Employee Engagement System in Educational Institutions: Project On

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Project on Employee Engagement System in Educational Institutions

Submitted By Gaurav Pathak Pritiranjan Kaushlendra Pratap Saurabh Dixit Prabahakar Bhattacharaya Sec- c

In the branch of study Talent Management and Employee Engagement


There are six people who have contributed their knowledge and efforts to make this project and analysis as a success. We are heartily thankful to Ms. Vidya Iyer for his kind support and guidance. We are also thankful to our friends and group member for their support, cooperation and guidance. We are highly thankful to internet services for giving us solution where ever we need that. And again thanks to Ms. Vidya Iyer for giving us guidance whenever we had any problem.

Attracting, developing and retaining employees, ensuring a pipeline of qualified people and building a culture of engagement and productivity are important to the success of any organization. We call this Talent Management. It allows organization to identify high performers and future leaders, track and evaluate employee performance, and identify and address skill gaps with targeted training and development. Talent managements best practices such as learning and development, performance management and succession planning have relevance and applicability across all sectors including education. Research show there is significant need for talent management in education industry. 59% of teachers and 63% of administrators say their district is not doing enough to identify, compensate, promote and retain the most effective teachers (Weisberg, Sexton, Mulhern& Keeling 2009).Although teacher recruitment and retention have been policy concerns for many years, the strategic alignment of educator talent management initiatives has only recently begun to gain momentum. The adoption of a more comprehensive and strategic approach to securing a sufficient number of effective teachers is evidenced by the creation of human capital or talent management directorship positions and initiatives in many large U.S. school districts. The education field is not alone in striving to develop a workforce that can effectively deliver quality service to clients. For years, other sectors, particularly in private industry, have competed for the top talent and, arguably, have been more successful than the education sector at attracting the smartest, most motivated, and most effective college graduates. Best practices in talent management vary from industry to industry, among companies within an industry, and among jobs within a company. However, more similarities than differences exist in the types of talent management strategies advocated within and outside of the education field. After all, employees generally have the same prioritiesinteresting work, a salary to support their lifestyle, a positive work environment, and flexibility to maintain a reasonable worklife balance. Within and outside of the education field, talent management practices generally span three categories along the career continuum: recruitment, retention, and development. According to a joint study by IBM Corporation and the Human Capital Institute, although attention to talent management practices varied substantially across industries, the education field was found to be the least likely to engage in enlightened talent management

practices.Education and government lagged behind all of the following industries: banking, retail, financial markets, health care, telecom, professional services, industrial products, electronics/technology, and consumer products. Interestingly, the industries that engage in the most talent management activities (e.g., electronics/technology and professional services) were referred to as the knowledge-intensive industries, while education, which clearly should be knowledge-intensive, was not (Ringo, Schweyer, DeMarco, Jones, & Lesser, 2008, p. 2). The following eight key areas should be focused for effectively managing this talent: Preparation. Institutions of higher education need to ensure that their teacher preparation programs are selective in their admissions and responsive to local needs for teachers in certain subjects, use a wide variety of pedagogical approaches, develop skills and knowledge applicable to a diverse range of schools and classes, and collect data on the effectiveness of their approaches. Recruitment. District and state officials must identify and then market the positive characteristics of the profession and teaching in the districts where highly effective teachers are most needed. In addition, officials must maintain high recruitment standards while reaching out to a diverse pool of potential candidates. Hiring. Streamlined hiring processes should be conducted on an early hiring timeline and allow for rich information sharing between districts and teachers. Induction. A high-quality induction and mentoring program should be available to all new teachers; the program should be accompanied by appropriate and manageable teaching assignments that recognize their novice status. Professional Development. Ongoing, job-embedded, differentiated professional development should be available for all teachers. Compensation and Incentives. Teachers should be rewarded generously with salaries that are market-sensitive, competitive, and performance-based. Working Conditions. Teachers should enjoy a professional workplace that includes positive, collaborative, and team-oriented school cultures; limited discipline and classroom management problems; safe, clean, and appropriately equipped facilities; and reasonable workloads. Performance Management. Teachers evaluations should be differentiated and provide clear and timely feedback; they also should be linked to teachers goals, professional development, and incentives


Employee engagement is the level of commitment and involvement an employee has towards their organization and its values. An engaged employee is aware of business context, and works with colleagues to improve performance within the job for the benefit of the organization. The organization must work to develop and nurture engagement, which requires a two-way relationship between employer and employee. Thus Employee engagement is a barometer that determines the association of a person with the organization. In education sector there is relatively higher employee engagement than in many other sectors like health, transport, retail, telecom etc. Following are the some of the activities that are performed or can be performed to improve the employee engagement in education sector. o o o o o o o o o o o o Pay and benefits Promotion opportunities Being treated fairly Recognition of your performance Relationship with colleagues Training and development Physical working environment Your line manager listens to you Relationship with your line manager Having the resources to do your job Work/life balance Communication from senior managers

Employee engagement is necessary because engaged employees care about the future of the company and are willing to invest the discretionary effort. Engaged employees feel a strong emotional bond to the organization that employs them. (Robinson). What does employee engagement brings: o o o o Emotional attachment Involvement Commitment Productivity

Top Ten Cs of Employee Engagement

Following is a list of 10 Cs that should be in every educational organization that wants to enhance their employee engagement system. Connect: Organization must show that it values employees. Employee engagement is a direct reflection of how employees feel about their relationship with the boss. Career: Organization should provide challenging and meaningful work with opportunities for career advancement. Most people want to do new things in their job. For example, do organizations provide job rotation for their top talent? Are people assigned stretch goals? Clarity: Organization must communicate a clear vision. Success in life and organizations is, to a great extent, determined by how clear individuals are about their goals and what they really want to achieve. In sum, employees need to understand what the organizations goals are, why they are important, and how the goals can best be attained. Convey: Leaders clarify their expectations about employees and provide feedback on their functioning in the organization. Congratulate: Exceptional leaders give recognition, and they do so a lot; they coach and convey. Contribute: People want to know that their input matters and that they are contributing to the organizations success in a meaningful way. In sum, good leaders help people see and feel how they are contributing to the organizations success and future. Control: Employees value control over the flow and pace of their jobs and leaders can create opportunities for employees to exercise this control. A feeling of being in on things, and of being given opportunities to participate in decision making often reduces stress; it also creates trust and a culture where people want to take ownership of problems and their solutions. Collaborate: Studies show that, when employees work in teams and have the trust and cooperation of their team members, they outperform individuals and teams which lack good relationships. Great leaders are team builders; they create an environment that fosters trust and collaboration. Credibility: Organizations should strive to maintain a companys reputation and demonstrate high ethical standards. Confidence: Good organizations help create confidence in a company by being exemplars of high ethical and performance standards.


As we already know that here we are discussing about the B-schools (IILM GSM, CMS, DIT and ACCURATE) thats why we have separated this industry into three essential departments which play a crucial role in deciding organizations future and the employees of these departments should be given proper attention and support.

Administration Department
The very first department is administration where the activities like admission, placement of student and track on them during their tenure in college is being maintained. Commitment Our first criteria for analyzing the employee engagement in these departments are the commitment. That means in these departments employees are how much committed to their work.

100% 80% 60% 40%

0 0.5

0 0.25 0.5

0 Strongly Disagree 0.75 Disagree Agree Strongly Agree 0.25 0.25 Go on working

0.75 0.5


20% 0% Work satisfaction ready for outing

Balanced life


For that purpose, we have scales like work satisfaction where we found where 50% of the employees are satisfied with their work on the other hand same amount of employees doesnt agree with it.


Next scale was to determine whether employees are ready to put themselves out of their comfort zone or not. Here we saw that around 75% of employees are ready for that while only 25% are differ from it.


But there is another interesting fact which was revealed that 50% of the employees strongly disagree that they find enough time to balance their private and work life which is really a red signal for this sector.


But unlike the above observation most of the employees will continue for working their organization for a long time.

Working Culture Now, for deciding the standards of working culture in organization we have several criteria on the basis of which we found that
100% 25% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 25% 25% 0 75% 75% 100% 75% 50% 50% 50% 50% Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree 50% 50% 50% 50%

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Almost each employee agrees or strongly agrees that they are given enough space and freedom to decide how to accomplish their job. And same goes for the favor of facilities provided by the organization. Support from the boss is again towards the positive side. Under recognized contribution we found that such organizations actually recognize the effort of the employees. Earlier as most of the people were happy with their boss so there is no drastic change here. They would love to work for their boss. In these departments colleagues are very harmonious. Eventually, the organization is a preferred place to work in.


And finally, employees also deem the values of the organization very crucial factor.

Involvement Involvements in of the employees in these departments are measured below.

1 0.8 67% 0.6 0.4 50% 0.2 0 Interesting job Role Challenging job Demand of job 33% 25% 67% 50% 33% 50% Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree

1. 2. 3. 4.

Here almost all of the respondents agree with the fact that their job is quite interesting Same goes with observation on role clarity. The difference lies in only few variation of the respondent in categories like strongly agree and agree. And once again there is positive response that their job is enough challenging. But 25% of the total respondents feel that they are not able to cope up with the demand of the job.

Opportunities Whether employees in such departments get enough opportunities to grow or not that is observed here.

100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0%

25% Strongly Disagree 75% 100% 75% 25% 0 Learning Experience Better future Disagree Agree Strongly Agree

1. 2. 3.

Employee agree with the fact currently their learning in the organization has increased their productivity. Whereas employees also agree that the experience they receive from the organization will benefit them in future. And finally, all of them say that they have enough opportunities to move to a better position within the organization.

Marketing Department
Commitment Now we move to another department that is marking. The commitment of the employees of this department is again measured on the basis of the same scale used in administration department.

100% 80% 60% 40% 50% 20% 0% Work satisfaction 50% 0

0 50% 50% 50% Strongly Disagree Disagree 50% 50% 0 Ready for outing Balanced life 50% 0 Go on working Agree Strongly Agree


The commitment of the employees of this department is very much different from the previous one. Here, first of 50% of the employees are not satisfied with their work or responsibilities.

2. 3. 4.

But they are ready to get out of their comfort zone to do the job. On account of the work satisfaction, half of them are not able to cope up with their private and work life. And thus they half of them would not like to continue working for this organization. They might be looking for the opportunities outside.

Involvement Whether the employees are properly involved in their work or not? Such doubts can be cleared here.

100% 80% 60% 40%

0 50%

0 50% 50%

0 50% Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree

50% 20% 0% Interesting job


50% 0


Strongly Agree


Challenging job

Demand of job

1. 2. 3. 4.

Almost every one finds his/her job interesting which is somewhat contradictory with the earlier observation where they were not satisfied with their work. The first positive response from this department could be that at-least employees know their role in the organization. But again half of them dont find it challenging anymore. They think that they can adjust with demand of their current job.

Working Culture Response of this department for the working culture of the organization again maintains enough fluctuation.
100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 0 50% 50% 0 50% 50% 50% 0 50% 0 50% 0 50% 0 0 100% 50% 50% 0 0 0 50% 0 50% 50% 0 50% 0 Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Employees of this department agree that they are given rights to decide how to do their job. And they also feel that organization provides good resources to get this job done easily. But 50% of them dont find support to get the job done. And thus probably those 50% feel that their effort is ignored. Bosses in such departments are deemed harmonious to work with. While they also enjoy the company of their colleagues. But 50% of them say that the organization is not a good place to work in. And thus they also dont agree with the values of the organization.

Opportunities On the basis of the given criteria well come to know whether employees of marketing department get enough opportunities in terms of promotion, career path or not.

100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0%

0 50%

0 50% 50%

Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree



50% 0

Strongly Agree



Better Future

1. 2. 3.

Everyone agrees that they get lot of opportunities to learn in their current job. And thus this experience will help in shaping their career, they also agree with it. But unfortunately, they dont find opportunities within the organization to move to a better position.

Finance Department
Commitment Now well measure the commitment level of the employees in such department.

100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0%

0 1 0 2 1 0 Work satisfaction Ready for outing 1 0 Balanced life 1 2 1

0 1 Strongly Disagree Disagree 2 0 Go on working Agree Strongly Agree

1. 2. 3. 4.

Only 33.33% of the employees in finance department are completely dissatisfied with the work satisfaction. But most of them are ready to get out of their comfort zone to do the job. But now, where 33.33% disagree that it is easy for them to manage their work and professional life on the same hand 33.33% strongly confirm this. Thus 33.33% would like to quit from their respective organization.

Working Culture Working culture in this department is very much different from the previous two.
100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 0 33.33% 33.33% 0 33.33% 0 33.33% 33.33% 66.66% Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree


First of all there is a diverse response about whether the organization gives enough right to decide how to get your job done or not. Here 33.33% strongly agree with it while the same amount of the respondents goes with strongly disagree and rest merely agree with it.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

About the resources provided by the organization, 33.33% again strictly disagree with the fact while 66.66% of the total, strictly agree with it. Now the support, again 33.33% go for strongly disagree while rest of the total either choose agree or strongly agree. 33.33% feel that their efforts are ignored. And same amount of the respondent dont like their respective bosses. But almost everyone agrees or strongly agrees with the fact that colleagues are harmonious. But 33.33% dont consider the organization as a good place to work in. And the same amount of respondent also doesnt believe in values of he organization.


100% 33.33% 80%

0% 33.33% 0% 33.33% Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree 66.66% 66.66% 33.33% 0% Interesting job Role Challenging job 0% Demand of job 66.66% Strongly Agree

60% 40% 20% 0%


1. 2. 3.

33.33% employees dont find their job interesting anymore. But everyone in the organization knows their role. But again 33.33% of the total dont find their job challenging.


100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Learning 1 1 1

0 1

2 1.8

Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree


Better Future

1. 2. 3.

33.33% of the total respondents feel that they dont get enough opportunities to learn n their current job. While rest of the respondents response in positive. But almost everyone agree that the experience they are receiving here would help in shaping their future. But again 33.33% strongly say, they dont feel that there is any chance to move to a better place within the organization.


Because we have done the analysis, department wise, well quote our suggestions accordingly.

For Administration Department

In administration department employees are very much committed towards the organization the only problem they have is the balance between work life and private life. So the organizations can provide a small trip for the families of the employees. Whereas the working culture in this department needs not to be changed. While in involvement people know their role, they find it challenging and interesting as well but they are not able to cope up with the demand of the job so they should be provided proper training. Under opportunities, everyone agree that there is enough opportunity to move within the organization.

For Marketing Department

In this department there is enough variation in commitment for the organization which can be easily noticed in work satisfaction, balanced life and whether the employee will continue for working for this organization or not. For retaining employees organization should follow mentee mentor system and his or her suggestions should be considered. In this department even though people find their job interesting, they are clear about role and find it easy to balance with the demand of the job but half of the employees strictly agree that their job is not challenging so responsibilities should be appointed according to their abilities

In working culture this sector needs to improve a lot because people are not happy with the support, values and the way the efforts are recognized .Proper reward and recognition system should be followed. Though the people reckon the experience they are getting in the organization is helpful but they dont find better place to move within the organization. Promotions and transfers should be fairly done.

For Finance Department

In this department Commitment of employees vacillate, hence employees should be given work flexibility hours. Proper support and resources should be provided. New methodology should be applied by taking suggestion from the respective departments. Inter colleges activities should be encouraged. There must be performance appraisal for every employee performing above the standards.

Suggestions after talking to the Employees

From Administration department:

Employees in this department are satisfied with amount of work resources and support provided from the organization side so there is no such advice for improvement in employee engagement system.

From Marketing department:

Employees of this department have a lot of complains regarding working culture, responsibilities appointed and lack of support in resources from their respective bosses. Organization should provide a platform for these employees from where they could not only raise their voices but also their grievances are handled properly and their suggestions are considered with due importance. So that they feel they belong to the organization.

From Finance department:

Dissatisfaction of the previous department continues here with addition of few more issues like unfair practices of reward and recognition and performance appraisal. In response to these complains organization should consider suggestions, proposals and immediate response should be provided positively, so that employees remain important for the organization and eventually it would help in retaining the employees who are considered an essential asset for the growth of the either two.

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