, sitting by a large table in an upstairs room. Unlike most people in the village, he spoke Spanish. "He had a friendly manner," Wasson later wrote, "and I took a chance. Leaning over the table, I asked him earnestly and in a low voice if I could speak to him in confidence. Instantly curious, he encouraged me. 'Will you,' I went on, 'help me learn the secrets of the divine mushroom?' and I used the Indian name nti sheeto, correctly pronouncing it with glottal stop and tonal differentiation of the syllables. When [he] recovered from his surprise he said warmly that nothing could be easier." Shortly thereafter, the Indian led Wasson and Richardson down into a deep ravine where mushrooms were growing in abundance. The white men snapped picture after picture of the fungi and picked a cardboard box-full. Then, in the heavy humid heat of the afternoon, the Indian led them up the mountain to a woman who performed the ancient mushroom rite. Her name was Maria Sabina. She was not only a curandera, or shaman, of "the highest quality," wrote Wasson, but a "seora sin mancha, a woman without stain." Wasson described her as middle-aged and short, "with a spirituality in her expression that struck us at once. She had a presence. We showed our mushrooms to the woman and her daughter. They cried out in rapture over the firmness, the fresh beauty and abundance of our young specimens. Through the interpreter we asked if they would serve us that night. They said yes." That night, Wasson, Richardson, and about 20 Indians gathered in one of the village's adobe houses. The natives wore their best clothes and were friendly to the white strangers. The host provided chocolate drinks, which evoked for Wasson accounts of similar beverages being served early Spanish writers. Maria Sabina sat on a mat before a simple altar table that was adorned with the images of the Child Jesus and the Baptism in Jordan. After cleaning the mushrooms, she handed them out to all the adults present, keeping 26 for herself and giving Wasson and Richardson 12 each. Maria Sabina put out the last candle about midnight, and she chanted haunting, tightly measured melodies. The Indian celebrants responded with deep feeling. Both Wasson and Richardson began to experience intense hallucinations that did not diminish until about 4:00 A.M. "We were never more wide awake, and the visions came whether our eyes were open or closed," Wasson wrote: They emerged from the center of the field of our vision, opening up as they came, now rushing, now slowly at the pace that our will chose. They were vivid in color,

always harmonious. They began with art motifs, such as might decorate carpets or textiles or wallpaper or the drawing board of an architect. Then they evolved into palaces with courts, arcades, gardensresplendent palaces with semiprecious stones.... Could the miraculous mobility that I was now enjoying be the explanation for the flying witches that played some important part in the folklore and fairy tales of northern Europe? These reflections passed through my mind at the very time that I was seeing the vision, for the effect of the mushrooms is to bring about a fission of the spirit, a split in the person, a kind of schizophrenia, with the rational side continuing to reason and to observe the sensations that the other side is enjoying. The mind is attached by an elastic cord to the vagrant senses. Thus Gordon Wasson described the first known mushroom trip by "outsiders" in recorded history. The CIA's men missed the event, but they quickly learned of it, even though Wasson's visit was a private noninstitutional one to a place where material civilization had not reached. Such swiftness was assured by the breadth of the Agency's informant network, which included formal liaison arrangements with agencies like the Agriculture Department and the FDA and informal contacts all over the world. A botanist in Mexico City sent the report that reached both CIA headquarters and then James Moore. In the best bureaucratic form, the CIA description of Wasson's visions stated sparsely that the New York banker thought he saw "a multitude of architectural forms." Still, "God's flesh" had been located, and the MKULTRA leaders snatched up information that Wasson planned to return the following summer and bring back some mushrooms. During the intervening winter, James Moore wrote Wasson"out of the blue," as Wasson recallsand expressed a desire to look into the chemical properties of Mexican fungi. Moore eventually suggested that he would like to accompany Wasson's party, and, to sweeten the proposition, he mentioned that he knew a foundation that might be willing to help underwrite the expedition. Sure enough, the CIA's conduit, the Geschickter Fund, made a $2,000 grant. Inside the MKULTRA program, the quest for the divine mushroom became Subproject 58. Joining Moore and Wasson on the 1956 trip were the world-renowned French mycologist Roger Heim and a colleague from the Sorbonne. The party made the final leg of the trip, one at a time, in a tiny Cessna, but when it was Moore's turn, the load proved too much for the plane. The pilot suddenly took a dramatic right angle turn through a narrow canyon and made an unscheduled stop on the side of a hill. Immediately on landing, an Indian girl ran out and slid blocks under the wheels, so the plane would not roll back into a ravine. The pilot decided to lighten the load by leaving Moore among the local Indians, who spoke neither English nor Spanish. Later in the day, the plane returned and picked up the shaken Moore. Finally in Huautla, sleeping on a dirt floor and eating local food, everyone reveled in the primitiveness of the adventure except Moore, who suffered. In addition

to diarrhea, he recalls, "I had a terribly bad cold, we damned near starved to death, and I itched all over." Beyond his physical woes, Moore became more and more alienated from the others, who got on famously. Moore was a "complainer," according to Wasson. "He had no empathy for what was going on," recalls Wasson. "He was like a landlubber at sea. He got sick to his stomach and hated it all." Moore states, "Our relationship deteriorated during the course of the trip." Wasson returned to the same Maria Sabina who had led him to the high ground the year before. Again the ritual started well after dark and, for everyone but Moore, it was an enchanted evening. Sings Wasson: "I had the most superb feelinga feeling of ecstasy. You're raised to a height where you have not been in everyday lifenot ever." Moore, on the other hand, never left the lowlands. His description: "There was all this chanting in the dialect. Then they passed the mushrooms around, and we chewed them up. I did feel the hallucinogenic effect, although 'disoriented' would be a better word to describe my reaction." Soon thereafter, Moore returned to Delaware with a bag of mushroomsjust in time to take his pregnant wife to the hospital for delivery. After dropping her off with the obstetrician, he continued down the hall to another doctor about his digestion. Already a thin man, Moore had lost 15 pounds. Over the next week, he slowly nursed himself back to health. He reported in to Bortner and started preliminary work in his lab to isolate the active ingredient in the mushrooms. Bortner urged him on; the men from MKULTRA were excited at the prospect that they might be able to create "a completely new chemical agent." They wanted their own private supply of "God's flesh." Sid Gottlieb wrote that if Moore succeeded, it was "quite possible" that the new drugs could "remain an Agency secret." Gottlieb's dream of a CIA monopoly on the divine mushroom vanished quickly under the influence of unwanted competitors, and indeed, the Agency soon faced a control problem of burgeoning proportions. While Moore toiled in his lab, Roger Heim in Paris unexpectedly pulled off the remarkable feat of growing the mushrooms in artificial culture from spore prints he had made in Mexico. Heim then sent samples to none other than Albert Hofmann, the discoverer of LSD, who quickly isolated and chemically reproduced the active chemical ingredient. He named it psilocybin. The dignified Swiss chemist had beaten out the CIA,[2] and the men from MKULTRA found themselves trying to obtain formulas and supplies from overseas. Instead of locking up the world's supply of the drug in a safe somewhere, they had to keep track of disbursements from Sandoz, as they were doing with LSD. Defeated by the old master, Moore laid his own work aside and sent away to Sandoz for a supply of psilocybin. This lapse in control still did not quash the hopes of Agency officials that the mushroom might become a powerful weapon in covert operations. Agency scientists rushed it into the experimental stage. Within three summers of the first trip with James Moore, the CIA's

queasy professor from America, the mushroom had journeyed through laboratories on two continents, and its chemical essence had worked its way back to Agency conduits and a contractor who would test it. In Kentucky, Dr. Harris Isbell ordered psilocybin injected into nine black inmates at the narcotics prison. His staff laid the subjects out on beds as the drug took hold and measured physical symptoms every hour: blood pressure, knee-jerk reflexes, rectal temperature, precise diameter of eye pupils, and so on. In addition, they recorded the inmates' various subjective feelings: After 30 minutes, anxiety became quite definite and was expressed as consisting of fear that something evil was going to happen, fear of insanity, or of death.... At times patients had the sensation that they could see the blood and bones in their own body or in that of another person. They reported many fantasies or dreamlike states in which they seemed to be elsewhere. Fantastic experiences, such as trips to the moon or living in gorgeous castles were occasionally reported.... Two of the 9 patients . . . felt their experiences were caused by the experimenters controlling their minds.... Experimental data piled up, with operational testing to follow. But the magic mushroom never became a good spy weapon. It made people behave strangely but no one could predict where their trips would take them. Agency officials craved certainty. On the other hand, Gordon Wasson found revelation. After a lifetime of exploring and adoring mushrooms, he had discovered the greatest wonder of all in that remote Indian village. His experience inspired him to write an account of his journey for the "Great Adventures" series in Life magazine. The story, spread across 17 pages of text and color photographs, was called "Seeking the Magic Mushroom: A New York banker goes to Mexico's mountains to participate in the age-old rituals of Indians who chew strange growths that produce visions." In 1957, before the Russian sputnik shook America later that year, Life introduced its millions of readers to the mysteries of hallucinogens, with a tone of glowing but dignified respect. Wasson wrote movingly of his long search for mushroom lore, and he became positively rhapsodic in reflecting on his Mexican "trip": In man's evolutionary past, as he groped his way out from his lowly past, there must have come a moment in time when he discovered the secret of the hallucinatory mushrooms. Their effect on him, as I see it, could only have been profound, a detonator to new ideas. For the mushrooms revealed to him worlds beyond the horizons known to him, in space and time, even worlds on a different plane of being, a heaven and perhaps a hell. For the credulous, primitive mind, the mushrooms must have reinforced mightily the idea of the miraculous. Many emotions are shared by men with the animal kingdom, but awe and reverence and the fear of God are peculiar to men. When we bear in mind the beatific sense of awe and ecstasy and caritas engendered by the divine mushrooms, one is emboldened to the point of asking whether they may not have planted in primitive man the very idea of God.

The article caused a sensation in the United States, where people had already been awakened to ideas like these by Aldous Huxley's The Doors of Perception. It lured waves of respectable adultsprecursors of later hippie travelersto Mexico in search of their own curanderas. (Wasson came to have mixed feelings about the response to his story, after several tiny Mexican villages were all but trampled by American tourists on the prowl for divinity.) One person whose curiosity was stimulated by the article was a young psychology professor named Timothy Leary. In 1959, in Mexico on vacation, he ate his first mushrooms. He recalls he "had no idea it was going to change my life." Leary had just been promised tenure at Harvard, but his life of conventional prestige lost appeal for him within five hours of swallowing the mushroom: "The revelation had come. The veil had been pulled back.... The prophetic call. The works. God had spoken." Having responded to a Life article about an expedition that was partially funded by the CIA, Leary returned to a Harvard campus where students and professors had for years served as subjects for CIA- and military-funded LSD experiments. His career as a drug prophet lay before him. Soon he would be quoting in his own Kamasutra from the CIA's contractor Harold Abramson and others, brought together for scholarly drug conferences by the sometime Agency conduit, the Macy Foundation. With LSD, as with mushrooms, the men from MKULTRA remained oblivious, for the most part, to the rebellious effect of the drug culture in the United States. "I don't think we were paying any attention to it," recalls a TSS official. The CIA's scientists looked at drugs from a different perspective and went on trying to fashion their spy arsenal. Through the entire 1960s and into the 1970s, the Agency would scour Latin America for poisonous and narcotic plants.[3] Earlier, TSS officials and contractors actually kept spreading the magic touch of drugs by forever pressing new university researchers into the field. Boston Psychopathic's Max Rinkel stirred up the interest of Rochester's Harold Hodge and told him how to get a grant from the Agency conduit, the Geschickter Fund. Hodge's group found a way to put a radioactive marker into LSD, and the MKULTRA crew made sure that the specially treated substance found its way to still more scientists. When a contractor like Harold Abramson spoke highly of the drug at a new conference or seminar, tens or hundreds of scientists, health professionals, and subjectsusually studentswould wind up trying LSD. One day in 1954, Ralph Blum, a senior at Harvard on his way to a career as a successful author, heard from a friend that doctors at Boston Psychopathic would pay $25 to anyone willing to spend a day as a happy schizophrenic. Blum could not resist. He applied, passed the screening process, took a whole battery of Wechsler psychological tests, and was told to report back on a given morning. That day, he was shown into a room with five other Harvard students. Project director Bob Hyde joined them and struck Blum as a reassuring father figure. Someone brought in a tray with six little glasses

full of water and LSD. The students drank up. For Blum, the drug did not take hold for about an hour and a half somewhat longer than the average. While Hyde was in the process of interviewing him, Blum felt his mind shift gears. "I looked at the clock on the wall and thought how well behaved it was. It didn't pay attention to itself. It just stayed on the wall and told time." Blum felt that he was looking at everything around him from a new perspective. "It was a very subtle thing," he says. "My ego filter had been pretty much removed. I turned into a very accessible state accessible to myself. I knew when someone was lying to me, and the richness of the experience was such that I didn't want to suffer fools gladly." Twenty-four years later, Blum concludes: "It was undeniably a very important experience for me. It made a difference in my life. It began to move the log jam of my old consciousness. You can't do it with just one blast. It was the beginning of realizing it was safe to love again. Although I wouldn't use them until much later, it gave me a new set of optics. It let me know there was something downstream."[4] Many student subjects like Blum thought LSD transformed the quality of their lives. Others had no positive feelings, and some would later use the negative memories of their trips to invalidate the whole drug culture and stoned thinking process of the 1960s. In a university city like Boston where both the CIA and the Army were carrying on large testing programs at hospitals connected to Harvard, volunteering for an LSD trip became quite popular in academic circles. Similar reactions, although probably not as pronounced, occurred in other intellectual centers. The intelligence agencies turned to America's finest universities and hospitals to try LSD, which meant that the cream of the country's students and graduate assistants became the test subjects. In 1969 the Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs published a fascinating little study designed to curb illegal LSD use. The authors wrote that the drug's "early use was among small groups of intellectuals at large Eastern and West Coast universities. It spread to undergraduate students, then to other campuses. Most often, users have been introduced to the drug by persons of higher status. Teachers have influenced students; upperclassmen have influenced lower-classmen." Calling this a "trickle-down phenomenon," the authors seem to have correctly analyzed how LSD got around the country. They left out only one vital element, which they had no way of knowing: That somebody had to influence the teachers and that up there at the top of the LSD distribution system could be found the men of MKULTRA. Harold Abramson apparently got a great kick out of getting his learned friends high on LSD. He first turned on Frank Fremont-Smith, head of the Macy Foundation which passed CIA money to Abramson. In this cozy little world where everyone knew everybody, Fremont-Smith organized the conferences that spread the word about LSD to the academic hinterlands. Abramson also gave Gregory Bateson, Margaret Mead's former husband, his first LSD. In 1959 Bateson, in turn, helped arrange for a beat poet friend of his named Allen Ginsberg to take the drug at a

research program located of f the Stanford campus. No stranger to the hallucinogenic effects of peyote, Ginsberg reacted badly to what he describes as "the closed little doctor's room full of instruments," where he took the drug. Although he was allowed to listen to records of his choice (he chose a Gertrude Stein reading, a Tibetan mandala, and Wagner), Ginsberg felt he "was being connected to Big Brother's brain." He says that the experience resulted in "a slight paranoia that hung on all my acid experiences through the mid-1960s until I learned from meditation how to disperse that." Anthropologist and philosopher Gregory Bateson then worked at the Veterans Administration Hospital in Palo Alto. From 1959 on, Dr. Leo Hollister was testing LSD at that same hospital. Hollister says he entered the hallucinogenic field reluctantly because of the "unscientific" work of the early LSD researchers. He refers specifically to most of the people who attended Macy conferences. Thus, hoping to improve on CIA and military-funded work, Hollister tried drugs out on student volunteers, including a certain Ken Kesey, in 1960. Kesey said he was a jock who had only been drunk once before, but on three successive Tuesdays, he tried different psychedelics. "Six weeks later I'd bought my first ounce of grass," Kesey later wrote, adding, "Six months later I had a job at that hospital as a psychiatric aide." Out of that experience, using drugs while he wrote, Kesey turned out One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. He went on to become the counterculture's second most famous LSD visionary, spreading the creed throughout the land, as Tom Wolfe would chronicle in The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test. CIA officials never meant that the likes of Leary, Kesey, and Ginsberg should be turned on. Yet these men were, and they, along with many of the lesser-known experimental subjects, like Harvard's Ralph Blum, created the climate whereby LSD escaped the government's control and became available by the early sixties on the black market. No one at the Agency apparently foresaw that young Americans would voluntarily take the drugwhether for consciousness expansion or recreational purposes. The MKULTRA experts were mainly on a control trip, and they proved incapable of gaining insight from their own LSD experiences of how others less fixated on making people do their bidding would react to the drug. It would be an exaggeration to put all the blame on or give all the credit tothe CIA for the spread of LSD. One cannot forget the nature of the times, the Vietnam War, the breakdown in authority, and the wide availability of other drugs, especially marijuana. But the fact remains that LSD was one of the catalysts of the traumatic upheavals of the 1960s. No one could enter the world of psychedelics without first passing, unawares, through doors opened by the Agency. It would become a supreme irony that the CIA's enormous search for weapons among drugsfueled by the hope that spies could, like Dr. Frankenstein, control life with genius and machineswould wind up helping to create the wandering, uncontrollable minds of the counterculture. Notes

R. Gordon and Valentina Wasson's mammoth work, Mushrooms, Russia and History, (New York: Pantheon, 1957), was the source for the account of the Empress Agrippina's murderous use of mushrooms. Wasson told the story of his various journeys to Mexico in a series of interviews and in a May 27, 1957 Life magazine article, "Seeking the Magic Mushroom." Morse Allen learned of piule in a sequence described in document #A/B,I,33/7, 14 November 1952, Subject: Piule. The sending of the young CIA scientist to Mexico was outlined in #A/B, I,33/3,5 December 1952. Morse Allen commented on mushroom history and covert possibilities in #A/B, I, 34/4, 26 June 1953, Subject: MushroomsNarcotic and Poisonous Varieties. His trip to the American mushroom-growing capital was described in Document Number illegible], 25 June 1953, Subject: Trip to Toughkenamon, Pennsylvania. The failure of TSS to tell Morse Allen about the results of the botanical lab work is outlined in #A/B, I, 39/5, 10 August 1954 Subject: Reports; Request for from TSS [deleted]. James Moore told much about himself in a long interview and in an exchange of correspondence. MKULTRA Subproject 51 dealt with Moore's consulting relationship with the Agency and Subproject 52 with his ties as a procurer of chemicals. See especially Document 51-46, 8 April 1963, Subject: MKULTRA Subproject 51; 51-24, 27 August 1956, Subject: MKULTRA Subproject 51-B; 52-94, 20 February 1963, Subject: (BB) Chemical and Physical Manipulants; 52-19, 20 December 1962; 52-17, 1 March 1963; 52-23, 6 December 1962; 52-64, 24 August 1959. The CIA's arrangements with the Department of Agriculture are detailed in #A/B, I, 34/4, 26 June, 1953, Subject: MushroomsNarcotic and Poisonous varieties and Document [number illegible], 13 April 1953, Subject: Interview with Cleared Contacts. Dr. Harris Isbell's work with psilocybin is detailed in Isbell document # 155, "Comparison of the Reaction Induced by Psilocybin and LSD-25 in Man." Information on the counterculture and its interface with CIA drug-testing came from interviews with Timothy Leary, Allen Ginsburg, Humphrey Osmond, John Lilly, Sidney Cohen, Ralph Blum, Herbert Kelman, Leo Hollister, Herbert DeShon, and numerous others. Ken Kesey described his first trip in Garage Sale (New York: Viking Press, 1973). Timothy Leary's Kamasutra was actually a book hand-produced in four copies and called Psychedelic Theory: Working Papers from the Harvard IFlF Psychedelic Research Project, 1960-1963. Susan Berns Wolf Rothchild kindly made her copy available. The material about Harold Abramson's turning on Frank Fremont-Smith and Gregory Bateson came from the proceedings of a conference on LSD sponsored by the Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation on April 22, 23, and 24, 1959, pp. 8-22. Footnotes 1. On their honeymoon, in the summer of 1927, the Wassons were strolling along a mountain path when suddenly Valentina abandoned Gordon's side. "She had spied wild mushrooms in the forest," wrote Wasson, "and racing over the carpet of dried leaves in the woods, she knelt in poses of adoration before one cluster and then

another of these growths. In ecstasy she called each kind by an endearing Russian name. Like all good Anglo-Saxons, I knew nothing about the fungal world and felt the less I knew about these putrid, treacherous excrescences the better. For her they were things of grace infinitely inviting to the perceptive mind." In spite of his protests, Valentina gathered up the mushrooms and brought them back to the lodge were she cooked them for dinner. She ate them allalone. Wasson wanted no part of the fungi. While she mocked his horror, he predicted in the face of her laughter he would wake up a widower the next morning. When Valentina survived, the couple decided to find an explanation for "the strange cultural cleavage" that had caused them to react so differently to mushrooms. From then on, they were hooked, and the world became the richer. 2. Within two years, Albert Hofmann would scoop the CIA once again, with some help from Gordon Wasson. In 1960 Hofmann broke down and chemically recreated the active ingredient in hallucinatory ololiuqui seeds sent him by Wasson before the Agency's contractor, William Boyd Cook of Montana State University, could do the job. Hofmann's and Wasson's professional relationship soon grew into friendship, and in 1962 they traveled together on horseback to Huautla de Jimenez to visit Maria Sabina. Hofmann presented the curandera with some genuine Sandoz psilocybin. Wasson recalls: "Of course, Albert Hofmann is so conservative he always gives too little a dose, and it didn't have any effect." The crestfallen Hofmann believed he had duplicated "God's flesh," and he doubled the dose. Then Maria Sabina had her customary visions, and she reported, according to Wasson, the drug was the "same" as the mushroom. States Wasson, whose prejudice for real mushrooms over chemicals is unmistakable, "I don't think she said it with very much enthusiasm." 3. See Chapter 12. 4. Lincoln Clark, a psychiatrist who tested LSD for the Army at Massachusetts General Hospital, reflects a fairly common view among LSD researchers when he belittles drug-induced thinking of the sort described by Blum. "Everybody who takes LSD has an incredible experience that you can look at as having positive characteristics. I view it as pseudo-insight. This is part of the usual response of intellectually pretentious people." On the other hand, psychiatrist Sidney Cohen, who has written an important book on LSD, noted that to experience a visionary trip, "the devotee must have faith in, or at least be open to the possibility of the 'other state.' . . . He must 'let go,' not offer too much resistance to losing his personal identity. The ability to surrender oneself is probably the most important operation of all." PART III SPELLSELECTRODES AND HYPNOSIS Brainwashing In September 1950, the Miami News published an article by Edward Hunter titled " 'Brain-Washing' Tactics Force Chinese into Ranks of Communist Party." It was the first printed use in any language of the term "brainwashing," which quickly became a stock phrase in

Cold War headlines. Hunter, a CIA propaganda operator who worked under cover as a journalist, turned out a steady stream of books and articles on the subject. He made up his coined word from the Chinese hsi-nao"to cleanse the mind"which had no political meaning in Chinese. American public opinion reacted strongly to Hunter's ideas, no doubt because of the hostility that prevailed toward communist foes, whose ways were perceived as mysterious and alien. Most Americans knew something about the famous trial of the Hungarian Josef Cardinal Mindszenty, at which the Cardinal appeared zombie-like, as though drugged or hypnotized. Other defendants at Soviet "show trials" had displayed similar symptoms as they recited unbelievable confessions in dull, clichridden monotones. Americans were familiar with the idea that the communists had ways to control hapless people, and Hunter's new word helped pull together the unsettling evidence into one sharp fear. The brainwashing controversy intensified during the heavy 1952 fighting in Korea, when the Chinese government launched a propaganda offensive that featured recorded statements by captured U.S. pilots, who "confessed" to a variety of war crimes including the use of germ warfare. The official American position on prisoner confessions was that they were false and forced. As expressed in an Air Force Headquarters document, "Confessions can be of truthful details.... For purposes of this section, 'confessions' are considered as being the forced admission to a lie." But if the military had understandable reasons to gloss over the truth or falsity of the confessions, this still did not address the fact that confessions had been made at all. Nor did it lay to rest the fears of those like Edward Hunter who saw the confessions as proof that the communists now had techniques "to put a man's mind into a fog so that he will mistake what is true for what is untrue, what is right for what is wrong, and come to believe what did not happen actually had happened, until he ultimately becomes a robot for the Communist manipulator." By the end of the Korean War, 70 percent of the 7,190 U.S. prisoners held in China had either made confessions or signed petitions calling for an end to the American war effort in Asia. Fifteen percent collaborated fully with the Chinese, and only 5 percent steadfastly resisted. The American performance contrasted poorly with that of the British, Australian, Turkish, and other United Nations prisonersamong whom collaboration was rare, even though studies showed they were treated about as badly as the Americans. Worse, an alarming number of the prisoners stuck by their confessions after returning to the United States. They did not, as expected, recant as soon as they stepped on U.S. soil. Puzzled and dismayed by this wholesale collapse of morale among the POWs, American opinion leaders settled in on Edward Hunter's explanation: The Chinese had somehow brainwashed our boys. But how? At the height of the brainwashing furor, conservative spokesmen often seized upon the very mystery of it all to give a religious cast to the political debate. All communists have been, by definition,

brainwashed through satanic forces, they arguedthereby making the enemy seem like robots completely devoid of ordinary human feelings and motivation. Liberals favored a more scientific view of the problem. Given the incontrovertible evidence that the Russians and the Chinese could, in a very short time and often under difficult circumstances, alter the basic belief and behavior patterns of both domestic and foreign captives, liberals argued that there must be a technique involved that would yield its secrets under objective investigation. CIA Director Allen Dulles favored the scientific approach, although he naturally encouraged his propaganda experts to exploit the more emotional interpretations of brainwashing. Dulles and the heads of the other American security agencies became almost frantic in their efforts to find out more about the Soviet and Chinese successes in mind control. Under pressure for answers, Dulles turned to Dr. Harold Wolff, a world-famous neurologist with whom he had developed an intensely personal relationship. Wolff was then treating Dulles' own son for brain damage suffered from a Korean War head wound. Together they shared the trauma of the younger Dulles' fits and mental lapses. Wolff, a skinny little doctor with an overpowering personality, became fast friends with the tall, patrician CIA Director. Dulles may have seen brainwashing as an induced form of brain damage or mental illness. In any case, in late 1953, he asked Wolff to conduct an official study of communist brainwashing techniques for the CIA. Wolff, who had become fascinated by the Director's tales of the clandestine world, eagerly accepted. Harold Wolff was known primarily as an expert on migraine headaches and pain, but he had served on enough military and intelligence advisory panels that he knew how to pick up Dulles' mandate and expand on it. He formed a working partnership with Lawrence Hinkle, his colleague at Cornell University Medical College in New York City. Hinkle handled the administrative part of the study and shared in the substance. Before going ahead, the two doctors made sure they had the approval of Cornell's president, Deane W. Malott and other high university officials who checked with their contacts in Washington to make sure the project did indeed have the great importance that Allen Dulles stated. Hinkle recalls a key White House aide urging Cornell to cooperate. The university administration agreed, and soon Wolff and Hinkle were poring over the Agency's classified files on brainwashing. CIA officials also helped arrange interviews with former communist interrogators and prisoners alike. "It was done with great secrecy," recalls Hinkle. "We went through a great deal of hoop-dedo and signed secrecy agreements, which everyone took very seriously." The team of Wolff and Hinkle became the chief brainwashing studiers for the U.S. government, although the Air Force and Army ran parallel programs.[1] Their secret report to Allen Dulles, later published in a declassified version, was considered the definitive U.S. Government work on the subject. In fact, if allowances

are made for the Cold War rhetoric of the fifties, the Wolff-Hinkle report still remains one of the better accounts of the massive political re-education programs in China and the Soviet Union. It stated flatly that neither the Soviets nor the Chinese had any magical weaponsno drugs, exotic mental ray-guns, or other fanciful machines. Instead, the report pictured communist interrogation methods resting on skillful, if brutal, application of police methods. Its portrait of the Soviet system anticipates, in dry and scholarly form, the work of novelist Alexander Solzhenitzyn in The Gulag Archipelago. Hinkle and Wolff showed that the Soviet technique rested on the cumulative weight of intense psychological pressure and human weakness, and this thesis alone earned the two Cornell doctors the enmity of the more right-wing CIA officials such as Edward Hunter. Several of his former acquaintances remember that Hunter was fond of saying that the Soviets brainwashed people the way Pavlov had conditioned dogs. In spite of some dissenters like Hunter, the WolffHinkle model became, with later refinements, the best available description of extreme forms of political indoctrination. According to the general consensus, the Soviets started a new prisoner off by putting him in solitary confinement. A rotating corps of guards watched him constantly, humiliating and demeaning him at every opportunity and making it clear he was totally cut off from all outside support. The guards ordered him to stand for long periods, let him sit, told him exactly the position he could take to lie down, and woke him if he moved in the slightest while sleeping. They banned all outside stimulibooks, conversation, or news of the world. After four to six weeks of this mind-deadening routine, the prisoner usually found the stress unbearable and broke down. "He weeps, he mutters, and prays aloud in his cell," wrote Hinkle and Wolff. When the prisoner reached this stage, the interrogation began. Night after night, the guards brought him into a special room to face the interrogator. Far from confronting his captive with specific misdeeds, the interrogator told him that he knew his own crimesall too well. In the most harrowing Kafkaesque way, the prisoner tried to prove his innocence to he knew not what. Together the interrogator and prisoner reviewed the prisoner's life in detail. The interrogator seized on any inconsistencyno matter how minuteas further evidence of guilt, and he laughed at the prisoner's efforts to justify himself. But at least the prisoner was getting a response of some sort. The long weeks of isolation and uncertainty had made him grateful for human contact even grateful that his case was moving toward resolution. True, it moved only as fast as he was willing to incriminate himself, but . . . Gradually, he came to see that he and his interrogator were working toward the same goal of wrapping up his case. In tandem, they ransacked his soul. The interrogator would periodically let up the pressure. He offered a cigarette, had a friendly chat, explained he had a job to domaking it all the more disappointing the next time he had to tell the prisoner that his confession

was unsatisfactory . As the charges against him began to take shape, the prisoner realized that he could end his ordeal only with a full confession. Otherwise the grueling sessions would go on forever. "The regimen of pressure has created an overall discomfort which is well nigh intolerable," wrote Hinkle and Wolff. "The prisoner invariably feels that 'something must be done to end this.' He must find a way out." A former KGB officer, one of many former interrogators and prisoners interviewed for the CIA study, said that more than 99 percent of all prisoners signed a confession at this stage. In the Soviet system under Stalin, these confessions were the final step of the interrogation process, and the prisoners usually were shot or sent to a labor camp after sentencing. Today, Russian leaders seem much less insistent on exacting confessions before jailing their foes, but they still use the penal (and mental health) system to remove from the population classes of people hostile to their rule. The Chinese took on the more ambitious task of reeducating their prisoners. For them, confession was only the beginning. Next, the Chinese authorities moved the prisoner into a group cell where his indoctrination began. From morning to night, he and his fellow prisoners studied Marx and Mao, listened to lectures, and engaged in self-criticism. Since the progress of each member depended on that of his cellmates, the group pounced on the slightest misconduct as an indication of backsliding. Prisoners demonstrated the zeal of their commitment by ferociously attacking deviations. Constant intimacy with people who reviled him pushed the resistant prisoner to the limits of his emotional endurance. Hinkle and Wolff found that "The prisoner must conform to the demands of the group sooner or later." As the prisoner developed genuine changes of attitude, pressure on him relaxed. His cellmates rewarded him with increasing acceptance and esteem. Their acceptance, in turn, reinforced his commitment to the Party, for he learned that only this commitment allowed him to live successfully in the cell. In many cases, this process produced an exultant sense of mission in the prisonera feeling of having finally straightened out his life and come to the truth. To be sure, this experience, which was not so different from religious conversion, did not occur in all cases or always last after the prisoner returned to a social group that did not reinforce it. From the first preliminary studies of Wolff and Hinkle, the U.S. intelligence community moved toward the conclusion that neither the Chinese nor the Russians made appreciable use of drugs or hypnosis, and they certainly did not possess the brainwashing equivalent of the atomic bomb (as many feared). Most of their techniques were rooted in age-old methods, and CIA brainwashing researchers like psychologist John Gittinger found themselves poring over ancient documents on the Spanish Inquisition. Furthermore, the communists used no psychiatrists or other behavioral scientists to devise their interrogation system. The differences between the Soviet and Chinese systems seemed to grow out of their

respective national cultures. The Soviet brainwashing system resembled a heavy-handed cop whose job was to isolate, break, and then subdue all the troublemakers in the neighborhood. The Chinese system was more like thousands of skilled acupuncturists, working on each other and relying on group pressure, ideology, and repetition. To understand further the Soviet or Chinese control systems, one had to plunge into the subtle mysteries of national and individual character. While CIA researchers looked into those questions, the main thrust of the Agency's brainwashing studies veered off in a different direction. The logic behind the switch was familiar in the intelligence business. Just because the Soviets and the Chinese had not invented a brainwashing machine, officials reasoned, there was no reason to assume that the task was impossible. If such a machine were even remotely feasible, one had to assume the communists might discover it. And in that case, national security required that the United States invent the machine first. Therefore, the CIA built up its own elaborate brainwashing program, which, like the Soviet and Chinese versions, took its own special twist from our national character. It was a tiny replica of the Manhattan Project, grounded in the conviction that the keys to brainwashing lay in technology. Agency officials hoped to use old-fashioned American know-how to produce shortcuts and scientific breakthroughs. Instead of turning to tough cops, whose methods repelled American sensibilities, or the gurus of mass motivation, whose ideology Americans lacked, the Agency's brainwashing experts gravitated to people more in the mold of the brilliantand sometimes madscientist, obsessed by the wonders of the brain. In 1953 CIA Director Allen Dulles made a rare public statement on communist brainwashing: "We in the West are somewhat handicapped in getting all the details," Dulles declared. "There are few survivors, and we have no human guinea pigs to try these extraordinary techniques." Even as Dulles spoke, however, CIA officials acting under his orders had begun to find the scientists and the guinea pigs. Some of their experiments would wander so far across the ethical borders of experimental psychiatry (which are hazy in their own right) that Agency officials thought it prudent to have much of the work done outside the United States. Call her Lauren G. For 19 years, her mind has been blank about her experience. She remembers her husband's driving her up to the old gray stone mansion that housed the hospital, Allan Memorial Institute, and putting her in the care of its director, Dr. D. Ewen Cameron. The next thing she recalls happened three weeks later: They gave me a dressing gown. It was way too big, and I was tripping all over it. I was mad. I asked why did I have to go round in this sloppy thing. I could hardly move because I was pretty weak. I remember trying to walk along the hall, and the walls were all slanted. It was then that I said, "Holy Smokes, what a ghastly thing." I remember running out the door and going up the mountain in my long dressing gown. The mountain, named Mont Royal, loomed high above

Montreal. She stumbled and staggered as she tried to climb higher and higher. Hospital staff members had no trouble catching her and dragging her back to the Institute. In short order, they shot her full of sedatives, attached electrodes to her temples, and gave her a dose of electroshock. Soon she slept like a baby. Gradually, over the next few weeks, Lauren G. began to function like a normal person again. She took basketweaving therapy and played bridge with her fellow patients. The hospital released her, and she returned to her husband in another Canadian city. Before her mental collapse in 1959, Lauren G. seemed to have everything going for her. A refined, glamorous horsewoman of 30, whom people often said looked like Elizabeth Taylor, she had auditioned for the lead in National Velvet at 13 and married the rich boy next door at 20. But she had never loved her husband and had let her domineering mother push her into his arms. He drank heavily. "I was really unhappy," she recalls. "I had a horrible marriage, and finally I had a nervous breakdown. It was a combination of my trying to lose weight, sleep loss, and my nerves." The family doctor recommended that her husband send her to Dr. Cameron, which seemed like a logical thing to do, considering his wide fame as a psychiatrist. He had headed Allan Memorial since 1943, when the Rockefeller Foundation had donated funds to set up a psychiatric facility at McGill University. With continuing help from the Rockefellers, McGill had built a hospital known far beyond Canada's borders as innovative and exciting. Cameron was elected president of the American Psychiatric Association in 1953, and he became the first president of the World Psychiatric Association. His friends joked that they had run out of honors to give him. Cameron's passion lay in the more "objective" forms of therapy, with which he could more easily and swiftly bring about improvements in patients than with the notoriously slow Freudian methods. An impatient man, he dreamed of finding a cure for schizophrenia. No one could tell him he was not on the right track. Cameron's supporter at the Rockefeller Foundation, Robert Morrison, recorded in his private papers that he found the psychiatrist tense and ill-at-ease, and Morrison ventured that this may account for "his lack of interest and effectiveness in psychotherapy and failure to establish warm personal relations with faculty members, both of which were mentioned repeatedly when I visited Montreal." Another Rockefeller observer noted that Cameron "appears to suffer from deep insecurity and has a need for power which he nourishes by maintaining an extraordinary aloofness from his associates." When Lauren G.'s husband delivered her to Cameron, the psychiatrist told him she would receive some electroshock, a standard treatment at the time. Besides that, states her husband, "Cameron was not very communicative, but I didn't think she was getting anything out of the ordinary." The husband had no way of knowing that Cameron would use an unproved experimental technique on his wifemuch less that the psychiatrist intended to "depattern" her. Nor did he realize that the

CIA was supporting this work with about $19,000 a year in secret funds.[2] Cameron defined "depatterning" as breaking up existing patterns of behavior, both the normal and the schizophrenic, by means of particularly intensive electroshocks, usually combined with prolonged, druginduced sleep. Here was a psychiatrist willingindeed, eagerto wipe the human mind totally clean. Back in 1951, ARTICHOKE's Morse Allen had likened the process to "creation of a vegetable." Cameron justified this tabula rasa approach because he had a theory of "differential amnesia," for which he provided no statistical evidence when he published it. He postulated that after he produced "complete amnesia" in a subject, the person would eventually recover memory of his normal but not his schizophrenic behavior. Thus, Cameron claimed he could generate "differential amnesia." Creating such a state in which a man who knew too much could be made to forget had long been a prime objective of the ARTICHOKE and MKULTRA programs. Needless to say, Lauren G. does not recall a thing today about those weeks when Cameron depatterned her. Afterward, unlike over half of the psychiatrist's depatterning patients, Lauren G. gradually recovered full recall of her life before the treatment, but then, she remembered her mental problems, too.[3] Her husband says she came out of the hospital much improved. She declares the treatment had no effect one way or another on her mental condition, which she believes resulted directly from her miserable marriage. She stopped seeing Cameron after about a month of outpatient electroshock treatments, which she despised. Her relationship with her husband further deteriorated, and two years later she walked out on him. "I just got up on my own hind legs," she states. "I said the hell with it. I'm going to do what I want and take charge of my own life. I left and started over." Now divorced and remarried, she feels she has been happy ever since. Cameron's depatterning, of which Lauren G. had a comparatively mild version, normally started with 15 to 30 days of "sleep therapy." As the name implies, the patient slept almost the whole day and night. According to a doctor at the hospital who used to administer what he calls the "sleep cocktail," a staff member woke up the patient three times a day for medication that consisted of a combination of 100 mg. Thorazine, 100 mg. Nembutal, 100 mg. Seconal, 150 mg. Veronal, and 10 mg. Phenergan. Another staff doctor would also awaken the patient two or sometimes three times daily for electroshock treatments.[4] This doctor and his assistant wheeled a portable machine into the "sleep room" and gave the subject a local anesthetic and muscle relaxant, so as not to cause damage with the convulsions that were to come. After attaching electrodes soaked in saline solution, the attendant held the patient down and the doctor turned on the current. In standard, professional electroshock, doctors gave the subject a single dose of 110 volts, lasting a fraction of a second, once a day or every other day. By contrast, Cameron used a form 20 to 40 times more intense, two or three times daily, with the power turned

up to 150 volts. Named the "Page-Russell" method after its British originators, this technique featured an initial one-second shock, which caused a major convulsion, and then five to nine additional shocks in the middle of the primary and follow-on convulsions. Even Drs. Page and Russell limited their treatment to once a day, and they always stopped as soon as their patient showed "pronounced confusion" and became "faulty in habits." Cameron, however, welcomed this kind of impairment as a sign the treatment was taking effect and plowed ahead through his routine. The frequent screams of patients that echoed through the hospital did not deter Cameron or most of his associates in their attempts to "depattern" their subjects completely. Other hospital patients report being petrified by the "sleep rooms," where the treatment took place, and they would usually creep down the opposite side of the hall. Cameron described this combined sleep-electroshock treatment as lasting between 15 to 30 days, with some subjects staying in up to 65 days (in which case, he reported, he awakened them for three days in the middle). Sometimes, as in the case of Lauren G., patients would try to escape when the sedatives wore thin, and the staff would have to chase after them. "It was a tremendous nursing job just to keep these people going during the treatment," recalls a doctor intimately familiar with Cameron's operation. This doctor paints a picture of dazed patients, incapable of taking care of themselves, often groping their way around the hospital and urinating on the floor. Cameron wrote that his typical depatterning patient usually a womanmoved through three distinct stages. In the first, the subject lost much of her memory. Yet she still knew where she was, why she was there, and who the people were who treated her. In the second phase, she lost her "space-time image," but still wanted to remember. In fact, not being able to answer questions like, "Where am I?" and "How did I get here?" caused her considerable anxiety. In the third stage, all that anxiety disappeared. Cameron described the state as "an extremely interesting constriction of the range of recollections which one ordinarily brings in to modify and enrich one's statements. Hence, what the patient talks about are only his sensations of the moment, and he talks about them almost exclusively in highly concrete terms. His remarks are entirely uninfluenced by previous recollectionsnor are they governed in any way by his forward anticipations. He lives in the immediate present. All schizophrenic symptoms have disappeared. There is complete amnesia for all events in his life." Lauren G. and 52 other subjects at Allan Memorial received this level of depatterning in 1958 and 1959. Cameron had already developed the technique when the CIA funding started. The Agency sent the psychiatrist research money to take the treatment beyond this point. Agency officials wanted to know if, once Cameron had produced the blank mind, he could then program in new patterns of behavior, as he claimed he could. As early as 1953the year he headed the American Psychiatric

AssociationCameron conceived a technique he called "psychic driving," by which he would bombard the subject with repeated verbal messages. From tape recordings based on interviews with the patient, he selected emotionally loaded "cue statements"first negative ones to get rid of unwanted behavior and then positive to condition in desired personality traits. On the negative side, for example, the patient would hear this message as she lay in a stupor: Madeleine, you let your mother and father treat you as a child all through your single life. You let your mother check you up sexually after every date you had with a boy. You hadn't enough determination to tell her to stop it. You never stood up for yourself against your mother or father but would run away from trouble.... They used to call you "crying Madeleine." Now that you have two children, you don't seem to be able to manage them and keep a good relationship with your husband. You are drifting apart. You don't go out together. You have not been able to keep him interested sexually. Leonard Rubenstein, Cameron's principal assistant, whose entire salary was paid from CIA-front funds, put the message on a continuous tape loop and played it for 16 hours every day for several weeks. An electronics technician, with no medical or psychological background, Rubenstein, an electrical whiz, designed a giant tape recorder that could play 8 loops for 8 patients at the same time. Cameron had the speakers installed literally under the pillows in the "sleep rooms." "We made sure they heard it," says a doctor who worked with Cameron. With some patients, Cameron intensified the negative effect by running wires to their legs and shocking them at the end of the message. When Cameron thought the negative "psychic driving" had gone far enough, he switched the patient over to 2 to 5 weeks of positive tapes: You mean to get well. To do this you must let your feelings come out. It is all right to express your anger.... You want to stop your mother bossing you around. Begin to assert yourself first in little things and soon you will be able to meet her on an equal basis. You will then be free to be a wife and mother just like other women. Cameron wrote that psychic driving provided a way to make "direct, controlled changes in personality," without having to resolve the subject's conflicts or make her relive past experiences. As far as is known, no presentday psychologist or psychiatrist accepts this view. Dr. Donald Hebb, who headed McGill's psychology department at the time Cameron was in charge of psychiatry, minces no words when asked specifically about psychic driving: "That was an awful set of ideas Cameron was working with. It called for no intellectual respect. If you actually look at what he was doing and what he wrote, it would make you laugh. If I had a graduate student who talked like that, I'd throw him out." Warming to his subject, Hebb continues: "Look, Cameron was no good as a researcher.... He was eminent because of politics." Nobody said such things at the time, however. Cameron was a very powerful man.

The Scottish-born psychiatrist, who never lost the burr in his voice, kept searching for ways to perfect depatterning and psychic driving. He held out to the CIA frontthe Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology that he could find more rapid and less damaging ways to break down behavior. He sent the Society a proposal that combined his two techniques with sensory deprivation and strong drugs. His smorgasbord approach brought together virtually all possible techniques of mind control, which he tested individually and together. When his Agency grant came through in 1957, Cameron began work on sensory deprivation. For several years, Agency officials had been interested in the interrogation possibilities of this technique that Hebb himself had pioneered at McGill with Canadian defense and Rockefeller money. It consisted of putting a subject in a sealed environmenta small room or even a large boxand depriving him of all sensory input: eyes covered with goggles, ears either covered with muffs or exposed to a constant, monotonous sound, padding to prevent touching, no smellswith this empty regime interrupted only by meal and bathroom breaks. In 1955 Morse Allen of ARTICHOKE made contact at the National Institutes of Health with Dr. Maitland Baldwin who had done a rather gruesome experiment in which an Army volunteer had stayed in the "box" for 40 hours until he kicked his way out after, in Baldwin's words, "an hour of crying loudly and sobbing in a most heartrending fashion." The experiment convinced Baldwin that the isolation technique could break any man, no matter how intelligent or strong-willed. Hebb, who unlike Baldwin released his subjects when they wanted, had never left anyone in "the box" for more than six days. Baldwin told Morse Allen that beyond that sensory deprivation would almost certainly cause irreparable damage. Nevertheless, Baldwin agreed that if the Agency could provide the cover and the subjects, he would do, according to Allen's report, "terminal type" experiments. After numerous meetings inside the CIA on how and where to fund Baldwin, an Agency medical officer finally shot down the project as being "immoral and inhuman," suggesting that those pushing the experiments might want to "volunteer their heads for use in Dr. Baldwin's 'noble' project." With Cameron, Agency officials not only had a doctor willing to perform terminal experiments in sensory deprivation, but one with his own source of subjects. As part of his CIA-funded research, he had a "box" built in the converted stables behind the hospital that housed Leonard Rubenstein and his behavioral laboratory. Undaunted by the limits set in Hebb's work, Cameron left one woman in for 35 days, although he had so scrambled her mind with his other techniques that one cannot say, as Baldwin predicted to the Agency, if the prolonged deprivation did specific damage. This subject's name was Mary C., and, try as he might, Cameron could not get through to her. As the aloof psychiatrist wrote in his notes: "Although the patient was prepared by both prolonged sensory isolation (35 days) and by repeated depatterning, and although she received 101 days of positive driving, no favorable results were obtained."[5]

Before prescribing this treatment, Cameron had diagnosed the 52-year-old Mary C.: "Conversion reaction in a woman of the involutional age with mental anxiety; hypochondriatic." In other words, Mary C. was going through menopause. In his proposal to the CIA front, Cameron also said he would test curare, the South American arrow poison which, when liberally applied, kills by paralyzing internal body functions. In nonlethal doses, curare causes a limited paralysis which blocks but does not stop these functions. According to his papers, some of which wound up in the archives of the American Psychiatric Association, Cameron injected subjects with curare in conjunction with sensory deprivation, presumably to immobilize them further. Cameron also tested LSD in combination with psychic driving and other techniques. In late 1956 and early 1957, one of his subjects was Val Orlikow, whose husband David has become a member of the Canadian parliament. Suffering from what she calls a "character neurosis that started with postpartum depression," she entered Allan Memorial as one of Cameron's personal patients. He soon put her under his version of LSD therapy. One to four times a week, he or another doctor would come into her room and give her a shot of LSD, mixed with either a stimulant or a depressant and then leave her alone with a tape recorder that played excerpts from her last session with him. As far as is known, no other LSD researcher ever subjected his patients to unsupervised trips certainly not over the course of two months when her hospital records show she was given LSD 14 times. "It was terrifying," Mrs. Orlikow recalls. "You're afraid you've gone off somewhere and can't come back." She was supposed to write down on a pad whatever came into her head while listening to the tapes, but often she became so frightened that she could not write at all. "You become very small," she says, as her voice quickens and starts to reflect some of her horror. "You're going to fall off the step, and God, you're going down into hell because it's so far, and you are so little. Like Alice, where is the pill that makes you big, and you're a squirrel, and you can't get out of the cage, and somebody's going to kill you." Then, suddenly, Mrs. Orlikow pulls out of it and lucidly states, "Some very weird things happened." Mrs. Orlikow hated the LSD treatment. Several times she told Cameron she would take no more, and the psychiatrist would put his arm around her and ask, "Lassie," which he called all his women patients, "don't you want to get well, so you can go home and see your husband?" She remembers feeling guilty about not following the doctor's orders, and the thought of disappointing Cameron, whom she idolized, crushed her. Finally, after Cameron talked her out of quitting the treatment several times, she had to end it. She left the hospital but stayed under his private care. In 1963 he put her back in the hospital for more intensive psychic driving. "I thought he was God," she states. "I don't know how I could have been so stupid.... A lot of us were naive. We thought psychiatrists had the answers. Here was the greatest in the world, with all these titles."

In defense of Cameron, a former associate says the man truly cared about the welfare of his patients. He wanted to make them well. As his former staff psychologist wrote: He abhorred the waste of human potential, seen most dramatically in the young people whose minds were distorted by what was then considered to be schizophrenia. He felt equally strongly about the loss of wisdom in the aged through memory malfunction. For him, the end justified the means, and when one is dealing with the waste of human potential, it is easy to adopt this stance. Cameron retired abruptly in 1964, for unexplained reasons. His successor, Dr. Robert Cleghorn, made a virtually unprecedented move in the academic world of mutual back-scratching and praise. He commissioned a psychiatrist and a psychologist, unconnected to Cameron, to study his electroshock work. They found that 60 percent of Cameron's depatterned patients complained they still had amnesia for the period 6 months to 10 years before the therapy.[6] They could find no clinical proof that showed the treatment to be any more or less effective than other approaches. They concluded that "the incidence of physical complications and the anxiety generated in the patient because of real or imagined memory difficulty argue against" future use of the technique. The study-team members couched their report in densely academic jargon, but one of them speaks more clearly now. He talks bitterly of one of Cameron's former patients who needs to keep a list of her simplest household chores to remember how to do them. Then he repeats several times how powerful a man Cameron was, how he was "the godfather of Canadian psychiatry." He continues, "I probably shouldn't talk about this, but Cameronfor him to do what he didhe was a very schizophrenic guy, who totally detached himself from the human implications of his work . . . God, we talk about concentration camps. I don't want to make this comparison, but God, you talk about 'we didn't know it was happening,' and it wasright in our back yard." Cameron died in 1967, at age 66, while climbing a mountain. The American Journal of Psychiatry published a long and glowing obituary with a full-page picture of his not-unpleasant face. D. Ewen Cameron did not need the CIA to corrupt him. He clearly had his mind set on doing unorthodox research long before the Agency front started to fund him. With his own hospital and source of subjects, he could have found elsewhere encouragement and money to replace the CIA's contribution which never exceeded $20,000 a year. However, Agency officials knew exactly what they were paying for. They traveled periodically to Montreal to observe his work, and his proposal was chillingly explicit. In Cameron, they had a doctor, conveniently outside the United States, willing to do terminal experiments in electroshock, sensory deprivation, drug testing, and all of the above combined. By literally wiping the minds of his subjects clean by depatterning and then trying to program in new behavior, Cameron

carried the process known as "brainwashing" to its logical extreme. It cannot be said how manyif anyother Agency brainwashing projects reached the extremes of Cameron's work. Details are scarce, since many of the principal witnesses have died, will not talk about what went on, or lie about it. In what ways the CIA applied work like Cameron's is not known. What is known, however, is that the intelligence community, including the CIA, changed the face of the scientific community during the 1950s and early 1960s by its interest in such experiments. Nearly every scientist on the frontiers of brain research found men from the secret agencies looking over his shoulders, impinging on the research. The experience of Dr. John Lilly illustrates how this intrusion came about. In 1953 Lilly worked at the National Institutes of Health, outside Washington, doing experimental studies in an effort to "map" the body functions controlled from various locations in the brain. He devised a method of pounding up to 600 tiny sections of hypodermic tubing into the skulls of monkeys, through which he could insert electrodes "into the brain to any desired distance and at any desired location from the cortex down to the bottom of the skull," he later wrote. Using electric stimulation, Lilly discovered precise centers of the monkeys' brains that caused pain, fear, anxiety, and anger. He also discovered precise, separate parts of the brain that controlled erection, ejaculation, and orgasm in male monkeys. Lilly found that a monkey, given access to a switch operating a correctly planted electrode, would reward himself with nearly continuous orgasmsat least once every 3 minutesfor up to 16 hours a day. As Lilly refined his brain "maps," officials of the CIA and other agencies descended upon him with a request for a briefing. Having a phobia against secrecy, Lilly agreed to the briefing only under the condition that it and his work remain unclassified, completely open to outsiders. The intelligence officials submitted to the conditions most reluctantly, since they knew that Lilly's openness would not only ruin the spy value of anything they learned but could also reveal the identities and the interests of the intelligence officials to enemy agents. They considered Lilly annoying, uncooperativepossibly even suspicious. Soon Lilly began to have trouble going to meetings and conferences with his colleagues. As part of the cooperation with the intelligence agencies, most of them had agreed to have their projects officially classified as SECRET, which meant that access to the information required a security clearance.[7] Lilly's security clearance was withdrawn for review, then tangled up and misplacedall of which he took as pressure to cooperate with the CIA. Lilly, whose imagination needed no stimulation to conjure up pictures of CIA agents on deadly missions with remote-controlled electrodes strategically implanted in their brains, decided to withdraw from that field of research. He says he had decided that the physical intrusion of the electrodes did too much brain damage for him to tolerate. In 1954 Lilly began trying to isolate the operations

of the brain, free of outside stimulation, through sensory deprivation. He worked in an office next to Dr. Maitland Baldwin, who the following year agreed to perform terminal sensory deprivation experiments for ARTICHOKE's Morse Allen but who never told Lilly he was working in the field. While Baldwin experimented with his sensory-deprivation "box," Lilly invented a special "tank." Subjects floated in a tank of body-temperature water wearing a face mask that provided air but cut off sight and sound. Inevitably, intelligence officials swooped down on Lilly again, interested in the use of his tank as an interrogation tool. Could involuntary subjects be placed in the tank and broken down to the point where their belief systems or personalities could be altered? It was central to Lilly's ethic that he himself be the first subject of any experiment, and, in the case of the consciousness-exploring tank work, he and one colleague were the only ones. Lilly realized that the intelligence agencies were not interested in sensory deprivation because of its positive benefits, and he finally concluded that it was impossible for him to work at the National Institutes of Health without compromising his principles. He quit in 1958. Contrary to most people's intuitive expectations, Lilly found sensory deprivation to be a profoundly integrating experience for himself personally. He considered himself to be a scientist who subjectively explored the far wanderings of the brain. In a series of private experiments, he pushed himself into the complete unknown by injecting pure Sandoz LSD into his thigh before climbing into the sensory-deprivation tank.[8] When the counterculture sprang up, Lilly became something of a cult figure, with his unique approach to scientific inquirythough he was considered more of an outcast by many in the professional research community. For most of the outside world, Lilly became famous with the release of the popular film, The Day of the Dolphin, which the filmmakers acknowledged was based on Lilly's work with dolphins after he left NIH. Actor George C. Scott portrayed a scientist, who, like Lilly, loved dolphins, did pioneering experiments on their intelligence, and tried to find ways to communicate with them. In the movie, Scott became dismayed when the government pounced on his breakthrough in talking to dolphins and turned it immediately to the service of war. In real life, Lilly was similarly dismayed when Navy and CIA scientists trained dolphins for special warfare in the waters off Vietnam.[9] A few scientists like Lilly made up their minds not to cross certain ethical lines in their experimental work, while others were prepared to go further even than their sponsors from ARTICHOKE and MKULTRA. Within the Agency itself, there was only one final question: Will a technique work? CIA officials zealously tracked every lead, sparing no expense to check each angle many times over. By the time the MKULTRA program ended in 1963, Agency researchers had found no foolproof way to brainwash another person.[10] "All experiments beyond a certain point always failed," says the MKULTRA veteran, "because

the subject jerked himself back for some reason or the subject got amnesiac or catatonic." Agency officials found through work like Cameron's that they could create "vegetables," but such people served no operational use. People could be tortured into saying anything, but no science could guarantee that they would tell the truth. The impotency of brainwashing techniques left the Agency in a difficult spot when Yuri Nosenko defected to the United States in February 1964. A ranking official of the Soviet KGB, Nosenko brought with him stunning information. He said the Russians had bugged the American embassy in Moscow, which turned out to be true. He named some Russian agents in the West. And he said that he had personally inspected the KGB file of Lee Harvey Oswald, who only a few months earlier had been murdered before he could be brought to trial for the assassination of President Kennedy. Nosenko said he learned that the KGB had had no interest in Oswald. Was Nosenko telling the truth, or was he a KGB "plant" sent to throw the United States off track about Oswald? Was his information about penetration correct, or was Nosenko himself the penetration? Was he acting in good faith? Were the men within the CIA who believed he was acting in good faith themselves acting in good faith? These and a thousand other questions made up the classical trick deck for spieseach card having "true" on one side and "false" on the other. Top CIA officials felt a desperate need to resolve the issue of Nosenko's legitimacy. With numerous Agency counterintelligence operations hanging in the balance, Richard Helms, first as Deputy Director and then as Director, allowed CIA operators to work Nosenko over with the interrogation method in which Helms apparently had the most faith. It turned out to be not any truth serum or electroshock depatterning program or anything else from the Agency's brainwashing search. Helms had Nosenko put through the tried-and-true Soviet method: isolate the prisoner, deaden his senses, break him. For more than three years1,277 days, to be exactAgency officers kept Nosenko in solitary confinement. As if they were using the Hinkle-Wolff study as their instruction manual and the Cardinal Mindszenty case as their success story, the CIA men had guards watch over Nosenko day and night, giving him not a moment of privacy. A light bulb burned continuously in his cell. He was allowed nothing to read not even the labels on toothpaste boxes. When he tried to distract himself by making a chess set from pieces of lint in his cell, the guards discovered his game and swept the area clean. Nosenko had no window, and he was eventually put in a specially built 12' X 12' steel bank vault. Nosenko broke down. He hallucinated. He talked his head off to his interrogators, who questioned him for 292 days, often while they had him strapped into a lie detector. If he told the truth, they did not believe him. While the Soviets and Chinese had shown that they could make a man admit anything, the CIA interrogators apparently lacked a clear idea of exactly what they wanted Nosenko to confess. When it was all over and Richard Helms ordered Nosenko freed after three and a

half years of illegal detention, some key Agency officers still believed he was a KGB plant. Others thought he was on the level. Thus the big questions remained unresolved, and to this day, CIA menpast and presentare bitterly split over who Nosenko really is. With the Nosenko case, the CIA's brainwashing programs had come full circle. Spurred by the widespread alarm over communist tactics, Agency officials had investigated the field, started their own projects, and looked to the latest technology to make improvements. After 10 years of research, with some rather gruesome results, CIA officials had come up with no techniques on which they felt they could rely. Thus, when the operational crunch came, they fell back on the basic brutality of the Soviet system. Notes Edward Hunter's article " 'Brain-Washing' Tactics Force Chinese into Ranks of Communist Party" appeared in the Miami News on September 24, 1950. His book was Brainwashing in Red China (New York: Vanguard Press, 1951). Other material came from several interviews with Hunter just before he died in June 1978. The Air Force document cited on brainwashing was called "Air Force Headquarters Panel Convened to Record Air Force Position Regarding Conduct of Personnel in Event of Capture," December 14, 1953. Researcher Sam Zuckerman found it and showed it to me. The figures on American prisoners in Korea and the quote from Edward Hunter came from hearings before the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations,84th Congress, June 19,20,26, and 27, 1956. The material on the setting up of the Cornell-HinkleWolff study came from interviews with Hinkle, Helen Goodell, and several CIA sources. Hinkle's and Wolff's study on brainwashing appeared in classified form on 2 April 1956 as a Technical Services Division publication called Communist Control Techniques and in substantially the same form but unclassified as "Communist Interrogation and Indoctrination of 'Enemies of the State'An Analysis of Methods Used by the Communist State Police." AMA Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry, August, 1956, Vol. 76. Allen Dulles spoke on "Brain Warfare" before the Alumni Conference of Princeton University, Hot Springs, Virginia on April 10, 1953, and the quote on guinea pigs came from that speech. The comments of Rockefeller Foundation officials about D. Ewen Cameron and the record of Rockefeller funding were found in Robert S. Morrison's diary, located in the Rockefeller Foundation Archives, Pocantico Hills, New York. The key articles on Cameron's work on depatterning and psychic driving were "Production of Differential Amnesia as a Factor in the Treatment of Schizophrenia," Comprehensive Psychiatry, 1960, 1, p. 26 and "Effects of Repetition of Verbal Signals upon the Behavior of Chronic Psychoneurotic Patients" by Cameron, Leonard Levy, and Leonard Rubenstein, Journal of Mental Science, 1960, 106, 742. The background on Page-Russell electroshocks came from "Intensified Electrical Convulsive Therapy in the

Treatment of Mental Disorders" by L. G. M. Page and R. J. Russell, Lancet, Volume 254, Jan.June, 1948. Dr. John Cavanagh of Washington, D.C. provided background on the use of electroshock and sedatives in psychiatry. Cameron's MKULTRA subproject was #68. See especially document 68-37, "Application for Grant to Study the Effects upon Human Behavior of the Repetition of Verbal Signals," January 21, 1957. Part of Cameron's papers are in the archives of the American Psychiatric Association in Washington, and they provided considerable information on the treatment of Mary C., as well as a general look at his work. Interviews with at least a dozen of his former colleagues also provided considerable information. Interviews Yvith John Lilly and Donald Hebb provided background on sensory deprivation. Maitland Baldwin's work in the field was discussed in a whole series of ARTICHOKE documents including #A/B, I,76/4, 21 March 1955, Subject: Total Isolation; #A/B,1, 76/12, 19 May 1955, Subject: Total IsolationAdditional Comments; and #A/B, I, 76/17,27 April 1955, Subject: Total Isolation, Supplemental Report #2. The quote from Aldous Huxley on sensory deprivation is taken from the book of his writings, Moksha: Writings on Psychedelics and the Visionary Experience (1931-1963), edited by Michael Horowitz and Cynthia Palmer (New York: Stonehill, 1978). The material on Val Orlikow's experiences with Dr. Cameron came from interviews with her and her husband David and from portions of her hospital records, which she furnished. Cameron's staff psychologist Barbara Winrib's comments on him were found in a letter to the Montreal Star, August 11, 1977. The study of Cameron's electroshock work ordered by Dr. Cleghorn was published as "Intensive Electroconvulsive Therapy: A Follow-up Study," by A. E. Schwartzman and P. E. Termansen, Canadian Psychiatric Association, Volume 12, 1967. In addition to several interviews, much material on John Lilly came from his autobiography, The Scientist (Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Company, 1978). The CIA's handling of Yuri Nosenko was discussed at length in hearings before th e House Assassinations Committee on September 15, 1978. The best press account of this testimony was wr itten by Jeremiah O'Leary of the Washington Star on September 16, 1978: "How CIA Tried to Break Defector in Oswald Case." Footnotes 1. Among the Air Force and Army project leaders were Dr. Fred Williams of the Ai r Force Psychological Warfare Division, Robert Jay Lifton, Edgar Schein, Albert Biderman, and Lieutenant Colonel James Monroe (an Air Force officer who would la ter go to work full time in CIA behavioral programs). 2. Cameron himself may not have known that the Agency was the ultimate source of these funds which came through a conduit, the Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology. A CIA document stated he was unwitting when the grants started in 1957, and it cannot be said whether he ever found out. 3. Cameron wrote that when a patient remembered his schizophrenic symptoms, the schizophrenic behavior usually returned. If the amnesia held for these symptoms, as Cameron claimed it often did, the subject usually did not have a relapse. Ev en in his "cured" patients, Cameron found that Rorschach tests continued to show schizophrenic thinking despite the improvement in overt behavior. To a layman,

this would seem to indicate that Cameron's approach got only at the symptoms, no t the causes of mental problems. Not deterred, however, Cameron dismissed this i nconsistency as a "persistent enigma." 4. Cameron wrote in a professional journal that he gave only two electroshocks a day, but a doctor who actually administered the treatment for him says that three were common at the b eginning of the therapy. 5. In his proposal to the Human Ecology group, Cameron wrote that his subjects w ould be spending only 16 hours a day in sensory deprivation, while they listened to psychic driving tapes (thus providing some outside stimuli). Nevertheless, o ne of Cameron's colleagues states that some patients, including Mary C. were in continuously. Always looking for a better way, Cameron almost certainly tried bo th variations. 6. Cleghorn's team found little loss of memory on objective tests, like the Wech sler Memory Scale but speculated that these tests measured a different memory functionshort-term recal lthan that the subjects claimed to be missing. 7. Lilly and other veterans of government-supported research note that there is a practical advantage for the scientist who allows his work to be classified: it gives him an added claim on government funds. He is then in a position to argue that if his work is important enough to be SECRET, it deserves money. 8. As was the case with LSD work, sensory deprivation research had both a mind c ontrol and a transcendental side. Aldous Huxley wrote thusly about the two pione ers in the field: "What men like Hebb and Lilly are doing in the laboratory was done by the Christian hermits in the Thebaid and elsewhere, and by Hindu and Tib etan hermits in the remote fastness of the Himalayas. My own belief is that thes e experiences really tell us something about the nature of the universe, that th ey are valuable in themselves and, above all, valuable when incorporated into ou r world-picture and acted upon [in] normal life." 9. In a program called "swimmer nullification," government scientists trained do lphins to attack enemy frogmen with huge needles attached to their snouts. The dolphins carried tanks o f compressed air, which when jabbed into a deepdiver caused him to pop dead to t he surface. A scientist who worked in this CIA-Navy program states that some of the dolphins sent to Vietnam during the late 1960s got out of their pens and dis appeared unheard of behavior for trained dolphins. John Lilly confirms that a gr oup of the marine mammals stationed at Cam Ranh Bay did go AWOL, and he adds tha t he heard that some eventually returned with their bodies and fins covered with attack marks made by other dolphins. 10. After 1963 the Agency's Science and Technology Directorate continued brain r esearch with unknown results. See Chapter 12. Human Ecology Well before Harold Wolff and Lawrence Hinkle finished their brainwashing study f or Allen Dulles in 1956, Wolff was trying to expand his role in CIA research and operations. He offered Agency officials the cooperation of his colleagues at Co rnell University, where he taught neurology and psychiatry in the Medical Colleg e. In proposal after proposal, Wolff pressed upon the CIA his idea that to under stand human behaviorand how governments might manipulate itone had to study man in relationship to his total environment. Calling this field "human ecology," Wo lff drew into it the disciplines of psychology, medicine, sociology, and anthrop ology. In the academic world of the early 1950s, this cross-disciplinary approac h was somewhat new, as was the word "ecology," but it made sense to CIA official s. Like Wolff, they were far in advance of the trends in the behavioral sciences . Wolff carved out vast tracts of human knowledge, some only freshly discovered, a nd proposed a partnership with the Agency for the task of mastering that knowled ge for operational use. It was a time when knowledge itself seemed bountiful and promising, and Wolff was expansive about how the CIA could harness it. Once he figured out how the human mind really worked, he wrote, he would tell the Agency

"how a man can be made to think, 'feel,' and behave according to the wishes of other men, and, conversely, how a man can avoid being influenced in this manner." Such notions, which may now appear naive or perverse, did not seem so unlikely a t the height of the Cold War. And Wolff's professional stature added weight to h is ideas. Like D. Ewen Cameron, he was no obscure academic. He had been President of the New York Neurological Association and would become, in 1960, President of the American Neurological Association. He served for seve ral years as editor-in-chief of the American Medical Association's Archives of N eurology and Psychiatry. Both by credentials and force of personality, Wolff was an impressive figure. CIA officials listened respectfully to his grand vision o f how spies and doctors could work symbiotically to helpif not savethe world. Al so, the Agency men never forgot that Wolff had become close to Director Allen Du lles while treating Dulles' son for brain damage. Wolff's specialized neurological practice led him to believe that brain maladies , like migraine headaches, occurred because of disharmony between man and his environment. In this case, he wrote to the Agency, "The problem faced by the physician is quite similar to th at faced by the Communist interrogator." Both would be trying to put their subje ct back in harmony with his environment whether the problem was headache or ideo logical dissent. Wolff believed that the beneficial effects of any new interroga tion technique would naturally spill over into the treatment of his patients, an d vice versa. Following the Soviet model, he felt he could help his patients by putting them into an isolated, disoriented statefrom which it would be easier to create new behavior patterns. Although Russian-style isolation cells were impra ctical at Cornell, Wolff hoped to get the same effect more quickly through senso ry deprivation. He told the Agency that sensory-deprivation chambers had "valid medical reason" as part of a treatment that relieved migraine symptoms and made the patient "more receptive to the suggestio ns of the psychotherapist." He proposed keeping his patients in sensory deprivat ion until they "show an increased desire to talk and to escape from the procedur e." Then, he said, doctors could "utilize material from their own past experienc e in order to create psychological reactions within them." This procedure drew h eavily on the Stalinist method. It cannot be said what success, if any, Wolff ha d with it to the benefit of his patients at Cornell. Wolff offered to devise ways to use the broadest cultural and social processes i n human ecology for covert operations. He understood that every country had uniq ue customs for child rearing, military training, and nearly every other form of human intercourse. From the CIA's point of view, he noted, this kind of sociolog ical information could be applied mainly to indoctrinating and motivating people . He distinguished these motivating techniques from the "special methods" that h e felt were 'more relevant to subversion, seduction, and interrogation." He offe red to study those methods, too, and asked the Agency to give him access to ever ything in its files on "threats, coercion, imprisonment, isolation, deprivation, humiliation, torture, 'brainwashing, "black psychiatry,' hypnosis, and combinat ions of these with or without chemical agents." Beyond mere study, Wolff volunte ered the unwitting use of Cornell patients for brainwashing experiments, so long as no one got hurt. He added, however, that he would advise the CIA on experiments that harmed their subjects if they were per formed elsewhere. He obviously felt that only the grandest sweep of knowledge, f lowing freely between scholar and spy, could bring the best available techniques to bear on their respective subjects. In 1955 Wolff incorporated his CIA-funded study group as the Society for the Inv estigation of Human Ecology, with himself as president.[1] Through the Society, Wolff extended his efforts for the Agency, and his organization turned into a CI A-controlled funding mechanism for studies and experiments in the behavioral sci ences. In the early days of the Society, Agency officials trusted Wolff and his untried ideas with a sensitive espionage assignment. In effect, the new specialt y of human ecology was going to telescope the stages of research and application

into one continuing process. Speeding up the traditional academic method was required because the CIA men fac ed an urgent problem. "What was bothering them," Lawrence Hinkle explains, "was that the Chinese had cleaned up their agents in China.... What they really wante d to do was come up with some Chinese [in America], steer them to us, and make t hem into agents." Wolff accepted the challenge and suggested that the Cornell gr oup hide its real purpose behind the cover of investigating "the ecological aspe cts of disease" among Chinese refugees. The Agency gave the project a budget of $84,175 (about 30 percent of the money it put into Cornell in 1955) and supplied the study group with 100 Chinese refugees to work with. Nearly all these subjects had been studying in the United States when the communists took over th e mainland in 1949, so they tended to be dislocated people in their thirties. On the Agency side, the main concern, as expressed by one ARTICHOKE man, was the "security hazard" of bringing together so many potential agents in one place. N evertheless, CIA officials decided to go ahead. Wolff promised to tell them abou t the inner reaches of the Chinese character, and they recognized the operationa l advantage that insight into Chinese behavior patterns could provide. Moreover, Wolff said he would pick out the most useful possible agents. The Human Ecology Society would then offer these candidates "fellowships" and subject them to mor e intensive interviews and "stress producing" situations. The idea was to find o ut about their personalities, past conditioning, and present motivations, in ord er to figure out how they might perform in future predicamentssuch as finding th emselves back in Mainland China as American agents. In the process, Wolff hoped to mold these Chinese into people willing to work for the CIA. Mindful of leavin g some cover for Cornell, he was adamant that Agency operators not connected wit h the project make the actual recruitment pitch to those Chinese whom the Agency men wanted as agents. As a final twist, Wolff planned to provide each agent with techniques to withsta nd the precise forms of hostile interrogation they could expect upon returning t o China. CIA officials wanted to "precondition" the agents in order to create lo ng lasting motivation "impervious to lapse of time and direct psychological atta cks by the enemy." In other words, Agency men planned to brainwash their agents in order to protect them against Chinese brainwashing. Everything was coveredin theory, at least. Wolff was going to take a crew of 100 refugees and turn as many of them as possible into detection-proof, live agents inside China, and he planned to do the job quickly through human ecology. It wa s a heady chore for the Cornell professor to take on after classes. Wolff hired a full complement of psychologists, psychiatrists, and anthropologis ts to work on the project. He bulldozed his way through his colleagues' qualms and government red tape alike. Having hired an anthropologist before learning that the CIA security office would not give her a clearance, Wolff simply lied to her about where the money came from. "It was a function of Wolff's imperious nature," says his part ner Hinkle. "If a dog came in and threw up on the rug during a lecture, he would continue." Even the CIA men soon found that Harold Wolff was not to be trifled with. "From the Agency side, I don't know anyone who wasn't scared of him," reca lls a longtime CIA associate. "He was an autocratic man. I never knew him to che w anyone out. He didn't have to. We were damned respectful. He moved in high places. He was just a skinny little man but talk about mind control! He was one of the controllers." In the name of the Human Ecology Society, the CIA paid $1,200 a month to rent a fancy town house on Manhattan's East 78th Street to house the Cornell group and its research project s Agency technicians traveled to New York in December 1954 to install eavesdropp ing microphones around the building. These and other more obvious security devic essafes, guards, and the likemade the town house look different from the academi c center it was supposed to be. CIA liaison personnel held meetings with Wolff a nd the staff in the secure confines of the town house, and they all carefully wa tched the 100 Chinese a few blocks away at the Cornell hospital. The Society pai

d each subject $25 a day so the researchers could test them, probe them, and gen erally learn all they could about Chinese peopleor at least about middleclass, displaced, anti-Communist ones. It is doubtful that any of Wolff's Chinese ever returned to their homeland as CI A agents, or that all of Wolff's proposals were put into effect. In any case, the project was interrupted in midstream by a major shake-up in the CIA's entire mind-control effort. Early in 1955, Sid Gottlieb and his Ph.D. crew from TSS took over most of the ARTICHO KE functions, including the Society, from Morse Allen and the Pinkerton types in the Office of Security. The MKULTRA men moved quickly to turn the Society into an entity that looked and acted like a legitimate foundation. First they smoothe d over the ragged covert edges. Out came the bugs and safes so dear to Morse All en and company. The new crew even made some effort (largely unsuccessful) to att ract non-CIA funds. The biggest change, however, was the Cornell professors now had to deal with Agency representatives who were scientists and who had strong i deas of their own on research questions. Up to this point, the Cornellians had b een able to keep the CIA's involvement within bounds acceptable to them. While H arold Wolff never ceased wanting to explore the furthest reaches of behavior con trol, his colleagues were wary of going on to the outer limitsat least under Cor nell cover. No one would ever confuse MKULTRA projects with ivory-tower research, but Gottli eb's people did take a more academicand sophisticatedapproach to behavioral rese arch than their predecessors. The MKULTRA men understood that not every project would have an immediate operational benefit, and they believed less and less in the existence of that one just-over-the-horizon technique that would turn men in to puppets. They favored increasing their knowledge of human behavior in relativ ely small steps, and they concentrated on the reduced goal of influencing and ma nipulating their subjects. "You're ahead of the game if you can get people to do something ten percent more often than they would otherwise," says an MKULTRA ve teran. Accordingly, in 1956, Sid Gottlieb approved a $74,000 project to have the Human Ecology Society study the factors that caused men to defect from their countries and cooperate with foreign governments. MKULTRA officials reasoned that if they could understand what made old turncoats tick, it might help them entice new on es. While good case officers instinctively seemed to know how to handle a potent ial agentor thought they didthe MKULTRA men hoped to come up with systematic, ev en scientific improvements. Overtly, Harold Wolff designed the program to look like a follow-u p study to the Society's earlier programs, noting to the Agency that it was "fea sible to study foreign nationals under the cover of a medical-sociological study ." (He told his CIA funders that "while some information of general value to sci ence should be produced, this in itself will not be a sufficient justification f or carrying out a study of this nature.") Covertly, he declared the purpose of t he research was to assess defectors' social and cultural background, their life experience, and their personality structure, in order to understand their motiva tions, value systems, and probable future reactions. The 1956 Hungarian revolt occurred as the defector study was getting underway, a nd the Human Ecology group, with CIA headquarters approval, decided to turn the defector work into an investigation of 70 Hungarian refugees from that upheaval. By then, most of Harold Wolff's team had been together through the brainwashing and Chinese studies. While not all of them knew of the CIA's specific interests , they had streamlined their procedures for answering the questions that Agency officials found interesting. They ran the Hungarians through the battery of test s and observations in six months, compared to a year and a half for the Chinese project. The Human Ecology Society reported that most of their Hungarian subjects had fou ght against the Russians during the Revolution and that they had lived through e xtraordinarily difficult circumstances, including arrest, mistreatment, and indo ctrination. The psychologists and psychiatrists found that, often, those who had survived with the fewest problems had been those with markedly aberrant persona

lities. "This observation has added to the evidence that healthy people are not necessarily 'normal,' but are people particularly adapted to their special life situations," the group declared. While CIA officials liked the idea that their Hungarian subjects had not knuckle d under communist influence, they recognized that they were working with a skewed sample. American visa restrictions kept most of the refugee left-wingers and former communist of ficials out of the United States; so, as a later MKULTRA document would state, t he Society wound up studying "western-tied rightist elements who had never been accepted completely" in postwar Hungary. Agency researchers realized that these people would "contribute little" toward increasing the CIA's knowledge of the pr ocesses that made a communist official change his loyalties. In order to broaden their data base, MKULTRA officials decided in March 1957 to bring in some unwitting help. They gave a contract to Rutgers University sociolo gists Richard Stephenson and Jay Schulman "to throw as much light as possible on the sociology of the communist s ystem in the throes of revolution." The Rutgers professors started out by interviewing the 70 Hungarian s at Cornell in New York, and Schulman went on to Europe to talk to disillusione d Communists who had also fled their country. From an operational point of view, these were the people the Agency really cared about; but, as socialists, most o f them probably would have resisted sharing their experiences with the CIAif the y had known.[2] Jay Schulman would have resisted, too. After discovering almost 20 years later t hat the Agency had paid his way and seen his confidential interviews, he feels misused. "In 1957 I was myself a quasi-Marxist and if I had known that this study was sponsored by t he CIA, there is really, obviously, no way that I would have been associated wit h it," says Schulman. "My view is that social scientists have a deep personal re sponsibility for questioning the sources of funding; and the fact that I didn't do it at the time was simply, in my judgment, indication of my own naivet and po litical innocence, in spite of my ideological bent." Deceiving Schulman and his Hungarian subjects did not bother the men from MKULTR A in the slightest. According to a Gottlieb aide, one of the strong arguments in side the CIA for the whole Human Ecology program was that it gave the Agency a m eans of approaching and using political mavericks who could not otherwise get se curity clearances. "Sometimes," he chuckles, "these left-wing social scientists were damned good." This MKULTRA veteran scoffs at the displeasure Schulman expre sses: "If we'd gone to a guy and said, 'We're CIA,' he never would have done it. They were glad to get the money in a world where damned few people were willing to support them.... They can't complain about how they were treated or that the y were asked to do something they wouldn't have normally done." The Human Ecology Society soon became a conduit for CIA money flowing to project s, like the Rutgers one, outside Cornell. For these grants, the Society provided only cover and administrative support behind the gold-plated names of Cornell a nd Harold Wolff. From 1955 to 1958, Agency officials passed funds through the So ciety for work on criminal sexual psychopaths at Ionia State Hospital, [3] a men tal institution located on the banks of the Grand River in the rolling farm coun try 120 miles northwest of Detroit. This project had an interesting hypothesis: That child molesters and rapists had ugly secrets buried deep within them and th at their stake in not admitting their perversions approached that of spies not wanting to confess. The MKULTRA men reasoned that any technique that would w ork on a sexual psychopath would surely have a similar effect on a foreign agent . Using psychologists and psychiatrists connected to the Michigan mental health and the Detroit court systems, they set up a program to test LSD and marijuana, wittingly and unwittingly, alone and in combination with hypnosis. Because of administrative delays, the Michigan doctors managed to experiment onl y on 26 inmates in three years all sexual offenders committed by judges without a trial under a Michigan law, since declared unconstitutional. The search for a truth drug went on, under the auspices of the Human Ecology Society, as well as

in other MKULTRA channels. The Ionia project was the kind of expansionist activity that made Cornell admini strators, if not Harold Wolff, uneasy. By 1957, the Cornellians had had enough. At the same time, the Ag ency sponsors decided that the Society had outgrown its dependence on Cornell fo r academic credentialsthat in fact the close ties to Cornell might inhibit the S ociety's future growth among academics notoriously sensitive to institutional co nflicts. One CIA official wrote that the Society "must be given more established stature in the research community to be effective as a cover organization." Onc e the Society was cut loose in the foundation world, Agency men felt they would be freer to go anywhere in academia to buy research that might assist covert ope rations. So the CIA severed the Society's formal connection to Cornell. The Human Ecology group moved out of its East 78th Street town house, which had always seem a little too plush for a university program, and opened up a new hea dquarters in Forest Hills, Queens, which was an inappropriate neighborhood for a well-connected foundation. [4] Agency officials hired a staff of four led by Lieutenant Colonel James Monroe, who had worked closely with the CIA as h ead of the Air Force's study of Korean War prisoners. Sid Gottlieb and the TSS h ierarchy in Washington still made the major decisions, but Monroe and the Societ y staff, whose salaries the Agency paid, took over the Society's dealings with t he outside world and the monitoring of several hundred thousand dollars a year i n research projects. Monroe personally supervised dozens of grants, including Dr . Ewen Cameron's brainwashing work in Montreal. Soon the Society was flourishing as an innovative foundation, attracting research proposals from a wide variety of behavioral scientists, at a time when these peopleparticularly the unorthodox oneswere still the step-children of the fund-granting world. After the Society's exit from Cornell, Wolff and Hinkle stayed on as president a nd vice-president, respectively, of the Society's board of directors. Dr. Joseph Hinsey, head of th e New York Hospital-Cornell Medical Center also remained on the board. Allen Dul les continued his personal interest in the Society's work and came to one of the first meetings of the new board, which, as was customary with CIA fronts, inclu ded some big outside names. These luminaries added worthiness to the enterprise while playing essentially figurehead roles. In 1957 the other board members were John Whitehorn, chairman of the psychiatry department at Johns Hopkins Universi ty, Carl Rogers, professor of psychology and psychiatry at the University of Wis consin, and Adolf A. Berle, onetime Assistant Secretary of State and chairman of the New York Liberal Party. [5] Berle had originally put his close f riend Harold Wolff in touch with the CIA, and at Wolff's request, he came on the Society board despite some reservations. "I am frightened about this one," Berl e wrote in his diary. "If the scientists do what they have laid out for themselv es, men will become manageable ants. But I don't think it will happen." There was a lot of old-fashioned back-scratching among the CIA people and the ac ademics as they settled into the work of accommodating each other. Even Harold W olff, the first and the most enthusiastic of the scholar-spies, had made it clea r from the beginning that he expected some practical rewards for his service. Ac cording to colleague Hinkle, who appreciated Wolff as one the great grantsman of his time, Wolff expected that the Agency "would support our research and we wou ld be their consultants." Wolff bluntly informed the CIA that some of his work w ould have no direct use "except that it vastly enhances our value . . . as consultants and advisers." In other words, Wolff felt that hi s worth to the CIA increased in proportion to his professional accomplishments a nd importancewhich in turn depended partly on the resources he commanded. The Ag ency men understood, and over the last half of the 1950s, they were happy to con tribute almost $300,000 to Wolff's own research on the brain and central nervous system. In turn, Wolff and his reputation helped them gain access to other lead ing lights in the academic world. Another person who benefited from Human Ecology funds was Carl Rogers, whom Wolf f had also asked to serve on the board. Rogers, who later would become famous fo

r his nondirective, nonauthoritarian approach to psychotherapy, respected Wolff' s work, and he had no objection to helping the CIA. Although he says he would ha ve nothing to do with secret Agency activities today, he asks for understanding in light of the climate of the 1950s. "We really did regard Russia as the enemy, " declares Rogers, "and we were trying to do various things to make sure the Rus sians did not get the upper hand." Rogers received an important professional rew ard for joining the Society board. Executive Director James Monroe had let him k now that, once he agreed to serve, he could expect to receive a Society grant. " That appealed to me because I was having trouble getting funded," says Rogers. " Having gotten that grant [about $30,000 over three years], it made it possible t o get other grants from Rockefeller and NIMH." Rogers still feels grateful to th e Society for helping him establish a funding "track record," but he emphasizes that the Agency never had any effect on his research. Although MKULTRA psychologist John Gittinger suspected that Rogers' work on psyc hotherapy might provide insight into interrogation methods, the Society did not give Rogers mone y because of the content of his work. The grant ensured his services as a consul tant, if desired, and, according to a CIA document, "free access" to his project . But above all, the grant allowed the Agency to use Rogers' name. His standing in the academic community contributed to the layer of cover around the Society t hat Agency officials felt was crucial to mask their involvement. Professor Charles Osgood's status in psychology also improved the Society's cove r, but his research was more directly useful to the Agency, and the MKULTRA men paid much more to get it. In 1959 Osgood, who four years later became president of the American Psychological Association, wanted to push forward his work on ho w people in different societies express the same feelings, even when using diffe rent words and concepts. Osgood wrote in "an abstract conceptual framework," but Agency officials saw his research as "directly relevant" to covert activities. They bel ieved they could transfer Osgood's knowledge of "hidden values and cues" in the way people communicate int o more effective overseas propaganda. Osgood's work gave them a toolcalled the " semantic differential"to choose the right words in a foreign language to convey a particular meaning. Like Carl Rogers, Osgood got his first outside funding for what became the most important work of his career from the Human Ecology Society. Osgood had written directly to the CIA for support, and the Society soon contacted him and furnished $192,975 for research over five years. The money allowed him to travel widely and to expand his work into 30 different cultures. Also like Rogers, Osgood eventually received NIMH money to finish his research, but he acknowledges that the Human Ecology grants played an important part in the progress of his work. He stresses that "there was none of the feeling then about the CIA that there is now, in terms of subversive activities," and he states that the Society had no influence on anything he produced. Yet Society men could and did talk to him about his findings. They asked questions that reflected their own covert interests, not his academic pursuits, and they drew him out, according to one of them, "at great length." Osgood had started studying cross-cultural meaning well before he received the Human Ecology money, but the Society's support ensured that he would continue his work on a scale that suited the Agency's purposes, as well as his own. A whole category of Society funding, called "cover grants," served no other purpose than to build the Society's false front. These included a sociological study of Levittown, Long Island (about $4,500), an

analysis of the Central Mongoloid skull ($700), and a look at the foreign-policy attitudes of people who owned fallout shelters, as opposed to people who did not ($2,500). A $500 Human Ecology grant went to Istanbul University for a study of the effects of circumcision on Turkish boys. The researcher found that young Turks, usually circumcised between the ages of five and seven, felt "severe emotional impact with attending symptoms of withdrawal." The children saw the painful operations as "an act of aggression" that brought out previously hidden fearsor so the Human Ecology Society reported. In other instances, the Society put money into projects whose covert application was so unlikely that only an expert could see the possibilities. Nonetheless, in 1958 the Society gave $5,570 to social psychologists Muzafer and Carolyn Wood Sherif of the University of Oklahoma for work on the behavior of teen-age boys in gangs. The Sherifs, both ignorant of the CIA connection,[6] studied the group structures and attitudes in the gangs and tried to devise ways to channel antisocial behavior into more constructive paths. Their results were filtered through clandestine minds at the Agency. "With gang warfare," says an MKULTRA source, "you tried to get some defectors-in-place who would like to modify some of the group behavior and cool it. Now, getting a juvenile delinquent defector was motivationally not all that much different from getting a Soviet one." MKULTRA officials were clearly interested in using their grants to build contacts and associations with prestigious academics. The Society put $1,500 a year into the Research in Mental Health Newsletter published jointly at McGill University by the sociology and psychiatric departments. Anthropologist Margaret Mead, an international culture heroine, sat on the newsletter's advisory board (with, among others, D. Ewen Cameron), and the Society used her name in its biennial report. Similarly, the Society gave grants of $26,000 to the well-known University of London psychologist, H. J. Eysenck, for his work on motivation. An MKULTRA document acknowledged that this research would have "no immediate relevance for Agency needs," but that it would "lend prestige" to the Society. The grants to Eysenck also allowed the Society to take funding credit for no less than nine of his publications in its 1963 report. The following year, the Society managed to purchase a piece of the work of the most famous behaviorist of all, Harvard's B. F. Skinner. Skinner, who had tried to train pigeons to guide bombs for the military during World War II, received a $5,000 Human Ecology grant to pay the costs of a secretary and supplies for the research that led to his book, Freedom and Dignity. Skinner has no memory of the grant or its origins but says, "I don't like secret involvement of any kind. I can't see why it couldn't have been open and aboveboard." A TSS source explains that grants like these "bought legitimacy" for the Society and made the recipients "grateful." He says that the money gave Agency employees at Human Ecology a reason to phone Skinneror any of the other recipientsto pick his brain about a particular problem. In a similar vein, another MKULTRA man,

psychologist John Gittinger mentions the Society's relationship with Erwin Goffman of the University of Pennsylvania, whom many consider today's leading sociological theorist. The Society gave him a small grant to help finish a book that would have been published anyway. As a result, Gittinger was able to spend hours talking with him about, among other things, an article he had written earlier on confidence men. These hucksters were experts at manipulating behavior, according to Gittinger, and Goffman unwittingly "gave us a better understanding of the techniques people use to establish phony relationships"a subject of interest to the CIA. To keep track of new developments in the behavioral sciences, Society representatives regularly visited grant recipients and found out what they and their colleagues were doing. Some of the knowing professors became conscious spies. Most simply relayed the latest professional gossip to their visitors and sent along unpublished papers. The prestige of the Human Ecology grantees also helped give the Agency access to behavioral scientists who had no connection to the Society. "You could walk into someone's office and say you were just talking to Skinner," says an MKULTRA veteran. "We didn't hesitate to do this. It was a way to name-drop." The Society did not limit its intelligence gathering to the United States. As one Agency source puts it, "The Society gave us a legitimate basis to approach anyone in the academic community anywhere in the world." CIA officials regularly used it as cover when they traveled abroad to study the behavior of foreigners of interest to the Agency, including such leaders as Nikita Khrushchev. The Society funded foreign researchers and also gave money to American professors to collect information abroad. In 1960, for instance, the Society sponsored a survey of Soviet psychology through the simple device of putting up $15,000 through the official auspices of the American Psychological Association to send ten prominent psychologists on a tour of the Soviet Union. Nine of the ten had no idea of the Agency involvement, but CIA officials were apparently able to debrief everyone when the group returned. Then the Society sponsored a conference and book for which each psychologist contributed a chapter. The book added another $5,000 to the CIA's cost, but $20,000 all told seemed like a small price to pay for the information gathered. The psychologistsexcept perhaps the knowledgeable onedid nothing they would not ordinarily have done during their trip, and the scholarly community benefited from increased knowledge on an important subject. The only thing violated was the openness and trust normally associated with academic pursuits. By turning scholars into spieseven unknowing onesCIA officials risked the reputation of American research work and contributed potential ammunition toward the belief in many countries that the U.S. notion of academic freedom and independence from the state is self-serving and hypocritical. Secrecy allowed the Agency a measure of freedom from normal academic restrictions and red tape, and the men from MKULTRA used that freedom to make their projects more attractive. The Society demanded "no stupid progress

reports," recalls psychologist and psychiatrist Martin Orne, who received a grant to support his Harvard research on hypnotism. As a further sign of generosity and trust, the Society gave Orne a follow-on $30,000 grant with no specified purpose.[7] Orne could use it as he wished. He believes the money was "a contingency investment" in his work, and MKULTRA officials agree. "We could go to Orne anytime," says one of them, "and say, 'Okay, here is a situation and here is a kind of guy. What would you expect we might be able to achieve if we could hypnotize him?' Through his massive knowledge, he could speculate and advise." A handful of other Society grantees also served in similar roles as covert Agency consultants in the field of their expertise. In general, the Human Ecology Society served as the CIA's window on the world of behavioral research. No phenomenon was too arcane to escape a careful look from the Society, whether extrasensory perception or African witch doctors. "There were some unbelievable schemes," recalls an MKULTRA veteran, "but you also knew Einstein was considered crazy. You couldn't be so biased that you wouldn't leave open the possibility that some crazy idea might work." MKULTRA men realized, according to the veteran, that "ninety percent of what we were doing would fail" to be of any use to the Agency. Yet, with a spirit of inquiry much freer than that usually found in the academic world, the Society took early stabs at cracking the genetic code with computers and finding out whether animals could be controlled through electrodes placed in their brains. The Society's unrestrained, scattershot approach to behavioral research went against the prevailing wisdom in American universitiesboth as to methods and to subjects of interest. During the 1950s one school of thoughtsocalled "behaviorism,"was accepted on campus, virtually to the exclusion of all others. The "behaviorists," led by Harvard's B. F. Skinner, looked at psychology as the study of learned observable responses to outside stimulation. To oversimplify, they championed the approach in which psychologists gave rewards to rats scurrying through mazes, and they tended to dismiss matters of great interest to the Agency: e.g., the effect of drugs on the psyche, subjective phenomena like hypnosis, the inner workings of the mind, and personality theories that took genetic differences into account. By investing up to $400,000 a year into the early, innovative work of men like Carl Rogers, Charles Osgood, and Martin Orne, the CIA's Human Ecology Society helped liberate the behavioral sciences from the world of rats and cheese. With a push from the Agency as well as other forces, the field opened up. Former iconoclasts became eminent, and, for better or worse, the Skinnerian nearmonopoly gave way to a multiplication of contending schools. Eventually, a reputable behavioral scientist could be doing almost anything: holding hands with his students in sensitivity sessions, collecting survey data on spanking habits, or subjectively exploring new modes of consciousness. The CIA's money undoubtedly changed the academic world to some degree, though no one can say how much.

As usual, the CIA men were ahead of their time and had started to move on before the new approaches became established. In 1963, having sampled everything from palm reading to subliminal perception, Sid Gottlieb and his colleagues satisfied themselves that they had overlooked no area of knowledgehowever esotericthat might be promising for CIA operations. The Society had served its purpose; now the money could be better spent elsewhere. Agency officials transferred the still-useful projects to other covert channels and allowed the rest to die quietly. By the end of 1965, when the remaining research was completed, the Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology was gone. Notes MKULTRA subprojects 48 and 60 provided the basic documents on the Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology. These were supplemented by the three biennial reports of the Society that could be found: 1957, 1961, and 1961-1963. Wolff's own research work is MKULTRA subproject 61. Wolfs proposals to the Agency are in #A/B, II, 10/68, undated "Proposed Plan for Implementing [deleted]" in two documents included in 48-29, March 5, 1956, "General Principles Upon Which these Proposals Are Based." The Agency's plans for the Chinese Project are described in #A/B, II, 10/48, undated, Subject: Cryptonym [deleted] A/B, II 10/72,9 December,1954, Subject: Letter of Instructions, and #A/B, II, 10/110, undated, untitled. Details of the logistics of renting the Human Ecology headquarters and bugging it are in #A/B, II, 10/23, 30 August, 1954, Subject: Meeting of Working Committee of [deleted], No. 5 and #A/B, II, 10/92, 8 December, 1954, Subject: Technical Installation. The Hungarian project, as well as being described in the 1957 biennial report, was dealt with in MKULTRA subprojects 65 and 82, especially 65-12, 28 June 1956, Subject: MKULTRA subproject 65; 65-11, undated, Subject: Dr. [deleted]'s ProjectPlans for the Coming Year, July,1957-June,1958; and 82-15,11 April 1958, Subject: Project MKULTRA, Subproject 82. The Ionia State sexual psychopath research was MKULTRA Subproject 39, especially 39-4, 9 April 1958, Subject: Trip Report, Visit to [deleted], 7 April 1958. Paul Magnusson of the Detroit Free Press and David Pearl of the Detroit ACLU office both furnished information. Carl Rogers' MKULTRA subproject was # 97. He also received funds under Subproject 74. See especially 74256, 7 October 1958, Supplement to Individual Grant under MKULTRA, Subproject No. 74 and 97-21, 6 August 1959, Subject: MKULTRA Subproject 97. H. J. Eysenck's MKULTRA subproject was #111. See especially 111-3, 3 April 1961, Subject: Continuation of MKULTRA Subproject 111. The American Psychological Association-sponsored trip to the Soviet Union was described in Subproject 107. The book that came out of the trip was called Some Views on Soviet Psychology, Raymond Bauer (editor), (Washington: American Psychological Association; 1962). The Sherifs' research on teenage gangs was described in Subproject # 102 and the 1961 Human Ecology biennial report. Dr. Carolyn Sherif also wrote a letter to the

American Psychological Association Monitor, February 1978. Dr. Sherif talked about her work when she and I appeared on an August 1978 panel at the American Psychological Association's convention in Toronto. Martin Orne's work for the Agency was described in Subproject 84. He contributed a chapter to the Societyfunded book, The Manipulation of Human Behavior, edited by Albert Biderman and Herbert Zimmer-(New York: John Wiley & Sons; 1961), pp. 169-215. Financial data on Orne's Institute for Experimental Psychiatry came from a filing with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Attachment to Form 1023. The quote from John Gittinger came from an interview with him conducted by Dr. Patricia Greenfield. Dr. Greenfield also interviewed Jay Schulman, Carl Rogers, and Charles Osgood for an article in the December 1977 issue of the American Psychological Association Monitor, from which my quotes of Schulman's comments are taken. She discussed Erving Goffman's role in a presentation to a panel of the American Psychological Association convention in Toronto in August 1978. The talk was titled "CIA Support of Basic Research in Psychology: Policy Implications." Footnotes 1. In 1961 the Society changed its name to the Human Ecology Fund, but for convenience sake it will be called the Society throughout the book. 2. Also to gain access to this same group of leftist Hungarian refugees in Europe, the Human Ecology Society put $15,000 in 1958 into an unwitting study by Dr. A. H. M. Struik of the University of Nijmegen in the Netherlands. An Agency document extolled this arrangement not only as a useful way of studying Hungarians but because it provided "entree" into a leading European university and psychological research center, adding "such a connection has manifold cover and testing possibilities as well as providing a base from which to take advantage of developments in that area of the world." 3. Professor Laurence Hinkle states that it was never his or Cornell's intention that the Society would be used as a CIA funding conduit. When told that he himself had written letters on the Ionia project, he replied that the Society's CIA-supplied bookkeeper was always putting papers in front of him and that he must have signed without realizing the implications. 4. By 1961 the CIA staff had tired of Queens and moved the Society back into Manhattan to 201 East 57th Street. In 1965 as the Agency was closing down the front, it switched its headquarters to 183i Connecticut Avenue N.W. in Washington, the same building owned by Dr. Charles Geschickter that housed another MKULTRA conduit, the Geschickter Fund for Medical Research. 5. Other establishment figures who would grace the Human Ecology board over the years included Leonard Carmichael, head of the Smithsonian Institution, Barnaby Keeney, president of Brown University, and George A. Kelly, psychology professor and Society fund recipient at Ohio State University. 6. According to Dr. Carolyn Sherif, who says she and

her husband did not share the Cold War consensus and would never have knowingly taken CIA funds Human Ecology executive director James Monroe lied directly about the source of the Society's money, claiming it came from rich New York doctors and Texas millionaires who gave it for tax purposes. Monroe used this standard cover story with other grantees. 7. A 1962 report of Orne's laboratory, the Institute for Experimental Psychiatry, showed that it received two sizable grants before the end of that year: $30,000 from Human Ecology and $30,000 from Scientific Engineering Institute, another CIA front organization. Orne says he was not aware of the latter group's Agency connection at the time, but learned of it later. He used its grant to study new ways of using the polygraph. The Gittinger Assessment System With one exception, the CIA's behavioral research whether on LSD or on electrosh ockseems to have had more impact on the outside world than on Agency operations. That exception grew out of the work of the MKULTRA program's resident genius, p sychologist John Gittinger. While on the CIA payroll, toiling to find ways to ma nipulate people, Gittinger created a unique system for assessing personality and predicting future behavior. He called his methodappropriatelythe Personality As sessment System (PAS). Top Agency officials have been so impressed that they hav e given the Gittinger system a place in most agent-connected activities. To be s ure, most CIA operators would not go nearly so far as a former Gittinger aide who says, "The PAS was the key to the whole clandestine business. " Still, after most of the touted mind controllers had given up or been sent back home, it was Gittinger, t he staff psychologist, who sold his PAS system to cynical, anti-gimmick case off icers in the Agency's Clandestine Services. And during the Cuban missile crisis, it was Gittinger who was summoned to the White House to give his advice on how Khrushchev would react to American pressure. A heavy-set, goateed native of Oklahoma who in his later years came to resemble actor Walter Slezak, Gittinger looked much more like someone's kindly grandfather than a calculating theoretician. He had an almost insatiable curiosity about personality, and he spent most of his waking h ours tinkering with and trying to perfect his system. So obsessed did he become that he always had the feeling even after other researchers had verified large c hunks of the PAS and after the CIA had put it into operational usethat the whole thing was "a kind of paranoid delusion." Gittinger started working on his system even before he joined the CIA in 1950. P rior to that, he had been director of psychological services at the state hospital in Norman, Oklahoma. Hi s high-sounding title did not reflect the fact that he was the only psychologist on the staff. A former high school guidance counselor and Naval lieutenant comm ander during World War II, he was starting out at age 30 with a master's degree. Every day he saw several hundred patients whose mental problems included virtua lly everything in the clinical textbooks. Numerous tramps and other itinerants, heading West in search of the good life in California, got stuck in Oklahoma during the cold winter months and managed to get themselves admitted to Gittinger's hospital. In warmer seasons of the year, quite a few of them worked , when they had to, as cooks or dishwashers in the short-order hamburger stands that dotted the highways in the days before fast food. They functioned perfectly well in these jobs until freezing nights drove them from their outdoor beds. Th e hospital staff usually called them "seasonal schizophrenics" and gave them she lter until spring. Gittinger included them in the psychological tests he was so fond of running on his patients.

As he measured the itinerants on the Wechsler intelligence scale, a standard IQ test with 11 parts,[1] Gittinger made a chance observation that became, he says, the "bedrock" of his w hole system. He noticed that the short-order cooks tended to do well on the digi t-span subtest which rated their ability to remember numbers. The dishwashers, i n contrast, had a poor memory for digits. Since the cooks had to keep track of m any complex orderswith countless variations of medium rare, onions, and hold-the -mayotheir retentive quality served them well. Gittinger also noticed that the cooks had different personality traits than the dishwashers. The cooks seemed able to maintain a high degree of efficiency in a distracting environment while customers were constantly barking new orders at th em. They kept their composure by falling back on their internal resources and ge nerally shutting themselves off from the commotion around them. Gittinger dubbed this personality type, which was basically inner-directed, an " Internalizer" (abbreviated "I"). The dishwashers, on the other hand, did not have the ability to separate t hemselves from the external world. In order to perform their jobs, they had to be placed off in some far cor ner of the kitchen with their dirty pots and pans, or else all the tumult of the place diverted them from thei r duty. Gittinger called the dishwasher type an "Externalizer" (E). He found that if he measured a high digit span in any personnot just a short-order cookhe could make a basic judgment abo ut personality. From observation, Gittinger concluded that babies were born with distinct person alities which then were modified by environmental factors. The Internalizedor I baby was caught up in hi mself and tended to be seen as a passive child; hence, the world usually called him a "good baby." The E tot was more interested in outside stimuli and attentio n, and thus was more likely to cause his parents problems by making demands. Git tinger believed that the way parents and other authority figures reacted to the child helped to shape his personality. Adults often pressured or directed the I child to become more outgoing and the E one to become more self-sufficient. Gitt inger found he could measure the compensations, or adjustments, the child made o n another Wechsler subtest, the one that rated arithmetic ability. He noticed that in later life, when the person was subject to stress, these comp ensations tended to disappear, and the person reverted to his original personality type. Gittinger w rote that his system "makes possible the assessment of fundamental discrepancies between the surface persona lity and the underlying personality structurediscrepancies that produce tension, conflict, and anxiety." Besides the E-I dimensions, Gittinger identified two other fundamental sets of p ersonality characteristics that he could measure with still other Wechsler subtests. Depending on how a sub ject did on the block design subtest, Gittinger could tell if he were Regulated (R) or Flexible (F). The Regulated person had no trouble learning by rote but us ually did not understand what he learned. The Flexible individual, on the other hand, had to understand something before he learned it. Gittinger noted that R c hildren could learn to play the piano moderately well with comparatively little effort. The F child most often hated the drudgery of piano lessons, but Gittinge r observed that the great concert pianists tended to be Fs who had persevered an d mastered the instrument. Other psychologists had thought up personality dimensions similar to Gittinger's E and I, R and F. even if they defined them somewhat differently. Gittinger's most original contributio n came in a third personality dimension, which revealed how well people were abl e to adapt their social behavior to the demands of the culture they lived in. Gi ttinger found he could measure this dimension with the picture arrangement Wechs ler subtest, and he called it the Role Adaptive (A) or Role Uniform

(U). It corresponded to "charisma," since other people were naturally attracted to the A person while they tended to ignore the U. All this became immensely more complicated as Gittinger measured compensations and modifications with other Wechsler subtests. This comp lexity alone worked against the acceptance of his system by the outside world, a s did the fact that he based much of it on ideas that ran contrary to accepted p sychological doctrinesuch as his heretical notion that genetic differences exist ed. It did not help, either, that Gittinger was a non-Ph.D. whose theory sprang from the kitchen habits of vagrants in Oklahoma. Any one of these drawbacks might have stifled Gittinger in the academic world, b ut to the pragmatists in the CIA, they were irrelevant. Gittinger's strange ideas seemed to work. With uncanny accuracy, he could look at nothing more than a subject's Wechsler numbe rs, pinpoint his weaknesses, and show how to turn him into an Agency spy. Once G ittinger's boss, Sid Gottlieb, and other high CIA officials realized how Gitting er's PAS could be used to help case officers handle agents, they gave the psycho logist both the time and money to improve his system under the auspices of the H uman Ecology Society. Although he was a full-time CIA employee, Gittinger worked under Human Ecology c over through the 1950s. Agency officials considered the PAS to be one of the Soc iety's greatest triumphs, definitely worth continuing after the Society was phas ed out. In 1962 Gittinger and his co-workers moved their base of operations from the Human Ecology headquarters in New York to a CIA proprietary company, set up especially for them in Washington and called Psychological Assessment Associate s. Gittinger served as president of the company, whose cover was to provide psyc hological services to American firms overseas. He personally opened a branch off ice in Tokyo (later moved to Hong Kong) to service CIA stations in the Far East. The Washington staff, which grew to about 15 professionals during the 1960s, ha ndled the rest of the world by sending assessment specialists off for temporary visits. Hundreds of thousands of dollars in Human Ecology grants and then even more mone y in Psychological Assessment contractsall CIA fundsflowed out to verify and expand the PAS. For ex ample, the Society gave about $140,000 to David Saunders of the Educational Test ing Service, the company that prepares the College Board exams. Saunders, who kn ew about the Agency's involvement, found a correlation between brain (EEG) patte rns and results on the digit-span test, and he helped Gittinger apply the system to other countries. In this regard, Gittinger and his colleagues understood tha t the Wechsler battery of subtests had a cultural bias and that a Japanese E had a very differe nt personality from, say, a Russian E. To compensate, they worked out localized versions of the PAS for various nations around the world. While at the Human Ecology group, Gittinger supervised much of the Society's oth er research in the behavioral sciences, and he always tried to interest Society grantees in his sys tem. He looked for ways to mesh their research with his theoriesand vice versa. Some, like Carl Rogers and Charles Osgood, listened politely and did not follow up. Yet Gittinger would alw ays learn something from their work that he could apply to the PAS. A charming m an and a skillful raconteur, Gittinger convinced quite a few of the other grante es of the validity of his theories and the importance of his ideas. Careful not to threaten the egos of his fellow professionals, he never projected an air of s uperiority. Often he would leave people even the skepticalopenmouthed in awe as he painted unnervingly accurate personality portraits of people he had never met . Indeed, people frequently accused him of somehow having cheated by knowing the subject in advance or peeking at his file. Gittinger patiently and carefully taught his system to his colleagues, who all s eem to have views of him that range from great respect to pure idolatry. For all his willingness to share the PAS, Gittinger was never able to show anyone how t

o use the system as skillfully as he did. Not that he did not try; he simply was a more talented natural assessor than any of the others. Moreover, his system w as full of interrelations and variables that he instinctively understood but had not bothered to articulate. As a result, he could look at Wechsler scores and p ick out behavior patterns which would be valid and which no one else had seen. E ven after Agency officials spent a small fortune trying to computerize the PAS, they found, as one psychologist puts it, the machine "couldn't tie down all the variables" that Gittinger was carrying around in his head. Some Human Ecology grantees, like psychiatrist Robert Hyde, were so impressed wi th Gittinger's system that they made the PAS a major part of their own research. Hyde routinely gave Wechslers to his subjects before plying them with liquor, a s part of the Agency's efforts to find out how people react to alcohol. In 1957 Hyde moved his research team from Boston Psychopathic Hospital, where he had been America's first LSD tripper, to Butler Health Center in Providence. The re, with Agency funds, Hyde built an experimental party room in the hospital, co mplete with pinball machine, dartboard, and bamboo bar stools. From behind a two -way mirror, psychologists watched the subjects get tipsy and made careful notes on their reaction to alcohol. Not surprisingly, the observers found that pure I nternalizers became more withdrawn after several drinks, and that uncompensated Es were more likely to become garrulousin essence, sloppy drunks. Thus Gittinger was able to make generalizations about the different ways an I or an E responde d to alcohol.[2] Simply by knowing how people scored on the Wechsler digit-span test, he could predict how they would react to liquor. Hyde and Harold Abramson at Mount Sinai Hospital made the same kind of observations for LSD finding, amon g other things, that an E was more likely than an I to have a bad trip. (Apparen tly, an I is more accustomed than an E to "being into his own head" and losing t ouch with external reality.) At Gittinger's urging, other Human Ecology grantees gave the Wechsler battery to their experimental subjects and sent him the scores. He was building a unique d ata base on all phases of human behavior, and he needed samples of as many disti nct groups as possible. By getting the scores of actors, he could make generaliz ations about what sort of people made good role-players. Martin Orne at Harvard sent in scores of hypnosis subjects, so Gittinger could separate the personality patterns of those who easily went into a trance from those who could not be hyp notized. Gittinger collected Wechslers of businessmen, students, high-priced fas hion models, doctors, and just about any other discrete group he could find a wa y to have tested. In huge numbers, the Wechslers came flowing in29,000 sets in a ll by the early 1970seach one accompanied by biographic data. With the 10 subtes ts he used and at least 10 possible scores on each of those, no two Wechsler res ults in the whole sample ever looked exactly the same. Gittinger kept a computer printout of all 29,000 on his desk, and he would fiddle with them almost every daylooking constantly for new truths that could be drawn out of them. John Gittinger was interested in all facets of personality, but because he worke d for the CIA, he emphasized deviant forms. He particularly sought out Wechslers of people who had rejected the values of their society or who had some vicehidden or otherwisetha t caused others to reject them. By studying the scores of the defectors who had come over to the West, Gittinger hoped to identify common characteristics of men who had become traitors to their governments. If there were identifiable traits , Agency operators could look for them in prospective spies. Harris Isbell, who ran the MKULTRA drug-testing program at the Lexington, Kentucky detention Hospit al, sent in the scores of heroin addicts. Gittinger wanted to know what to look for in people susceptible to drugs. The Human Ecology project at Ionia State Hos pital in Michigan furnished Wechslers of sexual psychopaths. These scores showed that people with uncontrollable urges have different personality patterns than so-called normals. Gittinger himself journeyed to the West Coast to test homosex uals, lesbians, and the prostitutes he interviewed under George White's auspices in the San Francisco safehouse. With each group, he separated out the telltale signs that might be a future indicator of their sexual preference in others. Git tinger understood that simply by looking at the Wechsler scores of someone newly

tested, he could pick out patterns that corresponded to behavior of people in t he data base. The Gittinger system worked best when the TSS staff had a subject's Wechsler sco res to analyze, but Agency officials could not very well ask a Russian diplomat or any other foreign target to sit down and take the tests. During World War II, OSS chief William Donovan had faced a similar problem in trying to find out abo ut Adolf Hitler's personality, and Donovan had commissioned psychoanalyst Walter Langer to make a long-distance psychiatric profile of the German leader. Langer had sifted through all the available data on the Fhrer, and that was exactly wh at Gittinger's TSS assessments staff did when they lacked direct contact (and wh en they had it, too). They pored over all the intelligence gathered by operators , agents, bugs, and taps and looked at samples of a man's handwriting.[3] The CI A men took the process of "indirect assessment" one step further than Langer had, however. They observed the target's behavior and looked for revealing patterns that correspon ded with traits already recorded among the subjects of the 29,000 Wechsler sampl es. Along this line, Gittinger and his staff had a good idea how various personality types acted after consuming a few drinks. Thus, they reasoned, if they watched a guest at a cocktail party and he started to behave in a recognizable wayby wit hdrawing, for instancethey could make an educated guess about his personality ty pein this case, that he was an I. In contrast, the drunken Russian diplomat who became louder and began pinching every woman who passed by probably was an E. In stead of using the test scores to predict how a person would behave, the assessments staff was, in effect, looking at behavior and working backward to predict how the person would have scored if he had taken the test. The Gittinger staff developed a whole che cklist of 30 to 40 patterns that the skilled observer could look for. Each of th ese traits reflected one of the Wechsler subtests, and it corresponded to some i nsight picked up from the 29,000 scores in the data base. Was the target sloppy or neat? Did he relate to women stiffly or easily? How did he hold a cigarette and put it into his mouth? When he went through a receiving line, did he immediately repeat the name of each person introduced to him? Take n as a whole, all these observations allowed Gittinger to make a reasoned estimate about a subject's personality, with emphasis on his vulnerabilities. As Gittinger describes the system, "If you could get a sample of several kinds of situations, you could begin to get some pretty good information." Nevertheless, Gittinger had his doubts about indirect assessment. "I never thought we were good at this," he says. The TSS assessment staff, along with the Agency's medical office use the PAS ind irectly to keep up the OSS tradition of making psychological portraits of world leaders like Hitler. Combining analytical techniques with gossipy intelligence, the assessors tried to give high-level U.S. officials a better idea of what move d the principal international political figures.[4] One such study of an America n citizen spilled over into the legally forbidden domestic area when in 1971 the medical office prepared a profile of Daniel Ellsberg at the request of the Whit e House. To get raw data for the Agency assessors, John Ehrlichman authorized a break-in at Ellsberg's psychiatrist's office in California. John Gittinger vehem ently denies that his staff played any role in preparing this profile, which the White House plumbers intended to use as a kind of psychological road map to com promise Ellsbergjust as CIA operators regularly worked from such assessments to exploit the weaknesses of foreigners. Whether used directly or indirectly, the PAS gave Agency case officers a tool to get a better reading of the people with whom they dealt. CIA field stations overseas routinely sent all their findings on a target, along with indirect assessment checklists, back to Washington, so headquarters p ersonnel could decide whether or not to try recruitment. The TSS assessment staf f contributed to this process by attempting to predict what ploys would work best on the man in the case officers' sights. "Our

job was to recommend what strategy to try," says a onetime Gittinger colleague. This source states he had direct knowledge of cases where TSS recommendations l ed to sexual entrapment operations, both hetero- and homosexual. "We had women r eadycalled them a stable," he says, and they found willing men when they had to. One CIA psychologist stresses that the PAS only provided "clues" on how to compr omise people. "If somebody's assessment came in like the sexual psychopaths', it would raise red f lags," he notes. But TSS staff assessors could only conclude that the target had a potentially seriou s sex problem. They could by no means guarantee that the target's defenses could be broken. Nevertheless, the PAS helped dictate the best weapons for the attack . "I've heard John [Gittinger] say there's always something that someone wants," says another former Agency psychologist. "And with the PAS you can find out wha t it is. It's not necessarily sex or booze. Sometimes it's status or recognition or security." Yet another Gittinger colleague describes this process as "looking for soft spot s." He states that after years of working with the system, he still bridled at a few of the more fiendish ways "to get at people" that his colleagues dreamed up . He stayed on until retirement, however, and he adds, "None of this was persona l. It was for national security reasons." A few years ago, ex-CIA psychologist James Keehner told reporter Maureen Orth th at he personally went to New York in 1969 to give Wechsler tests to an American nurse who had volunteered her body for her country. "We wanted her to sleep with this Russian," explained Keehner. "Either the Russian would fall in love with h er and defect, or we'd blackmail him. I had to see if she could sleep with him o ver a period of time and not get involved emotionally. Boy, was she tough!" Keeh ner noted that he became disgusted with entrapment techniques, especially after watching a film of an agent in bed with a "recruitment target." He pointed out t hat Agency case officers, many of whom "got their jollies" from such work, used a hidden camera to get their shots. The sexual technology developed in the MKULT RA safehouses in New York and San Francisco had been put to work. The operation worked no better in the 1960s, however, than TSS officials predicted such activi ties would a decade earlier. "You don't really recruit agents with sexual blackm ail," Keehner concluded. "That's why I couldn't even take reading the files afte r a while. I was sickened at seeing people take pleasure in other people's inade quacies. First of all, I thought it was just dumb. For all the money going out, nothing ever came back." Keehner became disgusted by the picking-at-scabs aspect of TSS assessment work. Once the PAS had identified a target as having potential mental instabilities, staff members some times suggested ways to break him down, reasoning that by using a ratchet-like approach to put him under increased pressure, they might be able to break the lines that tied him to his country, if not to his sanity. Keehner stated, "I was sent to deal with the most negative aspects of the human condition. It was planned destructiveness. First, you'd check to see if you could destroy a man's marriage. If you could, then th at would be enough to put a lot of stress on the individual, to break him down. Then you might start a minor rumor campaign against him. Harass him constantly. Bump his car in traffic. A lot of it is ridiculous, but it may have a cumulative effect." Agency case officers might also use this same sort of stress-producing campaign against a particularly effective enemy intelligence officer whom they knew they could never recruit but whom they hoped to neutralize. Most operationsincluding most recruitmentsdid not rely on such nasty methods. Th e case officer still benefited from the TSS staffs assessment, but he usually wanted to minimize stre ss rather than accentuate it. CIA operators tended to agree that the best way to recruit an agent was to make the relationship as productive and satisfying as p ossible for him, operating from the old adage about catching more flies with hon ey than vinegar. "You pick the thing most fearful to himthe things which would c ause him the most doubt," says the source. "If his greatest fear is that he can'

t trust you to protect him and his family, you overload your pitch with your abi lity to do it. Other people need structure, so you tell them exactly what they w ill need to do. If you leave it open-ended, they'll be scared you'll ask them to do things they're incapable of."[5] Soon after the successful recruitment of a foreigner to spy for the CIA, either a CIA staff member or a specially trained case officer normally sat down with the new agent and gave him the full battery of Wechsler subtestsa process that took several hours. The tes ter never mentioned that the exercise had anything to do with personality but ca lled it an "aptitude" testwhich it also is. The assessments office in Washington then analyzed the results. As with the polygraph, the PAS helped tell if the ag ent were lying. It could often delve deeper than surface concepts of true and fa lse. The PAS might show that the agent's motivations were not in line with his b ehavior. In that case, if the gap were too great, the case officer could expect to run up against considerable deceptionresulting either from espionage motives or psychotic tendencies. The TSS staff assessors sent a report back to the field on the best way to deal with the new agent and the most effective means to exploit him. They would recommend whether his case offic er should treat him sternly or permissively. If the agent were an Externalizer w ho needed considerable companionship, the assessors might suggest that the case officer try to spend as much time with him as possible.[6] They would probably r ecommend against sending this E agent on a long mission into a hostile country, where he could not have the friendly company he craved. Without any help from John Gittinger or his system, covert operators had long be en deciding matters like these, which were, after all, rooted in common sense. Most case officers prided themselves on their ability to play their agents like a musical instrument, at j ust the right tempo, and the Gittinger system did not shake their belief that no thing could beat their own intuition. Former CIA Deputy Director Ray Cline expre sses a common view when he says the PAS "was part of the systemkind of a check-a nd-balancea supposedly scientific tool that was not weighed very heavily. I neve r put as much weight on the psychological assessment reports as on a case office r's view.... In the end, people went with their own opinion." Former Director Wi lliam Colby found the assessment reports particularly useful in smoothing over t hat "traumatic" period when a case officer had to pass on his agent to a replace ment. Understandably, the agent often saw the switch as a danger or a hardship. "The new guy has to show some understanding and sympathy," says Colby, who had 3 0 years of operational experience himself, "but it doesn't work if these feeling s are not real." For those Agency officers who yearned to remove as much of the human element as possible from agent operations, Gittinger's system was a natural. It reduced behavior to a workable formula of shorthand letters that, while not insightful in all respects, gave a reasonably accurate description of a person. Like Social Security numbers, such formulas fitted well with a computerized approach. While not wanting to overemph asize the Agency's reliance on the PAS, former Director Colby states that the sy stem made dealing with agents "more systematized, more professional." In 1963 the CIA's Inspector General gave the TSS assessment staff high marks and described how it fit into operations: The [Clandestine Services] case officer is first and foremost, perhaps, a practi tioner of the art of assessing and exploiting human personality and motivations for ulterior purposes. The ingr edients of advanced skill in this art are highly individualistic in nature, incl uding such qualities as perceptiveness and imagination. [The PAS] seeks to enhan ce the case officer's skill by bringing the methods and disciplines of psycholog y to bear.... The prime objectives are control, exploitation, or neutralization. These objectives are innately anti-ethical rather than therapeutic in their int ent. In other words, the PAS is directed toward the relationship between the American

case officer and his foreign agent, that lies at the heart of espionage. In that sense, it amounts to its own academic disciplinethe psychology of spyingcomplete with axioms and rea ms of empirical data. The business of the PAS, like that of the CIA, is control. One former CIA psychologist, who still feels guilty about his participation in certain Agency operations, believes that the CIA's fixation on control and manip ulation mirrors, in a more virulent form, the way Americans deal with each other generally. "I don't think the CIA is too far removed from the culture," he says . "It's just a matter of degree. If you put a lot of money out there, there are many people who are lacking the ethics even of the CIA. At least the Agency had an ideological basis." This psychologist believes that the United States has bec ome an extremely control-oriented societyfrom the classroom to politics to telev ision advertising. Spying and the PAS techniques are unique only in that they ar e more systematic and secret. Another TSS scientist believes that the Agency's behavioral research was a logic al extension of the efforts of American psychologists, psychiatrists, and sociologists to change beh aviorwhich he calls their "sole motivation." Such people manipulate their subjec ts in trying to make mentally disturbed people well, in turning criminals into l aw-abiding citizens, in improving the work of students, and in pushing poor peop le to get off welfare. The source cites all of these as examples of "behavior mo dification" for socially acceptable reasons, which, like public attitudes toward spying, change from time to time. "Don't get the idea that all these behavioral scientists were nice and pure, that they didn't want to change anything, and th at they were detached in their science," he warns. "They were up to their necks in changing people. It just happened that the things they were interested in wer e not always the same as what we were." Perhaps the saving grace of the behavior al scientists is summed up by longtime MKULTRA consultant Martin Orne: "We are s ufficiently ineffective so that our findings can be published." With the PAS, CI A officials had a handy tool for social engineering. The Gittinger staff found o ne use for it in the sensitive area of selecting members of foreign police and i ntelligence agencies. All over the globe, Agency operators have frequently maint ained intimate working relations with security services that have consistently m istreated their own citizens. The assessments staff played a key role in choosin g members of the secret police in at least two countries whose human-rights reco rds are among the world's worst. In 1961, according to TSS psychologist John Winne, the CIA and the Korean govern ment worked together to establish the newly created Korean Central Intelligence Agency (KCIA). The American CIA station in Seoul asked headquarters to send out an assessor to "select the initial cadre" of the KCIA. Off went Winne on tempora ry duty. "I set up an office with two translators," he recalls, "and used a Kore an version of the Wechsler." The Agency psychologist gave the tests to 25 to 30 police and military officers and wrote up a half-page report on each, listing th eir strengths and weaknesses. Winne wanted to know about each candidate's "abili ty to follow orders, creativity, lack of personality disorders, motivationwhy he wanted out of his current job. It was mostly for the money, especially with the civilians." The test results went to the Korean authorities, whom Winne believe s made the personnel decisions "in conjunction with our operational people." "We would do a job like this and never get feedback, so we were never sure we'd done a good job," Winne complains. Sixteen years after the end of his mission to Seoul and after news of KCIA repression at home and bribes to American congress men abroad, Winne feels that his best efforts had "boomeranged." He states that Tongsun Park was not one of the KCIA men he tested. In 1966 CIA staffers, including Gittinger himself, took part in selecting member s of an equally controversial police unit in Uruguaythe anti-terrorist section that fought the T upamaro urban guerrillas. According to John Cassidy, the CIA's deputy station chief there at the time, Age ncy operators worked to set up this special force together with the Agency for I nternational Development's Public Safety Mission (whose members included Dan Mit

rione, later kidnapped and killed by the Tupamaros). The CIA-assisted police cla imed they were in a life-and-death struggle against the guerrillas, and they use d incredibly brutal methods, including torture, to stamp out most of the Uruguay an left along with the guerrillas. While the special police were being organized, "John [Gittinger] came down for t hree days to get the program underway," recalls Cassidy. Then Hans Greiner, a Gi ttinger associate, ran Wechslers on 20 Uruguayan candidates. One question on the information subtest was "How many weeks in the year?" Eighteen of the 20 said i t was 48, and only one man got the answer right. (Later he was asked about his a nswer, and he said he had made a mistake; he meant 48.) But when Greiner asked t his same group of police candidates, "Who wrote Faust?" 18 of the 20 knew it was Goethe. "This tells you something about the culture," notes Cassidy, who served the Agency all over Latin America. It also points up the difficulty Gittinger had in making the PAS work across cultural lines. In any case, CIA man Cassidy found the assessment process most useful for showin g how to train the antiterrorist section. "According to the results, these men w ere shown to have very dependent psychologies and they needs d strong direction, " recalls the now-retired operator. Cassidy was quite pleased with the contribut ion Gittinger and Greiner made. "For years I had been dealing with Latin America ns," says Cassidy, "and here, largely by psychological tests, one of [Gittinger' s] men was able to analyze people he had no experience with and give me some ins ight into them.... Ordinarily, we would have just selected the men and gone to w ork on them." In helping countries like South Korea and Uruguay pick their secret police, TSS staff members often inserted a devilish twist with the PAS. They could not only choose candidates wh o would make good investigators, interrogators, or whatever, but they could also spot those who were most likely to succumb to future CIA blandishments. "Certai n types were more recruitable," states a former assessor. "I looked for them whe n I wrote my reports.... Anytime the Company [the CIA] spent money for training a foreigner, the object was that he would ultimately serve our control purposes. " Thus, CIA officials were not content simply to work closely with these foreign intelligence agencies; they insisted on penetrating them, and the PAS provided a useful aid. In 1973 John Gittinger and his longtime associate John Winne, who picked KCIA me n, published a basic description of the PAS in a professional journal. Although others had written pu blicly about the system, this article apparently disturbed some of the Agency's powers, who were then cutting back on the number of CIA employees at the order o f short-time Director James Schlesinger. Shortly thereafter, Gittinger, then 56, stopped being president of Psychological Assessment Associates but stayed on as a consultant. In 1974 I wrote about Gittinger's work, albeit incomp letely, in Rolling Stone magazine. Gittinger was disturbed that disclosure of hi s CIA connection would hurt his professional reputation. "Are we tarred by a bru sh because we worked for the CIA?" he asked during one of several rather emotion al exchanges. "I'm proud of it." He saw no ethical problems in "looking for peop le's weaknesses" if it helped the CIA obtain information, and he declared that f or many years most Americans thought this was a useful process. At first, he off ered to give me the Wechsler tests and prepare a personality assessment to expla in the system, but Agency officials prohibited his doing so. "I was given no exp lanation," said the obviously disappointed Gittinger. "I'm very proud of my prof essional work, and I had looked forward to being able to explain it." In August 1977 Gittinger publicly testified in Senate hearings. While he obvious ly would have preferred talking about his psychological research, his most persi stent questioner, Senator Edward Kennedy, was much more interested in bringing o ut sensational details about prostitutes and drug testing. A proud man, Gittinge r felt "humiliated" by the experience, which ended with him looking foolish on n ational television. The next month, the testimony of his former associate, David Rhodes, further bruised Gittinger. Rhodes told the Kennedy subcommittee about G

ittinger's role in leading the "Gang that Couldn't Spray Straight" in an abortiv e attempt to test LSD in aerosol cans on unwitting subjects. ittinger does not want his place in history to be determined by this kind of activity. He would like to see his Personality Assessment System accepted as an important co ntribution to science. Tired of the controversy and worn down by trying to explain the PAS, Gittinger h as moved back to his native Oklahoma. He took a copy of the 29,000 Wechsler resu lts with him, but he has lost his ardor for working with them. A handful of psyc hologists around the country still swear by the system and try to pass it on to others. One, who uses it in private practice, says that in therapy it saves six months in understanding the patient. This psychologist takes a full reading of h is patient's personality with the PAS, and then he varies his treatment to fit t he person's problems. He believes that most American psychologists and psychiatr ists treat their patients the same whereas the PAS is designed to identify the d ifferences between people. Gittinger very much hopes that others will accept thi s view and move his system into the mainstream. "It means nothing unless I can g et someone else to work on it," he declares. Given the preconceptions of the psy chological community, the inevitable taint arising from the CIA's role in develo ping the system, and Gittinger's lack of academic credentials and energy, his wi sh will probably not be fulfilled. Notes The material on the Gittinger Personality Assessment System (PAS) comes from "An Introduction to the Personality Assessment System" by John Winne and John Gittinger, Monograph Suppl ement No. 38, Clinical Psychology Publishing Co., Inc. 1973; an interview with J ohn Winne; interviews with three other former CIA psychologists; 1974 interviews with John Gittinger by the author; and an extended interview with Gittinger by Dr. Patricia Greenfield, Associate Professor of Psychology at UCLA. Some of the material was used first in a Rolling Stone article, July 18, 1974, "The CIA Won' t Quite Go Public." Robert Hyde's alcohol research at Butler Health Center was M KULTRA Subproject 66. See especially 66-17, 27 August, 1958. Subject: Proposed A lcohol Study19581959 and 66-5. undated, Subject: EquipmentEcology Laboratory. The 1963 Inspector General's report on TSS, as first released under the Freedom of Information Act, did not include the section on personality assessment quoted from in the chapter. An undated, untitled document, which was obviously this se ction, was made available in one of the CIA's last releases. MKULTRA subproject 83 dealt with graphology research, as did part of Subproject 60, which covered the whole Human Ecology Society. See especially 83-7, December 11, 1959, Subject: [deleted] Graphological Review and 60-28, undated, Subject [ deleted] Activities Report, May, 1959April, 1960. Information on the psychological profile of Ferdinand Marcos came from a U.S. Go vernment source who had read it. Information on the profile of the Shah of Iran came from a column by Jack Anderson and Les Whitten "CIA Study Finds Shah Insecu re," Washington Post, July 11, 1975. The quotes from James Keehner came from an article in New Times by Maureen Orth, "Memoirs of a CIA Psychologist," June 25, 1975. For related reports on the CIA's role in training foreign police and its activit ies in Uruguay, see an article by Taylor Branch and John Marks, "Tracking the CIA," Harper's Weekly, Ja nuary 25, 1975 and Philip Agee's book, Inside the Company: CIA Diary (London: Pe nguin; 1975). The quote from Martin Orne was taken from Patricia Greenfield's APA Monitor arti cle cited in the last chapter's notes. Gittinger's testimony before the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence and the Kennedy subcommittee on August 3, 1977 appeared on pages 50-63. David Rhodes' t estimony on Gittinger's role in the abortive San Francisco LSD spraying appeared in hearings before the Kennedy subcommittee, September 20, 1977, pp. 100-110. Footnotes 1. Developed by psychologist David Wechsler, this testing system is called, in d

ifferent versions, the Wechsler-Bellevue and the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale. As Gittinger worked with it over the years, he made modifications that he incorporated in what he n amed the Wechsler-Bellevue-G. For simplicity's sake, it is simply referred to as the Wechsler system throughout the book. 2. As with most of the descriptions of the PAS made in the book, this is an over simplification of a more complicated process. The system, as Gittinger used it, yielded millions of disti nct personality types. His observations on alcohol were based on much more than a straight I and E comparis on. For the most complete description of the PAS in the open literature, see the article by Gittinger and Winne cited in the chapter notes. 3. Graphology (handwriting analysis) appealed to CIA officials as a way of suppl ementing PAS assessments or making judgments when only a written letter was avai lable. Graphology was one of the seemingly arcane fields which the Human Ecology Society had investigated and found operational uses for. The Society wound up f unding handwriting research and a publication in West Germany where the subject was taken much more seriously than in the United States, and it sponsored a stud y to compare handwriting analyses with Wechsler scores of actors (including some homosexuals), patients in psychotherapy, criminal psychopaths, and fashion models. Gittinger went on to hi re a resident graphologist who could do the same sort of amazing things with han dwriting as the Oklahoma psychologist could do with Wechsler scores. One former colleague recalls her spotting accuratelya stomach ailment in a foreign leader s imply by reading one letter. Asked in an interview about how the Agency used her work, she replied, "If they think they can manipulate a person, that's none of my business. I don't know what they do with it. My analysis was not done with th at intention.... Something I learned very early in government was not to ask que stions." 4. A profile of Ferdinand Marcos found the Filipino president's massive personal enrichment while in office to be a natural outgrowth of his country's tradition of putting loyalty to one's family and friends ahead of all other consideration s. Agency assessors found the Shah of Iran to be a brilliant but dangerous megal omaniac whose problems resulted from an overbearing father, the humiliation of h aving served as a puppet ruler, and his inability for many years to produce a ma le heir. 5. This source reports that case officers usually used this sort of nonthreateni ng approach and switched to the rougher stuff if the target decided he did not w ant to spy for the CIA. In that case, says the ex-CIA man, "you don't want the p erson to say no and run off and tattle. You lose an asset that waynot in the sen se of the case officer being shot, but by being nullified." The spurned operator might then offer not to reveal that the target was cheating on his wife or had had a homosexual affair, in return for the target not disclosing the recruitment attempt to his own intelligence service. 6. While Agency officials might also have used the PAS to select the right case officer to deal with the E agentone who would be able to sustain the agent's need for a close relationship over a long period of timethey almost never used the system with this degree of precision. An Agency office outside TSS did keep Wechslers and other test scores on file for most case officers, but the Clandestine Services management was not willing to turn over the selection of American personnel to the psychologists. Hypnosis No mind-control technique has more captured popular imaginationand kindled fears than hypnosis. Men have long dreamed they could use overwhelming hypnotic powers to compel others to do their bidding. And when CIA officials institutionalized that dream in the early Cold War Days, they tried, like modern-day Svengalis, to use hypnosis to force their favors on unwitting victims. One group of professio nal experts, as well as popular novelists, argued that hypnosis would lead to ma jor breakthroughs in spying. Another body of experts believed the opposite. The Agency men, who did not fully trust the academics anyway, listened to both point

s of view and kept looking for applications which fit their own special needs. T o them, hypnosis offered too much promise not to be pursued, but finding the ans wers was such an elusive and dangerous process that 10 years after the program s tarted CIA officials were still searching for practical uses. The CIA's first behavioral research czar, Morse Allen of ARTICHOKE, was intrigue d by hypnosis. He read everything he could get his hands on, and in 1951 he went to New York for a four-day course from a well-known stage hypnotist. This hypno tist had taken the Svengali legend to heart, and he bombarded Allen with tales o f how he used hypnosis to seduce young women. He told the ARTICHOKE chief that h e had convinced one mesmerized lady that he was her husband and that she despera tely wanted him. That kind of deception has a place in covert operations, and Mo rse Allen was sufficiently impressed to report back to his bosses the hypnotist' s claim that "he spent approximately five nights a week away from home engaging in sexual intercourse." Apart from the bragging, the stage hypnotist did give Morse Allen a short educat ion in how to capture a subject's attention and induce a trance. Allen returned to Washington more convi nced than ever of the benefits of working hypnosis into the ARTICHOKE repertory and of the need to build a defense against it. With permission from above, he de cided to take his hypnosis studies further, right in his own office. He asked yo ung CIA secretaries to stay after work and ran them through the hypnotic pacespr oving to his own satisfaction that he could make them do whatever he wanted. He had secretaries steal SECRET files and pass them on to total strangers, thus vio lating the most basic CIA security rules. He got them to steal from each other a nd to start fires. He made one of them report to the bedroom of a strange man an d then go into a deep sleep. "This activity clearly indicates that individuals under hy pnosis might be compromised and blackmailed," Allen wrote. On February 19, 1954, Morse Allen simulated the ultimate experiment in hypnosis: the creation of a "Manchurian Candidate," or programmed assassin. Allen's "victim" was a secretary whom he put into a deep trance and told to keep sleeping until he ordered other wise. He then hypnotized a second secretary and told her that if she could not w ake up her friend, "her rage would be so great that she would not hesitate to 'k ill.' " Allen left a pistol nearby, which the secretary had no way of knowing wa s unloaded. Even though she had earlier expressed a fear of firearms of any kind , she picked up the gun and "shot" her sleeping friend. After Allen brought the "killer" out of her trance, she had apparent amnesia for the event, denying she would ever shoot anyone. With this experiment, Morse Allen took the testing as far as he could on a makebelieve basis, but he was neither satisfied nor convinced that hypnosis would produce such spectacular res ults in an operational setting. All he felt he had proved was that an impressionable young volunteer wo uld accept a command from a legitimate authority figure to take an action she may have sensed would n ot end in tragedy. She presumably trusted the CIA enough as an institution and M orse Allen as an individual to believe he would not let her do anything wrong. T he experimental setting, in effect, legitimated her behavior and prevented it fr om being truly antisocial. Early in 1954, Allen almost got his chance to try the crucial test. According to a CIA document, the subject was to be a 35-year-old, well-educated foreigner wh o had once worked for a friendly secret service, probably the CIA itself. He had now shifted his loyalty to another government, and the CIA was quite upset with him. The Agency plan was to hypnotize him and program him into making an assass ination attempt. He would then be arrested at the least for attempted murder and "thereby disposed of." The scenario had several holes in it, as the operators p resented it to the ARTICHOKE team. First, the subject was to be involuntary and unwitting, and as yet no one had come up with a consistently effective way of hy pnotizing such people. Second, the ARTICHOKE team would have only limited custod

y of the subject, who was to be snatched from a social event. Allen understood t hat it would probably take months of painstaking work to prepare the man for a s ophisticated covert operation. The subject was highly unlikely to perform after just one command. Yet, so anxious were the ARTICHOKE men to try the experiment t hat they were willing to go ahead even under these unfavorable conditions: "The final answer was that in view of the fact that successful completion of this pro posed act of attempted assassination was insignificant to the overall project; to wit, whether it was even carried out or not, that under 'crash conditions' and appropriate authority from Headquarters, the ARTICHOKE team would undertake the problem in spite of the operational limi tations." This operation never took place. Eager to be unleashed, Morse Allen kept request ing prolonged access to operational subjects, such as the double agents and defectors on whom he was allowed to work a day or two. Not every double agent would do. The candidate had to be among the one person in five who made a good hypnotic subject, and he nee ded to have a dissociative tendency to separate part of his personality from the main body of his consciousness. The hope was to take an existing ego statesuch as an imaginary childhood playmateand build it into a separate personality, unkn own to the first. The hypnotist would communicate directly with this schizophren ic offshoot and command it to carry out specific deeds about which the main pers onality would know nothing. There would be inevitable leakage between the two pe rsonalities, particularly in dreams; but if the hypnotists were clever enough, h e could build in cover stories and safety valves which would prevent the subject from acting inconsistently. All during the spring and summer of 1954, Morse Allen lobbied for permission to try what he called "terminal experiments" in hypnosis, including one along the f ollowing scenario: CIA officials would recruit an agent in a friendly foreign country where the Age ncy could count on the cooperation of the local police force. CIA case officers would train the agent t o pose as a leftist and report on the local communist party. During training, a skilled hypnotist would hypnotize him under the guise of giving him medical trea tment (the favorite ARTICHOKE cover for hypnosis). The hypnotist would then prov ide the agent with information and tell him to forget it all when he snapped out of the trance. Once the agent had been properly conditioned and prepared, he wo uld be sent into action as a CIA spy. Then Agency officials would tip off the lo cal police that the man was a dangerous communist agent, and he would be arreste d. Through their liaison arrangement with the police, Agency case officers would be able to watch and even guide the course of the interrogation. In this way, th ey could answer many of their questions about hypnosis on a live guinea pig who believed his life was in danger. Specifically, the men from ARTICHOKE wanted to know how well hypnotic a mnesia held up against torture. Could the amnesia be broken with drugs? One docu ment noted that the Agency could even send in a new hypnotist to try his hand at cracking through the commands of the first one. Perhaps the most cynical part o f the whole scheme came at the end of the proposal: "In the event that the agent should break down and admit his connection with US intelligence, we a) deny thi s absolutely and advise the agent's disposal, or b) indicate that the agent may have been dispatched by some other organ of US intel ligence and that we should thereafter run the agent jointly with [the local inte lligence service]." An ARTICHOKE team was scheduled to carry out field tests along these lines in th e summer of 1954. The planning got to an advanced stage, with the ARTICHOKE comm and center in Washington cabling overseas for the "time, place, and bodies avail able for terminal experiments." Then another cable complained of the "diminishin g numbers" of subjects available for these tests. At this point, the available r ecord becomes very fuzzy. The minutes of an ARTICHOKE working group meeting indi cate that a key Agency officialprobably the station chief in the country where t he experiments were going to take placehad second thoughts. One participant at t

he meeting, obviously rankled by the obstructionism, said if this nay-sayer did not change his attitude, ARTICHOKE officials would have the Director himself ord er the official to go along. Although short-term interrogations of unwitting subjects with drugs and hypnosis (the "A" treatment) continued, the more complicated tests apparently never did get going under the A RTICHOKE banner. By the end of the year, 1954, Allen Dulles took the behavioralresearch function away from Morse Allen and gave it to Sid Gottlieb and the men from MKULTRA. Allen had directly pursued the goal of creating a Manchurian Candi date, which he clearly believed was possible. MKULTRA officials were just as int erested in finding ways to assert control over people, but they had much less fa ith in the frontal-assault approach pushed by Allen. For them, finding the Manch urian Candidate became a figurative exercise. They did not give up the dream. Th ey simply pursued it in smaller steps, always hoping to increase the percentages in their favor. John Gittinger, the MKULTRA case officer on hypnosis, states, " Predictable absolute control is not possible on a particular individual. Any psy chologist, psychiatrist, or preacher can get control over certain kinds of indiv iduals, but that's not a predictable, definite thing." Gittinger adds that despi te his belief to this effect, he felt he had to give "a fair shake" to people wh o wanted to try out ideas to the contrary. Gottlieb and his colleagues had already been doing hypnosis research for two yea rs. They did a few basic experiments in the office, as Morse Allen did, but they farmed out most of the w ork to a young Ph.D. candidate at the University of Minnesota, Alden Sears. Sear s, who later moved his CIA study project to the University of Denver, worked wit h student subjects to define the nature of hypnosis. Among many other things, he looked into several of the areas that would be building blocks in the creation of a Manchurian Candidate. Could a hypnotist induce a totally separate personali ty? Could a subject be sent on missions he would not remember unless cued by the hypnotist? Sears, who has since become a Methodist minister, refused to talk about methods he experime nted with to build second identities.[1] By 1957, he wrote that the experiments that needed to be done "could not be handled in the University situation." Unlik e Morse Allen, he did not want to perform the terminal experiments. Milton Kline, a New York psychologist who says he also did not want to cross the ethical line but is sure the intelligence agencies have, served as an unpaid consultant to Sears and othe r CIA hypnosis research. Nothing Sears or others found disabused him of the idea that the Manchurian Candidate is possible. "It cannot be done by everyone," say s Kline, "It cannot be done consistently, but it can be done." A onetime president of the American Society for Clinical and Experimental Hypnos is, Kline was one of many outside experts to whom Gittinger and his colleagues t alked. Other consultants, with equally impressive credentials, rejected Kline's views. In no other area of the behavioral sciences was there so little accord on basic questions. "You could find an expert who would agree with everything," sa ys Gittinger. "Therefore, we tried to get everybody." The MKULTRA men state that they got too many unsolicited suggestions on how to u se hypnosis in covert operations. "The operators would ask us for easy solutions ," recalls a veteran. "We therefore kept a laundry list of why they couldn't have what they wanted. We spent a lot of time telling some young kid whose idea we had heard a hundred times why it wouldn't w ork. We would wind up explaining why you couldn't have a free lunch." This veter an mentions an example: CIA operators put a great deal of time and money into se rvicing "dead drops" (covert mail pickup points, such as a hollow tree) in the S oviet Union. If a collector was captured, he was likely to give away the locatio ns. Therefore Agency men suggested that TSS find a way to hypnotize these secret mailmen, so they could withstand interrogation and even torture if arrested. Morse Allen had wanted to perform the "terminal experiment" to see if a hypnotic ally induced amnesia would stand up to torture. Gittinger says that as far as he knows, this experime

nt was never carried out. "I still like to think we were human beings enough tha t this was not something we played with," says Gittinger. Such an experiment cou ld have been performed, as Allen suggested, by friendly police in a country like Taiwan or Paraguay. CIA men did at least discuss joint work in hypnosis with a foreign secret service in 1962.[2] Whether they went further simply cannot be sa id. Assuming the amnesia would hold, the MKULTRA veteran says the problem was how to trigger it. Perhaps the Russian phrase meaning "You're under arrest" could be u sed as a preprogrammed cue, but what if the police did not use these words as th ey captured the collector? Perhaps the physical sensation of handcuffs being sna pped on could do it, but a metal watchband could have the same effect. According to the veteran, in the abstract, the scheme sounded fine, but in practicality, a foolproof way of triggering the amnesia could not be found. "You had to accept that when someone is caught, they're going to tell some things," he says. MKULTRA officials, including Gittinger, did recommend the use of hypnosis in ope rational experiments on at least one occasion. In 1959 an important double agent , operating outside his homeland, told his Agency case officer that he was afrai d to go home again because he did not think he could withstand the tough interro gation that his government used on returning overseas agents. In Washington, the operators approached the TSS men about using hypnosis, backed up with drugs, to change the agent's attitude. They hoped they could instill in him the "ability or the necessary will" to hold up under questioning. An MKULTRA officialalmost certainly Gittingerheld a series of meetings over a tw o-week period with the operators and wrote that the agent was "a better than ave rage" hypnotic subject, but that his goal was to get out of intelligence work: T he agent "probably can be motivated to make at least one return visit to his hom eland by application of any one of a number of techniques, including hypnosis, b ut he may redefect in the process." The MKULTRA official continued that hypnosis probably could not produce an "operationally useful" degree of amnesia for the events of the recent past or for the hypnotic treatment itself that the agent "p robably has the native ability to withstand ordinary interrogation . . . provide d it is to his advantage to do so." The MKULTRA office recommended that despite the relatively negative outlook for the hypnosis, the Agency should proceed anyway. The operation had the advantage of having a "fail-safe" mechanism because the level of hypnosis could be tested out before the agent actually had to return. Moreover, the MKULTRA men felt "tha t a considerable amount of useful experience can be gained from this operation w hich could be used to improve Agency capability in future applications." In effe ct, they would be using hypnosis not as the linchpin of the operation, but as an adjunct to help motivate the agent. Since the proposed operation involved the u se of hypnosis and drugs, final approval could only be given by the high-level C landestine Services committee set up for this purpose and chaired by Richard Hel ms. Permission was not forthcoming. In June 1960 TSS officials launched an expan ded program of operational experiments in hypnosis in cooperation with the Agenc y's Counterintelligence Staff. The legendary James Angletonthe prototype for the title character Saxonton in Aaron Latham's Orchids for Mother and for Wellingto n in Victor Marchetti's The Rope Dancer headed Counterintelligence, which took o n some of the CIA's most sensitive missions (including the illegal Agency spying against domestic dissidents). Counterintelligence officials wrote that the hypnosis program could provide a "p otential breakthrough in clandestine technology." Their arrangement with TSS was that the MKULTRA men wou ld develop the technique in the laboratory, while they took care of "field exper imentation." The Counterintelligence program had three goals: (1) to induce hypnosis very rap idly in unwitting subjects; (2) to create durable amnesia; and (3) to implant durable and operationally usef ul posthypnotic suggestion. The Agency released no information on any "field experimentation" of the latter two goals, which of course are the building blocks of the Manchurian Candidate.

Agency officials provided only one heavily censored document on the first goal, rapid induction. In October 1960 the MKULTRA program invested $9,000 in an outsi de consultant to develop a way of quickly hypnotizing an unwitting subject. John Gittinger says the process consisted of surprising "somebody sitting in a chair , putting your hands on his forehead, and telling the guy to go to sleep." The m ethod worked "fantastically" on certain people, including some on whom no other technique was effective, and not on others. "It wasn't that predictable," notes Gittinger, who states he knows nothing about the field testing. The test, noted in that one released document, did not take place until July 196 3a full three years after the Counterintelligence experimental program began, during which interval the Ag ency is claiming that no other field experiments took place. According to a CIA man who participated in this test, the Counterintelligence Staff in Washington asked the CIA station in Mexico City to find a suitable candidate or a rapid induction experiment. The station proposed a low-level agent, whom the Soviets had apparently doubled. A Counterintelligenc e man flew in from Washington and a hypnotic consultant arrived from California. Our source and a fellow case officer brought the agent to a motel room on a pre text. "I puffed him up with his importance," says the Agency man. "I said the bo sses wanted to see him and of course give him more money." Waiting in an adjoini ng room was the hypnotic consultant. At a prearranged time, the two case officer s gently grabbed hold of the agent and tipped his chair over until the back was touching the floor. The consultant was supposed to rush in at that precise momen t and apply the technique. Nothing happened. The consultant froze, unable to do the deed. "You can imagine what we had to do to cover-up," says the official, wh o was literally left holding the agent. "We explained we had heard a noise, got excited, and tipped him down to protect him. He was so grubby for money he would have believed any excuse." There certainly is a huge difference between the limited aim of this bungled ope ration and one aimed at building a Manchurian Candidate. The MKULTRA veteran maintains that he and his c olleagues were not interested in a programmed assassin because they knew in gene ral it would not work and, specifically, that they could not exert total control . "If you have one hundred percent control, you have one hundred percent depende ncy," he says. "If something happens and you haven't programmed it in, you've go t a problem. If you try to put flexibility in, you lose control. To the extent y ou let the agent choose, you don't have control." He admits that he and his coll eagues spent hours running the arguments on the Manchurian Candidate back and fo rth. "Castro was naturally our discussion point," he declares. "Could you get so mebody gung-ho enough that they would go in and get him?" In the end, he states, they decided there were more reliable ways to kill people. "You can get exactly the same thing from people who are hypnotizable by many other ways, and you can 't get anything out of people who are not hypnotizable, so it has no use," says Gittinger. The only real gain in employing a hypnotized killer would be, in theory, that he would not remember who ordered him to pull the trigger. Yet, at least in the Ca stro case, the Cuban leader already knew who was after him. Moreover, there were plenty of people around willing to take on the Castro contract. "A well-trained person could do it without all this mumbo-jumbo," says the MKULTRA veteran. By going to the Mafia for hitmen, CIA officials in any case found killers who had a built-in amnesia mechanism that had nothing to do with hypnosis.[3] The MKULTRA veteran gives many reasons why he believes the CIA never actually tr ied a Manchurian Candidate operation, but he acknowledges that he does not know.[4] If the ultima te experiments were performed, they would have been handled with incredible secr ecy. It would seem, however, that the same kind of reasoning that impelled Sid G ottlieb to recommend testing powerful drugs on unwitting subjects would have led to experimentation along such lines, if not to create the Manchurian Candidate itself, on some of the building blocks, or lesser antisocial acts. Even if the M KULTRA men did not think hypnosis would work operationally, they had not let tha

t consideration prevent them from trying out numerous other techniques. The MKUL TRA chief could even have used a defensive rationale: He had to find out if the Russians could plant a "sleeper" killer in our midst, just as Richard Condon's n ovel discussed. If the assassin scenario seemed exaggerated, Gottlieb still would have wanted to know what other uses the Russians might try. Certainly, he could have found relatively "expendable" subje cts, as he and Morse Allen had for other behavior control experiments. And even if the MKULTRA men really did restrain themselves, it is unlikely that James Ang leton and his counterintelligence crew would have acted in such a limited fashio n when they felt they were on the verge of a "breakthrough in clandestine techno logy." Notes Morse Allen's training in hypnosis was described in Document #A/B, V,28/1, 9 Jul y 1951, Subject [Deleted]. His hypnosis experiments in the office are described in a long series of memos. See especially #A/B, III, 2/18, 10 February 1954, Hyp notic Experimentation and Research and #A/B, II, 10/71, 19 August 1954, Subject: Operational/Security [deleted] and unnumbered document, 5 May 1955, Subject: Hy pnotism and Covert Operations. The quote on U.S. prisoners passing through Manchuria came from document #19, 18 June 1953, ARTICHOKE Conference. Alden Sears' hypnosis work was the subject of MKULTRA subprojects 5, 25, 29, and 49. See especially 49-28, undated, Proposal for Research in Hypnosis at the [de leted], June 1, 1956 to May 31, 1957, 49-34, undated, Proposals for Research in Hypnosis at the [deleted], June 1, 1956 to May 31, 1957; 5-11, 28 May 1953, Proj ect MKULTRA, Subproject 5 and 5-13,20 April 1954, Subject: [deleted]. See also P atrick Oster's article in the Chicago Sun-Times, September 4, 1977, "How CIA 'Hi d' Hypnosis Research." General background on hypnosis came from interviews with Alden Sears, Martin Orn e, Milton Kline, Ernest Hilgard, Herbert Spiegel, William Kroger, Jack Tracktir, John Watkins, and Harold Crasilneck. See Orne's chapter on hypnosis in The Mani pulation of Human Behavior, edited by Albert Biderman and Herbert Zimmer (New Yo rk: John Wiley & Sons; 1961), pp. 169-215. The contemplated use of hypnosis in an operation involving a foreign intelligenc e service is referred to in the Affidavit by Eloise R. Page, in the case John D. Marks v. Central Intelli gence Agency et al., Civil Action no. 76-2073. The 1959 proposed use of hypnosis that was approved by TSS is described in docum ents #433, 21 August 1959, Possible Use of Drugs and Hypnosis in [deleted] Opera tional Case; #434, 27 August 1959, Comments on [deleted]; and #435, 15 September 1959, Possible Use of Drugs and Hypnosis in [deleted] Operational Case. MKULTRA Subproject 128 dealt with the rapid induction technique. See especially 128-1, undated, Subject: To test a method of rapid hypnotic induction in simulat ed and real operational settings (MKULTRA 128). A long interview with John Gittinger added considerably to this chapter. Mr. Git tinger had refused earlier to be interviewed directly by me for this book. Our conversation was lim ited solely to hypnosis. Footnotes 1. Sears still maintains the fiction that he thought he was dealing only with a private foundation, the Geschickter Fund, and that he knew nothing of the CIA involvement in funding his work. Yet a CIA document in his MKULTRA subproject says he was "aware of the re al purpose" of the project." Moreover, Sid Gottlieb brought him to Washington in 1954 to demonstrate hypnosis to a select group of Agency officials. 2. Under my Freedom of Information suit, the CIA specifically denied access to t he documents concerning the testing of hypnosis and psychedelic drugs in coopera tion with foreign intelligence agencies. The justification given was that releas ing such documents would reveal intelligence sources and methods, which are exem pted by law. The hypnosis experiment was never carried out, according to the gen

eric description of the document which the Agency had to provide in explaining w hy it had to be withheld. 3. Referring to this CIA-mob relationship, author Robert Sam Anson has written, "It was inevitable: Gentlemen wishing to be killers gravitated to killers wishing to be gentlemen." 4. The veteran admits that none of the arguments he uses against a conditioned a ssassin would apply to a programmed "patsy" whom a hypnotist could walk through a series of seemingly unr elated eventsa visit to a store, a conversation with a mailman, picking a fight at a political rally. The subject would remember everything that happened to him and be amnesic only for the fact the hypnotist ordered him to do these things. There would be no gaping inconsistency in his life of the sort that can ruin an attempt by a hypnotist to create a second personality. The purpose of this exerc ise is to leave a circumstantial trail that will make the authorities think the patsy committed a particular crime. The weakness might well be that the amnesia would not hold up under police interrogation, but that would not matter if the p olice did not believe his preposterous story about being hypnotized or if he wer e shot resisting arrest. Hypnosis expert Milton Kline says he could create a pat sy in three months- an assassin would take him six. 170 PART IV CONCLUSIONS The Search for the Truth I'm a professional and I just don't talk about these things. Lots of things are not fit for the public. This has nothing to do with democracy. It has to do with common sense. GRATION H. YASETEVITCH, 1978 (explaining why he did not want to be interviewed f or this book) To hope that the power that is being made available by the behavioral sciences w ill be exercised by the scientists, or by a benevolent group, seems to me to be a hope little supported by either recent or distant history. It seems far more likely that behavioral scientists, holding their pres ent attitudes, will be in the position of the German rocket scientists specializ ing in guided missiles. First they worked devotedly for Hitler to destroy the USSR and the United States. Now, depending on who captured them they work devotedly for the USSR in the interest of destroying the United States, or devotedly for the United States in the interest of destroying the USS R. If behavioral scientists are concerned solely with advancing their science it seems most probable that they will serve the purpose of whatever group has the power. CARL ROGERS, 1961 Sid Gottlieb was one of many CIA officials who tried to find a way to assassinat e Fidel Castro. Castro survived, of course, and his victory over the Agency in April 1961 at the Bay of Pigs put the Agency in the headlines for the first time, in a very unfavorable light. Among the fiasco's many consequences was Gottlieb's loss of the research part of the CIA's behavior-control programs. Sti ll, he and the others kept trying to kill Castro. In the aftermath of the Bay of Pigs, President Kennedy reportedly vowed to splin ter the CIA into a thousand pieces. In the end, he settled for firing Allen Dull es and his top deputies. To head the Agency, which lost none of its power, Kenne dy brought in John McCone, a defense contractor and former head of the Atomic En ergy Commission. With no operational background, McCone had a different notion t han Dulles of how to manage the CIA, particularly in the scientific area. "McCon e never felt akin to the covert way of doing things," recalls Ray Cline, whom th e new Director made his Deputy for Intelligence. McCone apparently believed that science should be in the hands of the scientists, not the clandestine operators , and he brought in a fellow Californian, an aerospace "whiz kid" named Albert " Bud" Wheelon to head a new Agency Directorate for Science and Technology. Before then, the Technical Services Staff (TSS), although located in the Clandes tine Services, had been

the Agency's largest scientific component. McCone decided to strip TSS of its ma in research functionsincluding the behavioral oneand let it concentrate solely o n providing operational support. In 1962 he approved a reorganization of TSS tha t brought in Seymour Russell, a tough covert operator, as the new chief. "The id ea was to get a close interface with operations," recalls an ex-CIA man. Experie nced TSS technicians remained as deputies to the incoming field men, and the hig hest deputyship in all TSS went to Sid Gottlieb, who became number-two man under Russell. For Gottlieb, this was another significant promotion helped along by h is old friend Richard Helms, whom McCone had elevated to be head of the Clandest ine Services. In his new job, Gottlieb kept control of MKULTRA. Yet, in order to comply with M cCone's command on research programs, Gottlieb had to preside over the partial d ismantling of his own program. The loss was not as difficult as it might have be en, because, after 10 years of exploring the frontiers of the mind, Gottlieb had a clear idea of what worked and what did not in the behavioral field. Those are as that still were in the research stage tended to be extremely esoteric and tec hnical, and Gottlieb must have known that if the Science Directorate scored any breakthroughs, he would be brought back into the picture immediately to apply th e advances to covert operations. "Sid was not the kind of bureaucrat who wanted to hold on to everything at all c osts," recalls an admiring colleague. Gottlieb carefully pruned the MKULTRA lists, turning over to the Scie nce Directorate the exotic subjects that showed no short-term operational promis e and keeping for himself those psychological, chemical, and biological programs that had already passed the research stage. As previously stated, he moved John Gittinger and the personality-assessment staff out of the Human Ecology Society and kept them under TSS control in their own proprietary company. While Gottlie b was effecting these changes, his programs were coming under attack from anothe r quarter. In 1963 the CIA Inspector General did the study that led to the suspension of un witting drug testing in the San Francisco and New York safehouses. This was a bl ow to Gottlieb, who clearly intended to hold on to this kind of research. At the same time, the Inspector General also recommended that Agency officials draft a new charter for the whole MKULTRA program, which still was exempt from most int ernal CIA controls. He found that many of the MKULTRA subprojects were of "insuf ficient sensitivity" to justify bypassing the Agency's normal procedures for app roving and storing records of highly classified programs. Richard Helms, still the protector of unfettered behavioral research, responded by agreeing that there should be a new charteron the condition that it be almost the same as the old one. "The basic reasons for requesting waiver of standardized administr ative controls over these sensitive activities are as valid today as they were i n April, 1953," Helms wrote. Helms agreed to such changes as having the CIA Dire ctor briefed on the programs twice a year, but he kept the approval process with in his control and made sure that all the files would be retained inside TSS. An d as government officials so often do when they do not wish to alter anything of substance, he proposed a new name for the activity. In June 1964 MKULTRA became MKSEARCH. [1] Gottlieb acknowledged that security did not require transferring all the survivi ng MKULTRA subprojects over to MKSEARCH. He moved 18 subprojects back into regul ar Agency funding channels, including ones dealing with the sneezing powders, st ink bombs, and other "harassment substances." TSS officials had encouraged the d evelopment of these as a way to make a target physically uncomfortable and hence to cause short-range changes in his behavior. Other MKULTRA subprojects dealt with ways to maximize stress on whole societies. Just as Gittinger's Personality Assessment System provided a psychological road map for exploiting a n individual's weaknesses, CIA "destabilization" plans provided guidelines for d estroying the internal integrity of target countries like Castro's Cuba or Allen de's Chile. Control whether of individuals or nationshas been the Agency's main

business, and TSS officials supplied tools for the "macro" as well as the "micro " attacks. For example, under MKULTRA Subproject #143, the Agency gave Dr. Edward Bennett o f the University of Houston about $20,000 a year to develop bacteria to sabotage petroleum products. Bennett found a substance that, when added to oil, fouled o r destroyed any engine into which it was poured. CIA operators used exactly this kind of product in 1967 when they sent a sabotage team made up of Cuban exiles into France to pollute a shipment of lubricants bound for Cuba. The idea was tha t the tainted oil would "grind out motors and cause breakdowns," says an Agency man directly involved. This operation, which succeeded, was part of a worldwide CIA effort that lasted through the 1960s into the 1970s to destroy the Cuban eco nomy. [2] Agency officials reasoned, at least in the first years, that it would be easier to overthrow Castro if Cubans could be made unhappy with their standar d of living. "We wanted to keep bread out of the stores so people were hungry," says the CIA man who was assigned to anti-Castro operations. "We wanted to keep rationing in effect and keep leather out, so people got only one pair of shoes e very 18 months." Leaving this broader sort of program out of the new structure, Gottlieb regroupe d the most sensitive behavioral activities under the MKSEARCH umbrella. He chose to continue seven pr ojects, and the ones he picked give a good indication of those parts of MKULTRA that Gottlieb considered important enough to save. These included none of the so ciological studies, nor the search for a truth drug. Gottlieb put the emphasis o n chemical and biological substancesnot because he thought these could be used t o turn men into robots, but because he valued them for their predictable ability to disorient, discredit, injure, or kill people. He kept active two private lab s to produce such substances, funded consultants who had secure ways to test the m and ready access to subjects, and maintained a funding conduit to pass money o n to these other contractors. Here are the seven surviving MKSEARCH subprojects: First on the TSS list was the safehouse program for drug testing run by George W hite and others in the Federal Bureau of Narcotics. Even in 1964, Gottlieb and Helms had not given up h ope that unwitting experiments could be resumed, and the Agency paid out $30,000 that year to keep the safehouses open. In the meantime, something was going on at the "pad"or at least George White kept on sending the CIA vouchers for unorth odox expenses$1,100 worth in February 1965 alone under the old euphemism for pro stitutes, "undercover agents for operations." What White was doing with or to th ese agents cannot be said, but he kept the San Francisco operation active right up until the time it finally closed in June. Gottlieb did not give up on the New York safehouse until the following year.[3] MKSEARCH Subproject #2 involved continuing a $150,000a-year contract with a Balt imore biological laboratory This lab, run by at least one former CIA germ expert , gave TSS "a quick-delivery capability to meet anticipated future operational n eeds," according to an Agency document. Among other things, it provided a privat e place for "large-scale production of microorganisms." The Agency was paying th e Army Biological Laboratory at Fort Detrick about $100,000 a year for the same services. With its more complete facilities, Fort Detrick could be used to creat e and package more esoteric bacteria, but Gottlieb seems to have kept the Baltim ore facility going in order to have a way of producing biological weapons withou t the Army's germ warriors knowing about it. This secrecy-within secrecy was not unusual when TSS men were dealing with subjects as sensitive as infecting targe ts with diseases. Except on the most general level, no written records were kept on the subject. Whenever an operational unit in the Agency asked TSS about obta ining a biological weapon, Gottlieb or his aides automatically turned down the r equest unless the head of the Clandestine Services had given his prior approval. Gottlieb handled these operational needs personally, and during the early 1960s (when CIA assassination attempts probably were at their peak) even Gottlieb's boss, the TSS chief, was not told what was happening. With his biological arsenal assured, Gottlieb also secured his chemical flank in

MKSEARCH. Another subproject continued a relationship set up in 1959 with a prominent industrialis t who headed a complex of companies, including one that custom-manufactured rare chemicals for pharmaceuti cal producers. This man, whom on several occasions CIA officials gave $100 bills to pay for his products, was able to perform specific lab jobs for the Agency w ithout consulting with his board of directors. In 1960 he supplied the Agency wi th 3 kilos (6.6 pounds) of a deadly carbamatethe same poison OSS's Stanley Lovel l tried to use against Hitler. [4] This company president also was useful to the Agency because he was a ready source of information on what was going on in the chemical world. The chemical services he offered, coupled with his biological counterpart, gave the CIA the means to wage "instant" chemical and biological attacksa capability that was frequently used, judging by the large numbers of receipts and invoices that the CIA released under the Freedom of Information Act. With new chemicals and drugs constantly coming to their attention through their continuing relation s with the major pharmaceutical companies, TSS officials needed places to test t hem, particularly after the safehouses closed. Dr. James Hamilton, the San Franc isco psychiatrist who worked with George White in the original OSS marijuana day s, provided a way. He became MKSEARCH Subproject #3. Hamilton had joined MKULTRA in its earliest days and had been used as a West Coa st supervisor for Gottlieb and company. Hamilton was one of the renaissance men of the program, working on everything from psychochemicals to kinky sex to carbo n-dioxide inhalation. By the early 1960s, he had arranged to get access to priso ners at the California Medical Facility at Vacaville. [5] Hamilton worked throug h a nonprofit research institute connected to the Facility to carry out, as a do cument puts it, "clinical testing of behavioral control materials" on inmates. H amilton's job was to provide "answers to specific questions and solutions to spe cific problems of direct interest to the Agency." In a six-month span in 1967 an d 1968, the psychiatrist spent over $10,000 in CIA funds simply to pay volunteer s which a normal rates meant he experimented on between 400 to 1,000 inmates in that time period alone. Another MKSEARCH subproject provided $20,000 to $25,000 a year to Dr. Carl Pfeif fer. Pfeiflfer's Agency connection went back to 1951, when he headed the Pharmac ology Department at the University of Illinois Medical School. He then moved to Emory University and tested LSD and other drugs on inmates of the Federal penite ntiary in Atlanta. From there, he moved to New Jersey, where he continued drug e xperiments on the prisoners at the Bordentown reformatory. An internationally kn own pharmacologist, Pfeiffer provided the MKSEARCH program with data on the prep aration, use, and effect of drugs. He was readily available if Gottlieb or a col league wanted a study made of the properties of a particular substance, and like most of TSS's contractors, he also was an intelli gence source. Pfeiffer was useful in this last capacity during the latter part o f the 1960s because he sat on the Food and Drug Administration committee that al located LSD for scientific research in the United States. By this time, LSD was so widely available on the black market that the Federal Government had replaced the CIA's informal controls of the 1950s with laws and procedures forbidding al l but the most strictly regulated research. With Pfeiffer on the governing commi ttee, the CIA could keep up its traditional role of monitoring above-ground LSD experimentation around the United States. To cover some of the more exotic behavioral fields, another MKSEARCH program con tinued TSS's relationship with Dr. Maitland Baldwin, the brain surgeon at the Na tional Institutes of Health who had been so willing in 1955 to perform "terminal experiments" in sensory deprivation for Morse Allen and the ARTICHOKE program. After Allen was pushed aside by the men from MKULTRA, the new TSS team hired Bal dwin as a consultant According to one of them, he was full of bright ideas on ho w to control behavior, but they were wary of him because he was such an "eager beaver " with an obvious streak of "craziness." Under TSS auspices, Baldwin performed l obotomies on apes and then put these simian subjects into sensory deprivationpre

sumably in the same "box" he had built himself at NIH and then had to repair aft er a desperate soldier kicked his way out. There is no information available on whether Baldwin extended this work to humans, although he did discuss with an ou tside consultant how lobotomized patients reacted to prolonged isolation. Like H amilton, Baldwin was a jack-of-all trades who in one experiment beamed radio fre quency energy directly at the brain of a chimpanzee and in another cut off one monkey's head and tried to transplant it to the decapitated body of another monkey. Baldwin used $250 in Agency money to buy his own electro shock machine, and he did some kind of unspecified work at a TSS safehouse that caused the CIA to shell out $1450 to renovate and repair the place. The last MKSEARCH subproject covered the work of Dr. Charles Geschickter, who se rved TSS both as researcher and funding conduit. CIA documents show that Geschic kter tested powerful drugs on mental defectives and terminal cancer patients, ap parently at the Georgetown University Hospital in Washington. In all, the Agency put $655,000 into Geschickter's research on knockout drugs, stressproducing chemicals, and mind-altering substances. Nevertheless, the doctor's pr incipal service to TSS officials seems to have been putting his family foundation at the disposal of th e CIAboth to channel funds and to serve as a source of cover to Agency operators. About $2.1 million flowed through this tightly controlled foundation to other researchers.[6] Under MKSEARCH, Geschickter continued to provide TSS with a means to assess drugs rap idly, and he branched out into trying to knock out monkeys with radar waves to t he head (a technique which worked but risked frying vital parts of the brain). T he Geschickter Fund for Medical Research remained available as a conduit until 1 967. [7] As part of the effort to keep finding new substances to test within MKSEARCH, Ag ency officials continued their search for magic mushrooms, leaves, roots, and ba rks. In 1966, with considerable CIA backing, J. C. King, the former head of the Agency's Western Hemisphere Division who was eased out after the Bay of Pigs, fo rmed an ostensibly private firm called Amazon Natural Drug Company. King, who lo ved to float down jungle rivers on the deck of his houseboat with a glass of sco tch in hand, searched the backwaters of South America for plants of interest to the Agency and/or medical science. To do the work, he hired Amazon men and women , plus at least two CIA paramilitary operators who worked out of Amazon offices in Iquitos, Peru. They shipped back to the United States finds that included Cho ndodendron toxicoferum, a paralytic agent which is "absolutely lethal in high do ses," according to Dr. Timothy Plowman, a Harvard botanist who like most of the staff was unwitting of the CIA involvement. Another plant that was collected and grown by Amazon employees was the hallucinogen known as yage, which author Will iam Burroughs has described as "the final fix." MKSEARCH went on through the 1960s and into the early 1970s, but with a steadily decreasing budget. In 1964 it cost the Agency about $250,000. In 1972 it was do wn to four subprojects and $110,000. Gottlieb was a very busy man by then, havin g taken over all TSS in 1967 when his patron, Richard Helms finally made it to t he top of the Agency. In June 1972 Gottlieb decided to end MKSEARCH, thus bringi ng down the curtain on the quest he himself had started two decades before. He w rote this epitaph for the program: As a final commentary, I would like to point out that, by means of Project MKSEARCH, the Clandestine Service has been able to maintain contact with the leading edge of developments in the field of biologic al and chemical control of human behavior. It has become increasingly obvious ov er the last several years that this general area had less and less relevance to current clandestine operations. The reasons for this are many and complex, but t wo of them are perhaps worth mentioning briefly. On the scientific side, it has become very clear that these materials and techniques are too unpredictable in t heir effect on individual human beings, under specific circumstances, to be operation ally useful. Our operations officers, particularly the emerging group of new sen ior operations officers, have shown a discerning and perhaps commendable distast e for utilizing these materials and techniques. They seem to realize that, in ad

dition to moral and ethical considerations, the extreme sensitivity and security constraints of such operations effectively rule them out. About the time Gottli eb wrote these words, the Watergate break-in occurred, setting in train forces t hat would alter his life and that of Richard Helms. A few months later, Richard Nixon was reselected. Soon after the election, Nixon, for reasons that have neve r been explained, decided to purge Helms. Before leaving to become Ambassador to Iran, Helms presided over a wholesale destruction of documents and tapespresuma bly to minimize information that might later be used against him. Sid Gottlieb d ecided to follow Helms into retirement, and the two men mutually agreed to get r id of all the documentary traces of MKULTRA. They had never kept files on the sa fehouse testing or similarly sensitive operations in the first place, but they w ere determined to erase the existing records of their search to control human be havior. Gottlieb later told a Senate committee that he wanted to get rid of the material because of a "burgeoning paper problem" within the Agency, because the files were of "no constructive use" and might be "misunderstood," and because he wanted to protect the reputations of the researchers with whom he had collabora ted on the assurance of secrecy. Gottlieb got in touch with the men who had phys ical custody of the records, the Agency's archivists, who proceeded to destroy w hat he and Helms thought were the only traces of the program. They made a mistak e, howeveror the archivists did. Seven boxes of substantive records and reports were incinerated, but seven more containing invoices and financial records survi vedapparently due to misfiling. Nixon named James Schlesinger to be the new head of the Agency, a post in which he stayed only a few months before the increasingly beleaguered President moved him over to be Secretary of Defense at the height of Watergate. During his short stop at CIA, Schlesinger sent an order to all Agency employees asking them to l et his office know about any instances where Agency officials might have carried out any improper or illegal actions. Somebody mentioned Frank Olson's suicide, and it was duly included in the many hundreds of pages of misdeeds reported whic h became known within the CIA as the "family jewels." Schlesinger, an outsider to the career CIA operators, had opened a Pandora's box that the professionals never managed to shut again. Samples of the "family jewe ls" were slipped out to New York Times reporter Seymour Hersh, who created a nat ional furor in December 1974 when he wrote about the CIA's illegal spying on dom estic dissidents during the Johnson and Nixon years. President Gerald Ford appoi nted a commission headed by Vice-President Nelson Rockefeller to investigate the past CIA abusesand to limit the damage. Included in the final Rockefeller repor t was a section on how an unnamed Department of the Army employee had jumped out of a New York hotel window after Agency men had slipped him LSD. That revelatio n made headlines around the country. The press seized upon the sensational detai ls and virtually ignored two even more revealing sentences buried in the Rockefe ller text: "The drug program was part of a much larger CIA program to study poss ible means for controlling human behavior. Other studies explored the effects of radiation, electric-shock, psychology, psychiatry, sociology, and harassment su bstances." At this point, I entered the story. I was intrigued by those two sentences, and I filed a Freedom of Information request with the CIA to obtain all the documents the Agency had furn ished the Rockefeller Commission on behavior control. Although the law requires a government agency to respond within 10 days, it took the Agency more than a year to send me the firs t 50 documents on the subject, which turned out to be heavily censored. In the meantime, the committee headed by Senator Frank Church was looking into t he CIA, and it called in Sid Gottlieb, who was then spending his retirement work ing as a volunteer in a hospital in India. Gottlieb secretly testified about CIA assassination programs. (In describing his role in its final report, the Church Committee used a false name, "Victor Scheider.") Asked about the behavioral-con trol programs, Gottlieb apparently could notor would notremember most of the det ails. The committee had almost no documents to work with, since the main records had been destroyed in 1973 and the financial files had not yet been found.

The issue lay dormant until 1977, when, about June 1, CIA officials notified my lawyers that they had found the 7 boxes of MKULTRA financial records and that th ey would send me the releasable portions over the following months. As I waited, CIA Director Stansfield Turner notified President Carter and then the Senate Se lect Committee on Intelligence that an Agency official had located the 7 boxes. Admiral Turner publicly described MKULTRA as only a program of drug experimentat ion and not one aimed at behavior control. On July 20 I held a press conference at which I criticized Admiral Turner for his several distortions in describing t he MKULTRA program. To prove my various points, I released to the reporters a sc ore of the CIA documents that had already come to me and that gave the flavor of the behavioral efforts. Perhaps it was a slow news day, or perhaps people simpl y were interested in government attempts to tamper with the mind. In any event, the documents set off a media bandwagon that had the story reported on all three network television news shows and practically everywhere else. The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence and Senator Edward Kennedy's Subcomm ittee on Health and Scientific Research soon announced they would hold public he arings on the subject. Both panels had looked into the secret research in 1975 b ut had been hampered by the lack of documents and forthcoming witnesses. At firs t the two committees agreed to work together, and they held one joint hearing. T hen, Senator Barry Goldwater brought behind-the-scenes pressure to get the Intel ligence panel, of which he was vice-chairman, to drop out of the proceedings. He claimed, among other things, that the committee was just rehashing old programs and that the time had come to stop dumping on the CIA. Senator Kennedy plowed a head anyway. He was limited, however, by the small size of the staff he assigned to the investigation, and his people were literally buried in paper by CIA offi cials, who released 8,000 pages of documents in the weeks before the hearings. A s the hearings started, the staff still not had read very thinglet alone put it all in context. As Kennedy's staff prepared for the public sessions, the former men from MKULTRA also got ready. According to one of them, they agreed among themselves to "keep the inquiry within bounds that would satisfy the committee." Specifically, he s ays that meant volunteering no more information than the Kennedy panel already h ad. Charles Siragusa, the narcotics agent who ran the New York safehouse, report s he got a telephone call during this period from Ray Treichler, the Stanford Ph .D. who specialized in chemical warfare for the MKULTRA program. "He wanted me t o deny knowing about the safehouse," says Siragusa. "He didn't want me to admit that he was the guy.... I said there was no way I could do that." Whether any ot her ex-TSS men also suborned perjury cannot be said, but several of them appear to have committed perjury at the hearings. [8] As previously noted, Robert Lashb rook denied firsthand knowledge of the safehouse operation when, in fact, he had supervised one of the "pads" and been present, according to George White's diar y, at the time of an "LSD surprise" experiment. Dr. Charles Geschickter testifie d he had not tested stress-producing drugs on human subjects while both his own 1960 proposal to the Agency and the CIA's documents indicate the opposite. Despi te the presence of a key aide who constantly cued him during the hearings, Senat or Kennedy was not prepared to deal with these and other inconsistencies. He too k no action to follow up obviously perjured testimony, and he seemed content to win headlines with reports of "The Gang That Couldn't Spray Straight." Although that particular testimony had been set up in advance by a Kennedy staffer, the S enator still managed to act surprised when ex-MKULTRA official David Rhodes told of the ill-fated LSD experiment at the Marin County safehouse. The Kennedy hearings added little to the general state of knowledge on the CIA's behavior-control programs. CIA officials, both past and present, took the position that basically nothing of substance was learned during the 25-odd years of research, the bulk of which had ended in 1963, and they were not challenged. That proposition is, o n its face, ridiculous, but neither Senator Kennedy nor any other investigator h as yet put any real pressure on the Agency to reveal the content of the research what was actually learnedas opposed to the experimental means of carrying it out . In this book, I have tried to get at some of the substantive questions, but I

have had access to neither the scientific records, which Gottlieb and Helms dest royed, nor the principal people involved. Gottlieb, for instance, who moved from India to Santa Cruz, California and then to parts unknown, turned down repeated requests to be interviewed. "I am interested in very different matters than the subject of your book these days," he wrote, "and do not have either the time or the inclination to reprocess matters that happened a long time ago." Faced with these obstacles, I have tried to weave together a representative samp le of what went on, but having dealt with a group of people who regularly incorporated lying into their daily work, I cannot be sure. I cannot be positive that they never found a technique to control people, despite my definite bias in favor of the idea that the human spirit defeated the manipulators. Only a congre ssional committee could compel truthful testimony from people who have so far re fused to be forthcoming, and even Congress' record has not been good so far. A d etermined investigative committee at least could make sure that the people being probed do not determine the "bounds" of the inquiry. A new investigation would probably not be worth the effort just to take another stab at MKULTRA and ARTICHOKE. Despite my belief that there are some skeletons hiddenliterally the p ublic probably now knows the basic parameters of these programs. Thefact is, how ever, that CIA officials actively experimented with behavior-control methods for another decade after Sid Gottlieb and company lost the research action. The Dir ectorate of Science and Technologyspecifically its Office of Research and Develo pment (ORDf did not remain idle after Director McCone transferred the behavioral research function in 1962. In ORD, Dr. Stephen Aldrich, a graduate of Amherst and Northwestern Medical Scho ol, took over the role that Morse Allen and then Sid Gottlieb had played before him. Aldrich had been the medical director of the Office of Scientific Intellige nce back in the days when that office was jockeying with Morse Allen for control of ARTICHOKE, so he was no stranger to the programs. Under his leadership, ORD officials kept probing for ways to control human behavior, and they were doing s o with space-age technology that made the days of MKULTRA look like the horse-an d-buggy era. If man could get to the moon by the end of the 1960s, certainly the well-financed scientists of ORD could make a good shot at conquering inner spac e. They brought their technology to bear on subjects like the electric stimulation of the brain. John Lilly had done extensive work in this field a decade earlier, before concluding that t o maintain his integrity he must find another field. CIA men had no such qualms, however. They actively experimented with placing electrodes in the brain of ani mals andprobably men. Then they used electric and radio signals to move their su bjects around. The field went far beyond giving monkeys orgasms, as Lilly had do ne. In the CIA itself, Sid Gottlieb and the MKULTRA crew had made some prelimina ry studies of it. They started in 1960 by having a contractor search all the ava ilable literature, and then they had mapped out the parts of animals' brains tha t produced reactions when stimulated. By April 1961 the head of TSS was able to report "we now have a 'production capa bility' " in brain stimulation and "we are close to having debugged a prototype system whereby dogs can be guided along specific courses." Six months later, a CIA document noted, "The feasibility of r emote control of activities in several species of animals has been demonstrated.... Special investigations a nd evaluations will be conducted toward the application of selected elements of these techniques to man." Another six months later, TSS officials had found a us e for electric stimulation: this time putting electrodes in the brains of cold-b looded animalspresumably reptiles. While much of the experimentation with dogs a nd cats was to find a way of wiring the animal and then directing it by remote c ontrol into, say, the office of the Soviet ambassador, this cold-blooded project

was designed instead for the delivery of chemical and biological agents or for "executive action-type operations," according to a document. "Executive action" was the CIA's euphemism for assassination. With the brain electrode technology at this level, Steve Aldrich and ORD took ov er the research function from TSS. What the ORD men found cannot be said, but the open literature would i ndicate that the field progressed considerably during the 1960s. Can the human b rain be wired and controlled by a big enough computer? Aldrich certainly tried t o find out. Creating amnesia remained a "big goal" for the ORD researcher, states an ex-CIA man. Advances in brain surgery, such as the development of three-dimensional, "s tereotaxic" techniques, made psychosurgery a much simpler matter and created the possibility that a precisely placed electrode probe could be used to cut the li nk between past memory and present recall. As for subjects to be used in behavio ral experiments of this sort, the ex-CIA man states that ORD had access to priso ners in at least one American penal institution. A former Army doctor stationed at the Edgewood chemical laboratory states that the lab worked with CIA men to d evelop a drug that could be used to help program in new memories into the mind o f an amnesic subject. How far did the Agency take this research? I don't know. The men from ORD tried to create their own latter-day version of the Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology. Located outside Boston, it was called the S cientific Engineering Institute, and Agency officials had set it up originally i n 1956 as a proprietary company to do research on radar and other technical matt ers that had nothing to do with human behavior. Its president, who says he was a "figurehead," was Dr. Edwin Land, the founder of Polaroid. In the early 1960s, ORD officials decided to bring it into the behavioral field and built a new wing to the Institute's modernistic building for the "life sciences." They hired a g roup of behavioral and medical scientists who were allowed to carry on their own independent research as long as it met Institute standards. These scientists we re available to consult with frequent visitors from Washington, and they were encouraged to take long lu nches in the Institute's dining room where they mixed with the physical scientis ts and brainstormed about virtually everything. One veteran recalls a colleague joking, "If you could find the natural radio frequency of a person's sphincter, you could make him run out of the room real fast." Turning serious, the veteran states the technique was "plausible," and he notes that many of the crazy ideas bandied about at lunch developed into concrete projects. Some of these projects may have been worked on at the Institute's own several hu ndred-acre farm located in the Massachusetts countryside. But of the several doz en people contacted in an effort to find out what the Institute did, the most an yone would say about experiments at the farm was that one involved stimulating t he pleasure centers of crows' brains in order to control their behavior. Presuma bly, ORD men did other things at their isolated rural lab. Just as the MKULTRA program had been years ahead of the scientific community, OR D activities were similarly advanced. "We looked at the manipulation of genes," states one of the researchers. "We were interested in gene splintering. The rest of the world didn't ask until 1976 the type of questions we were facing in 1965 .... Everybody was afraid of building the supersoldier who would take orders wit hout questioning, like the kamikaze pilot. Creating a subservient society was no t out of sight." Another Institute man describes the work of a colleague who bom barded bacteria with ultraviolet radiation in order to create deviant strains. O RD also sponsored work in parapsychology. Along with the military services, Agen cy officials wanted to know whether psychics could read minds or control them fr om afar (telepathy), if they could gain information about distant places or peop le (clairvoyance or remote viewing), if they could predict the future (precognit ion), or influence the movement of physical objects or even the human mind (phot okinesis). The last could have incredibly destructive applications, if it worked . For instance, switches setting off nuclear bombs would have to be moved only a few inches to launch a holocaust. Or, enemy psychics, with minds honed to laser -beam sharpness, could launch attacks to burn out the brains of American nuclear

scientists. Any or all of these techniques have numerous applications to the sp y trade. While ORD officials apparently left much of the drug work to Gottlieb, they coul d not keep their hands totally out of this field. In 1968 they set up a joint pr ogram, called Project OFTEN, with the Army Chemical Corps at Edgewood, Maryland to study the effects of various drugs on animals and humans. The Army helped the Agency put together a computerized data base for drug testing and supplied mili tary volunteers for some of the experiments. In one case, with a particularly ef fective incapacitiating agent, the Army arranged for inmate volunteers at the Ho lmesburg State Prison in Philadelphia. Project OFTEN had both offensive and defe nsive sides, according to an ORD man who described it in a memorandum. He cited as an example of what he and his coworkers hoped to find "a compound that could simulate a heart attack or a stroke in the targeted individual." In January 1973 , just as Richard Helms was leaving the Agency and James Schlesinger was coming in, Project OFTEN was abruptly canceled. Whatif anysuccess the ORD men had in creating heart attacks or in any of their o ther behavioral experiments simply cannot be said. Like Sid Gottlieb, Steve Aldr ich is not saying, and his colleagues seem even more closemouthed than Gottlieb' s. In December 1977, having gotten wind of the ORD programs, I filed a Freedom o f Information request for access to ORD files "on behavioral research, including but not limited to any research or operational activities related to bioelectri cs, electric or radio stimulation of the brain, electronic destruction of memory , stereotaxic surgery, psychosurgery, hypnotism, parapsychology, radiation, micr owaves, and ultrasonics." I also asked for documentation on behavioral testing i n U.S. penal institutions, and I later added a request for all available files o n amnesia. The Agency wrote back six months later that ORD had "identified 130 b oxes (approximately 130 cubic feet) of material that are reasonably expected to contain behavioral research documents." Considering that Admiral Turner and other CIA officials had tried to leave the i mpression with Congress and the public that behavioral research had almost all e nded in 1963 with the phase-out of MKULTRA, this was an amazing admission. The s heer volume of material was staggering. This book is based on the 7 boxes of hea vily censored MKULTRA financial records plus another 3 or so of ARTICHOKE docume nts, supplemented by interviews. It has taken me over a year, with significant r esearch help, to digest this much smaller bulk. Clearly, greater resources than an individual writer can bring to bear will be needed to get to the bottom of th e ORD programs. A free society's best defense against unethical behavior modification is public disclosure and awareness. The more people understand consciousness-altering technology, the more likely th ey are to recognize its application, and the less likely it will be used. When behavioral research is ca rried out in secret, it can be turned against the government's enemies, both foreign and domestic. No matter ho w pure or defense-oriented the motives of the researchers, once the technology e xists, the decision to use it is out of their hands. Who can doubt that if the N ixon administration or J. Edgar Hoover had had some foolproof way to control peo ple, they would not have used the technique against their political foes, just a s the CIA for years tried to use similar tactics overseas? As with the Agency's secrets, it is now too late to put behavioral technology ba ck in the box. Researchers are bound to keep making advances. The technology has already spread to our schools, prisons, and mental hospitals, not to mention th e advertising community, and it has also been picked up by police forces around the world. Placing hoods over the heads of political prisonersa modified form of sensory deprivationhas become a standard tactic around the world, from Northern Ireland to Chile. The Soviet Union has consistently used psychiatric treatment as an instrument of repression. Such methods violate basic human rights just as much as physical abuse, even if they leave no marks on the body. Totalitarian regimes will probably continue, as they have in the past, to search secretly for ways to

manipulate the mind, no matter what the United States does. The prospect of bein g able to control people seems too enticing for most tyrants to give up. Yet, we as a country can defend ourselves without sending our own scientistsmad or othe rwiseinto a hidden war that violates our basic ethical and constitutional princi ples. After all, we created the Nuremberg Code to show there were limits on scie ntific research and its application. Admittedly, American intelligence officials have violated our own standard, but the U.S. Government has now officially decl ared violations will no longer be permitted. The time has come for the United St ates to lead by example in voluntarily renouncing secret government behavioral r esearch. Other countries might even follow suit, particularly if we were to prop ose an international agreement which provides them with a framework to do so. Tampering with the mind is much too dangerous to be left to the spies. Nor shoul d it be the exclusive province of the behavioral scientists, who have given us c ause for suspicion. Take this statement by their most famous member, B. F. Skinn er: "My image in some places is of a monster of some kind who wants to pull a st ring and manipulate people. Nothing could be further from the truth. People are manipulated; I just want them to be manipulated more effectively." Such notions are much more acceptable in prestigious circles than people tend to think: D. Ew en Cameron read papers about "depatterning" with electroshock before meetings of his fellow psychiatrists, and they elected him their president. Human behavior is so important that it must concern us all. The more vigilant we and our repres entatives are, the less chance we will be unwitting victims. Notes The reorganization of TSS was described in document #59, 26 July 1963, Report of the Inspection of MKULTRA and in interviews with Ray Cline, Herbert Scoville, a nd several other former CIA officials. Richard Helms' recommendations for a new MKULTRA charter were described in docum ent #450, 9 June, 1964, Sensitive Research Programs (MKULTRA). Admiral Stansfield Turner's statement on the MKULTRA program was made before a j oint session of the Kennedy subcommittee and the Senate Select Committee on Inte lligence, August 3, 1977, pp. 4-8. MKSEARCH programs and their origins in MKULTRA are described in documents #449, 8 April 1964, Revision of Project MKULTRA and #S-1-7, untitled, undated. Dr. Edward Bennett's work is the subject of MKULTRA subprojects 104 and 143. See especially 143-23, 11 December 1962, Subject: MKULTRA Subproject 143. Other information on the CIA's e conomic sabotage program against Cuba came from interviews with Major General Ed ward Lansdale, Ray Cline, William Colby, Lincoln Gordon, Covey Oliver, Charles M eyer, Richard Goodwin, Roger Morris, several former CIA and State Department off icials, and Cuban government officials. The continued safehouse operation is MKSEARCH subproject 4. See especially S-121, bank statements and receipts of safehouse. The CIA's dealings with the Treasu ry Department over the Long committee's investigations of wiretaps are detailed in documents #451, 30 January 1967, A Re port on a Series of Meetings with Department of the Treasury officials and #452, undated, Meeting with Department of Treasury Official. The biological laboratory is the subject of MKULTRA subprojects 78 and 110 and M KSEARCH 2. See especially Documents 78-28, September 28, 1962, Subject: PM Suppo rt and Biological [deleted] and S-5-6, 8 September 1965, Subject: Hiring by Chie f TSD/BB of [deleted], Former Staff Employee in a Consultant Capacity on an Agen cy Contract. The costs of the Fort Detrick operations came from p. 18 and p. 204 of the Church committee hearings on Unauthorized Storage of Toxic Agents Septem ber 16,17, and 18,1975. The description of TSS's procedures for dealing with biological weapons came from Document 78-28 (cited above) and document #509, undated (but clearly June 1975), Subject: Discussions of MKNAOMI with [deleted] The chemical company subproiect is MKULTRA subproject 116 and MKSEARCH 5. See especially 116-57,30 Ja nuary 1961, Subject: MKULTRA, Subproject 116; 116-62, October 28, 1960, shipping invoice- and 116-61,4 November 1960, Subject: MKULTRA Subproject 116. Also see James Moore's subproject, MKULTRA 52; especially 52-53, invoice # 3, 1125-009-19

02, April 27, 1960. James Hamilton's work is the subject of MKULTRA subprojects 124 and 140 and MKSE ARCH Subproject 3. See especially 140-57, 6 May 1965, Subject: Behavioral Contro l and 140-83, 29 May 1963, Subject: MKULTRA Subproject 140. Carl Pfeiffer's subprojects are MKULTRA 9, 26, 28, and 47 and MKSEARCH 7. See es pecially S-7-4, undated, Subject: Approval of Project [deleted]. Maitland Baldwin's Subprojects are MKULTRA 62 and MKSEARCH 1. See especially 622, undated [deleted] Special Budget and 62-3, undated, 1956, Subject: Re: Trip t o [deleted], October 10-14, 1956. Charles Geschickter's subprojects are MKULTRA 23, 35, and 45 and MKSEARCH 6. See especially 35-10, May 16, 1955, Subject- To provide for Agency-Sponsored Resear ch Involving Covert Biological and Chemical Warfare; 45-78, undated, Research Pr oposal: 1960, 45-104 undated, Subject: Research Proposal: 1958-1959; 45-95, 26 J anuary 1959, Continuation of MKULTRA, Subproject No.45; 45104,21 January 1958, Continuation of MKULTRA, Subproject No.45; 45-52,8 February 1962, Continuation of MKULTRA, Subproject No. 45; S-13-7,13 August Subject, Approval o f [deleted]; and S-13-9, 13 September 1967, Subject: Approval of [deleted]. See also Geschickter's testimony before the Kennedy subcommittee, September 20, 1977 , pp. 44-49. The lack of congressional or executive branch knowledge of CIA behavioral activi ties was mentioned on p. 386, Church Committee Report, Book I. Amazon Natural Drug's CIA connection wa s described by an ex-ClA official and confirmed by the mother of another former Agency man. Sev eral former employees described its activities in interviews. Gottlieb's termination of MKSEARCH came from Document S-14-3 10 July 1972, Termi nation of MKSEARCH. The destruction of MKULTRA documents was described in Document #419, 3 October, 1975, Subject: Destruction of Drug and Toxin Related Files and 460, 31 January, 1973, Subject: Project Files: (19511967). The MKULTRA subprojects on electric stimulation of the brain are 106 and 142. Se e especially 106-1, undated, Subject: Proposal; 142-14, 22 May 1962, Subject: Pr oject MKULTRA, Subproject No. 142; and document #76 (MKDELTA release), 21 April 1961, Subject: "Guided Animal" Studies. The list of parapsychology goals was taken from an excellent article by John Wil helm in the August 2, 1977 Washington Post: "Psychic Spying?" Project OFTEN information was taken from document #455,6 May 1974, Subject: Proj ect OFTEN and Memorandum for the Secretary of Defense from Deanne P. Siemer, Sep tember 20, 1977, Subject: Experimentation Programs Conducted by the Department o f Defense That Had CIA Sponsorship or Participation and That Involved the Admini stration to Human Subjects of Drugs Intended for Mind-control or Behavior-modifi cation Purposes. The quote from B. F. Skinner was taken from Peter Schrag's book, Mind Control (N ew York: Pantheon, 1978) p. 10. Footnotes 1. At 1977 Senate hearings, CIA Director Stansfield Turner summed up some of MKU LTRA's accomplishments over its 11-year existence: The program contracted out wo rk to 80 institutions, which included 44 colleges or universities, 15 research f acilities or private companies, 12 hospitals or clinics, and 3 penal institution s. I estimate that MKULTRA cost the taxpayers somewhere in the neighborhood of $ 10 million. 2. This economic sabotage program started in 1961, and the chain of command "ran up to the President," according to Kennedy adviser Richard Goodwin. On the CIA side, Agency Director J ohn McCone "was very strong on it," says his former deputy Ray Cline. Cline note s that McCone had the standing orders to all CIA stations abroad rewritten to in clude "a sentence or two" authorizing a continuing program to disrupt the Cuban economy. Cuba's trade thus became a standing target for Agency operators, and wi th the authority on the books, CIA officials apparently never went back to the W hite House for renewed approval after Kennedy died, in Cline's opinion. Three fo

rmer Assistant Secretaries of State in the Johnson and Nixon administrations say the sabotage, which included everything from driving down the price of Cuban su gar to tampering with cane-cutting equipment, was not brought to their attention . Former CIA Director William Colby states that the Agency finally stopped the e conomic sabotage program in the early 1970s. Cuban government officials counter that CIA agents were still working to create epidemics among Cuban cattle in 197 3 and that as of spring 1978, Agency men were committing acts of sabotage agains t cargo destined for Cuba. 3. In 1967 a Senate committee chaired by Senator Edward Long was inquiring into wiretapping by government agencies, including the Narcotics Bureau. The Commissi oner of Narcotics, then Harry Giordano told a senior TSS man almost certainly Go ttliebthat if CIA officials were "concerned" about its dealings with the Bureau involving the safehouses coming out during the hearings, the most "helpful thing " they could do would be to "turn the Long committee off." How the CIA men react ed to this not very subtle blackmail attempt is unclear from the documents, but wha t does come out is that the TSS man and another top-level CIA officer misled and lied to the top echelon of the Treasury Department (the Narcotics Bureau's pare nt organization) about the safehouses and how they were used. 4. James Moore of the University of Delaware, who also produced carbamates when he was not seeking the magic mushroom, served at times as an intermediary betwee n the industrialist and the CIA. 5. During the late 1960s and early 1970s, it seemed that every radical on the We st Coast was saying that the CIA was up to strange things in behavior modificati on at Vacaville. Like many of yesterday's conspiracy theories, this one turned o ut to be true. 6. Geschickter was an extremely important TSS asset with connections in high pla ces. In 1955 he convinced Agency officials to contribute $375,000 in secret fund s toward the construction of a new research building at Georgetown University Ho spital. (Since this money seemed to be coming from private sources, unwitting Fe deral bureaucrats doubled it under the matching grant program for hospital const ruction.) The Agency men had a clear understanding with Geschickter that in retu rn for their contribution, he would make sure they received use of one-sixth of the beds and total space in the facility for their own "hospital safehouse." The y then would have a ready source of "human patients and volunteers for experimen tal use," according to a CIA document, and the research program in the building would provide cover for up to three TSS staff members. Allen Dulles personally a pproved the contribution and then, to make sure, he took it to President Eisenho wer's special committee to review covert operations. The committee also gave its assent, with the understanding th at Geschickter could provide "a reasonable expectation" that the Agency would in deed have use of the space he promised. He obviously did, because the CIA money was forthcoming. (This, incidentally, was the only time in a whole quarter-centu ry of Agency behavior-control activities when the documents show that CIA offici als went to the White House for approval of anything. The Church committee found no evidence that either the executive branch or Congress was informed of the pr ograms.) 7. In 1967, after Ramparts magazine exposed secret CIA funding of the National S tudent Association and numerous nonprofit organizations, President Johnson forba de CIA support of foundations or educational institutions. Inside the Agency the re was no notion that this order meant ending relationships, such as the one wit h Geschickter. In his case, the agile CIA men simply transferred the funding fro m the foundation to a private company, of which his son was the secretary-treasu rer. 8. Lying to Congress followed the pattern of lying to the press that some MKULTR A veterans adopted after the first revelations came out. For example, former Hum an Ecology Society director James Monroe told The New York Times on August 2, 19 77 that "only about 25 to 30 percent" of the Society's budget came from the CIAa statement he knew to be false since the actual figure was well over 90 percent. His untruth allowed some other grantees to claim that their particular project

was funded out of the non-Agency part of the Society. Copyright 2010 NSA Transmissions. All rights reserved. Web Hosting by Yahoo! An expert witness, Certified Hypnotist trained in CIA Neur o Linguistic Programming techniques with NASA software and Military Patents.

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