TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ................................................................................................v LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................................vii LIST OF FIGURES...........................................................................................................xii ABSTRACT .....................................................................................................................xiv CHAPTERS 1 INTRODUCTION..........................................................................................................1 Simple Models for Panel Design.................................................................................... 2 Panel Modeling Issues in Optimization.......................................................................... 3 Multi-Fidelity Approximations ...................................................................................... 4 Objectives of the Dissertation ........................................................................................ 6 Outline of Dissertation ................................................................................................... 7 2 PANEL ANALYSIS AND DESIGN METHODS.........................................................9 Stiffened Panel Analysis Methods................................................................................ 10 Optimization of Stiffened Panels.................................................................................. 23 3 PANEL DESIGN STUDIES USING PANDA2 ..........................................................34 The PANDA2 Program ................................................................................................ 35 PANDA2 Capabilities .................................................................................................. 36 Reusable Launch Vehicle Propellant Tank Design ...................................................... 48 Modeling Issues............................................................................................................ 58 Comparison of Weight Efficiency of Stiffened Panel Concepts ................................... 85 4 HOMOGENIZATION APPROXIMATIONS IN COMPOSITE LAMINATES ......101 Errors from Use of Equivalent Properties for Sublaminates ...................................... 101 Facesheet Wrinkling of Sandwich Panels .................................................................. 122 5 RESPONSE SURFACE APPROXIMATION ...........................................................134 Response Surface Approximation Construction ........................................................ 135 Design of Experiments ............................................................................................... 136 Error Estimation ......................................................................................................... 138 iii
Confidence Measures for Approximation Model....................................................... 140 Stepwise Regression................................................................................................... 141 6 ANALYSIS INTEGRATION USING APPROXIMATIONS...................................144 Integration of Overall and Panel level Analyses for a RLV Tank Optimization ....... 145 Integration of Low and High Fidelity Models with the Use of Correction Response Surface Approximations................................................................................. 161 7 CONCLUDING REMARKS .....................................................................................175 Homogenization Approximation in Composites ........................................................ 175 Stiffened Panel Optimization using PANDA2 ........................................................... 177 Response Surface Approximations for Model or Analysis Integration...................... 179 REFERENCES................................................................................................................180 APPENDICES A MATERIAL PROPERTIES .......................................................................................193 Metallic Alloys ........................................................................................................... 193 Laminated Composite................................................................................................. 193 Honeycomb Sandwich................................................................................................ 194 B OPTIMUM DESIGNS OF METALLIC STIFFENED PANELS..............................196 Stringer-ring stiffened Panel....................................................................................... 196 Grid-Stiffened Panels ................................................................................................. 197 Titanium Honeycomb Core Sandwich Panels ............................................................ 200 Truss-Core Sandwich Panels ...................................................................................... 203 C OPTIMUM DESIGNS OF COMPOSITE PANELS .................................................204 Stringer-Ring Stiffened Panels ................................................................................... 204 Honeycomb Core Sandwich Panels............................................................................ 206 Truss-Core Sandwich Panels ...................................................................................... 207 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH........................................................................................... 209
I want to thank Dr. Raphael T. Haftka for providing me with the opportunity to complete my Ph.D. studies under his exceptional guidance. Without his untiring patience, constant encouragement, guidance and knowledge this work would not have been possible. Not only did Dr. Haftka direct my learning and research as a student, but he also played the very important role of mentor. I want to thank him for the financial support he has provided me and for all the opportunities he has created during the last five years for me to grow as a professional and as a person. My academic and general with discussions Professor Haftka have broadened my vision and given me new insight in to many areas of engineering design, philosophy and history. I would also like to thank my Ph.D. supervisory committee members, and Dr. David Bushnell, Dr. Theodore F. Johnson, Dr. Bhavani Sankar, Dr. Andrew Rapoff, Dr. Gary Consolazio. I am grateful for their willingness to serve on my committee, providing me help whenever needed and for reviewing this dissertation. Special thanks to Dr. David Bushnell for his help with the PANDA2 program and for educating me on the various aspects of stiffened shell analysis and design. Special thanks to Dr. Bhavani Sankar for the many discussions I have had with him and for the knowledge he has imparted to me in the area of composite materials and fracture mechanics. I would like to mention my special thanks to Dr. Theodore F. Johnson, for sponsoring my studies, co-authoring and reviewing some of my publications, and for the weekly teleconferences, where his
practical experience and technical knowledge made this research more interesting and relevant. I would like to thank my colleagues, Dr. Peter Harrison, Dr. Willem Roux and Luciano Lamberti with whom I have collaborated while working on my Ph.D. dissertation, for the interaction and many fruitful discussions. Special thanks to Luciano Lamberti, without his help this dissertation would not have been completed. I would like to thank all my colleagues in the Structural and Multidisciplinary Design Optimization Research Group for their help and support. I am grateful for the friendship of Dr. Gerhard Venter, Roberto Vitali, Boyang Liu, Raluca Rosca, Melih Papila, and Steven Cox, which made my doctoral studies a pleasurable experience. The financial support provided by NASA grants NAG-1-669 and NAG-1-1808 is gratefully acknowledged. My parents deserve my deepest appreciation. I am especially grateful for the countless sacrifices they made to ensure that I can pursue my dreams and for always being there for me. Lastly, I would like to thank my dear friend, confidante and true love Beth. Her love, support and encouragement has had made my life rich and complete. I thank her for helping me discover the meaning of companionship and sharing, and for teaching me to enjoy the simple things in life.
Table 3.1: 3.2: 3.3: Page Panel concepts, stiffener locations, and materials considered for the RLV liquid hydrogen tank design ........................................................................49 Different laminate lay-up used for composite panel design.................................50 Design variables and bounds (in inches) used in the optimization of stringerring stiffened panels (Values shown in parantheses correspond to composite panels when different from metallic designs)............................53 Design variables and bounds (in inches) used in the optimization of aluminum isogrid stiffened panels ..............................................................53 Design variables and bounds (in inches) used in the optimization of aluminum orthogrid stiffened panels...........................................................54 Design variables and bounds (in inches) used in the optimization of honeycomb core sandwich panels ...............................................................54 Design variables and bounds (in inches) used in the optimization of truss core sandwich panels...................................................................................56 Buckling loads and analysis time for PANDA2, BOSOR4 and STAGS models for an optimized stringer stiffened plate. ........................................60 Comparison of buckling load factors obatined from PANDA2 and finite element analysis for cylindrical panels optimized using PANDA2 ............62
3.10: Optimum weight of panel designed using IQUICK=0 and IQUICK=1 analyses .......................................................................................................64 3.11: Critical margins of design obtained optimized using IQUICK=1 and analyzed using IQUICK=0..........................................................................64 3.12: Analysis of stiffened panels with use of PANDA2 local postbuckling analysis ........................................................................................................66 3.13: Comparison of aluminum stringer-ring stiffened panel designs optimized with and without local postbuckling effects................................................68 vii
3.14: Comparison of aluminum orthogrid stiffened panel designs optimized with and without local postbuckling effects........................................................69 3.15 Comparison of composite stringer-ring stiffened panel designs optimized with and without local postbuckling effects................................................69 3.16: Optimum weight of panels optimized with and without imperfections and/or wide column buckling constraint ................................................................73 3.17: Comparison of margins of perfect composite stringer-ring stiffened panels analyzed with imperfections........................................................................73 3.18: Effect of corrugation angle on optimum weight of truss core panel (Internal pressure load case and axial compression load case are indicated by the numbers 1 and 2 in parenthesis) ............................................................79 3.19: Comparison of CPU times required for one SUPEROPT execution for global optimization of an aluminum stringer-ring stiffened panel using IQUICK=0 and IQUICK=1 analysis options ..............................................81 3.20: Number of optimization iterations and optimized weight of isogrid stiffened panels with different initial designs (design vectors of the optimum designs are presented in Table 3.21) ...........................................................81 3.21: Isogrid stiffened panel designs obtained from different initial designs. .............82 3.22: Constraint margins (%) for optimized designs of isogrid panels .........................82 3.23: Titanium honeycomb core sandwich panel optimization: optimum weights and iterations for global optimum ...............................................................84 3.24: Estimated number of panel analyses for stiffened panel trade study ...................85 3.25: Comparisons of weight efficiencies of metallic stiffened panel concepts (Sandwich panel weights shown in parenthesis do not include core weight).........................................................................................................86 3.26: Comparisons of weight efficiencies of composite stiffened panel concepts........90 3.27: Optimal weights (lbs/ft2), stiffener percentages in weight for the optimized designs .........................................................................................................92 3.28: Active failure mechanisms for the optimized designs..........................................93 3.29: Sensitivity of optimum weight of metallic panels to geometric imperfections....95 3.30: Active constraints of metallic panels designed with and without imperfections ...............................................................................................96 viii
3.31: Sensitivity of optimum weight of composite panels to geometric imperfections ...............................................................................................97 3.32: Active failure margins of composite panels designed with and without imperfections ...............................................................................................98 3.33: Imperfection sensitivity of composite stringer-ring stiffened panels optimized with varying levels of design freedom .......................................99 3.34: Optimized lay-ups obtained for composite stringer-ring stiffened panels optimized with varying levels of design freedom .....................................100 4.1: 4.2: 4.3: 4.4: Initial design of panel (Subscript T and F denote pre-impregnated Tape and woven Fabric lamina, respectively)...........................................................104 Material properties of tape and fabric plies used for panel design.....................104 Optimized panel designs obtained from models using equivalent properties and ply layup .............................................................................................105 Buckling load factors for stiffened panel designs (from Table 4.3) obtained using exact and equivalent properties (values in paranthesis indicate errors) ........................................................................................................105 Maximal errors in bending stiffness of a laminate calculated using equivalent properties .................................................................................109 Error in bending curvatures due to using equivalent property for graphiteepoxy (E1=18.5 Mpsi, E2=1.89 Mpsi, G12=0.93 Mpsi and ........109
4.5: 4.6:
4.7: Maximal error in Dij terms for n full-sublaminate repetitions, as in [t1/t2]sn laminate .....................................................................................................116 4.8: Maximal error in Dij terms for n half-sublaminate repetitions, as in [(t1/t2)n]s laminate .....................................................................................................117 4.9: Maximal buckling load errors (percent) of a single sublaminate (The coding A-P refers to the stacking sequences in Table 4.10) .................................119
4.10: Stacking sequence of sublaminates optimized for maximal error in buckling load for 1 sublaminate in total laminate ....................................................119 4.11: Effect of number of sublaminates in half sublaminate repetition on error in buckling load calculated using equivalent properties................................121 4.12: Effect of number of sublaminates in full sublaminate repetition on error in buckling load calculated using equivalent properties................................121 4.13: Effect of wrinkling wavelength constraint on optimal facesheet thickness .......124 ix
Optimization of tank wall laminate using local linear approximations for the case with three design variables(ply thicknesses of a [45/0/90]2s laminate, ply thickness in mils)................................................................150 Optimization of tank wall laminate using local linear approximations for the case with six design variables (ply thicknesses of a [+45/0/90/+45/0/90]S laminate, ply thickness in mils )...........................153 Error analysis for the response surface approximations used in PANDA2 design optimizations..................................................................................155 Optimization of tank wall laminate using response surface approximations for case with three design variables(ply thickness of a [+45 / 0 /90]2S, lay-up, ply thickness in mils )..................................................................157 Optimization of tank wall laminate using response surface approximations for the case with five variables (ply thicknesses for a [+45/0/90/+45/0/90]S lay-up, ply thickness in mils). ................................160 Design variables .................................................................................................166 Comparison of local buckling load calculated from different programs............167 Regression statistics for response surface fitted to PANDA2 buckling load factor..........................................................................................................169 Correction response surface model ....................................................................171
6.3: 6.4:
6.10: Optimized designs for ring-stiffened cylinder (Units of thickness and length are in inch).................................................................................................173 A.1: Material properties for metallic panels (at 50 F) ..............................................193 A.2: Material properties for IM7/977-2 composite panels (at 190 F) ......................194 B.1: Optimum designs of metallic stringer-ring stiffened panels ..............................197 B.2: Optimum design of isogrid panels optimized with and without imperfections .198 B.3: Optimum design of orthogrid panels optimized with and without imperfections .............................................................................................198 B.4: Effect of stiffener profile on optimum weight of grid-stiffened panels optimized with imperfections....................................................................200 B.5: Grid stiffened panel: web thickness and failure margins for different stiffener profiles ........................................................................................200 B.6: Symmetric sandwich panel: optimized designs..................................................201 x
B.7: Asymmetric sandwich panel: optimized designs ...............................................202 B.8: Optimum design of metallic truss-core sandwich panels optimized with and without imperfections................................................................................203 C.1: Optimum designs of composite stringer-ring stiffened panels...........................205 C.2: Optimum designs of honeycomb core sandwich panels: fixed core thickness ..205 C.3: Optimum designs of composite symmetric honeycomb core sandwich panels: optimized core thickness...............................................................206 C.4: Optimum design of composite asymmetric honeycomb core sandwich panels.........................................................................................................207 C.5: Optimum designs of composite truss-core sandwich panels..............................208
Figure 2.1: 2.2: 2.3: 2.4: 3.1: 3.2: 3.3: 3.4: 3.5: 3.6: 3.7: 3.8: 3.9: Page Panel showing global imperfection ......................................................................13 Schematic of wing showing skewed panels .........................................................15 Stiffened panel analysis model of VICON...........................................................15 Blade stiffened panel with voids ..........................................................................25 View of single module of panel with T-shaped stringer, showing layer numbering convention and discretization used. ..........................................37 PANDA2 repeating module for a panel with T-shaped stiffeners. ......................37 Schematic of a Reusable Launch Vehicle ............................................................48 Schematic of a T, J, blade, and Hat stiffener geometry........................................51 Cylinder with internal isogrid and external rings, circumferential Isogrid pattern..........................................................................................................52 Schematic of orthogrid stiffening concept ...........................................................52 Honeycomb sandwich laminate............................................................................54 Schematic of the truss core sandwich module......................................................55 Comparison of the buckling mode shapes obtained with BOSOR4 and STAGS ........................................................................................................60
3.10: Critical buckling mode for the cylindrical stringer-ring stiffened panel..............61 3.11: Mode shape for limit buckling of composite sandwich cylinder .........................62 3.12: Effect of axial length on optimized weight for panels without rings ...................76 4.1. Stiffener geometry and associated terminology.....................................................104 4.2: Sublaminate with layers t1 and t2. ......................................................................106 xii
Ratio of bending stiffness from equivalent and exact properties .......................108 Schemes for stacking sublaminates: full-sublaminate and half-sublaminate repetitions ..................................................................................................111 Honeycomb sandwich laminate showing core (cell) dimensions ......................122 Wrinkling of face sheet on sandwich core .........................................................123 Schematic of beam on an elastic (discrete spring) foundation..........................125 Percentage error in wrinkling load factor due to using smeared properties for beam on elastic foundation........................................................................128 Facesheet wrinkling from discrete and continuum models at different wavelengths ...............................................................................................129
4.10: Ratio of wrinkling loads from continuum and discrete models for < 2.0........130 4.11: Possible half wavelengths for wrinkling us facesheet at lower wavelengths....131 6.1: 6.2: 6.3: 6.4: 6.5: 6.6: 6.7: 6.8: Finite element analysis model of the RLV.........................................................146 Schematic of local and general buckling of a ring stiffened cylinder under compression loads and simple support (pinned) boundary conditions .....163 PANDA2 analysis model for local buckling load factor....................................164 BOSOR4 1-D model ..........................................................................................165 Finite element mesh used for STAGS model and the first critical mode from a linear buckling analysis. .........................................................................165 Schematic of a T-ring stiffener showing design variables and terminology......166 Response surface approximation prediction compared with PANDA2 prediction...................................................................................................170 Comparison of PANDA2 and corrected PANDA2 local buckling load prediction with STAGS local buckling prediction. ...................................172
Abstract of Dissertation Presented to the Graduate School of the University of Florida in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy
The design of reusable launch vehicles is driven by the need for minimum weight structures. Preliminary design of reusable launch vehicles requires many optimizations to select among competing structural concepts. Accurate models and analysis methods are required for such structural optimizations. Model, analysis, and optimization complexities have to be compromised to meet constraints on design cycle time and computational resources. Stiffened panels used in reusable launch vehicle tanks exhibit complex buckling failure modes. Using detailed finite element models for buckling analysis is too expensive for optimization. Many approximate models and analysis methods have been developed for design of stiffened panels.
This dissertation investigates the use of approximate models and analysis methods implemented in PANDA2 software for preliminary design of stiffened panels. PANDA2 is also used for a trade study to compare weight efficiencies of stiffened panel concepts for a liquid hydrogen tank of a reusable launch vehicle. Optimum weights of stiffened panels are obtained for different materials, constructions and stiffener geometry. The study investigates the influence of modeling and analysis choices in PANDA2 on optimum designs. Complex structures usually require finite element analysis models to capture the details of their response. Design of complex structures must account for failure modes that are both global and local in nature. Often, different analysis models or computer programs are employed to calculate global and local structural response. Integration of different analysis programs is cumbersome and computationally expensive. Response surface approximation provides a global polynomial approximation that filters numerical noise present in discretized analysis models. The computational costs are transferred from optimization to development of approximate models. Using this process, the analyst can create structural response models that can be used by designers in optimization. It allows easy integration of analysis models in optimization. The dissertation investigates use of response surface approximations for integrating structural response obtained from a global analysis in the local optimization of stiffened panels. In addition, response surfaces are used for correcting structural response predictions from a low fidelity model with a few expensive detailed finite element analyses.
Composite materials are desirable in lightweight structures due to their high specific stiffness and strength. Laminated composite materials provide the designer with freedom to tailor the properties and response of the structure for given loads to obtain the maximum weight efficiency. However, high modulus and strength characteristics of composites result in structures with very thin sections that are often prone to buckling. Stiffeners are required to increase the bending stiffness of such thin walled members (plates, shells). Consequently, stiffened panels are often used in aircraft and launch vehicles to obtain lightweight structures with high bending stiffness. Stiffened shells are also more tolerant to imperfections and resist catastrophic growth of cracks. NASA is investigating the use of composite materials in the propellant tank design for next generation reusable launch vehicles. In the design of such large structures, many decisions have to be made regarding materials selection, fabrication techniques, and stiffener types. These decisions affect structural weight and operational costs. A large number of preliminary structure or substructure design optimizations need to be performed in order to understand the impact that different design constraints have on the optimum design. Often there are constraints on the available computational resources, time and design cycle time. Designers are faced with the task of choosing between model, analysis and optimization complexity. This introduction presents some issues in the areas 1
2 of stiffened panel modeling, analysis and optimization addressed in this dissertation, with a brief outline of each chapter. Detailed literature review of stiffened panel design methods is presented in Chapter 2. Simple Models for Panel Design Stiffened panels exhibit complex failure mechanisms and therefore require careful selection of the model, theory and numerical procedure used for analysis. A variety of analysis methods based on simple physical models, smeared models, finite strip models and finite element models have been implemented in software. For example, BOSOR4 [24] and FASOR [44] analyze shells of revolutions; PANDA2 [25] uses closed form solutions for individual failure modes and some 1-D discrete analysis models for design of stiffened panels; PASCO [6], VICONOPT [126], and PANOPT [16] are finite-stripbased design codes. A survey of these programs is presented in Chapter 2. Finite element analysis provides the highest fidelity in modeling complex structures as it can incorporate many local details such as stiffener termination, cutouts, and local reinforcements. However, such analysis has several problems when directly used in an optimization environment. Using finite element analysis for design optimization of stiffened panels is often impractical due to high computational expense. When the geometry of the shell and stiffeners is optimized, remeshing is frequently required for acceptable accuracy. The numerical noise introduced by the discretization makes it difficult to use gradient based optimization methods. Kaufman et al. [67] investigated the numerical noise and human errors that are present in results obtained using large and complex analysis codes. Numerical noise introduced by the discretization (meshing) and round off, in finite element analyses, was
3 discussed by Burden and Faires [21, p. 10]. Venter et al. [120] described the noise introduced by finite element discretization in a stepped plate optimization problem. Giunta et al. [57] and Dudley et al. [52] investigated such noise in aerodynamic analyses. Significant time and effort are often required to interface analysis and optimization when using finite element analysis models. In particular, developing design constraints for use with general-purpose analysis codes in optimization is a timeconsuming task. Furthermore, using general-purpose analysis software requires a good understanding of the physical problem and the limitations of the model or theory being used. Some panel design software implement a variety of design constraints that serve as an expert system and thereby significantly reduce the modeling effort and chances of obtaining unreasonable designs from the optimization. Performing design optimization using finite element based non-linear analyses is often too expensive to be practical. Aside from computational cost, the complexity of analysis models presents a major challenge in design. Simpler analysis models such as those used by PANDA2, PASCO, or VICONOPT are therefore very useful for optimization purposes. Panel Modeling Issues in Optimization The choice of modeling details, analysis methods, and optimization techniques determines the computational cost of the design. To compensate for an expensive analysis (e.g., nonlinear response) or expensive optimization (e.g., global optimization), the designer may have to introduce approximations to the modeling of the designed structure.
4 Optimization of composite structures often involves a large number of design variables. Laminate stacking sequence optimization using discrete thickness and ply angles is a combinatorial design problem. Laminates optimized using a small number of load cases often are highly tailored to the loading and can perform very poorly in off design conditions. Furthermore, composite laminates exhibit a variety of failure modes that are difficult to model or analyze. Designers in such cases have to rely on data obtained from experiments. In order to reduce model complexity, composite laminates are often approximated using homogenized models or other approximations. Such approximations are valid under certain assumptions and hence should be used with caution in optimization. In particular, it is known that optimization programs are very unforgiving in exploiting the weaknesses and limitations of the analysis models or theories used. They often find designs in regions where the assumed model is no longer valid. Knowledge of the validity and accuracy of such approximations is therefore required in order to develop appropriate constraints to be imposed in the optimization to avoid serious design errors. Multi-Fidelity Approximations The limitations of simple models often require the use of more complex and expensive analyses, which cannot be practically coupled with optimization programs. This has led to the development of approximation methods based on function evaluation at one or more points. These approximations may be accurate in a small region or in a larger region of design space based on the data used in their construction. Response surface methods typically fit low order polynomials sense to function values over large regions of design space using least square fitting procedure. The fitted
5 approximation model is used to replaces the expensive analysis program in the optimization. An approximation can be developed independently for each failure mode from different analyses, so that the designer can readily integrate the various analysis models and codes into the optimization. Venter and Haftka [119] demonstrated the usefulness of response surface approximations for expensive structural optimization in design for uncertainty. Ragon et al. [88] used response surface methods for a globallocal design study of an aircraft wing. Response surface approximations have their limitations. The cost of fitting the approximation increases rapidly with the number of design variables (the curse of dimensionality). Fitting a good global approximation that is valid over the entire design space is not possible with low order polynomials. To address these problems, correction response surfaces may be used to correct the less expensive analyses (lower fidelity models), rather than fit approximations directly to the response functions obtained from the more accurate analyses (higher fidelity models). The correction response surface model is fitted using a small number of higher fidelity analyses. Recently, different methods of using correction response have been proposed and tested in the area of structural optimization. Mason et al. [78] used a 2-D finite element model as a lower fidelity model to predict failure stresses and applied corrections calculated using a full 3-D finite element analysis. Vitali et al. [123] used the approach for optimizing a blade stiffened composite panel with cracks. The lower fidelity model employed an infinite plate model to predict the stress intensity factor. The higher fidelity model used a detailed finite element model with a crack to calculate the stress intensity
6 factor at the crack tip. Knill et al. [69] demonstrated the use of correction response surfaces for the aerodynamic configuration design of a high-speed civil transport airplane. Toropov and Markine [109] demonstrated the approach for the design of a fourbar mechanism. Objectives of the Dissertation The first objective of the present research was to investigate the efficiency, accuracy and advantages of using design codes based on simple methods for stiffened panel design. The PANDA2 program was used as an example of such a design code. PANDA2 uses a variety of simple physical models (smeared, finite strip, and 1-D discretized) for capturing the failure of stiffened panels. The PANDA2 program was used for design studies on stiffened panels. The effects of modeling choice and analysis methods on optimum design of panels were investigated. The optimized designs were verified using detailed finite element analysis. The second objective was to illustrate the effect of laminate model choice on design optimization. Stiffened composite panels often require a variety of global and local analysis models and approximations. Simplified modeling and approximation can affect the optimization results if used without proper constraints. The third objective was to demonstrate the use of approximation techniques for integrating analysis models or codes. Stiffened panels are substructures that form a larger tank or vehicle structure. Interaction of the local (panel) design on the global (vehicle structure) design should be taken into account in the design optimization of panels. Use of approximations for integration of global and local analysis models is presented. In addition, designers are often faced with the situation where the currently
7 available analysis code or model has certain limitations and a more detailed analysis is required. Integrating the more complex analysis technique into the optimization can be costly and cumbersome. Correction response surface techniques allow the use of a simple model with a correction function fitted using a small number of exact (costly) analyses. Outline of Dissertation Panel analysis and design methods, which are key aspects of the present dissertation, are reviewed in Chapter 2. The review focuses on design and analysis of panels using specialized programs. A few examples of stiffened panel optimizations using finite element analysis that employ special techniques to reduce optimization costs such as sub-structuring or that use easily available analytic sensitivities are included. Also, panel design methods that address global-local design issues are discussed. Chapter 3 presents design optimization of various metallic and composite stiffened panels using the PANDA2 program. The choice of models for analysis (closed form, 1-D discretization), choice of shell theories (Donnell, Sanders), and inclusion of details such as the effects of geometric imperfections and post-local buckling response are investigated for the designed panels. The designs obtained from PANDA2 are
analyzed using more rigorous finite element analysis. The assistance of Mr. Luciano Lamberti [72] in performing the numerous structural optimizations required for this study is gratefully acknowledged. Chapter 4 discusses the effects of using simplified laminate models in optimization. Examples of modeling composite laminates as an orthotropic material and a sandwich hexagonal core as a continuum foundation are presented. The tendency of optimization programs to exploit modeling weaknesses is demonstrated.
8 In Chapter 5, approximation methods are reviewed. Response surface approximation techniques are presented. These techniques are then used for a global-local design problem and analysis model integration problem in Chapter 6. Finally, Chapter 7 presents some conclusions.
10 Stiffened Panel Analysis Methods A variety of simple analysis methods have been developed for the analysis of stiffened panels. These methods typically belong to one of the following classes: analysis based on smeared properties, simple plate analysis under simple supports, and accurate linked or segmented plate analysis or finite strip analysis. The more complicated or detailed modeling usually employs discretized models such as finite element and boundary element analysis. In the next section, some programs or software for design optimization of composite stiffened panels that use the simplified analysis methods will be reviewed. Examples of design optimization techniques and design for various performance factors such as structural instability, crashworthiness, damage tolerance, and postbuckling strength will be presented. The discussion will focus mainly on the design optimization of stiffened plates and stiffened cylindrical shells or panels.
Stiffened Panel Analysis using Closed Form Solutions and Smeared Models Agarwal and Davis [1] optimized composite hat stiffened panels for buckling (local and Euler column buckling) and strength requirements. The buckling analysis was based on simplified assumptions. The local buckling load factor was calculated by assuming that panel segments were simply supported. The load distribution on the different segments of the panel (skin, stiffener segments) was obtained using the effective elastic modulus of the different segments. The Euler column buckling was obtained from a smeared model. The results were verified using the BUCLASP-2 [111, 121] linked plate analysis program that treats stiffeners as branched shells. Agarwal and Sobel [2] presented weight comparisons for stiffened, unstiffened and sandwich cylinders under axial compression loading. The overall buckling load was
11 captured using a smeared representation. The stiffeners in this case were treated as onedimensional beams with twisting taken into account. The resulting designs were also analyzed with the BUCLASP-2 program. It was shown that smeared models underestimate buckling loads by 30%. Stroud and Agranoff [99] extended the approach of using simplified buckling equations to the design of more general hat and corrugated panels under axial compression and shear loads. The analyses treated individual segments as simply supported flat plates, calculating buckling loads of each individual element. The authors investigated the weight efficiencies of the different stiffeners and also calculated weight penalties that were due to the imposition of manufacturing constraints (discrete ply thickness, stiffener dimensions). The global buckling was analyzed using a smeared model similar to that used by Agarwal and Davis [1]. The failure margins obtained using simple analysis were found to be conservative for most cases due to the assumption of simple supports for the different members. The simplification also could not account for stiffener rolling modes that were critical for some of the designed panels. Simple smeared representations of stiffened panels are used often for optimizing them with general instability constraints. Tomashevskii et al. [107, 108] used such a smeared model and simple expressions for stiffener buckling to optimize stiffened composite cylinders. Sun and Mao [104] optimized stiffened composite cylinders to investigate the effects of shell geometry, stiffener eccentricity and laminate stacking sequence under axial compression and hydrostatic pressure loads. A smeared representation taking into account the stiffener-introduced eccentricity was used. The initial postbuckling was investigated using Koiters general theory of general instability
12 [62, 70]. The analysis method provided an efficient tool to investigate the effects of different design variables on general instability.
Analysis using Finite Strip Methods Finite strip methods (FSM) represent a class of analysis that has an accuracy (and computational expense) that lies between closed form solution of the type seen in linked or segmented plate analysis models and the finite element method. Linked plate analysis solves the exact plate equation in the segmented-plate model and hence is considered as the exact finite strip method. Inexact finite strip analysis divides the panel segments into strips and approximates the displacement field in the strips. Within each strip, the displacement field is expressed using polynomials to describe the widthwise variation and trigonometric functions to describe the displacement field. Dawe and his coworkers [47-51] published several papers on such approximate finite strip methods for buckling and postbuckling analysis of prismatic composite structures. Williams and his coworkers [130] developed a rigorous analysis procedure (VIPASA, Vibration and Instability Analysis of Plate Assemblies including Shear and Anisotropy), where the buckling loads of stiffened panels were calculated by treating them as plate assemblies. The procedure accounts for the physical connections between the adjacent members and permits a buckling pattern that is continuous along the connection. The buckling solutions are based on exact plate analysis equations. This procedure was implemented into the VIPASA analysis code. The analysis was restricted to uniform transverse or edge loading with simple supports at the panel ends. Stroud and Anderson coupled the VIPASA analysis code with the CONMIN [115] optimization program for design optimization of hat and corrugated stiffened
13 panels [101]. CONMIN used the method of feasible directions for the optimization, and Taylor series approximation for its constraint approximation. The designs obtained were compared with those obtained from the simplified analysis described in Stroud and Agranoff [99]. It was shown that for hat stiffened panels loaded in axial compression, the simplified analysis was conservative (2% to 9% heavier). The simplified analysis was found to be inadequate when local buckling wavelengths coincided with the short buckling wavelengths of overall buckling due to anisotropy effects. It was found that under combined shear and axial loading, inclusion of anisotropy terms (D16 and D26) was very important (i.e., replacing laminates with orthotropic representations can lead to incorrect buckling loads). The authors demonstrated that while the simplified models provided reasonably accurate predictions of response, using such models for optimization or sizing without proper design constraints resulted in very unconservative designs.
P L e Ny
Figure 2.1:
Anderson and Stroud [6, 101] implemented the VIPASA analysis into an automated panel sizing code (PASCO). The VISPASA analysis was enhanced to include
14 global (overall bowing type) imperfection as shown in Figure 2.1. The maximum bending moment on the panel was calculated by using the classical beam formula N x e PL2 1 M= + 2 sec 1 1 2 where, =
Nx N xE
in which Nx is the applied axial load per unit width, NxE is the Euler buckling load for the panel, and P is the pressure acting on the panel. The maximum bending moment was then used to calculate stress resultants on the skin and stiffener segments to determine the buckling load factors. Weight efficiencies of hat and blade stiffened panels were compared at different values of global imperfection amplitude. Small geometric imperfections had a big influence on the optimal weight. Comparison with experimental results showed the importance of including imperfections. The PASCO code provided a rational method for including the effect of bow-type imperfections, unlike other simplified analysis methods decribed so far that required some empirical knockdown factors to account for imperfections. A shortcoming of PASCO or VIPASA analysis [102] was the inexact matching of boundary conditions under shear load. The displacement field used under shear loads results in a skewed plate. The analysis model used in VIPASA and PASCO was found to be inaccurate for shear buckling with long wavelength. The VICON (VIPASA with Constraints) program developed by Williams and coworkers [126, 127] overcame the problem by using Lagrange multipliers to provide arbitrary supports or boundary conditions. Swanson et al. [105] incorporated this model into design optimization via an ad hoc correction. An iterative approach was used where the PASCO smeared
15 (approximate) model was used to size panels. A correction factor was obtained using a VICON analysis for the next PASCO optimization cycle. The approach illustrates the use of multi-fidelity models using corrections based on a small number of accurate and expensive function evaluations during the optimization. The procedure was used to perform weight comparisons of hat, blade stiffened, and trapezoidal corrugated panels. The correction approach developed by Swanson et al. [105] was found to be quite inefficient. To overcome this deficiency and to implement the VICON directly into the sizing code and refine some analysis features [128] the VICONOPT program [42, 43] was developed.
n Wi
Figure 2.2:
Figure 2.3:
Aircraft C L
16 A similar problem in using approximate end conditions for stiffened panels is encountered in aircraft wing design. Stiffened panels used in aircraft wing structures have skewed (Figure 2.2) edges. However, they are often approximated as rectangular panels in the design process. York and Williams [131] showed that the approximation led to sub-optimal panels, because response of skew panels under shear load is very different from that of rectangular panels. An accurate method of analyzing skew panels was implemented in the VICON program by use of Lagrange multipliers [127]. The dotted lines in Figure 2.3 indicate support lines along which simple support boundary condition are enforced in VICON using the Lagrange multipliers. This provided a more accurate representation of the boundary conditions for skew panels and rectangular panels under shear loads. Analysis costs typically increase with increase in the fidelity and accuracy of the analysis model. York and Williams [132] demonstrated the use of infinite width model for analysis of the skewed panels and compared the results to those obtained using exact models. It was shown that the infinite width model provides conservative estimates for buckling loads of skewed plates. The optimizations were performed for two metallic panels (blade and J-stiffened) and for two composite panels (blade and hat stiffened). The analyses were performed for different skew angles and aspect ratios and the buckling loads were compared. The errors in buckling loads were typically in the range of 5-7% with the worst case being 15%. However, the CPU run times for the infinite width analysis were typically 7% to 30% of those required by the exact analysis. The efficiency of such approximations is of great value in performing structural optimizations.
17 The PANOPT program developed at the National Aerospace labs, Netherlands, by Arendsen and coworkers [16] is capable of design optimization of stiffened composite panels for buckling and postbuckling. The PANOPT program is an extension of the finite strip analysis method proposed by Riks [94] enhanced by Arendsen [15] to include higher order energy terms. Several other programs that use similar analysis approaches have been developed for design optimization of stiffened composite panels. The analysis and sizing program STIPSY developed by Baburaj and Kalyanaraman [17] uses approximate finite strip models similar to those presented by Agarwal and Davis [1] and by Stroud and Agranoff [99]. The authors included a more rigorous model for the torsional buckling of the stringers. Postbuckling strength is considered by using the effective width of elements undergoing local buckling. The effective width calculations of composite panels implemented in STIPSY were originally developed by Rhodes and Marshall [92]. The analysis code was coupled with an optimizer based on Rosens gradient projection method and an indirect method based on Sequential Unconstrained Minimization Technique (SUMT). Optimal designs were obtained for various combinations of in-plane compression and shear loads. The effect of allowing local postbuckling on the optimal design weight was also investigated. Zabinsky, Graesser, Kim and Tuttle [59, 68, 112, 133, 134] at the University of Washington collaborated with researchers at Boeing [76] in the development of the program COSTADE (Composite Optimization Software for Transport Aircraft Design Evaluation) program. The structural analysis and optimization module of COSTADE was based on the UWCODA code (University of Washington Composite Optimization and
18 Design Algorithm) [59]. The UWCODA program was developed for global optimization [133] of composite stiffened panel structures with continuous and discrete variables. COSTADE used a smeared stiffness approach for calculation of critical buckling and stress margins. A stochastic algorithm denoted Improving Hit-and-Run [134] was employed for the design optimization of the composite laminates. The program can perform preliminary design optimization of stiffened composite panels with strength constraints. COSTADE is capable of point design where a single panel type spans the whole structure or can perform optimization of a blended design. In the latter, compatibility constraints need to be imposed for continuity of plies and structural members from one panel to the other. The buckling analysis of COSTADE as based on a finite strip analysis method developed by Kim and Tuttle [68]. Three different strength criteria are used. A pristine strength criterion calculated first ply failure load using maximum strain failure. The ultimate damage tolerance criterion obtained strain constraints using the ultimate loads. The failsafe damage tolerance criteria were based on proof load conditions. COSTADE was further augmented using more detailed finite element models for other damage scenarios (transverse crack) [58]. More recently researchers have started investigating methods for designing stiffened shell structures with nonlinear analysis. Stoll and Grdal [96] developed an approximate semi-analytical approach for non-linear analysis of stiffened plates. The NonLinear Panel ANalysis code (NLPAN) can predict postbuckling stresses and deformations, elastic limit points, and imperfection sensitivities of linked plate assemblies subject to inplane axial and pressure loads with temperature effects. The program was developed as an extension of VIPASA so that it could be used in an
19 automated fashion with the VIPASA. The non-linear plate theory applied to each component plate-strip accounts for the large in-plane rotations that occur in the postbuckling response. Buckling eigensolutions with the second order contributions from VIPASA were used to describe the displacements. NLPAN uses a stationary potential energy condition to obtain a set of nonlinear algebraic equations governing equilibrium. These equations are load independent with a relatively small number of variable modal amplitudes, allowing a rapid exploration of the nonlinear regime. Stoll [97] extended the capabilities of NLPAN to include various end support boundary conditions. The load deflection and load vs. end shortening are compared with experimental test results. Comparisons of the analysis results obtained using NLPAN with the STAGS [4, 90] analysis code was presented by Stoll et al. [98]. The NLPAN program was shown to provide nonlinear analysis capability at a small fraction of the cost of performing a nonlinear finite element analysis.
Analysis of Cylindrical Stiffened Panels Cylindrical stiffened panels are as important as stiffened plates. Stiffened cylindrical panels or cylinders are used in aircraft fuselage, rocket and missile structural components, and launch vehicle tank structures. The curvature of circular cylindrical shells increases their load carrying capacity. However, the nonlinearities introduced by the curvature result in unstable postbuckling behavior and make the shell structures more sensitive to geometric imperfections. Therefore, much research has been done in the area of stability of unstiffened and stiffened cylinders made of isotropic and anisotropic materials. Examples discussed here only include analysis methods and programs that have been used for obtaining optimum designs of curved stiffened panels.
20 The VICONOPT program was discussed in detail for analysis of stiffened plates. Until recently, stiffened curved panels were modeled only approximately in VICONOPT by discretizing it into a series of flat plates. While this approach gave quite accurate results, it required a large number of plate elements to approximate the curved surface. Since this was not very efficient, a curved plate element was developed [79] for inclusion in VICONOPT. The curved plate element was developed using the non-linear equilibrium equations that include transverse shear deformation effects. The plate element can be used for obtaining linear bifurcation buckling and postbuckling responses.
Analysis of Shell of Revolution Complex analysis methods and programs that can analyze shells of revolution have been used extensively for shell analysis and design. The BOSOR4 program [24] is an energy based discrete analysis method where the model is discretized along the meridian of a shell of revolution. BOSOR4 can perform linear and nonlinear static and buckling analysis of shells. For axisymmetric geometry and loads BOSOR4 can obtain very accurate estimates of displacements, stress and buckling loads. BOSOR4 can also be used for analysis of prismatic structures such as stiffened panels. The FASOR program [44] provides similar capabilities using direct integration of the governing ordinary differential equations for a shell of revolution.
Analysis using Multiple Models Cylindrical stiffened shells exhibit complex failure modes and hence often require multiple models for efficient analysis. An important and significant contribution to the area of preliminary design of stiffened cylinders by Bushnell [25-33] at Lockheed Palo
21 Alto Research Laboratory has led to the development of PANDA2. The PANDA2 program finds the minimum weight designs for laminated composite plates, cylindrical panels or cylinders with and without stiffeners that can run along one or two orthogonal directions. The philosophy of PANDA2 is to provide optimum preliminary design of stiffened panels that experience complex and nonlinear behavior without resorting to the use of general purpose (finite element) analysis codes that require elaborate database management systems. Instead, PANDA2 uses several separate relatively simple models, each designed to capture specific failure modes or mechanisms (often with the same accuracy as general-purpose FE codes). PANDA2 uses a combination of approximate physical models, exact closed form (finite strip analysis) models and a 1-D discretized branched shell analysis models to calculate prebuckling, buckling and postbuckling responses. The most challenging task in stiffened shell optimization is the selection of appropriate modeling, analysis theories, and design constraints. PANDA2 has automated this task and therefore can be regarded as an expert system for stiffened shell design. The capabilities of PANDA2 and its efficiency allow it to perform global optimization of stiffened panels. A more detailed overview of PANDA2 theory, analysis models, procedure and optimization capabilities is presented in Chapter 3. Arbocz and Hol [11, 12] at the Technical University of Delft, have developed an expert system (DISDECO, Delft Interactive Shell Design Code) for design of anisotropic stiffened panels and shells. The program uses a hierarchial analysis approach for accurate prediction of buckling load and a reliable estimation of imperfection sensitivity. With this tool, the designer can access a series of analysis programs of increasing complexity. The
22 analysis modules of DISDECO can calculate the critical buckling loads of stiffened anisotropic shells subject to combined loads, investigate the effects of various types of boundary conditions on critical buckling load, and obtain perspective of degrading effects of possible initial imperfections on buckling loads. Three hierarchical analysis models were implemented in the DISDECO code. The Level-1 analysis uses the GANBIF [12] analysis routine. The analyses in level-1 are the most approximate and are to be used for investigating overall or general buckling characteristics of the shell. The solutions are based on membrane prebuckling solutions and linearized stability equations reduced to algebraic eigenvalue problems by the use of a truncated double Fourier series. The program can also be used to determine the coefficients in Koiters asymptotic expansion for initial postbuckling response. The level-2 analysis accounts for the primary nonlinear effects such as edge restraints and can satisfy the prescribed boundary conditions exactly. The level-2 analysis, based on the ANLISA code [10, 11], uses a rigorous prebuckling solution and reduces the stability problem to the solution of a set of ordinary differential equations. ANILISA solves the Donnell type anisotropic shell equations. The buckling analysis can include geometric imperfections that are of the form of a double periodic trigonometric (sin(mx)sin(ny)) function or axisymmetric imperfections that are similar to the critical buckling mode of the perfect shell. The solutions from this level are very accurate for axisymmetric geometry and loading. Also present in level-2 are other computational modules such as COLLAPSE [13] that can handle axisymmetric initial imperfections, and ANSOVI [91] that solves Novozhilov type anisotropic shell equations.
23 The level-3 analyses are the most accurate and use two-dimensional finite element analysis codes with advanced analysis capabilities that include geometric and material nonlinearities. At present different members of the STAGS family [3, 5] are used in this level. When fully implemented DISDECO will provide a comprehensive interactive analysis and design tool that will allow the designer to explore the effects of choice of shell theory, analysis models, and edge conditions. Also, the database of imperfections and other stochastic methods for determining effects of imperfections will enable the designer to obtain reliable designs for stiffened composite shells. Optimization of Stiffened Panels
Stiffened Panel Optimization Using Approximate Analyses In this section, design optimization techniques and designs obtained using the analysis methods or programs described in the previous section are reviewed. Even with the availability of fast computers, simple analysis methods continue to be used. The simplicity of the analysis makes it possible to do more complicated optimization, such as reliability-based design, local-global design, and multi-criteria (cost-weight
minimization) optimization. A number of papers have been published on design optimization of panels using PASCO and VICONOPT, but only a sample of those are reviewed here. Butler and his coworkers [40, 41, 42, 43] have published several papers on the use of VICONOPT [42, 43] for stiffened panel optimizations in aircraft wing design. Butler performed design optimizations for stiffened panels [40] using different loads as encountered in practical wing design. The results obtained were then verified using a finite element analysis
24 program and the PANDA2 program. Integrally stiffened and built up panels were
optimized using VICONOPT. The integrally stiffened (machined) stiffeners provided a significant weight saving (20%) compared with the conventional built-up stiffeners (with a bottom flange) when designed for buckling. The weight difference was smaller (3%) for designs optimized for postbuckling strength. In addition, comparison with finite element analysis showed very good agreement except for cases with substantial shear loading. The optimal weights obtained were compared with designs obtained using PANDA2 for a T-stringer stiffened panel and were almost identical. Butler [41] demonstrated the use of VICONOPT [42, 43] for an aircraft wing design. The wing structure was divided into six different panels. The skew panels were approximated by treating them as infinitely long. Initial minimum weight optimizations of panels were performed, for a range of loads and panel lengths, to generate design charts. The design charts were used for selection of stiffener spacing and cross-sections for panels used in the wing structure. In order to provide compatibility between panels, the stiffener spacing and cross-section were fixed and the thicknesses optimized in the wing structure design. Four different panel concepts were considered: metallic blade stiffener, composite blade stiffener, composite hat stiffener, and composite foam sandwich with blade stiffener. VICONOPT uses a gradient-based optimizer and can get trapped in local optima. Butler further showed that design charts obtained for minimum weight designs by varying loads or panel size helped to identify panels in the wing design that were trapped in local optima.
Figure 2.4:
Williams and his coworkers presented further demonstrations of the VICONOPT capabilities for stiffened panel optimization. Williams and Jianqiao [129] used VICONOPT to optimize blade-stiffened panels with centrally located voids. Figure 2.4 shows a stiffener cross-section with a series of equally spaced voids in its central core layer, which run for the full length of the plate and have a constant cross-section. The longitudinal voids were used, in a manner analogous to a core material in sandwich composite laminates, to increase in the bending stiffness of the laminates used for the panel skin and blade stiffeners. In addition to optimizing the blade spacing, stiffener segment width and thickness the optimization can also size the length of voids in the skin and stiffener segments. This work demonstrated the design features of VICONOPT and the use of voids for weight savings in composite panels. Structural optimization of panels can often result in designs that are either impractical or too expensive to manufacture. There is an increased interest in combining cost constraints with structural constraints during the optimization. Edwards et al. [53] replaced the minimum mass objective with minimum cost or a combination of cost and mass and obtained optimal designs. The VICONOPT program was used for optimization with new cost functions (material, manufacturing, and operational costs) incorporated. Panels can be optimized for different combinations of cost and weight. This example
26 demonstrates the advantage of having inexpensive analysis models for use in expensive (multiobjective) optimizations. Kassapoglou [66] performed simultaneous cost and weight optimization of composite panels under compression and shear loading using a simple analysis. The panels were analyzed for global and local buckling. The simple analysis used smeared stiffness for global buckling and simply supported plate models for local buckling. Analysis results were compared with more detailed finite strip based solution procedures developed by Peshkam and Dawe [87] and were shown to be reasonably accurate. The simple analysis procedure enabled the author to perform several design optimizations for different stiffener geometries at various fixed spacings. The panels were optimized separately for cost and weight. Cost functions were developed that accounted for material, manufacturing and operational costs. It was found that the blade stiffener design was the best minimum cost concept, whereas the J-stiffener design was the best minimum weight concept. A multiobjective optimization was performed to minimize weight and cost objectives that were combined using a penalty function. A Pareto-optimal curve was obtained for the panels that represented a compromise solution between minimum weight and cost. Also information about dominating failure mode along the Pareto curve was obtained. Such qualitative information is often useful to the designer in concept selection.
Panel Optimization for Global Optimum and/or Discrete Variables A distinctive feature of using composite materials is the ability to tailor the material properties. Typically, this is achieved by optimizing the ply stacking sequence in the laminate. The programs discussed thus far have all used gradient based optimization routines. In all cases, the ply thicknesses for a pre-chosen stacking sequence are used as
27 optimization variables. Composite laminates that are manufactured from pre-pregs (tape lay-ups) have plies of discrete thickness. Hence, the ply optimization must use discrete variables. Since, continuous optimization problems are easier to solve often continuous values are used for ply thicknesses and orientations. This can lead to several problems. Using ply angles and thicknesses as optimization variables result in non-convex design space and also lead to multiple local optima. It has also been found that rounding the ply thickness to thickness of discrete number of plies can lead to sub-optimal designs. Genetic algorithms (GAs) have been developed for the stacking sequence optimization of laminates with discrete ply angles and thicknesses [73, 75, 83]. In addition to having capability to use discrete variables, GAs also provide global optimization capabilities. The optimization results in a family of optimum designs, with comparable performance, rather than a single optimum as in the case of gradient based methods. Nagendra et al. [81, 82] applied a simple genetic algorithm with crossover, mutation and permutation operators for blade stiffened composite panel design. The ply thicknesses, orientations, and blade height were also coded using an integer representation. The stiffened panel was optimized for minimum weight under inplane axial compression and shear loads. The panel was required to satisfy buckling, strain, and contiguity (no more than four plies of the same orientation are stacked together, to prevent matrix cracking) constraints. The PASCO program was used for analysis of the stiffened panel. An eccentricity (axial bowing) of 3% was used for the initial geometric imperfection. To avoid mode interaction effects, penalty parameters were introduced in the optimization to obtain buckling mode separation. Besides optimizing for discrete
28 variables, the genetic optimization searches for the global optimum in the design space. Furthermore, it can provide a family of near optimal solutions (unlike a single optimum obtained from gradient based optimization). The design obtained using the simple GA was lighter (25.19 lb) compared to the rounded design (26.08 lb) obtained using a continuous optimizer. The advantages of global optima and family of near optimal designs come at a very expensive computational cost because the simple GA requires tens of thousands of analyses. Nagendra et al. later presented an improved genetic algorithm [83] that introduced new genetic operators. In addition to the basic crossover, mutation, and permutation operators, the following new operators were added: sub-string crossover, stack deletion, stack addition, orientation mutation, inter-laminate swap and intra-laminate swap operators. The new features of the improved GA were found to improve the convergence and reliability of the algorithm. The optimal design weight (24.2 lb) obtained using the improved GA was lower than the optimal design weight (25.2 lb) obtained using the simple GA. However GAs are still expensive to use for practical design applications. Even with the improved efficiency of the genetic algorithm and the efficient analysis methods (such as in PASCO or PANDA2), performing discrete optimization of stiffened panels remains a challenging task. Harrison et al. [61] investigated the use of response surface (RS) approximations to replace the analyses program in the genetic optimization. A hat stiffened cylindrical panel under axial compression load was optimized. The stacking sequence of the wall and stringer segments and the stiffener geometry parameters were used as optimization variables. In order to fit a response surface, the buckling load and stress failure margins
29 of panels were obtained using the PANDA2 program. A weighted least square procedure was used to fit a polynomial approximation. Each laminate stacking sequence was represented using five lamination parameters. The lamination parameters of the three laminates and four hat stiffener geometry variables resulted in a total of 19 variables that were required to describe the response of the panel. A set of 450 points obtained from the first 15 generations of the genetic optimization were used as fitting points. Once the response surface was obtained, it replaced the PANDA2 analysis for a number of generations and then the process was repeated. The polynomial (response surface) captured the failure envelope of the design space for a large number of designs. Convergence histories averaged over six trials showed that the RS approximation reduced the number of generations required for convergence to about 30, from about 95 required for optimization with exact analysis. Crossley and Laananen [45] used genetic optimization for design of stiffened panels for maximum energy absorption. Constraints were imposed on local buckling and stiffener buckling. Simple closed form solutions were used to obtain buckling loads. Energy absorption was estimated by a semi-empirical method based on an analogy to the crippling of metal cross sections [19] with empirical corrections obtained from experiments. The novel feature of this genetic optimization was that the stiffener type was also encoded as a design variable. In past work, the geometry was chosen a priori and then optimized for size. Here, stiffener types such as blade, channel, I-section, hat section, J-section and angle-section were represented by a binary string along with the stacking sequence for the different segments. The emphasis was on crashworthiness design rather than design for instability under inplane flight loads.
30 Programs such as PANDA2 treat stiffener spacing as continuous design variables. This can often lead to non-integral number of stiffeners in a cylinder. Jaunky et al. [63, 64] used genetic algorithms for grid stiffened cylinders to optimize the number of stiffeners, stiffener cross-section geometry, and laminate stacking sequence. A global smeared model was used to calculate general instability loads. Local buckling was calculated using a Rayleigh-Ritz analysis of individual skin and stiffener segments.
Panel Optimization for Imperfections, Postbuckling and Damage Tolerance Buckling loads of thin walled composite stiffened panels are highly sensitive to geometric imperfections. It has been shown that optimization can heighten imperfection sensitivity by driving multiple modes to have similar buckling modes, thus increasing mode interactions. Researchers have investigated extensively the effect of geometric imperfections on buckling loads and have developed a variety of analysis methods and tools to incorporate imperfections into the analysis. However, there is still no good way to incorporate imperfections into design because the imperfection amplitudes and shapes of panels being designed are not known. Designers often assume worst case scenarios for the design optimization. Elseifi, Grdal, and Nikolaidis [54] developed an elliptical convex model to represent worst-case geometric imperfections. The convex model provides the imperfection corresponding to the weakest panel profile and the minimum elastic limit load. The nonlinear analysis for the panels with imperfections was performed using NLPAN. Response surfaces were used to approximate the elastic loads. This was done so as to smooth out the noise from the analysis. Two response surfaces were required (one each for positive and negative imperfection amplitudes). The results from the convex
31 model were compared to those obtained using a Monte Carlo simulation. It was shown that the convex models provide significant computational cost savings over traditional probabilistic analysis methods. Elseifi, Grdal, and Nikolaidis [55] further developed a manufacturing model for predicting imperfection profiles of composite laminate panels. The manufacturing model was successfully implemented into the optimization for postbuckling design. It was demonstrated that the laminate design influences the manufacturing imperfections in the panel. Therefore, if an arbitrary imperfection is used for designing a panel, the designed panel will have a very different imperfection when manufactured. The panel so designed will fail because the imperfection that results from manufacturing was not taken into account during the design. A closed loop design procedure, where the manufacturing model is used to obtain the imperfection mode of the designed panel, was implemented. The resulting designs were compared to those obtained using an empirical imperfection with non-linear analysis using NLPAN. The designs obtained using arbitrary or empirical imperfection could still fail at loads smaller than the design loads. Perry and Grdal [85, 86] coupled the nonlinear stiffened panel analysis program NLPAN developed by Stoll and Grdal [96] with the ADS [116] optimization routine and used it to design panels for postbuckling response. Weight minimization of stiffened panels was performed with limit point stress and strain constraints for panels with and without initial geometric imperfections. The maximum strain failure criterion was used for limiting strains in the panel segments. Results were compared with designs obtained using PASCO for buckling constraints. The weight savings were 28% for panels optimized without initial imperfection and 34% for panels optimized assuming a bowing
32 imperfection of 1% of panel length. Panels designed for buckling were more sensitive to imperfections and did not carry the design load even for small values of imperfection. Panels designed for buckling loads often have poor load carrying capabilities in the postbuckling regime due to mode interactions. Consideration of the postbuckling response in the optimization of stiffened shell structures can be greatly beneficial, and the availability of an efficient code such as NLPAN is very valuable to designers. Damage tolerance of optimized stiffened panel designs is of practical importance. Stiffened panels have been optimized for different damage scenarios such as through the thickness crack, delamination, stiffener failure and other problems. The vast majority of this work on damage tolerance has been accomplished using finite element analysis programs. Wiggenraad and Arendsen [125] have demonstrated the modeling of damage scenarios using finite strip analysis methods. The PANOPT program was used to analyze panels with damage models. Stress, buckling and postbuckling responses were obtained to enforce the damage constraints. Optimizations were performed with a single model and with multiple models that included the damage. The accuracy and effectiveness of the approach was demonstrated by validating the results from optimization with experiments.
Stiffened Panel Optimization with Finite Element Analysis Models Finite element analysis programs that use 2-D discretization (plate and shell elements) are commonly used for analysis purposes. However, fewer examples are available for finite element analysis based optimization of stiffened panels. Using finite element analysis for design optimization of stiffened panels expensive. Stiffened panel design often involves optimizing for the geometry of the shell and stiffeners, which
33 frequently requires remeshing for acceptable accuracy. The numerical noise introduced from the discretization makes it difficult to use gradient based optimization methods. Often significant time and effort are required to create analysis models and even more effort is required to implement design constraints for optimization when using FE models. However, with the availability of modern computers and advances in modeling and approximation techniques, more papers are beginning to appear that discuss optimization of stiffened panels coupled with general purpose finite element analysis software. A few examples are mentioned here. Tripathy and Rao [110] used finite element model for optimization of stiffened panels for maximum buckling strength obtained using a linear bifurcation buckling analysis. Eschenauer et al. [56] have developed new modeling techniques that minimize the effort required for adaptive mesh generation required in shape optimization of stiffened panels. More recently Vitali et al. [122, 123] have used finite element analysis for optimization, with correction response surface techniques. The methodology employs detailed finite element analysis models in tandem with the approximate low cost analysis models. A correction function is fitted to the ratio of the accurate result from the expensive analysis and less accurate analysis at a small number of points using a least square regression. The obtained correction function is used to correct the less approximate analysis. The corrected model was then used in the design optimization of stiffened panels for buckling strength [122] and crack resistance [123].
35 Computational resources, cost, and design cycle time are often limited. Compromises are required in the model, analysis and optimization complexities to meet such restrictions. The present work presents issues of the modeling and analysis complexity involved in stiffened panel design. Modeling choices and features in PANDA2 are explored. In particular, the difference in the use of closed form and discretized stiffener models in PANDA2 and the different options to account for geometric imperfections are investigated. This chapter also presents the results from optimization of metallic and composite stiffened panel concepts considered for a liquid hydrogen RLV tank. Weight efficiencies and sensitivity to geometric imperfections are compared for the different concepts. The PANDA2 Program PANDA2, developed by Bushnell [25-33] at Lockheed Palo Alto Research Laboratory, is a program for preliminary design of cylindrical composite stiffened or unstiffened panels for minimum weight or distortion. Panels can have stiffeners along one or two orthogonal directions with blade-, hat-, T-, J- or Z-shaped cross-sections. PANDA2 is also capable of analyzing panels with Z-shaped stiffeners that are attached by riveting. The riveted attachment significantly affects the buckling response of the panels. PANDA2 can also be used to analyze and optimize sandwich panels with either hexagonal core or foam core, truss core sandwich panels, and isogrid panels. The philosophy of PANDA2 is to provide at low cost optimum preliminary design of stiffened panels that experience complex and nonlinear behavior. PANDA2 uses several relatively simple models each designed to capture a specific failure mode or mechanism. PANDA2 uses a combination of approximate physical models, exact closed
36 form (finite strip type analysis) models and 1-D discrete branched shell analysis models (based on one dimensional discretization) to calculate prebuckling, buckling and postbuckling response. For details of the models see Bushnell [26], [27], and Bushnell and Bushnell [35] and [37]. PANDA2 Capabilities
Analysis Models There are five model types. The first model is based on closed form models (PANDA type, [26]) for general, local and panel buckling, bifurcation buckling of stiffener parts and rolling of stiffeners with and without participation of the skin. This model represents the buckling mode displacement components u, v, w as one-term Rayleigh-Ritz expansions. Buckling load factors are computed for each combination of modal wave number and slope of buckling nodal lines, (m,n,s), from Eq. (57) in Bushnell [26]. The second model type obtains buckling load factors and local postbuckling response from a skin-stringer panel module or repeating module model [25]. A module (Figure 3.1) includes a length of panel between rings and a cross-section of a stringer plus a portion of the panel skin of width equal to the spacing between stringers. The segments of the skin-stringer module cross-section are discretized. Buckling load factors and mode shapes are obtained via a finite difference energy formulation analogous to that used in BOSOR4 [23, 24].
Figure 3.1:
View of single module of panel with T-shaped stringer, showing layer numbering convention and discretization used.
Figure 3.2:
A repeating module of a T-shaped stiffener is shown in Figure 3.1. The panel module treats the stiffener as a branched shell assembly. Each segment of the panel module can have a different laminate. The exploded view of the panel module in Figure 3.1 shows the node numbering used in the discretized analysis as well as the convention of layer numbering (stacking sequence specification). The numbers in parentheses in the exploded view indicate the segment and node numbers. Symmetry boundary conditions are used at Segment 1, Node 1 and Segment 5, Node 11. The variation of deflections in the direction transverse to the discretization plane (normal to the plane of the paper) is assumed to be harmonic. This discretized model is similar to that used in BOSOR4 for analysis of shells of revolution [24]. The PANDA2 model for stiffened panels is valid
38 only when there are more than two repeating elements as shown in Figure 3.2. Panels with a single stiffener cannot be handled using PANDA2. The single module gives good approximations for local skin buckling, wide column buckling, and buckling of stiffener parts. In the third model, the entire width of the panel is discretized. The stiffeners are smeared out. This model is used to capture the effect of loads that vary along the width of the panel or to capture the prebuckling behavior of flat panels if normal pressure is present. Stresses and displacements calculated from this model are used for buckling analyses. The fourth model [33] is analogous to the discretized skin-stringer module of the second model. In the fourth model, the ring cross-section is discretized and a segment of panel skin with smeared stringers equal to the spacing between rings is also discretized. Buckling load factors and mode shapes are obtained via the finite difference energy formulation that is used in BOSOR4 [24]. The model is useful in obtaining inter-ring buckling loads, ring segment buckling loads, and prebuckling displacement along the meridional length. The fifth model [33] is analogous to the first model. This model is based on a double trigonometric series expansion of the buckling modal displacement components, u, v, w. This model is especially useful for panels in which in-plane shear loading plays a significant role or the panel has significant anisotropic terms, that is, terms that govern coupling between normal and shear stress and moment resultants. PANDA2 performs the buckling analysis using closed form solutions [26] or 1-D discrete models (e.g., Figure 3.1) [25, 33]. The type of analysis used in optimizations is
39 chosen by setting the value of the IQUICK flag in the mainsetup processor execution. When IQUICK=1, closed form solutions (Models 1 and 5) are used for the buckling analysis. The discretized BOSOR4 type model of the repeating skin-stringer module (Model 2) is included in the buckling analysis when IQUICK=0. The 1-D skin-ring discrete module (Model 4) in the length direction is used to calculate inter-ring buckling analysis with both IQUICK= 0 and IQUICK=1. The analysis performed with the 1-D skin-stringer discrete module is computationally more expensive and is not available for all types of stiffeners.
Analysis Procedure Bushnell describes the analysis features of PANDA2 in detail in references [2633]. However, for the sake of convenience some of the essential features of the analysis are summarized here. The analysis summary includes calculation of constitutive relations, equilibrium behavior, and buckling analysis. The constitutive relations are developed in stages and account for general laminated components of each segment of a module. The constitutive matrix [C] is a 6x6 matrix that relates the reference surface strains and changes in curvature and twist to the force and moment stress resultants. PANDA2 computes the integrated constitutive law for each segment of a panel module. In addition, thermal resultants and strains from curing and from applied thermal loading are calculated for each segment. For stiffened panels, a smeared stiffener theory is used and an integrated equivalent constitutive matrix Cs is computed for the smeared approximation. The tangent stiffness of the locally buckled skin Ctan is also computed in PANDA2. In case of stiffened panels with locally
40 buckled skin, the reduced stiffness for the smeared model due to local buckling Cstan is computed using Ctan for the panel skin between the stiffeners. The prebuckling analysis of PANDA2 includes the membrane and, if the panel is cylindrical, axisymmetric bending effects, using nonlinear or linear analysis for response to pressure loads. The prebuckling analysis uses a smeared model of the global model and a discrete model for the response of a single panel module. In a ring-stiffened shell, the models used for prebuckling analysis calculate stresses at the mid-bay and at ringweb intersection in order to obtain buckling loads. The overall static response of the global model (smeared) and the local static response of the panel module are combined together to get the total state due to applied pressure. Strain and stress resultant distributions in all panel modules are determined using (i) all loads except normal pressure and (ii) only normal pressure load. The effect of bowing of the panel due to curing, applied thermal loads, normal pressure and edge moments is included along with initial geometric imperfections in the form of general, inter-ring and local buckling loads. An out-of-roundness (ovalization) type imperfection is also included. Stresses are calculated for all layers of each segment in the material direction. The stress states of the panel module are calculated either for an unbuckled or postbuckled state, whichever is applicable. Tensile forces in parts of the stiffener web that tend to pull the web from the panel are calculated to provide safety against stiffener-skin separation. Von Mises stress criterion or maximum stress criterion can be chosen for isotropic materials. For composite materials, maximum stress criterion is used for ply failure. PANDA2 also models transverse ply cracking. The transverse stiffness of plies that have exceeded the allowable stress is reduced to zero to account for transverse ply cracking.
41 PANDA2 computes buckling load factors using closed form solutions (called PANDA type [26]) for general instability, local buckling of the panel skin, local buckling of stiffener segments, rolling of stiffeners with and without stiffener participation. General instability is predicted using a model in which the stiffeners are smeared out as prescribed by Baruch and Singer [18]. The local instability load is also obtained using a discrete model (Figure 3.1) of a single module along either the circumferential or axial direction. The discretized model is also used for calculating wide column bucking. The discretized model accounts for local bending of the skin and deformation of the stiffener parts in the wide column buckling mode. These details cannot be captured using the smeared model. PANDA2 also allows design optimization of panels with local postbuckling. The theory used in PANDA2 for postbuckling is similar to that formulated by Koiter for panels loaded into the far postbuckling regime [71]. Local skin postbuckling is captured in PANDA2 [29] by the second model, the discretized skin-stringer repeating module. PANDA2 subroutines, PANEL and STAGSMODEL, can generate input files for more detailed BOSOR4 [26, 33] and STAGS [34, 90] analysis. This provides the user with an easy way to check the final optimum using more rigorous analysis models.
Analysis and Design with Effects of Initial Imperfections Shape imperfections greatly affect the load carrying capacity of cylindrical shells under axial compression. However, it is often difficult or impossible to choose a priori an imperfection shape for design optimization of the shell structure. A considerable amount of research has been done in the area of imperfections. Stochastic approaches to account for the effect of imperfections on panel instability have been developed [46, 54, 74].
42 These methods are expensive to use and require a database of imperfections based on the manufacturing process. More recently, manufacturing models have been proposed to predict manufacturing induced geometric imperfections [55]. PANDA2 considers a variety of modal imperfections, such as global, local, interring, and out-of-roundness imperfection [35, 37]. A user supplied imperfection amplitude is applied to the corresponding critical buckling mode shape of the panel. For cylindrical panels, the imperfections affect the buckling load factors calculated by closed form solutions directly by changing the effective radius of the shell. Additionally, global or bowing imperfections affect the distributions of the prebuckling stress resultants over the various segments of the panel, which in turn affects the buckling loads. PANDA2 calculates knockdown factors to reduce buckling loads due to imperfections. The buckling loads are calculated for general instability (skin, stringers, rings all buckle together, smeared), inter-ring buckling (skin and stringers buckle between rings), and local buckling (skin buckles between adjacent stringers and rings). The knockdown factors are calculated using closed form solutions of both perfect and imperfect cylindrical panels, in which the imperfections (global, inter-ring, local and outof-roundness) are used to reduce the radius of curvature of the portion of the panel used, thereby reducing the buckling loads. Imperfections also cause stress redistribution due to prebuckling bending caused by the load eccentricity in initially imperfect panels. More details of the implementation can be obtained from Bushnell and Bushnell [35, 37]. The knockdown factors are reduced further by the ratio Arbocz/PANDA for the perfect panel if the ratio is less than unity. Arbocz theory [9] accounts for the induced prebuckling membrane hoop compression generated in a cylindrical shell with axisymmetric
43 imperfections subjected to uniform axial compression. More details of the Arbocz theory implementation in PANDA2 can be found in Bushnell [30]. In practice, since the shapes of the initial imperfections are unknown (buckling modes), it is difficult for the user to judge whether or not the chosen imperfection amplitude is reasonable. Use of a fixed value for the imperfection amplitude can lead to non-conservative or over-conservative designs. To overcome this, PANDA2 provides an option to automatically adjust the value of the buckling modal imperfection amplitude supplied to the program. PANDA2 reduces the value of the imperfection amplitude that it judges to be larger than that which would be easily detectable by the most casual inspection. For a given value of imperfection amplitude, imperfection shapes with shorter (axial and circumferential) wavelength are more easily detectable than imperfection shapes with long wavelengths because the high curvatures are easily detected. PANDA2 reduces the imperfection amplitude to a value that will give no more than 0.1 radians wall rotation if the user selects the option to adjust imperfection amplitudes. This option is used in the present design optimizations of panels with imperfections. PANDA2 applies the given amplitudes to the shape of the critical buckling modes for general, inter-ring, and local buckling models. The shapes of the imperfections change during optimization as the critical buckling mode changes. The out-of-roundness does not have wavelength and therefore stays the same. The buckling mode and the corresponding number of half-waves is determined from closed form solution [26]. For discrete models, the local buckling mode is predicted from the single skin-stringer module; the inter-ring buckling mode is predicted from the single skin-ring module, where skin denotes skin with smeared stringers.
44 The buckling mode is introduced in the imperfection sensitivity analysis as a harmonic function of the x and y coordinates and the unknown number of half-waves m (axial) and n (circumferential) [26]. The amplitude of the harmonic function is set to the modal imperfection amplitude (provided by the user and possibly adjusted by PANDA2). The strains are then calculated as the sum of two distinct contributions: the strain induced by the applied loads acting on the perfect shell and the strains induced by amplification of the modal imperfection shape during loading. Then the stresses and the resultant redistributed stress resultants are calculated using the stress-strain relation. The buckling analysis is carried out for the imperfect structure with closed form solutions [26] or 1-D discrete models [25, 33]. Designing shell structures without considering the effects of initial imperfections can lead to critical designs. Initial imperfections have two effects. First, they reduce the effective radius of curvature of cylindrical panels leading to lower buckling loads. Second, they give rise to prebuckling bending which leads to local increases in destabilizing stress resultants in parts of the segmented structure. The wide column buckling model ignores curvature and calculates the column buckling failure load. The wide column buckling model compensates for the first effect and can be used as an alternative to designing without imperfections. However, there are significant modal interaction effects in flat panels that are not captured by the wide column buckling model (see Van der Neut [113]). A comparison of designs obtained without imperfections to those obtained with wide column buckling and with imperfections is presented in the Modeling Issues section in this chapter.
45 Optimization Capabilities PANDA2 can analyze and optimize panels with up to five different load sets that are combinations of in-plane loads, edge moments, normal pressure and temperature gradients. Design constraints include general, local, and stiffener buckling; lateral displacement under pressure; and stress failure (in plies). PANDA2 can optimize stiffener spacing, cross-sectional dimensions, ply thicknesses and orientation angles of the laminates. The PANDA2 optimization is performed using the gradient based ADS optimization subroutine developed by Vanderplaats [116]. PANDA2 performs gradient based optimization and therefore can use continuous design variables. Optimum designs obtained with continuous values for ply thicknesses are not practical as they have to be integer multiples of the commercially available tape or pre-preg ply thicknesses. . Rounding ply thicknesses often results in sub-optimal designs. Hence, ply thickness of the preliminary optimum designs were rounded to the nearest integer ply thickness value and re-optimized again for the other design variables (excluding ply thickness variables). PANDA2 uses the method of feasible directions [116] for constrained optimization. The line search (gradient based) is controlled by the PANDAOPT processor of PANDA2. PANDAOPT performs successive line searches with a new search direction vector calculated at the new design points. The gradient vector required to obtain the search direction is calculated from a forward finite difference calculation. In order to ensure convergence, the move limit is reduced by 50% after each successive iteration. The iterations are stopped when the line search converges to an optimum or when the number of iterations has reached the user-specified maximum. Bushnell [25] recommends that a small number of iterations be used in each PANDAOPT execution
46 and that many PANDAOPT executions be performed to obtain an optimum. However, for cases where the constraints are highly oscillatory, the user should specify a large number of iterations in PANDAOPT to ensure convergence. PANDA2 also has the capability to perform global optimization [30] with the use of the SUPEROPT processor. The global optimization strategy of PANDA2 is based on automated random multiple restarts of gradient based (line) searches to locate the global optimum. SUPEROPT performs a user specified number of PANDAOPT executions with an intermittent restart (AUTOCHANGE process). A total of 275 iterations (line searches) are performed for each SUPEROPT execution. The AUTOCHANGE process of PANDA2 randomly changes the vector of design variables (Item 51 of [25]). The AUTOCHANGE processor changes the design variables as follows: yi = xi (1 + xi ), i = 1,2,3,..., number of design variables (3.1)
in which xi is the old value of the ith design variable, yi is the new value and xi is the relative change in the value of the variable, and takes a random value between -0.5 and 1.5 (except for stiffener spacing, where a range between 1.0 and 1.0 is used). The perturbed design then provides a new initial point for the optimization. Bushnell recommends that initial panel optimization in PANDA2 be performed with closed form solutions (IQUICK=1) to locate a near optimal design with small computational effort. The obtained results must be analyzed using discrete models (of stringer-skin module in IQUICK=0 option), and if they are not satisfactory, optimized again using the IQUICK=0 option. The recommended practice is useful because the discretized solutions can result in discontinuous behavior at the critical loads because the
47 failure mechanisms change significantly when small perturbations are made to the design. Such changes in failure mechanisms cause problems for gradient based optimization. Another advantage of using the IQUICK=1 option is that when geometric imperfections (in the shape of critical modes) are included in the design, the analysis estimates stresses and buckling loads for different combinations of positive and negative imperfection amplitudes. The IQUICK=0 option requires the designer to add new load cases that have different combinations of the positive and negative imperfection amplitudes. Modeling general and inter-ring imperfection with both positive and negative signs therefore results in four different load cases. Optimum designs obtained using IQUICK=0 and IQUICK=1 are compared in the Modeling Issues section. The required computation (CPU) time is also presented for the optimizations. Computers have become faster and cheaper than they were at the time when PANDA2 was initially developed. It appears that with the availability of faster computers, the user should use the IQUICK=0 option whenever possible Papers comparing PANDA2 analysis and design optimization results using either the STAGS program [34] or experiments have been published. Bushnell and Bushnell [36] optimized composite stiffened panels under combined loads and verified the optimized designs using STAGS. Bushnell et al. [38] also validated PANDA2 designs with experiments. The Modeling Issues section presents finite element analysis verification of panels optimized using PANDA2. The most challenging task in stiffened shell optimization is the selection of appropriate modeling, theories and design constraints. Programs such as PANDA2
48 partially automate this task and thereby serve as an expert system for stiffened shell design. Reusable Launch Vehicle Propellant Tank Design Unlike expendable launch vehicles, reusable launch vehicles (RLV) have tanks that are an integral part of the vehicle structure. RLVs require extra fuel to carry the tank structures through the entire mission. It is hence of paramount importance to reduce the structural weight of the tanks. Selection of structural concepts for RLV tanks is therefore driven primarily by minimum weight design. In the present work, different stiffened cylindrical panels were optimized for use in the liquid hydrogen tank of RLVs. The minimum weight structure is obtained for given loads and is designed with buckling, strength (stress failure), and strain constraints.
Figure 3.3:
The RLV considered here is a lifting body (see Figure 3.3) which has a circular tank structure with wings attached. The radius of the tank is 160 inches. The cylindrical portion of the tank is manufactured in short barrel sections and assembled to form the
49 entire tank. The attachment line between the barrel sections has a substantial ring frame. For the preliminary design trade studies, a barrel length of 300 inches was used. The cylinder geometry is modeled with different longitudinal (stringers) and circumferential (ring) stiffeners.
Table 3.1:
Panel concepts, stiffener locations, and materials considered for the RLV liquid hydrogen tank design
Panel Type Stringers Internal Internal blade isogrid Internal blade stiffeners N/A N/A Hat-shaped corrugation External N/A N/A External corrugated skin Internal Internal N/A External Internal Internal N/A Rings External External J-rings Material Al-2219 T87 Al-2219 T87 Al-2219 T87 Ti-6Al-4V Ti-6Al-4V Ti-6Al-4V IM7/977-2 IM7/977-2 IM7/977-2 IM7/977-2
Aluminum T-Stringer and J-rings Aluminum isogrid stiffened panel Aluminum orthogrid stiffened panel Titanium symmetric sandwich - T rings Titanium asymmetric sandwich - T rings Titanium truss core sandwich Composite T stringer and T rings Composite symmetric sandwich T rings Composite asymmetric sandwich T rings Composite truss core sandwich
The design concepts, stiffener location, and materials used in the design of RLV liquid hydrogen (cylindrical) tanks are shown in Table 3.1. The selection of stiffener types and their positioning (external vs. internal) is based on manufacturing consideration, type of thermal protection system (TPS), and the TPS attachment method used for the vehicle. Both metallic and composite panels were designed. Material properties are given in Appendix A. The aluminum and titanium alloys used for metallic
50 concepts had the same specific stiffness, but the titanium alloy had 45% higher specific strength. The composite material used was the IM7/977-2 graphite epoxy system. Composite panels were optimized with fixed lay-ups, or with some ply thicknesses included as design variables. Table 3.2 shows the laminates used in the optimization and the ply thicknesses that were used as variables. The laminate thickness bounds are also shown. Skin laminate thickness of stiffened panels (thickness of inner facesheets in the case of sandwich) was required to be at least 12 plies (0.06 inch thick) in order to avoid the liquid hydrogen permeation.
Table 3.2:
Wall Wall Stiffeners Stiffeners Stiffeners Inner facesheet Outer facesheet Wall
[(+65/-65)3]S [+45/903/-45/03/-45/903/45]T [+45/-45/0n/-45/+45/0m]S [+45/-45/0n/-45/+45/0m]S [+45/90 n /-45/0 m]S [+45n1/90n2/-45n3/0m]S [+45n1/90n2/-45n3/0m]S [(+65/-65)3]S [+45/-45/0n/-45/+45/0m]S [+45/90 n /-45/0 m]S [(+65/-65)3]S
In the design, 0.005 in thick plies were used and lay-ups were chosen so that no more than four contiguous plies have the same orientation (n, n1, n2 and n3 in Table 3.2 can be up to 4 while m is limited to 2 due to symmetry). Continuous optimization of ply thicknesses was performed first. A new optimization was performed after rounding the
51 ply thicknesses to an integer multiple of 0.005 inch (thickness of pre-preg plies used). This strategy was applied to all the composite panel concepts studied in this work.
Stiffening Concepts, Geometry and Design Variables PANDA2 analysis uses a single repeating element module along the longitudinal and circumferential directions. Figure 3.4 shows the stiffeners that were used in the optimizations. The isogrid and the stringer-stiffened panels have external J-rings in order to provide attachments for the TPS. Internal rings were used for the sandwich case because the foam type insulation used requires a smooth outer surface.
Stiffener top flange Stiffener web Skin Stiffener bottom flange
Figure 3.4:
Table 3.3 lists the design variables for stringer-ring stiffened panels. The upper and lower bounds are also provided. Design variable bounds for composite panels are shown in parentheses only when they differ from the corresponding bounds used for metallic panels. This notation will be used in the rest of the paper. Aluminum isogrid panel (see Figure 3.5) has blade stiffeners that delimit equilateral triangles. In this study, the isogrid has stiffeners running along the circumferential direction because the load cases considered produce substantial hoop stresses. In addition to the internal isogrid stiffeners, the panel also has external J-ring
52 stiffeners for attaching the TPS. The design variables and their bounds are described in Table 3.4. Aluminum orthogrid panels have blade stiffeners that run along the longitudinal and circumferential directions, as shown in Figure 3.6. Design variable linking is used to maintain identical stiffener cross-section along the longitudinal and circumferential directions. However, stiffener spacings are not linked. The design variables and their bounds are listed in Table 3.5.
Axial Circumferential
Figure 3.5: Cylinder with internal isogrid and external rings, circumferential Isogrid pattern
x x y y
Figure 3.6:
53 Table 3.3: Design variables and bounds (in inches) used in the optimization of stringer-ring stiffened panels (Values shown in parantheses correspond to composite panels when different from metallic designs)
J-stiffener ring geometry variables Description ring spacing width of ring bottom flange height of ring width of ring top flange skin thickness ring bottom flange thickness ring web thickness ring top flange thickness Lower bound 10 (12) 0.4 (1.5) 2 0.4 1.5 0.08 (0.06) 0.05 (0.055) Upper bound 30 (36) 3.0 (2.5) 4 (3.0) 2.5 0.25 (0.06) 0.25 (0.10)
T-stiffener stringer geometry variables Description stringer spacing width of stringer bottom flange height of stringer width of stringer top flange skin thickness stringer bottom flange thickness stringer web thickness stringer top flange thickness Lower bound 5.0 0.4 (1.0) 1.0 0.4 (1.0) 0.08 (0.06) 0.05 (0.055) Upper bound 30.0 3.0 2.0 3.0 0.25 (0.06) 0.25 (0.10)
Table 3.4:
Design variables and bounds (in inches) used in the optimization of aluminum isogrid stiffened panels
Description Skin thickness Isogrid module size (spacing) Isogrid web height Isogrid web thickness ring spacing Width of ring bottom flange Height of ring Width of ring top flange Thickness of ring bottom flange Thickness of ring web Thickness of ring top flange Lower bound 0.08 10 1 0.03 30 0.4 2 0.3 0.03 0.03 0.03 Upper bound 0.25 25 5 0.25 120 4 5 3 0.25 0.25 0.25
54 Table 3.5: Design variables and bounds (in inches) used in the optimization of aluminum orthogrid stiffened panels
Description Stringer spacing Ring spacing Height of stringer Skin thickness Thickness of stiffener bottom flange Thickness of stiffener web Lower bound 5.0 5.0 1.0 0.08 0.05 0.05 Upper bound 20.0 60.0 2.0 0.25 0.25 0.25
W - direction
t c=0.002 inch
L - direction
Figure 3.7:
Table 3.6:
Design variables and bounds (in inches) used in the optimization of honeycomb core sandwich panels
Description Lower bound 0.001 (0.06 internal; 0.035 external) 0.25 30 (10) 1.5 2 1.5 0.01 (0.035) 0.01 (0.035) 0.01 (0.035) 0.125 0.002 Upper bound 0.1 (0.14) 2 120 2.5 4 2.5 0.25 (0.1) 0.25 (0.1) 0.25 (0.1) 0.375 0.002
Facesheet thickness Core thickness Ring spacing Ring bottom flange width Ring height Ring top flange width Ring bottom flange thickness Ring web thickness Ring top flange thickness Honeycomb core cell diameter Thickness of hex-cell wall
55 Ring stiffened sandwich panels with titanium or composite facesheets having an (expanded ribbon) honeycomb hexagonal core made of Titanium (Ti-6Al-4V) and brazed to the facesheets were also studied. Manufacturing imposes a constraint that the core cell wall (tc) has to be at least 0.002 inch. PANDA2 can size the core diameter and cell wall thickness. A typical sandwich laminate and a transverse section of its hexagonal honeycomb core are shown in Figure 3.7. The design variables and their bounds are listed in Table 3.6. Panels were optimized using a value of 10-3 for the ratio of initial facesheet waviness to facesheet wrinkling half-wavelength, as recommended for panels of good quality [31].
Upper skin
Lower skin
Figure 3.8:
Sandwich panels were designed with both fixed and varying core thickness. The sandwich core for fixed thickness may add to the weight of the panel. However, the increased thickness gives higher insulation capacity for the wall construction and can result in total weight savings from the reduced external insulation required for the hydrogen tank. Therefore, for RLV tank designs, core weight is not considered as structural weight but as insulation weight. In this study, for structural design comparisons, this weight is part of the panel weight. Asymmetric sandwich wall constructions were also investigated. To minimize hydrogen permeation internal facesheets were required to have a minimum thickness of
56 12 plies. Since the outer facesheet was not required to have the 12-ply thickness, optimizations were performed for asymmetric sandwich constructions. In order to provide comparisons to the composite designs, similar optimizations were also performed for the titanium honeycomb core panels. The metallic truss core panel is a corrugated panel with smooth face sheets and is designed using the titanium alloy to keep it consistent with metallic sandwich concepts. The schematic of the truss core concept as treated in PANDA2 is shown in Figure 3.8. The design variables and their bounds are listed in Table 3.7.
Table 3.7:
Design variables and bounds (in inches) used in the optimization of truss core sandwich panels
Description Pitch Length of the contact segment skin-web Height Thickness of lower skin Thickness of web Thickness of upper skin Web or corrugation angle Lower bound 1.0 0.2 0.5 0.01 (0.06) 0.01 (0.035) 0.01 45 Upper bound 5.0 1 1.5 0.1 (0.06) 0.1 (0.1) 0.1 45
Design Loads and Safety Margins Only a small number of load cases are used for preliminary design optimizations. In the present study two loading conditions were selected: (i) Internal proof pressure of 35 psi; (ii) Axial compressive load Nx = 1000 lb/in, with an internal (stabilizing) pressure of 5 psi. The selected load cases were the most critical for stress failure and bucking failure, respectively.
57 The following safety margins were used in the optimization: general buckling safety factor of 1.4; all other buckling and stress safety factors equal to 1.2. Stress margins are calculated using the Von Mises stress criterion for metallic alloys and maximum stress failure for composite materials. In case of metals, stress margins are calculated taking the yield stress as stress limit. See Appendix A for stress limits. For the present design study, the general buckling load factor is higher than the local buckling load factor. This implies that the panel can undergo local buckling before it fails in general buckling mode. Local buckling results in softening of the skin, increase in stresses, and amplification of initial imperfections, thereby reducing the general buckling load. PANDA2 is capable of capturing the effects of local buckling on general instability for panels with stringers or both stringers and rings. Local postbuckling analysis is performed with the use of a discretized stringer-skin module (IQUICK=0) in PANDA2. This model ignores the curvature of the stiffened shell. Therefore, PANDA2 local postbuckling analysis cannot be used for deeply curved shells. In addition, the discretized analysis (IQUICK=0) is not available for shells without stringers. In the present study, stringer-ring stiffened panels optimized with effects of local buckling on general instability were compared with panels designed with safety factors applied to buckling loads from linear analyses. These results are presented in the next section. However, local postbuckling was not permitted in panels that were optimized for comparing the different stiffened panel concepts.
58 Modeling Issues With PANDA2 employing a variety of approximate models, one may ask what are the effects of the approximations. In addition, PANDA2 offers the user the choice between more approximate and faster analyses (IQUICK=1) and accurate and slower analyses (IQUICK=0). The choice could depend on the required accuracy and computational effort. The PANDA2 accuracy issues have been addressed by Bushnell [34] and his coworkers [38]. Here, the effect of the different approximations and modeling choices available in PANDA2 on optimum stiffened panel designs are investigated. PANDA2 analysis results are also compared with results from detailed finite element analysis models.
Comparison of PANDA2, BOSOR4 and STAGS Analysis Models PANDA2, BOSOR4, and STAGS represent programs in increasing order of modeling fidelity, model time preparation, and computational expense. The PANDA2 1-D discretized models [20, 34] are similar to those developed for the BOSOR4 program. However, unlike the BOSOR4 program in which the entire shell along one direction can be modeled, PANDA2 assumes a repeating pattern for the stiffeners and therefore uses only a single repeating (skin and stiffener) module with appropriate boundary conditions. BOSOR4 is an energy-based discrete analysis method where the model is discretized along the meridian of a shell of revolution. BOSOR4 can also be used for prismatic structures such as stiffened panels [25]. For axisymmetric geometry and loads, BOSOR4 can obtain very accurate solutions. The 1-D discrete models in PANDA2 are based on BOSOR4 analysis models.
59 Using non-linear 2-D finite element models provides a more detailed analysis of stiffened shells. Finite element analysis allows the designer to model the shell structure and support conditions more accurately. However, the cost of analysis and modeling increases sharply with addition of such details. A variety of commercial finite element programs are available to users. In the present study the STAGS program [4, 90] was used. STAGS is a finite element code for general-purpose nonlinear static and dynamic analysis of shell structures of arbitrary shape and complexity. Its capabilities include stress, stability, vibration and transient analysis using both material and geometric nonlinearities. The element independent fully co-rotational procedure [89] implemented in STAGS allows large rotations required for nonlinear analysis. In addition,
incorporation of the Riks arc-following algorithm [93] permits STAGS to analyze stiffened panels in the nonlinear regime. Three examples are used here to illustrate the accuracy and computational effort of PANDA2 analysis. The examples chosen to investigate PANDA2 analysis are a stringer stiffened plate, a cylindrical stringer-ring stiffened panel, and a cylindrical honeycomb core sandwich panel with ring stiffeners. The second and third examples are panels designed for the reusable launch vehicle liquid hydrogen tank. Optimized stiffened panel designs are chosen, as it is known that optimizers often exploit model/analysis weaknesses and obtain poor designs. The first example is the analysis of a T-stiffened flat panel with three stringers optimized for minimum weight and designed to resist buckling under a compressive axial load of 1000 lb/in. The predicted buckling loads and corresponding computational times required by PANDA2, BOSOR4, and STAGS are compared in Table 3.8. The results
60 demonstrate the accuracy of PANDA2 for regularly stiffened panel structures under uniform loads and gives evidence of its high computational efficiency. Figure 3.9 shows the buckling mode shapes from BOSOR4 and STAGS. A more significant difference that cannot be quantified is the effort required to generate the analysis models. PANDA2 has implemented in its library a variety of routines for the different stiffened panel models with the design constraints necessary to prevent generation of poor designs. The implementations of such constraints for use with general-purpose finite element programs would require substantial investment of time by the designer.
Table 3.8:
Buckling loads and analysis time for PANDA2, BOSOR4 and STAG models for an optimized stringer stiffened plate.
PANDA2 BOSOR4 0.7821 STAGS 0.7848
Figure 3.9:
Comparison of the buckling mode shapes obtained with BOSOR4 and STAGS
The second example is an aluminum stringer-ring stiffened panel optimized using PANDA2 with imperfections (Column 3, Table B.1 in Appendix-B). The stringer-ring stiffened panel was modeled in detail, with stringers and rings modeled using branched shell assembly. A one-quarter finite element model (MSC/NASTRAN [8]) of the cylinder with symmetry boundary conditions applied to the structure was used for the linear
61 bifurcation buckling analysis. The NASTRAN finite element analysis program was chosen for the stringer-ring-stiffened panel, as it had a more user-friendly preprocessor than STAGS. Linear bifurcation buckling loads were obtained for a uniform axial compression load of 600 lb/inch. The third example chosen for verification with STAGS, is the symmetric titanium sandwich panel (symmetric thick core) optimized using PANDA2 with imperfections (Column 5, Table B.6 in Appendix-B). The sandwich walls were modeled using the first order shear deformable shell elements (480 elements) in STAGS. To reduce the computations, symmetry was used, and only one half of the cylinder was modeled. The ring stiffeners were modeled as branched shell elements (as opposed to approximating them with beam elements). An axial compression load case with Nx = -1000 lb/in and 5 psi internal pressure was used for the analysis. A linear bifurcation buckling analysis was performed. The critical mode shape obtained from linear analysis was used as an initial imperfection with amplitude of 0.8 inch (0.5% of cylinder radius) to obtain the limit buckling load from a non-linear analysis.
Figure 3.10: Critical buckling mode for the cylindrical stringer-ring stiffened panel
Figure 3.11: Mode shape for limit buckling of composite sandwich cylinder
Table 3.9:
Comparison of buckling load factors obatined from PANDA2 and Finite element analysis for cylindrical panels optimized using PANDA2
Concept PANDA2 1.2 (+10%) 4.224 (-8%) 1.251 (-20%) Finite Element Analysis 1.07 (NASTRAN) 4.576 (STAGS) 1.562 (STAGS)
Cylindrical stringer-ring stiffened panel (analyzed without imperfections) Cylindrical sandwich panel with T-rings (analyzed without imperfections) Cylindrical sandwich panel with T-rings (analyzed with global imperfections)
Table 3.9 shows the results of the finite element analysis (NASTRAN or STAGS) and compares it to the PANDA2 analysis results. For stringer-ring stiffened panels PANDA2 results were about 10% higher from the finite element analysis results. The lower value of finite element analysis results was due to buckling at the supports. For stringer-ring stiffened panels PANDA2 optimizes using conditions at the ring and midbay between rings. Panels exhibit localized bending at end supports where they will need
63 extra stiffening. Figure 3.10 shows the critical buckling mode shape of the stiffened panel. The buckling failure mode is local. For sandwich panels the buckling load predicted using PANDA2 analysis is lower than that obtained from STAGS finite element analysis. Results are compared for linear buckling analysis of a perfect structure and nonlinear analysis of the shell with a global imperfection amplitude of 0.8 inch. The imperfection shape used in STAGS analysis was the first critical buckling mode shape obtained from the linear analysis with amplitude of 0.8. The difference is 8% for linear analysis and 20% for nonlinear analysis with imperfections. The reasons for the larger difference for the second case is be partly due to the difference in the imperfections used for the buckling analysis and the conservative approach PANDA2 takes in dealing with imperfections. The buckling mode shape predicted by PANDA2 (general buckling with 11 axial halfwaves) was in good agreement with the mode shapes obtained from the STAGS linear and nonlinear (Figure 3.11) analyses. To summarize, three examples were presented. The first example, a flat stringer stiffened panel that can be modeled almost identically in PANDA2 and STAGS, showed excellent agreement in buckling loads calculated using the two programs. The PANDA2 model cannot capture the details at the end supports for the second example, a composite stringer-ring stiffened panel, and therefore resulted in small differences in the predicted buckling loads. The difference in buckling loads of the sandwich ring-stiffened panel (example three) is attributed to three factors: the conservative knockdown factors applied for transverse shear correction, the conservative approach PANDA2 takes to account for
64 effect of imperfections, and the differences in the initial imperfections used in the analysis models in the two programs.
Comparison of Designs Obtained Using PANDA2 Analysis for IQUICK=0 and 1 Table 3.10 presents the optimized weights of aluminum and composite stringerring stiffened cylindrical panels designed for the RLV tank.
Table 3.10:
Panel concept
Stiffener weight fraction % Stringers Rings 6.84 5.43 7.59 23.30 23.64 23.43 5.91 7.78 5.70 17.10 16.46 16.61
Aluminum stringer and ring stiffened Composite stringer and ring stiffened
Table 3.11:
Critical margins of design obtained optimized using IQUICK=1 and analyzed using IQUICK=0
Without imperfections Critical margin % Failure mode With imperfections Critical margin % -0.1 Failure mode
Stringer web and top flange buckling Local buckling General buckling
2.0 3.5
65 Optimum designs are obtained with and without initial imperfections. Stringerring stiffened panels resulted in almost equal weights for the optimum designs obtained using IQUICK=1 and IQUICK=0 analyses. The aluminum stringer-ring stiffened panel without imperfections that resulted in lower weight also violated the buckling constraints in IQUICK=0 analysis. For composite panels, there were no constraint violations (Table 3.11). The weights were almost identical. Optimum designs obtained using IQUICK=1 analysis exhibited small violations of buckling and stress constraints. The designs obtained from global optimization (SUPEROPT) with IQUICK=1 analysis were re-optimized locally (PANDAOPT) with IQUICK=0 analysis. The final designs obtained are shown in Table 3.10 on rows indicated with IQUICK flag value of 1-0. The re-optimized designs satisfied all
constraints and had weights very similar to those obtained using IQUICK-0 analysis. The small differences in the case of composite designs arise from the re-optimizations performed after rounding ply thicknesses to discrete values. It appears that the IQUICK=1 analysis is sufficiently accurate to use for preliminary optimizations. Designs should, however, be analyzed and reoptimized using IQUICK=0 models whenever possible to ensure that there are no small violations or optimization failures.
Optimization of Panels with Local Postbuckling Effects Safety factors were used in the design of panels for the RLV tank design for the stability and stress constraints. Factors of safety equal to 1.2 and 1.4 were applied to the local and general buckling load factors, respectively. In design of stiffened shell structures, it is typical to have a lower safety factor for local buckling compared to
66 general buckling failure. This is because local buckling of the skin or wall often does not significantly affect the structural integrity of the aircraft wing or launch vehicle structure. However, using safety factors for buckling constraints can lead to critical designs. The design constraints are calculated from the buckling load factors obtained using service loads and the specified safety factors. PANDA2 has separate models to capture local and general buckling failure modes. The buckling loads are obtained independently and used as design constraints with different safety factors.
Table 3.12:
The rationale of linear behavior of the structure, on which safety factors are based, does not hold true in the case of buckling of stiffened shell structures in which local buckling is allowed. Local buckling of the shell wall reduces the effective stiffness
67 of the structure. The reduced stiffness of the structure will result in general buckling failure at a load somewhat lower than the design load factor applied to it. Furthermore, the local buckling also generates additional stresses near local buckling creases that can lead to stress failure and other local instabilities such as buckling of stringer segments at load factors possibly well below those used in the design. It is therefore recommended that the shell be designed for the ultimate load it will need to withstand and correctly account for postbuckling response if the local buckling load is lower than the general buckling failure load. PANDA2 is capable of capturing the effects of local buckling on general instability for panels with stringers and panels with both stringers and rings. The IQUICK=0 (discrete) analysis model is used. However, the loads applied in the PANDA2 analysis must be set equal to the desired value of the general buckling load. The local buckling load factor will then have a value of less than one, (e.g., 1.2/1.4 in the case of RLV tank design). Three panels (namely metallic stringer-ring stiffened panel [Table B.1]), orthogrid stiffened panel [Table B.3] and composite stringer-ring stiffened panel [Table C.1] that were optimized without permitting local postbuckling) are chosen for analysis with postbuckling. The panels were designed with initial imperfections included in the analysis model. Table 3.12 shows the maximum stress and buckling load of the designs analyzed with an ultimate load of Nx=-1400 lb/inch and internal pressure of 5 psi, with local postbuckling permitted. In the present study a stress safety factor of 1.0 is used for analysis with ultimate loads.
68 Table 3.13: Comparison of aluminum stringer-ring stiffened panel designs optimized with and without local postbuckling effects
Design obtained without local postbuckling 7.764 1.927 1.065 (0.071) 0.400 (0.050) 30.00 2.000 0.584 (0.104) 0.436 (0.050) 0.097 0.050 0.050 1.840 19.32 5.30 Design obtained with local postbuckling 7.287 2.000 1.107 (0.078) 0.400 (0.050) 30.00 2.141 0.686 (0.122) 0.474 (0.054) 0.096 0.053 0.050 1.915 (4.1%) 22.02 5.42 Design obtained with local factor=1.4 6.545 1.936 1.037 (0.071) 0.400 (0.050) 30.00 2.3718 0.814 (0.137) 0.400 (0.05) 0.096 0.05 0.056 1.924 (4.6%) 21.92 6.57
Stringer spacing Stringer height Stringer top flange width (and thickness) Stringer bottom flange width (and thickness) Ring spacing Ring height Ring bottom flange width (and thickness) Ring top flange width (and thickness) Wall thickness Stringer web thickness Ring web thickness Panel weight Stringer weight fraction % Ring weight fraction %
Analysis of panels with postbuckling results in large increases in stress, and significant decreases in local buckling and stringer buckling loads. The reduction in general buckling loads is insignificant. The designs from Table 3.12 were re-optimized with local postbuckling allowed. The axial compression load case was modified such that the applied load was 1272.73 lb/inch, with safety factors of 0.9429, 1.1, and 1.1, respectively, for local buckling, general buckling, and stress failure. The value of the applied axial compression load (1272.73 lb/inch) is 10% lower than the required 1400 lb/inch load. This is because a load factor of 1.0 is changed by PANDA2 to 1.1 to avoid numerical difficulty.
69 Table 3.14: Comparison of aluminum orthogrid stiffened panel designs optimized with and without local postbuckling effects
Design obtained without local postbuckling 6.544 1.791 19.70 0.092 0.156 2.147 28.69 9.53 Design obtained with local postbuckling 6.851 2.000 29.71 0.093 0.205 2.400 (11.8%) 35.92 8.28 Design obtained with local buckling factor =1.4 6.266 2.000 24.33 0.093 0.166 2.295 (6.9%) 33.15 8.54
Stringer spacing Stringer height Ring spacing Wall thickness Stringer web thickness Panel weight Stringer Weight fraction % Ring weight fraction %
Table 3.15
Comparison of composite stringer-ring stiffened panel designs optimized with and without local postbuckling effects
Design without local postbuckling 8.545 1.656 1.000 1.170 34.49 3.221 1.500 1.799 0.911 32.3 13.6 Design obtained with local postbuckling 7.598 2.000 1.000 1.488 36.00 2.121 1.500 1.500 1.035 (13.6%) 42.2 10.2 Design obtained with local buckling factor=1.4 10.51 2.000 1.073 1.046 36.00 3.141 1.500 1.500 0.954 (4.7%) 33.7 14.7
Stringer spacing Stringer height Stringer bottom flange width Stringer top flange width Ring spacing Ring height Ring bottom flange width Ring top flange width Panel weight Stringer Weight fraction Ring weight fraction
70 Table 3.13 compares an aluminum stringer-ring stiffened panel design obtained using linear bifurcation buckling analysis with the design obtained where local postbuckling was permitted. Tables 3.14 and 3.15 present similar results for an aluminum orthogrid stiffened panel and composite stringer-ring stiffened panel. The composite stringer-ring stiffened panels were designed with a [(+65/-65)3]s laminate for the skin and a [45/-45/03/45/-45/0]s laminate for the stiffeners. Optimized designs are also obtained for the case where the local buckling load is increased to the value of the general buckling load factor (1.4). In the present case, the applied load for axial compression is set at 1272.73 (1.4x1000/1.1) with general buckling and stress safety factor set equal to 1.1. The aluminum stringer-ring stiffened panels showed a smaller increase in weight for metallic designs (4.1%) compared to their composite counterparts (13.6%) The weight increase is primarily due to the increase in weight of the stringers and rings. The reduced wall stiffness due to local buckling is compensated by the increased stiffness of the stringers and rings.. The increase in weight is small for the present case, as the driving factor for the designs was the hoop stress from the (35 psi) internal proof pressure load case. The weight increase for the orthogrid panel was higher (11.8%) than for metallic stringer-ring stiffened panel (4.1%). Designs obtained using local buckling load factor set equal to the general buckling load factor (1.4) were found to be lighter that those obtained with local postbuckling permitted (except for aluminum stringer-ring stiffened panel for which the weight increase was approximately equal). The higher weight of panels designed for local postbuckling is due to the conservative approach used in PANDA2 analysis for the non-
71 linear response of panels after local buckling has occurred (when local buckling load factor is less than 0.95). The analysis models reduce the effective stiffness of the skins, which in turn result in higher amplification of the initial imperfections leading to lower buckling loads. The weight increase in panels optimized with a higher local buckling load factor of 1.4 (also used for general buckling) was, 4.6%, 4.7%, and 6.9%, (see the third column of Tables 3.13, 3.14 and 3.15) respectively, for aluminum stringer-ring stiffened panel, aluminum orthogrid stiffened panel and composite stringer-ring stiffened panel. The weight increase of panels designed with a higher load factor for local buckling) is smaller than the weight increase for corresponding panels optimized with local postbuckling effects. It appears that higher weight increase in panels optimized with local postbuckling permitted is due to the conservative models used for estimating the nonlinear effects in the PANDA2 analysis. The optimizer does not have the freedom to choose a lighter design that can be obtained by raising the local buckling load factor. The designer using PANDA2 for stiffened panel design should therefore perform two optimizations, one with local postbuckling included and another with a local buckling load factor raised to the value of general buckling load, to select a design with lower weight. Nevertheless, the model used in PANDA2 to design panels with both stringers and rings for local postbuckling is a useful tool because the nonlinear analysis of PANDA2 requires several orders of magnitude lower computational effort compared to performing a full non-linear finite element analysis. The RLV panels designed showed weight increases (5 to 14%) due to the more critical proof pressure load cases. For panels
72 designed without such a load case, local buckling could result in larger reductions in general buckling load margins.
Modeling Geometric Imperfections vs. Using Wide Column Buckling This section presents optimum designs of perfect and imperfect stringer-ring stiffened panels. The perfect panels were optimized with and without the wide column buckling constraint. The optimum weights and failure margins of the optimum designs are compared. PANDA2 permits use of wide column buckling constraint for curved panels. The wide column model treats the cylindrical panel between rings as a flat panel and obtains the inter-ring buckling load. Two models are available in PANDA2 [25] to capture the wide column buckling failure. A 1-D discrete model (IQUICK=0) of the skin-stringer module and a closed form solution (IQUICK=1) for inter-ring buckling where a large shell radius replaces the actual radius. The inter-ring buckling load factor is also
computed with a 1-D skin-ring discrete model that accounts for the shell curvature [34]. PANDA2 optimizations use the lower bounds from the different analyses to ensure conservative designs. Optimizations were performed for panels with and without imperfections. Panels designed without imperfections were optimized with and without wide column buckling constraint. Imperfect panels were optimized with global and out-of-roundness imperfection amplitudes of 0.8 inch (0.5% of the cylinder radius), inter-ring and local imperfection amplitudes of 0.1 inch and 0.01 inch, respectively. PANDA2 was allowed to adjust these values if the rotation of the wall exceeded 0.1 radian for the critical mode shape used for imperfections.
73 Table 3.16: Optimum weight of panels optimized with and without imperfections and/or wide column buckling constraint
Optimum panel weight (lb/ft2) Ring spacing (inch) Perfect panel without wide column buckling constraint 1.5908 1.5840 1.5736 1.5688 Perfect panel with wide column buckling constraint 1.6157 1.6825 1.8640 2.1602 Panels designed with initial imperfections
30 60 90 120
Table 3.17:
Comparison of margins of perfect composite stringer-ring stiffened panels analyzed with imperfections
Constraint margins (in percentage) of perfect panels obtained from an optimization without wide column buckling constraint obtained from an optimization with wide column buckling constraint
Bending Local General stress Buckling Buckling -98.8 -98.6 -98.9 -98.5 -99.0 -98.6 -98.5 -98.5 -48.9 -49.2 -54.6 -49.2
Stringer Bending Local General Stringer (Ring) stress Buckling Buckling (Ring) buckling buckling -98.0 (-97.3) -97.6 (-98.3) -97.2 (-98.3) -97.4 (-98.5) -95.2 -67.3 -17.8 6.96 -96.0 -76.5 -38.0 -36.3 -40.5 -23.6 -0.75 17.1 -91.4 (-85.1) -73.3 (-25.2) 12.6 (-36.9) 58.5 (-39.8)
30 60 90 120
Table 3.16 presents the optimized weight of panels at different ring spacings obtained from optimization with the discretized analysis model (IQUICK=0). Table 3.17 compares the critical constraints for perfect panels designed without and with wide column buckling constraint enforced, and analyzed with imperfections. Table 3.16 shows
74 that perfect panels are insensitive to ring spacing if wide column buckling constraint is not included. The resulting designs are critical in hoop stress due to proof pressure and local buckling. The perfect panels optimized with wide-column buckling constraint imposed were critical in wide column buckling failure for all values of the ring spacing. However, for larger ring spacing, the effect was more pronounced and resulted in optimum designs with taller stringers to provide increased bending stiffness. The optimized weight is more sensitive to ring spacing when the wide column model is used. This is expected because the wide-column buckling uses the inter-ring portion of the stiffened shell and column buckling is a function of the length. Panels designed without imperfections are less sensitive to imperfections if designed with the wide column buckling constraint. Introduction of imperfections in the analysis of these panels (perfect panels optimized with wide column buckling constraint) results in critical buckling and stress constraints. This is because in addition to reducing the curvature, imperfections induce bending in the prebuckling phase that result in redistribution of the stress resultants and increase stresses in the stiffener segments. Using wide column constraint cannot simulate these conditions and hence cannot entirely protect against the detrimental effects of imperfections. Panels optimized without imperfections and without wide column constraint can be extremely unconservative and can fail at loads much smaller than design loads in actual use. Wide column constraint alleviates this problem but does not eliminate it. However, at smaller ring spacing it appears that the wide column buckling constraint
75 alone is not enough to design the panels. Even if unknown, small values of imperfections that are reasonable should be used in the optimization of panels with PANDA2.
Modeling Issues in Truss Core Panel Design In preliminary comparisons of optimum weight of stiffened panel designs, it was discovered that truss core panel weights were very different from weights of the remaining concepts. The present section presents the results of the investigation performed to explain the reason for heavier weights for truss core sandwich panels. In particular, the effect of not including rings as clamped supports and the effect of having different corrugation angles are investigated. Optimization of panels without rings The PANDA2 program has a limitation in the modeling of truss core panels: it does not allow inclusion of ring frames in the analysis model. Figure 3.12 shows optimum weight of panels designed with rings replaced by clamped supports for different lengths. The optimizations were performed with the IQUICK=1 analysis. Figure 3.12 shows that the optimum designs are lighter for panels of short lengths (10 inches). For short panels, the bending boundary layer length (BLL) at supports is comparable to the panel length (see Items 175, 242 and 378 of
/panda2/doc/ file [25]). The bending effects help counteract hoop tensile stresses that arise due to the clamped edge supports, resulting in a low weight for the optimized panels. Local buckling failure and stiffener buckling drive the design at short lengths.
8 Panel weight per unit wetted area (lb/sq. ft) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 30 60 90 120 150 180
Figure 3.12: Effect of axial length on optimized weight for panels without rings The sharp increase in weight observed when the panel length changes from 30 to 60 inches (or from 10 to 30 inches for sandwich and truss core panels) is due to the stress field produced by local bending near the clamped edges. The clamped edges counteract the radial expansion induced by the internal pressure and produce large compressive and bending stresses at the supports. For panel lengths from 30 to 150 inches, the optimum weight of panels remains approximately constant. The active constraints are those corresponding to the internal proof pressure load case. Stress is the only critical margin for the T stringer and isogrid concepts; upper skin buckling and core shear failure modes are active for truss core and honeycomb-core sandwich panels, respectively. Beyond this length (150 inches), the weight increases for stringer stiffened panels. The weight increase for panels longer than 180 inches is attributed to column buckling modes becoming active at large lengths. The weight of sandwich panels decreases because PANDA2 neglects conditions at the support for long panels. When there are no rings in the model, PANDA2 designs for conditions at the midsection of the panel and the
77 conditions at the supports. However, if the BLL is very small compared to the panel axial length PANDA2 ignores the local bending at supports and the resulting stress field. The panel designed thus will need to be stiffened locally at supports to carry the high local stresses. PANDA2 cannot design panels with varying cross-sections along the length. PANDA2 works well for panels with many repeating stiffeners in the cylinder, where the inter-ring buckling behavior of the shell can be characterized by extracting a segment between two adjacent rings. The design is performed using the stress state at rings and at mid section between rings. In the absence of ring stiffeners, PANDA2 uses the conditions at mid panel and at end supports for the design. For long panels, large bending stresses are present at the end supports. Using the local stresses to design the entire panel produces overly heavy designs. However, the designer can obtain designs for mid-bay conditions and end support conditions by performing two sequential optimizations in PANDA2. The first optimization uses a complete analysis, in which the margins are computed including conditions at both mid-length and ring locations. The results of the first optimization are used as input for a new optimization that neglects the conditions at the shell edges. The optimum values of stiffener spacing, thicknesses, and cross-section dimensions obtained from the initial optimization with complete analysis (using stress state at mid-bay and at rings) are chosen as new lower bounds for the stiffener sizing in the optimization that uses only the stress state at mid-bay (between rings). Stiffener spacing and cross-section can no longer be optimization variables. A new optimization is performed and a lighter design is obtained. The panel skin and stringer dimensions from the first optimum design
78 would be used for a certain axial length of panel near the rings; the panel skin and stringer dimensions and ring dimensions from the second optimum design would be used for the panel mid-length region and for the rings. The length of the edge design, i.e. the length at which the cross-section changes, is chosen based on engineering judgment or based on value of the boundary layer length. The hybrid design then must be verified by finite element analysis of the detailed model. For truss core panels this approach was not used because too few design variables were used in the optimization, and there was not enough design freedom. It was felt that the weight obtained for the 300 inch long panel was a reasonably accurate representation of truss core panel, even though weight of local stiffening is ignored. Effect of corrugation angles on optimum weight Truss core stiffened panels behave differently from honeycomb or foam core sandwich panels. In the case of truss core sandwich panels, the thickness and orientation of the corrugation web affect the out-of-plane shear stiffnesses. The G13 shear
deformation of the sandwich is carried by inplane shear deformation of the corrugation webs, whereas the bending and inplane (compression/tension) loading of the web provide the G23 shear stiffness. In the case of truss core sandwich, internal pressure in the cylinder causes transverse compression of the sandwich laminate. Since the webs of the sandwich core are inclined, the compressive forces in the web induce compressive stresses in the facesheets at the crown portion of the truss core corrugation. Optimized panels must choose a corrugation angle that will minimize the compressive stresses induced in the facesheets while maximizing the transverse shear stiffness.
79 Table 3.18: Effect of corrugation angle on optimum weight of truss core panel (Internal pressure load case and axial compression load case are indicated by the numbers 1 and 2 in parenthesis)
Optimum panel weight 2 (lb/ft ) 5.098 2.926 2.126 1.735 1.705 1.744 1.781 Critical constraints
Corrugation (1) and Upper skin bucking (2) Corrugation (1) and Upper skin bucking (2) Corrugation (2) and Upper skin bucking (2) Stress (1) and Corrugation buckling (2) Stress (1); Corrugation (2), Upper skin (2), and General buckling (2) Stress (1); Corrugation (2) and General buckling (2) Stress (1), Corrugation (2) and General buckling (2)
Table 3.18 presents optimum weight and critical failure constraints obtained for truss core panels with different corrugation angles for a 300 inch long panel clamped at the supports. Heavier panels are designed for web angles that are smaller than 60. The fixed value of corrugation angle (45) prescribed from manufacturing constraints is not optimal for structural efficiency. The weight obtained for the very small web orientation angle (15) is very high. The analysis of constraint margins indicates that small corrugation angles result in critical margins for corrugation web buckling and upper skin buckling, leading to thicker corrugation webs. For larger corrugation angles, general buckling becomes more critical. This is due to the reduction in transverse shear stiffness of the core when the corrugation angle becomes large. The optimum corrugation angle is 53 for panels optimized without imperfections and 62 for panel optimized with imperfections.
80 Optimization and Cost Issues This section presents some optimization issues and the computational effort required for such optimizations. The discussion will focus on the global optimization capability of PANDA2 and the computational effort (CPU time) required for the optimization. Structural optimization of stiffened panels often involves large numbers of design variables that are somewhat redundant. The redundancy creates different optimum designs that have almost identical weights, that is, multiple local optima. Expensive global optimization techniques are often required to obtain the best design. Introducing optimization complexity such as global optimization requires an increased amount of computational effort. However, global optimization algorithms often provide multiple solutions with similar performance. The designer can use such information, if the weight difference is small, to choose a design that satisfies other considerations (such as manufacturing cost and damage tolerance) that were not included in the analysis. The efficiency of PANDA2 analysis methods and models allows it to perform global optimization of stiffened panels. Global optimization typically requires a computational effort of magnitude one or more orders higher than that required for locating local optima. Table 3.19 shows the computation (CPU) time required for one SUPEROPT execution for global optimization of a stringer-ring stiffened panel. The computations were performed on a 233 MHz Digital Alphastation-200 4/233. The weight of the optimum design obtained using IQUICK=1 analysis is same as that obtained using IQUICK=0 analysis at a fraction of the computation cost. The CPU time for a global optimization is still much lower than that required for a single nonlinear finite element analysis (Table 3.8).
81 Table 3.19: Comparison of CPU times required for one SUPEROPT execution for global optimization of an aluminum stringer-ring stiffened panel using IQUICK=0 and IQUICK=1 analysis options
IQUICK=1 CPU time (seconds) Optimum weight of panel (lb/ft ) Constraint violation of optimum (IQUICK=0 analysis). Constraint violation of optimum (IQUICK=1 analysis).
IQUICK=0 394.2 1.840 0.24% (local buckling) 2% (local buckling) 10% (stringer rolling)
134.2 1.852 0.10% (stringer web and top flange buckling) 0.04% (stringer web and flange buckling)
Table 3.20:
Number of optimization iterations and optimized weight of isogrid stiffened panels with different initial designs (design vectors of the optimum designs are presented in Table 3.21)
Number of optimization iterations to obtain: Local optimum 47 267 33 259 Best optimum 284 267 593 292
Initial design
Panel weight (lb/ft ) Local optimum 2.627 2.409 2.761 3.128 Best optimum 2.409 2.409 2.472 2.474
Optimum design of perfect panel All variables at lower bound All variables at median value All variables at upper bound
In the present study of stiffened panel designs, it was discovered that even with the SUPEROPT procedure of PANDA2 it was not possible to obtain a global optimum. Several examples of such failures in locating global optimum are presented and methods were used to identify the failure is discussed. Among stiffened panel concepts, optimization failure was encountered for isogrid stiffened panels (with blade stiffeners) with imperfections. The inspection of the iteration history file (*.OPP file) revealed that constraints were oscillatory near the optimum and
82 the design shifted from feasible to infeasible domains. This was because some constraints had very large gradients at the optimum. One way to deal with such oscillations is to allow smaller move limits. This is achieved in PANDA2 by increasing the number of iterations in each PANDAOPT execution. This has a disadvantage because with smaller move limits, gradient based optimizations are likely to get trapped at a local optimum.
Table 3.21:
Design variable Skin thickness Isogrid module size (spacing) Isogrid web height Isogrid web thickness Ring spacing Height of ring Thickness of ring web Panel weight (lb/ft ) Isogrid weight (%) Ring weight (%)
Design 2 0.107 10.0 1.510 0.125 30.00 2.160 0.030 2.409 33.9 2.3
Design 3 0.113 11.4 1.662 0.129 42.01 2.084 0.030 2.472 32.8 1.3
Design 4 0.098 10.71 2.049 0.126 113.9 2.000 0.076 2.474 42.1 1.1
Table 3.22:
Design 1 2 3 4
Table 3.20 summarizes the number of iterations required to converge to a practical optimum for optimizations with four different initial starting points. Tables 3.21
83 and 3.22, respectively, present the optimized designs and active failure mechanisms of designs obtained from optimizations using the different starting points. The optimum designs obtained for different starting points (Table 3.20) are marginally different. There is also a wide scatter in the number of iterations required to converge to a local optimum and locate a practical global optimum. The designs obtained from the four optimizations are compared in Table 3.21. It can be seen that even though the final weights of the optimum designs are almost equal, the design variables are quite different. The final designs obtained for optimization from initial designs 1 and 2 (Table 3.20) were identical. Optimizations with initial Designs 3 and 4 were trapped in local optima due to large gradients of some critical constraints. However, the optimum weight obtained for initial designs 3 and 4 are only marginally higher (2.7%) than those obtained for designs 1 and 2. For practical purposes all four designs are equally acceptable. The results indicate that it often requires multiple SUPEROPT executions to find the global optimum. Similar results were also found in the design of titanium honeycomb core sandwich panels (Table 3.23). Titanium honeycomb core sandwich panels were optimized with different options of fixed or optimized core and with symmetric and asymmetric facesheets. The optimum designs obtained from a single SUPEROPT execution are shown in the second column of Table 3.23. Optimization failure was detected when the sandwich panel optimized with increased design freedom (asymmetric fixed core) resulted in a higher weight. Re-optimizing the designs with more executions of the SUPEROPT process resulted in improved designs as shown in column 5 of Table 3.23.
84 Table 3.23: Titanium honeycomb core sandwich panel optimization: optimum weights and iterations for global optimum
Best design from one SUPEROPT execution Optimum 2 weight (lb/ft ) Symmetric, fixed core Asymmetric fixed core Symmetric optimized core Asymmetric optimized core 1.337 1.383 1.323 1.327 Optimization iterations 275 275 275 275 Best design from two SUPEROPT executions Optimum weight (lb/ft2) 1.358 1.354 1.323 1.320 Optimization Iterations 399 361 275 365
Panel type
In the use of PANDA2 it is common to encounter small differences as shown in Table 3.23. Such small differences could be due to small difference in the analysis models, modeling philosophy, or occasionally failure of the optimization process. Designers should pay attention to small differences to ensure that they are indeed acceptable differences that reflect the analysis and optimization accuracy. The low cost analysis of PANDA2 permits the designer to re-optimize or re-analyze the panel designs at very little additional cost. The designer does not have information on the actual global optimum and has to rely on other methods to determine if the design obtained is a practical global optimum. Often, multiple optimizations are performed either with different degrees of design freedom or in different areas of the design space (using fixed ranges for a selected design variable). In addition to helping identify convergence to local optima, such exercises also provide the designer with multiple designs from which a selection can be made based on considerations that were not included in the analysis. More accurate finite element analysis models should be used to verify the designs. Replacing the PANDA2 analysis
85 with such detailed finite element analysis models for optimization, however, is neither a feasible nor a justifiable option.
Table 3.24:
Number of line searches performed in PANDA2 global optimization (ng) Number of analyses per search (ns) Total number of analyses performed (nc x nv x ng x ns)
In the next section, different stiffened panel concepts are optimized to compare their weight efficiency and sensitivity to imperfections. Table 3.24 gives an estimate for the minimum number of analyses required for the trade study. The numbers in parentheses indicate the results when local searches make use of approximations. Using detailed finite element models for such large number of analyses would be extremely expensive and time consuming. Comparison of Weight Efficiency of Stiffened Panel concepts This section presents the results of the optimization performed for the various stiffened panel concepts introduced earlier for the RLV tank design. The library of analysis tools implemented in PANDA2 depends on the type of stiffeners. Optimizations were performed with the IQUICK=0 option for stringer-ring stiffened panels and orthogrid panels. Isogrid stiffened panels, truss core and honeycomb-core sandwich panels were optimized with IQUICK=1. The choice reflects the best analysis choice available in PANDA2 for each concept.
86 Weight Efficiencies of Metallic Panels PANDA2 optimizations were perfomed for metallic stringer-ring, isogrid, orthogrid and sandwich stiffened panels with variable and fixed (30, 60, 90, and 120 inches) ring spacing.
Table 3.25:
Comparisons of weight efficiencies of metallic stiffened panel concepts (Sandwich panel weights shown in parenthesis do not include core weight)
Total weight 2 (lb/ft ) 1.840 % weight of rings (stringers) 4.756 (19.32) Stress (pressure), Stress, Local buckling, Stringer web , top flange buckling Local buckling, Stiffener web buckling Stress (pressure), Stress in stringer and ring webs, Local buckling, General buckling, Stringer web buckling Stress (pressure), Ring sidesway, Ring top flange buckling Stress (pressure), General buckling, Local buckling , Ring web buckling, Ring top flange buckling Stress (pressure), Interring buckling, Ring sidesway, Ring top flange buckling Stress (pressure), General buckling, Ring sidesway and top flange buckling Corrugation web buckling, upper skin buckling Active failure modes
Isogrid Orthogrid
2.409 2.147
Symmetric sandwich fixed core (1.0 inch) Symmetric Sandwich optimized core (0.881 inch) Asymmetric Sandwich fixed core (1.0 inch) Asymmetric Sandwich optimized core (0.887 inch) Truss core (weight with optimized corrugation angle)
1.358 (1.030) 1.323 (1.034) 1.354 (1.026) 1.320 (1.029) 2.126 (1.705)
2.175 2.501
Sandwich wall constructions with symmetric and asymmetric facesheets were optimized. A fixed core thickness of 1.0 inch was used for one set of optimizations; for
87 the thin core sandwich, the thickness of the core was used as a design variable. The higher core thickness was desirable as it increases the insulation capacity of the liquid hydrogen tank wall, thereby reducing weight of additional exterior insulation. Small levels of initial imperfections were used for the cylinders. Global and out-of-roundness imperfections were set to 0.5% of the cylinder radius (160 inch), while the inter-ring and local imperfections were set equal to 100% and 10% of the skin or cylinder wall thicknesses, respectively. PANDA2 adjusts this value if it detects that the wall rotation exceeds 0.1 radian. Optimization of T-stringer J-ring stiffened panels at different ring spacings showed that the weight increased for ring spacings over 30 inches. The other concepts were insensitive to ring spacing. Details of optimal values of the design variables and failure margins are shown in Appendix B. Table 3.25 shows the optimal weights, ring spacing, and active failure modes of the metallic panels optimized with ring spacing as a design variable. Comparison of designs indicate that for the given load cases, the sandwich panel with ring stiffeners is the most weight efficient concept. The weight savings of sandwich panels can be attributed to the imperfection insensitivity that is provided by the high bending stiffness of sandwich constructions, the reduced local failure modes (such as stiffener buckling) exhibited by sandwich panels, and the increased specific strength of the Titanium alloy material used. The weight of the sandwich panels shown in the parenthesis (Table 3.25) is the panel weight excluding the weight of the core. For RLV tank design, the sandwich core plays a dual role as structural member and as insulation. This indicates further advantage to the sandwich concept.
88 There were no panel failure modes active for symmetric sandwich panels with fixed core (1.0 inch) indicating sub-optimal weight. The sandwich core does not carry the hoop load and it can be much thinner than 1.0 inch but must be thick enough to satisfy the buckling constraints. Sandwich panels were hence optimized including core thickness as a variable. The sandwich panels with optimized core thickness are marginally more efficient than panels designed for a fixed core thickness of 1.0 inch. For sandwich panels with fixed core (1.0 inch thickness), the honeycomb core accounts for 24 % of the total panel weight (0.33 lb/ft2). For optimized core, the core weight fraction reduces to 22% of the total panel weight, resulting in an optimum design that is 2.6% lighter than the design with fixed core thickness. The weight savings from optimized core are greater (20%) for panels designed without including imperfections (Table 3.29). Asymmetric sandwich construction did not yield substantial weight savings, when imperfections were included in the design. On the contrary, asymmetry resulted in lowering the bending stiffness causing buckling failures to become more critical. Asymmetric honeycomb core sandwich panel optimized with fixed core (1.0 inch thick) was critical in interring buckling failure mode. The stringer-ring stiffened panel is more efficient than the isogrid and orthogrid stiffened concepts. The weights of isogrid and orthogrid concepts are heavier because the blade stiffeners used for these concepts are more susceptible to buckling failure modes. The truss core panel was the heaviest design (2.026 lb/ft2). Investigation into the cause of the very high weight of the truss core sandwich was presented earlier in section on Modeling issues. The high weight was due to two reasons. PANDA2 does not allow analysis of truss core panels with rings; instead of rings, clamped boundary conditions
89 were used. In addition, the optimum weight was sensitive to the corrugation angle. Further weight reduction was possible when corrugation angles were allowed to vary. The optimum design obtained had a corrugation angle of 62.3 and an optimum weight of 1.705 lb/ft2. PANDA2 designs for truss core need to be evaluated carefully using more accurate models with ring stiffeners included. The list of active failure modes in Table 3.25 shows that stress constraints that arose from the proof pressure load case were active for all designs except for isogrid and truss core sandwich panels. The buckling constraints were also active, indicating the importance of including the axial compression load case.
Weight Efficiencies of Composite Panels PANDA2 optimizations were also performed for composite stringer-ring, honeycomb core sandwich and truss core sandwich stiffened panel concepts. Ring spacing was included as a design variable in all optimizations. Sandwich panels were optimized with symmetric face sheet and asymettric facesheet constructions. Fixed thickness (1.0 inch) and optimized thickness of sandwich core were considered. Composite truss core panels were also optimized for a 300 inch barrel length. Panels were optimized with the same initial imperfection values as those used for metallic panels. In the present study, laminate stacking sequences were chosen a priori for most cases and in some cases plies of the laminate were optimized for thickness with constraints to ensure symmetry, balance and contiguity (no more than four contiguous plies of same orientation) requirements. Ply thicknesses of the preliminary optimum
90 designs were rounded to the nearest integer ply thickness value and reoptimized again for the other design variables.
Table 3. 26:
Symmetric sandwich fixed core (1.0 inch) Symmetric sandwich optimized core (0.726 inch) Asymmetric sandwich fixed core (1.0 inch) Asymmetric sandwich optimized core (0.862 inch) Truss core
2.667 3.858
1.612 2.097
Fiber tensile stress (pressure), Local buckling Fiber tensile stress (pressure), Local buckling , Global buckling Fiber tensile stress (pressure), Upper skin buckling, Global buckling
Table 3.26 shows the optimum weights, stiffener weight fractions, and active failure modes for the composite concepts. The optimum weights indicate that the stringer-ring stiffened panel is the most efficient concept. The extra design freedom available (compared to metallic panel optimization) for tailoring the laminate lay-up in the wall and stringers was helpful in distributing material more optimally. The effects of design freedom in tailoring composites on optimum weight and imperfection sensitivity are presented in the next section. The angle ply laminate used for the tank wall with 65 plies was efficient in carrying the hoop stress, while the stringers with laminates of
91 [45/ - 45/0 3 / - 45/45/0]S were optimal to carry axial compression loads. The optimum design had a stringer weight fraction of 32.3%. In the case of sandwich, the lower bound imposed on the inner facesheet thickness (0.06 inch, or 12 plies) is higher than that required for structural purposes. The 12 ply thickness constraint is imposed to ensure that the tank built for the liquid hydrogen tank will have low permeation rates. The asymmetric sandwich panel has a lower weight, as the outer face sheets had only 7 plies (0.035 inch thickness). The reduced bending due to the bending extension coupling introduced by the asymmetry did not prove to be critical. It was also noticed that the core thickness increased when asymmetry was introduced in the sandwich laminate. However, asymmetry may have other implications such as warping after cooling and causing more severe initial imperfections in panels. Without additional consideration of such issues, asymmetric sandwich panel constructions cannot be recommended for use. Small differences in results are found in the case of
composites. For example, the weight an asymmetric sandwich panel with optimized core (1.169 lb/ft2) is marginally higher than the weight of a symmetric sandwich panel with optimized core (1.167 lb/ft2). Theoretically, the weight of the asymmetric panel should be the same as or lower than that of the symmetric panel. The small differences are attributed to the optimization noise and effects of rounding ply thickness. When the core weight is not included, sandwich panel weight, shown in parenthesis (Table 3.26), is closer to the weight of the stringer-ring stiffened concept. Truss core panel has optimum weight comparable to sandwich panels with fixed core thickness.
92 Comparison of Metallic and Composite Panels An interesting aspect of the design trade study is the comparison of weight efficiencies of metallic and composite stiffened panel concepts. Optimized weight, stiffener percentages in weight are shown in Table 3.27 and the corresponding active failure modes are presented in Table 3.28.
Table 3.27:
Optimal weights (lbs/ft2), stiffener percentages in weight for the optimized designs
Metallic Concept Panel weight 2 (lb/ft ) 1.840 1.358 1.323 1.320 2.126 (1.705) % weight of rings (and stringers) 4.76 (19.32) 2.18 2.50 2.44 n/a Panel weight 2 (lb/ft ) 0.911 1.433 1.358 1.169 1.324 Composite % weight of rings (and stringers) 13.6 (32.3) 2.667 3.86 2.10 n/a
Stringer-Ring stiffened Symmetric sandwich fixed core Symmetric sandwich optimized core Asymmetric sandwich optimized core Truss core
Comparison of the optimal weights shows that honeycomb sandwich constructions (symmetric and asymmetric) are the least sensitive to material choice. The difference in material (titanium versus composite) used for facesheets is not significant; e.g., in the case of symmetric sandwich with fixed core of 1.0 inch, the weight of the facesheets are identical for titanium and composite constructions. More evidence can be gathered from the active failure modes for sandwich panels. There are no critical local buckling failure modes for the sandwich laminate that depend on the overall bending stiffness. The sandwich laminates optimized (0.9 inch thick core) have a core to facesheet
93 thickness ratio of 15, and so the facesheets are in a virtually pure membrane stress state. The composite material, therefore, does not have a significant advantage for the global failure mechanisms of a sandwich panel.
Table 3.28:
Stringer-ring stiffened Symmetric Sandwich fixed core (1.0 inch) Symmetric Sandwich optimized core
Fiber tensile stress (pressure), Local buckling, Global buckling Fiber tensile stress (hoop pressure), Upper skin buckling, Global buckling
The optimum weight comparison of metallic and composite stringer-ring stiffened panel and truss core sandwich panel constructions illustrates the advantage of composite materials. The composite materials permit design freedom to provide higher bending stiffness that can resist the local buckling failure modes that these panels exhibit. In addition, the highly tailored skin laminate (angle ply with 65 plies) is designed to carry the hoop loads more efficiently. For all the stiffening concepts, PANDA2 designs shells with flimsy rings (always less than 10% of total weight) because the loading condition that can cause buckling is pure axial compression. Rings do not offer much help in reducing buckling loads under
94 axial compression nor do they carry the hoop tension loads. Other load cases such as overall bending of the cylinder or non-symmetric external pressure from flight loads have to be used to size the ring stiffeners.
Sensitivity of Optimal Weights to Geometric Imperfections This section presents optimum weights of stiffened panels designed with and without imperfections. The objective was to compare the sensitivity of optimum weights of the different concepts to geometric imperfections. The imperfection amplitudes that were used were in proportion to the stiffness (or governing dimensions). The global and out-of-roundness imperfections were set to 0.5% of the cylinder radius (0.8 inch); while the inter-ring and local imperfections were set equal to 100% and 10% of the skin or cylinder wall thickness (obtained from a preliminary optimization of a perfect cylinder), respectively. Effect of imperfections on optimum design of metallic panels Table 3.29 summarizes the optimum weight and stiffener weight fraction for metallic panels designed with and without geometric imperfections. Table 3.30 summarizes the dominant failure mechanisms for the corresponding designs in Table 3.29. Details such as optimum value of the design variables and critical failure margins for the different stiffened panel designs are presented in Appendix B. Substantial increase in weight is observed for all panels optimized with imperfections except for the titanium honeycomb core sandwich panels optimized with fixed core thickness. The weight penalty for the stringer-ring stiffened, isogrid, and orthogrid concepts are 15.4%, 56.7%, and 39.6 %, respectively. The eccentricity
95 confirmed by the critical margins of panels designed with imperfections: some stiffener buckling failure modes become active. The optimized designs, therefore, have a larger stiffener weight fraction. The stringer weight fraction increases by a factor of 3.0, 4.6, and 5.8 for the stringer-ring, isogrid and orthogrid stiffened panels, respectively. The high penalty in weight for grid stiffened panels is partly due to the stiffener profile chosen. T-shaped stiffeners make the panel weight less sensitive to imperfections because the outstanding flange provides additional stiffness and carries a fraction of the load, making the stiffener web failure modes less critical.
Table 3.29:
Stringer-ring stiffened Isogrid Orthogrid Symmetric Sandwich - fixed core Symmetric Sandwich - optimized core Asymmetric Sandwich-fixed core Asymmetric Sandwich -optimized core Truss core
Sandwich panels optimized with a fixed core thickness of 1.0 inch have negligible (< 1%) weight penalty due to imperfections. Optimum weight of sandwich panels with
96 thin core increases by 20% when optimized with imperfections. The sandwich panels with fixed thickness core (1.0 inch) do not exhibit the same amount of weight increase as other panels because of high bending stiffness. A global imperfection of 0.8 inch for the sandwich panel is about the same order of magnitude as the wall thickness and therefore does not affect the buckling loads much. The high bending stiffness of thick core sandwich panels also results in very large buckling wavelengths thereby resulting in small increases in bending stresses.
Table 3.30:
Symmetric Sandwich fixed core Symmetric Sandwich optimized core Asymmetric Sandwich fixed core Asymmetric Sandwich optimized core Truss core
Stress (hoop pressure), Global buckling Corrugation web buckling, Upper skin buckling
Stress (pressure), General buckling, Local buckling, Ring web and top flange buckling Corrugation web buckling, Upper skin bucking
97 The optimum designs for fixed core sandwich panels (with and without imperfections) were governed primarily by the stress constraint arising from hoop stress induced by internal pressure and does not depend on buckling constraints. Sandwich panels with thin cores have a lower bending stiffness and global buckling modes are more critical. This leads to a higher weight for optimum design when imperfections are introduced. The increased freedom allowed in asymmetric panels with optimized core result in lower weight design. Effect of imperfections on optimum design of composite panels Table 3.31 shows the optimum weights and stiffener weight fractions, and Table 3.32 shows the active failure modes for the optimum designs.
Table 3.31:
Stringer - Ring Symmetric Sandwich optimized core Asymmetric Sandwich optimized core Truss core
Table 3.31 shows that the optimum weight of truss core sandwich panel is least sensitive to imperfections (2.1% weight penalty). However, this is the heaviest composite panel design. The asymmetric sandwich is the most sensitive to imperfections, because
98 the bendingextension coupling introduced by asymmetry reduces the effective bending stiffness making the panel critical in local and global buckling modes. Symmetric sandwich is marginally sensitive to imperfections (9% weight penalty) but the perfect panel has all design variables at their lower or upper bounds and has no active constraints so that the design has margins to spare (72% for local buckling, 159% for general buckling and 54% for stress failure). The stringer-ring stiffened panel concept is less sensitive to imperfections (10% weight penalty), than the analogous metallic concept (15.4 % weight penalty, Table 3.23). Stringer weight fraction of stringer-ring stiffened panel increases only by a factor 1.5 and does not triple as it does for the metallic panel (Table 3.29) when imperfections are introduced into the design.
Table 3.32:
Active failure margins of composite panels designed with and without imperefections
Without Imperfections Fiber tensile stress (hoop pressure) None Fiber tensile stress With Imperfections Fiber tensile stress (hoop pressure), Stringer buckling, Rolling of stringers Local buckling, Global buckling Fiber tensile stress (hoop pressure), Local buckling, Global buckling Fiber tensile stress (hoop pressure), Upper skin buckling, Global buckling
Symmetric Sandwich optimized core Asymmetric Sandwich optmized core Truss core
Stiffened panels tailor the material distribution between the skin and the stiffeners to achieve required stiffness. In the absence of imperfections, stiffened cylinders designed for axial compression loads have a higher weight fraction of material in the
99 skin. However, if the skin thickness is fixed and not allowed to change, then the stiffener weight fraction must increase to achieve the required stiffness. Imperfections introduce eccentricity in the loading and lead to redistribution of the load from skin to stiffeners. In the present example, the composite panel optimized without imperfections has a thinner skin (0.06 inch; 12 plies) than the metallic panel (0.1 inch). The wall laminate thickness of the [(+65/-65)3]s was kept fixed in the optimization. This meant that more material was added to the stiffeners (23.4% for composite panels, 6.8% for metallic panels) in order to carry the axial load. The weight penalty incurred by forcing more material into stiffeners for designs without imperfections helped when imperfections were introduced. The composite panels with imperfections could therefore carry required loads without much increase in weight.
Table 3. 33:
Imperfection sensitivity of composite stringer-ring stiffened panels optimized with varying levels of design freedom
Stiffener laminate Panel weight (lb/ft ) Without Imperfection With imperfection 1.019 0.910 1.333 1.206
Wall laminate
Table 3.33 shows the optimized weights of both perfect and imperfect composite stringer-ring stiffened panels as a function of design freedom where different ply thicknesses were included as design variables. The optimized ply thicknesses for the design in Table 3.33 are shown in Table 3.34. Optimizations were performed with IQUICK=1 analysis.
100 Table 3. 34: Optimized lay-ups obtained for composite stringer-ring stiffened panels optimized with varying levels of design freedom
Without Imperfection Wall laminate [(+65/-65)3]S [(+65/-65)3]S [+45/904/-45/0]S [+45/904/-45/0]S Stiffener laminate [45/02/ m 45/0]S [45/02/ m 45/01]S [+45/0/-45/90]S [+45/0/-45/90]S With Imperfection Wall laminate [(+65/-65)3]S [(+65/-65)3]S [+452/902/-452/02]S [+452/903/-452/0]S Stiffener laminate [45/0/ m 45/0]S [45/04/ m 45/02]S [+45/0/-45/90]S [+45/04/-45/90]S
Table 3.33 shows that the weight penalty of the imperfect panel depends on the number of ply thicknesses that are optimized as design variables. This is very evident for composite panels with [(+65/-65)3]S wall laminate and [45/-45/0n/-45/45/0m]S stiffener laminate. The weight penalty due to imperfections doubles if the stiffener lay-up is fixed. It is important to note that allowing more freedom to change laminate designs helps to obatin lower weight optimum designs. However, the designs beome more sensitive to uncertainties in loads and imperfections because the optimized laminates are highly tailored to the load cases used for the design.
102 Sublaminates are also used in optimization models to reduce the number of design variables [77]. Since the inplane stiffness of a laminate with fixed ratios of ply thicknesses in different orientations is determined only by the thickness, designers often further simplify modeling by replacing the composite laminate with an equivalent homogenized orthotropic material [95, 122]. Using equivalent orthotropic material properties for sublaminates can lead to errors in bending stiffness (D-matrix) terms. These errors are small when the number of sublaminates is large [103]. Since detailed analyses of the optimized designs are usually performed using the exact stacking sequence, the use of equivalent properties does not normally constitute a safety risk. However, using equivalent properties for optimization can result in sub-optimal designs when the errors are large. The objective of this section is to identify conditions that can lead to large errors (greater than 20%) due to use of equivalent properties. This chapter investigates the errors in bending stiffness terms and buckling loads that are due to use of equivalent properties for composite sublaminates are investigated. Analytical expressions are obtained for the maximal errors in bending stiffness terms of a four-layer sublaminate. The effects of ratio of inplane stiffnesses of the plies and ratio of ply thicknesses on errors are demonstrated. The maximal errors are also calculated for multiple repetitions of the sublaminate using two different stacking schemes used. Maximal errors in buckling loads of plates are also obtained for various aspect and load ratios.
103 Motivation Problem Equivalent properties are obtained by equating the actual in-plane stiffness matrix terms (Aij) to the in-plane stiffness constants for a single layered equivalent material. The effective elastic properties for a sublaminate of thickness h are then obtained as,
Ex =
2 1 A11 A22 A12 h A22
Ey =
xy =
A12 A22
G xy =
1 A66 h
Our interest in the effect of using equivalent or effective stiffness of laminates arose during preliminary design optimization of J-stiffened panels for reusable launch vehicle liquid hydrogen tank developed by Rockwell, Inc. The panel optimized was a cylindrical stringer ring stiffened panel with a length of 300 inches and a radius of 192 inches. One half of the cylinder (180) with symmetry boundary conditions was used for the optimization. The axial stiffeners or stringers were J-type stiffeners (Figure 4.1) attached internally to the cylinder walls. The ring stiffeners were T-type stiffeners. The panel was designed to resist buckling failure under an axial compression load of 1741 lb/in with a safety factor of 1.4. Details of the material properties and stacking sequence of the panel used for the analysis and design are shown in Tables 4.1 and 4.2. The optimization of the panels did not include any parameters associated with the ring frames such as ring frame spacing, cross-section, or segment ply lay-ups. However, ring frames were included in the model to account for their stiffening effect. Tables 4.2 and 4.3 provide details of the initial and optimized designs of the Jstiffened panel.
Top Flange
Top Flange
Table 4.1:
Initial design of panel (Subscript T and F denote pre-impregnated Tape and woven Fabric lamina, respectively)
Description Cross-section or width (inch) 5.0266 1.500 0.600 1.500 31.447 in 1.0 in 2.0 in 9.0 in 1496 lb Laminate lay-up [653T]S [02F]S [01F/04T/451F/04T/451F/04T/01F] S [01F/04T/451F/04T/451F/04T/01F] S [451F/04T/01F /02T]S [451F/04T/451F/02T]S [451F/02F/451F]T
Skin Stringer spacing String bottom flange width Stringer top flange width Stringer web height Ring spacing Ring bottom flange Ring top flange Ring web height Weight (lb.)
Table 4.2:
Material properties of tape and fabric plies used for panel design
Parameter Lamina type Tape Fabric 0.005 0.0143 21.5 11.6 1.08 10.9 0.3 0.06 0.6 1.12 222.3 113.7 176.3 74.8 7.2 103.9 36.0 75.6 10.9 16.32
Thickness of single ply (inch) Elastic modulus in fiber direction, E1 (Mpsi) Elastic modulus in transverse direction, E2 (Mpsi) Poisson ratio 12 Shear modulus G12 (Mpsi) Max. allowable tensile stress in fiber dir. (Kpsi) Max. allowable tensile stress in transverse direction (Kpsi) Max. allowable comp. Stress in fiber direction (Kpsi) Max. allowable comp. stress in transverse direction (Kpsi) Max. allowable shear stress (Kpsi)
105 Table 4.3: Optimized panel designs obtained from models using equivalent properties and ply layup
Geometry variable Stiffener spacing (inch) Stiffener height (inch) Bottom flange width (inch) Top flange width (inch) Panel weight (lb) Optimum using with exact laminate lay-up 4.557 1.326 1.165 0.5806 1484 Optimum using equivalent properties 4.823 2.035 1.324 0.683 1665
A problem was discovered when attempts were made to reconcile the differences in results obtained from two different models [118]. Table 4.3 provides details of the initial design and optimum designs of the stiffened panel. In one model, the stiffened panel included the laminate stacking sequence details while in the other, segments of the stiffened panels were modeled as orthotropic materials using equivalent properties. Table 4.4 presents the buckling loads of the initial and optimized designs of the J-stiffened panels.
Table 4.4:
Buckling load factors for stiffened panel designs (from Table 4.3) obtained using exact and equivalent properties (values in paranthesis indicate errors)
Buckling load 1.2528 0.994 (-21.1%) Initial Design Critical mode Torsional buckling of stiffener local buckling Optimum design obtained using Exact Equivalent properties properties 1.4 2.38 0.93 (-33.6%) 1.4 (41.2%)
The first three columns in Table 4.4 show the buckling load factor and buckling mode obtained for the initial and optimum designs (Table 4.3) using the two approaches. The panel modeled using ply lay-up details was critical in torsional buckling of the skin stringer segment, while the model with equivalent stiffness was critical in local buckling.
106 The two panel models were also optimized with stringer spacing, height and flange widths as design variables. The optimum based on effective material properties was 11% heavier with larger stringers. The optimum designs obtained using the two approaches were then analyzed using the opposite approach; the buckling loads are compared in Table 4.4. The optimization amplified the modeling errors: errors for the buckling load increased from 20% for the initial design to 34% and 41% for the optimized panels.
Bending and Inplane Stiffness Ratio for a Two-Ply Symmetric Sublaminate While it may be evident that using equivalent properties introduces some errors, the magnitude of such errors is not universally appreciated. In this section, a four-layer symmetric sublaminate is used to illustrate the errors in bending stiffness due to use of equivalent properties. A symmetric sublaminate with layup [t1 / t 2 ] s is chosen where t1 and t2 are the thicknesses of layers 1 and 2, respectively. The sublaminate is a special case of laminates [t1 / t 2 ] sn and [(t1 / t 2 ) n ]S , discussed later, for n=1. The bending stiffness of the laminate is calculated using exact and equivalent properties, and the effects of the stiffness ratio of the two plies and of the volume fractions of plies on the error are investigated.
Layer 1 Layer 2 z
Figure 4.2:
107 Let (Qij ) k be the inplane stiffness of the kth layer, tk the thickness of the kth layer, zk+1 and zk the coordinates of the top and bottom faces of the kth layer, nl the total number of layers in the laminate, and h the total thickness of the laminate. The laminate inplane stiffness (Aij) and bending stiffness (Dij) are then expressed as follows.
Aij = (Qij ) k t k
k =1
Dij = (Qij ) k
k =1
3 3 ( z k +1 z k ) 3
where v1 = 2t1 h , v2 = 2t 2 h , are the volume fractions associated with the two orientations. The bending stiffness calculated from equivalent properties is
* Dijeq =
12 Dijeq ( h)
* = Aij
The normalized bending stiffness expressed in terms of volume fraction of the second layer is
* 3 3 Dij = Qij2 v 2 + Qij1 (1 v2 )
The ratio of the bending stiffness from equivalent properties and exact calculation is
* Dijeq * Dij * Aij * Dij
Qij2 v 2 + Qij1 (1 v 2 )
3 3 Qij2 v 2 + Qij1 (1 v 2 )
kv 2 + (1 v 2 ) 3 3 kv 2 + (1 v 2 )
Qij2 Qij1
The ratio of bending stiffness from equivalent properties and exact calculation is calculated for different values of the inplane stiffness ratio (k=10, 4, 0.25 and 0.1). A value of k=10, is typical of the ratio of A11 for 0 and 90 plies of graphite-epoxy composites. A value of k=4 corresponds to the ratio of A11 for 0 and 45 plies. Values of k=0.25 and 0.1 are reciprocals of k=4 and 10, indicating that the outer layer is the stiffer material. Figure 4.3 shows the ratio of bending stiffness terms calculated using Eq. (4.8) for values of the volume fraction v2 ranging between 0 and 1.
3.50 3.00 [approximate Dij]/[exact Dij] 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.00 0.50 0.00 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Volume fraction (v2) 0.8 1.0 1.2 k=10 k=4 k=0.25 k=0.1
Figure 4.3:
Table 4.5 lists the maximal values of the errors arising from using equivalent properties for a single sublaminate. The volume fractions corresponding to the maximal errors are also provided. The example laminates shown in the last column have volume
109 fractions at or close to the maximal error value, and they will exhibit errors in D11 similar to those shown in Column 2.
Table 4.5:
As expected, larger maximal errors were found for k=10 and k=0.1, indicating that errors are large when the difference in stiffness of plies is large. The error is more severe when the ply with higher stiffness is closer to the symmetry plane. Bending stiffness calculated using equivalent properties overestimates the contribution of the layer that is closer to the plane of symmetry. When the stiffer ply is away from the plane of symmetry (k<1), the opposite happens, and equivalent properties underestimate the bending stiffness.
Table 4.6:
Error in bending curvatures due to using equivalent property for graphiteepoxy (E1=18.5 Mpsi, E2=1.89 Mpsi, G12=0.93 Mpsi and 12=0.3)
Laminate Error in bending curvature (x) for pure cylindrical bending (%) -66.3 -34.9 43.6 -8.3 Error in twist curvature (xy) for pure twist loading (%) 0 +32.8 -41.0 50.9
Large errors are encountered in calculating bending strains when bending stiffnesses are calculated using equivalent properties. Table 4.6 shows the errors in curvatures calculated for pure cylindrical bending (x) and pure twist conditions for sample laminates. For most practical applications, the curvatures will depend on several bending stiffness (Dij) terms that have compensating errors. The cylindrical bending and pure twist are examples of possible worst-case scenarios. The [902/0]s laminate shown in Table 4.5 is an example of a laminate that can give 200% error in D11 (that is the exact D11 is three times the approximate one). The x curvature is proportional to the inverse of D11 term. Hence, the error is 66% (that is, the exact curvature is only one third of the value obtained using equivalent properties). The negative sign indicates that bending stiffness calculated from equivalent properties underestimates the curvature (and hence bending stresses). The second and third examples in Table 4.6 show that the error in a strain component in a given direction depends on the position of the ply with orientation corresponding to that strain component. The bending strain x is underestimated when the 0 ILEHU LV ORFDWHG DW WKH center (near symmetry plane), while the twist curvature is underestimated when the 45 layer is located close to the center. The bending curvature error is small for the last example because the 0 ply is located farther from the center, and the 90 ply that has the least stiffness in the x direction is located at the center.
Errors in Bending Stiffness of Laminates with Repeating Sublaminates The large errors shown in Tables 4.5 and 4.6 are obtained from approximating the entire laminate with equivalent properties. In practice, equivalent properties are used for
111 sublaminates that are repeated in thicker laminates. With many repeating sublaminates, the use of equivalent material properties will lead to smaller errors. This section investigates how fast the errors decay as the number of sublaminates increases. The designer has two choices in the arrangement of the symmetric sublaminates (Figure 4.4). One choice is to stack the n symmetric sublaminates on top of one another. For example, if the sublaminate has a layup of [90/0]s then the laminate layup will be ([90/0]s)n or [90/02/90]n. An alternative choice is to repeat the symmetric part of the sublaminate. In other words, use n stacks of the bottom and top half of the sublaminate on two sides of the symmetry plane of the resulting laminate. For example, three repetitions of a sublaminate with layup of [90/0]s will result in a laminate with layup [(90/0)3]s or [(90/0/90/0/90/0]s. In the rest of the discussion, the first arrangement will be referred to as full-sublaminate repetition, while the second will be referred to as half-sublaminate repetition. The half-sublaminate repetition is often used because it permits more freedom to tailor thickness by dropping or adding more half-sublaminates [77].
Layer 1 Layer 2
Figure 4.4:
112 Analytical expressions for ratio of the bending stiffness obtained from equivalent properties and an exact approach are derived for symmetric laminates with n sublaminate repetitions for the two different arrangements of the sublaminate, namely fullsublaminate repetition and half-sublaminate repetition.
Laminate with Full-Sublaminate Repetitions The case where a laminate with n symmetric sublaminates stacked on top of one another, as in [t1 / t 2 ] sn laminate is considered here. Let (Qij ) be the inplane stiffness of the material. The laminate inplane stiffness (Aij) and bending stiffness (Dij) obtained from lamination theory are expressed as
nh 2
Aij =
nh 2
)dz = (Qij ) k t k
k =1 nl 3 3 ( z k +1 z k ) 3
nh 2
Dij =
nh 2
2 (Qij ) z dz = (Qij ) k k =1
where, n is the total number of sublaminates, h is the thickness of the sublaminate, tk is the thickness of the kth layer (ply), zk+1 and zk the distance of the top and bottom faces of the kth layer, and nl the total number of layers (plies) in the laminate (Figure 4.4) . The
* inplane and bending stiffness are normalized by the quantities nh and (nh)3/12 to give Aij
* and Dij .
If we use the equivalent material properties to calculate bending stiffness, the normalized equivalent bending stiffness is given by the expression
* Dijeq =
12 Dijeq (nh) 3
* = Aij ,
113 The exact bending stiffness of the laminate is given by the expression
nh / 2
Dij =
nh / 2
) z dz =
( n2) h / 2
nh / 2
) z dz + ... +
h / 2
2h / 2
) z dz... +
( n2) h / 2
) z 2 dz (4.13)
Rewriting the integrals for each sublaminate with same integration limits results in Dij =
n nh / 2 + ph 2 (Qij ) z dz =
p =1 nh / 2 + ( p 1) h
h (Qij )( z (n + 1) + ph) 2 dz 2 p =1 h / 2
Recognizing the integrals in the above equation as the bending ( Dijsub ), inplane ( Aijsub ), and bending-extension coupling ( Bijsub ) stiffness terms of the sublaminate, respectively, Eq. (4.15) can be rewritten as
2 n h 2 n h 1 Dij + (n + 1) ph Aij + Dij = sub sub 2 2 p =1 p =1
h h - 2 (n + 1) ph Bijsub 2 2 p =1
n 2
For symmetric sublaminates Bijsub is zero. Simplifying the summations in Eq. (4.16), obtains
Dij = nDijsub + (n 1)(n)(n + 1) h Aijsub 3 2
* Dij =
The ratio of bending stiffness of laminate calculated using equivalent properties and exact approach is then given by the expression
* Dijeq * Dij
* Dijsub * Aijsub
+ (n 1)(n + 1)
Laminate with Half-Sublaminate Repetitions Next, a laminate with half-sublaminate repetitions is considered. The laminate with half-sublaminate repetitions has the same inplane stiffness properties as the laminate with full-sublaminate repetitions, but has different bending properties due the difference in the stacking sequence. Since the inplane stiffness does not change, the equivalent bending stiffness is same as before (Eq. 4.12) Let (Qij ) b and (Qij ) t be the inplane stiffness of the plies in the bottom and top half of the sublaminate. The bending stiffness of the laminate can be expressed as
nh / 2
Dij =
nh / 2
) z dz =
( n 1) h / 2
nh / 2
ij b
) z dz + ... +
2 h/2
h / 2
ij b
) z 2 dz
nh / 2
ij t
) z 2 dz +... +
( n 1) h / 2
) z 2 dz
Rewriting all integrals of the bottom and top sublaminates using the same limits and expressing the above expression as a summation series gives
Dij =
p =1 h / 2
n h/2
h/2 n 0 Dij = . 1 (Qij ) b z 2 dz + (Qij ) t z 2 dz 0 p =1 h / 2
h + 2
Recognizing the first two terms of Equation 4.22 as the bending and inplane stiffness of the sublaminate gives
Dij = nDijsub
For symmetric sublaminates the last term in Eq. 4.23 can be further simplified, because the two integrals are equal in magnitude but differ in sign. Normalizing the bending stiffness by (nh)3 /12 results in
The ratio of the bending stiffness obtained from equivalent properties and exact method for laminate [(t1 / t 2 ) n ]s ,with n half-sublaminate repetitions is
* Dij
* Dij sub * Aij sub
* * The evaluation of Eq. (4.25) will require in addition to the terms Aijsub and Dijsub .
h / 2
ij b
) zdz
Evaluating this integral for the four ply sublaminate (Figure 4.2) results in the expression
h / 2
2 (t + t ) 2 t 2 t2 ) + Qij1 1 2 2 2 2 2
h / 2
(Qij ) b zdz =
2 0 ij b
h2 2 2 Qij2 v 2 + k 1 v 2 2
) zdz
h / 2
h A
* ij sub
2 2 1 kv 2 + 1 v 2 = 2 kv 2 + (1 v 2 )
The derived expressions are used to calculate the ratio of bending stiffness from the approximate and exact approach for the [t1 / t 2 ] s sublaminates for the two stacking schemes discussed. The ratios were calculated for values of volume fraction of Layer 2 (v2), from 0.0 to 1.0 in increments of 0.1.
Table 4.7:
The maximal error in the bending stiffness for laminates with n full-sublaminate repetition is presented in Table 4.7. The value of volume fraction resulting in maximal error is independent of the number of sublaminate repetition (n). For full-sublaminate
117 repetitions, the error reduces rapidly as the number of sublaminate increases. The maximal error is strongly dependent on the ratio of the inplane stiffness of the plies.
Table 4.8:
Table 4.8 shows the errors in bending stiffness for laminates with halfsublaminate repetition. For n=1, the laminate is the same as in Table 4.8 and hence exhibits the same maximal error. However, compared to full-sublaminate repetition, the error reduces more slowly when the number of sublaminates is increased. The maximal errors for k=10 are 55.7%, 32.3%, and 22.7%, respectively, for n=2, 3, and 4. The error is higher because the stiffer ply is located closer to the symmetry (reference) plane and thereby contributes less to the bending stiffness. An example of a [90/0] s sublaminate with two repetitions is considered here. Full-sublaminate repetition results in a laminate with layup of [90/02/90]s while the half-sublaminate repetition results in a layup of [90/0/90/0]s. The D11 stiffness of the [90/0/90/0]s laminate is lower compared to that of the [90/02/90]s laminate because the 0 SO\ LV FORVHU WR WKH V\PPHWU\ SODQH OHDGLQJ WR larger errors due to equivalent properties. The volume fraction at maximal error is identical for full-sublaminate and half-sublaminate repetitions.
118 Anti-Optimization of Sublaminate Lay-up for Maximal Buckling Load Error In the previous section, maximal errors in bending stiffness were investigated for two-ply sublaminates. This section will investigate errors in buckling loads due to the use of equivalent properties for laminates made from 0 DQG SOLHV ,Q RUGHU WR estimate the maximal errors in buckling loads, laminates were optimized for maximal error, a process known as anti-optimization [114]. The error in buckling load ( c ) due to use of equivalent properties was calculated for a simply supported rectangular plate in biaxial compression. The buckling load is 4 2 2 4 2 D m + 2(D + 2 D ) m n + D n 11 12 66 22 b a b a 2 m 2 n N x + N y b a
c =
where Dij represents bending stiffness terms, Nx and Ny are the loads in the axial and transverse directions, a, b are the dimensions of the plate and m, n are the number of half waves in the axial and transverse directions. The percent relative error in buckling loads due to equivalent laminate properties is defined as % Error = 100
where approx is the buckling load factor calculated using equivalent laminate properties c and exact is the buckling load factor calculated using exact ply representation. c The anti-optimization of the laminate lay-ups was performed using a genetic algorithm to maximize the absolute relative error in buckling load (Eq. 4.31) for 16-ply
119 symmetric and balanced laminates. The design variables of the genetic algorithm were ply-orientations that were restricted to, +45, 0, and 90.
Table 4.9:
Maximal buckling load errors (percent) of a single sublaminate (The coding A-P refers to the stacking sequences in Table 4.10)
Aspect Ratio (a/b) 0.500 1.000 2.000 51 94 154 (P) (A) (E) 81 51 94 (O) (A) (E) 90 41 94 (M) (A) (E) 94 24 94 (L) (A) (E) 94 22 94 (L) (N) (E) 94 24 94 (L) (P) (E) 94 41 91 (L) (P) (D) 94 51 81 (L) (P) (B) 94 51 65 (L) (P) (C)
Load Nx/Ny 0.0625 0.125 0.250 0.500 1.000 2.000 4.000 8.000 16.00
0.0625 58 (P) 67 (N) 101 (M) 162 (M) 179 (O) 180 (O) 180 (O) 180 (O) 180 (O)
0.125 58 (P) 65 (N) 101 (M) 160 (M) 175 (O) 175 (O) 175 (O) 175 (O) 175 (O)
0.250 65 (P) 66 (N) 104 (M) 149 (M 154 (O) 154 (O) 154 (O) 154 (O) 154 (O)
4.000 175 (B) 154 (B) 154 (B) 154 (B) 154 (B) 149 (D) 104 (D) 65 (C) 59 (C)
8.000 180 (B) 175 (B) 175 (B) 175 (B) 175 (B) 160 (D) 101 (D) 65 (C) 58 (C)
16.00 59 (B) 180 (B) 180 (B) 180 (B) 179 (B) 162 (D) 101 (D) 67 (C) 58 (C)
Table 4.10:
Stacking sequence of sublaminates optimized for maximal error in buckling load for 1 sublaminate in total laminate
Sublaminate layup [02/02/02/45] s [02/02/02/902]s [02 / 02/45/45]s [02 /02 /45/902]s [02 /02/902/902]s [02/902/45/45]s [02/902/902/902]s [45/02/02/02]s CODE I J K L M N O P Sublaminate layup [45/902/902/902]s [902/02/02/02]s [902/02/45/45]s [902/902/02/02]s [902/902/45/02]s [902/902/45/45]s [902/902/902/02]s [902/902/902/45]s
A genetic algorithm uses operators that mimic biological evolutionary processes such as mutation and crossover to obtain improved designs. The operators work on a population of designs, each represented by a chromosome. The selection of the
120 chromosome for reproduction depends on the fitness value assigned to the chromosome. The fitness value here is the magnitude of the error. The genes of the chromosome (that determine the characteristics of the design) are the encoded optimization variables. For laminate stacking sequence design, the discrete ply orientation angles are coded using integer variables. In this work, the basic unit of coding represented a stack of two plies: 02, 902 or +45. This was used for convenience to ensure that all laminates obtained were balanced. With the two-ply stack coding, the 16-ply symmetric laminate is represented using a chromosome with 4 genes. The errors were obtained for a laminate made of graphite-epoxy plies with properties E1=18.5 Mpsi, E2=1.89 Mpsi, G12=0.93 Mpsi and
The stacking sequence optimization is performed for plates with varying aspect (a/b) and load (Ny/Nx) ratios. The aspect ratio and loading ratio were varied from one sixteenth to sixteen, with steps of factors of 2.0 giving 81 cases in all. The maximal value of the errors in buckling load factor and the resulting laminate for a range of aspect ratios and load ratios are shown in Table 4.9, with laminates having maximal errors given in Table 4.10. For the optimized 16-ply laminate, the largest maximal error (180%) occurs when there is a combination of high aspect ratio and high load ratio. The smallest maximal error (22%) is obtained for a plate with unit aspect and load ratios. Of all possible 81 sublaminates, only a small set of 10 (A-E, L-P) were found in the anti-optimization for the case of one sublaminate through the thickness. The large errors shown in Table 4.9 are for the extreme case where the laminate has a single sublaminate.
121 A select number of cases from Table 4.9 were chosen for further investigation of the effect of the number of sublaminates on buckling load error. This is shown in Table 4.11 for a laminate with half-sublaminate repetition and in Table 4.12 for fullsublaminate repetition.
Table 4.11:
Case No. 1 2 3
Effect of number of sublaminates in half sublaminate repetition on error in buckling load calculated using equivalent properties
Nx/Ny 0.5 0.5 1.0 a/b 1/16 0.5 1.0 Worst case sublaminate [(904 / 45 / 02)n]s [ (904 / 04)n]s [(90 4 / 452)n]s % Error in buckling load for multiple sublaminates n=1 n=2 n=3 n=4 n=5 162.1 45.85 26.09 18.20 13.90 94.22 32.02 19.29 13.40 10.75 21.50 9.71 6.27 4.63 3.67
Table 4.12:
Effect of number of sublaminates in full sublaminate repetition on error in buckling load calculated using equivalent properties
Nx/Ny 0.5 0.5 1.0 a/b 1/16 0.5 1.0 Worst case sublaminate [904 / 45 / 02]sn [ 904 / 04]sn [90 4 / 452]sn n=1 162.1 94.22 21.50 % Error in buckling load for multiple sublaminates n=2 n=3 n=4 n=5 16.54 6.57 3.55 2.24 13.80 5.70 3.21 1.98 4.63 2.00 1.11 0.71
Case No. 1 2 3
The errors decay more slowly for half-sublaminate repetition. The decay in errors is consistent with that observed for the bending stiffness errors (Tables 4.7 and 4.8). Large errors in buckling loads are observed for plates with large aspect and load ratios (Table 4.9). Smaller buckling load errors (21.5%) were found for the [90 4 / 45 2 ]S laminate (Table 4.12) obtained from anti-optimization of a plate with unit aspect ratio and load ratio. At unit aspect ratio, the dominant term in the buckling equation (Eq. 13) is the D66 term. The maximal error occurs when the stiffer layer (45 layers) is closer to the symmetry plane. The reduced errors at unit aspect and load ratios
122 are also due to the compensating errors in the different bending stiffness terms (Eq. 4.30). For plates with high (or low) aspect and load ratios, the buckling loads are more dependent on individual bending stiffness terms (D11, D22). For [90 4 / 45/0 2 ]S laminate in Table 4.12, equivalent properties underestimate the D11 stiffness term and overestimate the D22 stiffness term, resulting in large errors in buckling loads. Facesheet Wrinkling of Sandwich Panels Homogenization approximations analogous to those discussed for composite laminates are used in the design of sandwich panels. Often sandwich panels are analyzed using models developed for composite laminates when they can correctly account for transverse shear deformation. However, sandwich laminates exhibit some unique local failure modes that are different from those of laminated composites. Simple physical models that have closed form solutions are used to capture such local failure modes. One such local failure mode is facesheet wrinkling failure.
tc Repeating element
Figure 4.5: Honeycomb sandwich laminate showing core (cell) dimensions
The facesheet wrinkling loads are calculated from a beam on elastic foundation analogy. For this model, the foundation stiffness is calculated from the properties of the sandwich core material (Figure 4.5). In the case of sandwich panels with hexagonal cells, the core is approximated as a continuum to calculate the facesheet wrinkling load. The
123 approximation is accurate when the facesheet wrinkling (buckling) half-wavelength spans the width of many hexagonal cells. For design optimization, PANDA2 imposes a constraint on the wavelength so that the ratio of wrinkling half-wavelength to sandwich core diameter ratio (w0/s) is greater than 2.0 (Figure 4.6). This ensures that the continuum approximation is valid.
w0 2.0 s
PANDA2 constraint
Figure 4.6:
The wrinkling wavelength constraint is imposed even when the wrinkling load margin is very high. Enforcing that constraint increases the facesheet thickness leading to a design with a longer wrinkling wavelength. In this section, the error margin for the wrinkling load factor prediction when the wavelength constraint is not satisfied is discussed and a correction is proposed to account for wrinkling at short wavelengths. In order to demonstrate that this is indeed a true design problem, a sandwich cylinder is optimized with selected loads used in the design of liquid hydrogen tanks from Chapter 3.
Sandwich Facesheet Thickness Optimization Typical sandwich panels were obtained for core densities of 1.0 to 12.0 lb/ft3 or pcf (pound per cubic feet). The facesheet thickness of a 60 inch long cylindrical panel
124 clamped at ends and loaded with a uniform axial compression load of 1000 lb/in was calculated with and without the face sheet wrinkling wavelength constraint.
Table 4.13:
Face sheet thickness without constraint (inch) Percentage weight of face sheet in total laminate Wrinkling wavelength to cell diameter ratio Wrinkling load factor Face sheet thickness with constraint (inch) Percentage weight of face sheet in total laminate Wrinkling load factor
Table 4.13 shows the facesheet thickness required to satisfy overall buckling, stress, dimpling, and wrinkling failure constraints. When the wrinkling wavelength constraint is not imposed, the wrinkling wavelength is smaller than the cell size. Hence, the wrinkling load factors predicted for such cases are not valid and may be much smaller than those indicated on the fifth row of Table 4.13. In contrast, it is to be observed that imposing the constraint results in designs with very thick facesheets. The thick facesheet satisfies the geometrical constraint of wrinkling wavelength. The wrinkling load factor was found to be very large as shown in the last row of Table 4.10. Consequently, there is substantial weight penalty due to wrinkling even when wrinkling is not even close to being citical.
Beam on Elastic Foundation Model A simple study was performed using a beam on elastic foundation model (Figure 4.7) to determine the magnitude of the errors when facesheet wrinkling wavelength is
125 comparable to the cell size. The beam was modeled with discrete springs. Facesheet wrinkling (buckling for the beam model case) was calculated using the discrete springs and by smearing the discrete springs to get the equivalent foundation modulus.
w0 s
Figure 4.7: Schematic of beam on an elastic (discrete spring) foundation. The beam on elastic foundation is analyzed using minimum energy principles. A beam of length l, with simple supports is considered. The beam and elastic spring foundation are analogous of facesheet and sandwich core in the case of a sandwich laminate wrinkling failure. The number of springs in this length can be varied and is determined by the cell size. The total strain energy of this system is the sum of the strain energy due to the beam bending (Ub) and the extensional strain energy in the springs (Us). A displacement shape function that satisfies the kinematic (natural) boundary conditions is given by
w =
n =1
n sin l
Discrete Spring Model The bending strain energy of the beam, Ub and the strain energy in the springs, Us are expressed as follows:
1 2w U b = EI 2 dx 2 x 0
l 2
1 U s = k (w( xi )) i =1 2
The potential due to the axial load P acting on the beam (or virtual work, V) is given by
1 w V = P dx 2 x 0
l 2
The orthogonality of the cosine and sine functions simplifies Eq. (4.35) to the following eigenvalue problem for the buckling load P:
[C]{a} = 0,
Ns pxi qxi C pq = k sin sin , for p q l l i =1 Ns pxi 2 p l p l = k sin + EI , for p = q P l 2 l 2 l i =1 4 2
d The critical buckling load Pcr is the smallest eigenvalue obtained by solving the
equation, det (C ) = 0 . Normalization of the critical wrinkling load by the Euler buckling load results in the a non-dimensional load factor,
d cr =
d cr
given by (4.37)
d Pcr 2 EI l 2
The non-dimensionalization results in a parameter that determines the ratio of the stiffness of the foundation to the bending stiffness of the facesheet (beam).
kf l4
4 EI
Continuum (or Smeared) Foundation Model The discrete springs are replaced by a smeared continuum foundation with modulus kf,
k f = ( Ns + 1) k
where Ns is the total number of springs, k is the spring stiffness, and l the length of the beam. Substituting kf in the expression for strain energy in foundation (Uf) gives 1 U f = k f w( x) 2 dx 2 Substituting for w from Eq. (4.30) and integrating gives (4.40)
Uf =
n =1
kfl 4
2 an
s The critical value for facesheet (beam) buckling ( Pcr ) under a uniform foundation is
expressed as follows:
n 2 2 l2 s Pcr = min 2 EI + k f 2 2 l n
d Pcr 2
) l
= min n 2 + 2 n
Errors in Using Beam Model for Wrinkling Critical load factors were calculated for different values of , the foundation stiffness parameter, using the smeared foundation model.
Figure 4.8: Percentage error in wrinkling load factor due to using smeared properties for beam on elastic foundation
For given values of , the number of springs was varied to obtain critical load factors predicted from the discrete spring model. The error due to smearing the springs is plotted (Fig. 4.8) as a function of the ratio of the wrinkling half wavelength to spring spacing (for sandwich, the equivalent is cell size).
129 The error is smaller than 1% when the ratio of half wavelength to cell diameter is 2.0 as enforced in PANDA2. However, the error at w0/s=1.5 soon reaches values of 5 to 10%, and at w0/s =1.0 the error is as high as 100%. The continuum model is not valid for cases where the beam wrinkling half wavelength is smaller than the spring spacing. It can be seen that the error is 100% (Fig. 4.8) when half wavelength of wrinkling is equal to the spring spacing.
w0 w0 s s
w0 =2 s
Wrinkling predicted by discrete model
w0 =1 s
Wrinkling predicted by continuum model
w0 = 1 s
Figure 4.9:
When a continuum model is used, at buckling, the energy in the beam is equal to the energy in the foundation. If the same were modeled using discrete springs for foundation, for a w0/s ratio of 1.0, the springs will be at the nodal points (Fig. 4.9) and thus will not deform. The strain energy is zero in springs. Hence, the discrete model will only have half the strain energy as that of the continuum model. This explains the 100%
130 error at w0/s = 1.0. For ratios of w0/s less than 1.0 (predicted from continuum model), the discrete model exhibits buckling such that the half wavelength is equal to the spring spacing (Fig. 4.9).
Correction Factor for Wrinkling Load Calculation If the ratio of the half wavelength to cell size (spring spacing) w0/s () is less than 1.0 (Fig. 4.9), the ratio of wrinkling load of beam from continuum model to discrete
2 model is a factor of 2 . The ratios of wrinkling loads from continuum models and
discrete models are plotted in Figure 4.10 for different vales of the non-dimensional
2 parameter along with the 2 curve.
0 0 0.5
w = 0 s
Figure 4.10: Ratio of wrinkling loads from continuum and discrete models for a < 2.0
131 From Figure 4.10 it appears that for values of < 1.5 , a correction factor of
( 2) must be applied to the wrinkling loads obtained from the model with continuum
foundation. This indicates that the wrinkling wavelength constraint can be relaxed if the proposed correction factor is used. The proposed correction factor can be applied to continuum models to adjust for the wrinkling half wavelengths that are smaller than the spring spacing.
Figure 4.11: Possible half wavelengths for wrinkling us facesheet at lower wavelengths In the case of a beam on discrete spring foundation, there is no support between the springs. In the case of sandwich, there is support under the wrinkled face sheet. When the wrinkling half wavelength equals the cell diameter (or distance between the flat faces of the hexagon), the four sides not parallel to the flat faces will contribute to the foundation stiffness. A correction based on reduced foundation stiffness might be more
132 appropriate for the sandwich facesheet on hexagonal core. Possibly this should be used for correcting the wrinkling load when the wavelength becomes small. The foundation modulus will need to be reduced accordingly. The expression for calculating wrinkling load factor used in PANDA2 is as follows:
The expression above indicates that if the foundation stiffness (Ez) is reduced by a factor n, the wrinkling load factor will only decrease by
foundation stiffness were reduced by a factor of eight, the wrinkling load will decrease by half (50%). The way the facesheet will wrinkle at such small wavelengths, when w0/s is less than 2 should be investigated. It may be that the wrinkling does not exhibit a continuous behavior. Wrinkling could occur at some discrete values of half wavelengths such that the flat faces of the hexagonal core do not deform (Fig. 4.11). An appropriate reduced stiffness for foundation should be calculated and used for correction for such discrete wavelengths of wrinkling. This will require verification using a more detailed model. This work has resulted in modification of the PANDA2 wrinkling failure analysis model (see item 477 in the file panda2/doc/ [25]). For the wrinkling failure analysis, the core foundation stiffness has been modified as follows. The full value of the core modulus is used in the wrinkling load factor calculation if the half wavelength of the wrinkling mode is long enough that "smearing" is valid (w0/s. 2). If wrinkling half wavelengths is smaller than the cell diameter (w0/s < 1), then the value of the core
133 modulus is reduced by half for calculating the wrinkling load factor. For intermediate values of wrinkling half wavelength ( 1.0 < w0/s < 2), some interpolated value of the core modulus between 0.5 and 1.0 times the actual value is used for wrinkling load calculation. There are local stresses in the face sheets associated with amplification of the initial face sheet waviness. This initial waviness is assumed to be in the wavelength of the wrinkling mode. The shorter the wrinkling wavelength, the higher the bending stresses in the face sheets associated with amplification under load of the initial face sheet waviness. Therefore, the wrinkling wavelength obtained from the assumption that the core modulus for thickness-wise stretching has the full value (not half the value) is used in PANDA2 for calculating bending stresses in the facesheet.
where represents the total error (that is the difference between the actual values and the predicted values) and k is the number of predictor variables in the model. The function f(x), is normally chosen to be a low order polynomial, typically linear or quadratic. A quadratic model may be represented mathematically as follows:
y = 0 + ixi + ijxixj
i i j
135 where the s are the true coefficients that describe the response function. The estimated coefficients of a fitted model will be denoted by b. For k variables, the quadratic model, Eq. (5.2) has a total of p = (k+1)(k+2)/2 coefficients. Response Surface Approximation Construction If f(x) accurately describes the process being modeled, may be considered as a random error, often assumed to have a normal distribution with zero mean. In this case f(x) is an unbiased estimate of y and accounts for sources of variation not accounted for by f(x), but which are still inherent to the process such as noise and measurement errors. Once the model to characterize the response is selected, then the coefficients b0, b1,...,bk will have to be estimated. Typically, a least squares method that minimizes the error residual is utilized for estimating the coefficients of the model equation. If we have n observations (or measurements), then the values of the observed response can be written as follows using the model equation.
y1 1 x12 y 1 x 2 22 = M M M yn 1 x1n
or using matrix form as,
y = [X]b +
where [X] is the matrix of response surface approximation terms (usually monomials) evaluated at the fitting points, and the vector b contains estimates of the unkown coefficients i of the response surface approximation.
136 The values of the unknown linear regression coefficients, i are found by using a least squares procedure that minimizes the sum of the squares of the residuals, L, which is defined as
L = i2
i =1 n
The regression coefficients may then be solved from Eq. 5.7 which is a direct result of Eqns. (5.6) and (5.7). X T Xb = X T y b = (X T X ) X T y
(5.7) (5.8)
The above equations are referred to as the normal equations. Design of Experiments Response surface methodology has methods for selecting data points at which the response function should be evaluated. The procedure of choosing a small set of optimal points in the design space to fit the approximation is termed design of experiments. The design points are chosen to maximize the predictive capabilities of the approximating function. In cases where there is significant noise (variance) errors, the points are chosen such that they minimize the variance error in the fitted coefficients. For problems with small numbers of design variables in regularly shaped domains, selection schemes, called standard designs, are available. Examples of such standard designs are the central composite and Box-Behnken [20] designs.
137 For irregularly shaped design space, several computer generated designs that are usually based on an optimality criterion are available. The best known among them is the D-optimal design. The D-optimal criterion minimizes the value of the variance error in the fitted coefficients. Under the D-optimal criterion, the design points are chosen such that the determinant of the moment-matrix [M], ( M = X T X ) is minimized. There are also other criteria available for selecting minimum variance design points (e.g., Aoptimality, G-optimality) that derived from minimizing other measures of the moment matrix M, such as trace or maximum value on the diagonal. Another error that can occur in response surface approximations is the bias error. Bias error results from choosing a lower order model to approximate the response. In cases where bias error is dominant, it is necessary to choose points that minimize bias errors. Gauss integration points are example of minimum bias design points. Some schemes that provide minimum bias design points exist for low dimensional and regularly shaped design space (Myers and Montgomery, 1995 [80], pp. 406-421). For irregularly shaped design spaces, one has to resort to numerical procedures. Orthogonal designs or orthogonal arrays also provide minimum variance designs. The first order orthogonal design is one in which the points diagonalize the moment matrix XTX. This implies that the columns of the X matrix are orthogonal. Thus the elements on the diagonal of the (XTX)-1 matrix are minimized by making the off diagonal terms of XTX as large as possible thereby forcing XTX to be as large as possible. The orthogonal arrays are minimum variance designs that minimize variance of the fitted coefficient on a per observation basis. However, unlike D-optimal points that are selected predominantly on the boundary, the orthogonal design points are more uniformly
138 distributed through the design space. This can possibly result in improved design point bias error protection. Error Estimation The response surface approximations are constructed for prediction of the response at other design points. Hence, it is necessary to know how well the model predicts the response at the points of interest. The root mean square (rms) error is a useful measure of model accuracy. If the estimate of the response surface model is denoted as
2 i
= (y - Xb) T (y - Xb)
The root mean square (RMS) error, erms, at the data points is then calculated as
2 erms=
SSe n
The RMS error given by Eq. (5.11) decreases as the order of the polynomial used for the model equation is increased; however, this does not guarantee better accuracy in predicting the response at other points. In other words, increasing the number of degrees of freedom of the model will enable it to pass closer to all the given design points and hence will have a very small RMS error. A better and unbiased estimate for the RMS error at points not used in the construction is
2 erms = SSe n p
139 In order to assess prediction accuracy it is also possible to use a set of points to generate the response surface (estimation data set) and another set of points to perform the error analysis (prediction data set). However, this would require additional analyses that will not be used for the regression fitting. In order to economize on the analyses and use all points for the regression, another measure of the error (residual), known as PRESS (prediction error sum of squares) is used. To calculate PRESS, the error residual at each design point is obtained from a regression model fitted using n-1 points, which excludes that point. Then the PRESS statistic is defined as the sum of squares of the n PRESS residuals as in
PRESS = e(2i ) = ( yi yi ) 2
where e(i) is the PRESS residual at the ith point, yi is the prediction value of regression
obtained excluding the ith design, and yi is the observed value. The PRESS estimate uses all possible subsets of n-1 observations as the estimation data set, and every observation in turn forms the prediction data set. It would seem that calculating PRESS requires fitting n different regressions. However, it is possible to calculate PRESS from results of a single least squares fit to all n observations, as shown in Myers and Montgomery [80].
ei PRESS = i = 1 1 hii
n 2
where, ei are the residuals at the fitted points and hii are the diagonal terms of the matrix H. H = X XTX
140 Because the matrix XX is often ill-conditioned, for large problems the PRESS estimation using Eq. (5.14) is not recommended. Confidence Measures for Approximation Model
2 The coefficient of determination statistic R 2 or the adjusted- R 2 ( Radj ) statistic
are commonly reported for approximation models. The coefficient of determination statistic R 2 characterizes the proportion of variability in the response data that is captured by the response surface approximation and is defined as
R2 =1 SS e S yy
n yi y i2 i =1 n
SS e =
i =1
2 yi )
SS yy =
i =1
The R 2 statistic has a value between 0 and 1. Higher values of R 2 are desired for a fitted response surface approximation. Unfortunately, R 2 =1 does not imply a good response surface approximation because the value of R 2 can be increased by adding more (higher order) terms. However, adding more terms does not increase the prediction accuracy of the approximation. The adjusted- R 2 provides a more reasonable estimate for the variability captured by the approximation and is defined as
2 R adj = 1
SS e ( n p ) ( n 1) (1 R 2 ) =1 S yy ( n 1) (n p)
2 The Radj has the desired property that its value does not necessarily increase when
additional terms are included in the response surface approximation. When a large
2 difference exists between R 2 and Radj values, there is a good chance that the chosen
141 In a response surface model some coefficients are sensitive to small differences in the data. These coefficients can be identified by estimating the standard deviations of the coefficients. The estimate of the standard deviation of a component of b is called the standard error (se). A useful measure of accuracy of a component of b is the estimate of the coefficient of variation c, defined as the ratio of the standard deviation or standard error of a coefficient to its estimated value.
ci = se(bi ) bi
In most response surface procedures, the quantity used to assess the need for a coefficient is the inverse of ci, which is called the test statistic, or t-statistic. The t-statistic is used for removing or adding coefficients for improving model prediction accuracy. The t-statistic is usually available from most statistical regression software, such as JMP software available from the SAS Institute [7]. One scheme for removing redundant coefficients is the Stepwise regression. Stepwise Regression Since the exact form of the response is rarely known, it is general practice to assume a polynomial as a response model, Eq. (5.2). Due to the general nature of such a polynomial, the response model will usually include redundant parameters. Unnecessary parameters in the response model may increase the error of the model and thus decrease its predictive capabilities (Myers and Montgomery, pp. 641 [80], and Kaufman et al.[67]). Elimination of these redundant terms from the response model is an important step in constructing a high accuracy response surface approximation.
142 Stepwise regression represents a family of procedures that investigates only a small number of partial models, by either adding or deleting one parameter at a time. The present research used a mixed stepwise regression procedure implemented in the JMP software package, from SAS Institute [7]. This procedure starts with an initial model. At each step of the procedure, the least significant parameter is removed from the model and more significant parameters from the set of previously removed parameters are investigated for possible re-inclusion in the model. The procedure may be summarized as follows: 1. Start with the full model as an initial model. 2. Delete the least significant parameter from the model being considered. 3. Check to see if any of the previously deleted terms have a significant influence on the predictive capability of the model being considered. 4. Go to step 2 and repeat until some stopping criteria is met. In the above procedure, the criterion used to determine whether or not a parameter will be re-included in the model is more stringent than the criterion used to remove a parameter. The criterion used for determining the best model is Mallows Cp statistic, defined as
Cp = SSe p s 2 (n 2 p)
where SSep is the sum of the squares of the error terms for a model with p parameters and s2 is the mean sum of squares of the error terms obtained from the response model with all parameters included. As before, n is the number of data points.
143 The Cp statistic addresses the prediction capability of the model by trying to estimate a "total error". This "total error" consists of two parts, one that results from modeling errors (bias) and the other from noise (variance error). An under-specified model (insufficient number of parameters) increases that part of the total error resulting from bias, while an over-specified model (too many parameters) increases that part of the total error resulting from variance. Based on the Cp statistic, the best model in a set of candidate models is the model with the lowest Cp value. A good model should at least have a Cp value close to p. The Cp statistic favors a good fit obtained from a simple model.
145 PANDA2 (version prior to the addition of discrete analysis model for ring-skin segment [33]) which requires less computational effort and also is less accurate. Integration of Overall and Panel level Analyses for a RLV Tank Optimization
Design Problem The tank is a pressurized ring stiffened cylindrical tank. The finite element model of the single stage to orbit (SSTO) launch vehicle structure is shown in Figure 6.1. The vehicle has a conical (droop-nose) liquid oxygen tank and a cylindrical hydrogen tank as part of the vehicle structure. Since the liquid oxygen and liquid hydrogen tanks are an integral part of the vehicle structure, they have to carry loads in addition to serving as cryogenic fuel storage tanks. The load case arising from the vehicle on the launch pad with only liquid oxygen tank filled was used. The weight of the liquid oxygen tank (1.6 million pounds) introduces a compressive load on the liquid hydrogen tank structure. This load case was chosen because it is the most critical case for buckling. Also, the eccentricity between the center of mass of the liquid oxygen and the hydrogen tank (cylinder) axis introduces an overall bending moment on the liquid hydrogen tank. The goal was to design the tank wall laminate to resist buckling and stress failures. Design constraints are local buckling and stress failure of the cylinders (obtained using a PANDA2 analysis model), overall or global buckling of the tank structure and the out-of-plane deflection (overall buckling and tank out-of-plane displacements are obtained using a finite element analysis model of the overall vehicle structure). The design requirement for the optimization was to satisfy the following safety factors: global buckling load factor of 1.4, local buckling load factor of 1.1, ring buckling load factor of
146 1.1, stress safety factor of 1.1 and maximum allowable out of plane deflection on tank wall of 0.5 inch.
Figure 6.1:
A composite material (Graphite-Epoxy) was used for the tank wall laminate design. The ply properties of the composite material are as follows: elastic modulus in fiber direction E1=0.25x108 psi, elastic modulus of ply transverse to fiber direction E2=1.2 x106 psi, in-plane shear modulus G12=0.62 x106 psi, Poissons ratio 12=0.3 and density =0.057 lb/in3. The maximum allowable stresses in the composite material ply are maximum stress along fibers (F1) of 2.22x105 psi, maximum stress transverse to fibers (F2) of 7.2x103 psi, and maximum allowable shear stress (F12) of 1.12x104 psi. The ring stiffeners were made of an isotropic material (aluminum) with properties of elastic modulus E= 107 psi, Poissons ratio = 0.3 and maximum allowable stress of 70,000 psi.
147 Finite element analysis was necessary to capture the non-uniform load on the liquid hydrogen tank and to model the wing attachment to the tank. The global finite element model was also necessary to capture buckling under overall bending of the tank. The finite element model used for the global analysis (NASTRAN) of the tank had the minimal details and refinement required to capture the overall or general buckling of the tank structure. The NASTRAN global model was also used to obtain loads used for the local panel design. Local details such as stiffener buckling and skin local buckling were modeled separately using the PANDA2 analysis program. The PANDA2 analysis models were circular ring stiffened panels loaded with uniform in-plane and pressure loads. The panel models were used to calculate the buckling of local panels, the buckling failure of stiffeners, and the stresses in the panels.
Options for Overall and Panel Level Analysis Integration A preliminary analysis of the liquid hydrogen tank was performed using NASTRAN to extract the loads for panels that were then optimized using the PANDA2 program. The ply thicknesses of the wall laminate were used as design variables. The
optimized wall laminate was used in the NASTRAN finite element analysis program. It was found that the designs obtained from PANDA2 violated the global buckling and overall displacement constraints. The optimization cycle was iterated with new loads obtained at the end of each PANDA optimization from the global model. The iteration procedure failed to converge to a feasible design since the PANDA2 optimization did not have any information about the constraints from the global failure modes. This
148 demonstrated the need to include the overall buckling and deflecction constraints (vehicle level analysis) in the local optimization of panels. Using the NASTRAN analysis directly for calculation of the vehicle-level constraints was not considered for two reasons. First, having PANDA2 call NASTRAN required substantial code modification. Second, using a detailed finite element analysis for constraint evaluation directly in the optimization would be too expensive. In order to integrate the global and local responses into the optimization at a minimal cost, the use of approximations was explored. Both NASTRAN and PANDA2 analysis programs have optimization capabilities. The two programs also allow the use of algebraic constraint equations. Hence, a sequential constraint approximation strategy was chosen for the optimization. Unlike finite element analysis that uses a single model to calculate the desired responses, PANDA2 uses a suite of approximate models to capture the different possible failure modes. Therefore, approximating PANDA2 responses was impractical. For this reason, the vehicle level responses obtained from the NASTRAN analyses (namely global buckling and out-of-plane deflection) were approximated and used as algebraic constraints in the PANDA2 optimizer. Both linear (derivative based) local approximations and quadratic response surface approximations for the global responses from the vehicle model were created and used in the panel design code.
Linear Local Approximation Constraints In addition to the panel buckling and stress failure constraints calculated by PANDA2, the overall buckling and bowing constraints (from NASTRAN) were introduced as constraints in the panel design using approximations. The NASTRAN finite
149 element analysis of the LH2 tank structure provided the overall buckling load factor, maximum displacement and their derivatives with respect to the decision variables. A local linear approximation of the responses from the vehicle model was used as inequality constraints in the PANDA2 optimization of local panels. The inequality constraint equation for the overall buckling load factor introduced in the PANDA2 optimization, is of the form
cr 0 +
i =1
( xi xi 0 ) xi
where cr is the critical load factor and xi 0 is a nominal design point. Similarly, the constraint equation for the bowing displacement ( ) is
a +
i =1
( xi x i 0 ) xi
where, a is the maximum allowable bowing displacement for the LH2 tank. This local approximation is used in a sequential approximate optimization. In this process, optimization is carried in a region near the nominal design point xi 0 bounded by move limits. When an optimum is found, a new approximation is created about the optimum and the process is restarted. Each approximate optimization is called a cycle. Optimization of the tank wall laminate was performed using two laminates that were modeled with three and six design variables respectively. All laminates were balanced and symmetric. Local linear approximation for the case with three design variables The laminate [ 45 / 0 / 90]2 s was modeled with three variables: the ply thickness of the 0, 45, and 90 degree plies. Table 6.1 shows the designs obtained at each cycle.
150 Table 6.1: Optimization of tank wall laminate using local linear approximations for the case with three design variables(ply thicknesses of a [45/0/90]2s laminate, ply thickness in mils).
Optimum design ply thickness total thickness, Buckling load factors and, bowing displacement [10.0 / 10.0 / 10.0 / 10.0 ] 2S twall = 0.160 inch panel = 0.268, global= 6.412, (exact 3.570) bowing = 1.1694 in (predicted), 1.007 in (exact) [15.0 / 15.0 / 15.0 / 15.0 ] 2S twall = 0.240 inch panel = 0.6417, global = 4.645, (exact 4.646) bowing = 0.9755 in (predicted), 0.7066 in (exact) [18.8 / 18.8 / 18.8 / 18.8 ] 2S twall = 0.300 inch panel = 1.015, global = 5.4582 , (exact 5.4638) bowing =0.5611 in (predicted), 0.5827 in (exact) [ 23.4 / 23.4 / 23.4 / 23.4] 2S twall = 0.375 inch panel = 1.45, global = 4.1343, (exact 6.504 ) bowing = 0.5229 in (predicted), 0.4811 in (exact) [20.9 / 20.9 / 21.1 / 20.6]2S twall = 0.334 inch panel = 1.0944, global = 4.166, (exact 5.902) bowing = 0.4863 in (predicted), 0.5284 in (exact) [19.4 / 19.4 / 23.2 / 22.7 ]2S twall = 0.338 inch panel = 1.1315, global = 6.0873, (exact 6.57216) global = 0.5020 in (predicted), 0.4959 in (exact)
Starting design ply thickness, total thickness, buckling load factors and bowing displacement
[5.0 / 5.0 / 5.0 / 5.0 ] 2S twall = 0.080 inch panel = 0.073, global = 2.238 (exact) bowing = 1.888 in (exact)
2 [10.0 / 10.0 / 10.0 / 10.0 ] 2S twall = 0.160 inch panel = 0.268, global = 3.570 (exact) bowing = 1.007 in (exact) 3 [15.0 / 15.0 / 15.0 / 15.0 ] 2S twall = 0.240 inch panel = 0.6417, global = 4.646 (exact) bowing = 0.7066 in (exact) 4 [18.8 / 18.8 / 18.8 / 18.8 ]2S twall = 0.300 inch panel= 1.015, global = 2.238 (exact) global = 1.888 in (exact) 5 [ 23.4 / 23.4 / 23.4 / 23.4]2S twall = 0.375 inch panel = 1.45, global = 6.504 (exact) bowing = 0.4811 in (exact) 6 [20.9 / 20.9 / 21.1 / 20.6]2S twall = 0.334 inch panel = 1.0944, global = 5.902 (exact) global = 0.5284 in (exact)
151 The ply thicknesses are indicated using a notation similar to the ply lay-up angle notation commonly used. The ply thickness of a [ 45 / 0 / 90]2 s laminate when all plies are at a uniform ply thickness of 5.0 mils (1 mil = 1.0x10-3 inch) is indicated as [5.0/5.0/5.0/5.0]
. The table also shows the total wall laminate thickness (twall) in units
of inches at the end of each cycle. The values of the buckling load factor and bowing displacement obtained using the approximation and exact analysis are compared for designs at each cycle. A starting design with uniform ply thickness of 0.005 inch was used. For this laminate (Design 1), the local buckling factor (0.073) was much below the required load factor of 1.1, and bowing deflection of tank (1.888 inch) was approximately four times the allowable deflection (0.5 inch). Hence, the first two cycles were allowed to have very large move limits (100% and 50% respectively) to allow the design to quickly move into the feasible design space. The overall buckling load factor was not critical for the design in this case because the deflection constraint was more critical in increasing the bending stiffness of the wall laminate. The predicted values of the responses from the local linear approximation have large errors for the first two cycles due to the large move limits (Table 6.1). The approximation employs the gradient information at a given design point, and the accuracy is poor far away from that point. This necessitated a reduction in the move limits. The move limits used for design cycles three to five were reduced to 25%. It was found that the accuracy of the predicted value of the vehicle responses for the resulting designs was better. However, to get a final convergence, a smaller move limit of 10% was chosen for iteration six. This resulted in the final design with a total thickness of 0.338 inch. The
152 design cycle iteration was stopped because the change in total thickness of the wall laminate was sufficiently small (1.2%) and all design requirements were met. It is to be noted that the error in overall buckling prediction was still substantial (7.3%) in the last iteration that resulted in only 1.2% change (from 0.334 to 0.338 inch) in total laminate thickness. The design cycle was still terminated because the load factor of 6.087 was several times the required 1.4 safety factor for global buckling. However, this illustrates the problem of using linear local approximations for buckling load factors in terms of thickness variables. Since buckling loads are often cubic functions of the laminate thickness, the error in using linear approximations is significant even for small move limits. It was found that as the design progressed with each optimization cycle, it was important to use smaller move limits to ensure convergence. However, this strategy could also result in the design being trapped in a local optimum. Local linear approximation for the case with six design variables The procedure detailed above was repeated for a similar laminate
design with all plies at 5.0 mils (1.0 mil = 0.001 inch) was chosen. In this case, the first two cycles used a move limit of 100% each, so as to move the design into the feasible design space. The experience from the designs in the three variable case was used here in allowing such large move limits. Thereafter, the move limits were restricted to 25%. The optimization was stopped after four cycles as the weight change was 0.3% and no constraints were violated. In moving from Design Cycle 3 (0.6% violation of local buckling margin) to Design Cycle 4, the total laminate thickness changes very little (0.3%), from 0.333 inch to 0.332 inch. The optimizer simply redistributes the material
153 between the different ply orientations. For most practical applications, the design obtained at the end of design cycle 3 would have been just as useful.
Table 6.2:
Optimization of tank wall laminate using local linear approximations for the case with six design variables (ply thicknesses of a [+45/0/90/+45/0/90]S laminate, ply thickness in mils ).
Optimum design ply thickness, total thickness, buckling load factors and, bowing displacement [10/10/10/10/10/10.0/10.0/10.0]S twall= 0.160 inch panel= 0.289 overall = 6.192 (predicted), 3.570(exact) bowing = 0.685 in (predicted), 1.007 in (exact) [20.0/20.0/20.0/20.0/20.0/20.0/20.0/20.0]S t wall= 0.320 inch panel= 1.147 overall = 6.3987 (predicted), 5.7402(exact), bowing = 0.551 in (predicted), 0.427 in (exact) [25.0/25.0/21.2/18.7/15.2/15.2/25.0/21.0]S t wall= 0.333 inch panel= 1.094 overall = 5.746 (predicted),5.7267(exact) bowing = 0.502 in (predicted), 0.508 in (exact) [26.6 /26.6/16.0/18.2/12.2/12.2/31.2/22.9]S t wall= 0.332 inch panel= 1.1 overall = 5.925 (predicted),5.740(exact) bowing = 0.496 in (predicted), 0.5028 in (exact)
Starting design ply thickness total thickness buckling load factors bowing displacement [5.0/5.0/5.0/5.0/5.0/5.0/5.0/5.0] S twall = 0.080 inch panel = 0.073 overall = 2.238 (exact), bowing = 1.888 in (exact) [10.0/10.0/10.0/10.0/10.0/10.0/10.0/10.0]S twall = 0.160 inch panel = 0.289 overall = 3.570(exact) bowing = 1.007 in (exact) [20.0/20.0/20.0/20.0/20.0/20.0/20.0/20.0]S twall = 0.320 inch panel= 1.147 overall = 5.7402(exact) bowing = 0.427 in (exact) [25.0/25.0/21.2/18.7/15.2/15.2/25.0/21.0]S twall = 0.333 inch panel= 1.094 overall = 5.7267(exact) bowing = 0.508 in (exact)
As was discussed for the previous case of three design variables, the error in the predicted global buckling load factor was relatively high (3.2%) for a small (0.3%) change in total thickness of the laminate. In comparing the cases with three and six
154 design variables, it was found that the final total thickness of the wall laminate was lower by 2% for the case with six variables, from 0.338 inch to 0.332 inch. The sequential approximate optimization approach reduced the computational analysis time in comparison to an optimization using the detailed finite element analysis. However, the approximation is limited in its capability for the following reasons. Optimization using local approximation requires move limits to ensure convergence to an optimum design. The convergence depends on good selection of move limits. In addition, the PANDA2 program uses a gradient-based local optimizer. In order to ensure a global optimum, it is necessary to restart the optimization from different starting points. Using a local approximation would require recalculating the approximation every time a new starting point is chosen.
Response Surface Approximations In order to overcome the problem with linear local approximation, a higher order global approximation using response surface methodology was used for approximating the global buckling and bowing displacement obtained from the NASTRAN analyses. RS approximation for the case with three design variables The lay-up of [( 45/0/90)2 ]S was used for the wall laminate with ply thickness of 0, 45, and 90 degree plies as design variables. The overall buckling and out of plane deflection were approximated with quadratic polynomials estimated from least square regression. A nominal design with all plies at uniform ply thickness of 0.005 inch was chosen. A quadratic polynomial in three design variables has 10 coefficients to be fitted. For this, a standard central composite design with 15 design points, along with 8 extra
155 points from inside the box, was chosen to give a total of 23 design points. Central composite designs with center point replication improves the prediction accuracy of the model and minimizes variance error. Since center point replications for computer experiments have identical response function values, extra points were chosen with small perturbations from the center points for this case. The 15 points of the central composite design were obtained by a 50% perturbation of the nominal design. The eight additional points were the vertices of the box obtained by a 10% perturbation to the nominal value.
Table 6.3:
Error analysis for the response surface approximations used in PANDA2 design optimizations.
cycle # Response Number Number No. of of coeff. of coeff. fitting in full retained points model n 10 10 10 21 21 9 7 8 14 17 23 23 23 43 43 RMS error based on PRESS 0.078 0.026 0.055 0.003 0.014 Least t-statistic
R adj
1 2 2 1 1
The accuracy of the response surface models fitted to the buckling and bowing responses is presented in Table 6.3. The adjusted R2 of the model, the normalized mean square root value of the Prediction Error Sum of Squares (or PRESS statistic), and the values of the least t-statistic of the coefficient of the model are presented in Table 6.3. A discussion of the different error and confidence measures is provided in Chapter 5. To quickly recapitulate, the PRESS statistic gives a measure of the prediction accuracy of the model, while the R2 and t-statistic are confidence measures in the model and individual coefficients respectively. For each selected set of points after the initial regression,
156 coefficients that are not very relevant to the model are eliminated using a Stepwise Regression procedure (see Chapter 5). This strategy eliminates insignificant terms or coefficients, resulting in a model with higher prediction accuracy. Table 6.3 gives the details of the number or points retained in the approximation model after such a stepwise regression procedure. The first three rows of Table 6.3 correspond to the three design variable case and the last two rows correspond to the five design variable case. The adjusted R2 values of the regression are close to 1.0 (the optimum value) indicating that the model captured the variation in the responses well. The normalized RMS error based on PRESS statistic (Eq. 5. 14) is used to characterize the prediction error of the approximation model and is defined as
n y
where, PRESS is the prediction error sum of squares, n is the number of fitting points, and y is the root mean square value of the fitted response. As can be seen from Table 6.3, the prediction error of the response surface used to approximate the overall buckling load factor for the three design variable case in Design Cycle-1 was 7.8% of the mean value of the response function. In the next iteration, this was reduced to 2.6% for buckling load prediction and 5.5% for bowing displacement prediction. The least value of the t-statistic of fitted the coefficients was less than 3.0. A value of 3.0 for the t-statistic indicates that the coefficient has 90% probability of being significant in the approximation model. Smaller values of t-statistic indicate a low level of confidence in the fitted coefficients and result in lower prediction accuracy of the model.
157 Table 6.4: Optimization of tank wall laminate using response surface approximations for case with three design variables(ply thickness of a [+45 / 0 / 90]2S, lay-up, ply thickness in mils)
Starting design: ply thickness, total thickness, buckling load factor and, bowing displacement 1 [5.0 / 5.0 / 5.0 / 5.0 ] 2S twall = 0.080 inch panel = 0.073 overall = 2.206 (predicted), 2.238(exact) bowing = 1.888 in (exact) 2 [20.0 / 20.0 / 20.0 / 20.0 ] 2S twall = 0.320 panel =1.147 overall = 5.738 (predicted), 5.740 (exact) bowing = 0.552 in (predicted), 0.551 in (exact) Optimum design: ply thickness, total thickness, buckling load factor and, bowing displacement [10.0 / 10.0 / 10.0 / 10.0 ] 2S twall = 0.160 inch panel = 0.289 global = 3.495 (predicted), 3.570(exact) bowing = 1.007 in (exact) [18.9 / 18.9 / 24.0 / 16.9 ] 2S twall= 0.315 panel = 1.4 overall = 5.207 (predicted), 5.252 (exact) bowing = 0.499 in (predicted), 0.508 in (exact)
The results of the optimization are presented in Table 6.4 and discussed in the following paragraphs. The move limit of 100% chosen for the first iteration resulted in a design with all plies at 0.01 inch. The design was infeasible because the buckling load factor for the panel was only 0.289. It is to be observed that the move limit allowed for this case is 100%, whereas the design space used for selecting points for response surface fitting was obtained by a 50% perturbation of the nominal design. It is not common to use response surface approximation for such large 50% extrapolations. However, since it was desired to get to a feasible design space quickly and since the prediction errors were not significant, this was allowed. A short cut was used in order to reduce the number of design analyses and find a design in the feasible design space quickly. As the panel
158 buckling at the end of the first design cycle was 0.289, it was decided to double the thickness of all plies in order to get a feasible design. Thickness was therefore doubled to 0.020 inch for all ply thicknesses to obtain an almost feasible design. This design was then used as the nominal design for the next design cycle. The response surface approximation was built around this design point for a domain size of 50% change. The optimization of the panel with bowing constraint resulted in a new design. The predicted values for the global buckling and displacement for the new optimal design were found to be in good agreement with the exact values and satisfied all design requirements. The final design obtained from PANDA2 using the quadratic response surface constraint approximation, had a total thickness of 0.315 inch. This design is about 7% lighter than that obtained using linearized constraints (twall = 0.338 inch) in three design variables. While the number of cycles required for the response surface method is fewer, the number of designs analyzed is quite high. Even with the shortcut, the response surface method process used 48 analyses (24 analyses per cycle) as compared to the 42 analyses used (7 analyses per cycle) in the example with linearized constraints in three-design variables. If the ply thicknesses were not doubled, it is estimated that it would have required at least one extra cycle, increasing the number of analyses to 72 for response surface based optimization. The extra cost of the approximation provides higher prediction accuracy away from the initial or nominal design. This can be seen from the design at the end of the first cycle in Table 6.4. Despite a 100% move limit and 50% extrapolation using response surface, the prediction error in the global buckling load factor is only 2.0%. This is in stark contrast to case with linearized constraints where
159 even a small perturbation away from the nominal design point caused big errors in buckling load predictions. RS approximation for the case with five design variables At the time tis work was done, PANDA2 allowed only twenty terms in its constraint equations, ten of which were of the form aixin and the other ten restricted to the cross product terms, aijxixj. Due to the limitation in the number of coefficients allowed in the constraint equations, it was not possible to model the laminate [+45/0/90/+45/0/90]s with six design variables. In order to reduce the number of coefficients, the thickness of the 90-degree plies were linked in the laminate description such that they had the same thickness. This reduced the number of terms in the full quadratic polynomial used in PANDA2. Response surface approximations of the buckling and bowing displacement using the design variables were constructed from a central composite design. No additional points were used with the central composite design because the number of points in this case was already twice the number of coefficients. The fitted approximation function was introduced into PANDA2 as inequality constraints. The accuracy of the fitted function is shown in the last two rows of Table 6.3. The prediction errors for the overall buckling and bowing displacement were 0.3% and 1.4 % respectively. This high accuracy is a result of the large number of points used in the fitting. The quadratic polynomial used to approximate buckling retained only 14 terms after stepwise regression elimination and was fitted with thrice that number of design points (n=43). Similarly, the bowing displacement approximation fitted 17 coefficient with 43 analyses.
160 Information available from previous response surface design showed that a starting design with all plies at 0.02 inches was an almost feasible design and hence it was chosen as the point at which to construct the response surface. For the case of five design variables, the domain size was limited to 40% change from nominal value of the design variables. This is because as dimension of the design space increases, the distance between the center (nominal design) and designs at the vertices of the hyper-cube increases.
Table 6.5:
Optimization of tank wall laminate using response surface approximations for the case with five variables (ply thicknesses for a [+45/0/90/+45/0/90]S lay-up, ply thickness in mils).
Optimum design: ply thickness, total thickness, buckling load factor and, bowing displacement. [20.0/20.0/16.6/19.6/14.4/14.4/32.6/19.6] S twall = 0.3144 inch panel = 1.4, overall = 5.402, (exact5.408) bowing = 0.501 in (exact 0.503 in)
Starting design: ply thickness, total thickness, buckling load factor and, bowing displacement. 1 [20.0/20.0/20.0/20.0/20.0/20.0/20.0/20.0 ] S twall = 0.320 inch panel = 1.147, overall = 5.701, (exact5.740) bowing = 0.550 in, (exact 0.551 in)
The optimization of the panel using PANDA2 (Table 6.5) resulted in a laminate with total thickness of 0.3144 inch, which is marginally lower than that obtained using three design variables, and about five percent lower than that obtained by using linearized constraints for a similar case with six design variables. There was not a significant difference in the total weight for the three- and five-design variable cases approximated using response surfaces.
161 The above example integrated the NASTRAN and PANDA2 analysis programs for optimization of the tank wall laminate using linearized (local) approximation and response surface approximations. The thicknesses of the tank wall laminate plies were the design variables. The overall buckling and bowing displacements were approximated and used as constraint equations in the panel optimization. It was shown that the constraint equations based on approximations allowed easy integration of the overall buckling and bowing response from the global finite element model into the panel (local) design. The linear approximations, while cheaper to use, required careful selection of move limits and furthermore, when used with a gradient based local optimizer, were more likely to get stuck in a local optimum. Response surfaces overcame the problems encountered in using linear local approximations, however, the advantage came at an increased computational expense. Integration of Low and High Fidelity Models with the Use of Correction Response Surface Approximations Structural analysis programs used for shell analysis can generate different results due to differences in the physical models used to capture the failure. Analyses using detailed finite element models can be used to model shell structures as close to reality as possible. These models are very expensive for use in design optimization or conceptual design studies. Using approximation allows the easy integration of multiple models or analysis programs in the optimization. This also allows the analyst to work separately from the designer. Response surface approximations have been used in the previous section for the integration of vehicle and panel analyses. The RS approximation has good accuracy and provides a global approximation. However, this method suffers from the
162 curse of dimensionality and becomes expensive to fit in large design domains or for highly non-linear responses. Correction response surface approximations provide an alternative method of approximating responses when a less accurate (low-fidelity) but cheaper analysis program or model is available that can capture the desired failure modes. It is desirable in such cases to keep the cheaper and efficient analysis program and apply corrections to its solutions. The analysis of vehicle structures must account for a variety of failure modes. Often analysis programs cannot capture all the failure modes and may have inaccuracies in some models. Limitations or deficiencies in such models or analysis programs mean that they have to be supplemented by other more accurate analysis models or programs. The increased accuracy often comes at an increased price or substantial effort. The present section demonstrates the use of a correction applied to the less expensive analysis using a few accurate and expensive analyses to obtain a less expensive and more accurate approximation model. The example studied here makes use of a detailed STAGS [4, 90] finite element model to correct an inaccurate approximation of inter-ring buckling obtained from an earlier version of PANDA2 (the only version available to us at the time this work was done). It is emphasized that a later version of PANDA2 now exists [33] which can predict inter-ring buckling with the same fidelity as BOSOR4 [24] or as the STAGS model used for the particular configuration studied in this section. However, this does not diminish the importance of the demonstration of the technique of using correction response surface approximations, because designers will always be faced with the need for more accurate and less expensive analysis programs.
163 Ring Stiffened Cylinder Design The design of a ring-stiffened cylindrical shell for the reusable launch vehicle liquid hydrogen tank, with use of correction response surface approximations is presented in this section. The shell was optimized for minimum weight with buckling, displacement (bowing) and stress constraints. A simply supported ring-stiffened cylinder under uniform axial load was analyzed to calculate the buckling failure margin. A balanced symmetric 16 ply quasi-isotropic laminate with a layup of [(-45/0/45/90)2]s was chosen for the tank wall laminate. The material properties of the composite are E1=2.1 Mpsi, E2=1.2 Mpsi, 12=0.3, G12=0.62 Mpsi and =0.057 lb/in3. The ring stiffeners are isotropic T shaped stiffeners made of Titanium (E=16.5 Mpsi, =0.32 and =0.16 lb/in3).
General buckling
Figure 6.2:
Local buckling
Schematic of local and general buckling of a ring stiffened cylinder under compression loads and simple support (pinned) boundary conditions
PANDA2 was used for analysis and design. PANDA2 first performs a prebuckling analysis, and calculates load factors for general and local buckling failures. The schematic representation of general buckling and local buckling (with and without stiffener rolling) is shown in Fig. 6.2
Nx & Ny s BLL Mid-bay Only Nx s Pre-buckling PANDA2 analysis model Local buckling mode Subcase 1: Nx only (midbay) Subcase 2: Nx & Ny (at ring)
Geometry (unloaded)
Figure 6.3:
General buckling occurs when the skin and ring stiffener deform and buckle together; local buckling is the buckling mode where the ring cross-section does not undergo deformations. For general buckling, the program smears the ring stiffeners and calculates an equivalent stiffness for the wall laminate. This equivalent stiffness is used for the general buckling analysis of the cylinder. For local buckling analysis, PANDA2 used two different physical models (referred to as Subcase 1 and Subcase 2 analyses). PANDA2 calculates the stress
resultants in the prebuckling analysis at the rings and at midway between the rings (Figure 6.3). In Subcase 1, the mid-bay stress resultants were used to calculate buckling load of a simply supported cylinder between rings to obtain an estimate for the local buckling failure. This analysis model assumes that the ring stiffener does not participate in the buckling and only provides hoop stiffness in the prebuckling phase of the analysis. Subcase 2 accounts for the conditions at the rings. At the rings, the stiffeners do not permit the full Poisson radial expansion of the cylinder loaded in axial compression that would occur if they were absent. This creates local compressive hoop stress in the cylinder in the neighborhood of the ring. Hence, in Subcase 2 the buckling load for the
165 inter-ring cylindrical portion is calculated using stress resultants calculated at the ring sections. This is to capture the local effects of the ring stiffener on local buckling. The optimization uses the load factors from both Subcase 1 and Subcase 2.
Figure 6.4:
The ring-stiffened cylinder was also analyzed using the BOSOR4 and STAGS programs. An example of the one-dimensional discretization of the BOSOR4 analysis is shown in Fig. 6.4.
Figure 6.5:
Finite element mesh used for STAGS model and the first critical mode from a linear buckling analysis.
The ring-stiffened cylindrical panel is modeled as a branched shell assembly, discretized with 2-D shell elements (4-node isoparametric, 410 elements), in the STAGS finite element analysis model. A model with two ring bays and symmetry boundary conditions along the curved edges is used to capture the local buckling failure. To decrease computation time, only a 45 segment of the cylinder was modeled with
166 symmetry conditions. An example of the STAGS finite element analysis model (FE mesh) used for the ring local buckling analysis is shown in Fig. 6.5.
w3 Ring top flange wt3 wt2 Ring web wt1 Ring base flange Cylinder wall w1 w2
Figure 6.6:
Table 6.6:
Design variables
DESIGN VARIABLES Ply thickness for laminate[-45 / 0 / +45 / 90 ]2s Thickness of 45 ply, (t45) Thickness of 0 ply, (t0) Thickness of 90 ply, (t90) Ring spacing, ( b ) Ring geometry Bottom flange width (w1) Web Height (w2) Top Flange width (w3=w1) Thickness of bottom flange (wt1) Thickness of web (wt2) Thickness of top flange (wt3)
The design variables used to characterize the ring cylinder geometry and the ring stiffener (Fig. 6.6) are listed in Table 6.6. Local buckling load factors obtained from linear bifurcation buckling analyses from the three programs (PANDA2, BOSOR4 and STAGS) are presented in Table 6.7 for six designs. The results show varying levels of agreement.
167 Table 6.7: Comparison of local buckling load calculated from different programs
RING SPACING & DIMENSIONS s 30 30 30 90 90 90 w1 1.0 5.0 5.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 w2 1.0 1.0 9.0 9.0 1.0 9.0 wt1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.2 wt2 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.2 PANDA2 Subcase 1 2312 1154 578 1109 827 544 2 2229 968 365 633 480 167 2463 1617 664 1125 833 550 2431 1634 655 1208 854 567 22.8 20.0 16.1 20.0 16.5 16.1
PLY THICKNESS 45 1 2 3 4 5 6 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.01 90 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.01
When the ratio of ring spacing to flange width is high (w1/s = 1/90, for Designs 4, 5 and 6), the ring acts like a line contact. Hence, the PANDA2 Subcase 1 approximation of replacing rings with simple support boundary conditions was fairly accurate. However, in Subcase 2, PANDA2 calculates the stress resultants in the cylinder wall at the ring section and applies them to the cylinder between rings with simple support boundary conditions to calculate local buckling failure. The ring stiffeners prevent Poisson expansion of the cylinder wall and thereby introduce hoop compression and bending in the cylinder at the rings. The length of the region from the rings where these bending effects exist in the cylinder wall is referred to as the boundary layer length (BLL). BLL is a function of the bending stiffness and the in-plane stiffness of the cylinder wall. When BLL is comparable to the ring spacing, the Subcase 2 approximation works well (Design 1, PANDA2 Subcase 2 results, Table 6.7). However, when BLL is small compared to ring spacing (as is shown for Designs 4, 5 and 6), applying the local stress conditions at the ring over the entire portion between rings makes Subcase 2 analysis very
168 conservative. This explains why local buckling results for Subcase2 for Designs 4, 5 and 6 are lower by a factor of 2 to 3. The agreement between STAGS and BOSOR4 results is good because the ringstiffened cylinder is a shell of revolution. This may not be the case for axially stiffened cylinders with ring stiffeners. In such cases BOSOR4 smears the axial stiffeners.
Correction Response Surface Approximation for Local Buckling Response In this section a correction response surface is fitted using a small number of STAGS analyses to correct PANDA2 estimates of local buckling load factor. Since it was not easy to incorporate a correction response surface directly in the PANDA2 code, the local buckling load factor P, Subcase 1, obtained from PANDA2 was first approximated as PRS using a response surface approximation. This response surface model was then used as a low-fidelity model. The design variables were ply thicknesses of the cylinder wall laminate, the ring spacing, and ring size parameters. In order to reduce the number of variables used in fitting the approximation the geometrical variables (length, width and thickness of ring frame segments) were replaced with intervening variables that describe the size, shape and stiffness of the ring stiffeners (such as ring frame cross-section area (Ar), bending moment of inertia (Ix) and polar moment of inertia (J)) For the present example, intervening variables reduce the number of variables used to describe the ring from six to three. The intervening variables were
PANDA2 has now been modified to so that inter-ring buckling of an axially compressed ring-stiffened cylindrical panel corresponding to conditions in the panel skin in the neighborhoods of the rings (Subcase 2) is not as conservative as before (see Items 434 and 475 in the file panda2/doc/ [25]). Also a discretized BOSOR4 model of the skin-ring module is now used in PANDA2 [33] to calculate inter-ring buckling.
169 chosen as they influence the behavior of the shell for local buckling failure. The area of the ring cross-section influences the amount of Poisson radial expansion in the cylinder wall at the ring section, while the bending and twisting moment of inertia are responsible for bending and ring rolling in local buckling. Intervening variables used in constructing approximations increase the accuracy of the approximations. A quadratic polynomial was used to approximate the local buckling load factor calculated by PANDA2. The polynomial was fitted using seven design variables, namely three ply thickness (t0, t45, t90), ring spacing (r), ring cross-section area (Ar), bending moment of inertia (Ix), and polar moment of inertia (J). A set of 72 points (twice the number of 36 coefficients in the quadratic polynomial) was chosen from a set of 2,169 (37) equally spaced discretized design points using the D-optimal criterion.
Table 6.8:
Regression statistics for response surface fitted to PANDA2 buckling load factor
Response Surface model fitted to PANDA2 local buckling load prediction ( PRS) PRS = 0.373 0.684r 6598.0t45 + 4750.2 t0 + 4108.5t90 + 970821.4 t45 -+2053186.9t0t45 +2675741.1t90t45 (units of length in inch)
STATISTIC R2 R adjusted Mean value of response RMS error Error based on PRESS statistic PRESS
Table 6.8 shows the response surface approximation (PRS) that describes the local buckling prediction from PANDA2 and its regression statistics. The insignificant terms of the fitted polynomial (response surface model) were eliminated using a stepwise
170 regression. The resulting model has all coefficients with t-statistic value above 3.0. The final response surface models only have nine coefficients. It is observed that the PANDA2 response surface model does not include any of the ring stiffener variables. This is because the model used for calculating inter-ring buckling in the Subcase-1 of the PANDA2 analysis ignores the presence of the ring stiffener. Subcase-1 model analyzes a simply supported cylinder between the rings with prebuckling stress resultants from midbay. The prediction error was found to be 2.5% and the error at the fitted points was 2.3% (Table 6.8). The adjusted R2 value indicates that the model captures the behavior of the response fairly well.
2500 2000 Response surface prediction load 1500 1000 500 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 PANDA2 local buckling load
Figure 6.7: Response surface approximation prediction compared with PANDA2 prediction.
Figure 6.7 shows the response surface prediction plotted against the actual PANDA2 analysis values. If the response surface approximation is exact, then all points lie on the diagonal line. The points are fairly close to this line indicating good model accuracy.
171 The PANDA2 local buckling load was corrected using STAGS analyses performed for local buckling of a ring-skin module. Detailed STAGS analyses of ringskin module local buckling are performed for a small number of design points to obtain a more accurate estimate for the local buckling load factor (S). A response surface model rCRS was fitted to the ratio (rC),
rc =
which is the ratio of STAGS local buckling (S) to the PANDA2 local buckling estimate (P). The quantity rc characterizes the required correction to the low fidelity model over the entire design space. This correction function was used with the PANDA2 analysis to correct the response surface function fitted to the PANDA2 local buckling load as
C =
Table 6.9:
rCRS = 0.8327.963t455.442t00.272t90 0.016Ix +0.002r 0.0273Ar +0.0144J (units of length in inch) STATISTIC R
2 2
R adjusted Mean value of response Predicted RMS error Error based on PRESS PRESS
0.040 (4.3%)
A linear polynomial in the design variables was assumed for the correction response surface function. A set of 16 design points was chosen using the D-optimal
172 criterion for the linear correction function. The ratio of the STAGS prediction for local buckling factor to the PANDA2 response surface model was fitted with the linear correction response surface model. This correction response surface and its regression statistics are shown in Table 6.9. The adjusted R2 is only 0.910. Typically, a value closer to 1.0 is desired. This indicates that the model needs more terms to capture the behavior or the response. It is possible that including some quadratic terms would have been helpful. However, the prediction error of the response surface and PRESS errors are small (3.0 and 4.3%, respectively). The correction model includes the parameters that describe the ring crosssection and the ring spacing.
3 Buckling load factor 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 Local buckling load factor from STAGS PANDA2 Corrected PANDA2 STAGS
Figure 6.8:
Comparison of PANDA2 and corrected PANDA2 local buckling load prediction with STAGS local buckling prediction.
The response surface model developed using the low-fidelity and correction response surface approximation was used to evaluate the buckling loads for a set of 21 designs (16 points used to fit correction response surface and an additional five randomly
173 chosen designs). Figure 6.8 shows the comparison of the response surface model and STAGS analysis. The PANDA2 buckling load prediction for the skin-ring local buckling was significantly lower than STAGS for some designs (maximum error of 28.7%). The correction response surface applied to the PANDA2 estimate yielded results that agree well with the STAGS analysis (maximum error of 4%).
Table 6.10:
Optimized designs for ring-stiffened cylinder (Units of thickness and length are in inch)
Lower Bound 0.01 0.01 0.01 30 1.0 1.0 0.1 0.1 Upper bound 0.025 0.025 0.025 90 5.0 9.0 0.25 0.25 Optimum design from PANDA2 0.010 0.017 0.023 63.0 1.0 1.0 0.1 0.1 18.90 1.10 1.36 1.40 Optimal design using RS model 0.014 0.010 0.018 53.64 1.0 1.0 0.1 0.1 17.13 1.03 1.11 1.10
Design variables (units of length in inch) Thickness of 45 plies, t45 Thickness of 0 plies, t0 Thickness of 90 plies, t90 Ring spacing, s Ring flange width, w1,w3 Ring web height, w2 Ring flange thickness, wt1,wt3 Ring web thickness, wt2 Optimum weight/unit length (lb/in.) PANDA2 buckling load factor STAGS buckling load factor Predicted buckling load from correction response surface model
The correction model was used to compute buckling load factors at five random points inside the design domain in which the approximation was developed and at five random points outside the domain (extrapolation). It was found that that the average root mean square errors of the corrected model were 4.0% and 4.8%, respectively, at the interpolation and at the extrapolation points. The contributions of the PANDA2 response
174 surface model error and the correction response surface model error were 2.4% and 1.8%, respectively. The small extrapolation error (4.8%) indicates that the correction response surface provides an accurate and robust approximation. Low-fidelity analyses that employ physical models for the failure predictions have smaller extrapolation errors when compared to empirical models (or response surface approximation models). A correction applied to low-fidelity analysis from physical models therefore provides a robust and more accurate model. The correction response surface approximation model was used as a constraint equation to minimize the weight of a ring stiffened cylinder loaded in uniform axial compression (Nx = -1000 lb/in). The designs obtained by PANDA2 with and without the response surface are compared in Table 6.10. The results obtained were evaluated using the BOSOR4 program. The PANDA2 optimization produces a heavier design (10%) but there is a 24% margin on local buckling.
176 respective volume fractions. Bending stresses obtained from models using equivalent properties can result in large errors. For multiple sublaminates, the severity of the errors is reduced when the entire sublaminate is repeated. The error decays more slowly for laminates with halfsublaminate repetition. Anti-optimization of laminates for maximal buckling load errors results in large errors for plates with high aspect and load ratios. The compensating errors in the different bending stiffness terms result in smaller errors in the buckling loads. Assuming that errors of up to 20% are acceptable in the design stage, the designer should avoid using equivalent properties; 1. for approximating entire laminates 2. for laminates have less than three full-sublaminate repetitions 3. for laminates have less than four half-sublaminate repetitions 4. for calculating bending stresses 5. for calculating buckling loads of plates with high aspect ratio and load ratios. Using equivalent properties in optimization models of composite structures can lead to sub-optimal designs because optimization programs are notorious for exploiting model errors. In sandwich laminates, honeycomb cores were approximated as continuum foundations to obtain the facesheet wrinkling loads. For wrinkling failures with short wavelength, using smeared properties to approximate hexagonal (honeycomb) core resulted in large errors. It was found that the foundation stiffness of the core reduced to one-half of the smeared stiffness when the wrinkling half wavelength was smaller than
177 the cell size. A possible correction was proposed for the approximate facesheet-wrinkling model. Stiffened Panel Optimization using PANDA2 Preliminary optimization of stiffened panels demonstrated the accuracy and efficiency of simple models implemented in PANDA2. Investigation of the different modeling options revealed that closed form analysis of PANDA2 program was sufficiently accurate for linear analysis. The discrete model can to capture the postbuckling response of stringer stiffened panels after local buckling has occurred and calculate its effect on general instability. Stiffened panel optimization problems have several local optima. The multi-start gradient search strategy implemented in PANDA2 was effective in obtaining a practical global optimum. The accurate and inexpensive analysis of PANDA2 makes it an ideal choice for performing preliminary optimizations and design trade studies in the conceptual design phase. The main findings of the stiffened panel design comparisons can be summarized as follows: 1. The sandwich concept was most efficient for metallic designs, due to the material used, the high bending stiffness of sandwich constructions, and the presence of fewer local failure modes. 2. Composite panel designs are much lighter than the corresponding metallic designs for the stringer ring concept. The weight savings depends on the laminate design chosen or the degree of freedom allowed in tailoring the stacking sequence. Composite stringer-ring stiffened panel was the most efficient concept overall. Sandwich panels
178 had weights close to those obtained for stringer ring panels when the core weight was not included but instead was considered as insulation. 3. For metallic construction, sandwich panels were least sensitive to initial geometric imperfections. Isogrid and orthogrid panels exhibited the largest weight increase when imperfections were introduced. The blade stiffeners were more critical in buckling failure when imperfections were present, resulting in higher weight penalty. The stringer-ring stiffened panel showed moderate weight increase when imperfections were introduced. 4. Composite stringer-ring stiffened panels were less sensitive to imperfections than their metallic counter parts, resulting in lower weights for optimized panels. The design freedom available to tailor the properties by changing ply thicknesses helped to reduce weight of optimized composite panels. However, optimizing ply thicknesses made composite panels more sensitive to imperfections and load changes. 5. Truss core panels were the most inefficient concept for metallic and composite constructions. This is attributed partially to some unique failure local failure modes exhibited by truss core panels, the restriction of corrugation angle to 45 due to manufacturing constraints and the modeling limitation of PANDA2 in not being able to include ring stiffeners. PANDA2 should be used with caution for truss-core constructions that need ring stiffeners, and other more accurate models and analysis must be used to verify PANDA2 optimum designs.
179 Response Surface Approximations for Model or Analysis Integration Complex structures require finite element models to capture details. Often, different analysis models are used for the global and local analyses. Integrating different analysis models and computer programs for optimization is cumbersome and expensive. The present dissertation demonstrated the use of response surface approximations for introducing buckling and displacement constraints obtained a finite element analysis (NASTRAN) of the overall vehicle model into local panel optimization (PANDA2). The methodology is relatively easy to implement and provides significant savings in computational effort. However, because response surface approximations have large errors when used for interpolation, they do not work well for design space with high dimensions. Designers often encounter limitations in the analysis or design programs they use. Simple design codes often have some failure modes that are not modeled with adequate accuracy. Replacing such programs with more expensive finite element analyses is not a viable option for optimization due to cost constraints. Correction response surface approximations provide a method to correct the less accurate analysis model using a small number of accurate analyses. In this dissertation, a less accurate PANDA2 model for inter-ring buckling was corrected using a correction response surface approximation obtained from a small number of STAGS finite element analyses. The procedure was applied to the design of a cylindrical shell with ring stiffeners. Correction response surface approximations provide robust models with high accuracy for use in optimizations.
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4. 5.
7. 8. 9.
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Table A.1:
Laminated Composite The two materials chosen, namely the aluminum alloy Al 2219-T 87 and titanium alloy Ti-6Al-4V have almost identical specific modulus, whereas the titanium alloy has a
194 45% higher specific strength based on yield stress. The Von Mises stress criterion was used for stress failure of the material with safety factor of 1.2. Composite stiffened panel constructions were designed using the IM7/977-2 graphite-epoxy system. The properties of the material are provided in Table A.2.
Table A.2:
Elastic modulus in the transverse fiber direction (Mpsi) In plane shear modulus G12 (Mpsi) Out of plane shear moduli G13, G23 (Mpsi) Small Poissons ratio Allowable stress in the fiber direction (Kpsi) Allowable stress in the transverse fiber direction (Kpsi) Allowable shear stress (Kpsi) Thermal expansion coefficient along fibers (x10 /F) Thermal expansion coefficient transverse to fibers (x10 /F)
-0.11 17.0
Honeycomb Sandwich The properties of the honeycomb core, namely, transverse modulus (Ec) and shear moduli (Gxz, Gyz) are calculated in PANDA2 using simple geometrical relations. The core failure strength of the core are calculated using empirical relations, provided by manufacturers. The following relations were used for this study
Fcc = k1
Ftu k sc c
FcsL = k3
Fsu k ss c
In the above expressions Fcc is the core crushing strength, FcsL and FcsW are respectively the longitudinal and transverse core shear strengths, c is the core height (thickness),
are the densities of the core and of the core material, where
8t = c c 3d c
In the above expression, tc and dc, are the thickness and diameter of the honeycomb core cell. The values of empirical constants used for k1, k2, k3, k4, ksc and kss for the equations were 2.31, 1.464, 1.307, 1.34, 0.16 & 0.44, respectively. Core crushing and shear strengths decrease with thicker cores. Core crushing and shear strengths are respectively reduced by 10% and 35% if core thickness is doubled to 2 inches. PANDA2 knocks down core shear strength values by means of factors depending on the ratio of the core thickness to a reference value (1 inch for this study).
Design variables (inch) Skin thickness Stringer spacing Stringer height Stringer web thickness Stringer flange width Stringer flange thickness Ring spacing Ring height Ring web thickness Ring flange width Ring flange thickness Panel weight (lb/ft2)
Grid-Stiffened Panels Two forms of grid stiffened panels were optimized. An isogrid panel with stiffeners that form a triangular grid pattern and an orthogrid panel that forms rectangular grids. PANDA2 has special analysis modules implemented for the isogrid panels. However the orthogrid panel is simply a stringer-ring stiffned panel with closely spaced blade stiffeners. Comparison of optimized design of isogrid panels optimized with and without imperfections are shown in Table B.2. Isogrid panels modeled in PANDA2 can have ring stiffeners in addition to the isogrid web stiffening. Isogrid panels exhibit high sensitivity to imperfections. The panel weight increases by 51% when imperfections are included in the analysis model. The increased weight is due the increased loads acting on stiffeners and the bending stresses. This is
198 reflected in the designs as the optimum with imperfections has thicker and more closely spaced isogrid stiffeners.
Table B.2:
Design variables (inch) Skin thickness Isogrid stiffener spacing Isogrid web height Isogrid web thickness Ring spacing Ring height Ring web thickness Ring flange width Ring flange thickness Ring web thickness Panel weight (lb/ft2)
Table B.3:
Optimized designs of orthogrid stiffened panels are presented in Table B.3. Since the orthogrid panels are designed using the PANDA2 models for stringer-ring stiffened
199 panels it is not possible to add extra rings. However, the optimum weight is comparable to that obtained for isogrid panels. The imperfections in panels results in optimum designs with heavier and more closely spaced stiffeners. The web is three times as thick as that obtained for the optimum without imperfection, while the the stiffener spacing is reduced to one third. The increased stiffening is required to satisfy buckling constraints (skin and stiffener buckling failure modes) experienced by the orthogrid panel. Active failure mechanisms do not change for optimum designs of both perfect and imperfect orthogrid panels. The larger fraction of axial load is carried by the stiffeners. However, the closely spaced ring stiffener also helps carry some of the hoop loads. It appears that stiffener web buckling causes the high weight increase for panels optimized with imperfections. Table B.4 shows the imperfection sensitivity of grid stiffened panels with two different stiffener profiles, namely blade and T shaped stiffeners. From table B.4, it appears that the isogrid and orthogrid stiffened panels that use T-shaped stiffeners are much less sensitive to imperfections. Weight penalty reduces by 50% when T-shaped stiffeners replace blade stiffeners in isogrid panels. The outstanding flange increases the bending stiffness of the stiffener, and also helps stabilize the stiffener web. Web thickness for T-shaped stiffeners is one third the thickness of that obtained for isogrid panel designed with blade stiffener. Orthogrid panels with T shaped stiffeners behave as the stringer-ring stiffened panels analyzed before and imperfections no longer cause stiffener web buckling failure. Stiffener web buckling failure mode is active for the imperfect isogrid but the constraint is much easier to satisfy.
200 Table B.4: Effect of stiffener profile on optimum weight of grid-stiffened panels optimized with imperfections
Isogrid Panel Without imperfections Blade T 1.5373 1.5803 With imperfections 2.4090 1.9824 Orthogrid Panels Without imperfections 1.5248 1.5277 With imperfections 2.156 1.821 % Weight increase due to imperfections Isogrid 56.703 25.445 Orthogrid 41.396 19.199
Stiffener profile
Table B5:
Grid stiffened panel: web thickness and failure margins for different stiffener profiles
Stiffener profile Blade T Blade Stiffener web thickness (inch) 0.1254 0.03185 0.1563 Failure mechanism under axial compression loads Local buckling , Isogrid web buckling Local buckling , Isogrid web buckling Bending stress in stiffener webs, Local buckling, General buckling, Stringer web buckling Stress in ring top flange, Local buckling
Titanium Honeycomb Core Sandwich Panels Table B.6 presents the optimized designs for symmetric titanium honeycomb core sandwich panels optimized with fixed and varying core thickness. Table B.7 presents the optimal designs of titanium honeycomb core sandwich panels with asymmetric sandwich constructions designed with fixed and varying core thickness. Optimizations are performed with and without initial geometric imperfections. Imperfections increase the required core thickness for panels optimized with varying core thickness. Also, imperfections reduce the aysmmetry for optimized cores, indicating that the reduction in bending stiffness due to asymmetry affects the design constraints. The
201 ratio of inner and outer facesheet thickness reduces to 1.26 for panels with imperfections from 3.5 for panels without imperfections. The increased design freedom allowed in having varying core thickness and asymmetric sandwich wall, resulted in reduced weight for the optimal designs. The reduction is almost negligible for panels designed with imperfections.
Table B.6:
Design variables
Ring spacing Ring height Ring web thickness Ring bottom (and top) flange width Ring bottom (and top) flange thickness Facesheet thickness Core thickness Honeycomb cell diameter Core density (lb/ft ) Panel weight (lb/ft )
2 3
61.22 2.102 0.012 1.577 (1.500) 0.026 (0.034) 0.021 1.000 0.375 3.932 1.347
Buckling constraints for perfect panels with thick core are very far from being critical (margins near 200%). In the absence of imperfections, sandwich panels with thin core are more efficient than panels with thick core because the optimizer can choose an adequate value of core thickness to satisfy the critical buckling constraints. However, panels with thin core are more sensitive to imperfections (weight penalty of 21.1%) due to the smaller overall bending stiffness.
Design variables
Optimized core thickness Without imperfections 120.0 2.128 0.011 1.596 (1.500) 0.011 (0.032) 0.035 0.010 0.250 0.375 3.932 1.095 With imperfections 105.9 2.000 0.030 1.500 (1.500) 0.021 (0.037) 0.024 0.019 0.887 0.375 3.932 1.320
With imperfections 120.0 2.002 0.030 1.500 (1.500) 0.025 (0.044) 0.028 0.015 1.000 0.375 3.932 1.354
112.4 2.000 0.018 1.500 (1.500) 0.019 (0.029) 0.024 0.019 1.000 0.375 3.932 1.341
Stress constraints due to the internal pressure are active for all the optimized designs. When there are no imperfections present, the panels optimized with freedom to have dissimilar facesheets, result in thicker internal facesheets. The difference is larger for the case of panels with optimized cores. Optimum designs of panels with imperfections have almost identical facesheets. The final weights of panels with asymmetry are marginally higher than the panels designed with identical facesheets. This indicates that the final designs are not global optima. Extra freedom allowed to optimize the facesheets seperately must have resulted in lower weight or the same weight as the sandwich with identical facesheets. It can be observed that stress in the facesheet is always critical both for perfect and imperect panels. Global buckling and ring buckling failure modes becomes critical
203 for the imperfect panel. Buckling failure margins (particularly for ring stiffeners) of imperfect panels have large gradients and this results in objective function oscillations during the optimization process. Truss-Core Sandwich Panels Table B.11 presents the optimized designs of truss core panels with and without imperfections. There is a 21% increase in the optimum weight when imperfections are included in the panels. Further weight reduction is possible if the corrugation angle constraint (at present restricted to 45) is relaxed. Critical failure margins are similar for perfect and imperfect panels. The weight increase from imperfections is primarily from the increase in facesheet thickness of the truss core sandwich construction.
Table B.8:
Optimum design of metallic truss-core sandwich panels optimized with and without imperfections
Without imperfections Pitch 1.667 0.333 0.027 0.018 0.500 45 1.752 With imperfections 1.800 0.360 0.033 0.024 0.540 45 2.126 1.000 0.200 0.0224 0.017 0.572 62.3 1.705
Contact segment Facesheet thickness Web thickness Core height Corrugation angle Panel weight (lb/ft3)
Table C.2:
Outer facesheet laminate Inner facesheet thickness Outer facesheet thickness Core thickness Honeycomb cell diameter Core density (lb/ft3) Ring laminate Ring spacing Ring height Ring bottom and top flange width Panel weight
206 Honeycomb Core Sandwich Panels Tables C.2 shows comparison of sandwich panels with symmetric and asymmetric facesheets for a fixed core thickness of 1.0 inch. The increased degree of design freedom results in lower weights. It can be seen that laminate designs do not change for the symmetric sandwich even with imperfections (Table C.3). Imperfections resulted in more closely spaced rings and a thicker core to provide the increased bending stiffness necessary to satisfy the buckling constraints. Table C.4 shows designs of asymmetric sandwich panels optimized with and without imperfections. For asymmetric sandwich panels, imperfections make local and global buckling modes more critical. Again, imperfect panels have a thicker core in order to make buckling constraints easier to satisfy.
Table C.3:
Optimum designs of composite symmetric honeycomb core sandwich panels: optimized core thickness
Design variables Facesheet laminate Facesheet thickness Core thickness Honeycomb cell diameter Core density (lb/ft3) Ring laminate Ring spacing Ring height Without imperfections With Imperfections [45/903/-45/03/2]s 0.065 0.500 0.375 3.932 [45/0/45/ 01/2 ]s 120.0 2.000 1.500 1.250 [45/903/-45/03/2]s 0.065 0.726 0.375 3.932 [45/0/45/ 01/2 ]s 43.10 2.000 1.500 1.358
207 Table C.4: Optimum design of composite asymmetric honeycomb core sandwich panels
Without Imperfections [452/902/-45/0]S
[ 45 / 0 / m 45 / 0 / m 45 / 0 / 45] T
Design variables (inch) Internal facesheet laminate External facesheet laminate Ring laminate Internal facesheet thickness External facesheet thickness Ring spacing Ring height Ring flange width (top and bottom Core thickness Honeycomb cell diameter Core density (lb/ft3) Panel weight
[45/90/-45/0/-45/90/+45]T [45/90/-45/0/-45/90/+45]T
Truss-Core Sandwich Panels Table C.5 shows designs of truss-core sandwich panels optimized with and without imperfections. It was found that lay-up designs do not change and that imperfect panels have a thicker core in order to satisfy the constraint on general buckling. Weight savings from optimizing the corrugation angle are much lesser in the case of composite truss-core designs. Further weight savings could be obtained if facesheets were not required to be symmetric.
Satchithanandam Venkataraman was born in Coimbatore, India, on September 5, 1969. He received the Bachelor of Engineering degree in mechanical engineering from Anna University in April, 1991, and the Master of Science degree in mechanical engineering from Clemson University in August, 1993. He received the University of Florida College of Engineering Outstanding International Student Academic
Achievement Award in 1997. He served as an intern at Ford Research Laboratory in Dearborn, Michigan, during the summer of 1997.