Inference As A Dynamic Concept Map: Sytse Knypstra
Inference As A Dynamic Concept Map: Sytse Knypstra
Inference As A Dynamic Concept Map: Sytse Knypstra
Sytse Knypstra
Many students nd it hard to understand the fundamental concepts in inferential statistics. This becomes apparent when students are mixing up population parameters and their estimates. Reasons why inferential statistics is so hard to understand are given and concept maps are introduced as a way to facilitate understanding. Two computer programs are described: Sila, which supports teaching of inferential statistics by means of a dynamic concept map and PQRS, a probability calculator that can help studying distributions.
Many students have diculties in understanding concepts in classical inferential statistics. This becomes evident when they write down expressions like: H0 : x1 = x2 , a 95% condence interval (for x) is [ 1.23; + 1.23], the probability that lies in the interval [1.23; 4.56] is 95%, X . (if is unknown): the test statistic is / n In these examples the student seems to be unable to distinguish between parameters (in non-Bayesian statistics considered as non-random quantities whose values are not known) and sample statistics (random variables whose outcome may vary from one sample to another, but which can be evaluated for the particular sample at hand). But also the interpretation of other concepts like p-value, power and condence interval provide serious problems for students. The fact that students nd it hard to understand these concepts is widely acknowledged.
Faculty of Economics, University of Groningen, PostBox 800, 9700 AV Groningen, The Netherlands. Tel. ++31 50 3633808. e-mail:
Lipson (1994) notes that the idea of a sampling distribution is generally poorly understood. She ascribes this to the fact that it is introduced using a deductive approach based on probability theory. Furthermore, it is a theoretical development which is dicult to relate to the physical process of drawing a sample from a population. She argues that a theoretical explanation should be accompanied by an empirical argument. Hawkins et al. (1992) claim that the words population and sample in the framework of statistics have a very specic meaning that diers from the everyday usage of the words. This will cause confusion in students. The authors continue: Almost before the student has come to terms with that mental step, the realm of the random variable has been entered, where populations (and samples) are dened in terms of distributions, the population being described by its parameters and the sample by its statistics. Close on the heels of these concepts comes the idea of sampling distributions, being the derived distributions of statistics from repeated sampling from population distributions. It is hardly surprising that students regularly confuse these three kinds of distribution, especially when their descriptors have so much in common, and X to describe location, both being re2 2 ferred to as means, and and s the variances of population and sample, respectively. The nightmare really begins, however, with the introduction of the term standard error to represent the standard deviation of the sampling distribution. There is much to be said for a presentation that colour-codes population, sample and sampling distributions, and which emphasizes the distinctive use of the terms parameter and statistic. In our opinion a key role is played by the concepts distribution and random variable which should be fully understood before advancing to inferential statistics. We completely agree with Hawkins et al. (1992) that the use of the word mean for the expectation of a (population) distribution, the (stochastic) mean X of a sample and its outcome x is most confusing. Similarly terms like variance, standard deviation and median are used in three dierent ways. Although textbooks tend to distinguish between estimator and estimate, generally the same word is used for a condence interval as a stochastic interval and for its outcome. We recommend to avoid expressions in which a random variable is linked with its outcome by means X 0 = 1.23. we prefer: The of the equal sign. Instead of The test statistic is: S/ n X 0 . Its outcome is 1.23. test statistic is: S/ n
Concept maps
One way to deal with the complexity of inferential statistics is to use a concept map. A concept map consists of boxes representing the concepts and arrows representing their relations. A concept map shows the structure of a complex concept in a schematic, graphical way. A concept map is not uniquely dened, dierent authors may or may not agree on the (number of) relevant concepts and the links between them.
In a typical introductory course in statistics we consider the following concepts to be the most fundamental for inferential statistics: random variable, probability distribution, parameter, population, random sample and its realization, statistic and its realization. Other concepts, more specically concerned with estimation, condence intervals and testing hypotheses, are: (un)biasedness, null hypothesis, alternative hypothesis, level of signicance , critical value and critical region, pvalue, power(-function). For the moment however we limit ourselves to the rst mentioned generic inferential concepts and to the situation that one or more independent populations are involved (the treatment of e.g. linear regression needs some adaptations). Figure 1 shows a rst, tentative concept map describing them.
rr rr r j r
random v.
E realization
B c
r r rr rr E
Central to all other concepts in gure 1 is what we will call the distribution cluster. It consists of distribution , parameter , random v. which stands for both random variable and random vector, depending on the univariate or multivariate character of the associated distribution, and realization (outcome). The rst two concepts are linked by a two-way arrow: a given probability distribution determines the value of its parameter(s) and, given the type of distribution, its parameter values completely specify the distribution. For each distribution a random v. can be dened having this distribution, therefore also the link between these two concepts is two-way. The last two concepts in the distribution cluster are linked by a one-way arrow: from each random v. a realization can be obtained.
sample and statistic is closely Each of the three concepts population , connected with the distribution cluster: each of them is linked with a distribution determined up to one or more parameters. The leftmost vertical arrow in gure 1 represents the process of drawing a (random) sample from a population. The lowermost horizontal arrow indicates the summarizing of the sample into a statistic. The dashed lines, together with inference indicate that a statement about a population is made on the basis of the statistics outcome. How can concept maps help in teaching? They help to clarify the concepts and their (obscured) links. In inferential statistics a concept map can be used to show that a statistic is an instance of a random variable , which has a distribution depending on a parameter and hence that its outcome can be seen as drawn from this distribution. Concept maps also show in which context a word like mean is used. The concept map of gure 1 is rather complex and therefore not suitable for educational purposes. In a simplied version we consider the distribution-cluster as a well-known basic concept which may be omitted. Then only four boxes remain. In gure 2 this reduced concept map is shown, but some essential parts of the distribution cluster are transferred to the remaining boxes: population now contains the parameter and sample and statistic are each divided into two parts, a stochastic part and a realization part. inference about
statistic realization
When dealing with one or more independent populations this reduced concept map is generic for estimation, testing hypotheses, and constructing condence intervals. Its elements may be rened and further specied: When referring to a population we usually have one distribution in mind, e.g. a normal distribution with parameters and 2 . But also more complicated cases t into this framework. When discussing nonparametric statistics, F can be considered as the parameter of interest, where F represents the cumulative distribution function of some continuous or discrete distribution. When making inference on the basis of k independent populations each population
may be replaced by a number of boxes, one for each population from which samples are drawn. In each box the type of distribution is displayed, together with the parameter(s) about which inference is to be made. Sample should be similarly replaced by the same number of boxes. In the random variable section each of the observed variables are displayed, e.g. X1 , . . . , X9 . In the realization section their outcomes are shown after taking a sample.
In the random variable section of statistic the summarizing function, e.g. X = g(X1 , . . . , X9 ) can be written. Its realization section will contain the outcome after taking a sample. In the case of condence intervals two summarizing functions and two outcomes have to be specied, one for each endpoint. Inference may contain the sort of inference (estimation, testing hypotheses, constructing condence intervals) and the parameter(function) or hypotheses of interest.
Specifying or changing the contents of one box immediately changes the contents of other boxes. Especially these changes show how the various components of a concept map interact.
Figure 4 shows the screen after a problem has been loaded from a le and the user has entered the type of population distribution (normal), the type of inference (testing hypotheses), the null- and alternative hypothesis and the sample size. Figure 5 shows the same problem when the user has drawn a sample and additionally specied the test statistic and the level of signicance. In the Analysis window the graph of the test statistics distribution is displayed under the null-hypothesis and under a specied parameter value of the alternative hypothesis, thus showing the probability of a type II error and the power. After entering successively several parameter values the contour of the power function becomes visible. Students especially appreciate this part of Sila. Figure 6 shows a problem involving two populations and thus two samples. It shows the way parameter functions and statistics are edited using a formula editor. The problem in this gure was taken from Moore & McCabe (1989).
The program PQRS (Probabilities, Quantiles and Random Samples) was developed as a tool with Sila that would make statistical tables obsolete. It can also be used independently from Sila. For some 25 discrete and continuous distributions (a.o. the non-central chi-square, t and F - distributions) PQRS renders: a graph of the probability density function or probability mass function,
a graph of the cumulative distribution function, probabilities P (X < value), P (X > value) and if nonzero P (X = value), all in their natural position relative to the graph, quantiles (the application of the inverse cumulative distribution function) for a given value between 0 and 1, also in their natural position relative to the graph, random samples which can be saved to a le, formulas for the density function, the expectation and variance and the moment generating function. Great care has been given to a clear design of the user interface. PQRS not only makes tables obsolete, but it also gives the students a good idea of the shape and other characteristics of probability distributions. Figure 7 shows a window with PQRS running.
Sila and PQRS are not meant to replace traditional teaching of statistics, but should be used to illustrate certain concepts in the classroom or to let the students work out problems in a hands-on computer session. Sila and PQRS are used by students
in econometrics at the University of Groningen in their rst years course of statistics. During four weeks a one hour session is held each week in which the students have to solve a number of problems with the aid of Sila and PQRS. Sila appears to be a valuable tool in teaching the fundamental concepts of statistics when accompanied by special instructions and questions. These are necessary to make the students aware of otherwise unnoticed aspects. Our positive experience with Sila is conrmed by the results of evaluations. The most recent evaluation states that: Sila is easy to use (93% of the students), Sila has enhanced the students understanding of inference (67%), Some students (10%) feel that feedback comes too soon; in that case they are not forced to think but can use a trial and error strategy in handling a problem.
Teachers, textbooks and software should use dierent words for dierent concepts, e.g. expected value or expectation when referring to a population or distribution, sample mean for X and outcome of the sample mean for x. Random variables and their realizations should be clearly distinguished. This also applies to a condence interval vs. the outcome of a condence interval. The concepts of random variable and probability distribution should by thoroughly understood by students before advancing to inferential statistics. Sila and PQRS should be used to help students understand inferential statistics and probability distributions.
Devroye L. (1986) Non-Uniform Random Variate Generation. Springer, New York. Hawkins, A., F. Joliffe, L. Glickman (1992) Teaching Statistical Concepts. Longman, London, New York. Knypstra S. (1997) Kansverdelingen en objecten. Kwantitatieve Methoden 54. LEcuyer P. (1988) Ecient and Portable Combined Random Number Generators. Communications of the ACM, Vol. 31, Nr 6. Lipson K. (1994) Understanding the role of computer based technology in developing fundamental concepts of statistical inference, Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Teaching Statistics, Marrakech, Morocco. Moore, D.S., G.P. McCabe (1989) Introduction to the practice of statistics. W.H. Freeman and Company, New York, Oxford. Press, W.H., B.P. Flannery, S.A. Teukolsky, W.T. Vetterling (1989) Numerical Recipes in Pascal: the art of scientic programming. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.