Next Steps: The Interagency Working Group On Climate Change and Health

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A Human Health Perspect ive ON CLIMATE CHANGE

Executive Summary

The Interagency Working Group on Climate Change and Health

Christopher J. Portier, PhD (COORDINATING LEAD AUTHOR)
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences AAAS Fellow, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences U.S. Environmental Protection Agency National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Department of Health and Human Services Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Kimberly Thigpen Tart, JD (COORDINATING EDITOR) Sarah R. Carter, PhD

Caroline H. Dilworth, PhD Anne E. Grambsch Julia Gohlke, PhD

Jeremy Hess, MD, MPH (LEAD AUTHOR) Sandra N. Howard

Next Steps

Recently, the National Research Council


issued a report addressing how federal research and science could be improved to provide support for decision and policy making on climate change and human health.

George Luber, PhD (LEAD AUTHOR) Jeffrey T. Lutz, PhD

Specifically, the report calls for a more complete catalogue of climate change health impacts, increasing the power of prediction tools, enhancing integration of climate observation networks with health impact surveillance tools, and improving interactions among stakeholders and decision makers. The IWGCCH approached this research needs assessment with these goals in mind. The next step will be for federal agencies to discuss the findings of this white paper with stakeholders, decision makers, and the public as they work to incorporate and prioritize appropriate research needs into their respective science agendas and collaborative research efforts. A coordinated federal approach will bring the unique skills, capacities, and missions of the various agencies together to maximize the potential for discovery of new information and opportunities for success in providing key information to support responsive and effective decisions on climate change and health.
1 2 3 4 5 Bytomski, Jr, et al., Curr Sports Med Rep, 2003. 2(6): p. 320-4. National cancer institute. What is cancer?, 2009 [cited 2009 July 21]; available from: cancertopics/what-is-cancer. american Heart association. cardiovascular disease statistics, 2006, 2009 [cited 2009 July 22]; available from: http://www.americanheart. org/presenter.jhtml?identifier=4478. Mead, PS, et al., Emerg Infect Dis, 1999. 5(5): p. 607-25. United Nations Department of economic and social affairs Population Division World Urbanization Prospects: The 2005 revision, PD United Nations Department of economic and social affairs, editor. 2006, United Nations Department of economic and social affairs, Population Division: Geneva. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Kessler, RC, et al., Arch Gen Psychiatry, 2005. 62(6): p. 617-27. Lefebvre, KA, et al., Toxicol Sci, 2009. 107(1): p. 65-77. Orenstein, WA, et al., Health Aff (Millwood), 2005. 24(3): p. 599-610.

Tanya Maslak, MPH (LEAD AUTHOR)

U.S. Global Change Research Program, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research Centers for Disease Control and Prevention AAAS Fellow, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Fogarty International Center National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Natasha Prudent, MPH

Meghan Radtke, PhD (LEAD AUTHOR) Joshua P. Rosenthal, PhD Teri Rowles, DVM, PhD Paul A. Sandifer, PhD Joel Scheraga, PhD

Paul J. Schramm, MS, MPH

Daniel Strickman, PhD (LEAD AUTHOR)

U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service

Juli M. Trtanj, MES (LEAD AUTHOR) Pai-Yei Whung, PhD

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

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10 Mathers, C, et al. 2008, Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization. vii, 146 p. 43. 11 Burton, M, et al., Hurricane Katrina: Preliminary estimates of commercial and public sector damages. 2005, Center for Business and Economic Research, Marshall University: Huntington, WV. 12 National Research Council (U.S.). Committee on Strategic Advice on the U.S. Climate Change Science Program., et al. 2009, Washington, D.C.: National Academies Press. xii, 254 p.


Executive Summary

A Human Health Perspect ive ON CLIMATE CHANGE

On Climate Change
A Report Outlining the Research Needs on the Human Health Effects of Climate Change

A Human Health Perspective

In a world of myriad what if scenarios surrounding climate change, it becomes very complicated to create wise health policies for the future because of the uncertainty of predicting environmental change and human decisions. The need for sound science on which to base such policies becomes more critical than ever.

here is abundant evidence that human activities are altering the earths climate and that climate change will have significant health impacts both domestically and globally. While all of the changes associated with this

process are not predetermined, the actions we take today will certainly help to shape our environment in the decades to come. Some degree of climate change is unavoidable, and we must adapt to its associated health effects; however, aggressive mitigation actions can significantly blunt the worst of the expected exposures. Still, there will be effects on the health of people in the United States, some of which are already underway. As great as the domestic risks to U.S. public health are, the global risks are even greater. Climate change and health issues transcend national borders, and climate change health impacts in other countries are likely to affect health in the United States as well. Famine, drought, extreme weather events, and regional conflictsall likely consequences of climate changeare some of the factors that increase the incidence and severity of disease, as well as contributing to other adverse health impacts, making it imperative to address climate change-related decision making at local, regional, national, and global levels. The complicated interplay of these and other factors must be considered in determining the scope and focus of both basic and applied research on climate change and health. A Human Health Perspective on Climate Change: A Report Outlining the Research Needs on the Human Health Effects of Climate Change was developed by an ad hoc Interagency Working Group on Climate Change and Health (IWGCCH). The report identifies relevant federal research and science needs, including research on mitigation and adaptation strategies. These needs encompass basic and applied science, technological innovations and capacities, public health infrastructure, and communication and education. The report is organized around 11 human health categories likely to be affected by climate change. This approach highlights direct links between climate change and federal research priorities that are often disease- or outcome-specific, and enables a holistic approach to exploring climate change-related health impacts.

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Asthma, Respiratory Allergies, and Airway Diseases Cancer
Respiratory allergies and diseases may become more prevalent because of increased human exposure to pollen (due to altered growing seasons), molds (from extreme or more frequent precipitation), air pollution and aerosolized marine toxins (due to increased temperature, coastal runoff, and humidity) and dust (from droughts). Mitigation and adaptation may

Human Health Consequences

Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke

Foodborne Diseases and Nutrition
Climate change may be associated with staple food shortages, malnutrition, and food contamination (of seafood from chemical contaminants, biotoxins, and pathogenic microbes, and of crops by pesticides). Research needs in this area include better understanding of how changes in agriculture and fisheries may affect food availability and nutrition, better monitoring for disease-causing agents, and identifying and mapping of complex food webs and sentinel species that may be vulnerable to climate change. This research could be used to prepare the public health

Heat-Related Morbidity and Mortality
The health outcomes of prolonged heat exposure include heat exhaustion, heat cramps, heat stroke,

Human Developmental Effects

Potential consequences of climate change that would affect normal human development include: malnutrition, particularly during the prenatal period and early childhood as a result of decreased food supplies, and exposure to toxic contaminants; and biotoxins resulting from extreme weather events, increased pesticide use for food production, and increases in harmful algal

significantly reduce these risks. Research should address the relationship between climate change and the composition of air pollutant mixtures to produce models to identify populations at risk. Allergic diseases impact approximately 50 million individuals within the United States, and are associated with significant health care costs and lost 1 productivity.

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. Climate change may exacerbate existing Many potential direct cardiovascular disease effects of climate change by increasing heat on cancer risk, such as stress, increasing the increased duration and body burden of airborne intensity of ultraviolet particulates, and (UV) radiation, are well changing the distribution understood; however of zoonotic vectors that the potential impact of cause infectious diseases changes in climate on linked with cardiovascular exposure pathways for disease. Science that chemicals and toxins addresses the effects of requires further study. higher temperatures, heat Science should investigate waves, extreme weather, the effects of mitigation and changes in air quality and adaptation measures on cardiovascular health on cancer incidence so is needed. This new that the best strategies information should be can be developed and applied to development implemented; for example, of health risk assessment research to inform models, early warning understanding of the systems, health benefits of alternative communication strategies fuels, new battery and targeting vulnerable voltaic cells, and other populations, land use technologies, as well as decisions, and strategies any potential adverse risks to meet air quality goals from exposure to their related to climate change. components and wastes. Some cardiovascular and Better understanding of stroke risks from climate climate change impacts on change could be offset by the capacity of ocean and reductions in air pollution coastal systems to provide by climate change cancer curative agents and mitigation. other health-enhancing products is also needed. Approximately Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the United States, killing more than half a million people every 2 year. 80 million Americans have some form of cardiovascular disease including hypertension, coronary artery disease, heart 3 attack, or stroke.

and death. Extreme heat events cause more deaths annually in the United States than all other extreme weather events combined. Heat-related illness and deaths are likely to increase in response to climate change, but aggressive public health interventions such as heat wave response plans and heat early warning systems can minimize morbidity and mortality. Additional science should focus on developing these tools by and health care sectors defining environmental for new illnesses, changing risk factors, identifying surveillance needs, and vulnerable populations, increased incidence of and developing effective disease, as well as to risk communication and develop more effective prevention strategies, outreach to affected and expanding their use communities. in different geographic regions. It is estimated that there are 38 million cases of foodborne illness in the United States each year, resulting in over 180,000 hospitalizations and 4 2,700 deaths. It is estimated that 60% of the global population will live in cities by 2030, greatly increasing the total human population exposed to extreme 5 heat.

blooms in recreational areas. Research should examine effects on human development of adaptations to climate change such as agriculture and fisheries changes that may affect food availability, increased pesticide use to control for expanding disease vector ranges, and prevention of leaching from toxic waste sites into floodwaters during extreme weather events. About 3% of all children born in the United States have a birth defect, some of which can be attributed to environmental 6 causes.

of Climate Change

By causing or contributing to extreme weather events, climate change may result in geographic displacement of populations, damage to property, loss of loved ones, and chronic stressall of which can negatively affect mental health, particularly in vulnerable communities already experiencing social, economic, and environmental disruption. Research needs include and understanding how psychological stress acts synergistically with other forms of environmental exposures to cause adverse mental health effects and identifying vulnerable populations, identifying and incorporating key mental health outcomes in health impact assessments under a range of climate change scenarios, and developing migration monitoring networks to help ensure the availability of appropriate health care support. An estimated 26.2% of Americans over the age of 18 suffer from a diagnosable mental health disorder in a 7 given year.

Mental Health and Neurological Stress-Related Diseases and Disorders Disorders

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The United States has seen an increasing trend in the prevalence of neurological diseases and

Vectorborne and Zoonotic Diseases

Risk of infectious diseases such as malaria, hantavirus pulmonary syndrome, rabies, and Lyme disease may increase as a result of climate change due to expansions in vector ranges, shortening of pathogen incubation periods, and disruption and relocation of large human populations. Research should enhance the existing pathogen/ vector control infrastructure including vector and host identification; integrate human with terrestrial and aquatic animal health surveillance systems; incorporate ecological studies to provide better

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Waterborne Diseases
Increases in water temperature, precipitation frequency and severity, evaporation-transpiration rates, and changes in coastal ecosystem health could increase the incidence of water contamination with harmful pathogens and

Weather-Related Morbidity and Mortality

Increases in the incidence and intensity of extreme weather events such as hurricanes, floods, droughts, and wildfires may adversely affect peoples health immediately during the event or later following the event. Research aimed at improving the capabilities of healthcare and emergency services to address disaster planning and management is needed to ensure that risks are understood and that optimal strategies are identified, communicated, and implemented. Poor preparedness and response to Hurricane Katrina led to increased illness and death, as well as economic costs of recovery in excess of 11 $150 billion.

Crosscutting Issues
Crosscutting issues relevant to preventing or avoiding many of the potential health impacts of climate change include identifying susceptible, vulnerable, and displaced populations; enhancing public health and health care infrastructure; developing capacities and skills in modeling and prediction; and improving risk communication and public health education. Such research will lead to more effective early warning systems and greater public awareness of an individuals or communitys health risk from climate change, which should translate into more successful mitigation and adaptation strategies.

deficits such as Alzheimer Disease, Parkinson Disease, and learning disabilities in children. Climate change, as well as attempts to mitigate and adapt to it, may further increase the number of neurological diseases and disorders. Research in this area should focus on identifying vulnerable populations and understanding the mechanisms and effects of human exposure to neurological hazards such as biotoxins (from harmful algal blooms), metals (found in new battery technologies and compact fluorescent lights), and pesticides (used in response to changes in agriculture), as well as the potentially exacerbating effects of malnutrition and stress. Even a single low-level exposure to algal toxins can result in physiological changes indicative of 8 neurodegeneration.

chemicals, resulting in increased human exposure. Research should focus on understanding where changes in water flow will occur, how water will interact with sewage in surface and underground water supplies as well predictive models; and as drinking water improve risk communication distribution systems, and prevention strategies. what food sources may become contaminated, In the absence of and how to better predict technologies to and prevent human exposure to waterborne treat or vaccinate and ocean-related against many VBZD, pathogens and biotoxins. some experts believe, populationWHO estimates that level mortality from 4.8% of the global certain disease burden of disease outbreaks could and 3.7% of all reach as high as environment-related 9 2050%. death is due to diarrheal disease, largely from water 10 contamination.

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