Track5 Session4

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Customizing Your Benefits

Enrollment Processes: Design
Best Practices and Guidelines
for Improving User Satisfaction
and Reducing Risk


Justin Morgalis


2008 Wellesley Information Services. All rights reserved.

What Well Cover


Examining SAP Employee Self-Service (SAP ESS) as
Exploring options available for enhancement
Demonstrating enhanced SAP Benefits


In This Session ...


Explore standard ESS Benefits enrollment

Learn tips and techniques for developing more effective
and intuitive SAP Benefits enrollment processes while
still keeping development and ongoing maintenance
effort down
Explore the development options available for enhancing
enrollment user interfaces


In This Session ... (cont.)


Learn how to leverage SAP NetWeaver Development

Infrastructure (NWDI) to effectively develop and modify
enrollment iViews
Step through a demo of an enhanced SAP Benefits
enrollment process to see how proper design and
development can lead to better data quality and more
efficient enrollment periods


Inherent Challenges in Benefits Enrollment

Occurs once a year

Doesnt allow a trip up the learning curve


Negotiations with providers, unions


Not everyone is aware exactly how much it will cost


Multiple plan and coverage options, pre-requisites, corequisites: Who can understand all that?
Every companys benefits are different



Cost calculations too easily glossed over

Benefit plan variations by geographic area

Every employee wants to know what will fit best


Wants certain information hassle-free


What Well Cover


Examining SAP Employee Self-Service (SAP ESS) as
Exploring options available for enhancement
Demonstrating enhanced SAP Benefits


SAP Employee Self-Service (SAP ESS) as Delivered

SAP ESS has many top-shelf features


Robustly engineered
f Data access works the first time, every time
Hides complexity
f Operates very much as a black box
Handles a very intricate process well
f Used out of the box, enrollment is possible


You know the But is coming



SAP Employee Self-Service (SAP ESS) as Delivered (cont.)

Standard ESS Benefits enrollment risks in our



May be overwhelming to users

May not be 100% intuitive
Employee can change plan and not complete enrollment
Risks associated with self-service benefits enrollment:
f Larger than expected numbers of trouble calls to HR
f Reduction of employee satisfaction
f Liability for incomplete enrollments


This product is the face of your HR department


And, as we all know, looks matter


Show Me


Crowded screen may be

confusing and overwhelming
to the user.


Users may not know how to

proceed or if the process is


Incomplete process leads to, at

best, headaches for HR if not




What Well Cover


Examining SAP Employee Self-Service (SAP ESS) as
Exploring options available for enhancement
Demonstrating enhanced SAP Benefits


SAP Enhancement Points

Options for inserting code and the beginning or end of

any Remote Function Call (RFC) module
Run as a part of that RFC
Available as of SAP ECC 6.0
Are not affected by Support Pack updates


A key for maintainability

Reduces TCO


Enhancing objects rather than modifying reduces the effort

required for SP upgrade


SAP Enhancement Points (cont.)


ABAP code that fits at the beginning or end of RFCs


Run as a part of that RFC


Web Dynpro for Java

SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio (NWDS) allows you to

modify the ESS development components built with Web
Dynpro for Java
Web Dynpro for Java components run on top of SAP
NetWeaver AS Java, whereas SAP ERP runs on top of
SAP NetWeaver AS


Unaffected by ERP stack updates


Ideal for layout and display changes


SAP NetWeaver Developers Studio (NWDS)


Layouts can be modified from the Layout view


SAP NetWeaver Developers Studio (NWDS) (cont.)


Or, go right into the Java code


What Well Cover


Examining SAP Employee Self-Service (SAP ESS) as
Exploring options available for enhancement
Demonstrating enhanced SAP Benefits


What Are the Enhancements to SAP Benefits?

Tabbed plan selection view


Unwieldy plan listing restructured around plan types


Radio buttons



Replacing SAP standard UI tables with radio buttons

Used when single selections are required


Dynamic acknowledgements


User cannot proceed without acknowledging

f End User License Agreement (EULA) style


What Are the Enhancements to SAP Benefits? (cont.)

Dynamic buttons and text


Buttons and text areas that change or appear based upon

user input


Dynamic popups



Custom popups based on user actions

Can be used to trigger other workflows or actions


Customized SAP Portal popup


Customized to make the pre-existing portal popup more usable

throughout the application


Tabbed Plan Selection View


Unwieldy plan listing restructured around plan types


Tabbed Plan Selection View (cont.)


Unwieldy plan listing restructured around plan

types (cont.)


Why Reorganize into a Tabbed Plan Selection View?


Organizes the plans for ease of navigation

Creates an implicit order to enrollment
Condenses the view down to avoid scrollbars


Scrollbars mean user confusion and incomplete transactions


Radio Buttons vs. Standard Tables


Radio buttons are a convention everyone is used to


Why Replace Standard Tables with Radio Buttons?


Replaces an unfamiliar control with one any Web user

has used before
More logically organizes the options for better


Dynamic Acknowledgements


Process flow becomes dependent on successful



Dynamic Acknowledgements (cont.)


Acknowledgement unlocks the next step in the

process flow


Why Add Dynamic Acknowledgements?

Adds an element of user control


User cannot proceed without having accepted the terms


EULA-style familiar to users of the Web

Auditing purposes


Dynamic Buttons and Text


Text and buttons change based on user action


In this case, we are changing

the button captions based on
the plan selection so that the
user knows which plan he/she
is going to modify.


Why Add Dynamic Buttons and Text?


Explicitly tells the user what they are about to edit or do

Allows different instructions to be presented based on
user action
Will prevent user from proceeding if they are not using
the view correctly


Dynamic Popup


Popup with dynamic text responding to user actions


Valuable for important conditional information that you may not

want cluttering up the screen on a regular basis


Why Create Dynamic Popups?


Allows important warnings to be presented to the user

Actions can be tied to the popup


Canceling the transaction

Going back to an incomplete area


Customized SAP Portal Popup





Custom version


Why Customize the SAP Portal Popup?


Already in place to prevent loss of work or data

Customized to more accurately relay what its purpose is


Removal of All Automatic Plans from Enrollment


Plans that are enrolled in automatically are removed

from the plan listing


Why Remove All Automatic Plans from Enrollment?


Streamlines the process for the user

Limits the potential for user confusion or mistakes with
the automatic plans
User should not be opting out of plans that are
automatically granted


Waived Plan Cleanup


Treatment of Waived plans as if plan did not exist


Why Treat Waived Plans as if the Plan Didnt Exist?

Waived plans were showing up as coverage levels


This was potentially prompting users to remove plans that were

waived, which would delimit the record, instead of sending the
waived plan to the provider

More intuitive



Show Me


Lets see what I am talking about


Enhanced Benefits
Enrollment Process


Lessons Learned


Try to keep changes siloed (i.e., do not use ABAP and

Web Dynpro to make changes to meet one requirement
when one of the two will suffice)
If possible, use ABAP to make changes
Use NWDS over portal configuration for more stable
Any way that users can make a mistake, they will


That goes for any user community anywhere

So limit the possibility of mistakes through good design


What Well Cover


Examining SAP Employee Self-Service (SAP ESS) as
Exploring options available for enhancement
Demonstrating enhanced SAP Benefits



Enhancement Framework: The new way to enhance your

ABAP system

334f3-0a01-0010-d884-f56120039915 *

Implicit Enhancement Options in ABAP Source Codes



_________________________________ (NWDS)


Follow SAP NetWeaver SAP NetWeaver CE Development

Developers Guide in SAP Library


* Requires login credentials


7 Key Points to Take Home

Standard delivered ESS is robust solution but can be

improved from a user experience standpoint
Your ESS product is the FACE of your department


Make it easy on the eyes


Enhancement Points (EPs) can be used to make

business logic changes within SAP ERP that previously
would require a core modification
These EPs are not affected by Support Pack updates
Web Dynpro for Java can be used to make layout and
other display changes using NWDS


7 Key Points to Take Home (cont.)


Layout changes can drastically improve usability of

your system
An improved intuitive Benefits Enrollment process
will lead to happier, properly enrolled employees and
(TA-DA!) less work for HR


Via less calls to HR staff and call centers


Your Turn!


How to contact me:

Justin Morgalis


Wellesley Information Services, 990 Washington Street, Suite 308, Dedham, MA 02026

Copyright 2008 Wellesley Information Services. All rights reserved.

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