Integrated Guidance and Control of Missiles With - D Method

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6, NOVEMBER 2006


Integrated Guidance and Control of Missiles With -D Method

Ming Xin, Member, IEEE, S. N. Balakrishnan, and Ernest J. Ohlmeyer
AbstractA new suboptimal control method is proposed in this study to effectively design an integrated guidance and control system for missiles. Optimal formulations allow designers to bring together concerns about guidance law performance and autopilot responses under one unied framework. They lead to a natural integration of these different functions. By modifying the appropriate cost functions, different responses, control saturations (autopilot related), miss distance (guidance related), etc., which are of primary concern to a missile system designer, can be easily studied. A new suboptimal control method, called the - method, is employed to obtain an approximate closed-form solution to this nonlinear guidance problem based on approximations to the HamiltonJacobiBellman equation. Missile guidance law and autopilot design are formulated into a single unied state space framework. The cost function is chosen to reect both guidance and control concerns. The ultimate control input is the missile n deections. A nonlinear six-degree-of-freedom (6-DOF) missile simulation is used to demonstrate the potential of this new integrated guidance and control approach. Index TermsMissile integrated guidance and control, nonlinear systems, optimal control.


NTEGRATED guidance and control (IGC) design is an emerging trend in missile technology. This is a response to the need for improving the accuracy of interceptors and extending their kill envelope. Current and past practices in industry have been to design guidance and control systems separately and then integrate them into the missile. These subsystems typically had different bandwidths. Despite the fact that this paradigm has been applied successfully on many systems, it can be argued that it is not truly optimized; therefore, the overall system performance can be improved. Hit-to-kill capabilities required in the next generation missile system will demand an integrated approach in order to exploit synergism between various missile subsystems and thereby improve the total system performance. An IGC design can be formulated as a single optimization problem, thus providing a unied approach to interceptor performance optimization.

Manuscript received March 16, 2004; revised May 12, 2005. Manuscript received in nal form March 23, 2006. Recommended by Associate Editor S. Weibel. This work was supported by the Naval Surface Warfare Center, Dahlgren Division. M. Xin is with the Department of Aerospace Engineering, Mississippi State University, Starkville, MS 39762 USA (e-mail: S. N. Balakrishnan is with the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of Missouri-Rolla, Rolla, MO 65409 USA (e-mail: E. J. Ohlmeyer is with the Naval Surface Weapon Center, Dahlgren, VA 22448 USA (e-mail: Digital Object Identier 10.1109/TCST.2006.876903

Lin and Yueh [1] rst addressed the application of an IGC scheme to a homing missile. An optimal controller was designed to combine the conventionally separated guidance law and autopilot design into one framework by minimizing a quadratic cost functional subject to intercept dynamics. The advantages gained in this optimal control law were minimization of the root-mean-square (rms) miss, the terminal angle of attack, the pitch rate, and the control surface apping rate in the presence of unmodeled errors. However, this paper only dealt with a nonmaneuvering target. Evers et al. [2] extended the concepts presented in [1] to include a target acceleration model as a rstorder Markov process. The resulting IGC law was expected to be less sensitive to the errors in estimating the current target acceleration. Menon and Ohlmeyer [3] employed the feedback linearization method in conjunction with the linear quadratic regulator (LQR) technique to design a nonlinear integrated guidance and control laws for homing missiles. The IGC design was presented in three formulations which were based upon three different guidance objectives. A six-degrees-of-freedom (6-DOF) nonlinear dynamic model of an air-to-air homing missile was simulated and each of the three IGC schemes achieved a similar favorable performance. Menon et al. [4] employed the feedback linearization technique to the IGC of a moving-mass actuated kinetic warhead. A 9-DOF simulation demonstrated good results for interception of nonmaneuvering and weaving targets in both endo-atmospheric and exoatmospheric conditions. Although feedback linearization is a powerful tool, it could cancel benecial nonlinearities and result in a large control. Also, it is only applicable to systems which satisfy some conditions of feedback linearizability [5]. Other IGC schemes that have been developed incorporate various control theories. Shkolnikov et al. [6] developed an IGC design using sliding-mode control. They divide their controller development into inner and outer loop objectives. Menon and Ohlmeyer [7] employed the state dependent Riccati equation (SDRE) technique [8] to deal with a more comprehensive model that is nonlinear with motion in three dimensions. The design was evaluated based on a 6-DOF nonlinear missile model with two types of target models, nonmaneuvering targets and weaving maneuvering targets. The numerical results demonstrated the feasibility of designing integrated guidance/control systems for the next generation high-performance missile systems. Palumbo and Jackson [9] formulated the IGC problem as a single nonlinear minmax optimization problem, which is to nd a controller that minimizes the nal miss distance and control energy under worst case target maneuver and worst case process and measurement disturbances. The state dependent Riccati difference equation (SDRDE) technique was employed to handle this nite-time horizon nonlinear problem. The sim-

1063-6536/$20.00 2006 IEEE



ulation results compared favorably with the benchmark system using Dynamic Inversion and Optimal Guidance. However, as mentioned in that paper, solving state dependent Riccati equation online is time consuming. Particularly for a 6-DOF missile with an integrated guidance/control design, the system order grows much higher and the SDRE approach requires signicant computational capability for online implementation that is sometimes not feasible. In this paper, an IGC scheme is formulated as an innite-horizon optimal control problem. The terminal guidance problem is a nite-horizon problem by nature. Time-to-go is required in a traditional guidance law derived from a nite-time linear quadratic optimal control formulation or is similar formulations. However, an accurate estimate of difcult to obtain in scenarios involving a maneuvering target whose maneuvers are unknown to the missile. The IGC does . Nevertheless, the innite time formulations tend not need to compensate for the error in proportion to the magnitude and may cause a large control at the initial stage or large oscillations in the states. In order to account for the nite-time nature of the guidance problem, an innovative approach of state-dependent weights is used in the cost function. For example, one can penalize the relative range inversely proportional to its magnitude. That is, when the relative range is large, we put a small weight on the position error to avoid large control effort. As the missile approaches the target, a large weight is imposed to ensure small miss distances. The nonlinear innite-horizon IGC problem is solved by utilizing the - technique [10]. This method is developed from optimal control theory and gives an approximate closed-form suboptimal feedback controller with no iterative solutions as in the case of the SDRE approach. The technique has already been successfully employed in a 6-DOF nonlinear missile autopilot design in [11] and has demonstrated great potential in the missile control problem. The paper is organized as follows. Section II summarizes the - technique. The 6-DOF nonlinear missile model is given in Section III and the IGC formulation using the - technique is presented in Section IV. Section V discusses the simulation results and conclusions are given in Section VI. II. SUMMARY OF SUBOPTIMAL CONTROL METHOD

The optimal solution of this innite-horizon nonlinear regulator problem can be obtained by solving the HamiltonJacobiBellman (HJB) partial differential equation [12]

(3) where is the optimal cost, i.e.,

(4) is continuously differentiable and Assume that with . Optimal control is given by

(5) The HJB equation is extremely difcult to solve in general, so an approximate solution is attempted by considering perturbations to the cost function

(6) where and are chosen such that positive semidenite. For later manipulation, the state equation is rewritten as is

(7) where is a constant matrix, such that is a stabilizable is pointwise controllable. pair and is an intermediate variable for the purpose of power series expansion. Furthermore, write the perturbed cost function as

Consider a class of nonlinear time-invariant systems described by (8) (1) The objective is to nd a stabilizing controller that minimizes the cost functional (2) where . Assume that and is a compact set in is positive semidenite and is a positive denite constant is of class in on and matrix. It is assumed that . such that Dene and is a constant matrix.

(9) By using (8) and (9) in the HJB (3), the perturbed HJB equation becomes





The objective is to solve for in (10). Therefore, a power series solution for is assumed in terms of as (11) are assumed to be symmetric and to be determined. where Substitute (11) into the perturbed HJB (10) and equate the coefcients of the powers of to zero to get the following equations: (12)


(13) (19) and where parameters. are chosen such that The are adjustable design


(15) Since the right-hand side of (13)(15) involve and would . The be a function of and . Thus, we denote it as expression for control can be obtained in terms of a power series as

(20) (16) It is easy to see that (12) is an algebraic Riccati equation. The rest of the equations are Lyapunov equations that are linear in . terms of We construct the following expression for where (21) is a small number. The s serve three functions. The rst is to suppress large control magnitudes. To see this, for example, includes a cubic term, its magnitude could be large when if is large. This large value will be reected into the solution for , i.e., the left-hand side of (13)(15). Since will be used in the next equation to solve for , this large value will be




propagated and amplied and, consequently, cause higher control or even instability. can be used to prevent the large value from propagating in (13)(15). The second function is to satisfy some conditions required in the proof of convergence and stability of the above algorithm [10]. The third usage is to modulate the system transient performance. The exponential term with is used to let the perturbation terms in the cost function and HJB equation diminish as time evolves. Remark: is just an intermediate variable. Its value can be kept as unity. The steps of applying the method are summarized as follows. once 1) Solve the algebraic Riccati equation (12) to get , and are determined. Note that the resulting is a positive-denite constant matrix. . Note that it 2) Solve Lyapunov equation (13) to get is a linear equation in terms of and an interesting property of this and the rest of the equations is that the coefand cient matrices are constant. Let . Through linear algebra, (13) can be brought into a form like , where is the right-hand side of denotes stacking the elements of matrix the (13); by rows in a vector form; is a constant matrix and the symbol denotes the Krocan be written necker product. The resulting solution of in closed form as . 3) Solve (14) and (15) by following the same procedure as in step 2. The number of s needed depends on the problem. , and are usuThe simulation results show that ally sufcient to achieve satisfactory performance for this class of IGC problems. can be As can be seen, closed-form solutions for obtained with just one matrix-inverse operation. The expression on the righthand side of the equations is already known and needs only simple matrix multiplications and additions. If nite terms in (16) are taken (three terms have been found to be sufcient for this problem and some others), the resulting control law has a closed-form expression and allows for easy online implementation. III. 6-DOF MISSILE MODEL The translational and rotational dynamics of a missile in the missile body coordinate can be described by the following six nonlinear differential equations [7]:




(27) where are the velocity components in the missile body are the body rotational rate; axis system; are the gravitational forces acting along the body axes; is the dynamic pressure; is the reference area; is the reference length; , and are moment of inertia about the body axis. Assume that the missile conguration is symmetand plane, i.e., . rical about the However, use of this method is not restricted by this assumption. The aerodynamic force and moment coefcients are described in a polynomial form with respect to angle of attack , angle of sideslip , roll n deection , pitch n deection , and yaw n deection . Coefcients of the polynomials describing the aerodynamic coefcients were derived by carrying out least squares ts on the aerodynamic data from [13]. The missile speed , dynamic pressure , angle of attack , and the angle of sideslip are dened as

(28) where is the air density. IV. IGC DESIGN WITH TECHNIQUE



The advantage of adopting , and as states is that the dynamic pressure appears linearly in all the aerodynamic force and moment equations and, consequently, the missile velocity components can be extracted from the equations of motion to yield a linear-like structure [7]. The IGC design in this paper, commands the missile to track the position and the velocity of the target. Since the missile seeker denes the target position relative to the missile body coordinates, it is desirable to dene the missile and target position in the missile body frame. Denote the positions of the target and the missile in the missile body coordinate system as and , respectively.




The kinematic equations of the missile position can be described by (29) (30) (31) The advantage of describing the target and missile position in the rotating coordinate system is that it circumvents the need for computing the Euler angles required in the transformation matrix when implementing the IGC law. Note that the missile and target positions in the missile body coordinates can be related to their respective positions in the inertial coordinates through the transformation matrix (as shown are yaw, pitch, in (32) at the bottom of the page), where and roll Euler angles. The Euler angle rates with respect to body rotational rates are given by the expressions in (33)(35) (33) (34) (35) The guidance objective is to minimize the relative distance between the missile and the target where (36) Besides the guidance objective, the IGC design must also stabilize all the states of the missile. It must meet the position and rate limits on the n deections and be able to adapt to maneuverable targets. In this study, the actuator dynamics are assumed sufciently fast and are not modeled in the IGC development. Also, all the states in the IGC feedback law are assumed available as measurements. Note that integral states are added to the state space to improve the steady-state performance. The nal state space is chosen to be

The cost function is chosen to be a quadratic type of function as shown in (2). In this paper, the - design of the IGC is employed as an integral servomechanism [14] as described in (39) at the bottom serves as a command for the misof the page, where and are the target inertial velocity sile guidance to track; components projected along the missile body - and -axis. Although it is formulated as a control problem, the guidance objective is achieved by driving the position error to zero while keeping the control effort small. So both guidance and autopilot design objectives are formulated as a unied optimal control problem through a single appropriate cost function. The - design technique requires that the nonlinear system dynamics be written in a linear-like structure for use in the controller development

(40) The gravitational force contributions to the equations of motion are dropped from consideration to follow the standard practice in missile guidance design. The elements of the coefcient matrix in (40) are given to be

(37) (38)





The control coefcient matrix is linear in the states

and is a function of

In the (7) as

formulation, we choose the factorization of nonlinear

(41) The advantage of choosing this factorization is that in the formulation, is solved from and in (12). If we select and , we have a good starting point because and retain much more system infor and would have. formation than an arbitrary choice of Note that the IGC design is an innite-horizon regulator problem eliminating the need to know time-to-go. The nite-time nature of the guidance problem is equivalently treated




Fig. 1. Interception of a nonmaneuvering target: cross-range versus down-range trajectory.

Fig. 2. Interception of a nonmaneuvering target: altitude versus down-range trajectory.

though proper selection of the range dependent weighting function . After some numerical experiments, the and matrices are chosen to be

(42) (43) where is the range between the missile and the target. When the relative range is large, we put a small weight on the position error to avoid large control effort. As the missile approaches the target, a large weight is imposed to ensure small miss distances. , and are selected, algorithm Once (12)(15) can be applied to get the optimal control (39). matrices play an important As mentioned in Section II, the (17)(19) role in the - -method design. The and in the are design parameters. They can be used to adjust the system and are chosen to be transient performance.

Fig. 3. Interception of a nonmaneuvering target: 3-D view.

and is symmetric. Substituting (46) into the HJB in a linear like structure (3) and writing nonlinear leads to the state dependent Riccati equation

(44) (47) (45) and are the state dependent terms on where and ). the right-hand side of (13) and (14) (except for The selection of is done systematically: Note that the - method is similar to the SDRE approach. To see this, assume that (46) This is, in fact, the idea behind the state dependent Riccati equation (SDRE) technique [8]. Compared with the SDRE approach, the - method solves a perturbed HJB equation




Fig. 4. Fin deections for interception of a nonmaneuvering target.

Fig. 6. Missile angle of attack, sideslip angle, and body rate histories of interception of a nonmaneuvering target.

Fig. 5. Missile body velocity histories of interception of a nonmaneuvering target.

Fig. 7. Missile accelerations along the missile body y - and z -axes.

and assumes that

(49) As can be seen, the - method is similar to the SDRE approach in the sense that both bring the nonlinear equation into a linearlike structure and solve a quadratic optimal control problem. The former gives an approximate closed-form solution, while the latter solves the algebraic Riccati equation online. So, it is assumed in this development that the - solution is close to the

SDRE solution, i.e., , where is obtained from solving (12)(15) ofine and is obtained by solving (47) online. is as follows. An effective procedure for nding the An SDRE controller is used to generate a state trajectory , i.e., and then the maximum singular value of , is computed at each state point. Similarly, parameters determine and its associated the . Curve ts are then applied to and , and the are selected to minimize the difference between these singular value histories in a least and parameters can be squares sense. Hence, all the determined in one ofine least squares run.




Fig. 10. Interception of a weaving target: 3-D view. Fig. 8. Interception of a weaving target: cross-range versus down-range trajectory.

Fig. 11. Fin deections of interception of a weaving target.

Fig. 9. Interception of a weaving target: altitude versus down-range trajectory.

V. NUMERICAL RESULTS AND ANALYSIS A 6-DOF missile simulation was used to evaluate the performance of the IGC design. The aerodynamic coefcients were obtained from [13]. The rst engagement scenario chosen was the interception of a crossing target, which is a nonmaneuvering target ying along a straight line path. The missile was assumed to be ying at an altitude of 50 000 feet with a Mach number of 5. The airframe was initially trimmed at an angle of attack and angle of sideslip of 0.1 . The missile down-range and cross-range positions in the inertial frame at the initial time instant were assumed to be zero. The target initial position was assumed to be at 50 300 ft ft in cross range. in altitude, 10 000 ft in down range, and The velocity of the target was assumed to be a Mach number of 1 along both the cross range and altitude directions.

Trajectories of the missile and target are presented in Figs. 13. Figs. 1 and 2 show the horizontal plane trajectory and the vertical plane trajectory, respectively. The missile ight is smooth since the target cross-range velocity and descent velocity are constant. For a better perspective of the complete motion, the three-dimensional (3-D) trajectory is given in Fig. 3. Fig. 4 shows the n deections produced by the - controller. Observe that the maximum control effort is less than 10 . Figs. 5 and 6 show the histories of the body , and , aerodynamic angles , velocity component , and . All the variables show good and body angular rate transient responses. In [7], the SDRE results for the same missile, the same initial conditions and constant weighting matrix , showed relatively large initial oscillations in both the cross-range and altitude trajectories. That is due to the lightly damped body rates which result from trying to achieve fast response with an innite horizon regulator formulation. In this paper, however, range dependent weights are used. Body rates are penalized more initially and are relaxed later as the range



Fig. 12. Missile body velocity histories of interception of a weaving target. Fig. 15. Interception of a weaving target with 10% state uncertainties: cross range versus down range.

Fig. 13. Missile angle of attack, sideslip angle, and body rate histories of interception of a weaving target. Fig. 16. Interception of a weaving target with 10% state uncertainties: altitude versus down-range trajectory.

Fig. 14. Missile accelerations along the missile body y - and z -axes.

during the initial parts of the engagement as shown in Figs. 16. The miss distance is about 4 ft and occurs at 2.19 s into the engagement. Fig. 7 shows the missile accelerations along the missile body - and -axis and it can be seen that the missile does not demand large accelerations. The second scenario chosen was the interception of a weaving target. See [15][18] for further discussion of this problem. The target was assumed to be located at 10 000 ft down range, 300 ft cross range with respect to the missile and at 50 300 ft in altitude. It has 3000 ft/s down-range velocity, 40 ft/s cross-range velocity, and 40 ft/s descent velocity. The weaving target model follows the formulation of [15]; the equations of motion of the target are given by

becomes smaller. Consequently, it can be seen in Fig. 6 that the body rates are well damped and there are no oscillations




Fig. 17. Interception of a weaving target with 10% state uncertainties: 3-D view. Fig. 19. Missile body velocity histories of interception of a weaving target with 10% state uncertainties.

Fig. 18. Fin deections of interception of a weaving target with 10% state uncertainties.

Fig. 20. Missile angle of attack, sideslip angle, and body rate histories of interception of a weaving target with 10% state uncertainties.

Trajectories of the missile and the target are presented in Figs. 810. The miss distance in this case is 1.4 ft that occurs at 5.88 s. The horizontal plane trajectory is shown in Fig. 8. The missile ies nearly straight initially and when approaching the target, it adopts a weaving maneuver in response to the weaving target. However, the missile does not maneuver much in the vertical plane as shown in Fig. 9 since the target moves in an almost straight line in that plane. This is because the target is assumed to have a constant descent velocity and the down-range weaving acceleration is small compared with the large down range velocity. As before, the 3-D trajectory is given in Fig. 10 for a clearer perspective. Note from Fig. 11 that the maximum n deection during the entire ight is less than 3 . , The corresponding missile body velocity components are given in Fig. 12. The longitudinal velocity falls and continuously due to the axial drag. The velocity components and oscillate continuously due to the natural response to pursuing a weaving target. The missile aerodynamic angles

and and body rate histories are presented in Fig. 13. They are all well-behaved. As in the nonmaneuvering target case, the body rates and other states are also well damped due to the use of range dependent weights. The missile accelerations along the missile body - and -axes are shown in Fig. 14. It can be seen that the missile only requires small levels of acceleration against a weaving target. Since the target has a large weaving motion in the cross range, the missile also exhibits a large weaving response accordingly as can be observed from the cross range related variables such as yaw rate, yaw control, and the acceleration along the body -axis. In the above feedback controller design, it is assumed that all the states can be accurately obtained. In reality, this is not true due to uncertainties such as sensor noise, radome aberration, and unmodeled dynamics, etc. In order to demonstrate the robustness of the - method in the IGC design, noises are added to the states used in the control calculations. Every noise



process is assumed as white and Gaussian with a standard deviation chosen to be 10% of the respective state. Figs. 1520 show the results when this controller is employed to intercept the same weaving target. The miss distance only rises to about 8 ft due to the measurement noises. The only discernable difference from Figs. 813 is a little larger miss in the altitude response. The overall performance does not change much. VI. CONCLUSION An integrated guidance and control design for missiles was developed in this paper through an optimal control formulation. It shows that both guidance objectives and autopilot design concerns can be addressed in a unied framework. A new nonlinear optimal control technique, the - method, was employed to solve this integrated guidance and control problem. This method produced an approximate closed-form feedback controller, which does not require online computation of the state dependent Riccati equation as with the SDRE technique. Range dependent weights were adopted to address the nite time nature of the guidance problem. A nonlinear 6-DOF missile simulation was used to evaluate performance against a nonmaneuvering target and a weaving target. Based on the numerical results, it can be concluded that the - technique shows good potential for implementing the IGC concept. Monte Carlo simulation based on more realistic missile models including sensor noises, actuator dynamics, aerodynamic uncertainties, and disturbances, etc., can help validate the usefulness of the IGC design concept to the missile community. REFERENCES
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Ming Xin (M02) received the B.E. and M.E. degrees in automatic control from the Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing, China, in 1993 and 1996, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree in aerospace engineering from the University of Missouri-Rolla, Rolla, in 2002. He worked as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at University of Missouri-Rolla until 2006. He is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Aerospace Engineering at the Mississippi State University, Starkville. His research interests include nonlinear control theory, guidance and control of aerospace vehicles, multiple vehicle dynamics and control, neural networks, and estimation. Dr. Xin is a member of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA).

S. N. Balakrishnan received the Ph.D. degree in aerospace engineering from the University of Texas at Austin, Austin. He has been with the University of Missouri-Rolla, Rolla, since 1985. Currently, he is a Professor with the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. His nonteaching experience includes work as a Lead Engineer in the Space Shuttle program, Fellow, Center for Space Research at the University of Texas at Austin, summer Faculty Fellow at Air Force Research Laboratory, Eglin, FL, and Engineer, Indian Space Program. His research interests include areas of system theory and applications. His current research uses neural networks and classical methods in the identication and robust control of missiles, airplanes, rockets, and other interesting systems. His research has been sponsored by the National Science Foundation (NSF), the Air Force, the Naval Surface Warfare Center, the Army Space and Missile Defense Command, and NASA. Dr. Balakrishnan is a member of Sigma Gamma Tau. He is an Associate Fellow of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA).

Ernest J. Ohlmeyer received the B.S. degree in physics from Loyola University, Chicago, IL, in 1968, and the M.S. degree in engineering science from the Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA, in 1982. He joined the Naval Surface Warfare Center, Dahlgren Division (NSWCDD), Dahlgren, VA, in 1968. His main technical activities have emphasized the analysis of guided missile and guided projectile systems including the TOMAHAWK and STANDARD Missiles, the Extended Range Guided Munition, and the SM-3 Ballistic Missile Defense Interceptor. He has been a principal investigator on a number of independent research and weapons technology programs. He is currently a Principal Research Scientist at NSWCDD specializing in the areas of ight dynamics, guidance, navigation, control, and applications of GPS. Mr. Ohlmeyer is an Associate Fellow of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA).

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