Degrees of Comparison For The Adjectives

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Degrees of Comparison for the Adjectives A. THE COMPARATIVE 1. The Comparative of superiority (MORE.

THAN) It is formed with the adverb MAI plus adjective plus the comparative prepositions DEC~T/CA (used interchangeably). MAI ADJ DEC~T/CA Filmul este mai interesant dec`t cartea. The film is more interesting than the book. Sora mea este mai mare ca mine. My sister is older than me. Ma=ina ro=ie este mai scump[ dec`t/ca ma=ina verde. The red car is more expensive than the green car. 2. The Comparative of equality (AS..AS) It is formed with the adverbial structures TOT A+A DE/TOT AT~T DE/LA FEL DE (as, equally) plus adjective plus the comparative prepositions CA/CA +I (as) TOT A+A DE/TOT AT~T DE/LA FEL DE ADJ CA/CA +I Filmul este tot a=a de interesant ca =i cartea. The film is as interesting as the book. Sora mea este la fel de ]nalt[ ca mine. My sister is as tall as I am. 3. The Comparative of Inferiority (LESSTHAN) It is formed with the adverbial structure MAI PU|IN plus adjective plus the comparative prepositions DEC~T/CA (THAN). MAI PU|IN ADJ - DEC~T/CA Filmul este mai pu\in interesant dec`t cartea. The film is less interesting than the book. El este mai pu\in ]nalt dec`t/ca mine. He is less tall than I am. B. THE SUPERLATIVE 1. The Superlative of Superiority (THE MOST)

It is formed with the adverbial structure CEL(m.s.)/CEA (f.s.)/CEI (m.p.)/CELE (f.p) plus the actual adjective. - the elements cel, cea, cei, cele change based on the gender of the modified noun. CEL/CEA/CEI/CELE ADJ (plus DINTRE if we follow the sentence with reference to a group the compared object belongs to) El a scris cartea cea mai interesant[. He wrote the most interesting book. El a scris cea mai interesant[ carte dintre toate c[r\ile scrise anul acesta. He wrote the most interesting book among all books written this year. 2.The Superlative of Inferiority (THE LEAST) It is formed with the adverbial structures CEL(m.s.)/CEA (f.s.)/CEI (m.p.)/CELE (f.p) MAI PU|IN plus the actual adjective. CEL/CEA/CEI/CELE MAI PU|IN ADJ (plus DINTRE if we follow the sentence with reference to a group the compared object belongs to) - the elements cel, cea, cei, cele change based on the gender of the modified noun. A scris cartea cea mai pu\in interesant[. He wrote the least interesting book. A scis cartea cea mai pu\in interesant[ dintre toate c[r\ile. He wrote the least interesting book among all books. El are costumul cel mai pu\in elegant. He has the least elegant suit. 3. The Superlative Absolute (VERY. thE) It is formed with different adverbs expressing the superlative state placed in front of the actual adjective. FOARTE/TARE/EXTREM DE/C~T SE POATE DE ADJ Am citit un articol foarte interesant. I read a very interesting article. Am citit o carte tare proast[. I read a very bad book Am v[zut un film extrem de interesant. I saw an extremely interesting film.

C. No degree of comparison The following adjectives do not have degrees of comparison as they already express a state of extreme superiority of extreme inferiority. Superior, inferior, prim, ultim, major, minor, perfect, des[v`r=it, anterior, ulterior, asemenea, optim, unic, supreme.

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