Manual Muscle Testing Scoring Sheet

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IMACS FORM 04: Manual Muscle Testing Scoring Sheet

Subjects IMACS number Assessor

______________________________________ ______________________________________

Date of assessment (mm/dd/yy) ______________________________________ Assessment number ______________________________________

Muscle Groups Axial Muscles (0 20) Neck Flexors** Neck Extensors Proximal Muscles (0 160) Trapezius Deltoid middle** Biceps brachii** Gluteus maximus** Gluteus medius** Iliopsoas Hamstrings Quadriceps** Distal Muscles (0 80) Wrist Extensors** Wrist Flexors Ankle dorsiflexors** Ankle plantar flexors MMT8 score** (0 80) Total MMT24 score (0 260)

Right (0 10) -

Left (0 10) -

Axial (0 10)

Muscle Groups are tested on 0 10 scale. **MMT8 is a set of 8 designated muscles tested unilaterally (potential score 0 80), generally on right side (unless cannot be tested on right, then use left side) Axial score: 0 20 potential range: sum of neck flexors and extensors Proximal score: 0 - 160 potential range; 8 muscle groups tested bilaterally Distal score: 0 - 80 potential range; 4 muscle groups tested bilaterally Total score (MMT24): 0 - 260 potential range; sum of axial, proximal and distal scores

IMACS Form 04: Manual Muscle Testing Scoring Sheet

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