A Complex Plane Representation of Dielectric and Mechanical Relaxation Processes in Some Polymers

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A Complex Plane Representation of Dielectric and Mechanical Relaxation Processes in Some Polymers

In a previous paper it was shown that the complex dielectric constant data of polymers can be represented by an empirical dispersion function. In the present work it is shown that the complex polarization of the same data can be represented by a function o/ the same form but with different v a l u e s / o r the constants. This means that a quantitative evaluation of Scaife's remarks can be made. The dispersion parameters for eighteen polymers were determined for the e* (to) or the p* (to) data. In general, as the ratio %/%0 increases, the p* (to) data become broader and faster than the e* (to) data, thus l - - a , fl and o decrease. The normalized loss maximum was f o u n d to be temperature dependent [e*(to) data] for eleven polymers where %/%c~2"0. However, the normalized loss m a x i m u m [E* (to) d a t a ] / o r the two acetates was f o u n d to be independent of temperature while the normalized loss maximum for the p* (to) behaved in a way similar to the other polymers. This observation can be traced to a fortuitous compensation o/ effects encountered with large dispersions. For those cases where the method o f reduced variables is applicable ~* (to) calculated from the dispersion [unction is in good agreement with the shifted values o / ~ * (to). The two parameters a and fl are shown to be uniquely related to distribution of relaxation times. The agreement between the distribution function calculated from the dispersion ]unction is in good agreement with the approximate methods used to calculate the [unction from the shifted data. A complex plane plot o f the complex compliance is not at all similar to the dielectric dispersions. A n empirical transformation procedure is constructed by analogy with the one used to calculate the complex polarization in order to normalize the mechanical data. The locus o / this complex deformation resembles the dielectric dispersion with nearly the same values of a, ~ and r 0. A t very low frequencies, deviations from the assumed behaviour were observed. With polyisobutylene and poly(n-octyl methacrylat~) the deviations were in terms o f another dispersion. With poly(vinyl acetate) and poly(methyl acrylate) the deviations could be attributed to another low frequency dispersion. The similarity between the dielectric and mechanical dispersions suggests that the following mechanical model can be considered: a spherical inclusion containing the specimen of interest is perfectly bonded to an otherwise continuous homogeneous elastic continuum. Under these conditions the complex distortion of the sphere subjected to a periodic tensile field at infinity is very nearly the empirical complex deformation with Poisson's ratio o f for both media. It can also be shown for this model that if the distortion of the sphere is time dependent, then there will be in-phase and out-of-phase components to the distortion in a periodic field. In other words it is not necessary to postulate an internal viscosity to account for a macroscopic viscosity. The equilibrium distortion of the sphere is shown to be related to the square of the asymmetry of the orienting segments. The decay o/ the distortion w i t h time o f the removal o f stress field is interpreted in terms o f transition probabilities.

I. I N T R O D U C T I O N A COMPLEX plane plot of either a dielectric or mechanical dispersion

(relaxation process) is an isothermal plot of the real part of the experimental quantities against their imaginary counterparts for each frequency of measurement. In the dielectric case one such plot is constructed for each 161

S. HAVRILIAK and S. NEGAMI temperature of measurement. In the mechanical case the data from different temperatures are first superimposed in such a way as to obtain a single master curve for the frequency dependence of the real and imaginary parts of the experimental quantities. It is possible to construct a complex plane plot of the data at this single or reference temperature. The shape of the dielectric relaxation process for simple inorganic or organic systems may take either orie of two forms; a circular arc 1, which is the most common shape, or a skewed semi-circle~, which is observed infrequently. Cole and co-workers1,~ have been able to represent these two dispersions with two empirical dispersion functions which represent the data with high accuracy. A complex plane plot of polymeric dielectric dispersions is neither of the two simple shapes observed in the case of small molecules but rather a combination of the two shapes. In other words, the loci of polymeric dispersions are circular arcs at low frequencies and linear at high frequencies. A complex plane plot of the complex compliance for most polymeric dispersions is not any of these three shapes. Generally 3 the locus appears to be approximately linear at high frequencies, then at some lower frequency the locus passes through a maximum in the loss compliance and almost invariably terminates at some finite value of the loss when the equilibrium value of the real compliance has been reached. The authors' have studied the shapes of dielectric dispersions for twenty one polymers and found that they all have approximately the same shape, i.e. linear at high frequencies and a circular arc at low frequencies, in order to represent this behaviour quantitatively the authors postulated an empirical relaxation function of the form
~*(o~)- ~ = [1 + (io~%)~1-a~]-~ (1)

This relaxation function has two intriguing features associated with it. First, and most importantly, it represents the experimental quantities almost within their reliability. Secondly, this function could be considered as a generalized way of writing the two known and well documented dispersion functions of Cole1'2. For example, when /3 = 1 and 0 ~ ot ~ 1 in equation (1), the circular arc expression is obtained and when or=0 and 0 ~ / 3 ~ 1, the skewed semi-circle is obtained. In addition it was shown' that the five parameters in equation (1) have the same counterpart as they do in Cole's dispersion functions. This latter feature implies that as the kinetics of the relaxation process for small molecular systems become known because the three dimensional details of local structure are known, then it should be possible to transfer this kinetic scheme to polymeric behaviour. Recently criticism has been made concerning the u s e of the complex dielectric constant to represent the relaxation behaviour of simple systems. It was proposed by Scaife2 that the customary method of representing the dielectric data be replaced by the use of a polarizability plot, in which the imaginary coordinate of the complex polarizability of a dielectric sphere of unit radius is plotted against its real counterpart. This quantity is chosen because, in a sphere, long-range dipole--dipole coupling vanishes and, therefore, the complex polarizability will be a good measure of the intrinsic 162


properties of a substance. According to Scaife, this method gives proper weight to all polarization mechanisms and provides a ready means of comparing the dielectric behaviour of different substances. There are several objects to this work. The first of these is to study the changes in the shape of the relaxation curve when the data are treated in the manner suggested by Scaife. The second object is to construct empirically an analogous transformation procedure for mechanical dispersions and assess its influence on the shape of these mechanisms. Finally, dielectric theory should be adapted to mechanical behaviour consistent with the extent to which these mechanisms are analogous.

(A) General background Before reporting the experimental data in detail, a discussion of some of the features of the complex plane method of representing dielectric data seems to be worthwhile because this method is rarely used to treat polymeric dispersion data. First of all, based on some very fundamental assumptions regarding cause and effect, linearity and superposition, it can be shown that 8

e*(o) - e~= S B(t) exp ( - iot) dt



The function B(t) which must contain the instantaneous and equilibrium responses of the system is only a function of time and has been interpreted in two ways. The earliest and most commonly accepted interpretation is that it is related to the distribution of relaxation times. In other words, the equilibrium and instantaneous responses of all of the elements o f .the system (assuming a single relaxation process) are the same but they take different times to come to equilibrium. The more recent interpretation of B(t) is that it represents the interaction of the moving species with its environment; i.e. a time dependent correlation function. In th~ former interpretation it can readily be shown that ~

g(oJ) - e~ ~0- E ~

= +'~F("r/ro) - - 1 S

1 + o~'fl

d In ("r/To)


and ~'(eo)= ~"(o) = SF(r/r0)-~ x

~o - ~ -~ 1 + o~"r ~


d In ("r/r0)


In equations (3a) and (3b) F(r/%) is only a function of relaxation time and is referred to as the distribution of relaxation times. We see from these equations that both the reduced real and imaginary parts are uniquely determined by functions of time alone. If, as it is customary to assume, F(z/ro) is independent of temperature while T0 varies with temperature, then a complex plane plot of all of the reduced experimental data from different temperatures must fall on to a single line. It is important to note the difference between this construction and the one used in the Time Temperature Superposition Method (TrSM). In that method the data must be shifted on to an unknown curve so that any changes in shape may be 163

S. HAVRILIAK and S. NEGAMI compensated for by overshifting or undershifting the data. In the present method, the data either fall on to a single line or they do not. A second distinguishing feature of the complex plane method is that the frequency dependence of the real and imaginary parts is not lost as might be supposed. This point has been studied in some detail by Mopsik 7, who showed that a semicircular locus in a complex plane must originate from a Debye relaxation process. This point has also recently been shown by Fangs. Therefore, according to Mopsik, any analytic function that can represent the shape of the relaxation data in a complex plane must be uniquely related to the distribution of relaxation times because the relationship between E*(co) and F(~'/Zo) is unique. This is so because the relationship between any function and its Laplace transform is unique. Therefore the relationship between real and imaginary parts with F(~'/%) must also be unique, The'foregoing discussion implies that one need only check the shape of the data in a complex plaqe plot against one that has been calculated for a particular relaxation function in order to test its validity. Ir~ general this is true; however, a much more quantitative check can be made by calculating *(ro) with the aid of the assumed dispersion function and comparing it to the experimental value. This procedure, if repeated for each frequency of measurement, can provide a quantitative statement for the accuracy of representation. In this way an assumption basic to the understanding of polymers, i.e. whether or not the distribution of relaxation times is independent of temperature, may be studied. One may question the wisdom of studying such a tenaciously held hypothesis by means of an empirical function. This question is of no concern so long as the accuracy of representation is constantly checked. (B) Isothermal data In Figure 1 we have represented the frequency dependence of the complex dielectric constants for three systems as black circles; in Figure l(a) it is the poly(carbonate of bisphenol), in Figure l(b) it is poly(vinyl acetate) and in Figure l(c) it is glycerol. These systems were chosen, not because they are the best examples of the dispersion functions, but because they represent a large range of equilibrium values of the dielectric constant. The temperatures shown were chosen because the relaxation process was centred in the available frequency range, which minimizes errors due to extrapolations in order to obtain some of the dispersion parameters. Equation (1) is tested for accuracy of representation by comparing calculated and experimental values of c*(co) for the entire experimental frequency range. The *(co) were calculated by the method described in Appendix A and the results for the three polymers are represented as open circles in Figures l(a)-(c). As can be seen from these figures the differences between experimental and calculated results are small. The parameters for these three polymers, together with the parameters used to describe the relaxation behaviour of sixteen other polymers, are given in Table 1. The accuracy of representation for these other systems is equally good. The complex dielectric constant can be transformed into the complex 164






~__ . , ~ , ~ "



2.0 (b)







d Co J)

30 -(c)







6b i

Figure I----Complex plane plot of dielectric constant for three materials: (a) poly(carbonate of bisphenol) at 164C;. (b) poly(vinyl acetate) at 66C; and (c) is glycerol at --50C. Numerals on curves denote frequencies in kc/s

Table 1. Dispersion parameters used to represent dielectric data as e* (to) or p* (to) Polymer
poly(nonyl methacrylate) 9



2"44 0" 322 3" 128 0'416 2"355 0" 3420 2"34 0"310 165 0"520 0"475 0"285 0"290 0"422 0"548 0'413 0"437

1 -a

2~rro 10s


0" 790 0"820 0- 795 0"780 0" 368 0' 30 0" 862 0'790 2- 5 42' 8 0'454 3'637 2"0 6-' 9 164"0 0-468 3"695 0"4725 3-80 6-0 1400 74.7 250 0 ' 67 6.2 0'483 0'40

~oly (carbonate) 4

~oly (m-chlorostyrene) 10 poly (vinyl laurate) n




S. H A V R I L I A K and S. N E G A M I Table 1--continued Polymer poly(n-octyl methacrylate) ~2 poly(isobutyl methacrylate) a poly(n-hexyl methacrylate) 12 poly(cycloheyxl methacrylate)~ poly(vinyl decanoate) 11 poly(n-butyl rnethacrylate) 9 poly(vinyl octanoate) l~ poly chloroprene la poly(vinyl formal) 14 Method e* p* ~* p* ~* p* ~* p* * p* ~* p* e* p* E* p* C* Equil. 3-86 0.488 3"97 0"498 4'03 0.504 4'24 0"521 4"24 0.521 4-28 0"521 4"61 0.549 5'96 0.617 6"45 Instan. 2.58 0.343 2"38 0'313 2"45 0"325 2"46 0.323 2.515 0'325 2.41 0.318 2.51 0.334 2.44 0.310 3"00 B 0"455 0'408 0'489 0"425 0"468 0'447 0"247 0"231 0-528 0"426 0'526 0.509 0'488 0"532 0"470 0-254 0"458 0'461 1--~ 0-843 0"859 0"724 0"732 0'796 0"747 0"842 0-77 0"796 0'797 0"676 0"651 0"869 0"753 0.540 0"63 0'584 27rroX 2 10a Toc

0"715 21 0'10 1'6 102"8 1"15 1"1 40"0 1-0 30 121 20 1'43 2"2 1"1 4"2 59"0 2.5 3"3 -6"1 1"6 5'0 26 3"33 0"285 130'0 0.083

poly(methyl acrylate) 4 poly(trifluoro monochlorocthylene) 15 poly(vinyl acetate) le

0.641 6'480
0-646 6 7 0'653 8- 62 0"722 12"30 0.793 63"9 0"955

0.404 3"705
0.466 2' 5 i. 0"290 i 2- 74 0"431 4"0 0.480 4"10 0"465

0"555 0"655
0'630 1" 0 0"956 O- 910 0"827 0"940 0.730 1"000 0"810

p* ~* p* ~* p* ~*

0"336 O. 48 0-291 0"45 0"395 0"331 0-300 0"603 0'443

13 30"0
7"5 --- 30 -6" 7 66 2'2 3"23 145 0.9 0"78 50 0.05

~opolymer 4 p* c* glycerol 17 p*



polarization [p*(oJ)] of a unit sphere imbedded in a vacuum (i.e. e ~ = 1) by means of the following expression ~ E*(co)- 1 p*(a)) -- E*((o)+ 2 which becomes after separating real and imaginary parts
p'(og) ---- [E'((O) 1] [cd(a)) + 2] + e"((o) 2 [~'(co) + 2] 2+ E"(w)2


(4a) (4b)

3E"(w) O"((o) = [E'(w)+ 2]2+ ~"((o)2

The experimental quantities in Figures l(a)-(c) were transformed into p*(co) by using equations (4a) and (4b). The results of this transformation are shown in Figures 2(a)-(c) and are represented by the full black circles. To measure the extent to which the curves have been modified it is necessary to rewrite equation (1) in the form
p*(to) - p,~ P0 - p ~

[1 +



The five dispersion parameters have the same significance in the polarization plot as they did in the dielectric constant plot. Equation (5) can be

0'I0 F
0.08 l-

o oo

,.,~" 0"440


= I

I T:164;C
p' ((~)



0"410 0'420

-.<". % . . . . - , , - - - - - ~
, ,

OO or



p' (o~)

-/ 0.~



T= - 50 C



o , /",





Figure 2--Complex plane plot of polarization for the same three materials as in Figure 1: (a) poly(carbonate of bisphenol) at 165C; (b) is poly(vinyl acetate) at 66C; and (c) is glycerol at --50C. Frequencies in kc/s


S. HAVRILIAK and S. NEGAMI separated into real and imaginary parts obtaining equations that are analogous to equations (60) to (63). The differences are that p*(co) replaces *(oJ), p0 replaces E0, and p~ replaces E~. The graphical significance of the five dispersion parameter s is the same as before and is determined in the same way. These parameters, which are listed in Table 1, together with equation (5) are used to calculate the complex polarization. T h e results are shown as the open circles in Figure 2. As can be seen from that figure the agreement between calculated and transformed results is as good as the agreement between the calculated and experimental values in the complex dielectric constant case provided of course the appropriate dispersion parameters are used. The parameters that were used to represent the dielectric constant and polarization data are not the same (see Table 1). As the dispersion becomes larger, i.e. as e0/~o increases, the differences between 1 - ot or T0 become larger. For the polycarbonate where ~/e,o= 1" 161 the time parameters are almost the same, while for glycerol where ~/eoo= 15"34 the time parameters are quite different. The effects for other systems are intermediate to these two extremes. (C) Variable temperature data The temperature dependence of five dispersion parameters used to reprePoly(vinyl


. . . . . . . "" . . . .

: e * (to) data o=p * (~) data


2.0 ?

Figure 3 I T h e

dispersion parameters used to represent


*(oJ) and p*(oJ) data for poly(vinyl acetate) are plotted as functions of temperature in degrees Centigrade

" ~ "
0"9 0"8




0"6 0"5 0"4



I I I 60 70 80 Temperature, C

I 90

I 100



sent E*(w) data for poly(vinyl acetate) TM was determined by the method described in Appendix B. The temperature dependence of e0 and coo is essentially linear and is given by, where T is in degrees Centigrade, E0= 11-56 - 0-043 T and E ~ = 4 ' 0 2 - 0.017 T The temperature dependence of 1-e~ and/3 is given in Figure 3, where it can be seen that they depend on temperature in the opposite sense. The parameter toL is essentially independent of temperature. The normalized loss maximum was found to be independent of temperature over the temperature range where it can be determined directly. The temperature dependence of ~'0 is given in Figure 4, where the usual curvature is observed.
Poly (vinyt acetate)



=e*(co)data f data / o , o --=logo r-3"96

o = p*((o)

"~ 10-4



Figure 4 - - T h e relaxation time (sec) for the E*((O) and p*((o) data for poly(vinyl acetate) is plotted as a function of reciprocal temperature (degrees absolute). The solid line represents the relaxation time calculated from the shift factors

10-7 2'8




The temperature dependence of the five dispersion parameters used to represent p*((o) data for poly(vinyl acetate) was determined by the method described in Appendix B. The temperature dependence of p0 and p,~ is essentially linear and is given by, where T is degrees Centigrade, p0 = 0.804 - 000124 T and p~ = 0.459 - 0"000945 T The parameter (pL is temperature dependent and can be represented by (PL= 26 + 0"089 T The temperature dependence of 1 - a and/3 is given in Figure 3 where it 169

s. HAVRILIAK and S. NEGAMI can be seen that they depend on temperature in the same sense. The normalized loss for the complex polarization decreases with decreasing temperature. These differences in the temperature dependence of ~L, 1 - a, fl and the normalized loss m a x i m u m are very important to the understanding of polymer behaviour because o( the nature of certain assumptions that are used to describe their behaviour.


Poty(vinyt acetal) / . =6*(w)plots / ~=tog az- 2.00 /


Figure 5--The relaxation time (sec) for the ~*(to) data for poly(vinyl acetal is plotted as a function of reciprocal temperature (degrees absolute). The solid line is the relaxation time calculated from the shift factors while the broken line represents the time at maximum loss



,~10_ 3 ~6 _~ I0" 4


lO- 6

e/ //
/I 2.6

~~ y'




The temperature dependence of the five dispersion parameters used to represent ~*(co) data for poly(vinyl acetal) 1' was determined by the Appendix B method and is listed in Table 2. T h e parameters ~L, fl and the reduced, loss m a x i m u m decreased with decreasing temperature, while ~0 and e~ varied linearly with temperature. A rate plot (i.e. log r0 versus 103//5 of the relaxation time is linear and can be represented by, see Figure 5, log T0= 13"77 x 1 0 ~ / T - 4 0 " 8 9 5 The activation energy for the r0 plot is slightly lower (63.0 kcal) than the value obtained by Funt and Sutherland (71-2 kcal) who used the loss
Table 2. T, C

Dispersion parameters used to represent * (co) data for poly(vinyl acetal)

T o X IO ~ E"ma, x"


1 --ct




120 110 100 90 80 40

31"3 30"7 26'8 25'5 24-6 --

0"79 0-81 0"78 0-81 0"79 0'58

0"440 0-420 0'378 0"350 0"345 1.00

0"0159 0"0796 0"763 15"9 111 '0 0"03 170

6"50 6"55 6.63 6.70 6.80 2-925

-2"60 2'63 2"65 2"67 2-600

0"248 0.243 0.230 0'222 0"214 --



Poty(vinyt chloroacetate)
= c"(~) d a t a o = p*(t~ d a t a
mO ~ W J Q


02C 0.9







Figure 6--The dispersion parameters .used to represent ~*(oJ) data and p*(to) data for poly(k, inyl chloroacetate) are plotted as functions of temperature in degrees Centigrade maximum frequency to represent the relaxation time. The ratio of the relaxation time to the loss maximum frequency depends on specific values of 1 - a and fl, see Appendix A. Inasmuch as fl is temperature dependent, the ratio of the two times will also vary. In other words the temperature dependence of the frequency at which the loss becomes a maximum includes changes in the shape of the relaxation curve which make the activation energy higher. At temperatures above 100C and at low frequencies deviations from the assumed behaviour were observed. These deviations are readily attributed to d.c. conductivity and are also observed as the so-called d.c.-tail when the loss factor is plotted as a function of temperature. At temperatures below 70C deviations from the linear high frequency plot in a complex plane were observed. At 40C a maximum in the complex plane is observed. The data can be represented approximately by a circular arc with the parameters in Table 2. 171

S. H A V R I L I A K and S. N E G A M I

The temperature dependence of the five dispersion parameters used to represent e*(to) and p*(to) data for poly(vinyl chloroacetate) TM was determined by the Appendix B method. The variation of 1 - a and/3 (Figure 6) with temperature for the E*(to) data is in the opposite sense, while the normalized loss maximum is independent of temperature. For the p*(to) data, /3 is independent of temperature while 1 - a and the normalized loss maximum decrease with decreasing temperature, see Figure 6. These observations are similar t o those observed for poly(vinyl acetate). A plot of the relaxation time versus IO~/T (Figure 7) for tho ~*(to) and p*(c0) data exhibit the usual curvature. In addition the relaxation time for the p*(to) data is shorter than those from the ~*(to) data.

(D) Comparison of the CPM with TTSM

Before a comparison of the complex plane method (CPM) and the TTSM can be made, their respective inherent assumptions must be carefully examined. In the previous sections we have described the extent to which the proposed dispersion function represents the dispersion data and have found that it does so almost within experimental error. The assumption basic to the TTSM can be formulated in various ways. One such formulation is to assume that the shapes of the normalized real and imaginary parts are independent of temperature. In terms of the CPM this means that 1-or and fl must be independent of temperature, a fact which is not verified for either the p*(to) or the * (to) data. However, for poly(vinyl acetate and chloroacetate) the changes of I - a and /3 are in opposite


Poly(vinyl chloroacetate) y

op'(w)a t a d
e*(w) data --log b T-1"12 /



' '


Figure 7 - - T h e relaxation time (see) for the e*(to) data and p*(to) data for poly(vinyl chloroac~tate) is plotted as a function of reciprocal temperature (degrees absolute). The solid line represents the relaxation time calculated from the shift factors
0 0 0

! /

I0"z' 2.92

I i t 2"96 3"00

103/ , [oK-']







RELAXATION PROCESSES IN SOME POLYMERS directions so that their effects might be partially compensated. In the poly(vinyl acetal) polymer both 1 - ot and fl change in the same direction so that we would expect this polymer to be the worst example. A second method for formulating the assumption basic to the "I"rSM is to state that the distribution of relaxation times is independent of temperature. A single point on the distribution of relaxation times is readily examined from the approximate methods that exist to compute this function from the experimental data. Williams and Ferry TM have shown that the distribution of relaxation times is related to the variation of the log E"(to) with log to by means of

F<,:,,<~) =

Zl~"(<.o)[1 - I d { l o g E"(to) } / d { l o g co} []


If we examine the distribution of relaxation times at the condition of maximum loss then the distribution function is given by
Fir=a/~ = Be"lm~x.~ for d log e"l~.~. I/d log to = 0

In other words a plot of the normalized loss m a x i m u m against temperature



032 / //-'2

.7o,,,.~ ,,/ /~

/ /

/lo / --



C 028

"17 "//.i' t

, ,

, ,


020 i!, -40 -20

, 7..i,

, ;/



40 60 80 Temperature, C

Figure 8--The normalized loss maximum for a number of polymers is plotted as a function of temperature (degrees Centigrade). The broken and solid lines as well as the open and filled circles have no meaning other than to resolve closely spaced points. The numerals refer to the following polymers: 1. poly(vinyl octanoate); 2. poly(vinyl decanoate); 3. poly(vinyl laurate); 4. poly(n-octyl methacrylate); 5. polychloroprene; 6. poly(nonyl methacrylate); 7. poly(vinyl chloroacetate) ~*(to) data; 7'. poly(vinyl chloroacetate) p*(oJ) data; 8. poly(vinyl acetate) ~*(oJ) data; 8'. poly(vinyl acetate) p*(t0) data; 9. poly(n-hexyl methacrylate); 10. poly(butyl methacrylate); 11. poly(isobutyl methacrylate); 12 poly(vinyl acetal); 13. poly(cyclohexyl methacrylate) 173


is essentially a temperature plot of the distribution function at the most probable relaxation time. For poly(vinyl acetate and chloroacetate) the normalized loss maximum is independent of temperature (see Figures 3 and 6) while for poly(vinyl acetal) the reduced loss maximum varies with temperature. Again we see that poly(vinyl acetal) is probably the poorest of the three examples. A plot of the reduced loss maximum for some of the polymers in Table 1 is given in Figure 8. From that figure it can be seen that for eleven polymers the reduced loss maximum varies with temperature. Furthermore the temperature dependence of the reduced loss maximum for these polymers (including the vinyl acetal) is the same. This observation implies that the behaviour of the acetate and chloroacetate is not at all typical of polymers but rather that they are exceptions. It is of interest to note that all of the polymers in Figure 8 except that of the acetals have ~s less than about five. Based on t h e results of the previous section we may tentatively conclude that when ~0 is small the p*(oJ) dispersion parameters are similar to E*(oJ) parameters so that the normalized loss maximum for the p*(co)data will behave similarly to the normalized loss maximum for the E*(co), data. For polymers whose ~0s are large this assumption is not valid. A plot of the reduced loss maximum for poly(vinyl acetate and chloroacetate) using the p*(ca) data is given in Figure 8. We can see from this graph that p*(co) data for the two acetates behave

03 0.2 01


..'8 1''5
~.#'__ Poty(vinyL acetate)
t i i i t i

"" .

I~ f l~"
0"2f 0'1 0

5 0

(b) .; ~0,;' " I

.. t

Poty(vinyt acetat)
I I ] I I i





PoLy(vinyt chloroacetate) I

,[ 1.0







Figure 9--A normalized complex plane plot utilizing all the data: (a) poly(vinyl acetate), (b) poly(vinyl acetal) and (c) poly(vinyl chloroacetate)


RELAXATION PROCESSES IN SOME POLYMERS similarly to p*(oJ) for all the other polymers. We can conclude, therefore, that the reason why the normalized loss maximum for the two acetates is independent of temperature is that although the dispersion would become broader with decreasing temperature, this effect is compensated for by increasing with temperature. A third way of formulating the basic assumption t o the T I ' S M was considered earlier in this section, i.e. to construct a complex plane plot of the normalized loss and real parts of the complex dielectric constants for all of the temperatures where measurements were made. A plot of these normalized data is given in Figure 9 where it can be seen that the data for the chloroacetate fall on to a single line, the band for the acetate data is somewhat larger while the acetal is the poorest (if allowance is made for fewer experimental points). If we compare these results with those obtained for ether polymers we find that the scatter for these polymers is trivial. For example with poly(ethyl, butyl, hexyl or octyl methacrylate) 19 the band associated with the e*(oJ) data in the complex plane fills nearly half the available area. We may conclude, therefore, that for the present three polymers the
" ~ e"'~-"~. .tm

Poly (vinyl acetate) T= 75 *C

-0'4 7.0I


* Poty(vinyl acetat) **o T= SO*C * * (b)-



6'0 5'0 4'0 3'0


0"6~ 0"4

~ -0,4




2 3


-16 -20

0"2 0 2

5 6 tog o~b r
t=50*C , .-


4 6 tog ~ b T


poly(vinyl chtoroacetate

-012 . e~lt_

,c, -008
-0'10 -0'12


..?. -04
_o -07

.:~ -05-o6 =
0'8 [-09{-


-0.14~ ,




-0"16 %1~ o -0.18 ~J~'~ -0"20 o -0'22



J "~'I"

2 3 4 tog robr

Figure 10--The real (o) and imaginary () parts of the dielectric constant are calculated from the dispersion function at the reference temperature and are compared to the shifted values for: (a) poly(vinyl acetate) at 75C, (b) poly(vinyl acetal) at 80C and (c) poly(vinyl chloroacetate) at 50C 175

S. HAVRILIAK and S. NEGAMI inherent TI'SM assumption is approximately correct. The reason for this behaviour is a fortuitous compensation of effects due to changes of e0 with temperature. The real and imaginary parts of the complex dielectric constant can now be calculated at these reference temperatures using smooth values of e0, ~.~, 1 - or, fl and ~'0 for the entire shifted (i.e. roar) frequency range which is about six decades in time. The result of such a calculation is given in Figure 10. From that figure it can be seen that the agreement between calculated and shifted values for the chloroacetate20 is excellent. With the acetate~ small and probably insignificant deviations are observed near the loss maximum and the low frequency side of the real dielectric constant. The deviations with the poly(vinyl acetal)2 are significant only near the loss maximum and are due to the variation of 1 - a and fl with temperature. The deviations between the calculated and Shifted data in all cases are no greater than the extent of the scatter in the shifted data. A second comparison between the two methods of data reduction is made by comparing the response times of the system as a function of temperature. Ferry3 has shown that the shift factor is proportional to the relaxation time, i.e. log % = log K + log ar The proportionality constant K can be evaluated at the reference temperature by measuring the difference between log z0 and log at. The shifted relaxation time may then be calculated at all the other temperatures and compared to the present relaxation time. The shifted relaxation time is represented by the solid line for the acetate in Figure 4, for the chloroacetate in Figure 7 and for the acetal in Figure 5. In the chloroacetate the agreement between the two relaxation times is excellent over the entire scale. In the acetate some deviations are observed at elevated temperatures, which account for the discrepancy between the calculated and shifted normalized dielectric constants. The agreement between the two times for the acetal is poor. The agreement would have been better had one of the other temperatures been chosen for the evaluation of log K.

(A) General remarks An interpretation of three of the five dispersion parameters is straightforward. It is shown in Appendix A that e0 is the low frequency (i.e. tot0 > 0) limiting value of the dielectric constant. For that reason it represents the equilibrium behaviour of the polymer. The parameter e~ is the high frequency (i.e. art0 > ~ ) limiting value of the dielectric constant. In the present case this value would intersect the real axis at the square of the refractive index plus some allowance made for atomic polarization (ca. 5 to 10 per cent). The quantity e0-e~ is then related to the effective moment of the unit that orients with respect to the applied field, Calculaion of the dipole moment of this unit indicates that it is seldom, if ever, the moment of a free gaseous monomer unit. In other words Kirkwood's~1 176

RELAXATION PROCESSES IN SOME POLYMERS correlation factor is different from unity. Although it is, in principle, possible to interpret this equilibrium correlation factor in terms of discrete local structure, it is seldom done because of a lack of such information. What is needed and not available is information concerning the relative positions of the dipole moments along the polymer chain. The parameter T0, which has the units of time, is readily interpreted along the lines of Kauzmann 2z as the time between segmental jumps. In other words when the field is applied to the specimen, equilibrium is approached by means of a series of jumps, the parameter r0 is a measure of these jumps. An interpretation of a and 13 amounts to a discussion of why dispersions are broader than the simple Debye process. This subject has not yet been completely analysed in terms of molecular details, although three models, which will now be considered, currently exist. (B) Distribution o[ relaxation times The first such model for interpreting broad dispersions is to consider the broadening to be due to a distribution of relaxation times, F(T/7o), i.e.
~*(itOTo)-- e~ _ ( F ( T / T o ) d In e-o- E~ J 1 + itoT



Davidson and Cole 17 solved this equation for F(T/%) in terms of e*(itoro)

where y=T/To. Gross 23 has also discussed the solution to this integral equation and pointed out that one merely replaces ioJ by co exp ( + icr) in the formula for E*(co). For our applications we need only to substitute into the present dispersion function ye -+~ for iy. This substitution leads to ~*




The solution for F(y) becomes

F(y)=(1/~r)y a-a~ sin/30[y~(1-aJ+ 2y I1-.I cos It(1 - c 0 + 1]-~/2


where y =~'/To and 0 = arc tan ,{ YCl-~- a~-s-~-O ) 2 T 7rs(1 - ~ ) in

} .

It is of interest to examine this function for the various extremes in 1 or /3. When or=0, i.e. Davidson and Cole's skewed semi-circle ~7, this equation becomes F(y) = (1/Tr)y~ sin/30[y2- 2y + 1]-, iz with 0 = 0, 7r. When 0 = 0, F(y)= 0, which is a trivial solution. When 0 =~r,
Ffy)=(1/~r) yB sin ~r/3 (1 _y)-O Inasmuch as F(y) must be real, then y < 1, so that F(T/Zo)= (l/or) sin flCr{z/(T--To)} ~ FO'/~'o) = 0

(10) for T <ro (10a) (10b)

for ~-> To 177


We see that in the limit of o~=0 equation (9) converges to those of Davidson and Cole 17, which is of course to be expected. The other extreme of interest is when f l = 1, which is the Cole and Cole circular arc. Substitution of this condition into equation (9) leads, after some manipulation, to

F(y)=(1/2~r) sin art {cosh [(1 -or) In y] - c o s aTr} -1


with y=T/To, which is the exact form recorded by Cole and Cole 1. Therefore, the two parameters a and/3 uniquely represent the distribution of relaxation times. The parameter a appears to represent the breadth while /3 represents the skewness of the distribution of relaxation times. A very simple test exists (which is necessary but not sufficient)to determine if the distribution function is temperature dependent. This test is based on the relationship between qL, 1 -- a and/3
~ L = ( 1 -- e,)/3~r/2 (12)

Therefore, if ~L is temperature dependent, then either ( 1 - a) or/3 or both must be temperature dependent which makes F(r/ro) temperature dependent. On the other hand if 'PL is independent of temperature then ( 1 - a) and/3 may be independent of temperature so that F(r/ro) is independent of temperature. It is possible, however, that the temperature dependences of ( 1 - o0 and /3 are in opposite senses so as partially to annihilate their effects. The two acetates studied in the previous section are two such examples. The determination of 1 - ot and/3, as well as their temperature dependences, is a simple matter as noted in Appendix B. It is a simpler matter to determine the distribution function F(r/,o) from 1 - a and/3. Equation (9) is readily programmed on any digital computer (such as the IBM 1620) to compute F(T/TO) over any range of ~'/T0 for a given set of values for 1 - o t and /3. Davidson and Cole~r considered the distribution of relaxation times for glycerol at - 5 0 C , see Figure 11. The function F(,/~'o) increases without limit as ~'/T0 ranges from zero to unity. The function is then zero for all values of T/T0 greater than one. Although F(T/To) has a singularity at r/% = 1, the distribution function is still normalized because Davidson and Cole were able to show that

S F(z/~'o) d In rift = 1

The parameter f l w a s found to be temperature dependent over the region where it could be measured. In Figure 11 we have included F(~/'Co) for 1 - c ~ = l . 0 and/3=0.550 which are the dispersion parameters for glycerol at -70C. The general features of the distribution function are the same except that the curve is slightly broader at the lower temperature. When the e*(to) data are transformed into p*(to) data the parameters used to represent the dispersion are no longer the same or even similar because the shape of the curve has markedly changed. The curve for glycerol is no longer a skewed semi-circle but rather one that is typical of many 178



glycero[ at -50C e*((~) data

---~104 b.

Figure //--The distribution function F('c/zo) is plotted as a function of r/~-0 for glycerol at two temperatures





-1 tog (r/r o)



polymers. The distribution function is readily calculated from the dispersion parameters 1 - a and /3 used to represent the p*(to)data for glycerol at - 5 0 C . The distribution functiol~ F(z/zo) is finite everywhere, see Figure 11, having a maximum slightly to the short time side of ~'/r0= 1. Furthermore the distribution function is no longer zero for ~'/r0 > 1 and exhibits a shape that is similar to polymeric functions obtained from shifted data. The distribution of relaxation times for the three polymers described in Section II is readily calculated from the appropriate values of 1 - a and ft. In each case the parameters were chosen at the reference temperature. The results of the calculation are recorded in Figure 12. Although the distribution function was calculated for the e*(to) data the differences between the p*(to) and E*(oJ) distribution functions at the reference temperatures are too small to be seen because of the scale size. In general the p*(to) distribution function is slightly broader than that for ~*(to). It is of interest to compare the distribution functions calculated from the relaxation function to those calculated by the approximate methods described by Ferry et al. ~. Before describing the comparison, once again several points must be emphasized. First, the relaxation function is empirical but accurate. The calculation of F(z/zo) from the relaxation function is exact. Therefore the reliability of F(r/r0) is as good as the reliability of the relaxa179


(a) Poty(vinyl acetate) -1.0: ~ ~ o -2-

i I I I i I

(b) Poty(vinyl acetal) ~ ~-I.0

o -2"0
I I I I I I i I t l l , ; ,u

log r i(c) Poly(vinyl chloroacetate) -(3

v O~ O -1






tog "r




o from e'-** from 6~ ~ catcu!.ated

6 0 - e~

-2 -5


tog r


' -I

Figure 12--The distribution function F(T/'ro) is plotted as a function of t(sec)

for three polymers. In all cases O represents the function calculated from the real data while represents the function from imaginary data while the solid line is calculated using equation (9): (a) poly(vinyl acetate), (b) poly(vinyl acetal) and (c) poly(vinyl chloroacetate)

tion function. Second, the basic assumption in T T S M is not precisely maintained (Figure 9) except, perhaps for the chloroacetate. Third, the method used by Ferry et ctl.~ to calculate F(z/~'o) is approximate. The magnitude of the error is at least as large a s the differences between F(,/%) calculated from real and imaginary data. Finally the real and imaginary parts calculated from equation (1) are in good agreement with the shifted data of Ferry et al. ~ (Figure 10). Keeping these approximations and assumptions in mind, we can now compare the two calculated F0"/~-0)s. In Figure 1 2 ( a ) w e have represented the two F(r/ro)s for poly(vinyl acetate) where it can be seen that the agreement between the two distribution functions is as good as the internal agreement of Ferry's approximate method. In Figure 12(b) we have represented the two F0-/z0)s for poly(vinyl acetal) where it can be seen that the agreement at very short and very long times is poor. These discrepancies are no doubt due to those factors considered in Section II (C). In Figure 12(c) we have represented the two F0"/~'o)s for poly(vinyl chloroacetate). The agreement at times greater than ~'/~'0 > 1 is poor, although the agreement between the calculated and shifted E*(o)s was excellent. We conclude, therefore, that the discrepancies are due to Ferry's approximate methods. 180

RELAXATION PROCESSES IN SOME POLYMERS (C) Fluctuations in free energy A second model for interpreting-broad dispersions, and hence giving meaning to a and fl, has been given by Scaifea who related the average fluctuation in free energy associated with the moment of the sphere imbedded in a vacuum to the following expression

<F(Mr)_F(O)>= 3k____~T~ p" (o)p"(ro) dco




In this expression F(MO is the free energy of the sphere with moment M while F(0) is the condition of zero moment. Scaife has defined the integrand (3/fl) (/9",0"]p*--fi*) (dco/ co)= q~(co) (14)

as the spectral distribution of free energy associated with the fluctuations. The function ~(co) can be rearranged to read, remembering that p*~* are complex conjugates

*(co) = {p,(co)/p,,(co)} + {p"(co)/p'(co)}


The function p"(co)/p'(co) is the loss tangent, whose value rarely exceeds 0-3, so that qt(co) becomes .(co) = p'(co) / p'(co) and the integral becomes p"(co) dco (F(M2)_F(0)>= 3kTTr~o0p" (co) co (16)

In other words the spectral free energy associated with the fluctuation is essentially the integral of the loss tangent versus log co curve. The parameters a and fl then describe the shape of the loss curve leaving us with little or no molecular picture. (D) Correlation function A third approach to the problem of broad dispersions has been made by R. H. Cole25who considered the response of a macroscopic sample in terms of a time-dependent correlation of the electric moment of the sample including all moments, i.e. permanent and induced. The result of his analysis is given by
~*(co)- 1 ~- 1 <ix(0).M(0)t*> p ~*(co)+2- ~ + 2 +47rN 9kTV ~ [-~(t)]


where (~o - 1) / (o~+ 2) = 4~'Ncz/ 3 V and qt(t)-- (lx(0)'M(t)t*> / (Ix(0).M(0)]*> (18) with ~ representing the Laplace transform. The first term on the left, i.e. [*(co)-l]/[~*(co)+2], is of course the polarization of the sphere under consideration which is suspended in a vacuum. The first term on the right, 181

S. H A V R I L I A K and S. N E G A M I

(~o-1)/(eo~+2), represents the instantaneous polarization of the sphere. The term <IK0).M(0)I) represents the equilibrium effective induced moment of the sphere. The term ./~ [ - ~ ( t ) ] has the effect of a macroscopic decay function for the spherical sample and represents the average moment at time t with respect to the equilibrium value. Unfortunately not much can be achieved with this approach at this time because of the scarcity of structural data and the absence of information leading to the nature of interactions. However, one point can be made and that is to combine equation (17) with Cole's equations (9) and the one following (12) together with the empirical equation (5) to give
p*((o) - P~o = { 1 + (i(~rro) ('-=)} -a = L [ - ~(t)]
p0 - P~o


In other words, the curly brackets { }-~ describe the relationship between the central dipole and its environment as it moves to offset the effects of the applied field.

(A) Poly(vinylacetate) The results of a complex plane plot using the shifted complex compliance data of Williams and Ferry= for poly(vinyl acetate) are given in Figure 13(a). The shape of this curve, typical of some polymers, is not similar to any dielectric dispersions reported in the previous section. The limiting angle ~L = 74 is twice that observed for the dielectric dispersion. Examination of the complex plane plot at very high frequencies [see Figure 13(b)] reveals a curvature not seen in the corresponding dielectric dispersion. A bisector of ~L and extrapolated to the experimental locus intersects it at a
10 8

/ ,.//( /
f I I

~ , 'I" a from

1 I O~


~ 4



2 ~~ p /

| I

0 0.4 0.3





~ 1"0

(c) ./.. "~


\ o.5



-10 J'~=O'89x10 ~-~2/dyne



' 02






JP(6~) 1010 x ~"~2/dy ne



Figure 13----(a) Complex plane plot of poly(acetate) at the reference temperature

using shifted data = in units of c"ma/dyne. (b) Extreme high frequency end of plot. (e) Complex plane plot of transformed data for poly(vinyl acetate)

RELAXATION PROCESSES IN SOME POLYMERS frequency that is 2'5 decades slower than the corresponding dielectric dispersion. This intersection point takes place at the high frequency side of the loss maximum, a phenomenon not observed in dielectric dispersions. Finally there is no loss maximum but this may be due to incomplete experimental data rather than a basic shape of mechanical dispersions. Based on these observations the relaxation processes are not similar despite the fact that Williams and Ferry ~ found the temperature dependence of the dielectric and mechanical shift factors to be the same. This correlation implies that the activation energy associated with each relaxation process is the same. In view of the results in Section II, i.e. that different methods of representing dielectric data lead to slightly different conclusions because of changes in the shape of the relaxation curve, one should not be surprised that no comparison is observed at this point. The discussion in the previous section was among systems with ratio of a0/e~ less than 15; here Io/Io~ is approximately one thousand. For these reasons a suitable transformationt procedure must be devised. This can be done by noting that equation (4) is the specific case (where e.~ = 1) of the following generalization 27, p*(0)) = {~*(0))- ~ } / {e*(0)) + 2E~} (20)

If we can replace ~ by J~ and ~*(0)) by 1"(0)) and refer to the resulting transformed quantity as 8*(0)) [complex deformation] we obtain
8*(0)) = {1"(0)) - / ~ } / {J*(0)) + 2J~o} (21)

It is important to note that 8*(0)), like its dielectric counterpart, will contain all of the deforming mechanisms that can contribute to the complex compliance [J*(0))] at frequency co, i.e. all elastic and viscoelastic mechanisms will be present. The range of these observables will be limited to the interval 0 ~ 8*(0)) ~ 1 as is the case for the complex polarization. The real and imaginary parts can be separated quite readily to yield
8'(0)) = [/'(oJ) - y~] [1"(0)) + 2J~] + 1"(0)) ~

[1'(0)) + 2 1 j 2 + J"(0))=


and 8"(0)): [j,(0)) + 2joe]2+ j,(0))~



Inasmuch as ~ will play the counterpart of ~, this parameter may be obtained by extrapolating a complex plane plot of the compliance to the real axis, where J"(oa)=0. For poly(vinyl acetate) a complex plane plot at very high frequencies is given in Figure 13(b) where J~ is determined to be 0.89 x 10-1 cm+2/dyne. This value of J~ together with equations (21) and the data of Ferry 26 can be used to calculate 8*(o9). The results of this transformation are recorded in Figure 13(c)where it can be seen that the experimental locus has been drastically altered. The locus is now similar to the corresponding dielectric dispersions. It is possible to test for a quantW refer to the following procedure as a transformation, following the nomenclature of Scaife. This procedure is in reality a normalization but this, term like thel term reduced has been widely used to denote sPecific operations on experimental quantities.



Table 3. Comparison of dispersion parameters for dielectric and mechanical dispersions Poly Poly Poly Parameter (vinyl acetate) (methyl acrylate) (n-octyl methacrylate)
p* (~) 6* (o) /3

0"80 0'94 0"51 0"50 0'73 10-s 3-66 10-5 0"993 0 70

0"75 0"92 0"33 0"33 10X 10-1 2-86X 10-1 0'995 0 25

0"80 0"92 0"49 0"37 -2X 10-8 0"995 0 100

p* (~0) 6* (o) 2=% (sec) p* (co) 6" (co) 6 o


T, oc

titative agreement between the shapes of dielectric and mechanical dispersions by assuming the mechanical dispersion to take the form {6"(o) - 8,00} / {80 - 8~} = [1 + (ioro)'*-=~] -~ (22)

The deformation p a r a m e t e r s are calculated by the methods outlined in Appendix A and are listed in Table 3. The instantaneous and equilibrium values @~ versus 6oo and p0 versus 60) are quite different as is to be expected. However, the dynamic parameters (r0, ,pL, 1 - el and /3) are very similar. I n fact the differences are readily attributed to differences in molecular weight (but see intrinsic viscosities listed in original reference~) because we have found that the dispersions of lower molecular weight polymers tend to be faster and narrower. T h e reliability of equation (22) in terms of representing the experimental quantities is shown in Figure 14 where the real

Poty(vinyl acetate) 1"0-"~*-,.,~, o =Transformed ~"(oJ) "~o data ~ =Transformed ~'(a) ~" 0"8 "X data x. ~=Catcutated from =~"~ ~ e r s i o n equation
"~ 0'6

~ 0.~

o [~ I I Itllt~ i I i Illlll IIII



106 tog (~a r)



Figure 14---Comparison of calculated real (o) and imaginary ((3) parts of transformed compliance (represented by solid line) 184




Calculated curve based on skewed f


II ll/



~m Experimental curve based on shifed

-''" 0.04

~ 0'004

data [ ie. ~* (w)]

Curve based on
0.02 o


0 0"96







0"996 0"998

%%o I ~%


,re )
Figure 15---(a) Experimental deviations (o) for poly(vinyl acetate) from assumed
behaviour which is represented by the solid line. (b) Decomposition of deviations in terms of another process. The solid line represents the assumed behaviour, filled circles represent the deviations and filled squares represent the experimental data

and imaginary parts of 8"(0,) both observed and calculated are plotted against log (oar. The agreement between calculated and observed 8"(0.) is fair but not as good as was observed in the electrical case. At very low frequencies the deviations become pronounced, see Figure 15, not only in terms of scatter between calculated and observed values of ~*(0.) but the locus of the experimental curve deviates from the calculated curve. These deviations can be represented in terms of a second dispersion by assuming the deformation of the two processes to be additive, i.e. 3*(0,) = 8% (co)+ ~*F(0.) (23) In this equation 3*r(0,) is the high frequency dispersion which has been described by the parameters in Table 3 while 8*7(0,) is the low frequency dispersion in which the deviations described in Figure 15(a)will be represented. The parameters 8%(0,) are calculated for the necessary oJs and then subtracted from the experimental values of 3*(0,). The difference is plotted in Figure 15(b) after the addition of 60 which is the equilibrium value of the high frequency process. As can be seen in Figure 15(1)) the results may be represented by a circular arc. The transformation equation can be rearranged to read 1"(0.) =/,~o{1 + 28"(0.)} / { 1 - 8"(0,)} which can be separated into real and imaginary parts to read
[1 + 23"(0,)] [1 - 8"(0.)] - 2 ( a " y


[ 1 - ~'(0.)] 2+ (8")' and 3a"(0.) J"(0,) = ] ~ [1 - a'(0,)]~ + (a") ~ 185




103 Poty(vinyt acetate) Experiment aI Calculated


4b C






10-I 10o
t i i tlql| i


102 J'x 10-10 E~2/dyne


Figure 16---Complex plane plot of compliance in c-m2/dyne for poly(vinyl acetate). The filled circles are experimental values while the two solid lines represent the calculated values of the low and high frequency processes

Inasmuch as 8'(co) and 8"(co) can be calculated from the dispersion equations and parameters as functions of frequency then /'(co) and ]"(co) can also be calculated as functions of frequency. A complex plane plot of ,/'(co) and ,/"(co) is given in Figure 16 using the high frequency dispersion parameters. The agreement is quite good except for that region where the low frequency dispersion exists. This contribution to 1*(co) is calculated from the above equations together with the dispersion parameters obtained from the deviations in the complex deformation case. (B) Poly(methyl acrylate) A complex plane plot of the complex compliance is readily constructed using the shifted data of Williams and Ferry= for poly(methyl acrylate). The result of this complex plane plot is given in Figure 17(a) where it can be seen that the locus goes through a maximum and appears to be a distorted arc. As with poly(vinyl acetate) the complex compliance can be transformed into the complex deformation using equation (21). The parameter l ~ was obtained from a complex plane plot and was found to be 1.0x 10-1 cm+*/dyne. The results of this transformation are recorded in Figure 17(b). The skewed arc parameters are listed in Table 3. Calculation of 8*(co) from the skewed arc parameters in comparison with the experimental values led 186


to deviations similar to those encountered in the poly(vinyl acetate) case. At very low frequencies the deviations become significant (see Figure 18) but it is possible to represent these deviations in terms of a low frequency dispersion.
xlO2, Poly(methyt acrylate) T=25oC

0 0"3 (b)

' J'(ca) x 108~-~2/dyne ...

:3 x103


8'(oo) Figure 17---(a) Complex plane plot of compliance (in cmZ/dyne) for poly(methyl acrylate) at 25C. (b) The transformed complex compliance, i.e. complex deformation for poly(methyl acrylate) at 25C







002( 0'01! Poly(methyl acrylate) T=25C

Figure /&--Complex plane plot of

deformation for poly(methyl acrylate) at 25C. The solid line represents the calculated behaviour, the filled ..~ 001C circles are experimental quantities while the open circles represerrt the deviations at constant frequency

I\ /based skewed CaLcuLated on curve arc De. a~F~,o)]

t ~ Experimental \based on shifted " data [i.e. ~*(oJ)]


0.00. ~


~\~ Curve based on 0'992 0-996 1000


S. H A V R I L I A K and S. N E G A M I


Poty (n-oc~t methacrylate) T= 100 "C

oo 0'1


~, (oa~)-6

I \ , .
0-8 1"0








Figure 19---(a) Complex deformation of poly(n-octyl methacrylate) at 100*C. (b) Extreme low frequency behaviour

(C) PoIy(n-octylmethacrylate) A complex plane plot of the complex compliance is readily constructed using the shifted data listed by Ferry s in Appendix D. The parameter loo was found to be 2 x 10-1 cm+~/dyne. This parameter together with equation (21) was used to transform/*(co) to 8*(co). The results of this transformation are listed in Figure 19(a) where it can be seen that the now familiar skewed arc is obtained. The dispersion parameters associated with this mechanism are listed in Table 3 along with the appropriate electrical parameters. Calculation of 8*(co) from the dispersion parameters and equation (21) led to discrepancies similar to those for poly(vinyl acetate). At very low frequencies significant deviations were encountered, except that for this polymer it was not necessary to postulate the existence of two dispersions because they were found to be resolved, see Figure 19(b).

(D) Polyisobutylene
A complex plane plot of the complex compliance is readily constructed using the shifted data listed by Ferry ~ in Appendix D. The parameter/oo was found to be 0.9x 10-~ cm+2/dyne. This parameter together with equation (21) was used to transform J*(co) to 8*(co). The results of this transformation are listed in Figure 20(a) where it can be seen that the relaxation process for this polymer is a circular arc, i.e. /3 = 1. As in the other cases the deviations become significant at very low frequencies where a second or low frequency dispersion is readily seen, Figure20(b).

(A) Preliminaryremarks In the previous section a correlation was described between the dielectric 188

0-4 0'3 (a) Polyisobutylene T= 298K

0.1 0 0"00015 (b) I

oooo oI

i ~ t 0 0

Figure 20--(a) Complexdeformationof

polyisobutyleneat 25C. (b) Extremelow frequencybehaviour

and mechanical dispersions when these mechanisms were transformed in a particular way. The dielectric transformation is quite clear, it is the polarization of a unit sphere imbedded in a vacuum, The meaning of the mechanical transformation is not quite as clear but probably represents' an analogous transformation. The correlations that were observed were only between the dynamic parameters a, /3 and To and not between the equilibrium and instantaneous parameters. This means that the mechanism by which the systems approach equilibrium after they have been disturbed must be the same. These correlations suggest that a mechanical analogue of current dielectric model should be studied. In the mechanical analogue of this dielectric model we need to replace the vacuum by an isotropic elastic continuum (material constant 1,~) because a vacuum cannot support a mechanical stress field. Furthermore we shall take Joo to represent the higher frequency limiting behaviour of the specimen. The origin of a right-handed coordinate system is located at the centre of the continuum. A spherical inclusion, centred at the origin of the coordinate system shall take the place of the dielectric specimen and become the object of study. The adhesion between the surface of the specimen and the continuum is considered to be perfect. This specimen is small enough so that there is no spatial variation in the stress field, while the field may or may not vary with time. On the other hand this specimen is large enough to contain enough polymer chains so that statistical averaging is possible. Consider the behaviour of this specimen when it is subjected to an external stress field applied to the continuum in the usual way. Let this stress field, represented by TU(t), be applied in the direction of the z axis and have the form of a step function, see Figure 21(a). T is a constant and 189







t ~

Figure 21---(a) Plot of unit step function U(t) versus t. (b) Plot of distortion of sphere Du(t) as a function of time

determines the magnitude of the stress while U(t) is a unit step function such that at times t < 0, U(t)= 0 and at times t > 0, U(t) = 1. In general this stress field will distort the spherical specimen in the following way. First there will be an instantaneous distortion Du(0) corresponding to the instantaneous response of the system. Actually, the response cannot be instantaneous-because of inertial effects; however, we shall take as instantaneous any time interval that is small compared to the times associated with the measurements. Following this initial distortion there will be one that is time dependent. Eventually the system will cease to be distorted and come to some equilibrium value Du(c~), see Figure 21(b). Inasmuch as we have assumed the specimen to be isotropic in its properties, the distortion Du(c~) will be co-linear with the applied stress field TU(t). At this point we can define linearity as the condition where the equilibrium distortion of the specimen, i.e. Du(oo), depends only on the field intensity T, in other words Lira Du(t) = D,T


In this expression D, (s implies static or equilibrium conditions) is the equilibrium distortion of the sphere. At this point it is convenient to divide the discussion into three parts. First, we need to discuss the relationship between the distortion of this sphere and its gross mechanical properties in terms of classical continuum mechanics. Next we need to discuss some properties of the sphere itself. Finally the distortion of the sphere needs to be related to some aspect of polymer molecules using classical statistical mechanics.

(B) Spherical inclusion problem

The solution for the equilibrium distortion (D~) of the inclusion subjected to body forces in terms of the gross mechanical properties of the sphere and its surrounding medium may be obtained from elasticity theory =. Uemura and TakayanagP have recently considered such a problem, i.e. a spherical isotropic inclusion with known elastic constants. When the medium is stretched in simple tension T, they calculated the displacement and the stress in the vicinity of the particle. The distortion (U)and stress 190

RELAXATION PROCESSES IN SOME POLYMERS (o-) in the O= 0 direction (see Appendix C) is given as: Uio=o)= - TAd2 where 3(1 - v012(3 - v2+ 5v~v2)+ (9 + 5v~)(1 2p2)12/11] A2 = 2(1 + v0 [2(4 - 5vl) + (7 - 5v~)Y2/l~][1 + v~+ 2(1 - 2v2)J2/J~]


o'10=0~ T{4v~B2- 2A2} =


3(1 - v~)

B~= 4(1 + vl)[1 + v~+ 2(1-2v2)1~/11] In these equations subscript 1 refers to the continuum while 2 refers to the sphere. The quantity U~o=01 is the distortion at the surface of the sphere of unit radius, v is Poisson's ratio and Y is the equilibrium compliance of the medium. If we consider the case of vl = v2= , then thv distortion in the direction of the stress field becomes Uco---o~= (5 / 3)TJ2J1/ (312 + 21a) (27)

If we subtract from this quantity the distortion of the continuum at the surface of the sphere, had the spherical specimen not been there, we have D = U le=0,:2:~:1) - U ce=0,:2=:?



Now if we set 11 =l,~o, and invoke the principle of correspondence in the same way as did Uemura and Takayanagi by letting J2=Y*(o~) and D = D*(~o) we have after some rearrangement 9D*(oJ) /*(co) - 1,~. A*(oJ) = 2T(oJ)/~ = J*(o) + ~J~ (29)

We conclude from these arguments that the empirical transformation [i.e. equation (21)] resulted, very nearly, in the complex distortability of a sphere with unit radius, complex compliance l*(oJ) and Poisson's ratio of one half suspended in an otherwise continuous elastic medium of compliance 1,~ and Poisson's ratio of one half. The differences between 2/3 and 2 in equations (29) and (21) are readily compensated for by the errors that exist in the determination of ! 9 and v2. (C) Properties of the spheret Let us now consider the distortion of the sphere as the stress varies arbitrarily with time. We define the quantity D(t)/T~Au(t) (30)

as the unit step function response of the sphere. In other words, we shall assume a knowledge of the way the system responds in time to the application of a unit stress field. The arbitrary stress field T(t) (Figure 22) can be
~'This section is essentially an adaPtation of dielectric theory to the present mechanical model. T h e dielectric discussion can be found in refs. 6 or 24. In the following discussion, the moment of the sphere m (t) is replaced by this distortion D (t), tho electric field E by the tensile field T and the complex polarization a* (o) by the complex distortability A* 0o). T h e mathematical arguments are the same for both cases because the following discussion is essentially in macroscopic terms.


S. H A V R I L I A K and S. N E G A M I

t-V ~dV .


Figure 22--Variation of an arbitrary tensile stress field with time can be represented as a sum of incremental values to which the response of the sphere is known

thought of as arising from a succession of unit step functions of magnitude dT(t) for which the response of the sphere is assumed to be known. The total response of the sphere D(t), at somo time t, is given as the summation of the individual responses to the succession of unit step functions (Boltzman's Superposition PrincipleS). This response is given by

01) o The lower limit of integration is not allowed to become zero because the derivative of A u ( t - v ) may become infinite if part of the response is instantaneous. This equation can be rewritten with zero as the lower limit provided the integrand is changed by subtraction of the initial response. The equation can be further rearranged by partial integration and a change in variables (i.e. v = t - x ) . For the case of pea'iodic fields, i.e. T(t - x) = To cos (rot - cox) Equation 0 1 ) becomes

D(t)= T(O)Au(t) + S A u ( t - v)[dT(v) / dv]

O(t)=A'(ro)To cos rot+ A"(ro)T0 sin rot

In these equations the following substitutions were made: A'(ro) - A~ = ooB (t) cos rot dt S
0 oo


(32a) (32b) (320 (32d) (32e)

OXf) 02g)

A"(ro) = SB(t) sin rot dt


B(t) = d [ A u ( 0 - Au(0)]/dt .4u(t)= Au(t) - Au(O)

A*(ro) = A'(ro),- iA"(co)
A'(0) = [ A u ( ~ ) ] = A0 A'(co) = [A u(0)] = A,~ 192

RELAXATION PROCESSES IN SOME POLYMERS We deduce from equations (32a) and (32b) that A'(to)-A~ is an even function of to while A"(to) is an odd function or that ~ ( t o ) = A ' ( - t o ) and A ' ( t o ) = - A ' ( - t o ) so that A*(to)= =A-~(-to) Equations (32a) and (32b) have an inverse Fourier transform so that

B(t) = (2/7r) S [A'(to) - A j cos tot dto


(33a) (33b)

B(t) = (2/r) SA"(to) sin tot dto


Equations (32a) and (32b) may be added to yield the following equation

A*(to) - A , ~ = S B(t) exp ( - itot) dt


Equations (33a)and (33b) may be added to yield the following equation


B(t) = (1/2~r) S [A*(to)- A~] exp (itot) dto



The lower limits of integration can be extended from zero to minus infinity because B(t)=O for t < 0 on the basis of causality. In other words no response can occur in anticipation of a stimulus. Finally it can be shown by a suitable combination of equations (32a) with (33b) or (32b) with (33a) that A'(o))-A~=(2/Ir)P f A"(to)V dV ,, V2_to2 .
0 oo

A"(oJ) = (2/lr)P f

[A'(to) - A~]to dV To2--- ~-~ -



S represents the Cauchy principal value of the integral.

These results lead to two important findings. The first of these is that the in-phase and out-of-phase responses of the system come about because of a delayed response to a periodic stress field. Therefore, it is not necessary to postulate an internal viscosity to account for an out-of-phase component of the response. Any mechanism which delays the response of the system will give rise to a 'macroscopic' viscosity term. The second finding is that the real and imaginary parts of the response are not independent quantities but rather are closely related terms. Any knowledge of one response over the entire time scale uniquely determines the other response. (D) Molecular potential and elongation terms In this section we shall relate some aspect of molecular structure to the complex distortability A*(to) of the sphere. In order to meet this aim we need to discuss two important aspects of the problem. The first one is that some form of interaction potential is needed to describe the potential energy of the molecule in the stress field as a function of its position co193

s. HAVRILIAK and S. NEGAMI ordinates. The second aspect is to assume some mechanism by which the changes in the shape of the spherical inclusion occur as the molecule orients to offset the effects of the stress field. For the interaction potential we note that each bond in the molecule will experience a torque~1 tending to orient the polymer in the direction of the stress field. However, each bond cannot move independently of its surrounding bonds so that the orientation process must be a cooperative one. We assume that each of the bonds l~ (1~ represents the difference between the length and width of each bond) in the polymer chain may interact with the applied stress field o- in such a way that the potential energy of the interaction is given b y - o - z , where z~ is the component of l~ in the direction of the stress field. In vector notation this becomes -n'lt. Inasmuch as the neighbouring bonds will be rigidly connected to one another in the unit that orients, hereafter referred to as the segment, we may write for the potential energy of this segment in the stress field

V~ =




where n is the number of bonds i~ in the segment of the polymer chain. The quantity ),, represents the asymmetry of the polymer segment. It can be seen from this quantity that for spherical segments or for cylindrical segments constrained to move about their long axis there is no potential energy of interaction, much like the equivalent dipole case. The change in shape of the spherical inclusion is due to the orientatioaa of the segment with the applied stress field. As this segment changes its direction with respect to the applied field its projection in the field direction also changes and is given b y
rL i=1 II

Y~l, cos 0~= / ~ cos 0~= X8cos 0 = h,(Z)



As this segment moves to alleviate the effects of the applied stress field, we shall assume that the average molecular packing about this segment does not change. In other words as the segment orients, elements of the polymer molecule must move out of its way while still other elements must move into the void left by the segment. So long as this orientation process continues without any change in the average packing about the segment in question, this process is an isometric one so that Poisson's ratio is one half. It is of interest to note at this time that the model under consideration is amenable to the same analysis as used by Cole for dielectric relaxation. Two separate correlations or sets of interactions have been assumed although a single relaxation process is considered. The first correlation is between a single bond and its immediate surroundings to form what we have called a segment. The second correlation is between this segment and its surroundings. This latter set of interactions can give rise to a time-dependent correlation function which could make the orientation time dependent. Although it is possible to develop the analysis along the lines used by Cole at this point we shall proceed along simpler analytical lines because this leads to a much clearer physical picture. 194

RELAXATION PROCESSES IN SOME POLYMERS (E) Equilibrium deformationt The time dependent distortion of the sphere at equilibrium, exclusive of the instantaneous deformation, is related to its gross mechanical properties and the tensile field by the following variation of equation (29) (9D0/2,/oo) = {(/o - l~o)(lo + ~lo~)}T0 (39) The problem on hand is to relate Do in terms of the asymmetry ,L(z), the tensile field To and the potential energy of interaction V,. These quantities are related by classical statistical mechanics~ in the form Do = [ [ f(p, q, To) D~ (q) dp dq (40) where p and q are the conjugate moments and coordinates of the segment, so that f(p, q, To) dp dq is the equilibrium distribution function of the segments and Dz(q) represents the sum of the z components of the individual segments. The equilibrium distribution function is proportional to f(p, q, To) ~ exp [-H(p, q, To)/kT] where H is the Hamiltonian of the system and is given by (41)

H(p, q, To)= H(p, q)-D~(z, q)To


The quantity H (p, q) is the unperturbed Hamiltonian of the system in the absence of external fields while the second term in equation (42) represents the interaction energy of the segment with the field. Inasmuch as we are concerned only with weak tensile fields, the perturbing term may be made arbitrarily small so that f(p, q, To)=f(p, q)[1 + (To/kT)D~ (q)] where if(p, q) is the unperturbed distribution function of the system. The equation for the equilibrium deformation becomes (43)

Do = (D~>o+ (To/kT)<D2~(q))o


where the angle brackets < >0 indicate an averaging using f0(p, q) as a weighting factor. The quantity <D~)0 vanishes because for the present case there is no net deformation in the absence of any external field. The term <D~>0may be written as
N O, N O

(O~>0=~(D'O>0 = < E Xi-Xy>0



If we combine this equation with equations (39) and (44) we have

J0 - 1 ~ 3 N0'~O

70+ ]Joo

2kT J~ < -~ Xi'Xy>0 t,1/


This equation, which is of fundamental importance to the present work, relates the gross equilibrium compliance of the medium in terms of shape asymmetry of the segments that move to alleviate the effects of the applied field. This equation can be simplified one step further if we assume no
t A s in the previous section, this discussion is an adoption of I~ielectric Theory, see particularly Chapter 11 of ref. 6.


S. HAVRIL|AK and S. NEGAMI correlation between segments. Under these circumstances we have

(!o - 1~) / (Jo + ~I~) = (3No~ 2kTJ,~)h



Xi.Xy=O for i ~= y

(47a) (47b)

Xi'Xy = h~ for i = y

(F) Decay of the deformation~f Thus far the equilibrium deformation of the sphere has been related to the shape asymmetry of the segments with a simple non-periodic stress field applied to the system. Now consider the case when the stress field is suddenly removed. Under these conditions there will be an excessive number of segments (partially) pointing in the z direction. The problem is to relate the decay of fhe deformation with time to the change in the number of segments with time. In other words assume that the new equilibrium comes about because the segments move from one position to another and this process is controlled by the number of segments that can move per unit time. On these grounds equation (47) may be written as
~(0 - L o = - 3X No(t) J(t) + ]1~ 2kT J~ (48)

When the stress field is suddenly removed, these No (at t =0) segments cannot move instantaneously, there being a probability that only a certain number of segments can move in any time interval dt. Suppose that one of these segments has an orientation 0,~p. The probability that it will move to a new position 0',~o' with a solid angle dfV in the interval of time dt is given by

k(O,~, ~

0",qg')dt dlV

(49) (50) (51)

The number of such segments having an orientation 0,~p in dll is given by

N(O,~o,t) df~
The function N is normalized such that

No(t) = S N(O,q~,t) dl~

Inspection of the rates of decay for a large number of polymer systems shows that this process is very strongly temperature dependent. This observation may be interpreted to mean that the transition probability k is governed by the rate at which these segments may be thermally activated. That is, the rate of reorientation is proportional to the Boltzmann factor exp ( - E / k T ) , where E is the energy that must be supplied for the segments to overcome the surrounding interactions which hold them in one position and re-establish themselves in another position. For many polymeric dispersions, these activation energies are of the order of 50 kcal so that E must be of the order of 100 kT. This fact indicates that the segments cannot
I"As in the previous cases, this section is an adoption o f dielectric theory.
In lyarticular see ref. 33.


RELAXATION PROCESSES IN SOME POLYMERS change their position continuously but rather as a series of sudden jumps. The transition probability k(O,9 > 0",~')dt dO', may then be regarded as the probability that a jump will occur in an interval of time dt resulting in the indicated change of orientation. The total number of segments in a solid angle dO about 0,9 which leave that direction in an interval dt will be

A dO dt =S N(O,~o,t) k(OAo

> 0',~p') dl~ dl) dt


where the integration is over 12', the directions into which the segments jump. Similarly, the number of segments entering the same solid angle df~ from the other directions will be

A dO dt =~ N(O'Ao't) k(O',~" ~2p

> 0,~) dl)' dO dt


The net rate of change: in the probability function N is dN(0,~,t) d I l / d t = ( B - A) dO=S [N(O',cp',t) k(O'Ao'

> 0,~)

- N(O,9,t) k(O,9 ~

0',9')] dO' dfl

If the integration is over all space the total number of segments leaving their positions in order to establish the new equilibrium is therefore



> O,~p)

- N(OAo,t) k(O,q~ ~, 0'Ao')] d~ dO"

These equations may be further simplified not only by assuming that k is independent of the direction of jump, but that there is only one size of jump. Under these conditions we have dN0(t)/dt = - koNo(t) because (56) (57)

ko S N(O',~o',t) d O ' = 0

otherwise there would be a build-up in the deformation with time due to the fact that some jumps would tend to maintain the original deformation. This differential equation leads to

No(t) = N0e-~0'
Combining this with equation (48) leads to


1(0 - lo~ 1(0 + ]J~

h------~2 N0e-~0 ' 3

2kzr Z~


At t = 0, the exponent in equation (59) is unity so that the deformation of the sphere is given by the equilibrium equation as required. As t increases the term exp (-kot) becomes smaller so that the deformation becomes smaller. In fact the decay in the deformation is exponential with time. Finally as t becomes very large the exponent approaches zero so that the deformation approaches zero. 197


The present relaxation function, although not theoretically justified, has one single important feature. It represents the relaxation behaviour of twenty polymers either as the complex dielectric constant or as the complex polarization. The relaxation bchaviour of small organic or inorganic molecules which may be represented as a skewed semi-circle or as a circular arc may be added to this list of polymers because these are limiting forms of the present relaxation function. This list of materials becomes larger because at least in four cases the mechanical relaxation behaviour may be represented by this function. Although the relaxation function is empirical, the number of systems whose relaxation behaviour may be represented is large and for that reason the function has meaning. The procedure outlined in Appendix B to determine the temperature dependences of the dispersion parameters is similar to the procedure referred to as the TTSM with a single important exception. In both methods a knowledge of ~" a n d ~ are required at temperatures where direct determinations are not possible. For this reason extrapolations must be used. The differences in the two methods are their basic assumptions. In the TTS1V~, the shape of the normalized relaxation mechanism is assumed to be independent of temperature, a behaviour that has little experimental support (Figure 8), although one that may be argued from simple molecular theory34. In the present method an empirical relaxation function is assumed which has no theoretical verification but one that can represent experimental data accurately and, therefore, can represent the variation of the normalized loss curve with temperature. Mead and Fuoss le considered the shape of the relaxation process for the acetates when viewed in a complex plane and postulated three possible interpretations: an unsymmetrical relaxation process, simultaneous presence of two dispersions, or a distribution parameter which is a function of time. Although it must be admitted that the skewed behaviour observed in poly(vinyl acetate) can be represented as the sum of two symmetrical dispersions as was done for the polycarbonate~, we believe the simplest interpretation is to represent this process as a single mechanism using the proposed relaxation function. Although their third mechanism is feasible, we believe that this interpretation leads to an unnecessary complication of the picture. ~Mead and FUOSS 16 compared the square of the refractive index (n 2) to e~, actually one should make some allowance for atomic polarization. If a nominal five per cent of n is allowed to represent this contribution then one calculates a value for e~o as 2"38, which agrees quite well with the experimental value at 100C. It is possible that the deviations observed at lower temperatures could come about from one per cent or less water as an impurity. Mead and Fuoss TM interpreted the breadth of the dispersion in poly(vinyl acetate) to be due to the flexible linkage connecting the side chain dipole moment to the main chain. Based on the results obtained in this paper i t is seen that the breadth of the dispersion is due in part to the method of representation. The polarization parameters for poly(vinyl acetate) are 198

RELAXATION PROCESSES IN SOME POLYMERS similar to the dispersion parameters used tO describe the polycarbonate where the dipole is part of the backbone of the polymer chain. These authors interpreted the side chain motion to be independent of the polymer chain conformation. Ferry et al. ~ have shown that the electrical and mechanical shift factors for this polymer are the same. In addition we have shown that the initial response of the system to the mechanical stress field is the same as the response to the electrical field because the dispersion parameters are so much alike. Inasmuch as this response must involve the polymer backbone because of the large value of the compliance associated with this process then independent side chain rotation is not a suitable mechanism for this response. There is no doubt, based on the large value of the dielectric constant, that the side chain is involved with this mechanism but the motion of the side chain must be rigidly coupled through the backbone in an unknown fashion. In other words the segment that moves to offset the effects of either a mechanical or an electrical stress field must involve several monomer units rigidly coupled together. By analogy with dielectric theory it is possible to construct a set of transformation equations for mechanical dispersions. These transformation equations were used to transform experimental values of the complex compliance to the complex deformation. The locus in a complex plane for ~*(oJ) is very similar to the corresponding complex dielectric dispersion. The comparison of dispersion parameters must be taken as being qualitative at this point because the mechanical and electrical measurements were not made on the same polymer. Calculated values of ~*(oJ) from the dispersion parameters and equations were in agreement with transformed values to the same extent as is the band that is almost always associated with the shifted values. In other words the reliability of representing 8*(to) by equation (22) is the same as that of the band associated with the shifted values. Clearly, what needs to be done is to evaluate the dispersion parameters for measurements made on the same polymer. The systems studied by Strella and Zand 3s, who measured dielectric properties ot~ some polymers, and by Child Jr and Ferry 36, who measured the complex compliance of the same polymer, provide such an opportunity. Such a comparison is presently under way and preliminary results indicate the mechanisms to be the same. At very low frequencies significant deviations from the assumed behaviour were observed. In two of these [poly(n-octyl methacrylate) and polyisobutylene] the deviations were in terms of another lower frequency dispersion. In the other two polymers [poly(vinyl acetate) and poly(methyl acrylate)] the deviations could be interpreted in terms of another lower frequency relaxation process. In the latter two systems it is not known whether the actual behaviour is as observed or whether two overlapping dispersions actually exist. The initial response of the polymer to the stress field is virtually the same as it is to the electric field. Otherwise the three time parameters, a, fl and r0 would not be so similar. This means that the initial response of the polymer to the applied field must be a segmental orientation mechanism or there would be no net polarization and the dielectric constant associated with the dielectric dispersion would be zero. Later on the deformation of the polymeric systems may be due to segmental 199


translations where there would be no equivalent low frequency dielectric process. This assessment of the deforming mechanism is identical with what has been proposed by Tobolsky and Aklonis37for the stress relaxation behaviour of polyisobutylene. In this work we are extending their deformation mechanism (segmental orientation followed by segmental translation) to three more polymers, Three experimental facts described in the previous sections appear to support Scaife's5 theoretical contentions, i.e. that one ought to compare complex polarization data rather than complex dielectric constant data for different systems. The strongest of these arguments comes from the analogy of dielectric and mechanical dispersions. It should be pointed out that although one is tempted to compare the time dependent polarization and deformation responses of a unit sphere suspended in a medium whose response is instantaneous, an equally good analogy would have been made by comparing 6"(o~) with ~*(oJ). At this point the data are not sufficient to prove which is the better correlation. What needs to be done is to make comparisons of dielectric mad mechanical data obtained on polymers with large dielectric constants to maximize the differences between the constants used to represent E*(co) and p*(to) data. The second piece of evidence, which was acually considered by Scaife, is that the relaxation behaviour of glycerol is simpler in the p*(to) case. In the e*(to) case deviations from assumed behaviour were interpreted in terms of another dispersion, an interpretation which is consistent with the behaviour of other alcohols. In the p*(to) case there are no deviations so that the dispersion appears to be dependent on the method of representation. At this point one could argue that either the existence of a dispersion ought to be independent of the method of representation or that the data ought to be represented in such a way as to exaggerate these deviations. Finally the behaviour of e*(to) for the two acetates is not at all typical of polymers. The normalized loss maximum is independent of temperature while for other systems this quantity depends strongly on temperature. Furthermore the temperature dependences of 1 - a and /3 for the two acetates are irt opposite senses leaving one with the interpretation that the distribution of relaxation times is becoming narrower, at times longer, than To while becoming broader, at times shorter, than To as the temperature decreases. The complex polarization parameters, as well as the reduced loss maximum, depend an temperature in a way that is similar to eleven other polymers. One could argue that the complex dielectric constant is the better representation because the behaviour of the two acetates becomes almost an ideal example of the TTSM. However, we believe that representation of data as p*(o~) systematizes the behaviour of polymers. If one can rightfully conclude that one ought to compare dispersion data in terms of the complex polarization rather than the complex dielectric constant, then one is left with some radically different conclusions concerning mechanical data. The dispersion parameters used to represent the dielectric behaviour of the polycarbonate, poly(vinyl acetate) and glycerol are very similar. This obser~,ation may be interpreted to mean that the mechanism of the three relaxation processes must be the same or at least 200

RELAXATION PROCESSES IN SOME POLYMERS very similar. The significant difference is that their respective temperatures are about 200 degrees apart. However, in these three systems there is an example of a polymer with the dipole group in the backbone, another polymer with the dipole group on the side chain and finally a hydrogen bonded liquid which is, of course, not a polymer at all. Add to this, the fact that, initially at least, the dielectric and mechanical dispersions of poly(vinyl acetate) are one in the same dynamic process. The correlation would be even more astounding if the deviations from assumed behaviour at long times are due to a varying Poisson's ratio. If this were so, then the two mechanisms might be the same over the entire c0a~ scale. At any rate, the correlations observed so far lead one to question precisely what is the role of chain statistics in polymeric dispersion? Although one might be tempted to postulate a polymer-like structure for glycerol due to the hydrogen bonding at low temperature, the recent results of Denney and Ring~8 refute this hypothesis. In that work they studied the dielectric relaxation behaviour of mixtures of i-amyl bromide and 2-methylpentane. The shapes of their relaxation curves are very similar to the present ones. Inasmuch as hydrogen bonding to form chains would be absent from that system, then a chainlike structure with normal modes of vibration need not be the mechanism giving rise to broad dispersions. In a paper by Ferry, Williams and Fitzgerald ~, the point was made that dielectric data aught to be interpreted in terms of polymer viscoelastic theory. We wish to take exception to that statement for the following reasons. First of all, methods have existed for representing dielectric relaxation data in terms of simple empirical expressions containing one or two parameters. This means that large quantities of data can be represented in terms of a few parameters and comparative studies be put on a quantitative basis. No such technique exists for mechanical dispersions and for this reason one of the most basic assumptions to the TTSM has never been thoroughly experimentally studied. Another point is that the shape of the dielectric specimen under theoretical consideration must be a sphere, as pointed out by VanVleck 39 in 1932. Inasmuch as many of the materials under consideration for mechanical studies are polar, one would expect analogous arguments to exist for any mechanical model. In fact, this point we believe to be amply demonstrated in the present work. In addition, Kirkwood has shown ~1in 1938 that the unit that equilibrates with the electric field is seldom the single dipole unit but rather one has to take into account the dipole moment originating from discrete local structure. No such sophistication exists in viscoelasticity theory, the mechanical theory is equivalent to a simple dielectric theory because correlations in time and space are neglected. This point is very important because this simple mechanical theory is used to reduce mechanical dispersion data. Furthermore, the delayed response in the mechanical behaviour is assumed to arise from a local viscosity. The concept of a local viscosity to impede the movement of a polymer chain has been widely studied by a number of people 3. The usual model for deformation is a treatment of the 201

s. HAVRILIAK and S. NEGAMI normal modes of vibration of a polymer chain which is impeded by a local viscosity. The viscosity acting to damp the made of vibration is proportional to segment length. At best this concept is an artefact. Macroscopically a viscosity, or rather a dissipation of energy, is observed but on a microscopic level molecules simply do not rub together to dissipate energy. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, the recent work of Cole25 is a generalization of dielectric behaviour which does not have any parallel in mechanical theory. In that work he was able to combine the nature of broad dispersion and the dissipation of energy in terms of a time dependent correlation function. In addition, the equilibrium behaviour of his model converges to that of Kirkwood which takes into account specific short range correlations. Based on these reasons, we believe that a mechanical analogue of recent dielectric theory should be the starting point for a mechanical model rather than the other way round. We start by considering a spherical inclusion containing the sample in an otherwise continuous elastic medium. We know that as the individual polar groups undergo their random gyrations, the effects of their fields will be cancelled out for every point inside that sphere except for the small number of systems along the boundary~. Since we are considering the surrounding medium to be continuous and structureless, there is no adverse contribution to the field inside the sphere. Under these conditions the tensile field, when applied to the inclusion, truly acts as a perturbation term. Under these conditions the Hamiltonian of the system can be: written as the equilibrium term plus an interaction potential term similar to equation (42). Based on the analogy between the two dispersions observed so far, one would expect that if one followed the arguments of Cole one would obtain a set of mechanical equations similar to his dielectric equations [equation (17)]. Presumably one would obtain the complex distortion of the sphere as the sum of two terms. The first of these would be the instantaneous distortion while the second would contain the time dependent distortion terms. Furthermore, it would appear that the form of the second term would be similar to the dielectric expression in that it would contain the equilibrium distortion containing all equilibrium correlations which is modified by a time dependent correlation function which describes the interaction of the moving species with its environment. In other words, it would seem possible to obtain an expression which contains a macroscopic dissipation term (viscosity) without the assumption of a local viscosity in addition to having a broad dispersion without the assumption of a distribution of relaxation times. Before this analysis is possible a number of technical problems must be solved. A study of the molecular model for mechanical properties described in the preceding paragraph was initiated but not completed. In some cases a simple, perhaps even a primitive, solution to the problem was discussed. Although incomplete and simple the solutions obtained to the problem have several important facets. First of all, the empirical equation (21) was shown nearly to represent the complex distortability of a unit sphere in a continuous homogeneous medium when Poisson's ratios for both media are one-half [equation (29)]. The difference between ,the two equations is a 202

RELAXATION PROCESSES IN SOME POLYMERS numerical constant in the denominator of one of the terms. Inasmuch as J,,o is not precisely known and Poisson's ratio is not one-half in the glass phase then these factors may tend to compensate for each other so that equation (21) may be very nearly correct. An alternative interpretation of the deviations from assumed behaviour [Figure 15(a)] is that Poisson's ratio is variable throughout the experiment. In other words, at low temperatures (or large o~crT) Poisson's ratio might be approximately 0"35 while at high temperatures (or low ox~) the ratio might be 0"50. The transition from glass to rubberlike behaviour involves a change in Poisson's ratio which might be spread out over several decades of time and compliance. The second step in the study of the proposed model, which is soundly based, was to show that if one is concerned with time dependent systems then for a periodic tensile field one will always observe an in-phase (elastic) and an out-of-phase (dissipative) response. In other words, a necessary and sufficient condition for the dissipation of energy and hence the observation of a macroscopic viscosity is to assume the system to be time dependent in its approach to equilibrium. The third step in this study is to postulate a potential energy of interaction for one of the polymer bonds in the tensile field as well as to describe the elongation of the specimen in terms of bond orientation. Once these quantities are defined they are immediately related to the average distortion of the sphere by means of classical statistical mechanics, i.e. equation (46) which is exact. In the event that no correlations between segments are assumed then the averaging becomes simple and the distortability of the sphere is proportional to the square of the shape asymmetry of the segments, i.e. equation (47). The dielectric counterpart of this derivation is Debye's theory which relates the polarizability of the sphere to the square of the dipole moment which is, of course, a measure of the electrical asymmetry. This is a very important result because it shows that the distortability of the sphere is directly related to the shape of the segment of the polymer chain. However, this result, like Debye's, has an anomalous temperature dependence of the distortability with temperature. From equation (47) we see that although the LHS cannot exceed unity the RHS can increase without limit. This conclusion is obviously wrong and probably for the same reason that Debye's theory is wrong. The averaging cannot be treated by assuming there is no correlation between the segments. In the dielectric case both Onsager and Kirkwood (see ref. 6) were able to show the existence of a depolarization term which demutes the effects of the dipole moment. Such a factor must be acting in the present case for the following reasons. In the construction of the asymmetry of the orienting unit all of the bonds in the segment were taken to be equal. Consider a polymer such as poly(vinyl acetate) and ignore the C--H bonds. The remaining bonds, which are C--C, C ~ O and C--O are probably similar with respect to their shape, but one important feature was ignored, namely the dipole moment associated with the C==O group. In other words, allowance was made for an orientation of the segments in such a way that the effects of oriented dipoles were ignored. Inasmuch as the dipole moment is rigidly 203

S. H A V R I L I A K a n d S. N E G A M I

attached to the carbonyl group and it is incorporated into the segment, then one must take into account the effects of long-range couplings at equilibrium. If this effect were taken into account equation (47) might be modified by a term which demutes the effects of the shape asymmetry of the orienting segment. The last step in the analysis of this model was to investigate the decay in the distortion of the sphere after removal of the tensile field. In this case the number of segments that could move to eliminate the distortiort was considered to depend on time. The transition probabilities were treated as a rate process, i.e. equilibrium positions were separated by an energy barrier. Under these conditions the initial distortion decayed exponentially with time after removal of the stress field. Assumption of N to be dependent on time had the effect of a simple time dependent correlation function. In other words, a viscous response was obtained without postulating a local viscosity. The advantage of treating the transition probability as a rate process is that it is exponentially related to temperature while at constant temperature the rate is a function of stress. This latter feature may serve as a basis for interpreting non-linear behaviour in polymers, particularly the results of Payne~1.

We wish to conclude this work by making the following statements. Mechanical and dielectric dispersions are analogous mechanisms when appropriately normalized. These processes may be identical if studies were conducted on the same polymers and a variable Poisson's ratio is taken into account. In addition, both relaxation mechanisms can be represented by the proposed relaxation function. These correlations suggest that the mechanical properties of a sphere should be investigated in a way that is similar to the methods used in current dielectric theory. In addition it is not necessary to postulate a monomer friction coefficient in order to describe macroscopic viscous behaviour. Finally, before any development of polymeric viscoelastic behaviour of dilute solutions can be extended to the bulk behaviour of polymers the following information is of utmost importance. First, a quantitative comparative study of the dielectric behaviour of polymers and small organic molecules is needed to ascertain the extent of similarity between these dispersions. Any differences, if they should exist, would then be attributed to chain statistics while the similarities would have to be attributed to discrete local structures similar to those of small organic molecules. Secondly a quantitative comparative study of the dielectric and mechanical behaviour, including the variation of Poisson's ratio with stress or strain, is needed to determine to what extent segmental orientation of local threedimensional structures can account for the viscoelastic dispersions observed in the bulk phase of polymers ir~ the vicinity of their glass transition temperature. Any differences between dielectric and mechanical dispersions would be due to segmental translation effects as well as chain statistics.
The authors would like t o express their appreciation to Mr L. DeFonso who is responsible [or all of the programming and numerical computations 204


and especially to Pro[essor J. D. Ferry who supplied them with much of the viscoelastic data as well as reduced dielectric data. Rohm and Haas Company, Research Laboratories, Bristol, Pa. (Received May 1966)
1 COLE, K. S. and COLE, R. H. J. phys. Chem. 1941, 9, 341

2 COLE, R. H. J. phys. Chem. 1955, 23, 493 3 FERRY, J. O. Viscoelastic Properties o/Polymers. Wiley : New York, 1961 HAVRILIAK,Jr, S. and NEGAMI, S. 1. Polym. Sci., Part C~ 1966, No. 14, 99 5 SCAIFE, B. K. P. Proc. phys. Soc., Lond. 1963, 81, 124 6 FR6HLICH, H. Theory of Dielectrics. Clarendon Press : Oxford, 1958 7 MOPSIK, F. I. Ph.D. Thesis. Brown University, 1964 s FANG, P. H. J. chem. Phys. 1965, 42, 3411 9 IsmDA, Y. and YAMAFOGI,K. Kolloidzschr. 1961, 177, 7 10CURTIS, H. SPE Trans. 1962, 2, 82 11 BUR, A. J. Ph.D. Thesis. Pennsylvania State University, 1962 12 STRELLA, S. and CHINAI, S. N. J. Polym. Sci. 1958, 31, 45 13 MATSUO, M., ISHIDA, Y., YAMATUJI, K., TAKAYANAGI,M. and IRIE, F. Kolloidzschr. 1965, 201, 89 it FUNT, B. L. and StrrHERLAND,T. H. Canad. J. Chem. 1952, 30, 940 is REYNOLDS, S. I., THOMAS, U. G. and Fooss, R. M. 1. Amer. chem. Soc. 1951, 73, 3716 16 MEAD, O. J. and Fuoss, R. M. I. Amer. chem. Soc. 1941, 63, 2832 17 DAVIDSON,D. W. and COLE, R. H. 1. chem. Phys. 1951, 19, 1484 18WILLIAMS, M. L. and FERRY, J. D. 1. Polym. Sci. 1953, 11, 169 19FERRY, J. D. and STRELLA,S../. Colloid Sci. 1958, 13, 459 2oFERRY, J. O., WILLIAMS, M. L. and FITZGERALD,E. R. ]. phys. Chem. 1955, 59, 403 21 KIRKWOOD, J. G. J. chem. Phys. 1939, 7, 911 KAUZMANN,W. Rev. mod. Phys. 1942, 14, 12 23GROSS, B. Mathematical Structure o/ the Theories of. Viscoelasticity. Hermann: Paris, 1953 SCAIFE, B. K. P. Progress in Dielectrics. Heywood : London, 1963 25COLE, R. H. J. chem. Phys. 1965, 42, 637 WILLIAMS, M. L. and FLAY, J. D. J. Colloid Sci. 1954, 9, 478 27 BrTTCHER, C. J. F. Theory of Electric Polarization. Elsevier: New York, 1952 28 WILLIAMS, M. L. and FERRy, J. D . / . Colloid Sci. 1955, 10, 474 29 LOVE, A. E. A. A Treatise on the Mathematical Theory of Elasticity. Dover: New York, 1944 3oUEMURA, S. and TAKAYANAGI,M. J. appl. Polym. Sci. 1966, 10, 113 31FLORY, P. J. Principles o/ Polymer Chemistry. Cornell University Press: Ithaca, N.Y., 1953 a2TOLMAN, R. C. The Principles o/ Statistical Mechanics. Oxford Uniyersity Press: London, 1938 33 KAUZMANN,W. Rev. rood. Phys. 1942, 14, 12 FERRY, J. D. and STRELLA,S. J. Colloid. Sci. 1958, 13, 459 35 STRELLA, S. and Z^~ro, R. J. Polym. Sci. 1957, 25, 97 CHILD, Jr, W. C. and FLAY, J. D. J. Colloid Sci. 1957, 12, 389 ~r TOBOLSKY, A. V. and AKLONIS,J. J. 1. phys. Chem. 1964, 68, 1970 3a DENNEY, D. J. and RING, J. W. J. chem. Phys. 1966, 44, 4621 3~VANVLECK, J. H. Theory of Electric and Magnetic Susceptibilities. Clarendon: Oxford, 1932 ~0COLE, R. H. Progress in Dielectrics. Wiley : New York, 1961 41PAYNE, A. R. J. appl. Polym. Sci. 1965, 8, 2661



APPENDIX A Successive applications of DeMoivre's theorem to equation (1) followed by separation of real and imaginary parts leads to the following equations: e'(to) - ~ = r-'/~(~ - e~) cos/30
~"(tO) = r-a/2(E0 -- Eoo) sin 0/3

(60) (61) (62) (63)

r = { 1 + (tot0) (1-~) sin oar~2} 2 + {(tin-0)(~-~) c o s air~2} ~ (oJr0)I~-~) cos elf~2 0 = a r c tan 1 + ((oz0)(~-~) sin a~r/2

If one substitutes zero for a, Cole's skewed semi-circle equations are obtained while if unity is substituted f o r / 3 Cole's circular arc equations are obtained. At this p i n t it is convenient to substitute numerical values for the parameters or,/3, e0 and e~ and calculate e*(to) for a range of cocos. The results of this numerical computation are recorded in Figure 23.
0=3"0 15- co0=2"5


arc function

e ~rO=U
' (.o/h=1)






. . . . . . .

. . . . . . . .

' , , ' . . . . . .


c'(~) ~


Figure 23---Complex dielectric constant calculated for a range of (oz and the parameters listed above using equations (60) to (63) The graphical significance of ~ is obtained by examining the four equations under the conditions of (or0 > 0. Under these conditions t a n 0 > 0, so that flO >0, at the same time r----->l, so that e*(tor0 > 0) > e0 because sin flO > 0. T h e graphical significance of e~ is obtained by examining the four equations as err0 > co. Under these conditions r increases without limit so that r -B/~ > 0. Therefore e"(oJ) > 0 and e*(a)r0 > ~ ) > e~. In words the high and low frequency intercepts of the locus with the real axis are e~ and e0, respectively. The limiting angle ((pL) that the high frequency locus makes with the real axis relates a and ft, From Figure 23 we note that the angle ~ from e~ to any point e*(to) is given by tan (p = e"(o)) / {e'((o) - ~ } = tan flO so that (p =/30. Substituting this definition of 0 into equation (63) we have, when a)r0 >> 1, tan ((PL//3) = cot (ot~r/ 2) (64) So that (PL= (1 --a)/3W/2. If we define the relaxation time as the condition (or0--1, and introduce 206

RELAXATION PROCESSES IN SOME POLYMERS it into equations (62) and (63) which are then substituted into equations (60) and (61), we have, after taking the ratio of equations (61) and (60), E" = tan 3 ' = tan/3 co,~0=~l- Eo~ arc tan 1 + sin art~2

F o r this equality to be true it can be shown that T = ~ L / 2 . In words the angle bisector of ~L from eoo intersects the locus at r0. The p a r a m e t e r a is given by taking the length R of the line from E0 to ~*~.~,~c~=~to be given by R = [E"2(oJro = 1)+ { e"(o~z0= 1) -e~)z} ]~ which can be reduced after taking logarithms to ~--Z

log R A~

7r(1 - a )

log (2 + 2 sin a r t / 2 )


This expression is used to calculate a by measuring R, A and ~L. T h e numerical relationship between the L H S of equation (65) and ot is given in Table 4.

Table 4. Numerical values of a calculated from the RHS of equation (65)

a 1 0.96 0.94 0.92 0.90 0-80 .


a. 0.70 0-60 0.50 0.40 0.30 0.25


log . 0.0107 0.00776 0.00593 0.00462 0.00368 0.00327

a 0.20 0.16 0.13 0-10 0.06 0.03


log - -


-0-0835 0.0557 0.0417 0.0332 0.0164

0-00290 0.00263 0.00243 0.00224 0.00201 0.00184

T h e condition for which frequency (co), te'(ax) becomes a m a x i m u m either in a complex plane plot or in an ~"(o~) versus log co diagram is given

0~"(~o)/0o~ = 0 Evaluation of this derivative using equations 61, 62 and 63 leads to /3 arc tan 1(OJro)~I-~ cossin alr/2 + (oJz0) C1-~1 air~2 =arctan -~ 1 + ( o r 0 ) I1-~ sin a~'/2

In general this equality is not true for ~or0= 1 except for the particular ease of/3 = 1 where the equation becomes a r c t a n [l~--sina--~-~/2J = a r c t a n

I cos /2 I

. 1Tsin----a~/2J foroJr0= 1

{ cos /2 /

which is of course true for all values of a. I n words the frequency at which the loss becomes a m a x i m u m is not the relaxation time except for the particular case of fl = 1 (i.e. the circular arc). In fact the frequency at which the loss becomes a m a x i m u m is not simply related to the relaxation time but rather dependent on explicit values of a and/3, 207



of b i s p h e n o t )

T= 164,0 C


~ .,~.--.------.~. e~ .t




_.,,.,.#v ~FL = ' - /

, ,I,F,

I I /







coo = 3.128

e' (co) ~

e 0 = 3"637~

Figure 24--Experimental values of dielectric constant for poly(carbonate of bisphenol) at 160C. Frequencies along curve in kc/s

The five dispersion parameters are graphically evaluated as follows using the experimental data on the polycarbonate in Figure 24. The low frequency end of the dispersion is readily extrapolated to obtain E0=3"637. The best straight line is drawn through the high frequency locus to the real axis to obtain a value for ~.~=3.128. Using this high frequency extrapolation line ~PLwas determined to be 20-4. This angle is bist.. "'~1 (at ~ ) and extended to the experimental locus. The frequency of intersection is determined to be 145 c/s, assuming a linear interpolation. On the original graph R was determined to 22.1 cm while ~ - E ~ was found to be 25-4 cm. From these two dimensions, and ~0L,the LHS of equation (6) is computed to be 0.00295. This value is then found in Table 4 and t - a found to be 0"795. From this value of 1 - a and q~L,/3 is calcul&ted to be 0-285, using equation (64). These parameters together with equations (60) to (64) inclusive are used to calculate ~*(co) for the same frequencies as the experimental ones. The results of these calculations together with the experimental results are listed in Figure l(a).

Most often the experimental data do not define the relaxation process as completely as for the polycarbonate. In addition it may also be important to know the temperature dependence of the dispersion parameters. The dielectric relaxation data of poly(vinyl acetate) is a case in point. There follows a method for determining the temperature dependence of the dispersion parameters when the experimental data do not define the relaxation process. For poly(vinyl acetate) at all temperatures above 66C [see Figure 25(a)] ~ is readily determined as a low frequency extrapolation to the real axis. A plot of ~ against T (see Figure 26) is seen to be linear. These coefficients were determined from the best straight line thought to represent the data. At temperatures below 69" C, the experimental data are linearly extrapolated to the real axis to obtain ~ . The same extrapolation line is used to obtain ~PL.A plot of Eoo or ~p,~against T is seen to be linear (see Figure 26). The straight line coefficients were determined from the best straight line thought to represent the data. The parameters 1 - a , fl and 208







:72C \o


lOI eooc o:
= 90 C a = 95 oC 05 (a) 0 I 50 I 60




cN \





25 -Experimental values of the complex dielectric constant are represented here at different temperatures to illustrate the extrapolation techniques

20 = 66oC

o = 60oC
15 = 55oC ,,

/ ~



02. 5

~',,I- ~, I I I I I I





r0 are now determined at those temperatures where at least one of the highest frequencies is to the short time side of the relaxation time or one of the lowest frequencies is to the long time side of the relaxation time. The points E0 and E~o are marked off on the real axis of the complex plane. A straight line making an angle ~L/2 with the real axis at Eoo is extended to the experimental locus. Interpolation between the two known frequencies gives 7"0.The length of this line together with ~ - Eo~ (in the same units) and ~L gives 1 -- a from which/3 may be calculated. A similar extrapolation procedure may be constructed to extend the determination of 7"0 to much longer times for those cases when all of the experimental points are to the short time side of 7"0. For this procedure a knowledge of ~, ~ and either 1 - o~ o r / 3 is required at the temperature of interest. Usually these parameters exhibit slightly different temperature dependences or experimental scatter. For the polymer under discussion, as an example, /3 can be extrapolated with greater certainty than I - c~ (see Figure 26). In the present case/3 is extrapolated to the required temperature and 1 - a is calculated (os in Figure 4) from ~PL. A trial value of 70 is estimated, ~*(oJ)s are calculated and compared with the experimental values until a minimum deviation is obtained. In this way estimates of 7"0may be extended two to three decades.

Several of the equations listed in ref. 30 have been incorrectly printed. Professor S. Uemura of Kyushu University has been kind enough to 2O9

S. H A V R I L I A K and S. N E G A M I
Poty(vinyt acetate) 70 90

1030 i o ,.o 81







1'0 0-9 0-8 0'7 ,,.,..o.inD.e- e ~ , - o ~ ~ ,

0"5 0"4



Temperature, C



Figure 26--The dispersion parameters f o r p o l y ( v i n y l

acetate) are p l o t t e d as a f u n c t i o n o f t e m p e r a t u r e i n

degrees Centigrade s u p p l y us w i t h t h e c o r r e c t e q u a t i o n s ; t h e y are listed below. E q u a t i o n n u m . bers r e f e r to the o r i g i n a l reference.

or: = T{
(16) a3[(1 + v2)(11 - 7 Vl) + 2(4 - 2 vl - 17 v ~ - 8 vlvz + 15 v~v2)G~/G2 A1 = (19) 3 (1 - vl)[2(3 - v2 + 5 v~v2) + (9 + 5 v~)( 1 - 2 v2)G1/G2] A 2 = 2(1 + vx) [2(4 - 5 vl) + (7 - 5 v~)G1 / G2] [ 1 + v2 + 2( 1 - 2 v2) G1 / G2] (20) 3(1 - vl) 4(1 + vl)[ 1 + V2+ 2(1 - 2 v2)G1 / G2] - ( 1 + v ~ ) ( 1 9 - 15 vl)(1 - 2 v~)(G1/G2) 2] (1 + v~)[2(4 - 5 vl) + (7 - 5 1:1) G~/Gz] [1 + v, + 2(1 - 2 v2) Gx/G2]

2/l~/r - 2(5 - 3v~)B~/: + 4(71/: s

+ c o s ' 0[1 + 2(5 - v~)B~/r s - 1 2 C I / : ] }



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