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TEACHER'S ROLE AS A HUMAN CAPITAL BUILDERS Teachers teacher is a lot are the key asset in the form of an individual

because the parents. Teachers also

of people with the

students after their

a place for students to gain knowledge . After that, teachers were to contribute to the existing body of knowledge. Therefore, aspects of leadershipis in a teacher has to be activated as a whole which in turn will produce human who is success whether in secular and religious. Therefore, the teacher is responsible for developing the potential inherent in the students a holistic and integrated to produce the balanced human intellectually, spiritually, emotionally and physically. Teachers also play a role as an instructor, manager, mentor, advocate, coordinator and also as

an innovator, which means those who bring innovation in learning sessions. In addition, teachers also must conduct all activities in the classroom with various ways such as using a variety of teaching aids, provide role playing, simulations and so provide.This matter will be put aside by the students to learn and feel good to study. The kind of things that need to be raised because of their interest, teaching and learning will quickly understand. In addition, teachers also must conduct all activities in a classroom. Each activity must be established gradually by having the first step, second step and so on. Every step must be arranged so that students benefit from each learning activity. Teachers were carrying out each step of learning tasks teachers that will meet student needs. This is because a well-planned lessons that will bring great benefits to students. Aspects of teaching also must play its role well by teachers to allow students to understand the topics being taught well. As a teacher who responsible, teachers must use a variety of methods needed to help students understand difficult lesson and by repeating the same explanation has been given several times or use other methods as appropriate examples and burden. Through this method, the teacher has an advantage in terms of knowledge of child psychology and pedagogical expertise. Furthermore, national aspirations of the teachers as nation builders claim high commitment of all educators. Teachers should undertake the task weight to produce a man who excel in science, particularly in science, technology and ICT, skills such as able to communicate effectively in multiple languages and has a positive personality in order to contribute to the well-being, family and country.

Teachers have a key role in the transfer, the noble and good knowledge transformation, raise manners, and moral attitudes that please Allah, give guidance towards the right path and as a facilitator of the learning process. Accordingly, teachers hope to ensure the formation of a strong self-esteem of students, competitive, confident and strong in faith and universal values. More over, efficiency and effectiveness of the role of the teacher education system is able to build a successful nation. As a parent of students at the school, teachers not only know the name but they have to internalize. This means that teachers should understand their needs, habits, attitudes, behavior that includes aspects of student strength and weakness. Finally, teachers are 'agents' changes in society. Teachers were also forming 'hearts and minds of independent from the shackles of negative thinking in the community some time ago. Therefore, I would like to call to fellow educators around the country to be 'brave' that can make a paradigm shift in order to see the country's administrative climate change so that future students who will be heir to leadership of the country do not gamble with impunity. Then, bravely to voice their opinions through oral 'to see the survival of these children become more organized and have a clear direction. Finally, the teacher is a noble person as they burning themselves like a candle to illuminate the others.

A noun is the name of a person, a place, a thing or an idea. Sometimes a noun is the name of an action.
person place thing idea action man, woman, child ocean, desert, wood, farm cabbage, hammer, hope, plan, memory intention, thinking, running

Common and Proper Nouns Common nouns describe groups or members of groups; whereas, proper nouns identify a unique example. Proper names are usually capitalised.
Common Noun man aircraft religion entertainers nation Tom Tiger Moth Christianity The Beatles England Proper Noun

In English, the days of the week and the months are capitalised: January, February ... November, December but the seasons are not: winter, spring, summer, autumn (Although the seasons are capitalised in USA). Directions are not capitalised: north, west, south, east Identifying Nouns Proper nouns are easy to identify because they are the names of particular people or things. For instance, Rob, Betty, Lorraine. Common nouns have the following properties:

They can be preceded by some determiners. They sometimes have plurals. They can have a possessive case.

Determiners Common nouns can be preceded by determiners: a, the, some, a few, my, ... If a word is a common noun, then the following sentence makes sense when the word is inserted: My [insert noun] (is/are here). For instance, house is a noun, so: My house is here, makes sense. The word happy, however, isn't a noun, so: My happy is here, does not make sense.
Note on Using the Tests

Most tests show whether a word could be a noun - sometimes. They do not indicate the word is a noun in the given sentence. To do this, we need to apply the test in that sentence. Consider this sentence: The delicate and time-consuming work is important. Using our test [My [insert noun] (is/are here).]: My work is here. makes sense. So the word work can sometimes be a noun. (Sometimes it is a verb, of course). To determine whether a word is a noun, we need to apply the test in the sentence. In the sentence:

The delicate and time-consuming work is important.

We note that 'work' is preceded by the determiner 'The', so it is a noun.

In this sentence: They work till they drop. We cannot precede the word work with my: My work till they drop. Therefore work isn't a noun in this sentence. (It is, of course, a verb, in that sentence).

Examples of Nouns and Non-Nouns

Here are some examples of applying the test on nouns and non-nouns:
Nouns My cat is here My bread is here My principal is here My dollars are here My envelope is here Non-Nouns My entertaining is here My starchy is here My quickly is here My full is here My exceptional is here

Plurals Nouns often have plurals; whereas other parts of speech do not. So if a word has a plural, it is a noun. Uncountable Nouns, however, do not have plurals.
Singular cat man fish formula MP (Member of Parliament) Plural cats men fishes formulae MPs

Nowadays, in Standard English, acronyms do not have periods. So M.P. becomes MP. Plurals are made by adding an s MPs. If periods are retained, then apostrophe s is used M.P.'s. The 's plural is sometimes used when confusion might result Dot the i's and crosss the t's, 1's and 2's (because 1s might look like Is, and 2's for consistency). Possession We can check whether a word is a noun, by asking whether it has a possessive form. For instance:
Noun dog Charles yesterday Possessive Form the dog's dinner. Charles' dinner. yesterday's error.

We indicate possession by adding the apostrophe (') s. If Mary is the owner of the book we write Mary's book. When the word for the owner ends in s anyway, we would normally add only an apostrophe at the end of the word. So we write and say the boys' school. However, especially with proper names, we add the apostrophe s when sound requires it Charles's book, Odysseus's Quest. But ... if this would mean we end up saying a sound like "iz-iz", we do not add the final s. So if the owner of the book is Mr Bridges, we write and say Mr Bridges' book (without an s after the apostrophe).

Notes: In older English, Charles' book and Odysseus' Quest would have been correct, although almost everyone would have said Charles's book, although some might have tried to say Odysseus' Quest (because it
sounds more literary). The apostrophe is not used with pronouns its, yours, ours. The apostrophe is sometimes called a mark of elision to indicate some letters have been omitted it's going (it is going), it'll go fine (it will go fine). Abstract and Concrete Nouns What are concrete and abstract nouns? In grammar, it is often said: Concrete nouns name something you can see or touch. They name people, objects, animals and places. Abstract nouns name things you cannot see, touch, etc. They name qualities, ideas, states of mind and events and actions. The following nouns are abstract: walk, jump, intelligence and

embarrassment. However, a thoughtful reader might object and say: I saw Mr Jones take a walk with her dog. I saw the record-breaking jump on tv. I can hear the intelligence in her words. [Hear intelligence? ]

The embarrassment was obvious [clearly seen]. Actually, abstract nouns are nouns that name things that we clearly cannot see or feel. For instance, luck, freedom and justice are more or less intangible. With other abstract nouns, we might be unsure. After careful thought, we might wonder whether we can see 'a walk'. Or see a 'jump'. Can we really hear 'intelligence', and see 'embarrassment'. It seems we infer 'intelligence' and 'embarrassment' rather than perceive them directly through the senses we see a red face and infer embarrassment; we hear someone speaking logically and infer they are intelligent. And while we can see someone or something jumping or walking, when these become nouns 'the jump' and 'the walk' we have omitted or abstracted the subject. In: I saw the jump on the tv. We note there cannot be a 'real' jump without a jumper (subject), and the jumper has been omitted or abstracted. So 'jump' is an abstract noun. In writing 'the jump' we have made a verb into a noun and abstracted the person, animal or thing that did 'the jumping' (jumping is also an abstract noun). If the writer wished to avoid the abstract noun 'jump', she would have written: I saw the horse jump the hurdle on the tv. We can perceive a horse jumping, but we cannot perceive the jump without the horse, so 'jump' is not sensory after all. In a similar way, when we make an adjective or an adverb a noun, we abstract some important grammatical part, such as a subject and the word becomes an abstract noun. I can hear the intelligence in her words. intelligently [adverb]. I heard her speaking I could see he was

The embarrassment was obvious [clearly seen]. embarrassed.

Examples of Concrete and Abstract Nouns Concrete nouns are perceivable by the senses.

Concrete Nouns People Objects Animals Places Tom, woman, man, doctor, policeman, turnip, wind, bed, test-tube, chair, basket, atom, DNA, cell, tree puppy, lion, animal, germ, virus, England, country, island, mountain, lake

Abstract nouns are not perceivable by the senses. For instance, we can see a person is joyful, but we cannot perceive joy apart from someone being joyful. The word joy is therefore an abstract noun.
Abstract Nouns Qualities intelligence, beauty, ugliness, kindness, strength, vulnerability, truth, heat, humanity, freedom, abstraction, energy, force, luck, justice, injustice, misfortune, grammar, calculus, ideas, disease, (the common) cold, love, hate, fear, anger, imagination, courage, loneliness, happiness, sadness, bravery, cowardice, embarrassment, joy, confidence, bitterness, grief, boredom, cheerfulness, cognition, depression, dream,


States of Mind

walk, sleep, jump, explosion, journey, childhood, Actions and progress, growth, year, day, week, Tuesday, March, war, Events history,

The classes above are not exclusive. So a word, such as day could be an action (series of actions) or event, or an idea. Nominalizations A nominalization is a noun which has been made from another part of speech, such as a verb, adjective or adverb. They are abstract nouns. Nominalizations summarizing Previous Ideas

The nominalizations are shown in bold. By excluding details, you produce an abstract idea. Therefore, an abstraction has fewer details than the original. He campaigned against violent behaviour on the streets. He would not tolerate street violence.

They selected the important books. This selection was controversial. Nominalizations naming the Verb's Subject or Object Nominalizations can be used to replace a wordy subject or object. In the sentences below, the subjects or objects are in italic, and the nominalizations in bold. I was wondering about what they concluded. I was wondering about their conclusions. He inferred a number of things about the new substance. What he had

inferred, however, was invalid.

He inferred a number of things about the new substance. However, his inferences were invalid. Common Ideas A nominalization can be used to succinctly express a common idea, when it becomes a short-hand way of referring to a complex idea. For the new year, I resolved to do some new things. I made some New Year Resolutions. He believed that individuals should be free to inspect what organizations held about them on computer. He believed in freedom of information.

They objected to women being allowed to ask doctors to abort their foetuses, for non-medical reasons. The objected to abortion on demand. General and Specific Nouns A general noun or expression can be concrete or abstract.
General and Specific Nouns General animal furniture food subjects sport More Specific carnivore table, chair, sofa, meat, vegetables, fruit, fish, mathematics, English, science running, swimming, football, cricket Even More Specific cat, lion, tiger divan beef, turnip, apple, cod calculus, grammar, chemistry sprint, back-stroke, soccer, bowling or batting bakery, grocers, supermarket men, women, children thinking, remembering, loving, hating

business shop humanity people mind cognition, affect

Countable and Uncountable Nouns (Mass Nouns) Most nouns have a plural and a singular form. For instance:
Singular man dog idea beach mind men dogs ideas beaches minds Plural

All such nouns are countable. Other nouns are uncountable in certain uses. For instance: fish, bread, art, luck, greed, flour, data We cannot use the determiner a before uncountable nouns: we can, however, use the determiners the and some. In American English, data is regarded as plural, but in English it is singular: The data is ready. The data are ready. ( American)

We can sometimes quantify such nouns using words like: slice, piece, bits, ounces, snippets For example:
Singular a slice of bread a piece of fish an ounce of salt a snippet of music a book on film Plural some slices of bread some pieces of fish several ounces of salt several snippets of music several books on film

Uncountable nouns are sometimes called mass nouns. We think of them as a mass. For instance, fish is uncountable when used to refer to food, but is countable when we think of a number of individual fish, when its plural is fish or fishes. Similarly, we can say: I spent the weekend watching films. When we think of watching several films. But when we think of the subject, film, we do not use the plural. We might say: I spent the weekend studying film. (Reading books about film or films, watching films, etc).

Collective Nouns (Group Nouns)

Collective nouns identify groups of things. Examples are: audience, council, jury, flock, herd The group is considered as a unit.
The Union refuses to negotiate. The jury is hung. The staff has objected. The team plays well. The flock turned and flew away The herd is about to stampede.

Collective nouns are normally singular, except when this seems obviously wrong.

Considered as a unit. The audience is quiet The flock of birds is heading North. The team is working together.

Considered as a number of Individuals The audience are clapping their hands. Now, the flock of birds are competing for food. The team are squabbling.

The family is going to the cinema. The family are at loggerheads.

For instance: The audience is clappings its hand. is obviously wrong. Quantity Nouns In the following sentences, the quantity nouns take a plural verb:

A number of books are on the table. A few people are coming today. One half of the animals are trained. The couple over there are available.

In the following sentences, the quantity nouns take a singular verb:

The number of applicants is small. The quantity of sand is large. The weight of the truck is ten tons. The measure of success is profit
Where the number is definite, we use a singular verb: The number of applicants has increased recently. But when it is indefinite, we use a plural form: A number of people are coming. In the following sentence, the author says a combination ... are instead of a combination ... is. A combination of increased physical activity and suitable weight reducing diets are recommended for overweight/obese adults who wish to lose weight.

Pronouns are words that substitute for nouns. Every pronoun must have a clear antecedent (the word for which the pronoun stands).

Kinds Of Pronouns
A. Personal Pronouns: SINGULAR subjective objective 1st person I 2nd person you me you possessive PLURAL subjective objective us you possessive our, ours your, yours

my, mine we your, yours you

3rd person

he she it

him her it

his her, hers its



their, theirs

Personal pronouns have the following characteristics: 1. three persons (points of view) 1st person - the one(s) speaking (I me my mine we us our ours) 2nd person - the one(s) spoken to (you your yours) 3rd person - the one(s) spoken about (he him his she her hers it its they their theirs) Examples

2. three genders feminine (she her hers) masculine (he him his) neuter (it its they them their theirs) Examples

3. two numbers singular (I me my mine you your yours he him his she her hers it its) plural (we us our ours you your yours they them their theirs) Examples

4. three cases subjective (I you he she it we they) possessive (my mine your yours his her hers our ours their theirs) objective (me you him her it us them) Examples - subjective case

Examples - possessive case

Examples - objective case

NOTE: Because of pronoun case, the pronoun's form changes with its function in the sentence. Follow this link to pronoun case for more information.

B. Demonstrative Pronouns:

Demonstrative pronouns can also be used as determiners. Example: Hand me that hammer. (that describes the noun hammer) Demonstrative pronouns can also be used as qualifiers:

Example: She wanted that much money? (that describes the adjective much)

C. Reflexive / Intensive Pronouns : the "self" pronouns These pronouns can be used only to reflect or intensify a word already there in the sentence. Reflexive / intensive pronouns CANNOT REPLACE personal pronouns. Examples: I saw myself in the mirror. (Myself is a reflexive pronoun, reflecting the pronoun I.) Ill do it myself. (Myself is an intensive pronoun, intensifying the pronoun I.) Note: The following words are substandard and should not be used: theirselves theirself hisself ourself

D. Indefinite Pronouns: Singular: one each (n)either Examples: Somebody is coming to dinner. Neither of us believes a word Harry says. Plural: someone somebody something anyone anybody anything no one nobody nothing everyone everybody everything


Both are expected at the airport at the same time. Several have suggested canceling the meeting. Singular with non-countables / Plural with countables:

Examples: Some of the dirt has become a permanent part of the rug. Some of the trees have been weakened by the storm. Indefinite pronouns use apostrophes to indicate possessive case. Examples: The accident is nobodys fault. How will the roadwork affect one's daily commute? Some indefinite pronouns may also be used as determiners. one, each, either, neither, some, any, one, all, both, few, several, many, most Note the differences: Each person has a chance. (Each is a determiner describing person.) Each has a chance. (Each is an indefinite pronoun replacing a noun.) Both lawyers pled their cases well. (Both is a determiner describing lawyers.) Both were in the room. (Both is an indefinite pronoun replacing a noun.) E. Interrogative Pronouns:

Interrogative pronouns produce information questions that require more than a yes or no answer. Examples: What do you want? Who is there? F. Relative Pronouns:

Relative pronouns introduce relative (adjectival) clauses.

Note: Use who, whom, and whose to refer to people. Use that and which to refer to things.

ADJECTIVE Adjectives describe or give information about nouns or pronouns. For example:The grey dog barked. (The adjective grey describes the noun "dog".) The good news is that the form of an adjective does not change. It does not matter if the noun being modified is male or female, singular or plural, subject or object. Some adjectives give us factual information about the noun - age, size colouretc (fact adjectives can't be argued with). Some adjectives show what somebody thinks about something or somebody - nice, horrid, beautiful etc (opinion adjectives - not everyone may agree). If you are asked questions with which, whose, what kind, or how many, you need an adjective to be able to answer. There are different types of adjectives in the English language:

Numeric: six, one hundred and one Quantitative: more, all, some, half, more than enough Qualitative: colour, size, smell etc. Possessive: my, his, their, your Interrogative: which, whose, what Demonstrative: this, that, those, these

Note - The articles a, an, and the and the possessives my, our, your, and their are also


Adjectives can be used to give your opinion about something. good, pretty, right, wrong, funny, light, happy, sad, full, soft, hard etc.

For example: He was a silly boy.


Adjectives can be used to describe size. big, small, little, long, tall, short, same as, etc. For example:

"The big man." or "The big woman".


Adjectives can be used to describe age. For example:

"He was an old man." or "She was an old woman."


Adjectives can be used to describe shape. round, circular, triangular, rectangular, square, oval, etc.

For example:

"It was a square box." or "They were square boxes."

Adjectives can be used to describe colour. blue, red, green, brown, yellow, black, white, etc. For example:

"The blue bag." or "The blue bags".

Adjectives can be used to describe origin. For example:

"It was a German flag." or "They were German flags."


Adjectives can be used to identify the material something is made of.

"A wooden cupboard." or "Wooden cupboards."

Note - In English we often use a noun as an adjective. For example: glass - a glass
vase / metal - a metal tray etc.

Adjectives can be used to describe distance. l -- o -- n -- g / short long, short, far, around, start, high, low, etc.

For example:

"She went for a long walk." or "She went for lots of long walks."


Adjectives can be used to describe temperature. cold, warm, hot, cool, etc. For example:

"The day was hot." or "The days were hot."


Adjectives can be used to describe time. late, early, bed, nap, dinner, lunch, day, morning, night, etc. For example:

"She had an early start."

Adjectives can be used to describe purpose. (These adjectives often end with "-ing".) For example:

"She gave them a sleeping bag." or "She gave them sleeping bags."

!Note - In each case the adjective stays the same, whether it is describing a masculine, feminine, singular or plural noun. When using more than one adjective to modify a noun, the adjectives may be separated by a conjunction (and) or by commas (,). For example:

"Her hair was long and blonde." or "She had long, blonde hair."

More examples:
Adjective Example Pretty She was a pretty girl. Serious He was a serious boy. Fast It was a fast car. Quiet They were quiet children.

Note - Adjectives that go immediately before the noun are called attributive
adjectives. Adjectives can also be used after some verbs. They do not describe the verb, adverbs do that. Adjectives after a verb describe the subject of the verb (usually a noun or pronoun). They are called predicative adjectives. For example:

"David looks tired." The subject (in this case David) is being described as tired not the verb to look.

There is also the adjective used to, which is explained here.

VERB NOTES Verbs, Verb Phrases

1. A verb expresses action or being.

2. An action verb tells what the subject of the sentence does. Ex: Everyone runs when the coach blows her whistle. I eat dinner at six oclock.

3. A linking verb does not show action, but instead shows state-of-being. Ex: We were at the store for an hour. You are in sixth grade.

4. A verb that is made up of more than one word is called a verb phrase. The last word in a verb phrase is the main verb, and the other words are called auxiliary or helping verbs. Ex: Cesar and Ruth are going to soccer practice after school. main verb=going helping verb=are

Common Helping/Auxiliary Verbs am is are were be do does has had can must will shall might would should

being did

5. Usually when auxiliaries are used in questions, the main verb and its auxiliaries may be separated by the subject of the sentence.

Examples: a. Should we eat dinner now? b. c. Will you go to school next Monday? Who would like more macaroni and cheese?

Linking Verbs


1. 2. 3.

A verb expresses action or being. An action verb tells what the subject of the sentence does. A linking verb does not show action, but instead shows state-of-


Verbs called being verbs or linking verbs do not show action. Instead they show what the subject is or is like. Because of this we say linking verbs show state-of-being. These linking verbs link the subject of the sentence with a word in the predicate that tells more about it.

Examples : 1. The dog seems hungry. 2. You become 7th graders later this year.

Common Linking Verbs

am is

was were

be being

become look

feel taste

What is the difference between a helping verb and a linking verb? Answer : Helping/auxiliary verbs are always part of a verb phrase which ends with a main (action) verb, but a linking verb never ends with an action verb.

Sentence with helping verbs: Carmen will be practicing all afternoon. verb phrase= will be practicing main verb= practicing helping verbs=will be

Sentence with linking verb: Moms laundry smells so fresh and clean. linking verb=smells

Adverb What is an adverb? An adverb is a part of speech that describes or modifies a verb, an adjective, another adverb, clause, or sentence. Adverbs answer the questions "How?", "When?", "Where?", "Why?", "In what way?", "How much?", "How often?", "Under what condition", "To what degree?" The easiest adverbs to recognize are those that end in -ly. Some adjectives end with -ly also but remember that adjectives can modify only nouns and pronouns. Adverbs modify everyting else. An adverb can be placed anywhere in a sentence. Adverbs as modifiers (adverbs in adverbial functions) An adverb modifies a verb He walked quickly. ('quickly' modifies verb 'walked') I accepted new task willingly. ('willingly' modifies verb 'accepted') Mike snored melodically. ('melodically' modifies verb 'snored') An adverb modifies an adjective They were really unhappy. ('really' modifies adjective 'unhappy') My brother is completely fearless. ('completely' modifies adjective 'fearless') I know she is very careful. ('very' modifies adjective 'careful') An adverb modifies an adverb He is almost always hungry. ('almost' modifies adverb 'always') John plays tennis very well. ('very' modifies adverb 'well') You never can work too carefully. ('too' modifies adverb 'carefully') An adverb modifies a clause Perhaps you are correct, but not at first glance. ('perhaps' modifies clause 'you are correct') Surely he will be on time, but I hope not. ('surely' modifies clause 'he will be on time') An adverb modifies a sentence Suddenly, she went home. ('suddenly' modifies a whole sentence) Finally, he will be on time. ('finally' modifies a whole sentence)

Today, we can take a vacation.('today' modifies a whole sentence) Adverb Formation Adverbs that end in -ly are formed by adding -ly to an adjective, a present participle, or a past participle.

- from an adjective careful - carefully beautiful - beautiful fitting - fittingly - from a present participle willing - willingly glowing - glowingly surprising - surprisingly

- from a past participle assured - assuredly affected - affectedly surprised - surprisedly When adjective ends in -able or -ible, the adverb is formed by replacing final -e with y horrible - horribly terrible - terribly When adjective ends in -y, the adverb is formed by replacing final -y with -ily happy - happily lucky - luckily When adjective ends in -ic, the adverb is formed by replacing final -ic with -ically economic - economically ironic - ironically Adverbs Position Adverbs can be placed anywhere in a sentence. At the front (prior to the subject) Today we will study adverbs. Lately, I have had lots of phone calls. At the center of the sentence (between the subject and the verb) He seldom goes to movies. I hardly noticed her. At the end of the sentence I learn English slowly.

I study adverbs now.

Adverbs as intensifiers Adverbs can be used as amplifiers, down toners, or emphasizers. - as emphasizers. I really like him. I literally wrecked my car. - as amplifiers They completely abandoned the city. I absolutely refuse to leave. - as down toners I somewhat like this movie. Peter almost quit that job. Adverbs can be classified by their functions. Adverb lists that follow each category are only partial ones. Adverbs of manner - answer the question How? I watch them closely. I play well. I walk carefully. List: cheerfully, fast, quicly, slowly, inadequately, healthy Adverbs of time - answer the question When? He has not played chess recently. I arrive late for most appointments. Lately, I have had many sleepless nights. List: early, never, now, often, soon, then, today, tomorrow Adverbs of place (location, direction) - answer the question Where? I walked downstairs. Have you ever gone there? I will meet you outside. List: above, away, below, down, here, inside, there, up Adverbs of degree - answer the question How much? He is totally prepared for his birthday. I am too tired to play tennis tonight. He is completely tired from the journey. List: almost, entirely, little, much, rather, very, too Adverbs of frequency - answer the question How often? He rarely goes by himself. She constantly finishes her job first. always, never, usually, frequently, sometimes, occasionally

Conjunctive (connecting) adverbs - connect the ideas expressed in different clauses or sentences. Use of conjunctive adverb between two independent clauses requires a semicolon before the adverb and comma after it. I want to sleep; however, I need to study. If conjunctive adverb is used at the beginning of a sentence, comma is used to set it off. note that the period takes the place of a semicolon. The day was over. Therefore, I went to sleep. If conjunctive adverb is placed within a clause, commas are used to set it off. The day is over. I will, therefore, go to sleep. Some of the most common conjunctive adverbs: accordingly, also, anyhow, furthermore, however, moreover, otherwise, still, therefore.

Interrogative adverbs - used at the beginning of questions. Why are you so angry? When does the movie start? List: why, where, how, when Comparison of adverbs. Like adjectives, adverbs have three forms of comparison: positive, comparative, and superlative. Positive degree expresses the quality without comparison. Comparative degree compares two verbs, adjectives, or adverbs. Superlative degree compares three or more verbs, adjectives or adverbs. Adverb comparison Most adverbs are compared by using another adverb. More or less are used to express the comparative degree. Most or least are used to express the superlative degree. I dance gracefully (or horribly). I dance more gracefully (or more horribly). I dance most gracefully ( or most horribly).

Suffix comparison Some adverbs are compared using a suffix er for the comparative forms and est for the superlative forms. I will arrive soon (or fast). I will arrive sooner (or faster). I will arrive soonest (or fastest). Irregular comparison

There are also a number of adverbs compared irregularly. These must be remembered. Here are some of them. POSITIVE COMPARATIVE SUPERLATIVE bad/badly worse worst far farther/further farthest/furthest late/lately later latest little less least much more most well better best Beyond comparison Some adverbs are never compared. They express qualities unsuitable for comparison. Here are some of them: again, almost, before, ever, never, here, there, now, then, there, thus, too, twice, very. Note The three most common adverbs used in English Language are: not, very, too

NOUN Please select the answer choice that identifies the noun in the sentence. 1. It will take all of your energy and will to be able to walk again. A. Take B. All C. Yours D. Energy

2. The works of many great poets have been placed on reserve. A. Many B. Great C. Placed D. Reserve

3. The Brooklyn Bridge was opened in 1883. A. Bridge B. Was C. Opened D. In

4. Sparta and Athens were enemies during the Peloponnesian War. A. And B. Were C. During D. War

5. Sharks and lampreys are not true fish because their skeletons are made of cartilage rather than bone. A. True B. Because C. There D. Bone

6. Joe, have you met your new boss?

A. Have

B. Met

C. Your

D. Boss

7. Sue's parents tried living in the North, but they could not adapt to the cold. A. North B. But C. Not D. Adapt

8. Mastering basic mathematics is an important goal for younger students. A. Mastering B. Important C. Younger D. Students

9. To seize a foreign embassy and its inhabitants is flagrant disregard for diplomatic neutrality. A. Seize B. Its C. Flagrant D. Neutrality

10. The Trojans' rash decision, to accept the wooden horse, led to their destruction. A. Their B. Led C. Accept D. Destruction

Please select the answer choice to fill in the blank. 11. The boy gathered a bundle of ____________. A. sticks B. People C. beads D. houses

12. In the distance, the onloookers could see a fleet of ____________. A. players B. insects C. stairs D. ships

13. Over by the railroad tracks, there was a heap of ____________. A. houses B. flowers C. stairs D. Stones

14. As she looked up, she saw a fight of ___________. A. planes B. insects C. clouds D. Stairs

15. The flock of ____________ stayed together. A. sheep B. blankets C. ships D. cows

16. A swarm of ____________ gathered around the swamp. A. sheep B. birds C. insects D. cows

17. A crowd of ____________ lined up to see what was happening.

A. cows

B. sheep

C. people

D. birds

18. There was a long row of ____________ near the beach. A. cows B. insects C. stairs D. houses

19. The herd of __________ kept eating as the wind blew past them. A. people B. birds C. cows D. crows

20. In the show, we saw many different schools of ____________. A. birds B. castle C. fish D. Beads

21. He should get a job. He is not a ____________ anymore; hes a adult. A. pig B. drill C. plant D. child

22. He needs to clean his room. He is a ____________ being. Hes not a animal. A. autumn B. water C. clothing D. summer

23. The ____________ is the top of the living room. The basement is below it. A. attic B. shed C. hose D. lawn

24. I dont play with Barbies. Im a boy, not a ____________. A. girl B. animal C. man D. plant

25. I have one brother and two ____________. A. monkeys B. pastors C. queens D. sisters

26. There is more water on this planet than there is ____________. A. sky B. land C. wind D. space

27. Joe goes to school. There are a lot of ____________ in his bag. A. books B. water C. toys D. glases

Find the Proper Noun in each sentence. 28. My favourite cereal is to eat is Cheerios. A. My B. cereal C. eat D. Cheerios

29. I like to watch Clifford on television. A. I B. watch C. Clifford D. television

30. Will you get me a Coke from the machine ? A. you B. me C. Coke D. machine

31. I have a black cat and his name is Midnight. A. I B. cat C. his D. Midnight

32. Are you going to Florida for vacation. A. you B. going C. Florida D. vacation

Find the Common Noun in each sentence. 33. The big dog ran away fast. A. The B. big C. dog D. fast

34. My cat is big and fluffy and white. A. cat B. big C. fluffy D. white

35. The class is going to work hard today. A. The B. class C. work hard D. today

36. My brother is older than I am. A. My B. brother C. older D. I

37. My teacher said that we are working hard. A. My B. teacher C. we D. working hard

Answer Key :Noun 1)D 2)D 3)A 13)D 23)A 33)C 4)D 14)D 24)A 34)A 5)D 15)A 25)D 6)D 16)C 26)B 7)A 17)C 27)A 8)D 18)D 28)D 9)D 10)D

11)A 12)D 21)D 22)B 31)D 32)C

19)C 20)C 29)C 30)C




Multiple-choice Exercise Choose the correct answer for each question.


A ______ of cows was transported to a farm in Texas for slaughter. A. pod B. herd C. pack

2. On Sunday, I went to Stanley Park and saw a _______ of ducklings in Lost Lagoon. A. brood 3. B. School C.drove

The boy saw a _______ of sheep grazing in the fields. A. bevy B. Flock C. swarm


Last Sunday, I went with my friends to the park. We had to eat our lunch quickly because an _______ of ants attacked our food. A. crowd B. Bevy C. army


A _______ of children ran around in the classroom. A. bundle B. Group C. nest

6. There was a robbery at the ABC Bank. The thief ran off with a large ________ of cash.

A. pod 7.

B. Bundle

C. deck

On a stormy night you could hear the howling of a _______ of wolves. A. swarm B. Bevy C. pack


There was a _______ of bird eggs on the tree. A. crowd B. Swarm C. nest


I love hiking in the spring because the mountains are covered with a ________ of wild flowers. A. mass B. Nest C. deck


On the ferry ride from Victoria, I saw a ________ of whales in the ocean. A. bundle B. Pack C. pod


On a clear summer night you can see a _________ of stars. A. pod B. School C. galaxy

12. The man never cleaned his office. He left a ________ of files and papers on his desk. A. archipelago 13. B. Stack C. army

There was a _______ of visitors in the Vancouver Art Gallery on Sunday. A. school B. Nest C. crowd


I had so much fun in Hawaii swimming with a _________ of fish. A. bevy B. School C. army


I like to play card games. So when I go camping, I usually take a _______ of cards with me . A. herd B. Pack C. school


My sister in Sweden took me on a boat cruise to see the famous ________. It is a group of small islands. A. horde B. Archipelago C. pack


A _______ of geese was heard a mile away.

A. litter 18.

B. Gaggle

C. herd

I was attacked by a _______ of bees. A. swarm B. Deck C. package


I was so happy to see a _______ of quails on the country road. A. bevy B. Archipelago C. crowd


My friend's cat had a __________ of kittens on the weekend. A. litter B. Gaggle C. swarm


For Christmas, I received in the mail a small ________ from my cousin. She sent me a woolen scarf. A. deck B. Parcel C. crowd


At the library, there is a ________ of useful educational resources, such as: books, audio tapes, dictionaries, computers, etc. A. host B. Litter C. nest


On my African trip, I saw a ________ of lions. A. pack B. Bundle C. pride


Ladies and gentlemen. Here_________ the news. A. is B. are C. were


Where________ my jeans. A. is B. are C. were


Further information_________ available in the office. A. is B. are C. were


The stairs_________ over there, Sir.

A. is 28.

B. are C. were

The furniture in our classroom uncomfortable. A. is B. are C. were


The USA a very nice country. A. is B. are C. were


Your sunglasses on the table. A. is B. are C. were

PRONOUN Please select the answer choice to fill in the blank. 1. I have a friend. __________ name is Ahmed. A. Her B. He C. His D. Him

2. My mother went shopping. __________ bought me a new T-shirt. A. Her B. Hers C. She D. He

3. __________ are diligent students. A. He B. We C. I D. She

4. I visited my uncle last Friday. __________ gave us some orange. A. He B. Him C. She D. His

5. __________ classmates often come to my house. A. My B. I C. Me D. Mine

6. __________ am a student. A. You B. They C. We D. I

7. Is this apple for __________ ? A. mine B. my C. he D. me

8. I dont know what __________ name is. A. your B. yours C. she D. you

9. Despite her parents complaints, she desided to live by __________ in New York City. A. her B. herself C. myself D. yourself

10. If you happen to see your parents this weekend, give __________ my best regards. A. him B. her C. them D. they

11. The coat of __________ is very warm. A. us B. him C. his D. them

12. That old woman is very kind to __________. A. us B. we C. ours D. our

13. Do you have a dictionary? Yes I have a good __________. A. some B. it C. mine D. one

14. Bob and Ted live near _________ school. A. their B. them C. they D. theys

15. __________ school is in the mountains. A. Ours B. Us C. We D. Our

16. He came to see __________ last night. A. I B. me C. my D. mine

17. The bird sang __________ happy tune. A. its B. it C. its D. the

18. Her uncle is a doctor, isnt __________? A. she B. it C. him D. he

19. I have many besutiful flowers. My aunt gave ________ to me last month. A. them B. her C. it D. us

20. Is this drink for _________ or for you? A. me B. mine C. us D. he

21. I cant understand __________ when she speaks German with __________. A. him, me B. her, me C. your, me D. you, her

22. I cant find __________ pencil. Can I use __________, Mary? A. mine, your B. mine, yours C. my, your D. my, yours

23. Give it back to __________. Its __________. A. me, my B. me, mine C. mine, my D. mine, me

WHO, WHOSE, WHOM AND WHICH Please select the answer choice. 24.This is the teacher __________ told me my son has been misbehaving in class. A. who B. whose C. whom D. which

25. My husband, __________ i love, sent me flowers at work last night. A. who B. whose C. whom D. which

26. This is the girl __________ car hit that tree last week. A. who B. whose C. whom D. which

27. Those were the boxes __________ were sent to you last month but never made it here. A. who B. whose C. whom D. which

28. __________ shall I fear but the ones who hurt me? A. who B. whose C. whom D. which

29. I asked you __________ of these shoes you think would go with my outfit. A. who B. whose C. whom D. which

30. __________ house is this, anyway? Are we allowed to stay here? A. whos B. whose C. whom D. which

31. I have friends __________ love me so much that they threw a surprise birthday party for me last night. A. who B. whose C. whom D. which

32. That young man, to __________ we owe many thanks, saved our moms life after the car accident. A. who B. whose C. whom D. which

33. __________ is going to take the dog for a walk? A. who B. whose C. whom D. which

Answer Key :Pronoun 1)C 2)C 3)B 13)D 23)B 33)B 4)A 14)A 24)A 5)A 15)B 25)A 6)D 16)B 26)D 7)D 17)C 27)B 8)A 18)D 28)C 9)B 10)C

11)B 12)A 21)B 22)D 31)A 32)B

19)A 20)A 29)C 30)A

1. Be sure that everyone brings ____________ own book. HIS OR HER THEIR

2. If anyone calls, tell ____________ that I'll be back in half an hour. HIM OR HER THEM 3. Joe and ____________ have been close friends for many years. ME I 4. Did you see Derek and ____________ at the game? HER SHE 5. Between you and ____________ , this politician cannot be trusted. ME I 6. Each person in the room turned ____________ head to the front when the teacher entered. THEIR HIS 7. We know that we can count on James, Anne, and ____________ . HER SHE 8. Rhonda explained that ____________ and her sister had often eaten at that restaurant. HER SHE 9. Most of the workers were wearing ____________ hard hats. HIS OR HER THEIR 10. It's always best for a student to ask questions when ____________ doesn't understand a problem. SHE THEY 11. The children in that neighborhood often ride ____________ bikes through the park. HIS OR HER THEIR 12. The local government plans to cut ____________ budget for recreation. ITS THEIR

13. When I meet new people, I'm usually curious about ____________ occupations. THEIR HIS OR HER 14. Everyone who purchased one of the paintings ____________ pleased. WERE WAS 15. Few of the suggestions ____________ reasonable to me. SOUND SOUNDS 16. Christopher and ____________ want to travel to the Far East some day. I ME 17. The cost of the repairs shocked both my brother and ____________ . I ME 18. Most of the congestion on the highway ____________ caused by an overturned truck. WERE WAS 19. To Maria and ____________ , the movie seemed very silly. HINT: Are you looking for a subject or the object of a preposition here? HER SHE 20. Both of the bicycles in the garage ____________ broken. IS ARE 21. That coat of ___ is very warm. o his o him 22. My car is new, but ___ is old. o his o him o hes 23. The dog ate ____meal o its o its o it

24. It was my brother who went with_______ o she o her 25. Her uncle is a doctor, isnt___? o it o she o he 26. ______school is in the mountains. o o o o we us ours our

27. I gave _____my pencil. o his o him o he 28. We are glad that you could stay with_____. o o o o our ours we us

29. He came to see _____last night. o my o I o me 30. She has an apple in ____hand. o hers o she o her ADJECTIVE 1. Which is the correct order? A. a steel new carving knife B. a new steel carving knife

C. D.

a new carving steel knife a carving steel new knife

2. Which is the correct order? A. an exciting French new band B. C. D. a French new exciting band an exciting new French band an new French exciting band

3. Which is the correct order? A. a big red plastic hat B. C. D. a plastic big red hat a red big plastic hat a bit plastic red hat

4. Which is the correct order? A. a dirty old cotton tie B. C. D. an old cotton dirty tie a cotton dirty old tie a dirty cotton old tie

5. Which is the correct order? A. an old square wooden table B. C. D. an old wooden square table a wooden old square table a square wooden old table

6. Which is the correct order? A. a thin small Canadian lady B. C. D. a small thin Canadian lady a small Canadian thin lady a Canadian small thin lady

7. Which is the correct order? A. a small Japanese serving bowl

B. C. D.

a small serving Japanese bowl a serving small Japanese bowl a Japanese small serving bowl

8. Which is the correct order? A. a blue sailing beautiful boat B. C. D. a beautiful blue sailing boat a sailing beautiful blue boat a blue beautiful sailing boat

9. The cougar has powerful legs, ________ it uses to climb and to jump into trees. A. whose B. C. D. whom who which

10. The cougar lives in deserts, forests, plains and mountains, but according to scientists ________ have studied the animal, it is becoming endangered in some areas. A. whose B. C. D. which whom who

11. Cougars sometimes prey on sheep and goats, so they may be killed by the farmers ________ animals they attack. A. which B. C. D. whom whose who

12. However, cougars very rarely attack humans, of ________ they are usually afraid.

A. B. C. D.

that whom which who

13. The cougar is a member of the cat family ______ grows to around 8 feet in length. A. who B. C. D. which that whom

14. Mary is a ___ swimmer. a. slow b. slowly 15. Andrew plays the piano ___. a. beautiful b. beautifully 16. Mrs. Thompson sews ___. a. quick b. quickly

17. Mr. Garcia speaks ___. a. loud b. loudly 18. His kids are ___ students. a. good b. well 19. Joanna sings ___. a. awful b. awfully 20. Faye writes ___. a. neat b. neatly

21. Douglas and Hannah are ___ students. a. bad b. badly 22. Jessica is a ___ basketball player. a. good b. well 23. Patty doesn't cook ___. a. good b. well 24. Mr. Lopez is not a ___ policeman. a. careful b. carefully 25. Those girls talk ___. a. intelligent b. intelligently 26. I don't think I am a ___ athlete. a. bad b. badly 27. Yesterday I went to a __________ (nice) party. a. nice b. nicely c. in a nice way 28. A lot of _________ (friendly) boys and girls were there. a. b. c. d. friendly friendlily frendly friendly

29. The music was __________ (loud). a. b. c. d. loudly loud heavy laud

30. And we danced ________ (wild). a. in a wild way b. in a wild manner

c. wild d. wildly

VERB 1. Has the advertising agency __________ the new promotional material yet? I need it by this afternoon. a. b. c. d. dropped off dropped in dropped out dropped by

2 We need to ________ the price of the product, which is relatively high, and focus on its quality as a selling point. a. b. c. d. back down break down play down settle down

3 Have you __________ any other interesting product features that we could emphasize in the ads? a. b. c. d. come across drawn out gotten across made out

4 We've decided to __________ billboards and use more double-page spreads instead. a. back off on b. come down with

c. cut back on d. drop off 5 This poster is horrible and can't be used. The colors and images are all wrong. We will have to __________ . a. b. c. d. do it over even it out do it in put it down

6 We had to reorder the printed advertisements because the printer completely forgot and __________ the free sample coupons. a. b. c. d. kept off left out passed out shaved off

7 We're going to have to __________ the advertising campaign if we can't get any TV or radio time. a. b. c. d. call on call off drop off drop out

8 This commercial doesn't seem to promote the product. Can you explain to me how dancing chickens __________ sport shoes? a. b. c. d. pan out as hold up to add up to have to do with

9 I like that magazine, but I think we should __________ advertising in it until its circulation has increased. a. b. c. d. put out put back put away put off

10 My new assistant needs to be __________ before I trust her to run an ad campaign like this one. a. broken down b. broken in

c. broken up d. broken into 11 . He ____________ that he had stolen the car. a. described b. reminded c. admitted d. commented 12. Mary finally ____________ why she had been late. a. b. c. d. answered maintained explained refused

13. He ____________ that I was wrong. a. b. c. d. taught suggested notified instructed

14. He ____________ to tell my father about it. a. b. c. d. assured notified threatened directed

15. The teacher simply ____________ the class to do it. a. b. c. d. stated ruled ordered explained

16. They ____________ that they had also been to London. a. b. c. d. assured directed suggested added

17. She ____________ that I had already told her the answer.

a. b. c. d.

recalled assured notified directed

18. They ____________ him to lie down. a. b. c. d. suggested promised instructed mentioned

19. He ____________ to most of my questions. a. b. c. d. denied answered responded refused

20. They ____________ to come on time. a. b. c. d. mentioned promised suggested instructed

21. She ____________ that I had already told her the answer. a. b. c. d. requested assumed convinced reminded

22. He ____________ to tell my father about it. a. b. c. d. proposed recalled responded complained

23. The teacher simply ____________ the class to do it. a. b. c. d. directed observed recited recorded

24. Mary finally ____________ why she had been late. a. b. c. d. mentioned told responded denied

25. He ____________ that he had stolen the car. a. b. c. d. acknowledged guaranteed invited refused

26. He ____________ that I was wrong. a. insisted b. informed c. commanded d. proposed

27. They ____________ him to lie down. a. b. c. d. ordered demanded confirmed maintained

28. They ____________ that they had also been to London. a. b. c. d. showed begged proposed revealed

29. He ____________ to most of my questions. a. b. c. d. persuaded stated objected informed

30. They ____________ to come on time. a. predicted b. swore c. asserted

d. told

ADVERB 1. Eat your ice-cream A. quietly B. quickly C. slowly 2. He looked A. sadly B. happily C. nicely 3. The taxi is leaving A. last night B. now C. just now 4. The soldiers won the battle because they fought A. meekly B. powerfully C. bravely 5. We went shopping A. yesterday B. greatly C. soon 6. Every day, the sun shines . . . . at his damaged car. before it melts.

A. brightly B. quickly C. heavily

7. Could you repeat your number __________ please? A. slowly B. quickly C. fastly 8. Thank you for returning my call so __________ . A. slowly B. quickly C. busily 9. I didnt quite catch that. Could you say it again __________ please? A. clearly B. quickly C. greatly 10. He would shout A. softly B. peacefully C. angrily 11. He sits A. comfortably B. simply C. easily 12. He waited A. patiently B. briefly C. slowly 13. The guests will be leaving A. often B. soon C. always 14. He spoke to them because they were far apart. . Please show them the way out. for his friends. on the chair. when he was in bad mood.

A. beautifully B. soundly C. loudly 15. He has arranged the books A. smartly B. neatly C. tightly 16. They were in great pain because they were A. slightly B. seriously C. bitterly 17. He reads the problem A. freely B. peacefully C. carefully 18. He is A. never B. only C. too 19. My grandfather died A. peacefully B. gracefully C. patiently 20. The couples strolled A. quietly B. quickly C. slowly 21. Please explain to him A. immediately B. quickly C. clearly 22. She dressed A. smartly B. cutely for the party. how to use it. in the park. in his sleep. weak to carry the box. before answering it. injured. on the shelves.

C. busily 23. The baby sleeps A. slowly B. quickly C. soundly 24. The boy fell A. slowly B. up C. down from the chair. every night.

25. She is old and walks very A. slowly B. quickly C. fastly 26. It is raining A. heavily B. quickly C. drastically 27. She shut the door A. soundly B. quickly C. quietly 28. They reach England A. happily B. cheerfully C. safely 29. He left the place A. slowly B. immediately C. anxiously 30. They are studied A. slowly B. quickly now.

as her son was sleeping.

by air last night.

after he had heard the news.

in the library.

C. quietly


Yes or No questions 1. Are Jane and Alice sisters? 2. Is this car yours? 3. Am I in your way? WH questions 1. _______do you want to eat? Pasta and cheese. 2. _______do they smoke? Cigarettes. 3. _______does John drive? Cars. 4. _______does that girl go swimming? At the club. 5. _______do we get up? Early in the morning. 6. _______ does that child go to school? 7. _______ does Helen help at home? Multiple Choice Questions 1) What's the opposite of more? a. b. c. d. few less a lot many

2) Give my love to your grandma.

a. Yes, sure. b. Yes, I will. Thank you. c. Yes, please. Tag Questions 1) Mr McGuinness is from Ireland, _______? 2) The car isn't in the garage, ________? 3) You are John, _________? 4) She went to the library yesterday, _________? TENSES Simple Present

In which sentence is the Simple Present used correctly? a) Carol clean the bathroom. b) Carol cleans the bathroom. Which sentence is in the Simple Present? a) He can a bike ride. b) He can ride a bike. Which negative sentence is in the Simple Present? a) He do not reads a book. b) He does not read a book.



Simple Past

Which negative sentence is in the Simple Past? a) We did not speak Russian. b) We not spoke Russian. c) We spoke not Russian. In which sentence is the Simple Past used correctly? a) The hotel room was very nice. b) The hotel room were very nice. Which question is in the Simple Past? a) Did you saw her? b) Did you see her? c) Have you seen her?



Simple Future


You (earn) _____ a lot of money. a) will earn b) would earn You (travel) ______ around the world. a) will travel b) will travelled You (meet) ______ lots of interesting people. a) will meet b) will met



Present Progressive

Our friends ____ packing their rucksacks. a) is b) are They _____ to the radio. a) are listening b) Is listening ______the lady is leaving the office. a) At this moment b) Every afternoon



Past Progressive

While Henry _____ a drink at the bar, his wife_____ in the sea. a) were having..were swimming b) was having..was swimming He_______ a loud bang while he______ to his friend. a) heardwas talking b) was hearwas talking While he______ a shower, his dogs______ his steaks. a) were takingwere eating b) was takingwere eating



Present Perfect

Emily ______ her room. (to paint) a) have painted b) has painted


Lisa and Colin to a concert. (to go) a) have gone b) has gone My friends smoking. (to give up) a) have give up b) has given up


Past Perfect

Lisa ______the book, so she didn't understand the film. (not/to read) a) had not read b) have not read The Smiths________ the new camera, so they could spend the money on new furniture. (not/to buy) a) had not buy b) had not bought The cat hid under the chair because the children ______ so loud. (to be) a) had been b) has been



Future Perfect 1) Im sorry, by next week, I _______ (not/finish) the report. a) won't have finished b) wouldt have finished 2) Julia _____ (not/send) the emails today a) won't have sent b) wouldt have sent 3) They ______ their essay by tomorrow. (to write) a) will have written b) would have written

Present Prefect Progressive


They_____ . (not/to cycle) a) have not been cycling b) has not been cycling


Tony _____this book, but Mary has. (not/to read) a) had not been read b) has not been reading I____ my homework. (not/to do) a) I have not been doing b) I has not been doing


Past Prefect Progressive


They ______ (chat) for over 2 hours. a) have been chatting b) had been chatting I _______ (wait) there for ages. a) had been waiting b) have been waiting After John _______(work) for hours on end he left the office. a) had been working b) has been working



Future Perfect Progressive


The girl ______(plan) the party. a) will have been planning b) will had been planning Jessica ________(help) them for 12 months. a) will had been helping b) will have been helping Bob and Sarah ______ (cook) for 2 hours at 8 o'clock. a) would have been cooking b) will have been cooking



REFLECTION Alhamdulillah, grateful to god that give me opportunity and I can work to

complete the task given short courses for the semester three. Firstly, I faced many problems as there is no facility for this type of task on this semester. But when the problem can be over come in a short time, I also get the problem may be information about this course work. I am very thankful because after reading the print media and internet surfing, a lot of input that I have information or knowledge related course work at this time. I am also have a guide from the lecturer of this course work make me know about the content of this course work and also that

how to

complete this course. Accordingly, I would like to thank to Madame Wan Ziraiza Wan Ismail for her talent to this subject because i got a lot of knowledge and help during the preparation of this task and i have assisted in providing knowledge and information on that topics that give me guide to completed this task. The information I got from her I applied to the reference materials that I consider the reference in the library. She gave me a full commitment to complete this task on the correct

time. However, things such as this, it also make me become more taught to be a student that are more focused and concerned about work which has been and always seizing the opportunity especially when it is called a future teacher who will shape the future of the nation. Madame Ziraiza also make me feel comfotable in the class because she did not scold me during her class because of my pronounciation when speaking or presentation. She make me comfidence to talk and to improve myself especially in english. I have a lot of experience during her class and enjoy it. I hope that I will learn a lot of thing in her class in the time remaining in this semester. Finally, I also feel very happy because after a lot of the challenges faced in completing course work, I remain patient to do the work little by little until the course work can be delivered on the date are specified. Further more, I hope that this task can continues to help me and to guide me in searching and learning of knowledge to successfully becoming a teacher who can be considered as a store of knowledge to religion, race and nation.

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