Ar Rinci Foirne

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The document discusses the importance of lively, spirited music for Irish dancing and provides tips for dance musicians. It also outlines different Irish dance rhythms and their characteristics.

Double jigs, single jigs, slip or hop jigs, hornpipes, reels, and set dances are mentioned as different types of Irish dance music.

Double jigs are in 6/8 time with usually six quavers to each bar. Single jigs are also in 6/8 time. Slip or hop jigs are in 9/8 time. Reels and hornpipes are in 2/4 or common time, with hornpipes played more slowly than reels.

r Rinc Firne Thirty Popular Cil Dances Eagrn 2003 AN COIMISIN LE RINC GAELACHA, 6 Srid Fhearchair, Baile tha

Cliath 2

IRISH DANCE MUSIC A well-known exponent of Irish Dancing once remarked that the happiness and pleasure of dancing was the stimulus of gay spirited music. How true these words are can be realized when we see a party of dancers at a Cil endeavouring to perform such a fine spirited dance as the High-Cauled Cap to dull, insipid, lifeless music. Spiritless music means that there is a lack of Rhythmic Vitality which is part of the players own soul. Perhaps the only outside help he can get is a correct understanding of the dances. Speeding is no certain cure for the absence of Rhythmic Vitality, the most essential element in Irish dance Music. Generally speaking, the more speedy the music, the more lifeless it becomes. Not alone does over-hasty playing destroy the outline and sentiment of the tune, it also tends to spoil the technique of the dancers. The Tempo of Irish Dancing must be regulated by the ages of the dancers. Children, as a rule, require quicker time than do adults, as young people are unable to get the control necessary for slow music without a great deal of effort and concentration, resulting in a loss of spirit and enjoyment. Adults, on the other hand, prefer a moderate Tempo, as they have not the physical strenght necessary for our lively, energetic dances when taken at a quick pace. This question of Tempo can only be solved by regulating it to suit the majority, rather than the few, and thus assist in the retention of that grace, beauty and elegance of movement which is a natural characteristic of all Irish Dances. We are fortunate possessors of a remarkable heritage of National Dance Music, consisting of Double Jigs, Single Jigs, Slip or Hop Jigs, Hornpipes, Reels, Set Dances tunes so full of Rhythmic Vitality that listeners can seldom resist the inclination to tap the feet. The Double Jig is a six-eight time tune, consisting usually of six quavers in two triplets to each bar. The Single Jig is also in six-eight time the triplets being usually represented by a crotchet followed by a quaver. The Slip or Hop Jig seldom found in the dance music of any other country is in nine-eight time. It is essentially a ladys dance. Reels and Hornpipes are in two-four or common time, the hornpipe being played much more slowly than the reel. The Set-Dance tunes are mostly in two-four or common time, with a few in six-eight time. The tunes correspond to some peculiarity of time, measure, or length, found in the Set-Dances themselves. The ideal dance player is one who understands dancing, who can enter into the spirit of the dances, and who can communicate that spirit to those on the floor. Cormac Mac Fionnlaoic Um Chisc, 1939 Uachtarn Points to Remember!

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)


(8) (9)

The sidestep is the basis of all Irish Dances, and must be mastered before the dances can be executed with any degree of grace. Interchange of positions by the dancers where the sidestep is not specified is performed in a simple 1, 2, 3, movement in either reel-time, i.e., 2/4 time, or jig time, i.e., 6/8 time. Before attempting any particular dance learn the side-step, and be able to move in any and every direction at will to the 1, 2, 3, movement. Practise these movements to a dance tune. Always dance lightly on the toes or on the ball of the foot. Each movement is performed to a set number of bars in the music, so that when the dancers return to position at the completion of one movement they are ready to commence the next. When partners are dancing around together the position of the arms is as follows: elbows held close to the sides, firmly but not too tightly; forearms bent upwards; ladys hands crossed at the wrists, palms down; gentlemans hands uncrossed, right hand lightly holding partners right hand, left hand in partners left hand. The sidestep is performed as follows: When dancing towards the right the dancer should stand with the weight comfortably balanced in both feet, heels together; jump lightly, landing on the first beat of the music with the weight balanced on the ball of the left foot, right foot slightly forward, toe pointing towards the right; move the right foot towards the right at the second beat of the music, at the same time transferring the weight from the left to the right foot; on the third beat of the music bring the toe of the left foot to the heel of the right, and so on to the seventh beat, ending on the left foot. This is followed, in the reel-time sidestep, by what is known as Two Short Threes, and in the jig-time sidestep by the Rising-Step. Counting the seven steps in the sidestep will be found to be of considerable assistance. The Two-Short-Threes and the Rising-Step can be mastered in five minutes with the assistance of a practised dancer. Personal demonstration should be sought and availed of where possible. Reflect the rhythm of the music in the movements of the feet.


The Walls of Limerick is the simplest of all dances from the point of view of execution. At starting, the dancers line-up in couples, lady on gemtlemans right, each set of two couples facing each other. It is danced to reeltime, and consists of four movements, as follows. 1. Advance and Retire This is and essential feature in the majority of long dances. Gentleman takes partners left hand in his right, both advance to meet the opposite couple (2 bars), retire to the place (2 bars). Repeat the movement. 2. Half Right and Left Ladies exchange places by side-stepping across the left, passing each other face to face, and finishing with two short threes (4 bars); gentlemen now exchange places, but side-step to the right (4 bars).

3. Dance with Opposite Each gentleman and opposite lady take right hands, both sidestep to gentlemans left, finishing with two short threes (4 bars); sidestep back, finishing with two short threes (4 bars). 4. Dance Around Gentleman takes own partners hands, both dance a complete circle around opposite couple (8 bars), finishing up to face in the opposite direction. Repeat the movements with the next couple and with each succeeding couple until the music ceases. In the manner each couple progresses on the completion of the set of moments with the result that the couples dancing opposite each other are constantly varying.


Position of Dancers:

B. A. (leading couple) C. D. (opposite couple)

A, gentleman, and B, lady, facing C, gentleman, and D, lady, each gentleman lightly holding partners left hand in his right. 1. Lead Around Dancers half-right turn and lead around a complete circle (8 bars); release hands, about turn inwards, gentleman takes partners right hand in his left and both lead back to place (8 bars). 2. The Body The Body consists of five movements: (a) The Square Gentlemen sidestep a square in anti-clockwise direction, while ladies sidestep a square in clockwise direction, all finishing with two short-threes after each side-step (16 bars). This is performed by A sidestepping to place which was occupied by B, ending with two short threes, proceeding to place which was occupied by C, then on to Ds place and finally to his original position. Meanwhile B has been sidestepping to As position, and so on. Similarly with C and D. Thus, each gentleman passes each lady twice in the course of the square the lady passing in front on each occasion.

(b) Four Sevens The dancers being now back in their original positions, the gentleman sidesteps to the right behind partner, the lady sidestepping to the left in front (2 bars); gentleman sidestep back to place in front of partner, lady sidestepping back to place behind (2 bars); the movement is repeated (4 bars). Note that the two short threes are not performed at the end of each sidestep in this movement. (c) Hands Across All four dancers give right hands across in the centre, shoulder high, dance around clockwise (4 bars); release hands, reverse, give left hands across and dance back to place (4 bars). Thus, A and C take hands, as do B and D (d) Down the Centre Leading couple - i.e., couple nearest the music turn to face each other, take right hands and sidestep through the centre to the place occupied by opposite couple, while the latter sidestep separately up the outside to place occupied by leading couple (2 bars). Leading couple half-turn in place, release hands (2 bars), while opposite couple take right hands and half-turn. Opposite couple sidestep back to place through the centre while leading couple sidestep separately up the outside (2 bars); each couple take hands and half-turn to original position (2 bars). (e) Right and Left Chain Gentleman gives right hand to opposite lady, both move forward in semi-circle, gentlemen clockwise, ladies anti-clockwise, continue to meet partner with left hand, opposite lady again with right hand and on to own partner with left hand to finish in position, thus completing the circular chain (8 bars). This finishes the Body 3. First Figure: Figure of Eight and Rings of Three Leading couple take inside hands and advance to opposite couple and release hands (2 bars). Leading gentleman retires to place and stands idle while his partner performs The Figure Eight by passing between opposite couple and going first round the lady and then round opposite gentleman. The two ladies now advance to leading gentleman and take hands in a Ring of Three (6 bars). Leading couple and the opposite lady, in the Ring of Three dance the sidestep to right (anti-clockwise) (2 bars) ending with two threes (2 bars) and then sidestep to the left (2 bars); (the opposite gentleman at the same time has been side-stepping to right and left to the above bars of music). Leading couple arch arms and allow the opposite lady to pass under to leading ladys original position and then advance and form a Ring of Three with opposite gentleman (2 bars). Leading couple and opposite gentleman dance the side-step in ring to left and right; meanwhile, opposite lady has been side-stepping left and right (6 bars). Leading couple arch arms and allow opposite gentleman to pass under to his partner (2 bars). Both couples then swing half round, anticlockwise, to original places (8 bars). 32 bars The opposite couple now perform the Figure. When both couples have danced the First Figure the Body of the dance is again performed. 4. Second Figure: Ladies Chain

Ladies advance, give right hands in centre, continue to opposite gentleman giving left hand (2 bars), both turn in place (2 bars), and ladies return to own partner (2 bars), both making full turn in place (2 bars). Both couples dance complete circle around each other (8 bars). On completion of the figure the Body is repeated. 5. Finish: Lead Around Both couples lead around as at the commencement (16 bars)

Position of Dancers: (1) BA (4) G H CD (2) Assume that couple AB are nearest the music. These are designated leading tops, and CD opposite tops. EF are designated leading sides, and GH opposite sides. A,C,E,G are the gentlemen. Couples (1) and (4) are said to be contrary to each other, and couples (2) and (3) contrary to each other. F (3) E

1. Lead Around As discribed in the 4-hand reel. In the lead round care should be taken that an equal distance be maintained between the couples. 2. Body The Body consists of four movements: (a) Extended Sides Gentlemen sidestep to the right behind partners, ladies sidestep to the left, in front (2 bars); finish with two short threes (2 bars); all again sidestep on in the same direction as before, and end with two short threes (4 bars). The position of the dancers now is: (1) HE (4) A D GF (2) B (3) C

Each gentleman takes right hand of lady next to him on his right, both make full turn (2 bars); all now chain back as they have come, to meet partners, with right hand, in starting position (4 bars); and turn in popsition (2 bars). (b) Skip Across A and C now exchange places to the sidestep (2 bars), ending with two short threes (2 bars); E and G follow suit (4 bars), facing each other, right arm to right, when crossing. Turn lady with right hand and pass on to lady on left of original position (4 bars); give left hand and turn in place (4 bars). The position of the dancers now is: (1) BG (4) C H ED (2) A and C again change places to the sidestep as before, ending with two short threes (4 bars); E and G follow suit (4 bars). Turn ladies with left hand (4 bars), pass on to meet own partner, with right hand, in original position, and turn in place (4 bars). (c) Return Chain Gentlemen are now in original position, holding partners right hand in own right; gentlemen give left hand to lady on right, ladies give left hand to gentlemen on left; all chain around giving right and left hand alternately until meeting own partner again with right hand at opposite side of the circle (8 bars); turn right around partner and chain back to original position, meeting partner with right hand and turning in place (8 bars). F (3) A

(d) Back to Back Gentleman, holding partners right hand, sidesteps towards the left of contrary lady, while partner dances towards the left of contrary gentleman (2 bars); gentleman then takes left hand of contrary lady while partner takes left hand of contrary gentleman, the four dancers thus forming a circle, gentlemen being back to back, ladies facing each other. All dance two short threes (2 bars); gentleman release partners right hand, turns around contrary lady (2 bars) and returns to own partner, passing other gentleman right arm to right (2 bars). Partners take hands and dance around couple opposite to contrary couple, i.e., couples (1) and (3) in the diagram dance around each other, as do couples (2) and (4), to 8 bars. This completes the Body. 3. First Figure: Advance and Retire Leading and opposite tops advance and retire twice (see Walls of Limerick) to 8 bars. Both couples then dance complete circle around each other (8 bars).

Leading and opposite sides then do likewise (16 bars). When both, tops and sides have performed the figure, the Body is again danced. 4. Second Figure: Ladies Chain As in Four-Hand Reel. When both tops and sides have completed the figure, the Body is again performed. 5. The Finish All dancers join hands in circle, forearms bent sharply upwards elbows held in to the sides; advance to centre (2 bars), retire (2 bars), advance again and retire (4 bars). All sidestep anticlockwise and finish with two short threes (4 bars); sidestep back ending with two short threes (4 bars). Advance and retire twice as before (8 bars). All sidestep clockwise and back (8 bars). Each couple take hands and swing around to the right to finish off (8 bars). 40bars

Position of Dancers: The dancers take up the same position as in the 8-Hand Reel. (1) BA (4) G H CD (2) A, C, E, G, gentlemen; B, D, F, H, ladies. Let AB be leading tops, CD opposite tops; EF leading sides, GH opposite sides. 1. Lead Around As in 4-Hand Reel 2. Body (a) Sides Partners take hands, right hand in right, left hand in left. Leading and opposite tops sidestep to the right to the positions occupied by their contrary couples, while leading and opposite sides sidestep to the left to position of their contrary couples, i.e., AB exchange places with GH, and CD with EF (2 bars), all ending with two short threes (2 bars). All sidestep back to place (2 bars), ending with two short threes (2 bars). Note: In sidestepping to the right, always keep behind; in sidestepping to the left, always keep in front. F (3) E

Tops now sidestep to the left in front while sides sidestep to the right behind (2 bars), ending with two short threes (2 bars); all sidestep back to place (2 bars), ending with two short threes (2 bars). (b) Right Hands Across Ladies give right hands across in the centre, dance round clockwise (4 bars); reverse, giving left hands across, and dance back to place (4 bars). Retain hands, give right hand to partners right, lead around (6 bars), and turn once into place (2 bars). Gentlemen now do likewise (16 bars). (c) Return Chain As explained in 8-Hand Reel. (d) Back to Back As explained in 8-Hand Reel. 3. First Figure: Advance and Retire As in 8-Hand Reel. When both tops and sides have completed the figure the Body is again performed. 4. Second Figure: Ladies Chain As in 4-Hand Reel When both tops and sides have completed the figure the Body is again performed. 5. The Finish As in 8-Hand Reel.

Position of dancers: As in 8-Hand Reel (1) BA (4) G H CD (2) A,C,E,G, gentlemen; B,D,F,H, ladies. Let AB be leading tops and CD opposite tops; EF leading sides and GH opposite sides. F (3) E

1. Lead Around As in 4-Hand Reel. 2. Body (a) Sides Leading and opposite tops sidestep to the right (behind), while leading and opposite sides sidestep to the left, all partners holding hands; all finish with two short threes (4 bars). The position thus is that leading and opposite tops have exchanged positions with couple on right. All sidestep on to next position, finishing with two short threes, the dancers now being in the position exactly opposite their starting position (4 bars). All sidestep on to next position ending with two short threes (4 bars), and sidestep on to place ending with two short threes (4 bars). (b) Double Quarter Chain Gentleman takes partners right hand in right and both turn once in place (2 bars); gentleman chains with left hand to lady on left (2 bars), both turn in place (2 bars); chains back to own partner with right hand (2 bars), turning her in place. Continue the chain with left hand to lady on right (2 bars), both turn once in place (2 bars), chain back to own partner with right hand (2 bars), both turn once in place (2 bars). (c) Ladies Interlace Each lady dances in front of own partner towards gentleman on left (2 bars), passes behind and around in front of him (2 bars), dances back towards own partner (2 bars), and behind him to original position (2 bars). Gentlemen meanwhile remain in position. Ladies give right hand across in the centre, dance around to the left (4 bars), drop hands, give left hand to gentleman on right of ladys original position, i.e., B to G, D to E, F to A, H to C, both turn once in place (2 bars), chain on to own partner with right hand and turn into place (2 bars). (d) Gents Interlace. Each gentleman now dances in front of own partner towards lady on right (2 bars), passes behind and around in front of her (2 bars), dances back towards own partner (2 bars) and behind her to original position (2 bars). Gentlemen give right hand across in centre, dance around to left (4 bars), drop hands, give left hand to lady on right of gentlemans original position, both turn once in place (2 bars), chain on to own partner with right hand and turn in place (2 bars). (e) Stamp and Clap All stamp right foot twice to one bar, and clap hands three times to second bar (2 bars). Repeat (2 bars). Partners change places to sidestep (2 bars), ending with two short threes (2 bars). Mark time with foot and beat palms as before (4 bars). Sidestep back to place (2 bars) ending with two short threes (2 bars). 3. First Figure Leading tops take right hands and sidestep towards opposite couple, ending with two short threes (4 bars); sidestep back, ending with two short threes (4 bars). Both turn once in

place (2 bars), gentleman dances aroudn lady on left and back, while lady dances around gentleman on right and back (4 bars); both take hands and turn into place (2 bars). Opposite tops, leading sides, and opposite sides then perform the figure in that order. When all have completed the first figure the Body is again performed. 4. Second Figure: Circle and Cross

Leading tops advance to opposite couple, pass through, lady passing around opposite gentleman, gentleman passing around opposite lady (4 bars); all four give right hands across and dance around clockwise (2 bars) and ether (a) release hands, leading tops dancing back to place, while opposite tops turning once in place (2 bars), or (b) release hands, leading tops take right hands and turn clockwise as they dance back to place (2 bars); gentlemen advance, passing left arm to left arm, to opposite ladies (2 bars). Gentlemen now take left hand to opposite lady and dance around her (2 bars), release hands and dance back to place passing right arm to right arm, take own partners right hand and turn in place (4 bars). Both couples now take crossed hands and dance a circle to the right around each other and back to place (8 bars). Opposite tops, leading sides and opposite sides now perform the figure in that order. The Body is again performed. 5. Third Figure: Ladies Chain

As explained in 4-Hand Reel. The body is performed once more. 6. Finish

As in 8-Hand Reel.

Position of Dancers: The position of the dancers at the commencement of the 4-hand reel is as follows: BA CD For the 8-hand reel two more couples are added: (1) BA (4) G H CD F (3) E

(2) For the 16-hand reel four more couples are added: (1) BA (5) L M (4) G H (8) S T CD (2) A, C, E, G, L, N, P, S, are gentlemen; B, D, F, H, M, O, R, T, are ladies. Assume that couple AB are nearest the music; they are designated leading tops; CD therefore, are opposite tops. EF are leading sides, and GH opposite sides. Let couples on right of tops, i.e., LM and NO be designated second tops, and couples on right of sides be designated second sides, i.e., PR and ST. 1. Lead Around As explained in 4-hand reel (16 bars) 2. The Body (a) Sides Gentlemen sidestep behind partner while ladies sidestep in front of partner (2 bars), ending with two short threes (2 bars); sidestep back to place, gentlemen in front (2 bars), ending with two short threes (2 bars) (b) Hands Round Leading and opposite tops and leading and opposite sides each form a ring with couple on right by joining hands, shoulder high; all dance sidestep to left (2 bars), ending with two short threes (2 bars); sidestep back (2 bars), ending with two short threes; release hands (2 bars). (c) Sides As explained in (a) above (d) Hands Round As in (b) above, but forming rings with couple on left. (e) Half-Chain O (6) N R (7) P F (3) E

All take partners right hand, half right turn; gentlemen give left hand to lady on right, ladies give left hand to gentleman on left; all advance to meet oncoming dancer with right hand, continue on giving left and right hand alternately until meeting own partner with right hand in position opposite starting position (12 bars); take partners two hands and lead around to place in direction in which gentleman was dancing (4 bars). (f) Link Arms Gentlemen of leading and opposite tops and of leading and opposite sides, i.e. A,C,E,G, advance and take right arm of the respective contrary gentlemen, i.e. of L,N,P,S, inner sides of fore-arms touching; dance around each other (4 bars), release arms, advance to meet contrary lady, give left hand and dance around her (2 bars); return to place, gentlemen passing right arm to right; give right hand to partner and turn once in place (2 bars). Partners take hands and dance complete circle around the couple with whom they performed the second ring (Movement 2(d)), i.e., couples 1 and 7 dance around each other, as do couples 2 and 8, 3 and 6, 4 and 5 (8 bars). This ends the Body. 3. First Figure: Advance and Retire As explained in 8-Hand Reel. The figure is first danced by leading and opposite tops, then by leading and opposite sides, next by second tops and finally by second sides. The Body is again performed. 4. Second Figure: Right Hand to Opposite Lady Gentlemen of leading and opposite tops advance to lady opposite (2 bars); give right hand and turn once in place (2 bars); return to own partner (2 bars) give left hand and turn once in place (2 bars); both gentlemen advance to the centre, take right hand and turn once (3 bars); advance to opposite lady, give left hand and turn once in place (3 bars); return to own partner (2 bars). Take partners hands; both couples dance around each other and back to place (8 bars). Leading and opposite sides next perform the figure, followed by second tops and finally by second sides. The Body is again performed. 5. Third Figure: Arch Arms Leading and opposite tops dance complete turn into the centre (2 bars); leading tops release left hands, raise right hands to form an arch, allowing opposite lady to pass through (2 bars); half turn, and allow opposite gentleman to pass through the arch (2 bars); partners take hands and dance complete turn to position opposite that at start (2 bars). Again dance into centre (2 bars); opposite tops release left hands, raise right hands and allow leading lady to pass through (2 bars); half turn, and allow leading gentleman to pass through (2 bars); partners take hands and dance to place (2 bars). Remaining couples then perform the figure in the same order as previous figures.

The Body is again performed. 6. The Finish As explained in 8-Hand Reel.

Position of Dancers: This dance being a 4-Hand Jig, the dancers are positioned as in the 4Hand Reel. It is danced to the tune of the same name. It will be noticed that the Body is always danced to the second part of the tune (16 bars). 1. Lead Around As in 4-Hand Reel. 2. Body (a) Sides Gentlemen side-step to right behind partners while ladies side-step in front (2 bars); all end with rising step (2 bars); sidestep back to place, gentlemen in front (2 bars) ending with rising step (2 bars). (b) Half-Right and Left Partners take both hands, turn once in place (4 bars); release hands, gentlemen and ladies cross to opposite position, gentlemen crossing on the outside, ladies passing between opposite gentleman and lady (2 bars) as in following diagram: Starting Position BA CD: CBDA: Passing in Centre

Partners take both hands and turn into place (2 bars). (c) Sides Same as (a) above. (d) Hald-Right and Left Same as (b) above. 3. First Figure: Advance Through Centre Leading gentleman takes his partners left hand in his right. Both advance towards opposite couple (2 bars); pass between and beyond them; release hands, reverse, return to opposite couple, ladys right hand in gentlemans left (2 bars). Release hands. Lady takes opposite gentlemans left hand in her left; leading gentleman takes opposite ladys right hand in his right; all turn once in place (2 bars); leading gentleman takes partners right hand in his left and they lead back to place (2 bars).

Release hands, reverse, advance again, ladys left in gentlemans right (2 bars). Release hands. Gentleman gives left hand to opposite lady; leading lady gives right hand to opposite genmtleman; all turn once in place (2 bars). Release hands, then leading couple dance back to place and turn once (4 bars). The Body is again performed. Then opposite couple repeat First Figure, after which the body is once repeated. 4. Second Figure: Centre Meet Leading gentleman and opposite lady advance to meet, take right hands, dance sidestep to gentlemans right and end with rising-step (4 bars). Lady takes own partners hand in her right, gentleman takes own partners left hand in his left and all turn in place, same gentleman and lady meeting again in centre (4 bars). Take left hands, dance side-step to gentlemans left ending with rising-step (4 bars). Release hands, lady gives left hand to own partners left, gentleman right to his partners right, turn in place (4 bars). The Body is again performed. Then opposite couple repeat Second Figure, which is followed by the body. 5. Third Figure: Ladies Chain (See 4-Hand Reel). The Body is once more performed. 6. Finish As in 4-Hand Reel.

Position of Dancers: As in 8-Hand Reel. (1) BA (4) G H CD (2) F (3) E

A, C, E, G, gentlemen. B, D, F, H, ladies. Let AB be leading tops, CD opposite tops; EF leading sides, and GH opposite sides. 1. Lead Around

As in 8-Hand Reel. 2. Body

(a) Sides Gentlemen sidestep to right behind partner, ending with Rise and Grind while ladies sidestep to the left in front (4 bars); all sidestep back to place, gentlemen in front, ladies behind, ending with Rise and Grind (4 bars). (b) Skip Across The four gentlemen cross to opposite ladies, tops a fraction before sides, all passing right arm to right (2 bars); turn ladies with left hand (2 bars); pass to lady on right of original position (2 bars); turn with right hand (2 bars); gentlemen cross to opposite ladies as before (2 bars); turn with left hand (2 bars); pass to own partner (2 bars); turn with right hand once in place (2 bars). (c) Swing into Line Leading tops half-turn in place to face outward from the circle; at the same time the other couples swing into line behind leading tops (2 bars), the position of the dancers now being: (1) BA Original position: (4) G H CD (2) F (3) E New position: AB EF GH CD

Partners of leading couple turn outward from each other, gentleman to left, lady to right, and lead around to place vacated by opposite tops, i.e., by CD; the gentleman is followed by the other gentlemen, lady by ladies (4 bars); partners of leading couple turn in towards each other and, taking hands, lead up to place, being followed in like manner by remaining couples (2 bars); release hands, all half turn inwards to face partners, dance rising-step on both feet (4 bars); partners take hands and turn into original position (4 bars). (d) Set All-Round Partners take right hands and turn half-round; gentlemen, retaining partners hand, take left hand of lady on left so that gentlemen are now all facing outwards, ladies facing inwards as in Back to Back movement of 8-hand reel (2 bars); all dance rising-step (2 bars); release right hands, gentlemen turn around lady on left (2 bars); return to own partner with right hand and turn once in place (2 bars). Leading tops and leading sides dance around each other while opposite tops and opposite sides do likewise (8 bars). 3. First Figure: Advance and Retire As in 8-Hand Reel. When both tops and sides have completed the figure the Body is again performed. 4. Second Figure A combination of Right Hand Chain and Right Hand to opposite Lady.

Leading and opposite tops perform the chain as explained in 4-Hand Reel and follow with Right-Hand to Opposite Lady movement, i.e., the second figure of the16-Hand Reel (32 bars). Sides then perform the figure, after which the Body is danced. 5. Finish As in 8-Hand Reel.

A Long Dance in Jig Time Position of Dancers: Dancers line up in fours, two couples in each line; each set of two couples stands facing another set of two couples, each gentleman on his partners left, as in diagram: O X O X (1) X O X O (2) O X O X (3) X O X O (4) O X O X (5) X O X O (6) O X O X (7) X O X O (8)

Each O represents a lady, X a gentleman; (1) facing (2), etc. 1. Advance and Retire Each set of four dancers take hands and advance to opposite four (2 bars); retire (2 bars). Advance and retire again (4 bars) 2. Sides The couple on the left of each line of four sidestep to the right behind, ending with rise and grind, while couple on right of each line of four sidestep to left, in front (4 bars); all sidestep back to place, ending with Rise and Grind (4 bars). 3. Hands Across The two ladies and two gentlemen facing each other in the centre give right hands across and dance round to the right (4 bars); release hands, reverse, give left hand across, and dance to the left back to place (4 bars). At the same time the gentleman on the left of each line of four takes right hand of the lady opposite him, both dance around to the right, release hands, reverse, take left hands and dance to the left back to place. 4. Advance, Retire and Pass Through Advance and retire as explained in first movement (4 bars). All advance again (2 bars); each set of four facing the music raise hands allowing opposite four to pass under, one dancer under each arch, outer gentlemen passing on the outside, all advancing so as to meet oncoming set of four dancers. Thus, Set (1) in the diagram now meet Set (4), Set (5) meet Set (8).

Repeat the above movements with each successive set.

Position of Dancers: Dancers line up in sets of three, as in diagram: O X O (1) O X O (2) O X O (3) O X O (4) O X O (5) O X O (6) O X O (7) O X O (8) O X O (9) O X O (10) O X O (11) O X O (12)

Each O represents a lady, X a gentleman. Set (1) facing Set (2), etc. 1. Advance and Retire Advance and retire twice (8 bars), as in Siege of Ennis. 2. Sides Each set of three dancers sidestep to the right (2 bars), end with rising step (2 bars); sidestep back (2 bars), end with rising-step (2 bars). 3. Right Hands Across All give right hand across in centre, dance around clockwise (4 bars); release hands, reverse, give left hands, dance to left back to place (4 bars). 4. Sides As in (2) above, but dancers sidestep to left (8 bars). 5. Left Hands Across As in (3) above, but dancers give left hands across first (8 bars). 6. Step and Turn Gentlemen turn towards right-hand partner; both dance Sink and Grind twice on right foot (4 bars); take ladys right hand and dance around her to place (4 bars). Repeat the movement with left-hand partner, giving left hand to return to place. 7. Advance, Retire and Pass Through All advance and retire, release hands and pass through, opposite dancers right arm to right arm when passing each other (8 bars). Repeat the movements with each successive set.

This is the second brochure to be published by the Irish Dancing Commission and contains a further ten Irish Figure dances. There are five Long Dances, one Six-hand and three Eighthand Dances, and one Round Dance An Rince Mr popularly used as the Damhsa Deireannach in the North of the country. The Three Tunes and Trip to the Cottage were collected among many other interesting dances in the south of Co. Armagh, and we wish to extend sincere thanks to our numerous friends in that county, among whom we spent many enjoyable evenings; especially to Mr. James McParland of Annacloughmullion, and Mr. John Larkin of Cavanakill who were particularly helpful. It was Miss Nan Quinn of Bessbrook who first discovered these dances, and she and Mrs. Hughes of Newry were the first to bring them to our notice by presenting them at Feiseanna. All will agree that we have reason to be grateful to them. The music of The Three Tune was taken down from that grand old fiddler, the late Henry Savage, who is sorely missed at the houses where the dances are performed by old and young. Go ndana Dia trcaire ar a anam. Toms Faircheallaigh Men Fmhair, 1943

This is a progressive Long Dance in Double Jig Time for any number of couples. The dancers form up in two lines the gents in one line, the ladies in the other partners facing each other gents left side to top of room. Couples are numbered off from the top. Each odd couple and the even couple immediately below them form a set. (a) The Rising Step The lady of each odd (or leading) couple, and the gent of the next couple below, face each other, as do also the gent of the odd couple and the lady of the next couple below. All dance Rise and Grind, first on the right foot and then on the left. 4 bars (b) Right Wheel Each set of four join their right hands in the centre, the ladies hands above the gents, and dance clockwise with Promenade Step, to places. 4 bars (c) The Rising Step As at A, but all commence Rise and Grind on the left foot. 4 bars (d) Left Wheel As at B, but all join left hands in centre and dance anticlockwise.

8 bars (e) Advance Down Centre The gents of odd couples take partners right hands in their left while even couples stand in places. Odd couples then advance down the centre between the even couples, with Promenade Step (2 bars); release hands and reverse (2 bars); take inside hands and advance back to places (2 bars). Odd couples now cast off, i.e., gent passes round, and takes place below the even gent of his set, while lady passes out and round the corresponding lady, and takes place below her (2 bars). 8 bars (f) Dance Around Odd couples are now below the even couples with whom they are dancing, and from here partners take crossed hands and couples swing around each other anti-clockwise and back to these new positions. 8 bars The dance is now repeated, Couple 1 dancing with Couple 4, Couple 3 with Couple 6, and so on. Each even couple which reaches the top and each odd couple which reaches the bottom of the line, stand idle during one complete movement of the Dance, and then recommence couple at top as leading couple, and couple at bottom as non-leading couple. The Dance is repeated at discretion.


A long Dance in Double Jig time for any numbers of couples. Formation as in Rince Fada. (a) Rising Step, Advance and Retire Each line of dancers hold hands and all dance Rising Step twice, beginning on right foot (4 bars). The lines of dancers now advance and retire once with Promenade Step (4 bars). All again dance Rising Step twice (4 bars), then release hands, advance and pass through, by partners right, to opposite side, and turn right to face back (4 bars). 16 bars. Repeat all above, crossing back to places, and finishing in original positions. 16 bars (b) Down the Centre First couple (sometimes the first three or five couples if the line is a long one) take right hands and dance Sidestep down the centre between the two lines, finishing with two short threes (4 bars); sidestep back to places, finishing as before (4 bars). While they are dancing this, all the other dancers in the line stand in places. 8 bars (c) Cast Off

Leading couple (or couples) now cast off, followed by all the dancers in the line, the ladies promenading outside their line, and dancing down towards the opposite end of the line, the gents dancing in a similar manner on their side. (Nowadays at Cilithe, this, and the following movements are generally walked, to march-time music). 8 bars (d) The Bridge When the couple (or couples) who have done movement B reach the end of the line, they turn in to meet, dance a little way up, with inside hands joined, and then form an arch by joining both hands and holding them in a raised position. The dancers following them pass underneath the arch and return to the top of the set, forming into two lines as at the beginning of the dance. When they reach their places they form a bridge by joining both hands with partner (uncrossed) and holding them in a raised position. The leading couple (or couples) now release hands and dance to the top of the set, the lady passing under the bridge, the gent passing outside. When they reach the top they dance back again, the gent this time passing under the bridge, while the lady passes outside it. On reaching the bottom of the set they form up at the ends of the lines, and the other dancers release partners hands. The Dance is repeated, the couple (or couples) now at the top of the set leading.


This is another Long Dance for any number of couples, in double Jig Time, danced to the tune of the same name. Couples are numbered off from the top. Each odd couple and the even couple immediately below them form a set. In this Dance the even couples are the leading ones. (a) The Rising Step As A in Rince Fada. (b) Right Wheel As B in Rince Fada. (c) The Rising Step As C in Rince Fada. (d) Left Wheel As D in Rince Fada. (e) Up the Centre The even (or leading) couples take hands and dance sidestep up between the odd couples of their set, i.e., to the gents left, finishing with two short threes (4 bars); then they 4 bars 4 bars 4 bars 4 bars

sidestep back to places, finishing as before (4 bars), but on the second three the even couple take the lady of the odd couple into a ring by joining hands (ladies or even couples being on the right of their partners in ring). 8 bars (f) First Ring The rings of three now dance a sidestep to their right (2 bars). While the even couples dance two threes they raise their joined hands to form an arch and allow the lady of the odd couple to pass under the arch to her original position, and prepare to take her partner into ring (2 bars). 4 bars (g) Second Ring The couple now take in the gent who has been standing idle, and joining hands with him, the three dance a Sidestep to the left, and allow the gent to pass under the arch to his place while they dance two threes. 4 bars (h) Swing Out Each even couple and the odd couple next above them now swing out, and round each other, with Promenade Step, and so exchange places. 8 bars The dance is now repeated, those at either end of the line standing idle, while Couple 4 dances with Couple 1 and Couple 6 with Couple 3, and so on. On the next repetition of the Dance all couples will be dancing again.


This was originally a four-hand dance, its four movements being repeated as often as desired. It is now usually done as a progressive Long Dance, and is so described below. It is in Double Jig time, and is danced to the tune, Haste to the Wedding. Each part of the tune must be played twice after the dance commences so that the claps in C and D will fit properly to the music. Formation: as in the Walls of Limerick. (a) Ring Each set of four dancers hold hands to form a ring. All dance sidestep to left finishing with two short threes, and return to the right, finishing as before. 8 bars (b) Right and Left Wheels The four now give right hands across centre, shoulder high, with ladies hands above gents, and dance around clockwise, with Promenade Step (4 bars). On fourth bar all release hands and reverse. All now give left hands across and dance back to places (4 bars). 8 bars

(c) Down Centre and Turn Top and bottom couples of each set advance to each others places, without taking handstop couple passing between the other two dancers (2 bars); all retire without turning, but this time bottom couple pass between other two (2 bars). All clap hands together twice to one bar of music, and then hook right arms and turn once in place, (4 bars). 8 bars (d) Up Centre and Swing Couples again advance, but this time bottom couple pass through (2 bars); on retiring as before, top couple pass between the other two dancers (2 bars). All clap again twice to one bar of music, then hook right arms again, but this time they swing out, and so change places (4 bars). 8 bars Couple 1 now faces Couple 4, and Couple 3 faces Couple 6, and so on, and from these new positions the dance is recommenced.

A Long Dance in Reel Time for any number of couples. Formation: As in Walls of Limerick. (a) Advance and Return Couples take inside hands and advance towards each other, with Promenade Step (2 bars); on second three release hands and reverse, turning towards each other in doing so. Couples take inside hands and return to places (2 bars), releasing hands on second three and facing each other. 4 bars (b) Right and Left Half-turn Partners take right hands and with Promenade Step exchange places and release hands (2 bars); take left hands and dance back to own places (2 bars). 4 bars (c) Sidestep and Heyes Partners change places with Sidestep, gents passing behind ladies (2 bars); all finish with two short threes (2 bars). The two ladies of each set change places with Promenade Step, passing left shoulder to left shoulder, while the gents dance two short threes (2 bars). The ladies now dance two short threes while the gents change places with Promenade Step, passing right shoulder to right shoulder (2 bars). 8 bars The whole movement is repeated to return to places, and when crossing ladies will now cross right shoulder to right shoulder and men left shoulder to left shoulder. 8 bars

(d) Dance Down Centre All dancers face partners. Odd (or leading) couples dance sidestep to places of even couples in set, while even couples dance outside them in opposite direction (2 bars). All dance two short threes, and on second three odd couple release hands and fall back, while even couples advance towards partners and take hands. From these positions all side-step back to places (even couple passing between odd couple of set), and finish with two short threes (4 bars). On second three all fall back to original positions. 8 bars (e) Right and Left Wheels Each set of four dancers give right hands across in centre, shoulder high, with ladies hands above gents, and dance around clockwise (4 bars). On fourth bar all release hands and reverse. All now give left hands across and dance back to places (4 bars). 8 bars (f) Sidestep with Opposite This movement is similar to D above, except that gent of odd couples takes hands of lady of even couples and they dance across between the other two of set as they sidestep past them, this second couple taking hands to return to places with sidestep and two threes. 8 bars (g) Left and Right Wheels As (e) except that dancers give left hands across in centre first and dance anticlockwise, returning clockwise with right hands in centre. 8 bars (h) Swing Out to Next Couple Partners face each other and, taking both hands, crossed, odd couples swing to right to places of even couples and vice versa. Each couple is now back-to-back with couple with whom they have been dancing, and prepare to dance with next couple. 8 bars All the above movements are now repeated, Couple 1 dancing with Couple 4, and Couple 3 with Couple 6, and so on. The dance is progressive, each odd couple moving down one position after completing all the movements, and each even couple moving up one position towards the top of the set. As each couple reaches either end of the line they stand idle during one repetition of the dance.

This is a Dance for six people three gents and three ladies, who line up in two rows, the gents on one side, the ladies on the other, partners facing each other. (a) Advance and Retire Dancers on each side hold hands and advance towards each other twice, with Promenade Step, retiring each time.

8 bars (b) Ring All dancers take hands to form a ring and dance side-step to left, finishing with two short threes (4 bars); sidestep back to places, falling back to line on the two threes (4 bars). 8 bars (c) Sidestep Through All dancers turn left and sidestep right to partners places (partners passing face to face), and finish with two short threes (4 bars). All sidestep back to places, finishing as before and turning into original positions (4 bars). 8 bars (d) Figure of Eight With Promenade Step ladies dance Figure of Eight on their side, while gents dance around each other in similar manner. 8 bars The Figure of Eight is danced as follows: (3) O X (2) O X (1) O X

The 1st and 2nd ladies turn right to face 3rd lady who faces left. The 2nd lady commences by dancing around the 3rd lady, passing right arm to right arm. The 3rd lady, who has danced forward, passes around the 1st lady, left arm to left arm; the 1st lady, advancing, passes around the 2nd lady, right arm to right. The dancers continue until each, by these interlacing movements, has completed the Figure of Eight. The 2nd and 3rd gents turn right to face the 1st gent, who turns left. The Figure of Eight is commenced by the 2nd gent who dances around the 1st gent, passing right arm to right arm, and so on. On the last two bars partners should advance towards each other and join hands (not crossed), to be ready for the next movement. (e) Double Figure of Eight Couples, with hands already joined, dance the Figure of Eight by interlacing as in gents Figure of Eight at D. 8 bars (f) The Waves This movement is similar to that done in the Waves of Tory. The 1st couple face the other two couples, holding inside hands raised, and 2nd couple (also holding hands) pass underneath. The 1st couple in turn bend and pass under the arms of the 3rd couple, now at top. The movement is continued until all return to places. 8 bars

(g) Full Chain Ring is again formed. Gents turn to move, with Promenade Step, anticlockwise, while ladies turn to meet them and move round clockwise. The 1st gent gives right hand to partner and chains on to meet next lady, taking her left hand in his left. The chain movement is continued untill all return to original places. 8 bars


This is an eight-hand Figure Dance from Co. Armagh done to three tunes Haste to the Wedding (Jig), Leslies Hornpipe, and The German Beau (Reel). The Reel is taken at a rather slower pace than the Jig, and the Hornpipe slightly slower still. There is no stop between the various tunes. Formation: Eight dancers in ring holding hands. (a) Sides All dance sidestep to left, finishing with two short threes, and return to right, finishing as before (8 bars); repeat this sidestep movement to right, and back to places (8 bars). While doing the last two threes, all couples fall back to places as taken up at commencement of Eight-Hand Reel. 16 bars (b) Rings The four ladies advance to centre, take hands, and with Promenade Step, dance round clockwise to places (4 bars); all clap hands twice (1 bar); partners dance half sidestep past each other, gents passing behind (count One-Two-Three) (1 bar); sidestep back to places, ladies now passing behind (2 bars). 8 bars Repeat this movement, the gents dancing round in centre this time instead of the ladies. 8 bars (c) Lead Around Partners hold inside hands and lead around anticlockwise, as at beginning of Eight or Sixteen-hand Reel (8 bars); release hands, reverse, and again taking inside hands, lead back to places. 16 bars (d) Stamp and Clap All dancers stamp first the right foot, then the left, and then the right again, to one bar of music, and clap hands together three times on second bar (2 bars); sidestep past each other, the gent passing behind, and back to places, the gent now passing in front (4 bars); clap alternate hands five times quickly on legs above knees, commencing with right hand on right knee (1 bar); clap hands together three times (1 bar). 8 bars Repeat all this movement.

8 bars (e) See-Saw Dancers take partners hands (uncrossed) and swing around in couples anticlockwise (8 bars). Return clock-wise, swinging in reverse direction (8 bars) 16 bars (f) Roly-Poly All dancers hold closed hands at chest level and roll them round each other in forward direction (1 bar), and then roll them in the opposite direction (1 bar); pivot once to right on right heel (1 bar); clap hands together once (1 bar); gents shake right fist forward in air once (in threatening manner), hand about shoulder level, at the same time placing right foot forward on ground, bringing it back as hand is returned to side (1 bar); shake left fist in similar manner, placing the left foot forward (1 bar); stamp feet three times (1 bar), clap hands together three times towards partner (1 bar). Partners sidestep past each other and back to places (4 bars). 12 bars Repeat all above movement. 12 bars (g) Hook and Chain Each gent hooks left arm of lady on left in his left, turning her once in place; chains back to partner, taking her right hand in his right, and continues the chain movement, giving alternate hands to each lady in turn until all return to places. 16 bars (h) Rings As at B. 16 bars (i) Sides under Arms Partners take inside hands, Top Couples holding up hands to form an arch, and with Promenade Step, Tops and Sides change places, 1st Sides passing under arch of 1st Tops, while 2nd Sides pass under that of 2nd Tops; release hands and face about (4 bars). All take inside hands again and dance back to places, this time Sides making arch and Tops passing underneath (4 bars). 8 bars Repeat on opposite side, i.e., 2nd Sides passing under arch of 1st Tops, and 1st Sides passing under that of 2nd Tops, returning to places as before. 8 bars (j) Stamp and Clap As at D . 16 bars (k) Thread the Needle

All take hands in ring, except gent of 1st Tops and lady of 1st Sides passes under raised hands of couple on her right and takes all the other dancers of line after her, and so back to places. 8 bars Repeat this movement, gent of 1st Tops now passing under arch of couple on his left, others following. 8 bars (l) Roly-Poly As at F. 24 bars Movements A and B (and in Repeat, G and H) are done to the Jig tune; C and D (and I and J in 2nd half) are done to the hornpipe; and E and F (and K and L) are done to the Reel tune.


This is a dance for four couples in Double Jig time done to the tune of the same name. The first part of the tune consists of 8 bars, and the second (which includes a repeat of the first) of 14 bars. So that the different movements of the dance may fit in correctly with the music it is necessary to play the first part three times after the dance commences; from then on the music is played as usual each part being played twice. The formation is the same as for the Eight-hand Reel. (1) OX (4) X O XO (2) (1) and (2) are 1st and 2nd Tops respectively, and (3) and (4) are 1st and 2nd Sides. Lead Round Couples take inside hands, make a half turn to right and, with Promenade Step, dance round anti-clockwise, keeping an equal distance between the dancers. On the eight bar dancers release hands and reverse (8 bars). Partners again take inside hands and dance back in opposite direction, turning into original places on the last two bars (8 bars). 16 bars The Body (a) Sides Gents sidestep to right behind partners while ladies sidestep in front (2 bars); all end with Rising Step (2 bars); sidestep back to places, gents now passing in front (2 bars), and finish as before (2 bars). 8 bars O (3) X

(b) Half Right and Left Partners now take right hands and turn once in place (2 bars); gent of 1st Tops changes place with gent of couple on his left, passing right shoulder to right shoulder, while gents of 2nd Tops and 2nd Sides change places in like manner (ladies meanwhile dance two short threes) (2 bars). While gents dance two threes, ladies of 1st Tops and 2nd Tops change places with ladies of 1st Sides and 2nd Sides respectively, passing left shoulder to left (2 bars). 14 bars (c) Sides A is now repeated in the new places. 8 bars (d) Half Right and Left All repeat movement B above to return to places. 14 bars (e) Double Quarter Chain Gents take partners right hand in their right and partners turn once in place (2 bars); gents chain with left hand to ladies on their left (2 bars); having turned in place, all chain back to partners with right hand and make a complete turn (4 bars). Gents continue the chain movement with left hand to ladies on right, turn, and chain back to places as before, turning partners in place (8 bars). 16 bars (f) Extended Sides Gents sidestep to right, behind partners, ladies side-stepping to left in front (2 bars), and finish with Rising Step (2 bars); all again sidestep in the same direction, finishing, as before, with Rising Step (4 bars). 8 bars Gents take right hands of ladies on their right, and all make full turn (2 bars); chain back to original positions (4 bars). 14 bars (g) Full Chain Partners, facing each other, give right hands, and advance, with Promenade Step, giving alternate hands to each dancer they meet, and so chaining back to original positions. 14 bars The Figures First Figure: Advance and Retire Top Couples (Couples 1 and 2) advance towards each other twice, retiring each time (8 bars). Both couples then dance complete circle around each other anticlockwise and back to places (8 bars). 16 bars

When the BODY has been performed again, the Side Couples dance this figure, after which the body is again repeated. 16 bars Second Figure: Ladies Chain Ladies of 1st and 2nd Couples advance, give right hands in centre, continue to opposite gent, giving left hand (2 bars), both turn in place (2 bars), and ladies return to own partner (2 bars), both making full turn in place (2 bars). Both couples then dance complete circle around each other as in 1st Figure (8 bars). 16 bars The Body, having been performed once more, Side Couples execute this Figure, after which the Body is again repeated. 16 bars The Finish All lead around as at the beginning of the dance, but on returning, coules swing to places during the last four bars. 16 bars Note: It will be noticed that the Figures always commence on the last eight bars of the repeat of the long part of the tune (which is similar to the first part of the tune). The Body thus always begins on the repeat of the first part.


This is an eight-hand Figure Dance from Co. Armagh, in Double Jig time, done to the tune of the same name. Position of dancers: As in Eight-hand Reel (1) OX (4) X O XO (2) (1) and (2) are 1st and 2nd Tops respectively, and (3) and (4) are 1st and 2nd Sides. (a) Cross-over and Lead Around Top Couples advance to each others places with Promenade Step, gents passing shoulder to shoulder, and turn into places without releasing hands (2 bars); Sides change places in similar manner (2 bars); Tops dance back to places (2 bars); all dance two threes in these positions (2 bars). 8 bars O (3) X

All couples lead around anticlockwise to opposite places with Promenade Step (4 bars); Tops cross to change places as before with Promenade Step (back to original positions) (2 bars); all dance two short threes in place (2 bars). 8 bars Repeat all above movement, Sides crossing over first. 16 bars (b) Body Each Top gent holds left hand of partner and right hand of lady on his left at shoulder height. Trios advance towards each other twice (diagonally across set) with Promenade Step, retiring each time. 8 bars Each trio now hold hands in ring and sidestep to left finishing with two short threes (4 bars); on second three they take other gent into ring between the two ladies and each four now sidestep to right, finishing as before (4 bars). 8 bars Each ring breaks into couples who swing round each other anticlockwise and back to places. 8 bars Side gents now repeat this whole movement advancing with partner and lady on their left. 24 bars (c) First Figure Lady of 2nd Tops advances to meet 1st Tops, and taking left hand of gent in her right, passes under arched arms of 1st Tops, the gent turning under in place; lady of 1st Tops now passes under arch on partners left, gent turning again; lady of 2nd Tops passes under arch as before. 8 bars The three now take gent of 2nd Tops into ring between the ladies, and all sidestep to right, finishing with two short threes (4 bars). Then the following movement is performed to 4 bars of music without releasing hands: Second Tops pass together under arch made by raised arms of 1st Tops and then turn outwards under own arch; 1st Tops pass under arch made by their own arms, and so backwards under arch made by 2nd Tops, all falling into ring again. 8 bars The four now sidestep to left, finishing with two short threes (4 bars), and couples swing back to places (4 bars). 8 bars Repeat, lady of 1st Tops advancing to meet 2nd Tops. 24 bars Repeat, lady of 2nd Sides advancing to meet 1st Sides. 24 bars Repeat, lady of 1st Sides advancing to meet 2nd Sides.

24 bars (d) Repeat Body, as at B. 48 bars (e) Second Figure Tops advance towards each other twice, retiring each time (8 bars). Ladies pass with Promenade Step between Side couple on their left, dance around gent, and cross over to pass between opposite Sides, and so back to places. At the same time gents pass between couple on right, around lady, and cross over to pass between opposite Sides, and so back to places. (Ladies pass in advance of gents in each movement) (8 bars). 16 bars Sides repeat all this movement. 16 bars (f) Repeat Body, as at B. 48 bars (g) Finish Repeat Cross-over and Lead Around as at A. 32 bars

A Round Dance in Reel time for any number of couples. Formation: The dancers form a large ring round the room, each gent having his partner at his right hand. (a) Ring to Left and Right All the dancers in ring hold hands, and dance sidestep to left, finishing with two short threes, and return to right, finishing as before. 8 bars (b) Swing with Ladies on Left Gents take crossed hands of ladies on their left, and couples swing in place, clockwise. 8 bars (c) Swing with Partners Gents take hands of partners and dance as in B. 8 bars (d) Link Arms Gents link right arm of lady on their left and turn clockwise (2 bars); link left arm in left arm of partner and turn anticlockwise (2 bars); repeat the right arm link and turn with lady

on left, and chain back to partners, take both her hands, and turn her so that gent is on inside of ring and lady on outside in preparation for next movement (4 bars) 8 bars (e) Lead Round Couples lead around anticlockwise, with Promenade Step (as at beginning of Eight- or Sixteen-hand Reels) for six bars of music, and during the last two bars form a large ring to recommence dance. 8 bars

Seo, faoi dheireadh, Cuid III de r Rinncidhe Firne, agus gheofar anseo deich rinc eile nach raib i gcl againn cheana. T sil againn nach mbeimid chomh mall ag cur amach sraith eile dr rinc. Here is a further selection of Irish Figure Dances published by the Irish Dancing Commission. Some of these, like The Haymakers Jig, The Waves of Tory, The Gates of Derry are well known and need no comment. The Fairy Reel is done in a number of ways in different parts of the country, and we have tried to please all by putting in more of the movements than are done in any one place. The Rakes of Mallow, in which each gent takes two partners, was arranged by the late Father Lorcn Muireadhaigh (suaimhneas sora d anam) during cilithe in the Irish College, Omeath, where the girls outnumbered the boys. The Sweet of May is another of the South Armagh dances. We have appended the traditional tune which was always played for it by the fiddlers of the district and hope it will soon replace the incorrect music generally used to accompany this dance. It will be noticed that it has four parts to fit the four movements of the dance the figures always being done to the first part of the tune. Toms Faircheallaigh Bealtaine, 1969 We are indebted to An Coimisin le Rinc Gaelacha, Comhaltas Uladh, who undertook the work of publication, to Sen Mac Amhlaoibh (Cathaoirleach), Toms O Faircheallaigh, Samas Meallin and to everybody who co-operated to make this book possible. Samas Mac Noc Ulagh

This is a Long Dance in Double Jig Time for five couples. Partners face each other in two lines: Formation: O O O O O X X X X X 1 2 3 4 5

(a) Advance and Retire The lines of dancers advance towards each other with Promenade Step, and retire to places (4 bars). Repeat (4 bars). All dance Rising Step on right foot (2 bars), then on left foot (2 bars), and lines advance and retire once more (4 bars). 16 bars (b) Turn in Centre Gent Number One and lady of last couple advance with Promenade Step to meet in centre, and taking right hands, turn once and dance back to places (4 bars). Gent of last couple and lady of first couple now advance to centre and do the same movement (4 bars) This movement is now repeated by each of these same couples, but this time they take left hands when turning (8 bars). 16 bars (c) Swing in Centre Gent of first couple and lady of last couple now advance again to centre, but this time they take both hands, crossed, and swing around (6 bars), before retiring to place (2 bars). Gent of last couple and lady of first couple repeat this movement (8 bars). 16 bars (d) Link Arms The lady and gent of the first couple advance to meet, link right arms and turn once (2 bars); then they smoothly dance on to second couple, the gent linking left arms with the second lady, and the lady linking with the second gent; again pass back to partner (2 bars). The leading couple link right arms again and turn once (2 bars) and pass on to the third couple whom they turn and so on untill they have danced with the last couple. The first couple now take hands and swing down centre to original places. (e) Arch The gent and lady of the first couple now turn outwards and march along outside their respective lines, followed by each line of dancers until they come to the end of the set, where they face each other and hold both hands, uncrossed, above, to form an arch. The other couples meet in turn, and taking inside hands, pass under the arch and back along the line of the dance, till couple No. 2, having released hands, occupy the place of couple 1, couple 3 being in the place of couple 2 and so on. The original leading couple now fall into line in the place of the last couple, and all are now in line to recommence dance in the new position. The dance is repeated until each couple has had the opportunity to become the leading couple in the line.


A six-hand dance for two gents and four ladies, forming two trios, the gent having a lady on each side of him. Originally a square dance, it is now done as a progressive long dance. Formation: O X O

O X O (a) Advance and Retire

Gentlemen take partners inside hands, and all three advance in line to meet the opposite trio with Promendae Step (2 bars); retire to place (2 bars). Repeat the movement, and on the last two threes, all six dancers form into a large ring taking hands (4 bars). 8 bars
(b) Rings All dance side-step anti-clockwise, finishing with two short threes (4 bars), side-step back clockwise, finishing as before (4 bars). 8 bars (c) Advance and Retire Repeat A. 8 bars (d) Rings Repeat B, but this time dance side-step clockwise first, and on last two threes each gent turns to face lady on his right, who also turn to face him. 8 bars (e) Slip Sides The partners facing each other now take right hands, and dance side-step and threes to gents left, and side-step back to places. On the threes the gents turn left to face partners on left, and the ladies face front. In the meantime, the free partners have danced side-step to right and back, and on last three turn to face gents (8 bars) This movement is now repeated with partner on left, the other lady dancing to left and back to original position. 16 bars (f) Gents Centre and Link Arms Gents dance in to centre, with Promenade Step, and linking right arms, continue round to complete four bars. They then turn, link left arms and dance round a further four bars back to places, finishing up facing partners on the right. Gent now gives right hand to partner on right and turns once; then he passes on to partner on left whom he turns with left arm. He now turns to lady on right again whom he turns in place with right hand and so back to place. 16 bars (g) Square The four ladies dance a square as in the Four-hand Reel, i.e., the partner on gents left side-step to the right to the place of other partner, passing behind; partner on gents right side-step to the left, passing in front. All end with two short threes turning to face each

other on the second three (4 bars). This movement is repeated in the same direction another three times to complete the four sides of a square. At the same time the gents do a similar movement but in the shape of a diamond, i.e., each gent sidesteps to right from this position to the centre of the side of the square on his right, and so on till returns to his original position. 16 bars (h) Arches The gents now take inside hands with partners, raise right hand to form arch and, passing the partner on left under the arch, he also passes under it (2 bars). He now raises his left hand and passes the right hand partner under the arch, again passing under it himself (2 bars). He repeats the first arch (2 bars) and all fall back into place, but continue to hold hands (2 bars). 8 bars (i) Advance, Retire and Pass Through Trios advance and retire, as at commencement of the dance (4 bars). All release hands, advance again, passing through, right arm to right arm, and face a new trio to recommence dance (4 bars). 8 bars


A Round Dance for three couples. Formation: The three couples stand in a ring holding hands. The body consists of the movements B, C, D and E below, i.e., Sides, Link Arms, Interlace and Advance & Retire. (a) Rings All side-step in a ring anticlockwise, finishing with two short threes (4 bars). Side-step clockwise, finishing as before (4 bars). 8 bars (b) Sides Partners side-step past each other, the gents passing behind (2 bars), finishing with two short threes (2 bars). Side-step back to places, the gents dancing in front, and finish as before (4 bars). Gentlemen now do a similar movement with the lady on their left, the lady passing behind when going right, and in front when returning. 16 bars (c) Link Arms

Partners link right arms and dance full turn clockwise (2 bars). Each gent now links left arm with lady on left of original position and turns anticlockwise (2 bars). All repeat the above movement to finish in original positions (4 bars). 8 bars (d) Interlace Partners face each other and pass, with Promenade Step, right shoulder to right; on around circle, passing alternately on either side as in any chain movement, except that the hands are not taken. 8 bars (e) Advance and Retire All join hands in ring and advance towards centre (2 bars). All retire (2 bars). All advance again, but on retiring release non partners hands and fall into the following ready for figure. 8 bars (2) X O X O (1) O (3) X

(f) FIGURES First Figure: Figure of Eight With Promenade Step Couple 1 advance towards Couple 2 (Couple 3 standing idle). The lady of Couple 1 passes between the other pair, followed by the gent; but while the lady makes a figure of eight by passing round the lady and then the gent, the gent of Couple 1 passes round the gent and then the lady. This leaves Couple 1 on the inside of Couple 2 and they join hands in a ring (8 bars). All four side-step clockwise finishing with two short threes (4 bars) and the partners take both hands and swing back to places (4 bars). 16 bars The Figure is now repeated by Couple 2 who pass through and dance with Couple 3 (16 bars) (while Couple 1 stand idle); and then by Couple 3 who pass through and dance with Couple 1. 32 bars The Body is now repeated. Second Figure: Right and Left Chain Couples 1 and 2 now perform the right and left chain as follows: Gentleman gives right hand to opposite lady, both move forward in semi-circle, gentlemen clockwise, ladies anti-clockwise, continue to meet partner with left hand, then opposite lady again with right hand and on to own partner with left hand to finish in position, thus

completing the circular chain (8 bars). Both couples then dance complete circle around each other (8 bars). This Figure is now performed by Couples 2 and 3 (16 bars) and then by Couples 3 and 1 (16 bars) The Body is again repeated. (g) Finish Swing Around Partners hold hands, crossed, and swing round in couples anticlockwise (8 bars).

This is a Round Dance in Single Jig Time for six couples, danced to the tune of the same name. Formation: Dancers stand in a ring holding hands. (a) Ring All dance, with Promenade Step, clockwise for 8 bars, and return anticlockwise. 16 bars (b) Quarters Hook The Gentlemen link right arms with the lady on their left and, with promenade Step, dance around and back to partners with left arm; continue chain movement to the lady on their left and back to partner, each gent and lady finishing facing the lady or gent in next position, i.e., gents face left, ladies right. 8 bars (c) Rise and Grind Step In these positions all dance the Rise and Grind on the right foot (2 bars), repeat on left foot (2 bars); continue with one throw right (1 bar) and one throw left (1 bar) and finish with the Rise and Grind on the right foot (2 bars). On the last 1-2-3-4 movement all turn to face partner, and repeat this Jig Step, but this time commencing with the left foot and finishing facing centre. 16 bars (d) Lead Round in Centre Gents stand in position while ladies dance round clockwise in a small circle for three bars, and on the fourth bar they turn and dance back anticlockwise to partner whom they turn with the right hand into centre, the ladies getting into stationary positions. The gents now dance the ring in a similar fashion, but going round anticlockwise, and returning to turn partner into place with the right hand. 16 bars (e) Flirtation

Having completed Movement D all partners take two hands, uncrossed, and swing once in place (2 bars). Gents then commence passing on to the next lady on their right, turning each one in place with hands uncrossed until they reach their own partners. At the conclusion the gents finish up with back to centre facing partners. 16 bars (f) Stack-up While gents clap in rhythm (2 claps to bar), ladies dance round them clockwise, with Promenade Step. On last two bars, the ladies, having completed circle, give both hands to gents and bring them to the outside, leaving the ladies with backs to centre (8 bars). This movement is now repeated by the gents, while ladies clap hands, the gents also moving clockwise. On last two bars they give both hands to partners and get into Lead Around positions. 16 bars (g) Lead Round All now promenade round anticlockwise for 8 bars, finishing in opening position. 8 bars (h) Repeat Movement A to complete dance.


This is a Round Dance for four couples. Formation: As in Eight-hand Reel. (1) OX (4) X O XO (2) Lead Around Couples take inside hands, make a half-turn to right and, with Promenade Step, dance round anticlockwise, keeping an equal distance between the dancers. On the eight three release hands and reverse (8 bars). Partners again take inside hands and dance back in the opposite direction, turning in to original places on the last two threes (8 bars). 16 bars The Body (a) Extended Sides Gentlemen side-step to the right behind partners, ladies side-step to the left in front (2 bars); finish with two threes (2bars). All again side-step on in the same direction as before, and end with two three (4 bars). O (3) X

Each gent takes right hand of lady on his right, both make full-turn (2 bars); all now chain back as they came, to meet partners, with right hand, in starting position (4 bars), and turn in place (2 bars). 16 bars (b) Full Chain Partners face each other and chain round in a circle, ladies going clockwise and gentlemen going anti-clockwise, giving right and left hands alternately until they meet in original places. Partners now dance a right-hand full turn in place. 16 bars (c) Gentlemen Interlace Gentlemen dance to the right in front of partners (2 bars). Promenade round behind the ladies on their right (2 bars); left-hand full turn with the same ladies (4 bars), give right hands across in the centre and dance full round clockwise (4 bars), left-hand turn ladies on right of original places (2 bars), and right-hand turn partners in place (2 bars). 16 bars (d) Back to Back Gentleman, holding partners right hand, side-steps towards the left of contrary lady, while partner dances towards the left of contrary gentleman (2 bars); gentleman then takes left hand of contrary lady, while partner takes left hand of contrary gentleman, the four dancers thus forming a circle, gentlemen being back to back, ladies each other. All dance two short threes in this position (2 bars). Gentleman release partners right hand, turns around contrary lady (2 bars) and returns to own partner, passing other gentleman right arm to right (2 bars). 8 bars (e) Exchange Places Partners dance the following movement without taking hands. 1st Tops and 1st Sides exchange places with side-step, while 2nd Tops and 2nd Sides do likewise (2 bars). Partners all exchange places with one another with side-step (2 bars). All dance back to places in the same manner, exchanging as before (4 bars). Figures First Figure: Figure of Eight and Ring The gentlemen of the Top Couples dance in between Side Couples in their left, with Promenade Step; they circle clockwise round the gentlemen, dance in between couples again and circle anti-clockwise round the ladies to original places (8 bars). All eight dancers now form a ring and side-step (with two threes) right and then left, falling into original places on the last two threes (8 bars). 16 bars This figure is now repeated by the two Side Couples. 16 bars The Body is repeated after each figure.

Second Figure: Circle round and hands across The two Top Couples advance, taking inside hands, and circle clockwise, back to back, round each other to place (4 bars). Top Couples now give right hands in the centre and dance full round, clockwise (4 bars). The two couples then swing round each other, and back to original places (8 bars). 16 bars The Side Couples now repeated this figure. 16 bars (f) Finish All dancers join hands in circle, hands at shoulder height. Advance to centre, with Promenade Step (2 bars), retire (2 bars), repeat (4 bars). All side-step to the right and finish with two short threes (4 bars); side-step back, finishing as before (4 bars). 16 bars Advance and retire twice as before (8 bars). All side-step to left and back (8 bars). 16 bars Each couple take hands and swing around anticlockwise to finish off. 8 bars


The waves in this dance are meant to represent the waves so frequently seen around the island of Tory off the north coast of Donegal. Tonna Thoraigh is a Long Dance in Reel Time for any even number of couples. The dance is progressive and the couples are in sets of four. Formation: 000000 XXXXXX 123456 (a) Advance and Retire The two line advance towards each other with Promenade Step (2 bars) and retire to place (2 bars). This movement is then repeated (4 bars). 8 bars (b) Right and Left Hands Across Each set of four dancers give right hand across in the centre, shoulder high, and dance around clockwise. On the last three they release hands and turn in (4 bars). They now give left hands across and wheel around anti-clockwise, to finish in lines again (4 bars). 8 bars (c) Advance and Retire The same as A above. 8 bars

(d) Left and Right Hands Across The same as B above, but all commence by giving left hands across, and go round anticlockwise. 8 bars (e) Lead off to the Right and up the Centre (This movement and the following movements are usually done to march time music). All couples turn to gents left and take inside hands. Couple 1 lead off to the right and down to the bottom of the set followed by the other couples. Couple 1 turn right again and lead up the centre to place, the other couples following. (f) The Waves Couple 1 release hands, turn in to each other and then face down the hall, take inside hands and raise them to form an arch and promenade towards couple 2 who pass under the arch made by Couple 1 to the top of the set and turn about. Couple 1 now exchange places with Couple 3 in the same manner except that Couple 3 make the arch and Couple 1 pass under. Couple 1 continue in the same manner down to the bottom of the set, making arches and passing under alternately. Couple 2 and each succeeding couple in turn, on reaching the top of the set, turn about, face down the hall, form an arch, and repeat the movement down the set as described for Couple 1. When Couple 1 reach the bottom of the set, they turn about, pass under the arch of Couple 2 and continue up the set in the same manner, making arches and passing under, until they reach their original places. Each succeeding couple on arriving at the bottom of the set proceed up to place again in the same manner as discribed for Couple 1. As each couple reach their places they stand idle until all have concluded the Tonna(Waves), having faced their partners in lines. (g) Cast Off Couple 1 release hands. Cast off (lady to the right and gent to the left), and march down the set followed by the other dancers who have marched to Couple 1s position and cast off in the same manner. When they reach the bottom, Couples 1 and 2 take both hands uncrossed and raise them to form an arch. Couple 3 take inside hands and pass under the arch and up to the top of the set, followed by the other dancers. When all have passed under, they form again into two lines, partners facing each other, but Couples 1 and 2 remaining at the bottom of the set. The dance is repeated with Couple 3 now leading.


A Long Dance in Reel Time, for any even number of trios, danced to the tune of the same name, or any other reel. The trios consist of a gentleman with two ladies on his right.

Formation: O X (a) Advance and Retire The two trios in each set, holding hands, advance towards each other with Promenade Step (2 bars) and retire (2 bars). Repeat the same movement again (4 bars). 8 bars (b) Swing with Opposite Lady The gents and the ladies opposite then take hands, crossed, and swing eight threes in place, centre lady remaining stationary. 8 bars (c) Swing with Lady on Right The gents and the ladies on their right take hands crossed and swing eight threes in place, other ladies remaining stationary. 8 bars (d) Link Arms in Centre The gents link right arms in centre and, with Promenade Step, dance round clockwise (4 bars); turn and link left arms, dancing anticlockwise, finishing up between his two partners (4 bars). 8 bars (e) Swing Out Each gent and his two partners form a ring of three, and each ring (revolving clockwise) swings out and round, to meet the trio in the next set who had been facing them, and line up as at the beginning of the dance, to recommence, ladies having exchanged places. 8 bars O O X O


This dance, in Single Jig Time, can be performed by any even number of couples, partners facing each other, but is best suited to four couples. Favourite tune: The Quakers Wife Please note the formation for this dance. Formation: O X 1 (a) Advance and Retire X O 2 O X 3 X O 4

The two lines of dancers, holding hands, advance towards each other, with Promenade Step (2 bars), and retire to places (2 bars). Advance again and the first line raise hands to form arches; the second line, having released hands, pass through to partners places right shoulder to right shoulder (2 bars). Repeat, with second line forming arches, and so back to places (8 bars). 16 bars (b) The Gates Couples 1 and 3 take crossed hands and side-step to the right down the centre (2 bars). While dancing two threes gent turns his partner clockwise under his raised right hand, having dropped his left hand to his side (2 bars). Again holding partners crossed hands, he side-steps back to place, finishing with two short threes (4 bars). In the meantime, Couples 2 and 4 have danced side-step to the left, to places of Couples 1 and 3 respectively, and back to original places. 8 bars (c) Rings Couples 1 and 2 now take hands to form a ring as do Couples 3 and 4 on their side and dance side-step and threes to the right and back again. 8 bars (d) The Gates Couples 2 and 4 now do the Gates as at B, dancing to their left and back, while Couples 1 and 3 dance to their right outside them. 8 bars (e) Rings Repeat C, but dancing to the left first, and returning to the right. 8 bars (f) Telescope Odd-numbered couples take uncrossed hands and side-step to the gents right down the centre, whilst at the same time even-numbered couples dance side-step to the gents right on the outside to take up these new positions: 2 1 4 3. With a continued seven, i.e., without doing two threes, Couples 1 and 4 change places so that the new positions now are: 2 4 1 3. (Note Each time the centre couple change places the outside couples dance two threes.) Couples 2 and 1 now repeat the first movement with Couples 4 and 3, leaving the dancers in the order: 4 2 3 1. With a continued seven Couples 2 and 3 change places arriving as follows: 4 3 2 1. In new positions Couple 4 and 2 repeat the first movement. This leaves the dancers as follows: 3 4 1 2.

With a continued seven Couples 4 and 1 change places, leaving the order: 3 1 4 2. In these positions Couples 3 and 4 repeat the first movement. New positions: 1 3 2 4. Couples 3 and 2 now side-step to change places falling into the positions at the beginning of The Telescope: 1 2 3 4. 16 bars (g) Right and Left Wheel Couples 1 and 2 join right hands across centre as do Couples 3 and 4 on their side and, with Promenade Step, dance round clockwise, turning on the fourth three (4 bars). They now take left hands across and dance back to places (4 bars). 8 bars (h) Swing Around Each pair of couples who danced the preceding movement together now swing round each other and finish in exchanged places, ready for a repetition of the dance. 8 bars O X O X X 2 O 1 X 4 O 3

1st Repeat. The Dance is repeated together (with A omitted) except G and H. The outside couples (2 and 3) stand idle while these parts are being danced. 2nd Repeat. The whole dance is again repeated, all taking part as first time, but in new positions. Finish. Repeat A.


This is an old Armagh Figure Dance for four couples danced in Double Jig Time on the tune of the same name. Formation: (1) OX (4) X O XO (2) (1) and (2) are First and Second Tops, respectively, while (3) and (4) are First and Second Sides. O (3) X

First Figure: Rings All dancers join hands in a ring of eight and side-step clockwise, finishing with two short threes, return anticlockwise, finishing as before (8 bars). The side-step movement is then repeated, this time moving anticlockwise, then clockwise (8 bars). While doing the last two threes, all couples, breaking the ring, fall back to their original places, partners retaining inside hands. 16 bars The Body (a) Cross-over and Back 1. Couples 1 and 2, partners holding inside hands, exchange places with Promenade Step, passing across, gents left shoulder to left shoulder (2 bars). While Top Couples are exchanging places Couples 3 and 4 dance two threes in place. 2. Side Couples exchange places in like manner (2 bars) while Top Couples dance two threes. These movements are then repeated leaving all couples back in original positions (4 bars) 8 bars (b) Advance and Retire 1. Top Couples, still holding inside hands, advance to meet in centre, while Side Couples mark time with two threes (2 bars). 2. Sides advance to centre while Tops retire (2 bars). 3. Tops advance while Sides retire (2 bars). 4. Tops retire while Sides mark time (2 bars). 8 bars (c) Ringing the Bells All dancers bend and beat left hand on left knee and right hand on right knee 4 times (1 bar); then clap hands in front of forehead twice (1 bar). Repeat the whole movement (2 bars). Partners side-step past each other, the gent passing behind, and all dance two threes in new places (4 bars). This movement is now repeated, but partners side-step back to place, the gents now passing in front (8 bars). 16 bars Second Figure: Lead Around Partners hold inside hands, and lead around anticlockwise a complete circle; release hands, about turn inwards, take inside hands (8 bars). Return clockwise back to original positions (8 bars). 16 bars The Body is now repeated. 32 bars Third Figure: See-Saw

All couples take uncrossed hands, swing round (revolving clockwise) moving in an anticlockwise direction (8 bars). Couples reverse their swing and return, moving in a clockwise direction to place (8 bars). (Please note that the arms are not moved up and down in this movement.). 16 bars The Body is again repeated. 32 bars Fourth Figure: Sides Under Arms Partners take inside hands, Top Couples holding up hands to form an arch, and with Promenade Step, Tops and Sides change places, 2nd Sides passing under arch of 1st Tops, while 1st Sides pass under that of 2nd Tops; release hands and face about (4 bars). All inside hands again and dance back to places, this time Sides making arches and Tops passing underneath (4 bars). Repeat on opposite side, i.e., 1st Sides passing under arch of 1st Tops, and 2nd Sides passing under that of 2nd Tops, returning to places (8 bars). 16 bars The Body is repeated once more. 32 bars Then the introductory movement Cim an Fhainne (Rings) is performed again to complete the dance. 16 bars

This is a Round Dance in Reel Time for any number of couples, but preferably not fewer than six. It is supposed, traditionally, to have been danced around the Bonfire on St. Johns Eve. Formation: All stand in ring, facing centre, ladies on right of partners. (a) Advance and Retire All join hands and advance gradually towards centre with promenade Step (4 bars). All retire to places (4 bars). 8 bars (b) Rings Still holding hands all side-step anticlockwise, finishing with two short threes (4 bars). Side-step back to places, finishing as before (4 bars). 8 bars (c) Advance and Retire Repeat A. 8 bars

(d) Rings Repeat B, but this time all side-step clockwise and back to places. On the last three partners turn to face each other. 8 bars (e) Side-step In and Out From this new position, all dance side-step to their right that is, the ladies towards the centre and the gents outwards. Without doing threes, all side-step back to places. 4 bars (f) Link Arms Linking right arms, partners dance two threes clockwise, to partners place. Release arms. Link left arms and return to face each other as before. 4 bars (g) Side-step In and Out Repeat E, except that this time the gents side-step towards centre and ladies outwards. 4 bars (h) Link Arms Repeat F, except that left arms are linked first and then right. All finish facing centre of ring. 4 bars (i) The Rose The ladies advance slowly towards the centre with Promenade Step for 4 bars, taking hands in a ring on the fourth three. They now sidestep anticlockwise, and on the two threes they turn right to face outwards, rejoining hands in back to back circle (4 bars). Side-step clockwise, finishing with two short threes. During this 12 bars the gents have remained stationary with left hand on hip and right toe pointed slightly forward. Ladies now advance towards partners, both taking right hands and turn to finish in original positions (4 bars). 16 bars While ladies remain stationary, with left hands on hips and right toes forward, the gents perform the Rose, but in the ring they side-step clockwise first. 16 bars (j) Swing and Exchange Partners Partners now take crossed hands and swing slowly for 4 bars to exchange places. (Lady is now left of partner in ring.) Partners bow to each other (1 bar); turn to face new partner (1 bar); bow to new partner (1 bar); face in and all take hands, ready to recommence dance. 8 bars

The dance may be repeated as often as desired, each lady passing on one place further to the left, while each gent passes to the right.

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